{ "title": "Admat Kodesh", "categories": [ "Responsa", "Acharonim" ], "schema": { "nodes": [ { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Integer", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Siman", "Paragraph" ], "titles": [ { "text": "Orach Chayim", "lang": "en", "primary": true }, { "text": "אורח חיים", "lang": "he", "primary": true } ], "title": "Orach Chayim", "heTitle": "אורח חיים", "heSectionNames": [ "סימן", "פסקה" ], "key": "Orach Chayim" }, { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Integer", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Siman", "Paragraph" ], "titles": [ { "text": "Yoreh De'ah", "lang": "en", "primary": true }, { "text": "יורה דעה", "lang": "he", "primary": true } ], "title": "Yoreh De'ah", "heTitle": "יורה דעה", "heSectionNames": [ "סימן", "פסקה" ], "key": "Yoreh De'ah" }, { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Integer", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Siman", "Paragraph" ], "titles": [ { "text": "Even HaEzer", "lang": "en", "primary": true }, { "text": "אבן העזר", "lang": "he", "primary": true } ], "title": "Even HaEzer", "heTitle": "אבן העזר", "heSectionNames": [ "סימן", "פסקה" ], "key": "Even HaEzer" }, { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Integer", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Siman", "Paragraph" ], "titles": [ { "text": "Choshen Mishpat", "lang": "en", "primary": true }, { "text": "חושן משפט", "lang": "he", "primary": true } ], "title": "Choshen Mishpat", "heTitle": "חושן משפט", "heSectionNames": [ "סימן", "פסקה" ], "key": "Choshen Mishpat" } ], "titles": [ { "text": "אדמת קודש", "lang": "he", "primary": true }, { "text": "Admat Kodesh", "lang": "en", "primary": true } ], "title": "Admat Kodesh", "heTitle": "אדמת קודש", "key": "Admat Kodesh" }, "authors": [ { "en": "Nissim Chaim Moshe Mizrachi", "he": "", "slug": "nissim-chaim-moshe-mizrachi" } ], "enDesc": "Admat Kodesh (“Holy Ground”) is an 18th-century work of responsa and insights on the four sections of the Shulchan Arukh. Authored by Rabbi Nissiam Chaim Moshe Mizrachi, the Sephardi chief rabbi of Jerusalem (known as the Rishon LeTzion), the work was published in two sections, the second posthumously. ", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Rabbi Nissim Chaim Moshe Mizrachi’s 18th-century responsa and insights on the four sections of the Shulchan Arukh. ", "heShortDesc": "שו\"ת וחידושים על ארבעת חלקי השולחן ערוך, שכתב רב ניסים חיים משה מזרחי במאה ה-18. ", "heTitle": "אדמת קודש", "titleVariants": [ "Admat Kodesh" ], "heTitleVariants": [ "אדמת קודש" ], "heCategories": [ "שו\"ת", "אחרונים" ] }