Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah שולחן ערוך, יורה דעה Ashlei Ravrevei: Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, Lemberg, 1888 Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah Siman 1 Siman 2 Siman 3 Siman 4 Siman 5 Siman 6 Siman 7 Siman 8 Siman 9 Siman 10 Siman 11 Siman 12 Siman 13 Siman 14 Siman 15 Siman 16 Siman 17 Siman 18 Siman 19 Siman 20 Siman 21 Siman 22 Siman 23 Siman 24 Siman 25 Siman 26 Siman 27 Siman 28 Siman 29 Siman 30 Siman 31 Siman 32 Siman 33 Siman 34 Siman 35 Siman 36 Siman 37 Siman 38 Siman 39 Siman 40 Siman 41 Siman 42 Siman 43 Siman 44 Siman 45 Siman 46 Siman 47 Siman 48 Siman 49 Siman 50 Siman 51 Siman 52 Siman 53 Siman 54 Siman 55 Siman 56 Siman 57 Siman 58 Siman 59 Siman 60 Siman 61 Siman 62 Siman 63 Siman 64 Siman 65 Siman 66 Siman 67 Siman 68 Siman 69 Siman 70 Siman 71 Siman 72 Siman 73 Siman 74 Siman 75 Siman 76 Siman 77 Siman 78 Siman 79 Siman 80 Siman 81 Siman 82 Siman 83 Siman 84 A fruit that became infested - but we do not know if it became infested while attached to detached - is assur. If one violated and cooked within 12 months without checking, if he is able to check, he checks. And if not, it is permitted. And if a bit were found in the pot, he throws them away and eats the rest, because there is no fruit that does not contain 60 against the taste of the worm that is inside it. And there is an opinion that says that these words are only if only one or two were found. But if three or four were found, everything is forbidden. Haga”h: And only a food that it is impossible to filter it and to remove the worms from them. And since it is assumed to have worms it is all forbidden. But if it is possible to filter it, he removes the worms that are found there, and the rest is permitted. And see later end of chapter 100.