import bs4 from exceptions import ParseError, UnsupportedLanguage from datetime import timedelta from requests_cache import CachedSession expire_after = timedelta(hours=1) session = CachedSession(backend='memory', expire_after=expire_after) tmp_a = "" def get_html(url): headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; OpenAssistantCrawler/0.1; +"} # user-like browser agent; name/version; +url r = session.get(url, headers=headers) html = r.text.encode("utf8") return html class HowToStep: def __init__(self, number, summary=None, description=None): self._number = number self._summary = summary self._description = description #self._picture = picture @property def number(self): return self._number @property def summary(self): return self._summary @property def description(self): return self._description @property def picture(self): return self._picture def as_dict(self): return {"number": self.number, "summary": self.summary, "description": self.description, #"picture": self.picture} } def print(self, extended=False): global tmp_a tmp_a += str("\n" + str(self.number) + ". **" + str(self.summary) + "** ") if extended: tmp_a += str(self.description) class HowTo: def __init__(self, url="", lazy=True): self._url = url global tmp_a tmp_a = "" self._title = None self._intro = None self._steps = [] self._parsed = False if not lazy: self._parse() def __repr__(self): return "HowTo:" + self.title @property def url(self): if not self._parsed: self._parse() return self._url @property def title(self): if not self._parsed: self._parse() return self._title @property def intro(self): if not self._parsed: self._parse() return self._intro @property def steps(self): if not self._parsed: self._parse() return self._steps @property def summary(self): summary = self.title + "\n" for step in self.steps: summary += "\n{n}. ".format(n=step.number) + step.summary + "\n" return summary @property def n_steps(self): return len(self._steps) def print(self, extended=False): global tmp_a if not extended: tmp_a += str(self.summary) else: #print(self.title) tmp_a += str(self.intro) for s in self.steps: s.print(extended) return tmp_a def _parse_title(self, soup): # get title html = soup.findAll("h1", {"class": ["title_lg", "title_md", "title_sm"]})[0] if not html.find("a"): raise ParseError else: self._url = html.find("a").get("href") if not self._url.startswith("http"): self._url = "http://" + self._url self._title = self._url.split("/")[-1].replace("-", " ") def _parse_intro(self, soup): # get article intro/summary intro_html = soup.find("div", {"class": "mf-section-0"}) if not intro_html: raise ParseError else: super = intro_html.find("sup") if super != None: for sup in intro_html.findAll("sup"): sup.decompose() intro = intro_html.text self._intro = intro.strip() else: intro = intro_html.text self._intro = intro.strip() def _parse_steps(self, soup): self._steps = [] step_html = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "step"}) count = 0 for html in step_html: # This finds and cleans weird tags from the step data super = html.find("sup") script = html.find("script") if script != None: for script in html.findAll("script"): script.decompose() if super != None: for sup in html.findAll("sup"): sup.decompose() count += 1 summary = html.find("b").text for _extra_div in html.find("b").find_all("div"): summary = summary.replace(_extra_div.text, "") step = HowToStep(count, summary) ex_step = html for b in ex_step.findAll("b"): b.decompose() step._description = ex_step.text.strip() self._steps.append(step) def _parse_pictures(self, soup): # get step pic count = 0 for html in soup.findAll("a", {"class": "image"}): # one more ugly blob, nice :D html = html.find("img") i = str(html).find("data-src=") pic = str(html)[i:].replace('data-src="', "") pic = pic[:pic.find('"')] # save in step self._steps[count]._picture = pic count += 1 def _parse(self): try: html = get_html(self._url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') self._parse_title(soup) self._parse_intro(soup) self._parse_steps(soup) #self._parse_pictures(soup) self._parsed = True except Exception as e: print(e) def as_dict(self): return { "title": self.title, "url": self._url, "intro": self._intro, "n_steps": len(self.steps), "steps": [s.as_dict() for s in self.steps] } def RandomHowTo(lang="en"): lang = lang.split("-")[0].lower() if lang not in WikiHow.lang2url: raise UnsupportedLanguage url = WikiHow.lang2url[lang] + "Special:Randomizer" return HowTo(url) class WikiHow: lang2url = { "en": "", "es": "", "pt": "", "it": "", "fr": "", "ru": "", "de": "", "zh": "", "nl": "", "cz": "", "id": "", "jp": "", "hi": "", "th": "", "ar": "", "ko": "", "tr": "", "vn": "", } #bg, ca, cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hr, hu, it, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sl, sr, sv, uk. @staticmethod def search(search_term, max_results=-1, lang="en"): lang = lang.split("-")[0].lower() if lang not in WikiHow.lang2url: raise UnsupportedLanguage search_url = WikiHow.lang2url[lang] + \ "wikiHowTo?search=" + search_term.replace(" ", "+") html = get_html(search_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser').findAll('a', attrs={ 'class': "result_link"}) count = 1 for link in soup: url = link.get('href') if not url.startswith("http"): url = "http://" + url how_to = HowTo(url) try: how_to._parse() except ParseError: continue yield how_to count += 1 if 0 < max_results < count: return def search_wikihow(query, max_results=10, lang="en"): return list(, max_results, lang)) if __name__ == "__main__": how = RandomHowTo("it") how.print() for how_to in"comprar bitcoin", lang="pt"): how_to.print() break for how_to in"buy bitcoin"): how_to.print() break