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It details how to properly give loans to the needy, perform hospitality, celebrate with a bride and groom, visit the sick, write a will, comfort the mourning, and bury the dead. It also incorporates talmudic stories and teachings about the greatness of chesed. The work is printed with the Netiv Chesed, an elaborating commentary written by the author.", "enShortDesc": "19th-century work on acts of kindness, such as giving loans to the needy and visiting the sick.", "heShortDesc": "חיבור מן המאה ה-19 העוסק במעשי חסד, כגון מתן הלוואות לנזקקים וביקור חולים.", "pubDate": [ 1888 ], "heTitle": "אהבת חסד", "titleVariants": [ "Ahavas Chesed ", "Ahavat Chesed" ], "heTitleVariants": [ "אהבת חסד" ], "heCategories": [ "הלכה", "אחרונים" ], "pubDateString": { "en": " (1888 CE)", "he": " (1888 לספירה)" } }