import re import numpy as np from common.quaternion import * from visualization.Animation import Animation channelmap = { 'Xrotation': 'x', 'Yrotation': 'y', 'Zrotation': 'z' } channelmap_inv = { 'x': 'Xrotation', 'y': 'Yrotation', 'z': 'Zrotation', } ordermap = { 'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2, } def load(filename, start=None, end=None, world=False, need_quater=True): """ Reads a BVH file and constructs an animation Parameters ---------- filename: str File to be opened start : int Optional Starting Frame end : int Optional Ending Frame order : str Optional Specifier for joint order. Given as string E.G 'xyz', 'zxy' world : bool If set to true euler angles are applied together in world space rather than local space Returns ------- (animation, joint_names, frametime) Tuple of loaded animation and joint names """ f = open(filename, "r") i = 0 active = -1 end_site = False names = [] orients = offsets = np.array([]).reshape((0, 3)) parents = np.array([], dtype=int) orders = [] for line in f: if "HIERARCHY" in line: continue if "MOTION" in line: continue # """ Modified line read to handle mixamo data """ rmatch = re.match(r"ROOT (\w+)", line) # rmatch = re.match(r"ROOT (\w+:?\w+)", line) if rmatch: names.append( offsets = np.append(offsets, np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) orients = np.append(orients, np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) parents = np.append(parents, active) active = (len(parents) - 1) continue if "{" in line: continue if "}" in line: if end_site: end_site = False else: active = parents[active] continue offmatch = re.match(r"\s*OFFSET\s+([\-\d\.e]+)\s+([\-\d\.e]+)\s+([\-\d\.e]+)", line) if offmatch: if not end_site: offsets[active] = np.array([list(map(float, offmatch.groups()))]) continue chanmatch = re.match(r"\s*CHANNELS\s+(\d+)", line) if chanmatch: channels = int( channelis = 0 if channels == 3 else 3 channelie = 3 if channels == 3 else 6 parts = line.split()[2 + channelis:2 + channelie] if any([p not in channelmap for p in parts]): continue order = "".join([channelmap[p] for p in parts]) orders.append(order) continue # """ Modified line read to handle mixamo data """ jmatch = re.match("\s*JOINT\s+(\w+)", line) # jmatch = re.match("\s*JOINT\s+(\w+:?\w+)", line) if jmatch: names.append( offsets = np.append(offsets, np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) orients = np.append(orients, np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) parents = np.append(parents, active) active = (len(parents) - 1) continue if "End Site" in line: end_site = True continue fmatch = re.match("\s*Frames:\s+(\d+)", line) if fmatch: if start and end: fnum = (end - start) - 1 else: fnum = int( jnum = len(parents) positions = offsets[np.newaxis].repeat(fnum, axis=0) rotations = np.zeros((fnum, len(orients), 3)) continue fmatch = re.match("\s*Frame Time:\s+([\d\.]+)", line) if fmatch: frametime = float( continue if (start and end) and (i < start or i >= end - 1): i += 1 continue # dmatch = line.strip().split(' ') dmatch = line.strip().split() if dmatch: data_block = np.array(list(map(float, dmatch))) N = len(parents) fi = i - start if start else i if channels == 3: positions[fi, 0:1] = data_block[0:3] rotations[fi, :] = data_block[3:].reshape(N, 3) elif channels == 6: data_block = data_block.reshape(N, 6) positions[fi, :] = data_block[:, 0:3] rotations[fi, :] = data_block[:, 3:6] elif channels == 9: positions[fi, 0] = data_block[0:3] data_block = data_block[3:].reshape(N - 1, 9) rotations[fi, 1:] = data_block[:, 3:6] positions[fi, 1:] += data_block[:, 0:3] * data_block[:, 6:9] else: raise Exception("Too many channels! %i" % channels) i += 1 f.close() all_rotations = [] canonical_order = 'xyz' for i, order in enumerate(orders): rot = rotations[:, i:i + 1] if need_quater: quat = euler_to_quat_np(np.radians(rot), order=order, world=world) all_rotations.append(quat) continue elif order != canonical_order: quat = euler_to_quat_np(np.radians(rot), order=order, world=world) rot = np.degrees(qeuler_np(quat, order=canonical_order)) all_rotations.append(rot) rotations = np.concatenate(all_rotations, axis=1) return Animation(rotations, positions, orients, offsets, parents, names, frametime) def write_bvh(parent, offset, rotation, rot_position, names, frametime, order, path, endsite=None): file = open(path, 'w') frame = rotation.shape[0] assert rotation.shape[-1] == 3 joint_num = rotation.shape[1] order = order.upper() file_string = 'HIERARCHY\n' seq = [] def write_static(idx, prefix): nonlocal parent, offset, rotation, names, order, endsite, file_string, seq seq.append(idx) if idx == 0: name_label = 'ROOT ' + names[idx] channel_label = 'CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition {}rotation {}rotation {}rotation'.format( *order) else: name_label = 'JOINT ' + names[idx] channel_label = 'CHANNELS 3 {}rotation {}rotation {}rotation'.format(*order) offset_label = 'OFFSET %.6f %.6f %.6f' % (offset[idx][0], offset[idx][1], offset[idx][2]) file_string += prefix + name_label + '\n' file_string += prefix + '{\n' file_string += prefix + '\t' + offset_label + '\n' file_string += prefix + '\t' + channel_label + '\n' has_child = False for y in range(idx + 1, rotation.shape[1]): if parent[y] == idx: has_child = True write_static(y, prefix + '\t') if not has_child: file_string += prefix + '\t' + 'End Site\n' file_string += prefix + '\t' + '{\n' file_string += prefix + '\t\t' + 'OFFSET 0 0 0\n' file_string += prefix + '\t' + '}\n' file_string += prefix + '}\n' write_static(0, '') file_string += 'MOTION\n' + 'Frames: {}\n'.format(frame) + 'Frame Time: %.8f\n' % frametime for i in range(frame): file_string += '%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % (rot_position[i][0], rot_position[i][1], rot_position[i][2]) for j in range(joint_num): idx = seq[j] file_string += '%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % (rotation[i][idx][0], rotation[i][idx][1], rotation[i][idx][2]) file_string += '\n' file.write(file_string) return file_string class WriterWrapper: def __init__(self, parents, frametime, offset=None, names=None): self.parents = parents self.offset = offset self.frametime = frametime self.names = names def write(self, filename, rot, r_pos, order, offset=None, names=None, repr='quat'): """ Write animation to bvh file :param filename: :param rot: Quaternion as (w, x, y, z) :param pos: :param offset: :return: """ if repr not in ['euler', 'quat', 'quaternion', 'cont6d']: raise Exception('Unknown rotation representation') if offset is None: offset = self.offset if not isinstance(offset, torch.Tensor): offset = torch.tensor(offset) n_bone = offset.shape[0] if repr == 'cont6d': rot = rot.reshape(rot.shape[0], -1, 6) rot = cont6d_to_quat_np(rot) if repr == 'cont6d' or repr == 'quat' or repr == 'quaternion': # rot = rot.reshape(rot.shape[0], -1, 4) # rot /= rot.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) ** 0.5 euler = qeuler_np(rot, order=order) rot = euler if names is None: if self.names is None: names = ['%02d' % i for i in range(n_bone)] else: names = self.names write_bvh(self.parents, offset, rot, r_pos, names, self.frametime, order, filename)