import torch import torch.nn as nn from import DataLoader import numpy as np from math import * import neuromancer.psl as psl from neuromancer.system import Node, System from neuromancer.modules import blocks from neuromancer.dataset import DictDataset from neuromancer.constraint import variable from neuromancer.loss import PenaltyLoss from neuromancer.problem import Problem from neuromancer.trainer import Trainer from neuromancer.plot import pltCL from dataloader import get_data # ground truth system model sys =['LinearSimpleSingleZone']() # problem dimensions nx = sys.nx # number of states nu = # number of control inputs nd = sys.nD # number of disturbances nd_obs = sys.nD_obs # number of observable disturbances ny = sys.ny # number of controlled outputs nref = ny # number of references # control action bounds umin = torch.tensor(sys.umin) umax = torch.tensor(sys.umax) # Data nsteps = 100 # prediction horizon n_samples = 2000 # number of sampled scenarios batch_size = 64 # range for lower comfort bound xmin_range = torch.distributions.Uniform(18., 20.) train_loader, dev_loader = [ get_data(sys, nsteps, n_samples, xmin_range, batch_size, name=name) for name in ("train", "dev") ] # SSM # extract exact state space model matrices: A = torch.tensor(sys.A) B = torch.tensor(sys.Beta) C = torch.tensor(sys.C) E = torch.tensor(sys.E) # state-space model of the building dynamics: # x_k+1 = A x_k + B u_k + E d_k xnext = lambda x, u, d: x @ A.T + u @ B.T + d @ E.T state_model = Node(xnext, ['x', 'u', 'd'], ['x'], name='SSM') # y_k = C x_k ynext = lambda x: x @ C.T output_model = Node(ynext, ['x'], ['y'], name='y=Cx') # partially observable disturbance model dist_model = lambda d: d[:, sys.d_idx] patient_cond_change = Node(dist_model, ['d'], ['patient_obs'], name='patient_cond_change') # neural net control policy net = blocks.MLP_bounds( insize=ny + 2*nref + nd_obs, outsize=nu, hsizes=[32, 32], nonlin=nn.GELU, min=umin, max=umax, ) policy = Node(net, ['y', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'patient_obs'], ['u'], name='policy') # closed-loop system model closed_loop_system = System([patient_cond_change, policy, state_model, output_model], nsteps=nsteps, name='closed_loop_system') # dpc # variables y = variable('y') u = variable('u') ymin = variable('ymin') ymax = variable('ymax') # objectives action_loss = 0.01 * (u == 0.0) # energy minimization du_loss = 0.1 * (u[:,:-1,:] - u[:,1:,:] == 0.0) # delta u minimization to prevent agressive changes in control actions action_limit_loss = 0.02 * (abs(u[:, 1:, :] - u[:, :-1, :])==0.0) # constraint loss for insulin delivery # thermal comfort constraints state_lower_bound_penalty = 50.*(y > ymin) state_upper_bound_penalty = 50.*(y < ymax) # objectives and constraints names for nicer plot = 'control_loss' = 'regularization_loss' = 'insulin_constraint_loss' = 'x_min' = 'x_max' # list of constraints and objectives objectives = [action_loss, du_loss, action_limit_loss] constraints = [state_lower_bound_penalty, state_upper_bound_penalty] # data (x_k, r_k) -> parameters (xi_k) -> policy (u_k) -> dynamics (x_k+1) nodes = [closed_loop_system] # create constrained optimization loss loss = PenaltyLoss(objectives, constraints) # construct constrained optimization problem problem = Problem(nodes, loss) # plot computational graph optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(problem.parameters(), lr=0.001) # Neuromancer trainer trainer = Trainer( problem, train_loader, dev_loader, optimizer=optimizer, epochs=200, train_metric='train_loss', eval_metric='dev_loss', warmup=50, ) # Train control policy best_model = trainer.train() # load best trained model trainer.model.load_state_dict(best_model) #RANDOM TEST nsteps_test = 3000 # generate reference np_refs = psl.signals.step(nsteps_test+1, 1, min=18, max=21, randsteps=8) ymin_val = torch.tensor(np_refs, dtype=torch.float32).reshape(1, nsteps_test+1, 1) ymax_val = ymin_val+6.0 # generate disturbance signal torch_dist = torch.tensor(sys.get_D(nsteps_test+1)).unsqueeze(0) # initial data for closed loop simulation x0 = torch.tensor(sys.get_x0()).reshape(1, 1, nx) data = {'x': x0, 'y': x0[:, :, [-1]], 'ymin': ymin_val, 'ymax': ymax_val, 'd': torch_dist} closed_loop_system.nsteps = nsteps_test # perform closed-loop simulation trajectories = closed_loop_system(data) # constraints bounds Umin = umin * np.ones([nsteps_test, nu]) Umax = umax * np.ones([nsteps_test, nu]) Ymin = trajectories['ymin'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test+1, nref) Ymax = trajectories['ymax'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test+1, nref) # plot closed loop trajectories pltCL(Y=trajectories['y'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test+1, ny), R=Ymax, X=trajectories['x'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test+1, nx), D=trajectories['d'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test+1, nd), U=trajectories['u'].detach().reshape(nsteps_test, nu), Umin=Umin, Umax=Umax, Ymin=Ymin, Ymax=Ymax)