stringlengths 4
| snippet
stringlengths 2
Converting lists of tuples to strings Python | """ """.join([('%d@%d' % t) for t in l]) |
Converting lists of tuples to strings Python | """ """.join([('%d@%d' % (t[0], t[1])) for t in l]) |
Splinter or Selenium: Can we get current html page after clicking a button? | driver.execute_script('return document.documentElement.outerHTML;') |
Find a specific pattern (regular expression) in a list of strings (Python) | [i for i in teststr if'\\d+[xX]', i)] |
Selecting with complex criteria from pandas.DataFrame | df['A'][(df['B'] > 50) & (df['C'] == 900)] |
How to sort dictionaries by keys in Python | sorted(o.items()) |
How to sort dictionaries by keys in Python | sorted(d) |
How to sort dictionaries by keys in Python | sorted(d.items()) |
convert strings into integers | int('1') |
convert strings into integers | int() |
convert strings into integers | T2 = [map(int, x) for x in T1] |
How to call a shell script from python code? |['./']) |
How to call a shell script from python code? |['notepad']) |
Interleaving two lists in Python | [val for pair in zip(l1, l2) for val in pair] |
Base64 encoding in Python 3 | encoded = base64.b64encode('data to be encoded') |
Base64 encoding in Python 3 | encoded = 'data to be encoded'.encode('ascii') |
Parsing CSV / tab-delimited txt file with Python | lol = list(csv.reader(open('text.txt', 'rb'), delimiter='\t')) |
Python - Access object attributes as in a dictionary | getattr(my_object, my_str) |
list of dicts to/from dict of lists | print(dict(zip(LD[0], zip(*[list(d.values()) for d in LD])))) |
How do I sum the first value in each tuple in a list of tuples in Python? | sum([pair[0] for pair in list_of_pairs]) |
Convert unicode string dictionary into dictionary in python | d = ast.literal_eval("{'code1':1,'code2':1}") |
Find all words in a string that start with the $ sign in Python | [word for word in mystring.split() if word.startswith('$')] |
How to remove any URL within a string in Python | text = re.sub('^https?:\\/\\/.*[\\r\\n]*', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) |
How to find all elements in a numpy 2-dimensional array that match a certain list? | np.where(np.in1d(A, [1, 3, 4]).reshape(A.shape), A, 0) |
Calculate mean across dimension in a 2D array | np.mean(a, axis=1) |
Running R script from python |['/usr/bin/Rscript', '--vanilla', '/pathto/MyrScript.r']) |
Running R script from python |'/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla /pathto/MyrScript.r', shell=True) |
How to add a header to a csv file in Python? | writer.writeheader() |
Pandas Dataframe: Replacing NaN with row average | df.fillna(df.mean(axis=1), axis=1) |
Python: Converting Epoch time into the datetime | time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(1347517370)) |
Calling a base class's classmethod in Python | super(Derived, cls).do(a) |
selecting rows in numpy ndarray based on the value of two columns | a[np.where((a[:, (0)] == 0) * (a[:, (1)] == 1))] |
Python regex separate space-delimited words into a list | re.split(' +', 'hello world sample text') |
Length of longest word in a list | len(max(words, key=len)) |
accessing python dictionary | result[0]['from_user'] |
Save line in file to list | [line.split() for line in open('File.txt')] |
Python: Best Way to Exchange Keys with Values in a Dictionary? | res = dict((v, k) for k, v in a.items()) |
creating a tmp file in python | new_file = open('path/to/FILE_NAME.ext', 'w') |
How to count distinct values in a column of a pandas group by object? | df.groupby(['col1', 'col2'])['col3'].nunique().reset_index() |
Check for a key pattern in a dictionary in python | any(key.startswith('EMP$$') for key in dict1) |
Check for a key pattern in a dictionary in python | [value for key, value in list(dict1.items()) if key.startswith('EMP$$')] |
python, best way to convert a pandas series into a pandas dataframe | pd.DataFrame({'email': sf.index, 'list': sf.values}) |
printing tab-separated values of a list | print('\t'.join(map(str, list))) |
Python unicode string with UTF-8? | print('\xd0\xbf\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8'.encode('raw_unicode_escape')) |
Python unicode string with UTF-8? | 'Sopet\xc3\xb3n'.encode('latin-1').decode('utf-8') |
How to adjust the quality of a resized image in Python Imaging Library? | image = image.resize((x, y), Image.ANTIALIAS) |
Regex, find pattern only in middle of string | re.findall('n(?<=[^n]n)n+(?=[^n])(?i)', s) |
how to show Percentage in python | print('{0:.0f}%'.format(1.0 / 3 * 100)) |
Sort a list of dicts by dict values | mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x['title']) |
Sort a list of dicts by dict values | l.sort(key=lambda x: x['title']) |
Sort a list of dicts by dict values | l.sort(key=lambda x: (x['title'], x['title_url'], x['id'])) |
finding n largest differences between two lists | heapq.nlargest(10, range(len(l1)), key=lambda i: abs(l1[i] - l2[i])) |
Finding multiple attributes within the span tag in Python | soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'starGryB sp'}) |
Pandas writing dataframe to other postgresql schema | df.to_sql('test', engine, schema='a_schema') |
Regular Expression to find brackets in a string | brackets = re.sub('[^(){}[\\]]', '', s) |
Removing duplicates from list of lists in Python | list(dict((x[0], x) for x in L).values()) |
Reading a file without newlines | [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file] |
get item's position in a list | [i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)] |
get item's position in a list | [i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)] |
get item's position in a list | for i in [i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)]:
pass |
get item's position in a list | for i in (i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)):
pass |
get item's position in a list | gen = (i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)) |
get item's position in a list | print(testlist.index(element)) |
get item's position in a list | gen = (i for (i, x) in enumerate(testlist) if (x == 1)) |
Find the maximum value in a list of tuples in Python | max(lis, key=lambda item: item[1])[0] |
Find the maximum value in a list of tuples in Python | max(lis, key=itemgetter(1))[0] |
How do I simulate a progress counter in a command line application in Python? | time.sleep(1) |
Tuple conversion to a string | """, """.join('(' + ', '.join(i) + ')' for i in L) |
Default value for field in Django model | b = models.CharField(max_length=7, default='0000000', editable=False) |
How do I perform secondary sorting in python? | sorted(list5, lambda x: (degree(x), x)) |
How do I perform secondary sorting in python? | sorted(list5, key=lambda vertex: (degree(vertex), vertex)) |
Python: convert list to generator | (n for n in [1, 2, 3, 5]) |
Remove multiple items from list in Python | newlist = [v for i, v in enumerate(oldlist) if i not in removelist] |
Deleting a specific line in a file (python) | f = open('yourfile.txt', 'w') |
Attribute getters in python | getattr(obj, 'attr') |
How do I convert tuple of tuples to list in one line (pythonic)? | from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, (('aa',), ('bb',), ('cc',))) |
How do I convert tuple of tuples to list in one line (pythonic)? | map(lambda a: a[0], (('aa',), ('bb',), ('cc',))) |
Python Pandas: How to replace a characters in a column of a dataframe? | df['range'].replace(',', '-', inplace=True) |
inverse of zip | zip(*[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]) |
inverse of zip | zip(*[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]) |
inverse of zip | result = ([a for (a, b) in original], [b for (a, b) in original]) |
inverse of zip | result = ((a for (a, b) in original), (b for (a, b) in original)) |
inverse of zip | zip(*[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ('e',)]) |
inverse of zip | map(None, *[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ('e',)]) |
Python JSON serialize a Decimal object | json.dumps(Decimal('3.9')) |
Add key to a dictionary | d['mynewkey'] = 'mynewvalue' |
Add key to a dictionary | data.update({'a': 1, }) |
Add key to a dictionary | data.update(dict(a=1)) |
Add key to a dictionary | data.update(a=1) |
Is there a one line code to find maximal value in a matrix? | max([max(i) for i in matrix]) |
Python - how to round down to 2 decimals | answer = str(round(answer, 2)) |
Extract IP address from an html string (python) | ip = re.findall('[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+){3}', s) |
How do I filter a pandas DataFrame based on value counts? | df.groupby('A').filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) |
Converting a string into a list in Python | [x for x in myfile.splitlines() if x != ''] |
Converting a string into a list in Python | lst = map(int, open('filename.txt').readlines()) |
Adding Colorbar to a Spectrogram | plt.colorbar(mappable=mappable, cax=ax3) |
Count most frequent 100 words from sentences in Dataframe Pandas | Counter(' '.join(df['text']).split()).most_common(100) |
Python split a string using regex | re.findall('(.+?):(.+?)\\b ?', text) |
Generate all subsets of size k (containing k elements) in Python | list(itertools.combinations((1, 2, 3), 2)) |
Python: How to get a value of that is "timezone aware"? | |