E tell am sey : β Every@@ thing wey e get dey your hand . β |
Corin@@ na talk sey : β We comot for where we dey work for evening come tre@@ k go where people dey enter train wey be 25 ki@@ lo@@ me@@ ter ( 15 miles ) from where the farm dey . |
( 1 ) Love wey friend get for each other ( Greek , ph@@ i@@ Β·@@ li@@ ΚΉ@@ a ) ; ( 2 ) love wey man and woman get for each other ( e@@ ΚΉ@@ ro@@ s ) ; ( 3 ) love wey people for family get for each other ( st@@ or@@ Β·@@ ge@@ ΚΉ ) . |
Because na Jehovah make us , e know wetin go make us happy . E don even give us pass wetin we need . |
Dem suffer this brother well well because e no gree leave Jehovah . |
Na that time you go see sey Jehovah get you for mind . |
E dey always sweet us to go meeting for Kingdom Hall , assembly , or convention . |
( Luke 12 : 4 ) Use all your mind believe sey Jehovah go protect you . E go give you β power wey pass normal power , β and help you stand well make you no enter Satan trap . β β 2 Cor . |
Papa and mama , make wuna teach wuna children make they try do pass just to read answer from book , or talk wetin person tell them . If you do this one , you de help them make their light shine . |
Feli@@ sa : After some time , I come marry and I come dey stay for Can@@ tab@@ ar@@ ia , one town wey dey S@@ pain . |
Make we put this one for mind when we dey build or maintain house , or when we dey drive go Kingdom Hall or assembly . |
This problem dey worse everyday . |
The work wey one woman , wey im name na To@@ Γ±@@ i dey do na to take care of old people and people wey no well . |
Even though dem no dey pay Sar@@ a the kind money wey dem dey pay am before , e still dey pioneer . |
Because of wetin Jesus do , God fit forgive people wey e love . |
The Watchtower talk sey truth be like flo@@ wer wey plenty gra@@ ss cover . |
For 196@@ 2 , dem do Kingdom Minist@@ ry School for brothers and missionary sisters for the whole B@@ ra@@ z@@ il . |
If na so e be for your area , why you no try another style ? |
Bible tell us sey β faith dey come from wetin person hear . β ( Rom . |
and β Which kind person I go marry ? β |
( Mark 7 : 5 ) The Pharisee and S@@ cri@@ be no dey talk about the normal hand wey person dey w@@ ash before e chop . |
11 : 9 ) True true , Jehovah want make you happy when you dey young . |
( Isa . 35 : 5 , 6 ) P@@ over@@ ty : Jehovah go comot am . E go make everybody enjoy life , and dem go be im friend . M@@ on@@ ey go fit buy this one ? β β Ps . |
True - true , Paul greet e brothers and sisters . β β Rom . |
When we no fear to talk about Jehovah for court , we dey praise am |
Because of wetin e do , e no come be God friend again . β ββ Gen . |
But wetin go help us use our freedom well ? |
After some time , Sa@@ di@@ q begin preach the good news too , and e do - am with all e heart . |
The book of Mark talk sey Joseph na person wey people respect well well for San@@ he@@ dr@@ in . |
Which reason you get to praise J@@ ah ( H@@ all@@ el@@ u@@ jah ) for your life ? β β Ps . 147 : 1 , ftn . |
How Paul take follow the advice wey e give for 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 , and how we go take copy im example ? |
Wetin go happen if person open eye kill another person for Israel ? |
But brothers and sisters wey serve Jehovah well from 1914 go reach 19@@ 18 talk sey all of dem together do everything wey dem fit do to make sure sey dem continue to preach . |
If we de do things wey Bible talk and we de pray make God give us e spirit , we go fit get peace |
For K@@ il@@ k@@ en@@ n@@ y , even though sey people dey threat@@ en us , we still study with one man wey dey around 20 years three times every week . |
Jehovah still dey use our meeting for congregation dey help us make we no too dey worry . |
And sey if e chop am , e go get the sense to know and to choose wetin good and wetin bad . Eve believe Satan . |
Like this sister , some papa and mama dey tell their pikin to wait if e want baptize . Dem feel sey na that one better pass for am , until e don pass the age wey e go fit run from some kind things wey young people dey do . ( Gen . 8 : 21 ; Prov . |
( Read Isaiah 50 : 4 ; Heb . |
We suppose warn everybody before this world go end ! β Matt . |
For many years , na only one elder dem get . |
4 : 29 ) E good make all of us dey think of wetin we fit do to help other people . |
This one mean sey true true , other people for congregation fit gain from the book dem . |
Make we see the example of one sister for Australia wey im name na T@@ e@@ ssi@@ e . |
Any@@ time I travel go other city , I dey always try to preach to deaf people . |
Jesus promise im disciple sey if dem put God Kingdom first for their life , God go support dem . |
If na you be To@@ Γ±@@ i , wetin you for do ? |
E get love wey dey make person do wetin Bible talk . The name of this love na a@@ Β·@@ ga@@ ΚΉ@@ pe . |
You fit invite dem make dem follow you when you dey go enjoy yourself ? This things go help dem make new friends , and e go make dem enjoy the new area . |
True true , dem do the work well . β Acts 1 : 8 ; Col . |
That day na N@@ is@@ an 14 , for the year 1@@ 5@@ 13 before Jesus time . Moses talk about that day when e sey : β The day wey e reach 4@@ 30 years , that day , na im all Jehovah people waka comot from Egypt . β ( Ex . |
Jehovah like to use people wey dey carry body down , and people wey dey use their mind work for am . |
To know something , to understand am , and to get better sense no be the same thing . |
Na comp@@ any servant dem dey call person wey dey direct the things wey dey happen for congregation . |
To copy Timothy example , make you β dey check how you take dey live your life and wetin you dey teach everytime . β β β 1 Tim . |
When Jehovah give Moses work , Moses feel sey e no go fit do am . |
When Jesus dey 12 years , the people wey dey teach for temple surprise as β e take dey understand things and the way e dey answer β question about Bible . β β Luke 2 : 42 , 46 , 4@@ 7 . |
Make we love and worship Jehovah with all our life . Make we still dey try well well to keep the one mind wey dey our different different congregation . |
E tell me sey , β Go preach for people wey dey that side , then I go preach for this side . β |
Na e make Paul no happy say they no listen to the good news . |
If the brother wey do wetin pain you still be elder or dem come even give am more work for congregation , you go happy ? |
To encourage person no be just to tell am better word . Na im make apostle Paul tell the elders for Ephe@@ sus sey : β Una must help people wey no strong , and make una dey always remember wetin our Lord Jesus talk , when e talk sey : β Na when we give , we dey happy pass when dem give us . β β |
E talk sey dem do wetin vex government , army , and all the church leaders ; so their puni@@ shment go strong well well . |
Why E Good Make We Dey Go M@@ ee@@ ting ? |
E fit be sey this time , e no β know where e suppose do reach as e dey follow God waka . β |
We no dey look where dem come from , whether dem go school , who dem be for the area or whether dem get money before we go respect or praise dem . |
Dem come arre@@ st am , and dem sey e go stay prison for 20 years . Even when Hans dey prison im bad character no change . |
Me and my wife don see sey to follow that advice dey make us happy . |
2 : 2 , 3 ) As e be for many place today , na bad things and bad character full Ephe@@ sus that time . |
Your name dey always make belle sweet dem well well . The good thing wey you dey do dey make dem praise you . β β β Ps . |
The governing body send Peter and John wey be their member to go help the brothers wey just become Christian . Peter and John pray for dem so that dem go get holy spirit . |
Na this one make am suffer people wey dey follow Jesus . But one day , Jesus talk to am from heaven . |
Since Bible no talk sey the city dem get another meaning , we go only talk about wetin we fit learn from dem for this topic and the next one . |
We don still learn about the better example of people wey allow God spirit direct dem . |
E use five month take preach round . E carry bl@@ an@@ k@@ et , food , cloth and many book put for im b@@ ic@@ ycle dey go . |
Bible talk sey : β Many times , all of us dey make mistake . β |
How this example concern our preaching work ? |
Even if where we dey stay far from where our children dey , we happy sey we still dey talk with dem everytime . β |
How Judges 5 : 31 talk sey our tomorrow go be ? |
28 : 9 ) How we fit do wetin David tell Solomon , even with the sin wey dey our body ? |
Con@@ tin@@ ue to F@@ ight Make Jehovah B@@ less You , Se@@ pt . |
The water destroy almost all their property . |
Many people dey think like that . |
The apostles and other people wey serve God well go rule with am for heaven . |
After , I ask the tel@@ e@@ phone comp@@ any if they go agree make I start work after five weeks . |
( 2 Chron . 16 : 5 ) For Asa mind , im plan don work ! |
For example , we go see wetin de move Jehovah to make peace , and why e value peace . |
Yes , anytime wey Jehovah want use us reach , we ready to do everything wey we fit do to β be everything to everybody . β |
( 2 ) T@@ each your pikin wetin you know about Jehovah . |
This paragraph dey talk wetin dey happen before before for prison wey dey some area for United States . |
Read Matthew 6 : 34 . |
For Israel , wetin dey good about the road and the place wey they build the city wey person fit run go , if e kill some@@ body by mistake ? |
As Jehovah Witness people , wetin we want na to preach to everybody wey we fit preach to before this world go end . |
For example , for 19@@ 31 , na only 8@@ 2 publishers dem get . |
8 - 10 . |
For example , e fit be matter about whether to marry or who to marry . |
When we dey show β strangers β sey we love dem , better thing dey come out . |
Remember sey , you no go there to ar@@ gue but na to let God word reach im mind . |
Apart from things wey we dey do to show sey we love Jehovah , we fit still use our mind contribute wetin we get . |
Make you still dey train yourself . |
For another time , Jesus talk say the preaching work dey like to plant and har@@ ve@@ st . β β Matt . |
Dem still dey use their time and power do Jehovah work , instead of mek dem dey enjoy with their pikin or gr@@ and pikin dem . |
When we respect people wey dey direct us , we dey support Jehovah . How ? |
If that kind thing happen , we no go fit serve Jehovah again and we no go enter paradise . |
Dem dey put hand for sex matter wey no clean for God eye , dey lie , dey play wayo and dey like to fight and kill . |
When evening reach , e call all of dem make e pay dem their money . E pay all of dem the same money , whether dem work from morning reach evening or only evening or one h@@ our . |
41 : 10 . |
This work no easy for Joshua at all . |
13 : β 13 , 14 ) When the time reach , Jehovah choose person wey better pass all the people wey e don use before . |
That time , I dey learn how to make and re@@ pair ship for the Ro@@ y@@ al D@@ oc@@ k@@ y@@ ard wey dey C@@ ha@@ th@@ am . People like this work because gain dey inside . |
Many people wey come the convention don already dey preach the good news about God Kingdom . |
The number one thing wey dey give us joy na the friendship wey we get with Jehovah . |
Or ma@@ ybe dem do wetin pain us ? Mek we no stop to serve Jehovah because of wetin dem do us . |
Why we no go only read Bible when we dey preach ? |
E make me know say people care about me . |
E remember wetin happen , e sey : β E first dey hard me to draw body near the brothers and sisters . |
But if we go do@@ w@@ n@@ load our book and other things from another place , dem fit don put lie lie inside , or dem fit don change some things for inside . β Ps . |
Wetin Israel people for do to show sey dem support the people wey God give holy spirit ? |
For example , you go fit go join congregation wey their publisher no plenty ? |
When e don dey reach the time wey dem go scatter Jerusalem , na im Bar@@ uch come dey β put mind for big big things β β things wey no go last . |
( 3 John 7 ) John don first talk about God ( check verse 6 ) ; so , na Jehovah name e fit dey talk about when e sey β because of im name . β |
That time , we dey type ad@@ dress put for wetin dem dey call st@@ en@@ ci@@ l ( one small iron c@@ ard ) . Na for people wey just start to get Awake ! and Watchtower . |
But now God spirit and im Word don help dem change . |
Dem believe sey Jehovah be like the papa for the story of β the pikin wey go waste im papa money . β |
Israel people no do wetin Jehovah talk . ( Deuteronomy 7 : 1 - 4 ) Many people for Israel , both man and woman , come dey serve ju@@ j@@ u and dey live the kind bad life wey Can@@ a@@ an people dey live . |
22 : 15 - 18 ) Another thing be sey , Jehovah dey always use love and better mind choose wetin e go do . |
Many of us never suffer the kind suffer wey this brothers suffer . |
When we read Bible wey dem translate for language wey we sabi , e dey touch us . |
But when the drink clear for im eye , e go stop to dey lau@@ gh . E fit start to dey think about im problem again . |
E no good to believe sey children suppose work to find money for their papa and mama so that dem go live big man life . |
26 : 16 - 21 ; Dan . |
Jehovah talk sey dem go β use the cro@@ wn take dey remember β wetin dem do to support im work . |
β No Ro@@ ad To@@ o F@@ ar and No Ro@@ ad To@@ o B@@ ad β ( Australia ) , Fe@@ b . |
12 , 13 . ( a ) Wetin Jehovah sey make Zechariah do ? |
If our person die , why we dey sure sey Jehovah fit make our mind come down ? Jehovah na our Papa . |
How the things wey we don talk about fit help us ? |
Before we come serve Jehovah we fit dey sin and we no know sey God no like wetin we dey do . |
4 : 29 ) But e good make we dey praise dem from our mind . |
Na true sey people like all this things and dem dey enjoy am . But all this things no fit really make person happy . |
The school na for one month . They go train circuit overseers , distri@@ ct overseers , and other brothers for congregation . |
So , make you dey use all your heart sing ! β β Ps . |
( Matt . 18 : 12 - 14 ) Wetin be the three things wey e talk sey make we do ? |
( Eccl . 5 : 6 ) So , make we do like David wey sey : β I go sing to praise Jehovah name forever . |
No only think sey Jesus die for everybody . |
We go happy if we no start to use person name do am@@ e@@ bo , like person wey dey add fu@@ el join fire . |
14 , 15 . ( a ) How our time take be like Daniel time ? |
We don already learn sey e get sometimes wey things worry David and Paul for mind . |
Wetin Ahab do pain Naboth family and im friend dem well well . But their mind come down because dem know sey Jehovah see wetin happen and e no waste time judge the matter . |
Dem try well well . |
Even though sey faith dey important , we no go need am again when God don do wetin e promise and when we don dey enjoy wetin we dey wait for . |
But Jehovah later stop to dey use Jew people because of wetin dem do . |
The last part for that verse suppose touch all of us one by one because Jehovah our Papa for heaven talk sey : β Me , Jehovah , go quick do am by myself when the time reach . β |
Better greeting need to come from our heart and make e show say we really care , even if e short . |
9@@ 6 : 1 . |
E come be like marriage wey get serious problem . |
( John 4 : 9 , 27 ) The leaders for religion of Jew people , no go talk with woman for public . And e go even hard them more if na Samaritan woman wey e life no stra@@ ight . |
One strong earth@@ qu@@ ake happen wey shake everywhere . |
Like Moses , e dey sweet us sey dem give another person the work wey we think sey na we dem suppose give ? |
E fit be like sey β small truth β dey wetin the person talk because e talk sey e want go take β tre@@ at@@ ment . β But you go talk sey the person talk true ? |
and β Can You Ste@@ p O@@ ver In@@ to M@@ ace@@ don@@ ia ? β β β The Watchtower , April 15 and December 15 , 200@@ 9 . |
The World Book En@@ c@@ y@@ clo@@ pe@@ dia talk sey freedom na β when person fit choose wetin e want and do am . β |
But Jehovah dey warn us . |
SONG : 1@@ 24 , 7@@ 9 |
The truth be sey , even the things wey small pass for this earth wey get life ( like b@@ ac@@ ter@@ ia ) dey fit do wetin house no fit do . |
James 4 : 17 |
Which other thing we fit do to support Jehovah ? |
( John 14 : 25 , 26 ) How this one fit help us as we dey teach people Bible ? |
John talk something wey go make us happy , e sey : β This na wetin we believe for im side , sey , no matter wetin we beg am e dey hear us , if na wetin e want . β |
No matter how we think sey we strong reach , e still get wetin we no fit do by ourself . |
( Matt . 28 : 19 ) If na to make disciples , e mean say our brothers and sisters for area wey people no de listen to our preaching go be like the different - different branch wey no de produce fru@@ its . |
Many times , e fit be sey na the man body dey first move am before the woman . |
How Jehovah organization take dey use the money wey people contribute ? We go answer all this question for this topic . |
E use all im mind arrange people wey go do the work and e gather iron , co@@ pper , silver , gold , and ce@@ d@@ ar wo@@ od . |
And when person don vex well well , e fit do wetin e no suppose do . This one fit make am no happy for some time . |
But now , na another thing come dey make dem happy . |
But if we do this one , we fit enter big trouble . |
23 : 14 . |
Many people believe sey things don spoil pass as e be before . |
One thing wey we go carry for mind be sey , we must let other people choose wetin dem want . |
But Bible tell us sey : β Dem comot from where the San@@ he@@ dr@@ in dey . |
E for ask Jeremiah wey be Jehovah prophet . ( 2 Chron . |
7 : 12 . |
Na true sey no be everybody for congregation today dey travel go far because of God work . |
As Noah see imself for this kind condition , e know sey e get some things wey e no fit do but e still get things wey e fit do . |
Mi@@ ca@@ h dey when King A@@ ha@@ z dey rule . A@@ ha@@ z na wicked king and things bad well well for im time . |
But una don see where big a@@ er@@ o@@ plan@@ e dey born small a@@ er@@ o@@ plan@@ e ? |
The first person wey e give this freedom na Jesus im first Son , wey re@@ se@@ mble am . ( Col . |
For only 1914 , the number of people wey watch the film plenty pass the number of Jehovah Witness wey dey the whole world today ! |
How young people go take show sey dem get the kind sense wey go save dem ? |
( 1 John 2 : 15 , 16 ) This kind people no believe sey God go soon destroy bad people . |
Wetin papa and mama fit learn from Samuel example ? |
But I dey go visit dem for there , and I tell dem sey make dem try to study Bible . |
For this our time , we get plenty work to do for Jehovah organization . |
Na so e be with Christian . |
If we dey carry body down and ready to settle quarrel , peace go dey congregation |
Some elders dey go preach and study Bible with people for prison . |
And that na the main thing wey Paul want make the brothers and sisters for Rome dey do . |
Na true sey the four king wey we talk about for our last topic use all their mind serve Jehovah , but dem still do some things wey Jehovah no like . |
How this vision take concern us today ? |
That time , na serious problem if woman no born . |
E still know the kind house wey go good for us and our family . |
We gradu@@ ate from the 2@@ 7@@ th class of Gilead School for July 195@@ 6 , and for November we come go where dem send us go for B@@ ra@@ z@@ il . |
E know Bible well well and e use am answer many of our question . |
Th@@ em de wait for the time wey God go remove suffer and other problem wey we de face . β |
Or e fit still be sey na bad advice make am behave like that . |
Bible talk sey : β Dey do like the people wey get the things wey God don promise because of their faith and their patience . β |
You fit do this things : Read with free mind , see how you fit follow wetin you don learn ; ask yourself question like β How I fit use am help another person ? β |
( Acts 13 : 48 ; 16 : 14 ) S@@ il@@ v@@ ana , one pioneer sister wey e don pioneer for about 30 years talk say : β Before I enter any house go preach , I de pray make Jehovah help me get good heart . β |
So how person suppose know Bible reach before e baptize ? |
God want make everybody get life wey no go end . |
When some people wey go abroad born pikin , dem dey like send the pikin go house make their family people train am for dem . |
You think sey e good to choose wetin we want do before we check wetin Bible talk ? |
6 : 15 . |
If husband and wife wey dey serve Jehovah no want born pikin , dem need to check wetin Bible talk before dem choose wetin dem want use . |
Na the book wey dem dey call The F@@ ini@@ shed M@@ y@@ st@@ er@@ y dem dey give people to explain Bible for dem . |
E know sey im preaching work for this world go finish one day and other people go continue the work . |
But police dey watch wetin e dey do . |
And God dey use better mind do things with im friends . So e want make we dey do like am . ( Prov . 15 : 23 ; Matt . 7 : 12 ; Col . |
E sey : β I go continue to dey look and dey wait for Jehovah . |
The truth be sey some of dem wey dey live big man life before , go need to live simple life now . |
If we dey learn from people mistake , e go help us make we no do the same mistake . |
Jehovah make Jephthah win Am@@ mon people . But na the only pikin wey Jephthah get na im come meet am when e come back from the war . |
( Ne@@ h . 8 : 8 ) If your talk get out@@ line , a@@ beg study the out@@ line well . |
18 : 7 ) Wetin you go do if person do or talk wetin you no like ? |
How I dey behave if person advice me ? |
Jesus continue to talk sey : β When e come see am , e carry am put for im shoulder , come dey happy . |
My papa wear im military uni@@ form for our family picture |
Dem dey talk sey dem dey serve God , but dem no dey judge matter well or pity people like God . |
To worship Jehovah na part of our life , we no just dey do am . |
The kind contribu@@ tion wey you fit send na : |
E do good thing . |
Because Jesus talk wetin happen that time . E talk say : β That time before the heavy rain fall , people de chop and drink , men de marry , and them de give their women out for marriage , until that day wey Noah enter the ark , and they no even notice - am until the heavy rain come and destroy all of them . Na so e go still happen when the Son of man go dey around . β |
The way we treat or talk to people fit make dem listen to our message or no listen ( Check paragraph 14 ) |
Why e be sey na only Jehovah suppose be King for heaven and earth ? |
Who Jehovah people dey support as King ? |
Sm@@ all time , dem tell me make I visit different different country to help Jehovah people . |
The chance wey Jehovah give us na to choose better thing , no be to do bad . |
For example , Deuteronomy 24 : β 14 , 15 talk sey : β If poor person come work for you , make you no play am wayo , whether na your brother or na stranger wey dey una land . |
19 : 10 ) Jehovah value life well well , so e no like am if person β kill person wey im hand clean . β |
Sometimes , the way we understand some things wey dey Bible , fit change . |
I don see say no be s@@ kin col@@ or de make people hate other people . |
As we don know this one , make we talk wetin make dem change am . |
For pikin to get sense , e need to copy the better example of im papa and mama . |
16 , 17 . ( a ) The way brothers for Corinth use their freedom bring wahala . |
( Ex . 5 : β 2 , 6 - 9 ) So e clear sey na Jehovah choose Moses to lead Im people . |
As Jesus be King and High Pri@@ est , which work e go do ? |
We fit see sey we suppose help dem make dem fit learn our language . |
Na Jehovah make us , so mek we dey do wetin e tell us . |
How W@@ yc@@ lif@@ fe Bible take help people ? |
Many people don see sey , when dem join do full - time service when dem young , e dey make their marriage get head . |
Any@@ time e happen like that , make we settle down study the way dem take explain am , and think about am . ( Acts 17 : 11 ; 1 Tim . |
Some of dem want enter full - time service , or dem want pack go do Jehovah work for area wey need more publishers . |
And all of dem dey together , no wahala . Na one small boy dey carry dem waka . . . . |
5 : 16 , 17 . |
And e fit make dem come join us serve Jehovah . |
But wetin e good make young people and their papa and mama get for mind ? |
And many times because of how this world be , nobody dey punish dem for wetin dem do . ( Job 21 : 7 , 9 ) But make we no forget wetin Bible talk . |
9 P@@ ut Mind for Things Wey Get V@@ al@@ ue |
We marry for O@@ c@@ to@@ ber 27 , 197@@ 3 and na Brother K@@ nor@@ r give our we@@ d@@ ding talk . |
Wetin Paul dey talk be sey , β the peace wey God dey give β make sense pass wetin we think . |
For 199@@ 3 , U@@ te wey come from Germany go do missionary work for Madagascar . U@@ te dey 5@@ 3 years now . |
Still think about the poor woman for Jesus time wey im husband don die . |
And help am see sey Jehovah go bless am well well if e do wetin e promise am . For example , better advice dey the ending of the book wey dem dey call Questions Young People Ask β β An@@ s@@ wers That Work , V@@ o@@ lu@@ me 1 . |
( Gen . 2 : β 16 , 17 ) E no hard for Adam and Eve to understand and do wetin Jehovah talk . |
This one na the fi@@ f@@ th time wey Brother Russell dey go Ireland . |
Instead , make we trust Jehovah and do wetin we fit do . |
Dem no know sey dem be slave to fake religion and money . Satan still dey make dem dey follow how people dey do things for their comm@@ unity , and dem dey try to change how things be . |
When dem reach there , many of dem dey stay with other brothers for the area . And the brothers take care of dem well . |
We be the same ! β E come reach their congregation turn to invite o@@ yi@@ bo people wey dey English congregation . The sister co@@ ok food and e invite some of dem come im house . |
E remember wetin happen , e sey : β E no hard me to see sey many people no get my time . |
Wetin you think about this matter ? |
We go dey do am make other people see am . |
E dey our hand to choose whether we go β let β sin rule or we no go let am rule . Na im make we suppose know whether e really dey our mind to let sin rule us . |
K@@ now how to answer different different person well . β β β Col . |
Wetin fit happen if we just dey follow our mind when we dey vex or no happy ? |
E still talk about other people wey β no want something wey go free dem , so that dem fit get the better resurrection . β ( Heb . |
E talk say β person fit get good character no matter the place wey e come from . β |
( c ) Wetin we go talk about for this topic ? |
Wetin make me still hate them na because of wetin I suffer for their hand . β |
( Dan . 9 : 1 , 2 ) One time wey Daniel dey pray , e carry body down and e tell God wetin dey im mind . The prayer dey Daniel 9 : 3 - 19 . Wetin Daniel talk for this prayer show sey e know Jehovah well , and e know wetin Jehovah don do for Israel people . |
( b ) Who come be this leader ? |
Wetin we fit learn from the truth about this matter ? |
But even with that one , dem still dey hold Jehovah tight . E good make we dey encourage dem . ( 2 Thess . |
Make we beg Jehovah sey : β Give me better sense and help me know something . β β β Ps . |
Ju@@ li@@ a na one young sister and e dey 16 years . E talk say : β I de put our books inside my school@@ ba@@ g . And when my cla@@ ss@@ mates de talk about their own beli@@ e@@ f and wetin they think , I go listen . |
Wetin be one thing wey we fit do to make people strong ? |
Ri@@ ch@@ ard H . |
True true , the love wey Jehovah get for im servant no dey end . |
E get another wahala wey make us fear . |
As im wor@@ k@@ mate see sey Chr@@ is dey try to change , imself come still try to change . |
One time wey we go Bro@@ o@@ k@@ ly@@ n , even though e don tey , I still remember one evening when me , my wife , Brother Fran@@ z and other brothers dey together . |
So , person wey dey serve Jehovah with all im mind no dey pre@@ tend dey serve am . |
Why e good make we love God ? |
When we dey think about the kind life wey we don live , we know sey Jehovah don show us im favor for different different way . |
Me and my wife feel sey as we fit bear the cold weather and the mo@@ s@@ qui@@ to for Canada , we go fit bear any condition for anywhere . |
21 How Zechariah V@@ i@@ sion Take Con@@ cer@@ n U@@ s Today ? |
For Mar@@ ch 31 this year , Jehovah people for the whole world go gather together to remember Jesus death . We go do am for evening after sun don go down . Plenty people wey we invite go still join us do am . |
9@@ 9 ) And na so e happen . |
The sister talk sey : β For the place where I dey work , my wor@@ k@@ mate send message to other people wey we dey work together . E spoil my name give dem and e talk bad thing about the work wey I dey do . |
( Acts 7 : 35 ) God β use angels β take bring the Law wey Moses take teach Israel people . ( Gal . |
β No stop to dey forgive un@@ as@@ elf . β β C@@ O@@ L . |
E no fit make rain fall or make sun shine for wetin e plant . |
Better Bible study just be like person wey dey travel to see wetin e never see before . |
Which good thing we fit do if we want help people wey them de suffer ? |
They even ask us for magaz@@ ines . β |
As time dey go , the papa and mama go fit dey teach their pikin about Jehovah . |
No be better thing to dey tell dem word wey go make dem strong and to praise dem ? |
31 : 19 ; 32 : 4 . |
How Jehovah go take comot the bad things wey people dey do and bad condition wey dey this earth ? |
When person believe wetin e dey learn from Bible , dey follow am , and want baptize , all of us dey happy well well . |
If we value the truth wey Jehovah dey teach us , we go dey add new things join wetin we don already learn . |
4 β Con@@ tin@@ ue to Dey T@@ ell Each Other Better Word Every@@ day β |
Brother Russell sey the people listen well well to im talk about the faith wey Abraham get and the blessing wey human being go get for front . The topic of the talk na , β The O@@ ath - B@@ ound Promi@@ se . β |
Everybody go see sey Jehovah na better King . E go clear sey Satan and human being no sabi rule . |
Na if we dey think about the things wey we go enjoy for front . β β Rom . |
But no let am make you stop to serve Jehovah . Because if you stop , you go later see sey no other person love you reach your papa and mama wey dey serve Jehovah and people for congregation . |
( Gal . 6 : 7 ) If to sey Jehovah dey choose the kind problem wey we dey face , we go really fit talk sey Jehovah dey let us do wetin we want ? |
E good make we dey sele@@ ct wetin we dey watch , listen to , or read , so that dem no go make us miss wetin God promise . β β Prov . |
You dey use all this things wey our organization dey give us ? |
But after some time , im mind really come down when one sister draw am near body . The sister name na An@@ n and na pioneer for Paul@@ a congregation . |
Our meeting dey help us . |
How we go take join hand to make the congregation clean ? |
For the church leaders , this kind thing na in@@ sul@@ t . |
Wetin I want choose go make Jehovah happy ? β |
Joseph na one of dem . |
As your friend open door make you enter , your mind just come down . |
22 You F@@ it K@@ now Where to Do Re@@ ach Even When E H@@ ard |
No F@@ or@@ get the Ma@@ in Th@@ ing , June |
( Luke 23 : 51 ) As some people talk , e fit be sey Joseph no even dey when dem carry Jesus go court . |
Wetin we suppose do when person invite us come e house come chop ? |
( Luke 22 : 43 ) Papa and mama , make una dey do like Jehovah . Dey tell your pikin better word wey go make dem strong and dey praise dem anytime dem do better thing . |
( a ) Wetin go happen to the business wey dem dey do for this world ? |
To teach your pikin well , wetin dey Bible must first dey your mind ( Check paragraph 17 ) |
If dem no allow person do some kind work for congregation again , how this one take show sey God love am ? |
Bible talk sey Timothy β come really believe β wetin e learn . |
You V@@ al@@ ue Bible Well Well ? Nov . |
As e talk that one finish , dem come lose the big cloth open . Wetin dem write for the cloth na : β Ad@@ ver@@ ti@@ se the King and Kingdom . β |
1 : 14 ) To value Jehovah work , Timothy need to put mind for God spirit to help am . |
3 : 14 , 15 . |
14 , 15 . ( a ) Wetin young person wey want baptize need to think about ? |
But wetin we go do if we feel sey the problem small ? |
As e be sey we dey gain if we dey read and dey study everything wey dey Bible , na so e go still be if we dey use everything wey Jehovah don give us to make our faith strong . |
We fit use wetin we don read for 1 Timothy 3 : 2 - 7 , take help our Bible student and other people . That verse show how elders for congregation take different from pa@@ st@@ or for church . |
Even with that one , who promise must do wetin e promise . Why ? |
( 2 ) β God no dey fail . β |
If better suffer come , the person no go support God again . |
Instead , dem fit hope sey one day their pikin go come back to Jehovah . |
One husband and wife for England get problem for their marriage . So , they call two elders make they come help them . |
And since that time , e no go again ! |
For example , I learn one better thing when I follow Brother The@@ od@@ ore J@@ ar@@ ac@@ z do z@@ one visit for one branch office . |
Wetin help Moses to fit lead Israel people ? |
How you fit help strangers for your area ? |
Make we dey pray for our brothers and sisters for the whole world especially for the people wey Jehovah dey use direct us . |
For the other side , Jehovah , Jesus Christ our King and the people wey dey follow am rule , pl@@ us many many angel stand dey look you . |
17 : 16 . |
9 Wetin Go Co@@ mot When God Kingdom Co@@ me ? |
Even though I dey fear , I come start to preach from house to house . I surprise sey e no tey before I place all the book wey dey with me . |
Jehovah don give us Bible , im O@@ r@@ ganiz@@ ation and preaching work so that we go continue to be like so@@ ft clay . |
Na true sey na you go choose wetin you go do , but make we no forget sey God go judge us for wetin we do . |
( John 14 : 21 ) The thing wey Jesus command us to do na the thing wey Jehovah want . So when we obey , and go preach as Jesus command us , we de show say we love Jehovah . ( Matt . |
Or you dey ask other people ? |
The third thing wey God don give us , na the truth wey we don learn from Bible . |
Before Paul talk wetin dey 2 Corinthians 3 : 17 , e first talk about how Moses face be after Jehovah angel talk to am for M@@ ount S@@ in@@ a@@ i . When Moses come down from the mountain , im face come dey shine like light . |
God and im special Son don work together for many years , but that one no make God talk sey no need to praise am or make im mind strong when e come this earth . |
We get many brothers and sisters today wey don show us better example . Dem no stop to get joy even when dem dey face wahala . |
One man wey study Greek language talk about this Greek word wey dey Romans 8 :β 5 . E sey the people wey the place dey talk about na β people wey too like the things wey the flesh want , wey dey always talk about am , and to do am dey sweet dem reach b@@ one . β |
28 : 20 . |
( John 6 : 10 - 15 ) The next day , e fit be say the people no too serious again about wetin they want do before . |
The people gain ? |
The offic@@ er for the prison come dey fear sey all the prison@@ er don run comot . |
One San@@ he@@ dr@@ in member wey im name na Ni@@ co@@ dem@@ us , come dey like wetin Jesus dey teach . |
Wetin real love go make us do ? |
β To dey patient , to get better mind , to dey good . β |
Make we use the small time wey remain before Memorial day take dey think about the kind question wey we fit use , wey go touch our Bible student and other people to follow us do this Memorial . |
The people wey dey listen to Peter know this one . |
But pioneer work really help me . E make me fit dey talk to different different people and that one come make me get strong mind . |
( Isa . 5 : 20 ) Jesus warn e disciples say : β Ti@@ me de come when anybody wey e kill wuna go think say e don do God work . β |
Dem dey tell me sey dem love me and sey dem dey happy to see sey I dey try well well . |
We need to dey do wetin elders dey tell us from Bible . |
9 : 7 ) If we pray about this matter and think am well before we choose , Jehovah go help us do wetin go make am bless us . |
( b ) How we fit show sey we support God Kingdom today ? |
( a ) Wetin we go de do to show say we de produce fruit ? |
That one really help me to know the truth wey dey Bible , and I no come dey fear to meet another pa@@ st@@ or again . |
Jehovah know wetin im people need . |
Bible don talk sey , people go dey enter Jehovah organization . Dem go come from different different place , and dem go dey speak β all the language . β ( Ze@@ ch . |
Ti@@ me dey come when people wey no stop to serve Jehovah , go serve am with body wey no get sin . |
Why e good make we continue to make people mind come down ? |
( Isa . 6@@ 1 : 1 , 2 ; Luke 4 : 17 - 21 ) Jesus pity people wey dey suffer and e ready to help dem . β β Heb . |
Joseph papa wife get ten pikin wey hate am because na Joseph their papa like pass . |
We go talk about some of the things wey our family people fit do to stop us . And wetin we fit do to bear the wahala . |
13 : 7 ; Matt . |
15 : 2 , 3 ; Jas . |
E preach for about 30 years , and e help plenty people come be Christian . ( Acts 14 : 21 ; 2 Cor . |
( 1 Cor . 8 : 9 , 13 ; 10 : 32 ) But for some culture , be@@ ard be@@ ard no be better thing and dem feel sey better Christian no suppose dey keep be@@ ard be@@ ard . |
People for your work fit dey take you do y@@ eye because you dey use some of your time go meeting or preaching . |
Pa@@ vel preach for Sa@@ k@@ hal@@ in reach 199@@ 5 . |
If we like wetin we dey learn from Bible , e go make us know sey na better thing Jehovah do for us to let us answer im name , and tell people about im Kingdom for this last days . |
Paul write letter to β brothers β for Rome . |
But we never win finish . |
Whether we go get life for heaven or earth , why Romans chapter 8 fit help us ? |
For example , one sister for Great Britain talk say : β After wetin I study for uni@@ ver@@ sity don open my eye about all the partial wey people de face , I begin put hand for politics . β |
But for other area the visit@@ or and the people wey e visit dey enjoy the same thing . |
But , e get when e do wetin God no like . |
But what if your conscience still dey worry you , even after Jehovah don forgive you tey tey ? Wetin you go do ? |
Dem dey use am talk about group of soldier wey dem send go protect place . |
How Christian for apostle time take show us better example ? |
So when dem dey talk , make we no cut dem . E good make we listen well . Na wetin go help dem pass be that . β E still get one person wey im name na J@@ uni@@ a . |
26 . |
And many people no go fit explain why e be sey everybody want enjoy life wey no get end . ( Eccl . |
Even with that one , Jesus know sey β life better pass food and body better pass cloth . β |
One thing na to dey use am everytime , whether for house to house , return visit or Bible study . |
Feli@@ sa : The time wey I start to serve Jehovah , my three j@@ uni@@ or sister come dey give me problem . |
( Ps . 37 : 25 , ftn . ) True true , Jehovah love you well well and e go use im β right hand wey good β take help you get wetin you need to still dey serve am . |
How Daniel take know Jehovah ? |
How im story take concern you ? |
But make we use example show wetin fit cause that kind quarrel . |
Wetin this story teach us ? |
For the si@@ x@@ th day , Jehovah use β sand sand [ clay ] from ground β make man . God make man so that man go fit copy im character . ( Gen . |
For 20@@ 12 , Hans and Bro@@ ok come go Ghana go pioneer for four month and dem help one sign language congregation for there . |
β One Jehovah β still mean sey Jehovah get one mind for everything wey e dey do . This one make us know sey e want make all im people be one and make dem get one mind . |
The more we dey sabi how Jehovah dey think , the more we go know wetin e want make we do for any matter . β Ezek . 11 : 19 , ftn . |
Wetin happen fit surprise you . E don pass 50 years wey Eli@@ sha dey do prophet work . |
JE@@ H@@ O@@ V@@ A@@ H want make we value peace . E want make we dey do wetin go make peace dey . |
For example , β If I do another work join my own , I fit still do other things wey I suppose do ? |
For example , e fit use government to stop our preaching work . |
Make e still dey find more . |
Psalm 119 tell us wetin we need to do to show sey we like wetin we dey learn from Bible . |
Dem warn us sey make we no stay for tra@@ il@@ er ( small house wey get tire ) because people wey hate us fit put fire . This one come make us dey find house , but we no see . |
E tell us sey make we do all the meeting no matter how many people come . |
For example , the Christian dem for the apostle time dey always want gather together to worship Jehovah and learn about am . |
This plan really help Jehovah people wey dey Britain prepare for the war wey dey come for front , that time . |
Jehovah hear wetin Jephthah talk . E come help Jephthah win the fight . |
The story of how e take help people wey serve am dey Bible . We know sey Jehovah go do wetin e get for mind no matter wetin happen . Jehovah fit even do wetin go surprise us . |
27 Jehovah Ser@@ v@@ ant Dey Di@@ ffer@@ ent From Other People |
Elders and other people fit copy Timothy example . β β w1@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 4 , pp . |
You no need to dey with Jesus before e go fit help you . |
V@@ ine de give all e branch food and water , as long as the branch remain with the v@@ ine . |
If we dey put mind to get more work so that people go sabi us , e go make us dey feel sey we better pass dem . We go dey carry shoulder up and we fit come land for trouble . |
Wetin dey cause this one na the kind thing wey person dey like , wey e dey put mind and wey be number one for im life . |
One thing wey e make all of us β brothers β be say , we come from Adam . |
We fit still win our fight with any bad thing wey we dey do . |
Jesus still continue to do the good work wey e dey do , even though some of im disciple do wetin e no like . |
When Paul dey talk about faith and love , e write sey : β If I get the faith wey I fit use take u@@ pro@@ ot mountain but I no get love , I no be anything . β |
From beginning , Jehovah want make Adam and Eve children wey no get sin full the whole world . ( Gen . |
wetin you promise Jehovah for prayer before you baptize ? |
Na im you come hear as Jehovah dey tell you sey : β My pikin , show sey you get sense and my mind go sweet , so that I go know wetin I go tell the person wey dey in@@ sul@@ t me . β β Proverbs 27 : 11 . |
( Ps . 119 : 10@@ 3 ) The book and magazine dem wey Jehovah organization dey give us be like food wey sweet . |
Wetin we go do so that we go fit dey praise Jehovah with song from our heart ? |
We go gain well well if we allow Jehovah correct us , and if we follow im and Jesus example when we dey correct other people . M@@ outh no go fit talk all the blessing wey we go get . |
SONG : 6@@ 8 , 7@@ 2 |
( b ) Which time Adam use im freedom well ? |
22 ) We fit still do like that today . |
And how we fit run go meet Jehovah when we sin ? |
Dem come go Ghana , after the branch wey dey there , tell dem sey dem fit come . |
Make we talk about Abraham and Sarah example . |
No be only that one , when e dey Egypt , im oga wife come lie for im head . E lie sey Joseph try to ra@@ pe am . |
( Mark 1 : β 10 - 12 ) All the time wey Jesus take preach for this earth , God holy spirit help am . E help am fit do miracle and tell people wetin God send am . |
But many people for this world don see wetin better pass gold . |
1 : 22 . |
New government still change the language wey people dey speak that time . |
Jehovah tell David sey e no go stop to bless am because of how e love David reach . But na Solomon im pikin go build the temple . |
So make we by ourself dey do wetin go make elders and even circuit overseer strong , as dem dey try well well to dey care for God sheep . |
12 : 3 - 5 . |
This one don make Jehovah Witness for the whole world plenty pass eight million . |
Make una happy and make belle sweet una , because una get plenty gain for heaven . Before una time , na so dem take suffer the prophet dem . β |
E go help you no put hand for things wey fit disturb your mind . Na you go gain if you no β carry any bad mind , get hot temper , dey vex , dey shout and dey curse . β β β Eph . |
But , as this children dey learn the language of the new place , some of dem fit no like to speak their papa and mama language again . Dem fit even no sabi speak am again . |
The brother wey e later marry wey im name na Peter , hear wetin Governing Body talk sey make publishers for Britain wake up . This one come dey make am think about how e go take pioneer . |
For this one to happen , e good make we dey carry body down . |
E tell dem sey : β Make we dey think about how we go take help each other so that we go show love and do better work . Make we no dey miss our meeting as some people dey do , but make we dey encourage ourself , especially as the day don dey near . β ( Heb . 10 : 24 , 25 ) Wetin make Paul give dem this advice ? E no reach five years before dem know why . |
When e come back , e sey : β I know sey my family no hate me , but dem only do wetin Jehovah and im organization talk . β |
E promise Abraham sey im pikin dem go get the Promi@@ se L@@ and , and Jehovah do plenty miracle so that dem go fit enter the L@@ and . |
E fit be say , na e mama make Rehoboam do this kind thing . E mama come from Am@@ mon . ( 1 Ki . |
( John 15 : 19 ) So , I come sey make dem put my name among people wey no go join military . |
This one mean sey Jehovah really know dem one by one . ( 1 Cor . |
Why e good sey we need to change wetin we believe about when fake religion start to control God people for our time ? |
I want make we still be friend . But na because I love am na im make I want help am . β |
Your condition fit no be like sister Bi@@ an@@ ca or sister Paul@@ a own . |
As we don learn , e pain Paul as Jew people no accept the good news . |
We go talk some example of how we fit do this one for our life . |
E fit be sey the husband or wife of one of Jehovah servant never start to serve Jehovah . |
E@@ mi@@ l S@@ ch@@ ΓΌ@@ re@@ r wey sabi this matter well well talk sey : β Person for the Roman government fit just come any time to handle any matter wey dey ground . Na wetin dem dey do when dem think sey person one cause wahala for government . β |
But all of dem fit endure because β dem believe sey dem don see wetin dem dey wait for . β β ββ Heb . |
Many people dey come stay for this conv@@ ent , like student and old people . |
* As e be sey na only one of this book dey for To@@ k@@ mo@@ k , we come use hand take copy am . |
E go forgive anybody wey run go meet am . β β β P@@ S . |
But once dem plant am for another place , e go start to grow new ro@@ ot . |
Ang@@ els dey help Governing Body . |
* |
So after dem see sey my papa gree , I come fit enter Para@@ gu@@ ay for Mar@@ ch 195@@ 9 . |
Dem no tire or stop to do the work . |
The first thing wey you go do na to pray make Jehovah give you sense and help you understand the matter . |
Instead , we want make Jesus tell us sey : β I know wetin you dey do , the love wey you get , the faith wey you get , how you dey preach and how you dey endure . I still know sey the things wey you dey do now , better pass wetin you don do before . β ( Rev . |
If we get love and better mind , how e go take help us get wetin Jehovah promise ? |
Jesus self show sey e love us . Na im make am agree to do wetin Jehovah want . |
When dem open the container , Zechariah see one woman wey sitdown inside . |
1 , 2 . ( a ) Which kind problem many people dey get today , and wetin this one fit cause ? |
If this kind thing dey do you , wetin you go do ? You need to do wetin you fit do to continue to dey make new friends . |
On top that one , e still send im Son make e come die for us , so that we go get life wey no go end . β β Read Psalm 8@@ 4 : 11 ; Romans 8 : 32 . |
SONG : 5@@ 7 , 52 |
If person use this kind ship travel , e fit put the person for big trouble . |
E be like that , even though sey na about 40 people write Bible . |
Wetin dey make Christian help people wey pack come their country ? |
E come still lie sey : β Una no go die . β |
The message wey Jehovah give Ezekiel show sey hope dey for Israel people , sey dem go be one again when dem go back to the Promi@@ se L@@ and . |
As we don know wetin God want from us , wetin e like and wetin e no like , na our hand e dey to do the correct thing and to show sey na im get right to rule . |
Who Jesus give the work to dey help us sabi wetin dey Bible ? |
Na so e still be when papa and mama dey train their children . |
They be new missionary for this area and they go Gilead School . |
What if my pikin do wetin bad well well for Jehovah eye after e baptize ? β |
E dey only care about imself , e no dey care about other people . |
10 : 1 , 2 ) So wetin make Paul no tire to preach to Jew people ? |
E name na K@@ ev@@ in . E talk sey : β When me and my wife just join the new congregation , we start to do au@@ x@@ ili@@ ary pioneer . Na that one help us pass . |
Think about how Nehemiah feel when e reach Jerusalem . |
The princi@@ pa@@ l agree and we do like that until my big sister finish school . |
You No Think S@@ ey You Ne@@ ed to T@@ rain People ? |
When you pray , make you β dey thank Jehovah for everything β wey e don do for you . |
Arthur C@@ la@@ us write sey : β The way many people take gree sey make the magazine dey reach their hand every month , surprise everybody for congregation . β |
Jehovah bless their work when dem meet one man wey im name na Char@@ les B@@ ern@@ har@@ d@@ t . E get ho@@ te@@ l for Wil@@ li@@ am Cre@@ e@@ k , near where train dey stop . |
( Heb . 9 : 12 ) This sacrifice wey be gift from Jehovah , no go ever fa@@ de . |
Many of the topic wey dey this book for young people no be only for dem . |
Na im make one man wey im name na V@@ ance P@@ ac@@ k@@ ard talk put for this matter . E sabi this matter reach ground . |
Dem eat and dem drink . |
But na David family the Messiah come from . ( 1 Sam . |
Another thing be sey , e go make people know sey we dey the true religion . |
I de help my neighbor ? β |
2 : 13 - 16 . |
Na true sey we write this book for young people , but that one no mean sey other people no fit read am , because all the advice wey dey inside na from Bible . And the advice wey dey Bible fit help everybody . |
5 : 8 ; 12 : 2 ) Make we see how full - time service ( like regular pioneer , Be@@ thel@@ ite and people wey dey build Kingdom Hall ) fit make you happy well well . |
E sey : β Our work dey let us chop for better re@@ sta@@ ur@@ ant , travel go different different country , and wear better cloth . |
You fit dey wonder if dem go listen to you . |
S@@ O@@ M@@ E@@ T@@ I@@ M@@ E@@ S , dem dey use am . |
39 : 6 , 7 ) Even with that one , God dey think about the time wey e go save the ones wey go repent , come dey serve am again ! |
( Prov . 3 : 11 , 12 ) Make we remember sey we get sin for body . This one fit make us no dey show love sometimes . |
β Faith na to believe sey the thing wey person dey wait for don happen , even though sey e never see am . β β HE@@ B . |
Why e be sey na serious matter to think about wetin we dey put for our mind ? |
They show us fine example for the preaching work . |
8 : 6 ) |
( Revelation 12 : 10 ) Today , Satan still dey talk sey people dey serve God because of wetin dem want gain from God . |
Wetin Saul come do ? |
If we dey treat dem well , even when we no too get things to give dem , e go make dem know sey Jehovah love dem . |
But whether dem use people or dem no use , the point be sey no be small work dem do . |
So , make the way we dey live our life everyday show sey we value this better thing wey God do for us . |
Wetin you learn from the way Jehovah take look the four king for Judah ? |
( b ) Wetin we go talk about for the next topic ? |
So we fit ask ourself sey : β When person talk wetin no dey inside Bible or ask me question wey hard for preaching , I fit use Bible answer the question well ? |
To Jehovah and Jesus , to dey forgive na serious matter . |
take dey show am wetin Bible talk |
7 : 39 ) Their marriage go sweet because dem dey follow the advice wey dey Bible . |
Wetin happen as Steph@@ en start to do wetin e dey learn from Bible ? |
5 |
And the things wey happen because of wetin e do , bad well well . |
Because of this one , Mic@@ hael come start to dey study Bible with Jehovah Witness people . |
God tell am make e build the ark wey go save human being and animal . ( Gen . |
We understand sey dem be the army wey dey heaven wey join scatter Jerusalem reach ground and for Armageddon dem go still join hand finish this wicked world wey Satan dey control . |
Because anytime wey we remember the reason , e de give us power make we no tire as we de preach for the whole world . ( Matt . |
So we sey na this one make Jehovah allow fake religion dey control dem for some time . |
We know sey na only Jehovah fit give us life wey no go end . β β Luke 12 : 4 , 5 . |
3 : 12 . |
ON@@ E brother wey im name na Li@@ j@@ e talk wetin happen to im and im family for B@@ u@@ ru@@ n@@ d@@ i . E sey : β We dey assembly when dem start to fight and kill people for B@@ u@@ ru@@ n@@ d@@ i . |
For the talk , dem still talk sey wetin dey make person happy pass , na when e do more for Jehovah work . |
Jehovah want make husband and wife continue to stay together as one . |
One day for work , e come dey look book wey dem pack put for ground . Na there e see one book wey dem dey call The Se@@ cre@@ t of F@@ am@@ Β@@ ily Happ@@ iness . |
( b ) Which question we fit talk about with people wey come Memorial ? |
E write sey : β Even inside this ship , I thank Jehovah sey I dey help people learn about am . β |
E show sey everything wey dey inside go happen , and gain dey if person follow am . β β Matt . |
Wetin be the things wey for destroy Bible and spoil the message ? |
For 18@@ 70 , wetin correct Christians do to make sure sey dem understand Bible well ? |
When we get am for mind sey God know wetin we dey think and do , e go make us want do wetin e like and wetin clean for im eye . β Read Matthew 5 : 27 , 28 ; Hebrews 4 : 13 . |
How Jehovah dey feel about wetin you dey do to show sey you support am ? |
But the thing be sey , Jehovah make this earth for plant to grow , so that we go dey see food chop . |
Make we ask ourself sey : β Who I dey do good things for ? Na only my tight friend , people wey I dey take better eye look for congregation , or people wey fit pay me back ? |
Dem come write this thing put for letter , and send some brothers to go give the congregation dem . |
( b ) Wetin fit cause trouble for us as we dey serve Jehovah ? |
16 : 3 ; 20 : 18 . |
When I come ho@@ li@@ day for 194@@ 6 , I follow dem go one convention for where dem dey call C@@ le@@ vel@@ and , wey dey O@@ hi@@ o , for U.@@ S@@ .@@ A . |
30 : 11 - 14 . |
So , because of the kind person wey e be , e dey let us do wetin we want . β Deut . |
( Eph . 4 : 30 ) E go sofri go meet elders and tell dem the bad thing wey e don do . And this elders ready to help am . β β Jas . |
When one circuit overseer dey talk about when e dey young , e talk sey : β One thing wey help me know sey Bible na God word , na when I read am finish . |
See as Paul take explain am , e sey : β Na free gift for dem to talk sey dem be good people because of im favor as e don take ransom free dem because Jesus Christ don pay . β β Rom . |
E go don learn how Joseph take pity im brothers , even though sey dem hate am . |
One type of iron wey Roman soldiers de wear for ch@@ est that time , get plenty iron wey they join on@@ top each other . They b@@ end the iron so that e go cover their ch@@ est . |
If you dey study Bible , you fit still see how to do other things wey go make Jehovah happy . |
Na small small I go tell am things wey go make am believe . β |
How you go take copy Jesus example ? |
Jehovah like make we dey work , and when we work we dey gain better thing . |
When I go one circuit assembly for In@@ dia for 194@@ 8 |
( b ) Why Jehovah tell im people make dem β come back to am β ? |
Make our brothers and sisters and everybody wey see us talk sey , true true , we dey serve the true God Jehovah . |
We go fit show real love even as we get sin for body ? |
And e preach to all im family people . Si@@ x month after the convention , e do im first Bible reading for meeting . |
Some dey even go Gilead School . |
And we no go be like Rehoboam . Instead , we go de worship Jehovah as e want . β β Ju@@ de 20 , 21 . |
( John 8 : 29 ; 14 : 9 ; 15 : 10 ) For example , prophet Isaiah talk sey Jehovah dey pity people . If you check wetin Mark write about Jesus , you go see sey Jesus still dey pity people . |
Even as dem try put sand sand for our g@@ arr@@ i reach , Jehovah still bless the preaching work for the area . Now , many people don dey serve Jehovah for there . |
Bible talk sey dem be β gift β wey Jehovah don give congregation . And Jehovah dey use dem care for im people . |
( 1 Cor . 5 : 11 - 13 ) E dey pain and e no easy . But we no go dey do things with am like before , even if na our family person . Things like to call am for phone , to send message for phone or com@@ pu@@ ter , or to write letter give am . |
Matthew 5 : 3 talk sey : β People wey know sey dem need God for their life dey happy because the Kingdom wey dey heaven na their own . β |
9 : 4 - 7 ) Wetin the vision teach us and who be the man wey carry wetin person take dey write ? |
For example , dem dey quick help us when dem see sey we no dey come meeting like before . And if our mind no dey Jehovah work like before , dem go quick help us . |
Wetin we go put for mind when we dey preach to refugee people ? |
K@@ now wetin you really need |
No be tr@@ in@@ ity Moses dey talk about for here . |
But why e good make we know the reason ? |
May |
E think sey Jehovah no see am ? |
Wetin people for this world dey talk show sey dem no value wetin Jehovah talk for Bible . |
After I baptize , me and my mama always dey go preaching together . |
2 : 4 . |
And when dem dey share property , na im own still dey many pass . β β Gen . |
Other people know sey na David arrange make dem kill U@@ ri@@ ah . |
But as all of us wey dey serve Jehovah dey join hand for this preaching , e dey mek the whole world fit hear the good news about God Kingdom . |
One sister wey im name na Ruth remember wetin happen . E talk sey : β Some of the brothers wey follow us that time come later put hand for politics . Dem come go back where dem dey stay before , because dem no fit bear the kind suffer suffer wey dey the camp wey we dey stay . β |
Wetin the things wey I dey talk with people dey show about wetin dey my mind ? |
How slave life for Babylon take different from the one wey Israel people live for Egypt before ? |
Paul write give Christians wey dey Rome , sey : β I tell everybody wey dey with una sey , make e no dey think about imself pass the way e suppose think , but make e dey think about how e go get better mind , everybody as God take give am faith . |
( Prov . 1 : 5 ) So , e good make we follow wetin dey Bible and pray so that Jehovah go help us . |
( b ) As Jehovah choose Jesus instead of Her@@ od A@@ gri@@ pp@@ a I , wetin that one teach us ? |
But , e get one group wey God dey use direct im people today . Bible call this group β slave wey get sense and wey dem fit trust . β |
Why e good for person to baptize ? |
E fit be sey dem learn about God as dem dey listen to people wey dey before dem , direct message from God , or wetin dem read from old old book wey dem see . |
For that paradise , we go enjoy peace and love reach ground . |
Jehovah dey value people wey stand well for im side ( Check paragraph 14 , 15 ) |
E get plenty new things wey we dey do now . |
3 : 5 - 9 . |
You W@@ ear the Co@@ mp@@ le@@ te So@@ l@@ di@@ er Un@@ i@@ form ? |
Na the work of the Ser@@ vice Com@@ mit@@ tee for the congregation to quick put you for field service group . |
We don see am sey to do wetin go save you na serious matter . |
For example , some people fit think sey marriage na only enjoyment . |
Ch@@ il@@ dren fit learn the language of the new area wey dem dey . Dem fit learn am for school or from other people . |
2 : 8 ) Paul talk say : β Person wey e get love don do everything wey the law talk . β |
If you tell small pikin better word , e go make am know sey you love am and e go sweet am well well . β |
3 You Still Remember ? |
4 : 4 , 7 , 12 . |
Person like this fit dey your congregation . |
Our conscience dey like that ste@@ ering . |
Make we bre@@ ath well . |
If we let Jehovah mold us , e go help us follow our brothers and sisters serve Jehovah well . |
Jehovah understand how e dey do us for body if our person die . E ready to help us . This one dey really make our mind come down ! |
We share pass 20@@ ,000 small small book . And we dey send the name of people wey want learn Bible to Britain branch office . |
Su@@ pp@@ ort Jehovah arrangement . |
( 2 Tim . 2 : 3 , 4 ) Am@@ ong people wey dey follow Jesus today , e pass one million people wey dey full - time service . All of dem dey do wetin dem fit do to follow Paul advice . |
Think am : Bible call all the fake religion for this world one name β Babylon the Great . |
Wetin we fit learn from Asa mistake ? |
Even if we pray well well or we do research , we no fit get the answer to this kind question dem . |
Wetin make am learn am ? Na because e want use am help one congregation wey dey speak S@@ wa@@ h@@ il@@ i for one city wey dem dey call B@@ ri@@ s@@ b@@ an@@ e . |
That time , one thing wey dey their mind pass na to marry . Dem no put ear for wetin Noah dey tell dem , even though Bible sey Noah na person β wey dey preach about wetin good . β |
3 : 1 - 5 ) Some papa and mama no dey praise their pikin if dem do better thing because their own papa and mama no praise dem . |
You fit even dey vex when you think about all the wahala wey e don cause . But wetin Jehovah do ? |
Jehovah de answer our prayer . |
( Judg . 10 : 7 - 9 ) So , e come promise Jehovah sey : β If you help me make I win Am@@ mon people and I no die for their hand , I go make sure sey anybody wey come out from my house come greet me when I come back , go be your own . β |
E be like sey God sofri carry E@@ no@@ ch comot from life to death . When God do am , E@@ no@@ ch no know sey e dey die . β β wp@@ 1@@ 7.@@ 1 , pp . |
3 : 16 ) Wetin Paul mean when e talk this one ? |
You F@@ it En@@ joy Your Mar@@ ri@@ age ! |
For example , when e think sey im brother want come kill am , e tell Jehovah sey : β I dey pray to you , save me . . . |
26 : 21 ) But if we use co@@ ol temper talk to the person , e fit make am stop to dey vex . |
So , one way to β remember the people wey dey direct us , β na to talk about Governing Body for our prayer . ( Eph . |
E want make papa and mama love their children as e take love Adam and Eve . |
Help old people or people wey dey sick . |
A@@ men . β β Rev . |
But , Hezekiah pray to Jehovah make e help am because e trust Jehovah finish . |
Jehovah example show sey e dey forgive |
( Luke 1 : 26 - 5@@ 6 ) Luke still talk wetin Si@@ me@@ on tell Mary about wetin Jesus go suffer for front . |
( Prov . 20 : 23 ) Na true sey no be every time wey person do the correct thing dem go thank am for wetin e do , like dem do for Ha@@ y@@ k@@ an@@ ush . |
The publishers for Turkey pass 2@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 . But the people wey dey the country reach 7@@ 9 million . |
Wetin Daniel do show sey e really get mind , and e stand well for God side . Na this one make Jehovah save am when dem th@@ row am put for where lion dey . |
We fit still help young people wey dem dey force do wetin bad . And young people wey want β make am β for this world , whether na for school , money matter or their work . ( 1 Thess . |
Pro@@ ph@@ et Jeremiah warn Ze@@ de@@ k@@ iah many times make e comot hand from bad thing , but e no take correction . |
see how Jehovah dey use im Word help im people ? |
Bible talk sey : β Keep better sense and the power wey you get to think . |
E use this lie spoil God holy name . β Gen . |
E still dey make us love Jehovah more . |
Boaz really show sey e dey look stranger the way Jehovah dey look dem from the way e treat Ruth wey come from Mo@@ a@@ b . |
For this example , Jesus no talk wetin be the fruit but the thing wey e talk fit help us know the answer . |
Make we no copy β people wey no know God β , wey no believe sey our Father for heaven love us and e ready to help anybody wey dey put im Kingdom as the number one thing for life . |
15 : 4 ) Joseph na one better example wey Bible talk about . |
Wetin this one dey teach me about how Jehovah dey do things ? ( Ps . |
E sabi how to use β wetin our eye like β take deceive us . |
13 , 14 . ( a ) How politics and religion matter don make people put hand for fight and wetin no correct ? |
Jesus tell them say : β Make wuna no work for food wey e no go last . Instead , work for food wey e go last and wey e de give everlasting life . β β β John 6 : 25 - 27 . |
Many of our brothers and sisters today no dey join any side for politics or war . |
He@@ i@@ d@@ i |
God use im β strong power β and β strong hand , β make Jew people hand wey don weak , strong . |
( b ) Wetin fit make papa and mama happy ? |
E still get another thing wey make us fit talk sey na Jehovah suppose rule us . |
10 : 8 ) God word no be wetin person go take dey make money . |
That time wey the brothers and sisters suffer well well , some of dem stop to preach because dem no know wetin dem go do and their mind no come dey the preaching work again . |
When I dey Mad@@ ri@@ d I come make the second promise . |
β Make una no stop to dey allow God spirit dey direct una . β β β G@@ A@@ L . |
Jehovah want make Israel people dey feel for each other . |
The man come leave the re@@ main@@ ing 9@@ 9 for where dem dey , go find the one wey lost until e see am . |
Dem go make your faith strong like tree wey the ro@@ ot deep well well for ground , wey fake religion breeze no go fit fall . β Jer . |
For the book An@@ s@@ wer to 10 Que@@ stion Wey Dey Wor@@ ry Young People for Mind , e get one topic wey be β Wetin I Go Do if Person Dey Wor@@ ry Me Make I S@@ le@@ e@@ p With Am ? β |
Na only family matter wey concern our pikin dey make us talk to am . β |
All this things dey help us put mind for wetin God promise us . But we dey get problem with our brothers and sisters sometimes . |
The brothers wey come from other country , still talk how their preaching come take better when dem go back to their country . |
For person to arrange this P@@ as@@ so@@ ver wey free Israel people and come make Jesus the P@@ as@@ so@@ ver wey free us today , really touch me . |
1 : 14 ) Saul name later change to apostle Paul . |
17 Why E Good Make We P@@ raise J@@ ah ? |
Paul tell Hebrew Christians sey : β Make una make the hand and leg wey don weak , strong . And make una no stop to dey make stra@@ ight road for una leg , so that wetin don weak no go break comot but e go hea@@ l . β ( Heb . |
( b ) Wetin e good to remember about bad friend ? |
E@@ tt@@ a dey respect the brothers wey dey direct things for the farm even though sey e sabi the work well well . |
F@@ u@@ ll - time service dey make you know other people wey dey full - time . |
From 1914 go reach 1919 , no be everything wey the Bible Students do correct . |
( 2 Tim . 2 : 15 ) For this topic , we go learn how we fit use the power wey Bible get for ( 1 ) our life , ( 2 ) for preaching , and ( 3 ) when we dey teach for Kingdom Hall . |
Bar@@ ak pursue Si@@ ser@@ a army go where dem dey call H@@ ar@@ o@@ she@@ th wey far reach 15 - mile ( 24 km ) . |
After meeting on S@@ un@@ day , this elder and im wife dey like to go preach to people wey dey nor@@ thern Ro@@ m@@ ani@@ a . |
Because I no dey do wetin I want do , but na wetin I hate I dey do . β |
The apostle and elder dem come choose the correct thing because Peter tell dem wetin e use im two eye see . |
Jehovah tell am sey : β Make you dey read am day and night so that you go fit put eye for ground do everything wey dem write for inside . β ( Jo@@ sh . |
How Isaiah 40 : 29 fit make our mind strong , but which serious mistake person fit make ? |
So the lau@@ gh wey e dey lau@@ gh that time no mean sey e really get joy . β β Prov . |
( Luke 19 : 2 , 8 ) E fit be say na so plenty tax colle@@ ctor de do . |
But even with that one , some people fit sey dem no want keep be@@ ard be@@ ard . |
To let am know why e no want leave am , e still show am Romans 10 : 13 , 14 wey talk sey , β Any@@ body wey dey call Jehovah name go save . β |
Which question dem we go still talk about ? |
One way na to write different different verse for Bible wey show how wetin dey this verse go take happen . And to arrange dem as e take happen one by one . |
β No talk sey , β Why e be sey those days better pass now ? β |
World B@@ ank talk sey the number of people wey po@@ ver@@ ty want kill for only Africa , don high well well . E c@@ lim@@ b from 2@@ 8@@ 0 million people for 199@@ 0 to 3@@ 30 million people for 20@@ 12 . |
Keep am well because na your life . β |
As e remove head from p@@ il@@ low make e get up , na im e see s@@ n@@ ake . No be small wahala the s@@ n@@ ake cause before I kill am ! |
For 33 C.E . , after Jehovah resurrect Jesus , e appe@@ ar to more than 5@@ 00 people wey gather together . |
If the disciples of Jesus continue to fight for position , they no go fit dey as one again . But no be only that one fit divi@@ de them . |
We dey show sey we get strong mind , when we help our children choose wetin go help dem serve Jehovah well . |
You go get mind sey you no go do things with am ? |
16 : 19 ) For example , for 36 C.E . , Peter do special work when e preach to Cor@@ n@@ eli@@ us and everybody for im house . |
( b ) T@@ al@@ k about how Brother Russell take learn the truth . |
How you go take plan to do full - time work for Jehovah ? |
Wetin we do come from our mind and we happy to do am . β |
( 1 Corinthians 14 : 26 ) E dey make us happy when we dey talk with our brothers and sisters , before meeting start and after meeting close . This na because our brothers and sisters na our friend and dem really love us . β β 1 Corinthians 16 : 17 , 18 . |
Na this one make apostle Paul tell dem sey make dem no forget sey Jehovah their God na one Jehovah . β Read 1 Corinthians 8 : 5 , 6 . |
Na im make Joseph no want make people know sey im be Jesus disciple . |
( b ) Which advice other papa and mama don give ? |
Many times , we dey learn how the things wey Jehovah don talk sey go happen dey happen . |
8 : β 5 , 6 . |
Today , Daniel dey serve Jehovah with clean mind . E never too tey when dem make am ministerial servant again . |
But e no make sense for person to think sey if e pikin never baptize , Jehovah no go hold am for wetin e dey do . |
Au@@ g@@ ust K@@ ra@@ f@@ z@@ i@@ g self happy sey the work wey dem give am no let am join the fight . |
You remember Sa@@ k@@ ur@@ a , Ri@@ be@@ ir@@ o , Β Steph@@ en , and Hans wey we talk about for this topic ? E no easy for all this people to comot hand from the bad things wey dem dey do before . |
Like Paul , your example fit help other people endure . |
N@@ O B@@ E today people start to give Jehovah wetin dem value , because na part of wetin dem dey use worship am . |
At once , e pray make Jehovah help am . |
When dem see Jesus dey chop for Matthew house , dem ask im disciples sey : β Why una teacher dey chop with people wey dey collect tax and people wey dey sin ? β |
Many times , na only me dey go preaching . But if I follow person waka , I dey learn from am . |
Me@@ th@@ u@@ sel@@ ah na Noah grand@@ papa and J@@ a@@ red na im great - great - grand@@ papa . J@@ a@@ red die 3@@ 6@@ 6 years after dem born Noah . |
Na wetin we must do be that if we want make God show us favor and if we no want make sin be our oga . |
When you come dey think about wetin you learn for Bible , small small wetin you learn come dey plenty and you come sabi Bible . |
Plenty work still dey for am for congregation . |
For this topic , we go learn four things wey go help us support only God Kingdom . |
13 : 19 - 22 ; Mark 4 : 19 ) True true , if we no put eye down , problem for this world fit make us start to comot mind for God work . |
But make God favor no come make person dey think sey : β E no matter if I sin . |
And make you ready to do wetin e talk even when e pain you . |
True true , Bible don survive reach our time , even when the language wey many people sabi change . |
A@@ L@@ L O@@ F U@@ S B@@ E L@@ I@@ K@@ E ON@@ E F@@ A@@ M@@ I@@ L@@ Y : We love ourself and we dey show am . No matter the congregation wey we go for this world , brothers and sisters go welcome us well . |
But , you think sey we fit ? |
How dem take start to dey teach lie lie for congregation ? |
Dem no go follow other people wey dey near dem dey serve different different god . |
But , since you don already get where you dey go for mind , you think sey you go conf@@ use ? So , e good to know where you dey go ! |
( Read Proverbs 24 : 14 . ) |
Brother Geor@@ ge G@@ ang@@ as talk sey , β That convention come make me no want miss any other convention . β |
The sho@@ e wey Roman soldiers de wear de help them for war . |
5 : β 17 - 19 ) For everything wey Jehovah make , na Jesus be the first . |
2 : 9 ) Na so e still be today , brothers and sisters wey get different character fit still use one mind do things together . |
Na to give people wey dey follow am β food for the correct time . β |
Why e good make we wear all the part of the soldier uni@@ form ? |
Or some times we fit like to do another thing instead of to go meeting ? |
The brother talk sey : β When we new@@ ly come our congregation , one sister show us different place where things no too dey cost . |
4 :β 8 ) True true , the strong faith wey we get sey God β dey bless people wey dey try use all their mind find am , β go help us continue to serve Jehovah . β β Heb . |
E fit be sey this kind thing never happen to you before . |
Which love better pass , and wetin make am better pass ? |
I remember sey for 195@@ 2 , one police offic@@ er tell Maria sey : β T@@ al@@ k sey you no be Jehovah Witness again , or you go stay prison for ten years . |
Babylon people no like Jew people . Dem dey lau@@ gh dem , and dem still dey lau@@ gh Jehovah wey be Jew people God . ( Ps . |
Some people for my family come run reach one refugee camp wey dey Mal@@ aw@@ i . The camp far pass 1@@ ,000 miles ( 1,@@ 6@@ 00 km ) . |
23 : 23 ) The Pharisee dey feel sey dem better pass other people . Their own na to dey tell other people wetin dem go do . Dem no dey see the reason why God give the Law . |
Na im be our Papa , our God , and our Fri@@ end ! β β Ps . |
My mama do everything make I no de follow Jehovah Witness people . But this time , I no gree make e stop me . I decide say na Jehovah I go serve . |
Wetin go help you no tire for your papa and mama ? |
( Col . 2 : 4 , 8 ) Paul come tell dem why some things wey people dey talk no correct , and why people believe am . |
When we know where we suppose do reach , e go help us β continue to dey win bad thing with good thing . β |
Even after dem see the Law wey Jehovah use Moses give Israel people , Josiah continue to do wetin God want . |
3 - 5 . ( a ) Even though sey Asa use all im mind serve Jehovah , which mistake e make ? |
But wetin we β want β na something wey we go like get but we fit still dey live our life even if we no get am . |
As the number of pioneer dey plenty well well , some brothers come dey think wetin dem fit do to help dem . |
Jehovah come help im people as e don promise before . E use C@@ yr@@ us , wey be Per@@ sia king take free Israel people from Babylon . |
M@@ an fit end im marriage if β e see something wey no good about β im wife . |
Another thing be sey , we go get life wey no go end , whether for heaven or earth . |
E see sey the brothers for there dey only put their own matter for mind . |
2 : 14 ) But just after that one , Jehovah begin tell us things about this wicked enemy . E still promise us say small time , e go destroy this enemy . |
Instead of us to think sey we fit handle the matter by ourself , make we ready to wait until Jehovah go judge the matter well . |
Because of this one , we fit talk sey for where Jehovah dey , and for β where Jehovah spirit dey , freedom dey there . β |
For the topic wey we study before this one , we learn different different way wey we take dey gain because of Jehovah favor . |
3 : 16 . |
( 2 Ki . 18 : 22 - 25 ; 19 : 6 ) That night , Jehovah send one angel wey kill 18@@ 5@@ ,000 Assyri@@ a soldier . β β 2 Ki . |
So , I follow wetin elders tell me and small small , I come be Jehovah friend again . β |
Jose@@ ph@@ us wey write about Jew people talk how Rome army take scatter Jerusalem for the year 70 after Jesus time . |
We don see sey as people wey dey serve God , we must know where we suppose do reach . Jehovah really value people wey no dey overdo things . |
B@@ ank Ac@@ coun@@ t : This na contribu@@ tion wey person go arrange with im b@@ ank sey if e die , make the b@@ ank give Jehovah Witness branch office for im country the money wey dey im b@@ ank account . |
Paul make sure sey e train Timothy well . |
( Heb . 6 : 1 ) How we fit follow wetin Paul talk today ? |
We dey show sey we hold Jehovah tight if we dey use one mind do things with our brothers and sisters . Even though sey dem dey do mistake , Jehovah still love dem . |
We write letter give head@@ quar@@ ter say we go like make they send us go area wey Jehovah Witness no plenty . |
So dem dey gather near ri@@ ver for outside the city dey worship . |
If na you , you go fit do like Jephthah ? |
Na your children be the number one Bible student wey you go ever get . Dem go get life wey no go end if β dem come know β Jehovah . |
You fit don see children like that and this one fit make your mind no settle . |
My wife Maria and our two daughter , O@@ l@@ ga and I@@ r@@ ina , for 196@@ 5 |
22 . |
9 : 7 ) And dem no dey collect offering for their Kingdom Hall or convention . |
Na this one make Jehovah servant dey respect , support , and praise government people for their work . |
( Read John 14 : 27 . ) |
B@@ E@@ C@@ A@@ U@@ S@@ E dem born us with sin , all of us dey make mistake . |
E no dey Jehovah mind make marriage end or sey make person marry pass one husband or wife . |
The woman think sey nobody go know , but Jesus come ask dem sey : β Who touch me ? β |
Solomon go get the mind to build the temple ? |
E no dey easy for person to get strong faith for Jehovah . |
Wetin fit make us ask : β Which time β ? |
Why we dey do this work ? |
For example , e praise one army offic@@ er from different place because of e strong faith . |
Israel people na better example of people wey God arrange well . |
The truth be sey , e fit no easy for you to control your temper , especially if something like wetin happen to To@@ Γ±@@ i happen to you . |
Which kind freedom human being get , and why ? |
35 : 19 ) If dem no quick kill the person , the land no go clean for Jehovah eye . |
Many people wey we invite come Memorial sabi this verse well well . |
3 D@@ E@@ Y P@@ R@@ A@@ Y E@@ V@@ E@@ R@@ Y T@@ I@@ M@@ E . |
Na the eye wey God take dey look brothers and sisters for congregation you take dey look dem ? You dey see dem as people wey Jehovah never mold finish ? |
You no go fit sing well if you no open your mouth well . |
No be the same time e dey take everybody to enjoy new congregation . |
For 19@@ 38 , J@@ im C@@ ar@@ r wey be z@@ one servant ( wey we dey call circuit overseer now ) , follow the advice wey dem give sey make pioneer house dey inside city . |
Sm@@ all small , we go come start to dey think like Jesus . ( Rom . |
; Rev . |
( John 3 : 16 ) Na im Paul come write about Jesus sey God give am praise and honor because e suffer come die . So because of God favor e fit die for everybody . ( Heb . |
When Paul write the letter , dem arre@@ st am for house for Rome . |
All this example show say love de remove any partial from our heart . |
3 : 5 , 6 . |
Na because e no fit do am or because e no want stre@@ ss im life ? No . |
Wetin be some things wey we change for our new song@@ book to make am better ? How you fit learn our new song well ? |
Person fit enjoy this kind freedom even if e dey prison or dem dey use am as slave . |
This one show say their conscience worry them . |
E get another thing for Bible wey dey important wey go fit help us choose better cloth to wear . |
Instead of the person to dey vex or carry the matter for mind , make e continue to use all im mind do things wey e fit do for Jehovah . Make e see the correction as something wey show sey Jehovah love am . |
If we believe sey Jehovah know wetin better for us and we follow wetin e talk , we go fit choose wetin good . |
Make we come talk about three things wey fit make us stop to dey watch . |
But as time dey go , e go easy for us to dey do and dey think the kind thing wey Jehovah like . β Ps . |
Na wetin Ze@@ de@@ k@@ iah , the last king wey rule for Jerusalem do be that . |
We want make dem follow our better example . |
Bible tell us sey Jehovah β come put angels wey be ch@@ er@@ u@@ b and sword wey get fire wey dey turn round , mek nobody fit go where the tree of life dey . β |
Another thing be sey , God favor fit make people get β life wey no get end , β because Jesus Christ die for us . β β Rom . |
How we go take show sey we like wetin Jesus do ? |
We no waste time handle the matter for Kingdom Hall there . |
When Rehoboam want advice about how e go take do im work as king , na people wey senior am e first go meet . |
For example , one time wey things hard for Jesus , all im apostle run leave am . |
Wetin make dem get am ? Na because dem get faith for God and dem dey patient . |
E fit no easy to bear at all . |
Na true sey for this verse , Jesus dey talk about wetin we go do if person comm@@ it serious sin . |
Remember sey elders love us and dem want make we near Jehovah . |
Peter remember how the man take surprise because e know the answer . But Peter talk sey : β The man no surprise reach me ! |
But the doctor and n@@ ur@@ se need to make sure sey the person sickness no catch dem . Many of us just be like the doctor and n@@ ur@@ se . |
Help dem make dem use their b@@ rain , but no forget their age . |
( Rom . 7 : 24 ) Like apostle Paul , many of us no dey happy because dem born us with sin . |
Make you no forget sey , as you dey preach to people wey dey come take care of you and other people , you still dey praise Jehovah . |
( John 4 : 31 - 34 ) Jesus happy because e do wetin show sey e love God and people . |
Sometimes , e dey hard you to continue to get joy as you dey serve Jehovah ? |
Wetin John write help Gaius make e still dey treat visit@@ or well ? |
For many years now , people don dey use gold and silver do business . But prophet Ezekiel and Ze@@ ph@@ ani@@ ah talk sey this things go u@@ sel@@ ess . ( Ezek . 7 : 19 ; Ze@@ ph . |
If you get am for mind , no waste time . Make you go help this people wey want learn about Jehovah . |
You de feel sometimes say the laws wey Jehovah de give too heavy for you , or they no de allow you do things wey you like ? |
14 No P@@ ut E@@ y@@ e for On@@ ly How Person Be for O@@ u@@ t@@ side |
13 : 4 ) If we no dey carry shoulder , e fit make other people come serve Jehovah . |
We see disfellowship as wetin Jehovah take dey correct person wey e love ; and the correction no dey pass as e suppose be . |
Na eight pikin my mama born and na me be the senior . |
V@@ a@@ si@@ le na one of our brother , and e de live for that area . E talk say : β People for here de respect Bible . |
( John 10 : 16 ) But na only because of Jehovah favor this one fit happen . |
When we know sey β everybody go carry im own load , β we go let other people use their freedom choose wetin dem want . |
This pioneer dem travel go many place where Jehovah Witness people never preach before . |
Peter still tell dem sey : β Na this one be β the stone wey una wey be bu@@ il@@ ders treat like sey e no mean anything . Na im come be the main stone for the cor@@ ner of the building . β β β β Acts 3 : 15 ; 4 : 5 - 11 ; 1 Pet . |
Instead , e go make dem to fit turn the whole earth to paradise , where people wey no get sin go stay forever . Na wetin God get for mind be that . |
Wetin go help you control yourself ? |
Now wey we don see sey e no good to play with wetin we promise God , make we talk about this two question : Which kind promise we fit promise today ? |
E pray say make God help this Jew people accept the good news . |
And wetin we suppose do when person invite us go im house ? |
( b ) to support people wey dey direct Jehovah work ? |
Make we see the three things wey we fit learn from Shebna example . |
How Jesus and im disciple dem take preach ? |
( 1 The@@ ss@@ al@@ oni@@ ans 4 : 9 , 10 ) For example , you don hear something for Watchtower St@@ ud@@ y before , wey mek you come dey work more more for Jehovah pass before ? |
Na this kind big work Jehovah give Solomon . β β 1 Chron . |
As we dey wait make government give us β per@@ mit β wey go let us stay for the country , we first stay for ho@@ te@@ l . |
Make you fear Jehovah and comot hand for bad thing . β |
( Mark 13 : 10 ; Rev . 7 : 9 , 10 ) So na serious thing e be for person to give Jehovah im life and baptize . |
Timothy behave like apostle Paul . ( Acts 16 : 3 ; 1 Cor . |
John come start to study Bible . Sm@@ all small , e come dey do wetin e dey learn . E no tey , e come be Jehovah Witness . |
Make we no dey do like people wey dey this world . Na true sey e no bad to use inter@@ n@@ et talk to our family member or our friend . |
Another thing wey help me be sey , since Jehovah organization no too get books for T@@ ag@@ al@@ o@@ g language , na English own I come dey read pass . |
Because of this one , people go dey run from dem . |
The visit@@ or dem fit be missionary , people wey dey go message for John , or people wey dey do circuit overseer work . |
So , when we dey pray , make we tell am everything wey dey our mind . |
Na Jesus be the β true v@@ ine , β na Jehovah be β the care@@ ta@@ ker of the farm β and the different - different β branch β na e disciples . |
( Heb . 9 : 13 , 14 ) Because Jesus na our High Pri@@ est , e go fit save people wey dey use im name pray to God . β E go save dem finish because e go always dey alive to beg for dem . β ( Heb . |
But things no be as the police talk . |
But e go help the woman fit do the work wey God get for am as wife , when e sey : β E no good make only the man [ Adam ] continue to dey stay . |
The Hebrew Scriptures use the ti@@ tle Satan only 18 times , but the Christian Greek Scriptures use - am pass 30 times . |
Other things wey go help you study Bible well still dey for April 200@@ 9 Awake ! |
Na so we take start to go meeting . After , dem come form one small congregation for He@@ m@@ s@@ worth . |
Wetin I do suppose pain am , but no be wetin my friend dey think about be that . Instead e dey think about me and wetin fit happen to me . |
4 : 7 ; 1 Pet . 5 : 9 ) But e be like say na young people Satan de like to catch pass other people . |
One sister wey don dey serve Jehovah well , sey : β When you preach to people about the better things wey God Kingdom go do , you go see sey dem no get hope at all . Dem get the mind sey their problem no go ever end . β |
When the things wey you dey learn for Bible dey your mind , you go want teach your family . |
18 - 19 . |
For many years , I work for this building wey dey 1@@ 24 Co@@ lu@@ mb@@ ia He@@ igh@@ ts |
The brother talk sey : β Since e don tey , I think sey e no get anything wey the elders go fit do for me again . |
Who write this part for Bible ? |
True true , people come know Solomon as the person wey build the temple , no be David . |
5 : 7 . |
Dey S@@ how R@@ eal Love , O@@ ct . |
27 : 11 ) And Jehovah still dey happy if you dey do wetin e like even if your people no be Jehovah Witness . ( 1 Pet . |
Jesus know sey the sin wey dey our body dey make us do bad things sometimes . |
But , for person wey dey find gold , even as the gold small reach , e go still scatter the stone to get the gold . |
10@@ 3 : 10 ) Apart from that one , we must do wetin David tell Solomon if we want make Jehovah like how we take dey serve am . E tell am sey make e β use all im mind serve Jehovah . β ( 1 Chron . |
Na true sey if papa and mama no get love for their pikin , e go hard for the pikin to obey dem . But if pikin know sey im papa and mama really like am , e go like to do wetin dem tell am , even when e hard . |
For the next topic , we go see sey this people really know Jehovah and na this one make dem hold am tight . |
Na this one make am tell Moses to make Joshua oga and encourage am , so that im mind go strong . ( Deut . |
( Ps . 55 : 1 , 22 ) After you don do everything wey you fit do about the problem , tell Jehovah your mind for prayer . |
When you think about all this work wey dem dey do , you go see sey dem need our prayer . |
Mi@@ ca@@ h 7 : 7 |
We know because of wetin God tell Israel people . |
For where , e no dey ! P@@ E@@ A@@ C@@ E : Love dey make us β bear wetin people do β us . |
12 , 13 . ( a ) Wetin we fit do to help refugee ? |
But to dey shi@@ ft baptism go front anyhow , fit spoil person friendship with Jehovah . |
How condition be today because of wetin Satan , Adam and Eve do ? |
As water dey make clay so@@ ft , na so we go be for Jehovah hand if we dey read Bible every day and we dey think about wetin we read . |
Wetin my mama and papa do and the way dem take train us make us love Jehovah well well . |
Saul later die for war . Even with that one , David still wait for about seven years before dem make am king for the whole Israel . β β 2 Sam . |
The miracle wey God do for dem , mouth no fit talk am finish ! |
To show your faith , use every chance wey you get take dey preach about God Kingdom ( Check paragraph 12 ) |
This fi@@ sh@@ er@@ man work wey Jesus dey talk for here no be the one wey one fi@@ sh@@ er@@ man go just dey with ho@@ ok wey e don put wor@@ m dey wait make fish come chop am . |
But , Paul write this book to people β wey dey Rome , wey God love , wey e call to be holy people . β ( Rom . |
One of dem na Mary Z@@ a@@ z@@ ul@@ a wey come from E@@ d@@ mon@@ t@@ on , Al@@ ber@@ t@@ a . |
9 : 22 , 23 . |
So , we need to chop food wey really good for body . |
Before we choose wetin to do for any serious matter , make we ask ourself : β Wetin I want do go show sey I love Jehovah ? |
( b ) How mature Christian de treat people ? |
41 : 10 , 13 ) Get am for mind sey Jehovah and Jesus dey happy with you and dem go bless you if you no leave dem . |
E talk sey : β Every@@ time wey I go preach , I dey meet people wey never hear about Jehovah before . |
Wetin e good make we get for mind ? Wetin go help you stop to dey worry about anything ? |
( 1 Tim . 4 : 15 ) This one go help us carry ourself down so that Jehovah go fit mold us . |
E fit use our friends for school , or people wey we de work with . They fit de lau@@ gh us because we de try to live our life the way Jehovah want . ( 1 Pet . |
So , even though sey we no want comot for congregation wey dey use another language , make we do everything wey we fit do to serve Jehovah well . β ββ Matt . |
The first day wey e start preaching , e ask me sey : β A@@ beg you fit help me with the people wey I dey study Bible with ? β |
( 1 Thess . 5 : 21 ) Get am for mind sey you fit win Satan , im wicked world , and any bad thing wey you dey fight with . |
E get small small things wey you fit do if e dey hard you to talk with people wey you no sabi before . |
The time wey Hezekiah sick well well , Jehovah show am one sign wey make am know sey e no go die . For the sign , Jehovah make sha@@ do@@ w waka go back . |
Before that convention , the place wey dem don preach for Mexico no plenty . |
For D@@ u@@ bl@@ in , e still get another man wey no agree with wetin Brother Russell dey talk . |
For this topic , we go answer four question : ( 1 ) How I go take prepare for Memorial so that I go gain something from am ? |
Young people get the kind power wey person need to fit do more for God work . |
( Check the box β Better Word Wey F@@ it Make Person Mind Co@@ me D@@ own . β ) |
For am to work , we go get the character wey holy spirit dey help person get . |
The man body strong ; e no be like person wey sickness want kill . |
Or na because we get different character ? β |
True true , we suppose use all our mind support Jehovah as King . |
Na for God front and front of people the man and woman promise theirself sey dem no go leave each other . |
That time , dem come start to get leader for church . |
So make we do everything wey we fit do to make sure sey we get am . |
And every day I go make sure sey I do wetin I promise . β β Ps . |
16 , 17 . ( a ) If we want sabi people wey come from another place well , wetin we suppose do ? |
( Luke 24 : 32 ; John 7 : 46 ) If papa and mama get this kind love , e go make wetin dem dey teach their pikin , touch im mind . |
8 : 12 ; Jer . |
Make dem no dey do their work like sey person dey force dem , or because of wetin dem want gain . |
Today , Jehovah don still help im people dey show sey dem get love well well . |
Read Matthew 6 : 33 . |
Dem carry me go one conv@@ ent for Mad@@ ri@@ d and dem carry La@@ ur@@ i go another conv@@ ent wey dey V@@ al@@ en@@ ci@@ a . |
A@@ ar@@ on and H@@ ur hold Moses hand when Israel people dey fight . |
( a ) Why e be say the fruit wey Jesus talk about no be to make new disciples ? |
Jesus tell im disciple dem sey : β I give una free , so make una give free . β ( Matt . |
Because of how you take help am , your Bible student fit come dey enjoy im personal Bible study . |
After Adam and Eve do wetin God sey make dem no do , Jehovah come quick make one promise for Genesis 3 : 15 . |
Na plenty money dey inside . |
45 : 5 - 8 ) E no ever talk sey na Jehovah cause im problem . |
Some people study about this Abraham and Isaac story . One of dem talk sey e go hard Abraham and Isaac to carry fire travel from the start of that long jour@@ ney go reach the end . |
For example , one book wey them de call Da@@ ily Life in P@@ al@@ est@@ ine at the Ti@@ me of Christ talk about - am . |
Jehovah people dey show sey dem like their meeting and dem dey always happy to gather for there . |
You ready to do this kind thing ? |
But instead wey Saul go take the correction , e start to b@@ la@@ me other people . E come dey talk like sey wetin e do no too bad . |
The truth be sey , all of us need to learn how to control how we dey feel and we need to dey quick forgive . |
( Read G@@ al@@ a@@ ti@@ ans 5 : 22 , 23 ; Col . |
SONG : 8@@ 7 , 3 |
37 : 25 ) That one no show sey God get us for mind ? |
( Eph . 3 : 12 ) True true , we fit talk to Jehovah for prayer because e don show us favor . |
But the way e do am , make David see sey wetin e do really bad . And that one come make David repent . β 2 Sam . |
Bible still talk sey for our time , people go get another kind of love . Dem no go love God and other people . Instead , dem go only like theirself and other things . |
2 : 10 - 15 ; Rom . |
We fit still fall for this wahala when we no happy or when only us dey . |
3 :β 9 . |
SONG : 17 , 13 |
W@@ HE@@ N one woman want choose wetin e go do , e tell im friend sey : β No make me think too much ; just tell me wetin I go do . |
E get many work wey you fit do for Jehovah . |
31 : 5 ) That na why e no want make any of us β dey lie . β ( Eph . 4 : 25 ; Col . 3 : 9 ) Sometimes , to talk true fit hard us or e fit make us shame . |
For the next topic , we go learn how Jehovah dey help us with the hope wey we get for wetin e don promise . β β Heb . |
4 : 8 , 11 - 13 . |
If we dey show sey we value all our meeting , we dey give Jehovah more reason to keep our name for im book . And if our name dey that book , we go get life wey no go end . β β M@@ al . |