{"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In patients undergoing general anesthesia purposes of thoracolumbar scoliosis (scoliosis) corrective surgery, following what most reliable method for monitoring the function of the spinal nerve?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "wake-up test", "options": {"A": "motor evoked potentials", "B": "somato-sensory evoked potentials", "C": "electromyography", "D": "wake-up test"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Standing body, that area of ​​lung ventilation / perfusion ratio (ventilation / perfusion) is the highest?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Apex", "options": {"A": "Lung bases", "B": "Apex", "C": "Lung center", "D": "Are similar to those of the entire lung ventilation / perfusion ratio"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 75-year-old male, complained last six months there will be brisk palpitations and chest tightness phenomenon, physical examination, blood pressure 140/50 mmHg, heartbeat regularity, only to hear the diastole murmur on the right side of the sternum, cardiac ultrasound check severe aortic reflux, but left ventricular systolic diameter (left ventricular end systolic dimension) is 58 mm, diastolic diameter is 80 mm, then the best way of treating why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Replace an aortic valve with a porcine heart valve", "options": {"A": "Replace an aortic valve with the metallic valve", "B": "Replace an aortic valve with a porcine heart valve", "C": "The use of antiarrhythmic agents", "D": "Use of anti-heart failure drug"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About hormone therapy after menopause, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Female hormones have the effect of lowering LDL, it can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease", "options": {"A": "For atrophic vaginitis, can topical hormone therapy", "B": "Female hormones have the effect of lowering LDL, it can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease", "C": "Hormonal therapy for fractures caused by osteoporosis have a preventive effect", "D": "If the uterus is not removed, the use of female hormones are required to take progesterone merger"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a Lewy body dementia (dementia with Lewy bodies, DLB) are the main symptoms?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Chorea", "options": {"A": "Good times and bad cognitive functions", "B": "Visual hallucinations", "C": "Chorea", "D": "Parkinson's Symptoms"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "\"Action Unit (motor unit)\" means:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "A single motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers at its disposal", "options": {"A": "A single motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers at its disposal", "B": "A muscle fiber plus all its actions dominate neurons", "C": "Supply of single neurons in the muscles of all the action", "D": "A group of antagonistic muscles"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a neuroendocrine tumors immunohistochemical markers?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "CD7", "options": {"A": "neuron-specific enolase", "B": "synaptophysin", "C": "chromogranin A", "D": "CD7"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The ninth to November after the left intercostal blood directly back into which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hemiazygos vein (hemiazygos vein)", "options": {"A": "Azygos vein (azygos vein)", "B": "Hemiazygos vein (hemiazygos vein)", "C": "The left subclavian vein (left subclavian vein)", "D": "Intrathoracic vein (internal thoracic vein)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Select the case-control study, which of the following errors in a coupled way?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Paired factor beyond the control of interference", "options": {"A": "Need to decide in advance interference factor", "B": "Factors known to reduce the influence of interference", "C": "Paired factor beyond the control of interference", "D": "Matched pair analysis to be done"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "24 at this time following those treatments help this boy? ①Blalock-Taussig shunt ② atrial septum ostomy balloon (balloon atrial septostomy) ③ intravenous prostaglandin (PGE1 infusion) ④ pulmonary artery banding procedure (PA banding)", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "②③", "options": {"A": "①②", "B": "②③", "C": "①③", "D": "①④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After 39 a 55-year-old menopausal women, found the right breast with a 2.5 cm tumor, after detailed examination, accept the eradication of surgery (modified radical mastectomy), pathological diagnosis of the whole breast modified as breast cancer (T2N0M0), ER (+), PR ( +), Her2 (-). Adjuvant therapy may be appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Antagonistic hormone therapy", "options": {"A": "Chemotherapy", "B": "Antagonistic hormone therapy", "C": "Chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy", "D": "Radiation treatment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "73.32-year-old male patient with right lower abdominal pain two days, came to the emergency department, there are obvious physical examination local tenderness, but slightly higher white blood cells in normal, C-reactive protein increased. Developer non-injected CT as shown, where the following items are most likely diagnosis?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "epiploic appendagitis", "options": {"A": "epiploic appendagitis", "B": "acute ileus", "C": "ascending colon intusussception", "D": "colon cancer with perforation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 60-year-old man vomiting blood due to sudden and large been sent to the emergency room, was a state of shock, after an emergency infusion therapy, his condition improved. Before the onset of vomiting and not drinking, nor taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), no special pressure recently. He is a chronic hepatitis B virus infection. The patient is most likely that these lesions bleeding?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Bleeding esophageal varices", "options": {"A": "Bleeding esophageal varices", "B": "Gastric bleeding", "C": "Hemorrhagic gastritis", "D": "Bleeding a second portion of the duodenum"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 2-year-old child, mild fever and skin lesions two days ago, and noticed the body erythema, Nikolsky sign positive check, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome) as a possible diagnosis", "options": {"A": "Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome) as a possible diagnosis", "B": "Will be violation of mucosa", "C": "Steroid treatment have a good effect", "D": "Skin lesions will leave forever"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old man complained of chest discomfort and shortness of breath when action, no history of hypertension, blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, heart rate 76 beats per minute rule, there is a fourth heart sounds on auscultation, but no significant noise, no chest X-ray obvious abnormalities, left ventricular hypertrophy ECG showing merge ST-T wave changes, and echocardiography showing severe left apical hypertrophy with normal left ventricular systolic function. Which of the following drugs most inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "digitalis", "options": {"A": "digitalis", "B": "beta blockers", "C": "diltiazem", "D": "verapamil"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old male patient, because there are skin rashes and itching to diagnosis, patients had no fever. Three days ago because they were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which is now taking anti-thyroid drugs. Patient's white blood cell count was 4,500 / μL, the most appropriate disposition for that one of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Administered anti-histamine, switching to another antithyroid drugs", "options": {"A": "Immediately stop using anti-thyroid drugs, surgery is recommended", "B": "Administered anti-histamine, switching to another antithyroid drugs", "C": "Adding a lot of steroids, immediately arrange for radioactive iodine treatment", "D": "Antibiotics were added to give Lugol's solution"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "30. A 45 year old young age suffer from chronic hepatitis B male patients, more than a month ago complained feel right upper quadrant pain, pain sometimes extends to the right shoulder bladder. Clinic last week to show how satellites track abdominal ultrasound liver tumors, namely a position of 2.2 cm in size in S2, and the other a 6.6\n Cm in size at the position S5, it is observed that a low mass echo (hypoechoic) a. After further arrangements abdominal computed tomography, found a lump of the same size in the same position, and has violated the right of the hepatic portal vein. Abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography results of other parts are normal. Blood found fetoprotein value (AFP) was 230 ng / mL, AST 53 U / L, ALT 68 U / L. The most likely diagnosis in this patient why?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis", "options": {"A": "liver abscess with necrosis", "B": "hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis", "C": "multiple cavernous hemangioma", "D": "acute-on-chronic hepatitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (congenital pulmonary airway malformation) treatment, which of the following more correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Neonatal chest X-ray found the right upper lobe large vesicular lesions, intubation at birth due to respiratory failure treatment should be urgent thoracotomy", "options": {"A": "Neonatal chest X-ray found the right upper lobe large vesicular lesions, intubation at birth due to respiratory failure treatment should be urgent thoracotomy", "B": "Neonatal prenatal substantial doubt right lower lobe-like lesions, steady breathing after birth, should immediately accept the lung computer tomography", "C": "Neonatal prenatal suspect left upper lobe small vesicular lesions, accepting CT 6 months old when diagnosed after birth, should be in operation again after 2 years", "D": "3-month-old baby boy because of shortness of breath, X-ray and CT examination revealed left lower lobe multi-vesicular lesions, should arrange for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the blood vessels to"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mr. Wang, 56-year-old farmer, long-term smoking and betel nut chewing habit, nearly a month have foreign body sensation in the throat, dysphagia, pain in the left ear, left neck swelling, bilateral middle of the neck have a maximum diameter of more than 2 cm tumor, sound a little dumb but no breathing difficulties, after examination by a physician's diagnosis may be suffering from hypopharyngeal, Mr. Wang at this time of clinical staging should be how much?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "T4N2c", "options": {"A": "T3N2a", "B": "T3N2b", "C": "T4N2b", "D": "T4N2c"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "3,626 year old female infertility, menstrual scarce complaints, upon inspection by A, B in FIG., As shown in FIG C, to be treated as presented in FIG condition A, the following drugs are most inappropriate where? Panel A: hairy Panel B: FIG neck melanin acanthosis C: vaginal ultrasound\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "danazol", "options": {"A": "medroxyprogesterone acetate", "B": "antiandrogen", "C": "5α-reductase inhibitor", "D": "danazol"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about human parasites adult form of the following, whichever is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Section wide crack tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) has a circular suction cup (Sucker)", "options": {"A": "Ancylostoma duodenale (Ancylostoma duodenale) has two pairs of teeth hooks", "B": "Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) having a head wing (cephalic alae)", "C": "Fasciola hepatica (Fasciola hepatica) having a cone (cephalic cone)", "D": "Section wide crack tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) has a circular suction cup (Sucker)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Gordon ⾰ hot vector mosquito infection is which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Aedes aegypti, the white line aegypti", "options": {"A": "Tropical house mosquito, mosquito white belly Cong", "B": "Aedes aegypti, the white line aegypti", "C": "White abdominal cluster of mosquitoes, black and mosquito ⼩", "D": "China Anopheles mosquito, tropical house mosquito"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Nuclear Medicine technetium pertechnetate scan to help diagnose which of the following diseases?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Meck ear diverticulum (Meckel's diverticulum)", "options": {"A": "Meck ear diverticulum (Meckel's diverticulum)", "B": "Water kidney", "C": "Bone marrow disease", "D": "Adrenal tumors"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pairing each of the following diseases and their insect pathogens in and what was wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Megaesophagus- Leishmania parasite (Leishmania donovani)", "options": {"A": "Romaña's sign- dry West Trypanosoma cruzi (Trypanosoma cruzi)", "B": "Winterbottom's sign- Gambian trypanosomiasis (Trypanosoma brucei gambiense)", "C": "Megaesophagus- Leishmania parasite (Leishmania donovani)", "D": "Espundia- 巴西利什曼 parasite (Leishmania braziliensis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In the final step of the blood coagulation pathway, prompting fibrinogen is converted into fibrin material Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "thrombin", "options": {"A": "von Willebrand factor", "B": "factor V", "C": "thrombin", "D": "plasminogen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "39.58-year-old man, nearly half felt abdominal discomfort, found on both sides of the neck, armpits and groin lymph nodes when one day visit. 38.8 deg.] C patient temperature, blood pressure 90 / 50mmHg, and chills and fatigue symptoms, blood cell examination data follows (in parentheses are the normal reference values): RBC 4.12 M / μL (4 ~ 5.52), Hb 12.4 g / dL (13.2 ~ 17.2), Retic. 1.48% (0.5 ~ 2), PLT 261 k / μL (148 ~ 339), WBC 9.74 k / μL (3.54 ~ 9.06), Blast 0%, Promyel. 0%, Myelo. 0%, meta 0%, Band 0%, Seg 5.0%, Eos. 3.0%, Baso. 1.0%, Mono. 8.0%, Lym. 83.0%, Aty.Lym. 0.0%, Plasma cell 0.0%, Normobl. 0.0 / 100 WBC . Following the narrative wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Because the total number of normal white blood cells, need only treat the symptoms", "options": {"A": "Because the total number of normal white blood cells, need only treat the symptoms", "B": "Should do a detailed physical examination to identify possible sources of infection", "C": "Blood culture should be accepted", "D": "Should be administered as soon as possible with intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 24-year-old male patient complained of lower back pain has been six months. Good times and bad symptoms. In severe cases, the pain may be middle of the night or early morning will wake up. The patients least likely to also have that kind of following symptoms or signs?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Subcutaneous nodules (subcutaneous nodule)", "options": {"A": "Iritis (iritis)", "B": "Sausage toe (sausage toe)", "C": "Subcutaneous nodules (subcutaneous nodule)", "D": "Plantar fasciitis (plantar fasciitis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to the Helsinki Declaration (Declaration of Helsinki), when using human tissue or identifiable data of the study, subject to the provisions. Which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "In cases when it is impossible or can not obtain the consent of, or obtain consent will result in an invalid research can be carried out with the consent exemption", "options": {"A": "After the usual physician must obtain consent prior to the collection, analysis, storage and re-use", "B": "In cases when it is impossible or can not obtain the consent of, or obtain consent will result in an invalid research can be carried out with the consent exemption", "C": "In cases when it is impossible or can not obtain the consent of, or obtain consent will result in an invalid study, this study is subject to the Research Ethics Committee for consideration and approval by the exemption in the case of consent of conduct", "D": "Physicians should avoid the consent of the subject under pressure or duress"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to World Health Organization announced that, following what kind of disease because of the use of the vaccine and the virus disappeared?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Variola (smallpox)", "options": {"A": "Variola (smallpox)", "B": "influenza", "C": "Polio", "D": "chicken pox"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The law referred to the physician that the physician does not include one of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Veterinary", "options": {"A": "Chinese medicine practitioners", "B": "Veterinary", "C": "Physician", "D": "Dentists"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following organizational structure is not surrounded by perilymph (perilymph)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Malleus (Malleus)", "options": {"A": "Utricle (utricle)", "B": "Cochlear duct (cochlea duct)", "C": "Malleus (Malleus)", "D": "Balloon (saccule)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus; SCLE) common skin manifestations?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "papulosquamous 與 annular lesions", "options": {"A": "malar rash 與 papulosquamous lesions", "B": "papulosquamous 與 annular lesions", "C": "malar rash 與 discoid rash", "D": "discoid rash 與 annular lesions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "An 84 year-old male patient, work pit gold mine in the past 30 years, six weeks ago because of increased cough, yellow sputum, fever afternoon and taken to hospital, sputum smear examination revealed AFB (Acid-fast bacilli) (+++), the doctor was open standard first-line treatment of four anti-tuberculosis drugs. Today, TB culture presents MDR (multidrug resistant) TB, the test results show those resistant to these drugs?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Rifampin+Isoniazid", "options": {"A": "Rifampin+Isoniazid", "B": "Rifampin+Isoniazid+Ethambutol", "C": "Isoniazid+Ethambutol", "D": "Isoniazid+Pyrazinamide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following virus infection, if after taking aspirin (Aspirin) and other salicylates (salicylates) fever drugs on their own, most likely to increase the risk of children suffering from Reye's syndrome (Reye syndrome) is?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Influenza virus (Influenza virus)", "options": {"A": "Rubella virus (Rubella virus)", "B": "Measles virus (Measles virus)", "C": "Influenza virus (Influenza virus)", "D": "Rabies (Rabies virus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage a lot of endovascular surgery, Which of the following most correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Embolism goal is to stop the bleeding and try to save the uterus", "options": {"A": "Endovascular embolization is the only treatment method", "B": "Embolism goal is to stop the bleeding and try to save the uterus", "C": "Uterine vein thrombosis sides of hemostasis best", "D": "Consequences on both sides of uterine artery embolization is the cause of ovarian necrosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Prevention and control of hypertension guidelines do not include which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Increased sodium intake", "options": {"A": "Weight Control", "B": "Increased sodium intake", "C": "Increase physical activity", "D": "Moderate alcohol consumption"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "On heavy volume of epilepsy (status epilepticus) treatment, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Should be administered immediately seizures antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin, and avoiding administration of benzodiazepine drug (benzodiazepines.) The", "options": {"A": "Should be administered immediately seizures antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin, and avoiding administration of benzodiazepine drug (benzodiazepines.) The", "B": "Antiepileptic drugs should be used instead of Class IV Peroral", "C": "If after using antiepileptic drugs continued to attack, heavy volume into the intractable epilepsy (refractory status epilepticus), should be coupled with narcotic drugs such as propofol", "D": "EEG monitoring is necessary to check"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following taste buds and sensory signals pass, the less relevant?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "trigeminal nerve", "options": {"A": "trigeminal nerve", "B": "facial nerve", "C": "glossopharyngeal nerve", "D": "vagus nerve"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For a comparison of skeletal and smooth muscle, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Skeletal muscle may be mitotic proliferation of smooth muscle is no", "options": {"A": "Multinucleated skeletal muscle cells, smooth muscle monocytes", "B": "Skeletal muscle nuclei located in the surrounding cells, smooth muscle cells in the central position", "C": "Skeletal muscle has stripes, no smooth muscle", "D": "Skeletal muscle may be mitotic proliferation of smooth muscle is no"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a SWOT analysis related to management of the external environment facing?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chance (opportunity) and threats (threat)", "options": {"A": "Chance (opportunity) and threats (threat)", "B": "Advantage (strength) and weaknesses (weakness)", "C": "Chance (opportunity) and weaknesses (weakness)", "D": "Advantage (strength) and threats (threat)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about diphtheria toxin (diphtheria toxin), that a mistake?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Is an endotoxin", "options": {"A": "Is an endotoxin", "B": "Cells may be bonded to the surface of the heparin-binding epidermal growth factor", "C": "Can be bound to lead to damage to the heart and nerve cells", "D": "elongation factor causes cells in the A subunit 2 (EF-2) loss of activity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A six month old baby with big neuroblastoma, the original tumor has been completely removed, but the tumor has been transferred to the liver, the disease that period be?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "4S", "options": {"A": "2B", "B": "3", "C": "4", "D": "4S"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 25-year-old men like sports, the resulting knee cruciate ligament rupture in a car accident three years ago, despite positive rehabilitation, but walk inside knee pain, physical examination showing greater than 10 mm backwards unstable, he should receive what treatment?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Surgical reconstruction (reconstruction)", "options": {"A": "Continue rehabilitation (rehabilitation)", "B": "Plaster (Casting)", "C": "Surgical repair (direct repair)", "D": "Surgical reconstruction (reconstruction)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Clinically successfully applied to breast cancer immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a following for that molecule?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Her-2 / neu", "options": {"A": "Her-2 / neu", "B": "MAG-1", "C": "MUC-1", "D": "CD-20"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The full-term infants, the first day of hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of 12 g / dL, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 110 fL, then the following interpretation is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Positive red blood cells anemia (normocytic anemia)", "options": {"A": "Completely normal", "B": "Small red blood cell anemia (microcytic anemia)", "C": "Positive red blood cells anemia (normocytic anemia)", "D": "Large red blood cell anemia (macrocytic anemia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is most likely to cause blood pressure to drop?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Arterioles increased nitric oxide (NO),", "options": {"A": "Activation of vascular smooth muscle arterioles beta1-adrenergic-type receptors (β1 adrenergic receptors)", "B": "Open calcium channels (calcium channel) on arteriolar smooth muscle cells", "C": "Arterioles increased nitric oxide (NO),", "D": "Angiotensin converting enzyme activated (angiotensin-converting enzyme)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In adult males, which of the following viral diseases most likely to infringe testicles?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Mumps (mumps)", "options": {"A": "Measles (measles)", "B": "German measles (rubella)", "C": "Mumps (mumps)", "D": "Herpes (herpes)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about Toxic shock syndrome is, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Switch machine main pathogenic Pseudomonas produced due to exfoliative toxin", "options": {"A": "Clinical manifestations include product ⾯ zoomed out skin redness pain or pustules, as well as extensive out skin desquamation", "B": "Will initially appear on your skin in pain, zoomed in part because of postoperative infection or injury-connector abdominal cavity caused by infection", "C": "Patients may develop fever, sore throat, muscle ⾁ aches, vomiting or diarrhea, severe cases can cause low pressure and multiple organ failure ⾎", "D": "Switch machine main pathogenic Pseudomonas produced due to exfoliative toxin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When a large intravenous doses of short-acting insulin preparations cause low blood sugar, which of the following best condition does not cause blood sugar to rise delay phenomenon?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Parathyroid hormone secretion", "options": {"A": "Adrenal hypoplasia", "B": "L glucagon (glucagon of) the lack of secretion", "C": "Hypothyroidism", "D": "Parathyroid hormone secretion"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "30 year old man, the years have repeated episodes of systemic silver scaly red patches, three months ago in these foci (toe) tip and finger around (toe), and the combined spine and fingers at the end of arthritis, and HLA -B27 (+). Which of the following is the preferred oral therapy?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "methotrexate", "options": {"A": "retinoids", "B": "methotrexate", "C": "cyclosporine", "D": "glucocorticoids"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "35. gynecological surgery, if hyperlipidemia (septicemia) causes alveolar-capillary membrane damage microvascular side, the lungs increased microvascular permeability, caused by lung complications, namely:\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Acute respiratory distress syndrome", "options": {"A": "Pulmonary edema", "B": "Pulmonary hypertension", "C": "Respiratory permeability defect", "D": "Acute respiratory distress syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following most closely peripheral retinal degeneration and retinal detachment relationship?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Lattice degeneration (lattice degeneration)", "options": {"A": "Cystic retinal degeneration (cystoid degeneration)", "B": "Lattice degeneration (lattice degeneration)", "C": "Atrophic retinal breaks (atrophic retinal hole)", "D": "Pebble-like retinal degeneration (paving stone degeneration)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following diseases can not be used GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) agonist treatment?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Acromegaly (acromegaly)", "options": {"A": "No menstruation (amenorrhea)", "B": "Prostate cancer (prostate cancer)", "C": "Breast cancer (breast cancer)", "D": "Acromegaly (acromegaly)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When you use one of the following anesthetic that most need to merge given muscle relaxants?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Nitrous oxide", "options": {"A": "Halothane", "B": "Benzodiazepines", "C": "Isoflurane", "D": "Nitrous oxide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "7-year-old boy result of the lower limbs and buttocks was a red dot (as indicated by reference), the number of platelets is normal, while the case of knee joint pain, abdominal pain and paroxysmal, urine examination revealed that while the case hematuria, will most the diagnosis is likely why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Henoch-Schönlein purpura", "options": {"A": "Henoch-Schönlein purpura", "B": "Ig A nephropathy", "C": "scarlet fever", "D": "juvenile rheumatoid arthritis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "⿐ pharyngeal cancer ⾎ fluid tests, which of the following destination time before the accuracy is considered the best?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Serum/Plasma free EBV DNA copies", "options": {"A": "EBV anti-VCA IgG", "B": "EBV-VCA, anti-IgA", "C": "EBV anti-FAMILY", "D": "Serum/Plasma free EBV DNA copies"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the narrative path of the head nerves or blood vessels, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Facial nerve (facial nerve) through stylomastoid foramen (stylomastoid foramen)", "options": {"A": "Ophthalmic artery (ophthalmic artery) through the superior orbital fissure (superior orbital fissure)", "B": "Facial nerve (facial nerve) through stylomastoid foramen (stylomastoid foramen)", "C": "Trigeminal nerve maxillary branch (maxillary division of trigeminal nerve) through the foramen ovale (foramen ovale)", "D": "Vestibulocochlear nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve) through the jugular foramen (jugular foramen)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the Noonan syndrome, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Aortic stenosis (aortic stenosis) becomes its most common heart disease", "options": {"A": "short and small", "B": "Webbed neck (webbed neck)", "C": "Normal karyotype (normal karyotype)", "D": "Aortic stenosis (aortic stenosis) becomes its most common heart disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 63-year-old male patient long-term smoking of laryngeal cancer (squamous cell); widespread metastatic lung surgery found a year later. To cisplatin / 5-FU was discharged the next day after the end of chemotherapy. But the next day his wife found their patient unconsciousness, then send the patient to the emergency room. Respiration and blood pressure were normal, but the heart rate 112 / min. Whichever is the most appropriate disposal?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Calcium in blood test", "options": {"A": "Blood culture, the use of antibiotics selective anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "B": "Calcium in blood test", "C": "Test blood NH3", "D": "Brain MRI"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following narrative about the E. coli repair of O6-methylguanine, whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Methyl transferases using methyl methyltransferase to the body", "options": {"A": "Using methyl transferases (methyltransferase) to methyl-tetrahydrofolate (tetrahydrofolate)", "B": "Methyl transferases using methyl methyltransferase to the body", "C": "Using a DNA-demethylase (DNA demethylase) to tetrahydrofolate", "D": "Using a DNA-demethylase to the water"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A middle-aged woman complained fingers will hemp, loss of sensation below the site allows physicians to confirm that the injured nerve is the ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "The little finger of the palm (palmar surface of the 5th finger)", "options": {"A": "Palm thumb (palmar surface of thumb)", "B": "Ulnar palm of the forearm (ulnar side of the volar surface of forearm)", "C": "The little finger of the palm (palmar surface of the 5th finger)", "D": "Near the back of the tiger's mouth (dorsum of hand between the thumb and the 2nd finger)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 40-year-old male red eye pain, was diagnosed as acute anterior uveitis (acute anterior uveitis), and with a history of low back pain for many years, which of the following is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Often both eyes at the same time attack", "options": {"A": "Occurs in men", "B": "X-rays may find bamboo-like spine (bamboo spine)", "C": "Often both eyes at the same time attack", "D": "Associated with the HLA-B27"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "21-year-old college students ready to go to a developing country tourism, the place is a hepatitis A epidemic, he did not have immunity, hoping not to get infected, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hepatitis A vaccine and immunoglobulin can not beat Shi", "options": {"A": "Hepatitis A Vaccine inoculation should be administered or immunoglobulins play (immune serum globulin, ISG)", "B": "Hepatitis A vaccine and immunoglobulin can not beat Shi", "C": "If two weeks is about to go, should be applied to fight immunoglobulin (ISG) the more protection force", "D": "If you plan to travel repeatedly to developing countries, Shi fight Hepatitis A Vaccine cost-effective than synthetic"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "78. Manson crack head tapeworm (Spirometra mansonoides) developmental stages of the parasite that can infect humans? ① six hook larvae eggs", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "③④", "options": {"A": "①②", "B": "①③", "C": "②④", "D": "③④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following would secretion due to gastric dilatation (Distension) of the stimulus?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Gastrin (Gastrin)", "options": {"A": "CCK (Cholecystokinin)", "B": "GIP (Gastric inhibitory peptide)", "C": "Gastrin (Gastrin)", "D": "Body endostatin (Somatostatin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, according to Parkland formula, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "8 hours before infusion crystalloid solution to 2160 mL", "options": {"A": "8 hours before infusion crystalloid solution to 4320 mL", "B": "12 hours prior to crystalloid infusion solution 4320 mL", "C": "8 hours before infusion crystalloid solution to 2160 mL", "D": "12 hours prior to crystalloid infusion solution 2160 mL"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Axillary nerve (axillary nerve) when damaged, can cause that following a rotation (rotator cuff) muscle weakness?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Teres minor (teres minor)", "options": {"A": "棘上肌(supraspinatus muscle)", "B": "Thorn under the skin (infraspinatus muscle)", "C": "Subscapularis muscle (subscapularis muscle)", "D": "Teres minor (teres minor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Unlike most neovascularization (angiogenesis) closest growth factor (growth factor) Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor)", "options": {"A": "PDGF(platelet-derived growth factor)", "B": "IGF-1(insulin-like growth factor-1)", "C": "VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor)", "D": "TGF-b (transforming growth factor-b)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following has nothing to do with congenital cataracts?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Gas butoxy; 12", "options": {"A": "A gas; 2.4", "B": "B gas; 0.42", "C": "Propan gas; 1.9", "D": "Gas butoxy; 12"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 6-year-old girl was hospitalized with a broken arm, body checkups have been found in breast development, skin showing cafe au lait spots (café-au-lait spots), hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism also the phenomenon of poor bone imaging examination showed fibrous growth ( fibrous dysplasia), the interpretation of bone age was 9 years old, the most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "McCune-Albright syndrome", "options": {"A": "Fanconi syndrome", "B": "McCune-Albright syndrome", "C": "neurofibromatosis", "D": "Peutz-Jeghers syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not one of Bishop score ratings project?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Production number (parity)", "options": {"A": "Production number (parity)", "B": "The degree of cervical dilation (dilatation)", "C": "Cervical Softening (effacement)", "D": "The position of the fetal head in the pelvis (Station)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the bone marrow (bone marrow), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "System having a sinusoidal (sinusoidal system), is a closed type Xunhuanjitong newborn must penetrate the endothelial blood cells (endothelium), to enter the circulation", "options": {"A": "System having a sinusoidal (sinusoidal system), is a closed type Xunhuanjitong newborn must penetrate the endothelial blood cells (endothelium), to enter the circulation", "B": "Yellow marrow (yellow bone marrow) is activated bone marrow, blood cells responsible for producing various", "C": "Non-hematopoietic space in a long bone (long bone), it will be fibroblasts (fibroblast) occupies", "D": "Platelets (platelet) megakaryocyte (megakaryocyte) to be freed by assisting reticulocytes (reticular cell) in order to enter the sinusoidal system (sinusoidal system)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old female, found on the right goiter a month, in-patient physical examination and ultrasound examination revealed the right side of the thyroid gland has a 3 cm tumor without cervical lymph nodes, fine-needle aspiration cytology of papillary thyroid cancer, the patient underwent total thyroidectomy, breathing difficulties after surgery. Questions about the patient breathing difficulty occurs, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "2 hours after surgery difficulty breathing, possibly impaired parathyroid, resulting in hypocalcemia and then the whole body numb, respiratory discomfort", "options": {"A": "Difficulty breathing occurs immediately after surgery a extubation may cause damage to bilateral vocal cord paralysis recurrent laryngeal nerve, resulting in airway obstruction", "B": "Dyspnea evening after surgery, possibly neck hematoma compressing the trachea, causing airway obstruction and tracheomalacia", "C": "2 hours after surgery difficulty breathing, possibly impaired parathyroid, resulting in hypocalcemia and then the whole body numb, respiratory discomfort", "D": "Probably because of wound pain caused by mental stress symptoms of hyperventilation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When suspected submandibular duct stones, Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic imaging way?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "dental occlusal view", "options": {"A": "skull basal view", "B": "dental occlusal view", "C": "skull lateral view", "D": "Caldwell view"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following kind of bacteria to poultry and livestock for their storage reservoirs (reservoir)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Campylobacter jejuni (Campylobacter jejuni)", "options": {"A": "Campylobacter jejuni (Campylobacter jejuni)", "B": "Vibrio cholera (Vibrio cholerae)", "C": "Bordetella pertussis (Bordetella pertussis)", "D": "Neisseria meningitidis (Neisseria meningitidis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) characteristics of narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Generally can check clotting time to do the monitoring, for about about twice the normal value", "options": {"A": "The dose LMWH general decided to follow weight like", "B": "Generally can check clotting time to do the monitoring, for about about twice the normal value", "C": "Factor Xa can be monitored, if necessary activity to see whether it is appropriate dose of LMWH", "D": "LMWH is mainly excreted by the kidneys"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "8 a 2 year old girl with a big month, was found to diagnosis extremely enlarged liver and spleen, were palpable 3 cm and 8 cm in the lower rib, which is hemoglobin (Hb) of 6.5 g / dL, low platelets (Platelets) number 88,000 / mm3, no check iron, hemoglobin electrophoresis (hemoglobin electrophoresis) Hb A was 93.0%, Hb A2 was 5.1%, Hb F 1.9%, no malignant cell infiltration of bone marrow examination, but storage cells, measurement of peripheral blood leukocytes β-glucosidase enzyme activity is very low, Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "High snow's disease (Gaucher disease)", "options": {"A": "Heavy Beta thalassemia (β-thalassemia)", "B": "Heavy Alpha thalassemia (α-thalassemia)", "C": "Severe aplastic anemia (Severe aplastic anemia)", "D": "High snow's disease (Gaucher disease)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma, namely HCC) clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Positron photography (FDG-PET) has proved to be the most sensitive diagnostic imaging manner HCC", "options": {"A": "When physical examination, should pay attention to whether there is jaundice, ascites, spider angioma, palmar erythema and other signs may indicate that there is chronic liver disease or liver cirrhosis of", "B": "Serum AFP is a commonly used tumor marker; but not all HCC patients, all will rise in serum AFP", "C": "ultrasound, triphasic CT and gadolinium-enhanced MRI is applicable both to assist in the diagnosis of HCC imaging mode", "D": "Positron photography (FDG-PET) has proved to be the most sensitive diagnostic imaging manner HCC"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, that the following items are the most likely of the infant blood gas test results?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis", "options": {"A": "metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis", "B": "metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis", "C": "metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis", "D": "metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "21 injured in emergency often need stitches, stitches on time, the following statements is true? 6 to 8 days scalp ① ② ③ eyelids back 10 to 14 days 12 to 14 days 12 to 14 days the limbs ④\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "①③④", "options": {"A": "①②④", "B": "①②③", "C": "②③④", "D": "①③④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "29 year old woman by clinicians diagnose a thyroid nodule unilateral, statements about the diagnosis, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "CT and MRI do", "options": {"A": "Due time of occurrence and symptoms, family history information", "B": "Do ultrasound and FNA (sliced ​​small needle cytology)", "C": "Do check TSH", "D": "CT and MRI do"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Echocardiography is the best diagnostic tool for checking which of the following diseases?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Pericardial sac water", "options": {"A": "Acute myocardial infarction", "B": "Pericardial sac water", "C": "Atrial septal defect", "D": "Ventricular septal defect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "54 year old woman slipped and fell from a height of 3 meters, severe dyspnea and right chest wall hematoma. Is sent to emergency medical examination, drowsy consciousness, undetectable blood pressure, cyanosis, tachycardia and reduced breathing right. You are the doctor on duty, your timely processing of why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Insert a chest tube", "options": {"A": "Chest X-rays and computed tomography", "B": "CVC full insertion with intravenous infusion", "C": "Insert a chest tube", "D": "Give inotropics"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "95 National Health Council want cohort study (cohort study), to explore whether exercise can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. This generation must be based on:\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "No people suffering from coronary heart disease", "options": {"A": "Already suffering from coronary heart disease in people", "B": "No people suffering from coronary heart disease", "C": "There are people who already exercise habits", "D": "No exercise habits"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about lung transplants, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Pulmonary function tests if there is a significant decline in the case of FVC data can be used as diagnostic criteria exclude the occurrence of the action", "options": {"A": "The common surgical indicatoins to the lung caused by COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and pneumoconiosis and other diseases permanent injury", "B": "prednisolone, cyclosporine and azathioprine and use it as often immunosuppressive drugs", "C": "Acute rejection occurs, patients often appear dyspnea, leukocytosis, and mild fever and other symptoms", "D": "Pulmonary function tests if there is a significant decline in the case of FVC data can be used as diagnostic criteria exclude the occurrence of the action"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Outpatient clinics among you come in a newly diagnosed patient, 23-year-old Akai is a first-year graduate students. His chief complaint last night fever, cough, runny nose, you finish the inquiry and physical examination, diagnosis of his problem was upper respiratory tract infection. Was about to prescribe medication, he asked you a certificate of diagnosis for him, because the school final exam the day after tomorrow, he feared the cold impact test preparation, I hope you indicate he needs to rest at home for three days on the certificate of diagnosis. Which of the following practices most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "After explanation, only a doctor prescribed for him to prove the day of", "options": {"A": "Call his parent pro", "B": "He was asked whether teacher's license", "C": "After explanation, only a doctor prescribed for him to prove the day of", "D": "Referral to another physician-patient treatment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to the \"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders fourth edition of\" American Psychiatric Association's anxiety disorders (anxiety disorders)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Adjustment disorder and anxiety", "options": {"A": "Post-traumatic stress disorder", "B": "Panic Disorder", "C": "Adjustment disorder and anxiety", "D": "Social phobia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The patients required nutritional needs at different pressures narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Protein intake burn patients required daily 2.0 g / kg / day", "options": {"A": "Under mild stress, the heat required for the patient is 25 ~ 30 kcal / kg / day", "B": "Protein intake burn patients required daily 2.0 g / kg / day", "C": "Burn patients the daily caloric intake is 35 ~ 40 kcal / kg", "D": "Patients, caloric intake and moderate malnutrition nitrogen ratio of non-protein is 150: 1"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, with regard to breast Modified radical breast cancer surgery (modified radical mastectomy) treatment, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Sentinel lymph node sections (sentinel lymph node biopsy) can not avoid the axillary lymph node dissection surgery complications, commonly used to shorten the operation time", "options": {"A": "Modified radical mastectomy axillary lymph nodes containing clear, usually clears the range of level 1 and level 2", "B": "Axillary lymph node dissection in the anatomical position, the upper bound for the axillary vein (axillary vein), within the bound of the chest wall, the outside world for the latissimus dorsi", "C": "Axillary lymph clear surgical complications including pain, reduced range of motion, lymphedema, etc.", "D": "Sentinel lymph node sections (sentinel lymph node biopsy) can not avoid the axillary lymph node dissection surgery complications, commonly used to shorten the operation time"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A middle-aged woman with diabetes, sudden head pain, drooping left eyelid, double vision, dilated pupils, to seek emergency room treatment, sane, brain CT in the drawing, following the disposal of what are the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Hospital, immediately arrange the brain angiography", "options": {"A": "Hospital, immediately arrange the brain angiography", "B": "Blood close attention to changes in blood sugar", "C": "Hospital, check if there myasthenia gravis (myasthenia gravis)", "D": "MRI brain arrangements, and then decide whether to stay in hospital"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mrs. Chang's daughter, now 10 years old, since the semester began to frequent thirst, there are weight loss phenomenon. One day after fainting hospital, diagnostic get type 1 diabetes, the pancreas β (beta) cells were severely damaged, the lack of insulin, high blood sugar. The causes of disease Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Generating T cell autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β (beta) cells induced autoimmune diseases", "options": {"A": "Destruction of the pancreas gland infection, caused by excessive pancreatic function", "B": "Excessive intake of sugar, the pancreas caused by failure", "C": "Generating T cell autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β (beta) cells induced autoimmune diseases", "D": "Electrolyte metabolism disorders, caused pancreatic failure"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following most common protein after-translational modification (post-translational modification), and then sent to lysosomes (lysosome)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Glycosylation (glycosylation)", "options": {"A": "Glycosylation (glycosylation)", "B": "Phosphorylation (phosphorylation were)", "C": "Sumoylation (sumoylation)", "D": "Acetylation (acetylation)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 28-year-old AIDS patient complained of thigh number of stars 2-4 mm papules suddenly appeared, the center has umbilication phenomenon. Its skin biopsy As shown, the most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Molluscum contagiosum (molluscum contagiosum)", "options": {"A": "Common warts (verruca vulgaris)", "B": "Warts (verruca plana)", "C": "Molluscum contagiosum (molluscum contagiosum)", "D": "Tip genital warts (condyloma acuminata)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The decrease a patient after a fifty urine, the urine which sodium ions is less than 20 mOs / L, creatinine ratio greater than 40 plasma and urine, the urine decreased what is the problem?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Prerenal", "options": {"A": "Prerenal", "B": "Renal", "C": "postrenal", "D": "Not necessarily"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the problem, check the most likely outcome of the merger deformity is which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Neural tube defect", "options": {"A": "Down syndrome", "B": "Trisomy 13", "C": "Trisomy 18", "D": "Neural tube defect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Long-term patients taking antiepileptic drugs, most do not need to do the following scenarios blood drug concentration monitoring?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The combined use of non-interaction of drugs", "options": {"A": "Suspected patient medication does not", "B": "Seizures appear heavy volume status", "C": "Liver and kidney disease patients themselves", "D": "The combined use of non-interaction of drugs"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "75. ⼀ bit 46 year old man, was causing chest ⾎ chest with shock attack, chest tube drainage after a 700 ml ⾎ solution ⾎ pressure of 118/82 mmHg, Center Weighted jump at 90 / min, and after a bit ⾎ pressure decreased to 84 / 62 mmHg, Center Weighted jump at 126 / min, following the disposal of whichever top priority?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Face to reassess disease", "options": {"A": "Intubated immediately", "B": "Emergency thoracotomy", "C": "Immediately lose ⾎", "D": "Face to reassess disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following types of blood vessels was observed under an optical microscope, its inner spring plate (internal elastic lamina), and most obvious wavy?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Muscular arteries (muscular artery)", "options": {"A": "Elastic artery (elastic artery)", "B": "Muscular arteries (muscular artery)", "C": "Microvascular (capillary)", "D": "Venules (venule)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients complained of bilateral arm and thigh pain, which of the following is the most appropriate tool to check?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Isotope bone scan", "options": {"A": "Ultrasound", "B": "Computer tomography", "C": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "D": "Isotope bone scan"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 82-year-old patients with lung and bone cancer late in the peaceful transfer of wards, and has signed a DNR, complained of breathing difficulties, Which of the following is most suitable for disposal?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chest computed tomography examination arrangements", "options": {"A": "Chest computed tomography examination arrangements", "B": "Given lorazepam", "C": "Given oxygen treatment", "D": "Given codeine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The patients following a cardiac pacemaker (pacemaker), and were evaluated before anesthesia and preparation of narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Magnet placed on the chest in anesthesia pacemaker patients, the surgery can completely avoid interference with electrical burn hazards", "options": {"A": "Before non-cardiac surgery routine, should re-examine the function of the heart rhythm", "B": "Magnet placed on the chest in anesthesia pacemaker patients, the surgery can completely avoid interference with electrical burn hazards", "C": "Surgery should close the filter function electrocardiogram monitor, so as not detect rhythm discharge waveform (pacing spikes)", "D": "In addition to using ECG monitor operation, the ripple should be used in conjunction with monitor oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the pseudo brain tumor (pseudotumor cerebri), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Often associated with large ventricles", "options": {"A": "Often associated with large ventricles", "B": "Increased intracranial pressure, lumbar puncture pressure is often more than 200 mmH2O", "C": "There will be, as the mastoid edema (papilledema)", "D": "Medical treatment with steroids and diuretics-based"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the following functional gastrointestinal disorders (functional gastrointestinal disorders) narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "In functional gastrointestinal disorders and comorbid anxiety disorders in PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is the most frequently occurring", "options": {"A": "The patient has contracted the gastrointestinal tract abnormalities and functional gastrointestinal symptoms often associated with mental illness", "B": "Anxiety disorders are functional gastrointestinal disorders common psychiatric comorbidity", "C": "In functional gastrointestinal disorders and comorbid anxiety disorders in PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is the most frequently occurring", "D": "Panic attack symptoms also include gastrointestinal symptoms"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The main basis for the diagnosis of pathological mad ⽝ disease (Rabies) is observed:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Negri body", "options": {"A": "Lewy body", "B": "Kuru plaque", "C": "Negri body", "D": "Stress granules"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "20-year-old pregnant woman, G1P0, pregnancy 31 weeks, complained: headache, blurred vision day long. Blood pressure 200/140 mmHg, lower extremity edema (+++), proteinuria (++++), deep tendon reflexes (+++), the GOT rise, thrombocytopenia, hemolysis. May I ask why the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "HELLP syndrome", "options": {"A": "Hepatic coma", "B": "Kidney failure", "C": "Eclampsia", "D": "HELLP syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Goblet cells (goblet cells) of the conjunctiva, tear secretion that can be one component?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Mucus (mucin)", "options": {"A": "Fat (lipid)", "B": "Water (aqueous)", "C": "Mucus (mucin)", "D": "Electrolyte (electrolytes)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One patient because simple appendicitis (simple appendicitis) accepted appendectomy, surgery is no leakage of intestinal contents, which belong to the following surgical wound classification?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "clean-contaminated", "options": {"A": "clean", "B": "clean-contaminated", "C": "contaminated", "D": "dirty and infected"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "There's description of hiatal hernia, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "sliding hiatal hernia (type I) often associated with the symptoms of acid reflux", "options": {"A": "sliding hiatal hernia (type I) often associated with the symptoms of acid reflux", "B": "paraesophageal hiatal hernia refers to the belly of the large intestine, small intestine herniation to the chest", "C": "paraesophageal hiatal hernia with sliding hiatal hernia are two different situations do not occur simultaneously", "D": "Most of sliding hiatal hernia have to undergo surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Zhang Xiaodi is now the sixth grader, began about three years ago, he would be involuntary frown, eyes fluttering, grimacing and sound etc, and therefore often be corrected teacher. Recently more often on the mouth foul language, they can not control. In addition, the body of Science and neurological examination was normal, and no chronic diseases. The following clinical diagnosis whichever is most likely?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "妥瑞 Mr. syndrome (Tourette's disorder)", "options": {"A": "Hyperactive children (hyperkinetic child)", "B": "Full dystonia syndrome (generalized dystonia)", "C": "妥瑞 Mr. syndrome (Tourette's disorder)", "D": "Huntington's disease (Huntington's chorea)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Caused by prostate surgery may be complicated by reason of TURP syndrome, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Excessive bleeding", "options": {"A": "Circulating fluid overload", "B": "Water intoxication", "C": "The rinsing liquid solvent toxicity", "D": "Excessive bleeding"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "CT examination revealed extensive skull thickening (diffuse skull thickening), which of the following most will not happen?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus)", "options": {"A": "Acromegaly (acromegaly)", "B": "Mediterranean-type anemia (thalassemia)", "C": "Hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus)", "D": "Microcephaly (microcephaly)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Immune system to the presence of detection of tumor cells, and try to destroy it. The immune system interact with the tumor stage according to the order why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "→ → balance of the eradication of escape of", "options": {"A": "Of escape (escape phase) → equilibration period (equilibrium phase) → immune regulation of a tumor (immunoediting)", "B": "→ escape of the eradication of the (elimination phase) → balance of", "C": "→ → escape the equilibrium phase of the eradication of", "D": "→ → balance of the eradication of escape of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "And consumption of medical resources and configuration are more health indicators of why the relationship?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Disease prevalence", "options": {"A": "Disease prevalence", "B": "The incidence of the disease", "C": "Effective contact rate", "D": "Average life expectancy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When a patient is diagnosed with ureteral stone with water right kidney has the right, while the left kidney stones, but there are no left hydronephrosis; do you think the following description whichever is most appropriate treatment steps?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Prior to ESWL or ureteroscopy lithotripsy treatment of ureteral stones to the right, such as stone clearance, hydronephrosis eliminate kidney stones left after processing", "options": {"A": "First the stones is left to treat ESWL, stones and the like right after dissection treatment ureteral stones", "B": "Meanwhile purposes ESWL treatments for both sides of the stones", "C": "Prior to ESWL or ureteroscopy lithotripsy treatment of ureteral stones to the right, such as stone clearance, hydronephrosis eliminate kidney stones left after processing", "D": "First right ureter kidney stones pushed back, and then administered both sides of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 55 year old male diabetic patients with edema and proteinuria more than six grams a day, the patient merge proliferative retinopathy, which of the following disposal without immediate implementation?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Kidney tissue sections", "options": {"A": "Diuretics", "B": "Kidney tissue sections", "C": "Dietary salt restriction", "D": "Angiotensin receptor blockers (angiotensin receptor blocker)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Sulfonylureas principal mechanism of action to treat diabetes drugs turn why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Stimulate insulin secretion", "options": {"A": "Inhibition of insulin metabolic breakdown by the liver", "B": "Promote the biosynthesis and insulin sensitivity", "C": "Increase the number of insulin receptors of cells", "D": "Stimulate insulin secretion"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Children with severe aplastic anemia treatment options, the higher the cure rate following treatment of what?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Blood stem cell transplantation", "options": {"A": "Radiation treatment", "B": "Chemotherapy", "C": "Blood transfusion", "D": "Blood stem cell transplantation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a plasma protein that the liver is the major manufacturing sites?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "gamma] globin (γ-globulin)", "options": {"A": "Albumin (albumin)", "B": "beta] globin (β-globulin)", "C": "gamma] globin (γ-globulin)", "D": "Fibrinogen (fibrinogen)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A stroke (stroke) patients, the physical examination found that somatosensory (somatosensory) functional impairment of the side limbs, and muscle strength (muscle power) normal. Stroke lesions are most likely located:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Thalamus (thalamus)", "options": {"A": "Frontal lobe (frontal lobe)", "B": "Temporal lobe (temporal lobe)", "C": "Thalamus (thalamus)", "D": "Occipital lobe of the brain (occipital lobe)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related to acute respiratory distress syndrome (acute respiratory distress syndrome; ARDS) description of the clinical principles of the patient, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "In clinical strategies in patients with ARDS using high positive pressure breathing late (positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP) to enhance blood oxygen, has been identified as the most appropriate method and pressure, which can effectively improve mortality in patients with ARDS", "options": {"A": "In clinical strategies in patients with ARDS using high positive pressure breathing late (positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP) to enhance blood oxygen, has been identified as the most appropriate method and pressure, which can effectively improve mortality in patients with ARDS", "B": "Lying posture (prone position) can effectively improve the oxygen ARDS patients, but did not affect mortality", "C": "Lying posture (prone position) currently recommends continued use in patients with ARDS oxygen is too low", "D": "Use of inhaled nitric oxide (Inhaled NO) can now be used in sustained oxygen is too low ARDS patients, but had no effect on mortality following statements about 9 center retinal artery occlusion (central retinal artery occlusion) of, what's wrong?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Spinal cord injury patients about checking the narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Only patients with paralysis of the lower limbs, upper limbs properly, can completely eliminate cervical spine injury", "options": {"A": "If the patient, complete paralysis of the lower limbs, but normal nervous system, usually means cervical spine injuries", "B": "Only patients with paralysis of the lower limbs, upper limbs properly, can completely eliminate cervical spine injury", "C": "Patients within 48 to 72 hours after traumatic limb can retain the motor or sensory, it usually indicates better prognosis", "D": "Any patient with spinal cord injuries, the primary consideration is not any movement of the neck"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When using the lower class that a treatment for Parkinson's disease drugs, urine and saliva often brownish situation?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "levodopa", "options": {"A": "selegiline", "B": "levodopa", "C": "amantadine", "D": "bromocriptine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 15-year-old girl complained in the past few months have intermittent fever, wrist and ankle pain. Urine examination revealed hematuria (hematuria), proteinuria (proteinuria) and pyuria (pyuria). Which of the following tests to diagnose the most helpful?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibody", "options": {"A": "Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibody", "B": "Throat beta hemolytic streptococcus group A (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus) Culture", "C": "Urine culture", "D": "Erythrocyte rate of precipitation (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Patients second complete cervical spinal cord injury, requires the following aids and what was not included?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Bold spoon handle", "options": {"A": "Mouth-controlled electric wheelchair", "B": "Voice-activated computer", "C": "Bold spoon handle", "D": "Respirator"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "35 year old man, who lives in the mountains, sweeping home after a typhoon near the ditch, then noticed a lot of dead rats, a week later due to jaundice, dark urine and fever were sent to the emergency, the most likely pathogens are:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Leptospirosis (Leptospira species)", "options": {"A": "Leptospirosis (Leptospira species)", "B": "Intestinal virus (enterovirus)", "C": "Influenza virus (influenza virus)", "D": "Dengue virus (dengue virus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Why is relatively rare infection within a month of surgery kidney transplant?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "BK virus(polyoma)", "options": {"A": "BK virus(polyoma)", "B": "Urinary tract infections", "C": "oral candidiasis", "D": "herpesvirus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following drugs can be used as an abortifacient?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Dinoprostone", "options": {"A": "Alprostadil", "B": "Dinoprostone", "C": "Epoprostenol", "D": "Iloprost"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, at the end of treatment, the patient suddenly unilateral leg swelling, slightly dark complexion, no depression (non-pitting) when the contact pressure, no local heat generation, no patients and no abnormal blood coagulation embolism record, the The following diagnosis and treatment whichever is more correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Trousseau's syndrome, anticoagulant agents and anti-cancer drugs administered", "options": {"A": "Deep vein thrombosis, heparin anticoagulant administration", "B": "Lower extremity edema, diuretics", "C": "Trousseau's syndrome, anticoagulant agents and anti-cancer drugs administered", "D": "Deep vein thrombosis, administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator thrombolytic agent"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following symptoms not caused by Kesha Qi A virus (Coxsackie A virus) are?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Pleural pain (pleurodynia)", "options": {"A": " rash angina (herpangina)", "B": "Heart inflammation (carditis)", "C": "Pleural pain (pleurodynia)", "D": "Meningitis (meningitis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "76.7-year-old boy due to sudden high fever, difficulty swallowing medical treatment, in contrast agent injection after receiving CT scan As shown, the arrow within the meaning of the lesions most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "After throat abscess", "options": {"A": "Tonsillitis", "B": "After throat abscess", "C": "Throat Cancer", "D": "Thyroid bladders"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Low blood sodium (hyponatremia) Which of the following diseases caused by blood diluted with nothing to do?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)", "options": {"A": "Cirrhosis (liver cirrhosis)", "B": "Congestive heart failure (congestive heart failure)", "C": "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)", "D": "Nephrotic syndrome (nephrotic syndrome)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, the above diagnosis of the best surgical treatment for:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Hypothalamic stimulation (subthalamic stimulation)", "options": {"A": "Pallidotomy (pallidotomy) or cautery", "B": "Thalamus stimulation (thalamic stimulation)", "C": "Hypothalamic stimulation (subthalamic stimulation)", "D": "Stimulation cerebral cortex (cortical stimulation)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following about the cause of the diarrhea and Clostridium difficile disease of narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Relapse rate (recurrence rate) after therapy is often less than 5%", "options": {"A": "Healthy newborns asymptomatic intestinal colonization (asymptomatic fecal carriage) is not uncommon", "B": "Usually of healthcare-related infections", "C": "Use of antimicrobial agents induce the disease is the main cause of", "D": "Relapse rate (recurrence rate) after therapy is often less than 5%"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The use of retinal laser (laser photocoagulation) the efficacy of the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which of the following is not included?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Prevents capillary hemangioma (microaneurysms) of occurrence", "options": {"A": "Prevents capillary hemangioma (microaneurysms) of occurrence", "B": "May cause retinal neovascularization (neovascularization) regression of", "C": "Can slow the progression of traction retinal detachment (tractional retinal detachment) of", "D": "Can reduce the chance of vitreous hemorrhage (vitreous hemorrhage) of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "21-year-old man seeking treatment because of lumps on the neck, after the acceptance of computer tomography contrast agent injection as shown in the monitor, the most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "⿐ pharyngeal cancer", "options": {"A": "⿐ pharyngeal cancer", "B": "Lymphangioma", "C": "Upper respiratory tract infection", "D": "Deep neck infections"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following action neuromuscular blocker skeletal muscle is the direct inhibition of intracellular calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum skeletal muscle relaxants,?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Dantrolene", "options": {"A": "Baclofen", "B": "Dantrolene", "C": "Pancuronium", "D": "Atracurium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a sex-linked genetic diseases (sex-linked recessive)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Qiuxin Shi muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy)", "options": {"A": "Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy)", "B": "Myotonia disease (myotonic dystrophy)", "C": "Qiuxin Shi muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy)", "D": "Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypokalemic periodic paralysis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not the Framingham Heart Study to estimate the risk of cardiovascular disease indicators decade?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Diastolic blood pressure", "options": {"A": "Total cholesterol", "B": "High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)", "C": "Diastolic blood pressure", "D": "Smoking habit"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What blood pressure lowering drugs following mechanism of action is via a pathway NO-cGMP?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Nitroprusside", "options": {"A": "Verapamil", "B": "Trimethaphan", "C": "Diazoxide", "D": "Nitroprusside"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following that dural venous sinus (dural venous sinuses) of blood is injected directly into the internal jugular vein (internal jugular vein)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Sigmoid sinus (sigmoid sinus)", "options": {"A": "Sigmoid sinus (sigmoid sinus)", "B": "Sangam sinus (superior petrosal sinus)", "C": "Transverse sinus (transverse sinus)", "D": "Occipital sinus (occipital sinus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the eyelid malignancies, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "⽪ fat adenocarcinoma shoots as usual predilection lower eyelid", "options": {"A": "Basal cell carcinomas (basal cell carcinoma) made of the most ADVANCED ⽣", "B": "Squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) shoots as usual basal cell carcinoma prognosis than the difference", "C": "⽪ aliphatic adenocarcinoma (sebaceous gland carcinoma) clinically misdiagnosed as chronic blepharitis or chalazia (chalazion)", "D": "⽪ fat adenocarcinoma shoots as usual predilection lower eyelid"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following description of related hemorrhagic stroke, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Hypertension caused by hemorrhagic stroke occurs most often in the parietal lobe of cerebral cortex", "options": {"A": "The abnormal blood vessels in the brain can cause hemorrhagic stroke", "B": "Abnormal function of blood coagulation can cause hemorrhagic stroke", "C": "Hemorrhagic stroke can also occur in young people", "D": "Hypertension caused by hemorrhagic stroke occurs most often in the parietal lobe of cerebral cortex"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "45. a worker working in A, B, C, respectively place 2.5,3,2.5 hours, the toluene concentration if it were 40,150,20 ppm, which is the amount of the average concentration (TWA) that?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "75 ppm", "options": {"A": "70 ppm", "B": "74 ppm", "C": "75 ppm", "D": "80 ppm"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 21-year-old male patient with chest pain and breathing difficulties to come for treatment, chest X-rays as shown, following the disposal of what is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Insert a chest tube drainage", "options": {"A": "Acute administration of antibiotics", "B": "Inhalation administration of bronchodilator", "C": "Insert a chest tube drainage", "D": "Given oxygen therapy, and observation of the disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Decision capability, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "According to time \"palliative care regulations\" conscious coma or terminally-ill patients can not clearly expressed will of proxy in accordance with the best interests of patients by health care professionals", "options": {"A": "A person may have the ability to decide to choose the residence, but no ability to decide what treatment to accept", "B": "According to time \"palliative care regulations\" conscious coma or terminally-ill patients can not clearly expressed will of proxy in accordance with the best interests of patients by health care professionals", "C": "\"Patient autonomy\" and the ethical principle of \"respect for human dignity\" requires the ability to let people have decided to exercise informed consent to medical", "D": "A person may be because of insanity temporarily lost the ability to decide, but later recover this ability"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Law Rockwell Snap disease (Tetralogy of Fallot) after full correction, long-term follow if severe pulmonary valve regurgitant flow, right ventricular enlargement, and right ventricular function fails, then the best way to deal with what?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Pulmonary valve replacement", "options": {"A": "Atrial septum colostomy (creation of atrial septal defect)", "B": "Pulmonary valve replacement", "C": "Tricuspid valve replacement", "D": "Pulmonary hypertension-lowering drugs"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not an HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) mode of transmission?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Sharing utensils", "options": {"A": "Not using condoms throughout sex", "B": "Sharing needles Shi fight drugs", "C": "Sharing utensils", "D": "Are HIV infected mothers breastfeed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "16.3-year-old boy, because of a sore throat accompanied by difficulty swallowing and breathing to the emergency room, physician-examination, he discovered significant blockage of sound each time you inhale, lateral neck X-rays (lateral neck x-ray) report shows epiglottis swelling (swollen epiglottis), this is most likely caused by a bacterial infection which of the following?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Haemophilus influenzae type b (Haemophilus influenzae type b)", "options": {"A": "Haemophilus influenzae type b (Haemophilus influenzae type b)", "B": "Streptococcus agalactiae (Streptococcus agalactiae)", "C": "Neisseria meningitidis (Neisseria meningitidis)", "D": "Monocytogenes Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Most vascular tumors (hemangioma) starts to degrade at what age?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "12 to 18 months", "options": {"A": "1 month", "B": "3 to 6 months", "C": "6 to 9 months", "D": "12 to 18 months"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "19 A 40-year-old man, who because of abnormal liver function blood tests, to be informed of the results as positive for anti-HDV reaction, the patient was most likely a viral infection as well as which of the following? (HDV represents the hepatitis D virus)", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hepatitis B virus", "options": {"A": "Hepatitis A virus", "B": "Hepatitis B virus", "C": "Hepatitis C virus", "D": "Hepatitis E virus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pyrazinamide in an acidic environment can be effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity, it is often combined with other drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis patients, but the real antibiotic active form that must be hydrolyzed to pyrazinoic acid. This hydrolysis reaction is to be carried out in what organ?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "liver", "options": {"A": "heart", "B": "liver", "C": "kidney", "D": "spleen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Over 1 year old normal child should still maintain that one of the following reaction or reflection?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "parachute reaction", "options": {"A": "palmar grasp reflex", "B": "parachute reaction", "C": "rooting reflex", "D": "symmetric tonic neck reflex(STNR) 72."}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about late-onset hypogonadism (late onset hypogonadism), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "There must treat only symptoms", "options": {"A": "8:00 to testosterone secretion reached a peak to 10pm", "B": "Seminiferous tubule testosterone secreted by the endothelial cell testicular entrant", "C": "There must treat only symptoms", "D": "Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients may supplement testosterone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "No spore-forming anaerobic (non-sporeforming anaerobes) infect humans, the most common form of the disease that caused the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Tissue necrosis and abscess (abscess)", "options": {"A": "Food poisoning (food poisoning)", "B": "Hemolytic anemia (hemolytic anemia)", "C": "Tissue necrosis and abscess (abscess)", "D": "Autoimmune disease (autoimmune diseases)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "1875-year-old Wang, due to high blood pressure medication to control blood pressure is 130/70 mmHg. Three days due to prostate hypertrophy, and serving to open Urology α-blocker, and fainting (syncope) occurs when getting up in the morning, the natural wake up after 2 minutes. Family members did not find urine, fecal incontinence phenomenon. Syncope patients most likely reason why?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Postural hypotension (orthostatic hypotension)", "options": {"A": "Postural hypotension (orthostatic hypotension)", "B": "VF (ventricular fibrillation)", "C": "Cardiogenic shock (cardiogenic shock)", "D": "Seizures (seizure)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "⼀ bit 61 year old man ⻑ of Use diazepam 50 ~ 60 mg a day for 15 years, if immediately after Stop Using the service, Which of the following is the most correct description?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Convulsions hair as more severe the withdrawal symptoms", "options": {"A": "Center Weighted slow stroke", "B": "Withdrawal symptoms do not appear in Disables five days after", "C": "Convulsions hair as more severe the withdrawal symptoms", "D": "Withdrawal symptoms as not producing ⽣ delirium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "73.15-year-old car accident injuries complained of left upper abdominal pain, and gradually showing a state of shock. Computer tomography figures. Arrows indicate abnormal that best meets one of the following diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "spleen laceration", "options": {"A": "spleen laceration", "B": "pancreas laceration", "C": "kidney laceration", "D": "diaphragm laceration"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Immunoglobulin heavy chain (immunoglobulin heavy chain) primary embryonic gene sequence (germline sequence) that may be present in these cells?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "T cells", "options": {"A": "Mature B cells", "B": "The activation of B cells", "C": "Plasma cells (plasma cell)", "D": "T cells"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Celiac disease and Crohn's disease are two kinds of inflammatory bowel disease, the following comparison between the two about what's right?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Inflammation caused by IFN-γ, in which the two diseases have played an important role", "options": {"A": "The former is a strong symbiotic bacteria to the intestinal inflammation, the latter because of food allergies caused by wheat for", "B": "The former may NOD-2 molecule with loss of function related, the latter mainly with the performance of related HLA-DQ2 molecule", "C": "Inflammation caused by IFN-γ, in which the two diseases have played an important role", "D": "Extensive use of antibiotics to remove most of the symbiotic bacteria, can treat these two diseases"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "77. The following information about the unit cell tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) infection with the human narrative, there are several narrative wrong? I.e. rapid onset weeks after final ① human host (final host) ② package most likely to form green balloon (hydatid cyst) ③ uncured belt due to eating beef infected insect ④ infected muscle", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "4", "options": {"A": "1", "B": "2", "C": "3", "D": "4"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "5835-year-old female patient, the complaints of palpitations, nervous, reduce the weight of 10 kg in six months. Physical examination found easy hand-shaking, sweating. Neck thyroid easy to see when swallowing. TSH (TSH) undetectable. Which of the following is the most important examination to determine the cause of this case?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Thyroid uptake of iodine 131 imaging", "options": {"A": "Thyroid ultrasound", "B": "Thyroid uptake of iodine 131 imaging", "C": "Fine-needle aspiration cytology", "D": "Neck tomography"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following oral hypoglycemic drugs, will not cause Tizhongzengjia of what kind?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "metformin", "options": {"A": "glyburide", "B": "metformin", "C": "pioglitazone", "D": "repaglinide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The most common sites of metastasis of breast cancer to which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "skeleton", "options": {"A": "The brain", "B": "skeleton", "C": "Lung", "D": "liver"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Lumbar disc herniation, 90% occurred in that place?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "L4-5 and L5-S1", "options": {"A": "L1-2 and L2-3", "B": "L2-3 and L3-4", "C": "L3-4 and L4-5", "D": "L4-5 and L5-S1"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Simply to chlorination of drinking water, poor response to one of the following pathogens that effect?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Pear-shaped flagellates (Giardia)", "options": {"A": "Pear-shaped flagellates (Giardia)", "B": "Salmonella (Salmonella)", "C": "Shigella (Shigella)", "D": "E. coli (Esherichia Coli)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related leukemia (leukemia) describes pathological changes of various organs, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (chronic lymphoid leukemia) infiltration of the liver sinusoidal shape in that the gap", "options": {"A": "Acute myeloid leukemia (acute myeloid leukemia) in monocyte differentiation of subtypes may be more invasive skin and appendages configured", "B": "Acute lymphocytic leukemia (acute lymphoid leukemia) more common than acute myelogenous leukemia in the central nervous", "C": "Green tumors (chloroma) and more will progress to acute myeloid leukemia", "D": "Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (chronic lymphoid leukemia) infiltration of the liver sinusoidal shape in that the gap"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "PR pitch about the electrocardiogram (PR interval), the most unlikely to represent that part of the following cardiac cycle?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ventricular depolarization (ventricular depolarization)", "options": {"A": "Atrial depolarization (atrial depolarization)", "B": "Atrial repolarization (atrial repolarization)", "C": "Atrioventricular delay cells (atrioventricular delay)", "D": "Ventricular depolarization (ventricular depolarization)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-major diseases Staphylococcus bacteria (Staphylococcus species) caused?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Gastric ulcer (gastric ulcer)", "options": {"A": "Food poisoning (food poisoning)", "B": "Impetigo (impetigo)", "C": "Scalded skin syndrome-like (scalded skin syndrome)", "D": "Gastric ulcer (gastric ulcer)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About syphilis narrative Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Secondary syphilis rash typically occurs in 3 to 12 weeks after the chancre appears, but the time may occur in HIV patients overlap and chancre", "options": {"A": "Treponema (Treponema pallidum) may be utilized with other microscopic nonvenereal diseases differential diagnosis of treponemes", "B": "After two treated syphilis rash, rash usually fade 4 to 12 weeks", "C": "Secondary syphilis rash typically occurs in 3 to 12 weeks after the chancre appears, but the time may occur in HIV patients overlap and chancre", "D": "Blood-specific treponemal test is the best indicator to monitor the effect of treatment of syphilis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "77 patients in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder), the central nervous system stimulant often used (central stimulants), which of the following do not belong to these drugs?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Nortriptyline", "options": {"A": "Dextroamphetamine", "B": "Methylphenidate", "C": "Nortriptyline", "D": "Pemoline"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pneumoconiosis and malignant mesothelioma (malignant mesothelioma) is the most relevant material:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "asbestos", "options": {"A": "carbon", "B": "lead", "C": "Silicon", "D": "asbestos"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following phenomena that best shows the DNA is the genetic material?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The conversion of DNA (transformation) to change the bacterial phenotype (phenotype)", "options": {"A": "Biosynthesis of RNA as a template to be single-stranded DNA", "B": "The conversion of DNA (transformation) to change the bacterial phenotype (phenotype)", "C": "DNA present in prokaryotes", "D": "DNA is present in all eukaryotic nucleus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about anti-epileptic drugs oxcarbazepine, and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Having strong inducing activity of hepatic cytochrome P450 role than carbamazepine", "options": {"A": "Mainly by its metabolite 10-hydroxy-carbazepine (MHD) to produce antiepileptic", "B": "Its pharmacological mode of action similar to carbamazepine, but relatively less serious side effects occur", "C": "Having strong inducing activity of hepatic cytochrome P450 role than carbamazepine", "D": "Use oxcarbazepine than carbamazepine Rongyifasheng hyponatremia (hyponatremia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The aging process in many physiological changes occur in the elderly over 80 years of normal, which of the following changes is incorrect or rare?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Renin (renin) aldosterone and adrenal cortex (aldosterone) secretion", "options": {"A": "Reducing the number of cardiac sinus (sino-atrial node) of the rhythm of cells (pacemaker cells) up to 90%", "B": "Renin (renin) aldosterone and adrenal cortex (aldosterone) secretion", "C": "About 50% can be found in diverticula (diverticula) in the gut", "D": "Arterial oxygen partial pressure of about 70-75 mm Hg 21 Which of the following is not the most common in elderly patients?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following will occur due to the acidic chyme in the small intestine and secreted?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Secretin (secretin)", "options": {"A": "GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide)", "B": "Gastrin (gastrin)", "C": "Hunger hormone (ghrelin)", "D": "Secretin (secretin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to construct the deep fascia (deep fascia) of?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Meniscus (meniscus)", "options": {"A": "Fascia lata (fascia lata)", "B": "Meniscus (meniscus)", "C": "Iliotibial band (iliotibial tract)", "D": "Plantar fascia (plantar aponeurosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "S-D sequence (Shine-Dalgarno sequence) is located AG starting point mRNA translation (translation initiation site) upstream of rich sequence (AG rich sequence), its function Why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "May be combined with 'terminal sequence of 16S ribosomal RNA 3, so that translation of mRNA as a starting point in order to facilitate the correct alignment of the transcript expression were", "options": {"A": "With 23S ribosomal RNA (ribosomal RNA) to the 3 'end of the binding sequence, a promoter region (promoter region) in the proper alignment for the mRNA transcript expression is Eli", "B": "May be combined with 'terminal sequence of 16S ribosomal RNA 3, so that the promoter region of the mRNA for the correct performance of the arrangement is to facilitate translation", "C": "May be combined with 'terminal sequence of 23S ribosomal RNA 3, so that translation of mRNA as a starting point in order to facilitate the correct alignment of the transcript expression were", "D": "May be combined with 'terminal sequence of 16S ribosomal RNA 3, so that translation of mRNA as a starting point in order to facilitate the correct alignment of the transcript expression were"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "34. The following information about hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC; also known as Lynch's syndrome) common clinical pathology and molecular genetic variation, what's wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The median age at diagnosis of colorectal cancer patients with HNPCC, colorectal cancer, diagnosed in the general population than other older median age is more", "options": {"A": "The median age at diagnosis of colorectal cancer patients with HNPCC, colorectal cancer, diagnosed in the general population than other older median age is more", "B": "HNPCC family members of the patient's hair Ye ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, or other gastrointestinal cancers", "C": "HNPCC germline mutations of hMSH2 and hMLH1 or related", "D": "HMSH2 or hMLH1 gene mutation will cause defects of intracellular DNA mismatch repair mechanisms"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not the peritoneum (peritoneum) derivatives?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ovarian ligament", "options": {"A": "Broad ligament", "B": "Ovarian mesangial", "C": "Ovarian ligament", "D": "Mesosalpinx"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the drowning of emergency patients, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The most important result is the pathological hypoxic", "options": {"A": "The most important result is the pathological hypoxic", "B": "Water should be removed as soon as the respiratory tract, as soon as possible the implementation of Heimlich aid", "C": "Method should be used to mention the chin to open the airway, and the routine use of the collar for each patient drowning", "D": "Emergency patient drowning, should the water began to do CPR, then swim toward the shore side"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Suppressing drugs acyclovir Herpes simplex , its underlying Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Virus thymidine kinase (thymidine kinase)", "options": {"A": "Direct destruction of the virus composition, structure solution resulting from virus", "B": "Released to prevent the virus from host cell", "C": "Virus thymidine kinase (thymidine kinase)", "D": "Synthetase inhibition of viral RNA (RNA Polymerase) effect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following thyroid nodules (thyroid nodule) checks should not give priority to whichever?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Masako photographic examination", "options": {"A": "Ultrasound and fine needle aspiration cytology", "B": "Substernal thyroid tumors as CT or MRI", "C": "Masako photographic examination", "D": "Thyroid nuclear medicine scan (Scanning) for follicular tumors and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were low"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When comparing the first type and second type of skeletal muscle fibers, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "A first fiber easily fatigued", "options": {"A": "Mitochondria content of the first fiber type rich", "B": "A first fiber easily fatigued", "C": "Myosin content of the first type of fiber rich", "D": "Microvascular content of the first type of fiber rich"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The patient may be configured to be pressed by any of the following blood clot, causing further compression of the brainstem and the symptoms?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hook (uncus)", "options": {"A": "Cerebellar tonsils (cerebellar tonsil)", "B": "Hook (uncus)", "C": "The corpus callosum (corpus callosum)", "D": "Hypothalamus (hypothalamus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "78 a 72-year-old man appeared in the peripheral blood nucleated red blood cells. Patients of direct and indirect antiglobulin test (direct and indirect Coombs test) were negative. Which of the following is the most likely reason?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Bone marrow cancer metastasis", "options": {"A": "Bone marrow cancer metastasis", "B": "Chronic alcoholism", "C": "Gastrointestinal malabsorption", "D": "Chronic blood loss"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "23 a 15-year-old girl came to the clinic complaining of fever three weeks, weight loss, general malaise, physical checkups found erythema bilateral cheek. In the case of suspected systemic lupus erythematosus, which of the following test results meet one of eleven diagnostic criteria American College of Rheumatology (ACR) published?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "positive anticardiolipin IgG and IgM", "options": {"A": "Lymphocyte 2200 / mm3", "B": "24 hours creatinine clearance rate (creatinine clearance rate) 45 ml / min / 1.73 m2", "C": "positive anticardiolipin IgG and IgM", "D": "Complement C3: 60 mg / dL, C4: 9.87 mg / dL"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For the following description of \"red pulp of the spleen (red pulp)\" of what is correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Rich blood", "options": {"A": "Lymph nodules (lymphatic nodule) Composition", "B": "Located in the cortex", "C": "Rich blood", "D": "The main function is to filter the lymph"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following clinical situations patients developed metabolic acidosis (Metabolic acidosis) merger, the highest possible chance of Inborn errors of metabolism of?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "3 weeks large newborns, has been vomiting, not eating, poor vitality. Lactic acid blood Anion gap and increased; Urine Ketones 4+", "options": {"A": "3 weeks large newborns, has been vomiting, not eating, poor vitality. Lactic acid blood Anion gap and increased; Urine Ketones 4+", "B": "10-month-old baby boy persistent diarrhea for three days. Chlorine and high blood appear normal Anion gap", "C": "3-year-old boy five days of high fever and poor appetite. Increased blood leukocytes", "D": "8 year-old girl to eat, drink, polyuria but weight loss. Blood glucose 410 mg / dL, blood showing Anion gap increases"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "45-year-old pregnant woman, G5P4, gestational age is unknown, accepted obstetric ultrasound examination, what is being measured (between Double Ten) the name of the subject matter?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "FL(femur length)", "options": {"A": "BPD(biparietal diameter)", "B": "AC(abdominal circumference)", "C": "FL(femur length)", "D": "NT(nuchal translucency)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Face TCR on the zoomed portion of mature T cells in vivo α-chain and β-chain is composed, so called αβ T cells. When the specific DNA sequence of TCR α-chain and βchain found βchain than a plurality α-chain gene fragments which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "D", "options": {"A": "V", "B": "D", "C": "J", "D": "C"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is located directly behind the uterus?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "oviduct", "options": {"A": "Ovary", "B": "bladder", "C": "rectum", "D": "oviduct"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "65 Which of the following for the purpose of cardiac rehabilitation? ① ② enhance cardiac function in the treatment of heart disease ③ ④ reduce the occurrence of disabilities to find and improve risk factors\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "①②③④", "options": {"A": "Only ① and ②", "B": "Only ③ and ④", "C": "Only ①②③", "D": "①②③④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about room water (aqueous humour) of, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Formation of aqueous humor in the anterior chamber, the pupil, flows into the discharge room", "options": {"A": "Aqueous humor is secreted at the plasma (secretion) is formed in the ciliary body (cilicary body)", "B": "Approximately 90% of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork (trabecular meshwork) discharging the eye", "C": "About 10% of aqueous humor through the uveoscleral path (uveoscleral route) discharging the eye", "D": "Formation of aqueous humor in the anterior chamber, the pupil, flows into the discharge room"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "α- amino acid in the amino (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH), which pKa values ​​of 2 and 10, when the pH is near neutral amino accept a proton (Proton), while the loss of a carboxyl group a proton, such a state or a phenomenon known as:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Zwitterionic (zwitterions)", "options": {"A": "Isomerism (isomerization)", "B": "Neutralization phenomenon (neutralization)", "C": "Zwitterionic (zwitterions)", "D": "Stereoisomerism (stereoisomerization)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of childhood absence epilepsy (childhood absence epilepsy), and Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Benign primary generalized epilepsy (idiopathic generalized epilepsy) one", "options": {"A": "Occur in 1-3 years old", "B": "Often accompanied by intellectual impairment or neurological abnormalities", "C": "4 to 6 times per spike - slow wave complexes (4-to 6-Hz spike-and-wave complexes) (EEG) of the performance of its characteristic EEG", "D": "Benign primary generalized epilepsy (idiopathic generalized epilepsy) one"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Iron-sulfur protein (iron-sulfur protein) protein is an electronic transfer, the following related statements is not correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "There 3Fe-3S cluster", "options": {"A": "Belonging to the non-heme iron protein", "B": "Most of the iron-sulfur cluster (iron-sulfur cluster) ligand (ligand) is cysteine", "C": "Rieske protein belong to this protein", "D": "There 3Fe-3S cluster"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a foreign body esophagus (esophageal foreign body) parts most likely to get stuck?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Cricopharyngeus sphincter (cricopharyngeal sphincter) the stenosis", "options": {"A": "Cricopharyngeus sphincter (cricopharyngeal sphincter) the stenosis", "B": "Aortic stenosis area across the esophagus caused", "C": "At one-third of the esophagus", "D": "Lower esophageal sphincter (lower esophageal sphincter) narrow zone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "73.13-year-old female patient, the next menstruation and lower abdominal pain, and therefore accept the CT examination, the results as shown below. The most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Abnormal uterine merger integration hymen is not perforated (uterine fusion abnormality with imperforated hymen)", "options": {"A": "Uterine fibroids (uterine myoma)", "B": "Endometrial cancer (endometrial cancer)", "C": "Tubo-ovarian abscess (tubo-ovarian abscess)", "D": "Abnormal uterine merger integration hymen is not perforated (uterine fusion abnormality with imperforated hymen)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About glycogen synthase (glycogen synthase) involved in glycogen synthesis of narrative, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Glucose residues (α1 → 4) bonded ⾄ chain glycogen (glycogen chain) of the non-reducing end", "options": {"A": "This enzyme can be activated by phosphorylation,", "B": "This enzyme exists only in the liver", "C": "Lee Using glucose-6-phosphate as a supplier of glucose units", "D": "Glucose residues (α1 → 4) bonded ⾄ chain glycogen (glycogen chain) of the non-reducing end"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When dealing with acute chest pain patients, which of the following items should be the first priority execution?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Respiration, pulse, blood pressure", "options": {"A": "Respiration, pulse, blood pressure", "B": "History", "C": "Body checkup", "D": "ECG"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "48 As illustrated, playing not applied CT cross section image of the developer, in the right hemisphere of the frontal and parietal lobes, there is a wide range of low-density lesions, the left and the center line structure, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Cerebral infarction (cerebral infarct)", "options": {"A": "Encephalitis (encephalitis)", "B": "Cerebral infarction (cerebral infarct)", "C": "Brain contusion (brain contusion)", "D": "Brain tumors (brain tumor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is NOT affect poor prognostic factor for endometrial cancer?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "young", "options": {"A": "The deep muscle layer of the uterus invasion", "B": "Tumor grade 3", "C": "young", "D": "Lymphatic vascular space invasion (lymph-vascular space invasion)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Breast cancer screening recommendations in accordance with the Ministry of Health and Welfare National Health Department's health 55 years old menopausal women, regular follow-up project to which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Breast X-ray photography biennial", "options": {"A": "Perform breast ultrasound examination every six months", "B": "Annual breast X-ray photography", "C": "Each year breast ultrasound examination", "D": "Breast X-ray photography biennial"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Treatment of chronic kidney disease (chronic kidney disease) combined of hypertension, the drug of choice is:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) or angiotensin receptor blockers (angiotensin receptor blockers)", "options": {"A": "Diuretics (diuretics)", "B": "Calcium channel blockers (calcium channel blockers)", "C": "β- blockers (β-blockers)", "D": "Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) or angiotensin receptor blockers (angiotensin receptor blockers)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Acute cholangitis refers to the biliary system bacterial infection, clinical symptoms range from mild to life-threatening self-healing is possible, whichever non-Charcot's triad?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Awareness delirium (delirium)", "options": {"A": "Fever (fever)", "B": "Jaundice (jaundice)", "C": "Abdominal pain (abdominal pain)", "D": "Awareness delirium (delirium)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For a description of the glomerular filtration tubular reabsorption of sodium ions in solution, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Heinz basolateral membrane tubes may use uplink segment asperata Sodium - Potassium - chloride cotransporter (Na-K-2Cl cotransporter) of 30% sodium reabsorption glomerular filtration liquid", "options": {"A": "60% sodium glomerular filtration liquid is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule", "B": "Heinz basolateral membrane tubes may use uplink segment asperata Sodium - Potassium - chloride cotransporter (Na-K-2Cl cotransporter) of 30% sodium reabsorption glomerular filtration liquid", "C": "Sodium distal tubule (distal convoluted tubule) will make use of a top film (apical membrane) of - chloro cotransporter (Na-Cl cotransporter) 7% sodium reabsorption glomerular filtration liquid", "D": "Collecting duct (collecting duct) will make use of the epithelial sodium channel in the apical membrane (epithelial sodium channel) sodium reabsorption 3% solution of glomerular filtration"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following amino acids can be metabolized into α-ketoglutarate, and then enter the citric acid cycle?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Proline", "options": {"A": "Glycine", "B": "Proline", "C": "Alanine", "D": "Tyrosine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Neurotransmission following that one may be the most direct to promote nerve endings of acetylcholine (acetylcholine) release?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Voltage-gated calcium channel (voltage-gated calcium ion channel) is opened", "options": {"A": "Voltage-gated sodium ion channels (voltage-gated sodium ion channel) is opened", "B": "Voltage-gated potassium channel (voltage-gated potassium ion channel) is opened", "C": "Voltage-gated calcium channel (voltage-gated calcium ion channel) is opened", "D": "Magnesium voltage-gated ion channels (voltage-gated magnesium ion channel) 50 Please indicate open whichever is not RNA (ribonucleic acid, RNA) characteristics?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to the World Medical clubs developed by Helsinki Declaration (Declaration of Helsinki), to take into account the medical care of medical research, the following recommendations on what's most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "The physician may combine medical research with medical care, but this is only limited to this case study has potential prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic value", "options": {"A": "Should clearly distinguish between health care and medical research, in order to avoid responsibility unclear, to ensure the interests of patients", "B": "Medical research is to enhance the level of care required, so teaching hospitals, all medical care should contain some degree of medical research", "C": "The physician may combine medical research with medical care, but this is only limited to this case study has potential prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic value", "D": "No recommendations"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "If the employee \"for the work of self-control\" (control) and \"workload\" (demand) classification, which of the following combination of highest occupational stress?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Low control, high load", "options": {"A": "High control, high load", "B": "High control, low load", "C": "Low control, low load", "D": "Low control, high load"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Thyroid epithelial cells iodide thyroglobulin (iodinated thyroglobulin) thyroxine decomposed into cells is:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Lysosomes (lysosomes)", "options": {"A": "Lysosomes (lysosomes)", "B": "Peroxisome (peroxisomes)", "C": "Mitochondria (Mitochondria)", "D": "Golgi apparatus (Golgi complex)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "22 a 16-year-old male, physical examination, chest X-ray found that pulmonary vascular shadow expanded, normal heart size, physical examination, auscultation of the intercostal 2/6 of systolic heart murmur on the left, in a fixed split second heart sound tone (fixed splitting) , the most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Atrial septal defect", "options": {"A": "Pulmonary stenosis", "B": "Aortic stenosis", "C": "Ventricular septal defect", "D": "Atrial septal defect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "77. One 56-year-old woman, returned from New York to Taipei aircraft en route syncope (syncope), after the plane because of shortness of breath to the emergency department, she was a similar situation never happened before, usually nor specific diseases, physical examination revealed blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, heart rate 126 beats / min, respiration 28 / min, temperature 37.2 deg.] C, breath sounds and heart sounds are normal, limbs freely, no swelling, administered five minutes after 40% oxygen, pH of arterial gas analysis = 7.48, PaO2 = 70mmHg, PaCO2 = 28mmHg, O2 saturation = 92%, you should check one of the following arrangements that the most appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Rapid injection developer chest spiral CT examination", "options": {"A": "Cardiac ultrasonography", "B": "Venous duplex ultrasonogram", "C": "Rapid injection developer chest spiral CT examination", "D": "Aortic angiography"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Trauma scoring system (Injury Severity Score, ISS) is to assess the severity of trauma patients frequently-used ratings shutter mode; scoring system following trauma for the statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Injury Severity Score (ISS) is ⼀ kind ⽣ rational scoring system (physiological scoring system)", "options": {"A": "Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), proposed in 1971, will be the site of injury severity, divided from level 1 (minimal severity) ⾄ Level 6 (presumably fatal)", "B": "Injury Severity Score (ISS) is ⼀ kind ⽣ rational scoring system (physiological scoring system)", "C": "ISS scores 1 point ⾄ region 75 min, minor injury refers ISS <9 minutes", "D": "Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) energy assessment trauma patients state of consciousness, fractional area for at least 15 minutes to 3 minutes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Narrative asthma patients about the overreaction of the airway (airway hyperresponsiveness), the error which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "A patient methacholine PC20 <8 mg / mL can be diagnosed as asthma", "options": {"A": "Bronchial provocation test manipulation often fall in FEV1 methacholine concentration (the PC 20) or dose (PD20) 20% of the expressed", "B": "If a patient methacholine dose - response curve (plateau) Plain phenomenon does not appear at high doses also indicates the presence of airway hyperresponsiveness", "C": "A patient methacholine PC20 <8 mg / mL can be diagnosed as asthma", "D": "The lower airway methacholine PC20 values ​​represent higher hyperreactivity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The reason aortic stenosis patients Rongyifasheng angina (angina pectoris) Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Left ventricular pressure increase but the aortic pressure has dropped", "options": {"A": "Increased left ventricular pressure and aortic pressure increases", "B": "Left ventricular pressure increase but the aortic pressure has dropped", "C": "Decreased left ventricular pressure and aortic pressure also drops", "D": "Left ventricular pressure decreased but has increased aortic pressure"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For the description of cirrhosis, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Prevention of liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices due to the drug of choice for non-selective α-blockers", "options": {"A": "Shunt TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) transjugular intrahepatic portal will make hepatic encephalopathy", "B": "Prevention of liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices due to the drug of choice for non-selective α-blockers", "C": "Whether or not accompanied by bleeding, liver failure patients are late to be considered for liver transplantation", "D": "Bleeding esophageal varices disposal circumstances require surgical intervention, including endoscopic treatment failure, and bleeding gastric varices TIPS loss treatment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) feature?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Will ferment glucose and lactose", "options": {"A": "Good habitat in the humid environment", "B": "Will ferment glucose and lactose", "C": "Will issue a grape-like flavor when grown", "D": "With resistance to most antibiotics"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When patients with migraine Center Weighted evil, vomiting and other symptoms, which of the following is the best therapy?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "sumatriptan", "options": {"A": "acetaminophen", "B": "allopurinol", "C": "sumatriptan", "D": "sulindac"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Legionella pneumonia (Legionella pneumophila) Initial Isolation and culture (primary culture), you need to add the following kind of ingredients?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "L- cysteine ​​(L-cysteine)", "options": {"A": "Glycerin (glycerol)", "B": "Olive oil (olive oil)", "C": "L- cysteine ​​(L-cysteine)", "D": "Niacin (nicotinic acid)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Hyperthyroidism compared to the young, the elderly, the easier the following signs to express what?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation)", "options": {"A": "凸眼(exophthalmos)", "B": "Atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation)", "C": "Goiter (goiter)", "D": "Tremor (tremor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Typical three characteristic (classical triad) retinitis pigmentosa (retinitis pigmentosa) does not contain:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Macular edema (macular edema)", "options": {"A": "Melanin deposition spur-like (retinal bone-spicule pigmentation)", "B": "Pallor of optic nerve (waxy pallor of the optic disc)", "C": "Arteriolar narrowing (arteriolar attenuation)", "D": "Macular edema (macular edema)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items are what distinguish high anorectal disease (high type imperforate anus) or low most important ways anorectal disease (low type imperforate anus)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The naked eye", "options": {"A": "Inversions photography (invertogram)", "B": "CT", "C": "Magnetic resonance angiography", "D": "The naked eye"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about immunosuppressants, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Sirolimus (Rapamycin) and Cyclosporine Calcineurin inhibitors belong", "options": {"A": "PTDM Tacrolimus caused (Post-transplant diabetes mellitus) higher chance than Cyclosporine", "B": "Cyclosporine will gingival hyperplasia (Gingival hyperplasia) and hirsutism (Hirsutism) side effects", "C": "Sirolimus (Rapamycin) and Cyclosporine Calcineurin inhibitors belong", "D": "Tacrolimus and Cyclosporine are commonly used in kidney transplant surgery drug, but it also has the side effect of nephrotoxicity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of hives (urticaria), and which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Pathological changes in tissue lesions mainly vasculitis", "options": {"A": "Fat cells (mast cell) is the primary role of cells", "B": "Presence of specific lesions usually less than 24 hours", "C": "The etiology of chronic urticaria patients with autoimmune part (Autoimmunity)", "D": "Pathological changes in tissue lesions mainly vasculitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 55 year old man complained solution melena three days, endoscopic examination revealed duodenal ulcer, in addition to acid agents Omeprazole, but doctors have recommended for oral Clarithromycin 250 mg and Amoxicillin 1000 mg twice daily. Taking a few days is the best choice?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "14 days", "options": {"A": "3 days", "B": "14 days", "C": "30 days", "D": "90 days"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Maxillary Le Fort fractures, a total of some type?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "three", "options": {"A": "One", "B": "two", "C": "three", "D": "four"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following has been widely used clinically to inhibit prostate hypertrophy and male pattern baldness treatment of 5α-reductase type 2 inhibitor?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Finasteride", "options": {"A": "Finasteride", "B": "Dutasteride", "C": "Megestrol acetate", "D": "Leuprolide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In dark environments, the sodium ion retinal rod cells (rod cell) outer section (outer segment) to produce a stream (Influx) current is mainly because of the role that these substances?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "cGMP", "options": {"A": "cAMP", "B": "cGMP", "C": "Conductive element (transducin)", "D": "all-trans retinal"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Cervical syringomyelia (cervical syringomyelia) the most typical clinical symptoms are:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Section separation paresthesia syndrome (segmental sensory dissociation)", "options": {"A": "Section separation paresthesia syndrome (segmental sensory dissociation)", "B": "Dissociated sensory and motor disorders syndrome (sensory motor dissociation deficit)", "C": "After the joint of the column and the side column disorder syndrome (combined posterior and lateral column deficit)", "D": "Joint of the front pillar and the side legs syndrome disorders (combined anterior and lateral column deficit)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about the kidneys (kidney) organizational structure of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Macula densa (macula densa) is near the straight tubule (proximal straight tubule) specialized epithelial cells", "options": {"A": "Glomerular capillaries (glomerular capillary) of endothelial cells (endothelial cell) belongs to the perforation (fenestrated type)", "B": "Macula densa (macula densa) is near the straight tubule (proximal straight tubule) specialized epithelial cells", "C": "Near glomerular cells (juxtaglomerular cell) is mainly composed of afferent arterioles (afferent arteriole) of the wall smooth muscle cells (smooth muscle cell) The specialized", "D": "Cortex and medulla artery junction arcuate (arcuate artery)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of calcitonin, He's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "And plasma protein (plasma protein) strong binding ability, so slowly metabolized in the liver and kidneys", "options": {"A": "Consisting of 32 amino acids", "B": "Mainly secreted by the thyroid gland (Thyroid)", "C": "And plasma protein (plasma protein) strong binding ability, so slowly metabolized in the liver and kidneys", "D": "Used to treat Paget's disease (Paget's disease of bone)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "How to recognize the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery in the neck?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Unbranched carotid artery, external carotid artery branches", "options": {"A": "Branched internal carotid artery, external carotid artery unbranched", "B": "Internal carotid artery and external carotid artery branches Jie, but a different number of branches", "C": "Unbranched carotid artery, external carotid artery branches", "D": "By the caliber of the two different identification"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "35-year-old Mr. Wu served as guards, two weeks off work because of flu; three days before the start of leg weakness, and gradually increased to today generalized weakness, difficulty breathing, and both sides of the hands and feet numb. Physical examination found that tendon reflexes (tendon reflex) disappear, toes on the tuning fork vibration and joint angle change without feeling. Nerve conduction found that slow conduction velocity; increased cerebrospinal fluid protein, but the number of white blood cells to normal. That one of the following diagnosis possible?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Acute inflammation of multiple peripheral neuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome)", "options": {"A": "Meningitis (meningitis)", "B": "Motor neuron disease (motor neuron disease)", "C": "Acute inflammation of multiple peripheral neuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome)", "D": "Multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After Xiao Ming usually occasionally eat a little peanut will be very uncomfortable, one day accidentally eat peanuts fried sesame balls, out of breath after a few minutes. Specific antibodies to peanut Xiao Ming body, most likely what kind?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "IgE", "options": {"A": "IgM", "B": "IgG", "C": "IgE", "D": "Age"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the translation of the narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Each t-RNA were identified only one kind of codon", "options": {"A": "Each t-RNA were identified only one kind of codon", "B": "An ATG initiation codon", "C": "UAA is a termination codon", "D": "Through the termination without specific t-RNA translational modifications related to post-35 mRNA transcription of a eukaryotic cell, the following statements is wrong?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the structure of the human salivary glands, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Submandibular gland (submandibular gland) glands bubbles mainly mucinous, sublingual gland (sublingual gland) mainly serous", "options": {"A": "Parotid gland (parotid gland) under pure serous gland, submandibular gland and (submandibular gland) and sublingual (sublingual gland) is mixed glands", "B": "Intercalated duct (interealated duct) gland length of the inner ear (parotid gland), the longest of the three salivary glands", "C": "Submandibular gland (submandibular gland) glands bubbles mainly mucinous, sublingual gland (sublingual gland) mainly serous", "D": "The mesenchymal salivary secretion pipe (interlobar duct) epithelium of pseudo-columnar epithelium (pseudostratified columnar epithelium) or cuboidal epithelium stratified"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What is most likely to cause infection after acute glomerulonephritis (Glomerulonephritis)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Streptococcus", "options": {"A": "E. coli", "B": "staphylococcus", "C": "Streptococcus", "D": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Narrative of kidney disease related to diabetes following, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Proteinuria or microalbuminuria does not appear in newly diagnosed patients with type II diabetes", "options": {"A": "Proteinuria or microalbuminuria does not appear in newly diagnosed patients with type II diabetes", "B": "The pathological changes in glomerular basement membrane thickening and glomerular matrix (mesangium) is a common expansion", "C": "Renin - angiotensin system (renin-angiotensin system) blockers", "D": "China's current annual new patients entering dialysis due to their primary disease. Diabetic nephropathy accounted for first"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following image of chest lesions most likely to:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Left lower lobe collapse (left lower lobe collapse)", "options": {"A": "Left lower lobe collapse (left lower lobe collapse)", "B": "Limitations rib cage membrane water (localized left pleural effusion)", "C": "Left diaphragmatic hernia (left diaphragmatic hernia)", "D": "Mediastinal tumors (mediastinal tumor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "39 A 50-year-old woman recently poor appetite month, more tired, and nausea, increased urinary frequency at night, blood pressure was 175/100 mmHg. Blood tests: BUN 40 mg / dL, creatinine 2.3 mg / dL, Na + 142 mmol / L, K + 3.5 mmol / L, Cl- 91 mmol / L, free Ca 3.0 mmol / L. When asked about the history, which of the following for the differential diagnosis than those without help?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "With or without the use of steroids", "options": {"A": "Whether taking thiazide diuretics", "B": "Any urinary tract stones History", "C": "Whether the use of vitamin D", "D": "With or without the use of steroids"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Shoulder dystocia most Rongyifasheng question is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Plexus injury", "options": {"A": "Phrenic nerve injury", "B": "Plexus injury", "C": "Clavicle fracture", "D": "Humerus fracture"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following forms of nucleic acid repeats (nucleotide repeat), and genetic disorders such as fragile X syndrome, Huntington's disease and other relevant?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Nucleic repeated three (triple nucleotide repeat)", "options": {"A": "Dinucleotide repeats (double nucleotide repeat)", "B": "Nucleic repeated three (triple nucleotide repeat)", "C": "Four nucleic acid repeat (quadruple nucleotide repeat)", "D": "Random nucleic acid repeat (random nucleotide repeat)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Right outside the exhibition nerve (abducens nerve) palsy patient, when the right to fixation (fixation), strabismus angle will show which of the following situations?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The oblique angle is greater than the left eye fixation", "options": {"A": "The oblique angle is greater than the left eye fixation", "B": "The oblique angle is less than the left eye fixation", "C": "Oblique angle larger than the outer left eye fixation", "D": "Oblique angle is less than the outer left eye fixation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is most likely to be precancerous lesions?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Sunshine keratosis (actinic keratosis)", "options": {"A": "Pyogenic granuloma (pyogenic granuloma)", "B": "Sunshine keratosis (actinic keratosis)", "C": "Seborrheic keratinocytes (seborrheic keratosis)", "D": "Leather fibroma (dermatofibroma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "UDP-glucose metabolic pathways involved in following that?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Galactose to glucose (epimerization of galactose to glucose)", "options": {"A": "Pentose phosphate pathway (pentose phosphate pathway)", "B": "Glycogenolysis (glycogen degradation)", "C": "Glycolysis (Glycolysis)", "D": "Galactose to glucose (epimerization of galactose to glucose)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following molecules in the hydrolysis of purine metabolism directly into uric acid?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "xanthine", "options": {"A": "xanthine", "B": "hypoxanthine", "C": "inosine", "D": "IMP"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old male, abnormal liver function for 15 years, GOT value and GPT values ​​are maintained for about 150 U / L (normal value are two 0-35 U / L), C hepatitis antibodies, B Hepatitis B Surface antigen negative reaction, surface antibody positive, core antibody positive, underwent liver biopsy, pathology report showed a moderate degree of fibrosis and inflammation. Will the following whichever of the therapy is the best choice?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Interferon + Ribavirin", "options": {"A": "Interferon + Ribavirin", "B": "Interferon + Lamivudine", "C": "Interferon + Adefovir", "D": "Interferon + Entecavir"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Dangerous extent (gonococci) heterosexual sexual contact with carriers of gonorrhea bacteria, why get infected?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Female than male", "options": {"A": "Female than male", "B": "Male than female", "C": "Men and women are both 0%", "D": "Men and women were 100%"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the 72.57 year-old woman complained of the stairs, a sudden severe pain in the left heel, orthopedic clinic the next day to accept heel ultrasound examination sagittal section as shown, the most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Achilles tendon rupture", "options": {"A": "Achilles tendinitis", "B": "Achilles tendon fibroma", "C": "Achilles tendon rupture", "D": "retro-calcaneal bursitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "11 a 56 year old male patient was orthopnea occurs midnight to emergency treatment, physical examination found that blood pressure is 164/98 mmHg, irregular heart rate 120 / min, pulmonary rales on both sides, the apex portion III / VI of full systolic murmur, and S3 gallop sound, blood tests Na +: 120 mEq / L, 5 mEq / L, Cl-: 92 mEq / L. Which of the following most inappropriate disposal?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Intravenous administration of 3% saline immediately to correct the Na + concentration in blood", "options": {"A": "And then test their urine Na + concentration to clarify the cause of", "B": "Intravenous administration of 3% saline immediately to correct the Na + concentration in blood", "C": "Immediately given intravenous furosemide", "D": "Immediately given intravenous digoxin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Flumazenil is benzodiazepines (Benzodiazepine) antagonist effect can be maintained up to several tens of hours", "options": {"A": "Flumazenil is benzodiazepines (Benzodiazepine) antagonist effect can be maintained up to several tens of hours", "B": "Benzodiazepines withdrawal symptoms of anxiety and irritable, may also cause hallucinations", "C": "Benzodiazepines to ease anxiety symptoms quickly, when it is the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, time should be as short as possible", "D": "Benzodiazepines affect use of concentration and memory"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "52-year-old man complained of his hands progressive muscle atrophy and weakness, after accompanying speech and swallowing difficulties, neurological examination revealed the tongue and hand and foot muscle atrophy, fasciculations (fasciculation) and enhanced deep tendon reflexes, but feel the system is no exception. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)", "options": {"A": "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)", "B": "Multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis)", "C": "Polyneuropathy (polyneuropathy)", "D": "Muscular dystrophy (muscular dystrophy)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In addition to Barrett's esophagus, the vast majority of esophageal pathology:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Squamous cell carcinoma (Squamous cell carcinoma)", "options": {"A": "Squamous cell carcinoma (Squamous cell carcinoma)", "B": "Epidermal carcinoma (carcinoid)", "C": "Adenocarcinoma (Adenocarcinoma)", "D": "Small cell carcinoma (Small cell carcinoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the white blood cell adhesion molecule (adhesion molecule) deficiency, the most likely cause which of the following situations?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Leukocyte chemotaxis (chemotaxis) will have problems", "options": {"A": "Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (leukocyte adhesion deficiency; LAD) patients will be significant reduced neutrophils", "B": "Bone marrow leukocytes oxidase (myeloperoxidase) defect occurs", "C": "These patients easily get infected with virus", "D": "Leukocyte chemotaxis (chemotaxis) will have problems"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, Which of the following is most likely the diagnosis for women?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Breast cysts (breast cyst)", "options": {"A": "Breast cancer (breast carcinoma)", "B": "Breast cysts (breast cyst)", "C": "Benign fibroadenoma (fibroadenoma)", "D": "Breast abscess (breast abscess)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 35-year-old patient underwent surgery to remove uterine fibroids, pelvic abscess was found at 6 weeks after surgery and again back to the clinic, took out a large gauze, treatment after surgery physician, following a way that is most inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Requires operating room nursing long to take responsibility", "options": {"A": "Requires operating room nursing long to take responsibility", "B": "Hospital patient safety initiative to inform the Commission", "C": "Live sincere discussion with the patient at the time of surgery", "D": "Reduced fees for the 2nd surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One day Mrs. King was bitten during a working orchard bee, about 10 minutes later, systemic hives (urticaria), then breathing difficulties, the family quickly sent her to the emergency room for treatment. Emergency room arrival blood pressure 88/54 mmHg, heart rate 110 BPM. Mrs. Wang on the current situation, what priority should be administered in the following items?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "intramuscular epinephrine 0.5 mg", "options": {"A": "methylprednisolone 60 mg IV", "B": "diphenhydramine 50 ~ 100 mg intravenously", "C": "inhaled albuterol 5 mg", "D": "intramuscular epinephrine 0.5 mg"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "50-year-old healthy male, because of dental calculus related treatment, a history of penicillin allergy the past, the following recommendations are what the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Without giving prophylactic antibiotics", "options": {"A": "Prevention of endocarditis given clindamycin", "B": "Given vancomycin prophylaxis of endocarditis", "C": "Prevention of endocarditis given tetracycline", "D": "Without giving prophylactic antibiotics"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "52", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Pancreas with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic duct stones and calcifications", "options": {"A": "Pancreas with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic duct stones and calcifications", "B": "Acute pancreatitis", "C": "Pancreatic cancer", "D": "Gallstones"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to aerobic training methods of cardiac rehabilitation?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "weightlifting", "options": {"A": "踩固 formulated 腳踏 car", "B": "Treadmill", "C": "Swim", "D": "weightlifting"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "He thalamus with the following structure within the limbic system is no direct link?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ventral nucleus (Ventral anterior nucleus)", "options": {"A": "Dorsolateral nucleus (Lateral dorsal nucleus)", "B": "Former nuclear (Anterior nucleus)", "C": "Midline nuclei (Midline nucleus)", "D": "Ventral nucleus (Ventral anterior nucleus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Egg retrieval time is usually a few hours after the injection in villi gonadotropin (human chorionic gonadotropin)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "34~36", "options": {"A": "20~24", "B": "34~36", "C": "40~44", "D": "48~52"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following should not be used in patients with tiltable backrest (recline back support) wheelchair?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ministry of patients with sacral pressure ulcer (pressure sore) of", "options": {"A": "Can not move independent body weight (shift weight) of patients", "B": "Patients with prolonged sitting causes back pain or hip pain", "C": "Ministry of patients with sacral pressure ulcer (pressure sore) of", "D": "Patients postural hypotension (postural hypotension) often occurs"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 70-year-old male, conscious, cough, phlegm, and yellow fever to the hospital, outpatient chest chest X-ray shows vital signs right upper lobe pneumonia patients:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "General ward hospitalization", "options": {"A": "Outpatient treatment", "B": "General ward hospitalization", "C": "ICU hospitalization", "D": "Shi immediately pneumonia vaccination"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 32-year-old women, who have the habit of injecting drugs intravenously, fever and chills to three days of emergency treatment. Physical examination anemia, mouth ulcers, cardiac auscultation determined to murmur. The following statements is most inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Arrange chest echocardiography (transthoracic echocardiography), negative test results to exclude the diagnosis of infective endocarditis", "options": {"A": "Three sets of blood culture should be done, each time separated by at least 1 hour blood", "B": "The most likely pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)", "C": "Ophthalmoscopy may find Roth's spots, and the patient limb pain may occur Osler's node", "D": "Arrange chest echocardiography (transthoracic echocardiography), negative test results to exclude the diagnosis of infective endocarditis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is one of the characteristics of diabetic polyneuropathy (diabetic polyneuropathy) patients?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Areflexia", "options": {"A": "Babinski sign", "B": "Areflexia", "C": "Grasp reflex", "D": "Exaggerated stretch reflex 21 machine caused the cochlea (cochlea) within the hair cell depolarization in turn why?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is located in the heart of every edge Rouzhu (septomarginal trabecula, moderator band) in?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Right bundle branch atrioventricular (right branch of atrioventricular bundle)", "options": {"A": "Left atrioventricular bundle sent (atrioventricular bundle) before branching", "B": "Right bundle branch atrioventricular (right branch of atrioventricular bundle)", "C": "Left atrioventricular bundle branch (left branch of atrioventricular bundle)", "D": "Hopkins fibers (Purkinje fibers)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about hernia (hernia), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "In terms of incidence of inguinal hernia, more women than men", "options": {"A": "75% of the hernia in the groin area (inguinal region)", "B": "Inguinal hernia (inguinal hernia), the indirect hernia belonging to two thirds (indirect hernia)", "C": "In terms of incidence of inguinal hernia, more women than men", "D": "In terms of shares hernias (femoral hernia) the incidence of women than men"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following circumstances, lead to genetic disorders galactosemia (galactosemia) of?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "缺少 UDP-glucose:galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase", "options": {"A": "Lack fructokinase", "B": "缺少 UDP-glucose:galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase", "C": "Can not break down lactose", "D": "Excessive intake of galactose"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 20-year-old woman, in the past because melasma is suspected systemic lupus erythematosus, patients are now hospitalized with fever and lower extremity edema. Urine test showed severe hematuria and proteinuria of, which of the following symptoms of antibodies from the current examination of patients with the most relevance?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "anti-double strand DNA", "options": {"A": "anti-Sm", "B": "anti-RNP", "C": "anti-double strand DNA", "D": "anti-histone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Screening of the narrative related disease, which of the following correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "When selecting a cut point (cut-off point) where the standard value is determined, if the increase in sensitivity (Sensitivity), the specificity (specificity) often fall", "options": {"A": "Good discernment Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve should be close to the diagonal", "B": "The diagnosis of diabetes before meals if the standard blood glucose level 110 down to 105, the number of false positive cases will reduce", "C": "In terms of check series (tests in series), a disease screening, the first checking typically used specificity (specificity) higher", "D": "When selecting a cut point (cut-off point) where the standard value is determined, if the increase in sensitivity (Sensitivity), the specificity (specificity) often fall"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, which of the following disposal feasible?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Laparotomy", "options": {"A": "After antibiotic treatment", "B": "Angiography examination", "C": "Gastroscopy", "D": "Laparotomy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "59 Miss Yang, 27, recently every night taking barbiturates drugs (Barbiturate) help to sleep, a few days after the start of stomach pain, and occasional hallucinations, seizures because today is sent to the emergency room. Her blood pressure 172/116 mmHg, heart rate 134 times per minute, has been calling stomach pain; feet constantly kicking struggling, but hands down, but less likely to move in the edge of the bed. Miss Yang underwent abdominal ultrasound, abdominal computed tomography, cerebrospinal fluid examination are completely normal, but examination revealed nerve conduction velocity of peripheral nerve axons significant lesions (axonopathy). Family members said Miss Yang's mother has also been eating barbiturates drugs produce similar symptoms. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "MurasakiTadashisho (porphyria)", "options": {"A": "Tick ​​paralysis (tick paralysis)", "B": "Mixed condensation albumin (mixed cryoproteinemia)", "C": "Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy)", "D": "MurasakiTadashisho (porphyria)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following drugs most commonly used to prevent preterm birth?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ritodrine", "options": {"A": "Isoproterenol", "B": "Albuterol", "C": "Salmeterol", "D": "Ritodrine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "77. A 28-year-old married woman patient, normal sex life, there is a history of inflammation of the left fallopian tube, usually quite irregular menstruation, sometimes two to three months to come, and the last menstruation is already a matter of nine weeks ago a. This patient since yesterday morning, abdominal pain merger vaginal bleeding a little, in addition to take cold, dizziness, palpitations of the symptoms, it is to seek treatment. When reaching the emergency conscious, pale, no injuries. Vital signs are as follows: Respiratory 22 times / min, heart rate 102 beats / min, the temperature", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Abdominal X-rays", "options": {"A": "Intravenous infusion (fluid hydration)", "B": "Continuous monitoring of blood pressure", "C": "Abdominal X-rays", "D": "Pregnancy tests (pregnancy test)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following description of the hypoglycemic mechanism of action of the drug and what was wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "rosiglitazone with reduced insulin resistance (insulin resistance) effect, diabetes mellitus is mainly used for a first", "options": {"A": "glipizide has the effect of enhancing insulin secretion", "B": "metformin has the effect of producing too much suppression of hepatic glucose", "C": "rosiglitazone with reduced insulin resistance (insulin resistance) effect, diabetes mellitus is mainly used for a first", "D": "acarbose inhibit enzyme responsible for breaking down disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides in the intestinal tract, thereby delaying carbohydrate absorption and reduce the decomposition of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to the short-term recurrent depressive disorder (Recurrent brief depressive disorder) the treatment?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hormone therapy", "options": {"A": "Psychotherapy", "B": "Hormone therapy", "C": "Antidepressant treatment", "D": "Treating emotional stability"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following cupped optic disc and optic disc diameter ratio (cup-disk ratio), the comparison is not suspected of having glaucoma:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "0.2", "options": {"A": "0.2", "B": "0.5", "C": "0.8", "D": "Two cupped optic disc and optic disc diameter ratio (cup-disk ratio) is very asymmetric"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "89 a 60 year old man epigastric Mentong to seek treatment, endoscopic found ulcerative lesions, biopsy found a large monomorphic (monomorphous) lymphocyte infiltration of the mucosa, epithelial and lymphoid lesions (lymphoepithelial lesion ), Which of the following is the most likely pathogens?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Helicobacter pylori", "options": {"A": "Cytomegalovirus", "B": "staphylococcus", "C": "Salmonella", "D": "Helicobacter pylori"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous questions, then what kind of drugs the choice of treatment?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Oral metronidazole or vancomycin", "options": {"A": "Injection of clindamycin", "B": "Oral asacol", "C": "Injection ampicillin", "D": "Oral metronidazole or vancomycin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Many synthetic drugs but binding molecular biology and synthetic chemistry derived, anti-AIDS drugs 3'-Azido-2 ', 3'-dideoxythymidine (AZT) is the one, of the following statements about AZT, whichever error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Human T lymphocyte DNA replication enzymes AZT triphosphate high affinity, it will bring many side effects", "options": {"A": "AZT is easily absorbed by the HIV virus-infected T lymphocytes and transformed into a root triphosphate AZT (AZT triphosphate)", "B": "HIV virus reverse transcriptase for AZT triphosphate very high affinity", "C": "When DNA replication of the HIV virus when the 3 'end of the terminator will be added to the replication reaction AZT triphosphate", "D": "Human T lymphocyte DNA replication enzymes AZT triphosphate high affinity, it will bring many side effects"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Oxytocin (oxytocin) main role why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Promoting the removal of the role of milk (milk ejection)", "options": {"A": "To promote uterine relaxants (uterine relaxation)", "B": "Promoting the removal of the role of milk (milk ejection)", "C": "Inhibition of luteinizing decomposition (luteolysis)", "D": "Inhibits the secretion of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Determine whether esophageal atresia esophageal disease in infants and trachea fistula, can be seen in general chest X-ray that kind of change?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Whether the air image stomach", "options": {"A": "Whether the air image stomach", "B": "Diaphragm position", "C": "The position of the blind end of the esophagus", "D": "Trachea branch location"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Three-month-old baby, with the right side of torticollis (torticollis), following medical advice whichever correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Should teach gaze upward to the right posture", "options": {"A": "If there is no treatment, there will be other cheek flattening phenomenon", "B": "Easy to merge the left hip dysplasia (hip dysplasia)", "C": "Strength training should strengthen the right side of the neck", "D": "Should teach gaze upward to the right posture"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When inhaled allergens, allergens by antigen presenting cells (antigen presenting cell, APC), will give rise to a series of T cells exhibit allergic reactions after treatment thereof. Which of the following does not belong to antigen-presenting cells?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Eosinophilic cells (eosinophil)", "options": {"A": "Eosinophilic cells (eosinophil)", "B": "Dendritic cells (dendritic cell)", "C": "Monocytes (monocyte)", "D": "Macrophages (macrophage)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about cancer of the prostate, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Is a T3a of tumor invasion to the seminal vesicle", "options": {"A": "Annual PSA rises above 0.75 ng / mL who increased the probability of latent cancers", "B": "Transrectal ultrasonography more than DRE of local tumor not pinpoint", "C": "Advances in cancer's Gleason score (Gleason score) are more prone than 7 points", "D": "Is a T3a of tumor invasion to the seminal vesicle"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When we induction of anesthesia for the patient, what items the following factors did not increase the rate of induction of anesthetic gases?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "High capacity gas passage anesthesia machine (high anesthetic-circuit volume)", "options": {"A": "Reduce rebreathing (rebreathing)", "B": "High capacity gas passage anesthesia machine (high anesthetic-circuit volume)", "C": "High cerebral blood flow (cerebral blood flow)", "D": "Alveolar solubility (solubility) lower"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy syndrome (Guillain-Barré syndrome) of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The disease occurs most diabetic patients", "options": {"A": "May cause facial neuropathy", "B": "Dyspnea is often the main cause of fatal", "C": "Have autonomic dysfunction (autonomic dysfunction) symptoms", "D": "The disease occurs most diabetic patients"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following that lower enzyme content in muscle cells, can not effectively carry out the role of sugar synthesis (gluconeogenesis)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Glucose 6-phosphatase (glucose 6-phosphatase)", "options": {"A": "Pyruvate dehydrogenase (pyruvate dehydrogenase)", "B": "Phosphofructokinase phosphorus kinase -1 (phosphofructokinase-1)", "C": "Glycogen synthase (glycogen synthase)", "D": "Glucose 6-phosphatase (glucose 6-phosphatase)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is resolved muscle ⾁ disease and neuropathy most Using electrical diagnostic Remedies?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Electromyography (EMG study)", "options": {"A": "Nerve conduction studies (nerve conduction study)", "B": "Electromyography (EMG study)", "C": "Continuous checking electrical nerve stimulation (repetitive nerve stimulation test)", "D": "⾁ stimulate muscle electrical stimulation inspection (muscle excitability test)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 60-year-old patients with myocardial infarction, after motor function tests related to prescription of aerobic exercise that heart rehabilitation, the following statements is most accurate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Sports three or more times a week", "options": {"A": "Sports three or more times a week", "B": "Each lasting more than 60 minutes exercise time should", "C": "Mainly upper limb movements", "D": "Exercise intensity not less than 130 beats per minute heart rate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A single cytoplasmic sperm injection technique (ICSI) which can not be achieved by the genetic material where?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Original sperm cells (spermatogonia)", "options": {"A": "Activities sperm (Spermatozoon)", "B": "Epididymis (Epididymis) sperm (Spermatozoon)", "C": "Sperm cells (Spermatids) the tubules (Seminiferous tubules) of", "D": "Original sperm cells (spermatogonia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In order to avoid the occurrence of preterm children glass adenoid disease (hyaline membrane disease) after birth, can give pregnant women in prenatal Which of the following drugs?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "glucocorticoids", "options": {"A": "aspirin", "B": "glucocorticoids", "C": "magnesium sulfate", "D": "thyrotropin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the similarities and differences between eosinophilic white blood cells and neutrophils, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "IL-5 is mainly promoting the formation of eosinophilic leukocyte", "options": {"A": "Neutrophils contain peroxidase, but eosinophilic leukocyte-free enzyme", "B": "IL-5 is mainly promoting the formation of eosinophilic leukocyte", "C": "When eukaryotic parasite infection neutrophil strong reaction", "D": "CCR3 more in neutrophil performance"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 45 year old female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, the past six months because of several unexpected eyelids and lips subcutaneous tissue edema associated with difficulty breathing, go to the emergency medical treatment. Which of the following is most associated with acute symptoms?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The complement system", "options": {"A": "Antinuclear antibodies", "B": "The complement system", "C": "Immunoglobulin", "D": "Serum albumin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Comparison of construction of the wall following the trachea (trachea) and bronchi (bronchus), where entries are correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Both elastic fiber (elastic fiber)", "options": {"A": "Both elastic fiber (elastic fiber)", "B": "Both epithelial (epithelium) at the same height", "C": "Both fibrocartilage (fibrous cartilage)", "D": "Neither smooth muscle cells (smooth muscle cells)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 7-year-old boy, since three weeks, a lot of lower limb pus boils (furunculosis), red hematuria and proteinuria two days ago, and therefore to the clinic; significantly increased blood pressure (160/105 mmHg), and found that edema, usual body weight of 3 kg, serum albumin / globulin ratio (a / G) of 3.2 / 3.1 mg / dL. Which of the following most unlikely?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Often urine culture grew group A streptococcal", "options": {"A": "Upon examination, the sick children decreased blood complement C3", "B": "The pus furuncles (PUS) culture, group A streptococci grown, but ASO (antistreptolysin O) titer normal", "C": "Glomerular basement membrane can be found in the immune complex (immune complex) precipitation", "D": "Often urine culture grew group A streptococcal"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Submandibular gland (submandibular gland) located in the following Where?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Digastric triangle (digastric triangle)", "options": {"A": "Triangular muscle (muscular triangle)", "B": "Carotid triangle (carotid triangle)", "C": "Digastric triangle (digastric triangle)", "D": "Lower triangular chin (submental triangle)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the role of anti-epileptic drugs, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "topiramate through blocking the action of glutamate transporters (Transporter) to produce antiepileptic", "options": {"A": "ethosuximide mainly through blocking T-type calcium ion channels to generate antiepileptic", "B": "tiagabine mainly through blocking the action of GABA transporter (Transporter) to produce antiepileptic", "C": "topiramate through blocking the action of glutamate transporters (Transporter) to produce antiepileptic", "D": "valproic acid can be produced through the antiepileptic effect of blocking sodium channel"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 23-year-old female patient complained of heart palpitations, under 160 beats per minute, blood pressure of 110/80 mmHg, the ECG is paroxysmal supra- ventricular tachycardia (PSVT), priority may be given following what treatment?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Carotid sinus massage", "options": {"A": "Adenosine intravenous bolus", "B": "Intravenous Lidocaine", "C": "Verapamil slow intravenous injection", "D": "Carotid sinus massage"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "70 to 90% of the tumors will be distributed between the common bile duct, pancreas, stomach and pancreas neck and body", "options": {"A": "Disease because of gastrin tumor (gastrinoma) zoomed gastrin secretion after causing excessive gastric acid secretion", "B": "70 to 90% of the tumors will be distributed between the common bile duct, pancreas, stomach and pancreas neck and body", "C": "Must exclude the possibility of the first frame-type multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (MEN I), as a quarter of patients ⼀ be associated with MEN I,", "D": "Face the risk of disease and liver metastasis of lymph there, so this should be regarded as malignant tumors"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The most common sign of a migraine:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Visual symptoms", "options": {"A": "feeling abnormal", "B": "Visual symptoms", "C": "Hemi-paralysis", "D": "language disability"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "23 A 50-year-old male patient had a history of hypertension for about five years and have never experienced a severe headache occurred 20 minutes before the two lower extremities without force then appear, the disease is most likely to:\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Anterior communicating artery (anterior communicating artery) of aneurysm rupture", "options": {"A": "Anterior communicating artery (anterior communicating artery) of aneurysm rupture", "B": "Posterior communicating artery (posterior communicating artery) of aneurysm rupture", "C": "Spinal cord infarction (spinal cord infarct)", "D": "Before middle cerebral artery occlusion"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Clinically relevant causes of different types of shock (shock), and Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "When Hypovolemic shock can occur in massive blood loss (hemorrhage)", "options": {"A": "Burns (burns) can cause distributing shock", "B": "Pericardial tamponade (cardiac tamponade) will result in cardiogenic shock", "C": "Obstructive shock often occurs in surgery (Surgery) after", "D": "When Hypovolemic shock can occur in massive blood loss (hemorrhage)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "5-year-old boy, there is no fever or a history of high blood pressure, sudden weakness right limbs, brain CT examination and found the left anterior cerebral artery supply area showed ischemic infarction, arterial photography magnetic resonance (MRA) and cerebral angiography display front on both sides of the middle cerebral artery and cerebral artery supply ground glass area appears abnormal vascular plexus. The following four diagnosis that best describes?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Plush-like cerebrovascular disease (Moyamoya Disease)", "options": {"A": "Ruptured cerebral aneurysm front left side, concurrent vasoconstriction", "B": "Arteriovenous malformations of the basal ganglia", "C": "Plush-like cerebrovascular disease (Moyamoya Disease)", "D": "Arteritis complicated by cerebral vascular occlusion"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "And cervical adenocarcinoma the most relevant human papilloma virus is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "HPV 18", "options": {"A": "HPV 16", "B": "HPV 18", "C": "HPV 31", "D": "HPV 33"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of primary lung cancer, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "⽪ squamous carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) is the most common destination time before ⾒ type of organization", "options": {"A": "⽪ squamous carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) is the most common destination time before ⾒ type of organization", "B": "Adenocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma) have acini (acinar), papillary (papillary), ⿂ scales (lepidic), solid state (solid) type, etc.", "C": "ADVANCED correlation with smoking is ⽪ on squamous carcinoma, ⼩ cell carcinoma (small-cell carcinoma)", "D": "Table ⽪ ⽣ ⻑ due Submenu receptor (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutations often appear in adenocarcinoma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "21 bearing on the question, if you take the stalk horizontal rectus abdominis muscle flap (pedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flaps) to rebuild, the biggest drawback Why?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Abdominal muscle weakness, and even abdominal hernia", "options": {"A": "Abdominal unsightly scars", "B": "Abdominal muscle weakness, and even abdominal hernia", "C": "Breast reconstruction is not natural", "D": "Flap volume is not enough"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about boils (furuncle), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Occur more frequently in young people", "options": {"A": "Boil is an acute infectious disease of the sweat glands", "B": "Topical antibiotics are the treatment of choice", "C": "Occur more frequently in young people", "D": "Common pathogens are haemolytic streptococci"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Soft spot (malacoplakia) is what kind of focus?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Bacterial infections", "options": {"A": "Benign tumors of the bladder", "B": "Bladder epithelial precancerous lesions", "C": "Viral infection", "D": "Bacterial infections"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Neostigmine overdose poisoning does not occur following what role?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Dilated", "options": {"A": "diarrhea", "B": "flow", "C": "Dilated", "D": "urination"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Newborn nursery one on the right foot and ankle newborns have significant deformation below, ankle picture shows congenital malformations, not including which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Flatfoot (pes planus)", "options": {"A": "Turn forefoot (metatarsal adductus)", "B": "Flatfoot (pes planus)", "C": "Varus heel (heel varus)", "D": "Clubfoot (ankle equinus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following urinary tract stones, its composition magnesium?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "struvite", "options": {"A": "struvite", "B": "whewellite", "C": "weddellite", "D": "hydroxyapatite"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the elderly hip fracture, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Patients should try not to let the patient get out of bed", "options": {"A": "Common in osteoporosis patients", "B": "In general, surgery is a better approach", "C": "After fracture surgery within one year mortality rate will continue to rise", "D": "Patients should try not to let the patient get out of bed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 9-month-old baby due to sudden enlargement of the right side of the scrotum to the emergency, the assumption may be embedded closed inguinal hernia, testicular torsion, testis or epididymis inflammation, or acute scrotal edema. The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "If it is embedded closed inguinal hernia, no matter how long, as soon as possible on hand in the emergency reset", "options": {"A": "Scrotal ultrasound examination can do to help the differential diagnosis", "B": "If testicular torsion, as soon as possible within six hours after the reverse operation, about 90% can be successfully restored blood flow", "C": "If it is embedded closed inguinal hernia, no matter how long, as soon as possible on hand in the emergency reset", "D": "Acute scrotal edema can be observed, do not worry surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 16-year-old with severe thalassemia patients, long-term blood transfusion and exclusive use of iron deficiency, iron deposition disease caused suffering. That one of the following circumstances unrelated to their illness?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Quiz show severe mental retardation", "options": {"A": "Slice of liver fibrosis phenomenon", "B": "Cardiac ultrasonography diastolic function is defective", "C": "Quiz show severe mental retardation", "D": "Glucose tolerance test (glucose tolerance test) abnormal"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of neonatal gonococcal conjunctivitis (neonatal gonococcal conjunctivitis), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Pus-like discharge around the fourth week after birth between the third week began", "options": {"A": "Often infected by the mother to the newborn through the birth canal", "B": "At the same time must be given to local and systemic antibiotic therapy", "C": "Pus-like discharge around the fourth week after birth between the third week began", "D": "To the best of their secretions for smear and bacterial culture and other tests"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 35-year-old woman complained: chills, edema, amenorrhea, and when milk secretion. Blood analysis revealed that thyroid hormone value is too low, then the patient of amenorrhea and lactation phenomenon is most likely due to the influence of hormones which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "A secreted by the hypothalamus releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation of the secretion of pituitary prolactin", "options": {"A": "The secreted hypothalamic dopamine (dopamine) stimulate pituitary secretion of prolactin (Prolactin)", "B": "Secreted by the hypothalamus of releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion of luteinizing hormone stimulates the pituitary gland (LH)", "C": "A secreted by the hypothalamus releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation of the secretion of pituitary prolactin", "D": "Secreted by the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland secretion of luteinizing hormone dopamine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The postganglionic parasympathetic fibers and accompanied Which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Palatine nerve (Greater palatine nerve)", "options": {"A": "Rock small nerve (Lesser petrosal nerve)", "B": "Palatine nerve (Greater palatine nerve)", "C": "Rock nerve (Greater petrosal nerve)", "D": "Chorda tympani nerve (Chorda tympani nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of medullary thyroid carcinoma, and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Medullary carcinoma of about 80% and about MEN 2A or MEN 2B", "options": {"A": "Auto source or in parafollicular C cells", "B": "Medullary carcinoma of about 80% and about MEN 2A or MEN 2B", "C": "Secreted calcitonin, may also be secreted carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)", "D": "If concomitant pheochromocytoma, you must deal with pheochromocytoma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After the soldiers involved in the war, most likely of mental illness Why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)", "options": {"A": "PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)", "B": "OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)", "C": "Paranoia (delusional disorder)", "D": "Panic disorder (panic disorder)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy (diabetic neuropathy) is most useful electrical diagnostic method?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Nerve conduction (nerve conduction) Check", "options": {"A": "Nerve conduction (nerve conduction) Check", "B": "EMG (electromyography) Check", "C": "Stimulate muscle electrical stimulation (muscle excitability) check", "D": "Continuous electrical nerve stimulation (repetitive nerve stimulation) Check"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "55 Which of the following drugs should be after a given number of days a patient infected with malaria, in order to clear the patient's liver fission worm (schizonts) and stationary parasites (hypnozoites)?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "primaquine", "options": {"A": "primaquine", "B": "artemisinin", "C": "proguanil", "D": "sulfadoxine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, CT display as follows, the subject blood testosterone (Testosterone) of 250 ng / dL, DHEAS of 800 μg / dL, the most likely diagnosis:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Adrenal tumors", "options": {"A": "Male hormone secreted ovarian tumors", "B": "Polycystic ovarian tumors", "C": "Adrenal tumors", "D": "Refrigerator 欣氏 disease (Cushing syndrome)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Common type of marine shellfish in Taiwan he anemia (β thalassemia), its causative gene is located on the first of several pairs of chromosomes?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "11", "options": {"A": "9", "B": "11", "C": "13", "D": "15"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 45 year old male patient, had a history of hyperuricemia and dyslipidemia, the complaints of the last two weeks dropped sharply 8 kg body weight, there is the phenomenon of frequent urination, thirst, physical examination found that patients seek treatment when height 165 cm, weight 80 kg, blood pressure 160/90 mmHg, breathing 15 times per minute, pulse 100 beats per minute, neck phenomenon melanin deposition, the patient most likely diagnosis why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "diabetes", "options": {"A": "Hyperthyroidism", "B": "Pheochromocytoma", "C": "diabetes", "D": "Diabetes insipidus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The relationship between the blood and digestive narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The hepatic synthesis of immunoglobulin (Immunoglobulin) with a bactericidal action in blood", "options": {"A": "After the red blood cells were destroyed, heme (Heme) is decomposed into bilirubin (bilirubin) bile into the liver becomes part", "B": "The hepatic synthesis of immunoglobulin (Immunoglobulin) with a bactericidal action in blood", "C": "Vitamin K Chang E. endophytes (normal flora) generates the synthetic clotting factors are important", "D": "The gastrointestinal absorption of iron can be supplied to the oxygen carrying red blood cells"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "42. Production of maternal perineal laceration (perineal laceration) is divided into four degrees, a fourth-degree lacerations most serious. The fourth degree laceration on behalf of what kind of depth to reach the following anatomical location?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Rectal mucosa (rectal mucosa)", "options": {"A": "Vaginal mucosa (vaginal mucosa)", "B": "The outer layer of the anal sphincter (external anal sphincter)", "C": "The inner anal sphincter (internal anal sphincter)", "D": "Rectal mucosa (rectal mucosa)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Constitute wrist bone (wrist), the two bones that will directly and distal radius (distal end of radius) related sections?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Navicular bone (scaphoid) and lunate (lunate)", "options": {"A": "Trapezium (TRAPEZIUM) and the trapezoid bone (Trapezoid)", "B": "Capitate bone (capitate) bone with the hook (hamate)", "C": "Navicular bone (scaphoid) and lunate (lunate)", "D": "Triangular bone (triquetrum) and bean-shaped bone (pisiform)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "RU-486 (mifepristone) can be used in abortion, because its main receptor antagonism which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "progesterone", "options": {"A": "glucocorticoid", "B": "androgen", "C": "estrogen", "D": "progesterone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "70-year-old woman, like a tumor on the left after the left ear, for several years, organizations such as the right biopsy results; Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Basal cell carcinomas (basal cell carcinoma)", "options": {"A": "Cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma)", "B": "Basal cell carcinomas (basal cell carcinoma)", "C": "Malignant melanoma cell carcinoma (malignant melanoma)", "D": "Seborrheic keratosis (seborrheic keratosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "1635-year-old man complained of fever for five days, three days before the onset of tourism from Indonesia came back a week Other symptoms include: retro-orbital pain, back muscle pain, loss of appetite, soft stools and lower limbs and abdominal rash (as shown). Blood pressure 130/85 mmHg; 38.9 deg.] C temperature scale; 88 pulse / min; respiration 18 / min; blood tests: leukocytes 2,350 / mm3; hematocrit (hematocrit) 49%; platelets: 43,000 / mm3;\n GOT / GPT: 84/67 U / L. Patients most likely to be the kind of infection?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Dengue (Dengue fever)", "options": {"A": "Influenza (influenza)", "B": "Syphilis (Syphilis)", "C": "Dengue (Dengue fever)", "D": "Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) infection in 17 of the following statements related to pulmonary edema, whichever is correct?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of infant atopic dermatitis, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The main distribution range of the extension side of the face, limbs and scalp (extensor side)", "options": {"A": "The main distribution range of the extension side of the face, limbs and scalp (extensor side)", "B": "If patients with thrombocytopenia and immune dysfunction, suspected to be hyper-IgE syndrome", "C": "Shall not seborrheic dermatitis and differential diagnosis of clinical", "D": "To avoid side effects caused by topical steroids, FDA recommended the drug of choice is 0.03% tacrolimus topical or 1% pimecrolimus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "74.61-year-old male sudden chest pain, difficulty breathing, chest X-ray as its icon, the most important diagnostic why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "pneumothorax", "options": {"A": "Emphysema", "B": "Pulmonary contusion hemorrhage", "C": "pneumothorax", "D": "pneumonia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of operon (operon), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Found only in eukaryotes", "options": {"A": "Found only in eukaryotes", "B": "Containing promoter", "C": "It contains operator", "D": "Include structural genes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve) when damaged thumb what action can not be carried out?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Adduction (adduction)", "options": {"A": "Bending (flexion)", "B": "Straight (extension)", "C": "Adduction (adduction)", "D": "Abduction (Abduction)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related visceral leishmaniasis disease (visceral leishmaniasis) of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Spleen puncture such patients is contraindicated", "options": {"A": "Clinically misdiagnosed as not regeneration anemia (aplastic anemia)", "B": "After drug treatment in a patient, may be generated after kala-azar disease cutaneous leishmaniasis (post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis)", "C": "Spleen puncture such patients is contraindicated", "D": "Patients will hypergammaglobulinemia (hyperglobulinemia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about Crohn's colitis and ulcerative colitis (Ulcerative colitis) identification of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ulcerative colitis have a higher percentage of fissure, anal ulcer,  tubes and abscess", "options": {"A": "Clinical symptoms of Crohn's colitis ulcerative colitis higher than the ratio palpable abdominal mass and more anal problems", "B": "Radiological examination, Crohn's colitis are more ileal disease, and more focus jump", "C": "Ulcerative colitis have a higher percentage of fissure, anal ulcer,  tubes and abscess", "D": "Ulcerative colitis ulcers more superficial and generalized, colitis and Crohn's more of a straight line, deep and scattered nature of the ulcer"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "68. ketoacidosis body of the patient ketone bodies (ketone body) is constituted by those of the following substances? ① acetyl acetic acid (acetoacetate) ②β- hydroxybutyric acid (β-hydroxybutyrate) ③ acetone (acetone) ④α- oxoglutarate (α-ketoglutarate)\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Only ①②③", "options": {"A": "①②③④", "B": "Only ①②④", "C": "Only ①②③", "D": "Only ③④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following nucleotide RNA molecule does not exist in general?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Thymine (thymine)", "options": {"A": "Adenine (adenine)", "B": "Uracil (uracil)", "C": "Thymine (thymine)", "D": "Cytosine (cytosine)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "64. Pregnant women seeking treatment process to produce low back pain due to ureteral stones, which of the following less suitable?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Must immediately find out the location of the stone to IVU (intravenous urography), be treated so as not to aggravate symptoms of gravel to continue the pregnancy", "options": {"A": "Must immediately find out the location of the stone to IVU (intravenous urography), be treated so as not to aggravate symptoms of gravel to continue the pregnancy", "B": "Using double J ureteral catheter (double-J ureter stent) to unblock ureter", "C": "Positioning placed under local anesthesia ultrasound percutaneous nephrostomy fistula (percutaneous nephrostomy tube insertion)", "D": "When the first trimester of pregnancy should be avoided X rays"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following as the main fungal pathogens (primary pathogen)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Paracoccidioides brasiliensis", "options": {"A": "Aspergillus niger", "B": "Cryptococcus neoformans", "C": "Candida albicans", "D": "Paracoccidioides brasiliensis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mature B cells can express IgM and IgD simultaneously two immunoglobulin on the cell surface, the main molecular mechanisms why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "RNA diverse cut access (alternative splicing)", "options": {"A": "RNA diverse cut access (alternative splicing)", "B": "Alleles exclude (allelic exclusion)", "C": "V", "D": "J segment recombinant (recombination)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old woman, because of fever, diarrhea, dehydration, injection or treatment at a hospital, the patient suddenly consciousness, irritability, and into a semi-conscious state, go to an emergency medical center to do a MRI examination, according to this two MRI T2WI and DWI imaging, diagnosis is most appropriate:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Pontine myelinolysis", "options": {"A": "Pontine myelinolysis", "B": "Acute pontine infarction", "C": "Japanese encephalitis", "D": "Pontine glioma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Cholesterol is following what vitamins (Vitamin) synthetic precursor?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "D", "options": {"A": "A", "B": "D", "C": "IS", "D": "TO"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 55 year old man referral jaundice, serum biochemical tests in the preliminary test shown Bilirubin total / direct = 7.8 / 4.0 mg / dL (normal <1.0 / 0.3), GOT 247 U / L (normal <35), GPT 176 U / L (normal <35), plasma prothrombin time prolonged, referring physicians noted that vitamin K injection can significantly improve the prothrombin time, the direction that is most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Obstructive jaundice", "options": {"A": "Acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis plus", "B": "Cirrhosis", "C": "Obstructive jaundice", "D": "Acute liver failure"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not structural features of macular central fovea (foveola) of?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Containing only ganglion cells (ganglion cells) and cone cells (cones)", "options": {"A": "Completely rod cells (rods) of the distribution", "B": "Containing only ganglion cells (ganglion cells) and cone cells (cones)", "C": "The retina is the thinnest", "D": "Completely free distribution of retinal vessels"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a risk factor for breast cancer?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Aunt breast cancer", "options": {"A": "Sisters first-degree relatives of breast cancer", "B": "40-year-old pregnant first child", "C": "10 years after menopause taking estrogen substitution agent", "D": "Aunt breast cancer"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following treatment-related hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) medication levothyroxine pharmacological effects described, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Levothyroxine poor for treatment of hypothyroidism drugs such as amiodarone caused", "options": {"A": "Levothyroxine can not be used with antacids combined calcium and aluminum class", "B": "Levothyroxine poor for treatment of hypothyroidism drugs such as amiodarone caused", "C": "Levothyroxine can use hypothyroidism in pregnant women", "D": "Myxedema coma (myxedema coma) can be treated using levothyroxine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about breast X-ray photography (mammography) check, whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Breast fat ratio will affect mammography sensitivity", "options": {"A": "Less than 30 year-old young woman suspected of breast lumps, should be breast X-ray photography row", "B": "50-year-old woman mammography sensitivity worse than women 50 years of age", "C": "Breast fat ratio will affect mammography sensitivity", "D": "mammography can affect the test results vary from the examiner, i.e., operator-dependent"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "19-year-old woman, because of a sprained foot sticking pain medicine cloth, two days later, there will be itching of skin lesions as shown in the following examination what most helpful in the diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Stickers skin test (patch test)", "options": {"A": "KOH microscopy (KOH examination)", "B": "Stickers skin test (patch test)", "C": "Acupuncture test (prick test)", "D": "Tzanck smear (Tzanck test)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related to genetics and genetic testing in the study of liver diseases, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "In Wilson's disease (Wilson's disease), the most common point mutations occur in genes ATP7B, and only one mutation occurs", "options": {"A": "After the alcohol in the liver metabolism, oxidative metabolism of alcohol to acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde), by ALDH (aldehyde", "B": "In autoimmune hepatitis (autoimmune hepatitis) aspect, the genetic background and HLA-B1, -B8, -DR3 and related -DR4", "C": "Shen iron in hereditary disease (hereditary hemochromatosis) aspect to HFE C282Y and H63D mutations in genes related to the most common", "D": "In Wilson's disease (Wilson's disease), the most common point mutations occur in genes ATP7B, and only one mutation occurs"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When a fisherman fishing, accidentally stabbed dorsal fins, a few hours later because of leg swelling, pain, and there are deep purple blisters emerge, I ask that one of the following pathogens is most likely?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Vibrio vulnificus", "options": {"A": "Aeromonas hydrophilia", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus", "C": "Vibrio vulnificus", "D": "Streptococcus pyogenes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "14-year-old girl appeared malignant hypertension (200/130 mmHg), abdominal imaging examination revealed adrenal tumors, urinary catecholamines (catecholamine) and serum renin (serum renin) were increased. The following changes in blood vessels in the kidneys, what's with this tumor has the closest relationship?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis", "options": {"A": "Hyaline arteriolosclerosis", "B": "Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis", "C": "Atherosclerosis", "D": "Thromboembolism"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Hypothalamus (hypothalamus) that a nucleus for the human biological clock (biological clock) of the main pacemaker (pacemaker)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "suprachiasmatic nucleus", "options": {"A": "paraventricular nucleus", "B": "preoptic nucleus", "C": "ventromedial nucleus", "D": "suprachiasmatic nucleus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One patient due to lung cancer, bronchial purposes slice, histological changes as shown in Figure 2, Which of the following is the most appropriate description?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Glandular-like structure (glandular structure)", "options": {"A": "Presentation cheese necrosis (caseous necrosis) change", "B": "Horny beads (keratin pearl) exists", "C": "Glandular-like structure (glandular structure)", "D": "Neural epithelial (neuroepithelium) based"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In the clinical part of the child due to insulin-like growth factors (insulin-like growth factor; IGF-1) deficiency, thus causing growth retardation phenomenon, which of the following drugs can be used to promote their growth and development?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Mecasermin", "options": {"A": "Recombinant human growth hormone (recombinant human growth hormone)", "B": "Octreotide", "C": "Mecasermin", "D": "Pegvisomant"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 63-year-old diabetic patients with lobar pneumonia associated with sepsis and kidney failure in hospital, receiving bloating diarrhea after three weeks of antibiotic treatment, there is little bloodshot eyes and mucous stool, colonoscopy found covered with yellow membrane-like patches on the colonic mucosa, feces Clostridium difficile toxin positive reaction Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Pseudomembranous colitis (pseudomembranous colitis)", "options": {"A": "Toxic megacolon (toxic megacolon)", "B": "Pseudomembranous colitis (pseudomembranous colitis)", "C": "Radiation enterocolitis (radiation enterocolitis)", "D": "Intussusception (intussusception)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The gastric cardia (cardiac portion) epithelial cells up to that kind?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Surface mucosal cells (surface mucous cells)", "options": {"A": "Surface mucosal cells (surface mucous cells)", "B": "Enteroendocrine cells (enteroendocrine cells)", "C": "Parietal cells (parietal cells)", "D": "Stem cell regeneration (regenerative stem cells)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Wang Jun, 25-year-old male, the first time take a skyscraper elevator, panic attacks, after Wang Jun did not dare to take any enclosed elevator, but Wang Jun and from domestic and international multi-trip by plane, panic attacks did not happen, capable sealed laboratory work, grocery shopping take the escalators are also no problem. Wang Jun What diagnosis is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Elevator phobia (specific phobia of elevator)", "options": {"A": "Panic disorder (panic disorder)", "B": "Fear of heights (acrophobia)", "C": "Elevator phobia (specific phobia of elevator)", "D": "Agoraphobia (agoraphobia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Original oncogene (proto-oncogenes) can be transformed through the following mechanism for oncogene (oncogenes), except for whichever?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Its promoter region (promoter region) of the mutation results in decreased protein synthesis", "options": {"A": "Chemical mutagenic (chemical-induced mutation)", "B": "Chromosomal recombination", "C": "Viral infection", "D": "Its promoter region (promoter region) of the mutation results in decreased protein synthesis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A pregnant woman suffering from an unusual day  sores (Pemphigus vulgaris), the Ping An just under 3000 grams of a small boy, but then found that the baby was small limbs and distribution of erythema, there are some small water  on erythema, so quickly into neonatal intensive care unit for treatment. His disease was why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Antibody immune diseases mother autologous, anti-desmoglein 3 antibody (anti-desmoglein 3 antibody) through the placenta, causing temporary symptoms of", "options": {"A": "Antibody immune diseases mother autologous, anti-desmoglein 3 antibody (anti-desmoglein 3 antibody) through the placenta, causing temporary symptoms of", "B": "Autoimmune disease antibody immune systems fetal skin diseases mother autologous, anti-dsDNA antibody (anti-dsDNA antibody) through the placenta, causing the", "C": "Mother medication treatment of autoimmune diseases, in him to cause adverse reactions", "D": "Genetic immune diseases from mother's body, and he was a birth incidence"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A step that the electron transport chain of mitochondria Rotenone inhibit?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "NADH→coenzyme Q", "options": {"A": "NADH→coenzyme Q", "B": "Quoted Quoted b → c1", "C": "Quoted Quoted c1 → c", "D": "Cyt c → Cyt (a + a3)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The third cranial nerve damage, most likely to affect which of the following actions?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Upper eyelid elevation", "options": {"A": "chew", "B": "Face sweat", "C": "Closed eyes", "D": "Upper eyelid elevation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The one who is following brain dead patients, most are not fit to be a donor kidney transplant?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "20-year-old, HIV-positive", "options": {"A": "43-year-old, diabetic patients", "B": "35 years old, a history of kidney stones", "C": "37 years old, a history of duodenal ulcer", "D": "20-year-old, HIV-positive"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, about these patients should be careful of the suture, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Give an enema", "options": {"A": "Give an enema", "B": "Given stool softeners", "C": "Given ice", "D": "Antibiotics"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "4452-year-old female patient, a urologist for treatment due to low back pain on the left side, only found by physical examination before due to uterine fibroids hysterectomy and laparoscopic gallstone surgery scars accepted, urine analysis RBC: 2-5 / HPF , WBC: 2-5 / HPF, Sugar (-), Protein (-), BUN: 19.1 mg / dL, Cr: 0.58 mg / dL, Uric acid: 5.1 mg / dL, arranged IVU (intravenous urinary photography) check (FIG), the diagnosis may be:\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Lights left kidney stones", "options": {"A": "Outside the kidney calcification", "B": "Lights left kidney stones", "C": "Left renal vascular calcification", "D": "Both ureteral calculi"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "4725-year-old woman, G1P0, regular period every 42 days, prenatal ultrasound showing fetal crown-rump diameter (CRL, crown-rump length) 1 cm, what is the number of weeks of pregnancy:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "12 weeks", "options": {"A": "6 weeks", "B": "8 weeks", "C": "10 weeks", "D": "12 weeks"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What kind of tumor Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome may be associated with?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Wilms' tumor", "options": {"A": "lymphoma", "B": "neuroblastoma", "C": "Wilms' tumor", "D": "hepatoblastoma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the back, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Bit in the occipital artery occipital artery Triangle (suboccipital artery)", "options": {"A": "Erector spinae (erector spinae) as the main base of the spine extensor", "B": "Back rhomboids (rhomboid muscle) appearance when the upper arm is easy to see the flat side", "C": "Bit in the occipital artery occipital artery Triangle (suboccipital artery)", "D": "Suboccipital muscles constitute the top of the triangle for the first half spinae (semispinalis capitis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "82 in the following description, whichever is characteristic of a tumor associated neuroblastoma (Neuroblast)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "There may be self-limiting (Spontaneous regression)", "options": {"A": "There may be self-limiting (Spontaneous regression)", "B": "Ganglion cell tumor (Ganglioneuroma) there will be a lot of presence of neuroblastoma", "C": "Baby suffering from neuroblastoma (Neuroblastoma) Once the transfer of the skin, the prognosis is poor", "D": "All ganglia neuroblastoma (Ganglioneuroblastomas) are considered benign tumors"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a male hormone (androgen) caused by excessive stimulation of the possible side effects?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Weight loss", "options": {"A": "Priapism", "B": "Polycythemia", "C": "Prostate enlargement", "D": "Weight loss"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The figure below shows the baby's head is often tilted to the right to maintain the posture, and touch a large pigeon lump on the right side of the neck, the head of the following activities will be limited to what direction?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Head to right side", "options": {"A": "Head flexion", "B": "Head back", "C": "Head to right side", "D": "Head turned to the left"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "25-year-old motorcycle riders was 60 kilometers per hour after the car crash into the emergency room, to the hospital conscious, described in the following situation for X-rays of the neck What's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "If the side trauma patients normal cervical X-rays, the collar can be removed", "options": {"A": "Science no neurological symptoms, may still have a cervical spine injury", "B": "X-ray cervical side shall include cervical and first thoracic section 7", "C": "If the side trauma patients normal cervical X-rays, the collar can be removed", "D": "If the X-ray cervical side can not see the seventh cervical vertebra, we should add as swimmer's view"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 5-year-old boy suffering from cancer in after you have finished fifth chemotherapy protein found in the urine. Single urine protein / creatinine <1.0. At the same time there is found in the urine sugar, phosphate and carbonate (glycosuria, phosphaturia, bicarbonate loss). Which of the following organizational structure is that the injured area?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Proximal tubules (proximal tubules)", "options": {"A": "Glomerular (glomerulus)", "B": "Proximal tubules (proximal tubules)", "C": "The loop of Henle (Henle's loop)", "D": "Distal tubule (distal tubules)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following anti-TB drugs are not suitable for use in pregnant women?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "streptomycin", "options": {"A": "isoniazid", "B": "streptomycin", "C": "rifampin", "D": "ethambutol"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to the most common symptoms of mercury poisoning (mercury)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Wrist down syndrome", "options": {"A": "Changes in temperament, irritable", "B": "Gait disturbance", "C": "Wrist down syndrome", "D": "Tremble"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When using adult respirator \"volume-cycled\" ventilation mode, reducing the inspiratory flow (flow rate) of the set, while maintaining the other set, which will produce the following phenomena?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Prolonged inspiratory time (Ti)", "options": {"A": "Prolonged inspiratory time (Ti)", "B": "Increased tidal volume (VT)", "C": "Increasing the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP)", "D": "Increased respiratory rate (RR)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to American Society for Reproductive Medicine Revised Classification of Endometriosis, if the assessment of patients with surgery to score 28 points, that endometriosis is that the severity of a stage?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Stage III", "options": {"A": "Stage I", "B": "Stage II", "C": "Stage III", "D": "Stage IV"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About artificial reproductive technology (assisted reproductive technology) of the narrative, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The so-called artificial reproductive technology refers to the process of oocyte retrieval through the relevant treatment", "options": {"A": "Is the number of embryos increases pregnancy rates, implantation, the better", "B": "The so-called artificial reproductive technology refers to the process of oocyte retrieval through the relevant treatment", "C": "Prevention FSH surge artificial reproductive technology is a very important part", "D": "Induction of ovulation, GnRH-antagonist inhibit FSH surge"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia with the worst Which of the following chromosomal or genetic abnormalities?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "FLT3 internal tandem duplication", "options": {"A": "FLT3 internal tandem duplication", "B": "NPM1 mutation", "C": "t(15;17)", "D": "inv(16)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, the patient was found in the blood before surgery β-HCG is 1,050 1U / L (normal <2.5), α-fetoprotein (AFP) value of 330 ng / mL (normal <6), and then five days after surgery track time, if the patient is now no tumor is present, following what the most likely outcome?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "β-HCG: 25; AFP: 160", "options": {"A": "β-HCG: <2.5; AFP <6", "B": "β-HCG: 800; AFP: 80", "C": "β-HCG: 30; AFP: 10", "D": "β-HCG: 25; AFP: 160"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bowen's disease is a disease that part?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "vulva", "options": {"A": "Uterus", "B": "Cervix", "C": "vaginal", "D": "vulva"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A mother found her 10 months old, has always been a very healthy baby girl swollen belly and then a full day unsolved medical treatment. Physical examination revealed the baby abdominal tenderness and bowel sounds almost disappeared. Abdominal X-ray examination revealed a significant expansion of the small intestine, but without the presence of free air. Which of the following is most likely to occur in the baby body?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intestinal stack (intussusception)", "options": {"A": "Duodenum closure (duodenal atresia)", "B": "He Xipu's disease (Hirschsprung disease)", "C": "Intestinal stack (intussusception)", "D": "Meckel's diverticulum (Meckel diverticulum)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Areola skin that secrete the lubricating fluid lactation protection areola and nipple, glandular properties are:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Sebaceous", "options": {"A": "Sebaceous", "B": "Sweat glands", "C": "Breast", "D": "Hair follicle glands"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "51. The description of the child inguinal hernia (inguinal hernia), and Which statement is correct? ① ② high incidence of preterm children are mostly direct hernia (direct type) ③ bags hernia surgery to high ligation-based ④ surgery must be greater than one year of age", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Only ①③", "options": {"A": "②④", "B": "Only ①③", "C": "①③④", "D": "①②③"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A person because of stomach pain and seek treatment, endoscopic examination revealed a gastric ulcer, stomach sliced ​​through the mining test and found to Helicobacter pylori infection, so doctors prescribed three antibiotics to a patient, one is clarithromycin. This principal mechanism of action of antibiotics Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Inhibition of protein synthesis of the bacteria", "options": {"A": "The bacteria cell wall synthesis inhibition", "B": "Inhibition of the synthesis of nucleic acid bacteria", "C": "Inhibition of protein synthesis of the bacteria", "D": "Inhibition of the synthesis of the cell membrane bacteria"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pepe for the first time for check her blood and found that red blood cells is relatively small, MCV 67 fL, MCH 21 pg, hemoglobin Hb 12.3 g / dL, prenatal consultation, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "If a couple is due to influenza A band, a band B is due, may give birth to children with severe, life must rely on blood transfusions", "options": {"A": "Pepe likely due to thalassemia belt (Carrier) or iron deficiency anemia", "B": "Should ask Mr. Pepe went back to the clinic blood test complete blood count (CBC), if Mr. MCV is also less than 80 fL, to ask the couple together for the genetic testing of thalassemia", "C": "Thalassemia is divided into thalassemia major, thalassemia minor and thalassemia intermedia", "D": "If a couple is due to influenza A band, a band B is due, may give birth to children with severe, life must rely on blood transfusions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) The most common cause is?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Confounding factors (mixed factors)", "options": {"A": "Mental factors (psychogenic factor)", "B": "Hormonal factors (hormonal factor)", "C": "Factors artery (arterial factor)", "D": "Confounding factors (mixed factors)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Before new drugs in the clinical trial stage, the subject in 1000 to 3000, is the first of several phases of clinical trials?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The third stage", "options": {"A": "The fourth stage", "B": "The third stage", "C": "second stage", "D": "The first stage"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not due to abnormal embryonic development caused by thyroid tissue location variability?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Lost thyroid (lateral aberrant thyroid)", "options": {"A": "Thyroid tongue (lingual thyroid)", "B": "Ectopic thyroid (ectopic thyroid)", "C": "Lost thyroid (lateral aberrant thyroid)", "D": "Thyroid hyoid bone cyst (thyroglossal duct cyst)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Automatic end expiratory pressure phenomenon (Auto-PEEP), most likely to occur in patients following what body?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "options": {"A": "Hazy cerebral lesions", "B": "Both sides of extensive pneumonia", "C": "Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "D": "Severe respiratory muscle weakness"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Basal ganglia of the following statements about conduction of nerve messages, whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Corpus striatum (caudate and contains putamen) exercise programs to receive messages from the main structure of the cerebral cortex", "options": {"A": "Corpus striatum (caudate and contains putamen) exercise programs to receive messages from the main structure of the cerebral cortex", "B": "Substantia nigra exercise programs to receive messages from the main structure of the cerebral cortex", "C": "Globus pallidus exercise programs to receive messages from the main structure of the cerebral cortex", "D": "Basal ganglia outgoing message issued by the caudate, incoming thalamus, the thalamus and then spread to the cerebral cortex motor area"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Patients with acute myocardial infarction, ribbon contraction (contraction band) and significance of myocardial interstitial hemorrhage represented infarcted myocardial cells it appears as follows:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Thrombolytic therapy results in infarct blood reperfusion", "options": {"A": "Expansion of coronary thrombosis resulting in complete obstruction and infarct area expanded", "B": "Thrombolytic therapy results in infarct blood reperfusion", "C": "Nonthrombotic myocardial infarction caused by coronary artery occlusion", "D": "Incomplete obstructive coronary artery stenosis caused by myocardial infarction, subendocardial"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About pituitary cells (pituicytes), of the following is the correct term?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "This genus glia cells (neuroglial cell)", "options": {"A": "This anterior pituitary cells (pars distalis) in the brain under", "B": "This cell oxytocin (oxytocin) and antidiuretic hormone (ADH / vasopressin)", "C": "This cell bodies having Herring (Herring bodies)", "D": "This genus glia cells (neuroglial cell)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Female pelvic smallest diameters Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "In pelvic diameter", "options": {"A": "Anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet", "B": "Pelvic lumen diameter before and after", "C": "In pelvic diameter", "D": "Pelvic outlet diameter"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "72 year old woman, accompanied by her doctor. Daughter told her mother suffering from dementia, MD, has been five years, unable to communicate with people, normally taken care of by her. Three hours before the mother right shoulder swelling induced fall. Physical examination found the arms, legs, abdomen and back with multiple shades of bruising, head and right arm tenderness point. X-ray examination showed a fracture of the right humerus head. Following the disposal of whichever more appropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "To be suspected elder abuse, if necessary, seek resources to be placed", "options": {"A": "Arrangement complete blood count (CBC), clotting time (clotting time) and to rule out other blood diseases", "B": "A cast, after a fixed pain, please bring her home, and asked them to pay attention to the prevention of falls", "C": "Note orthopedics, done after internal fixation, go home to recuperate", "D": "To be suspected elder abuse, if necessary, seek resources to be placed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "29. Treatment of cyanosis congenital heart disease conventional surgical Blalock-Taussig shunt formula (Blalock-Taussig shunt), that are mainly connected to the following two vessels, in order to achieve the effect of improving hypoxia?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ipsilateral subclavian artery and the pulmonary artery (Subclavian artery and pulmonary artery of the same side)", "options": {"A": "Subclavian artery and pulmonary vein ipsilateral (Subclavian artery and pulmonary vein of the same side)", "B": "Ascending aorta and pulmonary artery (Ascending aorta and main pulmonary artery)", "C": "Pulmonary artery and the ipsilateral carotid artery (Carotid artery and subclavian artery of the same side)", "D": "Ipsilateral subclavian artery and the pulmonary artery (Subclavian artery and pulmonary artery of the same side)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related affective disorder mixed episode (mixed episode), mixed manic and depressive symptoms means of rapidly alternating, lasted at least how many days?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Seven", "options": {"A": "One", "B": "four", "C": "Seven", "D": "fourteen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Airborne sound by the human body through the ear, according to the lever principle hammer drill bone and bone, the voice added a few decibels?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "3", "options": {"A": "3", "B": "10", "C": "15", "D": "20"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "62. The lower back pain screening, which of the following symptoms on behalf of the patient may be suffering from a serious disease (so-called red flag), should be referred to the relevant divisions", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Night pain and getting worse", "options": {"A": "Night pain and getting worse", "B": "The patient's body mass index (BMI) higher", "C": "With lower limb pain", "D": "Had a history of back surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Penicillamine commonly used to treat stones Which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Cystine stones (cystine stone)", "options": {"A": "Calcium oxalate calculi (calcium oxalate stone)", "B": "Uric acid stones (uric acid stone)", "C": "Renal lime precipitation disease (nephrocalcinosis)", "D": "Cystine stones (cystine stone)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 38-year-old woman last month jaundice phenomenon is increasingly apparent over the past few years, she had had the experience of right upper abdominal cramps several times, she receive a liver biopsy, microscopic examination showed obvious bile duct and bile duct hyperplasia bile retention phenomenon, but no inflammation or liver cell necrosis changes. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her jaundice cause?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction (Extrahepatic biliary obstruction)", "options": {"A": "Acute viral hepatitis C (Acute viral hepatitis C)", "B": "Primary biliary cirrhosis (Primary biliary cirrhosis)", "C": "Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction (Extrahepatic biliary obstruction)", "D": "Wilson's disease (Wilson disease)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 55 year old male with long smoking, chewing betel nut and alcohol habits. By oral squamous cell carcinoma before surgery combined chemical and radiation therapy, pain after swallowing phenomenon. Endoscopy found that one third of the esophagus at a diameter of about 1.5 cm irregular ulcer, biopsy shown in FIG. The most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Herpes simplex virus (herpes simplex virus) infection", "options": {"A": "Candidiasis (Candida) infections", "B": "Oral squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus were transferred to", "C": "The combined esophageal squamous cell carcinoma", "D": "Herpes simplex virus (herpes simplex virus) infection"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "72. The patient complained of right lower quadrant gradually dull pain, bloating, nausea throughout the day. Abdominal computed tomography scan showing the figures. Arrow referred to in abnormal that best meets one of the following early diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "acute appendicitis", "options": {"A": "cecal diverticulitis", "B": "acute appendicitis", "C": "mesenteric adenitis", "D": "colon cancer"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 36-year-old woman fell due to a car accident, his right arm by a direct hit, causing swelling and deformation of the right forearm, X-ray examination revealed distal radius fracture and dislocation of the distal radius and ulna, the most likely diagnosis in this patient why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Galeazzi Mr. fracture", "options": {"A": "Galeazzi Mr. fracture", "B": "Smith's fracture", "C": "Monteggia Mr. fracture", "D": "Essex-Lopresti's fracture"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following narrative about chronic heart failure, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The pressure in the jugular vein of the left ventricle function can complete reaction", "options": {"A": "In terms of auscultation, systolic heart failure patients with left heart sounds can be heard third, fourth heart sound often heard in diastolic left ventricular failure", "B": "The pressure in the jugular vein of the left ventricle function can complete reaction", "C": "Physical examination (physical examination) can be found in the maximum apex beat point (point of maximal impulse) from the original position (the fifth intercostal space and left mid clavicular line) to the left and downward deviation", "D": "Left ventricular emitting component (left ventricular ejection fraction) to assess systolic function indicators"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "viridans streptococci endocarditis caused by infection, the drugs can not be used alone aminoglycosides class, but must be used in combination penicillin in order to play its bactericidal effect, which is the main reason why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "aminoglycosides class of drugs can not penetrate the cell wall of viridans streptococci", "options": {"A": "aminoglycosides class of drugs can not penetrate the cell wall of viridans streptococci", "B": "aminoglycosides can not bind to the ribosome viridans streptococci", "C": "viridans streptococci no cell wall structure", "D": "aminoglycosides class of drugs can not cross cell membranes of viridans streptococci"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Resting membrane potential of cardiac cells (resting membrane potential) mainly because of what the ion concentration inside and outside the cell membrane caused by the difference?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Potassium", "options": {"A": "sodium", "B": "Potassium", "C": "calcium", "D": "magnesium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "On the following four major pathogenic diseases machine turn, the immune overreaction that both diseases (hypersensitivity reaction) closest to?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "①④", "options": {"A": "①②", "B": "②④", "C": "①④", "D": "②③"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the acidic chyme produced physiological (pH <3) into the duodenum of the reaction, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Increased pancreatic secretion rich in bicarbonate (bicarbonate) of", "options": {"A": "Increased gastric acid secretion", "B": "Reduce the formation of bile", "C": "Increased pancreatic secretion rich in bicarbonate (bicarbonate) of", "D": "Inhibition of pancreatic enzyme secretion of enriched"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following combination of features belonging molecular markers that regulatory T cells (regulatory T cell) areas?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "CD4 / CD25", "options": {"A": "CD3 / CD28", "B": "CD4 / CD25", "C": "CD3 / CD8", "D": "CD16/CD56"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "33-year-old woman, G4P2A1, pregnancy 33 weeks, a score of 4 points, depending on what the best disposal of fetal biophysical scoring method (biophysical profile, BPP)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "BPP day experiment was repeated, if less than or equal to 6, immediate delivery", "options": {"A": "Immediate delivery", "B": "BPP day experiment was repeated, if less than or equal to 6, immediate delivery", "C": "BPP test repeated after three days, if less than or equal to 8, immediate delivery", "D": "After seven days the test was repeated BPP, if less than or equal to 8, immediate delivery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 12-year-old boy because the penis is too short and treatment, physical examination found that 3 cm long penis, scrotum small, non-palpable testicles, hypospadias without development and no pubic hair, blood tests showed that serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and promoting luteinizing hormone (LH) were higher than the normal range, testosterone (Testosterone) value of <0.2 ng / mL. That one of the following checks at least help with the diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Pituitary function tests", "options": {"A": "Chromosome", "B": "Pituitary function tests", "C": "hCG stimulation test", "D": "Antimüllerian hormone serum concentrations"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 52-year-old male patient due to chronic stomach pain to a medical center for treatment. Physicians arrangements do endoscopy, found that patients with ulcers in the stomach pylorus, and take the number of gastric mucosa, room for bacterial culture. For these sample, the most suitable gas incubator environment Why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Hypoxia (containing about 5% oxygen)", "options": {"A": "Atmosphere (containing about 20% oxygen)", "B": "Mu氧 environment", "C": "Hyperoxia (containing about 50% oxygen)", "D": "Hypoxia (containing about 5% oxygen)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "78. Zhang Xian ⽣ is ⼀ bit ⽊ ⼯, and be joined to his wife submenus live, will take the ⼀ packs a day and after work ⼀ will drink some wine. There ⼀ times fainted separate warranty wake up soon, after examination found that he had left carotid artery stenosis, found that brain ⾎ canal stenosis ADVANCED photography up to 90%. ⾎ tube surgeon advised him to do carotid intima curettage or placed ⽀ racks treatment, but told Zhang Xian ⽣ accept the risk of death immediately have the watch surgery or stroke, Zhang Xian ⽣ feel hesitant surgery on your watch and say", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Zhang Xian ⽣ and after full discussion, to give medical therapy, and smoking cessation plans and arrangements for regular follow", "options": {"A": "Zhang Xian ⽣ and after full discussion, to give medical therapy, and smoking cessation plans and arrangements for regular follow", "B": "Clinical treatment without regard to things other than the disease, Zhang Xian associate the resulting retirement ⾦ should not affect your medical decisions", "C": "Zhang Xian ⽣ may be subject to pressure disease care has been taken not to make the right judgments, should contact their family members to discuss the direction that the treatment", "D": "First arrange your watch patients for the treatment of timeliness, into the room again open ⼑ Zhang Xian ⽣ explain this to your watch surgery risks"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For patients with chronic ulcerative colitis, and which of the following non-formation of one of the factors that contributed to cancer?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Depth ulcers", "options": {"A": "Depth ulcers", "B": "Age of onset", "C": "Morbidity of the period", "D": "Extent of disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not the pharmacological effects of marijuana?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Reduce appetite", "options": {"A": "relief the pain", "B": "Reduce appetite", "C": "Euphoria (euphoria) and relaxation", "D": "Reduce nausea"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "39 a 41-year-old healthy woman, the company offers annual health examination revealed blood in CA 19-9 value was 42.6 U / mL, higher than normal ( 80%) and not easy to relapse", "options": {"A": "HDV co-infection with HBV can be acute (coinfection), or repeated infection (superinfection) in HBV asymptomatic carrier", "B": "Repeated infection HDV, have a bad effect on the original chronic HBV asymptomatic carrier, could prompt rapid deterioration of liver disease or cause fulminant hepatic failure", "C": "Lower HDV and HBV co-infection after acute evolve into chronic hepatitis D opportunities", "D": "interferon (or pegylated interferon) is the only proven effective in the treatment of HDV medicament, a high cure rate (> 80%) and not easy to relapse"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ankle adult acute trauma, may be determined according to whether Ottawa ankle rules to accept X-rays. Which of the following is not a criterion of Ottawa ankle rules?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After the injured ankle dorsiflexion activity limitation (limited dorsiflexion of ankle)", "options": {"A": "Medial malleolus tenderness (tenderness at tip of medial malleolus) after injury", "B": "After the injury lateral tenderness (tenderness at tip of lateral malleolus)", "C": "Unable to load (inability to bear weight) after injury", "D": "After the injured ankle dorsiflexion activity limitation (limited dorsiflexion of ankle)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following principles for the prevention of nosocomial urinary tract infection, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Urine already has bacteria, therefore placed indwelling catheter-type aseptic technique is not to be taken", "options": {"A": "Urine already has bacteria, therefore placed indwelling catheter-type aseptic technique is not to be taken", "B": "Placement of indwelling catheter-type aseptic technique must be taken to prevent urinary tract infections", "C": "Should not be easy to take care of those who placed indwelling catheter type", "D": "Indwelling catheter type should not need to remove as soon as possible"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, if the patient is a high-energy primary parathyroid disease (Primary Hyperparathyroidism), then that best describes correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Surgical removal of parathyroid lesions", "options": {"A": "Malignant liver tumors by no means", "B": "Ectopic parathyroid adenoma, neck ultrasound can detect 100%", "C": "T1-201-Tc99m subtraction scan positioning than Tc99m sestamibi scan", "D": "Surgical removal of parathyroid lesions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Living donor liver transplantation remaining after partial hepatectomy liver changes, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Freund's liver cells with the library cells (Kupffer's cells) and endothelial cells Replication", "options": {"A": "Resected lobe re-grow", "B": "The remaining liver take at least six months more than doubled to grow", "C": "Freund's liver cells with the library cells (Kupffer's cells) and endothelial cells Replication", "D": "Compensatory growth after liver resection is mainly due to the growth of hepatic stem cells described in (intrahepatic stem cells) of about 77 following apoptosis (apoptosis), and what is correct?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Children account of intestinal stack (intussusception), and which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Most patients require surgery", "options": {"A": "Good hair at the age of three months to two years old", "B": "Most patients require surgery", "C": "Predilection sites cecum portion in the ileum (ileocecal region)", "D": "If the diagnosis has been the phenomenon of peritonitis, surgical treatment is more appropriate places"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pharmacological effects related to danazol following description, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Synthetic aromatic ring-converting enzyme inhibitory activity (the aromatase), thereby inhibiting estrogen", "options": {"A": "By one kind of synthetic testosterone (testerone)", "B": "Mainly for endometriosis (superficial evils) and benign fibrocystic breast (fibrocystic breast", "C": "Synthetic aromatic ring-converting enzyme inhibitory activity (the aromatase), thereby inhibiting estrogen", "D": "Hepatotoxicity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the elbows bent, foot bones (head of ulna) in contact with which of the following?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Ulnar notch (ulnar notch)", "options": {"A": "Ulnar notch (ulnar notch)", "B": "Coronal fossa (coronoid fossa)", "C": "Radial fossa (radial fossa)", "D": "Olecranon fossa (olecranon fossa)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Sagittal MRI picture shows a 41-year-old woman at the lumbar spine of T1 and T2 images. The fourth variation has a high signal and the transverse central portion of the fifth lumbar vivo. Will this change in the bone marrow of high signal why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "fatty replacement of central aspect of vertebral bodies", "options": {"A": "infectious spondylitis", "B": "transverse fracture of vertebral bodies", "C": "metastases", "D": "fatty replacement of central aspect of vertebral bodies"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "75-year-old male patient to the emergency room two days of abdominal pain, body temperature 38.5 ℃, blood pressure 80/60 mmHg, pulse 120 / min, Science examination revealed abdominal tenderness and stiffness rebound pain (rebound pain) suspected peptic ulcer perforation, this time the most suitable X-ray examination is:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chest X-ray (chest X-ray)", "options": {"A": "Chest X-ray (chest X-ray)", "B": "HOT X-ray", "C": "Upper gastrointestinal X-ray (upper G-I series)", "D": "Abdominal computed tomography (abdominal CT scan)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about cystine calculi (cystine stone), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Magnesium ion in urine is cystine stones inhibitor", "options": {"A": "Typical cystinuria is autosomal recessive genetic", "B": "Magnesium ion in urine is cystine stones inhibitor", "C": "Medical therapy includes more than 3 liters of water per day, and urine alkalinization", "D": "penicillamine can reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the urine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After many proteins must bind to metal ions in order to show the right features, which of the following amino acid side chains have the ability to directly bind to metal ions?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Half 胱胺 acid (cysteine)", "options": {"A": "Half 胱胺 acid (cysteine)", "B": "Alanine (alanine)", "C": "Phenylalanine (Phenylalanine)", "D": "Proline (proline) 27 vitamin lipoic acid and biotin in combination with the amino acids in the enzyme molecule?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "21.67-year-old man with diabetes itself, after oral hypoglycemic agents currently control around 23:00 the day before drinking two bottles of beer, all of a sudden heart palpitations occur until the morning 5 ℃, heart rate of 140 beats per minute, blood pressure 150/80 mm Hg, breathing 24 times per minute. ECG as follows. He's following the disposal of the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intravenous administration of amiodarone therapy", "options": {"A": "Oral administration of coumadin", "B": "Now chest 100J shock", "C": "Intravenous administration of amiodarone therapy", "D": "Intravenous administration of heparin therapy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Parkinson's disease occurs when the patient began to motor block (motor block) in late perform relatively unaffected Which of the following sports?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "On the stairs", "options": {"A": "On the stairs", "B": "Walking in the narrow corridor", "C": "Crossing the road", "D": "Out of the elevator door"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a cause of maternal hemorrhage (obstetrical hemorrhage) common cause of death?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Eclampsia (eclampsia)", "options": {"A": "Placental abruption (abruption of placenta), and placenta (placenta praevia)", "B": "Placenta (placenta accreta / increta) and retained placenta", "C": "Uterine rupture and uterine weakness (uterine atony)", "D": "Eclampsia (eclampsia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "43. A 35-year-old woman because too much menstrual flow clinics open, blood tests found that hemoglobin was 11.2 gm / dL, leukocytes 7550 / μL, platelets 196500 / μL, before thrombin time (PT) INR 1.0, activated partial thromboplastin of hormone time\n (APTT) 56 Miao (control: 28 \"-35\"), following which the patient's examination of this diagnosis is not necessary?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "factor XIII activity", "options": {"A": "factor VIII activity", "B": "factor IX activity", "C": "factor XIII activity", "D": "von Willebrand factor activity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Trichomonas vaginalis and the following statements about the condition and what was right?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Who is the only host", "options": {"A": "Vaginal discharge of patients with white cheese-like", "B": "Couples men usually have no symptoms, just treat the symptoms wife can", "C": "Who is the only host", "D": "Infection type (infective form) for the capsule"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "34 by 39-year-old pregnant woman, G6P2A3, after 35 weeks of pregnancy, pregnancy, maternity prehistoric secondary caesarean section because the pelvis, the mining artificial insemination pregnancy, complained of sudden vaginal bleeding, but no lower abdominal pain or other pain, to hospital emergency room line emergency caesarean section. After the fetus, the placenta can not be completely stripped, uterine bleeding weak, forced line hysterectomy. The above-mentioned cases, the most likely diagnosis is:\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Placenta accreta", "options": {"A": "Placental abruption", "B": "Double horn", "C": "Placenta accreta", "D": "Futaba placenta"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "3,328 year-old female cheek erythema last six months (as indicated by reference) and the fingers, wrist and shoulder pain, including sporadic. Physicians who are suspected to lupus erythematosus. I ask that the following checks be most helpful in the diagnosis of the disease?  skin biopsy  anti-nuclear antibodies serum complements C3 and C4 level rheumatoid factors complete\n blood routine  anti-dsDNA antibodies  anti-SS-A / anti-SS-B\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "", "options": {"A": " \t- -", "B": "", "C": "", "D": ""}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Chen Xiaomei is a country sophomores, seven days ago, suddenly left tamper with involuntary happen, she could not take a bowl to eat, especially when hands flat, non-stop dancing the whole arm has been unable to control, but the power of the left hand not subtract, and no abnormal feeling, science and neurological examination no other abnormalities. In addition to her cardiac ultrasound also showed that the valve is not normal, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) also increased. The most likely clinical assumptions are:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Xindeng Nan's disease (Sydenham's chorea)", "options": {"A": "Huntington's disease (Huntington's chorea)", "B": "Xindeng Nan's disease (Sydenham's chorea)", "C": "High thyroid chorea", "D": "Stroke of half chorea"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following side effects the most independent of the long-term use of anti-arrhythmic drugs amiodarone?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Depression", "options": {"A": "Hyperthyroidism", "B": "Pulmonary fibrosis", "C": "Depression", "D": "Photosensitivity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "64. A 55 year old man these days change awareness is sent to emergency room. Patients diagnosed with lung cancer a month ago, but he refused any further treatment. Family narrative depressed patients this month, but the food was acceptable, no vomiting or fever. Physical examination: 36.8 deg.] C temperature, blood pressure 130/78 mmHg, pulse rate 80 per minute, respiration 19 times per minute. Disorder patients have time and space situation, and lethargy; other neurological examination was normal; the upper right supraclavicular fossa has a thumb large lymph nodes, lower limb edema. Preliminary examination hematocrit mg / dL, ALT 30 U / L, glucose 156 mg / dL. Serum electrolytes, Na + 122, K + 5.5, Cl- 86 (electrolyte Unit mmol / L). For possible diagnosis of this patient, following the one most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Lung cancer complicated by inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone", "options": {"A": "Obstructive lung cancer complicated by pneumonia", "B": "Concurrent brain metastasis of lung cancer", "C": "Lung cancer complicated by anorexia", "D": "Lung cancer complicated by inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a eukaryotic cell group egg white to ⼄ main function acyl enzyme (histone deacetylase) of?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Regulation of transcription of the gene", "options": {"A": "Regulation of transcription of the gene", "B": "Increasing the concentration of the histone white", "C": "Decrease of mRNA translation for Use", "D": "By increasing the eukaryotic initiation Submenu 2 (eIF2) stability of quality egg white"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A patient undergoing radiation therapy after surgery, vomiting, poor appetite, diarrhea and mild abdominal pain symptoms. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "After radiation enteritis (radiation enteritis)", "options": {"A": "After radiation cystitis (radiation cystitis)", "B": "After radiation enteritis (radiation enteritis)", "C": "After radiation proctitis (radiation proctitis)", "D": "Intestinal vaginal fistula (enterovaginal fistula)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "On child trauma, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Child and adult priority when the first aid is not the same", "options": {"A": "Although not see a child chest trauma rib fractures, lung contusions but there phenomenon", "B": "A child does not fracture the spine, but the more common spinal cord injuries (spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality) of the phenomenon", "C": "Child and adult priority when the first aid is not the same", "D": "Children due to subcutaneous fat (subcutaneous tissue) less easily lead to hypothermia first aid (hypothermia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ms. Wang, 38, 28, accepted a mechanical mitral valve replacement surgery, postoperative use of warfarin sodium, which of the following is correct? ① If Ms. Wang to be taking thyroxine, should be monitored regularly prothrombin time, appropriate to reduce the dose of warfarin must take Angelica ② if Ms. Wang, ginkgo and other traditional Chinese medicine, should be monitored regularly aPTT, appropriate to reduce the dose of warfarin ③ If Ms. Wang to be taking oral contraceptives , regular monitoring of prothrombin time, an appropriate increase in the dose of warfarin ④ If Wang PREFERABLE spinach, the aPTT should be monitored regularly, appropriately increasing doses of warfarin", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "①③", "options": {"A": "①②", "B": "①③", "C": "②④", "D": "④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For acute pancreatitis (acute pancreatitis) may be complications (complications), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Hypercalcemia merger convulsions (hypercalcemia with seizure)", "options": {"A": "Low hematocrit combined acute renal failure (hypovolemia with acute renal failure)", "B": "Low oxygen merger adult respiratory distress syndrome (hypoxemia with adult respiratory distress syndrome)", "C": "Hypercalcemia merger convulsions (hypercalcemia with seizure)", "D": "Blood clots with small intestinal ischemia (vascular thrombosis with ischemic bowel disease)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "1.1 year-old girl three days of high fever and a slight cough, tongue, palate and uvula at the junction (Uvulopalatoglossal junction) have small red spots or bleeding (Nagayama spots), the fourth day after the rash appears no longer have a fever, and mild diarrhea, this is most likely to be infected girls which of the following pathogens?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Human herpes virus type VI (Human Herpesviruses 6)", "options": {"A": "Measles virus (Measles)", "B": "Respiratory syncytial virus (Respiratory syncytial virus)", "C": "Human herpes virus type VI (Human Herpesviruses 6)", "D": "Rotavirus (Rotavirus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For narrative pox family of viruses (Poxvirus), and Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Branch pox virus replication after infection the cells into ⾏ in the cytoplasm, the host does not need the assistance of DNA replication system", "options": {"A": "Eradication of smallpox, the vaccine is because the dead poison the whole ⾯ vaccination monkeypox Branch (monkeypox) virus", "B": "The eradication of smallpox, because the whole ⾯ smallpox virus (variola virus), attenuated vaccine", "C": "Branch monkeypox virus infection destination time before the animal is still popular in Africa, but does not infect non- human", "D": "Branch pox virus replication after infection the cells into ⾏ in the cytoplasm, the host does not need the assistance of DNA replication system"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The figure below shows a facial trauma patients to the emergency, emergency physicians CT arrange face, facial bone fractures situation there, it hurt the case classified as:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Right Le Fort I + III, left Le Fort II", "options": {"A": "Right Le Fort I + II, left Le Fort III", "B": "Right Le Fort II + III, left Le Fort I", "C": "Right Le Fort I + III, left Le Fort II", "D": "Right Le Fort I + II, left Le Fort IV"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In order to address family medicine common acute and chronic diseases, physical and mental illness undifferentiated problems and achieve the purpose of holistic care, clinical diagnosis and treatment should adopt what model?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Bio-psycho-social model", "options": {"A": "Biomedical model", "B": "Psychological medical model", "C": "Medical model", "D": "Bio-psycho-social model"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the acid poisoning, give the main reason NaHCO3 Why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Reduction of drug recycling in the renal tubules", "options": {"A": "Increased at a rate of acidic drug metabolism in the liver", "B": "Changing the stability of an acidic drug in the blood", "C": "Increasing drug free form in the blood, which will help glomerular filtration", "D": "Reduction of drug recycling in the renal tubules"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 25-year-old young women came to the clinic complaining of two days ago that is felt when the solution of urine, urethra pain and burning sensation, and then there is the phenomenon of urinary frequency and urgency of this morning is found in urine pink, two days under occasional abdominal discomfort, but did not have a fever or chills the situation. What is the most appropriate of the assumptions (Impression) would be?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Acute cystitis", "options": {"A": "Urinary tract stones", "B": "Acute cystitis", "C": "Bladder cancer", "D": "Acute pyelonephritis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Scrub typhus (scrub typhus) of the vector is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Red  (red mite)", "options": {"A": "Flea (flea)", "B": "Red  (red mite)", "C": "Body lice (louse)", "D": "Ixodes (hard tick)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 5-year-old boy, because of congenital bilateral VUR bladder lead to chronic kidney disease. Physical examination found: Boys height 100 cm, weight 20 kg. Blood measured blood urea nitrogen (BUN) value of 56 mg / dL; serum creatinine level 1.2 mg / dL. Please estimate the glomerular filtration rate, and according to the stage of chronic kidney disease, renal function to determine the current boys belong to the first of several of chronic kidney disease?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Phase III", "options": {"A": "The first phase", "B": "the second term", "C": "Phase III", "D": "Phase IV"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "For most children with mild mental retardation who, before the age of five are often unable to develop social and communication skills", "options": {"A": "Development of children and adolescents evaluate, assess the gap between the have and have the ability to physiological age should be the extent of development", "B": "Most adults with mild mental retardation, can be developed from my support (self-support) social and vocational skills", "C": "Most children will have already issued similar language but the language is not clear if the voice at the age of 1", "D": "For most children with mild mental retardation who, before the age of five are often unable to develop social and communication skills"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The presence of substances in water that one can best represent contamination by fecal recently?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "NH3-N", "options": {"A": "NH3-N", "B": "NO2--N", "C": "NO3 - N", "D": "N2O5-N"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Wang is a cervical cancer patient, physical examination found that her cervical cancer lesion size of about 3 cm, and there is violation of the right side of the uterus to the vagina and adjacent tissue (parametrium) on 1/3, but not to the pelvic wall. Other tests such as cystoscopy, urinary tract and lower gastrointestinal photography photography were not found in the tumor tissue, the cervical cancer staging Wang:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Stage IIb", "options": {"A": "Cervical cancer surgical staging, surgery should be done to determine", "B": "Stage IIa", "C": "Stage IIb", "D": "Stage IIIb"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Fat embolism syndrome (Fat embolism syndrome) is a long bone or pelvic fractures complications and high mortality. Surgery and after surgery if the following changes to suspect that fat embolism syndrome may occur, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "End tidal volume of carbon dioxide (ETCO2) increased", "options": {"A": "End tidal volume of carbon dioxide (ETCO2) increased", "B": "Arterial oxygen concentration drops", "C": "Pulmonary artery pressure increased", "D": "ECG may show similar ischemia-like ST-segment changes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following when the seizures, the patient is awake consciousness?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Of simple partial seizures (simple partial seizures)", "options": {"A": "Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (generalized tonic-clonic seizures)", "B": "Complex partial seizures (complex partial seizures)", "C": "Of simple partial seizures (simple partial seizures)", "D": "Heat cramps (febrile convulsion)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of scleroderma (morphea), and which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Often have Raynaud's phenomenon (Raynaud phenomenon)", "options": {"A": "Scleroderma of the skin lesions and systemic sclerosis (systemic sclerosis) clearly distinguishable skin lesions", "B": "Rare affect internal organs, the prognosis is good", "C": "Often have Raynaud's phenomenon (Raynaud phenomenon)", "D": "Linear scleroderma (linear morphea) made good in the limbs of children"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The most common congenital heart disease are:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Ventricular septal defect", "options": {"A": "Ventricular septal defect", "B": "Atrial septal defect", "C": "Law Rockwell Snap disease", "D": "Pulmonary atresia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Postmenopausal women with ovarian tumors mostly from?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Epidermal ovary (ovarian epithelium)", "options": {"A": "Epidermal ovary (ovarian epithelium)", "B": "Ovarian parenchyma (ovarian stroma)", "C": "Ovarian germ cells (ovarian germ cell)", "D": "Transferred from elsewhere"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "1st onset (onset) is the most manic", "options": {"A": "Most cases will recur", "B": "May be associated with delusions or hallucinations", "C": "1st onset (onset) is the most manic", "D": "Between 2 incidence can complete remission (full remission)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "For chronic non-healing wounds of the narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Vitamin B12 deficiency can interfere with monocyte activation and deposition of fibronectin, and viscosity affect the cells and interfere with TGF-β receptors", "options": {"A": "The most common cause of wound infections", "B": "Radiation exposure can result in endothelial cells (endothelial cell) damage and endarteritis, leading to tissue atrophy, fibrosis and delay healing", "C": "Vitamin B12 deficiency can interfere with monocyte activation and deposition of fibronectin, and viscosity affect the cells and interfere with TGF-β receptors", "D": "Diabetes affects every step of wound healing"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 77-year-old woman because of the recent eight-month weight loss of 7 kg and treatment. She lives alone in a man two years ago after Mr. died. The last year because of knee arthritis, heart failure, unable to care for themselves and live in long term care facilities. Caregivers said: her memory deteriorated recently and depression. The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Social network (social network) for personal health is indirect", "options": {"A": "According larger Holmes & Rahe Social Readjustment Scale of, death of a spouse's death than parental pressure", "B": "Renkoutongji data show that the mortality rate than those who have widowed spouse high", "C": "Assessing the impact of psychosocial health, social resources (social resource) is a very important project", "D": "Social network (social network) for personal health is indirect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Anatomy of the following statements about the liver, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Even under the circumstances of portal hypertension, still no contact (connection) between each other in the portal circulation and venous circulation system", "options": {"A": "Is generally derived from the cystic artery right hepatic artery", "B": "The most common bile duct constructed after the right front and right rear branch duct branches join, and then will be synthesized and left hepatic bile duct (common hepatic duct)", "C": "Caudate lobe (caudate lobe) refers to the first leaf (segment 1) Couinaud Classification", "D": "Even under the circumstances of portal hypertension, still no contact (connection) between each other in the portal circulation and venous circulation system"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-crispy Bacteroides (Bacteroides fragilis) of the feature?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Can produce spores (Spore)", "options": {"A": "The hydrolysis of esculin (esculin)", "B": "Can grow in a medium containing 20% ​​of bile salts (bile salt) of", "C": "Can produce spores (Spore)", "D": "Gram-negative bacilli"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "15 about the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Taiwan Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare is currently in the promotion of hand hygiene campaign, the so-called wash 5 opportunity, including those of the following circumstances? ① general examination before helping the patient to do physical examination ② only contact with the patient's body surface ③ expected exposure to blood or body fluids of patients will be required to wash their hands after ④ ⑤ perform invasive procedures into the patient's room before donning sterile gloves, just touch the bed railing leaving the patient room", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Only ①①①①", "options": {"A": "①①①①①", "B": "Only ①①①①", "C": "Only ①①①", "D": "Only ①①①"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "With conventional antipsychotics case if the side effects of extrapyramidal symptoms (extrapyramidal syndrome) appear, by the following whichever error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "And treated with a lithium salt (Lithium) to reduce extrapyramidal symptoms", "options": {"A": "Reducing the dosage of conventional antipsychotics", "B": "And treated with a lithium salt (Lithium) to reduce extrapyramidal symptoms", "C": "And anticholinergic drugs (anticholinergics)", "D": "Consider changing to a new generation of antipsychotic drugs"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Children suffer the reasons and principles of \"congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction\" of and what was wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Children less than twelve months, may be subjected to treatment dacryocystorhinostomy", "options": {"A": "The disease is due to the end of the film the nasolacrimal duct (valve of Hasner) is not fully open", "B": "Children up to six months may impose local massage merge point of antibiotic eye drops", "C": "Children less than twelve months, may be subjected to treatment dacryocystorhinostomy", "D": "In patients with conservative treatment after a period of treatment is still not successful, can be subjected to the lacrimal sac lavage and intraoperative probe"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question the patient suspected if the preoperative medullary carcinoma (Medullary cancer) lymph node metastasis is not the best method of operation is:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Bilateral total thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection (total thyroidectomy + central lymph node dissection)", "options": {"A": "Bilateral total thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection (total thyroidectomy + central lymph node dissection)", "B": "Bilateral total thyroidectomy and bilateral cervical lymph node dissection extensive (total thyroidectomy + bilateral radical neck dissection)", "C": "Subtotal resection of the thyroid gland (subtotal thyroidectomy)", "D": "Full ipsilateral thyroid lobectomy (one side lobectomy)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a typical symptom of carotid cavernous  tube (Carotid-cavernous fistula) is?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Conjunctiva varices", "options": {"A": "Reduce intraocular pressure", "B": "Conjunctiva varices", "C": "Enophthalmos", "D": "Lens opacity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 70-year old man had a history of cirrhosis of the liver, oysters in recent weeks due to the rich, own peel and eat oysters, to the emergency room complaining of fever has been two days, the blisters of the skin following figure today, when emergency blood pressure 90/50 mmHg, Mr. pathogens most likely to be infected as which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Vibrio vulnificus", "options": {"A": "Staphylococcus aureus", "B": "Vibrio vulnificus", "C": "group A streptococcus", "D": "Klebsiella pneumoniae"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Fallopian tubes and adenomatoid tumor-derived cells of the testicles is deputy:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "mesothelial cell", "options": {"A": "epithelial cell", "B": "squamous cell", "C": "mesothelial cell", "D": "endothelial cell"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "3235-year-old male was 70 kg high-voltage electrical injury, burns accounted for 40% of total body surface area to Parkland Formula to calculate, before hours after injury How many body fluids mL per hour should be entered?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "700", "options": {"A": "350", "B": "460", "C": "700", "D": "1050"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following apply to laser treatment of vascular dilation?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Laser dye (Dye laser)", "options": {"A": "Laser dye (Dye laser)", "B": "Erbium YAG laser (Er-YAG laser)", "C": "Ruby Laser (Ruby laser)", "D": "Rubidium YAG laser (Nd-YAG laser)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Of the following statements about sevoflurane, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Impurities encountered bottles or anesthetic machine out of line degradation HCl, also known as Lewis acid", "options": {"A": "Impurities encountered bottles or anesthetic machine out of line degradation HCl, also known as Lewis acid", "B": "Require special packaging to plastic bottles", "C": "If the degradation of the acidic substance, it is possible to burn patient respiratory mucosa", "D": "Typically the finished manufactured will add some water to prevent degradation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pregnant women human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection merger taking antiretroviral therapy, if less than plasma HIV viral load (<20 copies / mL) detection, the chance to give birth to babies infected with HIV about how much?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "<1%", "options": {"A": "25%", "B": "15%", "C": "7%", "D": "<1%"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not the most common malignant hyperplasia in children receiving secondary malignant disease onset (secondary malignancy) after bone marrow transplant?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Kidney cancer (renal cell cancer)", "options": {"A": "Brain tumors (brain tumor)", "B": "Thyroid tumors (thyroid tumor)", "C": "Kidney cancer (renal cell cancer)", "D": "Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (non-Hodgkin lymphoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Synthesis of the following statements about cholesterol and what was wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intake of dietary cholesterol does not affect the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver cells", "options": {"A": "Insulin stimulates the HMG-CoA reductase", "B": "High intracellular concentration of cholesterol stimulates lipid cholesterol (cholesterol ester) formed", "C": "Intake of dietary cholesterol does not affect the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver cells", "D": "Some intermediate metabolite inhibits cholesterol HMG-CoA reductase"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "79. The following diseases, what are the major causative machine turn now produce autoantibodies (autoantibody) about? ① pemphigus (pemphigus vulgaris) ② multiple nodosa (polyarteritis nodosa) ③ pernicious anemia (pernicious anemia)\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Only ①③", "options": {"A": "①②③", "B": "Only ①②", "C": "Only ②③", "D": "Only ①③"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of adenovirus (adenovirus), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "With a coat (envelope)", "options": {"A": "Is a DNA virus", "B": "Cause conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis)", "C": "May be latent in lymphoid tissues", "D": "With a coat (envelope)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A physician overweight diabetics opening 1500 Kcal diet, prescription whichever listed below nutritionist closer?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "190 grams carbohydrate, 50 grams fat, 75 grams protein", "options": {"A": "210 grams of carbohydrate, 60 grams fat and 100 grams protein", "B": "190 grams carbohydrate, 50 grams fat, 75 grams protein", "C": "250 grams of carbohydrate, 70 grams of fat, 90 grams protein, 6 grams NaCl", "D": "300 grams carbohydrate, 80 grams fat, 75 grams protein, 8 grams of multivitamin pills"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 64-year-old man, suddenly the right to partial paralysis, unable to speak, confusion, this CT image is the first 7 days after the onset of symptoms according to the most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "hemorrhagic infarction", "options": {"A": "contusion hemorrhage", "B": "hypertensive hemorrhage", "C": "hemorrhagic infarction", "D": "hemorrhage due to bleeding tendency"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following narrative about aortic regurgitation examination of the body, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Auscultation aortic regurgitation heart murmur, ask the patient to the left side of the prone position (left decubitus position) knows best", "options": {"A": "Austin Flint murmur can be heard", "B": "Mid-systolic murmur can be heard", "C": "Decrescendo diastolic murmur can be heard", "D": "Auscultation aortic regurgitation heart murmur, ask the patient to the left side of the prone position (left decubitus position) knows best"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about potential sexual organ donors (potential donor) to take care of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Diabetes insipidus (diabetes insipidus) is not common, so urine is increased, the water content can be reduced only administered", "options": {"A": "Mean arterial blood pressure (mean arterial blood pressure) must be greater than 60 mmHg", "B": "Hourly urine output is preferably greater than 1.0 mL / kg", "C": "Diabetes insipidus (diabetes insipidus) is not common, so urine is increased, the water content can be reduced only administered", "D": "High hyponatremia is a common electrolyte imbalance"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Wang admitted to hospital because of acute pancreatitis, which of the following is most unlike him that some symptoms or test results?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Calcium rise", "options": {"A": "Abdominal pain located to the back and radiation", "B": "Persistent vomiting", "C": "Calcium rise", "D": "fever"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) of, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Steroid (prednisolone) therapy is often ineffective", "options": {"A": "Slowly emerging", "B": "May be gradually (Progressive) may be performed stepwise (step-wise)", "C": "Early may have asymmetry", "D": "Steroid (prednisolone) therapy is often ineffective"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of Q fever (Q fever) phase change of pathogens (phase transition) phenomenon, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "When the acute phase, IgM and IgG antibodies produced against the antigen patient mainly second phase", "options": {"A": "Phase change is because of the bacteria flagellum (flagellum) gene mutation caused", "B": "When this strain is in the first phase (phase I), cell wall (cell wall) antigen sugar-free O (O-antigen sugars)", "C": "When the bacteria in a second phase (phase II), capable of inhibiting phagosome fusion (phagosome) and lysosomal (lysosome) of", "D": "When the acute phase, IgM and IgG antibodies produced against the antigen patient mainly second phase"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following vasculitis, c-ANCA (c-antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies) showed the highest percentage of positive?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Wegener granulomatosis", "options": {"A": "microscopic polyangiitis", "B": "Wegener granulomatosis", "C": "Henoch-Schönlein purpura", "D": "Churg-Strauss syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about spinal cord white matter (white matter), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Anterolateral system (anterolateral system) transmitting pain, mild rough tactile", "options": {"A": "Anterolateral system (anterolateral system) transmitting pain, mild rough tactile", "B": "Ventral corticospinal diameter (ventral corticospinal tract) as intersecting nerve fibers", "C": "Gracile (fasciculus gracilis) present in the front cable (anterior funiculus)", "D": "Wedge-shaped beam (fasciculus cuneatus) present in whole spinal cord white matter"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Jaxon's happened epilepsy (jacksonian seizure), the most likely place where the lesion?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Frontal lobe", "options": {"A": "顳葉", "B": "Occipital", "C": "Frontal lobe", "D": "Parietal"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 52-year-old male patients with massive bleeding because of an accident, descriptions of physical phenomena at this time, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system causes rapid heart beat", "options": {"A": "Will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system causes rapid heart beat", "B": "Cardiac output (cardiac output) will decrease", "C": "Limbs, cold sweat at the same time will be cold", "D": "Back to the blood patch will reduce the amount of the right atrium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 80 year-old male, one week to grow dark brown spots as shown, water , combined erosion in the face, extremities. A few days before the rash patients had been taking sulfa (sulphonamide) drugs, a few years ago after taking similar drugs have also issued a similar rash in the same parts of the body. The most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Fixity drug rash (fixed drug eruption)", "options": {"A": "Erythema multiforme (erythema multiforme)", "B": "Measles-like drug rash (morbilliform drug eruption)", "C": "Fixity drug rash (fixed drug eruption)", "D": "Simple  rash (herpes simplex)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about colorectal cancer preoperative radiation therapy of, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Does not mitigate damage to the small intestine", "options": {"A": "Resectability rate may increase", "B": "Tumor seeding can reduce the intraoperative", "C": "Increase opportunities for anal retention", "D": "Does not mitigate damage to the small intestine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The oblique muscle (superior oblique muscle) own role, do not make eye Which of the following sports?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "The inner rotor (adduction)", "options": {"A": "Look (depression)", "B": "內 旋 (intorsion)", "C": "The inner rotor (adduction)", "D": "Abduction (Abduction)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Epigastric artery (inferior epigastric artery) will form the following structure peritoneal covering what?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Umbilical outer fold (lateral umbilical fold)", "options": {"A": "Median umbilical fold (median umbilical fold)", "B": "Umbilical inner fold (medial umbilical fold)", "C": "Umbilical outer fold (lateral umbilical fold)", "D": "Umbilical side fold (paraumbilical fold)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "41. A fetal heart again 20 minutes without pressure test results (non-stress test), with a secondary baseline fetal heart rate greater than the acceleration fetal heartbeat (baseline) 15 bpm (beat per minute) or more, and for more than 15 seconds, can be interpreted as :\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Normal reaction (reactive)", "options": {"A": "Normal reaction (reactive)", "B": "Abnormal reaction (nonreactive)", "C": "Controversial (equivocal)", "D": "Does not understand (unsatisfactory)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Apical relative to the first of several intercostal?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Fives", "options": {"A": "three", "B": "Fives", "C": "Seven", "D": "nine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "71.78-year-old Chen, accompanied by a family doctor, a week recently complained of urinary incontinence and languid. Patients with chronic insomnia, often taking sleeping pills. Recently insomnia worsened, increasing the dose not been effective, and blood pressure rises. They buy their own patients taking high blood pressure medication. Physical examination the patient's vital signs stable, clear consciousness, normal operations and no focal neurological abnormalities. The disposition of the patient, which of the following is most appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "For the elderly comprehensive assessment", "options": {"A": "Check with patients in nursing home care to accept", "B": "Referral specialist neuropsychiatric examination and adjustment sleeping pills", "C": "For the elderly comprehensive assessment", "D": "Immediate arrangements for patients hospitalized"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following circumstances, you can not get after the patient's informed consent?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Multi-language patient seems to remain in the examination room, access to the patient in the hospital five years ago by the medical records when A physician attending to see the correctness of ever suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, in order to confirm this prescription medications", "options": {"A": "Opening of the Department of Health, Executive Yuan has approved the listing of non-prescription drugs to a patient indications contained in imitation of one, because the most well-known foreign journals have just published outside of this tag uses these patients have a very good effect", "B": "When the patient back to the clinic routine blood test, the way to draw more than 5 ml of blood to make an NSC club-sponsored research projects", "C": "Multi-language patient seems to remain in the examination room, access to the patient in the hospital five years ago by the medical records when A physician attending to see the correctness of ever suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, in order to confirm this prescription medications", "D": "In order to protect the newborn against vertical infection when maternal routine check-ups, screening for the AIDS"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following table shows the three different duplex DNA structure (A form; B form; Z form) features, please indicate the code W, X, Y structure type (structural form) Name:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "W = Z form DNA; X = A form DNA; Y = B form DNA", "options": {"A": "W = Z form DNA; X = A form DNA; Y = B form DNA", "B": "W = Z form DNA; X = B form DNA; Y = A form DNA", "C": "W = A form DNA; X = Z form DNA; Y = B form DNA", "D": "W = A form DNA; X = B form DNA; Y = Z form DNA"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Genetic mitochondrial disease (mitochondrial disease) are:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Maternal inheritance", "options": {"A": "Paternal inheritance", "B": "Maternal inheritance", "C": "Mendel's laws", "D": "Not to follow the law"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Of the following statements about eye diseases, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Gray's disease (Graves' disease) is the most common cause of exophthalmos", "options": {"A": "Exophthalmos (Exorbitism) is reduced in volume orbital (Decreased bony orbital volume) caused by", "B": "Gray's disease (Graves' disease) is the most common cause of exophthalmos", "C": "Hutt's outer eye meter (Hertel exophthalmometer) is used the amount of the side edge of the eye (Lateral orbital rim) to the distance to the top of the cornea (Corneal apex) of", "D": "After surgical treatment of traumatic enophthalmos (Post-traumatic enophthalmos) does not completely solve diplopia (Diplopia) problem"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following when the hypothalamus to reduce the secretion of prolactin can cause the next (prolactin) secretion?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Dopamine (dopamine)", "options": {"A": "Acetylcholine (acetylcholine)", "B": "Adrenaline (epinephrine)", "C": "Dopamine (dopamine)", "D": "Serotonin (serotonin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Salmonella typhimurium (Salmonella typhi) cell components which can be used as a vaccine antigen to generate protective immunity?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Capsular polysaccharides (capsular polysaccharides)", "options": {"A": "Flagellin (flagellin)", "B": "Capsular polysaccharides (capsular polysaccharides)", "C": "Pili protein (pilin)", "D": "LPS body (Lipopolysaccharides)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Stridor Which of the following is most common in patients?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Upper airway obstruction", "options": {"A": "Asthma symptoms", "B": "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "C": "Upper airway obstruction", "D": "tuberculosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Taiwan would like to know how much the ratio of children in recent years had been infected with enterovirus, you should check:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Antibody titers (Titer) serum", "options": {"A": "Virus culture (virus culture) serum", "B": "Viral antigen concentration in serum", "C": "Antibody titers (Titer) serum", "D": "Specific serum  polymerization chain reaction (polymerase chain reaction, PCR)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One suffered from pyelonephritis of pregnant women, because the bacteria that cause severe upper respiratory tract infection, which of the following is the drug of choice for the treatment of pregnant women?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Azithromycin", "options": {"A": "Clarithromycin", "B": "Erythromycin", "C": "Azithromycin", "D": "Tetracycline"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mr. Wang suffered a stroke two years ago because after prolonged bed rest, the families recently found a 4 cm hip wound, the orthopedic surgeon diagnosed as bedsores, recommended surgery; surgery was found deep wound and bone necrosis range, this bed sores depth grading why? The best way is to rebuild debridement (debridement) and then disposed of for what?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Grade IV; gluteus flap reconstruction topical (local gluteal maximus flap reconstruction)", "options": {"A": "Grade III; to dressing (dressing change)", "B": "Grade III; graft (skin grafting)", "C": "Grade IV; microsurgical flap reconstruction (microsurgical free flap reconstruction)", "D": "Grade IV; gluteus flap reconstruction topical (local gluteal maximus flap reconstruction)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Urinary tract infections are the most common species which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "E. Coli", "options": {"A": "Klebsiella spp.", "B": "Proteus spp.", "C": "E. Coli", "D": "Enterobacter spp."}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following oral medication to treat iron poisoning?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "deferasirox", "options": {"A": "deferoxamine", "B": "deferasirox", "C": "D-dimethylcysteine", "D": "Prussian blue"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not an epithelial ovarian cancer?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Granulosa cell tumor", "options": {"A": "Mucinous adenocarcinoma", "B": "Serous adenocarcinoma", "C": "Endometrioid adenocarcinoma", "D": "Granulosa cell tumor"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After hypopharyngeal cancer patients received the eradication of surgery, which is not an often used way of sound in rehabilitation?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ventriloquism (abdominal voice)", "options": {"A": "Pneumatic artificial larynx (pneumatic artificial larynges)", "B": "Language esophagus (esophageal voice)", "C": "Ventriloquism (abdominal voice)", "D": "Tracheoesophageal language (tracheo-esophageal speech)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related (nitric oxide) narrative of nitric oxide, whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Formed from L-arginine and molecular oxygen effect", "options": {"A": "Is a chemical (Chemical) transfer substance (Messenger) can activate adenylate cyclase", "B": "Formed from L-arginine and molecular oxygen effect", "C": "Can lead to shrinkage of the vessel wall (constriction of blood vessels)", "D": "The gas molecules are very stable"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "78.65-year-old man with high blood pressure long-term, sustained drug control, the clinicians to help him dressing a few days ago, these days often feel abdominal distension, and constipation phenomenon, patients are most likely to use the Which of the following drugs?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Amlodipine", "options": {"A": "Valsartan", "B": "Renitec", "C": "Labetalol", "D": "Amlodipine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following the occurrence of urinary tract stones and less related to what conditions?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Kidney transplant", "options": {"A": "Kidney transplant", "B": "pregnancy", "C": "obesity", "D": "Horseshoe kidney"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What about calcium in the body is described by error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "98% is reabsorbed calcium kidney, mainly in the distal end of the tubular", "options": {"A": "99% of calcium is stored skeletal system in the body, calcium accounted for slightly less than 1%", "B": "The main source of calcium dietary intake is mostly absorbed in the duodenum (duodenum) and jejunum (jejunum)", "C": "98% is reabsorbed calcium kidney, mainly in the distal end of the tubular", "D": "1,25- (OH) 2 vitamin D binding proteins can increase the intestinal calcium (calcium binding protein) to enhance the absorption of calcium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Miss Lee, 50-year-old married Taiwanese, weight 96 kg, there are still sex. When three years ago, because of uterine fibroids accept abdominal hysterectomy (total abdominal hysterectomy). She did not smoke in the belongings of a nursing assistant nursing, and this job and about the heavy lifting. She had a history of asthma itself because (Asthma) while chronic cough (chronic cough). She currently has two children, 20 and 23 years old, two are through vaginal delivery, the most heavy birth weight was 4.0 kg. The last 10 months, she felt a sense of falling abdomen and headaches when she stood all day, the greater the sense of falling, she also complained about poor flow of urine and feeling of inability to completely empty the bladder, but she did not readme urinary incontinence or bowel symptoms. About the following form causing her vaginal prolapse (prolapse) risk factors, what are the most irrelevant?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "There are still sex life", "options": {"A": "Transvaginal production is too large fetuses", "B": "obesity", "C": "Had received hysterectomy", "D": "There are still sex life"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Under normal circumstances, behind heart mostly consists of which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The left atrium (left atrium)", "options": {"A": "The right ventricle (right ventricle)", "B": "LV (left ventricle)", "C": "The right atrium (right atrium)", "D": "The left atrium (left atrium)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About human immunodeficiency virus (Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) describes the transfer of pathogenic machine, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Infected B lymphocytes, resulting in decreased immune function", "options": {"A": "Can cause macrophages (macrophage) function deteriorates", "B": "Causes CD4 T lymphocytes (lymphocyte) reduction", "C": "Infected B lymphocytes, resulting in decreased immune function", "D": "CD8 T lymphocytes / CD4 T lymphocytes risen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "31.\n A 62-year-old woman was stopped at the age of 50, this past year often urinary frequency, nocturia, urgency, and urge incontinence situation, the problems and thus causing Richangshenghuo medical treatment. Physical examination found that a third of the phenomenon of bladder prolapse, sterile urine analysis urine, hematuria or urinary tract infection case. Voiding diary found more than eight times the number of daytime voiding above, nocturia at night (nocturia) Love\n Shaped more than 3 to 5 times. Check urodynamic testing found in the case of instillation as shown below, its initial sensory voiding\n (First desire to void) volume of 116 c.c., the maximum bladder capacity (maximum bladder capacity) of\n c.c .. Accordingly dynamics found in the urine of this patient's diagnosis is best suited:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Detrusor instability (detrusor instability)", "options": {"A": "Detrusor instability (detrusor instability)", "B": "Interstitial cystitis (interstitial cystitis)", "C": "Urethral syndrome (urethral syndrome)", "D": "Urodynamic stress incontinence (urodynamic stress incontinence)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 68-year-old male COPD patients, there have been twice last year because of endotracheal tube using a respirator treatment acute exacerbation hospital placement. Recent week significantly increased cough, increased sputum volume, color yellow, accompanied by a slight fever and severe breathing difficulties, emergency room blood test showing mild leukocytosis, check arterial blood PaO2 = 58 mmHg, PaCO2 = 68 mmHg, chest X-rays the new infiltration does not appear. The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Should be given oxygen, and try to maintain PaO2 at 90 mmHg, in order to avoid aggravating heart failure", "options": {"A": "Should be given empirical intravenous antibiotics treatment, antibiotics should be able to cover Gram (-) bacilli", "B": "Should be given oxygen, and try to maintain PaO2 at 90 mmHg, in order to avoid aggravating heart failure", "C": "Care should be taken to exclude merger left side heart failure situation, if necessary, to arrange for echocardiography", "D": "The patient was discharged with oral prednisolone stable, reduce the relapse rate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Symptoms of botulinum toxin poisoning Which of the following is not caused by food (food-born botulism) is?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Opisthotonus (opisthotonus)", "options": {"A": "Mydriasis (pupil dilatation)", "B": "Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)", "C": "Dysarthria (dysarthria)", "D": "Opisthotonus (opisthotonus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder) in the treatment of drug use, which of the following is not a central nervous system stimulant?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Wellbutrin", "options": {"A": "methylphenidate", "B": "dextroamphetamine", "C": "dexmethylphenidate", "D": "Wellbutrin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One lung cancer patients, and abdominal cramps, diarrhea, bronchospasm and skin flushing, the organization most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Bronchial carcinoid (bronchial carcinoid)", "options": {"A": "Bronchial carcinoid (bronchial carcinoid)", "B": "Lung metastasis of breast cancer (metastatic breast cancer)", "C": "Non-small cell lung carcinoma (non-small cell lung carcinoma)", "D": "Colorectal lung metastases (metastatic colon cancer)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "48 year old woman due to fatigue, skin color black to consultation. Patients complained of loss of appetite, three months has been reduced to 4 kg. Young patient suffered from hyperthyroidism, 131I receiving treatment, he has hypothyroidism, rules taking thyroxine. Blood tests: Na + 125 mmol / L, K + 5.0 mmol / L, Ca2 + 2.7 mmol / L, Hb 10.5 g / dL, WBC 8000 / mm3. Will the next most valuable diagnostic examination is:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "ACTH, cortisol", "options": {"A": "free T4,hsTSH", "B": "anti-dsDNA, ANA", "C": "ACTH, cortisol", "D": "PET (positron scan)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Generating glycoproteins (N-linked glycoprotein) in carrying oligosaccharides (oligosaccharide moiety) is a molecule which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "dolichol phosphate", "options": {"A": "isoprene", "B": "dolichol phosphate", "C": "Coenzyme A", "D": "thiamine pyrophosphate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Type B cells have a pre-B cell antigen receptor (pre-B cell receptor) that it has one of the following biological characteristics?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Rapid cell division", "options": {"A": "The recombinant light chain gene (light chain gene rearrangement)", "B": "Cell surface IgM molecule with", "C": "Rapid cell division", "D": "To accept specific antigen stimulation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "10.8-year-old boy asthma, within the last three months, the number of occurrences of asthma symptoms during the day in a week on average less than once a month at midnight and woke up coughing is also less than two times its", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Inhaled short-acting bronchodilators (inhaled short-acting β2 agonist)", "options": {"A": "Inhaled short-acting bronchodilators (inhaled short-acting β2 agonist)", "B": "Long-acting inhaled bronchodilators (inhaled long-acting β2 agonist)", "C": "Inhaled steroids (inhaled corticosteroid)", "D": "Merger of inhaled steroids with oral leukotriene receptor antagonist junction (inhaled corticosteroid + oral leukotriene receptor antagonist)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pterygopalatine fossa (pterygopalatine fossa) in communication with the outside via:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Hole (foramen rotundum) received a second branch of the fifth cranial nerve", "options": {"A": "Maxillary hole (maxillay foramen) into the mucosa of the hard palate", "B": "Pterygoid canal (pterygoid canal) receiving preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers", "C": "Hole (foramen rotundum) received a second branch of the fifth cranial nerve", "D": "Pterygopalatine hole (pterygopalatine foramen) into the nasal cavity"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Toxic organic most hazardous substances in the combustion process can be decomposed or reduced, but there are also new generation of harmful substances during combustion, the most notable is highly toxic, carcinogenic effect, may be easily persistent in the environment after the new biological decomposition of incineration are:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Polychlorinated dioxins (polychlorinated dioxins)", "options": {"A": "PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)", "B": "Polychlorinated dioxins (polychlorinated dioxins)", "C": "DDT (dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane, DDT)", "D": "Chloroform (CHLOROFORM)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following a muscle that is not dominated by the median nerve (median nerve)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ulnar flexor carpi (Flexor carpi ulnaris)", "options": {"A": "Radial wrist flexor muscle (Flexor carpi radialis)", "B": "Palm longus (Palmaris longus)", "C": "Flexor pollicis longus (Flexor pollicis longus)", "D": "Ulnar flexor carpi (Flexor carpi ulnaris)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to constitute part of the nasal septum?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Nasal bone", "options": {"A": "Septal cartilage", "B": "Nasal bone", "C": "Vomerine", "D": "Vertical plate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Once a person infected with the flu virus had its most neutralizing antibodies in vivo protection force, should have the ability to identify what kind of virus protein?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Hemagglutinin (hemagglutinin, HA)", "options": {"A": "Hemagglutinin (hemagglutinin, HA)", "B": "Matrix (matrix, M) protein", "C": "Nuclear jacket protein (nucleocapsid, NP)", "D": "Non-structural (nonstructural, NS) proteins"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The end of the narrative patient with coronary artery disease by following on using laser myocardial revascularization procedures (Transmyocardial laser revascularization) treatment can not bypass the traditional coronary artery surgery, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Its mechanism of action, is the holes through the myocardium, the belt can be blood oxygen flow directly from the left ventricular myocardium, the supply of oxygen and nutrients", "options": {"A": "Six months later the track, about 60 to 80% of patients symptoms have improved", "B": "Its mechanism of action may be to remove the role (Cardiac denervation) and related cardiac nerve", "C": "Its mechanism of action may be myocardial angiogenesis (Local neovascularization) For", "D": "Its mechanism of action, is the holes through the myocardium, the belt can be blood oxygen flow directly from the left ventricular myocardium, the supply of oxygen and nutrients"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related pox virus (Poxvirus) narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Animal pox virus is not transmitted person", "options": {"A": "Is the highest human DNA virus", "B": "Fully replicated in the cytoplasm", "C": "Bring their own RNA polymerase (RNA polymerase), for gene transcription", "D": "Animal pox virus is not transmitted person"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, patients seek alternative medical treatment, about three months after his legs almost paralyzed, so again surgical treatment by surgical excision of the tumor before and after the spine and implanted autologous bone transplantation, then is a titanium alloy internal fixation, the pathology report is the aneurysmal bone cyst, pathology is:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Benign (benign)", "options": {"A": "Benign (benign)", "B": "Low grade (low malignancy)", "C": "High-grade (high malignancy)", "D": "Atypical osteoma (atypical bone tumor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 25-year-old male after dinner drink and drive accident is sent to the emergency room, diagnostic abdominal bleeding, need emergency laparotomy surgery. Two hours after the accident, the patient into the operating room, when blood pressure was 80/46 mmHg, at 120 beats per minute. The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Induction of anesthesia should continue holding down thyroid cartilage, until the balloon of the endotracheal tube gas charging is completed, to prevent stomach contents discharged", "options": {"A": "Induction of anesthesia should be rapid sequence induction", "B": "Induction of anesthesia should continue holding down thyroid cartilage, until the balloon of the endotracheal tube gas charging is completed, to prevent stomach contents discharged", "C": "Consider using ketamine as induction agent, to prevent a drop in blood pressure and then", "D": "Before induction of anesthesia, sufficient time must be done preoxygenation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the pelvic diaphragm (pelvic diaphragm), and which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Defecation muscle contractions to help the feces", "options": {"A": "Presents a funnel-like shape", "B": "Located in the perineum (the perineum) top", "C": "By the levator ani (levator ani muscle) and coccyx muscle (coccygeus) and fascia", "D": "Defecation muscle contractions to help the feces"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The families of cancer patients often do not want to know the condition of patients, requiring doctors do not tell patients, but based on \"respect for the autonomy\" principle physician should inform the patient but the truth, resulting dilemma. Common ethical dilemmas on this clinical, usually via Which of the following methods, or steps, Keyihuode properly addressed?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Communication Skills", "options": {"A": "Medical law", "B": "Moral conscience", "C": "Communication Skills", "D": "Health education"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "66-year-old man, known to control high blood pressure for many years but, sudden headache, confusion and seizures, until emergency blood pressure was 240/130 mmHg, neurological examination chaotic consciousness, but no local phenomenon limb weakness, brain magnetic resonance according to shadow check the most likely discover why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Occipital lobe portion (occipital lobe) Edema", "options": {"A": "Cerebellum (cerebellum) bleeding", "B": "Thalamus (thalamus) bleeding", "C": "Occipital lobe portion (occipital lobe) Edema", "D": "Medium 腦 (midbrain) infarction"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "There is a neonatal vomiting after birth, vomiting yellow liquid. Abdominal X-ray showed \"double-bubble sign\", no parenteral distal intestinal gas. The next step dispose why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Abdominal ultrasound to check for hypertrophic pyloric case", "options": {"A": "Abdominal ultrasound to check for hypertrophic pyloric case", "B": "Upper gastrointestinal, to determine the location and degree of obstruction", "C": "Lower gastrointestinal series, to see if there microcolon", "D": "Arrangements for laparotomy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Sodium ions (Na) at different concentrations on both sides of the membrane profile, when driven by simple diffusion of sodium ions (simple diffusion) by the action of the energy gradient movement of one side of the low concentration side is a kind of high concentrations of:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Chemical energy (chemical potential energy)", "options": {"A": "Heat (thermal energy)", "B": "Chemical energy (chemical potential energy)", "C": "Potential energy (electrical potential energy)", "D": "Mechanical energy (mechanical energy)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "58-year-old women, menopause two years, no history of gynecological surgery, no hot flashes, heart palpitations symptoms, but there will be genital dryness, painful intercourse troubled, the most appropriate treatment for:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Pussy topical estrogen", "options": {"A": "Oral soy isoflavones", "B": "Oral estrogen and progesterone", "C": "Oral estrogen", "D": "Pussy topical estrogen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "General bacteria produce spores of bacillus, Gram stain results:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Deep Purple", "options": {"A": "red", "B": "green", "C": "Deep Purple", "D": "yellow"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About Fluconazole, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Inhibition of demethylation of lanosterol", "options": {"A": "Effective treatment for Aspergillosis", "B": "Inhibition of demethylation of lanosterol", "C": "Can not pass the brain blood vessels", "D": "Easy to induce the synthesis of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "At the wrist, the median nerve (median nerve) Which of the following is located deep tendon?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ulnar flexor carpi (flexor carpi ulnaris)", "options": {"A": "Palm longus (palmaris longus)", "B": "Radial wrist flexor muscles (flexor carpi radialis)", "C": "Ulnar flexor carpi (flexor carpi ulnaris)", "D": "Superficial flexor muscle (flexor digitorum superficialis) 15 Which of the following does not dominate the elbow (elbow joint) movement?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Since SARS, occupational infection of health care workers question by a lot of attention. Please follow the concept of nosocomial infection control, occupational tuberculosis for identification, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chest X-ray examination at the time of the inauguration of employees is one of the important comparative information on occupational tuberculosis identified", "options": {"A": "Chest X-ray examination at the time of the inauguration of employees is one of the important comparative information on occupational tuberculosis identified", "B": "Because tuberculosis is also a statutory infectious diseases, according to the Labor Insurance Act and therefore, may not be recognized at the same time as occupational diseases, and therefore can not be paid labor", "C": "Because patients move around, the risk of hospital staff in various departments of tuberculosis infection are the same", "D": "Occupational health care workers get tuberculosis are"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "16.25-year-old male patient was in a car accident while riding a motorcycle facial injuries, the right side of the main symptoms of nasal lacerations (avulsion injury), nosebleeds (epistaxis) and swelling, sent to the emergency room, the following statements is wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Through consultation otolaryngologists, found right nasal septum hematoma case (septal hematoma), should be treated conservatively, let it self-absorption", "options": {"A": "To have a high index of suspicion may occur nasal bone fracture, X-ray examination can be arranged", "B": "Through consultation otolaryngologists, found right nasal septum hematoma case (septal hematoma), should be treated conservatively, let it self-absorption", "C": "Nose main components can be divided into the skin cover (skin cover), the supporting structure (structural support) and mucosal lining (mucosal lining), the treatment may range defects, different reconstruction considerations do", "D": "When nasolabial flap (nasolabial flaps) and the middle of the forehead side flap (paramedian forehead flaps) for the reconstruction of the nose, the two most common local flaps"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "3-year-old child at the time of regular health checks, hear the heart murmur, intensity II / VI, in the middle of the left edge of the sternum short systolic murmur. The noise does not radiate to the neck, no tremors (thrill), children no significant past medical history, height and weight of the fiftieth percentile, normal growth and development, blood pressure 90/70 mmHg. Pulse of 84 beats / min, and Law, other physical examination were normal. Next, how to dispose of?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Tell the child's mother, this heart murmur is common in children, can be observed regularly track", "options": {"A": "Now note pediatric cardiologist", "B": "Do not tell the child's mother concerned murmur something in order to avoid tension", "C": "Tell the child's mother, this heart murmur is common in children, can be observed regularly track", "D": "Tell the child's mother, all heart murmur must make further cardiac ultrasound examination"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "14.28-year-old woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy two months later, because Tizhongzengjia, malaise, chills, constipation to treatment, is still breastfeeding. Patient private prosecution prenatal examination are all normal, but postpartum feeling powerless, physical examination in addition to the big round face, the skin is slightly dry it no special discovery. Blood pressure 150/100 mmHg mmHg), pulse 60 / min regular blood tests Na: 132 mM, K: 3.5 mM, Ca: 2.3 mM. Check the following items that most diagnostic value:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "freeT4,hsTSH", "options": {"A": "ACTH, cortisol", "B": "Blood glucose", "C": "freeT4,hsTSH", "D": "Depression Inventory"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to enter white blood cells via the CD4 molecule, often used as a co-receptor which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "CXCR4", "options": {"A": "CD40", "B": "CD40 ligand", "C": "CXCR4", "D": "CCR4"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "B cell development in the first manifestation of antibody protein is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "[mu] heavy chain (μ heavy chain)", "options": {"A": "[delta] heavy chain (δ heavy chain)", "B": "[mu] heavy chain (μ heavy chain)", "C": "[kappa] light chain (κ light chain)", "D": "[lambda] light chain (λ light chain)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A less than 1 cm of colorectal tubular adenoma, their risk of cancer, about how much?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "<5%", "options": {"A": "Absolutely impossible to have cancer", "B": "<5%", "C": "5-10%", "D": "10-20%"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "γ- carboxylation of glutamic acid-based clotting proteins (γ-carboxylation) modification, which requires vitamin involved?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Vitamin K", "options": {"A": "vitamin A", "B": "Vitamin D", "C": "Vitamin E", "D": "Vitamin K"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is connected to the femoral acetabular fossa?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Adductor muscle (adductor magnus)", "options": {"A": "Adductor longus (adductor longus)", "B": "Short adductor muscles (adductor brevis)", "C": "Adductor muscle (adductor magnus)", "D": "Pubic muscle (pectineus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The most commonly used bone flap reconstruction of the mandible including the fibula (fibula), iliac bone (iliac), shoulder blade (scapula), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Iliac vascular pedicle flap (iliac osteocutaneous flap) provided at the flaps for a minimum sequelae, can belt (pedicle) shorter", "options": {"A": "Fibula flap (fibula osteocutaneous flap) from the peroneal artery (peroneal artery) blood supply, to provide the flap at the minimum sequelae", "B": "Iliac vascular pedicle flap (iliac osteocutaneous flap) provided at the flaps for a minimum sequelae, can belt (pedicle) shorter", "C": "Scapula flap (scapula osteocutaneous flap) supplied by the subscapular artery blood flow (subscapular artery), can be together with the surrounding bone, muscle and skin taken together, form a composite flap", "D": "Benign chin bone defects, fibula flap (fibula osteocutaneous flap) can be combined dental implant surgery (osseointegrated implantation for dentition or prosthetic anchors)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Surgical neck of humerus (surgical neck of humerus) fractures, the most likely hurt that Article ⼀ nerve?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Axillary nerve (axillary nerve)", "options": {"A": "⽪ muscle nerves (musculocutaneous nerve)", "B": "The median nerve (median nerve)", "C": "Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve)", "D": "Axillary nerve (axillary nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "90 A 61-year-old male patient complained of bone pain, kidney failure and has led to pneumonia and pneumococcal infections of the (Pneumococcal pneumonia). Bone marrow biopsy sections most likely and most important findings are:\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Plasma cells (Plasma cell) of the lesions", "options": {"A": "Granuloma (Granuloma)", "B": "Plasma cells (Plasma cell) of the lesions", "C": "Lymphocyte (Lymphocyte) of the lesions", "D": "Rucker - Sternberg's cells (Reed-Sternberg cell)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Antidiuretic hormone (anti-diuretic hormone) syndrome of inappropriate secretion (SIADH), which will result in the following electrolyte abnormalities?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Low 鈉血 disease", "options": {"A": "High 鈉血 disease", "B": "Low 鈉血 disease", "C": "Hyperkalemia", "D": "Hypokalemia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "77. ⼀ bit 66-year-old diabetic patients with nephropathy disease Face, chest tightness, cough without phlegm, shortness of breath, lethargy awareness, ⽣ life signs displayed ⾎ pressure 80/40 mmHg, Center Weighted jump of 40 per minute, breathing 26 times per minute , temperature 36 ℃. By pumping the potassium-ion ⾎ examination found 7.7 mmol / L, ⾎ glucose 300 mg / dL, arterial ⾎: pH = 7.20, HCO3- = 12 mEq / L, BE = -12 mEq / L. Which of the following treatment inappropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intravenous bolus ⽣ physiological salt water resistant 1000 mL, ⾎ treatment of low pressure and Potassium Ion dilution", "options": {"A": "Intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium-ion may be moved from the extracellular or intracellular", "B": "Intravenous administration of glucose and insulin water resistant, can be moved from outside the potassium-ion intracellular", "C": "Intravenous bolus ⽣ physiological salt water resistant 1000 mL, ⾎ treatment of low pressure and Potassium Ion dilution", "D": "Intravenously administered calcium chloride, potassium ion antagonistic influence on the membrane potential Submenu Center Weighted dirty"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following a pairing that clinical symptoms and ECG changes are most consistent?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Pu Jinjie blocking system (Purkinje system block): prolonged QRS complex", "options": {"A": "The first stage heart block (first-degree heart block): QT extension syndrome (long QT syndrome)", "B": "Pu Jinjie blocking system (Purkinje system block): prolonged QRS complex", "C": "Cardiac potassium channel mutations, reduced function: prolongation of PR (or PQ) of Abnormal", "D": "Left ventricular hypertrophy or dilation: high and sharp T wave"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the simple type heat cramps (simple febrile seizure) description Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Often family history", "options": {"A": "Often family history", "B": "Usually still occur to adulthood", "C": "EEG examination often found to be normal", "D": "Often associated with brain lesions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Stylopharyngeus (stylopharyngeal muscle) is dominated by which of the following?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Ninth cranial nerve", "options": {"A": "Ninth cranial nerve", "B": "The seventh cranial nerve", "C": "Mandibular nerve (mandibular nerve)", "D": "Sympathetic (sympathetic nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following damage will affect the humerus (humerus) of adduction (adduct), internal rotation (medially rotate) and flexion (flex) function?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Pectoralis major muscle (pectoralis major)", "options": {"A": "Pectoralis major muscle (pectoralis major)", "B": "Pectoralis minor muscle (pectoralis minor)", "C": "Subclavian muscle (subclavius)", "D": "Serratus anterior muscle (serratus anterior)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "7-year-old boy, three days before the start of a high fever, malaise, while net erythema appear on the face, trunk and limbs, facial lesions as shown in Figure, the boy most likely the diagnosis:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Fifth Disease (erythema infectiosum)", "options": {"A": "Measles (measles)", "B": "Kawasaki disease (Kawasaki's disease)", "C": "Scarlet fever (scarlet fever)", "D": "Fifth Disease (erythema infectiosum)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "70-year-old male, mechanical prosthetic mitral valve replacement surgery, after three hours of chest tube drainage flow decreased, but gradually increased central venous pressure, decreased urine output, gradually accelerated heartbeat, blood pressure gradually decreased. This time to the differential diagnosis of pericardial tamponade (cardiac tamponade) in patients with heart or disability (myocardial dysfunction), which of the following is the best diagnostic tool?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Echocardiography", "options": {"A": "Echocardiography", "B": "Chest X-ray", "C": "Thoracic arterial catheter (swan ganz catheter)", "D": "Arterial blood gas analysis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following symptoms and achalasia He has nothing to do?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Acid reflux", "options": {"A": "Acid reflux", "B": "hard to swallow", "C": "Weight loss", "D": "Aspiration pneumonia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Retrovirus embedded in the host chromosome, the gene fragment thereof that has a promoter (promoter) sequence can be regulated retroviruses (Transcription)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "LTR", "options": {"A": "LTR", "B": "gag", "C": "half", "D": "ca."}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the Meckel's diverticulum, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Usually longer in mesenteric border", "options": {"A": "Degradation is usually made by the vitelline duct", "B": "It is one of the causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding child", "C": "Usually longer in mesenteric border", "D": "When fall into the inguinal hernia bag, also known as Littre's hernia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Common depression in patients with REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep) the latent period (latency) Why the change?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "shorten", "options": {"A": "constant", "B": "shorten", "C": "extend", "D": "Does not appear latent period"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Type A aortic dissection disease, requires urgent surgery, the mortality rate is quite high, the most common causes of death were:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Vascular anastomosis bleeding", "options": {"A": "heart failure", "B": "respiratory failure", "C": "Vascular anastomosis bleeding", "D": "Stroke"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mr. Chen, 19 years old, a recent study tour to South America for two weeks after returning to flu-like symptoms, joint pain persists up to tens of days long after healing. Will Which of the following is most likely infected with the virus?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Chikungunya virus (Chikungunya virus)", "options": {"A": "Dengue virus (dengue virus)", "B": "Semliki Forest virus (Semliki Forest virus)", "C": "Yellow fever virus (yellow fever virus)", "D": "Chikungunya virus (Chikungunya virus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is associated with the control of muscles to maintain posture axis (axial muscles) contraction of the main motion path?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Reticulospinal path (reticulospinal tract)", "options": {"A": "Corticospinal path side (lateral corticospinal tract)", "B": "Ventral corticospinal Path (ventral corticospinal tract)", "C": "Reticulospinal path (reticulospinal tract)", "D": "RUBROSPINAL path (rubrospinal tract)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "52 following those diseases respiratory failure, will hypercapnia (hypercarbic) instead of hypoxemia (hypoxemic) respiratory failure based? ① very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia and acute lung injury ② ③ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis) ④ ⑤ heart failure and pulmonary edema myasthenia gravis (myasthenia gravis) ⑥ cervical spine injuries", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "①⑤⑥", "options": {"A": "①③④", "B": "②③④", "C": "①⑤⑥", "D": "③⑤⑥"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "flaps β- (β-sheet) protein and α- helical structure (α-helix) in structure classification is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Secondary structure (secondary structure)", "options": {"A": "A structure (primary structure)", "B": "Secondary structure (secondary structure)", "C": "Tertiary structure (tertiary structure)", "D": "Quaternary structure (quaternary structure)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following checks, most can not be determined at present have the stomach Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori) infection?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Blood anti-Helicobacter antibodies coli", "options": {"A": "Stomach biopsy tissue culture positive", "B": "Blood anti-Helicobacter antibodies coli", "C": "Carbon-13 urea blowing test positive", "D": "Helicobacter pylori antigen positive stool examination"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following antiepileptic drugs after reaching concentrations (therapeutic concentration) on treatment needs, the exclusion of the human body is to exclude non-linear (nonlinear elimination)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Phenytoin", "options": {"A": "Phenytoin", "B": "Carbamazepine", "C": "Valproate", "D": "Gabapentin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Experience worm Schistosoma japonicum (Schistosoma japonicum) that developmental stages of infection who?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Tail arterial larvae (cercaria)", "options": {"A": "Eggs", "B": "Ciliated larvae (miracidium)", "C": "Tail arterial larvae (cercaria)", "D": "Cystic larvae (metacercaria)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following drugs widely used to suppress the immune response cells, will inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes and promote the synthesis of IgG?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Prednisone", "options": {"A": "Cyclosporine", "B": "Prednisone", "C": "Cyclophosphamide", "D": "Mercaptopurine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following narrative about how to train infants and children good eating habits, whichever is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "After 3 years of age can begin to provision some simple table manners", "options": {"A": "Gold training period between 2 ½ to 3 years old", "B": "After 3 years of age can begin to provision some simple table manners", "C": "2-4 years old can use skim milk", "D": "Drink less sugary drinks, diluted fruit juice to rehydrate appropriate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following description of the Arthus reaction, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Such allergic immune response often systemic reactions", "options": {"A": "Such allergic immune response often systemic reactions", "B": "Antibody and complement activation system are important pathogenic factor", "C": "Basophil granulocyte (basophils) activation is an important virulence factor", "D": "Belonging to the third type of immune allergy (hypersensitivity) reactions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In 2005 Starfield and others based on the research report, the United States increased by one per 10,000 population and family physician, the impact on the number of deaths Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Per 100,000 population decreased 70 deaths", "options": {"A": "Per 100,000 population increased by 700 people died", "B": "Population increase of 70 deaths per 100,000 people", "C": "Per 100,000 population decreased 70 deaths", "D": "700 people per 100,000 population decreased mortality"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Found in the hospital there are unethical but not illegal things, if you want to take action, following that one of the most inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Denounced to the Prosecutor", "options": {"A": "Medical Ethics Committee report mentioned discussions", "B": "Report to their superiors", "C": "Seek peer advice", "D": "Denounced to the Prosecutor"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the human virus, the most clear natural host?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Chikungunya virus (Chikungunya virus)", "options": {"A": "Sindbis virus (Sindbis virus)", "B": "Semliki Forest virus (Semliki Forest virus)", "C": "West Nile virus (West Nile encephalitis virus)", "D": "Chikungunya virus (Chikungunya virus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mr. Zhang is currently 50 years old, more recent joint swelling, pain, mainly in the hands proximal interphalangeal joint, double wrist, knee, etc., check the results of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis). Mr. Zhang MD current number of in vivo rheumatoid factor (rheumatoid factor) is high price, need active treatment. This factor is that one of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Autoantibodies (autoantibody)", "options": {"A": "Stimulating hormone (cytokine)", "B": "Autoantibodies (autoantibody)", "C": "Generating regulatory T cells (Treg cells) regulatory factors", "D": "Complement Complex (complement complex)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Asthma patients should avoid using aspirin, because of the following substances which may increase the use of aspirin, easily understood cause bronchoconstriction?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "leukotriene", "options": {"A": "thromboxane", "B": "prostaglandin D2", "C": "leukotriene", "D": "PAF(platelet-activating factor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-current characteristics of the domestic system to promote the localization family physician?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Organized by the United outpatient primary care physicians", "options": {"A": "Organized by the United outpatient primary care physicians", "B": "Build family archives information management system", "C": "The establishment of joint cooperation hospital outpatient care", "D": "24-hour counseling service hotline"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "65-year-old male patient, who suffered from chronic foot pain and swelling under its feet as shown in the X-ray tablets, showing soft tissue swelling and changes in the adjacent bone, most likely clinical diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Gouty arthritis (gouty arthritis) and precipitated tophus (tophi)", "options": {"A": "Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) accompanied by capsule water", "B": "Infectious (infection) bone and soft tissue lesions", "C": "Gouty arthritis (gouty arthritis) and precipitated tophus (tophi)", "D": "Traumatic lesions of bone and soft tissue"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "7.26-year-old female patient, drink and have recently polyuria week. Weight 50 kg, the blood osmolality 290 mOsmol / kg H2O, Na 140 mmol / L, K 3.8 mmol / L. Urine osmolality 200 mOsmol / kg H2O, water restrictions again two hours 47 kg of body weight, urine osmolality 290 mOsmol / kg H2O, to give\n After ADH (DDAVP) over 2 hours highest urine osmolality 320 mOsmol / kg H2O. The following statements is most accurate?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Treatment with thiazides", "options": {"A": "The most likely diagnosis is primary polydipsia syndrome (primary polydipsia)", "B": "Treatment with water restrictions", "C": "Treatment with thiazides", "D": "The most likely diagnosis is central diabetes insipidus (central diabetes insipidus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 60-year-old Mr. rider injured in a car accident forehead touch the ground, when sent to the emergency room on their own can still walk into the emergency room. Pain weakness raised hands, hands after fracture does not have any X-ray examination of hand situation. Then this is most likely what Mr. spinal injuries?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Central cord syndrome (central cord syndrome)", "options": {"A": "Anterior spinal syndrome (anterior cord syndrome)", "B": "Brown Fonseca's syndrome (Brown-Séquard syndrome)", "C": "Central cord syndrome (central cord syndrome)", "D": "Cauda equina syndrome bundles (cauda equina syndrome)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a cochlear endolymph (endolymph) characteristics of composition and ingredients, in order to generate an action potential?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Low sodium ions, potassium ions", "options": {"A": "High sodium ion, potassium ion", "B": "High sodium ion, potassium ion", "C": "Low sodium ions, potassium ions", "D": "Low sodium ions, potassium ions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, triggering explain these phenomena, there is a theory about the nutcracker effect of the left renal vein (nutcracker effect); Will this Nutcracker mean his two blood vessels?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "superior mesenteric artery and aorta", "options": {"A": "celiac trunk and aorta", "B": "superior mesenteric artery and aorta", "C": "inferior mesenteric artery and aorta", "D": "right renal artery and aorta"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A study to analyze the effect of antihypertensive drugs, using the case-control design (case-control study), the two case-control sample to be analyzed service hypotensive difference whether the blood pressure values ​​measured before and after the 3 months significantly different, researchers should use what is the most appropriate statistical methods?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Independent samples t-test (Independent t-test)", "options": {"A": "Paired t-test (Paired t-test)", "B": "Z single sample assay (One sample Z-test)", "C": "Pearson chi-square test (Pearson Chi-square test)", "D": "Independent samples t-test (Independent t-test)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A large eight-month boy in hospital for the first time urinary tract infections, bladder and urethra photographic examination (voiding cystourethrogram) is displayed in the drawing, how would you suggest to parents?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Recommend the use of antibiotics to prevent infection", "options": {"A": "Receiving surgery", "B": "Recommendations received local injection hyaluronic acid treatment", "C": "Recommend the use of antibiotics to prevent infection", "D": "As long as recommendations observe whether recurrent infections, temporarily without any treatment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the best way to treat chronic dacryocystitis (chronic dacryocystitis) of?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Dacryocystorhinostomy", "options": {"A": "Lacrimal sac excision", "B": "Lacrimal sac incision", "C": "Dacryocystorhinostomy", "D": "Conjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about children with acute appendicitis (appendicitis), and Which of the following most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Less than 2 years of its common symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever", "options": {"A": "Less than 2 years of its common symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever", "B": "More than 2 years of age is similar to the clinical manifestations and adults", "C": "Rise in white blood cells is an important indicator diagnosis", "D": "Ultrasound diagnosis rate higher than CT"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 19-year-old girl to out-patient clinics, complaining of abdominal pain and vaginal spotting merger. She described a week ago on their own at home pregnancy test, pregnancy test showed positive reaction reagents. Physicians arrangements vaginal ultrasound examination and found no gestational sac in the uterine cavity. Serum beta-hCG blood test value of 1800 mIU / mL. After 4 days apart, again check the serum beta-hCG value of 2100 mIU / mL. The clinical symptoms and laboratory data that best meet the girl that following a clinical diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)", "options": {"A": "Spontaneous abortion (spontaneous abortion)", "B": "Multiple pregnancies (multiple gestation)", "C": "Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)", "D": "Incomplete abortion (incomplete abortion)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Can cause male infertility surgical correction of the most common (the most common correctable cause of male infertility) Why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "varicocele", "options": {"A": "varicocele", "B": "Testicular torsion", "C": "Testicular tumor", "D": "Hydrocele"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Republic of China 94 years Guojun A captain of accidental death in the military drills, which is required fiancee gynecologist to carry out the bodies of sperm for artificial reproduction, at the time caused a great controversy, which of the following non-major controversy on the case of medical ethics?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Equitable distribution of pension issues", "options": {"A": "Question the will of the deceased", "B": "The rights of the families of problem", "C": "The future of children's rights issue", "D": "Equitable distribution of pension issues"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a given total parenteral nutrition therapy (Total Parenteral Nutrition) complications?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Non-essential fatty acid deficiency", "options": {"A": "Non-essential fatty acid deficiency", "B": "Iron deficiency anemia", "C": "Hyperglycemia", "D": "Pancreatitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Chen old man suffering from a month ago as the late pancreatic cancer and palliative care signed a letter of intent, hope dying when you can give up first aid. 3 days ago, Mr Chen fever, urinary frequency situation, and was rushed to hospital after a medical examination confirmed Mr Chen physician is Urinary Tract Infection with hyperlipidemia, Mr Chen in the hospital because of unstable blood pressure, after infusion therapy and lead to pulmonary edema, the doctor suggested that endotracheal intubation and respirator therapy to alleviate the pulmonary edema. Whether you should agree with Mr Chen to accept intubation?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Favor, although Mr Chen is advanced pancreatic cancer, palliative care also signed a letter of intent, but the reason for this hospitalization urinary tract infection associated with hyperlipidemia, is not incurable disease, doctors should treat their intubation", "options": {"A": "Opposed because Mr Chen has signed a letter of intent palliative care should not be against their will and their intubation", "B": "Opposed because Mr Chen to the end of pancreatic cancer, do not be too invasive treatment, so increase their suffering", "C": "Favor, although Mr Chen is advanced pancreatic cancer, palliative care also signed a letter of intent, but the reason for this hospitalization urinary tract infection associated with hyperlipidemia, is not incurable disease, doctors should treat their intubation", "D": "Favor, although Mr Chen is advanced pancreatic cancer, palliative care also signed a letter of intent, but as long as the part of the patient dying, should be in accordance with all legal obligations physician and emergency first aid to be"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pyogenic liver abscess in Taiwan, following what was the most common pathogen?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Klebsiella pneumoniae", "options": {"A": "Escherichia coli", "B": "Klebsiella pneumoniae", "C": "Anaerobic bacteria", "D": "Streptococci"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the cardiovascular system of the body checkups (physical examination), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The right internal carotid artery of normal pressure should be less than 12 cm H2O", "options": {"A": "The right internal carotid artery of normal pressure should be less than 12 cm H2O", "B": "The third heart sound can be heard in normal children or young", "C": "The third heart sound associated with increased ventricular blood volume (volume overload)", "D": "The fourth heart sounds and ventricular compliance (compliance) about the decline"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "There are three basic principles of insurance requirements, which of the following is not one of the elements?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Supply and demand balance", "options": {"A": "Dangerous common share", "B": "Majority rule", "C": "Supply and demand balance", "D": "Avoid moral hazard guide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 12-year-old girl for treatment of short stature, father height 160 cm, 152 cm tall and mother. Have occurred last year, a generalized convulsions (generalized convulsion), physical examination showed Height 133 cm (less than 3rd percentile), weighing 47 kg (90th percentile), a round face, mild mental retardation, laboratory tests showed that serum calcium value of 1.53 nmol / L, serum phosphorus value of 6.4 mg / dL, serum magnesium 1.1 mmol / L, serum parathyroid hormone (intact PTH) value of 245 pg / mL (normal 12-72 pg / mL), this most likely girls the diagnosis:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "pseudohypoparathyroidism", "options": {"A": "hyperparathyroidism", "B": "hypoparathyroidism", "C": "pseudohypoparathyroidism", "D": "pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about protein kinase C (protein kinase C), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Acyl glycerol may be two (diacylglycerol) activated on the cell membrane", "options": {"A": "Acyl glycerol may be two (diacylglycerol) activated on the cell membrane", "B": "Acyl glycerol dimethyl be phosphorylated", "C": "Activatable p53 Genes", "D": "Cylic AMP can be activated"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following human parasitic infections require treatment of the family collective administration?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)", "options": {"A": "Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)", "B": "Hook tapeworm (Taenia solium)", "C": "Trichinella spiralis (Trichinella spiralis)", "D": "Chinese liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the rehabilitation ward duty, cervical injury patients, headache, sweating, goose bumps, following the disposal of what are the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Check for bladder up phenomenon, if necessary, emergency catheterization", "options": {"A": "Check whether the red throat, fever whether, given the cold, antipyretics", "B": "Asked whether habitual migraine, pain killers", "C": "Check for bladder up phenomenon, if necessary, emergency catheterization", "D": "May be overwrought, given tranquilizers"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The main basis for identification of dermatophyte (Dermophyton), the following characteristics that are not included?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Biochemical characteristics", "options": {"A": "Biochemical characteristics", "B": "Colony characteristics", "C": "Mycelium properties", "D": "Spore properties"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Gluteal folds (Gluteal fold) near the main skin feels dominated by which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After femoral cutaneous nerve (Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve)", "options": {"A": "Gluteal nerve (Inferior gluteal nerve)", "B": "Sciatic nerve (Sciatic nerve)", "C": "Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve)", "D": "After femoral cutaneous nerve (Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Create a community health approach is not encouraged:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "From top to bottom (top-down)", "options": {"A": "Charged or energizer (Empowerment)", "B": "Partnership (partnership)", "C": "From top to bottom (top-down)", "D": "Cooperation or alliance (alliance)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-characterized Turner's syndrome Turner syndrome it?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Acne hyperplasia", "options": {"A": "Short stature", "B": "Amenorrhea", "C": "Infertility", "D": "Acne hyperplasia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ear duct (parotid duct) at the opening of the oral mucosa pain, conducted from which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Buccal nerve (buccal nerve)", "options": {"A": "Lingual nerve (lingual nerve)", "B": "Buccal nerve (buccal nerve)", "C": "Zygomatic facial nerve (zygomaticofacial nerve)", "D": "Facial nerve (facial nerve) of the buccal branch (buccal branch)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the anticholinergic drugs (anti-cholinergic medications) treatment of urinary urgency incontinence (urge incontinence) on the market, the most common side effects (adverse effect)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Xerostomia (dry mouth)", "options": {"A": "Muscle weakness (muscle weakness)", "B": "Urinary retention (urinary retention)", "C": "Xerostomia (dry mouth)", "D": "頻尿(urinary frequency)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A boy in the nine-month-old suffering from Kawasaki disease due to receiving 2 gm / kg intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, is now recovered. 15-month-old requirement for consultation measles - mumps - rubella vaccine with the first dose of Japanese encephalitis vaccine, and that one of the following disposal the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Japanese encephalitis vaccine can be vaccinated, measles - mumps - German measles vaccine inoculation must be postponed", "options": {"A": "Immediately vaccinated against measles - mumps - rubella vaccine and Japanese encephalitis vaccine", "B": "Japanese encephalitis vaccine can be vaccinated, measles - mumps - German measles vaccine inoculation must be postponed", "C": "Can be immunized against measles - mumps - German measles vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine must postpone vaccination", "D": "Japanese encephalitis vaccine and measles - mumps - rubella vaccine must be vaccinated postponed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About gastric acid (gastric acid) described the secretion of, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "D secreting cells (Cell D) increases somatostatin secreted histamine (Histamine), and gastrin (Gastrin), thereby increasing the secretion of gastric acid", "options": {"A": "Regulated by acetylcholine (acetylcholine), gastrin (gastrin) and histamine (histamine) of", "B": "Secretion of gastric acid can be divided into the head (cephalic phase), of the stomach (gastric phase) and of the intestine (intestinal", "C": "Of stomach (gastric phase) gastric acid secretion accounts for 60% to 70% of all the gastric acid secretion", "D": "D secreting cells (Cell D) increases somatostatin secreted histamine (Histamine), and gastrin (Gastrin), thereby increasing the secretion of gastric acid"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Suffered from HIV infection, to detect reagents to be detected within a month or so to this infection, detect false negative results may occur. During this time period is called what?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Window period (window period)", "options": {"A": "Window period (window period)", "B": "The incubation period (incubation period)", "C": "Recovery (recovery period)", "D": "Period of disease (developing period)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about plantar fasciitis (plantar fasciitis), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "X-rays often foot can be seen spur (spur), this is the most important diagnostic", "options": {"A": "The plantar fascia helps maintain the medial arch of the foot (plantar arch)", "B": "When doing excessive dorsiflexion of the big toe (hyper-dorsiflexion) can cause pain", "C": "X-rays often foot can be seen spur (spur), this is the most important diagnostic", "D": "Few need to be surgically treated"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "91 asthma screening program investigating two students in the country, the number of students asthma were found as follows: boys and girls Jincheng States 315 270 480 420 mountain country Total 795 690 ask the following statements is true?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "These numbers can not make any inferences", "options": {"A": "The survey shows that boys have a higher risk of asthma", "B": "The prevalence of asthma in the high mountain country", "C": "A higher incidence of asthma in the mountain country", "D": "These numbers can not make any inferences"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Outreach vocal cords, glottis open the most important is the role of muscle following what?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After Cricoarytenoid muscle", "options": {"A": "Side cricoarytenoid muscle", "B": "Cricothyroid muscle", "C": "Inter scoop muscle", "D": "After Cricoarytenoid muscle"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) to pay attention to what kind of side effects?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Hyperkalemia (Hyperkalemia)", "options": {"A": "High blood sodium (Hypernatremia)", "B": "Low blood calcium (Hypocalcemia)", "C": "Hyperkalemia (Hyperkalemia)", "D": "Hyponatremia (Hyponatremia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Stable angina (stable angina) of drug-related treatment, Which of the following most inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The combined use of aspirin and warfarin is better than aspirin alone used", "options": {"A": "Use sympathetic beta blockers, unless the patient has the disease the drug contraindicated", "B": "If the patient has used beta blockers sympathetic of contraindications, it is recommended to use a calcium channel blocker", "C": "If diabetes or left ventricular systolic dysfunction, is recommended the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (angiotensin-converting", "D": "The combined use of aspirin and warfarin is better than aspirin alone used"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 70-year-old patient smoking, lung function display FEV1 / FVC = 60%, FEV1 only 56% of the expected value; long-term treatment of non-prescription Which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Oral low-dose steroids", "options": {"A": "Long-acting inhaled bronchodilators", "B": "Oral low-dose steroids", "C": "Quit smoking", "D": "Pulmonary Rehabilitation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related sacrococcygeal teratoma (sacrococcygeal teratoma) of the narrative, what's right?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Original Article (primitive streak) caused by insufficiency", "options": {"A": "By the cells of ectodermal and mesodermal composition", "B": "Original Article (primitive streak) caused by insufficiency", "C": "Prenatal ultrasound examination is not easy to find", "D": "Often occurs in newborn boys"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Transparent film (hyaline membrane) and fetal lung disease in the following period dysplasia about what?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "The end of the capsule (terminal sac period)", "options": {"A": "Pseudo glandular stage (pseudoglandular period)", "B": "Tubules period (canalicular period)", "C": "The end of the capsule (terminal sac period)", "D": "Alveolar period (alveolar period)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is less likely because the symptoms of upper motor neuron (upper motor neuron) damage presented?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Twitch muscle bundle (Fascicular twitching)", "options": {"A": "Muscle weakness (Weakness)", "B": "Twitch muscle bundle (Fascicular twitching)", "C": "Deep tendon reflexes (Deep tendon reflex) increased", "D": "The main treatment extensor plantar (Extensor plantar reflex) 61 Giant cell arteritis (Giant cell arteritis) are:"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 52-year-old woman, complained of cough, phlegm, chest X-ray and CT images below, the most likely diagnosis is which of the following?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Cystic bronchiectasis (cystic bronchiectasis)", "options": {"A": "Cystic bronchiectasis (cystic bronchiectasis)", "B": "膿胸(empyema)", "C": "Off the horizontal diaphragmatic hernia (diaphragmatic hernia)", "D": "Empty lung cancer (cystic lung carcinoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 43-year-old patient, accidentally touched the neck lymph nodes, but no other discomfort. Lymph node by slicing and pathological examination of B-cell diffuse large cell lymphoma, CD20 antigen. Computer tomography show an abdominal aorta paraneoplastic inguinal lymph nodes. Why is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "CHOP chemotherapy plus rituximab given", "options": {"A": "When the symptoms have to be closely observed retreatment", "B": "Administration of the chemotherapeutic COP (cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisolone)", "C": "Given chemotherapy CHOP (COP plus adriamycin)", "D": "CHOP chemotherapy plus rituximab given"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not cause fatty liver?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "GERD", "options": {"A": "obesity", "B": "diabetes", "C": "Hyperlipidemia", "D": "GERD"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, the disposal of the patient in the emergency room, which of the following is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Urine osmolality measurement, and given 0.9% NaCl", "options": {"A": "Brain computer tomography, and give oral kayexalate 60 mg", "B": "Urine osmolality measurement, and given 0.9% NaCl", "C": "Arterial blood gas analysis, and for bacterial culture of blood", "D": "Cerebro-spinal fluid, and given 5% glucose solution, 5 units of short-acting insulin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following situation what is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Cervical mucus ovulation", "options": {"A": "Use of oral ovulation drugs", "B": "Cervical mucus ovulation", "C": "Early-onset menopause", "D": "Have cervical cone resection"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A full-term baby boy a normal life force, but four days postpartum umbilical cord ligation found at the blood oozing, bleeding spots back there are local, infant Which of the following is most likely to lack of nutrients?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Vitamin K", "options": {"A": "Vitamin K", "B": "Vitamin B12", "C": "Folate", "D": "iron"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "9-year-old Mr. Zhang, 56, due to severe heart failure to the accident and emergency department, clinical examination and chest X-ray changes:  pulmonary congestion (lung congestion)  Kerley B line  ascites, hepatomegaly  lower limb edema (edema), then which of the following is the most exact characteristics of right heart failure?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "", "options": {"A": "", "B": "", "C": "", "D": ""}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following botulinum toxins (botulinum neurotoxin) local intramuscular injection to treat muscle spasms in cerebral palsy narrative, whichever is the most correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Effective period of 3 to 6 months, repeated injections required", "options": {"A": "Its role is to make the myelin sheath surrounding nerve (demyelination), resulting in muscle weakness", "B": "The role of fast, 20 minutes after the injection to muscle weakness and cramps disappear", "C": "Effective period of 3 to 6 months, repeated injections required", "D": "The disadvantage is likely to cause localized paresthesia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The highest audio standards generally pure tone audiometry (pure tone audiometry) as measured by the Which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "8000 Hz", "options": {"A": "4000 Hz", "B": "6000 Hz", "C": "8000 Hz", "D": "10000 Hz"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following cells are specialized antigen-presenting cells (professional antigen-presenting cell)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Macrophages (macrophage)", "options": {"A": "CD4 + T cells", "B": "Neutrophils (neutrophil)", "C": "Macrophages (macrophage)", "D": "Fat cells (mast cell)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "These cells, the main function is to produce antibodies whichever?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Plasma cells (plasma cells)", "options": {"A": "Macrophages (macrophages)", "B": "Mast cells (mast cells)", "C": "Plasma cells (plasma cells)", "D": "T lymphocytes (T lymphocytes)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After acute myocardial infarction, complications can occur after complications following what must be considered surgery as soon as possible, so as not to worsen the patient's condition and death?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Necrosis ventricular septal defect", "options": {"A": "Respiratory distress syndrome (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)", "B": "Necrosis ventricular septal defect", "C": "Low cardiac output combined urinary oligonucleotides (Oliguria)", "D": "Bacterial endocarditis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following narrative about when the smooth muscle cross-bridge activation, and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "This activation is due to actin (actin) induced phosphorylation", "options": {"A": "This activation is due to actin (actin) induced phosphorylation", "B": "troponin is not involved in this activation", "C": "Calcium (cytosolic calcium) within the cytoplasm binding protein calmodulin (calmodulin), involved in this activation", "D": "ATPase enzyme activity rate of the smooth muscle in the ratio of slow skeletal muscle"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "84 possible outcomes related to socialized medicine (medical socialization), please select the most appropriate combination of the following relationship options? ① ② prices caused by medical non-medical needs who also have to bear medical costs ③ can lead to medical providers of rebound ④ can lead to dissatisfaction and anxiety of high-income earners", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "②③④", "options": {"A": "①②③④", "B": "②③④", "C": "①②③", "D": "①②④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One patient at the time of physical examination were found to have shoulder abduction (abduction), weakness, and that following nerve injury will not cause a part of this phenomenon?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Musculocutaneous nerve (musculocutaneous nerve)", "options": {"A": "Axillary nerve (axillary nerve)", "B": "Dry the plexus (upper trunk)", "C": "Musculocutaneous nerve (musculocutaneous nerve)", "D": "Posterior cord (posterior cord)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of human monocytic ehrlichiosis disease (human monocytic ehrlichiosis), and which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Penicillin (penicillin), aminoglycosides (aminoglycosides), macrocyclic lactones (macrolides) other therapeutically effective drugs", "options": {"A": "Penicillin (penicillin), aminoglycosides (aminoglycosides), macrocyclic lactones (macrolides) other therapeutically effective drugs", "B": "Which bacteria can reproduce in the blood monocytes (monocyte) cells and macrophages (macrophage)", "C": "Most cases of patients have serum aminotransferase (serum transaminase) and elevated thrombocytopenia (thrombocytopenia) of", "D": "Clinical mainly nucleic acid amplification method (nucleic acid amplification) or serology (serological test) to confirm the disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-epiglottitis (epiglottitis) of the typical symptoms?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Wheezing (wheezing)", "options": {"A": "Wheezing (stridor)", "B": "Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)", "C": "Wheezing (wheezing)", "D": "Salivation (drooling)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ammonia (Ammonia) formed by decomposition of the brain of a nucleic acid, which is converted mainly to the following materials, and then transported via the blood to the liver or kidneys?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Amine Amides bran (Glutamine)", "options": {"A": "Urate (uric acid)", "B": "Urea (urea)", "C": "Asparagine (Asparagine)", "D": "Amine Amides bran (Glutamine)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Most likely to affect mention epididymis muscle (cremasteric muscle) contraction damaged when which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Reproductive femoral nerve (genitofemoral nerve)", "options": {"A": "Femoral nerve (femoral nerve)", "B": "Pudendal nerve (pudendal nerve)", "C": "Reproductive femoral nerve (genitofemoral nerve)", "D": "Ilioinguinal nerve (ilioinguinal nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "At this GCS is most likely a bit?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "3", "options": {"A": "1", "B": "3", "C": "5", "D": "7"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to a permanent cell tissue (nondividing or permanent tissues)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Smooth muscle cells (smooth muscle cells)", "options": {"A": "Neurons (neurons)", "B": "Skeletal muscle cells (skeletal muscle cells)", "C": "Smooth muscle cells (smooth muscle cells)", "D": "Cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle cells)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Children bile duct cysts (choledochal cyst) symptoms, which of the following most rare?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Cholelithiasis (gallstone)", "options": {"A": "Abdominal pain (abdominal pain)", "B": "Jaundice (jaundice)", "C": "Cholelithiasis (gallstone)", "D": "Abdominal mass (abdominal mass)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "34 year old man, hospitalized due to symptoms of central nervous system, brain sections showed multiple demyelination (demyelination) lesions, the number of nerve axons within its (axons) slightly reduced, few glial lesions edge of dendritic cell nucleus glassy double staining of inclusions (glassy amphophilic inclusions), also saw strange and enormous collagen stellate cells (bizarre giant astrocytes), which is why the diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)", "options": {"A": "Human immune deficiency virus encephalitis (human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis)", "B": "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)", "C": "Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)", "D": "The second type of herpes simplex virus encephalitis (herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "50-year-old woman at the doctor, because the left armpit lump three weeks, was found by a physician examination, the left armpit lymph nodes and hard, but not pain, may I ask the women what is most likely to suffer from these diseases?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Breast ductal carcinoma", "options": {"A": "Acute suppurative mastitis merger", "B": "Breast ductal carcinoma", "C": "Breast malignant lymphoma", "D": "Small cell carcinoma of the lung"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "After a 16-year-old high school student playing basketball left knee has been healing the pain. National Museum after the massage but gradually swelling. Orthopedic examination, X-ray abnormalities found in the distal femur; section diagnosis grade osteosarcoma. The following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Chest X-ray examination revealed a tumor metastasis may be, at this stage has no cure", "options": {"A": "X-rays may be found Codman's triangle", "B": "Chest X-ray examination revealed a tumor metastasis may be, at this stage has no cure", "C": "Chest CT examination is necessary", "D": "Chemical treatment is indispensable"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following factors for cardiovascular control, whichever is the least significant prognostic influence of ischemic heart disease, right?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Control blood sugar", "options": {"A": "Quit smoking", "B": "Control blood pressure", "C": "Control dyslipidemia (dyslipidemia)", "D": "Control blood sugar"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) infection can cause primary atypical pneumonia (primary atypical pneumonia), in the identification of training Which of the following antibiotics are usually added to the culture medium to facilitate the separation of mycoplasma and growth?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Penicillin (penicillin)", "options": {"A": "Penicillin (penicillin)", "B": "Erythromycin (erythromycin)", "C": "Tetracycline (tetracycline)", "D": "Sulfonamides (sulfonamide)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following that kind of eukaryotic cell regulatory protein (eukaryotic regulatory proteins) binds to the enhancer (enhancer), to promote gene transcription?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Activator of transcription (transcription activators)", "options": {"A": "Activator of transcription (transcription activators)", "B": "The co-activator (of coactivators)", "C": "TATA- binding proteins (TATA-binding proteins; TBP)", "D": "Reference transcription factors (basal transcription factors)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Embryonic development, that these grooves pharynx (pharyngeal groove) persist, and is derived form the outer auditory canal (external acoustic meatus)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "the first", "options": {"A": "the first", "B": "second", "C": "third", "D": "fourth"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Large 20 kg of a 5-year-old child on the way to hospital, health assessment shows that children no response, no pulse and no spontaneous respiration. Children's emergency ambulance escort escort en route described continuous positive pressure breathing and chest compressions given, affix an automated external defibrillator patches, electrocardiogram shown below, at this time, following what the most appropriate treatment for children?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Children use electric shocks patch, give 50 joules biphasic shock once", "options": {"A": "Vascular access, injection administration Amiodarone 100 mg", "B": "Vascular access, injection administration Adenosine 2 mg", "C": "Children use electric shocks patch, give 50 joules biphasic shock once", "D": "Vascular access, Epinephrine 0.2 mg administered injections, and continue CPR"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What is the source of pancreatic acinar central cells (centroacinar cells) is?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Intercalated ducts (intercalated duct) cells", "options": {"A": "Producing cell enzyme (zymogenic cells)", "B": "Gram island (islet of Langerhans) cells", "C": "Interlobular tube (interlobular duct) cells", "D": "Intercalated ducts (intercalated duct) cells"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "20 year old man injured his right knee accept the X-ray photography. The figures are X-ray photographic image, the most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "hereditary multiple exostoses", "options": {"A": "fibrous dysplasia", "B": "hereditary multiple exostoses", "C": "osteogenic sarcoma", "D": "eosinophilic granuloma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Young women caused by the most common cause of acute salpingitis Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Chlamydia trachomatis", "options": {"A": "gonorrhea", "B": "Chlamydia trachomatis", "C": "Ureaplasma urealyticum", "D": "bacterial vaginitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Early childhood foreign body ingestion of the narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Even if patients had no clinical symptoms, blunt objects and coins lodged in the esophagus must be removed as soon as possible, in order to avoid rupture of the esophagus", "options": {"A": "At least 30% of children with esophageal foreign bodies asymptomatic", "B": "Foreign body by eating the majority (about 80%) among infants and young children 6 months to 3 years old", "C": "If sharp objects in the esophagus, disc button batteries or foreign body associated with respiratory symptoms should be immediately removed", "D": "Even if patients had no clinical symptoms, blunt objects and coins lodged in the esophagus must be removed as soon as possible, in order to avoid rupture of the esophagus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "35-year-old woman described in the primary two years ago, the hand becomes cold case purple finger will appear, while also complaining of facial erythema and multiple joint pain. Last years, work fatigue, real inspection chamber Anti-U1 RNP antibody is 1: 1280. The most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Mixed connective tissue disease (mixed connective tissue disease)", "options": {"A": "Systemic sclerosis (systemic sclerosis)", "B": "Systemic lupus erythematosus (systemic lupus erythematosus)", "C": "Dermatomyositis (dermatomyositis)", "D": "Mixed connective tissue disease (mixed connective tissue disease)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Born weighing less than 1000 grams of preterm children cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) a higher probability, because such babies more prone to brain lesions what happened?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "peri-ventricular leukomalacia", "options": {"A": "brain malformation", "B": "subdural hematoma", "C": "congenital meningitis", "D": "peri-ventricular leukomalacia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Granuloma (granuloma) due to infection with M. tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and formed in the lungs, the main one of the following can be observed that cell?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Gram cytomegalovirus (Langhans giant cell)", "options": {"A": "Trophoblastic (trophocyte)", "B": "Microglia (microglial cell)", "C": "Vacuolar (koilocyte)", "D": "Gram cytomegalovirus (Langhans giant cell)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The left gastric artery omentum (left gastro-omental artery) from which of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Splenic artery (splenic artery)", "options": {"A": "Right gastric artery omentum", "B": "Hepatic artery (hepatic artery)", "C": "Gastroduodenal artery (gastroduodenal artery)", "D": "Splenic artery (splenic artery)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 72-year-old patient, taking oral hypoglycemic agents for many years, most recently five days because of \"cold\" to become sleepy, sent by their families to emergency medical treatment, when arrival at the hospital, blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, no abnormal findings on neurological examination , laboratory data as follows: WBC: 14,500 / mm3, ketone:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "0.9% NaCl 3000 mL infusion", "options": {"A": "NPH insulin 20 units injected subcutaneously", "B": "0.9% NaCl 3000 mL infusion", "C": "Antibiotic-containing treatment", "D": "7% sodium bicarbonate 40 mL intravenous"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Tamiflu (oseltamivir) primarily by the kind of proteins interfere with the function of influenza virus, in order to achieve viral suppression effect?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Neuraminidase", "options": {"A": "M1 protein", "B": "Hemagglutinin", "C": "M2 protein", "D": "Neuraminidase"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Brief Description of physiological changes in the pathogenesis of diabetes, A, B and C are three curves describe those variations?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "A: change in blood glucose; B: insulin secretion; C: insulin sensitivity", "options": {"A": "A: change in blood glucose; B: insulin secretion; C: insulin sensitivity", "B": "A: the amount of insulin secretion; B: insulin sensitivity; C: changes in blood glucose", "C": "A: change in blood glucose; B: insulin sensitivity; C: Insulin secretion", "D": "A: insulin sensitivity; B: insulin secretion; C: changes in blood glucose"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about cauda equina syndrome (cauda equina syndrome), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Bulbospongiosus reflex (bulbocavernosus reflex) disappear", "options": {"A": "More motor neurons (upper motor neuron) mainly characterized", "B": "The clinical symptoms are usually symmetrical about both", "C": "Deep tendon reflexes enhanced", "D": "Bulbospongiosus reflex (bulbocavernosus reflex) disappear"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Five-month-old boy kept crying and due to appear pink jelly-like stool (currant jelly stool) for medical treatment, radiological examination revealed intussusception. Which of the following most patients with pathological changes that may occur?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Intestinal necrosis", "options": {"A": "Intestinal necrosis", "B": "Intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy", "C": "Intestinal mucosal cell proliferation", "D": "Intestinal vascular proliferation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Left hilar (hilum) just above the groove (or notch) is caused by what structure?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Arch of aorta", "options": {"A": "esophagus", "B": "Arch of aorta", "C": "Azygos", "D": "The superior vena cava"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following description of the first type of neurofibromatosis (type 1 neurofibromatosis), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The disease is autosomal recessive inheritance (autosomal recessive)", "options": {"A": "The disease is autosomal recessive inheritance (autosomal recessive)", "B": "Nearly half of the patients are due to new mutations cause (de novo mutation)", "C": "There may be associated with tumors of the optic nerve (optic glioma)", "D": "Who have more than six of coffee spots (café-au-lait spots)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "48-year-old male, and continuous chest pain extending to the left shoulder of the case has been going on for three days. When the show came to emergency care for breathing difficulties, dizziness and sweating for 1 hour; a patient to the emergency blood pressure can not be measured, and the electrocardiogram showed the following changes. Following the disposal of whichever correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "DC rectifier shock technique (direct current cardioversion)", "options": {"A": "Sublingual tablets relieves pain of this patient", "B": "Intramuscular injection of morphine can be used for the patient's dyspnea", "C": "To amiodarone intravenous dose available, then a maintenance dose of an intravenous continuous infusion", "D": "DC rectifier shock technique (direct current cardioversion)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When patients with severe anal itching treatment, and the emergence of prolapse (rectal prolapse) symptoms, you should suspect a parasitic infection by following what?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "鞭蟲(Trichuris trichiura)", "options": {"A": "Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides)", "B": "American hookworm (Necator americanus)", "C": "鞭蟲(Trichuris trichiura)", "D": "Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A single intravenous injection of thiopental in the role of the human body is very short time, mainly because of what items have the following properties?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Easy redistribution of fat tissue from the brain and then to", "options": {"A": "In the slow absorption of the gastrointestinal tract", "B": "Not directly discharged by the kidneys via hepatic metabolism", "C": "Easy redistribution of fat tissue from the brain and then to", "D": "Rapidly metabolized in the liver to active substance not"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Causes of the following whichever of hypokalemia not because potassium ions into the cell?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Refrigerator 欣氏 disease (Cushing's syndrome)", "options": {"A": "Metabolic alkalosis (metabolic alkalosis)", "B": "Anabolic phase (anabolic state)", "C": "Refrigerator 欣氏 disease (Cushing's syndrome)", "D": "Hypokalemic periodic Glanzmann (hypokalemic periodic paralysis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Health behavior change PRECEDE-PROCEED model, the following is part of an enhancement factor that (reinforcing factor)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Significant others support", "options": {"A": "Integration of resources use", "B": "Significant others support", "C": "Attitude change beliefs", "D": "Support for the reconstruction of the environment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is a derivative of air pollutants?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "ozone", "options": {"A": "Sulfur dioxide", "B": "Carbon monoxide", "C": "Nitric oxide", "D": "ozone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, following on drug treatment of these patients, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The main use of hydroxychloroquine is to inhibit the proliferation of inflammatory cells", "options": {"A": "The main use of hydroxychloroquine is to inhibit the proliferation of inflammatory cells", "B": "Acute phase can be used steroids to relieve symptoms", "C": "Sulfasalazine is mainly inhibition of expression of inflammatory cytokines", "D": "Methotrexate is an effective second-line drugs of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, if this boy bone age test results of 12 years, 9 months, giving priority to one of the following that diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Constitutional growth delay (constitutional growth delay)", "options": {"A": "Familial short stature (genetic short stature)", "B": "Malnutrition (malnutrition)", "C": "Constitutional growth delay (constitutional growth delay)", "D": "Low energy pituitary disease (hypopituitarism)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 21-year-old patients with bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder) acute manic episodes (acute manic episode), and was taken to a hospital emergency room, it should be more of the following symptoms do not appear?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Evil delusion", "options": {"A": "High-pitched emotions", "B": "Energetic", "C": "Ideas leap", "D": "Evil delusion"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following on spontaneous pneumothorax (spontaneous pneumothorax) surgical indications narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Fine-needle aspiration drainage ineffective", "options": {"A": "After the first attack of chest tube drainage plug continued to leak more than 72 hours", "B": "Ipsilateral recurrent pneumothorax or above the second", "C": "Complicated by hemothorax, empyema or chronic pneumothorax", "D": "Fine-needle aspiration drainage ineffective"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "45-year-old male patient with coronary stenosis in 10 years after heart transplant, coronary artery disease is the most likely:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Intimal fibrosis", "options": {"A": "Intimal fibrosis", "B": "Medial fibrosis", "C": "Periarterial fibrosis", "D": "Medial calcification"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "At present, vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine belong:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Recombinant subunit vaccine (subunit vaccine)", "options": {"A": "Dead virus (Killed virus)", "B": "Live attenuated vaccine (Live attenuated virus)", "C": "Live virus (Live virus)", "D": "Recombinant subunit vaccine (subunit vaccine)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "30-year-old young woman, married, married 6 years, no birth control program, but did not have children, menstruation time to time, most recently due to the secretion of breast milk, to see the doctor in general surgery, gynecology and then referred to by blood examination, found that a higher value of blood, the physician then arrange magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, skull base results in the saddle recess (sella turcica), the brain was found of the size of about 1 cm. Will the high value of this patient blood tests is that one of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "prolactin", "options": {"A": "HCG(human chorionic gonadotropin)", "B": "growth hormone", "C": "prolactin", "D": "a-fetoprotein"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "3.2 g/dL", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Due to acute duodenal ulcer perforation underwent laparoscopic repair suture, after the third day, still indwelling nasogastric tube, the daily flow of about six hundred milliliters lead", "options": {"A": "Due to acute duodenal ulcer perforation underwent laparoscopic repair suture, after the third day, still indwelling nasogastric tube, the daily flow of about six hundred milliliters lead", "B": "Hospitalized due to stomach cancer ready for surgery, post-operative weight of seventy kilograms reduced sixty-five kg, serum albumin concentration of blood tests", "C": "Superior mesenteric artery thrombosis due to peritonitis and most of the small intestine resection, the eighth day after", "D": "Because between the stomach and small intestine GIST (gastrointestinal stroma tumor, GIST) receiving half gastrectomy and partial small bowel resection, removal of about twenty centimeters of the small intestine, the third day after surgery has not exhaust, continuous fasting"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following hormones play a key role in promoting the development of the central nervous fetal period?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Thyroid hormone (thyroxine)", "options": {"A": "GH (growth hormone)", "B": "Thyroid hormone (thyroxine)", "C": "Cortisol (cortisol)", "D": "Prolactin (prolactin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "23.65 years old female disease because ⻑ Face diabetic nephropathy, undergo regular dialysis treatment ⾎ was already 5 years, pre-dialysis ⾎ phosphorus (PO43-) 6.8 mg / dL, calcium", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Using the phosphorus binding agent (phosphate binder)", "options": {"A": "Using the phosphorus binding agent (phosphate binder)", "B": "Using vitamin D3 (vitamin D3)", "C": "Using calcimimetic (calcimimetic)", "D": "Using calcium 3.0 mEq / L dialysate"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "43. There is a 32-year-old man complained of two or three months to easy fatigue, abdominal distension. Physical examination found that the temperature is normal, pale conjunctiva, along palpable spleen at the left rib cage; routine examination of blood: WBC 120,000 / uL, blast / promyelocyte / myelocyte / metamyelocyte / neutrophil / monocyte / eosinophil / basophil / lymphocyte =\n metaphases. Currently academic consensus first-line treatment Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "tyrosine kinase inhibitor", "options": {"A": "hydroxyurea", "B": "interferon-alpha", "C": "tyrosine kinase inhibitor", "D": "allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Great cerebral vein (great cerebral vein of Galen) injection:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Straight sinus (straight sinus)", "options": {"A": "Petrosal sinus (superior petrosal sinus)", "B": "Transverse sinus (transverse sinus)", "C": "Straight sinus (straight sinus)", "D": "Superior sagittal sinus (superior sagittal sinus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "62. Mr. Zhang to the hospital for the measurement of lung volume, total lung capacity measurements showed (total lung capacity) to 5000 ml, more than lung volume (residual volume) of 300 ml, the difference between the two is called HE ?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Vital capacity (vital capacity)", "options": {"A": "Vital capacity (vital capacity)", "B": "Inspiratory reserve volume (inspiratory reserve volume)", "C": "Tidal volume (tidal volume)", "D": "Pulmonary function over capacity (functional residual capacity)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "52 A 60-year-old male patient complained of constipation, blood in the stool, and hemorrhoids. Patients required surgical treatment of hemorrhoids to improve constipation, deal with the following relevant clinician's disposal whichever wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Improve constipation need to remove hemorrhoids", "options": {"A": "Check the severity of hemorrhoids", "B": "Arrange colonoscopy", "C": "Anal contraction inspection", "D": "Improve constipation need to remove hemorrhoids"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Care after resuscitation, part of the narrative related to body temperature, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After recovery if the temperature is higher than normal, to actively cool", "options": {"A": "After the recovery is slightly lower body temperature in the state (33-35 ℃), will have to be careful to warm to normal", "B": "After recovery of body temperature control at 32-34 ℃, maintain 12-24 hours, the original is ventricular fibrillation (VF) rhythm who rank as classⅡb", "C": "After recovery of body temperature control at 32-34 ℃, maintain 12-24 hours, as in the original rhythm Asystole who rank as classⅡa", "D": "After recovery if the temperature is higher than normal, to actively cool"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old middle-aged woman complained to the clinic right index finger, middle finger, ring finger numbness, physical examination thenar muscles (thenar muscle) there is a dramatic drop in the following piece of her most nerve lesions may occur?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The median nerve (median nerve)", "options": {"A": "Radial nerve (radial nerve)", "B": "The median nerve (median nerve)", "C": "Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve)", "D": "Posterior interosseous nerve (posterior interosseous nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Tuberculosis and common feature of sarcoidosis (sarcoidosis) are:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Have granuloma", "options": {"A": "All infectious diseases", "B": "Has cheese necrosis", "C": "Have granuloma", "D": "Diffuse common cause of lung fibrosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One 12-year-old boy due to swollen lymph glands on both sides to the hospital, the blood and biopsy, cell type found in normal tissue and blood cell proliferation ball phagocytosis. Cellular immunity examination revealed CD1a negative, while the CD8-positive T cells. Which of the following is the most correct diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome", "options": {"A": "Langerhans cell histiocytosis", "B": "infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome", "C": "malignant histiocytosis", "D": "acute monocytic leukemia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following virus-associated tumors prone?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "AIDS patients", "options": {"A": "Leishmaniasis patients", "B": "Legionella pneumonia 患者", "C": "IgA nephropathy patients", "D": "AIDS patients"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Face ⼯ earphones snail (cochlear implants) is Lee Using electrodes to stimulate the very severe hearing loss disease within the earphones in the Face of what cells?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Spiral ganglion cells (spiral ganglion cells)", "options": {"A": "⽑ outer cells (outer hair cells)", "B": "⽑ the cell (inner hair cells)", "C": "⾎ tube cell lines (striae vascularis cells)", "D": "Spiral ganglion cells (spiral ganglion cells)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "62. assuming other conditions remain unchanged, chronic obstructive lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) to achieve the same amount of normal ventilation (ventilation), which each time the pressure (intrapleural pressure, Pip) within the pleural breathing changes compared with normal subjects should be which of the following?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Larger", "options": {"A": "Larger", "B": "Small", "C": "equal", "D": "May be more likely to be smaller, as the condition may"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 37 year old female easily tired because the clinics open, blood examination showed hemoglobin with 8.0 gm / dL, erythrocyte number of 3.65 × 106 / μL, hematocrit (Hct) 24%, number of leukocytes 8,150 / μL, platelets 385,000 / μL, network shaped erythrocytes 2.5%. This generates a patient's reticulocyte index (reticulocyte production index) is closest to how much%?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "0.7", "options": {"A": "2.5", "B": "2", "C": "1.25", "D": "0.7"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 25-year-old woman, no special past history, there is a lump in his right armpit and a weight loss of 5 kg in a month and to the hospital for treatment, the readme no fever, night sweats, cough, shortness of breath or abdominal pain and other symptoms, physical examination in addition to a right armpit 5 × 6 cm, fixed, painless lumps remaining are other than normal, nor palpable breast lumps of. Slice report (incisional biopsy) is a poorly differentiated carcinoma, the next step how to deal with the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "For pathology and pathologists to discuss and arrange for further genetic testing to check the relevant immunostaining", "options": {"A": "Blood tests CEA, CA-125, AFP and PSA", "B": "For pathology and pathologists to discuss and arrange for further genetic testing to check the relevant immunostaining", "C": "Arrange to the right mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection as soon as possible", "D": "Immediately given cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and 5-fluorouracil"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Narrative about the functional regulation of the thyroid, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Release of thyroid hormones, mostly triiodothyronine (T3)", "options": {"A": "The secretion of pituitary TSH, thyroid hormones can stimulate the synthesis of", "B": "Thyroid automatically adjusts recovered iodine ions", "C": "Synthesis of thyroid hormones, will be affected by the negative feedback regulation itself", "D": "Release of thyroid hormones, mostly triiodothyronine (T3)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Under normal physiological range, preload and afterload for stroke volume (stroke volume), respectively, of the impact of what?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "preload increased stroke volume; stroke volume decrease afterload", "options": {"A": "preload increased stroke volume; stroke volume decrease afterload", "B": "reduce cardiac preload amount; stroke volume increased afterload", "C": "Both increased stroke volume", "D": "Are reduced stroke volume"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "33.60 years old Anke have high blood pressure for 10 years, taking daily losartan 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg, blood pressure has been controlled in the desired range. Two months ago because of tuberculosis started taking quadruple anti-TB drugs, the week before she serves fever and joint pain hands multiple small phenomenon,\n Blood examination revealed antinuclear antibody (ANA) 1: 1280-positive, anti-histone antibody positive, but negative for anti-dsDNA antibodies. under\n Column disposal whichever is most appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Stopped isoniazid", "options": {"A": "Stopped losartan", "B": "Stopped isoniazid", "C": "Stopped hydrochlorothiazide", "D": "Original medication are kept, together with prednisolone 0.5 mg / kg / day"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type Ⅰ (MENⅠ), not including which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Medullary thyroid tumors", "options": {"A": "Parathyroid hyperplasia", "B": "Insulinoma", "C": "Medullary thyroid tumors", "D": "Gastrinoma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Patients with right optic nerve bundle (optic tract) damage, the following statements about their field of vision (visual field) test results and what was right?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Patients unable to detect the object images projected right eye retina (Retina) of", "options": {"A": "Loss of visual function eye and the right eye normal", "B": "Patients unable to detect the object images projected right eye retina (Retina) of", "C": "Patients can detect right eye projected on the retina (Retina) of the object image", "D": "Both eyes can not detect the right side of the field of vision (visual field) objects"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related osteoclasts (osteoclasts) of the statements is true?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Multinucleated cells", "options": {"A": "Multinucleated cells", "B": "Located within the periosteum (periosteum)", "C": "Secretion of bone matrix", "D": "Cytoplasm is strongly basophilic"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "School Aristotle spot (Peyer's patch) which has the following characteristics?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Configuration is formed by aggregation of lymphocytes", "options": {"A": "Microvascular structure is formed by aggregation", "B": "Is configured endocrine cells formed aggregate", "C": "Configuration is formed by aggregation of lymphocytes", "D": "Configuration is formed by aggregation of nerve cells"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Because ⾞ disaster ⽽ urgent need to lose ⾎ patients ⾎ type is AB type, the presence of three Face, the ⼩ Lee ⾎ type is type A, type B ⼩ Wu, ⼩ what is type O, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Face can be donated to three patients ⾎", "options": {"A": "Only ⼩ Lee and Wu ⼩ can donate to patients ⾎", "B": "Only ⼩ He can donate to patients ⾎", "C": "Face can be donated to three patients ⾎", "D": "Face three patients were not to donate ⾎"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Chen was found to unconsciousness and jaundice is brought to the emergency medical treatment, examination results of total bilirubin: 7.2 mg / dL (normal: 0.2 ~ 1.6 mg / dL), direct bilirubin: 4 mg / dL (normal: 0 ~ 0.3 mg / dL), AST: 478 U / L (normal: 5 ~ 45 U / L), ALT: 356 U / L (normal: 0 ~ 40 U / L), alkaline phosphatase: 102 U / L (normal: 10 ~ 100 U / L), prothrombin time (INR): 3.1, albumin: 3.6 g / dL (normal: 4.3 ~ 5.4 g / dL), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "This patient's disease is most likely because of acute cholangitis", "options": {"A": "This may occur in patients with hepatocellular jaundice", "B": "Abdominal sonography should be no abnormal bile duct", "C": "This cause jaundice patients, possibly including virus, autoimmune, toxin and metabolic disorder, etc.", "D": "This patient's disease is most likely because of acute cholangitis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "41 by taking a kidney disease immunosuppressive allogeneic kidney transplant rejection control. Recently found that some of the left dorsal skin without pain, irregularity of the plaque (FIG), presents a number of spindle cells (spindle cell) and vascular-like gap (slit-like vascular space) at biopsy. Related disease statements is wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Immunosuppressant, glucocorticoid than cyclosporine A has resulted in the occurrence of the disease", "options": {"A": "This is Kaposi's sarcoma (Kaposi's sarcoma)", "B": "Immunosuppressant, glucocorticoid than cyclosporine A has resulted in the occurrence of the disease", "C": "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection may be associated with the occurrence of the disease", "D": "Human herpesvirus-8-related disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One patient was lower limb toe joint swelling and pain unable to walk, was sent to the hospital emergency room, after blood tests found that gout is caused by high activity of xanthine oxidase, the physician made an emergency remission after treatment, suggesting that patients taking these Ho drug control uric acid concentration is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "allopurinol", "options": {"A": "ibuprofen", "B": "indomethacin", "C": "allopurinol", "D": "aspirin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "12. A 50-year-old female tuberculosis patients, anti-tuberculosis drugs for 4 has a first line of a month, the patient complained of poor appetite, fatigue slightly, but the deeper yellow urine, liver function tests found that bilirubin T / D 15/8 mg / dL, AST: 68 U / L, ALT: 70 U / L. Most can not be that kind of anti-TB drugs cause?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "ethambutol", "options": {"A": "isoniazid", "B": "rifampin", "C": "ethambutol", "D": "pyrazinamide"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following amino acid is a synthetic thyroid hormone T3 & T4 precursor of?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "arginine", "options": {"A": "arginine", "B": "tryptophan", "C": "lysine", "D": "tyrosine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 53-year-old man complained of abdominal pain and vomiting. Patients with colorectal cancer three years ago but had to accept the right of the colon resection, six months ago, the patient also has a similar abdominal pain, after treatment in the emergency room and discharged symptoms. The patient supine abdominal X-ray shows in the left upper abdomen and left lower abdomen swollen intestine jejunum filled with gas it appear, after 6 hours of abdominal X-rays to track still shows intestine swollen, but the gas in the intestine disappear obviously, is liquid substituted intestine. Physical checkups still found in patients with bowel sounds, no patients with no exhaust defecation. Which of the following most inconsistent with the patient's condition changes?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Into a partial small bowel obstruction (small bowel partial obstruction)", "options": {"A": "Into a partial small bowel obstruction (small bowel partial obstruction)", "B": "CT display bowel wall thickening, appeared gas", "C": "Blood white blood cell count may be increased without", "D": "The temperature may not rise"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Intracranial cerebral aneurysms (cerebral aneurysm), the first few days after the rupture, vasospasm is most serious?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "3 to 10 days", "options": {"A": "1 to 3 days", "B": "3 to 10 days", "C": "10 to 15 days", "D": "15 to 21 days"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In humans, these amino acids can not serve as what biomolecules biosynthesis of precursors?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Cyanocobalamin (cobalamin)", "options": {"A": "Adrenaline (epinephrine)", "B": "Rhodopsin (porphyrin)", "C": "Adenine (adenine)", "D": "Cyanocobalamin (cobalamin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A physician was invited to a seminar sponsored by pharmaceutical companies as a lecturer and receives an hourly fee of $ 5,000, fearing a conflict of interest issues. Narration and dealing with conflicts of interest, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Conflict of interest itself is not moral, it should be a total ban", "options": {"A": "The first deal effectively with conflict of interest requirements, is aware of its existence", "B": "Public process is the golden rule of conflict of interest", "C": "One way to approval and review, also dealing with conflicts of interest", "D": "Conflict of interest itself is not moral, it should be a total ban"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following antibiotics not metabolized by the liver or bile, and therefore does not interfere with the metabolism of other drugs?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "gentamicin", "options": {"A": "chloramphenicol", "B": "erythromycin", "C": "gentamicin", "D": "rifampin"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "57 a 75-year-old woman had a history of hypertension has been controlled with medication, complained of heart palpitations, shortness of breath to consultation. Physical examination revealed heart 108 times / min and irregular beating of the heart sound is slightly larger, as a heartbeat atrial fibrillation, fast ventricular beats; echocardiogram showed ejection fraction", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Measuring free T4, TSH", "options": {"A": "The use of amiodarone to control heart rate", "B": "Measurements troponin", "C": "Measuring free T4, TSH", "D": "To cardioversion for atrial fibrillation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Jacob and Monod found in the E.coli lactose metabolism: some mutant strains with or without the presence of inducer (lactose etc.), may exhibit both a large amount of neuraminidase-galactose (β-galactosidase), because:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Neuraminidase-galactose operon this mutant strain (Operon) can not be suppressed by its promoter (Lac repressor) regulated", "options": {"A": "This mutant affects the performance of translation of mRNA-galactosidase", "B": "After this mutant affect galactosidase mRNA expression of transcriptional modification", "C": "Neuraminidase-galactose operon this mutant strain (Operon) can not be suppressed by its promoter (Lac repressor) regulated", "D": "This mutation causes Lac repressor DNA binding ability becomes strong"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Factors affecting people died in Taiwan, what's most important?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Lifestyle factors", "options": {"A": "Factor in the health care system", "B": "Biological factors", "C": "Environmental factors", "D": "Lifestyle factors"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 32-year-old woman, leaving rehab soon, and Shi fight unsolicited heroin, because of increased purity lead poisoning, unconsciousness, in principle, to the hospital after disposal, Which statement is correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "If the pupil dilation and increased respiratory rate, degree of intoxication is gradually improved display", "options": {"A": "Case because the temperature is reduced, the insulation is the most important heroin poisoning rescue measures", "B": "Intravenous injection of methadone as the main drug treatment", "C": "If the pupil dilation and increased respiratory rate, degree of intoxication is gradually improved display", "D": "Because opiate antagonists (opioid antagonist) are mostly long-term, it is usually given a single dose can"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the most common cause of lower body paralysis caused by brain lesions (cerebral paraplegia)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Falx meningioma (falx meningioma)", "options": {"A": "Anterior cerebral artery infarction stroke (stroke)", "B": "Carbon monoxide poisoning encephalopathy (encephalopathy)", "C": "Meningitis (meningoencephalitis)", "D": "Falx meningioma (falx meningioma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about artificial joints, whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Artificial joints and gaskets lining wear problems directly related to their age, the current hip-lined ceramic and ceramic femoral head come out, greatly reducing the wear rate", "options": {"A": "The biggest problem in that the artificial joint compatibility with human tissue, human body charged over time, easy to produce foreign body reaction (foreign body reaction), it regularly renovated", "B": "Diabetes patients with poor immunity or not the artificial joint at high risk of infection", "C": "Artificial joints and gaskets lining wear problems directly related to their age, the current hip-lined ceramic and ceramic femoral head come out, greatly reducing the wear rate", "D": "Prosthetic joint infection is the most common bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Whichever is most relevant to the following bacteria and ingestion of contaminated rice caused by food poisoning?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Wax-like bacilli (Bacillus cereus)", "options": {"A": "Salmonella enteritidis (Salmonella enterica)", "B": "Vibrio vulnificus (Vibrio vulnificus)", "C": "Wax-like bacilli (Bacillus cereus)", "D": "E. coli (Escherichia coli)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about the palm in the muscles (intrinsic muscles) of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Palm brevis (palmaris brevis) by the median nerve (median nerve) dominated", "options": {"A": "Abductor hallucis muscle (abductor pollicis) by the median nerve (median nerve) dominated", "B": "Palm brevis (palmaris brevis) by the median nerve (median nerve) dominated", "C": "Dorsal metacarpal muscle (dorsal interossei) by the ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve) dominated", "D": "Lumbrical (lumbricals) by the median nerve (median nerve) and ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve) jointly governed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "19. The description about lung cancer, Which statement is correct? ①adenocarcinoma occurs most common cell type ②squamous cell carcinoma associated with smoking ③squamous cell carcinoma most often located in a central location close to the hilar ④ often small cell lung cancer can be treated via surgery", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "①②③", "options": {"A": "①③④", "B": "①②③", "C": "①②④", "D": "②③④"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "26.6-year-old child was taken to hospital because of suddenly collapsed, as shown in ECG, heart rate is about 200 / min. Blood pressure was measured for Sick Children was 50/25 mmHg, can touch the faint pulse but poor peripheral circulation, disposal should be done next Why?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Synchronous rectification technique (Synchronized DC cardioversion) treatment", "options": {"A": "Rapid intravenous treatment given Adenosine", "B": "Gently using ice packs compression forehead (Valsalva maneuver)", "C": "Synchronous rectification technique (Synchronized DC cardioversion) treatment", "D": "Intravenous treatment given Amiodarone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer-HNPCC) by hMSH2 or hMLH1 gene mutation, and DNA repair pathways influenced by what the cause?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Mismatched repair (mismatch repair)", "options": {"A": "Mismatched repair (mismatch repair)", "B": "Base excision repair (base excision repair)", "C": "Nucleotide excision repair (nucleotide excision repair)", "D": "Double-strand break repair (double strand break repair)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Placental development is extremely important for the growth of the fetus, which was due to its offer if the adult Which of the following features in addition to the vital organs?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Exocrine glands", "options": {"A": "kidney", "B": "Gastrointestinal tract", "C": "lung", "D": "Exocrine glands"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, following a personality disorder that belongs to the species (cluster) with three other different?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Paranoid", "options": {"A": "Borderline", "B": "Antisocial", "C": "Paranoid", "D": "Drama type"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The clinical significance of nystagmus following diagram represents the most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Right cerebellopontine angle tumors (cerebellopontine angle tumor)", "options": {"A": "Right Meniere's disease (Ménière's disease)", "B": "Left Meniere's disease (Ménière's disease)", "C": "Right cerebellopontine angle tumors (cerebellopontine angle tumor)", "D": "Left cerebellopontine angle tumors (cerebellopontine angle tumor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following reasons inducing resistance to ampicillin and piperacillin when combination therapy Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "ampicillin-induced beta-lactamase produced", "options": {"A": "inhibition ampicillin and piperacillin penicillin binding protein", "B": "ampicillin-induced beta-lactamase produced", "C": "piperacillin autolytic enzyme inhibition activity", "D": "Department of one kind of ampicillin bacteriostatic agent"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About Huxijitong, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Epithelial tissue within the nasal cavity a transitional epithelium (transitional epithelium)", "options": {"A": "Mucosa (mucosa) may be within the nasal cavity the warm, humid air of the suction and filtration", "B": "Bowman's gland secrete slurry (serous), to remove the residue that has been detected through the odorant", "C": "Epithelial tissue within the nasal cavity a transitional epithelium (transitional epithelium)", "D": "Olfactory epithelium (olfactory epithelium) is pseudo stratified columnar epithelium"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the main hormone produced by the kidneys?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Erythropoietin (erythropoietin)", "options": {"A": "Calcitonin (calcitonin)", "B": "Angiotensin original (angiotensinogen)", "C": "Aldehydes hormone (aldosterone)", "D": "Erythropoietin (erythropoietin)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 24-year-old woman, difficulty urinating due to merger genital pain lesions, clinical diagnosis of herpes, these lesions have been fused into skin ulcers. At the same time there is fever, fatigue, muscle aches and headache. In the past did not have similar symptoms. The following narrative about this patient's, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "The disease prognosis is good, he would not relapse", "options": {"A": "The most likely diagnosis is the second type of herpes (herpes simplex)", "B": "The disease prognosis is good, he would not relapse", "C": "In acyclovir treatment may shorten the time required to heal", "D": "To acyclovir therapy can reduce the severity and frequency of relapse"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When microvascular arterioles (precapillary arterioles) contract, which will produce the following significant changes?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Microvascular filtration rate (filtration rate) decline", "options": {"A": "Microvascular hydrostatic pressure (hydrostatic pressure) increase", "B": "Microvascular filtration rate (filtration rate) decline", "C": "Microvascular plasma colloid osmotic pressure (colloid osmotic pressure) increase", "D": "Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure (colloid osmotic pressure) rise"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about herpes simplex keratitis (Herpes simplex keratitis), and what's more correct?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "After remission, the future is still likely to recur", "options": {"A": "Mostly due to the trauma caused by plant", "B": "And about wearing contact lenses", "C": "After remission, the future is still likely to recur", "D": "Pap smear, you can see there is a Gram stain (Gram's stain) of negative bacilli"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When oppression that God often following a ligament in through the groin (inguinal ligament), resulting in the thigh outside the patient feels numbness?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Femoral nerve skin surface (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve)", "options": {"A": "Femoral nerve (femoral nerve)", "B": "Femoral nerve skin surface (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve)", "C": "Obturator nerve (obturator nerve)", "D": "Pudendal nerve (pudendal nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That three of the following muscles attached to the tendon with medial tibial tuberosity (medial side of tibial tuberosity)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Gracilis (gracilis), sartorius (sartorius), the semitendinosus (semitendinosus)", "options": {"A": "Gracilis (gracilis), sartorius (sartorius), semimembranosus (semimembranosus)", "B": "Gracilis (gracilis), sartorius (sartorius), the semitendinosus (semitendinosus)", "C": "Biceps femoris (biceps femoris), semimembranosus (semimembranosus), semitendinosus muscle (semitendinosus)", "D": "Adductor longus (adductor longus), short adductor muscles (adductor brevis), adductor muscle (adductor magnus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to statistics, the world's second only to cause Candida albicans Candida bacteremia (candidemia) of the pathogen why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Candida glabrata", "options": {"A": "Candida krusei", "B": "Candida glabrata", "C": "Candida parapsilosis", "D": "Candida tropicalis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Description key molecules mannan-binding lectin 86 relating to the complement system following aggregated path (lectin pathway) in (MBL), and any erroneously?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "They participate aggregation path and alternative paths (alternative pathway) were similar mechanism of action", "options": {"A": "And may be glycoproteins or carbohydrate binding bacterial surface", "B": "Inflammatory response is an acute produced protein (acute phase protein)", "C": "Its function in the complement system and the Clq molecule similar", "D": "They participate aggregation path and alternative paths (alternative pathway) were similar mechanism of action"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Why is the diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Abdominal aortic aneurysm", "options": {"A": "Mesenteric cyst", "B": "Abdominal aortic aneurysm", "C": "The tail of pancreas cancer", "D": "Inferior vena cava thrombosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous questions, then Transcatheter examination to determine the diagnosis, this patient, following surgery what most unsuitable?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Pulmonary artery banding procedure", "options": {"A": "Arterial to pulmonary artery shunt", "B": "Pulmonary valve balloon dilatation", "C": "Under cardiopulmonary bypass, for repairing heart surgery under direct vision", "D": "Pulmonary artery banding procedure"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The main system related to the hippocampus (hippocampal formation) of the efferent fibers (efferent fiber), can be formed following what structure?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Dome beam (Fornix)", "options": {"A": "Dome beam (Fornix)", "B": "The corpus callosum (corpus callosum)", "C": "Stria terminalis (stria terminalis)", "D": "Qiu brain pattern (stria medullaris thalami)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "And human cervical cancer was the most virus-associated HPV (human papillomavirus) type the first few?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "16 and 18", "options": {"A": "16 and 18", "B": "1 and 2", "C": "6 and 2", "D": "25 and 38"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following action with low-dose Aspirin prevent embolic stroke (Stroke) about?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Inhibition of platelet COX-1", "options": {"A": "Inhibition of vascular endothelial cell COX-2", "B": "Lipoxygenase inhibition of blood cells", "C": "Inhibition of platelet COX-1", "D": "Inhibit platelet Thromboxane A2 receptor"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 21-year-old college girl, on both sides of the lower leg rash, pain, there are three days. Rash appears inspection, palpation was nodules, little heat as shown. The most likely clinical diagnosis:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Nodules (Erythema nodosum) erythema", "options": {"A": "Erythema multiforme (Erythema multiforme)", "B": "Nodules (Erythema nodosum) erythema", "C": "Cellulitis (cellulitis)", "D": "Erythema (Erythema migrans)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When hypoxia, which of the following changes in the most unlikely?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intracellular calcium ions from the effluent", "options": {"A": "Sodium and water into the cells", "B": "Intracellular pH value decreased", "C": "Intracellular calcium ions from the effluent", "D": "Intracellular ATP decline"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 65-year-old female patient complained of right knee three years, growing pain, so difficult action, this treatment right hand knee X-ray photography and MRI figure, the most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "And spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (spontaneous osteonecrosis with arthritis)", "options": {"A": "Cysts and bone in rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis with bone cyst)", "B": "And spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (spontaneous osteonecrosis with arthritis)", "C": "Septic arthritis and bone cysts (septic arthritis with bone cyst)", "D": "Gouty arthritis and bone cysts (gouty arthritis with bone cyst)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the use of stroke patients foot and ankle splint (splints) The main objective?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Corrected gait", "options": {"A": "Promote the recovery of the function of the foot and ankle", "B": "Prevent ankle swelling", "C": "Corrected gait", "D": "Dynamic splint can replace the paralysis of the muscles"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items ① ④ ⾄ those substances are transported by the direction that the ADVANCED concentration to low concentration?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "②④", "options": {"A": "①③", "B": "②③", "C": "②④", "D": "①②"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About familial hypercholesterolemia (familial hypercholesterolemia) The main cause of why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "LDL receptor gene mutation", "options": {"A": "Excessive dietary intake of high-fat foods", "B": "HMG-CoA reductase gene mutation", "C": "Normal LDL receptor protein expression levels too high", "D": "LDL receptor gene mutation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Dexmedetomidine provides sedative, hypnotic and analgesic effect, its mechanism of action Why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "α2-adrenergic agonist", "options": {"A": "γ-amino-butyric acid inhibition", "B": "α2-adrenergic agonist", "C": "m receptor agonist", "D": "N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor inhibition"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Infants born three days, conjunctival hyperemia, secretions surge, and their parents had a sexual history, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Because only conjunctivitis, no danger of blindness", "options": {"A": "Secretions smear, Gram-negative meningitis may have", "B": "The birth canal infection", "C": "Because only conjunctivitis, no danger of blindness", "D": "Treatment guidelines should Penicillin G, intramuscular and topical eye"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following description of the relevant sections of sentinel lymph node surgery (sentinel lymph node biopsy), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Surgeons perform surgery of sentinel lymph node slice through, the first one hundred cases of false negative if any, should no longer perform sentinel lymph node slice surgery", "options": {"A": "Can reduce axillary lymph dissection (axillary lymph node dissection) caused by the occurrence of arm lymphedema", "B": "Surgeons perform surgery of sentinel lymph node slice through, the first one hundred cases of false negative if any, should no longer perform sentinel lymph node slice surgery", "C": "Total removal of the breast (total mastectomy) Zheyi do the sentinel lymph node slice surgery", "D": "If the physical examination palpable axillary lymph nodes, sentinel lymph node sections were not suitable for surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following principles relating to the allocation of organ transplantation, whichever is most suitable for?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Recipient patient lifestyle or behavior", "options": {"A": "Donated medical needs of patients with urgency", "B": "Recipient patients in the waiting time on the list", "C": "Recipient patient lifestyle or behavior", "D": "Patients with donor organizations recipient pairing compatibility"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Usually with abdominal breathing rhythm of respiration rate (paced breathing), which of the following is the best breathing rhythm?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Breathing: inspiratory = 4 seconds: 2 seconds", "options": {"A": "Breathing: inspiratory = 4 seconds: 2 seconds", "B": "Breathing: = 1 second intake: 2 seconds", "C": "Breathing: = 1 second intake: 1 second", "D": "Breathing: inspiratory = 2 seconds: 4 seconds"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Elderly patients most unlikely occurrence of aspiration pneumonia pathogens:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Legionella pneumophila", "options": {"A": "Entoerobacteriaceae", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus", "C": "Anaerobic bacteria", "D": "Legionella pneumophila"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is NOT generations follow-up study biased source?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Rare exposure", "options": {"A": "Track dropout rate", "B": "Exposure group and the integrity of the non-exposed group of different data collection", "C": "Rare exposure", "D": "Subjects who do not respond"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The two Krebs cycle (TCA cycle) directly via the intermediate primary transfer Jieke amine (the transamination) Synthesis of amino acids?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Oxaloacetic acid (oxaloacetate) and α- ketoglutaric acid (α-ketoglutarate)", "options": {"A": "Oxaloacetic acid (oxaloacetate) and α- ketoglutaric acid (α-ketoglutarate)", "B": "Citric acid (citrate) and succinic acid (succinate)", "C": "Succinic acid (succinate) and malic acid (malate)", "D": "α- ketoglutaric acid (α-ketoglutarate) isocitrate and (Isocitrate)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following disorders in premature children born within a few days specific brain lesions?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Kernicterus (Kernicterus)", "options": {"A": "Glass membrane disease (Hyaline membrane disease)", "B": "Kernicterus (Kernicterus)", "C": "Hirschsprung's disease", "D": "Pick's disease"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "48-year-old man, suffering from multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN type 1) merger hyperparathyroidism, 10 years ago to accept the watch parathyroidectomy surgery, after ⾎ calcium and iPTH were normal, but the recent track pumping ⾎ check the monitor: iPTH of 132 pg / mL, ⾎ calcium 10.8 mg / dL, the diagnosis is most suitable:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "recurrent hyperparathyroidism", "options": {"A": "secondary hyperparathyroidism", "B": "tertiary hyperparathyroidism", "C": "persistent hyperparathyroidism", "D": "recurrent hyperparathyroidism"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That part of the digestive tract submucosal glands secrete mucus have?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "duodenum", "options": {"A": "duodenum", "B": "rectum", "C": "stomach", "D": "colon"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The cervical ganglia (superior cervical ganglion) relative to the spine following what height?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The first and second cervical vertebrae", "options": {"A": "The first and second cervical vertebrae", "B": "Fourth cervical vertebra", "C": "Sixth cervical vertebra", "D": "The first thoracic vertebra"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "An aplastic anemia patient, was going through a variety of treatment, his condition does not improve, often requires transfusion of packed red blood cells, blood tests recently discovered blood iron (ferritin) was 3,750 ng / mL, liver function deteriorates. Which of the following is the most appropriate therapy?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Deferoxamine", "options": {"A": "Dimercaprol", "B": "Penicillamine", "C": "Deferoxamine", "D": "Charcoal"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following what kind of disease vectors, likes to lay eggs in running water, and their eggs are triangular?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Gnats (blackfly)", "options": {"A": "Horsefly (deer fly)", "B": "Gnats (blackfly)", "C": "Tsetse fly (tsetse fly)", "D": "蠓(biting midges)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About lung cancer gene mutations and targeted therapy, the following statements is true?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Face lung disease, older ALK translocation median (median age), compared to older patients with lung adenocarcinoma overall median Young", "options": {"A": "In East Asia, lung adenocarcinoma, EGFR mutation rate of about 10 to 20%", "B": "There fourth EGFR mutations in lung adenocarcinoma, can be cured Using EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (Cure)", "C": "Face lung disease, older ALK translocation median (median age), compared to older patients with lung adenocarcinoma overall median Young", "D": "ALK translocation of lung adenocarcinoma, after treatment by the target production ⽣ resistance, about 50 to 60% yield ⽣ exon 20 T790M mutation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Nose cone worm (reduviid bug) What can the media following parasitic diseases?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chagas disease (Chagas' disease)", "options": {"A": "Chagas disease (Chagas' disease)", "B": "Leishmaniasis disease (Leishmaniasis)", "C": "Sleeping sickness (Sleeping sickness)", "D": "Kala-azar (Kala-azar)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Medial femoral artery (medial circumflex femoral artery) through Which of the following, to the back of the thighs?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Iliopsoas (iliopsoas) and pubic muscle (pectineus)", "options": {"A": "Iliopsoas (iliopsoas) and pubic muscle (pectineus)", "B": "And pubic muscle adductor brevis (adductor brevis)", "C": "Adductor brevis, and adductor longus (adductor longus)", "D": "Adductor longus and adductor muscle (adductor magnus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "To accept this patient surgery, what items these steps is not correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Knee femoral artery to artery bypass surgery", "options": {"A": "Knee femoral artery to artery bypass surgery", "B": "By subcutaneous blood vessels to dilate plastic surgery with vascular artificial prosthesis (endovascular prosthesis) of displacement", "C": "On both sides of the aorta to the femoral artery bypass surgery", "D": "Axillary artery to femoral artery bypass surgery"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Related to thromboembolism (thromboembolism) described in pregnant women, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "For pregnant women deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, the use of warfarin therapy is recommended in order to maintain safety of the fetus", "options": {"A": "Venous thrombosis higher older (especially those over 35 years old) pregnant women occur", "B": "Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in pregnant women and just produced, the incidence than non-pregnant women at high", "C": "Technetium-99m lung perfusion and ventilation lung examination (V / Q scan), in general, the fetus is safe", "D": "For pregnant women deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, the use of warfarin therapy is recommended in order to maintain safety of the fetus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ascending colon patients with colorectal cancer (ascending colon) most often part of the show which of the following symptoms?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "anemia", "options": {"A": "Blood in the stool (hematochezia)", "B": "Change in bowel habits", "C": "Tenesmus (tenesmus)", "D": "anemia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Neonatal lupus erythematosus (Neonatal lupus erythematous) an inner matrix which autoantibodies, through the placenta to the fetus caused by?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "anti-Ro/SS-A", "options": {"A": "HOME", "B": "anti-ds-DNA", "C": "anti-Sm", "D": "anti-Ro/SS-A"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Children with congenital metabolic diseases often emit a specific odor, corresponding to the combination of the following whichever is most incorrect?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Tyrosine hyperlipidemia (tyrosinemia) - Swimming pool disinfectant smell (swimming pool odor)", "options": {"A": "PKU (phenylketonuria) - musty odor (musty odor)", "B": "Isovaleric acidemia (isovaleric acidemia) - Foot odor (sweaty feet odor)", "C": "Tyrosine hyperlipidemia (tyrosinemia) - Swimming pool disinfectant smell (swimming pool odor)", "D": "Trimethylamine aciduria (trimethylaminuria) - rotten fish flavor (rotten fish odor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Different machine abdominal injuries turn, may have a different organ damage, and injuries of varying frequency, passers-car accident caused by blunt abdominal trauma (blunt injury) and Lu Renyi suffered gunshot wounds in the abdomen (gunshot injury), they were the most frequently injured organ Yes:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "When blunt trauma to the spleen; when gunshot wounds in the small intestine", "options": {"A": "When blunt trauma to the spleen; when gunshot wounds in the liver", "B": "When blunt trauma to the liver; spleen injury time of the shooting", "C": "When blunt trauma to the spleen; when gunshot wounds in the small intestine", "D": "When blunt trauma to the small intestine; when the pancreas is gunshot wounds"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the diagnosis of yolk sac tumor (yolk sac tumor) most commonly used serum marker?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Alpha fetoprotein (alpha-fetoprotein)", "options": {"A": "Alpha fetoprotein (alpha-fetoprotein)", "B": "CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)", "C": "Human chorionic gonadotropin (human chorionic gonadotropin)", "D": "Placental alkaline phosphatase (placental alkaline phosphatase)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 20-year-old university student surnamed Chen, participate in camping activities, weekdays in good health. In a move box 20-kilogram drink, suddenly felt back pain, low back pain exacerbated by the evening, and spread to the right foot also showed tingling, weakness, the next day he went to the clinic for help. The most likely diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Right side lumbar radiculopathy", "options": {"A": "Right tibial nerve (tibial nerve) disease", "B": "Right fibular nerve (peroneal nerve) disease", "C": "The right femoral nerve (femoral nerve) disease", "D": "Right side lumbar radiculopathy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following drugs can be used to treat acute inorganic mercury salts (inorganic mercury salts) poisoning, whichever error?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "D-dimethylcysteine", "options": {"A": "unithiol", "B": "dimercaprol", "C": "succimer", "D": "D-dimethylcysteine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, the inspection report a diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) merger hiatal hernia gas (Hiatal hernia), which of the following treatment will not be taken into account?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Pylori therapy (H.P. eradication)", "options": {"A": "Weight Loss", "B": "Elevate the bed 15 degrees", "C": "Administration of PPI (Proton pump inhibitor) therapy", "D": "Pylori therapy (H.P. eradication)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following before mediastinal tumor found in the least?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Ganglion cells neuroblastoma (ganglioneuroblastoma)", "options": {"A": "Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin lymphoma)", "B": "Germ cell tumors (germ cell tumor)", "C": "Parathyroid tumors (parathyroid adenoma)", "D": "Ganglion cells neuroblastoma (ganglioneuroblastoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "HIV-1 infection enters the body via the mucous membrane, mainly by which cells carry into the lymph nodes?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Dendritic cell", "options": {"A": "NK cell", "B": "CD8 T cell", "C": "Dendritic cell", "D": "CD4 T cell"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 30-year-old woman, the tail of the pancreas has a large 7 cm cystic tumors underwent tumor resection. Found that the tumor has not communicated with pancreatic surgery. Resected specimen section visual appearance cystic tumor, which is more than one, containing viscous liquid. Visible tumors wall covered by a simple columnar epithelium under the microscope, in the subcutaneous layer of dense mesenchymal cells present. Epithelial cells at the bottom of the cell nuclei is not stain, and no obvious presence of polymorphism. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Mucinous cystadenoma", "options": {"A": "Pseudocyst", "B": "Serous cystadenoma", "C": "Mucinous cystadenoma", "D": "Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The main role of these drugs in order to reduce plasma triglyceride, whichever exception?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "cholestyramine", "options": {"A": "niacin", "B": "fenofibrate", "C": "cholestyramine", "D": "gemfibrozil"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Right wrist joint pain and swelling 32 24-year-old male has two months ago. I do not remember his right hand had been injured, although after taking anti-inflammatory tablets analgesic effect, but the joints getting worse and can not bend. X-ray figures. Joint fluid extraction examination revealed: WBC mg / dL, no crystallization was found microscopic observation. The most appropriate diagnosis Why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Infectious arthritis", "options": {"A": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "B": "Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease", "C": "Infectious arthritis", "D": "Complex regional pain syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not hyperthermia (heat therapy) treatment effect?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Reduced pain thresholds", "options": {"A": "Vasodilation", "B": "Muscle ligament laxity", "C": "Increased metabolic rate", "D": "Reduced pain thresholds"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 42-year-old woman complained of a headache, sore throat and nasal congestion with a green stick-like secretion has been three days. But denied fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, and seasonal allergies, or patients with a history of exposure. Physical examination: body temperature of 36.8 deg.] C, pulse 82 / min, respiration 16 / min, blood pressure 124/76 mm Hg, the oropharynx and slight redness and swelling, neck soft, no lymph node enlargement, respiratory sound normal. Was diagnosed with sinusitis (rhinosinusitis), the most common reason why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Rhinovirus (rhinovirus)", "options": {"A": "Rhinovirus (rhinovirus)", "B": "Streptococcus pneumoniae (Streptococcus pneumoniae)", "C": "Haemophilus influenza (Haemophilus influenzae)", "D": "Morakot's card he bacteria (Moraxella catarrhalis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following DNA viruses can infect the human body after the establishment of \"latent infection\" (latent infection)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "EB virus (Epstein-Barr virus)", "options": {"A": "EB virus (Epstein-Barr virus)", "B": "Retroviral (Retrovirus)", "C": "Coronavirus (Coronavirus)", "D": "Reovirus (Reovirus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Serena Williams's mother asked the doctor of asthma that time will be good, the doctor replied asthma is a respiratory tissues persistent inflammation, may not have obvious clinical symptoms, inflammation of the tissue may last for days or even years. Which of the following is not a cause of chronic persistent inflammation?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Media white matter -5 (IL-5) will induce mast cells (mast cell) differentiation of precursor, the proliferation of mast cells, and thus local tissue damage", "options": {"A": "Repeated exposure to allergens in allergic stimulation of cells such as mast cells (mast cell), eosinophilic cells (eosinophil) react", "B": "The second type helper T cells (Th2) cytokines, such as interleukin secretion matter -13 (interleukin-13, IL-13), IL-5 and the like of the above hypersensitive response cell survival longer", "C": "Media white matter -5 (IL-5) will induce mast cells (mast cell) differentiation of precursor, the proliferation of mast cells, and thus local tissue damage", "D": "Heavy modular organization (remodeling) causes irreversible airway diseases into a chronic tissue changes and the duration"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About chemical burns (chemical burn), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Cement is an acidic chemical burns burns", "options": {"A": "All chemical burns should be removed immediately flush the affected area and a large number of clothing", "B": "If serious chemical burns caused by acidic pH in the blood and abnormal breathing difficult and may require intubation and mechanical ventilation (Ventilator) to assist breathing endotracheal", "C": "Hydrofluoric acid (hydrofluoric acid) treatment of burns immediately local lesion of 2.5% calcium gluconate gel (calcium gluconate gel)", "D": "Cement is an acidic chemical burns burns"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "6.75-year-old male patient, smoking more than 10 years, the use of calcium channel blocker to treat hypertension for 10 years, to accept the developer chest pain injections Coronary angiography, before checking blood creatinine 1.0 mg / dL, inspection and found serious coronary artery disease, three days after blood creatinine 1.1 mg / dL, accelerated hypertension (accelerated hypertension) and 7 days after hospitalization and oliguria. Hospital physical examination the day, hypertensive retinopathy, enlargement of the heart, lower limbs pulse normal, but there are skin livedo reticularis (livedo reticularis), increased blood addicted eosin of white blood cells, complement decreased creatinine 3.0 mg / dL, urine erythrocyte 6 ~ 10 / HPF, 1+ protein. The most likely diagnosis is:\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Kidney gruel-like plug (atheroembolic renal disease)", "options": {"A": "The developer nephropathy (contrast nephropathy)", "B": "Kidney gruel-like plug (atheroembolic renal disease)", "C": "Renal artery stenosis (renal artery stenosis)", "D": "Renal vein thrombosis (renal vein thrombosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Statements about the bile in the colonies, which of the following is wrong?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Bile ratio chronic cholecystitis cultured bacteria higher than acute cholecystitis", "options": {"A": "In the absence of gallstones or other lesions present case, the gallbladder bile generally sterile", "B": "Bile ratio chronic cholecystitis cultured bacteria higher than acute cholecystitis", "C": "Patients with symptoms of gallstones, bile of the most commonly cultured bacteria as E. coli and Klebsiella and other Gram-negative bacteria", "D": "Gallstones were combined bile duct stones, bile cultured bacteria ratio is less complicated with bile duct stones"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Maintain laryngeal airway muscle of the most important why?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "After cricoarytenoid muscle (Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle)", "options": {"A": "Thyroid scoop musculoskeletal (Thyroarytenoid muscle)", "B": "After cricoarytenoid muscle (Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle)", "C": "The outer ring scoop muscle (Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle)", "D": "Cricothyroid (Cricothyroid muscle)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A couple infertility clinic view, the only check result is abnormal sperm; sperm count 14,000,000 / mL, motility of 25%, 23% normal morphology. What would you recommend a treatment?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "intrauterine insemination with washed husband's sperm", "options": {"A": "clomiphene citrate", "B": "in vitro fertilization(IVF)", "C": "intrauterine insemination with washed husband's sperm", "D": "insemination with donor sperm"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "40-year-old woman suffering from mixed urinary incontinence (mixed incontinence), the patient complained of severe urge incontinence extent than stress incontinence, initial treatment choice should be:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Correction drinking habits, and teach and encourage the pelvic floor muscle movement", "options": {"A": "Use of alpha-sympathetic antagonist (α-adrenergic antagonist)", "B": "Collagen (Collagen) was injected into the urethra", "C": "Pubic purposes vaginal tape (pubovaginal sling), because the mixed urinary incontinence surgery is the best method of operation", "D": "Correction drinking habits, and teach and encourage the pelvic floor muscle movement"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "That one of the following full-term newborns awake is not normal?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "At 72 beats per minute", "options": {"A": "At 72 beats per minute", "B": "40 breaths per minute", "C": "Body temperature of 37.5 ℃", "D": "Flat front fontanelle"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "42-year-old woman, G5P4, 18 weeks of pregnancy, fetal brain ultrasound examination revealed its \"banana sign\" (banana sign), I ask the following diagnosis whichever is most likely?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Neural tube defects", "options": {"A": "Down's syndrome", "B": "Neural tube defects", "C": "No brain child", "D": "Turner's syndrome (45, X)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When the maximum light intensity stimulation, the membrane potential cause the photoreceptor cells (photoreceptor cells) on a retina tends to which of the following?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Equilibrium potential of potassium ions", "options": {"A": "Equilibrium potential of the sodium ion", "B": "Equilibrium potential of potassium ions", "C": "Equilibrium potential of calcium ions", "D": "0 mV"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to the current disability protection laws, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Disabilities into the public charges of scenic, cultural, educational or recreational facilities places, with proof of disability should be half price concession", "options": {"A": "The total number of government agencies at all levels and public utility employees more than 34 people who enter with physical and mental disabilities have the employability of persons, not less than 3% of the total number of employees", "B": "Public car parking spaces should be reserved 2%, as the physically and mentally impaired action inconvenience Accessible", "C": "Disabilities into the public charges of scenic, cultural, educational or recreational facilities places, with proof of disability should be half price concession", "D": "Governments at all levels should Needs Assessment Survey study living conditions, health care, Teshujiaoyu, employment and training of persons with disabilities and other services and held at least every five years"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 45 year old female, G3P2, 30 weeks of pregnancy, emergency medical treatment, complained of sudden massive vaginal hemorrhage severe lower abdominal pain, without any history of surgical disease, blood pressure 180/110 mmHg, uterine pain, such as hard wood, the most likely diagnosis for:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Placental abruption", "options": {"A": "Mole", "B": "Placental abruption", "C": "Placenta accreta", "D": "Ectopic pregnancy"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following account of the eukaryotic RNA, whichever is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "3 'poly (A) sequence of mRNA is to follow the template (Template) on DNA poly (T) from", "options": {"A": "5'-cap of the mRNA may be protected endpoints, increase its stability", "B": "rRNA and tRNA no 5'-cap", "C": "3 'poly (A) sequence of mRNA is to follow the template (Template) on DNA poly (T) from", "D": "mRNA histone no 3 'poly (A) sequence"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About the ethical principles of health policy in order to promote mandatory public power, the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Even though some health policies may sacrifice personal freedom, but for the health of the parties, but also to national health, health authorities should still promote these policies without exception", "options": {"A": "The means used must be able to achieve the policy objectives", "B": "To be achieved between public and personal interests should be sacrificed to scale", "C": "Even if you must sacrifice personal interests, should take minimally invasive means", "D": "Even though some health policies may sacrifice personal freedom, but for the health of the parties, but also to national health, health authorities should still promote these policies without exception"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following reaction conditions, the enzyme can catalyze it reaches its maximum speed?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "All the enzymes are bound to the reactant", "options": {"A": "Reactant concentrations 50% tissue, can be seen granulation tissue (granuloma)", "D": "The disease does not cause conjunctivitis and scleritis (scleritis) in the eye"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "16 month-old boy, after a bowel movement because of sudden shortness of breath, cyanosis intensified and sent to the emergency room. I.e., this conventional child found cyanosis and heart murmur, chest X-ray which showed reduced pulmonary vascular, heart shaped like \"boots\" (boot-shaped). Which of the following handle more inappropriate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Avoid children restless and consumed more oxygen, giving benzodiazepam calm", "options": {"A": "The child immediately set Baoxiong knee (knee-chest) posture, and given oxygen", "B": "Administration of sodium bicarbonate (NaHC03) to correct acidosis", "C": "Avoid children restless and consumed more oxygen, giving benzodiazepam calm", "D": "Given intravenously propranolol, slow contraction of pulmonary artery funnel (infundibulum) of"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 2-year-old boy, was found in the families of cold limbs, unconsciousness and seizures (seizure). Blood pressure was 62/44 mmHg, the ECG (an EKG) as shown below. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Shock shock (DC shock)", "options": {"A": "Given intravenous amiodarone", "B": "Given intravenous lidocaine", "C": "Placing a temporary pacemaker (temporary pacemaker)", "D": "Shock shock (DC shock)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items where treatment can reduce the deterioration of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Smoking cessation and oxygen therapy", "options": {"A": "Bronchodilators", "B": "Steroid", "C": "Smoking cessation and oxygen therapy", "D": "Rehabilitation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm is most of what kind?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Berry", "options": {"A": "Atherosclerotic", "B": "Mycotic", "C": "Traumatic", "D": "Berry"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A motorcycle riders, the impact caused the car accident injured his right knee, physical examination revealed right knee impact injury straight ahead, the merger slight swelling of the knee, knee pull test (posterior drawer test) was positive, X-ray showed no fracture, expressed what he ligament injury?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After the posterior cruciate ligament", "options": {"A": "Knee medial ligament", "B": "Lateral ligaments of the knee", "C": "Anterior cruciate ligament", "D": "After the posterior cruciate ligament"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Cardiac conduction system Pu Jinshi fibers (Purkinje fibers) Which of the following is a specialization from?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle cell)", "options": {"A": "Cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle cell)", "B": "Neurons (nerve cell)", "C": "Fibroblasts (fibroblast)", "D": "Endothelial cells (endothelial cell)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the deputy patients with primary hyperthyroidism, electrolyte most likely change?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia", "options": {"A": "Hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia", "B": "Hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia", "C": "Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia", "D": "Hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In which of the following diseases can hear the whole systolic murmur (holo-systolic murmur)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Ventricular septal defect (ventricular septal defect)", "options": {"A": "Atrial septal defect (atrial septal defect)", "B": "Ventricular septal defect (ventricular septal defect)", "C": "Pulmonary valve stenosis (pulmonary stenosis)", "D": "Patent ductus arteriosus (patent ductus arteriosus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Vibrio cholera toxin stimulates the secretion of intestinal villus cells to produce cyclic AMP, which then triggered following the release of a large number of ions, resulting in secretory diarrhea?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Chloride", "options": {"A": "Sodium", "B": "Chloride", "C": "Calcium", "D": "Magnesium ions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Bearing on the question, which of the following is the most appropriate priority inspection tool?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Abdominal computed tomography", "options": {"A": "Colon barium enema Photography", "B": "Colonoscopy", "C": "Abdominal computed tomography", "D": "Abdominal ultrasound"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Detection of natural killer cells (NK cells) can be used as a combination of the following kind of molecular markers?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "CD16/CD56", "options": {"A": "CD3 / CD4", "B": "CD4 / CD25", "C": "CD16/CD56", "D": "CD19/CD21"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Atypical chest young woman receiving exercise ECG examination, the following statements is most accurate?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "If the negative reaction, the final diagnosis of coronary artery disease is extremely low probability", "options": {"A": "If the reaction is positive, the final diagnosis of coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease) is a high probability", "B": "If the reaction is positive, the final diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse high probability (mitral valve prolapse) of", "C": "If the negative reaction, the final diagnosis of coronary artery disease is extremely low probability", "D": "If the negative reaction, the final diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse is a very low probability"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Somnambulism (sleepwalking disorder) usually occurs in sleep EEG (EEG) that a period?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "stage III & IV", "options": {"A": "stage I", "B": "stage II", "C": "stage III & IV", "D": "REM(rapid eye movement)sleep"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes, fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg / dL, fasting is defined here as the no calorie intake for at least how many hours?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "8", "options": {"A": "6", "B": "8", "C": "12", "D": "16"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following is least likely that cell and maintain oral tolerance related?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "A seventeenth type helper T cells (the TH17)", "options": {"A": "The third type of helper T cells (TH3)", "B": "Regulatory T cells (regulatory T cell)", "C": "A seventeenth type helper T cells (the TH17)", "D": "The second type of T helper cells (TH2)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is now clinically suitable for the treatment of severe sepsis?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Activated protein C", "options": {"A": "Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist", "B": "Soluble receptor for tumor necrosis factor-α", "C": "Lipopolysaccharide antagonist", "D": "Activated protein C"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Description of pairing, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "There are pairing paired frequency (frequency matching) paired with a personal (individual matching) are two kinds of paired frequencies require greater cost", "options": {"A": "In the case-control study, the use of a pair, is distributed to avoid exposure to the case group and the control group outside the attention of the Institute are different risk factors", "B": "There are pairing paired frequency (frequency matching) paired with a personal (individual matching) are two kinds of paired frequencies require greater cost", "C": "Assumptions about gender and age are paired, you can no longer investigate the effects of these two variables to disease", "D": "In case-control studies, for example, a plurality of control case can be paired to increase the subject force (power)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "ABVD anticancer drug combination therapy treatment Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's lymphoma), which can inhibit cancer cell whichever of topoisomerase II, production of a cell toxic effect?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "doxorubicin", "options": {"A": "bleomycin", "B": "doxorubicin", "C": "vincristine", "D": "dacarbozine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following viruses have E1A and E1B both activating factor to promote cell growth?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Adenovirus", "options": {"A": "Adenovirus", "B": "Papillomavirus", "C": "Epstein-Barr virus", "D": "Cytomegalovirus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Glucose molecules epithelial cell reabsorption in the proximal tubules, the most important is through what mechanism?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Secondary active transport (secondary active transport)", "options": {"A": "Secondary active transport (secondary active transport)", "B": "Conversion role of intermediary divalent iron ion (Fe2 + -mediated conversion)", "C": "Cellular autophagy (phagocytosis)", "D": "Oxidative phosphorylation (oxidative phosphorylation)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In certain exceptional cases without patient consent to medical acts, but which of the following does not belong to these exceptions?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Good for patients to human trials", "options": {"A": "Emergency surgery or emergency invasive tests", "B": "Good for patients to human trials", "C": "Compulsory treatment of patients with mental illness", "D": "Isolation and treatment of patients with infectious diseases statutory"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "4-year-old boy, began to appear before the mother complained four days slight cough, a fever three days ago, temperatures are above 39 ℃, and associated with chills (chill), 2 days before admission cough is more severe, and abdominal pain phenomenon, physical examination a child display acute tolerance, decreased breath sounds, and the right side of the chest rales, chest X-ray in the drawing, the blood test showed no anemia, but WBC = 24,000 / μL. This patient most likely pathogens are:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Streptococcus pneumoniae", "options": {"A": "Haemophilus influenzae type b", "B": "Staphylococcus aureus", "C": "Streptococcus pneumoniae", "D": "Mycoplasma pneumoniae"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not constructed in the path of conduction hearing?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Based inner shoe (medial lemniscus)", "options": {"A": "Orthorhombic (trapezoid body)", "B": "The olive nuclei (superior olivary complex)", "C": "Based inner shoe (medial lemniscus)", "D": "Inferior colliculus (inferior colliculus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about the chest tube, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Chest tube directly into the superior vena cava", "options": {"A": "Chyle pool (chyle cistern) the size, appearance is not fixed", "B": "Under six pairs of intercostal lymph also downstream import celiac pool (chyle cistern)", "C": "After mediastinal chest position (posterior mediastinum)", "D": "Chest tube directly into the superior vena cava"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Lupus erythematosus (lupus erythematosus) of discoid skin lesions (discoid lesion), less likely to occur in the skin of that part of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Belly (abdomen)", "options": {"A": "Facial (face)", "B": "Head (scalp)", "C": "Belly (abdomen)", "D": "Forearm (forearm)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Methods bearing on the question, which of the following is not a thoracic outlet syndrome check?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Breath test", "options": {"A": "Adson(scalene)test", "B": "Halsted(costoclavicular) test", "C": "Wright(hyperabduction)test", "D": "Breath test"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 69-year-old male patient presented severe hypertension. Imaging studies revealed that he imported the right renal artery stenosis at. Following a disease that is the cause of this type of renal artery stenosis is the most common cause?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Atherosclerosis", "options": {"A": "Fibromuscular dysplasia", "B": "Takayasu arteritis", "C": "Polyarteritis nodosa", "D": "Atherosclerosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Calm suction (quiet inspiration) process, which of the following does not occur?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Within the intercostal muscles (internal intercostal muscle) contraction", "options": {"A": "Phrenic nerve (phrenic nerve) excited", "B": "Within the intercostal muscles (internal intercostal muscle) contraction", "C": "Pleura internal pressure (intrapleural pressure, Pip) decreased", "D": "Lungs elastic restoring force of the (elastic recoil) increase"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (non-specific interstitial pneumonia), and what's right?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Separable cell (Cellular) and fibrosis (fibrosing) two types", "options": {"A": "Separable cell (Cellular) and fibrosis (fibrosing) two types", "B": "Time heterogeneity (temporal heterogeneity) clear", "C": "Visible foci fibroblast proliferation (fibroblastic focus)", "D": "Fibrosis seen honeycomb (honeycomb fibrosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous questions, consult a physician if the patient dispose of their opinion of the kidney tumor, would recommend:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Should be benign, but then when the operation condition or the volume of more than 4 cm", "options": {"A": "Should be benign, regardless of size do not have to bother", "B": "Should be benign, but then when the operation condition or the volume of more than 4 cm", "C": "Shall be malignant tumors, and recommended immediate surgery to remove kidney line", "D": "Shall be malignant, but viable kidney resection surgery (nephron sparing surgery) to"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 19-year-old male college students, young age that is suffering from sudden heart palpitations. Among hospitalized, the patient suddenly felt heart palpitations, you immediately made ECG, electrocardiogram results from this, you think the patient is not the whole pulse is most likely why?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)", "options": {"A": "sinus tachycardia", "B": "atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response", "C": "paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)", "D": "ventricular tachycardia(VT)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "80. Wang is a retired single men, 78 years old, have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, only intermittent medication, as a warehouse manager in a factory, the last year and a half to walk easy to fall, so the hospital examination found suffering from spinocerebellar ataxia, doctors also told the poor prognosis of this disease, so the boss had come on, if there is any sudden illness, not to aid. He also left a written will not aid (DNR) Letter of Intent. One day in the evening, when the door suddenly collapsed on duty, rushed to hospital, and found the left anterior cerebral artery occlusion of large areas of infarction in the brain, and the patient's real room examination revealed chronic renal failure, dialysis treatment should be carried out. Patient breathing irregularities gradually emergency room, blood carbon dioxide partial pressure.\n If you do not perform endotracheal intubation, potentially life-threatening, the following processing whichever is most appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Be the only general supportive therapy, but do not arrange dialysis, nor endotracheal intubation, in order to respect the patient's wishes", "options": {"A": "Please factory manager on behalf sign the consent form, endotracheal intubation, because the first duty of the physician is to help", "B": "Please guard hospitals or social workers when witnesses signed consent form, endotracheal intubation, because the first duty of the physician is to help", "C": "Direct intubation and arrange for peritoneal dialysis", "D": "Be the only general supportive therapy, but do not arrange dialysis, nor endotracheal intubation, in order to respect the patient's wishes"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Plasma concentration of drug in a \"one stage kinetics\" down means:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Its half-life is approximately equal to", "options": {"A": "Only one drug via a metabolic pathway", "B": "Most metabolized in the liver", "C": "Only the presence of the drug in the blood circulation", "D": "Its half-life is approximately equal to"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Agitation caused by amphetamine, what medications to use?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Sedative drugs (benzodiazepines)", "options": {"A": "Sedative drugs (benzodiazepines)", "B": "Antipsychotics (antipsychotics)", "C": "Antidepressants (Antidepressants)", "D": "Mood stabilizers (mood stablizers)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Acute phase of cerebral aneurysm rupture and subarachnoid hemorrhage, the following whichever is quick and determine the diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Vascular CT scan (CT angiography)", "options": {"A": "Vascular MRI scans (MR angiography)", "B": "Vascular CT scan (CT angiography)", "C": "Computed tomography (CT brain)", "D": "Lumbar puncture (lumbar puncture)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Strategic significance of hospital management (strategic management), and is guided in the hospital according to internal and external changes in the environment, to make major changes. Its primary job is to make sure the hospital:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Mission and goals", "options": {"A": "Plight", "B": "Mission and goals", "C": "Strategies", "D": "Policy enforcement assessment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare announcement Republic of China 95 years' research with human physical body collection and Cautions \"concerning\" to link \"has the meaning, which of the following correct?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "After the sample code, sample code and practices are available to provide information to identify the control of personal information completely eliminate it permanently", "options": {"A": "The sample code, in order to replace the code names or other personally identifiable information available, causing unrecognized practices provider of sample", "B": "After the sample code, sample code and practices are available to provide identification control data, and personal information of the specimen kept separate from the", "C": "After the sample code, sample code and practices are available to provide personal identification information of the control data re-encoding process of", "D": "After the sample code, sample code and practices are available to provide information to identify the control of personal information completely eliminate it permanently"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When you receive a serious trauma patient referral has been inserted endotracheal intubation tube (endotracheal tube), and all the following conditions are required intubation is suspected strayed into the esophagus (esophageal intubation), except that item?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "There can be seen the mist out of the endotracheal tube", "options": {"A": "end-tidal CO2 values ​​near zero", "B": "Hear the squeezing awake breathing ball (bag-valve-mask)", "C": "Audible stomach noises (borborygmus)", "D": "There can be seen the mist out of the endotracheal tube"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, in order to confirm the diagnosis, there are various ways available, but which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "After the third day of the artificial joint surgery, its d-dimer test result if positive, ninety percent chance can rule out this diagnosis", "options": {"A": "After the third day of the artificial joint surgery, its d-dimer test result if positive, ninety percent chance can rule out this diagnosis", "B": "After the third day of the artificial joint surgery, Homans' sign negative, we can not rule out this diagnosis", "C": "Although the comparison with invasive angiography, but it is the most accurate way to diagnose", "D": "Ultrasound and Doppler (duplex) to check the most convenient and non-invasive, but accuracy and operator experience with"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "From the previous question, these patients to prevent muscle atrophy, rehabilitation treatment following what the most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "FES (functional electrical stimulation)", "options": {"A": "FES (functional electrical stimulation)", "B": "Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)", "C": "Low energy laser therapy (low level laser therapy)", "D": "Ultrasound thermal therapy (ultrasound diathermy)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "As shown in retinal photographs, the patients most likely diagnosis of why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Diabetic retinopathy", "options": {"A": "Diabetic retinopathy", "B": "Acute central retinal artery occlusion", "C": "Acute central retinal vein occlusion", "D": "Retinopathy of premature children"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "When using these drugs that treat depression, have restricted the food intake of cheese, otherwise it would cause dangerous rise in blood pressure?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Tranylcypromine", "options": {"A": "Fluoxetine", "B": "Imipramine", "C": "Bupropion", "D": "Tranylcypromine"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a cause postoperative Hypoventilation common cause?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Hyperkalemia", "options": {"A": "Hyperkalemia", "B": "Hypothermia", "C": "Use Opioids", "D": "使用 Neuromuscular blocking agents"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following related empyema (empyema thoracis) of the narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Diagnosis is based on pleural fluid test, the number of white blood cells Chaoguo 2500 / mm3", "options": {"A": "Diagnosis is based on pleural fluid test, the number of white blood cells Chaoguo 2500 / mm3", "B": "Common pathogens include Streptococcus, Anaerobes, Klebsiella spp.", "C": "Common symptoms of chest pain, fever", "D": "Chest tube drainage and appropriate antibiotic use, as the main treatment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following does not belong to prevertebral sympathetic ganglia?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Lumbar sympathetic ganglia (Lumbar sympathetic ganglia)", "options": {"A": "Celiac ganglion (Celiac ganglia)", "B": "Superior mesenteric ganglion (Superior mesenteric ganglia)", "C": "Mesenteric ganglion (Inferior mesenteric ganglia)", "D": "Lumbar sympathetic ganglia (Lumbar sympathetic ganglia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "In the long-term injured patients can not eat it, its way of nutrition supplement body, has proven to enteral nutrition (enteral nutrition) is superior to parenteral nutrition (parenteral nutrition), whichever is wrong for the following reasons?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Easily lead to aspiration pneumonia (aspiration pneumonia)", "options": {"A": "Lower prices", "B": "Fewer complications", "C": "Intestinal mucosa (intestinal mucosa) less likely to shrink", "D": "Easily lead to aspiration pneumonia (aspiration pneumonia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "1-year-old boy five months because high fever for five days and restless sedentary left foot, was taken to the emergency room assessment, physical examination found left knee swelling and tenderness merge and joint mobility, which of the following is the most important examination to confirm the diagnosis of septic arthritis (septic arthritis)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Left knee joint fluid examination (Gram stain and culture)", "options": {"A": "Left knee X-rays", "B": "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)", "C": "Left knee joint fluid examination (Gram stain and culture)", "D": "Blood cell count and classification"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is the developed countries, over 50 years resulting in irreversible vision loss the most common reason?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Macular degeneration", "options": {"A": "Macular degeneration", "B": "cataract", "C": "glaucoma", "D": "Retinal detachment"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not corrected, is the cause of so-called by linear (Meridional) amblyopia?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Astigmatism (Astigmatism)", "options": {"A": "Varies depending on (Anisometropic)", "B": "Astigmatism (Astigmatism)", "C": "Hyperopia (Hypermetropia)", "D": "On strabismus (Hypertropia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Superior gluteal artery (superior gluteal artery) occurred obstruction, Which of the following most affected?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The margin muscles (superior gemellus muscle)", "options": {"A": "Gluteus maximus muscle (gluteus maximus muscle)", "B": "Gluteus minimus muscle (gluteus minimus muscle)", "C": "Piriformis (piriformis muscle)", "D": "The margin muscles (superior gemellus muscle)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following indicators of brain injury (traumatic brain injury) patients with the lowest prognostic relevance?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Brain epilepsy (seizure) occurred after injury frequency", "options": {"A": "Brain epilepsy (seizure) occurred after injury frequency", "B": "Glaston brother Coma Scale (Glasgow coma scale)", "C": "The length of the brain after injury amnesia (amnesia) time", "D": "Brain injury caused by the length of consciousness disorders (comatose) time"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items related to drug safety monitoring, is unique to China and advanced countries in general medicine relatively infrequent watchers?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Chinese medicine is doped monitoring", "options": {"A": "Chinese medicine is doped monitoring", "B": "Vaccine side effects monitoring", "C": "New Drug Safety Monitoring", "D": "Drug-quality security monitoring sporadic incidents of side effects"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "You have the front of a 62-year-old woman newly diagnosed Type II diabetes, also has her own doubts bone health problems, Which best describes the correlation between diabetes and bone loose disease correctly?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "With respect to type 2 diabetes patients with type 1 diabetes higher bone density", "options": {"A": "With respect to type 2 diabetes patients with type 1 diabetes higher bone density", "B": "Type II diabetes with respect to the average person less fracture", "C": "Type II diabetes patients with type 1 diabetes with respect to higher risk of fracture", "D": "Poor glycemic control reduces bone density"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following statements about malignant high temperature (malignant hyperthermia), and what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Mainly due to muscle contraction can not be", "options": {"A": "And disorders of calcium homeostasis related", "B": "May be related to genetic defects ryanodine receptor protein", "C": "May be associated by protein-gene-deficient and sarcoplasmic reticulum (sarcoplasmic reticulum)", "D": "Mainly due to muscle contraction can not be"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items that lung disease, most likely neutrophil exudate appear?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Bacterial pneumonia", "options": {"A": "Viral pneumonia", "B": "Lung asthma", "C": "Bacterial pneumonia", "D": "Lung cancer"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following after infection for infants with congenital rubella (congenital rubella), the most commonly merger of heart disease?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Patent ductus arteriosus (patent ductus arteriosus)", "options": {"A": "Ventricular septal defect (ventricular septal defect)", "B": "Atrial septal defect (atrial septal defect)", "C": "Method Rockwell Snap disease (tetralogy of Fallot)", "D": "Patent ductus arteriosus (patent ductus arteriosus)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Achalasia and related narrative of Pseudoachalasia, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Most Achalasia in the visual microscope, can be found in the destruction of the esophageal mucosa lesions", "options": {"A": "Achalasia from the esophagus to the lack of peristalsis", "B": "Pseudoachalasia from GE junction in the vicinity of the tumor compression", "C": "Most Achalasia in the visual microscope, can be found in the destruction of the esophageal mucosa lesions", "D": "Both can be found in the phenomenon of expansion of the esophagus"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) narrative, what's wrong?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The first-line treatment for behavioral therapy", "options": {"A": "The first-line treatment for behavioral therapy", "B": "Before 3 years of age is difficult to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, due to normal child may also have the same behavior", "C": "About half of the people to remain symptomatic adolescent or adult", "D": "First-line drug treatment for the central nervous system stimulant (stimulant), the main side effects of insomnia and decreased appetite"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "38-year-old woman, the maternity clinic, complained of the following typical symptoms dysuria, dribbling, dyspareunia, while clinical pelvic examination revealed a lump in the front wall of the vagina, which of the following is considered the best diagnostic imaging tools?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)", "options": {"A": "Photography IVP (intravenous pyelography)", "B": "Voiding cystourethrography (voiding cystourethrography)", "C": "Kidney ureter bladder Photography (kidney, ureter, bladder, KUB)", "D": "MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not an indicator of the health assessment services?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "ethnicity", "options": {"A": "efficacy", "B": "ethnicity", "C": "effectiveness", "D": "efficiency"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About \"apraxia\" (apraxia) narrative, which of the following is most correct?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Verbal apraxia function may occur", "options": {"A": "Verbal apraxia function may occur", "B": "Patients do not understand the instructions so I can not perform actions", "C": "Many patients with neurological sensory loss", "D": "Usually caused by cerebellar injury caused"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "EB virus (Epstein-Barr virus) infects B lymphocytes; it is the molecule which is a cell surface receptor (receptor)?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "CR2", "options": {"A": "CR2", "B": "CD4", "C": "CD8", "D": "Glycoprotein (glycoprotein)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About eukaryotic initiation phase of protein synthesis (initiation stage), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Large ribosomal subunit and two small (large and small subunits) must form a complete ribosome (ribosome) to the junction with the mRNA", "options": {"A": "Need mRNA, the ribosome (ribosome) and aminoacyl-tRNA participation", "B": "mRNA must have a 5 'cap structure (5'cap structure) or internal ribosome entry site (IRES) to initiate action to participate", "C": "Large ribosomal subunit and two small (large and small subunits) must form a complete ribosome (ribosome) to the junction with the mRNA", "D": "Initiation stage is needed aminoacyl-tRNA Met-tRNAiMet"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The reason diverse T cell receptors (T cell receptor diversity) of the lot, but that does not include one of the following?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "N- nucleotide addition (N-nucleotides addition)", "options": {"A": "V", "B": "J gene fragment [V", "C": "J gene segments joining]", "D": "N- nucleotide addition (N-nucleotides addition)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 28-year-old woman, married for many years but not fertility, menstrual pain gets worse recently, ultrasound examination revealed a cyst near the ovaries, the most likely cause is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Endometriosis", "options": {"A": "Pelvic inflammatory disease", "B": "Endometriosis", "C": "Uterine fibroids", "D": "Endometrial cancer"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Mr. Zhang suffering due to colorectal cancer and authoritative Xingzhu Ren came to see the doctor this regard, Mr. Zhang Xing Zhuren decided to surgical treatment. Mr. Zhang Xing Zhuren before surgery, and some pleasantries encouraged, after the entry into force of Xing Zhuren put anesthesia surgery to perform senior Zhuyuanyishi he first left, into the operating room until the last segment of colorectal cancer will be removed, the patient is completely unknown love, just listen to Xingzhu Ren said surgery went smoothly. About Xingzhu Ren as, following a narrative that is most appropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "It should be noted preoperatively Mr. Xiang Zhang involved in surgery is that some people, and told him where appropriate will teach senior Zhuyuanyishi surgery technique", "options": {"A": "Is a good teacher, so give young doctors to hone opportunity to get more experience, well-intentioned", "B": "Heavy workload, need to do administrative, teaching and research work with this time, justifiable", "C": "Should be full participation and personally wield the ax, just let senior Zhuyuanyishi suturing the skin", "D": "It should be noted preoperatively Mr. Xiang Zhang involved in surgery is that some people, and told him where appropriate will teach senior Zhuyuanyishi surgery technique"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following major violations pairing rheumatism anatomy organizations (anatomic structures) of the medium, and that a mistake?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Ankylosing spondylitis;bony end plate", "options": {"A": "Rheumatoid arthritis;synovium", "B": "Ankylosing spondylitis;bony end plate", "C": "Osteoarthritis;cartilage", "D": "Gout; joint space 31 of the following statements about Henoch-Schönlein purpura, and what are the most incorrect?"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "49 One day, a 69-year-old woman was taken to A swimming pool at the health club desk staff recommended that Mr. A with A to the hospital. The original, A constantly asked the same question, \"I'm in there? What am I doing?\" Soon they came to the Medical Center emergency department, patients with high blood pressure, clearly conscious, active hands and feet and feel normal, smooth gait . Brain MRI arranged following results after 54 hours, A condition is possible:\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Temporary amnesia (transient global amnesia)", "options": {"A": "Temporary amnesia (transient global amnesia)", "B": "Ezihaimo disease (Alzheimer disease)", "C": "Amnesia stroke (amnestic stroke)", "D": "Seizures (epileptic seizures)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 50-year-old married woman, since complained of a month, insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, weight loss, chest tightness and other symptoms, suspect you may have a major physical illness, have seen gastroenterology, cardiology, family medicine . Checks are normal, and finally were referred to psychiatric treatment, found upon inquiry history: patients with severe depression and have no interest in life and suicidal thoughts. These symptoms were persistent over the past two years, just past a lesser extent, the attack was due to the stock plummeted as a result. Your diagnosis is most likely:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Overlapping depression (double depression)", "options": {"A": "Dysthymic disorder (dysthymic disorder)", "B": "Heavy depressive (major depression disorder)", "C": "Overlapping depression (double depression)", "D": "Bipolar affective disorder (bipolar disorder)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 36-year-old woman with fever and malaise hand hospitalized many arthritis, physical examination anemia, mouth ulcers, erythema back there are many, many hands have joint swelling and tenderness of feeling, laboratory tests white blood cells 2,100 / mm3 (40% lymphocytes, 57% neutrophils), hemoglobin (Hgb) 10.5 gm / dL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 92 mm / hr, 24-hour urine protein 1.2 gm, that an inspection of the following diagnosis of the disease is the most important?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Antinuclear antibody (ANA)", "options": {"A": "C- reactive protein (CRP)", "B": "Antinuclear antibody (ANA)", "C": "Serum immunoglobulin", "D": "Whole body CT scan"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a normal urinary function in older people due to the impact of aging?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The uninhibited detrusor contraction (uninhibited detrusor contraction) increased", "options": {"A": "Reduced bladder capacity", "B": "Slow urinary flow rate", "C": "Maximum urethral atresia pressure (maximal urethral closure pressure) lower", "D": "The uninhibited detrusor contraction (uninhibited detrusor contraction) increased"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Pressure (stress) that will lead to a system endocrine axis (axis) activated?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Hypothalamus - the pituitary glands - adrenal cortex", "options": {"A": "Hypothalamus - brain gland - testicle", "B": "Hypothalamus - the pituitary glands - Ovarian", "C": "Hypothalamus - brain glands - the thyroid", "D": "Hypothalamus - the pituitary glands - adrenal cortex"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which is not out of the conditions contained breathing apparatus (weaning from ventilator) of?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Minute ventilation (minute ventilation)> 9 L / minute", "options": {"A": "Respiratory rate <25 / minute", "B": "Arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2)> 70 mmHg (FiO2 40%)", "C": "Tidal volume (tidal volume) 5 ~ 6 mL / kg", "D": "Minute ventilation (minute ventilation)> 9 L / minute"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following parasites once widely popular in our country's outlying islands of Kinmen and Penghu?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Bancrofti (Wuchereria bancrofti)", "options": {"A": "Bancrofti (Wuchereria bancrofti)", "B": "Malaya filarial (Brugia malayi)", "C": "Pan tail volvulus (Onchocerca volvulus)", "D": "L. loa (Loa loa)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following items and how H. pylori infection of the stomach has nothing to do?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Gastric cardia", "options": {"A": "gastritis", "B": "Gastric cardia", "C": "Duodenal ulcer", "D": "胃 MALToma"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 58-year-old female patient daily regular exercise, last month noted that the lower limb every evening there will be edema, edema will disappear when getting up in the morning, physical examination revealed jugular venous pressure clinic's normal, normal heart size, heart-free law murmur, breath sounds normal lung fields on both sides, both sides of the lower limb edema may be recessed (pitting edema), the following checks, the minimum value of the differential diagnosis are:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Nuclear Medicine injection rate of the left ventricle (ejection fraction)", "options": {"A": "BUN, creatinine", "B": "serum albumin", "C": "Liver function tests (ALT, AST)", "D": "Nuclear Medicine injection rate of the left ventricle (ejection fraction)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Km inhibitors cause a reaction of the enzyme increased, but does not affect the high reaction rate (Vmax that is the same), the inhibitor should belong to which of the following?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Competitive inhibitors (competitive inhibitor)", "options": {"A": "Competitive inhibitors (competitive inhibitor)", "B": "Not competitive inhibitor (uncompetitive inhibitor)", "C": "Non-competitive inhibitors (noncompetitive inhibitor)", "D": "Mixed inhibitors (mixed inhibitor)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "91 Lee is a retired agricultural team members, in his early years stationed in Central and South America and other places. Recently, because of chest tightness, heart palpitations, difficulty swallowing and gastrointestinal discomfort seek medical treatment. Mr. Lee stated year abroad living in thatched cottages, bug bites, often at night, resulting in poor quality of sleep, has triggered a heart attack. So history bites Lee most likely be which of the following?\n", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Nose cone worm (reduviid bug)", "options": {"A": "Sandfly child (sandfly)", "B": "Tsetse fly (tsetse fly)", "C": "Nose cone worm (reduviid bug)", "D": "Bug (bedbug)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "One patient was found to have leukemia, his peripheral blood and bone marrow smears can be seen a lot of immature cells (as shown). Blood cells within the patient's most likely that chromosomal abnormalities?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "t(15;17)", "options": {"A": "t(15;17)", "B": "t(9;22)", "C": "t(8;21)", "D": "t(4;11)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "52-year-old housewife, complained of joint pain hands refers to the end of 1 year, after work often use hand pain got worse after the break will improve, physical examination found that the finger distal interphalangeal joint (distal interphalangeal joints) Jie nodules, with pressure pain, patients most likely to suffer from this disease why?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Degenerative arthritis", "options": {"A": "Degenerative arthritis", "B": "Rheumatoid arthritis", "C": "Crystal deposition arthritis initiator", "D": "Infectious arthritis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Cellular DNA replication, RNA primer why you need (primer)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "DNA polymerase synthesis reaction provides the desired 3'-terminal hydroxyl (OH)", "options": {"A": "DNA polymerase synthesis reaction provides the desired 3'-terminal phosphate group", "B": "DNA polymerase synthesis reaction provides the desired 3'-terminal hydroxyl (OH)", "C": "DNA polymerase synthesis reaction provides the desired 5'-terminal hydroxyl (OH)", "D": "DNA polymerase synthesis reaction provides the desired 5'-end phosphate group"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "80.34-year-old Ms Yip is a teacher, no special health history, has come to the clinic because the right side of the groin swelling, was diagnosed as inguinal hernia, MD, Ms Yip recommended hernia repair in the treatment, after the explanation of the condition and operation details, leaves Miss it requires surgery to add albumin, because she had heard that albumin help restore abdominal surgery, but doctors believe that professional judgment is not required, under this situation, how to deal with more appropriate?\n", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "After professional judgment does not require added albumin, after more communication with the patient declined the requirements of the patient, do not give albumin supplements after surgery", "options": {"A": "After professional judgment does not require added albumin, after more communication with the patient declined the requirements of the patient, do not give albumin supplements after surgery", "B": "Patients agreed to add albumin, and to pay for health care", "C": "Even if the judge added albumin is not the appropriate medical treatment, but the patient requires, and it would not hurt to add", "D": "Added albumin is a medical professional judgment to determine by a physician, do not need to communicate with patients"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "5 The following findings will show what kind of innate structure of neonatal respiratory distress and cyanosis (cyanosis) symptoms at rest, and after crying mouth of cyanosis situation is alleviated?\n", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Bilateral choanal atresia (bilateral choanal atresia)", "options": {"A": "Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (congenital diaphragmatic hernia)", "B": "Tracheoesophageal fistula (tracheo-esophageal fistula)", "C": "Robin ear skin syndrome (Piérre-Robin syndrome)", "D": "Bilateral choanal atresia (bilateral choanal atresia)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Most congenital metabolic disorders (Inborn errors of metabolism) inheritance pattern (Mode of inheritance) as Autosomal recessive, except for the following which metabolic abnormalities?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency(OTC deficiency)", "options": {"A": "Phenylketonuria (PKU)", "B": "Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency(OTC deficiency)", "C": "Methylmalonic acidemia(MMA)", "D": "Maple syrup urine disease(MSUD)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "About nesiritide for the treatment of disorders of the pharmacological effects of acute decompensated heart failure patients function of the narrative, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "The cyclic AMP increase", "options": {"A": "The cyclic AMP increase", "B": "活化brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)receptor", "C": "The blood vessels to relax", "D": "Diuretic effect"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "What functional pituitary gland tumor, preferably the reaction of oral medication, including hormones and reduce the volume of brain tumor reduction?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Prolactin tumor (prolactinoma)", "options": {"A": "Acromegaly (acromegaly)", "B": "Cushing's disease (Cushing's disease)", "C": "Prolactin tumor (prolactinoma)", "D": "TSH secreting tumors (TSH-secreting adenoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Binocular visual field half outer defect (bilateral temporal hemianopia), is the most likely site of injury:", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Chiasm (optic chiasm)", "options": {"A": "The optic nerve (optic nerve)", "B": "LGN (lateral geniculate body)", "C": "Depending diameter (optic tract)", "D": "Chiasm (optic chiasm)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following an infectious disease that most easily seen in tissue thick, brown of hardened (sclerotic bodies)?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "產色 Memu germs disease (Chromoblastomycosis)", "options": {"A": "Black ringworm (Tinea nigra)", "B": "Sporotrichosis (Sporotrichosis)", "C": "產色 Memu germs disease (Chromoblastomycosis)", "D": "Blackening subcutaneous mycoses (Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 18-year-old boy, suffering from nephrotic syndrome, his hands palms were found to have discoid-like rash and peeling have the following figure, kidney biopsy results membranous nephropathy, and that one of the following infections are the most likely diagnosis?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Syphilis (syphilis)", "options": {"A": "B hepatitis (Hepatitis B)", "B": "CMV (cytomegalovirus) infection", "C": "Leptospirosis disease (Leptospirosis)", "D": "Syphilis (syphilis)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Anesthesia risks assessment system, called the current method:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "ASA physical status classification", "options": {"A": "APACHE", "B": "ASA physical status classification", "C": "Apgar score", "D": "RISK"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The contents of the large intestine is the most common aerobic bacteria is which of the following?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Escherichia coli", "options": {"A": "Enterococcus", "B": "Proteus", "C": "Escherichia coli", "D": "Pseudomonas"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Recurrent laryngeal nerve (recurrent laryngeal nerve) injury time off, whichever wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Not mend the injured nerve", "options": {"A": "Vocal cord paralysis, in a central position near (paramedian)", "B": "Hoarseness", "C": "Not mend the injured nerve", "D": "Ring thyroid muscle (cricothyroid muscle) will not be paralyzed"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 20-year-olds accident, causing the scapula winging valgus (scapular winging), the following statements is wrong?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Most of the subscapularis muscle (subscapularis) due to weakness", "options": {"A": "May be due to dorsal scapular nerve (dorsal scapular nerve) damage caused", "B": "Most of the serratus anterior muscle (serratus anterior muscle) due to weakness", "C": "Most of the subscapularis muscle (subscapularis) due to weakness", "D": "Most of the long thoracic nerve (long thoracic nerve) damage caused"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "10 a 28-year-old male patient's blood pressure is: right upper limb blood pressure 200/120 mmHg, left upper limb blood pressure 190/115 mmHg, lower limb popliteal artery (popliteal artery) blood pressure 110/60 mmHg, systolic murmur on the back, the following what is the most likely diagnosis?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Primary hypertension (essential hypertension)", "options": {"A": "Renal artery stenosis (renal artery stenosis)", "B": "Primary hypertension (essential hypertension)", "C": "Coarctation of the aorta (coarctation of aorta)", "D": "Pheochromocytoma (pheochromocytoma)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "18. macrophages (macrophage) and neutrophils (neutrophil) is the most important phagocytic cells in vivo, they have devoured (phagocytosis) and kill pathogens can care has been taken, relating to the two groups of cells statements is wrong?\n", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Cells in the two groups after stimulation by bacteria will enter ⾏ so-called respiratory burst (respiratory burst) phenomenon, which is due to intracellular enzymes", "options": {"A": "When neutrophils are activated bacteria will enter ⾏ ⼀ special kind of cell death processes, the mass transfer color (chromatin to allow) the cells released into the nucleus", "B": "Cells in the two groups after stimulation by bacteria will enter ⾏ so-called respiratory burst (respiratory burst) phenomenon, which is due to intracellular enzymes", "C": "Macrophages are present in various organs and tissues, such as liver library ⽒ cells (Kupffer cell) and nerve tissues fine glial ⼩", "D": "If the NADPH oxidase enzyme (oxidase) gene mutation ⽽ ⽣ hair loss of function, primarily of the two groups will cause phagocytic cells can not effectively kill"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Following the kind of necrosis is most common in ischemic cardiac injury?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Coagulation necrosis", "options": {"A": "Liquefaction necrosis", "B": "Coagulation necrosis", "C": "Cheese necrosis", "D": "Fat necrosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "You ward next door to the assistance of a sudden death in patients with first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to the 2010 guidelines, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "When using advanced airway (advanced airway) means artificial ventilation (ventilation), blowing adult every six to eight seconds, and simultaneously pressing the chest", "options": {"A": "For checking the pulse, not more than 10 seconds", "B": "Avoid interrupting chest compressions, if necessary interrupted, no more than 10 seconds", "C": "When using advanced airway (advanced airway) means artificial ventilation (ventilation), blowing adult every six to eight seconds, and simultaneously pressing the chest", "D": "For the implementation of defibrillation shock, immediately after each shock chest compressions"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following women are 35 years of age, whichever is most likely to develop endometrial cancer?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovarian syndrome)", "options": {"A": "Teenagers already ovarian ablation", "B": "Ovarian dysgenesis (ovarian agenesis)", "C": "Has repeatedly birth", "D": "Suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovarian syndrome)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Patients dying in a car accident, he had signed the organ donation consent form, which they donated the organ recipient who is assigned to, is what should be in accordance with the following principles of medical ethics?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "The principles of justice (justice)", "options": {"A": "The principle of beneficence (beneficence)", "B": "Respect for the principle of autonomy (respect for autonomy)", "C": "Do no harm principle (non-maleficence)", "D": "The principles of justice (justice)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "2 large month-old girl, feeding more and more difficult because of the recent month hospitalization, physical examination found sane, low muscle tone, weakness, no deep tendon reactions, abdominal breathing and tongue fibrillation (fasciculation). The most likely diagnosis is:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Spinal muscular atrophy (spinal muscular atrophy)", "options": {"A": "Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy)", "B": "Spinal muscular atrophy (spinal muscular atrophy)", "C": "Congenital myasthenia gravis (congenital myasthenia gravis)", "D": "Congenital muscular dystrophy (congenital muscular dystrophy)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "A 72-year-old man accept the sudden death due to pathological anatomy. Under microscopic examination revealed Jie different forms beside the stomach mucosa, renal interstitial, alveolar lung and arterial wall, amorphous calcium deposition. Which of the following best explains the above situation change?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Stage renal disease", "options": {"A": "The normal aging process", "B": "Stage renal disease", "C": "Systemic TB infection", "D": "Atherosclerosis"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Complications caused by primary hyperparathyroidism in which of the following has nothing to do?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "tetany", "options": {"A": "osteoporosis, osteopenia", "B": "tetany", "C": "depression, anxiety", "D": "kidney stone"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Dr. Lin recently published an urgent need, so looking for high school students Professor Chen cooperation, basic medical disciplines Professor Chen worked Medical School, Dr. Lin said he made cancer surgery, will remove the patient's tissue, and in order to have a safe range, will take more than some of the surrounding normal tissue, he can provide to these organizations for research, Professor Chen great willingness to cooperate, but worry about whether you want to get the patient's consent, Dr. Lin said, and no one will know without obtaining a patient's consent, that argument right?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "No, because our country needs to get to the remaining provisions of the specimen using the patient's consent for research", "options": {"A": "Yes, because our country has no special provisions for the remainder of the specimen to be used for research", "B": "Yes, because this is the promotion of scientific progress", "C": "No, because our country needs to get to the remaining provisions of the specimen using the patient's consent for research", "D": "No, because of the remaining provisions can not currently subject for research"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Cardiac tropnin mutation T, α-tropomyosin, myosin-binding protein C, β-myosin heavy chain, etc. most related to the following which cardiomyopathy (cardiomyopathy)?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "hypertrophic type", "options": {"A": "restrictive type", "B": "hypertrophic type", "C": "dilated type", "D": "mixed type"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is damaged, the most likely cause of the forearm (forearm) could not straighten (extension)?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Radial nerve (radial nerve)", "options": {"A": "Musculocutaneous nerve (musculocutaneous nerve)", "B": "The median nerve (median nerve)", "C": "Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve)", "D": "Radial nerve (radial nerve)"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Account of bacterial gene transfer, which of the following error?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Plasmid can not pass through conjugation", "options": {"A": "Conjugation was conducted by contacting the bacteria with the bacteria", "B": "Plasmid can not pass through conjugation", "C": "In certain bacteria are directly foreign DNA into bacteria in vivo", "D": "Transduction usually caused by phage"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) drugs inhibit the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase while having a role?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "ketoprofen", "options": {"A": "aspirin", "B": "etodolac", "C": "ketoprofen", "D": "naproxen"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Most girls, adolescent development characterizing the first to appear (visible sign of puberty) as follows:", "answer_idx": "A", "answer": "Breast development", "options": {"A": "Breast development", "B": "Pubic hair development", "C": "Armpit hair growth", "D": "Menarche"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Which of the following is not a delusional disorder (delusional disorder) the incidence of risk factors?", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "After several generations of immigrants", "options": {"A": "Deafness or vision loss", "B": "Social isolation", "C": "After several generations of immigrants", "D": "Shehuijingji deprivation"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "With Parkinson's disease symptoms and autonomic nerve disorder syndrome mainly as follows:", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Shy-Drager syndrome", "options": {"A": "Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome", "B": "Shy-Drager syndrome", "C": "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome", "D": "Guillain-Barre syndrome"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Immunohistochemistry on the ground floor of the M cells in gut immune function mainly as follows:", "answer_idx": "C", "answer": "Intestinal transit and capture of the antigen to the underlying lymphoid tissue", "options": {"A": "Direct bactericidal", "B": "Making antibodies", "C": "Intestinal transit and capture of the antigen to the underlying lymphoid tissue", "D": "Protect the intestinal epidermal cells surrounding"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "Ms. Xie, 25 years old, complained to the clinic recently Tichongzengjia, hoping to lose weight. After manager examination and history taking, are as follows: height 160 cm, weight 64 kg, waist 76.5 cm, hip circumference 80.5 cm, the last year Tichongzengjia about 5 kg, menstrual regulation. Blood pressure 138/88 mmHg, heart rate 76 / min, no other obvious abnormalities. According to the position of Executive Yuan Health Standards Agency, ask the following assessment and treatment whichever is more appropriate?", "answer_idx": "D", "answer": "Belong overweight, there is no central obesity, should be diet and exercise counseling guidance", "options": {"A": "Is a severe obesity, weight loss surgery should be immediately", "B": "Is a moderately obese, and central obesity, drug therapy should be given immediately", "C": "Is a mild obesity, should be given a proper diet control and exercise therapy, and combined with drug therapy", "D": "Belong overweight, there is no central obesity, should be diet and exercise counseling guidance"}} {"meta_info": "taiwanese_test_Q", "question": "The following information about multiple myeloma (Multiple myeloma), whichever is correct?", "answer_idx": "B", "answer": "Often caused by lesions of osteoclasts", "options": {"A": "Often occurs in adults 45 years of age", "B": "Often caused by lesions of osteoclasts", "C": "The incidence of third place primary bone cancer", "D": "Predilection sites include the spine, fibula, finger bones and skull"}}