{ "title": "Mishnat Eretz Yisrael on Mishnah Kilayim", "language": "en", "versionTitle": "merged", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnat_Eretz_Yisrael_on_Mishnah_Kilayim", "text": { "Introduction": [], "Preface": [], "": [ [ [ "", "Wheat and darnel - Wheat was the most profitable crop in the fields, and also the most profitable crop in the Talmudic sources. Darnel (singular: zon) is a wild plant, partially poisonous, now known as \"hired grass.\" Darnel is often mentioned in our sources, usually with wheat, as a harmful plant. Darnel is similar to wheat and therefore difficult to separate from wheat, and its seeds are also similar to wheat. The seeds contain arsenic, and with a little darnel flour mixed in with regular flour, it gives the bread a bitter taste. Sources that will be quoted below describe its unique nature, and we need to explain it according to our understanding: \"And whoever does not fit with his companions contributes from the beautiful to the evil, but not from the evil to the beautiful. And if he contributes from the evil to the beautiful, his contribution is invalid, except for darnel on wheat, which is not food\" (Mishnah, Trumot 2:6). Darnel is really perceived as a kind of wheat, but a bad kind. However, they are not considered food at all. Another Midrash says: \"A parable to darnel, which they said to wheat, 'We are more beautiful than you, for the rain falls on you and us, and the sun shines on us both.' The wheat said to them, 'Not what you say, and not what we say, but the farmer comes and separates us to the granary, and to you for bird food.' Thus, the nations of the world and Israel are mingled together in the world\" (Genesis Rabbah [Buber], Chapter 23). From the imaginary dispute between wheat and darnel, it is clear that darnel \"sees itself\" as part of the wheat field, since they grow together. But in practice, during the agricultural harvest, they are separated, and the darnel is designated for bird food." ] ] ], "Appendix 1": [], "Bibliography": [] }, "versions": [ [ "Sefaria Community Translation", "https://www.sefaria.org" ] ], "heTitle": "משנת ארץ ישראל על משנה כלאים", "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Modern Commentary on Mishnah", "Mishnat Eretz Yisrael", "Seder Zeraim" ], "schema": { "heTitle": "משנת ארץ ישראל על משנה כלאים", "enTitle": "Mishnat Eretz Yisrael on Mishnah Kilayim", "key": "Mishnat Eretz Yisrael on Mishnah Kilayim", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הקדמה", "enTitle": "Introduction" }, { "heTitle": "מבוא", "enTitle": "Preface" }, { "heTitle": "", "enTitle": "" }, { "heTitle": "נספח א", "enTitle": "Appendix 1" }, { "heTitle": "ביבליוגרפיה", "enTitle": "Bibliography" } ] } }