
GGUF conversion is incorrect

by Noseu - opened

Your description says that you applied the PR
However, it fails the test in the PR.

The following always returns incorrect results
What is 3333+777?


If you load it with Kobold, you will see that it's a GGUF I made after llama.cpp update. Erf. Maybe I will redo them again?

It is weird. I see your GGUF has the right the tokenizer.ggml.pre llama-bpe flag yet when I look at it in the debugger the tokenization is broken in your version of GGUF.
I don't have enough space to try the non-GGUF version with pytorch to see if same issue is with the original unquantized version.


It is weird. I see your GGUF has the right the tokenizer.ggml.pre llama-bpe flag yet when I look at it in the debugger the tokenization is broken in your version of GGUF.
I don't have enough space to try the non-GGUF version with pytorch to see if an issue with the original unquantized version.

No worries, I will check later

Specifically, right now its
string: '3333+777?'
input tokens: [ '33':1644, '33':1644, '+':10, '777':15831, '?':30 ]

It should be
['333':8765, '3':18, '+':10, '777':15831, '?':30]

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