{ "title": "Akdamut Milin", "categories": [ "Liturgy", "Other Liturgy Works" ], "schema": { "nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode", "depth": 2, "addressTypes": [ "Integer", "Integer" ], "sectionNames": [ "Piyyut", "Verse" ], "titles": [ { "text": "Akdamut", "lang": "en" }, { "text": "אַקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין", "lang": "he", "primary": true }, { "text": "אַקְדָּמוּת", "lang": "he" }, { "text": "Akdamut Milin", "lang": "en", "primary": true } ], "title": "Akdamut Milin", "heTitle": "אַקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין", "heSectionNames": [ "פיוט", "פסוק" ], "key": "Akdamut Milin" }, "authors": [ { "en": "Meir ben Yitzhak", "he": "מאיר בן יצחק שליח צבור", "slug": "meir-ben-yitzhak" } ], "enDesc": "Prominent liturgical poem (piyut) recited on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot by Ashkenazi Jews. Written in Aramaic by Rabbi Meir bar Yitzchak (Nehorai) of Orléans, who was a cantor (prayer leader) in Worms, Germany, (died ca. 1095). Akdamut consists of praise for God, His Torah, and His people.", "heDesc": "פיוט בשפה הארמית המדבר בשבחם של הקדוש ברוך הוא, עם ישראל, והתורה. אומרים אותו בקהילות אשכנז בחג השבועות לפני קריאת התורה.", "enShortDesc": "Poem praising God, the Torah, and the Jewish people, recited on Shavuot by many Ashkenazi Jews.", "heShortDesc": "מזמור המהלל את ה׳, את התורה ואת עם ישראל, נאמר ברבות מקהילות אשכנז בחג השבועות.", "hasErrorMargin": true, "compDate": [ 1010, 1090 ], "compPlace": "Worms", "era": "RI", "heTitle": "אַקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין", "titleVariants": [ "Akdamut", "Akdamut Milin" ], "heTitleVariants": [ "אַקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין", "אַקְדָּמוּת" ], "sectionNames": [ "Piyyut", "Verse" ], "depth": 2, "heCategories": [ "סדר התפילה", "חיבורים נוספים" ], "compDateString": { "en": " (c.1010 – c.1090 CE)", "he": " (1010 – 1090 לספירה בקירוב)" }, "compPlaceString": { "en": "Worms", "he": "וורמס (וורמייזא)" } }