--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Phi-3-mini-4K-instruct with CPO-SimPO This repository contains the Phi-3-mini-128K-instruct model enhanced with the CPO-SimPO technique. CPO-SimPO combines Contrastive Preference Optimization (CPO) and Simple Preference Optimization (SimPO). ## Introduction Phi-3-mini-4K-instruct is a model optimized for instruction-based tasks. This approach has demonstrated notable improvements in key benchmarks, pushing the boundaries of AI preference learning. ### What is CPO-SimPO? CPO-SimPO is a novel technique, which combines elements from CPO and SimPO: - **Contrastive Preference Optimization (CPO):** Adds a behavior cloning regularizer to ensure the model remains close to the preferred data distribution. - **Simple Preference Optimization (SimPO):** Incorporates length normalization and target reward margins to prevent the generation of long but low-quality sequences. ### Github **[CPO-SIMPO](https://github.com/fe1ixxu/CPO_SIMPO)** ## Model Performance COMING SOON! ### Key Improvements: - **Enhanced Model Performance:** Significant score improvements, particularly in GSM8K (up by 8.49 points!) and TruthfulQA (up by 2.07 points). - **Quality Control:** Improved generation of high-quality sequences through length normalization and reward margins. - **Balanced Optimization:** The BC regularizer helps maintain the integrity of learned preferences without deviating from the preferred data distribution. ## Usage ### Installation To use this model, you need to install the `transformers` library from Hugging Face. ```bash pip install transformers ``` ### Inference Here's an example of how to perform inference with the model: ```python import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline torch.random.manual_seed(0) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "Syed-Hasan-8503/Phi-3-mini-4K-instruct-cpo-simpo", device_map="cuda", torch_dtype="auto", trust_remote_code=True, ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Syed-Hasan-8503/Phi-3-mini-4K-instruct-cpo-simpo") messages = [ {"role": "user", "content": "Can you provide ways to eat combinations of bananas and dragonfruits?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Sure! Here are some ways to eat bananas and dragonfruits together: 1. Banana and dragonfruit smoothie: Blend bananas and dragonfruits together with some milk and honey. 2. Banana and dragonfruit salad: Mix sliced bananas and dragonfruits together with some lemon juice and honey."}, {"role": "user", "content": "What about solving an 2x + 3 = 7 equation?"}, ] pipe = pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, ) generation_args = { "max_new_tokens": 500, "return_full_text": False, "temperature": 0.0, "do_sample": False, } output = pipe(messages, **generation_args) print(output[0]['generated_text']) ```