import logging import pdb import tqdm import numpy as np import open_clip import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import os from classname_and_prompt import * from torchrs.datasets import AID, RESISC45, EuroSATRGB from import Dataset, DataLoader from PIL import Image import pandas as pd from clip_benchmark.datasets.builder import get_dataset_collate_fn from clip_benchmark.metrics.zeroshot_retrieval import recall_at_k, batchify, dataloader_with_indices from functools import reduce import cv2 from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter from skimage import measure import json from datetime import datetime from torchvision import transforms def _convert_to_rgb(image): return image.convert('RGB') def get_preprocess(image_resolution=224, is_train=False, subset_name="clip", aug=None): if subset_name == "clip": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073], std=[0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711] ) elif subset_name == "imagenet": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) elif subset_name == "rs5m": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.406, 0.423, 0.390], std=[0.188, 0.175, 0.185] ) elif subset_name == "pub11": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.445, 0.469, 0.441], std=[0.208, 0.193, 0.213] ) elif subset_name == "rs3": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.350, 0.356, 0.316], std=[0.158, 0.147, 0.143] ) elif subset_name == "geometa": normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.320, 0.322, 0.285], std=[0.179, 0.168, 0.166] ) if is_train: preprocess_train = transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomResizedCrop( image_resolution, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, scale=(0.9, 1.0) ), _convert_to_rgb, transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.RandomRotation(degrees=(0, 360)), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ]) return preprocess_train else: preprocess_val = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize( size=image_resolution, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, ), transforms.CenterCrop(image_resolution), _convert_to_rgb, transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ]) return preprocess_val def zeroshot_get_dataset(dataset_name, root, split, transform=None): if dataset_name == "EuroSAT": EuroSAT_root = os.path.join(root, "eurosat-rgb") os.makedirs(EuroSAT_root, exist_ok=True) dataset = EuroSATRGB( root=EuroSAT_root, transform=transform ) dataset.classes = dataset.classes dataset.templates = RSEuroSAT.templates elif dataset_name == "AID": AID_root = os.path.join(root, "AID") os.makedirs(AID_root, exist_ok=True) dataset = AID( root=AID_root, transform=transform ) dataset.classes = dataset.classes dataset.templates = RSAID.templates elif dataset_name == "RESISC45": RESISC45_root = os.path.join(root, "RESISC45") os.makedirs(RESISC45_root, exist_ok=True) dataset = RESISC45( root=RESISC45_root, transform=transform ) dataset.classes = dataset.classes dataset.templates = RSRESISC45.templates dataset.classes = [dataset.classes[i].replace('_', ' ') for i in range(len(dataset.classes))] dataset.classes = [dataset.classes[i].replace('/', ' ') for i in range(len(dataset.classes))] dataset.classes = [dataset.classes[i].lower() for i in range(len(dataset.classes))] return dataset def zeroshot_classifier(model, classnames, templates, args): tokenizer = open_clip.tokenize with torch.no_grad(): zeroshot_weights = [] for classname in classnames: texts = [template.replace('{}', classname) for template in templates] context_length = 77 texts = tokenizer(texts, context_length=context_length).to(args.device) class_embeddings = model.encode_text(texts) class_embeddings = class_embeddings.mean(dim=0) class_embedding = F.normalize(class_embeddings, dim=-1) class_embedding /= class_embedding.norm() zeroshot_weights.append(class_embedding.cpu()) zeroshot_weights = torch.stack(zeroshot_weights, dim=1) return zeroshot_weights def zeroshot_evaluation(model, zeroshot_dataset, preprocess, args): dataset = zeroshot_get_dataset(dataset_name=zeroshot_dataset, split='test', root=args.test_dataset_dir, transform=preprocess) dataloader =, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers)'Calculating classifier for {zeroshot_dataset}') classnames, prompt_templates = dataset.classes, dataset.templates import copy classnames = copy.deepcopy(classnames) classifier = zeroshot_classifier(model, classnames, prompt_templates, args)'Calculating image features for {zeroshot_dataset}') results = {} acc, features, labels = zeroshot_run(model, classifier, dataloader, args)'{zeroshot_dataset} zero-shot accuracy: {acc}%') results[f'{zeroshot_dataset}-zeroshot-acc'] = acc for key, item in results.items(): results[key] = float(item) return results def zeroshot_accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): pred = output.topk(max(topk), 1, True, True)[1].t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) return float(correct[0].reshape(-1).float().sum(0, keepdim=True).cpu().numpy()) * 100 / len(target) def zeroshot_run(model, classifier, dataloader, args): with torch.no_grad(): all_image_features = [] all_labels = [] all_logits = [] for images, target in tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, unit_scale=args.batch_size): images = image_features = model.encode_image(images) image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1).detach().cpu() logits = 100. * image_features @ classifier all_image_features.append(image_features) all_labels.append(target) all_logits.append(logits) all_image_features = all_labels = all_logits = acc = zeroshot_accuracy(all_logits, all_labels, topk=(1,)) return round(acc, 2), all_image_features, all_labels class CsvDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, input_filename, transforms, img_key, caption_key, sep="\t", nori_dataset=False, images_dir=''): logging.debug(f'Loading csv data from {input_filename}.') if 'rsicd' in input_filename: df = pd.read_csv(input_filename, sep=sep, encoding='gb18030') else: df = pd.read_csv(input_filename, sep=sep) self.nori_dataset = nori_dataset self.f = None self.images_dir = images_dir self.images = df[img_key].tolist() self.captions = df[caption_key].tolist() self.transforms = transforms self.duplicate() logging.debug('Done loading data.') def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, index): texts = self.captions[index] image =, str(self.images[index]))) image = self.transforms(image) return image, texts def duplicate(self): unique_images, indexs = np.unique(self.images, return_index=True) if len(unique_images) != len(self.images): logging.debug( f'Amoung all {len(self.images)} images, there are only {len(unique_images)} unique images. Dupication will be performed to enable one-image-to-multiple-text retrieval.') self.duplicated_images = [] self.duplicated_captions = [] for index in indexs: self.duplicated_images.append(self.images[index]) same_indexs = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.images) if x == self.images[index]] captions = [] for same_index in same_indexs: captions.append(self.captions[same_index]) self.duplicated_captions.append(captions) self.images = self.duplicated_images self.captions = self.duplicated_captions def retrieval_evaluation(model, preprocess, args, recall_k_list=[1, 5, 10], dataset_name=None): """ Modified from Evaluate the model on the given dataset Parameters ---------- model: torch.nn,Module CLIP-like model with `encode_image` and `encode_text` dataloader: dataloader to use for evaluation tokenizer: text tokenizer, i.e. convert list of strings to torch.Tensor of integers device: cpu/cuda recall_k_list: list of int recall@k k's to use Returns ------- dict of retrieval metrics """ if dataset_name == "rsitmd": dataset = CsvDataset( input_filename=os.path.join(args.test_dataset_dir, "rsitmd", "rsitmd_test.csv"), transforms=preprocess, img_key="filename", caption_key="title", sep=",", images_dir=os.path.join(args.test_dataset_dir, "rsitmd", "images") ) elif dataset_name == "rsicd": dataset = CsvDataset( input_filename=os.path.join(args.test_dataset_dir, "rsicd", "rsicd_test.csv"), transforms=preprocess, img_key="filename", caption_key="title", sep=",", images_dir=os.path.join(args.test_dataset_dir, "rsicd", "RSICD_images") ) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers, collate_fn=get_dataset_collate_fn('mscoco_captions') ) n_batches = len(dataloader) tokenizer = open_clip.tokenize # list of batch of images embedding batch_images_emb_list = [] # list of batch of text embedding batch_texts_emb_list = [] # for each text, we collect the corresponding image index, as each image can have multiple corresponding texts texts_image_index = [] dataloader = dataloader_with_indices(dataloader) for batch_images, batch_texts, inds in tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, total=n_batches): batch_images = # store the index of image for each text batch_texts_image_index = [ind for ind, texts in zip(inds, batch_texts) for text in texts] # tokenize all texts in the batch batch_texts = tokenizer([text for i, texts in enumerate(batch_texts) for text in texts]).to(args.device) # compute the embedding of images and texts with torch.no_grad(): batch_image_features = model.encode_image(batch_images) batch_text_features = model.encode_text(batch_texts) batch_images_emb = F.normalize(batch_image_features, dim=-1) batch_texts_emb = F.normalize(batch_text_features, dim=-1) batch_images_emb_list.append(batch_images_emb.cpu()) batch_texts_emb_list.append(batch_texts_emb.cpu()) texts_image_index.extend(batch_texts_image_index) batch_size = len(batch_images_emb_list[0]) # concatenate all embeddings images_emb = texts_emb = # get the score for each text and image pair scores = texts_emb @ images_emb.t() # construct a the positive pair matrix, which tells whether each text-image pair is a positive or not positive_pairs = torch.zeros_like(scores, dtype=bool) positive_pairs[torch.arange(len(scores)), texts_image_index] = True metrics = {} for recall_k in recall_k_list: ''' Note that recall_at_k computes **actual** recall i.e. nb_true_positive/nb_positives, where the number of true positives, e.g. for text retrieval, is, for each image, the number of retrieved texts matching that image among the top-k. Also, the number of positives are the total number of texts matching the image in the dataset, as we have a set of captions for each image, that number will be greater than 1 for text retrieval. However, image/text retrieval recall@k, the way it is done in CLIP-like papers, is a bit different. recall@k, in CLIP-like papers, is, for each image, either 1 or 0. It is 1 if atleast one text matches the image among the top-k. so we can easily compute that using the actual recall, by checking whether there is at least one true positive, which would be the case if the recall is greater than 0. One we compute the recal for each image (or text), we average it over the dataset. ''' metrics[f"retrieval-image2text-R@{recall_k}-{dataset_name}"] = (batchify(recall_at_k, scores.T, positive_pairs.T, batch_size, args.device, k=recall_k) > 0).float().mean().item() * 100 for recall_k in recall_k_list: metrics[f"retrieval-text2image-R@{recall_k}-{dataset_name}"] = (batchify(recall_at_k, scores, positive_pairs, batch_size, args.device, k=recall_k) > 0).float().mean().item() * 100 metrics[f"retrieval-mean-recall-{dataset_name}"] = np.mean(list(metrics.values())) for key, item in metrics.items(): metrics[key] = round(float(item), 2)'{dataset_name} retrieval recall: {metrics}%') return metrics class SLM(object): # ** # * Copyright @2022 AI, AIRCAS. ( # # @author yuanzhiqiang # 2022/03/08 def __init__(self): # logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') self.logger = logging.getLogger() # parameters self.rsu_beta = 0.707 self.rsu_eps = 1e-7 self.ras_expand_factor = 1.5 self.ras_filter_times = 5 self.ras_scala_beta = 3 self.rda_eta = 0.5 self.rmi_wsu = 0.4 self.rmi_was = 0.35 self.rmi_wda = 0.25 # visual settings self.visual_ras = False self.src_addmap_path = None # sum indicator self.all_metrics = self._format_output_dict() def _format_output_dict(self, *params): """ format output dict :param params: keys :return: format dict """ len_params = len(params) if len_params == 0: init_param = [[] for i in range(4)] elif len_params == 4: init_param = params else: raise NotImplementedError return { "↑ Rsu [0 ~ 1]": init_param[0], "↑ Rda [0 ~ 1]": init_param[1], "↓ Ras [0 ~ 1]": init_param[2], "↑ Rmi [0 ~ 1]": init_param[3] } def logging_acc(self, metrics_dict, prob_path = None, ave = False): """ logging the metrics :param metrics_dict: dict of metrics :param prob_path: path :return: 0 """ if not ave:"Eval {}".format(prob_path)) else:"+++++++++++++++Average++++++++++++++")"+++++++ Calc the SLM METRICS +++++++") for metric, value in metrics_dict.items():"++++ {}:{:.4f} ++++".format(metric, value))"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n") def set_visual_options(self, visual_ras, src_addmap_path): """ set visual options :param visual_ras: flag :param src_addmap_path: set src addmap path """ self.visual_ras = visual_ras self.src_addmap_path = src_addmap_path return True def read_gray_to_prob(self, probmap_path): """ Read the prob maps, and trans to probility :param probmap_path: probmap routh :return: probability """ gray_image = cv2.imread(probmap_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) prob = gray_image / 255.0 return prob def generate_mask_by_points(self, prob, points_list): """ Generate mask by regions :param prob: probability :param points_list: regions :return: mask """ H, W = prob.shape mask = np.zeros((H, W)) points_list = [np.array(i, np.int32) for i in points_list] # fill cv2.fillPoly(mask, points_list, 1) return mask def _get_region_center_radius(self, region_point): """ get the region center and radius :param region_point: regions :return: mid_x, mid_y, radius """ mid_x = int(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, np.array(region_point)[:, 0]) / len(region_point)) mid_y = int(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, np.array(region_point)[:, 1]) / len(region_point)) radius = int(np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(point) - np.array([mid_x, mid_y])) for point in region_point]) * self.ras_expand_factor) return mid_x, mid_y, radius def _get_prob_center_in_gray(self, prob): """ get the top point with the highest probability from the probability map :param prob: probability :return: centers """ # recover the prob gray_img = np.asarray(prob * 255.0, dtype=np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite("./gray_img.jpg", gray_img) # construct continuous area continuous_area = np.asarray(gray_img > 150, np.uint8) * 255 # cv2.imwrite("./continuous_area_img_0.jpg", continuous_area) continuous_area = np.uint8(measure.label(continuous_area, connectivity=2)) # cv2.imwrite("./continuous_area_img_1.jpg", continuous_area) # soften for i in range(self.ras_filter_times): gray_img = cv2.boxFilter(gray_img, ddepth=-1, ksize=(50, 50)) # get probability binary map mx = maximum_filter(gray_img, size=1000) gray_img = np.where(mx == gray_img, gray_img, 0) # cv2.imwrite("./local_maxima_before_filter.jpg", gray_img) gray_img = np.asarray(gray_img > 0, np.uint8) * 255 # cv2.imwrite("./local_maxima_after_filter.jpg", gray_img) # get probability area information labels = measure.label(gray_img, connectivity=2) all_region_infos = measure.regionprops(labels) centers = [[int(i) for i in prop.centroid][::-1] for prop in all_region_infos] # construct v-center list and sort v_center = [[c[0], c[1], prob[c[1]][c[0]]] for c in centers] v_center.sort(key= lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) centers = list(map(lambda x: x[:2], v_center)) # filter centers centers = [i for i in centers if prob[i[1]][i[0]] >= 0.5] return centers, continuous_area def _get_offset_between_real_and_synthetic(self, real_center_radius, prob_centers, bina_img): """ calculate true center offset from result center :param real_center_radius: real_center_radius :param prob_centers: prob_centers :return: offsets """ # check prob_centers is not None if len(prob_centers) == 0 : return [real_center_radius[0][2]] offsets = [] for center_radius in real_center_radius: x, y, r = center_radius # calc the l2 dis dises = list(map(lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array([x, y] - np.array(p))), prob_centers)) # filter the dis in cicle dises = list(filter(lambda d: d <= r, dises)) # if no prob center set it to radius offsets.append(np.mean(dises) if len(dises) != 0 else r) return offsets def _trans_ras_offset_to_scalable_ras(self, offsets, centers_and_radius): """ convert distance offset to ras value :param offsets: offsets :return: centers_and_radius """ # granular transformation granular_offet = np.mean([off/v[2] for off, v in zip(offsets, centers_and_radius)]) # scala transformation granular_offet = (np.exp(self.ras_scala_beta * granular_offet) - 1) / (np.exp(self.ras_scala_beta) - 1) return granular_offet def ras(self, region_lists, prob, visual=True, src_img=None): """ calc the matric of ras: makes attention center close to annotation center :param region_lists: regions :param prob: probability :return: ras """ # get the annotation center and radius centers_and_radius = [self._get_region_center_radius(i) for i in region_lists] # get the point with the highest probability from the probability map prob_centers, bina_img = self._get_prob_center_in_gray(prob) # calculate true center offset from result center offsets = self._get_offset_between_real_and_synthetic(centers_and_radius, prob_centers, bina_img) # convert distance offset to rcs value ras = self._trans_ras_offset_to_scalable_ras(offsets, centers_and_radius) # visual if visual and (src_img != None): src_img = cv2.imread(src_img) # logging something # print("centers_and_radius: ", centers_and_radius) # print("prob_centers: ", prob_centers) # print("offsets: ", offsets) # backup area for c_r in centers_and_radius:, (c_r[0], c_r[1]), c_r[2], 2, 3) # candidate points for idx, point in enumerate(prob_centers):, tuple(point), 6*(idx+1), 1, 4) cv2.putText(src_img, str(idx+1), tuple(point), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 6, (0, 0, 0), 25) cv2.imwrite("./img_circle.jpg", src_img) # print(prob_centers) return ras def rsu(self, prob, mask): """ calc the salient area proportion :param prob: probability :param mask: mask :return: rsu """ all_mask_value = np.sum(np.multiply(prob, mask)) all_value = np.sum(prob) H, W = np.shape(mask) all_mask = np.sum(mask) left_frac = all_mask_value / (all_value - all_mask_value + self.rsu_eps) right_frac = (H * W - all_mask) / all_mask rsu = -np.exp(-1 * self.rsu_beta * left_frac * right_frac) + 1 return rsu def rda(self, region_lists, prob): """ calc the matric of rda: makes attention center focus on one point :param region_lists: regions :param prob: probability :return: rda """ # get the annotation center and radius centers_and_radius = [self._get_region_center_radius(i) for i in region_lists] # get the point with the highest probability from the probability map prob_centers, bina_img = self._get_prob_center_in_gray(prob) # set value rda = [] for c_r in centers_and_radius: x, y, r = c_r # calc the backup points backup_points = list(filter(lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array([x, y] - np.array(p))) <= r, prob_centers)) # margin condition len_backup_points = len(backup_points) if len_backup_points <= 1 : rda.append(float(len_backup_points)) continue # if len_backup_points >= 2, calc the attention discrete centers_attention = np.average(backup_points, axis=0) dises = list(map(lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array(centers_attention - np.array(p))), backup_points)) meas_dis = np.mean(dises) / r rda_single = 0.5 * (1 - meas_dis) + np.exp(- self.rda_eta * (len_backup_points + 2)) rda.append(rda_single) return np.mean(rda) def rmi(self, rsu, rda, ras): """ calculate the mean indicator :param rsu: rsu :param rda: rda :param ras: ras :return: rmi """ return self.rmi_wsu * rsu + self.rmi_was * (1 - ras) + self.rmi_wda * rda def evaluate(self, prob_path, region_list): """ evaluate the slm task :param probmap_path: probability map path :param region_list: region points :return: slm metrics """ # read prob prob = self.read_gray_to_prob(prob_path) # generate mask mask = self.generate_mask_by_points(prob, region_list) # import os # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prob_path.rsplit("/", 1)[0], "maskbypt_0.jpg"), mask*255) # rsu rsu = self.rsu(prob, mask) # ras ras = self.ras(region_list, prob, visual=self.visual_ras, src_img=self.src_addmap_path) # rda rda = self.rda(region_list, prob) # mi rmi = self.rmi(rsu, rda, ras) # sort metrics metrics = self._format_output_dict(rsu, rda, ras, rmi) # self.logging_acc(metrics, prob_path) return metrics def append_metric(self, metric): """ append metric to calc ave indicator :param metric: sort metrics """ for k in metric.keys(): self.all_metrics[k].append(metric[k]) def get_the_mean_metric(self): """ get the mean metric """ mean_metric = {} for k in self.all_metrics: mean_metric[k] = np.mean(self.all_metrics[k]) self.logging_acc(mean_metric, ave=True) return mean_metric def semantic_localization_evaluation(model, selo_dataset, preprocess, args): assert selo_dataset == 'AIR-SLT' def collect_fn_selo(batch): assert len(batch) == 1 source_img, subimages, text, points, subimg_name_list = batch[0] return source_img, subimages, text, points, subimg_name_list dataset = get_selo_dataset( root=args.test_dataset_dir, transform=preprocess, identifier=None ) dataloader = dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, collate_fn=collect_fn_selo ) tokenizer = open_clip.tokenize logger = dataset.logger slm_metric = SLM() with torch.no_grad(): for idx, sample in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)): source_img, subimages, text, points, subimg_name_list = sample subimages = text = tokenizer(text).to(args.device) text_features = model.encode_text(text) text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) sim_results = [] for subimage in subimages: subimage = subimage.unsqueeze(0) sub_img_feat = model.encode_image(subimage) sub_img_feat /= sub_img_feat.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) similarity = (sub_img_feat * text_features).sum().detach().cpu().numpy() sim_results.append(similarity) # print("Start generate heatmap ...") img_row = np.shape(source_img)[0] img_col = np.shape(source_img)[1] # mkdir map heat_map = np.zeros([img_row, img_col], dtype=float) heat_num = np.zeros([img_row, img_col], dtype=float) for idx, file in enumerate(subimg_name_list): r_start, r_end, c_start, c_end = file.replace(".jpg", "").split("_") heat_map[int(r_start):int(r_end), int(c_start):int(c_end)] += sim_results[idx] heat_num[int(r_start):int(r_end), int(c_start):int(c_end)] += 1 for i in range(np.shape(heat_map)[0]): for j in range(np.shape(heat_map)[1]): heat_map[i, j] = heat_map[i, j] / heat_num[i, j] #"Generation finished, start operating blur, colormap, etc. ...") # filter adaptive = np.asarray(heat_map) adaptive = adaptive - np.min(adaptive) probmap = adaptive / np.max(adaptive) # must convert to type unit8 probmap = np.uint8(255 * probmap) probmap = cv2.medianBlur(probmap, 251) heatmap = cv2.applyColorMap(probmap, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) img_add = cv2.addWeighted(source_img, 0.7, heatmap, 0.3, 0) probmap_path = os.path.join(dataset.cache_path, "probmap_{}.jpg".format(idx)) heatmap_path = os.path.join(dataset.cache_path, "heatmap_{}.jpg".format(idx)) addmap_path = os.path.join(dataset.cache_path, "addmap_{}.jpg".format(idx)) #"Saving heatmap in {} ...".format(heatmap_path)) #"Saving probmap in {} ...".format(probmap_path)) #"Saving addmap in {} ...".format(addmap_path)) cv2.imwrite(probmap_path, probmap) cv2.imwrite(heatmap_path, heatmap) cv2.imwrite(addmap_path, img_add) #"Saved ok.") metrics = slm_metric.evaluate(probmap_path, region_list=points) slm_metric.append_metric(metrics) mean_metric = slm_metric.get_the_mean_metric() results = {}'{selo_dataset} selo metrics: {mean_metric}') for key, item in mean_metric.items(): results[key] = float(item) return results class AIR_SLT(Dataset): # Ref: def __init__(self, root, subimage_transform, identifier): super().__init__() self.json_path = os.path.join(root, "annotations", "anno.json") # self.cache_path = os.path.join(root, "selo_cache_{}_{}".format(identifier, str(" ", "-").replace(":", "-").replace(".", "-"))) self.cache_path = os.path.join(root, "selo_cache") os.makedirs(self.cache_path, exist_ok=True) with open(self.json_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp: self.json_data = json.load(fp) self.img_root = os.path.join(root, "imgs") self.subimage_transform = subimage_transform self.logger = get_logger(os.path.join(self.cache_path, 'log.txt')) self.step = "256_512_768" def __len__(self): return len(self.json_data) def __getitem__(self, index): item = self.json_data[index] img_name = item['jpg_name'] text = item['caption'] points = item['points'] steps = [int(step) for step in self.step.split("_")] img_path = os.path.join(self.img_root, img_name) # logging #"Processing {}/{}: {}".format(index, len(self.json_data), img_name)) #"Corresponding text: {}".format(text)) # processing self.split_image(img_path, steps) with torch.no_grad(): subimages_dir = os.path.join(self.cache_path, os.path.basename(img_path).split(".")[0]) + '_subimages' subimages = os.listdir(subimages_dir) img = cv2.imread(img_path) subimg_list = [] subimg_name_list = [] for subimage_name in subimages: subimage_path = os.path.join(subimages_dir, subimage_name) subimg = subimg = self.subimage_transform(subimg).unsqueeze(0) subimg_list.append(subimg) subimg_name_list.append(subimage_name) subimgs = torch.vstack(subimg_list) return img, subimgs, [text], points, subimg_name_list def split_image(self, img_path, steps): subimage_files_dir = os.path.join(self.cache_path, os.path.basename(img_path).split(".")[0]) # 裁切图像文件夹 subimages_dir = subimage_files_dir + '_subimages' if os.path.exists(subimages_dir): delete_dire(subimages_dir) else: os.makedirs(subimages_dir) # Read Image source_img = cv2.imread(img_path) img_weight = np.shape(source_img)[0] img_height = np.shape(source_img)[1] #"img size:{}x{}".format(img_weight, img_height)) for step in steps: #"Start split images with step {}".format(step)) for gap in [step, 0.5 * step]: gap = int(gap) # Cut img for h in range(0 + (step - gap), img_height, step): h_start, h_end = h, h + step # bound? if h_end >= img_height: h_start, h_end = img_height - step, img_height for w in range(0 + (step - gap), img_weight, step): w_start, w_end = w, w + step # bound? if w_end >= img_weight: w_start, w_end = img_weight - step, img_weight cut_img_name = str(w_start) + "_" + str(w_end) + "_" + str(h_start) + "_" + str(h_end) + ".jpg" cut_img = source_img[w_start:w_end, h_start:h_end] cut_img = cv2.resize(cut_img, (256, 256), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(subimages_dir, cut_img_name), cut_img) #"Image {} has been split successfully.".format(img_path)) def delete_dire(dire): dir_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dire): for afile in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, afile)) for adir in dirs: dir_list.append(os.path.join(root, adir)) for bdir in dir_list: os.rmdir(bdir) # logger def get_logger(save_path=None): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设置打印级别 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s') # 设置屏幕打印的格式 sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(sh) # 设置log保存 if save_path != None: fh = logging.FileHandler(save_path, encoding='utf8') fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) return logger def get_selo_dataset(root, transform, identifier): AIR_SLT_root = os.path.join(root, "AIR-SLT") dataset = AIR_SLT( root=AIR_SLT_root, subimage_transform=transform, identifier=identifier ) return dataset