stringlengths 0
aDriveFor(20, 100); |
aDriveFor(50, 200); |
Intake.stop(); |
aDriveFor(100, 500); |
wait(400, msec); |
aDriveFor(70, 600); |
} else if (autonType == 3) { |
//start out by lowering intake and scraper |
Scraper.set(true); |
Intake.spin(reverse, 5, volt); |
//get triball out of match load zone |
wait(400, msec); |
aTurn(35); |
Scraper.set(false); |
driveDistance = 153; |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.stop(); |
//shove alliance triball preload into goal |
wait(100, msec); |
wait(70, msec); |
aDrive(1000); |
Intake.spin(forward, 11, volt); |
wait(1500, msec); |
Intake.stop(); |
wait(50, msec); |
//back up and drive to the elevation bar |
aDrive(-1400); |
driveDistance = 0; |
turnPID(true); |
turnPID(true); |
wait(100, msec); |
aDrive(100); |
driveDistance = 45; |
turnPID(true); |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.spin(forward, 5, volt); |
//go forward the right distance, based on the distance sensor. |
aDrive(1300); |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 55){ |
aDrive(100); |
} |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 55){ |
aDrive(100); |
} |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 55){ |
aDrive(100); |
} |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 55){ |
aDrive(100); |
} |
Intake.stop(); |
} else if (autonType == 4) { |
//better near side auton |
//start out by lowering intake and scraper |
Scraper.set(true); |
Intake.spin(reverse, 11, volt); |
//get triball out of match load zone |
aTurn(35); |
Scraper.set(false); |
driveDistance = 114; |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.spin(reverse, 5, volt); |
//push preload in goal |
aDrive(2400); |
driveDistance = 215; |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.spin(forward, 11, volt); |
wait(500, msec); |
Intake.stop(); |
//push two green triballs onto the other offensive zone |
driveDistance = 100; |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.spin(reverse, 11, volt); |
aDrive(350); |
Intake.spin(reverse, 7, volt); |
aTurn(-60); |
Intake.stop(); |
Wings1.set(true); |
Wings2.set(true); |
Intake.spin(forward, 11, volt); |
aDrive(1080); |
aDriveFor(70, 300); |
Wings1.set(false); |
Wings2.set(false); |
wait(100, msec); |
//go to elevation bar |
driveDistance = -87; |
turnPID(true); |
Intake.stop(); |
aDrive(3000); |
aTurn(115); |
Intake.spin(forward, 11, volt); |
aDrive(2200); |
Intake.stop(); |
Intake.spin(forward, 5, volt); |
//go forward the right distance, based on the distance sensor. |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 54){ |
aDrive(100); |
} |
if (WallDistance.objectDistance(inches) < 54){ |