{ "title": "Abraham Cohen Footnotes to the English Translation of Masechet Berakhot", "categories": [ "Talmud", "Bavli", "Modern Commentary on Talmud" ], "schema": { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Talmud", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Daf", "Comment" ], "titles": [ { "lang": "he", "text": "הערות באנגלית של אברהם כהן על מסכת ברכות", "primary": true }, { "text": "Abraham Cohen Footnotes to the English Translation of Masechet Berakhot", "lang": "en", "primary": true } ], "title": "Abraham Cohen Footnotes to the English Translation of Masechet Berakhot", "heTitle": "הערות באנגלית של אברהם כהן על מסכת ברכות", "heSectionNames": [ "דף", "פירוש" ], "key": "Abraham Cohen Footnotes to the English Translation of Masechet Berakhot" }, "authors": [ { "en": "Abraham Cohen", "he": "", "slug": "abraham-cohen" } ], "enDesc": "Footnotes to the Soncino translation of the first tractate of the Talumud.", "pubDate": [ 1921 ], "hasErrorMargin": true, "compDate": [ 1909, 1921 ], "pubPlace": "London", "era": "CO", "dependence": "Commentary", "collective_title": { "en": "Abraham Cohen", "he": "אברהם כהן" }, "hidden": true, "heTitle": "הערות באנגלית של אברהם כהן על מסכת ברכות", "titleVariants": [ "Abraham Cohen Footnotes to the English Translation of Masechet Berakhot" ], "heTitleVariants": [ "הערות באנגלית של אברהם כהן על מסכת ברכות" ], "sectionNames": [ "Daf", "Comment" ], "depth": 2, "heCategories": [ "תלמוד", "בבלי", "פירושים מודרניים על התלמוד" ], "compDateString": { "en": " (c.1909 – c.1921 CE)", "he": " (1909 – 1921 לספירה בקירוב)" }, "pubDateString": { "en": " (1921 CE)", "he": " (1921 לספירה)" }, "pubPlaceString": { "en": "London", "he": "לונדון" } }