# Waste Management :india: #### The world generates at least 3.5 million tons of waste per day and this number is still increasing day by day that's why we need to aware about waste. #### This web application can classify waste with 9 different waste materials and it will show you the details of that particular waste materials. This will help to raise awareness for people to reduce and recycle waste. ## Overview - There are **LIGHT BLUBS, PAPER, PLASTIC, ORGANIC, GLASS, BATTERIES, CLOTHES, METAL, E-WASTE** total 9 different types of waste materials which are use for recycling. - In this project i have collected and filtered data by my self from google images and dreamstime.com - Here i have **8369 images** belonging **9 classes**. - Here i have trained dataset using **VGG16** Transfer Learning technique of CNN for classification. - Here i have trained this model till **28 epochs** and i got **69.77%** accuracy. - Initially i had trained my model with **Inceptionv3** and it's gave me **90.34%** accuracy. But it was not accurate when i tested it on some images. But when i tested **VGG16** with **69.77%** accuracy it gives me accurate result. ## Data Source - In this project i have collected and filtered data by my self from google images and dreamstime.com - I have uploaded my dataset on google drive. - [click here to get dataset](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I3nO4Z09VvrwCOJtWsxBvBZnhnw29Ypr?usp=sharing) #### Here's simple steps to create an application on Elastic Bean Stalk 1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console using this link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/home#/gettingStarted?applicationName=getting-started-app 2. Enter your application name. 3. Application tags are optional so just ignore it. 4. For Platform, choose a python platform. 5. For Application code choose Upload your code. 6. Upload a zip file of your project. 7. Click on create application button. - rest of the things will take care by aws elastic bean stalk and you will get deployed link. ## Technologies Used ## Motivation - My motivation watch is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhF4pXBNfq8) ## Team [![Rahul Sharma](https://github.com/datasci-rahul/personal/blob/main/DSC_0383-01.jpeg)](https://in.linkedin.com/in/datasci-rahul) | -| [Rahul Sharma](https://www.linkedin.com/in/datasci-rahul/) |) ## - If you like my work and it helped you in anyway then please do ⭐ the repository it will motivate me to make more amazing projects