rasa_chatbot / data /stories.yml
atwine's picture
data files
cf11dad verified
version: "2.0"
- story: greet and location happy path (a) ##english
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
- action: utter_greet_follow_up
- intent: faq
- action: utter_faq
- intent: chitchat
- action: utter_chitchat
- intent: goodbye
- action: utter_goodbye
## --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --
- story: greet and location happy path (b) ##english-->luganda (person greets in english then chats in luganda)
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
- action: utter_greet_follow_up
- intent: faq_lug
- action: utter_faq_lug
- intent: chitchat_lug
- action: utter_chitchat_lug
- intent: goodbye_lug
- action: utter_goodbye_luganda
## --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
- story: greet and location happy path (e) ##luganda --> English
- intent: greet_lug
- action: utter_greet_lug
- action: utter_greet_follow_up_lug
- intent: faq_lug
- action: utter_faq_lug
- intent: outofscope
- action: utter_outofscope
- intent: outofscope_lug
- action: utter_outofscope_lug
- intent: thank_you_lug
- action: utter_thank_you_response_lug
- intent: goodbye_lug
- action: utter_goodbye_luganda
## --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- ##
- story: asks for user name later in the middle of conversation (j) #luganda
- intent: greet_lug
- action: utter_greet_lug
- action: utter_greet_follow_up_lug
- intent: chitchat_lug
- action: utter_chitchat_lug
- action: utter_anything_else_lug
- intent: affirm_lug
- action: utter_affirm_lug
- intent: faq_lug
- action: utter_faq_lug
## --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- ##
## How to get the form working
# - story: how to get the form working to collect information
# steps:
# - intent: inform_not_feeling_well
# - action: info_form
# - active_loop: info_form
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: name
# - slot_was_set:
# - name: atwine
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: gender
# - slot_was_set:
# - gender: "Male"
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: occupation
# - slot_was_set:
# - occupation: "doctor"
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: age
# - slot_was_set:
# - age: 20
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: symptoms
# - slot_was_set:
# - name: fever
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: underlying_condition
# - slot_was_set:
# - name: hiv
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: duration
# - slot_was_set:
# - name: one month
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: null
# - active_loop: null
# - action: action_save_data
# - story: interactive_story_1
# steps:
# - intent: inform_not_feeling_well
# - action: info_form
# - active_loop: info_form
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: age
# - slot_was_set:
# - age: 12
# - slot_was_set:
# - requested_slot: null
# - active_loop: null
# - action: utter_goodbye