create table ESS_LD ( id NUMBER, fname VARCHAR2(32), fdt DATE, isize VARCHAR2(12), favn NUMBER, -- favorites count tags VARCHAR2(8000), -- general tags tagc VARCHAR2(6000), -- copyright tags tagp VARCHAR2(6000), -- character tags taga VARCHAR2(6000), -- artist tags eol VARCHAR2(3) ) ; create unique index ESS_LD_UI on ESS_LD (ID) ; create table ESS_DT_LD ( id NUMBER, tag VARCHAR2(160), n NUMBER, tag_cat NUMBER -- 3=copyright 4=character 1=artist ) ; create unique index ESS_DT_LD_UI on ESS_DT_LD (TAG, ID, TAG_CAT) ; -- after-loader patch, in some rare cases fields were misplaced update ess_ld set taga=substr(tags,7), tags=null where taga is null and tags like 'ARTIS:%' ; update ess_ld set tagp=substr(tags,7), tags=null where tagp is null and tags like 'CHARS:%' ; update ess_ld set tagc=substr(tags,8), tags=null where tagc is null and tags like 'COPYRS:%' ; update ess_ld set tags=null where tags='EOL' ; commit ; -- example how to parse delimited tags from single field into set of rows insert into ESS_DT_LD select id, tag, x, 3 /* tag_cat for copyrights field TAGC */ from ( select, tagc, substr(replace(regexp_substr(replace(tagc,'" "','"$"'),'[^$]+', 1, x),'"',''),1,150) tag, x from ess_ld l, lateral ( select level x from dual connect by regexp_substr(replace(tagc,'" "','"$"'), '[^$]+', 1, level) is not null ) where between 1046000 and 1047000 /* subset for example */ ) where tagc is not null order by 1 desc -- the most tricky part - how to generate file names from tags with t as ( select id, translate(tag,' /:\''&%*"?`=+!','___') tag, -- some symbols prohibited for file name tag itag, tag_cat, rank() over (partition by id, tag_cat order by tag) r from ess_dt_ld where tag_cat in (1,3,4) order by id desc, tag_cat ) select d.fid id, 'move "'||d.fline||'" "'|| substr(d.fpath,1,15)||'\ - '||d.fid||' - ' ||nvl2(tc,tc,'misc')||' ~ '||nvl(substr(tp,1,greatest(140-nvl(length(tc),0)-nvl(length(ta),0),5)),'unknown') ||' ('||nvl(ta,'anonymous')||').'||decode(d.fext,'jpeg','jpg',d.fext)||'"' r_fname from ( select fnum1 fid, fline, fpath, fext from dir_bs_ext_v ) d -- external table over "dir /b /s" on current file location left join ( select id, listagg(tag,'+') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tag) tc from t where tag_cat=3 and r in (1,2,3) group by id ) c on left join ( select id, listagg(tag,'+') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tag) tp from t where tag_cat=4 and r in (1,2,3,4,5) group by id ) p on left join ( select id, listagg(tag,'+') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tag) ta from t where tag_cat=1 and r in (1,2) group by id ) a on where 1=1 order by 1