{ "language": "en", "title": "Siddur Ashkenaz", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org", "versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation", "status": null, "versionTitleInHebrew": "תרגום קהילת ספריא", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "סידור אשכנז", "categories": [ "Liturgy", "Siddur" ], "text": { "Weekday": { "Shacharit": { "Preparatory Prayers": { "Modeh Ani": [ "I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great" ], "Netilat Yadayim": [], "Asher Yatzar": [ "Praised are You, Lord our God King of the universe, who with wisdom fashioned the human body, creating openings and organs. It is known before your exalted Throne that should but one of them, by being blocked or opened, fail to function, it would be impossible to exist. Praised are you, Lord, healer of all flesh who performs wonders." ], "Elokai Neshama": [], "Tzitzit": [], "Torah Blessings": [ "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with his commandments and commanded us to be involved with words of Torah.", "And please, Lord, our God, make the words of Your Torah pleasant in our mouths and in the mouths of all of Your people, the House of Israel. And may we and our offspring [and the offspring of our offspring] and the offspring of Your people, the House of Israel - all of us - be knowing of Your Name and studying Your Torah for its sake. Blessed are You, Lord, Who teaches Torah to His people, Israel.", "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who has chosen us from all of the nations and given us His Torah. Blessed are You, Lord, Who gives the Torah." ], "Torah Study": [ "", "", "These are the deeds that yield immediate fruit in This World and continue to yield fruit in the World to Come: honoring parents; doing deeds of lovingkindness; arriving the house of study early--morning and evening; providing hospitality; visiting the sick; helping the needy bride; attending to the dead; probing the meaning of prayer; making peace between one person and another, and between husband and wife. And the study of Torah outweighs them all. " ], "Tallit": [ "", "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed be He, and His Divine Presence, with fear and love and love and fear, to unify the Name of Yud Hei with Vav Hei with a complete unity, in the name of all Israel. Behold, I am wrapping my body with tsitsit (fringes). So too may You wrap my soul – my 248 limbs and my 365 tendons – in the light of the tsitsit, [the letters, strings and knots of] which add up to 613. And in the same way that I cover myself with a prayer shawl in this world, so too may I merit to be in the section of the rabbis and to have a fine prayer shawl in the next world, in the Garden of Eden. And through the commandment of tsitsit, save my essence, my spirit, my soul and my prayer from [negative forces]. And may the prayer shawl spread its wings upon them to save them, ‘like an eagle that rouses his nestlings, hovering over his young.’ And may [this] commandment of tsitsit be considered before the Holy One, blessed be He, as if I fulfilled it in all of its details, all of its minutiae and all of its intentions – [as well as] the 613 commandments that are dependent upon it. Amen, Selah." ], "Tefillin": [ "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed be He, and His Divine Presence, with fear and love and love and fear, to unify the Name of Yud Hei with Vav Hei with a complete unity, in the name of all Israel. Behold, in placing the tefillin [upon myself], I intend to fulfill the commandment of my Creator, Who commanded us to place tefillin; as it is written in His Torah (Deuteronomy 6:8), “Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead.” And they are four sections [from the Torah]: Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-8); And it shall be if you will truly listen (Deuteronomy 11:13-21); Sanctify (Exodus 13:1-10); And it shall be when He brings you (Exodus 12:11-17) – since within them they contain His unity and oneness in the world, may His name be blessed; and [through them,] we can remember His miracles and wonders when He took us out of Egypt, and that He has the power and control over the higher beings and the lower beings to do what He wants with them. And He commanded us to place it upon the arm in memory of the ‘extended forearm’ (with which He took us out of Egypt); and that it be across from the heart in order to subjugate the desire and thoughts of our heart for His service, may His name be blessed. And upon the head across from the brain, such that the soul in my brain – along with all my other senses and powers – be subjugated to His service, may His name be blessed. And may the bounty from the commandment of tefillin flow upon me, such that I should have long life, holy bounty, holy thoughts – free from any conjectures of sin or transgression – such that the evil impulse not seduce us or disturb us, but leave us to serve the Lord, as it is in our hearts. And may it be Your will before You, Lord our God and God of our fathers that [this] commandment of tefillin be considered before the Holy One, blessed be He, as if I fulfilled it in all of its details, all of its minutiae and all of its intentions – [as well as] the 613 commandments that are dependent upon it. Amen, Selah." ], "Ma Tovu": [], "Adon Olam": [ "The king of the world, who ruled before any creature was created. At the time they were made, all was according to His will, and then His name was called \"King\". And after everything was finished, he alone ruled, awe-inspiring. He was, He is, and He will be with splendor. And, he was first, with no second, to rule over him or to collaborate; with no beginning and no end, he has the strength and the right. And he is my G-d, my redeemer is alive; the rock who sustains me in a distressful day. And he is my banner and refuge, the portion of my cup on the day I call out. In his hand, I safeguard my spirit, [for] when I sleep, [I know that] I will wake. And with my spirit is my body; G-d is for me, and I will not be afraid. " ], "Yigdal": [ "May the living G-d be exalted, and praised, it is found that there is no specific time to find him [for he is eternal]. He is one, and there is none as unified as his unity; it is hidden, and there is also no end to his unity. He has no bodily form, and no body; his holiness has not been ordered for him. He is earlier than anything which he created, [He is] the first and there is none before His earliness. He is surely the lord of the world, to all being, and He teaches his greatness and kingship. An abundance of prophecy He gave to them, his special and splendorous people. There never again arose in Israel like Moses, a prophet and seer of His image. A truthful instruction, G-d gave to His people, by the hand of his prophet who was trustworthy in His house. The G-d will not change, nor will he switch His belief, forever [there is none] except for Him. He watches and knows our secrets, and looks at the end of something at its beginning. He recompensates people with kindness, according to their deeds, and gives the wicked bad according to his evil. At the end of days, He will send our annointed, to redeem those who wait for the end [when] His salvation [takes place]. The dead will G-d resuscitate, in his abundant kindness, blessed be His praised name forever." ], "Morning Blessings": [ "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who gave the rooster (or mind) insight to distinguish between day and night.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who did not make me a gentile.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who did not make me a slave (Women say: A maidservant).", "Men- Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who did not make me a woman. Women- Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who made me according to his will.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who opens [the eyes of] the blind.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who clothes the naked.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who releases the bound.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who straightens the bent.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who placed the land on the water.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who fulfilled all my needs for me.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who steadies the steps of man.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who girds Israel with courage.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who crowns Israel with splendor.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who gives to the weary strength.", "Blessed are you, Hashem, our G-d and king of the world, who removes sleep from my eyes, and slumber from my pupils.", "And may it be pleasing before You, Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that you make us accustomed in your Torah, and make us stick to your commandments. And that You do not bring us not to the hands of sin, nor to the hands of transgression and wrongdoing, nor to the hands of trial, and nor to the hands of scorn. And let not the evil inclination rule inside us, and distance us from a bad person and a bad friend. And stick us to the good inclination and to good deeds, and force our inclination to be subdued to You. And grant us today and every day grace and kindness and mercy, in your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us, and reward us with good kindnesses. Blessed are You, Hashem, who rewards good kindnesses upon His nation, Israel. ", "May it be pleasing before You, Hashem my G-d and the G-d of my forefathers, that save us today and every day from those who are arrogant and from arrogance itself, from a bad person, a bad friend, a bad neighbor, a bad strike, from the destructive Satan, from a harsh law and from a harsh judge, whether he is a son of the covenant or whether he is not a son of the covenant." ], "Akedah": [], "Sovereignty of Heaven": [ "A human should always be in awe of Heaven in private, and acknowledge the truth, and speak truth in one's heart as they arise early in the morning and say: Master of All Words, not upon our righteousness do supplicate ourselves in Your presence, but on Your great compassion. What are we? What are our lives? What is our lovingkindness? What is our righteousness? What is our salvation? What is our power? What is our might? What can we say in Your presence, Eternal One, our God and God of our ancestors? Are not the mighty like nothing in Your presence, and the renowned like as nonexistent, and the wise like those without knowledge, and the understanding like those without sense? Most of what they do is void and the days of their lives are vanity in Your presence. And the difference between human and beast is nil, because everything is vanity. But we are Your people, the children of Your covenant. The children of Abraham, whom You love, that You made and oath with on Mount Moriah. The seed of Isaac, Your beloved, who was bound on the top of the altar. The congregation of Jacob, Your first-born son, the one that You loved, and the one You rejoiced in. so that You called his name Israel and Yeshurun.......", "Therefore, we are obligated to acknowledge You and to praise You, and to glorify You, and to bless and to sanctify and to give praise and thanksgiving to Your name. Fortunate are we! How good is our portion, and how pleasant is our fate, and how beautiful is our inheritance. Fortunate are we the we arise early and go to bed, morning and night and say twice each day:", "Hear Israel, the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal One alone." ], "Korbanot": { "Kiyor": [], "Terumat HaDeshen": [], "Korban HaTamid": [], "Ketoret": [], "Order of the Temple Service": [], "Laws of Sacrifices": [], "Baraita of Rabbi Yishmael": [], "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] } }, "Pesukei Dezimra": { "Introductory Psalm": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Barukh She'amar": [], "Hodu": [], "Mizmor Letoda": [], "Yehi Chevod": [], "Ashrei": [ "(Psalms 145) A song of praise. Of David. I will extol You, my God and king, and bless Your name forever and ever. Every day will I bless You and praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD and much acclaimed; His greatness cannot be fathomed. One generation shall laud Your works to another and declare Your mighty acts. The glorious majesty of Your splendor and Your wondrous acts will I recite. Men shall talk of the might of Your awesome deeds, and I will recount Your greatness. They shall celebrate Your abundant goodness, and sing joyously of Your beneficence. The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. The LORD is good to all, and His mercy is upon all His works. All Your works shall praise You, O LORD, and Your faithful ones shall bless You. They shall talk of the majesty of Your kingship, and speak of Your might, to make His mighty acts known among men and the majestic glory of His kingship. Your kingship is an eternal kingship; Your dominion is for all generations. The LORD supports all who stumble, and makes all who are bent stand straight. The eyes of all look to You expectantly, and You give them their food when it is due. You give it openhandedly, feeding every creature to its heart’s content. The LORD is beneficent in all His ways and faithful in all His works. The LORD is near to all who call Him, to all who call Him with sincerity. He fulfills the wishes of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and delivers them. The LORD watches over all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy. My mouth shall utter the praise of the LORD, and all creatures shall bless His holy name forever and ever." ], "Psalm 146": [], "Psalm 147": [ "(Psalms 147)" ], "Psalm 148": [ "(Psalms 148)" ], "Psalm 149": [], "Psalm 150": [], "Closing Verses": [], "Vayevarech David": [], "Ata Hu": [], "Az Yashir": [], "Yishtabach": [], "Psalm 130": [], "Half Kaddish": [] }, "Blessings of the Shema": { "Barchu": [], "First Blessing before Shema": [], "Second Blessing before Shema": [ "(1) [With] great love You have loved us, Lord, our God; [with] great and abundant compassion have You had compassion upon us. Our Parent, our Sovereign — for the sake of our ancestors who trusted in You, and whom You taught laws of life, so [too] be gracious to us and teach us. Our Parent, merciful Parent, Who acts with compassion, have compassion on us and put into our hearts [comprehension] to understand and to discern, to listen, to learn and to teach, to keep, to practice, and to fulfill all the words of the teachings in Your Torah with love. And enlighten our eyes with Your Torah, and attach our hearts to Your mitzvot, and unify our hearts to love and revere Your Name; and may we never be embarrassed, for in Your holy Name— [which is] great and awe-inspiring— have we trusted; may we delight and rejoice in Your deliverance. Bring us in peace [wholeness] from the four corners of the earth; and lead us upright to our land. Because, You are the Almighty, Who performs acts of deliverance, and You have chosen us from among all peoples and languages, and You have brought us close to Your great Name in truth; to thank You and unify You with love. Blessed are You, Lord, Who chooses the people Israel with love." ], "Shema": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "And it will be— if you vigilantly obey My commandments which I command you this day, to love Adonoy your God, and serve Him with your entire hearts9 and with your entire souls— that I will give rain for your land in its proper time,10 the early (autumn) rain and the late (spring) rain;11 and you will harvest your grain and your wine and your oil. And I will put grass in your fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Beware lest your hearts be swayed12 and you turn astray, and you worship alien gods and bow to them. And Adonoy’s fury will blaze among you, and He will close off the heavens and there will be no rain and the earth will not yield its produce; and you will perish swiftly13 from the good land which Adonoy gives you. Place these words of Mine14 upon your hearts and upon your souls,— and bind them for a sign upon your hands, and they shall be for totafos between your eyes.15 And you shall teach them to your sons, to speak them16 when you sit in your house, and when you travel on the road, and when you lie down and when you rise. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gateways. In order that your days be prolonged, and the days of your children, upon the land which Adonoy swore to your fathers to give them [for as long] as the heavens are above the earth." ], "Blessing after Shema": [ "", "", "You were always the help of our ancestors, a shield for them and their children, our deliverer in every generation. Though You abide at the pinnacle of the universe, Your just decrees extend to the ends of the earth. Happy the one who obeys Your mitzvot, who takes to heart the words of Your Torah. You are, in truth, a mentor to Your people, their defender and mighty Ruler. You are first and You are last; we have no Sovereign or Redeemer but You. You rescued us from Egypt, and redeemed us from the house of bondage. The firstborn of the Egyptians were slain; Your firstborn were saved. You split the waters of the sea. The faithful You rescued; the wicked drowned. The waters engulfed Israel's enemies; not one of the arrogant remained alive. Then Your beloved sang hymns of acclamation, extolling you with psalms of adoration. They acclaimed G-d Sovereign, great and awesome Source of all blessing, the everliving G-d, exalted in all majesty. G-d humbles the proud and raises the lowly, frees the captive and redeems the meek. G-d helps the needy and answers G-d's people's call. Praises to G-d supreme, who is ever praised. Moses and the people Israel joyfully sang this song to you. \"Who is like you, Adonai, among all that is worshipped! Who is, like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, working wonders!\" The redeemed sang a new song for You. They sang in chorus at the shore of the sea, acclaiming Your sovereignty: \"Adonai shall reign throughout all time.\" Rock of Israel, arise to Israel's defense. Fulfill Your promise to deliver Judah and Israel. Our Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Adonai Tz'va-ot. Praised are You, Adonai, Redeemer of the people Israel. " ] }, "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [ "O Lord, open my lips and my mouth will declare Your praise. ", "Blessed are You, Lord our God and God of our fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob; the great, mighty and awesome God, the most high God, Who bestows loving kindness and goodness and is master/creator of all, Who remembers the good deeds of the fathers, and brings a redeemer to their children, in love and for the sake of His name. ", "(During the Days of Awe include: Remember us for life, King Who delights in life, and write us into the Book of Life for Your sake, O living God.)", "King, Helper, Savior, and Shield. Blessed are You, O Lord, Shield of Abraham." ], "Divine Might": [ "You are mighty forever, O Lord, You revive the dead, You are mighty to save.", "(During the days between Passover and the eighth day of Sukkot include: You bring down dew.) ", "(During the days between the eighth day of Sukkot and Passover include: You cause the wind to blow and the rain to descend.) ", "You sustain the living with loving kindness, You revive the dead to life with great mercy, You support the fallen and You heal the sick; You free the captives and preserve Your faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds? Who can be compared to You, O King Who causes death and restores life, and causes Your salvation to sprout. ", "(During the Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur include: Who is like You, Father of mercy, Who in mercifully remembers His creatures for life.)", "You are faithful to restore the dead to life. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who brings life to the dead." ], "Holiness of God": [ "You are holy and Your Name is holy, and holy ones praise Your name every day. Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy God. (During the Days of Awe say: Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy King.) " ], "Kedushah": [ "During the prayer leader's repetition: We shall sanctify Your name in the world, in the same way as they sanctify it in the Heavens above. As it is written by the hand of Your prophets (Isaiah 6:3), \"And they called, this one to that one, saying:", "The congregation and the leader: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole world is full of His glory.\" ", "The leader: Across from them, they say, \"Blessed\":", "The congregation and the leader: \"Blessed is the Glory of God from His place\" (Ezekiel 3:12).", "The leader:And in Your holy words, it is written, saying:The congregation and the leader: \"May the Lord reign forever - your God, O Zion - for each and every generation; praise the Lord\" (Pslams 146:10).", "The leader: For each and every generation, we will tell Your greatness, and forever and ever, we will sanctify Your holiness. And Your praise, our God, will not depart from our mouths forever on; since You are God, great and holy King. Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy God. (During the Days of Awe say: Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy King.)" ], "Knowledge": [ "You graciously favor man with knowledge and teach mortals understanding. Favor us with knowledge, understanding, and prudence. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who favors us with knowledge." ], "Repentance": [ "Return us, our Father, to Your Torah, and draw us near, our King, to Your service. Cause us to return to You in perfect repentance before Your face. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who desires repentance." ], "Forgiveness": [ "Forgive us our Father for we have sinned, pardon us our King for we have willfully transgressed, for You pardon and forgive. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who is gracious and ever willing to forgive." ], "Redemption": [ "See our affliction and contend for our strife, and redeem us quickly for the sake of Your Name, for You are a strong redeemer. Blessed are You, O Lord, Redeemer of Israel. ", "(On Fast Days include: (Answer us, O Lord, answer us, in the day of our fast, because we are in great distress. Do not regard our wickedness; do not hide Your face from us, and do not ignore our supplication. Please be near to our cry; please treat us kindly and comfort us; before we call to You, answer us, as it is said, 'And it will be that before they call, I will answer them, and while they are still speaking, I will hear.' For You, O Lord, answer in the time of distress; You redeem and deliver in every time of woe and distress. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who responds in the time of distress.)" ], "Healing": [ "Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed, save us and we shall be saved, for You are our praise. Bring complete healing to all our wounds, ", "(Prayer for a sick person: May it be Your will in front of You, O Lord, my God and the God of my forefathers, that You quickly send a complete recovery from the Heavens - a recovery of the soul and a recovery of the body - to the the sick person, insert name, the son/daughter of insert mother's name, among the other sick ones of Israel.)", "for You are God and King, the faithful and merciful healer. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who heals the sick of his people Israel. " ], "Prosperity": [ "Bless us, O Lord our God, this year and all its kinds of produce for good (From Passover to December fourth/fifth say: And give a blessing) (From December fourth/fifth to Passover say: Give dew and rain for a blessing) upon the face of the land and satisfy us with Your goodness and bless our year as the good years. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who blesses the years." ], "Gathering the Exiles": [ "Sound upon the great shofar for our freedom and raise the banner to gather our exiles, and gather us together from the four corners of the earth. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who gathers together the dispersed of His people of Israel." ], "Justice": [ "Restore our judges as in the beginning, and our counsellors as in the beginning times, remove from us sorrow and groaning, and reign over us, You, O Lord alone, and in loving kindness and mercy, justify us in judgment. Blessed are You, O Lord, * the King Who loves righteousness and judgment. (From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur replace the conclusion with the following: King of Justice.)" ], "Against Enemies": [ "And for slanderers may there be no hope; and may all wickedness be destroyed instantly and may all Your enemies be cut down quickly. Quickly uproot, smash, and cast down the arrogant sinners and humble them quickly in our days. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who breaks enemies and humbles arrogant sinners." ], "The Righteous": [ "Upon the righteous and upon the pious, on the elders of Your people of the house of Israel, and upon the remnant of their scholars, and upon the righteous sojourners/ converts, and upon us may Your compassion be, O Lord our God, and give a good reward to all who sincerely trust in Your name, May our part be with them forever and may we not be ashamed, for in You we trust. Blessed are You, O Lord, support and trust of the righteous." ], "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [ "To Jerusalem Your city may You return with mercy and dwell in the midst of it as You have spoken, and build it soon and in our day as an eternal structure. The throne of David quickly establish. Blessed are You, O Lord, the Builder of Jerusalem." ], "Kingdom of David": [ "Cause to sprout the branch/ offspring of Your servant David. Let his horn/ glory be raised up by Your salvation; for Your salvation we hope all day. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who causes the horn/ glory of salvation to flourish." ], "Response to Prayer": [ "Hear our voice, Lord our God, pity us and have mercy on us and receive in mercy and favor our prayer, for You are a God Who hears prayer and supplication. From Your Face, our King, do not turn us away empty handed, (Prayer for the dearth of rain in the blessing, \"Who hears prayer\": And answer us, Creator of the world with the trait of mercy. The One who chose His people Israel to make known His greatness and the splendor of His glory, hear prayer; give dew and rain on the face of the earth, and sate the whole world with Your good, and fill our hand from Your blessings and from the wealth of the gift of Your hand. Protect and save this year from all bad things, and from all types of destruction, and from all types of punishment; and make for it hope and a peaceful end. Pity and have mercy upon us and upon all of our grain and our fruit; and bless us with rains of blessing; and may we merit life and plenty and peace, like the good years. And remove from us pestilence, sword, famine, evil animals, captivity and despoliation, the evil impulse, evil and difficult sicknesses and evil and difficult events; and decree upon us good decrees in front of You. And may Your mercies be revealed over Your traits, and comport Yourself with mercy to Your children, and accept our prayer with mercy and desire.) for You hear the prayers of Your people Israel in mercy. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who hears prayer." ], "Temple Service": [ "Be pleased, Lord our God, with Your people Israel and with their prayer, and restore the service to Your Holy Temple / Holy of Holies; be pleased to receive the prayers and fire offerings of the people of Israel in love. May the service of Your people Israel always be acceptable to You. ", "(On Rosh Chodesh/ New Month, Passover, or Sukkot include: Our God and God of our fathers, may these rise, come, reach, be seen, be favored, be heard, be visited, and be remembered, our remembrance and our consideration, the memorial of our fathers and the memorial of Messiah the son of David Your servant, the memorial of Jerusalem Your holy city, and in memorial of all the people of the house of Israel; before Your face for deliverance, for good, for grace, for loving kindness, for mercy, for life and for peace on the day of: Sukkot, Pesach, or Rosh Chodesh. Remember us today, Lord our God, for good, reckon us on this day for blessing and save us on this day for life. In the matter of salvation and mercy spare us and be gracious to us, have mercy on us and save us, for our eyes look to You, for You are the Kingly God of grace and mercy.) ", "May our eyes behold Your return to Zion with compassion. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who returns Your presence (Shekhinah) to Zion. " ], "Thanksgiving": [ "We gratefully thank You, for You, O Lord our God, are our fathers' God for all eternity, our Rock, our Shield of salvation generation to generation. We thank You and recount Your praise for our lives. We trust our lives into Your loving hand. Our souls are in Your custody and Your miracles are with us every day and Your wonders and goodness are with us at all times: evening, morning and noon. You are good, for Your mercies never fail us, and the Compassionate One, for Your loving kindness never ceases; forever we have placed our hope in You. ", "(The rabbis thanks/modim de'rabbanan: We gratefully thank You, for You, O Lord our God, are our fathers' God, the God of all flesh, our Maker, the Maker of Creation. Blessings and thanksgivings to Your great and holy name for Your bringing us to life and preserving us. So [too], make us live and preserve us and gather our exiles to Your holy courtyards, to keep Your statutes and to do Your will and to serve You with a complete heart. About that which we thank You, blessed is the God of thanksgivings.)", "(During the season of Hanukkah add: And we praise You for the miracles and for the redemption and for the mighty deeds and for the victories and for the battles that You performed for our fathers in those days at this time:", "In the days of Mattisyahu, the son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons, when the wicked kingdom of Greece rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and to stray from the laws of Your will, You, with great mercy stood by them in the time of their distress. You fought their fight, judged their cause and avenged them with vengence. You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous and the arrogant into the hands of those engaged with Your Torah. For Yourself you made a great and holy name in Your world, You performed a great deliverance for Your people Israel on this day. After these things, Your children entered into the Holy of Holies of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified the place of Your Holiness, kindled lights in Your holy courts and established these eight days of Hanukkah to express thanksgiving and praise to Your great name.) ", "(On Purim add: And we praise You for the miracles and for the redemption and for the mighty deeds and for the victories and for the battles that You performed for our fathers in those days at this time: In the days of Mordecai and Esther, in Shushan the capital, when the evil Haman rose up against them, when he sought to destroy, murder, and to eliminate all the Jews, from the young to the old, infants and women, in one day, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month of Adar, and plunder their wealth. In great mercy You frustrated his counsel and ruined his plan, and You returned his plan upon his own head and they hanged him and his sons upon the tree.) ", "And for all these, may Your name be blessed and exalted, our King, always and forever and ever.", "(Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur add: Inscribe for a good life all the children of Your covenant.) ", "All the living shall gratefully acknowledge You, Selah; and praise Your name in truth, the God of our salvation and our help, Selah. Blessed are You, O Lord, Whose name is good and to Whom it is fitting to give thanks." ], "Birkat Kohanim": [ "Our God and God of our fathers, bless us with the threefold blessing, found in Your Torah, written by the hand of Moses you servant, and said to Aaron and his priestly sons, Your holy people:", "May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine His face upon you and treat you graciously.
May the Lord lift His face towards you and grant you peace." ], "Peace": [ "Establish peace, goodness, blessing, grace, loving kindness and mercy upon us and upon all Israel Your people. Bless us our Father, all of us as one, with the light of Your face. For in the light of Your face You gave to us, O Lord our God, the Torah of life and love of kindness and righteousness and blessing and compassion and life and peace. It is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel during all times and in all hours with Your peace. ", "Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur add: (In the book of life, blessing, peace and good prosperity may we be remembered and inscribed before You, ourselves and all the house of Israel, for a life of goodness and peace. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who makes peace.) ", "Blessed are You, O Lord, Who blesses Your people Israel with peace. " ], "Concluding Passage": [ "\nMay the words of my mouth and the rumination of my heart be acceptable in front of You, O lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. My God, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking deceit. To those who curse me, let my life remain silent and my life be like dust to all, open my heart to Your Torah, then I will pursue Your commandments. As for those who design evil against me, quickly nullify their counsel and disrupt their design. Act for Your Name's sake; act for Your right hand's sake; act for Your sanctity's sake; act for Your Torah's sake. Then Your beloved ones may be given rest; may Your right hand save and respond to me. May the words of my mouth and the musings of my heart be acceptable before You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. He Who makes peace in His heights, may he make peace upon us and to all Israel. And we say Amen. ", "May it be Your will, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be speedily rebuilt in our days and grant us our portion in Your Torah, and may we serve You there with reverence as in the days of old and the earliest of years. Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to You O Lord, as in the days of old and the earliest years." ] }, "Post Amidah": { "Vidui and 13 Middot": [], "Avinu Malkenu": [], "Tachanun": { "For Monday and Thursday": [], "Nefilat Apayim": [], "God of Israel": [], "Shomer Yisrael": [], "Half Kaddish": [] } }, "Torah Reading": { "Removing the Torah from Ark": { "El Erech Appayim": [], "Vayehi Binsoa": [], "Berich Shmei": [], "Lekha Hashem": [], "Av Harachamim": [], "Vetigaleh Veteraeh": [] }, "Reading from Sefer": { "Birkat Hatorah": [], "Birkat Hagomel": [], "Half Kaddish": [], "Raising the Torah": [], "Prayers for Welfare of the People": [] }, "Returning Sefer to Aron": { "Yehalelu": [], "LeDavid Mizmor": [], "Uvenucho Yomar": [] } }, "Concluding Prayers": { "Ashrei": [], "Lamenatze'ach": [], "Uva Letzion": [], "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Alenu": [ "We rise to our duty to praise the Master of all, to acclaim the Creator. G-d made our lot unlike that of other people, assigning to us a unique destiny. (For they worship vanity and emptiness, and pray to a god who cannot save.) We bend the knee and bow, acknowledging the Supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, exalted, who spread out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth, whose glorious abode is in the loftiest heights. This is our G-d; there is no other. In truth, G-d alone is our Ruler, as it is written in the Torah: \"Know this day and take it to heart that Adonai is G-d in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other.\"", "And so we hope in You, Adonai our G-d, soon to see Your splendor: that You will sweep idolatry away so that false gods will be utterly destroyed, and that You will perfect the world by Your sovereignty so that all humanity will invoke Your name, and all the earth's wicked will return to You, repentant. Then all who live will know that to You every knee must bend, every tongue pledge loyalty. To You, Adonai, may all bow in worship. May they give honor to Your glory; may everyone accept Your dominion. Reign over all, soon and for all time. Sovereignty is Yours in glory, now and forever. Thus it is written in Your Torah: \"Adonai reigns for ever and ever.\" Such is the prophetic assurance: \"Adonai shall be acknowledged Ruler of all the earth. On that day Adonai shall be One and G-d's name One.\" " ], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Song of the Day": [], "Barchi Nafshi": [], "LeDavid": [], "Korbanot (Israel)": { "Ein Kelohenu": [], "Pitum HaKetoret": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Barchu": [] } }, "Post Service": { "Six Remembrances": [], "Ten Commandments": [], "Thirteen Principles": [ "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator His name be blessed created and controls all creations, and he alone performed, performs, and will perform all actions.", "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator His name be blessed is singular and there is absolutely no comparable unity, and He alone is our master, who was, is, and always will be.", "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator His name be blessed has no physical form, cannot be comprehended in physical terms, and is completely incomparable.", "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator His name be blessed is first and last.", "I believe with perfect faith that solely the Creator His name be blessed is fit to be prayed to, and it is unfit to pray to any other being.", "I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the the prophets and true.", "I believe with perfect faith that Moses's prophecy is true, and that he is the father of all prophets who preceded him or came after.", "I believe with perfect faith that all the Torah presently in our hands is the one that was given to Moses.", "I believe with perfect faith that this Torah will not be exchanged and there will be no other Torah from the Creator.", "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator knows all actions and thoughts of man, as it is written \"Who forms together their hearts, Who understands all their actions.\" ", "I believe with perfect faith that the Creator his name be blessed returns good to those who observe his commandments and punishes those who transgress his commandments.", "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah, and, though he tarry, I will anticipate daily his coming. ", "I believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead at the time that the Creator His name be blessed desires, and forever his presence will be known. " ] } }, "Minchah": { "Ashrei": [], "Amida": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Holiness of God": [], "Keduasha": [], "Knowledge": [], "Repentance": [], "Forgiveness": [], "Redemption": [], "Healing": [], "Prosperity": [], "Gathering the Exiles": [], "Justice": [], "Against Enemies": [], "The Righteous": [ "For all of the righteous and all of the pious and all of the elders of Your nation, the House of Israel, and for all of the remnant of their scribes, and for all the righteous converts, and for us: Let your mercy, Adonai, our God, stir for us. And grant us good reward for all those who trust in Your name in truth. And place our portion with them for eternity, and let us not be ashamed, for we have placed our trust in You. Blessed are you Adonai, support and trust for the righteous." ], "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [], "Kingdom of David": [], "Response to Prayer": [], "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [] }, "Post Amidah": { "Vidui and 13 Middot": [], "Avinu Malkenu": [], "Tachanun": { "Nefilat Appayim": [], "Shomer Yisrael": [] }, "Kaddish Shalem": [] }, "Concluding Prayers": { "Alenu": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [] } }, "Maariv": { "Vehu Rachum": [], "Barchu": [], "Blessings of the Shema": { "First Blessing before Shema": [], "Second Blessing before Shema": [], "Shema": [ "", "", "", "", "", "And Hashem said to Moshe saying: Speak to Bnei Yisrael and say to them [that they must] make for themselves tzitzit upon the corners of the clothes for generations, and on the tzitzit give a string of techelet. And they shall have for themselves tzitzit and they will see them and they will remember all of the commandments of Hashem and they will do them, and they will not stary after their hearts and eyes so that they shall not pursue after them. So they that will remember and adhere to all of my commandments and will remain holy to their god. I am Hashem your G-d who took you out of the land of Egypt to be for you a G-d. I am Hashem your G-d, truth. " ], "First Blessing after Shema": [], "Second Blessing after Shema": [], "Third Blessing after Shema": [], "Half Kaddish": [] }, "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Holiness of God": [], "Knowledge": [], "Repentance": [], "Forgiveness": [], "Redemption": [], "Healing": [], "Prosperity": [], "Gathering the Exiles": [], "Justice": [], "Against Enemies": [], "The Righteous": [], "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [], "Kingdom of David": [], "Response to Prayer": [], "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [] }, "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Additions for Motza'ei Shabbat": { "Viyehi Noam": [], "Veyiten Lekha": [] }, "Sefirat HaOmer": [], "Alenu": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "LeDavid": [], "Birkat HaLevana": [ "", "Hallelujah. Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise Him on high. Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His hosts. Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all bright stars. Praise Him, highest heavens, and you waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the LORD, for it was He who commanded that they be created. He made them endure forever, establishing an order that shall never change. (Psalm 148:1-6)", "There are those who now set the following intention:
Behold I am ready and prepared to fulfill the commandment to sanctify the new moon. For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, blessed be he, and his Presence, through the One that is hidden and concealed, in the name of all Israel!
One should face east (or Jerusalem) with their feet together as during the Amidah prayer. They should look once at the face of the moon before beginning the blessing, and not look at it again.", "Blessed are you oh Lord our God, King of the world, who created the heavens with his word and blew out with his breath all their hosts. He gave them a time and a decree, that they not change their assigned task. They are joyful and happy to do the will of their Maker, the true worker whose work is truth. He said to the moon to renew itself as a crown of splendor for those born of the womb, those who in the future will renew themselves like it, and as a glorification for their Shaper for the name of his glorious kingdom. Blessed are you, oh Lord, who renews the months.", "Say the following three times: Blessed is your Shaper, Blessed is your Maker, Blessed is your Creater.", "Say the following three times while dancing: Just as I dance toward you but am unable to touch you, so too may my enemies be unable to touch me for evil.", "Say the following three times: Let fall upon them fear and terror! May the greatness of your arm strike them still as stone!", "Say the following three times: As stone let them be still at the greatness of your arm! Fear and terror let fall upon them!", "Say the following three times: David, King of Israel, is alive and enduring!", "Turn to extend greetings to three people: Peace upon you,", "and they should respond: Upon you, peace", "Say the following three times: May there be a good sign and good fortune for us and all Israel. Amen!", "Hark, the voice of my beloved! There he comes, leaping over mountains, bounding over hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or like a young stag. There he stands behind our wall, gazing through the window, peering through the lattice. (Song of Songs 2:8-9)", "A song for ascents. I turn my eyes to the mountains; from where will my help come? My help comes from the LORD, maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot give way; your guardian will not slumber; See, the guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps! The LORD is your guardian, the LORD is your protection at your right hand. By day the sun will not strike you, nor the moon by night. The LORD will guard you from all harm; He will guard your life. The LORD will guard your going and coming now and forever. (Psalm 121)", "Hallelujah. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the sky, His stronghold. Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him for His exceeding greatness. Praise Him with blasts of the horn; praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with lute and pipe. Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud-clashing cymbals. Let all that breathes praise the LORD. Hallelujah. (Psalm 150)", "The school of Rabbi Yishmael taught: If the Jewish people merited to greet the Face of their Father in Heaven only one time each and every month, it would suffice for them, since in the blessing of the moon there is an aspect of greeting the Divine Presence. Abaye said: Therefore, we will say the blessing while standing, in honor of the Divine Presence. (Sanhedrin 42a) Who is she that comes up from the desert, Leaning upon her beloved? (Song of Songs 8:5) May it be willed before You, oh Lord, my God and God of my fathers to fill the blemish of the moon so that it should have no longer any smallness. Let the light of moon be like the light of the sun, like the light of the seven days of creation as it was before its diminution as it says “…the two great lights…” (Genesis 1:16) Let the verse be fulfilled for us as it is written “…and they will seek the LORD their God and David their king…” (Hoshea 3:5) Amen.", "For the leader; with instrumental music. A psalm. A song. May God be gracious to us and bless us; may He show us favor, selah that Your way be known on earth, Your deliverance among all nations. Peoples will praise You, O God; all peoples will praise You. Nations will exult and shout for joy, for You rule the peoples with equity, You guide the nations of the earth. Selah. The peoples will praise You, O God; all peoples will praise You. May the earth yield its produce; may God, our God, bless us. May God bless us, and be revered to the ends of the earth. (Psalm 67)" ], "Keri'at Shema al Hamita": [] } }, "Shabbat": { "Kabbalat Shabbat": { "Yedid Nefesh": [ "Beloved of my soul, compassionate Father, draw me, your servant, to your desire.  Would that I could run like a gazelle, and bow before Your beauty, for I find your love sweeter than honey or any delight.", "Beautiful, splendrous light of the world, my soul is sick with love.  God, please heal her by bathing her in your serene light -- then she shall surely be strengthened and healed and be Your servant forever.", "Ancient One, let Your compassion flow.  Have pity on the child whom You love -- for I have yearned so long to see your luminescent power.  My God, my beloved, hurry; please, do not hide!", "Please, my beloved, reveal Yourself.  Spread the sukkah of your love over me.  May the whole world be illuminated with Your glory; then shall we be glad and rejoice with You.  My lover -- come quickly, for the time has come -- have compassion for me as in days of old.\n" ], "Psalm 95": [], "Psalm 96": [], "Psalm 97": [], "Psalm 98": [], "Psalm 99": [], "Psalm 29": [], "Ana Bekoach": [ "We beg you! With the strength and greatness of your right arm, untie our bundled sins. Accept your nation's song; elevate and purify us, O Awesome One. Please, O Heroic One, those who foster your Oneness, guard them like the pupil of an eye. Bless them, purify them, pity them. May Your righteousness always reward them. Powerful Holy One, in much goodness guide Your congregation. Unique and Exalted One, turn to Your nation which proclaims Your holiness. Accept our entreaty and hear our screams, O Knower of Mysteries. Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom, forever and ever." ], "Lekha Dodi": [ "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "\"Observe\" and \"Remember\" in one utterance. The One and Only God allowed us to hear. God is one and His name is one. For renown and for glory and for praise. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Let us go to welcome the Shabbat. For she is the source of blessing. From the very start, from the beginning she was designated. The end of creation and first in thought. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Sanctuary of the King, city of royalty. Rise and go forth from the ruins. Too long have you sat in the valley sorrow. And He will shower you with compassion. ...", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat....", "Shake it all off, rise from the ashes. Wear the garments of the glory of My people. Through the son of Jesse of Bethlehem. Draw close to my soul and redeem it. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Wake up, wake up. For your light has come, rise and illuminate. Arise, arise, speak a song. The honor of God is revealed upon you. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Do not be ashamed nor confounded. Why should you be downtrodden and why should you be shocked? Within you the afflicted of My people will seek refuge. And the city will be rebuilt on its former site. ...", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "And your oppressors will be destroyed. And those who would devour you will be far away. Your God will rejoice over you. Like a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Right and left you will proliferate. And you will worship God. Through the man who descends from Peretz. And we shall celebrate and rejoice. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat.", "Come in peace, crown of her husband. With both joy and fanfare. Among the faithful, the virtuous people. Come O bride. Come O bride. ", "Come, beloved to greet the bride! Let us receive the Shabbat." ], "Psalm 92": [], "Psalm 93": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Bameh Madlikin": [], "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] }, "Maariv": { "Barchu": [], "Blessings of the Shema": { "First Blessing before Shema": [], "Second Blessing before Shema": [], "Shema": [ "", "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One." ], "First Blessing after Shema": [], "Second Blessing after Shema": [ "Help us, Lord, to lie down in peace, and awaken us again, our Sovereign, to life. Spread over us Your shelter of peace; guide us with Your good counsel. Save us because of Your mercy. Shield us from enemies and plague, from starvation, sword, and sorrow. Remove the evil forces that surround us. Shelter us in the shadow of Your wings, O G-d, who watches over us and delivers us, our gracious and merciful Ruler. Guard our coming and our going; grant us life and peace, now and always. Spread over us the shelter of Your peace. Praised are you, Lord, who spreads the shelter of peace over us, over all G-d's people Israel, and over Jerusalem." ] }, "Veshamru": [], "Half Kaddish": [], "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Holines of God's Name": [], "Sanctity of the Day": [], "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [] }, "Vay'chulu": [ "The community representative and the congregation say \"And he completed\"", "And he completed the heavens and the earth and all their hosts. And God completed on the seventh day his work which he had done; and he rested on the seventh day from the all his work which he had done. And God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it; for on it had God rested from all the work which he had created to do." ], "Me'ein Sheva": [ "Blessed are you, O LORD our god and the god of our fathers, god of Abraham, god of Isaac, and god of Jacob, the great, mighty, and wondrous god, the god Most High, creator of the heavens and the earth.", "Shield of the patriarchs with his Word, revivifier of the dead by his Speech, the holy god like whom there is none, who rests his people on his holy Sabbath day for on these did he please to rest them. We serve him in awe and fear, and give thanks to his name every day with appropriate blessings. God of thanks, master of peace, sanctifier of the Sabbath and blesser of the Seventh, who in holiness rests his people sated in enjoyment -- a memorial to Creation!", "Our god and the god of our fathers, be pleased by our rest. Sanctify us by your commandments, and give us our portion in your Law. Sate us from your goodness, and cheer us with your salvation, and purify our hearts to serve you in truth. And endow to us, O Lord, in love and benevolence, your holy Sabbath, and rest thereon all Israel who sanctify your name. Blessed are you, O LORD, Sanctifier of the Sabbath." ], "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Sefirat HaOmer": [], "Aleinu": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [ "May God's great name be exalted and hallowed throughout the created world, as is God's wish.   May God's sovereignty soon be established, in your lifetime and in your days, and in the days of all the house of Israel.  And we say: Amen.", "May God's great name be acknowledged forever and ever!  ", "May the name of the Holy One be acknowledged and celebrated, lauded and worshipped, exalted and honored, extolled and acclaimed -- though God, who is blessed b'rich hu is truly beyond all acknowledgement and praise, or any expressions of gratitude or consolation ever spoken in the world.  And we say: Amen.", "May Heaven bestow on us, and on all Israel, life and abundant and lasting peace.  And we say: Amen. ", "May the One who creates peace on high bring peace to us and to all Israel.  And we say: Amen" ], "LeDavid": [], "Yigdal": [], "Adon Olam": [ "The king of the world, who ruled before any creature was created.", "At the time they were made, all was according to His will, and then His name was called \"King\".", "And after everything was finished, he alone ruled, awe-inspiring. ", "He was, He is, and He will be with splendor.", "And, he was first, with no second, to rule over him or to collaborate;", "with no beginning and no end, he has the strength and the right.", "And he is my G-d, my redeemer is alive; the rock who sustains me in a distressful day.", "And he is my banner and refuge, the portion of my cup on the day I call out.", "In his hand, I safeguard my spirit, [for] when I sleep, [I know that] I will wake.", "And with my spirit is my body; G-d is for me, and I will not be afraid. " ] }, "Shabbat Evening": { "Blessing the Children": [ "God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh. God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah." ], "Shalom Aleichem": [], "Kiddush": [], "Ribon Kol HaOlamim": [], "Eshet Chayil": [], "Zemirot for Shabbat Evening": { "Kol Mekadesh": [ "All who sanctify the Seventh as it deserves", "All who protect the Sabbath according to its law from breakers", "His reward is very great, correspondent to his act", "Each according to his camp, each according to his flag.", "God-lovers, who hope for the building of Ariel", "On the Sabbath day they celebrate like those who received the gift of Nahaliel", "Also their hands lift up the holy, and they say to God", "\"Blessed is the LORD who gave rest to his people Israel.\"", "God-seekers, progeny of Abraham his beloved", "Who delay leaving the Sabbath, and hurry to enter it", "Who are happy to keep it, and to make its eruv,", "\"This is the day which the LORD made, let us celebrate on it!\"", "Recall the Law of Moses, which records the Sabbath commandment!", "Set for the seventh day, like a bride arranged between her maids,", "The pure ones inherit her, and sanctify her by retelling all which she did.", "\"And God completed on the seventh day the work which he did.\"", "A holy day is it, from its coming to its departure", "All progeny of Jacob will glorify it, per royal decree", "to rest on it and to celebrate its pleasures, to eat and drink", "\"All the gathering of Israel will do this.\"", "Disburse your kindness to those who know you, O jealous and vengeful god", "Guards of the seventh day, who establish \"Recall\" and \"Keep\"", "Celebrate in the building of Salem, make them shine with the radiance of your face,", "\"They will overflow with the abundance of your houses, and with your delicious spring you will water them.\"", "Help those who rest on the seventh, planting and harvest, forever,", "Taking a small step, eating so as to bless three times,", "Their righteousness shines like the light of the seven days", "\"LORD god of Israel, give a sign!\"", "Sanctify them with you commandments, and make them as pure as the very sky", "Let your spirit give them rest like a beast descending to the plain from a peak", "Settle their tribes in the territory of the moon,", "\"Like groves they will spread, like gardens by the river.\"" ], "Menucha VeSimcha": [], "Ma Yedidut": [], "Yom zeh L'yisrael": [], "Yah Ribon": [], "Tzamah Nafshi": [], "Tzur Mishelo": [] } }, "Shacharit": { "Preparatory Prayers": { "Modeh Ani": [], "Netilat Yadayim": [], "Asher Yatzar": [], "Elokai Neshama": [], "Tzitzit": [], "Tallit": [], "Ma Tovu": [], "Adon Olam": [], "Yigdal": [], "Morning Blessings": [], "Akedah": [], "Sovereignty of Heaven": [], "Korbanot": { "Kiyor": [], "Terumat HaDeshen": [], "Korban HaTamid": [], "Ketoret": [], "Order of the Temple Service": [], "Laws of Sacrifices": [], "Baraita of Rabbi Yishmael": [], "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] } }, "Pesukei Dezimra": { "Mizmor Shir": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Barukh She'amar": [], "Hodu": [], "Mizmor Letoda": [], "Psalm 19": [], "Psalm 34": [ "Of David when he disguised his sancitity before Avimelech, who drove him out, and he left. ", "I will bless Hashem in every season, His tefillah shall always be on my mouth ", "In Hashem my nefesh [spirit] praises, let the unfortunate hear and be gladdened Exalt Hashem with me, and let us glorify his name together. ", "I sought out god and He answered me, from all of my troubles He saved me ", "They look to him and are radiant, let not their faces become down ", "This poor man called out to Hashem and He listened, from all his oppressions he saved him. ", "The malach of Hashem encamps around his feared ones, and rescues them. ", "Realize and see how good is Hashem, praiseworthy is the man who takes refuge in him ", "Fear Hashem, his holy ones, because there is nothing depriving from his feared ones. ", "Young lions may want and hunger, but those who turn to Hashem will not lack any good ", "Come my sons listen to me, Yirat Hashem I will teach you ", "Who is the man who desires life? Who" ], "Psalm 90": [], "Psalm 91": [], "Psalm 135": [], "Psalm 136": [], "Psalm 33": [], "Psalm 92": [], "Psalm 93": [], "Yehi Chevod": [], "Ashrei": [], "Psalm 146": [], "Psalm 147": [], "Psalm 148": [], "Psalm 149": [], "Psalm 150": [], "Baruch Hashem": [], "Vayevarech David": [], "Shirat HaYam": [], "Nishmat Kol Chai": [], "Shochen Ad": [], "Yishtabach": [ "May your name be praised forever, O our king. Great and holy god-emperor over the heavens and the earth! For songs of praise are pleasant to you, O LORD our god and god of our forefathers, and hymns of exaltation, and power and sovereignty, great and powerful victory, awesome wonder, and holy kingship, and blessings and thanks, from now until forever. Blessed are you O LORD, great god-emperor of praises, god of thanks, master of wonders, who chose hymnal songs, king and living god of all the world." ], "Psalm 130": [], "Half Kaddish": [] }, "Blessings of the Shema": { "Barchu": [], "First Blessing before Shema": [ "", "", "O God, master of all creation/blessed by the mouth of every soul/whose grandeur and wonder existed before anything/knowledge and understanding surround his splendor. Who rides upon the holy chayos/and in glorious beauty upon the Chariot/merit and uprightness before his throne/charity and mercy filled with his glory. Good are the lamps which our god created/he made them with knowledge and understanding and skill/power and strength he gave to them/to rule in the vicinity of the Earth. Filled with shine and imbued with rays/lovely their shine throughout the world/happy in their rising and joyous in their setting/doing in awe the will of their creator. Wonder and glory they give to his name/joy and celebration to the stature of his kingship/He called out to the sun, and it shone with light/He saw, and fixed the shape of the moon. All the heavenly host gives him praise/ the seraphs and the ophans, wonder and grandeur." ], "Second Blessing before Shema": [ "(1) [With] great love You have loved us, Lord, our God; [with] great and abundant compassion have You had compassion upon us. Our Parent, our Sovereign — for the sake of our ancestors who trusted in You, and whom You taught laws of life, so [too] be gracious to us and teach us. Our Parent, merciful Parent, Who acts with compassion, have compassion on us and put into our hearts [comprehension] to understand and to discern, to listen, to learn and to teach, to keep, to practice, and to fulfill all the words of the teachings in Your Torah with love. And enlighten our eyes with Your Torah, and attach our hearts to Your mitzvot, and unify our hearts to love and revere Your Name; and may we never be embarrassed, for in Your holy Name— [which is] great and awe-inspiring— have we trusted; may we delight and rejoice in Your deliverance. Bring us in peace [wholeness] from the four corners of the earth; and lead us upright to our land. Because, You are the Almighty, Who performs acts of deliverance, and You have chosen us from among all peoples and languages, and You have brought us close to Your great Name in truth; to thank You and unify You with love. Blessed are You, Lord, Who chooses the people Israel with love." ], "Shema": [], "Blessing after Shema": [] }, "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Kedushah": [], "Holiness of God": [], "Sanctity of the Day": [ "Moses rejoiced in the gift of his portion, for \"trusted servant\" You called him. A crown of glory You placed on his head, as he stood before You on Mount Sinai. And two tablets of stone he brought down in his hand, and on them You wrote the keeping of Shabbat. And so it is written in your Torah:" ], "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [], "Kaddish Shalem": [] }, "Torah Reading": { "Removing the Torah from the Ark": { "Ein Kamocha": [ "There is none like You among the gods, Adonai, and nothing like Your works. Your kingship is a kingship of all worlds, and Your reign is with generation upon generation. The Eternal rules. The Eternal has ruled. The Eternal will rule forever and ever. The Eternal will give strength to the Eternal's people. The Eternal will bless the Eternal's people with peace.", "Father of compassion, do well with Your will upon Zion. Build the walls of Jerusalem, for in You alone we have trusted, King, uplifted and exalted Divinity, master of infinitudes." ], "Vayehi Binsoa": [ "It happened upon the journeying of the Ark, Moses said, “Rise, Eternal,” and Your enemies were dispersed, and Your foes were put to flight from before You. For the Torah will come forth from Zion, and the word of the Eternal from Jerusalem. Blessed is the one who gave Torah to [the] people of Israel in holiness." ], "Berich Shmei": [], "Shema Yisrael (Gadlu)": [], "Lecha Hashem": [], "Veyazor Veyagen": [] }, "Reading from Sefer": { "Birkat Haotrah": [], "Birkat Hagomel": [], "Mi Sheberach": { "For an Oleh": [], "For Sickness (includes man and woman)": [ "For a male: May the one who blessed our ancestors - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, and Aaron, David, and Solomon - may God bless the sick on behalf of a vow of tzedakah on their behalf, with this reward may the Holy Blessed One be filled with compassion for him to have pity on him and to heal him and to strengthen him and to give him life, to send speedily complete healing from the heavens to the 248 organs and 365 ligaments among all the sick of Israel, a healing of spirit and a healing of body (on Shabbat: Shabbat prevents from crying out, may healing come near soon; on Yom Tov: Yom Tov prevents calls out, may healing come near soon), now and speedily, and in a time soon, and let us say, Amen.", "For a female: May the one who blessed our ancestors - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, and Aaron, David, and Solomon - may God bless the sick on behalf of a vow of tzedakah on their behalf, with this reward may the Holy Blessed One be filled with compassion for her to have pity on her and to heal her and to strengthen her and to give her life, to send speedily complete healing from the heavens to the 248 organs and 365 ligaments among all the sick of Israel, a healing of spirit and a healing of body (on Shabbat: Shabbat prevents from crying out, may healing come near soon; on Yom Tov: Yom Tov prevents from calling out, may healing come near soon), now and speedily, and in a time soon, and let us say, Amen." ], "For Birth": { "Birth of a Son": [], "Birth of Daughter": [] }, "Bar Mitzvah": [], "Bat Mitzvah": [] }, "Half Kaddish": [], "Raising the Torah": [], "Haftarah": [ "(Before reading the haftarah, the reader recites this blessing:) Blessed are You, Eternal, our Divinity, King of the universe, who chose good prophets and favored their spoken words with truth. Blessed are You, Eternal, the Choosing of Torah, [the] servant Moses, [the] people Israel, and prophets of truth and justice.", "(After reading the haftarah, the reader says these blessings:) Blessed are You, Eternal, our Divinity, King of the universe, Rock of all infinitudes, righteous in all generations, Faithful Divinity who says and does, speaks and fulfills all words of truth and justice.", "You are faithful, Eternal, our Divinity, and Your words are faithful. And not one of your earliest words will return empty. For You are a faithful and compassionate Divinity, King. Blessed are You, Eternal, the faithful Divinity in all generations.", "Have compassion upon Zion, for it is the house of our lives. And save the poor of spirit swiftly in our days.", "Blessed are You, Eternal, who causes Zion to rejoice with her [children].", "Gladden us, Eternal, our Divinity, with Your servant Elijah the prophet, and with the reign of the house of David, Your anointed one. May he quickly come and gladden our hearts. Upon his throne there shall not sit a stranger, nor shall others again possess his glory. For in Your holy name, You promised him that his light would not be extinguished for eternity. Blessed are You, Eternal, shield of David. (Say the blessings until this point on communal fasts and Yom Kippur mincha.)", "(Say on Shabbat and Shabbat during Pesach:) For the Torah, service, prophets, and this day of Shabbat that You have given us, Eternal, our Divinity, for holiness and comfort, for honor and glory. For everything, Eternal, our Divinity, we thank You and bless You. May Your name be blessed in the mouth of all life always, forever and ever. Blessed are You, Eternal, the one who sanctifies Shabbat.", "(Say on the Three Pilgrimage Festivals -- Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot -- and on the Shabbat during Sukkot:) " ] } }, "Communal Prayers": { "Yekum Purkan": [ "", "", " וְכָל מִי שֶׁעוסְקִים בְּצָרְכֵי צִבּוּר בֶּאֱמוּנָה. הַקָּדושׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יְשַׁלֵּם שכָרָם וְיָסִיר מֵהֶם כָּל מַחֲלָה וְיִרְפָּא לְכָל גּוּפָם וְיִסְלַח לְכָל עֲונָם. וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשה יְדֵיהֶם עִם כָּל יִשרָאֵל אֲחֵיהֶם." ], "Prayer of the State of Israel": [ "Avinu Shebashamim", "Rock and Redeemer of Israel", "Bless the State of Israel", "The start of flowering of Redemption", "Shield it with Your love", "Spread over it the shelter of Your peace", "Guide its leaders and advisors with Your light and Your truth. ", "Establish for them Your good counsel. ", "Strengthen the hands of the defenders of our Holy Land", "Cause them to inherit, our God, deliverance", "Place the crown of victory upon them", "Give the land peace", "And everlasting joy to its inhabitants", "And visit all our Brethren of the house of Israel,", "in all the lands where they are scattered,", "and bring them rapidly to Zion, Your city", "and to Jerusalem, where Your name lives,", "as it says in the Torah of Moses, Your servant:", "Even if your dwelling is at the end of the sky,", "G-d will congregate you from there,", "and bring you from there, and will bring you toward the land that Your forefathers inherited and you will inherit it", "and G-d shall benefit you and multiply your numbers greater than your forefathers. (Deut. 30)", "Then the LORD your God will open up your heart and the hearts of your offspring", "to love the LORD your God with all your heart and soul,", "in order that you may live.", "Unify our hearts to love and worship Your name", "and to keep all that is in Your Torah,", "and send us the son of David, the Messiah of Your justice,", "to redeem those who wait for Your salvation.", "Appear with the glory and the pride of Your strength,", "in front of all the inhabitants of the Universe,", "and all those who have breath will say:", "The G-d of Israel is the King,", "and He reigns over everything.", "Amen, forever. " ], "Prayer for Israeli Soldiers": [ "May He who blessed our fathers, Avraham, Yitschak and Yaakov", "bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces,", "in their standing guard upon our land and the cities of our God", "from the border of the Lebanon to the Wilderness of Egypt", "and from the Great Sea to the approach of the Arava - on land, in the air, and in the sea.", "May the Lord give our enemies that rise against us plagues in front of them.", "May the Holy One, blessed be He, guard and rescue our soldiers from all trouble and distress and from all affliction and illness;", "and send blessing and success in all the work of their hands.", "May He crush those that hate us below them and crown them with the crown of salvation and with the wreath of victory.", "And through them let the verse be fulfilled (Deuteronomy 20:4),", "\"For it is the Lord, your God, that walks with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you.\"", "And let us say, Amen. " ], "Prayer for Those Being Held in Captivity": [ "May the One who blessed Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David and Solomon bless, watch and guard those missing from the Israel Defense Forces and the captives,", "", "Guy ben Rina Chaver,", "Ron ben Batya Arad,", "Yekutiel Yehudah Nachman ben Sarah Katz", "and Tzvi ben Peninah Feldman,", "", "among others of our brethren of the House of Israel that are situated in distress and in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, blessed be He, grant mercy upon them, take them out from darkness and gloom, break their chains, redeem them from their ordeals and return them quickly to the comfort of their families. \"Let them praise the Lord for His kindness, and His wondrous deeds for the children of man\" (Psalms 107:8). And through them, let the verse (Isaiah 35:10) be fulfilled, \"And the Lord’s ransomed shall return, and come with shouting to Zion, crowned with joy everlasting; they shall attain joy and gladness, while sorrow and sighing flee.\" And let us say, Amen!" ], "Birkat Hachodesh": [], "Av HaRachamim": [ "", "The merciful father who dwells upon high will mercifully judge the pious and the upright and pure, the holy congregations who gave up their lives in holy martyrship, who were loved and valued in their lives, and who in their deaths are not abandoned. [They were] lighter than eagles and mightier than lions in doing the will of their creator and the desire of their maker. Remember them for good, O our god, among all the world's righteous, and avenge the spilled blood of your servant, as it is said in the Torah of Moses, man-of-God, \"Acclaim O nations his people, for the blood of his servants he will avenge, and vengeance will be repaid upon his enemies, and his army will cleanse his land.\" And upon the hands of his servants the Prophets it is written, \"And I will avenge their blood which I have not avenged; and the LORD dwells in Zion.\" And in the holy Writings it is said, \"Why do the nations say, 'Where are their gods?' We will see the avengement of your servants' spilled blood made apparent to the nations.\" And it is said, \"For the pursuer of blood will remember them; he will not forget the cries of the oppressed.\" And it is said, \"He judges among the corpse-filled nations, head bowed over the great land. From a stream by the road he drinks -- only then does he lift his head!\"" ] }, "Ashrei": [], "Returning Sefer to Aron": [], "Half Kaddish": [] }, "Musaf LeShabbat": { "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Kedushah": [], "Holiness of God": [], "Sanctity of the Day": { "For Shabbat": [], "For Shabbat Rosh Chodesh": [] }, "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [], "Kaddish Shalem": [] }, "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Ein Keloheinu": [], "Pitum Haketoret": [], "Kaddish Derabbanan": [], "Alenu": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": "", "Mizmor Shir L'Yom HaShabbat": [], "LeDavid": [], "Shir HaKavod": [], "Adon Olam": [] }, "Daytime Meal": { "Kiddusha Rabba": [], "Zemirot for Second Meal": { "Baruch Kel Elyon": [], "Yom Zeh Mechubad": [ "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "Six days do your work,", "", "And the Seventh Day is for your god.", "", "On the Sabbath do not do work,", "", "For all was made in the six days.", "", "", "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "", "First is it to the holy readings,", "", "A day of Shabbaton, the holy Sabbath day!", "", "Therefore all people with their wine sanctify it", "", "over two loaves the pure ones cut.", "", "", "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "Eat fats, drink sweets,", "", "For god will give to all who grasp him,", "", "clothing to wear, bread of the laws,", "", "meat and fish and all delicacies.", "", "", "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "", "Do not deny yourself anything on it, and eat", "", "and be satisfied and bless", "", "the LORD your god which you love", "", "for he has blessed you above all other nations.", "", "", "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "The heavens tell his glory,", "", "and also the land is filled with his charity", "", "See that all this his hand made,", "", "for he is the Rock, his act is perfect.", "", "", "This day is glorified above all days, for on it did rest the Rock of Ages.", "", "", "", "Author: R. Israel the 12th-century convert." ], "Yom Shabbaton": [], "Shimru Shabtotai": [], "Ki Eshmera": [], "Dror Yikrah": [] } }, "Minchah": { "Ashrei": [], "Uva Letzion": [], "Half Kaddish": [], "Torah Reading": { "Removing the Torah from Ark": { "Va'ani Tefillati": [], "Vayehi Binsoa": [], "Berich Shmei": [], "Gadlu": [], "Lekha Hashem": [], "Av Harachamim": [], "Vetigaleh Veteraeh": [] }, "Reading from Sefer": { "Birkat Hatorah": [], "Raising the Torah": [] }, "Returning Sefer to Aron": { "Yehalelu": [], "LeDavid": [], "Uvenucho Yomar": [] } }, "Amidah": { "Patriarchs": [], "Divine Might": [], "Kedushah": [], "Holiness of God": [], "Sanctity of the Day": [], "Temple Service": [], "Thanksgiving": { "Modim": [], "Al Hanisim for Chanukkah": [], "Al Hanisim for Purim": [] }, "Peace": [], "Concluding Passage": [] }, "Tzidkatkhah Tzedek": [], "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Alenu": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Barchi Nafshi": [] }, "Third Meal": { "Atkinu": [], "Mizmor LeDavid": [], "Yedid Nefesh": [] }, "Havdalah": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the light of the fire. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who distinguishes between the holy and the profane, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six working days. Blessed are You, O Lord, who distinguishes between the holy and the profane." ] }, "Festivals": { "Rosh Chodesh": { "Hallel": { "Berakhah before the Hallel": [], "Psalm 113": [], "Psalm 114": [], "Psalm 115": [], "Psalm 116": [], "Psalm 117": [], "Psalm 118": [], "Berakhah after the Hallel": [] }, "Musaf Amidah for Rosh Chodesh": { "Avot": [], "Gevurot": [], "Kedushah": { "Kedushat HaShem": [] }, "Sanctity of the Day": [], "Avodah": [], "Hodayah": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Passages Ending Amidah": [] } }, "Shalosh Regalim": { "Amida for Maariv, Shacharit, Mincha": { "Avot": [], "Gevurot": [], "Kedusha": [], "Sanctity of the Day": [ "You have chosen us from all the Nations. You loved us and Desired us. You raised us from among all Languages and sanctified us with your mitzvot. You brought us closer to you our King. To serve your great and holy Name you called us." ], "Avodah": [], "Modim": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Prayer": [] }, "Mussaf": { "Avot": [], "Gevurot": [], "Kedusha": [], "Sanctity of the Name": [], "Sanctity of the Day": [], "Avodah": [], "Modim": [], "Birkat Kohanim": [], "Peace": [], "Concluding Prayer": [] } }, "Prayer for Dew": [], "Prayer for Rain": [ " We open the ark", "Blessed are You, etc. - up to, and Savior and Shield:", "", "Af-Bri1According to Mateh Levi, the angel of rain is called Af-Bri because rain is sometimes an expression of Divine anger (af) and at other times it is a blessing which contributes to the health of mankind (Bri). is the designated name of the rain angel,", "who2One task of the rain angel is to form the clouds which cause rainfall. overcasts [the sky], and makes clouds, to empty them and cause rain to fall.", "Water with currents with which to adorn the valley;3See Psalms 65:12. ", "let it not be withheld because of [our] unpaid debts.4Others translate נִשְׁיוֹן שְׁטַר as forgotten debts. The “debts” are our sins.", "Let [the merit of] the faithful5There is a version that replaces אֱמוּנִים , faithful, with אֲמוּצִים , strong. Both refer to our patriarchs who were strong in their belief of God and faithful in carrying out His commands. shield those who pray for rain.", "Blessed are You, Lord, Shield of Abraham.", "", "You are mighty forever, my Master; You are the Resurrector of the dead, the Powerful One, to deliver [us].", "He will impose [upon Af-Bri] to divert rain from streams of water;", "to soften the surface of the earth with sparkling, gem-like drops.", "Water [symbolizes] Your might, as You labeled it in Scripture.6See Psalms 93:4, “The mighty breakers of the sea proclaim ‘Adonoy is mighty on high.’”", "It reassures, with its drops, those in whom was blown the breath [of life],7See Genesis 2:7. The final touch of Adam’s creation is described with the words, “And [God] breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”", "to keep alive those who mention8Others translate “Those who pray for rain” referring to the Mishna, Maseches Taanis (1:1). the powers of rain.", "", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "", "Remember the patriarch who was drawn to You like water.9Abraham went every place that God commanded him.", "You blessed him like a tree planted beside streams of water.", "You protected him,10See Genesis 15:1, “Fear not Abram, I am your shield.” You rescued him from fire11 and from water;12This refers to the water that threatened Abraham on his way to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice Isaac. See Midrash Tanchuma to Genesis 32.", "You sought him out13You sought him out to show him Your love. Others translate דְּרַשְׁתּוֹ , You tested him, referring to the ten tests to which God subjected him. when he sowed beside all waters.14See Isaiah 32:20. “Fortunate are you that sows beside all waters.” Rabbi Yochonon says this verse refers to those who do righteous deeds (Maseches Baba Kama 17a). Abraham was loved by God because of his righteousness.", "For his sake, do not withhold water.", "", "Remember the one whose birth was foretold [when Abraham said:] “Let a little water be brought.”15See Genesis 18:4. The birth of Isaac was foretold when Abraham offered the three angels “a little water.”", "You told his father to sacrifice him, to spill his blood like water.16Others interpret that Isaac told his father to go through with his sacrifice, and spill his blood like water.", "He too [Isaac] was dutiful to pour out his heart like water.", "He dug and found wells of water.17See Genesis 26:18, 19, 21, 22.", "In [the merit of] his righteousness grant us abundant water.", "", "Remember the one who, carrying his staff, crossed the Jordan's water.18See Genesis 32:11, Jacob said, “For with my staff, I passed over this Jordan.”", "He [Jacob] was single-hearted,19He was single-hearted and undivided in his love and trust in God. and rolled the stone off the mouth of the well of water.20See Genesis 29:10.", "When he was attacked by an angel21See Genesis 32:25. comprised of fire and water,22All angels are created from fire and water.", "You promised to be with him through fire and through water.23See Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through waters, I will be with you, when you walk through fire, you will not be burned.”", "For his sake, do not withhold water.", "", "Remember the one [Moses] who was drawn out, in a reed basket, from the water.24See Exodus 20:5.", "[About whom] they said, “He drew water and watered the sheep.”25See Exodus 2:19, “And they [the daughters of Jethro] said, ‘An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds and also drew water for us, and watered the sheep.’”", "When Your treasured ones, thirsted for water,", "he struck the rock and water gushed out.26See Numbers 20:11.", "In [the merit of] his righteousness grant us abundant water.", "", "Remember the Holy Temple appointee,27Some commentaries explain the phrase זְכוֹר פָּקִיד שָׁתוֹת as referring to Aaron, the Kohein Gadol, but it is difficult to relate the rest of the verse to Aaron. This prayer refers to the Kohein Gadol, the High Priest and the word שָׁתוֹת is a synonym for the Holy Temple. See Psalms 11:3. who immersed himself five times in water.28The Kohein Gadol immersed himself five times during the Day of Atonement. Each time he changed the priestly vestments to perform a service, he immersed himself in a mikveh.", "He cleansed and washed his hands29His right hand was held above his right foot, the left hand above the left foot and all were washed simultaneously. to sanctify them with water.", "He read,30The Mishna (Maseches Yoma 1:3) relates, “They provided him with Sages who read to him the service of the day.” According to Rashi and Bartenura, they read the portion of the Torah (Leviticus 16) dealing with the service of Yom Kippur and elaborated upon its particulars. and was sprinkled with purifying water.31According to the Mishna, (Maseches Parah 3:1), the Kohein Gadol was sprinkled with the purifying water of the Red Heifer during the days before Yom Kippur, in case he had inadvertently come in contact with the dead. The ashes of the Red Heifer, mixed with “living waters,” provided the only means of purification for one who came in contact with the dead.", "He was separated from the people32See Mishna Maseches Yoma 1:1, “Seven days before Yom Kippur they separated the Kohein Gadol from his house and he moved to the official chambers of the Kohein Gadol.” [who were described as] “turbulent as water”33See Genesis 49:4.", "For his sake, do not withhold water.", "", "Remember the twelve tribes, whom You brought through the divided waters;34See Psalms 136:13, 14, “He Who parted the Sea of Reeds into parts—.” “He Who brought Israel through it—.”", "for whom You sweetened the bitterness of water.35See Exodus 15:25, “And he (Moses) cast the tree into the waters and the waters became sweet.”", "Their descendants, their blood was spilled for Your sake like water.36See Psalms 79:3. The Jew has always been prepared to sacrifice his life to sanctify God’s Name.", "Turn [to us], for our soul is engulfed [with woes] like water.", "In [the merit of] their righteousness grant us abundant water.", "", "(Prayer leader:) For You Lord, our God, are Causer of the wind to blow and of the rain to fall", "For blessing and not for curse. Amen", "For life and not for death. Amen", "For plenty and not for scarcity. Amen", "Who sustains life, etc." ], "Sukkot": { "Prayers in the Sukkah": { "Entering the Sukkah": [ "Behold, I am ready and prepared to fulfill the commandment of the sukkah (hut), as the Creator, may his Name be blessed, commanded me - as is written (Leviticus 23:43-44), \"You shall live in huts seven days; all citizens in Israel shall live in huts.", "In order that future generations may know that I made the Israelite people live in huts when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.\"" ], "Ushpizin": [ "Sit, sit, [you] lofty guests; sit, sit [you] holy guests; sit, sit [you] guests of faith. Worthy is Israel's portion, as it is written (Deuteronomy 32:9), \"For the Lord’s portion is His people, Jacob His allotment.\"", "", "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord, my God and God of my fathers, that You have Your Divine Presence rest upon us, and that You spread out Your sukkah of peace upon us, in the merit of the commandment of sukkah that we are fulfilling in order to unify the name of the Holy One, blessed be He and His Divine Presence - with fear and love - to unify the name, Yod Hay, with Vav Hay on behalf of all of Israel; and to surround them with the radiance of Your holy and pure glory, spread over their heads above 'like an eagle protecting his nest.' And from there, may the flow of life flow to Your servant, [one's name], the child of [one's mother's name], Your maidservant. And in the merit of my going out of my house - 'I eagerly pursue Your commandments' - let this be considered as if 'I wandered far away' (thus suffering the atonement of exile), and 'wash me thoroughly of my iniquity and purify me of my sin.' And 'let Your ears pay heed' to many blessings of the lofty guests, the guests of faith; and give the hungry, even the thirsty, their bread and their dependable water. And give me the merit to sit and be sheltered 'in the hidden shade of Your wings,' at the time of my leaving the world, and to be 'sheltered from the torrential rain,' when 'You rain down blazing coals upon the wicked.' And let this commandment of sukkah that I am fulfilling be considered as if I had fulfilled it with all of its details, its exact specifications, its conditions and all the commandments that depend upon it. And make the sealing [of judgement] good for us, and give us the merit to dwell many days upon the ground, the holy ground, in Your service and in Your awe. 'Blessed is the Lord forever, Amen and Amen!'", "", "On the first night when one enters the sukkah before sitting to eat, and on every night before the meal, one should say:", "I am inviting the lofty guests, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David.", "", "On the first day, one says:", "If you please, Abraham, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David - sit with me and you.", "On the second day, one says:", "If you please, Isaac, my lofty guest, let all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David - sit with me and with you.", "On the third day, one says:", "If you please, Jacob, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David - sit with me and you.", "On the fourth day, one says:", "If you please, Moses, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron, Joseph and David - sit with me and you.", "On the fifth day, one says:", "If you please, Aaron, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph and David - sit with me and you.", "On the sixth day, one says:", "If you please, Joseph, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and David - sit with me and you.", "On the seventh day, one says:", "If you please, David, my lofty guest, may all of the exalted guests - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron and Joseph - sit with me and you. " ], "Leaving the Sukkah": [ "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord, our God and God of our fathers - in the same way that I have fulfilled [the commandment] and dwelt in this sukkah, so may I merit next year to dwell in the sukkah (made from the skin) of the Leviathan." ] }, "Blessing on Lulav": [ "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us about holding the lulav.", "The first time during Sukkot that one makes a blessing on the lulav, one should also bless the following blessing:", "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life and sustenance and permitted us to reach this season." ], "Hosha'anot": { "For Shabbat Chol Hamoed": [ "For Your sake, our God, please save; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, please save; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "The nation, guarded like the pupil of the eye,", "contemplates the doctrine that restores the soul,", "studies the laws of Shabbat,", "interprets the carrying of Shabbat,", "which establishes two thousand (ells) as the perimeter of Shabbat.", "And [beyond this], it prevents its feet on account of the Shabbat.", "It fulfills, \"remember,\" and \"guard,\" on the Shabbat.", "It hurries to make haste [for] the coming of the Shabbat.", "It busies itself [with] all from the six [days] for the Shabbat,", "sits and waits until the end of Shabbat.", "It calls Shabbat glory and delight;", "it changes clothing and covering on the Shabbat;", "food and drink does it prepare for the Shabbat,", "enjoying pleasant foods for the Shabbat.", "Three meals does it fulfill on Shabbat,", "upon two loaves does it break [bread] on Shabbat.", "It designates four domains on Shabbat.", "It kindles [lights for] the commandment of lighting the candle on Shabbat.", "It sanctifies the holiness (kiddush) of the day on Shabbat,", "prays the song of seven (paragraphs) on Shabbat.", "It reads seven from the doctrine on Shabbat,", "let it inherit the day that is completely Shabbat.", "Please save!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation! Like You saved Adam, the work of Your hands, as a Protector, on the holy Shabbat you found him atonement and clemency; like You saved the distinguished nation hoping for freedom, they intuited to choose the seventh [day] for repose; like You saved the people that You drove like sheep to refreshment, and You placed a law at Marah upon the waters of rest; like You saved Your privileged ones in the Wilderness of Sin in the camp, they were wise and collected double the bread on the sixth [day]; like You saved Your followers [who] instructed preparation from their intelligence, their Shepherd blessed their strength and conceded to them; like You saved those sustained in delight from that which was stored, it did not change its appearance and its aroma did not cease; like You saved those who studied the laws of carrying on Shabbat, they rested and ceased, keeping [the laws of] the domains and the perimeters; like You saved those who heard the fourth commandment [at] Sinai, the matter of \"remember,\" and \"guard,\" to sanctify the seventh [day]; like You saved the ones ordered in Jericho to encircle seven [times], they besieged it until it came down on Shabbat to be victorious; like You saved Kohelet and his people in the House of Eternity, they pleased You with their feasting seven and seven days; like You saved those who returned to arise from the exile to redemption, as they read Your Torah on the festival every day; like You saved those who made You rejoice in the new second [Temple], raising the lulav all seven [days] in the Temple; like You saved those that pushed off the pounding of the willow [on] Shabbat, they placed the willow branches of Motza at the base of the altar; like You saved those that rejoiced with soft, long and tall [willow branches], in their departure, they would praise, \"Beauty is yours\"; like You saved those who thank and hope but never alter, we all repeat, \"We are His and our eyes are towards Him\"; like You saved those that encircled the winepress of Your hewing with freshness, they hymn, \"Ani Vaho, please bring salvation\"; like You saved the army of careful ones who serve composed, the double sacrifice of Shabbat, [by sacrificing] the burnt-offering and the gift-offering; like You saved Your Levites singing upon their stand, saying, \"A psalm, a song for the day of Shabbat\"; like You saved those comforted by Your commandments [which] always give them enjoyment, and You will placate and rescue them, and they shall be saved with ease and rest; like You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - God of salvations - so too please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "First Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, please save; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, please save; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "For the sake of Your truth; for the sake of Your covenant; for the sake of Your greatness; for the sake of Your doctrine; for the sake of Your majesty; for the sake of Your assembly; for the sake of Your mention; for the sake of Your kindness; for the sake of Your goodness; for the sake of Your unity; for the sake of Your glory; for the sake of Your teaching; for the sake of Your kingdom; for the sake of Your eternity; for the sake of Your secret; for the sake of Your might; for the sake of Your splendor; for the sake of Your righteousness; for the sake of Your holiness; for the sake of Your great mercy; for the sake of Your Divine Presence, please save! For the sake of Your praise, please save! ", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones from Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "Second Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save us!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save us!", "", "When it comes out on Sunday:", "", "For the sake of Your truth; for the sake of Your covenant; for the sake of Your greatness; for the sake of Your doctrine; for the sake of Your majesty; for the sake of Your assembly; for the sake of Your mention; for the sake of Your kindness; for the sake of Your goodness; for the sake of Your unity; for the sake of Your glory; for the sake of Your teaching; for the sake of Your kingdom; for the sake of Your eternity; for the sake of Your secret; for the sake of Your might; for the sake of Your splendor; for the sake of Your righteousness; for the sake of Your holiness; for the sake of Your great mercy; for the sake of Your Divine Presence, please save us! For the sake of Your praise, please save!", "", "When it comes out on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday:", "", "Foundation stone, chosen house, threshing floor of Ornan, hidden sanctuary, Mount Moriah, Mount of He is Seen, palace of Your splendor, residence of David, goodly ridge, beautifully placed, joy of all the earth, most beautiful bride, resting place of justice, place of Your dwelling, tranquil habitation, complete sukkah, pilgrimage of the tribes, precious corner, excellent Zion, holy of holies, inlaid with love, dwelling place of Your glory, please save! Hill of magnificence - please save! ", "", "After the saying of the Hoshanah designated for that day, we conclude with:", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "Third Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "I shall set up my prayer in the house of my prayer: I have revealed my rebellion on the fast (Yom Kippur); I sought You then to bring me salvation. Listen to the voice of my prayer, and arise and bring me salvation. My Savior, remember and have mercy. Living One, indeed make me rejoice; Goodly One, in groaning, answer me - may my Savior be quick. Destroy the one who does evil to me (Satan), so that he not continue to make me evil. Quickly, God of my salvation, eternally to save me. Please lift up the iniquity of my evil, pass over my rebellion; please turn to me to bring me salvation. Rock, my righteous Savior, please accept my prayer. Lift up the horn of my salvation; Omnipresent, my Savior, please save! Appear and bring me salvation, please save!", "", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones from Lood (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "Fourth Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "When it falls out on Sunday:", "", "I shall set up my prayer in the house of my prayer: I have revealed my rebellion on the fast (Yom Kippur); I sought You then to save me. Listen to the voice of my prayer, and arise and bring me salvation. My Savior, remember and have mercy. Living One, indeed make me rejoice; Goodly One, in groaning, answer me - may my Savior be quick. Destroy the one who does evil to me (Satan), so that he not continue to make me evil. Quickly, God of my salvation, eternally to save me. Please lift up the iniquity of my evil, pass over my rebellion; please turn to me to bring me salvation. Rock, my righteous Savior, please accept my prayer. Lift up the horn of my salvation; Omnipresent, my Savior, please save! Appear and bring me salvation, please save!", "", "When it falls out on Tuesday:", "", "Foundation stone, chosen house, threshing floor of Ornan, hidden sanctuary, Mount Moriah, Mount of He is Seen, palace of Your splendor, residence of David, goodly ridge, beautifully placed, joy of all the earth, most beautiful bride, resting place of justice, place of Your dwelling, tranquil habitation, complete sukkah, pilgrimage of the tribes, precious corner, excellent Zion, holy of holies, inlaid with love, dwelling place of Your glory - please save! Hill of magnificence, please save!", "", "When it falls out on Thursday:", "", "The nation - 'I am a wall,' bright as the sun, exiled and turned away, compared to a date palm, the one killed for You and considered like sheep for slaughter; scattered among its angerers, hugging and clinging to You, seeking Your yoke, alone to unify You, trampled in the exile, studying Your awe, pulled of cheek, given to be paupers, bearing Your burden, ship in a storm, redeemed of Tuviah (Moses), holy sheep, congregations of Jacob, marked with Your name - roars, \"Please save!\" [They are] dependent upon You, please save!", "", "When it falls out on Friday:", "", "'God of salvations': ", "With four oaths, ", "they approach with prayers, ", "knock with the arrangement of prayers, ", "meditate upon the enjoyments (the Torah) ", "and enjoy their riddles; ", "they yell out for salvations, ", "those that await salvations", "with You in their prayers, ", "knowing the understanding of the hours,", "bending down in their prayers", "to understand the traditions", "that were heard from Your mouth", " - Giver of salvations - ", "recounters of heard things, ", "the ones that give over [the] testimony ", "- Doer of salvations, ", "Righteous One of salvation - ", "the town ( a different version: in the midst:) of salvation, ", "[with] emotional cheers", "[in] three hours, please save! ", "Be quick for salvations, please save!", "", "After saying the Hoshanah of that particular day, we conclude with:", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full Kaddish:" ], "Fifth Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "'God of salvations': ", "With four oaths, ", "they approach with prayers, ", "knock with the arrangement of prayers, ", "meditate upon the enjoyments (the Torah) ", "and enjoy their riddles; ", "they yell out for salvations, ", "those that await salvations", "with You in their prayers, ", "knowing the understanding of the hours,", "bending down in their prayers", "to understand the traditions", "that were heard from Your mouth", " - Giver of salvations - ", "recounters of heard things, ", "the ones that give over [the] testimony ", "- Doer of salvations, ", "Righteous One of salvation - ", "the town ( a different version: in the midst:) of salvation, ", "[with] emotional cheers", "[in] three hours, please save! ", "Be quick for salvations, please save!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones from Lood (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "Sixth Day of Sukkot": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "The Master who brings salvation:", "Without You there is no salvation, ", "mighty One and great in saving, ", "'I became indigent and He will bring me salvation,' ", "the saving God", "who rescues and brings salvation", " - bring salvation to those who cry to You; ", "bring salvation to those that wait for You, ", "to satiate your sheep,", "to give produce bountifully, ", "make every shrub grow, and bring salvation. ", "Do not do bad to the valley,", " sweeten the delicacies and bring salvation, ", "to carry the clouds, ", "to move the rains. ", "Restrain the clouds, ", "open the hand and satiate", " - satiate Your thirsty ones. ", "Bring salvation to those that call to You, ", "bring salvation to the ones You pity, ", "bring salvation to the ones who seek You, please save! ", "Bring salvation to Your blameless ones, please save!", "", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "Like You saved the great ones from Lood (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", "", "Full kaddish" ], "Hosha'ana Rabba": [ "For Your sake, our God, save us; for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", "For Your sake, our Redeemer, save us; for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", "", "For the sake of Your truth; for the sake of Your covenant; for the sake of Your greatness and harmony; for the sake of Your doctrine; for the sake of Your majesty; for the sake of Your assembly; for the sake of Your mention; for the sake of Your kindness; for the sake of Your goodness; for the sake of Your unity; for the sake of Your glory; for the sake of Your teaching; for the sake of Your kingdom; for the sake of Your eternity; for the sake of Your secret; for the sake of Your might; for the sake of Your splendor; for the sake of Your righteousness; for the sake of Your holiness; for the sake of Your great mercy; for the sake of Your Divine Presence, please save! For the sake of Your praise, please save!", "", "On Hoshana Rabba, we add: For I have said, \"The world is built by love\" (Psalms 89:3).", "", "Foundation stone, chosen house, threshing floor of Ornan, hidden sanctuary, Mount Moriah, Mount of He is Seen, palace of Your splendor, residence of David, goodly ridge, beautifully placed, joy of all the earth, most beautiful bride, resting place of justice, place of Your dwelling, tranquil habitation, complete sukkah, pilgrimage of the tribes, precious corner, excellent Zion, holy of holies, inlaid with love, dwelling place of Your glory - please save! Hill of magnificence, please save!", "", "On Hoshana Rabba: Yours is an arm endowed with might; Your hand is strong; Your right arm, exalted (Psalms 89:14).", "", "The nation - 'I am a wall,' bright as the sun, exiled and turned away, compared to a date palm, the one killed for You and considered like sheep for slaughter; scattered among its angerers, hugging and clinging to You, seeking Your yoke, alone to unify You, trampled in the exile, studying Your awe, pulled of cheek, given to be paupers, bearing Your burden, ship in a storm, redeemed of Tuviah (Moses), holy sheep, congregations of Jacob, marked with Your name - roar, \"Please save!\" [They are] dependent upon You, please save!", "", "On Hoshana Rabba: You will give truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham (Micah 7:20).", "", "The Master who brings salvation:", "Without You there is no salvation, ", "mighty One and great in saving, ", "'I became indigent and He will bring me salvation,' ", "the saving God", "who rescues and brings salvation", " - bring salvation to those who cry to You; ", "bring salvation to those that wait for You, ", "to satiate your sheep,", "to give produce bountifully, ", "make every shrub grow, and bring salvation. ", "Do not do bad to the valley,", " sweeten the delicacies and bring salvation, ", "to carry the clouds, ", "to move the rains. ", "Restrain the clouds, ", "open the hand and satiate", " - satiate Your thirsty ones. ", "Bring salvation to those that call to You, ", "bring salvation to the ones You pity, ", "bring salvation to the ones who seek You, please save! ", "Bring salvation to Your blameless ones, please save!", "", "On Hoshana Rabba: In your right are are pleasures for evermore. (Psalms 16:11)", "......", "Man and beast - flesh and spirit and soul; tendon, bone and membrane. Appearance and image and mesh; 'majesty compared to a breath' - 'and he is like the beasts that perish' - radiance, form and stature. [Effect] the renewal of the face of the ground, the planting of desolate trees, wine-presses and grain, vineyards and sycamores for marked ground, strong rains for healing - invigorating the despoiled - raising plants, strengthening delicacies, establishing flowers, raining [on] vegetation, flowing cold waters, dressing drops, raising drink - please save. [It is] suspended over emptiness, please save....", "......", "And we add: O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your splendor (Psalms 8:2).", "", "The ground from malediction, beasts from miscarriage, the threshing floor from locusts and food from confusion; olive trees from shedding, wheat from grasshoppers, fare from insects, wine vats from locusts, vineyards from worms, aftergrowth from grasshoppers, delights from locusts, life from confusion, satiation from insects, flocks from poverty, cows from blight, sheep from destruction, harvest from curse, plentitude from gauntness, stalks from parchedness - please save! The produce from locusts, please save!", "", "And we add: The Lord is beneficent in all His ways and faithful in all His works (Psalms 145:17).", "", "For the sake of the great one thrown into the heart of the fire, ", "for the sake of the son bound upon woods and fire, ", "for the sake of the strong one who fought with a prince of fire, ", "for the sake of the formations that You led with a pyre and a cloud of fire, ", "for the sake of the one who was brought up to the heights and went up like the angels of fire,", "for the sake of the one who was for You like an assistant among the angels of fire, ", "for the sake of the gift of the statements that were given in fire, ", "for the sake of that which was covered by curtains and a cloud of fire, ", "for the sake of the ceremony of the mountain upon which You came down in fire, ", "for the sake of the friendship of the House that You loved beyond the Heavens of fire, ", "for the sake of the one who yearned until the setting of the fire,", "for the sake of the one who took a pan of fire and removed the anger of fire, ", "for the sake of the one zealous with a great zealotry of fire, ", "for the sake of the one who waved his hand and came down stones of fire, ", "for the sake of the one who made the nursing lamb be consumed with fire, ", "for the sake of the one who stood in the threshing floor and was answered with fire, ", "for the sake of the one who prayed in the courtyard and down came the fire, ", "for the sake of the messenger that arose and was carried up by a chariot and horses of fire, ", "for the sake of the holy ones that were flung into the fire, ", "for the sake of the one who saw myriads and myriads and rivers of fire, ", "for the sake of the desolation of Your city that was burnt down with fire, ", "", "for the sake of of the offspring of the clans of Judah who You will make like a brazier of fire!", "", "Yours, Lord, are greatness, might, splendor, triumph, and majesty, for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours] ; to You, Lord, belong kingship and preeminence above all (I Chronicles 29:11). And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; on that day the Lord shall be One, and his name One (Zechariah 14:9). And it is written in Your Torah, saying (Deuteronomy 6:4), \"Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One\" - blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever.", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", "", "Like You saved the great ones from Lood (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save!", "Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save!", "Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save!", "Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage, [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save!", "Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds, [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save!", "Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save!", "Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save!", "Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied, He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved, so too please save!", "Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia, Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake, so too please save!", "You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! ", "Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the God for the saved - so, so too please bring salvation!", "", "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!" ] } }, "Chanukah": { "Service for Lighting Chanukah Candles": { "Blessings on Chanukah Candles": [ "Before lighting, we bless:", "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe", "who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the Chanukah candles.", "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe", "who made miracles for our ancestors in their days in this season.", "", "On the first night:", "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe", "who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season. " ], "Hanerot Hallalu": [], "Maoz Tzur": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Bare Your holy arm and hasten the End of salvation –", "Avenge the vengeance of Your servants’ blood from the wicked nation.", "For the time has delayed and there is no end to the days of evil,", "Push away the Red One in the lowest shadow and establish for us the seven shepherds." ] } }, "Selichot": { "Fast of Gedalia": [], "Ten of Tevet": [ "1. Forgive us, our Parent, because we made our mistakes through the multitude of our confusions. Forgive us, our Ruler, because our evil deeds are too many. ", "2. You are a patient God, and you are called Master of Mercy. You taught us the path of repentance. Remember how great your mercy and your kindness are, today and every day, for the offspring of your dear one. Turn to us mercifully, because you are Master of Mercy. We will approach your presence with pleas and prayer, as you instructed the Humble One (Moses) in ancient times. Turn back from your hot anger, as it is written in your Torah. We will shelter and rest in the shadow of your wings, as on the day of, \"and God descended in a cloud.\" Pass over iniquity, erase guilt, as on the day of, \"and he stood with Him there.\" Listen to our cries, and hear what we say, as on the day of, \"and he called out in the name of God,\" when it says: ", "3. \"And God passed before him and called out:", "4. \"God, God, Divine, Merciful, Generous, Patient, Abundantly kind and true, Preserver of kindness for thousands, Tolerator of evil deeds, wickedness, sin, and Cleanser.\" Forgive our evil deeds and our sins, and take us as your own. Forgive us, our Parent, because we have sinned. Forgive us our Ruler, because we have violated. Because you are Adonai- good, forgiving, and abundantly kind to all who call You. ", "5. Because kindness is with God, and rescue is plentiful with Him. God, rescue Israel from all its distress. He will rescue Israel from all its evil deeds. God saves the lives of His servants, and those who take shelter in Him will not be found guilty. ", "6. Like a parent has mercy on children- that is how You should have mercy on us, God. Salvation is God's, Your blessing is forever on Your nation. God of Multitudes is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge forever. God of Multitudes, how lucky is a human who trusts in You. God, save! The Ruler will answer us on the day we call. ", "7. The leader says-", "8. Please forgive the evil deeds of this nation, matching the magnitude of Your kindness, and the way You have carried this nation from Egypt to here. There it is said, ", "9. The congregation says- ", "10. \"God said, \"I have forgiven, on your terms.\"", "11. Tilt your ear, my God, and hear; open your eyes and see our ruins, and the city called by Your name. We throw our pleas before You not because of our righteousness, but because of Your abundant mercy. God, hear. God, forgive. God, listen and act. Do not delay, for Your own sake, because Your name is called over Your city and Your nation.", "12. Selicha organized alphabetically, with the author's name \"Yosef\" at the end", "13. Our God, and God of our ancestors:", "14. I will describe the distress that calls me. He hit me with three blows this month. He cut me down, prevented me, hit me. Even now, He wears me out. He depressed me on the Eighth, right and left. Did I not establish fasts on all three of the days? And the Greek king forced me to write my religion in Greek. \"Those who plow use my back to plow, they make the furrow long.\" I fumed on the Ninth with deep-dug shame. He removed from me the cloak of glory and alacrity. The one who had said beautiful words was torn apart on that day. This was Ezra the Scribe. (Ezekiel) Ben Buzi the Visionary was commanded about the Tenth day. He wrote for You in his book of visions. For a remembrance for a nation who is melted and disgraced. \"This very day.\" The count of the monthly calendar was awakened against me. I stretch out my mouth with dirges and wailing. The order of the tragedies will burn in my heart. When \"the refugee came to me saying the city had been hit.\" About these, I throw dirt on my face. I have been wounded by these four things- if only I had shot an arrow into my heart! In distress over these, I dig myself a grave. \"God is justified, because I transgressed his word.\" I called Your name, the One comforted about my evil doings. See my suffering, hear the voice of my supplication. Listen to my pleas, quicken my salvation. \"Do not shut your ear to my cry for ease, to my appeal.\" In the month of Tevet I was very hard-hit. The order of its celestial paths were changed against me. I rebelled, I violated, but let Him reveal His goodness to me. The One who tells the sea, \"You may come up until here.\" ", "15. God, Ruler, who sits on a throne of mercy, who behaves piously, who forgives the sins of his nation, passing the first one first, who has abundant forgiveness to sinners, who acts justly with everything flesh and spirit, You will not repay them in accordance with their evil. God, you taught us to say the Thirteen, so remember for us today the covenant of the Thirteen, as you informed the Humble One (Moses) in ancient times as it is written, \"and God descended in a cloud and he stood with Him there, and he called out in the name of God,\" ", "16. \"And God passed before him and called out:", "17. \"God, God, Divine, Merciful, Generous, Patient, Abundantly kind and true, Preserver of kindness for thousands, Tolerator of evil deeds, wickedness, sin, and Cleanser.\" Forgive our evil deeds and our sins, and take us as your own. Forgive us, our Parent, because we have sinned. Forgive us our Ruler, because we have violated. Because you are Adonai- good, forgiving, and abundantly kind to all who call You. ", "18. God, nations have come into your possession, contaminated your holy Palace, and given over Jerusalem to those in poverty. God, wicked ones have risen up against us, and a congregation of strident ones seek to kill us, and nothing is available to oppose them. ", "19. Like a parent has mercy on children- that is how You should have mercy on us, God. Salvation is God's, Your blessing is forever on Your nation. God of Multitudes is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge forever. God of Multitudes, how lucky is a human who trusts in You. God, save! The Ruler will answer us on the day we call. ", "20. Selicha organized alphabetically, with the name of the author Abraham Bar Menachem Chazak", "21. Our God, and God of our ancestors: ", "22. The upper stone has turned into heaps to be plowed, and those who possess the inheritance have turned into the chief wanderers among the nations. Inside me, my heart hurts, injured and depressed, as we are left with no parent, become like orphans. Soft and dainty, surrounded by roses, but now she moans, given over to the opponent. She was like a widow, the faithful city, with innumerable children, who have been sold for no money. Dainty and soft, rising to royalty, whose suffering has extended for many years and days. The House of Jacob is plundered, boldly mocked, the joyful city belongs to those planting vineyards. Her thirst was satisfied with poison, in the hand of the evil people, the one as desirable as an olah-offering and as the spiced incense. She rejected and abandoned the Torah of my abandoning parent, and could not find rest during night or day. Mighty, Ultimate God, issue a proclamation commanding a return for Zion's fight, a year of repayment. \"Restore our days like in antiquity,\" answer, ancient God, and whiten the red like fleece, stains like snow. Strengthen us with fear of You, and with observance of your Torah, and remember us with your salvation, God, full of mercy. ", "23. God, Ruler, who sits on a throne of mercy, who behaves piously, who forgives the sins of his nation, passing the first one first, who has abundant forgiveness to sinners, who acts justly with everything flesh and spirit, You will not repay them in accordance with their evil. God, you taught us to say the Thirteen, so remember for us today the covenant of the Thirteen, as you informed the Humble One (Moses) in ancient times as it is written, \"and God descended in a cloud and he stood with Him there, and he called out in the name of God,\" ", "16. \"And God passed before him and called out:", "17. \"God, God, Divine, Merciful, Generous, Patient, Abundantly kind and true, Preserver of kindness for thousands, Tolerator of evil deeds, wickedness, sin, and Cleanser.\" Forgive our evil deeds and our sins, and take us as your own. Forgive us, our Parent, because we have sinned. Forgive us our Ruler, because we have violated. Because you are Adonai- good, forgiving, and abundantly kind to all who call You. ", "26. Pizmon organized with the author's name at the beginning of each stanza, Abraham Isaac Ephraim Chazak", "27. When my ancestors trusted in the name of my Divine refuge, they grew and succeeded and produced fruit. But from the time that they were pushed out and acted nonchalant with Him, they were \"lessening continuously until the tenth month.\" On the Tenth of the month, the Babylonian king neared, and laid siege to the holy city, and the Captain came close, I was given to be crushed and was tortured in shackles, and every month my music turned to mourning. ", "28. The earliest firstborn was the first to be destroyed. She mentioned the name of others, and that sin caused this. She did not recognize My presence, and she was swept up in the stream. She labored like she was birthing her firstborn \"at the time she lifted off to great heights.\"", "29. God brought a day of evil and constriction. He commanded my enemies around me to pick off my infants. That day my heart softened and I had no strength to stop it, and He spoke to the prophet, \"Tell a parable to the House of Rebellion.\"", "30. He removed the mantle from those sitting at the gates. He burned his anger like fire and he lifted the crown, and threw the glory off of the Forest of Lebanon, and a stormy wind runs down the hairs of my flesh like nails. ", "31. You were called the most beautiful, and now you are burnt. You stumbled in sin and your heart went backward. They tailed you and made you stumble, the first and second times, and you were never bandaged with a \"little balm.\"", "32. The faultless Refuge is justified, bearing the sin of the worn-out one. He flew from the cherub to the threshold, to the corner of the roof, because of the stain of sin, and their screams arrived. Their evil was as abundant as a tree producing fruit. ", "33. The One who plans narratives strengthened all my opponents, because my days of doing evil were completed. I forgot about the repayment for my embarrassing youth, \"who gives me my bread, my water, my linen and my wool.\" ", "My opponents stretched open their mouths and swallowed my possession. They were much more powerful than me, and they drank and distorted my blood. Strangers oppressed me and did evil to my brothers, \"the ones who say Destroy, Destroy,\" the children of Seir the Horite. ", "They said, \"Let's go destroy them and end their memory.\" Jealous, vengeful God, repay them, make them carry their destruction. Pay them in accordance with their deeds, make them too ashamed to hope, like a man dreaming a dream about three baskets of bread. ", "My wound was not dressed, my murderous injury. My eye is darkened, scouting for my brightly colored Beloved. Has he not forgotten his anger forever? \"Why has He acted this way, what is this anger?\"", "37. The Merciful One, my God, do not abandon forever. My days of mourning have lasted a long time, and my heart is still sighing. God, return to my tent, do not give up your place. Pay back the days of my mourning when you come to reward me. ", "God, my given portion, sense my need for help. Open up my sackcloth, to dress me with joy instead. Bring my darkness to be lit up by your light, the breath of my desire, because you are my flame. ", "39. Save my life from suffering and sighs, give rest to your nation, my Ruler, my Holy One. Reverse the fast of the Fifth month to be a respite, the fasts of the Fourth and Tenth to be rejoicing and happiness. " ], "Fast of Esther": [], "Seventeen of Tamuz": [], "Yom Kippur Katan": [], "BaHaB": [] } }, "Berachot": { "Birkat HaMazon": [ "", "", "", "Praised are You, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the universe, who in goodness feeds the whole world with grace, kindness, and compassion. G-d gives food to all living things, for G-d's kindness is for ever. Because of G-d's continual great goodness, we have never lacked for food, nor may we ever lack it, for the sake of G-d's great name. For G-d feeds and sustains all, does good to all, and prepares food for all of G-d's creations. Praised are You, Lord, who feeds everybody.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Revere the Lord, you who are G-d's holy ones, for those who revere G-d lack nothing. Scoffers may suffer starvation, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Praise the Lord for G-d is good; G-d's love endures for ever. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord alone. Once I was young and now I am old, yet I have never watched a righteous person forsaken and allowed their children to go begging for bread. May the Lord give G-d's people strength; may the Lord bless G-d's people with peace." ], "Birkat Hanehenin": { "Eating": { "Barachot Rishonot": [ "Praised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who made us holy with the Divine commandments and commanded us regarding the washing of hands.", "Praised are you, Lord our G-d, Ruler of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth." ], "Brachot Achronot": { "Al Hamichyah": [], "Borei Nefashot": [] } }, "Blessings on Sights Sounds and Smells": [] }, "Birkhot Hamitzvot": [], "Asher Yatzar Etchem Badin": [], "Tefillat HaDerech": [ "May it be Your will, Eternal One, our God and the God of our ancestors, that You lead us toward peace, support our footsteps towards peace, guide us toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination, for life, joy, and peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush, bandits and wild animals along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to Earth. May You send blessing in our every handiwork, and grant us peace, kindness, and mercy in your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our supplication, because You are the God who hears prayer and supplications. Blessed are You, Eternal One, who hears prayer. " ], "Havinenu": [ "(recite first three blessings of Amidah first, then say:) Grant us, Lord our God, understanding to know Thy ways,", "and open our hearts to Thy awe,", "and forgive us, so that we may be redeemed,", "and keep us far away from pain,", "and satisfy us with the pleasant produce of Thy earth,", "and gather our dispersed from the four (corners of the earth),", "judge those who stray from Thy opinion,", "and may Thy Hand be upon the wicked to humble them,", "and may the righteous rejoice over the rebuilding of Thy City", "and in the restoration of Thy Temple,", "and in the flowering pride of David Thy servant,", "and in the preparation of a lamp for the son of Jesse, Thy anointed Messiah,", "before we call, may You answer,", "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hears prayer. (Continue with last three blessings of Amidah)" ] }, "Kaddish": { "Half Kaddish": [], "Mourner's Kaddish": [], "Kaddish Shalem": [], "Kaddish d'Rabbanan": [], "Kaddish achar HaKevura": [], "Kaddish achar Hashlamat Meschet": [] } }, "schema": { "heTitle": "סידור אשכנז", "enTitle": "Siddur Ashkenaz", "key": "Siddur Ashkenaz", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "ימי חול", "enTitle": "Weekday", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "תפילת שחרית", "enTitle": "Shacharit", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הכנה לתפילה", "enTitle": "Preparatory Prayers", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "מודה אני", "enTitle": "Modeh Ani" }, { "heTitle": "נטילת ידים", "enTitle": "Netilat Yadayim" }, { "heTitle": "אשר יצר", "enTitle": "Asher Yatzar" }, { "heTitle": "אלהי נשמה", "enTitle": "Elokai Neshama" }, { "heTitle": "ציצית", "enTitle": "Tzitzit" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות התורה", "enTitle": "Torah Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "לימוד תורה", "enTitle": "Torah Study" }, { "heTitle": "טלית", "enTitle": "Tallit" }, { "heTitle": "תפילין", "enTitle": "Tefillin" }, { "heTitle": "מה טובו", "enTitle": "Ma Tovu" }, { "heTitle": "אדון עולם", "enTitle": "Adon Olam" }, { "heTitle": "יגדל", "enTitle": "Yigdal" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות השחר", "enTitle": "Morning Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "עקדה", "enTitle": "Akedah" }, { "heTitle": "עול מלכות שמים", "enTitle": "Sovereignty of Heaven" }, { "heTitle": "קרבנות", "enTitle": "Korbanot", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "פרשת הכיור", "enTitle": "Kiyor" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת תרומת הדשן", "enTitle": "Terumat HaDeshen" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת קרבן תמיד", "enTitle": "Korban HaTamid" }, { "heTitle": "פרשת הקטורת", "enTitle": "Ketoret" }, { "heTitle": "סדר המערכה", "enTitle": "Order of the Temple Service" }, { "heTitle": "דיני זבחים", "enTitle": "Laws of Sacrifices" }, { "heTitle": "ברייתא דרבי ישמעאל", "enTitle": "Baraita of Rabbi Yishmael" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש דרבנן", "enTitle": "Kaddish DeRabbanan" } ] } ] }, { "heTitle": "פסוקי דזמרה", "enTitle": "Pesukei Dezimra", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "מזמור שיר", "enTitle": "Introductory Psalm" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש יתום", "enTitle": "Mourner's Kaddish" }, { "heTitle": "ברוך שאמר", "enTitle": "Barukh She'amar" }, { "heTitle": "הודו", "enTitle": "Hodu" }, { "heTitle": "מזמור לתודה", "enTitle": "Mizmor Letoda" }, { "heTitle": "יהי כבוד", "enTitle": "Yehi Chevod" }, { "heTitle": "אשרי", "enTitle": "Ashrei" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קמו", "enTitle": "Psalm 146" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קמז", "enTitle": "Psalm 147" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קמח", "enTitle": "Psalm 148" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קמט", "enTitle": "Psalm 149" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קנ", "enTitle": "Psalm 150" }, { "heTitle": "ברוך ה׳", "enTitle": "Closing Verses" }, { "heTitle": "ויברך דוד", "enTitle": "Vayevarech David" }, { "heTitle": "אתה הוא", "enTitle": "Ata Hu" }, { "heTitle": "אז ישיר", "enTitle": "Az Yashir" }, { "heTitle": "ישתבח", "enTitle": "Yishtabach" }, { "heTitle": "תהילים קל", "enTitle": "Psalm 130" }, { "heTitle": "חצי קדיש", "enTitle": "Half Kaddish" } ] }, { "heTitle": "ברכות קריאת 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