""" Geneformer in silico perturber stats generator. Usage: from geneformer import InSilicoPerturberStats ispstats = InSilicoPerturberStats(mode="goal_state_shift", combos=0, anchor_gene=None, cell_states_to_model={"disease":(["dcm"],["ctrl"],["hcm"])}) ispstats.get_stats("path/to/input_data", None, "path/to/output_directory", "output_prefix") """ import os import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pickle import random import statsmodels.stats.multitest as smt from pathlib import Path from scipy.stats import ranksums from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture from tqdm.notebook import trange, tqdm from .tokenizer import TOKEN_DICTIONARY_FILE GENE_NAME_ID_DICTIONARY_FILE = Path(__file__).parent / "gene_name_id_dict.pkl" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # invert dictionary keys/values def invert_dict(dictionary): return {v: k for k, v in dictionary.items()} # read raw dictionary files def read_dictionaries(dir, cell_or_gene_emb, anchor_token): file_found = 0 file_path_list = [] dict_list = [] for file in os.listdir(dir): # process only _raw.pickle files if file.endswith("_raw.pickle"): file_found = 1 file_path_list += [f"{dir}/{file}"] for file_path in tqdm(file_path_list): with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: cos_sims_dict = pickle.load(fp) if cell_or_gene_emb == "cell": cell_emb_dict = {k: v for k, v in cos_sims_dict.items() if v and "cell_emb" in k} dict_list += [cell_emb_dict] elif cell_or_gene_emb == "gene": gene_emb_dict = {k: v for k, v in cos_sims_dict.items() if v and anchor_token == k[0]} dict_list += [gene_emb_dict] if file_found == 0: logger.error( "No raw data for processing found within provided directory. " \ "Please ensure data files end with '_raw.pickle'.") raise return dict_list # get complete gene list def get_gene_list(dict_list,mode): if mode == "cell": position = 0 elif mode == "gene": position = 1 gene_set = set() for dict_i in dict_list: gene_set.update([k[position] for k, v in dict_i.items() if v]) gene_list = list(gene_set) if mode == "gene": gene_list.remove("cell_emb") gene_list.sort() return gene_list def n_detections(token, dict_list, mode, anchor_token): cos_sim_megalist = [] for dict_i in dict_list: if mode == "cell": cos_sim_megalist += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) elif mode == "gene": cos_sim_megalist += dict_i.get((anchor_token, token),[]) return len(cos_sim_megalist) def get_fdr(pvalues): return list(smt.multipletests(pvalues, alpha=0.05, method="fdr_bh")[1]) def get_impact_component(test_value, gaussian_mixture_model): impact_border = gaussian_mixture_model.means_[0][0] nonimpact_border = gaussian_mixture_model.means_[1][0] if test_value > nonimpact_border: impact_component = 0 elif test_value < impact_border: impact_component = 1 else: impact_component_raw = gaussian_mixture_model.predict([[test_value]])[0] if impact_component_raw == 1: impact_component = 0 elif impact_component_raw == 0: impact_component = 1 return impact_component # stats comparing cos sim shifts towards goal state of test perturbations vs random perturbations def isp_stats_to_goal_state(cos_sims_df, dict_list, cell_states_to_model): if (cell_states_to_model["disease"][2] == []) | (cell_states_to_model["disease"][2] == [None]): alt_end_state_exists = False elif (len(cell_states_to_model["disease"][2]) > 0) & (cell_states_to_model["disease"][2] != [None]): alt_end_state_exists = True random_tuples = [] for i in trange(cos_sims_df.shape[0]): token = cos_sims_df["Gene"][i] for dict_i in dict_list: random_tuples += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) if alt_end_state_exists == False: goal_end_random_megalist = [goal_end for goal_end,start_state in random_tuples] start_state_random_megalist = [start_state for goal_end,start_state in random_tuples] elif alt_end_state_exists == True: goal_end_random_megalist = [goal_end for goal_end,alt_end,start_state in random_tuples] alt_end_random_megalist = [alt_end for goal_end,alt_end,start_state in random_tuples] start_state_random_megalist = [start_state for goal_end,alt_end,start_state in random_tuples] # downsample to improve speed of ranksums if len(goal_end_random_megalist) > 100_000: random.seed(42) goal_end_random_megalist = random.sample(goal_end_random_megalist, k=100_000) if len(start_state_random_megalist) > 100_000: random.seed(42) start_state_random_megalist = random.sample(start_state_random_megalist, k=100_000) if alt_end_state_exists == True: if len(alt_end_random_megalist) > 100_000: random.seed(42) alt_end_random_megalist = random.sample(alt_end_random_megalist, k=100_000) names=["Gene", "Gene_name", "Ensembl_ID", "Shift_from_goal_end", "Shift_from_alt_end", "Goal_end_vs_random_pval", "Alt_end_vs_random_pval"] if alt_end_state_exists == False: names.remove("Shift_from_alt_end") names.remove("Alt_end_vs_random_pval") cos_sims_full_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=names) for i in trange(cos_sims_df.shape[0]): token = cos_sims_df["Gene"][i] name = cos_sims_df["Gene_name"][i] ensembl_id = cos_sims_df["Ensembl_ID"][i] cos_shift_data = [] for dict_i in dict_list: cos_shift_data += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) if alt_end_state_exists == False: goal_end_cos_sim_megalist = [goal_end for goal_end,start_state in cos_shift_data] elif alt_end_state_exists == True: goal_end_cos_sim_megalist = [goal_end for goal_end,alt_end,start_state in cos_shift_data] alt_end_cos_sim_megalist = [alt_end for goal_end,alt_end,start_state in cos_shift_data] mean_alt_end = np.mean(alt_end_cos_sim_megalist) pval_alt_end = ranksums(alt_end_random_megalist,alt_end_cos_sim_megalist).pvalue mean_goal_end = np.mean(goal_end_cos_sim_megalist) pval_goal_end = ranksums(goal_end_random_megalist,goal_end_cos_sim_megalist).pvalue if alt_end_state_exists == False: data_i = [token, name, ensembl_id, mean_goal_end, pval_goal_end] elif alt_end_state_exists == True: data_i = [token, name, ensembl_id, mean_goal_end, mean_alt_end, pval_goal_end, pval_alt_end] cos_sims_df_i = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(names,data_i)),index=[i]) cos_sims_full_df = pd.concat([cos_sims_full_df,cos_sims_df_i]) cos_sims_full_df["Goal_end_FDR"] = get_fdr(list(cos_sims_full_df["Goal_end_vs_random_pval"])) if alt_end_state_exists == True: cos_sims_full_df["Alt_end_FDR"] = get_fdr(list(cos_sims_full_df["Alt_end_vs_random_pval"])) # quantify number of detections of each gene cos_sims_full_df["N_Detections"] = [n_detections(i, dict_list, "cell", None) for i in cos_sims_full_df["Gene"]] # sort by shift to desired state cos_sims_full_df = cos_sims_full_df.sort_values(by=["Shift_from_goal_end", "Goal_end_FDR"]) return cos_sims_full_df # stats comparing cos sim shifts of test perturbations vs null distribution def isp_stats_vs_null(cos_sims_df, dict_list, null_dict_list): cos_sims_full_df = cos_sims_df.copy() cos_sims_full_df["Test_avg_shift"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype=float) cos_sims_full_df["Null_avg_shift"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype=float) cos_sims_full_df["Test_v_null_avg_shift"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype=float) cos_sims_full_df["Test_v_null_pval"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype=float) cos_sims_full_df["Test_v_null_FDR"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype=float) cos_sims_full_df["N_Detections_test"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype="uint32") cos_sims_full_df["N_Detections_null"] = np.zeros(cos_sims_df.shape[0], dtype="uint32") for i in trange(cos_sims_df.shape[0]): token = cos_sims_df["Gene"][i] test_shifts = [] null_shifts = [] for dict_i in dict_list: test_shifts += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) for dict_i in null_dict_list: null_shifts += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "Test_avg_shift"] = np.mean(test_shifts) cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "Null_avg_shift"] = np.mean(null_shifts) cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "Test_v_null_avg_shift"] = np.mean(test_shifts)-np.mean(null_shifts) cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "Test_v_null_pval"] = ranksums(test_shifts, null_shifts, nan_policy="omit").pvalue cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "N_Detections_test"] = len(test_shifts) cos_sims_full_df.loc[i, "N_Detections_null"] = len(null_shifts) cos_sims_full_df["Test_v_null_FDR"] = get_fdr(cos_sims_full_df["Test_v_null_pval"]) cos_sims_full_df = cos_sims_full_df.sort_values(by=["Test_v_null_avg_shift", "Test_v_null_FDR"]) return cos_sims_full_df # stats for identifying perturbations with largest effect within a given set of cells # fits a mixture model to 2 components (impact vs. non-impact) and # reports the most likely component for each test perturbation # Note: because assumes given perturbation has a consistent effect in the cells tested, # we recommend only using the mixture model strategy with uniform cell populations def isp_stats_mixture_model(cos_sims_df, dict_list, combos, anchor_token): names=["Gene", "Gene_name", "Ensembl_ID"] if combos == 0: names += ["Test_avg_shift"] elif combos == 1: names += ["Anchor_shift", "Test_token_shift", "Sum_of_indiv_shifts", "Combo_shift", "Combo_minus_sum_shift"] names += ["Impact_component", "Impact_component_percent"] cos_sims_full_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=names) avg_values = [] gene_names = [] for i in trange(cos_sims_df.shape[0]): token = cos_sims_df["Gene"][i] name = cos_sims_df["Gene_name"][i] ensembl_id = cos_sims_df["Ensembl_ID"][i] cos_shift_data = [] for dict_i in dict_list: if (combos == 0) and (anchor_token is not None): cos_shift_data += dict_i.get((anchor_token, token),[]) else: cos_shift_data += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) # Extract values for current gene if combos == 0: test_values = cos_shift_data elif combos == 1: test_values = [] for tup in cos_shift_data: test_values.append(tup[2]) if len(test_values) > 0: avg_value = np.mean(test_values) avg_values.append(avg_value) gene_names.append(name) # fit Gaussian mixture model to dataset of mean for each gene avg_values_to_fit = np.array(avg_values).reshape(-1, 1) gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=2, random_state=0).fit(avg_values_to_fit) for i in trange(cos_sims_df.shape[0]): token = cos_sims_df["Gene"][i] name = cos_sims_df["Gene_name"][i] ensembl_id = cos_sims_df["Ensembl_ID"][i] cos_shift_data = [] for dict_i in dict_list: if (combos == 0) and (anchor_token is not None): cos_shift_data += dict_i.get((anchor_token, token),[]) else: cos_shift_data += dict_i.get((token, "cell_emb"),[]) if combos == 0: mean_test = np.mean(cos_shift_data) impact_components = [get_impact_component(value,gm) for value in cos_shift_data] elif combos == 1: anchor_cos_sim_megalist = [anchor for anchor,token,combo in cos_shift_data] token_cos_sim_megalist = [token for anchor,token,combo in cos_shift_data] anchor_plus_token_cos_sim_megalist = [1-((1-anchor)+(1-token)) for anchor,token,combo in cos_shift_data] combo_anchor_token_cos_sim_megalist = [combo for anchor,token,combo in cos_shift_data] combo_minus_sum_cos_sim_megalist = [combo-(1-((1-anchor)+(1-token))) for anchor,token,combo in cos_shift_data] mean_anchor = np.mean(anchor_cos_sim_megalist) mean_token = np.mean(token_cos_sim_megalist) mean_sum = np.mean(anchor_plus_token_cos_sim_megalist) mean_test = np.mean(combo_anchor_token_cos_sim_megalist) mean_combo_minus_sum = np.mean(combo_minus_sum_cos_sim_megalist) impact_components = [get_impact_component(value,gm) for value in combo_anchor_token_cos_sim_megalist] impact_component = get_impact_component(mean_test,gm) impact_component_percent = np.mean(impact_components)*100 data_i = [token, name, ensembl_id] if combos == 0: data_i += [mean_test] elif combos == 1: data_i += [mean_anchor, mean_token, mean_sum, mean_test, mean_combo_minus_sum] data_i += [impact_component, impact_component_percent] cos_sims_df_i = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(names,data_i)),index=[i]) cos_sims_full_df = pd.concat([cos_sims_full_df,cos_sims_df_i]) # quantify number of detections of each gene cos_sims_full_df["N_Detections"] = [n_detections(i, dict_list, "gene", anchor_token) for i in cos_sims_full_df["Gene"]] if combos == 0: cos_sims_full_df = cos_sims_full_df.sort_values(by=["Impact_component", "Test_avg_shift"], ascending=[False,True]) elif combos == 1: cos_sims_full_df = cos_sims_full_df.sort_values(by=["Impact_component", "Combo_minus_sum_shift"], ascending=[False,True]) return cos_sims_full_df class InSilicoPerturberStats: valid_option_dict = { "mode": {"goal_state_shift","vs_null","mixture_model"}, "combos": {0,1}, "anchor_gene": {None, str}, "cell_states_to_model": {None, dict}, } def __init__( self, mode="mixture_model", combos=0, anchor_gene=None, cell_states_to_model=None, token_dictionary_file=TOKEN_DICTIONARY_FILE, gene_name_id_dictionary_file=GENE_NAME_ID_DICTIONARY_FILE, ): """ Initialize in silico perturber stats generator. Parameters ---------- mode : {"goal_state_shift","vs_null","mixture_model"} Type of stats. "goal_state_shift": perturbation vs. random for desired cell state shift "vs_null": perturbation vs. null from provided null distribution dataset "mixture_model": perturbation in impact vs. no impact component of mixture model (no goal direction) combos : {0,1,2} Whether to perturb genes individually (0), in pairs (1), or in triplets (2). anchor_gene : None, str ENSEMBL ID of gene to use as anchor in combination perturbations or in testing effect on downstream genes. For example, if combos=1 and anchor_gene="ENSG00000136574": analyzes data for anchor gene perturbed in combination with each other gene. However, if combos=0 and anchor_gene="ENSG00000136574": analyzes data for the effect of anchor gene's perturbation on the embedding of each other gene. cell_states_to_model: None, dict Cell states to model if testing perturbations that achieve goal state change. Single-item dictionary with key being cell attribute (e.g. "disease"). Value is tuple of three lists indicating start state, goal end state, and alternate possible end states. If no alternate possible end states, third list should be empty or have a single element that is None. (i.e. the third list should be [] or [None]). token_dictionary_file : Path Path to pickle file containing token dictionary (Ensembl ID:token). gene_name_id_dictionary_file : Path Path to pickle file containing gene name to ID dictionary (gene name:Ensembl ID). """ self.mode = mode self.combos = combos self.anchor_gene = anchor_gene self.cell_states_to_model = cell_states_to_model self.validate_options() # load token dictionary (Ensembl IDs:token) with open(token_dictionary_file, "rb") as f: self.gene_token_dict = pickle.load(f) # load gene name dictionary (gene name:Ensembl ID) with open(gene_name_id_dictionary_file, "rb") as f: self.gene_name_id_dict = pickle.load(f) if anchor_gene is None: self.anchor_token = None else: self.anchor_token = self.gene_token_dict[self.anchor_gene] def validate_options(self): for attr_name,valid_options in self.valid_option_dict.items(): attr_value = self.__dict__[attr_name] if type(attr_value) not in {list, dict}: if attr_name in {"anchor_gene"}: continue elif attr_value in valid_options: continue valid_type = False for option in valid_options: if (option in [int,list,dict]) and isinstance(attr_value, option): valid_type = True break if valid_type: continue logger.error( f"Invalid option for {attr_name}. " \ f"Valid options for {attr_name}: {valid_options}" ) raise if self.cell_states_to_model is not None: if (len(self.cell_states_to_model.items()) == 1): for key,value in self.cell_states_to_model.items(): if (len(value) == 3) and isinstance(value, tuple): if isinstance(value[0],list) and isinstance(value[1],list) and isinstance(value[2],list): if len(value[0]) == 1 and len(value[1]) == 1: all_values = value[0]+value[1]+value[2] if len(all_values) == len(set(all_values)): continue else: logger.error( "Cell states to model must be a single-item dictionary with " \ "key being cell attribute (e.g. 'disease') and value being " \ "tuple of three lists indicating start state, goal end state, and alternate possible end states. " \ "Values should all be unique. " \ "For example: {'disease':(['start_state'],['ctrl'],['alt_end'])}") raise if self.anchor_gene is not None: self.anchor_gene = None logger.warning( "anchor_gene set to None. " \ "Currently, anchor gene not available " \ "when modeling multiple cell states.") if self.combos > 0: if self.anchor_gene is None: logger.error( "Currently, stats are only supported for combination " \ "in silico perturbation run with anchor gene. Please add " \ "anchor gene when using with combos > 0. ") raise def get_stats(self, input_data_directory, null_dist_data_directory, output_directory, output_prefix): """ Get stats for in silico perturbation data and save as results in output_directory. Parameters ---------- input_data_directory : Path Path to directory containing cos_sim dictionary inputs null_dist_data_directory : Path Path to directory containing null distribution cos_sim dictionary inputs output_directory : Path Path to directory where perturbation data will be saved as .csv output_prefix : str Prefix for output .dataset """ if self.mode not in ["goal_state_shift", "vs_null", "mixture_model"]: logger.error( "Currently, only modes available are stats for goal_state_shift, " \ "vs_null (comparing to null distribution), and " \ "mixture_model (fitting mixture model for perturbations with or without impact.") raise self.gene_token_id_dict = invert_dict(self.gene_token_dict) self.gene_id_name_dict = invert_dict(self.gene_name_id_dict) # obtain total gene list if (self.combos == 0) and (self.anchor_token is not None): # cos sim data for effect of gene perturbation on the embedding of each other gene dict_list = read_dictionaries(input_data_directory, "gene", self.anchor_token) gene_list = get_gene_list(dict_list, "gene") else: # cos sim data for effect of gene perturbation on the embedding of each cell dict_list = read_dictionaries(input_data_directory, "cell", self.anchor_token) gene_list = get_gene_list(dict_list, "cell") # initiate results dataframe cos_sims_df_initial = pd.DataFrame({"Gene": gene_list, "Gene_name": [self.token_to_gene_name(item) \ for item in gene_list], \ "Ensembl_ID": [self.gene_token_id_dict[genes[1]] \ if isinstance(genes,tuple) else \ self.gene_token_id_dict[genes] \ for genes in gene_list]}, \ index=[i for i in range(len(gene_list))]) if self.mode == "goal_state_shift": cos_sims_df = isp_stats_to_goal_state(cos_sims_df_initial, dict_list, self.cell_states_to_model) elif self.mode == "vs_null": null_dict_list = read_dictionaries(null_dist_data_directory, "cell", self.anchor_token) cos_sims_df = isp_stats_vs_null(cos_sims_df_initial, dict_list, null_dict_list) elif self.mode == "mixture_model": cos_sims_df = isp_stats_mixture_model(cos_sims_df_initial, dict_list, self.combos, self.anchor_token) # save perturbation stats to output_path output_path = (Path(output_directory) / output_prefix).with_suffix(".csv") cos_sims_df.to_csv(output_path) def token_to_gene_name(self, item): if isinstance(item,int): return self.gene_id_name_dict.get(self.gene_token_id_dict.get(item, np.nan), np.nan) if isinstance(item,tuple): return tuple([self.gene_id_name_dict.get(self.gene_token_id_dict.get(i, np.nan), np.nan) for i in item])