--- library_name: transformers pipeline_tag: text-generation license: mit datasets: - databricks/databricks-dolly-15k language: - en - hi tags: - chemistry - biology - legal - art - code - finance - merge - text-generation-inference - music - climate - medical --- # threatthriver/Gemma-7B-LoRA-Fine-Tuned ## Description This repository contains LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) adapter weights for fine-tuning a [Gemma 7B](https://huggingface.co/google/gemma2_9b_en) model on a custom dataset. **Important:** This is NOT a full model release. It only includes the LoRA adapter weights and a `config.json` to guide loading the model. You will need to write custom code to load the base Gemma model and apply the adapters. ## Model Fine-tuning Details - **Base Model:** [google/gemma2_9b_en](https://huggingface.co/google/gemma2_9b_en) - **Fine-tuning Method:** LoRA ([Low-Rank Adaptation](https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.09685)) - **LoRA Rank:** 8 - **Dataset:** - **Training Framework:** KerasNLP ## How to Use This release is not directly compatible with the `transformers` library's standard loading methods. You will need to: 1. **Load the Base Gemma Model:** Use KerasNLP to load the `google/gemma2_9b_en` base model. Make sure you have the KerasNLP library installed and properly configured. 2. **Enable LoRA:** Utilize KerasNLP’s LoRA functionality to enable adapters on the appropriate layers of the Gemma model. Refer to the [KerasNLP LoRA documentation](https://keras.io/guides/transformers/#low-rank-adaptation-lora) for implementation details. 3. **Load Adapter Weights:** Load the `adapter_model.bin` and other relevant files from this repository. The `config.json` file provides essential configurations for applying the LoRA adapter weights. 4. **Integration:** Integrate this custom loading process into your Hugging Face Transformers-based code. Ensure you handle the merging of adapter weights with the base model appropriately. ## Example Code Structure (Conceptual): ```python import keras_nlp from transformers import GemmaTokenizerFast # Or the appropriate tokenizer from KerasNLP # Load the base Gemma model using KerasNLP base_model = keras_nlp.models.Gemma.from_pretrained('google/gemma2_9b_en') # Enable LoRA adapters on target layers # Assuming you have a function to enable LoRA, e.g., enable_lora(model, rank) enable_lora(base_model, rank=8) # Load adapter weights from this repository # Assuming you have a function to load the weights, e.g., load_lora_weights(model, weights_path) adapter_weights_path = 'path_to_your_adapter_weights/adapter_model.bin' load_lora_weights(base_model, adapter_weights_path) # Initialize tokenizer tokenizer = GemmaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('google/gemma2_9b_en') # Use the tokenizer and model for generation or other tasks inputs = tokenizer("Your input text", return_tensors="pt") outputs = base_model.generate(**inputs) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` ## Requirements - **KerasNLP:** Install using `pip install keras-nlp` - **Transformers:** Install using `pip install transformers` - **Other Dependencies:** Ensure all dependencies required for KerasNLP and Hugging Face Transformers are installed. ## Notes - Ensure you have the correct versions of KerasNLP and Transformers compatible with each other. - Custom code for loading and applying LoRA adapters may require adjustments based on your specific use case and the versions of libraries used. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).