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{"docid": "13728800-0", "title": "Op\u00e9ration Secure Tomorrow", "uri": "None", "text": "Lop\u00e9ration (\u00ab S\u00e9curiser demain \u00bb en anglais) est une op\u00e9ration qui s'est d\u00e9roul\u00e9e de f\u00e9vrier \u00e0 juillet 2004 en Ha\u00efti. Une force multinationale compos\u00e9e des \u00c9tats-Unis, du Chili, du Canada et de la France a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9ploy\u00e9e conform\u00e9ment \u00e0 la r\u00e9solution 1529 du Conseil de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des Nations unies. La force \u00e9tait dirig\u00e9e par le brigadier g\u00e9n\u00e9ral des Marines Ronald S. Coleman et le colonel David H. Berger du 3e bataillon du r\u00e9giment de Marines. Le g\u00e9n\u00e9ral Berger est devenu plus tard commandant du Corps des Marines.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [36, 43], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q645883", "boundaries": [53, 62], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q429415", "boundaries": [85, 92], "surfaceform": "f\u00e9vrier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q781531", "boundaries": [95, 107], "surfaceform": "juillet 2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "2004-07-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [95, 107], "surfaceform": "juillet 2004", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q790", "boundaries": [111, 116], "surfaceform": "Ha\u00efti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [156, 166], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q298", "boundaries": [171, 176], "surfaceform": "Chili", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16", "boundaries": [181, 187], "surfaceform": "Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [197, 203], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2071499", "boundaries": [237, 293], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9solution 1529 du Conseil de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1529^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [248, 252], "surfaceform": "1529", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q152956", "boundaries": [325, 342], "surfaceform": "brigadier g\u00e9n\u00e9ral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11218", "boundaries": [347, 354], "surfaceform": "Marines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [355, 372], "surfaceform": "Ronald S. Coleman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q104680", "boundaries": [379, 386], "surfaceform": "colonel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [387, 402], "surfaceform": "David H. Berger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [406, 441], "surfaceform": "3e bataillon du r\u00e9giment de Marines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 407], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q83460", "boundaries": [446, 453], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9n\u00e9ral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1115074", "boundaries": [482, 513], "surfaceform": "commandant du Corps des Marines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q152956", "boundaries": [325, 342], "surfaceform": "brigadier g\u00e9n\u00e9ral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q104680", "boundaries": [379, 386], "surfaceform": "colonel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "13731495-0", "title": "Climat du Brunei", "uri": "None", "text": "Le climat au Brunei est tropical \u00e9quatorial et subtropical humide \u00e0 des altitudes plus \u00e9lev\u00e9es avec de fortes pr\u00e9cipitations. Le climat de la municipalit\u00e9 de Bandar Seri Begawan est tropical \u00e9quatorial avec deux saisons. La saison s\u00e8che est extr\u00eamement chaude (24 \u00e0 ). La saison des pluies ou des pluies est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement chaude et humide (20 \u00e0 ). La majeure partie du pays est une plaine c\u00f4ti\u00e8re plate avec des montagnes \u00e0 l'est et des plaines vallonn\u00e9es \u00e0 l'ouest. Le point le plus bas est au niveau de la mer et le plus haut est Bukit Pagon (). Le Brunei conna\u00eet \u00e9galement des typhons et des inondations.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7937", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "climat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q921", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Brunei", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q135712", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "tropical", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [33, 43], "surfaceform": "\u00e9quatorial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [47, 65], "surfaceform": "subtropical humide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+24^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [261, 263], "surfaceform": "24", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 341], "surfaceform": "20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q31566", "boundaries": [381, 395], "surfaceform": "plaine c\u00f4ti\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1003282", "boundaries": [531, 542], "surfaceform": "Bukit Pagon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q135712", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "tropical", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7937", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "climat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.982421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13732496-0", "title": "Soliman Katania", "uri": "None", "text": "Soliman Katania (ou Katanieh) est le douzi\u00e8me pacha triennal de la r\u00e9gence d'Alger. Son r\u00e8gne de moins d'une ann\u00e9e s'\u00e9tend de 1617 \u00e0 1618.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Soliman Katania", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3249926", "boundaries": [46, 60], "surfaceform": "pacha triennal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3045696", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gence d'Alger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6798", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1617", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1617^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1617", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6801", "boundaries": [133, 137], "surfaceform": "1618", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1618^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [133, 137], "surfaceform": "1618", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q6801", "boundaries": [133, 137], "surfaceform": "1618", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q6798", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1617", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13965237-0", "title": "Homo sapiens asiaticus", "uri": "None", "text": "Homo sapiens asiaticus est un taxon d\u00e9suet invent\u00e9 par le naturaliste su\u00e9dois Carl von Linn\u00e9 en 1758 dans son ouvrage \"Systema naturae\". Il d\u00e9signait une sous-esp\u00e8ce d\"'Homo sapiens\". Ils correspondaient aux Asiatiques.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Homo sapiens asiaticus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q16521", "boundaries": [30, 35], "surfaceform": "taxon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [58, 69], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q165192", "boundaries": [70, 77], "surfaceform": "su\u00e9dois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1043", "boundaries": [78, 92], "surfaceform": "Carl von Linn\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7639", "boundaries": [96, 100], "surfaceform": "1758", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1758^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [96, 100], "surfaceform": "1758", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q29270", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Systema naturae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q68947", "boundaries": [154, 165], "surfaceform": "sous-esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15978631", "boundaries": [169, 181], "surfaceform": "Homo sapiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4058325", "boundaries": [208, 218], "surfaceform": "Asiatiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1043", "boundaries": [78, 92], "surfaceform": "Carl von Linn\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [58, 69], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.955078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1043", "boundaries": [78, 92], "surfaceform": "Carl von Linn\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q29270", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Systema naturae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94482421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q29270", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Systema naturae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1043", "boundaries": [78, 92], "surfaceform": "Carl von Linn\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13967420-0", "title": "Ida Kadima Nzumba", "uri": "None", "text": "Ida Kadima Nzumba est une femme politique de la r\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo et cadre du parti Lumumbiste unifi\u00e9 (Palu), parti cher \u00e0 l'homme d'\u00c9tat Antoine Gizenga. S\u00e9natrice \u00e9lue depuis pour la province de Kwilu et questeure adjoint au parlement (s\u00e9nat) congolais depuis le .", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Ida Kadima Nzumba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q82955", "boundaries": [26, 41], "surfaceform": "femme politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [48, 80], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3087061", "boundaries": [93, 116], "surfaceform": "parti Lumumbiste unifi\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q316942", "boundaries": [153, 168], "surfaceform": "Antoine Gizenga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q410642", "boundaries": [212, 217], "surfaceform": "Kwilu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3510889", "boundaries": [253, 258], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9nat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3087061", "boundaries": [93, 116], "surfaceform": "parti Lumumbiste unifi\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [48, 80], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q316942", "boundaries": [153, 168], "surfaceform": "Antoine Gizenga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q82955", "boundaries": [26, 41], "surfaceform": "femme politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8935546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14135962-0", "title": "Ronald Martin Alonso", "uri": "None", "text": "Ronald Martin Alonso, n\u00e9 le \u00e0 La Havane (Cuba), est un musicien franco-cubain, sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9 en viole de gambe, lirone et violone.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 20], "surfaceform": "Ronald Martin Alonso", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q40125", "boundaries": [93, 107], "surfaceform": "viole de gambe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q361424", "boundaries": [109, 115], "surfaceform": "lirone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q667047", "boundaries": [119, 126], "surfaceform": "violone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q667047", "boundaries": [119, 126], "surfaceform": "violone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q40125", "boundaries": [93, 107], "surfaceform": "viole de gambe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.71435546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14137105-0", "title": "GAZ-MM B", "uri": "None", "text": "Le GAZ-MM-B est un camion, produit par GAZ de 1953 \u00e0 1956, qui partage sa carrosserie avec le GAZ-AA, son moteur avec le ZIS 110 et des composants de ch\u00e2ssis avec le GAZ 12 ZIM. Son ch\u00e2ssis a ensuite servi de base au MAZ-500. Seulement 53 exemplaires ont \u00e9t\u00e9 produits, la plupart des clients pr\u00e9f\u00e9rant le GAZ-MM d'origine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q28616", "boundaries": [39, 42], "surfaceform": "GAZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1953^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [46, 50], "surfaceform": "1953", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1956^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "1956", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1484719", "boundaries": [94, 100], "surfaceform": "GAZ-AA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q136220", "boundaries": [121, 128], "surfaceform": "ZIS 110", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+110^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [125, 128], "surfaceform": "110", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q734612", "boundaries": [166, 176], "surfaceform": "GAZ 12 ZIM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+12^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [170, 172], "surfaceform": "12", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [217, 224], "surfaceform": "MAZ-500", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "-500^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [220, 224], "surfaceform": "-500", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+53^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [236, 238], "surfaceform": "53", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1165658", "boundaries": [305, 311], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1484719", "boundaries": [94, 100], "surfaceform": "GAZ-AA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q28616", "boundaries": [39, 42], "surfaceform": "GAZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.72412109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q734612", "boundaries": [166, 176], "surfaceform": "GAZ 12 ZIM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q28616", "boundaries": [39, 42], "surfaceform": "GAZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14137823-0", "title": "Wanted, Lucky Luke !", "uri": "None", "text": "Wanted, Lucky Luke ! est un one-shot de Matthieu Bonhomme se d\u00e9roulant dans l'univers de la s\u00e9rie \"Lucky Luke\" cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Morris. Il est sorti le en album. C'est le deuxi\u00e8me album de Matthieu Bonhomme dans l'univers de Lucky Luke apr\u00e8s \"L'Homme qui tua Lucky Luke\" (2016).", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 20], "surfaceform": "Wanted, Lucky Luke !", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q933530", "boundaries": [28, 36], "surfaceform": "one-shot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3299866", "boundaries": [40, 57], "surfaceform": "Matthieu Bonhomme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q137475", "boundaries": [99, 109], "surfaceform": "Lucky Luke", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q312835", "boundaries": [121, 127], "surfaceform": "Morris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q24950875", "boundaries": [236, 262], "surfaceform": "L'Homme qui tua Lucky Luke", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [265, 269], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q312835", "boundaries": [121, 127], "surfaceform": "Morris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q137475", "boundaries": [99, 109], "surfaceform": "Lucky Luke", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96533203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14138971-0", "title": "Robert Luzolanu Mavema", "uri": "None", "text": "Robert Luzolanu Mavema est un homme politique de la R\u00e9publique D\u00e9mocratique du Congo, nomm\u00e9 par le Gouverneur Andr\u00e9 Kimbuta le 7 ao\u00fbt 2017 ministre provincial du Plan, travaux publics et infrastructures.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Robert Luzolanu Mavema", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [52, 84], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique D\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q379136", "boundaries": [110, 123], "surfaceform": "Andr\u00e9 Kimbuta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "2017-08-07T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [127, 138], "surfaceform": "7 ao\u00fbt 2017", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q379136", "boundaries": [110, 123], "surfaceform": "Andr\u00e9 Kimbuta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [52, 84], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique D\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.958984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13760473-0", "title": "L'Auberge des musiciens", "uri": "None", "text": "L\"'Auberge des musiciens\" \u00e9tait le nom d'un caf\u00e9-restaurant-\u00e9picerie d'un faubourg de Saint-Etienne. Robert Paul, pseudonyme de L\u00e9on Poliakov dans la clandestinit\u00e9 durant la deuxi\u00e8me guerre mondiale et l'occupation de la France par les forces arm\u00e9es du IIIe Reich \u00e9paul\u00e9es par leurs suppl\u00e9tifs du r\u00e9gime de Vichy, y trouva souvent refuge et devint membre d'un r\u00e9seau de r\u00e9sistants en compagnie du propri\u00e9taire des lieux, devenu son ami pour la vie, Oswaldo Bardone. Un long chapitre des m\u00e9moires de L\u00e9on Poliakov est consacr\u00e9 \u00e0 cet \u00e9pisode de sa vie, mais l'ouvrage aborde aussi son enfance russe, son adolescence et son passage \u00e0 l'\u00e2ge adulte en Allemagne puis en France, et ce qu'il est devenu ensuite, un historien de r\u00e9putation mondiale. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q30022", "boundaries": [44, 48], "surfaceform": "caf\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11707", "boundaries": [49, 59], "surfaceform": "restaurant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7361709", "boundaries": [60, 68], "surfaceform": "\u00e9picerie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q442799", "boundaries": [74, 82], "surfaceform": "faubourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42716", "boundaries": [86, 99], "surfaceform": "Saint-Etienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [174, 198], "surfaceform": "deuxi\u00e8me guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2748708", "boundaries": [204, 227], "surfaceform": "occupation de la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [253, 263], "surfaceform": "IIIe Reich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [283, 293], "surfaceform": "suppl\u00e9tifs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q69808", "boundaries": [297, 312], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gime de Vichy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3254258", "boundaries": [360, 366], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9seau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q276258", "boundaries": [583, 590], "surfaceform": "enfance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131774", "boundaries": [602, 613], "surfaceform": "adolescence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q201788", "boundaries": [708, 717], "surfaceform": "historien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [253, 263], "surfaceform": "IIIe Reich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q69808", "boundaries": [297, 312], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gime de Vichy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93798828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q131774", "boundaries": [602, 613], "surfaceform": "adolescence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q276258", "boundaries": [583, 590], "surfaceform": "enfance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14113601-0", "title": "Still Collins", "uri": "None", "text": "Still Collins est un cover band allemand dont le r\u00e9pertoire se compose principalement de chansons que le musicien britannique Phil Collins a interpr\u00e9t\u00e9 d'une part en tant qu'artiste solo et d'autre part en tant que leader et chanteur principal du groupe de rock Genesis. En outre, Still Collins reprend aussi en concert des titres r\u00e9v\u00e9l\u00e9s par Peter Gabriel en solo ou en tant que chanteur pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent de Genesis, par ex. \"Solsbury Hill\", \"Carpet Crawlers\", \"I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)\" . Le groupe interpr\u00e8te \u00e9galement des titres de Mike + The Mechanics, le groupe form\u00e9 par Mike Rutherford, guitariste-bassiste de Genesis.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Still Collins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q181847", "boundaries": [21, 31], "surfaceform": "cover band", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [32, 40], "surfaceform": "allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q144622", "boundaries": [126, 138], "surfaceform": "Phil Collins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q151012", "boundaries": [262, 269], "surfaceform": "Genesis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [281, 294], "surfaceform": "Still Collins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q175195", "boundaries": [343, 356], "surfaceform": "Peter Gabriel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1808658", "boundaries": [420, 433], "surfaceform": "Solsbury Hill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q653632", "boundaries": [542, 562], "surfaceform": "Mike + The Mechanics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q321092", "boundaries": [584, 599], "surfaceform": "Mike Rutherford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q144622", "boundaries": [126, 138], "surfaceform": "Phil Collins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q151012", "boundaries": [262, 269], "surfaceform": "Genesis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q321092", "boundaries": [584, 599], "surfaceform": "Mike Rutherford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q653632", "boundaries": [542, 562], "surfaceform": "Mike + The Mechanics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14131445-0", "title": "Autels d'Alexandre", "uri": "None", "text": "Les Autels d'Alexandre sont les douze monuments que, selon ses biographes antiques, Alexandre le Grand \u00e9rige en 326 av. J.-C. sur les bords de la rivi\u00e8re Hyphase au Pendjab quand il est contraint par son arm\u00e9e \u00e9puis\u00e9e de stopper sa progression vers l'Orient. Ces douze autels monumentaux, d\u00e9di\u00e9s aux dieux de l'Olympe, marquent l'avanc\u00e9e extr\u00eame de l'\u00e9pop\u00e9e d'Alexandre. Ils symbolisent depuis l'Antiquit\u00e9 l'extr\u00e9mit\u00e9 de son empire, mais aussi un moment crucial o\u00f9 le roi doit renoncer \u00e0 la poursuite de son ambition militaire par l'opposition de ses soldats. En d\u00e9pit des indications g\u00e9ographiques assez vagues des auteurs antiques, les autels ont \u00e9t\u00e9 activement recherch\u00e9 par des explorateurs, principalement britanniques, au . Leur emplacement a donn\u00e9 lieu \u00e0 de nombreuses recherches et discussions entre historiens et g\u00e9ographes, mais les autels n'ont jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 retrouv\u00e9s, peut-\u00eatre ensevelis dans une r\u00e9gion dont les rivi\u00e8res ont un r\u00e9gime de crues parfois d\u00e9vastatrices.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [4, 22], "surfaceform": "Autels d'Alexandre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q8409", "boundaries": [84, 102], "surfaceform": "Alexandre le Grand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q48387", "boundaries": [112, 125], "surfaceform": "326 av. J.-C.", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+326^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [112, 115], "surfaceform": "326", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q319590", "boundaries": [154, 161], "surfaceform": "Hyphase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q169132", "boundaries": [165, 172], "surfaceform": "Pendjab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205653", "boundaries": [251, 257], "surfaceform": "Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q101609", "boundaries": [300, 317], "surfaceform": "dieux de l'Olympe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q41493", "boundaries": [396, 405], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2369493", "boundaries": [949, 953], "surfaceform": "crue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q169132", "boundaries": [165, 172], "surfaceform": "Pendjab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q319590", "boundaries": [154, 161], "surfaceform": "Hyphase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14133156-0", "title": "Boubekeur Belbekri", "uri": "None", "text": "Boubekeur Belbekri (en ) est un footballeur international alg\u00e9rien n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Alger. Il \u00e9voluait au poste de milieu gauche.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "Boubekeur Belbekri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [32, 40], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q181903", "boundaries": [44, 57], "surfaceform": "international", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q262", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "alg\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3561", "boundaries": [75, 80], "surfaceform": "Alger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q193592", "boundaries": [106, 119], "surfaceform": "milieu gauche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q181903", "boundaries": [44, 57], "surfaceform": "international", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [32, 40], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.26318359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q262", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "alg\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3561", "boundaries": [75, 80], "surfaceform": "Alger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90087890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3561", "boundaries": [75, 80], "surfaceform": "Alger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q262", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "alg\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14134090-0", "title": "GAZ-MM-V", "uri": "None", "text": "Le GAZ-MM-V \u00e9tait une version du GAZ-AA et du GAZ-MM produites de 1948 \u00e0 1955. Il \u00e9tait tr\u00e8s diff\u00e9rent du GAZ-AA et du GAZ-MM et ne partageait sa carrosserie qu'avec ces v\u00e9hicules, mais le ch\u00e2ssis \u00e9tait de le GAZ-51 et son moteur \u00e9taient du GAZ Pobeda. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 produit avec les v\u00e9hicules d'origine GAZ-MM et GAZ-55 ainsi que les camions GAZ-51. Il n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 export\u00e9 et seulement 105 unit\u00e9s de ce v\u00e9hicule ont \u00e9t\u00e9 produites et vendues. Le v\u00e9hicule a \u00e9t\u00e9 abandonn\u00e9 en 1955, un an avant l'arr\u00eat du camion GAZ-MM.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 11], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM-V", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1484719", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "GAZ-AA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1165658", "boundaries": [46, 52], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+1948^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [66, 70], "surfaceform": "1948", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1955^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [73, 77], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1484719", "boundaries": [106, 112], "surfaceform": "GAZ-AA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [209, 215], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [212, 215], "surfaceform": "-51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q694025", "boundaries": [241, 251], "surfaceform": "GAZ Pobeda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1165658", "boundaries": [299, 305], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q4130633", "boundaries": [309, 315], "surfaceform": "GAZ-55", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "-55^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [312, 315], "surfaceform": "-55", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [338, 344], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [341, 344], "surfaceform": "-51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+105^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [382, 385], "surfaceform": "105", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1955^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [469, 473], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1165658", "boundaries": [505, 511], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [209, 215], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1484719", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "GAZ-AA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89697265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [209, 215], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1165658", "boundaries": [46, 52], "surfaceform": "GAZ-MM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.927734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14134769-0", "title": "PAZ-3206", "uri": "None", "text": "Le PAZ-3206 est un bus produit par PAZ de 1985 \u00e0 nos jours (2021). Actuellement, environ 1 000 unit\u00e9s du v\u00e9hicule ont \u00e9t\u00e9 produites et vendues. Le v\u00e9hicule a \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 commercialis\u00e9 sous la marque KAvZ pour l'exportation vers la Bulgarie et la Roumanie jusqu'en 1998. Le v\u00e9hicule \u00e9tait bas\u00e9 sur le ch\u00e2ssis du camion GAZon, mais avait un tout nouveau corps de moteur avec cabine qui est encore tr\u00e8s courant pour la plupart des bus, m\u00eame \u00e0 ce jour. Actuellement, le v\u00e9hicule est commercialis\u00e9 par GAZ. Bien que le GAZon ait \u00e9t\u00e9 remplac\u00e9 par le GAZon Next, le PAZ-3206 n'a ni successeur ni rempla\u00e7ant et est toujours en production de masse.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 11], "surfaceform": "PAZ-3206", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "-3206^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [6, 11], "surfaceform": "-3206", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [35, 38], "surfaceform": "PAZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2431", "boundaries": [42, 46], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [42, 46], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q49628", "boundaries": [60, 64], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [60, 64], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q612502", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "KAvZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q219", "boundaries": [233, 241], "surfaceform": "Bulgarie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [248, 256], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q4130618", "boundaries": [320, 325], "surfaceform": "GAZon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q28616", "boundaries": [499, 502], "surfaceform": "GAZ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q4130618", "boundaries": [516, 521], "surfaceform": "GAZon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q17613250", "boundaries": [546, 556], "surfaceform": "GAZon Next", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [561, 569], "surfaceform": "PAZ-3206", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "-3206^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [564, 569], "surfaceform": "-3206", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q17613250", "boundaries": [546, 556], "surfaceform": "GAZon Next", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4130618", "boundaries": [320, 325], "surfaceform": "GAZon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13970480-1", "title": "Ch\u00e2teau de la Source du Rollin", "uri": "None", "text": "L'\u00e9difice tient son nom du Rollin, petit cours d'eau qui prend sa source en contrebas du ch\u00e2teau pour se jeter dans la Loire \u00e0 l'extr\u00e9mit\u00e9 du val de la Chapelle (\u00e0 Saint-Ay) trois kilom\u00e8tres plus loin.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [27, 33], "surfaceform": "Rollin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1469", "boundaries": [119, 124], "surfaceform": "Loire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1422816", "boundaries": [164, 172], "surfaceform": "Saint-Ay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1422816", "boundaries": [164, 172], "surfaceform": "Saint-Ay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1469", "boundaries": [119, 124], "surfaceform": "Loire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13971735-0", "title": "Ali Mohammadou", "uri": "None", "text": "Ali Mohammadou est un athl\u00e8te camerounais vainqueur de l'\u00e9dition du 27 f\u00e9vrier 2021, sur le parcours de 42 km, de la course de l'espoir sur le mont Cameroun.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Ali Mohammadou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q542", "boundaries": [22, 29], "surfaceform": "athl\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [30, 41], "surfaceform": "camerounais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2021-02-27T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [68, 83], "surfaceform": "27 f\u00e9vrier 2021", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+42^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [104, 106], "surfaceform": "42", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3001418", "boundaries": [117, 135], "surfaceform": "course de l'espoir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q190562", "boundaries": [143, 156], "surfaceform": "mont Cameroun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3001418", "boundaries": [117, 135], "surfaceform": "course de l'espoir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q542", "boundaries": [22, 29], "surfaceform": "athl\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.69140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3001418", "boundaries": [117, 135], "surfaceform": "course de l'espoir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [30, 41], "surfaceform": "camerounais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98193359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q190562", "boundaries": [143, 156], "surfaceform": "mont Cameroun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [30, 41], "surfaceform": "camerounais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13973020-0", "title": "One Girl and Two Boys", "uri": "None", "text": "One Girl and Two Boys ou Undecided (\"une fille et deux gar\u00e7ons\", ou \"ind\u00e9cise\", en anglais) est une chanson d'amour de big band swing & jazz, compos\u00e9e par Nacio Herb Brown, \u00e9crite par Lew Brown et Ralph Freed, et enregistr\u00e9e en 1943 en disque 78 tours par Marilyn Maxwell, pour la musique de film de la com\u00e9die musicale \"Swing Fever\" (\"fi\u00e8vre du swing\") de Tim Whelan et de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, avec le big band jazz & swing de Kay Kyser.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 21], "surfaceform": "One Girl and Two Boys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [83, 90], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7366", "boundaries": [100, 107], "surfaceform": "chanson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q316", "boundaries": [110, 115], "surfaceform": "amour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q207378", "boundaries": [119, 127], "surfaceform": "big band", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q203775", "boundaries": [128, 133], "surfaceform": "swing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8341", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "jazz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1282487", "boundaries": [155, 171], "surfaceform": "Nacio Herb Brown", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4096110", "boundaries": [184, 193], "surfaceform": "Lew Brown", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7287502", "boundaries": [197, 208], "surfaceform": "Ralph Freed", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1943^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [228, 232], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1781403", "boundaries": [236, 251], "surfaceform": "disque 78 tours", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+78^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [243, 245], "surfaceform": "78", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2301884", "boundaries": [256, 271], "surfaceform": "Marilyn Maxwell", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q492264", "boundaries": [281, 296], "surfaceform": "musique de film", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2743", "boundaries": [303, 319], "surfaceform": "com\u00e9die musicale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7658561", "boundaries": [321, 332], "surfaceform": "Swing Fever", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3528710", "boundaries": [357, 367], "surfaceform": "Tim Whelan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q179200", "boundaries": [377, 396], "surfaceform": "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q207378", "boundaries": [406, 414], "surfaceform": "big band", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1284551", "boundaries": [431, 440], "surfaceform": "Kay Kyser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7658561", "boundaries": [321, 332], "surfaceform": "Swing Fever", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P161", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "cast member", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2301884", "boundaries": [256, 271], "surfaceform": "Marilyn Maxwell", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.771484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7658561", "boundaries": [321, 332], "surfaceform": "Swing Fever", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3528710", "boundaries": [357, 367], "surfaceform": "Tim Whelan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.76513671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7658561", "boundaries": [321, 332], "surfaceform": "Swing Fever", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P161", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "cast member", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1284551", "boundaries": [431, 440], "surfaceform": "Kay Kyser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13614821-0", "title": "De gag en gags !", "uri": "None", "text": "De gag en gags ! (\"Les Aventures de Vick et Vicky\", Bruno Bertin, 2013, France) est le dix-neuvi\u00e8me album de bande dessin\u00e9e des \"Aventures de Vick et Vicky\".", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "De gag en gags !", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2926636", "boundaries": [52, 64], "surfaceform": "Bruno Bertin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2013^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [66, 70], "surfaceform": "2013", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [72, 78], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1004", "boundaries": [109, 123], "surfaceform": "bande dessin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3230842", "boundaries": [129, 155], "surfaceform": "Aventures de Vick et Vicky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3230842", "boundaries": [129, 155], "surfaceform": "Aventures de Vick et Vicky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2926636", "boundaries": [52, 64], "surfaceform": "Bruno Bertin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13995693-0", "title": "La Doc et le V\u00e9to", "uri": "None", "text": "La Doc et le V\u00e9to est un t\u00e9l\u00e9film fran\u00e7ais r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par Thierry Binisti en 2020 et diffus\u00e9 en 2021", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "La Doc et le V\u00e9to", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3546742", "boundaries": [25, 42], "surfaceform": "t\u00e9l\u00e9film fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3524141", "boundaries": [55, 70], "surfaceform": "Thierry Binisti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q63977995", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q96314770", "boundaries": [93, 97], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [93, 97], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q96314770", "boundaries": [93, 97], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q63977995", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13694458-0", "title": "Blue Spanish Sky", "uri": "None", "text": "Blue Spanish Sky (\"Ciel bleu espagnol\", en anglais) est une chanson d'amour romantique dream pop-soft rock, de l'auteur-compositeur-interpr\u00e8te-guitariste am\u00e9ricain Chris Isaak,\u00a0single extrait de son album \"\" (\"Monde en forme de c\u0153ur\") de 1989 (un des nombreux plus importants succ\u00e8s internationaux de sa carri\u00e8re).", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Blue Spanish Sky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [29, 37], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [43, 50], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7366", "boundaries": [60, 67], "surfaceform": "chanson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q316", "boundaries": [70, 75], "surfaceform": "amour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3441114", "boundaries": [76, 86], "surfaceform": "romantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q592330", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "dream pop", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q217191", "boundaries": [97, 106], "surfaceform": "soft rock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q488205", "boundaries": [113, 142], "surfaceform": "auteur-compositeur-interpr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q855091", "boundaries": [143, 153], "surfaceform": "guitariste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q313009", "boundaries": [164, 175], "surfaceform": "Chris Isaak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q826930", "boundaries": [228, 232], "surfaceform": "c\u0153ur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1989^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [238, 242], "surfaceform": "1989", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q313009", "boundaries": [164, 175], "surfaceform": "Chris Isaak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q488205", "boundaries": [113, 142], "surfaceform": "auteur-compositeur-interpr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q313009", "boundaries": [164, 175], "surfaceform": "Chris Isaak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q855091", "boundaries": [143, 153], "surfaceform": "guitariste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13698042-0", "title": "Close Quarters", "uri": "None", "text": "Close Quarters est un film de guerre documentaire britannique de Jack Lee, sorti en 1943. Il est produit par Ian Dalrymple de la \"\" du Minist\u00e8re de l'Information britannique. Le film a \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 distribu\u00e9 sous le titre \"Undersea Raider\" (en fran\u00e7ais : raid sous la mer). Le titre original est une expression en anglais qui d\u00e9signe une situation o\u00f9 on est enferm\u00e9 dans un endroit clos, \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9troit, ou \u00e0 distance rapproch\u00e9e.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Close Quarters", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q369747", "boundaries": [22, 36], "surfaceform": "film de guerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q93204", "boundaries": [37, 49], "surfaceform": "documentaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [50, 61], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3157245", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "Jack Lee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q247663", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1943^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1655499", "boundaries": [109, 122], "surfaceform": "Ian Dalrymple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q821726", "boundaries": [135, 161], "surfaceform": "Minist\u00e8re de l'Information", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [162, 173], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q150", "boundaries": [245, 253], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [315, 322], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3157245", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "Jack Lee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [50, 61], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94873046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q821726", "boundaries": [135, 161], "surfaceform": "Minist\u00e8re de l'Information", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [50, 61], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "14148594-0", "title": "Gilles Tilleman", "uri": "None", "text": "Son martyre est racont\u00e9 par Jean Crespin dans son martyrologe ainsi que plus succinctement par John Foxe dans son \"Livre des Martyrs\". Selon Foxe, Tilleman exer\u00e7ait le m\u00e9tier de coutelier, et une mention du \"coutelier de Bruxelles\" est faite par John Winthrop dans son \"Mod\u00e8le de la charit\u00e9 chr\u00e9tienne\". Crespin d\u00e9crit en longueur les jours pr\u00e9c\u00e9dant l'ex\u00e9cution, et souligne en particulier la condition humble de Tilleman (en termes d'instruction et en position soci\u00e9tale), son souci des pauvres de la ville, qui \u00e9tait alors \u00e9prouv\u00e9e par le froid hivernal ainsi que par des \u00e9pid\u00e9mies de peste, et surtout son assurance devant la pers\u00e9cution re\u00e7ue. Selon Crespin, il alla jusqu'\u00e0 remercier Dieu de lui donner l'occasion de lui rendre gloire par son martyre. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1685457", "boundaries": [28, 40], "surfaceform": "Jean Crespin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q380961", "boundaries": [95, 104], "surfaceform": "John Foxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2740670", "boundaries": [115, 132], "surfaceform": "Livre des Martyrs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "", "boundaries": [269, 302], "surfaceform": "\"Mod\u00e8le de la charit\u00e9 chr\u00e9tienne\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2740670", "boundaries": [115, 132], "surfaceform": "Livre des Martyrs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q380961", "boundaries": [95, 104], "surfaceform": "John Foxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96142578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "456385-0", "title": "Acad\u00e9mie su\u00e9doise", "uri": "Q207360", "text": "L'Acad\u00e9mie su\u00e9doise (\"Svenska Akademien\") est une des acad\u00e9mies royales de Su\u00e8de. Fond\u00e9e en 1786 par le roi Gustave III afin de promouvoir la grandeur culturelle du royaume su\u00e9dois, elle d\u00e9cerne notamment les prix Nobel de litt\u00e9rature.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q207360", "boundaries": [2, 19], "surfaceform": "Acad\u00e9mie su\u00e9doise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1310653", "boundaries": [54, 80], "surfaceform": "acad\u00e9mies royales de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q7760", "boundaries": [92, 96], "surfaceform": "1786", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1786^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [92, 96], "surfaceform": "1786", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q52930", "boundaries": [108, 119], "surfaceform": "Gustave III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7191", "boundaries": [209, 219], "surfaceform": "prix Nobel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37922", "boundaries": [223, 234], "surfaceform": "litt\u00e9rature", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q207360", "boundaries": [2, 19], "surfaceform": "Acad\u00e9mie su\u00e9doise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q52930", "boundaries": [108, 119], "surfaceform": "Gustave III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "448945-0", "title": "Hansel et Gretel", "uri": "Q11829", "text": "Hansel et Gretel (en \"\"), parfois intitul\u00e9 Jeannot et Margot, est un conte populaire figurant parmi ceux recueillis par les fr\u00e8res Grimm dans le premier volume des \"Contes de l'enfance et du foyer\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11829", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Hansel et Gretel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q17991521", "boundaries": [69, 74], "surfaceform": "conte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2793", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "fr\u00e8res Grimm", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q163027", "boundaries": [165, 196], "surfaceform": "Contes de l'enfance et du foyer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11829", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Hansel et Gretel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2793", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "fr\u00e8res Grimm", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "448945-1", "title": "Hansel et Gretel", "uri": "Q11829", "text": "On peut le rapprocher, pour ce qui est de son point de d\u00e9part du moins, de \"Nennillo et Nennella\", conte de l'Italien Giambattista Basile, publi\u00e9 dans la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du . Le motif des enfants abandonn\u00e9s dans la for\u00eat est par ailleurs pr\u00e9sent dans le conte de Perrault \"Le Petit Poucet\" (fin du ), mais on trouve un \u00e9pisode comparable d\u00e8s le d\u00e9but de la seconde moiti\u00e9 du , chez .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3338050", "boundaries": [76, 96], "surfaceform": "Nennillo et Nennella", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q855312", "boundaries": [110, 117], "surfaceform": "Italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q555291", "boundaries": [118, 137], "surfaceform": "Giambattista Basile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q128460", "boundaries": [263, 271], "surfaceform": "Perrault", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1199243", "boundaries": [273, 288], "surfaceform": "Le Petit Poucet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1199243", "boundaries": [273, 288], "surfaceform": "Le Petit Poucet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q128460", "boundaries": [263, 271], "surfaceform": "Perrault", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "373319-0", "title": "Bugs Bunny", "uri": "Q183102", "text": "Bugs Bunny est un personnage am\u00e9ricain de dessin anim\u00e9, cr\u00e9\u00e9 officiellement en 1940 dans les studios de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Leon Schlesinger Productions (devenu plus tard Warner Bros. Cartoons). Bugs est un li\u00e8vre ou un lapin gris anthropomorphe, connu pour son caract\u00e8re farceur et surtout pour sa phrase f\u00e9tiche \u00ab Euh... Quoi d'neuf, docteur ? \u00bb. C'est le chef de file des personnages des \"Looney Tunes\". Il est class\u00e9 neuvi\u00e8me personnalit\u00e9 la plus repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e en cin\u00e9matographie dans le monde, et personnage de cartoon qui est apparu le plus souvent dans les films et dessins anim\u00e9s, notamment durant l'\u00e2ge d'or de l'animation am\u00e9ricaine, dans les courts-m\u00e9trages des s\u00e9ries \"Looney Tunes\" et \"Merrie Melodies\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q183102", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Bugs Bunny", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [29, 38], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28968511", "boundaries": [42, 54], "surfaceform": "dessin anim\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q829623", "boundaries": [79, 83], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [79, 83], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q762558", "boundaries": [115, 131], "surfaceform": "Leon Schlesinger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q384930", "boundaries": [162, 183], "surfaceform": "Warner Bros. Cartoons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q46076", "boundaries": [198, 204], "surfaceform": "li\u00e8vre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9394", "boundaries": [211, 216], "surfaceform": "lapin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132987", "boundaries": [222, 236], "surfaceform": "anthropomorphe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q902180", "boundaries": [263, 270], "surfaceform": "farceur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2649916", "boundaries": [366, 396], "surfaceform": "personnages des \"Looney Tunes\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q28968511", "boundaries": [562, 576], "surfaceform": "dessins anim\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q622435", "boundaries": [670, 682], "surfaceform": "Looney Tunes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1750628", "boundaries": [688, 703], "surfaceform": "Merrie Melodies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q622435", "boundaries": [670, 682], "surfaceform": "Looney Tunes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183102", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Bugs Bunny", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13888900-0", "title": "La Danse du spirou", "uri": "None", "text": "Reprise ensuite par Jacques H\u00e9lian et \u00c9mile Prud'homme, par Georges Laure, par Lucien Jeunesse, par Louis Ledrich et Jean Veldy, ainsi que Carlo Deman. Et dans les ann\u00e9es 1980 par Baldo Leone dit \u00ab\u00a0Baldo\u00a0\u00bb. Elle est tr\u00e8s populaire en France et dans les pays francophones \u00e0 la Lib\u00e9ration et dans les ann\u00e9es de l'apr\u00e8s-guerre. Elle a donn\u00e9 naissance \u00e0 une danse figurative, cens\u00e9e imiter les mouvements de l'\u00e9cureuil (en wallon \"spirou\" signifie \"\u00e9cureuil\"). Cette chanson s'est export\u00e9e jusqu'aux \u00c9tats-Unis ; elle a probablement inspir\u00e9 par la suite \"La Danse des canards\" (parue en 1957) de l'accord\u00e9oniste Werner Thomas.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3159138", "boundaries": [20, 34], "surfaceform": "Jacques H\u00e9lian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q21091587", "boundaries": [38, 54], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mile Prud'homme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q42187865", "boundaries": [60, 73], "surfaceform": "Georges Laure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1873393", "boundaries": [79, 94], "surfaceform": "Lucien Jeunesse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q47217742", "boundaries": [100, 113], "surfaceform": "Louis Ledrich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [117, 127], "surfaceform": "Jean Veldy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q13456150", "boundaries": [139, 150], "surfaceform": "Carlo Deman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [164, 175], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [171, 175], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [180, 191], "surfaceform": "Baldo Leone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q697829", "boundaries": [276, 286], "surfaceform": "Lib\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [354, 370], "surfaceform": "danse figurative", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q858243", "boundaries": [406, 414], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cureuil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34219", "boundaries": [419, 425], "surfaceform": "wallon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "", "boundaries": [427, 433], "surfaceform": "spirou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [496, 506], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1344584", "boundaries": [551, 571], "surfaceform": "La Danse des canards", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q5311", "boundaries": [583, 587], "surfaceform": "1957", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1957^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [583, 587], "surfaceform": "1957", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1863064", "boundaries": [594, 607], "surfaceform": "accord\u00e9oniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q327755", "boundaries": [608, 621], "surfaceform": "Werner Thomas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q327755", "boundaries": [608, 621], "surfaceform": "Werner Thomas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1863064", "boundaries": [594, 607], "surfaceform": "accord\u00e9oniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13889947-0", "title": "Sur les vertus", "uri": "None", "text": "Sur les vertus est le dix-neuvi\u00e8me trait\u00e9 des \"Enn\u00e9ades\", et deuxi\u00e8me livre de la premi\u00e8re Enn\u00e9ade qui traite de morale, r\u00e9dig\u00e9 par Plotin. Celui-ci prend pour sujet les vertus, et ses liens avec l'\u00e2me.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Sur les vertus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1156747", "boundaries": [47, 55], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [132, 138], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1156747", "boundaries": [47, 55], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [132, 138], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14117587-0", "title": "Bad Batch", "uri": "None", "text": "La ', surnomm\u00e9e le ', est une escouade fictive de l'univers \u00e9tendu de \"Star Wars\". Elle est constitu\u00e9e de soldats clones g\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement modifi\u00e9s qui servent la R\u00e9publique galactique lors de la guerre des clones.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2703797", "boundaries": [30, 38], "surfaceform": "escouade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3551295", "boundaries": [52, 66], "surfaceform": "univers \u00e9tendu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q462", "boundaries": [71, 80], "surfaceform": "Star Wars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q51796", "boundaries": [106, 120], "surfaceform": "soldats clones", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q182726", "boundaries": [121, 143], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement modifi\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q733195", "boundaries": [159, 180], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique galactique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1133061", "boundaries": [192, 209], "surfaceform": "guerre des clones", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1133061", "boundaries": [192, 209], "surfaceform": "guerre des clones", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q733195", "boundaries": [159, 180], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique galactique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14123345-0", "title": "Andrea Doria (cuirass\u00e9)", "uri": "None", "text": "* Andrea Doria est un cuirass\u00e9 pr\u00e9-dreadnought de la Regia Marina (marine imp\u00e9riale italienne) de la classe Ruggiero di Lauria, entr\u00e9 en service en 1891 et d\u00e9sarm\u00e9 en 1911", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "Andrea Doria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q182531", "boundaries": [22, 30], "surfaceform": "cuirass\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1051067", "boundaries": [31, 46], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9-dreadnought", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q855186", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "Regia Marina", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [101, 126], "surfaceform": "classe Ruggiero di Lauria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1891^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "1891", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1911^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [167, 171], "surfaceform": "1911", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1051067", "boundaries": [31, 46], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9-dreadnought", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q182531", "boundaries": [22, 30], "surfaceform": "cuirass\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "783150-0", "title": "Basij", "uri": "Q750202", "text": "Le Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij (\u00ab force de mobilisation de la r\u00e9sistance \u00bb), couramment appel\u00e9 le Bassidj (transcrit aussi en Basij, le mot persan signifiant \u00ab\u00a0mobilis\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb), est une force paramilitaire iranienne qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 fond\u00e9e par l'ayatollah Khomeini en novembre 1979 afin de fournir des jeunes volontaires populaires aux troupes d'\u00e9lite dans la guerre Iran-Irak.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q750202", "boundaries": [22, 27], "surfaceform": "Basij", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q750202", "boundaries": [123, 128], "surfaceform": "Basij", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q9168", "boundaries": [137, 143], "surfaceform": "persan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q207320", "boundaries": [184, 197], "surfaceform": "paramilitaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184402", "boundaries": [231, 240], "surfaceform": "ayatollah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38823", "boundaries": [241, 249], "surfaceform": "Khomeini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "1979-11-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [253, 266], "surfaceform": "novembre 1979", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2484", "boundaries": [262, 266], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q82664", "boundaries": [345, 361], "surfaceform": "guerre Iran-Irak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q750202", "boundaries": [22, 27], "surfaceform": "Basij", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q82664", "boundaries": [345, 361], "surfaceform": "guerre Iran-Irak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "847331-0", "title": "Tendre est la nuit", "uri": "Q247372", "text": "Tendre est la nuit (titre original : \"\") est le quatri\u00e8me roman de l'auteur am\u00e9ricain Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Il ne conna\u00eet aucun succ\u00e8s lors de sa parution aux \u00e9ditions Scribner en 1934. \u00c0 la mort de l'\u00e9crivain, le , il n'est m\u00eame plus disponible dans les librairies. Inspir\u00e9 de ses ann\u00e9es sur la C\u00f4te d'Azur, et notamment de la schizophr\u00e9nie de Zelda, sa femme, \"Tendre est la nuit\" m\u00eale avec g\u00e9nie le clinquant \u00e0 l'intime et est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme le chef-d'\u0153uvre de Francis Scott Fitzgerald. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q247372", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "Tendre est la nuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q93354", "boundaries": [86, 110], "surfaceform": "Francis Scott Fitzgerald", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q845617", "boundaries": [163, 180], "surfaceform": "\u00e9ditions Scribner", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1934^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [184, 188], "surfaceform": "1934", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q182822", "boundaries": [300, 311], "surfaceform": "C\u00f4te d'Azur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41112", "boundaries": [332, 345], "surfaceform": "schizophr\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q187324", "boundaries": [349, 354], "surfaceform": "Zelda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q247372", "boundaries": [367, 385], "surfaceform": "Tendre est la nuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q93354", "boundaries": [469, 493], "surfaceform": "Francis Scott Fitzgerald", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q247372", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "Tendre est la nuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q93354", "boundaries": [86, 110], "surfaceform": "Francis Scott Fitzgerald", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "6086736-0", "title": "Nikon D800", "uri": "Q1992016", "text": "Le Nikon D800 est un appareil photographique reflex num\u00e9rique professionnel plein format de , pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par Nikon le .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1992016", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Nikon D800", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 13], "surfaceform": "800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q196342", "boundaries": [21, 61], "surfaceform": "appareil photographique reflex num\u00e9rique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1218180", "boundaries": [107, 112], "surfaceform": "Nikon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1992016", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Nikon D800", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1218180", "boundaries": [107, 112], "surfaceform": "Nikon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "486898-1", "title": "Core Design", "uri": "Q869104", "text": "Core Design s'est d'abord illustr\u00e9e sur micro-ordinateurs 16 bits, avec \"Rick Dangerous\", leur premier jeu original, \"Thunderhawk\" ou encore \"Chuck Rock\". Par la suite, le studio s'ouvre au march\u00e9 des consoles et cesse ses activit\u00e9s d'\u00e9dition en 1996. La m\u00eame ann\u00e9e, Core Design conna\u00eet un succ\u00e8s retentissant avec \"Tomb Raider\" et son h\u00e9ro\u00efne Lara Croft, qui deviennent l'une des sagas et l'un des personnages de jeu vid\u00e9o les plus populaires de la deuxi\u00e8me moiti\u00e9 des ann\u00e9es 1990. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q869104", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Core Design", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q16338", "boundaries": [40, 56], "surfaceform": "micro-ordinateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [58, 60], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1872394", "boundaries": [73, 87], "surfaceform": "Rick Dangerous", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2452600", "boundaries": [118, 129], "surfaceform": "Thunderhawk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1983421", "boundaries": [142, 152], "surfaceform": "Chuck Rock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [201, 208], "surfaceform": "console", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q973268", "boundaries": [246, 250], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [246, 250], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q869104", "boundaries": [267, 278], "surfaceform": "Core Design", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q270503", "boundaries": [316, 327], "surfaceform": "Tomb Raider", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q223684", "boundaries": [344, 354], "surfaceform": "Lara Croft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1569167", "boundaries": [399, 423], "surfaceform": "personnages de jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [470, 481], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1872394", "boundaries": [73, 87], "surfaceform": "Rick Dangerous", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q869104", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Core Design", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2452600", "boundaries": [118, 129], "surfaceform": "Thunderhawk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q869104", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Core Design", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.51904296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q270503", "boundaries": [316, 327], "surfaceform": "Tomb Raider", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q223684", "boundaries": [344, 354], "surfaceform": "Lara Croft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q223684", "boundaries": [344, 354], "surfaceform": "Lara Croft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1569167", "boundaries": [399, 423], "surfaceform": "personnages de jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "420402-0", "title": "Supercoupe d'Espagne de football", "uri": "Q485997", "text": "La Supercoupe d'Espagne de football (en ) est une comp\u00e9tition de football opposant le vainqueur du Championnat d'Espagne au vainqueur de la Coupe d'Espagne, disput\u00e9e en matchs aller-retour. Jusqu'en 1995, en cas de doubl\u00e9 Coupe-Championnat par une \u00e9quipe, le troph\u00e9e lui \u00e9tait remis automatiquement. Depuis, c'est le finaliste de la Coupe qui affronte le vainqueur du doubl\u00e9 Coupe-Championnat. En 2018, la comp\u00e9tition se d\u00e9roule sur un seul match. \u00c0 partir de , la Supercoupe se dispute en format Final Four avec quatre \u00e9quipes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q485997", "boundaries": [3, 35], "surfaceform": "Supercoupe d'Espagne de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q13406554", "boundaries": [50, 61], "surfaceform": "comp\u00e9tition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q324867", "boundaries": [99, 120], "surfaceform": "Championnat d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q483794", "boundaries": [140, 155], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2813233", "boundaries": [199, 203], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1995^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [199, 203], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q28454703", "boundaries": [397, 401], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [397, 401], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q60572554", "boundaries": [465, 475], "surfaceform": "Supercoupe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q485997", "boundaries": [3, 35], "surfaceform": "Supercoupe d'Espagne de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.943359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q324867", "boundaries": [99, 120], "surfaceform": "Championnat d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q483794", "boundaries": [140, 155], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [65, 73], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "8846-0", "title": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "uri": "Q185682", "text": "L\u2019Indochine fran\u00e7aise est un territoire de l'ancien empire colonial fran\u00e7ais, dont elle \u00e9tait la possession la plus riche et la plus peupl\u00e9e. Officiellement nomm\u00e9e Union indochinoise puis F\u00e9d\u00e9ration indochinoise, elle fut fond\u00e9e en 1887 et regroupait, jusqu'\u00e0 sa disparition en 1954, diverses entit\u00e9s poss\u00e9d\u00e9es ou domin\u00e9es par la France en Extr\u00eame-Orient : trois pays d'Asie du Sud-Est aujourd'hui ind\u00e9pendants, le Vietnam, le Laos et le Cambodge, ainsi qu'une portion de territoire chinois situ\u00e9e dans l'actuelle province du Guangdong.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q185682", "boundaries": [2, 21], "surfaceform": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179023", "boundaries": [52, 76], "surfaceform": "empire colonial fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7826", "boundaries": [232, 236], "surfaceform": "1887", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1887^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [232, 236], "surfaceform": "1887", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18581", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1954^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [330, 336], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42225", "boundaries": [340, 354], "surfaceform": "Extr\u00eame-Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11708", "boundaries": [370, 385], "surfaceform": "Asie du Sud-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q881", "boundaries": [415, 422], "surfaceform": "Vietnam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q819", "boundaries": [427, 431], "surfaceform": "Laos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q424", "boundaries": [438, 446], "surfaceform": "Cambodge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [483, 490], "surfaceform": "chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15175", "boundaries": [526, 535], "surfaceform": "Guangdong", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q185682", "boundaries": [2, 21], "surfaceform": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q179023", "boundaries": [52, 76], "surfaceform": "empire colonial fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q881", "boundaries": [415, 422], "surfaceform": "Vietnam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11708", "boundaries": [370, 385], "surfaceform": "Asie du Sud-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9599609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q424", "boundaries": [438, 446], "surfaceform": "Cambodge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11708", "boundaries": [370, 385], "surfaceform": "Asie du Sud-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15175", "boundaries": [526, 535], "surfaceform": "Guangdong", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [483, 490], "surfaceform": "chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "84056-0", "title": "Madame Bovary", "uri": "Q193417", "text": "Madame Bovary. M\u0153urs de province, couramment abr\u00e9g\u00e9 en Madame Bovary, est un roman de Gustave Flaubert paru en 1857 chez Michel L\u00e9vy fr\u00e8res, apr\u00e8s une pr\u00e9parution en 1856 dans la \"Revue de Paris\". Il s'agit d'une \u0153uvre majeure de la litt\u00e9rature fran\u00e7aise et mondiale. L'histoire est celle de l'\u00e9pouse d'un m\u00e9decin de province, Emma Bovary, qui lie des relations adult\u00e8res et vit au-dessus de ses moyens, essayant ainsi d'\u00e9viter l\u2019ennui, la banalit\u00e9 et la m\u00e9diocrit\u00e9 de la vie provinciale.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193417", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Madame Bovary", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q193417", "boundaries": [55, 68], "surfaceform": "Madame Bovary", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [77, 82], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43444", "boundaries": [86, 102], "surfaceform": "Gustave Flaubert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1580567", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "1857", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1857^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "1857", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3310248", "boundaries": [121, 139], "surfaceform": "Michel L\u00e9vy fr\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q7676", "boundaries": [166, 170], "surfaceform": "1856", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1856^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [166, 170], "surfaceform": "1856", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1389508", "boundaries": [180, 194], "surfaceform": "Revue de Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q6689", "boundaries": [233, 254], "surfaceform": "litt\u00e9rature fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q43444", "boundaries": [86, 102], "surfaceform": "Gustave Flaubert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q193417", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Madame Bovary", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94482421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "59308-0", "title": "Stuart Little 2", "uri": "Q1070554", "text": "Stuart Little 2 ou Petit Stuart 2 au Qu\u00e9bec est un film am\u00e9ricain r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par Rob Minkoff, sorti en 2002. C'est la suite du film \"Stuart Little\" sorti en 1999. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 suivi par \"Stuart Little 3\" en 2005.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1070554", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [14, 15], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [32, 33], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q176", "boundaries": [37, 43], "surfaceform": "Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1151111", "boundaries": [78, 89], "surfaceform": "Rob Minkoff", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q753338", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2002^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1048958", "boundaries": [130, 143], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [154, 158], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2271822", "boundaries": [180, 195], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 3", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [194, 195], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [200, 204], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1070554", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1151111", "boundaries": [78, 89], "surfaceform": "Rob Minkoff", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9892578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1070554", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1048958", "boundaries": [130, 143], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90576171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2271822", "boundaries": [180, 195], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 3", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1070554", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Stuart Little 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "117417-0", "title": "IBM PC", "uri": "Q202712", "text": "L\u2019IBM Personal Computer ou IBM PC, mod\u00e8le 5150, est un ordinateur personnel produit, \u00e0 partir de 1981 \u00e0 plusieurs millions d'exemplaires par IBM (\u00e0 la diff\u00e9rence de ses trois pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseurs IBM 5100 et 5110, et \"Syst\u00e8me 23 Datamaster\" qui ne resta au catalogue que quelques semaines). Il assura quelque temps \u00e0 IBM 21 % du march\u00e9 des micro-ordinateurs, bien que celui-ci n'ait alors constitu\u00e9 qu'une fraction minime du chiffre d'affaires de cette soci\u00e9t\u00e9. En 1985, la division PC d'IBM employait personnes et d\u00e9gageait un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice brut annuel de 4,5 milliards de dollars.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q202712", "boundaries": [27, 33], "surfaceform": "IBM PC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+5150^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [42, 46], "surfaceform": "5150", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16338", "boundaries": [55, 75], "surfaceform": "ordinateur personnel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1981^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1981", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [141, 144], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q429802", "boundaries": [189, 205], "surfaceform": "IBM 5100 et 5110", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+5100^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "5100", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5110^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "5110", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+23^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [219, 221], "surfaceform": "23", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+21^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [314, 316], "surfaceform": "21", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [458, 462], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+4.5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [545, 548], "surfaceform": "4,5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q202712", "boundaries": [27, 33], "surfaceform": "IBM PC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [141, 144], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q429802", "boundaries": [189, 205], "surfaceform": "IBM 5100 et 5110", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [141, 144], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "65823-1", "title": "Castoridae", "uri": "Q261363", "text": "Cette famille a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9crite pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 1820 par le naturaliste allemand Wilhelm Hemprich (1796-1825).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6973", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "1820", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1820^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "1820", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [65, 76], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q62240", "boundaries": [86, 102], "surfaceform": "Wilhelm Hemprich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1796^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "1796", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1825^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 113], "surfaceform": "-1825", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q62240", "boundaries": [86, 102], "surfaceform": "Wilhelm Hemprich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [65, 76], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.978515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "66202-0", "title": "Boeing 747", "uri": "Q179", "text": "Le Boeing 747 est un avion de ligne \u00e0 r\u00e9action am\u00e9ricain \u00e0 fuselage large construit depuis 1969 par Boeing, souvent d\u00e9sign\u00e9 par son surnom, \"\" ou Reine des Ciels. Sa \u00ab bosse \u00bb caract\u00e9ristique \u00e0 l'avant du fuselage fait du 747 un appareil particuli\u00e8rement reconnaissable. Le 747 est \u00e9galement le premier avion de ligne \u00e0 fuselage large. Construit aux \u00c9tats-Unis par le groupe Boeing Commercial Airplanes, le 747 dans sa premi\u00e8re version a une capacit\u00e9 deux fois et demi sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 celle du Boeing 707 qui est l'un des grands avions commerciaux des ann\u00e9es 1960. Effectuant son premier vol le et mis en service en , le 747 d\u00e9tient pendant le record de la capacit\u00e9 de passagers, jusqu'\u00e0 l'arriv\u00e9e de l'Airbus A380.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q179", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 747", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 13], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q210932", "boundaries": [21, 35], "surfaceform": "avion de ligne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q206592", "boundaries": [36, 46], "surfaceform": "\u00e0 r\u00e9action", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q309078", "boundaries": [59, 73], "surfaceform": "fuselage large", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2485", "boundaries": [91, 95], "surfaceform": "1969", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1969^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [91, 95], "surfaceform": "1969", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [100, 106], "surfaceform": "Boeing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [222, 225], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [274, 277], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [350, 360], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [375, 402], "surfaceform": "Boeing Commercial Airplanes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [407, 410], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [491, 501], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [498, 501], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [556, 560], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [618, 621], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5830", "boundaries": [700, 711], "surfaceform": "Airbus A380", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+380^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [708, 711], "surfaceform": "380", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q179", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 747", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [100, 106], "surfaceform": "Boeing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [491, 501], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [350, 360], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.5673828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [491, 501], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [100, 106], "surfaceform": "Boeing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "40612-1", "title": "NeXT", "uri": "Q308993", "text": "Le premier ordinateur NeXT a \u00e9t\u00e9 pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 en 1988 et le NeXTstation en 1990. Les ventes des ordinateurs NeXT ont \u00e9t\u00e9 relativement limit\u00e9es, avec des estimations d'environ \u00a0unit\u00e9s livr\u00e9es au total. N\u00e9anmoins, son syst\u00e8me d'exploitation innovant orient\u00e9 objet, nomm\u00e9 NeXTSTEP, et son environnement de d\u00e9veloppement ont \u00e9t\u00e9 tr\u00e8s influents. \u00c0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1980, Tim Berners-Lee a invent\u00e9 le World Wide Web sur un ordinateur NeXT.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q308993", "boundaries": [22, 26], "surfaceform": "NeXT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2426", "boundaries": [45, 49], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1988^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [45, 49], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1426558", "boundaries": [56, 67], "surfaceform": "NeXTstation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2064", "boundaries": [71, 75], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [71, 75], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q308993", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "NeXT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q831367", "boundaries": [265, 273], "surfaceform": "NeXTSTEP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [357, 361], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q80", "boundaries": [363, 378], "surfaceform": "Tim Berners-Lee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q466", "boundaries": [392, 406], "surfaceform": "World Wide Web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q308993", "boundaries": [425, 429], "surfaceform": "NeXT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1426558", "boundaries": [56, 67], "surfaceform": "NeXTstation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q308993", "boundaries": [22, 26], "surfaceform": "NeXT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q831367", "boundaries": [265, 273], "surfaceform": "NeXTSTEP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q308993", "boundaries": [22, 26], "surfaceform": "NeXT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q80", "boundaries": [363, 378], "surfaceform": "Tim Berners-Lee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q466", "boundaries": [392, 406], "surfaceform": "World Wide Web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.70263671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "40668-0", "title": "The Smashing Pumpkins", "uri": "Q184217", "text": "The Smashing Pumpkins est un groupe de rock alternatif am\u00e9ricain, originaire de Chicago, dans l'Illinois. Il est form\u00e9 en 1987 par le chanteur et guitariste Billy Corgan, seul membre \u00e0 avoir particip\u00e9 \u00e0 tous les albums du groupe. Il est historiquement compos\u00e9 de Billy Corgan, James Iha, Jimmy Chamberlin et D'Arcy Wretzky. James Iha et D'Arcy Wretzky sont alors remplac\u00e9s par Jeff Schroeder et Ginger Reyes pour les prestations live D'arcy en cour de l'ann\u00e9e 2000 et James Iha pour l'album Zeitgeist en 2007. Le groupe fait usage d'\u00e9l\u00e9ments issus de divers autres genres musicaux incluant rock gothique, heavy metal, dream pop, rock psych\u00e9d\u00e9lique, rock progressif, shoegazing, et electronica dans les derniers albums.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q184217", "boundaries": [0, 21], "surfaceform": "The Smashing Pumpkins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q215380", "boundaries": [29, 35], "surfaceform": "groupe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11366", "boundaries": [39, 54], "surfaceform": "rock alternatif", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [55, 64], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1297", "boundaries": [80, 87], "surfaceform": "Chicago", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1204", "boundaries": [96, 104], "surfaceform": "Illinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2354878", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Me", "type": 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{"docid": "36101-1", "title": "Dream Theater", "uri": "Q162586", "text": "Form\u00e9 en 1985 par le guitariste John Petrucci, le batteur Mike Portnoy et le bassiste John Myung, le groupe est compl\u00e9t\u00e9 par le clavi\u00e9riste Kevin Moore et dans un premier temps par le chanteur Chris Collins avant que celui-ci ne soit remplac\u00e9 par Charlie Dominici. Dream Theater sort son premier album ' en 1989 mais c'est en 1992 avec l'album ' qu'il conna\u00eet le succ\u00e8s. Le groupe allie \u00e0 la fois la complexit\u00e9 des compositions propre au rock progressif, une grande ma\u00eetrise technique et un son proche du heavy metal. Apr\u00e8s une longue tourn\u00e9e mondiale, ils sortent en 1994 l'album ' dans la continuit\u00e9 du pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent puis une longue suite progressive de 23 minutes intitul\u00e9e ' (1995). Leur maison de disque souhaite alors capitaliser sur leur succ\u00e8s et les incite \u00e0 composer un album plus commercial avec des morceaux pouvant \u00eatre facilement diffus\u00e9s \u00e0 la radio. L'\u00e9chec relatif de l'album ' (1998) leur permet de retrouver leur libert\u00e9 artistique. En 1999, ils sortent avec leur nouveau clavi\u00e9riste Jordan Rudess l'album ', un concept-album dans la tradition du rock progressif.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [9, 13], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q211976", "boundaries": [32, 45], "surfaceform": "John Petrucci", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q221468", "boundaries": [58, 70], "surfaceform": "Mike Portnoy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q280734", "boundaries": [86, 96], "surfaceform": "John Myung", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q347159", "boundaries": [140, 151], "surfaceform": "Kevin Moore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q861156", "boundaries": [193, 206], "surfaceform": "Chris Collins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q860299", "boundaries": [247, 263], "surfaceform": "Charlie Dominici", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q162586", "boundaries": 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Jordan Rudess, Mike Portnoy et John Petrucci ont particip\u00e9 avec Tony Levin \u00e0 Liquid Tension Experiment et Mike Portnoy fait partie avec Neal Morse (ex Spock's Beard), Roine Stolt (The Flower Kings) et Pete Trewavas (Marillion) du \u00ab supergroupe \u00bb de rock progressif Transatlantic.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q162586", "boundaries": [49, 62], "surfaceform": "Dream Theater", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q4572438", "boundaries": [184, 192], "surfaceform": "Ty Tabor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q175514", "boundaries": [194, 202], "surfaceform": "King's X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1361389", "boundaries": [207, 222], "surfaceform": "Rod Morgenstein", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q906619", "boundaries": [224, 235], "surfaceform": "Dixie Dregs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q657617", "boundaries": [249, 257], "surfaceform": "Platypus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q650002", 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{"docid": "12425-1", "title": "Maastricht", "uri": "Q1309", "text": "Maastricht se d\u00e9veloppe \u00e0 partir d'une colonie romaine en un centre religieux, puis en une ville de garnison et enfin en une ville pr\u00e9-industrielle. La ville est connue pour \u00eatre une cit\u00e9 d'histoire, de culture, de folklore local et de traditions, mais surtout pour \u00eatre le lieu de signature du trait\u00e9 de Maastricht, lieu de naissance de l'Union europ\u00e9enne, de la citoyennet\u00e9 de l'Union europ\u00e9enne, de la libre circulation des biens et des personnes, et de la monnaie unique : l'euro. Anciennement, en fran\u00e7ais, la ville est appel\u00e9e \"Ma\u00ebstricht\" ou \"Maestricht\", ainsi que \"Mastrique\" en espagnol. \"Maestricht\" est l'ancienne orthographe n\u00e9erlandaise. \"Ma\u00ebstricht\" se rencontre anciennement en fran\u00e7ais, tandis que \"Maestricht\" reste la forme fran\u00e7aise normalis\u00e9e. Une rue de la ville de Li\u00e8ge (quai de Maestricht) et une rue de la ville de Vis\u00e9 (rue de Maestricht) portent par ailleurs toujours ce nom.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1309", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Maastricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11146", "boundaries": [295, 315], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de Maastricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1309", "boundaries": [305, 315], "surfaceform": "Maastricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [340, 356], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q363404", "boundaries": [364, 397], "surfaceform": "citoyennet\u00e9 de l'Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4916", "boundaries": [479, 483], "surfaceform": "euro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q150", "boundaries": [502, 510], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1321", "boundaries": [588, 596], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7411", "boundaries": [638, 650], "surfaceform": "n\u00e9erlandaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19407206", "boundaries": [795, 813], "surfaceform": "quai de Maestricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49743", "boundaries": [841, 845], "surfaceform": "Vis\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11146", "boundaries": [295, 315], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de Maastricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1309", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Maastricht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "915176-0", "title": "Cent ans de solitude", "uri": "Q178869", "text": "Cent ans de solitude (titre original : \"\") est un roman de langue espagnole, \u00e9crit par le romancier, nouvelliste et journaliste colombien Gabriel Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez, prix Nobel de litt\u00e9rature en 1982. Il est r\u00e9dig\u00e9 en 1965 au Mexique et publi\u00e9 deux ans plus tard, en mai 1967, \u00e0 Buenos Aires, en Argentine, par Editorial Sudamericana. Le premier tirage compte pr\u00e8s de huit mille exemplaires. L'ouvrage, d\u00e9fini par la critique comme le chef-d'\u0153uvre de son auteur, est souvent class\u00e9 parmi les plus grands romans du . Il a permis \u00e0 Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez d'entrer, de son vivant dans la liste des livres de tous les temps en 2002. 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{"docid": "13948075-0", "title": "Consid\u00e9rations diverses", "uri": "None", "text": "Consid\u00e9rations diverses est le treizi\u00e8me trait\u00e9 des \"Enn\u00e9ades\", et neuvi\u00e8me livre de la troisi\u00e8me Enn\u00e9ade qui traite du monde, dans sa dimension th\u00e9ologique et m\u00e9taphysique, r\u00e9dig\u00e9 par Plotin. Celui-ci prend surtout pour sujet la providence naturelle.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Consid\u00e9rations diverses", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1156747", "boundaries": [53, 61], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [185, 191], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1156747", "boundaries": [53, 61], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [185, 191], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13948424-0", "title": "Homo arabicus", "uri": "None", "text": "Homo arabicus (litt\u00e9ralement \u00ab homme arabe \u00bb) est un taxon obsol\u00e8te d\u00e9signant une esp\u00e8ce du genre \"Homo\". Il est invent\u00e9 en 1825 par le naturaliste fran\u00e7ais Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent. Il est \u00e9galement appel\u00e9 esp\u00e8ce arabique.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Homo arabicus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q16521", "boundaries": [53, 58], "surfaceform": "taxon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q171283", "boundaries": [99, 103], "surfaceform": "Homo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6997", "boundaries": [124, 128], "surfaceform": "1825", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1825^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [124, 128], "surfaceform": "1825", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [136, 147], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q121842", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1345319", "boundaries": [157, 192], "surfaceform": "Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q171283", "boundaries": [99, 103], "surfaceform": "Homo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q16521", "boundaries": [53, 58], "surfaceform": "taxon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95654296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1345319", "boundaries": [157, 192], "surfaceform": "Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18805", "boundaries": [136, 147], "surfaceform": "naturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13881227-0", "title": "Sara la baigneuse", "uri": "None", "text": "Sara la baigneuse est une m\u00e9lodie compos\u00e9e par Hector Berlioz sur un po\u00e8me de Victor Hugo extrait des \"Orientales\", publi\u00e9 en 1829. Compos\u00e9e en 1834 et r\u00e9vis\u00e9e jusqu'en 1850, cette m\u00e9lodie est confi\u00e9e \u00e0 un triple ch\u0153ur accompagn\u00e9 par l'orchestre.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Sara la baigneuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q4797274", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9lodie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [47, 61], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q535", "boundaries": [78, 89], "surfaceform": "Victor Hugo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3085613", "boundaries": [103, 113], "surfaceform": "Orientales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2377171", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1829", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1829^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1829", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2810038", "boundaries": [144, 148], "surfaceform": "1834", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1834^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [144, 148], "surfaceform": "1834", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2810203", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1850", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1850^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1850", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2972150", "boundaries": [213, 218], "surfaceform": "ch\u0153ur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q239582", "boundaries": [236, 245], "surfaceform": "orchestre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3085613", "boundaries": [103, 113], "surfaceform": "Orientales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q535", "boundaries": [78, 89], "surfaceform": "Victor Hugo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13830725-0", "title": "Solo Piano", "uri": "None", "text": "Le morceau \"Dot\" a \u00e9t\u00e9 utilis\u00e9 pour la bande-son du film \"Je crois que je l'aime\" de Pierre Jolivet sorti en 2007. Ce titre est \u00e9galement le g\u00e9n\u00e9rique de l'\u00e9mission de radio \"Hors-Champs\" pr\u00e9sent\u00e9e par Laure Adler sur France Culture. Le morceau \"Gogol\" a \u00e9t\u00e9 utilis\u00e9 pour la pub de B for Bank et du film \"Paris, je t'aime\", s\u00e9quence Montmartre de Bruno Podalyd\u00e8s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q217199", "boundaries": [39, 48], "surfaceform": "bande-son", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3163411", "boundaries": [58, 80], "surfaceform": "Je crois que je l'aime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q535127", "boundaries": [85, 99], "surfaceform": "Pierre Jolivet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [109, 113], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3218743", "boundaries": [202, 213], "surfaceform": "Laure Adler", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q19908", "boundaries": [218, 232], "surfaceform": "France Culture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q310617", "boundaries": [305, 321], "surfaceform": "Paris, je t'aime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q993671", "boundaries": [347, 362], "surfaceform": "Bruno Podalyd\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3163411", "boundaries": [58, 80], "surfaceform": "Je crois que je l'aime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q535127", "boundaries": [85, 99], "surfaceform": "Pierre Jolivet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q310617", "boundaries": [305, 321], "surfaceform": "Paris, je t'aime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q993671", "boundaries": [347, 362], "surfaceform": "Bruno Podalyd\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98193359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13831843-0", "title": "Capelito", "uri": "None", "text": "Capelito est une s\u00e9rie t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e d'animation espagnole en stop-motion en 26 \u00e9pisodes de 5 minutes, r\u00e9alis\u00e9e et cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Rodolfo Pastor. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 diffus\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois \u00e0 partir du dans Debout les Zouzous.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Capelito", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q5398426", "boundaries": [17, 32], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11425", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "espagnole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q308876", "boundaries": [58, 69], "surfaceform": "stop-motion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+26^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [73, 75], "surfaceform": "26", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [88, 89], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3236262", "boundaries": [196, 214], "surfaceform": "Debout les Zouzous", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q308876", "boundaries": [58, 69], "surfaceform": "stop-motion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11425", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6201171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13786360-0", "title": "Liste des familles de la noblesse roumaine", "uri": "None", "text": "Les familles de la noblesse roumaine (en roumain: \"nobilimea rom\u00e2n\u0103\") sont celles jadis d\u00e9tentrices de la terre et de franchises sp\u00e9cifiques appel\u00e9es \"jus valachicum\", essentiellement issues des trois principaut\u00e9s o\u00f9 vivaient les populations roumanophones : la Principaut\u00e9 de Transylvanie (1111-1867), la Principaut\u00e9 de Valachie (1330-1859) et la Principaut\u00e9 de Moldavie (1359-1859). La noblesse roumaine ne ressemble pas aux aristocraties occidentales : il ne s'agissait initialement pas d'une noblesse titr\u00e9e (exception faites pour les familles qui ont re\u00e7u, au fil de l\u2019histoire, des titres de l\u2019empereur du Saint-Empire, le roi de Pologne, le tsar de Russie). Les nobles roumains (en roumain \"nobilii rom\u00e2ni\") \u00e9taient globalement d\u00e9sign\u00e9s comme \u00ab boyards \u00bb (en roumain : \"boieri\") et les plus anciens \u00e9taient, pour certains, issus des \"boilas\" bulgares, ou bien d'origine coumane comme la dynastie des Basarab ; \u00e0 partir du s'y adjoignirent de nombreuses familles d'origine grecque, albanaise ou autre, indistinctement qualifi\u00e9es de \u00ab\u00a0phanariotes\u00a0\u00bb parce que la plupart venaient du Phanar, quartier chr\u00e9tien de Constantinople ; inversement, en Transylvanie la noblesse roumaine est progressivement devenue hongroise \u00e0 l'exemple des Corvinides ou de la famille Nopcea, et en Moldavie elle est devenue russe comme une partie de la famille Movil\u0103.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7913", "boundaries": [41, 48], "surfaceform": "roumain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23056103", "boundaries": [118, 140], "surfaceform": "franchises sp\u00e9cifiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q928428", "boundaries": [151, 165], "surfaceform": "jus valachicum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q485150", "boundaries": [230, 241], "surfaceform": "populations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7913", "boundaries": [242, 255], "surfaceform": "roumanophones", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q655621", "boundaries": [261, 288], "surfaceform": "Principaut\u00e9 de Transylvanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1111^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1111", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1867^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [294, 299], "surfaceform": "-1867", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q389004", "boundaries": [305, 328], "surfaceform": "Principaut\u00e9 de Valachie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1330^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [330, 334], "surfaceform": "1330", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1859^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [334, 339], "surfaceform": "-1859", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10957559", "boundaries": [347, 370], "surfaceform": "Principaut\u00e9 de Moldavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1359^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [372, 376], "surfaceform": "1359", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1859^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [376, 381], "surfaceform": "-1859", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q60833572", "boundaries": [387, 404], "surfaceform": "noblesse roumaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q203563", "boundaries": [751, 758], "surfaceform": "boyards", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q110117", "boundaries": [848, 856], "surfaceform": "bulgares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1035516", "boundaries": [876, 883], "surfaceform": "coumane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2275486", "boundaries": [893, 913], "surfaceform": "dynastie des Basarab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q645118", "boundaries": [1039, 1050], "surfaceform": "phanariotes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q985842", "boundaries": [1086, 1092], "surfaceform": "Phanar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16869", "boundaries": [1115, 1129], "surfaceform": "Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q60833572", "boundaries": [1164, 1181], "surfaceform": "noblesse roumaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q927915", "boundaries": [1210, 1219], "surfaceform": "hongroise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [1236, 1246], "surfaceform": "Corvinides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [1264, 1270], "surfaceform": "Nopcea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q18366588", "boundaries": [1278, 1286], "surfaceform": "Moldavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q971558", "boundaries": [1304, 1309], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q567959", "boundaries": [1341, 1347], "surfaceform": "Movil\u0103", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q645118", "boundaries": [1039, 1050], "surfaceform": "phanariotes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q16869", "boundaries": [1115, 1129], "surfaceform": "Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.429931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13788195-0", "title": "Freud Wars", "uri": "None", "text": "Les Freud Wars d\u00e9signe une s\u00e9rie de pol\u00e9miques autour de la figure de Sigmund Freud et de la psychanalyse qui ont eu lieu dans la presse am\u00e9ricaine autour de \u00e0 , puis ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9actualis\u00e9es en France entre et , avec le \"Livre noir de la psychanalyse\" et le \"Cr\u00e9puscule d'une idole\".", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [4, 14], "surfaceform": "Freud Wars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q9215", "boundaries": [70, 83], "surfaceform": "Sigmund Freud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q41630", "boundaries": [93, 105], "surfaceform": "psychanalyse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3224042", "boundaries": [219, 248], "surfaceform": "Livre noir de la psychanalyse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3221997", "boundaries": [257, 279], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e9puscule d'une idole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q41630", "boundaries": [93, 105], "surfaceform": "psychanalyse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9215", "boundaries": [70, 83], "surfaceform": "Sigmund Freud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "13789504-1", "title": "H\u00f4tel de Noc\u00e9", "uri": "None", "text": "Des locataires c\u00e9l\u00e8bres y r\u00e9sident, notamment la comtesse Virginia de Castiglione et le com\u00e9dien Lucien Guitry, p\u00e8re de Sacha.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q276035", "boundaries": [58, 81], "surfaceform": "Virginia de Castiglione", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1225727", "boundaries": [97, 110], "surfaceform": "Lucien Guitry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q337276", "boundaries": [120, 125], "surfaceform": "Sacha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1225727", "boundaries": [97, 110], "surfaceform": "Lucien Guitry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q337276", "boundaries": [120, 125], "surfaceform": "Sacha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.34619140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14040953-0", "title": "Snookball", "uri": "None", "text": "Le Snookball est le premier sport hybride m\u00e9langeant billard (\u00ab snooker \u00bb) et football. Avec son apparition en 2014, il s'inscrit dans la lign\u00e9es des sports mixtes tels que le Teqball ou le Footgolf, ravivant l'int\u00e9r\u00eat du publique pour le genre. ", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "Snookball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3341285", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "billard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11015", "boundaries": [64, 71], "surfaceform": "snooker", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [78, 86], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q19578052", "boundaries": [176, 183], "surfaceform": "Teqball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2155787", "boundaries": [190, 198], "surfaceform": "Footgolf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11015", "boundaries": [64, 71], "surfaceform": "snooker", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3341285", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "billard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.322998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "14044857-0", "title": "Jean Dreyfus", "uri": "None", "text": "Jean Dreyfus, n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Paris et mort pour la France le \u00e0 Alger, est un militaire fran\u00e7ais, compagnon de la Lib\u00e9ration. Officier de r\u00e9serve mobilis\u00e9 au d\u00e9but de la Seconde guerre mondiale, il d\u00e9cide de s'engager dans la r\u00e9sistance apr\u00e8s l'armistice du 22 juin 1940 et meurt en contribuant au d\u00e9barquement des troupes alli\u00e9es en Afrique.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Jean Dreyfus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [22, 27], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3324507", "boundaries": [31, 50], "surfaceform": "mort pour la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3561", "boundaries": [56, 61], "surfaceform": "Alger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2990283", "boundaries": [90, 116], "surfaceform": "compagnon de la Lib\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [162, 185], "surfaceform": "Seconde guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q170360", "boundaries": [237, 262], "surfaceform": "armistice du 22 juin 1940", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "1940-06-22T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [250, 262], "surfaceform": "22 juin 1940", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q15", "boundaries": [326, 333], "surfaceform": "Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [162, 185], "surfaceform": "Seconde guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15", "boundaries": [326, 333], "surfaceform": "Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13704089-0", "title": "Joanne Radao", "uri": "None", "text": "Joanne Rina Radaoarisoa dit Joanne Radao est une auteure-compositrice-interpr\u00e8te, chanteuse et musicienne franco-malgache, n\u00e9e le \u00e0 Clamart en France. Elle vit actuellement \u00e0 Paris.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [28, 40], "surfaceform": "Joanne Radao", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q488205", "boundaries": [49, 80], "surfaceform": "auteure-compositrice-interpr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177220", "boundaries": [82, 91], "surfaceform": "chanteuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q639669", "boundaries": [95, 105], "surfaceform": "musicienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [106, 112], "surfaceform": "franco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1019", "boundaries": [113, 121], "surfaceform": "malgache", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q194160", "boundaries": [132, 139], "surfaceform": "Clamart", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [143, 149], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [175, 180], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q488205", "boundaries": [49, 80], "surfaceform": "auteure-compositrice-interpr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q177220", "boundaries": [82, 91], "surfaceform": "chanteuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6220703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13677944-0", "title": "Harley Davidson (chanson)", "uri": "None", "text": "Harley Davidson est une chanson fran\u00e7aise interpr\u00e9t\u00e9e par Brigitte Bardot, \u00e9crite et compos\u00e9e par Serge Gainsbourg en 1967.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1062400", "boundaries": [24, 41], "surfaceform": "chanson fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36268", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "Brigitte Bardot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1698", "boundaries": [98, 114], "surfaceform": "Serge Gainsbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2332014", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "1967", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1967^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "1967", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1698", "boundaries": [98, 114], "surfaceform": "Serge Gainsbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1062400", "boundaries": [24, 41], "surfaceform": "chanson fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7470703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13905683-0", "title": "Nature et formes de la sympathie", "uri": "None", "text": "Nature et formes de la sympathie. Contribution \u00e0 l'\u00e9tude des lois la vie \u00e9motionnelle (\"Wesen und Formen der Sympathie\") est une \u0153uvre du philosophe Max Scheler publi\u00e9e en 1923. C'est une version revue et augment\u00e9e du livre \"Zur Ph\u00e4nomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegef\u00fchle und von Liebe und Ha\u00df\" publi\u00e9 en 1913. Dans ce livre, M. Scheler se propose d'\u00e9tudier du point de vue de la ph\u00e9nom\u00e9nologie le sentiment de sympathie, mais \u00e9galement les sentiments d'amour et de haine. Il a pour objectif de montrer en quoi les premi\u00e8res conceptions (empiriques et g\u00e9n\u00e9tiques) de ces ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes sont entach\u00e9es d'erreur, puis de les d\u00e9passer en esquissant une th\u00e9orie des formes de la sympathie.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 32], "surfaceform": "Nature et formes de la sympathie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [138, 148], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q76521", "boundaries": [149, 160], "surfaceform": "Max Scheler", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q13440250", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "1923", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1923^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "1923", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [225, 298], "surfaceform": "Zur Ph\u00e4nomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegef\u00fchle und von Liebe und Ha\u00df", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1913^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [310, 314], "surfaceform": "1913", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q179235", "boundaries": [385, 399], "surfaceform": "ph\u00e9nom\u00e9nologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q76521", "boundaries": [149, 160], "surfaceform": "Max Scheler", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [138, 148], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.51806640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13905979-2", "title": "\u00c9glise catholique et franc-ma\u00e7onnerie", "uri": "None", "text": "Au cours du , diverses tentatives de rapprochement ont lieu, notamment apr\u00e8s chacune des deux guerres mondiales. Malgr\u00e9 la remise en question du dogme par quelques dignitaires de l'\u00c9glise et les modifications survenues dans le Code de droit canonique de 1983, la position officielle du clerg\u00e9 catholique n'a pas vari\u00e9 depuis la bulle de L\u00e9on XIII et son encyclique \"Humanum genus\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49827", "boundaries": [227, 258], "surfaceform": "Code de droit canonique de 1983", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [254, 258], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q43922", "boundaries": [337, 346], "surfaceform": "L\u00e9on XIII", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1235290", "boundaries": [366, 379], "surfaceform": "Humanum genus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1235290", "boundaries": [366, 379], "surfaceform": "Humanum genus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q43922", "boundaries": [337, 346], "surfaceform": "L\u00e9on XIII", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13944401-0", "title": "Aller-Retour (album de Bon Entendeur)", "uri": "None", "text": "Aller-Retour est le premier album du collectif fran\u00e7ais Bon Entendeur sorti chez Columbia/Sony Music.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q55595843", "boundaries": [56, 69], "surfaceform": "Bon Entendeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q183387", "boundaries": [81, 89], "surfaceform": "Columbia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q56760250", "boundaries": [90, 100], "surfaceform": "Sony Music", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q183387", "boundaries": [81, 89], "surfaceform": "Columbia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q56760250", "boundaries": [90, 100], "surfaceform": "Sony Music", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.67822265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "3772143-0", "title": "Sa Majest\u00e9 des mouches", "uri": "Q271764", "text": "Sa Majest\u00e9 des mouches (titre original : \"\") est un roman de l'auteur britannique William Golding publi\u00e9 en 1954, et paru en France en 1956. L'histoire se d\u00e9roule durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Prenant le pr\u00e9texte de l'arriv\u00e9e accidentelle d'un groupe d'enfants sur une \u00eele d\u00e9serte du Pacifique, il traite avec pessimisme de l'organisation sociale, du pouvoir et de la loi. Son titre est une traduction litt\u00e9rale du nom de Belz\u00e9buth (en h\u00e9breu, \u05d1\u05e2\u05dc \u05d6\u05d1\u05d5\u05d1), divinit\u00e9 pa\u00efenne consid\u00e9r\u00e9e dans la tradition chr\u00e9tienne comme chef des d\u00e9mons.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q271764", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Sa Majest\u00e9 des mouches", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q44183", "boundaries": [82, 97], "surfaceform": "William Golding", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2339755", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1954^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1956^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [135, 139], "surfaceform": "1956", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q202492", "boundaries": [427, 436], "surfaceform": "Belz\u00e9buth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q271764", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Sa Majest\u00e9 des mouches", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q44183", "boundaries": [82, 97], "surfaceform": "William Golding", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q44183", "boundaries": [82, 97], "surfaceform": "William Golding", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q271764", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Sa Majest\u00e9 des mouches", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94189453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "406433-0", "title": "Coupe de Roumanie de football", "uri": "Q1138388", "text": "La Coupe de Roumanie de football (en ) est une comp\u00e9tition \u00e0 \u00e9limination directe ouverte \u00e0 tous les clubs roumains affili\u00e9s \u00e0 la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Roumanie de football, quelle que soit leur division. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1933. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1138388", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Coupe de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [12, 20], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q631999", "boundaries": [129, 163], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2811590", "boundaries": [216, 220], "surfaceform": "1933", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1933^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [216, 220], "surfaceform": "1933", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1138388", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Coupe de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [12, 20], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1138388", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Coupe de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7685546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q631999", "boundaries": [129, 163], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [12, 20], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q631999", "boundaries": [129, 163], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Roumanie de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "148293-0", "title": "Nantucket", "uri": "Q49149", "text": "Nantucket est une \u00eele am\u00e9ricaine situ\u00e9e dans l'oc\u00e9an Atlantique, \u00e0 vingt et un kilom\u00e8tres au sud de la presqu'\u00eele du cap Cod, cette derni\u00e8re \u00e9tant \u00e0 une centaine de kilom\u00e8tres au sud-est de Boston. Administrativement, l'\u00eele forme avec les deux petites \u00eeles voisines de Tuckernuck et le territoire de la ville de Nantucket ainsi que le comt\u00e9 de Nantucket qui rel\u00e8ve de l'\u00c9tat du Massachusetts. Son nom, d\u00e9riv\u00e9 d'un dialecte algonquien, signifie \"Pays lointain\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49149", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6624516", "boundaries": [18, 32], "surfaceform": "\u00eele am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q97", "boundaries": [47, 63], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Atlantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49152", "boundaries": [117, 124], "surfaceform": "cap Cod", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q100", "boundaries": [190, 196], "surfaceform": "Boston", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [269, 279], "surfaceform": "Tuckernuck", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q49149", "boundaries": [312, 321], "surfaceform": "Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2991355", "boundaries": [335, 353], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9 de Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49149", "boundaries": [344, 353], "surfaceform": "Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q771", "boundaries": [378, 391], "surfaceform": "Massachusetts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33392", "boundaries": [423, 433], "surfaceform": "algonquien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q49149", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q97", "boundaries": [47, 63], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Atlantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2991355", "boundaries": [335, 353], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9 de Nantucket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q771", "boundaries": [378, 391], "surfaceform": "Massachusetts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "76315-0", "title": "Bo\u00e8ce", "uri": "Q102851", "text": "Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, commun\u00e9ment appel\u00e9 Bo\u00e8ce /bo.\u025bs/, n\u00e9 vers 480 \u00e0 Rome et mis \u00e0 mort en 524 \u00e0 Pavie par Th\u00e9odoric le Grand, est un philosophe et homme politique latin. Contemporain de Cassiodore et de Clovis, il est t\u00e9moin des derniers feux de l'Empire romain. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q102851", "boundaries": [55, 60], "surfaceform": "Bo\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q30329", "boundaries": [78, 81], "surfaceform": "480", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+480^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [78, 81], "surfaceform": "480", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q31834", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "524", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+524^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "524", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6259", "boundaries": [112, 117], "surfaceform": "Pavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q105105", "boundaries": [122, 140], "surfaceform": "Th\u00e9odoric le Grand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q192365", "boundaries": [202, 212], "surfaceform": "Cassiodore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q82339", "boundaries": [219, 225], "surfaceform": "Clovis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q608613", "boundaries": [245, 277], "surfaceform": "derniers feux de l'Empire romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q102851", "boundaries": [55, 60], "surfaceform": "Bo\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.978515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "76315-1", "title": "Bo\u00e8ce", "uri": "Q102851", "text": "Il fut \u00e0 la fois chr\u00e9tien et adepte de la doctrine d'Aristote, dont il commente les \u00e9crits, ses trait\u00e9s de th\u00e9ologie, de philosophie, de math\u00e9matique et de musique. Son travail a \u00e9t\u00e9 la source antique principale de la philosophie m\u00e9di\u00e9vale avant le . Son trait\u00e9 \"Logica vetus\" (logique ancienne) comprenait entre autres ses traductions latines de l\"'Organon\" (\"Analytiques I et II\"), des \"Cat\u00e9gories\", des \"Topiques\", et \"De l'Interpr\u00e9tation\" d'Aristote, qu'il a transmis en Occident avant que soient connus les commentaires d'Averro\u00e8s. P\u00e9dagogue, il est l'inventeur du terme quadrivium (quadruple voie) pour d\u00e9signer l'apprentissage de l'arithm\u00e9tique, de la g\u00e9om\u00e9trie, de la musique et de l'astronomie, qui devait suivre le trivium (grammaire, dialectique et rh\u00e9torique).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q868", "boundaries": [53, 61], "surfaceform": "Aristote", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q192292", "boundaries": [218, 239], "surfaceform": "philosophie m\u00e9di\u00e9vale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39837", "boundaries": [527, 535], "surfaceform": "Averro\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q273822", "boundaries": [576, 586], "surfaceform": "quadrivium", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q205186", "boundaries": [725, 732], "surfaceform": "trivium", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q273822", "boundaries": [576, 586], "surfaceform": "quadrivium", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q205186", "boundaries": [725, 732], "surfaceform": "trivium", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96240234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "37698-0", "title": "Cr\u00e8te", "uri": "Q34374", "text": "La Cr\u00e8te (en grec : ; en grec ancien : ) est une \u00eele grecque, autrefois appel\u00e9e \u00ab \u00eele de Candie \u00bb. Elle est la plus grande des \u00eeles grecques et la cinqui\u00e8me de la mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e en superficie. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 rattach\u00e9e en 1913 \u00e0 la Gr\u00e8ce, dont elle constitue, avec d'autres petites \u00eeles, l'une des treize p\u00e9riph\u00e9ries (r\u00e9gions administratives), ainsi que l'un des sept dioc\u00e8ses d\u00e9centralis\u00e9s cr\u00e9\u00e9s par le programme Kallikratis en janvier 2011.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q34374", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36510", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [25, 36], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2288441", "boundaries": [89, 95], "surfaceform": "Candie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q213881", "boundaries": [127, 140], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles grecques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1913^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [219, 223], "surfaceform": "1913", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1267522", "boundaries": [287, 313], "surfaceform": "une des treize p\u00e9riph\u00e9ries", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3559207", "boundaries": [365, 387], "surfaceform": "dioc\u00e8ses d\u00e9centralis\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1722495", "boundaries": [401, 422], "surfaceform": "programme Kallikratis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [426, 438], "surfaceform": "janvier 2011", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34374", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q36510", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [25, 36], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q36510", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8955078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3559207", "boundaries": [365, 387], "surfaceform": "dioc\u00e8ses d\u00e9centralis\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P571", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "inception", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [426, 438], "surfaceform": "janvier 2011", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7880859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "115927-2", "title": "Le Parisien", "uri": "Q142348", "text": "Depuis 2015, \"Le Parisien\" est d\u00e9tenu par le groupe LVMH d\u00e9tenu par le milliardaire fran\u00e7ais Bernard Arnault, qui est un des hommes les plus riches de France, selon Forbes. Il b\u00e9n\u00e9ficie de subventions de la part de l'\u00c9tat fran\u00e7ais (comme de nombreux journaux fran\u00e7ais).", "entities": [{"uri": "+2015^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [7, 11], "surfaceform": "2015", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q142348", "boundaries": [14, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Parisien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q504998", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "LVMH", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q32055", "boundaries": [93, 108], "surfaceform": "Bernard Arnault", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q25161472", "boundaries": [165, 171], "surfaceform": "Forbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q142348", "boundaries": [14, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Parisien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q504998", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "LVMH", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "121410-0", "title": "Le Rouge et le Noir", "uri": "Q192649", "text": "Le Rouge et le Noir, sous-titr\u00e9 Chronique du , puis Chronique de 1830, est un roman \u00e9crit par Stendhal, publi\u00e9 pour la premi\u00e8re fois \u00e0 Paris chez Levasseur le , bien que l'\u00e9dition originale mentionne la date de 1831. C'est son deuxi\u00e8me roman, apr\u00e8s \"Armance\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q192649", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Le Rouge et le Noir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1830^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [65, 69], "surfaceform": "1830", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [78, 83], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q502", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Stendhal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [135, 140], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1249682", "boundaries": [172, 189], "surfaceform": "\u00e9dition originale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1831^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "1831", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2601146", "boundaries": [250, 257], "surfaceform": "Armance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q192649", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Le Rouge et le Noir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q502", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Stendhal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q502", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Stendhal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q192649", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Le Rouge et le Noir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q502", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Stendhal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [78, 83], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.65673828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "694069-0", "title": "Joseph de Guignes", "uri": "Q1708317", "text": "Joseph de Guignes, orientaliste fran\u00e7ais, n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Pontoise et mort le \u00e0 Paris.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1708317", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Joseph de Guignes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q201352", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Pontoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1708317", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Joseph de Guignes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q201352", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Pontoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "892589-0", "title": "M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en", "uri": "Q607992", "text": "Sur l'\u00e9chelle des temps g\u00e9ologiques, le M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en est une \u00e8re de l'Arch\u00e9en qui s'\u00e9tend de \u00e0 d'ann\u00e9es (Ma). Des fossiles d'Australie montrent que les stromatolithes ont v\u00e9cu sur Terre durant le M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q43521", "boundaries": [6, 35], "surfaceform": "\u00e9chelle des temps g\u00e9ologiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q607992", "boundaries": [40, 51], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q630830", "boundaries": [60, 63], "surfaceform": "\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q104168", "boundaries": [69, 76], "surfaceform": "Arch\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q40614", "boundaries": [113, 120], "surfaceform": "fossile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q408", "boundaries": [124, 133], "surfaceform": "Australie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q176739", "boundaries": [151, 164], "surfaceform": "stromatolithe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q607992", "boundaries": [195, 206], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q607992", "boundaries": [40, 51], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9soarch\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q104168", "boundaries": [69, 76], "surfaceform": "Arch\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.382568359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "862068-1", "title": "Les Aventures de Tom Bombadil", "uri": "Q331804", "text": "La plupart de ces po\u00e8mes sont des \u0153uvres de jeunesse de Tolkien n'ayant \u00e0 l'origine aucun lien avec la Terre du Milieu. Pour leur parution dans ce recueil, l'\u00e9crivain proc\u00e8de \u00e0 des r\u00e9visions plus ou moins importantes de chacun d'eux et feint, dans la pr\u00e9face du livre, d'en \u00eatre non pas l'auteur, mais simplement le traducteur. De la m\u00eame fa\u00e7on que \"Le Hobbit\" et \"Le Seigneur des anneaux\" sont suppos\u00e9s \u00eatre tir\u00e9s des m\u00e9moires de Bilbon et Frodon, compil\u00e9s dans le \"Livre rouge de la Marche de l'Ouest\", les po\u00e8mes des \"Aventures de Tom Bombadil\" se voient attribuer diverses origines fictives : certains sont l'\u0153uvre de figures c\u00e9l\u00e8bres (Bilbon ou Sam Gamegie), d'autres sont issus du folklore du Pays de Bouc, quelques-uns enfin apparaissent dans les marges du Livre Rouge sans qu'on en connaisse les auteurs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q79734", "boundaries": [103, 118], "surfaceform": "Terre du Milieu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q74287", "boundaries": [350, 359], "surfaceform": "Le Hobbit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [365, 388], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q185737", "boundaries": [431, 437], "surfaceform": "Bilbon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q177329", "boundaries": [441, 447], "surfaceform": "Frodon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2565001", "boundaries": [467, 502], "surfaceform": "Livre rouge de la Marche de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q219473", "boundaries": [650, 661], "surfaceform": "Sam Gamegie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [699, 711], "surfaceform": "Pays de Bouc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q74287", "boundaries": [350, 359], "surfaceform": "Le Hobbit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q185737", "boundaries": [431, 437], "surfaceform": "Bilbon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.373779296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [365, 388], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q185737", "boundaries": [431, 437], "surfaceform": "Bilbon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.290771484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [365, 388], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q177329", "boundaries": [441, 447], "surfaceform": "Frodon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.369384765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [365, 388], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q219473", "boundaries": [650, 661], "surfaceform": "Sam Gamegie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4404296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "383334-0", "title": "BBC Two", "uri": "Q216108", "text": "BBC Two (autrefois BBC2) est la seconde cha\u00eene de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision britannique diffus\u00e9e par la British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 lanc\u00e9e le 21 avril 1964 sous le nom de BBC2.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q216108", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "BBC Two", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [22, 23], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23666", "boundaries": [61, 72], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9531", "boundaries": [89, 121], "surfaceform": "British Broadcasting Corporation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "1964-04-21T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [150, 163], "surfaceform": "21 avril 1964", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2652", "boundaries": [159, 163], "surfaceform": "1964", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [182, 183], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q216108", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "BBC Two", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9531", "boundaries": [89, 121], "surfaceform": "British Broadcasting Corporation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9423828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "410686-0", "title": "Boeing 727", "uri": "Q6409", "text": "Le Boeing 727 est un avion de ligne trir\u00e9acteur \u00e0 fuselage \u00e9troit con\u00e7u et construit par Boeing Commercial Airplanes entre le d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 1960 et 1984. Selon les versions, il peut emporter de 149 \u00e0 et les derniers mod\u00e8les peuvent voler sur une distance de . Destin\u00e9 aux vols court et moyen-courriers, le 727 peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 depuis des pistes relativement courtes sur de petits a\u00e9roports. Sa motorisation consiste en trois turbor\u00e9acteurs Pratt & Whitney JT8D mont\u00e9s \u00e0 l'arri\u00e8re, un de chaque c\u00f4t\u00e9 du fuselage et le troisi\u00e8me dans la partie arri\u00e8re du fuselage et dont l'entr\u00e9e d'air se situe \u00e0 la base de la d\u00e9rive. 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{"docid": "559385-0", "title": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de hockey", "uri": "Q464995", "text": "La Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de hockey est une ligue professionnelle de hockey sur glace compos\u00e9e de 31 franchises situ\u00e9es au Canada et aux \u00c9tats-Unis. La ligue se nomme en anglais \"\" et est souvent d\u00e9sign\u00e9e par les sigles LAH ou AHL. La LAH est structur\u00e9e en deux associations de quinze et seize franchises et chaque association est compos\u00e9e de deux divisions. Une saison type de la LAH se compose d'une saison r\u00e9guli\u00e8re puis de s\u00e9ries \u00e9liminatoires. Au cours de la saison r\u00e9guli\u00e8re, chaque \u00e9quipe joue 68 ou 76 matchs et les quatre meilleures \u00e9quipes de chaque division sont qualifi\u00e9es pour les s\u00e9ries \u00e9liminatoires. La Coupe Calder est remise depuis la saison 1936-1937 \u00e0 la meilleure \u00e9quipe des s\u00e9ries.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q464995", "boundaries": [8, 34], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de hockey", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q28640", "boundaries": [55, 65], "surfaceform": "profession", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41466", "boundaries": [74, 90], "surfaceform": "hockey sur glace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+31^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [103, 105], "surfaceform": "31", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1441324", "boundaries": [106, 116], "surfaceform": "franchises", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q16", "boundaries": [128, 134], "surfaceform": "Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [142, 152], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [175, 182], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q918270", "boundaries": [218, 223], "surfaceform": "sigle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q868291", "boundaries": [432, 452], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9ries \u00e9liminatoires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+68^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [506, 508], "surfaceform": "68", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+76^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [512, 514], "surfaceform": "76", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q577288", "boundaries": [624, 636], "surfaceform": "Coupe Calder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2601143", "boundaries": [658, 674], "surfaceform": "saison 1936-1937", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1936^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [665, 669], "surfaceform": "1936", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1937^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [669, 674], "surfaceform": "-1937", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q464995", "boundaries": [8, 34], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de hockey", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41466", "boundaries": [74, 90], "surfaceform": "hockey sur glace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q464995", "boundaries": [8, 34], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de hockey", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [142, 152], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.708984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1441324", "boundaries": [106, 116], "surfaceform": "franchises", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41466", "boundaries": [74, 90], "surfaceform": "hockey sur glace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98876953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "14015338-0", "title": "Frais et local", "uri": "None", "text": "Frais et local est une plateforme permettant la vente directe de produits agricoles du producteur au consommateur. Lanc\u00e9e par les Chambres d\u2019agriculture et le Minist\u00e8re de l\u2019Agriculture et de l\u2019Alimentation, le 12 janvier 2021, cette interface regroupe des producteurs partenaires et fait connaitre leurs points de vente autour de chez soi. En 2021, plus de 10 000 exploitations et points de vente r\u00e9partis sur tout le territoire m\u00e9tropolitain et dans les territoires d'outre-mer, ont rejoint la plateforme.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Frais et local", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q28869290", "boundaries": [130, 152], "surfaceform": "Chambres d\u2019agriculture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3315187", "boundaries": [159, 206], "surfaceform": "Minist\u00e8re de l\u2019Agriculture et de l\u2019Alimentation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "2021-01-12T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [211, 226], "surfaceform": "12 janvier 2021", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q28869290", "boundaries": [130, 152], "surfaceform": "Chambres d\u2019agriculture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3315187", "boundaries": [159, 206], "surfaceform": "Minist\u00e8re de l\u2019Agriculture et de l\u2019Alimentation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.69091796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13839696-1", "title": "Massif du Granquet", "uri": "None", "text": "G\u00e9ologiquement parlant, c'est un massif compos\u00e9 de roches s\u00e9dimentaires travers\u00e9 par la faille nord-pyr\u00e9n\u00e9enne, ce qui le classe plut\u00f4t dans la zone nord-pyr\u00e9n\u00e9enne. Les roches sont de nature s\u00e9dimentaire de la p\u00e9riode du Jurassique et du Cr\u00e9tac\u00e9 au nord de la faille, et de la p\u00e9riode du D\u00e9vonien au sud.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q97279338", "boundaries": [88, 110], "surfaceform": "faille nord-pyr\u00e9n\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [144, 164], "surfaceform": "zone nord-pyr\u00e9n\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q82480", "boundaries": [192, 204], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9dimentaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45805", "boundaries": [222, 232], "surfaceform": "Jurassique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44626", "boundaries": [239, 246], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e9tac\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q65955", "boundaries": [289, 297], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9vonien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q44626", "boundaries": [239, 246], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e9tac\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45805", "boundaries": [222, 232], "surfaceform": "Jurassique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93310546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14084497-0", "title": "Marie-Antoinette d'Autriche dans l'art et la culture", "uri": "None", "text": "Marie-Antoinette a inspir\u00e9 une trentaine de films, notamment \"Marie-Antoinette\" de W. S. Van Dyke avec Norma Shearer (1938), \"L\u2019Affaire du collier de la reine\" de Marcel L'Herbier avec Marion Dorian (1946), \"Cagliostro\" de Gregory Ratoff avec Nancy Guild (1949), \"Si Versailles m'\u00e9tait cont\u00e9...\" de Sacha Guitry avec Lana Marconi (1953) ou encore \"Marie-Antoinette\" de Sofia Coppola avec Kirsten Dunst (2006). Pour l'historien Jean Tulard, elle est .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q47365", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Marie-Antoinette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1897128", "boundaries": [62, 78], "surfaceform": "Marie-Antoinette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q547078", "boundaries": [83, 97], "surfaceform": "W. S. 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{"docid": "13658832-0", "title": "Composition des \u00e9quipes du Championnat de France masculin de handball 2006-2007", "uri": "None", "text": "En r\u00e9gion parisienne, Pascal L\u00e9andri, l'embl\u00e9matique joueur d'Ivry, quitte son poste d'ailier droit pour devenir l'adjoint de St\u00e9phane Imbratta sur le banc. Il est remplac\u00e9 par Ahmed Hadjali qui arrive en provenance de Tremblay alors que l'ailier gauche Damir Smajlagi\u0107 fait son retour en D1 apr\u00e8s un passage en \u00e9quipe r\u00e9serve d'Ivry en remplacement d'\u00c9ric Amalou, d\u00e9sormais entraineur-joueur en Italie. Du c\u00f4t\u00e9 de Cr\u00e9teil, la principal arriv\u00e9e est celle de l'ex joueur vedette Mile Isakovi\u0107 comme entra\u00eeneur. Autre arriv\u00e9e, celle de l'ex-Parisien Nerijus Atajevas qui a jou\u00e9 la deuxi\u00e8me partie de saison avec Schaffausen (Suisse) tandis qu'Adrian Petrea s'en va \u00e0 Pontault-Combault... Peu de mouvements du c\u00f4t\u00e9 du Paris Handball avec les arriv\u00e9es du gardien croate Nikola Bla\u017ei\u010dko et des jeunes jumeaux K\u00e9vynn et Olivier Nyokas. Enfin, Tremblay a recrut\u00e9 Semir Zuzo, pr\u00eat\u00e9 en deuxi\u00e8me partie de saison par Montpellier \u00e0 Schaffhausen, le Tunisien Wissem Bousnina et Mohamadi Loutoufi (Reykjavik), qui ne s'est pas entendu financi\u00e8rement avec Dunkerque.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [22, 36], "surfaceform": "Pascal L\u00e9andri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q16678104", "boundaries": [126, 143], "surfaceform": "St\u00e9phane Imbratta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4695836", "boundaries": [177, 190], "surfaceform": "Ahmed Hadjali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [254, 269], "surfaceform": "Damir Smajlagi\u0107", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 291], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3590945", "boundaries": [352, 363], "surfaceform": "\u00c9ric Amalou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1288735", "boundaries": [478, 491], "surfaceform": "Mile Isakovi\u0107", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3338343", "boundaries": [548, 564], "surfaceform": "Nerijus Atajevas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q926354", "boundaries": [715, 729], "surfaceform": "Paris Handball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [766, 781], "surfaceform": "Nikola Bla\u017ei\u010dko", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3201168", "boundaries": [804, 810], "surfaceform": "K\u00e9vynn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3351253", "boundaries": [814, 828], "surfaceform": "Olivier Nyokas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q28105176", "boundaries": [856, 866], "surfaceform": "Semir Zuzo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3569470", "boundaries": [947, 962], "surfaceform": "Wissem Bousnina", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3318272", "boundaries": [966, 983], "surfaceform": "Mohamadi Loutoufi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3201168", "boundaries": [804, 810], "surfaceform": "K\u00e9vynn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P3373", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sibling", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3351253", "boundaries": [814, 828], "surfaceform": "Olivier Nyokas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.982421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14063240-0", "title": "Domingo Forcadell", "uri": "None", "text": "Domingo Forcadell y Michavila (1798 - 1866) est un militaire espagnol, qui a combattu dans le camp carliste lors de la premi\u00e8re et seconde guerre carliste.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Domingo Forcadell", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1798^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [31, 35], "surfaceform": "1798", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1866^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [38, 42], "surfaceform": "1866", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q679189", "boundaries": [99, 107], "surfaceform": "carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2341073", "boundaries": [119, 127], "surfaceform": "premi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q3025312", "boundaries": [131, 154], "surfaceform": "seconde guerre carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q679189", "boundaries": [99, 107], "surfaceform": "carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3025312", "boundaries": [131, 154], "surfaceform": "seconde guerre carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2341073", "boundaries": [119, 127], "surfaceform": "premi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q679189", "boundaries": [99, 107], "surfaceform": "carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3025312", "boundaries": [131, 154], "surfaceform": "seconde guerre carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q679189", "boundaries": [99, 107], "surfaceform": "carliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14064410-0", "title": "Astra BM 12", "uri": "None", "text": "Les camions Astra BM 12 et BM 16 sont des camions-dumpers de chantier, construits par le constructeur italien Astra SpA de 1962 \u00e0 1972 avant d'\u00eatre remplac\u00e9s par la s\u00e9rie BM 19/20/21 \u00e0 partir de 1970.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [12, 23], "surfaceform": "Astra BM 12", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+12^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [21, 23], "surfaceform": "12", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [30, 32], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q750234", "boundaries": [110, 119], "surfaceform": "Astra SpA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1962^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "1962", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1972^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "1972", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q48751284", "boundaries": [165, 182], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie BM 19/20/21", "annotator": "Me", "type": "DIS"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [195, 199], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q48751284", "boundaries": [165, 182], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie BM 19/20/21", "annotator": "Me", "type": "DIS"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q750234", "boundaries": [110, 119], "surfaceform": "Astra SpA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13715980-0", "title": "African Race", "uri": "None", "text": "African Race est un court-m\u00e9trage d'aventure du r\u00e9alisateur Julien Paolini r\u00e9alis\u00e9 en 2012 \u00e0 Ouagadougou. Tourn\u00e9 sur place avec une \u00e9quipe locale, le film a totalis\u00e9 12 millions de vues sur Youtube. Sa version longue a fait son avant-premi\u00e8re en premi\u00e8re partie de The We and the I de Michel Gondry le vendredi pour les P\u00e9pites du cin\u00e9ma o\u00f9 le film a \u00e9t\u00e9 remarqu\u00e9 par la critique. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 au Festival des Films du Monde de Montr\u00e9al, au festival du film de Rotterdam et au Fespaco. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 diffus\u00e9 sur France 2, France 3, TV5 Monde, RTBF, Canal + Afrique et a \u00e9t\u00e9 expos\u00e9 au Museum Angewandte Kunst.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "African Race", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q87058331", "boundaries": [60, 74], "surfaceform": "Julien Paolini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [86, 90], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3777", "boundaries": [93, 104], "surfaceform": "Ouagadougou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+12^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [166, 168], "surfaceform": "12", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3523327", "boundaries": [265, 281], "surfaceform": "The We and the I", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q126098", "boundaries": [285, 298], "surfaceform": "Michel Gondry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q16034459", "boundaries": [316, 337], "surfaceform": "les P\u00e9pites du cin\u00e9ma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q326220", "boundaries": [405, 444], "surfaceform": "Festival des Films du Monde de Montr\u00e9al", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1666554", "boundaries": [449, 478], "surfaceform": "festival du film de Rotterdam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1202380", "boundaries": [485, 492], "surfaceform": "Fespaco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [522, 523], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [532, 533], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2138163", "boundaries": [535, 544], "surfaceform": "TV5 Monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [537, 538], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1190356", "boundaries": [546, 550], "surfaceform": "RTBF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2935823", "boundaries": [552, 567], "surfaceform": "Canal + Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q877567", "boundaries": [587, 610], "surfaceform": "Museum Angewandte Kunst", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3523327", "boundaries": [265, 281], "surfaceform": "The We and the I", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q126098", "boundaries": [285, 298], "surfaceform": "Michel Gondry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13717979-0", "title": "Secr\u00e9tariat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral des unions professionnelles f\u00e9minines chr\u00e9tiennes de Belgique", "uri": "None", "text": "Le Secr\u00e9tariat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral des unions professionnelles f\u00e9minines chr\u00e9tiennes de Belgique, abr\u00e9g\u00e9 en SGUPFCB, est une institution cr\u00e9\u00e9e le 25 juillet 1912 \u00e0 Bruxelles, en Belgique par Victoire Cappe. L'objectif g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de ce mouvement consiste en la d\u00e9fense des int\u00e9r\u00eats des femmes \u00e0 tous les niveaux et en la coordination des activit\u00e9s des syndicats f\u00e9minins sur le plan national. ", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 84], "surfaceform": "Secr\u00e9tariat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral des unions professionnelles f\u00e9minines chr\u00e9tiennes de Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "1912-07-25T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [134, 149], "surfaceform": "25 juillet 1912", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q9005", "boundaries": [152, 161], "surfaceform": "Bruxelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2644017", "boundaries": [179, 193], "surfaceform": "Victoire Cappe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q9005", "boundaries": [152, 161], "surfaceform": "Bruxelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2644017", "boundaries": [179, 193], "surfaceform": "Victoire Cappe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7646484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "4012096-0", "title": "Abu Dhabi National Oil Company", "uri": "Q166729", "text": "ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ) est l'entreprise sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e dans l'\u00e9nergie de l'\u00e9mirat d'Abou Dabi et la principale compagnie p\u00e9troli\u00e8re nationale des \u00c9mirats arabes unis, dot\u00e9e des quatri\u00e8mes r\u00e9serves p\u00e9troli\u00e8res mondiales.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q166729", "boundaries": [7, 37], "surfaceform": "Abu Dhabi National Oil Company", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q187712", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "Abou Dabi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2990262", "boundaries": [126, 156], "surfaceform": "compagnie p\u00e9troli\u00e8re nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q878", "boundaries": [161, 180], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirats arabes unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q166729", "boundaries": [7, 37], "surfaceform": "Abu Dhabi National Oil Company", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q878", "boundaries": [161, 180], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirats arabes unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q187712", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "Abou Dabi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q878", "boundaries": [161, 180], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirats arabes unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "4226412-0", "title": "Certains l'aiment chaud", "uri": "Q190086", "text": "Certains l'aiment chaud (\"\") est un film am\u00e9ricain de Billy Wilder sorti en 1959. C'est une com\u00e9die romantique qui s'aventure sur le terrain, tr\u00e8s peu explor\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque, de l'homosexualit\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q190086", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Certains l'aiment chaud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q380675", "boundaries": [36, 50], "surfaceform": "film am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q51547", "boundaries": [54, 66], "surfaceform": "Billy Wilder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q829591", "boundaries": [76, 80], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1959^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [76, 80], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q157443", "boundaries": [92, 99], "surfaceform": "com\u00e9die", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1054574", "boundaries": [100, 110], "surfaceform": "romantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6636", "boundaries": [176, 189], "surfaceform": "homosexualit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q190086", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Certains l'aiment chaud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q51547", "boundaries": [54, 66], "surfaceform": "Billy Wilder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98388671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "104319-0", "title": "Mozilla Public License", "uri": "Q308915", "text": "La Mozilla Public License (ou MPL, Licence publique Mozilla en fran\u00e7ais) est une licence libre cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Netscape lors de la lib\u00e9ration du code source de ce qui devait devenir Netscape Communicator 5 en mars 1998. Celui-ci formera la base du projet Mozilla, qui utilise toujours la MPL aujourd'hui dans sa version 2.0.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q308915", "boundaries": [3, 25], "surfaceform": "Mozilla Public License", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q196294", "boundaries": [81, 94], "surfaceform": "licence libre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [105, 113], "surfaceform": "Netscape", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q235419", "boundaries": [176, 199], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communicator 5", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [198, 199], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "1998-03-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [203, 212], "surfaceform": "mars 1998", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [208, 212], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q9661", "boundaries": [249, 256], "surfaceform": "Mozilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [314, 317], "surfaceform": "2.0", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q235419", "boundaries": [176, 199], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communicator 5", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [105, 113], "surfaceform": "Netscape", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "50377-1", "title": "NBCUniversal", "uri": "Q724759", "text": "Initialement cr\u00e9\u00e9 en mai 2004, NBCUniversal est le regroupement des activit\u00e9s de Vivendi Universal Entertainment au sein du groupe NBC. Les 20 % d\u00e9tenus par Vivendi ont \u00e9t\u00e9 c\u00e9d\u00e9s en deux temps \u00e0 General Electric, fin 2010 et en janvier 2011. GE a ensuite revendu 51 % de NBCUniversal au c\u00e2blo-op\u00e9rateur am\u00e9ricain, Comcast, qui y int\u00e8gre ses propres chaines de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision. En , General Electric revend pour 18 milliards de dollars ses 49 % \u00e0 Comcast.", "entities": [{"uri": "2004-05-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [21, 29], "surfaceform": "mai 2004", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2014", "boundaries": [25, 29], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q724759", "boundaries": [31, 43], "surfaceform": "NBCUniversal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3561532", "boundaries": [81, 112], "surfaceform": "Vivendi Universal Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q13974", "boundaries": [131, 134], "surfaceform": "NBC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [140, 142], "surfaceform": "20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q54173", "boundaries": [195, 211], "surfaceform": "General Electric", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1995", "boundaries": [217, 221], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [217, 221], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q243348", "boundaries": [228, 240], "surfaceform": "janvier 2011", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [228, 240], "surfaceform": "janvier 2011", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [263, 265], "surfaceform": "51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q724759", "boundaries": [271, 283], "surfaceform": "NBCUniversal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1113804", "boundaries": [314, 321], "surfaceform": "Comcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+18^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 408], "surfaceform": "18", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+49^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [434, 436], "surfaceform": "49", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q13974", "boundaries": [131, 134], "surfaceform": "NBC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q724759", "boundaries": [31, 43], "surfaceform": "NBCUniversal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.66943359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q724759", "boundaries": [31, 43], "surfaceform": "NBCUniversal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1113804", "boundaries": [314, 321], "surfaceform": "Comcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9677734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "94566-1", "title": "Weezer", "uri": "Q209956", "text": "Apr\u00e8s la signature du groupe chez Geffen Records en 1993, ils publient leur premier album, \"Weezer\" (aussi appel\u00e9 l'album bleu), en 1994. L'album suit des clips des chansons \"Buddy Holly\", \"Undone \u2013 The Sweater Song\" et \"Say It Ain't So\". Leur deuxi\u00e8me album, \"Pinkerton\" (1996), se caract\u00e9rise par un style musical plus sombre, mais est, compar\u00e9 \u00e0 son pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseur, un \u00e9chec commercial. L'album bleu et \"Pinkerton\" sont fr\u00e9quemment cit\u00e9s parmi les meilleurs albums des ann\u00e9es 1990.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q212699", "boundaries": [34, 48], "surfaceform": "Geffen Records", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2065", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1993^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1346351", "boundaries": [92, 98], "surfaceform": "Weezer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2067", "boundaries": [132, 136], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [132, 136], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1536639", "boundaries": [261, 270], "surfaceform": "Pinkerton", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [470, 481], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2067", "boundaries": [132, 136], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2065", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "33423-1", "title": "Gainax", "uri": "Q834328", "text": "L'un des fondateurs, Hideaki Anno est le cr\u00e9ateur de la c\u00e9l\u00e8bre s\u00e9rie \"Neon Genesis Evangelion\", une s\u00e9rie anim\u00e9e qui a gagn\u00e9 plusieurs r\u00e9compenses dans le domaine des \"anime\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23261", "boundaries": [21, 33], "surfaceform": "Hideaki Anno", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q662", "boundaries": [71, 94], "surfaceform": "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1107", "boundaries": [169, 174], "surfaceform": "anime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23261", "boundaries": [21, 33], "surfaceform": "Hideaki Anno", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q662", "boundaries": [71, 94], "surfaceform": "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q662", "boundaries": [71, 94], "surfaceform": "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23261", "boundaries": [21, 33], "surfaceform": "Hideaki Anno", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "135011-0", "title": "O'Reilly Media", "uri": "Q1065097", "text": "O'Reilly Media (anciennement O'Reilly & Associates) est une maison d'\u00e9dition am\u00e9ricaine, fond\u00e9e par Tim O'Reilly en 1978, et dont l'activit\u00e9 principale est la publication de livres concernant l'informatique. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1065097", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "O'Reilly Media", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2085381", "boundaries": [60, 76], "surfaceform": "maison d'\u00e9dition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q347691", "boundaries": [100, 112], "surfaceform": "Tim O'Reilly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1978^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [116, 120], "surfaceform": "1978", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q571", "boundaries": [174, 180], "surfaceform": "livres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21198", "boundaries": [194, 206], "surfaceform": "informatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1065097", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "O'Reilly Media", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2085381", "boundaries": [60, 76], "surfaceform": "maison d'\u00e9dition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.75146484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1065097", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "O'Reilly Media", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q347691", "boundaries": [100, 112], "surfaceform": "Tim O'Reilly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "138324-0", "title": "Empire de Tr\u00e9bizonde", "uri": "Q178913", "text": "L\u2019Empire de Tr\u00e9bizonde (en grec ) est un \u00c9tat grec successeur de l\u2019Empire byzantin, centr\u00e9 autour de l'actuelle Tr\u00e9bizonde, dans la r\u00e9gion du Pont, sur le littoral de la mer Noire. \u00c9tabli en 1204, \u00e0 la suite de la chute de Constantinople au cours de la quatri\u00e8me croisade et de la formation de l\u2019Empire latin de Constantinople, il dispara\u00eet lorsque le sultan ottoman Mehmed II s'empare de Tr\u00e9bizonde en 1461.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q178913", "boundaries": [2, 22], "surfaceform": "Empire de Tr\u00e9bizonde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36387", "boundaries": [27, 31], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q56305184", "boundaries": [41, 50], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "Empire byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29787863", "boundaries": [112, 122], "surfaceform": "Tr\u00e9bizonde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q621672", "boundaries": [142, 146], "surfaceform": "Pont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q166", "boundaries": [170, 179], "surfaceform": "mer Noire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5228", "boundaries": [191, 195], "surfaceform": "1204", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1204^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [191, 195], "surfaceform": "1204", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16869", "boundaries": [223, 237], "surfaceform": "Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q51656", "boundaries": [253, 271], "surfaceform": "quatri\u00e8me croisade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q178897", "boundaries": [296, 326], "surfaceform": "Empire latin de Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [359, 366], "surfaceform": "ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34503", "boundaries": [367, 376], "surfaceform": "Mehmed II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6532", "boundaries": [403, 407], "surfaceform": "1461", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1461^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [403, 407], "surfaceform": "1461", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q178913", "boundaries": [2, 22], "surfaceform": "Empire de Tr\u00e9bizonde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "Empire byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.978515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [359, 366], "surfaceform": "ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q178913", "boundaries": [2, 22], "surfaceform": "Empire de Tr\u00e9bizonde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "139186-1", "title": "Boadic\u00e9e", "uri": "Q184634", "text": "Boadic\u00e9e \u00e9tait l'\u00e9pouse de Prasutagos, un roi celte qui avait pr\u00eat\u00e9 all\u00e9geance \u00e0 Rome, dans l'espoir de pr\u00e9server ainsi l'ind\u00e9pendance de son peuple. \u00c0 sa mort, les Romains annex\u00e8rent n\u00e9anmoins la totalit\u00e9 du royaume et confisqu\u00e8rent les biens de la famille royale. Boadic\u00e9e, sa veuve, fut fouett\u00e9e en place publique, un ch\u00e2timent r\u00e9serv\u00e9 habituellement aux esclaves. Humili\u00e9e, celle-ci d\u00e9clencha alors un soul\u00e8vement contre l'occupation romaine. \u00c0 la t\u00eate d'une coalition de tribus bretonnes, elle lan\u00e7a une campagne militaire au sud de l'\u00eele, pillant et br\u00fblant plusieurs villes dont Camulodunum et Londinium. Apr\u00e8s avoir \u00e9cras\u00e9 les Romains \u00e0 la bataille de Camulodunum, l'arm\u00e9e bretonne fut cependant d\u00e9faite de mani\u00e8re d\u00e9cisive \u00e0 la bataille de Watling Street, et Boadic\u00e9e mourut peu de temps apr\u00e8s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q184634", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Boadic\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q378816", "boundaries": [27, 37], "surfaceform": "Prasutagos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q184634", "boundaries": [266, 274], "surfaceform": "Boadic\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3820832", "boundaries": [648, 671], "surfaceform": "bataille de Camulodunum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q894999", "boundaries": [737, 763], "surfaceform": "bataille de Watling Street", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q184634", "boundaries": [768, 776], "surfaceform": "Boadic\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q184634", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Boadic\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q378816", "boundaries": [27, 37], "surfaceform": "Prasutagos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q894999", "boundaries": [737, 763], "surfaceform": "bataille de Watling Street", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q184634", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Boadic\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "97598-0", "title": "La Myst\u00e9rieuse Affaire de Styles", "uri": "Q472228", "text": "La Myst\u00e9rieuse Affaire de Styles (titre original : \"\") est le premier roman d'Agatha Christie et aussi le premier roman o\u00f9 appara\u00eet Hercule Poirot, son personnage f\u00e9tiche. Elle \u00e9crit le livre en 1917 \u00e0 l'\u00e2ge de 27 ans, mais il n'est publi\u00e9 qu'en aux \u00c9tats-Unis. Il est publi\u00e9 l'ann\u00e9e suivante au Royaume-Uni, et seulement en 1932 en France.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q472228", "boundaries": [0, 32], "surfaceform": "La Myst\u00e9rieuse Affaire de Styles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q35064", "boundaries": [78, 93], "surfaceform": "Agatha Christie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q170534", "boundaries": [132, 146], "surfaceform": "Hercule Poirot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2092", "boundaries": [195, 199], "surfaceform": "1917", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1917^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [195, 199], "surfaceform": "1917", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+27^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [211, 213], "surfaceform": "27", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [250, 260], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [296, 307], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2811588", "boundaries": [325, 329], "surfaceform": "1932", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1932^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [325, 329], "surfaceform": "1932", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [333, 339], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q472228", "boundaries": [0, 32], "surfaceform": "La Myst\u00e9rieuse Affaire de Styles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35064", "boundaries": [78, 93], "surfaceform": "Agatha Christie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q472228", "boundaries": [0, 32], "surfaceform": "La Myst\u00e9rieuse Affaire de Styles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170534", "boundaries": [132, 146], "surfaceform": "Hercule Poirot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q35064", "boundaries": [78, 93], "surfaceform": "Agatha Christie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170534", "boundaries": [132, 146], "surfaceform": "Hercule Poirot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "24609-0", "title": "\u00c9tats pontificaux", "uri": "Q170174", "text": "Les \u00c9tats pontificaux, ou \u00c9tats de l'\u00c9glise, ou \u00c9tats du Pape sont les \u00c9tats qui furent entre 754 et 1870 sous l'autorit\u00e9 temporelle du pape. Le premier noyau de ces \u00c9tats \u00e9tait baptis\u00e9 patrimoine de saint Pierre. Les accords du Latran en 1929 ayant r\u00e9gl\u00e9 la question romaine sans toutefois se prononcer sur l'abolition des \u00c9tats pontificaux proclam\u00e9e par Victor-Emmanuel II en 1870 mais non accept\u00e9e par le pape, on consid\u00e8re que leur continuit\u00e9 se retrouve aujourd'hui dans l'\u00c9tat de la Cit\u00e9 du Vatican.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170174", "boundaries": [4, 21], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats pontificaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7275", "boundaries": [71, 75], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23646", "boundaries": [94, 97], "surfaceform": "754", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+754^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [94, 97], "surfaceform": "754", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7741", "boundaries": [101, 105], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1870^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [101, 105], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q19546", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "pape", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q766473", "boundaries": [186, 212], "surfaceform": "patrimoine de saint Pierre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q193270", "boundaries": [218, 235], "surfaceform": "accords du Latran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18792", "boundaries": [239, 243], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1929^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [239, 243], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1351925", "boundaries": [259, 275], "surfaceform": "question romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q170174", "boundaries": [324, 341], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats pontificaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q168691", "boundaries": [356, 374], "surfaceform": "Victor-Emmanuel II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7741", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1870^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q237", "boundaries": [478, 504], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat de la Cit\u00e9 du Vatican", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q237", "boundaries": [478, 504], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat de la Cit\u00e9 du Vatican", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170174", "boundaries": [4, 21], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats pontificaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96533203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "990-1", "title": "Dreamcast", "uri": "Q184198", "text": "Contrairement \u00e0 la Saturn, fabriqu\u00e9e en utilisant du mat\u00e9riel informatique on\u00e9reux cr\u00e9e sp\u00e9cifiquement pour cette console, la Dreamcast est con\u00e7ue pour r\u00e9duire les co\u00fbts gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l'utilisation de composants standardis\u00e9s, dont un CPU Hitachi SH4 et un GPU NEC PowerVR2. Si la Dreamcast est accueillie assez froidement par le public japonais, son lancement en Europe et aux \u00c9tats-Unis a \u00e9t\u00e9 une r\u00e9ussite, en partie gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la vaste campagne de marketing lanc\u00e9e par Sega. Mais l'int\u00e9r\u00eat que porte le public \u00e0 la console diminue au fur et a mesure que Sony multiplie les annonces concernant sa future console, la PlayStation 2. Malgr\u00e9 plusieurs baisses de prix, le chiffre d'affaires ne r\u00e9pond pas aux attentes de Sega et l'entreprise continue d'enregistrer des pertes financi\u00e8res importantes. Apr\u00e8s un changement de direction, Sega cesse la commercialisation de la console Dreamcast le . La firme ne produit pas de nouvelle console et se retire ainsi compl\u00e8tement du milieu \"\" des jeux vid\u00e9o de salon en se restructurant pour devenir un \u00e9diteur tiers. Lorsque la production de la console est interrompue, de consoles Dreamcast ont \u00e9t\u00e9 vendues dans le monde entier.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q200912", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "Saturn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q184198", "boundaries": [126, 135], "surfaceform": "Dreamcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1115443", "boundaries": [206, 218], "surfaceform": "standardis\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q5300", "boundaries": [228, 231], "surfaceform": "CPU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1205020", "boundaries": [232, 243], "surfaceform": "Hitachi SH4", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [242, 243], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q742085", "boundaries": [250, 253], "surfaceform": "GPU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q219203", "boundaries": [254, 257], "surfaceform": "NEC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q776616", "boundaries": [258, 265], "surfaceform": "PowerVR", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [265, 266], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q184198", "boundaries": [274, 283], "surfaceform": "Dreamcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q10680", "boundaries": [608, 621], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [620, 621], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q184198", "boundaries": [869, 878], "surfaceform": "Dreamcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q184198", "boundaries": [1113, 1122], "surfaceform": "Dreamcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q184198", "boundaries": [126, 135], "surfaceform": "Dreamcast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q200912", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "Saturn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.849609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "1242-1", "title": "Game Boy", "uri": "Q186437", "text": "Malgr\u00e9 la sortie de consoles portables techniquement plus avanc\u00e9es, la Game Boy conna\u00eet un franc succ\u00e8s. Les mod\u00e8les Game Boy et Game Boy Color totalisent 118,6 millions d'exemplaires vendus \u00e0 travers le monde. D\u00e8s sa sortie aux \u00c9tats-Unis, plus d'un million d'exemplaires sont vendus en quelques semaines. La production de la console portable s'est achev\u00e9e en 2003.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [71, 79], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [117, 125], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q203992", "boundaries": [129, 143], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+118.6^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [155, 160], "surfaceform": "118,6", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [229, 239], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1986", "boundaries": [361, 365], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [361, 365], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q203992", "boundaries": [129, 143], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [71, 79], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.273681640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "1266-0", "title": "Game Boy Advance", "uri": "Q188642", "text": "La (ou le) Game Boy Advance (abr\u00e9g\u00e9e en GBA) est une console de jeux vid\u00e9o portable cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Nintendo en 2001. Elle dispose d'un \u00e9cran couleur et d'un processeur 32-bits, ce qui en faisait \u00e0 sa sortie la console portable la plus performante.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [11, 27], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [53, 74], "surfaceform": "console de jeux vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1488624", "boundaries": [106, 110], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [106, 110], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+32^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [163, 165], "surfaceform": "32", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [11, 27], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "1266-1", "title": "Game Boy Advance", "uri": "Q188642", "text": "En 2003, Nintendo lance la Game Boy Advance SP, identique techniquement \u00e0 la Game Boy Advance, mais disposant d'un format plus compact et d'am\u00e9liorations telles qu'un \u00e9cran r\u00e9tro-\u00e9clair\u00e9, ainsi qu'une batterie lithium-ion rechargeable. Enfin, en 2005, Nintendo sort la Game Boy Micro, derni\u00e8re d\u00e9clinaison de sa portable, une console au format \u00ab\u00a0mini\u00a0\u00bb qui propose un \u00e9cran am\u00e9lior\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q430554", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q842836", "boundaries": [27, 46], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance SP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [77, 93], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2822895", "boundaries": [210, 221], "surfaceform": "lithium-ion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q652190", "boundaries": [246, 250], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [246, 250], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q865012", "boundaries": [269, 283], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Micro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q842836", "boundaries": [27, 46], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance SP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [77, 93], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95849609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "1266-2", "title": "Game Boy Advance", "uri": "Q188642", "text": "Le rapport annuel 2006 de Nintendo indique que 75 millions de Game Boy Advance ont \u00e9t\u00e9 vendues (toutes versions confondues). Le 12 f\u00e9vrier 2008, le dernier jeu de la console (\"Samurai Deeper Kyo\") est sorti aux \u00c9tats-Unis. La console aura donc v\u00e9cu presque 7 ans. Ses ventes finales sont estim\u00e9es \u00e0 81,51 millions d'exemplaires, faisant de la console un nouveau succ\u00e8s apr\u00e8s ceux de la Game Boy et de la Game Boy Color. La Nintendo DS, sortie \u00e0 la fin de l'ann\u00e9e 2004 au Japon et en d\u00e9but d'ann\u00e9e 2005 dans le reste du monde, succ\u00e8de \u00e0 la Game Boy Advance.", "entities": [{"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [18, 22], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+75^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [47, 49], "surfaceform": "75", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [62, 78], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "2008-02-12T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [128, 143], "surfaceform": "12 f\u00e9vrier 2008", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [257, 258], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+81.51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [299, 304], "surfaceform": "81,51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [386, 394], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q203992", "boundaries": [404, 418], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q170323", "boundaries": [423, 434], "surfaceform": "Nintendo DS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [463, 467], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [471, 476], "surfaceform": "Japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [497, 501], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [539, 555], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q203992", "boundaries": [404, 418], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [386, 394], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q170323", "boundaries": [423, 434], "surfaceform": "Nintendo DS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [62, 78], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q188642", "boundaries": [62, 78], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Advance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q203992", "boundaries": [404, 418], "surfaceform": "Game Boy Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "38949-1", "title": "Red Hot Chili Peppers", "uri": "Q10708", "text": "Apr\u00e8s la dissolution de What Is This?, le groupe r\u00e9int\u00e8gre ses membres originels et enregistre \"Freaky Styley\" (1985) puis \"The Uplift Mofo Party Plan\" (1987). En 1988, Hillel Slovak meurt d'une surdose d'h\u00e9ro\u00efne. Jack Irons fait une d\u00e9pression et quitte le groupe. John Frusciante, un grand fan des Red Hot Chili Peppers, est engag\u00e9 pour remplacer Slovak, tandis que Chad Smith officie en tant que nouveau batteur. D\u00e8s 1989, le groupe enregistre \"Mother's Milk\", qui lui conf\u00e8re une notori\u00e9t\u00e9 internationale. En 1991, le quatuor change de label pour Warner Bros Records et entame une longue collaboration avec le producteur Rick Rubin. Le groupe atteint la cons\u00e9cration avec la sortie de l'album \"Blood Sugar Sex Magik\" et ses cinq singles, dont \"Give It Away\", \"Under the Bridge\" et \"Suck My Kiss\" qui le propulsent sur des sc\u00e8nes \u00e0 travers le monde. La tourn\u00e9e qui s'ensuit est marqu\u00e9e par le d\u00e9part de John Frusciante, qui ne supporte pas cette notori\u00e9t\u00e9 soudaine et sombre dans la toxicomanie. Dave Navarro lui succ\u00e8de pour l'enregistrement de son unique album avec le groupe, \"One Hot Minute\", en 1995.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q279093", "boundaries": [96, 109], "surfaceform": "Freaky Styley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [112, 116], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q183034", "boundaries": [124, 150], "surfaceform": "The Uplift Mofo Party Plan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1987^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [153, 157], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2354709", "boundaries": [163, 167], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1988^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [163, 167], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q60168", "boundaries": [205, 212], 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{"docid": "107881-0", "title": "MATLAB", "uri": "Q169478", "text": "MATLAB (\u00ab \"matrix laboratory\" \u00bb) est un langage de script \u00e9mul\u00e9 par un environnement de d\u00e9veloppement du m\u00eame nom ; il est utilis\u00e9 \u00e0 des fins de calcul num\u00e9rique. D\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 The MathWorks, MATLAB permet de manipuler des matrices, d'afficher des courbes et des donn\u00e9es, de mettre en \u0153uvre des algorithmes, de cr\u00e9er des interfaces utilisateurs, et peut s\u2019interfacer avec d\u2019autres langages comme le C, C++, Java, et Fortran.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q169478", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "MATLAB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q187432", "boundaries": [40, 57], "surfaceform": "langage de script", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13741", "boundaries": [71, 101], "surfaceform": "environnement de d\u00e9veloppement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3776620", "boundaries": [145, 161], "surfaceform": "calcul num\u00e9rique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1518683", "boundaries": [188, 201], "surfaceform": "The MathWorks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q169478", "boundaries": [203, 209], "surfaceform": "MATLAB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q15777", "boundaries": [410, 411], "surfaceform": "C", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2407", "boundaries": [413, 416], "surfaceform": "C++", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q251", "boundaries": [418, 422], "surfaceform": "Java", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83303", "boundaries": [427, 434], "surfaceform": "Fortran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q169478", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "MATLAB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1518683", "boundaries": [188, 201], "surfaceform": "The MathWorks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13874569-0", "title": "Treize myriarchies", "uri": "None", "text": "Les treize myriarchies () dirig\u00e9s par treize myriarques (tripeun), sont une organisation f\u00e9odale mise en place par l'empereur mongol Kubilai Khan de la dynastie Yuan (sino-mongole) sur le Tibet et ses alli\u00e9s bouddhistes, les lamas de l'\u00e9cole Sakyapa, dans ce que l'on appelle le r\u00e9gime Sakya-Yuan, forme la base d'un nouveau jeu de pouvoir. Kubilai donne le poste de dishi (pr\u00e9cepteur imp\u00e9rial) et le pouvoir sur les treize myriarchies \u00e0 Phagpa (\u2018Phags pa) en 1260.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "myriarque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3216325", "boundaries": [76, 114], "surfaceform": "organisation f\u00e9odale mise en place par", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12557", "boundaries": [117, 132], "surfaceform": "empereur mongol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7523", "boundaries": [133, 145], "surfaceform": "Kubilai Khan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7313", "boundaries": [152, 165], "surfaceform": "dynastie Yuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q172175", "boundaries": [208, 219], "surfaceform": "bouddhistes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q650035", "boundaries": [242, 249], "surfaceform": "Sakyapa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1236141", "boundaries": [367, 372], "surfaceform": "dishi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q163510", "boundaries": [438, 444], "surfaceform": "Phagpa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5508", "boundaries": [460, 464], "surfaceform": "1260", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1260^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [460, 464], "surfaceform": "1260", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7523", "boundaries": [133, 145], "surfaceform": "Kubilai Khan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7313", "boundaries": [152, 165], "surfaceform": "dynastie Yuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.398681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7313", "boundaries": [152, 165], "surfaceform": "dynastie Yuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12557", "boundaries": [117, 132], "surfaceform": "empereur mongol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14057088-0", "title": "Astra BM 25", "uri": "None", "text": "L'Astra BM 25 est un camion lourd de chantier 6x4 fabriqu\u00e9 par le constructeur italien Astra SpA, de 1979 \u00e0 1983 en version porteur et tracteur de semi-remorques.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [2, 13], "surfaceform": "Astra BM 25", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+25^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [11, 13], "surfaceform": "25", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q43193", "boundaries": [21, 27], "surfaceform": "camion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+6^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [46, 47], "surfaceform": "6", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 49], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q750234", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "Astra SpA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [101, 105], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q43193", "boundaries": [21, 27], "surfaceform": "camion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q750234", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "Astra SpA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13602812-0", "title": "S\u00e9ries de divisions de la Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de baseball 2020", "uri": "None", "text": "Elles sont constitu\u00e9es de deux s\u00e9ries jou\u00e9es au meilleur de cinq parties. Elles opposent quatre clubs de la Ligue am\u00e9ricaine de baseball, l'une des deux composantes des Ligues majeures de baseball, qui s'y sont qualifi\u00e9s apr\u00e8s les S\u00e9ries de meilleurs deuxi\u00e8mes de la Ligue am\u00e9ricaine, disput\u00e9es quelques jours plus t\u00f4t.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q465469", "boundaries": [108, 124], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5369", "boundaries": [128, 136], "surfaceform": "baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1163715", "boundaries": [169, 196], "surfaceform": "Ligues majeures de baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [231, 283], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9ries de meilleurs deuxi\u00e8mes de la Ligue am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q465469", "boundaries": [108, 124], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5369", "boundaries": [128, 136], "surfaceform": "baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q465469", "boundaries": [108, 124], "surfaceform": "Ligue am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1163715", "boundaries": [169, 196], "surfaceform": "Ligues majeures de baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1163715", "boundaries": [169, 196], "surfaceform": "Ligues majeures de baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5369", "boundaries": [128, 136], "surfaceform": "baseball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13602911-0", "title": "Ferrari Omologata", "uri": "None", "text": "La Ferrari Omologata (pour Homologation) est une voiture de sport du constructeur automobile italien Ferrari produite en un exemplaire unique en 2020 par le d\u00e9partement sp\u00e9cial \u00ab One-Off \u00bb de la marque.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 20], "surfaceform": "Ferrari Omologata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q274586", "boundaries": [49, 65], "surfaceform": "voiture de sport", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q786820", "boundaries": [69, 92], "surfaceform": "constructeur automobile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [93, 100], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [101, 108], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [145, 149], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q274586", "boundaries": [49, 65], "surfaceform": "voiture de sport", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [101, 108], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [101, 108], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q786820", "boundaries": [69, 92], "surfaceform": "constructeur automobile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.86181640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [101, 108], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [93, 100], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13688334-0", "title": "Les Olives noires", "uri": "None", "text": "Les Olives noires est une s\u00e9rie de bande dessin\u00e9e historique \u00e9crite par Joann Sfar, dessin\u00e9e par Emmanuel Guibert et mise en couleurs par Walter. Ses trois volumes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9s par Dupuis entre 2001 et 2003.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Les Olives noires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2831984", "boundaries": [26, 31], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1004", "boundaries": [35, 49], "surfaceform": "bande dessin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2882223", "boundaries": [50, 60], "surfaceform": "historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q239897", "boundaries": [72, 82], "surfaceform": "Joann Sfar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q461153", "boundaries": [97, 113], "surfaceform": "Emmanuel Guibert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3565667", "boundaries": [138, 144], "surfaceform": "Walter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1266653", "boundaries": [184, 190], "surfaceform": "Dupuis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [197, 201], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [205, 209], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2882223", "boundaries": [50, 60], "surfaceform": "historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1004", "boundaries": [35, 49], "surfaceform": "bande dessin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.81298828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14145622-0", "title": "TechNoir", "uri": "None", "text": "Le terme vient du film \"Terminator\" (1984) de James Cameron \u2014 dans lequel la bo\u00eete de nuit porte ce nom \u2014 et se d\u00e9finit via les th\u00e9matiques de ce dernier. Ce sont des films dans lesquels la technologie est pr\u00e9sent\u00e9e comme une force n\u00e9faste, destructrice, dangereuse, \u00e0 l'image de ses cr\u00e9ateurs, habit\u00e9e par le go\u00fbt et le d\u00e9sir destruction.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q162255", "boundaries": [24, 34], "surfaceform": "Terminator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1984^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [37, 41], "surfaceform": "1984", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q42574", "boundaries": [46, 59], "surfaceform": "James Cameron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q162255", "boundaries": [24, 34], "surfaceform": "Terminator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42574", "boundaries": [46, 59], "surfaceform": "James Cameron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14093789-0", "title": "Maria Tolsta\u00efa", "uri": "None", "text": "La comtesse Maria Tolsta\u00efa, ou Maria Lvovna Tolsta\u00efa (en ), d\u00e9nomm\u00e9e apr\u00e8s son mariage princesse Obolenska\u00efa, n\u00e9e le \u00e0 Iasna\u00efa Poliana, oblast de Toula, et y d\u00e9c\u00e9d\u00e9e le ,\u00a0est une professeure russe, fille de L\u00e9on Tolsto\u00ef. Depuis son enfance, elle a aid\u00e9 l'\u00e9crivain \u00e0 organiser sa correspondance, \u00e0 faire des traductions, \u00e0 s'occuper de son secr\u00e9tariat. Partageant les points de vue de son p\u00e8re, elle s'est d\u00e9tourn\u00e9e des conceptions purement la\u00efques ; elle a consacr\u00e9 une grande partie de sa vie aux activit\u00e9s \u00e9ducatives.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [12, 26], "surfaceform": "Maria Tolsta\u00efa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q749556", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Iasna\u00efa Poliana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2792", "boundaries": [136, 151], "surfaceform": "oblast de Toula", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7243", "boundaries": [207, 219], "surfaceform": "L\u00e9on Tolsto\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7243", "boundaries": [207, 219], "surfaceform": "L\u00e9on Tolsto\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q749556", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Iasna\u00efa Poliana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.65673828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14096001-0", "title": "Apple TV Channels", "uri": "None", "text": "Apple TV Channels, ou les cha\u00eenes Apple TV est un espace qui permet de s'abonner \u00e0 diff\u00e9rents services de vid\u00e9o \u00e0 la demande au sein de l'application TV d'Apple. ", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Apple TV Channels", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q723685", "boundaries": [106, 124], "surfaceform": "vid\u00e9o \u00e0 la demande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30598180", "boundaries": [138, 152], "surfaceform": "application TV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q312", "boundaries": [155, 160], "surfaceform": "Apple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q30598180", "boundaries": [138, 152], "surfaceform": "application TV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q312", "boundaries": [155, 160], "surfaceform": "Apple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.482177734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "13930967-1", "title": "Batteur de mesure \u00e9lectrique", "uri": "None", "text": "En 1844, le compositeur, chef d'orchestre et \u00e9crivain fran\u00e7ais Hector Berlioz d\u00e9crit le principe et l'emploi du batteur de mesure \u00e9lectrique, ou \u00ab\u00a0m\u00e9tronome \u00e9lectrique\u00a0\u00bb, dans \"Euphonia ou la ville musicale\", derni\u00e8re nouvelle des \"Soir\u00e9es de l'orchestre\". Il en fait l'exp\u00e9rience d\u00e8s 1855 pour diriger ses propres \u0153uvres. Par la suite, l'Op\u00e9ra de Paris et des salles de concert en font usage.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2810139", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1844", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1844^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1844", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q36834", "boundaries": [12, 23], "surfaceform": "compositeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36180", "boundaries": [45, 53], "surfaceform": "\u00e9crivain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [54, 62], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [63, 77], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q156424", "boundaries": [147, 156], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9tronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q105443585", "boundaries": [177, 185], "surfaceform": "Euphonia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q49084", "boundaries": [218, 226], "surfaceform": "nouvelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19213683", "boundaries": [232, 254], "surfaceform": "Soir\u00e9es de l'orchestre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2810278", "boundaries": [285, 289], "surfaceform": "1855", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1855^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [285, 289], "surfaceform": "1855", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q283339", "boundaries": [339, 353], "surfaceform": "Op\u00e9ra de Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [63, 77], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36834", "boundaries": [12, 23], "surfaceform": "compositeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [63, 77], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36180", "boundaries": [45, 53], "surfaceform": "\u00e9crivain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q105443585", "boundaries": [177, 185], "surfaceform": "Euphonia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [63, 77], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19213683", "boundaries": [232, 254], "surfaceform": "Soir\u00e9es de l'orchestre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1151", "boundaries": [63, 77], "surfaceform": "Hector Berlioz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13820463-0", "title": "Fa\u00efencerie de Saint-Cloud", "uri": "None", "text": "La Fa\u00efencerie de Saint-Cloud, dite \"Manufacture Royale de Saint-Cloud\" \u00e9tait une manufacture de porcelaine cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Colbert en vue de de produire de la porcelaine. Elle \u00e9tait implant\u00e9e sur les bords de la Seine \u00e0 Saint-Cloud, o\u00f9 se trouve actuellement le quai du Pr\u00e9sident-Carnot.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 28], "surfaceform": "Fa\u00efencerie de Saint-Cloud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q189153", "boundaries": [214, 225], "surfaceform": "Saint-Cloud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q104535538", "boundaries": [256, 280], "surfaceform": "quai du Pr\u00e9sident-Carnot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q189153", "boundaries": [214, 225], "surfaceform": "Saint-Cloud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q104535538", "boundaries": [256, 280], "surfaceform": "quai du Pr\u00e9sident-Carnot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q189153", "boundaries": [214, 225], "surfaceform": "Saint-Cloud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "82423-0", "title": "Cygwin", "uri": "Q216192", "text": "Cygwin est une collection de logiciels libres \u00e0 l'origine d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s par Cygnus Solutions permettant \u00e0 diff\u00e9rentes versions de Windows de Microsoft d'\u00e9muler un syst\u00e8me Unix. Il vise principalement l'adaptation \u00e0 Windows de logiciels qui fonctionnent sur des syst\u00e8mes POSIX (tels que les syst\u00e8mes GNU/Linux, BSD, et Unix). Cygwin simule un environnement Unix sous Windows, rendant possible l'ex\u00e9cution de ces logiciels apr\u00e8s une simple compilation. Les programmes ainsi port\u00e9s sur Cygwin, fonctionnent mieux sur Windows NT, Windows 2000 et Windows XP que sur les versions ant\u00e9rieures de Windows, mais certains peuvent s'ex\u00e9cuter de fa\u00e7on tout \u00e0 fait acceptable sur Windows 95 et Windows 98. 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{"docid": "62851-0", "title": "Datsun", "uri": "Q27543", "text": "Datsun est un constructeur automobile japonais. Lanc\u00e9 en 1913 par Masujiro Hashimoto principalement, Datsun fut rachet\u00e9e en 1933 par Nissan et abandonn\u00e9e en 1983 pour des raisons d'unification commerciale. La marque \u00e9tait r\u00e9put\u00e9e pour ses mod\u00e8les de moyenne gamme, mais aussi sportifs, tels que les 240Z, 260Z et 280Z. Ces derni\u00e8res voitures pouvaient rivaliser avec leurs concurrentes Porsche et MG Motor pour la moiti\u00e9 de leur prix. La marque fut relanc\u00e9e le par Carlos Ghosn, rel\u00e9gu\u00e9e cette fois au bas de gamme, avec pour objectif d'en faire un \u00e9quivalent de Dacia pour la branche Nissan de l'alliance (Nissan repr\u00e9sentant le g\u00e9n\u00e9raliste et Infiniti le premium luxe). ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q27543", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Datsun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q786820", "boundaries": [14, 37], "surfaceform": "constructeur automobile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1913^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [57, 61], "surfaceform": "1913", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [66, 84], "surfaceform": "Masujiro Hashimoto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q27543", "boundaries": [101, 107], "surfaceform": "Datsun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+1933^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [124, 128], "surfaceform": "1933", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q20165", "boundaries": [133, 139], "surfaceform": "Nissan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2575681", "boundaries": [299, 303], "surfaceform": "240Z", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+240^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [299, 302], "surfaceform": "240", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+260^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [305, 308], "surfaceform": "260", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+280^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [313, 316], "surfaceform": "280", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q40993", "boundaries": [386, 393], "surfaceform": "Porsche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1881443", "boundaries": [397, 405], "surfaceform": "MG Motor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q356719", "boundaries": [465, 477], "surfaceform": "Carlos Ghosn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q27543", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Datsun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20165", "boundaries": [133, 139], "surfaceform": "Nissan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14048361-0", "title": "Ligue des droits de la femme", "uri": "None", "text": "La Ligue des droits de la femme est une association f\u00e9ministe ayant comme revendication premi\u00e8re le droit de vote des femmes au Qu\u00e9bec. D\u00e9butant sous le nom du Comit\u00e9 provincial pour le suffrage f\u00e9minin, l\u2019association se divise en deux nouvelles associations en 1927 soit l\u2019Alliance canadienne pour le vote des femmes du Qu\u00e9bec alors que le Comit\u00e9 change de nom pour la Ligue des droits de la femme. Ainsi, le comit\u00e9 est en action pendant cinq ans, soit de 1922 \u00e0 1927. Pour ce qui est de la Ligue, elle est active \u00e0 partir de 1927 et diminue ses activit\u00e9s en 1940 apr\u00e8s l\u2019obtention du droit de vote au Qu\u00e9bec. Elle cesse d\u00e9finitivement ses activit\u00e9s en 1959.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [3, 31], "surfaceform": "Ligue des droits de la femme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q7252", "boundaries": [52, 61], "surfaceform": "f\u00e9ministe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q55596705", "boundaries": [100, 124], "surfaceform": "droit de vote des femmes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q176", "boundaries": [128, 134], "surfaceform": "Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q60849306", "boundaries": [160, 202], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 provincial pour le suffrage f\u00e9minin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1927^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [262, 266], "surfaceform": "1927", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [370, 398], "surfaceform": "Ligue des droits de la femme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1922^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [457, 461], "surfaceform": "1922", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1927^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [464, 468], "surfaceform": "1927", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1927^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [527, 531], "surfaceform": "1927", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [560, 564], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1959^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [654, 658], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q55596705", "boundaries": [100, 124], "surfaceform": "droit de vote des femmes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q176", "boundaries": [128, 134], "surfaceform": "Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14158830-0", "title": "Azuro", "uri": "None", "text": "Azuro est un film dramatique fran\u00e7ais r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par Matthieu Roz\u00e9, dont la sortie est pr\u00e9vue en 2021. Le film est \u00e9crit par Mathieu Roz\u00e9, avec la collaboration de Julie Peyr, d\u2019apr\u00e8s le roman de Marguerite Duras, \"Les Petits Chevaux de Tarquinia\" (1953). C'est le premier long-m\u00e9trage de Matthieu Roz\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Azuro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q130232", "boundaries": [13, 28], "surfaceform": "film dramatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q242080", "boundaries": [29, 37], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3299930", "boundaries": [50, 63], "surfaceform": "Matthieu Roz\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q49628", "boundaries": [94, 98], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [94, 98], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q153248", "boundaries": [193, 209], "surfaceform": "Marguerite Duras", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3234597", "boundaries": [212, 243], "surfaceform": "Les Petits Chevaux de Tarquinia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1953^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [246, 250], "surfaceform": "1953", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q24869", "boundaries": [270, 282], "surfaceform": "long-m\u00e9trage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3234597", "boundaries": [212, 243], "surfaceform": "Les Petits Chevaux de Tarquinia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q153248", "boundaries": [193, 209], "surfaceform": "Marguerite Duras", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "14159162-0", "title": "Midi rouge", "uri": "None", "text": "Jean Jaur\u00e8s, l'un des fondateurs du socialisme r\u00e9formiste en France, \u00e9tait natif et d\u00e9put\u00e9 du Tarn. Cette tradition politique a gard\u00e9 une certaine force jusqu'\u00e0 la fin du , avec de nombreuses villes moyennes ou communes rurales des contreforts du Massif central contr\u00f4l\u00e9es par des maires communistes, repr\u00e9sentatives de ce qui est surnomm\u00e9 depuis le milieu du le \u00ab Midi Rouge \u00bb. Ainsi, B\u00e9ziers a un maire communiste de 1977 \u00e0 1983 (Paul Balmig\u00e8re), N\u00eemes de 1965 \u00e0 1983 (\u00c9mile Jourdan) puis de 1995 \u00e0 2001 (Alain Clary), S\u00e8te de 1959 \u00e0 1983 (Pierre Arraut puis Gilbert Martelli) et de 1996 \u00e0 2001 (Fran\u00e7ois Liberti), Al\u00e8s de 1965 \u00e0 1989 (Roger Roucaute puis Gilbert Millet). Si ces bastions de la plaine ont pour beaucoup bascul\u00e9 \u00e0 droite et ont vu une perte progressive d'influence du PCF associ\u00e9 \u00e0 une mont\u00e9e du vote populiste de droite, de nombreuses communes plus modestes des contreforts du Massif central ou du pi\u00e9mont pyr\u00e9n\u00e9en, de la plaine du Roussillon ou de la vall\u00e9e du Rh\u00f4ne ont conserv\u00e9 cette couleur politique au d\u00e9but du : Aramon ou La Grand-Combe dans le Gard ; Conques-sur-Orbiel ou Ginestas dans l'Aude ; Florac en Loz\u00e8re ; Valence-d'Albigeois, Saint-Beno\u00eet-de-Carmaux et Blan dans le Tarn ; Al\u00e9nya, Cabestany, Corb\u00e8re-les-Cabanes, Elne ou Estagel dans les Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es-Orientales ; Andrest, Bazet, Capvern, Oursbelille, Pouzac et Soues dans les Hautes-Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es. N\u00e9anmoins en 2014, la moiti\u00e9 des communes d\u00e9tenues par le PCF sont regroup\u00e9es dans seulement 7 d\u00e9partements \u00e0 travers la France, et seuls les Bouches-du-Rh\u00f4ne font partie de la ceinture du Midi rouge.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q12688", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Jean Jaur\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [61, 67], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12772", "boundaries": [94, 98], "surfaceform": "Tarn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q190695", "boundaries": [247, 261], "surfaceform": "Massif central", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q174019", "boundaries": [386, 393], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9ziers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2481", "boundaries": [419, 423], "surfaceform": "1977", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1977^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [419, 423], "surfaceform": "1977", 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{"docid": "14031539-0", "title": "Les Gisants", "uri": "None", "text": "Les Gisants est une \u0153uvre d'art urbain r\u00e9alis\u00e9e par l'artiste plasticien fran\u00e7ais Ernest Pignon-Ernest \u00e0 Paris en , comm\u00e9morant le centenaire de la Commune de Paris. Elle consiste en un collage de de papier s\u00e9rigraphi\u00e9es, sur lesquelles le cadavre d'un communard est r\u00e9p\u00e9t\u00e9, et coll\u00e9es \u00e0 m\u00eame le sol.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Les Gisants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q17516", "boundaries": [28, 38], "surfaceform": "art urbain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q955138", "boundaries": [82, 102], "surfaceform": "Ernest Pignon-Ernest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [105, 110], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q104641243", "boundaries": [131, 164], "surfaceform": "centenaire de la Commune de Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q187791", "boundaries": [207, 218], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rigraphi\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1780490", "boundaries": [253, 262], "surfaceform": "communard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q104641243", "boundaries": [131, 164], "surfaceform": "centenaire de la Commune de Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [105, 110], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "13739784-1", "title": "La Maison du p\u00eacheur", "uri": "None", "text": "Les fr\u00e8res Jacques Rose et Paul Rose, Francis Simard et Bernard Lortie fonderont quelque temps plus tard la Cellule Ch\u00e9nier du Front de lib\u00e9ration du Qu\u00e9bec. Cette cellule enl\u00e8vera en octobre 1970 le ministre qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois de l'Immigration, du Travail et de la Main-d\u2019\u0153uvre Pierre Laporte, pendant la Crise d'octobre. Un film de fiction, \"La Maison du p\u00eacheur\", tourn\u00e9 par Alain Chartrand \u00e0 propos du lieu, est sorti dans les salles en 2013. Aujourd'hui, la Maison du p\u00eacheur est un restaurant. Son ancien propri\u00e9taire est l'ancien d\u00e9put\u00e9 lib\u00e9ral de Gasp\u00e9, Georges Mamelonet.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2944051", "boundaries": [108, 123], "surfaceform": "Cellule Ch\u00e9nier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1129564", "boundaries": [127, 156], "surfaceform": "Front de lib\u00e9ration du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "1970-10-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [185, 196], "surfaceform": "ctobre 1970", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q1382471", "boundaries": [270, 284], "surfaceform": "Pierre Laporte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q16652298", "boundaries": [335, 355], "surfaceform": "La Maison du p\u00eacheur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2829652", "boundaries": [369, 384], "surfaceform": "Alain Chartrand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2013^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 436], "surfaceform": "2013", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1631384", "boundaries": [535, 542], "surfaceform": "lib\u00e9ral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3103150", "boundaries": [553, 570], "surfaceform": "Georges Mamelonet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2944051", "boundaries": [108, 123], "surfaceform": "Cellule Ch\u00e9nier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1129564", "boundaries": [127, 156], "surfaceform": "Front de lib\u00e9ration du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 13, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q16652298", "boundaries": [335, 355], "surfaceform": "La Maison du p\u00eacheur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2829652", "boundaries": [369, 384], "surfaceform": "Alain Chartrand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 15, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "4074281-2", "title": "Medell\u00edn", "uri": "Q48278", "text": "Medell\u00edn est l'un des principaux centres culturels de Colombie et abrite de nombreux sites touristiques. Elle a \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 le centre op\u00e9rationnel du cartel homonyme, men\u00e9 par le baron de la drogue Pablo Escobar, des ann\u00e9es 1970 jusqu'au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 1990. Durant cette p\u00e9riode, Medell\u00edn est le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de tr\u00e8s nombreux crimes de sang.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q48278", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Medell\u00edn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1046933", "boundaries": [152, 158], "surfaceform": "cartel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q187447", "boundaries": [200, 213], "surfaceform": "Pablo Escobar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [226, 230], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [257, 261], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q48278", "boundaries": [285, 293], "surfaceform": "Medell\u00edn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1046933", "boundaries": [152, 158], "surfaceform": "cartel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q187447", "boundaries": [200, 213], "surfaceform": "Pablo Escobar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7607421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q187447", "boundaries": [200, 213], "surfaceform": "Pablo Escobar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1046933", "boundaries": [152, 158], "surfaceform": "cartel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "4080280-0", "title": "Union des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations ouest-africaines de football", "uri": "Q1352284", "text": "L'Union des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations ouest-africaines de football (UFOA) est une conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration r\u00e9gionale de football d\u00e9pendante de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de football (CAF) et pr\u00e9sid\u00e9e par Jacques Anouma. Le nom anglais de la conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration est \"West Africa Football Union\" (WAFU).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1352284", "boundaries": [2, 52], "surfaceform": "Union des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations ouest-africaines de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [95, 103], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q168360", "boundaries": [121, 156], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1460313", "boundaries": [179, 193], "surfaceform": "Jacques Anouma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1352284", "boundaries": [2, 52], "surfaceform": "Union des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations ouest-africaines de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [95, 103], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.64013671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1352284", "boundaries": [2, 52], "surfaceform": "Union des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations ouest-africaines de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q168360", "boundaries": [121, 156], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q168360", "boundaries": [121, 156], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [95, 103], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "12600970-0", "title": "Xbox Game Pass", "uri": "Q29578331", "text": "Xbox Game Pass est un service d'abonnement de Microsoft destin\u00e9 \u00e0 \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 avec sa console de jeux Xbox One. D\u00e9crit comme le \u00ab Netflix pour les jeux vid\u00e9o \u00bb , le Xbox Game Pass permet aux joueurs d\u2019avoir acc\u00e8s \u00e0 un catalogue de jeux de diff\u00e9rents \u00e9diteurs pour un prix unique par abonnement mensuel. Le service a \u00e9t\u00e9 lanc\u00e9 le 1 er , tandis que les abonn\u00e9s \u00e0 Xbox Live Gold ont obtenu un acc\u00e8s prioritaire le .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q29578331", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Xbox Game Pass", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q322948", "boundaries": [22, 42], "surfaceform": "service d'abonnement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [46, 55], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q13361286", "boundaries": [103, 111], "surfaceform": "Xbox One", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q907311", "boundaries": [131, 138], "surfaceform": "Netflix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q29578331", "boundaries": [166, 180], "surfaceform": "Xbox Game Pass", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [330, 331], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q29578331", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Xbox Game Pass", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [46, 55], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98291015625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q13361286", "boundaries": [103, 111], "surfaceform": "Xbox One", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [46, 55], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "7311006-0", "title": "Dracula Untold", "uri": "Q14512114", "text": "Il devait \u00eatre le premier film du \"Dark Universe\", un univers fantastiquo-horrifique d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par Universal Pictures. Toutefois, en d\u00e9cembre 2016, Alex Kurtzman, r\u00e9alisateur du film \"La Momie\", a annonc\u00e9 que \"Dracula Untold\" ne fera pas partie du canon de la franchise.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q27302334", "boundaries": [35, 48], "surfaceform": "Dark Universe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q168383", "boundaries": [99, 117], "surfaceform": "Universal Pictures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "2016-12-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [133, 146], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9cembre 2016", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [142, 146], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q432598", "boundaries": [148, 161], "surfaceform": "Alex Kurtzman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q23759268", "boundaries": [184, 192], "surfaceform": "La Momie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q14512114", "boundaries": [210, 224], "surfaceform": "Dracula Untold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q53815", "boundaries": [248, 253], "surfaceform": "canon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q27302334", "boundaries": [35, 48], "surfaceform": "Dark Universe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q168383", "boundaries": [99, 117], "surfaceform": "Universal Pictures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q23759268", "boundaries": [184, 192], "surfaceform": "La Momie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q432598", "boundaries": [148, 161], "surfaceform": "Alex Kurtzman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "7528080-1", "title": "Le Myst\u00e8re de Marie Roget", "uri": "Q1167993", "text": "L'enqu\u00eate du \"Myst\u00e8re de Marie Roget\" se base sur l'affaire r\u00e9elle du meurtre de Mary Cecilia Rogers survenu \u00e0 New York en 1841. Dans la nouvelle, l'action est transpos\u00e9e \u00e0 Paris au lieu de New York, et la Seine remplace l'Hudson River o\u00f9 le corps de Mary Rogers a \u00e9t\u00e9 retrouv\u00e9. Edgar Allan Poe joue entre fiction et r\u00e9alit\u00e9 \u00e0 plusieurs niveaux : son personnage fictif Auguste Dupin essaie d'entrevoir la v\u00e9rit\u00e9 sur l'affaire en se basant uniquement sur des coupures de presse r\u00e9elles, mais les noms r\u00e9els des journaux sont maquill\u00e9s. Comme pour \"Double assassinat dans la rue Morgue\", le r\u00e9cit est narr\u00e9 par un ami de Dupin dont l'identit\u00e9 reste inconnue.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3296234", "boundaries": [81, 100], "surfaceform": "Mary Cecilia Rogers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q60", "boundaries": [111, 119], "surfaceform": "New York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1841^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "1841", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q60", "boundaries": [190, 198], "surfaceform": "New York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3140", "boundaries": [223, 235], "surfaceform": "Hudson River", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.29833984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90673828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "1163095-1", "title": "Le Cauchemar d'Innsmouth", "uri": "Q1068054", "text": "\"Le Cauchemar d'Innsmouth\" est achev\u00e9e par Lovecraft en 1931. Son r\u00e9cit relate la volont\u00e9 d'un jeune homme \u00e0 percer \u00e0 jour les myst\u00e8res d'Innsmouth, un village c\u00f4tier fictif du Massachusetts, qui abriterait des \u00eatres hybrides \u2014 quelque chose entre le poisson et la grenouille \u2014 vouant un culte \u00e0 Cthulhu et \u00e0 Dagon, un dieu philistin int\u00e9gr\u00e9 au Mythe de Cthulhu. Dagon \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9voqu\u00e9 dans une courte nouvelle du m\u00eame nom parue en 1919.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1068054", "boundaries": [1, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Cauchemar d'Innsmouth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1511031", "boundaries": [56, 60], "surfaceform": "1931", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1931^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [56, 60], "surfaceform": "1931", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1333814", "boundaries": [138, 147], "surfaceform": "Innsmouth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q771", "boundaries": [177, 190], "surfaceform": "Massachusetts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12038", "boundaries": [296, 303], "surfaceform": "Cthulhu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3011898", "boundaries": [309, 314], "surfaceform": "Dagon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q193776", "boundaries": [324, 333], "surfaceform": "philistin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q621596", "boundaries": [345, 361], "surfaceform": "Mythe de Cthulhu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1157371", "boundaries": [396, 423], "surfaceform": "courte nouvelle du m\u00eame nom", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2157", "boundaries": [433, 437], "surfaceform": "1919", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1919^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [433, 437], "surfaceform": "1919", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1333814", "boundaries": [138, 147], "surfaceform": "Innsmouth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q771", "boundaries": [177, 190], "surfaceform": "Massachusetts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "1063528-0", "title": "Altair BASIC", "uri": "Q286196", "text": "L\u2019Altair BASIC est un interpr\u00e9teur BASIC d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par les deux fondateurs de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Microsoft, Bill Gates et Paul Allen, pour l'un des premiers micro-ordinateurs : l\"'Altair 8800\" du constructeur MITS.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q286196", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "Altair BASIC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q42979", "boundaries": [35, 40], "surfaceform": "BASIC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [89, 98], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5284", "boundaries": [100, 110], "surfaceform": "Bill Gates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q162005", "boundaries": [114, 124], "surfaceform": "Paul Allen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q223493", "boundaries": [172, 183], "surfaceform": "Altair 8800", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+8800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [179, 183], "surfaceform": "8800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1029222", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "MITS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q286196", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "Altair BASIC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5284", "boundaries": [100, 110], "surfaceform": "Bill Gates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q286196", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "Altair BASIC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q162005", "boundaries": [114, 124], "surfaceform": "Paul Allen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [89, 98], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5284", "boundaries": [100, 110], "surfaceform": "Bill Gates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [89, 98], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q162005", "boundaries": [114, 124], "surfaceform": "Paul Allen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q223493", "boundaries": [172, 183], "surfaceform": "Altair 8800", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1029222", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "MITS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "1249337-0", "title": "De la libert\u00e9", "uri": "Q1055881", "text": "De la libert\u00e9 (') est un essai de philosophie de John Stuart Mill paru en 1859. D\u00e9fendant un lib\u00e9ralisme vigoureux fond\u00e9 sur le ', le livre a eu une post\u00e9rit\u00e9 importante dans la tradition lib\u00e9rale. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 influenc\u00e9 par les \u00e9crits d'auteurs allemands comme Goethe et Humboldt. Comptant indubitablement parmi les \u0153uvres majeures de Mill, le livre pose toutefois certaines questions de coh\u00e9rence avec un autre ouvrage de l'auteur : \"L'Utilitarisme\". La premi\u00e8re traduction fran\u00e7aise est due \u00e0 Charles Brook Dupont-White, en 1860. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1055881", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "De la libert\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5891", "boundaries": [34, 45], "surfaceform": "philosophie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q50020", "boundaries": [49, 65], "surfaceform": "John Stuart Mill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7687", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "1859", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1859^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "1859", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5879", "boundaries": [258, 264], "surfaceform": "Goethe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q77888", "boundaries": [268, 276], "surfaceform": "Humboldt", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q160590", "boundaries": [432, 446], "surfaceform": "L'Utilitarisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q737123", "boundaries": [492, 518], "surfaceform": "Charles Brook Dupont-White", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1860^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [523, 527], "surfaceform": "1860", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1055881", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "De la libert\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q50020", "boundaries": [49, 65], "surfaceform": "John Stuart Mill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q50020", "boundaries": [49, 65], "surfaceform": "John Stuart Mill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1055881", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "De la libert\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14116508-0", "title": "Le Tr\u00e9sor du Petit Nicolas", "uri": "None", "text": "Le Tr\u00e9sor du Petit Nicolas est une com\u00e9die fran\u00e7aise r\u00e9alis\u00e9e par Julien Rappeneau et dont la sortie est pr\u00e9vue en 2021. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle adaptation des nouvelles \u00e9crites par Ren\u00e9 Goscinny et illustr\u00e9es par Semp\u00e9, apr\u00e8s \"Le Petit Nicolas\" (2009) et \"Les Vacances du petit Nicolas\" (2014).", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 26], "surfaceform": "Le Tr\u00e9sor du Petit Nicolas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q157443", "boundaries": [35, 42], "surfaceform": "com\u00e9die", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q242080", "boundaries": [43, 52], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3189631", "boundaries": [66, 82], "surfaceform": "Julien Rappeneau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q56278196", "boundaries": [115, 119], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [115, 119], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1257444", "boundaries": [146, 156], "surfaceform": "adaptation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q932591", "boundaries": [161, 170], "surfaceform": "nouvelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q192214", "boundaries": [183, 196], "surfaceform": "Ren\u00e9 Goscinny", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q354371", "boundaries": [215, 220], "surfaceform": "Semp\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2270093", "boundaries": [229, 245], "surfaceform": "Le Petit Nicolas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2009^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [248, 252], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16655418", "boundaries": [258, 287], "surfaceform": "Les Vacances du petit Nicolas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q932591", "boundaries": [161, 170], "surfaceform": "nouvelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q192214", "boundaries": [183, 196], "surfaceform": "Ren\u00e9 Goscinny", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q16655418", "boundaries": [258, 287], "surfaceform": "Les Vacances du petit Nicolas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2270093", "boundaries": [229, 245], "surfaceform": "Le Petit Nicolas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "8846-2", "title": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "uri": "Q185682", "text": "La colonisation fran\u00e7aise de la p\u00e9ninsule commen\u00e7a en 1858 sous le Second Empire, avec l'invasion de la Cochinchine suivie de l'instauration d'un protectorat sur le Cambodge en 1863. Elle reprit \u00e0 partir de 1883 sous la Troisi\u00e8me R\u00e9publique avec l'exp\u00e9dition du Tonkin, corollaire de la guerre franco-chinoise, qui conduisit la m\u00eame ann\u00e9e \u00e0 l'instauration de deux protectorats distincts sur le reste du Vietnam. En 1887, l'administration de ces territoires fut centralis\u00e9e avec la cr\u00e9ation de l'Union indochinoise. Deux autres entit\u00e9s lui furent rattach\u00e9es par la suite : en 1899, le protectorat laotien, instaur\u00e9 six ans auparavant, et, en 1900, Kouang-Tch\u00e9ou-Wan, que la France avait commenc\u00e9 d'occuper deux ans plus t\u00f4t.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7684", "boundaries": [54, 58], "surfaceform": "1858", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1858^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [54, 58], "surfaceform": "1858", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q71092", "boundaries": [67, 80], "surfaceform": "Second Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2935371", "boundaries": [89, 115], "surfaceform": "invasion de la Cochinchine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7701", "boundaries": [177, 181], "surfaceform": "1863", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1863^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [177, 181], "surfaceform": "1863", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7816", "boundaries": [207, 211], "surfaceform": "1883", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1883^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [207, 211], "surfaceform": "1883", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q70802", "boundaries": [220, 240], "surfaceform": "Troisi\u00e8me R\u00e9publique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q286655", "boundaries": [248, 268], "surfaceform": "exp\u00e9dition du Tonkin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q706183", "boundaries": [287, 309], "surfaceform": "guerre franco-chinoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1887^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [415, 419], "surfaceform": "1887", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7851", "boundaries": [575, 579], "surfaceform": "1899", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1899^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [575, 579], "surfaceform": "1899", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2034", "boundaries": [641, 645], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1900^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [641, 645], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1506615", "boundaries": [647, 664], "surfaceform": "Kouang-Tch\u00e9ou-Wan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q706183", "boundaries": [287, 309], "surfaceform": "guerre franco-chinoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q286655", "boundaries": [248, 268], "surfaceform": "exp\u00e9dition du Tonkin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90771484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2034", "boundaries": [641, 645], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7851", "boundaries": [575, 579], "surfaceform": "1899", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "112877-0", "title": "Myk\u00e9rinos", "uri": "Q200986", "text": "Menkaour\u00ea (translitt\u00e9ration \u00e9gyptienne \"mn-k3w-R\u02c1\"), plus connu sous la forme hell\u00e9nis\u00e9e de son nom Myk\u00e9rinos (grec : \u039c\u03c5\u03ba\u03b5\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2), est un roi \u00e9gyptien de la de l'Ancien Empire. Il r\u00e8gne aux alentours de -2500, il succ\u00e8de \u00e0 Kh\u00e9phren et pr\u00e9c\u00e8de Chepseskaf. Il est c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour avoir construit la troisi\u00e8me pyramide de Gizeh ainsi que pour de magnifiques statues, plusieurs triades, qui y ont \u00e9t\u00e9 retrouv\u00e9es.", "entities": [{"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [44, 45], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q200986", "boundaries": [100, 109], "surfaceform": "Myk\u00e9rinos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [161, 174], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "-2500^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 207], "surfaceform": "-2500", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q199861", "boundaries": [222, 230], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e9phren", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q220252", "boundaries": [242, 252], "surfaceform": "Chepseskaf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q238623", "boundaries": [293, 311], "surfaceform": "troisi\u00e8me pyramide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q81788", "boundaries": [315, 320], "surfaceform": "Gizeh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6153497", "boundaries": [360, 377], "surfaceform": "plusieurs triades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q238623", "boundaries": [293, 311], "surfaceform": "troisi\u00e8me pyramide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q81788", "boundaries": [315, 320], "surfaceform": "Gizeh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "644779-0", "title": "Coach Carter", "uri": "Q1104158", "text": "Coach Carter est un film am\u00e9ricain de Thomas Carter sorti en 2005. Le film est bas\u00e9 sur une histoire vraie, celle de Ken Carter, entra\u00eeneur de basket-ball au lyc\u00e9e (\"High School\") de Richmond (Californie, \u00c9tats-Unis). Cet entra\u00eeneur avait fait les gros titres des journaux locaux en 1999 apr\u00e8s avoir r\u00e9alis\u00e9 une belle s\u00e9rie de matchs sans d\u00e9faite tout en surpassant ses pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseurs en mati\u00e8re de r\u00e9sultats acad\u00e9miques pour ses joueurs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1104158", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Coach Carter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q380675", "boundaries": [20, 34], "surfaceform": "film am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3524978", "boundaries": [38, 51], "surfaceform": "Thomas Carter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q742202", "boundaries": [61, 65], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [61, 65], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2329947", "boundaries": [117, 127], "surfaceform": "Ken Carter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": 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{"docid": "13947942-0", "title": "Championnats de Belgique d'athl\u00e9tisme en salle 2021", "uri": "None", "text": "Les Championnats de Belgique d'athl\u00e9tisme en salle 2021 toutes cat\u00e9gories se tiennent le samedi 20 f\u00e9vrier, au Complexe sportif de Blocry, situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Louvain-la-Neuve.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2088526", "boundaries": [4, 50], "surfaceform": "Championnats de Belgique d'athl\u00e9tisme en salle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q16000957", "boundaries": [51, 55], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [51, 55], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2344", "boundaries": [96, 106], "surfaceform": "20 f\u00e9vrier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [96, 98], "surfaceform": "20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q63241155", "boundaries": [111, 137], "surfaceform": "Complexe sportif de Blocry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q665868", "boundaries": [147, 163], "surfaceform": "Louvain-la-Neuve", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q63241155", "boundaries": [111, 137], "surfaceform": "Complexe sportif de Blocry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q665868", "boundaries": [147, 163], "surfaceform": "Louvain-la-Neuve", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "406413-0", "title": "Coupe du Portugal de football", "uri": "Q29224", "text": "La Coupe du Portugal de football a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1938. Elle est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme le troph\u00e9e national le plus important apr\u00e8s le Championnat du Portugal de football.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q29224", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Coupe du Portugal de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [12, 20], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2811712", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1938", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1938^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1938", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q182994", "boundaries": [127, 162], "surfaceform": "Championnat du Portugal de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q29224", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Coupe du Portugal de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [12, 20], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.869140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2811712", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1938", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97802734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "100501-0", "title": "Icare", "uri": "Q34041", "text": "Dans la mythologie grecque, Icare (en grec ancien ) est le fils de l'architecte ath\u00e9nien D\u00e9dale et de Naupact\u00e9 (\u00e9galement appel\u00e9e Naucrat\u00e9), une esclave cr\u00e9toise. Il est connu principalement pour \u00eatre mort apr\u00e8s avoir vol\u00e9 trop pr\u00e8s du Soleil alors qu'il s'\u00e9chappait du labyrinthe avec des ailes cr\u00e9\u00e9es par son p\u00e8re avec de la cire et des plumes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q34726", "boundaries": [8, 26], "surfaceform": "mythologie grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34041", "boundaries": [28, 33], "surfaceform": "Icare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [38, 49], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q134756", "boundaries": [89, 95], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9dale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3337163", "boundaries": [102, 110], "surfaceform": "Naupact\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1289503", "boundaries": [145, 152], "surfaceform": "esclave", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34374", "boundaries": [153, 161], "surfaceform": "cr\u00e9toise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q525", "boundaries": [236, 242], "surfaceform": "Soleil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "Q48963", "boundaries": [270, 280], "surfaceform": "labyrinthe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q134756", "boundaries": [89, 95], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9dale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34041", "boundaries": [28, 33], "surfaceform": "Icare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.88134765625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q134756", "boundaries": [89, 95], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9dale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3337163", "boundaries": [102, 110], "surfaceform": "Naupact\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "67670-0", "title": "Madame Butterfly", "uri": "Q19005", "text": "Madame Butterfly (titre original en italien : \"Madama Butterfly\", en API : [ma\u02c8da\u02d0ma \u02c8batterflai]) est un op\u00e9ra italien en deux ou trois actes de Giacomo Puccini, sur un livret de Luigi Illica et de Giuseppe Giacosa, repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 pour la premi\u00e8re fois le \u00e0 la Scala de Milan. L'op\u00e9ra est qualifi\u00e9 de (trag\u00e9die japonaise en deux actes) dans la partition autographe, mais entre 1906 et 2016, il a \u00e9t\u00e9 repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 le plus souvent dans une version r\u00e9vis\u00e9e en trois actes, en scindant l'acte II en deux parties plus courtes. L'\u0153uvre est d\u00e9di\u00e9e \u00e0 H\u00e9l\u00e8ne de Mont\u00e9n\u00e9gro, reine d'Italie. Faisant partie du grand r\u00e9pertoire, il s'agit selon Operabase du op\u00e9ra le plus jou\u00e9 au monde, juste apr\u00e8s \"Tosca\" du m\u00eame compositeur.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q19005", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Madame Butterfly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q652", "boundaries": [36, 43], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21204", "boundaries": [69, 72], "surfaceform": "API", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1344", "boundaries": [106, 111], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q421744", "boundaries": [137, 142], "surfaceform": "actes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7311", "boundaries": [146, 161], "surfaceform": "Giacomo Puccini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q131084", "boundaries": [170, 176], "surfaceform": "livret", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q441843", "boundaries": [180, 192], "surfaceform": "Luigi Illica", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q372032", "boundaries": [199, 215], "surfaceform": "Giuseppe Giacosa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5471", "boundaries": [255, 263], "surfaceform": "la Scala", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q490", "boundaries": [267, 272], "surfaceform": "Milan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q187947", "boundaries": [341, 361], "surfaceform": "partition autographe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1906^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [374, 378], "surfaceform": "1906", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [382, 386], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1898184", "boundaries": [529, 535], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9di\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q181530", "boundaries": [538, 558], "surfaceform": "H\u00e9l\u00e8ne de Mont\u00e9n\u00e9gro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2145110", "boundaries": [594, 610], "surfaceform": "grand r\u00e9pertoire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1325475", "boundaries": [628, 637], "surfaceform": "Operabase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q192941", "boundaries": [683, 688], "surfaceform": "Tosca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q19005", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Madame Butterfly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1344", "boundaries": [106, 111], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.81396484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7311", "boundaries": [146, 161], "surfaceform": "Giacomo Puccini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19005", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Madame Butterfly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97412109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7311", "boundaries": [146, 161], "surfaceform": "Giacomo Puccini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1344", "boundaries": [106, 111], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97802734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5471", "boundaries": [255, 263], "surfaceform": "la Scala", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q490", "boundaries": [267, 272], "surfaceform": "Milan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89794921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "30846-1", "title": "Lumbini", "uri": "Q9213", "text": "En 1896, des arch\u00e9ologues men\u00e9s par Alexander Cunningham, guid\u00e9s par le carnet de voyage du p\u00e8lerin chinois Faxian, y d\u00e9couvrent un grand pilier de pierre de de haut \u00e9rig\u00e9 par Ashoka en -249 comm\u00e9morant la naissance du Bouddha. Le pilier porte une inscription indiquant que l'empereur \u00e9tait venu en visite officielle dans la vingti\u00e8me ann\u00e9e de son r\u00e8gne et avait exempt\u00e9 le village de taxe (\u00ab\u00a0Ici adora le roi Asoka quand il fut couronn\u00e9 il y a vingt ans, car ici est n\u00e9 le v\u00e9n\u00e9rable, le sage des Shakyas\u00a0\u00bb). Cependant, aucune trace du site de Kapilavastu n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 retrouv\u00e9e \u00e0 proximit\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7846", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1896", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1896^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1896", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q455430", "boundaries": [36, 56], "surfaceform": "Alexander Cunningham", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q312978", "boundaries": [108, 114], "surfaceform": "Faxian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1153371", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "grand pilier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q8589", "boundaries": [176, 182], "surfaceform": "Ashoka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q35540", "boundaries": [186, 190], "surfaceform": "-249", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "-249^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [186, 190], "surfaceform": "-249", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1153371", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "grand pilier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8589", "boundaries": [176, 182], "surfaceform": "Ashoka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "990-0", "title": "Dreamcast", "uri": "Q184198", "text": "La est une console de jeux vid\u00e9o d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e par Sega, et le successeur de la Saturn. Commercialis\u00e9e d\u00e8s novembre 1998 au Japon, elle est la premi\u00e8re console de sixi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration pr\u00e9sente sur le march\u00e9, avant ses concurrentes . Son nom est compos\u00e9 des mots ' (r\u00eave) et ' (de \"\" : diffuser). Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 connue pendant son d\u00e9veloppement sous les noms \"Blackbelt\", \"Dural\" et \"Katana\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [11, 32], "surfaceform": "console de jeux vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q122741", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "Sega", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q200912", "boundaries": [77, 83], "surfaceform": "Saturn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "1998-11-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [104, 117], "surfaceform": "novembre 1998", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2465532", "boundaries": [113, 117], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [121, 126], "surfaceform": "Japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q129784", "boundaries": [160, 178], "surfaceform": "sixi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q200912", "boundaries": [77, 83], "surfaceform": "Saturn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q122741", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "Sega", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "106965-0", "title": "Dressage (discipline olympique)", "uri": "None", "text": "Le dressage est une discipline olympique des sports \u00e9questres issue de la tradition de l'\u00e9quitation classique. Il est souvent consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un art, car la recherche esth\u00e9tique du mouvement y prend une place pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rante. L'objectif de cette discipline est de d\u00e9velopper les qualit\u00e9s du cheval ou du poney au moyen d'une \u00e9ducation harmonieuse. Contrairement \u00e0 la forme classique du dressage, la comp\u00e9tition officielle ne comporte pas d'airs au-dessus du sol, que la plupart des chevaux ne peuvent pas r\u00e9aliser compte tenu de leur conformation. La comp\u00e9tition se concentre sur des mouvements de dressage au sol, tels que, \u00e0 haut niveau, le piaffer, le passage, le trot allong\u00e9, la pirouette et les changements de pied au galop. Les mouvements pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s peuvent \u00eatre effectu\u00e9s aux trois allures : pas, trot et galop. ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5389", "boundaries": [20, 40], "surfaceform": "discipline olympique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q902378", "boundaries": [45, 61], "surfaceform": "sports \u00e9questres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1744672", "boundaries": [89, 109], "surfaceform": "\u00e9quitation classique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q216033", "boundaries": [362, 392], "surfaceform": "la forme classique du dressage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q356939", "boundaries": [532, 544], "surfaceform": "conformation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1751413", "boundaries": [641, 648], "surfaceform": "piaffer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2301584", "boundaries": [653, 660], "surfaceform": "passage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [665, 677], "surfaceform": "trot allong\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q65153370", "boundaries": [682, 691], "surfaceform": "pirouette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1744672", "boundaries": [89, 109], "surfaceform": "\u00e9quitation classique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q902378", "boundaries": [45, 61], "surfaceform": "sports \u00e9questres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9814453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "14154118-1", "title": "SR-131", "uri": "None", "text": "Bien qu'il ne soit bas\u00e9 sur aucun camion sovi\u00e9tique, le v\u00e9hicule n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 \u00eatre export\u00e9 vers la Russie sovi\u00e9tique car il \u00e9tait consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme une menace pour les ventes de GAZ-51, GAZ-53 et ZIL-130. Le camion a re\u00e7u des moteurs modernis\u00e9s en 1972 pour \u00eatre plus populaire. Le camion \u00e9tait bas\u00e9 sur le ch\u00e2ssis de l'ancien SR-101 qui \u00e9tait une copie du camion ZIS-150, mais le camion a re\u00e7u un nouveau ch\u00e2ssis en 1979. En 1981, environ 35 de ces camions ont \u00e9t\u00e9 export\u00e9s vers l'Ukraine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2184", "boundaries": [109, 126], "surfaceform": "Russie sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [186, 192], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [189, 192], "surfaceform": "-51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1006988", "boundaries": [194, 200], "surfaceform": "GAZ-53", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-53^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [197, 200], "surfaceform": "-53", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q136180", "boundaries": [204, 211], "surfaceform": "ZIL-130", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-130^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [207, 211], "surfaceform": "-130", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2476", "boundaries": [256, 260], "surfaceform": "1972", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1972^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [256, 260], "surfaceform": "1972", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [335, 341], "surfaceform": "SR-101", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "-101^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [337, 341], "surfaceform": "-101", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [372, 379], "surfaceform": "ZIS-150", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "-150^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [375, 379], "surfaceform": "-150", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1068107", "boundaries": [414, 421], "surfaceform": "ch\u00e2ssis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2484", "boundaries": [425, 429], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [425, 429], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2437", "boundaries": [434, 438], "surfaceform": "1981", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1981^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [434, 438], "surfaceform": "1981", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+35^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [448, 450], "surfaceform": "35", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q212", "boundaries": [490, 497], "surfaceform": "Ukraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1006988", "boundaries": [194, 200], "surfaceform": "GAZ-53", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q707743", "boundaries": [186, 192], "surfaceform": "GAZ-51", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.74169921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "3384693-0", "title": "Les Enfants de minuit", "uri": "Q625764", "text": "Les Enfants de minuit (titre original : \"Midnight's Children\") est un roman en anglais de Salman Rushdie. Il est paru en chez Jonathan Cape au Royaume-Uni. La traduction en fran\u00e7ais para\u00eet en 1983 aux \u00e9ditions Stock dans une traduction de Jean Guiloineau.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q625764", "boundaries": [0, 21], "surfaceform": "Les Enfants de minuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q44306", "boundaries": [90, 104], "surfaceform": "Salman Rushdie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [192, 196], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3579517", "boundaries": [210, 215], "surfaceform": "Stock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [239, 254], "surfaceform": "Jean Guiloineau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q625764", "boundaries": [0, 21], "surfaceform": "Les Enfants de minuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q44306", "boundaries": [90, 104], "surfaceform": "Salman Rushdie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "5331105-0", "title": "Seven Arcs", "uri": "Q2667036", "text": ", aussi connu comme Seven Arcs Pictures, est \u00e0 la fois un studio d'animation et une maison de production d\"anime\" japonais et filiale de Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings depuis . Le premier studio est cr\u00e9\u00e9 le par d'anciens membres du personnel de Pierrot et est connu pour la franchise cr\u00e9\u00e9e autour de sa premi\u00e8re s\u00e9rie t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e d'animation, \"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha\", en 2004. La soci\u00e9t\u00e9 a produit un certain nombre d'autres s\u00e9ries t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9es et films d'animation.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2667036", "boundaries": [20, 30], "surfaceform": "Seven Arcs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1107679", "boundaries": [58, 76], "surfaceform": "studio d'animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21198548", "boundaries": [84, 104], "surfaceform": "maison de production", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1107", "boundaries": [107, 112], "surfaceform": "anime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [114, 119], "surfaceform": "japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q605233", "boundaries": [137, 171], "surfaceform": "Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q611346", "boundaries": [249, 256], "surfaceform": "Pierrot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1143644", "boundaries": [346, 373], "surfaceform": "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [379, 383], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2667036", "boundaries": [20, 30], "surfaceform": "Seven Arcs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1107679", "boundaries": [58, 76], "surfaceform": "studio d'animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.69287109375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2667036", "boundaries": [20, 30], "surfaceform": "Seven Arcs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [114, 119], "surfaceform": "japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7255859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2667036", "boundaries": [20, 30], "surfaceform": "Seven Arcs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q605233", "boundaries": [137, 171], "surfaceform": "Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q605233", "boundaries": [137, 171], "surfaceform": "Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [114, 119], "surfaceform": "japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 1, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13546464-0", "title": "Avec les pires intentions", "uri": "None", "text": "Compar\u00e9 par l'auteur lui-m\u00eame au roman \"Portnoy et son complexe\" de Philip Roth, le livre pr\u00e9sente en effet de nombreuses similitudes avec ce dernier, aussi bien entre les narrateurs (\u00e2ge de trente-trois ans, famille juive, d\u00e9valorisation constante, f\u00e9tichisme des sous-v\u00eatements, etc) qu'entre les th\u00e8mes trait\u00e9s (rapport au juda\u00efsme et \u00e0 l\u2019\u00c9tat d'Isra\u00ebl, adolescence, masturbation et frustrations sexuelles, etc).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2707531", "boundaries": [40, 63], "surfaceform": "Portnoy et son complexe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q187019", "boundaries": [68, 79], "surfaceform": "Philip Roth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2707531", "boundaries": [40, 63], "surfaceform": "Portnoy et son complexe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q187019", "boundaries": [68, 79], "surfaceform": "Philip Roth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.467529296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "13924992-0", "title": "You 'n Me", "uri": "None", "text": "You 'n Me est un album de cool jazz des saxophonistes am\u00e9ricains Al Cohn et Zoot Sims enregistr\u00e9 en 1960.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "You 'n Me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q482994", "boundaries": [17, 22], "surfaceform": "album", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q327547", "boundaries": [26, 35], "surfaceform": "cool jazz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12800682", "boundaries": [40, 52], "surfaceform": "saxophoniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [54, 64], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1382232", "boundaries": [65, 72], "surfaceform": "Al Cohn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q12344256", "boundaries": [76, 85], "surfaceform": "Zoot Sims", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q327547", "boundaries": [26, 35], "surfaceform": "cool jazz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [54, 64], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.5478515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1382232", "boundaries": [65, 72], "surfaceform": "Al Cohn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12800682", "boundaries": [40, 52], "surfaceform": "saxophoniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12344256", "boundaries": [76, 85], "surfaceform": "Zoot Sims", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12800682", "boundaries": [40, 52], "surfaceform": "saxophoniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7919921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13925410-1", "title": "Liste des plantes d\u00e9crites par Fus\u00e9e-Aublet", "uri": "None", "text": "Ses \u00e9chantillons d'herbier r\u00e9colt\u00e9s lors de son s\u00e9jour en Guyane de 1762 \u00e0 1764 ont pour partie \u00e9t\u00e9 int\u00e9gr\u00e9s ult\u00e9rieurement \u00e0 l'herbier de Jean-Jacques Rousseau conserv\u00e9 au MNHN (P) \u00e0 Paris, ont servi \u00e0 la r\u00e9alisation des gravures, et sont pour la plupart devenus les types de ces esp\u00e8ces. D'autres parties des collectes d'Aublet sont aujourd'hui localis\u00e9es au Mus\u00e9e d'histoire naturelle de Londres (BM), dans les collections de la Linnean Society of London (LINN), \u00e0 l'herbier de Madrid (MA ?), \u00e0 l'herbier de De Candolle \u00e0 Gen\u00e8ve (G), \u00e0 l'herbier du Mus\u00e9e d'Histoire Naturelle de Florence (FI ?), ou \u00e0 l'herbier de l'Universit\u00e9 de Montpellier (MPU).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q181916", "boundaries": [19, 26], "surfaceform": "herbier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3769", "boundaries": [58, 64], "surfaceform": "Guyane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7652", "boundaries": [68, 72], "surfaceform": "1762", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1762^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [68, 72], "surfaceform": "1762", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7659", "boundaries": [75, 79], "surfaceform": "1764", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1764^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [75, 79], "surfaceform": "1764", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6527", "boundaries": [139, 160], "surfaceform": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q838691", "boundaries": [173, 177], "surfaceform": "MNHN", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [184, 189], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3707858", "boundaries": [268, 272], "surfaceform": "type", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q309388", "boundaries": [361, 398], "surfaceform": "Mus\u00e9e d'histoire naturelle de Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q867447", "boundaries": [432, 457], "surfaceform": "Linnean Society of London", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2807", "boundaries": [481, 487], "surfaceform": "Madrid", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q282065", "boundaries": [511, 522], "surfaceform": "De Candolle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q677516", "boundaries": [525, 531], "surfaceform": "Gen\u00e8ve", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2044", "boundaries": [582, 590], "surfaceform": "Florence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q776223", "boundaries": [619, 644], "surfaceform": "Universit\u00e9 de Montpellier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q838691", "boundaries": [173, 177], "surfaceform": "MNHN", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [184, 189], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97509765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]}
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{"docid": "725809-1", "title": "Bottega Veneta", "uri": "Q894874", "text": "L'entreprise utilise un motif tress\u00e9 en cuir, surnomm\u00e9 \"intrecciato\", comme signature de ses produits. Son atelier est situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Montebello Vicentino et son si\u00e8ge social \u00e0 Lugano en Suisse. En 2001, Bottega Veneta est rachet\u00e9 par Gucci Group et fait d\u00e9sormais partie du groupe multinational fran\u00e7ais Kering. En 2019, Bottega Veneta enregistre un chiffre d'affaires de 1,168 milliards d'euros. Bartolomeo Rongone est directeur g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de Bottega Veneta depuis 2019, et Daniel Lee directeur cr\u00e9atif depuis 2018.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q46173", "boundaries": [127, 147], "surfaceform": "Montebello Vicentino", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7024", "boundaries": [170, 176], "surfaceform": "Lugano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [180, 186], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [191, 195], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q894874", "boundaries": [197, 211], "surfaceform": "Bottega Veneta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3118837", "boundaries": [228, 239], "surfaceform": "Gucci Group", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q931207", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Kering", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [309, 313], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q894874", "boundaries": [315, 329], "surfaceform": "Bottega Veneta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1.168^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [366, 371], "surfaceform": "1,168", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q894874", "boundaries": [435, 449], "surfaceform": "Bottega Veneta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [457, 461], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [502, 506], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7024", "boundaries": [170, 176], "surfaceform": "Lugano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [180, 186], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q894874", "boundaries": [197, 211], "surfaceform": "Bottega Veneta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q931207", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Kering", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.59228515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "841693-1", "title": "Observatoire Vera-C.-Rubin", "uri": "Q672021", "text": "Sur le plan technique, le LSST, qui est install\u00e9 au sommet du Cerro Pach\u00f3n (altitude de ) au Chili, est de type Paul-Baker, qui pr\u00e9sente la particularit\u00e9 d'utiliser trois miroirs courb\u00e9s asph\u00e9riques permettant la r\u00e9duction des trois types d'aberration optique. Son miroir primaire a un diam\u00e8tre de tandis que le miroir secondaire est large de . Il dispose d'un instrument unique log\u00e9 au c\u0153ur de l'ensemble optique : celui-ci est une cam\u00e9ra dot\u00e9e d'un capteur de de pixels sensible \u00e0 une plage de longueurs d'ondes allant du proche ultraviolet au proche infrarouge, passant donc par le visible (). ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2079181", "boundaries": [62, 74], "surfaceform": "Cerro Pach\u00f3n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7797269", "boundaries": [107, 122], "surfaceform": "type Paul-Baker", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q639", "boundaries": [241, 259], "surfaceform": "aberration optique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q613628", "boundaries": [265, 280], "surfaceform": "miroir primaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1395645", "boundaries": [312, 329], "surfaceform": "miroir secondaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q355198", "boundaries": [465, 470], "surfaceform": "pixel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11391", "boundaries": [531, 542], "surfaceform": "ultraviolet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11388", "boundaries": [553, 563], "surfaceform": "infrarouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q76299", "boundaries": [585, 592], "surfaceform": "visible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11388", "boundaries": [553, 563], "surfaceform": "infrarouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q76299", "boundaries": [585, 592], "surfaceform": "visible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q76299", "boundaries": [585, 592], "surfaceform": "visible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11391", "boundaries": [531, 542], "surfaceform": "ultraviolet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q76299", "boundaries": [585, 592], "surfaceform": "visible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11388", "boundaries": [553, 563], "surfaceform": "infrarouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "8977895-0", "title": "Aslaug", "uri": "Q732678", "text": "Aslaug est un personnage de la mythologie nordique. \u00c9galement appel\u00e9e Asl\u00f6g, Kr\u00e1ka, Kraba ou Randalin, cette reine l\u00e9gendaire, \u00e9pouse de Ragnar Lodbrok, est mentionn\u00e9e dans l\"'Edda de Snorri\", la \"V\u00f6lsunga saga\" et la \"Saga de Ragnarr aux Braies Velues\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q732678", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Aslaug", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q128285", "boundaries": [31, 50], "surfaceform": "mythologie nordique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q314492", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Ragnar Lodbrok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q205882", "boundaries": [176, 190], "surfaceform": "Edda de Snorri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q733340", "boundaries": [197, 210], "surfaceform": "V\u00f6lsunga saga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3370179", "boundaries": [219, 252], "surfaceform": "Saga de Ragnarr aux Braies Velues", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q732678", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Aslaug", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q128285", "boundaries": [31, 50], "surfaceform": "mythologie nordique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q732678", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Aslaug", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q314492", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Ragnar Lodbrok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q733340", "boundaries": [197, 210], "surfaceform": "V\u00f6lsunga saga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q732678", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Aslaug", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3370179", "boundaries": [219, 252], "surfaceform": "Saga de Ragnarr aux Braies Velues", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q732678", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Aslaug", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3370179", "boundaries": [219, 252], "surfaceform": "Saga de Ragnarr aux Braies Velues", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q314492", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Ragnar Lodbrok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "14159966-0", "title": "Mervin Maldonado", "uri": "None", "text": "Mervin Maldonado est homme politique v\u00e9n\u00e9zu\u00e9lien, n\u00e9 dans l'\u00c9tat de M\u00e9rida vers 1986. D\u00e9put\u00e9 suppl\u00e9ant pour la l\u00e9gislature 2016-2021 \u00e0 l'Assembl\u00e9e nationale du Venezuela, il est l'actuel ministre v\u00e9n\u00e9zu\u00e9lien de la Jeunesse et du Sport depuis le , apr\u00e8s avoir d\u00e9tenu ce m\u00eame poste entre 2016 et 2017.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Mervin Maldonado", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q717", "boundaries": [37, 48], "surfaceform": "v\u00e9n\u00e9zu\u00e9lien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q165582", "boundaries": [60, 74], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat de M\u00e9rida", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2430", "boundaries": [80, 84], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [80, 84], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [127, 132], "surfaceform": "-2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q49628", "boundaries": [128, 132], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1585014", "boundaries": [137, 169], "surfaceform": "Assembl\u00e9e nationale du Venezuela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q18416642", "boundaries": [187, 234], "surfaceform": "ministre v\u00e9n\u00e9zu\u00e9lien de la Jeunesse et du Sport", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [286, 290], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [286, 290], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [294, 298], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [294, 298], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [294, 298], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "13662397-0", "title": "A\u00eft Demmer", "uri": "None", "text": "Les A\u00eft Demmer ou Beni Demmer sont une tribu berb\u00e8re z\u00e9n\u00e8te et, parall\u00e8lement, le nom donn\u00e9 aux habitants de la r\u00e9gion montagneuse du djebel Demmer.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [4, 14], "surfaceform": "A\u00eft Demmer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q133311", "boundaries": [39, 44], "surfaceform": "tribu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [45, 52], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q146076", "boundaries": [53, 59], "surfaceform": "z\u00e9n\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [134, 147], "surfaceform": "djebel Demmer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [45, 52], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q133311", "boundaries": [39, 44], "surfaceform": "tribu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
{"docid": "14167937-1", "title": "Jeanne d'Arc Le B\u00e9arn", "uri": "None", "text": "Aujourd'hui, les installations sont la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 de la paroisse Saint-Martin, le club assumant loyer et taxes. Le patronage s'illustre rapidement par ses performances en gymnastique. Le rugby \u00e0 XV, \u00e9norm\u00e9ment populaire en B\u00e9arn, est exerc\u00e9 par le patronage au terrain Sarthou, pr\u00e8s de l\"'asile Saint-L\u00e9on\" (h\u00f4pital Saint-Luc, dit aujourd'hui Centre Hospitalier des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es) - sous un nom diff\u00e9rent de celui du patronage. D'autres sections s'ajoutent avec le football, l'athl\u00e9tisme, le cross-country, la pelote basque, le tir et le basket-ball.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q43450", "boundaries": [170, 181], "surfaceform": "gymnastique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5849", "boundaries": [186, 196], "surfaceform": "rugby \u00e0 XV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [342, 373], "surfaceform": "Centre Hospitalier des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [459, 467], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q542", "boundaries": [471, 481], "surfaceform": "athl\u00e9tisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q500050", "boundaries": [486, 499], "surfaceform": "cross-country", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212845", "boundaries": [504, 517], "surfaceform": "pelote basque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [532, 543], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q500050", "boundaries": [486, 499], "surfaceform": "cross-country", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q542", "boundaries": [471, 481], "surfaceform": "athl\u00e9tisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98095703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]}
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{"docid": "3946411-0", "title": "Microsoft Bing", "uri": "Q182496", "text": "Microsoft Bing, ou simplement Bing (anciennement Live Search, Windows Live Search et MSN Search), est un moteur de recherche \u00e9labor\u00e9 par la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Microsoft. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 rendu public le .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q182496", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Microsoft Bing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q19541", "boundaries": [105, 124], "surfaceform": "moteur de recherche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [148, 157], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q182496", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Microsoft Bing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [148, 157], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
{"docid": "4785714-0", "title": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "uri": "Q656710", "text": "SIE Santa Monica Studio est une soci\u00e9t\u00e9 am\u00e9ricaine de d\u00e9veloppement de jeux vid\u00e9o fond\u00e9e en 1999 et bas\u00e9e \u00e0 Santa Monica en Californie. Elle est d\u00e9tenue par Sony et est une filiale de Sony Interactive Entertainment. Le studio est r\u00e9put\u00e9 pour avoir d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 la s\u00e9rie des \"God of War\" sur les consoles de jeu Sony. Il a par ailleurs d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 son propre moteur de jeu appel\u00e9 \"Kinetica\" en r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 son premier jeu sur lequel le moteur a offici\u00e9, et utilis\u00e9 plus tard sur \"God of War\" et \"God of War II\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q656710", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q210167", "boundaries": [54, 81], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9veloppement de jeux vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q339300", "boundaries": [92, 96], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [92, 96], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q47164", "boundaries": [108, 120], "surfaceform": "Santa Monica", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [124, 134], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41187", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "Sony", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q18594", "boundaries": [184, 214], "surfaceform": "Sony Interactive Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q390137", "boundaries": [272, 282], "surfaceform": "God of War", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q817369", "boundaries": [474, 484], "surfaceform": "God of War", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2252689", "boundaries": [490, 503], "surfaceform": "God of War II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q656710", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210167", "boundaries": [54, 81], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9veloppement de jeux vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.82763671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q656710", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41187", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "Sony", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q656710", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q390137", "boundaries": [272, 282], "surfaceform": "God of War", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q18594", "boundaries": [184, 214], "surfaceform": "Sony Interactive Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41187", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "Sony", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q656710", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "SIE Santa Monica Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18594", "boundaries": [184, 214], "surfaceform": "Sony Interactive Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9208984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2252689", "boundaries": [490, 503], "surfaceform": "God of War II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q817369", "boundaries": [474, 484], "surfaceform": "God of War", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]}
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