--- language: - multilingual - pl - ru - uk - bg - cs - sl datasets: - SlavicNER license: apache-2.0 library_name: transformers pipeline_tag: text2text-generation tags: - entity linking widget: - text: "pl:Polsce" - text: "cs:Velké Británii" - text: "bg:българите" - text: "ru:Великобританию" - text: "sl:evropske komisije" - text: "uk:Європейського агентства лікарських засобів" --- # Model description This is a baseline model for named entity **lemmatization** trained on the single-out topic split of the [SlavicNER corpus](https://github.com/SlavicNLP/SlavicNER). # Usage You can use this model directly with a pipeline for text2text generation: ```python from transformers import pipeline model_name = "SlavicNLP/slavicner-linking-single-out-large" pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", model_name) texts = ["pl:Polsce", "cs:Velké Británii", "bg:българите", "ru:Великобританию", "sl:evropske komisije", "uk:Європейського агентства лікарських засобів"] outputs = pipe(texts) ids = [o['generated_text'] for o in outputs] print(ids) # ['GPE-Poland', 'GPE-Great-Britain', 'GPE-Bulgaria', 'GPE-Great-Britain', 'ORG-European-Commission', 'ORG-EMA-European-Medicines-Agency']