adalbertojunior commited on
1 Parent(s): f7a7431 CHANGED
File without changes
all_results.json CHANGED
File without changes
config.json CHANGED
File without changes
eval_results.json CHANGED
File without changes
merges.txt ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
preprocessor_config.json CHANGED
File without changes
pytorch_model.bin CHANGED
File without changes
runs/Jun09_17-05-49_9eca2fda50d1/1654794374.2161763/events.out.tfevents.1654794374.9eca2fda50d1.34053.1 CHANGED
File without changes
runs/Jun09_17-05-49_9eca2fda50d1/events.out.tfevents.1654794374.9eca2fda50d1.34053.0 CHANGED
File without changes
runs/Jun09_17-07-29_9eca2fda50d1/1654794463.3412402/events.out.tfevents.1654794463.9eca2fda50d1.34486.1 CHANGED
File without changes
runs/Jun09_17-07-29_9eca2fda50d1/events.out.tfevents.1654794463.9eca2fda50d1.34486.0 CHANGED
File without changes
runs/Jun09_17-07-29_9eca2fda50d1/events.out.tfevents.1654800911.9eca2fda50d1.34486.2 CHANGED
File without changes
special_tokens_map.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"bos_token": "<s>", "eos_token": "</s>", "unk_token": "<unk>", "sep_token": "</s>", "pad_token": "<pad>", "cls_token": "<s>", "mask_token": {"content": "<mask>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": true, "rstrip": false, "normalized": false}}
tokenizer.json ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
tokenizer_config.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ {"errors": "replace", "bos_token": {"content": "<s>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "eos_token": {"content": "</s>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "sep_token": {"content": "</s>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "cls_token": {"content": "<s>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "unk_token": {"content": "<unk>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "pad_token": {"content": "<pad>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": false, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "mask_token": {"content": "<mask>", "single_word": false, "lstrip": true, "rstrip": false, "normalized": true, "__type": "AddedToken"}, "add_prefix_space": false, "trim_offsets": true, "special_tokens_map_file": null, "name_or_path": "adalbertojunior/rpt", "tokenizer_class": "RobertaTokenizer", "processor_class": "VisionTextDualEncoderProcessor"}
train_results.json CHANGED
File without changes
trainer_state.json CHANGED
File without changes
training_args.bin CHANGED
File without changes
vocab.json ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff