{ "title": "Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov on Mishnah Berakhot", "language": "en", "versionTitle": "merged", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Ikar_Tosafot_Yom_Tov_on_Mishnah_Berakhot", "text": [ [ [ "From When. The Tana is referring to a Possuk as it says in the Possuk, \"When you lie down and when you get up.\" From there we learn that it is an obligation on each man to read Shema in the evening and in the morning. And the Mishna now asks when is the time? and from the Possuk that says when you lie down at the beginning, we start with the evening Shema.", "The Possuk \"And after you shall eat from the Kodshim\" is referring to Terumah in Yevamos daf 74. Here the possuk understands, until the firmament goes away from the light and becomes dark that is when the stars come out." ] ] ], "versions": [ [ "Sefaria Community Translation", "https://www.sefaria.org" ] ], "heTitle": "עיקר תוספות יום טוב על משנה ברכות", "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Acharonim on Mishnah", "Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov", "Seder Zeraim" ], "sectionNames": [ "Chapter", "Mishnah", "Comment" ] }