#!/bin/bash # Run script # Settings of training & test for different tasks. method="$1" task=$(python3 config.py) case "${task}" in "DIS5K") epochs=600 && val_last=100 && step=5 ;; "COD") epochs=150 && val_last=50 && step=5 ;; "HRSOD") epochs=150 && val_last=50 && step=5 ;; "DIS5K+HRSOD+HRS10K") epochs=250 && val_last=50 && step=5 ;; "P3M-10k") epochs=150 && val_last=50 && step=5 ;; esac testsets=NO # Non-existing folder to skip. # testsets=TE-COD10K # for COD # Train devices=$2 nproc_per_node=$(echo ${devices%%,} | grep -o "," | wc -l) to_be_distributed=`echo ${nproc_per_node} | awk '{if($e > 0) print "True"; else print "False";}'` echo Training started at $(date) if [ ${to_be_distributed} == "True" ] then # Adapt the nproc_per_node by the number of GPUs. Give 8989 as the default value of master_port. echo "Multi-GPU mode received..." CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${devices} \ torchrun --nproc_per_node $((nproc_per_node+1)) --master_port=${3:-8989} \ train.py --ckpt_dir ckpt/${method} --epochs ${epochs} \ --testsets ${testsets} \ --dist ${to_be_distributed} else echo "Single-GPU mode received..." CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${devices} \ python train.py --ckpt_dir ckpt/${method} --epochs ${epochs} \ --testsets ${testsets} \ --dist ${to_be_distributed} \ --resume ckpt/xx/ep100.pth fi echo Training finished at $(date)