Push to HF hub
1.44 kB
Push to HF hub
34 Bytes
Push to HF hub
394 Bytes
Push to HF hub
899 Bytes
Push to HF hub
225 Bytes
Push to HF hub
Detected Pickle imports (7)
- "torch.FloatStorage",
- "collections.OrderedDict",
- "torch.Size",
- "numpy.core.multiarray.scalar",
- "numpy.dtype",
- "torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2",
- "_codecs.encode"
How to fix it?
22.5 MB
Push to HF hub
2.24 GB
Push to HF hub
85 Bytes
Push to HF hub
14.5 MB
Push to HF hub
247 Bytes
Push to HF hub
189 Bytes
Push to HF hub
3.08 kB
Push to HF hub
Detected Pickle imports (6)
- "transformers.trainer_utils.HubStrategy",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy",
- "torch.device",
- "transformers.training_args.TrainingArguments",
- "transformers.training_args.OptimizerNames",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.SchedulerType"
How to fix it?
3.38 kB
Push to HF hub
506 Bytes
Push to HF hub
Detected Pickle imports (6)
- "torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2",
- "collections.OrderedDict",
- "torch._utils._rebuild_parameter",
- "torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding",
- "torch.FloatStorage",
- "__builtin__.set"
How to fix it?
1.03 GB
Push to HF hub
Detected Pickle imports (6)
- "collections.OrderedDict",
- "torch._utils._rebuild_parameter",
- "torch.nn.modules.normalization.LayerNorm",
- "torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2",
- "__builtin__.set",
- "torch.FloatStorage"
How to fix it?
9.7 kB
Push to HF hub