{ "language": "en", "title": "Siddur Edot HaMizrach", "versionSource": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patach_Eliyahu", "versionTitle": "Wikipedia, by Musashiaharon", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "סידור נוסח עדות המזרח", "categories": [ "Liturgy", "Siddur" ], "text": { "Preparatory Prayers": { "Modeh Ani": [], "Morning Blessings": [], "Torah Blessings": [] }, "The Midnight Rite": { "LeShem Yichud": [], "Tikkun Rachel": [], "Tikkun Leah": [] }, "Weekday Shacharit": { "Petichat Eliyahu": [ "", "", "", "", "Elijah opened and said:Master of the world! You are One, but not in number. You are He Who is Highest of the High, Most Hidden of the Hidden; no thought can grasp You at all.You are He Who dispatched ten rectifications and called them ten sefirot, with which to conduct the hidden worlds which are not revealed and the revealed worlds. And with them You conceal Yourself from humankind. And You are He Who binds them and unifies them, and to the extent that You are within them, anyone who will separate one among these ten sefirot from its fellows is considered as if he made a separation within You.", "And these ten sefirot proceed according to their order: one long [the right axis] one short [the left axis] and one intermediate [the middle axis]. And You are He who conducts them, and there is no one who conducts You, neither above, nor below, nor from any side.You arranged garments for them, from which fly souls to mankind. And You arranged many bodies for them, which are called \"bodies\" compared to \"garments\" which cover them and are named in this arrangement: Chesed [Loving-kindness], the right arm. Gevurah [Might, severity], the left arm. Tiferet [Harmony], the torso. Netzach [Victory] and Hod [Glory] the two thighs. Yesod [Foundation, bonding], the culmination of the body, the sign of the Holy Covenant [the circumcision]. Malchut [Kingship], the mouth; she is called the Oral Torah. Chochmah [Wisdom], the brain; that is inner thought. Binah [Understanding], the heart; with her, the heart understands. Of these two, it is written (Deuteronomy 29:28), \"The hidden things belong to Havayah Elokeinu [the L‑rd our G‑d].\" Supernal Keter [Crown] - this is the Crown of Kingship [Keter of Malchut; alt. this Keter is Malchut], and regarding her it is said (Isaiah 46:10), \"From the beginning [Keter] He tells the end [Malchut].\" And this is the skull of the inner tefillin; that is the 45-Name [the Divine Name \"Mah\", spelled יו\"ד ה\"א וא\"ו ה\"א‬], which is the path of Atzilut. And this waters the Tree in its limbs and its branches, just as water waters the Tree and it grows itself with this watering.", "Master of the Worlds! You are He Who is the Cause of causes and the Source of sources, Who waters the Tree with this flow. And this flow - it is like a soul to the body, because it is Life for the body. And there is no image or likeness of You, inside or out. And You created the Heavens and the earth, and sent out from them the sun, the moon, the stars [planets included] and the constellations. And on earth [You sent out], trees, grasses, the Garden of Eden, shrubs, beasts, animals, birds, fish and humankind - to make known through them the things on High, and how You conduct the things on High and Below, and how You make known to them the things on High from the things Below, and there is none that knows You at all. And aside from You, there is no unity on High or Below. And You are acknowledged [as] the Cause of everything and the Master of everything." ], "Order of Talit": [], "Order of Tefillin": [], "Hanna's Prayer": [], "Morning Prayer": [], "Incense Offering": [], "Hodu": [], "Pesukei D'Zimra": [], "The Shema": [], "Amida": [], "Vidui": [], "Torah Reading": [], "Ashrei": [], "Uva LeSion": [], "Beit Yaakov": [], "Song of the Day": [], "Kaveh": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Additions for Shacharit": { "Thirteen Principles of Faith": [], "Ten Remembrances": [] }, "Weekday Mincha": { "Offerings": [], "Amida": [], "Vidui": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Weekday Arvit": { "Barchu": [], "The Shema": [], "Amidah": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Counting of the Omer": [], "Blessing of the Moon": [], "Bedtime Shema": [], "Shabbat Candle Lighting": [], "Song of Songs": [], "Kabbalat Shabbat": [], "Shabbat Arvit": { "Barchu": [], "The Shema": [], "Magen Avot": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Shabbat Evening": { "Shalom Alekhem": [], "Eshet Hayil": [], "Atkenu Seudata": [], "Kiddush": [], "Blessing of Children": [], "First Meal": [], "Zohar": [], "Songs for Shabbat": [] }, "Post Meal Blessing": [], "Al Hamihya": [], "Blessings on Enjoyments": [], "Shabbat Shacharit": { "Psalms for Shabbat": [], "Pesukei D'Zimra": [], "The Shema": [], "Amidah": [], "Torah Reading": [], "HaGomel": [], "Zeved HaBat": [], "Shabbat Chatan": [], "Haftarah": [], "Birkat HaChodesh": [], "Announcement of Fast": [], "Mi Sheberach": [], "Ashrei": [] }, "Shabbat Mussaf": { "Amida": [], "Incense Offering": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Daytime Meal": { "Daytime Meal": [], "Kiddush": [] }, "Shabbat Mincha": { "Offerings": [], "Uva LeSion": [], "Amida": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Third Meal": [], "Havdalah": { "Before Havdalah": [], "Havdala": [], "Motzei Shabbat Songs": [], "Veyiten Lecha": [], "Fourth Meal": [] }, "Rosh Hodesh": { "Rosh Hodesh": [], "Hallel": [], "Uva LeSion": [], "Song of the Day": [], "Mussaf": [], "Barchi Nafshi": [], "Kaveh": [], "Incense Offering": [], "Alenu": [] }, "Prayers for Three Festivals": { "Prayers for Three Festivals": [], "Song for Passover": [], "Song for Shavuot": [], "Song for Sukkot": [], "Song for Shemini Atzeret": [], "Amidah": [], "Mussaf": [] }, "Hanukkah": { "Menorah Lighting": [], "Shacharit": [] }, "Purim": { "Shabbat Zachor": [], "Megillah Reading": [], "Purim Day": [] }, "Nissan": { "Blessing of the Trees": [], "Learning of the Day": [] }, "Assorted Blessings and Prayers": { "Marriage": [], "Sheva Berachot": [], "Brit Mila": [], "Redeeming the First Born": [], "Mezuza": [], "Building a Fence": [], "Separating Hallah": [], "Tevillat Kelim": [], "Separating Tithes": [], "Rainbow": [], "Blessings on Lighting and Thunder": [], "Prayer for Taking Medicine": [], "Traveler's Prayer": [] }, "Fast Days and Mourning": { "Fast of Gedalya": [], "Tenth of Tevet": [], "Fast of Esther": [], "Seventeenth of Tammuz": [], "Mourning": [], "Torah Reading for Fast Days": [] }, "Mishna Study for Shabbat": { "First Meal": [], "Second Meal": [], "Third Meal": [], "Pirkei Avot": [] } }, "schema": { "heTitle": "סידור נוסח עדות המזרח", "enTitle": "Siddur Edot HaMizrach", "key": "Siddur Edot HaMizrach", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "סדר השכמת הבוקר", "enTitle": "Preparatory Prayers", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "מודה אני", "enTitle": "Modeh Ani" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות השחר", "enTitle": "Morning Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות התורה", "enTitle": "Torah Blessings" } ] }, { "heTitle": "סדר תיקון חצות", "enTitle": "The Midnight Rite", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "לשם יחוד", "enTitle": "LeShem Yichud" }, { "heTitle": "תיקון רחל", "enTitle": "Tikkun Rachel" }, { "heTitle": "תיקון לאה", "enTitle": "Tikkun Leah" } ] }, { "heTitle": "שחרית לימי החול", "enTitle": "Weekday Shacharit", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "פתיחת אליהו", "enTitle": "Petichat Eliyahu" }, { "heTitle": "סדר עטיפת ציצית", "enTitle": "Order of Talit" }, { "heTitle": "סדר הנחת תפילין", "enTitle": "Order of Tefillin" }, { "heTitle": "ותתפלל חנה", "enTitle": "Hanna's Prayer" }, { "heTitle": "תפילת שחרית", "enTitle": 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