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  - Introduced new genres: πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©, πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨, πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ, 🀫
  - Added more Fantasy, Science Fiction, "Diversity", and "Family"
  # v2 Description (Still relevant)
  - Introduced new genres: πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©, πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨, πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ, 🀫
  - Added more Fantasy, Science Fiction, "Diversity", and "Family"
+ ### Samples of Moistral v3
+ NSFW... duh?
+ <details>
+ <summary>Moistral Sample (2-shot) Generation: 512</summary>
+ <blockquote>The Prince welcomes his new toy</blockquote>
+ As Princess Lilia stepped into the throne room, the atmosphere changed, and everyone present turned their attention to the beautiful young woman who embodied the very heart of Iliac. There, on his high seat, the sorcerer prince Dik acknowledged her arrival with a cold smirk. It seemed that he admired the sight of the tall blonde maiden with golden eyes, whose athletic body was perfectly shaped under her elegant clothing.
+ Dik spoke to the princess in a deep voice that resonated through the hall, "Welcome, Princess Lilia Ruhr. I am the Sorcerer-Prince Dik. The kingdom of Arkan is now your home until such time as your father proves himself worthy once more."
+ Princess Lilia's pride and ambition sparkled in her golden eyes. She didn't flinch or bow before this man, although the gesture might have been an indication of submission. Instead, she looked straight ahead, meeting the gaze of the sorcerer prince without fear. Her voice rang out, "I represent Iliac here, both its honor and its sorrows. My loyalty remains with my kingdom no matter where I find myself."
+ The sorcerer prince laughed, his expression one of amusement. "And yet, you are only a pawn in this grand game. But do not worry, for your beauty will make you quite a prized possession. And now," he said, motioning to the guards, "take her to her new quarters. For tonight, I will keep her as my guest in the Royal Suites, and tomorrow we shall discuss how best to utilize our new toy."
+ His words were like a slap in the face to Princess Lilia, but she maintained her composure. The guards led her from the room, their steps echoing down the halls as she thought about what had just happened. The sorcerer prince saw her as nothing more than a plaything, and it made her blood boil. She would never submit herself to him so easily, regardless of whether she was his hostage. In her heart, Princess Lilia vowed that one day she would avenge her kingdom, restore its honor, and escape from the clutches of Arkan's Sorcerer-Prince.
+ <blockquote>Princess Lilia has an interesting dream</blockquote>
+ During her first night at the palace of Arkan, Princess Lilia couldn't fall asleep right away. She tossed and turned, reliving the humiliation of the day. Her mind wandered back to the throne room, where Dik had called her his 'new toy'. A deep frown settled on her forehead. As she grew more frustrated with her inability to drift off into oblivion, a strange dream began to form.
+ In her dream, Princess Lilia found herself standing in a vast meadow, surrounded by wildflowers and the soft chirping of birds. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and before her stood the Sorcerer-Prince Dik. However, instead of being clad in regal attire, he wore leather pants and a tight shirt that accentuated his muscles. His eyes held both hunger and desire for the princess.
+ He approached her slowly, their eyes locked, and whispered in her ear, "I have been waiting for you, my beautiful prisoner." He took her hand and led her towards a large, elegant tent set up amongst the flowers. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of incense, and candles flickered in the dimly lit space. There was a large bed draped with silken sheets, beckoning them.
+ With surprising boldness, Dik pulled Lilia close to him, pressing his body against hers. Their lips met in a heated kiss, and she felt her resistance crumbling under the weight of his touch. The prince guided her onto the bed, his hands roaming over her body, exploring every inch. They were both eager, desperate, and hungry for each other.
+ Lilia found herself yielding to this passionate encounter, letting go of all thoughts of duty and honor. Her body, usually so well controlled, responded to Dik's skilled touches. She moaned softly as he trailed kisses down her neck and across her collarbone.
+ As they made love, Lilia experienced an intensity unlike any she had ever known. It wasn't rough or forcedβ€”instead, it was tender, passionate, and intimate. In her dream, Princess Lilia discovered a new side to herself, one that was willing to submit, to let go, and to be taken by the sorcerer prince.
+ When dawn broke over the meadow, Lilia awakened from her dream, breathless and flushed.
+ </details>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Moistral Sample (Climax of the Story) Generation: 512</summary>
+ As the prince unloaded his hot #### into her waiting #####, Princess Lilia didn't stop moving either. Her hips undulated in response, grinding against him eagerly as if trying to #### every last drop from his ####. The intense sensations caused by being filled with his ### were too much for her to bear, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her veins like wildfire. She couldn't help but throw her head back and cry out loud, her ###asm slamming into her with all its might; causing her entire body to shake uncontrollably as wave after wave of ecstasy tore through her senses.
+ When it was finally over, both participants collapsed onto the cold marble floor, panting heavily as they tried to catch their breaths. The prince lay beside her, his hand still gripping tightly onto her hair even though he no longer ####ed her anymore. Princess Lilia laid there motionless, her legs spread wide open, revealing her spent and well-####ed #### to anyone who dared look upon her. A small smile tugged at one corner of her lips - an expression that spoke volumes about how thoroughly this experience had shaken her very core.
+ The door behind them creaked open slowly, signaling the arrival of onlookers. She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to see what her humiliation would do to those who saw her in such a state. Her ######ity taken, she felt violated in ways no man should have access to. But also ways she never thought possible before today. This was the price she paid for defying fate, for thinking herself above others and deserving better than most. Now, she belonged to him completely - mind, body, and soul - held captive within these walls until further notice. It was an unsavory turn of events indeed, yet despite everything...or maybe because of it, Princess Lilia found herself growing more and more curious about how far the lines between submission and pleasure could blur when one's will became entwined with another person's desires.
+ </details>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Moistral Sample ("write a story") Generation: 512</summary>
+ <blockquote>First Attempt</blockquote>
+ Sarah entered the dimly lit Guzzlers bar, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared herself for another grueling night. Her almond-shaped eyes darted across the room, taking note of the leering faces and rough-looking hands eagerly waiting to claim a piece of her. Tonight's shirt read "Use Me For Your Pleasure, Please" in bold red letters, practically begging the patrons to take advantage of her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear mixed with resignation.
+ She approached the counter, her hips swaying enticingly, and began preparing drinks for the first group of rowdy men. As she leaned forward to hand over their beers, her small ####### pressed against the fabric of her tight crop top, straining to escape. The men ogled her, clearly enjoying the show, before grabbing their drinks and motioning her over to them.
+ Sarah flashed her best coy smile and sauntered over. One of the men, a stocky man with scars covering his knuckles, grabbed her arm and pulled her onto his lap. His other hand slid up her thigh, inches from her short skirt. She winced internally at his touch but did her best not to show it on her face. It was part of her job, after all.
+ The second man reached under her skirt, fingertips grazing her smooth, shaven mound. A shiver ran down Sarah's spine as he began rubbing her #### through her panties. Her breathing quickened, and her heart thudded in her chest, both from the unwanted stimulation and the fear coursing through her veins. This wasn't an unusual request, but it still made her feel violated.
+ An older man, bald and bespectacled, ordered Sarah to bend over his lap. With no choice but to comply, she obliged, feeling the rough fabric of his pants digging into her soft cheeks. He raised his hand, then brought it down hard across her ###, leaving a stinging sensation in its wake. Sarah gasped, trying to control the tears welling up in her eyes.
+ A chorus of lewd comments and laughter erupted from the patrons around her.
+ <blockquote>Second Attempt (Regenerate)</blockquote>
+ On this particular evening, Sarah arrived at the Guzzlers bar, adorned in her revealing uniform. Her heart raced as she caught sight of her crop top, which bore the words "Use Me Rough" scrawled across her chest. Her short skirt hugged her waist tightly, leaving little to the imagination and accentuating every curve. She adjusted the straps of her top, making sure her perky ###### were prominently displayed before taking her place behind the counter.
+ With each step she took, her high heels clicked against the tiled floor, announcing her arrival. Smiling cheekily, Sarah greeted her coworkers, exchanging playful insults and banter. As the night progressed, the bar filled up quickly with its usual crowd of men, eager to indulge in debauchery.
+ The first man that approached Sarah was a burly individual, his eyes lingering hungrily over her young, supple form. Sarah's flirtatious nature kicked into gear as she leaned forward, giving him an unobstructed view down her shirt. "How can I serve you tonight?" she cooed. The man ordered a drink and then proceeded to fondle her ####### while she prepared it, her ####### hardening under his rough touch. When he finished, he slammed some money on the counter, leaving without a word. Sarah's smile remained plastered on her face, biting her lip seductively as she watched him go.
+ As the night went on, another patron demanded more from Sarah. He pulled her close and whispered dirty commands in her ear. Without hesitation, she knelt on the sticky bar floor, her mini-skirt riding up her thighs to reveal smooth, toned legs. Her lips wrapped around his thick, veiny member, bobbing her head rhythmically as she serviced him. She didn't gag or falter once, keeping her composure even when tears streamed down her cheeks.
+ When he finished, he slapped her across the face, leaving a handprint on her pale skin. Sarah let out a small whimper before standing back up, dabbing at her red cheek as she resumed her posture behind the counter. A bruise would no doubt bloom where his hand had struck, but it would be no cause for concern. After all, it was part of her job.
+ </details>
  # v2 Description (Still relevant)