--- license: openrail++ tags: - art - stable diffusion - ControlNet - SDXL - Diffusion-XL pipeline_tag: text-to-image --- # MistoLine ## Control Every Line! ![Intro Image](assets/intro.png) [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/TheMistoAI/MistoLine) **MistoLine: A Versatile and Robust SDXL-ControlNet Model for Adaptable Line Art Conditioning.** MistoLine is an SDXL-ControlNet model that can adapt to any type of line art input, demonstrating high accuracy and excellent stability. It can generate high-quality images (with a short side greater than 1024px) based on user-provided line art of various types, including hand-drawn sketches, different ControlNet line preprocessors, and model-generated outlines. MistoLine eliminates the need to select different ControlNet models for different line preprocessors, as it exhibits strong generalization capabilities across diverse line art conditions. We developed MistoLine by employing a novel line preprocessing algorithm (**Anyline**) and retraining the ControlNet model based on the Unet of stabilityai/ stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0, along with innovations in large model training engineering. MistoLine showcases superior performance across different types of line art inputs, surpassing existing ControlNet models in terms of detail restoration, prompt alignment, and stability, particularly in more complex scenarios. MistoLine maintains consistency with the ControlNet architecture released by @lllyasviel, as illustrated in the following schematic diagram: ![ControlNet architecture](assets/controlnet_1.png) ![ControlNet architecture](assets/controlnet_2.png) *reference:https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet* More information about ControlNet can be found in the following references: https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/main/en/api/pipelines/controlnet_sdxl The model is compatible with most SDXL models, except for PlaygroundV2.5 and CosXL. It can be used in conjunction with LCM and other ControlNet models. The following usage of this model is not allowed: * Violating laws and regulations * Harming or exploiting minors * Creating and spreading false information * Infringing on others' privacy * Defaming or harassing others * Automated decision-making that harms others' legal rights * Discrimination based on social behavior or personal characteristics * Exploiting the vulnerabilities of specific groups to mislead their behavior * Discrimination based on legally protected characteristics * Providing medical advice and diagnostic results * Improperly generating and using information for purposes such as law enforcement and immigration The model output is not censored and the authors do not endorse the opinions in the generated content. Use at your own risk. ## Apply with Different Line Preprocessors ![preprocessors](assets/preprocessors.png) ## Compere with Other Controlnets ![comparison](assets/comparison.png) ## Application Examples ### Sketch Rendering *The following case only utilized MistoLine as the controlnet:* ![Sketch Rendering](assets/sketch_rendering.png) ### Model Rendering *The following case only utilized Anyline as the preprocessor and MistoLine as the controlnet.* ![Model Rendering](assets/model_rendering.png) ## ComfyUI Recommended Parameters ``` sampler steps:30 CFG:7.0 sampler_name:dpmpp_2m_sde scheduler:karras denoise:0.93 controlnet_strength:1.0 stargt_percent:0.0 end_percent:0.9 ``` ## Checkpoints * mistoLine_rank256.safetensors : General usage version, for ComfyUI and AUTOMATIC1111-WebUI. * mistoLine_fp16.safetensors : FP16 weights, for ComfyUI and AUTOMATIC1111-WebUI. ## ComfyUI Usage ![ComfyUI](assets/comfyui.png) ## 中国(大陆地区)便捷下载地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DbZWmGJ40Uzr3Iz9RNBG_w?pwd=8mzs 提取码:8mzs ## Citation ``` @misc{ title={Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models}, author={Lvmin Zhang, Anyi Rao, Maneesh Agrawala}, year={2023}, eprint={2302.05543}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```