{"pred": "The army has gone on the offensive against the M23", "target": ["De son côté, l'état-major des FARDC a été remanié et l'armée est passée à l'offensive contre le M23, faisant changer le cours de la guerre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, FARDC staff has been reshuffled and the army has gone on the offensive against the M23, changing the course of the war. A:", "doc_id": 692, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The last of three ecotax porticos still operating in the department of Finistère", "target": ["Il s'agit du dernier des trois portiques écotaxe en état de fonctionner dans le département du Finistère, les deux autres ayant été démontés ou sabotés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was the last of three ecotax porticos still operating in the department of Finistère, the other two having been taken down or sabotaged. A:", "doc_id": 357, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No casualties", "target": ["Il n'y a pas eu de blessés, mais près de vingt logements, situés au premier et deuxième étages de cette rangée de locaux commerciaux, ont dû être évacués."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There were no casualties, but close to twenty flats on the first and second floors of this row of shops had to be evacuated. A:", "doc_id": 562, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are treatments to delay early menses", "target": ["Il existe des traitements pour retarder l'apparition des premières règles et prévenir d'autres conséquences : un vieillissement prématuré des os qui peut freiner la croissance et une petite taille à l'âge adulte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are treatments to delay early menses and ward off another consequence: premature aging of the bones that ultimately can lead to stunted growth and being short as an adult. A:", "doc_id": 1580, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The stop-and-frisk tactic has been criticized by a number of civil rights advocates.", "target": ["La tactique du contrôle et de la fouille a été critiquée par de nombreux défenseurs des droits civils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The stop-and-frisk tactic has been criticized by a number of civil rights advocates. A:", "doc_id": 968, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Police", "target": ["La police déclare qu'elle est en possession d'une vidéo semblant montrer le Maire Rob Ford en train de fumer du crack."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Police say they have a video that appears to show Mayor Rob Ford smoking a crack pipe. A:", "doc_id": 2048, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "South Pacific", "target": ["Cette île, à l'est de l'archipel des Gambier (Polynésie française), est le dernier territoire britannique du Pacifique Sud, à mi-chemin entre la Nouvelle-Zélande et le Chili."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The island, which lies to the east of the Gambier archipelago (French Polynesia), is the last British territory in the South Pacific, halfway between New Zealand and Chile. A:", "doc_id": 2029, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I've realised my wrongdoing", "target": ["Je me suis rendu compte de mon erreur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I've realised my wrongdoing. A:", "doc_id": 2121, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He thwarted the police's investigation as much as possible to enable them to continue in their criminal activities.", "target": ["Il a entravé l'enquête de la police autant qu'il a pu pour lui permettre de poursuivre ses activités criminelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He thwarted the police's investigation as much as possible to enable them to continue in their criminal activities. A:", "doc_id": 495, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ethan Coen", "target": ["\"Sa relation avec le succès est torturée, c'est cela qui nous intéressait: un mélange de malchance, un gars qui n'est pas là au bon moment, qui n'est pas carriériste mais intègre, avec un comportement autodestructeur\", déclarait à la presse Ethan Coen, couronné avec son frère Joel de plusieurs Oscars et prix à Cannes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"His relationship with success is tortured, and that's what interested us: a mix of bad luck and a guy who's never in the right place at the right time, not career-orientated, but honest, with a tendency towards self-destruction,\" Ethan Coen, who, with his brother Joel, has won several Oscars and Cannes prizes, told the press. A:", "doc_id": 1616, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I want you to get your mojo back.", "target": ["« Je veux que nous nous recentrions sur notre talent », a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I want us to get our mojo back,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2358, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "professor", "target": ["Professeur dans les amphithéâtres et les salles de cours?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is he a professor in lecture halls and classrooms? A:", "doc_id": 2736, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The company has upgraded its full year profit forecast", "target": ["La société a revu ses prévisions de bénéfice net à la hausse et espère des résultats record grâce aux vacanciers d'Australie et du Royaume-Uni."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The company has upgraded its full year profit forecast and is looking to record earnings from holidaymakers in Australia and the United Kingdom. A:", "doc_id": 2609, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["La société à la démarche expérimentale de Charlie, basée à Bristol, est connue pour ses parfums de glace inhabituels tels que la bière, le fromage, le bœuf et la feuille d'or."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Charlie's experimental company, based in Bristol, is famed for its unusual flavours including beer, cheese, beef and gold leaf. A:", "doc_id": 1405, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Phuket police", "target": ["La police de Phuket a interrogé Bamford pendant deux jours avant qu'elle avoue avoir inventé l'histoire de toutes pièces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Phuket police interviewed Bamford for two days before she confessed to fabricating the story. A:", "doc_id": 2971, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business for Britain", "target": ["La campagne Business for Britain a été lancée en avril avec la promesse de réunir les entreprises et de définir ce que les créateurs de richesses et d'emplois veulent voir changer dans notre relation avec l'UE."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Business for Britain launched in April with a pledge to bring business together and define what the UK's wealth and job creators want to see changed in our relationship with the EU. A:", "doc_id": 1989, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All Saints Day", "target": ["C'est dans ce cadre que le crématorium du Père Lachaise organise, depuis 2010, le jour de La Toussaint, plusieurs cérémonies du souvenir, laïques et non religieuses, auxquelles il invite les familles des personnes qui ont été crématisées dans l'année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is in this context that, since 2010, the Père Lachaise crematorium has been organising a number of memorial ceremonies, lay and non-religious, on All Saints Day, to which it invites the families of all those who have been cremated during the course of the year. A:", "doc_id": 877, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "secondary sexual characteristics", "target": ["Ces caractéristiques peuvent se manifester d'elles-mêmes dans les caractères sexuels secondaires, (comme la masse musculaire, la pilosité, la poitrine et la stature), les caractères sexuels primaires (comme les organes reproducteurs et les organes sexuels) ou la structure des chromosomes et les hormones."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These features can manifest themselves in secondary sexual characteristics, such as muscle mass, hair distribution, breasts and stature; primary sexual characteristics such as reproductive organs and genitalia; or in chromosomal structures and hormones. A:", "doc_id": 1290, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The poll will ask participants how priests deal with gay couples and their children, and how they treat men and women who live together without being united by marriage bonds.", "target": ["Le sondage demande aux participants comment les prêtres s'occupent des couples gais et de leurs enfants, et comment ils traitent les hommes et les femmes qui vivent ensemble sans être unis par les liens du mariage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The poll will ask participants how priests deal with gay couples and their children, and how they treat men and women who live together without being united by marriage bonds. A:", "doc_id": 1079, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No surprise", "target": ["Il n'est pas surprenant que l'idée séduise les libéraux citadins, puisque les taxes pourraient servir à modifier les habitudes de conduite de manière à permettre de réduire les encombrements et les émissions de gaz, par exemple."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is no surprise that the idea appeals to urban liberals, as the taxes could be rigged to change driving patterns in ways that could help reduce congestion and greenhouse gases, for example. A:", "doc_id": 26, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Dans ce contexte, la Commission sénatoriale du renseignement a approuvé jeudi un renforcement des contrôles sur les programmes gouvernementaux de surveillance mais a autorisé leur poursuite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this regard, the Senate Intelligence Committee approved strengthening of the controls on government surveillance programmes on Thursday, but still authorised them to proceed. A:", "doc_id": 765, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "50,000 baht", "target": ["Bamford a fait appel du jugement et a été mise en liberté après le versement d'une caution de 50 000 bahts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bamford is appealing the sentence and has been granted bail of 50,000 baht. A:", "doc_id": 2977, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Wizz Air", "target": ["La seule autre compagnie imposant de tels frais est la compagnie hongroise Wizz Air, a déclaré le consultant auprès de compagnies aériennes Jay Sorensen, qui suit de près les frais en supplément."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The only other airline with such a fee is Hungary's Wizz Air, said airline consultant Jay Sorensen, who closely tracks add-on fees. A:", "doc_id": 200, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mice who had not been given the vaccine", "target": ["Mais les souris qui n'avaient pas été vaccinées « étaient apaisées », ont déclaré les chercheurs, signe que la nicotine avait atteint leur cerveau."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But mice who had not been given the vaccine \"chilled out,\" say the researchers, a sign that the nicotine had reached their brains. A:", "doc_id": 1713, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "opposition party", "target": ["Après un accord de paix signé en 1992, elle est devenue un parti d'opposition."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After a 1992 peace deal, it became an opposition party. A:", "doc_id": 781, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sometimes, some dreams affect me differently and make an impression on my mind, so, in effect, they continue to live and be a part of my life", "target": ["Parfois, certains rêves me portent au contraire et s'inscrivent dans mon histoire et effectivement, ils continuent à vivre et à partager ma vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sometimes, some dreams affect me differently and make an impression on my mind, so, in effect, they continue to live and be a part of my life. A:", "doc_id": 402, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Dominique de Villepin", "target": ["Militant en 2002 aux côtés de Jean-Pierre Chevénement, il a ensuite soutenu localement Dominique de Villepin entre 2010 et 2011."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An activist supporter of Jean-Pierre Chevénement in 2002, he later supported Dominique de Villepin in the district from 2010 to 2011. A:", "doc_id": 2929, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Their bodies were discovered later.", "target": ["Leurs corps ont été découverts plus tard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Their bodies were discovered later. A:", "doc_id": 2471, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Should this election be decided two months after we stopped voting? Yes", "target": ["Cette élection devrait-elle être décidée deux mois après que le vote est terminé ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Should this election be decided two months after we stopped voting? A:", "doc_id": 2374, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["L'identification concernait jusqu'à présent la délivrance de papiers d'identité: il faut confronter les éléments biométriques (empreintes, photo, iris) avec les informations que l'Etat possède sur tous les citoyens déjà fichés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Until now, identification has consisted of the provision of identity papers: biometric systems (fingerprints, photos, iris, etc.) will have to be given access to information that the state holds on every citizen already on file. A:", "doc_id": 2202, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He would seize the chance to return as Britain's prime minister", "target": ["Tony Blair a déclaré qu'il saisirait l'occasion de redevenir Premier ministre, mais reconnaît que son retour est peu probable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tony Blair said he'd seize the chance to return as Britain's prime minister - but acknowledges a comeback is unlikely. A:", "doc_id": 2080, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Dans un entretien la nuit dernière marquant le 5e anniversaire de son départ à la fin de son mandat, l'homme de 59 ans a fait connaître son opinion sur diverses politiques nationales."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In an interview overnight to mark the fifth anniversary of his departure from office, the 59-year-old aired his views on various domestic policies. A:", "doc_id": 2081, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That was when I made my first call to my parents, my family, my friends, the press and so on.", "target": ["C'est le temps des premiers coups de fil aux parents, à la famille, aux amis, à la presse..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That was when I made my first call to my parents, my family, my friends, the press and so on. A:", "doc_id": 2805, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You have to remember, at that point the President was in awful shape, so we were like, \"Holy Christ, what do we do?", "target": ["Rappelez-vous qu'à ce moment-là, le président n'était pas en forme, et donc on se disait, « Seigneur, que pouvons-nous faire ? »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You have to remember, at that point the President was in awful shape, so we were like, \"Holy Christ, what do we do?\" A:", "doc_id": 1383, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Federal appeals court blocks a judge's ruling that the NYPD's controversial tactic discriminates against minorities", "target": ["Une cour d'appel fédérale bloque la décision d'une juge selon laquelle la tactique controversée du NYPD est discriminatoire à l'égard des minorités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A federal appeals court blocks a judge's ruling that the NYPD's controversial tactic discriminates against minorities. A:", "doc_id": 2043, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Oracle", "target": ["Sur l'ensemble de l'exercice décalé 2013, le bénéfice net d'Oracle a progressé de 3,5% alors que le cours de Bourse à bondi de 27,5%, surperformant l'indice S&P-500 qui a pris 24% dans le même temps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Throughout the non-calendar 2013 fiscal year, Oracle's net profit grew by 3.5%, while its share price rose 27.5%, outperforming the S&P-500 index which grew 24% in the same period. A:", "doc_id": 1703, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "significant enlightenment", "target": ["Lorsque WikiLeaks lève le voile sur l'analyse par la diplomatie américaine d'enjeux politiques ou autres dans le monde entier, nous considérons en effet que, au regard de la puissance américaine, cela constitue un éclairage important."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When WikiLeaks reveals the American administration's monitoring of political and other matters somewhere in the world, we consider this to be significant enlightenment with regard to the American government. A:", "doc_id": 1255, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The death of a member of the Israeli army", "target": ["L'armée israélienne tue un membre du Hamas à Gaza-sces"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli Army Kills Hamas Member in Gaza A:", "doc_id": 1369, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Netflix", "target": ["Le géant des télécommunications Rogers a déjà indiqué qu'il pourrait offrir Netflix si certains détails techniques, qui n'ont pas été cités, pouvaient être réglés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The telecommunications giant Rogers has already indicated that it might offer Netflix if certain technical details (which it did not cite) could be sorted out. A:", "doc_id": 146, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They measured the pets' heart rates and analysed their behaviour", "target": ["Ils ont mesuré la fréquence cardiaque des animaux et analysé leur comportement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They measured the pets' heart rates and analysed their behaviour. A:", "doc_id": 2247, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Revolution", "target": ["A compter du séisme de la Révolution, les Français ont deux histoires et ils ont deux nations, l'une monarchique, l'autre révolutionnaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of since the upheaval of the Revolution, the French have had two histories and two nations - one monarchic, the other revolutionary. A:", "doc_id": 2761, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She was held in local police cells before the court hearing.", "target": ["Elle a été détenue dans une cellule du commissariat local avant l'audience devant le tribunal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She was held in local police cells before the court hearing. A:", "doc_id": 2972, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Stop tapping the lines of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank", "target": ["Barack Obama a donné ordre à l'Agence nationale de sécurité (NSA) de mettre fin aux écoutes qu'elle pratiquait sur le Fonds monétaire international et la Banque mondiale dans le cadre de ses activités de renseignement, indique un responsable américain, jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Barack Obama has ordered the National Security Agency (NSA) to stop tapping the lines of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank as part of its intelligence activities, said an American official on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 758, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA was a force for good", "target": ["M. Kerry a insisté, toutefois, sur le fait que la NSA était une force agissant pour le bien et que ses opérations de surveillance avaient sauvé de nombreuses vies."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Kerry insisted, however, that the NSA was a force for good and that its surveillance operations had saved many lives. A:", "doc_id": 2947, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He and his group of volunteers have helped nearly 32,000 people", "target": ["Depuis 2008, lui et son groupe de bénévoles ont aidé près de 32 000 personnes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since 2008, he and his group of volunteers have helped nearly 32,000 people. A:", "doc_id": 2695, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["En Australie, le secteur des voyages de loisirs a rebondi pendant le second semestre, ce qui a permis de compenser un marché domestique des voyages d'affaires en légère baisse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Australia the leisure business rebounded during the second half which offset a slightly weaker domestic corporate travel market. A:", "doc_id": 2615, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "full rectification", "target": ["À présent, le New Express va subir un « remaniement complet », a déclaré le régulateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now the New Express is to undergo \"full rectification,\" the regulator said. A:", "doc_id": 2110, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The alleged deeds generally took place before those cited in the first action as many of the institutions concerned were closed in the 1960s", "target": ["Les faits allégués sont en général plus anciens que ceux mentionnés dans le premier recours, puisque plusieurs des établissements visés ont fermé leurs portes dans les années 1960."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The alleged deeds generally took place before those cited in the first action as many of the institutions concerned were closed in the 1960s. A:", "doc_id": 550, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the development of the industrial complex", "target": ["Il est navrant aussi de constater l'expropriation de plusieurs propriétés afin d'accueillir une industrie majeure qui n'est jamais venue."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is also distressing to note the compulsory purchase of numerous properties to make way for a major industrial complex which never arrived. A:", "doc_id": 2144, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Xi Jinping", "target": ["Le président Xi Jinping, qui a pris ses fonctions en mars dernier, a fait de la lutte contre la corruption une priorité nationale, estimant que le phénomène constituait une menace à l'existence-même du Parti communiste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of President Xi Jinping, who took office last March, has made the fight against corruption a national priority, believing that the phenomenon is a threat to the very existence of the Communist Party. A:", "doc_id": 2055, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anecdotal", "target": ["D'autres membres du comité ont déclaré qu'il n'existe que des rapports anecdotiques émanant de pilotes qui indiquent que les appareils peuvent interférer avec les systèmes d'un avion, et que la plupart d’entre eux sont très anciens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other committee members said there are only anecdotal reports from pilots to support that the devices can interfere with aircraft systems, and most of those reports are very old. A:", "doc_id": 1977, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I just can't believe where she was.", "target": ["Je n'arrive pas à croire qu'elle était là-haut."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I just can't believe where she was. A:", "doc_id": 1497, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mars", "target": ["On préfère envoyer des robots sur Mars, que de savoir ce qui vit dans la fosse des Mariannes, à seulement 11 kilomètres de la surface de la mer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We prefer sending robots to Mars rather than knowing what is living in the Mariana Trench, just 11 kilometres below the surface of the ocean. A:", "doc_id": 2409, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The statement was not made by the official", "target": ["\"Nous pouvons confirmer que Hakimullah Mehsud a été tué dans un tir de drone\", a dit un haut responsable de la sécurité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We can confirm that Hakimullah Mehsud has been killed in a drone strike,\" said a senior security services official. A:", "doc_id": 1726, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DNA", "target": ["Marqueur unique et infalsifiable, l'ADN suscite également espoirs et inquiétudes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of DNA, a unique and unfalsifiable marker, also arouses hope and concern. A:", "doc_id": 2197, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I wouldn't leave this house for anything in the world. We were happy here and his spirit lives here with me.", "target": ["Pour rien au monde je ne quitterais cette maison où nous avons été heureux et ou son esprit vit avec moi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I wouldn't leave this house for anything in the world. We were happy here and his spirit lives here with me. A:", "doc_id": 452, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Digital fingerprints are stored in a primary server; the identities of individuals are in a second database. The correlation between the two sets of information is encrypted and stored in a highly secure box, which locks up if anyone tries to move it,", "target": ["\"Les empreintes digitales sont stockées sur un premier serveur; les identités des personnes sont dans une seconde base: la corrélation entre les deux numéros est cryptée et stockée dans un boîtier hautement sécurisé, qui se bloque si on tente de le déplacer\", énumère Philippe Robin, de Thales."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Digital fingerprints are stored in a primary server; the identities of individuals are in a second database. The correlation between the two sets of information is encrypted and stored in a highly secure box, which locks up if anyone tries to move it,\" specifies Philippe Robin from Thales. A:", "doc_id": 2222, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Story of Dave Van Ronk", "target": ["Si Llewyn Davis n'a pas existé, les deux cinéastes fans de musique folk ont bâti leur histoire sur de vraies personnalités de l'époque comme le musicien folk Dave Von Ronk."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even though Llewyn Davis never existed, the two directors, who are folk music fans, based their story on real people of the time, such as folk musician Dave Van Ronk. A:", "doc_id": 1617, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We haven't seen how the law will play out, so all we can do is speculate.", "target": ["Mais nous n'avons pas vu ce que la loi allait donner, donc nous ne pouvons qu'avancer des hypothèses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But we haven't seen how the law will play out, so all we can do is speculate. A:", "doc_id": 1334, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Oregon", "target": ["Le plus déterminé est l'Oregon, qui a mobilisé 5 000 conducteurs pour mener l'expérience la plus importante du pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The most eager is Oregon, which is enlisting 5,000 drivers in the country's biggest experiment. A:", "doc_id": 36, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "strength of attachment", "target": ["L'enquête annuelle d'Ipsos montre un attachement très fort à l'organisation de la cérémonie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The annual Ipsos survey shows the strength of attachment to the arrangement of the ceremony. A:", "doc_id": 867, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Spirit", "target": ["Frontier fait également comme Spirit et applique des frais de 2 $ pour un café, un thé, un soda ou un jus de fruit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier is also following Spirit's $2 charge for coffee, tea, soda, or juice. A:", "doc_id": 206, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Independent Commission Against Corruption", "target": ["Vendredi, l'Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) a élargi son enquête pour savoir si M. Obeid avait fait pression sur plusieurs ministres de l'État pour renouveler ses baux dans Circular Quay, où les Obeid possèdent deux restaurants et un café, après leur expiration en août 2005, sans qu’il n'y ait eu d'appel d'offres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on Friday widened its inquiry into whether Mr Obeid lobbied several state ministers to have leases at Circular Quay, where the Obeids owned two restaurants and a cafe, renewed without going to tender after their expiration in August 2005. A:", "doc_id": 1731, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "another group of potholders found them in the hollow exhausted but in good health", "target": ["\"C'est un autre groupe de spéléologues qui, après les avoir trouvés épuisés mais en bonne santé dans la cavité, a transmis l'information à l'une des équipes de secours engagées dans le réseau\" explique Le Dauphiné."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Another group of potholders found them in the hollow exhausted but in good health and got a message to one of the rescue teams working in the network of tunnels,\" explained local newspaper, Le Dauphiné. A:", "doc_id": 332, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Check out the ASCOVIME website and see how to help.", "target": ["Visitez le site ASCOVIME pour voir comment apporter votre aide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Check out the ASCOVIME website and see how to help. A:", "doc_id": 2733, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more", "target": ["A l'inverse, les écosystèmes plus fermés favorisent l'isolement génétique, qui peut engendrer à terme la création de nouvelles espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the other hand, more enclosed ecosystems favour genetic isolation, which can ultimately lead to the creation of new species. A:", "doc_id": 2407, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nouri Al Maliki", "target": ["Depuis son arrivée mercredi à Washington, Nouri Al Maliki a multiplié les rencontres avec l'exécutif, et les élus du Congrès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since arriving in Washington on Wednesday, Nouri Al Maliki has met several government officials and members of Congress. A:", "doc_id": 1060, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not concerned", "target": ["M. Audet ne s'inquiète pas de voir le nombre de clients fluctuer de la sorte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Audet is not concerned by this fluctuation in the company's number of customers. A:", "doc_id": 166, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This is the case in Brazil and Germany", "target": ["C'est le cas du Brésil et de l'Allemagne, deux pays où les relations diplomatiques avec les Etats-Unis se sont tendues."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is the case in Brazil and Germany, two countries where diplomatic relations with the United States are strained. A:", "doc_id": 1268, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The city agreed to end the practice of storing the names and addresses of people whose cases are dismissed after a police stop.", "target": ["En août, la ville de New York a accepté de mettre fin à la pratique consistant à conserver les noms et adresses des personnes dont le cas est rejeté après un contrôle de police."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In August, New York City agreed to end the practice of storing the names and addresses of people whose cases are dismissed after a police stop. A:", "doc_id": 966, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He wants to destroy the country's democracy", "target": ["M. Mazanga a dit que M. Guebuza – qui devrait se retirer à la fin de son second mandat l'année prochaine – voulait détruire la démocratie dans le pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Mazanga says Mr Guebuza - who is due to step down when his second term ends next year - wants to destroy the country's democracy. A:", "doc_id": 801, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are beating drums all night to keep us awake and continue our work.", "target": ["« Ils frappent sur des tambours toute la nuit pour nous tenir éveillés afin que nous puissions continuer à travailler », a expliqué M. Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They are beating drums all night to keep us awake and continue our work,\" Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2711, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "350", "target": ["Airbus offre un A350 configuré avec 10 sièges par rangée mais indique qu'il ne l'a pas encore vendu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus offers a 10-abreast A350 but says it has not yet sold it. A:", "doc_id": 1693, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Iraq", "target": ["Vendredi, de nouvelles violences ont tué quatre personnes dans le nord de l'Irak, au lendemain de la mort d'au moins 26 personnes dans une série d'attentats, dont l'explosion de cinq voitures piégées au nord de Bagdad."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Friday, the latest acts of violence left four people dead in the north of Iraq, a day after at least 26 people were killed in a series of attacks, which included five booby-trapped cars being blown up in the north of Baghdad. A:", "doc_id": 1055, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People will be more willing to do this if you do not track their speed and you do not track their location", "target": ["« Les gens seront plus enclins à faire ça si vous n'enregistrez pas leur vitesse et ne les localisez pas », a déclaré Ryan Morrison, directeur général de True Mileage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"People will be more willing to do this if you do not track their speed and you do not track their location,\" said Ryan Morrison, chief executive of True Mileage. A:", "doc_id": 54, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He had avoided capture", "target": ["Il avait réussi à éviter de se faire capturer pendant presque 10 ans mais a finalement été arrêté en janvier 2011 dans la ville pakistanaise de Abbottabad, où les forces américaines tueront l'ancien chef d'Al-Qaïda, Oussama ben Laden, moins de quatre mois plus tard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He had avoided capture for almost a decade but was eventually apprehended in January 2011 in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad, where US forces killed former al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden less than four months later. A:", "doc_id": 1928, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I feel his presence and it makes me happy", "target": ["Je ressens sa présence et cela me rend heureuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I feel his presence and it makes me happy. A:", "doc_id": 444, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["Selon des sources sécuritaires palestiniennes, les quatre combattants conduisaient une opération de surveillance dans la zone frontalière entre l'enclave palestinienne et Israël."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to Palestinian security sources, the four fighters were conducting a surveillance operation in the border area between the Palestinian enclave and Israel. A:", "doc_id": 2472, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Better than to see their money wasted", "target": ["Les Bruxellois méritent mieux que de voir leur argent gaspillé par une ministre CD&V qui réalise elle-même le programme de la NVA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The residents of Brussels deserve better than to see their money wasted by a Christian Democratic and Flemish Minister, who is carrying out the New Flemish Alliance program herself. A:", "doc_id": 350, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$50bn", "target": ["L'enjeu est considérable pour l'économie en pleine croissance puisque la découverte d'énormes réserves de gaz offshore et de gisements de charbon dans le nord-ouest pourrait attirer plus de 50 Md$ d'investissements au cours des prochaines années provenant de sociétés comme Rio Tinto, Vale du Brésil, Eni d'Italie et Anadarko des États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The stakes are high for the fast-growing economy as the discovery of huge offshore gas reserves and coal deposits in the northwest could bring in more than $50bn of investment over the next few next years from companies including Rio Tinto, Vale of Brazil, Eni of Italy and Anadarko of the US. A:", "doc_id": 783, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No mistake, A", "target": ["Ne nous trompons surtout pas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Make no mistake, A:", "doc_id": 2922, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why is it that we shouldn't have a system where you can walk in, punch your details into a computer, vote immediately and have a result at 6.30 that night?", "target": ["Pourquoi ne pourrions-nous pas avoir un système dans lequel vous pouvez entrer, saisir vos coordonnées dans un ordinateur, voter immédiatement et avoir le résultat à 6h30 le lendemain matin ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why is it that we shouldn't have a system where you can walk in, punch your details into a computer, vote immediately and have a result at 6.30 that night? A:", "doc_id": 2376, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All tenants were out", "target": ["Tous les locataires étaient absents lors de l'incendie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All the tenants were out when the fire started. A:", "doc_id": 901, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we will buy and consume 90 million pounds of chocolate during Halloween", "target": ["En fait, nous allons acheter et, ne nous racontons pas d'histoires, consommer 41 millions de kg de chocolat pendant Halloween."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In fact, we will buy and, who are we kidding, consume 90 million pounds of chocolate during Halloween. A:", "doc_id": 1441, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase safety", "target": ["Le but étant à la fois \"d'accroître la sécurité\" et \"l'identité bruxelloise\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The aim of this is to both \"increase safety\" and \"enhance the identity of Brussels\". A:", "doc_id": 344, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No innocent person has been misled during this process", "target": ["Et, a affirmé John Kerry à l'adresse des Européens, \"je vous assure que dans ce processus des personnes innocentes n'ont pas été trompées\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Furthermore, John Kerry stated in his address to the Europeans, \"I assure you that no innocent person has been misled during this process.\" A:", "doc_id": 832, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This year, sexy inanimate objects are all the rage.", "target": ["Cette année, les objets sexy inanimés font fureur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This year, sexy inanimate objects are all the rage. A:", "doc_id": 1429, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drop", "target": ["Nous anticipons un fort potentiel de baisse de l'euro."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We are forecasting a highly likely drop in the Euro. A:", "doc_id": 2453, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The British police", "target": ["La police britannique délivre un mandat d'extradition à l'encontre d'Assange"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of British police serve Assange with extradition notice A:", "doc_id": 2167, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "foundation work", "target": ["Selon toute vraisemblance, des travaux effectués sur les fondations se déroulaient à cet endroit depuis un certain temps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By all accounts, foundation work had been going on at the site for some time. A:", "doc_id": 2308, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Beijing Accuses Uighur Group", "target": ["Pékin accuse un groupe ouïghour de l'attaque de Tiananmen"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Beijing Accuses Uighur Group of Tiananmen Attack A:", "doc_id": 1065, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "2600", "target": ["2 600 opérations supplémentaires, notamment dans le domaine de la chirurgie orthopédique et de la cataracte, aideront à rattraper le retard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An additional 2600 operations including orthopedic and cataract surgery will help clear a backlog. A:", "doc_id": 1858, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The former", "target": ["La première reprend, ce Noël, son excellent My Fair Lady et annonce pour le suivant la création mondiale de \"Un Américain à Paris\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The former is reprising its excellent 'My Fair Lady' this Christmas and has announced the worldwide production of 'Un Américain à Paris' as a follow-up. A:", "doc_id": 1115, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She is fine now.", "target": ["Mais elle va bien maintenant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But she is fine now. A:", "doc_id": 1481, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more expensive", "target": ["Il existe des moyens bien moins onéreux et des méthodes bien moins intrusives de procéder."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are a lot less expensive and less intrusive ways to do this. A:", "doc_id": 56, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "meat", "target": ["De la viande de cheval a été décelée dans des boîtes de conserve de produits à base de boeuf, vendues par deux petites enseignes britanniques de distribution à bas prix, a annoncé aujourd'hui l'agence chargée de l'hygiène alimentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Horse meat has been detected in beef-based canned food products sold by two small British low-cost distribution retailers, the Food Standards Agency announced today. A:", "doc_id": 170, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US National Security Agency spied on Brazilian oil company Petrobras and gained access to data held by US cloud providers including Google and Yahoo", "target": ["Des rapports, selon lesquels la National Security Agency américaine a espionné la compagnie pétrolière brésilienne Petrobras et a eu accès à des données détenues par des fournisseurs américains de services de stockage dans le Cloud, notamment Google et Yahoo, ont plus que jamais suscité la paranoïa des entreprises à l'égard de la surveillance d'État."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Reports that the US National Security Agency spied on Brazilian oil company Petrobras and gained access to data held by US cloud providers including Google and Yahoo have ratcheted corporate paranoia about state surveillance to new highs. A:", "doc_id": 1178, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The two big men", "target": ["« Ce sont deux grands hommes (Guebuza et Dhlakama) qui n'arrêtent pas de se disputer », a expliqué Joseph Hanlon, un conférencier de l'université ouverte et spécialiste du Mozambique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's two big men (Guebuza and Dhlakama) butting heads together,\" said Joseph Hanlon, a lecturer at the Open University and Mozambique expert. A:", "doc_id": 795, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The grandmother lit a cigarette when there was a gas leak and a build-up of gas.", "target": ["La grand-mère a allumé une cigarette alors qu'il y avait une fuite et une accumulation de gaz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The grandmother lit a cigarette when there was a gas leak and a build-up of gas. A:", "doc_id": 2547, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "second autopsy", "target": ["Toutefois, une seconde autopsie a identifié une autre cause de décès, selon Moore."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A second autopsy, however, listed a different cause of death, according to Moore. A:", "doc_id": 1232, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Coen brothers' magic continues to work by integrating a comical character who is permanently on screen: a magnificent, cute ginger cat who is Llewyn Davis' companion in fate.", "target": ["La magie des frères Coen opère encore en intégrant un drôle de personnage qui traverse le film en permanence: un magnifique chat roux au regard craquant, compagnon de fortune de Llewyn Davis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Coen brothers' magic continues to work by integrating a comical character who is permanently on screen: a magnificent, cute ginger cat who is Llewyn Davis' companion in fate. A:", "doc_id": 1620, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "However, following the recent murder of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith in Phuket, Thailand may also be looking to repair its battered tourist image, leading to an acquittal.", "target": ["Toutefois, après le meurtre récent à Phuket de Michelle Smith, une agente de voyage australienne, la Thaïlande pourrait également chercher à redorer son image détériorée auprès des touristes, ce qui pourrait conduire à un acquittement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, following the recent murder of Australian travel agent Michelle Smith in Phuket, Thailand may also be looking to repair its battered tourist image, leading to an acquittal. A:", "doc_id": 2980, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The patient was suspected of being infected on Tuesday", "target": ["Mardi, ce patient de 43 ans avait été soupçonné d'être atteint, après être rentré d'Arabie saoudite, un pays où la maladie a déjà fait une cinquantaine de morts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The 43-year-old patient had been suspected of being infected on Tuesday, after returning from a trip to Saudi Arabia, where the disease has already killed about fifty people. A:", "doc_id": 705, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People are happy.", "target": ["Les gens sont contents."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"People are happy. A:", "doc_id": 2013, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Baghdad published official figures on Friday: 964 people lost their lives last month - 855 civilians, 65 police and 44 soldiers.", "target": ["Bagdad a publié ce vendredi des chiffres officiels: 964 personnes ont perdu la vie le mois dernier: 855 civils, 65 policiers et 44 soldats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Baghdad published official figures on Friday: 964 people lost their lives last month - 855 civilians, 65 police and 44 soldiers. A:", "doc_id": 457, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Employers have come to meet employees on site and have met with the employees individually to assess their needs", "target": ["Des employeurs sont venus rencontrer des employés directement sur place, on a rencontré individuellement les employés pour évaluer leurs besoins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Employers have come to meet employees on site and have met with the employees individually to assess their needs. A:", "doc_id": 240, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You're going to get a better deal.", "target": ["« Vous en sortirez gagnant », a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"You're going to get a better deal,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2906, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Employment", "target": ["Le rapport donnait également un aperçu de la discrimination à laquelle étaient confrontées les personnes intersexuées et transgenres en matière d'emploi, ainsi que l'ampleur des actes de harcèlement et de violence et des crimes motivés par des préjugés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The report also gives an overview of the discrimination faced by intersex and transgender people in the realm of employment, as well as levels of harassment, violence and bias crimes. A:", "doc_id": 1291, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Meanwhile, Mr Kerry is scheduled to head this weekend to the Middle East and Poland to address rancor over U.S. strategies in the Syria, Egypt and Iran as well as U.S. surveillance activities", "target": ["Entre-temps, M. Kerry a prévu de se rendre ce week-end au Moyen-Orient et en Pologne pour gérer la rancœur engendrée par les stratégies américaines en Syrie, en Égypte et en Iran, ainsi que par les activités de surveillance des États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, Mr Kerry is scheduled to head this weekend to the Middle East and Poland to address rancor over U.S. strategies in the Syria, Egypt and Iran as well as U.S. surveillance activities. A:", "doc_id": 2965, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Berlin no longer needs Paris as a passport to political legitimacy", "target": ["Mais Berlin n'a plus besoin de Paris comme passeport de sa légitimité politique et a imposé sa propre politique économique en Europe, laissant l'économie française mise à mal se démener."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Berlin no longer needs Paris as a passport to political legitimacy and has imposed its own economic policy on Europe, leaving the battered French economy struggling. A:", "doc_id": 1543, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["Dans un communiqué, un porte-parole du Hamas, Sami Abou Zouhri, a rendu hommage aux quatre \"héros\" et affirmé que des soldats israéliens avaient trouvé la mort lors de la confrontation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a statement, a Hamas spokesperson, Sami Abou Zouhri, paid tribute to the four \"heroes\" and stated that Israeli soldiers had died in the confrontation. A:", "doc_id": 2476, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The firefighters were amazing.", "target": ["Les pompiers ont été épatants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The firefighters were amazing. A:", "doc_id": 1492, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we've been able to scrub in on surgeries where we help blot blood away or hold tools for Dr. Bwelle", "target": ["« On a pu participer à des opérations pour aider à éponger le sang ou faire passer les instruments au Dr Bwelle », a expliqué Mlle O'Malley."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We've been able to scrub in on surgeries where we help blot blood away or hold tools for Dr. Bwelle,\" O'Malley said. A:", "doc_id": 2721, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After being given supplies, they are expected to exit the cave in the evening with the help of the rescuers.", "target": ["Réalimentés, ils devraient ressortir de la cavité avec l'aide des secouristes dans la soirée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After being given supplies, they are expected to exit the cave in the evening with the help of the rescuers. A:", "doc_id": 335, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The two potholders were found late on Friday afternoon.", "target": ["En fin d'après-midi ce vendredi, les deux spéléologues ont été localisés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The two potholders were found late on Friday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 331, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "HealthCare.gov", "target": ["Pendant plus de trois heures, Billy Long n'a cessé de demander avec insistance à Mme Sebelius pourquoi « l'architecte » de l'Affordable Care Act n'avait pas volontairement renoncé à l'assurance parrainée par le gouvernement pour souscrire un régime via HealthCare.gov, qu'elle vante désormais à des millions d'Américains."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of More than three hours into the hearing, Long repeatedly pressed Sebelius on why the \"architect\" of the Affordable Care Act has not voluntarily forgone government-sponsored insurance to purchase a plan through HealthCare.gov, which she is now pitching to millions of Americans. A:", "doc_id": 2913, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "recent", "target": ["Les récentes analyses ont permis de distinguer quatre espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Recent analyses have enabled four species to be distinguished. A:", "doc_id": 2395, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "next year", "target": ["Les élections présidentielles et législatives sont prévues l'année prochaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Presidential and parliamentary polls are scheduled for next year. A:", "doc_id": 798, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It will make changes in other core subjects next year.", "target": ["Il procèdera à des changements dans d'autres matières fondamentales l'année prochaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It will make changes in other core subjects next year. A:", "doc_id": 2629, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The day you were set free", "target": ["Quels sont aujourd'hui vos souvenirs de votre libération ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What are your memories of being set free today? A:", "doc_id": 2795, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The law gives parents some space not to have to rush into making decisions themselves", "target": ["« La loi laisse une certaine latitude aux parents pour qu'ils n'aient pas à prendre de décisions hâtives », a déclaré Baratz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The law gives parents some space not to have to rush into making decisions themselves,\" said Baratz. A:", "doc_id": 1346, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He came out of his human side.", "target": ["\"Son côté humain est ressorti\", raconte-t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"His human side came out,\" he recalls. A:", "doc_id": 1000, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we would welcome a review by CASA into allowing the use of electronic devices because we really do think it will improve the customer experience now that we have (wireless in-flight entertainment) on our planes", "target": ["« Nous accueillerions favorablement une révision de la CASA qui permettrait l'utilisation des appareils électroniques car nous pensons vraiment que cela améliorerait l'expérience client maintenant que nous disposons (du système de divertissement à bord utilisant la technologie Wi-Fi) sur nos avions », a indiqué un porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We would welcome a review by CASA into allowing the use of electronic devices because we really do think it will improve the customer experience now that we have (wireless in-flight entertainment) on our planes,\" a spokesman said. A:", "doc_id": 1788, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nowadays, I've become more of a scrooge.", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, je suis devenu plus pingre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nowadays, I've become more of a scrooge. A:", "doc_id": 1423, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "America and France have both had a revolution", "target": ["Car l'Amérique et la France ont l'une et l'autre fait une révolution, rédigé une déclaration des droits, voulu fonder une société neuve."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is because America and France have both had a revolution, drawn up a declaration of rights, and tried to found a new society. A:", "doc_id": 2765, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He is familiar, not only with the habits of the six presidents for whom he has cooked, but also with those of their wives and some of their illustrious guests.", "target": ["\"Je suis passé d'un château l'autre !\", ironise Bernard Vaussion, qui connaît non seulement les manies des six présidents pour lesquels il a officié, mais aussi de leurs épouses et de certains de leurs illustres invités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I've moved from one château to another!\" says Bernard Vaussion ironically. He is familiar, not only with the habits of the six presidents for whom he has cooked, but also with those of their wives and some of their illustrious guests. A:", "doc_id": 987, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Child Seriously Injured on Ride", "target": ["Un enfant grièvement blessé dans une attraction à Disneyland Paris"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Child Seriously Injured on Ride at Disneyland Paris A:", "doc_id": 1151, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gradually", "target": ["Peu à peu, par petites apparitions diurnes ou nocturnes, un peu timides, un peu effacées, elle est vite revenue dans mon esprit, évoluant au fur et à mesure qu'elle reprenait sa place dans le paysage de ma pensée qui se croyait en deuil."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gradually, by way of tiny and slightly faint or faded appearances during the day and night, she soon came back into my life, evolving as she took back her place in the landscape of my mind which thought it was still in mourning. A:", "doc_id": 376, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["« Si le véhicule est percuté par l'arrière, il se peut que l'appuie-tête ne protège pas correctement les passagers, augmentant ainsi le risque de blessures », selon la déclaration affichée sur le site de la National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If the vehicle is struck from behind, the head restraint may not properly protect occupants, increasing the risk of injury,\" according to the notice posted on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website. A:", "doc_id": 2297, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Il affirme le contraire, mais nous disons « Bien sûr que si »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He says he doesn't, we say \"Oh yes, he did\". A:", "doc_id": 1033, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$305 million to $315 million", "target": ["L'agence de voyage s'attend désormais à réaliser un bénéfice sous-jacent sur l'ensemble de l'exercice situé entre 325 et 340 M$ avant impôts, contre une précédente prévision de 305 à 315 M$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The travel company now expects its full year underlying profit before tax to be between $325 million and $340 million, compared with the $305 million to $315 million it previously forecast. A:", "doc_id": 2610, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I loved sharing that moment with him", "target": ["J'ai aimé partager ce moment avec lui et je prends plaisir à raconter ce souvenir commun vécu après sa mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I loved sharing that moment with him and enjoy talking of that shared memory that happened after his death. A:", "doc_id": 406, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["Le gouvernement rend la Renamo responsable d'avoir déclenché les conflits, et l'accuse d'attaquer des soldats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The government blames Renamo for triggering the clashes, accusing it of attacking soldiers. A:", "doc_id": 787, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She was spotted three days later by a dog walker trapped in the quarry", "target": ["Elle a été repérée trois jours plus tard par une personne qui promenait son chien coincée dans la carrière"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She was spotted three days later by a dog walker trapped in the quarry A:", "doc_id": 1470, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "While", "target": ["Sans vouloir dire de la gaspiller, la ville ne manquera jamais d'eau et la sévère réglementation quant à son utilisation pourrait être grandement adoucie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While this does not call for wastage, the town will never be short of water, and the severe regulation of its use may be toned down significantly. A:", "doc_id": 2149, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This will change my future with my family.", "target": ["« Cela va changer mon avenir et celui de ma famille », a déclaré l'homme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This will change my future with my family,\" the man said. A:", "doc_id": 2715, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The matter has become exaggerated", "target": ["L'affaire a pris des proportions exagérées, estime Joël Canapa, le directeur de l'office."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The matter has become exaggerated,\" thinks Joël Canapa, office director. A:", "doc_id": 884, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The British musician is full of surprises this year.", "target": ["Le musicien anglais n'a pas fini de surprendre cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The British musician is full of surprises this year. A:", "doc_id": 69, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He stopped", "target": ["Lorsque la police l'a arrêté, ils ont découvert la boisson à emporter entre ses jambes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When police stopped him they discovered the takeaway drink between his legs. A:", "doc_id": 2229, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$25 million", "target": ["Plan de sauvetage de 325 M$ destiné au système de santé de la Tasmanie"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of $325m rescue package for Tassie health A:", "doc_id": 1852, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Having entered the 500m2-space of the kitchens at the Elysée Palace", "target": ["Entré dans les 500 m2 des cuisines élyséennes comme commis après avoir travaillé dans des ambassades, le cuisinier a gravi tous les échelons jusqu'à devenir chef, il y a neuf ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Having entered the 500m2-space of the kitchens at the Elysée Palace as an assistant after working in embassies, the cook climbed up the ladder to become head chef nine years ago. A:", "doc_id": 983, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Frances", "target": ["Les filles de Tony Abbott, Frances et Bridget."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tony Abbott's daughters Frances and Bridget. A:", "doc_id": 2373, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The artist died last Sunday at the age of 71.", "target": ["L'artiste est décédé dimanche dernier, à l'âge de 71 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The artist died last Sunday at the age of 71. A:", "doc_id": 1412, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nearly 100", "target": ["Presque 100 migrants africains espérant se rendre en Algérie sont morts de soif après que leurs deux camions sont tombés en panné au milieu du Sahara."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nearly 100 African migrants hoping to travel to Algeria die of thirst after their two trucks break down in the middle of the Sahara. A:", "doc_id": 2044, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["La ressemblance de Stacy Martin avec son aînée est frappante: une silhouette de brindille, un teint diaphane et des origines franco-anglaises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Stacy Martin's resemblance to her elder sister is striking: a twig-like figure, a transparent complexion and Franco-English origins. A:", "doc_id": 620, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lower", "target": ["Après cinq années de croissance solide depuis la crise financière mondiale, et le crédit bon marché alimenté par une politique monétaire trop laxiste dans les économies avancées, les familles à revenu faible et moyen se tournent vers les prêteurs sur gage pour combler la différence alors que leurs économies connaissent un ralentissement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After five years of robust growth since the global financial crisis, and cheap credit fuelled by loose monetary policy in advanced economies, lower- and middle-income families are turning to pawn shops to make up the difference as their economies slow. A:", "doc_id": 1813, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["« Le bilan est qu'avec la hausse des coûts, les personnes au milieu ou au bas [de l'échelle des salaires] cherchent à compléter leurs revenus comme ils peuvent », déclare Song Seng Wun, économiste chez CIMB, une banque malaisienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Bottom line is that with costs rising, people in the middle to lower end [of the income scale] will be looking to supplement their income wherever they can,\" says Song Seng Wun, economist at CIMB, a Malaysian bank. A:", "doc_id": 1819, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rwanda", "target": ["Des experts des Nations unies accusent le Rwanda, qui le nie farouchement, de soutenir militairement le M23, constitué au départ d'anciens militaires congolais mutinés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of United Nations experts accuse Rwanda of providing military support to the M23, which has initially made up of mutinous former Congolese soldiers. Rwanda vehemently denies this. A:", "doc_id": 697, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "jellyfish", "target": ["Un entrepreneur britannique a créé la première glace fluorescente au monde à base de méduse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A British entrepreneur has created the world's first glow-in-the-dark ice cream - using jellyfish. A:", "doc_id": 1393, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Injured", "target": ["Jamef Bwelle a été blessé dans un accident de voiture en 1981 près de Yaoundé, la capitale du Cameroun."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jamef Bwelle was injured in a 1981 car accident near Yaounde, Cameroon's capital. A:", "doc_id": 2675, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM", "target": ["GM a informé les propriétaires de pickups du défaut au cours de la première quinzaine d'octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of GM told truck owners about the defect in the first half of October. A:", "doc_id": 2300, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The soldiers had \"spent the night\" in Jomba, before going into action for a \"combing operation\"", "target": ["Selon ce témoin souhaitant rester anonyme, les soldats avaient \"passé la nuit\" à Jomba avant de monter au front pour une \"opération de ratissage\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to this witness, who chose to remain anonymous, the soldiers had \"spent the night\" in Jomba, before going into action for a \"combing operation\". A:", "doc_id": 1089, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Watching the rescue was terrifying.", "target": ["Mlle Hall, d'Halifax dans le West Yorkshire, a déclaré : « J'étais terrifiée en observant les secours. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Miss Hall, from Halifax, West Yorkshire, said: \"Watching the rescue was terrifying.\" A:", "doc_id": 1488, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "pay-per-view", "target": ["Ottawa désire forcer les fournisseurs de télévision par câble et satellite à offrir aux clients la possibilité de payer les services à la carte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ottawa wants to force cable and satellite television providers to offer customers the option of accessing the services on a pay-per-view basis. A:", "doc_id": 149, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hamas Palestinian Islamic militant", "target": ["Des tirs de chars israéliens ont tué jeudi un militant palestinien islamiste du Hamas et en a grièvement blessé un autre dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, a-t-on appris après de sources des services de santé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli tank fire killed a Hamas Palestinian Islamic militant and left another seriously wounded south of the Gaza Strip on Thursday, according to healthcare sources. A:", "doc_id": 1370, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The singer's wife also said that, a week before his death, she had promised her husband she would get him out of hospital and take him back to their home in Springs (Long Island)", "target": ["L'épouse du chanteur explique également qu'elle avait promis à son mari, la semaine avant son décès, de le faire sortir de l'hôpital et de l'emmener dans leur maison de Springs (Long Island)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The singer's wife also said that, a week before his death, she had promised her husband she would get him out of hospital and take him back to their home in Springs (Long Island). A:", "doc_id": 1415, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "also", "target": ["La France peut être conduite, par exemple, à transmettre des blocs entiers de données sur la région du Sahel aux services américains, et, en contrepartie - on l'a déjà rapidement dit -, les Américains peuvent donner des informations aux Français sur d'autres régions du monde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Also France may, for example, have to transmit entire blocks of data on the Sahel region to the Americans and, in return - as already briefly mentioned - the Americans may provide information to the French about other parts of the world. A:", "doc_id": 1262, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Johnson died in a freak accident", "target": ["Les enquêteurs du shérif du Comté de Lowndes ont conclu que Johnson était décédé dans des circonstances insolites, mais la famille du jeune garçon de 17 ans conteste ces conclusions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lowndes County sheriff's investigators concluded Johnson died in a freak accident, but the 17-year-old's family disputes that. A:", "doc_id": 1218, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The grandmother was thrown across the room by the explosion and seriously burnt.", "target": ["La grand-mère a été projetée par l'explosion et est grièvement brûlée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The grandmother was thrown across the room by the explosion and seriously burnt. A:", "doc_id": 2549, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Other findings", "target": ["D'autres découvertes soutiennent cette conclusion, mais il existe de nombreux autres facteurs influents."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other findings support this conclusion, but there are many other contributing factors. A:", "doc_id": 1594, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They deny conspiring with others to hack phones", "target": ["Coulson et Brooks nient avoir conspiré avec d'autres pour pirater des téléphones entre le 3 octobre 2000 et le 9 août 2006."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Coulson and Brooks deny conspiring with others to hack phones between October 3 2000 and August 9 2006. A:", "doc_id": 1042, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["Deux ans environ après le retrait des troupes américaines, le niveau des violences fait craindre un nouvel embrasement alors que la Syrie voisine est en proie à une guerre civile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of About two years after the withdrawal of American troops, the level of violence brings renewed fears of unrest while the country's neighbor, Syria, is in the grip of civil war. A:", "doc_id": 1051, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The jellyfish", "target": ["La glace utilise les propriétés fluorescentes de la méduse synthétisées par des scientifiques chinois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ice cream harnesses the fluorescent properties of a jellyfish, synthesized by Chinese scientists A:", "doc_id": 1409, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The court also upheld the remaining sections of the 2700 page law, and further held that the health care law's requirement that states increase Medicaid eligibility or else lose all federal Medicaid funding is not unconstitutionally coercive.", "target": ["La Cour a également validé les autres sections de la loi de 2 700 pages et a, par ailleurs, considéré que la disposition de la loi de réforme du système de santé, qui stipule qu'il faut abaisser le seuil d'éligibilité à Medicaid sous peine de perdre tous les financements fédéraux du programme, était coercitive conformément à la constitution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The court also upheld the remaining sections of the 2700 page law, and further held that the health care law's requirement that states increase Medicaid eligibility or else lose all federal Medicaid funding is not unconstitutionally coercive. A:", "doc_id": 2460, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "finally", "target": ["Dernier élément: le vaste mouvement de révélations engagé par des médias du monde entier, qui contribue à enclencher un débat sur les pratiques de surveillance des services de renseignement jusqu'alors quasiment inexistant, pourrait pousser les législateurs, y compris américains, à reconsidérer les pouvoirs qu'ils ont donnés à leurs services de renseignement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Finally, the widespread exercise in revelations conducted by the media across the world, which is contributing to the establishment of a debate on surveillance practices by intelligence services that have been almost invisible until now, could force legislators - including those of America - to reconsider the powers they have granted their intelligence agencies. A:", "doc_id": 1270, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Des responsables du gouvernement israélien ont eux refusé de confirmer toute information concernant une telle attaque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli government officials refused to confirm any information relating to the attack. A:", "doc_id": 2489, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The new technologies", "target": ["Grâce à l'augmentation de la précision des capteurs et de la capacité de calcul des ordinateurs nécessaires à l'analyse des données, ces techniques deviennent opérationnelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thanks to the improved precision of the sensors and the calculating capacity of the computers used to analyse this data, these techniques are becoming practical. A:", "doc_id": 2192, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They specified that they had also received the necessary authorisations from Canada, India and Turkey, in addition to those from South Africa and South Korea", "target": ["Ils précisent qu'ils ont aussi reçu les autorisations nécessaires au Canada, en Inde et en Turquie, après l'Afrique du Sud et la Corée du Sud."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They specified that they had also received the necessary authorisations from Canada, India and Turkey, in addition to those from South Africa and South Korea. A:", "doc_id": 678, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's hard to understand this U-turn.", "target": ["On ne comprend pas cette volte-face."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's hard to understand this U-turn. A:", "doc_id": 253, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "right", "target": ["Il a ajouté que de même que chez l'homme, chez les chiens le côté droit du cerveau était responsable du mouvement vers la gauche et vice versa, et que les deux hémisphères jouaient un rôle différent dans les émotions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He added that just as in humans, for dogs the right side of the brain was responsible for left-handed movement and vice versa, and the two hemispheres played different roles in emotions. A:", "doc_id": 2245, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "", "target": ["Par ailleurs, Ofqual, le Bureau régulateur des examens, va dévoiler un remaniement de la structure des GCSE, avec un nouveau système de notation et moins de cours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a separate move, Ofqual, the exams regulator, will unveil a shake-up of the structure of GCSEs, with a new grading system and less coursework. A:", "doc_id": 2630, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden has made transparent the intensive collaboration between US intelligence services and companies", "target": ["Snowden a rendu transparente la collaboration intensive entre les services de renseignement américains et les entreprises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Snowden has made transparent the intensive collaboration between US intelligence services and companies. A:", "doc_id": 1181, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only hope is for an improvement in international circumstances.", "target": ["Le seul espoir, c'est une amélioration de la conjoncture internationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The only hope is for an improvement in international circumstances. A:", "doc_id": 670, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Des scientifiques britanniques ont déclaré que les résultats étaient intéressants mais ont signalé que des recherches bien plus approfondies étaient nécessaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of British scientists said the results were interesting but warned far more research was needed. A:", "doc_id": 1721, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Because of the cost of these schemes, annual investment costs have gone up by seven thousand million dollars in two years and are expected to reach 36,700 million dollars in 2013.", "target": ["En raison du coût de ces projets, les dépenses d'investissement annuelles ont augmenté de sept milliards de dollars en deux ans et devraient atteindre 36,7 milliards de dollars en 2013."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Because of the cost of these schemes, annual investment costs have gone up by seven thousand million dollars in two years and are expected to reach 36,700 million dollars in 2013. A:", "doc_id": 712, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The sheriff's office was not immediately available for comment.", "target": ["Le représentant du bureau du shérif du comté de Lowndes n'était pas disponible pour nous donner son opinion lorsque nous l'avons contacté jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A representative from the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office was not immediately available for comment when contacted Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 1235, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a good idea B", "target": ["Lorsqu'il s'agit de bonbons, on ne glandouille pas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When it comes to candy, we don't screw around. A:", "doc_id": 1437, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I really feel that he should follow in the footsteps of the other guys.", "target": ["Je pense vraiment qu'il aurait dû suivre le même chemin que les autres hommes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I really feel that he should follow in the footsteps of the other guys. A:", "doc_id": 1917, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I still live in the same house", "target": ["Je vis toujours dans la même maison, et souvent, je me sens observée et je me retourne pour voir s'il n'est pas là, je sais que c'est lui et je lui parle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I still live in the same house and, frequently, I feel he is watching me; I turn round and see he isn't there, but I know it's him and I talk to him. A:", "doc_id": 450, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a rocket man", "target": ["Bowie s'amuse en tout cas à jouer au caméléon avec ces titres: tour à tour informateur, homme à bord d'une fusée, potentiel martien..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In any case, Bowie enjoys playing the chameleon in these tracks: in turn, an informer, a rocket man, possibly a Martian... A:", "doc_id": 93, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The City of the City", "target": ["Le Delta Centre-Ville maintenant fermé"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Delta Centre-Ville Closes A:", "doc_id": 234, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Russian Federation", "target": ["L'Ukraine s'approche de la faillite"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ukraine Close to Economic Collapse A:", "doc_id": 653, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "construction", "target": ["« Un évènement historique a eu lieu aujourd'hui : La construction a commencé dans la partie bulgare du gazoduc South Stream, le projet à grande échelle le plus important d'Europe », a expliqué Alexei Miller, le directeur général de Gazprom, dans une déclaration jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"A landmark event has taken place today: Construction started on the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline, the most large-scale and important project in Europe,\" Gazprom Chairman Alexei Miller said in a statement Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 2019, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Outaouais", "target": ["Les secteurs les plus touchés sont les Laurentides avec 15 042 abonnés plongés dans le noir, la Montérégie avec 13 464 et l'Outaouais avec 8642."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The sectors worst affected are the Laurentides, Montérégie, and Outaouais, with 15,042, 13,464 and 8,642 customers respectively plunged into darkness. A:", "doc_id": 2605, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "M23", "target": ["Le M23 est né d'une mutinerie, en avril 2012, d'anciens rebelles, essentiellement tutsi, intégrés dans l'armée en 2009 après un accord de paix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The M23 was born of an April 2012 mutiny by former rebels, principally Tutsis who were integrated into the army in 2009 following a peace agreement. A:", "doc_id": 1100, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are now 201 cardinals.", "target": ["Il y a à l'heure actuelle 201 cardinaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are now 201 cardinals. A:", "doc_id": 2277, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I think the government is doing a good job", "target": ["Moore s'est exprimé lors d'une conférence de presse jeudi après-midi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moore said at a press conference Thursday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 1227, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Internet", "target": ["Vous pensiez que les agences de voyage appartenaient au passé à cause d'Internet ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thought travel agents were a thing of the past thanks to the internet? A:", "doc_id": 2607, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "For a decade or so, they have been trying hard to spare families from the feeling of violence in waiting for an hour and a half, doing nothing, followed immediately by their being handed the ashes", "target": ["\"Depuis une dizaine d'années, ils s'efforcent d'éviter aux familles la violence d'une attente, sans rien faire, pendant une heure et demie, immédiatement suivie de la remise des cendres\", observe M. Michaud-Nérard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For a decade or so, they have been trying hard to spare families from the feeling of violence in waiting for an hour and a half, doing nothing, followed immediately by their being handed the ashes,\" observes Michaud-Nérard. A:", "doc_id": 872, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No indication of the casualties", "target": ["Depuis la reprise des combats entre FARDC et rebelles le 25 octobre, les deux belligérants n'ont donné aucun bilan des pertes en vies humaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the resumption of hostilities between the FARDC and the rebels on 25 October, the two sides have given no indication of the casualties. A:", "doc_id": 1171, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "phone hacking", "target": ["Coulson a utilisé le piratage téléphonique pour vérifier un tuyau"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Coulson used phone hacking to verify tip A:", "doc_id": 1023, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You don't go out in public dressed like that unless you want to attract attention", "target": ["\"Vous ne sortez pas ainsi dans la rue à moins que vous vouliez attirer l'attention\", a témoigné une cliente, Rosina Rusin, 60 ans, au journal Cambridge News."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You don't go out in public dressed like that unless you want to attract attention,\" said one customer, Rosina Rusin, 60, to the Cambridge News. A:", "doc_id": 1848, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I hit on him when I was 18.", "target": ["Perry a déclaré avoir dîné avec le vétéran du rock et expliqué, « il m'a dragué quand j'avais 18 ans »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Perry said she had dinner with the veteran rocker and that \"he hit on me when I was 18.\" A:", "doc_id": 1500, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "New York City", "target": ["La ville de New York en envisage un."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of New York City is looking into one. A:", "doc_id": 39, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unconstitutional", "target": ["« C'est un pays effrayant et il est légitime de se poser la question suivante : qu'est-ce qui empêchera le Parlement de balayer l'indépendance du système judiciaire demain ? », a déclaré le journal en contestant le projet de loi et demandant à ce qu'il soit déclaré inconstitutionnel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It is a frightening place, and it is valid to ask: what is there to prevent Parliament from simply sweeping away the independence of the judiciary tomorrow?\" the paper said, challenging the bill as unconstitutional. A:", "doc_id": 579, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cradle of the musical", "target": ["Aux États-Unis, berceau de la comédie musicale, c'est très différent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the United States, the cradle of the musical, it is very different. A:", "doc_id": 1131, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "My classmates cried with joy, and my parents saved every newspaper they could find.", "target": ["Mes camarades ont pleuré de joie et mes parents ont conservé tous les journaux qu'ils ont trouvés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My classmates cried with joy, and my parents saved every newspaper they could find. A:", "doc_id": 2329, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Over there, people abandoned their former rulers in England and did not have to bother about them any more.", "target": ["Là-bas, des hommes qui avaient laissé leur Ancien Régime en Angleterre et n'avaient plus à s'en soucier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Over there, people abandoned their former rulers in England and did not have to bother about them any more. A:", "doc_id": 2767, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the first subjects to undergo a radical overhaul", "target": ["Le ministère de l'Éducation doit publier demain ses nouveaux programmes d'anglais et de maths – les premières matières à subir une révision radicale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Department for Education is due to release the new syllabuses in English and maths tomorrow - the first subjects to undergo a radical overhaul. A:", "doc_id": 2628, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$32.9 billion", "target": ["Le retard dans la division Aéronautique représentait 32,9 Md$ au 30 septembre, chiffre inchangé par rapport au 31 décembre de l'année précédente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The backlog in the aerospace division was $32.9 billion as of September 30, unchanged from December 31. A:", "doc_id": 315, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "PowerPoint", "target": ["C'est le même principe, version PowerPoint géant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is the same principle in a giant PowerPoint version. A:", "doc_id": 2503, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Intersex children pose ethical dilemma.", "target": ["Les enfants intersexués posent un dilemme éthique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Intersex children pose ethical dilemma. A:", "doc_id": 1283, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "death", "target": ["Il a sombré dans le coma au lendemain de l'attentat et est resté inconscient pendant un mois, et il est « mort » trois fois alors qu'il était sous assistance respiratoire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He lapsed into a month-long coma in the wake of the bombing, and \"died\" three times while on life support. A:", "doc_id": 1922, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Anne Hidalgo, la candidate PS, a quant à elle de nouveau rappelé lundi matin sur France Inter qu'elle s'était prononcée en faveur d'un moratoire pour qu'il n'y ait pas de fermeture le 4 novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ann Hidalgo, the Socialist Party's candidate, repeated on Monday morning on France Inter that she was in favour of a moratorium to prevent the closure on November 4. A:", "doc_id": 754, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Customers are mortgaging items that they already own, and monetising personal assets does not increase household debt", "target": ["« Les clients hypothèquent des biens qu'ils possèdent déjà, et le fait de monétiser leurs biens personnels n'augmente pas l'endettement des ménages », dit-elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Customers are mortgaging items that they already own, and monetising personal assets does not increase household debt,\" she says. A:", "doc_id": 1827, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The devices it is testing appeal to highway planners because they don't use GPS and deliver a limited amount of information, uploaded periodically by modem.", "target": ["Mais les appareils qu'elle teste ont plu aux planificateurs des grands axes car ils n'utilisent pas le GPS et fournissent une quantité limitée d'informations, téléchargées périodiquement par modem."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the devices it is testing appeal to highway planners because they don't use GPS and deliver a limited amount of information, uploaded periodically by modem. A:", "doc_id": 53, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "complete", "target": ["La fille du Dr Baratz, Katie, est née avec des chromosomes mâles, mais souffre d'un DDS appelé syndrome d'insensibilité complète aux androgènes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Baratz's daughter Katie was born with male chromosomes, but has a DSD called complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. A:", "doc_id": 1341, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The show at the LG Arena in Birmingham", "target": ["Le spectacle à la LG Arena de Birmingham aura lieu le 20 novembre et celui à l'Hydro de Glasgow se tiendra le 21 novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The show at the LG Arena in Birmingham will now take place on November 20 and the show at the Glasgow Hydro will now take place on November 21. A:", "doc_id": 2270, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["L'obstruction républicaine ne peut pas expliquer la mise sur écoute des dirigeants étrangers, ni les attaques d'enfants étrangers innocents par des drones."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Republican obstructionism cannot explain allowing the bugging of foreign leaders, nor having drones strike innocent children overseas. A:", "doc_id": 2341, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unconstitutional", "target": ["Lundi, un juge de premier instance avait estimé à la veille de l'entrée en vigueur de la loi que les dispositions traitant du privilège d'admission étaient anticonstitutionnelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Monday, the day before the law was due to come into force, a trial judge considered that the provisions pertaining to admitting privileges were unconstitutional. A:", "doc_id": 941, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "15", "target": ["Trente-cinq autres personnes impliquées dans le trafic ont été condamnées à un total de 153 ans de prison pour trafic de stupéfiants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thirty five other men involved in the racket were jailed for a total of 153 years for drugs offences. A:", "doc_id": 507, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I could still lead a personal life.", "target": ["J'ai pu avoir une vie personnelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I could still lead a personal life. A:", "doc_id": 392, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The grandmother apparently lit a cigarette while there was a gas leak", "target": ["La grand-mère aurait allumé une cigarette lors d'une fuite de gaz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The grandmother apparently lit a cigarette while there was a gas leak, A:", "doc_id": 2544, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Dans les rares cas de faible visibilité, l'équipage demandera aux passagers d'éteindre leurs appareils pendant l'atterrissage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In rare instances of low visibility, the crew will instruct passengers to turn off their devices during landing. A:", "doc_id": 1796, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's relaxed, it's cool.", "target": ["C'est bon enfant, c'est cool."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's relaxed, it's cool. A:", "doc_id": 2014, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The FAA has already received plans from some airlines to expand the use of portable electronic devices on planes", "target": ["La FAA a déclaré qu'elle avait déjà reçu des plans de certaines compagnies aériennes visant à élargir l'utilisation des appareils électroniques sur leurs avions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The FAA said it has already received plans from some airlines to expand the use of portable electronic devices on planes. A:", "doc_id": 1940, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Under the new bill, media houses can be fined up to 20 million Kenyan shillings and individual journalists up to one million with the additional risk of being \"de-listed,\" or barred from receiving official press accreditation.", "target": ["En vertu du nouveau projet de loi, les médias pourront être passibles d'amendes allant jusqu'à 20 millions de shillings kenyans et les journalistes jusqu'à 1 million avec le risque supplémentaire d'être « radié » ou de ne plus pouvoir recevoir d'accréditation presse officielle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Under the new bill, media houses can be fined up to 20 million Kenyan shillings and individual journalists up to one million with the additional risk of being \"de-listed,\" or barred from receiving official press accreditation. A:", "doc_id": 587, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "new type of reference framework for the definition of the new cultural policy in Canada relating to television", "target": ["\"Il devra émerger de ces discussions un genre de cadre de référence nouveau pour définir notre nouvelle politique culturelle canadienne en ce qui a trait à la télévision\", a dit le p.-d.g. de Cogeco."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"These discussions need to produce a new type of reference framework for the definition of the new cultural policy in Canada relating to television,\" said Cogeco's CEO. A:", "doc_id": 152, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This complicates the repayment of credit from abroad.", "target": ["Cela complique le remboursement des crédits pris à l'étranger."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This complicates the repayment of credit from abroad. A:", "doc_id": 659, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I learned and understood that I had not lost my mother herself", "target": ["J'ai donc appris et compris que je n'avais aucunement perdu la personne de ma mère mais simplement une femme que je ne connaissais pas vraiment, une femme qui incarnait cette personne, durant son séjour dans la vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thus, I learnt and understood that I had not lost my mother herself at all, just a woman that I did not know very well, a woman who embodied her during her stay on this earth. A:", "doc_id": 378, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["De son côté, l'armée israélienne a indiqué que la cible de son opération était au départ une section d'un large tunnel creusé en territoire israélien depuis l'enclave palestinienne, découvert le 7 octobre et destiné, selon l'armée, à des \"activités terroristes\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Israeli army, on the other hand, stated that the target of its operation was initially a section of a wide tunnel dug into Israeli territory from the Palestinian enclave, which was discovered on 7 October and, according to the army, was intended for \"terrorist activities\". A:", "doc_id": 2480, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's pretty good", "target": ["Mais elle a plutôt bon goût !"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It tastes pretty good though. A:", "doc_id": 1404, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "My tongue is tingling.", "target": ["Les enfants peuvent dire, « J'ai l'impression que quelque chose me pique la langue », « J'ai l'impression d'avoir un cheveu sur la langue » ou « J'ai des picotements sur la langue »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kids may say, \"It feels like something is poking my tongue,\" \"My tongue feels like there is hair on it,\" or \"My tongue is tingling.\" A:", "doc_id": 1247, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["La Syrie a soumis un plan de destruction totale de ses armes chimiques qui a été approuvé le mois suivant par le Comité exécutif de l'OIAC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Syria has submitted a plan for the total destruction of its chemical weapons that has to be approved next month by the OPCW's executive committee. A:", "doc_id": 1903, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "European Central Bank", "target": ["L'austérité imposée par Berlin et la Banque centrale européenne, associée au carcan pesant sur les économies nationales par l'intermédiaire de l'adhésion à la monnaie unique, a conduit de nombreuses personnes à penser que le Projet Europe est allé trop loin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The austerity imposed by Berlin and the European Central Bank, coupled with the straitjacket imposed on national economies through adherence to the common currency, has led many people to think Project Europe has gone too far. A:", "doc_id": 1532, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$25", "target": ["Frontier a déclaré qu'elle ferait payer 25 $ si les frais étaient payés à l'avance et 100 $ si les voyageurs ne payaient qu'une fois à la porte d'embarquement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier said it will charge $25 if the fee is paid in advance, $100 if travelers wait to pay until they're at the gate. A:", "doc_id": 183, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "far too wild, far too scandalous and in some cases far too filthy to be taught in schools", "target": ["Disant que de nombreux mythes seraient « bien trop violents, bien trop scandaleux et dans certains cas, bien trop obscènes pour être enseignés à l'école », Crossley-Holland a préconisé une « sélection minutieuse » des œuvres adaptées à l'âge."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Saying many of the myths would be \"far too wild, far too scandalous and in some cases far too filthy to be taught in schools,\" Crossley-Holland advocated a \"careful selection\" of age-appropriate works. A:", "doc_id": 814, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["Les géants de l'aéronautique échangent souvent des coups sur des questions techniques en faisant de la publicité dans la presse professionnelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Plane giants often trade blows on technical matters through advertising in the trade press. A:", "doc_id": 1667, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "HSBC, Citigroup, JPMorgan and Credit Suisse have also launched internal probes or received requests for information from regulators", "target": ["HSBC, Citigroup, JPMorgan et Crédit Suisse ont également lancé des enquêtes internes ou reçu des demandes d'informations des régulateurs, ont indiqué des sources proches du dossier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of HSBC, Citigroup, JPMorgan and Credit Suisse have also launched internal probes or received requests for information from regulators, said people familiar with the situation. A:", "doc_id": 2424, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of A travel industry group welcomed the changes, calling them common-sense accommodations for a traveling public now bristling with technology.", "target": ["Un groupe de l'industrie du voyage s'est félicité des changements, les appelant des arrangements pleins de bon sens pour des voyageurs équipés de technologies."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A travel industry group welcomed the changes, calling them common-sense accommodations for a traveling public now bristling with technology. A:", "doc_id": 1979, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Attack", "target": ["Des avions de combat attaquent un stock de missiles russes dans la ville portuaire de Latakia, indique un responsable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Warplanes attack a store of Russian missiles in the port city of Latakia, an official says. A:", "doc_id": 2041, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Australian woman appeals the Thai jail time A", "target": ["Une Australienne fait appel de sa peine d'emprisonnement en Thaïlande"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Australian woman appeals Thai jail time A:", "doc_id": 2967, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "names of other participating lawmakers were to be released in coming days", "target": ["Les noms des autres législateurs participants devraient être dévoilés dans les jours à venir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Names of other participating lawmakers were to be released in coming days. A:", "doc_id": 2960, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["Les performances annoncées par Boeing dépendent en partie de la comparaison entre le 777X configuré avec 10 sièges par rangée et un modèle 777 d'origine configuré en rangées de 9."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Boeing's performance claims depend in part on comparing the 10-abreast 777X with an original 9-abreast 777 design. A:", "doc_id": 1685, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Samsung Electronics Co Ltd", "target": ["Rockstar, le consortium qui a acquis les brevets Nortel pour 4,5 Md$, a déposé plainte à l'encontre de Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, HTC Corp, Huawei et quatre autres sociétés pour violation de brevet devant la Cour d'assises des États-Unis au Texas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rockstar, the consortium that bought the Nortel patents for $4.5 billion, sued Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, HTC Corp, Huawei and four other companies for patent infringement in U.S. District Court in Texas. A:", "doc_id": 2532, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The government in Kinshasa and the M23 resumed talks", "target": ["Ces derniers, selon les médiateurs ougandais, ont repris mercredi à Kampala entre le gouvernement de Kinshasa et le M23."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the Ugandan mediators,talks between the government in Kinshasa and the M23 resumed in Kampala on Wednesday,. A:", "doc_id": 688, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Battle of the Fallujah", "target": ["Raid aérien contre des installations militaires en Syrie"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Air Raid Against Military Installations in Syria A:", "doc_id": 647, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "exclusive photos and sleeves", "target": ["Il y introduit à la fois chacun des disques, mais aussi les accessoires fournis avec: des photos et pochettes exclusives, un carnet pour partager ses propres impressions, un livret avec les paroles..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In it, he presents each of the disks plus the accessories provided with them: exclusive photos and sleeves, a notebook for sharing your own impressions, a booklet of lyrics etc. A:", "doc_id": 82, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Possibly", "target": ["« Peut-être », a répondu Martin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Possibly,\" Martin replied. A:", "doc_id": 1391, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "everyone is super-excited", "target": ["Tout le monde est sur-excité, raconte une des participantes, Andrea."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Everyone is super-excited,\" said Andrea, one of the participants. A:", "doc_id": 2010, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the abortion", "target": ["Les défenseurs de l'IVG font valoir que le contenu de la loi risque de se traduire par une fermeture immédiate d'un tiers des cliniques de l'Etat car ces cliniques n'ont pas réussi à obtenir ce \"privilège d'admission\" pour leurs praticiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Defenders of abortion stress that the content of the law may lead to the immediate closure of a third of clinics in the state, as these clinics have failed to obtain the admitting privilege for their practitioners. A:", "doc_id": 939, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The piece really takes off after the bow.", "target": ["Mais la pièce prend son réel envol après le salut."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the piece really takes off after the bow. A:", "doc_id": 2526, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les enjeux sont élevés – parvenir à changer le traité et mieux représenter les intérêts de la Grande-Bretagne permettrait de voir un basculement de 16 % des votes en faveur du maintien du pays dans l'UE lors d'un référendum."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The stakes are high - achieving treaty change and a better deal for Britain sees a 16 per cent swing towards voting to stay in the EU in a referendum. A:", "doc_id": 1999, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They've had to push vehicles through rivers and mud more than once.", "target": ["Ils ont maintes fois dû pousser les véhicules pour traverser des rivières ou des pistes boueuses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They've had to push vehicles through rivers and mud more than once. A:", "doc_id": 2698, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "120", "target": ["Il a déclaré qu'un pape nommait en général autant de cardinaux qu'il le fallait pour que le nombre de cardinaux électeurs atteigne 120 et autant de cardinaux âgés de plus de 80 ans qu'il voulait."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said usually a pope would name as many cardinals as was needed to raise the number of cardinal electors back to 120 and as many cardinals aged over 80 as he wanted. A:", "doc_id": 2282, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "personalised services", "target": ["La deuxième est d'offrir des services personnalisés: dans quelques années, un serveur vocal pourra reconnaître votre voix et vous proposer des options sur mesure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The second is to offer personalised services: in a few years a voice server will be able to recognise your voice and offer you customised options. A:", "doc_id": 2220, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "arrested", "target": ["Ditta a été arrêté plus tard mais a nié consommer de la cocaïne. Il a déclaré qu'il avait parlé au trafiquant de drogue présumé car c'était son client et a fait valoir que leurs discussions étaient assujetties à un « privilège juridique »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ditta was arrested later but denied using cocaine and and said he had been speaking to the suspected dealer because he was his client and argued their discussions were subject to \"legal privilege.\" A:", "doc_id": 486, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of Rabies Detected in Cat in Val-d'Oise A", "target": ["Un cas de rage détecté chez un chat dans le Val-d'Oise"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rabies Detected in Cat in Val-d'Oise A:", "doc_id": 2887, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I see her eyes resting on me.", "target": ["Je vois ses yeux se poser sur moi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I see her eyes resting on me. A:", "doc_id": 417, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Coulson's involvement in the story followed the same pattern as with other important men, such as former home secretary David Blunkett.", "target": ["M. Edis a expliqué que l'implication de Coulson dans l'histoire a suivi le même schéma qu'avec d'autres hommes importants, tels que l'ancien ministre de l'Intérieur David Blunkett."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Edis said Coulson's involvement in the story followed the same pattern as with other important men, such as former home secretary David Blunkett. A:", "doc_id": 1040, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["Douglas Kidd de la National Association of Airline Passengers a déclaré qu'il pensait que les interférences provenant des appareils étaient réelles, même si le risque était minime."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Douglas Kidd of the National Association of Airline Passengers said he believes interference from the devices is genuine even if the risk is minimal. A:", "doc_id": 1976, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Architecture", "target": ["La découverte de quartiers, notre architecture, nos lieux sont des repères."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Discovering neighbourhoods, our architecture, our environment are reference points, A:", "doc_id": 2992, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google Glass", "target": ["Une boutique en ligne, proposant de multiples accessoires dédiés à Google Glass, vient d'être mise à disposition des milliers de développeurs possédant un prototype des lunettes connectées signées Google."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An online shop offering a range of accessories for Google Glass has just been launched for the thousands of developers who own a prototype of the Google-branded, web-enabled glasses. A:", "doc_id": 359, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tribunal also has the power to seize the property of an offender if a fine is not paid.", "target": ["Le tribunal a également le pouvoir de saisir les biens d'un contrevenant si celui-ci n'a pas payé son amende."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tribunal also has the power to seize the property of an offender if a fine is not paid. A:", "doc_id": 588, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "For several months, I asked if there was a way that I could stay on, and they said no", "target": ["J'ai demandé pendant des mois s'il y avait un moyen pour que je puisse rester, et ils ont dit non."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For several months, I asked if there was a way that I could stay on, and they said no,\" he adds. A:", "doc_id": 106, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renault shares", "target": ["Plusieurs traders ont rapporté que l'action Renault était affectée ce matin par le \"warning\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several traders reported that Renault shares had been affected by the warning this morning. A:", "doc_id": 2590, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The argument", "target": ["L'audition de l'appel interjeté par la ville devrait avoir lieu après le 14 mars 2014."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An oral argument on the city's appeal is scheduled for sometime after March 14, 2014. A:", "doc_id": 967, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He committed suicide at 38.", "target": ["Mais à 38 ans, il s'est suicidé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But at 38, he committed suicide. A:", "doc_id": 1313, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "very intimidating", "target": ["Danielle Ockwell, qui était encadrée par Lord et qui avait demandé une formation en matière de protection des enfants car elle s'inquiétait de son comportement, a indiqué qu'elle trouvait la responsable des services à l'enfance du YMCA Caringbah, Jacqui Barnat, qui encadrait Lord « très intimidante et difficile à approcher la plupart du temps »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Danielle Ockwell, who was supervised by Lord and asked for child protection training because she was concerned about his behaviour, testified she found the YMCA Caringbah children's services manager Jacqui Barnat who supervised Lord \"very intimidating and hard to approach a lot of the time.\" A:", "doc_id": 2071, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They think this is a cover-up to protect the person or people responsible for their son's death.", "target": ["Ils sont persuadés que ces conclusions ont été livrées dans le seul but de couvrir la ou les personnes responsables de la mort de leur fils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They think this is a cover-up to protect the person or people responsible for their son's death. A:", "doc_id": 1222, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Atomica", "target": ["Et, surtout, il donne un avant-goût de son nouveau titre Atomica, typiquement dans la veine de The Next Day, avec des guitares très en avant et une électricité rock savamment maîtrisée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And finally, he gives a teaser to his new track, Atomica, which is typically in the style of The Next Day, with very prominent guitars and skillfully controlled rock electrics. A:", "doc_id": 83, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Zoomlion", "target": ["M. Chen a écrit plusieurs articles pour le New Express sur les irrégularités financières présumées d'un fabricant d'engins de chantier appelé Zoomlion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Chen wrote several articles for the New Express alleging financial irregularities at a construction-equipment company called Zoomlion. A:", "doc_id": 2116, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The man who rejected a notion of a nation", "target": ["Et celui qui avait déposé, voici plus d'un demi-siècle, un sujet sur l'idée de nation, mais s'était soustrait à l'exercice initiatique de la thèse, nous confie, cum grano salis, qu'il aura fini par la faire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And the man who rejected a notion of a nation over half a century ago, but who escaped from the initiatory exercise of the philosophical work, confides in us, cum grano salis, that he has ended up doing it after all. A:", "doc_id": 2782, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a little more involved", "target": ["\"Mme Chirac était un peu plus impliquée, elle venait directement en cuisine\", au point qu'elle avait interdit les femmes dans les cuisines de l'Elysée !"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Madame Chirac was a little more involved and would come right into the kitchen,\" to the point where she forbade women to enter the kitchens in the Elysée Palace! A:", "doc_id": 989, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The latest raid by the Israeli air force in Syrian territory", "target": ["Ce nouveau raid de l'aviation de Tsahal en territoire syrien (le sixième depuis le début de l'année, selon le quotidien israélien Haaretz) n'a été confirmé ni par Israël ni par la Syrie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This latest raid by the Israeli air force in Syrian territory (the sixth since the start of the year, according to the Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz) has been confirmed neither by Israel nor Syria. A:", "doc_id": 650, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm listening", "target": ["J'écoute ce qui se dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm listening to what's being said. A:", "doc_id": 2840, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Album", "target": ["Des inédits déjà en écoute"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Previously Unpublished Tracks Released A:", "doc_id": 84, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Canada", "target": ["Depuis le début de 2013, les agents des services frontaliers à l'aéroport Montréal-Trudeau ont effectué 173 saisies de drogues, dont 10 saisies de cocaïne pour un total de 44 kilogrammes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the start of 2013, the Canada Border Services Agency at Montreal-Trudeau Airport has conducted 173 drugs seizures, of which 10 involved seizures of cocaine totaling 44 kilograms. A:", "doc_id": 645, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["Le directeur général, Graham Turner, a déclaré que Flight Centre avait réalisé 8 % de bénéfices au premier semestre et que le second semestre avait démarré en force, en particulier en ce qui concerne les voyages autres que les voyages d'affaires en Australie et au Royaume-Uni."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Managing director Graham Turner said Flight Centre had made 8 per cent profit in the first half and had started the second half strongly especially in Australian and UK non-business travel. A:", "doc_id": 2612, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["« Il s'agit vraiment d'apporter de la souplesse aux compagnies aériennes et de leur permettre de faire ce qu'elles pensent devoir faire pour mener à bien leurs activités », a déclaré Kent Craver, en charge de la satisfaction passagers chez Boeing."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It really comes down to providing flexibility to airlines and allowing them to do the things that they believe they need to do to be successful,\" said Boeing cabins expert Kent Craver. A:", "doc_id": 1678, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "wake up", "target": ["« L'Allemagne doit se réveiller », déclare Oliver Grün, président de BITMi, qui représente les PME allemandes du secteur des TI."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Germany must wake up,\" says Oliver Grün, president of BITMi, which represents small and medium sized German IT companies. A:", "doc_id": 1183, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tunnel was shut down before any drugs made it through undetected", "target": ["Le tunnel a été fermé avant que les drogues n'en soient ressorties en passant inaperçues, ont déclaré les autorités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tunnel was shut down before any drugs made it through undetected, authorities said. A:", "doc_id": 2159, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$25", "target": ["Frontier Airlines envisage de faire payer les bagages à main"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier Airlines to charge for carry-on baggage A:", "doc_id": 179, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hotel Summerland", "target": ["On arrive ensuite sur le site de l'hôtel Summerland où la presse est présente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We were then taken to the Hotel Summerland where the press had gathered. A:", "doc_id": 2803, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If every ill person had access to effective care to relieve their suffering, in addition to being able to stay at home, very few of them would wish to end their lives", "target": ["Si tous les malades avaient accès à des soins efficaces pour apaiser leurs souffrances, en plus de pouvoir rester à la maison, très peu d'entre eux voudraient mettre fin à leurs jours, selon une porte-parole de l'Association canadienne des soins palliatifs, Maryse Bouvette."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If every ill person had access to effective care to relieve their suffering, in addition to being able to stay at home, very few of them would wish to end their lives,\" said a spokesperson for the Canadian Palliative Care Association, Maryse Bouvette. A:", "doc_id": 567, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was never dealt with an incident of child sexual assault within its organisation", "target": ["Mais dans sa déclaration d'ouverture devant la Commission, le YMCA a déclaré qu'il « n'avait jamais eu à traiter d'un problème d'agression sexuelle sur des enfants au sein de son organisation »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But in its opening statement to the Commission it said it had \"never dealt with an incident of child sexual assault within its organisation,\" the Commission was told. A:", "doc_id": 2061, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "", "target": ["\"Par exemple, certaines personnes qui travaillent le béton ont les doigts très abîmés et leurs empreintes sont illisibles\", constate Philippe Robin, directeur technique du domaine identitaire chez Thales Communications & Security."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For example, people who work with cement have damage to their fingers that renders their fingerprints unreadable,\" notes Philippe Robin, technical director for identification at Thales Communications & Security. A:", "doc_id": 2188, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Le contrat a perdu 39 cents jeudi, le laissant avec une baisse de 5,8 % pour le mois d'octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The contract fell 39 cents on Thursday, leaving it down 5.8 percent for the month of October. A:", "doc_id": 927, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first test plane was unveiled in March and took flight for the first time in September after months of delays", "target": ["Le premier avion d'essai a été dévoilé en mars et s'est envolé pour la première fois en septembre après des mois de retard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first test plane was unveiled in March and took flight for the first time in September after months of delays. A:", "doc_id": 296, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "François Hollande", "target": ["Quant à François Hollande, qui a rétabli le fromage, \"c'est quelqu'un qui aime manger\" et \"il n'y a pas grand-chose qu'il n'aime pas\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of François Hollande, who reintroduced cheese, is \"a man who likes to eat\" and \"he is not very choosy\". A:", "doc_id": 993, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the 50th anniversary of the operetta", "target": ["\"Les finances sont à flot et nous espérons durer jusqu'au 50e anniversaire de l'opérette, une étape que nous franchirons dans sept ans\", a commenté l'administrateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Finances are on an even keel and we hope to see the 50th anniversary of the operetta, a milestone we will reach in seven years,\" the administrator remarked. A:", "doc_id": 538, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["Airbus et Boeing revendiquent tous les deux un rendement par siège dans leurs derniers modèles de bimoteurs long-courriers 20 % supérieur à celui du leader du marché dans ce segment, le Boeing 777-300ER de 365 sièges."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Both Airbus and Boeing claim 20 per cent better efficiency per seat in their latest twin-engined long-haul designs than the market leader in that segment, the 365-seat Boeing 777-300ER. A:", "doc_id": 1684, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Third Republic", "target": ["A cette IIIe République, moment central et créateur, Pierre Nora a montré beaucoup d'intérêt et même de tendresse: saluant ceux qui se sont alors employés à réparer la fracture révolutionnaire, en enseignant aux écoliers tout ce qui dans l'ancienne France préparait obscurément la France moderne et en leur proposant une version unifiée de leur histoire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pierre Nora has shown has shown great interest and even tenderness for this Third Republic: he salutes those who tried at the time to repair the divide created by the Revolution by teaching students about everything in the former France that obscurely paved the way for the modern France, and by offering them a unified version of their history. A:", "doc_id": 2774, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "RBS", "target": ["RBS a également dit qu'elle inscrirait une provision pour dépréciation des créances douteuses supplémentaire de quatre à 4,5 milliards de livres sur le trimestre, une écriture liée à la constitution de la structure de cantonnement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of RBS has also said that it will be writing down a provision of £4 500 million for the depreciation of additional bad debts for the quarter, an entry related to the setting up of the hive-off structure. A:", "doc_id": 1456, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Watch the ceremony", "target": ["Pour suivre la cérémonie, cliquez ci-dessus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Click above to watch the ceremony. A:", "doc_id": 856, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$31 million", "target": ["Le plan de 325 M$ comprend une campagne de 31 M$ pour les opérations chirurgicales non urgentes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The $325 million package includes a $31 million elective surgery blitz. A:", "doc_id": 1857, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The recalled models were built between August 1 and September 10.", "target": ["Les modèles rappelés ont été construits entre le 1er août et le 10 septembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The recalled models were built between August 1 and September 10. A:", "doc_id": 2298, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was a bit like an alter ego, we didn't even need to speak.", "target": ["C'était un peu comme un alter-ego, il n'y avait pas besoin de parler entre nous."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was a bit like an alter ego, we didn't even need to speak. A:", "doc_id": 442, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes again, but he knows that such an honour cannot replace the real holy oil, the philosophical work, which he has foregone.", "target": ["Certes encore, mais en sachant qu'un tel sacre ne saurait remplacer l'huile sainte véritable, celle de la thèse, dont il s'est passé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yes again, but he knows that such an honour cannot replace the real holy oil, the philosophical work, which he has foregone. A:", "doc_id": 2741, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Belle and the Beast", "target": ["À Mogador, \"La Belle et la Bête\" pourrait bien être un des succès de la saison."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the Mogador, 'La Belle et la Bête' could well be one of the successes of the season. A:", "doc_id": 1116, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why trade London's yoke for that of Brussels, especially now", "target": ["Pourquoi échanger le joug de Londres contre celui de Bruxelles, en particulier maintenant ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why trade London's yoke for that of Brussels, especially now? A:", "doc_id": 1525, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we feel supported and protected in difficult moments", "target": ["Nous nous sentons portés et protégés dans les moments difficiles, le recul du temps nous fait réaliser combien elle était chef d'orchestre et nous essayons de rester dans la voie qu'elle nous avait tracée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We feel supported and protected in difficult moments, and the passage of time has made us realise that she was the conductor, with us trying to stay on the path she had drawn for us. A:", "doc_id": 431, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "allergens", "target": ["Le CDC publie des conseils sur les allergies chez l'enfant à destination des écoles"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of CDC issues children's allergy guidelines for schools A:", "doc_id": 1238, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No need to build an enormous, unwieldy technological infrastructure that will inevitably be expanded to keep records of individuals' everyday comings and goings", "target": ["Il n'est pas nécessaire de construire une infrastructure technologique énorme et encombrante qui sera inévitablement élargie pour conserver les enregistrements des allées et venues quotidiennes des gens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is no need to build an enormous, unwieldy technological infrastructure that will inevitably be expanded to keep records of individuals' everyday comings and goings. A:", "doc_id": 47, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "suspended", "target": ["Royal Bank of Scotland a suspendu deux traders de sa division marché des changes selon deux sources proches du dossier, ce qui montre une nouvelle fois que l'enquête mondiale des régulateurs sur les suspicions de manipulations du marché des devises commence à porter ses fruits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Royal Bank of Scotland has suspended two traders in its foreign exchange division according to two people familiar with the situation, in another sign that the global probe by regulators into the suspected manipulation of the currency market is rapidly gaining traction. A:", "doc_id": 2412, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The M23", "target": ["\"Nous allons poursuivre le M23 et l'acculer partout où il se cache parce qu'il s'agit de criminels\", a déclaré à Reuters le colonel Olivier Hamuli, porte-parole des FARDC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We will pursue the M23 and drive it out of wherever it is hiding because they are criminals,\" Colonel Olivier Hamuli, spokesman for the FARDC, declared to Reuters. A:", "doc_id": 684, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The conflict has forced some 2 million people to flee the country", "target": ["Quelque 2 millions de personnes ont dû fuir le pays en raison du conflit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The conflict has forced some 2 million people to flee the country. A:", "doc_id": 1893, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The arrival of Jean-Luc Choplin at the Châtelet and Stage Entertainment at the Mogador has changed all that.", "target": ["L'arrivée de Jean-Luc Choplin au Châtelet et de Stage­ ­Entertainment à Mogador a changé la donne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The arrival of Jean-Luc Choplin at the Châtelet and Stage Entertainment at the Mogador has changed all that. A:", "doc_id": 1113, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Microsoft", "target": ["Le milliardaire détient encore 25% du capital du groupe de logiciels qu'il a co-fondé il y a 40 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The multimillionaire still holds 25% of the capital in the software group he co-founded 40 years ago. A:", "doc_id": 1699, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Aircraft", "target": ["La Federal Aviation Administration américaine a laissé la porte ouverte aux transporteurs américains pour un changement de leurs procédures afin que les passagers puissent lire des livres électroniques, regarder des vidéos ou jouer à des jeux sur leurs appareils pendant les phases de vol critiques à condition qu'ils soient en mode « avion »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The US Federal Aviation Administration has left the way open for American carriers to change their procedures so that passengers will be able to read e-books, watch videos or play games on their devices during critical phases of flight provided they remain in \"airplane\" mode. A:", "doc_id": 1781, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Les avionneurs se querellent au sujet de la largeur des sièges alors que de grosses commandes sont en jeu"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jet makers feud over seat width with big orders at stake A:", "doc_id": 1659, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's not a trial, it's a farce.", "target": ["Ce n'est pas un procès, c'est une farce."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's not a trial, it's a farce.\" A:", "doc_id": 2861, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Les organisations dédiées à la protection de la vie privée confirment cet engouement pour la biométrie, mais s'en inquiètent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Organisations devoted to privacy protection note this fascination for biometrics, but are concerned. A:", "doc_id": 2181, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Times", "target": ["Selon le correspondant politique du Times Jonathan Martin, le livre offre une analyse détaillée du travail des hauts responsables de la campagne et de la Maison-Blanche, à savoir l'ancien secrétaire général de la Maison-Blanche Bill Daley, visant à mesurer quel effet le remplacement du vice-président par l'ancienne secrétaire d'État Clinton pourrait avoir sur le scrutin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the Times' national political correspondent Jonathan Martin, the book provides a thorough account of the effort by senior officials inside the campaign and the White House, namely former White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley, to measure what effect swapping former Secretary of State Clinton for the Vice President would have in the polls. A:", "doc_id": 1377, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["S'exprimant au cours de l'été, Michael Gove, ministre de l'Éducation, a déclaré qu'il y avait un « large consensus quant au besoin de réformer notre système d'examens pour restaurer la confiance du public », en insistant sur le fait que les GCSE seraient « plus stimulants, plus ambitieux et plus rigoureux »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Speaking in the summer, Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, said there was a \"widespread consensus that we need to reform our examination system to restore public confidence,\" insisting GCSEs would be \"more challenging, more ambitious and more rigorous.\" A:", "doc_id": 2631, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prior to Afghanistan", "target": ["Et avant l'Afghanistan, il était aussi reparti en Libye, en Russie, au Liban et au Mali."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prior to Afghanistan, he had also been to Libya, Russia, Lebanon and Mali. A:", "doc_id": 1631, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mali", "target": ["En octobre 2012, dans \"Panique à Bamako\", il relatait les colonnes de 4X4 de jihadistes qui fondaient sur la capitale malienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In October 2012, in \"Panique à Bamako\", he mentioned columns of 4x4s of jihadists sweeping towards the Malian capital. A:", "doc_id": 1648, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first track to be released is However, Atomica", "target": ["Mais Atomica n'est pas le seul titre à dévoiler ses charmes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, Atomica is not the only track to have been released. A:", "doc_id": 85, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "U.S.", "target": ["« Il est vraiment important pour la protection de la sécurité nationale aux États-Unis que les Européens restent à nos côtés dans l'engagement mutuel dans la lutte contre le terrorisme », a déclaré Murphy, un démocrate servant son premier mandat, et président de la sous-commission des affaires européennes du Sénat américain, lors d'un entretien depuis Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's really important for U.S. national security interests for Europeans to stay on board with us with respect to our mutual anti-terrorism endeavors,\" Murphy, a first-term Democrat and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs, said in an interview from Washington. A:", "doc_id": 2954, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airlines", "target": ["US Airways a brièvement tenté de faire payer pour les boissons en 2008 mais est revenue en arrière sept mois plus tard après que les passagers se sont plaints et alors qu'aucune autre grande compagnie aérienne n'avait suivi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US Airways briefly tried charging for beverages in 2008 but backed down seven months later after passengers complained and no other major airline followed. A:", "doc_id": 209, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "refined", "target": ["Jacques Chirac avait certes \"un appétit un peu plus développé\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jacques Chirac certainly had a \"more refined palate\". A:", "doc_id": 991, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chevron", "target": ["Chevron, deuxième compagnie pétrolière américaine, a fait état vendredi d'une baisse de son bénéfice trimestriel en raison de la baisse de ses marges de raffinage, alors que sa production de pétrole et de gaz a augmenté tout en restant en retrait par rapport aux objectifs du groupe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chevron, the second largest oil company in America, announced a drop in quarterly profits on Friday, as a result of a reduction in its refining margins, although its production of oil and gas increased while still being below the group's target. A:", "doc_id": 706, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama knew his team was exploring the swap", "target": ["Cependant, on ne sait pas si Obama était au courant que son équipe examinait le remplacement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's unclear, however, whether Obama knew his team was exploring the swap. A:", "doc_id": 1386, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I find it wonderful that in America, myth and folklore already has a part in education.", "target": ["« Je trouve formidable qu'en Amérique, les mythes et le folklore fassent déjà partie de l'éducation », a-t-il dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I find it wonderful that in America, myth and folklore already has a part in education,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 815, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "destruction", "target": ["1er novembre fixée par l'organisation basée à La Haye ordonnant à Damas de détruire ou « rendre inutilisables » toutes les unités de production d'armes chimiques et les machines destinées à mélanger les gaz toxiques et à remplir les munitions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 1 deadline set by The Hague-based organization for Damascus to destroy or \"render inoperable\" all chemical weapon production facilities and machinery for mixing chemicals into poison gas and filling munitions. A:", "doc_id": 1881, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "virus", "target": ["Le virus infecte de manière sélective les cellules du foie, qui commence alors à produire un flux régulier d'anticorps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The virus selectively infects liver cells, which then start to make a steady stream of the antibodies. A:", "doc_id": 1710, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "For him, \"if the other emergency services in Paris were able to absorb the surplus, there wouldn't be a problem.", "target": ["Pour lui, \"si les autres services d'urgences parisiens pouvaient absorber le surplus, il n'y aurait pas de problème\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For him, \"if the other emergency services in Paris were able to absorb the surplus, there wouldn't be a problem.\" A:", "doc_id": 742, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ecuador", "target": ["Craignant que Stockholm autorise son transfert vers les États-Unis, il a trouvé refuge à l'Ambassade de l'Équateur à Londres le 19 juin, demandant à ce pays d'Amérique du sud l'asile politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fearing Stockholm would pass him on to the US, he sought refuge at Ecuador's embassy in London on June 19, asking the South American country for political asylum. A:", "doc_id": 2171, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's five years later, Mr. President, and I couldn't agree with you more.", "target": ["Nous voici 5 ans après, M. le Président, et je ne suis plus d'accord avec vous."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's five years later, Mr. President, and I couldn't agree with you more. A:", "doc_id": 2360, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "online", "target": ["En septembre, elle a commencé à n'offrir que la moitié de miles de fidélité aux clients qui achetaient leur billet via une agence de voyage en ligne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In September it began giving half as many frequent flier miles to customers who bought through an online travel agency. A:", "doc_id": 214, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The outcome of my efforts has been demonstrably positive, my government continues to treat dissent as defection, and seeks to criminalise political speech with felony charges that provide no defence.", "target": ["Dans une lettre que le député a présentée aux médias à Berlin vendredi, M. Snowden disait : « Bien que le résultat de mes efforts ait été de toute évidence positif, mon gouvernement continue de traiter la différence d'opinion comme une fuite et cherche à pénaliser le discours politique avec des accusations contre lesquelles il est impossible de se défendre. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A letter from Mr Snowden, presented to the media in Berlin on Friday by the MP, said: \"Though the outcome of my efforts has been demonstrably positive, my government continues to treat dissent as defection, and seeks to criminalise political speech with felony charges that provide no defence.\" A:", "doc_id": 124, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Ce, notamment, en vue de qualifier les jeunes pilotes de chasse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of principally for the qualification of new fighter pilots. A:", "doc_id": 2135, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Quant à la France, elle doit déjà mener la très coûteuse surveillance aérienne et maritime des cinq millions de km2 de la ZEE de Polynésie française, voisine de Pitcairn."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of France, on her part, already has to carry out the highly expensive aerial and maritime surveillance of 5 million km2 of the EEZ of French Polynesia, adjacent to Pitcairn. A:", "doc_id": 2039, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["« Non », a répondu M. Tripodi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"No,\" Mr Tripodi replied. A:", "doc_id": 1740, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Biden", "target": ["« Double Down » indique que Daley a mené la charge pour remplacer Biden, malgré leurs « liens personnels étroits », avant de finalement se décider contre le changement lorsque les chiffres ont montré qu'avoir Clinton sur la liste présidentielle « n'améliorait pas nettement les chances de réussite d'Obama »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Double Down\" claims Daley spearheaded the effort to replace Biden, despite their \"close personal rapport,\" before ultimately deciding against the move when their data showed adding Clinton to the ticket wouldn't \"materially improve Obama's odds.\" A:", "doc_id": 1380, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Abusing his position as a criminal solicitor", "target": ["M. Ditta est accusé d'avoir abusé de sa position en tant qu'avocat pénaliste, et de s'être trop impliqué auprès de clients particuliers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Ditta is accused of abusing his position as a criminal solicitor, having become too involved with specific clients. A:", "doc_id": 491, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The festival has expanded, so has the world of comedy.", "target": ["Le festival a pris de l'ampleur, tout comme le monde de la comédie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As the festival has expanded, so has the world of comedy. A:", "doc_id": 913, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Lorsque François Hollande téléphone à Barack Obama ou quand le ministre des affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius convoque l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis, ils réagissent à une vraie découverte, qui est celle de l'ampleur de la surveillance américaine sur l'ensemble des communications en France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When François Hollande telephones Barack Obama, or when Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius summons the Ambassador of the United States, they are responding to a real discovery, that of the scale of America's surveillance of communications within France generally. A:", "doc_id": 1251, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Agreement on the terms of employment", "target": ["Quel type d'accord attendez-vous entre la CGT et Goodyear ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What sort of agreement do you expect between the CGT and Goodyear? A:", "doc_id": 268, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "wounded", "target": ["Les deux militaires au 13e bataillon des Chasseurs alpins de Chambéry, ont été retrouvés \"épuisés, mais non blessés\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The two men, who are soldiers in the 13th Battalion of French Alpine Troops stationed in Chambéry, were found \"exhausted but uninjured\". A:", "doc_id": 333, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pay-by-mile", "target": ["Son État a récemment fait installer des traceurs sur 500 voitures pour tester un système de paiement au mile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His state recently put tracking devices on 500 cars to test out a pay-by-mile system. A:", "doc_id": 23, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I often used to listen to her speak Arabic during my childhood and talk about Morocco where she had lived for decades before coming back to France when it became independent", "target": ["En fait, je l'entendais souvent parler arabe dans mon enfance, et parler du Maroc, là où elle avait vécu pendant des décennies - avant de regagner la France au moment de l'indépendance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Actually, I often used to listen to her speak Arabic during my childhood and talk about Morocco where she had lived for decades before coming back to France when it became independent. A:", "doc_id": 413, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The War on Terror", "target": ["Barack Obama reçoit le premier ministre irakien, en pleine flambée de violence"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Barack Obama to Meet Iraqi Prime Minister as Violence Rages A:", "doc_id": 1044, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "10", "target": ["« Depuis le début de l'année, les 10 pays dans lesquels nous sommes présents sont rentables, et plusieurs d'entre eux sont en bonne voie de réaliser des résultats record sur l'ensemble de l'exercice avant déduction des intérêts et impôts », a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Year-to-date, our 10 countries are profitable and several are on track for record full-year earnings before interest and tax contributions,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2613, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The diagnosis of rabies was confirmed by the Pasteur Institute", "target": ["Le diagnostic de rage a été confirmé par l'institut Pasteur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The diagnosis of rabies was confirmed by the Pasteur Institute. A:", "doc_id": 2890, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He should definitively do him justice.", "target": ["Le livre que voici devrait lui rendre définitivement justice."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This book should definitively do him justice. A:", "doc_id": 2746, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "admission privilege", "target": ["Le privilège d'admission est le droit d'un médecin, en vertu de son statut de membre soignant d'un hôpital, d'admettre un patient dans un hôpital ou un centre médical afin d'y délivrer un diagnostic ou un traitement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An admitting privilege is the right of a doctor to admit a patient to a hospital or a medical centre to carry out a diagnosis or a procedure, based on his status as a health care worker at a hospital. A:", "doc_id": 938, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["Stevie Rochelle Bamford a d'abord été jugée coupable par un Tribunal de Province de Phuket le 15 juin de fausses déclarations après avoir dit à la police thaïlandaise qu'un chauffeur de taxi local, accompagné de deux autres hommes qui la maîtrisaient, l'avait agressée tôt le dimanche 10 juin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Stevie Rochelle Bamford was initially found guilty by a Phuket provincial court on June 15 of making false claims after telling Thai police a local taxi driver, with two other men restraining her, carried out the assault in the early hours of Sunday June 10. A:", "doc_id": 2969, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are changing a pump on the faulty stock", "target": ["Il s'agit pour eux, entre autres, de changer une pompe sur la chaufferie défaillante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Their tasks include changing a pump on the faulty stokehold. A:", "doc_id": 2130, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Depuis dix jours, plusieurs grands journaux en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne ou en Italie, ont révélé que la NSA aurait intercepté massivement des données et communications émanant d'alliés des Etats-Unis et de leurs dirigeants, notamment la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For ten days now, a number of major newspapers in France, Germany, Spain and Italy have been revealing that the NSA had intercepted massive quantities of data and communications emanating from allies of the United States and their leaders, in particular the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A:", "doc_id": 842, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I assure you innocent people are not being abused", "target": ["Je vous assure que les personnes innocentes ne seront pas victimes d'abus dans le cadre de ce processus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I assure you innocent people are not being abused in this process. A:", "doc_id": 2946, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They asked me a lot of questions about the hostage-takers.", "target": ["Ils m'ont posé des questions sur les preneurs d'otages."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They asked me a lot of questions about the hostage-takers. A:", "doc_id": 2836, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "but", "target": ["Sur écran uniquement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of but, on the screen only. A:", "doc_id": 636, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All spouses of military officers have a right to an identity card from the Department of Defense and to the associated benefits", "target": ["Depuis que l'État fédéral a reconnu le mariage homosexuel, \"tous les conjoints de militaires ont droit à une carte d'identité du département de la Défense et aux prestations qui viennent avec\", a rappelé le ministre à New York dans une allocution devant l'Anti-Defamation League de lutte contre l'antisémitisme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the Federal government recognised same-sex marriage, \"all spouses of military officers have a right to an identity card from the Department of Defense and to the associated benefits,\" said the Secretary of Defense in New York, in a speech to the Anti-Defamation League for the fight against anti-Semitism. A:", "doc_id": 2868, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Berlusconi", "target": ["Le président du Conseil italien Enrico Letta juge que son gouvernement tiendra jusqu'en 2015 malgré les fortes tensions entre gauche et droite au sein de la coalition au pouvoir à l'approche du vote du Sénat pour déchoir Silvio Berlusconi de son mandat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The President of the Italian Council, Enrico Letta, believes his government will last until 2015, despite strong tension between the left and right wings within the ruling coalition in the run-up to the Senate's vote on stripping Silvio Berlusconi of his mandate. A:", "doc_id": 1355, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The potential was there that she could have been very seriously injured or worse.", "target": ["Elle aurait pu être gravement blessée ou pire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The potential was there that she could have been very seriously injured or worse. A:", "doc_id": 1486, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["D'après la Marine nationale, l'équipage n'avait pas été exposé à une éventuelle contamination radioactive."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the Navy, the crew was not exposed to any radioactive contamination. A:", "doc_id": 2137, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The President is determined to clarify and make clear for people", "target": ["Et le Président est résolu à tenter de clarifier et préciser clairement aux gens qu’il procédait maintenant à un réexamen approfondi de ces pratiques afin que personne ne se sente trompé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And the President is determined to try to clarify and make clear for people and is now doing a thorough review in order that nobody will have the sense of abuse. A:", "doc_id": 2945, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Scorsese-DiCaprio duo seems to have rediscovered the magic that brought them together in Shutter Island", "target": ["Le couple Scorsese-DiCaprio semble avoir retrouvé la magie qui les avait unis dans Shutter Island."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Scorsese-DiCaprio duo seems to have rediscovered the magic that brought them together in Shutter Island. A:", "doc_id": 1019, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cause of the fire is unknown", "target": ["La cause de l'incendie était inconnue, mais il n'y avait personne au restaurant lorsque les pompiers sont arrivés sur la scène."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cause of the fire is unknown, however there was nobody in the restaurant when the firefighters arrived on the scene. A:", "doc_id": 561, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "violence", "target": ["Dans son livre La Mort en cendres, Damien Le Guay, philosophe et vice-président du Comité national d'éthique du funéraire, insiste sur la \"violence\" que constitue la crémation, pour les survivants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In his book, La Mort en Cendres, Damien Le Guay, philosopher and vice-chairperson of the Comité National d'Ethique du Funéraire emphasises the \"violence\" that cremation represents for those left behind. A:", "doc_id": 860, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not received any objection from the American authorities to their plans to merge", "target": ["Publicis et Omnicom ont dit vendredi n'avoir reçu aucune objection de la part des autorités américaines à leur fusion, se rapprochant ainsi de la création de la première agence de publicité mondiale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Publicis and Omnicom said on Friday that they had not received any objection from the American authorities to their plans to merge, thus bringing closer the creation of the world's biggest advertising agency. A:", "doc_id": 675, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I can't remember what was discussed but it definitely wasn't that.", "target": ["Je ne me rappelle pas de quoi nous avons discuté mais en tout cas, ce n'était pas de ça."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I can't remember what was discussed but it definitely wasn't that. A:", "doc_id": 1741, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire was brought under control an hour after the firemen who arrived in their numbers to intervene.", "target": ["Le feu a été maîtrisé une heure après l'arrivée des pompiers, qui ont été nombreux à intervenir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fire was brought under control an hour after the firemen who arrived in their numbers to intervene. A:", "doc_id": 902, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Marine Le Pen's right-wing, anti-EU National Front has just won a crucial by-election, knocking the ruling Socialists into third place", "target": ["Résultat : le parti d'extrême droite de Marine Le Pen, le Front National anti-européen, vient de remporter une élection partielle cruciale, renvoyant les socialistes au pouvoir à la troisième place."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Result: Marine Le Pen's right-wing, anti-EU National Front has just won a crucial by-election, knocking the ruling Socialists into third place. A:", "doc_id": 1544, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Twenty or so rescuers", "target": ["Une vingtaine de secouristes, dix civils membres du Spéléo secours français, ainsi que des gendarmes, CRS et pompiers étaient sur place."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Twenty or so rescuers, ten civilian members of the French cave-rescue organization, as well as the police, mountain rescue services and firefighters were on hand. A:", "doc_id": 330, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Les frais de bagages à main de Frontier ne seront pas appliqués avant l'été, bien qu'aucune date n'ait été fixée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier's new carry-on fee won't start until summer, though a date hasn't been set. A:", "doc_id": 194, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I said my goodbyes fairly quickly.", "target": ["J'ai malgré tout réalisé mon deuil assez rapidement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In spite of everything, I said my goodbyes fairly quickly. A:", "doc_id": 410, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fructidor D2", "target": ["En début de semaine, une famille a quitté son appartement en rez-de-chaussée de l'immeuble Fructidor D2, en raison de la présence de rats ."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the start of this week, a family abandoned its ground floor apartment in building Fructidor D2 because of the presence of rats. A:", "doc_id": 881, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Is he the heir to Fontenelle's chair at the Académie Française? Yes", "target": ["Héritier du fauteuil qu'occupa Fontenelle à l'Académie française?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is he the heir to Fontenelle's chair at the Académie Française? A:", "doc_id": 2740, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The official did not specify what the target was, but said there was at least one.", "target": ["Le responsable n'a pas précisé quelle était la cible, mais a dit qu'il y en avait au moins une."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The official did not specify what the target was, but said there was at least one. A:", "doc_id": 1745, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "EasyMoney", "target": ["En Thaïlande, le plus grand opérateur de boutiques de prêt sur gage, EasyMoney, a enregistré une hausse de 20 % du nombre de clients utilisant ses boutiques au cours des derniers mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Thailand the largest pawnshop operator, EasyMoney, has seen an up to 20 per cent rise in the number of customers using its outlets in recent months. A:", "doc_id": 1823, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Dans une déclaration jeudi, un représentant de Jagger, 70 ans, a déclaré qu'il « nie catégoriquement avoir fait des avances à Katy Perry »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a statement Thursday, a representative for Jagger, 70, says he \"categorically denies that he has ever made a pass at Katy Perry.\" A:", "doc_id": 1502, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "confidential", "target": ["\"Les recherches effectuées par les journalistes sont aussi confidentielles que les coordonnées de leurs sources et la nature de leurs communications avec elles\", a ajouté Michael Konken, président du syndicat qui revendique 38.000 adhérents."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The research carried out by journalists is just as confidential as the details of their sources and the nature of their communication with them,\" added Michael Konken, president of the union, which has 38,000 members. A:", "doc_id": 340, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we're tired of feeling like 'hall monitors'", "target": ["Nous sommes franchement fatigués de nous sentir comme des « surveillants de salle » lorsqu'il s'agit de cette question."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We're frankly tired of feeling like 'hall monitors' when it comes to this issue. A:", "doc_id": 1950, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The BfV", "target": ["Les médias allemands expliquent que le BfV espérait identifier la présence d'antennes d'écoute et que l'opération a suscité un échange entre les États-Unis et le ministère des Affaires étrangères allemand à Berlin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German media say the BfV hoped to identify the presence of listening antennas and the action prompted an exchange between the US and the German foreign ministry in Berlin. A:", "doc_id": 1175, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vote is not binding", "target": ["Le vote n'est pas contraignant mais vient ternir l'image de Larry Ellison, troisième fortune mondiale tout juste auréolée de la victoire de son bateau à la Coupe de l'America."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The vote is not binding, but it does tarnish the image of Ellison, the third richest man in the world, who is still revelling in his boat's victory in the Americas Cup. A:", "doc_id": 1698, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Girl", "target": ["On estime qu'un enfant sur 2 000 nés chaque année, n'est ni un garçon ni une fille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An estimated one in 2,000 children born each year is neither boy nor girl. A:", "doc_id": 1278, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The police are currently unable to give any information on the identity of the victims or any political affiliations they had.", "target": ["La police n'était pas en mesure pour l'instant de donner des informations sur l'identité des victimes et leur éventuelle appartenance politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The police are currently unable to give any information on the identity of the victims or any political affiliations they had. A:", "doc_id": 2595, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of the Vatican Poll on Contraception, Divorce and Homosexuality A", "target": ["Le Vatican sonde sur la contraception, le divorce et l'homosexualité"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Vatican Poll on Contraception, Divorce and Homosexuality A:", "doc_id": 1077, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was able to wear the costume I had planned for last year.", "target": ["Moi, j'ai pu enfin mettre le costume que j'avais prévu l'an dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I was able to wear the costume I had planned for last year.\" A:", "doc_id": 2011, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They can gradually try to resume their lives.", "target": ["Et tenter, peu à peu, de reprendre le cours de leur vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now they can gradually try to resume their lives. A:", "doc_id": 2792, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The girl who did not hesitate to pose naked on glossy paper will be exposing herself in much more nefarious situations on the big screen.", "target": ["Sans oublier un certain goût du risque: celle qui n'avait pas hésité à poser nue sur du papier glacé va s'afficher dans des situations bien plus sulfureuses sur grand écran."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And she likes taking risks - the girl who did not hesitate to pose naked on glossy paper will be exposing herself in much more nefarious situations on the big screen. A:", "doc_id": 621, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "driving forward", "target": ["Nous poussons le projet HS2 car les avantages qu'il présente sont énormes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We are driving forward HS2 because the benefits it will bring are huge. A:", "doc_id": 1771, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I would want her to be a good mother", "target": ["Les valeurs qu'elle m'a inculquées sont toujours présentes, si bien qu'il m'arrive de penser à comment elle voudrait que j'agisse à un moment donné."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The values she instilled in me are still there, so I often end up wondering what she would want me to do at a given moment. A:", "doc_id": 414, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Greece", "target": ["La crise de l'euro n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec les gouvernements nationaux qui enregistrent des déficits budgétaires excessifs – cela était uniquement vrai pour la Grèce."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The crisis of the euro has little to do with national governments running excessive budget deficits - that was true only of Greece. A:", "doc_id": 1533, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["M. Mazanga était faussement timide lorsqu'on lui a demandé si la Renamo réitèrerait cette menace."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Mazanga was coy when asked about whether Renamo would repeat this threat. A:", "doc_id": 806, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drug", "target": ["Les enquêtes ont révélé que Ditta était un « consommateur régulier » de cette drogue de classe A après que des tests ont montré des traces de cocaïne dans ses cheveux, sur son portefeuille et ses cartes de crédit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Inquiries revealed Ditta was a \"regular user\" of the Class A drug after tests found traces of cocaine in his hair, on his wallet and on his credit cards. A:", "doc_id": 474, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "General", "target": ["Le secrétaire à la Défense a dit avoir ordonné au chef de la Garde nationale, le général Frank Grass, de s'assurer de la mise en oeuvre de la loi fédérale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Secretary of Defense said he had ordered the Chief of the National Guard, General Frank Grass, to ensure that federal law was implemented. A:", "doc_id": 2871, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "La Nouvelle Star", "target": ["Ils sont nombreux à avoir tenté la Nouvelle Star, et parfois même à être allés jusqu'au bout."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Many people have tried \"La Nouvelle Star\", and some have even gotten through. A:", "doc_id": 954, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "authentication", "target": ["Les utilisations de la biométrie se répartissent en deux groupes: l'identification (reconnaître une personne parmi d'autres) et l'authentification (s'assurer que la personne est celle qu'elle prétend être)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The uses of biometrics fall into two groups: identification (recognition of one person amongst others) and authentication (confirmation that a person is who they say they are). A:", "doc_id": 2201, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "prepared", "target": ["M. Hawkins a souligné qu'un soldat pouvait être préparé à partir, avec des plans et des séances de consultation, mais que cela était totalement différent que le fait de vouloir quitter les rangs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr. Hawkins stressed that a soldier could be prepared for his departure, with planning and consultation sessions, but that this was totally different than wanting to leave the army. A:", "doc_id": 104, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Passengers will be told to switch their smartphones, tablets and other devices to airplane mode.", "target": ["Les passagers devront mettre leurs smartphones, tablettes et autres appareils en mode avion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers will be told to switch their smartphones, tablets and other devices to airplane mode. A:", "doc_id": 1952, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Town Hall", "target": ["Le rendez-vous a lieu à l'Hôtel de Ville, dans le centre de Manhattan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The meeting takes place at Town Hall, in the center of Manhattan. A:", "doc_id": 921, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "nearly", "target": ["Au total, ce serait près de 22.000 femmes qui seraient privées d'un accès à ces établissements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In all, nearly 22,000 women will be deprived of access to such establishments. A:", "doc_id": 940, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There has been a torrent of constitutions, so many mistakes to correct and tests to repeat", "target": ["Là une constance institutionnelle, et ici une cascade de constitutions, comme autant d'erreurs à rattraper et d'essais à reprendre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There, there has been institutional consistency; here there has been a torrent of constitutions, so many mistakes to correct and tests to repeat: A:", "doc_id": 2771, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They look for good teamwork between the pony and the handler", "target": ["Ils recherchent un travail d'équipe efficace entre le poney et le dresseur – Fenton et Toffee ont été les meilleurs sur la piste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They look for good teamwork between the pony and the handler - Fenton and Toffee were the best in the ring. A:", "doc_id": 2104, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Crown Plaza", "target": ["D'autres hôtels de Montréal seront aussi convertis dans les prochains mois, comme le Crown Plaza qui deviendra une résidence pour personnes âgées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other hotels in Montreal will also be converted in the coming months, such as the Crown Plaza, which will become a home for the elderly. A:", "doc_id": 246, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Supporters of changes to the NYPD's stop-and-frisk program", "target": ["Les partisans prônant des changements dans le programme de contrôle et de fouille du NYPD disent qu'ils mettront fin aux pratiques injustes, permettront d’avoir des forces de police plus efficaces et auxquelles on fait confiance, et pourront changer la façon dont les départements de police usent de la politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Supporters of changes to the NYPD's stop-and-frisk program say the changes will end unfair practices, will mold a more trusted and effective police force and can affect how other police departments use the policy. A:", "doc_id": 971, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "wag left", "target": ["Et dans une autre étude scientifique réalisée par l'université de Victoria au Canada, il a déclaré : « Les chiens allaient plus facilement vers un chien robot lorsque sa queue remuait vers la gauche plutôt que vers la droite, au lieu de devenir anxieux – l'inverse de ce qui figure dans l'étude italienne. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And in another research paper from the University of Victoria in Canada, he said: \"Dogs were more likely to approach a robot dog when its 'tail' was made to wag left rather than right, rather than becoming anxious - the opposite way around to the Italian study.\" A:", "doc_id": 2258, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Traffic Light", "target": ["Feux repeints: un député demande la démission de Brigitte Grouwels"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Repainted Traffic Lights: MP Asks Brigitte Grouwels to Resign A:", "doc_id": 341, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["L'annonce a été faite alors que les combats faisaient rage jeudi dans la ville de Safira qui, selon les experts, abrite une unité de production d'armes chimiques ainsi que des sites de stockage, a rapporté l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme basé en Grande-Bretagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The announcement came as fighting raged Thursday in the town of Safira, which experts say is home to a chemical weapons production facility as well as storage sites, reported the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. A:", "doc_id": 1886, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United States", "target": ["Hagel reproche à 9 États américains de violer les droits homosexuels"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hagel Accuses 9 US States of Violating Homosexual Rights A:", "doc_id": 2867, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "challenge", "target": ["Vivre ensemble en français, le défi de la commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Living together in French is the challenge facing the Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (Marguerite Bourgeoys School Board). A:", "doc_id": 2987, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["\"Le Hamas assure que Gaza sera un enfer pour l'occupant\", a menacé le porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hamas guarantees that Gaza will be hell for the occupier,\" the spokesperson threatened. A:", "doc_id": 2479, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "comfort", "target": ["Finalement, c'était confortable et rassurant d'être comprise, encouragée, conseillée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the end, it felt comfortable and reassuring to be understood, encouraged, advised. A:", "doc_id": 395, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the transportation division", "target": ["Les marges de la division Transport ont souffert des problèmes d'exécution concernant quelques gros contrats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The transportation division's margins were affected by execution issues in a few large contracts. A:", "doc_id": 320, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Airbus ajoute qu'elle a commandé une étude qui indique qu'un pouce supplémentaire au niveau de la largeur des sièges améliorerait la qualité du sommeil de 53 %."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus says it has commissioned research suggesting an extra inch in seat width improves sleep quality by 53 per cent. A:", "doc_id": 1675, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The species", "target": ["Ici, nous avons essayé de voir ce qu'il en était chez d'autres espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Here we attempted to look at it in other species. A:", "doc_id": 2244, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Toffee", "target": ["Fenton a eu Toffee en cadeau pour son 3e anniversaire en mars dernier et s'est entraîné depuis avec son poney Shetland tous les jours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fenton was given Toffee as a third birthday present last March and has practised with the Shetland pony every day since. A:", "doc_id": 2091, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "CAD", "target": ["En décembre dernier, la société montréalaise a également acheté Peer 1 Network Entreprises, un fournisseur Internet établi à Vancouver, pour la somme de 526 millions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Montreal company also bought Peer 1 Network Enterprises, an Internet services provider based in Vancouver, for CAD 526 million last December. A:", "doc_id": 159, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Toutefois, le comité a recommandé que la FAA autorise les pilotes à demander aux passagers d'éteindre leurs appareils pendant les atterrissages aux instruments dans des conditions de faible visibilité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, the committee recommended the FAA allow pilots to order passengers to shut off devices during instrument landings in low visibility. A:", "doc_id": 1978, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the state would have to maintain current funding levels in order to receive Commonwealth cash and report monthly on where it was spending the extra funds.", "target": ["L'État devra maintenir les niveaux de financement actuels afin de recevoir de l'argent du Commonwealth et préparer des rapports mensuels sur les secteurs où il dépense les fonds supplémentaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The state would have to maintain current funding levels in order to receive Commonwealth cash and report monthly on where it was spending the extra funds. A:", "doc_id": 1862, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the government shutdown", "target": ["Dans une note aux clients de la banque, il estime que ce léger coup de frein s'explique en premier lieu par \"le 'shutdown' gouvernemental et son impact sur le sentiment du consommateur au cours de la première quinzaine du mois\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a note to the bank's clients, he states that this slight slow-down can principally be explained by \"the government shutdown and its impact on consumers' feelings in the first half of the month.\" A:", "doc_id": 2580, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the furthest", "target": ["Toutefois, Frontier est allée plus loin dans ce domaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier has gone the furthest in this area, though. A:", "doc_id": 213, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That person will receive $250,000 to continue their extraordinary work.", "target": ["Cette personne recevra 250 000 $ pour poursuivre son travail extraordinaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That person will receive $250,000 to continue their extraordinary work. A:", "doc_id": 2673, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "portrait of the historian", "target": ["Avec, en prime, le portrait de l'historien, qui devrait réserver quelques surprises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And, on top of that, there is the portrait of the historian, which should hold some surprises. A:", "doc_id": 2778, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Around 70 people were evacuated from the viewing", "target": ["70 personnes environ sont sorties de la séance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Around 70 people were evacuated from the viewing. A:", "doc_id": 629, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "genus", "target": ["Il n'est d'ailleurs pas impossible que ces progrès en génétique et en biologie moléculaire remettent en cause la classification ou l'appartenance d'une espèce à un genre, une famille, voire même un ordre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moreover, there is a possibility that these advances in genetics and molecular biology may call into question the classification or belonging of a species to a particular genus, family or even order. A:", "doc_id": 2389, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Pour nous [le nombre d'effectifs] est toujours précaire, car on a un milieu qui est jeune et on emploie beaucoup de jeunes femmes, donc avec les grossesses, on roule presque toujours à trois congés de maternité quand ça va bien, a-t-elle ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For us [the number of staff] is always precarious as this is a young environment where a lot of young women are being employed. So in terms of pregnancies, you can always count on three people being on maternity leave when things are going well,\" she added. A:", "doc_id": 615, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more stable", "target": ["Après cette période ardue, l'année 2013-2014 s'annonce nettement plus facile pour le département de pharmacie du CSSS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After this difficult period, 2013-2014 looks like a definitely easier one for the pharmacy department at the CSSS. A:", "doc_id": 606, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am eager to earn your confidence back.", "target": ["J'ai hâte de regagner votre confiance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I am eager to earn your confidence back. A:", "doc_id": 2911, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The immense pain that engulfed me has eased", "target": ["La peine immense qui m'a alors envahie s'est bien sûr atténuée mais il est toujours près de moi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The immense pain that engulfed me has eased of course, but he is still close to me. A:", "doc_id": 447, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "seriously injured", "target": ["En vertu des règles actuelles, les soldats grièvement blessés ont jusqu'à trois ans pour se rétablir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Under the current rules, seriously injured soldiers have up to three years to recover. A:", "doc_id": 108, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I will remain the patchwork created by doctors, scarred and bruised.", "target": ["Je resterai le patchwork qu'ont créé les médecins, contusionné et balafré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I will remain the patchwork created by doctors, bruised and scarred. A:", "doc_id": 1277, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not everyone is pleased with", "target": ["Le projet de la ministre Brigitte Grouwels de \"relifting\" des poteaux des feux de signalisation à Bruxelles ne plaît pas à tout le monde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Not everyone is pleased with Minister Brigitte Grouwels' plan to give traffic light posts in Brussels a \"face-lift\". A:", "doc_id": 342, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Larry David", "target": ["L'un des principaux facteurs d'attraction du festival cette année sera un entretien : David Steinberg discutant avec Larry David."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One of the festival's biggest draws will be an interview: David Steinberg talking to Larry David. A:", "doc_id": 918, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Epidemiological inquiry", "target": ["\"Une enquête épidémiologique a été engagée afin d'identifier et prendre en charge les personnes qui auraient pu entrer en contact avec ce chaton entre le 8 octobre et le 28 octobre inclus,\" précise les ministères de la santé et de l'agriculture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"An epidemiological inquiry was initiated to identify and treat any individuals who may have come into contact with the kitten between 08 to 28 October inclusive,\" say the Ministries of Health and Agriculture. A:", "doc_id": 2891, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The evening you were set free, you appeared on the mid-evening news on Antenne 2.", "target": ["Dès le soir de votre libération, vous étiez sur le plateau du 20h d'\"Antenne 2\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the evening you were set free, you appeared on the mid-evening news on Antenne 2. A:", "doc_id": 2794, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The vehicle", "target": ["Le véhicule, un SUV, a foncé sur la foule qui se trouvait sur la célèbre place de la capitale chinoise, symbole de la répression meurtrière menée en 1989, et a pris feu tuant ses trois passagers et deux passants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The vehicle, an SUV, raced towards the crowd in the famous square in the Chinese capital, the symbol of the bloody 1989 suppression, before catching fire, killing its three occupants and two passers-by. A:", "doc_id": 1067, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We always feel her protecting us, nothing bad will happen to us.", "target": ["On sent en permanence sa protection, rien de grave ne peut nous arriver."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We always feel her protecting us, nothing bad will happen to us. A:", "doc_id": 428, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This is an evening that showscases Chouinard's entire spectrum, from art to mannerisms and from the blackness of ink to whiteness.", "target": ["Une soirée qui permet de voir tout le prisme de Chouinard, de l'art aux tics et du noir d'encre au blanc."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is an evening that showcases Chouinard's entire spectrum, from art to mannerisms and from the blackness of ink to whiteness. A:", "doc_id": 2494, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "data", "target": ["Jeudi, des données ont montré une faiblesse continue des exportations et un ralentissement de la demande des consommateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Thursday, data showed continued export weakness, and a softening in consumer demand. A:", "doc_id": 1818, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I felt that he had come to visit me in my dream", "target": ["Le lendemain, j'avais le sentiment qu'il m'avait rendu visite dans mon sommeil pour me signifier qu'il partageait avec joie ce qui m'arrivait."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The following day, I had the feeling that he had come to visit me in my dream to tell me that he was sharing the joy I was feeling. A:", "doc_id": 404, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we have been living in terror", "target": ["\"Nous avons vécu dans la terreur (du M23), nous sommes traumatisés\", a ajouté cet homme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We have been living in terror [of the M23], we are traumatised,\" the man added. A:", "doc_id": 702, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$18.4", "target": ["La taxe fédérale elle-même, qui est de 18,4 cents par gallon, n'a pas augmenté depuis 20 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The federal tax itself, 18.4 cents per gallon, hasn't gone up in 20 years. A:", "doc_id": 20, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There will be a lot of tears this year", "target": ["« Il y aura beaucoup de pleurs cette année », a dit Mme Corteen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There will be a lot of tears this year,\" Ms Corteen said. A:", "doc_id": 1933, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "20", "target": ["Un enfant sur 20 aux États-Unis souffre aujourd'hui d'une allergie alimentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One in 20 children in the United States now have food allergies. A:", "doc_id": 1241, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "100% apolitical", "target": ["Abdel-Malik Djermoune, 50 ans, attaché territorial, se revendique aujourd'hui comme \"100% apolitique\" même s'il n'a pas toujours été neutre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Abdel-Malik Djermoune, a 50-year-old regional attaché, today claims to be \"100% apolitical\", although he has not always been neutral. A:", "doc_id": 2928, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I dreamt that I woke up and hauled myself out of bed, and my father was waiting for me on the landing", "target": ["La veille de mon échographie où je devais savoir le sexe de mon bébé, j'ai rêvé que je me réveillais, je me hissais hors du lit, mon père m'attendait sur la palier et il me souriait et se réjouissait que j'attende un petit garçon."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the day before my ultrasound, when I was going to find out the gender of my baby, I dreamt that I woke up and hauled myself out of bed, and my father was waiting for me on the landing. He was smiling at me and was happy that I was expecting a little boy. A:", "doc_id": 403, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Hague", "target": ["Un tribunal à La Haye est fait pour ça."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The court in The Hague has been set up for that purpose. A:", "doc_id": 2850, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "all", "target": ["A compter du 4 novembre, les pompiers– qui assuraient environ un quart des 40 000 passages annuels aux urgences de l'Hôtel-Dieu –auront tous reçu pour consigne d'emmener la trentaine de cas graves par jour vers les urgences d'autres hôpitaux parisiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From November 4, the units of the fire brigade, which accounted for a quarter of the 40,000 cases brought to the emergency unit of the Hôtel-Dieu each year, will all have received instructions to take their about thirty serious cases per day to the emergency units of other hospitals in Paris. A:", "doc_id": 729, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are touching", "target": ["Leurs maladresses en musique, touchantes, donnent une vraie fragilité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Their touching musical awkwardness shows real fragility. A:", "doc_id": 2520, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The hotel had three hundred and fifty employees.", "target": ["Trois cent cinquante personnes travaillaient à l'hôtel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The hotel had three hundred and fifty employees. A:", "doc_id": 237, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No joke", "target": ["Mauvaise plaisanterie sur fond de jet lacrymogène ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Was it a bad joke involving tear gas? A:", "doc_id": 631, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "obsessively", "target": ["L'homme des curiosités multiples tournait, légèrement obsessionnel, autour d'une même idée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The man of many curiosities is - slightly obsessively - focused on a single idea. A:", "doc_id": 2780, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The gunman", "target": ["Il s'agirait d'un employé travaillant pour l'Administration pour la sécurité des transports des États-Unis (TSA) et de l'auteur des coups de feu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One was an employee working for the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the other was the gunman. A:", "doc_id": 523, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After ten years of silence", "target": ["Après dix ans de silence (le dernier disque, Reality, date de 2003) et de trop rares apparitions en public, le musicien anglais prouvait qu'on pouvait encore compter sur lui pour faire scintiller la scène pop."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After ten years of silence (his last record, Reality, was released in 2003) and very few public appearances, the British musician proved that he could still light up the pop scene. A:", "doc_id": 74, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The plane was full", "target": ["L'avion était plein, a-t-il ajouté, « les passagers sont montés à bord à la vitesse de l'éclair »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The plane was full, he said, \"and it boarded lickety-split.\" A:", "doc_id": 205, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pitcairn", "target": ["Quelques dizaines d'habitants, en majorité des descendants des mutinés du Bounty, habitent encore Pitcairn, et leurs revenus dépendent à 95% de la générosité de Londres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several dozen inhabitants, the majority of them descendants of the Bounty mutineers, still live on Pitcairn, with 95% of their income depending on the generosity of London. A:", "doc_id": 2032, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The water rail was put on a helicopter to Aberdeen last month before being nursed back to health by the Scottish SPCA at its rescue centre in Alloa.", "target": ["On a fait monter le râle d'eau à bord d'un hélicoptère en direction d'Aberdeen le mois dernier avant qu'il soit remis sur pieds par la SPCA écossaise dans son centre de sauvetage d'Alloa."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The water rail was put on a helicopter to Aberdeen last month before being nursed back to health by the Scottish SPCA at its rescue centre in Alloa. A:", "doc_id": 1983, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He will probably have another special helmet for the race on Sunday designed to mark his fourth consecutive world title.", "target": ["Il est probable qu'il aura un autre casque spécial dimanche, pour la course, destiné à marquer son 4e titre mondial consécutif."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He will probably have another special helmet for the race on Sunday designed to mark his fourth consecutive world title. A:", "doc_id": 2920, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Goma", "target": ["A leur apogée en novembre, les insurgés ont occupé Goma, chef-lieu de la province du Nord-Kivu, profitant de la fuite de la garnison gouvernementale et de la passivité des casques bleus de la Monusco."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At their peak in November, the insurgents occupied Goma, the capital of the province of North Kivu, taking advantage of the retreat of the government garrison and the inaction of the Monusco blue berets. A:", "doc_id": 690, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's the first time in 20 years that the blonde beauty has had short hair, and we're loving the demure change.", "target": ["C'est la première fois en 20 ans que la jolie blonde se fait couper les cheveux, et on est fan du changement discret."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's the first time in 20 years that the blonde beauty has had short hair, and we're loving the demure change. A:", "doc_id": 2663, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Iran", "target": ["Ils ont aussi exigé de Barack Obama qu'il fasse comprendre à Nouri Al Maliki que \"l'influence pernicieuse de l'Iran au sein du gouvernement irakien constitue un problème sérieux dans notre relation bilatérale\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They have also demanded that Barack Obama make Nouri Al Maliki understand that \"the pernicious influence of Iran within the Iraqi government constitutes a serious problem in the relationship between our two countries\". A:", "doc_id": 1064, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not planned until 2014", "target": ["Son lancement mondial sur les chaînes du groupe Disney n'est prévu qu'en 2014, détaille le communiqué de sa division Disney Junior."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The global launch on the Disney group channels is not planned until 2014, according to the press release from its Disney Junior division. A:", "doc_id": 115, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "risk", "target": ["A l'ARS, on fait valoir que trente patients \"dispatchés\" sur plusieurs sites ne risquent pas de représenter une \"avalanche\" dans les autres services d'urgences, dont les moyens humains auront par ailleurs été renforcés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ARS stresses that thirty patients \"despatched\" to several locations does not run the risk of becoming an \"avalanche\" for the other emergency services, where human resources would have been reinforced anyway. A:", "doc_id": 745, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "British", "target": ["Il est britannique depuis son occupation en 1790 par les mutinés du Bounty, épisode de l'histoire de la marine anglaise qui donna lieu à trois adaptations hollywoodiennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It has been British since its occupation by the Bounty mutineers, an episode in British maritime history that has been turned into three Hollywood films. A:", "doc_id": 2031, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Stacy Martin", "target": ["Un extrait de Nymphomaniac a fait monter la température sur la Toile: Stacy Martin y apparaît au lit et en pleine extase avec Shia LaBeouf."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An excerpt from Nymphomaniac caused a lot of excitement on the Internet: it shows Stacy Martin in the middle of a climax in bed with Shia LaBeouf. A:", "doc_id": 622, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She was eating biscuits afterwards.", "target": ["Elle a mangé des biscuits après."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She was eating biscuits afterwards. A:", "doc_id": 1482, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US warns its own companies about economic espionage by other countries.", "target": ["Les États-Unis alertent leurs propres sociétés sur les activités d'espionnage économiques réalisées par d'autres pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The US warns its own companies about economic espionage by other countries. A:", "doc_id": 1211, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The new vaccine contains a harmless virus that has been engineered to carry the genetic information to make anti-nicotine antibodies.", "target": ["Le nouveau vaccin contient un virus inoffensif qui a été modifié pour transporter les informations génétiques nécessaires pour concevoir des anticorps anti-nicotine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The new vaccine contains a harmless virus that has been engineered to carry the genetic information to make anti-nicotine antibodies. A:", "doc_id": 1709, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "lot of activists are concerned that what the German rule will do is encourage parents to make quick decisions and give the child an 'undetermined,'", "target": ["« De nombreux activistes s'inquiètent que la loi allemande encourage les parents à prendre des décisions rapides et donnent à leur enfant un sexe \"indéterminé\" », a-t-elle déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"A lot of activists are concerned that what the German rule will do is encourage parents to make quick decisions and give the child an 'undetermined,'\" she said. A:", "doc_id": 1331, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Les brevets contiennent des technologies qui permettent d’afficher une publicité en rapport avec des termes de recherche sur Internet, ont indiqué les conclusions du procès, ce qui est le cœur de métier de Google."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The patents cover technology that helps match Internet search terms with relevant advertising, the lawsuit said, which is the core of Google's search business. A:", "doc_id": 2535, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision to close the emergency service resides with the regional health agency (ARS).", "target": ["Mais c'est à l'ARS qu'il appartient de décider la fermeture du service d'accueil des urgences."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the decision to close the emergency service resides with the regional health agency (ARS). A:", "doc_id": 737, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Finally, the public can be reassured by highlighting the measures implemented to protect databases.", "target": ["Et, enfin, rassurer en mettant en avant les précautions prises pour protéger les bases de données."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Finally, the public can be reassured by highlighting the measures implemented to protect databases. A:", "doc_id": 2221, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "rise above national interests", "target": ["Le secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon a dit à la veille du sommet qu'il était maintenant temps de « dépasser les intérêts nationaux »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the summit overnight that now is the time to \"rise above national interests.\" A:", "doc_id": 771, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["« Cette loi est draconienne et très punitive, et nous la refusons », a expliqué Cyrus Kamau, directeur général de Capital Group – propriétaire de CapitalFM, l'une des stations de radio et sites Internet d'actualité indépendants les plus respectés au Kenya."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This law is draconian and very punitive and we reject it,\" said Cyrus Kamau, managing director for Capital Group - home to CapitalFM, one of Kenya's most respected independent radio stations and news websites. A:", "doc_id": 580, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some things annoy me, others less so.", "target": ["Certaines choses m'énervent, d'autres moins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some things annoy me, others less so. A:", "doc_id": 2842, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You have a wonderful baby and enjoy the fun.", "target": ["Vous avez un bébé magnifique et profitez du plaisir d'être parent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You have a wonderful baby and enjoy the fun. A:", "doc_id": 1349, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The document was authentic", "target": ["Une porte-parole de la Conférence des évêques catholiques des États-Unis a confirmé que le document était authentique et que chaque évêque déciderait de la façon appropriée de sonder les paroissiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A spokesperson for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops confirmed that the document was authentic and that each bishop would decide on the appropriate way in which to approach parishioners. A:", "doc_id": 1083, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the same fate as three other members of the Jemaah Islamiah terror cell responsible for the carnage", "target": ["M. Hugues a déclaré que Patek aurait dû connaître le même sort que les trois autres membres de la cellule terroriste de Jemaah Islamiyah responsable du carnage – Amrozi, Mukhlas et Imam Samudra – qui ont été exécutés il y a 4 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Hughes said Patek should have shared the same fate as three other members of the Jemaah Islamiah terror cell responsible for the carnage - Amrozi, Mukhlas and Imam Samudra - who were executed four years ago. A:", "doc_id": 1923, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Louis Vuitton", "target": ["Rien d'étonnant à ce qu'il ait donc un masque à la main dans la photographie de la campagne L'Invitation au Voyage, de la marque Louis Vuitton, dont il incarne le nouveau visage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is therefore not surprising that he should be holding a mask in the promotional photography for L'Invitation au Voyage, by Louis Vuitton, of which he is the new face. A:", "doc_id": 95, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The following are not successful singers season after season:", "target": ["Derrière les écrans de télévision, les vocations de chanteur à succès sont toujours là, saison après saison."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Behind the television screens, there are always those cut out to be successful singers, season after season. A:", "doc_id": 955, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Flowers were laid on two of the three military burial plots in the cemetery by Mayor Jean-Claude Guibal and various other personalities.", "target": ["Des gerbes ont été déposées dans deux des trois carrés militaires du cimetière par le député-maire Jean-Claude Guibal et diverses personnalités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Flowers were laid on two of the three military burial plots in the cemetery by Mayor Jean-Claude Guibal and various other personalities. A:", "doc_id": 2465, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She hopes to become a parent through adoption or gestational surrogacy", "target": ["Bien qu'elle soit stérile, elle espère avoir des enfants par l'entremise de services d'adoption ou de mères porteuses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Though she is infertile, she hopes to become a parent through adoption or gestational surrogacy. A:", "doc_id": 1345, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The hearing adjourned until December 20.", "target": ["L'audience a été ajournée jusqu'au 20 décembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The hearing adjourned until December 20. A:", "doc_id": 2079, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Comedy Central", "target": ["Plusieurs des comédiens participant au festival de cette année sont passés par des circuits non traditionnels, en présentant par exemple des spectacles sur de petites chaînes de télévision, comme Comedy Central, FX et Spike."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several of the comedians participating in this year's festival came up through nontraditional channels, such as shows on smaller networks, like Comedy Central, FX, and Spike. A:", "doc_id": 914, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Terrorist", "target": ["Bernard Squarcini, ancien directeur du renseignement intérieur français, la DCRI, a déclaré dans un entretien ce mois-ci : « Les services savent parfaitement bien que tous les pays, même s'ils coopèrent dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, espionnent leurs alliés. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bernard Squarcini, former head of the French internal intelligence agency DCRI, was quoted in an interview this month as saying: \"The services know perfectly well that all countries, even as they co-operate in the antiterrorist fight, spy on their allies.\" A:", "doc_id": 1214, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["La presse rapporte que la NSA a capté des millions de communications en Europe, ce qui a mis à mal les relations avec certains alliés des États-Unis, cependant le directeur de l'agence a déclaré cette semaine que c'était inexact et qu'il s'agissait d'un malentendu car cela concernait des métadonnées que les alliés de l'OTAN avaient collectées et partagées avec les États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of News reports that the NSA swept up millions of phone records in Europe have frayed relations with some U.S. allies, though the agency's chief said this week that they were inaccurate and reflected a misunderstanding of metadata that Nato allies collected and shared with the United States. A:", "doc_id": 2956, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The mayor went to London to ask Great Britain to endorse this request.", "target": ["Un adjoint au maire de l'île est allé à Londres demander à la Grande-Bretagne de valider cette demande."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An assistant to the mayor went to London to ask Great Britain to endorse this request. A:", "doc_id": 2034, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "extra", "target": ["Une taxe unique ou annuelle supplémentaire pourrait être imposée sur les conducteurs de véhicules hybrides et sur d'autres dont les véhicules ne consomment pas beaucoup d'essence, de sorte que chacun paie sa juste part."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An extra one-time or annual levy could be imposed on drivers of hybrids and others whose vehicles don't use much gas, so they pay their fair share. A:", "doc_id": 65, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The audience liked it", "target": ["Le public a aimé, l'accueil fut chaleureux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The audience liked it, the reception was warm. A:", "doc_id": 2516, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some transportation planners, though, wonder if all the talk about paying by the mile is just a giant distraction.", "target": ["Toutefois, certains planificateurs des transports se demandent si tout le débat sur le paiement au mile n’est pas simplement une énorme diversion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some transportation planners, though, wonder if all the talk about paying by the mile is just a giant distraction. A:", "doc_id": 63, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "second-hand goods dealer", "target": ["Mais on comprend vite que les objets disparates rassemblés dans ce livre au si beau titre ramènent le brocanteur à une seule et même passion: celle de découvrir le noeud constitutif de l'identité française."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevertheless, one quickly understands that the disparate objects gathered together in this beautifully titled book lead the \"second-hand goods dealer\" to a constant passion, that of discovering the core that makes up the French identity. A:", "doc_id": 2748, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Former", "target": ["L'ancien ministre travailliste de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud Joe Tripodi fera l'objet d'une enquête du régulateur anti-corruption de l'État."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former NSW Labor minister Joe Tripodi will be investigated by the state's corruption watchdog. A:", "doc_id": 1729, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anti-EU, anti-common currency bloc", "target": ["Elle veut se servir des élections européennes de l'année prochaine pour créer un bloc anti-monnaie unique et anti-européen au sein du Parlement européen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She wants to use next year's EU elections to create an anti-EU, anti-common currency bloc across the European Parliament. A:", "doc_id": 1547, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Can we do without collaboration with the Americans?", "target": ["Peut-on se priver de la collaboration américaine ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Can we do without collaboration with the Americans? A:", "doc_id": 1258, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hague", "target": ["Le chef de la diplomatie britannique, William Hague, a invité le président rwandais Paul Kagame à faire preuve de retenue, a annoncé un porte-parole du Foreign Office."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, called on the Rwandan President Paul Kagame to show restraint, a Foreign Office spokesman announced. A:", "doc_id": 698, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "bad news", "target": ["Cette annonce constitue une mauvaise nouvelle pour le pouvoir ukrainien dans une période de vives tensions avec son voisin russe, furieux de la volonté de Kiev de signer un accord d'association avec l'UE fin novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The announcement comes as bad news for the Ukrainian government in a period of serious tension with its Russian neighbour, which is furious with Kiev's willingness to sign an association agreement with the EU at the end of November. A:", "doc_id": 662, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The potential switch was a closely guarded secret within the Chicago campaign infrastructure and inside the Oval Office", "target": ["La possibilité d'un échange est un secret qui a été farouchement gardé au sein du QG de campagne de Chicago et à l'intérieur du Bureau ovale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The potential switch was a closely guarded secret within the Chicago campaign infrastructure and inside the Oval Office. A:", "doc_id": 1378, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Options", "target": ["Parmi les options, citons notamment des freins améliorés, un service donnant accès aux mécaniciens Bowler Works, au soutien logistique et à l'entreposage du véhicule entre deux évènements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Options include upgraded brakes, a service package providing access to Bowler Works mechanics, logistic support, and vehicle storage between events. A:", "doc_id": 1462, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was very kind.", "target": ["Elle a ajouté, « C'était il y a longtemps, et il a été très gentil. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She added, \"That was a long time ago, and he's been very kind.\" A:", "doc_id": 1501, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fortunately, a few got just that.", "target": ["Heureusement, quelques uns y ont trouvé leur compte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fortunately, a few got just that. A:", "doc_id": 953, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He is always at the hospital or trying to make money for the organization so he can go on these campaigns.", "target": ["Il est toujours à l'hôpital ou en train d'essayer de trouver de l'argent pour son association afin de pouvoir mener ces campagnes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He is always either at the hospital or trying to make money for the organization so he can go on these campaigns. A:", "doc_id": 2719, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a contractual dispute between Gazprom and its counterparts in Ukraine", "target": ["Un différend contractuel entre Gazprom et son homologue d’Ukraine, pays par lequel transite la plus grande partie du gaz russe destiné à l'Europe, accroît le niveau de risque par rapport aux voies conventionnelles, ajoute le directeur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A contractual dispute between Gazprom and its counterparts in Ukraine, which hosts most of Russia's gas for Europe, adds a layer of risk to conventional routes, officials say. A:", "doc_id": 2022, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I know that the values of equality that I advocate in my manifesto are associated with the Left, but if people on the Right are prepared to support me, I will listen to them too", "target": ["Je sais bien que les valeurs d'égalité que je prône dans mon programme sont rattachées à la gauche mais si les gens de droite sont prêts à me soutenir, je les écouterai aussi, poursuit-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I know that the values of equality that I advocate in my manifesto are associated with the Left, but if people on the Right are prepared to support me, I will listen to them too,\" he continues. A:", "doc_id": 2930, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Google est accusé d'avoir violé sept brevets."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Google is accused of infringing seven patents. A:", "doc_id": 2534, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Another time is when I quietly woke up in the middle of the night and went to look at his watch, which I always have with me, lying on the bedside table.", "target": ["Une autre fois, un doux réveil en pleine nuit pour regarder sa montre qui ne me quitte plus, posée sur la table de nuit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another time is when I quietly woke up in the middle of the night and went to look at his watch, which I always have with me, lying on the bedside table. A:", "doc_id": 370, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The PM has a conflict of interest over parental leave scheme A", "target": ["Clive Palmer prétend que le député Tony Abbott a un conflit d'intérêt à propos du système de congé parental."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Clive Palmer claims PM Tony Abbott has conflict of interest over parental leave scheme A:", "doc_id": 2365, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["Ditta a nié tout agissement illégal et a déclaré : « Si j'étais un avocat corrompu, ce que je ne suis pas, et si j'avais voulu fournir des informations à M. Scarborough, je n'aurais pas attendu 15 heures, je l'aurais fait immédiatement. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ditta denied wrongdoing and claimed: \"If I was a corrupt lawyer, which I am not, and I wanted to feed information to Mr Scarborough, I would not wait 15 hours, I would do it immediately.\" A:", "doc_id": 498, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Law of Abortion in Texas", "target": ["Remise en cause du droit à l'avortement au Texas"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Abortion Law in Texas Challenged A:", "doc_id": 934, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$300", "target": ["Mettre en gage des bijoux n'est pas seulement un moyen rapide d'obtenir de l'argent liquide – 1 300 $ de Singapour dans le cas de Mme Amirthalinga – mais c'est presque aussi bon marché que les prêts bancaires non garantis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pawning jewellery is not merely a fast way to land cash - S$1,300 in Ms Amirthalinga's case - but almost as cheap as unsecured bank loans. A:", "doc_id": 1809, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bird", "target": ["Un oiseau hélitreuillé d'une plate-forme en mer du Nord a été relâché dans la nature"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bird airlifted to safety from North Sea rig released back into wild A:", "doc_id": 1981, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["Le Secrétaire d'État a également admis qu'il avait, tout comme Barack Obama, gouverné sur « pilote automatique » lorsqu'une série de révélations incendiaires du dénonciateur Edward Snowden au sujet des activités d'espionnage de la NSA a vu le jour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Secretary of State also admitted that he'd been guilty, along with Barack Obama, of being on \"automatic pilot\" as incendiary revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden about the NSA's spying activities emerged. A:", "doc_id": 2940, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "elective office isn't a predictable course", "target": ["Évidemment, la fonction électorale n'est pas prévisible, car le parti politique d'opposition et les évènements qui se produisent par hasard, comme le massacre de Newton, influencent notre conversation publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obviously, elective office isn't a predictable course, as the opposing political party and random events, such as the Newtown massacre, will shape our public conversation. A:", "doc_id": 2348, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Driver", "target": ["Un conducteur roulant à 210 km/h avec une boisson chaude entre les jambes s'est vu infliger une amande de 1 000 £"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Driver speeding at 130mph with hot drink between legs fined £1,000 A:", "doc_id": 2226, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Oregon", "target": ["Dans l'Oregon, les planificateurs tentent l'expérience en offrant aux automobilistes différents choix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Oregon, planners are experimenting with giving drivers different choices. A:", "doc_id": 57, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Chinese police have identified the driver of the vehicle, whose name suggests he is of Uighur origin, and stated that his wife and mother were with him in the car.", "target": ["La police chinoise a identifié le chauffeur du véhicule dont le nom suggère qu'il est d'origine ouïghoure et a précisé que sa femme et sa mère se trouvaient avec lui dans la voiture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Chinese police have identified the driver of the vehicle, whose name suggests he is of Uighur origin, and stated that his wife and mother were with him in the car. A:", "doc_id": 1073, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["Une mobilisation dans toute l'Egypte pour réclamer le rétablissement du premier président démocratiquement élu du pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There have been demonstrations throughout Egypt to demand the reinstatement of the country's first democratically-elected president. A:", "doc_id": 2858, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He helped conduct a 2001 study of 6- to 9-year-old girls", "target": ["Il a participé à une étude menée sur des filles âgées de 6 à 9 ans qui lie le pourcentage de masse grasse au déclenchement de la puberté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He helped conduct a 2001 study of 6- to 9-year-old girls that links body fat to the timing of puberty. A:", "doc_id": 1593, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The death of a construction worker in Montreal on Thursday afternoon.", "target": ["Un travailleur de la construction est mort enseveli sous des dizaines de blocs de béton, jeudi avant-midi, à Montréal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A construction worker died after being buried under dozens of concrete blocks in Montreal on Thursday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 2306, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Americans spy on us on the commercial and industrial level", "target": ["Les Américains nous espionnent sur le plan commercial et industriel tout comme nous les espionnons, car il est dans l'intérêt national de défendre nos entreprises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Americans spy on us on the commercial and industrial level as we spy on them too, because it is in the national interest to defend our businesses. A:", "doc_id": 1202, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The pressure", "target": ["Bernard Vaussion se souvient aussi de la pression qui pesait sur ses épaules, en particulier lors des dîners d'Etat à l'Elysée: il faut servir \"entre 200 et 250 personnes en une heure environ\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bernard Vaussion also recalls the pressure that would rest on his shoulders, especially during state dinners at the Elysée, where one had to serve \"between 200 and 250 people in around an hour\". A:", "doc_id": 995, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "standard practice", "target": ["Ulrich Hackenberg, membre du conseil d'administration du constructeur automobile Audi, déclare que la collecte des téléphones portables avant les réunions du conseil, afin qu'ils ne puissent pas être utilisés comme appareils d'écoute à distance, est une pratique courante depuis des années."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ulrich Hackenberg, board member at carmaker Audi, says it has been standard practice for years for mobile phones to be collected before board meetings so they cannot be used as remote listening devices. A:", "doc_id": 1205, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The European Markets", "target": ["Les Bourses européennes en baisse à la mi-séance, sauf Londres"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of European Markets, Except London, Fall in Mid-session A:", "doc_id": 2443, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They can now get headphones, a charger or even a storage case.", "target": ["Ils peuvent ainsi acquérir un écouteur, un chargeur ou bien encore un étui de rangement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It means they can now get headphones, a charger or even a storage case. A:", "doc_id": 360, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the Chinese government believes the movement is responsible for the frequent outbreaks of violence in the province, sparked by demands for independence", "target": ["Pour le gouvernement chinois, ce mouvement est responsable des fréquentes éruptions de violence qui s'y produisent animées par des revendications indépendantistes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Chinese government believes the movement is responsible for the frequent outbreaks of violence in the province, sparked by demands for independence. A:", "doc_id": 1070, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The 46-year-old actress revealed her latest look while out and about in LA on Wednesday and shared a snap on her Twitter page", "target": ["L'actrice de 46 ans a dévoilé son nouveau look alors qu'elle se promenait dans L.A. mercredi et a partagé une photo sur sa page Twitter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The 46-year-old actress revealed her latest look while out and about in LA on Wednesday and shared a snap on her Twitter page. A:", "doc_id": 2662, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The process is a normal part of life", "target": ["Les filles dont la puberté est précoce doivent être rassurées sur le fait que, même lorsque ça arrive plus tôt que prévu, le processus fait partie de la vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Girls who blossom early need reassurance that, even when it happens ahead of schedule, the process is a normal part of life. A:", "doc_id": 1605, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more problematic", "target": ["Cette perte de patrimoine génétique serait beaucoup plus problématique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Such loss of genetic heritage would be much more problematic. A:", "doc_id": 2400, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Every morning, I look away.", "target": ["Et tous les matins, je détourne les yeux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And every morning, I look away. A:", "doc_id": 426, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The preliminary hearings", "target": ["Une fois la recevabilité admise par la Cour, on procède à la deuxième étape, soit les auditions sur le fond."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Once the Court has declared it admissible, it will proceed to the second stage, the preliminary hearings. A:", "doc_id": 554, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You can make a gender assignment without surgery, and then see how identity develops.", "target": ["Il est possible de faire une assignation sexuelle sans opération, et voir comment l'identité se développe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You can make a gender assignment without surgery, and then see how identity develops. A:", "doc_id": 1285, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Movie", "target": ["Joel et Ethan Coen, dont la filmographie vient de faire l'objet d'une rétrospective à la Cinémathèque française, avaient raflé la Palme d'or à Cannes en 1991 pour Barton Fink."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Joel and Ethan Coen, whose filmography has recently been the subject of a review at the \"Cinémathèque française\", scooped the Palme d'Or at Cannes in 1991 with Barton Fink. A:", "doc_id": 1608, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA Spying", "target": ["Espionnage de la NSA: les Etats-Unis sont \"allés trop loin\", admet Kerry"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NSA Spying: The United States \"went too far,\" Kerry admits A:", "doc_id": 825, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Toutefois, le CSSS a décidé de ne pas engager de main-d'œuvre indépendante, qui peut coûter jusqu'à trois fois plus cher qu'un pharmacien engagé à temps plein."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even so, the CSSS has decided not to employ independent labour, which could be up to three times more expensive than taking on a full-time pharmacist. A:", "doc_id": 600, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "research centre", "target": ["La commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys a créé un centre de recherche qui donnera des outils aux professeurs qui, eux aussi parfois, viennent d'ailleurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board has created a research centre that will provide tools for teachers, who, themselves, sometimes come from elsewhere. A:", "doc_id": 2998, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The barrister said to the Canadian Press that he believes the police had \"ignored or downplayed\" evidence against the mayor.", "target": ["Me Ruby a dit croire à La Presse Canadienne que la police avait \"ignoré ou minimisé\" les éléments de preuve contre le maire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The barrister said to the Canadian Press that he believes the police had \"ignored or downplayed\" evidence against the mayor. A:", "doc_id": 2434, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The city is definitely in the comedy DNA of all of Larry's work", "target": ["« La ville est définitivement dans l'ADN comique de tout le travail de Larry », a déclaré Steinberg."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The city is definitely in the comedy DNA of all of Larry's work,\" Steinberg said. A:", "doc_id": 922, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Frontier", "target": ["Frontier a une clientèle fidèle dans sa ville d'origine, Denver, mais son activité recule et elle perd de l'argent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier has a loyal base of customers in its home city of Denver, but its business is shrinking and losing money. A:", "doc_id": 218, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The aircraft carrier has been left high and dry in Toulon", "target": ["A Toulon, le porte-avions est en rade."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The aircraft carrier has been left high and dry in Toulon. A:", "doc_id": 2126, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase", "target": ["La mise en gage est de mieux en mieux acceptée socialement comme moyen d'obtenir un financement garanti à court terme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There's an increased social acceptance of pawnbroking as a means to secure short term, secured financing. A:", "doc_id": 1828, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Carey Mulligan", "target": ["Quant à Carey Mulligan, elle a quitté les riches atours de Daisy Mulligan dans \"Gatsby le magnifique\" pour des vêtements moins reluisants, une voix douce quand elle chante, mais le juron débité à la mitraillette quand elle parle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Carey Mulligan, in turn, abandons the wealthy trappings of Daisy Buchanan in \"The Great Gatsby\" for less glitzy clothes; her singing voice is soft, but her language very coarse when she speaks. A:", "doc_id": 1611, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "suburbs", "target": ["Quand je parle de banlieue, je m'adresse à tous ceux qui sont exclus de la grande famille nationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"When I talk about suburbs, I'm referring to all those who feel excluded from the larger national family.\" A:", "doc_id": 2925, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["A chaque livre, la même recette: une grande dose de géopolitique et d'exotisme, quelques scènes de sexe hard, un zeste de violences et de tortures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Each book follows the same formula: a large dose of geopolitics and the exotic, several racy sex scenes, a touch of violence and torture. A:", "doc_id": 1638, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The case of Lance Corporal Glen Kirkland", "target": ["Son cas est survenu après celui du caporal Glen Kirkland, qui a déclaré devant une commission parlementaire, le mois dernier, qu'il avait été poussé vers la sortie avant d'être prêt parce qu'il ne répondait pas à la règle d'universalité du service."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His case follows that of Lance Corporal Glen Kirkland, who declared before a parliamentary commission last month that he had been forced to leave before he was ready because he did not meet the rule of universality of service. A:", "doc_id": 103, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I don't know if this is what I should have expected.", "target": ["Je ne sais pas si c'est ce à quoi je m'attendais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I don't know if this is what I should have expected. A:", "doc_id": 2346, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After the police confirmed that they laid hands on a copy of a video allegedly showing Rob Ford smoking crack, Barrister Clayton Ruby maintained that he has never seen an investigation \"so botched\"", "target": ["Après que la police eut confirmé avoir mis la main sur une copie de la vidéo qui montrerait Rob Ford fumant du crack, Me Clayton Ruby a soutenu n'avoir jamais vu une enquête \"aussi bâclée\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After the police confirmed that they laid hands on a copy of a video allegedly showing Rob Ford smoking crack, Barrister Clayton Ruby maintained that he has never seen an investigation \"so botched\". A:", "doc_id": 2433, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cardinal", "target": ["Toutefois, dès qu'un cardinal atteint l'âge de 80 ans, il ne peut plus participer à l'élection d'un pape – cela revient donc à un groupe de 120 « cardinaux électeurs »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, once a cardinal reaches 80 he is no longer permitted to participate in the election of a pope -- this falls to a group of 120 \"cardinal electors.\" A:", "doc_id": 2278, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "whistle-blower", "target": ["Démis de son poste de chef du SMUR début juillet pour avoir mené la fronde contre le projet de réorganisation, il se définit comme un \"lanceur d'alerte\" face à une décision \"cynique\" prise par \"la technostructure médico-administrative\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dismissed from his position as head of emergency services in early July for taking a stand against the reorganisation project, he defines himself as a \"whistle-blower\" in the face of a \"cynical\" decision taken by the \"technical medical administration body\". A:", "doc_id": 740, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Le sondage a été envoyé à la mi-octobre à chaque conférence nationale des évêques, avec la consigne d'obtenir le plus de réponses possible."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The poll was sent out to every national conference of bishops in mid-October, with instructions to secure as many responses as possible. A:", "doc_id": 1080, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The complete stranger", "target": ["Sur la piste, des gens qui ne le connaissaient pas pensaient qu'il était si phénoménal qu'ils voulaient se faire photographier avec lui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Complete strangers in the arena all thought he was so phenomenal they wanted photos taken with him. A:", "doc_id": 2095, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The dancers, all dressed in black, with only their hands and faces uncovered, wait on each side of the stage; they hurry on when the next graphic appears, incarnate it, then run off again.", "target": ["Les danseurs, entièrement vêtus de noir, seuls les mains et le visage découverts, attendent de chaque côté de l'aire de jeu, se précipitent quand la prochaine graphie apparaît, l'incarnent, ressortent en courant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The dancers, all dressed in black, with only their hands and faces uncovered, wait on each side of the stage; they hurry on when the next graphic appears, incarnate it, then run off again. A:", "doc_id": 2500, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$290.4 million", "target": ["Si les prévisions actuelles sont atteintes, cela représentera 12 à 17 % de croissance par rapport au bénéfice record de 290,4 M$ atteint en 2011/12."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If the current guidance is achieved it will represent a 12 to 17 per cent growth on the record $290.4 million profit it achieved in 2011/12. A:", "doc_id": 2611, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "largest marine reserve", "target": ["L'île de Pitcairn souhaite créer la plus grande réserve marine du monde, a annoncé jeudi le quotidien Les Nouvelles de Tahiti, reprenant une information de Radio Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pitcairn Island is aiming to create the largest marine reserve in the world, daily newspaper Les Nouvelles de Tahiti announced on Thursday, following up on news from Radio Australia. A:", "doc_id": 2028, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People are attacked in the street and even at home", "target": ["Des hommes sont abattus en pleine rue ou même chez eux, et les forces de sécurité sont également la cible d'attaques fréquentes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People are attacked in the street and even at home, and the security forces are also frequent targets of the attacks. A:", "doc_id": 1053, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The gunfire seems to be getting closer to the population.", "target": ["On a l'impression que les coups de feu se rapprochent des populations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The gunfire seems to be getting closer to the population. A:", "doc_id": 1105, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fire rescue", "target": ["Une équipe de secours technique de la caserne de pompiers de Cleckheaton s'est ruée sur les lieux et est descendue en rappel pour sauver Ruby en utilisant une civière pour animaux pour la transporter jusqu'en haut de la falaise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A Technical Rescue Team from Cleckheaton Fire Station rushed to the scene and abseiled down to rescue Ruby and used a pet tube to transport her up the cliff. A:", "doc_id": 1477, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Exactly five years ago", "target": ["Il y a précisément cinq ans, ma grand-mère mourait des suites d'un cancer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Exactly five years ago, my grandmother died of cancer. A:", "doc_id": 407, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The competition was tough", "target": ["Lorsque de nombreux experts en manifestations équestres se sont réunis à Cardiff pour s'affronter et remporter le trophée du Cheval de l'année, ils savaient que la compétition serait rude."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As crowds of horse-showing experts gathered in Cardiff to battle it out for Horse of the Year, they knew the competition would be tough. A:", "doc_id": 2084, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "every manufacturer schedules it in a different way.", "target": ["Chaque constructeur planifie de façon différente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Every manufacturer schedules it in a different way. A:", "doc_id": 302, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not yet", "target": ["Il n'a pas été possible de joindre les représentants de Samsung, Huawei, HTC et Rockstar."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Representatives for Samsung, Huawei, HTC and Rockstar could not immediately be reached. A:", "doc_id": 2536, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If somebody truly loved you, their absence cannot tear them out your heart or your memories.", "target": ["Si un être vous a aimé très fort, l'absence ne peut vous l'arracher du cœur et des souvenirs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If somebody truly loved you, their absence cannot tear them out your heart or your memories. A:", "doc_id": 432, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DSD", "target": ["Bruce est né avec un désordre du développement sexuel (DDS) qui a empêché son corps de produire suffisamment de testostérone pour que ses organes sexuels puissent se développer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bruce was born with a DSD that prevented his body from producing enough testosterone to properly develop his genitals. A:", "doc_id": 1326, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "pubic hair", "target": ["L'apparition de l'acné et des poils pubiens est courante, même chez les nourrissons et les tout-petits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The appearance of acne and pubic hair is common even in infants and toddlers. A:", "doc_id": 1600, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why they so disappointed", "target": ["Mais pourquoi tant de déception?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But why where they so disappointed? A:", "doc_id": 949, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I hope the president will listen to us, and we appeal to him to reject this bill and return it to the MPs", "target": ["« J'espère que le président nous écoutera, et nous lui demandons de rejeter ce projet de loi et de le renvoyer devant les parlementaires », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I hope the president will listen to us, and we appeal to him to reject this bill and return it to the MPs,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 582, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "American airlines", "target": ["La décision de la FAA s'applique aux compagnies aériennes américaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The FAA ruling applies to American airlines. A:", "doc_id": 1791, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["Les allégations selon lesquelles la panne était due à une attaque de déni de service distribué [DSD] sont fausses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Claims that the outage was caused by a distributed denial of service [DDoS] attack are not true. A:", "doc_id": 225, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That is not a battle", "target": ["Ce n'est pas une bataille que les jeunes enfants devraient mener à cet âge-là."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That is not a battle young children should have to take up at this point. A:", "doc_id": 1338, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The merrymakers made up for it.", "target": ["Cette année, les fêtards se sont donc rattrapés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So this year, the merrymakers made up for it. A:", "doc_id": 2008, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Environmental", "target": ["Pour des raisons de protection de l'environnement et de santé publique, les produits de dératisation sont quatre fois moins efficaces que par le passé, certes, mais pour deux rats, on ne va pas tuer un gosse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Due to environmental protection and public health concerns, rat extermination products are four times less efficient than in the past, but we are not going to kill a kid for the sake of two rats.\" A:", "doc_id": 889, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The President and I and others in government have actually learned of some things that had been happening on an automatic pilot because the ability has been there, going back to World War Two and to the very difficult years of the Cold War, and then, of course, 9/11", "target": ["S'exprimant lors d'une conférence intergouvernementale à Londres par liaison vidéo, M. Kerry a déclaré : « Il est indéniable que le Président, moi-même et d'autres membres du gouvernement avons pris connaissance de certaines choses en mode pilote automatique parce que nous en avions la possibilité, dès la Seconde guerre mondiale et jusqu'aux années difficiles de la Guerre froide, puis bien sûr le 11 septembre. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Speaking to an open government conference in London via video link, Mr Kerry said: \"There is no question that the President and I and others in government have actually learned of some things that had been happening on an automatic pilot because the ability has been there, going back to World War Two and to the very difficult years of the Cold War, and then, of course, 9/11.\" A:", "doc_id": 2942, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The story", "target": ["Dans un message vocal qu'il lui a laissé le 18 juin 2005, Coulson disait : « J'ai une histoire que nous prévoyons de publier demain dont j'aimerais vraiment parler à Charles. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Leaving her a voicemail on June 18 2005, Coulson told her: \"I've got a story that we're planning to run tomorrow that I really would like to speak to Charles about.\" A:", "doc_id": 1039, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The company lost 15,237 customers during the fourth quarter.", "target": ["L'entreprise a perdu 15 237 clients au cours du quatrième trimestre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The company lost 15,237 customers during the fourth quarter. A:", "doc_id": 164, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The film has the feel of a documentary", "target": ["Le film prend alors des allures de documentaire, du label de musique poussiéreux envahi de 33T invendus habité par une vieille secrétaire impayable, aux choix musicaux des studios de l'époque et aux cafés où se produisaient les chanteurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The film has the feel of a documentary, from the fusty record label overrun with unsold LPs and inhabited by a priceless old secretary, to the musical choices of the studios of the day and the cafés where the singers performed. A:", "doc_id": 1619, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "European", "target": ["Le marché unique a occasionné un mécontentement général, les entreprises disant que le coût du règlement Bruxelles est disproportionné par rapport aux avantages qu'il y a à faire partie de la zone d'échanges européenne – 40 % des grandes entreprises, traditionnellement les plus pro-européennes, sont même d'accord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There was general discontent with the Single Market, with businesses saying that the costs of Brussels regulation now outweighed the benefits of being part of Europe's trading area - even 40 per cent of large businesses, traditionally the most pro-European of companies, agreed. A:", "doc_id": 1996, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["M. Morsi a fait un serment symbolique vendredi sur la place Tahrir, d'où est parti le soulèvement qui a mis fin au régime autoritaire de Moubarak l'année dernière, et a juré de récupérer les pouvoirs présidentiels dont le conseil militaire, qui a remplacé l'ancien président évincé, l'a dépossédé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Morsi took a symbolic oath on Friday in Tahrir Square, birthplace of the uprising that ended Mubarak's authoritarian rule last year, and vowed to reclaim presidential powers stripped from his office by the military council that took over from the ousted leader. A:", "doc_id": 2573, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I think of myself as a storyteller who writes to entertain people, not send them a message.", "target": ["Je me considère comme un conteur qui écrit pour distraire des gens à qui je n'envoie pas de message."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I think of myself as a storyteller who writes to entertain people, not send them a message.\" A:", "doc_id": 1640, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "120,296", "target": ["Le groupe de militants, qui suit l'évolution du bilan humain grâce à un réseau de militants basés en Syrie, a déclaré jeudi que 120 296 personnes étaient mortes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The activist group, which has been tracking the death toll through a network of activists in Syria, said Thursday that 120,296 people have died. A:", "doc_id": 1887, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "prevented", "target": ["\"Nous avons de fait empêché que des avions ne tombent, que des immeubles n'explosent et que des gens soient assassinés, parce que nous étions en mesure d'être au courant en amont de ces projets\", a argumenté le patron de la diplomatie américaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We have prevented planes being brought down, buildings being blown up and people being murdered, because we have been able to stay informed prior to these attacks,\" the head of the American diplomatic service argued. A:", "doc_id": 831, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Still", "target": ["Pourtant, l'ampleur et la sophistication des agences d'espionnage américaines exposées par les révélations de Snowden ont été un choc pour certaines entreprises qui pensaient jusqu'alors que la Chine représentait le plus gros risque en termes de surveillance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Still, the reach and technical sophistication of US spy agencies exposed by the Snowden revelations have come as a shock to some companies who previously thought the biggest surveillance risk was posed by China. A:", "doc_id": 1194, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The show is rescheduled", "target": ["Cependant, sa laryngite a forcé le chanteur Alex Turner a reprogrammer le spectacle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, lead singer Alex Turner's illness has forced them to reschedule the show. A:", "doc_id": 2266, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Ceremony of the Dead", "target": ["Une cérémonie en mémoire des défunts crématisés"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ceremony in Memory of the Cremated A:", "doc_id": 853, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They exude joy and madness, and that is Chouinard's art; contaminating the audience.", "target": ["La joie et la folie transpirent, et c'est l'art de Chouinard, là, de contaminer le public."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They exude joy and madness, and that is Chouinard's art; contaminating the audience. A:", "doc_id": 2529, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chi", "target": ["Lou Reed était maître tai chi, un art martial chinois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lou Reed was a master of the Chinese martial art known as tai chi. A:", "doc_id": 1414, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She died after talking to me on the telephone.", "target": ["Morte après m'avoir parlé au téléphone."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She died after talking to me on the telephone. A:", "doc_id": 419, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "winter migrant", "target": ["Le directeur du centre, Colin Seddon, a déclaré : « Ce râle d'eau était probablement un migrateur hivernant qui venait d'Europe du nord et s'est retrouvé pris au milieu de vents violents en mer du Nord. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Centre manager Colin Seddon said: \"This water rail was likely a winter migrant from Northern Europe who got caught up in strong winds over the North Sea.\" A:", "doc_id": 1984, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Financial mathematics", "target": ["Le programme mettra davantage l'accent sur les « problèmes du monde réel », notamment les mathématiques financières."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The syllabus will place a greater focus on \"real world problems,\" including financial mathematics. A:", "doc_id": 2635, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this organisation", "target": ["Cette organisation s'appuyant sur un réseau de militants et sources médicales n'avait pas été en mesure d'identifier l'origine des explosions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This organisation, which relies on a network of militants and medical sources, was unable to identify the origin of the explosions. A:", "doc_id": 2492, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The number of aircraft dropped to 26", "target": ["Les commandes nettes sont tombées à 26 avions, contre 83 auparavant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Net orders fell to 26 aircraft, from 83. A:", "doc_id": 314, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He advised the parents of a boy whose penis had been severed in a botched circumcision to have the child fully castrated, removing his testicles, as well, and to raise him as a girl.", "target": ["Il avait conseillé aux parents d'un petit garçon dont le pénis avait été coupé lors d'une circoncision bâclée de le faire castrer entièrement, en lui enlevant également les testicules, et de l'élever comme une fille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He advised the parents of a boy whose penis had been severed in a botched circumcision to have the child fully castrated, removing his testicles, as well, and to raise him as a girl. A:", "doc_id": 1310, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I would see his hands when I looked at mine; I lent him my body.", "target": ["Je voyais ses mains en regardant les miennes, je lui prêtais mon corps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I would see his hands when I looked at mine; I lent him my body. A:", "doc_id": 390, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hamas source", "target": ["Une source issue du Hamas a expliqué que des combats ont éclaté dans cette région, car des chars israéliens ont franchi la frontière et ont été visé par tes tirs de mortiers palestiniens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A Hamas source explained that fighting broke out in the region after Israeli tanks crossed the border and were targeted by Palestinian mortar fire. A:", "doc_id": 1371, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "9", "target": ["Il y a par exemple parfois neuf heures d'attente aux urgences de Lariboisière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For example, there is sometimes a nine hour wait at the emergency unit at Lariboisière. A:", "doc_id": 744, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "General Motors", "target": ["Les trois grands constructeurs de Detroit affichent une croissance à deux chiffres par rapport à octobre 2012 mais seul General Motors a fait mieux qu'attendu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The three major manufacturers in Detroit realised double-digit growth as compared to October 2012, but only General Motors performed better than expected. A:", "doc_id": 2578, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "direct", "target": ["Elle permet également aux passagers de choisir leur siège à l'avance seulement s'ils achètent directement leur billet sur le site de Frontier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It also allows passengers to choose their seat in advance only if they buy directly from the Frontier website. A:", "doc_id": 217, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "destruction of the equipment", "target": ["Grâce à la destruction des équipements, la Syrie ne pourra plus produire de nouvelles armes chimiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Destruction of the equipment means that Syria can no longer produce new chemical weapons. A:", "doc_id": 1883, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Romney", "target": ["Mitt Romney présentait une alternative confuse et peu raffinée qui ne semblait pas permettre de déterminer ses politiques ou ses positions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mitt Romney presented a confusing and unrefined alternative who could not seem to lock down his policies or his positions. A:", "doc_id": 2352, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Should a mother be alarmed if her daughter begins to sprout breast buds and pubic hair at 7 or 8", "target": ["Une mère doit-elle s'inquiéter si les seins et les poils pubiens de sa fille commencent à pousser à 7 ou 8 ans ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Should a mother be alarmed if her daughter begins to sprout breast buds and pubic hair at 7 or 8? A:", "doc_id": 1569, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "U.S.", "target": ["Entre-temps, les législateurs américains se rendront en Europe pour répondre aux préoccupations concernant l'affaire d’espionnage américain présumé et convaincre les Européens de la nécessité de poursuivre les efforts conjoints de lutte contre le terrorisme avec les États-Unis, a expliqué jeudi le président du sous-comité du Sénat sur les affaires européennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers will head to Europe to help address concerns abroad about alleged U.S. spying and convince the Europeans of the need to continue joint anti-terrorism efforts with the U.S., the chairman of a Senate subcommittee on European affairs said on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 2952, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Senator Chris Murphy", "target": ["Le sénateur Chris Murphy du Connecticut a indiqué qu'il s'était exprimé devant les membres du Parlement européen et d'autres cette semaine et qu'il était inquiet des menaces qu'ils avaient proférées concernant un possible retrait des organisations anti-terroristes en raison du sentiment de frustration que suscite la surveillance de la National Security Agency."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut said he spoke with European Parliament members and others this week and is concerned about their threats to stop participating in anti-terrorist organizations because of frustration over surveillance by the National Security Agency. A:", "doc_id": 2953, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Plus tôt, un porte-parole de la NSA a indiqué à ABC News que le réseau interne sensible de l'agence n'était « pas du tout » compromis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier an NSA spokesperson told ABC News the agency's internal, sensitive network was \"not at all\" compromised. A:", "doc_id": 227, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a lot of ironic hotdogs.", "target": ["Ça fait beaucoup de chiens curieux déguisés en hotdogs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's a lot of ironic hotdog dogs. A:", "doc_id": 1436, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "it cannot account for assassinating Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, without a trial, nor shirking public funding and spending limits during presidential campaigns", "target": ["Elle ne peut pas justifier l'assassinat d'Anwar al-Awlaki, un citoyen américain, sans procès, ni l'évasion des financements publics et le dépassement des dépenses autorisées pendant les campagnes présidentielles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It cannot account for assassinating Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, without a trial, nor shirking public funding and spending limits during presidential campaigns. A:", "doc_id": 2343, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Announcing", "target": ["Parlant de ce qu'il appelle « une effervescence dans l'actualité » au sujet des résiliations, le président Obama a incité les Américains qui recevaient ces avis à chercher une nouvelle assurance sur le marché."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Addressing what he called the \"flurry in the news\" about the cancellations, Obama urged Americans receiving these notices to shop for new coverage in the marketplace. A:", "doc_id": 2904, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The building", "target": ["A l'extérieur du bâtiment, des manifestants protestaient contre le dirigeant irakien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Outside the building, demonstrators were protesting against the Iraqi leader. A:", "doc_id": 464, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have been advocating it as a plan for twenty years.", "target": ["Je plaide en faveur de ce projet depuis 20 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I have been advocating it as a plan for twenty years. A:", "doc_id": 816, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "broadcast", "target": ["Le crématorium nous a autorisés à la relayer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The crematorium has authorised us to broadcast it. A:", "doc_id": 879, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No consistent body of evidence that hormones in milk or other foods, chemicals in the environment or sexual messages in the media are to blame", "target": ["Pourtant, il n'y a aucune théorie cohérente selon laquelle les hormones contenues dans le lait ou d'autres aliments, les produits chimiques présents dans l'environnement ou les messages sexuels véhiculés par les médias sont responsables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet, there's no consistent body of evidence that hormones in milk or other foods, chemicals in the environment or sexual messages in the media are to blame. A:", "doc_id": 1590, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we need to change things in the city.", "target": ["Nous avons besoin de faire changer les choses à la Ville."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We need to change things in the city. A:", "doc_id": 978, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's this second job, he said, that funds about 60% of his nonprofit; the rest is covered by private donations.", "target": ["C'est ce deuxième emploi, explique-t-il, qui finance à 60 % son association ; le reste est couvert par des dons privés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's this second job, he said, that funds about 60% of his nonprofit; the rest is covered by private donations. A:", "doc_id": 2717, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pacific humpback dolphins", "target": ["Il y a une dizaine d'années, la communauté scientifique reconnaissait deux espèces appartenant à cette sous-famille: les dauphins à bosse du Pacifique et les baleines à bosse de l'Atlantique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of About a decade ago, scientists recognised two species that belonged to this sub-family: Pacific humpback dolphins and Atlantic humpback whales. A:", "doc_id": 2394, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The shoot-out was a shooting", "target": ["\"Il y a eu une fusillade\", a déclaré à l'AFP un porte-parole de l'agence américaine de sécurité des transports (TSA)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There was a shoot-out,\" a spokesman for the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) told the AFP. A:", "doc_id": 1363, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["\"Mais nous continuerons à accueillir des patients en urgence \", tempère-t-il, faisant valoir la présence permanente de véhicules du SMUR sur place pour transférer les cas graves."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"However, we will continue accepting emergency cases,\" he tempers, emphasising the permanent presence of emergency medical service vehicles on site to move critical cases. A:", "doc_id": 735, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Not that everything has to be simplified or come to a happy ending, but that there is an innate sense of good and evil.", "target": ["Non pas que tout doive être simplifié ou finir bien, mais il existe une sens inné du bien et du mal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Not that everything has to be simplified or come to a happy ending, but that there is an innate sense of good and evil. A:", "doc_id": 820, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a good idea", "target": ["Les gens disent, « le prix de l'or est élevé, mettons en gage la chaîne en or de grand-mère et on reviendra la chercher le mois prochain »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People are saying \"the gold price looks good, let's pawn grandma's gold chain and get it back next month. A:", "doc_id": 1822, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "half an hour", "target": ["L'affrontement a duré une demi-heure, selon des témoins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The confrontation lasted half an hour, according to witnesses. A:", "doc_id": 2475, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Flight Center", "target": ["Flight Centre semble renverser la tendance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Flight Centre seem to be bucking the trend. A:", "doc_id": 2608, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Le Trésor a provisoirement chiffré la mesure de l'impôt sur les gains en capital mais attend une décision définitive de M. Osborne qui, dans le budget de 2012, a inscrit un droit de timbre de 7 % pour les propriétés coûtant plus de 2 M£ et des frais annuels pour les acheteurs qui choisissent de détenir des propriétés dans le cadre d'une société plutôt qu'à titre individuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Treasury have provisionally costed out the CGT measure but are awaiting a final decision from Mr Osborne, who, in the 2012 Budget, introduced a 7% rate of stamp duty for homes costing more than £2m and annual charges for buyers who choose to hold homes in a company rather than as individuals. A:", "doc_id": 2234, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The debate about ransoms", "target": ["Le débat sur les rançons notamment."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Especially the debate about ransoms. A:", "doc_id": 2841, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr. Montebourg", "target": ["M. Montebourg, est un charmant jeune homme qui tente de sauver des emplois industriels parmi les mieux payés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr. Montebourg is a charming young man who is trying to save some of the best paid industrial jobs. A:", "doc_id": 257, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The question of the complete lack of prior debate", "target": ["Donc la question de fond derrière cette affaire NSA n'est pas tant la capacité ou le droit des pays de se doter d'outils d'interception, que la question de l'absence totale de débat préalable, notamment au sein des Parlements, sur la justification de tels systèmes, le périmètre qui doit être le leur, et, en fin de compte, la question des atteintes aux libertés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hence the question at the heart of the NSA affair is not so much the capacity or the right of a country to use interception tools, as the issue of the complete lack of prior debate - especially within parliaments - on the justification of such systems, the extent to which they should be used and, ultimately, the issue of the infringement of freedoms. A:", "doc_id": 1263, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["D'après le Washington Post, la NSA interceptait des données de centaines de millions d'utilisateurs de Google et Yahoo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the Washington Post, the NSA has been intercepting data of hundreds of millions of Google and Yahoo users. A:", "doc_id": 837, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The bill", "target": ["420 motifs, 2,2 kilomètres de bord de mer recouverts d'un manteau de lumière: on pourrait frôler le coup de chaud à Menton avec la facture des illuminations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With 420 patterned designs and 2.2 kilometers of seafront draped in a mantle of light, the bill for the illuminations in Menton could give you a bit of a shock. A:", "doc_id": 515, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Norway", "target": ["Sinon, nous devrions imiter la Norvège et conserver notre indépendance économique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Otherwise we should consider emulating Norway and retaining our economic independence. A:", "doc_id": 1559, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "many enemies were killed or injured", "target": ["Plusieurs ennemis ont été tués et blessés au cours de l'opération."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Many enemies were killed or injured during the operation. A:", "doc_id": 2478, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Disney", "target": ["Le groupe américain de médias et de divertissement Disney a décidé de privilégier les tablettes à ses propres chaînes de télévision pour la sortie prochaine d'une nouvelle série pour enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of American media and entertainment group Disney has decided to give priority to tablet PCs over its own television channels for the next release of a new series for children. A:", "doc_id": 113, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Parents of Intersex Kids Can Pick 'Gender Undetermined' A", "target": ["Les parents d'enfants intersexués peuvent choisir « sexe indéterminé »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Parents of Intersex Kids Can Pick 'Gender Undetermined' A:", "doc_id": 1271, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM shares were up 1.4 percent at $37.47 on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday afternoon.", "target": ["Le cours des actions de GM a grimpé de 1,4 % pour atteindre 37,47 $ à la bourse de New York vendredi après-midi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of GM shares were up 1.4 percent at $37.47 on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 2304, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the CSSS", "target": ["De plus, les efforts déployés par le département afin de retenir ont porté des fruits, car les quatre élèves présentement en résidence à Laval ont également décidé de rester à l'emploi du CSSS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In addition, the efforts made by the department to hold on to staff have paid off, as the four students currently in residence in Laval have also decided to stay on at the CSSS. A:", "doc_id": 608, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Flight Centre", "target": ["De même au Royaume-Uni, le secteur des voyages de loisirs de Flight Centre a enregistré de bons résultats tandis que les clients d'affaires ont dépensé moins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Similarly in the UK, Flight Centre's leisure business performed well while corporate clients were spending less. A:", "doc_id": 2616, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Daily Nation", "target": ["Selon le Daily Nation, « même une seule amende suffit à paralyser la plupart des stations FM »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the Daily Nation, \"even one fine is enough to cripple most FM stations.\" A:", "doc_id": 589, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was given an official welcome by an army band that played the national anthem as he stood to attention.", "target": ["Il a été officiellement accueilli par une fanfare militaire qui a joué l'hymne national alors qu'il se mettait au garde-à-vous."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was given an official welcome by an army band that played the national anthem as he stood to attention. A:", "doc_id": 2569, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "total switch-off", "target": ["Il a ajouté que le fait que les auteurs et les enseignants soient « ouvertement didactiques » fait que les enfants « décrochent complètement », les messages étant « sublimés » dans des histoires agréables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He added authors and teachers being \"overtly didactic\" is a \"total switch-off\" for children, with messages being \"subliminated\" in enjoyable stories. A:", "doc_id": 817, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The man succumbed to his serious injuries.", "target": ["L'homme n'a pas survécu à ses graves blessures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The man succumbed to his serious injuries. A:", "doc_id": 2316, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "electronic device use", "target": ["La vaste majorité des avions de ligne devraient permettre une utilisation plus large des appareils électroniques en vertu des nouvelles directives, a déclaré Huerta."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The vast majority of airliners should qualify for greater electronic device use under the new guidelines, Huerta said. A:", "doc_id": 1969, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The SAS Series", "target": ["Gérard de Villiers, l'auteur de \"SAS\", est mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gerard de Villiers, \"SAS\" Series Author, Dies. A:", "doc_id": 1625, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vodafone", "target": ["De son côté, Vodafone (+2,45%) se maintient en tête des hausses de l'EuroFirst300 en réaction à une information de presse voulant qu'AT&T étudie une éventuelle OPA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On its part, Vodafone (+2.45%) is still leading the upward trend in the EuroFirst300 in response to a press release indicating that AT&T was looking at a possible takeover bid. A:", "doc_id": 2450, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "early", "target": ["Des études montrent que les jeunes filles afro-américaines et hispaniques ont tendance à atteindre l'âge de la puberté plus tôt que les jeunes filles blanches."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of African-American and Hispanic girls tend to reach puberty earlier than their white counterparts, research shows. A:", "doc_id": 1563, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "confirmed cases", "target": ["Il précise que \"les deux cas identifiés en mai 2013 restent donc les deux seuls cas confirmés en France à ce jour\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It specified that \"the two cases identified in May 2013 remain the only confirmed cases in France to date.\" A:", "doc_id": 704, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "early puberty", "target": ["La tendance vers une puberté précoce n'est pas aussi prononcée chez les garçons"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The trend toward early puberty is not as pronounced with boys A:", "doc_id": 1567, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "X", "target": ["Les passeports allemands comporteront une troisième désignation à côté de M ou F – X pour intersexué, selon le ministère de l'Intérieur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German passports will have a third designation other than M or F -- X, for intersex, according to the Interior Ministry. A:", "doc_id": 1295, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not strategic", "target": ["\"Celle de Chanzu n'est pas très stratégique\", a indiqué a l'AFP le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Chanzu hill is not strategic,\" the governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku, told the AFP. A:", "doc_id": 1163, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not sustainable", "target": ["« La taxe sur l'essence n'est tout simplement pas tenable », a déclaré Lee Munnich, un spécialiste des politiques de transports à l'université du Minnesota."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The gas tax is just not sustainable,\" said Lee Munnich, a transportation policy expert at the University of Minnesota. A:", "doc_id": 22, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Georgia", "target": ["Un juge de Géorgie du sud a ordonné mercredi aux autorités de remettre tous les enregistrements de vidéosurveillance que les enquêteurs avaient examinés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A southern Georgia judge on Wednesday ordered authorities to release all surveillance video that investigators reviewed. A:", "doc_id": 1236, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This pornographic drama", "target": ["Ce drame pornographique égrène, en huit chapitres qui sortiront en deux volets (les 1er et 8 janvier 2014), les souvenirs érotiques d'une quadragénaire accro au sexe depuis son adolescence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This pornographic drama in eight chapters that will be released in two parts (on January 1st and 8th) deals with the erotic memories of a forty-year-old hooked on sex since her adolescence. A:", "doc_id": 619, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Le confirmez-vous ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Can you confirm that? A:", "doc_id": 279, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The mail", "target": ["\"Et les mails de soutien que je reçois depuis hier n'émanent pas tous de banlieue\" se réjouit-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"And the mail expressing support that I have been receiving since yesterday are not all coming from the suburbs,\" he says with delight. A:", "doc_id": 2937, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US has passed on foreign companies' trade secrets to its own companies", "target": ["Cependant dans tous les documents dévoilés par M. Snowden, rien n'indique à ce jour que les États-Unis aient transmis des secrets industriels d'entreprises étrangères à des sociétés américaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In all the documentation leaked by Mr Snowden, there has, however, been no evidence to date that the US has passed on foreign companies' trade secrets to its own companies. A:", "doc_id": 1185, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "lied to us", "target": ["\"La ministre nous a menti ou on lui a menti\", déplore le médecin urgentiste Gérald Kierzek."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The minister has either lied to us or has been lied to,\" laments emergency medical officer, Gérald Kierzek. A:", "doc_id": 739, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Mr Dutton called on Ms Plibersek to guarantee that not one dollar out of the rescue package would be spent on additional bureaucracy.", "target": ["M. Dutton a rendu visite à Mme Plibersek pour garantir qu'aucun dollar du plan de sauvetage ne sera dépensé en bureaucratie supplémentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Dutton called on Ms Plibersek to guarantee that not one dollar out of the rescue package would be spent on additional bureaucracy. A:", "doc_id": 1871, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Great Performances", "target": ["La comédie musicale, cette bête de scène"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Musicals, the Great Performances A:", "doc_id": 1107, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "emergency rescue package", "target": ["« Le gouvernement a proposé un plan de sauvetage d'urgence qui, selon nous, règlera les difficultés uniques auxquelles l'État est confronté », a déclaré Mme Plibersek aujourd'hui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The Government has come up with an emergency rescue package we believe will address the unique challenges faced by the state,\" Ms Plibersek said today. A:", "doc_id": 1856, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Berlin", "target": ["Bild publie également un document de la mairie d'arrondissement du quartier de Mitte à Berlin indiquant qu'il a été enterré dans le cimetière juif du quartier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bild also published a document from the borough hall of the Mitte district in Berlin, indicating that he had been buried in the district's Jewish cemetery. A:", "doc_id": 2652, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["Mohamed Morsi a prêté le serment d'investiture, mais il est peu probable que son jour de triomphe marque la fin des conflits politiques en Égypte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mohamed Morsi takes the oath of office but his day of triumph is unlikely to mark end of political strife in Egypt. A:", "doc_id": 2558, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I think that is justified, legitimate, plain common sense", "target": ["Ça me semble pourtant fondé, légitime, frappé du bon sens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I think that is justified, legitimate, plain common sense. A:", "doc_id": 2852, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$106 million", "target": ["Cette année, les Américains dépenseront environ 106 M$ en citrouilles, selon l'U.S. Census Bureau."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This year, Americans will spend around $106 million on pumpkins, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. A:", "doc_id": 1451, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am pleased that member states have agreed to launch and take ownership of a process to establish universal sustainable development goals - SDGs", "target": ["« Je suis heureux que les États membres aient accepté de lancer et de s'approprier le processus visant à fixer des objectifs de développement durable universels (ODD) », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I am pleased that member states have agreed to launch and take ownership of a process to establish universal sustainable development goals - SDGs,\" he said. 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A:", "doc_id": 749, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "To save time", "target": ["La première est d'expliquer qu'elle peut faire gagner du temps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first is to explain how it can save time. 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A:", "doc_id": 6, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Tous les soldats blessés reçoivent les soins appropriés en vue de leur retour à la vie civile et aucun d'entre eux n'est libéré avant d'être prêt, a-t-il affirmé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"All injured soldiers receive the appropriate care in preparation for their return to civilian life and none has been discharged before being ready,\" he asserted. A:", "doc_id": 99, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["Des avions de guerre israéliens ciblent la Syrie, déclare un responsable"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli warplanes attack target inside Syria, official says A:", "doc_id": 1743, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hamas", "target": ["Le Hamas a revendiqué l'usage de tunnels pour lutter contre Israël, précisant que le but était d'enlever des soldats israéliens pour les échanger contre des prisonniers palestiniens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hamas has defended its use of tunnels in the fight against Israel, stating that the aim was to capture Israeli soldiers so they could be exchanged for Palestinian prisoners. A:", "doc_id": 2481, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Fous de Benghazi", "target": ["Dans \"Les Fous de Benghazi\", il avait été le premier à révéler l'existence d'un centre de commandement secret de la CIA dans cette ville, berceau de la révolte libyenne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In \"Les Fous de Benghazi\", he was the first to reveal the existence of a secret CIA command centre in the city, the cradle of the Libyan revolt. A:", "doc_id": 1646, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier's net profit fell to $147 million, or 8 cents per share, from $172 million, or 9 cents per share a year earlier", "target": ["Au troisième trimestre clos le 30 septembre, le bénéfice net de Bombardier a chuté à 147 M$, ou 8 cents par action, par rapport à 172 M$, ou 9 cents par action, un an plus tôt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For the third quarter ended September 30, Bombardier's net profit fell to $147 million, or 8 cents per share, from $172 million, or 9 cents per share a year earlier. A:", "doc_id": 309, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["Si le critère « d'authenticité » était adopté, un demandeur de visa pourrait être contrôlé pour savoir « si l'offre d'emploi est authentique dans le cas où le candidat est une relation ou un associé personnel du propriétaire ou de la personne concernée au sein de l'entreprise qui le sponsorise »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If the \"genuineness\" criteria was adopted a visa applicant could be scrutinised about \"whether the nomination is genuine in circumstances where the nominee is a relation or personal associate of an owner or relevant person of the sponsoring business.\" A:", "doc_id": 1756, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "obesity", "target": ["Kaplowitz affirme que l'hypothèse la plus crédible est celle de l'épidémie d'obésité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kaplowitz contends the premise that holds the most weight is the epidemic of obesity. A:", "doc_id": 1592, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The judges marked Fenton and Toffee on how well they were turned out and the way they presented in the show ring.", "target": ["Les juges ont remarqué que Fenton et Toffee présentaient bien et la façon dont ils ont défilé sur la piste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The judges marked Fenton and Toffee on how well they were turned out and the way they presented in the show ring. A:", "doc_id": 2103, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The feast", "target": ["Mais lorsqu'ils arrivent, ils sont reçus en héros : la communauté organise une fête, chante et danse et leur offre les meilleurs logements disponibles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But when they arrive, they receive a true heroes' welcome: a feast, singing and dancing, and the best accommodations the community can offer. A:", "doc_id": 2699, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "but", "target": ["Mais en acceptant de prêter officiellement serment devant la Cour, plutôt que devant le Parlement comme il est d'usage, il s'incline devant la volonté de l'armée en montrant que la lutte pour le pouvoir n’est pas terminée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But by agreeing to take the official oath before the court, rather than before parliament as is customary, he is bowing to the military's will in an indication that the contest for power will continue. A:", "doc_id": 2574, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Iraq", "target": ["Et aussi parce que si ce qui se passe en Irak n'est pas réglé, cela va s'étendre, et ce qui se passe en Syrie va s'étendre aussi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"And because if what is happening in Iraq is not handled, it will spread, as will what is happening in Syria. A:", "doc_id": 461, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Let's talk pumpkins.", "target": ["Enfin, parlons de citrouilles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Finally, let's talk pumpkins. A:", "doc_id": 1448, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["Mais depuis qu'Edward Snowden, le consultant devenu dénonciateur, a commencé à dévoiler son inépuisable trésor d'informations sur les secrets de la surveillance des États-Unis, les gouvernements européens et les dirigeants d'entreprises ne savent plus s'il faut croire le directeur sur parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But ever since Edward Snowden, the contractor turned whistleblower, began releasing his treasure trove of US surveillance secrets, European governments and business leaders are no longer sure whether to take the director at his word. A:", "doc_id": 1177, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama suffered a huge loss to Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary", "target": ["Cette semaine, j'ai lu la partie du livre qui décrit comment Obama a subi d'énormes pertes au profit de Clinton aux Primaires de Pennsylvanie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This week I was reading the portion of the book describing how Obama suffered a huge loss to Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary. A:", "doc_id": 2356, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Son chat birman sur les genoux, dans le salon de son immense appartement d'un immeuble de l'avenue Foch à deux pas de l'Arc de Triomphe, l'oeil malicieux sous ses cheveux blancs, il citait quelques unes des langues dans lesquelles les aventures de SAS ont été traduites: italien, allemand, russe, grec, japonais ou coréen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the living room of his huge apartment in a building on Avenue Foch, just a short distance from the Arc de Triomphe, with his Burmese cat on his knee and a mischievous twinkle in his eye under the white hair, he listed some of the languages the adventures of SAS had been translated into: Italian, German, Russian, Greek, Japanese and Korean. A:", "doc_id": 1634, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Offering good-looking (often talented) young men a leading role in a musical", "target": ["Proposer des beaux jeunes hommes (souvent talentueux) en tête d'affiche d'un spectacle musical, c'est l'assurance d'un engouement de ces jeunes filles et souvent de leur famille entière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Offering good-looking (often talented) young men a leading role in a musical guarantees the adoration of young girls and often their entire family. A:", "doc_id": 1140, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les analystes pensent que le pays ne devrait pas retomber dans un conflit ouvert, mais les récents évènements ont ébranlé les investisseurs étrangers et la population locale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Analysts believe the country is unlikely to slide back into full-blown conflict, but recent events have unnerved foreign investors and locals. A:", "doc_id": 782, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No Words With Friends", "target": ["Donc toujours pas de Words With Friends, le jeu en ligne style Scrabble auquel jouait l'acteur Alec Baldwin sur son smartphone en 2011 lorsqu'il a été expulsé à grand bruit d'un avion d'American Airlines après avoir refusé d'éteindre son appareil alors que l'appareil était garé à la porte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So, still no Words With Friends, the online Scrabble-type game that actor Alec Baldwin was playing on his smartphone in 2011 when he was famously booted off an American Airlines jet for refusing to turn off the device while the plane was parked at the gate. A:", "doc_id": 1953, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only power plant in the Gaza Strip stopped working on Friday 1 November, following exhaustion of its fuel reserve", "target": ["La seule centrale électrique de la bande de Gaza a cessé de fonctionner vendredi 1er novembre après un épuisement de ses stocks de carburant, a annoncé l'Autorité de l'énergie de l'enclave palestinienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The only power plant in the Gaza Strip stopped working on Friday 1 November, following exhaustion of its fuel reserve, the Energy Authority for the Palestinian enclave announced. A:", "doc_id": 2468, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "global market leaders", "target": ["En Allemagne, bon nombre de PME sont des leaders mondiaux dans leur niche particulière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Germany, many of these companies are global market leaders in their particular niche. A:", "doc_id": 1209, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They dropped us off on a pavement.", "target": ["Ils nous déposent sur le bord d'un trottoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They dropped us off on a pavement. A:", "doc_id": 2801, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "pediatric endocrinologist", "target": ["Lors de la conférence annuelle de l'American Academy of Pediatrics qui s'est tenue cette semaine à Orlando, en Floride, le Dr Paul Kaplowitz, pédo-endocrinologue, a expliqué que ces changements physiques précoces sont assez courants parmi les jeunes Américaines et représentent une nouvelle norme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics this week in Orlando, Florida, pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Paul Kaplowitz explained that these early physical changes are quite common among American girls and represent a new norm. A:", "doc_id": 1570, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The police intervened very quickly and the suspected gunman was arrested on the roof of an airport car park.", "target": ["Très vite les forces de police sont intervenues et un homme suspecté d'être le tireur a été appréhendé sur le toit d'un parking de l'aéroport."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The police intervened very quickly and the suspected gunman was arrested on the roof of an airport car park. A:", "doc_id": 526, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "face", "target": ["Conséquence, des recherches sont menées depuis une vingtaine d'années sur d'autres approches, comme la reconnaissance du visage ou de l'iris (la partie colorée de l'oeil)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As a consequence, research has been conducted over the past twenty years into other methods, such as face or iris recognition (the coloured part of the eye). A:", "doc_id": 2191, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "traffic jam", "target": ["Cette situation n'a toutefois guère provoqué d'embouteillages car l'accident a eu lieu à hauteur de la sortie Hoeilaart."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This situation, however, did not create traffic jam as the accident happened at the exit of Hoeilaart. A:", "doc_id": 1149, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French share price of Renault shares has fallen following a warning by Nissan about the company's performance.", "target": ["Renault plombé en Bourse par l'avertissement de Nissan"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renault Share Price Plummets Following Nissan Warning A:", "doc_id": 2587, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The violent terrorist incident that occurred in Beijing was organized and premeditated", "target": ["\"Le violent incident terroriste qui est survenu à Pékin a été organisé et prémédité\", a dit Meng à la chaîne hong-kongaise Phoenix TV."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The violent terrorist incident that occurred in Beijing was organized and premeditated,\" said Meng on Hong Kong television channel Phoenix TV. A:", "doc_id": 1071, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The lessees were against this and also wanted longer terms", "target": ["Les locataires étaient contre et voulaient également des durées plus longues."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The lessees were against this and also wanted longer terms. A:", "doc_id": 1734, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "marine reserve", "target": ["Le Conseil de l'île a voté à l'unanimité en faveur de la création d'une réserve marine autour du petit archipel, soit 836.000 km2 qui correspondent à sa zone économique exclusive."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The island's Council voted unanimously in favour of the creation of a marine reserve around the tiny archipelago. It will be 836,000km2, corresponding to its exclusive economic zone. A:", "doc_id": 2033, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "animal mad", "target": ["Fenton est fou d'animaux – il adore les chevaux, les tracteurs et le monde rural et a deux poulets dont il s'occupe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fenton is animal mad - he loves horses, tractors and farms and has got two chickens which he looks after. A:", "doc_id": 2099, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The boy was with his father on the \"Pirates of the Caribbeans\" boat ride when he fell.", "target": ["Au moment de la chute, le garçon était avec son père sur un bateau de l'attraction \"Pirates des Caraïbes\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The boy was with his father on the \"Pirates of the Caribbeans\" boat ride when he fell. A:", "doc_id": 1154, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire brigade", "target": ["Immédiatement, le directeur de l'établissement a fait procéder à l'évacuation de la salle et a prévenu les pompiers pour une odeur suspecte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The theatre director immediately began an evacuation procedure and called the fire brigade to check out a suspicious smell. A:", "doc_id": 628, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the children were going to the party", "target": ["Les mineurs âgés de 9 et 13 ans faisaient du porte à porte pour réclamer des bonbons le soir d'Halloween."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The minors, aged between 9 and 13, were going from door to door asking for sweets on Halloween evening when A:", "doc_id": 2638, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ruby was taken to the vets for a check-up and was found to be fine other than exhaustion and dehydration", "target": ["Ruby a été conduite chez le vétérinaire pour un contrôle ; son état général était satisfaisant, mis à part l'épuisement et la déshydratation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ruby was taken to the vets for a check-up and was found to be fine other than exhaustion and dehydration. A:", "doc_id": 1487, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was queuing", "target": ["Je faisais la queue quand j'ai vu une femme qui semblait bouleversée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I was queuing when I saw a woman who seemed very upset. A:", "doc_id": 1846, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tea party is aghast.", "target": ["Le Tea Party est atterré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tea party is aghast. A:", "doc_id": 8, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Scotland Yard", "target": ["Scotland Yard a déclaré qu'elle avait délivré un « avis de remise » à l'encontre de l'Australien de 40 ans, lui demandant de se présenter à un commissariat de police, ajoutant que s'il ne le faisait pas, il serait susceptible d'être arrêté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scotland Yard said they had served a \"surrender notice\" on the 40-year-old Australian requiring him to appear at a police station, adding that failure to do so would make him further liable to arrest. A:", "doc_id": 2169, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "urgent action", "target": ["La ministre fédérale de la Santé Tanya Plibersek a annoncé que le Commonwealth prend actuellement des « mesures urgentes » pour mettre fin à une crise causée par le vieillissement de la population de l'état insulaire, le taux élevé de maladies chroniques et les contraintes du système."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek has announced the Commonwealth is taking \"urgent action\" to head off a crisis caused by the island state's aging population, higher rates of chronic disease and system constraints. A:", "doc_id": 1854, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They don't always hold out", "target": ["La chance ne les suit pas toujours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Their luck doesn't always hold out. A:", "doc_id": 2697, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The group hiding behind the scenes was the East Turkestan Islamic Movement", "target": ["\"Le groupe qui se tenait en coulisses était le mouvement islamique du Turkestan oriental\", a-t-il ajouté, ses propos étant repris par l'agence Chine nouvelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The group hiding behind the scenes was the East Turkestan Islamic Movement,\" he added, his words being relayed by the Xinhua News Agency. A:", "doc_id": 1072, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The weapon was seized.", "target": ["Son arme a été saisie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His weapon was seized. A:", "doc_id": 2641, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He picked up his wallet", "target": ["Au cours de son arrestation, Ditta a ramassé son portefeuille et a tenté de retirer plusieurs cartes de crédit, mais elles ont toutes été saisies et on lui a prélevé un échantillon de cheveux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During his arrest Ditta picked up his wallet and tried to remove several credit cards but they were all seized and a hair sample was taken fom him. A:", "doc_id": 487, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision", "target": ["Ce jugement signifie qu'un texte de loi adopté en juillet dans cet Etat et remettant largement en cause le droit à l'avortement va pouvoir entrer en vigueur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The decision means that a legal text adopted in the state in July generally challenging the right to abortion will be able to come into force. A:", "doc_id": 936, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "On his website", "target": ["Sur son site, Ditta a organisé une séance de questions/réponses sur lui-même au cours de laquelle il disait que son job de rêve serait d'être avocat pour représenter des clients dans le couloir de la mort en Amérique, son dernier invité à dîner serait Mohammed Ali et l'inégalité serait ce qui le motiverait à travailler."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On his website Ditta gave a question and answer session about himself in which he says his fantasy job would be a lawyer representing clients on Death Row in America, his ultimate dinner guest as being Mohammed Ali and inequality as his motivation for work. A:", "doc_id": 508, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi", "target": ["Le maréchal Hussein Tantaoui a assisté à la cérémonie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Military ruler Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi was in attendance. A:", "doc_id": 2570, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Mais le spectacle était-il au rendez-vous?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But was the show up to expectations? A:", "doc_id": 945, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Goodyear", "target": ["Titan accepte de les recruter parmi les quelque 1 200 salariés actuels de Goodyear."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Titan has agreed to recruit them from the 1,200 or so people currently working for Goodyear. A:", "doc_id": 274, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The pipeline in Bulgaria starts new gas era A", "target": ["Alexei Miller de Gazprom déclare que le gazoduc de Bulgarie inaugure une nouvelle ère du gaz"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gazprom's Alexei Miller says pipeline in Bulgaria starts new gas era A:", "doc_id": 2017, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No new orders", "target": ["Toutefois, si aucune nouvelle commande n'est annoncée au cours des prochains mois, nous nous attendons à ce que le marché devienne plus sceptique au sujet du programme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, if no new orders are announced in the coming months, we suspect that the market will become more skeptical of the program. A:", "doc_id": 294, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The announcement by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons came one day ahead of the Nov.", "target": ["L'annonce de l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques (OIAC) est arrivée avec un jour d'avance sur la date limite du"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The announcement by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons came one day ahead of the Nov. A:", "doc_id": 1880, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Press", "target": ["La presse kenyane s'indigne de la loi controversée sur les médias"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kenyan press outraged at controversial media law A:", "doc_id": 578, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "without it we face a crisis in capacity on our rail network", "target": ["Sans lui, nous sommes confrontés à un problème de capacité de notre réseau ferroviaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without it we face a crisis in capacity on our rail network. A:", "doc_id": 1772, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The body movements, the laughter, the small cries beautifully", "target": ["La gestuelle, les rires et les petits cris transposent bellement l'archaïque, la grâce et le ridicule des corps en coït, des êtres qui se fondent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The body movements, the laughter, the small cries beautifully translate the archaicness, the gracefulness and the absurdity of bodies in coitus, of beings melting into each other. A:", "doc_id": 2525, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It should be recalled that the Charles-de-Gaulle had just returned from a six-month period of interim maintenance.", "target": ["Rappelons que le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle sort d'une période d'entretien intermédiaire de six mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It should be recalled that the Charles-de-Gaulle had just returned from a six-month period of interim maintenance. A:", "doc_id": 2133, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The workload isn't a hardship", "target": ["Pour Dr Bwelle, la charge de travail relativement constante n'est pas une difficulté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For Bwelle, the near-constant workload isn't a hardship. A:", "doc_id": 2727, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Because her androgen receptors are faulty,", "target": ["En raison de la défaillance de ses récepteurs d'androgènes, Katie a développé des caractéristiques féminines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Because her androgen receptors are faulty, Katie developed female characteristics. A:", "doc_id": 1342, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm sorry if my words have offended anyone.", "target": ["Si j'ai blessé quelqu'un par mes paroles, j'en suis désolé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm sorry if my words have offended anyone. A:", "doc_id": 258, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Minister", "target": ["L'ancien ministre de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud Joe Tripodi a nié avoir modifié la politique de baux commerciaux à la demande de son mentor politique Eddie Obeid, qui avait des intérêts cachés dans trois biens situés dans la zone contrôlée par le gouvernement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former NSW minister Joe Tripodi has denied changing maritime leases policy at the request of his political mentor Eddie Obeid, who had hidden interests in three properties on government-controlled land. A:", "doc_id": 1730, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Richard Usher", "target": ["Ce trader, Richard Usher, a quitté RBS en 2010 et aurait été mis suspendu de son poste de responsable européen du trading au comptant pour les devises chez JPMorgan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This trader, Richard Usher, left RBS in 2010 and is understand to have be given leave from his current position as European head of forex spot trading at JPMorgan. A:", "doc_id": 2418, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US", "target": ["On a beau les dénoncer, je ne vois pas de quelle manière ils pourront être punis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However much we denounce the US, I see no way in which it can be punished. A:", "doc_id": 1265, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Clinton", "target": ["Dans un entretien avec Martin, Daley a confirmé que l'administration avait effectivement envisagé de remplacer Biden par Clinton."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In an interview with Martin, Daley confirmed that the administration did in fact consider replacing Biden with Clinton. A:", "doc_id": 1381, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Following the Next Day", "target": ["À partir de The Next Day, paru en janvier, il a concocté une réédition de luxe prévue pour le 4 novembre, avec plusieurs inédits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following The Next Day, released in January, he has put together a deluxe re-release planned for November 04, featuring several unpublished tracks. A:", "doc_id": 70, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There is a problem of semantics", "target": ["Il y a selon moi un problème de sémantique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I think there is a problem of semantics. A:", "doc_id": 2846, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The results fell short of forecasts", "target": ["Les résultats n'ont pas été à la hauteur des prévisions et le cours des actions a reculé de 8 % à la Bourse de Toronto."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Results fell short of forecasts and sent shares sliding more than 8 percent on the Toronto Stock Exchange. A:", "doc_id": 290, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "January", "target": ["Une audience plénière sur cette question est prévue pour le mois de janvier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A plenary hearing on the matter is scheduled to take place in January. A:", "doc_id": 943, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "bikes", "target": ["Les motards se tirent la bourre pour faire des photos et me suivent jusqu'à chez moi où je dois faire un peu la police pour empêcher certains de monter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The bikes were jostling to get in front and take photos. They followed me all the way home, where I had to do some policing to stop some of them climbing up. A:", "doc_id": 2821, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "constitutional", "target": ["Grande victoire pour l'administration Obama : la Cour suprême américaine a déclaré aujourd'hui que la loi de réforme du système de santé ratifiée par Obama était constitutionnelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a major victory for the Obama administration, the US Supreme Court today ruled Barack Obama's signature health care law is constitutional. A:", "doc_id": 2457, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["YouGov a interrogé plus de 1 000 chefs d'entreprise, globalement représentatifs de toutes les tailles d'entreprises, des secteurs et régions de Grande-Bretagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of YouGov polled over 1,000 business leaders, broadly representative of Britain's business sizes, sectors and regions. A:", "doc_id": 1991, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$6.9 billion", "target": ["La majorité des Américains – 158 millions d'entre eux en fait – célèbreront Halloween cette année, dépensant un total de 6,9 Md$ en bonbons, déguisements et décorations, selon la National Retail Federation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The majority of Americans - 158 million of them in fact - will be celebrating Halloween this year, spending a total of $6.9 billion on candy, costumes and decorations, according to the National Retail Federation. A:", "doc_id": 1426, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The future looks bright", "target": ["Malgré la précarité qui est le lot de tant d'institutions culturelles, l'avenir se dessine bien, même à long terme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Despite the precarious situation that so many cultural institutions face, the future looks bright, even in the long term. A:", "doc_id": 536, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire caused significant damage to the structure of the building", "target": ["Le feu a \"causé d'importants dommages à la structure du bâtiment\", a indiqué le chef aux opérations du Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, Richard Bordeaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fire \"caused significant damage to the structure of the building\", said the chief of operations of the Montreal Fire Department, Richard Bordeaux. A:", "doc_id": 560, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "U.S. supplies increased 4.1 million barrels", "target": ["Le département américain de l'énergie a indiqué mercredi que les approvisionnements américains avaient augmenté de 4,1 millions de barils la semaine dernière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Energy Department said Wednesday that U.S. supplies increased 4.1 million barrels last week. A:", "doc_id": 929, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Q1/15", "target": ["« Cette lenteur des essais en vol – bien qu'elle soit apparemment conforme au calendrier interne de Bombardier – renforce notre opinion selon laquelle l'entrée en service sera repoussée au premier trimestre de 2015 », a déclaré M. Doerksen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This slow pace of flight testing - although in line with Bombardier's internal schedule apparently - reinforces our view that entry-into-service will be pushed to Q1/15,\" said Doerksen. A:", "doc_id": 308, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1,600", "target": ["964 personnes sont mortes dans les violences en octobre, dont 855 civils, 65 policiers et 44 soldats, et 1 600 personnes ont été blessées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 964 people (of which 855 civilians, 65 policemen and 44 soldiers) were killed in acts of violence during October and 1,600 people were injured. A:", "doc_id": 1047, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After travelling to - often troubled - zones", "target": ["Après ces voyages dans des zones souvent troublées, il s'installait pour un mois derrière sa machine à écrire IBM à marguerite datant de 1976 \"dont toutes les pièces ont été changées\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After travelling to - often troubled - zones, he would spend a month at his 1976 IBM daisy wheel typewriter, \"every part of which has been replaced\". A:", "doc_id": 1650, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ASCOVIME", "target": ["Et il a créé une association humanitaire à but non lucratif, ASCOVIME, qui se rend dans les zones rurales pendant les week-ends pour dispenser des soins de santé gratuits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And he started a nonprofit, ASCOVIME, that travels into rural areas on weekends to provide free medical care. A:", "doc_id": 2694, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "500", "target": ["Ainsi, un voyage Frontier de1 000 miles acheté auprès d'une agence de voyage en ligne permettrait de gagner 250 miles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So, a 1,000 mile Frontier trip purchased from an online travel agency would earn 250 miles. A:", "doc_id": 216, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They have gladly acknowledged him as a great awakener, a driving force, a unifier of their work, but observed that he seemed disinclined to produce such work himself.", "target": ["Ils ont volontiers reconnu en lui un grand éveilleur, animateur et fédérateur de leurs travaux, mais en faisant observer qu'il se montrait peu enclin à en produire lui-même."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They have gladly acknowledged him as a great awakener, a driving force, a unifier of their work, but observed that he seemed disinclined to produce such work himself. A:", "doc_id": 2742, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The family left its home and moved into a hotel", "target": ["\"Nous n'avons pas convié les rats chez nous\", se défend le père de famille qui a quitté son logement pour s'installer à l'hôtel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We didn't invite the rats in,\" counters the father of the family, which left its home and moved into a hotel. A:", "doc_id": 890, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a bit complicated, a bit of a shock, quite difficult to handle.", "target": ["C'est un peu compliqué, un peu violent, assez complexe à gérer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a bit complicated, a bit of a shock, quite difficult to handle. A:", "doc_id": 2826, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Students", "target": ["À chaque fois, c'est la clientèle scolaire qui sera ciblée, une initiative qui avait connu beaucoup de succès au cours de la saison précédente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The student body has, each time, been the target of an initiative that had a lot of success last season. A:", "doc_id": 529, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "AK-47 assault rifles", "target": ["Aux murs de son bureau sont accrochés des fusils d'assaut AK-47, des photos érotiques et des photos de l'auteur avec des seigneurs de guerre africains."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the walls of his office hang AK-47 assault rifles, erotic photos and photos of the author with African war lords. A:", "doc_id": 1652, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "many", "target": ["Les emplois sont nombreux entre les théâtres régionaux, tournées, Broadway, le off-Broadway..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are numerous jobs in regional theatres, touring companies, Broadway, off Broadway etc. A:", "doc_id": 1133, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "information", "target": ["L'information servira à un important rassemblement sur la famille que le pape François prévoit organiser l'an prochain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The information will be used at a major assembly on the family that Pope Francis is planning to organize next year. A:", "doc_id": 1081, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the departure of almost 10 pharmacists from the CSSS in Laval", "target": ["Le départ de près de 10 pharmaciens au Centre de santé et services sociaux (CSSS) de Laval a causé tout un émoi à la direction de l'Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé, et ce, lors de l'année 2012-2013."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The departure of almost 10 pharmacists from the Centre for Health and Social Services (CSSS) in Laval has caused turmoil amidst the managers of the Cité-de-la-Santé hospital in the year 2012-2013. A:", "doc_id": 597, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Good", "target": ["Murphy a déclaré que le but de ce voyage était de permettre d'améliorer les relations, mais également de faire preuve de « fermeté affectueuse »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While Murphy said the purpose of the trip is to help improve relationships, he said some \"tough love\" will also be dispensed. A:", "doc_id": 2962, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Abdel-Malik Djermoune assure avoir déjà sept têtes de liste en France métropolitaine et en Martinique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Abdel-Malik Djermoune claims there are already seven names on the candidate list in mainland France and in Martinique. A:", "doc_id": 2936, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "research", "target": ["Il dit également que l'étude montre que l'expérience en cabine ne dépend pas seulement de la largeur des sièges."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It also says research shows cabin experience depends on more than the width of a seat. A:", "doc_id": 1677, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nevertheless, the government has not declared any intention of reforming its anti-corruption system, for example by creating a body independent of the Party", "target": ["Mais le gouvernement n'a aucunement manifesté l'intention de réformer le système de lutte contre la corruption en créant par exemple un organisme indépendant du parti."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevertheless, the government has not declared any intention of reforming its anti-corruption system, for example by creating a body independent of the Party. A:", "doc_id": 2058, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden is ready to speak to German officials", "target": ["Hans-Peter Friedrich, ministre de l'Intérieur allemand, a déclaré au Zeit Online : « Si M. Snowden est prêt à parler aux responsables allemands, nous ferons en sorte de rendre cela possible. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hans-Peter Friedrich, German interior minister, told Zeit Online: \"If Mr Snowden is ready to speak to German officials, we will find ways to make this possible.\" A:", "doc_id": 128, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM", "target": ["GM a néanmoins fait état d'une progression de près de 16% de ses ventes le mois dernier à 226 402 véhicules, contre 211 563 attendues par le consensus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevertheless, GM has reported an increase of about 16% in sales last month with 226,402 vehicles, as compared to 211,563 expected by consensus. A:", "doc_id": 2581, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "15-day", "target": ["Bamford a été condamnée à une peine d'emprisonnement de 15 jours dans un centre de détention de faible sécurité dans la périphérie de Phuket plutôt que dans une prison pour femmes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bamford was sentenced to serve the 15-day prison term at a low security detention centre on the outskirts of Phuket rather than in an adult women's jail. A:", "doc_id": 2973, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Four", "target": ["Quatre ont déjà émergé sur la Toile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Four have already appeared on the Internet. A:", "doc_id": 71, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Anne Hidalgo", "target": ["Anne Hidalgo, candidate socialiste à la mairie de Paris doit y assister, et expliquera ensuite, lors d'une conférence de presse ses propositions en matière de funéraire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Anne Hidalgo, socialist candidate for Paris mayorship, is expected to attend and will later explain her proposals on funerary matters at a press conference. A:", "doc_id": 855, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["\"Si d'autres supporters avaient une intention de se rendre à Paris par d'autres moyens, la préfecture de police française a fait savoir que des mesures ont été prises permettant de procéder à des arrestations voire des gardes à vue\", a encore annoncé Marie Verbeke."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If other supporters are intending to travel to Paris by other means, the French Police Department has said that steps have been taken to permit arrests to be made and people to be taken into custody,\" Marie Verbeke also announced. A:", "doc_id": 2986, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes, I was indeed carrying a boy.", "target": ["Et bien sûr, ce fut un petit garçon dans mon ventre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And, yes, I was indeed carrying a boy. A:", "doc_id": 405, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I will spare no effort to implement the mandate given to me by member states to realise our vision of sustainable development goals that build on the success of the MDGs", "target": ["Je ferai le maximum pour m'acquitter du mandat qui m'a été confié par les États membres pour réaliser notre vision des objectifs de développement durable qui s'appuient sur le succès des OMD."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I will spare no effort to implement the mandate given to me by member states to realise our vision of sustainable development goals that build on the success of the MDGs. A:", "doc_id": 774, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She appointed an outside monitor to oversee major changes, including reforms in policies, training and supervision, and she ordered a pilot program to test body-worn cameras in some precincts where most stops occur.", "target": ["Elle a désigné un contrôleur extérieur pour superviser les modifications, notamment la réforme des politiques, de la formation et de la supervision, et elle a ordonné la mise en place d'un programme pilote pour tester des caméras portées sur le corps dans les quartiers où se déroulent le plus grand nombre de contrôles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She appointed an outside monitor to oversee major changes, including reforms in policies, training and supervision, and she ordered a pilot program to test body-worn cameras in some precincts where most stops occur. A:", "doc_id": 965, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mobile devices", "target": ["Les transporteurs devront démontrer que leurs avions peuvent tolérer des interférences radio provenant d'appareils électroniques, de même que revoir les manuels, le matériel de formation, les programme de transport de bagages à main et les consignes fournies aux passagers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Carriers will need to prove their planes can tolerate radio interference from mobile devices as well as revise manuals, training materials, carry-on baggage programs and passenger briefings. A:", "doc_id": 1794, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Parents should not hesitate to get guidance from their pediatrician about how to talk with their child.", "target": ["Les parents ne devraient pas hésiter à demander conseil à leur pédiatre pour savoir comment parler avec leur enfant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Parents should not hesitate to get guidance from their pediatrician about how to talk with their child. A:", "doc_id": 1602, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The End of Spying", "target": ["Obama met fin aux écoutes visant le FMI et la Banque mondiale"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obama Ends Spying on IMF and World Bank A:", "doc_id": 757, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "impossible", "target": ["Certains banquiers ont essayé de minimiser l'affaire en disant qu'il est presque impossible de manipuler le vaste marché des changes fortement liquide, mais les traders seniors expliquent que cela n'est pas nécessairement vrai."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some bankers have tried to play down the affair by saying the vast and highly liquid foreign exchange market is almost impossible to manipulate, but senior traders are saying this is not necessarily true. A:", "doc_id": 2427, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama walked back his oft-repeated, unambiguous promise that \"if you like your health plan, you can keep it.\"", "target": ["Sous une avalanche de critiques, le président Obama est revenu hier sur sa promesse sans ambiguïté et souvent répétée selon laquelle « si vous êtes satisfait de votre régime de santé, vous pouvez le garder »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Amid a firestorm of criticism, President Obama yesterday walked back his oft-repeated, unambiguous promise that \"if you like your health plan, you can keep it.\" A:", "doc_id": 2900, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "CAD 44.9 million", "target": ["Il s'agit d'un recul comparativement au bénéfice net de 44,9 millions, ou 83 ¢ par action, de la même période l'an dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is a drop compared to the net profit of CAD 44.9 million, or 83¢ per share, recorded in the same period last year. A:", "doc_id": 155, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "very difficult", "target": ["Il manquait près de 30% des effectifs nécessaires, rendant cette année financière \"très difficile\", selon la chef du département, Gillian Beaudet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is a staff shortage of almost 30%, making the financial year \"very difficult\" according to department head, Gillian Beaudet. A:", "doc_id": 599, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fancy a glow-in-the-dark ice cream", "target": ["Vous avez envie d'une glace fluo ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fancy a glow-in-the-dark ice cream? A:", "doc_id": 1392, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Patrick Niedo, author of the reference book 'Histoires de comédies musicales' and speaker at the Théâtre du Châtelet, analyses the reasons for the hard-won success.", "target": ["Patrick Niedo, auteur du livre de référence \"Histoires de comédies musicales\" et conférencier au Théâtre du Châtelet, analyse les raisons du succès si durement conquis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Patrick Niedo, author of the reference book 'Histoires de comédies musicales' and speaker at the Théâtre du Châtelet, analyses the reasons for the hard-won success. A:", "doc_id": 1118, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not originally in the business of helping states tax drivers", "target": ["À l'origine, la société ne se destinait pas à aider les automobilistes qui payent des taxes aux États."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The firm was not originally in the business of helping states tax drivers. A:", "doc_id": 51, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Il y a peu d'espoir que des réformes impopulaires soient lancées dans une année préélectorale\", les élections présidentielles étant prévues en 2015, relève l'expert, interrogé à l'AFP."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There is little hope of unpopular reforms being made in a pre-election year,\" said the expert in an AFP interview. Presidential elections are planned for 2015. A:", "doc_id": 669, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Two vehicles collide on Route 131 in Lanaudière leaving four injured", "target": ["Une collision entre deux véhicules a fait quatre blessés, tôt vendredi, sur la route 131, dans Lanaudière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two vehicles collide on Route 131 in Lanaudière leaving four injured Friday morning. A:", "doc_id": 175, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The controversy between the Americans and Europeans continued to grow this week with new revelations in the press", "target": ["Mais la controverse entre Américains et Européens a continué d'enfler cette semaine avec de nouvelles révélations dans la presse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the controversy between the Americans and Europeans continued to grow this week with new revelations in the press. A:", "doc_id": 836, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "money", "target": ["Ces frais sont un moyen de s'assurer que les passagers transportent moins de choses à bord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fees are one way to get passengers to bring less on board. A:", "doc_id": 188, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why is this a significant discovery as the Wildlife Conservation Society says?", "target": ["Pourquoi s'agit-il d'une découverte d'importance comme l'a affirmé la Wildlife Conservation Society?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why is this a significant discovery as the Wildlife Conservation Society says? A:", "doc_id": 2396, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "My mother has taken possession of my face", "target": ["Ma mère a pris possession de mon visage et elle me regarde tous les matins dans mon miroir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My mother has taken possession of my face, and every morning she looks back at me in the mirror. A:", "doc_id": 425, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to the authorities, the victim is a man in his fifties", "target": ["Selon les autorités, la victime est un homme âgé dans la cinquantaine qui travaillait pour une entreprise de coffrage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the authorities, the victim is a man in his fifties, who worked for a formwork company. A:", "doc_id": 2314, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Because cremation is a recent development", "target": ["\"Parce que la crémation est un fait nouveau\", répond Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, présidente de la Société de thanatologie et auteur du livre Apprivoiser la mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Because cremation is a recent development,\" says Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, president of the Thanatological Society and author of the book Apprivoiser la Mort. A:", "doc_id": 864, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Answer", "target": ["Cette révélation, 68 ans après la fin du régime nazi d'Adolf Hitler, répondrait à l'une des grandes énigmes de l'Après-Guerre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This revelation comes 68 years after the fall of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and solves one of the big post-War mysteries. A:", "doc_id": 2646, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Cette semaine, Airbus a appelé l'industrie aéronautique à mettre en place une norme imposant une taille de siège d'au moins 18 pouces (45,72 cm) dans les classes économiques, mais son grand rival américain Boeing déclare que ce devrait être aux compagnies aériennes de décider."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus this week called for an industry standard that would provide for a seat at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide in economy cabins, but its U.S. arch-rival Boeing says it should be for airlines to decide. A:", "doc_id": 1662, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Except my wife.", "target": ["Sauf à ma femme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Except my wife. A:", "doc_id": 256, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 380 million", "target": ["Les bénéfices tirés des activités de production ont légèrement diminué au troisième trimestre, tandis que les profits des activités en aval (dont le raffinage et la production chimique) ont chuté de 45% à 380 millions de dollars."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The profits from production activities went down slightly in the third quarter, while profits from downstream activities (including refining and chemical production) fell 45% to 380 million dollars. A:", "doc_id": 713, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Little earlier", "target": ["Un peu plus tôt, sur la route menant à Bunagana, poste-frontière avec l'Ouganda, des militaires aidés de civils chargeaient un lance-roquettes multiple monté sur un camion flambant neuf des FARDC, devant assurer la relève d'un autre engin pilonnant les positions du M23 sur les collines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A little earlier, on the road to Bunagana, the frontier post with Uganda, soldiers assisted by civilians loaded up a multiple rocket launcher mounted on a brand new truck belonging to the FARDC, intended to take over from another device pounding the positions of the M23 in the hills. A:", "doc_id": 1096, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pope Francis has decided to communicate his decision to convoke February's consistory in advance in order to facilitate the planning of other meetings involving the participation of cardinals from different parts of the world", "target": ["« Le pape François a décidé de communiquer sa décision de convoquer le consistoire de février à l'avance afin de faciliter la planification des autres réunions nécessitant la participation des cardinaux de différentes parties du monde », a déclaré Lombardi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Pope Francis has decided to communicate his decision to convoke February's consistory in advance in order to facilitate the planning of other meetings involving the participation of cardinals from different parts of the world,\" Lombardi said. A:", "doc_id": 2280, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Movie", "target": ["Martin Scorsese laisse échapper quelques images de son prochain film dont le rôle-titre, celui d'un courtier new-yorkais ambitieux, est incarné par Leonardo DiCaprio."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Martin Scorsese has released footage from his next film in which the title role, an ambitious New York broker, is played by Leonardo DiCaprio. A:", "doc_id": 1011, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tunnel", "target": ["Le tunnel, zigzagant sur une longueur équivalente à près de six terrains de football de long, relie des entrepôts près de Tijuana, au Mexique, à San Diego, aux États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tunnel, which zigzags the length of nearly six football pitches, links warehouses near Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, USA. A:", "doc_id": 2157, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The protein we are using in the ice cream reacts with your tongue at neutral pH", "target": ["La protéine que nous utilisons dans la glace réagit avec la langue à pH neutre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The protein we are using in the ice cream reacts with your tongue at neutral pH. A:", "doc_id": 1399, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of the government's survival guide", "target": ["Letta confiant dans la longévité de son gouvernement"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Letta Confident of Government's Survival A:", "doc_id": 1354, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Omar Moustapha Hassan", "target": ["Omar Moustapha Hassan a été accusé de prise d'otage, séquestration, profération de menaces, port d'arme dans un dessein dangereux, enlèvement, et défaut de se conformer à une ordonnance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Omar Moustapha Hassan stands accused of hostage-taking, hostage-holding, making of verbal threats, carrying a weapon with dangerous intent, abduction and failure to follow an order. A:", "doc_id": 541, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They could also have requested an immediate search warrant, if this was considered necessary.", "target": ["Elle aurait également pu requérir un mandat de perquisition instantané, si jugé nécessaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They could also have requested an immediate search warrant, if this was considered necessary. A:", "doc_id": 2440, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The month of October", "target": ["Irak: octobre a été le mois le plus sanglant depuis 2008"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of October: Bloodiest Month in Iraq Since 2008 A:", "doc_id": 455, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Internet-connected", "target": ["La Californienne envisage de contester ce qui pourrait être la première citation à comparaître en son genre, en disant que les lunettes connectées à Internet rendent la navigation plus facile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The California woman plans to challenge what may be a first-of-its-kind citation, saying the Internet-connected eyewear makes navigation easier. A:", "doc_id": 2047, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["« Nous aspirons à de meilleurs lendemains, une nouvelle Égypte et une deuxième république », a déclaré le président Morsi au cours de la cérémonie solennelle diffusée en direct sur la télévision publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We aspire to a better tomorrow, a new Egypt and a second republic,\" Morsi said during a solemn ceremony shown live on state television. A:", "doc_id": 2562, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not accessible", "target": ["« NSA.gov est resté inaccessible pendant quelques heures ce soir en raison d'une erreur interne qui a eu lieu pendant une mise à jour prévue », a indiqué l'agence d'espionnage dans une déclaration par email."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"NSA.gov was not accessible for several hours tonight because of an internal error that occurred during a scheduled update,\" the spy agency said in an emailed statement. A:", "doc_id": 223, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The day I was set free", "target": ["Quand je suis libéré, je me retrouve dans le coffre d'une voiture où je rencontre - sans le voir car il fait noir - Roger Auque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The day I was set free, I was in the boot of a car where I met Roger Auque - although I couldn't see him as it was dark. A:", "doc_id": 2797, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People think the ones responsible for the future of the country are the government and the president, and he should be the one to find solutions for the problems", "target": ["« Les gens pensent que les responsables de l'avenir du pays sont le gouvernement et le président, et que c'est à ce dernier de trouver des solutions aux problèmes », a-t-il expliqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"People think the ones responsible for the future of the country are the government and the president, and he should be the one to find solutions for the problems,\" he says. A:", "doc_id": 809, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ruby", "target": ["Vers 14h15 mercredi, une personne à la vue aiguisée qui promenait son chien a repéré Ruby sur une corniche dans la carrière, coincée à 15 m au-dessus du sol."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At around 2.15pm on Wednesday, an eagle-eyed dog walker spotted Ruby on the ledge in the quarry, stranded 50ft up. A:", "doc_id": 1476, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "if we do this, hundreds of millions of drivers will be concerned about their privacy and a host of other things", "target": ["Si on fait ça, des centaines de millions d'automobilistes s'inquiéteront de la protection de leur vie privée et d'un tas d'autres choses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If we do this, hundreds of millions of drivers will be concerned about their privacy and a host of other things. A:", "doc_id": 67, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not really about raising money", "target": ["O'Malley a déclaré que ces nouveaux frais ne serviront pas vraiment à collecter de l'argent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of O'Malley said the new charge is not really about raising money. A:", "doc_id": 189, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were brandishing placards accusing him and others of being murderers and appealing to the United States to refuse to give him aid.", "target": ["Ils brandissaient des pancartes l'accusant, entre autres, d'être un meurtrier et appelant les Etats-Unis à refuser de lui fournir de l'aide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were brandishing placards accusing him and others of being murderers and appealing to the United States to refuse to give him aid. A:", "doc_id": 465, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier EIS", "target": ["Bombardier a indiqué qu'elle était en train d'évaluer le calendrier d'entrée en service et fournira de nouvelles informations au cours des prochains mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bombardier said it was evaluating the entry-into-service (EIS) schedule and will provide an update in the next few months. A:", "doc_id": 307, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The funding", "target": ["Le financement, prévu sur 4 ans, a été décidé après des consultations du gouvernement avec le député indépendant de Tasmanie, Andrew Wilkie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The funding, over four years, was decided after government consultations with Tasmanian independent MP Andrew Wilkie. A:", "doc_id": 1855, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Berlin Mitte", "target": ["\"Son corps a été enterré en 1945 dans une fosse commune du cimetière juif de Berlin-Mitte\", a-t-il assuré au quotidien à grand tirage en s'appuyant sur des documents d'archives."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"His body was buried in a common grave in the Jewish cemetery in Berlin Mitte in 1945,\" he confirmed in the popular daily newspaper, basing his statement on archives. A:", "doc_id": 2645, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM's truck roll-out began in June", "target": ["Le déploiement des pickups de GM a commencé en juin et représente le lancement de véhicules le plus important pour le premier constructeur automobile américain depuis sa faillite et sa restructuration en 2009."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of GM's truck roll-out began in June and represents the most important vehicle launch for the No. 1 U.S. automaker since its 2009 bankruptcy restructuring. A:", "doc_id": 2299, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are in the process of abandoning and killing off emergency units that were reformed less than five years ago", "target": ["\"Ils sont en train de vider et d'asphyxier des urgences qui ont été rénovées il y a moins de cinq ans\", estime-t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They are in the process of abandoning and killing off emergency units that were reformed less than five years ago,\" he believes. A:", "doc_id": 741, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Dans le cas du premier recours, la congrégation de Sainte-Croix avait accepté de régler à l'amiable avant que des auditions soient menées sur le fond."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the first action, the Congregation of the Holy Cross agreed to settle out of court before preliminary hearings were conducted. A:", "doc_id": 555, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "one doctor for every 413 people", "target": ["À titre de comparaison, le ratio aux États-Unis est d'1 médecin pour 413 habitants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For comparison's sake, the ratio in the United States is one doctor for every 413 people. A:", "doc_id": 2686, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the inseparable pair", "target": ["Les deux inséparables – qui sont de la même taille – ont été salués pour la présentation, l'attitude et le style lors du concours annuel qui s'est déroulé au centre équestre Sunnybank, à Rudry près de Cardiff."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The inseparable pair - who are the same height - were commended for appearance, behaviour and style at the annual contest run by Sunnybank Equestrian Centre, in Rudry near Cardiff. A:", "doc_id": 2087, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Historically, that meant it was white labour that had to be protected - and if some in the region saw echoes of that historic artifact, I wouldn't be surprised.", "target": ["Historiquement, cela signifiait que le travail des Blancs devait être protégé – et je ne serais pas surprise que certains pays de la région y voient comme un écho à cet artéfact historique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Historically, that meant it was white labour that had to be protected - and if some in the region saw echoes of that historic artifact, I wouldn't be surprised. A:", "doc_id": 1753, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Obama administration", "target": ["Mais après avoir maintes fois défendu l'administration d'Obama face à mes pairs et mes collègues, je n’arrive plus à fournir d'explications."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, after the countless times in which I have found myself defending the Obama administration to colleagues and peers, I've reached a limit to the explanations that I can provide. A:", "doc_id": 2339, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "France has been clear of rabies since 2001", "target": ["\"La France étant indemne de rage depuis 2001, ce chaton ou la mère ont été importés d'un autre pays, non indemne\", selon le communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"France has been clear of rabies since 2001. This kitten or the mother were imported from another country where it is still present,\" says the press release. A:", "doc_id": 2895, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Without these cards, such individuals cannot take advantage of numerous social or healthcare services in these bases, or access the shops of the latter", "target": ["Sans ces cartes, ces personnes ne peuvent bénéficier des nombreux services sociaux ou de santé fournis dans ces bases, ou accéder à leurs magasins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without these cards, such individuals cannot take advantage of numerous social or healthcare services in these bases, or access the shops of the latter. A:", "doc_id": 2870, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The viewers shared their thoughts on Twitter", "target": ["Sur Twitter, les téléspectateurs ont partagé leurs commentaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The viewers shared their thoughts on Twitter. A:", "doc_id": 947, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not a child safe organisation", "target": ["Le YMCA de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud n'était pas une organisation sûre pour les enfants à l'époque où Jonathan Lord y était employé, à savoir entre 2009 et 2011, a déclaré l'expert en matière de violences sexuelles sur les enfants, le Professeur Stephen Smallbone de l'université de Griffith devant la Commission."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of YMCA NSW was not a child safe organisation at the time Jonathan Lord was employed between 2009 and 2011, child sex abuse expert Professor Stephen Smallbone of Griffith University told the commission. A:", "doc_id": 2077, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Le président Armando Guebuza a cherché à minimiser les inquiétudes concernant l'instabilité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of President Armando Guebuza has sought to play down concerns about instability. A:", "doc_id": 788, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The man concerned", "target": ["L'intéressé, Rob Ford, a toujours nié avoir consommé du crack, tout en reconnaissant avoir un penchant pour le cannabis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The man concerned, Rob Ford, has always denied having taken crack, but has admitted being partial to cannabis. A:", "doc_id": 2884, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "sharing what Quebec culture is, for example, the sense of belonging, support for people going through the changes we are experiencing within the student body", "target": ["\"Sur la transmission, par exemple, de ce qu'est la culture québécoise, le sentiment d'appartenance, le soutien au personnel dans les transformations qu'on vit, au sein de la clientèle étudiante\", énumère-t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Sharing what Quebec culture is, for example, the sense of belonging, support for people going through the changes we are experiencing within the student body,\" he lists. A:", "doc_id": 2997, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United Kingdom and the Netherlands", "target": ["Avec notre aide, le Royaume-Uni et la Hollande ont déployé des postes-frontières automatiques utilisant la reconnaissance faciale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With our help, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have deployed automated passport gates that use face recognition. A:", "doc_id": 2194, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "stability", "target": ["Omar Sultuane, un manifestant, a dit que les gens voulaient seulement de la stabilité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Omar Sultuane, a demonstrator, said people just wanted stability. A:", "doc_id": 810, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Police chief David Kimaiyo", "target": ["Le chef de la police, David Kimaiyo, a réagi en convoquant deux journalistes et un responsable des médias pour les interroger, bien que la convocation ait été retirée suite à une levée de boucliers dans les médias."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Police chief David Kimaiyo reacted by summoning two journalists and a media executive for questioning, although the summons was retracted following a media outcry. A:", "doc_id": 586, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Land Rover Rally Series", "target": ["Land Rover annonce son parrainage d'une série de rallyes"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Land Rover rally series announced A:", "doc_id": 1460, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "U.S.", "target": ["Il est ensuite devenu le premier membre de haut rang du gouvernement des États-Unis à admettre que l'espionnage américain avait dépassé les bornes, mais a insisté sur le fait que les droits de chacun n'avaient pas été violés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He then became the first high-ranking member of the U.S government to admit that US spying had crossed the line, but emphasised that no one's rights had been abused. A:", "doc_id": 2943, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Egyptian Revolution", "target": ["L'Égypte demande au premier président librement élu de prêter serment"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Egypt swears in first freely elected president A:", "doc_id": 2557, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "dogs in the different studies were not fully interpreting the animals in the films or robo-dogs as canines", "target": ["Il a indiqué que les différences pouvaient venir du fait que les chiens ayant participé aux différentes études ne considéraient pas entièrement les animaux des films ou les chiens robots comme des chiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said the differences could be because the dogs in the different studies were not fully interpreting the animals in the films or robo-dogs as canines. A:", "doc_id": 2259, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nissan", "target": ["Nissan, qui a dû procéder à une telle révision, a également annoncé un remaniement de sa direction."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nissan, which was forced to make the revision, also announced a management restructuring. A:", "doc_id": 2589, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "£42.6bn", "target": ["En juin, le gouvernement a revu à la hausse le coût estimatif de la construction de la liaison à grande vitesse entre Londres et le nord de l'Angleterre, passant de 32,7 Md£ à 42,6 Md£."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In June the government revised the estimated cost of building the high-speed link between London and the North of England from £32.7bn to £42.6bn. A:", "doc_id": 1767, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Aux Etats-Unis, le président Obama n'a pas dérogé à la tradition d'Halloween."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US President Obama celebrated the tradition of Halloween. A:", "doc_id": 2005, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nothing", "target": ["Cela n'avait rien à voir avec ce que j'avais imaginé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was simply nothing I could have imagined. A:", "doc_id": 2336, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The future", "target": ["Prison à vie pour un ancien vice-gouverneur chinois"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Life Sentence for Former Chinese Vice-Governor A:", "doc_id": 2051, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The director Lars von Trier chose her to play the young Charlotte Gainsbourg in his next film, Nymphomaniac.", "target": ["Le réalisateur Lars von Trier l'a choisie pour incarner Charlotte Gainsbourg jeune dans Nymphomaniac, son prochain film."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The director Lars von Trier chose her to play the young Charlotte Gainsbourg in his next film, Nymphomaniac. A:", "doc_id": 618, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM recalls some new pickup trucks in U.S. to fix seatbacks", "target": ["GM rappelle certains de ses nouveaux pickups aux États-Unis pour réparer le dossier des sièges"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of GM recalls some new pickup trucks in U.S. to fix seatbacks A:", "doc_id": 2293, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The charges filed by the US justice department include espionage and theft of government property.", "target": ["Dans le cadre de la plainte déposée par le ministère américain de la justice, il est accusé d'espionnage et de vol de biens de l'État."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The charges filed by the US justice department include espionage and theft of government property. A:", "doc_id": 127, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Film", "target": ["Un air de documentaire"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Documentary-style A:", "doc_id": 1615, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "crude", "target": ["Le brut Brent, une référence pour le brut international déjà utilisé par les raffineries américaines, a perdu 26 cents pour tomber à 108,58 $ le baril sur l'Inter-Continental Exchange (ICE) à Londres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Brent crude, a benchmark for international crude also used by U.S. refineries, fell 26 cents to $108.58 a barrel on the ICE exchange in London. A:", "doc_id": 933, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nowadays I feel her as a daily presence, a benevolent force, a saving spirit.", "target": ["Désormais, je la ressens comme une présence quotidienne, une âme bienveillante, un esprit salvateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nowadays I feel her as a daily presence, a benevolent force, a saving spirit. A:", "doc_id": 416, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The injured person was immediately taken to hospital", "target": ["La personne blessée a aussitôt été hospitalisée, selon la même source."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The injured person was immediately taken to hospital, the same source said. A:", "doc_id": 2597, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It is all part of the process.", "target": ["Ça fait partie de la procédure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is all part of the process. A:", "doc_id": 2834, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The final", "target": ["Les inscriptions sont prises sur place samedi matin à partir de 9 heures et les phases de qualification débuteront dans la foulée, à 10 heures, avant la finale prévue à 15 heures et la remise des prix à 16 heures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Registrations will be conducted on-site on Saturday morning from 9am, and the qualification stages will follow shortly after at 10am. The final is scheduled for 3pm and the prize-award ceremony for 4pm. A:", "doc_id": 2878, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The traumatised grandfather was upstairs at the time of the explosion.", "target": ["Traumatisé, le grand-père était à l'étage au moment de l'explosion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The traumatised grandfather was upstairs at the time of the explosion. A:", "doc_id": 2552, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Revenue dropped 9 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to the French company", "target": ["Les recettes ont chuté de 9 % et sa capacité de vol a diminué de presque 13 % au cours du premier trimestre, selon les résultats financiers publiés mercredi par sa société mère, Republic Airways Holdings Inc."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Revenue dropped 9 percent and its flying capacity shrank almost 13 percent in the first quarter, according to financial results released Wednesday by corporate parent Republic Airways Holdings Inc. A:", "doc_id": 219, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The new Pope will nominate cardinals from the rest of the world to restore the balance", "target": ["« Il sera intéressant de voir si le nouveau pape nommera des cardinaux du reste du monde pour restaurer l'équilibre », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It will be interesting to see whether the new Pope will nominate cardinals from the rest of the world to restore the balance,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2285, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Profitability of the Company", "target": ["Situation améliorée"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Improved situation A:", "doc_id": 605, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Minister", "target": ["Pasteur accusé de pornographie juvénile en Nouvelle-Écosse"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Minister Accused of Child Pornography in Nova Scotia A:", "doc_id": 1834, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["Des avions de guerre israéliens ont atteint une cible dans la ville portuaire syrienne de Latakia jeudi soir, confirme un responsable militaire à Fox News."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli warplanes struck a target inside the Syrian port city of Latakia Thursday night, a senior administration official confirms to Fox News. A:", "doc_id": 1744, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "empower", "target": ["Mais le Dr Arlene Baratz, radiologue spécialisée dans les mammographies à Pittsburgh, dont la fille est atteinte d'un désordre du développement sexuel et qui aide des milliers de personnes dans un groupe de soutien, a déclaré que la loi allemande « responsabilisera » les parents et les enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Dr. Arlene Baratz, a Pittsburgh breast radiologist who has a daughter with a disorder of sexual development and helps hundreds of others in a support group, said the German law will \"empower\" both parents and children. A:", "doc_id": 1340, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo is abandoning the 1992 peace accord", "target": ["Mais l'inquiétude a grandi après que M. Mazanga a déclaré que la Renamo abandonnait l'accord de paix de 1992."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But concerns have grown after Mr Mazanga was quoted as saying Renamo was abandoning the 1992 peace accord. A:", "doc_id": 791, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syrian", "target": ["Un groupe de militants syriens a également déclaré jeudi que plus de 120 000 personnes ont été tuées depuis le début de la guerre civile dans le pays il y a près de 3 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Also Thursday, a Syrian activist group said more than 120,000 people have been killed since the start of the country's civil war nearly three years ago. A:", "doc_id": 1879, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Upper House of the Italian parliament will meet this month to decide on the fate of the former president, who was found guilty of tax evasion in August.", "target": ["La chambre haute du parlement italien se réunira dans le courant du mois pour décider du sort de l'ancien président du Conseil condamné pour fraude fiscale en août."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Upper House of the Italian parliament will meet this month to decide on the fate of the former president, who was found guilty of tax evasion in August. A:", "doc_id": 1357, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "transmission", "target": ["Mais les transmissions sont plus fortes lorsque les appareils téléchargent ou envoient des données."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But transmissions are stronger when devices are downloading or sending data. A:", "doc_id": 1972, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The baby", "target": ["Dans le Maryland, la mère d'un nourrisson a également déclaré sur Baby Zone qu'elle préfèrerait qu'un sexe soit attribué aux bébés à leur naissance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One Maryland mother of a newborn also told the Baby Zone that she would rather see babies assigned gender at birth. A:", "doc_id": 1299, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Damascus still has to start destroying existing weapons and stockpiles.", "target": ["Cependant, Damas doit encore démarrer la destruction des armes et des réserves existantes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, Damascus still has to start destroying existing weapons and stockpiles. A:", "doc_id": 1884, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The YMCA has been at the forefront of child safety", "target": ["Il a également admis que la déclaration d'ouverture du YMCA était inexacte en soulignant, « des contrôles externes du YMCA ont été effectués et ont indiqué que la sécurité des enfants était une priorité absolue pour l'organisation. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He conceded the YMCA's opening statement to the commission was also inaccurate in claiming \"there have been external audits of the YMCA that have recognised the YMCA as being at the forefront of child safety.\" A:", "doc_id": 2064, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "everyone will soon be identifiable, anywhere and any time", "target": ["\"Tout le monde pourra bientôt être identifié, n'importe où et n'importe quand\", s'émeut Justin Brookman, responsable de la vie privée des consommateurs au sein du CDT (Center for Democracy and Technology), à Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Everyone will soon be identifiable, anywhere and any time,\" says a concerned Justin Brookman, consumer privacy director for the CDT (Center for Democracy and Technology) in Washington. A:", "doc_id": 2183, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "From Bunagana", "target": ["De Bunagana, fief politique et dernière place forte de la rébellion tombée mercredi, une journaliste de l'AFP pouvait entendre des détonations d'armes lourdes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From Bunagana, a political stronghold and last preserve of the rebellion to fall on Wednesday, an AFP journalist could hear the detonation of heavy arms. A:", "doc_id": 1091, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The accuracy of face recognition has improved tenfold over the past five years", "target": ["La précision de la reconnaissance faciale a été multipliée par dix au cours des cinq dernières années, calcule Cyrille Bataller, directeur des laboratoires de R&D d'Accenture en Europe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The accuracy of face recognition has improved tenfold over the past five years, considers Cyrille Bataller, R&D laboratory director at Accenture in Europe. A:", "doc_id": 2193, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "targetted action", "target": ["L'armée israélienne s'est contentée d'évoquer une \"action ciblée\" dans la zone proche d'un tunnel qualifié de \"terroriste\" par l'Etat hébreu, creusé à la frontière et dont la découverte a été annoncée milieu octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Israeli army simply mentioned carrying out \"targeted action\" in the area close to what the Jewish state calls a \"terrorist\" tunnel dug at the border, the discovery of which was reported in mid-October. A:", "doc_id": 1372, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's all completely new", "target": ["Mais nous n'avons jamais connu une telle situation – elle est totalement nouvelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But we've not been in that situation before -- it's all completely new. A:", "doc_id": 2291, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "At least two people were injured", "target": ["Selon la police locale, il y aurait au moins 2 blessés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At least two people were injured, according to local police. A:", "doc_id": 522, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Justice Scalia", "target": ["Le président de la Cour suprême, John Roberts, s'est rallié aux quatre membres les plus libéraux de la Cour, tandis que les juges Scalia, Thomas, Alito et Kennedy ont exprimé leur désaccord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the four more liberal members of the court while Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy dissented. A:", "doc_id": 2459, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the need for different educational strategies", "target": ["\"Des stratégies pédagogiques différentes, c'est ça le véritable besoin \", résume-t-elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The real need is for different educational strategies,\" she summarises. A:", "doc_id": 3001, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DRC", "target": ["Le Nord-Kivu est l'une des régions les plus densément peuplées de la RDC, et son sous-sol regorge de ressources minières convoitées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of North Kivu is one of the most densely populated areas of the DRC, and its land abounds in coveted mineral resources. A:", "doc_id": 1102, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drug dealer", "target": ["La relation dont nous parlons n'est pas simplement un trafiquant de drogue, mais un trafiquant de drogue fournissant de la drogue à son propre avocat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The relationship we are talking about is not simply a drug dealer, but a drug dealer providing his own lawyer with drugs. A:", "doc_id": 492, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a police station", "target": ["Scotland Yard a « délivré un avis de remise à l'encontre d'un homme de 40 ans qui lui demande de se présenter à un commissariat de police, à la date et l'heure de son choix », a déclaré un porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scotland Yard has \"served a surrender notice upon a 40-year-old man that requires him to attend a police station at date and time of our choosing,\" a spokesman said. A:", "doc_id": 2172, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Young actors are trained in these skills in numerous schools.", "target": ["Les jeunes sont formés à ces métiers dans de nombreuses écoles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Young actors are trained in these skills in numerous schools. A:", "doc_id": 1132, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Today", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, certains de ces classements sont remis en cause en raison des progrès de la génétique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today, some of these classifications have been questioned as a result of advances in genetics. A:", "doc_id": 2391, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["O'Malley a expliqué que le site et les procédures d'enregistrement de Frontier sont en train de changer pour garantir que les passagers connaissent l'existence de ces frais avant d'arriver à la porte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of O'Malley said Frontier's website and check-in procedures are being changed to make sure passengers know about the fee before they get to the gate. A:", "doc_id": 193, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "But she continues to influence my life, particularly in when I'm going through hard times, or when I have to make an important decision.", "target": ["Mais elle continue d'influencer ma vie, notamment dans les moments où je me trouve en difficulté, ou bien lorsque je dois prendre des décisions importantes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But she continues to influence my life, particularly in when I'm going through hard times, or when I have to make an important decision. A:", "doc_id": 411, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1,073", "target": ["Le nombre total de morts en octobre est le plus élevé depuis avril 2008, quand 1 073 personnes avaient été tuées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The total number of deaths in October is the highest since April 2008, when 1,073 people were killed. A:", "doc_id": 1050, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rwanda", "target": ["Et ce serait aussi la première fois depuis 1996 qu'aucun groupe armé allié au Rwanda ne serait présent dans l'est de la RDC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And it would also be the first time since 1996 that there is no armed group allied to Rwanda present in the east of the RDC. A:", "doc_id": 696, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "male", "target": ["Cela leur laisse le temps de faire certains tests et de les comprendre, et un délai avant d'inscrire « masculin » ou « féminin »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It gives them the time to do some tests and figure it out and a period of time before they write 'male' or 'female.' A:", "doc_id": 1347, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "For flyers", "target": ["Pour les passagers, il s'agit davantage d'avoir une certaine liberté de mouvement, mais pour les fournisseurs, c'est de plus en plus une question qui pourrait affecter leurs résultats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For flyers it is about more elbow room, but for suppliers it is increasingly an issue that could affect earnings. A:", "doc_id": 1681, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "producers", "target": ["Les ­producteurs français indépendants tentent une ­percée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Independent French producers are trying to make a breakthrough. A:", "doc_id": 1126, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The discord spread to Asia on Friday.", "target": ["Et la polémique s'étendait vendredi à l'Asie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The discord spread to Asia on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 847, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Adolescence", "target": ["Puberté précoce : Vieillir plus tôt"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Early puberty: Growing older sooner A:", "doc_id": 1562, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google Glass Accessories", "target": ["Lancement d'une boutique d'accessoires pour Google Glass"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Google Glass Accessories Shop Launched A:", "doc_id": 358, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Politicians are loath to raise the tax even one penny when gas prices are high.", "target": ["Les hommes politiques sont réticents à augmenter la taxe, même d'1 cent, alors que les prix de l'essence sont élevés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Politicians are loath to raise the tax even one penny when gas prices are high. A:", "doc_id": 21, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase", "target": ["Entre le début des années 1970, lorsque le jumbo 747 de Boeing a défini le voyage long-courrier moderne, et le tournant du siècle, le poids de l'Américain moyen de 40 à 49 ans a augmenté de 10 %, selon les données du département américain de la Santé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Between the early 1970s, when the Boeing 747 jumbo defined modern long-haul travel, and the turn of the century, the weight of the average American 40- to 49-year-old male increased by 10 per cent, according to U.S. Health Department Data. A:", "doc_id": 1672, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unless it's followed by genuine reform to put Tasmania's public health system on a more sustainable footing", "target": ["M. Wilkie a dit aujourd'hui que les 325 M$ ne compteront pas pour grand-chose « à moins qu'ils soient suivis d'une réforme véritable permettant de consolider le système de santé public de Tasmanie »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Wilkie today said the $325 million would count for little \"unless it's followed by genuine reform to put Tasmania's public health system on a more sustainable footing.\" A:", "doc_id": 1864, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Cela doit inclure la possibilité de durées de voyage entre Glasgow et Édimbourg de trois heures au plus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is to include the possibility of eventual journey times from Glasgow and Edinburgh to London of three hours or less. A:", "doc_id": 1769, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The School Transport", "target": ["Transport d'écolier: la plainte jugée recevable"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of School Transport: Complaint Judged Admissible A:", "doc_id": 716, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nevertheless, he hopes that the consultations carried out by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will give rise to interesting recommendations.", "target": ["Il espère cependant que les consultations menées par le Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC) vont déboucher sur des recommandations intéressantes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevertheless, he hopes that the consultations carried out by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will give rise to interesting recommendations. A:", "doc_id": 151, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If the minister does not take a step by Monday, we will take a different approach,", "target": ["Si la ministre ne prend pas de mesure d'ici lundi, nous allons changer de braquet, prévient Christophe Prudhomme, médecin urgentiste et membre de la CGT Santé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If the minister does not take a step by Monday, we will take a different approach,\" warns Christophe Prudhomme, emergency medical officer and member of the healthcare CGT. A:", "doc_id": 751, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "CCTV footage", "target": ["Cependant, les enregistrements de vidéosurveillance ont plus tard révélé qu'elle était rentrée à son hôtel en toute sécurité après s'être séparée de son petit ami australien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, CCTV footage later revealed she had returned to her hotel safely after becoming separated from her Australian boyfriend. A:", "doc_id": 2970, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "no specific regulations", "target": ["« La CASA ne dispose pas de réglementations spécifiques régissant l'utilisation des appareils électroniques en avion », a-t-elle déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"CASA currently has no specific regulations governing the use of electronic devices in aircraft,\" it said. A:", "doc_id": 1785, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "£200", "target": ["Charlie, le fondateur de la société de glaces « Lick Me I'm Delicious », a déclaré : « C'est quelque chose d'incroyable mais nous n’en sommes encore qu’aux débuts en termes de production, et 2 g de ce truc coûte environ 200 £ . »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Charlie, founder of the \"Lick Me I'm Delicious\" ice cream company, said: \"It is incredible stuff but still at very early days in terms of production, so £200 gets you about 2g of the stuff.\" A:", "doc_id": 1398, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Clowns appear", "target": ["Des bouffons apparaissent, aussi familiers de Chouinard, arborant le nez rouge, dans des parades amoureuses hommes-femmes très polarisées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Clowns appear, another regular feature of Chouinard's work, wearing red noses, in very polarised parades of male/female lovers. A:", "doc_id": 2523, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["« Bien que la baisse des livraisons d'avions ait été en grande partie anticipée, nous sommes vraiment déçus par la marge bénéficiaire dans la division Transport », a déclaré Cameron Doerksen dans une note aux clients."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"While the weaker aircraft deliveries were mostly anticipated, we are clearly disappointed by the margin performance in transportation,\" Doerksen said in a client note. A:", "doc_id": 292, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "paying", "target": ["Les gens paient plus directement pour les avantages qui leur sont procurés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People are paying more directly into what they are getting. A:", "doc_id": 31, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Tasmanian health system", "target": ["« Ces investissements répondent à l’idée selon laquelle, d’après les cliniciens de première ligne, il s’agit du meilleur moyen de soigner le système de santé de Tasmanie », a déclaré Mme Plibersek."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"These investments respond to the ideas that front-line clinicians have told me will be the best ways to tend to Tasmania's health system,\" Ms Plibersek said. A:", "doc_id": 1860, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more and more European and South American countries are balking at the idea of entrusting their confidential data to American providers that are subject to American law and hence to the grips of the NSA", "target": ["Un autre effet peut être lui plus économique: de plus en plus d'entreprises européennes ou sud-américaines rechignent, à la lumière des révélations, à confier leurs données confidentielles à des prestataires américains soumis aux lois américaines, et donc à l'emprise de la NSA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another effect could be more commercial: in the light of the revelations, more and more European and South American countries are balking at the idea of entrusting their confidential data to American providers that are subject to American law and hence to the grips of the NSA. A:", "doc_id": 1269, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After ten days of scandal, revelations and denials", "target": ["Après dix jours de scandale, de révélations et de démentis entre les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés européens, c'est la première fois qu'un responsable gouvernemental américain admet explicitement des pratiques controversées dans l'interception par la NSA de communications et de données en Europe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After ten days of scandal, revelations and denials between the United States and its European allies, this is the first time that an official of the American government has explicitly admitted controversial activities in the NSA's interception of communications and data in Europe. A:", "doc_id": 827, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase", "target": ["Le groupe a produit 2,59 millions de barils d'équivalent pétrole par jour au cours du trimestre, en hausse par rapport aux 2,52 millions de bpj produits un an auparavant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The group produced 2.59 million oil-equivalent barrels per day during the course of the quarter, an increase compared to the 2.52 million barrels per day produced a year before. A:", "doc_id": 709, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What he found out was horrifying.", "target": ["Ce qu'il a découvert l'a horrifié."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What he found out was horrifying. A:", "doc_id": 1324, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He put together a real feast", "target": ["Pour l'occasion, il a concocté un vrai festin pour ses fans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He put together a real feast for his fans to mark the occasion. A:", "doc_id": 78, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The House leadership killed the proposal", "target": ["Mais la présidence de la Chambre a tué la proposition, répondant aux préoccupations des législateurs ruraux représentant des électeurs qui doivent parcourir de nombreux miles tous les jours pour se rendre à leur travail ou en ville."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the House leadership killed the proposal, acting on concerns of rural lawmakers representing constituents whose daily lives often involve logging lots of miles to get to work or into town. A:", "doc_id": 34, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Assange fears he will be extradited from Sweden to the United States to face possible espionage charges", "target": ["Assange craint d'être extradé de la Suède vers les États-Unis où il pourrait être accusé d'espionnage, après avoir dévoilé plus de 250 000 câbles diplomatiques américains sur le site WikiLeaks luttant contre les informations secrètes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Assange fears he will be extradited from Sweden to the United States to face possible espionage charges, after releasing more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables on the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website. A:", "doc_id": 2175, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "In a way, the person you loved becomes your inner energy.", "target": ["D'une certaine façon, l'être aimé devient votre énergie intérieure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a way, the person you loved becomes your inner energy. A:", "doc_id": 433, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It is a privilege to know that the people we love never leave us.", "target": ["C'est un privilège de savoir que les gens aimés ne nous quittent jamais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is a privilege to know that the people we love never leave us. A:", "doc_id": 381, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden would not be able to return to Russia if he left", "target": ["M. Ströbele a déclaré que, selon l'avocat de l'ancien consultant de la NSA, M. Snowden ne pourrait pas retourner en Russie s'il quittait le pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Ströbele said that, according to the former NSA contractor's lawyer, Mr Snowden would not be able to return to Russia if he left. A:", "doc_id": 133, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The phone transcript", "target": ["La transcription de conversations téléphoniques présentée à l'ICAC a montré des appels passés en août et septembre 2007 entre M. Obeid, M. Tripodi et Steve Dunn, un haut fonctionnaire qui était arrivé au ministère des Ports après avoir travaillé sous les ordres de M Obeid au ministère des Pêches."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A phone transcript tabled in ICAC showed calls in August and September 2007 between Mr Obeid, Mr Tripodi and Steve Dunn, a senior bureaucrat who had come into the ports ministry after working under Mr Obeid in the fisheries department. A:", "doc_id": 1738, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "obesity", "target": ["Les experts pensent que l'épidémie d'obésité pourrait être un déclencheur de la puberté précoce"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Experts think the obesity epidemic might be one trigger of early puberty A:", "doc_id": 1566, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "seized", "target": ["Les autorités ont saisi 8,5 tonnes de marijuana et 148 kg de cocaïne après la découverte du tunnel, selon les dossiers judiciaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Authorities seized eight-and-a-half tons of marijuana and 327 pounds of cocaine in connection with the tunnel's discovery, according to court records. A:", "doc_id": 2160, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The judge noted she wasn't putting an end to the stop-and-frisk practice, which is constitutional, but was reforming the way the NYPD implemented its stops.", "target": ["La juge a souligné qu'elle ne mettait pas fin aux pratiques de contrôle et de fouille, qui sont constitutionnelles, mais qu'elle réformait la façon dont le NYPD mettait en œuvre ses contrôles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The judge noted she wasn't putting an end to the stop-and-frisk practice, which is constitutional, but was reforming the way the NYPD implemented its stops. A:", "doc_id": 973, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I haven't signed up for the past two years to give out candy in my apartment and probably won't this year", "target": ["Ces deux dernières années, je n'ai pas distribué un seul bonbon et je ne le ferai certainement pas plus cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I haven't signed up for the past two years to give out candy in my apartment and probably won't this year. A:", "doc_id": 1424, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The level of emotion and fatigue made it difficult to think clearly.", "target": ["Mais l'état d'émotion et de fatigue est tel qu'il est difficile d'y voir clair."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet, the level of emotion and fatigue made it difficult to think clearly. A:", "doc_id": 2824, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DNA", "target": ["NEC propose aux services de police judiciaire une valise coûtant 90.000 euros pour analyser des échantillons d'ADN sur le lieu d'un crime et en une heure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NEC is offering the judicial police a portable pack costing 90,000 euros that can analyse DNA samples on a crime scene within an hour. A:", "doc_id": 2200, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier", "target": ["Le cours des actions de Bombardier, qui a également annoncé que Patrick Pichette, chef de la direction financière de Google Inc, siègerait au conseil d'administration, a chuté de 8,5 % à 4,83 dollars canadiens dans l'après-midi de jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Shares of Bombardier, which also announced that Google Inc Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette would join the board, were down 8.5 percent at C$4.83 in mid afternoon trading on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 322, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That must be subliminated; revealed through a story rather than stated.", "target": ["Et il doit être sublimé ; révélé à travers une histoire plutôt que déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And that must be subliminated; revealed through a story rather than stated. A:", "doc_id": 821, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "suspended", "target": ["Les deux traders sont les premiers employés de RBS à être suspendus dans le cadre de l'élargissement de l'enquête qui fait écho au scandale des manipulations du taux interbancaire Libor."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The two traders would be the first RBS employees to be suspended in the widening probe that echoes the Libor interbank lending manipulation scandal. A:", "doc_id": 2414, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "biometrics", "target": ["Bernard Didier, directeur général adjoint de Morpho , estime même que \"le siècle sera biométrique\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bernard Didier, vice-president of Morpho, believes this will be the \"century of biometrics\". A:", "doc_id": 2179, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US official confirmed that there had been an \"Israeli strike\", but did not give details of the target.", "target": ["Un responsable américain a confirmé une \"frappe israélienne\" mais n'a pas donné de détails sur la cible."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A US official confirmed that there had been an \"Israeli strike\", but did not give details of the target. A:", "doc_id": 2487, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No difference in visual continuity between Flanders and Brussels", "target": ["Selon le député, il n'y a désormais \"plus de différence de continuité visuelle entre la Flandre et Bruxelles\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the MP, there is now \"no difference in visual continuity between Flanders and Brussels. A:", "doc_id": 349, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Preventive treatment for human rabies administered after contact with the carrier animal but before symptoms appear is very effective", "target": ["\"Chez l'homme, le traitement préventif de la rage humaine, administré après le contact avec l'animal porteur, mais avant l'apparition des symptômes, est très efficace\", précise le communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Preventive treatment for human rabies administered after contact with the carrier animal but before symptoms appear is very effective,\" the press release specifies. A:", "doc_id": 2893, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not to abandon its employees", "target": ["Delta promet de ne pas laisser tomber ses employés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Delta has promised not to abandon its employees. A:", "doc_id": 239, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Congress could very simply deal with the bankrupt Highway Trust Fund by raising gas taxes", "target": ["À la Metropolitan Transportation Commission de la zone de la baie de San Francisco, les responsables disent que le Congrès pourrait très simplement gérer la faillite du Highway Trust Fund en augmentant les taxes sur l'essence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in the San Francisco Bay Area, officials say Congress could very simply deal with the bankrupt Highway Trust Fund by raising gas taxes. A:", "doc_id": 64, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Mulcaire, Thurlbeck and Weatherup have admitted phone hacking.", "target": ["Mulcaire, Thurlbeck et Weatherup ont admis avoir effectué du piratage téléphonique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mulcaire, Thurlbeck and Weatherup have admitted phone hacking. A:", "doc_id": 1043, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This detour in the path of my life is still the most unexpected and beautiful thing.", "target": ["Ce détour du chemin de ma vie reste le plus inattendu et le plus beau."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This detour in the path of my life is still the most unexpected and beautiful thing. A:", "doc_id": 380, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The program was progressing according to schedule", "target": ["Les dirigeants ont également rassurés les analystes et les médias jeudi en leur indiquant que le programme avançait conformément au calendrier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Executives also reassured analysts and media on Thursday the program was progressing according to schedule. A:", "doc_id": 300, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "maths GCSE", "target": ["Bien qu'il n'y ait aucune obligation formelle de consacrer plus d'heures de l'emploi du temps aux maths, des sources proches du gouvernement de coalition ont indiqué que le GCSE de maths approfondi – de même que l'importance plus grande accordée aux matières figurant dans les classements internationaux – encouragerait vraisemblablement les écoles à assurer plus d'heures de cours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While there will be no formal requirement to devote more of the timetable to maths, Coalition sources said the extensive maths GCSE - combined with more weighting for the subject in league tables - was likely to encourage schools to provide extra teaching. A:", "doc_id": 2634, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Other revelations", "target": ["D'autres révélations ont fait état de documents divulgués par Snowden selon lesquels la NSA avait intercepté des données et des communications émanant du téléphone portable de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel et de ceux de 34 autres chefs d'État."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other revelations cited documents leaked by Snowden that the NSA monitored German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone and those of up to 34 other world leaders. A:", "doc_id": 2957, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The NSA", "target": ["L'affaire NSA souligne l'absence totale de débat sur le renseignement"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NSA Affair Emphasizes Complete Lack of Debate on Intelligence A:", "doc_id": 1248, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Great Barrier Reef", "target": ["Pitcairn veut créer la plus grande réserve marine du monde"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pitcairn to Create World's Largest Marine Reserve A:", "doc_id": 2027, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The head of the American diplomatic service justified at length the intelligence practices and collection of data as part of the necessary fight against terrorism and the prevention of possible attacks", "target": ["Dans son intervention retransmise, en présence de son homologue britannique William Hague, le chef de la diplomatie américaine a longuement justifié les pratiques de renseignements et de collecte d'informations par la nécessaire lutte antiterroriste et la prévention contre d'éventuels attentats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In his relayed speech, and in the presence of his British counterpart, William Hague, the head of the American diplomatic service justified at length the intelligence practices and collection of data as part of the necessary fight against terrorism and the prevention of possible attacks. A:", "doc_id": 829, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "tax", "target": ["Tout argent enlevé de force aux contribuables diminue leur liberté de consommation et contribue à leur appauvrissement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Money forcibly raised from taxpayers reduces their disposable income and contributes to their impoverishment. A:", "doc_id": 2141, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The sixth edition of Play Skateboard will be held at the skate park in Hyeres this Saturday, 02 November.", "target": ["La sixième édition du Play Skateboard a lieu ce samedi 2 novembre au skate park à Hyères."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The sixth edition of Play Skateboard will be held at the skate park in Hyeres this Saturday, 02 November. A:", "doc_id": 2876, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Le désormais ancien chef des cuisines de l'Elysée, qui a pris un verre mardi soir avec son équipe, sa famille et des amis, part avec un pincement au cœur\".François Hollande est venu me saluer\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The now former head chef at the Elysée, who shared a drink on Tuesday evening with his team, his family and friends, is leaving with a twinge of sorrow. \"François Hollande came to say goodbye.\" A:", "doc_id": 998, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "passengers shouldn't expect changes to happen immediately.", "target": ["Mais les passagers ne devraient pas s'attendre à des changements immédiats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But passengers shouldn't expect changes to happen immediately. A:", "doc_id": 1937, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's not just a tax going into a black hole,", "target": ["« Il ne s'agit pas simplement d'une taxe s'engouffrant dans un grand trou noir », a déclaré Adrian Moore, vice-président de la politique à la fondation Reason."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This is not just a tax going into a black hole,\" said Adrian Moore, vice president of policy at Reason. A:", "doc_id": 30, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ambulatory care service", "target": ["D'ici à la fin de l'année, des médecins généralistes libéraux devraient également venir participer à la mise en place d'une \"permanence de soins ambulatoires\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By the end of the year, self-employed GPs are also expected to participate in the implementation of an \"ambulatory care service\". A:", "doc_id": 747, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Actuellement, les passagers doivent éteindre leurs smartphones, tablettes et autres appareils dès que les portes de l'avion sont fermées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Currently, passengers are required to turn off their smartphones, tablets and other devices once a plane's door closes. A:", "doc_id": 1943, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Big Brother", "target": ["« Les inquiétudes au sujet de Big Brother et ce genre de choses sont un gros problème », a déclaré Alauddin Khan, qui dirige la gestion stratégique de la performance au département des Transports du Nevada."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Concerns about Big Brother and those sorts of things were a major problem,\" said Alauddin Khan, who directs strategic and performance management at the Nevada Department of Transportation. A:", "doc_id": 44, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Rockstar réclame des dommages et intérêts plus important à l'encontre de Google, car il prétend que la violation de brevets de Google est obstinée, selon le plaignant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rockstar is seeking increased damages against Google, as it claims Google's patent infringement is willful, according to the complaint. A:", "doc_id": 2542, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "major", "target": ["Mais le tribunal a entendu des témoignages selon lesquels il appelait des acteurs majeurs dans le commerce de la drogue, dont certains qu'il avait représentés, après des arrestations clés pour leur dire quels enquêteurs étaient au courant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the court heard he would call major players in the drugs supply chain, some of whom he had previously represented, after key arrests to tell them what detectives knew about them. A:", "doc_id": 489, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only problem they have is poverty", "target": ["« Le seul problème qu'ils ont, c'est la pauvreté », a expliqué le Dr Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The only problem they have is poverty,\" Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2689, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Régulièrement épinglé pour machisme par des ligues féministes et pour racisme par des organisations des droits de l'Homme, Gérard de Villiers écartait ces accusations en deux phrases."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of De Villiers was regularly criticised by feminist groups for male chauvinism and by human rights organisations for racism - accusations he would dismiss in two sentences: A:", "doc_id": 1653, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Courtesy", "target": ["Les avocats devraient observer les règles d'intégrité les plus strictes et instaurer un climat de confiance auprès du public."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Solicitors should uphold the highest standards of integrity and should instil trust and confidence in the public. A:", "doc_id": 501, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The CEO said he did not accept staff's evidence that they were uncomfortable with reporting upwards to their managers.", "target": ["Le directeur général a dit qu'il rejetait les témoignages du personnel selon lesquels ils étaient réticents à l'idée de signaler ces manquements à leur supérieur hiérarchique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The CEO said he did not accept staff's evidence that they were uncomfortable with reporting upwards to their managers. A:", "doc_id": 2072, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pakistan", "target": ["Pendant le procès, un agent du FBI a déclaré que des rapports des services de renseignement avaient révélé que Patek était au Pakistan pour rencontrer ben Laden dans le but de rétablir des liens entre les groupes terroristes d'Asie du sud-est et Al-Qaïda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During the trial, an FBI agent testified that intelligence reports had revealed Patek was in Pakistan to meet with bin Laden in an effort to re-establish links between South-East Asian terrorist groups and al-Qaeda. A:", "doc_id": 1929, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "new", "target": ["« La rédaction de New Express était désorganisée », a dit le régulateur dans une déclaration."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"New Express's editorial management was disordered,\" the regulator said in a statement. A:", "doc_id": 2113, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "money", "target": ["Les banques épluchent les messages instantanés et les emails envoyés depuis des années pour trouver des cas d'actes répréhensibles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Banks are scouring through years\" worth of instant messages and emails to search for instances of wrongdoing. A:", "doc_id": 2425, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Minister", "target": ["Un pasteur qui s'occupait des jeunes, dans la région d'Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse, est accusé de pornographie juvénile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A minister who was in charge of children in the area of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has been accused of child pornography. A:", "doc_id": 1835, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Affordable Care Act", "target": ["Et, plus récemment, elle ne peut pas excuser l'impossibilité de concevoir un simple site Internet pendant plus de trois années après que la loi sur l'Affordable Care Act a été ratifiée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And, most recently, it cannot excuse the failure to design a simple website more than three years since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. A:", "doc_id": 2345, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "787", "target": ["Boeing déclare que son « 777X » réaménagé pourra accueillir en classe économique 406 personnes dans des sièges de plus de 17 pouces de large, et sera configuré avec 10 sièges par rangée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Boeing says its revamped \"777X\" will hold 406 people based on economy seats more than 17 inches wide and set out 10 in each row. A:", "doc_id": 1665, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Au Royaume-Uni, des évêques ont publié le sondage sur Internet en demandant aux catholiques de participer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the United Kingdom, bishops have published the poll on the Internet and asked Catholics to participate. A:", "doc_id": 1084, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Germany", "target": ["L'Allemagne est devenue la première nation européenne à reconnaître un troisième sexe pour les nourrissons nés avec des organes sexuels ambigus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Germany became the first European nation to recognize a third gender for babies born with ambiguous genitalia. A:", "doc_id": 1272, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "popes", "target": ["Les cardinaux sont les hommes d'église les plus haut placés dans l'Église catholique derrière le pape, et ceux qui l’élisent, donc François nommera son premier groupe d'hommes qui choisiront en définitive son successeur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cardinals are the highest-ranking clergy in the Catholic Church below the pope, and they're the ones who elect popes, so Francis will be appointing his first group of men who will ultimately help choose his successor. A:", "doc_id": 2276, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Allegiant Air", "target": ["Spirit Airlines Inc. avait appliqué les premiers frais de bagages à main il y a trois ans, et la compagnie low-cost Allegiant a suivi un peu plus tard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Spirit Airlines Inc. started the first carry-on fee three years ago, and fellow discounter Allegiant Air later followed. A:", "doc_id": 199, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "European leaders need to be honest with their own people about the kind of espionage programs they've used for years themselves", "target": ["Il a expliqué que les chefs d'État européens devaient être honnêtes avec leurs citoyens au sujet du type de programmes d'espionnage qu'ils appliquent eux-mêmes depuis des années."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said European leaders need to be honest with their own people about the kind of espionage programs they've used for years themselves. A:", "doc_id": 2963, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Almost thirty years ago", "target": ["Voila bientôt trente ans que mon mari est décédé à l'âge de 33 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Almost thirty years ago, my husband died aged 33. A:", "doc_id": 445, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Instead, Bwelle spent years escorting his father to overcrowded clinics and hospitals, getting whatever treatment they could get.", "target": ["Au lieu de cela, Dr Bwelle a passé des années à accompagner son père dans des cliniques et des hôpitaux bondés, pour qu'il obtienne n'importe quel traitement dont il pouvait bénéficier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Instead, Bwelle spent years escorting his father to overcrowded clinics and hospitals, getting whatever treatment they could get. A:", "doc_id": 2679, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "My mother died nineteen years ago.", "target": ["Ma mère est décédée il y a dix-neuf ans maintenant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My mother died nineteen years ago now. A:", "doc_id": 418, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase in unit costs", "target": ["Le gain en termes de coûts unitaires est faible comparé à l'appareil configuré avec 10 sièges par rangée actuellement en service."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The gain in unit costs is blunted compared with 10-abreast now in use. A:", "doc_id": 1686, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["\"Le service d'accueil des urgences de l'Hôtel-Dieu doit fermer dans le plus bref délai, et pour nous, c'est le 4 novembre\", assure sans détour Loïc Capron, le président de la commission médicale d'établissement (CME) de l'APHP, qui soutient le projet de la direction."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The Hôtel-Dieu emergency service has to close as soon as possible, and for us, that's November 4,\" Loïc Capron, the chairperson of the medical committee (CME) at the APHP which supports the management project, says straightforwardly. A:", "doc_id": 733, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Samsung", "target": ["Google, Samsung et Huawei font l'objet de poursuites judiciaires concernant les brevets Nortel"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Google, Samsung, Huawei sued over Nortel patents A:", "doc_id": 2530, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He grew up in Tennessee", "target": ["Interrogé sur la façon dont il a composé son personnage, l'acteur et chanteur Justin Timberlake avait rappelé avoir \"grandi dans le Tennessee, baigné par le blues et la country\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Asked how he had developed his character, the actor and singer Justin Timberlake recalled how he \"grew up in Tennessee, bathed in the blues and country music\". A:", "doc_id": 1621, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Tripodi acknowledged that Mr Obeid was urging a shift in government lease policy.", "target": ["Mais il a nié avoir changé sa politique à la demande de M. Obeid qui, a reconnu M. Tripodi, réclamait un changement de la politique gouvernementale en matière de baux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But he denied the changes were made at the request of Mr Obeid, who Mr Tripodi acknowledged was urging a shift in government lease policy. A:", "doc_id": 1737, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This was a very unusual call-out.", "target": ["C'était un appel très inhabituel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was a very unusual call-out. A:", "doc_id": 1483, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "One day, he died.", "target": ["Un jour, il est mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One day, he died. A:", "doc_id": 387, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Inside Llewyn Davis", "target": ["\"Inside Llewyn Davis\" des frères Coen, Grand prix du dernier Festival de Cannes, est un film nostalgique et drôle sur le Greenwich village de 1961 et la musique folk qui commençait tout juste à y résonner, avant l'arrivée de Bob Dylan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Inside Llewyn Davis\" by the Coen brothers, winners of the Grand Prix at the last Cannes Film Festival, is a nostalgic comedy set in Greenwich Village in 1961 and based on folk music, which was just budding there prior to the arrival of Bob Dylan. A:", "doc_id": 1607, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president", "target": ["Après que des centaines de milliers de personnes ont reçu des avis de résiliation de leurs prestataires, les républicains ont critiqué le président au cours des derniers jours en l'accusant de tromper le peuple américain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With hundreds of thousands receiving cancellation notices from their providers, Republicans have slammed the president in recent days for misleading the American public. A:", "doc_id": 2901, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision of Judge Shira Scheindlin will be stayed pending the outcome of an appeal by the city", "target": ["La cour d'appel des États-Unis (deuxième circuit) a indiqué que la décision de la juge Shira Scheindlin était suspendue jusqu'à l'issue de l'appel interjeté par la ville."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the decisions of Judge Shira Scheindlin will be stayed pending the outcome of an appeal by the city. A:", "doc_id": 959, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "form", "target": ["Mais ne nous y trompons pas, tout aussi contraignante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A form, which - make no mistake - is just as restrictive, A:", "doc_id": 2784, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "German", "target": ["Par une belle journée de fin août, un hélicoptère de la police allemande a survolé à basse altitude le Consulat britannique de Francfort, la capitale financière de l'Allemagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On a mild day in late August a German police helicopter buzzed low over the US consulate in Frankfurt, the financial capital of Germany. A:", "doc_id": 1173, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No news of them after this", "target": ["On était alors sans nouvelle d'eux depuis, a précisé la même source."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There was no news of them after this, said the same source. A:", "doc_id": 327, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The ex-Baywatch babe has ditched her long blonde locks in favour of a platinum pixie crop", "target": ["L'ancienne jolie nana d'Alerte à Malibu a laissé tomber ses longs cheveux blonds contre une coupe garçonne blonde platine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ex-Baywatch babe has ditched her long blonde locks in favour of a platinum pixie crop. A:", "doc_id": 2661, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "each of these techniques has its limitations.", "target": ["Mais chacune de ces techniques possède ses contraintes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But each of these techniques has its limitations. A:", "doc_id": 2187, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was amazing to get her back in our arms.", "target": ["C'était surprenant de l'avoir à nouveau dans les bras."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was amazing to get her back in our arms. A:", "doc_id": 1490, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "failure", "target": ["En conséquence, les dossiers ne respectent pas les normes fédérales de sécurité des véhicules concernant les appuie-têtes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As a result, the seatbacks fail to comply with federal auto safety standards on head restraints. A:", "doc_id": 2296, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He gives his life to this organization, and his desire to help the Cameroon people is everlasting.", "target": ["Il donne sa vie pour cette association, et son envie d'aider le peuple camerounais n'est pas près de s'éteindre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He gives his life to this organization, and his desire to help the Cameroon people is everlasting. A:", "doc_id": 2726, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["À l'heure actuelle, la société a enregistré un total de 403 commandes et engagements d'achat auprès de 15 clients et opérateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are currently 403 total orders and commitments with 15 customers and operators. A:", "doc_id": 298, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Interactive with smartphones and tablets is second nature for children today", "target": ["\"Interagir avec les smartphones et les tablettes est une seconde nature pour les enfants aujourd'hui\", a commenté Albert Cheng, vice-président chargé des produits numériques chez Disney/ABC Television Group, cité dans le communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Interacting with smartphones and tablets is second nature for children today,\" notes Albert Cheng, vice-president of digital products at the Disney/ABC Television Group, in a quote in the press release. A:", "doc_id": 118, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The movement", "target": ["Le mouvement est également soutenu par deux anciens secrétaires américains aux Transports qui, dans un rapport de 2011, exhortaient le Congrès à aller dans la voie du paiement au mile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The movement is also bolstered by two former U.S. Transportation secretaries, who in a 2011 report urged Congress to move in the pay-per-mile direction. A:", "doc_id": 32, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first nine episodes of Sheriff Callie's Wild West will be available from November 24 on the site watchdisneyjunior.com or via its application for mobile phones and tablets.", "target": ["Les neuf premiers épisodes de Sheriff Callie's Wild West seront disponibles à partir du 24 novembre sur le site watchdisneyjunior.com ou via son application pour téléphones et tablettes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first nine episodes of Sheriff Callie's Wild West will be available from November 24 on the site watchdisneyjunior.com or via its application for mobile phones and tablets. A:", "doc_id": 114, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Pour moi, ce n'est pas l'indication d'un changement de tendance, a-t-il observé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For me, this does not indicate a change in trend,\" he noted. A:", "doc_id": 167, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Son endettement, encore relativement modeste, a explosé ces dernières années et S&P l'estime à 33,5% du PIB, contre moins de 10% avant la crise de 2008-2009."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Its debt, which is still relatively modest, has exploded in recent years. S&P estimates it as 33.5% of the GDP, as opposed to 10% prior to the crisis of 2008-2009. A:", "doc_id": 664, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "survey", "target": ["Un sondage publié en début de semaine par Common Sense Media montrait une explosion de l'usage des appareils mobiles par les jeunes enfants aux États-Unis: 38% des moins de 2 ans se sont déjà servis d'une tablette ou d'un téléphone, et 72% des moins de 8 ans, contre respectivement 10% et 38% il y a deux ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A survey published by Common Sense Media at the beginning of the week showed an explosion in the use of mobile devices by young children in the United States: 38% of children under 2 already use a tablet or mobile phone, and 72% of under 8s, compared to 10% and 38% respectively two years ago. A:", "doc_id": 120, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["À l'exception de l'opéra, la province reste le parent pauvre de la culture en France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With the exception of opera, the provinces remain the poor relative of culture in France. A:", "doc_id": 1136, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prosecuting, Anne Whyte said: \"If anyone should know not to the break the law, it is a criminal solicitor.", "target": ["Le procureur Anne Whyte a déclaré : « Si quelqu'un doit savoir qu'il ne faut pas violer la loi, c'est bien un avocat pénaliste. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prosecuting, Anne Whyte said: \"If anyone should know not to the break the law, it is a criminal solicitor.\" A:", "doc_id": 490, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Appeal", "target": ["L'appel de Scott Brown rejeté"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scott Brown Appeal Rejected A:", "doc_id": 2600, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The alarm went off one after the other as it took reinforcements to deal with the building, because the buildings here are close together", "target": ["\"Alors les alarmes se sont succédé, parce que ça prenait du renfort pour attaquer le bâtiment, parce que c'est des bâtiments collés ici \", a expliqué France Loiselle, porte-parole des pompiers de Québec."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The alarms went off one after the other as it took reinforcements to deal with the building, because the buildings here are close together,\" explained France Loiselle, spokesperson for the Quebec fire service. A:", "doc_id": 904, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "failed", "target": ["M. Hare, qui a commencé à travailler au YMCA à l'âge de 21 ans, a admis que la gestion du personnel a été un échec avec le recrutement de Lord et qu'il avait omis de vérifier que les employés savaient qu'ils étaient tenus de signaler toute violation de la politique de sécurité des enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Hare, who started with the YMCA when he was 21, conceded management \"from myself down\" failed by recruiting Lord and failed to make sure staff were clear about their obligations to report child safe policy breaches. A:", "doc_id": 2066, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Le syndicat des journalistes allemands a invité jeudi ses adhérents à cesser d'utiliser les services en ligne de Google et de Yahoo au lendemain de nouvelles révélations sur les activités des services de renseignements américains et britanniques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The union of German journalists urged its members to stop using Google and Yahoo online services on Thursday, following new revelations concerning the activities of the American and British intelligence services. A:", "doc_id": 337, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mayor", "target": ["Alexander Lisi, précédemment accusé de trafic de drogues, était en contact fréquent avec le maire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lisi, who has previously been accused of drug trafficking, was frequently in contact with the mayor. A:", "doc_id": 2436, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["Airbus et Boeing ne fournissent pas de sièges, mais proposent un catalogue de fournisseurs parmi lesquels les compagnies aériennes doivent choisir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus and Boeing do not supply seats but offer a catalogue of suppliers for airlines to choose from. A:", "doc_id": 1690, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The police said they have also observed him delivering parcels to Rob Ford", "target": ["La police a dit avoir aussi observé cet homme délivrant des colis à Rob Ford, indiquent de nouveaux documents de cour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The police said they have also observed him delivering parcels to Rob Ford, according to new court documents. A:", "doc_id": 2437, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was running on sand", "target": ["Il a parcouru toute la longueur de la piste en courant et même s'il semblait être tout petit, il a fait un merveilleux travail."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was running on sand down the full length of the arena and even though he looked so tiny he did a marvellous job. A:", "doc_id": 2098, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Howie was ordered to pay costs of £90 and a victim surcharge of £100.", "target": ["Howie a également été condamné à payer des frais s'élevant à 90 £ et une surtaxe pour victime de 100 £."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Howie was also ordered to pay costs of £90 and a victim surcharge of £100. A:", "doc_id": 2232, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama", "target": ["Un autre officiel a, lui, indiqué que Barack Obama avait donné ordre de cesser ces pratiques au cours des semaines passées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another official indicated that Barack Obama had given the order to stop these practices during recent weeks. A:", "doc_id": 763, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "lawsuit was filed in 2004 by four men, all minorities, and became a class action case", "target": ["Une action judiciaire a été introduite en 2004 par quatre hommes, tous provenant de minorités, et s’est transformée en action collective."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A lawsuit was filed in 2004 by four men, all minorities, and became a class action case. A:", "doc_id": 970, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The great pre-war reporters", "target": ["Il travaillait \"comme les grands reporters d'avant guerre, du type Albert Londres, qui allaient sur place et revenaient avec de vraies et longues enquêtes\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He worked \"like the great pre-war reporters, in the likes of Albert Londres, who went on location and came back with proper, lengthy investigations.\" A:", "doc_id": 1641, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not allowed to communicate with anyone under 18", "target": ["Il ne doit notamment pas communiquer avec des personnes de moins de 18 ans et ne pas accéder à Internet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To be specific, he is not allowed to communicate with anyone under 18 or to access the Internet. A:", "doc_id": 1840, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "500", "target": ["« Nous recevons 500 personnes à chaque visite », a déclaré M. Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We are receiving 500 people in each trip,\" Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2702, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "C", "target": ["Toutefois, on craint que les petites et moyennes entreprises restent vulnérables au piratage et à la surveillance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, there is concern that small and medium-sized companies remain vulnerable to hacking and surveillance. A:", "doc_id": 1208, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was normal", "target": ["C'était logique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was normal. A:", "doc_id": 2837, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The head of state", "target": ["\"C'est toujours le chef de l'Etat ou sa compagne ou épouse qui choisit les menus\", rappelle-t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's always the Head of State or his partner or wife who chooses the menu,\" he recalls. A:", "doc_id": 988, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Apéro Lyrique", "target": ["À ces activités s'est ajouté l'Apéro lyrique, le concert-bénéfice tenu en août dernier, avec le concours de la soprano colorature Marie-Ève Munger."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In addition to these events, there was the Apéro Lyrique, the benefit concert held last August, with the support of coloratura soprano, Marie-Eve Munger. A:", "doc_id": 533, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And with poverty, they cannot enjoy their life.", "target": ["Et en raison de la pauvreté, ils ne peuvent pas profiter de la vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And with poverty, they cannot enjoy their life. A:", "doc_id": 2690, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["\"Les réactions rapides des policiers impliqués et leur capacité de désamorcer la situation immédiatement ont été essentielles à la conclusion sécuritaire de cet incident\", a déclaré le caporal Bert Paquet par voie de communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The fast response by the police officer involved and their ability to defuse the situation immediately were critical to the safe ending of this incident,\" said Lance Corporal Bert Paquet in a press release. A:", "doc_id": 542, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$100", "target": ["La porte-parole de Frontier, Kate O'Malley a indiqué que les 100 $ étaient prévus pour inciter les voyageurs à payer les frais à l'avance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier spokeswoman Kate O'Malley said the $100 fee is to get travelers to take care of the charge in advance. A:", "doc_id": 184, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of oil extends drop toward $96 a barrel A", "target": ["Le prix du pétrole continue à baisser et se rapproche de 96 $ le baril"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Oil extends drop toward $96 a barrel A:", "doc_id": 924, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Following the outrage of the European states", "target": ["Face à la colère d'Etats européens et alors que des fuites dans la presse américaine affirmaient que le président américain n'était pas au courant de telles écoutes, Barack Obama a refusé de s'exprimer à ce sujet, invoquant la sécurité nationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following the outrage of the European states, and even though leaks to the American press stated that the American President was not up-to-date with these spying activities, Barack Obama has refused to comment on the matter, citing national security. A:", "doc_id": 843, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "XY", "target": ["Tel est le cas de Jim Bruce, un écrivain de 36 ans du Montana, qui est né avec des chromosomes mâles XY mais des organes sexuels ambigus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Such was the case with Jim Bruce, a 36-year-old writer from Montana, who was born with XY male chromosomes but ambiguous genitals. A:", "doc_id": 1316, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mobile", "target": ["Les passagers aériens australiens devront continuer à éteindre leurs tablettes et leurs smartphones pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage malgré le geste des États-Unis visant à assouplir la réglementation relative aux appareils électroniques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Australian airline passengers will need to continue turning off their tablets and smart phones during take-off and landing despite moves in the US to loosen regulations covering the devices. A:", "doc_id": 1780, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the taxpayers", "target": ["Je donne cependant une mention honorable à la transformation de l'ancienne Wabasso en une sorte d'incubateur industriel, mais à quel coût pour les payeurs de taxes?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, I do make honourable mention of the transformation of the former Wabasso into a sort of industrial incubator, but at what cost to the taxpayers? A:", "doc_id": 2145, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The right to vote for foreigners", "target": ["Outre le multiculturalisme, Abdel-Malik Djermoune a bâti son programme -consultable sur Internet- à partir de nombreux thèmes censés parler aux habitants de banlieue et notamment aux jeunes: le droit de vote pour les étrangers, la légalisation du cannabis, la majorité civile à 16 ans, la réhabilitation de la fonction de gardien d'immeuble..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Besides multiculturalism, Abdel-Malik Djermoune has built his manifesto - which can be read on the Internet - around various subjects intended to appeal to suburban residents, especially the young: the right to vote for foreigners, the legalisation of cannabis, lowering the voting age to 16, restoration of the function of caretaker, etc. A:", "doc_id": 2932, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Practicing that model", "target": ["Drescher a déclaré que certains médecins « répètent toujours ce modèle »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Drescher said that now some doctors are still \"practicing that model.\" A:", "doc_id": 1314, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Puisque l'Écosse ne fait pas partie de l'espace Schengen pour le moment, un non-respect continu des règles serait une mince concession que Bruxelles pourrait offrir en contrepartie de tout ce qu'elle veut obtenir des Écossais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since Scotland isn't in the Schengen area now, continued non-compliance would be a cheap concession for Brussels to offer up in return for whatever it really wanted out of the Scots. A:", "doc_id": 1520, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "15.3 million", "target": ["Les analystes anticipaient en moyenne 15,4 millions de ventes en rythme annualisé et corrigé des variations saisonnières mais le marché s'est établi à 15,3 millions selon les estimations d'Adam Jonas, analyste de Morgan Stanley."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Analysts had forecast average sales of 15.4 million units (annualised rate, adjusted with seasonal variations), but the market settled at 15.3 million, according to estimates by Adam Jonas, an analyst at Morgan Stanley. A:", "doc_id": 2579, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Minister of Industrial Recovery", "target": ["Arnaud Montebourg, ministre du redressement productif, l'avait déjà annoncé, lundi 21 octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Industrial Recovery, had already announced this on Monday October 21. A:", "doc_id": 250, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the development of the commercial lease policy", "target": ["« Le sujet débattu au cours de ces conversations téléphoniques était-il l'élaboration de la politique relative aux baux commerciaux ? », a demandé le Commissaire adjoint Anthony Whealy à M. Tripodi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Was the matter being discussed in the course of these telephone conversations the development of the commercial lease policy,\" Assistant Commissioner Anthony Whealy asked Mr Tripodi. A:", "doc_id": 1739, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["L'Indonésie a convoqué l'ambassadeur d'Australie, dont la mission est accusée d'être utilisée par les Américains dans le cadre d'un vaste réseau d'espionnage international qui a également suscité l'ire de la Chine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Indonesia summoned the Australian ambassador, whose mission is accused of being used by the Americans as part of a vast international espionage network, which has also aroused the ire of China. A:", "doc_id": 848, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They absolutely think their son was murdered", "target": ["« Ils sont absolument certains que leur fils a été assassiné », a déclaré Benjamin Crump, l'avocat représentant Kenneth et Jacquelyn Johnson, sur FoxNews.com."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They absolutely think their son was murdered,\" Benjamin Crump, an attorney representing Kenneth and Jacquelyn Johnson, told FoxNews.com. A:", "doc_id": 1219, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "freed", "target": ["Détenus plus de 1 000 jours, les quatre otages d'Aqmi (Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique) Daniel Larribe, Thierry Dol, Pierre Legrand et Marc Féret ont été libérés mardi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Four AQMI (Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) hostages, Daniel Larribe, Thierry Dol, Pierre Legrand and Marc Feret, were freed on Tuesday after being held for over 1,000 days. A:", "doc_id": 2790, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fighting has not stopped since morning", "target": ["\"Ça n'a pas cessé depuis ce matin, les combats continuent malgré la nuit\", a indiqué à l'AFP un habitant de Jomba, joint par téléphone vers 12h30, et selon qui une fillette a été blessée par balle dans la matinée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The fighting has not stopped since morning and is continuing despite the darkness,\" a resident of Jomba, according to whom a little girl had been injured by gunfire in the morning, told the AFP by telephone at around 12.30pm. A:", "doc_id": 1087, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["Edward Snowden, le dénonciateur des services de renseignements américains, a déclaré qu'il était disposé à se rendre à Berlin pour témoigner devant le parlement allemand si la National Security Agency des États-Unis et son directeur Keith Alexander ne fournissaient pas des réponses sur leurs activités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Edward Snowden, the US intelligence whistleblower, has declared that he is willing to travel to Berlin to give evidence to the German parliament if the US National Security Agency and its director Keith Alexander fail to provide answers about its activities. A:", "doc_id": 122, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "5,600", "target": ["Le Pentagone estime la population concernée par la reconnaissance du mariage homosexuel à environ 5600 personnes active, 17 000 en y incluant la Garde nationale, la réserve et les retraités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Pentagon estimates that the population concerned by the recognition of same-sex marriage involves about 5,600 active individuals, or 17,000 if the National Guard, the reserve and retired people are included. A:", "doc_id": 2874, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The attackers fled", "target": ["Les assaillants ont pris la fuite, a précisé le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, le général de police Abdel Latif."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The attackers fled, according to the spokesperson of the Ministry of the Interior, Police General Abdel Latif. A:", "doc_id": 2621, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "chemical weapons", "target": ["La Syrie a détruit sa capacité de production d'armes chimiques, déclare l'organisme de surveillance"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Syria has destroyed its chemical weapons making ability, watchdog group says A:", "doc_id": 1877, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Blackburn Rovers", "target": ["Peu de temps après le dépôt, Scarborough a été régulièrement en contact téléphonique avec Ditta qui était à un dîner au stade de foot d'Ewood Park, enceinte du club des Blackburn Rovers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Soon after the drop off, Scarborough was in regular phone contact with Ditta who had been out at the dinner at the Blackburn Rovers football stadium, Ewood Park. A:", "doc_id": 483, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hospital surgeon", "target": ["En plus de faire vivre cet hôpital itinérant et de travailler comme chirurgien à l'hôpital, le Dr Bwelle travaille aussi la nuit dans des cabinets médicaux privés autour de Yaoundé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In addition to holding these weekend clinics and working as a hospital surgeon, Bwelle also works nights at private medical clinics around Yaounde. A:", "doc_id": 2716, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The species is rare", "target": ["Pourquoi est-il rare de découvrir de nouvelles espèces de mammifères marins?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why is it rare to discover new marine mammal species? A:", "doc_id": 2403, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are covered by Bwelle", "target": ["Mais une fois à Yaoundé, leur pension, leur transport et l'enseignement sont pris en charge par le docteur Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But once they arrive in Yaounde, their board, transportation and instruction are covered by Bwelle. A:", "doc_id": 2724, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The CRTC has been conducting consultations with the public since last week", "target": ["Le CRTC mène des consultations auprès du public depuis la semaine dernière et elles devraient se poursuivre avec l'industrie au printemps prochain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The CRTC has been conducting consultations with the public since last week, and these will be continued with the industry next spring. A:", "doc_id": 153, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Le groupe qui possède des milliers d'anciens brevets Nortel a entamé une avalanche de poursuites judiciaires en matière de brevets jeudi à l'encontre de fabricants de téléphones portables, notamment Google, la société qu'il a coiffé au poteau lors de la vente aux enchères des brevets qui a eu lieu après la faillite de Nortel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The group that owns thousands of former Nortel patents filed a barrage of patent lawsuits on Thursday against cell phone manufacturers including Google, the company it outbid in the Nortel bankruptcy auction. A:", "doc_id": 2531, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There's also money for walk-in clinics in Hobart and Launceston, better after-hospital care, medical specialist training, mental health services and the rollout of personal electronic health record systems in local hospitals", "target": ["Des fonds sont également prévus pour les cliniques sans rendez-vous à Hobart et Launceston, de meilleurs soins externes, la formation des cadres médicaux, des services voués à la santé mentale et le déploiement de systèmes de dossiers médicaux électroniques dans les hôpitaux locaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There's also money for walk-in clinics in Hobart and Launceston, better after-hospital care, medical specialist training, mental health services and the rollout of personal electronic health record systems in local hospitals. A:", "doc_id": 1859, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "public service", "target": ["Les citoyens du monde entier ainsi que les hauts responsables – y compris aux États-Unis – ont jugé que la révélation d'un système inexplicable de surveillance permanente était d'utilité publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Citizens around the world as well as high officials - including in the United States - have judged the revelation of an unaccountable system of pervasive surveillance to be a public service. A:", "doc_id": 137, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French are the worst", "target": ["Un membre du conseil d'administration d'une société allemande renommée estimait que lorsqu'il s'agit d'espionnage économique, « les Français sont les pires »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A board member at a German blue-chip company concurred that when it comes to economic espionage, \"the French are the worst.\" A:", "doc_id": 1213, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He suffered only a broken arm at first, but an infection developed and spread to his brain, creating a hematoma that would affect him for the rest of his life.", "target": ["Au début, il n'a eu qu'un bras cassé, mais il a contracté une infection qui s'est propagée jusqu'à son cerveau, créant un hématome dont il allait porter les séquelles le restant de sa vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He suffered only a broken arm at first, but an infection developed and spread to his brain, creating a hematoma that would affect him for the rest of his life. A:", "doc_id": 2676, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "spying on allies", "target": ["Le directeur des services de renseignement, James Clapper, a justifié l'espionnage des alliés en indiquant qu'il était nécessaire et qu'il s'agissait d'une pratique courante des deux côtés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The national intelligence director, James Clapper, defended spying on allies as necessary and said it's commonplace on both sides. A:", "doc_id": 2958, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The lawyer returned home to discover the drugs", "target": ["L'avocat est retourné chez lui, a découvert la drogue et ils se sont téléphonés à neuf reprises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The lawyer returned home to discover the drugs and there were nine communications between them. A:", "doc_id": 484, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cross the EU", "target": ["À travers l’Europe, les partis qui s'opposent à l'UE ou qui militent pour l'abandon de l'euro en tant que devise commune, gagnent du terrain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Across the EU, parties which are dedicated to opposing the EU, or to scrapping the euro as a common currency, are gaining ground. A:", "doc_id": 1528, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "parking meter fees", "target": ["Dans la ville de New York, les responsables des transports cherchent à développer un dispositif de taxation qui serait également équipé pour payer les frais de stationnement, fournir une assurance « paiement à la conduite » et créer un ensemble de données sur la vitesse en temps réel en provenance des autres conducteurs que les automobilistes pourraient utiliser pour éviter les embouteillages."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In New York City, transportation officials are seeking to develop a taxing device that would also be equipped to pay parking meter fees, provide \"pay-as-you-drive\" insurance, and create a pool of real-time speed data from other drivers that motorists could use to avoid traffic. A:", "doc_id": 61, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cautious", "target": ["Kaplowitz est prudent avec les médicaments mais reconnaît que « le fait de contrôler la puberté peut atténuer certains problèmes de comportement et la sensation pour les jeunes filles d'être différentes des autres »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kaplowitz is cautious with medication but acknowledges, \"suppressing puberty may alleviate behavioral issues and girls' feelings of being different from peers.\" A:", "doc_id": 1583, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier", "target": ["Bombardier, le plus grand constructeur ferroviaire au monde, a déclaré que les revenus de cette division avaient augmenté de près de 11 % à 2,1 Md$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bombardier, the world's largest trainmaker, said revenue in that division rose nearly 11 percent to $2.1 billion. A:", "doc_id": 318, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Others are just out to make you laugh.", "target": ["D'autres ont juste l'ambition de faire rire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Others are just out to make you laugh. A:", "doc_id": 956, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The need for a new life", "target": ["Besoins toujours croissants"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Need still growing A:", "doc_id": 612, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "charge the carry-on fee", "target": ["La décision de Frontier de faire payer des frais de bagages à main lorsque les passagers n'achètent pas directement leur billet auprès de la compagnie aérienne constitue son dernier effort pour inciter les clients à aller sur son site."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier's move to charge the carry-on fee if passengers don't buy direct from the airline is its latest effort to steer customers toward its own website. A:", "doc_id": 210, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "China", "target": ["Les sociétés allemandes pensent que les États-Unis représentent un risque aussi important que la Chine lorsqu'il s'agit d'espionnage industriel et de vol de données, selon une enquête publiée en juillet par le cabinet de conseil EY."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German companies believe the US now poses almost as big a risk as China when it comes to industrial espionage and data theft, according to a survey published in July by EY, the consultancy. A:", "doc_id": 1184, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "small amount of damage", "target": ["Une \"petite avarie\", circonscrite à l'espace de confinement du réacteur, s'était alors produite sur le navire amiral de la flotte française."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A \"small amount of damage\", confined to the area of the reactor chamber, then occurred on the French fleet's flagship. A:", "doc_id": 2136, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "case of rabies in a bitch illegally imported from the Gambia", "target": ["Un cas de rage sur une chienne importée illégalement de Gambie avait été enregistré en 2008."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A case of rabies in a bitch illegally imported from the Gambia was recorded in 2008. A:", "doc_id": 2897, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The period", "target": ["Pendant la période où le détective a enquêté sur elle, les grands-parents de Mlle Pawlby ont reçu des appels anonymes où on leur demandait des informations sur elle, a ajouté M. Edis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During the period she was being investigated, Ms Pawlby's grandparents received anonymous calls asking for information about her, Mr Edis said. A:", "doc_id": 1037, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have always lived alone", "target": ["J'ai 58 ans, j'ai toujours vécue seule depuis son départ, il est et restera l'amour de ma vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm 58 and I have always lived alone since losing him. He is and will remain the love of my life. A:", "doc_id": 453, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of \"Hence, we are developing projects such that they can identify with all of that.\"", "target": ["\"Donc, on crée des projets de façon à ce qu'ils s'identifient à tout ça \", explique la présidente de Vision diversité, Aïda Kamar."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Hence, we are developing projects such that they can identify with all of that,\" explains the president of Vision Diversité, Aïda Kamar. A:", "doc_id": 2995, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Space Oddity", "target": ["Space Oddity, à côté, était beaucoup plus grave."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Space Oddity, by comparison, was much more solemn. A:", "doc_id": 90, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of But, on Twitter, people want a spectacle, emotion, originality, music...", "target": ["Or, sur Twitter, on veut du spectacle, de l'émotion, de l'originalité, de la musique..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, on Twitter, people want a spectacle, emotion, originality, music... A:", "doc_id": 952, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "available", "target": ["Aux États-Unis, le populaire service de vidéo dit être en discussions avec certains câblodistributeurs majeurs afin que son service soit disponible via leurs plateformes de diffusion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the United States, the popular video service is said to be discussing the possibility of making its service available via their broadcasting platforms with some major cable companies. A:", "doc_id": 147, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Palestinian", "target": ["Accrochage entre Palestiniens et Israéliens à la frontière de Gaza"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Palestinians and Israelis Clash on Gaza border A:", "doc_id": 2466, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The youngster", "target": ["Ce jeune garçon, du village de Nantyglo, près d'Ebbw Vale, dans le sud du pays de Galles, suit les traces de sa tante Sharon Howells, qui participe à des concours équestres depuis plus de 10 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The youngster, from the village of Nantyglo, near Ebbw Vale, South Wales, is following in the footsteps of his aunt Sharon Howells, who has been showing horses for more than 10 years. A:", "doc_id": 2096, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United States", "target": ["À l'époque, le président américain, élu sur la promesse de mettre fin à l'engagement militaire dans ce pays, avait dressé un tableau optimiste de la situation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At that time, the American President, who was elected on the promise of bringing to an end the US' military involvement in the country, painted an optimistic picture of the situation. A:", "doc_id": 1059, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the last of the plotters to face justice", "target": ["Les survivants et les proches des 202 personnes tuées dans les attentats de Bali en 2002 ont réagi avec colère à la peine prononcée à l'encontre du dernier des conspirateurs à être traduit en justice, disant qu'Umar Patek devrait être fusillé par un peloton d'exécution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Survivors and relatives of the 202 people killed in the 2002 Bali bombing have reacted with anger over the sentence given to the last of the plotters to face justice, saying Umar Patek should face a firing squad. A:", "doc_id": 1909, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not have a specific diet requirement", "target": ["L'actuel chef de l'Etat, qui a regagné les kilos perdus avant la campagne présidentielle, n'a \"pas de demande de régime spécifique\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The current Head of State, who has put back on the pounds he lost during the presidential campaign, does \"not have a specific diet requirement\". A:", "doc_id": 994, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Several states and cities are nonetheless moving ahead on their own", "target": ["Plusieurs États et grandes villes font néanmoins des progrès de leur côté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several states and cities are nonetheless moving ahead on their own. A:", "doc_id": 35, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm not trying to please anyone.", "target": ["Je n'essaye de faire plaisir à personne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm not trying to please anyone. A:", "doc_id": 255, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I told them I wasn't ready", "target": ["\"Je leur ai dit que je n'étais pas prêt\", a-t-il affirmé lors d'une entrevue avec La Presse Canadienne mercredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I told them I wasn't ready,\" he said in an interview with La Presse Canadienne on Wednesday. A:", "doc_id": 105, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "having dinner in a T-shirt", "target": ["Et avoir dîné en t-shirt à l'ambassade de France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of and having dinner in a T-shirt at the French Embassy. A:", "doc_id": 2807, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "At the end of the afternoon", "target": ["En fin d'après-midi, plusieurs dizaines de soldats, bien approvisionnés en munitions, montaient en direction de la ligne de front."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the end of the afternoon, several dozen well-equipped soldiers headed off towards the front. A:", "doc_id": 1094, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The two works published by Nora almost two years ago have already proven that though he appeared not to write, he had written - plentifully and well.", "target": ["Les deux ouvrages publiés par Nora voici bientôt deux ans ont déjà établi que celui qui passait pour ne pas écrire avait beaucoup et bien écrit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The two works published by Nora almost two years ago have already proven that though he appeared not to write, he had written - plentifully and well. A:", "doc_id": 2745, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this was an official request made so as \"not to run any risks when dealing with emergency services in Paris at the start of winter\", but also aimed at avoiding to hinder the Socialist Party's campaign a few months before local elections.", "target": ["Une demande officiellement faite \"pour ne courir aucun risque sur la prise en charge des urgences à Paris au début de l'hiver\" mais qui visait aussi à ne pas gêner la campagne du PS à quelques mois des municipales."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was an official request made so as \"not to run any risks when dealing with emergency services in Paris at the start of winter\", but also aimed at avoiding to hinder the Socialist Party's campaign a few months before local elections. A:", "doc_id": 726, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A motorist has been fined £1,000 for driving at up to 130mph (210km/h) with a hot drink balanced between his legs.", "target": ["Un automobiliste s'est vu infliger une amende de 1 000 £ pour avoir roulé à 210 km/h avec une boisson chaude posée en équilibre entre ses jambes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A motorist has been fined £1,000 for driving at up to 130mph (210km/h) with a hot drink balanced between his legs. A:", "doc_id": 2227, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He added: \"It was unable to fly off again so we were contacted for help.", "target": ["Il a ajouté : « Il était incapable de s'envoler à nouveau, nous avons donc été contactés pour apporter notre aide. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He added: \"It was unable to fly off again so we were contacted for help.\" A:", "doc_id": 1986, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a revolution", "target": ["C'est une révolution: le musical à la française s'affirme comme un genre à succès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a revolution: the French musical is establishing itself as a successful genre. A:", "doc_id": 1110, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "pumpkin", "target": ["Les citrouilles-lanternes qui se flétrissent doucement sur le porche de votre maison venaient probablement de l'Illinois, où 542 millions de citrouilles ont été cultivées cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The jack-o-lantern slowly withering on your front porch probably came from Illinois, which grew 542 million pounds of pumpkin this year. A:", "doc_id": 1452, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I could not believe that she was up there", "target": ["Je n'ai d'abord pas cru qu'elle était là-haut."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I could not believe that she was up there in the first place. A:", "doc_id": 1489, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "working", "target": ["Que fait Marine Le Pen avec sa nouvelle popularité auprès de la classe ouvrière blanche française ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What is Le Pen doing with her newfound popularity among the French white, working class? A:", "doc_id": 1546, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Daley didn't know", "target": ["Martin a dit sur CNN qu'il avait demandé à Daley si son patron d'alors était au courant du remaniement éventuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Martin told CNN that he asked Daley whether his then-boss knew about the potential shuffle. A:", "doc_id": 1387, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The price of a packet of cigarettes", "target": ["Pour le prix d'un paquet de cigarettes, le lecteur a droit à la traditionnelle couverture avec la photo d'une jeune femme à la poitrine avantageuse, portant un pistolet ou un fusil d'assaut."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the price of a packet of cigarettes, the reader gets a book bearing the traditional cover, featuring a photo of a young woman with an ample bosom, carrying a pistol or an assault rifle. A:", "doc_id": 1636, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "5-4", "target": ["Par 5 votes contre 4, les juges ont validé le mandat individuel du Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (loi sur la protection des malades et les soins abordables) – qui exige que les citoyens souscrivent une assurance santé d'ici 2014, sous peine de devoir payer une amende – et ont déclaré qu'il était constitutionnel en vertu du pouvoir d'imposition du gouvernement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By a 5-4 vote, the justices ruled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's individual mandate - which requires citizens to buy health insurance by 2014 or else pay a penalty - was constitutional under the taxing power of the government. A:", "doc_id": 2458, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I don't know if I have adopted his way of thinking or if I am simply like him", "target": ["Je ne sais pas si j'ai adopté sa façon d'être ou si je suis simplement comme lui: est-ce génétique?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I don't know if I have adopted his way of thinking or if I am simply like him - is it genetic? A:", "doc_id": 440, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more rapid progression may warrant tests by an endocrinologist to rule out serious problems such as tumors or cysts.", "target": ["Une évolution plus rapide peut justifier des tests réalisés par un endocrinologue pour écarter des problèmes graves comme des tumeurs ou des kystes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A more rapid progression may warrant tests by an endocrinologist to rule out serious problems such as tumors or cysts. A:", "doc_id": 1579, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not done", "target": ["Stacy Martin n'a pas fini de faire parler d'elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Stacy Martin is not done being the topic of conversations. A:", "doc_id": 625, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Les revenus de l'Aéronautique ont baissé de 13 % pour atteindre 2 Md$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Aerospace revenue fell 13 percent to $2 billion. A:", "doc_id": 317, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Girls", "target": ["Les garçons, comme les filles, atteignent leur puberté plus tôt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Boys - like girls - are hitting puberty earlier. A:", "doc_id": 1591, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It will still give away water.", "target": ["Elle distribuera toujours de l'eau gratuitement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It will still give away water. A:", "doc_id": 208, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unpopular", "target": ["Mais le Fonds refuse de verser toute nouvelle tranche tant que le pays n'aura pas adopté de réformes impopulaire pour réduire son déficit, notamment en augmentant les prix du gaz à la population."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The IMF is refusing to pay any further installments until the country has adopted unpopular reforms to reduce its deficit, especially by increasing the price of gas for the population. A:", "doc_id": 666, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Pour les obsèques d'un proche, c'est l'inverse: les Français préfèrent l'inhumation (53% contre 47%)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is the opposite for the funeral of a loved one - the French prefer inhumation (53% against 47%). A:", "doc_id": 858, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The newspaper", "target": ["Il a été signalé à la cour que le journal a chargé Glenn Mulcaire, un détective privé, de pirater la boîte vocale de Pawlby et de « planter en permanence devant sa porte », mais Coulson l'a également appelée et lui a laissé des messages vocaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The newspaper tasked private investigator Glenn Mulcaire with hacking Pawlby's voicemails and \"door-stepped\" her, but Coulson also called and left her voicemails, the court heard. A:", "doc_id": 1026, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Advisory Committee", "target": ["Un comité consultatif industriel créé par la FAA pour examiner le problème a recommandé le mois dernier que le gouvernement autorise une utilisation plus large des appareils électroniques personnels."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An industry advisory committee created by the FAA to examine the issue recommended last month that the government permit greater use of personal electronic devices. A:", "doc_id": 1960, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Revolution", "target": ["Et, de là, une nation invinciblement binaire, partagée entre gauche et droite, laïcité et catholicisme, adoration et haine de la révolution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And from there was born an invincibly bipartite nation, split into left and right, lay and Catholic, adoration and hatred for the Revolution. A:", "doc_id": 2763, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was no longer afraid of him", "target": ["Là, je n'ai plus eu peur de lui et j'ai pu l'aimer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At that point I was no longer afraid of him and I was able to love him. A:", "doc_id": 386, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was sterilized at birth", "target": ["J'ai été stérilisé à la naissance – et personne ne me l'avait jamais dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was sterilized at birth -- and no one ever told me. A:", "doc_id": 1325, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "At Bunagana", "target": ["À Bunagana, du côté ougandais de la frontière, où s'étaient réfugiées environ 5000 personnes entre lundi et mercredi selon l'ONU, le mouvement de retour vers la RDC qui s'était enclenché au matin s'est inversé à la mi-journée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At Bunagana, on the Ugandan side of the border, to which around 5,000 people fled between Monday and Wednesday according to the UN, the process of returning which started in the morning was reversed at midday. A:", "doc_id": 1103, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Electoral Commission", "target": ["La Commission électorale a étudié les options possibles en ce qui concerne le vote électronique et a récemment publié un document de réflexion conjoint avec la Nouvelle-Zélande."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Electoral Commission has been studying options for electronic voting and recently released a joint discussion paper with New Zealand. A:", "doc_id": 2380, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The judge had ruled that police officers violated the civil rights of tens of thousands of people by wrongly targeting black and Hispanic men with its stop-and-frisk program.", "target": ["La juge avait statué que les officiers de police violaient les droits civils de dizaines de milliers de personnes en ciblant à tort des hommes noirs et d'origine hispanique dans le cadre de leur programme de contrôle et de fouille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The judge had ruled that police officers violated the civil rights of tens of thousands of people by wrongly targeting black and Hispanic men with its stop-and-frisk program. A:", "doc_id": 964, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It will probably not be long before we understand why their tails sometimes go one way, sometimes the other", "target": ["Il ne faudra sûrement pas longtemps avant que nous comprenions pourquoi leur queue va parfois d'un côté et parfois de l'autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It will probably not be long before we understand why their tails sometimes go one way, sometimes the other A:", "doc_id": 2248, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["Pendant deux semaines, il y a eu pratiquement tous les jours des rapports faisant état de conflits entre les forces gouvernementales et la Renamo, les pires accrochages depuis l'accord de paix qui a été signé il y a plus de 20 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For two weeks, there have been almost daily reports of clashes between government forces and Renamo, some of the worst skirmishes since a peace deal more than 20 years ago. A:", "doc_id": 779, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Australian", "target": ["En comparaison, les écoles australiennes proposent en moyenne 143 heures par an, et les élèves de Singapour en font environ 138 heures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By comparison, Australian schools provide an average of 143 hours a year and pupils do around 138 hours in Singapore. A:", "doc_id": 2633, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Affordable Care Act", "target": ["L'Administration a annoncé que l'on ne devrait s'étonner si les 5 % de la population qui contractent eux-mêmes leur assurance se retrouvaient forcés de changer de régime car leur couverture ne satisfait pas aux nouvelles normes exigées en vertu de l'Affordable Care Act."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The administration has said it should come as no surprise that the 5 percent of the population who purchase insurance on their own may be forced to switch plans because their coverage doesn't meet the new standards required under the Affordable Care Act. A:", "doc_id": 2907, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "objective", "target": ["Mon objectif est de découvrir la vérité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My objective is to discovery the truth. A:", "doc_id": 1229, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "money", "target": ["En résumé, il est bien facile de réaliser de grandes choses avec l'argent des autres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a nutshell, it is easy to do great things with other people's money. A:", "doc_id": 2150, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Still", "target": ["Pourtant, les analystes sont sceptiques quant au fait que le premier client puisse faire voler un avion CSeries seulement 12 mois après son vol inaugural."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Still, analysts are skeptical the first customer can begin operating a CSeries plane 12 months after its maiden flight. A:", "doc_id": 306, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The European petrochemicals industry", "target": ["Tous les gels de salaires au monde n'empêcheront pas l'industrie pétrochimique européenne d'être pénalisée par un gaz de schiste américain bon marché."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All the wage freezes in the world won't stop the European petrochemicals industry being hammered by cheap US shale gas. A:", "doc_id": 1540, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["En conférence de presse, jeudi, M. Blair a affirmé qu'il n'y avait rien dans cette vidéo qui puisse constituer des \"motifs raisonnables\" pouvant mener au dépôt d'une accusation criminelle contre le maire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a press conference on Thursday, Mr Blair stated that there was nothing in this video that might constitute a \"reasonable motive\" that could lead to criminal charges being brought against the mayor. A:", "doc_id": 2442, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The growing discontent among the Sunni minority", "target": ["Le mécontentement croissant de la minorité sunnite, au pouvoir sous Saddam Hussein, qui se plaint d'être marginalisée politiquement et d'être la cible d'arrestations injustes, a favorisé cette flambée de violences."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The growing discontent among the Sunni minority, which held power under Saddam Hussein and is now complaining of being politically marginalized and being the target of unjust arrests, has favored this outburst of violence. A:", "doc_id": 1054, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Costumes", "target": ["Les déguisements devraient représenter 1,2 Md$ sur les 6,9 milliards dépensés, selon la NRF."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Costumes are expected to account for $1.2 billion dollars out of the $6.9 billion spent, according to the NRF. A:", "doc_id": 1428, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only remaining hill", "target": ["Il ne restera plus que la colline de Runyonyi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Then only Rumyoni hill will be left. A:", "doc_id": 1162, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The city", "target": ["La ville a fait appel de ses conclusions et de ses ordonnances correctives, notamment une décision visant à attribuer un contrôleur pour aider le département de police à modifier sa politique et le programme de formation qui lui est associé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The city appealed her findings and her remedial orders, including a decision to assign a monitor to help the police department changes its policy and training program associated with it. A:", "doc_id": 961, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "plan", "target": ["Les planificateurs de Californie s'intéressent au système puisqu'ils élaborent des stratégies pour atteindre les objectifs fixés dans les lois ambitieuses de l'État sur le réchauffement climatique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of California planners are looking to the system as they devise strategies to meet the goals laid out in the state's ambitious global warming laws. A:", "doc_id": 27, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "100%", "target": ["Si, depuis l'annonce de la fermeture de l'usine, Goodyear avait offert aux salariés une bonne indemnité de départ, je pense que 100% des employés l'auraient acceptée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If Goodyear had offered the employees a good severance package after announcing that the factory was closing, I think 100% of the employees would have accepted it. A:", "doc_id": 269, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the cost of the new vaccine is likely to be far lower, because it turns liver cells into antibody factories.", "target": ["Mais le coût du nouveau vaccin devrait être bien inférieur car il transforme les cellules du foie en usines à anticorps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the cost of the new vaccine is likely to be far lower, because it turns liver cells into antibody factories. A:", "doc_id": 1717, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The end", "target": ["Seule la fin, en négatif, avec ses danseurs hachés par une lumière stroboscopique et les signes blancs dans un théâtre soudainement noir, touche à la magie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Only at the end, which is in negative, with the dancers broken up a strobe lights and becoming white symbols in a suddenly dark theatre, does it touch on magic. A:", "doc_id": 2515, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ferrari", "target": ["Vettel a choisi parmi 1.500 dessins envoyés du monde entier, dans le cadre d'un concours lancé par l'un des sponsors, une marque automobile, de son écurie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Vettel chose the winning entry from 1,500 designs sent in from all over the world as part of a competition run by one of the sponsors, a car brand in his stable. A:", "doc_id": 2917, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$150", "target": ["La Commission scolaire de la Région-de-Sherbrooke (CSRS) exige depuis le début de l'année scolaire des frais de 150 $ par élève (jusqu'à un maximum de 300 $ par famille) pour les élèves bénéficiant du transport scolaire à deux résidences, un service que l'organisation offre lorsqu'elle est en mesure de le faire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the beginning of the academic year, the Sherbrooke Region School Board (CSRS) has been demanding a $150 fee per student (to a maximum of $300 per family) for students using school transport to get to two addresses, a service that the organisation offers when it is able to. A:", "doc_id": 717, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Company", "target": ["Feu vert des Etats-Unis à la fusion Publicis-Omnicom"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US Green-lights Publicis-Omnicom Merger A:", "doc_id": 674, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of But this went way beyond the ordinary confines of a lawyer-client relationship.", "target": ["Mais cela est allé bien au-delà des limites ordinaires d'une relation entre un avocat et son client."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But this went way beyond the ordinary confines of a lawyer-client relationship. A:", "doc_id": 494, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anxious", "target": ["Analyste inquiet d'une étrangeté familière, il erre dans une forêt de symboles, arrêté à chaque pas par un objet en forme de rébus, tourmenté de questions irritantes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As an analyst anxious about a familiar strangeness, he wanders in a forest of symbols, stops after each step to examine an object in the form of a puzzle, tormented by irritating questions, A:", "doc_id": 2756, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Mais la France a un haut niveau d'impôt et de chômage aussi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But there are high levels of tax and unemployment in France too. A:", "doc_id": 259, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Canada", "target": ["Le Congrès canadien de soins palliatifs, qui se déroule cette semaine à Ottawa, survient quelques jours après le vote en faveur du principe du projet de loi sur l'aide médicale à mourir au Québec."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Canadian Palliative Care Congress, holding in Ottawa this week, comes several days after the vote in favour of the bill on medically-assisted death in Quebec. A:", "doc_id": 565, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He does not position himself as an heir to an eternal Frenchness; he rejects the definition.", "target": ["Il ne se pose pas en héritier d'une francité éternelle, il se refuse à la définition."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He does not position himself as an heir to an eternal Frenchness; he rejects the definition. A:", "doc_id": 2755, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There have always been rats in towns.", "target": ["Des rats, il y en a toujours eu dans les villes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There have always been rats in towns. A:", "doc_id": 885, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No improvement can be expected in the short term", "target": ["Cependant, pour l'économiste Oleksandr Joloud, du Centre des Etudes politiques, \"on ne peut pas attendre une amélioration à court terme\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, for the economist, Oleksandr Joloud, from the Centre for Political Studies, \"no improvement can be expected in the short term\". A:", "doc_id": 668, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Investigating", "target": ["Elle enquête désormais sur les allégations selon lesquelles M. Tripodi était au courant de l'intérêt secret de M. Obeid dans ces propriétés, suite au témoignage de l'ancienne secrétaire générale adjointe de M. Tripodi, Lynne Ashpole, jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's now investigating allegations Mr Tripodi knew of Mr Obeid's secret interest in the properties, after evidence given by Mr Tripodi's former deputy chief of staff, Lynne Ashpole, on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 1732, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Le chef de police n'a pas commenté, mais son porte-parole Mark Pugash a qualifié les propos de Me Ruby de \"tentative évidente et désespérée\" de se faire valoir auprès des médias dans une affaire qui ne le concerne aucunement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The chief of police has not commented. However, his spokesman, Mark Pugash, has described Ruby's statements as \"an obvious and desperate attempt\" to sell himself to the media in a matter that does not concern him at all. A:", "doc_id": 2441, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "new guidance", "target": ["Les dirigeants ont annoncé que de nouvelles indications seraient fournies au cours du quatrième trimestre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Executives said new guidance would be provided in the fourth quarter. A:", "doc_id": 321, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama had \"resolved to try to clarify the matter and had initiated a re-examination of these practices to ensure that no-one felt misled\"", "target": ["Il a assuré jeudi soir que le président Obama était \"résolu à tenter de clarifier et qu'il procédait à un réexamen de ces pratiques afin que personne ne se sente trompé\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Thursday evening, he asserted that President Obama had \"resolved to try to clarify the matter and had initiated a re-examination of these practices to ensure that no-one felt misled\". A:", "doc_id": 835, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["Derrière la dispute se cache une course aux commandes d'avions pour un montant estimé d'au moins 700 Md$ au prix du marché dans les décennies à venir, suffisamment pour faire pencher la balance des exportations américaines et européennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Behind the dispute is a race for plane orders with at least $700-billion of estimated business at list prices in coming decades, enough to tip the scales of U.S. and European exports. A:", "doc_id": 1682, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["La Renamo, qui est en faveur de réformes électorales, avait déjà dit qu'elle boycotterait les élections municipales devant avoir lieu en novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renamo, which has been pushing for electoral reforms, had already said that it would boycott municipal elections due in November. A:", "doc_id": 797, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FCC", "target": ["« Les téléphones portables sont véritablement un problème, non seulement parce qu'ils pourraient éventuellement créer des interférences avec les instruments de navigation, mais parce que nous savons, d'après la FCC, qu'ils pourraient perturber les antennes-relais de téléphonie mobile s'ils sont utilisés à bord », a déclaré Rosenker."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Cell phones, that really is an issue, not just because potentially it could create interference with navigational devices, but we do know, according to the FCC, that it could interfere with cell phone towers when they're in the air,\" Rosenker said. A:", "doc_id": 1959, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama knew", "target": ["Bien que Daley ait dit qu'il ne pensait pas que le président « ait été au courant  » du changement éventuel, l'ancien secrétaire général a admis qu'il était « possible » qu'Obama ait su."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While Daley said he doesn't think the President \"was aware\" of the potential change, the former chief of staff admitted that it's \"possible\" Obama knew. A:", "doc_id": 1388, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The memory of the victims is being trampled underfoot in the worst manner", "target": ["\"On foule grossièrement du pied la mémoire des victimes\", s'est-il insurgé dans le journal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The memory of the victims is being trampled underfoot in the worst manner,\" he said disgustedly in the paper. A:", "doc_id": 2655, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The other", "target": ["D'autres font un bond de quinze ans en arrière sous prétexte qu'on peut servir à peu près ­n'importe quoi quand on a Matt ­Pokora en tête d'affiche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Others leap backwards fifteen years, under the pretext that you can put on pretty much whatever you want when you have Matt Pokora heading the bill. A:", "doc_id": 1123, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hezbollah", "target": ["\"Par le passé, les cibles ont été des missiles transférés au Hezbollah\", s'est-il contenté d'ajouter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"In the past, the targets have been missiles being transferred to Hezbollah,\" he merely added. A:", "doc_id": 2488, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first is when their allies - as has been the case recently - learn that their governments have been spied on, sometimes at the highest level.", "target": ["Le premier, c'est lorsque leurs alliés - et ça a été le cas récemment - apprennent que leurs dirigeants, parfois au plus haut sommet de leur Etat, ont été surveillés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first is when their allies - as has been the case recently - learn that their governments have been spied on, sometimes at the highest level. A:", "doc_id": 1267, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the most prized secrets", "target": ["De nombreux dirigeants allemands indiquent que les derniers rapports ne sont qu'une confirmation de ce qu'ils savaient déjà, à savoir que les états puissants veulent voler leurs secrets les plus précieux et que ces données doivent par conséquent être gardées à tout prix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Many German executives argue that the latest reports are simply confirmation of what they already knew: that powerful states want to steal their most prized secrets and these data must therefore be guarded at all costs. A:", "doc_id": 1198, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The NSA has benefited from intelligence supplied by the French government.", "target": ["La France a-t-elle bénéficié d'informations fournies par la NSA concernant des opérations terroristes visant nos intérêts ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Has France benefited from the intelligence supplied by the NSA concerning terrorist operations against our interests? A:", "doc_id": 1257, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we can defend our own economic interests", "target": ["Ou nous pouvons défendre nos propres intérêts économiques, ce qui inclut d'envoyer promener Berlin et Bruxelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Or we can defend our own economic interests - which includes telling Berlin and Brussels where to get off. A:", "doc_id": 1556, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Connectivity", "target": ["Mais il s'agit également de développer la connectivité entre les 18 grandes villes britanniques, y compris Glasgow et Édimbourg, afin que les liaisons entre elles soient meilleures grâce à HS2."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But it is also about connectivity, across the UK 18 cities including Glasgow and Edinburgh will be better connected because of HS2. A:", "doc_id": 1773, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A combination of circumstances put us in a difficult situation last year.", "target": ["Il y a un concours de circonstances qui a fait qu'on était dans une mauvaise situation l'année passée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A combination of circumstances put us in a difficult situation last year.\" A:", "doc_id": 604, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "last year there were more and there were no pharmacists available to replace them, so it was more difficult.", "target": ["La dernière année, on en a eu beaucoup plus et on n'a pas de pharmaciens qui sont disponibles pour faire des remplacements, donc c'était plus difficile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Last year there were many more and there were no pharmacists available to replace them, so it was more difficult.\" A:", "doc_id": 616, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The little boy, who was staying with his grandfather and partner, was by her side and suffered less serious burns.", "target": ["Le petit garçon, qui séjournait chez son grand-père et sa compagne, était à ses côtés et a été brûlé plus légèrement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The little boy, who was staying with his grandfather and partner, was by her side and suffered less serious burns. A:", "doc_id": 2550, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "C", "target": ["Mais le nombre de commandes fermes pour les avions CSeries est modeste jusqu'à présent à hauteur de 177. Il semble que les acheteurs potentiels attendent les résultats des essais en vol pour valider les affirmations de la société concernant l'efficacité énergétique et le potentiel d'économies du nouvel avion de ligne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But firm orders for the CSeries are moderate so far at 177 as potential buyers wait for flight test results to validate the company's claims about the new jetliner's fuel efficiency and cost savings potential. A:", "doc_id": 297, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The animals saw an otherwise expressionless dog move its tail to the right (from the tail-wagging dog's point of view)", "target": ["Lorsque les animaux ont vu un chien sans expression remuer la queue vers la droite (du point de vue du chien qui remue la queue), ils sont restés parfaitement détendus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When the animals saw an otherwise expressionless dog move its tail to the right (from the tail-wagging dog's point of view), they stayed perfectly relaxed. A:", "doc_id": 2250, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "result", "target": ["En conséquence, la révolte gronde, en particulier en France, l'un des grands meneurs de l'UE."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As a result, revolt is brewing, especially in France, once the EU's main cheerleader. A:", "doc_id": 1541, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I knew that I wasn't a girl", "target": ["« Je savais que je n'étais pas une fille », a-t-il déclaré sur ABCNews.com."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I knew that I wasn't a girl,\" he told ABCNews.com. A:", "doc_id": 1320, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "V", "target": ["Vettel devait porter ce casque vendredi et samedi, aux essais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Vettel was expected to wear the helmet in the practice sessions on Friday and Saturday. A:", "doc_id": 2919, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hospital", "target": ["Les opérations sont en général pratiquées dans une école, une mairie ou une maison ; après l'intervention, le patient se lève et se rend dans la salle de réveil pour laisser sa place à la personne suivante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Operations are usually done in a schoolhouse, town hall or home; after the procedure, patients get up and walk to the recovery area to make way for the next person. A:", "doc_id": 2708, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The idea of forcing consumers to purchase major packages of channels doesn't work", "target": ["\"Ça fait à peu près deux ans et demi que nous disons que l'idée de forcer les consommateurs à acheter d'importants forfaits de chaînes, ça ne fonctionne pas\", a affirmé M. Audet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We have been saying for about two and a half years that the idea of forcing consumers to purchase major packages of channels doesn't work,\" stated Audet. A:", "doc_id": 150, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president", "target": ["Seuls quelques centaines de supporteurs s'étaient rassemblés devant la Cour pour acclamer le nouveau président et, se démarquant du faste présidentiel des années Moubarak, la circulation n'a été que brièvement interrompue pour permettre le passage de son convoi dans les rues très fréquentées reliant le centre-ville aux banlieues sud."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Only several hundred supporters gathered outside the court to cheer the new president and, in a departure from the presidential pomp of the Mubarak years, traffic was only briefly halted to allow his motorcade through on the usually busy road linking the city centre with its southern suburbs. A:", "doc_id": 2565, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The prepaid mobiles are then thrown away afterwards.", "target": ["Les téléphones portables prépayés sont ensuite jetés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The prepaid mobiles are then thrown away afterwards. A:", "doc_id": 1207, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Almost every Friday", "target": ["Presque tous les vendredis, avec une trentaine de personnes, ils s'entassent dans des fourgonnettes après avoir fixé le matériel médical sur le toit et traversent des terrains difficiles pour se rendre dans les villages qui ont le plus besoin d'aide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Almost every Friday, he and up to 30 people jam into vans, tie medical supplies to the roofs and travel across rough terrain to visit villages in need. A:", "doc_id": 2696, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United Nations", "target": ["L'ONU salue les nouveaux objectifs en faveur de la lutte contre la pauvreté"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of UN hails new goals to tackle poverty A:", "doc_id": 767, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Insurance", "target": ["Elle cherchait à percer dans le marché émergent de l'assurance auto, dans lequel les conducteurs paieraient en fonction de leur kilométrage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was seeking to break into an emerging market in auto insurance, in which drivers would pay based on their mileage. A:", "doc_id": 52, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And Toffee", "target": ["Et Toffee a reçu de très bonnes notes pour sa présentation et sa personnalité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And Toffee received top marks for his appearance and personality. A:", "doc_id": 2090, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Morsi", "target": ["Plus tard, M. Morsi s'est rendu à l'université du Caire où il a prononcé son discours d'investiture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Morsi later travelled to Cairo University where he was to make his inauguration address. A:", "doc_id": 2568, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why does Titan need this factory so much?", "target": ["Pourquoi Titan a-t-il tant besoin de cette usine ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why does Titan need this factory so much? A:", "doc_id": 265, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's not a trial", "target": ["Ce n'est pas un procès souligne ce militant des Frères musulmans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's not a trial,\" says one Muslim Brotherhood activist. A:", "doc_id": 2859, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "authentication", "target": ["L'authentification concernait au départ les accès physiques (frontières, locaux protégés, cantines...) ou logiques (ouverture d'un ordinateur)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Authentication initially concerned physical (at borders, in protected locations, in a cafeteria etc.) or digital presence (logging on to a computer). A:", "doc_id": 2208, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The church was deeply saddened by the news", "target": ["L'église baptiste de Timberlay, où le pasteur officiait, se dit profondément attristée par cette nouvelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Timberlay Baptist Church, where he officiated as minister, said it was deeply saddened by the news. A:", "doc_id": 1837, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The energy is great, and the rhythm fast.", "target": ["L'énergie est haute, le rythme toujours rapide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The energy is great, and the rhythm fast. A:", "doc_id": 2505, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I can only shut my eyes and slowly open them again...", "target": ["Je ne peux que fermer les yeux et les rouvrir lentement..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I can only shut my eyes and slowly open them again... A:", "doc_id": 1189, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He is there every day.", "target": ["Bref, il est là au quotidien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In short, he is there every day. A:", "doc_id": 443, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The stage is partly draped in grey", "target": ["La scène est en partie drapée de gris, les danseurs et un piano sont recouverts de tissus, comme des meubles dans une maison délaissée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The stage is partly draped in grey, the dancers and a piano are covered in fabric, like furniture in an abandoned house. A:", "doc_id": 2518, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United Nations", "target": ["Les diplomates australiens ont joué un rôle clé dans la mise en avant des « objectifs de développement durable » destinés à remplacer les OMD, qui expireront en 2015, avant le Sommet des Nations Unies sur le développement durable qui a commencé la veille à Rio de Janeiro."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Australian diplomats played a key role in pushing for \"sustainable development goals\" to replace the MDGs, which expire in 2015, ahead of the UN sustainable development summit that began in Rio de Janeiro overnight. A:", "doc_id": 769, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fire", "target": ["Les secours ont été appelés vers 1h, vendredi, en raison d'un feu qui s'était déclaré au sous-sol d'un restaurant de cuisine indienne sur l'avenue Dollard, près de l'intersection avec la rue Réjane."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The emergency services were called at around 1am on Friday for a fire which had broken out in the basement of an Indian restaurant on Dollard Avenue, near the junction with Rue Rejane. A:", "doc_id": 558, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The interior has racing seats and six-point harness belts, as well as an intercom system", "target": ["L'intérieur dispose de sièges baquet et de ceintures harnais à 6 points, ainsi que d'un système Intercom."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The interior has racing seats and six-point harness belts, as well as an intercom system. A:", "doc_id": 1461, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The two stages are churning out hits.", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, ces deux scènes manient les titres comme des tubes à succès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today, these two stages are churning out performances like hits. A:", "doc_id": 1114, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["Entre 1995 et 2001, le vice-gouverneur, qui était également le président de la Banque de Jilin, un établissement public, a aidé entreprises et responsables à obtenir contrats, prêts ou promotions en échange d'argent ou de cadeaux, a déclaré le premier tribunal intermédiaire de Pékin sur son microblog."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Between 1995 and 2001, the vice-governor, who was also president of the Bank of Jilin, a public institution, helped businesses and managers win contracts, loans and promotions in exchange for money or gifts, the Primary Intermediate Court in Beijing declared on its microblog. A:", "doc_id": 2054, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Samsung", "target": ["Samsung, Huawei et HTC fabriquent des téléphones qui fonctionnent sous le système d'exploitation Android de Google, qui livre une concurrence féroce aux produits mobiles Apple et Microsoft."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Samsung, Huawei and HTC all manufacture phones that operate on Google's Android operating system, which competes fiercely with Apple and Microsoft mobile products. A:", "doc_id": 2537, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were judged by Lord", "target": ["Au lieu de ça, il a déclaré que les relations amicales qu'ils entretenaient avec Lord ont brouillé leur jugement, ce qui fait qu'ils n'ont pas signalés ses agissements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rather, he said, their friendships with Lord clouded their judgements about reporting him. A:", "doc_id": 2073, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "low", "target": ["Les appareils électroniques d'aujourd'hui émettent en général des transmissions radio de puissance bien plus faible que les générations précédentes d'appareils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today's electronic devices generally emit much lower power radio transmissions than previous generations of devices. A:", "doc_id": 1970, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He retired", "target": ["Retraité depuis 2008, il a participé en 2004 à la création de l'association de défense des otages \"Otages du monde\", qu'il préside depuis plusieurs années."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He retired in 2008, but in 2004 he helped set up a hostage defence association, \"Otages du Monde\" (\"Hostages of the World\"), which he has been running for several years. A:", "doc_id": 2788, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Le livre offre donc à la fois le portrait fascinant de la France qui s'en va et l'esquisse circonspecte de la France qui vient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The book thus offers both a fascinating portrait of the France on the way out, and a circumspect outline of the France in the making. A:", "doc_id": 2777, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "120", "target": ["Andrew Howie, 35 ans, de Tiptree dans l'Essex, a été repéré conduisant sa Mercedes Benz sur l'A120 à hauteur de Braintree le 27 mai."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Andrew Howie, 35, of Tiptree, Essex, was spotted driving his Mercedes Benz on the A120 at Braintree on 27 May. A:", "doc_id": 2228, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We are gathering images from surveillance cameras and comparing them with photos of celebrities that are freely available on the Internet", "target": ["\"Nous récupérons les images des caméras de surveillance et les comparons aux photos des célébrités qui circulent librement sur Internet\", explique Dany Nassif, chargé, chez NEC France, du développement commercial pour les solutions d'identification biométrique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We are gathering images from surveillance cameras and comparing them with photos of celebrities that are freely available on the Internet,\" explains Dany Nassif, business development director for biometric identification solutions at NEC France. A:", "doc_id": 2206, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a good year", "target": ["À Paris, quand il y a huit spectacles musicaux dans une saison, c'est une grande année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Paris, when there are eight musicals in a season, then it's a good year. A:", "doc_id": 1129, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I also remember a short night spent talking to Roger and Marchiani.", "target": ["Je me souviens aussi d'une courte nuit à discuter avec Roger et Marchiani."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I also remember a short night spent talking to Roger and Marchiani. A:", "doc_id": 2808, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "missing", "target": ["Deux spéléologues de 23 et 27 ans étaient portés disparus dans un gouffre sous la Dent de Crolles depuis jeudi soir, a-t-on appris vendredi auprès du Spéléo secours de l'Isère."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two potholders aged 23 and 27 went missing in a cave under the Dent de Crolles on Thursday evening, according to a report from the Isère cave rescue organization on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 324, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more", "target": ["Pour leurs propres obsèques, de plus en plus de Français choisissent la crémation, plutôt que l'inhumation: 53%, selon une étude Ipsos réalisée les 6 et 7 septembre auprès de 1009 personnes, au lieu de 47%."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of More and more French people are choosing cremation for their own funerals rather than inhumation - 53% against 47%, according to an Ipsos survey carried out on September 6 and 7 among 1,009 people. A:", "doc_id": 857, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "privacy protection specialists", "target": ["Les spécialistes de la protection de la vie privée, eux, continuent de s'inquiéter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Privacy protection specialists continue to be concerned. A:", "doc_id": 2224, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Girl Who Tries to Smuggle 2kg of Cocaine Inside Pumpkins A", "target": ["Elle tente d'importer 2 kg de cocaïne dans des citrouilles"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Woman Tries Smuggling 2kg of Cocaine Inside Pumpkins A:", "doc_id": 637, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ecuador", "target": ["La police britannique a aujourd'hui délivré un mandat d'extradition à l'encontre du fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange, qui s'est réfugié à l'Ambassade de l'Équateur à Londres et a demandé l'asile politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Btitish police served an extradition notice today on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has taken refuge in Ecuador's embassy in London and requested asylum. A:", "doc_id": 2168, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not conducting electronic surveillance", "target": ["Interrogé sur le sujet, un responsable de l'administration américaine a répondu: \"les Etats-Unis ne mènent pas de surveillance électronique visant les sièges de la Banque mondiale et du FMI à Washington\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When asked about this, an official of the American administration replied: \"The United States is not conducting electronic surveillance aimed at offices of the World Bank and IMF in Washington.\" A:", "doc_id": 761, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "murdered", "target": ["Les parents d'un adolescent de Géorgie, dont le corps a été retrouvé dans un tapis de lutte roulé dans le gymnase de son lycée, pensent que leur fils a été assassiné, a déclaré l'avocat de la famille jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The parents of a Georgia teenager, whose body was found inside a rolled-up wrestling mat in his high school gym, believe their son was murdered, the family's attorney said Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 1216, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The creation of images", "target": ["Il y a quelques beaux flashs - la création d'images a toujours été une force chez Chouinard - comme ces cheveux qui s'ébouriffent ou ces tissus noirs qui allongent les lignes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are several beautiful flashes - the creation of images has always been one of Chouinard's strong points - like the hair that is ruffled or the black fabric that extends the lines. A:", "doc_id": 2510, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The black boxes", "target": ["Des milliers d'automobilistes ont déjà embarqué ces boîtes noires, parfois équipées d'un système de surveillance par GPS, pour une virée expérimentale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thousands of motorists have already taken the black boxes, some of which have GPS monitoring, for a test drive. A:", "doc_id": 12, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["D'un autre côté, les analystes disent que les cabines configurées avec 10 sièges par rangée dans les 777 existants suggèrent que de nombreux passagers se prononcent en faveur d'une configuration plus dense, qui peut aller de pair avec des tarifs moins chers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the other hand, analysts say full 10-seat-per-row cabins for existing 777s suggest many passengers are voting for the denser layout, which may go hand in hand with cheaper fares. A:", "doc_id": 1688, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She did not move a muscle during the rescue", "target": ["Elle n'a absolument pas bougé pendant le sauvetage – elle était gelée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She did not move a muscle during the rescue - she was frozen solid. A:", "doc_id": 1480, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["« Une largeur de siège de 18 pouces serait parfaite pour les passagers, mais la réalité est que, du point de vue commercial, la proposition d'Airbus est motivée par la menace du 777 », a déclaré l'experte en intérieurs de cabines Mary Kirby, fondatrice et rédactrice en chef de Runway Girl Network."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Eighteen inches in seat width would be great for passengers, but the reality is that from a business point of the Airbus proposal is driven by the threat of the 777,\" said cabin interiors expert Mary Kirby, founder and editor of the Runway Girl Network. A:", "doc_id": 1689, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "security mechanism", "target": ["C'est à la fois une sécurité - on ne peut pas capter ces données à leur insu - et un inconvénient: la procédure doit parfois être répétée et prend donc du temps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is both a security mechanism - this data cannot be captured without people knowing - and an inconvenience - the procedure sometimes has to be repeated and so takes time. A:", "doc_id": 2190, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business leaders are sceptical about this.", "target": ["Les dirigeants d'entreprise sont sceptiques à ce sujet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Business leaders are sceptical about this. A:", "doc_id": 1187, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mexico", "target": ["Certains des plus grands tunnels ont été découverts suite à la récolte de marijuana dans le centre du Mexique en octobre, posant ainsi un défi pour les cartels de la drogue qui doivent rapidement livrer leurs produits aux consommateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some of the largest tunnels have been discovered after central Mexico's marijuana harvest in October, which presents drug cartels with a challenge of how to quickly get their product to consumers. A:", "doc_id": 2165, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Phase One", "target": ["La Phase 1 portera sur une nouvelle ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse entre Londres et les West Midlands."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Phase One will consist of a new high speed rail line between London and the West Midlands. A:", "doc_id": 1765, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Catholic", "target": ["Il y a aussi d'anciens prêtres catholiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are also former Catholic priests. A:", "doc_id": 876, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Intersex", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, il défend la cause des autres dans une organisation appelée Interface Project, qui essaie de normaliser la perception des personnes intersexuées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today, he advocates for others in an organization called the Interface Project, trying to normalize perceptions of those who are intersex. A:", "doc_id": 1329, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The soldiers told us to go back", "target": ["\"Ce matin nous avons retraversé pour aller dans nos champs, mais les militaires nous ont dit de nous replier\", a indiqué à l'AFP Imelda Nyirankusi, entourée de ses neuf enfants, dont un nourrisson sur le dos."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This morning we went back across the border to go back to our fields, but the soldiers told us to go back,\" the AFP was told by Imelda Nyirankusi, surrounded by her nine children, including an infant on her back. A:", "doc_id": 1104, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the same", "target": ["Le déroulement sera le même pour le retour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The arrangement will be the same on the way back. A:", "doc_id": 2985, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Due in theatres December 25", "target": ["En salle le 25 décembre, il pourra participer de justesse à la course aux oscars."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Due in theatres December 25, its release will come just right in time for the Oscars. A:", "doc_id": 1022, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["En mai, ils ont pris position contre les coupes ordonnées par la Commission nationale en charge des salaires et ont rétabli leurs salaires mirobolants d'environ 532 000 shillings par mois exonérés d'impôt – qui figurent parmi les plus élevés au monde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In May they voted to overturn cuts ordered by the national salaries commission and reinstate their hefty salaries of around 532,000 shillings a month tax-free - ranked among the highest in the world. A:", "doc_id": 595, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The suit was brought by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business", "target": ["La procédure visant à bloquer la loi a été engagée par 26 États et la National Federation of Independent Business."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The suit to block the law was brought by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business. A:", "doc_id": 2461, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "200", "target": ["Nous avons 200 artistes de talent qui tournent de projets en projets."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We have 200 talented artists who move from project to project. A:", "doc_id": 1130, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The End of the Road", "target": ["Fin de service pour le chef cuisinier de l'Elysée"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of End of the Road for Elysée Head Chef A:", "doc_id": 982, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It empowers children to make the decision for themselves.", "target": ["Cela autorise l'enfant à prendre la décision pour lui-même."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It empowers children to make the decision for themselves. A:", "doc_id": 1353, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we are afraid it will encourage intervention.", "target": ["Nous avons peur qu'elle encourage les interventions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We are afraid it will encourage intervention. A:", "doc_id": 1332, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1", "target": ["Au Cameroun, il y a seulement 1 médecin pour 5 000 habitants, selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Cameroon, there is only one doctor for every 5,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. A:", "doc_id": 2685, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["La Renamo déclare que le gouvernement est à l'origine des récents affrontements et qu'il a lancé une attaque contre ses membres dans la province de Sofala, un bastion traditionnel de la Renamo, le 17 octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renamo says the government initiated the latest clashes by launching an attack on its members in Sofala province, traditionally a Renamo stronghold, on October 17. A:", "doc_id": 785, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Mexican border", "target": ["Découverte d'un tunnel de la drogue entre les États-Unis et le Mexique disposant de sa propre voie ferrée"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US-Mexico drug tunnel with its own railway found A:", "doc_id": 2154, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What about the first?", "target": ["Mais qu'en est-il du premier ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What about the first? A:", "doc_id": 1031, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Journalists", "target": ["Le maire de Toronto chasse des journalistes venus l'interroger sur une affaire de drogue"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Toronto Mayor Chases Off Journalists Seeking to Interview Him on Drug Affair A:", "doc_id": 2881, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I can't do otherwise; I lose sleep and constantly ask myself what he would think.", "target": ["Pour moi, c'est impossible d'aller dans un sens contraire, je n'en dors pas et je me demande toujours ce qu'il en pensera."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, I can't do otherwise; I lose sleep and constantly ask myself what he would think. A:", "doc_id": 439, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "jellyfish", "target": ["C'est probablement la glace la plus chère que j'ai créée car la luminescence des méduses vaut quatre fois plus cher que l'or."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is probably the most expensive ice cream I have made because the jellyfish luminescence is four times more expensive than gold. A:", "doc_id": 1402, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "he said", "target": ["« Il aura un important conflit d'intérêt quand il s'agira de payer le congé parental car si l'une de ses filles est enceinte, il aura un intérêt direct dans le fait qu'elle obtienne ou non un congé », a déclaré M. Palmer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He's got a major conflict of interest when it comes to paid parental leave because if any of those daughters get pregnant, he'll have a direct interest whether they get leave or not,\" Mr Palmer said. A:", "doc_id": 2370, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to Google, the highest searched costumes are zombies, Batman, pirates and witches.", "target": ["Selon Google, les déguisements les plus recherchés sont les zombies, Batman, les pirates et les sorcières."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to Google, the highest searched costumes are zombies, Batman, pirates and witches. A:", "doc_id": 1432, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "High speed rail", "target": ["« Nous sommes donc excités à l'idée de travailler en partenariat avec le gouvernement britannique afin d'examiner les options visant à amener le réseau de train à grande vitesse jusqu'en Écosse, créant un avantage pour tous et complétant la ligne Glasgow-Édimbourg que le gouvernement écossais est déjà en train de planifier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So we are excited to work in partnership with the UK Government to examine options for bringing high speed rail to Scotland, creating benefit for all and complementing the Glasgow-Edinburgh line which the Scottish Government is already planning. A:", "doc_id": 1777, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Theatre", "target": ["Une salle du CGR de Narbonne évacuée jeudi soir"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of CGR Theatre in Narbonne Evacuated on Thursday Evening A:", "doc_id": 626, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$40,000", "target": ["Les ventes de pickups Silverado et Sierra, qui ont été redessinés pour le modèle 2014, ont augmenté d'environ 20 % au cours des 10 premiers mois de l'année, a déclaré GM vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sales of the Silverado and Sierra trucks, which were redesigned for the 2014 model year, were up about 20 percent during the first 10 months of the year, GM said on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2302, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "prevent future terrorist attacks", "target": ["L'opération visait à empêcher de futures attaques terroristes utilisant ce tunnel, a expliqué un communiqué militaire israélien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The operation was intended to prevent future terrorist attacks using this tunnel, explained an Israeli military statement. A:", "doc_id": 2482, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The rattle of gunfire from light arms could clearly be heard in the background", "target": ["On entendait très nettement derrière lui des crépitements nourris d'armes légères."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The rattle of gunfire from light arms could clearly be heard in the background. A:", "doc_id": 1090, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Exxon", "target": ["Ainsi le principal concurrent de Chevron, Exxon Mobil a fait état jeudi d'un bénéfice net en baisse, malgré la hausse de sa production de gaz et de pétrole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chevron's main competitor, Exxon, also announced a drop in net profits on Thursday, despite an increase in its gas and oil production. A:", "doc_id": 715, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was not something people wanted.", "target": ["Ce n'est pas quelque chose que les gens veulent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was not something people wanted. A:", "doc_id": 45, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes, but while ignoring his lesser known work and underground writing as an editor.", "target": ["En effet, mais en ignorant le travail caché et l'écriture souterraine de l'éditeur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yes, but while ignoring his lesser known work and underground writing as an editor. A:", "doc_id": 2739, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most accurate test of how puberty is going to progress.", "target": ["Le temps est le test le plus précis pour savoir comment va évoluer la puberté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Time is the most accurate test of how puberty is going to progress. A:", "doc_id": 1576, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They know their business better than anyone else.", "target": ["Elles connaissent leur entreprise mieux que personne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They know their business better than anyone else. A:", "doc_id": 1680, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He died on Sunday morning while looking at the trees and doing the famous 21st form of tai chi, with his musician hands striking the air", "target": ["\"Il est mort dimanche matin, alors qu'il regardait les arbres et effectuait le célèbre 21e mouvement de tai chi, avec ses mains de musicien qui fendaient l'air\", écrit Laurie Anderson."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He died on Sunday morning while looking at the trees and doing the famous 21st form of tai chi, with his musician hands striking the air,\" wrote Laurie Anderson. A:", "doc_id": 1413, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "flat", "target": ["Résultat: les corps semblent à plat devant les dessins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The result is bodies that seem flat in front of the drawings. A:", "doc_id": 2513, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lou was a prince and a fighter", "target": ["\"Lou était un prince et un combattant, et je sais que ses chansons sur la douleur et la beauté du monde transmettront à de nombreuses personnes la formidable joie de vivre qu'il avait\", ajoute-t-elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lou was a prince and a fighter, and I know his songs on pain and beauty in the world will fill many people with the incredible joy of life which he felt,\" she added. A:", "doc_id": 1418, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "difficult", "target": ["Sans préciser la maladie dont elle souffrait, la célèbre interprète de Respect avait affirmé aux médias le 16 octobre que les effets secondaires d'un traitement qu'elle recevait étaient \"difficiles\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without specifying the illness she was suffering from, the star performer of \"Respect\" confirmed to the media on 16 October that the side effects of a treatment she was receiving were \"difficult\" to deal with. A:", "doc_id": 512, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The firemen", "target": ["Ses propriétaires, Scott Alderson, 25 ans, et sa petite amie Becky Hall, 20 ans, se sont rendus à la carrière de Flappit à Denholme, dans le West Yorkshire, pour retrouver Ruby et ont remercié le Service d'incendie et de secours de West Yorkshire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Her owners Scott Alderson, 25, and his girlfriend Becky Hall, 20, were at Flappit Quarry in Denholme, West Yorkshire, to be reunited with Ruby and have thanked West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. A:", "doc_id": 1474, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The top defence lawyer who told a drugs Mr Big about a major police investigation, because he feared his secret drug addiction would be exposed", "target": ["Un grand avocat de la défense, qui avait informé un parrain de la drogue d'une importante enquête de police car il avait peur que son addiction secrète à la drogue ne soit révélée, a été condamné à trois ans de prison."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A top defence lawyer who told a drugs Mr Big about a major police investigation, because he feared his secret drug addiction would be exposed, has been jailed for three years. A:", "doc_id": 470, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "killed", "target": ["Deux autres responsables locaux des Brigades Al-Qassam, Mohammed al-Qassas et Mohammed Daoud, ont trouvé la mort lorsqu'un hélicoptère israélien a ouvert le feu dans la même région."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two other local officers of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Mohammed al-Qassas and Mohammed Daoud, were killed when an Israeli helicopter opened fire in the same area. A:", "doc_id": 2470, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Children play on a charred tank that belonged to M23 rebels", "target": ["Des enfants jouent sur un blindé carbonisé qui appartenait aux rebelles du M23, à Kibumba, le 31 octobre 2013, dans l'Est de la RDC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Children play on a charred tank that belonged to M23 rebels, at Kibumba in the east of the DRC on 31 October 2013. A:", "doc_id": 1157, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A book that I thought would uplift me during the doldrums of second-year medical school, and renew in me a sense of hope.", "target": ["C'est un livre qui, je pensais, m'encouragerait pendant la morosité de la 2e année de médecine et me redonnerait de l'espoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a book that I thought would uplift me during the doldrums of second-year medical school, and renew in me a sense of hope. A:", "doc_id": 2325, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["La NHTSA n'a pas pu examiner la lettre d'information aux propriétaires en raison de l'arrêt de 16 jours des activités gouvernementales, ce qui a ralenti la croissance des ventes de véhicules en octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NHTSA could not review the owner notification letter due to the 16-day government shutdown, which tempered auto sales growth in October. A:", "doc_id": 2301, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Fire of the Heart", "target": ["Important incendie dans un commerce"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Serious Fire in Shop A:", "doc_id": 556, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The attack took place at a time when Egypt is hardly receiving any tourists since the army deposed the Islamic President, Mohamed Morsi, in early July and bloodily suppresses demonstrations by his supporters.", "target": ["Cette attaque survient alors que l'Égypte ne reçoit quasiment plus aucun touriste depuis que l'armée a destitué le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi début juillet et réprime dans le sang les manifestations de ses partisans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The attack took place at a time when Egypt is hardly receiving any tourists since the army deposed the Islamic President, Mohamed Morsi, in early July and bloodily suppresses demonstrations by his supporters. A:", "doc_id": 2622, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The chef will be replaced by his assistant, 35-year-old Guillaume Gomez, who has been at the Elysée for seventeen years himself.", "target": ["Le chef sera remplacé par son adjoint, Guillaume Gomez, 35 ans, qui est pour sa part depuis dix-sept ans à l'Elysée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The chef will be replaced by his assistant, 35-year-old Guillaume Gomez, who has been at the Elysée for seventeen years himself. A:", "doc_id": 1001, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Wolf of Wall Street: Second Trailer Released A", "target": ["Le Loup de Wall Street: sortie du second trailer"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Wolf of Wall Street: Second Trailer Released A:", "doc_id": 1010, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Beef", "target": ["Du cheval dans des produits au boeuf"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Horse in Beef Products A:", "doc_id": 169, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Australian", "target": ["« Les déclarations fracassantes sur les \"étrangers retournant au bout de la file\" et \"des emplois pour les Australiens d'abord\" sont un retour désagréable à l'époque où les syndicats demandaient un marché du travail protégé », a-t-elle dit à l'Australia India Institute aujourd'hui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Loud declarations about 'foreigners getting to the back of the queue' and 'Aussie jobs first' are a very unpleasant throwback to a time when unions demanded a protected labor market,\" she told the Australia India Institute today. A:", "doc_id": 1752, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the attack", "target": ["Les responsables israéliens n'avaient pas caché leur irritation de voir Washington révéler l'attaque, au risque d'obliger le président Assad à réagir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli officials made no attempt to hide their anger when Washington revealed the attack, at the risk of forcing President Assad to respond. A:", "doc_id": 652, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I think about my father.", "target": ["Et je pense à mon père."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And I think about my father. A:", "doc_id": 2730, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama", "target": ["Durant la période de transition d'Obama avant sa prise de fonction en 2008, il avait 82 % d'opinions favorables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During Obama's transition to office in 2008, he had an 82% approval rating. A:", "doc_id": 2331, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "taxed", "target": ["M. Cook a déclaré : « Suite à l'augmentation du droit de timbre sur les propriétés de grande valeur et l'introduction de la loi anti-évitement en la matière, il est très difficile d'avancer que les propriétés de grande valeur sont sous-imposées indépendamment des effets du système de taxe d'habitation obsolète. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Cook said: \"Following increases in stamp duty of high value homes and the introduction of associated anti-avoidance legislation, it is very difficult to argue that high value property is under-taxed irrespective of the effect of the out-dated council tax system.\" A:", "doc_id": 2236, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have spent a lot of time here", "target": ["Lou et moi avons passé beaucoup de temps ici ces dernières années."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Lou and I have spent a lot of time here in recent years. A:", "doc_id": 1416, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the closure of the Delta", "target": ["La fermeture du Delta intervient dans un marché hôtelier très concurrentiel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The closure of the Delta comes at a time of great competitiveness in the hotel market. A:", "doc_id": 242, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Movie", "target": ["Les Etats-Unis aux couleurs d'Halloween"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of United States Dressed for Halloween A:", "doc_id": 2004, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Certaines études indiquent qu'au moins un tiers des passagers oublient d'éteindre leurs appareils, ou le font délibérément."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some studies indicate as many as a third of passengers forget or ignore directions to turn off their devices. A:", "doc_id": 1964, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "former vice-governor of the province of Jilin", "target": ["Un ancien vice-gouverneur de la province de Jilin, dans le nord-est de la Chine, a été condamné vendredi à la prison à vie pour corruption."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A former vice-governor of the province of Jilin, in the northeast of China, sentenced to life imprisonment for corruption on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2052, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am like my father", "target": ["Je ressemble à mon père, \"au dedans comme au dehors\" parait-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I am like my father, \"inside and out\", it seems. A:", "doc_id": 382, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fourth wall comes down", "target": ["Là, tout devient permis: le quatrième mur tombe, les univers explorés se superposent, les danseurs cabotinent, descendent parmi les spectateurs, glosent, fument, se court-circuitent, jouent des codes des applaudissements, étirent la sauce dans un désordre savamment calculé qui reste sensuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At that point, anything goes: the fourth wall comes down, the explored universes are superimposed, the dancers ham it up, come down among the spectators, talk, smoke, pass through, play with the etiquette of applause, build up the hype amid a consciously calculated disorder that remains sensual. A:", "doc_id": 2528, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "sleepless", "target": ["La nuit qui précède est quasiment blanche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The night before would be practically sleepless. A:", "doc_id": 996, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The number of Cogeco Cable customers rose by 5,546 for the 2013 fiscal year.", "target": ["Toutefois, pour l'année financière 2013, le nombre de clients de Cogeco Câble est en hausse 5546."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even so, the number of Cogeco Cable customers rose by 5,546 for the 2013 fiscal year. A:", "doc_id": 165, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was unable to attend his burial", "target": ["Je n'ai pas pu assister à son inhumation et trois semaines après son décès, je donnais naissance à un petit garçon."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was unable to attend his burial, and three weeks after his death, I gave birth to a little boy. A:", "doc_id": 436, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sometimes they just need the money very quickly.", "target": ["Parfois, ils ont juste besoin d'argent très rapidement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sometimes they just need the money very quickly. A:", "doc_id": 1833, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["Les troupes d'el-Assad se battent contre les rebelles, dont bon nombre sont liés à des groupes du réseau Al-Qaïda, à Safira depuis des semaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Assad's troops have been battling rebels, many of them linked to al-Qaida groups, in Safira for weeks. A:", "doc_id": 1894, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a good idea", "target": ["\"Si, grâce à la biométrie, un client reste en caisse trente secondes de moins, c'est appréciable\", explique le directeur d'une grande surface."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If a customer spends thirty seconds less at a till thanks to biometrics, it would be nice,\" says the manager of a major store. A:", "doc_id": 2219, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Bon nombre de personnes à Wall Street considèrent l'ajout de frais de bagages comme un signe qui prouve que les compagnies aériennes font payer assez cher pour couvrir le coût du voyage aérien après des années de pertes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Many on Wall Street view the addition of baggage fees as a sign that airlines are charging enough money to cover the cost of air travel after years of losses. A:", "doc_id": 197, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I feel his presence in every room", "target": ["Dans toutes les pièces je ressens sa présence et cela me rend heureuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I feel his presence in every room and it makes me happy. A:", "doc_id": 451, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the M23", "target": ["\"Nous avons vécu un an avec le M23 et il nous paraissait inimaginable d'être un jour libérés par l'armée\", témoigne un habitant de cette localité limitrophe de l'Ouganda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We have been living with the M23 for a year and it seemed unimaginable that we would one day be freed by the army,\" said an inhabitant of the town on the border with Uganda. A:", "doc_id": 701, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president of the Quebec Palliative Care Network", "target": ["La présidente du Réseau des soins palliatifs du Québec rejette aussi le projet de loi sur l'aide médicale à mourir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Chairperson of the Quebec Palliative Care Network also rejects the bill on medically-assisted death. A:", "doc_id": 569, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Food allergies", "target": ["Il s'agit de la première série de lignes directrices que le gouvernement américain publie, puisque le nombre d'enfants en âge scolaire souffrant d'allergies alimentaires a fortement grimpé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is the first set of such guidelines the U.S. government has put out, as the number of school-age children suffering from food allergies climbs. A:", "doc_id": 1240, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["La première étape est que la CGT et Goodyear scellent un accord sur les indemnités de départ pour tous les employés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first step is for the CGT and Goodyear to seal an agreement on severance pay for all the employees. A:", "doc_id": 276, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have to live every day without seeing more grandchildren, and my daughters.", "target": ["Je dois vivre tous les jours sans avoir d'autres petits-enfants, ni voir mes filles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I have to live every day without seeing more grandchildren, and my daughters. A:", "doc_id": 1919, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was recaptured by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) on Wednesday", "target": ["Elle a été reprise mercredi par les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo mercredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was recaptured by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) on Wednesday. A:", "doc_id": 1166, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Taliban", "target": ["Le chef du mouvement des taliban pakistanais, Hakimullah Mehsud, a été tué dans une frappe d'un drone américain vendredi au Pakistan, a-t-on appris auprès des services de sécurité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The leader of the Pakistani Taliban movement, Hakimullah Mehsud, was killed in an American drone strike in Pakistan on Friday, according to security services. A:", "doc_id": 1723, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The breeding ground for talent is as sizable as the number of roles available.", "target": ["Le vivier de talents est aussi conséquent que le nombre de postes à pourvoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The breeding ground for talent is as sizable as the number of roles available. A:", "doc_id": 1134, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "glitch", "target": ["La National Security Agency œuvrant dans l'ombre a déclaré vendredi que c'était un bug qui avait causé la panne de son site public pendant quelques heures, et non des hackers comme certains l'avaient prétendu en ligne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The shadowy National Security Agency said late Friday that it was a glitch that brought down its public website for a few hours, not hackers as some claimed online. A:", "doc_id": 222, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yesterday evening", "target": ["Avec son épouse, hier soir, il a distribué des friandises à des centaines d'enfants invités dans les jardins de la Maison-Blanche à Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yesterday evening, he and his wife handed out sweets to hundreds of children invited to the gardens of the White House in Washington. A:", "doc_id": 2006, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Germany", "target": ["Après la guerre, l'élite politique française a considéré l'UE comme un moyen de contrôler l'Allemagne et de mettre Paris sur un pied d'égalité avec Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After the war, the French political elite saw the EU as a vehicle to keep Germany in check, and to give Paris equal billing in the world with Washington. A:", "doc_id": 1542, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fighting", "target": ["Les combats ont souligné l'importance des dangers auxquels sont confrontés les inspecteurs chargés des armes chimiques alors qu'ils doivent achever leur mission, qui consiste à débarrasser la Syrie de son arsenal toxique au milieu d'une guerre civile qui perdure, dans des délais serrés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fighting underscored the dangers the chemical weapons' inspectors face as they race against tight deadlines in their mission to rid Syria of the toxic arsenal in the midst of an ongoing civil war. A:", "doc_id": 1896, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Death", "target": ["Beaucoup d'opposition à l'aide médicale à mourir au Congrès des soins palliatifs"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Great Opposition to Medically-Assisted Death at Palliative Care Congress A:", "doc_id": 564, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He said: \"In some cases, it has reached too far inappropriately.", "target": ["Il a déclaré : « Dans certains cas, c'est allé trop loin de manière inappropriée. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said: \"In some cases, it has reached too far inappropriately.\" A:", "doc_id": 2944, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The political leaders of the M23 are hoping to reach an agreement there.", "target": ["Sur place, les dirigeants politiques du M23 espèrent parvenir à un accord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The political leaders of the M23 are hoping to reach an agreement there. A:", "doc_id": 1098, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They face prison sentences between 10 years and life imprisonment if convicted.", "target": ["Ils encourent une peine de prison allant de 10 ans à la réclusion à perpétuité s'ils sont condamnés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They face prison sentences between 10 years and life imprisonment if convicted. A:", "doc_id": 2162, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, said he was shocked by the revelation.", "target": ["Le président du Conseil central des juifs d'Allemagne, Dieter Graumann, s'est déclaré choqué par cette révélation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, said he was shocked by the revelation. A:", "doc_id": 2653, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fighting has slightly reduced in intensity. It appears that the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) have pushed the rebels back a bit", "target": ["\"L'intensité des affrontements a diminué un peu\", a-t-il ajouté, \"il semble que les FARDC Forces armées de la RDC ont repoussé un peu les rebelles\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The fighting has slightly reduced in intensity. It appears that the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) have pushed the rebels back a bit,\" he added. A:", "doc_id": 1088, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "But now scientists say that fellow canines can spot and respond to these subtle tail differences.", "target": ["Mais désormais les scientifiques disent que les chiens peuvent détecter ces différences subtiles et y répondre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But now scientists say that fellow canines can spot and respond to these subtle tail differences. A:", "doc_id": 2242, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Traffic was diverted via the exit/entrance to the ring road.", "target": ["La circulation a dès lors pu être déviée par cette sortie/entrée du ring."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Traffic was therefore diverted via the exit/entrance to the ring road. A:", "doc_id": 1150, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "symbolic violence", "target": ["Il y a aussi \"une violence symbolique\", qui tient à l'\"effacement de la singularité et des signes distinctifs\" réduits à l'\"anonymat\" des cendres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is also a \"symbolic violence\" that relates to the \"obliteration of the person's singularity and of distinctive symbols\", which are reduced to the \"anonymity\" of ashes. A:", "doc_id": 862, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Elle a déclaré que la Malaisie, la Thaïlande et Singapour enregistraient le ratio endettement des ménages/produit intérieur brut le plus élevé d'Asie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It said that Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore had the highest household debt to gross domestic product ratios in Asia. A:", "doc_id": 1815, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "millions", "target": ["Par conséquent, des millions de personnes à travers la région se tournent vers les prêteurs sur gage alors que les familles ressentent la pression qu'exerce l'augmentation du coût de la vie et le surendettement des ménages et des consommateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hence millions of people across the region are turning to pawnshops as families feel the squeeze from rising living costs and ballooning household and consumer debt. A:", "doc_id": 1812, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants", "target": ["Laura Glading, présidente de l'Association of Professional Flight Attendants, s'est dite heureuse de ces changements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Laura Glading, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, welcomed the changes. A:", "doc_id": 1948, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A pawnshop", "target": ["Chez un prêteur sur gage du centre commercial de Bendemeer à Singapour, Janani Amirthalinga dépose un bracelet, une bague et une paire de boucles d'oreille en or pour payer les frais de scolarité de ses filles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At a pawnshop in Bendemeer shopping centre in Singapore, Janani Amirthalinga is swapping a gold bangle, ring and pair of earrings to pay her daughters\" school fees. A:", "doc_id": 1805, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$600 million", "target": ["Cela représente environ 272 millions de kg de barres Hershey, sucettes, Milk Duds, Twizzlers et barres Clark."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's around 600 million pounds worth of Hershey bars, lollipops, Milk Duds, Twizzlers and Clark Bars. A:", "doc_id": 1439, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "To keep him alive, well, there's no reason to keep him alive.", "target": ["Le garder en vie, pourquoi, il n'y a aucune raison de le garder en vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To keep him alive, well, there's no reason to keep him alive. A:", "doc_id": 1925, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "tax on foreign property owners", "target": ["Un impôt sur les propriétaires immobiliers étrangers pour faire éclater la bulle de Londres"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tax on foreign property owners to burst London's bubble A:", "doc_id": 2233, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Omar Hassan", "target": ["Omar Hassan est toujours en détention et devra se présenter en cour vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Omar Hassan is still in detention and is due to appear in court on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 543, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Canada", "target": ["L'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) n'a pas révélé d'où arrivait la femme lorsqu'elle a été interceptée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) did not reveal where the woman had been travelling from when she was intercepted. A:", "doc_id": 642, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not a matter of something we might choose to do", "target": ["« Ce n'est pas comme si nous avions le choix », a déclaré Hasan Ikhrata, directeur général de la Southern California Association of Governments, qui prévoit que l'État commence à enregistrer les miles parcourus par chaque automobiliste californien d'ici 2025."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It is not a matter of something we might choose to do,\" said Hasan Ikhrata, executive director of the Southern California Assn. of Governments, which is planning for the state to start tracking miles driven by every California motorist by 2025. A:", "doc_id": 14, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Five years ago, my father passed away.", "target": ["Il y a cinq ans déjà que mon père s'est effacé du monde des vivants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Five years ago, my father passed away. A:", "doc_id": 364, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He will be able to work again", "target": ["Un homme a expliqué que l'opération gratuite qu'il avait subie pour soigner une hernie lui permettrait de travailler à nouveau."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One man explained that the free hernia surgery he'd received will allow him to work again. A:", "doc_id": 2714, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier", "target": ["Bombardier, basé à Montréal, n'a pas non plus fourni de données d'essai en vol pour son tout nouvel avion CSeries ni d'informations permettant de savoir si l'avion respectera son calendrier ambitieux de mise en service commercial avant septembre prochain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Montreal-based Bombardier also did not release any flight test data for its brand-new CSeries aircraft or offer an update on whether the plane will meet its ambitious schedule of going into commercial service by next September. A:", "doc_id": 288, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Ces réserves, auxquelles les autorités ont recours massivement pour soutenir la monnaie locale, la hryvnia, s'effondrant, l'agence juge de plus en plus probable une dévaluation, ce qui gonflerait sa dette extérieure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These reserves, which the authorities have had to use extensively to support the local currency, the hryvnia, are collapsing, leading to the agency considering devaluation more and more likely, which would inflate the country's foreign debt. A:", "doc_id": 660, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "audition", "target": ["Comme chaque année, les premières émissions d'audition brassent un large choix de chanteurs en herbe, pour le meilleur et parfois pour le pire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As every year, the first audition shows threw in a wide variety of budding singers into the mix, sometimes for the best and sometimes not. A:", "doc_id": 951, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fever", "target": ["La petite commune de Pia a connu un inhabituel excès de fièvre jeudi soir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The small town of Pia experienced an unusual height of fever on Thursday evening. A:", "doc_id": 1799, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "winner", "target": ["Il a été invité suivre le GP d'Abou Dhabi, avec un ami, et peut donc voir de près le champion allemand, sur la piste et dans son stand."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The winner was invited to the Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi with a friend and was able to get up close to the German champion, both on the track and in the pits. A:", "doc_id": 2918, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we got there by helicopter", "target": ["Arrivés là-bas en hélicoptère, on prend un avion privé qui nous ramène en France via Corfou et Solenzara, où Pasqua embarque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We got there by helicopter and took a private plane to France via Corfu and Solenzara, where Pasqua got on board. A:", "doc_id": 2810, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gender identification", "target": ["L'identification sexuelle n'est toujours pas bien comprise, mais la plupart des spécialistes aux États-Unis disent que lorsque le sexe ne peut pas être déterminé, il vaut mieux utiliser les meilleures informations disponibles pour l'attribuer, puis attendre et suivre le développement psychologique et physique de l'enfant avant d'envisager un acte chirurgical, le cas échéant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gender identification is still not well understood, but most experts in the United States say that when sex cannot be determined, it's better to use the best available information to assign it then to wait and monitor the child's psychological and physical development before undertaking surgery, if at all. A:", "doc_id": 1281, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All four suspects were being watched by police", "target": ["Les quatre suspects étaient surveillés à l'époque par la police dans le cadre d'une importante enquête sur un trafic d'héroïne et de cocaïne se déroulant dans les comtés de Lancashire, Cumbria, Merseyside, Berkshire et West Yorkshire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All four suspects were being watched by police at the time as part of a major investigation into a heroin and cocaine racket operating across Lancashire, Cumbria, Merseyside, Berkshire and West Yorkshire. A:", "doc_id": 476, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Les sept points retirés sur son permis ont conduit à un retrait de permis de 6 mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Seven points added to his licence resulted in him receiving a six-month driving ban. A:", "doc_id": 2231, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel", "target": ["Ce serait apparemment la poursuite de la campagne israélienne visant à empêcher la prolifération des armes dans le Moyen-Orient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's an apparent continuation of Israel's campaign to keep arms from proliferating in the Mideast. A:", "doc_id": 2042, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Minister of Defence, Rob Nicholson, insisted that injured soldiers are not summarily discharged from the Canadian Armed Forces and stressed that all soldiers undergo a transition process before their return to civilian life.", "target": ["Le ministre de la Défense, Rob Nicholson, a insisté pour dire que les soldats blessés n'étaient pas sommairement libérés des Forces armées canadiennes, et a souligné qu'un processus de transition était suivi par tous les soldats avant leur retour à la vie civile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Minister of Defence, Rob Nicholson, insisted that injured soldiers are not summarily discharged from the Canadian Armed Forces and stressed that all soldiers undergo a transition process before their return to civilian life. A:", "doc_id": 97, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Instead, he believes that they dogs have learned from experience what moves they should and shouldn't feel worried about.", "target": ["Il pense plutôt que les chiens savent par expérience les mouvements dont ils devraient ou ne devraient pas s'inquiéter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Instead, he believes that they dogs have learned from experience what moves they should and shouldn't feel worried about. A:", "doc_id": 2253, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some people have life-endangering conditions that require surgery, but most kids do not", "target": ["« Certaines personnes souffrent de maladies extrêmement graves qui nécessitent un acte chirurgical, mais ce n'est pas le cas de la plupart des enfants », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Some people have life-endangering conditions that require surgery, but most kids do not,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 1284, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It had also \"instructed Yangcheng Evening News Group to undertake a complete rectification of New Express, and recommended they investigate the relevant responsible persons at New Express and immediately revise New Express's leadership team.", "target": ["Il a également « ordonné au groupe Yangcheng Evening News d'entreprendre un remaniement complet de New Express, et a recommandé qu'il mène une enquête sur les personnes responsables chez New Express et remanie immédiatement l'équipe de direction du journal »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It had also \"instructed Yangcheng Evening News Group to undertake a complete rectification of New Express, and recommended they investigate the relevant responsible persons at New Express and immediately revise New Express's leadership team.\" A:", "doc_id": 2115, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "High-speed services to Scotland and the north of England", "target": ["Le travail réalisé par HS2 Ltd laisse penser que les services à grande vitesse jusqu'à l'Écosse et le nord de l'Angleterre démarreront dès l'ouverture de la Phase 1 en 2026."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The work by HS2 Ltd suggests high-speed services to Scotland and the north of England will start as soon as Phase One opens in 2026. A:", "doc_id": 1762, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Pope decided everything on his own.", "target": ["Auparavant, le pape décidait tout seul."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the past the Pope decided everything on his own. A:", "doc_id": 2288, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a third gender", "target": ["L'Australie et le Népal autorisent déjà les adultes à inscrire sexe masculin, féminin ou « troisième sexe » sur leurs documents officiels."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Already, Australia and Nepal allow adults to mark male, female or a \"third gender\" on their official documents. A:", "doc_id": 1293, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$5000", "target": ["Quand le propriétaire paie 5000 $ en taxes municipales, il divise ce montant entre chaque logement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If the owner pays $5000 in municipal taxes, he divides this figure between each house. A:", "doc_id": 975, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Germany", "target": ["Sans la possibilité d'une dévaluation de la devise nationale, les pays d'Europe du sud se retrouvent avec un problème de productivité intrinsèque vis-à-vis de l'Allemagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without the possibility of domestic currency devaluation, southern Europe finds itself with a built-in productivity disadvantage vis-à-vis Germany. A:", "doc_id": 1535, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["L'inquiétude liée à la sécurité au Mozambique grandit en même temps que des conflits éclatent entre des personnalités puissantes"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mozambique security concerns mount as powerful personalities clash A:", "doc_id": 775, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cardinal", "target": ["Le pape François nommera ses premiers cardinaux en février"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pope Francis to name first cardinals in February A:", "doc_id": 2274, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Battle of the Congo", "target": ["L'armée congolaise pourchasse les rebelles du M23"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Congolese Army Hunts Down M23 Rebels A:", "doc_id": 681, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "atheists", "target": ["66% des athées ou non croyants la désirent aussi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 66% of atheists or non-believers also want one. A:", "doc_id": 870, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["La part des suffrages recueillie par la Renamo ne cesse de baisser depuis 1992, tandis qu'un nouveau parti, le Mouvement démocratique du Mozambique (MDM) qui fut créé par un ancien membre de la Renamo, devrait obtenir un plus grand nombre de suffrages aux élections."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renamo's share of the vote has been declining since 1992, while a newer party, the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) which was formed by a former Renamo member, is expected to improve its showing at the elections. A:", "doc_id": 800, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Meanwhile, a 35-year-old Sri Lankan asylum seeker died of a suspected heart attack after arriving on an asylum boat at Christmas Island this week.", "target": ["Entre-temps, un demandeur d'asile sri-lankais de 35 ans serait mort d'une crise cardiaque après être arrivé sur un bateau transportant des demandeurs d'asile à l'île Christmas cette semaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, a 35-year-old Sri Lankan asylum seeker died of a suspected heart attack after arriving on an asylum boat at Christmas Island this week. A:", "doc_id": 1758, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Catholic Online", "target": ["Le site américain Catholic Online s'est également opposé à la loi allemande, écrivant que « puisque le monde est traîné dans un nouveau règne où le genre est un choix mais où l'activité sexuelle n'en est pas un, on renverse deux autres piliers de la civilisation. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The U.S. website Catholic Online has also opposed the German law, writing that \"as the world is being dragged into a new state, where gender is a choice, but sexual activity is not, we reverse two more pillars of civilization.\" A:", "doc_id": 1298, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "it's the same", "target": ["Il en va de même pour mes attitudes: j'essaie d'être à la hauteur de la générosité et de la droiture d'esprit de celle qui était une fervente croyante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's the same with my opinions: I try to live up to the generosity and correctness of her mind as a fervent believer. A:", "doc_id": 415, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The aim of the assault is to flush the M23 out of the hills overlooking Bunagana.", "target": ["L'objectif est de déloger le M23 des collines qui surplombent Bunagana."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The aim of the assault is to flush the M23 out of the hills overlooking Bunagana. A:", "doc_id": 1159, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1980", "target": ["En 1980, il mettait en scène l'assassinat du président égyptien Anouar El-Sadate dans \"Le complot du Caire\", un an avant l'attentat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 1980, he described the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in \"Le complot du Caire\" a year before the attack. A:", "doc_id": 1647, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were unable to visit two sites because of security concerns", "target": ["Ils n'ont pas pu visiter les deux derniers sites en raison de préoccupations concernant leur sécurité, ont indiqué les inspecteurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were unable to visit two sites because of security concerns, the inspectors said. A:", "doc_id": 1900, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unspecified", "target": ["Dans le cadre de la nouvelle loi, les parents ne seront plus tenus de déclarer le sexe de leur enfant, les autorisant à inscrire un sexe « indéterminé » ou « non spécifié » sur son certificat de naissance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The new law doesn't require parents to declare any gender for such children, allowing parents to declare gender \"undetermined\" or \"unspecified\" on their birth certificates. A:", "doc_id": 1274, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1,653", "target": ["En 2012, les agents des services frontaliers de la région du Québec ont effectué un total de 1653 saisies de stupéfiants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2012 the Border Services Agency for the province of Quebec made 1,653 seizures of narcotics. A:", "doc_id": 646, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The impression that, instead of going in search of Michaux's work, the choreographer has imposed herself on it with using her mannerisms.", "target": ["On a l'impression que la chorégraphe, au lieu d'aller à la rencontre de l'oeuvre de Michaux, s'est imposée, avec ses tics."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One gets the impression that, instead of going in search of Michaux's work, the choreographer has imposed herself on it with using her mannerisms. A:", "doc_id": 2512, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mobile", "target": ["Le BfV d'Allemagne conseille à ses dirigeants d'envisager d'utiliser de simples téléphones portables prépayés lors de leurs voyages à l'étranger en raison du risque d'atteinte à l'intégrité des smartphones."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Germany's BfV advises executives to consider using simple prepaid mobiles when on foreign trips because of the risk that smart phones are compromised. A:", "doc_id": 1206, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["Snowden est prêt à « coopérer » avec l'Allemagne sur la question de la surveillance américaine"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Snowden ready to \"cooperate\" with Germany over US surveillance A:", "doc_id": 121, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Does he play an arbiter of the work of others from his office in Rue Gaston-Gallimard? Yes", "target": ["Arbitre des oeuvres d'autrui dans son bureau de la rue Gaston-Gallimard?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Does he play an arbiter of the work of others from his office in Rue Gaston-Gallimard? A:", "doc_id": 2738, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renault", "target": ["Aux valeurs, Renault (-4,63%) enregistre le plus fort repli du CAC 40, plombé par l'avertissement sur résultat de son partenaire Nissan Motor vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the securities market, Renault (-4.63%) recorded the greatest drop with the CAC 40, weighed down by the profit warning issued by its partner, Nissan Motor, on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2448, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Wi-Fi", "target": ["Les compagnies aériennes permettent à leurs passagers d'utiliser le Wi-Fi aux altitudes de croisière depuis plusieurs années."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airlines have been offering Wi-Fi use at cruising altitudes to passengers for several years. A:", "doc_id": 1967, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The party of the city", "target": ["Un habitant d'Aubervilliers lance son Parti de la banlieue"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Aubervilliers Resident Launches \"Parti de la Banlieue\" A:", "doc_id": 2921, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The inhabitants of Bunagana took to the streets of the town to welcome the entry of the FARDC troops", "target": ["Mercredi, les habitants de Bunagana ont envahi les rues de la bourgade pour saluer l'entrée des soldats des FARDC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Wednesday, the inhabitants of Bunagana took to the streets of the town to welcome the entry of the FARDC troops. A:", "doc_id": 700, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["En 2011, des douzaines de législateurs de ce pays foncièrement catholique ont signé une pétition pour que la « théorie des genres » soit retirée des livres scolaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2011, dozens of French lawmakers from that strongly Catholic country signed a petition for \"gender theory\" to be withdrawn from school textbooks. A:", "doc_id": 1297, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Food allergies", "target": ["Mercredi, le Centre américain de contrôle et de prévention des maladies a publié une série de directives indiquant comment gérer les allergies alimentaires des enfants à l'école."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a set of guidelines to manage children's food allergies at school. A:", "doc_id": 1239, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Emergency Unit", "target": ["Imbroglio autour de la fermeture des urgences de l'Hôtel-Dieu"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Row Over Closure of Emergency Unit at Hôtel-Dieu A:", "doc_id": 724, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prime Minister", "target": ["Le député milliardaire Clive Palmer avance que le Premier ministre Tony Abbott a un conflit d'intérêt à propos du système de congé parental parce que ses filles pourraient être enceintes et profiter de ce système."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Billionaire MP Clive Palmer says Prime Minister Tony Abbott has a conflict of interest over his parental leave scheme because his daughters might get pregnant and benefit from it. A:", "doc_id": 2366, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Passengers can already do this during the bulk of a flight but many people find it annoying to be unable to access their e-books during take-offs and landings", "target": ["Les passagers peuvent déjà le faire pendant la plus grande partie du vol, mais de nombreuses personnes trouvent pénible de ne pas pouvoir accéder à leurs livres électroniques pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers can already do this during the bulk of a flight but many people find it annoying to be unable to access their e-books during take-offs and landings. A:", "doc_id": 1782, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am neither a man nor a woman", "target": ["Selon la BBC, une personne intersexuée aurait dit des années plus tard, « Je ne suis ni un homme ni une femme. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One intersex person, according to the BBC, said years later, \"I am neither a man nor a woman.\" A:", "doc_id": 1276, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This involved three police vehicles, two ambulances and a group of about thirty people", "target": ["Trois véhicules de gendarmerie, deux ambulances et un attroupement d'une trentaine de personnes selon les témoignages recueillis..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This involved three police vehicles, two ambulances and a group of about thirty people, according to reports. A:", "doc_id": 1800, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "free", "target": ["Les nouveaux frais de bagages à main concernent les sacs rangés dans le compartiment supérieur, donc les petits sacs installés sous le siège seront toujours gratuits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The new carry-on fee is for bags in the overhead bin, so small bags under the seat will still be free. A:", "doc_id": 182, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cardinal", "target": ["Valero a indiqué que les papes élevaient en général des évêques représentant de vastes communautés au rang de cardinal, mais que François était « plein de surprises – donc nous ne savons pas qui il nommera »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Valero said popes typically elevated bishops from large places to the position of cardinal but that Francis was \"full of surprises -- so we don't know who he'll name.\" A:", "doc_id": 2292, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The salary is fixed", "target": ["Son salaire fixe n'est que d'un dollar symbolique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His fixed salary is a nominal $1. A:", "doc_id": 1702, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "disarmed", "target": ["Le président congolais, Joseph Kabila, a appelé mercredi soir une nouvelle fois les rebelles à \"se démobiliser volontairement\" sous peine d'être désarmés \"par la force\", mais a laissé ouvert le processus de Kampala, où Kinshasa et le M23 discutent depuis décembre sans résultat pour l'instant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Congolese President, Joseph Kabila, called on the rebels once again on Wednesday to \"stand down voluntarily\" or be disarmed \"by force\", while leaving open the Kampala process, where Kinshasa and the M23 have been in discussions since December with no outcome as yet. A:", "doc_id": 1097, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Pourquoi ces appels dramatiques à l'unité nationale?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why these dramatic appeals for national unity? A:", "doc_id": 2749, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we should build a German Google", "target": ["Un député du parlement allemand dit que nous devrions créer un Google allemand."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Someone in the German parliament says we should build a German Google. A:", "doc_id": 1188, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The musicals are prepared in Paris and enjoyed in the provinces", "target": ["La mayonnaise est montée à Paris et dégustée par les provinciaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The musicals are prepared in Paris and enjoyed in the provinces. A:", "doc_id": 1143, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Malaysia", "target": ["La Malaisie arrive en tête de liste avec 80 % du PIB, alors que ce taux s'élevait à 60 % en 2008."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Malaysia topped the list at 80 per cent of GDP, up from 60 per cent in 2008. A:", "doc_id": 1816, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Le Muy", "target": ["L'un des riverains du quartier du Muy visité par les enfants a ouvert la porte en tenant son fusil de chasse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of one of the riverside residents the children called on in the district of Le Muy opened the door holding his hunting rifle. A:", "doc_id": 2639, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Passengers", "target": ["Les passagers rouspètent souvent à propos des frais de bagages et autres frais, mais les compagnies aériennes les adorent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers often grumble about baggage charges and other fees, but airlines love them. A:", "doc_id": 195, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "strong", "target": ["La Légende de Thor pourrait montrer que « la force brutale ne fait pas le poids face à la ruse subtile », tandis que les légendes arthuriennes révèlent l'importance d'avoir un rêve."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tales of Thor could show \"brute strength is no match for subtle trickery,\" while the Arthurian legends reveal the importance of having a dream. A:", "doc_id": 813, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The judge had ruled in August the city violated the Constitution in the way it carried out its program of stopping and questioning people.", "target": ["La juge avait statué en août que la ville avait violé la Constitution suite à la mise en œuvre de son programme visant à contrôler et interroger les citoyens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The judge had ruled in August the city violated the Constitution in the way it carried out its program of stopping and questioning people. A:", "doc_id": 960, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No need for radical surgery", "target": ["« Il n'est pas nécessaire de recourir à une chirurgie radicale lorsqu’on a tout simplement besoin d’aspirine », a déclaré Randy Rentschler, le directeur de la législation et des affaires publiques auprès de la commission."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There is no need for radical surgery when all you need to do is take an aspirin,\" said Randy Rentschler, the commission's director of legislation and public affairs. A:", "doc_id": 66, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "genuineness", "target": ["Le gouvernement étudie actuellement la possibilité de mettre en place un test « d'authenticité » destiné aux travailleurs étrangers en possession d'un visa 457 alors qu'il envisage d'étendre les mesures de répression."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A \"genuineness\" test for foreign workers on 457 visas is being considered by the government as it contemplates expanding a crackdown. A:", "doc_id": 1749, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["\"Le Nouvel Observateur\" a questionné Jean-Louis Normandin, 62 ans, ex grand reporter, retraité depuis 2008, président de l'association \"Otages du monde\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Le Nouvel Observateur\" interviewed 62-year-old Jean-Louis Normandin, a former senior reporter who retired in 2008 and is president of the association \"Otages du Monde\". A:", "doc_id": 2793, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hispanic", "target": ["Dans ce pays, les jeunes filles afro-américaines et hispaniques ont tendance à atteindre l'âge de la puberté plus tôt que les jeunes filles blanches."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this country, African-American and Hispanic girls tend to reach puberty earlier than their white counterparts. A:", "doc_id": 1595, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The experiments are described in the journal Science Translational Medicine.", "target": ["Les expériences sont décrites dans la revue Science Translational Medicine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The experiments are described in the journal Science Translational Medicine. A:", "doc_id": 1714, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["D'autre part, le directeur de l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme a déclaré qu'il y avait eu une forte explosion mercredi dans une base de défense aérienne dans la province côtière syrienne de Latakia."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In other developments, the Observatory's chief Rami Abdurrahman said there had been a strong explosion Wednesday inside an air defense facility in Syria's coastal province of Latakia. A:", "doc_id": 1906, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was accompanied on his visit to Russia by two German journalists.", "target": ["Lors de sa visite en Russie, il était accompagné de deux journalistes allemands."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was accompanied on his visit to Russia by two German journalists. A:", "doc_id": 132, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Scarborough", "target": ["Scarborough a lui-même été emprisonné pendant 14 ans après avoir plaidé coupable de complicité de trafic d'héroïne, de cocaïne et de cannabis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scarborough himself was jailed for 14 years after pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply heroin, cocaine and cannabis. A:", "doc_id": 506, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Goodyear", "target": ["Mais, comme je vous l'ai dit, la CGT et Goodyear doivent d'abord se mettre d'accord sur des indemnités de départ."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, as I said to you, the CGT and Goodyear must first reach an agreement on the severance pay. A:", "doc_id": 282, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business leaders", "target": ["Si la personne la plus puissante d'Europe peut être visée, alors les dirigeants d'entreprise sont sûrement aussi des cibles potentielles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If Europe's most powerful person can be targeted, then surely business leaders are also potential targets. A:", "doc_id": 1180, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$25", "target": ["Les compagnies aériennes payent aux vendeurs de voyages en ligne comme Orbitz 10 $ à 25 $ pour chaque billet vendu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airlines pay online travel sellers such as Orbitz $10 to $25 for each ticket sold. A:", "doc_id": 211, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We're pleased the FAA recognizes that an enjoyable passenger experience is not incompatible with safety and security", "target": ["« Nous sommes heureux que la FAA reconnaisse qu'une expérience passager agréable n'est pas incompatible avec la sécurité », a déclaré Roger Dow, Président et directeur de l'U.S. Travel Association."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We're pleased the FAA recognizes that an enjoyable passenger experience is not incompatible with safety and security,\" said Roger Dow, CEO of the U.S. Travel Association. A:", "doc_id": 1980, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The latter accusations are partly based on letters written by the lawyer of the brothers of the Holy Cross, Mr Emile Perrin QC, in the 1990s, as well as through research carried out in the archives on this subject by Brother Wilson Kennedy, a former brother of the Holy Cross who has publicly denounced the abuses.", "target": ["Ces dernières accusations se basent entre autres sur des lettres rédigées par l'avocat des frères Sainte-Croix, Me Émile Perrin, dans les années 1990, mais aussi par les recherches faites dans les archives à ce sujet par le frère Wilson Kennedy, un ancien frère de Sainte-Croix qui a dénoncé publiquement les sévices."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The latter accusations are partly based on letters written by the lawyer of the brothers of the Holy Cross, Mr Emile Perrin QC, in the 1990s, as well as through research carried out in the archives on this subject by Brother Wilson Kennedy, a former brother of the Holy Cross who has publicly denounced the abuses. A:", "doc_id": 552, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Multiculturalism", "target": ["Ma proposition n°1 est de créer un ministère du multiculturalisme, indique t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"My primary proposal is to create a Ministry of Multiculturalism,\" he says. A:", "doc_id": 2927, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Third world war", "target": ["Jeudi, il a plaidé pour que la communauté internationale mène une \"troisième guerre mondiale\" contre Al-Qaida."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Thursday, he pleaded that the international community should conduct a \"third world war\" against Al-Qaida. A:", "doc_id": 1061, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The shock that her loss provoked in the young graduate I was then.", "target": ["C'est dire le choc que sa disparition a provoqué chez le jeune bachelier que j'étais à l'époque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hence the shock that her loss provoked in the young graduate I was then. A:", "doc_id": 409, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Est-ce pour faire plaisir à M. Montebourg ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is this meant to please Mr. Montebourg? A:", "doc_id": 254, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "TTP", "target": ["La veille, le Premier ministre pakistanais Nawaz Sharif, en déplacement à Londres, avait informé le gouvernement britannique que des discussions avaient été engagées avec le Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), le mouvement des taliban pakistanais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The previous day, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, informed the British government on a trip to London that discussions had been initiated with Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Pakistani Taliban movement. A:", "doc_id": 1727, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are regularly saturated.", "target": ["Or ils sont régulièrement engorgés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But they are regularly saturated. A:", "doc_id": 743, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["N'y aurait-il pas comme une vague hypocrisie de votre part ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is there not an element of hypocrisy on your part? A:", "doc_id": 1253, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The feast for fans A", "target": ["Un festin pour ses fans"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A feast for fans A:", "doc_id": 75, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "heavier", "target": ["Et les appareils plus lourds comme les ordinateurs portables devront toujours être rangés car ils pourraient blesser quelqu'un s'ils volaient à travers la cabine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And heavier devices such as laptops will continue to have to be stowed because of concern they might injure someone if they go flying around the cabin. A:", "doc_id": 1954, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Music of Folk Music", "target": ["L'hommage au folk des frères Coen"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Coen Brothers' Homage to Folk Music A:", "doc_id": 1606, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Lorsqu'on leur demande leur avis sur des points politiques spécifiques – allant de la réglementation des monopoles aux lois sur les produits – la majorité des chefs d'entreprise pensent que le contrôle de ces compétences clés devrait retourner aux mains de Westminster."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When asked their views on specific policy areas - ranging from monopoly regulation to product laws - the majority of business leaders thought that control of these key competences should be returned to Westminster. A:", "doc_id": 1995, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The civil war", "target": ["Maintenant dans sa troisième année, la guerre civile oppose principalement les rebelles musulmans sunnites au gouvernement d'el-Assad et ses forces de sécurité, qui sont soutenus par les membres de la secte des alaouites, une branche de l'islam chiite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now in its third year, the civil war pits the primarily Sunni Muslim rebels against Assad's government and its security forces, which are stacked with members of his Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. A:", "doc_id": 1905, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The two YMCA employees charged with sex offences before allegations against Jonathan Lord, Royal Commission", "target": ["Deux employés du YMCA accusés d'agressions sexuelles suite à des allégations formulées à l'encontre de Jonathan Lord, lors d'une audience de la Commission royale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two YMCA employees charged with sex offences before allegations against Jonathan Lord, Royal Commission hears A:", "doc_id": 2059, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this", "target": ["Il s'agissait d'une activité-bénéfice, parallèlement à la dimension artistique, et elle a aidé l'organisme sans but lucratif à produire un bilan financier qui est aussi doux aux oreilles qu'un air de La chauve-souris."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This, in parallel with the artistic dimension, was a benefit event which helps the non-profit organisation achieve financial balance-sheet that sounds as soothing to the ear as a tune from Die Fledermaus. A:", "doc_id": 534, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After learning the truth", "target": ["Après avoir appris la vérité, il est redevenu un homme, en suivant un traitement à la testostérone et s'est fait enlever les seins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After learning the truth, he changed back to a man, taking testosterone shots and having his breasts removed. A:", "doc_id": 1327, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "military operations", "target": ["Cela concernerait des \"opérations militaires\" dans des pays où ces alliés de l'Otan coopèrent avec les Etats-Unis et cela ne viserait absolument pas l'Europe, a affirmé le général Alexander."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This concerned \"military operations\" in countries where the NATO allies are cooperating with the United States and this absolutely did not target Europe, according to General Alexander. A:", "doc_id": 846, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a man dressed in a Nazi uniform with a swastika armband was asked to leave a British supermarket following complaints by customers to the manager of the shop, who called the police", "target": ["Un homme vêtu d'un uniforme nazi barré d'un brassard avec la croix gammée a été prié de quitter un supermarché anglais, des clients s'étant plaints auprès de la direction de l'établissement qui a appelé la police, a indiqué le magasin vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A man dressed in a Nazi uniform with a swastika armband was asked to leave a British supermarket following complaints by customers to the manager of the shop, who called the police, according to the shop on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 1843, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "created", "target": ["Créé et supervisé par Caroline Hirsch, la fondatrice du club de stand-up Carolines, le festival célèbre son dixième anniversaire cette année, avec plus de 60 spectacles présentés dans des petits clubs et des grands théâtres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Created and overseen by Caroline Hirsch, the founder of the standup institution Carolines, the festival celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, with more than sixty shows at small clubs and large theatres. A:", "doc_id": 909, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He shall appear before the provincial court in Halifax in December.", "target": ["Il comparaîtra en cour provinciale, à Halifax, en décembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He shall appear before the provincial court in Halifax in December. A:", "doc_id": 1841, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Medical care", "target": ["Dans cet hôpital itinérant, divers soins de santé sont prodigués."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Each of these weekend clinics provides a variety of medical care. A:", "doc_id": 2704, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "inflation", "target": ["A l'inverse, après l'annonce d'une inflation à 0,7% pour l'ensemble de la zone euro, l'idée se répand parmi les acteurs du marché que la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) pourrait assouplir sa politique monétaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the other hand, following the announcement of a 0.7% inflation throughout the eurozone, the idea that the European Central Bank (ECB) might relax its monetary policy has been spreading amongst actors in the market . A:", "doc_id": 2446, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fighting has entered \"the final phase\"", "target": ["Selon une source à la Mission des Nations unies pour la stabilisation de la RDC, les combats sont entrés \"dans une phase finale\", les FARDC ayant \"encerclé les positions du M23 résiduelles pour les déloger\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to a source at the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), the fighting has entered \"the final phase\": the FARDC has \"surrounded the remaining M23 positions to flush them out\". A:", "doc_id": 1092, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The issue will be resolved this evening.", "target": ["Le problème sera résolu ce soir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The issue will be resolved this evening. A:", "doc_id": 224, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "impact of the ruling will vary from airline to airline and will depend on the age of their fleet", "target": ["Pour les transporteurs américains, l'impact de la décision variera d'une compagnie aérienne à l'autre et dépendra de l'âge de leur flotte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For US carriers, the impact of the ruling will vary from airline to airline and will depend on the age of their fleet. A:", "doc_id": 1793, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We have more solid and stable support.", "target": ["Nous avons des appuis plus solides et constants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We have more solid and stable support. A:", "doc_id": 537, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Chinese government", "target": ["Un journal chinois qui a lancé un appel « va être remanié »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of China plea paper 'to be overhauled' A:", "doc_id": 2106, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "military", "target": ["Au cœur du cimetière du Trabuquet, autorités civiles, religieuses et militaires, ainsi que de nombreuses associations patriotiques, ont rendu, ce vendredi après-midi, un hommage aux soldats et défunts de toutes les guerres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the heart of the Trabuquet cemetery, civilian, religious and military officials, plus numerous patriotic organisations, paid tribute to all soldiers and victims of every war on Friday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 2464, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Scarborough", "target": ["Sur une période de huit mois entre janvier et août 2011, il a cherché à obtenir de manière illicite des informations sur l'arrestation de deux hommes pour le compte de Scarborough ainsi que l'un de ses associés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Over an eight month period between January and August 2011 he sought to illicitly obtain information on the arrests of two men on behalf of Scarborough as well as one of his associates. A:", "doc_id": 475, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Positive", "target": ["Le Professeur Georgio Vallortigara, un neuroscientifique de l'université de Trente, a déclaré : « Tout le monde sait que, chez l'homme, le côté gauche et le côté droit du cerveau sont impliqués de manière différente dans les stimuli qui éveillent des émotions positives ou négatives. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prof Georgio Vallortigara, a neuroscientist from the University of Trento, said: \"It is very well known in humans that the left and right side of the brain are differently involved in stimuli that invokes positive or negative emotions.\" A:", "doc_id": 2243, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They include wealthy individuals who need to borrow short term for business ventures or investments, or small businesses with a need to tide over their cash flow needs", "target": ["« Ce peut être des personnes aisées qui ont besoin d'emprunter à court terme pour des activités commerciales ou des investissements, ou des petites entreprises qui ont des besoins de trésorerie pour passer un cap difficile », ajoute Mlle Yeah."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They include wealthy individuals who need to borrow short term for business ventures or investments, or small businesses with a need to tide over their cash flow needs,\" says Ms Yeah. A:", "doc_id": 1832, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe", "target": ["Pour le moment, il y a une sorte de tendance à privilégier l'Europe et en particulier l'Italie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the moment there is a sort of bias towards Europe and especially towards Italy. A:", "doc_id": 2284, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The ride has been closed till further notice.", "target": ["Elle a été fermée jusqu'à nouvel ordre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ride has been closed till further notice. A:", "doc_id": 1155, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "musical", "target": ["Il y a d'abord les \"spectacles musicaux\" qui évoluent au gré des producteurs..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Firstly there are the \"musical shows\" that evolve according to the will of the producers... A:", "doc_id": 1121, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I feel their presence", "target": ["Chaque événement, chaque instant de ma vie me fait ressentir leur présence car je m'y réfère toujours: qu'auraient-ils dit ? qu'auraient-ils pensé ? qu'auraient- ils fait ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In every event, every moment of my life, I feel their presence, and I am always referring to them: what would they say, what would they think, what would they do? A:", "doc_id": 398, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "", "target": ["Le bénéfice net de sa principale filiale, Cogeco Câble, a été de 43,9 millions, ou 90 ¢ par action, en recul par rapport aux 45,7 millions, ou 93 ¢ par action, de la même période l'an dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The net profit of its principal subsidiary, Cogeco Cable, was CAD 43.9 million, or 90¢ per share, down from CAD 45.7 million, or 93¢ per share, for the same period last year. A:", "doc_id": 162, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Rolling Stones", "target": ["Perry était l'une des chanteuses à faire une apparition lors de la tournée des Rolling Stones cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Perry was one of the singers to make a guest appearance on the Rolling Stones' tour this year. A:", "doc_id": 1504, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$50", "target": ["Cette boutique, strictement réservée aux développeurs disposant déjà de Google Glass, propose quelques accessoires tels qu'un chargeur et son câble USB, pour 50$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The shop, which is strictly reserved for developers who already have Google Glass, offers some accessories, such as a charger and USB cable, for $50. A:", "doc_id": 361, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Tian Xueren", "target": ["Exclu du Parti communiste en juillet 2012, Tian Xueren était accusé d'avoir touché plus de 19 millions de yuans de pots-de-vin, rapportent les médias officiels chinois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Having been expelled from the Communist Party in July 2012, Tian Xueren was accused of receiving 19 million yuan in bribes, according to media officials in China. A:", "doc_id": 2053, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The body", "target": ["Le corps, simple trait, prend sa forme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The body, a simple stroke, takes its shape. A:", "doc_id": 2498, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most serious incident in the Palestinian territory for a year", "target": ["Quatre combattants du Hamas ont été tués et cinq soldats israéliens blessés jeudi 31 octobre 2013 au soir lors d'un violent accrochage à la frontière entre Gaza et Israël, l'incident le plus sérieux dans le territoire palestinien depuis un an."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Four Hamas fighters were killed and five Israeli soldiers injured on the evening of 31 October 2013 during a violent clash on the border between Gaza and Israel, the most serious incident in the Palestinian territory for a year. A:", "doc_id": 2467, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prime Minister should be in no doubt", "target": ["Le Premier ministre ne devrait pas douter un seul instant : cette enquête montre que les entreprises britanniques soutiennent ce plan visant à renégocier les termes de l'adhésion de la Grande-Bretagne à l'UE."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Prime Minister should be in no doubt: this poll shows that British business backs his plan for renegotiating the terms of Britain's membership of the EU. A:", "doc_id": 2000, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Spirit", "target": ["Sorensen, un ancien cadre de Midwest Airlines, a récemment voyagé sur Spirit et s'est demandé ce qu'il allait trouver à la porte d'embarquement au moment où les passagers découvriraient les frais de bagages à main inhabituels imposés par la compagnie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sorensen, a former executive with Midwest Airlines, flew Spirit recently and wondered what he'd find at the gate as passengers encountered Spirit's unusual carry-on bag fee. A:", "doc_id": 202, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "change", "target": ["\"Il faut s'adapter et changer ou résister au changement et échouer\", a souligné M. Audet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We need to adapt and change or resist change and fail,\" emphasized Audet. A:", "doc_id": 144, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Attack on the tunnel dug by Palestinians A", "target": ["Une attaque contre un tunnel creusé par les Palestiniens"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Attack on tunnel dug by Palestinians A:", "doc_id": 2473, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Today you are back", "target": ["Après avoir renoncé au projet d'achat de l'usine en janvier, vous revenez aujourd'hui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After giving up the plan to buy the factory in January, today you are back. A:", "doc_id": 251, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The government is not a government", "target": ["L'obstructionnisme n'excuse pas les difficultés du site Obamacare, ni les attaques de drones"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obstructionism can't excuse Obamacare website woes, drone attacks A:", "doc_id": 2321, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Un cours combinant littérature et langue anglaises sera supprimé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A combined English literature and language course will be scrapped. A:", "doc_id": 2626, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The vehicle also held containers full of petrol", "target": ["Cette dernière contenait également des récipients remplis d'essence et un drapeau avec des inscriptions religieuses orthodoxes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The vehicle also held containers full of petrol and a flag with orthodox religious writing on it. A:", "doc_id": 1074, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "false rumour", "target": ["Le Procureur Andrew Edis QC a déclaré devant le tribunal de l'Old Bailey que News of the World avait entendu une fausse rumeur en mai 2005 selon laquelle Clarke avait une relation avec Hannah Pawlby, sa « jolie conseillère spéciale »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prosecutor Andrew Edis QC told the Old Bailey that the News of the World heard a false rumour in May 2005 that Clarke was seeing his \"attractive special adviser,\" Hannah Pawlby. A:", "doc_id": 1025, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The prosecution", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, à la cour d'assises de Liverpool, Ditta, qui travaille dans le cabinet d'avocats Forbes Solicitors situé à Blackburn, est tombé en disgrâce après avoir été reconnu coupable sur deux chefs d'accusation d'entrave à la justice après un procès de trois semaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today at Liverpool Crown Court Ditta, who works at law firm Forbes Solicitors, based in Blackburn, was facing disgrace after being found guilty of two counts of perverting the course of justice following a three week trial at Liverpool Crown Court. A:", "doc_id": 479, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Similarly, her funeral was a cold goodbye focused on the dim light of the candles surrounding her coffin.", "target": ["De même, ses funérailles furent un adieu glacial focalisé autour de la maigre lueur des chandelles qui encadraient son cercueil."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Similarly, her funeral was a cold goodbye focused on the dim light of the candles surrounding her coffin. A:", "doc_id": 374, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We built this festival as a way of continuing to work with them.", "target": ["Nous avons créé ce festival dans le but de pouvoir continuer à travailler avec eux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We built this festival as a way of continuing to work with them. A:", "doc_id": 911, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "free", "target": ["Dans ces villages, les soins de santé gratuits sont une bonne raison de faire la fête, et le Dr Bwelle – avec son grand sourire et son énergie débordante – est plus qu'heureux de se joindre aux festivités."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In these villages, free medical care is truly a cause for celebration, and Bwelle -- with his big smile and boundless energy -- is more than happy to join in the fun. A:", "doc_id": 2700, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we are forced to increase the rent", "target": ["Nous sommes obligés d'augmenter les loyers pour nous aider à payer les nouvelles taxes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We are forced to increase the rent to help us pay the new taxes. A:", "doc_id": 976, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "On the ground", "target": ["Sur place notamment, à Beyrouth."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the ground specifically, in Beirut? A:", "doc_id": 2796, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Other doctors attending the AAP conference", "target": ["D'autres médecins participant à la conférence de l'AAP ont insisté sur la complexité du sujet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other doctors attending the AAP conference reinforced the complexities of the topic. A:", "doc_id": 1599, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Everything but the IT industry", "target": ["Tout sauf l'industrie des TI."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Everything but the IT industry. A:", "doc_id": 1193, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Zlatan Ibrahimovic", "target": ["Le Paris Saint-Germain recevra Lorient vendredi sans son atout maître, le Suédois Zlatan Ibrahimovic, qui est blessé, annonce le club de Ligue 1 dans un communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Paris Saint-Germain will face Lorient on Friday without its trump card, the Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who is suffering from an injury, the Ligue 1 club announced in a press release. A:", "doc_id": 849, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a historic house built in 1850 in Old Quebec", "target": ["Une maison historique construite en 1850 été la proie des flammes dans le Vieux-Québec vendredi midi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A historic house built in 1850 in Old Quebec was engulfed in flames on Friday at lunchtime. A:", "doc_id": 1003, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The False Claims", "target": ["Nouvelle demande de recours collectif contre les frères Sainte-Croix"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of New Class Action Claim Against Holy Cross Brothers A:", "doc_id": 544, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Does he know about phone hacking?", "target": ["A-t-il connaissance du piratage téléphonique ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Does he know about phone hacking? A:", "doc_id": 1032, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "When the boy was around 15, he transitioned back to a boy and married a woman.", "target": ["À l'âge d'environ 15 ans, il est redevenu un garçon et s'est marié avec une femme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When the boy was around 15, he transitioned back to a boy and married a woman. A:", "doc_id": 1312, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Il est désormais possible d'identifier un visage ou un iris en mouvement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is now possible to identify a moving face or iris. A:", "doc_id": 2195, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a mix of Cameroonian doctors and foreign medical students", "target": ["Le groupe, composé de médecins camerounais et d'étudiants en médecine, a pratiqué 700 actes chirurgicaux gratuitement au cours de l'année dernière, et il sait que leur présence peut faire toute la différence pour ceux à qui ils viennent en aide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The group -- a mix of Cameroonian doctors and foreign medical students -- has performed 700 free surgeries in the past year, and they know that their help can make a world of difference to those they help. A:", "doc_id": 2713, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the other tests were carried out in Val-de-Grâce in the days after my return: X-rays, examinations of every type, and an appointment with a psychiatrist.", "target": ["Le reste a été fait au Val-de-Grâce les jours suivants mon retour: radios, examens en tous genres et rencontre avec un psychiatre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The other tests were carried out in Val-de-Grâce in the days after my return: X-rays, examinations of every type, and an appointment with a psychiatrist. A:", "doc_id": 2832, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the death of the heroes", "target": ["Le Hamas félicite les héros d'Al-Qassam qui sont tombés en défendant le territoire lors d'une incursion de l'occupant sioniste à Khan Younès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hamas praised the \"Al-Qassam heroes who died defending the territory against an incursion at Khan Younes by the Zionist occupier. A:", "doc_id": 2477, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the first since Francis was elected in March this year", "target": ["Le consistoire de l'année prochaine sera important car ce sera le premier depuis l'élection du pape François en mars de cette année, a dit Valero."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Next year's consistory would be significant because it would be the first since Francis was elected in March this year, Valero said. A:", "doc_id": 2283, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They worry about the risk of pregnancy or even how they will handle hygiene", "target": ["« Ils craignent le risque de grossesse ou même la façon dont ils vont gérer les questions d'hygiène », a déclaré Kaplowitz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They worry about the risk of pregnancy or even how they will handle hygiene,\" said Kaplowitz. A:", "doc_id": 1585, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "late", "target": ["La sortie du nouveau Scorsese a pris du retard en raison de son montage trop long."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The new Scorsese release is late because the editing has taken longer than planned. A:", "doc_id": 1020, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "David Bowie", "target": ["Sur Born In A UFO, David Bowie fait une nouvelle fois référence à son étrangeté: viendrait-il d'une autre planète?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Born in a UFO, David Bowie once again refers to his strangeness: could he have come from another planet? A:", "doc_id": 91, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The four-apartment building", "target": ["L'immeuble de quatre logements, situé au 15 de la rue Hébert, a fait l'objet de trois alarmes auprès du service d'incendie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The four-apartment building located at 15 Rue Hébert set off three alarms at the fire department. A:", "doc_id": 1004, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The public lighting network has also been changed", "target": ["Mais aussi une gestion différenciée du réseau de l'éclairage public et des décorations de Noël."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There has also been a change in the management of the public lighting network and Christmas decorations. A:", "doc_id": 518, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not about reporting", "target": ["M. Hare a déclaré qu'il avait exprimé son point de vue devant le conseil du YMCA de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud disant que, pour l'organisation, la leçon tirée de « l'incident Jonathan Lord » ne devait pas concerner « le signalement » par le personnel, et le conseil était d'accord avec lui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Hare said he had provided his view to the YMCA NSW board that the lesson for the organisation from the \"Jonathan Lord incident\" was \"not about reporting\" by staff, and the board agreed with him. A:", "doc_id": 2074, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Help others live happier lives, fulfilling a promise he made to his father", "target": ["Aider les autres à vivre heureux en tenant la promesse qu'il a faite à son père est quelque chose qui lui apporte une immense joie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Helping others live happier lives, fulfilling a promise he made to his father, is something that brings him great joy. A:", "doc_id": 2728, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Natural gas", "target": ["Le gazoduc a été conçu pour une capacité annuelle de 63 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz naturel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The pipeline is designed for an annual capacity of 2.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. A:", "doc_id": 2026, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier", "target": ["Pierre Beaudoin, président et chef de la direction, est convaincu que Bombardier atteindra son objectif de 300 commandes fermes avant la mise en service commercial du premier avion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chief Executive Officer Pierre Beaudoin was confident Bombardier would meet its 300 firm order target by the time the first jet is put into commercial use. A:", "doc_id": 299, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You can leave home at 5 a.m.", "target": ["Vous pouvez quitter la maison à 5 h, vous ruer à l'hôpital pour être le premier, et vous n'êtes pas le premier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You can leave home at 5 a.m., running to the hospital to be the first, and you are not the first. A:", "doc_id": 2681, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She was not emotionally prepared", "target": ["Même s'il y avait des signes et que nous avions parlé des règles, elle n'était pas préparée émotionnellement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even though there were signs and we had talked about menstruation, she was not emotionally prepared. A:", "doc_id": 1587, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Arctic Monkeys", "target": ["Le groupe de rock Arctic Monkeys a reporté un concert à Glasgow après que l'on a diagnostiqué une laryngite à son chanteur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rock band the Arctic Monkeys have postponed a gig in Glasgow after their lead singer was diagnosed with laryngitis. A:", "doc_id": 2264, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "comparison", "target": ["Ce principe de comparaison peut avoir d'autres applications."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This principle of comparison can be used for other purposes. A:", "doc_id": 2204, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Women don't have to be sexy professionals anymore; they can also be sexy foods like pizza, hamburgers and carrots.", "target": ["Les femmes n'ont plus besoin d'être des professionnelles sexy ; elles peuvent également être des aliments sexy comme des pizzas, des hamburgers et des carottes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Women don't have to be sexy professionals anymore; they can also be sexy foods like pizza, hamburgers and carrots. A:", "doc_id": 1430, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I got back there were loads of them", "target": ["Je reviens et il y en a plein."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of when I got back there were loads of them. A:", "doc_id": 2818, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden should be taken", "target": ["Thomas Oppermann, le député qui dirige le groupe parlementaire supervisant les services secrets étrangers, a indiqué que s'il y avait une chance d'entendre M. Snowden à titre de témoin « sans le mettre en danger et complètement ruiner les relations avec les États-Unis », il fallait en profiter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thomas Oppermann, the MP who heads the parliamentary panel that oversees intelligence, said that if there were an opportunity to hear Mr Snowden as a witness \"without bringing him into danger and completely ruining relations with the US,\" it should be taken. A:", "doc_id": 130, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "down", "target": ["A l'exception de Londres, les principales Bourses européennes évoluent en baisse vendredi à mi-séance, plombées par certaines nouvelles de sociétés décevantes, tandis que Wall-Street est attendue en hausse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The major European stock markets, except London, are on a down trend in mid-session this Friday. They are being dragged down by disappointing news from businesses, while Wall Street is expected to experience a rise. A:", "doc_id": 2444, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Court blocks the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy A", "target": ["La cour bloque une décision relative à la politique de contrôle et de fouille du NYPD"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Court blocks ruling on NYPD stop-and-frisk policy A:", "doc_id": 957, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Can't live a \"satisfactory life\"", "target": ["Les médecins ne pouvaient pas vraiment dire s'il avait un large clitoris ou un petit pénis et étaient convaincus qu'il ne pourrait jamais avoir une « vie satisfaisante » en tant qu'homme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Doctors couldn't be sure if he had a large clitoris or a small penis and were convinced he could never live a \"satisfactory life\" as a man. A:", "doc_id": 1317, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "birth", "target": ["La loi allemande concerne l'attribution du sexe à la naissance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German law is about assigning it at birth. A:", "doc_id": 1337, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the financially stretched", "target": ["Les personnes qui se rendent chez les prêteurs sur gage ne sont pas non plus seulement ceux qui ont des problèmes financiers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nor are the types of people who use pawnbrokers only the financially stretched. A:", "doc_id": 1829, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The pilot program", "target": ["De grosses erreurs ont été commises dans les programmes pilotes de certains États."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There have been some big mistakes in some of these state pilot programs. A:", "doc_id": 55, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "species", "target": ["Si cette population était déjà connue depuis longtemps par les chercheurs, ils ne savaient pas qu'elle faisait partie d'une nouvelle espèce, présente seulement à cet endroit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Researchers have known about this population for a long time, but they did not know that it was part of a new species that only lives in this location. A:", "doc_id": 2398, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The law was vigorously opposed by each of the major Republican presidential candidates during the 2012 primary season, including presumptive nominee Mitt Romney.", "target": ["Tous les grands candidats républicains à l'élection présidentielle en lice au cours des primaires de 2012, y compris le candidat désigné Mitt Romney, se sont farouchement opposés à la loi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The law was vigorously opposed by each of the major Republican presidential candidates during the 2012 primary season, including presumptive nominee Mitt Romney. A:", "doc_id": 2462, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we don't have to rush into surgery that is irreversible.", "target": ["Vous n’avez pas à vous précipiter pour une intervention chirurgicale qui est irréversible."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We don't have to rush into surgery that is irreversible. A:", "doc_id": 1350, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Electoral Commission", "target": ["Deux mois après son élection, la commission électorale a officiellement déclaré que M. Palmer a remporté le siège de Sunshine Coast de Fairfax par 53 voix, après recomptage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two months after the election, the electoral commission officially declared Mr Palmer the winner of the Sunshine Coast seat of Fairfax by 53 votes, after a recount. A:", "doc_id": 2371, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We've got to remember who we are.", "target": ["Nous devons nous rappeler qui nous sommes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We've got to remember who we are.' A:", "doc_id": 2359, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "flying", "target": ["Equipé d'un wingsuit (une combinaison munie d'ailes), il est passé à 160 km/h au-dessus du célèbre sanctuaire Monserrate, situé à plus de 3 000 mètres d'altitude, où de nombreux badauds s'étaient rassemblés pour observer son exploit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Wearing a wingsuit, he flew past over the famous Monserrate Sanctuary at 160km/h. The sanctuary is located at an altitude of over 3000 meters and numerous spectators had gathered there to watch his exploit. A:", "doc_id": 2, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["En France voisine, les questions de genre font toujours l'objet de controverses, selon un reportage diffusé sur France 24."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In neighboring France, gender issues are still controversial, according to a news report on France 24. A:", "doc_id": 1296, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "random chance", "target": ["Des experts disent que la violence qui a causé la mort de 14 adultes et 7 enfants n'est rien d'autre qu'un malheureux hasard, et non le signe d'une escalade de violence en Amérique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Experts say violence that left 14 adults and seven children dead is nothing more than random chance, not a sign of growing violence in America. A:", "doc_id": 2045, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The push comes as the country's Highway Trust Fund, financed with taxes Americans pay at the gas pump, is broken.", "target": ["La pression vient du fait que le Highway Trust Fund du pays, financé avec les taxes que les Américains paient à la pompe, est financièrement à sec."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The push comes as the country's Highway Trust Fund, financed with taxes Americans pay at the gas pump, is broke. A:", "doc_id": 17, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The blonde locks", "target": ["Les boucles blondes de Pamela sont devenues célèbres grâce à son rôle dans la série télévisée sexy Alerte à Malibu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pam's blonde locks were made famous by her role in sexy TV show Baywatch. A:", "doc_id": 2659, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gender is malleable", "target": ["La théorie dominante sur la façon de traiter les enfants pourvus d'organes sexuels ambigus a été lancée par le Dr John Money, de l'université Johns-Hopkins, qui considérait que le genre est malléable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The prevailing theory on how to treat children with ambiguous genitalia was put forward by Dr. John Money at Johns Hopkins University, who held that gender was malleable. A:", "doc_id": 1307, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "39.7 inches", "target": ["Le tour de taille de l'Américain moyen du XXIe siècle est de 39,7 pouces, selon les statistiques sanitaires américaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The waist of the average 21st-century American male is 39.7 inches, according to U.S. health statistics. A:", "doc_id": 1673, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The FCA", "target": ["« L'enquête en cours sur cette affaire se poursuit et nous coopérons pleinement avec la FCA et les autres régulateurs », a déclaré un représentant de la banque il y a deux semaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Our ongoing inquiry into this matter continues and we are co-operating fully with the FCA and our other regulators,\" the bank said two weeks ago. A:", "doc_id": 2416, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "More than I will.", "target": ["Pas plus que moi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Any more than I will.\" A:", "doc_id": 1658, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Energy security", "target": ["Ce projet est un élément clé de la sécurité énergétique de l'ensemble du continent européen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This project is a key element of energy security of the whole European continent. A:", "doc_id": 2020, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The current state of knowledge", "target": ["\"En l'état actuel des connaissances, il peut être considéré comme la donnée biométrique ultime\", confirme Sophie Vulliet-Tavernier, directrice des études, de l'innovation et de la prospective à la CNIL."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"With the current state of knowledge, it could be considered the ultimate in biometric data,\" confirms Sophie Vulliet-Tavernier, director of research, innovation and forecasting at the CNIL. A:", "doc_id": 2198, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Pour rappel, Brigitte Grouwels n'a été élue qu'avec 2 245 voix soit 0,5% des Bruxellois !\", conclut M. De Bock."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Let's not forget, Brigitte Grouwels was elected by 2,245 votes, that is 0.5% of Brussels inhabitants!\" De Bock concludes. A:", "doc_id": 352, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The accident occurred just after the victim had arrived on site to collect his tools.", "target": ["L'accident s'est produit au moment où la victime venait d'arriver sur le chantier afin de récupérer ses outils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The accident occurred just after the victim had arrived on site to collect his tools. A:", "doc_id": 2310, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mbuzi", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, Mbuzi devrait tomber d'elle-même."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today, Mbuzi is expected to fall as well. A:", "doc_id": 1161, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The House", "target": ["C'est une Kathleen Sebelius exaspérée qui a prononcé cette phrase, alors qu'elle croyait son micro coupé, en s'adressant à un assistant assis derrière elle lors de la séance de l'Assemblée d'hier suite à un échange de points de vue litigieux avec Billy Long, représentant républicain du Missouri, pour savoir si elle devrait adhérer à l'Obamacare."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An exasperated Sebelius uttered that phrase, caught by a hot mic, to an aide seated behind her at yesterday's House hearing following a contentious exchange with Rep. Billy Long, R-Mo., over whether she should be required to enroll in Obamacare. A:", "doc_id": 2912, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "October", "target": ["L'Irak a connu en octobre son mois le plus meurtrier en cinq ans et demi, selon des chiffres publiés vendredi 1er novembre par les autorités irakiennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of October was the bloodiest month in Iraq in five and a half years, according to figures published by the Iraqi authorities on Friday, 01 November. A:", "doc_id": 1046, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drug", "target": ["Le tribunal a entendu que Ditta était un « consommateur régulier » de cocaïne après que des tests ont montré des traces de cette drogue de classe A dans ses cheveux, sur son portefeuille et ses cartes de crédit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The court heard Ditta was a \"regular user\" of cocaine after tests found traces of the Class A drug in his hair, wallet and on his credit cards A:", "doc_id": 485, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "sometimes pictures need no explanation or comment.", "target": ["Nous pensons aussi que parfois les images n'ont pas besoin d'explication ou de commentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We also think that sometimes pictures need no explanation or comment. A:", "doc_id": 2886, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not immediately clear", "target": ["Il était difficile de savoir à première vue si l'unité de Safira était l'un des deux sites que les inspecteurs de l'OIAC n'ont pas pu visiter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was not immediately clear if the facility in Safira was one of the two sites that OPCW inspectors were not able to visit. A:", "doc_id": 1902, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Staff", "target": ["Les membres du personnel ont témoigné qu'ils avaient observé certains manquements, notamment le fait que Lord restait seul avec les enfants, qu'il les gardait en privé, les faisait asseoir sur ses genoux, leur disait qu'il les aimait et les laissait jouer avec son téléphone portable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Staff gave evidence they observed breaches including Lord being alone with children, babysitting them privately, having them sit on his lap, saying he loved one and letting them play with his mobile phone. A:", "doc_id": 2070, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The road", "target": ["Alors que les planificateurs du réseau routier des États-Unis ont du mal à trouver l'argent nécessaire pour réparer l'infrastructure autoroutière en décrépitude, nombreux sont ceux qui entrevoient une solution sous forme d'une petite boîte noire qui se fixe au-dessus du tableau de bord de votre voiture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As America's road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car. A:", "doc_id": 4, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Interception", "target": ["Lorsque nous décrivons les systèmes d'interception américains à l'encontre de la diplomatie française aux Etats-Unis, ce n'est en aucun cas pour nous indigner de cette pratique, c'est pour décrire le monde tel qu'il est."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In describing the American methods of data interception in relation to the French diplomatic representation in the United States, we do not aim at expressing indignation about this practice, but rather at describing the world as it is. A:", "doc_id": 1256, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The market is fragmented", "target": ["Un trader senior a déclaré qu'en dépit du volume élevé des transactions de change quotidiennes, la fragmentation de la liquidité entre les plates-formes de gestion des échanges et l'utilisation de plus en plus fréquente par les banques de leurs propres plates-formes internes « explique qu'il est possible de commencer à avoir un impact sur le marché à peu de frais »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A senior trader said that despite the huge volume of daily foreign exchange trading, the fragmentation of liquidity between different trading platforms and banks\" increasing use of their own internal platforms meant that \"you can start to get an impact on the market at quite small ticket prices.\" A:", "doc_id": 2428, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are a great team together.", "target": ["Ils forment une bonne équipe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They are a great team together. A:", "doc_id": 2102, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The current economic crisis has proved a watershed", "target": ["Toutefois, la crise économique actuelle a marqué un tournant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, the current economic crisis has proved a watershed. A:", "doc_id": 1531, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "dishonouring it", "target": ["M. Ditta n'a pas fait honneur à sa profession, mais l'a déshonorée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Ditta was not honouring his profession, but dishonouring it. A:", "doc_id": 496, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The White House was ready for change", "target": ["Une jeune équipe de visionnaires avançait vers la Maison-Blanche et la nation était prête pour le changement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A young team of visionaries was headed for the White House, and the nation was ready for change. A:", "doc_id": 2330, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["La Nouvelle Star a réussi un retour en force, côté audiences, avec 1,3 millions de téléspectateurs derrière leur poste de télé, soit 5,6% de part d'audience."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"La Nouvelle Star\" made a big comeback in terms of audiences, with 1.3 million TV viewers, that is a 5.6% share of the viewing audience. A:", "doc_id": 944, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The federal assistance package will go a long way towards taking the state's public health system off the critical list", "target": ["« J'espère que le plan d'aide fédéral contribuera grandement à retirer le système de santé public de Tasmanie de la liste noire », a déclaré M. Wilkie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I'm hopeful the federal assistance package will go a long way towards taking the state's public health system off the critical list,\" Mr Wilkie said. A:", "doc_id": 1866, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "181 million items", "target": ["A en croire un des documents, quelque 181 millions d'éléments avaient été collectés au cours du seul mois de janvier dernier - allant de métadonnées sur des e-mails, à des éléments de texte ou des documents audio ou vidéo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to one of the documents, some 181 million items were collected during the month of January alone - ranging from meta data on emails to text elements or audio and video files. A:", "doc_id": 839, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "useless", "target": ["Mme Fitzback, aussi directrice de la maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie à Gatineau, estime que le service serait de toute façon inutile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mrs Fitzback, who is also the director of the Mathieu-Froment-Savoie Home in Gatineau, thinks the service would be useless anyway. A:", "doc_id": 573, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FARDC", "target": ["L'armée congolaise (FARDC) a annoncé jeudi que ses unités allaient pourchasser les rebelles du M23 jusque dans leurs bases situées dans les forêts et les montagnes du Nord-Kivu limitrophe du Rwanda et de l'Ouganda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Congolese army (FARDC) announced on Thursday that its units would be hunting down M23 rebels right up to their bases located in the forests and mountains of North Kivu, which borders Rwanda and Uganda. A:", "doc_id": 682, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pope Francis will create new cardinals of the Catholic Church for his first time on February 22, the Vatican announced Thursday.", "target": ["Le pape François nommera de nouveaux cardinaux de l'Église catholique pour la première fois le 22 février, a annoncé le Vatican jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pope Francis will create new cardinals of the Catholic Church for his first time on February 22, the Vatican announced Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 2275, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why do we feel optimistic about others?", "target": ["Les raisons d'un tel optimisme, chez les uns, et pessimisme, chez les autres ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But why such optimism for some and pessimism for others? A:", "doc_id": 2184, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The shop", "target": ["Le magasin a appelé la police à la rescousse, mais \"le temps qu'elle arrive, il était déjà parti sans esclandre\", a-t-elle ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The shop called the police for assistance, but \"by the time they arrived he had already left without making a scene,\" she added. A:", "doc_id": 1845, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United States", "target": ["Le président américain devait recevoir vendredi 1er novembre 2013 le premier ministre irakien Nouri Al Maliki, en quête d'aide des États-Unis pour lutter contre la plus forte vague de violence depuis cinq ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The American President will receive the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Al Maliki, who is seeking the United States' help in the struggle against the strongest wave of violence in five years, on 1 November 2013, . A:", "doc_id": 1045, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt today is a civil, national, constitutional and modern state", "target": ["« L'Égypte est aujourd'hui un État civil, national, constitutionnel et moderne », a déclaré Mohamed Morsi, en costume bleu et cravate rouge, s'adressant aux juges présents dans la salle ornée de boiseries où il a prêté serment."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Egypt today is a civil, national, constitutional and modern state,\" Morsi, wearing a blue business suit and a red tie, told the judges in the wood-panelled chamber where he took the oath of office. A:", "doc_id": 2567, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Michael Moore", "target": ["Le procureur des États-Unis Michael Moore a déclaré jeudi qu'il menait une enquête officielle sur le décès de Johnson, soulignant que plusieurs questions importantes restaient sans réponse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of U.S. Attorney Michael Moore said Thursday he is conducting a formal investigation into Johnson's death, noting that several key questions remain unanswered. A:", "doc_id": 1224, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "criminal himself", "target": ["Mais après l'audience, le superintendant Lee Halstead de la Police du Lancashire a déclaré : « M. Ditta est passé d'avocat pénaliste à criminel lui-même dès lors qu'il a commencé à se procurer de la drogue auprès d'organisations criminelles. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But after the hearing Supt Lee Halstead from Lancashire Police said: \"Mr Ditta turned from criminal solicitor to a criminal himself the moment he started obtaining drugs from organised criminals.\" A:", "doc_id": 499, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Meng Jianzhu", "target": ["Meng Jianzhu, qui est membre du Bureau politique du Parti communiste chinois (PCC), s'exprimait à Tachkent lors d'une visite officielle en Ouzbékistan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meng Jianzhu, a member of the Policy Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made the statement in Tashkent while on an official visit to Uzbekistan. A:", "doc_id": 1508, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first breasts develop", "target": ["« Une fois que la poitrine a commencé à se développer, il faut au moins deux ou trois ans avant que les premières règles apparaissent », a indiqué Kaplowitz, également l'auteur de « Early Puberty in Girls: The Essential Guide to Coping with This Common Problem »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Once breasts begin to develop, it takes at least two to three years before menarche,\" said Kaplowitz, also author of \"Early Puberty in Girls: The Essential Guide to Coping with This Common Problem.\" A:", "doc_id": 1575, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a political crisis", "target": ["Le mémoire de la campagne 2008 d'Obama est un triste rappel de ce qui aurait pu se passer"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obama's 2008 campaign memoir is a sad reminder of what might have been A:", "doc_id": 2322, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He also said that a woman and child had been killed in fighting the previous evening and had been buried.", "target": ["Selon lui, une femme et son enfant ont été tués par les combats de la veille et ont été enterrées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He also said that a woman and child had been killed in fighting the previous evening and had been buried. A:", "doc_id": 1169, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The antibodies hunt down any nicotine molecules in the bloodstream, neutralising them before they reached the brain, preventing a smoker from getting a nicotine hit.", "target": ["Les anticorps traquent toutes les molécules de nicotine présentes dans le système sanguin et les neutralisent avant qu'elles atteignent le cerveau, ce qui empêche le fumeur d'avoir sa dose de nicotine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The antibodies hunt down any nicotine molecules in the bloodstream, neutralising them before they reached the brain, preventing a smoker from getting a nicotine hit. A:", "doc_id": 1711, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a very gentle sort of readjustment to life", "target": ["Commence ensuite une sorte de réadaptation à la vie, très doucement, pendant un ou deux mois qui sont un peu comme des vacances."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Then a very gentle sort of readjustment to life started, lasting one or two months that were a bit like a holiday. A:", "doc_id": 2829, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["« Aujourd'hui, le peuple égyptien a posé les fondements d'une nouvelle vie – la liberté absolue, une véritable démocratie et la stabilité », a expliqué M. Morsi, un ingénieur de 60 ans formé aux États-Unis, issu des Frères musulmans, un groupe fondamentaliste considéré pendant plus de 84 ans depuis sa formation comme une organisation illégale et durement réprimé par les gouvernements successifs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Today, the Egyptian people laid the foundation of a new life - absolute freedom, a genuine democracy and stability,\" said Morsi, a 60-year-old US-trained engineer from the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist group that has spent most of the 84 years since its inception as an outlawed organisation harshly targeted by successive governments. A:", "doc_id": 2563, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Resilience", "target": ["Je m'interroge par exemple sur la définition de la résilience."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For example, I think about the definition of resilience. A:", "doc_id": 2844, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Every morning I see her worried eyes looking at me, I see the dark rings giving her a burdened look, the wrinkles around the lips dug by cigarettes, the lines that mark the forehead on days of worry.", "target": ["Tous les matins, je vois ses yeux inquiets se poser sur moi, je vois les cernes qui alourdissent son regard, les ridules autour des lèvres que creusent les cigarettes, les plis qui marquent le front les jours d'inquiétude."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Every morning I see her worried eyes looking at me, I see the dark rings giving her a burdened look, the wrinkles around the lips dug by cigarettes, the lines that mark the forehead on days of worry. A:", "doc_id": 424, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of And is it not surprising to read in the pages of Le Monde, on the one hand, a reproduction of diplomatic correspondence with the US and, on the other, condemnation of the NSA's spying on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Quai d'Orsay, within a matter of weeks?", "target": ["N'est-il pas surprenant de lire dans les colonnes du Monde à quelques semaines d'intervalle d'une part la reproduction de la correspondance diplomatique américaine et d'autre part une condamnation des écoutes du Quai d'Orsay par la NSA ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And is it not surprising to read in the pages of Le Monde, on the one hand, a reproduction of diplomatic correspondence with the US and, on the other, condemnation of the NSA's spying on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Quai d'Orsay, within a matter of weeks? A:", "doc_id": 1252, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "but", "target": ["Mais dans les années 1990, avec l'arrivée d'Internet, ceux qui ont survécu à ces opérations de changement de sexe disent « [qu']ils ne sont pas satisfaits du résultat »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But in the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet, survivors of these gender surgeries have come forward \"not happy with the outcome.\" A:", "doc_id": 1315, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Martin a ajouté que « Double Down » ne répondait pas de manière définitive à la question de savoir si les sondages politiques étaient arrivés sur le bureau d'Obama."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Martin added that \"Double Down\" does not definitively answer whether the political probing reached Obama's desk. A:", "doc_id": 1389, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Supreme Court upholds Obama health care law A", "target": ["La Cour suprême valide la loi de réforme du système de santé d'Obama"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Supreme Court upholds Obama health care law A:", "doc_id": 2456, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only recourse is to slash wages and public spending", "target": ["Le seul recours est de faire des coupes sombres dans les salaires et les dépenses publiques – encouragées par Berlin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The only recourse is to slash wages and public spending - spurred on by Berlin. A:", "doc_id": 1536, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["Elle est assortie d'une perspective négative, S&P voyant au moins une chance sur trois qu'elle soit de nouveau abaissée d'ici un an."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This rating is accompanied by a negative outlook, with S&P seeing at least one chance in three that it will downgrade the rating again in the next year. A:", "doc_id": 656, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Police", "target": ["La police française arrêtera les supporters d'Anderlecht venus autrement qu'avec les cars du RSCA"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of French Police to Arrest Anderlecht Supporters Not Travelling in RSCA Buses A:", "doc_id": 2981, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He nevertheless praised the Government for responding to his request for urgent assistance which he first raised with the Prime Minister at the beginning of May", "target": ["Il a néanmoins félicité le gouvernement pour avoir répondu à la demande d'aide urgente qu'il a présentée au Premier ministre début mai."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He nevertheless praised the Government for responding to his request for urgent assistance which he first raised with the Prime Minister at the beginning of May. A:", "doc_id": 1865, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Does the truth offend you?", "target": ["La vérité vous blesse-t-elle ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Does the truth offend you? A:", "doc_id": 260, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rolex", "target": ["Les gens aisés de Singapour vont également dans les boutiques de prêt sur gage ValueMax pour mettre en gage des lingots d'or ou des montres Rolex, qui peuvent représenter jusqu'à 60 % de leur prix d'achat en espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Wealthy people in Singapore also use ValueMax outlets, pawning gold bars or Rolex watches, which can command up to 60 per cent of their purchase price in cash. A:", "doc_id": 1830, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The dog", "target": ["Les pompiers sont descendus en rappel le long de la falaise pour récupérer la chienne et la sauver d'une mort certaine"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Firefighters abseil down cliff face to pluck the dog from certain death A:", "doc_id": 1471, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the success and quality recorded so far", "target": ["Sur les autres scènes, les spectacles musicaux comme \"1789\", \"les amants de la Bastille\" et les petites comédies musicales comme \"Disco\" ou \"Life and Times\" se mettent au diapason du succès et de la qualité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On other stages, musicals such as '1789: les Amants de la Bastille' and small productions such as 'Disco' or 'Life and Times' are falling in step with the success and quality recorded so far. A:", "doc_id": 1117, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Les révélations de la NSA accroissent la paranoïa des entreprises à l'égard de la surveillance d'État"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NSA revelations boost corporate paranoia about state surveillance A:", "doc_id": 1172, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I thought she had gone.", "target": ["Je pensai qu'elle était partie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I thought she had gone. A:", "doc_id": 375, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm reading a terribly sad book", "target": ["Je suis en train de lire un livre affreusement triste ces jours-ci."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm reading a terribly sad book these days. A:", "doc_id": 2324, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Peace", "target": ["Aux pieds de la statue de Samora Machel, président fondateur du Mozambique, en train de les toiser, des milliers de personnes se sont rassemblées dans le centre de Maputo pour scander des slogans pacifiques lors d'une rare manifestation publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With a statue of Samora Machel, Mozambique's founding president, staring down on them, thousands of people gathered in central Maputo to chant peace slogans in a rare public demonstration. A:", "doc_id": 776, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Anti-terrorist service police", "target": ["Des policiers du service antiterroriste se sont dépêchés sur l'avenue centrale de la banlieue Néo Iraklio, où l'incident a eu lieu et ont bouclé le quartier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Anti-terrorist service police rushed to the main avenue in the suburb of Neo Iraklio, where the incident took place, and sealed off the area. A:", "doc_id": 2598, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "18", "target": ["À 18 ans, il a subi une vaginoplastie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At 18, he was set for a vaginoplasty. A:", "doc_id": 1322, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GM sold 42,660 Silverado and 16,503 Sierra pickup trucks.", "target": ["En octobre, GM a vendu 42 660 pickups Silverado et 16 503 pickups Sierra."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In October, GM sold 42,660 Silverado and 16,503 Sierra pickup trucks. A:", "doc_id": 2303, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "RBS", "target": ["Le mois dernier, des sources proches du dossier ont déclaré que RBS avait transmis des dossiers d'emails et de messages instantanés, envoyés à et par un ancien trader, au régulateur britannique, la Financial Conduct Authority."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Last month, people close to the situation said that RBS had turned over records of emails and instant messages to the UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, sent to and from a former trader. A:", "doc_id": 2417, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The press conference", "target": ["Sans livrer de chiffres précis, le président du conseil d'administration, Yves Bergeron, a profité de la rencontre de presse tenue hier, à Chicoutimi, pour se montrer rassurant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without giving precise figures, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Yves Bergeron, used the press conference held at Chicoutimi yesterday to give assurances. A:", "doc_id": 535, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It brings the children into the decision and takes away the anxiety that motivates parents because they don't feel they are doing the right thing", "target": ["« Cela met les enfants au cœur de la décision et atténue le sentiment d'anxiété qui motive les parents parce qu'ils ont peur de ne pas faire ce qu'il faut », a-t-elle déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It brings the children into the decision and takes away the anxiety that motivates parents because they don't feel they are doing the right thing,\" she said. A:", "doc_id": 1351, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "As soon as the first firemen arrived, they could clearly see the smoke.", "target": ["Aussitôt que nos premiers pompiers sont arrivés, ils ont vraiment vu de la fumée apparente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As soon as the first firemen arrived, they could clearly see the smoke. A:", "doc_id": 903, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "online", "target": ["Pour la deuxième année consécutive, l'une de ces cérémonies est retransmise enligne, à l'attention de ceux qui ne pourraient pas faire le déplacement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For the second consecutive year, one of these ceremonies has been relayed online, for those could not attend. A:", "doc_id": 878, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The final", "target": ["M. Paluku prévoit de se rendre samedi a Bunagana."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Paluku hopes to be in Bunagana on Saturday. A:", "doc_id": 1164, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more money is spent on the search for life on other planets than on marine research", "target": ["On dépense plus d'argent dans la recherche de vie sur les autres planètes que dans la recherche marine et il est grand temps que cela change."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of More money is spent on the search for life on other planets than on marine research, and it is high time things changed. A:", "doc_id": 2410, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I went through all the stages", "target": ["Je suis passée par toutes les phases: l'incompréhension, la colère, la douleur, les pleurs qui se déclenchent seuls, n'importe où, n'importe quand, dans des lieux insolites, des moments incongrus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I went through all the stages: incomprehension, anger, grief, tears that would come on their own, anywhere, anytime, in unusual places, at incongruous moments. A:", "doc_id": 420, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "absurd", "target": ["Il serait ridicule maintenant pour l'Écosse de voter pour l'indépendance si c'est pour accepter l'austérité imposée par Berlin et Bruxelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It would be ridiculous now for Scotland to vote for independence only to accept austerity imposed by Berlin and Brussels. A:", "doc_id": 1561, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of the French version of Rehousing Due to Rats Causes Strife in La Seyne A", "target": ["A La Seyne, le relogement pour cause de rats tourne à la polémique"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rehousing Due to Rats Causes Strife in La Seyne A:", "doc_id": 880, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Khan said, the public gets more comfortable.", "target": ["Si on peut faire ça, a ajouté Khan, les citoyens seront plus à l'aise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If you can do that, Khan said, the public gets more comfortable. A:", "doc_id": 49, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And so he has", "target": ["Certes sous une forme moins raide, plus éclatée et plus subtile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And so he has, but in a less formal, and more exploded and subtle form. A:", "doc_id": 2783, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I dream of them", "target": ["Je rêve constamment d'eux, peut-être pas toutes les nuits mais plusieurs fois par semaine c'est certain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I constantly dream of them, perhaps not every night, but several times a week for sure. A:", "doc_id": 399, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Egypt", "target": ["L'islamiste Mohamed Morsi a promis l'émergence d'une « nouvelle Égypte » lorsqu'il a prêté le serment d'investiture à la présidence, devenant ainsi le premier président librement élu et succédant à Hosni Moubarak qui fut chassé du pouvoir 16 mois plus tôt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of ISLAMIST Mohamed Morsi promised a \"new Egypt\" as he took the oath of office to become the country's first freely elected president, succeeding Hosni Mubarak who was ousted 16 months ago. A:", "doc_id": 2559, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "When these kids were born, you didn't call the psychiatrist, you called a surgeon.", "target": ["Lorsque ces enfants naissaient, on n'appelait pas le psychiatre, on téléphonait au chirurgien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When these kids were born, you didn't call the psychiatrist, you called a surgeon. A:", "doc_id": 1306, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "result", "target": ["Du coup, nombre de ses SAS sont souvent prémonitoires: ainsi, un mois avant l'attaque d'un centre de commandement du régime syrien ayant tué plusieurs hauts responsables, il avait raconté l'histoire dans \"Le Chemin de Damas\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As a result, some of his SAS novels have been premonitory: a month before an attack on a command centre of the Syrian government, in which several senior officials were killed, he had already told the story in \"Le Chemin de Damas\". A:", "doc_id": 1645, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Thursday", "target": ["Cette date du 4 novembre correspond également au renouvellement des internats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of November 4 is also the day on which hospital training resumes. A:", "doc_id": 730, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$9 billion", "target": ["Les Américains vont dépenser 1,9 Md$ en bonbons cette année, selon le cabinet Nielsen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Americans will spend $1.9 billion on it this year, according to The Nielsen Company. A:", "doc_id": 1438, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yet, this pacified identity has had its day.", "target": ["Mais cette identité pacifiée n'a eu qu'un temps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet, this pacified identity has had its day. A:", "doc_id": 2775, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Recommendations for drug or hormone therapy are based on the child's age, rate of development, growth rate and emotional maturity", "target": ["Les recommandations en matière de traitement médicamenteux et hormonal sont basées sur l'âge de l'enfant, le taux de développement, le taux de croissance et la maturité affective."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Recommendations for drug or hormone therapy are based on the child's age, rate of development, growth rate and emotional maturity. A:", "doc_id": 1581, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "20 years", "target": ["Passer 20 ans en prison après avoir tué 202 personnes et blessé des centaines d'autres, ce n'est pas beaucoup."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To get 20 years, after killing 202 people and injuring many hundreds, it's not much. A:", "doc_id": 1926, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And then she revealed herself by showing me aspects of myself I had never seen before, that were hidden by my relationship with her.", "target": ["Et puis, elle se révélait tout en me dévoilant mes propres facettes que je n'avais pas encore perçues, masquées par ma relation avec elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And then she revealed herself by showing me aspects of myself I had never seen before, that were hidden by my relationship with her. A:", "doc_id": 377, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Charlie Francis has harnessed the fluorescent properties of the marine animal to develop the luminescent snack.", "target": ["Charlie Francis a tiré parti des propriétés fluorescentes de cet animal marin pour développer une collation luminescente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Charlie Francis has harnessed the fluorescent properties of the marine animal to develop the luminescent snack. A:", "doc_id": 1394, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Several high-profile suspects have made televised confessions recently.", "target": ["Plusieurs suspects importants ont récemment fait des aveux télévisés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several high-profile suspects have made televised confessions recently. A:", "doc_id": 2123, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Suite aux politiques énergétiques « vertes » imposées par Bruxelles – qui sont une raison pour subventionner les sociétés françaises et allemandes du secteur de l'énergie aux frais du consommateur – l'industrie européenne paie deux fois plus pour l'électricité et quatre fois plus pour le gaz que les États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As a result of \"green\" energy policies imposed by Brussels - code for subsidising French and German energy firms at the consumer's expense - European industry pays twice as much for electricity, and four times as much for gas, as in the United States. A:", "doc_id": 1538, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There was a lot of media.", "target": ["Et beaucoup de médias."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And there was a lot of media. A:", "doc_id": 2816, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "European Union", "target": ["Les hommes politiques ont fait part de leur inquiétude à l'idée que l'UE ne dispose pas de capacités informatiques et Internet suffisantes et pensent qu'elle devrait s'efforcer de réduire sa dépendance vis-à-vis des États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Politicians have expressed concern that the EU lacks certain IT and internet capabilities and should strive to reduce its dependence on the US. A:", "doc_id": 1186, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This really is a must for our nation.", "target": ["Cela est vraiment indispensable pour notre nation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This really is a must for our nation. A:", "doc_id": 13, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I've reached a point of political despair", "target": ["Je suis au bord du désespoir politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I've reached a point of political despair. A:", "doc_id": 2340, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "£708 million", "target": ["Le droit de timbre s'applique déjà aux propriétés résidentielles des arrondissements de Westminster et Kensington & Chelsea, et représente 708 M£ sur l'exercice fiscal 2012/13, ce qui dépasse le montant total de l'Irlande du Nord, du pays de Galles, de l'Écosse, du Nord-Est, du Nord-Ouest et de la région Yorkshire et Humber réunis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Already the stamp duty take for residential property in the boroughs of Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea, which stood at £708 million in the 2012/13 tax year, exceeds the combined total for Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, the North East, North West and Yorkshire and the Humber put together. A:", "doc_id": 2235, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "RBS", "target": ["RBS a précisé aussi que cette restructuration interne libérerait de 10 à 11 milliards de livres de capital, renforçant ainsi sa capacité à prêter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of RBS has also specified that this internal restructuring would release £10-11 000 million in capital, thus strengthening its lending ability. A:", "doc_id": 1457, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airlines", "target": ["Les compagnies aériennes ont commencé à faire payer les premier et second bagages enregistrés en 2008."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airlines began charging for the first and second checked bags in 2008. A:", "doc_id": 186, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Mais deux rapports sur le secteur manufacturier chinois arrivés vendredi, qui montrent une croissance de l'activité, suggèrent une hausse de la demande."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But a suggestion of stronger demand came Friday from two reports on Chinese manufacturing that showed an uptick in activity. A:", "doc_id": 931, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les futures de Wall Street laissent présager une ouverture des actions américaines en hausse, après deux séances consécutives de repli."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Futures on Wall Street are suggesting that opening price of US shares will rise, following two consecutive sessions marked by a downward trend. A:", "doc_id": 2447, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lucky winner", "target": ["L'heureux élu, Jake Vite Prekop, a combiné les couleurs de la marque automobile et du drapeau allemand, tout en intégrant les notions de vitesse et de chaleur au niveau de la piste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lucky winner Jake Vite Prekop combined the colours of the car brand and the German flag, while integrating the notions of speed and heat on the track. A:", "doc_id": 2915, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "", "target": ["Quant aux revenus de Cogeco, ils ont connu une croissance de 41,5% au quatrième trimestre pour atteindre 504,7 millions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In terms of revenue, Cogeco saw growth of 41.5% in the fourth quarter, reaching CAD 504.7 million. A:", "doc_id": 160, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "death", "target": ["Au bord des larmes, elle a déclaré que Patek aurait dû être condamné à mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fighting back tears, she said Patek should have been sentenced to death. A:", "doc_id": 1916, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "everyone is having a wild time", "target": ["On s'amuse comme des fous, ajoute Rhonda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Everyone is having a wild time,\" added Rhonda. A:", "doc_id": 2012, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Good news", "target": ["Le secrétaire d'État britannique pour l'Écosse, Alistair Carmichael, a ajouté : « L'annonce d'aujourd'hui est une bonne nouvelle pour l'Écosse. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael added: \"Today's announcement is good news for Scotland.\" A:", "doc_id": 1774, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They argue that luggage costs money to handle, and passengers who want the service should pay for it.", "target": ["Elles estiment que les coûts de manutention des bagages sont importants et que les passagers qui veulent ce service devraient le payer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They argue that luggage costs money to handle, and passengers who want the service should pay for it. A:", "doc_id": 196, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The territory measures 47km2, including three other small islands nearby.", "target": ["Ce territoire mesure 47 km2, si l'on compte trois autres petites îles proches."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The territory measures 47km2, including three other small islands nearby. A:", "doc_id": 2030, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No one cares about Renamo and Frelimo, they just want peace again, they want free access to the roads", "target": ["« Personne ne se soucie de la Renamo ni du Frelimo, ils veulent juste retrouver la paix, ils veulent avoir un accès libre aux routes », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"No one cares about Renamo and Frelimo, they just want peace again, they want free access to the roads,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 811, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am as frustrated and angry as anyone", "target": ["« Je suis aussi frustrée et irritée que n'importe qui », a-t-elle ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I am as frustrated and angry as anyone,\" she said. A:", "doc_id": 2910, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Russia", "target": ["Le National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) réalisé en février par les États-Unis, citait la France, de même que la Russie et Israël, coupables au second degré d'avoir effectué des actes de piratage de renseignements économiques, derrière la Chine, selon The Washington Post."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The US National Intelligence Estimate in February named France alongside Russia and Israel in a second tier of offenders who engage in hacking for economic intelligence, behind China, according to The Washington Post. A:", "doc_id": 1212, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "scandalous", "target": ["Elle juge \"scandaleuses\" les informations du Washington Post, selon lequel l'Agence nationale de sécurité américaine (NSA) et le Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) britannique ont collecté des masses d'informations en infiltrant les réseaux internationaux qui permettent aux deux firmes de synchroniser leurs serveurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It calls the reports in the Washington Post \"scandalous\". According to these, the National Security Agency (NSA) in America and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Britain have gathered loads of information by infiltrating international networks, enabling the two bodies to synchronize their servers. A:", "doc_id": 339, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Teenagers have been given the chance to get to grips with classical singing through five short plays created and performed by regional artists", "target": ["À travers cinq saynètes imaginées et interprétées par des artistes de la région, des vignettes comportant une forte dose d'humour, on permet à des adolescents d'apprivoiser le chant classique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Teenagers have been given the chance to get to grips with classical singing through five short plays created and performed by regional artists - performances containing a large dose of humour. A:", "doc_id": 530, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Depuis la reprise, vendredi, des affrontements entre le Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23) et l'armée, la Monusco ne participe pas directement aux combats, mais elle fournit aux troupes gouvernementales un soutien déterminant en matière de renseignement, d'observation et de planification."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the resumption on Friday of confrontations between the March 23 Movement (M23) and the army, MONUSCO has not been participating directly in the fighting, but it is providing government's troops with critical support in terms of intelligence, observation and planning. A:", "doc_id": 1093, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "investigation", "target": ["Une enquête est en cours pour trouver la cause de cet incendie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An investigation is under way to find the cause of the fire. A:", "doc_id": 905, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Great news", "target": ["C'est une super nouvelle pour les 41 millions d'enfants qui vont à la chasse aux bonbons dans leur voisinage, selon le département américain du Commerce."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's great news for the 41 million trick-or-treaters set to take over our neighborhoods, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. A:", "doc_id": 1440, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There, the founding fathers are still honoured, but here, our revolutionary ancestors are hardly used as role models, besides, they killed each other.", "target": ["Là des pères fondateurs toujours honorés, et ici des ancêtres révolutionnaires dont on peine à faire des modèles, et qui se sont du reste entre-tués."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There, the founding fathers are still honoured, but here, our revolutionary ancestors are hardly used as role models, besides, they killed each other. A:", "doc_id": 2770, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Beira", "target": ["La plupart des accrochages ont eu lieu dans la province de Sofala, qui est située à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au nord de Maputo, mais où se trouve Beira, le port d'où les sociétés minières, notamment Rio Tinto et Vale, exportent le charbon."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Most of the skirmishes have taken place in Sofala province, which is several hundred kilometres north of Maputo, but hosts Beira, the port that miners, including Rio Tinto and Vale, rely on to export coal. A:", "doc_id": 804, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No evidence", "target": ["Rien ne prouve que les hormones ou que d'autres substances chimiques sont responsables"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There's no evidence that hormones or other chemicals are to blame A:", "doc_id": 1565, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["« En fonction du plan, nous pourrions approuver une utilisation élargie des appareils électroniques très prochainement », a indiqué la FAA dans une déclaration."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Depending on the condition of the plan, we could approve expanded use of electronic devices very soon,\" the FAA said in a statement. A:", "doc_id": 1942, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["S'exprimant sous le sceau de l'anonymat, ce responsable n'a pas précisé si une telle surveillance avait été mise en place par le passé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Talking under the cloak of anonymity, the official did not specify whether such surveillance had taken place in the past. A:", "doc_id": 762, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Law of the Most Dangerous", "target": ["L'enquête sur le maire Rob Ford a été bâclée, soutient un avocat"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Investigation on Mayor Rob Ford Botched, Lawyer Maintains A:", "doc_id": 2432, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was vocal about looking into a whole bunch of things, and this was one of them.", "target": ["« J'ai dit que j'avais examiné toute une série de questions, et c'était l'une d'elles », a déclaré Daley au journal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I was vocal about looking into a whole bunch of things, and this was one of them,\" Daley told the paper. A:", "doc_id": 1382, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He has not been able to see a lawyer and no volunteer has been able to get a copy of the case documents.", "target": ["Jusqu'ici aucun avocat n'a pu le rencontrer et aucun volontaire n'a pu prendre une copie des documents de l'affaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He has still not been able to see a lawyer and no volunteer has been able to get a copy of the case documents. A:", "doc_id": 2860, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Album", "target": ["Mme Franklin s'affaire en novembre à l'enregistrement d'un album pour Clive Davis et Sony Music, produit par Don Was et Kenny \"Babyface\" Edmonds."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mrs Franklin has been busy in November recording an album for Clive Davis and Sony Music, produced by Don Was and Kenny \"Babyface\" Edmonds. A:", "doc_id": 511, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "comedy", "target": ["Kroll et Slate, ainsi que d'autres jeunes comédiens à la voix singulière (le pessimiste surréaliste Anthony Jeselnik, l'ironique défenseur de la justice raciale W. Kamau Bell), sont des purs produits du monde décentralisé de la comédie américaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Both Kroll and Slate, as well as other young comedians with distinctive voices (the surreally pessimistic Anthony Jeselnik, the wry, racially focussed W. Kamau Bell), are products of the decentralized world of American comedy. A:", "doc_id": 917, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Classiques, sophistiquées, populaires, en anglais ou en français, les productions chantées et dansées prennent leur envol."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Classical, sophisticated, popular, in English or in French, song and dance productions are starting to take off. A:", "doc_id": 1108, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Crippling cost disadvantage", "target": ["Il s'agit d'un inconvénient rédhibitoire en termes de coûts, comme nous l'avons déjà vu à Grangemouth."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That is a crippling cost disadvantage, as we've already seen at Grangemouth. A:", "doc_id": 1539, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chinese newspaper", "target": ["Un journal chinois qui a lancé un appel en première page pour la libération d'un journaliste accusé de diffamation va être remanié, déclare un régulateur de la presse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A Chinese newspaper that made a front-page appeal for the release of a reporter accused of defamation is to be overhauled, a press regulator says. A:", "doc_id": 2107, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are several questions that must be answered or confirmed", "target": ["« Plusieurs questions méritent encore une réponse ou une confirmation », a-t-il indiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There are several questions that must be answered or confirmed,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 1233, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The damage was fairly limited", "target": ["Les dommages ont été somme toute limités, même si l'eau a causé des dégâts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The damage was fairly limited all in all, although the water caused some harm. A:", "doc_id": 1008, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hezbollah", "target": ["Citant des \"sources exclusives\" qu'elle n'a pas nommées, la chaîne à capitaux saoudiens a indiqué que \"le bombardement a visé une cargaison de missiles sol-air qui était destinée au Hezbollah au Liban\", en référence au puissant mouvement chiite libanais qui combat les rebelles aux côtés des forces syriennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Citing \"exclusive sources\" that it did not name, the Saudi-owned channel stated that \"the bombing targeted a shipment of ground-to-air missiles intended for Hezbollah in Lebanon,\" referring to the powerful Lebanese Shiite movement that is fighting the rebels alongside the Syrian forces. A:", "doc_id": 2490, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Nikkei index dropped 126.37 points (0.88%) to 14,201.57 and the Topix was 11.23 points (0.94%) down, at 1,183.03.", "target": ["L'indice Nikkei a perdu 126,37 points (0,88%) à 14 201,57 et le Topix a cédé 11,23 points (0,94%) à 1 183,03."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Nikkei index dropped 126.37 points (0.88%) to 14,201.57 and the Topix was 11.23 points (0.94%) down, at 1,183.03. A:", "doc_id": 895, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Epinephrine", "target": ["Il recommande également aux écoles d'avoir un stock d'épinéphrine – l'auto-injecteur de marque EpiPen étant le plus couramment utilisé – pour pouvoir réagir rapidement en cas d'anaphylaxie potentiellement mortelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It also recommends schools have epinephrine stocked -- the EpiPen brand auto-injector being most commonly used -- to respond to potentially fatal anaphylaxis. A:", "doc_id": 1244, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cable", "target": ["Cogeco Câble pourrait bientôt offrir la télé interactive"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cogeco Cable Soon to Offer Interactive TV? A:", "doc_id": 139, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "half a dozen", "target": ["Seule une demi-douzaine de proches conseillers du président – notamment Daley, l'ancien chef de campagne d'Obama Jim Messina et les anciens conseillers à la Maison-Blanche David Axelrod et David Plouffe – savaient que le changement était à l'étude."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Only half a dozen of the President's closest advisers -- including Daley, former Obama campaign chief Jim Messina, and former White House senior advisers David Axelrod and David Plouffe -- knew the change was under consideration. A:", "doc_id": 1379, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vote", "target": ["Allez voter, c'est la meilleure façon de vous exprimer et de dire que c'est assez."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Go and vote, that is the best way to express yourself and say enough is enough. A:", "doc_id": 981, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "motorists", "target": ["« Les automobilistes seraient incités à participer en raison des avantages que le système leur offre », a indiqué un document sur l'aménagement urbain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Motorists would be attracted to participate because of the value of the benefits it offers to them,\" says a city planning document. A:", "doc_id": 62, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That has given all airlines an incentive to steer passengers to buy directly from them", "target": ["Cela a incité toutes les compagnies aériennes à encourager les passagers à acheter directement auprès d'eux au lieu de s'adresser à une agence de voyage en ligne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That has given all airlines an incentive to steer passengers to buy directly from them instead of going through an online travel agency. A:", "doc_id": 212, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We're dealing in a new world where people are willing to blow themselves up.", "target": ["Il a ajouté : « Nous vivons dans un monde nouveau où les gens sont prêts à se faire sauter. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He added: \"We're dealing in a new world where people are willing to blow themselves up.\" A:", "doc_id": 2948, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les vendeurs d'avions qui font le tour du monde emportent même avec eux un mètre pour vérifier les configurations concurrentes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Globe-trotting jet sellers even carry tape measures to check on competing layouts. A:", "doc_id": 1691, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "farewell", "target": ["70% des établissements proposent désormais des maîtres de cérémonies, qui procèdent, en présence du corps, au rituel suivant: accueillir l'assemblée, nommer le défunt, le relier aux autres, l'évoquer, donner sens à sa mort, organiser l'adieu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 70% of establishments now offer a master of ceremonies to conduct the following ritual in the presence of the body: greet the congregation, mention the deceased by name, connect the deceased to those present, evoke who the person was, give sense to their death, organise a farewell. A:", "doc_id": 873, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "How do you react today to the liberation of the four hostages in Niger?", "target": ["Comment réagissez-vous, aujourd'hui, à la libération des quatre otages du Niger ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How do you react today to the liberation of the four hostages in Niger? A:", "doc_id": 2839, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I look forward to reviewing the report of the investigation with UK ministers next year and together decide on the next steps.", "target": ["« Je suis impatient de lire le rapport d'examen avec les ministres britanniques l'année prochaine et nous déciderons alors ensemble des prochaines étapes. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I look forward to reviewing the report of the investigation with UK ministers next year and together decide on the next steps. A:", "doc_id": 1778, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Thin White Duke", "target": ["Le Thin White Duke a ainsi prévu de rééditer cet album, le 4 novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of the Thin White Duke was also planning to re-release the album on November 04. A:", "doc_id": 77, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The appeal court heard arguments Tuesday on the requested stay.", "target": ["La cour d'appel a entendu mardi les arguments portant sur la demande de suspension."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The appeals court heard arguments Tuesday on the requested stay. A:", "doc_id": 962, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vengeance du Kremlin", "target": ["Phénomène de l'édition française, Gérard de Villiers, décédé jeudi à 83 ans, venait tout juste de publier son 200e SAS, \"La Vengeance du Kremlin\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gerard de Villiers, a phenomenon of the French writing world, who died on Thursday at 83, had just published his 200th \"SAS\" book, \"La Vengeance du Kremlin\". A:", "doc_id": 1627, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "None of the contestants seem to have really stood out at first glance", "target": ["Aucun candidat ne semble avoir réellement marqué lors de ce premier prime."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of None of the contestants seem to have really stood out at first glance. A:", "doc_id": 950, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ukraine", "target": ["Kiev a besoin par ailleurs de liquidités pour régler ses importations de gaz à la Russie, qui l'accuse de ne pas avoir payé une facture de 882 millions de dollars."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moreover, Kiev needs liquid assets to pay for its gas imports from Russia, which accuses it of not having paid a bill of 882 million dollars. A:", "doc_id": 661, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anti-nicotine vaccine", "target": ["Des scientifiques ont développé un vaccin anti-nicotine qui pourrait supprimer le plaisir que l'on prend à fumer une cigarette."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scientists have developed an anti-nicotine vaccine that could take the pleasure out of smoking a cigarette. A:", "doc_id": 1705, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "it had to reinvest in the building", "target": ["Soit il réinvestissait dans la bâtisse pour continuer à l'opérer, donc il y avait des investissements de dizaines de millions alors que la compétition est très féroce, il y a beaucoup de nouveaux hôtels qui sont apparus à Montréal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It had to either reinvest in the building to continue using it, which would require investments worth tens of millions of dollars while competition is fierce as a lot of new hotels have appeared in Montreal. A:", "doc_id": 244, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "depressed", "target": ["Mais déprimé et se rendant compte que quelque chose n'allait pas, il a demandé son dossier médical."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But depressed and knowing something was wrong, he demanded medical records. A:", "doc_id": 1323, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mileage-based", "target": ["Wonks appelle cela des frais d'utilisation au kilométrage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Wonks call it a mileage-based user fee. A:", "doc_id": 25, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "38-year-old man who took a child hostage at the Gabrielle Roy school in Surrey is facing six charges", "target": ["L'homme de 37 ans qui a pris un enfant en otage à l'école Gabrielle Roy de Surrey fait face à six chefs d'accusation, selon la Gendarmerie royale du Canada."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A 38-year-old man who took a child hostage at the Gabrielle Roy school in Surrey is facing six charges, according to the Royal Gendarmerie of Canada. A:", "doc_id": 540, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He drove a number of journalists off his property when they came to interview him", "target": ["Ce jeudi, il a chassé de sa propriété plusieurs journalistes venus l'interroger."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This Thursday he drove a number of journalists off his property when they came to interview him. A:", "doc_id": 2885, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$66m", "target": ["La société les financera en utilisant 60 % des 66 M$ de Singapour qu'elle a levés cette semaine lors de son introduction à la bourse de Singapour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The company will fund that by using 60 per cent of S$66m it raised this week in a listing on the Singapore stock exchange. A:", "doc_id": 1825, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unpleasant", "target": ["Dans le Nevada, où environ 50 automobilistes volontaires ont récemment équipé leur voiture d'un appareil, les conducteurs étaient inquiets que le gouvernement puisse suivre leurs moindres faits et gestes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Nevada, where about 50 volunteers' cars were equipped with the devices not long ago, drivers were uneasy about the government being able to monitor their every move. A:", "doc_id": 43, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not very accurate", "target": ["La science qui consiste à savoir comment un enfant développera une identité sexuelle n'est pas très précise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The science of knowing how a child will develop any gender identity is not very accurate. A:", "doc_id": 1286, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 4,950 million", "target": ["Son bénéfice net du troisième trimestre a diminué à 4,95 milliards de dollars, soit 2,57 dollar par action, contre 5,25 milliards, soit 2,69 dollars par action, un an auparavant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Its net profit for the third quarter went down to $4,950 million, or $2.57 per share, as opposed to $5,250 million, or $2.69 per share, the previous year. A:", "doc_id": 707, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was really daring", "target": ["Ce qu'ils ont fait était vraiment courageux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was really daring what they did. A:", "doc_id": 1493, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The principle of security aid for Iraq is supported by influential Republican and Democratic senators", "target": ["Le principe d'une aide accrue à l'Irak en matière de sécurité est soutenu par d'influents sénateurs républicains et démocrates."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The principle of security aid for Iraq is supported by influential Republican and Democratic senators. A:", "doc_id": 1062, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe", "target": ["Miller a ajouté que la jonction directe vers la Bulgarie, membre de l'Union européenne, signifie que les risques géopolitiques associés aux pays de transit sont éliminés « pour toujours »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Miller said the direct connection to Bulgaria, a member of the European Union, means geopolitical risks associated with transit countries are eliminated \"forever.\" A:", "doc_id": 2023, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["Le Frelimo, le parti au pouvoir et la principale force politique depuis 1975, et la Renamo se rejettent mutuellement la responsabilité des tensions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ruling Frelimo party, the dominant political force since 1975, and Renamo blame each other for the tension. A:", "doc_id": 784, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Virgin", "target": ["Virgin, qui a déjà parlé à la CASA de son intention d'étendre l'utilisation de son système de divertissement à bord utilisant la technologie Wi-Fi, était ouverte à un changement, mais a déclaré qu'elle suivrait le régulateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Virgin, which has already been talking to CASA about extending the use its in-flight wi-fi entertainment system, was amenable to a change but said it would take its lead from the regulator. A:", "doc_id": 1787, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["On ne sait pas exactement quelle est la capacité de la Renamo, mais elle a mené des attaques éclair perturbatrices sur les commissariats de police et les véhicules sur un axe autoroutier nord-sud majeur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is unclear how much capacity Renamo has, but it has carried out disruptive hit-and-run attacks on police stations and vehicles on a key north-south highway. A:", "doc_id": 803, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why are provincial tours so successful?", "target": ["Pourquoi les tournées en province ont-elles autant de succès?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why are provincial tours so successful? A:", "doc_id": 1135, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were up against all comers but the two of them walked off with the gold cup and rosette.", "target": ["Ils se sont présentés envers et contre tous, mais les deux ont raflé la coupe en or et la rosette."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were up against all comers but the two of them walked off with the gold cup and rosette. A:", "doc_id": 2093, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ontario will not follow suit", "target": ["Il ne croit pas que l'Ontario emboîtera le pas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He does not believe that Ontario will follow suit. A:", "doc_id": 576, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The reduction in refining margins is affecting the entire sector", "target": ["Cette baisse des marges de raffinage touche l'ensemble du secteur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The reduction in refining margins is affecting the entire sector. A:", "doc_id": 714, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not telling", "target": ["La base connue de ce que l'on montre et que l'on ne dit pas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The old basis of showing not telling. A:", "doc_id": 822, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I know he would like a four-year guarantee.", "target": ["Je sais qu'il voudrait une garantie de quatre ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I know he would like a four-year guarantee. A:", "doc_id": 281, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lou Reed", "target": ["Le chanteur Lou Reed est mort alors qu'il faisait des exercices de tai chi, a révélé jeudi son épouse Laurie Anderson dans une lettre publiée par le journal régional \"East Hampton Star\" et destinée aux habitants de la ville de Springs, où le couple avait une maison."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Singer Lou Reed died while doing tai chi exercises, his wife, Laurie Anderson, announced in a letter published by the regional newspaper, East Hampton Star, which is meant for residents of Springs, the town where the couple had a home. A:", "doc_id": 1411, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama", "target": ["Je mets au crédit d'Obama de grandes réalisations, depuis le passage de l'Affordable Care Act (loi sur les soins abordables) jusqu'au départ d'Irak de notre armée, en passant par la fin du « ni vu ni connu » et l'assassinat d'Oussama ben Laden."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I credit Obama with great and varied accomplishments, from the passage of the Affordable Care Act to our military exit from Iraq, the end of \"don't ask don't tell,\" to the killing of Osama bin Laden. A:", "doc_id": 2337, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The lawmakers have been the target of public anger in the past.", "target": ["Les législateurs kenyans ont été la cible de la colère de la population dans le passé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kenyan lawmakers have been the target of public anger in the past. A:", "doc_id": 594, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Last Battle of the Last Rebel Stronghold", "target": ["RDC: l'armée attaque le dernier fief des rebelles"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of DRC: Army Attacks Last Rebel Stronghold A:", "doc_id": 1085, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They have specifically noted two cases reported in La Presse Canadienne", "target": ["Ils ont notamment cité deux cas rapportés par La Presse Canadienne, dont celui d'un soldat libéré vendredi dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They have specifically noted two cases reported in La Presse Canadienne, one involving a soldier discharged last Friday. A:", "doc_id": 101, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "impossible", "target": ["C’est intrinsèquement impossible en raison de la réfraction causée par les cristaux de glace qui constituent la crème glacée, mais je pense que je trouverai un moyen d’y arriver."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is inherently impossible because of the refraction caused by the ice crystals which make up the ice cream, but I reckon we will find a way of doing it. A:", "doc_id": 1408, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Better Business", "target": ["Il est possible, et de plus en plus nécessaire, de mieux représenter les intérêts des entreprises britanniques, puisque la zone euro s'engage sur la voie d'une union économique et fiscale plus étroite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A better deal for British business is possible, and increasingly necessary as the eurozone embarks on the road to closer economic and fiscal union. A:", "doc_id": 2002, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "less", "target": ["D'autres États espèrent vendre le concept à des citoyens méfiants en permettant aux appareils d'en faire plus, plutôt que pas assez."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Other places are hoping to sell the concept to a wary public by having the devices do more, not less. A:", "doc_id": 60, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier Inc", "target": ["Bombardier Inc, constructeur aéronautique et ferroviaire canadien, a signalé une chute de 15 % de son bénéfice net jeudi, sous la pression d'une baisse des commandes et des livraisons d'avions au cours du troisième trimestre et de problèmes contractuels dans sa division Trains."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Canadian plane and train maker Bombardier Inc reported a 15 percent fall in net profit on Thursday, pressured by fewer aircraft orders and deliveries in the third quarter and contract issues in its train unit. A:", "doc_id": 287, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People hear the message, but do not listen", "target": ["Ce message est entendu, mais pas écouté, et cela me choque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People hear the message, but do not listen, and that shocks me. A:", "doc_id": 2853, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The incident comes a few weeks after six Golden Dawn members, including the leader and founder of the party, were charged with being part of a \"criminal organisation\", within the framework of an operation aimed at the party following the murder of an anti-fascist musician by one of its members", "target": ["L'incident intervient quelques semaines après l'inculpation de six députés d'Aube dorée, dont le chef et fondateur du parti, pour participation à \"une organisation criminelle\" dans le cadre d'une offensive contre ce parti lancée après la mort d'un musicien antifasciste par un de ses membres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The incident comes a few weeks after six Golden Dawn members, including the leader and founder of the party, were charged with being part of a \"criminal organisation\", within the framework of an operation aimed at the party following the murder of an anti-fascist musician by one of its members. A:", "doc_id": 2599, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Good agricultural tires", "target": ["Ce que je vois, c'est une usine qui fabrique de bons pneus agricoles, a de bons équipements, est bien située et dispose d'espaces pour s'agrandir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What I see is a factory which manufactures good agricultural tires, has good equipment, a good location and plenty of room for growth. A:", "doc_id": 264, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The townsfolk have been pleased to learn that Lac à la Pêche and Lac des Piles will continue to supply the town with potable water", "target": ["Les citoyens ont été heureux d'apprendre que les lacs à la Pêche et des Piles continueront d'approvisionner la ville en eau potable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The townsfolk have been pleased to learn that Lac à la Pêche and Lac des Piles will continue to supply the town with potable water. A:", "doc_id": 2147, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The action", "target": ["À l'heure actuelle, le recours réunit les plaintes de 25 personnes qui affirment avoir été agressées par les frères Sainte-Croix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Currently, the action combines the complaints of 25 individuals who claim to have been assaulted by the brothers of the Holy Cross. A:", "doc_id": 549, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Deluxe edition", "target": ["The Next Day Extra contiendra au total dix titres supplémentaires par rapport à l'album original: les trois morceaux de l'édition Deluxe, cinq chansons spécialement dévoilées pour l'occasion, ainsi que deux remixes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Next Day Extra had a total of ten additional tracks compared to the original album: the three songs from the Deluxe edition, five songs specially unveiled for the occasion, and two remixes. A:", "doc_id": 80, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "beta", "target": ["La filiale de Cogeco a indiqué jeudi qu'elle menait actuellement des tests préliminaires de la version beta de cette plateforme avec certains de ses usagers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Cogeco subsidiary indicated on Thursday that it is currently carrying out preliminary tests of the beta version of this platform with some of its users. A:", "doc_id": 141, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Album", "target": ["David Bowie: quatre inédits en écoute"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of David Bowie: Four Unpublished Songs Released A:", "doc_id": 68, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Notre-Dame de Paris", "target": ["Longtemps, de Notre-Dame de Paris à Mozart l'opéra rock, la plupart des tentatives s'empêtraient dans le ridicule."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For a long time, the majority of attempts, from 'Notre-Dame de Paris' to 'Mozart, l'Opéra Rock', have been embroiled in ridicule. A:", "doc_id": 1111, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Anger is brewing in the ranks of Egypt's Islamists", "target": ["La colère gronde dans les rangs des islamistes égyptiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Anger is brewing in the ranks of Egypt's Islamists. A:", "doc_id": 2856, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vote for President Obama twice", "target": ["J'ai voté deux fois pour le président Obama, croyant en la possibilité d'un changement"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I voted for President Obama twice, sharing hope in possibility of change A:", "doc_id": 2319, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Atlantic Broadband", "target": ["Cogeco a acquis en 2012 le câblodistributeur Atlantic Broadband, établi aux États-Unis, pour 1,36 milliard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2012 Cogeco bought US-based cable distributor, Atlantic Broadband, for CAD 1,360 million. A:", "doc_id": 157, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$50 million", "target": ["Il a estimé, dans un rapport de décembre 2011, que les frais de bagages à main de Spirit rapportaient 50 M$ par an."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He estimated in a December 2011 report that Spirit's carry-on fee brings in $50 million a year. A:", "doc_id": 201, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He stayed with me", "target": ["Pendant longtemps, il m'a accompagné: quand j'ai arrêté de fumer, quand j'ai eu peur, quand j'ai eu mal..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For a long time, he stayed with me - when I stopped smoking, when I was afraid, when I was ill... A:", "doc_id": 388, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Couples", "target": ["Sur scène, passent les couples, en duos amoureux, très sensuels, même érotiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Couples cross the stage as pairs of lovers, very sensual, even erotic. A:", "doc_id": 2521, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "similar", "target": ["Une technique similaire est testée à Villeneuve-d'Ascq et à Angoulême par la société Natural Security en partenariat avec des banques et des enseignes de la grande distribution : au moment de payer en magasin avec sa carte bancaire, le client ne tape pas son code, mais introduit son doigt dans un lecteur qui scanne les veines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A similar technique is being tested at Villeneuve-d'Ascq and in Angoulême by the company Natural Security, in partnership with banks and major retailers: at the point of paying with a card in a shop, the customer does not enter a code - they place a finger in a reader, which scans the veins. A:", "doc_id": 2213, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "marine", "target": ["Il faut savoir que le milieu marin est le milieu le moins bien connu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It should be noted that the marine environment is the least known of environments. A:", "doc_id": 2408, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It has always taken place.", "target": ["Il y en a toujours eu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It has always taken place. A:", "doc_id": 1200, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No financial contribution had been demanded prior to the changes made to the last budget", "target": ["Avant les changements apportés au dernier budget, aucune contribution financière n'était réclamée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of No financial contribution had been demanded prior to the changes made to the last budget. A:", "doc_id": 718, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Really", "target": ["En réalité, cet homme aurait dû être condamné à mort avant les autres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Really, this guy should get the death penalty before anybody. A:", "doc_id": 1924, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights", "target": ["Plus tôt, une ONG syrienne, l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme, avait fait état de plusieurs explosions entendues mercredi à l'aube dans une base de défense aérienne à Sonar Jablé, près de Lattaquié, sur la côte syrienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier, a Syrian NGO, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported several explosions being heard at dawn on Wednesday in a defence airbase at Sonar Jable, near Lattaquie, on the Syrian coast. A:", "doc_id": 2491, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The whole place was electric", "target": ["Mme Howells a déclaré : « Il y avait de l'électricité dans l'air et tout le monde l'encourageait et l'applaudissait. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mrs Howells said: \"The whole place was electric and everybody was cheering and clapping.\" A:", "doc_id": 2097, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the great, post-war plan to unite Europe has finally stalled", "target": ["Voici la véritable actualité concernant l'Europe : le grand plan d'après-guerre visant à unifier l'Europe est définitivement au point mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Here is the real European news: the great, post-war plan to unite Europe has finally stalled. A:", "doc_id": 1526, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The M23", "target": ["Le M23 apparaît sur le point d'être battu après avoir été chassé des localités du nord-est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) qu'il contrôlait depuis le début, il y a 20 mois, de l'insurrection."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The M23 appears to be on the verge of defeat, having been driven out of the towns in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC), which it had been in control of since the start of the uprising 20 months ago. A:", "doc_id": 683, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Wall Street", "target": ["Martin Scorsese nous relate l'histoire vraie d'un \"courtier en Bourse de Long Island, qui refuse de collaborer avec les autorités dans le cadre d'une vaste affaire de corruption à Wall Street\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Martin Scorsese tells us a true story about a \"Long Island stockbroker who refuses to collaborate with the authorities over a massive corruption scheme on Wall Street\". A:", "doc_id": 1014, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The four brands of the group saw an improvement in their commercial performance over October 2012", "target": ["Les quatre marques du groupe ont vu leurs performances commerciales s'améliorer par rapport à octobre 2012."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The four brands of the group saw an improvement in their commercial performance over October 2012. A:", "doc_id": 2582, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Next Day Extra", "target": ["Cette réédition, intitulée The Next Day Extra, se présentera sous la forme de trois disques: l'album original, des sessions studio inédites et des remixes, ainsi qu'un DVD contenant les quatre clips déjà dévoilés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This re-release, titled The Next Day Extra, was presented in the form of three disks: the original album, unpublished studio sessions and remixes, plus a DVD containing the four clips that have already been unveiled. A:", "doc_id": 79, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Crematoria", "target": ["Les crématoriums se sont adaptés à cette évolution de la société."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Crematoria have adapted to this change in society. A:", "doc_id": 871, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Die", "target": ["M. Guebuza a déclaré mercredi à l'AFP, l'agence de presse française, que M. Dhlakama se considérait comme un « perdant » qui voulait utiliser « toutes les forces qu'il lui restait pour tenter de prouver qu'il pouvait imposer ses décisions au gouvernement »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Guebuza told AFP, the French news agency, on Wednesday that Mr Dhlakama saw himself as a \"loser\" who wanted to use \"whatever remains of his forces to try to prove that he can impose on the government his own decisions.\" A:", "doc_id": 789, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Credit Suisse", "target": ["La nouvelle est arrivée le jour même où le Crédit Suisse a annoncé avoir renvoyé un trader travaillant dans son bureau des fonds négociés la Bourse de Londres cette semaine après qu'il a causé une perte de 6 M$ en fin d'année dernière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The news came on the same day as Credit Suisse announced it had dismissed a trader at its London exchange traded funds desk this week after he had caused a nearly $6m loss late last year. A:", "doc_id": 2429, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Administration", "target": ["Cependant, tous les exemples que j'ai répertoriés ci-dessus semblent être en grande partie le choix de l'administration."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet, of all of the examples that I have listed above, they largely seem to be of the administration's own choosing. A:", "doc_id": 2349, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Whatever the case, he will always be my point of reference.", "target": ["En tout état de cause, il sera toujours ma référence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Whatever the case, he will always be my point of reference. A:", "doc_id": 441, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "50ft", "target": ["Elle était en plein milieu de la falaise, à 15 m du sommet et 15 m du sol."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She was right in the middle of the cliff face - 50ft from the top and bottom. A:", "doc_id": 1479, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "less", "target": ["Des études montrent que les écoles anglaises consacrent moins de temps aux maths (116 heures par an, soit 3 heures par semaine pendant l'année scolaire) que la plupart des autres pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Studies show that English schools devote less time to maths - 116 hours a year or three hours a week during term time - than in most countries. A:", "doc_id": 2632, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Children need stability and certainty.", "target": ["Les enfants ont besoin de stabilité et de certitudes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Children need stability and certainty. A:", "doc_id": 1301, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No airport", "target": ["Il n'y a pas d'aéroport à Pitcairn, ce qui rend impossible d'y baser un ou plusieurs avions dédiés à la surveillance de la zone, et il n'y a pas de port où placer des navires militaires de surveillance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is no airport on Pitcairn, making it impossible to base one or more aircrafts there to monitor the zone, and there is no port where military surveillance crafts can be placed. A:", "doc_id": 2038, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Plan to buy Goodyear Amiens will begin with zero employees", "target": ["Pour le PDG de Titan, \"le projet d'achat de Goodyear Amiens démarre avec zéro employé\""], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Plan to buy Goodyear Amiens will begin with zero employees,\" Titan CEO says A:", "doc_id": 248, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Since then, several hundred M23 diehards have been cut off in the farmland hills of Chanzu, Runyonyi and Mbuzi, close to Bunagana and the neighbouring town of Jomba, at an altitude of almost 2,000 metres.", "target": ["Depuis, quelques centaines d'irréductibles du M23, sont retranchés à près de 2.000 mètres d'altitude sur les collines agricoles de Chanzu, Runyonyi et Mbuzi, proches de Bunagana et de la localité voisine de Jomba"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since then, several hundred M23 diehards have been cut off in the farmland hills of Chanzu, Runyonyi and Mbuzi, close to Bunagana and the neighbouring town of Jomba, at an altitude of almost 2,000 metres. A:", "doc_id": 1167, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fall", "target": ["L'occasion de suivre son incroyable ascension, mais aussi la chute vertigineuse qui s'en suivra."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We see his meteoric rise, but also the vertiginous fall that follows. A:", "doc_id": 1016, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Over five weeks, supplies have risen by more than 25 million barrels.", "target": ["Sur cinq semaines, les approvisionnements ont augmenté de plus de 25 millions de barils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Over five weeks, supplies have risen by more than 25 million barrels. A:", "doc_id": 930, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The army and the people are one hand", "target": ["À son arrivée, il a été accueilli par le chant « Le peuple et l'armée, main dans la main... » entonné par des milliers de personnes rassemblées dans le grand amphithéâtre de l'université."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His arrival was greeted with chants of, \"The army and the people are one hand,\" from the hundreds gathered in the university's main lecture room. A:", "doc_id": 2571, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The UK", "target": ["Pour ce faire, nous avons commandé l'enquête la plus large et la plus complète auprès des chefs d'entreprise britanniques et leur avons demandé ce qu'ils pensaient de la Grande-Bretagne, des entreprises et de l'UE."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To that end, we commissioned the largest and most comprehensive poll of British business leaders asking them for their thoughts on Britain, business and the EU. A:", "doc_id": 1990, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to the same sources and witnesses", "target": ["D'après les mêmes sources et des témoins, un char israélien et un bulldozer blindé ont fait une incursion d'une centaine de mètres à l'intérieur du territoire avant de se retirer ensuite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the same sources and witnesses, an Israeli tank and an armoured bulldozer made an incursion a hundred metres or so into the territory before retreating. A:", "doc_id": 2474, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "vacation", "target": ["En Australie, la presse a déclaré qu'en attendant, elle était en vacances dans la région de Krabi, au sud de la Thaïlande."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Reports in Australia said that in the meantime, she was holidaying at the resort area of Krabi in Southern Thailand. A:", "doc_id": 2978, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Officer", "target": ["Les fonctionnaires de police ont repéré Sarborough, 32 ans, en train de déposer trois sacs de cocaïne au domicile de l'avocat à Blackburn, dans le Lancashire, alors qu'il assistait à un dîner du Barreau avec des confrères."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Officers spotted Sarborough, 32, dropping off three bags of cocaine at the lawyer's home in Blackburn, Lancashire, while he was out at a Law Society dinner with colleagues. A:", "doc_id": 473, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That economic spying takes place is not a surprise", "target": ["Il n'est pas surprenant qu'il y ait de l'espionnage économique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That economic spying takes place is not a surprise. A:", "doc_id": 1199, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "BND", "target": ["Les services secrets allemands, le BND, assuraient ainsi que durant l'été 1949, Müller se trouvait à Karlovy Vary, alors en Tchécoslovaquie, selon un document obtenu par Bild."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The German Secret Service, the BND, declared in summer 1949 that Muller was in Karlovy Vary, then in Czechoslovakia, according to a document obtained by Bild. A:", "doc_id": 2647, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Uighur separatists", "target": ["Le chef de la sécurité intérieure chinoise a accusé vendredi un groupe de séparatistes ouïghours du Xinjiang d'être derrière l'attentat à la voiture piégée qui a fait cinq morts sur la place Tiananmen dans le centre de Pékin, lundi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The head of internal security in China accused a group of Uighur separatists from Xinjiang on Friday of being behind the car bomb attack in Tiananmen Square in the centre of Beijing on Monday, which left five people dead. A:", "doc_id": 1066, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drug", "target": ["Ditta, 42 ans, fournissait des informations aux criminels car il craignait que sa toxicomanie ne soit révélée au grand jour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ditta, 42, fed information to criminals because of fears his cocaine addiction would be exposed A:", "doc_id": 478, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombs strike markets", "target": ["Les bombes frappent des marchés, des mosquées, des mariages et des funérailles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bombs strike markets, mosques, weddings and funeral ceremonies. A:", "doc_id": 1052, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ruby had run off after she was in a minor road crash", "target": ["Ruby, un épagneul cocker, s'était échappée après un accident de la route sans gravité"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cocker spaniel Ruby had run off after she was in a minor road crash A:", "doc_id": 1469, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Barclays", "target": ["Le dossier de M. Usher comprenait des messages instantanés envoyés à et par des banquiers travaillant chez Barclays et Citigroup, ont ajouté des sources proches du dossier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Usher's instant message group included bankers at Barclays and Citigroup, people close to the situation said. A:", "doc_id": 2421, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "landed at Orly", "target": ["On atterrit à Orly."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We landed at Orly. A:", "doc_id": 2812, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The only number mentioned to the minister is 333.", "target": ["Le seul nombre que j'ai mentionné au ministre, c'est 333."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The only number I mentioned to the minister is 333. A:", "doc_id": 280, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "drivers pay per mile", "target": ["Les partisans du marché libre de la fondation Reason apprécient également l'idée de faire payer les conducteurs au mile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The free marketeers at the Reason Foundation are also fond of having drivers pay per mile. A:", "doc_id": 29, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "serious accident occurred between a motorbike and a car", "target": ["Vendredi, vers 15 heures, une violente collision entre une moto et une voiture s'est produite rue de Retinne à Fléron."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A serious accident occurred between a motorbike and a car on Rue Retinne in Fleron at around 3 pm on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2362, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Selon moi, il y a deux niveaux de réponse de la part du gouvernement français."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In my opinion, there are two levels of response from the French government. A:", "doc_id": 1250, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Goodyear", "target": ["Maintenant, imaginons que Titan achète à Goodyear l'usine fermée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now, let's imagine that Titan buys a closed factory from Goodyear. A:", "doc_id": 270, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The editor is personally involved in the third.", "target": ["Le rédacteur en chef est personnellement impliqué dans le troisième."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The editor is personally involved in the third. A:", "doc_id": 1029, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we seek no reward, except the reward of history that we can at a critical time serve this community", "target": ["« Nous ne cherchons pas de récompense, excepté la récompense de l'histoire car nous devons servir la communauté à un moment critique », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We seek no reward, except the reward of history that we can at a critical time serve this community,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2383, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United Nations", "target": ["Les Nations Unies vont se mettre dès à présent à travailler sur une nouvelle série d'objectifs destinés à remplacer les objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD), qui avaient été mis en place il y a 12 ans pour lutter contre la pauvreté dans le monde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The United Nations is to start work immediately on a new set of goals to replace the millennium development goals, which were put place 12 years ago to tackle global poverty. A:", "doc_id": 768, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's about Frontier's most loyal customers making it very clear that finding overhead bin space has become increasingly difficult", "target": ["Il s'agit de faire comprendre aux clients de Frontier les plus fidèles qu'il devient de plus en plus difficile de trouver de la place dans les compartiments supérieurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's about Frontier's most loyal customers making it very clear that finding overhead bin space has become increasingly difficult. A:", "doc_id": 190, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The reorganisation of the Hôtel-Dieu", "target": ["Même si la restructuration de l'Hôtel-Dieu a sa légitimité sur le fond, nous ne pouvons pas l'admettre sans un schéma acceptable de report vers les autres hôpitaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Even though the reorganisation of the Hôtel-Dieu has an underlying justification, we cannot let this happen without an acceptable plan for the transfer of patients to other hospitals.\" A:", "doc_id": 756, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The calls are pressing only because of the need to ward off the trouble caused by discord in French history", "target": ["Ils ne sont si pressants, suggère Pierre Nora, que pour conjurer le trouble né des discordes de l'histoire française."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The calls are pressing only because of the need to ward off the trouble caused by discord in French history, says Nora. A:", "doc_id": 2758, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "male", "target": ["Nous pensons qu'il vaudrait mieux attribuer un sexe masculin ou féminin, et attendre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We think a better process is assigning male or female sex, then waiting. A:", "doc_id": 1333, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Royal Bank of Scotland", "target": ["Royal Bank of Scotland créera en interne une structure de défaisance (\"bad bank\") regroupant 38 milliards de livres (45 milliards d'euros) d'actifs les plus risqués, mesure destinée à détendre ses relations avec Londres et à accélérer sa reprivatisation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Royal Bank of Scotland will create an internal bad bank structure to cover £38 billion (€45,000 million) of its highest risk assets, a step designed to improve its relations with the City and accelerate its re-privatisation. A:", "doc_id": 1454, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google Glass", "target": ["Bien que Google travaille actuellement sur un modèle de Google Glass équipé de verres de correction, aucune date de commercialisation à grande échelle n'a encore été confirmée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Although Google is currently working on a model of Google Glass equipped with corrective lenses, no date for a full-scale launch has yet been announced. A:", "doc_id": 363, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The management of the theatre decided to implement the principle of precaution and put the safety of its customers first", "target": ["Toujours est-il que la direction du cinéma a joué le principe de précaution et la sécurité de ses clients à fond."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Either way, the management of the theatre decided to implement the principle of precaution and put the safety of its customers first. A:", "doc_id": 633, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Informer", "target": ["The Informer, Like A Rocket Man, Born In A UFO sont eux aussi disponibles sur la toile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Informer, Like A Rocket Man and Born In A UFO are also available on the net. A:", "doc_id": 86, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Let this case serve as a warning to criminals that no one is beyond the reach of the law.", "target": ["Que cette affaire serve d'avertissement aux criminels pour qu'ils sachent que personne n'est au-dessus de la loi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Let this case serve as a warning to criminals that no one is beyond the reach of the law. A:", "doc_id": 504, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Peter Lau", "target": ["Le spécialiste des secours techniques Peter Lau a déclaré : « Ruby a eu beaucoup de chance de s'en sortir indemne. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Specialist Technical Rescue Officer Peter Lau said: \"Ruby had a very lucky escape.\" A:", "doc_id": 1485, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Indiana, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and West Virginia", "target": ["Il a été rejoint dans son refus par l'Indiana, la Géorgie, la Floride, le Mississippi, la Louisiane, l'Oklahoma, la Caroline du Sud et la Virginie occidentale, selon un haut responsable de la Défense."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Indiana, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and West Virginia, followed in refusal, according to a senior Defense official. A:", "doc_id": 2873, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The President of the United States", "target": ["Le cri de désespoir d'un électeur d'Obama"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An Obama voter's cry of despair A:", "doc_id": 2318, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prince Malko Linge", "target": ["A l'intérieur, son altesse sérénissime (SAS) le prince Malko Linge, aristocrate autrichien désargenté et agent contractuel de la CIA pour payer les réparations du château de famille, se lance aux trousses de tous les méchants de la terre, communistes des années 70 et 80, puis jihadistes à partir des années 90."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Inside, His Serene Highness (SAS) Prince Malko Linge, a penniless Austrian aristocrat and contract agent for the CIA (to pay the bills for repairing the family mansion), is hot on the heels of all the world's evil-doers - communists in the 70s and 80s, then jihadists since the 90s. A:", "doc_id": 1637, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was also found guilty of a number of other terrorism-related charges, including a wave of bombings of churches across Indonesia on Christmas Eve in 2000", "target": ["Il a également été reconnu coupable de nombreux autres chefs d'accusation en relation avec le terrorisme, notamment une vague d'attentats visant des églises dans toute l'Indonésie à la veille de Noël en 2000."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was also found guilty of a number of other terrorism-related charges, including a wave of bombings of churches across Indonesia on Christmas Eve in 2000. A:", "doc_id": 1913, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The dispute", "target": ["Le conflit porte sur la largeur des sièges proposés sur les vols long-courriers aux passagers de la classe économique – qui ne sont pas toujours les plus courtisés par les compagnies aériennes, mais auxquels l'espace alloué est essentiel pour augmenter les gains d'efficacité dans les derniers appareils présentés par Airbus SAS et Boeing Co."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The dispute focuses on the width of seats provided on long-haul flights for economy passengers - not always the ones most courted by airlines, but whose allocated space holds the key to efficiency claims for the latest jets offered by Airbus SAS and Boeing Co. A:", "doc_id": 1661, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Living Together in French", "target": ["La commission scolaire vient de dévoiler sa vision du \"Vivre ensemble en français\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The School Board has just unveiled its vision of \"Living Together in French\". A:", "doc_id": 2990, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pressure", "target": ["La pression pesant sur la FAA s'est renforcée au cours des dernières années pour assouplir les restrictions concernant leur utilisation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pressure has been building on the FAA in recent years to ease restrictions on their use. A:", "doc_id": 1961, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All the above", "target": ["\"Tout est mis en œuvre pour que le Charles-de-Gaulle puisse faire son déploiement prévu en fin d'année 2013\", explique cependant DCNS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Everything has been put in place to enable the Charles-de-Gaulle to be deployed as planned at the end of 2013,\" explains DCNS. A:", "doc_id": 2131, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the most sophisticated secret passages they have ever discovered", "target": ["Les autorités américaines ont décrit le tunnel de 4 pieds par 3 comme l'un des passages secrets les plus sophistiqués qu'elles avaient jamais vu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US authorities described the four foot by three foot tunnel as one of the most sophisticated secret passages they have ever discovered. A:", "doc_id": 2156, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fenton Kirkland", "target": ["Mais personne ne s’attendait à voir gagner Fenton Kirkland, un enfant de trois ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But nobody was quite ready for three-year-old Fenton Kirkland. A:", "doc_id": 2085, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The bank wants to reduce the proportion of toxic assets on its books from 55% to 70% over the next two years and hopes to clean them up completely in three years.", "target": ["La banque veut réduire de 55% à 70% la proportion des actifs douteux dans son bilan dans les deux années à venir et espère avoir nettoyé complètement celui-ci dans les trois ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The bank wants to reduce the proportion of toxic assets on its books from 55% to 70% over the next two years and hopes to clean them up completely in three years. A:", "doc_id": 1455, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$200", "target": ["Frontier Airlines envisage de commencer à faire payer jusqu'à 100 $ pour un bagage à main et 2 $ pour un café ou un soda, bien que dans son annonce mercredi, elle indiquait que les passagers pourraient emporter la canette non ouverte avec eux à la descente de l'avion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier Airlines plans to start charging up to $100 for a carry-on bag and $2 for coffee or soda, although its announcement on Wednesday did say that passengers will get to keep the whole can. A:", "doc_id": 181, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "for the vast majority of people who have health insurance that works, you can keep it", "target": ["« La grande majorité de personnes détenant une assurance santé qui leur convient peuvent la garder », a-t-il déclaré lors d'un discours à Boston."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"For the vast majority of people who have health insurance that works, you can keep it,\" he said in a speech in Boston. A:", "doc_id": 2903, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The embassy declined to comment on the serving of the police notice.", "target": ["L'Ambassade a refusé de commenter la délivrance de l'avis par la police."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The embassy declined to comment on the serving of the police notice. A:", "doc_id": 2174, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "single dose", "target": ["Une seule dose du vaccin a pu protéger à vie des souris de la dépendance à la nicotine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A single dose of the vaccine was able to protect mice against nicotine addiction for life. A:", "doc_id": 1706, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of In Shawinigan", "target": ["À Shawinigan, malgré la fermeture de toutes les entreprises majeures, on ne se gêne pas quant aux dépenses somptuaires et à l'entretien des canards boiteux: centre culturel déficitaire, forte subvention à la Cité de l'Énergie, etc."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Shawinigan, despite the closure of every major business, there is no embarrassment about the extravagant expenditure and the maintenance of white elephants, such as the unprofitable cultural centre, the huge subsidies for the Cité de l'Énergie, etc. A:", "doc_id": 2142, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gold", "target": ["À Singapour, environ 70 % des articles mis en gage dans les 200 boutiques de prêt sur gage de la cité-état sont en or."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Singapore, about 70 per cent of items pawned at the city-state's 200 pawn outlets are gold. A:", "doc_id": 1821, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "China", "target": ["Le prix du pétrole a continué à baisser vendredi alors que les préoccupations concernant l’importance des stocks compensent un rapport montrant que le secteur manufacturier chinois gourmand en électricité est en train de se renforcer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The price of oil continued to fall on Friday as concerns over high supplies offset a report showing China's power-hungry manufacturing sector is strengthening. A:", "doc_id": 925, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The UK", "target": ["La baronne Kramer a déclaré : « Notre objectif pour HS2 porte sur un réseau véritablement national qui rapprochera le Royaume-Uni et ses villes. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Baroness Kramer said: \"Our goal for HS2 is for a truly national network that will bring the UK and its cities closer together.\" A:", "doc_id": 1770, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "growing", "target": ["L'offre s'est démultipliée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The choice is growing. A:", "doc_id": 1120, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["A titre d'exemple, la présence de Mohammed Merah dans les zones tribales à Miranshah a été signalée aux Français grâce aux moyens de la NSA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For example, France was informed of the presence of Mohammed Merah in the tribal areas of Miranshah through the NSA's resources. A:", "doc_id": 1261, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I met with the intelligence services.", "target": ["J'ai aussi rencontré les services de renseignement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I also met with the intelligence services. A:", "doc_id": 2835, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Quand je suis parti il y avait trois chaînes de télévision."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When I left the country, there were three television channels - A:", "doc_id": 2817, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Stop-and-frisk", "target": ["Ce système de contrôle et de fouille existe depuis des décennies sous une certaine forme, mais le nombre de contrôles enregistrés a augmenté de façon spectaculaire sous l'administration du maire indépendant Michael Bloomberg, pour atteindre son plus haut niveau historique en 2011 avec 684 330 contrôles qui concernaient principalement des hommes noirs et d'origine hispanique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Stop-and-frisk has been around for decades in some form, but recorded stops increased dramatically under the administration of independent Mayor Michael Bloomberg to an all-time high in 2011 of 684,330, mostly of black and Hispanic men. A:", "doc_id": 969, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama did not know about the research", "target": ["Cooper a demandé à Martin s'il pensait sérieusement qu'Obama ne savait pas que l'éviction de Biden de la liste présidentielle était examinée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cooper asked Martin whether he seriously thought Obama did not know about the research into dumping Biden from the ticket. A:", "doc_id": 1390, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 2,400", "target": ["Bien qu'elle gagne 3 000 $ de Singapour (2 400 $) par mois en tant qu'administratrice et que son mari travaille aussi, le revenu familial mensuel ne suffit pas, dit-elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even though she earns S$3,000 ($2,400) a month as an administrator and her husband works as well, the monthly family income is insufficient, she says. A:", "doc_id": 1807, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nothing", "target": ["Sans logement, il fait la tournée des canapés de ses amis qui veulent bien encore le recevoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With nowhere to live, he sleeps on the couches of friends who will still have him. A:", "doc_id": 1614, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "On location", "target": ["Sur place, je rencontre des journalistes, dont ceux de l'AFP, des diplomates, des gens des services que je connais pour certains depuis vingt ou trente ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On location, I meet journalists, including those of the AFP, diplomats, and services staff, some of whom I have known for twenty or thirty years. A:", "doc_id": 1644, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "publicis group", "target": ["\"Omnicom Group et Publicis Groupe ont annoncé aujourd'hui l'expiration du délai d'examen de la fusion précédemment annoncée de Publicis Groupe et Omnicom, prévu par le Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, tel qu'amendé\", annoncent les deux groupes dans un communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The Omnicom Group and Publicis Group today announced the expiry of the period of investigation into the previously announced merger of the Publicis Group and Omnicom, under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended,\" the two groups announced in a press release. A:", "doc_id": 677, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a horrendous enormity", "target": ["Que l'un des sadiques nazis les plus brutaux soit enterré dans un cimetière juif, c'est une énormité de mauvais goût."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Finding that one of the most brutal Nazi sadists was buried in a Jewish cemetery is an abhorrent enormity, he said. A:", "doc_id": 2654, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "CNN Hero of the Year", "target": ["Vous pouvez voter pour lui, ou l'un des 10 autres héros, pour l'élire « Héros CNN de l'année »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You can vote for him, or any of the other top 10 Heroes, to be CNN Hero of the Year. A:", "doc_id": 2672, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first step towards greater financial autonomy for the island", "target": ["Mike Warren, le maire de Pitcairn, estime que la création d'une telle zone protégée serait un premier pas vers plus d'autonomie financière pour son île."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mike Warren, the mayor of Pitcairn, believes that the creation of such a protected zone would be the first step towards greater financial autonomy for the island. A:", "doc_id": 2035, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vision Diversité", "target": ["L'organisme Vision diversité se promène depuis un an dans les écoles pour aider les élèves de toutes origines à découvrir des repères communs qui ne se limitent pas à la langue française."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The organisation, called Vision Diversité, has been visiting schools for the past year to help students of every origin find common reference points that are not limited to the French language. A:", "doc_id": 2991, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The musical", "target": ["Comment évoluent les comédies musicales françaises?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How are French musicals evolving? A:", "doc_id": 1119, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A study of how dogs responded to real dogs could help", "target": ["Une étude sur la façon dont les chiens réagissent face à de vrais chiens pourrait être utile, a-t-il expliqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A study of how dogs responded to real dogs could help, he explained. A:", "doc_id": 2260, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "genderless", "target": ["En juin, une Australienne de 52 ans, Norrie May-Welby, est devenue la première personne au monde à avoir été reconnue « neutre » après avoir gagné son procès en appel qui l'autorise à garder un sexe « non spécifié » à vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In June, a 52-year-old Australian, Norrie May-Welby, became the world's first recognized \"genderless\" person after winning a legal appeal to keep an \"unspecified\" gender status for life. A:", "doc_id": 1294, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first action involved only three institutions, and when the ruling was announced, many people said to us: 'I was assaulted at so and so place, can I add my name?'", "target": ["Le premier recours ne visait que trois établissements, et quand on a annoncé le règlement, beaucoup de gens nous ont dit: \"moi, j'étais à tel endroit, est-ce que je peux m'inscrire ?\", raconte l'avocat Alain Arsenault, qui défend les victimes dans les deux recours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The first action involved only three institutions, and when the ruling was announced, many people said to us: 'I was assaulted at so and so place, can I add my name?\" says lawyer Alain Arsenault, who is defending the victims in the two actions. A:", "doc_id": 547, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "US does not use foreign intelligence capabilities \"to steal the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of US companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase their bottom line.\"", "target": ["James Clapper, le directeur des services de renseignement américains, a insisté à nouveau en septembre sur le fait que les États-Unis n'utilisent pas leurs capacités en matière de renseignement étranger pour « voler les secrets industriels des entreprises étrangères pour le compte de sociétés américaines afin d'accroître leur compétitivité internationale ou augmenter leurs bénéfices »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of James Clapper, US Director of National Intelligence, insisted again in September that the US does not use foreign intelligence capabilities \"to steal the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of US companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase their bottom line.\" A:", "doc_id": 1176, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The discovery", "target": ["Thibaut Bouveroux, chargé de mission scientifique à l'Observatoire pour la Conservation et l'Etude des Animaux et Milieux Marins (OCEAMM) revient pour L'Express sur cette découverte et explique le long processus d'identification de nouvelles espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thibaut Bouveroux, in charge of the scientific mission at the Observatoire pour la Conservation et l'Etude des Animaux et Milieux Marins (OCEAMM), discussed this discovery with L'Express and explains the long process of identifying new species. A:", "doc_id": 2385, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "crude", "target": ["Le prix du brut de référence américain pour livraison en décembre a baissé de 14 cents à 96,24 $ le baril en fin de matinée en Europe lors des échanges électroniques sur le New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Benchmark U.S. crude for December delivery was down 14 cents at $96.24 a barrel by late morning in Europe in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. A:", "doc_id": 926, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Tandis que Daley qualifiait l'examen de « concerté », Martin a indiqué à Anderson Cooper de CNN que la campagne de réélection avait beaucoup investi pour découvrir si le changement serait bénéfique lors du scrutin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While Daley characterized the research as \"due diligence,\" Martin told CNN's Anderson Cooper that the re-election campaign made a significant investment in finding out whether the move would pay dividends at the polls. A:", "doc_id": 1384, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The bomb plotter's sentence A", "target": ["Colère provoquée par la peine prononcée à l'encontre d'un des poseurs de bombe de Bali"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Anger over Bali bomb plotter's sentence A:", "doc_id": 1908, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They would not understand if something went wrong.", "target": ["Ces gens-là ne comprendraient pas qu'il y ait des erreurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Such people would not understand if something went wrong. A:", "doc_id": 997, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's called \"The Audacity to Win,\" and it's a memoir of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.", "target": ["Il s'appelle « The Audacity to Win » et il s’agit des mémoires de la campagne présidentielle de Barack Obama de 2008."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's called \"The Audacity to Win,\" and it's a memoir of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. A:", "doc_id": 2326, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "destruction", "target": ["L'achèvement de ce qui est essentiellement la phase de destruction initiale est une étape importante du calendrier ambitieux visant à détruire les armes chimiques de Damas d'ici mi-2014."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The completion of what is essentially the initial stage of destruction is a significant milestone in an ambitious timeline that aims to destroy all of Damascus' chemical weapons by mid-2014. A:", "doc_id": 1882, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "emergency", "target": ["A l'Hôtel-Dieu, les internes spécialisés en urgences laisseront place lundi à cinq internes de médecine générale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the Hôtel-Dieu, interns specialising in emergencies will make way for five general medicine interns on Monday. A:", "doc_id": 731, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Then signs started to appear.", "target": ["Puis des signes sont apparus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Then signs started to appear. A:", "doc_id": 368, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Facebook", "target": ["Les pages Facebook de ces spectacles sont savamment ­tenues par des professionnels qui répondent aux questions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Facebook pages for these shows are skillfully managed by professionals who answer questions. A:", "doc_id": 1141, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "rectification order", "target": ["L'ordre de « remaniement » émane de l'administration de Guangdon pour la Presse et l'Édition, la Radio, le Film et la Télévision."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The \"rectification\" order came from the Guangdong Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film and Television. A:", "doc_id": 2111, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fatal", "target": ["\"La rage est une maladie mortelle si elle n'est pas traitée à temps\", rappellent les ministères et elle est transmissible pendant près de 15 jours avant l'apparition des premiers symptômes de la maladie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Rabies is a fatal disease if not treated promptly,\" the ministries reminded, and it can be transmitted during the fortnight or so before the first symptoms of the disease appear. A:", "doc_id": 2898, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fighter of Hamas' armed wing was killed", "target": ["Un combattant de la branche armée du Hamas a été tué ce soir et un autre blessé par un tir de char israélien dans la bande de Gaza, a-t-on appris de sources médicales et sécuritaires à Gaza."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A fighter of Hamas' armed wing was killed this evening and another wounded by Israeli tank fire in the Gaza Strip, medical and security sources in Gaza report. A:", "doc_id": 823, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "350", "target": ["Airbus indique que la version concurrente de son A350 transportera en classe économique 350 personnes dans des sièges de 18 pouces de large configurés en rangées de 9."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus says the competing version of its A350 will carry 350 people in 18-inch-wide economy seat laid out 9 abreast. A:", "doc_id": 1666, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He could be released within 15 years if granted parole.", "target": ["Il pourrait être libéré au bout de 15 ans sous libération conditionnelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He could be released within 15 years if granted parole. A:", "doc_id": 1911, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Investigators", "target": ["Les enquêteurs ont également trouvé des saisies sur l'ordinateur du détective privé qui concernaient Mlle Pawlby et sa sœur rangées dans un dossier « Projets »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Investigators also found entries on the private investigator's computer which had Ms Pawlby and her sister as \"Projects.\" A:", "doc_id": 1036, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "expect the UK will distance itself from this project, hoping to cosy up to the US", "target": ["Je m'attends à ce que le Royaume-Uni prenne ses distances par rapport à ce projet, et j'espère qu'il fera les yeux doux aux États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I expect the UK will distance itself from this project, hoping to cosy up to the US. A:", "doc_id": 1552, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "imprint recognition systems", "target": ["Rien qu'en 2011 et en France, la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés a autorisé 774 systèmes de reconnaissance des empreintes, de la forme de la main ou du réseau veineux de la main dans des entreprises, des administrations, des cantines..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In France alone in 2011, the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties authorised 774 imprint recognition systems, for recognising fingerprints, the shape of the hand or networks of veins in the hand, for businesses, institutions, cafeterias, etc. A:", "doc_id": 2182, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was very close to him", "target": ["J'étais très proche de lui, j'ai toujours agi en fonction de ce qu'il pensait ou de ce qu'il appréciait."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was very close to him, I always acted according to what he would have thought or would have appreciated. A:", "doc_id": 435, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Informer is double-edged", "target": ["The Informer est à double-face: une intro inquiétante avant une cavalcade lumineuse qui ralentit progressivement pour laisser place à une ballade pop."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Informer is double-edged - an unsettling intro followed by a brilliant rush of sound that progressively slows down to make way for a pop ballad. A:", "doc_id": 87, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "temporary", "target": ["Devant l'urgence de la situation, le directeur de l'office Terres du Sud Habitat, a proposé, de manière exceptionnelle et provisoire, de reloger le couple et ses trois enfants dans un T4 neuf."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In view of the urgency of the situation, the director of the Terres du Sud Habitat office offered to provide exceptional, provisional rehousing for the couple and their three children in a new four-room house. A:", "doc_id": 882, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Wall Street Journal", "target": ["On a pu se rendre compte récemment de ce qui pourrait être le début d'une nouvelle guerre publicitaire avec la présentation aux financiers d’une photo montrant trois personnes les unes contre les autres au restaurant, intitulée « Est-ce que vous accepteriez ça ? »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It recently previewed what may be the start of a new ad war by showing financiers a slide illustrating three people squashed together at a restaurant, titled \"Would You Accept This?\" A:", "doc_id": 1669, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were examined, and a thorough check of the cinema revealed nothing.", "target": ["Les personnes ont été examinées et une reconnaissance complète de la salle n'a rien donné."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were examined, and a thorough check of the cinema revealed nothing. A:", "doc_id": 630, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a gigantic \"flea market\"", "target": ["Les méchantes langues ont pu y voir un gigantesque marché aux puces, présenté par un commentateur intelligent, doté d'un vif coup d'oeil et lesté d'érudition, mais incurablement dilettante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scandal-mongers have regarded this work as a gigantic \"flea market\", presented by an intelligent and very learned commentator with a keen eye, but who is an incurable \"dabbler\". A:", "doc_id": 2744, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "free", "target": ["Le ministère de l'Agriculture précise que le dernier cas \"autochtone\" de rage recensé remonte à décembre 1998 sur un renard et que \"la France est déclarée officiellement indemne de cette maladie en novembre 2001 par l'Office international des épizooties (OIE)\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Ministry of Agriculture states that the last recorded 'native' case of rabies was in December 1998 in a fox and that \"France was officially declared free of this disease by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in November 2001.\" A:", "doc_id": 2896, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo", "target": ["La chute de Goma a amené la Mission des Nations unies en RDC, la plus importante au monde en terme d'effectifs, à renforcer son mandat et à former une brigade rapide d'intervention composée de soldats sud-africains, malawites et tanzaniens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fall of Goma led the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the largest in the world in terms of numbers, to reinforce its mandate and form a rapid intervention force consisting of soldiers from South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania. A:", "doc_id": 691, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "transformation", "target": ["Même si, à l'APHP, on préfère employer le terme de \"transformation\" ou de \"changement dans la continuité\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the APHP, officials prefer the term \"transformation\" or \"change in continuity\" to closure. A:", "doc_id": 728, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the Tripodi", "target": ["Tripodi nie être influencé par Obeid"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tripodi denies being influenced by Obeid A:", "doc_id": 1728, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "taxpayers", "target": ["Facture qui, contrairement à de nombreuses communes, est en plus réglée par les contribuables, et non pas par les associations de commerçants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What's more, unlike in many communes, the bill is met by taxpayers rather than by business associations. A:", "doc_id": 516, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of On Wednesday it slashed the mileage award to 25 percent of the miles of the trip.", "target": ["Mercredi, elle a réduit les primes de miles de 25 % sur un voyage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Wednesday it slashed the mileage award to 25 percent of the miles of the trip. A:", "doc_id": 215, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He won", "target": ["C'était seulement la deuxième fois qu'il concourait avec Toffee et nous étions fous de joie qu'il ait gagné."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was only the second time he had competed with Toffee and we were all ecstatic when he won. A:", "doc_id": 2094, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Chen subsequently admitted on television that he had taken bribes to fabricate stories about a part state-owned company.", "target": ["Mais M. Chen a par la suite admis à la télévision qu'il avait accepté des pots-de-vin pour fabriquer des histoires au sujet d'une société semi-publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Mr Chen subsequently admitted on television that he had taken bribes to fabricate stories about a part state-owned company. A:", "doc_id": 2109, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He ran an office at his home address", "target": ["Lors d'un interrogatoire, il a déclaré qu'il possédait un bureau à son domicile, de même qu'à son lieu de travail et qu'il arrivait que des clients l'appellent chez lui pour des questions d'ordre juridique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a police interview he said he ran an office at his home address as well as work place and clients would call at his house on legal business. A:", "doc_id": 488, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "too far", "target": ["Les Etats-Unis sont parfois allés \"trop loin\" en matière d'espionnage, a reconnu le secrétaire d'Etat John Kerry, dans ce premier aveu de Washington en pleine polémique avec l'Europe sur la collecte massive de données par l'Agence nationale de sécurité (NSA)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The United States sometimes went \"too far\" with its espionage activities, Secretary of State John Kerry recognised in the first admission from Washington, which is deep in controversy with Europe over the massive collection of data by the National Security Agency (NSA). A:", "doc_id": 826, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We need to be careful about how we identify the true onset of puberty,", "target": ["« Nous devons être prudents quant à la façon dont nous identifions la véritable apparition de la puberté », a dit le Dr Lawrence Silverman, un pédo-endocrinologue travaillant à l'hôpital pour enfants Goryeb à Morristown, dans le New Jersey."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We need to be careful about how we identify the true onset of puberty,\" said Dr. Lawrence Silverman, a pediatric endocrinologist at Goryeb Children's Hospital in Morristown, New Jersey. A:", "doc_id": 1601, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a backbreaking pace, but village musicians usually help keep the team motivated.", "target": ["C'est un rythme éreintant, mais les musiciens des villages aident en général l'équipe à rester motivée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a backbreaking pace, but village musicians usually help keep the team motivated. A:", "doc_id": 2710, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sony dropped more than 11% to 1,668 yen.", "target": ["Sony a chuté de plus de 11% à 1 668 yens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sony dropped more than 11% to 1,668 yen. A:", "doc_id": 896, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Federal Communications Commission", "target": ["Le pouvoir réglementaire concernant les téléphones portables appartient à la Federal Communications Commission et non à la FAA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Regulatory authority over phone calls belongs to the Federal Communications Commission, not the FAA. A:", "doc_id": 1956, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nick Kroll rose to prominence on a deep-cable sitcom (FXX's gleefully raunchy fantasy-football-themed \"The League\") and now has his own Comedy Central sketch show.", "target": ["Nick Kroll a fait son apparition sur le devant de la scène dans une sitcom sur une chaîne câblée (« The League » sur le thème du fantasy football joyeusement lascif de la chaîne FXX) et a désormais son propre spectacle de sketchs sur Comedy Central."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nick Kroll rose to prominence on a deep-cable sitcom (FXX's gleefully raunchy fantasy-football-themed \"The League\") and now has his own Comedy Central sketch show. A:", "doc_id": 915, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Washington's growing interest in the Pacific suggests Britain will be left out in the Atlantic cold", "target": ["Toutefois, l'intérêt croissant de Washington pour le Pacifique laisse penser que la Grande-Bretagne sera laissée pour compte dans l'Atlantique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, Washington's growing interest in the Pacific suggests Britain will be left out in the Atlantic cold. A:", "doc_id": 1553, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "free", "target": ["Frontier a indiqué que les passagers qui prennent un soda ou un jus de fruit peuvent emporter la canette non ouverte avec eux, et ceux qui prennent du café peuvent être resservis gratuitement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier said passengers who get soda or juice can keep the whole can, and it will give coffee refills for free. A:", "doc_id": 207, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The box-set", "target": ["David Bowie a d'ailleurs fait les présentations de ce beau coffret dans une vidéo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moreover, David Bowie has introduced this fine box-set through a video. A:", "doc_id": 81, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Health Care Revolution", "target": ["Obama fait marche arrière sur sa réforme du système de santé"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obama's Health Care Walk Back A:", "doc_id": 2899, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "students", "target": ["Les étudiants bénévoles paient en général leur voyage jusqu'au Cameroun, et arrivent souvent avec du matériel médical collecté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The student volunteers usually pay their own way to Cameroon, often arriving with donated medical supplies. A:", "doc_id": 2723, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama has had worthy efforts thwarted by GOP obstructionism", "target": ["Il dit qu'Obama a fait des efforts louables déjoués par l'obstructionnisme du Parti républicain"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He says Obama has had worthy efforts thwarted by GOP obstructionism A:", "doc_id": 2320, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Jusqu'à récemment, Airbus soulignait la nécessité d'une plus grande personnalisation des cabines en offrant des sièges plus larges côté allée sur certains de ses avions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Until recently, Airbus was stressing the need for more cabin customization by offering wider aisle seats on some of its jets. A:", "doc_id": 1694, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Peter Hughes", "target": ["Peter Hughes était au Paddy's Bar lorsqu'un kamikaze y a fait sauter un sac à dos chargé d'explosifs à peine 20 secondes plus tôt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Peter Hughes was in Paddy's Bar where a suicide bomber detonated a backpack loaded with explosives just 20 seconds earlier. A:", "doc_id": 1921, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "conservation", "target": ["D'un point de vue conservation, il est essentiel de connaître ces différences génétiques, afin de protéger l'espèce et donc sa variabilité génétique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From the point of view of conservation, it is essential to be aware of genetic differences so a species and, thus, its genetic variability can be protected. A:", "doc_id": 2397, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were armed with Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers.", "target": ["Ils étaient armés de kalachnikov et de lance-roquettes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were armed with Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers. A:", "doc_id": 1095, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unfolding", "target": ["Se déroulant dans la France des années 1760, elle raconte la sombre histoire de Suzanne, une jeune aristocrate envoyée dans un couvent par sa famille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Unfolding in 1760s France, it tells the grim story of Suzanne, a young aristocrat sent to a convent by her family. A:", "doc_id": 1873, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United States", "target": ["Comment expliquer l'attitude contradictoire du gouvernement français, qui d'un coté s'offusque en public en convoquant l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis le 21 octobre, et de l'autre interdit le survol du territoire par l'avion présidentiel bolivien, sur la base de la rumeur de la présence à son bord d'Edward Snowden ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why the contradictory attitude of the French government? On the one hand, it publicly takes offence and summons the Ambassador of the United States on October 21 and, on the other, it forbids the Bolivian president's plane to enter its air space on the basis of a rumor that Edward Snowden was on board? A:", "doc_id": 1249, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Free Democrats", "target": ["Même en Allemagne, le parti eurosceptique Alternative pour l'Allemagne, fondé seulement cette année et arrivé de nulle part, a rassemblé presque cinq millions de voix lors des élections fédérales de septembre et a sorti le Parti libéral démocrate (équivalent de nos libéraux-démocrates) du Bundestag."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even in Germany, the Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany Party - founded only this year - came from nowhere to grab nearly five million votes in September's federal elections, thus effectively knocking the Free Democrats (equivalent to our own Lib Dems) out of the Bundestag. A:", "doc_id": 1529, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["« Nous voulons que la paix revienne ; nous voulons de la stabilité », a déclaré Vanessa de Sousa, directrice générale d'une société d'investissement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We want peace back; we want stability,\" said Vanessa de Sousa, chief executive of an investment company. A:", "doc_id": 777, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Extermination company", "target": ["L'entreprise de dératisation réalise deux passages par an, et en plus, nous intervenons, à notre charge, à chaque demande des habitants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The rat extermination company conducts two operations per year. Furthermore, we intervene at our own cost whenever there is a complaint from residents. A:", "doc_id": 886, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gestalt shapes", "target": ["Les encres de Michaux, comme des formes de Gestalt, ouvrent un imaginaire plus large et giboyeux que la danse, plus poreux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Michaux inks, like Gestalt shapes, provide a level of imagination broader and richer than dance, more porous. A:", "doc_id": 2514, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Civil Aviation Safety Authority", "target": ["La Civil Aviation Safety Authority a également déclaré qu'elle examinait l'annonce mais a souligné que les restrictions portant sur l'utilisation des appareils électroniques pendant les phases de vol critiques étaient toujours en vigueur en Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Civil Aviation Safety Authority also said it was looking at the announcement but emphasised that restrictions on the use of electronic devices in critical phases of flight were still in place in Australia. A:", "doc_id": 1784, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Il n'existe pas de recette, de mode d'emploi pour passer le mur de l'invisible et retrouver les siens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is no formula, no method for passing through the wall of the invisible to be with your loved ones. A:", "doc_id": 367, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Toffee", "target": ["Se présentant contre des hommes et des femmes en chapeaux melons élégants, il portait sa casquette plate un peu sur le côté de manière décontractée pour faire défiler son poney Toffee âgé de 2 ans autour de la piste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Taking to the stage against men and women in smart bowler hats, he tipped his flat cap at a jaunty angle and paraded two-year-old Toffee around the ring. A:", "doc_id": 2088, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The class action must first be deemed admissible by the Superior Court.", "target": ["Le recours collectif doit d'abord passer l'étape de la recevabilité en Cour supérieure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The class action must first be deemed admissible by the Superior Court. A:", "doc_id": 553, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Le procès du président Morsi est un faux procès s'insurge une pro-Morsi, c'est lui qui est censé faire juger Sisi, pas le contraire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The trial of President Morsi is a fake trial,\" says an angry Morsi supporter. \"He should be having Sisi tried, not the other way round. A:", "doc_id": 2862, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The shutdown of most federal administration services", "target": ["La fermeture pendant 16 jours de la plupart des administrations fédérales a pesé sur la croissance des ventes de voitures aux Etats-Unis en octobre, montrent les chiffres publiés vendredi par les constructeurs, cinq des six principaux ayant réalisé des performances inférieures aux attentes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to figures published on Friday by manufacturers, five of the top six of which have recorded results below expectations, the 16-day shutdown of most federal administration services suppressed growth in car sales in the USA in October. A:", "doc_id": 2577, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "homogeneous", "target": ["Ils vivent dans des habitats homogènes, ouverts, dans lesquels il y a de nombreux échanges génétiques entre les populations et les individus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They live in homogeneous, open habitats, in which there are numerous genetic exchanges between populations and individuals. A:", "doc_id": 2405, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Dans l'équipe de Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Vincent Roger, conseiller UMP de Paris et élu du 4e arrondissement, annonce clairement que \"même si l'UMP parisienne était pour le maintien des urgences à l'Hôtel-Dieu, ce serait techniquement et financièrement impossible de les rouvrir si on revient aux responsabilités\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet's team, Vincent Roger, a UMP councillor in Paris and MP of the 4th arrondissement, states clearly that \"even if the UMP in Paris supports the continuation of emergency services at Hôtel-Dieu, it would be technically and financially impossible to reopen them if you look at the duties.\" A:", "doc_id": 753, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The leaks have put the US government at the centre of a diplomatic storm with its allies.", "target": ["Les fuites ont mis le gouvernement américain au centre d'une tempête diplomatique avec ses alliés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The leaks have put the US government at the centre of a diplomatic storm with its allies. A:", "doc_id": 2941, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The number of Halloween", "target": ["Halloween 2013 : En chiffres"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Halloween 2013: By the Numbers A:", "doc_id": 1420, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "creating such a reserve", "target": ["La création d'une telle réserve marine permettrait au Royaume-Uni de sanctuariser ces 836.000 km2, à condition toutefois d'avoir les moyens d'en assurer la surveillance, ce qui n'est pas le cas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Creating such a reserve would permit the United Kingdom to protect the 836,000km2, provided it has the means to ensure it is policed - which it does not. A:", "doc_id": 2037, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mbuzi hill", "target": ["Hier, nous avons pris la colline de Bugina, qui surplombe celle de Mbuzi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yesterday, we took Bugina hill, which overlooks Mbuzi hill. A:", "doc_id": 1160, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "security camera footage", "target": ["Les médias kenyans ont suscité la colère des autorités en diffusant des images de caméras de vidéosurveillance sur lesquelles les troupes déployées sur la scène de l'attaque dérobaient soi-disant le centre commercial de luxe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kenya media drew the ire of authorities by broadcasting security camera footage of troops who were dispatched to the scene of the attack purportedly robbing the upmarket mall. A:", "doc_id": 585, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "also among the dead", "target": ["Parmi les morts, on estime également que 2 202 étaient des déserteurs et quelque 5 375 des combattants de l'opposition, dont bon nombre étaient étrangers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Also among the dead it said were 2,202 army defectors and some 5,375 opposition fighters, many of them foreigners. A:", "doc_id": 1890, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was supposed to figure out that governance may contradict the political campaigns that precede it", "target": ["Si, à 18 ans, j'étais supposé comprendre que la gouvernance pouvait contredire les campagnes politiques qui la précèdent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If, at 18 years old, I was supposed to figure out that governance may contradict the political campaigns that precede it. A:", "doc_id": 2347, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The group's generator", "target": ["Grâce à l'éclairage du groupe électrogène, la salle d'opération et la stérilisation du matériel, le Dr Bwelle et ses bénévoles travaillent jusqu'aux premières heures du dimanche matin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With the group's generator lighting the operating room and sanitizing equipment, Bwelle and his volunteers work into the early hours of Sunday morning. A:", "doc_id": 2709, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Asda chain of supermarkets", "target": ["\"Nous avons reçu plusieurs plaintes de clients, donc nous lui avons demandé de quitter le magasin\", a expliqué une porte-parole de la chaîne de supermarchés Asda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We received a number of complaints from customers, so we asked him to leave the shop,\" explained a spokesperson for the Asda chain of supermarkets. A:", "doc_id": 1844, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Tandis que certains prêteurs à taux réduit ont essuyé les critiques pour les taux d'intérêt exorbitants qu'ils pratiquent, Mlle Yeah indique que la mise en gage offre non seulement des taux moins élevés que les autres prêteurs, mais qu’en plus elle n'augmente pas directement la dette."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While some discount lenders have come under fire for high interest rates, Ms Yeah says that not only does pawning offer cheaper rates than other lenders, it also does not add directly to debt. A:", "doc_id": 1826, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cancer", "target": ["Notre mère nous a quittés après son combat épuisant contre le cancer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Our mother left us after an exhausting fight against cancer. A:", "doc_id": 372, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "5am", "target": ["\"Les spéléologues auraient dû ressortir aux alentours de 5h du matin\", a dit Thierry Larribe, conseiller technique au Spéléo secours en charge de l'organisation des secours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The potholders were due to return at around 5am,\" said Thierry Larribe, technical consultant at the cave-rescue organization who organized the rescue efforts. A:", "doc_id": 328, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "right", "target": ["De précédentes études avaient révélé que les chiens heureux remuaient davantage leur queue vers la droite (du point de vue du chien), tandis que les chiens nerveux la remuaient plus vers la gauche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier research had revealed that happy dogs wag their tails more to the right (from the dog's point of view), while nervous dogs have a left-dominated swish. A:", "doc_id": 2241, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The battle between the latest jets", "target": ["Comme Reuters l'a indiqué pour la première fois en juillet, la configuration des sièges est exactement ce qui alimente la bataille entre les tout derniers appareils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As Reuters first reported in July, seat layout is exactly what drives the battle between the latest jets. A:", "doc_id": 1683, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Attorney General for Texas, Republican Greg Abbott, who is canvassing for the role of governor, asked the court of appeal to overturn the judgement from the trial court blocking the application of the law.", "target": ["Mais l'Attorney General du Texas, le républicain Greg Abbott, qui brigue le poste de gouverneur, a demandé à la cour d'appel d'annuler le jugement de première instance qui bloquait l'application de la loi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the Attorney General for Texas, Republican Greg Abbott, who is canvassing for the role of governor, asked the court of appeal to overturn the judgement from the trial court blocking the application of the law. A:", "doc_id": 942, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This is what has been happening at the Père Lachaise crematorium since 1998.", "target": ["C'est le cas au crématorium du Père Lachaise, depuis 1998."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is what has been happening at the Père Lachaise crematorium since 1998. A:", "doc_id": 874, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The EU", "target": ["Enfin, et ce qui est plus parlant encore, notre enquête auprès des chefs d'entreprise a révélé qu'une importante majorité voulait voir la Grande-Bretagne poursuivre les initiatives en faveur d'un changement du traité et du développement d'une relation avec l'UE basée sur le commerce et non la politique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Finally, and most tellingly of all, our poll of business leaders found a clear majority wanted to see Britain pursue a course of treaty change and a relationship with the EU that is based on trade, not politics. A:", "doc_id": 1997, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Charlotte Gainsbourg", "target": ["De Björk à Charlotte Gainsbourg, en passant par Nicole Kidman, Lars von Trier a pour habitude de pousser ses actrices dans leurs derniers retranchements, toujours pour le meilleur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From Björk to Charlotte Gainsbourg through Nicole Kidman, Lars von Trier has a habit of pushing his actresses to the limit, always in a bid to achieve the best. A:", "doc_id": 624, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Wi-Fi", "target": ["La plupart des nouveaux avions de ligne et des autres avions qui ont été modifiés afin que les passagers puissent utiliser le Wi-Fi à des altitudes plus élevées, devraient satisfaire aux critères."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Most new airliners and other planes that have been modified so that passengers can use Wifi at higher altitudes are expected to meet the criteria. A:", "doc_id": 1947, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "VIP", "target": ["NEC propose ainsi la reconnaissance de VIP à l'entrée d'un hôtel ou d'un magasin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NEC is therefore proposing VIP recognition at the entrance of a hotel or store. A:", "doc_id": 2205, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DNA analysis", "target": ["Mais l'analyse de l'ADN est encore très longue et très coûteuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But DNA analysis still takes a long time and is expensive. A:", "doc_id": 2199, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He would speak to me, constantly encourage me, he lived in my body.", "target": ["Il me parlait, m'encourageait constamment, il habitait mon corps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He would speak to me, constantly encourage me, he lived in my body. A:", "doc_id": 389, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We've really enjoyed developing the Defender Challenge car", "target": ["Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir à développer le véhicule du Defender Challenge – le championnat va vraiment être palpitant. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We've really enjoyed developing the Defender Challenge car - it'll be a really fun championship. A:", "doc_id": 1466, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renamo", "target": ["Les assauts sur les anciens rebelles ont alors dégénéré lorsque les forces gouvernementales ont attaqué les bases de la Renamo et tenté de tuer Afonso Dhlakama, le leader du groupe, et Fernando Mazanga, le porte-parole de la Renamo, selon le Financial  Times."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Assaults on the former rebels then escalated as government forces attacked Renamo bases and attempted to kill Afonso Dhlakama, the group's leader, Fernando Mazanga, Renamo's spokesman, told the Financial Times. A:", "doc_id": 786, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Malaria", "target": ["De nombreuses personnes reçoivent un traitement contre le paludisme, la tuberculose, la malnutrition, le diabète, les parasites et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Many people are treated for malaria, tuberculosis, malnutrition, diabetes, parasites and sexually transmitted diseases. A:", "doc_id": 2705, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Liberal", "target": ["Le porte-parole libéral en matière d'anciens combattants, Jim Karygiannis, a demandé mercredi la réintégration du caporal Hawkins, tandis que le néo-démocrate Jack Harris a réclamé la fin immédiate de \"cette pratique honteuse\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Wednesday, the liberal spokesman for former service personnel, Jim Karygiannis, asked for Lance Corporal Hawkins to be reinstated, while the neo-democrat Jack Harris demanded an immediate end to \"this shameful practice\". A:", "doc_id": 111, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The firefighters were brilliant.", "target": ["Les pompiers ont été super."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The firefighters were brilliant. A:", "doc_id": 1496, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Danse Danse", "target": ["Retour en noir et blanc pour Marie Chouinard, qui présente à Danse Danse ses deux nouvelles chorégraphies de groupe: la première inspirée des encres et poèmes d'Henri Michaux, la deuxième insufflée par les fameux solos de piano Gymnopédies de Satie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a comeback in black and white for Marie Chouinard, who is staging \"A Danse Danse\", her two new group choreographies: the first inspired by the ink drawings and poems of Henri Michaux, the second inspired by the famous piano solos of Gymnopédies de Satie. A:", "doc_id": 2493, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We wish to apologise to all ticket holders for any inconvenience this has caused", "target": ["Nous souhaitons nous excuser auprès de tous les détenteurs de billet pour tout désagrément causé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We wish to apologise to all ticket holders for any inconvenience this has caused. A:", "doc_id": 2272, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was afraid of forgetting him", "target": ["J'avais tellement peur de l'oublier ou plutôt je ne savais pas comment j'allais continuer à le \"fréquenter\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was afraid of forgetting him, or perhaps I did not know how I was going to continue to \"spend time\" with him. A:", "doc_id": 366, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The car", "target": ["Entre l'aéroport et chez moi, de nombreuses motos suivent notre voiture que Roussin conduit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Numerous motorbikes followed our car, which was driven by Roussin, from the airport to my home. A:", "doc_id": 2820, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Death of a Friend", "target": ["Lou Reed est mort pendant une séance de tai chi"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lou Reed Dies During Tai Chi Session A:", "doc_id": 1410, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cocaine was split between three pumpkins that had been previously hollowed out.", "target": ["La cocaïne avait été répartie dans trois citrouilles ayant été préalablement vidées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cocaine was split between three pumpkins that had been previously hollowed out. A:", "doc_id": 640, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US is not a spy", "target": ["John Kerry a admis, fait sans précédent, que l'espionnage américain « était allé trop loin de manière inappropriée »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of John Kerry says US spying has \"reached too far inappropriately\" in unprecedented admission A:", "doc_id": 2938, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "London", "target": ["Les prix dans le centre de Londres affichent une croissance régulière d'année en année de 5,6 % mais ont été éclipsés par un « marché intérieur » en pleine croissance, le sud-ouest de la ville, le nord (7,4 %) et l'est (6,5 %) connaissant une reprise, selon les études de Savills."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prices in central London continued to show steady year-on-year growth of 5.6% but were overshadowed by a burgeoning \"domestic market\" with the city's south west, north (7.4%) and east (6.5%) all experiencing an uptick, according to research from Savills. A:", "doc_id": 2239, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The organisation merely indicated that the mediation was part of a process arising from a complaint.", "target": ["L'organisation a seulement signifié que la médiation fait partie du processus lors d'une plainte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The organisation merely indicated that the mediation was part of a process arising from a complaint. A:", "doc_id": 723, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Poland", "target": ["Dès lors, Titan pourrait déménager les machines vers la Pologne ou vers tout autre pays de l'Union européenne qui a encore sa propre monnaie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At that point, Titan could choose to move the machinery to Poland or any other country in the European Union that still has its own currency. A:", "doc_id": 271, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "terrorist organization", "target": ["Le mouvement islamique du Turkestan oriental est considéré comme une organisation terroriste par les Etats-Unis et les Nations unies."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The East Turkestan Islamic Movement is considered by the United States and the United Nations to be a terrorist organization. A:", "doc_id": 1076, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Inflation", "target": ["Le mandat unique de la BCE a toujours porté sur l'inflation, donc Mario Draghi et son équipe ont davantage de raisons d'agir lors de la réunion de la semaine prochaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ECB's sole mandate has always revolved around inflation, therefore Mario Draghi and his team have all the more reason to take action at their meeting next week. A:", "doc_id": 2452, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No valid safety reason", "target": ["Des détracteurs tels que la sénatrice Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., soutiennent qu'il n'existe aucune raison de sécurité valable pour ces interdictions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Critics such as Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., contend there is no valid safety reason for the prohibitions. A:", "doc_id": 1962, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renault", "target": ["Renault accuse vendredi la plus forte baisse de l'indice SBF 120 à Paris après que son partenaire Nissan Motor a annoncé avoir diminué de près de 20% sa prévision de bénéfice net annuel, rapportent des traders."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renault recorded the biggest drop on the SBF 120 index in Paris on Friday after its partner, Nissan Motors, announced that it had reduced its net annual profit forecast by almost 20%, traders report. A:", "doc_id": 2588, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Plus tôt ce soir, les trackers de serveurs en ligne ont noté que le site de la NSA avait été en panne pendant au moins 6 heures, et certains utilisateurs ne peuvent toujours pas accéder au site."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier this evening online server trackers noted the NSA's website had been down for at least six hours, and the site continues to be inaccessible for some users. A:", "doc_id": 226, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have even had problems at work because of these convictions.", "target": ["J'ai d'ailleurs eu des problèmes dans mon travail pour ces convictions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I have even had problems at work because of these convictions. A:", "doc_id": 438, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not counting the pirate publications", "target": ["\"Sans compter les éditions pirate\", ajoutait-il, désignant une pile de livres sur la table basse entre les bronzes ou les ivoires rapportés des 130 pays arpentés pour y situer ses romans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"That's not counting the pirate publications,\" he added, pointing to a pile of books on the low table, between the bronze and ivory artefacts collected from the 130 countries he had surveyed for the settings of his novels. A:", "doc_id": 1635, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Guangzhou-based New Express", "target": ["Le New Express basé à Guangzhou a publié un rare appel public pour la libération du journaliste Chen Yongzhou."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Guangzhou-based New Express made a rare public plea for the release of journalist Chen Yongzhou. A:", "doc_id": 2108, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the judge needed to be removed from the case because she ran afoul of the code of conduct for U.S. judges by compromising the necessity for a judge to avoid the appearance of partiality in part because of a series of media interviews and public statements responding publicly to criticism of the court", "target": ["La cour d'appel a déclaré que la juge devait être dessaisie du dossier car elle a enfreint le code de conduite des juges en compromettant la nécessité pour un juge d'éviter toute apparence de partialité, en partie en raison d'une série d'entretiens accordés aux médias et de déclarations publiques dans lesquels elle réagissait publiquement aux critiques de la cour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The appeals court said the judge needed to be removed from the case because she ran afoul of the code of conduct for U.S. judges by compromising the necessity for a judge to avoid the appearance of partiality in part because of a series of media interviews and public statements responding publicly to criticism of the court. A:", "doc_id": 963, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She would probably have fallen", "target": ["Le vétérinaire a dit que si elle avait été trop épuisée et qu'elle s'était évanouie, elle serait probablement tombée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The vet said that if she became too exhausted and collapsed she would probably have fallen. A:", "doc_id": 1491, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Lorsque j'étais petit, Halloween était magique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When I was little, Halloween was magical. A:", "doc_id": 1421, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the East Turkestan Islamic Movement", "target": ["Meng Jianzhu, membre du Bureau politique en charge des questions de sécurité intérieure, a accusé le mouvement islamique du Turkestan oriental d'être l'instigateur de cette attaque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meng Jianzhu, a member of the politburo in charge of internal security issues, accused the East Turkestan Islamic Movement of instigating the attack. A:", "doc_id": 1068, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "depreciation expenses", "target": ["L'entreprise établie à Montréal explique ce recul par des coûts d'amortissements reliés à de nouvelles acquisitions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Montreal-based company says this drop is due to depreciation expenses relating to recent acquisitions. A:", "doc_id": 156, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They had searched frantically for their missing dog", "target": ["Ils avaient cherché désespérément leur chienne perdue et lancé un appel sur les sites de réseaux sociaux après qu'elle a disparu dans la carrière suite à un accident sans gravité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They had searched frantically for their missing dog and posted appeals on social networking sites after she had ran into the quarry following the minor accident. A:", "doc_id": 1475, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Last Four Injured in Violent Skirmish", "target": ["Pia: au moins quatre blessés dans une violente bagarre"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pia: At Least Four Injured in Violent Skirmish A:", "doc_id": 1798, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "So as your mouth warms up the protein it will raise the pH level and the ice cream will glow.", "target": ["Donc lorsque votre bouche réchauffe la protéine, le niveau de pH augmente et la glace se met à briller."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So as your mouth warms up the protein it will raise the pH level and the ice cream will glow. A:", "doc_id": 1400, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "public service", "target": ["L'exercice de fonctions publiques est une question de service public."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Public office is about public service. A:", "doc_id": 2382, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Monaco", "target": ["Le PSG, leader du championnat devant Monaco à la différence de buts, a diffusé la liste des joueurs retenu pour ce match de la 12e journée, sans qu'y figure l'attaquant de 32 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of PSG, who are top of the league ahead of Monaco on goal difference, issued the team sheet for the match, which is the 12th of the season, on which the 32-year-old striker did not appear. A:", "doc_id": 850, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "100,000", "target": ["Le 25 juillet, l'ONU a estimé que 100 000 personnes étaient mortes dans le conflit depuis mars 2011."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On July 25, the U.N. estimated 100,000 have died in the conflict since March 2011. A:", "doc_id": 1891, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["M. Ströbele, député Vert allemand, a publié une photo de lui avec M. Snowden sur son compte Twitter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Ströbele, an MP for Germany's Green party, published a picture of himself with Mr Snowden on his Twitter feed. A:", "doc_id": 131, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I voted for Obama again in 2012, but not because I was excited by his candidacy.", "target": ["J'ai à nouveau voté pour Obama en 2012, mais pas parce que j'étais enthousiasmé par sa candidature."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I voted for Obama again in 2012, but not because I was excited by his candidacy. A:", "doc_id": 2351, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "also, Mr. Montebourg needs a commitment from Titan before trying to get the CGT to sit down with Goodyear.", "target": ["Aussi M. Montebourg a-t-il besoin d'un engagement de Titan avant d'essayer d'amener la CGT à s'asseoir à la table avec Goodyear."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Also, Mr. Montebourg needs a commitment from Titan before trying to get the CGT to sit down with Goodyear. A:", "doc_id": 275, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The final version of the film will last 2 hours 45 minutes.", "target": ["Il semblerait que le film dure finalement 2h45."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Apparently, the final version of the film will last 2 hours 45 minutes. A:", "doc_id": 1021, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "local commander of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Khaled Abou Bakr", "target": ["Un commandant local des Brigades Ezzedine Al-Qassam, Khaled Abou Bakr, et un autre cadre de la branche armée du Hamas, Rabieh Barikeh, ont été tués par un tir d'obus de char lors d'une incursion de l'armée israélienne à l'est de Khan Younès, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, selon des sources médicales locales."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A local commander of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Khaled Abou Bakr, and another officer of the armed wing of Hamas, Rabieh Barikeh, were killed by a tank shell during an incursion by the Israeli army east of Khan Younes, in the south of the Gaza Strip, according to local medical sources. A:", "doc_id": 2469, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The merger brings together the world's second largest agency, Omnicom, and the third largest, Publicis.", "target": ["La fusion rapproche en effet la deuxième agence mondiale, Omnicom, et la troisième, Publicis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The merger brings together the world's second largest agency, Omnicom, and the third largest, Publicis. A:", "doc_id": 676, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Maurane", "target": ["Quelque 10 000 candidats se sont présentés aux auditions de cette 10e saison, pour affronter le jury: Maurane, le méchant Sinclair, le perché André Manoukian et Olivier Bas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some 10,000 candidates turned up at the auditions to face the jury for this 10th season: Maurane, the naughty Sinclair, the high-pitched André Manoukian and Olivier Bas. A:", "doc_id": 946, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The violence is at the centre of the talks in the United States with Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki, who will be received by President Barack Obama on Friday, two years after their last meeting on 12 December 2011.", "target": ["Les violences sont au centre des entretiens aux États-Unis du premier ministre Nouri Al Maliki qui sera reçu vendredi par le président Barack Obama, deux ans après leur précédente rencontre, le 12 décembre 2011."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The violence is at the centre of the talks in the United States with Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki, who will be received by President Barack Obama on Friday, two years after their last meeting on 12 December 2011. A:", "doc_id": 1058, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["« L'avion d'essai n'est pas resté au sol plus longtemps que prévu », a déclaré M. Beaudoin lors d'une conférence téléphonique, ajoutant que les essais au sol et les mises à jour logicielles étaient prévus pendant le temps d'arrêt de l'avion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The test plane didn't stay on the ground longer than anticipated,\" Beaudoin said in a conference call, adding that ground tests and software updates were scheduled during the plane's downtime. A:", "doc_id": 301, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Thank you", "target": ["On leur est tellement reconnaissants, chacun d'eux a été absolument formidable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We are just so grateful and every single one of them was absolutely tremendous. A:", "doc_id": 1494, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rep. Bill Shuster", "target": ["Mais le représentant Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), président du Comité des transports de la Chambre des représentants, a déclaré qu'il le considérait aussi comme l'alternative la plus viable à long terme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Transportation Committee, has said he, too, sees it as the most viable long-term alternative. A:", "doc_id": 28, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He should be put in front of the firing squad", "target": ["« Il devrait être traîné devant le peloton d'exécution », a déclaré Mme Corteen à l'AAP."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He should be put in front of the firing squad,\" Ms Corteen told AAP. A:", "doc_id": 1918, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Des inconnus encagoulés ont ouvert le feu ce vendredi sur un hôtel proche des pyramides du Caire en Égypte sans faire de victimes, conséquence d'une apparente querelle avec des salariés licenciés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Unknown persons wearing hoods opened fire on a hotel close to the pyramids in Cairo, Egypt this Friday. Nobody was hurt in the incident which apparently resulted from an argument involving workers who had been made redundant. A:", "doc_id": 2620, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the bad bank", "target": ["La banque et Londres ont souligné que la \"bad bank\" permettrait de tirer un trait sur le passé, le gouvernement ayant en particulier été accusé de s'ingérer dans la gestion de RBS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The bank and the City have stressed that the \"bad bank\" would enable a break-off from the past, government in particular having been accused of interfering in the management of RBS. A:", "doc_id": 1458, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gas leak", "target": ["L'explosion d'une habitation à Gesves, qui a fait deux blessés graves vendredi matin, une grand-mère de 52 ans et son petit-fils de 5 ans, est due à une fuite de gaz provenant d'un chauffe-eau défectueux, a indiqué vendredi soir la substitute du procureur du Roi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of leading to an explosion in a house in Gesves that left two people seriously injured on Friday morning - the 52-year-old grandmother and her 5-year-old grandson. The explosion was caused by a gas leak in a faulty water heater, the assistant public prosecutor said on Friday evening. A:", "doc_id": 2545, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Epinephrine", "target": ["Les assemblées législatives des États ont récemment actualisé les règlements pour permettre aux écoles d'avoir plus facilement de l'épinéphrine en stock."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of State legislatures have recently been updating rules to allow schools to stock epinephrine more easily. A:", "doc_id": 1245, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He still needs to find candidates to form lists and defend his ideas in the political arena.", "target": ["Reste à trouver des candidats pour former des listes et défendre ses idées sur la scène politique\".Pour les élections municipales de 2014, cela risque d'être juste, reconnaît-il\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He still needs to find candidates to form lists and defend his ideas in the political arena. \"It is likely that may be done just in time for the 2014 municipal elections,\" he acknowledges. A:", "doc_id": 2933, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "city", "target": ["Et même si nous sommes des citadins, c'est notre maison spirituelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even though we are city dwellers, this is our spiritual home. A:", "doc_id": 1417, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Goma", "target": ["Fief politique et dernière place forte de la rébellion, cette localité est située à la frontière ougandaise, à environ 80 km au nord de Goma."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The town, which is a political stronghold and the final bastion of the rebellion, lies on the border with Uganda, around 80km north of Goma. A:", "doc_id": 1165, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mohamed Morsi", "target": ["Lors de son investiture devant la Haute cour constitutionnelle, M. Morsi est également devenu le premier président islamiste librement élu du monde arabe et le cinquième chef d'État d'Égypte depuis le renversement de la monarchie il y a 60 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At his inauguration before the Supreme Constitutional Court, Morsi also became the Arab world's first freely elected Islamist president and Egypt's fifth head of state since the overthrow of the monarchy some 60 years ago. A:", "doc_id": 2560, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google continues to infringe", "target": ["« Bien qu'ayant échoué dans sa tentative d'acquérir les brevets en cause au cours des enchères, Google a violé et continue à violer lesdits brevets », ont indiqué les conclusions du procès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Despite losing in its attempt to acquire the patents-in-suit at auction, Google has infringed and continues to infringe,\" the lawsuit said. A:", "doc_id": 2541, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airlines", "target": ["« Dès qu'une compagnie aérienne a vérifié la tolérance de sa flotte, elle peut autoriser les passagers à utiliser des appareils électroniques portables légers, comme des tablettes, des lecteurs de livres électroniques et des smartphones à toutes les altitudes », a déclaré la FAA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Once an airline verifies the tolerance of its fleet, it can allow passengers to use handheld, lightweight electronic devices such as tablets, e-readers, and smartphones-at all altitudes,\" the FAA said. A:", "doc_id": 1795, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "South Stream", "target": ["South Stream devrait permettre de diversifier les voies d'exportation de la Russie vers l'Europe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of South Stream is meant to add diversity to Russia's export routes through Europe. A:", "doc_id": 2021, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not profitable", "target": ["Si ces installations ne sont pas rentables, qu'on les vende à l'entreprise privée ou qu'on les démolisse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These facilities are not profitable, so they should be sold to private businesses or demolished. A:", "doc_id": 2143, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ETSIM", "target": ["\"Le soutien en coulisses à l'attentat est venu du Mouvement islamique du Turkestan oriental basé en Asie centrale et occidentale\", a déclaré le patron des organes de sécurité chinois à une chaîne de télévision de Hong Kong, selon une vidéo mise en ligne jeudi soir sur un site internet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Behind-the-scenes support for the attack came from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) based in central and western Asia,\" declared the head of the Chinese security services to a Hong Kong television channel, according to a video posted online on Thursday evening. A:", "doc_id": 1507, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "boulevard", "target": ["Peu de pièces de théâtre partent en tournée et c'est souvent du ­théâtre de boulevard destiné aux adultes et non aux jeunes adultes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Few theatrical productions go on tour and most of them are usually \"boulevard theatre\", intended for adults, not adolescents. A:", "doc_id": 1137, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He does not want multi-party democracy, he does not want transparent elections he does not want peace because he does not want to leave the presidency,", "target": ["« Il ne veut pas d'une démocratie multipartite, il ne veut pas d'élections transparentes, il ne veut pas la paix car il ne veut pas quitter la présidence », a déclaré M. Mazanga."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He does not want multi-party democracy, he does not want transparent elections he does not want peace because he does not want to leave the presidency,\" Mr Mazanga said. A:", "doc_id": 802, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Mais il n'y a eu qu'une légère avancée de l'âge des premières règles au cours des quatre dernières décennies."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But there has been only a slight shift in the age of menarche (the first period) over the past four decades. A:", "doc_id": 1573, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He got too close to certain clients, in particular Scarborough, and he allowed his independence to be compromised.", "target": ["Il s'est trop rapproché de certains clients, en particulier Scarborough, et il a laissé compromettre son indépendance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He got too close to certain clients, in particular Scarborough, and he allowed his independence to be compromised. A:", "doc_id": 497, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "University of Cairo", "target": ["Fondée en 1908 et ancien bastion de l'éducation laïque, l'université du Caire est devenue plus tard un fief des groupes d'étudiants islamistes dans les années 1970."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Established in 1908 as a bastion of secular education, Cairo University later became a stronghold of Islamist student groups in the 1970s. A:", "doc_id": 2572, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "risk factor", "target": ["Cette semaine, l'agence de notation Standard & Poor's a cité l'endettement croissant des ménages, découlant principalement de la hausse des prêts hypothécaires, comme un facteur de risque pour la solvabilité des banques asiatiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This week Standard & Poor's, the rating agency, cited increasing household leverage, mainly from rising mortgages, as a risk factor for Asian banks\" creditworthiness. A:", "doc_id": 1814, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Congress can't agree on whether to proceed", "target": ["Et tandis que les membres du Congrès n'arrivent pas à se mettre d'accord pour savoir s'il faut continuer, plusieurs États n'ont pas attendu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And while Congress can't agree on whether to proceed, several states are not waiting. A:", "doc_id": 10, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "scandal", "target": ["Un scandale sur la présence de viande de cheval dans des plats cuisinés a éclaté en Europe au début de l'année, à la suite de tests effectués en Irlande."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A scandal on the presence of horse meat in prepared meals had broken out in Europe at the beginning of the year, following tests carried out in Ireland. A:", "doc_id": 173, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Movie", "target": ["Spectaculaire saut en \"wingsuit\" au-dessus de Bogota"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Spectacular Wingsuit Jump Over Bogota A:", "doc_id": 0, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire started in a three-apartment house on four floors", "target": ["Les flammes se sont déclarées dans une maison de trois logements répartis sur quatre étages située derrière la cour du Séminaire de Québec."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fire started in a three-apartment house on four floors, situated behind the yard of the Quebec Seminary. A:", "doc_id": 900, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anti-austerity", "target": ["Le gouvernement SNP d’Écosse est – et c'est à noter – le mouvement politique anti-austérité qui a le mieux réussi en Europe, puisqu'il a remporté une majorité spectaculaire en 2011 fondée sur son opposition aux coupes sombres proposées (et mises en œuvre) par le Chancelier de l'échiquier travailliste, Alistair Darling, et la coalition conservateurs/libéraux-démocrates qui a suivi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The SNP government in Scotland is - remarkably-- the most successful anti-austerity political movement in Europe, having won a spectacular majority in 2011 on the basis of opposing the cuts proposed (and implemented) by Labour's chancellor Alistair Darling and the subsequent Tory-Lib Dem coalition. A:", "doc_id": 1560, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If it went ahead, she would register her clear disagreement", "target": ["Si c'était le cas, elle marquerait son désaccord net, souligne Bruno Julliard, son porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If it went ahead, she would register her clear disagreement, stresses Bruno Juillard, her spokesman. A:", "doc_id": 755, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "there aren't many doctors in the west African country", "target": ["Il n'y a pas beaucoup de médecins dans ce pays d'Afrique occidentale, à peine 1 pour 5 000 habitants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There aren't many doctors in the west African country; just one for every 5,000 people A:", "doc_id": 2669, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the M23", "target": ["Des accrochages sont signalés dans les collines qui dominent Bunagana, la dernière localité aux mains des insurgés à être tombée cette semaine, ainsi qu'aux alentours de Runyoni, une colline où la rébellion du M23 a vu le jour en 2012."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Skirmishes were reported in the hills above Bunagana, the last town in the hands of the rebels to fall this week, and around Runyoni, a hill where the M23 rebellion started in 2012. A:", "doc_id": 689, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Science of the Human Body", "target": ["Comment la biométrie va envahir nos vies"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How Biometrics Will Invade Our Lives A:", "doc_id": 2176, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He must do", "target": ["Il est évident qu'il est au courant du deuxième, la surveillance, il ne peut pas en être autrement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obviously he knows about the second, surveillance, he must do. A:", "doc_id": 1030, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we are not asking the world to stand by our side and support us, but we have the right to ask the world because we are part of it", "target": ["\"Nous ne disons pas au monde d'être à nos côtés et de nous soutenir, nous avons le droit de le demander au monde parce que nous en faisons partie\", a déclaré Al-Maliki ce jeudi à Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We are not asking the world to stand by our side and support us, but we have the right to ask the world because we are part of it,\" declared Al-Maliki in Washington this Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 460, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The financial year ends A", "target": ["D'ici la fin de l'année financière, nous aurons sept nouveaux pharmaciens et trois retours de maternité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"By the end of the financial year, we will have seven new pharmacists and three back from maternity leave. A:", "doc_id": 610, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "essential", "target": ["\"Cette mission était impérative en raison du risque d'utilisation du tunnel terroriste pour des attaques contre des civils israéliens\", a indiqué par ailleurs le porte-parole de l'armée Peter Lerner."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This mission was essential because of the risk of the terrorist tunnel being used for attacks against Israeli civilians,\" said army spokesperson, Peter Lerner. A:", "doc_id": 2485, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They want to avoid war", "target": ["Le Frelimo et la Renamo insistent pour dire qu'ils souhaitent tous les deux éviter la guerre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Both Frelimo and Renamo insist they want to avoid war. A:", "doc_id": 790, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Illinois", "target": ["L'Illinois tente un essai sur un nombre limité de camions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Illinois is trying it on a limited basis with trucks. A:", "doc_id": 40, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of New anti-nicotine vaccine could take the pleasure out of smoking", "target": ["Le nouveau vaccin anti-nicotine pourrait supprimer le plaisir de fumer"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of New anti-nicotine vaccine could take the pleasure out of smoking A:", "doc_id": 1704, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1", "target": ["Des tests de routine ont révélé que les produits, élaborés en janvier en Roumanie et vendus par les chaînes Home Bargains et Quality Save, contenaient de l'ADN de cheval à hauteur de 1 à 5%."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Routine tests revealed that products processed in Romania in January and sold by shops of the Home Bargains and Quality Save chains contained between 1 and 5% of horse DNA. A:", "doc_id": 171, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["Royal Bank of Scotland (-6,26%) marque la plus mauvaise performance de l'EuroFirst300, après avoir également publié des résultats en baisse ce matin et annoncé la création en interne d'une structure de défaisance (\"bad bank\") regroupant 38 milliards de livres d'actifs les plus risqués."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Royal Bank of Scotland (-6.26%) recorded the worst performance in the EuroFirst300, after also reporting a decline in earnings this morning and announcing the creation of an internal bad bank structure covering £38 000 million of its highest risk assets. A:", "doc_id": 2449, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Paris is finally finding its voice", "target": ["Après Broadway et Londres, Paris trouve enfin sa voix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After Broadway and London, Paris is finally finding its voice. A:", "doc_id": 1109, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "biometric timekeeper", "target": ["\"Une pointeuse biométrique évite le phénomène du copain qui pointe pour un autre\", justifie Cyrille Bataller, d'Accenture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"A biometric timekeeper prevents the situation where one colleague clocks in on behalf of another,\" asserts Cyrille Bataller from Accenture. A:", "doc_id": 2210, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The price of crude has fallen", "target": ["L'offre abondante de pétrole brut a pesé sur le prix au cours des dernières semaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ample supplies of crude have weighed on the price in recent weeks. A:", "doc_id": 928, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to these sources", "target": ["Selon ces sources, ces activistes conduisaient une opération de surveillance dans la zone frontalière entre le territoire palestinien et Israël lorsqu'ils ont essuyé un tir d'obus d'un blindé israélien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to these sources, the activists were conducting a surveillance operation in the border area between the Palestinian territory and Israel, when they were shelled by an Israeli tank. A:", "doc_id": 824, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Aaron Hudgins", "target": ["Aaron Hudgins, âgé de 30 ans, a été arrêté vendredi matin suivant des perquisitions à son domicile et au bureau du Conseil national de la recherche où il travaille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Aaron Hudgins, aged 30, was arrested on Friday morning following a search at his home and at the National Research Council office where he works. A:", "doc_id": 1836, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He said it was intended to avoid contamination of evidence but was \"overzealous\" and poorly executed.", "target": ["Il a déclaré que cette décision était destinée à éviter toute contamination des éléments de preuve mais qu'il s'agissait d'un « excès de zèle » et qu'elle avait été mal mise en œuvre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said it was intended to avoid contamination of evidence but was \"overzealous\" and poorly executed. A:", "doc_id": 2076, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The government", "target": ["Certains commentateurs ont interprété son utilisation de la force comme la tentative d'un mouvement malade d'obtenir des concessions et un trésor de guerre de la part du gouvernement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some commentators have interpreted its use of force as the attempt of an ailing movement to win concessions and financial spoils from the government. A:", "doc_id": 799, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why should an independent Scotland be expected to do Europe's bidding, anyway?", "target": ["Pourquoi une Écosse indépendante devrait-elle suivre les instructions de l'Europe, en fait ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why should an independent Scotland be expected to do Europe's bidding, anyway? A:", "doc_id": 1524, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The bank", "target": ["La banque, qui a refusé de commenter les suspensions, a confirmé ce mois-ci avoir reçu des demandes d'informations de la part des régulateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The bank, which declined to comment on the suspensions, confirmed this month that it has received requests for information from regulators. A:", "doc_id": 2415, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "good", "target": ["Le Dr Jack Drescher, psychiatre à New York et spécialiste des questions d'identification sexuelle, a déclaré que la nouvelle loi allemande « semble être une bonne idée »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of New York City psychiatrist Dr. Jack Drescher, who specializes in issues of gender identification, said the new German law \"sounds like a good thing.\" A:", "doc_id": 1282, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "UK", "target": ["Elle montre également que les entreprises espèrent que la renégociation constituera un changement significatif dans l'équilibre actuel du pouvoir en faveur d'un retour aux mains du Royaume-Uni."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It also shows that business expects that renegotiation to make a significant shift in the current balance of power back towards the UK. A:", "doc_id": 2001, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rwanda", "target": ["L'ONU et Kinshasa accusent régulièrement l'Ouganda et le Rwanda de soutenir le M23, ce que réfutent Kigali et Kampala."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The UN and Kinshasa regularly accuse Uganda and Rwanda of supporting the M23. Kigali and Kampala have denied the accusations. A:", "doc_id": 1101, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "July 5", "target": ["Le raid s'est déroulé dans des circonstances à peu près identiques à celui qui avait eu lieu le 5 juillet: à l'époque, c'est aussi un responsable américain anonyme qui avait confirmé à CNN une attaque israélienne, visant cette fois-ci des missiles sol-mer Yakhont, livrés par la Russie à Damas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The raid took place under circumstances almost identical to that of July 5: on that occasion, it was also an unnamed American official who confirmed to CNN an Israeli attack that targeted Yakhont ground-to-air missiles supplied to Damascus by Russia. A:", "doc_id": 651, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Blair", "target": ["Depuis son départ en juin 2007 après une décennie à la tête du pays, M. Blair a largement évité de discuter de la politique britannique, limitant ses commentaires aux affaires étrangères et à son rôle d'envoyé spécial du Quatuor pour le processus de paix au Moyen-Orient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since he stood down in June 2007 after a decade as leader, Mr Blair has largely avoided discussing British politics, confining most of his comments to foreign affairs and his role as envoy to the Quartet of Middle East peacemakers. A:", "doc_id": 2082, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The music is loud,", "target": ["Ici, la musique est forte, percussions et guitares électriques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this performance, the music is loud,accompanied by percussion and electric guitars. A:", "doc_id": 2504, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "12.5", "target": ["Aux États-Unis, l'âge moyen est de 12 ans et demi, alors qu'il était de 12 ans trois quarts en 1970."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the United States, the average age is 12.5 years, down from 12.75 in 1970. A:", "doc_id": 1574, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Il existe trois manières de rendre la biométrie séduisante aux yeux du grand public."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are three ways to make biometrics appealing to the general public. A:", "doc_id": 2217, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["Cela a inspiré aux membres du comité consultatif de la FAA des sentiments mitigés quant à la question de savoir si l'utilisation des appareils présente ou non un risque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of FAA advisory committee members expressed mixed feelings about whether use of the devices presents any risk. A:", "doc_id": 1975, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Airport", "target": ["L'aéroport de Los Angeles évacué après une fusillade"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Los Angeles Airport Evacuated After Shooting A:", "doc_id": 519, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That's not the way", "target": ["« Ce n'est pas la bonne façon de faire », indique Hasso Plattner, président de la société de logiciels d'entreprise allemande, SAP."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"That's not the way,\" Hasso Plattner, chairman of German business software company SAP, says. A:", "doc_id": 1190, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The attacks in Madrid in March 2004 and those in London in July 2005", "target": ["Invoquant les attentats du 11 Septembre 2001, les attaques de Madrid en mars 2004 et celles de Londres en juillet 2005, John Kerry a assuré que les autorités américaines avaient depuis déjoué de nombreux projets d'attentats, grâce à l'interception de communications et la collecte d'informations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Citing the attacks of 11 September 2001, the attacks in Madrid in March 2004 and those in London in July 2005, John Kerry assured that the American authorities had since thwarted numerous planned attacks thanks to the interception of communications and the collection of data. A:", "doc_id": 830, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we no longer have the means to pay $100,000 for fireworks, $4-5 million for land just in case...", "target": ["Nous n'avons plus les moyens de nous payer des feux d'artifice à 100 000 $, des terrains de 4 à 5 millions $ pour au cas où..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We no longer have the means to pay $100,000 for fireworks, $4-5 million for land just in case... A:", "doc_id": 980, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of or sell it to someone else, which is what happened.", "target": ["\"Ou soit il le vendait à quelqu'un d'autre et c'est ce qui s'est passé\", explique Paul Arsenault, titulaire de la Chaire de tourisme Transat à l'École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of or sell it to someone else, which is what happened,\" explains Paul Arsenault, holder of the Transat Chair in Tourism at the School of Management at the UQAM. A:", "doc_id": 245, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe", "target": ["Il y a toujours eu une opposition nationale au projet de création d'une Europe fédérale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There has always been domestic opposition to the plan to create a federal Europe. A:", "doc_id": 1530, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chrysler", "target": ["De son côté, Chrysler, contrôlé par Fiat a annoncé une hausse de 11% de ses ventes à 140 083 véhicules, contre 143 536 attendues."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On its part, Chrysler, which is controlled by Fiat, announced an 11% increase in sales with 140,083 vehicles, against an expected 143,536. A:", "doc_id": 2584, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FAA Administrator Michael Huerta", "target": ["La rapidité avec laquelle le changement sera mis en place variera d'une compagnie aérienne à l'autre, a déclaré l'administrateur de la FAA Michael Huerta lors d'une conférence de presse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How fast the change is implemented will vary by the airline, FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said at a news conference. A:", "doc_id": 1938, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Early that evening", "target": ["En début de soirée, des dizaines d'habitants traversaient la frontière, certains avec un matelas sur la tête, pour passer la nuit en Ouganda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Early that evening, dozens of residents were crossing the border, some with mattresses on their heads, to spend the night in Uganda. A:", "doc_id": 1106, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the show", "target": ["Ces spectacles sont très attendus quand ils arrivent dans un Zénith de province."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The shows are eagerly expected by the time they reach a provincial Zénith (theatre). A:", "doc_id": 1142, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She was in a precarious situation.", "target": ["Le spécialiste des secours techniques Andy Clayton a déclaré : « Elle était dans une situation précaire. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Specialist Technical Rescue Officer Andy Clayton said: 'She was in a precarious situation. A:", "doc_id": 1478, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There was a shooting in Los Angeles International Airport.", "target": ["Une fusillade a eu lieu à l'aéroport international de Los Angeles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There was a shooting in Los Angeles International Airport. A:", "doc_id": 520, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "interceptions", "target": ["Ces interceptions auraient lieu en dehors des Etats-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These interceptions apparently took place outside the USA. A:", "doc_id": 840, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He knew about the first case but did not know about the second one", "target": ["M. Hare a déclaré à Gail Furness, avocat-conseil auprès de la Commission, qu'il avait eu connaissance de la première affaire mais qu'il n'était pas au courant de la seconde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Hare told Gail Furness, counsel assisting the Commission, he knew about the first case but did not know about the second one. A:", "doc_id": 2063, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The family refused \"for financial reasons\"", "target": ["Pourtant, la famille refuse \"pour raison financière\" et la situation est bloquée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, the family refused \"for financial reasons\" and the situation is at stalemate. A:", "doc_id": 883, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I suspect that Scotland could do well inside a looser European arrangement provided we kept our own currency.", "target": ["Je crois que l'Écosse pourrait s'accommoder d'un accord européen plus libre à condition que nous gardions notre propre devise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I suspect that Scotland could do well inside a looser European arrangement provided we kept our own currency. A:", "doc_id": 1557, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Mr Ditta has betrayed this trust and attempted to hide behind the veneer of his profession.", "target": ["M. Ditta a trahi cette confiance et tenté de s'abriter derrière le vernis de sa profession."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Ditta has betrayed this trust and attempted to hide behind the veneer of his profession. A:", "doc_id": 502, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After the test plane's inaugural flight", "target": ["Après le vol inaugural de l'avion d'essai il y a environ un mois et demi, ce dernier n'a volé que trois fois, et la question s'est alors posée de savoir si la phase d'essai était en bonne voie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After the test plane's inaugural flight about a month and a half ago, it has only flown three more times, raising questions over whether the testing phase is on track. A:", "doc_id": 289, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "team of biologists", "target": ["Une équipe de biologistes dirigée par la Wildlife Conservation Society de New York a identifié une nouvelle espèce de dauphin à bosse au large des côtes septentrionales de l'Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A team of biologists working for the Wildlife Conservation Society of New York has identified a new humpback dolphin species living off the northern coast of Australia. A:", "doc_id": 2384, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Davis", "target": ["Comme Llewyn Davis qui refuse tout compromis sur sa musique, la star pop explique que dans une carrière, \"le plus important c'est de ne pas se laisser coincer par tout ce qui peut nous empêcher de nous exprimer\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Like Llewyn Davis, who refuses to compromise on his music, the pop star says that in a career, \"the most important thing is to avoid getting trapped by things that prevent us from expressing ourselves\". A:", "doc_id": 1624, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Engineer", "target": ["Un travailleur meurt enseveli sous des blocs de béton"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Worker Dies Buried Under Concrete Blocks A:", "doc_id": 2305, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The news was reported on Thursday by the National Catholic Reporter", "target": ["La nouvelle a été rapportée jeudi par le \"National Catholic Reporter\", un journal catholique indépendant des États-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The news was reported on Thursday by the National Catholic Reporter, an independent Catholic newspaper in the United States. A:", "doc_id": 1082, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Share with us your thoughts in the comments below", "target": ["Dites-nous ce que vous en pensez dans les commentaires ci-dessous."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Share with us your thoughts in the comments below. A:", "doc_id": 2665, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Foreign", "target": ["S'ils ne répondent pas aux critères pour les déploiements à l'étranger, ils peuvent être forcés de quitter l'armée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If they do not meet the criteria for overseas deployment, they can be forced to leave the army. A:", "doc_id": 109, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Berlusconi", "target": ["Mais une partie de son camp, regroupée autour du secrétaire national du Peuple de la liberté (PDL) Angelino Alfano, continue à soutenir le gouvernement, comme l'a démontré le 2 octobre dernier son refus de céder aux injonctions de Berlusconi qui souhaitait déjà faire chuter le cabinet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But one section of his camp, centered around the national secretary of the People of Freedom (PDL) party, Angelino Alfano, is continuing to support the government, as it demonstrated on October 2 when it refused to follow Berlusconi's orders on a previous attempt to bring down the cabinet. A:", "doc_id": 1359, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Psychosocial aspects are important, too", "target": ["Les aspects psychosociaux sont également importants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Psychosocial aspects are important, too. A:", "doc_id": 1582, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They want to see the Government prioritise new trading links with the likes of China, India and Brazil, rather than getting bogged down in the long and arduous process of reforming the EU's arcane institutions", "target": ["Ils veulent voir le gouvernement donner la priorité à de nouveaux liens commerciaux avec des pays comme la Chine, l'Inde et le Brésil plutôt que de s'enliser dans le processus long et ardu de réforme des arcanes institutionnels européens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They want to see the Government prioritise new trading links with the likes of China, India and Brazil, rather than getting bogged down in the long and arduous process of reforming the EU's arcane institutions. A:", "doc_id": 1994, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lord", "target": ["Plus tôt dans l’année, Lord a été condamné pour agressions sexuelles sur douze garçons pendant les deux années où il a travaillé au YMCA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier this year Lord was convicted for sexual offences against 12 boys during the two years he worked at the YMCA. A:", "doc_id": 2067, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We would have taken him out of Cameroon if we had the money.", "target": ["Nous l'aurions emmené à l'étranger si nous avions eu assez d'argent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We would have taken him out of Cameroon if we had the money. A:", "doc_id": 2678, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Jordan Belfort", "target": ["Dans les années 80, Jordan Belfort monte alors une arnaque qui fera de lui un homme riche, très riche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the 1980s, Jordan Belfort embarks on a scam that would make him a very rich man. A:", "doc_id": 1015, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Not between myself and Mr Obeid.", "target": ["En tout cas certainement pas entre moi et M. Obeid."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Definitely not between myself and Mr Obeid. A:", "doc_id": 1742, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "five", "target": ["\"Cinq personnes ayant été en contact avec le chaton ont déjà été identifiées\" et ont reçu un traitement préventif."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Five people who had been in contact with the kitten have already been identified,\" and have received preventive treatment. A:", "doc_id": 2892, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He added: \"We were scared that she might fall but she stayed there.\"", "target": ["M. Alderson, de Keighley, a ajouté : « On a eu peur qu'elle tombe mais elle n'a pas bougé. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Alderson, from Keighley, added: \"We were scared that she might fall but she stayed there.\" A:", "doc_id": 1495, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Area has not been abandoned", "target": ["Le quartier n'est pas laissé à l'abandon, et les rats ne pullulent pas dans la cité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The area has not been abandoned and rats are not swarming into the town. A:", "doc_id": 888, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "small and medium sized companies often lack the experience, personnel and financial resources to protect corporate secrets effectively against unauthorised access", "target": ["« Les PME manquent souvent de l'expérience, du personnel et des ressources financières pour protéger efficacement leurs secrets industriels contre un accès non autorisé », avertit le BfV dans un rapport."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Small and medium sized companies often lack the experience, personnel and financial resources to protect corporate secrets effectively against unauthorised access,\" the BfV warns in a report. A:", "doc_id": 1210, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Air", "target": ["FAA : Les passagers aériens peuvent désormais utiliser des gadgets à bord des avions (mais pas passer un appel avec leur téléphone portable)"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of FAA: Air passengers can now use gadgets on planes (but not make cell phone calls) A:", "doc_id": 1935, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vatican", "target": ["Le Vatican a entrepris de mener un grand sondage à travers le monde sur la façon dont les paroisses gèrent les dossiers sensibles comme la contraception, le divorce et les couples formés de personnes de même sexe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Vatican is to carry out a large-scale poll across the world on the way in which parishes handle sensitive issues such as contraception, divorces and same-sex couples. A:", "doc_id": 1078, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unwise", "target": ["Les grandes sociétés martèlent depuis longtemps le message selon lequel il est pour le moins imprudent de récupérer une clé USB gratuite lors d'un salon professionnel ou de laisser un ordinateur portable sans surveillance dans une chambre d'hôtel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For large companies, the message has long since been drummed home that picking up a free USB stick at a trade fair, or leaving a laptop unguarded in a hotel room are unwise, to say the least. A:", "doc_id": 1204, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The European Commission", "target": ["Dans le monde, au moins six autorités – la Commission européenne, Finma, l'autorité de la concurrence suisse Weko, la FCA, le Département américain de la justice et l'Autorité monétaire de Hong Kong – examinent les allégations faites concernant des banquiers qui se seraient entendus pour manipuler les taux sur le marché des changes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At least six authorities globally - the European Commission, Finma, Switzerland's competition authority Weko, the FCA, the Department of Justice in the US and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority - are looking at allegations that bankers colluded to move the currencies market. A:", "doc_id": 2423, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Everything is subsidised in Germany", "target": ["Tout est subventionné en Allemagne, du charbon aux voitures, en passant par les agriculteurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Everything is subsidised in Germany, from coal, to cars and farmers. A:", "doc_id": 1192, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we have actually prevented airplanes from going down, buildings from being blown up, and people from being assassinated because we've been able to learn ahead of time of the plans", "target": ["Nous avons bel et bien empêché des avions de tomber, des immeubles d'exploser et gens d'être assassinés parce que nous avons pu prendre connaissance des faits à l'avance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We have actually prevented airplanes from going down, buildings from being blown up, and people from being assassinated because we've been able to learn ahead of time of the plans. A:", "doc_id": 2951, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They believe that it defies logic, the laws of physics as well as common sense", "target": ["« Ils pensent que cela défie toute logique, les lois de la physique ainsi que le sens commun », a ajouté Crump."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They believe that it defies logic, the laws of physics as well as common sense,\" Crump said. A:", "doc_id": 1221, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The company", "target": ["Après avoir jeté l'éponge avec fracas en janvier pour la reprise partielle du site Goodyear d'Amiens-Nord promis à la fermeture, Maurice Taylor, le PDG du pneumaticien américain Titan, se déclare, aujourd'hui, prêt à sauver 333 emplois sur les 1 137 que compte l'usine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After dramatically throwing in the towel in January over the partial taking over of the Goodyear site in Amiens North, which is due to close, Maurice Taylor, CEO of American tire manufacturer, Titan, now says that he is ready to save 333 of the factory's 1,137 employees. A:", "doc_id": 249, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Today, everyone is wrapped up in compassion, emotion and is rejoicing that the hostages are free", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, une fois de plus, tout le monde est dans la compassion, dans l'émotion, et se réjouit de la libération de ces otages."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Today, once again, everyone is wrapped up in compassion, emotion and is rejoicing that the hostages are free. A:", "doc_id": 2848, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "20,000", "target": ["Lundi, 20 000 policiers seront déployés devant l'académie de police du Caire, où sera jugé Mohamed Morsi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Monday, 20,000 policemen were deployed in front of the Police Academy in Cairo, where Mohamed Morsi will be tried. A:", "doc_id": 2866, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "mutual benefit", "target": ["J'estime qu'il est concevable que ces données soient utilisées dans leur intérêt mutuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I think it's conceivable that these data are used for mutual benefit. A:", "doc_id": 1182, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "extend the lifetime of its series", "target": ["Ce type d'expérience entre dans le cadre des efforts de Disney pour \"étendre la durée de vie de ses séries et construire de nouvelles relations avec son public grâce à des plateformes numériques qui sont de plus en plus importantes\", a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This kind of experience is part of Disney's efforts to \"extend the lifetime of its series and build new relationships with audiences via digital platforms that are becoming ever more important,\" he added. A:", "doc_id": 119, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "meaningful change", "target": ["Cette conclusion, qui se retrouve dans tous les grands groupes et les entreprises de toutes tailles, montre que le monde de l'entreprise insiste pour un « changement significatif » qui redonne le pouvoir au Royaume-Uni."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This finding, which was reflected across the sizes and major business groups, shows that business is pushing for a \"meaningful change\" that brings powers back to the UK. A:", "doc_id": 1998, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "all it took was to highlight its mistakes", "target": ["Il ne fallait qu'en déployer les accidents, et l'affaire, jacobinisme oblige, était confiée aux préfets et aux sous-préfets, interprètes autorisés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All it took was to highlight its mistakes and, in keeping with Jacobinism, the issue would be entrusted to prefects and sub-prefects - the authorised interpreters. A:", "doc_id": 2753, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["La NSA autrefois ultra secrète, un temps surnommée la « No Such Agency », s'est retrouvée sous le feu des projecteurs et fortement critiquée au cours des derniers mois suite à une vague de révélations à propos de ses vastes programmes de surveillance des communications au niveau national et à l'étranger – qui font partie des fichiers secrets de la NSA volés à l'agence et divulgués par l'ancien consultant désabusé de la NSA, Edward Snowden."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The formerly super secretive NSA, once nicknamed No Such Agency, has found itself in very public light, and amid vicious criticism, in past months following a stream of revelations about is vast foreign and domestic surveillance programs - collectively the product of secret NSA files stolen from the agency and leaked by disenchanted former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. A:", "doc_id": 232, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not updated", "target": ["Elle n'a pas actualisé ce chiffre depuis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It has not updated that figure since. A:", "doc_id": 1892, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "dog", "target": ["« Bien que de nombreux éléments, relevés chez différents mammifères, indiquent que les deux côtés du cerveau sont utilisés à des fins différentes, bon nombre de détails doivent encore être précisés – et les chiens ne font pas exception », a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"While there is considerable evidence from many different mammals that the two sides of the brain are used for different purposes, much of the detail still has to be hammered out - and dogs are no exception,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2261, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not content", "target": ["\"Non content de dépenser follement l'argent des Bruxellois dans des opérations de relifting des poteaux de signalisation aux couleurs de la Région bruxelloise, Brigitte Grouwels continue ses opérations de flamandisation de la Capitale\", s'insurge M. De Bock dans un communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Not content with spending Brussels residents' money like water on this scheme of giving traffic light posts a face-lift with the colours of the Brussels region, Brigitte Grouwels is continuing her efforts to turn the capital Flemish,\" says an angry De Bock in a press release. A:", "doc_id": 347, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "risk", "target": ["La consciencieuse solennité de la narration pourrait également devenir une pénitence pour le public."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The earnest solemnity of the storytelling risks making it a hair shirt-like ordeal for audiences, too. A:", "doc_id": 1876, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No neurosurgeons in Cameroon", "target": ["« Il n'y avait pas de neurochirurgiens au Cameroun », a déclaré Georges Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"There were no neurosurgeons in Cameroon,\" Georges Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2677, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The debt", "target": ["Tous les candidats nous ont dit qu'ils s'attaqueraient à la dette scandaleuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All the candidates have told us that they would tackle this scandalous debt. A:", "doc_id": 979, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Meanwhile, four hotel projects totaling almost 600 rooms will be implemented in the next two years.", "target": ["Entre-temps, quatre projets hôteliers totalisant près de 600 chambres verront le jour d'ici deux ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, four hotel projects totaling almost 600 rooms will be implemented in the next two years. A:", "doc_id": 247, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was full of praise.", "target": ["Il a dit des éloges."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was full of praise. A:", "doc_id": 999, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was determined to do something about it.", "target": ["Après avoir vu son père et autant de ses compatriotes souffrir, le Dr Bwelle était déterminé à essayer de changer le cours des choses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Seeing his father and so many of his countrymen suffer, Bwelle was determined to do something about it. A:", "doc_id": 2691, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Standard & Poor's", "target": ["L'agence de notation Standard & Poor's a abaissé vendredi la note de solvabilité de l'Ukraine, mettant en doute la capacité de l'ex-république soviétique, en récession depuis plus d'un an, à faire face à ses obligations financières."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rating agency, Standard & Poor's, reduced Ukraine's credit rating on Friday, casting a doubt on the ability of the former Soviet republic, which has been in recession for a year, to meet its financial obligations. A:", "doc_id": 654, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "class action", "target": ["Le recours collectif qui vient d'être déposé a pour particularité de permettre l'ajout de plaignants de n'importe quel établissement où des sévices auraient pu être perpétrés par des membres de la congrégation de Sainte-Croix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The class action that has just been filed specifically enables the inclusion of plaintiffs from any institution where members of the Congregation of the Holy Cross may have been involved in abuses. A:", "doc_id": 548, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "deafening", "target": ["Cette décharge sonore et énergique, longue, si cela se peut, finit par assourdir et engourdir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This sustained (if that is possible) discharge of sound and energy ends up being deafening and numbing, A:", "doc_id": 2508, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Drug", "target": ["Au Canada, le maire de Toronto est soupçonné de se droguer, selon plusieurs médias."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Canada, the Mayor of Toronto is suspected of using drugs, according to several media sources. A:", "doc_id": 2882, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "candy corn", "target": ["Les bonbons maïs sont la seule chose qu'on ne veut pas manger ; et pourtant presque 16 millions de kg sont vendus pour Halloween, selon la National Confectioners Association."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The one thing we don't want to consume, candy corn; and yet nearly 35 million pounds of it are sold around Halloween, according to the National Confectioners Association. A:", "doc_id": 1442, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "projects under way", "target": ["Mais des projets en cours comme \"Rent\", \"Le Baiser de la femme araignée\" ou \"L'Éveil du ­printemps\" ont du mal à être financés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But projects under way such as 'Rent', 'Le Baiser de la Femme Araignée' or 'L'Éveil du Printemps' are having trouble finding finances. A:", "doc_id": 1127, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision", "target": ["La décision a ravivé des souvenirs pénibles pour June Corteen, une mère de Perth qui a perdu ses deux jumelles de 39 ans, Jane et Jenny, dans les destructions perpétrées par Patek et les autres conspirateurs il y a près de 10 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The decision has reignited painful memories for Perth mother June Corteen, who lost her 39-year-old twin daughters Jane and Jenny in the destruction unleashed by Patek and his co-conspirators almost a decade ago. A:", "doc_id": 1915, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Diehards of the M23", "target": ["Les irréductibles du M23, soit quelques centaines de combattants, étaient retranchés à près de 2000 mètres d'altitude sur les collines agricoles de Chanzu, Runyonyi et Mbuzi, proches de Bunagana et Jomba, deux localités situées à environ 80 km au nord de Goma, la capitale de la province du Nord-Kivu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The diehards of the M23, who are several hundreds in number, had entrenched themselves at an altitude of almost 2,000 metres in the farmland hills of Chanzu, Runyonyi and Mbuzi, close to Bunagana and Jomba, two towns located around 80km north of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province. A:", "doc_id": 1086, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "rushed", "target": ["Les voyageurs et le personnel se sont rués vers les sorties ou sur le tarmac."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Travelers and staff rushed for the exits or onto the tarmac. A:", "doc_id": 525, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "global", "target": ["À l'échelle mondiale, les mécanismes de la puberté précoce semblent être influencés par tout, des conditions économiques au climat, en passant par les gènes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Globally, patterns of early puberty appear to be influenced by everything from economic conditions to climate to genes. A:", "doc_id": 1597, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Revolution", "target": ["La Renamo était autrefois un mouvement rebelle célèbre, soutenu au départ par la Rhodésie gouvernée par des blancs puis le gouvernement d'apartheid d'Afrique du Sud dans le cadre des efforts pour déstabiliser le gouvernement indépendant du pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renamo was once a notorious rebel movement, initially backed by white-ruled Rhodesia and then South Africa's apartheid government as part of efforts to destabilise the country's independent government. A:", "doc_id": 780, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Netflix", "target": ["Les abonnés de Cogeco Câble pourraient bien avoir accès à des applications comme Facebook, Twitter et ultimement le service de vidéo sur demande Netflix via leur télévision dans un avenir qui ne semble pas si lointain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cogeco Cable subscribers may soon have access to applications like Facebook, Twitter and, ultimately, the Netflix video-on-demand service through their television in a seemingly not too distant future. A:", "doc_id": 140, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Congressional trip", "target": ["Dans cette atmosphère de tumulte, Murphy a indiqué que son bureau organisait un voyage du Congrès, qui devrait avoir lieu cette année, et qu'il espérait que la délégation comprendrait des membres des deux partis et des deux chambres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Amid the uproar, Murphy said his office is arranging the congressional trip, expected to take place this year, and hopes the delegation will include members of both parties and both chambers. A:", "doc_id": 2959, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Study aiming to increase the benefits to Scotland of the HS2 rail project", "target": ["Une étude destinée à multiplier les avantages du projet ferroviaire HS2 pour l'Écosse a été lancée par le gouvernement britannique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A study aiming to increase the benefits to Scotland of the HS2 rail project has been announced by the UK government. A:", "doc_id": 1761, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "HS2 Ltd", "target": ["Le gouvernement britannique, qui est en pourparlers avec Transport Scotland, a demandé à HS2 Ltd d'étudier le renforcement de la capacité ferroviaire et l'amélioration de la durée des trajets pour le nord de l'Angleterre et l'Écosse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The UK government, which has been holding talks with Transport Scotland, has instructed HS2 Ltd to look at further rail capacity and journey time improvements for northern England and Scotland. A:", "doc_id": 1768, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the police force", "target": ["Les opposants disent que ces changements mineraient le moral de la police sans faire baisser la criminalité, représenteraient un gaspillage d'argent et ne résoudraient pas le problème plus large de forces de police sous pression après que les effectifs de policiers ont été fortement réduits au cours de la dernière décennie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Opponents say the changes would lower police morale but not crime, waste money and not solve a broader problem of a police force under pressure after shrinking by thousands of officers during the last decade. A:", "doc_id": 972, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hope", "target": ["Peut-être que la grande différence entre un auteur adulte écrivant pour les adultes et un auteur adulte écrivant pour les enfants est la nécessité d'offrir de l'espoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Perhaps the big difference between an adult author writing for an adult and an adult author writing for a child is the necessity for some sense of hope. A:", "doc_id": 819, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not the first study to examine whether left and right were important to canines", "target": ["L'expert en comportement canin John Bradshaw, professeur invité à l'École des sciences vétérinaires de l'université de Bristol, a précisé que ce n'était pas la première étude à examiner l'importance de la gauche et de la droite chez l'espèce canine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dog behaviour expert John Bradshaw, a visiting fellow at the University of Bristol's school of veterinary science, said this was not the first study to examine whether left and right were important to canines. A:", "doc_id": 2256, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Tokyo Stock Exchange", "target": ["La Bourse de Tokyo finit en baisse de 0,88%, Actualités"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of News: Tokyo Stock Exchange Closes 0.88% Down A:", "doc_id": 892, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rob Ford", "target": ["Ce jeudi, la police a arrêté l'ami et chauffeur occasionnel de Rob Ford, Alexander Lisi, âgé de 35 ans, et l'a accusé d'extorsion relativement à la vidéo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This Thursday, police arrested Rob Ford's friend and occasional chauffeur, Alexander Lisi, aged 35, and charged him with extortion in relation with the video. A:", "doc_id": 2435, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The State Government", "target": ["Selon le gouvernement de l'État, ces procédures non urgentes supplémentaires inverseront en grande partie les récentes coupes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to the State Government these additional elective procedures will largely reverse the recent cuts. A:", "doc_id": 1867, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Fini les mots de passe à taper pour accéder à son smartphone ou payer ses achats ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is it the end of passwords to access a smartphone or pay for purchases? A:", "doc_id": 2177, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "trends", "target": ["Ce que j'attends avec impatience à chaque fête d'Halloween, ce sont les tendances."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One thing I do look forward to every Halloween are the trends. A:", "doc_id": 1427, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cue", "target": ["Et voilà qu'on entend des histoires de contrôle des passeports à Berwick et d'une frontière de fils barbelés le long du mur d'Hadrien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cue stories about passport controls at Berwick and a barbed wire border along Hadrian's Wall. A:", "doc_id": 1517, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The public will be able to enjoy the technical prowess of young skaters, some of whom, like Hyeres' young star, Lorenzo Palumbo, have already taken part in top-notch competitions.", "target": ["Le public pourra admirer les prouesses techniques de jeunes qui, pour certains, fréquentent déjà les compétitions au plus haut niveau, à l'instar du jeune prodige hyérois Lorenzo Palumbo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The public will be able to enjoy the technical prowess of young skaters, some of whom, like Hyeres' young star, Lorenzo Palumbo, have already taken part in top-notch competitions. A:", "doc_id": 2879, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a \"band-aid solution\"", "target": ["Mais le porte-parole de l'opposition en matière de santé Peter Dutton pense que l'annonce d'aujourd'hui est une « une solution de fortune »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But federal Opposition health spokesman Peter Dutton believes today's announcement is a \"band-aid solution.\" A:", "doc_id": 1868, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "man from Cambridge claimed responsibility for the act on his Twitter account", "target": ["Un homme de Cambridge a revendiqué la responsabilité de cet acte sur son compte Twitter, où il a posté des images d'Adolf Hitler."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A man from Cambridge claimed responsibility for the act on his Twitter account, where he posted pictures of Adolf Hitler. A:", "doc_id": 1850, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I would even say beyond that", "target": ["\"Je dirais même au-delà\", a ajouté la directrice générale, Hélène Gaudreault, en souriant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I would even say beyond that,\" added the general manager, Helene Gaudreault, with a smile. A:", "doc_id": 539, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Guillaume Nicloux's adaptation of Denis Diderot's novel boasts exceptional production design and period detail but is also heavier going than it should be.", "target": ["L'adaptation par Guillaume Nicloux du roman de Denis Diderot se targue d'une direction artistique remarquable et d’une minutieuse reconstitution d'époque, mais elle est également plus laborieuse qu'elle ne devrait l'être."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Guillaume Nicloux's adaptation of Denis Diderot's novel boasts exceptional production design and period detail but is also heavier going than it should be. A:", "doc_id": 1872, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Patek may yet appeal his sentence.", "target": ["Patek peut toutefois faire appel de sa condamnation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Patek may yet appeal his sentence. A:", "doc_id": 1934, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Child sex offences", "target": ["Deux employés du YMCA de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud ont été accusés d'agressions sexuelles contre des enfants suite à des allégations formulées à l'encontre de l'éducateur de Caringbah, Jonathan Lord, en 2011, lors d'une audience de la Commission royale chargée des abus sexuels sur les enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two YMCA NSW employees had been charged with child sex offences before allegations were raised against Caringbah child care worker Jonathan Lord in 2011, the child sexual abuse Royal Commission has heard. A:", "doc_id": 2060, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Katie is married", "target": ["Aujourd'hui âgée de 29 ans, Katie est mariée et interne en psychiatrie infantile à l'université de Pennsylvanie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now at 29, Katie is married and at the University of Pennsylvania, a resident in child psychiatry. A:", "doc_id": 1344, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "confusing people", "target": ["Le directeur de l'Association des soins palliatifs de l'Ontario, Rick Firth, croit que le projet de loi du Québec désoriente la population au sujet de la vocation des soins palliatifs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The director of the Palliative Care Association of Ontario, Rick Firth, believes that the Quebec bill is confusing people with regard to the purpose of palliative care. A:", "doc_id": 575, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Le recours souligne par ailleurs que la congrégation de Sainte-Croix et l'oratoire Saint-Joseph, qui est une entité distincte, \"ont permis que des sévices sexuels soient perpétrés à l'encontre d'enfants\", qu'ils \"ont exercé une contrainte morale, religieuse et psychologique sur les victimes\", qu'ils \"étaient au courant des sévices sexuels perpétrés et les ont néanmoins étouffés\", et qu'ils ont \"sciemment et consciemment choisi d'ignorer la problématique\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moreover, the action specifies that the Congregation of the Holy Cross and the Saint-Joseph Oratory, which is a separate entity, \"allowed acts of sexual abuse to be committed against children\", that they \"exercised moral, religious and psychological constraint over the victims,\" and that they \"knew about sexual assaults committed but kept quiet\" and \"deliberately and consciously chose to ignore the problem\". A:", "doc_id": 551, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Return of the Queen", "target": ["Aretha Franklin remontera sur scène en décembre"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Aretha Franklin Back on Stage in December A:", "doc_id": 509, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The four occupants of the two vehicles were injured, though not lethally.", "target": ["Les quatre occupants des deux véhicules ont été blessés, mais l'on ne craignait pas pour leur vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The four occupants of the two vehicles were injured, though not lethally. A:", "doc_id": 177, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "On 08 January 2013", "target": ["Le jour de son 66e anniversaire, le 8 janvier 2013, il avait déclaré qu'un nouvel album sortirait en mars."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On 08 January 2013, the date of his 66th birthday, he announced that a new album would be released in March. A:", "doc_id": 73, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Health", "target": ["Le Dr Georges Bwelle dispense des soins de santé gratuits dans les villages du Cameroun"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dr. Georges Bwelle is bringing free health care to rural villages in Cameroon A:", "doc_id": 2667, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Cet incident s'est produit jeudi, jour de la fête d'Halloween, où il est de coutume de se déguiser en monstre, mais il était difficile de savoir s'il s'agissait d'un canular."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The incident occurred on Thursday - Halloween - when it is customary to dress up as a monster, but it is hard to believe that this was a hoax. A:", "doc_id": 1849, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Sa filiale aux États-Unis a récupéré ses pertes au cours du premier semestre où la demande saisonnière est plus faible et devait tirer un bénéfice sur l'ensemble de l'exercice pour la troisième fois consécutive."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Its US business had recovered its losses during its seasonally weaker first half and was expected to deliver its third consecutive full year profit. A:", "doc_id": 2617, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The musical", "target": ["Après, on a les comédies musicales avec les ­productions somptueuses du Châtelet qui nous font revivre l'âge d'or de Broadway et découvrir l'univers de Stephen Sondheim, le plus grand ­compositeur vivant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Then there are the musicals with the sumptuous productions of the Châtelet, which allow us to bring the golden age of Broadway back to life and rediscover the universe of Stephen Sondheim, the greatest composer alive. A:", "doc_id": 1124, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gender identity", "target": ["Il a consacré le terme « identité sexuelle » et soutenait que les signaux sociaux et environnementaux – la façon dont les parents élèvent un enfant – interagissent avec les gènes et les hormones d'un enfant pour le façonner afin qu'il soit identifié comme étant de sexe masculin ou féminin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He coined the term \"gender identity\" and argued that social and environmental cues -- how parents raised a child -- interacted with a child's genes and hormones to shape whether the person identified as male or female. A:", "doc_id": 1308, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "new class action claim has been filed against the brothers of the Congregation of the Holy Cross involving sexual assaults", "target": ["Une nouvelle demande de recours collectif a été déposée contre les frères Sainte-Croix, concernant des agressions sexuelles qui se seraient déroulées cette fois à l'oratoire Saint-Joseph ainsi que dans plusieurs orphelinats, collèges et écoles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A new class action claim has been filed against the brothers of the Congregation of the Holy Cross involving sexual assaults, allegedly carried out, this time, at the Saint-Joseph Oratory and several orphanages, colleges and schools. A:", "doc_id": 545, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "simple", "target": ["Le soir, l'équipe pratique des actes chirurgicaux simples sous anesthésie locale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the evenings, the team will do simple surgeries with local anesthesia. A:", "doc_id": 2707, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "intelligence personnel, army staff and political activists have confirmed this time that he has lost his life in the strike", "target": ["Mais des responsables du renseignement, de l'armée ainsi que de la mouvance activiste ont affirmé cette fois qu'il avait perdu la vie dans cette frappe, menée dans la région du Nord-Waziristan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, intelligence personnel, army staff and political activists have confirmed this time that he has lost his life in the strike, which was carried out in the region of North Waziristan. A:", "doc_id": 1725, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "How to reassure users A", "target": ["Des pistes pour rassurer les utilisateurs"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ways to reassure users A:", "doc_id": 2216, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Brotherhood", "target": ["Considéré comme la « roue de secours » peu charismatique des Frères musulmans, son prestige personnel s'est considérablement renforcé depuis sa victoire et son discours de vendredi au cours duquel il a essayé de se présenter comme le candidat non seulement des Islamistes mais de tous ceux qui veulent finir le travail entamé lors du soulèvement de 2011 contre l'autoritaire président Moubarak."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Derided as the Brotherhood's uncharismatic \"spare tyre,\" his personal prestige has surged since his victory and his delivery of a Friday speech that tried to present him as a candidate not just of Islamists but of all those who want to complete the work of the 2011 uprising against the authoritarian Mubarak. A:", "doc_id": 2566, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["Bombardier espère que la famille d'avions CSeries pourra la catapulter dans le segment inférieur d'un marché aujourd'hui dominé par Boeing et Airbus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bombardier hopes the CSeries aircraft family can catapult it into the low end of a market now dominated by Boeing and Airbus. A:", "doc_id": 295, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gas pipeline", "target": ["Le début de la construction du gazoduc South Stream en Bulgarie marque le lancement de l'un des plus grands projets énergétique d'Europe, a déclaré le directeur de Gazprom."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The start of construction of the South Stream gas pipeline in Bulgaria marks the launch of one of Europe's largest energy projects, Gazprom's chief said. A:", "doc_id": 2018, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Coming down the steps of the aeroplane", "target": ["La descente de l'escalier de l'avion, les retrouvailles avec mon fils et mes parents, mes amis, tout cela est extrêmement fort en émotion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Coming down the steps of the aeroplane, being reunited with my son and parents, my friends, that was all very emotional. A:", "doc_id": 2819, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Preparation to manage a class in a North-American and Quebec context", "target": ["La préparation à gérer une classe dans un contexte nord-américain, québécois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Preparation to manage a class in a North-American and Quebec context. A:", "doc_id": 3000, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Deciding to learn Arabic and pursuing an interest in the Middle East, to the point of doing a Masters at a major university, in hindsight, were not trivial decisions.", "target": ["Apprendre l'arabe et m'intéresser au Moyen-Orient, au point d'en faire un master dans une grande école, n'ont pas été, avec le recul, des choix anodins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Deciding to learn Arabic and pursuing an interest in the Middle East, to the point of doing a Masters at a major university, in hindsight, were not trivial decisions. A:", "doc_id": 412, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I had to undergo an initial medical check in Corsica.", "target": ["J'avais eu droit à un premier contrôle médical en Corse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I had to undergo an initial medical check in Corsica. A:", "doc_id": 2831, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more", "target": ["Le système européen a plutôt fait peser sur ses membres des taux de change favorables aux exportateurs allemands – ce que les hommes politiques allemands veulent conserver."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rather, the euro system locked in its members at exchange rates favourable to German exporters - something German politicians want to keep. A:", "doc_id": 1534, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United States", "target": ["Le L.A. Times rapporte qu'un agent de l'Agence américaine de sécurité des Transports, TSA, et un suspect ont été blessés durant l'échange de coups de feu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The L.A. Times reports that an agent of the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and a suspect have been wounded during an exchange of gunfire. A:", "doc_id": 1360, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the expiry of the period of investigation", "target": ["L'expiration du délai d'examen prévu par le HSR aux Etats-Unis et les décisions d'autorisation délivrées dans les autres juridictions satisfont plusieurs des conditions nécessaires à la réalisationde l'opération."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The expiry of the period of investigation provided for by the HSR in the United States and the authorisation decisions issued in the other jurisdictions satisfy many of the conditions necessary for the move to take place. A:", "doc_id": 679, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cast your vote", "target": ["Votez ici ou via votre appareil mobile"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cast your vote here or through your mobile device A:", "doc_id": 2670, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This was the company's first major acquisition after its failed aquisition attempt in Portugal.", "target": ["Il s'agissait de la première acquisition majeure de l'entreprise après celle qui avait échoué au Portugal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was the company's first major acquisition after its failed aquisition attempt in Portugal. A:", "doc_id": 158, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "rabies", "target": ["Les autorités ont annoncé jeudi 31 octobre qu'un cas de rage avait été détecté chez un chaton dans le Val-d'Oise, manifestement d'origine étrangère alors que la France est indemne de cas autochtones depuis 2001."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Officials announced on Thursday 31 October that a case of rabies had been detected in a kitten in Val-d'Oise. The kitten must have come from abroad as France has not had any native cases of the disease since 2001. A:", "doc_id": 2888, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "places of memory", "target": ["A cette image incertaine le monument des \"Lieux de mémoire\", auquel il a attaché son nom, a aussi contribué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The monumental \"Lieux de mémoire\" (places of memory), to which his name is attached, has also contributed to this unclear image. A:", "doc_id": 2743, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this judgement means that it will be possible to enforce a law which was adopted in this state in July and widely brings the issue of the right to abortion into question.", "target": ["Ce jugement signifie qu'un texte de loi adopté en juillet dans cet État et remettant largement en cause le droit à l'avortement va pouvoir entrer en vigueur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This judgement means that it will be possible to enforce a law which was adopted in this state in July and widely brings the issue of the right to abortion into question. A:", "doc_id": 2636, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "My grandfather taught me to play the guitar", "target": ["\"Mes premières leçons de musique m'ont été données par mon grand-père qui m'a appris à jouer de la guitare\", avait-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"My first music lessons were given to me by my grandfather. He taught me to play the guitar,\" he added. A:", "doc_id": 1622, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Islamist Movement", "target": ["Pékin met en cause un mouvement islamique turkmène"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Beijing Blames Turkoman Islamic Movement A:", "doc_id": 1506, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "PIN", "target": ["Au Japon, il est déjà possible de retirer de l'argent à certains distributeurs en introduisant sa carte et en posant sa main sur un lecteur biométrique: ce geste remplace la frappe du code secret."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Japan, it is already possible to withdraw money from some cash machines by inserting your card and placing your hand on a biometric reader: this gesture replaces the use of a PIN. A:", "doc_id": 2212, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "travel", "target": ["Les supporters belges du RSCA qui voudront se rendre à cette rencontre de la Ligue des Champions devront obligatoirement utiliser le système de déplacement mis en place par le RSCA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Belgian supporters of RSCA who want to travel to the Champions League match will have to use the transportation system provided by RSCA. A:", "doc_id": 2983, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["À la commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys, 62% des élèves ont une langue maternelle autre que le français."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board, 62% of students have a mother tongue other than French. A:", "doc_id": 2988, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "admission privilege", "target": ["L'arrêt rendu par la cour d'appel signifie que les médecins qui pratiqueront des IVG devront disposer d'un \"privilège d'admission\" auprès des hôpitaux locaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The decision by the court of appeal means that doctors who practise abortion will need to have an \"admitting privilege\" with local hospitals. A:", "doc_id": 937, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Christmas Island Hospital", "target": ["L'homme a été transféré d'urgence par les autorités australiennes à l'hôpital de l'île Christmas, où il est décédé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Australian authorities rushed the man to Christmas Island Hospital, where he died. A:", "doc_id": 1760, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "How were you received when you got to French soil?", "target": ["Comment s'est déroulée votre arrivée sur le sol français ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How were you received when you got to French soil? A:", "doc_id": 2811, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A new election counting system", "target": ["M. Palmer a avancé l'idée d'un remaniement du système de dépouille des suffrages pour accélérer le processus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Palmer called for overhaul of election counting to speed up the process. A:", "doc_id": 2372, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the prosecution suggests that Mr Coulson, who is now the editor of the NotW, he is not the man who stands outside people's houses hoping to catch them out, he is the man who likes to put the story to people to see what they will say", "target": ["« L'accusation suggère que M. Coulson, qui est désormais le rédacteur en chef de NotW, n'est pas le genre d'homme à rester devant la maison des gens en espérant les surprendre, c'est le genre d'homme à aimer présenter l'histoire aux gens pour voir ce qu'ils en disent », a déclaré M. Edis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The prosecution suggests that Mr Coulson, who is now the editor of the NotW, he is not the man who stands outside people's houses hoping to catch them out, he is the man who likes to put the story to people to see what they will say,\" Mr Edis said. A:", "doc_id": 1027, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Animation", "target": ["Le dessin animé, destiné aux enfants de 2 à 7 ans, raconte les aventures de la chatte Callie, shérif d'une ville de l'ouest américain où elle fait régner l'ordre avec un lasso magique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The animation, aimed at children aged 2 to 7, is about the adventures of the cat, Callie, the sheriff of a town in the Wild West where she keeps law and order using a magic lasso. A:", "doc_id": 116, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Le caporal David Hawkins, un réserviste de London, en Ontario, atteint du syndrome de stress post-traumatique, a été libéré de l'armée malgré sa demande de rester un an de plus afin de pouvoir recevoir une retraite pleinement indexée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lance Corporal David Hawkins, a reservist from London, Ontario, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and discharged from the army, despite asking to be kept on for another year to receive a fully-indexed pension. A:", "doc_id": 102, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "German law \"invites labeling and stigma.\"", "target": ["Mais Anne Tamar-Mattis, directrice générale de l'organisation à but non lucratif basée en Californie Advocates for Informed Choice, craint que la loi allemande « invite à l'étiquetage et à la stigmatisation »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Anne Tamar-Mattis, executive director for California-based legal group Advocates for Informed Choice, worries that the German law \"invites labeling and stigma.\" A:", "doc_id": 1330, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FBI", "target": ["Moore a ajouté que s'il met au jour des éléments de nature à justifier une enquête civile ou pénale sur le décès de Johnson, il demandera au FBI de la mener."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moore added that if he uncovers sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal or civil rights investigation into the death of Johnson he will ask the FBI to conduct it. A:", "doc_id": 1234, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We were 28 years old.", "target": ["J'avais 28 ans et notre fils 6 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was 28 and our son was 6. A:", "doc_id": 446, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "species", "target": ["Si par le passé, les espèces ont été décrites et identifiées sur base morphologique, anatomique et géographique, aujourd'hui, le développement de nouveaux outils tels que la génétique nous permettent d'améliorer nos connaissances en sciences de la classification des espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the past, species have been described and identified on the basis of morphology, anatomy and geography. Today, the development of new tools such as genetics enables us to improve our knowledge of the science of the classification of species. A:", "doc_id": 2388, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "you were prepared to guarantee these 333 jobs for four years", "target": ["M. Montebourg a dit que vous étiez prêt à garantir ces 333 emplois durant quatre ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr. Montebourg has said that you were prepared to guarantee these 333 jobs for four years. A:", "doc_id": 278, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "should be able to make their own decisions about legal gender", "target": ["« Les adultes devraient pouvoir prendre leurs propres décisions à propos d'un genre légal », a-t-elle ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Adults should be able to make their own decisions about legal gender,\" she said. A:", "doc_id": 1336, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nobody ever says to us: 'I want to die, give me an injection.'", "target": ["On ne nous demande jamais: \"je veux mourir, donnez-moi une injection\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Nobody ever says to us: 'I want to die, give me an injection.\" A:", "doc_id": 574, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Désormais, 73% des personnes ayant choisi une crémation souhaitent l'organisation d'une cérémonie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nowadays, 73% of people choosing cremation want a ceremony to be arranged. A:", "doc_id": 869, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fingerprints", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, en France, les données biométriques les plus utilisées sont les empreintes digitales, le contour de la main et le réseau veineux de la paume ou des doigts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In France today, the most commonly used biometric data are fingerprints, hand geometry and the network of veins in the palm or fingers. A:", "doc_id": 2186, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Standard", "target": ["Selon le journal The Star, le nouveau projet de loi permettra au gouvernement d'avoir « la mainmise sur les médias ». The Standard a, quant à lui, indiqué que la démocratie et la liberté d'opinion au Kenya « avaient subi un coup dur » et a fustigé le projet de loi le qualifiant de « draconien »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to The Star newspaper, the new bill will effectively hand the government \"a stranglehold over the media,\" while The Standard said democracy and free speech in Kenya had been \"dealt a major blow\" and lambasted the bill as \"draconian.\" A:", "doc_id": 583, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It cannot explain having the National Security Agency collect data on the private lives of Americans, nor prosecuting whistle-blowers who reveal government wrongdoing", "target": ["Elle ne peut pas expliquer que la National Security Agency recueille des données sur la vie privée des Américains, ni la mise en accusation des dénonciateurs qui révèlent les méfaits du gouvernement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It cannot explain having the National Security Agency collect data on the private lives of Americans, nor prosecuting whistle-blowers who reveal government wrongdoing. A:", "doc_id": 2342, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$300 million", "target": ["On ne peut pas avoir un gouvernement de l'État qui arrache presque un demi-milliard de dollars et le Commonwealth qui met 300 M$, et prétendre que c'est un jour faste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You can't have a state government ripping out almost half-a-billion dollars and the Commonwealth put in $300 million and pretend it's a good news day. A:", "doc_id": 1870, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All", "target": ["Tout en se ventant de proposer des appareils confortables, tous les constructeurs offrent également des avions avec des configurations à forte densité aux compagnies aériennes low-cost et pour les voyages régionaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of While boasting comfort, all builders also offer jets with high-density layouts for low-cost airlines and regional travel. A:", "doc_id": 1692, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He is still in hospital.", "target": ["Son pronostic vital n'est plus engagé mais il est toujours hospitalisé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His life is not in danger but he is still in hospital. A:", "doc_id": 1153, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was not good", "target": ["L'autre nuit, il m'a demandé si j'allais bien, je lui ai dit non, il me réponds \"je descends\" mais d'une voix tellement réelle que je me suis réveillée en sursaut, angoissée et j'ai allumé la lampe de chevet en regardant partout, persuadée qu'il allait arriver."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The other night, he asked me how I was; I said not good, and he said \"I'm coming down\", but in a voice so real that I woke up with a start, upset, and I switched on the bedside lamp and looked around, convinced that he would come. A:", "doc_id": 449, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gender identity", "target": ["Mais désormais, nombreux sont ceux qui remettent en cause le fondement éthique de la chirurgie, sachant que l'identité sexuelle est complexe et que parfois les médecins peuvent se tromper, ne sachant pas comment un enfant ressentira sa réassignation sexuelle lorsqu'il grandira."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But now, many are challenging the ethical basis of surgery, knowing that gender identity is complex, and doctors can sometimes get it wrong, not knowing how a child will feel about their gender assignment when they grow up. A:", "doc_id": 1304, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The New Yorker", "target": ["Ben Greenman : Dixième anniversaire du New York Comedy Festival : The New Yorker"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ben Greenman: The Tenth Anniversary of the New York Comedy Festival: The New Yorker A:", "doc_id": 906, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Video sent to the authorities seems to support these suspicions.", "target": ["Une vidéo remise à la justice semble appuyer ces soupçons."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A video sent to the authorities seems to support these suspicions. A:", "doc_id": 2883, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les compagnies aériennes devront prouver à la FAA que leurs avions respectent les nouvelles directives et qu'elles ont mis à jour les manuels de formation des membres d'équipage et les règles concernant le rangement des appareils pour être en conformité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airlines will have to show the FAA how their airplanes meet the new guidelines and that they've updating their flight crew training manuals and rules for stowing devices to reflect the new guidelines. A:", "doc_id": 1939, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first time that a senior Chinese official has named a specific organisation following the attack on Monday.", "target": ["C'est la première fois qu'un responsable chinois désigne une organisation particulière après l'attentat de lundi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is the first time that a senior Chinese official has named a specific organisation following the attack on Monday. A:", "doc_id": 1509, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unavailable", "target": ["La Royale vient en effet de nous confirmer \"l'indisponibilité\" du navire jusqu'à \"la mi-novembre\", \"le temps de prendre les mesures correctrices qui s'imposent\" sur le réacteur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"La Royale\" - the French Navy - has just conformed that the ship will be \"unavailable until mid-November\" to allow \"time to carry out the corrective measures required\" on the reactor. A:", "doc_id": 2128, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "challenges", "target": ["Michel Venne, de l'Institut du Nouveau Monde, a identifié plusieurs défis pour la commission scolaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Michel Venne, from the Institut du Nouveau Monde (New World Institute) has identified a number of challenges for the School Board. A:", "doc_id": 2996, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No immediate plans to change that", "target": ["« Conformément à notre politique actuelle, les appareils électroniques ne peuvent pas être utilisés pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage, et nous n'avons pas l'intention dans l'immédiat de changer cela », a-t-elle déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Our current policy is that electronic devices cannot be used during take-off and landing and we have no immediate plans to change that,\" it said. A:", "doc_id": 1790, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "San Diego", "target": ["En 2010, les autorités ont trouvé un passage d'environ 700 yards équipé de voies ferrées qui partait de la cuisine d'une maison de Tijuana et allait jusqu’à deux entrepôts de San Diego."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2010, authorities found a roughly 700-yard passage equipped with rail tracks that extended from the kitchen of a Tijuana home to two San Diego warehouses. A:", "doc_id": 2166, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "very often", "target": ["Très souvent il \"débarque\" dans mes rêves d'une façon si précise, si vivante qu'au réveil je suis encore plus triste de constater que ce n'était qu'un rêve."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He very often \"turns up\" in my dreams, in a very specific way, so vivid that when I wake up I am sad again when I realise that it was just a dream. A:", "doc_id": 448, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cancer", "target": ["Ma femme et la mère de mes 3 enfants est décédée d'un cancer à 43 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My wife and the mother of my three children died of cancer at 43. A:", "doc_id": 427, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Steinberg", "target": ["Steinberg a commencé en tant que comédien de stand-up, mais il est devenu un réalisateur de cinéma et de télévision accompli, ainsi qu'un historien officieux de la comédie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Steinberg started as a standup comedian but has become an accomplished television and film director, as well as an unofficial comedy historian. A:", "doc_id": 919, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pamela Anderson", "target": ["Pamela Anderson coupe ses emblématiques boucles blondes et adopte une spectaculaire coupe garçonne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pamela Anderson chops off those iconic blonde locks, debuts dramatic new pixie cut. A:", "doc_id": 2658, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The US government", "target": ["Dans sa lettre, M. Snowden a écrit qu'il pensait que le soutien de la communauté internationale pourrait persuader le gouvernement américain d'abandonner les charges pénales retenues contre lui."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the letter, Mr Snowden said he believed the support of the international community could persuade the US government to abandon criminal charges against him. A:", "doc_id": 126, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Maybe she is confusing him with someone else.", "target": ["Le représentant a ajouté : « Peut-être qu'elle le confond avec quelqu'un d'autre. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The rep adds: \"Perhaps she is confusing him with someone else.\" A:", "doc_id": 1503, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of \"Our vision is to come back to negotiations, but with seriousness,\" Mr Mazanga said.", "target": ["« Nous voulons reprendre les négociations, mais avec le plus grand sérieux », a indiqué M. Mazanga."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Our vision is to come back to negotiations, but with seriousness,\" Mr Mazanga said. A:", "doc_id": 793, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He will not die and will not retire.", "target": ["Il ne mourra pas et ne partira pas en retraite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He will not die and will not retire. A:", "doc_id": 1657, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gold", "target": ["Les prix historiquement élevés de l'or au cours des deux dernières années ont fait que les gens se sont empressés de mettre en gage leurs effets personnels pour toucher la valeur en espèces de leurs bijoux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Historically high prices for gold in the past two years have added to the rush to pawn personal belongings, as people take the opportunity to cash in the value of their family jewellery. A:", "doc_id": 1820, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The government had been pushing for the leases to go to public tender", "target": ["Au cours des années de discussions entamées en 2005, le gouvernement a fait pression pour que les baux fassent l'objet d'un appel d'offres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During years of discussions starting in 2005 the government had been pushing for the leases to go to public tender. A:", "doc_id": 1733, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He said: \"I really want to develop an invisible ice cream.\"", "target": ["Il a ajouté : « Je voudrais vraiment développer une glace invisible. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said: \"I really want to develop an invisible ice cream.\" A:", "doc_id": 1407, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They need to get back on track and stay true to the purpose of their cause", "target": ["Lors d'une réunion d'après-campagne, il a dit à son équipe qu'il fallait qu'ils se remettent sur la bonne voie et restent fidèles à leur cause."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At a post-mortem campaign meeting, he told his staff that they needed to get back on track and stay true to the purpose of their cause. A:", "doc_id": 2357, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "During an interview with an Australian radio show this week, the pop star said she sang backing vocals for Jagger's 2004 song \"Old Habits Die Hard.\"", "target": ["Au cours d'un entretien lors d'une émission de radio australienne cette semaine, la pop star a déclaré qu'elle était choriste sur la chanson de Jagger « Old Habits Die Hard » en 2004."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During an interview with an Australian radio show this week, the pop star said she sang backing vocals for Jagger's 2004 song \"Old Habits Die Hard.\" A:", "doc_id": 1499, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airline", "target": ["Delta et JetBlue font partie des compagnies qui ont déjà soumis des plans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Delta and JetBlue were among the airliners who have already submitted plans. A:", "doc_id": 1941, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Biometrics", "target": ["La biométrie va s'appuyer sur de nouvelles techniques, qui permettront de rendre de nouveaux services aux citoyens et aux consommateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Biometrics will rely on new technologies that will enable new services to be provided to citizens and consumers. A:", "doc_id": 2185, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The project will need to be ratified by the British governor of Pitcairn, who is based in New Zealand, and the British government.", "target": ["Le projet doit être accepté par le gouverneur anglais de Pitcairn, résidant en Nouvelle-Zélande, et par le gouvernement britannique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The project will need to be ratified by the British governor of Pitcairn, who is based in New Zealand, and the British government. A:", "doc_id": 2036, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ruining its image", "target": ["Que risquent réellement les Etats-Unis ? une dégradation de leur image?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What risk does the United States actually run? Ruining its image? A:", "doc_id": 1264, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He admitted cocaine possession at an earlier hearing.", "target": ["Il avait admis la possession de cocaïne au cours d'une audience précédente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He admitted cocaine possession at an earlier hearing. A:", "doc_id": 480, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Navy assures that \"this has in no way delayed the [nuclear-powered] ship's activity schedule\"", "target": ["Et la Marine nationale de certifier que \"ça ne remet nullement en cause le programme d'activité du bateau\" à propulsion nucléaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And the Navy assures that \"this has in no way delayed the [nuclear-powered] ship's activity schedule\". A:", "doc_id": 2132, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He said the itinerary is still being worked out.", "target": ["Il a indiqué que l'itinéraire restait à définir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said the itinerary is still being worked out. A:", "doc_id": 2961, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "During the operation, Hamas triggered an explosive device targeting the \"Tsahal forces\" (the Israeli army) and injured five soldiers.", "target": ["Pendant l'opération, le Hamas a déclenché un engin explosif visant les forces de Tsahal (l'armée israélienne) et a blessé 5 soldats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of During the operation, Hamas triggered an explosive device targeting the \"Tsahal forces\" (the Israeli army) and injured five soldiers. A:", "doc_id": 2483, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Justice", "target": ["Si le chef de l'Etat a promis que la justice serait aussi intraitable avec les puissants \"tigres\" qu'avec les \"mouches\" - les fonctionnaires subalternes - seule une poignée de responsables de haut rang ont été condamnés, parmi lesquels d'anciens cadres du géant pétrolier Petrochina."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The head of state has promised that justice would be just as inflexible with the powerful \"tigers\" as with the \"flies\" - the lesser officials - although just a handful of high-ranking officials has been sentenced, including former executives of oil giant PetroChina. A:", "doc_id": 2056, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Contact", "target": ["Les ministères appellent à présent les personnes qui auraient été mordues, griffées, égratignées, ou léchées sur une muqueuse ou sur une peau lésée par ce chaton ou dont l'animal aurait été en contact avec ce chaton entre le 8 et le 28 octobre à contacter le entre 10 heures et 18 heures à partir du 1er novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ministries are currently asking anyone who might have been bitten, clawed, scratched or licked on a mucous membrane or on damaged skin by the kitten, or who own an animal that may have been in contact with the kitten between 08 to 28 October, to contact them on 08 11 00 06 95 between 10am and 6pm from 01 November. A:", "doc_id": 2894, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "South America", "target": ["40 % des Catholiques romains vivent en Amérique du Sud, mais un petit nombre de cardinaux les représentent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Forty percent of Roman Catholics are in South America, but they have a tiny number of cardinals. A:", "doc_id": 2286, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire started at the front, but spread to all three floors of the building.", "target": ["Le feu s'est déclaré à l'avant, mais s'est élevé sur les trois étages de l'immeuble."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fire started at the front, but spread to all three floors of the building. A:", "doc_id": 1005, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "without", "target": ["Ils peuvent choisir un appareil avec ou sans GPS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They can choose a device with or without GPS. A:", "doc_id": 58, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "infertility", "target": ["La chirurgie l'a rendu stérile."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Surgery rendered him infertile. A:", "doc_id": 1328, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He said: \"If you have several meetings with other dogs, and frequently their tail wagging one way is associated with a more friendly behaviour, and the right side is producing a less friendly behaviour, you respond on the basis of that experience.\"", "target": ["Il a ajouté : « Si vous rencontrez à plusieurs reprises d'autres chiens et si vous remarquez que, la plupart du temps, le mouvement de leur queue vers un côté est associé à une attitude plus amicale et que le côté droit entraîne une attitude moins amicale, vous réagirez en fonction de cette expérience. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said: \"If you have several meetings with other dogs, and frequently their tail wagging one way is associated with a more friendly behaviour, and the right side is producing a less friendly behaviour, you respond on the basis of that experience.\" A:", "doc_id": 2254, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NotW", "target": ["Il a déclaré que NotW utilisait trois moyens pour enquêter sur les sujets : le piratage téléphonique, la surveillance et la confrontation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said the NotW used three ways to investigate stories: phone hacking, surveillance, and confrontation. A:", "doc_id": 1028, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was jailed for a minimum of six years.", "target": ["Il a été condamné à une peine de 6 ans de prison minimum."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was jailed for a minimum of six years. A:", "doc_id": 2068, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Aujourd'hui, Airbus en appelle directement au public avant le salon aéronautique de Dubaï, où le 777X devrait prendre le pas sur ses concurrents avec plus de 100 commandes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now, Airbus is appealing directly to the public ahead of the Dubai Airshow, where the 777X is expected to dominate with more than 100 orders. A:", "doc_id": 1668, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the CGT and Goodyear to reach an agreement and Titan buys the factory, we have every intention of staying in Amiens North for more than four years.", "target": ["Si M. Montebourg parvient à ce que la CGT et Goodyear se mettent d'accord et que Titan achète l'usine, nous avons bien l'intention de rester à Amiens-Nord plus de quatre ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If Mr. Montebourg gets the CGT and Goodyear to reach an agreement and Titan buys the factory, we have every intention of staying in Amiens North for more than four years. A:", "doc_id": 285, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more likely", "target": ["Mais il est plus probable qu'il soit utilisé par les fumeurs qui veulent arrêter de fumer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But more likely it would be used by smokers to quit. A:", "doc_id": 1719, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The driver of the vehicle, his wife and his mother all died in the fire in the car.", "target": ["Le conducteur de la voiture, son épouse et sa mère ont péri dans l'incendie de la voiture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The driver of the vehicle, his wife and his mother all died in the fire in the car. A:", "doc_id": 1511, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's really sad.", "target": ["On voyait seulement une partie de son dos, c'est tellement malheureux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Only part of his back was visible, it's really sad.\" A:", "doc_id": 2313, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The minister insisted the Tasmanian Government would face a strict reporting and accountability regime", "target": ["La ministre a affirmé que le gouvernement de Tasmanie serait confronté à un régime strict de préparation des rapports et de reddition de comptes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The minister insisted the Tasmanian Government would face a strict reporting and accountability regime. A:", "doc_id": 1861, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The United Nations has verified - and seen destroyed - all of Syria's declared critical production and mixing/filling equipment.", "target": ["Une déclaration de l'OIAC, qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec l'ONU, indiquait que son équipe était « maintenant satisfaite d'avoir contrôlé – et vu détruites – toute la production critique déclarée et les machines destinées au mélange et au remplissage »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A statement from the OPCW, which works closely with the United Nations, said its team was \"now satisfied that it has verified - and seen destroyed - all of Syria's declared critical production and mixing/filling equipment.\" A:", "doc_id": 1897, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The service will be the same", "target": ["\"Les choses se font progressivement\", répond Nicolas Péju, porte-parole de l'ARS pour qui, le 4 novembre, \"il n'y aura pas de changement en termes de service rendu.\""], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Things are moving gradually,\" says Nicolas Péju, spokesman for the ARS, for whom \"there will be no change in terms of the service offered\", come November 4. A:", "doc_id": 738, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "legitimate", "target": ["Certaines de ses communications seront sans aucun doute des communications légitimes car c'était son avocat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some of his communications will undoubtedly have been legitimate ones because he was their lawyer. A:", "doc_id": 493, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Terror Behind the Walls", "target": ["Elles portent les meilleurs noms, comme « Terror Behind the Walls » (qui est en fait une vraie prison), « Howl-O-Scream » et « The House of Shock »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They have the best names, like \"Terror Behind the Walls\" (which, by the way is in an actual prison), \"Howl-O-Scream\" and \"The House of Shock.\" A:", "doc_id": 1446, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I try to distinguish between the questions about my past as a hostage and my role as president of the association \"Otages du Monde\"", "target": ["J'essaie de faire la part des choses entre les questions sur mon passé en tant qu'otage et ma casquette de président de l'association \"Otages du monde\" qui me permet de mettre de la distance, et me semble bien plus intéressante à aborder."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I try to distinguish between the questions about my past as a hostage and my role as president of the association \"Otages du Monde\", which enables me to keep a distance and seems to me more interesting to deal with. A:", "doc_id": 2843, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The smiling image of my father stays with me", "target": ["C'est l'image de mon père souriant qui m'accompagne dans mes gestes au quotidien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The smiling image of my father stays with me during my everyday activities. A:", "doc_id": 371, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They love reality television", "target": ["Ce sont ces mêmes jeunes qui aiment la téléréalité et ce qu'elle produit comme stars éphémères..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These are the same young people that love reality television and the ephemeral stars it produces... A:", "doc_id": 1139, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel launched airstrikes on shipments of missiles inside Syria", "target": ["Au moins deux fois cette année, Israël a mené des frappes aériennes contre des cargaisons de missiles en Syrie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At least twice earlier this year Israel launched airstrikes on shipments of missiles inside Syria. A:", "doc_id": 1747, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "restrictions", "target": ["Les restrictions sont également de plus en plus difficiles à appliquer car l'utilisation des appareils est devenue omniprésente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The restrictions have also become increasingly difficult to enforce as use of the devices has become ubiquitous. A:", "doc_id": 1963, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The board proposed a mediation service and I was interested.", "target": ["\"Il y a un service de médiation qui est proposé par la commission et j'étais intéressée\", explique Mme Lefèvre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The Board proposed a mediation service and I was interested,\" says Mrs Lefevre. A:", "doc_id": 719, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "great writers and artists", "target": ["Des grands noms d'écrivains, d'artistes, qu'ils soient de souche ou qu'ils soient venus d'ailleurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of as are the names of great writers and artists, whether they are of French origin or come from elsewhere. A:", "doc_id": 2993, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Barclays", "target": ["Rohan Ramchandani, responsable européen du trading de change au comptant chez Citi, a été mis en congé cette semaine, tandis que Matt Gardiner, trader senior de devises chez Barclays et UBS, a été suspendu par Standard Chartered cette semaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rohan Ramchandani, head of European spot trading at Citi, went on leave this week, while Matt Gardiner, a former senior currencies trader at Barclays and UBS, was suspended by Standard Chartered this week. A:", "doc_id": 2419, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The problem is time and money.", "target": ["C'est un problème de temps et d'argent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The problem is time and money. A:", "doc_id": 2934, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "electronic devices", "target": ["Les passagers des compagnies aériennes pourront utiliser leurs appareils électroniques de porte à porte pour lire, travailler, jouer à des jeux, regarder des films et écouter de la musique – mais pas parler sur leur téléphone portable – en vertu des nouvelles directives très attendues publiées jeudi par la Federal Aviation Administration."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airline passengers will be able to use their electronic devices gate-to-gate to read, work, play games, watch movies and listen to music - but not talk on their cellphones - under much-anticipated new guidelines issued Thursday by the Federal Aviation Administration. A:", "doc_id": 1936, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "weaker", "target": ["Pour ce qui est de l'espèce Sousa chinensis, dont la population de la nouvelle espèce découverte est issue, son stock est automatiquement devenu plus faible, la rendant ainsi plus vulnérable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The stock of the Sousa Chinensis species, from which the newly discovered population derives, has automatically grown weaker, making it more vulnerable. A:", "doc_id": 2402, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of Pont-de-Buis Portico Dismantled A", "target": ["le portique de Pont-de-Buis démonté"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pont-de-Buis Portico Dismantled A:", "doc_id": 353, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Airbus déclare que son rival s'accroche à un concept de siège qui date des années 1950, lorsque la circonférence de l'appareil fraîchement baptisé « jet set » était plus étroite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Airbus says its rival is sticking to a seat concept from the 1950s, when the average girth of the newly christened \"jet set\" was narrower. A:", "doc_id": 1674, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Aircraft carrier", "target": ["Le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle en \"indisponibilité\""], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Charles-de-Gaulle Aircraft Carrier \"Unavailable\" A:", "doc_id": 2125, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "row has flared up between leading plane makers over the width of tourist-class seats on long-distance flights", "target": ["La dispute fait rage entre les grands constructeurs aéronautiques à propos de la largeur des sièges de la classe touriste sur les vols long-courriers, ouvrant la voie à une confrontation amère lors du salon aéronautique de Dubaï qui a lieu de mois-ci."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A row has flared up between leading plane makers over the width of tourist-class seats on long-distance flights, setting the tone for a bitter confrontation at this month's Dubai Airshow. A:", "doc_id": 1660, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This will provide assurance that someone is not trying to usurp the identity of another.", "target": ["Cela permet de s'assurer qu'une personne ne tente pas d'usurper l'identité de quelqu'un d'autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This will provide assurance that someone is not trying to usurp the identity of another. A:", "doc_id": 2203, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No classified information is in danger", "target": ["Aucune information classifiée n'est en danger, a expliqué le porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of No classified information is in danger, the spokesperson said. A:", "doc_id": 228, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Out of control", "target": ["Sans limites, l'homme enchaîne les fêtes, les femmes, les drogues."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Out of control, he indulges in parties, women and drugs. A:", "doc_id": 1017, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The face of very lively competition", "target": ["Ça varie d'un trimestre à l'autre avec une concurrence très vive."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It varies from one quarter to the next in the face of very lively competition.\" A:", "doc_id": 168, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Avec une dette brute de plus de 200 millions $, cette ville n'est même plus capable d'acheter un stylo sans passer par un règlement d'emprunt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With a gross debt of over $200 million, this town is no longer even capable of buying a pen without passing a loan bye-law. A:", "doc_id": 2152, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Happy to be back", "target": ["Elle affirme être \"heureuse d'être de retour\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She said she was \"happy to be back\". A:", "doc_id": 513, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After her mango yellow and black taxis", "target": ["Après ses taxis jaune-mangue-noir, elle a finalement repeint elle-même en jaune-bleu foncé-noir les poteaux de Bruxelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After her mango yellow and black taxis, she has ended up repainting the posts in Brussels yellow, dark blue and black. A:", "doc_id": 348, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I loved", "target": ["En mourant, cette femme avait parfait sa vie et libéré la personne que j'aimais, et voici que je la retrouvais, pleine et entière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In dying, this woman had completed her life and freed the person that I loved, and now she was back, whole and complete. A:", "doc_id": 379, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have always been told that.", "target": ["On me l'a toujours dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I have always been told that. A:", "doc_id": 383, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "co-operating", "target": ["Certaines des plus grandes banques au monde, notamment UBS, Barclays, Deutsche Bank et RBS, ont confirmé qu'elles coopéraient avec les régulateurs dans le cadre des enquêtes menées sur le marché financier le plus important au monde, où 5,3 billions de dollars US changent de main chaque jour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some of the world's largest banks, including UBS, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and RBS, have confirmed they are co-operating with regulators in investigations into the world's largest financial market, where $5.3tn changes hands each day. A:", "doc_id": 2413, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sweden", "target": ["Assange pourrait être extradé en Suède suite aux allégations de crime sexuel, après avoir épuisé toutes les voies possibles en vertu de la loi britannique après que la Cour suprême a invalidé l'appel qu'il a interjeté contre son extradition au début du mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Assange faces extradition to Sweden over sex crime allegations, having exhausted his options under British law when the Supreme Court overturned his appeal against extradition earlier this month. A:", "doc_id": 2170, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The setting up of high-performance interception technology", "target": ["La mise en place depuis en gros dix ans d'outils technologiques d'interception très puissants par les Etats-Unis, mais aussi par la France, a officiellement été justifiée par la lutte contre le terrorisme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The setting up of high-performance interception technology over practically the past ten years by the United States - and by France - has been officially justified by the fight against terrorism. A:", "doc_id": 1259, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They're not supposed to restart them until the planes reach 10,000 feet and the captain gives the go-ahead.", "target": ["Ils ne sont pas censés les rallumer avant que l'avion n'atteigne une altitude de 10 000 pieds et que le commandant donne son feu vert."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They're not supposed to restart them until the planes reach 10,000 feet and the captain gives the go-ahead. A:", "doc_id": 1944, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The investment fund that owned the building sold it to developers who will convert it into student residences.", "target": ["Le fonds d'investissement qui possédait l'édifice l'a vendu à des promoteurs qui vont le transformer en résidences étudiantes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The investment fund that owned the building sold it to developers who will convert it into student residences. A:", "doc_id": 236, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "America", "target": ["Mais le cousinage américain ne fait que mieux souligner ce qui nous est propre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, our familiarity with America only emphasises even more something that is particular to us. A:", "doc_id": 2766, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was in the middle of a war", "target": ["C'est la guerre, et ceux qui nous conduisent sont eux aussi très tendus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was in the middle of a war and the people driving us too were very tense. A:", "doc_id": 2800, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "allergic reaction", "target": ["Le rapport comprend également une liste des symptômes typiques communiqués par les enfants qui ont une réaction allergique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The report also includes a list of typical symptoms communicated by children who are having an allergic reaction. A:", "doc_id": 1246, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Money presented the case as a successful case of transition, but it was not", "target": ["« Money a présenté cela comme un cas de transition réussi, mais ce n'était pas le cas », a déclaré Drescher."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Money presented the case as a successful case of transition, but it was not,\" said Drescher. A:", "doc_id": 1311, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Le test, s'il est adopté, serait appliqué selon un critère destiné à empêcher les visas 457 d'être utilisés pour occuper des postes non qualifiés ou comme un moyen détourné pour faire venir sa famille et ses amis en Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The test, if adopted, would be applied through a criteria aimed at preventing 457s being used to fill unskilled positions or as a back door way to move family and friends to Australia. A:", "doc_id": 1750, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He is ageless", "target": ["Gérard de Villiers l'avait dit: \"Malko Linge, comme tous les héros, n'a pas d'âge\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gerard de Villiers said it himself: \"Like all heroes, Malko Linge is ageless. A:", "doc_id": 1656, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Gunshot", "target": ["Deux personnes ont été tuées et une autre a été grièvement blessée vendredi soir par des coups de feu tirés par deux personnes qui se trouvaient à bord d'une moto qui passait devant un local du parti néonazi Aube dorée dans la banlieue ouest d'Athènes, a-t-on appris de source policière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two people were killed and another seriously injured on Friday evening by gunshots fired by two people on a motorbike that was passing an office used by neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn, in the western suburbs of Athens, a police source has said. A:", "doc_id": 2594, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Hillary Clinton", "target": ["Les conseillers les plus proches du président Barack Obama ont envisagé, dans le plus grand secret, de remplacer le vice-président Joe Biden par Hillary Clinton sur la liste de 2012, selon le New York Times."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of President Barack Obama's closest advisers secretly considered replacing Vice President Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton on the 2012 ticket, according to the New York Times. A:", "doc_id": 1374, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "probably between 120 and 150 million", "target": ["\"Sans doute entre 120 et 150 millions tous pays confondus\", avançait-il en mars dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Probably between 120 and 150 million, if you include every country,\" he conjectured last March. A:", "doc_id": 1633, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Il y a pourtant eu une époque où les Français ont cru pouvoir recoudre la robe déchirée de leur histoire, et vaincre la malédiction du chiffre deux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, there has been a time when the French believed they could repair the damage done to their history and overcome the curse of the number two. A:", "doc_id": 2773, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "50,000", "target": ["Près de 50 000 foyers sont privés d'électricité sur l'ensemble de la province, peu après midi vendredi, en raison des vents violents touchant de nombreuses régions le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Close to 50,000 homes throughout the province were left without power shortly after midday on Friday, due to violent winds hitting numerous regions along the St Lawrence River. A:", "doc_id": 2604, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gender as a slate", "target": ["Et il y a à peine une dizaine d'années, la communauté médicale considérait le genre comme une ardoise, que l'on peut effacer et sur laquelle on peut redessiner."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And as little as a decade ago, the medical community thought of gender as a slate that could be erased and then redrawn. A:", "doc_id": 1303, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The kitten was found in Argenteuil on 25 October and died on 28 October", "target": ["Le chaton a été trouvé le 25 octobre à Argenteuil et il est décédé le 28 octobre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The kitten was found in Argenteuil on 25 October and died on 28 October. A:", "doc_id": 2889, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The police stepped in to separate the belligerents and make sure that the injured received medical attention.", "target": ["Alertés, les gendarmes se sont rendus sur place pour séparer les belligérants et veiller à ce que les blessés soient pris en charge."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The police, who had been alerted, stepped in to separate the belligerents and make sure that the injured received medical attention. A:", "doc_id": 1803, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "death", "target": ["Quelle est la cause de la mort ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What was the cause of death? A:", "doc_id": 1225, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Next Day", "target": ["Pas las des surprises, David Bowie avait plus d'un tour dans son sac avec The Next Day."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Not tired of making surprises, David Bowie had more than one trick up his sleeves with The Next Day: A:", "doc_id": 76, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a consistory", "target": ["Dans une déclaration annonçant la nouvelle, le père Federico Lombardi, un porte-parole du Vatican, a dit qu'une réunion rassemblant tous les cardinaux existants se tiendrait avant la cérémonie au cours de laquelle des évêques seront élevés à la dignité de cardinal, connue sous le nom de consistoire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a statement announcing the news, Father Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, said a meeting of all the existing cardinals would be held before the ceremony to elevate the new cardinals, known as a consistory. A:", "doc_id": 2279, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the call for unity", "target": ["Dont celle-ci, qui naît de l'entreprise elle-même: pourquoi, dans un pays si durablement installé dans ses frontières, si anciennement charpenté et solidement maçonné, entend-on ces appels dramatiques à l'unité?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of such as this, which arises from the undertaking itself: why, in a country so permanently established within its frontiers, with such an ancient structure and that is so solidly built, do we hear these dramatic calls for unity? A:", "doc_id": 2757, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It reveals that the wanderer liked to stay at home.", "target": ["On y découvre que le chemineau était un casanier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It reveals that the wanderer liked to stay at home. A:", "doc_id": 2779, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some use lovely projections of images and a true story", "target": ["Certains utilisent de ­belles projections d'images et une ­véritable histoire comme dans 1789, les Amants de la Bastille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some use lovely projections of images and a true story, such as '1789: les Amants de la Bastille'. A:", "doc_id": 1122, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Third Reich", "target": ["Heinrich Müller fait partie des personnalités importantes du Troisième Reich qui n'ont jamais été capturées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Heinrich Muller was one of the major figures in the Third Reich never to be captured. A:", "doc_id": 2656, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was afraid", "target": ["Le vieil homme, âgé de 86 ans, a expliqué aux gendarmes qu'il avait eu peur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The 86-year-old man told police he was afraid. A:", "doc_id": 2640, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were included in the final draft of the document, which will be endorsed by world leaders including Ms Gillard", "target": ["Ils figuraient dans l'avant-projet final du document, qui sera adopté par les dirigeants mondiaux, y compris Mme Gillard, au cours du sommet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were included in the final draft of the document, which will be endorsed by world leaders including Ms Gillard during the summit. A:", "doc_id": 770, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Queen of Soul", "target": ["Le journal Detroit News rapporte que la reine du soul se produira le 21 décembre à la salle Sound Board de l'hôtel MotorCity Casino."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to Detroit News, the queen of Soul will be performing at the Sound Board hall of MotorCity Casino Hotel on 21 December. A:", "doc_id": 510, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "C", "target": ["Les revenus de Cogeco Câble ont cependant progressé de 45% pour atteindre 470,4 millions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevertheless, Cogeco Cable saw a 45% growth, reaching CAD 470.4 million. A:", "doc_id": 163, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The growth in the pawn business", "target": ["La hausse est telle dans le secteur du prêt sur gage que ValueMax, opérateur de la boutique à Bendemeer et de 15 autres boutiques comme celle-ci à Singapour, prévoit de se développer non seulement dans la Malaisie voisine – où il compte déjà quatre boutiques – mais également en dehors de l'Asie, déclare Yeah Lee Ching, sa directrice générale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Such is the growth in the pawn business that ValueMax, operator of the outlet at Bendemeer and of 15 others like it in Singapore, plans to expand not only in neighbouring Malaysia - where it has four shops - but outside Asia too, says Yeah Lee Ching, ValueMax's executive director. A:", "doc_id": 1824, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "majority of shareholders at Oracle voted against the proposed remuneration package for founder and managing director Larry Ellison on Thursday", "target": ["Une majorité d'actionnaires d'Oracle ont voté jeudi contre la proposition de rémunération pour le fondateur et directeur général Larry Ellison, au vu des performances financières de son groupe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A majority of shareholders at Oracle voted against the proposed remuneration package for founder and managing director Larry Ellison on Thursday in view of his group's financial performance. A:", "doc_id": 1697, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The topic has been a topic for many years and hasn't fundamentally changed through the current discussion", "target": ["« C'est un sujet récurrent depuis de nombreuses années et rien n'a fondamentalement changé dans le cadre de la discussion actuelle », déclare Kurt Bock, directeur général de la société productrice de produits chimiques BASF."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This has been a topic for many years and hasn't fundamentally changed through the current discussion,\" says Kurt Bock, chief executive of chemical maker BASF. A:", "doc_id": 1201, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The minister has been conditionally released.", "target": ["Le pasteur a été relâché sous conditions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The minister has been conditionally released. A:", "doc_id": 1839, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Les économistes craignent également le niveau élevé d'endettement des consommateurs en Thaïlande, qui est sorti de peu cette semaine d'une récession technique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Economists are also worried about high levels of consumer debt in Thailand, which this week narrowly emerged from technical recession. A:", "doc_id": 1817, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The creator of SAS said he was \"making a sort of geopolitical soap opera\"", "target": ["Le père de SAS disait \"faire un genre de feuilleton géopolitique\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The creator of SAS said he was \"making a sort of geopolitical soap opera\". A:", "doc_id": 1642, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Or, il veut garder l'usine d'Amiens avec au moins 333 emplois bien payés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, he wants to keep the factory in Amiens with at least 333 well-paid employees. A:", "doc_id": 273, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Times", "target": ["Le Times a obtenu une copie du livre à paraître et a raconté jeudi soir que les proches collaborateurs du président avaient mené des « travaux approfondis en groupes et des sondages fin 2011 » pour voir si l'éviction de Biden pourrait aider Obama en vue de sa réélection alors que ses espoirs s'amenuisaient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Times obtained a copy of the forthcoming book and reported Thursday evening that the President's top aides conducted \"extensive group-sessions and polling in late 2011\" to gauge whether the dumping Biden could help bolster Obama's waning re-election hopes. A:", "doc_id": 1376, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "micro-fiber protective cover or in-ear headphones", "target": ["Pour le même prix, il est aussi possible d'acquérir une housse de protection fabriquée en micro-fibres ou un écouteur intra-auriculaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is also possible to get a micro-fiber protective cover or in-ear headphones for the same price. A:", "doc_id": 362, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Female", "target": ["Le sexe masculin ou féminin des nouveaux nés ne leur sera plus attribué, de manière rigide, à la naissance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of No longer will newborns be rigidly assigned to male or female. A:", "doc_id": 1273, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the new media tribunal will always be biased because it's an extension of the government", "target": ["Il a indiqué que le nouveau tribunal des médias « sera toujours partial car il s'agit d'un prolongement du gouvernement » et que les restrictions relatives au contenu et à la publicité nuiraient à la place du Kenya dans l'économie mondiale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said the new media tribunal \"will always be biased because it's an extension of the government,\" and that restrictions on content and advertising would damage Kenya's place in the global economy. A:", "doc_id": 581, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The number of people on site A", "target": ["Des dizaines de personnes sur place"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dozens of people on site A:", "doc_id": 329, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mass murder", "target": ["L'homme de 45 ans a été reconnu coupable de tuerie de masse pour les attentats visant deux boîtes de nuit dans le quartier touristique populaire de Kuta, qui ont causé la mort de 202 personnes, dont 88 Australiens, et ont fait de nombreux blessés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The 45-year-old was found guilty of mass murder for the attack on two nightclubs in the popular tourist area of Kuta which left 202 people dead, including 88 Australians, and injured scores more. A:", "doc_id": 1912, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "extremist parties", "target": ["Il n'y a qu'aux partis extrémistes que je parle pas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It is only extremist parties that I will not talk to.\" A:", "doc_id": 2931, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "presence checks", "target": ["S'y est ajouté, plus récemment, le contrôle de présence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Added to this, more recently, are presence checks. A:", "doc_id": 2209, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's good news, but it didn't surprise me", "target": ["C'est une bonne nouvelle, mais cela ne m'étonne pas particulièrement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's good news, but it didn't surprise me especially. A:", "doc_id": 2387, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "President", "target": ["\"Dans certains cas, je vous le concède, comme l'a fait le président, certaines de ces actions sont allées trop loin et nous allons nous assurer que cela n'arrive plus à l'avenir\", a déclaré John Kerry lors d'une conférence à Londres à laquelle il participait depuis Washington jeudi 31 octobre par liaison vidéo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"In certain cases, I acknowledge, as does the President, that some of these activities went too far and we guarantee that this will not happen in the future,\" declared John Kerry at a conference in London that he was participating in from Washington via a video link on Thursday October 31. A:", "doc_id": 828, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Immigration Minister", "target": ["Le ministre de l'Immigration Brendan O'Connor, qui était au Sri Lanka pour rencontrer des hauts responsables afin de discuter du trafic d'êtres humains, a mis en œuvre cinq des changements recommandés, les autres étant en cours d'examen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor, who was yesterday in Sri Lanka where he is meeting officials about people smuggling, has implemented five of the recommended changes with the remainder under consideration. A:", "doc_id": 1755, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the former", "target": ["Le pays, en déficit budgétaire, réclame depuis des mois l'aide du Fonds monétaire international, qui lui avait accordé en 2010 un crédit de 15,3 milliards de dollars et n'en a débloqué pour l'instant que 3,4 milliards."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Experiencing a budgetary deficit, the country has been asking for aid from the International Monetary Fund for months. The latter, in 2010, had given the former a 15,300 million dollars loan, but this time it has released just 3,400 million. A:", "doc_id": 665, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That means one passenger in line at a Frontier gate might get to bring a bag on for free", "target": ["Ainsi, un passager faisant la queue à une porte d'embarquement Frontier pourrait transporter un sac gratuitement, tandis que la personne suivante dans la queue pourrait devoir payer 100 $ pour un sac semblable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That means one passenger in line at a Frontier gate might get to bring a bag on for free, while the next person in line might owe $100 for a similar bag. A:", "doc_id": 192, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are a lot of patients.", "target": ["Il y a beaucoup de patients."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are a lot of patients. A:", "doc_id": 2682, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The closure is still expected to take effect on this date.", "target": ["Malgré les consignes ministérielles, la fermeture devrait tout de même être effective à cette date."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Despite the minister's instructions, the closure is nevertheless expected to take effect on this date. A:", "doc_id": 727, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Francis", "target": ["« Désormais, François a choisi ces huit cardinaux pour qu'ils l'aident », a expliqué Valero."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Now Francis has selected these eight cardinals to help him,\" Valero said. A:", "doc_id": 2289, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They", "target": ["Avec 32 autres hommes, ils ont été par la suite emprisonnés après que la police a saisi de l'héroïne et de la cocaïne pour un montant de 1,5 M£, ainsi que plus de 200 000 £ en espèces au cours d'une série de raids."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They and 32 other men were later jailed after police seized heroin and cocaine worth £1.5million along with more than £200,000 in cash during a series of raids. A:", "doc_id": 477, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The next morning, the team begins meeting with hundreds of patients.", "target": ["Le lendemain matin, l'équipe commence à recevoir des centaines de patients."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The next morning, the team begins meeting with hundreds of patients. A:", "doc_id": 2701, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Le top model de 22 ans ne commence pas sa carrière au cinéma par la petite porte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 22-year-old Top Model Starts Acting Career in Grand Style. A:", "doc_id": 617, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cardinal", "target": ["Jack Valero des Voix catholiques a déclaré que d'ici février, le nombre de cardinaux électeurs aura probablement diminué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jack Valero of Catholic Voices said that by February, the number of cardinal electors was likely to have dropped. A:", "doc_id": 2281, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Who are our builders?", "target": ["Qui sont nos bâtisseurs?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Who are our builders? A:", "doc_id": 2994, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There will be a change in how we pay these taxes.", "target": ["Il va y avoir du changement dans la façon dont nous payons ces taxes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is going to be a change in how we pay these taxes. A:", "doc_id": 15, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Here, people were bothered by a native old power, and were all the more radical for it.", "target": ["Ici, des hommes encombrés d'un Ancien Régime indigène, et d'autant plus radicaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Here, people were bothered by a native old power, and were all the more radical for it. A:", "doc_id": 2768, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And, I fight", "target": ["Surtout, je me bats, avec d'autres, pour la reconnaissance du statut juridique de l'otage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And, I fight, alongside other people, for the recognition of the legal status of hostages. A:", "doc_id": 2845, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not generally", "target": ["Les dirigeants d'entreprise sont généralement peu enclins à révéler les mesures de prévention qu'ils ont mises en place, au cas où cela laisserait l'avantage à un adversaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Corporate leaders are not generally keen to boast about the countermeasures they have taken, in case this hands an advantage to an attacker. A:", "doc_id": 1203, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "commission", "target": ["Une commission composée de trois personnes sera constituée pour garantir que l'État fournit les services de la façon la plus efficace et efficiente possible."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A three-person commission will be set up to ensure the state is delivering services as effectively and efficiently as possible. A:", "doc_id": 1863, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Minister of Public Works and Transports in Brussels had launched a test project in the centre of Brussels on Thursday, consisting in repainting 16 traffic light posts in the yellow and blue colours of the Brussels region", "target": ["Pour rappel, la ministre bruxelloise des Travaux Publics et des Transports a lancé ce jeudi au centre de Bruxelles un projet test consistant à repeindre 16 poteaux de feux de signalisation de la région aux couleurs jaune et bleu de Bruxelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Minister of Public Works and Transports in Brussels had launched a test project in the centre of Brussels on Thursday, consisting in repainting 16 traffic light posts in the yellow and blue colours of the Brussels region. A:", "doc_id": 343, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The motorcyclist, Jonathan, aged 26, from Fléron, was not wearing a helmet.", "target": ["Le motard, Jonathan, 26 ans, de Fléron, ne portait pas de casque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The motorcyclist, Jonathan, aged 26, from Fléron, was not wearing a helmet. A:", "doc_id": 2363, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Obama campaign", "target": ["Rapport : La campagne d'Obama considérée comme laissant tomber Biden pour Hillary Clinton"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Report: Obama campaign considered dumping Biden for Hillary Clinton A:", "doc_id": 1373, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "2011", "target": ["En 2011, les dirigeants de la société ont chargé un avion de ligne de lecteurs de livres électroniques Kindle et l'ont fait voler pour voir s'il y avait des problèmes, mais il n'y en a eu aucun."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2011, company officials loaded an airliner full of their Kindle e-readers and flew it around to test for problems but found none. A:", "doc_id": 1974, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not", "target": ["Me Ruby a qualifié d'\"inexplicable\" le fait que la police n'ait jamais fouillé le véhicule de Rob Ford ou son domicile, ou mis sur écoute son téléphone, soutenant que le chef de police Bill Blair a choisi en connaissance de cause de ne pas agir contre le maire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ruby says it is \"inexplicable\" that the police have never searched Rob Ford's vehicle or home, or tapped his telephone, saying that chief of police Bill Blair knowingly decided not to act against the mayor. A:", "doc_id": 2438, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Drug", "target": ["Basharat Ditta, 42 ans, donnait des informations sensibles au seigneur du crime Neil Scarbrough concernant des enquêtes sur ses activités liées au trafic de drogue après s'être compromis à cause de son habitude de consommer de la cocaïne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Basharat Ditta, 42, would feed sensitive intelligence to crime lord Neil Scarbrough about inquiries into his drug trafficking activities after he became compromised by his cocaine habit. A:", "doc_id": 471, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nevada", "target": ["Le Nevada a déjà mené à terme un projet pilote."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevada has already completed a pilot. A:", "doc_id": 38, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cancer", "target": ["J'ai perdu mon père le 22 août 2008 des suites d'un cancer de l'amiante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I lost my father on 22 August 2008 to asbestos-related cancer. A:", "doc_id": 434, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The FAA", "target": ["Toutefois, nous sommes toujours intéressés par les évolutions réglementaires qui pourraient bénéficier aux passagers, et nous examinerons de près la décision de la FAA et les raisons de celle-ci."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, we are always interested in regulatory developments that could benefit passengers and we will certainly be taking a close look at the FAA's decision and the reasons behind it. A:", "doc_id": 1792, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The attack on the city of Homs", "target": ["Attaque israélienne dans le nord de la Syrie"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli attack in northern Syria A:", "doc_id": 2484, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the", "target": ["Grèce: deux morts dans une fusillade près d'un local du parti néo-nazi"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Greece: Two Dead in Shooting Near Neo-Nazi Party Office A:", "doc_id": 2593, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Tripodi", "target": ["M. Tripodi, qui a été ministre des Ports de février 2006 à novembre 2009, était au départ favorable aux appels d'offres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Tripodi, who was ports minister from February 2006 until November 2009, was initially in favour of public tenders. A:", "doc_id": 1736, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "European", "target": ["La voici à nouveau en débat, bousculée par une immigration d'un type nouveau, menacée par la montée de minorités revendicatives, absorbée dans l'espace européen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Here we are in debate once again, shaken by a new type of immigration, threatened by the inflow of protesting minorities, absorbed into the European framework. A:", "doc_id": 2776, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I think Fenton was helped by his cute clothes", "target": ["Je suis sûr que ses beaux vêtements ont aidé Fenton, il avait vraiment fière allure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I'm sure Fenton was helped by his cute clothes, he really looked the part. A:", "doc_id": 2105, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "200", "target": ["Parmi elles, 200 n'ont toujours pas trouvé de nouvel emploi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Of these, 200 have still not found a new job. A:", "doc_id": 238, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He has served six French presidents", "target": ["Il a servi six présidents français, de Georges Pompidou à François Hollande en passant par Nicolas Sarkozy, y compris sur leurs lieux de vacances, et nourri un nombre incalculable de grands de ce monde dans un quasi-anonymat qu'il ne brise qu'aujourd'hui, à l'heure de la retraite, à 60 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He has served six French presidents, from Georges Pompidou to Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, including at their holiday homes, and fed an uncountable number of world figures, surrounded by a cloud of anonymity that he has only emerged from today, as he retires at 60. A:", "doc_id": 984, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Fire of the Unknown", "target": ["Des inconnus tirent sur un hôtel près des pyramides du Caire"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Unknown Persons Open Fire on Hotel Near Pyramids in Cairo A:", "doc_id": 2619, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They sent their son to school with a book-bag and he was returned to them in a body bag", "target": ["« Ils ont envoyé leur fils à l'école avec un cartable et on le leur a rendu dans un sac mortuaire », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They sent their son to school with a book-bag and he was returned to them in a body bag,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 1223, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Army's New Attack", "target": ["RDC: l'armée prépare un nouvel assaut"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of DRC: Army Prepares New Assault A:", "doc_id": 1156, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Catholic Church", "target": ["Elle n'est tolérée que depuis 1963 par l'Eglise catholique, ce qui a limité les tentatives de l'apprivoiser."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Catholic Church only started tolerating it in 1963, a fact that has restricted efforts at getting to grips with it. A:", "doc_id": 865, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "each episode contains two 11-minute stories", "target": ["Chaque épisode comprend deux histoires de 11 minutes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Each episode contains two 11-minute stories. A:", "doc_id": 117, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "abandoned", "target": ["Jeudi, l'OIAC a dit que les deux sites étaient, selon la Syrie, « abandonnés et... que les éléments du programme d'armes chimiques qu'ils contenaient avaient été déplacés vers d'autres sites déclarés, qui ont été inspectés »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Thursday, OPCW said the two locations were, according to Syria, \"abandoned and ... the chemical weapons program items they contained were moved to other declared sites, which were inspected.\" A:", "doc_id": 1901, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The use of pencils to mark ballots", "target": ["M. Palmer a aussi critiqué l'utilisation de crayons de papier pour marquer les bulletins de vote."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Palmer also criticised the use of pencils to mark ballots. A:", "doc_id": 2377, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The technology is there to do it.", "target": ["La technologie est là pour le faire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The technology is there to do it. A:", "doc_id": 16, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr. Montebourg knows that.", "target": ["Je pense que M. Montebourg sait cela."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I think Mr. Montebourg knows that. A:", "doc_id": 272, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am of the opinion that a sufficient basis exists;", "target": ["« Je considère qu'il existe une base suffisante » pour ouvrir une enquête officielle, a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I am of the opinion that a sufficient basis exists\" for a formal investigation, he said. A:", "doc_id": 1230, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bali", "target": ["Patek est le dernier des poseurs de bombe de Bali à être traduit en justice."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Patek is the last of the Bali bombers to face justice. A:", "doc_id": 1927, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "because", "target": ["Car bien plus que la figure imposée du cursus universitaire, cette thèse-ci dit la nécessité intérieure d'une vie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of because, over and above the format imposed in the university course, this philosophical work speaks of the inner necessity of a life. A:", "doc_id": 2785, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "civil", "target": ["77% des Français en veulent une, pour leurs proches, qu'elle soit religieuse (53%), ou civile (24%)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 77% of French want one for their loved ones, be it religious (53%) or civil (24%). A:", "doc_id": 868, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Andenne and Namur fire departments and the police from Arches intervened.", "target": ["Les pompiers d'Andenne et de Namur et la police des Arches sont intervenus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Andenne and Namur fire departments and the police from Arches intervened. A:", "doc_id": 2555, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pat Etheridge", "target": ["L'ancien correspondant de CNN Pat Etheridge est un journaliste spécialisé dans les questions familiales et de santé chez l'enfant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former CNN correspondent Pat Etheridge is a journalist specializing in children's health and family issues. A:", "doc_id": 1568, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Canada", "target": ["Si on mettait l'accent sur les soins palliatifs au Canada, l'approche de l'euthanasie deviendrait minime."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"If emphasis was put on palliative care in Canada, the call for euthanasia would become minimal,\" she added. A:", "doc_id": 568, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They don't want us to dictate to them what makes them profitable.", "target": ["Elles ne veulent pas qu'on leur dise ce qui leur permettra d'être rentables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They don't want us to dictate to them what makes them profitable. A:", "doc_id": 1679, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cinema was able to show itself in a good light", "target": ["Le cinéma a pu reprendre ses droits et les clients retrouver la plaisir des images."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cinema was able to show itself in a good light and the customers could continue enjoying events unfolding... A:", "doc_id": 635, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision to get staff to sign confidentiality agreements soon after the allegations emerged was made by YMCA general manager of children's services Liam Whitley.", "target": ["M. Hare a dit que la décision de faire signer au personnel des accords de confidentialité, peu après que les allégations ont été évoquées, a été prise par le directeur général du YMCA chargé des services à l'enfance, Liam Whitley."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Hare said the decision to get staff to sign confidentiality agreements soon after the allegations emerged was made by YMCA general manager of children's services Liam Whitley. A:", "doc_id": 2075, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The band announced", "target": ["L'annonce a été faite après que le groupe a été contraint de reporter de même un concert à la LG Arena de Birmingham jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The band's announcement came after they were forced to similarly postpone a gig at the LG Arena in Birmingham on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 2267, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prism", "target": ["Selon une enquête réalisée par la Cloud Security Alliance, un organisme professionnel, quelque 10 % des membres non américains ont renoncé à leurs projets d'utiliser un fournisseur américain de services de stockage dans le cloud après les révélations sur le programme américain d'exploration des données Prism."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to a survey carried out by the Cloud Security Alliance, a trade body, some 10 per cent of non-US members cancelled plans to use a US-based cloud provider after revelations about the US Prism data mining programme. A:", "doc_id": 1196, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We will find you and put you before the courts.", "target": ["Nous vous trouverons et vous traduirons devant les tribunaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We will find you and put you before the courts. A:", "doc_id": 505, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What if you were able to intercept that and stop it before it happens?", "target": ["Et si vous pouviez intercepter leurs communications et les arrêter avant qu'ils n'agissent ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So what if you were able to intercept that and stop it before it happens? A:", "doc_id": 2950, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I don't know who it was that said that those who die are not forgotten but invisible.", "target": ["Je ne sais plus qui disait que les personnes décédées ne sont pas des oubliés mais des invisibles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I don't know who it was that said that those who die are not forgotten but invisible. A:", "doc_id": 396, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The American Civil Liberties Union", "target": ["L'American Civil Liberties Union est elle aussi très préoccupée et exprime son inquiétude concernant la protection de la vie privée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The American Civil Liberties Union is deeply concerned, too, raising a variety of privacy issues. A:", "doc_id": 9, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A little girl sustained injuries from gunfire, and three other people had been wounded.", "target": ["Une fillette a été blessée par balle, et trois autres personnes ont été blessées, dont une grièvement, évacuée par les FARDC, a ajouté ce témoin cité par l'AFP."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A little girl sustained injuries from gunfire, and three other people had been wounded. One of them was seriously hit and had been evacuated by the FARDC, the witness quoted by the AFP added. A:", "doc_id": 1170, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "slowed down", "target": ["Le shutdown aux USA a freiné la hausse du marché automobile"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The shutdown in the USA has slowed down the automotive market. A:", "doc_id": 2576, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Titan doesn't need to buy this factory.", "target": ["Titan n'a pas besoin d'acheter cette usine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Titan doesn't need to buy this factory. A:", "doc_id": 266, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Islamist", "target": ["Une bonne partie des violences a été imputée à l'État islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL), un groupe affilié à Al-Qaida (extrémistes sunnites), également impliqué dans la guerre civile en Syrie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The majority of the violence is attributed to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (EIIL), a group affiliated with Al-Qaida (Sunni extremists), which is also involved in the civil war in Syria. A:", "doc_id": 1056, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "conclusive", "target": ["Si elle est concluante, les lecteurs biométriques pourraient bientôt arriver chez les commerçants français."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If it is conclusive, biometric readers could soon be seen in shops in France. A:", "doc_id": 2215, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "measures that were previously considered by former Immigration Minister Chris Bowen", "target": ["Le document de travail fait état des 12 mesures qui avaient précédemment été envisagées par l'ancien ministre de l'Immigration Chris Bowen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The discussion paper outlines 12 measures that were previously considered by former Immigration Minister Chris Bowen. A:", "doc_id": 1754, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["En 2009, les baux concernant les entreprises de Circular Quay, qui rapportaient aux Obeid environ 2,5 M$ par an, ont été renouvelés sans qu’il n'y ait d'appel d'offres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2009 leases for the Circular Quay enterprises, which earned the Obeids about $2.5 million annually, were renewed without going to public tender. A:", "doc_id": 1735, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "global war", "target": ["Nouri Al Maliki veut une \"guerre mondiale\" contre Al-Qaida."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nouri Al Maliki wants a \"global war\" against Al-Qaida. A:", "doc_id": 1057, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "marine mammals", "target": ["Les mammifères marins sont situés en haut de la chaîne alimentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Marine mammals are located at the top of the food chain. A:", "doc_id": 2404, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The European productivity malaise", "target": ["Au-delà des problèmes budgétaires et monétaires actuels, il existe un malaise plus profond lié à la productivité en Europe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Beyond the current budget and currency problems lies a deeper European productivity malaise. A:", "doc_id": 1537, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the merger is also conditional upon obtaining other regulatory authorisations and the approval of the two groups' shareholders", "target": ["\"La fusion est également conditionnée à l'obtention d'autres autorisations réglementaires et à l'approbation des actionnaires des deux groupes\", ajoutent-ils."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The merger is also conditional upon obtaining other regulatory authorisations and the approval of the two groups' shareholders,\" they add. A:", "doc_id": 680, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "stressful", "target": ["« Le rôle de parent est suffisamment stressant sans restrictions supplémentaires, en particulier si vous ne connaissez pas le sexe de votre enfant », a-t-elle déclaré sur le site destiné aux jeunes parents."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Parenting is stressful enough without extra limitations, especially if you don't know the gender of your child,\" she told the parenting website. A:", "doc_id": 1300, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "1,000", "target": ["On pense que le pays dispose d'environ 1 000 tonnes de produits et d'armes chimiques, notamment du gaz moutarde et l'agent neurotoxique sarin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The country is believed to have around 1,000 metric tons of chemicals and weapons including mustard gas and the nerve agent sarin. A:", "doc_id": 1885, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FAA may lift ban on some electronic devices during takeoff and landing", "target": ["La FAA peut lever l'interdiction sur certains appareils électroniques pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of FAA may lift ban on some electronic devices during takeoff and landing A:", "doc_id": 1957, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "leak of radioactive steam", "target": ["La fuite de vapeur radioactive détectée sur l'une des deux chaufferies nucléaires du Charles-de-Gaulle, à la mi-octobre et alors que le bateau se trouvait en mer, était \"sans danger pour les marins\", mais n'est pas sans conséquence pour la Marine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A leak of radioactive steam, detected on one of the two nuclear stokeholds on the Charles-de-Gaulle in mid-October when the ship was at sea, \"posed no threat to the sailors\", but is no small matter for the Navy. A:", "doc_id": 2127, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The hardest part", "target": ["Mais on a fait le plus dur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But we'd been through the hardest part. A:", "doc_id": 2827, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Mais Yahoo et Google ont nié tout lien avec ces pratiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, Yahoo and Google have denied any involvement in these practices. A:", "doc_id": 841, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "critical", "target": ["Le pronostic vital des deux victimes est toujours engagé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The condition of the two victims remains critical. A:", "doc_id": 2548, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The violence is becoming more and more deadly", "target": ["Ces violences sont de plus en plus meurtrières en dépit de mesures de sécurité renforcées et d'opérations militaires d'envergure lancées depuis des mois par le gouvernement de Nouri Al Maliki, dominé par les chiites."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The violence is becoming more and more deadly in spite of reinforced security measures and large-scale military operations undertaken in recent months by Nouri Al Maliki's government, which is dominated by Shiites. A:", "doc_id": 1049, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It didn't bother me.", "target": ["Ça ne m'a pas gêné."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It didn't bother me. A:", "doc_id": 2838, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Scarborough", "target": ["La chute de l'avocat est survenue après que la police, enquêtant sur Scarborough, a découvert qu'il avait été régulièrement en contact téléphonique avec Ditta en février 2011."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The lawyer's downfall came after police investigating Scarborough discovered he had been in regular phone contact with Ditta in February 2011. A:", "doc_id": 481, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "he meant the agreement was no longer being respected by Frelimo", "target": ["Il a déclaré au FT qu'il voulait dire que l'accord n'était plus respecté par le Frelimo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He told the FT that he meant the agreement was no longer being respected by Frelimo. A:", "doc_id": 792, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "group work", "target": ["Travail de groupe, petits solos de transitions, ensembles qui se déplacent, choeurs, l'écriture est moins binaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Group work, small transiting solos, moving as a group, a chorus, makes the depiction less binary. A:", "doc_id": 2522, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Selon l'armée libanaise, des avions israéliens sont entrés dans l'espace aérien libanais mercredi en début d'après-midi, mais les frappes ont eu lieu dans la soirée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Israeli aircrafts entered Lebanese air space early on Wednesday afternoon, but did not carry out attacks until the evening, according to the Lebanese army. A:", "doc_id": 648, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a relatively unsophisticated one", "target": ["La cyber-tactique n'est pas très sophistiquée et les attaques ne sont pas destinées à pénétrer dans le réseau interne du système visé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cyber tactic is a relatively unsophisticated one and the attacks are not meant to penetrate the internal network of the target system. A:", "doc_id": 231, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People are not stupid, they will go wherever the best care is offered.", "target": ["Les gens ne sont pas fous, ils vont aller là où il y a la meilleure offre de soins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People are not stupid, they will go wherever the best care is offered.\" A:", "doc_id": 750, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cargo", "target": ["Les passagers qui essayaient d'éviter ces frais mettaient autant de choses qu'ils pouvaient dans les bagages à main rangés dans les compartiments supérieurs, ainsi il n'y avait souvent plus de place dans ces compartiments."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers trying to avoid those fees have been stuffing as much as they can into carry-on baggage stashed in overhead bins, meaning those bins often run out of space. A:", "doc_id": 187, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Euro", "target": ["Dans ce contexte, l'euro poursuit son repli contre la monnaie américaine et a touché en séance un plus bas de deux semaines à 1,3517 dollar."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this context, the Euro continues to drop as compared to the US dollar and, during the session, reached a record two-week low at $1.3517. A:", "doc_id": 2454, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "latitude", "target": ["Depuis le début des combats majeurs en Afghanistan, l'armée peine à déterminer quelle latitude elle peut accorder aux soldats blessés qui veulent rester dans les rangs, mais qui ne sont pas aptes au combat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since the start of major combat in Afghanistan, the army has struggled to determine what latitude it can give to injured soldiers who want to stay in the army but are not capable of combat. A:", "doc_id": 107, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yet, she is there, a silent presence, watching me.", "target": ["Pourtant, elle est là, présence silencieuse, elle est là et me regarde."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet, she is there, a silent presence, watching me. A:", "doc_id": 423, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "9", "target": ["La façon dont les sièges seront disposés à l'arrière de l'avion – en particulier, y aura-t-il 9 ou 10 sièges de front – est essentielle pour le rendement économique du segment des « mini-jumbo »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How the back of the plane is laid out - particularly whether seating is 9 or 10 abreast - is central to the economic performance claims being made for new \"mini-jumbo\" jet designs. A:", "doc_id": 1664, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The dispute comes as plane makers vie to sell ever-larger versions of their twin-engined long-distance aircraft, with potentially record orders expected at the November 17-21 event", "target": ["Le différend a éclaté alors que les avionneurs cherchent à vendre des versions encore plus grandes de leurs avions long-courriers bimoteurs, en espérant éventuellement un record de commandes lors de l'évènement qui se déroulera du 17 au 21 novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The dispute comes as plane makers vie to sell ever-larger versions of their twin-engined long-distance aircraft, with potentially record orders expected at the November 17-21 event. A:", "doc_id": 1663, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 1,800 million", "target": ["Ils sont de 1,8 milliard pour l'exercice financier en cours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Its revenue stands at CAD 1,800 million for the current financial year. A:", "doc_id": 161, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's not easy.", "target": ["« Ce n'est pas facile », ajoute M. Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's not easy,\" Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2680, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "dangerous", "target": ["\"Où va-t-on si on demande aux gens de s'auto-diagnostiquer\", s'interroge Gérald Kierzek pour qui \"le concept d'urgence pas grave\" est \"dangereux\" et marque une \"régression médicale\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Where are we heading if we start asking people to self-diagnose?\" asks Gérald Kierzek, for whom \"the concept of a non-major emergency\" is \"dangerous\" and marks a \"medical step backwards\". A:", "doc_id": 748, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Everything can't be sorted out in one appointment, but you know you can count on the psychiatrist, call on him if needed, that you have not been abandoned to yourself.", "target": ["Ce n'est pas une séance qui fait tout mais on sait qu'on peut compter sur lui, le rappeler si besoin, qu'on n'est pas livrés à nous-mêmes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Everything can't be sorted out in one appointment, but you know you can count on the psychiatrist, call on him if needed, that you have not been abandoned to yourself. A:", "doc_id": 2833, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Shiite", "target": ["Mais ces derniers ont aussi critiqué Nouri Al Maliki, un chiite, lui attribuant la responsabilité partielle de la reprise des violences par sa \"politique sectaire et autoritaire\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, they have also criticized Shiite Nouri Al Maliki, saying he is partly responsible for the resumption of violence because of his \"sectarian and authoritarian policies\". A:", "doc_id": 1063, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This way, you are OK -- raise the child, love the child.", "target": ["Ainsi, tout va bien – vous pouvez élever votre enfant et l'aimer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This way, you are OK -- raise the child, love the child. A:", "doc_id": 1348, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Journalistic method is not to adopt a moral position, but to investigate the significance and relevance of information and enable every citizen to form an opinion.", "target": ["La démarche journalistique n'est pas un positionnement moral, mais la recherche de l'intérêt et de la pertinence d'informations qui permettent à chaque citoyen de se forger une opinion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The journalistic method is not to adopt a moral position, but to investigate the significance and relevance of information and enable every citizen to form an opinion. A:", "doc_id": 1254, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DCNS", "target": ["De son côté, l'entreprise DCNS, spécialiste du naval de défense, assure que ses équipes et celles d'Areva, dépêchées dans le Var pour l'occasion, \"interviennent actuellement sur le porte-avions\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Specialist naval defence company DCNS has confirmed that its teams, along with Areva's, have been dispatched to the department of Var and are \"currently working on aircraft carrier\". A:", "doc_id": 2129, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "France", "target": ["D'ailleurs, dans ce domaine, la France et les Etats-Unis notamment ont mis en place des procédures de coopération et d'échanges d'informations quasi quotidiens et qui sont décrits de part et d'autre comme essentiels."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Furthermore, in this regard, France and the United States in particular have implemented procedures, sometimes described as essential, for cooperating and exchanging information on an almost daily basis. A:", "doc_id": 1260, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was telling me that, when he's here, sometimes he'll walk down an alley between two buildings and think to himself, Hey, if I lose all my money, maybe I'll live here.", "target": ["Il me disait que, lorsqu'il était ici, parfois il descendait une ruelle entre deux immeubles et se disait Eh bien, si je perds tout mon argent, peut-être que je viendrai vivre ici."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was telling me that, when he's here, sometimes he'll walk down an alley between two buildings and think to himself, Hey, if I lose all my money, maybe I'll live here. A:", "doc_id": 923, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "precocious", "target": ["Il y a un débat concernant ce qui constitue l'apparition réelle de la puberté, mais elle est considérée comme « précoce » lorsque le développement de la poitrine s'accompagne d'une croissance soudaine avant l'âge de 8 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is debate about what constitutes the actual onset of puberty, but it is considered \"precocious\" when breast enlargement is accompanied by a growth spurt before age 8. A:", "doc_id": 1577, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The secret services were completely wrong.", "target": ["Les services secrets se trompaient totalement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the secret services were completely wrong. A:", "doc_id": 2648, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The excitement of finding their favorite programme having subsided", "target": ["Passée l'excitation de retrouver leur programme favori, beaucoup ont été déçus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The excitement of finding their favorite programme having subsided, many are disappointed. A:", "doc_id": 948, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Qantas will stick with the current rules for now.", "target": ["Qantas a déclaré qu'elle respectait pour le moment les règles actuelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Qantas said it would stick with the current rules for now. A:", "doc_id": 1789, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was unhappy, but it was really difficult to ask questions.", "target": ["Je n'étais pas heureux, mais c'était vraiment difficile de poser des questions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was unhappy, but it was really difficult to ask questions. A:", "doc_id": 1321, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we had decided to do a first flight and to do an update period", "target": ["Nous avions décidé de procéder à un premier vol et de prévoir une période de mise à jour, et c'est ce que nous avons fait."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We had decided to do a first flight and to do an update period and that's what we have done. A:", "doc_id": 303, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Les passagers sont supposés éteindre leurs appareils lors de la descente de l'avion avant l'atterrissage et ne pas les rallumer jusqu'à ce que l'avion se soit posé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers are supposed to turn their devices off again as the plane descends to land and not restart them until the plane is on the ground. A:", "doc_id": 1945, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Don't buy as much gas as they used to.", "target": ["Les Américains n'achètent plus autant d'essence qu'avant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Americans don't buy as much gas as they used to. A:", "doc_id": 18, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Working seven hours a day", "target": ["Travailler sept heures par jour quand dans d'autres pays on travaille huit heures handicape la France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Working seven hours a day when people in other countries are working eight hours is holding France back. A:", "doc_id": 261, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "700", "target": ["Le Dr. Georges Bwelle et son équipe de bénévoles ont pratiqué plus de 700 actes chirurgicaux gratuitement au cours de l'année dernière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dr. Georges Bwelle and his team of volunteers have performed 700 free surgeries in the past year. A:", "doc_id": 2692, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The final straw", "target": ["La révélation selon laquelle le téléphone de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel avait été piraté, peut-être même pendant une décennie, a été la goutte d'eau qui a fait déborder le vase."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The final straw came when it was revealed that Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone had been bugged, possibly for about a decade. A:", "doc_id": 1179, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "zombies", "target": ["Pour ce qui est des hommes, je m'attends à voir de nombreux zombies, grâce à la série télévisée The Walking Dead, et je parie que les hommes de l'espace de Daft Punk figureront parmi nos photos Instagram cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As for men, I expect we will be seeing a lot of zombies, thanks to The Walking Dead and I'll bet the Daft Punk space men will make it into our Instagram feeds this year. A:", "doc_id": 1431, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a bit rough", "target": ["C'est un peu brutal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was a bit rough, A:", "doc_id": 2814, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "he had \"every intention\" of continuing to govern with his coalition until the next parliamentary elections in 2015", "target": ["Dans une interview au quotidien La Stampa, le dirigeant de centre gauche dit avoir \"fermement l'intention\" de continuer à gouverner avec sa coalition jusqu'aux prochaines élections législatives de 2015."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In an interview with daily newspaper La Stampa, the leader of the centre left said he had \"every intention\" of continuing to govern with his coalition until the next parliamentary elections in 2015. A:", "doc_id": 1356, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French identity was a timeless essence", "target": ["Mais dans l'esprit péremptoire de nos dirigeants d'alors, l'identité française était une essence intemporelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, in the peremptory minds of our former leaders, French identity was a timeless essence. A:", "doc_id": 2752, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Toffee", "target": ["Sa mère Donna, 30 ans, a déclaré : « Fenton et Toffee font un excellent duo. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His mother Donna, 30, said: \"Fenton and Toffee are a great double act.\" A:", "doc_id": 2092, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Local channel ABC", "target": ["L'antenne locale d'ABC montrait une personne évacuée sur un brancard, et une deuxième transportée sur un fauteuil roulant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Local channel ABC showed one person being evacuated on a stretcher and a second in a wheelchair. A:", "doc_id": 1364, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Scott Brown", "target": ["Scott Brown, le capitaine du Celtic Glasgow, a vu son appel rejeté et sera bien suspendu pour les deux prochains matches de Ligue des champions de son club, contre l'Ajax et l'AC Milan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scott Brown, Glasgow Celtic captain, has had his appeal rejected and will miss his club's next two Champion's League matches, against Ajax and AC Milan. A:", "doc_id": 2601, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Francs et Gaulois, Armagnacs et Bourguignons, catholiques et protestants: les forces de division, ici, sont très anciennes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Franks and Gauls, Armagnacs and Burgundians, Catholics and Protestants: the forces of division in this country are very ancient. A:", "doc_id": 2759, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Google a augmenté son offre à plusieurs reprises, pour finalement proposer 4,4 Md$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Google increased its bid several times, ultimately offering as much as $4.4 billion. A:", "doc_id": 2539, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The front seats may have a defect in the reclining mechanism", "target": ["Sur certains pickups, les sièges avant pouvaient présenter un défaut au niveau du mécanisme d'inclinaison."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On some of the trucks, the front seats may have a defect in the reclining mechanism. A:", "doc_id": 2295, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Est-ce pour pouvoir effacer le résultat si quelqu'un n'est pas d'accord ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is it because they can rub out the result if someone doesn't like it? A:", "doc_id": 2378, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "underground drainage canals", "target": ["À Nogales, en Arizona, les trafiquants exploitent de vastes canaux de drainage souterrains."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Nogales, Arizona, smugglers tap into vast underground drainage canals. A:", "doc_id": 2163, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I often wake up distressed because it hits me and I feel their absence deeply", "target": ["Je me réveille souvent angoissée lorsque ça m'arrive et je ressens profondément leur absence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I often wake up distressed because it hits me and I feel their absence deeply. A:", "doc_id": 401, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French and the French", "target": ["Les deux France de Pierre Nora"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pierre Nora's Two Frances A:", "doc_id": 2734, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "taking advantage of Halloween", "target": ["Profitant de la journée de l'Halloween, une femme a tenté de faire entrer au pays deux kilos de cocaïne dissimulés dans des citrouilles, jeudi matin, à l'aéroport Montréal-Trudeau."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Taking advantage of Halloween, a woman tried to smuggle two kilos of cocaine hidden inside pumpkins into the country through Montreal-Trudeau Airport on Thursday morning. A:", "doc_id": 638, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I feel them close to me constantly", "target": ["Mes parents ne sont plus mais je les sens constamment près de moi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My parents are no longer here but I feel them close to me constantly. A:", "doc_id": 397, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "increase", "target": ["Le CDC a découvert que la prévalence des allergies alimentaires chez l'enfant avait augmenté de 18 % entre 1997 et 2007."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The CDC found the prevalence of food allergies among children increased 18 percent between 1997 and 2007. A:", "doc_id": 1242, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The solicitor feared his secret drug addiction would be exposed", "target": ["L'avocat avait peur que son addiction secrète à la drogue ne soit révélée au grand jour"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The solicitor feared his secret drug addiction would be exposed A:", "doc_id": 468, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["La France qui s'en va, la France qui vient"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of the France on the way out, the France in the making. A:", "doc_id": 2772, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Israel attacked a military airbase in the northwest of Syria, targeting a shipment of missiles destined for the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, satellite channel Al-Arabiya reported on Thursday 31 October", "target": ["Par ailleurs, Israël a frappé une base militaire aérienne dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, visant une cargaison de missiles destinée au mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah, a rapporté jeudi 31 octobre la chaîne satellitaire Al-Arabiya."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Furthermore, Israel attacked a military airbase in the northwest of Syria, targeting a shipment of missiles destined for the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, satellite channel Al-Arabiya reported on Thursday 31 October. A:", "doc_id": 2486, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["La note des titres de dette publique du pays passe à \"B-\", s'enfonçant dans la catégorie des investissements spéculatifs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The government debt rating moved to B-, further down into the category of speculative investments. A:", "doc_id": 655, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We really need this.", "target": ["On a vraiment besoin de ça."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We really need this.\" A:", "doc_id": 2015, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The incident left 42 people injured.", "target": ["L'incident a fait 42 blessés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The incident left 42 people injured. A:", "doc_id": 1075, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We don't want to charge that.", "target": ["« Nous ne voulons pas faire payer ce prix », a-t-elle expliqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We don't want to charge that,\" she said. A:", "doc_id": 185, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I do not know", "target": ["Crossley-Holland, qui a traduit Beowulf de l'anglo-saxon et a écrit The Penguin Book of Norse Myths et British Folk Tales, a déclaré : « Vous avez peut-être de bonnes intentions, mais vous préférez les garder hors de vue. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Crossley-Holland, who has translated Beowulf from Anglo-Saxon as well as writing the Penguin Book of Norse Myths and British Folk Tales, said: \"You may well have intentions but you do better to keep them well out of sight.\" A:", "doc_id": 818, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Portico", "target": ["Le portique écotaxe de Pont-de-Buis, autour duquel s'est déroulée samedi une violente manifestation d'opposants à cette taxe, a été démonté jeudi matin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ecotax portico in Pont-de-Buis, around which a violent demonstration against the tax took place on Saturday, was taken down on Thursday morning. A:", "doc_id": 354, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "bank promptly notified the relevant authorities and has been co-operating with its regulators", "target": ["La banque a rapidement informé les autorités compétentes et a coopéré avec les régulateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The bank promptly notified the relevant authorities and has been co-operating with its regulators. A:", "doc_id": 2430, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The film never slips into prurience or sensationalism - and that's the problem.", "target": ["Le film ne verse jamais dans la lubricité ni le sensationnalisme, et c'est bien le problème."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The film never slips into prurience or sensationalism - and that's the problem. A:", "doc_id": 1875, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The probe", "target": ["Les nouvelles concernant ces enquêtes ont ébranlé les traders dans un secteur qui a été l'un des plus gros moteurs de croissance des unités de trading des banques d'investissement au cours des dernières années, mais qui a été remis en cause cette année en raison de la faible volatilité des devises qui limite les opportunités pour les spéculateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of News about the probes has rattled traders in an area that has been one of the bigger profit drivers of investment banks' trading units in past years but which has been challenged this year as low volatility in currencies cuts opportunities for speculators. A:", "doc_id": 2426, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cause of the blast was not known", "target": ["La cause de l'explosion reste inconnue, a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cause of the blast was not known, he said. A:", "doc_id": 1907, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 4.2 billion", "target": ["Les revenus ont légèrement reculé de 4,2 à 4,1 Md$."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Revenue dipped marginally to $4.1 billion from $4.2 billion. A:", "doc_id": 311, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "break", "target": ["Il y aura cassure quand Carol Prieur se réfugiera sous le tapis de danse, pour livrer, micro en main, sans sobriété ni retenue, une part du poème de Michaux, monocorde et monotone dans la criée, et poursuivra en dansant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is a break when Carol Prieur takes refuge under the dance mat, microphone in hand, to deliver, with no sobriety or reserve, part of a Michaux poem, in the flat monotonous voice of an auction, then continues to dance. A:", "doc_id": 2506, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Jenny Slate", "target": ["Jenny Slate a participé à l'émission « Saturday Night Live » et a fait partie du casting de la série « Parks and Recreation », mais elle est pourtant plus connue pour sa série de vidéos virales « Marcel the Shell with Shoes On »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jenny Slate has been a cast member on both \"Saturday Night Live\" and \"Parks and Recreation,\" though she is best known for her viral video series \"Marcel the Shell with Shoes On.\" A:", "doc_id": 916, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The reason we are here is that the Labor State Government ripped $430 million out of its health system.", "target": ["« La raison pour laquelle nous sommes ici est que le gouvernement travailliste de l'État a retiré 430 M$ de son système de santé », a-t-il déclaré sur ABC TV."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The reason we are here is that the Labor State Government ripped $430 million out of its health system,\" he told ABC TV. A:", "doc_id": 1869, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "biometric", "target": ["Les chercheurs américains, français ou japonais nous prédisent un avenir où nous serons reconnus par les capteurs biométriques des téléphones et des ordinateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of US, French and Japanese researchers are predicting a future where we will be recognised by biometric sensors on telephones and computers. A:", "doc_id": 2178, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "consolidated", "target": ["On a rationalisé ou diminué certaines de nos activités à l'intérieur de l'établissement pour palier, le temps que les choses se replacent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We consolidated or reduced some of our activities within the institution to get around while waiting for things to fall back in place. A:", "doc_id": 602, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sisi", "target": ["Morsi doit juger Sisi pour les massacres de Rabaa, les massacres de Nahda, et le massacre de la Garde Républicaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Morsi should try Sisi for the massacres of Rabaa, the massacres of Nahda and the massacre by the Republican Guard. A:", "doc_id": 2863, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "passport control", "target": ["Et une histoire si ancienne qu'elle est maintenant figée : J'ai entendu pour la première fois le bobard selon lequel « l'indépendance signifie le contrôle des passeports » il y a plus de 40 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And one that is so long in the tooth it has become fossilised: I first heard the \"independence means passport controls\" canard at least 40 years ago. A:", "doc_id": 1522, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The media pressure was huge.", "target": ["La pression médiatique est énorme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The media pressure was huge. A:", "doc_id": 2822, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Today we are carrying out research into voice and gait recognition using sonic sensors, but it requires a silent environment,", "target": ["\"Aujourd'hui, nous menons des recherches sur la reconnaissance de la voix ou de la façon de marcher à l'aide de capteurs sonores, mais il faut un environnement silencieux\", indique Sridhar Iyengar, directeur de la recherche sur la sécurité aux Intel Labs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Today we are carrying out research into voice and gait recognition using sonic sensors, but it requires a silent environment,\" says Sridhar Lyengar, director of security research at Intel Labs. A:", "doc_id": 2196, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 2.71", "target": ["Les analystes interrogés par Reuters tablaient en moyenne sur un bénéfice par action de 2,71 dollars."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Analysts questioned by Reuters were counting on an average profit of $2.71 per share. A:", "doc_id": 708, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Just 10 years old", "target": ["A seulement 10 ans, il a déjà conquis cette année sa place pour les championnats d'Europe à Copenhague et il n'aime rien tant qu'en remontrer à des concurrents qui le dépassent de trois têtes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Just 10 years old, he has already won his place in this year's European Championships in Copenhagen, and he enjoys nothing more than beating competitors almost twice his size! A:", "doc_id": 2880, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Lou Reed", "target": ["Lou Reed avait subi en mai dernier une greffe du foie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lou Reed had undergone a liver transplant last May. A:", "doc_id": 1419, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire in 1850", "target": ["Feu dans une maison construite en 1850 à Québec"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fire in 1850 Quebec House A:", "doc_id": 1002, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No employees", "target": ["Si tous les salariés les acceptent, le projet d'achat de l'usine démarre avec zéro employé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If all the employees accept it, the project of buying Goodyear Amiens will begin with zero employees. A:", "doc_id": 283, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I don't have prejudices about France.", "target": ["Mais je n'ai pas de préjugés sur la France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But I don't have prejudices about France. A:", "doc_id": 263, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "very concern", "target": ["Tunks a déclaré au Sunday Telegraph de Sydney que toute la famille était « extrêmement préoccupée » du bien-être de sa fille et voulait qu'elle rentre en Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tunks told Sydney's Sunday Telegraph the whole family was \"extremely concerned\" about his daughter's welfare and wanted her back in Australia. A:", "doc_id": 2975, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The announcement that David Bowie was releasing a new album had stunned the world.", "target": ["L'annonce de la parution d'un nouvel album de David Bowie avait laissé tout le monde pantois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The announcement that David Bowie was releasing a new album had stunned the world. A:", "doc_id": 72, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anti-EU", "target": ["Voilà ce que je pense : très bientôt, le sentiment anti-européen et anti-monnaie unique en Europe va s'unifier et finira par tuer l'euro."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Here's my point: sometime soon growing anti-EU and anti-common currency feeling in Europe will coalesce to kill the euro. A:", "doc_id": 1549, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The future", "target": ["\"Nous pouvons maintenant aller de l'avant, nous préoccuper de l'avenir et des 90% des actifs qui constituent une banque vraiment bonne et construire une grande banque pour la clientèle et pour le Royaume Uni\", a dit le nouveau directeur général Ross McEwan à la presse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We can now move forwards and focus on the future and on the 90% of assets that make up a really good bank, and on building a great bank for our clients and the United Kingdom,\" new director general, Ross McEwan, said to the press. A:", "doc_id": 1459, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The ultimate goal", "target": ["Le but ultime demeure d'offrir des outils auxquels nos clients n'ont pas accès actuellement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ultimate goal is still to offer tools that our customers do not currently have access to. A:", "doc_id": 145, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "uniform", "target": ["Il portait \"un uniforme de général\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was wearing \"a general's uniform\". A:", "doc_id": 2650, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The London Stock Exchange closed down", "target": ["La Bourse de Londres a clôturé en baisse jeudi, plombé par les mauvaise résultats de Shell et au lendemain d'une annonce par la Fed du maintien en l'état de son soutien à l'économie, comme prévu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The London Stock Exchange closed down on Thursday, with prices brought down by poor results from Shell the day after an announcement by the Fed that it would be maintaining its support for the economy, as planned. A:", "doc_id": 2966, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "One year previously", "target": ["Un an auparavant, elle était en voyage avec ma famille à Cuba."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One year previously, she had travelled with my family to Cuba. A:", "doc_id": 408, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The building damaged by the fire contained four apartments, but there was nobody at home when the fire started.", "target": ["La maison incendiée abritait quatre logements, mais aucun locataire ne se trouvait sur les lieux au moment de l'incendie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The building damaged by the fire contained four apartments, but there was nobody at home when the fire started. A:", "doc_id": 1007, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Prism", "target": ["Son nouvel album, « Prism », a débarqué à la première place des charts cette semaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Her new album, \"Prism,\" debuted at No. 1 this week. A:", "doc_id": 1505, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The aim of the law was to take the pressure off parents who might make hasty decisions on sex-assignment surgery for newborns, and to fight discrimination against those who are intersex.", "target": ["Le but de la loi était d'enlever la pression qui pesait sur les épaules des parents qui pouvaient prendre des décisions précipitées concernant une chirurgie de réassignation sexuelle pour leur nourrisson, et pour lutter contre la discrimination à l'encontre des personnes intersexuées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The aim of the law was to take the pressure off parents who might make hasty decisions on sex-assignment surgery for newborns, and to fight discrimination against those who are intersex. A:", "doc_id": 1275, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The trial got underway, the ACLU of Nevada warned on its website: \"It would be fairly easy to turn these devices into full-fledged tracking devices.", "target": ["Dès le début de l'essai, l'ACLU du Nevada avertissait sur son site : « Ce serait relativement facile de transformer ces appareils en dispositifs de localisation à part entière. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As the trial got underway, the ACLU of Nevada warned on its website: \"It would be fairly easy to turn these devices into full-fledged tracking devices.\" A:", "doc_id": 46, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ubiquity", "target": ["On y retrouve pourtant, une fois de plus, la tentation de l'ubiquité, le vagabondage intellectuel, la jubilation mise à sauter comme à pieds joints d'un sujet à l'autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, once again, there is a tendency towards ubiquity, intellectual roaming, jubilation in jumping, as if with both feet tied,from one subject to another. A:", "doc_id": 2747, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "death", "target": ["La mort d'Hakimullah Mehsud a été annoncée à plusieurs reprises déjà par le passé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hakimullah Mehsud's death has been announced several times before in the past. A:", "doc_id": 1724, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Muscular", "target": ["Le journal, qui cite des documents obtenus auprès de l'ex-consultant de la NSA Edward Snowden, affirme que le programme baptisé \"MUSCULAR\", et mené avec l'homologue britannique de la NSA, le GCHQ, permet à ces deux agences de récupérer des données depuis les fibres optiques utilisées par les géants d'internet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The newspaper, which quotes documents obtained by the former NSA consultant, Edward Snowden, stated that the programme dubbed \"MUSCULAR\" and conducted in conjunction with the British counterpart of the NSA, the GCHQ, enabled the two agencies to gather data from the fibre-optic cables used by Internet giants. A:", "doc_id": 838, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "More than thirty firemen rushed to 9 Rue Hébert.", "target": ["Plus d'une trentaine de pompiers ont été dépêchés au 9 de la rue Hébert."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of More than thirty firemen rushed to 9 Rue Hébert. A:", "doc_id": 899, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "9 cents", "target": ["Le résultat par action ajusté est resté inchangé à 9 cents."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Adjusted earnings per share were unchanged at 9 cents. A:", "doc_id": 310, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "457", "target": ["Les entreprises pourraient également être tenues de déclarer le nombre de détenteurs de visas 457 après que certaines d’entre elles, ayant eu l'intention de sponsoriser un petit nombre de travailleurs, en ont en fait employé des centaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Businesses could also be required to account for the number of 457 visa holders after previously businesses who had intended to sponsor a small number of workers then employed hundreds. A:", "doc_id": 1757, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "For 21 years, Georges Bwelle watched his ill father slip in and out of consciousness, traveling to hospitals that weren't equipped to help him.", "target": ["Pendant 21 ans, Georges Bwelle a regardé son père malade alterner les périodes de conscience et d'inconscience et se rendre dans des hôpitaux qui n'étaient pas équipés pour lui venir en aide."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For 21 years, Georges Bwelle watched his ill father slip in and out of consciousness, traveling to hospitals that weren't equipped to help him. A:", "doc_id": 2674, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "six months", "target": ["L'expérimentation est prévue pour durer six mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The experiment is expected to last six months. A:", "doc_id": 2214, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The length of employment", "target": ["Comment pouvons-nous donner des garanties de durée d'emploi quand il ne reste plus d'employés sur le site ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How can we give guarantees on the length of employment when there are no employees left on site? A:", "doc_id": 284, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It seems the bird became exhausted and managed to find refuge on the oil rig.", "target": ["Il semble que l'oiseau épuisé aurait réussi à trouver refuge sur la plate-forme pétrolière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It seems the bird became exhausted and managed to find refuge on the oil rig. A:", "doc_id": 1985, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Don't bother wasting your time, she's with Charles.", "target": ["Les rumeurs sur une liaison impliquant Clarke ont été reprises en premier par le bureau de la rédaction de NotW lorsqu'une source, éprouvant une attirance sexuelle envers Mlle Pawlby, a déclaré qu'on lui avait dit : « Ne perds pas ton temps avec elle, elle est avec Charles. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rumours about an affair involving Clarke were first picked up by the NotW's features desk when a source who was sexually interested in Ms Pawlby was told: \"Don't bother wasting your time, she's with Charles.\" A:", "doc_id": 1034, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Blunkett", "target": ["Le jury a entendu jeudi que Coulson avait confronté M. Blunkett au sujet d'une liaison avec une femme mariée alors que lui-même fréquentait la co-défenderesse Rebekah Brooks, qui était également mariée à cette époque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The jury heard on Thursday that Coulson confronted Mr Blunkett over an affair with a married woman while he was himself seeing co-defendant Rebekah Brooks, who was married at the time. A:", "doc_id": 1041, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "political", "target": ["Il faut qualifier la prise d'otages de prise d'otages \"politique\" - ce qui est le cas la plupart du temps - et permettre aux otages d'avoir accès à la justice, de porter plainte et d'amener leurs preneurs d'otages devant la Cour pénale internationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We need to qualify hostage-taking as \"political\" hostage-taking - that's what it is for the most part - and enable the hostages to have access to justice, to press charges and to bring their kidnappers before the International Criminal Court. A:", "doc_id": 2847, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Guide", "target": ["Le guide contient des informations destinées aux écoles sur la façon de sensibiliser le corps professoral et le personnel aux allergies alimentaires chez l'enfant, et sur la façon de les traiter en cas de réaction allergique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The guide contains information for schools on how to make faculty and staff aware of children's food allergies, and how to handle them should an allergic reaction occur. A:", "doc_id": 1243, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this time we are warned that an independent Scotland would be required to join the Europe-wide free-travel zone as a condition of EU membership.", "target": ["Cette fois-ci, on nous prévient qu'une Écosse indépendante serait tenue de rejoindre la zone européenne de libre circulation pour pouvoir adhérer à l'UE."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This time we are warned that an independent Scotland would be required to join the Europe-wide free-travel zone as a condition of EU membership. A:", "doc_id": 1516, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not up to the public purse", "target": ["Ce n'est pas aux paliers publics à investir dans de telles entreprises, mais bien au secteur privé en se basant sur la demande du consommateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is not up to the public purse to invest in such projects, but to the private sector based on consumer demand. A:", "doc_id": 2146, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cutting", "target": ["Le retour au présent est un réveil difficile, c'est comme sortir d'un rêve."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cutting to the present is a rude awakening, like snapping out of a dream. A:", "doc_id": 2333, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The fire caused serious damage to a shop in the LaSalle district of Montreal on Thursday night.", "target": ["Un incendie a gravement endommagé un commerce de l'arrondissement de LaSalle, à Montréal, dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A fire caused serious damaged to a shop in the LaSalle district of Montreal on Thursday night. A:", "doc_id": 557, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United States", "target": ["Noury al-Maliki s'exprimait à l'Institut des Etats-Unis pour la paix, une institution indépendante créée par le Congrès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Noury al-Maliki was speaking at the United States Institute of Peace, an independent institution created by Congress. A:", "doc_id": 463, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Comme la viande de cheval n'est pas mentionnée dans la liste des ingrédients, elle n'aurait pas dû être présente dans le produit\", a expliqué l'agence britannique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Since horse meat is not mentioned in the list of ingredients, it should not have been present in the product,\" the British agency explained. A:", "doc_id": 172, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Schools", "target": ["Les écoles sont encouragées à se concentrer davantage sur les mathématiques, l'orthographe et la grammaire"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Schools urged to focus more on maths, spelling and grammar A:", "doc_id": 2623, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was a shock", "target": ["« Ça a été un choc », se rappelle une femme dont la fille a eu ses premières règles à 10 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It was a shock,\" recalls one woman whose daughter started her period at 10. A:", "doc_id": 1586, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The head-on collision", "target": ["Malgré l'intervention rapide des secours, il est décédé lors de cette collision frontale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Despite the quick intervention of the emergency services, he died as a result of the head-on collision. A:", "doc_id": 2364, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Dr. Georges Bwelle", "target": ["Le Dr Georges Bwelle est l'un des 10 Héros CNN de l'année 2013."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Dr. Georges Bwelle is one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2013. A:", "doc_id": 2671, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "incident occurred in terminal 3", "target": ["L'incident se serait produit au terminal 3, provoquant une vague de panique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The incident occurred in terminal 3, provoking a wave of panic. A:", "doc_id": 524, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Pourtant bon nombre d'entre elles n'ont pas touché aux frais de bagages."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Most haven't touched carry-on bag fees, though. A:", "doc_id": 198, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "support", "target": ["Tamar-Mattis a déclaré que son organisation soutenait la loi australienne car « elle autorise les adultes à choisir d'être reconnu sous l’appellation troisième sexe »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tamar-Mattis said that her organization supports the Australian law because \"it allows adults to choose to be recognized in a third gender.\" A:", "doc_id": 1335, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Nathaniel Morris.", "target": ["Les points de vue exprimés dans ce commentaire sont uniquement ceux de Nathaniel Morris."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Nathaniel Morris. A:", "doc_id": 2361, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Apple", "target": ["Rockstar est détenu conjointement par Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, Ericsson et Sony."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rockstar is jointly owned by Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, Ericsson and Sony. A:", "doc_id": 2533, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The carpet", "target": ["Sur le tapis, aussi blanc, dans l'immense espace qu'est le Théâtre Maisonneuve, s'avance, de profil, fin comme une ligne et vêtu de noir, un corps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the carpet, which is also white, in the immense space of the Théâtre Maisonneuve, a body appears, in profile, as thin as a line and dressed in black. A:", "doc_id": 2496, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The news", "target": ["Le soir-même, je suis au 20h, le lendemain aussi je suis à la télé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was on the mid-evening news that same evening, and on TV the following day as well. A:", "doc_id": 2828, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The use of water throughout the district has considerably reduced", "target": ["À la suite du départ de toutes les industries (grandes consommatrices d'eau) et au grand déclin de la population, l'utilisation de l'eau a considérablement diminué partout sur le territoire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following the departure of all the industries (major consumers of water) and the big decline in the population, the use of water throughout the district has considerably reduced. A:", "doc_id": 2148, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Et le recueil ainsi que la vérification du réseau veineux et du contour de la main supposent un geste volontaire et précis des personnes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Furthermore, the detection and verification of a network of veins or of hand geometry require a voluntary and specific gesture on the part of individuals. A:", "doc_id": 2189, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Vote", "target": ["En allant voter, nous envoyons un message clair."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By going to vote, we are sending a clear message. A:", "doc_id": 977, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The president and CEO of Cogeco, Louis Audet, in an interview.", "target": ["\"Cela nous permettra de mettre en valeur des interfaces plus conviviales ainsi que des options plus nombreuses \", a expliqué le président et chef de la direction de Cogeco, Louis Audet, en entrevue."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This will enable us to develop more user-friendly interfaces and larger numbers of options,\" explained the president and CEO of Cogeco, Louis Audet, in an interview. A:", "doc_id": 142, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$100", "target": ["Les locataires doivent aller voter, car chacun d'entre eux paient en moyenne 100 $ par mois sur le prix du logement qui va en taxes à la Ville."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tenants have to go and vote, as each of them pays an average of $100 a month in the cost of their accommodation that goes to the City in taxes. A:", "doc_id": 974, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "strict rules", "target": ["La police française a décidé de poser des règles strictes concernant la rencontre du Royal Sporting Club d'Anderlecht contre le Paris Saint-Germain fixée mardi, a communiqué Marie Verbeke, la porte-parole de la zone de police Bruxelles-midi, vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The French police have decided to impose strict rules ahead of the match between Royal Sporting Club of Anderlecht and Paris Saint-Germain, set for Thursday, Marie Verbeke, spokesperson for the Brussels-South police district, said on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2982, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Report", "target": ["Un rapport soumis à la Commission européenne en 2011 décrivait les personnes intersexuées comme différentes des personnes transsexuelles ou transgenres, puisque leur statut n'est pas lié au sexe mais plutôt à leur constitution biologique, qui n'est ni exclusivement celle d'un homme ni exclusivement celle d'une femme, mais est en général les deux en même temps et pas clairement définie comme étant l'une ou l'autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A report filed to the European Commission in 2011 described intersex people as different from transsexual or transgender people, as their status is not gender related but instead relates to their biological makeup, which is neither exclusively male nor exclusively female, but is typical of both at once or not clearly defined as either. A:", "doc_id": 1289, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The world's fourth-largest planemaker said it delivered 45 aircraft during the quarter, down from 57 a year earlier", "target": ["Le quatrième constructeur aéronautique au monde a indiqué qu'il avait livré 45 avions au cours du trimestre, contre 57 un an plus tôt."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The world's fourth-largest planemaker said it delivered 45 aircraft during the quarter, down from 57 a year earlier. A:", "doc_id": 313, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Nous avons terminé les pourparlers, il ne reste plus qu'à la médiation ougandaise à organiser la signature\", a affirmé Roger Lumbala, vice-président de la délégation du M23, sans que cette information puisse être confirmée immédiatement du côté gouvernemental."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We have finished the talks. The Ugandan mediators just need to organize the signing,\" asserted Roger Lumbala, vice-president of the M23 delegation, although this information could not be confirmed immediately with the government. A:", "doc_id": 1099, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unbelievable", "target": ["Il y a une bousculade incroyable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of the jostling was unbelievable. A:", "doc_id": 2815, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sustainable Development Goals", "target": ["Ces ODD s'appuieront sur les progrès réalisés dans le cadre des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement et feront partie intégrante du cadre de développement post-2015."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of These SDGs will build on our advances under the millennium development goals, and they will be an integral part of the post-2015 development framework. A:", "doc_id": 773, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Not Hackers", "target": ["La NSA met en cause une « erreur interne » et non des pirates informatiques pour la panne de son site"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of NSA Blames \"Internal Error,\" Not Hackers, For Website Crash A:", "doc_id": 221, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The claim is based on the testimony of an applicant identified as \"J. J\", who would have been masturbated in the 1950s, first at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges by his teacher, Brother Soumis, then by his confessor, Father Bernard, at the Saint-Joseph Oratory, where he was an altar boy", "target": ["La requête s'appuie sur le témoignage du requérant, identifié comme \"J. J\"., qui aurait été masturbé dans les années 1950, d'abord à Notre-Dame-des-Neiges par son professeur le frère Soumis, puis par son confesseur, le père Bernard, à l'oratoire Saint-Joseph, où il était servant de messe et où son père travaillait comme peintre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The claim is based on the testimony of an applicant identified as \"J. J\", who would have been masturbated in the 1950s, first at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges by his teacher, Brother Soumis, then by his confessor, Father Bernard, at the Saint-Joseph Oratory, where he was an altar boy and where his father worked as a painter. A:", "doc_id": 546, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "excesses of all sorts", "target": ["Décadence et excès en tout genre sont les maîtres mots de cette folle histoire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Decadence and excesses of all sorts are the key words in this crazy story. A:", "doc_id": 1018, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The main objective of the association is to make it possible for hostages to press charges and bring their kidnappers before the International Criminal Court.", "target": ["Son objectif principal: obtenir la possibilité pour les otages de porter plainte et d'amener leurs preneurs d'otages devant la Cour pénale internationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The main objective of the association is to make it possible for hostages to press charges and bring their kidnappers before the International Criminal Court. A:", "doc_id": 2789, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["Les journalistes allemands invités à fuir Google et Yahoo"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German Journalists Urged to Shun Google and Yahoo A:", "doc_id": 336, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "tax system", "target": ["Des millions de dollars dilapidés pourraient être épargnés afin de permettre une taxation beaucoup respectueuse de ceux qui paient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Millions of squandered dollars could be saved by introducing a tax system that is much more respectful of the taxpayers. A:", "doc_id": 2140, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airport is currently being evacuated and air traffic has been suspended.", "target": ["L'aéroport est en cours d'évacuation et le trafic aérien est interrompu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The airport is currently being evacuated and air traffic has been suspended. A:", "doc_id": 527, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Coming Back is Difficult to Handle", "target": ["Un ancien otage au Liban: \"Le retour est assez complexe à gérer\""], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former Hostage in Lebanon Says \"Coming Back is Difficult to Handle\" A:", "doc_id": 2786, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's hard to remember those days of optimism -- they seem a distant memory, a sad reminder of opportunities gone by.", "target": ["Il est difficile de se rappeler ces jours pleins d'optimisme, ce sont comme de lointains souvenirs, un triste rappel des opportunités du passé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's hard to remember those days of optimism -- they seem a distant memory, a sad reminder of opportunities gone by. A:", "doc_id": 2334, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Syria", "target": ["La Syrie a détruit les équipements essentiels à la production d'armes chimiques et de munitions remplies de gaz toxique, a déclaré l'organisme international de surveillance des armes chimiques jeudi, alors que de violents affrontements faisaient rage dans le nord du pays, à proximité de l'un des sites où des agents toxiques sont censés être stockés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Syria has destroyed critical equipment for producing chemical weapons and poison gas munitions, the global chemical weapons watchdog said Thursday as fierce clashes raged in the country's north, close to one of the sites where toxic agents are believed to be stored. A:", "doc_id": 1878, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Ferrari", "target": ["Vettel étrenne un casque spécial à Abou Dhabi"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Vettel Uses New Special Helmet in Abu Dhabi A:", "doc_id": 2914, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The water rail was fit and well", "target": ["Le râle d'eau était en bonne santé lorsqu'il a été relâché."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The water rail was fit and well by the time it was released. A:", "doc_id": 1987, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Arctic Monkeys have postponed the show at the Birmingham LG Arena tonight and after seeking medical advice", "target": ["Dans une déclaration sur leur site officiel, les Arctic Monkeys ont déclaré : « Suite à la décision de reporter le concert à la LG Arena de Birmingham ce soir et après avoir demandé un avis médical, les Arctic Monkeys doivent également reporter le spectacle à l'Hydro de Glasgow le vendredi 1er novembre. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a statement on their official website, the Arctic Monkeys said: \"Following the decision to postpone the show at the Birmingham LG Arena tonight and after seeking medical advice, Arctic Monkeys must also postpone the show at the Glasgow Hydro on Friday, November 1.\" A:", "doc_id": 2268, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google", "target": ["\"La Fédération allemande des journalistes recommande aux journalistes d'éviter jusqu'à nouvel ordre d'utiliser les moteurs de recherche et les messageries de Google et Yahoo \", dit-elle dans un communiqué."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The German Federation of Journalists is recommending that journalists avoid using the Google and Yahoo search engine and messaging services until further notice,\" it said in a press release. A:", "doc_id": 338, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The drone kills the Pakistani Taliban leader A", "target": ["Le chef des taliban pakistanais tué par un drone"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Drone Kills Pakistani Taliban Leader A:", "doc_id": 1722, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fearful", "target": ["Inquiète pour l'avenir de son pays, elle a échangé ses vêtements de travail contre un tee-shirt portant la mention « nous voulons la sécurité » en portugais avant de rejoindre la foule amassée sur la place de l'Indépendance de la capitale jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fearful about the future of her country, she swapped her corporate attire for a T-shirt emblazoned with \"we demand security\" in Portuguese as she joined the crowds in the capital's Independence Square on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 778, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "21-year-old Sydney woman sentenced to 15 days jail in Phuket for falsely claiming she was assaulted by a taxi driver is appealing the verdict and has been granted bail", "target": ["Une habitante de Sydney de 21 ans, condamnée à 15 jours d'emprisonnement à Phuket pour avoir prétendu à tort avoir été agressée par un chauffeur de taxi, a fait appel du jugement et a été mise en liberté sous caution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A 21-year-old Sydney woman sentenced to 15 days jail in Phuket for falsely claiming she was assaulted by a taxi driver is appealing the verdict and has been granted bail. A:", "doc_id": 2968, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Similarly, two species that are very similar in morphology were distinguished using genetics.", "target": ["De la même manière, deux espèces très proches morphologiquement ont été distinguées grâce à la génétique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Likewise, two species that are very similar in morphology were distinguished using genetics. A:", "doc_id": 2392, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more and more", "target": ["Mais, de plus en plus, l'authentification va concerner aussi les transactions, en particulier celles réalisées à partir d'appareils connectés à Internet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, more and more, authentication will also involve transactions, in particular those carried out using devices connected to the Internet. A:", "doc_id": 2211, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The mining magnate", "target": ["Le magnat de l'extraction minière, qui conteste le paiement d'une taxe carbone d'un montant de 6 M$, a fait valoir cet argument pour essayer d'écarter les questions concernant un éventuel conflit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The mining magnate, who is in a dispute about paying a $6 million carbon tax bill, made the claim as he tried to brush off questions about whether he had a conflict. A:", "doc_id": 2367, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The House of the Dead", "target": ["Une maison la proie des flammes dans le Vieux-Québec"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of House Engulfed in Flames in Old Quebec A:", "doc_id": 897, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "money", "target": ["Bref, siphonage sans limite de nos poches."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In short, the limitless siphoning of money from our pockets. A:", "doc_id": 2139, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cremation", "target": ["Le crématorium du Père Lachaise organise, à 11 heures, une cérémonie laïque, en mémoire de tous les défunts crématisés dans son établissement, au cours de l'année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Père Lachaise crematorium is organizing a lay ceremony at 11am in memory of all those cremated at the establishment this year. A:", "doc_id": 854, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Great Pumpkin", "target": ["Charlie Brown nous a présenté La Grosse Citrouille quand on était gamins, et sculpter une citrouille en forme de lanterne, c'est comme décorer un arbre de Noël – c'est quelque chose qu'on fait depuis qu'on est tout petit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Charlie Brown introduced us to The Great Pumpkin when we were kids, and carving a jack-o-lantern is like decorating a Christmas tree - it's something we've done since we were little. A:", "doc_id": 1449, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They will know if they start smoking again, they will receive no pleasure from it due to the nicotine vaccine, and that can help them kick the habit", "target": ["« Ils sauront que s'ils recommencent à fumer, ils n'y prendront aucun plaisir en raison du vaccin anti-nicotine, et cela pourra les aider à perdre leur mauvaise habitude », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"They will know if they start smoking again, they will receive no pleasure from it due to the nicotine vaccine, and that can help them kick the habit,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 1720, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "To make people laugh, to reduce the pain, that's why I'm doing this.", "target": ["Faire rire les gens et soulager la douleur sont les raisons qui me poussent à faire cela."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To make people laugh, to reduce the pain, that's why I'm doing this. A:", "doc_id": 2732, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why is this accepted without difficulty in certain Nordic and protestant countries, but is still taken badly in France?", "target": ["Pourquoi ce qui est accepté sans peine dans certains pays nordiques et protestants, est-il encore mal vécu en France ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why is this accepted without difficulty in certain Nordic and protestant countries, but is still taken badly in France? A:", "doc_id": 863, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "another day", "target": ["Un autre jour, une autre histoire inquiétante d'indépendance."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another day, another independence scare story. A:", "doc_id": 1515, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hopeful", "target": ["« Nous espérons vraiment que ce genre de stratégie vaccinale pourra aider des millions de fumeurs qui ont essayé d'arrêter, épuisant toutes les méthodes aujourd'hui disponibles sur le marché, mais découvrent que leur addiction est suffisamment forte pour surmonter ces différentes approches », a déclaré le Professeur Cornell."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We are very hopeful that this kind of vaccine strategy can finally help the millions of smokers who have tried to stop, exhausting all the methods on the market today, but find their nicotine addiction to be strong enough to overcome these current approaches,\" Prof Cornell said. A:", "doc_id": 1708, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was heartened by the worldwide response to \"my act of political expression.\"", "target": ["Toutefois, il a dit qu'il avait été encouragé par la réaction mondiale face à « mon acte d'expression politique »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However he said that he was heartened by the worldwide response to \"my act of political expression.\" A:", "doc_id": 136, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to Chinese police", "target": ["Selon la police chinoise, trois Ouïghours d'une même famille de la région à dominante musulmane du Xinjiang, frontalière de plusieurs pays d'Asie centrale, ont précipité leur voiture chargée de bidons d'essence contre l'entrée de la Cité interdite à Pékin, dans une attaque-suicide qui a fait deux morts et 40 blessés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to Chinese police, three members of one Uighur family from the predominantly Muslim region of Xinjiang, which shares borders with a number of central Asian countries, drove a car loaded with cans of petrol against the entrance of the Forbidden City in Beijing, in a suicide attack that left two dead and 40 injured. A:", "doc_id": 1510, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A child aged five has been seriously injured following an accident on a ride at Disneyland Paris.", "target": ["Un enfant de cinq ans a été grièvement blessé à la suite d'un accident sur une attraction à Disneyland Paris."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A child aged five has been seriously injured following an accident on a ride at Disneyland Paris. A:", "doc_id": 1152, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "And even if they could see a physician, many Cameroonians couldn't afford it.", "target": ["Et même s'ils pouvaient voir un médecin, de nombreux Camerounais ne pourraient pas payer la consultation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And even if they could see a physician, many Cameroonians couldn't afford it. A:", "doc_id": 2687, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of \"While we can amend our surveillance programs to better protect the rights of Europeans, they also need to come to terms with the fact that we're not the only ones that are out there spying,\" Murphy said.", "target": ["« Nous pouvons modifier nos programmes de surveillance afin de mieux protéger les droits des Européens, mais ils doivent aussi comprendre que nous ne sommes pas les seuls dans le monde à faire de l'espionnage », a déclaré Murphy."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"While we can amend our surveillance programs to better protect the rights of Europeans, they also need to come to terms with the fact that we're not the only ones that are out there spying,\" Murphy said. A:", "doc_id": 2964, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the convoy of buses will be escorted by the police from a former frontier post at Rekem to the PSG stadium", "target": ["\"Le convoi de bus sera escorté par la police depuis un ancien poste frontière de Rekem jusqu'au stade du PSG\", a transmis la porte-parole."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The convoy of buses will be escorted by the police from a former frontier post at Rekem to the PSG stadium,\" said the spokesperson. A:", "doc_id": 2984, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$32.6 billion", "target": ["Le carnet de commandes de la division Transport totalisait 32,6 Md$ au 30 septembre, soit une légère hausse par rapport au 31 décembre de l'année précédente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The order backlog in the transportation unit was $32.6 billion as of September 30, up marginally from December 31. A:", "doc_id": 319, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I never hit on Katy Perry when she was 18.", "target": ["Mick Jagger dit qu'il n'a jamais dragué Katy Perry lorsqu'elle avait 18 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mick Jagger says he never hit on Katy Perry when she was 18. A:", "doc_id": 1498, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Federal Reserve", "target": ["Au lieu d'être déstabilisés par l'arrêt des activités gouvernementales aux États-Unis, les investisseurs sont restés concentrés sur ce qui est probablement le plus important : la Réserve fédérale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rather than being rattled by the U.S. government shutdown, investors kept their focus on what probably matters more: the Federal Reserve. A:", "doc_id": 2046, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$330 million", "target": ["En fait, les Américains vont dépenser 330 M$ en déguisements pour animaux cette année, selon la NRF."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In fact, Americans will spend $330 million on pet costumes this year, according to the NRF. A:", "doc_id": 1435, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cinema was ventilated and everyone returned in good order.", "target": ["La salle a été aérée et tout est rentré dans l'ordre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cinema was ventilated and everyone returned in good order. A:", "doc_id": 634, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["Sans le soutien du seul autre grand constructeur de gros appareils modernes, les experts disent qu'il est peu probable que son appel à l'industrie aéronautique en vue de mettre en place une norme de taille pour les sièges aboutisse, mais qu'il pourrait faire oublier la vague de ventes de 777X."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Without the support of the only other maker of large modern jets, experts say its call for a new industry standard is unlikely to fly, but could distract from a wave of 777X sales. A:", "doc_id": 1695, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pinterest", "target": ["Heureusement pour nous, la « tendance du bébé-citrouille » n'a commencé que l'année dernière grâce à Pinterest, donc la plupart d'entre nous a sculpté ces potirons et n'a pas eu à s'asseoir dedans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Lucky for us, the \"baby in a pumpkin trend\" started only last year thanks to Pinterest, so most of us grew up carving these gourds not sitting in them. A:", "doc_id": 1450, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The gap", "target": ["N'est resté que le manque, ce vide sans réponse, ce besoin d'elle, de me confier, de me rassurer au creux de sa douceur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Now there is just the gap, the silent emptiness, the need for her to entrust me, to reassure me in the palm of her gentleness. A:", "doc_id": 422, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Hare rejected the suggestion the YMCA had a cultural problem which prevented staff from reporting Lord's breaches of child safety.", "target": ["Mais M. Hare a rejeté l'idée selon laquelle le YMCA aurait un problème culturel empêchant le personnel de signaler les manquements de Lord envers la sécurité des enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Mr Hare rejected the suggestion the YMCA had a cultural problem which prevented staff from reporting Lord's breaches of child safety. A:", "doc_id": 2069, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The man's distraught nine-year-old son", "target": ["Le fils affolé de l'homme, âgé de 9 ans, se rendait en Australie avec lui et a trouvé quelque réconfort depuis le décès de son père mercredi auprès d'un cousin adulte qui était également à bord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The man's distraught nine-year-old son travelled to Australia with him and has been comforted since the death of his father on Wednesday by an adult cousin who was also on the vessel. A:", "doc_id": 1759, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was given female hormones at age 12.", "target": ["On lui a fait prendre des hormones féminines à l'âge de 12 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was given female hormones at age 12. A:", "doc_id": 1319, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "death", "target": ["Les procureurs ont demandé une peine de réclusion à perpétuité, pourtant ils auraient pu demander à ce que l'homme, qualifié de « Demolition Man » pour sa réputation d'expert en fabrication de bombes, soit condamné à mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prosecutors had demanded a life sentence, although they could have pushed that the man dubbed the \"Demolition Man\" for his reputation as a master bomb-maker be sentenced to death. A:", "doc_id": 1914, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "richer", "target": ["Les Gymnopédies, après l'entracte, est plus riche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After the interval, the Gymnopédies is richer. A:", "doc_id": 2517, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The solicitor", "target": ["L'avocat, qui était surnommé « Bash » et considéré par les criminels comme un « dossier de première importance », a été arrêté chez lui en 2011 à la suite d'opérations d'écoute de la police dirigées vers Scarborough, qu'il avait représenté lors d'un précédent procès en relation avec le trafic de stupéfiants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The solicitor, who was nicknamed \"Bash\" and hailed by criminals as a \"top brief,\" was arrested at his home in 2011 following a police surveillance operation into Scarborough, who he had represented in a previous narcotics trial. A:", "doc_id": 472, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["C'est l'occasion pour plusieurs associations de soins palliatifs de réaffirmer leur désaccord."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several palliative care associations used the opportunity to restate their disapproval. A:", "doc_id": 566, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "also", "target": ["Par ailleurs, les investisseurs restent prudents car ils estiment que la Réserve fédérale américaine pourrait dénouer sa politique d'assouplissement quantitatif plus tôt que prévu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Also, investors are still treading with caution, as they believe that the American Federal Reserve might end its quantitative easing policy earlier than expected. A:", "doc_id": 2445, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Why should we not say to the hostage-takers, \"You have flouted the rules of war and those of all the Geneva Conventions, we're going to bring you to justice\"", "target": ["Pourquoi ne dirait-on pas aux preneurs d'otages \"vous avez bafoué les règles de la guerre, comme celles de toutes les conventions de Genève, on va vous amener en justice\" ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Why should we not say to the hostage-takers: \"You have flouted the rules of war and those of all the Geneva Conventions, we're going to bring you to justice\"? A:", "doc_id": 2851, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "However, given the ease with which their behaviour can be recorded, it will probably not be long before we understand why their tails sometimes go one way, sometimes the other.", "target": ["Toutefois, étant donné la facilité avec laquelle leurs comportements peuvent être enregistrés, il ne faudra sûrement pas longtemps avant que nous comprenions pourquoi leur queue bouge parfois d'un côté et parfois de l'autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, given the ease with which their behaviour can be recorded, it will probably not be long before we understand why their tails sometimes go one way, sometimes the other. A:", "doc_id": 2262, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The state will pay the mileage fees", "target": ["Ces automobilistes paieront bientôt à l'État des frais kilométriques au lieu des taxes sur l'essence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Those drivers will soon pay the mileage fees instead of gas taxes to the state. A:", "doc_id": 37, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I never believed it", "target": ["Je ne l'ai jamais cru à l'époque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I never believed it at the time. A:", "doc_id": 384, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Pamela Anderson", "target": ["Pamela Anderson est la dernière célébrité à choquer ses fans avec une nouvelle coiffure spectaculaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pamela Anderson is the latest celebrity to shock fans with a dramatic new hairdo. A:", "doc_id": 2660, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He took part in the Wannsee Conference", "target": ["Il participa à la conférence de Wannsee en janvier 1942, qui décida de la \"solution finale\" et eut notamment sous ses ordres Adolf Eichmann, responsable de la \"logistique\" de l'extermination des juifs, condamné à mort et exécuté en Israël en 1962."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He took part in the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, where the \"final solution\" was decided upon, and notably was in command of Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for the \"logistics\" of the extermination of the Jews and who was sentenced to death and executed in Israel in 1962. A:", "doc_id": 2657, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Big", "target": ["L'avocat cocaïnomane qui a informé un parrain de la drogue d'une enquête de police a été emprisonné"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cocaine-addict lawyer who tipped off Mr Big about police investigation is jailed A:", "doc_id": 466, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are exploring how, over the next decade, they can move to a system in which drivers pay per mile of road they roll over.", "target": ["Ils cherchent comment, au cours de la prochaine décennie, ils pourront passer à un système permettant aux conducteurs de payer en fonction du nombre de miles parcourus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They are exploring how, over the next decade, they can move to a system in which drivers pay per mile of road they roll over. A:", "doc_id": 11, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the party of the suburbs", "target": ["Dans l'esprit d'Abdel-Malik Djermoune, son fondateur, le \"Parti de la banlieue\" ne s'adresse pas uniquement aux banlieusards."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of in the mind of its founder, Abdel-Malik Djermoune, the \"Parti de la Banlieue\" does not only target suburban residents. A:", "doc_id": 2923, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "have been wearing a black SS armband in Asda twice a week for three years", "target": ["\"Je porte un brassard noir SS deux fois par semaine depuis trois ans chez Asda\", a affirmé Paul Dutton, expliquant souffrir de \"problèmes mentaux\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I have been wearing a black SS armband in Asda twice a week for three years,\" claimed Paul Dutton, explaining that he was suffering from \"mental problems\". A:", "doc_id": 1851, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No employees will be left in the factory.", "target": ["Dès lors, il n'y aura plus d'employés dans l'usine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Then there won't be any employees left in the factory. A:", "doc_id": 277, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "work", "target": ["En Inde, en Chine et dans plein d'autres pays, on travaille dix à douze heures par jour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In India, China and many other countries, people work ten to twelve hours a day. A:", "doc_id": 262, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's like the mystery of why people are gay", "target": ["C'est comme le mystère qui entoure les personnes homosexuelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's like the mystery of why people are gay. A:", "doc_id": 1288, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "excited", "target": ["Le ministre écossais des Transports, Keith Brown s'est dit « excité » à l’idée de travailler avec le gouvernement britannique sur le projet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scottish transport minister Keith Brown said he was \"excited\" to work with the UK government on the plan. A:", "doc_id": 1764, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The UN has reported even higher numbers with 979 dead and 1,902 injured", "target": ["L'ONU donne un bilan même plus élevé avec 979 morts et 1 902 blessés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The UN has reported even higher numbers with 979 dead and 1,902 injured. A:", "doc_id": 1048, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The wall had just been erected", "target": ["Un mur de fondation mitoyen venait d'être érigé au cours des derniers jours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A shared foundation wall had just been erected in the past few days. A:", "doc_id": 2309, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["\"C'est toujours mieux de s'en parler, de se concerter et de trouver des solutions\", estime Mme Lefèvre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It is always better to discuss, consult and find solutions such issues,\" Mrs Lefevre believes. A:", "doc_id": 721, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$25 million", "target": ["Le gouvernement fédéral maintient que le plan de sauvetage de 325 M$ destiné au système de santé vacillant est assorti de conditions strictes visant à garantir que le gouvernement de l'État ne gaspillera pas les fonds."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Federal Government insists a $325 million rescue package for Tasmania's ailing health system has tough conditions attached that will ensure the State Government can't waste the funds. A:", "doc_id": 1853, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That's not something you'd ever get to do in America as a second-year medical student.", "target": ["Ce n'est pas quelque chose que vous avez l'occasion de faire en Amérique lorsque vous êtes étudiant en médecine en deuxième année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's not something you'd ever get to do in America as a second-year medical student. A:", "doc_id": 2722, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No story", "target": ["Il s'agit donc d'une histoire qui n'en est pas une."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So, a non-story, then. A:", "doc_id": 1521, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$150", "target": ["Frontier Airlines envisage de faire payer jusqu'à 100 $ aux passagers qui transportent des bagages à main sur ses vols."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Frontier Airlines plans to charge up to $100 for passengers to store carry-on luggage on board their flight. A:", "doc_id": 180, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We see customers from all walks of life.", "target": ["Nous voyons des clients de toutes les couches de la société."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We see customers from all walks of life. A:", "doc_id": 1831, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The second tried to kill off the first, but failed to wipe it out; on the contrary, it was wary of letting it rediscover its sacredness and was so eager for unity and indivisibility that it cut off the head of the person who was the evident and powerful incarnation of the two.", "target": ["La seconde a voulu la mort de la première, mais sans parvenir à la nier; soucieuse au contraire d'en retrouver la sacralité et d'autant plus avide d'unité et d'indivisibilité qu'elle avait coupé la tête à celui qui en était l'évidente et puissante incarnation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The second tried to kill off the first, but failed to wipe it out; on the contrary, it was wary of letting it rediscover its sacredness and was so eager for unity and indivisibility that it cut off the head of the person who was the evident and powerful incarnation of the two. A:", "doc_id": 2762, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$ 4.56 billion", "target": ["Les analystes s'attendaient à un résultat de 10 cents par action et des revenus de 4,56 Md$, selon Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Analysts had expected earnings of 10 cents per share and revenue of $4.56 billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. A:", "doc_id": 312, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "General Motors Co", "target": ["General Motors Co rappelle près de 19 000 de ses tout nouveaux pickups Chevrolet Silverado et GMC Sierra 2014 pour régler un problème avec les dossiers inclinables manuellement, selon une déclaration vendredi de l'organisme américain chargé de la réglementation de la sécurité des véhicules."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of General Motors Co is recalling nearly 19,000 of its all-new 2014 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup trucks to repair a problem with the manual reclining seatback, according to a notice from U.S. auto safety regulators on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2294, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the end", "target": ["300 pages plus tard, il écrivait le mot \"FIN\" et corrigeait chaque page au stylo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of 300 pages later, he would write the words \"The End\" and correct each page by hand. A:", "doc_id": 1651, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some people can die because they are waiting.", "target": ["Des gens peuvent mourir parce qu'ils attendent trop longtemps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some people can die because they are waiting. A:", "doc_id": 2683, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Following medical examinations at the military hospital in Val-de-Grâce on Wednesday afternoon, they have now been reunited with their families.", "target": ["Après des examens médicaux à l'hôpital militaire du Val-de-Grâce mercredi après-midi, ils ont pu, depuis, retrouver leurs familles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following medical examinations at the military hospital in Val-de-Grâce on Wednesday afternoon, they have now been reunited with their families. A:", "doc_id": 2791, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Des données présentées l'an dernier au Parlement indiquent que parmi les 1218 soldats libérés pour des raisons médicales, 199 n'avaient pas atteint la durée de service requise pour obtenir des prestations de retraite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The data presented to parliament last year indicates that, of the 1,218 soldiers discharged for medical reasons, 199 had not reached the length of service required to obtain retirement benefits. A:", "doc_id": 110, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Children should be taught myths and legends as \"models for a way of life\"", "target": ["Il faudrait enseigner les mythes et légendes aux enfants comme « des modèles de style de vie », déclare l'auteur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Children should be taught myths and legends as \"models for a way of life\", author says. A:", "doc_id": 812, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this shape is definitive of the entire piece: it is a series of physical representations of drawings.", "target": ["Et cette forme sera celle de toute la pièce: une enfilade d'imitations physiques des dessins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And this shape is definitive of the entire piece: it is a series of physical representations of drawings. A:", "doc_id": 2499, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ultimately, the child will decide which sex he or she feels more comfortable with", "target": ["Enfin, l'enfant décidera avec quel sexe il/elle se sent le/la plus à l'aise – et c'est quelque chose de formidable."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ultimately, the child will decide which sex he or she feels more comfortable with -- and that's a wonderful thing. A:", "doc_id": 1352, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most logical alternative over the long term", "target": ["« Cela s'avère être l'alternative la plus logique à long terme », a-t-il dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"This works out as the most logical alternative over the long term,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 24, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "breakdowns", "target": ["La grande région de Montréal connaît aussi son lot de pannes avec près de 7000 foyers privés de courant dans la métropole et à Laval."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The metropolitan region of Montreal is also experiencing its share of breakdowns, with close to 7,000 homes in the city and in Laval left without power. A:", "doc_id": 2606, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The researchers say the findings could give owners, vets and trainers a better insight into their animal's emotions.", "target": ["Les chercheurs indiquent que les résultats pourraient permettre aux propriétaires, aux vétérinaires et aux dresseurs de mieux appréhender les émotions de leurs animaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The researchers say the findings could give owners, vets and trainers a better insight into their animal's emotions. A:", "doc_id": 2255, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "When I'm finished with my patient write-ups at night and get into bed, the book returns me to a time when politics inspired millions and speeches could take your breath away.", "target": ["Quand j'ai fini les comptes-rendus médicaux de mes patients le soir et que je me couche, ce livre me remmène à l'époque où les politiques inspiraient des millions de gens et où les discours pouvaient vous couper le souffle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When I'm finished with my patient write-ups at night and get into bed, the book returns me to a time when politics inspired millions and speeches could take your breath away. A:", "doc_id": 2327, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["\"Et oui, dans certains cas, c'est allé trop loin de manière inappropriée\", a encore admis le secrétaire d'Etat, qui avait déjà dû s'exprimer sur ce scandale international lors d'une tournée la semaine dernière à Paris, Londres et Rome."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Yes, in certain cases, this went too far in an inappropriate manner,\" the Secretary of State again admitted, having already had to make a statement on the international scandal during a tour in Paris, London and Rome last week. A:", "doc_id": 834, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing", "target": ["« Boeing fait ça pour pouvoir caser plus de sièges et rendre ses avions plus compétitifs par rapports à nos produits », a déclaré Kevin Keniston, directeur de Confort Passager chez l'avionneur européen Airbus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The reason Boeing are doing this is to cram more seats in to make their plane more competitive with our products,\" said Kevin Keniston, head of passenger comfort at Europe's Airbus. A:", "doc_id": 1687, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not a universal hit", "target": ["Le concept n'est pas un succès universel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The concept is not a universal hit. A:", "doc_id": 42, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rachida Azdouz", "target": ["Rachida Azdouz, de l'Université de Montréal, en sera la directrice scientifique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Rachida Azdouz from the University of Montreal will be the scientific director. A:", "doc_id": 2999, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "SAS à Istanbul", "target": ["Avec quatre SAS publiés par an, Gérard de Villiers, né le 8 décembre 1929 à Paris, assurait ignorer le nombre exact de livres vendus depuis 1965 et la publication de \"SAS à Istanbul\", le premier de la série, il y a près d'un demi siècle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gerard Villiers, who was born on 8 December 1929 in Paris, published four SAS books every year, and said he did not know how many books he had sold since the publication of \"SAS à Istanbul\", the first in the series, almost half a century ago in 1965. A:", "doc_id": 1632, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "UBS", "target": ["UBS a expliqué cette semaine qu'elle avait intenté une action à l'encontre de certains de ses employés après que le régulateur suisse, Finma, a déclaré qu'il enquêtait sur des suspicions de manipulations du marché des changes dans un certain nombre de banques suisses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of UBS said this week it had taken action against some of its employees after the Swiss regulator, Finma, said it was investigating suspected manipulation of the foreign exchange market at a number of Swiss banks. A:", "doc_id": 2422, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Peu avant 4h, un automobiliste qui circulait en direction nord, à Saint-Félix-de-Valois, a perdu la maîtrise de son véhicule et a percuté une voiture qui arrivait dans l'autre direction."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Just before 4am, a driver heading north towards Saint-Félix-de-Valois lost control of his vehicle and crashed into another car travelling in the opposite direction. A:", "doc_id": 176, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They got lost in the network, but retraced their steps while waiting for assistance", "target": ["Ils se sont perdus dans le réseau, sont retournés sur leurs pas en attendant les secours, a précisé la préfecture."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They got lost in the network, but retraced their steps while waiting for assistance, said the police. A:", "doc_id": 334, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You have to work \"to be considered good...luck can also launch your career...more and more so today\"", "target": ["Pour Justin Timberlake, si le travail est nécessaire pour \"être considéré comme bon\", \"le hasard peut aussi lancer la carrière de quelqu'un\", et \"de plus en plus aujourd'hui\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Timberlake says that although you have to work \"to be considered good...luck can also launch your career...more and more so today\". A:", "doc_id": 1623, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I allowed him my privacy.", "target": ["Il me laissait mon intimité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He allowed me my privacy. A:", "doc_id": 393, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The investment fund that owned the building had to make a choice.", "target": ["Le fonds d'investissement qui était propriétaire de cette bâtisse-là avait des choix à faire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The investment fund that owned the building had to make a choice. A:", "doc_id": 243, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boys", "target": ["Les jeunes garçons de genre non-conforme ont désormais des camps qui leur sont spécialement destinés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gender nonconforming boys now have special camp. A:", "doc_id": 1292, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["En vertu de la loi, la police, ayant été témoin de transactions suspectes en mains propres, aurait très bien pu intercepter le véhicule de Rob Ford, arrêter le maire, et effectuer une perquisition - même sans mandat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In accordance with the law, the police, having themselves witnessed suspicious transactions, could have intercepted Ford's vehicle, arrested the mayor and carried out a search - even without a warrant. A:", "doc_id": 2439, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chouinard", "target": ["On pense à \"Gloire du matin\", où, en solo, Chouinard effectuait une série de tâches chorégraphiques écrites sur des cartels, posés en ligne à l'avant-scène."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is reminiscent of \"Gloire du matin\", wherein, in the form of solos, Chouinard delivers a series of choreographic tasks drawn on cartels and lined up at the front of the stage. A:", "doc_id": 2502, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "a pencil", "target": ["De nos jours, avoir un crayon de papier semble extraordinaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this day and age having a pencil seems extraordinary. A:", "doc_id": 2379, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "more likely", "target": ["\"Il est de moins en moins probable que la stratégie du gouvernement permette de garantir suffisamment de devises étrangères pour faire face à ses besoins de financement extérieurs élevés\", explique l'agence américaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It is increasingly unlikely that the government's strategy will make it possible to sufficiently guarantee foreign currencies to meet its increased external financial commitments,\" explained the American agency. A:", "doc_id": 657, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Johnson died as a result of \"positional asphyxia.\"", "target": ["Moore a déclaré aux journalistes que la première autopsie indiquait que Johnson était décédé par « asphyxie positionnelle »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moore told reporters that the initial autopsy indicated Johnson died as a result of \"positional asphyxia.\" A:", "doc_id": 1231, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "LEDs", "target": ["Pour alléger ses coûts, la ville a recours à des leds."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The town has decided to use LEDs to reduce costs. A:", "doc_id": 517, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of the French version of", "target": ["Une année difficile pour les pharmaciens"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Difficult Year for Pharmacists A:", "doc_id": 596, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "road accident", "target": ["Un accident de la route a fait un blessé grave, vendredi matin vers 5h30, sur le ring intérieur de Bruxelles à hauteur de Hoeilaart, en direction de Waterloo."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A road accident on the Brussels inner ring road near Hoeilaart in the direction of Waterloo at 5.30am on Friday morning left one person seriously injured. A:", "doc_id": 1146, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Palmer", "target": ["Mais M. Palmer a prétendu que seuls des ministres pourraient avoir un conflit d'intérêt et a indiqué que les filles de M. Abbott étaient prêtes à bénéficier personnellement de ces politiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Mr Palmer claimed it was only ministers who could have a conflict of interest and said Mr Abbott's daughters stood to personally benefit from policies. A:", "doc_id": 2369, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "China", "target": ["Cela laisse supposer que la reprise économique de la Chine pourrait continuer à se raffermir après que la croissance a rebondi à 7,8 % au troisième trimestre, après une baisse que l'on n'avait pas connue depuis deux décennies au trimestre précédent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That suggests China's economic recovery could continue to strengthen after growth rebounded to 7.8 percent in the third quarter from a two-decade low in the previous quarter. A:", "doc_id": 932, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A table", "target": ["Sa mère était elle-même cuisinière dans un château de Sologne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His mother was a cook in a château in Sologne. A:", "doc_id": 986, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The thirty-something", "target": ["La trentaine de pompiers qui ont été dépêchés sur les lieux ont mis près d'une heure à maîtriser le brasier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It tool the thirty-something firefighters who rushed to the scene almost an hour to bring the flames under control. A:", "doc_id": 559, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "United States", "target": ["Noury al-Maliki souhaite une aide des Etats-Unis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Noury al-Maliki is seeking aid from the United States. A:", "doc_id": 459, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cremation", "target": ["Il y a, avec la crémation, \"une violence faite au corps aimé\", qui va être \"réduit à un tas de cendres\" en très peu de temps, et non après un processus de décomposition, qui \"accompagnerait les phases du deuil\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With cremation, there is a sense of \"violence committed against the body of a loved one\", which will be \"reduced to a pile of ashes\" in a very short time instead of after a process of decomposition that \"would accompany the stages of grief\". A:", "doc_id": 861, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "bank", "target": ["Cependant, les prêteurs sur gage ont l'avantage de ne pas demander de vérification de solvabilité ou de preuve de salaire, et peuvent débloquer les prêts plus rapidement que les banques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, pawnbrokers have the advantage of not requiring credit checks or proof of salary, and can arrange loans faster than banks. A:", "doc_id": 1811, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I chose a map of France as the logo", "target": ["J'ai choisi une carte de France comme logo, justifie t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I chose a map of France as the logo,\" he asserts. A:", "doc_id": 2924, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier", "target": ["La société brésilienne Embraer SA, troisième constructeur aéronautique au monde et concurrent le plus proche de Bombardier, a indiqué jeudi une baisse de 10 % de son bénéfice trimestriel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Brazil's Embraer SA, the world's third-largest commercial planemaker and Bombardier's closest rival, reported a 10 percent fall in quarterly profit on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 323, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Texas", "target": ["La fronde des neuf États a débuté par le Texas qui refuse de mettre en oeuvre ces prestations sur les implantations de la Garde nationale texane, en raison d'un conflit entre la loi texane et la loi fédérale sur le mariage homosexuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The refusal by the nine states started with Texas, which refused to implement these measures in Texan National Guard facilities due to a conflict between Texan law and the federal law on same-sex marriage. A:", "doc_id": 2872, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "False", "target": ["S'il est vrai que le journal de Strathclyde a indiqué les éventuelles retombées économiques d'une plus grande liberté de circulation avec le reste de l'Europe, cela ne figurait pourtant pas dans les gros titres (et c'était à prévoir)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of True, the Strathclyde paper pointed out the possible economic benefits of freer movement with the rest of Europe, though - predictably - that did not figure in the headlines. A:", "doc_id": 1518, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Flight Centre", "target": ["Les actions de Flight Centre ont augmenté de 3 cents pour atteindre 38,20 $ hier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Flight Centre shares were up 3c at $38.20 yesterday. A:", "doc_id": 2618, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No seer", "target": ["Je ne suis pas devin, se défendait Gérard de Villiers, je fais simplement des hypothèses à partir de pays que je connais bien et, de temps en temps, certaines de mes hypothèses se réalisent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I'm no seer,\" Gerard de Villiers would say in his defence. \"I simply make conjectures based on countries that I know well and, occasionally, some of my conjectures come true.\" A:", "doc_id": 1649, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["Les tests pratiqués par l'Institut Pasteur sur un patient soupçonné d'être infecté par le coronavirus se sont révélés négatifs, a annoncé le ministère de la santé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Tests carried out by the Pasteur Institute on a patient suspected of being infected by the coronavirus turned out negative, the Ministry of Health has announced. A:", "doc_id": 703, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "When she rebels, she experiences extreme cruelty at the hands of a wantonly sadistic Mother Superior and becomes an object of erotic fascination for another", "target": ["Lorsqu'elle se rebelle, elle fait face à la cruauté sans borne d'une Mère Supérieure délibérément sadique et devient un objet de fascination érotique pour une autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When she rebels, she experiences extreme cruelty at the hands of a wantonly sadistic Mother Superior and becomes an object of erotic fascination for another. A:", "doc_id": 1874, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "France", "target": ["Selon des examens de la Commission européenne, la France a été le pays le plus touché par la présence de ce type de viande dans des produits censés contenir uniquement du boeuf."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to investigations by the European Commission, France the most affected by the presence of this type of meat in products which are supposed to contain beef only. A:", "doc_id": 174, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was compromised and vulnerable", "target": ["Son addiction à la cocaïne l'a compromis à jamais et l'a rendu vulnérable aux arrière-pensées des membres dirigeants des groupes criminels organisés qui l'ont chargé d'obtenir des informations précieuses concernant des enquêtes de police."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of His addiction to cocaine left him hopelessly compromised and vulnerable to the motives of leading members of organised crime groups who tasked him to obtain valuable information regarding police investigations. A:", "doc_id": 500, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I yearn for the many promises that disappeared.", "target": ["Il me fait désirer les nombreuses promesses qui se sont envolées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It makes me yearn for the many promises that disappeared. A:", "doc_id": 2355, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That's my main struggle.", "target": ["C'est mon principal combat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's my main struggle. A:", "doc_id": 2854, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "injured", "target": ["Le communiqué indique simplement qu'il est \"blessé\", sans préciser la nature de la blessure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The press release said only that he is \"injured\", without saying what the injury was. A:", "doc_id": 851, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Council of Cardinals", "target": ["Les cardinaux seront également les premiers à être choisis depuis que François a formé le conseil des cardinaux, un groupe de huit cardinaux du monde entier chargés d'examiner les moyens de réformer l'église."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The cardinals will also be the first to be chosen since Francis formed the Council of Cardinals, a group of eight cardinals from around the world tasked with looking into ways to reform the church. A:", "doc_id": 2287, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Passengers who buy their tickets on the airline's website won't have to pay.", "target": ["Les passagers qui achètent leur billet sur le site de la compagnie aérienne n'auront pas à payer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Passengers who buy their tickets on the airline's website won't have to pay. A:", "doc_id": 191, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He even pointed the finger back at the European intelligence services who allegedly got hold of these communications before passing them on to the NSA", "target": ["Il a même renvoyé la balle aux services de renseignement européens qui se seraient saisis de ces communications, avant de les fournir à la NSA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He even pointed the finger back at the European intelligence services who allegedly got hold of these communications before passing them on to the NSA. A:", "doc_id": 845, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was driving", "target": ["La première fois ce fut le très fort ressenti de sa présence sur le siège passager alors que je conduisais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first time I had this very strong feeling of his presence, he was in the passenger seat while I was driving. A:", "doc_id": 369, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Bien sur, je lui parle dans le creux de la nuit quand l'absence fait trop mal, elle s'invite dans mes rêves quand le moral est un peu atteint."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Of course, I talk to her at the dead of night when the absence hurts too much, and she comes into my dreams when my spirits are a little low. A:", "doc_id": 430, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "So", "target": ["Donc peu de temps après sa naissance en 1976, Bruce a subi une ablation chirurgicale de l'organe externe et des testicules et a été élevé comme une fille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So shortly after his birth in 1976, Bruce's external organ and testes were surgically removed and he was raised as a girl. A:", "doc_id": 1318, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Government discussion paper", "target": ["Un document de travail du gouvernement a été dévoilé aujourd'hui alors que la députée travailliste Maxine McKew dénonçait le discours gouvernemental sur les travailleurs étrangers, en disant qu'il pourrait offenser les voisins de l'Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A government discussion paper was released today as former Labor MP Maxine McKew slammed the government's rhetoric about foreign workers, saying it could offend Australia's neighbours. A:", "doc_id": 1751, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The party should be represented in Aubervilliers", "target": ["Le Parti de la banlieue devrait quand même être représenté à Aubervilliers à travers ma candidature et j'espère aussi dans d'autres villes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, the 'Parti de la Banlieue' should at least be represented in Aubervilliers through my candidacy and in other towns too I hope,\" he adds. A:", "doc_id": 2935, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He remains in breach of his bail conditions.", "target": ["Il continue à enfreindre les conditions de sa mise en liberté sous caution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He remains in breach of his bail conditions. A:", "doc_id": 2173, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "bisexual", "target": ["Wallis Simpson aurait pu être intersexuée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Wallis Simpson may have been intersex. A:", "doc_id": 1280, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The devices", "target": ["Les appareils, qui enregistrent tous les miles parcourus par un automobiliste et transmettent les informations aux fonctionnaires, sont au centre d'une tentative controversée à Washington et dans les bureaux gouvernementaux de la planification de remanier le système obsolète de financement des principales routes américaines."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for funding America's major roads. A:", "doc_id": 5, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The ink drawing is projected onto the screen.", "target": ["Sur l'écran, une encre d'Henri Michaux est projetée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An Henri Michaux ink drawing is projected onto the screen. A:", "doc_id": 2497, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Labour", "target": ["Le Front National est désormais le parti le plus populaire en France avec 24 % des suffrages – un avertissement opportun pour le Parti travailliste britannique qui lui rappelle qu'il ne peut pas partir du principe qu'une scission de la droite favorisera automatiquement la gauche."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Front is now the most popular party in France with 24 per cent of the vote - a timely warning to British Labour that they can't assume a split on the right will automatically favour the left. A:", "doc_id": 1545, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The CEO of Cogeco and Cogeco Cable", "target": ["Le p.-d.g. de Cogeco et Cogeco Câble a également salué l'annonce effectuée par le gouvernement Harper lors de son discours du Trône, le 16 octobre dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The CEO of Cogeco and Cogeco Cable also welcomed the announcement made by the Harper government during his speech from the Throne on October 16. A:", "doc_id": 148, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nevada", "target": ["Le Nevada fait partie des quelques États qui se démènent désormais pour trouver une technologie abordable qui permettrait à l'État de savoir combien de miles parcourt une voiture, mais sans connaître le lieu ni l'heure exacts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nevada is among several states now scrambling to find affordable technology that would allow the state to keep track of how many miles a car is being driven, but not exactly where and at what time. A:", "doc_id": 48, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ready to do business with Britain", "target": ["L'élite européenne est-elle prête à faire des affaires avec la Grande-Bretagne ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Is Europe's elite ready to do business with Britain? A:", "doc_id": 1988, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["N'en déplaise à des chefs d'Etat qui affichaient une relative indifférence aux nourritures terrestres, \"ils sont tous gourmands\", dénonce gentiment Bernard Vaussion."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With all due respect to heads of state who appeared relatively indifferent to fruits of the earth, \"they are all fond of food\" Bernard Vaussion reveals graciously. A:", "doc_id": 990, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Sheffield group were scheduled to perform at the Hydro venue in the city on Friday.", "target": ["Le groupe de Sheffield devait se produire vendredi dans la salle de concert The Hydro au centre-ville."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Sheffield group were scheduled to perform at the Hydro venue in the city on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2265, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Ring Road", "target": ["Un blessé grave dans un accident avec un conducteur fantôme sur le ring de Bruxelles"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One Seriously Injured in Accident with Wrong Way Driver on Brussels Ring Road A:", "doc_id": 1145, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The instruction of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution", "target": ["Sur ordre de l'Office fédéral de protection de la Constitution (BfV), l'agence nationale de renseignements allemande, sa mission était de photographier le toit de l'avant-poste américain, situé à moins de 5 km de la Banque centrale européenne et de la Bundesbank."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the instruction of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's domestic intelligence agency, its mission was to photograph the rooftop of the US outpost, which is located less than 5km from the European Central Bank and Bundesbank. A:", "doc_id": 1174, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The revelation", "target": ["Cette révélation est l'évènement le plus marquant qui figure dans le très attendu livre de la campagne 2012 de Mark Halperin et John Heilemann, « Double Down: Game Change 2012 »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The revelation is the most notable bombshell from Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's heavily anticipated 2012 campaign tome, \"Double Down: Game Change 2012.\" A:", "doc_id": 1375, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the revaluation of their properties", "target": ["Depuis plus d'un an, partout, je suis à même de constater un fort mécontentement de la part des gens que je rencontre: réévaluation monstrueuse de leurs propriétés, déluge de taxes, coût des permis de toutes sortes, frais administratifs à n'en plus finir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For more than a year, I have been noticing the strong dissatisfaction of people I meet everywhere: the horrendous revaluation of their properties, a deluge of taxes, the costs of all sorts of permits, endless administrative fees, etc. A:", "doc_id": 2138, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The day of Halloween", "target": ["En ce jour d'Halloween, la soirée a été agitée du côté de Pia où une rixe impliquant plusieurs personnes a éclaté du côté de la Poste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This day of Halloween, Pia had a troubled evening marked by the outbreak of a brawl involving a number of people around the post office. A:", "doc_id": 1801, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The instability has added to frustrations with the government, says Fernando Lima, head of Mediacoop, an independent media company, with many people also concerned about corruption, the slow pace of development and a recent spate of kidnappings.", "target": ["L'instabilité a renforcé les frustrations que suscite le gouvernement, déclare Fernando Lima, directeur de Mediacoop, une société de médias indépendante, de nombreuses personnes étant également préoccupées par la corruption, la lenteur du développement et la récente vague d'enlèvements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The instability has added to frustrations with the government, says Fernando Lima, head of Mediacoop, an independent media company, with many people also concerned about corruption, the slow pace of development and a recent spate of kidnappings. A:", "doc_id": 808, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the test is not performed", "target": ["Les travailleurs étrangers en possession d'un visa 457 pourraient avoir à passer un test « d'authenticité »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Foreign workers on 457 visas could undergo \"genuineness\" test A:", "doc_id": 1748, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we will soon be penniless", "target": ["Nous sommes bientôt sans le sou et nous attendons un nouveau logement, au même tarif que l'ancien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We will soon be penniless and we are waiting for a new house at the same rate as the old one.\" A:", "doc_id": 891, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The instruction was given at almost the same time as that putting an end to phone-tapping of the UN headquarters in New York.", "target": ["Cette instruction a été donnée à peu près au même moment que celle mettant fin aux écoutes du quartier général de l'Onu à New York."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The instruction was given at almost the same time as that putting an end to phone-tapping of the UN headquarters in New York. A:", "doc_id": 764, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "True Mileage", "target": ["La recherche de cette technologie a amené certaines agences d'État à faire appel à une petite start-up de Californie du nom de True Mileage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The hunt for that technology has led some state agencies to a small California startup called True Mileage. A:", "doc_id": 50, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If one wanted a strong European IT industry, then one shouldn't have let it die out 20 years ago.", "target": ["Si on voulait une industrie européenne des TI forte, alors il ne fallait pas la laisser mourir il y a 20 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If one wanted a strong European IT industry, then one shouldn't have let it die out 20 years ago. A:", "doc_id": 1191, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we dressed our dogs up", "target": ["Nous avons déguisé nos chiens l'année dernière et, à mon grand étonnement, ils n'étaient pas les seuls."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We dressed our dogs up last year and to my amazement we were not alone. A:", "doc_id": 1434, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sunday", "target": ["Le dimanche, l'équipe retourne en ville, fatiguée mais fière du travail qu'elle a accompli."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Sunday, the team heads back to the city, tired but proud of their work. A:", "doc_id": 2712, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The jabs had to be given so frequently to keep antibody levels topped up that they proved expensive and impractical", "target": ["Les injections devaient être répétées si fréquemment pour que les niveaux d'anticorps restent élevés qu'ils étaient trop onéreux et peu pratiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The jabs had to be given so frequently to keep antibody levels topped up that they proved expensive and impractical. A:", "doc_id": 1716, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The one who prowled at the edges was standing in the heart of the centre.", "target": ["Le rôdeur de lisières se tenait au centre du centre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The one who prowled at the edges was standing in the heart of the centre. A:", "doc_id": 2781, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The section of the ring road where the accident occurred was closed to traffic until 9am for the road to be cleared and for an expert to establish the circumstances of the accident.", "target": ["Le ring a été fermé à la circulation, jusqu'à 9h00, à l'endroit de l'accident, le temps que la route soit déblayée et qu'un expert détermine les circonstances de l'accident."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The section of the ring road where the accident occurred was closed to traffic until 9am for the road to be cleared and for an expert to establish the circumstances of the accident. A:", "doc_id": 1148, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unbelievable", "target": ["C'est incroyable que quelqu'un ait remarqué le chien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The fact that the dog was spotted is unbelievable. A:", "doc_id": 1484, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The cost of each scoop is around £140.", "target": ["Chaque boule me coûte donc environ 140 £."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So each scoop costs me around £140. A:", "doc_id": 1403, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "species", "target": ["Au début du 19ème siècle, les morphologistes ont classé les animaux, sur base des différences morphologiques entre les espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In the early 19th century, morphologists classified animals on the basis of the morphological differences between species. A:", "doc_id": 2390, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "read", "target": ["Les lecteurs de livres électroniques, par exemple, émettent seulement des transmissions minimales lorsqu'on tourne une page."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of E-readers, for example, emit only minimal transmissions when turning a page. A:", "doc_id": 1971, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I would be ashamed to defend such a balance sheet", "target": ["J'aurais honte de défendre un tel bilan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I would be ashamed to defend such a balance sheet. A:", "doc_id": 2151, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "very tense", "target": ["On est très excités, mais très tendus aussi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We were very excited, but also very tense. A:", "doc_id": 2799, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was allowed to eat candy", "target": ["Ma sœur et moi étions autorisés à manger des bonbons, à aller nous coucher tard et à nous déguiser pour aller dans le voisinage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of My sister and I were allowed to eat candy, stay up late and play dress-up for the neighborhood. A:", "doc_id": 1422, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "New York City", "target": ["On pourrait dire que la ville de New York est le lieu où est né le stand-up en Amérique : il y a presque 100 ans, l'acteur de vaudeville Frank Fay, qui a tenu le rôle de maître de cérémonie au Palace Theatre, sur Broadway, commençait à raconter des blagues directement devant le public, sur le ton de la conversation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One could argue that New York City is the birthplace of standup comedy in America: nearly a hundred years ago, the vaudevillian Frank Fay, who served as the master of ceremonies at the Palace Theatre, on Broadway, started telling jokes directly to the crowd, in a conversational manner. A:", "doc_id": 907, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first showing of a film", "target": ["Jeudi soir, la première séance d'un film a été interrompue au Méga CGR de Narbonne, par mesure de précaution, à la suite de picotements à la gorge ressentis par les spectateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The first showing of a film at the Mega CGR theatre in Narbonne was interrupted on Thursday evening out of precaution after viewers reported a tingling sensation in the throat. A:", "doc_id": 627, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the rate of progress of the government troops today is unprecedented", "target": ["Le rythme de progression des troupes gouvernementales est aujourd'hui sans précédent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The rate of progress of the government troops today is unprecedented. A:", "doc_id": 693, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "She has a vagina, but no uterus or ovaries.", "target": ["Elle a un vagin, mais pas d'utérus ni d'ovaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She has a vagina, but no uterus or ovaries. A:", "doc_id": 1343, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ruby had run off", "target": ["Ruby, un épagneul cocker de 9 mois, s'est échappée après un accident de la route dimanche après-midi et a survécu pendant trois jours seule avant d'être sauvée dans une carrière mercredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nine month-old cocker spaniel Ruby had run off after being involved in a road crash on Sunday afternoon and survived three days alone before being rescued from a quarry on Wednesday. A:", "doc_id": 1473, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What Pierre Nora is searching for is something else.", "target": ["Celle que traque Pierre Nora est tout autre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What Pierre Nora is searching for is something else. A:", "doc_id": 2754, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Nous sommes gérés depuis plus de 40 ans par des cravatés avec de beaux diplômes pour la plupart et je ne crois pas qu'un éleveur de moutons fasse pire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For over 40 years we have been run largely by suits with marvellous qualifications. I do not believe that a sheep farmer would do any worse. A:", "doc_id": 2153, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the hospital", "target": ["Dr Bwelle et son équipe passent presque tous leurs week-ends à voir des centaines de patients"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bwelle and his team spend almost every weekend seeing hundreds of patients A:", "doc_id": 2668, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The former", "target": ["Entre-temps, l'ancien reporter en chef Neville Thurlbeck et l'ancien reporter James Weatherup ont supervisé la surveillance des moindres faits et gestes de Mlle Pawlby."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, former chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck and former reporter James Weatherup oversaw surveillance of Ms Pawlby's movements. A:", "doc_id": 1038, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "campaign", "target": ["« Les campagnes ne consacrent pas beaucoup d'argent aux sondages et aux groupes de discussion à moins qu'elles n'envisagent sérieusement de prendre des mesures », a déclaré Martin sur AC360."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Campaigns don't spend the kind of money on polling and focus groups unless they're seriously considering something,\" Martin said on AC360. A:", "doc_id": 1385, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Follow up my files (on Afghanistan, Syria etc) constantly before setting off", "target": ["\"Je suis en permanence mes dossiers (Afghanistan, Syrie, ...) avant de partir\", ajoutait Gérard de Villiers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I follow up my files (on Afghanistan, Syria etc) constantly before setting off,\" added de Villiers. A:", "doc_id": 1643, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Dog", "target": ["Des scientifiques viennent de mettre en lumière la façon dont les mouvements de la queue d'un chien sont liés à son humeur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Scientists have shed more light on how the movements of a dog's tail are linked to its mood. A:", "doc_id": 2240, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "risk run by the Americans could be twofold", "target": ["Le risque couru par les Américains peut être double."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The risk run by the Americans could be twofold. A:", "doc_id": 1266, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "2015", "target": ["Gazprom a indiqué que la construction devrait démarrer dans d'autres pays situés en aval d'ici la fin de l'année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gazprom said construction should begin in other downstream countries by year's end. A:", "doc_id": 2025, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The M23 seems to be nearing its end", "target": ["\"Le M23 semble toucher à sa fin\", prédit un expert des affaires congolaises, Jason Stearns, sur son blog Congo Siasa."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The M23 seems to be nearing its end,\" predicted an expert in Congolese affairs, Jason Stearns, on his blog Congo Siasa. A:", "doc_id": 694, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fenton", "target": ["Fenton a été salué par les juges pour ses qualités naturelles de dressage peu communes pour un enfant de son âge."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fenton was lauded by judges for natural handling skills well beyond his years. A:", "doc_id": 2089, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["L'an dernier déjà, Ellison avait subi un vote négatif sur sa rémunération."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Just last year, Ellison got a negative vote on his remuneration package. A:", "doc_id": 1700, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "allow", "target": ["En vertu des nouvelles directives, les compagnies aériennes dont les avions sont correctement protégés des interférences électroniques pourront autoriser les passagers à utiliser leurs appareils pendant les décollages, les atterrissages et le roulement au sol, a déclaré la FAA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Under the new guidelines, airlines whose planes are properly protected from electronic interference may allow passengers to use the devices during takeoffs, landings and taxiing, the FAA said. A:", "doc_id": 1946, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "things are going much better now", "target": ["Maintenant, ça va beaucoup mieux, a souligné la pharmacienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Things are going much better now,\" stressed the pharmacist. A:", "doc_id": 609, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The spellbinding guitar riffs make you want to leave Earth.", "target": ["Les riffs de guitare, envoûtants, donnent envie de quitter la Terre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The spellbinding guitar riffs make you want to leave Earth. A:", "doc_id": 92, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "surprise", "target": ["La découverte de cette nouvelle espèce de dauphin à bosse vous étonne-t-elle?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Did the discovery of this new humpback dolphin species surprise you? A:", "doc_id": 2386, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "From 2005 to 2007, he hosted a show on TV Land called \"Sit Down Comedy with David Steinberg.\"", "target": ["Entre 2005 et 2007, il a animé une émission sur TV Land qui s'appelait « Sit Down Comedy with David Steinberg »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From 2005 to 2007, he hosted a show on TV Land called \"Sit Down Comedy with David Steinberg.\" A:", "doc_id": 920, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The drugs were subsequently taken to the office of the Royal Gendarmerie of Canada (GRC), which then took over the investigation.", "target": ["La drogue a ensuite été transportée au bureau de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) qui a pris le relais dans cette enquête."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The drugs were subsequently taken to the office of the Royal Gendarmerie of Canada (GRC), which then took over the investigation. A:", "doc_id": 641, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Google placed an initial $900 million bid for Nortel's patents.", "target": ["En 2011, Google a fait une offre initiale de 900 M$ pour les brevets de Nortel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In 2011 Google placed an initial $900 million bid for Nortel's patents. A:", "doc_id": 2538, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The court", "target": ["Des sources judiciaires thaïlandaises ont indiqué que Bamford était représentée par un avocat local de Phuket, mais ont prévenu que l'appel pourrait conduire à un alourdissement de la peine pouvant aller jusqu'à deux ans d'emprisonnement et une incarcération dans une prison pour adultes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Thai-based legal sources said Bamford was being represented by a local lawyer in Phuket but warned that the appeal may lead to the court increasing her sentence by up to two years and forcing her to serve it in an adult prison. A:", "doc_id": 2979, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Motorola Mobility", "target": ["Après avoir perdu les brevets Nortel face à Rockstar, Google a acquis par la suite Motorola Mobility pour un montant de 12,5 Md$, un marché en partie basé sur la bibliothèque de brevets de Motorola."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After losing out to Rockstar on the Nortel patents, Google went on to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion, a deal driven partly by Motorola's library of patents. A:", "doc_id": 2540, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A tape of voicemails taken from her phone on at least three occasions was seized from Mulcaire's home in August 2006", "target": ["Une bande, sur laquelle étaient enregistrés des messages vocaux piratés sur son téléphone à au moins trois reprises, a été saisie au domicile de Mulcaire en août 2006."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A tape of voicemails taken from her phone on at least three occasions was seized from Mulcaire's home in August 2006. A:", "doc_id": 1035, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What I can tell you is that she was entering the country.", "target": ["Ce que je peux vous dire, c'est qu'elle arrivait au pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"What I can tell you is that she was entering the country.\" A:", "doc_id": 644, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "yet America strives to collate data", "target": ["Mais nous nous efforçons de rassembler des informations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet America strives to collate data. A:", "doc_id": 833, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A man opened fire at 10am local time.", "target": ["Il était 10h00 du matin heure locale quand un homme a ouvert le feu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A man opened fire at 10am local time. A:", "doc_id": 521, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I felt that a second term for Obama, free from the pressures of future elections, would fulfill the hope that we had heard of for so long.", "target": ["Je sentais qu'Obama, élu pour un second mandat en étant libéré de la pression d'élections futures, tiendrait les promesses dont on entendait parler depuis si longtemps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I felt that a second term for Obama, free from the pressures of future elections, would fulfill the hope that we had heard of for so long. A:", "doc_id": 2353, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Environmental", "target": ["Les libertaires ont rejoint des groupes écologistes pour faire pression afin que le gouvernement utilise les petites boîtes pour garder la trace des miles que vous parcourez, et éventuellement de la route sur laquelle vous circulez, puis utiliser les informations pour rédiger un projet de loi fiscal."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Libertarians have joined environmental groups in lobbying to allow government to use the little boxes to keep track of the miles you drive, and possibly where you drive them - then use the information to draw up a tax bill. A:", "doc_id": 7, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we need to have a better system", "target": ["« Nous avons besoin d'un meilleur système », a-t-il déclaré."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We need to have a better system,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 2375, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He came up with the idea after reading a research paper on jellyfish and convinced scientists in China to chemically recreate the glowing protein", "target": ["Il en a eu l'idée après avoir lu une étude sur les méduses et a convaincu des scientifiques chinois de recréer chimiquement la protéine brillante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He came up with the idea after reading a research paper on jellyfish and convinced scientists in China to chemically recreate the glowing protein. A:", "doc_id": 1395, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This is the case with the new species that has just been identified.", "target": ["C'est le cas de la nouvelle espèce qui vient d'être identifiée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is the case with the new species that has just been identified. A:", "doc_id": 2393, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The inspectors have completed their first round of verification work, visiting 21 of 23 sites declared by Damascus.", "target": ["Plus tôt dans la semaine, les inspecteurs ont déclaré qu'ils avaient achevé la première étape du travail de vérification, en visitant 21 des 23 sites déclarés par Damas."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Earlier this week, the inspectors said they had completed their first round of verification work, visiting 21 of 23 sites declared by Damascus. A:", "doc_id": 1899, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of this was made public the day after the publication of official statistics showing that the country's economy had suffered its fifth consecutive quarterly drop between July and September.", "target": ["Elle a été rendue publique au lendemain de la publication de statistiques officielles montrant que l'économie du pays avait subi entre juillet et septembre son cinquième trimestre de suite de contraction."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was made public the day after the publication of official statistics showing that the country's economy had suffered its fifth consecutive quarterly drop between July and September. A:", "doc_id": 663, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "unseen texts", "target": ["L'examen présentera également des « textes nouveaux » pour encourager une lecture plus diversifiée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The exam will also feature \"unseen texts\" to encourage wider reading; A:", "doc_id": 2625, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "None of these traders have been accused of any wrongdoing.", "target": ["Aucun de ces traders n'a fait l'objet d'aucune accusation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of None of these traders have been accused of any wrongdoing. A:", "doc_id": 2420, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's a mystery I have yet to solve", "target": ["C'est un mystère que je ne suis pas encore arrivé à élucider."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It's a mystery I have yet to solve. A:", "doc_id": 1444, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "outperform", "target": ["Cameron Doerksen, analyste au sein de la National Bank Financial, a abaissé jeudi sa notation, passant de « surperformance » à « performance de secteur » en raison du faible potentiel de hausse de la bourse au cours du prochain trimestre ou des deux prochains trimestres."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cameron Doerksen, an analyst with National Bank Financial, lowered his rating to \"sector perform\" from \"outperform\" on Thursday with the view that the stock has limited upside over the next one or two quarters. A:", "doc_id": 291, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Muller did not survive the war.", "target": ["Müller n'a pas survécu à la fin de la guerre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Muller did not survive the war. A:", "doc_id": 2644, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Australia", "target": ["La majeur partie de la croissance dans les années à venir proviendra de ses projets de gaz naturel liquéfié en Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The majority of the growth in the years to come will come from its liquefied natural gas schemes in Australia. A:", "doc_id": 711, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "thousands", "target": ["A New York, des milliers de personnes costumées ont participé à la parade organisée dans le quartier de \"Greenwich village\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In New York, thousands of people in costumes took part in the parade organised in the Greenwich Village district. A:", "doc_id": 2009, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "If you're looking for extra credit, call Tim and Susan Mathisdon in Napa, Calif., and try to carve up their 2,032 pound pumpkin.", "target": ["Si vous cherchez à vous faire remarquer davantage, appelez Tim et Susan Mathisdon à Napa, en Californie, et essayez de sculpter leur citrouille de 922 kg."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If you're looking for extra credit, call Tim and Susan Mathisdon in Napa, Calif., and try to carve up their 2,032 pound pumpkin. A:", "doc_id": 1453, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Credit Suisse", "target": ["« Nous sommes convaincus que le trader a agi seul et que l'affaire a été maîtrisée », a indiqué un représentant du Crédit Suisse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We are confident the trader acted alone and that the matter has been contained,\" Credit Suisse said. A:", "doc_id": 2431, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to her", "target": ["Selon elle, la CSRS a été invitée à une médiation et elle a demandé un délai supplémentaire pour y réfléchir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to her, the CSRS was invited to a mediation and she asked for an additional period for consideration. A:", "doc_id": 720, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Shakespeare", "target": ["Dans le cadre des cours de littérature anglaise, les élèves devront étudier au moins une pièce de Shakespeare, un roman du XIXème siècle, un poème romantique et une œuvre de fiction britannique contemporaine de 1914 à nos jours."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of English literature courses will require pupils to study at least one Shakespeare play, a 19th century novel, Romantic poetry and contemporary British fiction from 1914 onwards. A:", "doc_id": 2624, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Silvio Berlusconi", "target": ["Silvio Berlusconi menace de retirer son soutien au gouvernement si le Sénat, où il compte plus d'adversaires que de partisans, prononce sa destitution."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Silvio Berlusconi is threatening to withdraw his support to the government if the Senate, in which he has more opponents than supporters, decides to relieve him of his duties. A:", "doc_id": 1358, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "put back the schedule for implementing the project", "target": ["Face à la fronde menée depuis plusieurs mois par une partie des personnels et plusieurs syndicats, dont la CGT, la ministre de la santé, Marisol Touraine, avait décidé le 10 juillet de \"décaler le calendrier de mise en oeuvre du projet, et en particulier la date de fermeture des urgences qui ne pourra intervenir le 4 novembre\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In light of the rebellion that has been running for several months involving a section of the staff and several unions, including the CGT, the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, decided on July 10 to \"put back the schedule for implementing the project and, in particular, the date for closing the emergency unit which cannot take place on November 4\". A:", "doc_id": 725, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I remember taking a one-hour bath", "target": ["Je me souviens avoir pris un bain pendant une heure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I remember taking a one-hour bath, A:", "doc_id": 2806, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "FAA", "target": ["Les nouveaux avions de ligne dépendent beaucoup plus des systèmes électriques que les générations précédentes d'avions, mais ils sont également conçus pour résister aux interférences électroniques et approuvés par la FAA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of New airliners are far more reliant on electrical systems than previous generations of aircraft, but they are also designed and approved by the FAA to be resistant to electronic interference. A:", "doc_id": 1966, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["\"Signer l'accord serait positif pour le commerce à long terme mais il pourrait y avoir des conséquences négatives à court et moyen termes liées à la réaction de la Russie\", a expliqué S&P, qui craint des \"restrictions commerciales\" de la part de Moscou."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Signing the agreement would be good for business in the long term, but it might have negative consequences in the short term in relation to Russia's reaction,\" explained S&P, which is concerned Moscow may introduce \"trade restrictions\". A:", "doc_id": 672, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ford", "target": ["A la Bourse de New York, l'action GM gagnait 1,4% à 16h35 GMT tandis que Ford cédait 1,1%."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the New York Stock Exchange, GM shares gained 1.4% at 16:35 GMT, while Ford lost 1.1%. A:", "doc_id": 2586, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Par contre, le patron de la puissante NSA, le général Keith Alexander, a lui démenti que son agence de renseignement ait capté des dizaines de millions de communications de citoyens européens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the other hand, the head of the powerful NSA, General Keith Alexander, denied that his intelligence agency had captured tens of millions of communications from European citizens. A:", "doc_id": 844, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "French", "target": ["Il n'empêche, son projet, présenté jeudi en conférence de presse dans sa commune natale d'Aubervilliers, est né de la volonté de mieux défendre le multiculturalisme, ce grand melting pot culturel qui caractérise avant tout les quartiers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Be that as it may, his project, which was presented during a press conference in his home town of Aubervilliers on Thursday, was born from a desire to better defend multiculturalism - the great cultural melting pot that, above everything else, characterises these districts. A:", "doc_id": 2926, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The more you lick, the brighter it becomes", "target": ["Chris explique que, puisque la crème glacée commence à luire quand elle réagit à la chaleur de la bouche, plus on lèche, plus elle devient brillante."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chris says because the ice cream lights up when it reacts with the heat of the mouth it means the more you lick, the brighter it becomes. A:", "doc_id": 1397, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Federal appeals court", "target": ["Une cour d'appel fédérale a bloqué jeudi la décision d'une juge exigeant des changements dans le programme de contrôle et de fouille du département de police de New York et l'a dessaisie du dossier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a judge's order requiring changes to the New York Police Department's stop-and-frisk program and removed the judge from the case. A:", "doc_id": 958, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Internet", "target": ["Mais il sera toujours interdit de se connecter à Internet pour surfer, échanger des emails et des SMS ou télécharger des données en dessous de 10 000 pieds, a déclaré l'agence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But connecting to the Internet to surf, exchange emails, text or download data will still be prohibited below 10,000 feet, the agency said. A:", "doc_id": 1951, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Rien n'est plus représentatif d'Halloween que les maisons hantées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nothing is more quintessentially Halloween than haunted houses. A:", "doc_id": 1445, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "workers", "target": ["Vous aviez prononcé de violentes attaques et des insultes, en parlant de \"soi-disant ouvriers\", qui \"travaillent trois heures\" par jour, de syndicats \"fous\", en visant la CGT."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You had fired violent attacks and insults, talking of 'so-called workers' who 'work three hours' a day, and 'mad' unions, targeting the CGT. A:", "doc_id": 252, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the rebellion", "target": ["Des responsables du M23 ont expliqué avoir évacué les localités sous la pression diplomatique et Bertrand Bissimwa, responsable politique de la rébellion, a affirmé sur RFI que ces revers militaires ne modifieraient en rien ses revendications aux pourparlers de paix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Leaders of the M23 say they evacuated the towns under diplomatic pressure and Bertrand Bisimwa, political leader of the rebellion, asserted on RFI that these military setbacks would not change its demands at the peace talks in any way. A:", "doc_id": 687, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "stall", "target": ["Dans la plupart des cas, le développement ralentit ou s'arrête – c'est quelque chose qu'un pédiatre peut suivre de près."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In most cases, the process will slow down or stall -- something a pediatrician can monitor closely. A:", "doc_id": 1578, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "So that will fill the gaps we had last year.", "target": ["Cela viendra donc combler nos départs de l'année passée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of So that will fill the gaps we had last year.\" A:", "doc_id": 611, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the result of a crime", "target": ["Son décès est-il le résultat d'un acte criminel ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Was his death the result of a crime? A:", "doc_id": 1226, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Perplexed", "target": ["Perplexes, les universitaires ont longtemps peiné à définir et situer Pierre Nora."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Perplexed by his work, academics have long struggled to define and place Pierre Nora. A:", "doc_id": 2735, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Patek", "target": ["Patek, qui a passé presque 10 ans en fuite en étant l'un des hommes les plus recherchés d'Asie du sud-est, a été hier condamné à une peine de 20 ans de prison pour son rôle dans la fabrication des engins explosifs utilisés lors des attentats."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Patek, who spent almost 10 years on the run as one of South-East Asia's most wanted, was yesterday sentenced to 20 years in jail for his role in building the explosive devices used in the bombing. A:", "doc_id": 1910, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "England", "target": ["Nous pouvons décider d'être une région de la petite Angleterre (essentiellement)."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We can choose to be a region of (essentially) Little England. A:", "doc_id": 1555, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "liar", "target": ["Sisi est un menteur et un traître."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sisi is a liar and a traitor.\" A:", "doc_id": 2864, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Crisnée civil protection services has stabilised the two buildings.", "target": ["La protection civile de Crisnée a stabilisé les deux bâtiments."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Crisnée civil protection services has stabilised the two buildings. A:", "doc_id": 2556, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bird", "target": ["Un oiseau, hélitreuillé après avoir été trouvé épuisé sur une plate-forme pétrolière en mer du Nord, a été relâché dans la nature."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A bird airlifted ashore after being found exhausted on a North Sea oil rig has been released back into the wild. A:", "doc_id": 1982, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "By silencing the media, politicians know they can do whatever they like with impunity.", "target": ["En réduisant les médias au silence, les hommes politiques savent qu'ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent en toute impunité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of By silencing the media, politicians know they can do whatever they like with impunity. A:", "doc_id": 591, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Last of the Germans", "target": ["L'ex-chef de la Gestapo enterré dans un cimetière juif"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former Gestapo Chief Buried in Jewish Cemetery A:", "doc_id": 2642, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was expecting to see gnashing of teeth and a fight breaking out at the gate.", "target": ["Je m'attendais à voir des grincements de dents et une bagarre éclater à la porte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I was expecting to see gnashing of teeth and a fight breaking out at the gate. A:", "doc_id": 204, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Palmer United Party", "target": ["Le Palmer United Party pourrait contrôler jusqu'à quatre voix au Sénat, ce qui pourrait être crucial au moment de décider si les taxes carbone et minières doivent être supprimées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Palmer United Party could control up to four votes in the Senate that may be crucial in deciding if the carbon and mining taxes are axed. A:", "doc_id": 2368, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "pro-government fighters", "target": ["Du côté du gouvernement, on estime que 29 954 membres des forces armées du président Bachar el-Assad ont trouvé la mort, dont 18 678 étaient des combattants des forces pro-gouvernementales et 187 des militants du Hezbollah libanais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the government side, it said 29,954 are members of President Bashar Assad's armed forces, 18,678 are pro-government fighters and 187 are Lebanese Hezbollah militants. A:", "doc_id": 1889, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of the classical singing for teenagers A", "target": ["Du chant classique pour adolescents"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Classical Singing for Teenagers A:", "doc_id": 528, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Company is targeting 2.65 million barrels per day for this year, with an increase of 25% in production planned by 2017", "target": ["La société vise 2,65 millions de bpj pour cette année, avec une croissance de 25% de la production attendue d'ici 2017."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The company is targeting 2.65 million barrels per day for this year, with an increase of 25% in production planned by 2017. A:", "doc_id": 710, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I never made any claim to being an author of great literature", "target": ["\"Je n'ai jamais eu la prétention d'être un auteur littéraire\", expliquait Gérard de Villiers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I never made any claim to being an author of great literature,\" explained Gerard de Villiers. A:", "doc_id": 1639, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sometimes my beliefs are different from his, so I am always asking myself if what I am doing conforms with his way of seeing things.", "target": ["Si j'ai mes convictions parfois différentes des siennes, je me demande toujours si mes agissements sont conformes à sa vision des choses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sometimes my beliefs are different from his, so I am always asking myself if what I am doing conforms with his way of seeing things. A:", "doc_id": 437, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Another use is to take a photo of someone queuing in a shop, follow his progress using face recognition and work out the waiting time.", "target": ["Autre utilisation: prendre en photo un quidam qui fait la queue dans un magasin, suivre sa progression grâce à la reconnaissance faciale et calculer le temps d'attente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another use is to take a photo of someone queuing in a shop, follow his progress using face recognition and work out the waiting time. A:", "doc_id": 2207, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The virus of terrorism is alive.", "target": ["Et que se passe-t-il quand un virus du terrorisme vit? il se répand."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And what happens when the virus of terrorism is alive? It spreads.\" A:", "doc_id": 462, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The parents of Georgia teen who died in 'freak accident' believe his was murdered", "target": ["Les parents d'un adolescent de Géorgie, qui est décédé dans des circonstances insolites, pensent que leur fils a été assassiné"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Parents of Georgia teen who died in 'freak accident' believe son was murdered A:", "doc_id": 1215, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Alex Turner has been diagnosed with laryngitis and is regrettably not able to perform.", "target": ["« Alex Turner souffre d'une laryngite et regrette de ne pouvoir se produire en concert. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Alex Turner has been diagnosed with laryngitis and is regrettably not able to perform.\" A:", "doc_id": 2269, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "How did the medical examinations and the debriefing with the DGSE (Directorate General for External Security) go?", "target": ["Comment se sont passés les examens médicaux et le debriefing DGSE ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of How did the medical examinations and the debriefing with the DGSE (Directorate General for External Security) go? A:", "doc_id": 2830, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden", "target": ["Le député allemand Hans-Christian Ströbele a rencontré jeudi M. Snowden en Russie, où il bénéficie du droit d'asile, pour discuter de son témoignage en Allemagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German MP Hans-Christian Ströbele on Thursday met Mr Snowden in Russia, where he has been granted asylum, to discuss him testifying in Germany. A:", "doc_id": 123, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "China", "target": ["Le cas récent le plus spectaculaire a été celui de l'ancien chef du PCC à Chongqing, Bo Xilai, condamné à vie en septembre pour corruption et abus de pouvoir après avoir visé les plus hautes fonctions au sein de l'Etat."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The most recent high-profile case has been that of the former head of the CCP in Chongqing, Bo Xilai, who was sentenced to life in prison in September for corruption and power abuse. Previously his sights were set on the highest offices in the state. A:", "doc_id": 2057, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "High speed rail has the potential to bring huge economic benefits to Scotland, but also adds Scotland's economic weight to the overall case for high speed rail across Britain.", "target": ["M. Brown a déclaré : « Le train à grande vitesse a le potentiel d'offrir des avantages économiques considérables à l'Écosse, mais il apporte également le poids économique de l'Écosse dans le projet global de réseau ferroviaire à grande vitesse dans toute la Grande-Bretagne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Brown said: \"High speed rail has the potential to bring huge economic benefits to Scotland, but also adds Scotland's economic weight to the overall case for high speed rail across Britain.\" A:", "doc_id": 1776, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Arctic Monkeys postpone their Glasgow gig due to Alex Turner's illness", "target": ["Arctic Monkeys reporte un concert à Glasgow en raison de la maladie d'Alex Turner"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Arctic Monkeys postpone Glasgow gig due to Alex Turner's illness A:", "doc_id": 2263, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Xinjiang", "target": ["De nombreux ouïghours, une minorité turcophone installée au Xinjiang, appellent cette province chinoise le Turkestan oriental."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Numerous Uighurs, a Turkish-speaking minority in Xinjiang, call this Chinese province East Turkestan. A:", "doc_id": 1069, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "6,365 children", "target": ["Parmi eux, on estime qu'il y avait 61 067 civils, dont 6 365 enfants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Of those, it said 61,067 are civilians, including 6,365 children. A:", "doc_id": 1888, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Union of the Bump", "target": ["Organisée par la section SK8 Unity de l'association Bump, la compétition devrait regrouper les meilleurs skateurs de la région."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Organised by section SK8 Unity of the Bump association, the competition is expected to bring together the best skaters in the region. A:", "doc_id": 2877, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Quatre blessés légers au moins seraient à déplorer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Reports say at least four people were slightly injured. A:", "doc_id": 1802, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Business", "target": ["La priorité doit être l'emploi et la croissance en Grande-Bretagne et, comme les conclusions de notre enquête le montrent, pour les entreprises cela signifie mettre à nouveau l'accent sur le commerce et un changement fondamental de l'approche réglementaire de Bruxelles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The priority must be jobs and growth in Britain and, as the findings of our poll show, for business this means a renewed focus on trade and a fundamental change in Brussels\" regulatory approach. A:", "doc_id": 2003, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Boeing is proposing long-distance flying in seats narrower than regional turbo-props", "target": ["« Boeing propose des vols long-courriers dans des sièges plus étroits que dans les avions turbopropulseurs régionaux », a indiqué John Leahy, directeur commercial d'Airbus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Boeing is proposing long-distance flying in seats narrower than regional turbo-props,\" said Airbus sales chief John Leahy. A:", "doc_id": 1670, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Evidence", "target": ["Il a été démontré devant la Commission que le YMCA avait été informé qu'il avait reçu les secondes plus mauvaises appréciations sur quatre établissements lors d'un audit qualité du Department of Education and Communities réalisé en août de cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Evidence before the commission is that YMCA was notified that it received the second lowest of four possible ratings in a Department of Education and Communities quality audit in August this year. A:", "doc_id": 2065, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we presented dogs with movies of dogs - either a naturalistic version or a silhouette to get rid of any other confounding issues, and we could doctor the movement of the tail and present the tail more to the left or right.", "target": ["Le Professeur Vallortigara a expliqué : « Nous avons présenté à des chiens des films où figuraient d'autres chiens – soit une version naturaliste soit une silhouette pour éviter tout autre facteur de confusion – et nous avons pu trafiquer le mouvement de la queue et le présenter comme allant plus à gauche ou à droite. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prof Vallortigara said: \"We presented dogs with movies of dogs - either a naturalistic version or a silhouette to get rid of any other confounding issues, and we could doctor the movement of the tail and present the tail more to the left or right.\" A:", "doc_id": 2249, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "landslide", "target": ["L'élection s'est terminée par une victoire écrasante et les présentateurs des journaux d'actualités ont pris le temps de réfléchir à la nature historique du moment."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The election turned out to be a landslide, and news anchors paused to reflect on the historic nature of the hour. A:", "doc_id": 2328, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Man Who Went to the Supermarket", "target": ["Il se rend en uniforme nazi au supermarché, avant d'en être chassé"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Man Wearing Nazi Uniform Chased Away from Supermarket A:", "doc_id": 1842, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The teenager's parents said they hope the video footage will contain clues to how he died.", "target": ["Les parents de l'adolescent ont déclaré qu'ils espéraient que les images vidéo contiennent des indices sur les circonstances de sa mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The teenager's parents said they hope the video footage will contain clues to how he died. A:", "doc_id": 1237, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hands-on opportunity", "target": ["Pour les étudiants en médecine et les étudiants infirmiers comme Katie O'Malley, qui viennent des États-Unis et d'Europe pour rejoindre M. Bwelle dans ses missions, c'est une occasion d'apprentissage sur le terrain qu'ils n'ont pas chez eux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For medical and nursing students such as O'Malley, who come from the United States and Europe to join Bwelle on his missions, it's a hands-on opportunity they'd never get at home. A:", "doc_id": 2720, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Psychiatric emergency", "target": ["« Au milieu de XXe siècle, on appelait cela une urgence psychiatrique », a indiqué Drescher."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Back in the middle of the 20th century, it was called a 'psychiatric emergency,'\" said Drescher. A:", "doc_id": 1305, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The death of a man", "target": ["Il a été condamné à une peine d'emprisonnement de trois ans par la cour d'assises de Liverpool"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Was given a three-year prison sentence at Liverpool Crown Court A:", "doc_id": 469, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "easing restrictions on the use of electronic gadgets on airplanes", "target": ["La FAA assouplit les restrictions portant sur l'utilisation des gadgets électroniques à bord des avions – mais il sera toujours interdit de passer des appels sur les téléphones portables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The FAA is easing restrictions on the use of electronic gadgets on airplanes - though chatting on cellphones will still be prohibited. A:", "doc_id": 2040, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The support will continue for the next six months", "target": ["\"Ce support-là va continuer pour les six prochains mois\", explique le directeur régional des relations de travail des Hôtels Delta, Félix Bisson."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"That support will continue for the next six months,\" explains the regional labour relations director at Delta hotels, Felix Bisson. A:", "doc_id": 241, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Le changement s'est vraiment produit dans les années qui ont suivi la première fois où j'ai voté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Change indeed happened, in the years since I cast my first ballot. A:", "doc_id": 2335, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are intersex", "target": ["Ils sont intersexués, l'intersexualité faisant partie du groupe de la soixantaine de maladies diagnostiquées comme désordres du développement sexuel, un terme générique désignant les personnes possédant des chromosomes ou des gonades (ovaires ou testicules) atypiques ou des organes sexuels anormalement développés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They are intersex, part of a group of about 60 conditions that fall under the diagnosis of disorders of sexual development, an umbrella term for those with atypical chromosomes, gonads (ovaries or testes), or unusually developed genitalia. A:", "doc_id": 1279, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He's a hero, without a doubt.", "target": ["« C'est un héros, il n'y a pas de doute », a déclaré Katie O'Malley."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He's a hero, without a doubt,\" O'Malley said. A:", "doc_id": 2725, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "anti-EU", "target": ["Si les partis anti-européens font bonne figure à ces élections, ce qui est très possible, un tel bloc pourrait contrôler le Parlement européen pour la première fois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If, as is very possible, anti-EU parties do well in these elections, such a bloc could dominate the European Parliament for the first time. A:", "doc_id": 1548, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Kenya's \"lively blogosphere\"", "target": ["Il dit également que les mesures pourraient avoir un effet dévastateur sur ce qu'il a décrit comme la « blogosphère animée » du Kenya."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It also said the measures could have a devastating effect on what it described as Kenya's \"lively blogosphere.\" A:", "doc_id": 590, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Islamists", "target": ["Les islamistes égyptiens dans la rue pour dénoncer le procès de Morsi"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Egyptian Islamists Take to Streets to Denounce Morsi Trial A:", "doc_id": 2855, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Rocket Man", "target": ["Sur Like A Rocket Man, Bowie a-t-il voulu faire une petite référence au Rocket Man d'Elton John, voire même à Gravity?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Was Bowie trying to make a reference to Elton John's Rocket Man, or even Gravity, in his Like A Rocket Man? A:", "doc_id": 88, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Internet", "target": ["Seule la biométrie permettra de s'assurer de l'identité d'une personne réalisant des transactions dans un univers aussi transverse et transnational qu'Internet ."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Biometrics will be the only way of guaranteeing the identity of an individual carrying out transactions in a world as transverse and transnational as the Internet. A:", "doc_id": 2180, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Inside Llewyn Davis", "target": ["\"Inside Llewyn Davis\" raconte sur une semaine les tribulations d'un chanteur de folk qui n'arrive pas à percer et se fâche avec la terre entière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Inside Llewyn Davis\" tells the story of a week of tribulations for a folk singer who has failed to get a break and is angry with the whole world. A:", "doc_id": 1612, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It's obviously been a worrying time but we're hopeful to have her back home safely as soon as possible", "target": ["« Nous avons évidemment vécu un moment angoissant, mais nous espérons la ramener à la maison en toute sécurité dès que possible », a déclaré Tunks."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's obviously been a worrying time but we're hopeful to have her back home safely as soon as possible,\" Tunks said. A:", "doc_id": 2976, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "", "target": ["Du côté des résultats, Cogeco a indiqué avoir enregistré un bénéfice net de 43,8 millions au quatrième trimestre, ou 82 ¢ par action."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In terms of results, Cogeco has said it has recorded a net profit of CAD 43.8 million in the fourth quarter, representing 82¢ per share. A:", "doc_id": 154, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ukraine", "target": ["L'agence relève que les réserves de change de l'Ukraine ont chuté de 26% entre septembre 2012 et septembre 2013 et prévoit que la tendance va continuer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The agency notes that Ukraine's foreign exchange reserves fell by 26% between September 2012 and September 2013, and the trend is expected to continue. A:", "doc_id": 658, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "scared", "target": ["Elle est rentrée de l'école effrayée et bouleversée d'être la première parmi ses amies."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She came home from school scared and upset to be the first among her friends. A:", "doc_id": 1588, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The suspect", "target": ["Deux enquêteurs ont suivi le suspect et l'ont repéré arrivant au domicile de Ditta et plaçant de la drogue, pure à 60 %, sous les poubelles de l'avocat dans un gant de golf noir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two detectives trailed the suspect and spotted him arriving at Ditta's house in and was seen to place the drugs which had a purity of 60 per cent under the lawyer's bins in a black golf glove. A:", "doc_id": 482, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Palmer, 59, said his policies included an international airport for the Sunshine Coast and he would take \"very seriously\" his new job", "target": ["M. Palmer, 59 ans, a déclaré que son projet politique comprenait un aéroport international pour la Sunshine Coast et qu'il prendrait ses nouvelles fonctions « très au sérieux »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Palmer, 59, said his policies included an international airport for the Sunshine Coast and he would take \"very seriously\" his new job. A:", "doc_id": 2381, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Rwanda", "target": ["La semaine dernière, Kigali avait évoqué la possibilité de représailles militaires à la suite des obus tombés en territoire rwandais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Last week, Kigali raised the possibility of military retaliation after shells landed in Rwandan territory. A:", "doc_id": 699, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama's approval rating", "target": ["Pourtant, alors que l'indice d'opinions favorables a plongé sous les 45 % cette semaine, il est encore plus difficile de revenir à l'année 2008 à travers ce livre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Still, as Obama's approval rating sank below 45% this week, returning to 2008 through that book has become that much harder. A:", "doc_id": 2354, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The committee introduced new restrictions on the data that the intelligence services were authorised to collect and imposed a limit of five years on the length of time they could hold such data.", "target": ["La commission a instauré de nouvelles restrictions sur les données que les agences de renseignement sont autorisées à collecter et a imposé une limite de cinq ans pour la conservation de ces informations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The committee introduced new restrictions on the data that the intelligence services were authorised to collect and imposed a limit of five years on the length of time they could hold such data. A:", "doc_id": 766, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "evacuated", "target": ["Le Los Angeles Times précise que les teminaux 2 et 3 sont en cours d'évacuation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Los Angeles Times stated that terminals 2 and 3 are being evacuated. A:", "doc_id": 1366, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Following Mr Chen's apology, New Express issued a front-page apology", "target": ["Suite aux excuses de M. Chen, New Express a publié ses excuses en première page, écrivant qu'il n'avait pas correctement vérifié ses articles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following Mr Chen's apology, New Express issued a front-page apology, saying it had failed to properly check his reports. A:", "doc_id": 2122, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The score", "target": ["Au piano, des danseurs se relaient pour jouer les partitions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At the piano, dancers take turns to play the scores. A:", "doc_id": 2519, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are varying explanations.", "target": ["Il existe diverses explications."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are varying explanations. A:", "doc_id": 1596, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The letter extends an offer to cooperate with German authorities \"when the difficulties of this humanitarian situation have been resolved.\"", "target": ["La lettre avance une offre de coopération avec les autorités allemandes « lorsque les difficultés de cette situation humanitaire auront été résolues »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The letter extends an offer to cooperate with German authorities \"when the difficulties of this humanitarian situation have been resolved.\" A:", "doc_id": 138, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "softening", "target": ["John Kerry a indiqué un radoucissement de l'attitude défensive des États-Unis vis-à-vis de ses programmes de surveillance en admettant, fait sans précédent, qu'à plusieurs occasions, l'espionnage « était allé trop loin de manière inappropriée »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of John Kerry has indicated a softening of the U.S's defensive stance on its surveillance programmes with an unprecedented admission that on occasions its spying has \"reached too far inappropriately.\" A:", "doc_id": 2939, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Stage Entertainment", "target": ["Stage ­Entertainment popularise des comédies musicales anglo-saxonnes de variété en les adaptant en français."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Stage Entertainment popularizes variety English musicals by adapting them into French. A:", "doc_id": 1125, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They are coming from 60 kilometers around the village, and they're coming on foot.", "target": ["Ils habitent parfois à 60 km du village, et ils viennent à pied."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They are coming from 60 kilometers around the village, and they're coming on foot. A:", "doc_id": 2703, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "safe", "target": ["Le Professeur Crystal a déclaré que si le futur vaccin à usage humain était complètement sûr, on pourrait l'administrer aux enfants avant qu'ils soient tentés d'essayer une cigarette, ce qui empêcherait toute addiction à la nicotine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prof Crystal said that if a future human vaccine was completely safe it could be given to children before they were tempted to try a cigarette, preventing nicotine addiction. A:", "doc_id": 1718, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The middle class", "target": ["Les prêteurs sur gage de Singapour tirent profit des classes moyennes contraintes à se serrer la ceinture"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Pawnbrokers shine in Singapore as middle class feel the pinch A:", "doc_id": 1804, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Attaqué par les libéraux et les néo-démocrates à la Chambre des communes, M. Nicholson a assuré qu'avant leur libération, les membres de l'armée suivaient un plan de transition en collaboration avec leurs supérieurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Attacked by liberals and neo-democrats in the House of Commons, Mr. Nicholson assured that, prior to their discharge, members of the army underwent a transition plan in collaboration with their superiors. A:", "doc_id": 98, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I am so happy when I am doing this work", "target": ["« Je suis si heureux quand je fais ce travail », a ajouté M. Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I am so happy when I am doing this work,\" Bwelle said. A:", "doc_id": 2729, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Three pharmacists have already returned to work after maternity leave and three others have been taken on in recent months.", "target": ["Déjà, trois pharmaciennes sont de retour au travail après leur congé de maternité et trois autres pharmaciennes ont été embauchées au cours des derniers mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Three pharmacists have already returned to work after maternity leave and three others have been taken on in recent months. A:", "doc_id": 607, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The ice cream reacts with the eater's tongue", "target": ["La crème glacée réagit avec la langue en augmentant le pH de la protéine pour la faire briller."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ice cream reacts with the eater's tongue - raising the pH level in the protein and making it glow. A:", "doc_id": 1396, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Le porte-parole de la TSA n'était pas en mesure de confirmer dans l'immédiat si l'un de ses employés était blessé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The TSA spokesman was unable to confirm on the spot whether one of its staff had been injured. A:", "doc_id": 1367, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "People were flabbergasted.", "target": ["Les gens étaient bouche bée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of People were flabbergasted. A:", "doc_id": 1847, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this would be historic", "target": ["Ce serait historique - ce serait la première fois que le gouvernement de Kinshasa réussit à battre une insurrection majeure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This would be historic - it would be the first time that the government in Kinshasa has succeeded in quashing a major insurrection. A:", "doc_id": 695, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Reduces the cost of Christmas lights", "target": ["Menton réduit le coût de ses illuminations de Noël"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Menton Reduces Cost of Christmas Lights A:", "doc_id": 514, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The grandfather and the tenant of the house next door", "target": ["Le grand-père et le locataire de la maison voisine, fragilisée par l'explosion, ont été relogés par le président du CPAS."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The grandfather and the tenant of the house next door, which was weakened by the explosion, have been accommodated elsewhere by the head of the social services. A:", "doc_id": 2554, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe of the sovereign nations", "target": ["L'UE ne disparaîtra pas, mais elle reviendra à quelque chose qui ressemblera davantage à « l'Europe des Nations (souveraines) » libre privilégiée par le Général de Gaulle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The EU won't disappear, but it will revert to something more like the loose \"Europe of the (Sovereign) Nations\" favoured by General de Gaulle. A:", "doc_id": 1550, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Attempts at resuscitation were made by the emergency services, but without success.", "target": ["Des manoeuvres de réanimation ont été tentées par les services d'urgence, mais sans succès."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Attempts at resuscitation were made by the emergency services, but without success. A:", "doc_id": 2315, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No one will ever know", "target": ["« Personne ne saura jamais », a écrit Mutuma Mathiu, journaliste à The Nation, en décrivant les médias kenyans comme une source de contrôle clé dans la vie publique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"No one will ever know,\" wrote Nation journalist Mutuma Mathiu, describing the Kenyan media as a key source of checks and balances in public life. A:", "doc_id": 592, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I close the book.", "target": ["Et puis je ferme le livre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And then I close the book. A:", "doc_id": 2332, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Cependant, dire la vérité n'est pas un crime."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, speaking the truth is not a crime. A:", "doc_id": 125, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mozambique", "target": ["La Renamo voulait « avertir la communauté internationale que les choses ne vont pas bien au Mozambique », a indiqué M. Mazanga."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Renamo wanted to \"warn the international community that things were not going well in Mozambique,\" Mr Mazanga said. A:", "doc_id": 807, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I don't know when he sleeps", "target": ["« Je ne sais pas quand il dort », a déclaré Katie O'Malley, une étudiante en médecine en deuxième année de l'université Drexel à Philadelphie et bénévole au sein du groupe du Dr Bwelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I'm not sure when he sleeps,\" said Katie O'Malley, a second-year medical student from Drexel University in Philadelphia and volunteer with Bwelle's group. A:", "doc_id": 2718, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The drugs were detected when passenger luggage was checked.", "target": ["C'est lors de l'examen des bagages de la passagère que la drogue a pu être détectée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The drugs were detected when passenger luggage was checked. A:", "doc_id": 639, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we didn't resort to a stop-gap solution", "target": ["On n'a pas eu recours au dépannage, a expliqué Mme Beaudet."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We didn't resort to a stop-gap solution,\" explained Beaudet. A:", "doc_id": 601, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The audience is leaving", "target": ["Un clown revient en scène quand le public quitte."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A clown comes back on stage as the audience is leaving. A:", "doc_id": 2527, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Halloween est une fête païenne célébrée à la veille de la Toussaint, essentiellement dans les pays anglo-saxons."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Halloween is a pagan festival celebrated the day before All Saints' Day, principally in English-speaking countries. A:", "doc_id": 2016, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I often dream of the last moments I shared with them before it was too late", "target": ["Je rêve souvent des derniers instants que je dois partager avec eux avant qu'il soit trop tard, seulement, il y a toujours une chose qui m'empêche d'accomplir ce moment."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I often dream of the last moments I shared with them before it was too late, except that there is still one thing that prevents me from enjoying the moment. A:", "doc_id": 400, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Al-Qaida", "target": ["L'Etim, qui déclare se battre pour l'indépendance du Turkestan oriental, ancien nom du Xinjiang chinois, a été classée par l'ONU en 2002 parmi les organisations affiliées à Al-Qaïda."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of ETIM, which is fighting for independence for East Turkestan - the former name of Chinese Xinjiang - was classified by the UNO in 2002 as one of the organisations affiliated with Al-Qaida. A:", "doc_id": 1512, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Kendrick Johnson, de Valdosta en Géorgie, a été retrouvé le 11 janvier coincé dans un tapis appuyé debout derrière les gradins du gymnase de son lycée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Kendrick Johnson, of Valdosta, Ga., was found Jan. 11 stuck in an upright mat propped behind the bleachers inside his high school gym. A:", "doc_id": 1217, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "When Phase Two is completed, lines will run to Manchester and Leeds.", "target": ["Lorsque la Phase 2 sera achevée, les lignes desserviront Manchester et Leeds."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When Phase Two is completed, lines will run to Manchester and Leeds. A:", "doc_id": 1766, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mercedes", "target": ["L'Allemand Sebastian Vettel, quadruple champion du monde de Formule 1, a étrenné pour les essais libres du Grand Prix d'Abou Dhabi vendredi un casque spécial dont le dessin a été réalisé par un fan mexicain de 21 ans."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of German driver, Sebastian Vettel, quadruple Formula 1 World Champion, wore a special new helmet designed by a 21-year-old Mexican fan during the free practice sessions for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Friday. A:", "doc_id": 2916, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Left to themselves, politicians would bankrupt the country and take us back to hunting and gathering", "target": ["« Livrés à eux-mêmes, les hommes politiques mettraient le pays en faillite et nous ramèneraient à la chasse et à la cueillette. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Left to themselves, politicians would bankrupt the country and take us back to hunting and gathering,\" he wrote. A:", "doc_id": 593, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "After he was detained, his newspaper published two front-page appeals for his release, saying it backed his journalism.", "target": ["Après son arrestation, son journal a publié à deux reprises un appel en première page pour sa libération, écrivant qu'il soutenait son journalisme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of After he was detained, his newspaper published two front-page appeals for his release, saying it backed his journalism. A:", "doc_id": 2117, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Drug traffickers", "target": ["Trois hommes qui, selon les autorités, travaillaient comme chauffeurs, ont été accusés de possession de marijuana et de cocaïne avec intention de vente."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Three men who authorities say worked as drivers were charged with possession of marijuana and cocaine with intent to distribute. A:", "doc_id": 2161, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "haunted houses", "target": ["En fait, il existe 1 200 maisons hantées reconnues officiellement aux États-Unis, qui génèrent environ 500 M$ de recettes, selon l'America Haunts, et cela inclut ces formidables photos de vous en train de vous pisser dessus que vos amis mettent sur Facebook et que vous ne pouvez pas enlever et sur lesquelles un type que vous aimez bien laisse un commentaire du style « jolie tête »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In fact, there are 1,200 officially sanctioned haunted houses in the United States generating about $500 million in revenue, according to America Haunts, and that includes those awesome photos of you mid-peeing your pants that your friend puts on Facebook and you can't take down and then that guy you like sees the photo and leaves a comment like \"nice face.\" A:", "doc_id": 1447, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The I-95 Coalition", "target": ["Et la coalition I-95, qui comprend 17 agences impliquées dans le transport routier dans des États longeant la côte est américaine (comprenant le Maryland, la Pennsylvanie, la Virginie et la Floride) étudie comment elle pourrait mettre en œuvre le changement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And the I-95 Coalition, which includes 17 state transportation departments along the Eastern Seaboard (including Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida), is studying how they could go about implementing the change. A:", "doc_id": 41, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It wouldn't stop", "target": ["Ça n'arrête pas, nous sommes bien placés pour le savoir..."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It wouldn't stop and we were well placed to know that... A:", "doc_id": 2823, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["L'Allemagne et quelques-unes de ses économies satellites pourraient conserver l'euro, mais la France et l'Europe du sud retrouveront leur propre devise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Germany and a few of its satellite economies might keep the euro but France and southern Europe will revive their own currencies. A:", "doc_id": 1551, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Over there, the revolution was consensual", "target": ["Là une révolution consensuelle quand ici elle a semé le drame et le confit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Over there, the revolution was consensual, whereas here it engendered tragedy and conflict. A:", "doc_id": 2769, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Please contact the customer service at the box office you purchased your tickets from for any further assistance.", "target": ["Merci de contacter le service client à la billetterie où vous avez acheté vos billets pour toute aide complémentaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Please contact the customer services at the box office you purchased your tickets from for any further assistance. A:", "doc_id": 2273, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "serious problems", "target": ["Il a indiqué qu'il y avait des « problèmes graves » dans le recrutement, le contrôle, l'initiation, la formation et la supervision du personnel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said there were \"serious problems\" in recruitment, screening, induction, training and supervision of staff. A:", "doc_id": 2078, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some women in my books are sex objects, others are beautiful, intelligent, brave women.", "target": ["Certaines femmes sont des objets sexuels dans mes livres mais d'autres sont des femmes belles, intelligentes et courageuses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Some women in my books are sex objects, others are beautiful, intelligent, brave women. A:", "doc_id": 1654, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Toyota", "target": ["Toyota et Nissan affichent également des ventes inférieures au consensus, malgré des hausses sur un an de 8,8% et 14,2% respectivement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Toyota and Nissan also reported sales below expectations, despite increases of 8.8% and 14.2% respectively over a year. A:", "doc_id": 2585, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "retirement", "target": ["Il n'aura jamais connu le mot retraite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He never got to know the meaning of the word \"retirement\". A:", "doc_id": 1626, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most sophisticated drug smuggling tunnel", "target": ["L'un des tunnels les plus sophistiqués servant pour le trafic de drogue entre les États-Unis et le Mexique, disposant de ses propres systèmes d'éclairage, de ventilation et de rails électriques, a été découvert."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of One of the most sophisticated drug smuggling tunnels between the USA and Mexico has been found, complete with its own lighting, ventilation and electric rail systems. A:", "doc_id": 2155, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we have enough artists capable of singing, acting and dancing", "target": ["Avons-nous assez d'artistes capables comme à Broadway de chanteur, jouer et danser?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Do we have enough artists capable of singing, acting and dancing, as on Broadway? A:", "doc_id": 1128, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the two forex traders suspended", "target": ["RBS suspend deux traders sur le marché des changes"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of RBS suspends two forex traders A:", "doc_id": 2411, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden has faced a \"severe and sustained\" campaign of persecution", "target": ["M. Snowden a écrit dans sa lettre qu'il avait fait l'objet d'une campagne de persécution « grave et soutenue » qui l'avait forcé à quitter son pays."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Mr Snowden said in his letter that he had faced a \"severe and sustained\" campaign of persecution that forced him from his home. A:", "doc_id": 135, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obvious signs of development", "target": ["Les signes évidents de développement, tels que le bourgeonnement des seins, les poils sous les bras et dans la zone pubienne et les odeurs corporelles, apparaissent plus tôt chez les filles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Obvious signs of development, such as budding breasts, pubic and underarm hair and body odor are appearing sooner in girls. A:", "doc_id": 1572, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French version of Basharat Ditta, 42, would feed information to crime lord Neil Scarbrough.", "target": ["Basharat Ditta, 42 ans, donnait des informations au seigneur du crime Neil Scarbrough"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Basharat Ditta, 42, would feed information to crime lord Neil Scarbrough A:", "doc_id": 467, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "time eased the pain.", "target": ["Puis, le temps a apaisé la peine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But time eased the pain. A:", "doc_id": 421, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "giving the deceased a ceremony as dignified as it would have been with an inhumation", "target": ["Apprivoiser la crémation, c'est pour François Michaud-Nérard, directeur général des Services funéraires de la Ville de Paris, prévoir pour le défunt une cérémonie aussi digne que celle à laquelle il aurait droit avec une inhumation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For François Michaud-Nérard, director general of Funerary Services for the City of Paris, getting to grips with cremation is about giving the deceased a ceremony as dignified as it would have been with an inhumation. A:", "doc_id": 866, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The agency", "target": ["Cette controverse croissante autour de l'agence a provoqué beaucoup de spéculations selon lesquelles l'incident de ce soir était le résultat d'une cyber-opération ciblée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Such growing controversy surrounding the agency prompted early speculation that tonight's incident was the result of a targeted cyber operation. A:", "doc_id": 233, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "contemporary", "target": ["Identité: c'est une préoccupation d'époque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Identity is a contemporary preoccupation. A:", "doc_id": 2750, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have just bought a house", "target": ["« Mon mari et moi venons d'acheter une maison donc tout mon argent est parti dedans », déclare Mme Amirthalinga."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"My husband and I have just bought a house so all my money's stuck there,\" Mrs Amirthalinga says. A:", "doc_id": 1806, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Renault", "target": ["Dans le cadre de l'alliance Renault-Nissan, Renault détient 43,4% du capital de Nissan et le constructeur japonais 15% du français, selon les données du site internet de Nissan."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Under the Renault-Nissan alliance, Renault holds 43.4% of Nissan's capital and the Japanese manufacturer 15% of the French company's, according to data on the Nissan website. A:", "doc_id": 2592, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The choreographic approach lacks composition.", "target": ["Mais l'approche chorégraphique manque de composition."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the choreographic approach lacks composition. A:", "doc_id": 2511, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Mais qui dit que ces otages pourraient peut-être avoir eux aussi accès à la justice ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But who is saying that the hostages may also have access to justice? A:", "doc_id": 2849, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["La Commission scolaire de la Région-de-Sherbrooke (CSRS) n'a pas voulu commenter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Sherbrooke Region School Board (CSRS) did not wish to comment on the issue. A:", "doc_id": 722, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The story is lost", "target": ["Pourtant, on a oublié un point intéressant dans cette interprétation d'un vieux conte poussiéreux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yet there is an interesting point lost in this retelling of a whiskery old tale. A:", "doc_id": 1523, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fill", "target": ["Les spectacles musicaux comblent ce ­manque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Musicals fill that gap. A:", "doc_id": 1138, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "tickets remain valid for these shows.", "target": ["Tous les billets restent valables pour ces concerts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All tickets remain valid for these shows. A:", "doc_id": 2271, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nathaniel P. Morris", "target": ["Nathaniel P. Morris est étudiant en 2e année de médecine à la Faculté de médecine de Harvard."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nathaniel P. Morris is a second-year student at Harvard Medical School. A:", "doc_id": 2323, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "calm", "target": ["Si vous restez calme, votre enfant réagira bien en général."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If you remain calm, your child usually will respond well. A:", "doc_id": 1604, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Not long ago", "target": ["Voici peu, nous avons été collectivement conviés à en donner une définition."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Not long ago, we were asked to collectively define it. A:", "doc_id": 2751, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "London", "target": ["L'immobilier de prestige – les 5 à 10 % des prix les plus élevés du marché de l'immobilier – dans le secteur prospère situé au sud-ouest de Londres qui s'étire de Fulham à Wimbledon, a augmenté d'un pourcentage record de 11,8 % au cours de l'an dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prime property - the top 5% to 10% of the housing market by price - in the affluent south-west London belt, which stretches from Fulham to Wimbledon, has increased by a record 11.8% over the past year. A:", "doc_id": 2238, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sandy", "target": ["L'an dernier, les festivités d'Halloween sur la côte est des Etats-Unis avaient été annulées en raison du passage de l'ouragan Sandy."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Last year, Halloween festivities on the east coast of the USA were cancelled because Hurricane Sandy was on its way. A:", "doc_id": 2007, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Company", "target": ["Les actionnaires d'Oracle irrités par le salaire d'Ellison"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Oracle Shareholders Angry at Ellison Salary A:", "doc_id": 1696, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe break-up", "target": ["George Kerevan : L'éclatement de l'Europe donne le choix aux Écossais"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of George Kerevan: Europe break-up gives Scots choice A:", "doc_id": 1514, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I hope he sees what I am doing.", "target": ["J'espère qu'il voit ce que je fais."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I hope he sees what I am doing. A:", "doc_id": 2731, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cooperation", "target": ["La coopération avec les autres pays aux vues similaires serait plus facile dans une Europe des Nations non fédérale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Co-operation with other like-minded countries will be easier in a non-federal Europe of the Nations. A:", "doc_id": 1558, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The second of five test planes is expected to take flight in the coming weeks, with the remainder following shortly after", "target": ["Le deuxième des cinq avions d'essai devrait s'envoler dans les semaines à venir, les autres suivront peu de temps après, a indiqué la société."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The second of five test planes is expected to take flight in the coming weeks, with the remainder following shortly after, the company said. A:", "doc_id": 305, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier profit dips as plane deliveries, orders fall", "target": ["Le bénéfice de Bombardier en baisse, alors que les livraisons et les commandes d'avions reculent"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bombardier profit dips as plane deliveries, orders fall A:", "doc_id": 286, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "have a sooner-than-expected conversation", "target": ["« Cela peut vouloir dire avoir une conversation plus tôt que prévu », a expliqué Kaplowitz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It may mean having a sooner-than-expected conversation,\" Kaplowitz advised. A:", "doc_id": 1603, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "of course, but with emphasis on his fondness for byroads", "target": ["Sans doute, mais en soulignant son faible pour les chemins de traverse, Sciences-Po, les Hautes Etudes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Of course, but with emphasis on his fondness for byroads, at Sciences-Po (French Institute of Political Sciences), and Hautes Etudes (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences). A:", "doc_id": 2737, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "it cannot justify", "target": ["Elle ne peut pas justifier les conclusions d'un rapport qui dit que les efforts de la Maison-Blanche pour réduire les médias au silence sont les « plus agressives... depuis l'administration de Nixon »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It cannot justify the findings of a report that says the White House's efforts to silence the media are the \"most aggressive ... since the Nixon Administration.\" A:", "doc_id": 2344, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He had been in poor health", "target": ["Diminué physiquement par un très grave accident cardiaque en décembre 2010, il se déplaçait durant ce voyage avec un déambulateur."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He had been in poor health since having a major heart attack in December 2010, and, on this trip, he had been using a walking frame. A:", "doc_id": 1630, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Professor Johannes Tuchel", "target": ["Müller, qui a disparu à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sans qu'on ne retrouve jamais sa trace, a en fait été enterré dans une fosse commune d'un cimetière juif de Berlin, affirme le dirigeant du Mémorial de la résistance allemande, le professeur Johannes Tuchel, dans Bild."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Heinrich Muller, who was never found after disappearing at the end of the Second World War, was actually buried in a common grave in a Jewish cemetery in Berlin, the head of the German Resistance Memorial, Professor Johannes Tuchel, confirmed to Bild. A:", "doc_id": 2643, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He was unhurt", "target": ["Sain et sauf, il a pu rejoindre le rez-de-chaussée par l'escalier resté intact tandis que le mur arrière de la maison était totalement détruit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He was unhurt and, thus, able to go downstairs using the staircase which had remained intact, though the rear wall of the house was completely destroyed. A:", "doc_id": 2553, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cranes", "target": ["Des grues sont arrivées sur place peu après 10 heures, et la circulation sur la nationale a été détournée dans la foulée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cranes arrived on the site just after 10am, and traffic on the main road was diverted afterwards. A:", "doc_id": 355, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The movement is often blamed by Chinese authorities for sporadic trouble in Xinjiang, although many experts cast doubt on its true influence", "target": ["Ce mouvement est souvent désigné par les autorités chinoises comme étant responsable des troubles sporadiques au Xinjiang, mais son influence réelle est mise en doute par plusieurs experts."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The movement is often blamed by Chinese authorities for sporadic trouble in Xinjiang, although many experts cast doubt on its true influence. A:", "doc_id": 1513, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He appears in one of their adverts, broadcast from November 10.", "target": ["Il apparaîtra dans un de leurs spots publicitaires, diffusé à partir du 10 novembre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He appears in one of their adverts, broadcast from November 10. A:", "doc_id": 96, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Journalist Jean-Louis Normandin was kidnapped on 08 March 1986", "target": ["Enlevé à Beyrouth le 8 mars 1986 avec trois membres de son équipe d'\"Antenne 2\" venue filmer une manifestation du Hezbollah, le journaliste Jean-Louis Normandin a été libéré près de 21 mois plus tard, le 27 novembre 1987."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Journalist Jean-Louis Normandin was kidnapped on 08 March 1986, along with three members of his Antenne 2 team who had come to film a Hezbollah demonstration, and was set free almost 21 months later, on 27 November 1987. A:", "doc_id": 2787, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The first time", "target": ["C'est la première fois qu'est mentionnée la surveillance du FMI et de la Banque mondiale par l'agence de renseignement depuis le début du scandale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is the first time that surveillance of the IMF and World Bank by the intelligence agency has been mentioned since the start of the scandal. A:", "doc_id": 760, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Inspector", "target": ["Un inspecteur de la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail a été dépêché sur les lieux afin d'enquêter sur les circonstances entourant ce drame."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An inspector from the Occupational Health and Safety Commission was dispatched to the site to investigate the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. A:", "doc_id": 2317, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The time has come for peace to be restored.", "target": ["Le temps est venu de ramener la paix."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The time has come for peace to be restored.\" A:", "doc_id": 686, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The body was found in August 1945 by a commando in a temporary grave near the former Ministry of Aviation of the Reich", "target": ["\"Dès août 1945, le corps de Müller a été retrouvé dans une tombe provisoire près de l'ancien ministère de l'Aviation du Reich par un commando\", selon M. Tuchel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Muller's body was found in August 1945 by a commando in a temporary grave near the former Ministry of Aviation of the Reich,\" says Mr. Tuchel. A:", "doc_id": 2649, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Au Tribunal de première instance de Colchester, Howie a admis l'infraction de conduite sans la prudence et l'attention requises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At Colchester Magistrates' Court Howie admitted a charge of driving without due care and attention. A:", "doc_id": 2230, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That will happen all through the flight program.", "target": ["Cela se reproduira tout au long du programme de vol."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That will happen all through the flight program. A:", "doc_id": 304, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The FAA began restricting passengers' use of electronic devices in 1966 in response to reports of interference with navigation and communications equipment when passengers began carrying FM radios", "target": ["La FAA a commencé à limiter l'utilisation des appareils électroniques en 1996 suite aux rapports sur la présence d'interférences avec les instruments de navigation et de communication lorsque les passagers transportaient des radios FM, le gadget high-tech d'alors."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The FAA began restricting passengers' use of electronic devices in 1966 in response to reports of interference with navigation and communications equipment when passengers began carrying FM radios, the high-tech gadgets of their day. A:", "doc_id": 1965, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Ils peuvent encore choisir de ne pas avoir d'appareil du tout, préférant à la place payer un forfait basé sur le nombre moyen de miles parcourus par tous les résidents de l'État."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Or they can choose not to have a device at all, opting instead to pay a flat fee based on the average number of miles driven by all state residents. A:", "doc_id": 59, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "According to reports from some Greek media", "target": ["Certains médias grecs ont rapporté que des membres d'Aube doré avaient soutenu que les victimes étaient des gardes de leur local."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of According to reports from some Greek media, members of Golden Dawn said the victims were guarding the party's premises. A:", "doc_id": 2596, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "transport", "target": ["La ministre des Transports baronne Kramer a déclaré que le projet « rassemblerait le Royaume-Uni »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Transport minister Baroness Kramer said the project would \"bring the UK together.\" A:", "doc_id": 1763, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Battle of the Marne", "target": ["Vibrant hommage rendu aux anciens combattants à Menton"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moving Tribute to War Veterans in Menton A:", "doc_id": 2463, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not", "target": ["Les deux hommes, l'un aguerri à la pratique et l'autre non, étaient partis sous terre jeudi vers 21h30 afin d'effectuer une traversée de la Dent de Crolles, situé sur la commune de Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The two men, one experienced, the other not, set off underground on Thursday at around 9.30pm, in an attempt to cross the Dent des Crolles, which is in the district of Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse. A:", "doc_id": 326, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Halloween", "target": ["Nous l'avons testée au cours des derniers mois et il semblait opportun de la partager avec tous au moment d'Halloween car elle donne un extraordinaire effet brillant."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We have been testing it out over the past few months and it seemed perfect to share it over Halloween because it gives that wonderful glow effect. A:", "doc_id": 1401, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bombardier will receive new orders for the CSeries as the flight test program progresses", "target": ["Nous pensons que Bombardier enregistrera de nouvelles commandes pour ses avions CSeries au fur et à mesure que le programme d'essais en vol avancera."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We believe that Bombardier will receive new orders for the CSeries as the flight test program progresses. A:", "doc_id": 293, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Tokyo stock exchange was down", "target": ["La Bourse de Tokyo a fini en baisse vendredi en dépit de bonnes statistiques manufacturières chinoises."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Tokyo stock exchange was down at closing time on Friday, in spite of good manufacturing figures from China. A:", "doc_id": 893, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most emblematic is clearly that which split national history in two:", "target": ["Et la plus emblématique est évidemment celle qui fend en deux l'histoire nationale."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And the most emblematic is clearly that which split national history in two: A:", "doc_id": 2760, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "closed", "target": ["L'hôtel Delta Centre-Ville a fermé ses portes jeudi à Montréal, après 36 ans d'existence."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Delta Centre-Ville Hotel in Montreal closed its doors on Thursday after 36 years of existence. A:", "doc_id": 235, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The area is filled with nondescript warehouses, making it easier to conceal trucks being loaded with drugs.", "target": ["La zone regorge d'entrepôts indéfinissables, ce qui permet de dissimuler facilement les camions chargés de drogue."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The area is filled with nondescript warehouses, making it easier to conceal trucks being loaded with drugs. A:", "doc_id": 2158, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Quand on lui a demandé s'il aimerait retrouver le poste de Premier ministre, M. Blair aurait répondu, selon l'Evening Standard de Londres : « Oui, bien sûr, mais il peut probable que cela arrive, donc... »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Asked if he would return to the post of prime minister, Mr Blair was quoted by London's Evening Standard as saying: \"Yes, sure, but it's not likely to happen is it, so...\" A:", "doc_id": 2083, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The situation is still precarious.", "target": ["La situation demeure toutefois délicate."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, the situation is still precarious. A:", "doc_id": 613, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Affordable Care Act", "target": ["Mme Sebelius, qui supervise la mise en œuvre de l'Affordable Care Act, a indiqué que le lancement en octobre du marché en ligne avait échoué « lamentablement »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sebelius, who is overseeing implementation of the Affordable Care Act, said the launch of the online marketplace has gone \"miserably\" since October. A:", "doc_id": 2909, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chen Yongzhou", "target": ["Il a indiqué qu'il avait décidé « d'imposer une sanction de nature administrative à Chen Yongzhou en lui retirant sa carte de presse »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It said it had decided to \"impose an administrative penalty on Chen Yongzhou by revoking his reporter's license.\" A:", "doc_id": 2114, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Neymar", "target": ["Expulsé contre le Barça pour avoir adressé un coup à Neymar, le milieu écossais a vu sa suspension étendue à trois rencontres par l'UEFA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Scotland midfielder was sent off for a foul against Neymar in the match against FC Barcelona. UEFA has now extended his suspension to three matches. A:", "doc_id": 2602, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Parents simply don't want their very young daughters having periods", "target": ["L'autre grand problème est compréhensible : Les parents ne veulent tout simplement pas que leurs très jeunes filles aient leurs règles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The other big issue is understandable: Parents simply don't want their very young daughters having periods. A:", "doc_id": 1584, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They never believed he died the way the sheriff concluded.", "target": ["Ils n'ont jamais pensé qu'il était mort comme cela est indiqué dans les conclusions du shérif."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They never believed he died the way the sheriff concluded. A:", "doc_id": 1220, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Avec ce titre enjoué, le chanteur semble en tout cas dans son élément quand il n'a plus les pieds sur terre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Either way, with this cheerful track, the singer seems to be in his element when his feet are no longer on the ground. A:", "doc_id": 89, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Engine", "target": ["Explosion d'une maison à Gesves: un chauffe-eau défectueux à l'origine de l'explosion"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Gesves: Faulty Water Heater Causes Explosion of House A:", "doc_id": 2543, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Russian", "target": ["L'Associated Press rapporte que la cible était des missiles de fabrication russe SA-125."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Associated Press reports the target was Russian-made SA-125 missiles. A:", "doc_id": 1746, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bell", "target": ["Cogeco Câble emboîte ainsi le pas à ses concurrents, comme Bell, même si la filiale de Cogeco n'a pas encore de date précise en ce qui a trait à cette nouvelle plateforme."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cogeco Cable is thus following in the path of its competitors, like Bell, even though the Cogeco subsidiary does not yet have a precise launching date for this new platform. A:", "doc_id": 143, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Too dark", "target": ["Mais le bleu choisi par la ministre est \"trop foncé\", selon le député bruxellois Emmanuel De Bock qui parle de \"flamandisation\" de la capitale et exige la \"démission\" de Brigitte Grouwels."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But the blue chosen by the Minister is \"too dark\", according to Brussels MP Emmanuel De Bock, who talks of the \"Flemishing\" of the capital and is demanding the resignation of Brigitte Grouwels. A:", "doc_id": 346, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nothing wrong with going traditional.", "target": ["Je suppose qu'il n'y a pas de mal à rester traditionnel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I guess there's nothing wrong with going traditional. A:", "doc_id": 1433, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "At least", "target": ["C'est du moins ce que je pensais le jour où je trouvais son corps vide, crispé sur ce lit d’hôpital aux draps froissés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At least, that is what I thought when I saw the shell of her stiff body under the crumpled sheets of the hospital bed. A:", "doc_id": 373, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Federal appeal court in Texas has reintroduced certain restrictions on the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy", "target": ["Une cour fédérale d'appel a rétabli au Texas certaines restrictions au droit d'interruption volontaire de grossesse qui avaient été bloquées par un juge de première instance cette semaine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A federal appeal court in Texas has reintroduced certain restrictions on the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy, which had been blocked by a trial judge this week. A:", "doc_id": 935, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of \"Senior emergency doctors will remain on site,\" he assures.", "target": ["Des médecins urgentistes seniors resteront sur place, assure-t-il également."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Senior emergency doctors will remain on site,\" he also assures. A:", "doc_id": 736, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Mais certains États refusent de délivrer ces cartes aux conjoints de même sexe dans les installations de la Garde nationale\" implantées sur leur territoire, a-t-il dénoncé, reprochant à ces États de violer la loi fédérale et le principe d'égalité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"However, some states have refused to issue these cards to same sex spouses in facilities of the National Guard\" set up in their region, he criticised, accusing these states of violating federal law and the principle of equality. A:", "doc_id": 2869, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Play Skateboard", "target": ["Sixième édition du Play Skateboard ce samedi à Hyères"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hyeres Hosts Sixth Edition of Play Skateboard on Saturday A:", "doc_id": 2875, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That is what troubles me most of all.", "target": ["C'est ce qui me dérange le plus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That is what troubles me most of all. A:", "doc_id": 2350, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Ou incident involontaire ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Or was it an involuntary incident? A:", "doc_id": 632, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Frontier", "target": ["Republic a tenté de redresser les finances de Frontier en vendant la compagnie aérienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Republic has been trying to fix Frontier's finances as part of selling the airline. A:", "doc_id": 220, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ukraine", "target": ["La Russie, qui représente le quart des exportations ukrainiennes, a prévenu qu'en cas de création d'une zone de libre échange entre l'UE et Kiev, elle devrait renforcer ses contrôles à la frontière pour les marchandises importées."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Russia, which is responsible for a quarter of Ukrainian exports, has warned that if a free trade area is created between the EU and Kiev, it will have to reinforce its border controls for imported goods. A:", "doc_id": 673, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We're free", "target": ["Il me dit \"on est libérés\", mais je n'en suis pas sûr, et me dis qu'on peut encore être tués."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said \"We're free,\" but I wasn't sure and thought we might still be killed. A:", "doc_id": 2798, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Investigation", "target": ["Une enquête sera menée pour en déterminer l'origine, mais les sapeurs ont écarté la thèse d'un acte criminelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause, although the fire brigade has ruled out the possibility of it being a criminal act. A:", "doc_id": 1009, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Un écran blanc sert de mur de fond."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The background is a white screen. A:", "doc_id": 2495, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It is high time the Flemish Trojan Horse was stopped.", "target": ["Il est grand temps d'arrêter le cheval de Troie de la Flandre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It is high time the Flemish Trojan Horse was stopped. A:", "doc_id": 351, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "diets change, people get bigger but plane seating has not radically changed.", "target": ["Comme les habitudes alimentaires changent, les gens grossissent, mais les sièges dans les avions n'ont pas radicalement changé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of As diets change, people get bigger but plane seating has not radically changed. A:", "doc_id": 1671, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "for the Scottish government", "target": ["Pour le gouvernement écossais, Keith Brown a appelé M. Carmichael à soutenir « sans équivoque » l'inclusion de l'Écosse dans le réseau HS2."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of For the Scottish government, Keith Brown called on Mr Carmichael to \"unequivocally\" back Scotland's inclusion in the HS2 network. A:", "doc_id": 1775, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chief executive officer", "target": ["Le directeur général Phillip Hare a été interrogé au sujet de deux affaires : un employé du YMCA a été accusé d'infractions relatives à la pornographie enfantine et un moniteur d'éducation physique du YMCA Caringbah Hall a été reconnu coupable d'agressions sexuelles sur des enfants dans le centre où il travaillait en 1991."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chief executive officer Phillip Hare was asked about one case where a YMCA employee was charged child pornography offences, and another when a gym instructor at the YMCA Caringbah Hall was convicted of child sexual offences against children in his care in 1991. A:", "doc_id": 2062, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nobody can answer the questions about why this happens.", "target": ["Personne ne peut répondre à la question de savoir pourquoi cela se produit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nobody can answer the questions about why this happens. A:", "doc_id": 1287, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Cars get many more miles to the gallon.", "target": ["Les voitures peuvent parcourir plus de miles avec un gallon."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Cars get many more miles to the gallon. A:", "doc_id": 19, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The damage to Zoomlion", "target": ["« Dans cette affaire, j'ai nui à Zoomlion ainsi qu'à l'industrie des médias et à sa capacité à gagner la confiance du public », a-t-il déclaré au réseau télévisé public CCTV."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"In this case I've caused damages to Zoomlion and also the whole news media industry and its ability to earn the public's trust,\" he told state broadcaster CCTV. A:", "doc_id": 2119, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "gas", "target": ["Les consommateurs bulgares recevront le gaz de South Stream à un tarif réduit dès que l'ensemble du projet sera mis en service en 2015."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Bulgarian consumers will receive gas from South Stream at a discounted rate once the entire project starts operating in 2015. A:", "doc_id": 2024, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The music starts again", "target": ["Et la musique de repartir, et la séquence de reprendre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The music starts again, and the sequence continues. A:", "doc_id": 2507, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fay's innovation", "target": ["L'innovation de Fay s’est perpétuée au fil des ans, jusqu'à être reprise plus récemment par le New York Comedy Festival."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fay's innovation has been extended through the years, most recently by the New York Comedy Festival. A:", "doc_id": 908, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hundreds", "target": ["Des centaines de soldats et policiers gardaient le bâtiment lorsque M. Morsi est arrivé peu après 11 heures, heure locale, suivi d'un petit convoi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hundreds of soldiers and policemen guarded the building as Morsi arrived shortly after 11am local time in a small motorcade. A:", "doc_id": 2564, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Oscar Isaac", "target": ["Dans ce film bourré d'humour où la musique est un personnage central et les chansons interprétées en direct, Oscar Isaac se révèle un musicien et chanteur de folk accompli, tandis que Timberlake, son ami dans le film, quitte la pop pour la musique folk avec une contagieuse jubilation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In this film bursting with humour, where the music is a central character and the songs are performed live, Oscar Isaac proved himself to be an accomplished folk musician and singer, while Timberlake, his friend in the film, abandons pop for folk music with contagious glee. A:", "doc_id": 1610, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "All flights arriving at and leaving the airport have been suspended.", "target": ["Tous les vols à l'arrivée et au départ de l'aéroport ont été suspendus."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of All flights arriving at and leaving the airport have been suspended. A:", "doc_id": 1368, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "calm", "target": ["A Jomba, un habitant qui avait fait état de combats tout proches jeudi pendant toute la journée a indiqué que la situation était \"calme depuis ce matin\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In Jomba, a local contact who had reported fighting at close quarters throughout Thursday said that the situation had been \"calm since this morning\". A:", "doc_id": 1168, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Black box in your car", "target": ["Une boîte noire dans votre voiture ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A black box in your car? A:", "doc_id": 3, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The data is stored in the United States", "target": ["Jim Snabe, co-directeur de SAP, déclare : « Nos clients nous posent aujourd'hui une question qu'ils ne nous posaient pas il y a un an : où mes données sont-elles conservées et pouvez-vous me garantir qu'elles resteront physiquement dans cette juridiction ? »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Jim Snabe, co-chief executive at SAP, says: \"We see a new question from customers that didn't come up a year ago - which is where is my data stored and can you guarantee that it stays physically in that jurisdiction.\" A:", "doc_id": 1197, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Negative", "target": ["Ces même conjectures soutiennent à l'inverse le marché obligataire de la zone euro."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Conversely, these very speculations are boosting the bond market in the eurozone. A:", "doc_id": 2455, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The helicopter", "target": ["Le sportif Jhonathan Florez a sauté jeudi d'un hélicoptère au-dessus de Bogota, la capitale colombienne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Sportsman Jhonathan Florez jumped from a helicopter above Bogota, the capital of Colombia, on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 1, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Sarkozy", "target": ["Mais avec Nicolas Sarkozy, qui avait supprimé le fromage, les assiettes revenaient vides !"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But with Nicolas Sarkozy, who forbade cheese, the plates always came back empty! A:", "doc_id": 992, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airbus", "target": ["Boeing conteste les chiffres d'Airbus en ce qui concerne la largeur des sièges et affirme que ce n'est pas aux constructeurs de décider de la façon dont les compagnies aériennes équilibrent le prix des billets et les équipements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Boeing disputes Airbus's figures on seat measurements and says it is not up to manufacturers to step into decisions on how airlines balance fares and facilities. A:", "doc_id": 1676, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "this", "target": ["Ce jeu noir et blanc de Henri Michaux se fait en relais de solos, en groupe à l'unisson (une masse qui fait solo), en grand groupe de douze solos où chacun exécute son signe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This Henri Michaux play with black and white is performed as a series of solos, in a group in unison (a mass acting as a solo), a large group of twelve solos, in which each individual makes a representation of their own sign. A:", "doc_id": 2501, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The list suffered as a result of the decline of the dollar against the yen", "target": ["La cote a pâti du recul du dollar face au yen, préjudiciable aux valeurs exportatrices et de l'avertissement sur son résultat annuel lancé par Sony jeudi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The list suffered as a result of the decline of the dollar against the yen, which is harmful to export values, and of the annual profit warning issued by Sony on Thursday. A:", "doc_id": 894, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The daughter of former Australian league player Peter Tunks", "target": ["Il s’agit de la fille de l'ancien joueur de la Ligue australienne de rugby Peter Tunks, qui a fait appel au ministère des Affaires étrangères de Canberra pour aider sa fille."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of She is the daughter of former Australian league player Peter Tunks, who has appealed to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Canberra to assist his daughter. A:", "doc_id": 2974, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A fire that started at midday on Friday in Old Quebec was quickly brought under control.", "target": ["Un incendie qui s'est déclenché vendredi midi dans le Vieux-Québec a rapidement été maîtrisé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A fire that started at midday on Friday in Old Quebec was quickly brought under control. A:", "doc_id": 898, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It lasted a long time, then one day he was gone.", "target": ["Ça a duré longtemps puis un jour il est parti."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That lasted a long time, then one day he was gone. A:", "doc_id": 394, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cheaper", "target": ["La plupart des gens pourront obtenir des régimes de santé complets et mieux adaptés pour le même prix, voire pour encore moins cher que prévu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Most people are going to be able to get better, comprehensive health care plans for the same price or even cheaper than projected. A:", "doc_id": 2905, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The decision to take the portico down", "target": ["La décision du démantèlement, annoncée par la préfecture du Finistère mercredi, a été prise par la société Ecomouv, gestionnaire du portique."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The decision to take the portico down, which was announced by the Finistère police department on Wednesday, was taken by Ecomouv, the company managing the portico. A:", "doc_id": 356, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "verdict", "target": ["Le verdict a été rendu à la veille du 10e anniversaire des attentats qui sera célébré plus tard cette année et marqué par des cérémonies à Bali et en Australie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The verdict comes ahead of the 10th anniversary of the attack later this year, which will be marked by ceremonies in Bali and Australia. A:", "doc_id": 1932, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "GCSE", "target": ["À partir de 2015, les élèves devront passer un GCSE de langue indépendant, et seront fortement incités à choisir une qualification séparée en littérature anglaise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of From 2015, pupils will be required to take a standalone GCSE in language, with strong incentives to choose English literature as a separate qualification. A:", "doc_id": 2627, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There were Syrian soldiers there.", "target": ["Il y a des militaires syriens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There were Syrian soldiers there. A:", "doc_id": 2802, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It had cast off from Toulon", "target": ["Il avait appareillé de Toulon à la mi-octobre pour un entraînement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It had cast off from Toulon in mid-October for a training exercise, A:", "doc_id": 2134, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The incident took place at around 9.30am local time (12.30pm Montreal time) in Terminal 3 of the airport", "target": ["L'incident a eu lieu vers 9h30 locales (12h30 à Montréal) au terminal 3 de l'aéroport, a également précisé l'aéroport."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The airport also stated that the incident took place at around 9.30am local time (12.30pm Montreal time) in Terminal 3 of the airport. A:", "doc_id": 1365, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The passing of the bill", "target": ["L'adoption du projet de loi intervient en même temps qu'un train de mesures visant à renforcer la sécurité nationale dans le sillage de l'attaque perpétrée par des islamistes armés dans le centre commercial de Westgate en septembre dernier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The passing of the bill comes amid a string of measures to reinforce national security in the wake of the September's attack by Islamist gunmen on the Westgate shopping mall. A:", "doc_id": 584, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Wi-Fi", "target": ["Les avions modifiés pour accueillir des systèmes Wi-Fi résistent également mieux aux interférences."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Planes modified for Wi-Fi systems are also more resistant to interference. A:", "doc_id": 1968, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "possible", "target": ["Il a ajouté qu'il était « tout à fait possible » que François demande conseil aux cardinaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He said it was \"quite possible\" that Francis would ask the cardinals for advice. A:", "doc_id": 2290, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hell-bent", "target": ["Il existe un extrémisme radical dans le monde qui est déterminé à tenter de tuer des gens, les faire exploser et attaquer les gouvernements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There is radical extremism in the world that is hell-bent and determined to try to kill people and blow people up and attack governments. A:", "doc_id": 2949, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The misery", "target": ["Et les réussites comme Cabaret ou Les Misérables portaient l'auréole du mystère."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And successful acts such as 'Cabaret' or 'Les Misérables' have had an air of mystery about them. A:", "doc_id": 1112, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Confrontations", "target": ["Des affrontements ont éclaté à Alexandrie, la police a fait usage de gaz lacrymogène, 60 manifestants ont été arrêtés."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Confrontations broke out in Alexandria, where the police used tear gas and 60 demonstrators were arrested. A:", "doc_id": 2865, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we clearly worked hard on trying to persuade our young [pharmacy residents] to come and stay here.", "target": ["C'est sûr qu'on a travaillé fort pour intéresser nos jeunes [résidents en pharmacie] pour qu'ils viennent et restent ici."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We clearly worked hard on trying to persuade our young [pharmacy residents] to come and stay here. A:", "doc_id": 603, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "immigration reform", "target": ["De plus, je crois que l'obstructionnisme partisan a détruit de trop nombreux efforts visant à faire avancer notre nation dans le domaine des réformes de l'immigration, des soins de santé publics et de la fermeture de Guantanamo, entre autres choses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Moreover, I believe that partisan obstructionism has upended too many efforts to push our nation forward: immigration reform, a public option for health care, and closing the base at Guantanamo Bay, among others. A:", "doc_id": 2338, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the consequences for future generations", "target": ["S'il est adopté, Alberte Déry s'inquiète des conséquences sur les prochaines générations."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Alberte Déry is concerned about the consequences for future generations if it is adopted. A:", "doc_id": 570, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "John/Joan", "target": ["Mais dans un cas de 1966, connu sous le nom de « John/Joan », ses théories ont donné lieu à controverses."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But in one 1966 case, known as \"John/Joan,\" his theories became controversial. A:", "doc_id": 1309, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The spy novelist who knew too much", "target": ["En février, le New York Times l'avait consacré comme \"l'auteur de romans d'espionnage qui en savait trop\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In February, the New York Times dubbed him \"the spy novelist who knew too much\". A:", "doc_id": 1628, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I had a difficult relationship with him until he became old and ill", "target": ["J'ai eu des relations difficiles avec lui jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne vieux, malade."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I had a difficult relationship with him until he became old and ill. A:", "doc_id": 385, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They can make decisions about their own bodies.", "target": ["Lorsqu'ils grandiront, ils pourront prendre des décisions concernant leur propre corps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of When they are grown, they can make decisions about their own bodies. A:", "doc_id": 1339, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The move could make some foreign investors reticent to buy property in London or current owners reluctant to sell", "target": ["« Mais ce changement pourrait rendre les investisseurs étrangers réticents à l'idée d'acheter des propriétés dans Londres ou les propriétaires actuels réticents à l'idée de vendre », a-t-il ajouté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"But this move could make some foreign investors reticent to buy property in London or current owners reluctant to sell,\" he added. A:", "doc_id": 2237, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Peter", "target": ["À défaut de pouvoir embaucher Dylan ou le trio Peter, Paul and Mary, Joel et Ethan Coen ont jeté leur dévolu sur l'étoile montante du cinéma américain, Oscar Isaac, 33 ans, mais aussi sur la star planétaire pop Justin Timberlake."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Since they could not hire Dylan or the Peter, Paul and Mary trio, Joel and Ethan Coen opted for a rising American movie star, Oscar Isaac, aged 33, and global pop star Justin Timberlake. A:", "doc_id": 1609, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The oath", "target": ["Il a prêté serment devant les 18 juges en robe noire de la Cour dont le bâtiment situé en bordure du Nil a été construit pour ressembler à un temple égyptien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He took the oath before the court's 18 black-robed judges in its Nile-side seat built to resemble an ancient Egyptian temple. A:", "doc_id": 2561, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They looked anxious", "target": ["Mais lorsqu'ils ont repérés une queue dévier principalement vers la gauche (encore une fois du point de vue du chien qui remue la queue), leur fréquence cardiaque s'est accélérée et ils avaient l'air anxieux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But when they spotted a tail veer predominantly to the left (again from the tail-swishing dog's point of view), their heart rates picked up and they looked anxious. A:", "doc_id": 2251, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The next creation is set to be even more ambitious.", "target": ["Mais sa prochaine création s'annonce encore plus ambitieuse."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But his next creation is set to be even more ambitious. A:", "doc_id": 1406, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "That is part of the investigation", "target": ["Ça fait partie de l'enquête, a indiqué Jacqueline Roby, porte-parole de l'ASFC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"That is part of the investigation,\" indicated Jacqueline Roby, spokesperson for the CBSA. A:", "doc_id": 643, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Amazon.com", "target": ["Amazon.com fait partie de ceux qui font pression pour un assouplissement des restrictions concernant l'utilisation des appareils électroniques par les passagers."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Among those pressing for a relaxation of restrictions on passengers' use of the devices has been Amazon.com. A:", "doc_id": 1973, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "EU member states spend much of their time bending their formal rules if it suits them", "target": ["Personne non plus n'a dit que les États membres de l'UE consacrent une grande partie de leur temps à contourner leurs règles formelles lorsque ça les arrange."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Nor did anyone point out that the EU member states spend much of their time bending their formal rules if it suits them. A:", "doc_id": 1519, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French", "target": ["Outre ce spectacle, la Société d'art lyrique du Royaume reviendra avec ses Destinations lyriques, une formule qui fait désormais salle comble à la Pulperie de Chicoutimi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Besides this show, the Société d'Art Lyrique du Royaume will be bringing back \"Destinations Lyriques\", a program that has been a crowd-puller at La Pulperie in Chicoutimi. A:", "doc_id": 531, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "department", "target": ["En raison de multiples départs à la retraite, de congés de maternité ou de départs tout court, le département de pharmacie s'est trouvé fortement déficitaire en personnel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The pharmacy department has been left seriously short-staffed following multiple departures due to retirement, maternity leave or, simply, resignations. A:", "doc_id": 598, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Obama tweaked his original pledge.", "target": ["Hier, Barack Obama a ajusté sa promesse d'origine."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Yesterday, Obama tweaked his original pledge. A:", "doc_id": 2902, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "month", "target": ["Quant au transfert des lits de médecine interne, il est programmé pour le courant du mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The transfer of internal medicine beds is scheduled for some point during the month. A:", "doc_id": 732, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The exchange market", "target": ["Sur le marché des changes, les spéculations sur l'évolution de la politique monétaire de la BCE vont bon train, comme en témoigne John Hardy, stratège chez Saxo Bank."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On the exchange market, speculation regarding a change in the ECB's monetary policy are rife, as testified by John Hardy, a strategist at Saxo Bank. A:", "doc_id": 2451, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Chirac", "target": ["Chirac, Premier ministre, est là."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Chirac, the Prime Minister, was there. A:", "doc_id": 2813, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "the physical changes don't mean puberty is imminent", "target": ["Les changements physiques ne signifient pas que la puberté est imminente"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Physical changes don't mean puberty is imminent A:", "doc_id": 1564, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm going to Europe to make it clear to them that we need to continue to work together in combatting terrorism, notwithstanding their anger over these NSA programs.", "target": ["Et je vais me rendre en Europe pour bien leur faire comprendre que nous devons continuer à travailler ensemble pour lutter contre le terrorisme, malgré la colère provoquée par les programmes de la NSA."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of And I'm going to Europe to make it clear to them that we need to continue to work together in combatting terrorism, notwithstanding their anger over these NSA programs. A:", "doc_id": 2955, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Movie", "target": ["Disney mise sur les tablettes pour lancer une série animée"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Disney to Launch New Animated Series on Tablet PCs A:", "doc_id": 112, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The show is designed to be staged in any major theatre in France in the same format as in Paris.", "target": ["Le show est conçu pour entrer dans toutes les grandes salles de France sous la même forme qu'à Paris."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The show is designed to be staged in any major theatre in France in the same format as in Paris. A:", "doc_id": 1144, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "To find out more about how dogs react to the lop-sided tail wags of other dogs, the researchers monitored the animals as they watched films of other dogs.", "target": ["Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont les chiens réagissent aux mouvements de queue désordonnés d'autres chiens, les chercheurs ont suivi des animaux en train de regarder des films où figuraient d'autres chiens."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To find out more about how dogs react to the lop-sided tail wags of other dogs, the researchers monitored the animals as they watched films of other dogs. A:", "doc_id": 2246, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We have carried out 64 operations since last winter.", "target": ["Nous avons ainsi effectué, depuis la fin de l'hiver dernier, 64 interventions."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hence we have carried out 64 operations since last winter. A:", "doc_id": 887, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The service papers and photo", "target": ["\"Dans la poche intérieure gauche se trouvaient notamment ses états de service avec une photo\", poursuit-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"His service papers and photo, amongst other things, were found in the inside left pocket,\" he continued. A:", "doc_id": 2651, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "two days before the start of the trial of deposed President Mohamed Morsi", "target": ["Deux jours avant l'ouverture du procès du président déchu Mohamed Morsi, ils sont descendus dans les rues."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two days before the start of the trial of deposed President Mohamed Morsi, they took to the streets. A:", "doc_id": 2857, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Where does this leave Scotland?", "target": ["Et l'Écosse, dans tout ça ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Where does this leave Scotland? A:", "doc_id": 1554, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The French translation of Trekking through mud, rivers and jungle to provide free medical care", "target": ["Il marche dans la boue, la jungle et traverse des rivières pour offrir une assistance médicale gratuite"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Trekking through mud, rivers and jungle to provide free medical care A:", "doc_id": 2666, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The dog turns its head to the left when looking at an aggressive dog", "target": ["L'année dernière, une équipe de l'université de Lincoln a découvert que les chiens tournaient la tête vers la gauche lorsqu'ils regardaient un chien agressif et vers la droite lorsqu'il s'agissait d'un chien joyeux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Last year a team from the University of Lincoln found that dogs turn their heads to the left when looking at an aggressive dog and to the right when looking at a happy dog. A:", "doc_id": 2257, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "DDoS attacks", "target": ["Les attaques DSD visent à inonder un site ciblé jusqu'à ce que les serveurs soient surchargés et que le site s'effondre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of DDoS attacks are designed to flood a target website with traffic until the servers are overloaded and the site collapses. A:", "doc_id": 230, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "$90 million", "target": ["Le Sénat américain a approuvé un projet pilote de 90 M$ l'année dernière qui aurait porté sur environ 10 000 voitures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The U.S. Senate approved a $90-million pilot project last year that would have involved about 10,000 cars. A:", "doc_id": 33, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "we will have a greater presence in the local election campaigns", "target": ["Nous allons être encore plus présents dans le cadre de la campagne municipale et nous allons réfléchir à présenter une liste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We will have a greater presence in the local election campaigns and we will think about putting up a list.\" A:", "doc_id": 752, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "preliminary investigation", "target": ["Une enquête préliminaire a montré que le New Express, appartenant au groupe Yangcheng Evening News, avait publié plusieurs articles erronés sur la société cotée Zoomlion entre septembre 2012 et août 2013."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A preliminary investigation showed that Yangcheng Evening News Group's New Express had published several untrue reports about listed company Zoomlion in the period of September 2012 to August 2013. A:", "doc_id": 2112, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Congolese army was preparing a new assault on the final bastions of the M23 rebels close to Bunagana in the east of the DRC", "target": ["L'armée congolaise se préparait vendredi à un nouvel assaut contre les derniers bastions des rebelles du M23 près de Bunagana, dans l'Est de la RDC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of On Friday the Congolese army was preparing a new assault on the final bastions of the M23 rebels close to Bunagana in the east of the DRC. A:", "doc_id": 1158, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "15%", "target": ["S'ils ont le malheur de perdre un enfant, ils ne sont que 15% à choisir la crémation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Only 15% of those who lose a child choose cremation. A:", "doc_id": 859, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "What do you think about Pammy's hair?", "target": ["Que pensez-vous de la coiffure de Pammy ?"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of What do you think about Pammy's hair? A:", "doc_id": 2664, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Le discours de M. Morsi sur la place Tahrir s'est accompagné de gestes populistes spectaculaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Morsi's speech in Tahrir Square was filled with dramatic populist gestures. A:", "doc_id": 2575, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The NSA", "target": ["Cette décision fait partie de la tentative de la Maison blanche de reprendre la main dans l'affaire des écoutes de la NSA après les révélations faites par l'ancien analyste Edward Snowden, réfugié en Russie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This decision is part of attempts by the White House to resume control of the NSA phone-tapping affair following revelations by the former analyst, Edward Snowden, who has taken refuge in Russia. A:", "doc_id": 759, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hermaphrodites", "target": ["Historiquement, les enfants nés sans organes sexuels masculins ou féminins étaient appelés hermaphrodites, d'après le nom du magnifique dieu grec qui avait un double sexe."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Historically, children born with both male and female genitalia were called hermaphrodites, named for the handsome Greek god who had dual sexuality. A:", "doc_id": 1302, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A puppy had a lucky escape after fire crews were called to lift her to safety when she somehow got herself stuck 50ft up on a precarious cliff ledge", "target": ["Un chiot a eu la chance d'échapper au pire après que les pompiers ont été appelés pour le récupérer en toute sécurité alors qu'il était perché à 15 m au-dessus du sol sur la saillie instable d'une falaise."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A puppy had a lucky escape after fire crews were called to lift her to safety when she somehow got herself stuck 50ft up on a precarious cliff ledge. A:", "doc_id": 1472, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "provocative", "target": ["Si le cinéaste provocateur a demandé à ses acteurs de mettre leur pudeur au placard, il a eu recours à des professionnels du X pour les scènes de sexe les plus osées, avant de fusionner tous les corps numériquement: au-dessus de la ceinture, c'est la star; au-dessous, la doublure."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The provocative filmmaker may have asked his actors to put their shame to one side, but he had to use X-rated film professionals for the most daring sex scenes, before merging the bodies digitally: the top half is the star, the bottom half is the double. A:", "doc_id": 623, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I will follow the facts wherever they lead.", "target": ["Je vais donner suite aux faits, où qu'ils mènent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I will follow the facts wherever they lead. A:", "doc_id": 1228, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "NSA", "target": ["Les relations entre les États-Unis et l'Allemagne ont été mises à rude épreuve à la suite de plaintes selon lesquelles la NSA avait mis sur écoute le téléphone portable de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Relations between the US and Germany have come under strain following claims that the NSA bugged Chancellor Angela's Merkel's phone. A:", "doc_id": 129, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Les précédentes discussions entre les parties n'ont pas réussi à apaiser les tensions alimentées par une série de conflits cette année."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Previous talks between the parties have done little to ease tensions fuelled by a series of clashes this year. A:", "doc_id": 794, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Defender Challenge", "target": ["De plus, le Defender Challenge proposera une journée de formation et de tests en février et la possibilité de participer à des événements dans les déserts d’Afrique du nord et du Moyen-Orient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Additionally, the Defender Challenge will provide a training and test day in February, as well as the option to compete in desert events in North Africa and the Middle East. A:", "doc_id": 1467, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "playful", "target": ["Les amours sont carnassiers, fuyants ou joueurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Their loves are toothy, evasive or playful. A:", "doc_id": 2524, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This was her promise on her death bed", "target": ["C'était sa promesse sur son lit de douleur, alors on a petit à petit réappris à sourire, et prononcer son nom n'est plus tabou mais un réconfort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This was her promise on her death bed; so, gradually, we learnt to smile again, and saying her name is no longer taboo but a comfort. A:", "doc_id": 429, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The man with an open face, a balding head and the glasses of an intellectual is the holder of a certificate of professional competence in confectionery", "target": ["L'homme au visage ouvert, crâne dégarni et lunettes d'intellectuel, né le 24 octobre 1953 à la Ferté-Saint-Aubin est titulaire d'un CAP de pâtisserie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Born on 24 October 1953 in La Ferté-Saint-Aubin, the man with an open face, a balding head and the glasses of an intellectual is the holder of a certificate of professional competence in confectionery. A:", "doc_id": 985, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "church officials", "target": ["Dans un communiqué, les responsables de l'église indiquent que M. Hudgins a démissionné de son poste."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a statement, church officials said that Mr Hudgins had resigned from his post. A:", "doc_id": 1838, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fenton is only three but he knows how to handle his pony.", "target": ["Un porte-parole de la manifestation équestre annuelle a déclaré : « Fenton n'a que 3 ans mais il sait comment conduire son poney. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A spokesman for the annual horse show said: \"Fenton is only three but he knows how to handle his pony.\" A:", "doc_id": 2101, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The situation hasn't changed much since Bwelle's father passed away in 2002", "target": ["La situation n'a pas beaucoup changé depuis le décès du père du Dr Bwelle en 2002."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The situation hasn't changed much since Bwelle's father passed away in 2002. A:", "doc_id": 2684, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "cargo of short range SA-8", "target": ["Une cargaison de missiles sol-air de courte portée SA-8 aurait été ciblée et détruite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A cargo of short range SA-8 ground-to-air missiles was targeted and destroyed. A:", "doc_id": 649, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Big shift is occurring in cloud computing", "target": ["Un gros changement est en train de se produire dans l'informatique en nuage puisque les responsables européens ont pris conscience du fait que les données conservées aux États-Unis sont régies en vertu des lois de cette juridiction et donc potentiellement vulnérables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A big shift is occurring in cloud computing where European executives have become more aware that data stored in the US is subject to that jurisdiction and therefore potentially vulnerable. A:", "doc_id": 1195, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I spend a lot of time reassuring parents", "target": ["« Je passe beaucoup de temps à rassurer les parents – en général, cela n'indique pas une évolution rapide vers la pleine puberté », a déclaré Kaplowitz."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I spend a lot of time reassuring parents -- usually, this does not signal a rapid progression into full puberty,\" said Kaplowitz. A:", "doc_id": 1571, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "extinction", "target": ["Dès lors, si un problème de mortalité massive causée par une épidémie virale ou de capture accidentelle se pose dans la région, nous pourrions avoir affaire à l'extinction d'une espèce, plutôt qu'à une disparition locale d'une population d'une espèce plus largement répandue sur Terre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Hence, in the event of large-scale mortality in the region, caused by a viral epidemic or accidental capture, we would know that we are dealing with the extinction of a species rather than the local disappearance of a population belonging to a much more widespread species. A:", "doc_id": 2399, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not enough information", "target": ["Le Professeur Vallortigara a dit qu'il ne pensait pas que les chiens communiquaient délibérément entre eux grâce à ces mouvements."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Prof Vallortigara said he didn't think that the dogs were intentionally communicating with each other through these movements. A:", "doc_id": 2252, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He didn't give himself up.", "target": ["« Il ne s'est pas rendu », a ajouté Mme Corteen."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"He didn't give himself up,\" Ms Corteen said. A:", "doc_id": 1930, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "But, if the price is right, the workers are qualified, it's worth trying.", "target": ["Mais, avec un prix correct et des travailleurs compétents, cela vaut le coup d'essayer."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But, if the price is right and the workers are qualified, it's worth trying. A:", "doc_id": 267, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Aircraft electronic device rules", "target": ["Les règles relatives à l'utilisation d'appareils électroniques à bord restent pour l'instant en vigueur en Australie"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Aircraft electronic device rules to stay in force in Australia for now A:", "doc_id": 1779, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I was going past in my car when I saw the wall collapse, creating a huge cloud of dust", "target": ["Je passais en voiture et j'ai vu le mur s'écrouler avec un gros nuage de fumée, a dit Sylvain Jean, qui demeure à proximité du chantier."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I was going past in my car when I saw the wall collapse, creating a huge cloud of dust,\" said Sylvain Jean, who lives near the site. A:", "doc_id": 2311, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Crazy trader", "target": ["Leonardo DiCaprio va vous décoiffer dans son rôle de trader déjanté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Leonardo DiCaprio will take your breath away in his role as a crazy trader. A:", "doc_id": 1013, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["« Une fois la nouvelle politique mise en œuvre en toute sécurité – et nous allons travailler en étroite collaboration avec les transporteurs pour cela – ce sera profitable à tout le monde », a expliqué Glading dans une déclaration."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Once the new policy is safely implemented - and we're going to work closely with the carrier to do that - it will be a win-win,\" Glading said in a statement. A:", "doc_id": 1949, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Answer not in context", "target": ["Les précédents vaccins contre le tabac se sont avérés inefficaces car ils contenaient des anticorps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Previous tobacco vaccines failed because they contained antibodies. A:", "doc_id": 1715, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Some Frenchmen took us to the French Embassy", "target": ["Des Français nous amènent à l'ambassade de France."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Some Frenchmen took us to the French Embassy. A:", "doc_id": 2804, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "traffic", "target": ["La circulation était revenue à la normale vers 6h, vendredi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Traffic returned to normal at around 6am. A:", "doc_id": 178, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Les téléphones portables à bord continueront également à être interdits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In-flight cellphone calls also will continue to be prohibited. A:", "doc_id": 1955, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hospital", "target": ["A l'ARS comme à l'APHP, on défend le \"nouveau modèle hospitalier\" déjà mis en route depuis le 7 octobre et qui devrait continuer d'accueillir 30 000 à 35 000 patients par an."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The ARS, like the APHP, is defending the \"new hospital model\" which started being implemented on October 7 and is expected to continue taking 30,000 to 35,000 patients a year. A:", "doc_id": 746, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hospital", "target": ["\"Les deux victimes ont été intubées et longuement conditionnées sur place avant d'être emmenées au CHU de Liège, elle en hélicoptère, lui en ambulance\", a précisé le bourgmestre José Paulet, descendu sur les lieux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The two victims were intubated and treated for some time at the site, before being taken to the CHU in Liège, by helicopter and by ambulance for the grandmother and her grandson respectively,\" said Mayor José Paulet on visiting the site. A:", "doc_id": 2551, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They're not all experienced racers, but people looking for excitement and adventure, and an achievable path towards world-class events", "target": ["Ils ne sont pas tous expérimentés, certains recherchent l’excitation et l’aventure et un accès réaliste à des événements internationaux."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They're not all experienced racers, but people looking for excitement and adventure, and an achievable path towards world-class events. A:", "doc_id": 1464, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "disappointed", "target": ["Dans un communiqué, son club s'est dit \"très déçu\", estimant que son appel était entièrement justifié."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In a press release, the club said it was \"very disappointed\" and that the appeal was entirely justified. A:", "doc_id": 2603, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The boarding process was the smoothest I had seen in my airline career,", "target": ["« Je n'avais jamais vu une procédure d'embarquement aussi fluide de toute ma carrière professionnelle », déclara-t-il."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The boarding process was the smoothest I had seen in my airline career,\" he said. A:", "doc_id": 203, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The most of these headliners appeared at Carolines, and went on to greater success, to the point that they're too big to play a club", "target": ["« La plupart des têtes d'affiche ont émergé au Carolines, et ont connu un grand succès, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient devenus trop célèbres pour jouer dans un club », a déclaré Hirsch."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Most of these headliners appeared at Carolines, and went on to greater success, to the point where they're too big to play a club,\" Hirsch said. A:", "doc_id": 910, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "not yet in school", "target": ["Pas encore à l'école et seulement quelques mois après avoir fait ses premières armes, le tout-petit et son poney Shetland Toffee ont trotté pendant les trois tours avec une grande facilité et ont remporté le premier prix, laissant derrière eux les 30 autres concurrents adultes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Not yet in school and just months on from taking his first steps, the toddler and his pet Shetland pony Toffee trotted through the three rounds with ease to take the top prize - leaving their 30 adult opponents trailing behind. A:", "doc_id": 2086, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Australia", "target": ["Cela concerne l'Australie et le Royaume-Uni, qui sont généralement les pays qui génèrent les plus gros profits."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This includes Australia and the United Kingdom, which are typically our largest profit generators. A:", "doc_id": 2614, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I should say that I am rather sociable and have a job with responsibilities", "target": ["Je tiens à préciser que je suis sociable avec un métier à responsabilité, je ris et je chante, je sors, je suis grand-mère, j'ai plein d'amis, mais mon cœur et mon âme lui appartiennent et je ne parle jamais de lui sauf avec mon fils, et je ne vais jamais au cimetière."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I should say that I am rather sociable and have a job with responsibilities. I laugh and sing, I go out, I'm a grandmother, I have lots of friends, but my heart and my soul belong to him. I never talk about him except with my son, and I never go to the cemetery. A:", "doc_id": 454, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "suspended", "target": ["En juin, Rio n'a plus pu utiliser le chemin de fer pendant environ une semaine après que la Renamo a menacé d'attaquer la ligne ferroviaire."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In June, Rio suspended its use of the railway for about a week after Renamo threatened to attack the line. A:", "doc_id": 805, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No casualties", "target": ["L'Observatoire a déclaré jeudi qu'il y avait des pertes des deux côtés, mais n'a donné aucune précision."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Observatory said there were casualties on both sides Thursday but had no specifics. A:", "doc_id": 1895, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "life", "target": ["\"Quel est le sens de la vie \", déplore-t-elle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"What is the meaning of life?\" she laments. A:", "doc_id": 571, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "You come out of a hole", "target": ["On sort d'un trou et on est tout à coup sous les feux médiatiques."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of You come out of a hole and are suddenly in the spotlight of the media. A:", "doc_id": 2825, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "project Europe is officially dead", "target": ["Avec la crise de l'euro, le Projet Europe est officiellement mort."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of With the euro crisis, Project Europe is officially dead. A:", "doc_id": 1527, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "he was suffering from an inflammation on the left knee", "target": ["Il souffrait néanmoins d'une inflammation du genou gauche lors de son retour de sélection, en début de mois."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, he was suffering from an inflammation on the left knee following his return from international duty this month. A:", "doc_id": 852, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The way he has started he'll be at the Horse of the Year show before long", "target": ["De la façon dont il a commencé, il participera sûrement bientôt à la manifestation du Cheval de l'année – et je suis sûre qu'il fera une belle prestation."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The way he has started he'll be at the Horse of the Year show before long - and I'm sure he'll do well. A:", "doc_id": 2100, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "difficult", "target": ["Plusieurs facteurs, comme la pénurie de pharmaciens en hôpital ou une prédominance de jeunes femmes dans le métier, rendent des situations telles que celle vécue en 2012 difficiles à prévoir."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Several factors, such as the shortage of pharmacists in hospitals or a predominance of young women in the profession, make situations like that experienced in 2012 difficult to predict. A:", "doc_id": 614, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "It was still tense", "target": ["La tension est toujours là car nous n'avons pas de moyens pour nous évacuer vers l'aéroport de Larnaca à Chypre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It was still tense as there was no way of evacuating us to Larnaca airport in Cyprus. A:", "doc_id": 2809, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "To understand this unique aspect of the French identity, there is nothing better than taking a short trip outside of metropolitan France, so much so that Pierre Nora's American venture could be the heart of his book.", "target": ["Pour faire sentir cette singularité de l'identité française, rien ne vaut les quatre pas hors de l'Hexagone, si bien que l'escapade américaine de Pierre Nora pourrait bien être le coeur de son livre."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of To understand this unique aspect of the French identity, there is nothing better than taking a short trip outside of metropolitan France, so much so that Pierre Nora's American venture could be the heart of his book. A:", "doc_id": 2764, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hacker group", "target": ["Au moins un groupe d'hacktivistes en ligne a affirmé être responsable de la panne du site de la NSA par une attaque DSD."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At least one hacktivist group online claimed that they were responsible for bringing down the NSA site with a DDoS attack. A:", "doc_id": 229, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "species", "target": ["Une espèce est considérée menacée ou en voie d'extinction en fonction du nombre d'individus existants sur Terre, c'est-à-dire du stock, et de la possibilité qu'elle a à se rétablir à partir des stocks voisins."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of A species is considered to be threatened or endangered based on the number of its members alive on the planet, known as the stock, and of the possibility of the species restoring itself using neighbouring stocks. A:", "doc_id": 2401, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fear", "target": ["\"Les progrès de la reconnaissance faciale, la multiplication des caméras de surveillance et l'énorme quantité de photos disponibles sur Facebook, Flickr ou Picasa, me font craindre le pire: une surveillance généralisée\", prédit Andrew Patrick, du Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée au Canada."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"The advances in face recognition, the increase in the number of surveillance cameras and the huge number of photos available on Facebook, Flickr or Picasa make me fear the worst: widespread surveillance,\" predicts Andrew Patrick from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in Canada. A:", "doc_id": 2225, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They were found on Friday afternoon.", "target": ["Ils ont été localisés ce vendredi-après-midi."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of They were found on Friday afternoon. A:", "doc_id": 325, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The publication came on the day the Iraqi Prime Minister met the American President", "target": ["Cette publication a lieu le jour où le Premier ministre irakien est reçu par le Président américain."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The publication came on the day the Iraqi Prime Minister met the American President. A:", "doc_id": 458, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Others might receive crutches", "target": ["D'autres peuvent recevoir des béquilles, une paire de lunettes collectée ou un certificat de naissance gratuit – document nécessaire pour aller à l'école, mais de nombreuses familles pauvres ne peuvent tout simplement pas se permettre de l'acheter."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Others might receive crutches, a pair of donated eyeglasses or free birth certificates -- documentation that's required for school but that many impoverished families simply can't afford. A:", "doc_id": 2706, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["Le mois dernier, Mark Rosenker du National Transportation Safety Board, expert national en sécurité des transports sur CBS News, a déclaré que les téléphones portables étaient toujours considérés comme présentant un risque."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Last month, National Transportation Safety Board Mark Rosenker, a CBS News national transportation safety expert, said that cell phones are still considered a risk. A:", "doc_id": 1958, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "uncertainty", "target": ["S&P relève en outre l'\"incertitude\" liée à la possible signature d'un accord d'association entre l'Ukraine et l'UE, que Bruxelles conditionne à la libération de l'opposante Ioulia Timochenko."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of S&P notes, furthermore, the \"uncertainty\" linked to the possible signing of an association agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which for Brussels is conditional on the release of opposition leader Yulia Timochenko. A:", "doc_id": 671, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No further inspection activities are currently planned.", "target": ["Elle a ajouté que « aucune autre activité d'inspection n'était prévue pour le moment »."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of It added that, \"no further inspection activities are currently planned.\" A:", "doc_id": 1898, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "October", "target": ["Octobre a été en Irak le mois le plus meurtrier depuis avril 2008."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of October was the bloodiest month in Iraq since April 2008 A:", "doc_id": 456, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "We're delighted to be offering this path in partnership with Land Rover and the MSA", "target": ["Nous sommes vraiment heureux d’offrir une telle approche en partenariat avec Land Rover et la MSA, et nous sommes convaincus que ce sera une nouvelle façon de s’essayer à différentes formes de rallyes au Royaume-Uni et à l’international, et de se préparer aux rigueurs et aux réalités des rallyes raids."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We're delighted to be offering this path in partnership with Land Rover and the MSA, and believe the format offers a new way to experience different rally disciplines in the UK and overseas, and prepare entrants for the rigours and realities of Rally Raid. A:", "doc_id": 1465, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Singapore", "target": ["En général, les prêteurs sur gage de Singapour prélèvent un taux d'intérêt annuel effectif de 17 %, juste au-dessus des 15,4 % offerts par l'United Overseas Bank, un bailleur de fonds local ayant une succursale dans le même centre commercial."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Typically pawnbrokers in Singapore charge an effective annual percentage rate of 17 per cent, just above the 15.4 per cent offered at United Overseas Bank, a local lender with a branch in the same shopping centre. A:", "doc_id": 1810, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This blending of genes limits the creation of new species.", "target": ["Ce brassage de gènes limite la création de nouvelles espèces."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This blending of genes limits the creation of new species. A:", "doc_id": 2406, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Further tests are needed before starting human trials, which would take several years, but Professor Ronald Crystal of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York said the early signs are good.", "target": ["D'autres tests sont nécessaires avant de commencer les essais sur l'être humain, mais le Professeur Ronald Crystal du Weill Cornell Medical College de New York a déclaré que les premiers signes étaient encourageants."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Further tests are needed before starting human trials, which would take several years, but Professor Ronald Crystal of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York said the early signs are good. A:", "doc_id": 1707, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Forget being sensible", "target": ["Oubliez d'être raisonnable et sortez vos billets."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Forget being sensible and grab your ticket. A:", "doc_id": 1012, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The idea is to eventually repaint all the traffic lights in Brussels, at an estimated cost of one million Euros.", "target": ["L'idée est, à terme, de repeindre tous les feux de signalisation bruxellois, pour un coût estimé d'environ un million d'euros."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The idea is to eventually repaint all the traffic lights in Brussels, at an estimated cost of one million Euros. A:", "doc_id": 345, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "nicotine", "target": ["Lors des tests, les souris vaccinées à qui on a donné ensuite de la nicotine ont poursuivi leur activité normalement."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of In tests, vaccinated mice who were subsequently given nicotine continued with their normal activity. A:", "doc_id": 1712, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "safe", "target": ["Le groupe a également recommandé que les appareils plus lourds soient rangés en toute sécurité sous les sièges ou dans les compartiments supérieurs pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The group also recommended that heavier devices should be safely stowed under seats or in overhead bins during take-off and landing. A:", "doc_id": 1797, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Stand Up for Heroes", "target": ["L'évènement de cette année verra la participation de Wanda Sykes, Kathy Griffin et Bill Maher et la présentation de « Stand Up for Heroes », une soirée de comédie et de musique au profit des anciens combattants, organisée au Madison Square Garden, à laquelle seront présents, entre autres, Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart, Roger Waters et Bill Cosby."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This year's event includes appearances by Wanda Sykes, Kathy Griffin, and Bill Maher, as well as \"Stand Up for Heroes,\" an annual music-and-comedy benefit for military veterans, at Madison Square Garden, featuring, among others, Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart, Roger Waters, and Bill Cosby. A:", "doc_id": 912, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Keep things from one another", "target": ["Même les alliés proches se cachent des choses – et regardent sous tous les angles pour découvrir ce qui n'a pas été dit."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Even close allies keep things from one another - and work every angle to find out what's being held back. A:", "doc_id": 2049, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "9 billion", "target": ["Cela représente environ 9 milliards de grains de maïs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of That's about 9 billion individual kernels of corn. A:", "doc_id": 1443, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He became a doctor himself", "target": ["Il est devenu médecin lui-même, travaillant comme chirurgien vasculaire à l'hôpital central de Yaoundé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He became a doctor himself, working as a vascular surgeon in Yaounde's Central Hospital. A:", "doc_id": 2693, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "No", "target": ["\"Le 4 novembre, il n'y aura plus de patients amenés par les pompiers, uniquement des personnes venant par leur propre moyen \", confirme le professeur Jean-Yves Fagon, le responsable médical du nouvel Hôtel-Dieu."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"On November 4, patients will no longer be brought by the fire brigade, there will only be people arriving by their own means,\" confirms Professor Jean-Yves Fagon, chief medical officer at the new Hôtel-Dieu. A:", "doc_id": 734, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He veils and reveals", "target": ["Il dissimule et révèle à la fois, joue à adopter différentes personnalités, comme il l'a fait tout au long de sa carrière, notamment avec ses personnages Ziggy Stardust et Aladdin Sane."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He veils and reveals at the same time, and likes to take on different personalities, as he has throughout his career, most notably with his personas: Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane. A:", "doc_id": 94, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "coerced", "target": ["Les spécialistes disent que les personnes sont systématiquement contraintes à faire leurs aveux, malgré un changement dans la loi qui a été voté plus tôt dans l'année interdisant aux autorités de forcer quiconque à s'incriminer lui-même."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Experts say confessions are still routinely coerced, despite a change in the law earlier this year banning the authorities from forcing anyone to incriminate themselves. A:", "doc_id": 2124, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "surprise", "target": ["Les conclusions de l'enquête seront une surprise pour beaucoup."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The conclusions of the poll will come as a surprise to many. A:", "doc_id": 1992, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "people who have moved into this new type of employment", "target": ["Les maîtres de cérémonie sont souvent des gens qui se sont reconvertis."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The masters of ceremonies are often people who have moved into this new type of employment. A:", "doc_id": 875, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "fire brigade", "target": ["France Voiselle, porte-parole du Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec, a précisé que l'intervention rapide des pompiers a permis d'éviter la propagation des flammes aux bâtiments adjacents, un défi de taille pour ce secteur de la ville où les immeubles sont construits de manière rapprochée."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of France Voiselle, spokesperson for the Quebec Fire Protection Service, said that the quick intervention of the fire brigade prevented the fire spreading to adjacent buildings, a major challenge in this part of town where the buildings are very close together. A:", "doc_id": 1006, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Firemen", "target": ["Des pompiers appelés sur les lieux du drame ont affirmé avoir répondu à un appel faisant état de \"multiples blessés\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Firemen called to the scene of the drama confirmed that they had responded to a call reporting \"multiple injuries\". A:", "doc_id": 1361, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Europe", "target": ["Nous avons découvert que la vaste majorité des entreprises cherchent désormais à exporter en dehors de l'Europe, en se concentrant sur les pays qui se modernisent et se développent tandis que les États de l'UE stagnent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of We found that the vast majority of businesses are now looking to export outside of Europe, focusing on countries that are modernising and growing while the EU states stagnate. A:", "doc_id": 1993, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "There are lots of well-publicized theories about the causes of precocious puberty.", "target": ["Il existe de nombreuses théories portées à la connaissance du public sur les causes de la puberté précoce."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of There are lots of well-publicized theories about the causes of precocious puberty. A:", "doc_id": 1589, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Concert", "target": ["Deux autres concerts auront lieu à l'été 2014, ce qui donne la chance à des artistes de la région de montrer de quoi ils sont capables."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two other concerts will be held in the summer of 2014, giving regional artists the chance to show what they are capable of. A:", "doc_id": 532, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Red Cross", "target": ["La Croix-Rouge a été demandée, car les résidents d'un des appartements pourraient devoir être logés provisoirement, a indiqué le SIM."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Red Cross was called in given that the residents of one of the apartments might need temporary accommodation, according to the Fire Department. A:", "doc_id": 563, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The car driven by the injured woman was hit by a driver who was travelling in the wrong direction and came out unhurt", "target": ["La voiture d'une conductrice a été percutée par un conducteur fantôme, qui lui est indemne."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The car driven by the injured woman was hit by a driver who was travelling in the wrong direction and came out unhurt. A:", "doc_id": 1147, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Night of the Gun", "target": ["Un octogénaire accueille des enfants avec un fusil au Muy pour Halloween"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Octogenarian in Le Muy Greets Children with Gun on Halloween A:", "doc_id": 2637, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Bomb", "target": ["Le Sari Club a été entièrement détruit lorsqu'une énorme bombe, chargée dans une fourgonnette garée à l'extérieur, a explosé juste après 23 h le 12 octobre 2002."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Sari Club was levelled when a massive bomb loaded into a van parked outside was detonated just after 11pm on October 12, 2002. A:", "doc_id": 1920, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Neither of them are good negotiators and neither of them are prepared to make the kind of concessions that are necessary", "target": ["Aucun d'eux ne sait bien négocier et aucun d'eux n'est prêt à faire les concessions nécessaires."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Neither of them are good negotiators and neither of them are prepared to make the kind of concessions that are necessary. A:", "doc_id": 796, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "A", "target": ["Deux personnes sur cinq dans le pays vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, et presque trois quarts des dépenses de santé du pays sont réalisées dans le secteur privé."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Two out of five people in the country live below the poverty line, and nearly three-quarters of the country's health-care spending is private. A:", "doc_id": 2688, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This is what inspired a consultation exercise between parents, students, teachers and staff of the education department a year ago to reflect on ways to improve the integration of students who have roots in several cultures.", "target": ["C'est ce qui a motivé, il y a un an, une consultation auprès des parents, élèves, professeurs et membres du personnel de l'éducation, pour réfléchir aux moyens de mieux intégrer les élèves qui vivent à cheval entre plusieurs cultures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of This is what inspired a consultation exercise between parents, students, teachers and staff of the education department a year ago to reflect on ways to improve the integration of students who have roots in several cultures. A:", "doc_id": 2989, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "ValueMax", "target": ["En fait, la demande est telle dans certaines parties d'Asie du sud-est – où l'endettement des ménages augmente – que ValueMax, où elle a effectué sa transaction, est devenu cette semaine la troisième société de prêts sur gage à être introduite à la bourse de Singapour."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Indeed, such is demand across parts of southeast Asia - where household debt is rising - that ValueMax, where she is carrying out her transaction, this week became the third pawnshop to list on the Singapore stock exchange. A:", "doc_id": 1808, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Let me say directly to these Americans: you deserve better", "target": ["« Permettez-moi de m'adresser directement à ces Américains : vous méritez mieux », a déclaré Kathleen Sebelius lors de son témoignage devant la commission de l'énergie et du commerce à Washington."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Let me say directly to these Americans: you deserve better,\" Sebelius said in testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in Washington. A:", "doc_id": 2908, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "customers", "target": ["Drew Bowler, le directeur général de Bowler Motorsport a déclaré : « Les amateurs de rallyes qui rejoignent Bowler ont changé. »"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Drew Bowler, the managing director of Bowler Motorsport, said: \"Rally customers coming to Bowler have changed.\" A:", "doc_id": 1463, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "universality of service", "target": ["Les détracteurs accusent le gouvernement de vouloir économiser de l'argent en ne permettant pas aux militaires blessés - qui ne répondent pas à la règle de \"l'universalité du service\" de l'armée exigeant que le personnel soit en mesure d'effectuer une série de tâches variées - d'atteindre la période d'admissibilité de 10 ans requise pour les prestations de retraite."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The detractors are accusing the government of trying to save money by not allowing injured soldiers - who do not meet the army's rule of \"universality of service\", which requires that personnel be able to carry out a series of varying tasks - to reach the ten-year period of admissibility required for retirement benefits. A:", "doc_id": 100, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The concept of termination of life needs to be clarified before the bill can be adopted", "target": ["De son côté, la députée libérale de Gatineau, Stéphanie Vallée, affirme que la notion de fin de vie devra être clarifiée avant que le projet de loi ne soit adopté."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Meanwhile, the liberal MP of Gatineau, Stephanie Vallee, thinks that the concept of termination of life needs to be clarified before the bill can be adopted. A:", "doc_id": 577, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He reluctantly accepts last minute stand-in roles at studios.", "target": ["Il accepte à reculons les remplacements au pied levé dans les studios."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He reluctantly accepts last minute stand-in roles at studios. A:", "doc_id": 1613, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "first", "target": ["Au début j'ai nié sa mort, je parlais de lui au présent,"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of At first, I was in denial about his death. I spoke of him in the present tense. A:", "doc_id": 365, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Yes", "target": ["Mais, faute d'études approfondies, il est impossible de savoir si ces discours convainquent vraiment les utilisateurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of However, given the lack of in-depth studies, it is impossible to know if this line will really convince users. A:", "doc_id": 2223, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "results were in line with our guidance, but the low order intake and overall market conditions were a disappointment", "target": ["« En Aéronautique, les résultats étaient conformes à nos prévisions, mais le faible nombre de commandes et les conditions générales du marché ont été décevants », a déclaré M. Beaudoin."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"In aerospace, results were in line with our guidance, but the low order intake and overall market conditions were a disappointment,\" Beaudoin said. A:", "doc_id": 316, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Ford", "target": ["Ford, qui continue de bénéficier entre autres du succès de ses pick-up, a vu ses ventes progresser de 14% sur un an à 191 985 véhicules, alors que le consensus attendait 194 301."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Ford, which is still reaping benefits from the success of its pick-up trucks amongst other things, saw sales increase by 14% over a year to 191,985 vehicles, against an expectation of 194,301. A:", "doc_id": 2583, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Adolescence", "target": ["Autre problème : Bien que les garçons aient des poils sur le visage et dans la zone pubienne plus jeunes, la tendance envers une puberté précoce véritable n'est pas aussi prononcée que chez les filles."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Another conundrum: Although boys are getting facial and pubic hair at younger ages, the trend toward full-blown early puberty is not as pronounced as it is with girls. A:", "doc_id": 1598, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Phone hacking, surveillance and confrontation", "target": ["L'ancien rédacteur en chef de News of the World Andy Coulson aurait utilisé « le piratage téléphonique, la surveillance et la confrontation » pour tenter de confirmer un tuyau bidon sur une liaison impliquant le ministre de l'Intérieur alors en exercice, Charles Clarke."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson allegedly used \"phone hacking, surveillance and confrontation\" in an attempt to confirm a bogus tip about an affair involving then-home secretary Charles Clarke. A:", "doc_id": 1024, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The Oracle boss relinquished a $1.2 million bonus for the 2013 financial year, which ended in May, because of the group's poor performances.", "target": ["Le patron d'Oracle a renoncé à un bonus de 1,2 million de dollars pour l'exercice 2013 clos en mai en raison des mauvaises performances du groupe, qui a manqué ses objectifs de croissance, mais il a perçu environ 77 millions de dollars liés à des stock-options."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Oracle boss relinquished a $1.2 million bonus for the 2013 financial year, which ended in May, because of the group's poor performances. The group had failed to meet its growth targets, but he did pick up around $77 million linked to stock options. A:", "doc_id": 1701, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He really didn't feel sorry for how much grief he caused other people.", "target": ["Jusqu'à récemment, il se moquait éperdument du chagrin qu'il avait pu causer à d'autres personnes."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Until just recently, he really didn't feel sorry for how much grief he caused other people. A:", "doc_id": 1931, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I did this mainly because I hankered after money and fame.", "target": ["Je l'ai fait principalement parce que je courais après l'argent et la célébrité."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I did this mainly because I hankered after money and fame. A:", "doc_id": 2120, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "hospice", "target": ["La majorité des maisons de soins palliatifs refuseront d'aider les patients à mourir, selon la vice-présidente de l'Alliance des maisons de soins palliatifs, Suzanne Fitzback."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The majority of palliative care homes will refuse to help patients die, according to the vice-president of the Alliance of Palliative Care Homes, Suzanne Fitzback. A:", "doc_id": 572, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The expert", "target": ["L'expert dépêché sur place par le parquet assure que l'origine de l'explosion est purement accidentelle."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The expert, who was dispatched to the scene by the public prosecutor's office, stated that the cause of the explosion was purely accidental. A:", "doc_id": 2546, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The OPCW", "target": ["« Je salue la force morale et le courage dont vous avez tous fait preuve dans le cadre de la mission la plus difficile jamais entreprise par cette organisation », a déclaré le directeur général de l'organisation Ahmet Uzumcu, dans un commentaire publié par l'OIAC."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I salute the fortitude and courage you've all demonstrated in fulfilling the most challenging mission ever undertaken by this organization,\" the watchdog's director-general, Ahmet Uzumcu, said in comments released by the OPCW. A:", "doc_id": 1904, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I have always been well-received in Africa", "target": ["Je suis toujours bien accueilli en Afrique où je compte de très nombreux lecteurs."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of I have always been well-received in Africa, where I have a very large number of readers.\" A:", "doc_id": 1655, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "They have been making the Congolese people suffer for too long", "target": ["Nous ne devons pas les laisser se réorganiser parce qu'ils martyrisent le peuple congolais depuis trop longtemps."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"We must not allow them to regroup because they have been making the Congolese people suffer for too long. A:", "doc_id": 685, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I'm a black sheep", "target": ["Mais les stats montrent que je suis la brebis galeuse lorsqu'on parle d'Halloween."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But stats show that I'm a black sheep when it comes to Halloween. A:", "doc_id": 1425, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "regular", "target": ["Comme le fait aussi la régularité du rythme visuel."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of as does the regularity of the visual rhythm. A:", "doc_id": 2509, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tragedy occurred at around 11am on Rue Marquette, near the junction with Rue Beaubien, in the district of Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie", "target": ["Le drame est survenu vers 11 h, sur la rue Marquette, tout près de l'intersection de la rue Beaubien, dans l'arrondissement de Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tragedy occurred at around 11am on Rue Marquette, near the junction with Rue Beaubien, in the district of Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie. A:", "doc_id": 2307, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "The tunnel is the eighth major passage discovered in San Diego since 2006.", "target": ["Le tunnel est le huitième passage important découvert à San Diego depuis 2006."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The tunnel is the eighth major passage discovered in San Diego since 2006. A:", "doc_id": 2164, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "I got out and went to remove the large blocks that were covering him.", "target": ["Je suis débarqué et je suis allé enlever les grosses briques qui le recouvraient."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"I got out and went to remove the large blocks that were covering him. A:", "doc_id": 2312, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "He had just spent ten days in Afghanistan", "target": ["Il venait alors de passer dix jours en Afghanistan, théâtre des 198 et 199es opus de la célèbre série de romans d'espionnage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of He had just spent ten days in Afghanistan, the setting of numbers 198 and 199 of his celebrated spy novel series. A:", "doc_id": 1629, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "how Catholic parishes around the globe handle sensitive issues like contraception, divorce and gay couples", "target": ["Le Vatican veut savoir comment les paroisses catholiques du monde entier gèrent les questions délicates comme la contraception, le divorce et les couples homosexuels."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The Vatican wants to know how Catholic parishes around the globe handle sensitive issues like contraception, divorce and gay couples. A:", "doc_id": 2050, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "US", "target": ["Les transporteurs australiens examinent la décision qui oblige les transporteurs américains à effectuer un travail important en vue de respecter les exigences, mais ont indiqué qu'ils n'ont pas l'intention dans l'immédiat de changer leurs procédures."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Australian carriers are looking at the decision, which requires US carriers to undertake a massive amount of work to meet the requirements, but have indicated they have no immediate plans to change their procedures. A:", "doc_id": 1783, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Fire crews", "target": ["Les pompiers ont été appelés pour secourir un chiot perdu après être resté coincé à 15 m au-dessus du sol sur une corniche instable dans une carrière"], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Fire crews called to rescue lost puppy after she got stuck 50ft above the ground on precarious ledge in a quarry A:", "doc_id": 1468, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Snowden would need assurances that he would be \"safe\" there", "target": ["Si M. Snowden témoignait en Allemagne, il faudrait lui donner l'assurance qu'il serait en « sécurité » là-bas, a déclaré le député."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of If Mr Snowden testified in Germany he would need assurances that he would be \"safe\" there, the MP said. A:", "doc_id": 134, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "weakness", "target": ["A l'issue d'une nouvelle mission infructueuse dans le pays, le FMI a constaté cette semaine que \"les importants besoins en financement extérieur\" constituaient \"une vulnérabilité\", tout en relevant \"des signes d'amélioration économique\"."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of Following a fruitless mission to the country, the IMF noted this week that \"the significant need for external finance\" represented \"a weakness\", even though there were \"signs of economic improvement\". A:", "doc_id": 667, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Airport", "target": ["\"Les forces de l'ordre sont sur place\", précise l'aéroport sur son compte Twitter, alors que les images des télévisions montraient des personnes évacuées dans des ambulances."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"Law enforcement agents are at the scene,\" the airport stated on its Twitter account, while television pictures were showing people being evacuated in ambulances. A:", "doc_id": 1362, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "This was never indiscreet.", "target": ["Mais ce n'était jamais indiscret."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But this was never indiscreet. A:", "doc_id": 391, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Nissan profit warning", "target": ["\"C'est clairement le profit warning de Nissan\", dit un responsable du trading d'un courtier parisien."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of \"It's clearly because of the Nissan profit warning,\" said a trading representative from a Paris broker. A:", "doc_id": 2591, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Safety", "target": ["La question fait l'objet d'une réglementation qui oblige les exploitants d'aéronefs à garantir le maintien de la sécurité en permanence et les passagers à respecter les consignes de sécurité données par les membres d'équipage."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of The issue is covered by regulations which require aircraft operators to ensure safety is maintained at all times and passengers to comply with the safety instructions given by crew members. A:", "doc_id": 1786, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""} {"pred": "Mr Chen then appeared on state television admitting he had published false stories for money.", "target": ["Mais M. Chen est ensuite apparu sur une chaîne de télévision publique où il a admis avoir publié de fausses histoires contre de l'argent."], "answer_choices_list": null, "fewshot_idx": [], "fewshot_target_idx": [], "fewshot_source": null, "fewshot_num": 0, "ctx": "Q: What is the French translation of But Mr Chen then appeared on state television admitting he had published false stories for money. A:", "doc_id": 2118, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "wmt14", "dataset_name": "fr-en", "subset": null, "prompt_name": "gpt3-en-fr", "prompt_id": "fc3b96b0-de5e-4ff4-b7bb-cda348ff7fcf", "prompt_jinja": "Q: What is the French translation of {{translation[\"en\"]}} A: ||| {{translation[\"fr\"]}}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": ""}