Joshua Lochner
Add youtube transcript api
history blame
No virus
5.98 kB
import json
import pprint
class Formatter(object):
"""Formatter should be used as an abstract base class.
Formatter classes should inherit from this class and implement
their own .format() method which should return a string. A
transcript is represented by a List of Dictionary items.
def format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('A subclass of Formatter must implement ' \
'their own .format_transcript() method.')
def format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('A subclass of Formatter must implement ' \
'their own .format_transcripts() method.')
class PrettyPrintFormatter(Formatter):
def format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs):
"""Pretty prints a transcript.
:param transcript:
:return: A pretty printed string representation of the transcript.'
:rtype str
return pprint.pformat(transcript, **kwargs)
def format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs):
"""Pretty prints a list of transcripts.
:param transcripts:
:return: A pretty printed string representation of the transcripts.'
:rtype str
return self.format_transcript(transcripts, **kwargs)
class JSONFormatter(Formatter):
def format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs):
"""Converts a transcript into a JSON string.
:param transcript:
:return: A JSON string representation of the transcript.'
:rtype str
return json.dumps(transcript, **kwargs)
def format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs):
"""Converts a list of transcripts into a JSON string.
:param transcripts:
:return: A JSON string representation of the transcript.'
:rtype str
return self.format_transcript(transcripts, **kwargs)
class TextFormatter(Formatter):
def format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs):
"""Converts a transcript into plain text with no timestamps.
:param transcript:
:return: all transcript text lines separated by newline breaks.'
:rtype str
return '\n'.join(line['text'] for line in transcript)
def format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs):
"""Converts a list of transcripts into plain text with no timestamps.
:param transcripts:
:return: all transcript text lines separated by newline breaks.'
:rtype str
return '\n\n\n'.join([self.format_transcript(transcript, **kwargs) for transcript in transcripts])
class WebVTTFormatter(Formatter):
def _seconds_to_timestamp(self, time):
"""Helper that converts `time` into a transcript cue timestamp.
:param time: a float representing time in seconds.
:type time: float
:return: a string formatted as a cue timestamp, 'HH:MM:SS.MS'
:rtype str
>>> self._seconds_to_timestamp(6.93)
time = float(time)
hours, remainder = divmod(time, 3600)
mins, secs = divmod(remainder, 60)
ms = int(round((time - int(time))*1000, 2))
return "{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}.{:03d}".format(hours, mins, secs, ms)
def format_transcript(self, transcript, **kwargs):
"""A basic implementation of WEBVTT formatting.
:param transcript:
lines = []
for i, line in enumerate(transcript):
if i < len(transcript) - 1:
# Looks ahead, use next start time since duration value
# would create an overlap between start times.
time_text = "{} --> {}".format(
self._seconds_to_timestamp(transcript[i + 1]['start'])
# Reached the end, cannot look ahead, use duration now.
duration = line['start'] + line['duration']
time_text = "{} --> {}".format(
lines.append("{}\n{}".format(time_text, line['text']))
return "WEBVTT\n\n" + "\n\n".join(lines) + "\n"
def format_transcripts(self, transcripts, **kwargs):
"""A basic implementation of WEBVTT formatting for a list of transcripts.
:param transcripts:
return '\n\n\n'.join([self.format_transcript(transcript, **kwargs) for transcript in transcripts])
class FormatterLoader(object):
'json': JSONFormatter,
'pretty': PrettyPrintFormatter,
'text': TextFormatter,
'webvtt': WebVTTFormatter,
class UnknownFormatterType(Exception):
def __init__(self, formatter_type):
super(FormatterLoader.UnknownFormatterType, self).__init__(
'The format \'{formatter_type}\' is not supported. '
'Choose one of the following formats: {supported_formatter_types}'.format(
supported_formatter_types=', '.join(FormatterLoader.TYPES.keys()),
def load(self, formatter_type='pretty'):
Loads the Formatter for the given formatter type.
:param formatter_type:
:return: Formatter object
if formatter_type not in FormatterLoader.TYPES.keys():
raise FormatterLoader.UnknownFormatterType(formatter_type)
return FormatterLoader.TYPES[formatter_type]()