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The cardiac silhouette and mediastinum size are within normal limits. There is no pulmonary edema. There is no focal consolidation. There are no XXXX of a pleural effusion. There is no evidence of pneumothorax.
Borderline cardiomegaly. Midline sternotomy XXXX. Enlarged pulmonary arteries. Clear lungs. Inferior XXXX XXXX XXXX.
There are diffuse bilateral interstitial and alveolar opacities consistent with chronic obstructive lung disease and bullous emphysema. There are irregular opacities in the left lung apex, that could represent a cavitary lesion in the left lung apex.There are streaky opacities in the right upper lobe, XXXX scarring. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. There is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There are no focal areas of consolidation. Cholecystectomy clips are present. Small T-spine osteophytes. There is biapical pleural thickening, unchanged from prior. Mildly hyperexpanded lungs.
Heart size and mediastinal contour are within normal limits. There is no focal airspace consolidation or suspicious pulmonary opacity. No pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Mild degenerative change of the thoracic spine.
The cardiac contours are normal. XXXX basilar atelectasis. The lungs are clear. Thoracic spondylosis. Lower cervical XXXX arthritis.
The heart, pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. There is an interim XXXX cervical spinal fusion partly evaluated.
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. The cardiac silhouette is not enlarged. There has been apparent interval increase in low density convexity at the left cardiophrenic XXXX. Calcified granuloma is again seen in the right upper lobe. There is no consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated without evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. Stable calcified granuloma within the right upper lung. No acute bone abnormality..
Cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. Lungs are clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute osseous findings.
Lungs are clear bilaterally. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal. Pulmonary vasculature is normal. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute bony abnormality.
The cardiac silhouette is borderline enlarged. Otherwise, there is no focal opacity. Mediastinal contours are within normal limits. There is no large pleural effusion. No pneumothorax.
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. Mild hyperinflation appears similar to prior. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. Scattered chronic appearing irregular interstitial markings, no typical findings of pulmonary edema.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. Lungs are clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Evidence of prior granulomatous disease. No acute osseous findings.
No focal areas of consolidation. No suspicious pulmonary opacities. Heart size within normal limits. No pleural effusions. No evidence of pneumothorax. Osseous structures intact.
Heart size within normal limits. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax.
Heart size is normal. There is tortuosity of the thoracic aorta, stable compared with prior. No focal airspace disease or effusion. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable. The lungs are well expanded and clear. There are no focal air space opacities. There is no pneumothorax or effusion. There are mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
The lungs are clear, and without focal air space opacity. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour, and stable. There is no pneumothorax large pleural effusion.
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits of size and appearance. The pulmonary vascularity is unremarkable. Lungs are expanded and clear of airspace disease. Negative for pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Limited bone evaluation reveals no acute abnormality. There is incompletely evaluated lumbar levoscoliosis.
The heart is within normal limits in size. Surgical suture material projects over the right lung apex. The lungs are hyperlucent and hyperinflated compatible with emphysema. There is left lower lobe airspace disease identified. There is moderate left pleural effusion and small right pleural effusion. No visualized pneumothorax.
The cardiac contours are normal. The lungs are clear. Thoracic spondylosis.
Lungs are overall hyperexpanded with flattening of the diaphragms. No focal consolidation. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
Bilateral patchy pulmonary opacities noted. Interval improvement in left base consolidative opacity. Pulmonary vascular congestion again noted. Stable enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette. Stable left XXXX. No evidence of pneumothorax. No large pleural effusions.
Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Normal heart size. Negative for pneumoperitoneum. Bony thorax and soft tissue grossly unremarkable
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. Mild blunting of right costophrenic XXXX. The lungs are otherwise grossly clear.
Cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. The lungs are clear. Left axillary surgical clips. Bony structures are intact.
The heart is normal in size and contour. The lungs are clear, without evidence of infiltrate. There is no pneumothorax or effusion.
The heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are normal. There is hyperexpansion of the lungs with flattening of the hemidiaphragms. There is no focal airspace opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. There multilevel degenerative changes of thoracic spine.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. XXXX XXXX opacities in right mid lung. The lungs are otherwise grossly clear.
Lungs are clear. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The heart and mediastinum are within normal limits. Bony structures are intact.
The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
Mild hyperexpansion of the lungs. Numerous bilateral rib deformities. No focal airspace disease. Heart size is normal. No pneumothorax or effusion. Large, flowing anterior endplate osteophytes of the thoracic spine.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable in appearance. No interval change in the diffuse increased bilateral pulmonary interstitial markings, greatest in the peripheral aspect of the left lung and left lung base. These opacities appear slightly increased as compared to prior examination. Mild left-sided volume loss redemonstrated, unchanged. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The thoracic spine appears intact.
The trachea is midline. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. The lungs are clear, without evidence of focal infiltrate or effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities.
The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
The heart, pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia.
Stable cardiomegaly with vascular prominence without overt edema. No focal airspace disease. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The XXXX are intact.
The cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. The lungs are well-inflated and clear. There is an 8mm nodule in the left lower lobe, XXXX calcified granuloma. There is no pneumothorax or effusion. Bony structures of the thorax are intact with minimal early degenerative change.
The heart, pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. There are degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. There is a calcified granuloma identified in the right suprahilar region. The aorta is mildly tortuous and ectatic. There is asymmetric right apical smooth pleural thickening. There are severe degenerative changes of the XXXX.
A XXXX XXXX lung volumes. Lungs are clear without focal airspace disease. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. cardiomegaly. Degenerative changes in the spine.
Heart size is normal and cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. There are scattered calcified granulomas throughout both lung XXXX. Lungs are clear bilaterally otherwise. No bony or soft tissue abnormalities.
The heart is normal size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. The XXXX are unremarkable.
There extremely low lung volumes. there is right basilar opacity. There is no pneumothorax. There is no large pleural effusion. Cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Minimal right basilar subsegmental atelectasis noted. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Tortuosity of the thoracic aorta noted. Scattered calcified granulomas are seen without evidence of active granulomatous/tuberculous process. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
Lung lines remain low. However, no focal infiltrates are identified. Heart and pulmonary XXXX are normal.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
The tracheostomy tube tip is 5 cm above the carina. There are prominent diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities, stable from prior radiographs. There is no focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion. No pneumothorax. Heart size is within normal limits. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear. Mild scoliosis and degenerative changes of the thoracic spine noted.
The cardiac silhouette, mediastinum, and pulmonary vasculature are unremarkable. There is stable elevation of the left hemidiaphragm. Lungs are clear. No pleural fluid or pneumothorax is appreciated. Cholecystectomy clips are noted in the right upper quadrant.
Stable appearance of hiatal hernia. Clear right lung XXXX.In the left superior lower lobe there is a 1.9 x 1.8 cm round area of density which has increased in size compared to prior chest radiograph and recommend a XXXX chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast as this area is suspicious for potential malignancy. Normal cardiac contour. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Status post XXXX sternotomy and CABG. Heart size is normal. Coronary vascular stent. The lungs are clear. There are no focal air space consolidations. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. The hilar and mediastinal contours are stable. Calcified mediastinal lymph XXXX. Normal pulmonary vascularity. Degenerative changes of the spine.
Stable flattening of the posterior diaphragm and scattered chronic appearing irregular interstitial markings with no focal alveolar consolidation. Stable cardiomediastinal silhouette with normal heart size and aortic ectasia/tortuosity, stable mediastinal contours. No definite pleural effusion seen, no typical findings of pulmonary edema. Following spine ossifications and marginal osteophytes again noted.
2 images. Heart size upper limits of normal. Mediastinal contours are maintained. The patient is mildly rotated. There is a small to moderate sized right apical pneumothorax which measures approximately 2.0 cm. No focal airspace consolidation is seen. Left chest is clear. No definite displaced bony injury is seen. Results called XXXX. XXXX XXXX p.m. XXXX, XXXX.
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. The cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. Deformity of the right clavicle related to remote XXXX is again seen. Visualized upper abdomen grossly unremarkable.
Chest. Both lungs are clear and expanded with no pleural air collections or parenchymal consolidations. Heart and mediastinum remain normal. Lumbosacral spine. XXXX, disc spaces, and alignment are normal. Sacrum and sacroiliac joints are normal.
There are low volumes with bronchovascular crowding. No focal infiltrate or effusion. Heart and mediastinal contours within normal limits. No displaced fracture identified.
The heart is normal in size and contour. The lungs are clear, without evidence of infiltrate. There is no pneumothorax or effusion.
Sequelae of old granulomatous disease. Lungs are clear without focal airspace disease. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour.
The heart is upper limits of normal in size. The lungs are clear, without evidence of infiltrate. There is no pneumothorax or effusion.
Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Normal heart size. Bony thorax and soft tissues grossly unremarkable.
Lungs appear to be clear other than a calcified granuloma on left. Heart is not enlarged. There are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. There is increased kyphosis of the thoracic spine and there are multiple XXXX deformities. A stimulator is seen.
The heart size is stable. The aorta is ectatic and atherosclerotic but stable. XXXX sternotomy XXXX are again noted. The scarring in the left lower lobe is again noted and unchanged from prior exam. There are mild bilateral prominent lung interstitial opacities consistent with emphysematous disease. The calcified granulomas are stable.
Apparent scarring within the lingula. Lungs are otherwise clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and vasculature are within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated and clear. Osseous structures are within normal limits for patient age.
Heart size and mediastinal contour within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidation, pneumothorax, or large pleural effusion. No acute osseous abnormality.
2 images. Heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. Mediastinal contour is unremarkable. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. No convincing acute bony findings.
No airspace disease, effusion or noncalcified nodule. Normal heart size and mediastinum. Left axillary surgical clips unchanged Visualized XXXX of the chest XXXX are within normal limits.
There are low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding as a result. No pleural effusion, pneumothorax or focal airspace disease. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No free subdiaphragmatic air.
There are scattered calcified granulomas. No focal infiltrate. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Heart size and mediastinal contour are within normal limits. There are degenerative changes of the spine.
Heart size is within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidations. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
No focal airspace disease, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No free subdiaphragmatic air.
Heart is mildly heart enlarged. Mediastinal contour normal. There is mild diffuse interstitial prominence suggestive of edema. No focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion. Degenerative changes of the the spine.
The heart size and mediastinal silhouette are within normal limits for contour. The lungs are clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusions. The XXXX are intact.
The lungs are clear. There is no focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Heart size and mediastinal contour are within normal limits. There are degenerative changes of the spine.
Minimal right-to-left cardiomediastinal shift. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is otherwise normal size and configuration. Pulmonary vasculature within normal limits. There is a moderate sized right pneumothorax. This measures 3.2 cm at the level the right apex.
Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Normal heart size. Negative for pneumoperitoneum. Mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
Heart size, mediastinal contour, and pulmonary vascularity are similar to comparison exam and within normal limits. No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. The visualized osseous structures appear intact.
There is a single calcified granuloma in the right lung base. The lungs are otherwise grossly clear bilaterally. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal. There are cholecystectomy clips in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Small T-spine osteophytes are noted.
The lungs are clear. The heart and pulmonary XXXX are normal. The pleural spaces are clear. The mediastinal contours are normal.
The cardiac contours are normal. The lungs are clear. Thoracic spondylosis.
Frontal and lateral views of the chest show an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette. Reduced lung volumes with basilar atelectasis. No XXXX focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
Normal heart and mediastinum. Clear lungs. Trachea is midline. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. Radiopaque foreign body overlying left chest.
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
The heart is again mildly enlarged. Mediastinal contours are stable. Patient is somewhat rotated. The lungs are hypoinflated with elevated left hemidiaphragm. XXXX XXXX opacities compatible with atelectasis. No large effusion is seen. There is no focal consolidation. Pulmonary vascularity is mildly accentuated. There are bilateral degenerative changes of the XXXX with probable chronic dislocation of the left humerus. Correlate clinically.
Normal heart size. Clear, hyperaerated lungs. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. XXXX substernal density may be related to a pectus deformity.
The lungs are clear without evidence of focal airspace disease. There is no evidence of pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. The cardiac contour is within normal limits. Compared to prior exam, there is XXXX prominence of the mediastinal contour near the right hilum. This may represent the ascending aorta or mediastinal lymphadenopathy. CT chest with contrast may be helpful for further evaluation. There are mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
There are minimal XXXX left basilar opacities, XXXX subsegmental atelectasis or scarring. There is no focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Heart size is at the upper limits of normal. Cardiac defibrillator XXXX overlies the right ventricle. The XXXX appears intact. There is aortic atherosclerotic vascular calcification. Calcified mediastinal and hilar lymph XXXX are consistent with prior granulomatous disease. Multiple calcified splenic granulomas are also noted. There are minimal degenerative changes of the spine.
Heart size within normal limits. Stable position of left subclavian central venous catheter. No focal airspace disease. No pneumothorax. Mild blunting of the costophrenic XXXX bilaterally.
Heart size and mediastinal contour are normal. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. Lungs are clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is Within normal limits the lungs are hypoinflated. There is mild increase in perihilar markings XXXX related to patient's history bronchitis. No acute infiltrate or pleural effusion are seen.
Cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. The lungs are clear. Bony structures are intact.
Previous lower spine cervical fusion. Lungs are overall hyperexpanded with flattening of the diaphragms consistent with obstructive lung disease. Lungs are clear without focal consolidation. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. Degenerative changes in the spine.
The heart and mediastinum are unremarkable. There are two subcentimeter hyperdense nodular opacities are noted within the right lung. These may represent XXXX on end or alternatively, calcified granulomas. The lungs are clear without infiltrate. There is no effusion or pneumothorax.
The heart size and mediastinal silhouette are within normal limits. No pneumothorax or pleural effusions. The lungs are clear. No focal consolidations. The osseous structures are intact.
The lungs are clear. There is hyperinflation of the lungs. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart and mediastinum are normal. The skeletal structures are normal.
Stable postsurgical changes. Heart XXXX, mediastinum and lung XXXX are unremarkable. Stable calcified small granuloma in left base.