import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any, Union import inflect import nltk from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger __all__ = [ "DropFileExtensions", "DropNonAlpha", "DropShortWords", "DropSpecialCharacters", "DropTokens", "DropURLs", "DropWords", "FilterPOS", "FrequencyMinWordCount", "FrequencyTopK", "ReplaceSeparators", "ToLowercase", "ToSingular", ] class BaseTextTransform(ABC): """Base class for string transforms.""" @abstractmethod def __call__(self, text: str): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" class DropFileExtensions(BaseTextTransform): """Remove file extensions from the input text.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove file extensions from. """ text = re.sub(r"\.\w+", "", text) return text class DropNonAlpha(BaseTextTransform): """Remove non-alpha words from the input text.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove non-alpha words from. """ text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z\s]", "", text) return text class DropShortWords(BaseTextTransform): """Remove short words from the input text. Args: min_length (int): Minimum length of words to keep. """ def __init__(self, min_length) -> None: super().__init__() self.min_length = min_length def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove short words from. """ text = " ".join([word for word in text.split() if len(word) >= self.min_length]) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(min_length={self.min_length})" class DropSpecialCharacters(BaseTextTransform): """Remove special characters from the input text. Special characters are defined as any character that is not a word character, whitespace, hyphen, period, apostrophe, or ampersand. """ def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove special characters from. """ text = re.sub(r"[^\w\s\-\.\'\&]", "", text) return text class DropTokens(BaseTextTransform): """Remove tokens from the input text. Tokens are defined as strings enclosed in angle brackets, e.g. . """ def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove tokens from. """ text = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", text) return text class DropURLs(BaseTextTransform): """Remove URLs from the input text.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove URLs from. """ text = re.sub(r"http\S+", "", text) return text class DropWords(BaseTextTransform): """Remove words from the input text. It is case-insensitive and supports singular and plural forms of the words. """ def __init__(self, words: list[str]) -> None: super().__init__() self.words = words self.pattern = r"\b(?:{})\b".format("|".join(words)) def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove words from. """ text = re.sub(self.pattern, "", text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(pattern={self.pattern})" class FilterPOS(BaseTextTransform): """Filter words by POS tags. Args: tags (list): List of POS tags to remove. engine (str): POS tagger to use. Must be one of "nltk" or "flair". Defaults to "nltk". keep_compound_nouns (bool): Whether to keep composed words. Defaults to True. """ def __init__(self, tags: list, engine: str = "nltk", keep_compound_nouns: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__() self.tags = tags self.engine = engine self.keep_compound_nouns = keep_compound_nouns if engine == "nltk":"averaged_perceptron_tagger", quiet=True)"punkt", quiet=True) self.tagger = lambda x: nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(x)) elif engine == "flair": self.tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/pos-english-fast").predict def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove words with specific POS tags from. """ if self.engine == "nltk": word_tags = self.tagger(text) text = " ".join([word for word, tag in word_tags if tag not in self.tags]) elif self.engine == "flair": sentence = Sentence(text) self.tagger(sentence) text = " ".join([token.text for token in sentence.tokens if token.tag in self.tags]) if self.keep_compound_nouns: compound_nouns = [] if self.engine == "nltk": for i in range(len(word_tags) - 1): if word_tags[i][1] == "NN" and word_tags[i + 1][1] == "NN": # if they are the same word, skip if word_tags[i][0] == word_tags[i + 1][0]: continue compound_noun = word_tags[i][0] + "_" + word_tags[i + 1][0] compound_nouns.append(compound_noun) elif self.engine == "flair": for i in range(len(sentence.tokens) - 1): if sentence.tokens[i].tag == "NN" and sentence.tokens[i + 1].tag == "NN": # if they are the same word, skip if sentence.tokens[i].text == sentence.tokens[i + 1].text: continue compound_noun = sentence.tokens[i].text + "_" + sentence.tokens[i + 1].text compound_nouns.append(compound_noun) text = " ".join([text, " ".join(compound_nouns)]) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(tags={self.tags}, engine={self.engine})" class FrequencyMinWordCount(BaseTextTransform): """Keep only words that occur more than a minimum number of times in the input text. If the threshold is too strong and no words pass the threshold, the threshold is reduced to the most frequent word. Args: min_count (int): Minimum number of occurrences of a word to keep. """ def __init__(self, min_count) -> None: super().__init__() self.min_count = min_count def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove infrequent words from. """ if self.min_count <= 1: return text words = text.split() word_counts = {word: words.count(word) for word in words} # if nothing passes the threshold, reduce the threshold to the most frequent word max_word_count = max(word_counts.values() or [0]) min_count = max_word_count if self.min_count > max_word_count else self.min_count text = " ".join([word for word in words if word_counts[word] >= min_count]) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(min_count={self.min_count})" class FrequencyTopK(BaseTextTransform): """Keep only the top k most frequent words in the input text. In case of a tie, all words with the same count as the last word are kept. Args: top_k (int): Number of top words to keep. """ def __init__(self, top_k: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.top_k = top_k def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove infrequent words from. """ if self.top_k < 1: return text words = text.split() word_counts = {word: words.count(word) for word in words} top_words = sorted(word_counts, key=word_counts.get, reverse=True) # in case of a tie, keep all words with the same count top_words = top_words[: self.top_k] top_words = [word for word in top_words if word_counts[word] == word_counts[top_words[-1]]] text = " ".join([word for word in words if word in top_words]) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(top_k={self.top_k})" class ReplaceSeparators(BaseTextTransform): """Replace underscores and dashes with spaces.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to replace separators in. """ text = re.sub(r"[_\-]", " ", text) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" class RemoveDuplicates(BaseTextTransform): """Remove duplicate words from the input text.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to remove duplicate words from. """ text = " ".join(list(set(text.split()))) return text class TextCompose: """Compose several transforms together. It differs from the torchvision.transforms.Compose class in that it applies the transforms to a string instead of a PIL Image or Tensor. In addition, it automatically join the list of input strings into a single string and splits the output string into a list of words. Args: transforms (list): List of transforms to compose. """ def __init__(self, transforms: list[BaseTextTransform]) -> None: self.transforms = transforms def __call__(self, text: Union[str, list[str]]) -> Any: if isinstance(text, list): text = " ".join(text) for t in self.transforms: text = t(text) return text.split() def __repr__(self) -> str: format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" for t in self.transforms: format_string += "\n" format_string += f" {t}" format_string += "\n)" return format_string class ToLowercase(BaseTextTransform): """Convert text to lowercase.""" def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to convert to lowercase. """ text = text.lower() return text class ToSingular(BaseTextTransform): """Convert plural words to singular form.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.transform = inflect.engine().singular_noun def __call__(self, text: str): """ Args: text (str): Text to convert to singular form. """ words = text.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): if not word.endswith("s"): continue if word[-2:] in ["ss", "us", "is"]: continue if word[-3:] in ["ies", "oes"]: continue words[i] = self.transform(word) or word text = " ".join(words) return text def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" def default_vocabulary_transforms() -> TextCompose: """Preprocess input text with preprocessing transforms.""" words_to_drop = [ "image", "photo", "picture", "thumbnail", "logo", "symbol", "clipart", "portrait", "painting", "illustration", "icon", "profile", ] pos_tags = ["NN", "NNS", "NNP", "NNPS", "JJ", "JJR", "JJS", "VBG", "VBN"] transforms = [] transforms.append(DropTokens()) transforms.append(DropURLs()) transforms.append(DropSpecialCharacters()) transforms.append(DropFileExtensions()) transforms.append(ReplaceSeparators()) transforms.append(DropShortWords(min_length=3)) transforms.append(DropNonAlpha()) transforms.append(ToLowercase()) transforms.append(ToSingular()) transforms.append(DropWords(words=words_to_drop)) transforms.append(FrequencyMinWordCount(min_count=2)) transforms.append(FilterPOS(tags=pos_tags, engine="flair", keep_compound_nouns=False)) transforms.append(RemoveDuplicates()) transforms = TextCompose(transforms) return transforms