{ "language": "en", "title": "Kinnot for Tisha B'Av (Ashkenaz)", "versionSource": "http://sefaria.org", "versionTitle": "Trans. Paul Fraylich, 2020", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "קינות לתשעה באב (אשכנז)", "categories": [ "Liturgy", "Other Liturgy Works" ], "text": { "Kinot for Tisha B'Av Night": [], "Kinot for Tisha B'Av Day": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "A Kinnah in memory of the Holocaust martyrs, by Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, the Bobover Rav", "Remember and may all Israel grieve. Your voice will be heard on high", "For Germany has destroyed our people in the terrible days of the war’s wrath,", "with cruel and terrible deaths, by starvation and thirst.", "Do not forget for all generations,until we merit consolation. ", "Their shouts and their weeping, crowded and shut into cattle wagons", "Being led as sheep to the slaughter, into the crematoria.", "Let the sound of their pleas always be remembered before the One who dwells on High. ", "As they cry out “Hear O Israel”, as they deliver their souls unto the Lord of Lords.", "The heads of Yeshivot and their students, and the multitude of people there", "were enslaved with horrendous torture and murdered without any remorse,", "The blood of gentle children cries out to you from the earth", "Avenge the small children and the women, spare no one amongst the living.", "For the burning of thousands of midrashot and synagogues,", "Tens of thousands Torah scrolls and its students we will lament in desolation", "They will be set fire to God’s sanctuary, our eyes as we look on", "The arsonists will pay for the fire will ignite the burning, He will judge the nation full of corpses.", "The heavens and the earth cried out, on thousands of towns and strongholds of Torah, ", "European countries and their communities, appreciate and follow our traditions,", "The righteous, the elders and the pious, cling to their pure faith,", "From the days of our exile from our land there has not been such a terrible destruction.", "Have mercy on the remnants of our people, Look down from heaven,", "Upon the holy camps ten times the number that emerged from Egypt,", "Let us raise our Holy Sanctuary and redouble our solace,", "Raise us and bring us to Zion and Jerusalem!" ] ] }, "schema": { "heTitle": "קינות לתשעה באב (אשכנז)", "enTitle": "Kinnot for Tisha B'Av (Ashkenaz)", "key": "Kinnot for Tisha B'Av (Ashkenaz)", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "קינות לליל תשעה באב", "enTitle": "Kinot for Tisha B'Av Night" }, { "heTitle": "קינות ליום תשעה באב", "enTitle": "Kinot for Tisha B'Av Day" } ] } }