import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchaudio class AugmentMelSTFT(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_mels=128, sr=32000, win_length=800, hopsize=320, n_fft=1024, freqm=48, timem=192, fmin=0.0, fmax=None, fmin_aug_range=10, fmax_aug_range=2000, norm_mel=False): """ :param n_mels: number of mel bins :param sr: sampling rate used (same as passed as argument to dataset) :param win_length: fft window length in samples :param hopsize: fft hop size in samples :param n_fft: length of fft :param freqm: maximum possible length of mask along frequency dimension :param timem: maximum possible length of mask along time dimension :param fmin: minimum frequency used :param fmax: maximum frequency used :param fmin_aug_range: randomly changes min frequency :param fmax_aug_range: randomly changes max frequency """ torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) # adapted from: self.win_length = win_length self.n_mels = n_mels self.n_fft = n_fft = sr self.fmin = fmin if fmax is None: # fmax is by default set to sampling_rate/2 -> Nyquist! fmax = sr // 2 - fmax_aug_range // 2 print(f"Warning: FMAX is None setting to {fmax} ") self.fmax = fmax self.hopsize = hopsize # buffers are not trained by the optimizer, persistent=False also avoids adding it to the model's state dict self.register_buffer('window', torch.hann_window(win_length, periodic=False), persistent=False) assert fmin_aug_range >= 1, f"fmin_aug_range={fmin_aug_range} should be >=1; 1 means no augmentation" assert fmax_aug_range >= 1, f"fmax_aug_range={fmax_aug_range} should be >=1; 1 means no augmentation" self.fmin_aug_range = fmin_aug_range self.fmax_aug_range = fmax_aug_range self.register_buffer("preemphasis_coefficient", torch.as_tensor([[[-.97, 1]]]), persistent=False) if freqm == 0: self.freqm = torch.nn.Identity() else: self.freqm = torchaudio.transforms.FrequencyMasking(freqm, iid_masks=True) if timem == 0: self.timem = torch.nn.Identity() else: self.timem = torchaudio.transforms.TimeMasking(timem, iid_masks=True) self.norm_mel = norm_mel def forward(self, x): # shape: batch size x samples # majority of energy located in lower end of the spectrum, pre-emphasis compensates for the average spectral # shape x = nn.functional.conv1d(x.unsqueeze(1), self.preemphasis_coefficient).squeeze(1) # Short-Time Fourier Transform using Hanning window x = torch.stft(x, self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hopsize, win_length=self.win_length, center=True, normalized=False, window=self.window, return_complex=False) # shape: batch size x freqs (n_fft/2 + 1) x timeframes (samples/hop_length) x 2 (real and imaginary components) # calculate power spectrum x = (x ** 2).sum(dim=-1) fmin = self.fmin + torch.randint(self.fmin_aug_range, (1,)).item() fmax = self.fmax + self.fmax_aug_range // 2 - torch.randint(self.fmax_aug_range, (1,)).item() if not # don't augment eval data fmin = self.fmin fmax = self.fmax # create mel filterbank mel_basis, _ = torchaudio.compliance.kaldi.get_mel_banks(self.n_mels, self.n_fft,, fmin, fmax, vtln_low=100.0, vtln_high=-500., vtln_warp_factor=1.0) mel_basis = torch.as_tensor(torch.nn.functional.pad(mel_basis, (0, 1), mode='constant', value=0), device=x.device) if self.norm_mel: mel_basis = mel_basis / mel_basis.sum(1)[:, None] # apply mel filterbank to power spectrogram with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False): melspec = torch.matmul(mel_basis, x) # calculate log mel spectrogram melspec = (melspec + 0.00001).log() if # don't augment eval data melspec = self.freqm(melspec) melspec = self.timem(melspec) melspec = (melspec + 4.5) / 5. # fast normalization return melspec