[PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] & ' ( ) , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ´ µ ø ł œ ƒ ɛ ɩ ɱ α β δ ε η θ ι λ μ π ρ σ τ φ χ ω ϕ с – ’ ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ##e ##p ##r ##o ##d ##u ##c ##x ##i ##n ##l ##s ##t ##a ##v ##f ##y ##0 ##5 ##k ##g ##h ##w ##b ##m ##z ##6 ##4 ##3 ##9 ##2 ##8 ##1 ##q ##7 ##j ##ł ##ø ##β ##ε ##φ ##α ##ⅰ ##σ th the ##on ##er ##ti ##es ##in ##en ##al ##nd ##ed of ##or ##an ##ic ##at in ##ar and ##it ##tion ##re ##as ##ro ##ent ##is ##el ##ing ##le ##ation to ##ur ##ol ##th ##ac ##st ##ec ##ou ##ul st ##et ##ith ##ly con is ##mp ##oc ##si for ##ig are ##ow ##im ma co with ##ter ##ve de ##ce ##ra ##id ##os ##ts ##tin su ##il re sh as ch ##ate an bas ##og ##ure ##rom ##ag ##ver ##ment ##ru ##tic ##if pro al by ##res from ##am that be ex se wh on ##ated ##od ##ph ##ir ##om ##ite or fa ##ang ##um ##ud ##ch ##ect ##ock ##ri ##ot ##ere ##ity ##igh faul ac res ##op ##se ##ting form ##ich ##ical ##ong at ##qu ge ##ous pl ##ab comp ##ther basin ##ak ##ut dep ##ant ##ct ha ##ale ##em ##ran ##ist ##vel rock ##onic ear high ##ay ##pp ##ine ##and ##olog ##eral tect ##iz ##ies ##sion this ##ati ##est ##ence cont ##rac ##pl ##for ##ces ##one ##ary tectonic ##ge ##ain ##lu ##00 ind ##all nor ##ian which ne ##ism ##iment di min par have col low ##uc gra fault ##amp formation cl ##ues were ev sub was en ##rou ##ediment ##ion ##ace ##rust rel mo ##tern ##anic mag sediment ##us ##tions pres ##ore ##yst ##our int ##fer ##form sou stud ##ad rocks earth mod ##osi inc ##eri ##ations mar ##ap ##ene inter ##ata dis ##ted un fig mineral figure area ar ##ast ##we reg ##ures coal contin ##erv ##ution ##uring ##ear ##ma ab sl bet us ##ys show acti ##con mat can ##age ##les ##ers samp geolog crust it ##ruct we ##ia ##duc ##ip ##ween between ##ell ##ally char ##arb colle ##yp dif ##gh rec faults met me ##ates ##end ##eld ##orph ##arbon ##ites li struct ##ass ob ##di acc ##so these val ##able frac ##cc seism during shale ##enti ##ina has ##ess region anal ##oun te ##han also ##osition ##erm ##ater been resul sc ##ep sp colleag und colleagues ##gg ##ld ##rib differ ##oz indic ##ments ##ase 20 cr ##ill flu sour ##ely south north ##osit ##ents ##velop gas deposit ##thern str ##ozo vol under pre main typ ##ue sur ##raph ##ozoic develop ##ift data plate not ##ke occ ext qu over ##ard seismic ##low ##ield lith ##quak mant lar ##fic china ##tain mantle cal ca ##ied oce occur most ##etro ##iti ##ound gran ##ib zone ##ome earthquak ##olution ##ick ##mal lower fac det le ##ord study analys ##ental model ad ##ystem samples magma ##ined bel ##vely system ##eng imp ##ific ##acter ele ##ral ##yd dist pale petro tran loc well fe character exp bl 10 more ##cess gen ##vity ##ort than ##un pr ##duction ##ari prov ##ree ##ach km sim thick ##gin expl sugg ##ens ##ile hyd there chang temp ##ne source ##ign ##formation sec ##ress ##iver ##osed ##tit ##ircon zircon ##ance ##ond rep ##erat ##stone org carbon ##yn such process fol may com continental ##ry ##ost ##ide ph ##sid margin mel app sil fract ##ones organic cor ##ization mid ##face where cons some af age cent tw fluid into temperat along tim ##vi ##osph ##ved ##ould ass sin ##lud ##ob ##ret rang two ##amorph ##ized ##rain geological calc ref ##ction ##ight sign metamorph ##ating early ##och ##sive ##ath part how ##roc ##ack large active late tr ##round sediments block its gre ##per vari up ##par ##gen deep maj obs ##ric ##ural ##assic different ##ium ##iron related other ##viron sand ##ose values dec upp ##ust distrib set howe observ refle however 19 volc ##estern ##tz based subduction upper ##dle includ ##ial upl deposits basins lay ##rough major ##rox ag ter ##oth environ ##log middle press condi sedimentary their relati ##che used ##ward gl deformation within ##otop results dom long ##emical matter isotop incre ##tig conc trans ##out ver ##ves out formed content stress ##lis cryst present unit ##ros river arc ##ins surface but es am dire evolution 201 explor ##ough ##mon lithosph time ##ling ##astern ##ole ##ilar they similar conditions depth geoch ##ors southern interp analysis he ##red geology ##ension ##de ##aceous deposition development ##au ##ai pressure stri activity ##ber ##als crustal ##raphic central water comple ##ocene slip mainly bound ##io ##ory due areas ##ential using ##ps ##pec ##ble studies field mic exploration sea ##ology ther reserv northern base ord des flow strata type suggest ##du ##tive characteris regional both sm ##ulation structure bec hor ##yrox ocean oceanic earthquakes repres uplift ##amb ##ular ##oci all ##ages contro ##ences quar silic red ##bl ##tical minerals peri ##ness oro signific rati ##ered ##tics ##chean temperature top ##oir moun earthquake magmatic stage volcanic reservoir mi through sequ composition lim trac control quartz east ore zones ##ities ##tim ##ron setting grou ##ression ##ically ##itic ##tal basal pot only ##xt ##ines disc ##ram mountain ##ork ##ides ##ient facies domin ##fore ##ected associ ##ration extension ##mpl environment man prop distribution ##ility range ##eric marine processes period ##orite const ##ie fl ##enc tectonics ##yroxene ##uan three compar observed mec ##xim ##ff scale prec eastern rift metamorphic mud thickness relatively 200 ##own trend general ##vious orig ##rian fur ##terozoic significant ##ven ##rocarbon ##ambrian rich structural gener shear record hydrocarbon ##ae jur consid import mechan about western one pe ##inite jurassic ##tite further ##arn shows ages per ##hu ##ative tar ##itud ##earch ##ases crystall section oil prof research fraction ##rop ##ossi strike complex 12 shall crat characteristics ru sample so developed ##raphy origin ##ake shallow ##atic pal higher normal no ##und ##ail belt ##he supp while materi meth fact perm ##omet level uran ##ning ##hib ##ross ##amic new associated fir continu strong 15 near important uranium orogen po ##opyroxene potential ##cted ##lision ox ##ales inf deri ##ove ##iang eff id ##rit mafic ##ection follow rif sw thrust meas stra group method bed cret toc common small first cretaceous our ##ov ##ood ce thus collision feat ##arnet ##opro magm ##dition garnet im rem above sugges after vel ##kely indicate determ basement zh strain sever ##sem clay ##nock ##amet charnock could veloc hist plan evid sandstone geochemical ##row represent ##itude ##sions archean line ##though although aver ##uch thermal ##ons ##led ##orted several ig ##ists less ##oproterozoic ##stand identi ##rich ##erg ero paleo term accum addition fold consist dr pat ec ##astic prim ##ynamic lithosphere mes ##hed ##tively ##ulated assem ##ume contain ##ears obtain ##ise ##ological located equ ##land likely petrolog changes mechanism possi ##ently ##ame ##ength many found rate ##eous thin def enrich ##av ##acement transi bur derived cambrian ga mean accord corre mineralization bre ##imal maxim ##ided ##ogen melt average pb por ##li when mountains ##line ##te ##yr ##hn antic moder like melting gu ##yc ##ks move carbonate glob tri west ##ering separ structures larg ##ocl grain very 11 ##ute ##ensity therefore fractures estim ##contin desc palae ##til examp direction mul ##field displ pattern mac ##ize cur himal num shales ##ogene bear decre horiz eclog qin geo diag himalay hu ##pt seam ##ability value including evidence maximum qinling 100 anom ##ount analyses models characterized anomal lake wa those ##lying super caus events occurred local ##ope ##iao elements boundary assembl global ke ##fied paramet ##ational sci according bearing nw wid ##2o initi produc ##uted comb sequence nat sol tra ##over ##ual ##leum depositional trace tarim ##reted petroleum around cap presence transition bio fin lat grains temperatures core post will ##assive magn interpret stratig multi reach respec concent ##val ##read ##pping ##fac ##ties ##assi ##echn layer ##ably do ##iss isotopic ##ause 18 ##ichuan element sichuan parti previous reflect because si techn ##ctions ##osity since micro ##work southw zircons peak 14 ##ving ##ening ##act increas correl respectively 16 back inves ##formed systems history investig coals mudstone fluids influ ##aries result velocity syn ##ded indicates aff erosion ##sequ intru end ##ination ##ography ##ositions understand obtained ##50 energ magne second ratios permian energy each ##ten ##ream conver increase lithospheric generally ##east ##king layers forming spec craton ba ep op ##pond ##ano chemical pred interpreted features 13 kn partic calcite cyc fine pol ##way ##med conf cover types green material ##shan reac sources detrit hydro fracture alk old rap years ##nary orth clim relations preserv change ##hip ##20 ratio gi sr same ##respond correspond metamorphism table ##lic ##ish total reservoirs la mig rid yang ##ox ##uced triassic 50 ##stones compositions phase parameters med diss weak mostly empl ##illing margins ##oclase detrital 17 sul ##nan ##int proper abund ##ipit northw blocks land ##ured discus den compon ##atis grained proven consistent 30 car ##rated ##tile limest ##enced continuous suggests relationship ##elf ang glac dominated example dol porph ##igen deg composed subsid horizon feld lu then div ##neous biotite bod mass ##hai provin considered crystallization igneous porphy kar ##ank ##rem ##olite clin accre analy occurr below consists felds lead ap au del short contr shown belts petrog units wt ##ark extensional profile foc miocene accretion inj granites accumulation describ amp bi down mg use ##omp ##tle ##jiang ##ench ##olith slope fracturing order ##ember contents recon valle isotope direct proposed generation ##ovic feldspar ##agi indicating calculated ser sal plagi ##aternary quaternary exposed break wave amphib tur ##ex ##esis ##olved granul factors ##istry neoproterozoic arg modeling include sch would ##ann co2 clos adj cm ##ao ##rup slab vertical diagram plagioclase much ##ert prog trending effec ##igenous cross size ##ffic ins ##ited should parts recent deposited precipit charnockites maceral el song ##rigenous ##mm ##ensi ##stru eval uncon whereas various terrigenous ##ovician ##ei ##ked ##erous ##are ##odi relative ordovician anticline movement magnitude stratigraphic subsidence ##ually ##bed shap compression activ few mix compared possible ##inc ##ately ##thermal ##ains class elect provide rifting magmas eclogite medium dolom work prob ##ysical alkal 40 lo ##els controlled host length ste suc whole ##emistry 199 outc clinopyroxene 23 density burial ##ogenic converg ##ind stages india even surve great siliceous basalts ul wide ##18 intern ##ferred regions granodi detail environments therm supercontin key porphyry ##ft ##lear reve grade text orogenic provenance limestone ##kes toward anor resp liqu determined caused partial climate sag ##ple ##tivity had studied extend orthopyroxene injection eu rates ##ots ##iles minor typical black suggested interpretation gab ni py ##ms ##urian made ##allel exper dissolution if mon ##ub ##xi ##ty resulting plateau enrichment properties nam ##ris ##ced ##aw inver fav univer abs simulation mesozoic moderate anomalies natural known gabb br later ##ding classi surround commonly identified understanding rapid ka ##ive ##iding resour ##oung volume defined experiment cen erup four tan ##sity ##ographic ##umul plat ##lusions ##titute primary sulf granodiorite lin ##rinite production gradi reported 25 asi ii ##oor ##ertain sem ##atism horizontal young ##pa ##ges ##old ##rag induced ##illed occurs granite experi geoph migration valley dy member wor ##use across terran amount fractionation following unconform platform ampl il neg transp petrological ##fficient cenozoic bene dynamic ro rad ##nal elev ##tze settings profiles number yangtze jour pac ##km ##reg state alm geom coalfield drain grow ##ryst ##ta highly matur obvious ##fication dominant assemblages initial province succes pacific case yield ##hou ##wh them ##ingle ##ulations chann variation contrast bul day fre oph pore ##put ##ensive ##idual 21 nb ##iqu ##inal parallel ##neiss boundaries magmatism activities journal ophi dri ed rh single ##ially sup before ##odynamic orient wei overl phases ##ency agg clear lam often ##ula subs spread recorded drainage maturity frequ vary ##eg inv stable requ exce geos formations effect multiple 300 here ##fs ##olites stream distributed cements displacement curr ##medi cumul pen tak wu gravity ##ducted sequences constrain divided deple tecton ##rosc bu ground though alter exist exhib continents sinu oxy reveal favor 28 fo trem ##to ##yl ##atory ##archean toge depression close ##till southwest focus described world together du dam massive tib ##oid ##acent experienced cre far fram ##df coar ##oshan ##ified distin ##io2 rifts measure widely influence accretionary adjacent liquid 60 rise ##oarchean star island depend gradu clp event slight spect ranging ##lished seams auth sinuosity dating gneiss sit ##no ##ada changning rutile palaeo science ##facies magnetic tibet fall hyp lac pap still ##vail ##fl ##org ##apir regim sections ##ustr espec measured predic denud reconstru salt steep beneath especially frag nan ##cl ##feng ##16 ##onian input assi ##ogn ##unnan variations methods decrease solid particular series supercontinent resources oxygen ##ustrine 45 rc ##ised ##uration coe ##iferous ##ressive being ##rix highest ##lust diapir fractional materials precipitation university growth band em ##ok ##ful ##mar ##ining information forel ##pped index subsequ ##ende basalt charnockite emplacement lab m3 non nar ##tra ##ores shelf contrib recogn sinian 198 ##blende followed petrology ##yrite cycle preservation situ lacustrine er good sel ##eastern ##ug ##cence ##sc ##ances refer ##ired horn increased institute frame cu est might site ##iation ##sed ##inated cool grab fluorite approx afric assess uplif significantly ##ometry modern probably geomorph channel 22 36 ##rate ##wan ##its ##ange need ##itiz paleozoic appear reflection depths heat poor point lateral increasing analyz gabbro amplitude 24 morph passive role side ##lastic ##water ##isting allow plut northeast flood separated himalaya correlation evalu survey surrounding 000 ak hf light prom ##der ##liao att coll continent usually matrix litho consider combined carri songliao favorable foreland approxim bro mm vit ##rical ##get ##erc stand ##ither any plates upward mechanisms patterns produced angle glacial petrographic respon estab last oper ##utions ##her ree seg ##umin rest rele linear possib pores estimated ##ways hydrothermal ridge gradient negative hornblende bar dust fut kum ##iw ##yan ##aced ##ilib basis proxim plume showing ##ounts overp topography larger occurrence detailed ##mediate distinct future ax posi ##ult map plot dipping overlying explain carboniferous abundant paper denudation led wang ##ned ##son ##fy deb resulted qual least wells among propor factor ta wall yunnan ##ture ##aoshan inst conduc ##umes dip spati underlying melts silurian observations reduc orog technology ultra gold rot ##ints consequ ##amond ##ott neogene diamond showed differences location greater equilib himalayan ##2o3 given slightly 35 ##rid ##ner ##erite ##oupl unc southeast ##side trench generated enriched assemblage ##itization 3d bath ms sat sio2 yr ##fe ##war ##80 ##isation ##then ##rial interac typically ##ather geochemistry target collisional secondary older directly towards aggreg spreading 29 pow path ##sh ##reb interbed ##elling metas cause ##ification ##vial ranges presented suggesting southwestern northwest lithofacies positive orogens 500 either yan yreb ##56 ##roach ##ety asthen chines ##verse resolution intensity collected ##osphere sandy flows performed terms drilling display components degree ##oliths coarse chinese 26 70 jun list rare ##ption ##har ##mented ##ectonic integ differenti approach body geophysical terranes elevation framework ##ottom avail bp fels mong na past wed zn ##ci ##ision ##oge exh ##irc overall analysed carbonates center isotopes microsc become groups precambrian levels concentr component almost mongol 31 circ pp pa sy ##sr ##ense ##igg ##rock represents magnetite northwestern 33 ##vine ##anti ##ull conv anis ##otrop motion intermediate km2 largest width confir delta alkaline labor standard cut hang pyrite qing ramp ##ew ##lan ##anism ##osite summ exc ##enetic geologic difference indicated princ ##obaoshan includes americ silica ##ometric anticl anorth transport gradually vitrinite bore kb lack net oli ris test ##other ##urface ##rained ##omin faulting residual gray granulite subsurface carried quality anisotrop fun rather ##ote impact distance comm silicic flat comparis oxid meanwh techniqu dolomite unconformity duobaoshan felsic boreh meanwhile ju lit vis ##co ##more ##70 silt basaltic represented affected epis discussed bodies approximately olivine tu ve ##den ##akes weath strength times crystals limited orefield ridges concentrations 80 filling hal zon ##lied ##jing ##ora ##ele ##ets ##tinite geodynamic sedimentation ##entially reflec reflections furthermore ##hui images nature corresponding convergent fragments 63 bottom filled s1 ying ##uter ##orm ##ulate contact inclusions moreover signat hydrocarbons brecc turb effects ##uminous brit hel kin ok uh offs demon neoarchean graph slow better liu ##arily trigg layered 2019 zhang discussion electrical current broad princip demonst 400 tian ##pb ##oy ##ier ##lite ##enn ##stream deformed another altern indian inters calder adv locally arcs constant ##lier 1000 predomin mixed outcro asian bulk spatial equilibri exhum yu ##can ##ground ##21 exam space geochron supported buried ##lications radi regime network episod 47 five hot mu vers way ##ire conn proterozoic ##omic play compris cany striking volcanics anomaly specific abundance closure selected graben ppm 86 doc ir las mt ret yb ##iv ##ka ##go inferred ##struct stability ##ilation ##raction indicat identify concentration preserved ophiolites orientation depleted cooling comparison 32 aust fan fron hol hum outer pop ##inity ##ention ##itoid prot alg indust minim cann granitoid provides ##rocks volcano ##insula periods soft supply perme remain huang amphibolite peninsula attrib ##lantic 51 massi ##ho cheng atlantic enti differential noted caob seafl discover folds greenstone mgo shaped hypoth assim analyzed overpress laboratory anisotropy versus seafloor jo pub ##oo ##ye ##ject seal ##otectonic earlier eng intra regard fluores carbonaceous increases amounts investigated geosci subsequent uncertain differentiation clust jiang ker nd zr ##ether ##zhou ##30 ##ane ##anes ##ects ##ecting ##eter suture seen whether fail act ##rous diff locations crystal beds does measurements proximal asthenosphere austral cannot 600 dong deng dark hence ice sk tend wil ##cient ##lom ##ission coast without ancient place ##maxi grey variable longmaxi controlling ##ieved mechanical plane linea palaeozoic amphibole mixing texture pyro alteration tremor africa turbid ##ania ##ased ##sible ##rad forms clastic mineralog expected appar topographic peat previously argill international dykes brittle entire 90 c2 cat cru hom ple ##up ##yang ##40 ##tiv ##arc ##arm ##ocryst produ ##omm evolved diffic deccan 2018 velocities ##avy porosity macerals inversion taken thought particularly kumano listric equilibrium 65 bo econ iron s2 ##zard ##ulic conce ##raulic reas chl al2o3 ##rest hand accur detach provided hydraulic timing transformation oceans redox throughout contains transitional finally ##faces ##oxic granulites internal linked constraints tibetan available wedge caldera permeability fluorescence kerogen argillaceous call ic must varies xin maps dev she basic acid ##istocene ##ellow teth paleoproterozoic applied constrained trends ##hedral combination open particles shape hosted sulfide clearly proportion overpressure pleistocene blu coupl kore vs μm ##ily ##sl ##ha ##high ##oral ##ash ##istral ##lusion marked accomp seismicity granitic sinistral transg heavy researchers separates sciences schist outcrop rhy power pathways outcrops pyroly 01 87 eur f2 sa yellow ##ires ##mental ##ritical pli hazard colum belong determine estimate cycles reactions hanging kbar help canyon accompan euras 27 lid lip rank xen ##ls ##10 infer andes ##tered ash acqu ##atible ##atite intro intrac intense 2020 paleoge cratons nearly cement examples traps argu tanz dyke frequency exhibit authors coefficient reference assessment aggregates little docu 43 free gent ide myr trough wench ##set ##hf ##rees indices phen becom strongly feature reaches leading younger superi tanzania 00 dry dhar f1 h2o phan sno tab δ56 theory ##acity ##mple force dext ##ruction conte ##matic mature recently stresses ordos ##ief floor 150 planet horizons experiments buil reconstructions established mongolia minimum granitoids 48 ach duc position ur vie xiao ##ping ##pite ##ns ##lies ##gs ##60 ##orb ##oles conducted onset ##atively evol ##ggar despite histor primarily ##ava stratigraphy laminated interbedded junggar oxidation principal predominant yuert apparent korean gentle dextral view 38 91 lx ray tp ti uk wides ##pread ##lig ##ku ##bric ##ored coorg ##oss meta ##ending northeastern lithology impro paleogene physical rivers fields records points decreases oldest analytical convergence absence rapidly engine phaner ductile widespread 39 critical eas emp fast gal gam pyroxene ##bas ##ze ##12 ##onal ##ili repl chen ##ograph former ##apor until canada ##view assum decad sets volcanism conclusions considering latter effective classified asia geomorphic conductivity yanshan function exhumation assimilation called phanerozoic certain jap sg ##lac ##ened ##ics ##asts geometry subst interval meg surfaces extru observation ess 2015 movements 110 intrusions covered karoo ##awat ##rystall invol revealed responsible axis half kinem difficult chlorite lxf 46 cases hree lines nec national sides sensi ##po ##por ##kiw ##oria ##ings ##ido champ ##aga alt having grav ##ush discontin fluvial ##ible prism deeper transform rupt reached reactiv classification experimental semkiw succession varying creep narrow recognized rotation microscop veins weathering australia ##lomer devonian discontinu bit count fer now rim sites tong ##day ##usion ##wele step chron ##amination ##izes subducted ##mafic extrem distal 106 ##cheon ##ensional potentially mudstones smaller remains largely reflectance ##mmet compressional namwele banded gabbroic possibly anorthosite laser ##entioned ##restrial icp coupled wenchang dharwar champawat 55 dated hill pur via ##ik ##nw ##su ##aus ##vals ##fa ##welling ##men ##13 ##enes tom today ##outh real chemistry proble begin enhan moho ##earc left implications expos hydrous foliation terrac 2000 crystallisation cratonic support ##rown background relationships karst apenn iii segment ultramafic yingge breccia massif semkiwa 56 53 52 hem lies mol mine tens var ##oritic ##art forearc sus chain ##resh scoria ##mont height propag representative equi ##ogeneous products final simple corresponds focal exceed spectrom debris interaction economic pliocene necess yinggehai 1a dar hong kim log mouth pel sib ##usi ##zh ##qing ##tiles ##anc ##arp ##reh ##through ##imin coinc chap ##tically ##china ##tingu compreh ##ended extent extrac petrochina ##luded ##lish seawater significance planes investigations intrusion leads shortening elong tectonically fo2 nanan plutonic reduction juven uht published 73 bay dest eocene kep wind ##la ##ton ##zp ##76 ##ji ##oric ##antit insi ##itation ##tional ##ura ##agne ##ologies ##ismic mob disp distingu quantit terrestrial domain 2016 complexes rutiles palyn imag latest polar reaction landform breakthrough foot bpzp techniques sealing yuertus chapter 34 aim da et gr tru tensi δ18 ##rite ##cline ##ira ##hyd ##agh who plain arch metal accomm southeastern paleol phot appears applic ##ospheric sandstones agree original drilled containing estimates caprock peaks config occurring metasediment accompanied juvenile tensile accommod 2d 89 800 best gdf hots mch pied run yet ##be ##erical ##ict inher ##uma motions incomp mete 206 plateaus changing concord 2012 similarly characteristic environmental comparable 120 ##uchuma paleohigh additionally travel closely alkali edc except geosyn cumulates tremors restric convection america okcheon produce detachment decades japan rupture kimber hotsp mchuchuma piedmont 75 away ful fund gul jin jud sens self vi ##oal ##uce ##len ##ying ##wall ##ontin inner ##acts reverse ##agic ##ird indiv next diamet parental temporal crystalline ##rope originated ##ometer ##ometers continued thrusts drift curve synth driven hypothesis predominantly engineering comprehensive footwall 54 dra hp hund ten ##ior ##ition ##yb ##kom ##ga ##ban ##bei ##tiary ##enting ##ishan sty mad ##vers see ##abut ##izhou metall extensive 103 consisting again tertiary outside image portion producing know emplaced provinces load required reconstruction consequently zoning holocene failure reason documented urban substanti darabut 206pb hundred 37 97 brown did ever lakes mkom nne ping tt ##eed ##ead ##oh ##dc ##ix ##sis ##wide ##wise ##bul ##bod ##alt ##asing tool stret seem plumes highl ##izing dioritic enc ##eria crit ##illion volati prepar systematic ##ressed constit variety longer reduced investigation influenced intrusive special greenstones surveys successions involved worldwide response explained confirmed tianshan scoriae incompatible ##ontinental diameter stretch 88 bond dat dome fam fossi pri sang til wul zhu ##iated ##erve ##aneous instru ##olo ##sively ##cep ##omen fabric ##ritic acad mode intervals 2021 cores upwelling complete ##yroxenes track means curves causes parameter scienti interpretations lufeng downstream program sulfides youngest tectono started possibility anticlinal borehole visc phenomen essential configuration academ kiw mound sn wan warm wdc ##ias ##nant ##loc ##lay ##ging ##22 ##inan ##ories ##ice ##sts ##etrinite isab ##ratig ##osing atm ##uto diver minib ##usinite recover 105 explo changed pressures bounded mica design silicate oxides measures thinning guang guizhou numerous numerical geother electron pyroc semi terrane obviously gneisses instead reducing signature volcanoes discovered turbidites sheet keping kiwira isabel minibas hi ncc opp util umar vug ##xic ##na ##nor ##ffer ##ym ##zi ##jected third ##atch ##olitic ##rupt prox beha submar ##ystone disloc ##ysics volumes lithium facil providing coron ##part limit controls eastward ##hewan bedding keystone correlated hydrogen diagrams loess nihewan require focused establish metasom ##going attributed pyrolysis acquired becomes yanshanian sgt sensitive agreement individual 250 62 bal city gond gpa mentioned ra spl ##cal ##sor ##ery ##tial ##aland stor forward rework review align ##iri ##chist ##opol hainan colour closed encl ##itive 104 ##rete partly 196 representing construction suppor ##uchi define ##temp geothermal partially 130 apatite reconstruct extends extending inverse ophiolite overla predicted boreholes reflects offset geochronological 86sr front coastal lineaments tethys 87sr argued insigh dispers etc inherited mkomolo gondwan 04 dull ques rb rig rough solution ##ijing ##tes ##ah ##atics ##gan ##titial ##orpor ##any iner ##itch ##ulating iss make ann allu beijing ##ude ##char indep faulted evapor incorpor ##ape sampling mexic lithological add ##ostratig signal metamorphosed distributions reflected directions 2014 association importance perido lesser identification capacity intruded textures namely kaol eruptive illust uplifted morphology ##804 triggered interstitial industrial huangling independ ae coun morb olig pc rhe sak ##sw ##enari ##enesis ##alc off ##oring ##iguchi mapping ##agou ##iform alread existing seven ##cheng ##emi ##ologic scenari spin quite cao silty decomp condition conclusion ##pects periph continuity guo initially caprocks concentrated baal law progressive thermodynamic anoriguchi eruptions geophysics ilmen exhibits dependent assig evaluation tested siltstone tuff ##ocrysts transgression column superimp historical gammon distinguish restricted submarine inertinite already ilmenite 03 49 42 58 67 95 99 jian kal lree mc m6 pers right ##uang ##cent ##inter ##ury ##olc states sun chao anoxic began extern ##odetrinite interg interface interior weigh calib secular horemi remote ##ledge folded ##valent affect 238 respect existence depressions subsequently uplifts considerable siliciclastic signatures comprises indicator indicators populations diffusion mineralogy eurasia achieved evolving extrusion metasedimentary meteoric mexico 44 41 78 apart gk herc mpa ngs pack s18 t4 tonal xu xing ##ware ##47 ##erian ##tice ##ital ##eler ##ett shoal proced alb attemp ##aps ##max abrupt slate match meters acceler leak ##ynian 2010 compositional orogeny eclogitization superg opening angular biom turn slabs supercontinents link dynamics weihe lamina cumulate african allowed akan consequence pair regarding blues δ56fe easily terraces ##artment application wulaga pyroclastic behavi hercynian s1876 93 aut kil ##xing ##tely ##wn ##wa ##bly ##areous stag dem referred ##rum pros compressive contamination diamic enab ##roup ##rustal reli metals teph repe calcareous terrain transfer became thicknesses follows foundation descending decreasing himalayas reflector simpl correlations climatic petrography songwe greatly gabbros gradients 219 existed regimes contribution err segments release batholiths commun exposure necessary prior alluvial chaotic external 238u 02 dig heter nil nuc nank pu pul prac pass sizes year ##ey ##cing ##iagou ##kn ##bo ##by ##bers ##erts ##arch ##lement ##oll isol mapped suites sufficient ank ##umines ##ector department ##emurian ##ract ##plate rece scales underst adak simulations thickening corrid sinemurian majiagou others united completely reserves characterised generate ##huhu ruhuhu bedrocks additional primitive hubei wavel solutions optim landsl dolomites starting integrated technique examined joint uncertainty introduction paleogeography context funda sensing volatile storage gondwana oligocene superimposed leakage biomark nankai cp dim dil fiss fresh her kun lava mts pip qi rod sph ##etic ##pen ##rates ##lation ##ymmet ##hac ##environ ##acy making shan chall baspa project aluto atten ##000 ##ians enter modal modified lived spor ##ficial fe3 processing calculations included majority domains ##inson ##xture ##ventional bedrock eroded descri eclogites localities six limestones degrees elastic thermo illite rhine weihai altered morphometric ##sonite batholith cutting anticlines graphite episodes muze concept varied ##zhong elongated facilit rigid roughly supergroup ##uminescence receiver 05 84 aval bes bra batch cres date duration jing o3 pan xi ##cular ##wal ##mada inside ##arms ##itational ##rost ##ished took isost ##imen sund ##ateg anth ##ify resist diorite envelop interlay dischar uniform ##elled meuse lithologies upstream vertically 2002 ##itudes normalized 1500 mesoarchean equation decreased reflectors continuously valleys breakup absol dominantly driving edge frequently penet coeval narmada recognised promin operation proportions diamonds microscope summar industry cluster jiangsu improve galula assumed gravitational extremely apennines siberian extracted concordant fully juding dislocation overlapping spinel understood avalan 3a 3b 85 94 aqu ake gps hett ion mis nnw retro tai ##ds ##cut ##lou ##ave ##ker ##31 theore ##esting ##ature ##ara ##reat too ##aces ##itherm sha asymmet always onto ##angian lowest moderat modelling intercal unli arri ##wei able ##ype account ##ermost underpl deeply 197 2011 ##blic tract 128 swarms grouped meso ##continental diagenetic affecting epitherm polish covering 176 ##nanhe serpen classes named tanlu yielded wufeng depletion measurement depending interactions aggregate confirm summary demonstrate chengnanhe denglou xenoliths intracontinental tabei tomography beginning susp metallogenic pingq fossils geotherm ##opolis kaolinite independent stagnant diamictic absolute prominent hettangian epithermal denglouku bran bad crac fission ji kom mb m2 omp s0 wj xr ##rise ##des ##hes ##mit ##4a ##96 ##23 ##1a ##19 ##ont ##ero ##inia ##ans ##arh ##rec ##lex ##active ##ective cong condu deform sud suite ##ilies ##ogram ##romatic ##change resid comprise ##utes relief marl ablation recrystall seismological cave adm 109 thicker foliated refraction signals ##ieve folding equal separate 180 giant sulph landsc division precipitated else ##ensively monit eruption transported requires ##roscop damage ##dfires ##166 bands situated grabens restored relev saturation interbeds na2o graphitization geochronology software intraplate wilson accurate purp enhanced hotspot families sangla exploitation rodinia avalanche moderately pingqiao branch omphac 1b 59 aromatic cco dai eust fu gyp grid ht k2o kind os pic pir pdf sant take wat ##ean ##oke ##uous ##nos ##aid ##back ##17 ##asil ##acing station ##rade ##osites chief proj ##omagne ##chuan ##ries subjected usa item spot quanti feed prone ##obar heating discr soil accumulated macro waves partition microstruct influx 177 schem lique europe niu ##dings prediction ##162 uplifting evaluate collap released barri lineament mineralogical kinematics tensor propagation style scientific ##olcanic tonalite tephra sudden 57 700 dan feng go genetic hard iv kh loss mw nm osc qaid round vic xm yimen ##pine ##rat ##ump ##qi ##jin ##aster ##urr ##etry forces ##imb shi shot sharp cham ##romat altit once ##ockwise ##ria ##riate ##oted plant ##ested ##lump neotectonic mining parag ##ushan slop weight accreted note detected detection ##ords implies organism marginal century ternary concluded limb orebod 2007 ##ropriate imm determination assembly localized trapped magnes deglac useful reveals euhedral brasil ##where taking geomorphology pluton flooding plotted uhp alternating tendency wildfires ##radation catal cruc saf liptinite reactivation bituminous problems equivalent constitu atmospheric dispersed peridotite pairs corridor conglomer oscill qaidam 06 07 61 ban cf dou fusinite han luminescence pi pam tc tam yur ##oph ##ctive ##sk ##aves ##ya ##has ##wing ##mb ##9a ##alen ##orn ##anning ##rogen ##isite ##etric suffer rev shang ##rus exs exchange what ##udu ##chang resol ##seismic cold modification modelled marks artic ##earth fractions seismology strat calor adop adsor petrogen characterize genesis ##titang appropriate ##oche 2017 head desert compare fractionated 125 newly swamp imjing determining zhen clayey drg estimation reaching ##faction erosional epic dense progress extended resource erupted oriented overlap agglomer gradual falls ##organ ##clinal laterally overpr debate circulation anorthosites tuf weathered demonstrated connected xinxing acidic kinematic window mobile paleolakes ttg instrument viscosity split weighted fundamental crestal discharge komati chiefly liquefaction niutitang deglaciation imjingang 77 900 ast air ey pn tagh ##ril ##range ##uo ##lin ##yu ##kwa ##hots ##went ##bia ##3a ##erion ##enov ##asting ##enth ##ising ##urb ##olar ##olian ##ulu statis ##mpor ##ocent aspects basically alpine acous ##seong ##abil compac ##istent highstand ##ained ##ainan dips subduc intensive uniqu ##less sampled ##ipel underwent granular believed expressed ##faceous constitute ##lude greens upon decay amb reduce oilfield rukwa grainstone diagenesis huainan findings ends salinity crosscut absent bright roer coalfields suprac author needed qinghai risks vein zoned okhots plays protolith remained homogeneous blue transgressive hazards eurasian taboche contempor ##rystalline altyn chronology spectrometer true gulong knowledge loading substantial ##bulak criterion description sundaland intercalated serpentin relevant daily collapse chamber crucial pamir yurt ##earthquak calorific petrogenesis tuffaceous acoustic okhotsk 66 83 cn cell drop ef ning nag nosing pill san soci tin trib tmax ##of ##cy ##iph ##shed ##bur ##14 ##jia ##inted ##alopolis ##asc ##eless ##elves ##elinite ##theless ##acc stations conj read shield anhui alone alps white ##odal ##ously computed earlies highs indeed nearb relation ##inating prefer developing expan simulate explore comes ##ochron glass construct precur strati straight zhou defining find specif employ occurrences describe ultim almora yields emerg evaluated operated reflecting trigger geosciences crushed tethyan planetary building ##kule assuming megalopolis discontinuity hemipel molyb hongseong pelagic geosyncline kimberlite ##cepted minibasin proxy insights annual albite isolated biomarker fissures akekule ##recipit monitoring safety png yurtusi earliest nearby molybden 08 550 dab efficient fit fil finite gric just java ku lav mil rob sq sid serv tash tulu wus xiang ##pan ##sm ##sal ##app ##yuan ##inian ##istic ##uru ##thrust ##ules ##ithm ise cour coex coher asc prol ongoing ##ode ##chists ##rie resem plots contacts dikes ens moye inclusion mineralisation regular ##duced scat southward maintain extensively imply 1016 explan reprecipit phyl fractured calculate concer ##pective microp ##times ##xtap 2009 shearing stronger oxic swarm remark drenov mesoproterozoic causing combus syncline affinity affects baj dissolved ##ffici surrounded unconformably elevated overlain streams currently buoy predict diapirs contribute poorly plutons promote satell integration juxtap ##orafa broadly episode algae belongs idea δ56f xiaoer ##lacial prisms microscopy bitum tongshan hills quantitative synthes seems highligh phenomenon utilization coronae reworked enclaves ##ostratigraphic sakorafa scenario laminae kilometers repeated digital besides theoretical s0166 recrystallization landscape eustatic 177hf slopes article subducting greenschist tribut expansion specifically buoyant 76 72 az bh brac dt done eth fric flex gad har jia kyan lis qig tang tensional wood yi ##pur ##otic ##uth ##uting ##lo ##tan ##frost ##ken ##kou ##giri ##hore ##entical conventional forest cohes ##rating ##osen sum revers chong chosen ones ##phere accepted ##opyroxenes plastic ##ctu ##andong never diverse subdi ##ussi ##ade modul ##mafrost fluctu underground preferred prevail notably ##fications impacts expand ##una simult calculation itself ago esp ##time associations permafrost infil identical zhong zhao ign termin termed separation trap orthopyroxenes weaker weakening glaci adjust loh monso platforms road cumulus groundwater coars depends eventually spectrum appearance operations integral availability risk visible advances algor geoscienti uncertainties sheets rhyolite columbia superior emphas ##basin county breakthroughs δ18ow tilting address counter pcd decomposition heterogeneous nilgiri wavelength unlikely underplating omphacitic waters altitude ##uduhe splitting ##rangement pillow lavas wusong kyanite subdiv simultaneous 09 2a 69 79 930 bt bim ko lt mich million pure pse qian roll ss tn tap tio2 wens wnw yuan ##pts ##ren ##riding ##uces ##x20 ##las ##ax ##fz ##kh ##gou ##gam ##hr ##anced ##ica ##ito ##itable ##asma ##ela ##urn makes cop coord dehyd shift chains chalc anti beam ##opyrite geotectonic places plasma depocent ##inea ##atit grapt mole modes disper ability recyc recei meand lie analog scanning unde 207 overriding expression repro report melange ranged strikes mixture dominance flank precision 2006 oxide remo paleoearthquak transient gave guinea reflectances poly carry contrasting cm3 workers unconformities ##regular channels subsalt wuhan ##clines ##ercial upwards axes instance approaches americano rising commercial irregular humid ##yeong geoscience clusters concepts paleogeographic replacement reactivated ##ancy palynological landforms trun against questions evaporites aeolian periphery blueschists reliable ankerite pipes envelope retrog deformations sulphur ##omagnetic organisms ##rusting unique hemipelagic tashk combustion δ56fem pseud wensu chalcopyrite 450 71 cam full gover kut mem nit nand pyroxenes puduhe s3 sill yong ##ras ##oil ##ooth ##down ##uary ##lites ##fang ##kinson ##gm ##man thole inert toarc ##urally devi ##idis ##oses ##iled shu cho propp exact seas ##omorph access geol plun compound ##aka haw happ ##emational ##estration induce color gravel clockwise ene intensi incision ##erial interfer arid ##orphous accoun spacing indicative extra caled detect distric applications signif ##ochina decoupl longitud transformed esc amorphous directed sequestration discord discrete manif perform ##ailidis accumulations ##lands initiation microb 14c investigate pollen confined alkanes property angles april feldspars serve 1996 gneissic wedges syb symmet hangzhou offshore comprised protoliths algal remaining chengdu actual reasons involve involves ##point spectrometry gulf hundreds highlight encoun stretching datas alignment supporting attempt behavior nucle public dilat anthrac resistance wjob ##nostic vicinity ##urrence adopted molybdenite siderite reprecipitation chongqing infilt lohaw wusonger bimodal michailidis retrograde tashkorgan tholei toarcian 68 74 760 amal bil cle dal dur jan jul ken lag lif lens latit mn nc none pum put pull rar sod umb van words δ47 ##pal ##iting ##ipl ##aun ##fect ##yin ##51 ##most ##33 thrusting ##orites ##icular ##ats ##rep ##eli ##olu ster ##imination sust ##ilian shandong ##mentation beh whose ##que ##abase ##aya ##fort ##lun indochina nepal clasts suboxic enough preserve arti continues sliding web collection recurrence ##ozoisite underl underne caves modeled ##reek observe sands uppermost concrete 2013 smooth quartzite generating bedded zhimin accumulate contained portions ##oclastic macroscop causative combining solar 160 clinozoisite schists adjo activation anorogenic brid classifications neglig exception created palaeoenviron emission kumaun axial unclear asthenospheric convective deltaic population regarded c29 homogen rhyolitic pyrolytic becoming altai discontinuous extreme apennine hemis coincides destruction imaging accommodation geosynclinal academy diverg opposite ##normal reconstructed rheological lawsonite landslide dimensional kunlun sporinite purpose magnesian oscillatory agglomeration society conjug satellite geoscientists molecular undeformed proppant hawai caledonian longitudinal anthracite umbria underneath 3804 750 82 bord clump ding fill fug fix gh germ hr ho hod hinter lob nose owing pick sized sector tsc vill wet xia zd σfe ##dele ##ler ##lian ##sd ##yite ##54 ##gi ##gkinson ##68 ##24 ##28 thresh ##tian ##asy ##asł ##rog ##roph ##ste ##ections ##ocian ##ocarbon ##ima ##ceed ##osh ##osinian rey chond ##ogran ##tica exists ##irito ##oma ##cham acts geometric plains ##ays induc indosinian parent entered ##adian interest ##wek regression coaly abnormal metab valid seismogenic scl speed gases voluminous undergo ##ung explains conserv sometimes ##gener ##rought ##wards gliding evolutionary origins pegm rifted measuring collisions remov zheng planets accordance ##oclim diagnostic elemental synclines species covers glacier biod argue effectively dolomitic stead details monz brine frequent currents takes focuses damasł islands contributed 1988 ##angea conducive standards siltstones breccias examination radiocarbon irat fronti accuracy andesitic built microscopic problem aims metaluminous paleolake accommodated criteria preparation fabrics phenomena vugs metasomatic supports incorporated illustrated assigned calibration challeng attention isostatic interlayer aqueous suspended baddele santo discrimination ##ratonic shanghai exsolution astm supracrustal prolific bajocian brack cohesive espirito monsoon algorithm trunc members encountered lohawati amalgam january behind negligible hemisphere clumped hodgkinson threshold 2b 350 5a ara aalen billion brought ci cs carn categ dp get gns hz ns nod peng ram rand tre tel veg wsw yue ##rints ##xian ##ii ##lined ##sely ##awek ##fir ##ko ##keli ##mu ##29 ##83 ##ło ##inate ##inary ##ants ##anite ##ices ##atan ##itte ##isition stack ##sities ##imetric ##imuth ##terly suess asl exotic ##phase ##otes ##ichang geographic placed compatible ##atites norm norway dike grading suba subject subbasin waste ##acements una unkn arrangement sli ##ysis metap metav liang seismically ##gguang 2022 cai implic characterization ##achian km3 thereby corro centre sink sinking deformational conclude transverse similarities ##augh deserts flowing ##ambers propose 129 shallower immedi planning mesh ##yright superp locality accordingly initiated productivity 144 polym polished coverage give migrated care aug delamination works success 1997 textural pyrope inverted ##ylon create steeply analyze ledong trenches functions comprising identifying discovery acquisition introduced intracratonic cementation country kimberlites hotspots synthetic minibasins question procedures community ##board cpx qiong penetration arrival microstructural rounded adsorption zhengguang compaction explanation bitumen azimuth koło ltd tnco copyright removed paleoearthquake nitrogen julian pumice artificial fugacity hinterland damasławek baddeleyite aalenian gnss random veget unknown metavolcanic immediately 64 aw bg box bending cou cass came dens eight gently hm mer mang mree merc mush mylon ng port pangea qob qilian tes tight ze ##eth ##equ ##pend ##uy ##col ##iro ##tectonic ##yond ##gr ##hanic ##wu ##wac ##bi ##zhu ##66 ##69 ##3804 ##26 ##onn ##onan ##onoun ##inist ##inned ##orption inactive ##arg ##itect ##asion ##urated isochron cov ##osol ##iling chec ##versi ##ressively beyond search why ##umed ##ches ##chel ackn resis geograph complic ##akh ##ranular subpar subhedral subcontinental enping moving sedimentological intr ##osive marls interesting unre abc ##yssal wegener recomm structurally obli seismogram scope northward underg occasion lithot cav lei implying paleomagnetic 107 1012 pronoun ##achal ##iversity somewhere centers assam ##ochemical variability december 1950 domes longm ##dusi controversi traced flo 2004 2003 supplement derive swath averag obtaining correct magnet ##issue converted chemically particle ##shankou weakly glaciation masses porphyritic injected waveform progressively favour kafl successively spreads 1984 situation erlian selection refers increasingly allows ##ercoil ##hera distinctly tazhong ultrahigh rotational bathonian satlu displays qingshankou summer committe ##coal exhumed episodic hypothes dengfa catch accurately xiaojiang replaced gravimetric terrace exceeds palynology architect runs styles madrid ttgs tools 1303 issue guoqi package s18763804 error errors communic practice adakitic xrd administ barrier xmg immature tamatan nagercoil course coexist gadhera tapti inertodetrinite district adjoining bridge conjugate fixed village metapel ##pendicular ##wacke acknow subparallel pronounced kaflang committee architecture 1x 5162 81 av apl ben bor bank creek din daw ew era gan gel hok idusi ls lre lad lign lost og om ps pyr positions rv rain rose russi sse seric t2 vapor wen yao yub yili yela εnd ##eismic ##pd ##pro ##path ##cumul ##sometric ##vl ##va ##58 ##500 ##gpa ##hong ##bt ##bor ##zen ##91 ##qian thous ##erp ##enge ##aly ##alerite ##atus inland ##iterite ##asi ##letin ##lemented ##urbed ##thm styl forcing ##igu ##igm cooke ##idal suitable reun shen chambers ant ##aminated fair ##anges ##angular acted compiled basinal ##ands tectoclase ##atiz contraction ##iance neigh incons mars marsh mineralized ##weg abyssal uses geologists flux sourced mainland ##raphical develops extraction overt lithic leuc added believe fe2o3 explosive ##enshan applying ##vier isotopically ##pecting silicates limits constants comparing preced generalized perpendicular crystallized soon infr evident ##rowth accumulating displacements nww magnitudes microf baode polyc conflu gives discuss apd describes biological biogenic closer electric brines tancheng radio geomec bulletin tectonism falling hypsometric emb 1986 proximity listed circular excluded oxidized visual geodynamics ##huihe yingcheng radiogenic networks ways ##irect played attribute assimil ##anese tends turbidite rhythm lips ideal tpi improved ##ographs 1064 equipped mobility imagery chapters drawn ##bulake ##cepti recoverable proxies balance reworking insight assign interglacial autom prospecting enabling sphalerite braided summarized 176hf residues schematic orebodies catalog conglomerates banks suffered contemporary emergence dabie coherent maintained phyllite remarkable reversals glaciers simultaneously dehydration meandering δ56femag compounds microbial sclm removal carnian slipping vegetation cassiterite undergone longmenshan supplementary satluj russia cookeite reunion aer ded fm fed gong gyeong ham kor kam lm lun ml mal pt pang poz ssc sense t5 tent tip ven vast xians zk δ13 δ66 εhf ##pect ##ring ##oyan ##do ##uk ##cm ##late ##limin ##sum ##shui ##af ##vent ##vil ##flow ##kit ##hood ##haps ##bon ##bility ##zn ##zol ##35 ##25 ##jun ##enite ##orting ##anian inorg ##robe ##urned ##acion ##econ ##ulty ##ray ##osc sut suqian shelves chert chromat ##ags ##agasc ##versed ##ructive ##ifer proto proceed excess seated ##oms ##oming action ##seous comput compilation ##ema indones indirect grades subdu relict intended mark intermit disapp ##ductivity obj accounts regionally scar spores ##asequ 204 strateg volum prelimin occup overview faces distant disturb paleopro 108 processed assume assump ##obi deciph 1970 condie ##berton horst reduces precise perhaps 1200 continuation firstly remnan ##standing ##avation westward palaeoproterozoic numbers ##ogenetic huge anomalous localization tradition traject capture technologies 165 optical alkane migrate scho instit precipitate dolomitization 40ar 1995 1992 1998 universid 2500 semif root 214 edges orientations buoyan start starts spectra cuts allowing broken powd 708 paired excavation timesc broader predominance radius frontal huminite massifs john skarn skinned ##lomb helpful andesite ideas achieve extrusive involving ferro rimmed chronological 526 quantity daqing 894 fuling madagasc every ##ohl wanjiang guangxi aligned scenarios peripheral blueschist simplified landslides herberton challenge attenu 1289a mbuy gypsum gypseous ##ski revolution constructed filter ##rief scattered highlights signifies infiltration tholeiitic lenses nonetheless germany ##rophic inductively metabas biodiversity treated caiwei ##aughter coulomb resistivity cavities catchment antarc neighb pozzol xianshuihe inorganic intermitt paleoproductivity remnants madagascar mbuyura 6a bru ball bacter brief cer cath cities civ dro eul fgpa kl k2 kine lunnan lrees m7 mor mus miss nine perv poss ran ring raw sam t3 tit till tied tissue v1 weld you yard yichang zamb ##eenth ##pic ##rically ##xa ##iop ##loy ##ses ##sel ##tagh ##yi ##02 ##bu ##ba ##64 ##44 ##34 ##2a ##11 ##ju thematic ##tification ##esite ##estim ##aling ##ator ##asio tow ##uric ##oli ##olid ##ece stromat stabil ##eto isop coesite dems ##iler ##ilent ##ilong ascent aseismic anhyd ##iff ##iforn extin seep ##otell ##otelinite resolved ##tings atlas geomet ##ables ##aking hade ##aying ##racted lowstand subtle moved ##usite presents coalification continue slo slaughter likeli spots spans undergoing californ distances paleose thickest ##ney ##tites ##erature trond agilent concave transferred interpol heilong ##berg bounding micaceous orders manj manner periodic ##encies 2005 pert ##huk originate methane infill methodology planation evidenced thinner directional wider travers synto densities glacio luonan divide kars delay contrasts petrographical crossing classical probable 1994 1999 ulm thermometry worth amplitudes invo 3000 cumulative wuxi buffer papers coeffici diapirism 1982 assessing promoted barren proximate paths circle american transportation demonstrates advanced connection lasted retention return ##kaido 513a skc entirely product econom xenocrysts andesites phenocrysts empir gamma enhance exposures suscepti exceeding extract destro imaged polarized substantially prepared bonds wanan atmosphere 1051a kepinga limitations issues intergrowth procedure adakite braz cracking conduct fuel picrite epicent komatiite ambient precursor employed ultimate microprobe xiaoerbulak tributaries prevailing graptolite nandan escape lago latitude rarely macroscopic divergent chondrite conservation brackish tests oblique magnetotell dawsonite hokkaido rvg yubei stylolites inconsistent embay gyeonggi preliminary semifusinite buoyancy euler possess hadean likelihood california heilongjiang coefficients 98 aid bs bin bend cc cab cvl cags d2 d1 don dac eg ese ecc eko gc gar gis gap gath hc h2 hall home hohl kv lying m5 mill mach merg mora nin oct pin pere peral pict ren s4 soc say sary sole satis tun tension testing tidal ub v2 winter ye zg zeng ##pe ##pol ##rho ##dy ##dra ##cting ##nt ##nel ##nam ##lor ##lap ##san ##type ##vand ##years ##5162 ##gn ##ged ##won ##with ##bian ##met ##mass ##90 ##71 theories ##eros ##tima ##ini ##alite ##orbed inn anders ##ashan ##astics ##lection ##ulsion areal ##owan ##imals maolu coseismic withdra ##raded ##idence react shell chrom cherts basan ##romole ##ama ##omes deploy hao ##ologically ##002 ##allic ##alleros mines ##uck clar enable intemational ##osilic marion dissem disacc aren abst chart charge charcoal lile ##ositional ##epositional underthrust preven notable lithologic ##ibei imprints paleosol expulsion proved simulated thickened hydrated changde come ##ostress phys melanges calcites transpar transmit explorers completed micritic topic tracks ##inesis discipl domination mechanic 2008 originating generations peb percent ##hua originates normalised noise ##heet supplied deriv switch featured garnets imbric planar defects enrichments meaning guide trivand separately 1100 ##tility macromole seamount seamounts finely 187 140 145 ended conversely giving yangzhou 170 dolerite luo karcham bias downward ##ompass turning ##ruption ##bedded probe probability hosts 1990 1993 230 thermometer experience roof radar successive drive weiyuan depletions exhibited distinctive liquidization fragmented embedded ##okinesis ##fully recognition surveyed consideration considerably operating walls targets junction 3100 rises anisotropic literature strengthening halokinesis triggering principle alternation alternatively 100083 examine radiolar hotter canyons retreat fans diffraction australian catast schistose evolve sensitivity tomographic siberia destructive polarity traveltime brownish everest encompass fossil tilted instrumental programs viscous recovered metasomatiz raj ##ahat illustrate accelerated behaviour prospects enabled pulse practical ankang optimized entering facilitated taiji asymmetric geothermobar ##eroon admi projection quantities european barriers orebody stratum epicontinental statistical serpentine stratified robust ethiop ##load adjustment subdivided rollback dispersion recycled received 207pb cameroon kutno plunging happened accounting life sustained underlain lobe nodules superposition geographical recommended occasionally spreadsheet metapelitic benue pyrrho sericite δ13c school powders sloven caballeros moraine saryu disseminated disciplines trivandrum pyrrhotite 96 950 aks bog bure bould camp cia dies dates dick dose eb educ gross gobi h4 h3 his hou hun hyb j3 jam kon kle ket kuru lan lou lang lear lia lanti mhuk ost oven pz push qd rail seri sap sank td tg vf wit wad ##ev ##pc ##pi ##oting ##da ##uable ##cz ##xin ##ious ##lip ##az ##aon ##vo ##volcanic ##fit ##09 ##5a ##kin ##gu ##hs ##hor ##huan ##bd ##bs ##bles ##bachian ##ming ##mark ##zo ##zie ##45 ##95 ##27 ##7a ##74 ##err ##esh ##esterly ##inting ##inations ##enada offer ##orth ##orient ##atories inform ##asive ##aspur ##ises ##elen ##lected ##acam ##stage ##ech ##imanite makit ##rak ##rand ##idation reord shed ship ##ogut ##ticed alumin bycz beishan ##udd ##chron ##ocks ##opores ##abor composite ##isted rocky ##forts diat diabase mind ministry evap subt subb wash moy unf ark ##astruct ##ypes metast liyang ##hanical spain spaced indication 203 204a prevent ##raphically ##ibai facility paleont paleoclim expon ##ensbachian tempor ##yna conspic ##oblastic calcic upb upwar deepest output presently interpre flower ##duce allen quarry volcaniclastic quartzites discer discrep dominates ##encing comparatively recording ##aea complexity ##alesi featuring immediate remnant claystones plants paleoenviron consisted equally guacam 112 eclogitic initiate cape microfacies 1668 influences conversion bao baogut 135 greenish reactive subsiding ##ankov apoph bioclastic downste turpan progradation insu shapes alkalic lengths rooted growing yielding ##house 280 dams steeper fragmentation contributing geomorphological appeared morphological colliding carrier explaining taibai instances saturated 260 napp circum confirms laboratories exclu slowly 4000 ##ierz intersecting advance discoveries clustered c27 homoh xinjiang powerful safe pliensbachian inferences histories empty sgc megasequ essentially countries fertility propagate necessarily logging distinguished quantitatively griff photographs applicable paleohighs recovery geotherms corona dispersal addressed ##ostratigraphy decompression perspective matched acceleration linkage passes passing wavelet conceptual isostasy anthrop shahe 176lu cracks jiu xrf residue elsewhere feedback scheme khond mwalesi paragenesis constituents conglomerate double resolve efforts precurs ultimately resemble ensenada concerning friction frictional flexural qige moduli yuanjiang sillimanite performance dataset publications bilaspur steranes homogenous zd2 ##ogranite frontiers amalgamation arabian implication merely intrins seismograms controversial favourable hypotheses acknowledge lignite ##pathic infrastruct polycrystalline radioactive geomechanical pangaea ##ville 204pb universidad antarctica towns manjar ulminite destroy brazil peraluminous pictures zgierz basanites abstract transmitted macromolecular 310023 catastrophic metasomatized aksu hybrid klein lantian mhukuru witness ##orientation byczyna evaporite conspicuous guacamaya baogutu downstepping homohop 320 656 ail afor berg ct der dun eq fly fran ffz gj gang h6 hano hind hier ike je kg kyr lv lf ling mun nue nie pet pond rio swe ssw tay vl vector xal xishan zj ##even ##ezen ##pu ##ped ##rites ##ule ##uate ##cov ##xiang ##iations ##ives ##sch ##tm ##genetic ##hj ##hist ##bong ##zhai ##36 ##32 ##75 thems ##erted ##tia ##ala ##nde ##orel ##icts inhib ##aran ##ita ##iter ##uria ##ollement stop ##eteenth conve forced cosm sutle shil shore shial shaking anast anhedral animals alas onlap ##phile orb ##riti attain geod company ##emite ##ementioned ##andine contaminated ##plic indo norite neither ##uca grande clastics mohr marche marking interfaces disaster unst uneven array math ##ellent collect recalc meter valuable scarp volt lee leon studying systematics impossi paleocene ##ortun ##aching foliations consumed somewh ##ober ##ochth variables ##parts ##gency otherwise decollement longyin outward estima amuria heated heezen seaward smith silicified topograph tracing dominate flash sheared perfect shallowing noticed strongest infilling swed determines clays charnockitic evidences ##ucheng primocryst ##landite defin porous guerr palaeoge keel solub capable finer concentric microg microst correlate correlates secondly detritus orthog weakened angel degradation lujiang deline petrogram describing reconc saline breaking breakdown scholar ##erto unconventional thermally ifc monte fourth sulfur sulfidation almandine bulge ##iquit ophiolitic edit supra supras lamell frequencies revealing spectral steepness nanjing nanhuan contributions northeastward collodetrinite barite ##nedy qualit spatially 3500 ##hara circulated ramps excellent halahat helps tianyang alternative calderas constantly outcropping equilibria radiometric ##omicrog human popular attributes failed actually greyish peats detachments coupling xenolith arguments 39ar discontinuities rims realistic coincide δ18o photomicrog concordia volatiles 884a scientists academic academia diversity sheeted opportun establishment colours rheology ##uanggou terrains nucl pipe sporad 849 envelopes misorientation geothermometry microstructures dana xmob swamps crosscutting contemporaneous cnpc readily milankov serves ##fficiency juxtaposed s01665162 tributary lisbon nevertheless terminology coarser coarsening decoupling discordance manifested clean kennedy palaeoenvironmental steady truncated cpx2 awata check complicated 1950s aplite borne thousands ##wegian automatic kamusite luntan tentatively disappear disturbances muscov pervasive welded ##estimated trondhj perturb karstification magnetotelluric h2s nineteenth october ubiquit disaccate transparent admixture bureau diessel sankuanggou vfh wadda reordering subbottom washing metastable insufficient anthropogenic jiujiang khondalite precursors aforementioned hanoi hierarch ikehara nuevo sweet taylor themselves sutlej shiala somewhat estimating guerrero halahatang tianyangping milankovitch muscovite 4a 5b 650 610 770 9a 980 bc bou cb dj dism dual echel eogenetic efficiency fing fenn faster h0 hith hess jiao jade kong kend kpd ld lock mut nu nq nom ol pg pear pao pitch roles sv sac sie sorted slump tas vib xp xue xie yin ør δce ##ptions ##pass ##dat ##date ##dated ##dens ##crustal ##iy ##ihe ##last ##lai ##tak ##tally ##yt ##03 ##ki ##gy ##hant ##mw ##mow ##mod ##myr ##jo throw ##onti ##onite ##erge ##orts ##att andean ##reatic ##enty ##ley town ##ectite stone static stored ##etallic conrad ##ocra ##iguous ##ident ##osa ##tinsk ##iluo rear sho shif shad asph aspect chess chuan chaon aliph alxa ##udes ##riatic acting acta ##ichon ##utri ##ranean ##plain neo lowto lowermost classic subord enorm relate moon moment moist sound ##ado inclined marble mineralised artinsk canadian metama span ##gged stronti prehist ##raphs quick overthrust calm ##etrog leg adriatic ##ificant paleoupl ##unk ##ached ##ensus phreatic consensus centro sinica calculating greece layering dominating longitude version arcuate explored hebei heihe ##aux micrite smb smow smectite allochth silicification mire traces tracts ##encias percol ##huang profiler fractionating notice perman firm importantly pointed ##lisional aftersh zhiluo claystone lineations equations thinly correction corrected 115 119 ##ogeneity ##pta postwar 1800 technical backarc investigating epma opa 1300 ##oxy sulu lands ##igenic luzhou karr petrogenetic downwelling breaks cm2 crosses greatest internally thermobar names inversions absorption linking seminal ilima themes supers overlies constraint ##oids ##oidal liquidus spectroscop references analyzing evaluating hfse promising collotelinite lithophile approximate ##yani ##fying debated instability ultrabas rotations powder ##shi ##sheng ##ewaka grayish flatten comparisons offsets alternate advant holes hypothe joints jianghan dongwan bohai belonging accompanying lidar troughs build viewed easy decade steps begins elongation insign polarization aimed archives photo systematically sangwon wanning warmer warming explosion metasomatism persistent calibrated auton optimization jointly biomarkers enters retroarc ##reatment arrivals marlstone projects discrimin sharply ##rogenic resolutions overprinted overprinting ambigu cells scatter juxtaposition syntheses qigbulak modulus emphasis recycling polyphase governed deviation choose decoupled discordant dilatation sodic sodium hawaiian ##sdalen categor telmatic yueyang ##first subaerial successful qiongzhu ##ethyl ##grina averaging administration coexistence dinar omura preceded confluence deduced korla venus δ66zn sutures subduct trajectories ferroan neighboring bacterial drops stabilize seepage empirical embayment macheng peregrina radiolarians hunan konary ketewaka louis railway interpreting megasequences shahezi infrastructure destroyed anastasio alaska unstable recalculated voltage impossible sweden solubility microstrain scholars editor washington fingerp hitherto kendeng nqo ørsdalen ##ocratic chessboard chaona aliphatic enormous artinskian metamafic strontium prehistoric ultrabasic insignificant qiongzhusi 1c 1km 370 7a 7b 8a 92 920 ah agency bom bang bak bai bks bigg bush buck cult cpo dk dg dous dau dhu dav elu eigen fen fel gy hy held hcl hrees h51 jang jum jelen kot kop ly lel lec los lyu lnt mh m8 men mpi nac nang nutri od oi oib osl own pit pent qm s5 sort sai s20 ts tk tet tree try tfe tsu uq ural ves vac wp wand xian yc zy zong ziro µm ##eep ##perm ##rd ##oad ##don ##dong ##ua ##ca ##nels ##norm ##litic ##lines ##lasts ##tu ##tonic ##aul ##vin ##fi ##fb ##fies ##ytic ##yao ##01 ##kal ##ktonic ##gang ##gurian ##hi ##ham ##wed ##words ##bling ##6a ##48 ##92 ##97 ##84 ##15 ##73 ##je ##onous ##onker ##erate ##erfect ##tives ##ese ##ino ##edeep ##ana ##atable ##rol ##issi ##elect ##inge ##leigh ##lect ##urate ##urization ##ths ##aci ##stad ##oup ##ulative stre storg ##etrically isog ##mps ##ocos foredeep cost copp ##cept ##ception ##radi ##osection shut chose chute ##aged ##agmatic ##ticular ##ifying projected onsh fauna ##angi ##angen ##umina ##umably ##rium ##ighter ##ights resin ##oplan formula atomic ##ques ##oushan compute ##therm ##therly ##utral ##antang ##emark ##veld highlands ##aysi ##izh ##racod ##geology ##006 ##alline neutral diop dihedral minimal paragne partings graded formationk subvolcanic ent sedimentology presumably ##adka modify incoming marly marker ##apes unp uns regressive slag slnor slices ##conn canon ##ersund crusts ##ipas living ##diya valdiya ##hans spo spore cryp undertak surficial quad overc overbur ##ards facing faculty adap implemented imperfect disturbed transt feo expect expose 10a ##ensely template appra silts ##amorphic refined refract variably deepening decline observatory 190 1960 longmen verified outstanding exploring hea complement ordered characterisation flan 2001 mechanically originally permit leveling ##ningar continuing 155 deriving cemented zhai planktonic drill patches primocrysts equator defines gui gupta globally separating multic displaced curved superc keep keels solely solonker traversed fining multistage 18o 188 simp correlating 162 1600 influencing synchron epoch epoxy hydrolog laur migm mediter abundances landward horizontally ##arkty amphibolites ##exp cmer ellip elabor ##mmyr working 235 thermochron keywords monaz ##uba ##awa ill benefit roots bull 210 groundmass ##ylene creating fars liquids ##flora denuded nanhua rcs 1987 ##itized promotes collided plotting conductiv 3571 292 differentiate mongolian pahs symple convecting excel excitation lacking graywacke oxidizing reflectivity kinningar connects irradi retre humic diffuse diffusi 6000 dongting dongarg greywacke turbidity crude ##ocrystalline book chlor opened proportional saus yellowish documentation positioned yuertusi rayleigh japanese ##points ##ushi fertile icpms molten variance ##ancing coinciding winds ##jiadian metasediments viet viii ##lenites dramatic hpg ##ixia constitutes stretched database tilt zhuhai vugand facilities ##irike kaolin independently jianfeng kali intergranular weighting packages accelerating repeti simplify heterogeneity pulver ##ractures fissure kungurian facilitate facilitates interlayered asymmetry asymmetrical unlike underplated 1975 conduit conduits purposes ##177 dani fengmu plutonism tamaul ##ophy adsorbed compacted preferentially fitted ensure remarkably xiaoerbulake bharkty flexure fluctuations expanding ignition watershed subdivision depocenter depocenters graptolites dispersive pseudosection govern seasonal interference accounted manifest symmetry datasets dilatancy dali durability exceptionally palaeoenvironment ghats picked monzogranite ciencias penglai normally subaqu corrosion corrobor 144nd polymetallic hmf mercara covar covari lithotype lithotypes ogna vaporization ##provin fairly overturned microfractures rhythmic fmi ##oscand chromatography volumetrically occupies assumption instituto timescales kinetic missing zambia isopach anhydrite extinction interpolation traversing economically susceptibility epicenter lagoon egersund innov anderson withdrawal chromite derivative ethiopian house ostracod moyar unfav discern apophysis exclusively intrinsic acknowledgements township jeol xishanyao convex angeles photomicrographs trondhjemite perturbations dismember fennoscand slumping ##hantuo subordinate legacy karrens spectroscopy hypothetical autonoma bksk doushantuo eigenval jangbong kopili leloup lntemational pentlandite s2096 tfe2o3 uqia storgangen isograd onshore paragneis slnor29 undertaken overburden refractory mediterranean symplec diffusivity dongargarh tamaulipas bharktya 0i 3rd 4b 420 440 5km 660 850 bally bind baux cd c4 cas cro centi cited cub cno c30 c31 cudd dm dict fri face fits frost gm gian garh hop hab hpp hole hold hinge ions ja jial kis kel kur kosi karn kail koh les liles laga lighter mas ming mack mds nig nav nrix oa ores pod pann pms pits qp que rural rings rules s6 sar squ stim sossi sided sara sorting ty treatment vp viz wo writ ys yt zo zou zinc zimb σree ##eong ##empl ##eties ##rig ##rif ##rally ##rint ##othermal ##dis ##ublic ##crust ##cun ##xis ##xcess ##iam ##iously ##nes ##nim ##lated ##long ##lature ##tar ##tlen ##vis ##volution ##fm ##fan ##fall ##ychel ##gon ##gar ##gis ##grained ##hm ##wd ##wich ##wack ##bos ##bound ##me ##mer ##min ##zew ##zbur ##42 ##89 ##qtagh ##78 threat ##ono ##erb ##inates ##eni ##ena ##aloclastic ##orable ##ato ##ataka inacc ##ares ##ared andre ##ente ##issions ##elian ##elines ##ingjiang ##lete tout ##uries ##thetic ##action ##sterite ##ectivity ##oule ##uly ##ulent sta stann condens ##mporal ##ocated ##ocarb fore foram ##igou ##imet mail coating ##idi ##osal ##tine ##tina shia share chu anzhai ##romb ##agers ##agarh ##mento ##ifers ##ifeng alves alumina ##resolved exempl seychel ##irt ##umbu ##ectors ##oto ##otype accept resur resting resinite respond ##opec formal plus ##abwe ##ematic ##istan ##istrib ##pps ##anda ##racting ##luke ##00002 induces northerly nee diorites park colored ##ucity clou subg subangular energe ##rustals relax moves ##ushu ##yster intensely ##adia ##adays modest ##apah interested dissi disag disruption unfort unexp unresolved aborted slick sl09 ##agement italy collec lijiang obduction obducted ##entieth team scarc spar ##ribed differs ##ozump indications 208 ##illary fluorites strict survi quies quasi ##ibility adequ adcumul implement fe2 characters expensive 102 1040 ##unhe hydrate temperate republic carbonization ##ostrom ##ostatic phosph phili appal cored centuries twentieth sinopec geologically refine signs blocked sandwich 195 193 volcan pressurization transm transit transects verte outline outbur outlined ##lise arcgis similarity heights ordinary redistrib mounted tracers potassic ##xtures management ##ieving ##enclature comparative mudsl muddy generative crystallographic crystallised ##ropel ##ropical complexities rule shallowly supposed supplemented permo orogenesis inflection grouping ##ovolc ##rows representation erodi terminated drif patch ecological maxima pbfz ##liable guid guantang palaeostress huai capt capillary finland lattice william multiphase concentrate ##valves ##isson 1858 143 synclinal syntectonic epei ##anoes knick cyclic finegrained poles confidence greenland hydroelect src migrating median dissol 175 denotes cart subsided dividing karak delim shortly contrary bivalves amphiboles closing prograde ##odiorite ##incing electro loop 1991 converging ##183 granodioritic sags univers absorb absorbed brdo experimentally tanan amplified elevations ##regation bulunk overlie constraining duplic dammed framb dependency authfir authigenic predictions nanopores 4500 diapiric emissions ##trained 1985 1983 eras erluke ##ugal geomorphologic 225 360 240 floods floodplain 00002 akin ak14 promoting attached debatable tapp spatiote consequent equilibration equilibrated bathym mswd 29i displayed differentiated paucity sy8 convincing principl lacks brecciated turbulent brittlen slower principally tianshui ##ennial examining 477 connect retrie humodetrinite regardless 60069 dongchuan dongsheng c25 catac boiling detached ##slope said intracrystalline evolves viewpoint 91500 galim ##basins ##basinal microscopically nowadays 55ma purple ##eneses realized enhancing backgrounds equival pelitic elongate kept ##agnetic mobil palynomorph grant δ18ocarb ##hydrous archae jinping viol 546 reasonable seemed prepare specialised designed ##northern balanced splay coloured enclosed 104i 1968 evaporation incorporate pcds attempts matches enables reliability 024 pulses fundament dimension jingzhou xiucheng penetrated theoretically wjfs divisions elsevier omphacite partitioning suddenly goias hardening vicente paragneiss parageneses hanjiang revised stratovolc komatiites statistics supracrustals effort glassy stratification xiangfan ascertain ascribed concerns synthesized harzbur ##ussian ignimb counterparts qianjiang coordinates antiform accessory extrapol symmetric involvement cleav sustain borders zd1 ##ogranites undergoes pegmatites steadily frontier manganese mercury ngozump portugal ##collisional unreliable floors averaged correctly s18763804183 communications gelification leucos electricity idealized catalogue hami computational indonesian indonesia indirectly scarce scarps strategic decipher traditional traditionally attenuated pozzolanic pozzolans intermittent intermittently ballast cathaysi civil k2e ##olidated geometries paleoseismic luonana dacite ecca tunnels deployed ##osilicates preventing pebble percentage imbricate boggy boulders dickinson kuruqtagh learned serious sapropel upwarps discrepancy griffin witnessed flysch ponding shilou orbital disasters perfectly palaeogeography qualitative sporadic ubiquitous echelon locked nomenclature pitchblende siexcess xuefeng asphalt moisture sounding ##etrographic paleouplift permanent flattened ambiguities categorized editorial bushveld dauph felt hyaloclastic jumna nangnim nutrients yc2 slagstad transtensional apprais simply laurenti monazite illumin conductivities irradiation vietnam covariance ##provinces unfavorable eigenvalue cnooc c30h cuddapah giants garhwal jialingjiang kiso kurile karnataka lesno nrixs written zimbabwe ##wackes ##bosch inaccurate andreas toutunhe stannite shiairike seychelles ##00002x energetic relaxation unfortun scarcity philipp epeirogenic hydroelectric bulunkole spatiotemporal principles brittleness stratovolcanoes harzburg ngozumpa 220 2km 2ga 3c 4c 4th 410 5g 540 620 670 640 730 820 9000 a1 ale aach aerial bn bon ber bent bam bud benth c0 cj cid clu c18 crest casc dd dw dian doz drag eph ech fc fal fang fusion gd g2 gon gate gir guan gained hil hno hik jins keral kati kii len lot lak lep lher md mv mj meng mio mno moss nen nuna ops pith pil pind prag pier pichon qiao rm rou rak rout son sav sieved tz tides tons tub tier vul virt win wal westerly wushi yak yun zak zhan zah zero œnorthern σ1 ##eb ##pdf ##pik ##rift ##rzew ##o4 ##otia ##dish ##cis ##cra ##x5 ##x10 ##iors ##natt ##lang ##s5 ##sak ##saction ##tran ##tai ##auc ##aiti ##aowan ##vic ##fes ##you ##kre ##kta ##kuba ##ger ##gaoshan ##hang ##wang ##bro ##bri ##bagh ##mes ##moun ##mber ##mund ##zz ##zberg ##67 ##98 ##200 ##82 ##140 ##79 ##713 ##jian thromb ##onally ##titic ##tified ##inor ##inic ##inion ##inities ##inte ##enen ##enites ##eness ##enish ##enzie ##aled ##ortion ##orro ##orland ##orwegian ##oragarh ##an1 ##anxi ##iciously ##atu ##aton ing inh inception ##arche ##arks ##itell ##ason ##rod ##ented ##isp ##isc ##isely ##isive ##elets ##eload ##ingbod ##ationally ##uri ##urai ##urangi ##ols ##oluminescence ##ollenites ##thrown ##acted ##activity ##static ##ulates stav ##etal ##eted conduction congo ##occ ##ocation ##ocean ##siari ##size fores forty forsterite ##igong ##igiri ##ower ##owski ##imer ##imeter maine maok coag coke ##vember ##ravel ##rative ##ider ##idote ##idden ##osystem suzhou suwu sukta rebound shao shixia chi chal chun ana anat ##run ali ##respective exin exerted sepik ##odepositional ##odoluminescence ##phant ##irong ##omon orange orono ##anger ##udi ##ripps ##erequ reson ##ople formul plac compens computer ##therlands ##utural depicts hai hawal ##alevolution ##emeral highland ##izachal ##play ##plates indus indium netherlands dia parad grad subprovinces entrained mohor ##ours incl incip martin interven interiors disinte unable unamb unified unrest unchang unmod unravel figures art arm ##uringip abb abiti users actively matth canals weirong ##ipated meishan liber seismo seismometer ##entific ##entials tex scre scot scripps spi spong spaces unders 202 20th fluvi preand prevalent developments notwith ##key overestimated lithotectonic granoblastic ##ickel lowerstand facult leu leave addi adria ##engshan eleven elephant ##ydney distortion paleotop petrol feas exped express 101 thank prerequ thickens ##title ##titlen reports organ ##ynam corner corpor ##luding rangan ##rocrystalline blocky blocking grew obsc sandaowan middleto ##ausible ##pectives desorption horsts reddish mie sequential compositionally limn oregon potentials mountainous extensiona manite manually managers flakes precious precisely muds people perylene researches 124 121 ruili rugged november fired continual continuum 152 158 151 bedload ##ova ##ovian remove remarks afterwards severe geochemically lineation ##onses igno lessons consistency ecosystem deflected transitions gaussian meltwater ##liu ##linear globe triple triangular trieb ##oclinal grainsize 111 hua huizachal 100ka assembled combine financ 185 184 189 sixt technological microcontinental peaked 141 investigacion epidote opinion 13c 133 reactivity hydrostatic climates preserves laid media weakness 173 luiz feldspathic aptian biostratigraphic biochemical downslope ##ovicic turned granulitic argand activated classically mediumto loo loi look thermogenic responses ##plex bring surrounds understandings links transporting beneficial statement 215 dried rh3 overlaps lamont penns ##ylv creates 60ma 6026 predicts reconstructing ##marian forelimb nonlinear narak narration narrative 1980 1989 1981 select cools cooled assessed ##wani needs surroundings ak2 attest collie considerations barwani conducting rotated rotating 2900 5000 yanfang displaying june circa paid sy13 excimer anticlinor episutural fillings zonation reflective kinna offscra intersection intersections advent advancing geochronologic connecting connectivity irrespective returned holmes remainder huangliu overpressures pubdat jiangnan dongfang produces difficulty transformational xinhe vsmow rhyolites 2774 xenocryst intracrustal dharm achieving historically formerly functional megac prismatic chronostratigraphic 553 problematic hematite tensors propagating exceeded logs pelle grt grass arched photos accommodate running fundingbod judiciously drake madurai metallic loads reasonably substantiated stretches dateload famous family mounds snow guangji guangya pyroclasts utilized coronitic requirements baltica raised 1963 ##ahmund issn ##charo peridotitic sakmarian tuffs transgressions distinguishable perspectives attempted abruptly δ56febt prospective pump sufficiently corridors cpi dimethyl herzberg shanxi descriptions batches jinghong panel sunda resistant summarise shaanxi 1973 1977 s0140 ##9600002x recrystallized landscapes kinds watson going ##rators ##urrent limbs brasilia doubt overprint komatiitic serpentinized ##jiazhu employing kuenen mild coexisting resembling explanations highlighted woody yijian reversal fluctuation expanded pillowed ##khid coordination antithetic reproduce δ56femin camer kutcharo ##omorphic intensified intensities intensification interferometry signifying nucleation biligiri dalong kenorland ##repres sterane webpdf divergence ##steep pegmatite monzodiorite challenger challenges cientific getting raman stacking liangshan lianggaoshan polymorph carefully augite august randomly denser mangar mylonites zealand ##irovic ##onnier interestingly domestic administrators avoid ganne ladhi psam rainfall ##cumulus confluences assimilated rhythmically ssc3 ##econorwegian ##ematical objective assumptions deciphering institutions timescale briefly ceramic cathodoluminescence civitell klc titan geometrical paleoseism intergrowths binchuan garsak merges socorro physic physically meaningful encompassing rajahmund geothermobarometers slovenian slovenia ebsd educacion jamarche diatoms paleontology paleoclimate exponents paleoenvironmental nappes feedbacks qigebulake kleinhans homohopane dunhuang francis munsiari vlfes ##puts cosmogenic mathematical reconcile suprasalt opportunity s016651629600002x luntan1 hierarchical jadeiti mutual pearl sveconorwegian tasman shadow noticeable firmly supersu louisville dhubri kotri nacl tetra tsukuba ##fiable overcome 1960s flanks supercritical synchronous migmatites bullard sausar repetition daniels government subaqueous innovative discernible symplectite centimet friend mackenzie nigeria square ##crustalevolution foramin exemplified acceptable slicken appalachian sandwiched verteb patchy guidelines electrodes tapponnier retrieval equivalents jinpingshan fundamentally cleavage sapropelic laurentia aachen bnf budget benthic clues cascadia ephemeral hno3 hikurangi kerala lenticular lakelets lherz nenjiang pithoragarh pilot pragmatic rakcham tierra zakrzew zahirovic ##sactionid ##transactionid ##mountain thrombolite stavanger maokou hawalbagh paradigm mohorovicic incipient intervening disinteg unambiguous unchanged unmodified abitibi notwithstanding facultad prerequisite ##titlenorm corporation sandaowanzi triebold pennsylv 60262 anticlinorium kinnaur fundingbody dateloaded ##jiazhuang yijianfang cientifica ladhiya civitello garsaknatt rajahmundry jamarcheura zakrzewski 2nd 218 5c 520 521 6b 810 9d 9b 970 aa aul adi aper aware arun ble bir bot barb beng bach bada briti c1 cin cie crop c35 dc dq dic dit dud dys dwar drained dorm edi edition ewing fr fs fuc fus fell gor gale gain gase gib gaps him hud hart io ib jus jack jaran kd ky kos kerg kush l1 lta lanc lizh my mot mct mian miao myan mission mosa nl nqu nickel oh o2 oolitic p6 pock pus pole pfl prad qz qtz qiang rf rol rul ros rong rene rome sen sst seld soz sche sks sydney tl tb t1 tide tau tie ut um vb wy war wack wyb wfb xs xiz xibei xifeng yy yh yul ββ δe δd μg ##een ##evity ##pin ##pura ##rations ##rings ##oi ##off ##dz ##uum ##uage ##cas ##xanes ##xibei ##iec ##ios ##ived ##ika ##nushan ##lam ##lia ##stin ##solidated ##t0 ##t00 ##trium ##aim ##ament ##vents ##fo ##fj ##fred ##fei ##05 ##57 ##ky ##kar ##guang ##guna ##hp ##wen ##wari ##wash ##worth ##bn ##mo ##mature ##zna ##zakh ##6006 ##43 ##99 ##280 ##86 ##130 ##1000 ##700 ##jock ##joy ##ontal ##onik ##erland ##tifer ##timal ##tism ##infor ##enaga ##alysis ##aloule ##orter ##orous ##antic ##icit ##icate ##ateral ##ators ##aturated ina intim inund inev inputs ##arte ##arta ##rel ##revi ##reci ##robl ##rozen ##entric ##isi ##elist ##eline ##ingly ##ingiz ##lead ##olan ##olic ##acities ##stan ##eclise ##uli ##ulties ##ulatory stated stere storm ##etz ##eters ##etches cones conform conven isack isothermal isoclinal ##ocal ##ocarp forec ##igenetic ##igranular ##imens mam ma2 cos coated code demar ##raiz ##oshib suction suga ##ila ##ilin ##illex reorgan reapp reversed reinfor shorel chishan chisi chingiz ##atexis anning anqing anton anatexis bastar ##ogens ##version ##tices alfred bypass ##amal ##amay ##amusi exert sept ##odes ##phy ##phth ##iring ##omed ##omagmatic ##chun ##chlin acces reset ##opping ##oponn ##quan geot geop plenty ##abases compl ##aki ##akan ##akov hamp haoms ##emiao ##ande ##estone contrad contours ##plinary ##luo ##0021 ##alled minute parker colder lows claim subj subhor subcrustal enl enst enigm rely relocation moore intact students ##adal incised march ##aping interruption interconn intercumulus intermountain unus unma unload slit slice slave ##ersed weiss ##iating ##ipe ##ipment charging ##ghai rechar metag mee meet ##ends ##enda lives structured seismologic scs scission scaling spanning springs 20s cry cr2o3 ##illini sourcing underwater surge notew quant lithostratigraphic lithostatic ##quaker mantles cau ##ibia lowering facts detecting ##orden imped impacted weller fei feather blank ##unam ##ginite explicit hydros ##netifer reposition mayile coming ##oster phyt apply appreci corp coroll midline consump centres fluidization assist assisted asselian ##oban ##athrust trillion ##partite differently sandbod decisive settle setup 19th 1931 1954 agent agate middlea glauc longevity matters exploratory southernmost developmental strip complemented micron northernmost mires sequentially limbe tracking ##ressional potassi discard domino flora 200m 200km peking perfor ##huo so3 so2 notion novel ##hexanes suppress 156 nearest poyang effusion strad zha zhaloule erosive erode eroding terminal accumulative consistently drastic equipment petrologic ##ameili thinking thinned deflection ##aving burden ##hnoi anticipated ##yclic tripartite 114 113 palaeoclim macrop macquaker huoshan huashan ##2o5 productive solve solomon trail traceable postulated magnified stratigraphically respective doi microcontin 1400 1633 resultant sync syneclise intrudes converge specified specimens baoban epimet epigenetic optimal cyclo greenhouse alkyl ortho orthoclase ##206006 migrates ##oxid 50m dissection properly provenances 30i carr angolan degraded lub porphyrobl karamay deliver delays delaminated ##olithic salts turonian schum ##rupted prograded insar insolu unconsolidated shaping electrically workflow probabil alkalis loose stein 23t ##inds ult textured monocl namibia favors brick kaur kaap kazakh 253 negatively transpressional radial dripping drivers rh2 rhenish ##odynamics orientated overloo requiring 300km 30024 30091 taklam exhibiting favored 282 2800 focusing duplex duarte ##oidi creation 6028 denudational solidification emit embod ##marks laba erd ergou erguna ##uga refertil cui cutinite cuoke assessments 228 245 morphotectonic morphodynamics promont attracted collage carriers vital vitrod stands operate segregation releasing linearity kumar conductive consequences ##nerable satpura interacted 290 291 297 2917 junctions approached frameworks naphth ##ciplinary ##ogeology concentrates 310 widths ##ews graywackes jumps ##7010 correspondingly kink graphical slowdown liupan 1000km ##210 irmm lasting retained protection prototype algeria 515 massively publish sealed england fluorescing clustering ndjock fails dongyu sketches apparently homolog difficulties icel korea 273 introduce document 437 myrs 009 positioning xiaojin improves improving easier galena replacing chenghai certainly megathrust ##ingshui altay gravitation transforming tongchang purification ##ikou reality realizing spectrometers economics honghe peloponn sibillini coincidence δ18ov 890 meteor concordance traveltimes judge sensu vii individ synthesis ##gaon 375 ##ixian encaps constituted databases prieto tectonothermal designated opposing utilizing requirement baltic ##calyr enclave 1969 1962 ##anyika incorporation incorporating peridotites illustrates counting counted sakoli distinguishing 67700 jianwu jianshi kalyani kalkre mcken mckin mcdon mcgar packstone xingwen procedia albian matching kilometer demand simplification isolation cpetro dilute herraiz spher sphere spherical cuttings summarize aquifer mislead serpentinite suspected geothermometer badain jiamusi mbt deforming sulphides picritic quantifying hardly shihong shijiazhuang catalyst catalytic constituent constitutive piec ##ophane exsolved agglomerations ##rilateral ##enthal societies reader stratiform dabashan kuj kupp served services resembl phyllitic harr jiaoshib tanganyika zhongxiang ignored adjusted roads counterpart qianjiadian sses geotectonics receive analogs analogues reproduced pseudo nandgaon sills yongchuan choosing exactly plunge colorado aridification symmetrical nuclei publication latitudes underlie smoothed macroscopically homogenisation hawaii bordered hoary picks conservative challenging categories telemark stacked normative careful metavolcanics bgp bg01 densely mylonitic unreason controversies floats waveforms s18763804206006 communication acknowled yaojia thousand ##erpanes overtopping leucogranites preceding gongxian korenaga lmw ssc2 δ66zna ##ifera proceeds computation subdued objects strategies trajectory attenuation cerro mississi titanite ##olidus traverses invoking invoked susceptible aids donato eccentric garnetifer shells ##osilicate arenopolis prevention paleosols mechanics 187re language ##orthy informative aluminosilicates arkoses paleontological nappe advancement homohopanes inhibit stopped geodetic topographically infillings orthogonally delineated lamellae nuclide nuclides disappeared djon rearrangement shoals chuanxibei aftershocks opaque thermobarometry advantage discriminate dinarides fingerprints bigger tsunam trying vestig xiannushan zychlin ##roll streamp ##ocosomes diopside crypto quadrilateral heavier epochs elaborated retreating subdivisions manifestation corroborated dismembered fennoscandia bauxite dictated kelameili kailash podiform yttrium ##disciplinary ##eniate cloud unexpected collectively strictly quiescence adequate adcumulate implementation mudslide captured 143nd knickpoint karakor delimited authfirstin violently dimensions ascertained cathaysia appraisal unfortunately philippine false gdbs gateway hilly mvp savillex vulnerable inhom coagulated exinous formulae placer gradational ##uringipollenites matthews scotland leuocosomes 1980s offscraping xinhe1 psamm paleoseismology supersuite danielsen foraminifera aulac adiab arunachal badaowan british diterpanes dudhnoi dysoxic fucoidi gaseous himachal hudson lancang lizhun myanmar mosaic nquhp pushed pradesh seldom scheuringipollenites taupo wyborn xizang δeu ##fjorden ##artamento ##reviations isacks demarc sugaite anninghe antonio september subhoriz enigmas unmapped unloading recharge noteworthy featherbed corollary consumption sandbodies glaucophane potassium 163318 epimetamorphic cyclohexanes insoluble probabilistic kazakhstan overlooked taklamakan 60287 vitrodetrinite dongyuemiao xiaojinhe gravitationally peloponnese kalkreuth mckenzie mckinlay mcdonough mcgarr shihongtan jiaoshiba unreasonable s1876380420600696 δ66znaa mississipp eccentricity garnetiferous 0a 0166 1ma 1myr 2h 3e 380 340 4d 418 5d 5f 580 7c 7km 740 7ga 870 940 ai aven axi b0 big boz bry bae bert c6 c3 cation cul cyp cess cord cros camb c000 czo dh dang dend dach dher dmax dynam eaw erupt eaton fif fib file fines fushan frozen foster gb gro gur gou gts gut grit grate gsr gym greek gplates h1 hag hue hope hft hatch hbd haci hyster hatu ip iter icc igg iber jose juan k9 kre kas kent king kol kang kay khan kron koral kitch ll lamp lend lcc lai liao liss listing lema linds mq mma massic mish mft mention mingshui nj nich nall noth name nano naga nsw nested oroc posed pose pyrox pfa paying p2o5 qf ry rao ryan rrand sti ses sent sri sale siti saw syl sigm tail tfz uru von vent vag vine vene vents vectors wr want wish wings xy xw xz xial xks xush yk yins zi za zang zigong ##ezi ##pris ##persed ##pipe ##rater ##o3 ##din ##dal ##dom ##dynamic ##uh ##uel ##ugh ##usive ##uper ##ufac ##uish ##utian ##c0 ##cang ##cio ##xia ##xue ##x12 ##iet ##nar ##nace ##ss ##sz ##sation ##ssal ##tas ##top ##aum ##vation ##vada ##fing ##fined ##ysi ##yong ##yok ##59 ##519 ##kul ##kir ##ktagh ##gl ##gra ##gion ##garh ##hadka ##was ##wid ##br ##bar ##bel ##bec ##bet ##bons ##milar ##mushan ##zu ##za ##zar ##zing ##67010 ##4x ##3o ##2si ##2000 ##85 ##87 ##qiang ##jie ##juri thro thir thaw thessal ##oni ##ony ##oned ##onically ##eror ##erst ##tidal ##estion ##inar ##inites ##enberg ##alts ##alian ##ndepositional offic ##ori ##oropol ##orously ##ani ##anical ##analysis ##atop ##atology inade inboard ##aren ##arian ##arwal ##arithm ##itz ##itant ##itage ##itao ##rey ##reed ##retions ##reced ##asse ##asian ##assem ##road ##ison ##let ##lek ##urations ##urga ##olf ##olis ##oling ##oline ##ollect ##thesis ##acular ##acaran ##strained stock stach stau ##ithms conifers isua ##oco ##occo fort ##igmatic ##igaiti ##imensional maigaiti coking cogenetic dead deals dejiang ##idong ##idhar ##idoblastic ##idriti ##osic ##osat ##tinites sukhid ##ilst ##ilities reju shill shun shots chile animal anjiang anidriti ##ogelinite ##romagnetic ##agal ##aging ##agnes ##aglia promp prove ##amsan exces exogenic exoplan whilst ont ##odu ##odong ##odocarp ##physical ##omar ##omanian ##omitant ori ##umu ##umn ##uda ##udinal ##ched ##ectonically actions resins reserve formulation ##ichm geopol ples plough compet computing ##akpur ##akala ##utan ##utable ##utai departamento ##ante ##antaneous ##emyeong ##istane ##isturbed ##istostrom highway ##ologists tectocl ##izations ##atitic ##estones ##plish ##forward ##geo ##lue ##lusive ##009 ##0000 indis indisting ##iani ##iana neb neill nept neote nevada diach dietz colon ##ucl ##ucing ##ucengshan click subei subasio suboxid enjo envis enjoy enigmatic ##ionucl ##acea ##user presumed ##oura ##adhadka module ##eritic marnos ##apsh intermedi interseismic interrog interfing disk disord disequ unav unless unifying arf arb argen arising ##asta ##weight ##ervision abras usage matyani cannan ##erson geologia charred charged ##assing object ##sover valtop fracability seismotectonic seismometers seismographs seismogeology tewari teichm scan scra scotia scroll scaglia ##epet spiti sps5 undulating undulatory undisturbed ##gger 2023 crater ##iller underestimated preex surpris extrater quiet overg oversteep lithostratig lithostratigraphy calend caution capped granophy ##ibbe ##icked detector leaving aden imping imprint ##yden paleost paleotectonic paleomagne paleostress paleodepositional petrophysical locus feb characterizing 1050 10km 1080 1030 1060 ##une ##unga prp pristane kmd simulating simakov ##ensation hydration therein ##ondensation ##erator carbonatites ##ynthesis maybe photic physi coring whereby centered twenty alongside ##vik ##vium assumes sino ##obot ##obei ##rains calcium calcare ##ocheng truly blockage uprak updated deepened sandu decon decided decondensation upland aged agarwal agreed territ glut glide gloss doming longest longtan concretions concomitant transect transcontinental verify explorations geochem hex20 ##bert completion ##pection micros desm oceanward allied redbed ##blocks mixtures lime limno limitation manjia manufac constru constric floral precol 20000 furnace richer richards jurdy perhydrous perimeter crystallise crystallising oils profound 12a 121a rui palin noting nova ##head supple 154 15km orogenies poik poisson effusive strait ce4 suggestions afterward determinations zhiy severely histogram archeancrustalevolution averages ##uchang identifiable mesopores mesoto ##hedrally equals petrologically burano meantime ##liers ##teen guadal ##oclasts 118 huax huaying 100km keys nwa initio producers soling solvents traverse capacities biotites bioassem postcollisional respects ##facing ##echnical ##issance 1896 sira microseismic microblocks 146 142 147 163 169 1612 1690 backward backsc investigators syngenetic affil intruding ending endogenic ##tenes opx predom 139 137 confining reacted hydroge hydrotherm hydrogeology hydrodynamic ##207 ##20x5 srtm sridhar correspondence yangluo ##oxia 50km 174 172 178 1712 landmass discussions ##atised 30ma cargo carey caribbe angios degassing porphyries karwar apex deltas downwar downgoing downwards downthrown amphibol turns argon closures closepet progression crossed inspection ells songpan unconstrained ##aregion electromagnetic workable 40ma succeed outcome outcomes 2380 ##18x20 euxin pyram pyeong mono month monocrystalline ##ubduction ##cedony inversely universities laterite classify ##oungo cenomanian tanakpur sulfate linares 252 neglected royden radical radiation radionucl elevational ##kmark grown maturation bulges days daying ##ique driver drives edward rhudd supervision weix20 substit substitute subsolidus ##egradation constrains alterations 285 283 ##yla damming damaged farther spectacular authlast hypers hypoxic hypocent steepened fragment ##clockwise oxygenation rcal bandwid emorb ##full contribut contributes recognize cooler needle analyzes 246 2400 2491 2495 000years 00005 ak1 collins collaps collocated forelandbasins approximation broke standpipe linearly barometer wangmushan taeniate instantaneous golden southeastward 295 2918 pathway ##sha 264 felspathic zn2 ##ogether exhal pave syndepositional 330 standardized qinglong exclude geologica ##otherm commenced flats tuoli tuzo strengths 80ma demonstration tianjin intersect intersected interspersed 100045 ##21x12 476 474 connections specifications irs irre ##ivable fanx20 holland holbro humotelinite popul minima softening permeable 511 5192 intrabasinal jiangxi failures diffract skyl tended apparatus ##upe boasts conceivable callovian acids ##hajiang 015 014 yellowstone accompany 272 arguing argument 436 431 00i 005 00177 48i 485 ##6026 views viewpoints engineered easterly emperor ##zehu replace halfaya ##porites altogether rupturing ferrous rimward tongues tongzi tongren purplish realize 538 susong finalized necessity hongzehu logarithm ##zhen ##zhao ##ancies coincided comprehensively destabil ##jiaren disputed disposal 348 341 grind configurations runoff 7586 jinx20 viable draw tengger madura madras 978 mkomole preparations bonding instruments programmed snapsh guangyou hiatus thirds dislocations 629 raise reviewed enclosing overlaid overlapped gondwanaland rigorously annals annoura alluvium evaporative conditionally assigning superimposition 671 kalakala kalunga persisted calibrate 442 packed xinghuo 932 reliably simpler digestion nilson ##boa ##book adakites optimum freshly freshwater batholithic facilitating 050021 841000 xiong xiwei interlayers uniformly 1500km improvement improvements 94m aquatic ionization ionisation missions taiwan ##cutuca ##kerboard intercalations 1979 1978 confirming suspect crack jiucengshan ##19x10 ##196026 1807 relevance branched branching eustasy picro santosh ##nosperm projections quantification feeding macroseismic goals khad roundness ##qiu ##imba altitudes neotectonics magnesite magnesium oscillations banlek pii piece resolving adopt heads zhenjiang 771 aster serpentinites readings preference preferential straightforward emergent milestones robinson sq5 xiangyin courses prolong maintains micropetrographic satellites bituminite repeatedly bhutan lisboa lisimba yijiaren plasticity fluctuating prevailed algorithms emphasized addressing counterclockwise 690 purely ##lastics ##axial coordinated coordinate depocentres analogy expressions reproduc reprocess removes paleoearthquakes carrying humidity s300 yongxin deviate deviations shuwei choice season ##omorphology geolas happens districts performing nucleated infiltrate tholeiites 684 743 durations rarity hawaiites dingshan german lobes parentage speeds pegmatitic zhengan biodegradation monzon amalgamated nsf ramgarh ##kelike superposed azimuthal densinite mushes ##tectonics ##hanics checkerboard geographically intraregion unrelated occasional hypothesized s18763804196026 communicate metapelite ladakh lignites ogorel wenqing ##pdb ##borne ##alytical contractional infrared polycyclic geomechanics circularity assimilate assimilant automated aeronian aeromagnetic deducing fmq hammer tentative zk3 ##after ##afdi ##boni markers volumetric disturbance achievements metabasites metabasalt brush bacteria kinetics morocco ranking samrock zambezi ##buil stromatolite stromatolites stromatolithic anhydrous extinct seeps delayed empirically conductors dacitic gathers gathered gathering pinch social satisfy zengmu andersen ##00247 clarify arenacea imbricated 187os rajesh ethiopia boulder james kuruktagh lanzhou seriously ##guer ##bdila offers ships diatom subtracting subtropical arkosic prevented temporally temporarily upwarp discrepancies griffith ailao ailaoshan hinders hindered lf1 munjuri peters vlfe cosmic mathematic definition microgran reconciled nanhuana opportunities cleaned 610500 bouguer djoungo kongling olistostrom shifting allochthonous percolation aftershock opaques advantages dinaric bombdila cultures davies gyemyeong leco vacuum wander wanding ##jee copper entry unpreced adaption complementary equatorial multicollect keeping 188os hydrological elliptical thermochronology thermochronological dramatically covariates s2096519 binder casas cubic kohle mashu pannonian quebec stimulated woyla condensate resurfacing dissimilar disagree sparry 208pb transmission outbursts erodibility cyclicity dissolve cartosat absorbs framboidal bathymetry cataclastic ignimbrite extrapolated s1876380418300247 leucosome dauphas illuminate harzburgites bamble cjfs echo gonamsan giria jinshajiang katian lepidoblastic mossman pindar zhanjiang ##7135 foreset chalcedony resonance compensated texas additions limnic financially narakode 2900km 277416 dharmadhadka megacryst s014067010 watsonville camerino ##represent polymorphs physicochemical jadeitites centimetres friendly vertebrate lherzolite disintegration pennsylvania aperture bengal fused mianlue pockmarks ruled sentin tiekelike wackestone xibeikul yulong δdv ##2807135 ##oniki ##anticline inundation mammal reinforce ##amalai accessible geotechnical hampers enstatite unusually impedance hydrosphere corpogelinite assistance stripes lubeng schumm monoclinic promontory 297years iceland misleading pieces kuppa resembled streampower psammitic adiabatic demarcated subhorizontal b084 culm cyprus cessation crossover cambay dendritic dherboni eawm fifth gutenberg gymnosperm hacienda hysteresis iccp iggcas iberian k956 kingdom koralpe lampro lindsley massiccio nallamalai nothing salem sitian urucutuca xialafdi yinshan zangbo ##uishable thessaloniki office ##atopodocarp inadequ rejuven shillong geopolym tectoclases indistinguishable neptune neoteth diachron enjoys intermediary disordered disequilib argentina valtopina extraterrestrial lithostratigraphically paleomagnetism physiography uprakot hex2019x10 manjiaer poikil zhiyong guadalupe bioassembl backscat hydrothermally ##20x513 caribbean angiosperm ellsworth euxinic rhuddanian weix2021x12 bandwidth collapses fanx2018x20 holbrook logarithmic jinx2020x513 xinghuo1 intraregional s1876380419602624 ogorelec mathematically olistostromes gyemyeongsan unprecedented multicollector s209651922 s0140670102807135 xibeikulasi ##atopodocarpites hex2019x1051 weix2021x1289 0g 0ga 1st 1hf 2m 270 3m 4i 4f 4h 480 470 430 412 5e 5i 560 5ga 5mw 6g 7i 720 780 7000 8b 8km 840 9i 916 947 aur aided arag aparts bol bamb bron barn bench bub benn binary bbt bfb cim cand cations cach c20 cyl cyan cele c17 c34 cocos cgl d00 dco dilation dimin dlip ere eid eoarchean eye eik eiler fi fat fou fru fire fash gt gil got gord goal gelinite ganges gucheng hs h5 hg hb hin hen hos hir hone hio hms hfs h73 hwang hidden iia ibi iwon irand ihm jl jh jm j4 j2 jig jingle jarg jxa jixian kk kus kudi lr ln lul let lord lined lame lushan lwith luck mir mism mace miti mort mmax master ny nk ner nos nak nist neng nosed nish node ow ole oval oik omit owed pv pf pw pm pec psi pist pand pence pun poses pakh pech panda pdz qt rt rur rog rom race rationally sd sb sz sj som seng ssid sob sight sial sau serg stil sorb sany serial sectors ton tig tus tell tamb tuan tao tind trees telinite taugh tonn tropical ug uti va vig vap vess vening voy vanc vice wm went wank wavy wushan wolf wutai xt xuan xias xca ya yf yil yud yant york zu zl zf zan zun zack zai zhe zao zind zili ##eav ##pr ##pet ##pag ##press ##pora ##pans ##puk ##picked ##rs ##rang ##rity ##rfs ##oking ##oiding ##dm ##dan ##del ##dou ##dian ##dip ##dao ##ugg ##uals ##uble ##uitive ##cer ##cil ##cast ##cell ##cai ##corn ##current ##clusive ##x0 ##x23 ##x19 ##x73 ##xigou ##iu ##itions ##iad ##iostrom ##ni ##nation ##nst ##nemark ##list ##lausible ##sur ##soci ##sub ##saw ##txt ##take ##tons ##tening ##todetrinite ##toushan ##tocrystalline ##azi ##vate ##f2 ##fig ##fra ##fts ##fran ##fits ##fior ##frfs ##yo ##yka ##kang ##kell ##kins ##kema ##krig ##kkmark ##kpuk ##gel ##gow ##got ##gical ##gant ##gun ##glac ##gado ##hy ##h2 ##hen ##how ##hum ##hop ##hary ##hert ##homa ##western ##wula ##bb ##bat ##bing ##band ##bell ##baceous ##bron ##box ##brated ##bidden ##mise ##mann ##mert ##mentioned ##zes ##zamb ##65 ##41 ##39 ##93 ##918 ##jan ##jrak thor thing thom things theri ##onent ##oning ##onos ##onclusive ##eration ##ersion ##erically ##erative ##erdown ##erjee ##tis ##tious ##tiven ##esi ##esy ##ink ##iner ##inus ##inorm ##info ##enec ##enrich ##enuous ##enko ##ali ##alth ##alog ##alusite ##alpe ##eddate ##oration ##ordi ##orill ##oraneous ##anwula ##iction ##icto ##icians ##iclin ##icyt ##aten ##ateri ##aturation ink inval inactivity ##arur ##aria ##arenite andalusite ##itr ##iton ##itas ##itet ##itary ##itably ##itrinite ##itrad ##itarian ##tionally ##asur ##asia ##asco ##asplay ##rose ##roduction ##roof ##iser ##isti ##isch ##isations ##ishui ##istine ##elting ##elastic ##eletal ##elbron ##ingu tok toit ##urics ##urice ##urgical ##olle ##olong ##olest ##olper ##olls ##oluo ##than ##thur ##thene ##thick ##acul ##acad ##access ##ston ##stay ##stuh ##ectic ##ectively ##ecount ##ouf ##ouver ##ulsive stab stamp stub status stolper ##etary ##etso ##etxt ##etyl ##etnemark contig issu isobar ##ocally ##sian forgot forbidden ##igan ##iglacial ##ows ##owal ##owad ##owei ##imne ##imura mahu maoshan maurice cogn cooking cokrig cogel ##ters ##vey defic dealing ##ceived ##idate ##osely ##osmow ##ille ##ilton rees reag really rehyd rejected shar shim shiz shire shared shorter shingu ask chem chitrad chimne ##atever anion anne anqi bases basing baseline ##ogu ##romagnes ##agos ##agites ##agawa ##vern ##ruc ##ruary ##ticul ##ifts ##ifies proc prohib als alin alluded albe algeo ##amell ##amoto beak bead beach beau beeg beaum whit whatever onward onwards ##odym ##phan ##phistic ##omb fahr ##angwa ##umulation ##umenting ##umbing ##chuk ##cholest ##ota ##otation ##otong ##otai ##otonous ##otectonically ##erea ##ereau acasta resh resamp ##oping ##opites ##opically ##seism ##tinghe format ##icheng ##ongzi ##ongnam atolls ##quely ##quier georg geanticline plausible plumbing ##abin ##abal ##abst ##abric compe compact complications computes ##aky ##akowski ##utra ##utense depic deposi depict depressed ##ctype hay haom haug haikou ##emann highand ##ayan ##ander ##eralized ##izer ##ieshan ##atives ##estart contenti contracting ##racks ##rachary ##plox ##plumes ##lukpuk ##0020 ##0051 ##allon norwegian norcholest neand neodym neotectonically diox dialog parasequ colors colfior formational subver subround subbas ensem enshi relied relating moor moons motiv mozamb ##usan ##ustin ##usting ##oreticul ##oured ##adgi ##adopites earthby ##ositic ##osities incise incising incident inconclusive ##eried martian marbles ##aped ##apagos ##aputra intermont interchange interlin interplay interdisciplinary disconn unten unpa unrec unequ unmin unrepresent unroof arise arita arrows arrang arthur regen ##early ##earance ##mah abnorm user ##yses cana geologie italian ##ips ##iproc ##ipulation ##eller ##elloni collections ##ypinus ##ghan reciproc meines ##endered liassic liushu ##assin valner seismostratigraphic seismologists shaley ##hannel scisc scisti spari spider undet colleaguesne differing 205 20m 20km ##illa ##veloped gasification gasoline gaskell strath strenuous stricto volissue volfirst underpin pret prepr premise mainstay notes ##keting extents queried overrid overmature overthick lithologically lithgow ca2 ##itisation grano ##ibo facets leve leaves lehr leaching ##order analyser adamell belg systematised imposed imported impreg implied implausible impulsive ##ifications ##acteria elegant distorted paleored paleocean loci characterizes bloss blereau 10d 10i 10b 1020 1010 10cm thanks ##uni printed pristine ##arium proving ##achow kmc kmb sims ##ensland chango changzhou changsha ##titude ##ondons replete carbonatiz ##ryu phon ##sides ##sidic ##siders melan melted organics coral corund corpo midpoint consult sometime somehow afc ##vily asserted ##obacteria geologicalsoci refracted signify ##ochemistry ##acked triclin triton variant ##genic decl decision declines distribut distribute sett observable observational 192 191 1956 1909 1945 ##dley ##ialpu majorand terra glf glomar longitudes longtoushan concluding concurrent transits translate transcrustal transcurrent verma veracity veritas ##vester outwash outliers outsiders contenttype stressed arctic amoun amasia ##monising ##olev hex hefei ##auer ##aijan strips striatopodocarpites ##alsh waterhouse ##pecialpu fieldwork microc microcrystalline explorationists basements desira desorbed flowering ##duate smoke oceanography oceanograph ##amba alllist mount volcaniclastics mira mikir limiting traction quartzo ##iticians manipulation proponent ##ieber flip flocc flament flaky ##encia compares preclude riftogenic 200ka generalisations richter generates shears considers perur pertain perennial periglacial perceived ##huoh ##huoluo crystallize crystallizes crystallizing profusion profiling 12i 12b 126 123 rub so1 sophistic normalization ##heim suppose supplying methyl permits ##ometres levelled uraninite newest 15a 15b 1556 nearer inflow infancy ##iangshan sway swift swelling thrusted strained methodological ##ovitrinite ceb ce3 remelting abovementioned ##rowiec identifications paleoarchean termination eco primordi primabst equigranular founding foundations foundering think thinand ##avani burst gaoy gaoling corrections maximal ##ogenian ##ogenesis ##lipp likewise guar guided guiding guowei ##ycomb triang triaxial 117 1140 descend palaeow muli macrocrystalline curly numerically ##ogeneities geoha huili hube huolong 100m 10000 anomalously wajrak supertidal kekit widening initiating combinations naturally solved soluble capability fineto posttectonic dohert 186 183 1856 1813 1831 siting siwal technicians microflora microseism southwesterly 148 1450 16a 166 168 167 1631 1678 backwater backwards backhouse synand synkin affinities intrusi ##501 speculation speculated speculate speculating specimen speculative baff baoshan opine chemicals 136 138 cycl cycling cycadopites politicians confident confocal climatology srm srctype totaling rider 507 dissoci dissected weakens 17t 1700 303 309 glaciated dolenec luowad luangwa divides karacad accretions analyse analyte shortened ##arker bioge biostratigraphy bioclasts mg2 orderly reconna ##ovice salient salgado breakpoint schieber closes closest adjusting effectiven crossmark shoulders elimin unconfined worked 403 402 40km 4036 loft loosely ##elson 236 233 239 232 2369 2367 ##1854 granodiorites thermometers thermochemical thermomagmatic blackett experts montm months monkey monotonous ##xiong ##awi brings laterites younging experiencing unconformable amplification transports radically radiating journey ##kmagal geomagne geomagnetic draining ##putable 213 217 2100 ##neisses drip drier eds rh1 overlaying exceptions 3004 herein hereafter penecon wuhu wuxue tectonized grounds oxybar fo87 worlds dua farallon 606 dependence eventual authfull hyper lacassin nantinghe solids solidus solidified 455 45ma emile ##oko ##margin indexeddate nonmet noncollisional situations ergen erft referring channelized 222 221 36i 368 ##itsu morphologically flooded 00020 ak6 ak9 ak8 ak12 ak11 collide approximates lastly operational possibilities barely barton positively amongst tahe wallace installed orographic 359 35ma ##fe3 interacts targeted ##shine ##shoal yanchang 266 integrating integrity naal exhaus 315 paicyt syen symp symb 336 339 laborious summation americas anticlockwise anorthositic funginite flattening litang ##709 strengthened 638 turbines britain helmert kinosh okla graphitic zhangguang broadband alternated advice predominate outcropped yuxi ##cany examines radiate episodically 479 471 versa ##irez 860 865 doctype docsub documenting irvine mtd mtt ybn ##ivocally 322 328 327 holding outermost protoc protracted protoplan minimize huanggang attributable 5127 atlanticand joins joao joining pubyr pubtype pubdate english intrafacies jianghai 600m dongxi darkand skb skeletal wilks coastline 903 cruises ##updated 65ma boom bohac ironstone concealed handpicked timings xinfeng xinyang openarch openaccess ##haplox helped 277 271854 liptinites liptodetrinite ranked infers inference andesine acquire introversion arguably documents 43ma freezing ideally idefjorden wenchuan phenocryst 007 150km buildings 489 urg xiaoxigou historic rays engineers 390 395 391 galapagos ##basalts ##basitao replicate substan substrate megasc megasplay 463 neck narrows microscopical fern ferric ferromagnes tongling dharwarian ##ikh ##faul ##menting tomkins realization exposes 2000m 535 5344 523 molnar varves propagates finalization debrisand hongye logical ##usian ##arpment coincident extracting 730020 bayanwula palyno etm δ18osmow archie photograph accommodating runcorn inherent meteorite geosynclines restriction kimberlitic funded jinhe jinchuan sensor 543 drawing dragged tenryu metalliferous metallurgical knowing reasoned ##ixiang seemingly encour constitution specialist specialists 888 private wulong zhujun upwellings scientist academics moundy moundshoal snub snider snelson ##ratigraphic diverge guanghui guangzhou electrons opposit utilizes ##nori thirdly behaved submarines dislocated 626 raver splays storages reviews colourless 1965 1966 1967 ##temporaneous offsetting issfirst annually evaporitic incorporates council oligoclase rheologically sakolis columnar 492 589a 678 6743 99calyr jianshui kaladgi persist sunshine calibrating 441 414 411 788 7890 tonalitic ##italie supergene openings behaviors autumn kilometres ##waj demise diamictite tephro transfers priori 02dm nuclear puzz pulsive practices isolate optimize dilution diluted heritage qiu beside brahm dateupdated jinghe jingyan uniformitarian penetrate penetrates summarised 946 949 akek akebasitao taiyang arrived ##blications confirmatory suspension ##197 180ma sulphate monitor 5975 fuels fuzz grids picture stationary projecting ##omagnetite itemstage itemtransactionid itemweight quantify feeder collapsed 571 daning genetically khz khumbu losses nmorb ##jinhuoluo sloping immense immersion constituting constituencies 611 610051 banerjee banachow cf1 douling doubly hannan hanjiadian piinorm progresses progressing windows airy airflow ##rangements statistic statistically ##abilities uniqueness ambiguous oilfields serpentinization ##earthquakes 66a cnk cellular ningyuan ninglang nagara preferably glasses emerging hemipelagites dabieshan efficiently filtered kuzn military robert sq4 sq2 sq1 coherence coherency ascend concerned micropores bajrachary synthesise highlighting sakorafax19 articletitle articletitlenorm articleinfo buoyantly 765 727 azerb bhima bhavani bracketing harmonising jiazi yijinhuoluo cohesion sumat espitalie zhongyi terminate terminations terminates glaciations glaciogenic adjustments monsoons emphasize emphasised btb qianzhong ssfrfs tnf ##lasites ##khand dehydrate receiving meander meanders analogous analogue polyg trunk pseudoreticul yongjin deviates plunges happen incisions interferometric extrabasinal escarpment microbacul actuality nucleus dilatational daliangshan lifted nc18 smoothing adjoined c29h conjugation fills pickel xiaoshan xiaobei chondrites inducing metabolic validity removing metasomatically bracketed truncation amalgamations arabia category dp1 nodular ramirez yuehe implicit successfully questioned cpx1 qiongdong azimuths bg02 boxes mushy mylonitization ngri zeiss ##grini recommend obliquely lei1 favours tazhong32 avoiding avowal aplites ewtransactionid ganzi ladder omission sericitization ##vaal ##asively marshall fluxes leucocratic microfabric radioactivity visualization catalogs federal hamilton malan malawi tips venusian vastly zk1 ##economic chromatograph chromatogram protohaplox proceeded proceedings disappears occupy universidade 7081 antarctic dropped k2c lunnana pervasively samuel samfra thematically trondheim perturbed invokes economical extractable conductor lagoons magnetotellurics bsf bsus cc64 hallmark millennial merged pink perez renjun satisfied satisfies tunnel yeongnam clarity pebbles percentages derivation switching radiolarian encompasses geothermobarometry geothermobarometer camperdown datesearch grossular liaocheng aluminum moyen temporary discerned apophyses 28040 exclusive qigebulak intrinsically gangue ganguly lf2 lingtai inhibited shilu orbit attaining geodesy collector topographical definitive micrograph delineate suprasubduction qualitatively sporadically cleaning ubiquitously hierarchic boudin duality pglast pgfirst pearce shovel shifted chuanzhong quickly allochthon 1800s thermobarometers scattering louisiana fingerprint bomb bangor bangchuk baku baikal bucknori cultural eluc elusive lyons lykkmark menai odd odds sortorder saihan urals vesic vacquier ##gangri ##97x73 ##issivity streak shuttle diopsidic cryptocrystalline expectation heavily guiyang ellipso retreated chloride pulverized pulverised ##177x ##ophytes ostracods fennoscandian isograds casings hoped hopanes habits jahn kohistan naval queensland ##fmash threaten chuxiong resurre dissip disagg sl0931 survive refinement volcanogenic transmissivity outburst redistribution erodible drifted srctitle srctitlenorm universitet duplication framboids bathymetric mobilization archaean archaeological ignimbrites sustainable s18763804183009 leucosomes civilizations dauphine illuminates ##boschung cids dwyka diancang dozens fangxian pierce qiaojia routing route routes tuban virtually windley walvis yakutian ##200177x ingred chikmagal haijun inclination abbreviations liberation spongiostrom undersc fluvio paleotopography paleotopographic petroliferous feasible feasibility expedition expeditions expresses obscured sixteenth sixteen looked pubdatetxt pubdatestart pellets pellegrini grassland issnnorm webpdfpag titanomagnetite sausars slickensides dateloadedtxt bleaching bachu cinerea dormancy ediacaran french gorges gibbs kosakowski kergule myths ohio qianglu rfpa renewed utting umitsu wyoming yy3 intimate inevitably conventionally forecasting reorganization reappearance shoreline geopetal complutense contradiction interconnected meetings cryogenian phytane discarded perforation poyanghu stradd zhaotong burdened palaeoclimate macropetrographic microcontinents alkylated porphyroblasts delivered steinmann kaurik kaapvaal embodied refertilization 291210 291713 naphtha publishing individuals encapsulation kujung harrisson acknowledg tsunamis vestiges karakoram authfirstini inhomogeneous aulacogens mississippi bryophytes bertelloni c618 cordiller c0002 gbw gouge grateful hagemann kroner kitchens niche ryerson raohe rrandom sylvester sigmoid xushen ##between throat ##oropollis staub prompted excessive exoplanets ontong plesovice ploughing nebular colonel suboxidized marnoso interfingering unavoid arbitr abrasion scraped preexisting oversteepening calendar granophyric impinging paleostrain february territory glutenite geochemie microspect desmethyl constructing constrictional novais supplemental huayingshan predominated hydrogeological downwarp amphibolitization pyramid pyeongan monthly radionuclides contributor pavements ##othermic populous diffractometer skylight 6715a picrobasalts prolonged reproducibility ##building microgranite megacrysts sentinel lamproite inadequate rejuvenation geopolymer neotethyan diachronous disequilibrium poikilitic bioassemblages backscatter fanx2018x204x s209651922200177x weix2021x1289x aragonite bolide bamboo bronze bfbc cylind cyanobacteria celebrated d0010 eikonal fashion gordon hindu henan hosting hirnan honeycomb hfses hwanggangri iwonri ihmn jigsaw jargon kkpt kusky luliang luckily mismatch mortar nishimura oikocrysts piston punct pakhals pechelbron rogaland sjetnemark sengor ssids sobolev sialic saualpe stille sorbents sanya tiglukpuk tuscany tuanfeng tindouf taught vapour vessels voyages vancouver xiashu yilg yudongzi yantai zanhuang zunyi zhejiang zaohuoh zindler ##castle ##huminite thorough thomson theriak ##enrichment ##orillonite ##aterials ##stuhl stubby ##etsova ##etylondons issuelist isobaric forgotten cognate cokriging rehydration shirey chitradurga chimneys albeit beakers beaufort beegden beaumont fahrboschung depositing contentious norcholestane neodymium dioxide dialogue colfiorito subrounded subbasalt mozambique earthbyte intermontane interlinked untenable unpaired unmineralized unrepresentative unroofing arranged abnormally meinesz liushugou valnerina scisciani sparitic underpinning overridden lehrstuhl adamellite paleoredox paleoceanography blossomed carbonatization corundum corpohuminite consultant geologicalsocietylondons triclinic ##pecialpublications desirable oceanographers sophistication primordial gaoyou geohazard hubeid huolongmen wajrakarur kekituk doherty microseisms synkinematic luowadie karacadag reconnaissance effectiveness lofty montmorillonite geomagnetics penecontemporaneous nonmetallic kinoshita oklahoma zhangguangcai docsubtype pubdateend bohacs openarchive megascopically ferromagnesian 7890a brahmaputra 5975c fuzzy ningyuancun kuznetsova bajracharya sakorafax1997x73 azerbaijan qiongdongnan protohaploxypinus samfrau bangchukdo lykkmarka universitetet s1876380418300910 chikmagalur spongiostromata webpdfpagecount cordillera pechelbronn sjetnemarka zaohuohao geologicalsocietylondonspecialpublications sakorafax1997x73x 0s 070 022 1e 1d 2i 2s 3f 3g 3ma 318 3km 3gpa 4j 4ga 5ma 518 5cm 6e 6ma 616 680 6804 7th 712 8c 880 830 819 9h 956 910 960 929 983 925 a4 a3 a2 ath aure aap aside aitch alex bd bm bing bif bse bour bard bun bose barnet buch bold bhar boo brad bird boring bags bhuk barker cx c9 cq cac cow cra cite cang cum cem ceri carb cient csr cns casing cym c33 coco df db d8 dre das dru dod dich dell dess dhan dill dred duch darc e0 eh eon eve ether eut ect eolian ft ff fk fas fle fate fift fish fup fellow fires fica fuca fki flect fesi gp gg gw ger gle gol gig gif gak gia garb geng gun gains gok gerc gery gurn hl hw hon hit hul het hak hut hear hens hake hons hank humin helling hany hbi ix ik iw ira iab iran ionic idi iked irock jc jn js jg jz jj jer jot jain jones jorm jsm jovian jilin kp kt kw kj kan kat kul kde kai kamb khai kwh khar kash keller klipp lp lh lb lz lq lmp lig lum liz lap lyn lover lsc lfe lambers lvl lodes mp mr mf m0 m4 m1 mit mur mim mary myst mess mho mpan myeong mhs myster nh nes ned nic nas nain nian nap nield nance native n20 nomin n30 nsl n13 noma n25 nacion naling n59 oz ooz oke oolites oyu ogam p0 p3 p2 p1 ped pig pter pra pos pak pant pati pge pain pad pene pile pears pause piv p12 pna pgr pki pasur poured qx qq qina qfm ri rw r2 rect rues rip rib rake roma rows rabin rendered sor sig sonic s00 sack sao sarp sird tj tal tor tone tad tear tard teng tack tae tten tkm tonian talc tumu trains uv usi uts uph uta ucm urand utm vall vad vann voo vict voids vasse vpdb vugg ville wc wx ww won wing wag wri wop wun wile wors wales wise wuduhe xx xf xk xab xna xgr xuchang xfe3 yd yx yq yj yam yich your yandong yizh yushu yishui zc zx zz zq zaf ziy œdou δa δv δfm εtu εc0 λe λf μw σ3 ##eable ##ext ##eosphere ##pat ##pot ##peng ##port ##pie ##plying ##pei ##rn ##rf ##ror ##rant ##ratory ##rending ##ratch ##o2 ##oti ##ooc ##oment ##oamp ##oves ##oons ##ofacies ##db ##dies ##dade ##dimensional ##uag ##uated ##uke ##uber ##ups ##utive ##ujing ##uka ##cel ##cation ##com ##cri ##cale ##cents ##cox ##cott ##cings ##cules ##coming ##xd ##xz ##xon ##xed ##x00 ##xion ##xuan ##xiao ##x2000 ##ij ##ien ##iall ##ius ##ijiang ##imps ##nine ##nest ##nov ##nitude ##nav ##lv ##lg ##lon ##lith ##lum ##lock ##lot ##lak ##lization ##light ##lank ##linal ##lakh ##ladka ##sa ##sy ##sediment ##sable ##solution ##shu ##sli ##ship ##s13 ##tg ##tw ##tac ##tos ##tem ##turing ##tane ##t23 ##tuo ##teli ##tring ##toli ##t15 ##tuni ##trending ##aing ##aam ##aut ##aments ##away ##axi ##ahedrally ##vv ##von ##vol ##vou ##vos ##vop ##vally ##vites ##vable ##venti ##vari ##vances ##vature ##vaux ##venthal ##fn ##fen ##fter ##flu ##fus ##fia ##fib ##fner ##falc ##ył ##yor ##yce ##yam ##yun ##yland ##ymm ##yalite ##06 ##0ε ##5m ##52 ##kant ##kies ##kai ##kyr ##kert ##kup ##kla ##kowski ##kfmash ##gre ##gas ##gation ##gary ##gers ##gio ##gered ##gula ##grad ##hc ##hre ##hos ##hag ##here ##hem ##hao ##hwar ##well ##wood ##w03 ##wumbu ##bal ##bre ##bil ##bore ##bted ##bae ##biss ##bao ##bung ##brak ##bauer ##m2 ##mis ##mith ##monic ##meng ##member ##mei ##metric ##zies ##zyb ##ztagh ##zzo ##zoned ##zx0 ##49 ##3d ##3x ##94 ##914 ##935 ##2oc ##240 ##276 ##8z ##831 ##819 ##qid ##72 ##jour ##just ##juan ##jaya ##jsz ##jkhand ##łob thal thar thur thul tharp thuli theor thesis ##onization ##onym ##onova ##erra ##erab ##erina ##erug ##tir ##tiz ##tiform ##tield ##tible ##tiyan ##tify ##tians ##tiously ##timento ##eson ##ester ##ests ##esne ##eseismic ##esimals ##inl ##inur ##inage ##iness ##en5 ##en1 ##enian ##enorm ##enze ##enbosch ##alic ##alent ##alene ##alpine ##alala ##alnorm ##altenes ##ndt ##orz ##oras ##orid ##orate ##anch ##anies ##ananes ##ansu ##analy ##ico ##icated ##icity ##icist ##icine ##icati ##icules ##aty ##at7 ##atag ##atten inex inlier inlay inequ ##arle ##arag ##arted ##arging ##artine ##itu ##itan ##itely ##itful ##ittu ##itectic ##react ##relation ##asa ##asm ##asure ##aschist ##roz ##roves ##rode ##roto ##roversion ##rovou ##roalpine ##entation ##entory ##entrop ##istical ##isiting ##isporites ##eling ##elly ##elve ##elming ##elni ##lets tops touch toms toxic toler tosteep tough toyok tosa ##urite ##urity ##urus ##urred ##urities ##urnal ##urcation ##olp ##olati ##olia ##olering ##olysis ##olytic ##olmo ##thest ##thitic ##thane ##thrusting ##theosphere ##acas ##ster ##stra ##stud ##sterian ##eca ##ecology ##ectives ##ecutive ##ecolp ##oul ##oumal ##oubted ##ulf ##ulan ##ulian ##ulake ##uldade stem stain stall stell stones stably stather stays stalled stenian ##etown ##ette conifer isles isotrop isenthal isooc ishwar isentrop ##mpi ##ocine ##ocular ##ocalc ##ocoll ##siri ##sidi ##sification ##sio4 ##si3o fortes forested forsm forcings forsy ##iga ##igation ##igaon ##ime ##imtal ##iminated max mak mapp maast madi maob mahes coop coasts ##terran ##terior ##terey deal deyang ##rage ##rama ##rays ##raham ##iders ##identi ##idating ##idines ##iduous ##idimensional ##osus ##tinct ##tinolite suo suited suining sugio ##ilo ##ilations ##ilers ##ilization ##ildfires reed reid rever revel revi shock sheng shenn shosh shaly shini shyok asynthesis astheosphere che chp ch4 chur chad chance chilled chatt choule chidi chansu antil anping answ anlin anvil an36 anoxia bash ##oga ##ogan ##ogou ##ogra ##ogical ##urei ##roment ##ago ##agnitude ##agilo ##very ##versible ##ticles ##tickal ##ifex prodel alad alta alto aluminous alginite alikh bybe ##amu ##americ ##aminate ##amenorm begun betickal exag exits exerc exci exerts seyl sevent sebung wholes onge online ##odon ##odian ##odae ##odtes ##phin ##phrogenic ##phoons ##irnov ##omical ##omous ##omao ##ombe or4 orteli faun faint fayalite ##anghu ##angpo ##angqing ##chi ##chin ##chal ##chong ##chann ##chbe ##chuang ##chfi ##ectable ##rio ##riz ##otle ##otely ##otometry ##otrophic ##otypes acicular acme actinolite resumed restites resorbed ##opu ##opes ##oplank ##sey ##ichur ##icheri ##ichsel ##ongs ##ongjia atkinson atoms geography geosphere geobar gehre placing plinian plicati ##abu ##abar ##abuchi ##abushan ##abbro compile compelling complies compelled composites companies compilations ##aker ##akol ##akawa ##uty ##utting ##utah deplan deputy hau haifeng ##emo ##eman ##emitic ##embe ##rani ##ranites ##istency ##istotle ##velen ##ppon ##ppel ##andstone tectostratigraphic ##izi ##izable ##atile ##racts ##racture ##oneous ##oneering ##geting ##lus ##luens ##00m ##0057 ##00x00 indigenous indentation ##allels norman norhop ##ianalytical neoh nebul nebd nexion dipar dipped mined para parm parting parake parana paralic parallels lowers lowlands ##ucat ##ucocratic grating gravey clum clash cliff ##ueshan evans subm subun subram sublay subhydrous subsidi eni enfor enerug ##roups ##aceae relies relie relics relying relicts ##terns ##usa ##ussions ##uscri prescott ##orejo ##ouring ##oursed intend intrag intensively intuitive ##ference ##formity studi student ##adium ##adean ##advances modifying modifications ##erious maru mariti marne marie maruy mariner marcel ##apawat ##apinar ##aprio interc interact intercepted interrupted interlock intertw discon dispar disks dishar disrupted union unsu uninter unbur uniu unzoned mineralizing arche arises arrangements arndt arrays aristotle regulate regressed coalbed coalfacies coaltield ##mais abudu ab92 abrol abreviations abroad abraham abutting slim slates sliver slide usual usrani ##ystia ##ysicist ##cont ##concep ##connel ##condens mattos ##lespie ##ersoll ##ersistent ##ersmith sampler weber weather weilin weyland weichsel ##iavon ##ducing ##ipa ##iping ##ellular ##ypro ##ypetro ##ght ##ghat reck recep recoil recuper metres ##endix live liable ##asses oberm obstruct obara oblak accent ##so4 ##ccarb seismites seismograph ##entitious haseg tefl teaching ##ermine ##ermined scene scaled scratch ##epx ##eposit ##epartment spe spur spring spray spicules spiders colleague undated undulation undulated undrained undoubted ##ozhen ##aseong 20ma 2050 2025 flue fluorid gashes underc underestim underrepres preventi mainstream mainpur typology surpass notation occluded extroversion quist quench quoti overwh overrode ##ardment ##ardson lithified lithics larji mantleand calymm calgary cavern ##itively ##itialnorm ##ounding ##iba zonein ##omethane ##ickle lowered facet faculdade deteri leach leikou leventhal advers impi imperm imparted impurities impersistent ##ifice ##ralow paleoc paleobot petrotectonics locate lochn wellhead wellbore feg feti feot feixiang expense expelled blo blast blind 1070 10be 1022 1028 1015 generator ##uno ##unction ##unched prc przyb ##reef ##achi ##acher kme thicken ##ensated ##ileino ##ilegula hydrox hyderab thereof changsheng ##nee ##formational security reperc carbonated carbonatic carbonisation carbonatite ##ynodon folk mayagilo comagmatic ##ryos phil phari physics marginally applies appendix silting silical silva fractal organicrich midto wherein consume consolidated consecutive afield afghan ageing centrif twin twinned twelve fluidized tims ##viroment asser assisting ##ludes ##obo ##obilization ##rety ##retoko rangin calculates ##ighton ##ochang ##ochuan ##athadka trfran greasy varieg varieties upthrown updip ##particles deepwater majhas ##ricia sandto decoll decrat deciduous observables 1918 1913 1976 1934 1932 1948 uplands agrees agraded ##othill ##logy glfs domal longquan translated verging verruc outp outlo outflow outlines ##lisation riverside ##inska ##inski buttons amante ##lingite ##olet ##olemais heim heqing heishan hebr health hekla ##deep ##deformation ##developed striation centralized waterways complementing slips ##ioff micaschist seaway reserved ordinate desired flowed flowback ##dup ##ducheon characterising regionalization smn smart smirnov earthquakesdis controvers quarterly ##blak mounting stagewise reservoiring limy trachy potter ##xtopu discre discoursed extensions environmentally manum manual manuscri proposal periodical constructive ##ieval flare flotation floras ##ximiao precluded precludes easternmost mudfl 200ma trended furume richness richardson genera hydrocarbonsc westernmost peel peucat percepti perception persian percents perladka peritectic perthitic ##huiding targeting ##ropa ##ossils complexly 12c 122 127 12th 12km 12000 1223 craters ruo soares shallowest palimps palghat noises novop suppression methylene facture ##ometamorphic ##hibole newton newcastle 153 157 1548 infol derives ##oveget strand bedard smallsc ceased remotely remobilization suggestion suggestive velasco zhi zh2 zhuan zhoushan zhidong strains planned identity identifies paleoele paleokar paleoecology terminating accumulates pattem patricia prime meshes equidimensional petrologist petrologists thinnest definite ##avia burner burgm burnt burchfi gao gaox gaotai breed maximus ##text gufeng gubong guabushan ##ksan ##ksai ##ksson trial tripol trilete grainstones 11d 1170 1130 1122 1114 1133 estimations palaeogene palaeotectonic palaeosol palaeodepositional palaeobot palaeoveget multim curtin curran curie curvature bears hui huizhou huiting huquan hubert 100a superplumes superterran localised scienze nwand nwto nwtrending widens wideness combo combines solver solute traded trailing finding finds lattices postdate postdated postgra stratigraphical multipl multiplying multidimensional ##fact doing 18i 181 1820 1840 1833 1828 sikh sierra microand microte microplates microparticles peaka 1430 1447 1425 14t0 1650 1620 16km 1670 1624 1644 backf backreef investigaci synta enderb endmember conversions specially speciation baima bavik baota baxtopu opq option opined opens optically ##anomp ##anooga 13m 134 132 1310 cyclisation poland confusion reacc reacting rapaki preserving gielni ##ishi ##isheng lapping lazar lausan launched 501 50ka medial mediated medicine medieval weaken weakest 179 171 1756 1714 1728 northwesterly landmark denote denoted denoting ##atispora 301 307 3074 3075 carton carpath dolarenite dolphin porphyr subside feldbiss luk luth luoci luhai lubric luwumbu luodian luochuan karelian karicheri karapinar clinoamp analytic api apulian augen delicate delvaux delaminate shortage accretional inject injects biology biases biosphere biased biasing bioclim bivari downlap mgpd ##ompensated slopea director salinities salaam plagiogranite plagiogranites breakpoints breakups turtle turkey ##exsolution granulitized schell scholle schlum schiavon ##anned cmag cmlg ##aoka ##rupole diagrammatic ##erton prognostic sizeable inset insulation insulated shoulder elsterian songgu ##eier fewer workings probes 407 403a steer stepping stepped stewar stephan 19970 2300 2354 burialand converges ultima ulvos internationally thermocalc sagaing euhedrally blackish blackwell suggesteds gabrovou niob niqiu nippon pyritic monos monto monomin montan monogenetic monterey ##ublished ##xiuke plateaux ##awski universe universal brv brzes classifies kaiser kaibo fourteen platy sulfuric 25a 254 259 251 25ma ii2 iiia semidi semianalytical ##older ##ragarh experiences geophones amplify illites neglect benefits rooting roques ##nalcoal statements alm68 alm69 geomaterials ##taic 216 212 21st 2175 drips edx edenite eddies weiyan weikang overload aggradation lami lamination laminations laminar subsag invad inventory geosp 300m 30000 300mw pena wuyang wuzh wuji tectonite tectonometamorphic bui alters existent sinuous sinuosus oxytherm oxyexsolution 28i 286 289 288 2822 2823 2825 2827 foam foothill ##toqid ##yll ##tillation ##tillot worldview dusi damages damaging tiberina creighton ##dfire distinction 60i 60a 605 602 stars gneissose sitlakh palaeoflora palaeoearthquakes fallen hypoxia ##flaten predicated predicting steepest steepens steepening nanyang nanzh nanwei nanosc ##clastic ##16a ##ognized coevally bandpass eman emits emerge ##okite ##fulangqing label nonvolcanic narayan ##trating recognizing recognizable siniana ernst ertuo selous selecting selective ##ugation ##ugang ##ugtoqid cuu estuary modernization 224 needles needless ##itizing appearing 24i 244 243 249 242 248 2433 morphogenic morphologic 0001 000km 00079 ak3 ak7 ak10 ak15 lightest attrinite attacked collabor colloidal approximated brookite mml vitr ##ercing standing anyang anymore segroves reston restore restoring restoration bars barak barometry barometers barring barrage kumta kumamoto posidon qualities taxon tazzo taphrogenic tailegula install reductive diamondiferous equilibrate 355 msd ##fe2si ##8012 ##thenes 296 293 powers powell ##shigu ##shakol metasandstone yanhui yanjin yanqiu 26a 263 268 70s 701 70km junlian ##ectonics differentiating bp42 na2oc ##ogeography exhume microscale concentrically 314 317 paas paju syenite syenites 335 332 331 337 3300 331a 3314 3303 ##uller convections convectively anisian qingfeng qingchang qingdao rampur summaries excited exclusion excluding risen ##otherms fungi funnel commens ##co3 ##co2 tuwu strengthen 80s 80713 zonal 63i 630 633 632 631 s134 yingshan yinghui helium slowed liupans triggers demonstrating 400m 400km 400200 tiancun ##oya intersects advocated 1000m exhuming exhumations yuye ##213 spaceborne 473 478 476a hotplate muztagh muroto connor proterozoiccrustalevolution strikingly 867 irrig laslet mtds mtumbu retain retains ##ivocal ##kaishi ##structure 322a 327a austroalpine humification protect protected industries minimally minimization cannanomp permeation huangchuan huangmei attributing 510 51g 512 517 chengjiang chengyu entities entirety johans regards jiangdong jiangshu kernel ##30f doesna dongying dongducheon dengying darker skg sk2 skłob skoumal wilcox wildfire turbiditic internationaljour 902 c24 c23 catag pleiad ##4057 65i 653 boast bohem boilers conception conceived handbook calls icap ickert xinjin xinyi devoid device devolati ##slopes ##haz ##ashi markedly schistosity pyrolysable 012 874 saudi columns kbars helping 275 274 2700 lids lipid ##10lv inferior inferring ashes introducing paleogeomorphology paleogeotherms 433 438 freeze gentler 00z 002 001 0070 dryas tabular planetesimals buildup 482 481 481a urgency xiaofei ##orbulake 386 383 91501 tien 394 399 easm galangi replaces chenxing ##aporites substances extruded ##poru ##idophy transforms transformations ruptures reactivate reactivating semkiwu narrower rotationalsh microscopes ferns tongue extremes 1061 hillslopes purtuni ##ikar ##sui tomb tombel realm enhances segmentation 567 5600 56fe 53a 536 534 537a 52a 525 524 529 528 5200 524a 524057 varvites susana propagated hongfa honghao hongshigu logistical mouths peltac extracts juveniles 73a 2016zx0 footpath 342 aiming dah daozhen ettring gren grs5 grs13 ##irau ##hydrocarbon ##aghat archive paleolatit photography photogram tensileand 893 899 800m inherit incomplete 120ma travelled restrict restricts 7500 jinmeng sensed viability vijaya diameters temporaland 549 5470 54006 drape tenors 372 3771 37mmyr 97804 978012 pingchang ##eady ##ohum 883 883a datable wulanch zhujiang viscus viscosities wants ##stsurn diverts diversion diverging recovering 105i opposed utilize ##north behave eastwards beddings establishing balkh balkema rapp rafts storms aligns 1307 gondwanas 044 annite evaporated mexican 2014a illustrating rhein rheic spinifex decomposed laws lawver distinguishes 032 0384 495 493 499a 424 423 42000 585 95a 955 990 992 9948 jiannan jianye kalirau lreeenrichment mcconnel persons sunk sunlight externally 444 449 7800 tonalites xuhui xuzhou xujia xuyong xujie xinglin ##ticeps albitic alborz attempting accelerate accelerates hercyniana 935 933 937 935a autoliths automorphic staggered demands democratic tephrost repeat simplicity erroneous 0200 digested digitized pulling practically passed yearnav optimally cpes cp197 herbaceous kunming sphene ##pena shanyang sixth elasticity thermoelastic rigidity receivers besal besse crests crested jinglin jingchun o3w panalytical xii xiaying xianda isostacy discharges discharging 1500m summarizes concordantly avalanches 852 948 aquifers misfit miscell misconcep taiyuan taihang shahu shaft shaximiao asymmetries 1974 mesoand geothermometers stagnantand badarch jiuca komnine mbar mbamba congru caveat 1099a 1808 1804a monitored purported 590 593 598 daixian fuhr kindly picrites santa santonian ##okee spotted quantified feeds feeders ##obarometry macroand macrophy schemes liquefied 57a danjiang goes harder hardness mwm shiwei shiretoko shihuiding chamapawat paragraph immisc usefulness catalysis crucially safonova 063 073 615 cf2 hanzhong hanxuan pioneering piercing ##mbot revisiting exsuda articulated stratotype stratlingite headward 1255 125km zhenyuan overprints connectedness kinematically instrumentally 77a 7700 airborne airport ##liness greenschists 837 cnga cnyu dropstones efx ningxiang nagss sanzhong sanxia sanzhao sanidines ##accumulation conjluens conjunction readjust prefers straightly molybdenum molybdenites filed films filaments roberts sq6 sq7 siderian service ##appa courtillot coherently ascending ascended ensured regularly regularity southwards reprecipitate concern baja juxtapose δ56fepx xiaoerblak bitumens synthesize 762 7683 azurite bhimtal flexures harris harring jiahong jiaxin jiaodong jiazhen lishu qigfulangqing tangshan modulates fluctuates infiltrating zhongnan zhongsh zhongpei terminus lohaghat geoscientist emphasizes addresses pillows wusongger 2a7 790 koolmo koksai millions qianwei tapia tapering yuanba ##renoids ##khwas coproduction dehydrated molecules precisions polycondens irregularly irregularity pseudomorph pseudovitrinite cameca governing kuttiyan nitric nandu s350 yongye shui shugen shukhid seasons accessories colorless intensifying interferogram detectors encounter lohawaiti tholeiite 7491 bilham duren durchbe july kenya lagerst lifofacies nc16 nc17 nc29 nckfmash pumices rarer vanadium ##yinchang ##report stern 1607 bridging homogenization 8200 border bordering borderland fixist ghat gh97 lobed picking xiaonan xiaodu xiaogan xiaomao xiaorbulake chondritic validate sclavia ##generated bracket truncates truncating araki ciech csby pengshui teleseismic yuejun ##muir wastewater liangl implicated 1295 1292a augmented vegetated unknowns 6413 awati awatag bgw03 couple merge mangabal ngu portlandite ##arged isochronous checked searched resistive complicate complicates complicating ##akhand cavitation 1071 float floating swaths avg benioff borate borosilicate gelified hokada lsa lsce lslu lsbi rvrs rainer raintoli vaporize wenhui wenji yubileino ##produc ##cumulate ##5004 ##borate stylolitic ##igui inconsistency ##wegung overturn microfracture embryos visualized insightful cataloging aerosol fmas lmf maldo maltenes ptolemais ssc1 zk4 δ13ccarb ##ukam ##afide ##oscope suturing sutured markets objectives volumelist occupied 1970s schoene 2500m 2500years powdered 7086 johnson revolutionized filtering metabasic metabasite neighbors neighbouring bruce bruker brudz certified musson samarium titled welding ##6413 ##446413 stabilization isoplot isoprenoids interpolated interpolating ##berger karstic 3000km economy enhancement brazilian epicentres epicenters lagoonal embayed embayments possesses 982a binocular cc54 donet egypro machine merging ninety octahedrally pinpoint renqi renuka s4c socio satisfact zengzhao ##pollenites innermost withdraw withdrawn reactor deployment clarified clarification disaccates arenites transparency pebbly 230a rajmah admixtures lifetime bogdan campos campbell dickite dickitisation ebinur educaci ketan1 langmuir learn learning liaoning pushing sapien tdm2 ##evolution ##45m shipai aluminosilicate subtracted arkose paleoclimates paleoclimatic exponent exponential paleoenvironment paleoenvironments baoji baojia 280a xinjianga emptying megasequence qigebrak infrastructures conspicuously ailoshan bergius dunite eqs france lvt lvf petrel xalm xishancun conveyor attainable geodynam ##plicate unevenly leonard topographies definitely orthogonal orthogneisses angelier delineation montefalc lamellar contemporaneously s016651620000 s0166516200x00 checkbox borneo automatically luntan3 disappearance trondhjemitic perturbation 7708 bcr bouger echelons jiaoye jadeite kongur ldus mutation nuvv olonos svends vibration vibrations vibratory yinchuan ##iyard shifts shaded asphaltenes paleouplifts allochthons percolated percolating landsat7 downwellings supersaturated discriminator ambiguity bangxi bakken biggest buckle buckling dhuime kotli lyon lecucocratic menu menzies naco3 oslo qmr tsangpo xianfeng zongyu zongqiang ##tuogu costa coppersmith coppermine shutdown neutrality formationk2 unpublished unsymmet quadrupole adapt adapted 1906 1906a flanking permitted guijuan multichannel multicellular hydrology migmatite elaborate 235u farsund chloritization saussur kaolinisation jianfeng2 repetitive daniela subaquatic corroborates covariation covariant innovation dismembering symplectites 660km binding croati cubes dictates haba masuda mingguang mingpeng navigation pannotia qp2 stimulation typhoons wojsz zoomed zoogeography ##rifting ##tarakhand threats staff condensed responded formalized formalize clouds subglacial subgrains subgroups unexposed sl0930 sl0929 collects sparse survival quiescent adequately adcumulates phosphate phosphorous transitory redistributed redistributing mudslides drifts drifting capturing dissolves cartographic universally absorbing duplicate authfirstsurn cataclasites mobilizing granted violent dimensionless paragneisses extrapolation cathaysian xuefengshan appraisals unfortunate harzburgite 6701 alegre boninites bonafide dianzhong dozen girdle katili mossbauer pindos sonar tube virtual yakela yunfeng yunbo zhanfeng ##x526 ##x1064 ingersoll ##ispora foreshore chuncheon anatase anatolia resonances armour abbate liberated screw screens screening spike spikes spongy undersaturated fluviatile additive organization organized ecosystems financial 18947 looking bringing narakodu dharmathadka megacontin grasses doubtful titanium physico francisco franciscan jadeitite tasmanides tetrahedral tetraborate centimeters friendliness slickenfib vertebrates disintegrate unambiguously pennsylvanian 218a 52064 birth birch bottle botanical barbara barberton c35s dicaprio dicynodon dwarf dwarahat dormant frc gorge gibbons ibis iberia justified kyushu mota motenko roland rolled rosas uttarakhand xsps yy2 ##pinel ##iecinska ##fo2 ##washi ##bnite intimately inevitable stereo conformable forecast shorelines bypassed geopark compliment ##andez contradicts claims enlarging enlarged metagrey metagabbro meeting cryogenic quanta quantum cautiously cauvery blanketed explicitly repositioned appreciably settlement 19311 discarding perforations suppresses straddle palaeoclimatic macropores trails microcontinent porphyroblast 23t11 ultralow kaurane kaapval 28250 emitted embodiment erdols refertilized 291709 naphthalene publishers homologues homologue meteorology individually baltican spherul catalysts kujawski harrsion acknowledged vestigisporites karakorum authfirstinitialnorm inhomogeneities aulacogen mississippian 01665162 2h2o 3402 avenues avenue bozeman bozshakol baek baekhwas dangerous dangjin dachang dachazi dynamical dynamically grooves gurney gursli hatched iteratively joseon kreuser krevelen kasarag kola kangdian khanka mishrif mentioning oroclinal pyroxenite qfp qfpi stibnite session sessions srikant vague veneer xyz zaisheng ##ught ##3o12 ##8530f thirty thirteen ##erstr ##itzerland stachel sukhidang sukhidhang shunbei shuntuogu chilean orients oriental competency indisputable indistinct envisaged interrogation cannanoropollis teichmuller surprising surprisingly overgrows prp31 prp33 deconvol manufacture manufacturing precollision precollisional histograms huaxian huaxue microseismicity 147sm 1632a succeeding monoand substitution hypersthene hypersthenes hypocenter rcalmpi 291816 291878 exhalative 3303a irreversible destabilization destabilizing snapshot snapshots reprocessed monzonites monzonitic petersen casaspena dissimilarities disagreements reinforcement b08426 b08416a culminated gymnosperms angiosperms jinx2020x513x526 hex2019x1051x1064 aurica barnichon benchmark bubbling candidate cachar c34s diminish fatty foumbot fruitful gillespie h53 jmc jxa8530f lamei mirror mitigation nyasa nakagawa ower oleananes pfu pw240 sztg somma sergio tonkin tambalala tonnes ugol utilise vigorous wankie yajin zaire ziliujing ##eavals ##x235 ##glaciall ##ischen stabl contiguous deficient reagent sharing shizishan prohibiting resampling georgetown competing depicted parasequence subvertical ensemble motivated interchangeable disconnection unrecognized unequivocally regenerative reciprocal undetectable pretreatment overthickened levee belgium impregnation phonolites melanocratic declining decisions distributary settled amounted striatopodocarpitesfus microcracks rubble guarante triangles palaeowildfires siwalik intrusives baffles cyclically dissociation biogeographic eliminates oxybarometry hypergenic ##margins exhaustive symbol mttci protocol protoplanet urgent substantive fernandez ##faulted encourage oppositeto tephrochron 02dmkup puzzle uniformitarianistic akekumu taiyangshan sumatra polygons pseudoreticulatispora microbaculispora recommendations malanjkhand boudinaged bombardment vesicas streaks ellipsoid dissipation disaggregation piercex2000 ingredient underscores kergulean straddling acknowledgment ##betweencoal unavoidable arbitrary fanx2018x204x21 weix2021x1289x130 cylindrical hirnantian puncture yilgarn thoroughly gaoyouhu geohazards sakorafax1997x73x91 2sq athens aureole aapg aitchison alexander bifurcation bourg barnett buchs bhukosh coward cementitious cerium carbonic csrj dashed dodoma della dhansiri duchesne darcy eveolution ectasian fifty fuping fellowship flectances ggv gwembe gleeson gakkaishi garbyang gengma gunpo gokyo gercar gerya gurnis hwaseong huliyard hetao hakurei hensen hakefjorden honshu huminites hellinger hanyu iwabuchi iraq idiomorphic ikeda jersey jotun jormua kwiecinska katsui kullu khairagarh klippe ligurian lapche lovera lscm lamberson m0max mysterious mpanju mysteries nesflaten nascent nainital nianchun napo nominally nacional oozing okefen ogami pteridophy praecolp posgrad pakistan padilla pearson pasuruan rwth rectangular ruesla ribbons sigma s0098 sarproz sirdal tadong tarduno taebae tumuxiuke usili utsfs upheavals utah valles vadose vannay victoria vasseur vuggy wonji wagrowiec writing wopfner wiley xxx xgrs yizheng ziyun œdouble δfmq λe0ε ##patterns ##uagittu ##sedimentary ##yłow ##hagen thalweg thurston thuligaon ##onymous ##inageology inequigranular tomson tolerance tosteeply toughreact toyokura ##oleringen staining stellenbosch statherian isotropic isenthalpic isooctane ##ocinek ##ocollinite ##si3o8 forsmark forsyth maastrich maobing mahesh sugioka shennongjia shiniulan chattanooga choulet antilles aladukam alikhad bybee ##america exciting seyler sebungwe wholesale ortelius faintly geobarometer gehrels plicatipollenites deplanation neohadean nebdal dipartimento parakeyam graveyards subunits subramanian sublayers subsidiary enerugi reliefs intragranular maritime maruyama marineris marcellus interlocking intertwined disconformity disparate disharmonic unsuitable unburnt archeang abrolhos weylandites weichselian reception recuperation obermeier hasegawa teflon undoubtedly fluoridisation underrepresented preventive overwhelming calymmian leikoupo adversely lochnerstr feixianguan przybyłow hyderabad repercussions afghanistan centrifugation variegated decolloment decratonization longquanshan verrucano outlook hebrides earthquakesdisaster controversy trachytes manuscript mudflats hydrocarbonscoal perceptible palimpsest novopangea smallscale paleoelevation paleokarst burgmann burchfiel gaoxian gubongsan tripolis 1122a palaeotectonics palaeovegetation postgraduate sikhote 14t04 syntaxis enderbite bavikara rapakivi gielniow lausanne carpathian lubrication clinoamphibole bivariate schlumberger songgui stewart ulvospinel niqiuhe montoya monomineral montana brzesc semidiurnal ##nalcoalgeology wuzhishan wujiaping oxythermobarometry sitlakhet nanoscale narayanpet ertuohai ##ugtoqidian collaborates posidonia ##fe2si3o12 na2ocao funneled liupanshui muztaghata irrigation mtumbuka johansson skłoby internationaljournalcoalgeology pleiades bohemian devolatilization rotationalshear purtuniq peltacystia 2016zx05004 footpaths ettringite paleolatitudinal photogrammetric 97804446413 978012819 wulanchabu balkhash 994865 xujiahe tephrostratigraphic miscellaneous misconceptions taihangshan jiucaishan fuhrman macrophytes immiscible exsudatinite nagssugtoqidian readjustment 7683b harrington koolmoon polycondensation pseudomorphs kuttiyanam shukhidhang durchbewegung lagerstatten nckfmasht xiaonanhai xiaoduobaoshan ciechocinek yubileinoe brudzinski isoplotr rajmahal bogdanova sapienza montefalcone s0166516200000057 nuvvuagittu svendsen wojszyce authfirstsurnamenorm slickenfibers metagreywackes baekhwasan kasaragod srikantappa shuntuoguole pw2404 sztgds ##glaciallakes striatopodocarpitesfusus piercex2000x235 okefenokee pteridophyte posgrado taebaeksan nuvvuagittuq 0e 050 080 1v 1g 1m 1σ 1ga 1cm 2e 2c 2x 2k 2hf 2sd 2myr 2kal 2mmyr 3h 3si 3he 316 321 376 3ga 3166 3fe3 3co2 4e 4p 4m 4km 416 421 4166 4162 4cm 4myr 5s 5β 516 576 5h2 5kyr 6c 6i 6f 6and 618 6km 622 647 6cm 6mmyr 6210 7e 7d 7f 7h 7and 721 710 713 776 722 747 717 79a 7mw 8d 8i 8f 8g 8m 818 816 812 9k 9km 922 968 969 927 ay a6 a7 ati aes aor aic aud ather aist aand arou aus aeri ama akes austr aira a2a a177 aphy austin ariz bk bw bb bj bow brom bres bri bab bone bian bus blow bbl brian bund bare bfs bcl bings bagh born bonn b11 bower bustin barium boko bickle cv cy c5 ck c8 c7 ces cis csi cig cif cri cge cage crib cue ceng cari cens coch cust cenc cream cind ciw counts cull cpb c21 cased cgs cili casts cush crown cdc casting citing cowan crand cadia cande cadal dl dz d4 d7 dul dmp dow dag dres dum dot damp dyp dob dame dann dft dms dash d31 dushan dung drought dobi daughter dbn doping dustin ea ez e3 ein eel eos eure eag eif eom eri eigh eand ema eia egg eld eun eformation eau edu effic eew eject ejected eickel eij eodae fg fw f3 fow fra fid fom fem fles farb fry fole fred fration frit food fox files fris ffe fras fca fagnes fisch ftir gn gs gf gq ges gru gated god gch gall gene gast gerv gates ghan gard glow gree gost gamb gbl gork g20 gels gwan gets gho gsl goss gsk gurb gsd garg gcm gwith gbs gech gwang gss golf giner gombe gasses ghaz hk hq hj hø hes hic hig hid hale harb hass heng hach hbl hark hott hector hont hrus h14 hung h29 hvl h58 hesh hengshan huli harker hhc hco3 ia ih ij iat iod iand ices iie iolite ionian izu jp jt jf jy jar jis jag jab jma job jae jov jint jench jfs jew jili jias jagou jwal josa jagers jason jomon jabal jikh kx k5 k4 k3 k8 k1 k7 kα kac kou kra kid kag kod kak kiz kary kad kap kma kater kosit kue kath kuan kav kank krem kris kpa kok koo kik kcal kany kdes kans kuo kolar kohl krak kiy kwang kaping kicked kf2 krn knee lc lw l4 l3 lj lic lent lst lts lil lse lich luc lace lift leng lach lath lust lout love lists lope lichuan lank logn lele latite lmatic lili lumines loses ldusi l11 lju luca lumina lushi ligong lingshui lhaz mow mite miz muc mys mia merat mper mout muted miles milled mores mug mwar mrees mura mbe morgan masc mosh nt nal nur nim nated nem nad noun nond night nath namb nao n40 nga njin n14 nodal n51 nobi n34 n79 n43 n130 neritic n39 oc ot ov o4 oru oot oak ogg opt oaus ooh oman oii ohm oyster otake oyo ought p5 p4 pim pru pay pest pater posit pne pgen pins pors peric passi pench p18 psc psh pigg p70 pomm panc pix pinter p17 paster pmw paving pixian pagal pdb poul qh q4 q3 qit qim qia qians qixia qidong rr rd rn rl rs r1 rq ration rra rts rud ries rus ried rach rages rains rive ross rushan roche rica rsd rosa rino raton sx s7 sas sing sow sve sver stic sif sect sab spp sies slu sian sell send sile stit samb sae sque sonn sorption sarg svil sba sabin siping sickle tv tf t0 tm tq t7 ted tic tro ting tec ture tag tere tut tand tall tion trust tures tage tso tick tort tones tund tav tiss tilling tank tiles tapir t80 tsh telling tenn tention tls tics tape t31 treat torn tung tech tuba tfo2 uu uf uy uw uan uand ulu uds udo urey udip umah vv vg vh vm vro vri vand verm vift vort vide vinc vind venting vett vidal vini vande vasco vander wi wti wou wim wum wab wak ward word wach wne wai wenc warn wons wane wett warms wudu wandong wuchang wf2 walsh wester wongs xo xa xh x8 xq x7 xar xand xichang xixia xila xilin xishui xixiang xico xco2 yp ym yz y2 yal yar yim yos yum yous yem yand yuc yad yib yord yach yund youth ykom yosh yech yunk yamba yester zp zs zer zen zro zag zam zem zip zoth znal ziqu zaga zigui œt œcal œactive œrift œext ɛnd ɛhf αα αor αand δr δx δt δb δφ δ33 δ34 δ36 εt0 λr μl μa ρg σ2 ⅰ3 ⅰ2 ⅰ1 ⅱ4 ⅱ3 ⅱ2 ⅱ1 ⅲ2 ⅲ1 ⅳ5 ⅳ4 ⅳ3 ##ek ##ez ##eon ##eing ##eir ##eanic ##eust ##eau ##eber ##eability ##efficient ##ewh ##eased ##easter ##ebi ##ealing ##eonite ##efined ##easur ##easure ##eevolution ##pac ##pale ##pone ##pina ##petro ##proc ##pose ##ptive ##pyroxene ##pao ##politic ##piter ##pgy ##podes ##podtes ##rp ##rt ##rim ##rong ##ronic ##rence ##rone ##rend ##rass ##rill ##ride ##right ##rath ##rential ##rench ##renes ##rara ##rinting ##r213 ##o7 ##oon ##oen ##otion ##ois ##oich ##oqu ##oys ##ofic ##ostone ##oei ##oked ##oother ##ointed ##o11 ##ointing ##oelect ##o006 ##oelastic ##dp ##dj ##dol ##dec ##dif ##dam ##dang ##dem ##ders ##dia ##dard ##dret ##dction ##dled ##drup ##door ##dho ##drad ##dha ##dung ##depositional ##doushan ##drift ##dusan ##dwaj ##deposit ##ui ##uf ##uw ##uj ##uar ##uit ##uation ##uve ##uos ##uts ##uir ##uot ##uity ##uab ##uct ##upp ##upl ##utical ##uhe ##uok ##upb ##uolar ##uasive ##uelen ##utia ##utians ##uitively ##uropa ##cs ##cin ##cor ##car ##cro ##cet ##cate ##cot ##city ##cies ##carbon ##cord ##cial ##culation ##cambrian ##cross ##colite ##ceter ##cup ##comm ##colo ##cule ##c03 ##codes ##cracks ##crt ##cuts ##xe ##xs ##xv ##xite ##xati ##xial ##xint ##xili ##xpro ##x39 ##xrf ##xueshan ##iol ##iod ##iak ##ience ##iers ##ients ##ively ##iens ##itical ##iks ##iosity ##iolite ##iency ##iometry ##iye ##iometer ##iwei ##iushan ##ihood ##ijun ##i03 ##ijo ##iacaran ##nn ##nm ##nen ##nec ##nated ##nite ##nem ##nolog ##nad ##ners ##nip ##nites ##nep ##night ##nals ##nier ##nik ##nelled ##nica ##notes ##natus ##ngu ##nham ##nowski ##nh2 ##nigan ##nabar ##lt ##l5 ##lb ##lim ##lab ##lut ##lonic ##lend ##losed ##lating ##llis ##lie ##lamic ##liang ##lli ##lgo ##lpo ##loric ##limb ##lima ##losilicates ##s9 ##sen ##sas ##sang ##song ##say ##suc ##syn ##sson ##sden ##sets ##sania ##s60 ##sorb ##south ##stice ##spect ##stification ##spathic ##tel ##tou ##tly ##tow ##tter ##tag ##tang ##tud ##tures ##tments ##teng ##train ##tals ##tron ##tagi ##tub ##tta ##t16 ##toral ##t22 ##t14 ##turn ##t02 ##troll ##tamu ##tugang ##aet ##atin ##aue ##avity ##aved ##aust ##aven ##ahe ##ault ##afe ##aho ##afa ##aearc ##aolo ##axing ##aje ##aigou ##atina ##aissance ##aogou ##vet ##vant ##vast ##via ##vess ##vill ##vick ##vens ##vines ##vci ##vania ##volc ##venth ##vimetric ##vaporites ##fu ##f5 ##f1 ##fon ##fed ##fre ##fol ##fil ##fag ##frac ##fted ##fruct ##found ##fically ##fram ##fited ##fels ##foss ##fusinite ##fany ##fenov ##farg ##frig ##finic ##futable ##foya ##fxs ##y1 ##yer ##yal ##yas ##yle ##ymp ##yites ##yue ##yard ##yield ##yrag ##yolites ##yemi ##yries ##yushan ##yesh ##yueshan ##yfxs ##04 ##07 ##0yr ##021 ##044 ##0501 ##5000 ##554 ##528 ##kv ##kk ##kb ##kti ##knd ##kor ##kan ##kat ##kos ##kum ##kop ##klu ##kian ##kus ##kend ##kond ##kose ##kie ##kking ##kox ##kher ##kelen ##kdong ##koleringen ##klima ##gro ##gong ##gut ##gem ##gence ##gall ##gations ##gast ##gwe ##gill ##gai ##gram ##guan ##gae ##gli ##gaw ##greg ##gava ##guo ##glacial ##glas ##growth ##gelen ##gerate ##grun ##gneisses ##granites ##gusa ##hl ##hel ##hol ##het ##hot ##hale ##hran ##hand ##hard ##heng ##hough ##hole ##hio ##helf ##hold ##hta ##hada ##hmar ##hyan ##hwa ##hman ##hler ##hbi ##hiop ##hbd ##hemite ##hytic ##h01 ##haped ##hgaw ##ws ##wti ##wat ##wit ##west ##wary ##weld ##wable ##wick ##wps ##wind ##wire ##wcastle ##w3d ##bz ##b4 ##bin ##ben ##bra ##brom ##bale ##bone ##bear ##bend ##bai ##bank ##borg ##brate ##biv ##bending ##bird ##bury ##bby ##bara ##born ##bela ##batus ##bbles ##bzo ##bech ##bca ##brations ##bbert ##bayan ##bkies ##bacher ##mi ##ml ##mv ##mel ##mol ##mou ##mate ##mog ##mud ##mock ##mere ##mak ##mant ##mand ##mati ##map ##merv ##moz ##mound ##massive ##mstones ##minc ##mised ##meter ##mania ##mix ##mologic ##mean ##metry ##myeong ##moil ##magmatic ##mvation ##zal ##zet ##zop ##zem ##zircon ##zonian ##zha ##zings ##zart ##zzi ##zler ##zko ##zca ##zghan ##zbacher ##6z ##61 ##46 ##400 ##4sio4 ##3m ##37 ##300 ##354 ##389 ##398 ##3fe2si3o12 ##931 ##2z ##250 ##254 ##2x0 ##2b4 ##81 ##810 ##844 ##1z ##100 ##150 ##114 ##1500 ##qa ##751 ##jl ##ja ##jv ##jim ##jort ##jiao ##jacent ##jls ##jik ##jara ##jana ##øue ##ⅰto thn tham thric thins thorite thomp theod theia theses ##ona ##onis ##onation ##onet ##onil ##onso ##onau ##onitic ##onides ##onie ##onometry ##onka ##onomous ##onnee ##erer ##erting ##erich ##eries ##erlu ##erift ##ersid ##erization ##erology ##erinite ##erstand ##erlic ##erare ##erised ##erns ##eratively ##erlen ##erkre ##erticeps ##erkose ##tix ##tier ##tind ##tied ##tiit ##tition ##tias ##tise ##tiso ##tiao ##tieg ##tison ##tish ##tides ##tifying ##tifiable ##tibet ##tight ##esse ##esian ##eserv ##estered ##espans ##escale ##eschal ##inas ##inis ##inac ##inod ##inant ##ineral ##inform ##inally ##incess ##intal ##inuted ##injiang ##inately ##inakes ##inying ##incontinental ##induced ##inpro ##inba ##inoco ##inwestern ##inrelation ##instud ##intillation ##inhold ##enation ##enur ##enet ##entic ##enant ##enstone ##enitic ##enind ##enware ##enkowski ##alf ##alar ##alec ##altic ##alir ##alites ##alue ##align ##altim ##alik ##alda ##alabor ##alkal ##alrel ##al2si ##algae ##albara ##aløue ##altibet ##ndip ##ndara ##edit ##edures ##edrich ##edoni ##ediacaran offa ##oran ##orec ##orig ##orop ##orical ##orad ##orations ##orff ##orov ##orosity ##orogenic ##orily ##orama ##orussian ##orifts ##orclastic ##aning ##anap ##anium ##anshan ##anha ##answ ##anema ##anorth ##anova ##anetary ##anui ##anhada ##anorogenic ##icies ##ician ##icating ##iceous ##icula ##iculu ##iclosed ##atel ##atac ##atam ##atang ##atues ##atake ##atov ##atechn ##atka ##atlantic ##atoli ##atoblastic ##atoidal ##ataria ##atolytic ##atdrad in3 inch inse inma inward inline inerc inapp inosc inuper inlet inliers inefficient ##aru ##ars ##arer ##aric ##arent ##arity ##arge ##arion ##arval ##argo ##araka ##araki andri andstone andrad ##itat ##itac ##itter ##itate ##itag ##itated ##itong ##itous ##itob ##itde ##itative ##ituminous ##itler ##iteto ##iteni ##retion ##recon ##recc ##reib ##reens ##recent ##reference ##reenstone ##asp ##asal ##asic ##asar ##asour ##asures ##asable ##asound ##roy ##roch ##roved ##rolite ##rols ##roko ##robat ##roflu ##rology ##rotron ##isen ##isis ##isable ##isina ##iscan ##istered ##isible ##isink ##isette ##isporu ##elts ##elated ##elite ##elop ##elad ##elun ##elized ##eltered ##elmatic ##elior ##elands ##eliga ##elhagen ##elproc ##eluot ##inga ##inger ##ingshan ##ingbosch ##ingerland ##lec ##lei ##levi ##lections ##letes ##letely ##leths ##lementing ##levant toe tour toth tomp tolu told tooth topped totally tobaceous tolgo totals to150 ##urz ##urys ##urized ##urating ##ursive ##urately ##urns ##urton ##urries ##uranium ##olas ##olly ##olig ##olag ##olay ##ollis ##olines ##oliao ##olutions ##olane ##olulu ##ollected ##olyong ##oltaic ##olafa ##thy ##thon ##this ##thang ##thot ##thys ##throws ##thothermic ##acal ##acec ##acting ##acies ##acles ##acustrine ##activ ##acias ##acrog ##acerb ##acuated ##sten ##sted ##stability ##stanti ##stcent ##stables ##staking ##stocks ##steritic ##stratigraphic ##stacles ##ecter ##ecyp ##econd ##ecuted ##econtinental ##ecker ##eco3 ##ecsas ##oui ##ouac ##outs ##outing ##ouping ##ouenites ##ouched ##ulph ##ulting ##ulwe ##ulites ##ulose ##ultra ##ulatively ##ulze ##ulhas ##ulator ##ulisp ##ulcate stru stod stay stata stoch story stark stained stasi stocks stromb struc stoich statues ##etu ##etom ##etted ##etyp ##etushan ##ettings ##etamorphic ##etermined ##etectonics ##eteau ##etecsas ##ithfully ##ithostatic ##ithinac ##lytic ##lysm conch conse conferred coniferous conject conacy conference isle isom isot isoz isbn isotherm islamic ##mpin ##mples ##mpling ##oca ##ocate ##ocam ##ocence ##ocus ##ocun ##ocating ##ocath ##ocline ##ocumul ##ococc ##ociating ##oceanic ##sitic ##sitions ##simpl ##si2o ##silic ##sibility ##sibles ##siki ##sifies ##simis ##sight ford forth forens forset fortu forese forsteritic ##igit ##igand ##igneous ##igios ##igiani ##igaoka ##igoon ##igonometry ##igetu ##owu ##owou ##owment ##owers ##owsk ##imed ##imond ##imble ##imits ##imodal ##imica ##imdec mao maar maqu mama mahan maase mayn maxi mafeng maier maury mauna mamu mauric mabian makin mazar maarle mazart maaløue mandara maanshan coh coil coph coqu covel coint cokes cook codes coiled coocc cof2 cobb coaxi cotta coaxing cof1 cobbles ##teris ##terok ##terranean ##veation dey deer dewe devious dewater dehar dehui dealt dehant degenerated dewit ##cement ##ceacas ##rap ##raum ##ravity ##raft ##rading ##rably ##raising ##rapur ##ratification ##raduate ##ratiform ##ids ##ida ##idel ##idou ##idated ##iday ##idates ##idents ##idium ##osm ##osan ##osure ##osour ##osound ##osome ##osoci ##osubduction ##osofic ##osfil ##tson ##tsevolution ##tiny ##tinent ##tination ##tinate ##tinely ##tinitic ##tinback sui suit suil suffic suuh su5000 ##ilu ##ilite ##ilites ##ilob ##iltered ##ilpi ##iliter ##ilenko ##ilhard ##ilenur rez retic reform reformed reex re10 reimin reorientation rejo reese reticular reocc reamal rebuil rebuilding reenrichment reuber shat shru sham shri shay shend shuan shaw shunnan shik shix shuang shmax shimen shaya shichang shiling shmin shares shigong shali shelly shalec asab chn chq chut chand chances chizhou chilian chung chev cheong chips chasm chinageology chahe cherkose chatel cholane chilpi ##atethys anap anshan anto anna anterior baster basering baselines baso4 ##ogs ##ogle ##ogai ##ogocene ##ogerg ##ograined ##ogatake ##ureenviron ##romod ##romise ##rometer ##agon ##agat ##agar ##agonal ##agasy ##aggy ##vered ##verns ##vertine ##vergence ##mentdi ##mentnorth ##rue ##rui ##ruity ##rusion ##rugin ##rums ##ruding ##rugations ##rutiny ##ife ##iffer ##ifled ##ifw3d ##iftinback prolu propping probed propped proof prokop alic alos alph alab aliment alun alper albed alive alashan al2si alo2 alogical alago alculation alhough aljl alonso allevi byproduc ##resso ##amod ##amous ##amail ##amura ##aminan ##amita ##amuni ##amfn ##amdwaj ##amelts beast behar beaton bezop beidou exon exch exines extingu exiting exobi exogenetic exothermic exterior exerting exacerb executed seed seab sema septa searle seoul seochang seventh seidel whir whale whence whene whiti wh2o whits wholly onand onland onla oncolite onsets ##ods ##odel ##odos ##odated ##odies ##odium ##odities ##odetic ##odosa ##phi ##phir ##pheric ##phases ##phyl ##phson ##physics ##pheline ##phalian ##photometry ##phenant ##iran ##irts ##omy ##omite ##omial ##ommon ##omte ##omoshan ##omires ##omings ##omosing ##omfort ##omaterials ##omatov ##omacrog ##omodated ##iteit ##itext orphan orifice ornatus ormoz orinoco fax faell fade faithfully ##ang3 ##angang ##angay ##angell ##angula ##anginian ##anggou ##anganda ##angtai ##angguan ##ums ##umlu ##umata ##umari ##umulated ##umination ##umura ##umseong ##umatolytic ##umilite ##udy ##udan ##udance ##udao ##udiri ##chen ##chemistry ##chromatic ##chhi ##chison ##chloric ##chaigou ##chatka ##chasable ##chrotron ##ried ##rition ##riad ##riug ##ritial ##riasian ##rietary ##otti ##otential ##otron ##ot009 ##otstra ##otelmatic ##otomy ##eremb ##ityearly acrit accep acrobat rests resone restrained ##opic ##opite ##openg ##opens ##oplastic ##opdb ##opo11 ##opimdec ##opteris ##sea ##seis ##severed ##tington formally formulated formartine ##ichet ##ichun ##ichtig ##onghe ##ongbasin ##ongruity ata atom atop atyp atwater attitude ##quent ##quari ##quette ##quimica gee geer geen gear gehr geostress geostatic geogra gemstones geumseong pll pluc plenti plio plitude placement plint plugg platin ##abi ##aby ##abay ##abian ##abber ##abrian ##abao ##abited ##abaya ##abnormal ##abyssal ##abolic ##abasic ##abagar ##abudan compass compress compose compiling compsitions compromise compresso ##therless basinward ##aku ##akou ##akri ##akuch ##akik ##aksu ##akosh ##aksan ##akuri ##akalik ##akumari ##utata ##utely ##uttered ##utnik depaolo ##anty ##antom ##antun ##antling ##anteed ##antuo ##antectonics ##ctus haq hair haap hautes haicheng hafn haiping haowu ##aleku ##aleont ##alepolitic ##emis ##embers ##emetry ##emcial ##ranens ##raneous ##raneevolution ##istence ##istorical ##veland ##veltim ##velihood highto highyield ##ayao ##ayigit ##pples ##ppery ##ppmv ##pparion ##inegra ##ando ##andi ##andri ##andina ##andsc ##andoned tectothermal ##izichun ##iest thise ##atial ##atise ##atiates ##atiron ##ativa ##atio006 ##estral ##estudy contort contention contract contested contracts contaminan ##ractive ##racyclic ##racerare ##racatac ##plus ##plating ##plains ##planes ##plosive ##pluve ##planetary ##ford ##fords ##foroil ##foranaly ##forelands ##cessions ##cesanalysis ##oney tectonicmap ##geant ##gead ##geomorph ##geochemical ##geochemistry ##gebre ##ainable ##aindia ##lution ##luid ##luxed ##004 ##00calyr indoor indisp ##alli ##allacustrine norites noritic norvick norfol ##iano ##iances ##ianolag neues neub neoliths ne45 neophy neijiang neocath nepheline dib dien diap diast dihed divalent diwu diiod diabasic minfeng minds minutes minxian minnes minerology parr paris parents parna paraxial parbat pargas parfenov paranap parasound paratethys parabolic colr collog collis collier lowe lowor lowand ##uction ##uccess ##ucoal ##ucice ##ucaria grays graham grazing graulites faultand faultbound faultcont faultbend formationw formationis formationinter formationactive formationwas formationlim formationactiv clast clai clark claw clogs cluttered eva evacuated subma subhed subcontin subfacies sublac subseismic subecon submer submature subtidal subhead sublith subdction subcro subfrig suberinite subalkal suboceanic subterranean wastes enites entit encan ensu en74 en84 enviroment en81 enthothermic engebre ##edimentation ##ionchin ##aceutical relion relates relocated relocate moments moyite moises movable moaven mokdong mooney maghemite sedimente sedimentwater sedimentologic ##used ##usitz ##uszko presenting presmvation presenation ##oreal ##ourings ##ourceter intram intumes intends intuitively ##formations southerly ##adi ##aden ##adth ##adow ##aday ##adistic ##adala ##adzu ##adwaj ##adcumulate rocksof earths earthy earthenware modulating modifw3d ##osium ##osimetry incur incap incenti incline incises incisive incurred incongruity ##eriyin ##ationship mara marts marco marques mariana mareschal maramuni ##apace ##apsed ##aprog ##enees interfac interrup intercontinental interlude interphase intercept intermix disang disast distil disrup disput disrupt disputable distillation unter unwe unia unob unno unsh unstruct unsm unapp unnam unmet unoxid unters univocally uneconomic unbal unidenti unchann unproduc unfaulted unnec uninform unansw unimodal figured arge arens ardle ardu arrow arms arden arenn arithm arren arenite arnen arsen ##astating ##astrone ##astoplastic ##weidi regia regulation regulated regains regulations regulating registered coalfre coalbear ##erving ##majort abate abated abrief aberr abuj abudance abakalik abandoned slid slend slided slaty sl931 slingerland slurries betts betsimis usable usgs uslli ushaped ##ysen ##ysica ##ysydney showers ##cona ##concent ##context matric matured matsch matan1 mattias canal cance canning canmet cancell canjik ##lesmere ##ersitde crustally itauc itrf ##ructure ##ructuring ##ructural weite weib weining weyb weishan wehr wealth weibo ##iaonan ##iaaprog ##ipate ##ipted ##iprak ##ipollenites ##elli charact charlier chardin charecter charrue ##arboxy collecting ##ghes ##ghuang recess recursive recollected metric metarh meterial metrology metangula meets mehf meixian meitan meizi meijun meyer mehta meinhold meadow ##endian ##endites ##eldspathic ##orphyries lied lively libo lihong libr li2b4 liantuo livelihood obi obsid obey obtian oblate oblast obana obaje obstacles ##dijls accla accidents accomodated ##soil ##soft valence valche valencia valanginian ##entier ##entiated ##inafter hasterok ##essarily ##essartine ##ouncement tepe tegelen teilhard ##han1 ##hanpo ##hannels ##ermata ##ermond ##ermagnitude scb scum scour scun scree scenes scbe scotes scanned scintillation scalar scrutiny scutata scanty scandina ##epohl ##epartamento spy spk sped spent spont spanned spacec spouting spilites sputnik spessartine undo undulations undiv undisp undisc undulose undiffer underemb colleaguesered colleaguesows colleagueseady ##ggut ##ggish ##ggren ##ggang3 differed ##oza ##ozhuan ##ozhuo ##ozonation indicus ##mentsadvances ##mentsupb ##asea 20i 209 2080 2030 2028 2090 20t22 crono credit crisis ##illo ##illard ##illips fluvo sourc sourcer southfig northeaster ##velopmentnorth gash gasor gasoh gasgeology gasolines depositonal stride strides underling underline underway underside underlies underlay underplate underrepresent underpress undertake underthrusting underdeveloped undersea underused prehn preto prefect prevents preconcent mainten mainsh typed typifying surfac suruga surmised surabaya surplus ##raphischen ##keuser occures occumn extensi extraneous quel quib quake quakes quaten qungu overly overand overflow overestim overdeep overnight overbank overstability oversimpl ##ardo lithopro lithoge lithogenetic litholi lithogenesis manton mantel mantoushan ##ficially ##ficatio006 chinaa calamita calabrian capping cazar cahen cawood ca3fe2si3o12 caal2si caverns occured ##itites ##itimate ##ounded ##oundere grants ##ibly ##ibets ##iburton ##icking ##maline lowerand faced facles faceted detrinite detections leitch leaps lefort leached leitz leaved leinegra ##orded ##ordinary adit adular adding adits adhes adudu adhere adebi adsorb ##ystems believing belorussian ##enga ##engsi ##engers ##engolle impose impression impover impressive impart imprec imposes imperial importing imploy implor impinge importer implementing impacting ##ifices ##ificocean eleveation ##ralutah ##ralithostatic ##ydenite distally paleogen paleosal paleomar paleomorphology paleorifts paleosubduction paleogerg paleomires petrotectonic petrolei locale welldeveloped fefe feidong feiran exposition expens expert expending exporter expatiates blend blended blaz blatt blurred 10e 10c 10m 1056 10hf 10na 10kb morev ##cesses genes genese ##ungen ##unaga ##uniform ##university ##unza ##unbayan prices prerift princess ##ario ##arious ##ariably proves provoke ##achite ##achians ##achung ##achimits kms simao simms simeon thickn thickand thickto expleration ##ensable ##ensky ##ileke ##ileio hyde hydrop hydrometer thereafter changling changyang changxing changwei changchun changdao changsong changthang ##neuf ##newcastle ##formationnn seckend ##ressreport ##iverbasins ##onderer ##eratures ##erather carbonation carbonized carbonyl carbonatised ##ynin ##ynthetic ##ynomial mayon mayatu comfir continentality continentalrif ##rying ##ryong ##ryeong ##ryococc ##osted ##ostones ##osteric ##ostructural phu phlog phased pharm phreat phalabor phantom phillips meliad appl apprec appealing appointed approved silver fracturation ##onesiaaprog corals corelated corrugations midland midwest wherever consumes consolid consulting afr afm afar affords centred centrally twth twice timeline ##violet ##viewh ##ospherization assay assured associating sinks sinochina sincer ##obic ##obiao ##oblasts ##obalrel twoand ##amorphosed ##raining ##rainment ##rainian calcitic calculator refute refuting refrig refluxed signing signified earlylate ##ochemcial ##athered ##athetic hower ##rocode ##roclasts ##acki lateglacial trind trichur trzem trisina trigonometry trimble trilob blockers blockfaul greisen ##perpendicular upthrust upflow update upgra upsur uptake upcoming upright ##parite ##parable ##paramet ##gences ##genesis deepen deepens majhgaw ##ricted ##ricult ##ricorn ##ironental ##ironformations sandur sandier sandouping decc decean declined decimet decimeter deceased decelop uppsal ##uster ##ustors ##ustrie ##ustainable distributes distributing seton setback observing 1900 1930 1940 1910 1912 1919 1917 193a 1914 1935 1927 1915 1949 ##tzer lays laying majorly majoritic agv ag1 agip agents aguab agyrag agroch agulhas agricult ##logged ##logypetro middleand middleton pressurized condiex ##chewan ##cheyan glen glided glassi glazi glitter domed domiwei longhu longxi longgan longzhong longchang longlin longax longfig ##emicals mattercl increment increments incremental ##tigium concur concert conclusive concavity transloc transversed transbr verification verdon verifying verifies outlier outpur outputs outlet outdoor ##lises ##listic presentation ##rosporites ##roshio arcand arckar butler esay eshel ames amid ammon amended amoco amfig amster amaru amelior evolutional 2013a timefram ##olecular ##orses interposed interpenet heine heav hefeng heye heze hezh heave hetian healing heibei hegang hegong heerlen ##redict ##developmentnorth ##aira ##aitina ##aiisp striations stripping stripped striatus stripe ##berations ##berland ##berabber waterfall waterfrac waterlogged completen bounds ##ioites fieldand micos ordering desheng desulph destination deserving typeuranium suggeststed ##duces ##duhu characterise regionalized smit smatopodocarpites smolder smoother structureless beck becken horse ##yroxenites oceanology upliftment alloy allix quart quarter quarters quarried silicon redire redeposit redefined reduct ##bller ##bljana ##blendites topo topa topics topologies topmost topaz mounts mikum miocence sequestered compositionalt limolite limagne limoei tracer tracked trachytic quartzof ##rons ##ronomical ##itico potent potonik potonie discs discomfort ##ramite ##ramylon mountainbuilding associate ##mpled ##mplasm manan manure manned manlin manats manchuang manitob manengolle proposition propensity propositions proposing proposes proprietary periodically ##iev fla floc flint flaggy flatiron ##encast tectonicsrecent tectonicsettings ##uane ##uan1 ##uanhu ##uanji compartments mechler ##ffle ##ffield ##ffness ##ffected ##ffmud ##ffroy precluding precamfn precarious mudrocks mudflow mudston mudcracks 200i 200a 200myr generalization furnes furrows furthest ##terozoiccrustal richest generational shearer shearand recorders hydrocarbonsoil ##aean mechanochemical mechanochemistry mechanolysis peate peep peiro peizh pexpro petiso furtherly ##arnalir ##arnelli peru peryt perplex perched pertinent perchloric persevered ##huai ##huote ##huagou ##huidi tarrain crystallograph crystallinities sectional oilgas profex researching researchrel researchreport fractionations ##ropetrog ##ropods complexation 1220 1280 1270 1230 1296 1217 1228 1269 1244 126a 1267 ruiz ruichang ruppel ruyue rumpling sox so4 soknd origination origincom shallows palau palao palustrine palacas palaearc palbzo palmerv palandri nox ##unday ##understand ##aille ##ailable ##heishan permission leveled uranyl news newer newfound newborn continuities 15i 15g 15z 1550 1560 15000 1596 1524 1558 155a 1527 15myr nearness pool pohu pokh poison potentiality oxcal oxford infilled infinity inflation inflating infamous idm idaho maficity riffl swa sww swing swam swings swart swaid switzerland swabian groupings bedand bednar smallest firstand ours ##ovsk ##ovalent ##ovoltaic ##ovillard cease ceases magmus magmato ims imsz remember remagne remeasure reminis remodel velev velvet determinant zhili zhix zhushan clayton planum planners representations representatives archeanvolcanic archeansyn ##uchungen ##ledges igs ignor igpet lessened ##ergo ##erged ##ergizing erodes paleoand paleohyd paleoflow paleotherm paleoflora paleoaltim accumulatively foldtrain drone drzew patkai pattison ecology ecris prims primed mesogenetic mesocumul containment equate equant equivocal petrologia petrologica mechanismsc founders foundered foundational defo defect deflated default deflections defocus ##avu ##avari ##avalent ##avicula transiently burma burke burning burkh burnham gaoping gazzi accordant correcting breaching brelie breadth maximize maximised ##ogeny ##ogenous ##ogenically pbs porosities poroelastic porcup porosimetry ##liott ##tein ##tebrate ##hnuir guides guiw guzhen gubb guochang gulec guadala ##yc3 ##ycles ##ycnites ##yclonic ##ksichtig moveout carbonateand trip tried trials trivial triplicate triletes westphalian separations separator largeto largescale largermagnitude ##oclastics 11a 11g 116 1120 11km 1156 1196 1168 1124 11cm 1144 112a 1190 1136 1178 1167 11t00 11t15 11t14 ##utegl ##continents descent palaeocene palaeover palaeont palaeomagnetic palaeolithic directionally mull multhan multitude displace displacing macrinite macgreg macquari curled currie curious curiously curiosity himalyas numeral numerator numanha eclogization eclogitized geoid geoanalysis geoquimica geoffroy himalayantectonics hump hugo huash hukou huosh hubb huicheng hubbert huitong huisink huilu huayao hughes ##ptbra seamless 100x 1006 1009 1001 100ma 1007a 100mw wax wawa superq superficial superba superchron superdeep superficially localize assemblies globaltra kev keen keith keai scienced nwor nwr213 widen widom widest widened ##2o4 ##2o7 initiates initials initiative producer combing combustors natal natures solt solving solvent solstice solomatov travertine ##overed ##overing ##oversion ##ualize ##leumgeology caps capabilities capitan capricorn transitioning finished finnigan lato latus postand postulate postearthquak postacc postexp postrift postulates postcumulus postrifting postpone willis willow magnification multiele multipur multiplic multidisciplinary multispect multiparamet reachable concentrating ##valian doel dots ##issures 1850 1816 1821 1860 18000 18cm 1825 1836 1892 18mmyr 1842 18t00 1845m 18t16 18opdb elementary sikk microfl microplate microanalysis microlith microchann microdeformation microtub microalgae microphotometry microplanes microgeomorph microsoft peaking 149 14th 1416 1440 1410 1460 144a 1428 1429 correlative correlatable 164 161 16β 16th 1680 1630 1610 1623 1654 1658 1695 1675 1667 backed backsw backthrusting backlimb backbone historyocean investigates mudstonekh synor synform synrift synsedimentary synonymous synmagmatic synchrotron synergizing intrude endeav endothermic endowment endorses endogenous ##ography3d understandable ##50m ##50ma ##503x energies magnetism seconds convert converts converting increasement specify cratonized baa bahe baise baomin bazh baques baitao baocheng baomoshan epa epiph epikar epeir epitac opal optic options optics optional operator opencast predrift predators predetermined 13a 13g 13z 131 13th 1350 1323 131a 1317 1314 1368 knot knaus knife particulate participated participate polat polyb pollast political pollut policies pollution polynomial conflic confounding confounded coverand greenand greenlands hydroflu hydrobrom hydrolytic hydrochemistry oldland oldaker orthosilicates orthomagmatic orthorec orthoversion climax climbs preservations changeable ##209 ##201 ##2070 ##2022 ##20ths gipps srnd srso4 correspondent ##ishy ##isher ##ishes ##ishaw ##ishikar laos laha lavier lavern lafia lafarg lausitz laozhuan migrations riding riddled yangyan yangbi yangxia ##oxun triassicages 50i 50a 505 506 502 508 50ma 5033 50years 50mmyr ##stonesdeposit medull emplace emplaces emplacements employs 17d 17a 17z 1720 1719 17cm 1734 1795 1727 ##intuitive ##introduction landwards deny denver denomin denmark densification densifies ##atisporites provenanc 305 30m 302 308 30km 3012 309a 3090 3073 30t00 305m cares carved carving cartes caroline carstification carapace glacially dominatedly doleritic dolostone dolostones degli degrad degrade degrading lupar luxi luof lupan luhr luoma luweg lugu luobei lugers luobiao divied bodo ##hai1 porphyroclasts karur karato karayigit ##remes clinpyroxene accretive analyis analytically feldsarenite leader ape apical aprog apwps apiculu aprons apuane auhs auxili delphi shorten shortand shortcom shortcoming contrarily petrographically unitsⅰto wt03 injured injecting injections granitesstra granitesgem bien bira biomic biyang biennial biorad biozonation bioclastics downsc downcut download downglac downfaulted downturn downhole downwind downbending downthrows mgal ##ompacted feldsparand serow breakaway breakouts wavea wavefield amphibiolite turcot turvania turmoil ##exico ##explosive granules granulitization granulatisporites neoproterozoica argues argyle schminc scharer schreib schulze schuster wouldna ##annah ##aokou prograd progressed programa crosslines crossroad crosscuts insensi insulating inserted insitu precipitations precipitates precipitating elided eluted elimination elba elastics elutri elena eliminated eloqu ellend elthon elapsed elastoplastic ellesmere elliott songming ##mmond ##struction uncontroll terrigenousorig ##erousglaciallakes ##arev ##areax ##areviewh stratigraphicgeochemistry activa activate activating fewest mixes mediumand dolomitisation dolomitizing workability worksh workbook proboling alkalinity 40i 405 40m 404 409 4035 4075 4042 4082 lo6 loon lots ##elshale lengthy steel steering stevens stefany 1994a 1991a 1997010 clinopyroxeneand 234 231 23ma 2320 2316 2360 2313 232a 2374 burialhist converged ##indonesiaaprog evenly ulo ulipa ulnite ##18a internet thermometric thermogra thermosteric thermochemcial texturally textbook provenancemod ##kesworth anorwegian liquification injectioninduced eu2 europa eurocode minority niuchang pyriti pyorclastic expertise monile monolith monocryst monik monoph monolay monocline monovalent ##ubev naming ##ristic ##risacc invert bratan brighter brenda brf5 classifying rapidity erupting eruptible tanym tansania platteng platetectonics sulfates linxian linyi linxiang linxia reportedly 255 25m 258 257 2550 2525 2527 ii1 iiif semiclosed ##oldthrust ##ragonal ##raglacial geophone geophysicist geophysica worst worrying amplifies illin transpose petrologicalgeochemical beneze benefited roy room roermond radially elevates elevating elevmax elevmin elevmean journals ##km03 ##regate ##regated ##regionchin almaden drains ##rystal ##tatina ##taeniate maturerich ##ficationpot initialized theme bulgar buldel bultitude dayao frei freire frechen ophioites 21a 211 211a 2164 2103 nbn nbs60 parallelly parallelism edax edman edepartment edifice edifices rhodes rhaet rhodium supcrt supralithostatic supraglacial beforehand orientational weiha aggressive laminate lamza lamabagar subset subsistence invoke invested invisible invariably geosystems formationscar 300d 300i 3009 300ma 300200 3001000 hereinafter streamer streamers penn penrose penstocks takin wuhn wuyi deplete tectonites tectonostratigraphic buff buyan bumps buergo groundbre altering favoring 28a 284 287 2830 2824 2826 2832 28t23 fool fo80 fo90 fo85 ##ylated ##ylsilic southwestward focussed focusses duke duyun duffield damara tibwith crept farming farmer farthest faraday frames coarset distinctions liquidized 604 607 60km 6044 starvation depended dependant graduate eventful spectrums authentic gneissosity sits palaeoarch palaeotherm ##faciesdepositional hypogene hypogenic hyperp hyperb hypidi hypabyssal lacerticeps stillwater ##apirstructure predication saltwater fragile fragmental nanning nanjiang nanxi nanchuan nancy nanluo nanogeology nansha nanoropollis nanograined nanostructural ##cl2 ##cllo ##clays ##clifled ##163 solidly solidify seriesyr seriesof serieswas oxygenated oxygenand oxygenates 45a 456 454 453 459 458 451 457 45000 4572 universityof bandits bandier emic ##oku ##okin indexes labs labrad nonto nonpro noneconomic nonclastic noncumulate noncarbon nonweld nonuniform nonperpendicular nontaeniate ##orescence 1981a ern erlen erbulake errand erlang erkelen ertix erdijls selnica seliceous ##ugetushan ##screens horns hornfels hornblendites cuticular cupress estuar estadistic geomorphologically geomorphologists channeling 22a 22g 226 227 2200 2276 2247 224a 2266 2258 2264 365 36m 364 363 369 361 367 36cl 361a 3697 3661 ##angeinwestern needing appearances heats poorer analyzer 2440 2460 2417 243a 245a 2479 24t23 2450ma morpho morphologies roleanorogenic ##lasticwed pluto floodplains correlationbetweencoal evaluations evaluates surveying 000i 000a 000z 00034 00032 000kyr ak5 ak4 ak16 ak13 akah ak17 akita akpodtes akunza hf1 lightweight promise promises promotion attom attack attaching attests attrition attractive collages collinite colloids matrixes lithoand carries forelands approximating broom broek mmes vitrain vitric vittatina ##ercian standpoints anyue platesplumes responsive reef reefs segmented segmental segregate restacked restorations restructuring restraining releases barites barometric barrel barss barchi barcodes barataria barasar dusty kumba kummer kumtag posiva wangwu wangjiazhuang wangmo wangcang wangfu debates debouched taishan taxa taesi tafter taurus taocun taizichun wallis wallaby instable instabilities conductively spatio reductions orogenetic ultrapot ultraviolet rotate rotates consequential equilibrates himalayanearthquakes 35i 356 354 353 351 3550 3513 3576 3568 355a 3536 3582 35276 35tow uncommon uncovering uncompacted southeastand trenching trenchward bathyal satoh saturating ##801 interacting interactively 29a 299 298 29si 2950 2970 ##shun ##shaw ##shiling interbeded southwesternand northwestem northwestward 500a 500m 500km yanjiang yancheng yanchuan yanlong ##roaching asthenospherization drillings 26m 269 262 261 26al 2600 2660 2673 2643 2693 2645m 70a 70g 703 709 7080 7058 7078 70918 7094 ##harigetu integer integrates integrally differentiates approaching bp12 bp22 bp11 bp41 bp39 felsch naigu navier nazca pasture wedged wedepohl znree znuper zncl2 ##ciolafa ##ciuszko ##ogeologic exhumes exhaust ##ircling centera 31i 313 311 3170 3130 311a 317a 31t0 31918 circump circulates circulatory circuit papp paved pahran syq sykes sykor 333 339a ##ullin intermediateand cutoff cutcross hangx ##lanca ##anismtectonic summit excite silicaand anorthite anorthitic kbsi neto olivines oliogocene testable testament granuliteor funakawa funiushan commission commended comminuted commodities siliciclastics oxidised juyi jupiter jueluot liter literal littoral literatures visr ##cois ##cophile olivineand tuo tuha tuku tuvalian veined 805 806 809 802 801 halogen halogens zonography ##elementsupb geodynamicists sedimentationpatterns ##entiallydang reflecor 63a 634 bottoms bottomlands s1l s1a s1b s132 s1254 yingan yingjing yingdong yingryong brecciation oka okumura graphs graphitized slows liuhe 20192 zhangji zhangduhu broadened demonstrably 400a 40011 400kv ##oyka ##ennia alternations alternately advective advisable advocating arcsecond 1000ma predominates spatialanalysis yuhong ##canian ##212 ##21stcent examinations radiative radiometer networked 475 47ti 477a hotan mucheon mueller muyushan mukher muffle connotation proterozoicironformations playa playing playground specifics 866 864 863 861 866a retene returns ##ivorous ##kazghan ##ractionated 32a 325 326 324 323 3250 3295 3200m austria fanjoy holistic humble humans humohum humocollinite hummock populated protuber protosour protruding alga minimized minimizing cannel softens permeabilities huanghai huangye huangping huangji huangtugang huanghuagou amphibolitea amphiboliteand attribution 514 519 5122 5102 5195 5115 5179 5100calyr ##hoa chenglin chengbu overpressured joined jointed ##ooj ##yeon ##yeyou englacial engvik engendered engeriyin intraarc intrabasin intraformational geosciencias geosciacias jiangxing jiangjin kerrich kerogens ndigui zrsio4 ##3032 actors crystalized doesn australasian 600ma 600km 600400 dongping dongqi dongchang dongdoushan dongyesh dengfeng darkness skull skirts willy wilde wildc wildif coastlines pyrogenetic pyrogenic pyrofusinite pyrogram pyrophyl mineralogically mineralogypetro topographicand argillic argillite 906 904 908 901 90km 90ka 905a c22 c28 c2ar c289 catoca cruise crumples crumpled homo homogeneity homoclinal homolytic homonymous ##upipollenites ##yanghu ##40m ##409 ##arcmin ##arcbasins ##arcvolc equilibriums 65a 652 658 65th 6500 65ga 65myr 65100 bo1 boiler booster bootstra boosted econo ironstones s235 chlorites handy handling accuracies icdp xinong xinzhou xinyu devoted devices deviating devastating acidification openning proportioning bluff bluish ##slmb ##sllt ##haus ##hazi ##ashagou accomplished pyrolyze 017 0142 873 871 save saone saurian hazardous accompanies 2750 279a 2714 2758 2764 2771 27t15 27t02 276z 2740m liptinitic xenomorphic ##103 ashing ashiga paleogeothermal paleogeodetic tanzanian 439 432 4311 freezes phenylsilic featureless 003 0098 00130 00709 00831 dryers drylands tabberabber forceful dextrally ##iefmod floored 150a 1503 150ka planetology planetoid builder builds 48a 484 4800 achankov ductility xiaohai ##nswick ##gskoleringen ##606 evoluca evoluation yuertuos 385 381 387 3800 3880 3893 915 914 tiech tiande ukrainian metaultra northeasternmost engineer phanerocrystalline 39a 396 3917 3901 empa empire emptied gala galange galician galopimdec galileio gamaksan pyroxenexe ##basinan ##123 ##122 ##ilik ##ilixiao replacements replenish replicated replicating chenji chenggang3 ##ographer ##ographical functioned sga substages substrates mega megaf extrude extrusions essel halfway 465 46z 466 464 462 468 461 4600 sensible ##pointed ##poris ##porting ##porina ##ingsbosch champion transformers transformext ruptured reactivities creeping narrowing narrowly ferry ferrill ferrugin nowhere nowacki tongul tongba tonggu tongbai chronometric chronologies chronometers chronologic chronologically chronostratigraphy ##mafics 1063 1069 1062 10684 55a 559 557 5500 55km hillslope purity purified purchasable purporting ##ikums ##131 tomica tomita leftover exposing 2000km karsts apenninic segmentary yinggegai 56i 56a 561 561a 5642 56213 533 532 531 537 5300 5380 53000 5389 52z 522 52ma 5299 hemlo molos molise moller molasse molasses molydenite varas varve varved variscan varitext ##montypes equipluve finalize finalizing necessitated darw darje daraut hongshan hongming honglong hongchuang kimura logfo2 pelites pelton peltier pelecyp peltzer sibe ##zheng ##zhijiang ##zhudao ##throughtime chapman elongations 735 73g 734 733 739 731 7325 bays bayesian bayinba windy windward ##laiba ##766 dispositions 2016a palynostratigraphy imaginary polarities polarizing polarising footnotes 346 344 343 347 34ma 3476 34ga 347a 3475 3498 3400m daa daodi daji daxiang dazhai daxue dazu daxint daheishan dazhudao etopo11 grasp truth archipel archetyp paleolandsc photometric photolysis photomacrog photovoltaic applicability agreeing configure accommodates 895 896 892 891 8935 896a 800e 800i 80000 8000yr runaway rungwe inherently inheritable incompletely meteorites 206u 120m restricting restrictions kimberley kimberelite 75m 75ma funds jinye jinxian jinzhai jinliang judith judging judged senses sensors violet ##lenfl ##yingchang innera footwalls 54i 542 548 547 54fe 5460 drama draping drafted hpgs tenor tenure seek metallogenesis metallogeny 1039 1032 imagej knowledges loaded 37a 379 3750 3776 372a 3782 975 973 977 97000 9774 didna nneand pingli pingguo ttn ##ohlenfl ##ixer ##ixigou ##bulges toolbar toolbox encelad encironental encircling preparing specials specialized greenstonesthroughtime 885 886 889 887 88sr bonded domeier faming sanggan sanggang sangtamu sangonghe wulashan wulingshan zhuanghu ##aneously 2021dj trackways parameterization parameterize parameterizations scientifically sulfidesau sulfidesni tectonophysics phenomenally snand snake snriz snmassive wanshan ##iasah atmos diverted diversification divergences 1055 1054 1053 1059 1052 1058 1057 explosions exploited exploiting designing designate guang1 guangnan guangyuan kepingi hirose hipparion oppel utility ##zieni proxys dislocate dislocating metasomatise 250m 2507 250ma 62a 626a balancing balme raung raises raichur rahman raimond raphson raquette splten splits splash ##calves storing forwards reviewing reviewers aligning ##opollen colouration 1046 1042 104to 1964 1961 19651 supportive ##temperature geothermalhydrocarbon 1302 1301 dispersae inheritedly 042 048 04t00 ##tesy ##ahari ##ahao inertinites makeup announcement ##charles evaporate adds addtion 2014b illustration industrialization counties countered oligotrophic pcsz rheotrophic ##switzerland ##swithinac spinels caohu decompose decompressed peripheric peripheries lawton lawrence transgressional 033 039 038 031 0336 0332 03t00 49a 490 494 499 498 491 425 426 427 4200 42ga 4296 427a 4259 5899 675 67g 6795 952 957 95935 994 999 9990 9997 99398 jianhan jianshan jianping jianfa jianchuan jian28 jianqiang kalaz kalpina kalgut kalamail kalahari mcr mcdou mcgill persuasive rightly rightwards ##centralutah ##interaction ##interdisciplinary sunite chaohu weighed weightings calibrations 238pb evolvingcontinents 445 41a 417 4170 4145 78i 783 781 783a packing packaging xingli xingzi xingwu xingxin ##478 albriug leaking biomass biomaker linkam linkages dynamicsmol δ56fehbd 931 9318 9360 9312 autochth kilos kilns kilaue staged stagnation demercian prospect diamict ##roupnem ##roupcentralutah ##rustalgrowth reliu reliotron tephras repeating transferring simplifications communities priority priorities prioritizing 025 02500 digiu heteroliths heterogeneities heteradcumulate puts pujiang putir pulled passage passengers ##archs isolocation receipted understated understaning optimizes optimizing optimizer introductiontides contextualize diluting herbiv kunene pipetted qijiang qiantang qiemo qiyueshan qiharigetu rodents rodlets ##environmentsadvances shanmu sporae sporinites sporopollen fe3o4 fe3fe2si3o12 descriptive rigidly 052 058 842 845m besonderer crescent jingling jingao panning panws panorama panchromatic xiu xiadian xiugang xihuote xiashagou ##wald resisted interlaying discharged uniformity absolutely edgewise penetrating prominently diamondsaum 855 858 857 85km 945 aqua mis3 misfits misiak misalign misunderstand taihe taiye taijun taihua ##kerkh shairike shaodong shafts shaobo shaozhuo shahazi moderateto intercalation arriving 1285 1283 1281 ##continentalcrust ##continentaldrift diagenetically polishing 1762 pingqiaonan badong badgers cracked jiusi jiutai jiandi komogatake mbowou mbabi ##239 ##erotinite sudbury ##ograms residence residua residuum marlstones admixer 10935 10918a 1805 180m 1806 ##roscopy pingqiaoxi branches 59a 595 594 599 5900 5917 5971 eustacy fuye fukus gridded gridding osumilite piccolo santos santanghu ##asiliano stationarity items quantifiable quantificatio006 discriminated soils macroflora partitioned microstructure influxes 574 573 5700 700m 700km 70069 700mmyr danxian danzhai fengcheng fenglai fengtai fengjie goe goa google hardens hardgro iva khaki khali khabar khangay khcheyan mw4 rounds rounding xmis ##ratsch ##qiongbasin ##jinba ##urring ##imbi ##imbade shiqian sharpen sharpening altitudinal sloped immensely immersed immeasur deglaciated safely dispersedly conglomeratic oscillation oscillate oscillates oscillating 065 075 0749 61m ban2 cf50 doupe doucet douglas hanel hanoir hancheng piers pienkowski pama tamen tamakosh yurakuch ##ophyll ##hashan ##ornthis suffering revise shangri shangcheng shangxian shangdan exsolutions resolves resolvable ##seismicityearly articles ##earthelementsupb stratal stratosphere stratotypes calorimeter adopts adopting adsorped petrogenic headwat 1254 1257 125ma 125ka zhenhai zhenzhu epiclastic agglomerate agglomerates tufted mobileand 774 773 777 77528 astroph astounding astronomical airgun airtight eyiye eyy1 aspectsinterdisciplinary highstands subducts subductions uniquely decayed decaying authorities authoritative veinlets homogeneously knowledgeable yurtus 666 669 66zn 668z 6610lv 839 83ma 8326 838z cngeo ningbo nagaland nagpur nagaoka pillars sanich sanjiang sanyan sanshiling tiny tribovillard ##ofusinite ##accate conjuction ready reading shields shielding preferable expansively straightening zhouqu zhoukou specifies emerges emerged ##recipitation 086 084 088 08918 fitting fitness kuwaj kuqa kuroko kuroshio lavalue robles robotic sq3 sq8 sideritic serving tashen5 tashen1 wustite xiangtan xiangshui xiangxiang xiangyun ##uruxati courtesy coexists ascension ascends prolifer resembles ensures ensuring regularised maintaining reprecipitated phyllites phyllon phyllosilicates micropetrog microporosity micropaleont combusting combustible predictable juxtaposing juxtaposes synthesizes synthesizing greenschistand greenschistto 768 7669 729 bhatoli bhamdwaj brachiop dtg eth4 eth1 ethics flexibility haram harry harvey jiaxing jiaoliao lisle lishui tangbale yiyang ##kouo cohesively summed sumdo reversely chongyang nevertherless ##adeer fluctuate fluctuated prevails expands zhongdian zhongtiao zhonghan1 zhonghuai zhonghai1 ignore terminally glaciogene adjusts monsoonal roadside coarsely coarseness geoscientific emphasise ##basinnorthern ##basinwestern counterme counterbal counterintuitive heterogeneously wavelengths subdivide subdividing 090 093 0954 695 697 794 798 797 7950m 9302 btu bimetallic michigan qianhe qianyou qianfoya rollers rollover rollinson ssucoal ssffmud tnml yuanlin yuanmo yuanmou ##x203032 ##axitic ##khi ##khet ##gamation cope coprecipitation dehydrating antideformation antipodes antiphases depocentre disperse receives undeveloped undeplating 207u reproduction reproduces 2006a polyline polyvalent polygenetic polygon polyakov polythene polyplicate commercialized irregularities retrogress tashkoran pseudostratigraphy 4505 450m 450km 450mw governs memoir memeber nitride yongshan yongquan yongkang yongshun shufang shuichang shuicheng shuyinchang shuomings shuixigou proppants seasonally accessing compounded hawkesworth happening gravels interferences extraformational extraordinary caledonides decouples longitudinally escapes escaping escaped discordances manifesting manifests microbially microbrecc pollenanaly algalmound dataswith nucleate nucleates anthracene infiltrated infiltrates 682 688 685a 746 742 7457 amalner cleats cleveland daly daloushan durand durable durham kenney lifting lifespans latitudinal nc20 nc30 nc31 nc24 nc28 nc35 nc27 ncfmash putative putatively putaogou soderlu vanish vanfoss ##yinhua ##515 ##334 ##oluoshan ##oluogai behalf nepali artie artisan webb websterite webster underlined underlained 2013b smoothen zhimin1 macroscopical 160a 1605 160m 160km bridges negligibly exceptional palaeoenvironments homogenize hemispheric hawaiitic caledoniana 826 8230 dingye filler fugacities ghosh ghadeer hoards hoformationnn hooyka hinterlands villages villosa wetter wetland wetzler xiaoping ##5410lv ##681z ##2400 ##28z ##rographic ##rophes ##rophism ##rophotometry ##stein ##oshima ##oshigand inductive regressions abnormalities metaborate validation validated sclerotinite speeding pegmatoidal glacierized steadiness damasłwek challenged baddeleyites truncate 350m 350250 araucaria ciencia csit cs844 carnics carnivorous dpi hzso4 nodes nodule pengze penglaiba rammed ramstad ramsay treasure trellis trekking telemetry yuehai yuejin ##2937 ##83004 ##itteech stacks unaffected slipped slippery metapyroxenites implicates corrosive 1290 1294 1293 1299 1292 1298 1291 1297 superprobe 1444 polymodal polymerised polymetamorphic augment ledong8 cpx3 qiongzhong randomness 64zn awful awgu bgot009 cassa densest eighteen merit merzbacher merensky mangerite mercalli mylonite mylonitized ngaka porto port0 portable portray portneuf testified testify testifying tightly zeolite zeitler ##664 isochronal searches searching intrigu recommends undergraduate lei4 1072 1075a longmxi 20044 correctness magnetometer magnetometers magnetostratigraphy favoured tazhonga satlui hypothesize dengfa1 catchments catchings guoqi1 administrating coexisted pronouncedly avouac aplin aplitic benz borucice bankfull dini03 dawn dawuba ganjiang gansu ganchaigou gelovitrinite gelogical lsn ladinian ladders ogala ogrod ogwashi psp pss pyrites pyrenees rainwater rainfed sseand t2l wenzhou wenlong wenjiao wenrui ##processes ##584 ##582 ##915 ##9152 shenyang shenqing antrim neighbor marsupipollenites marshes precedes microfossils microfissures discusses discussing visualize visualisation assimilating rhythmical assignation assignment automation schematically microbialites aera aeras aeronau aerobic dedicated gongwang gongkai gyeongsang kamber kamchatka kamishikar kamiasah lm4 lunt luntai mali malang malagasy malachite ssc1a venlo zkbz ##lateediacaran ##afoldthrust ##355 ##econvergence ##oscopic sutton cherty protoand computense computationally disappointing objectively 2049 strategy strategically preliminarily occupying 1086 deciphered 1200i 1200b 1200m 1200mmyr 1652 1998163 2500km 25001500 semifluid rootless buoyancies 7085 7087 70848 708276 708810 708606 708334 708664 708584 skarnand ferrodol daqingshan daqinggou attenuates attenuating revolutionised metabasalts metabasaltic neighbours xianshuihexiao brute bruno brunswick balls ballhaus briefest drove klb klontal kinetically moron moran morris moriri morley morhop muskox ranks rawtext tillite zambian ##baue tow2 towed stromatolitic stabilities stabilizes isopleths anhydrites extinctions lowstands sloan interpolate manjo manjor periodicities infills glacioeust karstified ulmer worthy 3000m buffers destroys destroying epicentral prevailingly escapea possessed possessing 987 aidranens binoscope ccus cc34 cc207 cc197 donating donors donetz dacites egu eger gcnh2 garze hallmarks halliday halliburton homewood millimet milligan milliliter millennia macholyong mergers pinning pinches pinpointed peralkal pictured ren11 renaissance renishaw s48 tuned tunnelled tensioning ubende ubendian yeats yeonil ##loromethane ##metal innate innmature reactant chrome chromites chromium chromitites basanitic deploying deployments hao1 ##ucky clarke arenaria abstracts transmitting derivatives switches switched switchyard imbrication meaningfully macromolecule 1879 1872 1401 140ma 1453 1704 170ka luohe luohanpo downwardand 1990a 1990b 230ma roofing weiyuanrong 3100years retreats catastrophes encompassed fossilized fossiliferous metasomatizing behaviours robustly δ13cv δ13cpdb 9600002x boghead bureya campanian datesort education educativa houhe hunchhi huntington jammu koningbosch koningsbosch lanthan lanbin loum langshan langzhong langfang langgu liaodong ostrowiec ostmak ostwald pushes pushun railways railroad saponite sapphir vfw wadati ##evaporites offered reordered shedding alumino diatremes subtract subbituminous washout unfrozen unfiltered unfractionated metastably paleoclimatology exponentially calcicto interpreter interprets paleoenvironmetal 11296 1353a turpanham insufficiency morphologicaly 260m circumstanti advancements decompressional conceptualized conceptualizes anthropogenically shahejie jiuzha khondalites precursory acknowledgement hybrids hybridization hybridized hybridize witnesses 320m 320280 berger ctul ctbn dune duncan franz francois gj1 gangu ganga gangji hindering hindsight jeju jeori kg06 lvzhijiang lfes lingli lingao lingbao lingtou petens petogram petromod ponds ponded zj4 zj14 zj24 ##tmann ##alaia ##oreligios inhibits inhibiting stops stopes stopping shoreface shoreward anastomosing alaskan attains attained unsteady collectors recalculate meteror voltages leeward impossibly swedish definitively palaeogeographic palaeogeomorphology palaeogeographical solubilities microgranular micrographs microgravity microstratification orthogneiss sulfurizing suprasolidus lamellation lamellated lamellations 3500m photomicrograph photomicrography h2s04 hierarchy halahatangand 6103 6102 cbrn dismantling jadeites ld8 locking mutant nominal nomura oliver sieh sieving slumps task tasmania vibrated vibrate vibrose xpyr xprp xuebao yincheng yinmin ##datatam ##datasour ##datacal ##taker ##models ##leycharles rearrangements shoe shading chuanling neoand subordinately momentum soundings spanish quickbird overthrusts legitimate ##unkohlenfl percolate permanence permanently 1194 1193 11998 1300km thermobarometric supersaturation spectroscopic hypothetically dongwanzi autonomous discriminates discriminatory scatterer scatterers discordantly categorically categorised subductable swedenborg fingerprinting 1km3 1km2 3702 bombs baker baked bakan baixing baiyinhua biggs bushes buckets culture dgar dgps daubech davis david davos davaille elution eluting fenoll fenestral fenghuang felsitic gyachung hyuga hclo4 jumba leckie lecomte mh4 mh3 mh2 mh7 mhto mh10 mentions nanga nutrient odovician odkm03 qmo tetracyclic tetragonal tsuji tsujim vacuolar wporphyries xianzheng zongyang zongju zongjv ##rdpc ##turosporites ##rolled shutter shutan1 ##aysian neutralization formationkd formationk5 formationk4 formationklb entrant entrench entrainment unpick unpredict unsolved unsaturated unsaturation unsafe unsuccess unsustainable slagging quadrant overcoming overcompensated transtensive expectations expectably appraise 1905 exploringforoil guiweidi supercritial supercycles 1886 simplistic 1600m synchronized synchronously hydrologic hydrologically laurie elliptic elaboration 235pb monazites illumination 210ppmv conductivies excelencia irradiate bookhagen chlorides chloritized chlorophyll ##ushiareax icpmsdatacal kaolinites kaolinization jianfenglin pulverizing pulverisette watersheds governmental seasonality manifestations corroborating covariances ##provinceacas ostracoda ostracodes unfavored convexities eigenvalues uqiaa overburdened 5km3 660ma bauxites bauxiteni cdepartment crops cropping cropped crooked crozet centimeter cubanite dmt friedrich gmgs hopping habitable habitat holds holder jaiprak kelud kelme kailu kaila masking mingtieg mackowsk mdsg niger navp navon pods podocarp pannagon sargeant squishy stimuli woolder zoisite zooplank threatening condenses forever foreign forebulges foramtion exemplifies ##irtus acceptance responds subgrain slickwater sparsely strictest survived surviving republica phosphorite phosphatic phosphoric appalachians refinements 1959 1957 195212 volcanology volcanological volcanoclastic volcanigenic vertex patchiness guidance huaihe huaiyuan huaiyin williams knickpoints dissolving 1752 cartographer karakul karakax delimiting delimitate electrode loops universita universiteit absorbents duplicated duplications erasure 225km 225ooj akinyemi tappert retrieve c25hbi cataclysm equivalence mobilist mobilised palynomorphs archaefruct 02496 02495 02497 02499 02494 fundamentals xiucheng1 ascertainment extrapolating cleavages sustainability flyschoid editorialcomm laurentian ##provincesnorth philippi philippines harzburgitic 410ma aletes aleman aleutian aleutians bonus boninite beryll bernad berriasian berggren beroza berksichtig bento bentley bamoun bamileke ddepartamento dwell dwight dianjiang dozet drags echinod echosound falcon fang1 gdn goniometer goncalves gateways hilbert jinshui jinshi lepichon leperson mvt mengcheng pierre pierced rm2000 routed routine routinely sonne savannah tubing vulcanian virtue winnip winseis walv walker waldha yakutia yunqing ##riftstables ##langu ##langpu ##gerated ingress inhabited ##oceanmargins coagulate shaoyanghu chalk chalcophile chunyu chunhua chunyong anatolian anatectic exinitic formulas placanticline compensate compensates haiyang diaoluoshan gradation inclining unrestricted unravels unraveled unravelling unravelled artemis armijo ##uringipouenites abbott matthias liberate textinite textiles scottish spiked spielhagen sponge undersaturation 202207 2022070 fluviallacustrine leuis petrolpgy expressing 101h2 thankful organogenic organised obscure obscurus obscurz limnc limnotelmatic 1585 hua4 huazhong 1853 1852 141210 opinions 13cpdb weaknesses looks lookup 215m forelimbs 5000km yanfang1 offscraped xinhea functionality photosynthesis photosynthetic pumping pumpelly dimethylphenant mildly camera cameron augustsson ceramics paleoseismological tasmanian shadows supersuites tetravalent tetraporina danielsenc foraminifers slickenside lenticularly lherzolites lherzolitic ##mountainbuilding 2180 2182 521a 521m apertures bleached blebby botryococc barbwire bengbu bache bachua cinnabar cinatdrad ciex dicarboxy dwarfs editing fsp fusain gaina gaining ibaraki jushuihe justify justifiable jackals jackerather kosarev kosciuszko kerguelen kushiro kushtagi myriad motor mianyang ohakuri pockets qiangtang rfg rfgs rolling ruling rosy rosso roskos rongcheng rongchang rongxian renewal renewable umn warps warping wackstone xsulf yulin ##amentogeologic ##karemo ##1302000 inundated ##uliar stereographic stereonet stereoscopic stormgenerated conformity convenient convenience mamaku cosines reorganized reorganizes reappraising reapproaching reinforces accessibility resetting geotectonically hampered ##00217 subjecting subjective enlisted interconnecting interconnectivity unusual metagranites quantou cautious impedes fei1 feiyu blanket blankets hydrosulf repositioning phytoclasts phytoplank appreciate appreciated appreciable settlements microns micronized micronizer micronodosa 200meter suppressing 1565 zhaizi zhaoxun petrologicstud epigenetically orthoand orthohydrous 50mma carrara lubimbi delivery schumacher steiner 23t10 23t12 23t23 ultrath ultracatac ultramylon monoclines 2537a 282478 282515 emitting erdas erdtmann morphotectonics promontories standstill 2977 291712 291799 31034 homologous 00983004 8904 meteorological meteoroids judgement encapsulated encapsulate 1969ad spheres spheroid spheroidal piecing kuppam resemblances tsunami tsunamigenic streampowers cryptoexplosive psammite adiabat dysoxicity lancangjiang demarcation subhorizintal featherbeds 3409 418a aihui axioplan axioscope axiocam axiosm bryan bertotti cordaitina c0009 fiber fibre fibres fibrous groove grobkies gouges gritstone gritty gratefully hager ipso iteration iterative kasai kashnuir kentucky koln kolmog kangra kronecker kitchen lln llthot llslmb lllangu liaohe liaoyuan mishra mishmi njuga njombe nichols orocline oroclines pyroxenites pyroxenitic ryoke rrandornthis stiffer stiffness srivast sylhet sigmond tails vonraum ventrisacc veneered venezu wrong wrangell wanted xusheng ziway ziyang zijinba ##c08 ##kirian ##belts ##beltind ##4xc throats thawed thawing ##oriids ##reygneisses ##assebasinwestern stockwork stockley staurolite fortuna anjiang2 promptly excessively exoplanet ontario plesch compete competence nebula colonial suboxidizing envisage envisages marnosa interrogated interrogations interfinger unavailable arboreal abrasives cannanoropol cannanorop seismotectonics teichmler teichmbller scrapped ##illeranorth preexisted overgrown overgrowth oversteepened calendric granophyre impinges paleostructure kmd14 deconto deconvolution territories glutenites glossy glossopteris geochemist microsparite desmocollinite redbeds constructions constricted 200003 200008 20000831 20000801 profoundly supplemant 1543a 1462 146nd 1463m affiliation predominating hydrogeologically 50km3 landmasses downwarping amphiboliteto succeeded pyramidal pyeongnam lateriteevaporites radicals radionuclide ##kmarked ##iqueforanaly substituted substitutes 28325 hypocentres hypocenters contributors instantaneously exhalation exhalatives pavement irrefutable irrelevant populace diffractograms skylights argumentative grinder grinding grindability draws drawback alluviums 1978a prolonging reproducible geolaspro nsfc socials microgranites sentinal yulongxueshan mammalian adiabatically culmination culminations lamproites inadequacy rejuvenated geopolymers neotethys diachroncity disequilibria poikiloblasts bioassemblage backscattered fanx2018x204 jinx2020x513xz s2096519222x0 hex2019x1051xd 3magnitude 4h4sio4 4129 56087 7000m 7000km 947a auriferous barnes benched bubbles cimulisp candidates cache diminished erection erectus fiord fiji fiastrone fouling fruquent gtc gtk gilju hsf hbh01 jhakri jm05 ln1 lnclifled letters nyamoto nkana nkrdpc nernst naked owase olefinic omitting omitted pvt pw2400 peccer pectinate peculiar romil sdust sdrs szeliga somatic sergipe tambalaia taohe tonnage uganda utilises vaalbara vigrass wankulwe wolframite xuanye xuanhua zujun zuopeng zuunbayan zaixing ##pressureenviron ##x236 ##frani ##westernpac ##batl5 ##bella ##41z ##onoscontext ##tising ##tische ##tisporis ##inkoshigand inkwed invaluable invalidating invalidated tokwe tokachi tokachimits stablish contiguity deficiency reagents sharma shimian shimamura shimadzu shizuok chemo chemex annex annealing annexed proc20ths prohibit beads beaches whitby whitney whittaker reshape reshaping reshaped resampled georgia competition depicting hayward hayakawa parasequences subverted ensembles motivation disconnected unrecorded unequivocal regeneration ##earlycambrian reciprocity undetermined 20km3 strathcona pretoria overthickening levees belgian impregnated kmb06 phonolitic melanosome declination distributaries settling amounting hexane hexagonal hexavalent microcyclonic mirabil mirabela mirabella flocculation flocculated flocculate pertaining rubidium ##lippotential guaranteed triangle palaeowinds 1838 1837 1831bca siwaliks 14506 1663 intrusivess baffle dissociated 17t20 17t16 17t19 30322 biogeochemical eliminate 232th oxybarometer 6062 ##marginbasinnorthern 2663 naalco3 naalsi3o8 naalsi2o exhaustion syeno syenogranite syenodiorite symposium sympathetic symbols mttcs protocrust protoplanetary 51273 512712 512724 xinfeng2 00718 00712 urgently substantional fernando palynoflora photographed encouraging oppositely 19661 4149a puzzling uniformitarianism akekula suspensions sumatran polygonal pseudoreticulata yongjin1 microbaculisporu nc18to xiaoshan3 chromatograms boudinage elucidation elucidate elucidating vesicles ellipsoidal resurrect resurrection resurrected dissipate disaggregated ingredients underscore ediacaranearly gibbsite kerguleun straddles acknowledgments gbw044 ##betweenabnormal unavoidably arbitrarily microspectroflu microspectroscopy microspectrophotometry fanx2018x204xc weix2021x1289xg cylinder hirnantia mismatches mismatching punctaiisp yilgaran kuznetsovaa sakorafax1997x73xv 02264 3feco3 5181 6164 819914 819915 9h2o a382 bd10 bingen bunch buniversity bhargava bharadwaj books bookmarked bradshaw bradoriids c9207 caco caco3 craig crampin cangdong canglangpu cumberland cumuruxati cymbatus cymbatl5 df1 dbm drew druppel drummond dichotomy dichloromethane dessai dessert dillon dredging dredged ehwary eutrophic eutaxitic fastigium fasciolafa flew fleisher gerkema germplasm golonka golubev gigcas gigantic honor honolulu hitachi hutti hutchison heart hearts hankel hankano ikaleku iabs jsm5410lv kaijiang kaiyang kambam kambalda kharaka kharagarh kashima kashgar lumens lumudi lizb lizeng lynn mpv mpwashi mrc mf5 mf6 mittel murray murthy mimic mimicking marynowski messy messinian myeongcheon myeongori nh3 nedo nedol nicols nicolas n136 n139 nalingou nalinggou ozone ozdem p08 p07 pedogenic pedogenesis pigments pigeonite painstaking painavu peneplain pivot piveteau p12a p12b riog ripples ripening riparian sorosilicate tjg talks talahao torres torrential tearing tengchong tackling tackled www wwii wuning wunugetushan worsen worsening yamuna yamatu yichan yichun ##ijman ##autonomous ##axios ##52z ##bildung ##3xg ##9145 tharis tharsis theorized theorizing ##tization ##tizations ##tiansand ##inlte ##inlarge ##en1c inexact inexistent ##ituoluogai ##relationpale ##elingatechn touching touchscreens toxicity stems stalls stalling isentropes isentropic fortesa makran makropetrog mapper mappable madiun cooperative cooperatively ##identificationpot reverbrations reverberations reveled revelant revived revival shengye shoshonite shoshonitic chadrapur answer answered anvils bashilixiao bashkirian prodelta prodeltaic ##amukhi exaggerate exaggerated exercise exercised seventy seventeen ##odaeuropa faunal faunas ##chinasea ##utahusa hauksson hauptbra norhopane norhopanes nebuliser nebulizer nexion300 parmigiani parmentier submembers submerged enforce enforcing intercrystalline intercrystal uninteresting uninterrupted uniuersid uniuersitde coaltields ##controls reckoned reckoning accentuate accentuated scratches scratched speaking spurious undercover undercompensated underestimation underestimate surpasses quenched quotient quotients deterioration deteriorate leaches leachable impermeable impermeability paleochannel paleochannels paleobotany paleobotanical feotot bloom blooms kme18 kme19 hydroxide hydroxylated philp philips silicalite silicalites twinning ##viromentrecon assertion assertions ##logyeconomic outpoured outpourings smartlab discretising discretization ruoqiang infolded infolding strands strandplain zhiyi zhuanli zhuanhoa breeding palaeobotanical multimodal multimineral superterrane superterranes multiples multipliers microtexture microtextures backfill backfilled 134calyr reaccumulation reaccumulated 30120 porphyrin porphyrites lukuga schellart prognostications prognosticating 199701 19970131 niobium niobrara monosulcate monosaccate neglectable 2162a edxand weikang1 overloading invades invaded inventoryglaciallakes geospace geospatial 282299 282241 282395 282348 282516 282523 282785 282772 foothills nanzhang nanzheng nanweixi emanating emanuel labeled 000km3 000km2 vitrinites vitrinlte barsar taxonomic installation installment commensurate commensurately 63i1 63i10 633123 63110 s1342 s1342937 ##structuretectonics cannanomponis cannanompollis 512201 catagenetic catagenesis 2744a 00702 00708 xiaofei1 3867a 53619 dahengshan dahlia grenville grenvill ##hydrocarbonaccumulation inheritance 7500c 7500a ##ohumo rheinischen 5855 955209 acceleratesformation 937x panalyticalaxios xianda1 congruent congruous 598a danjiangkou connectednesses 7700e ##accumulationinying robertson harrison jiaxin1 zhongshen5 zhongshen1c shuiyinchang shuiyingchang 8200yr lianglitage lianglitag 64135 64134 couplets floatation 708633 ninetyeast renqi2 satisfactory satisfactorily withdrawl geodynamical geodynamically s0166516200x00389 s0166516200x00122 ldusr ldusl formationk2j unsymmetric unsymmetrical saussurite saussuritization croatia croatian ##riftingarcvolc cartographica yunfeng3 zhanfeng2 megacontinent megacontinents complimented complimentary 282502 282507 spherulite spherulitic baekdusan baekryeong deconvolve deconvolving jinx2020x513x526xz hex2019x1051x1064xd diminishing stablity stablized guarantees guaranteeing symbolizes tephrochronology tephrochronologic 02dmkupc03 02dmkupc08 vesicaspora vesicasporu ##betweencoalpetro fanx2018x204x214 fanx2018x204x214xc weix2021x1289x1303 weix2021x1289x1303xg sakorafax1997x73x91xv ggv02 ggv01 huliyarduga huliyardurga hetaoyuan hanyu1 praecolpate praecolpites tadong1 λe0εt0 λe0εc0 ##sedimentarysuc maastricht maastrichtian maheshwari maheshwti archeangreenstone archeangreygneisses overwhelmingly monomineralic 2016zx05004002 9780444641342 9780444641359 9780128199152 9780128199145 piercex2000x235x236 1v1 2kalsi3o8 3sio2 3166355 3fe3o4 416021 421935 7219 713681z 8mma ayers atiiens aican audleycharles atherkhet aroused ausbildung aerially amazonian akesu a2a3 a1772 aphyric arizona bjerkre bowl bromo bresse briens bababudan busby blown bundle bingsong baghmati bornhol b11409 ckcllo cesium cisz csir cigem cifeg critically cgeomaterials cageo cribb cuevaporites cengong cochran custratiform creamy cinder cullen cpbi cushion cadalene dlw d4239 d7582 dulling downdip daguanhu dumangang dampen dypvik dobratsch dameigou danni dmssel dashengsi d3176 dushanhu daughters dustiness einstein eos1 eureke eagle eifel eriksson eighth ema2 eggler eduard efficacy ejecta eickelberg eijsden eodaetica fwt fowler fraught fiduk fomer fleshy farbenind fryer foley frationation fritsch foxes frisch fraser fca2 fischer gnetecsas ges00217 grutter godavari gallardo gastropods gervilla ghana gardner greeks gostynin gambhar gorkha g20554 gwanmo ghofrani gossan gskoleringen gurbantun gargano gcmt gechemical gwangmyeong ghazoui høgskoleringen heshan hickey higly hidimbade harbor hassan hengshi harkin hottest hontomin hrusica hungund hvlc heshituoluogai huliu ih1302000 ijen iodp jy103 jarosite jisuanji jagged jablon jobong jaeger jovians jintan jenchen jfsd jewish jiliyeyou jiashan jagoutz jwalamukhi jagersfon jabalpur jikhyeon k1yc3 kouc krai kidena kagoshima kodaira kakuto kizilenur karykowski kadiri kapsiki katerini kositcin kuehl kathmand kuanping kavali kankar kremer kristiansand kooijman kikai kanyakumari kansas krakow kiyoo kwangsian license lenton ltshc lichen lucifer laceticeps lengshui lachlan lathwork lustre loutre lopez lanka lili1 luminescent ljubljana lucaogou mowiol mizunaga mucuri meratus mpera moutonnee milesi moresi mugnier mwaranganda mbeya mascot moshen ntaka naldret nurkazghan nimis nematoblastic nadanhada nondepositional nathpa nambudiri ngaoundere njinkouo n141 n349 ovoid oruanui ootann optoelect oauserlic oohashi oiivine pimo prudho payson pestle paterno pneumatolytic pgenb porsgrun pericratonic passively penchenga pscs pshart piggy pommier pancake pixel p17b pasteris pagalu poulichet qitan1 qiming qiaogu qianshuidi rationale rraom rudstone rusha riedel racht saskat singular sowm svein sverdrup stick sifangtai saber siesmologic sluggish siankond sendhwa silexite stitch sambagawa saegusa squeez sonnenthal sargur svilupp tvz tedding troodos tingting tecnolog turekian terekti tutumlu tandem tallest tagebaue tortuous tundra tavarnelli tissues tsho tennesse tlss tornado tungsten ufipa uyirtus uwc uanl udsky udipi vg354 vrije vermicular viftatina vortex video vinci vindhyan vettore viniaty vandekerkh vanderklu wielun wtih wouter wimi wumiao wabigoon wakabay wachia wnek waikaremo wencai warning wonsorejo wettability wuchanghu westerlies wongsorejo xavier xh1 x7rites xilaotai xilinhot xixiangchi yalong yarr yimeng yosemite yuman youshashan yemen yandun yucca yadu yibin yordanova yacheng yundnan ykomolo yoshida yecheng yunkai yesterday zs1 zerai zenith zro2 zagreb zamora zemuhe ziquan zagaje œtear œcalma œextrusion δxfe δ33s δ34s δ36s λrb ρgq ##paoi ##ronics ##rendswithinac ##oenviromentrecon ##uwushiareax ##upliftinback ##correlationpale ##cordilleranorth ##nepaltibet ##lpools ##s9s ##southchinasea ##fagasta ##ympuniversity ##07z ##gastrap ##granitesinpro ##helfsedimentarysuc ##melangeinwestern ##zircondatatam ##zingsourceter ##11419 ##jacentafoldthrust thames thrice thompson theodolite ##ernsynthesis ##tiitten ##eservoir ##injiangstratigraphic ##inakesuwushiareax ##incontinentalmarginbasinnorthern ##inrelationriftingarcvolc ##instudysydney ##eduresdatasour ##edonien ##atangroupnem ##atlanticprovinceacas inseparable inercarb inappropriate inosculation inupertud ##arvalho andrija andradite ##referencemodels ##elproceduresdatasour tourmaline tompography toluene toothed tolgoi ##uryslippotential ##olige ##econtinentalmargins strudy stoddard stochastic stasiuk strombolian stoichiometry ##etomography3d conchoidal consejo conjecture conacyt isomers isot09 isozaki forensic fortuitous foreseeable ##igneousprovincesnorth maquil mahanadi maaseik maynard maurya mauricie makino maarleveld mazartag cophasal coquinas covellite cooccurrence coaxially dewey dewatering ##osocialepolitic ##osoficoreligios ##osfilosoficoreligios ##tsevolutionstructuretectonics suileng suffice suuherg reticulated reformulated reexamination re102 reimink rejoin reoccurring reamalgamation rebuilds shrub shamokin shrimp shayilik shendaokou shawsllt shikoku shixuan1 shalecoal asaba chutan1 chandra chungju chevron chatelier anapolis antofagasta ##mentdiapirstructure proluvial prokopiev alphamelts alabaster alimentation alunite alpern albedo alashankou al2si2o5 alagoas alleviated byproducts ##amodernsynthesis exchenge extinguishes exobiology exacerbating seabed semail seochangri whirlpools whenever whitish whitsunday onlapped acritarchs accepting resonetics ##opensamentogeologic atypical gehringer geografia geumseongri plucking plentiful plugging platinum compressing ##akikarnalir haapala hafnium ##raneevolutioncontrols ##istoricalseismicityearly ##veltimetomography3d contorta contaminants ##racerareearthelementsupb ##planetaryprocesses ##forelandsedimentation tectonicmapindonesiaaprog ##geadjacentafoldthrust indispensable norfolk ##ianolagroupcentralutah neuesii neubauer neophyte neocathaysian diapers diastrophism dihedron diiodomethane minfengaksu minnesota parnaiba pargasitic paranapanema collogelinite colliery grayscale faultbounded faultcontrolled formationintermediate formationactiveoceanmargins formationlimestone formationactivecontinentalmargins claire clarkw subhedra subcontinent sublacustrine subeconomical submersibles subheadings sublithospheric subcrops subfrigid subalkalic entitled encana ensued engebretson moaveni intramolecular intumescence incapable incentives ##ationshipbetweenabnormal marquesas interfaced interrupts intermixed disastrous distilled disruptions disputes unweathered uniaxial unobvious unnoticed unsheltered unstructured unsmooth unapparent unnamed unmetamorphosed unoxidised untersuchungen unbalanced unidentified unchannelized unproductive unnecessarily unanswered ardlethan arduous ardennes arennopolis arithmetic arrenaceous arsenic coalfreld coalbearing ##majortracerareearthelementsupb abriefintroduction aberrations abujhmar abakaliki slender betsimisaraka matrices matschal cancellatus canjikens itaucu weibull weyburn weishanhu wehrlite charactristic charecteristic metarhyolites meteriali mehfae meiziwan mehtaae libo2 li2b4o7 livelihoods obsidian acclaimed valcheva tepee scbeuringipouenites scotese scandinavia spontaneously spacecraft undivided undisputed undiscovered undifferentiated underembargo sourcereservoir northeasterly gasohol gasgeologyincontinentalmarginbasinnorthern underrepresentation underpressured prehnite prefecture preconcentration maintenance mainshock surfacial occumnces extensibility quiblier quatenary qungu1 overestimate overdeepening oversimplified lithoprobe lithogeochemistry litholiu cazarin caal2si2o7 ##ibetsu leinegraben adularia adhesion adebiyi impoverished imprecision imployed imploration impingement paleosalinity paleomargin paleogergraphy fefe2o4 expenses blazed genesee hydropower seckendorff ##iverbasinsnepaltibet comfirmed continentalriftsevolutionstructuretectonics phlogopite pharmaceutical phreatomagmatic phalaborwa meliadi appreciation consolidation assuredly sincerity ##obalreliefmod refrigeration trindade trzemzal trilobite blockfaulting upgrading upsurge ##genesiscontinentalcrust majhgawan decimeterto decelopment uppsala 1940s aguablanca agyragu agrochemicals agricultural ##logypetroleumgeology condiex2022 glassier glaziale longhupaoi longganhu longaxis matterclay translocate transbrasiliano outpurongs arckaringa eshelby ammonitico amsterdam ameliorated timeframe interpenetrating heaviest hezhang hetian2 ##developmentnorthamerica completeness desulphurization redirecting redeposited reductant mikumi compositionaltrendswithinac limoeiro quartzofeldspathic potoniei manatschal manchuanguan manitoba tectonicsrecentadvances precamfnian mudflows mudstonelshale ##terozoiccrustaldevelopmentnorthamerica peirod peizhen petisovci perplexed crystallographically oilgasbasinan profexce researchrelationshipbetweenabnormal 1220km 1267ma sokndal origincommontypes palaoklima palaearctic palbzoikums palmerville newfoundland pokhilenko poisona riffler swaidani bednarz remagnetizations remeasurement reminiscent zhixin archeanvolcanicpatterns archeansynriftstables ignoring paleohydrographic paleothermometer paleoaltimetry drzewica mesocumulate mechanismscrustalgrowth burkhard porcupine guiwen gubbio guochangba guadalajara 114465 ##uteglobalreliefmod palaeovertebrate palaeontol macgregor macquarie himalayantectonicsamodernsynthesis huashangguan huoshiling hubbard seamlessly globaltraveltimetomography3d sciencedirect nwr213nm capitanio postearthquake postaccretion postexposure multielement multipurpose multiplication multispectral multiparameter sikkim microfloral microlithotypes microchannels microtubule microgeomorphy 16802 backswamp backlimbs historyoceanbasins mudstonekhale endeavors bazhenov epiphany epikarst epeiric epitactic 131741z knauss polybaric pollastro pollutants conflicting hydrofluoric hydrobromic orthorectification gippsland lahaul lafargue laozhuanchang ##stonesdeposits medullosan denominator provenanceconvergence 3012751 cartesian degradofusinite luofu lupani luomahu luwegu lugerstiitten aprograma apiculutisporis auhs0 auxiliary shortcomings granitesstratiform granitesgemstonesdeposits biomicritic downscaled downcutting downloaded downglacier turcotte schmincke schreiber progradational crossroads insensitive elbaz elutriated eloquently ellendale uncontrollable terrigenousorigin ##erousglaciallakesinkoshigand ##areviewhistoricalseismicityearly stratigraphicgeochemistrylateediacaran workshop probolinggo 403530 stefanyuk 19970101 burialhistory thermogravimetric provenancemodelingatechn niuchangping pyritisation monocrystals moniker monophase monolayer tanymas plattengneiss platetectonicscontinentaldrift 2525m illinois petrologicalgeochemicalmajortracerareearthelementsupb benezeth ##regionchinaindia bulgaria buldelkhand nbs607 rhodesia rhaetavicula supcrt92 weihaibei formationscar0 groundbreaking 28301 282446 282612 283250 coarseto authentication palaeoarchaean palaeothermometry ##faciesdepositionalenvironmentsadvances hyperpycnites hyperbolic hypidiomorphic nanluohe labrador nonprofit noncarbonate nonwelded erlenkeuser erlangping erkelenz cupressaceae estuarine estadistica roleanorogenicgranitesinpro ##lasticwedgeadjacentafoldthrust correlationbetweencoalfaciesdepositionalenvironmentsadvances akahoya platesplumesplanetaryprocesses barrell kummerow ultrapotassic himalayanearthquakesareviewhistoricalseismicityearly 352762 35towards 2660m 2643m 2693m 705893 707882 znuperturosporites exhausted 3130m 31t07 3191811 circumpolar pahranagat sykorova ##anismtectonicupliftinback jueluotage tukuyu sedimentationpatternsinrelationriftingarcvolc ##entiallydangerousglaciallakesinkoshigand yingdong1 zhangjiakou ##21stcenturyslippotential mukherjee humohumohumo hummocky protuberances protosource huangjiagou 51953 511556 dongpinghu dongyeshen wildcat wildifres pyrograms pyrophyllite mineralogypetrologyeconomic ##arcminuteglobalreliefmod ##arcbasinswesternpac bootstrap s2352 271486 phenylsilicone 0083144 tabberabberan achankovil evolucaopensamentogeologic tiechanggou metaultramafics galopimdecarvalho replenishment chenjiabao megafossils transformextension ferruginol tongbaishan 106846 5300017 52994 varitextured darjeeling honglongchang pelecypod bayinbaolige 349852z daxintun etopo11arcminuteglobalreliefmod archipelago archetypal paleolandscapes photomacrography 8935766 97000207 977428z enceladus zhuanghuhe 2021dj0501 ##zieniec raimondo ##temperaturepressureenviron geothermalhydrocarbons 4296a 959352z 9939882 kalaza kalgutkar kalamaili mcdougall ##interactionbetweencoalpetro dynamicsmolassebasinwestern autochthonous kilauea putirka herbivores shanmujing diamondsaumassive misalignment misunderstandings shaobohu fukusawa quantificatio006e hardgrove khaliullin khabarovsk immeasurable tamakoshi yurakucho headwaters zhenzhuchong 7752879 astrophysicist aspectsinterdisciplinaryinteractionbetweencoalpetro 83264 0891811419 kuwajima proliferate phyllonites micropetrographically micropaleontological 766907z brachiopod countermeasures counterbalancing qianyouhe ssffmudst ##x20303221 shuomingshu microbreccia pollenanalytische ncfmashto soderlund vanfossen artisanal websterites hooykaas araucariae ##itteechinageology portrayal intriguing ogrodzieniec aeronautics gongwangling kamishikaribetsu kamiasahigaoka zkbznd 708489 ferrodolomite xianshuihexiaojiang morhopane glacioeustatic aidranensis gcnh2n millimetres peralkaline weiyuanrongxian lanthanide ostmakedonien sapphirine turpanhami circumstantial jiuzhaigou vibroseis baiyinhuazhen daubechies fenghuangshan tsujimori entrenchment unpredictable unsuccessful exploringforoilgastrap jaiprakash kelmeili mingtiegai mackowsky podocarpaceae woolderink zooplanktons archaefructus editorialcommitteechinageology beryllium bernadino berksichtigung echinodermata echosounder lepersonne winnipeg waldhauser 20220731 20220701 1412108 pumpellyite dimethylphenantrenes botryococcus cinatdrads9s dicarboxylic roskosz hydrosulfide phytoplankton petrologicstudies ultrathin ultracataclasites ultramylonites kolmogorov llthotyfxs llslmba srivastava vonraumer ventrisaccus venezuela wrangellia ##beltindianolagroupcentralutah cannanoropmis supplemantary lateriteevaporitesclays ##iqueforanalyzingsourceter s2096519222x0503x cimulispodtes peccerillo ##onoscontextosfilosoficoreligios tokachimitsumata shimadzuxrf shizuoka proc20thsympuniversity ##earlycambrianinakesuwushiareax mirabilite intrusivessn naalsi2o6 gbw04419 microspectrofluorescence punctaiispodies cumuruxatiba ehwaryeong mittelkies ozdemir ##autonomousregionchinaindia ##inlargeigneousprovincesnorth makropetrographischen ##identificationpotentiallydangerousglaciallakesinkoshigand bashilixiaohe hauptbraunkohlenfl nexion300d uniuersidade uniuersitdegli inventoryglaciallakesidentificationpotentiallydangerousglaciallakesinkoshigand s1342937x20303221 grenvillian ##hydrocarbonaccumulationaccumulationinying archeangreenstonebelts archeangreygneissesgenesiscontinentalcrust 41602147 bjerkreim bornholm farbenindustrie gnetecsaspol gurbantunggut hidimbadevi ih130200012 jagersfontein kathmandu naldrett optoelectronics oauserlicense prudhoe porsgrunn saskatchewan siesmologica siankondobo squeezed sviluppo tecnologia tutumluer tennessee vandekerkhove vanderkluysen wakabayashi waikaremoana ##oenviromentreconstruction ##correlationpaleoenviromentreconstruction ##cordilleranorthamerica ##helfsedimentarysuccessions ##melangeinwesterncordilleranorthamerica ##zircondatatamatangroupnem ##injiangstratigraphiccorrelationpaleoenviromentreconstruction ##instudysydneybasin ##atlanticprovinceacasestudy ##elproceduresdatasourcesanalysis ##osocialepoliticodaeuropa ##mentdiapirstructurehydrocarbonaccumulationaccumulationinying ##akikarnaliriverbasinsnepaltibet ##raneevolutioncontrolsforelandsedimentation tectonicmapindonesiaaprogressreport abriefintroductiontectonics gasgeologyincontinentalmarginbasinnorthernsouthchinasea condiex2022x39 compositionaltrendswithinaclasticwedgeadjacentafoldthrust oilgasbasinanalysis researchrelationshipbetweenabnormaltemperaturepressureenviron origincommontypesmelangeinwesterncordilleranorthamerica archeansynriftstableshelfsedimentarysuccessions mechanismscrustalgrowthinlargeigneousprovincesnorth globaltraveltimetomography3dreferencemodels stratigraphicgeochemistrylateediacaranearlycambrianinakesuwushiareax provenancemodelingatechniqueforanalyzingsourceter platetectonicscontinentaldriftmountainbuilding petrologicalgeochemicalmajortracerareearthelementsupbzircondatatamatangroupnem roleanorogenicgranitesinproterozoiccrustaldevelopmentnorthamerica correlationbetweencoalfaciesdepositionalenvironmentsadvancesinstudysydneybasin himalayanearthquakesareviewhistoricalseismicityearly21stcenturyslippotential ##anismtectonicupliftinbackarcbasinswesternpac sedimentationpatternsinrelationriftingarcvolcanismtectonicupliftinbackarcbasinswesternpac evolucaopensamentogeologiconoscontextosfilosoficoreligios etopo11arcminuteglobalreliefmodelproceduresdatasourcesanalysis dynamicsmolassebasinwesternswitzerland aspectsinterdisciplinaryinteractionbetweencoalpetrologypetroleumgeology ##beltindianolagroupcentralutahutahusa proc20thsympuniversitynewcastle inventoryglaciallakesidentificationpotentiallydangerousglaciallakesinkoshigandakikarnaliriverbasinsnepaltibet ##mentdiapirstructurehydrocarbonaccumulationaccumulationinyingqiongbasin compositionaltrendswithinaclasticwedgeadjacentafoldthrustbeltindianolagroupcentralutahutahusa researchrelationshipbetweenabnormaltemperaturepressureenvironmentdiapirstructurehydrocarbonaccumulationaccumulationinyingqiongbasin mechanismscrustalgrowthinlargeigneousprovincesnorthatlanticprovinceacasestudy stratigraphicgeochemistrylateediacaranearlycambrianinakesuwushiareaxinjiangstratigraphiccorrelationpaleoenviromentreconstruction provenancemodelingatechniqueforanalyzingsourceterraneevolutioncontrolsforelandsedimentation petrologicalgeochemicalmajortracerareearthelementsupbzircondatatamatangroupnemexico sedimentationpatternsinrelationriftingarcvolcanismtectonicupliftinbackarcbasinswesternpacificocean evolucaopensamentogeologiconoscontextosfilosoficoreligiososocialepoliticodaeuropa inventoryglaciallakesidentificationpotentiallydangerousglaciallakesinkoshigandakikarnaliriverbasinsnepaltibetautonomousregionchinaindia