"title": "Selichot Nusach Lita Linear",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Selichot_Nusach_Lita_Linear",
"text": {
"First Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship they will speak,",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now on forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"far above",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"This prayer was composed by Benjamin ben Zarach
"Our God, and God of our fathers!
"How can we open our mouths before You,",
"O’ One Who dwells in the heavens;",
"in what manner",
"can we pour out our words of prayer?",
"We have rejected",
"Your upright and honest ways,",
"[instead] we cling to abominations,",
"and acts of corruption.
"We have adhered",
"to false and misleading concepts,",
"we have been stubborn and brazen;",
"You were angered at us,",
"[the Temple,] our secure abode,",
"You destroyed",
"and the pleasing aroma of sacrifices ceased.
"Banished and uprooted",
"are the priests, the anointed ones,",
"who knew how to arrange burnt-offerings",
"and other sacrifices [on the Altar];",
"You warned us many times",
"through the prophets, Your messengers;",
"we did not take heed or listen",
"to those who admonished us.
"From then and even till now",
"we have been scattered [among the nations,]",
"we have been killed,",
"slaughtered and butchered.",
"We are a bare remnant [among the nations]",
"who tear at us like painful thorns;",
"our eyes fail with disappointment",
"for we have found no relief.
"Those who enslave Your people,",
"who bow down to false gods—",
"why do they succeed morning till night?",
"They rise against You saying with scorn:",
"“Shattered ones [Israel,]",
"in whom do you trust?”
"You Who live eternally, holy One!",
"See the humiliation of those who groan,",
"they rely on You, and to You they cleave.",
"With the awesome might of Your right hand,",
"deliver them for eternity—",
"for in Your abundant mercy,",
"we trust.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Sadyah Gaon 892–942
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"The pious have disappeared from the earth,",
"and uprightness in man no longer exists.",
"No one calls with Your Name in righteousness,",
"inspired to be steadfast with You.",
"Deliver us Adonoy",
"for the devoted man has ceased,",
"for the faithful have disappeared",
"from among the sons of man.",
"For with You is the source of life,",
"in Your light shall we see light.",
"For with Adonoy there is loving-kindness,",
"and with Him there is much redemption.",
"And He will redeem Israel",
"from all its iniquities.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Shlomo ben Yehuda, HaBavli
"Our God and God of our fathers.
"There is none that offers righteous prayer,",
"the best of men is like a briar-thorn;",
"to seek compassion on those who are crushed—",
"no one [worthy] can be found.
"The blameless and pure man has vanished,",
"the pious man has disappeared",
"and the righteous has been trampled;",
"thus a generation impoverished in good deeds",
"is held to account for its iniquities,",
"for there is none to direct its ways.
"Our sins have caused",
"[God’s] wrath to be kindled,",
"[even against the righteous] who offered, as members of Your household",
"to pray and intercede for us;",
"and thus, who is there, great or small,",
"that is able to offer confession and prayer",
"to the Holy One Who is ever awake?
"I tremble and fear",
"to offer prayer on behalf of the congregation",
"to Him Who searches and probes [hearts;]",
"deficient in virtue and full of sin,",
"how can I find favor with my supplication?
"You are good to those who call upon You",
"with all their soul,",
"You bear their burden and sustain them;",
"expand Your precious kindness upon me,",
"and give ear to my voice with Your love.
"[Regard me] as one who is of worthy character",
"and completely proficient in prayer,",
"as one who is mature and fluent",
"and not as a boor,",
"consider my broken heart before You,",
"and let me not be ashamed;",
"for the sake of my relief,",
"remember Your mercy—",
"let it not be concealed.
"Numerous are our needs,",
"but they cannot be expressed",
"because of our short-sightedness",
"and rebellious spirit;",
"but all is revealed to You",
"Who has formed us from clay,",
"[our] guide, shepherd, shelter and protector.
"We are left like a single tree on a mountain",
"in our solitude,",
"our glory has turned to rubbish and refuse,",
"answer us and sustain us in our servitude,",
"add to Your counted ones [Israel]",
"by seeking out those who are lost from us.
"Those who are inflicted with pain",
"by the rods of Your chastisement,",
"are scattered, dispersed",
"and pawned among the nations;",
"protect them in Your shelter",
"from strife and punishment,",
"for to behold Your glory",
"is their hope and desire.
"[God,] Whose powerful voice hews flames of fire,",
"Who decrees both good and its opposite,",
"Your beloved ones knock [at Your door]",
"with a sorrowful voice;",
"accept their offer of prayer,",
"and dwell among them.
"They persevere in fasting [in order]",
"to humble their hearts,",
"their multitude—from the wrath of judgement",
"conceal them in Your chamber;",
"they beseech You in quiet prayer,",
"lips whispering,",
"withhold not their desire.
"Your Name O God",
"is glorified by Your desire to grant life,",
"we remain in good life because of You,",
"for the fountain of life flows from You;",
"look to us, and answer us,",
"and enlighten our eyes.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Let our prayer come before You",
"and be not concealed from our supplication.",
"Let come before You,",
"the groans of the prisoners,",
"according to Your great might",
"release those doomed to die.",
"My Master, hear our voice.",
"Let Your ears be attentive",
"to the voice of our supplication.",
"Let Your ears be attentive",
"and let Your eyes be open—",
"to the plight of Your people Israel.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Shlomo ben Yehudah HaBavli
"Our God, and God of our Fathers!
"May our fervent prayers come before You,",
"may Your ear be attentive to our supplication,",
"hear our justification, Adonoy,",
"and listen to our song,",
"for You look at our righteous deeds,",
"and overlook the complaints against us.
"We are disgraced, ashamed to raise our heads,",
"for the sweet aroma of our good name",
"we have polluted,",
"we have corrupted righteousness,",
"and the Written and Oral Torah,",
"we have misrepresented,",
"we therefore hide our faces in the ground.
"Distress and anguish seize us from all sides,",
"we are like sheep adrift without shelter,",
"if we turn to the right,",
"the axe cuts us down,",
"to the left, there is dread",
"lest we fall prey to those who hunt us.
"May Your ever-seeing eyes be opened",
"to behold our affliction and distress",
"from our prolonged suffering;",
"may our mourning be turned into exultation,",
"our chastisement to favour,",
"turn about our misfortune,",
"befitting Your ways of uprightness.
"We have been subjected",
"to captivity and plunder,",
"we, our kings and our priests to disgrace;",
"from glorious heights and [Your] mighty love,",
"we have been hurled to the earth",
"in desolation and scorn.
"We did not seek Your Presence—",
"to offer supplication,",
"nor did we seek understanding of Your truth,",
"because of the stench of our iniquity;",
"we were destined for the same end as Sodom,",
"for we diminished the sound of Torah,",
"we were almost destroyed, but for Your grace.
"You spared the remnant [of the First Temple,]",
"You established and fenced in [the Second,]",
"and You gathered us therein;",
"we were cast away because of the sin",
"which equals the three sins which You despise;",
"the Temple of Your yearning,",
"You trampled because of us (our sins).
"We have acted corruptly and treacherously,",
"thus we were driven from one yoke to another;",
"remember Your promise never to abhor us,",
"gather Your scattered ones and rule over them.
"After all that has befallen us,",
"we know that Your judgements are righteous,",
"and we alone caused our disgrace,",
"for even to this day we have not changed,",
"and we appear before You with great guilt.
"This lowly people,",
"held in shame and contempt,",
"pushed about, swept aside,",
"given as plunder",
"exile and captivity tested and refined them;",
"turn about in Your kindness",
"to pardon and heal them.
"Through Your mercy, shown many times,",
"may we find deliverance in You—",
"fulfill Your promise of “I will deliver them;”",
"let them come from afar in droves,",
"some from the north,",
"and some in ships from Kittim.
"They are Yours, Your servants and Your people,",
"cherish them as in the days of old—",
"Your sweet ones [Israel],",
"draw us that we may follow You;",
"put us among those inscribed in Your Book,",
"for we all yearn to fear Your Name.
"May this small people increase a thousandfold,",
"O our Beloved,",
"and may this youth",
"grow into a mighty nation in our borders;",
"with all Your ways of righteousness,",
"have compassion on us,",
"turn back from Your fierce anger",
"and comfort us.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"בְּמוֹצָאֵי מְנוּחָה
"After the departure of the Sabbath,",
"we approach You [in prayer,]",
"incline Your ear from on high,",
"You Who are enthroned upon praises,",
"[and] hear our cry and our prayer!
"Raise Your mighty, right hand",
"to act valiently [against our accusers;]",
"for the sake of [Isaac] the righteous one,",
"who was bound [on the altar,]",
"and in whose stead a ram was slain—",
"shield his descendants",
"as they cry to You while it is yet night,",
"[and] hear our cry and our prayer!
"Turn to those who seek You",
"when they seek Your Presence,",
"be accessible to them",
"from Your Heavenly Abode,",
"and to the cry of their supplication",
"close not Your ear;",
"[and] hear our cry and our prayer!
"They tremble and quake",
"at the day of Your coming [to judge them,]",
"they are panic-struck—",
"as a woman giving birth the first time,",
"from the burning wrath You carry;",
"O’ please, wipe away their filth",
"that they may praise Your wonders,",
"[and] hear our cry and our prayer!
"You are the Creator of all that is formed,",
"You prepared from of old, a remedy",
"to save them from distress,",
"by bestowing undeserved grace upon them",
"from Your hidden treasure.",
"Hear our cry and our prayer!
"Exalted One,",
"if the sins of Your congregation are great,",
"strengthen them, we pray",
"from the treasure stored in Your abode;",
"Your community [implores You]",
"to grant them undeserving grace",
"as they approach You.",
"Hear our cry and our prayer!
"Turn to our sufferings",
"and not to our sins,",
"justify those who cry out to You;",
"[God] who performs wonders,",
"listen to their supplication,",
"God, Adonoy of Hosts.",
"Hear our cry and our prayer!
"Be pleased [and accept their pleadings",
"as they stand [before You] at night,",
"regard [their prayers] with favor",
"as the offering of burnt-offerings;",
"show them Your miracles",
"He Who does great things.",
"Hear our cry and our prayer!
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"Before our eyes, our toil has been exploited,",
"torn and stripped from us.",
"They have their yoke upon us,",
"we bear it on our shoulders.",
"Slaves rule over us,",
"there is none to free us from their hands.",
"Many troubles have encompassed us,",
"we called out to You Adonoy, our God,",
"but You remained distant from us",
"because of our iniquities.",
"We turned away from You,",
"we have gone astray and are lost.
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have acted wickedly and have transgressed;",
"we have therefore not been delivered.",
"Grant that our hearts [be inspired to]",
"abandon the path of wickedness,",
"and hasten our deliverance;",
"as is written by the hand of Your prophet,",
"“Let the wicked man abandon his ways,",
"and the man of iniquity his thoughts;",
"and let him return unto Adonoy,",
"and He will have compassion on him,",
"and unto our God",
"for He pardons abundantly.”
"Your righteous annointed [King David]",
"declared before You,",
"Errors—who can comprehend?",
"From hidden [faults], cleanse me.”",
"Cleanse us, Adonoy, our God,",
"from all our transgressions,",
"and purify us from all our defilement.",
"Sprinkle clean waters on us",
"and cleanse us,",
"as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse You.”
"Micah, Your servant, said before You,",
"“Who is an Almighty [God] like You?",
"Who bears iniquity and overlooks transgression",
"of the remnant of His inheritance;",
"Who does not retain His anger forever,",
"for He delights in kindliness.",
"He will again have compassion on us,",
"He will subdue our inquities,",
"and cast into the depths of the sea,",
"all their sins.",
"And all the sins of Your people",
"the House of Israel,",
"You will cast into a place",
"where they will never be remembered",
"or counted",
"and never recalled to mind.",
"You will grant truth to Jacob,",
"kindliness to Abraham,",
"as You have sworn to our fathers",
"from the days of old.”
"Daniel, man of [Your] delight,",
"cried to you,",
"“Incline Your ear, my God and hear;",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places",
"and the city which is called by Your Name,",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall",
"our supplications before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! my Master, forgive!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"for Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and Your people.”
"Ezra, the Scribe, said before You,",
"“My God, I am [so] ashamed, and disgraced,",
"that I cannot lift my face to You, my God,",
"for our iniquities have risen over our heads,",
"and our guilt has grown to the heavens.”",
"“And You are a God of pardon,",
"Gracious, Merciful, Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness;",
"and [therefore] You did not forsake them.”",
"Do not forsake us, our Father,",
"do not cast us off, our Creator,",
"do not abandon us, our Maker,",
"do not consume us",
"on account of our sins.",
"Fulfill for us, Adonoy, our God,",
"the word, You promised",
"by the hand of Jeremiah, Your seer",
"as it is said,",
"“In those days and at that time,",
"says Adonoy,",
"the iniquity of Israel will be sought,",
"and there will be none [found],",
"and the sins of Judah [will be sought]",
"but they shall not be found;",
"for I will pardon",
"those whom I leave as a remnant.”",
"Your people and Your inheritance",
"hunger for Your goodness,",
"thirst for Your kindness,",
"long for Your deliverance.",
"Let them realize and know",
"that unto Adonoy, our God,",
"belongs compassion and pardon.
"Merciful Almighty is Your Name,",
"Gracious Almighty is Your Name.",
"Upon us is Your Name called,",
"Adonoy! act [now] for the sake of Your Name.",
"Act for the sake of Your truth.",
"Act for the sake of Your covenant.",
"Act for the sake of Your greatness and glory.",
"Act for the sake of Your Law.",
"Act for the sake of Your glorious majesty.",
"Act for the sake of Your congregation.",
"Act for the sake of Your memorial.",
"Act for the sake of Your kindliness.",
"Act for the sake of Your goodness.",
"Act for the sake of Your Unity.",
"Act for the sake of Your honor.",
"Act for the sake of Your teaching.",
"Act for the sake of Your kingship.",
"Act for the sake of Your eternity.",
"Act for the sake of Your counsel.",
"Act for the sake of Your strength.",
"Act for the sake of Your magnificence.",
"Act for the sake of Your righteousness.",
"Act for the sake of Your holiness.",
"Act for the sake of Your abundant mercy.",
"Act for the sake of Your Divine Presence.",
"Act for the sake of Your praise.",
"Act for the sake of Your beloved ones,",
"who repose in the dust.",
"Act for the sake of Abraham, Isaac,",
"and Jacob.",
"Act for the sake of Moses and Aaron.",
"Act for the sake of David and Solomon.",
"Act for the sake of Jerusalem,",
"city of Your holiness.",
"Act for the sake of Zion,",
"Dwelling Place of Your honor.",
"Act for the sake of the desolation",
"of Your Habitation.",
"Act for the sake of the destruction",
"of Your Altar.",
"Act for the sake of the blood",
"of Your servants that was spilled.",
"Act for the sake of those who were slain",
"to sanctify Your holy Name.",
"Act for the sake of those who were slaughtered",
"for [proclaiming] Your Oneness.",
"Act for the sake of those",
"who went through fire and water",
"to sanctify Your Name.",
"Act for the sake of nursing-infants",
"who have never sinned.",
"Act for the sake of weaned-children",
"who have never transgressed.",
"for the sake of “Yeshiva”-children.",
"Act for Your sake and not ours.",
"Act for Your sake and deliver us.
"Answer us, Adonoy, answer us!",
"Answer us, our God, answer us!",
"Answer us, our Father, answer us.",
"Answer us, our Creator, answer us.",
"Answer us, our Redeemer, answer us.",
"Answer us, our Seeker, answer us.",
"Answer us, faithful Almighty, answer us.",
"Answer us, steadfast and benevolent One,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, pure and upright One, answer us.",
"Answer us, living and permanent One,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, good and beneficent One,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Knower of our inclination,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Suppressor of Anger, answer us.",
"Answer us, One enrobed in righteousness,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Supreme King of kings, answer us.",
"Answer us, awesome and exalted One,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Pardoner and Forgiver, answer us.",
"Answer us, You Who answer in time of distress,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Redeemer and Saver, answer us.",
"Answer us, just and upright One, answer us.",
"Answer us,",
"He Who is near to those who call upon Him,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, merciful and gracious One,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, You Who listen to the needy,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Supporter of the innocent,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, God of our fathers, answer us.",
"Answer us, God of Abraham, answer us.",
"Answer us, Fear of Isaac, answer us.",
"Answer us, Mighty One of Jacob, answer us.",
"Answer us, Helper of the Tribes, answer us.",
"Answer us, Stronghold of the Matriarchs,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Whom it is hard to provoke,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, You Who are easily reconciled,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, You Who answer at a favorable time,",
"answer us.",
"Answer us, Father of orphans, answer us.",
"Answer us, [Protective] Judge of widows,",
"answer us.",
"He Who answered our father Abraham",
"on Mount Moriah, He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Isaac, his son,",
"when he was bound on the altar,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Jacob in Beth El,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Joseph",
"in prison,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered our ancestors at",
"the Reed Sea,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Moses at Horeb,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Aaron with the incense pan,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Pinchos",
"when he rose from among the congregation,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Joshua at Gilgal,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Samuel at Mizpah,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered David,",
"and Solomon, his son, in Jerusalem,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Elijah on Mount Carmel,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Elisha in Jericho,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Jonah",
"in the belly of the whale,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Hezekiah,",
"King of Judah, in his illness,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered",
"Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah",
"in the midst of the fiery furnace,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Daniel",
"in the lions’ den,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Mordecai and Esther",
"in Shushan, the capital [city of Persia],",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered Ezra in captivity,",
"He will answer us.",
"He Who answered",
"all the righteous, the pious,",
"the perfect and the upright,",
"He will answer us.
"May the Merciful One, Who answers the poor,",
"answer us.",
"May the Merciful One",
"Who answers the broken-hearted,",
"answer us.",
"May the Merciful One",
"Who answers the broken in spirit,",
"answer us.",
"Merciful One, answer us;",
"Merciful One, have pity;",
"Merciful One, redeem, Merciful One, save,",
"Merciful One, have compassion on us,",
"now, speedily, and very soon.
"And David said to Gad (II Samuel 24:14),",
"“I am greatly distressed;",
"let us fall into the hand of Adonoy",
"for His mercies are great,",
"but into the hand of man let me not fall.
"Merciful and gracious One",
"I have sinned before You;",
"Adonoy, full of mercy,",
"have compassion upon me",
"and accept my supplications.",
"Adonoy, do not rebuke me with Your anger,",
"nor chastise me with Your rage.",
"Be gracious unto me, Adonoy,",
"for I am desolate,",
"help me Adonoy, for my bones are terrified.",
"My soul, too, is utterly terrified,",
"and You Adonoy, how long?",
"Return Adonoy, free my soul,",
"deliver me for the sake of Your lovingkindness.",
"For in death there is no mention of You;",
"in the lower world who will thank You.",
"I am worn out with my sighing,",
"every night I cause my bed to float;",
"with my tears, I melt my couch.",
"My eye is dimmed from anger,",
"it has aged because of my tormentors.",
"Depart from me, all you evildoers,",
"for Adonoy has heard the voice of my weeping.",
"Adonoy has heard my supplication,",
"Adonoy will (also) accept my prayer.",
"Ashamed and utterly terrified",
"will all my foes be,",
"they will return",
"and be instantaneously ashamed.
"(The following prayer is said only if a Minyan of ten males is present.)
"He wounds and heals, He slays and revives,",
"He raises up from the pit to life eternal.",
"When a son sins, his father smites him,",
"but then a compassionate father",
"heals his wound.",
"A rebellious slave is put in chains,",
"but if the master desires, he breaks the chains.",
"We are Your firstborn",
"and we have sinned against You—",
"—our souls are filled with bitter affliction.",
"We are Your slaves,",
"and we rebelled against You—",
"—some of us have endured plunder,",
"some captivity, some the whip.",
"We beseech You, in Your abundant mercy,",
"heal our overwhelming pain,",
"so that we are not completely annihilated",
"in exile.
"Angels of mercy!",
"Bring our plea for compassion",
"before the Presence of the Lord of mercy.",
"Angels of prayer!",
"Cause our prayers to be heard",
"before Him Who hears prayer.",
"Angels of weeping!",
"Cause our cries to be heard",
"before Him Who listens to cries.",
"Angels of tears!",
"bring our tears before the King",
"Who is appeased by tears.",
"Intercede for us",
"and amplify supplication and entreaty",
"before the King, Almighty,",
"Who is exalted and uplifted.",
"Mention before Him, cause Him to hear",
"of the Torah learning and good deeds",
"of our ancestors who repose in the dust.",
"May He remember their love",
"and give life to their descendants",
"so that the remnant of Jacob will not perish;",
"for the flock of the faithful shepherd",
"has become a disgrace;",
"Israel the unique nation [has become]",
"an example and a byword [of humiliation].",
"Hasten and answer us, God of our deliverance,",
"and redeem us from all harsh decrees,",
"deliver in Your abundant mercy",
"Your righteous annointed and Your people.
"Master in heaven, we beseech You,",
"as a captive implores his captor.",
"All captives",
"are ransomed with money,",
"but Your people Israel [are redeemed]",
"through compassion and supplication.",
"Grant our petition and our request,",
"that we not return empty-handed",
"from before You.
"Master in heaven, we beseech You,",
"as a slave implores his master.",
"We are oppressed and live in darkness,",
"our souls are grieved",
"from great affliction.",
"We don’t have the strength to appease You,",
"Master, do it for the sake of the covenant,",
"which You made with our forefathers.
"Guardian of Israel,",
"guard the remnant of Israel,",
"and let not Israel perish,",
"who say, “Hear Israel.”
"Guardian of the unique nation",
"guard the remnant of the unique people",
"and let not the unique nation perish,",
"who proclaim the Oneness of Your Name,",
"[saying:] Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.
"Guardian of the holy nation,",
"guard the remnant of the holy people",
"and let not the holy nation perish",
"who repeat the threefold sanctification",
"to the Holy One.
"You Who are appeased by pleas for mercy,",
"are conciliated by supplications",
"be appeased and conciliated",
"to an afflicted generation",
"for there is none else to help.
"Our Father, our King!",
"be gracious to us and answer us",
"for we have no [good] deeds:",
"deal with us charitably and kindly",
"and deliver us.
"As for us, we know not what to do;",
"but our eyes are upon You.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindnesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Adonoy! may Your kindness be upon us,",
"as we have waited for You.",
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your mercy come swiftly toward us",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"Be gracious to us, Adonoy, be gracious to us",
"for we are saturated with humiliation.",
"[Even] in anger remember to have compassion.",
"For He knows of what we are made;",
"He is mindful that we are but dust.",
"Help us, God of our deliverance,",
"for the sake of the glory of Your Name;",
"save us and atone our sins,",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"The Chazzan recites the Kaddish
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"May their be acceptance",
"of the prayers and supplications",
"of the entire House of Israel",
"before their Father in heaven.",
"And say, Amen.
"May there be abundant peace from heaven",
"and life for us",
"and for all Israel,",
"—and say Amen.
"He Who makes peace in His high heavens",
"may He, make peace for us",
"and for all Israel,",
"—and say Amen.
"Second Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"If our iniquities testify against us,",
"Adonoy, act [mercifully] for Your Name’s sake.",
"Adonoy, God, please pardon",
"the iniquity of Jacob, for he is small.",
"For our souls are lowered to the dust,",
"our bodies cleave to the ground.",
"Be aroused, why do You slumber?",
"My Master, awaken!",
"Do not forsake us eternally.",
"And now,",
"let Your strength be magnified, my Master,",
"as You have declared, saying:
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Shlomo ben Yehuda, HaBavli
"Our God, and God of our fathers!
"Even if our iniquities are great and magnified,",
"if their testimony against us",
"is strong like woven strands of rope,",
"creating a separation between us;",
"let Your ways of compassion",
"not be withheld from us.
"You affirmed to govern with kindliness,",
"and You have always been, from of old.",
"Remember Your community that You acquired;",
"take pity on the remnant of those [Israel]",
"whom You called Your first born.
"You carried us [up high]",
"to the city [Jerusalem] and implanted us there.",
"You caused us to dwell [in the city]",
"built of strong and mighty stones.",
"Abruptly You cast us down",
"to a place [where our enemies]",
"[attack us] like serpents.",
"Bring forth the relief that we await.
"The many [evil] episodes and dreadful panic",
"have caused my soul to abhor life.",
"[My life has become] loathsome as dirt.",
"Support our bodies, dragged to the ground.",
"Awaken, why do You slumber?",
"You are our [only] hope!
"Open [Your eyes,] remove our shackles,",
"call to Your imprisoned ones with affection.",
"Hurry, shorten their sentence of oppression;",
"gather Your dispersed ones,",
"Your scattered flock;",
"when they see [Your deliverance,]",
"the mouths of the unjust will close [in shame].
"Preserve the oath of kindness,",
"and the stipulation",
"You made with the perfect one [Jacob],",
"with [Isaac], whose ashes are on the Altar,",
"and with the builder of the Altar [Abraham],",
"all of whom were mighty in their trust in You.",
"Command Your peace with us",
"that we be not disgraced;",
"turn about and change the evil time for good.
"Jacob [the nation of Israel] is small and poor.",
"We are known to be ill, despised and worthless.",
"Grant them life and kindness;",
"be their stronghold and tower.",
"And even now,",
"let Your power of deliverance be magnified.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Even for the ways of Your judgements, Adonoy,",
"we hope for You.",
"The greatness of Your Name and Your mention",
"is our soul’s desire.",
"We hope for You, Adonoy,",
"turn to us and hear our cry.",
"And now, what is our hope, Adonoy?",
"Our yearning is for You[r deliverance].",
"Only for God does our soul yearn;",
"from Him will come our deliverance.",
"As the stag cries out in thirst",
"for the springs of water,",
"so do our souls cry out in thirst",
"for You, O God.",
"[May] only good and kindness pursue us",
"all the days of our lives,",
"and we shall dwell in the House of Adonoy",
"for long days.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"I longed for You, I hoped for You,",
"though I was in a distant land.",
"With all my heart, I seek You;",
"I call to You from the depths [of my being].",
"I am crushed with my longing for You",
"as a stag longs for springs of water.",
"I seek You and search for You",
"[even] on the streets and in the markets.
"Behold the time has come",
"for You to relieve the distressed",
"and do justice for the oppressed.",
"Their vineyards, they [the enemy] destroyed;",
"they have been plundered by the plunderers;",
"they have been robbed and oppressed",
"by those who crushed them.
"Those who cling to You;",
"those in whom You took delight",
"as with tender infants,",
"have been for many days",
"oppressed and battered.",
"They lack everything,",
"they are destitute of [all] good.",
"Lions gnash their teeth at them.
"You have abhored, forsaken, and cast off",
"those who cleave to You.",
"You have annulled the covenant",
"with the three [Patriarchs] who You desired.",
"You have made us an object of repulsiveness.",
"We are whipped and beaten;",
"torn by maggots and devoured by locust.
"We are wounded, bruised,",
"our limbs torn;",
"we lack balm, and we are without ointment.",
"Arise! help those",
"who sigh and groan.",
"Lift them from the dunghill",
"and raise them from the dust.
"The power is in Your hand",
"to raise up the downtrodden.",
"Your might is in the heavens",
"and Your dominion is on earth.",
"The righteous will acknowledge Your Name",
"when You lift the head of those",
"who have been purified seven times.
"Then all [nations] will say,",
"those near and far,",
"when You deliver those who yearn for You,",
"those strengthened by Your mitzvos:",
"“The Strong and Mighty One",
"has fulfilled His promise",
"to the rose of Sharon,",
"the lily of the valley [Israel].”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Israel, that is delivered by Adonoy",
"with eternal deliverance,",
"even this day may they be delivered",
"[by decree] from Your mouth,",
"You Who dwell on high!",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"At Your door they knock",
"like poor and destitute [beggars].",
"To the outpourings of their heart—",
"listen, O God, Who dwells in the heavens,",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"They are terrified from all [their] distress,",
"from their slanderers and oppressors.",
"We beseech You, do not forsake them,",
"Adonoy, God of their fathers,",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"Let Your goodness await them",
"on the day of chastisement,",
"and from amidst [their] distress",
"find for them redemption and relief,",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"Deliver them within sight of all,",
"and let them not be ruled by the wicked.",
"Destroy the tyranny of Seir [Esau]",
"and his father-in-law [Ishmael],",
"and let the deliverers go up to Zion,",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"Listen, O Master, to the voice of their cry",
"and to Your throne in the heavens,",
"let their prayers ascend,",
"for You are magnanimous to pardon",
"and the Lord of compassion.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Third Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Our God! we are ashamed with our deeds;",
"we are disgraced with our iniquities.",
"Our God! we are too ashamed and disgraced",
"to lift our faces to You, our God.",
"Do not deal with us according to our sins,",
"nor repay us according to our iniquities.",
"If you God should take account of iniquities,",
"my Master, who could survive?",
"For with You is forgiveness,",
"in order that You be feared.",
"Enter not into judgements with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Shlomo ben Yehuda, HaBavli
"Our God, and God of our fathers!
"Your ways are not like those of man,",
"where, then, is Your vengeance",
"and Your enduring counsel?",
"The daughter [Israel] whom You chose",
"to serve You in Your cherished House—",
"is now dominated by [strange] masters",
"and she is unable to cleave unto You.
"She groans [saying]:",
"“I am betrothed to my beloved—",
"but the abhorred oppressor—",
"how he has trampled upon me.”",
"The sentence of death, she accepts on herself,",
"though she is exiled [from her land]",
"and coerced by the nations.
"The mother is sent away—not divorced,",
"the son, like a lost orphan—is sent off.",
"She, who was likened to a closed-in garden,",
"has become abandoned like wild grass,",
"and the foundation that was sealed",
"is now trodden and polluted.
"Formerly Your wrath lasted but a moment,",
"but now the reverse is true.",
"The [priests who wore the] holy crowns,",
"are now cast into the streets.",
"She, who was beloved of God, was beautiful",
"as “Keren Hafuch” [Job’s daughter, Job 42:14]",
"is now forsaken, and regarded",
"as one [a harlot] with painted eyes.
"She, who was of pleasing appearance,",
"has become blackened by hard labor,",
"her sore festers without healing.",
"The day of vengeance—its path is yet closed;",
"the day of redemption—",
"the window is yet sealed.
"Our endurance is weakened by the burden;",
"crippled and lame are the survivors of death.",
"Without rest, they stray and wander,",
"they labor and strive, while others reap.
"The horn [pride of Israel] was planted",
"in the rich, fertile land [of Israel].",
"Why has it become trampled",
"like thistles for the furnace?",
"The Guardian above, who never sleeps,",
"why does He let His plant be trampled",
"by the bulls of Bashan [Israel’s enemies].
"What profits the vine when it is cut down?",
"What benefit is it to the spreading vine",
"when it is uprooted?",
"She [Israel], who is engraved on God’s palm,",
"and upon His T’filin,",
"why has God’s love for her been withdrawn?
"The task of the nations",
"requires minimal effort,",
"but the payment of their wages increases.",
"She [Israel] yearns for Your attention,",
"but her waiting time is prolonged.",
"Each occurrence of trouble",
"is followed immediately by another.
"The holy first offerings of the grain heaps",
"are scattered like chaff to the ends of the earth,",
"driven by the wind like leaves of the forest.",
"They flee in panic, as pursued by the sword.
"Those ninety eight curses [described in the Torah, Deut. 28]",
"and those not described are fulfilled in us.",
"Have mercy, gather us",
"from these [four] corners.",
"Then will they say among the nations:",
"“Adonoy has done great things for them.”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Let us lift our hearts with our hands",
"to the Almighty in heaven.",
"Our help comes from Adonoy,",
"Maker of heaven and earth.",
"He will not let our feet slip;",
"He will not slumber—our Guardian.",
"Behold, He does not slumber,",
"nor does He sleep, the Guardian of Israel.",
"Deliver, Adonoy, Your people,",
"the remnant of Israel.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Shlomo ben Yehuda, HaBavli
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"In the day of dread, I call upon You.",
"Let me not be oppressed by the insolent—",
"those who forsake the precious Torah.",
"Render to them their just deserts;",
"sit [in judgement] to scrutinize [their deeds].",
"May the sentence of the wicked and corrupt",
"be carried out in full.
"Those who intend to make us forget",
"Your holy and revered Name",
"and make us familiar with idolatrous names—",
"that are despicable and vulgar;",
"through their methods",
"the best of our people have been destroyed.",
"Spare the remnant",
"from being crushed as [olives] in an oilpress.
"As they tear beasts of prey,",
"so they learned to devour man, as it is said:",
"they cast lots for us",
"as if we were ownerless property",
"in the wilderness.",
"We were almost utterly consumed,",
"and nothing would have been left of us,",
"were it not for Your mercy, O Master,",
"Who rules with kindness
"Who dares murmur at Your ways,",
"to argue against them?",
"who dares gird himself to dispute You?",
"We have turned away [from Your mitzvos]",
"and have been scattered like the wind.",
"The enemy’s bloody sword was drawn;",
"but with You is justice",
"and Your hand is uppermost.
"Let the tyrant not say: “I have prevailed,”",
"nor let Judah’s enemies exult at my fall:",
"for those who were sold for naught—",
"the year of release.",
"May the wicked seeking to extend their rule",
"be turned back and cut down.
"Your bill of sale preceded theirs",
"and yet the creditors demand payment.",
"To postpone Your lien [is the intent]",
"of the many harsh rulers.",
"The border marks of Your boundary,",
"they seek to uproot.",
"The grain [Israel] which You sanctified,",
"has been devoured—",
"both grain ears and chaff.
"Let judgement for their evil come on them",
"and reveal their guilt.",
"According to their misdeeds",
"be harsh and bring devastation upon them.",
"For the portion of their cups,",
"rain upon them fiery coals;",
"return to them sevenfold.",
"Avenge Your covenant and destroy them.
"To the city of Your beautiful Palace, lead us.",
"Make a path through the sea",
"for the redeemed congregation to pass.",
"In You is our hope,",
"and You, our Almighty Creator,",
"comfort us; may Your kindliness be upon us.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Messengers of mercy, angels of the Most High!",
"beseech the Presence of the Almighty",
"with words of virtue [concerning Israel].",
"Perhaps, He will spare",
"this poor and needy people.",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"with the remnant of Joseph,",
"who are lowly and disgraced, torn to pieces,",
"innocent captives, sold without compensation;",
"they cry out in prayer",
"seeking permission [to enter His Presence].",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"toward those who are afflicted in chains,",
"accustomed to beatings—enduring oppression,",
"the subject of head-shaking",
"among the nations;",
"a byword among peoples, of anger and shame.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"and see the affliction of His people,",
"and listen to those who pray to Him;",
"they gather to offer silent prayer",
"amid their suffering,",
"their eyes look to Him, hoping for favor.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"toward those who say “Please pardon us,”",
"who vigorously praise Him at all times,",
"who band together in times of trouble",
"to pour out supplications;",
"in the Presence of their God,",
"they pour out their weak hearts.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"upon those who have been doubly smitten,",
"swallowed by lions [enemies of Israel],",
"even in the mouth of small lions",
"smitten [by God] and punished",
"for their conspicuous iniquities;",
"yet, she has not forgotten",
"the Torah.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"upon those who hide their faces [in shame],",
"who listen to their degradation",
"and do not reply or argue;",
"to Him Who is eternal they hope,",
"and upon His deliverance they depend,",
"for His mercy is never absolutely withheld.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Perhaps He will be compassionate",
"to strengthen one, oppressed in poverty,",
"release the captive from his land of captivity,",
"remove his pain and heal his sickness,",
"hear his cry",
"and hasten the time of redemption.",
"Perhaps [then] He will spare",
"this poor and needy people,",
"perhaps He will be compassionate.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Fourth Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Adonoy is good to those who hope for Him,",
"to the soul who seeks Him.",
"Our humiliation is before us all the day,",
"our faces are covered with shame.",
"We are murdered for Your sake, all the day,",
"we are considered like sheep for slaughter.",
"Yet our hearts are not turned away,",
"nor are our feet moved from Your path.",
"For He is concerned for the bloodshed,",
"of them He is mindful;",
"He has not forgotten the cry of the humble.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"I call out to You [knowing]",
"that the Almighty will answer me.",
"I ask for [Your] mercy",
"as a beggar at the door.",
"Reveal Your great awesomeness,",
"ascent—answer us with righteousness,",
"so that all will know",
"that God is with Israel.
"Behold, You have been from long ago",
"my God, my Holy One,",
"why must I die of persecution and hardship?",
"Recall and arouse Your kindliness—",
"renew it as before;",
"restore my ruins [Jerusalem]",
"and establish the site of my Temple.
"You are good to those who hope in You,",
"to the soul who seeks You.",
"We wait for You, in time of trouble—",
"we seek You.",
"We are slaughtered for Your sake all the day,",
"for the sake of Your holy Name;",
"yet our hearts are not turned away",
"from blessing You and",
"sanctifying You[r Name].
"We are consumed with fear from Your hand,",
"by Your anger and wrath,",
"we are like an empty vessel,",
"and are covered with shame.",
"We are put in the hands of cruel masters",
"who terrorize us,",
"until Adonoy looks down and sees",
"from the heavens.
"Bring us out and save us",
"from the hand of strangers,",
"they cut off our lives, spilling our blood,",
"to destroy us.",
"Declare retribution for the wicked,",
"pay them according to their deeds,",
"for He Who is concerned for the bloodshed,",
"[and] He is mindful of them.
"Bring us back to You and rescind Your anger,",
"conceal our iniquities",
"and forgive our sins,",
"lift us up from our low state,",
"and let us not be in disgrace;",
"when You record us, who yearn for Your glory,",
"inscribe us for life in Your book.
"Strengthen and encourage those",
"whose hands and knees are weak,",
"clear a way for Your people",
"and remove [all] obstacles;",
"may our prayers please You",
"as sacrifices and Burnt-offerings,",
"and You, Holy One,",
"are enthroned upon praises.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”",
"Look down from the heavens and see,",
"from the abode of Your holiness and glory.",
"Where is Your vengeance and Your might?",
"The multitude of Your compassion and mercy",
"has been withheld from us.",
"You split the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"If our iniquities testify against us,",
"Adonoy, act [mercifully] for Your Name’s sake.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (the Light of the Exile).
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Where are all Your wonders—",
"the great and awesome [wonders]",
"of which our fathers told us,",
"Adonoy of Hosts?",
"When Israel went down to Egypt",
"to slavery and toil,",
"with cords of humanity, You drew them—",
"not with chains.
"Even those who enslaved them with hard labor,",
"who decreed their males be cast in the river,",
"You judged them measure for measure;",
"You brought out the bannered hosts",
"with a wealth of all desired gifts.
"The sea and its waves",
"were divided by Your strength,",
"You dried up the Jordan",
"and they crossed it on foot,",
"You sustained them in the wilderness,",
"and they lacked nothing;",
"kingdoms and nations",
"were put into their hands.
"They rejected the good ways",
"and they were pursued by their oppressors,",
"they cried to You and You heard them,",
"and You appointed deliverers for them.",
"When they lived in the land,",
"they enjoyed all good things,",
"they sinned and were exiled [to Babylon],",
"You remembered to redeem after seventy years.
"They joined themselves to falsehood",
"and were left to be trampled,",
"they were forced into exile",
"by men of violence [the Romans],",
"they were forced out of their land,",
"and the time of their return is concealed;",
"they live among the nations as bondsmen.
"Strengthen the remnant that escaped,",
"she [Israel] is weakened",
"by the heavy and bitter catastrophe;",
"still feeling the pain of the first calamity",
"she was quickly struck a second below.
"From day to day my trouble increases,",
"each new day is worse than yesterday.",
"I am weary of bearing",
"the yoke of the oppressor",
"who says:",
"“Count out and bring heavy taxes.”
"Your treasured people",
"are hard pressed by the cruel enemy,",
"she [the enemy] anticipated",
"that they would exchange their faith in God",
"for a faith in man.",
"How long, Adonoy,",
"shall I call [upon You] in distress?",
"Answer me with Divine enlargement,",
"for Your hand is not lacking.
"If the gravity of our transgressions",
"have created a barrier between You and us,",
"if the curtain has shut out [our] prayer;",
"Mighty God, beneath Your throne of glory,",
"hollow out a passage,",
"that our cry come before You,",
"that it be accepted before Your glory.
"Proclaim a year of favor",
"to relieve me from grief,",
"gather my scattered ones, and go before me,",
"defend me Adonoy",
"against those that strive against my soul;",
"please save me, my holy God.
"Break the teeth of the wicked with gravel,",
"may they be childless, their wives widows,",
"destroy them; [and]",
"let their blood be spilled on the ground,",
"let it be poured out;",
"release those who are prepared to die",
"and betroth them in faithfulness.
"Repair the breach",
"of the tabernacle of David which is fallen,",
"raise up the city",
"which is lowered to the dust.",
"Comfort her in captivity with double measure,",
"brighten her light and lighten her darkness.
"Build Your city as in the days of old,",
"restore Your Altar, Temple, and Entrance Hall,",
"then will Judah and Israel worship You there,",
"—all of them,",
"and Your Name will be magnified forever.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"You search all things and review them,",
"and understand all my doings;",
"if perchance, I have dealt falsely",
"and acted deceitfully—",
"please, do not investigate my iniquity,",
"and do not examine my misdeeds.",
"Adonoy! Hear my voice in the morning.
"My Creator!",
"With a span, He measures the heavens above;",
"for You, I prepare a crown [with my prayers]",
"offered to You in the third watch [of night]",
"during which You give ear to the entreaties",
"of those who hope for Your deliverance.",
"Send Your rebuke",
"to the violent and rebellious [nations]",
"who speak haughtily [of themselves]",
"and say “There is none else but her.”",
"And the Place where incense was offered,",
"and the Holy of Holies and the Altar,",
"with which the Kohanim served You,",
"they [our enemies] have made a thoroughfare.",
"May curses cling to them",
"as the liver to the lobe,",
"and may violent wrath,",
"and every wound and sickness befall them.",
"Adonoy! Hear my voice in the morning.
"[Our] Rock,",
"Your Name is Almighty of Vengeance,",
"why do You appear as asleep?",
"Year after year",
"the vine which Your right hand planted",
"is most oppressed and afflicted,",
"it [Israel] is bought and sold;",
"Your people are nick-named with degradation",
"but in fact are not degraded.",
"Your judgement is just,",
"for no sentence is passed without justice.",
"But take vengence for the [Torah of] faith",
"which was given from Your right hand,",
"and in which it is written: “Who can count.”",
"Yet now we are counted like sheep;",
"my Rock, be aroused, I beg You",
"destroy our enemy from its base,",
"and uproot its kingdom,",
"God, Adonoy is my strength.",
"Adonoy! Hear my voice in the morning.
"Mighty One,",
"Who is near to those who call Him",
"and hears [the prayers of] the needy,",
"judge the plight of the poor and needy,",
"render judgement for the oppressed",
"and persecuted.",
"The fate of high and the low",
"are in Your hands, Master of masters.",
"Let my sentence come from You",
"as a bright light, Almighty of faithfulness.",
"The Almighty is not like man",
"that He should lie,",
"that He should change His word,",
"yet You have decreed:",
"“At the end of six years",
"set free the [Hebrew] bondsman”;",
"and many times six years have gone by me",
"although I have not loved my masters.",
"And if I was sold to a heathen,",
"and was not released after [six] years,",
"the duty of ransom falls on the kinsman,",
"and You are my Kinsman and Redeemer.",
"Adonoy! Hear my voice in the morning.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Fifth Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Turn from Your fierce wrath",
"and let Your mind be changed",
"concerning the evil intended for Your people.",
"Turn for the sake of Your servants,",
"the tribes of Your inheritance.",
"Return Adonoy",
"to the myriads and thousands of Israel.",
"Return Adonoy, our exiles,",
"like springs in the desert.",
"Return, return, You said to us,",
"and concerning repentance,",
"You promised to accept it from the beginning.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return;",
"renew our days as of old.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Your people Israel set prayers [before You],",
"for they are in distress and need deliverance;",
"their adversaries add to the yoke [of exile],",
"all this has befallen them,",
"yet Your Name they bless.
"Their illness and suffering",
"is indescribable,",
"they have been humiliated from their youth,",
"and it has not been removed from them;",
"Holy One, it is in Your hand",
"to release the prisoner",
"according to Your pure attribute [of mercy],",
"unlike the attribute of man.
"He is garbed in righteousness",
"which adorns Him like a cloak [of royalty],",
"from the wound itself, He prepares the cure;",
"raise up Your congregation",
"from its lowly fall",
"with Your great strength and outstretched arm.
"With Your love and compassion",
"You uplifted and exalted [Your people Israel]",
"[we beseech You therefore] to eradicate the counsel of the wicked",
"and to annul their [evil] plans against us;",
"inflict them with great turmoil,",
"and let the cruel angel thrust them",
"and throw them [into exile].
"For the sake of Your honor,",
"and Your holy Name, that is greatly extolled,",
"perform awesome wonders [for us]",
"lest [Your Name] be desecrated among nations;",
"lead their advisors and men of power",
"to total confusion,",
"and do to them",
"as they did to us.
"Raise up the poor from the dust",
"and the needy from the dunghills,",
"Your community—",
"let them not be destroyed and humiliated;",
"if she has been casual regarding Your precepts",
"and negligent [in their performance,]",
"may all her transgressions",
"be covered over by Your love.
"They are most precious in Your Presence,",
"Master of masters,",
"regardless of their conduct",
"they are called Your children.",
"Let Your mercy go before them,",
"God of the high and lowly",
"before they are drowned in the wicked flood.
"They desire Your nearness above all else,",
"hasten for their sake",
"to bring the deliverance that was prophesied.",
"Holy One,",
"let them be a sign of [Your] beneficence.",
"Strong and mighty is their redeemer—",
"Adonoy of Hosts.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Unto You, Adonoy, we lift up our souls.",
"We lift our hearts with our hands",
"to the Almighty in heaven.",
"For Your sake, we are murdered all the day,",
"we are considered as sheep for the slaughter.",
"Be aroused!",
"Why do You appear as asleep, my Master?",
"Awaken, do not forsake us forever.",
"Why do You conceal Your Presence,",
"have You forgotten our suffering",
"and our oppression?",
"For our souls are bowed to the dust,",
"our bowels cling to the earth.",
"Arise—come to our aid",
"and redeem us for the sake of Your kindness.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"God, You are known to be great in Israel,",
"You Adonoy, are our Father;",
"whenever we call unto You, You are near to us,",
"You are exalted and uplifted in our midst.
"You have granted us good favors",
"despite our liabilities [sins],",
"not because of our righteousness",
"and the uprightness of our hearts;",
"You are our loved One",
"even though we have forsaken You.",
"Redeem us, for we are slaves.
"Because of our iniquity,",
"we have been brought to the crushing point,",
"shrunken are the souls",
"of those who yearn for You,",
"and where is Your earlier kindness with us?",
"For ever and ever, they are everlasting.
"We carry the burden of Your wrath,",
"and it has weakened our might,",
"Adonoy, do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"terrifying panic has consumed our flesh;",
"please, do not chastise us with Your rage.
"Our suffering from distress is indescribable,",
"who can weigh them and who can count them?",
"We know our wickedness, that we have sinned,",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"May [Your] anger and wrath cease from us,",
"for [the nation of] Jacob is small and frail,",
"let us be relieved from oppression,",
"and let the yoke of tyranny be crushed,",
"for our strength to endure is weakened.
"Do not use the measure [of our evil ways",
"as a yardstick] to exact punishment from us,",
"for we remain but a few from many;",
"rescind the evil intended for Your people,",
"for tipping the scale towards kindness",
"is Your attribute.
"Forgive us",
"even if our sins testify against us,",
"help us; for on You, we depend;",
"bend our necks to serve You,",
"with love and reverence",
"may we serve and honor You.
"Those who remember You",
"have prepared and set aside days of fasting,",
"their perception has become so shrunken—",
"they are unable to ask for their needs;",
"may the outpourings of their prayers",
"come before You,",
"bind up each one’s",
"wounds and pains.
"The voice of Jacob cries out",
"from the depths of Your exile,",
"may it be heard in the heavens,",
"the place of Your habitation;",
"destroy with Your anger, their pursuers.",
"The year of punishment",
"for those who strive against Zion,",
"reveal [to us soon].
"You saw and came down—",
"You acquired us in our youth,",
"do not cast us off in our old age;",
"we have gone astray leftward [the way of sin]",
"let Your right hand bring us near,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Look down and gaze [at our trouble]",
"and look after Your loved ones,",
"be girded with Your graciousness",
"and be garbed with Your righteousness,",
"be covered with Your compassion,",
"and be enwrapped with Your kindliness,",
"and let there appear before You",
"the attributes of Your goodness and humility.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Let us hear “I have pardoned”;",
"You Who dwells",
"in the shelter of the Most High;",
"with Your right hand of deliverance,",
"deliver a people poor and needy.",
"When we cry to You,",
"answer us with awesome righteousness,",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"I have placed my reliance",
"upon Him Who is mighty and uplifted,",
"before Him Who drew me out of the womb,",
"I pour our my prayer,",
"perhaps He will lift up my face;",
"I have set the “Thirteen Attributes” [in my prayer]",
"according to the order which He ordained,",
"with these Your precious one [Israel]",
"will break down the wall [separating us],",
"remember us still,",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"When the wheel of Satan comes like a wave",
"to change our way of thinking,",
"Your beloved dove [Israel] turns to You, crying:",
"“Look [and see our troubles;]”",
"with a yearning soul she approaches You,",
"regretting her transgressions,",
"may Your right hand be stretched forth below,",
"as we watch anxiously.",
"Adonoy, be our Helper.
"To those who gather to beseech Your kindness,",
"say to them “Here I am.”",
"Restrain the dominion of our evil inclination,",
"set in us as though nailed down,",
"weighing heavily on our necks like a beam,",
"placed there to hold us in his power.",
"Who is strong enough",
"to throw off the stranger [Satan],",
"or fierce enough to remove him?",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"Open the door for the lily [Israel],",
"O God above,",
"attend to my meditation",
"and let me enter the closed gates.",
"Have compassion on us, anticipate our needs,",
"heal our wounds with balm;",
"cleanse my tongue that I may justify myself,",
"let my iniquity be sought for in vain.",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"May the Perfect One grant the silent dove",
"a goodly portion,",
"it will be a sign of righteousness—",
"that she has justified herself in fear of You",
"—when You deliver her [from exile];",
"she cries to You, Master",
"that the time of her liberation is now,",
"release the sheath from its casing",
"let judgement go forth as a light.",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"May I succeed in my mission,",
"to bring back word to those who sent me,",
"You established a strong statute",
"that the thirteen Attributes as stated,",
"will strengthen them and not be said in vain;",
"I have been sent to utter them with might,",
"and do this You Who bears iniquity,",
"return now to have compassion upon us.",
"Adonoy, be our Helper!
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Sixth Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.",
"My eyes were [opened] early",
"even before the [last two] night watches",
"to meditate in Your word.",
"The arrangement of thoughts belong to man,",
"but from Adonoy comes eloquent speech.",
"A prayer of the poor",
"when he is enwrapped [with affliction]",
"and before Adonoy",
"he pours out his prayers.",
"For behold, He forms mountains",
"and creates winds;",
"He recounts to man, his [secret] thoughts.",
"He makes the morning dark",
"and trods over the high places on earth.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts is His Name.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God, and God of our fathers!
"I will call with Your Name,",
"I will strengthen myself to grasp You,",
"my prayer precedes the morning watch,",
"I awaken the dawn.",
"I approach the Ark to speak clear words,",
"I have prepared my speech with great care",
"so that my lips may move freely.
"Behold, my desire is",
"that God will give ear and answer me,",
"but where is the competent petitioner",
"and who is worthy",
"to say, “I have cleansed my heart",
"and my deeds are truthful,",
"I am free from transgression",
"and the work of my hands is clean?”
"Deal magnanimously with the guilty",
"and do not exterminate them,",
"let their prayer be esteemed as an offering",
"and their supplication as sweet incense.",
"Raise Your bent ones",
"that they may lift up their heads,",
"let no sins be found in them,",
"neither secret ones or public ones.
"Be a stronghold in times of distress",
"for those who trust in You;",
"do not banish into exile, the wanderers,",
"those who stray like sheep,",
"place into Your bottle, the tears",
"with which I cause my couch to melt,",
"let my strength be in You,",
"My Strength and Refuge.
"Rescue them and bring them relief,",
"release Your bound ones,",
"they cry to You, they knock at Your door,",
"they call upon You in distress with prayer,",
"they have been robbed by thieves,",
"the wicked have surrounded the righteous.",
"[Almighty] Master and Judge,",
"why have You concealed Your Presence?
"The shouts of Your adversaries—",
"those who rise against You—",
"crush them and destroy them;",
"for the knowers of Your secrets—",
"may Your kindness be reserved, always.",
"Please! Return the dispersed",
"and gather the exiled,",
"raise up the lowly to the heights,",
"and bring the dejected up [to Jerusalem].
"Let them say among the nations:",
"“Adonoy has done great things for them,",
"the desolate has become [a garden of] Eden,",
"the ruins have become a fortress.”",
"Save those who trust in You,",
"those who sought refuge in Your shelter;",
"regard [the shame of] their oppression,",
"this must be done by You.
"Hear the prayers of the downtrodden,",
"look at his crushed spirit,",
"accept his words favorably—",
"the outpouring of his prayer.",
"Strengthen the weak, encourage the faint,",
"grant him relief",
"for You are the Sculptor of mountains",
"and the Creator of winds,",
"and You relate to man, his conversation.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:",
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"My Master, hear our voice;",
"let Your ears be attentive",
"to the voice of our supplication.",
"Unto Adonoy, our God,",
"is mercy and forgiveness,",
"though we have been disloyal to Him.",
"Do not enter into judgement with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Where is Your jealousy",
"and where are Your mighty deeds,",
"with which You worked awesome wonders",
"for the descendants [of those]",
"with whom You made a covenant?",
"We are driven away and cast out",
"from our inheritance;",
"Adonoy, [our] God!",
"We are ruled by masters besides You.
"The anxiety of Your impoverished ones",
"is exceedingly great;",
"they bear the yoke of Your fear",
"with their heart and soul and possessions.",
"They are bowed down and humbled,",
"Let Your compassion come swiftly toward us",
"for we have been brought very low.
"The sparkle in our faces has changed",
"because of those who insult us each day,",
"they gnash their teeth and say:",
"“Behold this is the day.”",
"Reveal the design of Your dominion,",
"O fearful God,",
"for we are slain for Your sake",
"all the day long.
"We yearn for the time",
"of redemption and comfort,",
"[meanwhile] we are covered with shame",
"and wrapped with humiliation,",
"oppressed and enslaved",
"under the rule of every nation;",
"and not one of us knows for how long.
"King of kings!",
"remember Your mercy of old,",
"save those who guard Your unity",
"from the smoking fire-brands.",
"Cleanse the stains of their sin",
"which are red as scarlet;",
"remember not the sins of our ancestors.
"Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate,",
"my face is hidden [with shame]",
"and my heart is appalled.",
"The enemy who laid it waste",
"and let Your radiant countenance shine",
"upon Your desolate Sanctuary.
"[Israel] is the possession You acquired of old",
"for the sake of Your glory,",
"have compassion and do not destroy her,",
"for she is the cause of Your praise;",
"for thus have we been promised",
"by [Moses] the faithful one of Your House,",
"“For a merciful Almighty",
"is Adonoy, your God;",
"He will not weaken you",
"and He will not destroy you.”
"Remember the likeness of the perfect one",
"which is etched on Your throne;",
"Illustrious One!",
"From the stream of Your delights",
"give his children to drink;",
"bestow upon them deliverance,",
"acquit them from iniquity,",
"for You are He Who forgives iniquity,",
"and remits transgression and acquits.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"He Who dwells in hidden, high heavens,",
"my Shield, my Protector,",
"listen to my cry,",
"give ear to my song,",
"cleanse my sin;",
"O Holy One, grant my hope—",
"give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Deal charitably with Your people,",
"Holy One [do it] for Your Name’s sake,",
"for Your perfect ones have vanished,",
"[the righteous] who appeased Your anger,",
"also [the priests] who brought Your offerings;",
"therefore, I have come now [with prayer].",
"Give me my life as a request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Drown the sins of my youth,",
"and let the sea turn them about;",
"exalt the righteousness of our ancestors,",
"and let the prayers of the humble",
"adorn You as a crown.",
"And when You purify me as in a crucible,",
"my accuser [Satan] will bewail,",
"for my heart will be whole with You;",
"therefore, I have come now [with prayer].",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Gracious and Living One, be gracious to me,",
"the sound of my cry is in my throat,",
"answer me when You hear it.",
"Increase Your forgiveness,",
"inscribe me for life,",
"let my righteousness testify for me.",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"This is my Almighty, deliver me,",
"and incline the scale in my favor;",
"reveal Yourself from Your Dwelling,",
"and grace Your storm-tossed nation;",
"destroy my slanderer [Satan]",
"let him not prove Your flock guilty,",
"lest I witness misfortune—",
"the destruction of my kin.",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Sanctify Your holy Name",
"which they profaned in Your Sanctuary,",
"and [killed] Your holy priests",
"who brought Your burnt-offerings.",
"For what can [Israel] Your holy ones do",
"now that Your offerings have ceased?",
"Therefore we beseech You to regard",
"the prayers of Your holy ones",
"as if they offered heifers.",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Accept [the prayers of] Your servants",
"for the sake of Your glorious Name;",
"they proclaim Your Unity and testify",
"that there is none beside You;",
"please seek out Your lost ones [Israel]",
"as they approach You in prayer,",
"for Your love for them is great,",
"therefore, I seek Your Presence.",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Let my voice be as desirable",
"as fat offerings offered in Zion;",
"please turn to me for goodness",
"and let me find grace [in Your eyes],",
"for to whom shall I turn now",
"that I am without support?",
"I pray, forgive those who hope in You,",
"and let them hear “I have forgiven.”",
"Give me my life as my request,",
"and my people’s as my petition.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Seventh Day": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.",
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.",
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"How long shall the wicked—",
"how long shall the wicked rejoice?",
"Against Your people they plot deceitfully,",
"they conspire against those sheltered by You.",
"They have given the corpse of Your servants",
"as food to the birds of the heavens;",
"the flesh of Your pious ones",
"to the beasts of the earth.",
"They have no mercy on infants.",
"nor do their eyes pity young children.",
"Pour out Your wrath upon them,",
"and may Your fierce anger overtake them.",
"For You will again bring us life,",
"and Your people will rejoice in You.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"The virgin daughter of Judah",
"is full of pain and sobbing,",
"she bewails herself",
"[and] spreads her hands [in prayer]",
"from the depths of her captivity.",
"From the narrowness [of distress]",
"I call out to You,",
"Answer me",
"with the breadth of Divine relief;",
"from out of fire and water",
"bring her into safety.
"She lifts her eyes for help,",
"she looks to all sides;",
"she trembles [like a woman]",
"giving birth to her first child,",
"her birth pains",
"are compounded by her delicate nature.",
"She claps her hands,",
"and murmurs in her thoughts:",
"“Where now is my hope,",
"and [the fulfillment of] my hope",
"who will see?”
"The beloved of her soul and her Dwelling,",
"her ornament and pride [the Holy Temple]",
"have been given into the hands",
"of those who revile her,",
"into the palms of those who afflict her.",
"They yell out amid their assemblies,",
"giving voice, they taunt her, saying:",
"“Where is the word of Adonoy?”",
"“Let it come now [and deliver them].”
"From captivity to exile, driven and shattered",
"is Your nation that was once feared;",
"[this resulted] from Your fierce anger",
"and the terror of Your wrath.",
"With her broken spirit and bitter voice,",
"she cries out to You:",
"“Where is Your indignation and Your might?”
"You have abandoned Your people,",
"the House of Israel,",
"in the land of their captivity;",
"they are tossed about in the enemies’ land",
"like a ship in the heart of the sea.",
"Babes ask their fathers:",
"“Where are the wonders of the shepherd?”",
"Where is He",
"Who brought them out of the [Reed] Sea?
"Degenerates and non-entities",
"have trampled our inheritance [the Temple],",
"they have driven us far from our country",
"from the borders of our land;",
"we said: “We are cut off, our hope is lost.”",
"“Where are all Your wonders",
"of which our fathers told us?”
"Remember Adonoy to the sons of Edom,",
"the destruction of Your Temple,",
"the shattering of my mighty ones",
"and the dismemberment",
"of the infants of Your congregation;",
"uncover Your mighty arm—demand from them",
"an account of the flock of Your pasture:",
"“Where is the flock that was given you?”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Adonoy! bring back our exiles",
"like springs in the desert.",
"Turn away from Your fierce anger",
"and let Your mind be changed",
"concerning the evil intended for Your people.",
"Return Adonoy—how long?",
"and change Your mind about Your servants.",
"Return to us, God of our deliverance,",
"and annul Your anger toward us.",
"Enter not into judgement with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"The glory of the honored [Israel] has ceased,",
"the eloquent spokesman is silenced.",
"She dwells in depression,",
"weak and feeble is she",
"who was once a proud ruler.",
"She who was protected like a delicate rose,",
"sits in mourning, turned backwards;",
"diminished and despondent",
"are her Levites and Aharonites [Priests],",
"and villagers.
"The praiseworthy one has been vilified",
"profaned as an unfaithful wife,",
"cast aside like a niddah,",
"impure as a metzorah.",
"Her crown and glory are profaned,",
"her strongholds cut off,",
"she is again dispersed",
"in an uncultivated land.
"Your flock—amid turmoil and anger—",
"has been devoured by the unclean,",
"he gnashes his teeth,",
"he runs to swallow them—",
"[to satisfy his] hunger and thirst.",
"The powers of Your might [Oh God]—",
"where and how will it become known?",
"[Punish those] who offer incense to idols",
"time and time again.
"The long rule of the rebellious—",
"why have You made it permanent?",
"The degenerate rules over the prince,",
"the evil one rules over the nobleman.",
"His hope is on You,",
"save him who is called by Your Name;",
"be a help to him,",
"a stronghold and a refuge.
"Turn to the prayer of the supplicant,",
"and accept his plea;",
"overlook the stench of his sins,",
"cleanse his stain as with nitre [soap]",
"open the prison [exile],",
"release the condemned,",
"uplift and restore their name,",
"let them remain for a life of goodness.
"Smite those who torture us,",
"strike them, excise them, crush them,",
"arouse Your vengeance,",
"sound the war-cry, shout like a warrior;",
"the lost ones, the remote ones—",
"yearn for them, collect them, assemble them,",
"gather them, give them rest, uplift them,",
"take them up from the pit.
"Announce the deliverance [of Israel],",
"establish the ramparts and walls [of Jerusalem]",
"humble the haughty [nations],",
"demote their arrogant leaders;",
"those who trust in You—",
"return them to Your Resting Place [Jerusalem]",
"according to Your promise of consolation,",
"[then] will the tyrants who rule them",
"be clothed in disgrace and humiliation.
"Almighty God, rescue Your servants,",
"make Your loved ones successful,",
"quickly bring near the time [of deliverance],",
"send them [Your] redemption;",
"pardon us our Father",
"and forgive our sins,",
"for You Adonoy are good and forgiving.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"If our iniquities testify against us,",
"we come before You [with remorse]",
"and we rely on Your [merciful] Name;",
"as a father has mercy on his children,",
"so too have mercy on us,",
"as one who is comforted by his mother,",
"may we be comforted by You.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"You Adonoy are good and forgiving,",
"but the evil inclination has corrupted us,",
"—Your children—despite their transgression",
"You will not cast them off;",
"our devastated hearts are gripped by sin.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"You Who are great in kindness,",
"Who preserves merit",
"for thousands of generations,",
"deal with us with Your mercy and kindness,",
"and not with the opposite attributes.",
"Your promise was not empty or misleading,",
"therefore we yearn for Your kindness",
"as those who are exhausted and faint.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"With rapt attention [Your] messenger listened",
"[to Your words that he might know] if even those who desecrate Your Torah",
"might still be saved;",
"You strengthened him",
"[by] teaching him Your way of amnesty,",
"with that same attribute, acquit us.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Remembering forgotten things—",
"this is Your praise,",
"You diminish [Your] anger, [causing it to last]",
"no longer than a spoken word;",
"[therefore] articulate life [for us]",
"in Your judgement.",
"Grant us undeserved grace",
"as You search our hearts.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Into the mud amidst the stormy sea",
"cause our sins to sink—",
"the unintentional, the intentional,",
"the hidden ones and the revealed;",
"[You] know that our [evil] inclination",
"has caused us to do these deeds,",
"lift Your hand to do good for us.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"You search the innards of man",
"and the paths of his heart, [to know]",
"does he walk in the proper and upright path",
"or does he follow the whim of his heart?",
"Is his heart humble or is he insulting?",
"Let the bitterness of sin",
"be sweetened [with repentance],",
"that he not return as a “dog to his vomit.”",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"You save even those",
"whose judgements indicate a death penalty,",
"we cry out to You with yearning:",
"lighten and remove the burden of iniquity",
"lest it becomes part of us;",
"may our sins be forgiven and forgotten",
"when the Accuser comes to indict us.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"[Although] the record of our guilt",
"has been signed by witnesses,",
"declare his indictment a forgery",
"and thereby silence his claim;",
"our sins are as visible as a stain,",
"through Your mercy, let them be removed.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Clear the stone from Your path",
"let it be straightened;",
"turn to our never emptying river of tears,",
"this rock is an obstacle for young and old—",
"destroy it,",
"and as an eagle has mercy on her nestlings",
"have mercy on Your habitation.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"“Quick to be appeased”—this is Your praise,",
"the heavy yoke born by Your legion—",
"let it be modified and exchanged;",
"Your quarrel [with the sinner] is not eternal,",
"have mercy [even] in Your anger,",
"[even] when You exercise judgement.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Some repent in their later years,",
"but more praiseworthy are those",
"who repent in their earlier years,",
"it is good to be implanted in uprighteness,",
"from early youth;",
"shield us, free us from Your anger,",
"be gracious with us.",
"The letter ‘Tov,’ symbolizing life, (תחיה)",
"engrave on our foreheads.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Extend greetings of peace to the penitent,",
"[though he has sanctified himself only] a bit,",
"help him—sanctify him in great measure.",
"The righteous and their opposites—",
"unite them in pleasantness.",
"let the righteous and begrudger",
"be together in pleasantness.",
"Do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"lest we be [completely] diminished.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Erev Rosh Hashana": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.
"The Chazzan recites the following two sentences and the congregation repeats them.
"Fortunate is the people",
"that understand the call of the teruah,",
"in the light of Your Presence they will walk.",
"With trumpets and the sound of the shofar",
"raise your voice before the King, Adonoy.
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi).
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"Who is feared by the heavenly angels,",
"You said, “Repent you stubborn children,",
"come to Me with thanksgiving and praise,",
"seek My Presence",
"with tears and supplications.
"Though the doors are closed",
"to expressions of prayer,",
"the gates are open to the penitent—",
"even the windows,",
"Your words stand firm for all time;",
"Your ways of goodness",
"are forever unchangeable.
"Behold, we come before You",
"like the poor and needy,",
"the righteousness is Yours,",
"and the iniquity is ours,",
"we return to You with shameful faces,",
"and at Your gates we moan like doves.
"Remember us for a [good] proper life,",
"cleanse our stains",
"that they be pure and white,",
"erase the sins of our youth,",
"let them vanish like clouds;",
"renew our days as the days of old.
"Remove [our] defilement",
"and abolish [our] presumptuous sins,",
"cleanse [us]",
"sprinkle upon us the faithful [pure] waters.",
"We know our wickedness,",
"we are rebellious and as evil as thorns,",
"our necks are as stiff as oaks.
"The vineyard of our planting,",
"is overgrown with weeds [sins]",
"it is covered with nettles and thorns [evil]",
"accustomed to doing evil,",
"clinging to sun-deities,",
"taking bribes, pursuing pay-offs.
"We have quickly profaned",
"the wedding-canopy",
"since then we have been thrust backward",
"and not forward,",
"gone are the sacrifices of choice rams,",
"the fragrance of the incense-offerings.
"Gone are the captain(s) of fifty,",
"the advisor(s), the man (men) of honor,",
"the deputy [High Priest],",
"the Annointed [High Priest], the Levites,",
"and the Aaronites [sons of Aaron].",
"Behold! we stand impoverished and empty",
"grieved in spirit, bitter as wormwood.
"We remember You in our distress",
"with an outpouring of prayers,",
"in fear of Your judgement,",
"we worry and groan;",
"let righteousness spring forth",
"for the faithful,",
"Order the removal of our early iniquities.
"Let the voice [of our prayer] that calls,",
"put an end to those who contend with us,",
"let it hush the accuser",
"and silence the antagonists.",
"Let our humble spirit,",
"our subdued and broken hearts,",
"be as acceptable to You",
"as the fat of the sacrifice.
"The oath You swore to the Patriarchs—",
"fulfill unto their children,",
"the cry of Your callers",
"hear from heaven;",
"prepare their hearts to fear You,",
"may Your ear be attentive",
"to the words of their supplication.
"Return to raise Your people",
"from destruction,",
"let come swiftly to us",
"Your former mercy,",
"in their judgement,",
"let Your favored ones be found innocent.",
"They hope for Your lovingkindness,",
"and depend on Your compassion.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Seek Adonoy when He is accessible,",
"call Him when He is near.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"Adonoy is close to the broken-hearted,",
"and those crushed in spirit, He delivers.",
"For what nation is there so great",
"that has God so near unto them,",
"as Adonoy, our God",
"in all that we call upon Him?",
"For Your sake, our God, act!",
"and not for our sake.",
"See how we stand impoverished and empty.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"How can I open my mouth,",
"and how can I lift my eyes,",
"when in me there are no good deeds",
"and in my hand there is no merit?",
"I shout, I am like a drunkard,",
"and like one overcome with wine.",
"I am like a warrior",
"without weapons:
"The humble heart trembles,",
"for gone is [the righteous one]",
"appointed to intercede on our behalf;",
"and who is left to open his mouth—",
"the fool, and one who lacks perception.",
"His transgression is concealed in him,",
"and his iniquity is imprisoned within him,",
"he is a sinner and full of rebelliousness,",
"a captive of the despicable [evil inclination].
"Filled with distraction is this humiliated heart",
"of him who comes to entreat You,",
"the straight path he has distorted,",
"[and] he despises admonition,",
"[for] he has become twisted and crooked.",
"His knee is weak because of his guilt,",
"and the filth of his sin is his obstacle;",
"in his heart he thinks of iniquity,",
"and his deeds cause him to stumble.
"Rebuttals and excuses to offer—",
"what can I find?",
"I have become repulsive and polluted",
"for I am filled with disgrace and derision.",
"The abundance of my tears has not endured,",
"its source has been interrupted;",
"[even] my assembly [for prayer]",
"is filled with iniquity and deceit,",
"and my fast days filled with strife.
"Erase our transgression, forgive our iniquity,",
"and atone our guilt.",
"I cry out from an aching heart,",
"that is disgraced, shamed and humiliated:",
"“Quiet Your wrath, calm Your rage,",
"and annul Your anger;",
"be pleased with [our emmissary who seeks]",
"to make us favored and loved [in Your eyes],",
"and confound [Satan] who digs pits for us.”
"Remember the tribes of Israel!",
"Prepare yourselves with pure hearts,",
"with whole hearts, uphold [the Mitzvos],",
"and bring forth your supplication,",
"do homage in purity [of heart].",
"When Adonoy makes Himself accessible,",
"seek Him with added might,",
"He will not shame or detest",
"the cry of the humble and crushed [heart].
"A day of deliverance and a time of favor",
"may I find in Your Presence;",
"fit, worthy and faultless,",
"may I be considered in Your eyes.",
"When I stand in prayer",
"to plead for mercy on Your children,",
"let us hear, “I have bestowed favor on you,”",
"“I have pardoned you”—",
"may this be told us from Your Dwelling.
"Quickly, seek the Presence of the Almighty,",
"excise the hardness of your hearts,",
"remove the obstacle [the evil inclination],",
"clear the way and straighten the crooked,",
"abandon iniquity and confess,",
"and do not continue to harden [your hearts].",
"He who knows of his sin,",
"let him repent and show regret,",
"let him accept words of admonition,",
"and let him plead [for forgiveness].
"Listen O Master to my supplication,",
"give ear to my prayer,",
"be pleased with my cry,",
"be appeased and conciliated",
"and accept my prayer;",
"I call You out of distress,",
"be near to me and come deliver me,",
"quickly, help me, my Master, my deliverer.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgement with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"When You appoint a time, O God",
"to judge us with uprightness.",
"Hear the voice of our supplications",
"when we cry out to You.",
"When we lift our hands",
"toward the Holy of Holies of Your Sanctuary.",
"Save our souls from death",
"and sustain us from hunger.",
"And You Adonoy, are our shield,",
"our glory and the uplifter of our heads.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Joseph ben Isaac of Orleans (1150).
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Master! when You appoint a time",
"to judge us rightly with Your might,",
"I stand trembling",
"to see Your Presence, to exalt You,",
"for I do not depend on my deeds,",
"but only on Your mercy.",
"Adonoy! Do it for the sake of Your Name.
"The faithful ones have been cut off—",
"the mighty, with power to intercede,",
"[gone] also are those who made fences",
"and stood in the breach",
"who forcefully brought their petition",
"before Him Who dwells in the high heavens.",
"The pious man has perished from the earth.
"Behold, I am unworthy,",
"and what can I answer with my mouth?",
"Behold, I am young [insignificant]",
"without good deeds in my hand;",
"how, then, can I hope",
"when I am so full of fault?",
"Let the words of my mouth be acceptable.
"I tremble and I am afraid",
"to express my wishes;",
"I fear my wickedness",
"and my rebellious disobedience;",
"Gracious One, have mercy on me",
"as I confess my sins and forsake them.",
"Hear the voice of my supplication,",
"when I cry out to You.
"I have erred",
"but behold I repent and confess",
"[in order] to do Your will;",
"You Who are pure of eyes,",
"consider me as perfect in Your Presence;",
"God, deal with me",
"more leniently than to the letter of Your law.",
"And let me know You",
"[so] that I might find favor in Your eyes.
"May Your power be magnified",
"and be adorned with my prayer,",
"as with the prayer of a [wise] old man,",
"who is fluent in prayer",
"and of blameless character.",
"My heart is crushed, humbled and grieved.",
"Look from the heavens and behold.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Joseph ben Isaac of Orleans (1150).
"Our God and god of our fathers!
"The needs of Your people are numerous,",
"but [since] their knowledge is limited—",
"their wants and desires",
"they are unable to recount;",
"please [therefore] regard our thoughts",
"even before we call.",
"The Almighty, Great, Powerful and Awesome.
"Utterly extinct are they",
"that knew how to invoke [You],",
"with the order of prayers",
"to express them with eloquence;",
"we are left bare and evil has increased,",
"therefore we have not attained deliverance.
"We have not the arrogance",
"to approach You with supplication,",
"[for] we have transgressed, rebelled,",
"and perverted our ways;",
"Your charitable benevolence is all we ask",
"as we set forth Your praise,",
"we who stand in the House of God, nightly.
"Holy One, behold!",
"how the capable advocate is extinct,",
"accept my words [of prayer]",
"as if it were a generous offering;",
"let my praise today",
"be fastened to Your crown,",
"Almighty, girded with might.
"Regard my plea",
"and may my prayer be pleasant [before You],",
"hear my prayer as if it were perfect,",
"decree for us a good life,",
"and make good for us",
"the inscription and seal.",
"You suspend the earth on nothingness.
"Stretch out Your hand",
"and accept my repentance as I stand,",
"please pardon and forgive my evil deeds.",
"Please turn and occupy Yourself",
"with the welfare of those who seek You,",
"my friend and my support;",
"for You, Adonoy, are a shield about me.
"Do not despise my words of praise,",
"I have exalted Your majesty",
"according to my limited wisdom;",
"fulfill for good my desire and my request",
"God, my Master, is my strength.",
"Let my words be pleasant [before You]",
"and be receptive to my prayer,",
"add to my account [of merit]",
"every word [of praise and prayer],",
"Holy One, regard my standing [in prayer]",
"as a meal-offering mixed with oil.",
"Give ear, God of Jacob, forever.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgement with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Give ear, Adonoy, to our prayer",
"listen to the voice of our supplication.",
"What can we say before You, Adonoy, our God",
"what can we speak",
"and how can we justify ourselves?",
"We have sinned, as have our fathers,",
"we have caused others to sin,",
"and we have caused others to do evil.",
"The sins and transgressions of our youth,",
"do not recall.",
"According to Your kindness",
"should You remember us,",
"for the sake of Adonoy.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021–1056).
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"We beseech You, arouse Your old love,",
"with which You loved [Israel],",
"the uncountable congregation,",
"with every term of love, brotherhood",
"and friendship, You designated them;",
"for the sake of my brethren and companions,",
"let me speak, I beseech You.
"When You set foot on Mount [Sinai]",
"to delight us with Your ancient treasure,",
"You likened us to a kingdom of priests",
"and a holy nation, [calling us] “My son”;",
"and she [Israel] then said:",
"“He is my brother, my King, and my Master.”
"You caused them [Israel] to inherit",
"a delightful heritage, the sweet portion;",
"Your glory [Shechinah] You caused to frequent",
"between the images of the Cherubim;",
"and now they [Israel] have been driven away",
"by strangers and evil doers.",
"In a land that is not theirs,",
"Your brethren now sojourn.
"Remember, do not forget,",
"be not silent and do not rest, Almighty,",
"for Edom and Ishmael wanted to cut me off,",
"Gracious One, You know",
"of all these afflictions,",
"so speak Your brethren, Israel.
"Plunderers beset me and emptied me,",
"to exchange the clean for the unclean,",
"oppressors tried to force me,",
"behold, every day",
"how Your servants are beaten and whipped;",
"the voice of Your brother’s blood cries out.
"They have dug a pit to trap me;",
"my soul faints and yearns",
"to seek Your help,",
"knock at my door and be my deliverance,",
"[and say] “I seek my brothers.”
"From the Day of Rosh Hashana",
"when You sit on Your glorious throne",
"and look down to examine simultaneously",
"the hearts of those who rebel against You",
"and the hearts of those who serve You,",
"exact with force",
"the debt from all who rebel against You;",
"but whatever Your brother owes You,",
"let Your hand release.
"When the Books [of Life and Death] are read",
"for the creatures of Your world,",
"decreeing life or the opposite [of life]",
"to the rich and the poor;",
"Most High grant favor and kindness",
"in Your Sanctuary [of judgement].",
"Be surety for Your servant for good,",
"so that Your brother may live with You.
"Turn to me and be gracious to me,",
"and set me on high,",
"cause those who provoke You to perish",
"in wretchedness and in poverty;",
"but when You apportion the sustenance",
"giving each his yearly provision,",
"do not shut Your hand",
"from Your needy brother.
"I rise before dawn",
"and cry to You my Creator.",
"Forward Your kindness",
"and forgive my transgression and treachery.",
"Let Your mercy be extended to me",
"as one who comforts me in my mourning.",
"O that You were like a brother to me.
"Consider the supplication of Your poor ones",
"and [hear their] cry,",
"satiated with troubles are their souls and spirit;",
"cast into the depths of the sea",
"all their sins;",
"we beseech You, forgive now,",
"the transgression of Your brothers,",
"and their sins.
"I rejoice at the word of Your promise,",
"You drew our hearts [to You]",
"through Your messengers [the prophets];",
"when will You reveal Your mighty arm?",
"Go now and see",
"to the peace [welfare] of Your brothers.
"You were always the hope of Israel",
"and the sword of their pride,",
"living God, lift up their stature now,",
"strengthen their arm and dwell among them;",
"and Your brothers, remember them for peace",
"and their families too.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgement with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Give ear Adonoy to our prayer,",
"listen to the voice of our supplication.",
"What can we say before You Adonoy our God?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Our God, we are ashamed and embarrassed",
"to lift up our faces to You, our God,",
"for great is our desertion,",
"to You we have sinned.",
"We have sinned together with our fathers,",
"we have been malicious and have done evil.",
"The sins of our youth, and our transgressions,",
"do not recall.",
"According to Your kindness, remember us,",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Joel ben Isaac HaLevi.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"My eye pours out tears to God",
"when I cry to You, say, “I am here;”",
"give ear to my words when I pray,",
"Answer me God, answer me.
"When You weigh my actions on the scale,",
"[You will see] that in Your commandments,",
"my share and desire is insignificant,",
"and if You reward me according to my work",
"I am afraid, for I am bare [of good deeds].
"Banish and consume, sin and rebellion",
"uncover the flask of healing, [heal my soul]",
"let [only] my righteousness testify",
"before my Creator,",
"tomorrow [Rosh Hashana]",
"when You come to decide my recompense.
"Wash away the stain",
"and whiten the redness [of sin].",
"Consider that their origin is dust,",
"repay them not according to their deeds",
"for great is the wickedness of man.
"The sinful soul, how can it be atoned?",
"Riches are of no avail, nor great ransom",
"for You have set as witness [Satan]",
"who is quick to testify",
"to our sins, committed inside and outside.
"How can one deny [his] guilt",
"when his own hand lists",
"his perverse deeds and all his activities,",
"and how can he say:",
"“Who knows the count [of my misdeeds]?”",
"When the plague is engraved on the wall.
"The pure [angels] who accompany you",
"in every region,",
"who are alert to guard you",
"wherever you go;",
"even [the soul] that lies within man",
"testifies against rich and poor alike",
"when it stands before the King.
"I tremble, for nothing is hidden from Him,",
"Who relates to man his every word,",
"and even his thoughts as he lies on his bed.",
"He must give an accounting to His Creator.
"Before your feet stumble [before death]",
"[when your] pledge [the soul is returned]",
"cleanse yourself from all iniquity,",
"because you will not be saved",
"by all the wealth you leave behind,",
"when the Ruler says, “Come, give account.”
"You appointed four periods and set them",
"to judge the remnant of Your inheritance,",
"and if they have trespassed against You",
"regard the covenant [with the Patriarchs]",
"and do not stand in the crossway",
"to cut them off.
"For on the day of Rosh Hashana",
"every man’s fate comes",
"before his Creator,",
"be he poor or rich, he is judged,",
"some go up and some go down.
"Appoint a just advocate for Your people,",
"when all mankind come",
"to be counted with Your rod,",
"like a flock of sheep passing by",
"the hand of one who counts them.
"Let Your people’s judgement be first.",
"Lift their souls from destruction,",
"assure them of goodness,",
"and judge each nation by itself,",
"let there not be an inter-mixture.
"Illustrious God,",
"who can be associated with You?",
"no one uses a broken vessel,",
"but You do not despise",
"a humble and broken heart;",
"is anything too miraculous for Adonoy?
"Clear away the stumbling block",
"that the path may become smooth,",
"“Depart you unclean one!”",
"call out to the concealed fool,",
"for the enemy cares not of our hurt;",
"come let us deal wisely with him,",
"lest he become too mighty.
"Man serves two masters",
"during the years of his life,",
"doing the will of his Creator",
"or serving his [evil] inclination;",
"but well for him who clings to his Creator",
"all of his [life] time,",
"then he is a servant free from his master.
"He who prepares his meal before evening,",
"he who works in this [world]",
"will be prepared for the future [world];",
"but he who waits for the Sabbath,",
"what gain will he have?",
"That which is crooked",
"cannot be made straight.
"Therefore, we hasten to pray even before",
"the Day of Judgement, listen to our prayer;",
"fasting and whole-hearted repentance",
"will turn away Your wrath,",
"but not [like the dog]",
"which returns to his vomit",
"to sin again and repent,",
"for no opportunity will be given him",
"to repent.
"Rise you who sleep in the cave of Machpelah,",
"and help me,",
"I am disgraced, and I have no good deeds,",
"cry out and pray to God, with me,",
"and from the strength [of your deeds]",
"offer a gratuity on my behalf.
"Arouse Your mercy",
"to strengthen those that are powerless,",
"Exalted One, [do it]",
"for they were forgotten these many years,",
"open the gates of tears",
"for [Your] beautiful plants [Israel],",
"who come weeping and supplicating [to You].
"Almighty One, because of our rebellion,",
"we are considered strangers,",
"but now that we return to You",
"have mercy on us as a father on his sons;",
"remember that You called us children,",
"and You are the one Father of us all,",
"why diminish the Name of our Father?",
"I have no offering to present to You,",
"in exchange accept my prayer and plea,",
"please accept the present",
"that goes before me,",
"and let all these people know",
"that You are Adonoy.
"You made known and ordained",
"repentance even before creation,",
"God considered it a benefit [to man],",
"and so we hasten to return to You;",
"cause us to return to You Adonoy",
"and we shall return.
"Your loved ones cry out,",
"they beseech You with great murmuring,",
"let their voice be heard in His Dwelling,",
"from on high;",
"may His mercy be aroused",
"in the merit of the three Patriarchs,",
"may Almighty God grant you mercy.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"The Rock, His work is perfect,",
"for all His ways are justice.",
"Almighty of faithfulness, without iniquity,",
"just and right is He.",
"For Your judgement they stand today,",
"for they are all Your servants.",
"Blow the shofar on the new month,",
"at the appointed time for our festive day.",
"For it is a statute for Israel,",
"a day of judgement of the God of Jacob.",
"Your righteousness",
"is like the mighty mountains,",
"Your judgements like the great deep;",
"man and beast, You deliver, Adonoy.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Trusted God, extend help",
"and do goodness to Your entire nation",
"[when] they come together to be judged.",
"[He] Who knows their innermost thoughts",
"[and] rules the world with His might",
"brings to judgment for everything hidden.
"God, Who is exalted through judgment",
"[and] sanctified through His righteousness,",
"[powerful] as the mighty mountains",
"when He judges Israel.
"Remove retribution from those You carry,",
"those who exalt You with “Grace and truth.”",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your Throne.
"Straighten before You, a crooked heart,",
"Your judgment bores through the mountain—",
"the justice of the God of Jacob.",
"The righteousness of Your virtues",
"are delightful,",
"the world’s inhabitants learned justice",
"as they stand to be judged by You.
"Your seal [of justice] is pure and clean,",
"according to man’s acts [his fate] is sealed.",
"[Thus], the judgments of God are true.",
"All fear the Prosecutor",
"Who grinds and pulverizes finely.",
"The judgments of God are true and just.
"He is a good supporter as He promised,",
"on this day He will forget His wrath",
"when He judges His nation.",
"Those clinging to You pour [their hearts] out in prayer,",
"and praise You for Your perfect laws",
"[and] for Your righteous judgment.
"Erase the stain of sin",
"let them not be shamed,",
"those who look to You in hope",
"and do justice for them.",
"We were established to remember Your Name",
"we were placed for an everlasting covenant.",
"[Thus] do not come into judgment with us.
"The One Who rules the angels!",
"May He close the breach with compassion",
"and through judgment establish the Land.",
"My songs praise Him the entire day",
"for we do not find Him burdening us",
"[For it is God’s (way) to be just].",
"Strengthen Your nation with Your kindness,",
"to their cries open Your heavens",
"as befits those who love Your Name.",
"We will throw all our burdens upon You.",
"Tip the scales with love",
"for Your justice is good.
"Shine Your countenance to forgive me",
"for my sin",
"do not extinguish my ember",
"for to Your justice do I look forward.",
"Find us righteous as one being,",
"keep us from the blaze of the coming day",
"for Your judgment is unfathomable.
"Bring Your tribes closer to salvation,",
"who are tied to the ropes of Your chastisement",
"and the righteousness of Your judgment.",
"Song from the heart of flesh and soul",
"shall rise to You to the heavens,",
"the place of judgment is there.
"Our Judge, Who formed us with Your hands,",
"teach Your ways to those who look to You",
"as well as all the Laws that you commanded.",
"Bestow Your abundant goodness,",
"Your powerful mercy according to our will.",
"As is Your manner, grant us life.
"The Temple [has become] stones of the field.",
"Hurry to establish its foundation;",
"Zion will be redeemed through justice.",
"Avenge Me from my enemies",
"Who have scattered me.",
"Lop off the horns",
"of those who have scattered me",
"and Your judgment [of my enemies]",
"will save me.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”",
"Do not enter into judgment with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"God is our hope and strength,",
"our help in trouble, He is most accessible.",
"May God favor us and bless us,",
"may He cause His countenance to shine",
"among us forever.",
"God judges,",
"this one He humbles and this one He exalts.",
"God, deliver us with Your Name,",
"and with Your might, judge us.",
"God, hear our prayer,",
"give ear to the words of our mouth.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"cause us to return to You,",
"enlighten us with Your countenance",
"and we will be delivered.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Yoel ben Yitzchak HaLevi.
"God! Let Him choose for Himself",
"the scattered sheep",
"and let Him deliver her.",
"To the sound of her cries",
"let Him listen and be attentive,",
"lest she be destroyed",
"by the sword and arrow.",
"Oh, why does He allow",
"the evil one to blaspheme God.
"God! I tremble at the uproar,",
"the tumultous clamor",
"urging me to refute Your Oneness.",
"They oppress Your inheritance,",
"why, [God, do you permit them]",
"to remove me from my belief in You.",
"so that the vile one can say in his heart",
"that there is no God.
"God! do not remain silent",
"over our spilt blood,",
"over our arrayed limbs",
"that have filled [many] chambers.",
"Why do You ignore without hearing",
"that he has villified the armies of God.
"God! be our Protector and we shall sing",
"at the demise of the evil ones",
"who say: “Do not partake of Your Torah,",
"and what is the benefit",
"that you chose the honored God;",
"it is in vain to worship God.”
"God! The nations have come",
"to tire and exhaust Your inheritance,",
"with poured graven images",
"they have made their sign as a sign.",
"See that they have cut off the sheep",
"from their habitat,",
"and they have said:",
"“We shall inherit for ourselves",
"the dwelling of God.”
"God! Inquire into this",
"that they have decided to slaughter",
"[our] infants and sucklings",
"who have volunteered for the sword,",
"and appointed themselves",
"to be brought as sacrifices",
"to the altar of God.
"God of hosts! please return",
"and avenge me from the hands of Esau",
"for he has enticed me",
"saying: what [hope] is there,",
"for You have given up on me",
"and that I have been forgotten by God.
"They rejected any new god",
"for vain is its worship.",
"They cleaved to their Creator",
"and spat at their books of philosophy;",
"and each of them gave",
"his spirit and body",
"and none is left",
"for they were taken by God.
"“God is holy,” they pronounced,",
"and confessed [the sins] of their souls,",
"without concealing their sins.",
"To their mothers they cried out:",
"“Hurry and bind us,",
"for through us God will be honored.”
"Let God fight for him",
"just as He gave over His people",
"to be cut down",
"like heads of grain stalks.",
"May she be bound",
"to those who sit in a circle",
"[in the garden of Eden] of God.
"God! To those who are pure of heart",
"my eyes flow [with tears like] water",
"when I remember that with their feet",
"they dragged them along the roads.",
"Hear the voice of those who blaspheme,",
"those who speak repulsive words;",
"enough of their sounds, O God.
"God! Accept me! And be a strength",
"to those who come under Your wing",
"to find protection from the beasts.",
"They have run for Your help",
"to be saved from conspiracy",
"by being together with God.
"God! May they fall in their conspiracies,",
"these planners [of evil].",
"May their memory be blotted",
"and lay Your anger upon them.",
"May [they] very speedily",
"[receive] their just rewards upon their heads",
"and let all nations be erased",
"those [nations] who have forgotten God.
"Living God!",
"May we please fall into Your hands,",
"but into the hands of the evil",
"do not deliver Your servants.",
"Seek the vengeance of the persecuted",
"the children of Your beloved ones.",
"How dear is Your kindness, O God!
"God! You have abandoned us",
"and we are at fault.",
"Therefore, my heart trembles",
"and I sit stunned.",
"Hurry to help me",
"from those who rise up [against me].",
"Save me from bloodiness, God!
"God! Let the voice of my speech",
"and the voice of [Your] flock",
"come before You",
"from the ends of the world.",
"Return us unto You",
"and release us from oppression.",
"And let my prayer be",
"at a time of acceptance to You, Adonoy.",
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Adonoy knows the thoughts of man",
"that they are vanity.",
"Let Your ear hear",
"and Your eyes see",
"the prayers of Your people, Israel.",
"Pardon Your people who sinned to You,",
"and all their transgressions",
"which they transgressed unto You.",
"Grant truth to Jacob,",
"kindliness to Abraham,",
"as You have sworn to our fathers",
"from the days of old.",
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Compassionate, and Gracious,",
"Slow to anger",
"and Abounding in kindness and truth.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"It is true that You are first",
"and there is no genesis to Your beginning",
"and You are last",
"and there is no end to Your lasting.",
"I and Your Torah testify",
"that there is none besides You.",
"Your righteousness endures forever",
"and Your Torah is true.
"[That] Your Name is “אֶמֶת“ (Truth)",
"is alluded to [in the words]: “בׇרׇא אֳלׂהִים אֵת“ “God created the’’",
"in [the Torah which is] Your beauty",
"and Your splendor.",
"On justice, truth and peace",
"did You establish Your Temple.",
"Therefore, God, we shall praise You",
"by arranging songs of Your praise.",
"The beginning of Your Word is Truth.
"[The word] אֶמֶת (truth) you signed",
"six times, O living God,",
"from “B’reishis” until “la’asos”",
"they are signed and outlined.",
"And all of them",
"are expressed in the ending of words",
"they are strongly supported forever",
"for they were founded in Truth.
"The [letters of the] word “אֶמֶת“",
"are distanced",
"one from another at length",
"whereas [the word] “שֶׁקֶר,” its letters",
"are close together,",
"and it has no leg to stand on.",
"Blessed is Adonoy",
"Who looks down from the heavenly aperture;",
"Who leads me in the true way.
"Truth (the Torah) was in His Mouth",
"when He created His world",
"a delight He holds upon His lap",
"to cleave together.",
"All His deeds",
"are based upon its (the Torah’s) advice.",
"All God’s ways are goodness and truth.
"Those who act truthfully,",
"humbly and righteously",
"merit their reward [in the world to come].",
"The One Who acts with justice",
"and righteousness",
"will not stay aloof from them.",
"The evil person",
"who commits acts of falsehood,",
"his mouth will be stopped up.",
"But, the one who plants righteousness",
"will receive true and lasting reward.
"Remember to give true reward",
"to the smallest of nations,",
"Israel that is saved by Adonoy",
"an everlasting salvation.",
"Therefore, come, find protection,",
"in the shadow of Him Who rests on high,",
"and serve Him with perfection and truth.
"You [God] desire that truth",
"[be rooted] in our innermost selves",
"and You said [to us]: “Improve your ways.”",
"[With] truth and justice",
"shall you judge within your gates.",
"Therefore, you children of Jacob",
"remove your evil deeds [and then]",
"will your true words become apparent.
"He arranged “אֶמֶת“ to be His seal",
"to make it known that He is One",
"and there is no other.",
"This is my God and I will glorify Him,",
"the God of my father and I will exalt Him.",
"Adonoy is close to all who call to Him,",
"to all who truly call to Him.
"My mouth will utter [words of] Truth",
"and I will speak of Your Law.",
"I will recall my song [of praise] at night",
"and that I cleaved to Your Torah.",
"God! Remember this for the good",
"of all the members of Your covenant.",
"You, Adonoy, are close [to us]",
"and all Your precepts are true.
"My flesh truly yearns for You,",
"Creator of the world.",
"[I pray] that You save Your servants",
"from poverty and loss,",
"and take pity on all the children",
"of the one who left “Kasdim.”",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the fundamentals of Your Throne",
"[as well as] kindness and truth.
"Truth remains forever",
"but evil, only for the moment.",
"[You, therefore, commanded:] in the morning judge your judgments,",
"My understanding nation.",
"Strengthen [and encourage] the victim,",
"[you] My priests and elders,",
"for the Laws of Adonoy are true.
"Let truth sprout from the land",
"and let justice prevail from on high.",
"As far as east is from west",
"remove iniquities,",
"though the righteous one is no more,",
"the one who acts with forebearance,",
"who acts justly and acts righteously",
"and speaks truthfully.
"Let truth before You",
"be established forever and ever.",
"Whereas, one who speaks falsehoods",
"will not withstand the appointed day.",
"He should tremble from the judgment day.",
"He saves lives [with his prayers]",
"he who speaks the truth.
"I truly rejoice",
"that You will not put to shame",
"a broken heart.",
"You desire kindness rather than sacrifices",
"as You have spoken [in the Prophets].",
"Break the strength",
"of those who worship a buried god.",
"Do not keep from me the word of truth.
"[God of] truth who observes sin",
"as well as kindness,",
"[please] remove us from sin",
"and the shame [that comes with sin].",
"Turn to those who seek You,",
"You, Who preserves kindness,",
"Who is slow to anger",
"and is abundantly kind and trustworthy.
"Angels of truth",
"pray for us before Adonoy of Hosts.",
"Michael and Gabriel, bring a gift (our prayers)",
"to Adonoy by Whom you are awed.",
"And please beseech the countenance of God",
"to bring closer the end which is hidden",
"and give to me a truthful sign [that your prayers were accepted].
"Truth and justice shall uplift",
"the nation that has been weakened,",
"but the kindness of nations is sinful,",
"the nations that regret [their good deeds],",
"that declare wood and stone to be gods.",
"And only Adonoy, God is true.
"Buy truthfulness",
"and do not sell it.",
"[Do this] in order to serve and worship",
"to uplift the Name of Adonoy",
"for His Name alone is exalted,",
"for He satiates every living thing",
"according to his wants.",
"[He does this] with an open hand.",
"He gives abundantly to us",
"of His kindness and trustworthiness.
"Truly see",
"the neediness of Israel",
"for Your judgment is deep as the abyss",
"and Your justice as the highest mountains.",
"Accept the prayer of the nation",
"that turns to You with its requests:",
"“In your hands do I place my soul",
"for You [always] redeem me,",
"[You], Adonoy the trusthworthy God.”
"[You], Who truthfully judges the poor",
"and Whose Throne is established",
"for all the generations;",
"[You], the King",
"Who establishes the world with justice",
"as well as the heavens,",
"shall consider the deeds [of man]",
"[You], the mighty God",
"according to the truth of things.
"Fulfill the promise to Jacob",
"and the kindness to the children of Abraham,",
"for as a result of Your love for us",
"You called us “My firstborn son.”",
"Make white our sins",
"that are red as the red thread.",
"Let my prayer to You, Adonoy",
"be a time of acceptance.",
"God, in Your abundant kindness",
"respond to me with true [salvation].
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"For with You is forgiveness,",
"in order that You be feared.",
"For with You is the source of life,",
"[and] in Your light shall we see light.",
"[Grant us] life, and do kindness with us,",
"and let Your precepts preserve our spirit.",
"We ask of You, life,",
"grant us length of days,",
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Inscribe us for long life",
"and let us not be uprooted.",
"As You sit upon Your throne",
"examining all actions in Your judgment,",
"view only the good",
"and do not examine the evil;",
"for with You is the source of life.
"You dispense life when You are willing",
"while Your period of anger is fleeting.",
"Do not punish until eternity",
"your weary inheritance (Israel).",
"Let me hear the clarion, “I forgive!”",
"as You forgive my sins, and",
"[also let me hear] “I’ve granted you today",
"the gift of life!”
"Grant us life and redeem us from ruin.",
"Wrap me with the kindness of Abraham",
"and with the truth that was rooted in Jacob,",
"he planted it and it flourished [in Israel].",
"Distance our sins from us",
"as west is distant from east.",
"Make known to us the truth path of life.
"Make known to us Your living Word",
"Almighty, powerful and [wise] Counselor—",
"[motivate us] to cling to Your Torah;",
"His advice is for our own benefit.",
"Make the good inclination triumph",
"over the evil inclination and shatter it",
"in order that we preserve",
"the way of the Tree of Life.
"The Torah sustains those who hold it.",
"It is a cure and antidote for sickness.",
"The supporters of Torah are also fortunate",
"to bask in the expanding radiance of Torah.",
"Those who cling to the way of Torah,",
"have an added quality to their lives",
"over all other living flesh.
"Support us with life and peace",
"that we may serve You in reverence.",
"We shall be glad and rejoice in You",
"when the wicked are destroyed.",
"May the three hundred ten worlds",
"be our portion",
"and grant us the reverence of God [which leads]",
"to wealth, honor, and life.
"He granted us a fortunate portion in life,",
"He Who provides advice and thoughts,",
"He Who is a refuge to us,",
"and a helper during times of travail.",
"“Return to me and I shall return to you,”",
"He says as He opens His mouth,",
"“Because he who finds Me, discovers life.”
"Grant me the gift of undeserved life,",
"Almighty, Who knows our thoughts.",
"Forgive the iniquities",
"that are engraved upon tablets,",
"and Your enemies will be cloaked in shame",
"as You punish them in rebuke.",
"They will not repent or comprehend",
"the [true] paths of life.
"Bestow good life to Your servants.",
"Redeem their souls from Gehenom",
"just as You granted King David his request.",
"Not so, for the wicked",
"who rejected You,",
"send the angel of death unto them",
"in order that they descend to their graves.
"Those of us who are alive can thank You,",
"but not those who are severed from life.",
"A father informs his children",
"of Your praises in his conversation.",
"And we bless You, God,",
"Your praise we extoll,",
"that we may merit to see God’s goodness",
"upon us in the land of life.
"Let us hear today: “That you all will live”",
"with the proper allotment of sustenance.",
"Purify them from their sins",
"and don’t turn them away empty-handed.",
"Those decreed for death are in Your hands",
"Adonoy, sustain them for life,",
"and even those destined for death",
"because of old age,",
"grant them a portion amongst the living.
"Life is an attribute for the discerning person",
"because through the life of Torah he can",
"distant himself from Gehinom.",
"Therefore, please God,",
"redeem my soul from a broken body",
"and let it live forever",
"and for long life;",
"For the mitzvah is a lamp",
"and the Torah is light",
"and the way to achieve life.
"Erase from the book of life",
"Gival and Moav who are now exalted",
"though they bow down to a block of wood",
"and proclaim it to be a god.",
"Do not grant kindness to the wicked",
"who afflict us;",
"let them be sentenced for destruction",
"because they disgrace Israel",
"who are the legions of the eternal God.
"You swore to give life",
"to Your only son (Isaac),",
"the gates of his enemies",
"was to be the inheritance of his descendants",
"through You they would fall in his hands.",
"Despite Your anger,",
"You will again grant us mercy",
"and, therefore, I thank You,",
"for Your kindness is greater than life.
"[Instruct us in the path of true life] in order that we be satiated with joy",
"when we see Your wondrous face.",
"Renew our days like in times of old",
"and people will see our graciousness.",
"Return and have mercy upon us,",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts",
"because from You emanates life.
"Let life on earth",
"be decreed for Your people from the heavens",
"and cast into the depths of the sea",
"all of our sins and iniquities.",
"Create for us a pure heart",
"and grant us the kindnesses",
"of many days and years of life.
"Grant life to the righteous one",
"and to the wicked dispense fear.",
"When on Rosh Hashana You decree wars,",
"or peace or fears and trembling,",
"a year of plenty or famine,",
"terror, life, or death,",
"a year of blessing or curse,",
"choose for us the portion of life.
"A life of righteousness and dignity",
"grant her who is beautiful and amenable,",
"who does kindness with others, privately,",
"without causing the recipient shame.",
"Adonoy make the righteous one secure",
"and fulfill his needs.",
"He who pursues righteousness and kindness",
"will himself find life.
"Grant us the inheritance of eternal life (Torah)",
"given with Divine wisdom and advice.",
"Let gladness and rejoicing be heard",
"from the streets of Jerusalem;",
"and remove iniquity from us",
"and garb us with fresh clothing (Torah).",
"I will then go before God",
"in the lands of life.
"See fit, God, to grant life",
"to Your people who are Your treasure,",
"let them return to serve you as previously.",
"You do not desire the death of the sinner",
"but rather that he repent.",
"A broken and pained heart",
"is considered precious before You.",
"Therefore say to them that they are holy",
"include them among those inscribed for life.
"When [David] requested life from You,",
"You granted it to him.",
"Grant him life now as You did then.",
"His glory will be great in Your salvation",
"[just as the glory of Israel was great] as they ascended to Jerusalem at festivals.",
"Look from the dwelling place of Your holiness",
"from the heavens [to save us].",
"On that day",
"spring water will flow from Jerusalem.
"You desire to grant life",
"and to forgive their sins.",
"Let it be heard:",
"“And My spirit, I will place among you”",
"saying that I found atonement [for you].",
"I wish to accept you",
"because you truly cling",
"to Adonoy, Your God, Who lives eternally.
"Almighty, with life",
"support Your dove (Israel) who follows You",
"to cling to Your laws.",
"Bring us to Mount Zion",
"and restore the kingship",
"because from there Adonoy commands",
"(and sends forth) the blessing of life.
"We await life from Him",
"and hope for His deliverance.",
"At this time Adonoy will expand our territory",
"enabling us to increase and multiply.",
"From the destruction of the two temples",
"He will resurrect us and build the third Temple,",
"and all those who are before You today",
"shall remain amongst the living.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living being will be justified before You.",
"And now our Master, the King,",
"the eyes of all Israel are on You.",
"Adonoy is King, Adonoy was King,",
"Adonoy will be King forever and ever.",
"You are our King from of old,",
"You effect deliverances in the midst of the earth.",
"You are our King, God,",
"command the deliverance of Jacob.",
"And it will be on that day,",
"that Adonoy will be King",
"over the whole earth,",
"on that day",
"Adonoy will be One",
"and His Name One.",
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Joel ben Isaac Halevi.
"One King will rule [all] the nations,",
"He [God] will raise my banner,",
"He will cause those appointed to tax me",
"to seek my peace,",
"and my oppressors to deal righteously.",
"I will make it known to him",
"when I say, “Where is God Who made me?”",
"I say, “My deeds are in honor of the King.”
"The King will call to judgement",
"His people Israel [on Rosh Hashana],",
"therefore, I hasten to flee [from evil]",
"[and seek] the Presence of the Almighty.",
"I and my young men will fast,",
"and plead with supplications,",
"and thus will I go into the King.
"The King is greater than all gods,",
"He is the possessor of heaven and earth,",
"around those who fear Him,",
"the angel of Adonoy encamps;",
"Angels of mercy! Please entreat Him",
"Who appeared in the [burning] bush,",
"and also you angels",
"who serve in the Presence of the King.
"O King! Leave out nothing",
"that You have promised:",
"to repair the breaches of the house,",
"to remove the stones from Your vineyard",
"and to erect a fence around it;",
"strengthen the advocate and silence the accuser,",
"so that he does no damage,",
"for the adversary",
"is not worthy of the King’s loss.
"O King! see what is good in Your eyes—",
"forgive our iniquities,",
"rebuke the seducer [Satan]",
"let destruction and ruin come upon him;",
"let him withdraw disgraced",
"before [Your] great terror and awe;",
"let the evil decree against him be final",
"from the King’s will.
"The King and His command approaches",
"on the day when judgment is recorded,",
"He judges the peoples,",
"the righteous, the sinner and the guilty;",
"and now let the King’s scribes be called,",
"those who cause drought and make rain,",
"and let them inscribe for the Jews",
"whatever You desire in the King’s Name.
"O King! Put to shame the sun’s brilliance,",
"and let the worshippers of Nebo be disgraced,",
"let man despise his idols of silver",
"and his idols of gold;",
"for they will see with their eyes",
"His [God’s] return to Zion,",
"and be uplifted doors to eternity",
"so that the King may enter.
"The wise King Who scatters the wicked",
"and also the empty-headed,",
"and turns the wheel upon them",
"and rebukes them—",
"cast out the scorner [Satan],",
"and let strife depart,",
"that he not open his mouth [against us];",
"[and say to him]: “That he is forbidden",
"to enter the King’s gate.
"If it pleases the King",
"let there go forth a royal edict from Him",
"based on the following:",
"“I will guard the feet of my children,",
"and will not put them in stockades",
"on the day set for judging",
"who shall prosper and who shall fail,”",
"for so has the King ordained.
"The King sits on the throne of judgment,",
"small and great, He reviews as one,",
"and discerns who is truly penitent",
"and who returns like a dog;",
"He will avenge the offended [Israel]",
"from the offender [its oppressors]",
"in the seventh month [Tishrei]",
"when the heart of the King is benevolent.
"The King of all the earth,",
"the Almighty Who answers me",
"in the day of my distress,",
"and Who was with me",
"every time I was encircled by enemy camps,",
"may He continue forever to surround me",
"with glad songs of rescue,",
"when I find favor in the eyes of the King.
"O King! Grant superior honor",
"to Your servants [Israel],",
"let their lives be precious in Your eyes",
"for they are children of the Almighty’s kings,",
"and see how the whole of Israel",
"every man and woman",
"come before the King [in judgment].
"O King! His servants seek His Presence",
"with fasting and affliction [saying],",
"“The nations have been warned,",
"whoever touches them [Israel]",
"touches the apple of His eye;”",
"and behold Esau oppresses them,",
"say to him, “Perverse one,",
"why do you transgress",
"the King’s command?”
"Awesome King!",
"How long will You imprison",
"the children of Zorach and Peretz,",
"the twins of Tamar?",
"Restore their kingdom and uproot Amalek",
"as it is said [in Your Torah, see Deut 25:19];",
"for she has not kept",
"the word [command] of the King.
"O King!",
"May His princes and servants",
"surround Him in His Palace [the Holy Temple],",
"let them dwell in Bashan and Gilead,",
"let them dwell alone [in security];",
"lead Your people with Your scepter,",
"take us out into abundance,",
"You my Master, the King.
"O King!",
"The eyes of all Israel are upon You,",
"to gather my multitude,",
"may they yet dwell in the gates of Jerusalem,",
"my aged women and men;",
"and then, together they will serve You",
"my Priests and my deputy Priests,",
"and Adonoy will be King.
"O King!",
"The magnificence of the House of Adonoy,",
"my eyes long to behold,",
"and the whole people together",
"will magnify Your Name;",
"then will our mouths be filled with laughter,",
"and all will joyfully sing:",
"“[God] will be King in Jeshurun.”
"O King! [How long] will my enemies exult?",
"How long will they prevail?",
"They have grown and prospered",
"and destroyed the Holy Temple;",
"behold they say: “Our hands are mighty,”",
"and I have not been called",
"to come to the King.
"O King! Rise in Your [lit. His] anger",
"to destroy as You promised",
"those who eat the flesh of swine,",
"[and] the [other] abominated animals and mice;",
"let Him trumpet and shout,",
"He will prevail over His enemies,",
"for this is the promise of the King.
"O Great King,",
"remove from us the heart of stone,",
"whiten our sins like snow and wool,",
"that we may cling to You",
"like the red to the white;",
"grant the king [Moshiach] Your justice",
"and Your righteousness to the king’s son[s].
"O King Who faithfully judges the poor,",
"You see",
"that the pride of our spirit is broken",
"even this day.",
"A broken and humbled heart",
"You, God, will not despise;",
"[therefore] deposit our works",
"in the treasury of the King.
"O King grant Your righteousness to Israel,",
"for he is a tender youth,",
"cling to him,",
"as a man clings to his wife;",
"do not despise him,",
"but turn to the prayer of the destitute,",
"and to all the servants of the King",
"who are at the gate of the King.
"O King, I have come to beseech Him,",
"to inscribe me for a good life,",
"from the abundance of His House,",
"to be filled,",
"let all nations gather in the Name of God,",
"and let them go up every year",
"to bow in worship to the King.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us,",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"Even in His holy ones, He does not trust,",
"and the heavens are not innocent in His eyes.",
"Even more, since man is but a worm",
"and the son of man a maggot.",
"Behold we are guilty in Your Presence,",
"we are not worthy to stand in Your Presence",
"because of this.",
"Who cay say: “My heart is pure,",
"I have cleansed it from sin.”
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Master, when You call on man",
"each morning [for judgment]",
"do not press justice to its limits.",
"If You combine body and soul [in judgment]",
"they would be thrust down",
"and be unable to rise.
"Can man be innocent in judgement?",
"Is he possessed of deeds to justify him?",
"His birth stream is from a fetid drop,",
"his enemy is hidden within him",
"from the time of his birth.
"Lurking within him as a snare to his feet,",
"he entices him daily,",
"to make him fall into the abyss [of sin];",
"there is no power or might in the body",
"to stand firm and resist him.
"From the day he attains perception,",
"he puts his life in his hand",
"to gain his bread,",
"all his days are filled",
"with vexation and grief;",
"until he returns to his dust",
"he is not at rest.
"Regard O Master his sorrowful spirit,",
"look at his broken heart,",
"You are near to these who are afar,",
"You desire the repentance of the wicked.
"Mighty One! let Yourself be found",
"by those who seek You,",
"say: “Here I am,”",
"to those who petition You",
"let the tiding: “I have pardoned”—",
"be told to those who call in Your Name,",
"make righteous in judgment",
"the people who proclaim Your Unity.
"Muzzle the foul one [Satan]",
"that he may not condemn us,",
"rebuke the accuser that he not accuse us,",
"stand up for us an upright advocate;",
"“I have found atonement,”",
"let the penitent hear.
"We have cast our burden upon You",
"we beseech You to sustain us,",
"be pleased with our prayer",
"our request and desire",
"fulfill with compassion.",
"In You we place our trust,",
"let Your mercy come swiftly toward us;",
"Strong and Mighty One,",
"we have not forgotten Your Name,",
"we beseech You, never forget us.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Do not enter into judgment with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"For they have devoured Jacob,",
"and his habitation they have laid waste,",
"the tents [armies] of Edom, Ishmael,",
"Moab and Gris.",
"For our souls are filled with misfortune",
"and our lives have reached the abyss.",
"And You are our King from of old,",
"You do wonders in the midst of the earth.",
"Bring forth our righteousness the daylight",
"and our judgment as at noon-time.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Elyah ben Shemayah.
"Master, when You judge man who is a worm,",
"remember in Your anger",
"to be gracious and compassionate with us,",
"when You sit in judgment to rebuke the guilty,",
"clear and justify the erring and simple.
"Grant kindness and goodness to the guilty,",
"do not press judgment to its limits.",
"[When] those who are poor in good deeds",
"and destitute in conduct, call upon You,",
"let them find You.
"We stand before You with great guilt,",
"we are ashamed to mouth a reply [excuse];",
"can man be justified before God?",
"In the Presence of His Maker,",
"can man be found pure [innocent]?
"Maliciousness lurks within him,",
"deceit is hidden within him,",
"he is full of iniquity and great transgression,",
"account and reckoning",
"before the Supreme King of Kings,",
"he will have to give at his end.
"His sins are engraven by his own hand,",
"his wickedness will testify against him,",
"the beams of his house will reveal",
"and declare his deeds,",
"the stone from the wall",
"will scream and call out.
"The judged will hide his face in shame,",
"he will be considered as naught",
"when he stands before Your Presence;",
"we beseech You,",
"be pleased with the work of our hands,",
"behold our broken hearts,",
"and preserve us from destruction.
"Let Your servants find favor this day,",
"declare them guiltless,",
"they desire Your nearness as of old;",
"like snow and wool",
"whiten the sins of the rose [Israel],",
"save them from all evil",
"in this year.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Adonoy, hear our voice in the morning,",
"morning, we pray to You and hope.",
"Draw near to our soul and redeem it,",
"redeem us for Your Name’s sake.",
"Show us Your kindness, Adonoy,",
"and grant us Your deliverance.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Shlomo ben Yehudah Habavli.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"I cry out to God with my voice,",
"in the morning, I address my prayer to You,",
"on behalf of my congregation;",
"Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer!",
"We approach You with supplication and prayer,",
"we keep watch at Your door,",
"O Mighty One in wondrous deeds,",
"remove from us, plague and sickness.
"Grant us pardon,",
"and remove evil",
"from grieving souls,",
"Almighty God Who knows man’s thoughts;",
"I cry to You in affliction and weariness,",
"redeem my soul from destruction and the pit,",
"draw near to my soul and redeem it.
"Beneficent One, Who drew me from the womb,",
"my Creator, my hope and my trust,",
"in Your hand I entrust my spirit;",
"withhold Your anger from Your beloved ones,",
"cause not Your devoted ones to see the pit,",
"answer me Adonoy, for Your kindness is good.
"With an incurable, eternal blow,",
"strike with anger those who blaspheme You,",
"but do not plague Your people;",
"we afflict ourselves this day,",
"do not abhor nor despise our cry,",
"pardon the iniquity of this people.
"We have transgressed and dealt treacherously,",
"O Rock, we have been corrupt towards You.",
"Therefore, we are consumed by Your anger",
"and we are terrified by Your rage;",
"Holy One! do not extend contention,",
"behold, my hands are stretched out to You,",
"on the day when I am afraid,",
"I will put my trust in You.
"Your people pour out their prayer,",
"be merciful and answer Your faithful ones,",
"do not abhor us for Your Name’s sake,",
"turn to the cry of the suffering,",
"to those who call You out of distress,",
"hear them from the high heavens,",
"You Who listens to the needy.
"[Israel] the noblest among people,",
"the pleasant offspring,",
"they trust in You, they hope to You,",
"they are counted among Your pure ones,",
"quickly have mercy on them",
"as a father has mercy on his children.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Let the oppressed not be put to shame,",
"let the poor and needy praise Your Name.",
"Be not far [removed] from us,",
"for distress is near,",
"and there is no one to help.",
"For I will pardon their iniquity,",
"and their sin I will no longer mention.",
"Pardon Your people",
"that have sinned before You,",
"and all their transgressions",
"that they have transgressed unto You,",
"and grant mercy",
"before their captors.",
"And You, God that pardons,",
"Gracious, Merciful, Slow to anger,",
"and Abounding in kindness—",
"do not forsake them.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Solomon HaBavli.
"[Our] Father,",
"You created us with compassion and pardon,",
"we are the children of Your holy covenant,",
"and You have never exchanged us;",
"even in our exile, You are with us,",
"as You have given us hope.",
"And [now] pardon our iniquity and our sin",
"and take us for Your inheritance.
"Wash away the blood and filth",
"bring our judgment into light;",
"let our sin be hidden",
"and not be found to make us repulsive",
"and let our iniquity be sought",
"and none be found,",
"As You clearly stated:",
"“I will forgive those that I will spare.”
"The foulness [of our sins] is great",
"and the aroma of our sacrifices has ceased.",
"The covering of soil [caused by]",
"the filth of the moist creeping thing,",
"let that become cleansed by immersion",
"in the flow of Your waters,",
"for You are Adonoy, good and forgiving.
"Since we sinned we were exiled",
"and from corpulence [we became] emaciated",
"for the impurity is abundant",
"and there is none [priest] to sprinkle us.",
"For Your sake, Adonoy,",
"as [You did] then and before this,",
"forgive, please, the sins of this nation.
"They are too abundant to relate—",
"the great goodness that You have bestowed.",
"You led the nation",
"[even] when it was rebellious towards You.",
"Please, carry their burden",
"as You carried it in previous days,",
"and forgive Your nation that has sinned to You.
"Upon us, from on high",
"let His holy spirit pour forth,",
"so that we may separate ourselves [from sin],",
"and sanctify [us]",
"and [a] new [heart] create for us.",
"The purification and the cleansing [from sin]—",
"order that they be without suffering,",
"for forgiveness is with You",
"so that You shall be feared.
"Stand upright the fallen one.",
"[Refrain] from adding to our misfortune.",
"[With] a spirit of kindness",
"satiate our hunger.",
"Annihilation has come [to those who]",
"rebuilt us at the time we were weakened.",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"forgive our sins.
"We have become as leftovers",
"and who, like You, can forgive [such as these].",
"Not [based] upon our righteousness",
"will we attempt to seek a sign,",
"but upon your virtue of abundant compassion",
"we will send our plea.",
"Adonoy, listen! Adonoy, forgive!",
"Adonoy, pay attention [to us] and do!
"In Your fear and in Your righteous Torah,",
"establish our footsteps to tread,",
"for through our sins",
"we have become too weak to take a step.",
"Please fulfill Your good promise",
"to support [us]:",
"“For I shall forgive their iniquities,",
"and their sins I will no longer remember.”
"You know the hidden",
"of every blood and flesh.",
"[We committed] iniquities",
"[despite] that we knew them",
"and they are with us everywhere.",
"We, hereby, come before You",
"[that we may find redemption and consolation,",
"for You are the forgiving God",
"gracious and compassionate.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Why do You stand from afar, Adonoy,",
"hiding Yourself in times of trouble?",
"Return for the sake of Your servants",
"the tribes of Your inheritance.",
"You will grant truth to Jacob,",
"kindliness to Abraham.",
"As You have sworn to our fathers",
"from the days of old.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Solomon ben Menachem.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Thirteen Divine attributes",
"which were pronounced with compassion;",
"by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"I beseech the Presence of my King",
"with supplication,",
"to search for the merit [of Israel]",
"who were named and called the Rose.",
"Save them from all evil",
"in this year.
"If their guilt be so great",
"as to reach the heavens and their stars,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"I plead for mercy for them,",
"to annul for them what is written:",
"“I said I will scatter them etc.”",
"Why should the nations say,",
"“Where is their God?”
"If their iniquities are grievous",
"and too many to count,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute",
"cast them away, Adonoy, and conceal them;",
"let our vigorous words of supplication",
"annul that which is written:",
"“I will hide [my face from them].”",
"Why, Adonoy, do You stand far off,",
"hiding Yourself in times of trouble?
"If they have acted perversely",
"in the Presence of their King,",
"with a brazen face;",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"I offer supplication with a loud voice,",
"[and say to] my soul:",
"“Pour out your heart as water”",
"in the presence of Him",
"“Who is pure white and ruddy.”",
"“Why, God, have You cast us off forever.”
"If willful sins have misled",
"the foolish and haughty heart;",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"save them, Adonoy, from crushing wounds,",
"hasten and come,",
"and lift up the strong voice [of redemption]",
"“Why do I go mourning under oppression.”
"If they have slandered",
"in words and thoughts against You,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"remember the love of those who praise You",
"and let Your compassion be moved",
"towards the remnant of Your people.",
"“Why should Your anger burn",
"against Your people.”
"If they harden their ear [from hearing]",
"and pervert their way,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"I offer silent prayer for my people,",
"and my soul—pour out your heart",
"in the Presence of your Possessor and Rock.",
"“Why have You broken down her fences,",
"so that all wayfarers pluck her fruit.”
"If they have rebelled with great transgression",
"against the Rock, my King, my Holy One;",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"my soul—seek pleasantness for them;",
"before the Awesome, Most High,",
"and Holy One,",
"address prayerful supplication.",
"Why, Adonoy,",
"do You cast off my soul?
"If they were stubborn like a heifer",
"from their many days and years [of exile];",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"I will lift my eyes to the heavens,",
"and open my mouth in behalf of my people,",
"who are the fewest among peoples.",
"“Why do You forget us forever,",
"[and] forsake us for the length of days?”
"If our transgressions are enormous",
"and overwhelming as a mountain,",
"by virtue of every fitting attribute [I pray],",
"with a soft [birdlike] voice for wonders.",
"On Your refined [faithful] word, [I rely]",
"to plead for this people.",
"“Why do You withdraw Your hand,",
"even Your right hand?",
"Draw it from Your bosom to consume [evil].”
"If they have perverted their actions",
"willfully and wickedly,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"let Your heart be moved to deliver them;",
"“Arise cry out aloud in the night”",
"to the Almighty, the Deliverer.",
"“Why should You be like a man confused,",
"like a mighty man that cannot save.”
"If in truth, all have repented",
"with their heart and soul to appease You,",
"[then] by virtue of every fitting attribute,",
"consent to pardon them;",
"and do it O Master for Your sake,",
"forgive and pardon Your congregation.",
"“Return to us for the sake of Your servants,",
"the tribes of Your heritage.”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Unto You Adonoy is our plea,",
"and in the morning our prayer is before You.",
"Adonoy, in the morning hear our voice,",
"in the morning we beseech You and hope.",
"My soul waits for my Master",
"more than the watchman waits",
"for the morning,",
"[more than] the watchman [waits]",
"for the morning.",
"The [correct] offerings to God",
"is a broken spirit;",
"a broken and humbled heart,",
"God will not despise.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Mordechai.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"My God Who is my savior and my strong rock",
"my Protector and my Shield",
"my Salvation and my Assurance,",
"during my times of trial and pain.",
"I wake up early to pray unto You,",
"O Great King,",
"and unto You, Adonoy",
"I cry in the morning.
"In the morning remember to have mercy",
"in the merit of Abraham’s kindness,",
"the first patriarch of “the strong ones,”",
"the one whom You chose",
"and who trusted in You,",
"the first of all believers.",
"Remember his covenant with You",
"and deliver me from my sins.",
"Adonoy, listen this morning to my voice,",
"to my prayer of the morning.
"In the morning You spoke with him",
"and tested him in order to reward him",
"and You made a covenant with him",
"to serve as a protector for him.",
"You loved him and wanted him",
"and accepted him like the incense",
"that was brought each morning.
"When the morning star shone,",
"when You wished to show",
"his great rightousness,",
"You tested him a tenth time",
"and said to him: Take your son,",
"and do not hesitate,",
"to one of the mountains",
"and bring him there as a burnt offering",
"just as the sheep that",
"you bring as a sacrifice in the morning.
"In the morning he singularized Your Name",
"and harkened to Your voice",
"and manifested his love",
"while rejoicing whole-heartedly",
"to fulfill Your command.",
"His love made him transcend normalcy",
"by rising with joy.",
"And Abraham rose early in the morning.
"In the morning both readied their hearts",
"to do Your will, O awesome One.",
"The son took the wood",
"and the father took the knife",
"to slaughter without intending to redeem him.",
"They were summoned",
"and went with whole hearts",
"and saw Your Divine honor",
"on the third day in the morning.
"In the morning he girded himself",
"as a warrior girds his loins.",
"He first bound his son",
"then took a knife to slaughter him,",
"without thinking of him as a human being",
"and said: “Today I will bring my offering",
"and sprinkle the blood of my sacrifice.”",
"It will not remain until the morning.
"In the morning Your mercy was aroused",
"on the only son",
"and that mercy shone upon him.",
"An angel of Adonoy called to him",
"and said not to harm the lad",
"because in Isaac",
"will Your seed be perpetuated,",
"[and the merit of this event] will be remembered for all generations,",
"it will remain as a safe-keeping for you",
"until the morning.
"In the morning",
"his propriety and righteousness",
"will benefit the people who pray to You",
"and his ashes will always be seen before You",
"to cleanse them from their sins.",
"Grant them their lives which is their request,",
"because it is You Whom they desire.",
"In the evening they come to You in prayer",
"and also in the morning.
"Harken to their voices in the morning",
"and atone their iniquities.",
"Consider the order of their prayers",
"like the order of the sacrifices.",
"They come with the merits",
"of the righteousness of their ancestors.",
"And also bring to Him",
"their contributions of prayer every morning.
"In the morning turn to us and have mercy",
"and let Your mercy be aroused upon us.",
"Cast to the depths of the sea",
"all our sins",
"and let them not be remembered.",
"Lord, our Rock, pass our sins from before You",
"and let them not remain before You",
"until the morning.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"The Ark is opened.
"Do not enter into judgment with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"And He judges the inhabited world",
"with justice;",
"and the peoples with righteousness.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth go before Your Presence.",
"From before You",
"let our judgment come forth;",
"let Your eyes behold [my] uprightness.",
"And bring forth as the light",
"our righteousness,",
"and our judgment as the noonday.",
"For Your judgments",
"they stand [ready] this day,",
"for they are all Your servants.",
"For Adonoy is our judge,",
"Adonoy is our law-giver;",
"Adonoy is our king, He will deliver us.",
"Arise Judge of the earth,",
"repay the arrogant their just reward.",
"It would be sacrilege to ascribe to You",
"such an act—",
"to kill the righteous with the wicked,",
"and let the righteous fare as the wicked;",
"it would be sacrilege to ascribe to You—",
"[that] the Judge of all the earth",
"does not act justly.
"The Ark is closed.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabirol.
"[You are] the Judge of all the earth,",
"and You arraign her in judgment,",
"we beseech You, life and kindness",
"bestow on an afflicted people.",
"Accept their morning prayer",
"as a substitute for the burnt offering—",
"as the burnt offering of the morning",
"which was a continual burnt offering.
"You are wrapped in a cloak of righteousness,",
"You alone have the ability [to forgive],",
"if we have no [good] deeds,",
"recall the virtues",
"of the [Patriarchs] who sleep in Hebron,",
"and may their merits ascend",
"as a memorial before Adonoy always.",
"As the burnt offering of the morning",
"which was a continual burnt offering.
"You are inclined towards kindness",
"to favor man with life.",
"Incline Your nation toward kindness",
"be benevolent with him, that he may live,",
"inscribe him with the sign of life,",
"and let it be on his forehead always.",
"As the burnt offering of the morning",
"which was a continual burnt offering.
"Do good, as You see fit, to Zion,",
"My holy city.",
"Grant power and fame in Your House",
"to my holy ones [the pious and righteous],",
"and an illuminated lamp for the son of Yishai;",
"that a light be kept burning always.",
"As the burnt offering of the morning",
"which was a continual burnt offering.
"Be strong and let your hearts take courage",
"my people, whose strength is in the Almighty;",
"and when You keep His testimonies,",
"He, too, will in equal measure",
"atone Your sins,",
"and will remember mercy in His anger.",
"Seek Adonoy and His strength,",
"seek His Presence always.",
"As the burnt offering of the morning",
"which was a continual burnt offering.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"To You, my Creator",
"I have spread my hands [in prayer],",
"I have abandoned arrogance and haughtiness.",
"Truly, a broken spirit,",
"I [have brought before You as a] sacrifice,",
"and in Your loving-kindness, I trust.",
"I trust in You",
"and not upon refined weaponry,",
"even when I was threatened with death",
"[along with] scholars and their students.",
"Search out [for redemption]",
"the speechless dove and nestling,",
"and let him return the robbery",
"that he robbed.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"He [the gentile nations] robbed and destroyed",
"the exalted righteous [of our nation]",
"and his wise elders,",
"and destroyed his House",
"and desecrated the Holy and its holies",
"and slashed the Curtain",
"and slaughtered his prophets and holy men,",
"that was a generation that seeked Him.",
"The blood of those that seeked Him",
"shall be a ransom and redemption",
"before Your honorable Throne",
"[that instills] fear [in all creation].",
"[We are] attached to You",
"as linked couplets and twins,",
"because for Your sake",
"we are constantly killed.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"On this day",
"how many tens of thousands",
"fell [by the sword] from Your nation,",
"and gave their lives",
"for the Unity of Your Name.",
"For their sake bring forth into the light",
"their judgments and sentence",
"from Your heights,",
"and hear the prayers",
"of Your servants and Your nation.",
"And Your nation they loot and rob",
"and their riches they plundered",
"and they rejoice in the fear",
"and in the breach they revel.",
"‘And who has given Jacob to loot’",
"loudly they proclaim,",
"“Is it not Adonoy that did this!”
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator
"[To this we respond] ‘Our sins caused this,",
"and [caused our] pursuer to smite us.",
"We have veered from the path",
"and like a rebellious counsel we have kicked.",
"We suffered His anger",
"according to the measure [that we deserve],",
"and according to our evil actions",
"we have suffered",
"to Adonoy our God we have sinned.",
"We have sinned",
"and we are still [immersed] in great guilt.",
"To ridicule and mockery",
"we have been placed in exile.",
"[The prophecy of Scripture has befallen us:",
"Adonoy has made you wander wanderings.”
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The wanderings and sorrows",
"became stronger and intensified.",
"The wolves [who attack their prey at] dusk",
"devoured and stunned us.",
"They tore us to pieces",
"and left not even a bone till morning.",
"They are ruthless and do not take pity.",
"May pity come from the Heavens!",
"To do miracles [for us]",
"and let Him save His people",
"from the hand of the strong and violent.",
"May His beloved dwelling",
"expand its length and breadth",
"as a mast and as a banner at the mountaintop.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"As a [lonely] flagpole, [remained]",
"the remnant of His inheritance,",
"Masters, besides Him, lorded over us.",
"Now, let it be told to Jacob",
"whom He forgives:",
"“God has chosen him,",
"Israel to be His chosen nation.”",
"To His chosen nation",
"let there not be pain and destruction.",
"As in days of yore",
"let my ruins be rebuilt.",
"To my king let Him give strength",
"and let him be exalted,",
"[God] Who humbles and exalts.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Exalted One!",
"Show me [vengeance] in my enemies,",
"His vengeance",
"and the vengeance of my chosen place.",
"Transfer the pain of my shame to my enemies",
"for I carried",
"the shame of [the wrongdoing] of my youth.",
"[God responds:] I remember his youth",
"the love of betrothal.",
"[So, too] in her old age",
"act kindly towards her.",
"Please! Let my prayer be established",
"as a burnt-offering.",
"God of Jacob listen to my prayer forever.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"You have always been a support to those who put their hope in You.",
"For Your sake do [for them],",
"if not for their sake.",
"[Then] their enemies will be embarrassed",
"and disgraced through their prayers",
"[for they will pray] to Adonoy",
"and You will not answer them.",
"Answer [the prayers] of the House of Israel,",
"who have declared Your oneness,",
"even when You put their cities to rubble",
"they desired You.",
"Therefore, [even when they had to hide]",
"in the cracks [of the earth]",
"they honored You.",
"Adonoy, in their anguish, they remembered You.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"They remembered You,",
"You to whom lips turn to call [in prayer].",
"Rescue them from punishment",
"and from severe edicts.",
"Please! Turn towards their song",
"and their beseeching.",
"You are their strength in time of anguish.",
"Anguish and distress",
"remove from me, my Creator,",
"and the gates of tears",
"shall not be shut for me.",
"For they are gathered in Your vessel;",
"are they not counted by You, my Redeemer!",
"I have cried. Hear my voice!
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"I will raise my voice in plea",
"[that You save me] from the oppression",
"[of My] tumultuous enemy.",
"I was overwhelmed",
"by the severe anger of my oppressor.",
"The mother, together with her children,",
"was torn to pieces.",
"[The mother] was torn to pieces",
"before her eyes are her children slaughtered.",
"Her face was put to shame",
"her cheek plucked.",
"The barons",
"from the Chamber of Hewn Stone",
"have become few,",
"where the tribes [of Israel] ascended.",
"Return Your tribes",
"to Your glorious dwelling-place",
"so that the remnant [of Israel] be crowned.",
"Let it be heard by the fugitive of Judah",
"that has remained",
"so that she remain a crown of glory.
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Your glorious [people] who trust [in You],",
"this nation that You have acquired.",
"You have not found them contemptuous,",
"when they have called You, You responded.",
"[Even when] a single poor person calls,",
"You have prepared Your reply:",
"“I will hear their prayer",
"and their plea",
"which [you] pleaded [in their behalf].”",
"You have taken pity",
"on Your annihilated children",
"and who were exiled from their father’s table.",
"You said: “Compassion",
"shall roll over my attributes.”",
"In Adonoy they shall find righteousness",
"and they shall be praised [for trusting in God].
"We have sinned, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Those who depend on You shall be praised",
"for their prayer and my prayer",
"[were accepted] with pleasantness.",
"And conduct Yourself with them",
"with the attributes of righteousness",
"and compassion.",
"Let Your merit precede them",
"and the merit of the three ancients,",
"the Almighty King Who sits",
"on the throne of compassion.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (the Light of the Exile).
"(The Ark is opened.)
"Remember the covenant of Abraham",
"and the binding of Isaac,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"We lost the good land all too soon,",
"and the prophesied exile has lasted very long;",
"in Israel, they no longer live in open villages,",
"our plenty has been turned into famine.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"Exile after exile,",
"has all of Judah been exiled,",
"grief and destruction is her lot each day,",
"and there is none to inquire or plead for her.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"The city of holiness and its environs",
"had become disgraced and plundered;",
"all its treasures are buried and hidden,",
"and nothing remains except this Torah.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"Mighty Redeemer, for Your sake redeem us,",
"see how helpless we are,",
"look, our pious men are gone,",
"and we have none to intercede for us.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"The covenant with the Patriarchs",
"the Matriarchs",
"and the [twelve] tribes,",
"Your oft-repeated mercy and kindness—",
"remember [now] O God",
"to those who are stricken and tortured,",
"and for Your sake [they are ready]",
"to be killed all the day.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"You Who avenges [innocent] blood,",
"judge our cause,",
"repay [punish] sevenfold",
"into the bosom of those who torment us;",
"we have been sold for naught,",
"[therefore] redeem us without [ransom] money,",
"raise up Your ruined, Holy Temple,",
"before our [very] eyes,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"(The Ark is closed.)
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake",
"the covenant with [their] ancestors",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God,",
"I am Adonoy.”
"Rule alone",
"and reign over all in Your Oneness,",
"as it is written by Your prophets:",
"“And Adonoy will be King",
"over the whole earth;",
"on that day Adonoy will be One",
"and His Name One.”
"Hear, Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is one.
"Our King! We come before You",
"with the power of Your Unity,",
"for we have nothing [else]",
"with which to greet You",
"but with [our acceptance of] Your Kingdom",
"and [recognition] of Your deeds.",
"Therefore, with the whole heart",
"we will express Your Unity.",
"We will express Your Unity together,",
"old and young.",
"Please erase our writs of guilt,",
"and inscribe in the Book of Life",
"our remembrance,",
"and decree now",
"that our years be for good.
"Hear, Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is one.
"The chosen [nation] that You redeemed",
"with trial, tests and miracles",
"in Your Name they find protection",
"and the Sh’ma they read with blessings.",
"These [nations] with chariots",
"and others with horses.",
"But, we, [however]",
"trust in the Name of Adonoy, our God.",
"We carry [the Name of God]",
"with fear, trepidation, and trembling.",
"Strengthen them against the nations",
"and support them,",
"as promised in Your holy word:",
"“They will kneel and fall",
"and we will rise and be strengthened.
"Hear, Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is one.
"The Inside Services have come to an end",
"[so, too, the Service of] the goats of atonement.",
"And the priest is no more",
"to placate the anger [of God],",
"and we have been left",
"like the heart of a woman",
"who is in fear of her labor pains,",
"we depend on that which was said:",
"“Adonoy will answer you",
"on the day of distress.”",
"When affliction comes to Jacob,",
"this one [the righteous] says:",
"“I am for Adonoy” without deceit",
"and the other one [the unrighteous]",
"proclaim that they are of Jacob,",
"and they all depend on the promise",
"that the God of Jacob [will redeem them].
"Hear, Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is one.
"We are called by Your name",
"[You Who are] abundant in deeds.",
"Turn towards us to our cries",
"and accept our prayers.",
"And remove from us our evil deeds",
"You the Holy One",
"Who sits [awaiting] praises [of Israel].",
"You Who awaits praises!",
"Awaken those who slumber",
"in darkness amongst the nations.",
"Redeem them and cleanse them of their stains,",
"Almighty, King",
"Who sits on the throne of compassion.
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Saadyah Gaon.
"And so may it be Your will",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"that this coming year",
"be for us,",
"and for all Your people, the House of Israel,",
"the end and limit of the captivity",
"of Your people, the House of Israel;",
"and the last of our exile and mourning,",
"and a happy end",
"to our days of affliction and misery;",
"for our servitude has been protracted,",
"and the yoke of captivity is long upon us;",
"and behold each day",
"we become more and more diminished,",
"and with the increase in years,",
"we are less in number,",
"and in the length of time,",
"we are dwindling away.",
"We have no leader",
"nor anyone to strengthen our hands,",
"[for] it is as You said [Jeremiah 15:5]:",
"“For who will have pity on you, Jerusalem?",
"And who will moan over you?",
"And who will turn",
"to inquire about your well-being?”",
"Who will erect a [spiritual] fence,",
"and who will stand in the breach?",
"There is no longer a prophet or seer,",
"and there is no one",
"that calls upon Your Name in truth,",
"that is inspired to grasp You;",
"for we are all like sheep gone astray,",
"each one",
"has turned to his evil way,",
"every man after his gain",
"and everyone",
"after the desire of his evil heart;",
"and, as if we were not content",
"with our previous iniquities,",
"we have added new ones to them,",
"we were heedless of all the warnings",
"with which You warned us,",
"and we were not chastised",
"by all the admonishment",
"with which You rebuked us;",
"and what other righteousness have we",
"that we can cry out to the King?
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"This prayer too was composed by R’ Saadyah Gaon.
"We have forgotten Your goodness,",
"and been mindless of Your great kindnesses;",
"we have rebelled against Your word,",
"and have turned away from Your laws.",
"We have indulged in the vanities of this world,",
"and to men of arrogance and deceit",
"we have turned.",
"We have been very foolish,",
"we have loved evil more than good,",
"and falsehood",
"rather than speaking righteousness,",
"we have sought impurity rather than purity,",
"and the loathsome rather than the clean;",
"we have exchanged",
"the permanent [world] for the transitory.",
"Day by day we rise early to sin,",
"our iniquities have mounted above our heads,",
"and are more numerous than our hairs,",
"and more powerful",
"than the words of our mouth,",
"and exceeded the steps of our feet,",
"and surpassed the breathing of our nostrils.",
"We have sunk into muddy depths,",
"and there is no foothold;",
"we have come into deep waters,",
"and a whirlpool has swept us away.",
"Not You Adonoy, our God, have we harmed,",
"but [only] ourselves,",
"not You have we irritated",
"but [only] ourselves;",
"for when man sins,",
"what effect has it on You?",
"If his transgressions are numerous,",
"what does it do to You?",
"But woe to the sons of man",
"who sin against You,",
"and woe to their souls,",
"for they bring evil upon themselves.",
"Our God, we are too ashamed and disgraced,",
"to lift our faces to You, our God;",
"for we are like a repulsive vessel,",
"thus are we disgraced in our own eyes.",
"As a man immersed in a [muddy] ditch",
"and soils his clothing;",
"and as we were conceived in iniquity,",
"so the shame of our faces have covered us.
"This prayer, too, was composed by R’ Saadyah Gaon.
"And now Adonoy, our God,",
"after we have repented, we regret [our sins],",
"and after realizing [our guilt],",
"we struck ourselves on the thigh.",
"We are ashamed, even disgraced,",
"for we also bear the shame of our youth.",
"Because of this",
"we take our flesh in our teeth,",
"and put our life in our hands.",
"How shall we approach You,",
"Adonoy, our God,",
"and how shall we bow unto You,",
"exalted God?",
"How will You be reconciled to us",
"and atone all our sins,",
"which have passed by and gone",
"like water spilt on the ground,",
"which cannot be gathered up again?",
"If through repentance and confession",
"You will be reconciled to us,",
"behold we repent and confess",
"before You Adonoy, our God:",
"“We have sinned and transgressed,",
"and that which is straight, we distorted,",
"and it has not profited us.”",
"And if through prayer and supplication",
"You will forgive us,",
"behold we offer our supplication before You;",
"“As the eyes of servants [look]",
"toward the hand of their master,",
"as the eyes of a maiden [look]",
"toward the hand of her mistress;",
"so our eyes are lifted to You.”",
"And if through weeping and wailing",
"You will pardon us,",
"behold, our soul weeps in secret",
"because of our sins,",
"and our spirit groans within us",
"over the multitude of our transgressions.",
"And if through a broken spirit,",
"You will atone us,",
"behold our heart is broken within us,",
"and our spirit is crushed",
"by the troubles and travails",
"which have passed over us,",
"until there is nothing left",
"whole in our flesh.",
"Were it not for Your mercy and kindness,",
"we would have perished",
"because of our iniquities.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"And now Adonoy, our God,",
"if we did like our foolishness,",
"You do according to Your trait and forgive",
"because You are perfect and complete.",
"If we repaid evil in exchange for good",
"still grant us good and not evil;",
"because even a righteous person forgives",
"and certainly the Creator should do this.",
"If we transgressed so extensively,",
"You are capable of excessive kindness",
"and can forgive extensively",
"since Your righteousness and kindness",
"are greater than high and mighty mountains,",
"and more profound than the greatest depths.",
"Your glory covers the heavens",
"and Your praise fills the earth.",
"Adonoy, we heard Your reputation—",
"that with one of Your character traits",
"You forgive those who sinned against You",
"and even all of those who sinned.",
"Forgive our intentional and unintentional sins",
"and all the sins and iniquities of Israel,",
"and cleanse us from our iniquity",
"and purify us from our sins.",
"Don’t be excessively angry at us",
"and don’t remember our iniquity forever,",
"since You have the vast capacity to forgive.
"And You, Adonoy,",
"intended to rid us of our refuse,",
"and to remove our unworthiness",
"and break our straying heart,",
"and destroy our defilement from within us.",
"Therefore, You exiled us",
"and scattered us among the nations.",
"Behold, in the pandemonium of kingdoms",
"we drowned",
"and like the smelting of silver",
"in a vat we were melted",
"and it was not because of Your inability",
"that You did not save us,",
"nor because of deafness in Your ears",
"that You did not hear our prayers.",
"Rather our sins separated",
"us from Your deliverance.",
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while the shame is ours.",
"To Adonoy, our God,",
"is mercy and forgiveness",
"because we have rebelled against Him",
"and to You, God, is only kindness",
"because You pay [reward]",
"a person according to his deeds.",
"And You, Adonoy, our God,",
"Redeemer of Israel and its Holy One,",
"will You eternally be angry at us?",
"Will Your anger endure for all generations?",
"God forbid!",
"Will You forsake forever",
"and not forgive again?",
"God forbid!",
"Because forever there will not cease",
"Your performance of kindness",
"and Your mercy will not stop",
"since this trait is renewed daily",
"and is created at all times",
"and every moment.",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy",
"perform with us (your kindness and forgive us)",
"because this is Your praise",
"and because Your Name is called upon us,",
"Adonoy, God of Israel;",
"and for the sake of the covenant,",
"with our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,",
"that You made with them;",
"and the oath",
"that You swore to them, remember.",
"And for the sake of Your Torah",
"and the holy ones who study it,",
"for they have been diminished and subdued.",
"And You have promised us in its regard",
"that the Law will never be forgotten",
"from his seed;",
"“And My words that I placed in their mouths",
"will never cease”;",
"and for the sake of Your nation and inheritance",
"of which only a few remain from many",
"as a rod placed on a mountain top",
"or a banner on a hill.",
"For the sake of Jerusalem, Your holy city,",
"that became a desolate wilderness",
"and all its glory was taken from it;",
"and for the sake",
"of our house of life and beauty",
"that for which our ancestors praised You",
"and that was consumed by fire,",
"and all of its treasures destroyed.",
"For the sake of those who were killed",
"[because they upheld] Your holy Name",
"and for those who were slaughtered",
"[because they expounded] Your singularity.",
"For the sake of Your holy Torah",
"that was burned in fire",
"and cast to be trodden upon",
"by all passers-by.",
"In view of all these tragedies",
"will [You] Adonoy, restrain Yourself,",
"therefore hasten to answer us",
"to the greatest extent.
"Behold all of the nations",
"dwell in tranquility without turmoil",
"whereas the poor of Your people,",
"are tormented and denigrated and unsettled",
"and in their turmoil they seek You",
"and extend their supplication",
"opposite the Ark of Your covenant.",
"Adonoy, the God of Hosts,",
"until when will You continue",
"not to have mercy on Jerusalem",
"and the cities of Judah",
"against whom You were angered",
"for so many years,",
"and see Your nation",
"in great fear.",
"There is no one to unite and help them",
"and there is no savior for Israel.",
"We have turned to the right",
"and there is no savior;",
"to the left and there is no support,",
"and for us,",
"we can rely on no one",
"except upon You",
"our Father in heaven.",
"Now is the time and the opportunity",
"that it behooves You to help",
"and to promulgate",
"the intensity of Your mercy",
"that always existed",
"for it [Your mercy] is very great.
"When Israel sinned in the desert,",
"Moses, our teacher stood",
"and prayed before You,",
"and beseeched You for mercy",
"upon Your nation, Israel,",
"and said the following in his prayer:",
"“My King and my God,",
"please forgive the sin of this people",
"with the immensity of Your kindness,",
"just as You forgave this nation",
"from Egypt until the present time.",
"And You responded to him",
"in your manner of goodness",
"and You spoke and said to him,",
"“I forgive [them] as you ask.”",
"We are ashamed of our actions",
"and we are disgraced with our sins",
"and our faces are blackened",
"from our sins.",
"Our statures are bent",
"because of our guilt",
"and we have no excuse to offer",
"nor audacity to raise our heads.
"The following prayer was composed by R’ Saadyah Gaon.
"We beseech You, look at the righteousness",
"of Your servants and Your pious ones,",
"who exposed themselves to death for You,",
"and did not spare themselves",
"or their children,",
"but rejected the life of this world.",
"They subjected their will to Your will",
"and sanctified Your great Name,",
"and did not desecrate It.",
"They willingly offered themselves as sacrifices;",
"they stretched out their necks",
"and withstood the test, and were found true;",
"they were proven with cleansing,",
"and found to be perfect.",
"The blood of fathers and sons merged,",
"also the blood of mothers and children;",
"the blood of brothers and sisters were mingled,",
"also the blood of bridgrooms and brides,",
"the blood of wise men and women,",
"the blood of worthy men and women,",
"the blood of young men and women,",
"the blood of communal leaders",
"and their adjutants,",
"the blood of pious men and women,",
"the blood of old men and women,",
"the blood of judges and their scribes,",
"the blood of teachers and their pupils;",
"the blood of husbands and their wives;",
"they were all slain together",
"for the sanctification",
"of Your holy and unique Name.
"Earth! Cover not their blood,",
"and let their cry find no [resting] place,",
"until Adonoy looks from heaven and sees,",
"and takes His own vengeance,",
"and the vengeance of His people,",
"and the vengeance of His Torah,",
"and the vengeance of His servants",
"whose blood was poured like water;",
"as You promised us",
"through [Moses], the father of all prophets,",
"“Sing the praises of His people, you nations,",
"for the blood of His servants, He will avenge,",
"and vengeance will He repay to His foes;",
"and His land will be atoned",
"[with the atonement] of His people.”
"Remember these altars,",
"and see these bindings [sacrifices],",
"for because of one binding [Isaac’s],",
"the world shook,",
"and the angels cried without,",
"and You swore that You would bless,",
"[Abraham] the one who bound,",
"and [Isaac] who was bound,",
"to multiply their children",
"like the sand of the sea.",
"And certainly now",
"that so many [sacrificed] bound their children",
"for the unity of Your Name,",
"Unique and Revered One.",
"We beseech You, Avenger of blood,",
"the voice of Your children’s blood,",
"cry out to You from the earth,",
"and let the land not atone",
"the blood that was spilled in her,",
"except with the blood of those who spilt it.",
"And let Your mind be changed,",
"and let Your anger be stilled,",
"and Your wrath be withheld;",
"and cease destruction and ruin",
"from Your people.
"Spare and have mercy on the escaped remnant,",
"and bring them from darkness to light,",
"and grant us a good year,",
"a year of favor and time of redemption.",
"Almighty, remember to us",
"the covenant with Abraham,",
"and recall for us",
"the merit of [Isaac], who was bound,",
"and have mercy on us",
"for the piety of [Jacob] the perfect man.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"over all that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"The cry of those who praise You",
"may it rise before Your Throne of Honor.",
"Fulfill the requests of",
"the people that proclaim Your Unity,",
"[You, Who] listens to the prayer of",
"those who come to You.
"Forgive [us]!",
"[Refrain] from bringing us to judgement",
"for the delay and distortion of justice,",
"for if [You will judge] according to justice",
"who will [be considered] righteous before You,",
"God of justice.
"The hands of the expelled people,",
"strengthen them as of yore",
"since to You they cleave",
"for if [You do to them] as they deserve",
"what purpose [would it serve]",
"that they [remain] alive.
"When I entreat You",
"with the utterances of my mouth.",
"Receive me as [You did]",
"in [the place] of perfect splendor,",
"for if [You judge me] according to [my] fault",
"then I place my hand to my mouth.
"Enlightened One!",
"According to Your great kindness",
"act towards us,",
"and do not pay according to our deeds,",
"for according to [what we] do",
"who could possibly say:",
"“I have cleansed my heart from deception.”
"And if we have perverted Your command,",
"[nevertheless], heed us and accept our song,",
"for according to what [we have] perverted",
"what shall they do,",
"they that reside in mud huts.
"With compassion and not with anger,",
"act [towards us] today and every day,",
"for according to our deeds",
"we would not know what to do.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Meir ben Isaac.
"Receive our prayer, accept our supplication",
"in place of the fragrance",
"of the continual morning offering.",
"Consider those who rise to praise Your Name,",
"as though they had been privileged",
"to remove the ashes from the Altar.
"Accept their worship [prayers]",
"in the sanctuary [synagogues] of their exile",
"as if it were the “Chavittin” in the Temple.",
"Listen to our reading [of the Sh’ma]",
"and the order of our Amidah prayers,",
"as the burning of the limbs and fat pieces.
"Consider the spreading of our hands [in prayer]",
"towards heaven,",
"as the bringing up of the ashes to the heap.",
"Consider our facing eastward [in prayer]",
"as the wood on the Altar that faced eastward.
"May it be pleasant before You",
"how they place their feet together at prayer,",
"as the service of the [proper] kohain",
"when he arranged the two wood piles.",
"Count the steps",
"of those who approach You in worship,",
"as those of the kohanim in the Sanctuary",
"who rushed to draw lots [to serve You].
"May our rising early to pray at dawn,",
"as the stars go up in song, be considered",
"as those who announced the dawn,",
"evoking the merit of Hebron.",
"The presiding kohain ordered",
"that a lamb be brought",
"from the chamber [pen] of lambs,",
"which was carefully examined [for blemishes].
"From a golden vessel",
"it was given to drink,",
"and was examined again by torchlight.",
"The kohain who won the privilege",
"of offering the daily sacrifice—",
"and who allotted twelve of his brethren",
"[the privilege of assisting him]—brought the lamb to the slaughter house.
"He delayed the slaughtering",
"until the large gate was opened.",
"He maneuvered his hand, up to his elbow,",
"into the opening of the gate [to open one lock]",
"two keys were needed for opening the gate.
"When the door turned on its hinges,",
"it would give out a creaking sound",
"that was heard in the plain of Jericho.",
"The diligent [kohanim]",
"carefully bound [the lamb],",
"binding the fore and hind legs",
"as Isaac was bound on Mount Moriah.
"The second ring merited",
"that it be used for slaughtering,",
"both the morning and afternoon sacrifices",
"were performed facing the sun.",
"The blood was sprinkled twice",
"against the four sides of the Altar—",
"once on the northeast corner",
"and once on the southwest corner.
"The remaining blood was poured out",
"at the southern base of the Altar;",
"and the lamb had to be skinned,",
"and totally consumed by fire",
"as an offering to the Most High.",
"The operation of the dissection [of the lamb]",
"is too lengthy to describe,",
"silence is better than to weary the congregation.
"Nine kohanim performed the offering",
"joined by three others who were privileged",
"to perform the pan-offering,",
"the fine flour offering and the wine libation.",
"Then, on the western side of the ramp,",
"the pieces were salted;",
"and then they went into the Stone Chamber",
"to read the [morning] Sh’ma.
"At the signal they recited one blessing;",
"they also recited the “Ten Commandments,”",
"and an additional blessing on the Sabbath.",
"They recited True and firm and the Avodah,",
"and the “Priestly Blessing” [in which]",
"they blessed the people a benificent blessing
"New kohanim were selected by lot",
"for the privilege of offering the incense,",
"and he who was chosen once, could not repeat",
"because it enriched the one who performed it.",
"At the fourth lot, all kohanim participated,",
"for the privilege of carrying the pieces",
"to the square [Altar].
"Then they sounded the “Magrephah”",
"which produced many sounds,",
"and its sound was heard in Jericho.",
"Levites and kohanim were trained at its sound",
"to be ready",
"for song and worshipful kneeling.
"They quickly ran up the steps of the Vestibule,",
"the kohanim who had to remove the ashes",
"from the inner Altar",
"took the basket of ashes and withdrew.",
"Another cleaned the “Menorah”;",
"rekindled the extinguished lamps,",
"and took the vessel with the Menorah’s ashes",
"and hurriedly went on his way.
"Another kohain spread",
"the burning coals with the back of the censer;",
"he bowed and withdrew.",
"Another heaped the incense on the coals",
"from the center of the Altar outwards;",
"they taught him to spread them in this manner",
"so that his arms should not be burned.
"Trembling, they quickly withdrew",
"during the burning of the incense,",
"this was done secretly to atone",
"for slander [which is done in secret].",
"Fixed according to the breaches",
"were the number of prostrations [they made]",
"to appease the living Almighty.
"Those who were girded with swords",
"pronounced the Divine Name as it is written,",
"and not with its appellations",
"when they recited one Priestly Blessing,",
"lifting their hands over their heads.",
"Whenever the Kohain Gadol desired",
"he could take part in the sacrificial order;",
"the Vice Kohain Gadol would be at his right",
"as they walked up the ramp [to the Altar].
"The other kohanim came near him",
"and handed him the pieces",
"upon which he laid his hands",
"and threw them into the fire.",
"And then into the special openings",
"he poured the [wine] libations.",
"The Vice Kohain Gadol stood",
"and waved a cloth.
"The trumpeteers came",
"and stood next to Ben Arza",
"who with his thumb and middle finger",
"caused the tsaltsal to be heard.",
"When the Levites heard the sound,",
"they chanted songs of praise;",
"at the conclusion of each psalm,",
"they sounded trumpets",
"and prostrated themselves.
"This was the order of the daily service",
"in the House of our God—",
"may it be speedily restored.",
"May the daily morning offering",
"be fulfilled through our recounting of it,",
"and serve as atonement for Jeshurun [Israel].
"The same order of the morning sacrifice,",
"and for the meal and wine offerings,",
"was used for the evening sacrifice.",
"Eleven kohanim were privileged to offer it,",
"two of whom held the two wooden logs.
"The lamb offerings subdued",
"and washed away iniquities;",
"and the innocence of a year old child",
"was brought upon the treasured [people].",
"These sacrifices were like a mighty advocate",
"making it possible for righteousness to abide",
"in the city of our God,",
"may God [soon] restore it.
"Be not silent [you Angels]",
"appointed as guardians [of Jerusalem]",
"say: “And You shall rise and be merciful.”",
"May the Jerusalem built in heaven",
"be established and be renowned on earth.
"And may the great angel [Michael] rise",
"to plead for his people",
"that evil be removed from them.",
"May their cry adorn You as a crown,",
"and ascend the heavenly Altar",
"as a burnt-offering.
"And you, the awesome angel [Gabriel],",
"who stands behind the veil of separation,",
"recommend our righteousness",
"and bind our merits together,",
"as you once interceded favorably for Daniel,",
"and thereby regained your original high rank.
"On behalf of Israel, plead for justice,",
"stand before the Master, Adonoy.",
"Let righteousness arouse His mercy as myrrh,",
"and appear before Him",
"with the attribute of mercy.
"Master of masters!",
"Gaze from Your dwelling",
"and take pity on the destitute",
"as a father takes pity on his children,",
"and remember the covenant of trust",
"with the seven mighty ones.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant with Abraham",
"who bloomed amongst the thorns",
"and from the East",
"[his name] shone like the sun,",
"and from his land he escaped",
"and he followed after You, God,",
"and to Your Name he cried out",
"when he was [only] three years old.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant with his desired [son]",
"that he bound before You,",
"and stretched forth his hand",
"for the knife to slaughter his only son,",
"and, then, put a redemption in his place,",
"a ram as a burnt-offering in his stead.",
"[Therefore,] his children,",
"for whom God, the Rock, is their splendor,",
"redeem, today, from their wickedness.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant of the complete one",
"who escaped from a man of blood.",
"With a ladder from on high.",
"You foretold to him words of consolation",
"and he overpowered the powerful",
"and he found kindness and compassion.",
"[Therefore,] please remove the stains",
"and cleanse as snow the red [thread].",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant with the humble one",
"and the Law of his meditations",
"[taught] to the great masses,",
"and the Law of his visions.",
"He was feared in His heavens,",
"and he witnessed Your splendor.",
"[Therefore,] remember this, his Master",
"Whom he knew face to face.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant with Your messenger,",
"who served as priest in Your dwelling",
"and placed robust burnt-offerings",
"for a pleasant aroma for You;",
"and the smoke of Your spices",
"consumed on Your Altar.",
"Upon him Your spirit rested",
"when he entered the innermost chamber.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant",
"with the loyal-hearted,",
"whom You chose as a ruler.",
"Whom, from all his surroundings",
"You gave him rest from his enemies.",
"Your spirit, God, strengthened him",
"when he rose to go and come.",
"Let them come before You with his utterances",
"the poets and the singers.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the covenant with the zealous one",
"who quarreled with a stubborn generation.",
"[Therefore,] you elevated and appointed him",
"to be the bearer of good tidings",
"and to prepare [the way for the Messiah].",
"And because of his pain and suffering",
"turn to him for good",
"and turn towards",
"those who are called [Your] nation,",
"who are supported by Your compassion.",
"And do not remind us",
"of our earlier iniquities.
"Remember the one",
"who destroyed the false prophets",
"and You hid him in Nachal Kris.",
"And remember for us the covenant",
"that You formed to the end of days.",
"Cleanse the remnant [of Israel]",
"as with cleanser and soap.",
"And to those who return from disgrace",
"forgive iniquity and wickedness.
"Fast of Gedaliah": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi).
"Even before the clouds were stretched above,",
"and the soil was joined together on earth,",
"in Your Presence",
"seven things were [already] gathered:",
"the Torah; the Divine Throne;",
"and [Repentance] the remedy",
"for rebellious children.
"The beauty of Paradise; and the flames of Hell;",
"and a Place of atonement [the Altar]",
"by virtue of the offerings [brought thereon];",
"and the glorious name of the Moshiach",
"which has been desecrated through our sins.",
"All these were created two thousand years",
"before the creation of the inhabited earth.
"They are arranged above the firmament,",
"appearing with sparkling lustre,",
"firmly rooted",
"before Him Who dwells over the Cherubim.",
"His throne was placed in the firmament,",
"standing firmly—",
"the seat of the King",
"Whose awe is upon all that surround Him.
"From His right hand [He gave us the Torah]",
"a fiery law engraved in writing,",
"which was set on His knees",
"with loving caress.",
"Situated on the south, was the Garden of Eden,",
"on the north",
"was the blazing hell.
"Facing east was Jerusalem",
"built with hewn stones,",
"concealing within it",
"the Almighty’s Sanctuary on earth;",
"set in its center was the Altar,",
"that atoned the guilty,",
"it lay",
"on the hewn, foundation stone.
"The name of Yinon [Moshiach]",
"was engraved on it,",
"also the ineffable four-letter Name",
"was etched in letters.",
"There in the center",
"before Him Who blesses His people with rain",
"repentance is joined [with the other six objects],",
"it is the remedy for the sick and grieved.
"It is ready to cleanse the filth,",
"and to provide clean garments,",
"and to pour good [fragrant] oil",
"on the heads of the penitent.",
"Therefore, we come before You,",
"young and old, [pleading with You]",
"to cleanse us from the stench [of sin],",
"and cast away the record of our iniquity.
"With prayer, they approach You",
"Your rebellious children;",
"they seek You every day",
"with words of prayer.",
"Let our words be considered",
"as the burning of sacrificial blood and fat,",
"and accept the murmuring of our lips",
"as the sacrificial pieces of bullocks and lambs.",
"Cause our sins to sink into the earth.",
"there where water drips.",
"Bring us near to You,",
"under the wings of Your abundant mercy.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Seek Adonoy while He may be found,",
"call upon Him while He is near.",
"“Return to Me, and I will return to you,”",
"says Adonoy of hosts.",
"He who knows shall return,",
"and God will relent",
"and turn from His fierce anger,",
"and not destroy",
"He who knows shall return and repent,",
"and leave a blessing after him.",
"Rend your hearts, not [merely] your clothes,",
"and return to Adonoy, your God.",
"For He is gracious and merciful,",
"slow to anger and abundant in kindness,",
"and relenting of evil.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"While Adonoy may be found,",
"I rise early to seek Him;",
"to entreat Him to atone [my] iniquities,",
"for I am red [with sin] as scarlet.",
"My heart is confused and benumbed,",
"and as one asleep, I drowse.",
"I have become almost like Sodom,",
"and to Gomorrah am I likened.
"I resemble a faithless wife,",
"and a shameless adultress;",
"I have become like a polluted garment,",
"like a garment",
"stained with blood.",
"I lack a mediator,",
"and one that knows how to pray [for me].",
"Look Adonoy! and see,",
"for I have become repulsive.
"[Israel] the honored one has become repulsive",
"in the hands of those who besmirch her;",
"she has been sold for naught forever,",
"and there is none to redeem her.",
"That which was firm and upraised has sunken",
"and the Ariel [the Altar] has been destroyed;",
"cast down from heaven to the earth,",
"is the glory of Israel.
"Israel is a prey to robbers and vandals—",
"how long will this continue?",
"Numerous as locusts are my pursuers",
"and mighty are my destroyers;",
"when I take to heart,",
"my ruin, my destruction and my devastation,",
"my soul prefers [to die from] strangulation,",
"and death rather than to dwell in my bones.
"Because my bones",
"are crushed and pierced",
"by those who provoke and blaspheme You,",
"I said,",
"“I cannot bear Your anger and Your wrath.”",
"May it be in Your heart",
"to redeem the life of Your beloved ones,",
"for Your Name is called",
"on Your city and on Your people.
"Your people, scattered and dispersed",
"among every nation,",
"remember You in their adversity",
"and fear You in deed and thought.",
"Drown their deliberate sins,",
"and forgive and heal their negligence.",
"My Master, hear our voice,",
"let Your ears be attentive [to our prayer].
"Let Your ears be attentive",
"to the outpouring of our pleading,",
"let the praise of our lips be acceptable",
"as the sweet savor of our sacrifices.",
"We seek You, our Shield,",
"and in You we place our trust,",
"for we are called by Your Name,",
"do not abandon us.
"You have abandoned us, O Master,",
"these many years—why?",
"We have become as astonishment, an example,",
"a byword, a scorn,",
"a shame and disgrace.",
"Speedily fulfill the promise",
"that You made to the desolate [land]:",
"“I, Adonoy, build the ruins,",
"and plant that which was desolate.”
"The desolate land,",
"in Your great mercy, rebuild it,",
"and establish it firmly;",
"hear, O God, her supplication,",
"for the time to favor her is come.",
"Strengthen those who praise You,",
"shield them in the shadow of Your hand,",
"and may the redeemed ones of Adonoy, return",
"and come to Zion with singing.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”",
"Seek Adonoy and His might,",
"seek His Presence continually.",
"Seek Adonoy while He may be found",
"call upon Him while He is near.",
"Let the wicked one forsake his way,",
"and the man of deceit, his thoughts;",
"and let him return to Adonoy,",
"and He will have compassion for him,",
"and to our God,",
"for He will abundantly pardon.",
"Return Israel unto God,",
"for you have failed by your iniquity.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Saadyah Gaon.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"My soul mourns and my face is darkened,",
"[because] the House of my glory",
"has been smashed by the lion;",
"even my escaped ones",
"that were left, my remnant,",
"were crushed on the third day of Tishri.
"The raging flames and flood",
"overwhelmed us in their pursuit;",
"they trod down the Temple",
"and divided the spoil;",
"the elders of the remnant",
"who escaped the day of vengeance,",
"were now destroyed",
"on the fast day of Gedaliah ben Achikam.
"The poor among the people were torn apart,",
"that which was left by the caterpillar,",
"was quickly devoured by the locust;",
"the vine-keepers and farmers",
"that were left on the orders of Nevuchadnetsar,",
"perished in the flames,",
"and there was none left to erect a fence",
"and to stand in the breach.
"How can I narrate [the disaster]",
"when my groaning is so heavy?",
"My soul is weary,",
"and my congregations are grieved.",
"The few vines [Jews] that remained,",
"from the fierce burning,",
"even they could not remain,",
"and were scattered in wrath.
"How long will You hide your face from us?",
"Hear our cry",
"and loosen our bound ones,",
"O Holy One, behold,",
"there is no one to plead in our behalf,",
"look on our misery [and redeem us],",
"and we will crown You with Your praise.
"We have been despoiled",
"from generation to generation,",
"and from age to age,",
"the fangs of the flying viper",
"stings us;",
"Mighty One,",
"be aroused and awake for our justification,",
"Atone our iniquities,",
"and call an end [to our suffering].
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Seek Adonoy while He may be found",
"call upon while He is near.",
"Return, irreverent children,",
"I will heal your irreverence.",
"Behold we approach You",
"for You are Adonoy, our God.",
"Return, Israel to Adonoy, Your God,",
"for you have failed by your iniquity.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Benjamin ben Zorach.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"You taught us of old,",
"to entreat You with our lips;",
"[how] with prayer and supplication",
"to knock at [Your] door.",
"We approach You with diligence",
"and not with laziness—",
"avert calamities [from us]",
"that come from time to time.
"Behold we come before You",
"with broken spirit and humbled heart,",
"to confess before You",
"all our follies and stubborness of heart;",
"You Who searches hearts,",
"and heals the broken in spirit,",
"renew a correct spirit within us,",
"and create for us a pure heart.
"You appointed from of old",
"these ten days,",
"for each individual to return",
"and find atonement,",
"while the entire year",
"is available for communal repentance,",
"to cry and pray",
"in times of anguish and distress.
"If the individual hastens",
"and repents within [these ten days],",
"he is pardoned;",
"but if he despairs [of atonement]",
"and does not repent,",
"there is no hope for his iniquity.",
"Even if he prepares and offers",
"all the rams of Nevayos to help him,",
"though he will plead and cry",
"his prayer will not be heard.
"The prayers of the congregation",
"as well as those of the individual,",
"ascend to You alone;",
"for You, our Rock, hear prayer;",
"receive us with favor",
"and grant us pardon,",
"favor us",
"as though we had brought burnt-offerings.
"Judge us",
"with compassion and pity—",
"Your distinguished children",
"whom You took for Your treasure—",
"let their disobedience",
"be drowned in the depths of the sea,",
"and let them praise You forever",
"with every kind of praise.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”",
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors,",
"let Your mercy come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"For Adonoy hears the [cry] of the needy,",
"and His bound ones, He does not shame.",
"For our lives are spent in sorrow,",
"and our years in sighing.",
"For because of [our faith in] You",
"we are murdered each day;",
"we are considered as sheep",
"to be slaughtered.",
"For You will not forsake us forever, O God.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Shimon ben Isaac [R’ Shimon the Great].
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Send us Your light and Your truth,",
"grant good fortune to those who believe in You,",
"for You Adonoy are good and forgiving.",
"Look on our afflicted souls,",
"in Your goodness, take us to freedom,",
"for the waters have reached our souls.
"May our cries be heard,",
"return our exiles to their dwellings,",
"for we are strangers and sojourners.",
"We knock at Your door constantly,",
"we cling to You, to be joined,",
"for we have been brought very low.
"The insolent deride us in our plight,",
"save us that we may thank You, our Rock,",
"that You have delivered us",
"from our tormentors.",
"Your dispersed ones look to You for support,",
"strengthen them in their fear of You,",
"for this is the whole purpose of man.
"The laws of the heathen peoples are vanity,",
"but Your desired ones follow You longingly",
"for You are gracious and merciful.",
"Your Temple was turned into ruins,",
"favor her with rebuilt walls,",
"for Your kindness is better than life.
"I am weary and in my affliction I pray:",
"“May my oppressor be shamed and disgraced,”",
"for Adonoy will do justice for the afflicted.",
"The speech of my enemies lie heavy on me,",
"they provoke me all the day,",
"and thus my days are consumed in smoke.
"May He pay them according to their deeds,",
"and thus teach His people a beneficial lesson,",
"that He will not cast us off forever.",
"May his Merciful One grant his desire,",
"and remove his disgrace from him,",
"for how good and how beautiful was he.
"My cities have become ruins,",
"strangers have entered my gates,",
"because I bore the disgrace of my youth.",
"“I will yet greatly rejoice in you,”",
"when You will say this to Your redeemed,",
"[they will say:] “For You have given me joy, Adonoy,",
"with Your deeds.”
"Mighty One! Awesome One! Revered One!",
"cause our redemption now,",
"because for Your sake,",
"we are continually slain.",
"Clear the crooked way [of impediments]",
"that we may proclaim Your glorious praise—",
"that Adonoy has redeemed Jacob.
"May our enemies perish by excisement,",
"look down on us from the mighty heavens,",
"for our days on earth are a shadow.",
"Bring near the time of my redemption,",
"let my enemies hear [Your] voice [proclaim]:",
"“That the day of Adonoy is near.”
"Exalted One, show Your arm,",
"to Your beloved, show a pleasant countenance,",
"for though Adonoy is exalted,",
"He still regards the lowly.",
"Hear the voice of my supplication,",
"let my prayer ascend to Your dwelling,",
"for Adonoy hears the cry of the needy.
"Favor our prayer as a thanksgiving offering,",
"say to Your people,",
"“I will show you favor,”",
"for the Torah shall go forth from Me.",
"He will incline the scale [in our favor],",
"He will garb and wrap Himself in strength,",
"for He causes pain and brings healing.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Again, show us compassion,",
"suppress our iniquities,",
"and cast into the depths of the sea",
"all our sins.",
"Turn away fierce anger",
"and let Your mind be changed",
"concerning the evil intended for Your people.",
"Adonoy, bring back our exiles",
"like springs in the desert.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return;",
"renew our days as of old.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Shlomo Habavli.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Again be compassionate with us,",
"bring back our exiles as You promised,",
"renew again as of old",
"Your love for Your people.",
"Remove anger",
"and quickly quiet Your vexation.",
"Turn from Your fierce anger",
"and let Your mind be changed",
"concerning the evil intended for Your people.
"Gather and seek the lost ones,",
"and strengthen Your inheritance—",
"[Your] sheep that are slaughtered",
"and shorn for fearing You.",
"If the transgressions are too numerous",
"among those who crave Your forgiveness,",
"turn [from Your anger] for the sake of",
"Your servants, the tribes of Your heritage.
"The iniquity of our fathers",
"has burdened us [with exile]",
"and we have to taste the sour grapes;",
"we were made to drink the cup of poison,",
"bitterness and wrath.",
"As in the days when You dwelt among us,",
"and made our lives sweet,",
"return to us, O God of our deliverance,",
"and annul Your anger toward us.
"You have not totally rejected",
"those who take refuge in You",
"and testify to Your Oneness;",
"they have been punished for their sins,",
"and look to You to be healed.",
"Appease Your anger",
"in accordance with righteous practice.",
"Turn [from Your anger] Adonoy, how long?",
"and change Your mind about Your servants.
"Daily we yearn",
"for the revelation of Your secret",
"which is sealed and hidden,",
"[while] Your pious ones waste away [in exile];",
"humiliation breaks our hearts",
"as we wait for Your graciousness.",
"Return Adonoy, free our souls,",
"deliver us for the sake of Your lovingkindness.
"We are forsaken",
"and counted with them",
"that go down into the grave,",
"into mourning has been turned",
"[our] harp, and song, and flute;",
"those who mourn with tears,",
"will walk proudly with thanksgiving.",
"Adonoy! Bring back our exiles",
"like springs in the desert.
"Tears are the food",
"of those who trust in You,",
"O my Rock [Who is] Almighty;",
"“Where is the Redeemer?”",
"the Almighty’s adversaries ask scornfully.",
"As You appeared then in a vision,",
"as You spoke to the righteous [prophets]—",
"return [now] Adonoy",
"to the thousand myriads of Israel.
"Hear Adonoy,",
"incline Your ear and listen",
"to those who plead, “Please forgive,”",
"reply, “I have forgiven.”",
"Even though our sins are numerous,",
"You open the door saying.",
"“Return O Israel.”",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Return Adonoy, free our souls,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your kindliness.",
"Return, return, You have said to us,",
"regarding repentance,",
"from the very beginning of creation",
"You promised to accept it.",
"The correct offering to God",
"is a broken spirit,",
"a broken and humbled heart,",
"God will not despise.",
"Let come before You",
"the groaning of the prisoner [of sin],",
"according to the greatness of Your power",
"set free those condemned to die.",
"Grant truth to Jacob,",
"kindliness to Abraham,",
"as You have sworn to our fathers",
"from the days of old.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Ephraim ben Isaac of Regensburg. It is entitled the Akeidah, the Binding and retells the episode of the binding of Isaac.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Though the pigeon offerings have ceased,",
"though the tent of His dwelling is now empty,",
"we need not lose hope",
"for we have the merit of our old father.
"Recognize his presence",
"when we mention his righteousness before You;",
"You commanded him,",
"“Take your beloved son,",
"and let his blood be wrung out",
"at the side [of the Altar].”
"He ran to the lad and consecrated him,",
"though his soul was bound up in his soul;",
"he put the wood and fire around him,",
"and the crown of his God was on his head.
"The only son, tender and light as a deer,",
"answered and said to his father,",
"“Behold we are bringing the fire and wood,",
"but there is no offering to bring.”
"He answered him with words",
"that would not terrify him;",
"his father said to him,",
"“God Himself will show [the lamb],",
"and Adonoy will let us know",
"that which is His [sacrifice].”
"Both heeded Your commandment",
"and did not question You[r word];",
"without hesitation, they hurried quickly",
"to one of the mountains.
"When they saw a blazing pillar of fire,",
"they quickly brought the wood for",
"the burnt-offering;",
"together, linked closely in love,",
"they walked straight through the wilderness",
"as though it was a plain.
"When the only son perceived",
"that he was to be the lamb,",
"he said to his father, the tested one",
"“Do with me as you would a lamb,",
"have no pity and do not spare me.
"He [God] has delight in me and desires me,",
"to Him I will bare my heart;",
"even should you refuse to sacrifice me,",
"in the end my spirit and my soul",
"will be gathered unto Him.
"He [Abraham] bowed his hands and feet,",
"and held his sword over him;",
"he laid him carefully on the wood",
"as the fire blazed on the altar.
"He stretched forth his neck willingly,",
"and his father came close",
"to slaughter him in the Name of his Master",
"and behold, Adonoy stood over him.
"God observed what was being done,",
"how the father had not spared his son,",
"his heart and his hands were lifted [as one],",
"and God saw",
"all that was done.
"God called to Abraham",
"who was sanctified from the womb,",
"choose an exchange for your son,",
"behold there is another ram,",
"offer it without delay.
"The exchanged [ram] will be his offering,",
"its burning will be proper",
"and its smoke will ascend;",
"and it will be [as if] he",
"and his exchange [are offered before Me].
"May the memory be before You in heaven,",
"engraved forever in [Your] book,",
"an everlasting covenant,",
"never to be erased,",
"with Abraham and Isaac.
"Your worshippers have come to bow to You;",
"regard the righteousness of that binding",
"and remember Your flock with compassion,",
"[for] the faces of Your flock",
"look to the merit of the binding.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Benjamin ben Zorach.
"You taught the way of repentance",
"to the rebellious daughter [Israel];",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur",
"we are to return unto You [in repentance].",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"Long ago, from of old,",
"You prepared the way for repentance,",
"before You spread out the mighty heavens,",
"and established the earth;",
"thus, for all who return,",
"repentance is a balm and a remedy.",
"Those who knock at Your door,",
"do not send them away empty-handed.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"Behold, the first to be created from dust,",
"Adam, the first to be formed,",
"You tried him with a light commandment,",
"which he did not keep.",
"You were indignant and angry with him,",
"[and decreed] to shorten his years;",
"but when he repented,",
"You preserved him like the apple of Your eye.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"When his offspring [Cain] went astray",
"by shedding his brother’s blood,",
"You sentenced him to be a wanderer,",
"to go from place to place;",
"but when he returned to You",
"and left his evil ways,",
"You prolonged his life to seven generations,",
"anyone who found him",
"was forbidden to slay him.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"He [Reuben] who profaned his father’s bed,",
"was unstable as water,",
"his feet had almost slipped",
"had he not poured out his heart as water.",
"The young lion [Judah] sinned",
"with Tamar at Enaim,",
"when he confessed his sin,",
"You inclined the scale to justify him.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"He broke the barriers of the world,",
"did [Achav] son of Omri, with his wickedness,",
"he desired to worship the Asherim idols,",
"and added transgression upon sin.",
"You tore up his sentence",
"when he repented of his transgressions;",
"You had mercy on him as he confessed",
"and forsook [his evil way],",
"and in You he found deliverance.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"Tongues as sharp as arrows",
"had the people of [Ninveh] the great city,",
"their errors and willful sins",
"were numerous, without count;",
"when You sent the vision of their destruction",
"they were seized with trembling and terror;",
"they repented properly, and",
"it was accepted before Your glorious throne.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"You Who searches the innermost heart,",
"and Who is girded with might,",
"teach us that we may know",
"to walk the straight path;",
"if our rebelliousness is great",
"with transgression and crookedness,",
"for Your sake, please, cause us to return,",
"that we should repent in the proper way.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"This prayer is based on the Midrash of the ten martyrs who were killed by the Romans. It was written by Rav Yoel ben Yitzchok HaLevi.
"Your “friends” are dear,",
"Master, Creator",
"I shall wait for God and hope [for His help]",
"[that You take vengeance] from the enemy",
"that maltreats My nation.",
"For this shall one pray.",
"Let every pious person pray",
"and let him don sackcloths",
"to free the legs",
"of those who are tied in chains.",
"As of now Your servants are still smitten.",
"“These are flogged.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"They smite and strike with whips",
"[the people known as] My one nation.",
"My drink was blended with tears.",
"From the deepest pits I called Your Name:",
"Where [and when will I find] my hope?",
"My hope was for peace.",
"[But within our] homes there is fear.",
"I did not hide from disgrace.",
"Beloved Israel",
"is slaughtered upon the hills and mountains.",
"“These are the sin-offerings.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The sins have overpowered",
"and they [therefore] torture Your inheritance.",
"And we are considered as sheep for slaughter.",
"The best of us are trapped for our sins.",
"We are truly at fault",
"for [that which happens to] our brothers.",
"Our brothers, the unfortunate Jews,",
"all their blood is spilled as waste,",
"and their flesh is beaten",
"with thorns and bramble.",
"“These are those who are stoned.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Your young are stoned before Your eyes",
"on [sanctifying Your Name by] death,",
"and the enemy has prepared for him",
"instruments of death,",
"and has said: “Truly",
"the bitterness of death has reached you.”",
"We hoped for light,",
"but, He turned it to darkness of death.",
"In the place of deep darkness,",
"their voice [still] chirps.",
"And from the [great] sound of the crier",
"my limbs tremble and turn weak.",
"They withstood tests",
"and were found to be purified.",
"“These are those who are burned.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"They were burned [together] with their books,",
"they were burned together on the pyre",
"and they sanctified the Holy of Jacob",
"Who is the only One.",
"The entire nation answered as one",
"that He is One.",
"At [the word] One their souls departed",
"[they who were] gentle and tender,",
"and for this day their souls thirsted.",
"They gave themselves up",
"to destroyers and murderers.",
"“These are those who die by the sword.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The killed have become many",
"the student with his master.",
"They were bitten",
"by the snake, poisonous serpent, and scorpion",
"and their blood mixed on the barren rock",
"when many [of Israel] fell.",
"Old and young and righteous people",
"that are beloved to one another",
"in their lifetime",
"and not separated in their death;",
"they accept Your yoke",
"[then] are killed by strangulation.",
"“These are those who are strangled.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The strangled went for their reward",
"and to their dwelling they come to rest.",
"[Yet], the enemy insults and abuses Your Name.",
"And [from] the wounds of] my flesh",
"they were not satisfied",
"and they [continue] to wound us,",
"“And also the dead do they divide.”",
"They slice chunks of flesh",
"from the circumcised",
"naked, they scattered them",
"and rolled them in [their] blood;",
"and ridiculed them",
"and there was none to embarrass them.",
"“These are those who are exiled.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Those who are exiled,",
"their enemies conspire against them",
"to [coerce them] to consult the dead",
"[something] which is a perversion in My eyes.",
"[When they saw that their efforts were fruitless], they said: “Remove the curser [of idols],”",
"remove him from my presence.”",
"Oh! would that we died at the hands of God.",
"God, in Your hands are the dead",
"in piles and bundles.",
"And they [the enemies] arranged pyres",
"to do evil to the throngs.",
"Let their blood be gathered before You!",
"“These are the public sin-offerings.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The congregation, set themselves afire",
"to be tested,",
"and the youngsters did not procrastinate",
"from sanctifying [His Name]",
"by questioning [God’s motives].",
"They were removed",
"from the Chamber of Sheep",
"without examination,",
"for there they sacrificed righteous sacrifices.",
"Wrap Yourself in righteousness and justice,",
"to avenge me,",
"for they have devastated the inheritor",
"and [thus] extinguished my ember.",
"Why is my pain constant,",
"my wound so serious?",
"And were it only",
"that we were sold to slavery",
"I would have remained silent.
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"I remained silent as a deaf-mute",
"while the enemy abused and disgraced [You].",
"They ceased fearing You",
"and followed emptiness.",
"He (the enemy) refused gratuity",
"or to accept ransom",
"for [his goal is] to destroy the soul.",
"The destroyer sliced her pregnant ones,",
"to destroy his offspring",
"and they kneeled",
"[expelling] their children through the fissures.",
"And [they destroyer] said: “Where is his God,",
"that can save him from me?",
"And woe to the one [nation]",
"that falls without anyone to raise him.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"[God] rise up to raise her.",
"How long will they [continue to] disgrace me;",
"that whoever finds me slaughters me?",
"Therefore, I cry with bitter tears,",
"[thus], do not rush to console me,",
"[for] I have soiled my radiance with dirt.",
"My strength was cut down",
"by pitfalls that strangers dug,",
"and they buried them alive",
"in the perforation of the rocks.",
"The earth covered them",
"[where] they died amongst the murdered.",
"“These are those that are buried.”
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The buried and the slaughtered,",
"may they rise [to You] as perfect incense",
"to give us life,",
"a remnant, and redemption;",
"and let the stone be removed",
"from the wells of the suffering.",
"Let the righteous one rejoice",
"when he sees the day of vengeance.",
"Let Him pay vengeance to His enemies,",
"Edom and Ishmael,",
"for they profaned my holy one",
"and his associate Rabbon Simon b. Gamliel.",
"Be not silent over their [spilt] blood",
"and do not rest, O God.",
"Avenge the vengeance of the Israelites!
"We have sinned to You, our Rock,",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (the Light of the Exile).
"Remember the covenant of Abraham",
"and the binding of Isaac,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"For our sins are great",
"our Temple was taken as a debt.",
"We betrayed Your abundant love",
"which caused a reversal [of that love].",
"Return with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel",
"and save us",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"The deeds of Your first righteous",
"[as well as] the strength of Your friendship.",
"Command the redemption",
"of Your servants.",
"Reveal Your hidden secret.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and save us",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"We became tied as brothers",
"to frivolity and insipidness.",
"Our speech (quality of prayer)",
"has greatly sunk.",
"Exalted One!",
"Raise us up from our low state",
"and bring us into the light",
"from darkness.",
"Return with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel",
"and save us",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"[Pour] a tide of fire and flame [upon our enemies],",
"to destroy the torturer",
"and the haughty one.",
"From the oppressor [to be saved]",
"send us Your help.",
"to arouse Your love [for us].",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and save us",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"Mighty Redeemer, for Your sake redeem us,",
"see how helpless we are,",
"look, our pious men are gone,",
"and we have none to intercede for us.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us",
"for the sake of Your Name.
"The covenant with the Patriarchs",
"the Matriarchs",
"and the [twelve] tribes,",
"Your oft-repeated mercy and kindness—",
"remember [now] O God",
"to those who are stricken and tortured,",
"and for Your sake [they are ready]",
"to be killed all the day.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"You Who avenges [innocent] blood,",
"judge our cause,",
"repay [punish] sevenfold",
"into the bosom of those who torment us;",
"we have been sold for naught,",
"[therefore] redeem us without [ransom] money,",
"raise up Your ruined, Holy Temple,",
"before our [very] eyes,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.
"I will declare the Oneness of my Creator",
"with an abundance of praises.",
"Besides Him there is none",
"that can perform wonders.",
"His strength I shall relate [with clarity],",
"with might, His awesomeness,",
"[concerning] Adonoy the King of Hosts.",
"His way is [powerful as] the tempest",
"and with storm is His demeanor;",
"Who illuminates the world",
"and darkness is His dwelling.",
"And all His servants",
"are diligent in His service.",
"Blessed be the Name,",
"Whose kingdom is glorious.
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.
"Earthquakes, meteors, and thunderclaps,",
"hurry and run",
"to praise Him with pleasantness.",
"The Pure One makes His world quake",
"at the time of His anger.",
"[When] Adonoy will rule",
"the nations will tremble.",
"The pillars of the heavens will tremble;",
"and become solidified.",
"The stars and the constellations",
"and the illuminating hosts.",
"Before Him kneel",
"those that are many and on high,",
"for God is King of all the world.
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.
"The One Who rules the world",
"wounds and heals,",
"He preserves righteousness, He ignores sin,",
"He counts the footsteps,",
"He can dry the oceans.",
"When He rules He clothes Himself with glory.",
"The world of the five-hundred year cycle",
"they fear [Him] and tremble",
"in every single district [of the world].",
"They tread in fear",
"to bow to the King.",
"And the people will say, Adonoy is King!
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.",
"I will raise my voice at all times,",
"the exaltedness of God",
"to pronounce with joy.",
"Keepers of the Law",
"and those who know my decrees,",
"sound the trumpet before Adonoy, the King.",
"Strong One! Who reveals the hidden,",
"[the description] “One and Only”",
"are befitting [only to Him].",
"They powerfully adore [You],",
"old and young.",
"Your kingdom",
"is Kingdom over all the worlds.
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.
"Strong One from on high!",
"Exalted in Your domain,",
"we have come before You",
"to relate Your greatness.",
"For Your sake take pity",
"and redeem Your congregation.",
"Adonoy Who rules, Adonoy who ruled.",
"He Who lives forever,",
"Who helps and supports,",
"strengthen us so that we not fail.",
"Gather [from exile] those who hope to You",
"and convene with them [once more].",
"Adonoy will rule forever.
"Hear Israel,",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One.
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Let the evil one leave his path,",
"and let him humble",
"the haughtiness of his heart.",
"Let him return to Adonoy",
"and He will show him mercy as he repents.",
"Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"I beseech you, man, abandon!",
"I beseech you, abandon!",
"Abandon that which is disgraceful",
"and that which is slanderous,",
"before you are flown away",
"as the doves to their dove-coves;",
"and before the creditor comes to collect",
"the deposit.",
"Therefore, repent!",
"and remember the Day that is coming",
"for the day is short",
"and the work [remaining] is great.",
"O! who will give his attention [to this]!",
"Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"I beseech you, man, abandon!",
"I beseech you, abandon!",
"Abandon the vanities of this world",
"and remove yourself [from them],",
"for tomorrow you shall weep",
"from that which you laugh today.",
"And in the writ of your adversary",
"that which is written cannot be erased,",
"and no gifts will help",
"neither bribery placed in his lap.",
"“The workers are lazy",
"and the master is pressing.”",
"The accuser is stepping forward",
"and stands ready for his conflict.",
"[Therefore … do something …] Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"I beseech you, man, abandon!",
"I beseech you, abandon!",
"Abandon the [seeming] honors of this world",
"which is just a passing state,",
"for hell is ready",
"with [powerful] flames and sparks.",
"I beseech you, remember your end",
"at the time",
"you will be plucked and lost [from this world],",
"when every brother will shout “Hoah!”",
"and every friend will wander away.",
"Therefore, return",
"and mend yourself while in the vestibule",
"so that you may enter the palace",
"and its goodness.",
"Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"I beseech you, man, abandon!",
"I beseech you, abandon!",
"Abandon the enticements",
"that your soul loves",
"and say [to your soul]: “My soul,",
"better that you bear the pain",
"rather than attain your desire,",
"to draw water from another well.",
"And if you will claim:",
"‘who will bear witness",
"[as to what I do] when I lie down.’",
"[Know!] that the ledger is open",
"and the hand is writing,",
"repent! and you will merit",
"[the rewards of] the future to come.",
"Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"I beseech you, man, abandon!",
"I beseeech you, abandon!",
"Abandon the pleasure of this world",
"and its joy",
"before your spirit wanders off",
"in every corner and direction.",
"And your eyes will see",
"an open hell;",
"there your soul will be consumed,",
"and severed [from the ultimate good].",
"For, from where do you come,",
"from a fetid drop;",
"and you are going",
"to the grave and abyss,",
"and you will give an accounting",
"to the One Who places clouds as His chariots.",
"Let him do so before he perishes",
"or before his day comes.
"The following prayer was composed by Rabbi Shimon ben Isaac.
"O holy Torah,",
"pray pleadingly",
"before the Rock Who is revered in holiness.",
"Pour forth sweet prayer",
"and recall the actions at Horeb,",
"when they uttered: “We shall do and obey”",
"in order to draw near to God.
"Seir and Paran rejected Your Torah",
"not wanting to keep it,",
"God arose and investigated them,",
"seeing that they did not, he released them.",
"The High One cast them off",
"for not keeping their statutes;",
"in anger and wrath,",
"he executed vengeance against them.
"He came accompanied from His myriads,",
"and was sanctified in the heavens;",
"from His right hand a fiery law,",
"a flashing flame.",
"With pleasant faces,",
"they joined themselves to Him,",
"they were kissed from His mouth",
"through the Ten Commandments.
"The world became firmly established",
"though it melted due to the stipulation.",
"As though finding great spoil, [it rejoiced]",
"at [Israel’s acceptance of] Your word.",
"The mysteries of Your precepts",
"were entrusted to Your loved ones,",
"who have ever since honored You.
"Though they are wanderers and fugitives,",
"and exceedingly vexed,",
"in the sweetness of Your honey [the Torah]",
"they always delight.",
"They beautify the tradition",
"of both the Written and Oral Law,",
"they prize Your word as more precious",
"than onyx and jasper [stones].
"My heart loves those who expound Your Law,",
"who refine it with clarity,",
"who set aside their time",
"to reveal Your hidden secrets.",
"The general and specific principles",
"they perceive and examine,",
"they banish sleep from their bedchambers.
"Daily they search",
"and ponder in their hearts [to determine]",
"what is forbidden and what is permitted,",
"and verbally expound their decisions.",
"Between the clean and the unclean,",
"they distinguish and teach;",
"despite distress and privation,",
"their eyes are filled with light.
"Statutes and Judgements",
"were decided on their word,",
"and yet by hostile judges",
"were they judged.",
"Remember this O Torah,",
"to strengthen those who study you;",
"those who explain your thoughts,",
"grant them aid and support.
"Entreat your Creator",
"with words of supplication,",
"for He is your God,",
"your Creator and your Master.",
"If not for the perfect one’s [Israel]",
"constant meditation in the perfect Torah,",
"it would have been cast in a corner,",
"forsaken and desolate.
"Heaven and earth",
"stand firm because of her,",
"and by virtue of [Israel’s] pure reverence",
"and [fulfillment of] her lucid commandments.",
"Chant mightily",
"and pour forth supplication,",
"that our prayers go through [to Him]",
"unobstructed by the clouds.
"They approach You with supplication,",
"to be cleansed from their stains [sins],",
"grant their wish,",
"be merciful and gracious.",
"Gather the numberless congregation",
"into the faithful city [Jerusalem],",
"and like a noisy flock in its pasture,",
"may she resound with multitudes of people.
"May He rescue the captives",
"from darkness and gloom,",
"and forever encompass them",
"with strength and songs of rescue.",
"And through repentance",
"may they be gently saved from destruction,",
"may He seek the lost and strayed flock.
"May He heal the weak,",
"and remove all sickness,",
"may Zion, the glorious city, be filled.",
"Bind up the broken [Israel]",
"and disgrace the haughty [nations],",
"and greatly avenge",
"the city so attached to You.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbenu Gershom [the light of the exile].
"My throat has become parched",
"[from] crying out over injustice,",
"when I see the evil one",
"trample that which is holy.",
"I cried out: Help [us reach]",
"the hidden day of vengeance.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"Master! You have sanctified the land",
"with ten [levels of] holiness.",
"Within her You dwelt",
"for [so that we may merit] forgiveness.",
"[The place of] Your majestic power",
"was established by Your Holy Hands.",
"Foxes trampled there",
"and [the Temple] was plowed up by plows.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"The city of perfect beauty,",
"the fortified city,",
"and the place where sins are forgiven",
"once a year,",
"You have poured wrath and anger on it",
"for so many years.",
"Your anger You poured out,",
"and You have not yet taken pity",
"to reestablish it.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"The hub of the world,",
"You have destroyed and emptied it.",
"The forest of Lebanon",
"You burned and ignited.",
"Great One!",
"The inhabitants You brought down",
"[and] removed them.",
"Those [i.e. the nation] that You took,",
"on the day of anger",
"You slaughtered [in many ways].",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"From the delightful land",
"Your beloved left.",
"They wander in exile,",
"they [nevertheless] praise Your Name.",
"The enemies oppress",
"to cause pain to Your nation",
"[by saying:] You are Adonoy’s nation,",
"[yet] you are exiled from your place.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.",
"We shall open our mouths",
"and we will justify You.",
"Our Strength! [Despite] all that befalls us,",
"You are righteous.",
"Holy One! Justice is with You",
"to give us over to the oppressor,",
"who tramples us with his foot,",
"grates his teeth and crushes us.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"Our fathers corrupted their ways,",
"and for their sins we were trapped to suffer",
"for the reason that",
"we held on to their deeds.",
"[Because] we were filled with rebuke",
"we became repulsive and despicable,",
"[so that] many evils and tribulations",
"were provided [for us] as our punishment.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"To return to You, Master,",
"we have consulted and agreed.",
"Upon returning",
"we have been greatly remorseful and contrite.",
"With Your mercy be gracious to us",
"for we have been annihilated and finished.",
"Let our enemies not rejoice,",
"for despite that we have fallen we shall rise.",
"My intestines, therefore, tremble",
"and my heart melts.
"Return the captives who have been scattered",
"due to their great guilt.",
"And gather them from amongst the nations",
"with an abundance of love.",
"Fulfill Your promise",
"that Your messenger the prophet prophesied.",
"Establish the kingdom of David",
"that is fallen and destroyed.",
"Then my intestines will exult",
"and my heart will rejoice.
"Remember the kindness of our youth",
"and the covenant with our early generations.",
"Remember the merit of our forefathers,",
"[so that] the sons will not be destroyed.",
"With pride they shall go",
"with tears [of joy] and with prayers",
"from north and south",
"and from the hidden lands.",
"Then my intestines will exult",
"and my heart will rejoice.
"Now in our oppression",
"we have remembered You,",
"ashamed and humiliated.",
"We declare: ‘We have sinned.’",
"‘Forgive us, please,’ we pronounce.",
"Please convert ‘strict justice’",
"to ‘lenient justice.’",
"Bring our righteousness into the light",
"as bright as the seven days.",
"Then my intestines will exult",
"and my heart will rejoice.
"Second Day of the Ten Days of Penitence": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"To You, we pour out our hearts and souls",
"like water,",
"all of us—to the Almighty in heaven.",
"Come, you old, with your young,",
"cleanse yourselves,",
"and remove your sinfulness.
"Let us multiply before Him",
"[our] supplication and prayer,",
"and this we ask of our God:",
"That the good [inclination]",
"prevail over the corrupt [one],",
"that he forsake his way—",
"the transgressor and evildoer.",
"Prepare your heart and amend your thoughts",
"for great is the power of repentance.",
"In the assembly of people",
"let us multiply words [of prayer]",
"and the mighty God will not abhor them.
"He desires the return of the corrupt sinner,",
"to save his soul from destruction [Gehinnom].",
"Hear [our] supplication",
"and accept those who beseech You,",
"as we lift up our hands",
"toward Your Holy Dwelling.
"May the words of our mouth",
"be acceptable [before You],",
"and atone our sins,",
"both the involuntary and the intentional.
"Consider and remember",
"the call of Your pleasant ones,",
"and relent of the evil against Your people.",
"Grant the desire of Your servants,",
"and let them delight in Your comfort.",
"They rely on Your kindliness",
"and trust in Your compassion.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Israel will be delivered by Adonoy",
"for an everlasting deliverance;",
"she will not be ashamed or humiliated",
"for all eternity.",
"The hope of Israel is Adonoy,",
"their deliverer in time of affliction.",
"Hope of Israel, Adonoy,",
"all who forsake You, will be humiliated.",
"“And there is hope in your destiny",
"says Adonoy,",
"“[Your] children will return to their borders.”",
"I hoped continually for Adonoy’s [help],",
"and He turned to me and heard my cry.",
"Righteousness is Yours, my Master,",
"and the shame is ours",
"to this very day.",
"Do good, as You see fit, to Zion",
"may You rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said.
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Only in You, Adonoy,",
"is the hope of Israel.",
"In later times and in early times",
"was Israel saved by Adonoy.",
"Why, then, is this day so delayed",
"for so long a time",
"while we await Your deliverance, Adonoy.
"I resided and was delayed in exile",
"during the days that I was forsaken,",
"in the land of a detestable",
"and ugly people.",
"Why has there been",
"such a decline in my dignity,",
"while I was chastised with suffering.",
"Still, I say: “Hope to Adonoy,",
"be strong and He will give you courage",
"and hope to Adonoy.”
"You were originally",
"the sword of our pride.",
"When we hoped for You,",
"also, the way of Your judgments",
"we desired.",
"Why is it so",
"that there is no person of merit to pray",
"for atonement of our guilt.",
"Regarding our suffering the nations say",
"that our bones have dried up",
"and our hope is lost.
"We recall the previous exiles",
"but their duration was short.",
"The two first exiles were limited",
"but the current exile is still intense.",
"Why should we be regarded as animals,",
"in such variance",
"to what is normal among other people.",
"The hope of Israel is Adonoy",
"Who is their Savior during times of travail.
"To carry",
"and be relieved of the yoke of the nations",
"is what the children must do",
"because the Torah obliges them to do so.",
"They are driven from their homeland (Israel)",
"and their Beis Hamikdash is destroyed.",
"Why should the Father hide",
"their path (of redemption)",
"which is promised in their behalf,",
"that there is hope for ultimate salvation",
"by the word of God,",
"that the Children of Israel will return",
"to their boundaries.
"My legs have virtually buckled",
"and they have fallen [from the path of God]",
"because I became jealous",
"of the mockers of Torah",
"who distort the proper ways.",
"Why should there not be destruction",
"of the supremacy",
"of those who band against God.",
"When this happens, those who trust in Adonoy",
"will obtain renewed strength",
"and grow wings like eagles.
"I have been absolutely pursued",
"but the year of my redemption has not come.",
"We are handed over to those who afflict us",
"and pull out our hair",
"while we are not confident of redemption.",
"Why are our heroes pursued—",
"the few strong among us that remain.",
"I hope sincerely to Adonoy",
"that He will turn to me.
"Your vines that were fenced it",
"have been penetrated by the nations",
"and destroyed and plundered;",
"whereas the thorns",
"that were removed from the vineyard",
"became arrogant and did not rot.",
"Why then have they become old and strong?",
"Why are they not ashamed, as promised?—",
"“The hope of Israel is Adonoy",
"and those who forsake You will be shamed.”
"Those who engage in falseness",
"glorified themselves by saying:",
"“What we desired we saw [in Israel’s state].”",
"They explained this by saying: “Our signs",
"that we used as indications were just.”",
"Why is their way successful",
"while we, who awaited Your kindness",
"became tormented.",
"Adonoy, be merciful to us",
"because we hope to You.
"The resurrection of the Beis Hamikdash",
"in which there were thirteen breaches—",
"its time appears distant.",
"The breach extended to the roof.",
"Why should the wicked live",
"and not be destroyed",
"so that those who trust in Adonoy",
"will then inherit the land?
"The nations plunder Your inheritance",
"in order to drive us from Your portion.",
"“Turn back, turn back, Shulamith,”",
"they say in order to separate us from God.",
"However, we reply: “Why are you so arrogant",
"and say to each other",
"that we shall disassociate Israel from God?”",
"[On the contrary,] “Adonoy is good to those who trust Him",
"and to the soul that seeks Him.”
"O God!",
"the answer to the ‘whys’ that we ask",
"we can answer with a full mouth.",
"We have sinned to Adonoy, our God,",
"and these predicaments have befallen us.",
"Your judgments are just",
"and You (even when inflicting pain)",
"are supreme and exalted.",
"Righteousness is Yours",
"and we are full of shame.
"You warned us many times",
"and we said that we will not listen.",
"The voice that dripped from Your prophets",
"we rejected instead of listening.",
"Let Your power be aggrandized forever,",
"You Who can gather the stray people,",
"and in complete repentance,",
"bring us back to You.
"[The nations will ask:] “Why",
"is your garment red?”",
"The time for this question is near.",
"Their blood will be sprinkled",
"on the garment that he wears.",
"We will be eternally grateful",
"for the day [of redemption]",
"which will come in its time.",
"[We then will say] “This is Adonoy",
"for Whom we hoped",
"and we will rejoice and be happy",
"in His deliverance.”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Deliver us Adonoy,",
"for the pious man has ceased,",
"for the faithful have disappeared",
"from among the sons of man.",
"The pious man is gone from the land,",
"and the man of righteousness is no more.",
"Behold that there is no [righteous] man,",
"and we are bewildered,",
"for there is no one to pray [for us].",
"You are our King, O God,",
"command the deliverance of Jacob.",
"Israel waits for Adonoy[‘s deliverance]",
"from now and forever.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"I resemble a lion in the forest",
"and I am so likened because of my guilt.",
"My utterance is foolish,",
"my words are exaggerated;",
"I am deprived of intercessors",
"such as [Mordchai] ben Kish,",
"Mispar and Bigvai.",
"[Therefore] every head is sick",
"and every heart is faint.
"Faint, exiled, and despised,",
"I am pained and distressed,",
"I am chased about and broken,",
"I am filled and intoxicated with wormwood,",
"I am oppressed by masters",
"to whom I was sold for naught;",
"yet, when my soul fainted within me,",
"I remembered Adonoy.
"I remembered Your kindness and love",
"which were like a banner over me;",
"they removed my guilt",
"and made me Your treasure.",
"But now, Your flock [Israel]",
"is left with only entreaty and prayer.",
"May the poorest among men [Israel]",
"rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
"Your servants will exult and rejoice",
"when You remember my walls;",
"to surround them with precious stones—",
"when [will You do this]?",
"My city is become a ruined heap forever,",
"and my heights are laid low;",
"and You, Adonoy, for how long?
"When will You revive us,",
"and bring us up from the abyss?",
"O glorious One,",
"loosen and remove the straps of our yoke,",
"fill our storehouses with plenty,",
"and prosper our endeavors;",
"may Your kindness, Adonoy, be upon us.
"May Your mercy be full upon us,",
"as we seek You in distress.",
"I stretch out my hands to You,",
"I seek You from within [my heart],",
"my soul thirsts after You in the night,",
"for I have desired You;",
"Adonoy, put me not to shame",
"when I call upon You.
"I call upon You from the depth,",
"I lift my eyes [to the heavens],",
"I lift my hands to the heights,",
"I let my fountain of tears spread out;",
"O look at my virtuous deeds,",
"blot out and remove my wickedness.",
"Adonoy, hear my prayer,",
"give ear to my supplication.
"Give ear to my supplication, my Foster,",
"my Creator, and my Pedagogue.",
"To You are revealed and known",
"my wishes and hopes—",
"that my intentional sins be sunken,",
"and my unintentional ones be atoned.",
"Give ear to my words, Adonoy,",
"and consider my meditations.
"May my meditations be regarded as pure,",
"and my prayer correct.",
"Hear, O God,",
"forgive my unworthy and perverse deeds,",
"strengthen those who praise You,",
"and accept my words,",
"and let the meditations of my heart",
"be before You, my Rock and my Redeemer.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"O Israel, return",
"unto Adonoy, your God,",
"for you have stumbled in your iniquity.",
"Adonoy, do not rebuke us with Your anger,",
"nor chastise us with Your rage.",
"We are sunk in muddy depths [of sin]",
"without a foothold,",
"we have come into deep waters",
"and the whirlpool has swept us away.",
"Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,",
"and we shall return;",
"renew our days as of old.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"There is no God besides You,",
"Your dominion is over all generations,",
"and Your covenant endures forever.",
"Your right hand knows no restraint,",
"the power of Your hand is unlimited,",
"Almighty, Who answers in distress.
"Mighty are Your wonders,",
"and the power of Your kingdom is forever,",
"and Your years are unending.",
"Avenger of [our] blood,",
"You have saved us many times,",
"and humbled mighty kings.
"Behold, You have not changed,",
"You are now what You have always been,",
"the sons of Jacob, You have not consumed.",
"As we are their descendants,",
"why are we forsaken forever,",
"and forgotten as dead men, from the heart?
"We are scattered in every corner,",
"enslaved in every country,",
"and no favor is shown us.",
"We are obscured among every people,",
"and put to shame and disgrace",
"among the nations of the world.
"We are sunk in the lowest depths,",
"we have collapsed",
"and there is none to raise us,",
"to You alone do we cry.",
"We sit [disgraced] as false witnesses,",
"ashamed to lift our heads,",
"and are drunk with gall and wormwood.
"We stumble at noon and at night,",
"like the blind, we grope in the darkness,",
"and know not the time of our redemption.",
"Even those purchased for money,",
"can be freed,",
"but we are wearied day and night",
"and find no rest.
"How can I endure in the thick slime,",
"and what is my end",
"that I should be patient",
"until the time You bring me to freedom?",
"In the morning we say:",
"“Would it were evening,”",
"and in the evening:",
"“Would that the morning draw near,”",
"because of fear of heart and soul.
"We are likened to sheep gone astray,",
"whoever finds us, consumes us,",
"and takes no pity on our souls.",
"I lifted my eyes around me",
"and looked left and right,",
"but I found no one who knows me.
"I turned to every side",
"but there was no help,",
"I cried to You and called—",
"Almighty, Who answers in time of trouble.",
"O Rock, Your hand is not shortened,",
"Yours is the power and strength,",
"why do You sleep—rouse Yourself.
"Listen to our words of supplication,",
"behold our feebled state,",
"and do not rebuke us with Your anger.",
"Look on the humiliation of our generation,",
"regard our heavy grief",
"and do not chastise us with Your rage.
"Turn to our cry from Your Dwelling,",
"look on the groans of Your children,",
"and turn us not away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"We seek You with entreaty and prayer,",
"O God, favor us in this hour,",
"and hear Adonoy, our supplication.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"All the peoples",
"walk, each of them, in the name of his god,",
"but we walk",
"in the Name of Adonoy, our God forever.",
"And we trust in Your loving kindness,",
"our hearts will exult in Your deliverance.",
"And we will sing of Your strength,",
"we will sing joyously",
"of Your lovingkindness in the morning.",
"And through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"How can I return to You through repentance",
"when those who worship other gods",
"don’t permit me to worship You?",
"They seek to separate me from You",
"and still I did not forsake Your precepts.
"How was I able to go into exile",
"and go on every path and province",
"while the idol worshippers ruled over me",
"with their laws that endured",
"and their king reigned for a long time;",
"while I have not been called",
"to come to the king?
"How were the rivers able to flow",
"from the dripping of my tears",
"while I was given over to evil doers?",
"They and their children",
"shoot me with arrows from their quivers",
"while I am a choice sheep taken to slaughter.
"How is it that the end of days is concealed",
"and not known,",
"and my enemies who cut my glory",
"are saved from death,",
"considering themselves wise",
"like Haymon and Darda",
"while I am foolish without wisdom.
"How is it possible that the kingdom",
"of the Chosen People has been torn apart",
"while their kingdom has endured—",
"the kingdom of evildoers",
"and they live with confidence,",
"in joy and gladness",
"and I reside in exile?
"The potion of poison—",
"how did I drink and swallow?",
"I cried and shed tears",
"because of the oppressive yoke of Ishmael",
"while they mock me [and insist]",
"that I heed and harken what they say",
"and I remain like a deaf person",
"and I do not hear.
"How was my God able to smite me",
"while my previous wounds were still unhealed",
"and the cloak of my glory",
"was donned by Edom",
"as they eat their sweet delicacies—",
"milk and honey,",
"when I am like withered grass?
"How did the nation of Kedar surround me",
"and Didan and Shva rule over me?",
"They proclaim as a prophet",
"a man who never prophecied",
"they provide strength for their kingdoms,",
"troops and armies",
"and I, where shall I go?
"How did You administer such suffering",
"commensurate with my sins and foolishness?",
"In the teeth of lions and lionesses",
"was I consumed,",
"and they, young and old [were confident]",
"saying that they can overpower us.",
"As I was childless from previous suffering,",
"I became again childless from further suffering.
"How did my stars become dark",
"and my zodiac change",
"as the nations abominated my scrolls?",
"They prevented my feet",
"from ascending to Jerusalem during festivals",
"and I virtually veered completely from God.
"How did You heed my iniquities",
"and scrutinize my guilt",
"but against those who battle my soul",
"You did not defend me?",
"Even while they were in full strength",
"in inflicting pain and anguish upon me",
"and still I trusted in Your kindness",
"and my heart therefore rejoiced.
"How did I sit alone",
"and become cast astray",
"and denigrated from my dignity?",
"I wandered amongst the nations",
"while they ruled and were successful",
"their kingdom endured",
"and I am childless and alone.
"How have my mockers and denigraters",
"so embarrassed me.",
"Their power has not deserted them;",
"as they cried out",
"Aha! Aha! with words [of joy]",
"I was a disgrace with them.
"How did I remain amongst them",
"in worry and pain?",
"From the waves of anguish they pour on me",
"and from their spring, do I draw;",
"while they rest and lay [secure]",
"as the raven and the wolf,",
"while I am oppressed and sore.
"How is it that those who despise pureness,",
"dwell in Zion?",
"Who would believe such a thing,",
"who would imagine this to be God’s will?",
"While they are wealthy princes,",
"having been given high positions,",
"I remain impoverished and needy.
"How do they live in my Palace [my Temple]",
"and dwell there in dwellings",
"from above to below",
"and from below to the middle?",
"While they have inherited a wealth of gold",
"and precious coins,",
"I am crippled while awaiting more blows.
"How is that my thoughts are confused",
"while they remain in Your thoughts?",
"Remember us and be mindful of us",
"for deliverance from idol worshippers.",
"Let them be devoured and removed",
"from the Place of Your Dwelling,",
"and then through Your abundant kindness,",
"I will enter Your House.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"God will remember His covenant",
"with Abraham, with Isaac",
"and with Jacob.",
"“I have sworn by Myself,” declares Adonoy,",
"“That because you performed",
"this deed",
"and did not withhold",
"your only son,",
"I will bless you greatly",
"and make your descendants numerous",
"as the stars of the sky",
"and as the sand on the seashore,",
"and your descendants will inherit",
"the gate of their enemies.",
"Through your children, will be blessed",
"all the nations of the world",
"because you heeded my voice.”
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Abraham who came from beyond the river",
"hurried to recognize You without delay,",
"You tried him with ten tests,",
"and he was found perfect without blemish.
"He was driven from his birthplace,",
"yet You made him a world-nation;",
"he fulfilled Your command,",
"and did not break it,",
"and he said: “I am but dust and ashes.”
"He brought [the angels] milk and butter,",
"and his fruit ripened when he was a hundred.",
"And when You said to him:",
"“Bring him up as a burnt-offering,”",
"he split the wood, laid it in order,",
"and put him [Isaac] upon us.
"Remember for us this day, his binding,",
"and his self sacrifice.",
"Be gracious this day",
"to the tribes of [Jacob] the perfect one,",
"and dwell among their congregations.
"The offspring of the Twelve Tribes,",
"may they never cease to thrive,",
"bring them into Your beloved Dwelling,",
"in the mountain of Your inheritance",
"may they be planted.
"Gather all the scattered of their exile,",
"lead them to the House of their longing.",
"Spare those who are sentenced to death,",
"close the mouth of the accuser and spare [us].
"Bear and raise us as in the days of old,",
"and atone every wanton and unintentional sin,",
"forgive and overlook our transgression,",
"and pardon our guilt and wickedness.
"Answer this day all those who hope in You,",
"for our eyes are lifted to You.",
"Redeem us from trouble and distress,",
"and bring us up from the deep pit.
"Accept our cry on this day,",
"and save us from the hands of the Satan,",
"erect the House of Your glorious Presence,",
"and disgrace not the Throne of Your Glory.
"Heal Your people from all [their] wounds,",
"for [Your] children have come to the birthstool",
"we are seized in trembling",
"like a woman in labor",
"who has no strength to give birth.
"Redeem Your people from Gehinnom,",
"for upon You they cast their burden,",
"lead them to [Your] rebuilt city,",
"hasten [the arrival of Elijah] the Tishbite,",
"[and the Moshiach] [who is called] Menachem and Nechemiah.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"This prayer was composed by Rav Isaac Ibn Gyas.
"In the early morning, I call upon You",
"Almighty, Who is praised;",
"let the order of my prayer be sweet to You",
"on this day when my heart exalts You;",
"lighten my darkness",
"and may it be bright as the morning.",
"My King and my God,",
"to You I pray.
"My foes who anger You,",
"humiliate Your people in their rage.",
"I bear the fear of You",
"despite the tumult of Your adversaries.",
"Pour out Your wrath upon them",
"and rage from Your Heavenly Dwelling;",
"and be jealous, Almighty, for Your Name",
"which has been profaned among the nations.",
"My King and my God,",
"to You I pray.
"O living One,",
"Who rides upon a swift cloud;",
"if You place me on a scale,",
"let my righteousness",
"be as heavy as the sand of the sea,",
"and my wickedness as light as a feather;",
"and if my path has been crooked,",
"and my sentence is [to be]",
"as that of an ox who is stoned to death,",
"then weigh me on the scale of grace,",
"for I am a man, wounded with transgressions.",
"My King and my God,",
"to You I pray.
"Restore the Holy Ark and its staves,",
"and clothe Aaron in his [priestly] garments;",
"and they that hunt with snares",
"shall eat the fruit of their labor,",
"and each of those who rebelled,",
"let tongues of flame consume their offspring,",
"and let them both be discarded",
"as dung is thrown out.",
"My King and my God,",
"to You I pray.
"Holy One, Who is above all masters,",
"Who judges all His creatures,",
"see how my quarrelsome adversary [Satan],",
"speaks evil of me",
"and lifts his spear against me,",
"and his vengeful darts are cast at me.",
"Let my soul be rescued [from him]",
"O God who annuls and frustrates [evil] counsel.",
"My King and my God,",
"to You I pray.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”",
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Master! Understand our thoughts!",
"Listen to our murmuring when we cry out.",
"For our iniquities",
"do not allow us to disintegrate.",
"For our evil",
"do not allow us to be humiliated.",
"Our sinful matters have increased;",
"they have grown to the heavens.",
"The moving to and fro",
"of the shaking souls,",
"Beloved One, turn to us in response!
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"We have enraged You, O God of our praises.",
"We have angered You with our many follies,",
"and, therefore, our hope has been impeded",
"and our inheritance has reverted to strangers.",
"We have been scattered",
"from our House of Life,",
"for we demeaned the House of our Desire.",
"The Place of our Desire was destroyed.",
"[The bringing of] of sacrifices has ceased.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"We have strayed from the straight path.",
"We were too foolish to straighten our footsteps",
"for we abhorred propriety.",
"Our enemies",
"You have thrown upon us as an eagle.",
"Pul captured my congregation,",
"he has weakened me and confused me.",
"I was hauled off to Lachlach and Chovor",
"to distance me from my border.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"The holy remnant that was left",
"from the holy crowning city",
"spoke words of rebelliousness against You.",
"[Therefore,] You rose up",
"and removed Your Spirit [from us].",
"Nebo eroded all my heroes,",
"and destroyed all my courageous.",
"He broke all my limbs",
"and I was weakened by my destroyers.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"We trembled from our many hardships;",
"we cracked from difficult illnesses.",
"We hoped that You would show us redemption",
"[but, instead] troubles still beckon us.",
"Holy One of Israel! See",
"the humiliation of Your beloved [people]",
"that is distraught.",
"She has fallen from her honor",
"and been ruined.",
"Heal her broken [limbs] for she has sunk.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"Hear the prayers of the mouths [of Israel],",
"establish the magnificent structure.",
"Return [to us], God of all creatures.",
"Return the banished among lions.",
"Please! bandage our wounds;",
"please, heal our diseases;",
"hear the sound of our song;",
"accept with compassion and willingness",
"our prayers.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"This prayer was composed by Rav Shimon ben Isaac [Reb Shimon HaGadol of Magencia].
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"May the seat of the Throne",
"which is exalted in heaven,",
"intercede for us before the towering Rock.",
"May the King on His Throne",
"be a shelter for His people,",
"and behold the image of the perfect one",
"which is engraved upon the Throne.
"Let the lion [engraved] on the right",
"implore the Presence of God",
"to spare and be compassionate",
"to the seed which were to be [as the stars];",
"may He be our deliverance and revive us,",
"and restore the kingdom",
"to descendants of the lion cub [Judah].
"May the bullock [engraved] on the left",
"present our prayer [which is:]",
"that He teach us to better ourselves,",
"and to correct our perverted ways.",
"May He pour forth blessings",
"and enrich our downtrodden,",
"and restore to the stronghold [Jerusalem]",
"the glorious majesty [of Joseph]",
"[who was called] B’chor Shor.
"Let the image of man",
"bring our supplication",
"before the Presence of the Mighty Rock,",
"the Creator of man.",
"May He whiten that which is red [our sins],",
"and awaken the slumberers;",
"and increase the dominion [of those]",
"who are called the flock of man [Israel].
"The twittering of our lips [prayer],",
"may the eagle gather them with its wings,",
"and plead our righteousness",
"before Him Who loves uprightness.",
"May He relate our good fortune,",
"and direct our eyes to what is right,",
"and speak with righteous justification",
"of the people borne on eagles’ wings.
"Holy angels!",
"Seraphim and Ophanim,",
"cause our prayers to be heard",
"in the Presence of the Master of masters.",
"May He remember our ancestors",
"and the love of our Patriarchs,",
"and fulfill His oath",
"to the later generations.
"Third Day of the Ten Days of Penitence": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"We seek You, we plead with You,",
"You Who forms the mountains,",
"Who relates to man his thoughts and words.",
"We pray to You and implore You",
"in shame and disgrace",
"because of our sins",
"which we enumerate today.
"We are gathered old and young,",
"in the House of Prayer, our diminutive Temple,",
"with enfeebled hands and shaking limbs,",
"alarmed and terrified on all sides.
"We dread and fear the two emissaries—",
"“anger and wrath” the two accusers.",
"As we search our deeds",
"and behold they are abominable,",
"we are seized with trembling,",
"with pangs and sorrow.
"Our faces are blackened",
"and we go about in depression,",
"we are shaken",
"and shattered to pieces;",
"our loins shake",
"as with the pangs of a woman in labor,",
"we fear and dread",
"from our many iniquities,",
"as we substitute our prayers",
"for the offerings of bullocks,",
"depending, trusting",
"and hoping in Your mercy.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"To You, Adonoy, we cry",
"and in the morning, our prayers greet You.",
"To You we lift our eyes,",
"[You] Who resides in heaven.",
"We lift our hearts to our hands",
"to the Almighty in heaven.",
"God, our King from of old",
"Who does wonders in the midst of the earth.",
"You are our King, O God,",
"command the deliverance of Jacob.",
"Deliver, Adonoy, Your people,",
"the remnant of Israel.",
"Deliver us, God of our deliverance;",
"gather us and save us from the nations,",
"to give thanks to Your holy Name,",
"to be extolled in Your praise.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"To You, Almighty,",
"are the eyes of all creatures raised",
"because before You",
"the hidden [things] are revealed.",
"Great is Your counsel",
"and abundant are Your deeds,",
"the true Judge and Reprover",
"the witness and plaintiff to all creatures.
"Surely, there is no favoritism before You",
"for the rich and poor are equally judged.",
"Seek the merits",
"of Your trustworthy children.",
"Be compassionate to them",
"as a father is compassionate to children.
"You arranged and preceded",
"repentance before creation,",
"to discard evil deeds",
"and to choose to do [henceforth]",
"praiseworthy deeds.",
"The power of the ‘Evil Inclination,’",
"that entices and seduces",
"[man] from his youth [on],",
"for Your sake, repel him",
"so that he will no longer cause error",
"to those whose heart he has entrapped.
"Arrange for us, before You",
"a complete repentance,",
"Enlightened One, in Your hands are",
"the hidden of the spirit and soul.",
"Cleanse our thoughts",
"from sin and guilt,",
"so that we may return to You",
"without perverseness and deceit.
"Your wonders are many wonders,",
"Your justice is an awesome justice;",
"those who call You with trepidation and fear.",
"Please turn towards their prayer",
"and do for them a sign that is good.
"We have sought you",
"before the rising of the morningstar.",
"Shine Your countenance upon us",
"like the light of the morningstar.",
"With Your illumination cast light",
"that is as visible as the morningstar.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, forgive!",
"My Master, be attentive! and do it,",
"do not delay!
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Like the stag yearns",
"for flowing streams of water,",
"so does our soul yearn",
"for You, O God.",
"O God, the insolent rise against us,",
"and the congregation of tyrants seek our soul,",
"and they do not set Your Presence",
"before them, selah.",
"They said, we will inherit them,",
"[they who are] the favored of God.",
"Because of this, will Adonoy restrain Himself,",
"be silent, and allow us to be tortured",
"so greatly?
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rav Shlomo HaBavli.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"We yearn for You",
"as the stag for flowing streams;",
"we long for the time of redemption,",
"but [thus far] in vain.",
"Distant, and remote,",
"our release [from exile] seems unattainable,",
"yet, we hope and wait",
"and do not cease to trust.
"Those who thirst after You,",
"pour hope into their hearts,",
"that they will yet appear before You",
"in their beloved Temple",
"amidst a throng [of worshippers]",
"with a pillar of fire around them.",
"Remove the uncircumcised and unclean,",
"who are their enemies.
"Let us cut them off",
"and inherit them,",
"they said and thought [this];",
"from the inheritance You granted them,",
"they have driven Your people away,",
"and each day, our destruction,",
"they still seek;",
"they tax us and rob us,",
"further impoverishing Your poor ones.
"They humiliate Your loved ones [Israel],",
"calling them dogs.",
"Stupid and disgusting",
"are their razored shaven priests.",
"They [Israel] however hear their reproach",
"without retorting,",
"they do not accept their religions",
"but go to the scaffolds because of You.
"And as for us,",
"our suffering is before You;",
"in the face of these things",
"will You refrain and be silent",
"at our affliction?",
"Even in the shadow of death",
"our eyes are turned to You.
"We are called by Your Name,",
"let it not be profaned,",
"in You, all of Israel is praised.",
"Even if our iniquities are so many",
"that the world is filled with them,",
"“I will blot out your transgressions,”",
"were the words spoken by You. (Isaiah 43:25)
"Regard our intentional sins as errors",
"and do not punish us,",
"beyond the letter of the law,",
"deal with us.",
"Because of Your everlasting truth,",
"may our oppressors be disgraced;",
"let the banner be raised,",
"and the scattered of Israel be gathered.
"Favor the daughters of my scattered ones,",
"and accept their offerings;",
"gather the dispersed of the tenth exile",
"together with those of the previous nine exiles.",
"Let sin be drowned,",
"and wickedness not be remembered,",
"O You Who forgives iniquity",
"and removes transgression.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"We have no mouth [words] to answer,",
"nor the brazeness to lift our head.",
"A man will not redeem his brother,",
"neither can he give to God his ransom.",
"Redeem Israel, O God,",
"from all its anguish.",
"Be gracious to us Adonoy with Your kindness,",
"with Your abundant mercies, turn to us.",
"Adonoy redeems the soul of His servants,",
"and none are doomed",
"all who take refuge in Him.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by R’ Shlomo Ibn Gabirol.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"I am appalled in my great affliction,",
"for on the day when my sins are reckoned,",
"what will I plead before my Master?",
"I am desolate and speechless",
"when I remember how guilty I am,",
"I am ashamed and disgraced.
"My days are consumed in vanity;",
"because of the shame of my youth,",
"there is no peace in my bones,",
"I am burnt with fever",
"because the scroll [of my debts] is unfolded,",
"and the Creditor has come to collect.
"I held fast to my darkness,",
"and my soul did not consider",
"that I am a stranger and a sojourner here.",
"Woe unto me when my day comes,",
"then I will awake from my dream,",
"and return to my place.
"And then for the sins I did,",
"and the transgression I committed,",
"what excuse will I offer",
"to Him [God] Who sent me here?",
"The evil in my heart enticed me,",
"and for the iniquity which exhausted me,",
"I was met from the womb.
"The degenerate imagines in his soul",
"that he is like a tree planted by a brook,",
"while in fact he is carried to the grave.",
"A false allusion clings to him,",
"which melts away on his [final] journey,",
"and he looks from side to side.
"He is cast [into the grave]",
"like a silent stone,",
"and carries into the grave nothing",
"of all that he possessed.",
"His strength did not support him",
"even when his soul carried him,",
"how much less when the fires consume him.
"“My iniquity ensnared me,”",
"behold these are the words of my soul",
"during my existence on earth.",
"Therefore my soul is devastated;",
"and like a man lying in disgrace",
"I must return there naked.
"I was carried away by my sins",
"while in my heart I called out:",
"“I have sinned,”",
"that which is right, I did not desire,",
"and to the obstinacy of my heart, I clung,",
"to what avail is my crying now.
"Bear the punishment of your guilt, my soul",
"behold your sin confronts you,",
"so, therefore, bear your disgrace.",
"When I am perplexed about my iniquity,",
"my thoughts say to me [“don’t despair]",
"for we fall into the hand of Adonoy.”
"Turn from the Throne of Your Dwelling,",
"and open the door for me,",
"for there is none beside You.",
"O Rock, shield me,",
"redeem me from my iniquity",
"and teach me Your Torah.",
"Hear my voice according to Your kindness;",
"and on the day I stand before You",
"do not turn away Your servant in anger.
"See my affliction and answer me;",
"behold I am in Your hand,",
"and You Adonoy, be gracious to me.",
"Send Your truth and Your kindness",
"to the people [Israel] who cry unto You,",
"even to me, I am your servant.",
"Forgive our guilt,",
"and do not reckon the sins of our youth,",
"for our days are but a shadow.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Beautiful in its panoramic vista,",
"the joy of all the earth is Mount Zion,",
"on the northern edge [of Jerusalem]",
"the city of the great King.",
"Do good as You see fit, to Zion,",
"may You rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.",
"Turn away Your anger and Your rage",
"from Your city, Jerusalem,",
"Your holy mountain.",
"To recount in Zion, the Name, Adonoy,",
"and His praise in Jerusalem.",
"And may Adonoy be pleased",
"with the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem",
"as in the days of old and in earlier years.",
"The builder of Jerusalem is Adonoy,",
"the banished ones of Israel, He will gather.",
"For Adonoy will not cast off His people,",
"and His inheritance, He will not abandon.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"[Inhabitants] of Jerusalem, praise Adonoy.",
"O God, exalted with myriads of [angelic] hosts,",
"seeking its welfare",
"from the beginning to the end [of the year]",
"providing it with benevolent rain.",
"Your beautiful daughters [without sin]",
"are like the corner of a king’s palace",
"which are adorned with decorations.",
"Open your mouths and sing together",
"ruins of Jerusalem [when you are rebuilt].
"Let Jerusalem [on earth] be rebuilt",
"in the form of its twin [in heaven],",
"this one and that one was born there",
"and He will establish its supremacy.",
"He will count and inscribe the [sins of] nations",
"the awesome One.",
"Remember Adonoy, the people Edom,",
"the day they destroyed Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, shield",
"and save her for a balm and cure.",
"Be a canopy of honor for her,",
"You, Who measures",
"the depths with Your footsteps",
"protect her as birds who fly on high",
"so should Adonoy of Hosts",
"protect Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, no one seeks you",
"those who loved you have forgotten you—",
"and no longer seek you.",
"Your advisors have ceased to exist.",
"Let Your promise be fulfilled:",
"“I shall return your judges,",
"because who will be merciful",
"upon you, Jerusalem, [except for God].”
"Jerusalem, mountains surround it.",
"As the walls of a fortress.",
"So, Adonoy envelopes His people,",
"He Who is the founder of the world.",
"Cast asunder the fastidious nations",
"so that they can no longer stand",
"and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem and Your people",
"became a disgrace amongst the nations.",
"They were cast into terror and fear.",
"O’ wall of Jerusalem,",
"shed your tears like a river",
"over the cities of your holiness",
"which became desolate and full of fear.",
"Zion becomes a ruin like a desert",
"like a desert [and so, too] Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, remember the days of destruction,",
"when you were defiled.",
"In a group you can no longer",
"come and go [up to Jerusalem].",
"Why do You not see",
"Your weary inheritance?",
"Until when will You not have mercy",
"upon Jerusalem?
"The inhabitants of Jerusalem have sinned",
"and therefore have become wanderous.",
"Bring relief to Israel who sits abandoned—",
"how are You able to witness her destruction?",
"Then it will again become sweet to Adonoy",
"the sacrifices of Judah and Jerusalem.
"until when will your defilement",
"continue to remain in your midst.",
"They consider as defiled",
"even your elders and rabbis.",
"Iniquity and hidden sin, you do in secret",
"Wash your heart from iniquity, Jerusalem.
"let those who love you live in peace",
"and let your ruins be rebuilt,",
"for which formerly you were praised",
"by people from afar and from near.",
"Let the prophecy be fulfilled,",
"for good deliverance:",
"that elderly people will again",
"reside in the streets of Jerusalem.
"Let Jerusalem be called the throne of God",
"in the coming times.",
"The precious stone (the Temple’s foundation)",
"will be recognized by throngs for its grace",
"when all Israel comes to be seen",
"when they beseech Adonoy of Hosts",
"[for His kindness] in Jerusalem.
"Let Jerusalem dwell confidently",
"and become a treasured land,",
"her children were exhausted in exile",
"as they went into captivity.",
"Bring Israel back to its city,",
"as the prophet spoke,",
"“Shake the dust off yourself, arise",
"and return to Jerusalem.”
"Jerusalem, its tremendous population",
"will cause people to live in open cities.",
"On that day you will be saved",
"and returned to your land,",
"after being forsaken and despised.",
"Don the clothes of your glory, O Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, enemies have besieged you",
"to kindle the flame of altercation.",
"This was caused by your hidden evil inclination",
"which induced you to worship strange gods.",
"Adonoy should rebuke you, Satan,",
"He Who chooses Jerusalem.",
"And Adonoy should rebuke you,",
"He Who chooses Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, rejoice with her",
"all those who love her,",
"The children of Jacob and Joseph.",
"Do not remain silent from prayer",
"until He rebuilds the Holy Temple",
"and says: “Awaken, awaken",
"rise up Jerusalem.”
"Jerusalem, city of the Holy Sanctuary,",
"you are satiated with bitter grass—",
"because you denigrated His commandments",
"and the decree of reciprocity prevailed.",
"Your King, however, will still be for you",
"as a support in the coming days.",
"For the sake of the honor of Zion",
"I will not remain silent, [says God,]",
"and for the sake of Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, (heed my rebuke)",
"lest My soul become detached from you,",
"says the Most High.",
"There will yet be a time",
"when He will rule with His good will.",
"On that day the moon will be embarrassed",
"and the sun will be ashamed",
"due to their dim light",
"because Adonoy of Hosts will rule",
"on Mount Zion and Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem, raise your voice in song",
"for beauty and glory.",
"Don your strength and garment of glory.",
"Open your mouth in song",
"and sing the prescribed song of the prophet:",
"“Raise your voice with power!”",
"Heralds of the redemption of Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem will again become holy",
"and strangers will no longer traverse her.",
"The cup of poison",
"you will no longer drink.",
"your path will become sure",
"and your steps will not stumble.",
"God will then comfort Zion",
"and again choose Jerusalem [as His city].
"Jerusalem, sing and rejoice",
"with a new song",
"and the Holy Temple",
"will become exalted and supreme",
"when all people will come",
"each month",
"and bow down to God",
"on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem has become desolate",
"and its cities destroyed because of my sins.",
"Cast her sins",
"into the depths of the turbulent waters",
"and then raise her to the heights",
"in the merit of the righteous patriarchs.",
"The nations will then flock to her",
"in the Name of Adonoy,",
"to Jerusalem.
"let it be praised in the land,",
"even among the residents of [distant] isles.",
"Gifts and presentations will be brought",
"by Shva, Sva and the Kutites.",
"Come deliver us",
"and redeem us from captivity.",
"On that day",
"flowing spring waters will emanate",
"from Jerusalem.
"The city of Jerusalem [we will]",
"raise her to the forefront of all rejoicing,",
"because of the light of Your Divine Presence.",
"Restore the songs of Zion",
"with song of the Holy Temple.",
"The song will revert from the feminine gender",
"to the masculine",
"in the mouth of Israel, Your first born.",
"Let Your wrath cease to exist",
"from Your city Jerusalem.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"The [correct] offerings to God—",
"a broken spirit,",
"a broken and humbled heart;",
"God, [You] will not despise.",
"Then will You desire",
"the sacrifices of righteousness,",
"burnt offerings and whole offerings;",
"bullocks will then be offered upon Your altar.",
"And the kindness of Adonoy",
"is forever and ever",
"upon those who fear Him,",
"and His righteousness",
"upon children’s children.",
"And He said,",
"“I have sworn by Myself,” declares Adonoy",
"“that because you performed",
"this deed",
"and did not withhold",
"your only son.”
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"You inspired Abraham to leave the east.",
"Wherever he traveled, righteousness shone,",
"like a warrior, he ran the path of uprightness,",
"from him sprouted the banner[s] like a rose.
"He was destined to be called Abraham,",
"and his righteousness endures forever.",
"To have a son at a hundred years",
"was he strengthened,",
"God is gracious to the righteous,",
"and is their support.
"He taught the order of God’s kingdom,",
"he advised them to be generous and hospitable,",
"as refined precious gold did he emerge",
"from the ten trials that he withstood.
"To Moriah, he brought up, his only son,",
"as he was commanded from above the clouds,",
"his branch he prepared as a burnt-offering,",
"he bound him as a sheep and lamb.
"He kept God’s precept properly,",
"in word and in thought he was determined,",
"he took him [Isaac] with his whole heart,",
"that he be accepted as a pleasant offering.
"They returned together, the two of them,",
"having done the will of their Possessor.",
"Recall [O God] the present of their ashes",
"to their children’s children after them.
"Accept their prayer as incense offerings,",
"and may their standing [before You] be sweet.",
"Behold the engraving of the perfect one",
"and have mercy on their remnant.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"I have risen at dawn",
"to thank You, God of my praise,",
"I will sing to You in the morning",
"and make known to You my sins;",
"for this, grant me",
"as a reward for my endeavor,",
"that my life be spared at my request,",
"and my people at my petition.
"In former days in Israel,",
"when sacrifices were offered,",
"though my sins were red as scarlet,",
"they turned completely white.",
"Therefore, sleep escapes my eyes,",
"and I lament the destruction [of the Temple];",
"and I have nought but my words",
"and my prayer is my burnt-offering,",
"that my life be spared at my request,",
"and my people at my petition.
"When the Altar still existed,",
"and sacred offerings were slaughtered.",
"Each man brought his offering",
"and his sin was eradicated;",
"but now there is no Priest,",
"no sacrifice, no meal offering; [therefore]",
"let my confession be my sacrifice",
"and my prayer be my meal offering,",
"that my life be spared at my request,",
"and my people at my petition.
"Behold, when there was a sacrificial service",
"and the Priests served their turn,",
"the sin-offering atoned,",
"and the burnt-offering exonerated; [but now]",
"there is neither sin nor burnt-offering,",
"no fat and no liver-lobe; [instead]",
"I pour out my prayer",
"and present my supplication,",
"that my life be spared at my request,",
"and my people at my petition.
"Behold, in the Holy Temple of old,",
"when the zealous priests rose early,",
"the pure ones stood to draw lots,",
"but only new ones offered the incense;",
"but now there is no frankincense",
"and no incense offering,",
"and I am left blackened with sin;",
"[therefore] when I confess my sins,",
"let my confession be accepted as an offering,",
"that my life be spared at my request,",
"and my people at my petition.
"See [O God] my Holy One,",
"that my hurt is greater than my groaning,",
"and there is none to stand by me,",
"and I have no House of Rest [the Temple];",
"only in You [I trust] and mention Your Name.",
"Strong Rock of my deliverance;",
"remove my guilt,",
"and then my righteousness will answer for me,",
"spare my life as my request",
"and my people as my petition.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.",
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"[God] Who sits on high,",
"and gazes into the depths [of the earth]",
"and knows all that is hidden",
"and understands all mysteries.",
"Though our sins are overwhelming",
"and our iniquities have stained us,",
"please! let Your compassion withhold",
"Your anger and wrath,",
"God, King Who sits",
"on the Throne of Compassion.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"And though she has abundantly sinned,",
"[she], the wretched and mournful one,",
"she has suffered enough of the wrath",
"of Your anger and fury.",
"She has become desolate,",
"mournful and devastated.",
"And from the time she was humiliated",
"she has not yet found compassion.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"The remnants of the Assyrian exile,",
"when they fell into the hands of the lion,",
"he filled his treasures with their booty",
"and his dwellings with calves and fatted oxen.",
"Soon afterwards [came] the wolf",
"and the panther allied with others",
"and the poisonous snake biting angrily,",
"[there is] no dressing or balm [for the wound].
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"The face of one",
"guarded like the apple of one’s eye",
"has become [as blackened] as the",
"bottom of a cooking pot,",
"for the wretched one has been left",
"without strength.",
"She has not hidden her face",
"from the humiliation and the wrath.",
"[The curses] recorded,",
"as well as those not recorded in the Torah,",
"[they all] befell her.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"Her life is precarious",
"because of the fears that come [upon her].",
"Like goats and sheep",
"among the lions,",
"in darkness and demeaned,",
"wounded and weakened.",
"Even the leprosied and contaminated",
"point their finger at us [in ridicule].
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"[Upon] the dispersion [of Israel]",
"into the world",
"and the destruction of Your Palace",
"gaze from on high.",
"And upon the nations [that brought this about]",
"pour out Your wrath.",
"Remember Your promise",
"that You uttered to Your people;",
"“Even if at the ends of the world",
"I will place you,",
"from there I will gather you",
"and console you.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"You affixed a time for those who are sold",
"[to] double the time of hired workers.",
"Yet they are dispersed to all corners,",
"and after so many years",
"are still not remembered.",
"[Fulfill the promises] that were said to the Son of Amotz:",
"“Though mountains and mighty rocks",
"may move,",
"My benefaction and My covenant",
"will never be removed from You.”
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"Pardon us our Creator!
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will-return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Gates of heaven,",
"which are compounded of fire and water,",
"numbering three hundred and ninety,",
"[which is] the number of the letters in the word שָׁמַיִם;",
"open to the supplication of Israel,",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to the Almighty in the heavens.
"Gates of the firmament",
"in which the luminaries are fixed,",
"from where they shine",
"and where they set;",
"open to the supplication",
"of those for whom He divided the [Reed] Sea,",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who wraps the firmament in clouds.
"Gates of the heavenly Palace",
"wherein stands the Altar of the heavenly Temple,",
"upon which [Michael] the Prince offers incense,",
"as did the High Priest wearing his mitre;",
"open to the supplication",
"of those who are painfully oppressed,",
"and let their prayer go up to Him",
"Who sat enthroned even at the flood.
"Gates of Vilon",
"that open and close and cause",
"the daily renewal of the sun’s appearance",
"through the opening of the aperture;",
"open to the supplication",
"of those who are firm as an oak",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who resides in the heights of Vilon.
"Gates of Shechakim,",
"wherein there is a mill",
"which continually grinds",
"preparing Mannah for the righteous;",
"open to the supplication",
"of those who are scattered afar",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who dwells in the clouds.
"Gates of Machon",
"wherein the snows are prepared,",
"where the cave of thick smoke",
"and the storms dwell;",
"open to the supplication",
"of the people whose heart is steadfast,",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who resides in the heights of Machon.
"Gates of the Habitation",
"where the angels sing at night",
"but are silent in the daytime",
"to hear to the prayers of the treasured people;",
"open to the supplication",
"of those whose lives are bitter as wormwood,",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who resides in the heights of Maon.
"Gates of Aravos",
"wherein are found the plentitude of blessings,",
"the treasures of righteousness and kindliness,",
"and all good things;",
"open to the supplication",
"of the children of the three Patriarchs,",
"and let their prayers go up",
"to Him Who rides on thick clouds.
"Fourth Day of the Ten Days of Penitence": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"[Israel] beloved as the wife of one’s youth,",
"which You betrothed",
"with a great dowry and lavish gifts;",
"how she now sits in disgrace,",
"abominated, ugly and forsaken.
"She who was bedecked",
"with precious ornaments,",
"with whom You made a covenant",
"and stipulations;",
"how she now goes from door to door",
"and sleeps among the stone heaps.
"She who was garbed in linen and silks,",
"she who was",
"praised throughout the world;",
"how she is now considered profaned,",
"to be mocked, humiliated and cursed.
"She who was beautiful in her footsteps,",
"upon whom Your wings were spread;",
"how her feet are now wounded",
"as she walks the mountains after her young.
"You Who are enthroned on the Cherubim,",
"see how despite all this,",
"she has not turned to the arrogant [nations]",
"nor placed her trust on armed cavalry",
"or on their soldiers,",
"but only in Your abundant mercy.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"There is none like You, Adonoy.",
"You are great,",
"and Your Name is great in its might.",
"God is known in Judah,",
"in Israel, His Name is great.",
"Help us, Adonoy, our God,",
"for upon You, we depend,",
"and in Your Name, do we come.",
"As Your Name, God, so is Your praise",
"to the ends of the earth;",
"Your hand is full of righteousness.",
"A tower of strength is the Name, Adonoy,",
"to Him rush the righteous and strong.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbenu Gershom, the “Light of the Exile.”
"Our God and God of our fathers!",
"Truly we have sinned",
"and caused others to sin,",
"we have surely betrayed You, our Father;",
"we were exiled because we lacked perception,",
"and we have suffered;",
"though we have been dispersed and oppressed,",
"we hope for Your deliverance.
"Remove, O Master, the iniquity of Your servant,",
"and do not turn away in anger",
"the children of Your loved one [the Patriarchs];",
"remember Your mercies, Adonoy",
"and Your kindnesses,",
"[grant them] kindness and truth",
"as You swore to Your loved ones.
"[They were punished with] exile and torture",
"because of their way of transgression,",
"and were afflicted",
"with the ninety eight curses",
"upon which You made a covenant",
"to admonish transgressors;",
"do not accuse Your people",
"who will be delivered through You.
"Acquit Your children of great transgression,",
"they are humble in their repentance",
"and entreat You with supplications;",
"cleanse the stain of their guilt",
"with Your Divine cleansers,",
"conceal their iniquities",
"and cast them into the depths",
"of Your raging waters.
"“Open their eyes,” release Your bound ones,",
"remove the stench of our iniquity,",
"as with nitre,",
"tear up our records [of guilt],",
"and waive our liabilities;",
"remember to show us compassion",
"even though Your Presence is concealed.
"Remember the oath and covenant of long ago,",
"be gracious in the merit of the Patriarchs,",
"who are listed backwards.",
"The platform upon which the Levites sang,",
"the blue-print of the Temple—",
"may it be Your will to return them to us,",
"with Your love of old.
"Take my revenge",
"from those who oppressed me,",
"they refused to free us,",
"and they held us with force;",
"the oppressed children of Judah of Israel—",
"God, bring back their exiles",
"like springs in the desert.
"Look from the heavens,",
"from Your palace on high,",
"and let be revealed",
"the abundance of Your pity and compassion;",
"say: “Enough!” punishment for Your beloved,",
"do good, as You see fit",
"to Your city and Your people.
"Drown our sins in the depths of the sea,",
"Your Holy Palace [the Temple]",
"raise it above the high mountains,",
"[Israel] Your possession,",
"may they go with joyous hearts [to Jerusalem]",
"accompanied with flutes;",
"then You will desire their righteous offerings,",
"burnt-offerings and priest’s meal offerings.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Nations have entered into Your inheritance;",
"they have defiled",
"the Sanctuary of Your holiness,",
"they have made Jerusalem into heaps of ruins.",
"Pour out Your wrath upon them,",
"and let Your fierce anger overtake them.",
"Arise Judge of the earth,",
"repay the arrogant their just reward.",
"Give them according to their deeds,",
"and their evil deceptions;",
"according to their actions, grant them,",
"repay them their just reward.",
"Do good, as You see fit, to Zion",
"may You rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"There are four major damagers:",
"the wolf, the lion, the bear,",
"and their cubs.",
"The leopard [who] kept vigil on their cities",
"and the pig with them.",
"Pay them according to their deeds",
"and according to their evil acts.
"He who has been goring",
"from days gone by",
"and dug a pit [for us],",
"may pains and anguish grab him",
"as a woman giving birth to her first.",
"[For] into the midst of Your encampment",
"they brought idolatry",
"and they threw me into the pit.
"Let your word [promise] come",
"and let it not be delayed.",
"Cut off their descendants and remnants,",
"and with his best let us profit.",
"Prepare for them a day of slaughter",
"and all kinds of destruction.",
"For he set forth the flames",
"which consumed the other’s field.
"I have no strength",
"to bear the yoke of the oppressors,",
"[who], to destroy me as a nation,",
"convene together.",
"I tremble when I hear",
"their frightening sounds.",
"And all the nations see",
"the cries and the flames.
"Pay them back sevenfold,",
"slay them dead,",
"let them be stoned,",
"and let the sword of Adonoy consume them.",
"Raise up Your children from the pit,",
"and let the one who prepared the pit pay.
"Will You ignore [punishing] these",
"with anger and wrath[?!]",
"And to reward",
"Your beautiful inheritance?!",
"Return the Crown to its rightful owners.",
"Let the igniter of the flames pay.
"Daughter of my nation,",
"the Strong One will redeem her with desire.",
"He will plant her on His holy mountain",
"when all will [again] be gathered;",
"His hand will once again possess her,",
"she will leave free without payment.
"[God], see the misery",
"of a humiliated nation.",
"God, save them from a humiliating oppressor.",
"Remember Your compassion",
"and let us see Your goodness,",
"and remove from me",
"just this death.
"With their entire mouth",
"they devoured them like wolves,",
"and the times of redemption was delayed",
"and they are [still] in pain.",
"Are they not inscribed in the book?",
"Yet, they sought many calculations.
"Let the evil be ashamed",
"for they consumed Your allotted portion,",
"that find protection in Your shadow;",
"[they are] Your inheritance and Your portion.",
"Compassionate One! Merciful One!",
"our eyes are uplifted towards You.",
"Now, my Master the King,",
"the eyes of all Israel are towards You.
"[God] Let it be in Your kindness",
"to be compassionate",
"to the people that you chose,",
"and fulfill to him",
"that which You promised.",
"Gather Your dispersed",
"from the ends of the world, as You said.",
"Do not omit a thing",
"from all that You have spoken.
"And You [God,] arise and be compassionate!",
"For the time for mercy has arrived.",
"Be compassionate to Zion",
"and to the Congregation that is beyond count.",
"Return their captives,",
"O God, who preceded [everything],",
"who [dwells] on high.",
"[Bring them] to the place of the Altar",
"that He made there at first.
"My heart is surrounded [with sorrow],",
"for Your wrath is great.",
"Turn from Your anger",
"and fulfill Your promise.",
"Fight my battle",
"against the nation that You will ensnare.",
"Behold! Your servants are yet wounded",
"for Your nation yet sins.
"Shine Your countenance [upon us];",
"let us find favor in Your eyes.",
"Free us from imprisonment",
"and let us run after You [to serve You].",
"As in years gone by,",
"may Your nation depart [their imprisonment].",
"[As is written:] And he ran away",
"and escaped.
"[God!] Listen [to me]!",
"for I have put my hope in You.",
"Be gracious to me as You promised,",
"and for Your redemption I have yearned.",
"With my whole heart",
"I searched for Your countenance.",
"I plead for my soul,",
"and I beg for my nation.
"I have been disappointed",
"and there is not a word in my mouth.",
"See! [God], and gaze [upon me]!",
"that I have become demeaned.",
"During the day I cried and wailed,",
"the oppressive heat consumed me;",
"[as did] the cold at night.
"I became an object of ridicule",
"and constantly demeaned.",
"Remember the covenant with Abraham.",
"Arise and save us!",
"We beseech You to see",
"that we are all Your nation.",
"We are all the sons of one man.
"[God], accept our utterance,",
"and listen to our prayers.",
"Let our lip-service be considered",
"as meal-offerings and burnt-offerings.",
"Lead Your nation to its repose",
"and to the land of its inheritance,",
"the place where",
"His tent was at the beginning.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Let our prayer come before You,",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"Let come before You",
"the groaning of the prisoner [Israel];",
"according to the greatness of Your power",
"set free those condemned to death.",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"You are my portion",
"and the rock of my heart",
"I longed for You in the night",
"as I lay on my bed;",
"to You, Adonoy, I call when my heart is faint.
"We have betrayed You",
"and have thus increased Your fury and anger,",
"we have been stepped on and crushed,",
"for we have no good deeds.
"Our distress has greatly increased,",
"for we have erred in our vision [of truth]",
"and stumbled in our judgement, and [even]",
"all our righteous deeds are as filthy rags.
"We lack knowledge,",
"we are simpletons without wit,",
"even high angels, You charge with folly,",
"how much more so man, who is but a worm.
"Behold, You lift the isles as dust particles,",
"should You search and examine wrongdoings,",
"what could we speak",
"and how could we justify ourselves?
"I searched for one to set up the fence",
"and stand in the breach,",
"but there is no upright one to appease You;",
"the pious man has perished from the earth.
"My destined time",
"is hidden from my knowledge,",
"my iniquities have caused",
"my glory to be cut down;",
"indeed, I acknowledge my transgressions.
"I cry of violent robbery,",
"but there is none to deliver me;",
"why is the righteous surrounded by the wicked?",
"Your hand is not powerless to deliver us.
"Your lambs [Israel] are beaten by [the enemy]",
"who roar [with triumph] like the sea,",
"they are ravished and robbed",
"in the hands of the nations;",
"“Why have You forgotten us forever,",
"forsaken us for so long a time.”
"Jacob has been given for a spoil,",
"and Israel to plunderers;",
"she who was honored",
"with a canopy of seven clouds",
"is now dumb like a sheep before shearing.
"The miser and degenerate [are seated]",
"like a king at his table,",
"while the generous and noble",
"are banished for their debt,",
"like an unwanted vessel.
"Do not preserve [our iniquity] forever",
"to destroy us,",
"when Your left hand thrusts us away,",
"let Your right hand draw us near;",
"O Master, we are oppressed,",
"be our surety.
"We have had a bad name from long",
"and yet You have given hope to the repentant",
"with a generous spirit, [saying:]",
"“I will heal their rebelliousness,",
"I will love them in free-willed devotion.”
"My eyes flow like a stream with tears,",
"the mockers enjoy tranquility",
"while my gladness has ceased;",
"and as for me,",
"in an instant my feet would have slipped.
"Seek the lost sheep,",
"the people that will be saved [by You],",
"even though they have been found with sin",
"and transgression from the womb,",
"and the righteous man has fallen",
"before the wicked.
"[Your] testimony to Jacob",
"is sealed in the Torah,",
"that in the land of their enemy,",
"You promised to preserve them alive,",
"even were they to be so situated.
"Remove transgressions and erase guilt,",
"lest hell enlarges itself to squeeze in",
"and opens its mouth without limit.
"Behold the storm and draw near to free us,",
"raise us and pull us from the muddy mire,",
"return, Adonoy, free our souls.
"We have sanctified a day of fasting,",
"to approach You in prayer,",
"prepare beforehand healing for our wounds,",
"remember Your congregation,",
"which You acquired of old.
"Lay aside anger, withhold wrath,",
"those who are held prisoners [Israel],",
"pull them out with bonds of love",
"from the dungeon, where they sit in darkness.
"Proclaim liberty",
"to the broken and desolate,",
"cut away the bars and break the yoke,",
"heal her fragments for she totters.
"You have set repentance [as a remedy]",
"against the reptile and serpent,",
"I hope in Him Who forgives and pardons,",
"and even should He slay me,",
"yet I trust in Him.
"Turn Your ear to us, O Creator,",
"hear O God those who seek You,",
"listen to those who entreat You,",
"accept my prayer as incense before You.
"Strengthen the faint and fortify the feeble,",
"establish the Temple,",
"restore the canopy [Your Shechinah],",
"do good, as You see fit, to Zion.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Too long has our soul dwelt",
"with those who hate peace.",
"I am for peace;",
"but when I speak",
"they are for war.",
"Let there be peace within your moats",
"serenity withing your palaces.",
"Peace, peace to the far one",
"and to the near one,",
"says Adonoy, and I will heal him.",
"Adonoy, arrange peace for us,",
"for indeed all our works,",
"have You done for us.",
"Adonoy will give strength to His people,",
"Adony will bless His people with peace.",
"Rule and awe are with Him,",
"He Who makes peace in His high heavens.",
"For you will go out [of exile] with joy,",
"and be led forth in peace [to Zion].
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Establish peace for us,",
"seal our fate that we may live.",
"We will arrange a prayer before You,",
"[through] repentance, prayer, and charity,",
"we shall see Your countenance",
"so that we may cling to God,",
"and the result of the charity shall be",
"Peace to the far one and the near one,",
"to the besieged city;",
"a small city",
"and a great king has surrounded it",
"to prevent escape.",
"The poor wise one",
"will facilitate escape for the city",
"without need for fortifications.",
"The good inclination depends [on You],",
"[therefore] preserve [for him] peace.
"An abundance of peace [shall there be]",
"to those that love Your Torah",
"and no illness [shall befall them].",
"You Who saves Your nation,",
"and Who are their strength,",
"their escape and their hope—",
"judge Your people with compassion,",
"and command the deliverance of Jacob.",
"And let Your nation reside",
"in a dwelling of peace.
"We hoped for peace and goodness",
"but we suffered destruction and ruin.",
"To those who need to leave or to enter [the city]",
"they cannot enter or leave.",
"But, if He will forgive our sins",
"as a Kingly gift,",
"then I would be in His eyes",
"as one who [sought and] found peace.
"[Bring us] peace, charity and kindness",
"to whiten the red thread.",
"Adonoy, deliver Your people—",
"the remnant.",
"Establish a covenant with them",
"as the prophet foretold and engraved:",
"“And I will establish with them",
"a covenant of peace.”
"Call with peace",
"to Your perfect dove [saying:]",
"“Let Me hear your voice,",
"for the sound of your voice is sweet",
"and your vision is lovely,” when you pray.",
"He will expand the place of your dwelling,",
"the Protector of Jacob will redeem you,",
"the One Who makes your borders peaceful.
"The One Who makes peace above",
"will make peace for the humiliated people,",
"a denigrated and trampled nation",
"by an oppressor who plunders.",
"[A nation] dragged and plucked",
"will [eventually] present tribute,",
"as the prophet promised,",
"and that will be [real] peace.
"[God, whose Name is] ‘Sholom,’",
"will rest His Presence around his nation,",
"and will serve as his support.",
"The ministers of Edom",
"will be gripped with trepidation.",
"And send to Your children.",
"Elijah the Gileadite,",
"[You, God] the Advisor, the Almighty",
"the Strong one, Who endures forever,",
"[let] peace rule!
"He is called “Sholom”",
"and He is master above all who rule.",
"He forgives the sins of His nation",
"and conceals their iniquities;",
"He accepts penitents",
"with an outstretched hand",
"and protects those who fear Him.",
"Dominion and fear are His,",
"He [is the One that] brings peace.
"“Sholom,” Who heralds good tidings",
"and proclaims salvation from on high.",
"He reigns over all",
"“Adonoy of Hosts,” is His Name.",
"When He speaks the entire world trembles",
"when it rises to be judged.",
"Adonoy will give strength to his people;",
"Adonoy will bless His people with peace.
"Peace be with you! do not fear,",
"for you shall yet come to see.",
"They will play with you on their laps",
"and you will be carried at their side.",
"The return of Adonoy to Zion",
"you will witness with your own eyes,",
"for joyfully shall you leave and in peace.
"Spread peace like a flowing river,",
"and turn into precious stones its boundaries.",
"She [Jerusalem] is the basis",
"that Your right hand established,",
"and gather her children [to her].",
"Sprinkle purifying water [upon her]",
"and cleanse the defilement of her skirts",
"and call to her in peace.
"We will lie together in peace",
"and sleep [without fear]",
"and Adonoy will watch over us.",
"Do not abandon us forever.",
"Why do You [seem to] sleep, awaken!",
"and bring our righteousness to light",
"and prepare our prophet [to come] speedily",
"so that we may increase our dominion",
"and [let there be] peace.
"[Grant] a good peace from a good Master",
"to those who come to You to be scrutinized.",
"Do not permit Your anger",
"to examine us in judgement.",
"Fulfill Your promise to Jacob",
"and [let] the benevolence of Abraham [serve—",
"as a merit] that we be judged favorably.",
"[When] benevolence and truth combine",
"[then there is] righteousness and peace.
"With peace and prime wheat,",
"satiate the descendants of Abraham.",
"Those whose hope is to Adonoy,",
"let their strength be renewed",
"and let new limbs grow.",
"Then their King will pass before them,",
"[the King] Who passes over their iniquity,",
"He will seek what is good for his nation",
"and address them in peace.
"Give peace to the children [of Israel]",
"who are blessed by [You], Adonoy.",
"The beautiful nation",
"that has been blackened.",
"Present her [to the nations] for praise,",
"for honor, and for splendor.",
"Fulfill for her the prophecy",
"that You engraved:",
"“And I shall reveal to them abundant peace.”
"Peace and an everlasting covenant",
"there shall be unto the people",
"that is close to Him.",
"[The reward] that has been preserved",
"for those who fear Him,",
"how great is its goodness!",
"For they shall explicitly see",
"when He shall return to Zion,",
"and this entire nation",
"shall come to its place in peace.
"Peace has turned to bitterness for me",
"for they have plundered my land.",
"They looted and trampled,",
"they overpowered and became haughty.",
"The nations destroyed the cities",
"until they were laid to waste.",
"They bite with their teeth",
"but [outwardly] they call for peace.
"Call for peace unto the Jewish nation",
"and seek to bring them up from the pit.",
"From east and west",
"gather in their remnants.",
"of Edom and Moab.",
"Break the heavy yoke",
"Pursue them,",
"and remove peace from them.
"Reward Your servants with peace,",
"You, Who created heaven and earth.",
"In time of oppression",
"He responds to free them.",
"Oh, how the gold has tarnished",
"and the golden vessel deteriorated.",
"For it has been too long",
"that our soul has resided",
"together with the enemies of peace.
"[God] bring peace to the land",
"and lead the nations to be under our rule.",
"Rather than ourselves, let the nations",
"suffer constant ruination,",
"for Adonoy judges [them] with fire,",
"but to His armies let Him give strength.",
"Oh that I may hear",
"that which the Almighty Adonoy speaks",
"when He speaks words of peace.
"May there be endless peace",
"upon the throne",
"of the stock of the ‘young lion.’",
"May his light shine forever",
"without being extinguished.",
"Strengthen us from “the two days,”",
"so that on “the third day”",
"we may be established and live.",
"To David and his descendants",
"and to his throne",
"let there be peace.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"The [correct offerings to God,",
"a broken spirit,",
"a broken and humbled heart;",
"God, You will not despise.",
"You will grant truth to Jacob,",
"kindliness to Abraham,",
"as You have sworn to our fathers",
"from the days of old.",
"And the kindliness of Adonoy",
"is forever and ever",
"upon those who fear Him,",
"and His righteousness",
"upon children’s children.",
"Adonoy is near to the broken-hearted;",
"and those crushed in spirit, He delivers.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Abraham taught the knowledge of God",
"before it was known to all the world.",
"He expounded Your Name to all mankind,",
"and revealed what was hidden and unknown.
"He abhorred and broke the idols,",
"the misinformed, he attached to Your Name,",
"he chose the upright way [of life],",
"Torah and Mitzvos he kept without tarrying.
"You rescued him from the fire of the Chaldeans,",
"You protected him in the valley of Siddim,",
"You promised him:",
"“Your reward will be very great,”",
"and You distinguished him",
"with great wealth and honor.
"And when he replied, crying:",
"“What will You give me?",
"when I have neither root nor branch.”",
"You strengthened him in a vision,",
"telling him, “this one shall not be your heir.”
"With his first fruit [Isaac]",
"You endowed him in his hundredth year,",
"and when You desired him as an offering",
"both of them rejoiced with all their hearts,",
"and hastened to do Your will.
"As Abraham suppressed his compassion",
"to do Your will,",
"so may Your compassion suppress",
"Your anger from Your flock.",
"Their hearts and souls were ready,",
"so too, may our prayers before You",
"be accepted as an incense-offering.
"He hastened and took the knife,",
"therefore save their seed",
"from childless death;",
"the one son was bound",
"like a lamb for slaughter,",
"therefore favor our prayers",
"like a burnt-offering and sacrifice.
"He arranged the wood and kindled the fire,",
"therefore as we stand praying this day",
"let us not be put to shame.",
"You answered him from the highest heavens,",
"and You swore to him",
"twice by Your Name.
"You redeemed him [Isaac] with a ram",
"caught in a thicket,",
"do not disgrace our petition and affliction.",
"Hear our cry and hearken to our entreaty,",
"in the merit of the Patriarch [Jacob]",
"who traveled to Succos.
"Let the voice of him who brings tidings",
"be heard in the world,",
"to redeem the people [who are]",
"the offspring of the everlasting hills.",
"Have mercy on the congregation",
"adorned [with Torah and Mitzvos],",
"the plant of the Twelve Tribes.
"Let Your Divine Presence dwell among us,",
"lead us to the borders of our land,",
"turn to us with compassion,",
"for You are called",
"[God] full of compassion.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur",
"we cast away the Evil Inclination,",
"justify us in judgment",
"so that the light of life shines on us;",
"behold we have come to You",
"Mighty and Glorious One,",
"for with You is the source of life,",
"in Your light shall we see light.
"O Master, with You is pardon",
"pardon and forgive those who return to You.",
"At the time when You seal Your decree,",
"remember [Israel], Your loved one for good,",
"so that it be known that there is God",
"in Jeshurun, Your devoted ones,",
"and set me as a seal upon Your heart,",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"Be surety for Your servants for good,",
"order that their stains [sins] be erased,",
"remember the pillars of the world",
"if their [our] deeds are not sufficient;",
"[even] in anger remember to be merciful",
"when You engrave [the fate] of Your children.",
"Inscribe them on Your tablet",
"and inscribe them in Your book [for life],",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"With supplications like the poor and needy",
"they approach You,",
"look on their most bitter misery,",
"how they live in oppression and degradation;",
"on the day when hidden things are searched.",
"O Most High,",
"let them find favor in Your eyes,",
"and may they all be inscribed in Your book,",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"Let those who seek You, find You,",
"those who rise early to entreat You,",
"that the Accuser not prevail",
"and not seem wise in Your eyes;",
"with [our] advocates and defenders—",
"agree with them in Your kindness,",
"[say to them:] “Write concerning the Jews",
"as it is good in their eyes,”",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"Behold the spirit and heart of Your people",
"are broken and sick,",
"let that be as a sin-offering",
"and as a guilt-offering,",
"and as the fulfillment of a vow-offering.",
"Let the [committed] faithful",
"and the uncommitted",
"be sealed indelibly",
"to everlasting life,",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"Not according to their merit",
"should You judge my congregation,",
"Jeshurun, who proclaim Your Oneness",
"even under the oppression of my enemies;",
"order their engraved inscription for praise",
"and not for disgrace,",
"let their engraved seal [read:]",
"“They are holy to Adonoy,” [do this]",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"To appease You with supplication,",
"Your servants have agreed,",
"be accessible to them",
"and remember [Your assurances of] comfort;",
"do wonders for them in Your kindness,",
"and remove their [sins] stains,",
"Almighty! King,",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"I shall wail with my prayers,",
"with my prayers to my Creator.",
"To my Creator as I am bent [and submissive],",
"relying only on my spirit [prayers].
"With my spirit [prayers] and my tongue,",
"with my tongue I shall express my shame,",
"my shame before my Creator",
"until my throat becomes parched.
"My throat and my lips [can do good or evil],",
"the lips have two options,",
"there are two paths that they may follow,",
"doors are open to each one of those paths.
"The doors open to repentance",
"to repentance from a rebellious heart,",
"rebellious and wild,",
"for the daughter (Israel) who rebelled.
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"The rebellious daughter’s body is bent,",
"bent and suffering from pain,",
"suffering and singed,",
"singed and marked",
"for destruction and death.
"Death and pain,",
"pain inflicting great suffering,",
"suffering which grips her,",
"as she goes forth in tears of anguish.
"Cries because of Your wrath,",
"from Your wrath and Your anger",
"Your anger and Your strength",
"gripped and leaned against me.
"Over Israel Your wrath is full,",
"full and weary,",
"[she is] weary and broken",
"and even defiled.
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"Defiled as is a metzoraas",
"as a metzoraas whose hair is uncovered",
"vulnerable to afflictions",
"and pretending to be unaware of them.
"She is aware of persecution but remains silent,",
"silent as if oblivious to a response,",
"as if totally unaware of their intentions",
"and covers her face from shame.
"Shame and disgrace",
"have clung to her,",
"clung and fused as one with her,",
"until she is ready for holocaust.
"Imprisoned, she is incinerated,",
"imprisoned she is decimated,",
"decimated and forsaken,",
"and divorced from her husband (God).
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"From her husband she was cast in disgrace,",
"in disgrace for destruction,",
"for destruction in a land without shelter,",
"in which she cannot be exempt from suffering.
"Cleansed and atoned of her sins",
"complete atonement is not possible",
"for she lacks her Dwelling Place",
"and is cast asunder like a rebellious cow.
"She rebels against her husband (God),",
"and was deceitful against Him,",
"she was so exceedingly deceitful",
"that there are not sufficient sacrifices for her.
"A sacrifice of either an “olah” or “mincha”",
"is no longer possible",
"for Israel is forsaken and bemoaning",
"as a leper whose disease spread all over her.
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"The defilement of nations has spread upon us,",
"their defilement and jealousy.",
"Please, God, vent Your jealousy upon them",
"because Israel thirsts for You.
"My soul thirsts for You,",
"for you to provide tranquility for my soul,",
"to save me from the dung of exile,",
"my God, my Holy One.
"My Holy One, and my Savior,",
"my Savior from those who persecute me,",
"replace my persecutors by delighting me,",
"God, my Shepherd.
"My Shepherd and my God,",
"my God and my Rescuer.",
"Let my Rescuer permit me to inherit",
"[the land of Israel,] my vineyard.
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"My disgrace is also Yours,",
"and Yours is obviously opposite You;",
"against You,",
"they have committed abominations",
"and their tongues were slanderous.
"The people for whom You split the Reed Sea,",
"and then passed them through,",
"thereby granting them added esteem,",
"this people that You created [to serve You].
"You created Your laws for me,",
"please choose the rightness of my prayers,",
"those prayers",
"with which I am entreating my God,",
"O God, Adonoy Who gives me strength.
"My God Who gives me strength, strengthen us,",
"strengthen us and fortify us.",
"Our King, please fortify us,",
"Adonoy Who rules over us.
"Our Strength! we have sinned!",
"Our Creator! forgive us!
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”",
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"King of Kings and loftiest of lofty,",
"resident of heaven and dweller on high",
"Who is praised",
"and glorified forever,",
"blessed and blessed",
"by all that exists—
"See the oppression of mourners, the worried.",
"Look, please,",
"at the denigration of the least of nations",
"who, dispersed and divided",
"among all peoples,",
"are shamefully, disdainfully,",
"shamed and disdained;
"mournful, isolated,",
"repulsed, and devastated",
"exposed to smiters,",
"their bodies to blows.",
"Mornings—”Wish it were night” they say;",
"nights—they say,",
"“Wish daylight were here!”
"They have no rest,",
"quiet, or peace—",
"nothing satisfying",
"to provide consolation.",
"Looking forward to peace,",
"they’re always at war;",
"hoping for good,",
"they’re paid with evil.
"So they prefer the sleep of death.",
"“Complain? Argue?",
"Our sins are the cause.",
"“We’ve erred, done evil,",
"ignored pleasant laws.”",
"Recall Your mercy, Adonoy,",
"and Your potent kindliness.
"Arise and pity us fully.",
"Gather our dispersed on land and sea",
"whom You sold for free to the Edomites.",
"Redeem us soon without money, bloodlessly.",
"O Rock of integrity,",
"for Yours, Master,",
"are forgiveness and mercy.
"Fifth Day of the Ten Days of Penitence": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You Who hears prayer,",
"unto You does all flesh come.",
"All flesh shall come",
"to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.",
"They will come and prostrate themselves",
"before You, my Master",
"and they will give honor to Your Name.",
"Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;",
"let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.",
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving,",
"His courtyards with praise,",
"give thanks to Him, bless His Name.",
"As for us, through Your abundant kindness",
"we will enter Your House;",
"we will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.",
"Behold, bless Adonoy—",
"all [you] servants of Adonoy,",
"who stand in the House of Adonoy",
"in the night.",
"Lift your hands to the Sanctuary",
"and bless Adonoy.",
"Let us come to His Dwelling Places,",
"let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God,",
"and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,",
"Holy is He!",
"Exalt Adonoy, our God",
"and prostrate yourselves at His holy mountain,",
"for Adonoy our God is holy.",
"Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness,",
"tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.",
"We will prostrate ourselves",
"toward Your Holy Sanctuary,",
"and give thanks to Your Name",
"for Your kindness and for Your truth;",
"for You have magnified",
"Your word far beyond Your Name.",
"Adonoy, God of Hosts,",
"who is like You, a mighty God;",
"and Your faithfulness is round about You.",
"For who in the skies",
"can be compared to Adonoy,",
"who can be likened to Adonoy",
"among the sons of the mighty?",
"For You are great",
"and do wondrous things;",
"You alone are God.",
"For great beyond the heavens",
"is Your kindness,",
"and until the skies is Your truth.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,",
"and awesome is He above all gods.",
"For a great Almighty is Adonoy",
"and a great King over all gods.",
"For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth",
"that can duplicate Your works",
"and Your power.",
"Who would not fear You, King of nations?",
"For to You it is fitting;",
"for among all the wise ones of the nations,",
"and in all their kingdoms,",
"there is none like You.",
"There is none like You, Adonoy",
"great are You,",
"and great is Your Name in might.",
"Yours is an arm with might",
"strong is Your hand, exalted is Your right hand.",
"Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,",
"You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.",
"For in His hands are the depths of the earth,",
"and the heights of the mountains are His.",
"Who can recount the mighty deeds of Adonoy,",
"or cause to be heard all His praise?",
"Yours Adonoy",
"is the greatness, the might, the glory,",
"the victory and the beauty,",
"for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; ",
"Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,",
"and You are uplifted over all rulers.",
"Yours are the heavens,",
"also Yours is the earth,",
"the inhabited world and its fullness;",
"You have founded them.",
"You set all the borders of the earth,",
"summer and winter, You formed them.",
"You crushed the heads of Leviathan,",
"You gave him as food to the people of legions.",
"You split open the fountain and brook,",
"You dried up mighty rivers.",
"You crumbled the sea with Your strength;",
"You shattered the heads of sea monsters",
"upon the waters.",
"You rule over the majesty of the sea;",
"when it raises its waves, You still them.",
"Great is Adonoy and highly extolled",
"in the city of our God,",
"the mountain of His Sanctuary.",
"Adonoy of Hosts, God of Israel,",
"enthroned upon the cherubim",
"You alone are God.",
"The Almighty is revered",
"in the great council of the holy ones",
"and is awe inspiring",
"over all that are about Him.",
"And the heavens will praise Your wonders,",
"and Your faithfulness [will be praised]",
"in the assembly of holy ones.",
"Come let us sing to Adonoy,",
"let us sound the shofar",
"to the Rock of our deliverance.",
"Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,",
"with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.",
"Righteousness and justice",
"are the foundations of Your throne,",
"kindness and truth precede Your Presence.",
"For together let us take sweet counsel;",
"into the House of God",
"let us walk with the throngs.",
"For the sea is His, and He made it;",
"and the dry land, His hands formed.",
"For in His hand",
"is the soul of every living thing,",
"and the spirit of all human flesh.",
"The soul is Yours,",
"and the body is Your doing,",
"have pity on Your work.",
"The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"We have come [relying] on Your Name,",
"Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]",
"for the sake of Your Name.",
"For the sake of the glory of Your Name,",
"for gracious and merciful Almighty",
"is Your Name,",
"For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,",
"pardon our iniquity, for it is great.
"Pardon us our Father,",
"because of our great foolishness,",
"we have sinned.",
"Forgive us our King,",
"for our iniquity is great.
"(Adonoy’s) people, be strong; let us be strong",
"and call strongly to Adonoy.",
"The iniquitous will confess his sin,",
"and return to Adonoy who will pity him.
"Call to Him who neither sleeps nor slumbers,",
"Guardian of Israel,",
"“Wake up! Why’re you sleeping?",
"Recall uprightness and deeds well done!”",
"And Adonoy will do what He thinks best.
"God of truth, assured us,",
"“I do not desire a person’s death.”",
"Now that He’s available, seek Him out;",
"call to Him when He is near.
"Appease Him, beg Him, serve Him in awe;",
"all Jacob’s seed, honor Him!",
"Persist at the doors of the patient One,",
"lift our hearts as high as our hands.
"Whoever can appease [Him] effectively—",
"prepare [to pray] to your God, O Israel.",
"Arrange tearful prayers",
"because of Your tribulation;",
"designate a fast; call a [prayer] meeting.
"Let God’s servant beg, pray",
"that He turn from His wrath",
"lest we be lost.",
"Perhaps He will prefer those gifts",
"to fattened [animals]",
"and myriad streams of oil.
"Prefer [our] heeding to burnt offerings,",
"obeying to the fat of rams.",
"Refine and straighten the crooked—",
"recall these [to the seed] of Jacob.",
"Bring words with you,",
"and let us make up for bullocks with our lips.
"For in Your abundant mercy",
"we trust,",
"and on Your righteousness, we rely,",
"and for Your pardon, we hope,",
"and for Your deliverance, we yearn.",
"You are a King",
"Who loves righteousness from of old,",
"Who passes over the iniquities of His people,",
"and removes the sins of those who fear Him.",
"You made a covenant with the Patriarchs,",
"and will keep [Your] oath",
"with their descendants.",
"You are He Who descended",
"in the cloud of Your glory, on Mount Sinai,",
"and disclosed the ways of Your goodness",
"to Moses, Your servant.",
"The ways of Your kindliness,",
"You revealed to him;",
"and You made known to him",
"that You are Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to anger, Abounding in kindness,",
"and full of beneficence,",
"guiding the entire world",
"with the quality of mercy.",
"And so it is written:",
"“And He said:",
"‘I will cause to pass",
"all My goodness before you,",
"and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy",
"in your presence;",
"I will be gracious",
"to whom I will be gracious,",
"and I will be compassionate",
"to whom I will be compassionate.’”
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"“And Adonoy passed before him [Moses]",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity and transgression,",
"and sin,",
"And Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.
"Give ear, O God, to my prayer,",
"and do not ingore my supplication.",
"May our prayers be considered",
"as incense-offerings before You,",
"the uplifting of our hands [in prayer]",
"as pleasant offerings.",
"Give ear, Adonoy, to our prayers,",
"listen to the sound of our supplications.",
"Listen to the sound of our cry,",
"our King and our God,",
"for [only] unto You do we pray.",
"Adonoy, God of Israel, You are righteous",
"for there is still a remnant of us",
"even to this day.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"The Congregation says:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over. Your people.
"Adonoy, God of Israel,",
"You are righteous, God of forgiveness.",
"With subdued heart we come to beg of You,",
"with broken spirits;",
"we’ve adorned our thoughts",
"and prepared our hidden kidneys.",
"Lofty One, let Your ears heed,",
"let Your eyes perceive.
"Intertwining about me",
"are plague upon plague;",
"there’s no doctor, no specialist",
"to cure me.",
"The Evildoer digs a pit,",
"looking forward to trap the weak;",
"a smooth snare at his feet",
"[so the victim will] walk into the net.
"Your beloved are confused and broken,",
"they lack words and argument;",
"Judah and Israel",
"have had their supports removed.",
"Shriveled like a spike of grain,",
"their persons pained and oppressed,",
"their hunger sated with bitter herbs,",
"their thirst quenched with vermouth.
"From the deepest thoughts",
"of sage and rabbi alike",
"is hidden the length of the era,",
"is sealed the duration of ruin.",
"The daily atonements are gone,",
"sacrifice is abolished.",
"Your servants are impatient",
"while the prideful rebel is calm.
"Redeemer and Rescuer,",
"have You forgotten to commiserate,",
"to grant clemency?",
"Will You keep looking at our rebellion,",
"forever recall our putridity?",
"Are You so angry",
"that You’ve sealed off cries and prayers?",
"To Your myriad thousands return",
"and dwell amid their camps.
"Diminished is Israel’s pride,",
"the pride of Judah denigrated;",
"the Temple ruined,",
"unillumined, in darkness.",
"Light was turned to death’s shadow,",
"shine to cloudiness.",
"Where’s the forefather’s Support,",
"the merit of those who sleep in Machpela?
"Creator, when You judge",
"no man is favored, elevated;",
"The wealthy are leveled,",
"equated with the poor.",
"Why is the despicable one respected,",
"the little one raised and great?",
"While the desirable one, the play-child,",
"is imprisoned, prophecy gone!
"Your perfect ones do not rely on the sword",
"or on the spear.",
"They rely on fasting and sackcloth,",
"they lean on prayer and fast.",
"Reach out once more to",
"reacquire Your insulted ones",
"who aspire, look forward to You",
"from under the yoke of angry ones.
"Heed the looted and trampled,",
"suffering and desecrated people;",
"Merciful One, listen to cries",
"and willingly accept prayer.",
"May prayer be accepted in lieu of incense,",
"in place of offerings.",
"Hear the sound of my prayer, My king,",
"My God, for I am praying to You.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Why, Adonoy, do You stand at a distance,",
"ignoring those who are in trouble?",
"Why, Adonoy,",
"is Your fierce anger on Your people,",
"that You took out of the land of Egypt?",
"And now, let my Master’s power be great,",
"as You have spoken, saying.",
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God",
"and accept",
"our prayers compassionately and willingly.",
"Why have You forgotten us forever,",
"forsaken us for so many days?
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Heed supplication and listen to prayer,",
"cancel anger and diminish fury.",
"The bitter-hearted who pray to You",
"will find help in Your great Name.
"Regard the cry of the groaning",
"behold their suffering;",
"do not disdain their bent stature.",
"Charge the insolent enemy for shaming them;",
"trample them and let their blood spurt.
"You have existed and still do,",
"and will exist in all Your glory.",
"You said",
"the seed of Your loyal ones would exist,",
"yet they are being wasted",
"by the power of Your fury.
"They angered You with their sins",
"and were evicted from their desire,",
"they were scattered all over without rest;",
"their spirit wounded, bent to the earth,",
"plowed upon",
"and deeply furrowed.
"Sunk in mud with no rescuer,",
"their predators at peace all around,",
"daily their enemy fights;",
"they spread their hands to get out of trouble.
"Their lives are wasted",
"with agony and groans;",
"the weak are many and joy is gone.",
"They hope for salvation and end up crying;",
"they’re wearied by upstarts",
"who undermine them.
"They plot slyly to convert them from You,",
"weigh them down to weaken them.",
"They cry to You when exhausted",
"to find respite from their heavy burden.
"They express prayer, standing crowded,",
"request pardon with bowed head;",
"oppressors enrage them,",
"seeking their extermination;",
"may they be confounded and annihilated.
"Redeem Your followers from total destruction,",
"save them from enemies and elevate them,",
"command the salvation",
"of those who seek You in prayer,",
"justify them in judgment",
"from hidden and open [sins].
"Jealous avenger, be jealous for Your Name,",
"cut away the yoke thongs",
"from Your people’s neck.",
"See our suffering and repent from Your anger,",
"fight our battle",
"against the people You damned.
"Repay sevenfold those who anguish me,",
"besot Your arrows",
"with the blood of my oppressors.",
"Turn Your ear",
"to the sound of my supplications,",
"accept me when I call out, “Adonoy, Adonoy.”
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"For there is no righteous man on earth",
"who [always] does good and never sins.",
"For the inclination of man’s heart",
"leans to evil from his youth.",
"For You search out our iniquities,",
"and scrutinize our sins.",
"You have set our iniquities before You,",
"the sins of our youth",
"before the light of Your countenance.",
"As for man, his days are as grass;",
"as the flower of the field,",
"so he flourishes.",
"And You, Adonoy, are gracious and merciful,",
"slow to anger,",
"and abundant in kindness and truth.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"God, Adonoy, my power,",
"Creator, and Maker,",
"I am Yours with all I own;",
"when judging do not be harsh",
"lest You destroy",
"the soul approaching [You].
"In the dock to be judged,",
"the initial judgment is",
"fire of destruction.",
"You know my ways,",
"have brought to light my hidden sins;",
"do not destroy me.
"You, Who know the world’s ways,",
"including all hidden acts—",
"do not send the poor away in shame.",
"Though my wildnesses are many,",
"my mind misled me,",
"for my intent was not [to sin].
"I realize all is futility,",
"for every deed on earth",
"one’s soul is His assurance;",
"when man seeks to fill the desire,",
"the voice of my Beloved warns,",
"“Don’t carry out that evil.”
"You made Your creature undefiled,",
"heart’s evil misleads him;",
"so when You see sin cover it.",
"Tell my soul about Your salvation,",
"for we are hopelessly finished",
"if You keep track of our sins.
"My years are wasted on futility",
"the seriousness of my guilt",
"has terrified my bones.",
"Cleanse their redness,",
"the recent and the past,",
"the inclinations of man’s mind.
"You’ve searched all the chambers",
"of my crooked heart;",
"what have You found in me",
"of all You consider proper?",
"Sin is hidden within me,",
"my heart hot inside me.
"Keep my soul from destruction;",
"what will You gain",
"if I go to the grave?",
"In mercy turn to me,",
"for what worth has a soul",
"that goes and does not return?
"My wounds match my sins,",
"sack and ash are my bed;",
"my innards are in turmoil.",
"Anguish and troubles",
"come so thick",
"I cannot count them.
"I am bitter;",
"won’t You consider my suffering",
"when You examine my sin?",
"May my prayer please You,",
"be accepted by You,",
"that I be cleansed from great sin.
"Cleanse from sin the repentant",
"with broken, oppressed heart;",
"if he tarries, wait.",
"Look forward to his penance,",
"cover his errors,",
"and bend Satan secretly.
"Almighty Who bears iniquity and error;",
"should they increase,",
"conceal them.",
"Redeem us from being put to the sword.",
"Let my prayer succeed before You,",
"good and forgiving Almighty.
"Heed my prayer,",
"and wipe away sin like a cloud,",
"for You, Almighty do not want evil.",
"Adonoy will compensate me",
"according to His righteousness,",
"He will always hide me in His shelter—",
"the Almighty whose way is perfect.
"From the depths of the pit do I call You,",
"I pray to You with a pained heart,",
"for I always recall You.",
"Be clothed in mercy",
"and set aside my errors,",
"so that I need no longer be ashamed.
"Many say to me,",
"“Wallow in dust",
"and you still won’t be freed.”",
"May Your innards show mercy;",
"recall the kindliness of Your intimates;",
"[as You have said:] how valuable to Me are your friends.
"Attack Your enemies heroically,",
"break the power of my enemies",
"who put me into the pit.",
"Use up Your arrows against them,",
"release Your prisoners from them.",
"And may these words of mine",
"be accepted pleasantly,",
"beloved and cherished,",
"Adonoy of Hosts",
"Who dwells between the cherubim.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Let the righteous hold to his way,",
"and the pure of hands gather strength.",
"Let your hearts be strong and with courage",
"all who hope in Adonoy[‘s redemption]",
"In our affliction we call to Adonoy,",
"and to our God, we cry,",
"and from His Sanctuary, He hears our voice,",
"and our cry is before Him.",
"Answer us, Adonoy,",
"for Your kindness is good;",
"in Your abundant mercy, turn to us.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"The pure-handed One will increase His force,",
"His power will grow and wax.",
"Were it not in Scripture",
"one could not say it:",
"The proud One wrapped Himself like a chazan",
"and declared the thirteen attributes.",
"He caused the words of His glory to pass",
"and showed Moshe the tied knot [of His T’filin].
"He prepared him and told him,",
"“So long as My sons sin,",
"let them perform this order before Me—",
"it is My attribute to forgive—",
"I am Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"gracious before you sin",
"and gracious after you sin and repent.",
"These are My ways and methods.”
"Good and forgiving, Master of kindliness,",
"Who tips the scale toward kindliness,",
"again have mercy,",
"Withholder, Bearer, and Favorer.",
"It is Your policy",
"to eliminate sins one by one;",
"to forgive and pardon,",
"increasing Your mercy and kindliness.
"Who like You teaches that penitence heals,",
"kindly One and master healer;",
"matching the size of the wound",
"is Your ready bandange,",
"though he has little money prepared—",
"the patient coming to you.",
"The balance grant us free,",
"Merciful, dependable One.
"Your cure [the Torah]",
"is the wonderful elixir of life",
"for the dark one;",
"the ingredients You blend are perfect",
"as is the lotion on the bandage.",
"Open swiftly, with Your hand,",
"the medicine kit",
"to provide balm",
"for the wounds of the lovesick one [Israel].
"When a laborer works for an employer,",
"in good faith, [though the employer]",
"expects to pay his wage,",
"that is not praiseworthy.",
"If he does damage or works lazily,",
"the master is praised if he’s generous.",
"Adonoy, our God,",
"is merciful and forgiving",
"though we rebelled against Him.
"Your veracious attributes",
"are supreme, most proper",
"as seen",
"from Your supplying food to the rebellious.",
"The remnant of Joseph",
"hopes to find forgiveness from sin.",
"Grant good",
"like Joseph to his brothers,",
"forever to relate Your righteousness.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Then will You desire",
"the offerings of the righteous,",
"the burnt-offering—burnt meal-offering;",
"then upon Your altar will be brought up",
"[offerings of] bullocks.",
"You will grant truth to Jacob",
"kindliness to Abraham,",
"as You have sworn to our fathers,",
"from the days of old.",
"And the kindness of Adonoy",
"is forever and ever",
"upon those who fear Him",
"and His righteousness",
"upon children’s children.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Then on Mount Mor",
"the mute dove rejoiced",
"when Ethan took him",
"as a burnt whole offering",
"the proud One tested him,",
"“Take this lad",
"as a raise-offering to Adonoy, sanctified.”
"“Like the law for the basket,",
"place him before Me",
"your son here,",
"bring him as a bread offering;",
"I have chosen him, come anoint him",
"with the oil of sanctified anointment.”
"The pure one, upon hearing,",
"did not worry;",
"the will of His Rock was all he desired",
"united, both father and son",
"bowed to Adonoy",
"in the splendor of holiness.
"He prepared wood intending to kindle it.",
"The only son wondered and hoped",
"saying, “Where is the lamb of offering",
"sanctified sacred to Adonoy?”
"“The One Above will show the lamb,”",
"he replied,",
"“to satisfy, make happy the mother’s soul.",
"He Who sees the hidden, my son,",
"will heed your prayer,",
"He’ll send you aid from the sanctified place.”
"“Stop, please, father and bind the sacrifice",
"lest I move in fear of the blade.",
"Tie me down lest I desecrate the offering",
"and spoil its sanctity.”
"Kofer Eshkol burst into tears",
"when he thought of his father",
"bereft of his son.",
"He grabbed the knife to perform",
"the entire sanctified service.
"Angels screamed up in Heaven,",
"“The mute dove’s slaughter,",
"who can watch?”",
"One to the other declared, “Don’t keep silent,",
"raise your hands in sanctity.”
"The One Above gazed at binder and bound,",
"the bound lamb and the burning flame.",
"The Tester of puremindedness",
"recalled the pitied",
"and His voice was heard",
"entering the Sanctum.
"Spoke the “advocate” as he took the knife,",
"“Spare your only one from going to death.",
"This is written before me,",
"clearly inscribed,",
"inscribed in sanctified etching.
"“I know the beautiful integrity of your way.",
"Rejoice and take a ram",
"instead of the buck.",
"I’ve prepared a substitute",
"for the Eshkol Hakofer",
"and he and his replacement",
"will be sanctified.”
"The youngster was saved from the sharp blade;",
"from outstretched throat",
"his blood did not flow.",
"His right grasped the gripped ram,",
"to sanctify it holy to Adonoy.
"Merciful One!",
"You provided him a peaceful ending.",
"Till this day You recall",
"his covenant for his seed.",
"For the rest of the remnant,",
"what is left of his remainder,",
"let there be a haven in sanctity.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious, Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, transgression and sin,",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"And pardon our iniquity and our sin",
"and take us for Your inheritance.
"I remember O God, and I moan",
"when I see every city",
"built on its site,",
"and the city of God [Jerusalem]",
"is humbled to the bottom of the pit;",
"and yet we cleave to God,",
"and our eyes look to God.
"Divine Mercy, intercede for us,",
"and before your Possessor,",
"present our supplication,",
"and on behalf of your people,",
"plead for compassion;",
"for every heart is faint",
"and every head is ill.
"I support myself",
"with the thirteen attributes [of God],",
"and rely on the gates of [penitent] tears,",
"which are never joined,",
"therfore, I have poured out my prayers,",
"before Him, Who searches hearts.",
"I trust in these,",
"and in the merit of the three Patriarchs.
"May it be Your will,",
"You Who hears the voice of weeping,",
"that You place our tears",
"in Your skin-flask [of tears] for preservation;",
"and save us from all cruel decrees,",
"for to You alone do our eyes focus.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"How she groaned breaking,",
"she who had clung from yore.",
"Cursed on every path",
"she went and wandered in the desert.",
"In the desert among the wild beasts",
"she was mastered by young lions.",
"In the appropriate garb of vengeance",
"repay their due to the haughty.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"The haughty whom You supported",
"together destroyed my land;",
"overpowered me from their positions",
"and hastened to shed blood.",
"Blood they shed like water;",
"trampled like grapes the beautiful-footed one.",
"They gushed tears like water",
"which You heard in Heaven.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"They challenged the heavens",
"thinking to supplant Your holiness;",
"they destroyed me—",
"kings who upon seeing me would rise.",
"They arose against my [land] inheritance",
"and looted my home.",
"Since then I’m in their hands",
"I am therefore afraid.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"I fear the fury of their tongue,",
"the scoffing in their speech.",
"Raise the strangers in smoke",
"because my people was taken free.",
"Free grant us, in Your manner;",
"be kind to the seed of Your lot.",
"Give us life in accord with Your word",
"—the dew of lights is Your dew.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Your dew, provide us uncursed;",
"Cleanse us, not to deceive Your power.",
"Let the filthy evildoers rot",
"for they have consumed Jacob.",
"Jacob, whom You chose for pride,",
"to reveal Your unique godship—",
"raise up his offspring in unison,",
"the prisoners from their prison.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"In prison You put us in chains,",
"as You warned but we disobeyed.",
"Terminate Your anger at us;",
"arrange peace for us.",
"For us designate Your Presence",
"for Your sake, supporter and helper,",
"forever and ever and ever",
"let me dwell on the Mount of Meeting.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Terminate, end Your war;",
"subdue Your anger at me.",
"Rebels against Your mount of inheritance—",
"let me see Your vengeance against them.",
"Show us Your vengeance [at the nations],",
"there we will rejoice;",
"guide us along the straight path.",
"Let us speak Your pleasant praise,",
"God of Jacob, forever.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Forever they’ll declare Your eternity;",
"Your praise all will speak.",
"Measure for measure pay those who boasted",
"and said, “Destroy! Destroy!”",
"They destroyed foundations and towers",
"and also looted homes.",
"Turning cities into ruins,",
"our enemies became our judges.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"These judges sentenced us to poverty,",
"our faces have become jaundiced.",
"Turn to us and show we’re right;",
"and from You that will be justice.",
"I ask justice of You,",
"for my benefit—",
"command redemption, My God.",
"Let the anguish of my heart cease;",
"hear, God, my voice.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Let My voice be heard in Heaven;",
"be jealous and wreak vengeance.",
"Bring near the time for consolation",
"when Adonoy’s hand will be supreme.",
"Raise Your hand as promised,",
"fight Your people’s battles.",
"Merciful One, subdue Your fury;",
"“Our Redeemer”, forever is Your Name.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"We are called by Your Name,",
"Shadai, Who dwells with light.",
"Return and redeem us speedily,",
"from Zion will go forth Torah.",
"Torah and the Book of Consolation",
"provide us, You who are full of compassion.",
"Guide us forever,",
"Adonoy, for days eternal.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"At the time for leaving to redemption",
"the living, eternal One, too, will be redeemed,",
"with mercy He will recall and redeem",
"the precious son He played with.",
"He will play with him as promised",
"forever from the day He’s established,",
"and His Name alone will be lofted",
"when Adonoy consoles His people.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"forgive us, our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"This prayer was composed by Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (the Light of the Exile).
"Remember the covenant of Abraham",
"and the binding of Isaac,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"We lost the good land all too soon,",
"and the prophesied exile has lasted very long;",
"in Israel, they no longer live in open villages,",
"our plenty has been turned into famine.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"Exile after exile,",
"has all of Judah been exiled,",
"grief and destruction is her lot each day,",
"and there is none to inquire or plead for her.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"The city of holiness and its environs",
"had become disgraced and plundered;",
"all its treasures are buried and hidden,",
"and nothing remains except this Torah.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"Mighty Redeemer, for Your sake redeem us,",
"see how helpless we are,",
"look, our pious men are gone,",
"and we have none to intercede for us.",
"Return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"The covenant with the Patriarchs",
"the Matriarchs",
"and the [twelve] tribes,",
"Your oft-repeated mercy and kindness—",
"remember [now] O God",
"to those who are stricken and tortured,",
"and for Your sake [they are ready]",
"to be killed all the day.",
"Turn with compassion",
"to the remnant of Israel,",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.
"You Who avenge [innocent] blood,",
"judge our cause,",
"repay [punish] sevenfold",
"into the bosom of those who torment us;",
"we have been sold for naught,",
"[therefore] redeem us without [ransom] money,",
"raise up Your ruined, Holy Temple,",
"before our [very] eyes,",
"and return the captives",
"of the tents of Jacob",
"and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.",
"Remember to us the covenant of the ancestors,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember for their sake,",
"the covenant with their ancestors,",
"whom I brought out",
"of the land of Egypt,",
"in the sight of the nations;",
"to be their God",
"I am Adonoy.”
"Hear, Israel",
"Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is one!",
"In truth, the openings to repentance",
"are emphasized throughout the Torah.",
"I focus on it constantly.
"To specify [sin] is right for it,",
"with broken heart subdued",
"—yieldingly, unwearied—",
"to Him Who dons pride.",
"Hear Israel!",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is one!
"Dressed in pride and vengeance",
"to save the oppressed people,",
"He will heal your sadness",
"by giving what is sweeter than honey.",
"Honey and milk on your tongue",
"when you recite Shema Yisroel.
"With pleasing voice pray;",
"honor Adonoy with your gift.",
"Hear Israel!",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One!
"Gifts from your wealth liberate you,",
"let you repose before the great.",
"Love Him who Redeems you from mud,",
"with all your heart and all your soul.
"Your soul is guarded from evil",
"when you bow to Your Rock in service.",
"If your body is kept from evil,",
"you merit worthy offspring.",
"Hear Israel!",
"Adonoy is our God,",
"Adonoy is One!
"Holy offspring, likened to fish,",
"are always slaughtered like lambs;",
"sheltered under the King’s wings,",
"those who cling to the living God.
"Life and the sword are intertwined.",
"So study the oral and the written",
"to be spared being sliced by blades.",
"Adonoy, grant good to the good.
"The guardian of communities gathered,",
"circumscribed His presence to grant it,",
"to illuminate darkness to light.",
"To the upright, praise is appropriate.
"Praise and power to our Redeemer,",
"the One Who shelters and protects us.",
"Show favor to us;",
"may Your kindliness, Adonoy, be upon us.
"Do unto us as You promised,",
"“And yet for all that,",
"when they are in the land of their enemies,",
"I will not reject them",
"and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,",
"to annul My covenant with them;",
"for I am Adonoy, their God.”",
"Be accessible to us when we seek You,",
"as it is written:",
"“And from there",
"you will seek Adonoy, your God,",
"and you will find Him;",
"if you search after Him",
"with all your heart",
"and with all your soul.”",
"Open our hearts",
"to love Your Name,",
"as it is written in Your Torah:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,",
"and the heart of your descendants,",
"to love Adonoy, your God,",
"with all your heart,",
"and with all your soul,",
"that you may live.”",
"Sprinkle clean water upon us,",
"and cleanse us, as it is written:",
"“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,",
"and you will be clean;",
"from all your defilements,",
"and from all your idols,",
"I will cleanse you.”",
"Sweep aside our transgressions",
"as a thick cloud and as a mist,",
"as You have promised:",
"“I have swept away like a thick cloud",
"your transgressions,",
"and like a mist, your sins;",
"return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”",
"Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,",
"as You promised:",
"“I, I [alone] am He",
"Who blots out your transgressions",
"for My own sake;",
"and your sins, I will not recall.”",
"Make our sins as white as snow or wool,",
"as it is written:",
"“Come now, let us reason together,",
"says Adonoy,",
"though your sins be as scarlet,",
"they shall be as white as snow;",
"though they be red as crimson,",
"they shall become [white] as wool.”",
"Have compassion on us and do not destroy us,",
"as it is written:",
"“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,",
"your God;",
"He will not abandon you or destroy you,",
"and He will not forget",
"the covenant of your fathers",
"which He swore to them.”",
"Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:",
"“If your dispersed",
"are in the farthermost part of heaven,",
"from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,",
"and from there He will take you.”",
"Bring back our captivity",
"and have compassion on us,",
"as it is written:",
"“And Adonoy, your God will return",
"your captivity and have compassion on you;",
"and He will again gather you",
"from [among] all the peoples,",
"where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”",
"Bring us to Your holy mountain,",
"and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,",
"as it is written:",
"“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,",
"and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;",
"their burnt-offerings and sacrifices",
"will be accepted with favor on My Altar,",
"for My House,",
"will be called a House of Prayer",
"for all peoples.”
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped us",
"and comforted us.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"We have trespassed",
"more than any other people,",
"we are more ashamed",
"than any other generation;",
"happiness has departed from us,",
"our hearts are miserable with our sins;",
"[the place of] our desire has been devastated,",
"[the place of] our glory has been humiliated,",
"the abode of our Holy Temple",
"has been destroyed because of our iniquities;",
"our Palace has become a desolation,",
"our beautiful land belongs to strangers,",
"our strength [wealth] to foreigners.",
"Still, we have not repented our errors,",
"so how can we be so insolent",
"and obstinate",
"as to say before You,",
"“Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"we are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But indeed we and our fathers have sinned:
"Hope of Israel,",
"its Savior at times of trouble;",
"its guardian, shelterer,",
"and rescuer on the day of fury—",
"have much mercy",
"on the storm-tossed, poor people,",
"isolated and looted,",
"pained and anguished.
"Trampled by enemies",
"and sullied in the dirt,",
"bereft of children and alone,",
"exiled and mourning,",
"by lions and bears",
"trampled and crushed,",
"like shepherdless sheep",
"wandering and scattered.
"Master! How long",
"will You disregard her anguish,",
"why forever leave her",
"in the hands of her provoker?",
"In Your mercy remove her",
"from darkness to light;",
"for Your Name’s sake do not shame her,",
"she who is luminous like the sun.
"You chose her from all the nations",
"with unique clarity.",
"Look, please, at her poverty,",
"and dust off her dirt.",
"Fight her battles and abhor her enemy;",
"avenge her vengeance",
"and that of Your Chosen House,
"which they smashed and ruined",
"and set afire,",
"desecrating and insulting",
"the honored and awesome Name.",
"Recall the insult of the loathsome one",
"who spoke insultingly against You.",
"Arise, Adonoy, in Your anger,",
"rise vigorously,",
"and do not forget",
"the constant noises of Your enemies.
"Destroy, cut down the cursed kingdom.",
"The heralder of peace",
"to Your people send soon",
"to console Zion",
"and to mend her breaches,",
"for Yours, Adonoy,",
"are greatness and power.
"Yom Kippur Eve": [
"Fortunate are those who dwell",
"in Your house;",
"may they continue to praise You, Selah.",
"Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;",
"Fortunate is the people",
"for whom Adonoy is their God.",
"A praise by David!",
"I will exalt You, my God, the King,",
"and bless Your Name forever and ever.",
"Every day I will bless You",
"and extol Your Name forever and ever.",
"Adonoy is great and highly extolled,",
"and His greatness is unfathomable.",
"One generation to another",
"will laud Your works",
"and declare Your mighty acts.",
"The splendor of Your glorious majesty,",
"and the words of Your wonders I will speak.",
"Of Your awesome might, they will speak",
"and Your greatness I will recount.",
"They will make mention of Your bountifulness,",
"and joyfully exult in Your righteousness.",
"Adonoy is gracious and compassionate,",
"slow to anger and great in kindliness.",
"Adonoy is good to all,",
"His mercy encompasses all His works.",
"All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,",
"and Your pious ones will bless You.",
"Of the honor of Your kingship, they will speak",
"and Your might they will declare.",
"To reveal to men His mighty acts,",
"and the glorious splendor of His kingship.",
"Your kingship is the kingship for all times,",
"and Your dominion is in every generation.",
"Adonoy supports all the fallen,",
"and straightens all the bent.",
"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,",
"and You give them",
"their food at its proper time.",
"You open Your hand",
"and satisfy the desire of every living being.",
"Adonoy is just in all His ways",
"and benevolent in all His deeds.",
"Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,",
"to all who call upon Him in truth.",
"The will of those who fear Him He fulfills;",
"He hears their cry and delivers them.",
"Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,",
"and will destroy all the wicked.",
"Praise of Adonoy my mouth will declare,",
"and all flesh will bless",
"His holy Name forever and ever.",
"And we will bless God.",
"from now and forever.",
"Praise God.
"The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
"Exalted and sanctified be His great Name",
"in the world which He created",
"according to His will",
"and may He rule His kingdom",
"in your lifetime and in your days,",
"and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,",
"speedily and in the near future—",
"and say Amen.",
"May His great Name be blessed",
"forever and for all eternity.",
"Blessed and praised,",
"glorified, and exalted and uplifted,",
"honored and elevated and extolled",
"be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;",
"all the blessings and hymns,",
"praises and consolations",
"which we utter in the world—and say Amen.
"Righteousness is Yours, Adonoy",
"while shame is ours.",
"How can we complain?",
"What can we say?",
"What can we speak?",
"And how can we justify ourselves?",
"Let us search into our ways and examine them,",
"and return to You;",
"for Your right hand is extended",
"to receive those who repent.",
"Not with virtue nor with good deeds",
"do we come before You,",
"but like the poor and needy",
"we knock at Your door.",
"At Your door, do we knock,",
"Merciful and Gracious One.",
"Please do not turn us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.",
"From Your Presence our King",
"turn us not away empty-handed;",
"for You hear [our] prayers.
"You are Almighty, Slow to Anger,",
"Lord of Mercy, You are called,",
"and the way of repentance, You have taught us.",
"The greatness of Your mercy and kindliness,",
"remember this day and every day",
"for the descendants of Your loved ones.",
"Turn to us with compassion",
"for You are the Lord of Mercy.",
"With supplication and prayer",
"we approach Your Presence,",
"as You made known",
"to [Moses,] the modest one of old.",
"From Your fierce anger turn,",
"as it is written in Your Torah.",
"In the shadow of Your wings,",
"may we be sheltered and lodged,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“When Adonoy descended in the cloud.”",
"Remove [our] transgression,",
"and blot out [our] iniquity,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He stood with him there.”",
"Give ear to our cry",
"and listen to our speech,",
"as on the day [of which it is said:]",
"“And He proclaimed the Name, Adonoy”",
"And there it is said:
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Enter not into judgement with us",
"for no living soul will be justified before You.",
"For even His holy ones are not trusted,",
"and the heavens are not innocent in His eyes.",
"Certainly, man, who is deceitful",
"and the son of man who is but a worm.",
"Behold, we are before you with our guilt,",
"for how can we stand before You",
"because of this.",
"Who can say, “My heart is pure,",
"I have cleansed myself from my sins?”
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Master, when You call on man",
"each morning [for judgment]",
"do not press justice to its limits.",
"If You combine body and soul [in judgment]",
"they would be thrust down",
"and be unable to rise.
"Can man be innocent in judgement?",
"Is he possessed of deeds to justify him?",
"His birth stream is from a fetid drop,",
"his enemy is hidden within him",
"from the time of his birth.
"Lurking within him as a snare to his feet,",
"he entices him daily,",
"to make him fall into the abyss [of sin];",
"there is no power or might in the body",
"to stand firm and resist him.
"From the day he attains perception,",
"he puts his life in his hand",
"to gain his bread,",
"all his days are filled",
"with vexation and grief;",
"until he returns to his dust",
"he is not at rest.
"Regard O Master his sorrowful spirit,",
"look at his broken heart,",
"You are near to these who are afar,",
"You desire the repentance of the wicked.
"Mighty One! let Yourself be found",
"by those who seek You,",
"say: “Here I am,”",
"to those who petition You",
"let the tiding: “I have pardoned”—",
"be told to those who call in Your Name,",
"make righteous in judgment",
"the people who proclaim Your Unity.
"Muzzle the foul one [Satan]",
"that he may not condemn us,",
"rebuke the accuser that he not accuse us,",
"stand up for us an upright advocate;",
"“I have found atonement,”",
"let the penitent hear.
"We have cast our burden upon You",
"we beseech You to sustain us,",
"be pleased [accept] our prayer",
"our request and desire fulfull",
"with compassion.
"In You we place our trust,",
"let Your mercy come swiftly toward us;",
"Strong and Mighty One,",
"we have not forgotten Your Name,",
"we beseech You, never forget us.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God,",
"be not distant from us.",
"Be not distant from us,",
"for trouble is near,",
"for we have no helper [except You].",
"Our help is from You, Adonoy,",
"Creator of heaven and earth.",
"He will not let our feet slip,",
"He will not sleep, our Guardian.",
"Adonoy, deliver us!",
"The King will answer us",
"on the day we call.
"As a father has compassion on his children",
"so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy.",
"Deliverance is Adonoy’s;",
"upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts is with us,",
"a stronghold for us is the God of Jacob. Selah!",
"Adonoy of Hosts!",
"fortunate is the man who trusts in You.",
"Adonoy, deliver us;",
"the King will answer us on the day we call.
"“Please pardon the sins of this nation",
"in accordance with the greatness",
"of Your lovingkindness;",
"and as You forgave this people",
"from when it left Egypt until now.”",
"And there it is said:
"“And Adonoy said,",
"I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”
"Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,",
"open Your eyes and behold our desolate places,",
"and the city which is called by Your Name;",
"for it is not on account of our righteousness",
"that we let fall our supplication before You,",
"but because of Your great mercy.",
"My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!",
"My Master, listen and take action,",
"do not delay!",
"For Your sake, my God,",
"because Your Name is proclaimed",
"over Your city and over Your people.
"Our God and God of our fathers!
"Master, if You judge scrupulously,",
"examining actions meticulously,",
"no man will be found righteous before You.",
"You find fault with the hosts of Heaven,",
"faulting even Your angels—",
"certainly one who drinks wrong like water.
"Neither merit nor justice are in us,",
"we are totally sinful.",
"Good One,",
"enter not into judgement with us.",
"Let Your innards churn for us,",
"in Your abundant mercy turn to us,",
"Not to do as our evil deeds deserve.
"Our willful acts are too many to count.",
"There are no sweet savored offerings",
"to provide pardon for our iniquities.",
"On our righteousness",
"we do not rely;",
"we are sullied with iniquity and sin.",
"To find charity we come in prayer.
"Do not measure our ways strictly;",
"maggots and worms are our end,",
"vanity and emptiness our [lives] years.",
"Repent the evil, change Your mind.",
"That is Your way, merciful one;",
"with Your great mercies, have mercy on us.
"Your ways You instructed",
"the humble one to teach,",
"You informed him of the thirteen in sequence,",
"assured him they are never ineffective.",
"Our supplication",
"we have arranged accordingly before You.",
"Hear the cries of Your supplicants",
"and do not send us away empty-handed",
"from Your Presence.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses];",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.”",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Accept Your people’s fast",
"who sprinkle their blood to You;",
"consider their fat as an offering,",
"do not disdain their sacrifice.",
"Set upon them the sign of life—",
"regard their prayer.",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"Gird Yourself with righteousness,",
"eternal and lofty Reposer.",
"Support the stumblers,",
"extend Your hand to lift them",
"whose tear is their drink,",
"whose groan is their bread.",
"Avenge the blood of Your servants",
"from their enemies, until they are no more.",
"Look at their blood that is shed",
"to know why and wherefore this.",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"Gracious One! grant Your people",
"who trust in Your Name;",
"appoint and advocate for me",
"who will hide my sin—",
"hide my debt in his left",
"and raise my merit in his right,",
"and bring up Isaac’s ashes]",
"so that He will say, “This is it!”",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"Come and hear my prayer;",
"open the gate before my cries",
"to cleanse me of sin",
"like a one-year-old.",
"And silence the tongue of my prosecutor;",
"let him not open his mouth.",
"Adonoy will shout at Satan,",
"“Get off this, immediately!”",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"How shall I greet, approach,",
"the One Who takes no bribe?",
"I have no deed in hand,",
"and my heart is therefore afraid.",
"But now that I mention",
"the kingship of Your unique Name,",
"on this I rely,",
"when we say “Adonoy is One”",
"in unison as one,",
"one on that side and one on this.",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"See, I have no one atoning for me,",
"no one to serve for me;",
"the priest, garbed in white, is no longer,",
"nor is the High Priest, adorned in glory,",
"nor is there an obligatory, sin-offering,",
"nor free-will and vow-offering;",
"so You will atone for me,",
"examiner of kidney and chamber.",
"Close the breaches of Your sheep",
"and make space for the flock.",
"Build them a fence",
"on that side and one on this.",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"Under Your shield have come the children",
"who were exiled;",
"Your children have gathered in Your house,",
"awed and upset.",
"Recall the kindliness of their forefathers",
"when they come to be judged;",
"in truth and peace they meet,",
"that one facing this one.",
"This sign will take place tomorrow.
"Almighty! King!",
"Who sits on the throne of mercy,",
"governs with kindness",
"forgives the iniquities of His people.",
"He removes their sins one by one,",
"increasing forgiveness to sinners,",
"and pardon to transgressors.",
"Acting righteously",
"with all who are of flesh and spirit;",
"not according to their wickedness",
"does He repay them.",
"You instructed us to recite",
"the thirteen Divine attributes;",
"remember unto us this day",
"the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,",
"as You made them known",
"to the humble Moses of old,",
"as it is written,",
"“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,",
"and stood with him there,",
"and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.
"Congregation and Chazzan:
"And Adonoy passed before him [Moses],",
"and proclaimed:
"Adonoy, Adonoy,",
"Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,",
"Slow to Anger,",
"and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.",
"Keeper of kindness",
"for thousands of generations,",
"Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,",
"and sin;",
"and Acquitter of those who repent.",
"“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,",
"and take us for Your inheritance.”
"Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,",
"forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.",
"“For You, my Master,",
"are good and forgiving,",
"and abounding in kindness",
"to all who call upon You.”
"Remember not the sins of our ancestors;",
"let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,",
"for we have been brought very low.",
"The sins of our youth and our transgressions,",
"remember not;",
"with Your kindliness remember us",
"for the sake of Your goodness, Adonoy.",
"Remember Your mercies, Adonoy,",
"and kindlinesses",
"for they are from the beginning of the world.",
"Remember us Adonoy",
"with favor for Your people",
"recall us with Your deliverance.",
"Remember Your congregation",
"which You have acquired of old,",
"You have redeemed the tribe",
"of Your inheritance,",
"this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled.",
"Remember, Adonoy, the affection of Jerusalem,",
"the love of Zion, forget not until eternity.",
"Remember, Adonoy,",
"to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem,",
"[it was they] who said,",
"“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”",
"You will arise",
"and have compassion on Zion,",
"for it is time to be gracious to her,",
"for the appointed time has come.",
"Remember Abraham, Isaac, Israel,",
"Your servants,",
"to whom You swore by Your very Self,",
"and You said to them:",
"“I will multiply your seed",
"as the stars of the heavens;",
"and all this land that I have promised,",
"I will give to your descendants,",
"and they will inherit it forever.”",
"Remember Your servants,",
"Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;",
"do not regard the stubborness of this people,",
"or their wickedness, or their sin.
"Do not, we beseech You",
"place upon us this sin,",
"wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.
"We have sinned, our Rock;",
"pardon us our Creator.
"Remember to us the covenant of the Patriarchs,",
"as You promised,",
"“And I will remember my covenant with Jacob,",
"and also my covenant with Isaac,",
"and also my covenant with Abraham",
"will I remember,”",
"and the land I will remember.
"The following verses until “When our strength fails, do not forsake us” are chanted by the Chazzan and repeated by the Congregation.
"The Ark is opened:
"Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;",
"spare us and have compassion on us,",
"and accept",
"our prayers mercifully and willingly.",
"Lead us back to You, Adonoy",
"and we shall find the way back;",
"renew our days as of old.",
"Cast us not away from Your Presence,",
"and Your holy spirit take not from us.",
"Do not cast us off in time of old age,",
"when our strength fails, do not forsake us.
"Forsake us not, Adonoy, our God",
"be not far removed from us.",
"Give us a sign of Your goodness",
"that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;",
"for You, Adonoy, have helped me",
"and comforted me.",
"Give ear to our words, Adonoy!",
"Consider our meditations.",
"May there be gracious acceptance",
"for the words of our mouth,",
"and the meditation of our heart,",
"before You,",
"Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.",
"For to You Adonoy, we hope",
"You will answer us Adonoy, our God.",
"Our God and God of our fathers,",
"let our prayer come before you",
"and do not ignore our supplication.",
"For we are not so brazen-faced",
"and stiff-necked",
"to say to you,",
"Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,",
"“We are righteous and have not sinned.”",
"But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.
"We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];",
"We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];",
"We have stolen; We have slandered;",
"We have caused others to sin;",
"We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רֽשָׁעִים, wicked;",
"We have sinned with malicious intent;",
"We have forcibly taken other’s possessions",
"We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups.",
"We have given harmful advice;",
"We have deceived; We have mocked;",
"We have rebelled against God and His Torah;",
"We have caused God to be angry with us;",
"We have turned away from God’s Torah;",
"We have sinned deliberately;",
"We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;",
"We have caused our friends grief;",
"We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that the cause of our suffering is our own sins.",
"We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].",
"We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;",
"We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;",
"We have gone astray;",
"We have led others astray.
"We have turned away",
"from Your commandments",
"and from Your good laws,",
"and we have gained nothing from it.",
"And You are the Righteous One",
"in all [punishment] that has come upon us;",
"for You have acted truthfully",
"and we have acted wickedly.
"versions": [
"The Metsudah Selichos: translated and annotated by Rabbi Avrohom Davis, Metsudah Publications, 1986",
"heTitle": "סליחות נוסח ליטא עברי אנגלי",
"categories": [
"High Holidays"
"schema": {
"heTitle": "סליחות נוסח ליטא עברי אנגלי",
"enTitle": "Selichot Nusach Lita Linear",
"key": "Selichot Nusach Lita Linear",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "ליום ראשון",
"enTitle": "First Day"
"heTitle": "ליום שני",
"enTitle": "Second Day"
"heTitle": "ליום שלישי",
"enTitle": "Third Day"
"heTitle": "ליום רביעי",
"enTitle": "Fourth Day"
"heTitle": "ליום חמישי",
"enTitle": "Fifth Day"
"heTitle": "ליום שישי",
"enTitle": "Sixth Day"
"heTitle": "ליום שביעי",
"enTitle": "Seventh Day"
"heTitle": "לערב ראש השנה",
"enTitle": "Erev Rosh Hashana"
"heTitle": "לצום גדליה",
"enTitle": "Fast of Gedaliah"
"heTitle": "ליום שני דעשי\"ת",
"enTitle": "Second Day of the Ten Days of Penitence"
"heTitle": "ליום שלישי דעשי\"ת",
"enTitle": "Third Day of the Ten Days of Penitence"
"heTitle": "ליום רביעי דעשי\"ת",
"enTitle": "Fourth Day of the Ten Days of Penitence"
"heTitle": "ליום חמישי דעשי\"ת",
"enTitle": "Fifth Day of the Ten Days of Penitence"
"heTitle": "לערב יום כיפור",
"enTitle": "Yom Kippur Eve"