--- datasets: - iwslt2017 language: - en - zh metrics: - sacrebleu pipeline_tag: translation widget: - text: >- translate english to chinese It demands that we bring all of our senses to the task, and that we apply the very best of our thinking, our feeling and our doing to the challenge that we have at hand example_title: Long English Sentence - text: >- translate chinese to english 它要求我们把我们所有的神志都放到任务中,要求我们运用最佳的思维状态 我们的感知我们的行动 来迎接我们面对的挑战 example_title: Long Chinese Sentence - text: translate english to chinese Thank you. - text: 那个男生在吃苹果! model-index: - name: chence08/mt5-small-iwslt2017-zh-en results: - task: type: translation dataset: type: translation name: IWSLT 2017 config: iwslt2017-zh-en split: test metrics: - type: sacrebleu name: English to Chinese value: 0.10122442388388378 --- This model was trained without pre-trained weights from mT5. FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. Access wandb logs [here](https://wandb.ai/chence08/MT5%20English-Chinese%20Translation).