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@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ llava-dinov2-internlm2-7b-v1 is a LLaVA model fine-tuned from [InternLM2-Chat-7B
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I did not carefully tune the training hyperparameters but the model still show capability to solve some tasks. It shows that a visual encoder can be integrated with an LLM, even when the encoder is not aligned with natural language with contrastive learning like CLIP.
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## Example
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Explain the photo in English:
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I did not carefully tune the training hyperparameters but the model still show capability to solve some tasks. It shows that a visual encoder can be integrated with an LLM, even when the encoder is not aligned with natural language with contrastive learning like CLIP.
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## Future development of Dinov2 based LLaVA
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Using Dinov2 as the vision encoder of LLaVA may have some disadvantages. Unlike CLIP, Dinov2 is not pre-aligned with language embedding space. Even if you use both CLIP and Dinov2 and mix their tokens, the benchmark perfermance is not very strong (see arxiv:2401.06209 and the following table from their paper).
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![Performance when mix Dinov2 and CLIP tokens](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/642a298ae5f33939cf3ee600/jvAI58dKtuiNyFuCrYRhO.png)
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If you have any idea to improve it, please open an issue or just send an email to zhuohengli@foxmail.com. You are welcomed!
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## Example
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Explain the photo in English: