import os |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import librosa |
import numpy as np |
import importlib |
import tqdm |
import copy |
import cv2 |
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation |
def load_img_to_512_hwc_array(img_name): |
img = cv2.imread(img_name) |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
img = cv2.resize(img, (512, 512)) |
return img |
def load_img_to_normalized_512_bchw_tensor(img_name): |
img = load_img_to_512_hwc_array(img_name) |
img = ((torch.tensor(img) - 127.5)/127.5).float().unsqueeze(0).permute(0, 3, 1,2) |
return img |
def mirror_index(index, len_seq): |
""" |
get mirror index when indexing a sequence and the index is larger than len_pose |
args: |
index: int |
len_pose: int |
return: |
mirror_index: int |
""" |
turn = index // len_seq |
res = index % len_seq |
if turn % 2 == 0: |
return res |
else: |
return len_seq - res - 1 |
def smooth_camera_sequence(camera, kernel_size=7): |
""" |
smooth the camera trajectory (i.e., rotation & translation)... |
args: |
camera: [N, 25] or [N, 16]. np.ndarray |
kernel_size: int |
return: |
smoothed_camera: [N, 25] or [N, 16]. np.ndarray |
""" |
N = camera.shape[0] |
K = kernel_size // 2 |
poses = camera[:, :16].reshape([-1, 4, 4]).copy() |
trans = poses[:, :3, 3].copy() |
rots = poses[:, :3, :3].copy() |
for i in range(N): |
start = max(0, i - K) |
end = min(N, i + K + 1) |
poses[i, :3, 3] = trans[start:end].mean(0) |
try: |
poses[i, :3, :3] = Rotation.from_matrix(rots[start:end]).mean().as_matrix() |
except: |
if i == 0: |
poses[i, :3, :3] = rots[i] |
else: |
poses[i, :3, :3] = poses[i-1, :3, :3] |
poses = poses.reshape([-1, 16]) |
camera[:, :16] = poses |
return camera |
def smooth_features_xd(in_tensor, kernel_size=7): |
""" |
smooth the feature maps |
args: |
in_tensor: [T, c,h,w] or [T, c1,c2,h,w] |
kernel_size: int |
return: |
out_tensor: [T, c,h,w] or [T, c1,c2,h,w] |
""" |
t = in_tensor.shape[0] |
ndim = in_tensor.ndim |
pad = (kernel_size- 1)//2 |
in_tensor = torch.cat([torch.flip(in_tensor[0:pad], dims=[0]), in_tensor, torch.flip(in_tensor[t-pad:t], dims=[0])], dim=0) |
if ndim == 2: |
_,c = in_tensor.shape |
in_tensor = in_tensor.permute(1,0).reshape([-1,1,t+2*pad]) |
elif ndim == 4: |
_,c,h,w = in_tensor.shape |
in_tensor = in_tensor.permute(1,2,3,0).reshape([-1,1,t+2*pad]) |
elif ndim == 5: |
_,c1,c2, h,w = in_tensor.shape |
in_tensor = in_tensor.permute(1,2,3,4,0).reshape([-1,1,t+2*pad]) |
else: raise NotImplementedError() |
avg_kernel = 1 / kernel_size * torch.Tensor([1.]*kernel_size).reshape([1,1,kernel_size]).float().to(in_tensor.device) |
out_tensor = F.conv1d(in_tensor, avg_kernel) |
if ndim == 2: |
return out_tensor.reshape([c,t]).permute(1,0) |
elif ndim == 4: |
return out_tensor.reshape([c,h,w,t]).permute(3,0,1,2) |
elif ndim == 5: |
return out_tensor.reshape([c1,c2,h,w,t]).permute(4,0,1,2,3) |
def extract_audio_motion_from_ref_video(video_name): |
def save_wav16k(audio_name): |
supported_types = ('.wav', '.mp3', '.mp4', '.avi') |
assert audio_name.endswith(supported_types), f"Now we only support {','.join(supported_types)} as audio source!" |
wav16k_name = audio_name[:-4] + '_16k.wav' |
extract_wav_cmd = f"ffmpeg -i {audio_name} -f wav -ar 16000 -v quiet -y {wav16k_name} -y" |
os.system(extract_wav_cmd) |
print(f"Extracted wav file (16khz) from {audio_name} to {wav16k_name}.") |
return wav16k_name |
def get_f0( wav16k_name): |
from data_gen.process_lrs3.process_audio_mel_f0 import extract_mel_from_fname,extract_f0_from_wav_and_mel |
wav, mel = extract_mel_from_fname(wav16k_name) |
f0, f0_coarse = extract_f0_from_wav_and_mel(wav, mel) |
f0 = f0.reshape([-1,1]) |
f0 = torch.tensor(f0) |
return f0 |
def get_hubert(wav16k_name): |
from data_gen.utils.process_audio.extract_hubert import get_hubert_from_16k_wav |
hubert = get_hubert_from_16k_wav(wav16k_name).detach().numpy() |
len_mel = hubert.shape[0] |
x_multiply = 8 |
if len_mel % x_multiply == 0: |
num_to_pad = 0 |
else: |
num_to_pad = x_multiply - len_mel % x_multiply |
hubert = np.pad(hubert, pad_width=((0,num_to_pad), (0,0))) |
hubert = torch.tensor(hubert) |
return hubert |
def get_exp(video_name): |
from data_gen.utils.process_video.fit_3dmm_landmark import fit_3dmm_for_a_video |
drv_motion_coeff_dict = fit_3dmm_for_a_video(video_name, save=False) |
exp = torch.tensor(drv_motion_coeff_dict['exp']) |
return exp |
wav16k_name = save_wav16k(video_name) |
f0 = get_f0(wav16k_name) |
hubert = get_hubert(wav16k_name) |
os.system(f"rm {wav16k_name}") |
exp = get_exp(video_name) |
target_length = min(len(exp), len(hubert)//2, len(f0)//2) |
exp = exp[:target_length] |
f0 = f0[:target_length*2] |
hubert = hubert[:target_length*2] |
return exp.unsqueeze(0), hubert.unsqueeze(0), f0.unsqueeze(0) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
extract_audio_motion_from_ref_video('data/raw/videos/crop_0213.mp4') |