Understanding the Effects of RLHF on LLM Generalisation and Diversity
Paper • 2310.06452 • Published • 2 -
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AI & ML interests
The UCL Deciding, Acting, and Reasoning with Knowledge (DARK) Lab is a Reinforcement Learning research group at the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence. We focus on research in complex open-ended environments that provide a constant stream of novel observations without reliable reward functions, often requiring agents to create their own curricula and to deal with external knowledge, natural language, and hard exploration problems.
The UCL Deciding, Acting, and Reasoning with Knowledge (DARK) Lab is a Reinforcement Learning research group at the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence. We focus on research in complex open-ended environments that provide a constant stream of novel observations without reliable reward functions, often requiring agents to create their own curricula and to deal with external knowledge, natural language, and hard exploration problems.