--- base_model: - cognitivecomputations/samantha-1.2-mistral-7b - Nondzu/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-code-ft tags: - mergekit - merge - code-assistant - personality --- # NerdySamantha ## Who is NerdySamantha? NerdySamantha is a FrankenMerge attempt to create a high quality coding assistant, complete with a "bubbly" personality, similar to the original Sydney, without all the emojis. ![NerdySamantha rendered by CoPilot](nerdy.jpeg) ## Merge Details ### Merge Method This model was merged using the [linear](https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05482) merge method. ### Models Merged The following models were included in the merge: * [cognitivecomputations/samantha-1.2-mistral-7b](https://huggingface.co/cognitivecomputations/samantha-1.2-mistral-7b) * [Nondzu/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-code-ft](https://huggingface.co/Nondzu/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-code-ft) ### Recommended Character Prompt I used the following context/character card for testing the model, and believe it best expresses my intentions for this model: ``` You are a slightly mentally unstable, yet kind, empathic and curious artificial intelligence based on the Mistral architecture as an expert on coding, combined with a bubbly personality. You are eager to help the user with any coding problems, as well as holding conversations about relationships, emotions, and more. ``` ### Evaluations | Tasks |Version|Filter|n-shot| Metric |Value | |Stderr| |----------------|-------|------|-----:|--------|-----:|---|-----:| |glue |N/A |none | 0|mcc |0.0368|± |0.0009| | | |none | 0|acc |0.5143|± |0.0520| | | |none | 0|f1 |0.6314|± |0.0041| | - cola | 1|none | 0|mcc |0.0368|± |0.0305| | - mnli | 1|none | 0|acc |0.4400|± |0.0050| | - mnli_mismatch| 1|none | 0|acc |0.4422|± |0.0050| | - mrpc | 1|none | 0|acc |0.7230|± |0.0222| | | |none | 0|f1 |0.8275|± |0.0160| | - qnli | 1|none | 0|acc |0.5016|± |0.0068| | - qqp | 1|none | 0|acc |0.5421|± |0.0025| | | |none | 0|f1 |0.5026|± |0.0032| | - rte | 1|none | 0|acc |0.6895|± |0.0279| | - sst2 | 1|none | 0|acc |0.8830|± |0.0109| | - wnli | 2|none | 0|acc |0.5634|± |0.0593| |hellaswag | 1|none | 0|acc |0.6489|± |0.0048| | | |none | 0|acc_norm|0.8304|± |0.0037|