{"docid": "4927370-0", "title": "Chypre du Nord", "uri": "Q23681", "text": "Chypre du Nord et, en forme longue, la r\u00e9publique turque de Chypre du Nord (d\u00e9nomination abr\u00e9g\u00e9e en RTCN), en turc (abr\u00e9g\u00e9 en ou en ), est un \u00c9tat reconnu uniquement par la Turquie et, un temps, par le Pakistan, situ\u00e9 dans la partie nord-est de l'\u00eele de Chypre. Elle a proclam\u00e9 son ind\u00e9pendance le , neuf ans apr\u00e8s l'intervention militaire turque de 1974, alors en r\u00e9action \u00e0 la tentative de rattachement de l'\u00eele \u00e0 la Gr\u00e8ce par un groupe d'officiers putschistes de la garde nationale chypriote (l'EOKA B) men\u00e9 par N\u00edkos Samps\u00f3n apr\u00e8s le renversement du pr\u00e9sident .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23681", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Chypre du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q23681", "boundaries": [60, 74], "surfaceform": "Chypre du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q256", "boundaries": [110, 114], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q199683", "boundaries": [142, 165], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat reconnu uniquement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43", "boundaries": [173, 180], "surfaceform": "Turquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q644636", "boundaries": [247, 260], "surfaceform": "\u00eele de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1050999", "boundaries": [315, 346], "surfaceform": "l'intervention militaire turque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2478", "boundaries": [350, 354], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1974^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [350, 354], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q41", "boundaries": [419, 424], "surfaceform": "Gr\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2700279", "boundaries": [498, 504], "surfaceform": "EOKA B", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q552189", "boundaries": [515, 528], "surfaceform": "N\u00edkos Samps\u00f3n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2069434", "boundaries": [538, 563], "surfaceform": "renversement du pr\u00e9sident", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23681", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Chypre du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q644636", "boundaries": [247, 260], "surfaceform": "\u00eele de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.81787109375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q256", "boundaries": [110, 114], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23681", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Chypre du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96826171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q644636", "boundaries": [247, 260], "surfaceform": "\u00eele de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23681", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Chypre du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4927370-1", "title": "Chypre du Nord", "uri": "Q23681", "text": "Reconnu uniquement par la Turquie qui l'occupe militairement et le soutient \u00e9conomiquement, d\u00e9mographiquement et diplomatiquement, l'\u00c9tat de Chypre du Nord est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 par l'ONU et par le Conseil de l'Europe comme la partie nord de la r\u00e9publique de Chypre. Les forces arm\u00e9es turques y maintiennent pr\u00e8s de et la Turquie y a favoris\u00e9 l'implantation de quelque venant d'Anatolie depuis 1974. 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l'interm\u00e9diaire de la Jeep CJ destin\u00e9e aux civils. 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Le titre a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9crit et produit par Max Martin, Dr. Luke et Billboard, avec la participation de Bonnie McKee \u00e0 l'\u00e9criture. Dr. Luke a expliqu\u00e9 qu'il voulait que \"Hold It Against Me\" sonne diff\u00e9remment de ses pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes productions. La chanson devait \u00eatre offerte \u00e0 Katy Perry, mais Dr. Luke et Max Martin ont estim\u00e9 qu'elle ne lui convenait pas. Une premi\u00e8re d\u00e9mo de la chanson interpr\u00e9t\u00e9e par Bonnie McKee a \u00e9t\u00e9 divulgu\u00e9e le , et le single fut disponible \u00e0 l'\u00e9coute le . 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Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 fond\u00e9 en 1900. 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L'atterrisseur qui se pose \u00e0 la surface de la Lune est \u00e9quip\u00e9 de trois instruments scientifiques afin de donner le contexte du site de pr\u00e9l\u00e8vement : une cam\u00e9ra panoramique (PCAM), un radar \u00e0 p\u00e9n\u00e9tration de sol (LRPR) et un spectrom\u00e8tre visible/infrarouge (LMS). La mission atterrit au nord de l'Oc\u00e9an des Temp\u00eates sur la face visible de la Lune dans la r\u00e9gion du Mons R\u00fcmker inexplor\u00e9e jusqu'ici. Les roches qui s'y trouvent ont un \u00e2ge estim\u00e9 de seulement , bien plus jeune que les \u00e9chantillons rapport\u00e9es par les missions des programmes Apollo et Luna dat\u00e9es d'entre \u00e0 . Leur \u00e9tude doit permettre de mieux comprendre la g\u00e9ologie lunaire, sa chronologie et les derniers \u00e9v\u00e8nements volcaniques \u00e0 sa surface. 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Le programme a \u00e9t\u00e9 initi\u00e9 sous l'administration Bush et a continu\u00e9 sous l'administration Obama. 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CyanogenMod n'existe plus, mais il est \u00ab fork\u00e9 \u00bb sous le nom de LineageOS, qui en reprend les grandes lignes. 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rebaptis\u00e9 Daggers en 2007.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q493042", "boundaries": [16, 21], "surfaceform": "Hurts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1996", "boundaries": [25, 29], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2009^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [25, 29], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2021", "boundaries": [70, 74], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [70, 74], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2024", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2024", "boundaries": [123, 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Enti\u00e8rement r\u00e9alis\u00e9 en images de synth\u00e8se, le film est une com\u00e9die polici\u00e8re et un buddy movie sorti en salles en 2016. Il raconte l'histoire de l'optimiste et intr\u00e9pide lapine Judy Hopps, lieutenant et nouvelle recrue de la police de Zootopie, ville exclusivement peupl\u00e9e de mammif\u00e8res anthropomorphes, o\u00f9 elle cherche \u00e0 faire ses preuves en enqu\u00eatant sur la disparition d'une loutre avec l'aide du renard escroc Nick Wilde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q15270647", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Zootopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q176", "boundaries": [25, 31], "surfaceform": "Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q211738", "boundaries": [53, 77], "surfaceform": "long-m\u00e9trage d'animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q6603742", "boundaries": [84, 84], "surfaceform": "", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q191224", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "studios Disney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1018606", "boundaries": [116, 128], "surfaceform": "Byron Howard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2499079", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Rich Moore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1863296", "boundaries": [167, 185], "surfaceform": "images de synth\u00e8se", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q157443", "boundaries": [203, 210], "surfaceform": "com\u00e9die", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2101714", "boundaries": [211, 220], "surfaceform": "polici\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q663106", "boundaries": [227, 238], "surfaceform": "buddy movie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15854651", "boundaries": [258, 262], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [258, 262], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q9394", "boundaries": [314, 319], "surfaceform": "lapin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15270647", "boundaries": [379, 387], "surfaceform": "Zootopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [420, 429], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132987", "boundaries": [431, 446], "surfaceform": "anthropomorphes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q200184", "boundaries": [522, 528], "surfaceform": "loutre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8331", "boundaries": [544, 550], "surfaceform": "renard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q15270647", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Zootopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1018606", "boundaries": [116, 128], "surfaceform": "Byron Howard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15270647", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Zootopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2499079", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Rich Moore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.845703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8207726-0", "title": "Central Park Tower", "uri": "Q2631701", "text": "La tour Nordstrom (en anglais \"Nordstrom Tower\"), \u00e9galement connue sous le nom de tour de Central Park (\"Central Park Tower\") est un gratte-ciel essentiellement r\u00e9sidentiel, en construction \u00e0 New York. Les travaux ont d\u00e9but\u00e9 \u00e0 la fin de l'ann\u00e9e 2014. Le , il a atteint sa hauteur maximale, soit , 472 m\u00e8tres, antenne non comprise. Cette taille sans l'antenne \u2013 dite hauteur structurelle, notion g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement utilis\u00e9e pour mesurer ce type d'\u00e9difice \u2013 en fait le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde. Le plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 de New York est le One World Trade Center, avec 541 m\u00e8tres. La tour de Central Park atteindra la m\u00eame hauteur quand son antenne sera pos\u00e9e. Le nombre a une valeur symbolique aux \u00c9tats-Unis, car il s'agit de l'ann\u00e9e lors de laquelle a \u00e9t\u00e9 sign\u00e9e la d\u00e9claration d'ind\u00e9pendance. 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Autoris\u00e9 sur le march\u00e9 en janvier 2014, le Favipiravir est autoris\u00e9 au Japon pour lutter contre les pand\u00e9mies grippales en tant que m\u00e9dicament essentiel. Fujifilm Toyama Chemical a autoris\u00e9 Zhejiang HISUN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. \u00e0 produire ce m\u00e9dicament en R\u00e9publique populaire de Chine, et en 2019, apr\u00e8s l\u2019expiration du brevet en Chine continentale,\u00a0 d\u2019autres fabricants ont \u00e9galement commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 produire ce m\u00e9dicament (m\u00e9dicament g\u00e9n\u00e9rique).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q89469904", "boundaries": [32, 43], "surfaceform": "coronavirus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q82069695", "boundaries": [44, 54], "surfaceform": "SARS-CoV-2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "-2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [52, 54], "surfaceform": "-2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q81068910", "boundaries": [73, 119], "surfaceform": "pand\u00e9mie de maladie \u00e0 coronavirus de 2019-2020", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [110, 114], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [114, 119], "surfaceform": "-2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [147, 159], "surfaceform": "janvier 2014", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q16934561", "boundaries": [164, 175], "surfaceform": "Favipiravir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [416, 420], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q82069695", "boundaries": [44, 54], "surfaceform": "SARS-CoV-2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q89469904", "boundaries": [32, 43], "surfaceform": "coronavirus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8099374-0", "title": "Sarcolestes", "uri": "Q138520", "text": "Sarcolestes est un genre \u00e9teint de dinosaures ornithischiens ankylosauriens du Jurassique moyen. 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Bas\u00e9e \u00e0 Harrison, New York, pr\u00e8s de White Plains, elle est rest\u00e9e ind\u00e9pendante jusqu'\u00e0 sa fusion avec Chevron Corporation en 2001.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q775060", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Texaco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q319642", "boundaries": [236, 255], "surfaceform": "Chevron Corporation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1988", "boundaries": [259, 263], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [259, 263], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q775060", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Texaco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q319642", "boundaries": [236, 255], "surfaceform": "Chevron Corporation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97802734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "372079-0", "title": "Equinor", "uri": "Q1776022", "text": "Equinor Asa (auparavant Statoil et StatoilHydro) est une compagnie d'\u00e9nergie p\u00e9troli\u00e8re et \u00e9olienne norv\u00e9gienne fond\u00e9e en 1972. C'est la plus grande entreprise de Norv\u00e8ge avec environ 29 000 employ\u00e9s. Equinor est cot\u00e9 \u00e0 la bourse d'Oslo et au NYSE, n\u00e9anmoins l'\u00c9tat norv\u00e9gien d\u00e9tient toujours la majorit\u00e9 de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, avec 70,26 % des actions, dont 3,26 % par Folketrygdfondet, le fonds national d'assurances. Le si\u00e8ge d'Equinor est situ\u00e9 dans la capitale norv\u00e9gienne du p\u00e9trole, Stavanger. 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Le Venezuela est l\u2019un des plus gros exportateurs de p\u00e9trole au monde. Fond\u00e9e en 1976 lors de la nationalisation de l'industrie p\u00e9troli\u00e8re v\u00e9n\u00e9zu\u00e9lienne, PDVSA a achet\u00e9 50 % de la marque d'essence CITGO aux \u00c9tats-Unis \u00e0 la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Southland en 1986 et le solde en 1990. En 2005, elle a ouvert son premier bureau en Chine, et a annonc\u00e9 un plan pour tripler sa flotte de tankers jusqu\u2019\u00e0 58 navires.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q718194", "boundaries": [37, 42], "surfaceform": "PDVSA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q717", "boundaries": [109, 118], "surfaceform": "Venezuela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q22656", "boundaries": [158, 165], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9trole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1976^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [186, 190], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q718194", "boundaries": [259, 264], "surfaceform": "PDVSA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+50^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [274, 276], "surfaceform": "50", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2974437", "boundaries": [302, 307], "surfaceform": "CITGO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [312, 322], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [349, 353], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [369, 373], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [420, 425], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14970", "boundaries": [474, 480], "surfaceform": "tanker", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+58^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [490, 492], "surfaceform": "58", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q718194", "boundaries": [37, 42], "surfaceform": "PDVSA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q717", "boundaries": [109, 118], "surfaceform": "Venezuela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9794921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2974437", "boundaries": [302, 307], "surfaceform": "CITGO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [312, 322], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "372767-2", "title": "Doha", "uri": "Q3861", "text": "Doha a \u00e9t\u00e9 le site de la premi\u00e8re r\u00e9union au niveau minist\u00e9riel du cycle de Doha pour le d\u00e9veloppement des n\u00e9gociations de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. La ville de Doha a \u00e9galement accueilli les Jeux asiatiques de 2006, le sommet sur le changement climatique du 4 au , la du Comit\u00e9 du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO du 15 au . Elle abritera plusieurs matchs de la coupe du monde de football de 2022 organis\u00e9e par le Qatar.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q844845", "boundaries": [67, 80], "surfaceform": "cycle de Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [76, 80], "surfaceform": "Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7825", "boundaries": [125, 158], "surfaceform": "Organisation mondiale du commerce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q329679", "boundaries": [203, 226], "surfaceform": "Jeux asiatiques de 2006", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q152321", "boundaries": [231, 266], "surfaceform": "sommet sur le changement climatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2310", "boundaries": [270, 271], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [270, 271], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16024065", "boundaries": [280, 311], "surfaceform": "du Comit\u00e9 du patrimoine mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7809", "boundaries": [317, 323], "surfaceform": "UNESCO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2613", "boundaries": [327, 329], "surfaceform": "15", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+15^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [327, 329], "surfaceform": "15", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q284163", "boundaries": [372, 406], "surfaceform": "coupe du monde de football de 2022", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2022^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [402, 406], "surfaceform": "2022", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q329679", "boundaries": [203, 226], "surfaceform": "Jeux asiatiques de 2006", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q152321", "boundaries": [231, 266], "surfaceform": "sommet sur le changement climatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Doha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "432924-0", "title": "Connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo", "uri": "Q1053784", "text": "La Connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo (ou CWF Nintendo, Nintendo WFC) est un service de jeu en ligne gratuit cr\u00e9\u00e9 par Nintendo pour les jeux compatibles Nintendo DS et Wii. Il permet \u00e9galement de discuter en ligne avec ses adversaires avant de lancer une partie et apr\u00e8s la partie avec certains jeux. \"Metroid Prime Hunters\" a \u00e9t\u00e9 le premier jeu DS \u00e0 utiliser cette fonctionnalit\u00e9 de \"chat\" vocal.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1053784", "boundaries": [3, 27], "surfaceform": "Connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [108, 116], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q170323", "boundaries": [143, 154], "surfaceform": "Nintendo DS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q8079", "boundaries": [158, 161], "surfaceform": "Wii", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1139244", "boundaries": [292, 313], "surfaceform": "Metroid Prime Hunters", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1053784", "boundaries": [3, 27], "surfaceform": "Connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [108, 116], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.982421875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q170323", "boundaries": [143, 154], "surfaceform": "Nintendo DS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [108, 116], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8079", "boundaries": [158, 161], "surfaceform": "Wii", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [108, 116], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7392578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "432919-0", "title": "Wendelstein 7-X", "uri": "Q315738", "text": "Le Wendelstein 7-X, abr\u00e9g\u00e9 W7-X ou W7X, est un r\u00e9acteur exp\u00e9rimental \u00e0 fusion nucl\u00e9aire de type stellarator, dont la construction \u00e0 Greifswald en Allemagne par l'Institut Max-Planck de physique des plasmas s'est achev\u00e9e en . C'est la suite du d\u00e9veloppement du Wendelstein 7-AS. Le but du Wedelstein 7-X est d'\u00e9valuer les principaux composants d'un futur r\u00e9acteur \u00e0 fusion construit sur la technologie stellarator, bien qu'il ne soit pas lui-m\u00eame g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur d'\u00e9nergie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q315738", "boundaries": [3, 18], "surfaceform": "Wendelstein 7-X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [15, 16], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [28, 29], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [36, 37], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q13082", "boundaries": [71, 87], "surfaceform": "fusion nucl\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1360597", "boundaries": [96, 107], "surfaceform": "stellarator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4098", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Greifswald", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q881298", "boundaries": [162, 205], "surfaceform": "Institut Max-Planck de physique des plasmas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [272, 273], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [299, 300], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q315738", "boundaries": [3, 18], "surfaceform": "Wendelstein 7-X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1360597", "boundaries": [96, 107], "surfaceform": "stellarator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.60546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q315738", "boundaries": [3, 18], "surfaceform": "Wendelstein 7-X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4098", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Greifswald", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q315738", "boundaries": [3, 18], "surfaceform": "Wendelstein 7-X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q881298", "boundaries": [162, 205], "surfaceform": "Institut Max-Planck de physique des plasmas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "434038-4", "title": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "uri": "Q46940", "text": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares figure au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1998. Gr\u00e2ce son enceinte historique et \u00e0 son universit\u00e9, cette ville est l'une de neuf villes d'Espagne que l'Unesco a class\u00e9es comme \u00ab\u00a0uniques\u00a0\u00bb. La ville est c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour son universit\u00e9 construite gr\u00e2ce au cardinal Cisneros le , mais apr\u00e8s avoir exist\u00e9 durant le gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un \"real orden\" de la reine Marie-Christine de Bourbon-Siciles du , son transfert est d\u00e9cr\u00e9t\u00e9 d'Alcal\u00e1 de Henares vers Madrid, o\u00f9 elle prend la d\u00e9nomination d'universit\u00e9 centrale de Madrid. Avec le statut de 1977 et la d\u00e9centralisation universitaire, la ville construit une nouvelle universit\u00e9 ; elle devient ainsi ville universitaire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q46940", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9259", "boundaries": [28, 46], "surfaceform": "patrimoine mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7809", "boundaries": [52, 58], "surfaceform": "UNESCO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [66, 70], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [66, 70], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q495225", "boundaries": [111, 121], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [162, 169], "surfaceform": "Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7809", "boundaries": [176, 182], "surfaceform": "Unesco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q495225", "boundaries": [243, 253], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q342392", "boundaries": [274, 291], "surfaceform": "cardinal Cisneros", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [343, 353], "surfaceform": "real orden", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q230566", "boundaries": [367, 401], "surfaceform": "Marie-Christine de Bourbon-Siciles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q46940", "boundaries": [435, 452], "surfaceform": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2807", "boundaries": [458, 464], "surfaceform": "Madrid", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q584919", "boundaries": [498, 527], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 centrale de Madrid", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2481", "boundaries": [547, 551], "surfaceform": "1977", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1977^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [547, 551], "surfaceform": "1977", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1187811", "boundaries": [654, 673], "surfaceform": "ville universitaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q46940", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [162, 169], "surfaceform": "Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 13, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97705078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [162, 169], "surfaceform": "Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7809", "boundaries": [52, 58], "surfaceform": "UNESCO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 13, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q495225", "boundaries": [111, 121], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q342392", "boundaries": [274, 291], "surfaceform": "cardinal Cisneros", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.884765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q342392", "boundaries": [274, 291], "surfaceform": "cardinal Cisneros", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q495225", "boundaries": [111, 121], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "434268-0", "title": "B'nai B'rith", "uri": "Q248686", "text": "L\u2019Ordre ind\u00e9pendant du B'nai B'rith (\u05d1\u05e0\u05d9 \u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea, de l'h\u00e9breu : \u00ab Les fils de l'Alliance \u00bb) est la plus vieille organisation juive toujours en activit\u00e9 dans le monde. Calqu\u00e9e sur les organisations ma\u00e7onniques, elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 fond\u00e9e \u00e0 New York, le 13 octobre 1843, par douze personnes, dont Henry Jones et deux fr\u00e8res, juifs \u00e9migr\u00e9s d'Allemagne, qui avaient appartenu \u00e0 la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Fr\u00e8res (Br\u00fcder Bund) qui joua un certain r\u00f4le dans l'\u00e9laboration de la Premi\u00e8re Internationale (Association internationale des travailleurs). 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Le studio est \u00e0 l'origine de plusieurs jeux d'aventure tels que \"The Nomad Soul\", \"Fahrenheit\", \"Heavy Rain, \" ou encore \"\". 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Le groupe est r\u00e9compens\u00e9 \u00e0 de nombreuses reprises pour son premier album ', sorti en , qui se retrouve en t\u00eate des placements, devenant triple disque de platine dans de nombreux pays. De m\u00eame, leur second album, ', qui reprend des titres live, en version acoustique, de l'album \", est certifi\u00e9 disque de platine. Maroon 5 est en permanence en tourn\u00e9e depuis la formation du groupe en 1997, se produisant aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s de John Mayer, Michelle Branch, Gavin DeGraw, Phantom Planet, The Like, Jason Mraz, The Thrills ou encore The Donnas. 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En 2013, Maroon 5 devient le troisi\u00e8me groupe le plus jou\u00e9 du . En parall\u00e8le, Maroon 5 est \u00e9galement connu pour sa lutte contre le r\u00e9chauffement climatique, et pour une avanc\u00e9e plus rapide de l'aide \u00e0 l'environnement. Ils entretiennent une forte amiti\u00e9 avec la chanteuse Sia, qui a \u00e9crit les titres \"Maps\" et \"Animals\" ainsi que d'autres. En 2018, leur chanson Girls Like You (en collaboration avec Cardi B) atteint la premi\u00e8re place du Billboard Hot 100 ainsi que la premi\u00e8re place de Canadian Hot 100. En 2019, ils sortent leur single Memories qui atteint la deuxi\u00e8me place du Billboard Hot 100, qui fera partie de leur septi\u00e8me album. En 2020, le groupe sort Nobody\u2019s Love, ensuite c\u2019est beautiful mistakes en 2021. Le groupe sortira un nouvel album nomm\u00e9 JORDY le 11 juin 2021. 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Il s'agit surtout de rongeurs ressemblant \u00e0 la souris, y compris les gerbilles, les rats, les souris et les campagnols. On les regroupe en fonction de la structure des joues et de la structure des molaires : leurs deux muscles masseter m\u00e9dial et lat\u00e9ral sont d\u00e9plac\u00e9s vers l'avant, les rendant aptes \u00e0 ronger. Le muscle masseter m\u00e9dial passe par la souche de l'\u0153il, une situation unique parmi les mammif\u00e8res.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5867959", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "sous-ordre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212242", "boundaries": [30, 39], "surfaceform": "Myomorpha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [78, 84], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [89, 98], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q10850", "boundaries": [122, 129], "surfaceform": "rongeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2751034", "boundaries": [148, 154], "surfaceform": "souris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q244770", "boundaries": [170, 178], "surfaceform": "gerbille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q26018", "boundaries": [185, 188], "surfaceform": "rat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2751034", "boundaries": [195, 201], "surfaceform": "souris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q10952397", "boundaries": [209, 218], "surfaceform": "campagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47038", "boundaries": [269, 273], "surfaceform": "joue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189218", "boundaries": [298, 305], "surfaceform": "molaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7365", "boundaries": [320, 326], "surfaceform": "muscle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q26018", "boundaries": [185, 188], "surfaceform": "rat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q10850", "boundaries": [122, 129], "surfaceform": "rongeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98291015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "499519-0", "title": "Titus Andronicus", "uri": "Q272169", "text": "Titus Andronicus (ou \"La Tr\u00e8s Lamentable Trag\u00e9die romaine de Titus Andronicus\", en anglais \"The Most Lamentable Romaine Tragedy of Titus Andronicus\") est peut-\u00eatre la premi\u00e8re trag\u00e9die de William Shakespeare, et certainement la plus sanglante. Elle d\u00e9crit un cycle de vengeances qui oppose Titus, g\u00e9n\u00e9ral romain imaginaire, \u00e0 son ennemie Tamora, reine des Goths. \u00c0 partir du , cette pi\u00e8ce a \u00e9t\u00e9 un peu d\u00e9laiss\u00e9e. En effet \u00e0 l'instar de T. S. Eliot, nombreux \u00e9taient ceux qui jugeaient que \u00ab Titus Andronicus est une des pi\u00e8ces les plus stupides que l'on ait jamais \u00e9crites \u00bb (Selected Essays, 1917-1932). Cette aversion se fondait sur l'horreur de l'horreur donc, et rejet d'un suppos\u00e9 Grand Guignol.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q272169", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Titus Andronicus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q272169", "boundaries": [61, 77], "surfaceform": "Titus Andronicus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [83, 90], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q272169", "boundaries": [131, 147], "surfaceform": "Titus Andronicus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q80930", "boundaries": [176, 184], "surfaceform": "trag\u00e9die", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q692", "boundaries": [188, 207], "surfaceform": "William Shakespeare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q20035824", "boundaries": [259, 278], "surfaceform": "cycle de vengeances", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42193", "boundaries": [356, 361], "surfaceform": "Goths", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37767", "boundaries": [436, 447], "surfaceform": "T. 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n\u00e9erlandais, d'origine marocaine. 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Parmi les inspirations du jeu, sont notamment cit\u00e9s les jeux de r\u00f4le des s\u00e9ries \"Mother\" et \"Mario and Luigi\", ainsi que les \"manic shooters\" de \"Touhou Project\", et la s\u00e9rie comique britannique \"Mr Bean\". Dans la conception initiale d\"\"', le jeu durait environ deux heures et devait sortir en milieu d'ann\u00e9e 2014, le d\u00e9veloppement dure finalement pr\u00e8s de trois ans du fait du rallongement consid\u00e9rable de la dur\u00e9e de la campagne, retardant la sortie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23919389", "boundaries": [57, 65], "surfaceform": "Toby Fox", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183888", "boundaries": [70, 81], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9veloppeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36834", "boundaries": [85, 96], "surfaceform": "compositeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [112, 122], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1780267", "boundaries": [349, 355], "surfaceform": "Mother", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q85874235", "boundaries": [361, 376], "surfaceform": "Mario and Luigi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [394, 408], "surfaceform": "manic shooters", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q907907", "boundaries": [414, 428], "surfaceform": "Touhou Project", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5398426", "boundaries": [437, 442], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q484020", "boundaries": [464, 471], "surfaceform": "Mr Bean", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [577, 581], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23919389", "boundaries": [57, 65], "surfaceform": "Toby Fox", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36834", "boundaries": [85, 96], "surfaceform": "compositeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q23919389", "boundaries": [57, 65], "surfaceform": "Toby Fox", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [112, 122], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q484020", "boundaries": [464, 471], "surfaceform": "Mr Bean", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5398426", "boundaries": [437, 442], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90966796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9604354-2", "title": "Undertale", "uri": "Q21039924", "text": "Le jeu est publi\u00e9 le sur Steam pour Windows et OS X et sur Linux en , tandis que des portages sur PlayStation 4 et PlayStation Vita sont sortis le , sur Nintendo Switch durant le mois de et sur les consoles Xbox One et Xbox Series le . Si les versions pour ordinateur ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9s par Toby Fox lui-m\u00eame, les portages sur consoles ont quant \u00e0 eux \u00e9t\u00e9 assur\u00e9s par l'entreprise japonaise de localisation . \u00c0 sa sortie, \"Undertale\" est acclam\u00e9 pour son \u00e9criture, sa th\u00e9matique, son syst\u00e8me de combat, sa musique, et son originalit\u00e9 ; de nombreux \u00e9loges \u00e9tant \u00e9galement faits par rapport \u00e0 l'histoire, aux dialogues, et aux personnages. 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C'est une interpr\u00e9tation d\u00e9cal\u00e9e et humoristique du c\u00e9l\u00e8bre conte, sous forme d'enqu\u00eate polici\u00e8re, structur\u00e9e de la m\u00eame mani\u00e8re que les films \"Rash\u014dmon\" et \"Usual Suspects\". 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Elle est n\u00e9e \u00e0 Guri, dans la province de Gyeonggi. BoA fut d\u00e9couverte par SM Entertainment lors d'une audition de jeunes talents en 1998. En 2000, elle sort \"ID; Peace B\", son premier album cor\u00e9en. Deux ans plus tard, para\u00eet son premier album japonais, \"Listen to My Heart\", sous le label Avex Trax. Le , avec SM Entertainment USA, une subdivision de SM Entertainment, BoA sort un single aux \u00c9tats-Unis, suivi de l'album \"BoA\" en . La m\u00eame ann\u00e9e parait Mamoritai: White Wishes th\u00e8me principal de \"Tales of Graces\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q232449", "boundaries": [54, 57], "surfaceform": "BoA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q753110", "boundaries": [96, 116], "surfaceform": "autrice-compositrice", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [117, 129], "surfaceform": "sud-cor\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42071", "boundaries": [146, 150], "surfaceform": "Guri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q20937", "boundaries": [172, 180], "surfaceform": "Gyeonggi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q232449", "boundaries": [182, 185], "surfaceform": "BoA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q483938", "boundaries": [205, 221], "surfaceform": "SM Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [263, 267], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [272, 276], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q496035", "boundaries": [289, 300], "surfaceform": "ID; Peace B", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q495780", "boundaries": [385, 403], "surfaceform": "Listen to My Heart", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q18127", "boundaries": [414, 419], "surfaceform": "label", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1988428", "boundaries": [420, 429], "surfaceform": "Avex Trax", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q232449", "boundaries": [500, 503], "surfaceform": "BoA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q232449", "boundaries": [553, 556], "surfaceform": "BoA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1202172", "boundaries": [628, 643], "surfaceform": "Tales of Graces", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42071", "boundaries": [146, 150], "surfaceform": "Guri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20937", "boundaries": [172, 180], "surfaceform": "Gyeonggi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q232449", "boundaries": [54, 57], "surfaceform": "BoA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42071", "boundaries": [146, 150], "surfaceform": "Guri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "608488-0", "title": "Union sociale-d\u00e9mocrate de Mac\u00e9doine", "uri": "Q160188", "text": "L\u2019Union sociale-d\u00e9mocrate de Mac\u00e9doine (en , \u0421\u0414\u0421\u041c, soit SDSM en alphabet latin), est un parti politique mac\u00e9donien, membre associ\u00e9 du Parti socialiste europ\u00e9en et de l'Internationale socialiste. 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En raison de contraintes dans le calendrier et sous la pression des clubs, la Coupe dispara\u00eet en 2000, mais est r\u00e9tablie en 2008. 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Cette comp\u00e9tition regroupait les clubs champions des nations participantes. 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Sur demande, le NTSB peut aider les militaires et gouvernements \u00e9trangers \u00e0 enqu\u00eater sur les accidents. Le NTSB est \u00e9galement charg\u00e9 d'enqu\u00eater sur les cas de rejets de mati\u00e8res dangereuses qui se produisent pendant un transport. L'agence est bas\u00e9e \u00e0 Washington. Elle a quatre bureaux r\u00e9gionaux situ\u00e9s \u00e0 Anchorage (Alaska), \u00e0 Denver (Colorado), \u00e0 Ashburn (Virginie) et \u00e0 Seattle (Washington). L'agence exploite \u00e9galement un centre national de formation dans ses installations d'Ashburn. 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Ce livre r\u00e9v\u00e8le au public le style de vie peu orthodoxe de son \u00e9pouse et, du m\u00eame coup et sans malice, met \u00e0 bas la r\u00e9putation de l'auteur pour pr\u00e8s d'un si\u00e8cle. Toutefois, avec l'\u00e9mergence du mouvement f\u00e9ministe au tournant du , la promotion de l'\u00e9galit\u00e9 des femmes et les critiques de la f\u00e9minit\u00e9 conventionnelle, Mary Wollstonecraft prend de plus en plus d'importance. Aujourd'hui, elle appara\u00eet comme l'une des pionni\u00e8res de la philosophie f\u00e9ministe, et sa vie, tout comme son \u0153uvre, sont d\u00e9sormais reconnues par les f\u00e9ministes. 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Lors de la saison 2010, les Braves terminent en deuxi\u00e8me place de la division Est de la Ligue nationale avec 91 victoires contre 71 d\u00e9faites et se qualifient comme meilleur deuxi\u00e8me pour les s\u00e9ries d'apr\u00e8s-saison. 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J.-C., est un roi de Juda. Son nom signifie \u00ab YHWH a \u00e9lev\u00e9, a mis debout \u00bb. Il est le fils de Josias. Selon le Deuxi\u00e8me Livre des Rois, avant son accession au tr\u00f4ne, il portait le nom d'Elyaq\u00eem. Le pharaon a chang\u00e9 son nom.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q319034", "boundaries": [11, 18], "surfaceform": "Joiaqim", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q9288", "boundaries": [25, 31], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9breu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q720091", "boundaries": [42, 55], "surfaceform": "632 av. 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Elle s'est d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e au cours des trois premiers si\u00e8cles de l'\u00e8re chr\u00e9tienne, en particulier au , alors qu'elle \u00e9tait capitale d'un royaume puissant, alli\u00e9 de l'Empire parthe, et qu'elle r\u00e9sista \u00e0 plusieurs si\u00e8ges des arm\u00e9es de l'Empire romain. Hatra fut un important centre religieux, dont la divinit\u00e9 principale \u00e9tait le Dieu-Soleil (Shamash). Son rayonnement s'\u00e9tendait aux tribus arabes voisines, et elle \u00e9tait sans doute aussi un important centre caravanier. Sa culture \u00e9tait un m\u00e9lange de traditions m\u00e9sopotamiennes, syriennes, gr\u00e9co-romaines et iraniennes, visible notamment dans les domaines religieux, architecturaux et artistiques. 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l'Enc\u00e9nie \u00bb) est une f\u00eate juive d'institution rabbinique, comm\u00e9morant la r\u00e9inauguration de l'autel des offrandes dans le Second Temple de J\u00e9rusalem, lors de son retour au culte juda\u00efque, trois ans apr\u00e8s son interdiction par le roi Antiochus IV des S\u00e9leucides.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q130881", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hanoucca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q94920", "boundaries": [86, 96], "surfaceform": "f\u00eate juive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1981145", "boundaries": [158, 177], "surfaceform": "autel des offrandes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q728428", "boundaries": [186, 212], "surfaceform": "Second Temple de J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3356", "boundaries": [296, 308], "surfaceform": "Antiochus IV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q93180", "boundaries": [313, 323], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9leucides", "annotator": "Me", 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Ce match oppose les meilleurs joueurs de la Conf\u00e9rence Am\u00e9ricaine \u00e0 ceux de la Conf\u00e9rence Nationale. Entre 2013 et 2016, le Pro Bowl a simplement oppos\u00e9 les meilleurs joueurs de la saison NFL sans consid\u00e9ration pour leur conf\u00e9rence. 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Cofond\u00e9e et dirig\u00e9e en 1930 par Gian-Battista Pinin Farina et Gaspare Bona, puis par Sergio Pininfarina, et ses fils et Paolo Pininfarina, elle est c\u00e9l\u00e8bre entre autres comme designer partenaire historique de Ferrari, et est cot\u00e9e \u00e0 la bourse italienne depuis 1986 (). En 2015, Mahindra a acquis une participation de 74 % dans Pininfarina et obtenu la licence sur le nom \u00ab Pininfarina \u00bb pour cr\u00e9er en 2018 une marque automobile \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re \u00ab Automobili Pininfarina \u00bb.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q40987", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Pininfarina", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q40987", "boundaries": [33, 44], "surfaceform": "Pininfarina", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6881511", "boundaries": [53, 63], "surfaceform": "entreprise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [74, 80], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29583", "boundaries": [87, 95], "surfaceform": "stylisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1588072", "boundaries": [99, 110], "surfaceform": "carrosserie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1420", "boundaries": [111, 121], "surfaceform": "automobile", "annotator": "Me", "type": 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Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1990 par la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Borland comme une am\u00e9lioration de son logiciel phare de l'\u00e9poque, Turbo Pascal. Il s'agissait alors de la version 5.5. M\u00eame si l'ajout de l'objet au Turbo Pascal s'est op\u00e9r\u00e9 en douceur et a \u00e9t\u00e9 vendu par Borland comme une simple et logique am\u00e9lioration de Turbo Pascal, cela n'en a pas moins r\u00e9volutionn\u00e9 ce langage et la communaut\u00e9 de d\u00e9veloppeurs qui lui \u00e9tait associ\u00e9e.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q633894", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Pascal Objet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q79872", "boundaries": [50, 71], "surfaceform": "langage orient\u00e9 objet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q81571", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "Pascal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [107, 111], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q210075", "boundaries": [127, 134], "surfaceform": "Borland", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q473201", "boundaries": [193, 205], "surfaceform": "Turbo Pascal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+5.5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [241, 244], "surfaceform": "5.5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q473201", "boundaries": [193, 205], "surfaceform": "Turbo Pascal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210075", "boundaries": [127, 134], "surfaceform": "Borland", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "711420-0", "title": "Super Mario Land", "uri": "Q647249", "text": "est un jeu vid\u00e9o de plates-formes d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 puis \u00e9dit\u00e9 par Nintendo pour le \"Game Boy\". Il s'agit du premier jeu de plates-formes et du premier \"Super Mario\" sorti sur cette console. Le jeu sort en 1989 au Japon et aux \u00c9tats-Unis, puis en France en septembre 1990. Ce jeu fait partie des titres de lancement de la Game Boy.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7889", "boundaries": [7, 16], "surfaceform": "jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q828322", "boundaries": [20, 33], "surfaceform": "plates-formes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [59, 67], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [77, 85], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q828322", "boundaries": [116, 129], "surfaceform": "plates-formes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4802838", "boundaries": [145, 156], "surfaceform": "Super Mario", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [174, 181], "surfaceform": "console", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2718401", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "1989", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1989^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "1989", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [206, 211], "surfaceform": "Japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [219, 229], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [239, 245], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "1990-09-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [249, 263], "surfaceform": "septembre 1990", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2718678", "boundaries": [259, 263], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [314, 322], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q186437", "boundaries": [77, 85], "surfaceform": "Game Boy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [59, 67], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q4802838", "boundaries": [145, 156], "surfaceform": "Super Mario", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q828322", "boundaries": [20, 33], "surfaceform": "plates-formes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2718678", "boundaries": [259, 263], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2718401", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "1989", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "689728-0", "title": "Elektra Records", "uri": "Q726251", "text": "Elektra Records est une compagnie d'\u00e9dition musicale, r\u00e9put\u00e9e pour les stars du rock qu'elle a produites, comme Love, The Doors, Metallica, M\u00f6tley Cr\u00fce, Queen, The Stooges ou encore Buffalo Springfield. 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Son nom signifie \u00ab ce qui est en train de se passer \u00bb. 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Gregory en tant que famille monotypique pour \"Protoceratops andrewsi\". Granger et Gregory admirent que le protoc\u00e9ratops \u00e9tait proche des autres c\u00e9ratopsiens, mais le consid\u00e9raient assez primitif pour avoir sa propre famille, voire sous-ordre. Plus tard, la famille s'est agrandie, incluant tous les animaux trop \u00e9volu\u00e9s pour \u00eatre des psittacosaurid\u00e9s, mais pas assez pour \u00eatre des c\u00e9ratopsid\u00e9s \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re. En 1998, Paul Sereno a d\u00e9fini les protoc\u00e9ratopsid\u00e9s comme \u00e9tant \"tous les coronosaures plus proches de \"Protoceratops\" que de \"Triceratops\"\". 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Il a pass\u00e9 son enfance et adolescence \u00e0 Malaga et il est mort le \u00e0 Madrid. En 1959, il est laur\u00e9at du prix Nobel de physiologie ou m\u00e9decine, qu'il partage avec son \u00e9l\u00e8ve Arthur Kornberg, pour leurs recherches sur la synth\u00e8se de l'ARN.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q233957", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Severo Ochoa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1872807", "boundaries": [34, 40], "surfaceform": "Luarca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2807", "boundaries": [54, 60], "surfaceform": "Madrid", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7094", "boundaries": [69, 80], "surfaceform": "biochimiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [81, 89], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8851", "boundaries": [131, 137], "surfaceform": "Malaga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2807", "boundaries": [158, 164], "surfaceform": "Madrid", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1959^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q80061", "boundaries": [193, 230], "surfaceform": "prix Nobel de physiologie ou m\u00e9decine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q295678", "boundaries": [261, 276], "surfaceform": "Arthur Kornberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q11053", "boundaries": [321, 324], "surfaceform": "ARN", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q233957", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Severo Ochoa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1872807", "boundaries": [34, 40], "surfaceform": "Luarca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1872807", "boundaries": [34, 40], "surfaceform": "Luarca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [81, 89], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "856806-0", "title": "Royal Opera House", "uri": "Q55018", "text": "La Royal Opera House (ROH) est un op\u00e9ra et un rendez-vous d'art \u00e0 Londres. 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La premi\u00e8re version de la norme a \u00e9t\u00e9 approuv\u00e9e en et la plus r\u00e9cente date d'.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q212633", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "H.264", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+264^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [2, 5], "surfaceform": "264", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [14, 16], "surfaceform": "-4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [32, 34], "surfaceform": "-4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [40, 42], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q376150", "boundaries": [105, 110], "surfaceform": "UIT-T", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+6^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [113, 114], "surfaceform": "6", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [117, 119], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15028", "boundaries": [166, 169], "surfaceform": "ISO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q193858", "boundaries": [170, 173], "surfaceform": "CEI", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q11273", "boundaries": [204, 208], "surfaceform": "MPEG", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212633", "boundaries": [312, 317], "surfaceform": "H.264", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+264^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [314, 317], "surfaceform": "264", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q219763", "boundaries": [338, 344], "surfaceform": "MPEG-4", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [342, 344], "surfaceform": "-4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [350, 352], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+14496^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [362, 367], "surfaceform": "14496", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [367, 370], "surfaceform": "-10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q212633", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "H.264", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11273", "boundaries": [204, 208], "surfaceform": "MPEG", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.505859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "857618-1", "title": "H.264", "uri": "Q212633", "text": "Le JVT a ensuite travaill\u00e9 sur le concept d'extensibilit\u00e9 en \u00e9laborant une extension \u00e0 la norme H.264 (annexe G) : les sp\u00e9cifications Scalable Video Coding (SVC), puis sur la norme HEVC (\"High Efficiency Video Coding\").", "entities": [{"uri": "Q727490", "boundaries": [44, 57], "surfaceform": "extensibilit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212633", "boundaries": [96, 101], "surfaceform": "H.264", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+264^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [98, 101], "surfaceform": "264", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1076113", "boundaries": [134, 155], "surfaceform": "Scalable Video Coding", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q43664", "boundaries": [181, 185], "surfaceform": "HEVC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q43664", "boundaries": [181, 185], "surfaceform": "HEVC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q212633", "boundaries": [96, 101], "surfaceform": "H.264", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "858285-1", "title": "Mansfield Park", "uri": "Q469690", "text": "Seul roman de Jane Austen qui, se d\u00e9roulant sur une dizaine d'ann\u00e9es, suit les \u00e9tapes de l'\u00e9volution de l'h\u00e9ro\u00efne depuis ses dix ans, il pourrait \u00eatre le pr\u00e9curseur des romans d'apprentissage () comme \"Jane Eyre\" ou \"David Copperfield\". Mais, l'auteur ayant choisi de lui donner comme titre le nom de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9, c'est Mansfield Park, le lieu de vie de la famille du baronnet Sir Thomas Bertram, qui en est, en quelque sorte, le personnage central. 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Mais, traitant de libert\u00e9 et de limites, de d\u00e9pendance et d'ind\u00e9pendance, d'int\u00e9grit\u00e9 et d'inconvenance, \"Mansfield Park\" peut aussi \u00eatre lu comme une \u00e9tude sur le sens de la famille et les valeurs qu'elle repr\u00e9sente, voire une critique de la famille patriarcale traditionnelle, \u00e0 cette \u00e9poque charni\u00e8re o\u00f9 son r\u00f4le et son statut sont en train d'\u00eatre red\u00e9finis.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q316390", "boundaries": [131, 138], "surfaceform": "Antigua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q664609", "boundaries": [149, 157], "surfaceform": "Cara\u00efbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8463", "boundaries": [227, 235], "surfaceform": "esclaves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [444, 465], "surfaceform": "guerre avec la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q469690", "boundaries": [573, 587], "surfaceform": "Mansfield Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q316390", "boundaries": [131, 138], "surfaceform": "Antigua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q664609", "boundaries": [149, 157], "surfaceform": "Cara\u00efbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "781164-1", "title": "Irun", "uri": "Q200201", "text": "Faisant face \u00e0 la ville fran\u00e7aise d'Hendaye dont elle est s\u00e9par\u00e9e par la Bidassoa, elle occupe une position strat\u00e9gique \u00e0 la fronti\u00e8re entre l'Espagne et la France, et commande le passage principal des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es occidentales.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [24, 33], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q191754", "boundaries": [36, 43], "surfaceform": "Hendaye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14352", "boundaries": [73, 81], "surfaceform": "Bidassoa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2637319", "boundaries": [125, 163], "surfaceform": "fronti\u00e8re entre l'Espagne et la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12431", "boundaries": [202, 210], "surfaceform": "Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q191754", "boundaries": [36, 43], "surfaceform": "Hendaye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [24, 33], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7802734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2637319", "boundaries": [125, 163], "surfaceform": "fronti\u00e8re entre l'Espagne et la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q14352", "boundaries": [73, 81], "surfaceform": "Bidassoa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "764360-0", "title": "Akranes", "uri": "Q107398", "text": "Akranes est une municipalit\u00e9 de habitants situ\u00e9e sur la c\u00f4te ouest de l'Islande. 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Il apparait aussi sous les noms de Paoxi (- P\u00e1o x\u012b), Mixi ( M\u00ec x\u012b), Taihao (- T\u00e0i h\u00e0o), Baoxi(\u5305\u727a B\u0101o x\u012b), Fuxi\uff08\u4f0f\u620f F\u00fa x\u00ec)\uff0cXihuang(\u727a\u7687 X\u012b hu\u00e1ng), Huangxi\uff08\u7687\u7fb2 Hu\u00e1ng x\u012b), Fuxi(\u4f0f\u727a F\u00fa x\u012b). Les textes les plus anciens qui enregistrent le mythe de Fuxi sont \u00e9crits \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque de Royaumes combattants et de Han occidentaux. Fuxi est n\u00e9 \u00e0 Chengji (\u6210\u7eaa Ch\u00e9ng ji), \u00e0 l'ouest de la Chine aujourd'hui. Il vivait \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque n\u00e9olithique. Les \"Chants de Chu\" mentionnent son mariage avec sa s\u0153ur Nuwa, le deuxi\u00e8me dieu des trois Augustes, dieu qui donne naissance aux \u00eatres humains. D\u00e8s la dynastie de Tang, Fuxi et son \u00e9pouse Nuwa sont pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s comme les inventeurs des rites du mariage. Selon Shiji de Sima Qian, Fuxi et Nuwa sont repr\u00e9sent\u00e9s avec les bustes d'\u00eatre humain et les corps de serpent. Il a invent\u00e9 le Bagua(, b\u0101gu\u00e0), concept dans la philosophie fondamentale en ancienne Chine, utilis\u00e9 dans le Tao\u00efsme et le \"Yi Jing\"\".\" ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q236972", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Fuxi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8201", "boundaries": [23, 33], "surfaceform": "sinogramme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42222", "boundaries": [39, 45], "surfaceform": "p\u012bny\u012bn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q210677", "boundaries": [88, 107], "surfaceform": "mythologie chinoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2673403", "boundaries": [181, 187], "surfaceform": "Huaxia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q201727", "boundaries": [294, 308], "surfaceform": "trois Augustes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q236972", "boundaries": [430, 434], "surfaceform": "Fuxi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q236972", "boundaries": [489, 493], 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Elle op\u00e8re \u00e0 la demande (affr\u00e8tement d'avions complets), ou en utilisant les lignes r\u00e9guli\u00e8res de Lufthansa, ce qui repr\u00e9sente la majeure partie de son activit\u00e9. Elle commercialise les capacit\u00e9s de soute de plus de 300 avions de passagers. Depuis , elle n'op\u00e8re plus le Boeing 747 cargo, mais uniquement les MD-11 et des Boeing 777-200.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q265138", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Lufthansa Cargo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q9325", "boundaries": [70, 79], "surfaceform": "Lufthansa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+300^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [376, 379], "surfaceform": "300", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q179", "boundaries": [431, 441], "surfaceform": "Boeing 747", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [438, 441], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q62161", "boundaries": [469, 474], "surfaceform": "MD-11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-11^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [471, 474], "surfaceform": "-11", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+777^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [489, 492], "surfaceform": "777", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-200^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [492, 496], "surfaceform": "-200", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q265138", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Lufthansa Cargo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9325", "boundaries": [70, 79], "surfaceform": "Lufthansa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97119140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "414360-0", "title": "D\u00e9cam\u00e9ron", "uri": "Q16438", "text": "Le D\u00e9cam\u00e9ron (' ou ') est un recueil de cent nouvelles \u00e9crites en italien (florentin) par Boccace entre 1349 et 1353.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q16438", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9cam\u00e9ron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q49084", "boundaries": [45, 53], "surfaceform": "nouvelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q652", "boundaries": [66, 73], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [75, 84], "surfaceform": "florentin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1402", "boundaries": [90, 97], "surfaceform": "Boccace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6090", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "1349", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1349^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "1349", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6116", "boundaries": [112, 116], "surfaceform": "1353", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1353^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [112, 116], "surfaceform": "1353", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q16438", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9cam\u00e9ron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1402", "boundaries": [90, 97], "surfaceform": "Boccace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1402", "boundaries": [90, 97], "surfaceform": "Boccace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q16438", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9cam\u00e9ron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.5771484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "586118-0", "title": "Coupe d'Afrique de rugby \u00e0 XV", "uri": "Q2528031", "text": "La Coupe d'Afrique de rugby \u00e0 XV est une comp\u00e9tition continentale de rugby \u00e0 XV qui oppose les meilleures \u00e9quipes nationales des pays d'Afrique, elle est organis\u00e9e par Rugby Afrique. 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Ils \u00e9voluent dans division Est la Ligue nationale qu'ils ont remport\u00e9e en 2012 et 2014. Ces deux ann\u00e9es, ils terminent avec le meilleur pourcentage de la ligue nationale. En 2019, ils remportent la S\u00e9rie de Championnat de la Ligue nationale puis, pour la premi\u00e8re fois, la S\u00e9rie mondiale. 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Il a ensuite port\u00e9 diff\u00e9rents noms, notamment \"Unione Sportiva Citt\u00e0 di Palermo\" lors de ses plus belles ann\u00e9es professionnelles, entre 1994 et 2019 puis \"Palermo Societ\u00e0 Sportiva Dilettantistica\" \u00e0 l'occasion de sa rel\u00e9gation en Serie D (D4) pour la saison 2019-2020.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2674", "boundaries": [3, 24], "surfaceform": "Palerme Football Club", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [103, 111], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [112, 118], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2810955", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1900^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2656", "boundaries": [206, 213], "surfaceform": "Palerme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1460", "boundaries": [217, 223], "surfaceform": "Sicile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [361, 365], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [369, 373], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1141778", "boundaries": [455, 462], "surfaceform": "Serie D", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [465, 466], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [483, 487], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [487, 492], "surfaceform": "-2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2674", "boundaries": [3, 24], "surfaceform": "Palerme Football Club", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [103, 111], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2674", "boundaries": [3, 24], "surfaceform": "Palerme Football Club", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [112, 118], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2674", "boundaries": [3, 24], "surfaceform": "Palerme Football Club", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2656", "boundaries": [206, 213], "surfaceform": "Palerme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9794921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2656", "boundaries": [206, 213], "surfaceform": "Palerme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [112, 118], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "476979-0", "title": "Amersfoort", "uri": "Q992", "text": "Amersfoort est une agglom\u00e9ration et la seconde plus grande ville de la province d'Utrecht sur le fleuve Eem aux Pays-Bas. 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Adulyadej (Rama IX). 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Malm\u00f6 FF reste une association dont il est possible de devenir adh\u00e9rent, dont l'assembl\u00e9e g\u00e9n\u00e9rale valide chaque ann\u00e9e les comptes et \u00e9lit un conseil d'administration et un pr\u00e9sident. 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Cette comp\u00e9tition a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1880, ce qui fait d'elle la quatri\u00e8me plus ancienne comp\u00e9tition de football au monde. Avant la s\u00e9paration de l'\u00eele d'Irlande en 1921, l'\u00e9preuve rassemblait des clubs de l'ensemble de l'\u00eele. Depuis cette date et la cr\u00e9ation de l'\u00c9tat d'Irlande, la comp\u00e9tition ne regroupe plus que les clubs affili\u00e9s \u00e0 l'IFA et donc situ\u00e9s en Irlande du Nord.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q312419", "boundaries": [3, 38], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Irlande du Nord de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2810578", "boundaries": [227, 231], "surfaceform": "1880", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1880^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [227, 231], "surfaceform": "1880", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q22890", "boundaries": [338, 351], "surfaceform": "\u00eele d'Irlande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2162", "boundaries": [355, 359], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1921^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [355, 359], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q27", "boundaries": [455, 469], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat d'Irlande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q620280", "boundaries": [530, 533], "surfaceform": "IFA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q26", "boundaries": [552, 567], "surfaceform": "Irlande du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q312419", "boundaries": [3, 38], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Irlande du Nord de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.76513671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q27", "boundaries": [455, 469], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat d'Irlande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q26", "boundaries": [552, 567], "surfaceform": "Irlande du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9423828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q620280", "boundaries": [530, 533], "surfaceform": "IFA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q26", "boundaries": [552, 567], "surfaceform": "Irlande du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "428364-0", "title": "Neo-Geo Pocket Color", "uri": "Q1977455", "text": "La Neo-Geo Pocket Color (ou NGPC) est une console portable 16 bits con\u00e7ue par SNK. La console sort le au Japon, le en Am\u00e9rique du Nord, et le dans certains pays d\u2019Europe. Elle succ\u00e8de \u00e0 la console monochrome Neo-Geo Pocket, sortie une ann\u00e9e plus t\u00f4t.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1977455", "boundaries": [3, 23], "surfaceform": "Neo-Geo Pocket Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q941818", "boundaries": [42, 58], "surfaceform": "console portable", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [59, 61], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1073880", "boundaries": [78, 81], "surfaceform": "SNK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q939881", "boundaries": [208, 222], "surfaceform": "Neo-Geo Pocket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1977455", "boundaries": [3, 23], "surfaceform": "Neo-Geo Pocket Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q941818", "boundaries": [42, 58], "surfaceform": "console portable", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.41943359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1977455", "boundaries": [3, 23], "surfaceform": "Neo-Geo Pocket Color", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q939881", "boundaries": [208, 222], "surfaceform": "Neo-Geo Pocket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "428366-0", "title": "Learjet", "uri": "Q1336983", "text": "Learjet est un constructeur a\u00e9ronautique cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1959 et sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9 dans la construction de jets d'affaires. 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Elle a pour statut celui de bureau au sein du d\u00e9partement de l'Int\u00e9rieur des \u00c9tats-Unis.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193755", "boundaries": [2, 46], "surfaceform": "Institut d'\u00e9tudes g\u00e9ologiques des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [91, 100], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8008", "boundaries": [121, 141], "surfaceform": "sciences de la Terre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7944", "boundaries": [200, 208], "surfaceform": "sismique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q608427", "boundaries": [297, 338], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement de l'Int\u00e9rieur des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q193755", "boundaries": [2, 46], "surfaceform": "Institut d'\u00e9tudes g\u00e9ologiques des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [91, 100], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q193755", "boundaries": [2, 46], "surfaceform": "Institut d'\u00e9tudes g\u00e9ologiques des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q608427", "boundaries": [297, 338], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement de l'Int\u00e9rieur des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "401078-2", "title": "Kh\u00e9nifra", "uri": "Q990115", "text": "Les A\u00eft Oumalou sont un ensemble de peuples Amazighes de m\u00eame souche qui occupaient un immense territoire compris entre Tadla au sud et Sefrou au nord. Ils \u00e9taient r\u00e9put\u00e9s indomptables, avides d'ind\u00e9pendance. Ils \u00e9taient connus historiquement avec leurs alli\u00e9s Zayanes pour leurs nombreuses guerres, la plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bre est la bataille d'Elhri contre le colonel Laverdure \u00e0 15 km de Kh\u00e9nifra pr\u00e8s du village d'Elhri, le 13 novembre 1914.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q22683407", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Les A\u00eft Oumalou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [44, 53], "surfaceform": "Amazighes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2887939", "boundaries": [323, 339], "surfaceform": "bataille d'Elhri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7313746", "boundaries": [358, 367], "surfaceform": "Laverdure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+15^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [370, 372], "surfaceform": "15", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q990115", "boundaries": [379, 387], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e9nifra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q20394656", "boundaries": [406, 411], "surfaceform": "Elhri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q22976482", "boundaries": [416, 432], "surfaceform": "13 novembre 1914", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "1914-11-13T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [416, 432], "surfaceform": "13 novembre 1914", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2887939", "boundaries": [323, 339], "surfaceform": "bataille d'Elhri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q990115", "boundaries": [379, 387], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e9nifra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8876953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "402286-0", "title": "Vostok 1", "uri": "Q182524", "text": "Vostok 1 est le premier vol spatial habit\u00e9 de l'histoire spatiale et la premi\u00e8re mission du programme Vostok. 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Apr\u00e8s avoir boucl\u00e9 une orbite sans rencontrer de probl\u00e8me, le vaisseau effectua une rentr\u00e9e mouvement\u00e9e mais atterrit sans encombre dans la r\u00e9gion de Saratov.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q182524", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Vostok 1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [7, 8], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q752783", "boundaries": [24, 42], "surfaceform": "vol spatial habit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q623873", "boundaries": [92, 108], "surfaceform": "programme Vostok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [122, 132], "surfaceform": "sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [140, 141], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q177477", "boundaries": [167, 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Elle est particuli\u00e8rement connue pour avoir con\u00e7u la gamme des microprocesseurs MOS Technology 6502 qui \u00e9quipa notamment les micro-ordinateurs Commodore 64, ainsi que les jeux de puces du Commodore Amiga. Elle sera liquid\u00e9e en 2001.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q852174", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "MOS Technology", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11650", "boundaries": [115, 127], "surfaceform": "\u00e9lectronique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1969^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "1969", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5297", "boundaries": [207, 222], "surfaceform": "microprocesseur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q255528", "boundaries": [224, 243], "surfaceform": "MOS Technology 6502", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+6502^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [239, 243], "surfaceform": "6502", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16338", "boundaries": [269, 286], "surfaceform": "micro-ordinateurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q99775", "boundaries": [287, 299], "surfaceform": "Commodore 64", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+64^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [297, 299], "surfaceform": "64", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q100047", "boundaries": [342, 347], "surfaceform": "Amiga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [371, 375], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q852174", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "MOS Technology", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "518889-1", "title": "Managua", "uri": "Q3274", "text": "Elle est situ\u00e9e \u00e0 l'ouest du Nicaragua et s'\u00e9tire le long de la c\u00f4te sud-ouest du lac Xolotl\u00e1n (ou \u00ab lac de Managua \u00bb). C'est la plus grande ville du pays au regard de la population et d'extension g\u00e9ographique ( de long).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q272380", "boundaries": [82, 94], "surfaceform": "lac Xolotl\u00e1n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3274", "boundaries": [108, 115], "surfaceform": "Managua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3274", "boundaries": [108, 115], "surfaceform": "Managua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q272380", "boundaries": [82, 94], "surfaceform": "lac Xolotl\u00e1n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "519046-0", "title": "Miss Monde", "uri": "Q173402", "text": "(\"Miss World\") est un concours de beaut\u00e9 international qui \u00e9lit chaque ann\u00e9e une jeune femme Miss Monde. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1951 au Royaume-Uni par Eric Morley. Depuis sa mort en 2000, sa veuve, Julia Morley, est pr\u00e9sidente du comit\u00e9 Miss Monde. Ce concours fait partie, avec Miss Univers, Miss Terre et Miss International, des 4 plus grands concours de beaut\u00e9 internationaux.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2658935", "boundaries": [22, 40], "surfaceform": "concours de beaut\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q173402", "boundaries": [93, 103], "surfaceform": "Miss Monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q18591", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1951^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [130, 141], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2629783", "boundaries": [146, 157], "surfaceform": "Eric Morley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [177, 181], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10541213", "boundaries": [193, 205], "surfaceform": "Julia Morley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q173402", "boundaries": [232, 242], "surfaceform": "Miss Monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q161376", "boundaries": [274, 286], "surfaceform": "Miss Univers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q238317", "boundaries": [288, 298], "surfaceform": "Miss Terre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q475660", "boundaries": [302, 320], "surfaceform": "Miss International", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [326, 327], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q173402", "boundaries": [93, 103], "surfaceform": "Miss Monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2629783", "boundaries": [146, 157], "surfaceform": "Eric Morley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2629783", "boundaries": [146, 157], "surfaceform": "Eric Morley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [130, 141], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90869140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "519297-0", "title": "Universit\u00e9 de Strasbourg", "uri": "Q157575", "text": "L\u2019universit\u00e9 de Strasbourg (abr\u00e9g\u00e9e en Unistra, l'acronyme UDS \u00e9tant celui de l'universit\u00e9 de Savoie) est une universit\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise situ\u00e9e \u00e0 Strasbourg en Alsace (r\u00e9gion Grand Est). Son origine remonte \u00e0 la cr\u00e9ation du Gymnase Jean-Sturm en 1538. Le Gymnase fut promu au rang d\u2019Acad\u00e9mie en 1566, sous l\u2019empereur Maximilien II, puis devint universit\u00e9 en 1621, sous l'empereur Ferdinand II. L'universit\u00e9 passa sous le contr\u00f4le du Royaume de France en 1681 en m\u00eame temps que la ville de Strasbourg. Le reste de son histoire est marqu\u00e9e par la R\u00e9volution fran\u00e7aise, l'annexion de l'Alsace-Lorraine par l'Empire allemand (1871-1918) puis le retour \u00e0 la France. Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale elle dut se replier sur Clermont-Ferrand, et des \u00e9tudiants et professeurs qui rejoignirent la R\u00e9sistance ainsi que des \u00e9tudiants Juifs et \u00e9trangers furent arr\u00eat\u00e9s et d\u00e9port\u00e9s. C'est pour ces raisons que l'universit\u00e9 est la seule universit\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise \u00e0 s'\u00eatre vue d\u00e9cerner la M\u00e9daille de la R\u00e9sistance. 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Son si\u00e8ge est situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Lausanne en Suisse.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6851", "boundaries": [3, 43], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q48204", "boundaries": [57, 68], "surfaceform": "association", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1734", "boundaries": [145, 156], "surfaceform": "volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q807", "boundaries": [201, 209], "surfaceform": "Lausanne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [213, 219], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q6851", "boundaries": [3, 43], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1734", "boundaries": [145, 156], "surfaceform": "volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q6851", "boundaries": [3, 43], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q807", "boundaries": [201, 209], "surfaceform": "Lausanne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q6851", "boundaries": [3, 43], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [213, 219], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98291015625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q807", "boundaries": [201, 209], "surfaceform": "Lausanne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [213, 219], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "419620-1", "title": "Mathura", "uri": "Q200311", "text": "C'est un important centre de p\u00e8lerinage car, selon la l\u00e9gende, Mathura serait le lieu de naissance de Krishna. Plus exactement au centre de Braj ou Brij-bhoomi, appel\u00e9 pour cette raison Shri Krishna Janma-Bhoomi. Mathura est donc un lieu de p\u00e8lerinage important. Le Keshav Dev Temple a \u00e9t\u00e9 construit anciennement sur le site pr\u00e9sum\u00e9 de la naissance. S'il faut en croire le Mahabharata et le Bhagavata Purana, Mathura a \u00e9t\u00e9 la capitale de l'ancien royaume de Surasena, dirig\u00e9 par Kansa (ou Kamsa), l'oncle maternel de Shri Krishna. 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Elle est bas\u00e9e au Caire en \u00c9gypte.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q974919", "boundaries": [3, 41], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1734", "boundaries": [90, 101], "surfaceform": "volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15", "boundaries": [105, 112], "surfaceform": "Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q85", "boundaries": [132, 137], "surfaceform": "Caire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q79", "boundaries": [141, 147], "surfaceform": "\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q974919", "boundaries": [3, 41], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1734", "boundaries": [90, 101], "surfaceform": "volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q974919", "boundaries": [3, 41], "surfaceform": "Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration africaine de volley-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q85", "boundaries": [132, 137], "surfaceform": "Caire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q85", "boundaries": [132, 137], "surfaceform": "Caire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q79", "boundaries": [141, 147], "surfaceform": "\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "420477-0", "title": "H\u00e9cate", "uri": "Q131575", "text": "Fille du Titan Pers\u00e8s (ou bien de son homonyme, Pers\u00e8s fils d'H\u00e9lios selon les traditions) et de la Titanide Ast\u00e9ria (\u00ab la nuit \u00e9toil\u00e9e \u00bb), elle est originaire de Thrace. On consid\u00e8re parfois qu'elle est la fille de Tartare. Certains auteurs en font la m\u00e8re de Scylla, qu'elle aurait eue avec Phorcys ou bien Apollon.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q45713", "boundaries": [9, 14], "surfaceform": "Titan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q660924", "boundaries": [15, 21], "surfaceform": "Pers\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2071913", "boundaries": [48, 68], "surfaceform": "Pers\u00e8s fils d'H\u00e9lios", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q45713", "boundaries": [100, 108], "surfaceform": "Titanide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q18642285", "boundaries": [109, 116], "surfaceform": "Ast\u00e9ria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q41741", "boundaries": [163, 169], "surfaceform": "Thrace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [216, 223], "surfaceform": "Tartare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q193115", "boundaries": [261, 267], "surfaceform": "Scylla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q200382", "boundaries": [293, 300], "surfaceform": "Phorcys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q37340", "boundaries": [309, 316], "surfaceform": "Apollon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q660924", "boundaries": [15, 21], "surfaceform": "Pers\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18642285", "boundaries": [109, 116], "surfaceform": "Ast\u00e9ria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "420960-1", "title": "Wolf 359", "uri": "Q291301", "text": "En raison de sa forte activit\u00e9 magn\u00e9tique, Wolf 359 est une \u00e9toile \u00e9ruptive pouvant subir des hausses soudaines de luminosit\u00e9 pendant quelques minutes. Ces \u00e9ruptions \u00e9mettent de forts \u00e9clats de rayons X et de rayons gamma.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3294789", "boundaries": [31, 41], "surfaceform": "magn\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q291301", "boundaries": [43, 51], "surfaceform": "Wolf 359", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+359^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 51], "surfaceform": "359", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q285400", "boundaries": [60, 75], "surfaceform": "\u00e9toile \u00e9ruptive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34777", "boundaries": [194, 202], "surfaceform": "rayons X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11523", "boundaries": [209, 221], "surfaceform": "rayons gamma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34777", "boundaries": [194, 202], "surfaceform": "rayons X", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11523", "boundaries": [209, 221], "surfaceform": "rayons gamma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96435546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "6275590-0", "title": "Samsung Galaxy S III", "uri": "Q140944", "text": "Les Samsung Galaxy S III et S III Mini sont des smartphones Android haut de gamme produits et vendus par Samsung Electronics, mod\u00e8les de la g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de la gamme Galaxy S.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q140944", "boundaries": [4, 24], "surfaceform": "Samsung Galaxy S III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q22645", "boundaries": [48, 58], "surfaceform": "smartphone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q94", "boundaries": [60, 67], "surfaceform": "Android", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q20718", "boundaries": [105, 124], "surfaceform": "Samsung Electronics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q73389", "boundaries": [163, 171], "surfaceform": "Galaxy S", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q140944", "boundaries": [4, 24], "surfaceform": "Samsung Galaxy S III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20718", "boundaries": [105, 124], "surfaceform": "Samsung Electronics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q73389", "boundaries": [163, 171], "surfaceform": "Galaxy S", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20718", "boundaries": [105, 124], "surfaceform": "Samsung Electronics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "6276592-0", "title": "U-Kiss", "uri": "Q482543", "text": "U-Kiss (, , souvent stylis\u00e9 U-KISS) est un boys band sud-cor\u00e9en de K-pop compos\u00e9 de trois membres : Soohyun,Hoon et Jun. Le nom du groupe signifie Ubiquitous Korean International Idol Super Star, qui peut se traduire par \u00ab Super Star Cor\u00e9ennes Omnipr\u00e9sentes Internationalement \u00bb. 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\"Abou Imran Moussa ibn Ma\u00efmoun ibn Abdallah al-Kourtoubi al-Yahoudi\" \u00ab Mo\u00efse fils de Ma\u00efmoun ibn Abdallah le cordouan juif \u00bb ; \"Moyses Ma\u00efmonides\") et mentionn\u00e9 dans la litt\u00e9rature juive sous son acronyme HaRambam (\u05d4\u05e8\u05de\u05d1\"\u05dd \u00ab le Ramba\"m \u00bb), est un rabbin s\u00e9farade du n\u00e9 \u00e0 Cordoue le et mort \u00e0 Fostat, le , consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l\u2019une des plus \u00e9minentes autorit\u00e9s rabbiniques du Moyen \u00c2ge.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q127398", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse Ma\u00efmonide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q101244", "boundaries": [308, 316], "surfaceform": "acronyme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q133485", "boundaries": [358, 364], "surfaceform": "rabbin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q102251", "boundaries": [365, 373], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9farade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5818", "boundaries": [382, 389], "surfaceform": "Cordoue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q839456", "boundaries": [403, 409], "surfaceform": "Fostat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2070193", "boundaries": [457, 491], "surfaceform": "autorit\u00e9s rabbiniques du Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q127398", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse Ma\u00efmonide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q133485", "boundaries": [358, 364], "surfaceform": "rabbin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.91552734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q127398", "boundaries": [67, 82], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse Ma\u00efmonide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5818", "boundaries": [382, 389], "surfaceform": "Cordoue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98193359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "51812-0", "title": "Deut\u00e9ronome", "uri": "Q42614", "text": "Le Deut\u00e9ronome (du grec ancien : , \u00ab la seconde loi \u00bb ; \"Devarim\", paroles) peut \u00eatre lu comme le cinqui\u00e8me livre de la Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque ou Ancien Testament et dernier de la Torah (le Pentateuque chr\u00e9tien) ou comme le premier livre de l'historiographie deut\u00e9ronomiste. Il contient le r\u00e9cit des derniers discours de Mo\u00efse aux Isra\u00e9lites et le r\u00e9cit de sa mort, avant qu'ils n'entrent au pays de Canaan, sur l'autre rive du Jourdain.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42614", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Deut\u00e9ronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [19, 30], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83367", "boundaries": [120, 135], "surfaceform": "Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q19786", "boundaries": [139, 155], "surfaceform": "Ancien Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34990", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Torah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q162062", "boundaries": [183, 194], "surfaceform": "Pentateuque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q475346", "boundaries": [236, 266], "surfaceform": "historiographie deut\u00e9ronomiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q9077", "boundaries": [314, 319], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7325", "boundaries": [324, 334], "surfaceform": "Isra\u00e9lites", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q163329", "boundaries": [385, 399], "surfaceform": "pays de Canaan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q40059", "boundaries": [421, 429], "surfaceform": "Jourdain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42614", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Deut\u00e9ronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19786", "boundaries": [139, 155], "surfaceform": "Ancien Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34990", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Torah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83367", "boundaries": [120, 135], "surfaceform": "Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34990", "boundaries": [173, 178], "surfaceform": "Torah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19786", "boundaries": [139, 155], "surfaceform": "Ancien Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q162062", "boundaries": [183, 194], "surfaceform": "Pentateuque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83367", "boundaries": [120, 135], "surfaceform": "Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q162062", "boundaries": [183, 194], "surfaceform": "Pentateuque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19786", "boundaries": [139, 155], "surfaceform": "Ancien Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q475346", "boundaries": [236, 266], "surfaceform": "historiographie deut\u00e9ronomiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42614", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Deut\u00e9ronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95166015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "51933-0", "title": "Ramones", "uri": "Q483407", "text": "Ramones est un groupe am\u00e9ricain de punk rock, originaire de New York. 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(prononciation : /\u0261il.\u0261a.m\u025b\u0283/) (en akkadien / ), Bilgamesh dans les textes sum\u00e9riens anciens (sans doute , \u00ab l'anc\u00eatre est un h\u00e9ros / jeune homme \u00bb) est un personnage h\u00e9ro\u00efque de la M\u00e9sopotamie antique, fils de la d\u00e9esse Ninsun (d\u00e9esse du gros b\u00e9tail). Roi de la cit\u00e9 d'Uruk o\u00f9 il aurait r\u00e9gn\u00e9 vers 2650 , ainsi qu'un dieu des Enfers dans la mythologie m\u00e9sopotamienne. 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Sa puissance et son prix \u00ab d\u00e9mocratique \u00bb ont fait son succ\u00e8s dans les ann\u00e9es 1980 et 1990.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q473201", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Turbo Pascal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q13741", "boundaries": [20, 58], "surfaceform": "environnement de d\u00e9veloppement int\u00e9gr\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q81571", "boundaries": [67, 81], "surfaceform": "langage Pascal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [154, 165], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [161, 165], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [154, 165], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8223-0", "title": "Borland", "uri": "Q210075", "text": "Borland Software Corporation est un \u00e9diteur de logiciels bas\u00e9 \u00e0 Austin, au Texas. 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Durant le Moyen \u00c2ge et la Renaissance, la ville fut une grande puissance maritime, \u00e0 l'origine de la Quatri\u00e8me croisade et victorieuse lors de la bataille de L\u00e9pante en 1571 contre l'Empire ottoman. Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ses liens avec l'Asie et le Proche-Orient, dont le marchand et explorateur Marco Polo fut l'initiateur, elle devint \u00e9galement l'une des principales places commerciales d'Europe, notamment de la soie, des c\u00e9r\u00e9ales et des \u00e9pices. Enfin, elle est un centre culturel majeur, du , dont les peintres de l\u2019\u00c9cole v\u00e9nitienne (dont Titien, V\u00e9ron\u00e8se et le Tintoret), Carlo Goldoni et Antonio Vivaldi sont les principaux repr\u00e9sentants.", "entities": [{"uri": "+528^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [17, 20], "surfaceform": "528", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q130900", "boundaries": [47, 64], "surfaceform": "invasion lombarde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23489", "boundaries": [112, 115], "surfaceform": "697", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+697^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [112, 115], "surfaceform": "697", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1797^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [115, 120], "surfaceform": "-1797", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7820", "boundaries": [116, 120], "surfaceform": "1797", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q4948", "boundaries": [127, 147], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Venise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q641", "boundaries": [141, 147], "surfaceform": "Venise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [159, 168], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [175, 186], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q51656", "boundaries": [250, 268], "surfaceform": "Quatri\u00e8me croisade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q165425", "boundaries": [295, 314], "surfaceform": "bataille de L\u00e9pante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1571^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [318, 322], "surfaceform": "1571", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [332, 346], "surfaceform": "Empire ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48", "boundaries": [373, 377], "surfaceform": "Asie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48214", "boundaries": [384, 397], "surfaceform": "Proche-Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6101", "boundaries": [431, 441], "surfaceform": "Marco Polo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q37681", "boundaries": [550, 554], "surfaceform": "soie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q610687", "boundaries": [655, 671], "surfaceform": "\u00c9cole v\u00e9nitienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47551", "boundaries": [678, 684], "surfaceform": "Titien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q9440", "boundaries": [686, 694], "surfaceform": "V\u00e9ron\u00e8se", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q9319", "boundaries": [698, 709], "surfaceform": "le Tintoret", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q165534", "boundaries": [712, 725], "surfaceform": "Carlo Goldoni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1340", "boundaries": [729, 744], "surfaceform": "Antonio Vivaldi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [175, 186], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [159, 168], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95361328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q165425", "boundaries": [295, 314], "surfaceform": "bataille de L\u00e9pante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [332, 346], "surfaceform": "Empire ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8663-0", "title": "Sierra Leone", "uri": "Q1044", "text": "La Sierra Leone, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique de Sierra Leone, (en et en langue krio : \"Salone\") est un \u00c9tat d'Afrique de l'Ouest, d'une superficie de , peupl\u00e9 de d'habitants. 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r\u00e9gion des Cara\u00efbes, compos\u00e9 des \u00eeles Saint-Christophe et Ni\u00e9v\u00e8s, associ\u00e9es sous forme de f\u00e9d\u00e9ration. 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Saint-Christophe-et-Ni\u00e9v\u00e8s fait g\u00e9ographiquement partie des \u00eeles du Vent. Au nord-nord-ouest se trouvent les \u00eeles de Saint-Eustache, Saba, Saint-Barth\u00e9lemy et Saint-Martin. \u00c0 l'est et au nord-est se trouvent les \u00eeles d'Antigua-et-Barbuda, au sud-est la petite \u00eele inhabit\u00e9e de Redonda et l'\u00eele de Montserrat, qui poss\u00e8de un volcan actif (voir la Soufri\u00e8re).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q25228", "boundaries": [44, 52], "surfaceform": "Anguilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1637975", "boundaries": [137, 169], "surfaceform": "Saint-Christophe-Ni\u00e9v\u00e8s-Anguilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q763", "boundaries": [171, 197], "surfaceform": "Saint-Christophe-et-Ni\u00e9v\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q107049386", "boundaries": [231, 243], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles du Vent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q26180", "boundaries": [288, 302], "surfaceform": "Saint-Eustache", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25528", "boundaries": [304, 308], "surfaceform": "Saba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25362", "boundaries": [310, 326], "surfaceform": "Saint-Barth\u00e9lemy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25596", "boundaries": [330, 342], "surfaceform": "Saint-Martin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q781", "boundaries": [390, 408], "surfaceform": "Antigua-et-Barbuda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q457261", "boundaries": [448, 455], "surfaceform": "Redonda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13353", "boundaries": [468, 478], "surfaceform": "Montserrat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2823745", "boundaries": [495, 507], "surfaceform": "volcan actif", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q845239", "boundaries": [517, 526], "surfaceform": "Soufri\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q25228", "boundaries": [44, 52], "surfaceform": "Anguilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1637975", "boundaries": [137, 169], "surfaceform": "Saint-Christophe-Ni\u00e9v\u00e8s-Anguilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.60693359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q457261", "boundaries": [448, 455], "surfaceform": "Redonda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q781", "boundaries": [390, 408], "surfaceform": "Antigua-et-Barbuda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.86083984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8645-1", "title": "Madagascar", "uri": "Q1019", "text": "Durant la majeure partie du , l'\u00eele est administr\u00e9e par le royaume de Madagascar, cette administration s'exerce dans le cadre du protectorat fran\u00e7ais de Madagascar apr\u00e8s 1883, \u00e0 la suite de la premi\u00e8re exp\u00e9dition de Madagascar. Le protectorat \u00e9tant peu appliqu\u00e9 par le gouvernement malgache, la France organise une deuxi\u00e8me exp\u00e9dition militaire \u00e0 partir de 1895. Les \u00e9tablissements fran\u00e7ais de Diego Suarez, de Nosy Be et de l'\u00cele Sainte-Marie sont rattach\u00e9s au protectorat le . Les troubles cons\u00e9cutifs \u00e0 l'intervention militaire fran\u00e7aise conduiront, en 1897, \u00e0 la fin de l'autonomie malgache, \u00e0 l'annexion de l'\u00eele par la France et \u00e0 la r\u00e9union de l'ancien protectorat et d'autres territoires fran\u00e7ais au sein de la colonie de Madagascar et d\u00e9pendances. Le premier gouvernement autonome malgache revoit le jour le lorsque la r\u00e9publique de Madagascar est proclam\u00e9e sur le territoire de l'ancien protectorat (territoire de l'ancien Royaume Merina et des anciens \u00e9tablissements fran\u00e7ais de Diego Suarez, de Nosy Be et de l'\u00cele Sainte-Marie). 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Ces pr\u00e9sences ont fa\u00e7onn\u00e9 une culture riche en influences, puisqu'en plus de citoyens appartenant au peuple mac\u00e9donien, le pays compte d'importantes minorit\u00e9s albanaise, turque et rom. La Mac\u00e9doine du Nord compte une majorit\u00e9 d'habitants chr\u00e9tiens orthodoxes, mais aussi une forte communaut\u00e9 musulmane.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [135, 147], "surfaceform": "\u00e2ge byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q40477", "boundaries": [163, 169], "surfaceform": "Slaves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [195, 203], "surfaceform": "ottomane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2436423", "boundaries": [329, 346], "surfaceform": "peuple mac\u00e9donien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q545115", "boundaries": [387, 396], "surfaceform": "albanaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2593852", "boundaries": [398, 404], "surfaceform": "turque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3070998", "boundaries": [408, 411], "surfaceform": "rom", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q221", "boundaries": [416, 433], "surfaceform": "Mac\u00e9doine du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3333484", "boundaries": [466, 486], "surfaceform": "chr\u00e9tiens orthodoxes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [520, 529], "surfaceform": "musulmane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [195, 203], "surfaceform": "ottomane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [135, 147], "surfaceform": "\u00e2ge byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "8656-1", "title": "Slov\u00e9nie", "uri": "Q215", "text": "Historiquement, le territoire de la Slov\u00e9nie a int\u00e9gr\u00e9 de nombreux \u00c9tats diff\u00e9rents : l'Empire romain, l'Empire byzantin, l'Empire carolingien, le Saint-Empire romain germanique, le Royaume de Hongrie, la R\u00e9publique de Venise, les Provinces illyriennes du Premier Empire fran\u00e7ais, l'Empire d'Autriche, l'Autriche-Hongrie et enfin la Yougoslavie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [36, 44], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [88, 101], "surfaceform": "Empire romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "Empire byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q31929", "boundaries": [124, 142], "surfaceform": "Empire carolingien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12548", "boundaries": [147, 177], "surfaceform": "Saint-Empire romain germanique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q171150", "boundaries": [182, 200], "surfaceform": "Royaume de Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4948", "boundaries": [205, 225], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Venise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q699923", "boundaries": [231, 252], "surfaceform": "Provinces illyriennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q71084", "boundaries": [256, 279], "surfaceform": "Premier Empire fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q131964", "boundaries": [283, 300], "surfaceform": "Empire d'Autriche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28513", "boundaries": [304, 320], "surfaceform": "Autriche-Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36704", "boundaries": [333, 344], "surfaceform": "Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q699923", "boundaries": [231, 252], "surfaceform": "Provinces illyriennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q71084", "boundaries": [256, 279], "surfaceform": "Premier Empire fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q28513", "boundaries": [304, 320], "surfaceform": "Autriche-Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q131964", "boundaries": [283, 300], "surfaceform": "Empire d'Autriche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8896484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8656-2", "title": "Slov\u00e9nie", "uri": "Q215", "text": "C'est en que les Slov\u00e8nes ont cofond\u00e9 l'\u00c9tat des Slov\u00e8nes, des Croates et des Serbes. Cette monarchie sera appel\u00e9e royaume de Yougoslavie \u00e0 partir de 1929. Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, la Slov\u00e9nie est d\u00e9membr\u00e9e et annex\u00e9e par l'Allemagne, l'Italie et la Hongrie. Une toute petite part est donn\u00e9e \u00e0 la Croatie, \u00c9tat fantoche nazi. En 1945, la Slov\u00e9nie devient un membre fondateur de la R\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Dans les premi\u00e8res ann\u00e9es de son existence, cet \u00c9tat \u00e9tait alli\u00e9 au bloc de l'Est, domin\u00e9 par l'Union sovi\u00e9tique, bien que n'ayant pas int\u00e9gr\u00e9 le Pacte de Varsovie. En 1961, la Yougoslavie devient un des fondateurs du mouvement des non-align\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q191077", "boundaries": [40, 84], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat des Slov\u00e8nes, des Croates et des Serbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1929^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [150, 154], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [167, 190], "surfaceform": "seconde guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [195, 203], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [235, 244], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q172579", "boundaries": [248, 254], "surfaceform": "Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q600018", "boundaries": [261, 268], "surfaceform": "Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [340, 344], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [349, 357], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83286", "boundaries": [392, 439], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rative socialiste de Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q170541", "boundaries": [509, 522], "surfaceform": "bloc de l'Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [537, 553], "surfaceform": "Union sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41644", "boundaries": [587, 604], "surfaceform": "Pacte de Varsovie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1961^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [609, 613], "surfaceform": "1961", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q83201", "boundaries": [659, 684], "surfaceform": "mouvement des non-align\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [167, 190], "surfaceform": "seconde guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [235, 244], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [235, 244], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q172579", "boundaries": [248, 254], "surfaceform": "Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4580078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [235, 244], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q600018", "boundaries": [261, 268], "surfaceform": "Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.61865234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8656-3", "title": "Slov\u00e9nie", "uri": "Q215", "text": "En 1991, apr\u00e8s l'introduction du multipartisme et de la d\u00e9mocratie, la Slov\u00e9nie est devenue la premi\u00e8re r\u00e9publique \u00e0 faire s\u00e9cession de la Yougoslavie en devenant un \u00c9tat souverain ind\u00e9pendant. La R\u00e9publique de Slov\u00e9nie entre dans l'Union europ\u00e9enne et l'OTAN en 2004. 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Depuis 2012, le Mali est la cible d'attaques djihadistes et est confront\u00e9 \u00e0 des conflits communautaires. 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Les \u00eeles Gilbert se situent au sud-sud-est des \u00eeles Marshall, au nord-est des \u00eeles Salomon et au nord-nord-est des Tuvalu. Les \u00eeles Ph\u0153nix, quant \u00e0 elles, sont situ\u00e9es au nord de Tokelau et au sud-est des \u00eeles am\u00e9ricaines Baker et Howland. Enfin les \u00eeles de la Ligne, les plus orientales, se situent au nord-nord-ouest de Bora-Bora et de Tahiti, en Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise, et au sud de l'archipel d'Hawa\u00ef. La capitale, Tarawa-Sud, qui regroupe plus de la moiti\u00e9 de la population de la r\u00e9publique (2020), dans le nord des \u00eeles Gilbert, se situe \u00e0 au sud-sud-est de Delap-Uliga-Darrit, aux \u00eeles Marshall, \u00e0 au nord de Funafuti aux Tuvalu et \u00e0 au nord-est de Honiara, aux \u00eeles Salomon.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q710", "boundaries": [4, 12], "surfaceform": "Kiribati", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23538", "boundaries": [40, 48], "surfaceform": "\u00e9quateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q838283", "boundaries": [58, 70], "surfaceform": "antim\u00e9ridien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "DIS"}, {"uri": "Q35942", "boundaries": [86, 95], "surfaceform": "Polyn\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q709", "boundaries": [161, 174], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles Marshall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q685", "boundaries": [192, 204], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles Salomon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q672", "boundaries": [229, 235], "surfaceform": "Tuvalu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36823", "boundaries": [293, 300], "surfaceform": "Tokelau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q46879", "boundaries": [336, 341], "surfaceform": "Baker", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q131305", "boundaries": [345, 352], "surfaceform": "Howland", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q234796", "boundaries": [364, 380], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles de la Ligne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183113", "boundaries": [436, 445], "surfaceform": "Bora-Bora", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42000", "boundaries": [452, 458], "surfaceform": "Tahiti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30971", "boundaries": [463, 482], "surfaceform": "Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q782", "boundaries": [510, 515], "surfaceform": "Hawa\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q131233", "boundaries": [530, 540], "surfaceform": "Tarawa-Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [608, 612], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q648507", "boundaries": [675, 693], "surfaceform": "Delap-Uliga-Darrit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q709", "boundaries": [699, 712], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles Marshall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34126", "boundaries": [727, 735], "surfaceform": "Funafuti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q672", "boundaries": [740, 746], "surfaceform": "Tuvalu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q40921", "boundaries": [767, 774], "surfaceform": "Honiara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q685", "boundaries": [780, 792], "surfaceform": "\u00eeles Salomon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q710", "boundaries": [4, 12], "surfaceform": "Kiribati", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q42000", "boundaries": [452, 458], "surfaceform": "Tahiti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30971", "boundaries": [463, 482], "surfaceform": "Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7861328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8704-0", "title": "Maldives", "uri": "Q826", "text": "Les Maldives, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique des Maldives (en maldivien : ), est un pays d'Asie du Sud compos\u00e9 de , dont 202 habit\u00e9es, situ\u00e9 au sud-ouest du sous-continent indien. Une distance de s\u00e9pare Mal\u00e9, la capitale, de Thiruvananthapuram, en Inde. 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J.-C. et mort en cette m\u00eame ville en 212 av. J.-C., est un grand scientifique grec de Sicile (Grande-Gr\u00e8ce) de l'Antiquit\u00e9, physicien, math\u00e9maticien et ing\u00e9nieur. Bien que peu de d\u00e9tails de sa vie soient connus, il est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'un des principaux scientifiques de l'Antiquit\u00e9 classique. Parmi ses domaines d'\u00e9tude en physique, on peut citer l'hydrostatique, la m\u00e9canique statique et l'explication du principe du levier. Il est cr\u00e9dit\u00e9 de la conception de plusieurs outils innovants, comme la vis d'Archim\u00e8de.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q8739", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Archim\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [26, 37], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13670", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Syracuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q47339", "boundaries": [64, 77], "surfaceform": "287 av. 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L\u2019\"Iliade\" d\u00e9taille les \u00e9v\u00e9nements survenus pendant quelques semaines de la dixi\u00e8me et derni\u00e8re ann\u00e9e de la guerre. Apr\u00e8s un si\u00e8ge de dix ans, le sort des armes h\u00e9site encore. Achille est le meilleur guerrier de l'arm\u00e9e ach\u00e9enne. Mais une querelle avec le roi Agamemnon, chef des Ach\u00e9ens, met Achille en col\u00e8re et il d\u00e9cide de se retirer du combat, ce qui menace de retourner le sort de la guerre en faveur des Troyens, galvanis\u00e9s par Hector, le meilleur guerrier de Troie. Le r\u00e9cit culmine avec le retour d'Achille au combat et son duel contre Hector, puis les outrages inflig\u00e9s par Achille au corps de son ennemi vaincu. L\u2019\"Iliade\" se termine avec les fun\u00e9railles d'Hector. 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D\u00e8s l'Antiquit\u00e9, elle fait l'objet de nombreux commentaires et interpr\u00e9tations et engendre une post\u00e9rit\u00e9 abondante, dont la principale \u00e9pop\u00e9e mythologique romaine, l\u2019\"\u00c9n\u00e9ide\" de Virgile, au Connue au Moyen \u00c2ge par des r\u00e9\u00e9critures latines, l\u2019\"Iliade\" est red\u00e9couverte dans son texte grec \u00e0 la Renaissance. \u00c0 partir de la fin du , la compr\u00e9hension du texte et de ses origines est renouvel\u00e9e peu \u00e0 peu par la question hom\u00e9rique qui remet en cause l'existence d'Hom\u00e8re. 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Ville de forte tradition commerciale, son port fut actif d\u00e8s ses origines et connut un d\u00e9veloppement important pendant la p\u00e9riode classique, puis dans la p\u00e9riode contemporaine gr\u00e2ce au port en eau profonde de La Pallice qui le hisse d\u00e9sormais au sixi\u00e8me rang national.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q97", "boundaries": [23, 39], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Atlantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2433610", "boundaries": [53, 71], "surfaceform": "pertuis d'Antioche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q292384", "boundaries": [130, 132], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q292568", "boundaries": [136, 142], "surfaceform": "Ol\u00e9ron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2061380", "boundaries": [148, 151], "surfaceform": "Aix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44782", "boundaries": [189, 193], "surfaceform": "port", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q263764", "boundaries": [558, 568], "surfaceform": "La Pallice", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q292384", "boundaries": [130, 132], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q97", "boundaries": [23, 39], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Atlantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q292568", "boundaries": [136, 142], "surfaceform": "Ol\u00e9ron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q97", "boundaries": [23, 39], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Atlantique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8924-1", "title": "Troyes", "uri": "Q5489", "text": "Avec une population l\u00e9gale de en , la ville de Troyes est la septi\u00e8me commune la plus peupl\u00e9e de la r\u00e9gion derri\u00e8re Colmar et devant Charleville-M\u00e9zi\u00e8res et Ch\u00e2lons-en-Champagne. 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IRIX est con\u00e7u pour fonctionner nativement sur les machines 32 et 64 bits de type MIPS (processeur RISC), aussi bien sur les stations de travail que sur les serveurs. 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officiellement) est la capitale et le centre \u00e9conomique de Cuba. 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La rivi\u00e8re Almendares traverse la ville du sud au nord, et se jette dans le d\u00e9troit de Floride \u00e0 quelques kilom\u00e8tres \u00e0 l'ouest de la baie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1563", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "La Havane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1321", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [86, 94], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q241", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "Cuba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44782", "boundaries": [134, 149], "surfaceform": "ville portuaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q115291", "boundaries": [177, 195], "surfaceform": "provinces cubaines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2.4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [222, 225], "surfaceform": "2,4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+3.7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [293, 296], "surfaceform": "3,7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1563", "boundaries": [322, 331], "surfaceform": "La Havane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q664609", "boundaries": [357, 365], "surfaceform": "Cara\u00efbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5683082", "boundaries": [440, 448], "surfaceform": "une baie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [529, 539], "surfaceform": "Marimelena", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2723864", "boundaries": [541, 551], "surfaceform": "Guanabacoa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [555, 561], "surfaceform": "Atar\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2592558", "boundaries": [574, 584], "surfaceform": "Almendares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q232912", "boundaries": [639, 657], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9troit de Floride", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1563", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "La Havane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q241", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "Cuba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q241", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "Cuba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1563", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "La Havane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2592558", "boundaries": [574, 584], "surfaceform": "Almendares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q232912", "boundaries": [639, 657], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9troit de Floride", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "23749-0", "title": "Grand Prix automobile de France", "uri": "Q7997", "text": "Le Grand Prix automobile de France (officiellement appel\u00e9 Grand Prix de l'ACF jusqu'en 1967 \u00e0 sa cinquante-troisi\u00e8me \u00e9dition) est une course automobile sur circuit cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1906. Il a figur\u00e9 au calendrier du championnat du monde de Formule 1 de 1950 \u00e0 2008 sur sept circuits diff\u00e9rents, exception faite de l'ann\u00e9e 1955 o\u00f9 l'\u00e9preuve a \u00e9t\u00e9 annul\u00e9e \u00e0 la suite du drame des 24 Heures du Mans. L'\u00e9preuve s'est d\u00e9roul\u00e9e sur le circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours de 1991 \u00e0 2008, avant d'\u00eatre retir\u00e9e du calendrier pour une p\u00e9riode de dix ans. 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La manche fran\u00e7aise, doyenne des Grand Prix (puisque le premier fut couru en 1906 au Mans), redevient alors un des Grands Prix les plus anciens du championnat, en compagnie de ceux de Grande-Bretagne, de Monaco, d'Italie et de Belgique, eux aussi disput\u00e9s lors de la saison inaugurale de la Formule 1 en 1950. Michael Schumacher y d\u00e9tient un record de huit victoires. 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La ville compte . Elle occupe un espace de . L\u2019arrondissement de Courtrai a une superficie de et compte en 2009. 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Elle r\u00e9sulte de la fusion de deux compagnies, Minolta et Konica. Son pdg est M. Shoei Yamana. Les filiales du Groupe sont bas\u00e9es dans une cinquantaine de pays. Elle compte 43 299 employ\u00e9s. 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Ce contrat de droit f\u00e9odal conc\u00e8de le tr\u00f4ne andorran \u00e0 deux coprinces, l'\u00e9v\u00eaque catalan d'Urgell et le comte de Foix (dont les droits et devoirs sont pass\u00e9s successivement au roi de Basse-Navarre, au roi de France \u00e0 partir de Henri IV, et enfin au chef d'\u00c9tat fran\u00e7ais). L'Andorre est sortie de son isolement au , durant lequel elle a profit\u00e9 de son cadre naturel et a utilis\u00e9 un syst\u00e8me fiscal avantageux pour devenir une grande destination touristique, accueillant pr\u00e8s de trois millions de visiteurs chaque ann\u00e9e. Si la principaut\u00e9 est r\u00e9put\u00e9e aujourd'hui pour ses pistes de ski et ses faibles taxes, elle est aussi souvent consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme un paradis fiscal. 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Une version, transmise par le grec Plutarque au de notre \u00e8re, fait de lui le fils adult\u00e9rin de Nephtys avec Osiris. Quand ce dernier est assassin\u00e9 et d\u00e9membr\u00e9 par Seth, Anubis participe avec Isis et Nephtys \u00e0 la reconstitution du corps d'Osiris, inaugurant par ce geste la pratique de la momification. Assign\u00e9 \u00e0 la surveillance du \u00ab Bel Occident \u00bb \u2014 un euph\u00e9misme pour le pays des morts \u2014 Anubis accueille les d\u00e9funts aupr\u00e8s de lui. Il momifie les corps afin de les rendre imputrescibles et \u00e9ternels, il purifie les c\u0153urs et les entrailles souill\u00e9s par les turpitudes terrestres, il \u00e9value les \u00e2mes lors de la pes\u00e9e du c\u0153ur, puis accorde de nombreuses offrandes alimentaires aux d\u00e9funts ayant acc\u00e9d\u00e9 au rang de dignes anc\u00eatres.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1035843", "boundaries": [153, 158], "surfaceform": "H\u00e9sat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1252904", "boundaries": [173, 175], "surfaceform": "R\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q169040", "boundaries": [181, 188], "surfaceform": "Nephtys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q41523", "boundaries": [225, 234], "surfaceform": "Plutarque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q169040", "boundaries": [285, 292], "surfaceform": "Nephtys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q46491", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Osiris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q131795", "boundaries": [353, 357], "surfaceform": "Seth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [359, 365], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [381, 385], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q83464", "boundaries": [543, 553], "surfaceform": "euph\u00e9misme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1687413", "boundaries": [562, 576], "surfaceform": "pays des morts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [579, 585], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q447118", "boundaries": [800, 813], "surfaceform": "pes\u00e9e du c\u0153ur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q169040", "boundaries": [181, 188], "surfaceform": "Nephtys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97021484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q169040", "boundaries": [181, 188], "surfaceform": "Nephtys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P3373", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sibling", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q46491", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Osiris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9814453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q46491", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Osiris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.91015625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q131795", "boundaries": [353, 357], "surfaceform": "Seth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.44921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "404-0", "title": "Bahamas", "uri": "Q778", "text": "Les Bahamas, en forme longue le Commonwealth des Bahamas ( et \"\"), sont un pays anglophone et Royaume du Commonwealth situ\u00e9 au nord de la mer des Cara\u00efbes. L'archipel des Bahamas occupe environ et \u00eelots des \u00eeles Lucayes situ\u00e9es dans l'oc\u00e9an Atlantique, \u00e0 l'est-sud-est de la Floride, au nord-est de Cuba, au nord-ouest d'Hispaniola et des \u00eeles Turques-et-Ca\u00efques, ces derni\u00e8res \u00e9tant sous d\u00e9pendance britannique. Sa capitale est Nassau, situ\u00e9e sur l'\u00eele de New Providence. Ses habitants sont les Baham\u00e9ens. Son IDH et son PIB en font un des pays les plus d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s des Cara\u00efbes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q778", "boundaries": [4, 11], "surfaceform": "Bahamas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q778", "boundaries": [49, 56], "surfaceform": "Bahamas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11750", "boundaries": [75, 79], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q541576", "boundaries": [80, 90], "surfaceform": "anglophone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q202686", "boundaries": [94, 117], "surfaceform": "Royaume du Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1247", "boundaries": [138, 154], "surfaceform": "mer des Cara\u00efbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q778", "boundaries": [171, 178], "surfaceform": "Bahamas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q207524", "boundaries": [197, 201], "surfaceform": "\u00eelot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5363289", "boundaries": 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Consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme une grande puissance \u00e9mergente, le pays est notamment membre de l'Organisation des Nations unies, du Mercosul, du G20 et des BRICS. Sur le plan militaire, les forces arm\u00e9es br\u00e9siliennes sont class\u00e9es parmi les vingt premi\u00e8res puissances militaires et demeurent les plus importantes du continent am\u00e9ricain, derri\u00e8re celle des \u00c9tats-Unis. En d\u00e9pit de la taille de son \u00e9conomie, le Br\u00e9sil reste l'un des pays o\u00f9 les in\u00e9galit\u00e9s sociales et \u00e9conomiques sont parmi les plus \u00e9lev\u00e9es du monde. En 2017, le Br\u00e9sil est le troisi\u00e8me pays d'Am\u00e9rique latine pour l'in\u00e9galit\u00e9 sociale apr\u00e8s le Honduras et la Colombie. Avec la Chine, l'Inde ou la Russie, le Br\u00e9sil est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un des rares pays \u00e0 pr\u00e9senter le potentiel pour devenir un jour une superpuissance mondiale.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7804", "boundaries": [18, 21], "surfaceform": "FMI", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12638", "boundaries": [26, 29], "surfaceform": "PIB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q155", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "Br\u00e9sil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4917", "boundaries": [53, 71], "surfaceform": "dollars am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [213, 243], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": 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Les pouvoirs furent transmis au pr\u00e9sident Hubert Maga par le ministre d'\u00c9tat fran\u00e7ais Louis Jacquinot. En 1972, l'officier Mathieu K\u00e9r\u00e9kou prend le pouvoir : il adopte en 1974 le marxisme-l\u00e9ninisme comme id\u00e9ologie officielle du gouvernement et, en 1975, rebaptise le pays r\u00e9publique populaire du B\u00e9nin. \u00c0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1980, de graves difficult\u00e9s \u00e9conomiques conduisent \u00e0 la fin du r\u00e9gime : le B\u00e9nin entame un processus de transition d\u00e9mocratique et, en 1990, adopte une nouvelle constitution. La transition d\u00e9mocratique est assur\u00e9e par Nic\u00e9phore Dieudonn\u00e9 Soglo, ancien Directeur Afrique de la Banque Mondiale. Le nom de B\u00e9nin est conserv\u00e9, le pays devenant simplement la r\u00e9publique du B\u00e9nin. Mathieu K\u00e9r\u00e9kou, battu aux \u00e9lections par Nic\u00e9phore D. Soglo, abandonne le pouvoir. Il y revient d\u00e9mocratiquement par les urnes en 1996 et ne r\u00e9tablit pas la dictature. Il gouverne le pays jusqu'en 2006.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q798431", "boundaries": [73, 94], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique du Dahomey", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q336242", "boundaries": [138, 149], "surfaceform": "Hubert Maga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3262301", "boundaries": [182, 197], "surfaceform": "Louis Jacquinot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2476", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1972", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1972^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1972", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q206719", "boundaries": [219, 234], "surfaceform": "Mathieu K\u00e9r\u00e9kou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2478", "boundaries": [267, 271], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1974^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [267, 271], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q211930", "boundaries": [275, 293], "surfaceform": "marxisme-l\u00e9ninisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2479", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1975^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q862701", "boundaries": [368, 397], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique populaire du B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [392, 397], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [412, 423], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [419, 423], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [494, 499], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [554, 558], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2591410", "boundaries": [567, 592], "surfaceform": "une nouvelle constitution", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [722, 727], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [787, 792], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q206719", "boundaries": [794, 809], "surfaceform": "Mathieu K\u00e9r\u00e9kou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2070", "boundaries": [924, 928], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [924, 928], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2021", "boundaries": [991, 995], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [991, 995], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q206719", "boundaries": [219, 234], "surfaceform": "Mathieu K\u00e9r\u00e9kou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q962", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9nin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.462646484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2479", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2478", "boundaries": [267, 271], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "406-3", "title": "Bulgarie", "uri": "Q219", "text": "Apr\u00e8s une s\u00e9rie de r\u00e9voltes durant le , un grand \u00c9tat de Bulgarie est d\u00e9fini au trait\u00e9 de San Stefano en 1878, mais le Congr\u00e8s de Berlin met fin \u00e0 ce r\u00eave en cr\u00e9ant deux petites principaut\u00e9s bulgares qui, malgr\u00e9 les r\u00e9ticences des puissances occidentales, parviennent \u00e0 s'unir en 1885 en un royaume qui fait reconna\u00eetre son ind\u00e9pendance en 1908. Pour tenter de retrouver ses fronti\u00e8res de San Stefano, la Bulgarie s'allie \u00e0 l'Allemagne durant les deux guerres mondiales. En 1946, elle est int\u00e9gr\u00e9e dans le \u00ab bloc de l'Est \u00bb qui se disloque en 1990. Elle est membre de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce depuis 1996, de l'OTAN depuis 2004, de l'Union europ\u00e9enne depuis 2007 et elle est pr\u00e9sid\u00e9e, depuis 2017, par un pr\u00e9sident euro-sceptique pro-russe.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q219", "boundaries": [57, 65], "surfaceform": "Bulgarie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q194113", "boundaries": [80, 101], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de San Stefano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7776", "boundaries": [105, 109], "surfaceform": "1878", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1878^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [105, 109], "surfaceform": "1878", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q151423", "boundaries": [119, 136], "surfaceform": "Congr\u00e8s de Berlin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7821", "boundaries": [280, 284], "surfaceform": "1885", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": 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Il partage l'\u00eele avec la Malaisie et l\u2019Indon\u00e9sie. Son territoire, coup\u00e9 en deux parties, est bord\u00e9 par la mer de Chine m\u00e9ridionale et totalement enclav\u00e9 dans l'\u00c9tat malaisien de Sarawak. Il est dirig\u00e9 depuis 1968 par le sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. 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Cependant, elle est ind\u00e9pendante depuis le 30 novembre 1966, en qualit\u00e9 de royaume du Commonwealth jusqu'au 30 novembre 2021, date \u00e0 laquelle elle doit devenir une r\u00e9publique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q244", "boundaries": [34, 41], "surfaceform": "Barbade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4869954", "boundaries": [82, 106], "surfaceform": "souverain du Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "1966-11-30T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [180, 196], "surfaceform": "30 novembre 1966", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q202686", "boundaries": [212, 235], "surfaceform": "royaume du Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "2021-11-30T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [245, 261], "surfaceform": "30 novembre 2021", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q244", "boundaries": [34, 41], "surfaceform": "Barbade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P571", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "inception", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "1966-11-30T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [180, 196], "surfaceform": "30 novembre 1966", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87255859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q244", "boundaries": [34, 41], "surfaceform": "Barbade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q202686", "boundaries": [212, 235], "surfaceform": "royaume du Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92236328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "484-0", "title": "Bahre\u00efn", "uri": "Q398", "text": ", en forme longue , est un petit pays insulaire d'Arabie situ\u00e9 pr\u00e8s de la c\u00f4te ouest du golfe Persique au Moyen-Orient. Composant un archipel, l'essentiel du territoire est constitu\u00e9 par l'\u00eele de Bahre\u00efn. Celle-ci est reli\u00e9e \u00e0 l'Arabie saoudite par la chauss\u00e9e du roi Fahd vers l'ouest ; l'Iran se situe \u00e0 environ au nord et le golfe de Bahre\u00efn s\u00e9pare l'\u00eele de la p\u00e9ninsule du Qatar au sud-est. En 2010, la population bahre\u00efnienne est estim\u00e9e \u00e0 , dont plus de expatri\u00e9s (soit 54 % de la population).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11750", "boundaries": [33, 37], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q31945", "boundaries": [50, 56], "surfaceform": "Arabie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34675", "boundaries": [88, 102], "surfaceform": "golfe Persique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7204", "boundaries": [106, 118], "surfaceform": "Moyen-Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33837", "boundaries": [133, 141], "surfaceform": "archipel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2740693", "boundaries": [189, 203], "surfaceform": "\u00eele de Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [196, 203], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q851", "boundaries": [229, 244], "surfaceform": "Arabie saoudite", "annotator": "Me", 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2012, le pays a un indice de d\u00e9veloppement humain \u00e9lev\u00e9 (alors class\u00e9 du monde) et est reconnu par la Banque mondiale pour son \u00e9conomie \u00e0 haut revenu (\"\"). Bahre\u00efn est membre de l'Organisation des Nations unies, de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, de la Ligue arabe, du Mouvement des non-align\u00e9s, de l'Organisation de la coop\u00e9ration islamique et est l'un des membres-fondateurs du Conseil de coop\u00e9ration du Golfe.", "entities": [{"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q38994", "boundaries": [22, 52], "surfaceform": "indice de d\u00e9veloppement humain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q176793", "boundaries": [73, 81], "surfaceform": "du monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q7164", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "Banque mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [183, 213], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7825", "boundaries": [220, 253], "surfaceform": "Organisation mondiale du commerce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7172", "boundaries": [261, 272], "surfaceform": "Ligue arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83201", "boundaries": [277, 302], "surfaceform": "Mouvement des non-align\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q47543", "boundaries": [309, 349], "surfaceform": "Organisation de la coop\u00e9ration islamique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q217172", "boundaries": [388, 419], "surfaceform": "Conseil de coop\u00e9ration du Golfe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [183, 213], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7825", "boundaries": [220, 253], "surfaceform": "Organisation mondiale du commerce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7172", "boundaries": [261, 272], "surfaceform": "Ligue arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47543", "boundaries": [309, 349], "surfaceform": "Organisation de la coop\u00e9ration islamique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q398", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bahre\u00efn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q217172", "boundaries": [388, 419], "surfaceform": "Conseil de coop\u00e9ration du Golfe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "484-4", "title": "Bahre\u00efn", "uri": "Q398", "text": "Le p\u00e9trole a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert \u00e0 Bahre\u00efn en 1932, pour la premi\u00e8re fois sur la c\u00f4te ouest du golfe. Depuis la fin du , le pays cherche \u00e0 diversifier son \u00e9conomie en investissant dans les secteurs bancaires et touristiques. La capitale, Manama, accueille de nombreuses structures financi\u00e8res, comme le Bahrain World Trade Center et le Bahrain Financial Harbour. Le Qal'at al-Bahre\u00efn (site de l'ancienne capitale de la civilisation antique de Dilmun) et le patrimoine perlier de Bahre\u00efn ont \u00e9t\u00e9 class\u00e9s parmi les sites du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO en 2005 et 2012 respectivement. 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Le Botswana adopta son nom apr\u00e8s son ind\u00e9pendance \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur du Commonwealth le . Sa capitale est Gaborone. Son \u00e9conomie, majoritairement li\u00e9e \u00e0 son voisin sud-africain, est domin\u00e9e par les services (43 % en part du PNB en 1999), les mines (48 %), les industries (4 %) et l'agriculture (5 %). Son taux de transparence est de 6,1 en 2011 (5,4 en 2007) sur une \u00e9chelle de 10, faisant du Botswana le pays le moins corrompu du continent africain.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q164142", "boundaries": [14, 25], "surfaceform": "protectorat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [26, 37], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q747314", "boundaries": [51, 63], "surfaceform": "Bechuanaland", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q963", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "Botswana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7785", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3919", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "Gaborone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q258", "boundaries": [217, 236], "surfaceform": "voisin sud-africain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7406919", "boundaries": [258, 266], "surfaceform": "services", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+43^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [268, 270], "surfaceform": "43", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [291, 295], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q820477", "boundaries": [302, 307], "surfaceform": "mines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+48^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [309, 311], "surfaceform": "48", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8148", "boundaries": [320, 329], "surfaceform": "industrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [332, 333], "surfaceform": "4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q11451", "boundaries": [342, 353], "surfaceform": "agriculture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [355, 356], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+6.1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [393, 396], "surfaceform": "6,1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1994", "boundaries": [400, 404], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2011^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [400, 404], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5.4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 409], "surfaceform": "5,4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2024", "boundaries": [413, 417], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [413, 417], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [438, 440], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q963", "boundaries": [453, 461], "surfaceform": "Botswana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q963", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "Botswana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7785", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q963", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "Botswana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3919", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "Gaborone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q963", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "Botswana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q258", "boundaries": [217, 236], "surfaceform": "voisin sud-africain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "538-0", "title": "Charles Martel", "uri": "Q3301", "text": "Charles Martel (en ; en ), n\u00e9 vers 688, \u00e0 Andenne, actuellement en Belgique, et mort le , \u00e0 Quierzy, est un homme d\u2019\u00c9tat et chef militaire franc qui, en tant que duc des Francs et maire du palais, \u00e9tait \"de facto\" dirigeant de la Francie, de 718 jusqu'\u00e0 sa mort. Fils de l'homme d'\u00c9tat franc P\u00e9pin de Herstal et d'une noble nomm\u00e9e Alpa\u00efde, Charles affirme avec succ\u00e8s ses pr\u00e9tentions au pouvoir en successeur de son p\u00e8re, et en tant que maire du palais, dans la politique franque. Continuant et s'appuyant sur l'\u0153uvre de son p\u00e8re, il r\u00e9tablit le gouvernement centralis\u00e9 en Francie, et commence la s\u00e9rie de campagnes militaires qui r\u00e9tablit les Francs comme les ma\u00eetres incontest\u00e9s de toute la Gaule.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3301", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Charles Martel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q30443", "boundaries": [35, 38], "surfaceform": "688", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+688^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [35, 38], "surfaceform": "688", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q333466", "boundaries": [42, 49], "surfaceform": "Andenne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [67, 75], "surfaceform": "Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q176873", "boundaries": [92, 99], "surfaceform": "Quierzy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q43482", "boundaries": [139, 144], "surfaceform": "franc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q947869", "boundaries": [162, 176], "surfaceform": "duc des Francs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q594819", "boundaries": [180, 195], "surfaceform": "maire du palais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q146246", "boundaries": [230, 237], "surfaceform": "Francie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+718^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [242, 245], "surfaceform": "718", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q91392", "boundaries": [292, 308], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9pin de Herstal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q465882", "boundaries": [331, 338], "surfaceform": "Alpa\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q594819", "boundaries": [437, 452], "surfaceform": "maire du palais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q879466", "boundaries": [693, 698], "surfaceform": "Gaule", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3301", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Charles Martel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q146246", "boundaries": [230, 237], "surfaceform": "Francie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7666015625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q333466", "boundaries": [42, 49], "surfaceform": "Andenne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [67, 75], "surfaceform": "Belgique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q91392", "boundaries": [292, 308], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9pin de Herstal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3301", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Charles Martel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.68798828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "567-0", "title": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "uri": "Q884", "text": "La Cor\u00e9e du Sud (en cor\u00e9en , (hangeul), (hanja) ), officiellement la r\u00e9publique de Cor\u00e9e (en cor\u00e9en , (hangeul), (hanja) ), est un pays d'Asie de l'Est qui couvre la moiti\u00e9 sud de la p\u00e9ninsule cor\u00e9enne. Sa capitale est S\u00e9oul. La langue officielle est le cor\u00e9en, dont l'\u00e9criture est le hangeul ou hangul et la monnaie le won. L'animal repr\u00e9sentant le pays est le tigre.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9176", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "cor\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8222", "boundaries": [30, 37], "surfaceform": "hangeul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q485619", "boundaries": [41, 46], "surfaceform": "hanja", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9176", "boundaries": [93, 99], "surfaceform": "cor\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8222", "boundaries": [103, 110], "surfaceform": "hangeul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q485619", "boundaries": [114, 119], "surfaceform": "hanja", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11750", "boundaries": [131, 135], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q27231", "boundaries": [138, 151], "surfaceform": "Asie de l'Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18097", "boundaries": [183, 201], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9ninsule cor\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [206, 214], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8684", "boundaries": [219, 224], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9oul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23492", "boundaries": [229, 246], "surfaceform": "langue officielle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9176", "boundaries": [254, 260], "surfaceform": "cor\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8222", "boundaries": [285, 302], "surfaceform": "hangeul ou hangul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q202040", "boundaries": [320, 323], "surfaceform": "won", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19939", "boundaries": [362, 367], "surfaceform": "tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27231", "boundaries": [138, 151], "surfaceform": "Asie de l'Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8684", "boundaries": [219, 224], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9oul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q9176", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "cor\u00e9en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7158203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q18097", "boundaries": [183, 201], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9ninsule cor\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27231", "boundaries": [138, 151], "surfaceform": "Asie de l'Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98876953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "567-2", "title": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "uri": "Q884", "text": "La Cor\u00e9e du Sud est officiellement en guerre contre la Cor\u00e9e du Nord depuis la guerre de Cor\u00e9e. Chacun des deux \u00c9tats revendique l\u2019int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 de la p\u00e9ninsule cor\u00e9enne. Toutefois, en , les dirigeants des deux pays se rencontrent et se disent pr\u00eats \u00e0 faire la paix. Un programme de d\u00e9nucl\u00e9arisation de toute la p\u00e9ninsule cor\u00e9enne est m\u00eame envisag\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8663", "boundaries": [79, 94], "surfaceform": "guerre de Cor\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q8663", "boundaries": [79, 94], "surfaceform": "guerre de Cor\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q884", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10302-1", "title": "B\u00e9ziers", "uri": "Q174019", "text": "Situ\u00e9e sur les rives de l'Orb, B\u00e9ziers est en la deuxi\u00e8me commune la plus peupl\u00e9e de l'H\u00e9rault apr\u00e8s Montpellier et la cinqui\u00e8me de la r\u00e9gion Occitanie avec . Avec ses environs, en 2017 : unit\u00e9 urbaine, pr\u00e8s de ; intercommunalit\u00e9 B\u00e9ziers M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e, et ; aire d'attraction, plus de . Les habitants de B\u00e9ziers sont appel\u00e9s \"Biterrois\" (de \"Baeterrae\", le nom latin de la ville).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2028483", "boundaries": [26, 29], "surfaceform": "Orb", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q174019", "boundaries": [31, 38], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9ziers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6441", "boundaries": [101, 112], "surfaceform": "Montpellier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18678265", "boundaries": [142, 151], "surfaceform": "Occitanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [181, 185], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3550959", "boundaries": [188, 201], "surfaceform": "unit\u00e9 urbaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1119840", "boundaries": [230, 250], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9ziers M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [257, 274], "surfaceform": "aire d'attraction", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q217438", "boundaries": [290, 299], "surfaceform": "habitants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q174019", "boundaries": [303, 310], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9ziers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q174019", "boundaries": [31, 38], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9ziers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2028483", "boundaries": [26, 29], "surfaceform": "Orb", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10300-2", "title": "\u00c9cosse", "uri": "Q22", "text": "Politiquement, l'\u00c9cosse est marqu\u00e9e par un fort mouvement ind\u00e9pendantiste. Apr\u00e8s les \u00e9lections l\u00e9gislatives de 2007, le Parti national \u00e9cossais (SNP) a form\u00e9 le premier gouvernement ind\u00e9pendantiste (mais minoritaire) de l'histoire de l'\u00c9cosse. Lors des \u00e9lections du 5 mai 2011, le SNP obtient la majorit\u00e9 absolue des si\u00e8ges (69 sur 129) et, le 15 octobre 2012, le premier ministre britannique David Cameron signe un accord portant sur l'organisation en 2014 d'un r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum sur l'ind\u00e9pendance de l'\u00c9cosse. Celui-ci se d\u00e9roule le 18 septembre 2014 avec une large participation et aboutit au rejet de l'ind\u00e9pendance par 55,3 % des \u00e9lecteurs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q22", "boundaries": [17, 23], "surfaceform": "\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q891905", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "ind\u00e9pendantiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2024", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10658", "boundaries": [120, 143], "surfaceform": "Parti national \u00e9cossais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q22", "boundaries": [236, 242], "surfaceform": "\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2011-05-05T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [266, 276], "surfaceform": "5 mai 2011", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+69^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [325, 327], "surfaceform": "69", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+129^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [332, 335], "surfaceform": "129", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "2012-10-15T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [344, 359], "surfaceform": "15 octobre 2012", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q192", "boundaries": [393, 406], "surfaceform": "David Cameron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [453, 457], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1458570", "boundaries": [463, 504], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum sur l'ind\u00e9pendance de l'\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q22", "boundaries": [498, 504], "surfaceform": "\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2014-09-18T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [529, 546], "surfaceform": "18 septembre 2014", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+55.3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [618, 622], "surfaceform": "55,3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1458570", "boundaries": [463, 504], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum sur l'ind\u00e9pendance de l'\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q22", "boundaries": [17, 23], "surfaceform": "\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.607421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10755-3", "title": "Joseph Smith", "uri": "Q47102", "text": "En 1839, apr\u00e8s avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 chass\u00e9s de lieu en lieu au Missouri, les mormons, fondent la ville de Nauvoo (Illinois) dont Joseph Smith, oppos\u00e9 \u00e0 l'esclavage des Noirs, devient le premier dirigeant. Il sera aussi le commandant de la L\u00e9gion de Nauvoo, une unit\u00e9 de la milice de l'\u00c9tat d'Illinois, au service de l'ordre mormon. ", "entities": [{"uri": "+1839^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1839", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1581", "boundaries": [52, 60], "surfaceform": "Missouri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42504", "boundaries": [66, 73], "surfaceform": "mormons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q576110", "boundaries": [95, 112], "surfaceform": "Nauvoo (Illinois)", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q47102", "boundaries": [118, 130], "surfaceform": "Joseph Smith", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42504", "boundaries": [66, 73], "surfaceform": "mormons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47102", "boundaries": [118, 130], "surfaceform": "Joseph Smith", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10837-0", "title": "Anaximandre", "uri": "Q42458", "text": "Anaximandre de Milet (en / ) (vers 610 av. J.-C. \u2013 vers 546) est un philosophe et savant grec pr\u00e9socratique. On suppose qu'il succ\u00e9da \u00e0 Thal\u00e8s comme ma\u00eetre de l'\u00e9cole mil\u00e9sienne, et il aurait eu X\u00e9nophane, Pythagore et Anaxim\u00e8ne parmi ses \u00e9l\u00e8ves.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42458", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Anaximandre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1539892", "boundaries": [35, 48], "surfaceform": "610 av. 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Compos\u00e9 entre 1821 et 1831, le roman a d'abord \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9 chapitre par chapitre. Le roman se compose de t\u00e9tram\u00e8tres iambiques.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q50948", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Eug\u00e8ne On\u00e9guine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [44, 49], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1661", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "vers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7200", "boundaries": [60, 79], "surfaceform": "Alexandre Pouchkine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6976", "boundaries": [95, 99], "surfaceform": "1821", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1821^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [95, 99], "surfaceform": "1821", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7579", "boundaries": [103, 107], "surfaceform": "1831", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1831^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [103, 107], "surfaceform": "1831", "annotator": 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Il reste c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour avoir exprim\u00e9 dans son \"Discours de la m\u00e9thode\" le \"cogito\" fondant ainsi le syst\u00e8me des sciences sur le sujet connaissant face au monde qu'il \"se\" repr\u00e9sente. En physique, il a apport\u00e9 une contribution \u00e0 l\u2019optique et est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'un des fondateurs du m\u00e9canisme. En math\u00e9matiques, il est \u00e0 l\u2019origine de la g\u00e9om\u00e9trie analytique. Certaines de ses th\u00e9ories ont par la suite \u00e9t\u00e9 contest\u00e9es (th\u00e9orie de l\u2019animal-machine) ou abandonn\u00e9es (th\u00e9orie des tourbillons ou des \"esprits animaux\"). Sa pens\u00e9e a pu \u00eatre rapproch\u00e9e de la peinture de Nicolas Poussin pour son caract\u00e8re clair et ordonn\u00e9, rapprochement qui semble contradictoire. Le \"cogito\" marque la naissance de la subjectivit\u00e9 moderne.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q860746", "boundaries": [49, 68], "surfaceform": "philosophie moderne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q731224", "boundaries": [116, 138], "surfaceform": "Discours de la m\u00e9thode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q192325", "boundaries": [144, 150], "surfaceform": "cogito", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q336", "boundaries": [181, 189], "surfaceform": "sciences", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q830077", "boundaries": [197, 202], "surfaceform": "sujet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q413", "boundaries": [255, 263], "surfaceform": "physique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q14620", "boundaries": [299, 306], "surfaceform": "optique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q846865", "boundaries": [353, 362], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9canisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q395", "boundaries": [367, 380], "surfaceform": "math\u00e9matiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q134787", "boundaries": [407, 427], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9om\u00e9trie analytique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q390016", "boundaries": [501, 515], "surfaceform": "animal-machine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [533, 556], "surfaceform": "th\u00e9orie des tourbillons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q525995", "boundaries": [565, 580], "surfaceform": "esprits animaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q9420", "boundaries": [587, 593], "surfaceform": "pens\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11629", "boundaries": [621, 629], "surfaceform": "peinture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41554", "boundaries": [633, 648], "surfaceform": "Nicolas Poussin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1139554", "boundaries": [765, 777], "surfaceform": "subjectivit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q14620", "boundaries": [299, 306], "surfaceform": "optique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q413", "boundaries": [255, 263], "surfaceform": "physique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q41554", "boundaries": [633, 648], "surfaceform": "Nicolas Poussin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11629", "boundaries": [621, 629], "surfaceform": "peinture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94189453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "11059-3", "title": "Cisjordanie", "uri": "Q36678", "text": "Sous mandat britannique \u00e0 partir de 1923, une partie du territoire a \u00e9t\u00e9 propos\u00e9e pour accueillir un futur \u00c9tat arabe dans le cadre du plan de partage de la Palestine adopt\u00e9 en 1947 par l'Assembl\u00e9e g\u00e9n\u00e9rale des Nations unies, J\u00e9rusalem-Est et ses environs devant \u00eatre plac\u00e9s sous juridiction internationale. \u00c0 l'issue de la guerre isra\u00e9lo-arabe de 1948, elle est occup\u00e9e et annex\u00e9e par la Transjordanie en 1949. Cette annexion n'est pas reconnue par la communaut\u00e9 internationale (\u00e0 l'exception du Royaume-Uni, de l'Irak et du Pakistan) et par la Ligue arabe, qui menace alors d'exclure l'\u00e9mirat. Lors de la Guerre des Six Jours (1967), Isra\u00ebl occupe la Cisjordanie. Depuis cette \u00e9poque, Isra\u00ebl d\u00e9veloppe l'implantation de colonies. En 1980, Isra\u00ebl annexe J\u00e9rusalem-Est et fait de \u00ab J\u00e9rusalem r\u00e9unifi\u00e9e \u00bb sa capitale. En 1988, l'OLP d\u00e9clare la cr\u00e9ation d'un \u00c9tat palestinien en Cisjordanie et \u00e0 Gaza avec J\u00e9rusalem-Est pour capitale. Entre 1990 et 2001, le statut et le partage du territoire ont fait l'objet de n\u00e9gociations infructueuses entre l'Autorit\u00e9 palestinienne et Isra\u00ebl. Depuis 2002, \u00e0 la suite d'une vague d'attentats-suicides perp\u00e9tr\u00e9s par des Palestiniens et tuant plus de isra\u00e9liens, Isra\u00ebl \u00e9difie en Cisjordanie une barri\u00e8re de s\u00e9paration, visant \u00e0 \u00ab lutter contre les intrusions de terroristes palestiniens \u00bb sur le territoire isra\u00e9lien.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193714", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Sous mandat britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1923^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [36, 40], "surfaceform": "1923", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q143487", "boundaries": [107, 117], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q846795", "boundaries": [135, 166], "surfaceform": "plan de partage de la Palestine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1947^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [177, 181], "surfaceform": "1947", "annotator": 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La ville est connue pour accueillir chaque ann\u00e9e le forum \u00e9conomique mondial (\"World Economic Forum\", WEF), r\u00e9union des dirigeants de la plan\u00e8te et des \u00e9lites \u00e9conomiques. Davos est aussi connue en tant que station de sports d'hiver, et organise des \u00e9v\u00e9nements tels que la Coupe Spengler en hockey sur glace, \u00e0 laquelle l'\u00e9quipe locale, le HC Davos participe.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q68097", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Davos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [9, 15], "surfaceform": "walser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q70208", "boundaries": [64, 71], "surfaceform": "commune", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11925", "boundaries": [86, 93], "surfaceform": "Grisons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q674635", "boundaries": [137, 147], "surfaceform": "Landwasser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23013976", "boundaries": [156, 181], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de Pr\u00e4ttigau/Davos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q68097", "boundaries": [176, 181], "surfaceform": "Davos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39", 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Continuateur d\u2019un Musonius Rufus, d\u2019un S\u00e9n\u00e8que, d\u2019un \u00c9pict\u00e8te, Plotin est l\u2019un des grands philosophes de l\u2019\u00e9poque imp\u00e9riale et un authentique sage de la Gr\u00e8ce. Il installe son \u00e9cole \u00e0 Rome en 246, o\u00f9 Am\u00e9lius fut son premier disciple. Sa relecture des dialogues de Platon fut une source d'inspiration importante pour la pens\u00e9e chr\u00e9tienne alors en pleine formation, notamment pour Augustin d'Hippone, et elle influen\u00e7a de mani\u00e8re profonde la philosophie occidentale. L'int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 de ses \u00e9crits a \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9e par son disciple Porphyre de Tyr, qui les a r\u00e9unis sous la forme d\u2019\"Enn\u00e9ades\", en groupes de neuf trait\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [22, 28], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q29970", "boundaries": [32, 35], "surfaceform": "205", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+205^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [32, 35], "surfaceform": "205", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q30442", "boundaries": [38, 41], "surfaceform": "270", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+270^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [38, 41], "surfaceform": "270", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [45, 55], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q937284", "boundaries": [56, 68], "surfaceform": "gr\u00e9co-romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q217050", "boundaries": [74, 91], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9 tardive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q162145", "boundaries": [157, 170], "surfaceform": "n\u00e9oplatonisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q48420", "boundaries": [252, 261], "surfaceform": "gnostique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5043", "boundaries": [288, 301], "surfaceform": "christianisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131165", "boundaries": [308, 319], "surfaceform": "manich\u00e9isme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q381874", "boundaries": [339, 353], "surfaceform": "Musonius Rufus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2054", "boundaries": [360, 367], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q183144", "boundaries": [374, 382], "surfaceform": "\u00c9pict\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [384, 390], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [505, 509], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+246^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [513, 516], "surfaceform": "246", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q248624", "boundaries": [521, 528], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9lius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3026037", "boundaries": [572, 591], "surfaceform": "dialogues de Platon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q106039", "boundaries": [647, 655], "surfaceform": "chr\u00e9tien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8018", "boundaries": [700, 718], "surfaceform": "Augustin d'Hippone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q203445", "boundaries": [845, 860], "surfaceform": "Porphyre de Tyr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1156747", "boundaries": [896, 904], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q134189", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Plotin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [45, 55], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "59656-0", "title": "Omaha Beach", "uri": "Q464257", "text": "Omaha Beach est l'appellation utilis\u00e9e par les Alli\u00e9s pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour d\u00e9signer l'une des cinq plages du d\u00e9barquement de Normandie. 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la capitale, avec une population estim\u00e9e en 2008 \u00e0 environ . 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Depuis 1991, la ville est le centre \u00e9conomique et culturel principal de la Slov\u00e9nie devenue ind\u00e9pendante de la Yougoslavie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q437", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Ljubljana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [43, 51], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1979615", "boundaries": [262, 272], "surfaceform": "germanique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q2419647", "boundaries": [274, 280], "surfaceform": "latine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q40477", "boundaries": [284, 289], "surfaceform": "slave", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [298, 302], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [366, 374], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83286", "boundaries": [402, 413], "surfaceform": "Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q437", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Ljubljana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [43, 51], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.40380859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q437", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Ljubljana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q437", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Ljubljana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q215", "boundaries": [58, 66], "surfaceform": "Slov\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83286", "boundaries": [402, 413], "surfaceform": "Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8349609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "65916-0", "title": "(243) Ida", "uri": "Q149012", "text": "(243) Ida est un ast\u00e9ro\u00efde de la famille de Coronis, elle-m\u00eame situ\u00e9e dans la ceinture principale et qui a la particularit\u00e9 de poss\u00e9der une lune ast\u00e9ro\u00efdale. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert le par l'astronome Johann Palisa et nomm\u00e9 d'apr\u00e8s une nymphe de la mythologie grecque. Plus tard les observations ont class\u00e9 Ida comme un ast\u00e9ro\u00efde de type S, celui le plus repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 dans la ceinture d'ast\u00e9ro\u00efdes int\u00e9rieure. Le , la sonde \"Galileo\", \u00e0 destination de Jupiter, a photographi\u00e9 Ida et sa lune Dactyle. C'est le deuxi\u00e8me ast\u00e9ro\u00efde \u00e0 \u00eatre observ\u00e9 de pr\u00e8s par un vaisseau spatial et le premier trouv\u00e9 \u00e0 poss\u00e9der un satellite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q149012", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "(243) Ida", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+243^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1, 4], "surfaceform": "243", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3863", "boundaries": [17, 26], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q565430", "boundaries": [33, 51], "surfaceform": "famille de Coronis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2179", "boundaries": [78, 97], "surfaceform": "ceinture principale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q657829", "boundaries": [140, 156], "surfaceform": "lune ast\u00e9ro\u00efdale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q78486", "boundaries": [196, 209], "surfaceform": "Johann Palisa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3147753", "boundaries": [227, 237], "surfaceform": "une nymphe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34726", "boundaries": [244, 262], "surfaceform": "mythologie grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q543157", "boundaries": [315, 334], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde de type S", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q182008", "boundaries": [411, 426], "surfaceform": "sonde \"Galileo\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q510728", "boundaries": [484, 491], "surfaceform": "Dactyle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q149012", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "(243) Ida", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3863", "boundaries": [17, 26], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.77685546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q149012", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "(243) Ida", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3147753", "boundaries": [227, 237], "surfaceform": "une nymphe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "66164-0", "title": "Cappadoce", "uri": "Q217265", "text": "La Cappadoce (en\u00a0turc :\u00a0\"Kapadokya\" ;\u00a0\" \" ; en\u00a0arm\u00e9nien\u00a0\"\u053f\u0561\u057a\u0561\u0564\u0578\u057e\u056f\u056b\u0561\") est une r\u00e9gion historique de Turquie situ\u00e9e au centre de l'Anatolie. 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Dans les ann\u00e9es 1940, la ville a perdu son principal acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la mer lorsqu'Antioche et Alexandrette sont rattach\u00e9s \u00e0 la Turquie. Ce d\u00e9clin a contribu\u00e9 \u00e0 la pr\u00e9servation de l'ancienne ville d'Alep, son architecture m\u00e9di\u00e9vale et son patrimoine traditionnel class\u00e9 au patrimoine mondial de l'humanit\u00e9 par l'Unesco en 1986. Au cours des ann\u00e9es 1990 et 2000, la ville montre un nouveau dynamisme et une forte croissance, mais elle subit d'importantes destructions au cours de la bataille d'Alep.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q899", "boundaries": [11, 24], "surfaceform": "canal de Suez", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1869^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [43, 47], "surfaceform": "1869", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q41183", "boundaries": [88, 92], "surfaceform": "Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [164, 188], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q41183", "boundaries": [190, 194], "surfaceform": "Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q639128", "boundaries": [275, 302], "surfaceform": "chemin de fer Berlin-Bagdad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [320, 324], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q200441", "boundaries": [379, 387], "surfaceform": "Antioche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q174341", "boundaries": [391, 403], "surfaceform": "Alexandrette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41183", "boundaries": [495, 499], "surfaceform": "Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9259", "boundaries": [569, 587], "surfaceform": "patrimoine mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7809", "boundaries": [608, 614], "surfaceform": "Unesco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [618, 622], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [644, 648], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [652, 656], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1842866", "boundaries": [778, 793], "surfaceform": "bataille d'Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q41183", "boundaries": [789, 793], "surfaceform": "Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1842866", "boundaries": [778, 793], "surfaceform": "bataille d'Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41183", "boundaries": [88, 92], "surfaceform": "Alep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.65283203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "66427-0", "title": "Bayer 04 Leverkusen", "uri": "Q104761", "text": "Le Bayer Leverkusen, version francophone raccourcie du Bayer 04 Leverkusen Fu\u00dfball GmbH, est un club de football allemand fond\u00e9 le et bas\u00e9 \u00e0 Leverkusen. 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Elle a toujours \u00e9t\u00e9 intimement li\u00e9e \u00e0 l'histoire du Canada jusqu'en juillet 2008, moment de son acquisition et de sa gestion directe par la compagnie am\u00e9ricaine NRDC. Cr\u00e9\u00e9e \u00e0 Londres, la Compagnie est pourtant fond\u00e9e par deux Fran\u00e7ais coureurs des bois, Pierre-Esprit Radisson et M\u00e9dard Chouart des Groseilliers. Apr\u00e8s la chute de la Nouvelle-France en 1763, elle a \u00e9tendu son r\u00e9seau de postes de traite vers l'ouest et le nord de ce qui allait devenir le Canada.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q76039", "boundaries": [3, 32], "surfaceform": "Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q7606", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "1670", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1670^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "1670", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q878138", "boundaries": [65, 85], "surfaceform": "traite des fourrures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3040", "boundaries": [94, 107], "surfaceform": "baie d'Hudson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q155076", "boundaries": [129, 144], "surfaceform": "personne morale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49", "boundaries": [150, 166], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rique du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2008-07-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [291, 303], "surfaceform": "juillet 2008", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [398, 405], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [449, 457], "surfaceform": "Fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q511878", "boundaries": [458, 475], "surfaceform": "coureurs des bois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q944388", "boundaries": [477, 499], "surfaceform": "Pierre-Esprit Radisson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1957677", "boundaries": [503, 534], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9dard Chouart des Groseilliers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q170604", "boundaries": [557, 572], "surfaceform": "Nouvelle-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7655", "boundaries": [576, 580], "surfaceform": "1763", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1763^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [576, 580], "surfaceform": "1763", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q878138", "boundaries": [610, 626], "surfaceform": "postes de traite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q16", "boundaries": [679, 685], "surfaceform": "Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1957677", "boundaries": [503, 534], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9dard Chouart des Groseilliers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q511878", "boundaries": [458, 475], "surfaceform": "coureurs des bois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6025390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "111996-2", "title": "Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson", "uri": "Q76039", "text": "La Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson est encore aujourd\u2019hui dans le domaine de la fourrure et du commerce. 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Celui-ci est le p\u00e8re de J\u00e9sus-Christ qui est venu pour abroger la Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque et le culte de son d\u00e9miurge. Pour Marcion, J\u00e9sus n'est pas le messie attendu par les Juifs, ni n\u00e9 de la Vierge Marie : il est apparu \u00e0 la quinzi\u00e8me ann\u00e9e du r\u00e8gne de Tib\u00e8re sans avoir connu ni naissance ni croissance et sauve l'homme en le rachetant par sa mort. 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Sa population en 2011 est estim\u00e9e \u00e0 . Rhodes est aussi le nom de la ville principale de l'\u00eele qui est peupl\u00e9e de \u00e0 . 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la vall\u00e9e de l'Isle. La ville offre aux touristes un patrimoine historique gallo-romain, m\u00e9di\u00e9val et de la Renaissance. Reconnue ville d'art et d'histoire, P\u00e9rigueux poss\u00e8de 44 monuments historiques inscrits ou class\u00e9s, et trois mus\u00e9es labellis\u00e9s Mus\u00e9es de France, dont deux municipaux. 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orchestral du \"Te Deum\" de Marc-Antoine Charpentier. De m\u00eame, sa proc\u00e9dure de vote, souvent per\u00e7ue comme sa s\u00e9quence la plus importante, se d\u00e9roule selon un sch\u00e9ma r\u00e9current et des r\u00e8gles bien pr\u00e9cises et est devenue un v\u00e9ritable rituel annuel.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11704258", "boundaries": [156, 163], "surfaceform": "Te Deum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q55524", "boundaries": [168, 192], "surfaceform": "Marc-Antoine Charpentier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q55524", "boundaries": [168, 192], "surfaceform": "Marc-Antoine Charpentier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11704258", "boundaries": [156, 163], "surfaceform": "Te Deum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4923-1", "title": "PlayStation 2", "uri": "Q10680", "text": "La PlayStation 2 a succ\u00e9d\u00e9 \u00e0 la PlayStation dans la gamme du m\u00eame nom. Elle a connu un succ\u00e8s imm\u00e9diat avec un million d'exemplaires vendus en quelques jours au Japon. La PlayStation 2 atteint un total de 150 millions d'exemplaires exp\u00e9di\u00e9s en date du , ce qui en fait la console de salon la plus vendue de l'histoire des jeux vid\u00e9o. Sony affirme qu'il existe titres de jeu vid\u00e9o disponibles sur la console et que 1,52 milliard d'exemplaires de ces titres ont \u00e9t\u00e9 vendus depuis le lancement de la console. Durant la fin de l'ann\u00e9e 2009, alors que la console est commercialis\u00e9e depuis pr\u00e8s d'une d\u00e9cennie, Sony explique que la PlayStation 2 restera sur le march\u00e9 tant qu'il y aura des acheteurs pour ses jeux. Celle-ci est suivie par la PlayStation 3 en 2006.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q10680", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [15, 16], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10677", "boundaries": [32, 43], "surfaceform": "PlayStation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q10680", "boundaries": [171, 184], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [183, 184], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+150^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [205, 208], "surfaceform": "150", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1.52^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [414, 418], "surfaceform": "1,52", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1070751", "boundaries": [531, 535], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2009^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [531, 535], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10680", "boundaries": [626, 639], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [638, 639], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10683", "boundaries": [736, 749], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 3", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [748, 749], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1072502", "boundaries": [753, 757], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [753, 757], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q10680", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "PlayStation 2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q10677", "boundaries": [32, 43], "surfaceform": "PlayStation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4922-0", "title": "Nintendo 64", "uri": "Q184839", "text": "La , \u00e9galement connue sous les noms de code Project Reality et Ultra 64 lors de sa phase de d\u00e9veloppement, est une console de jeux vid\u00e9o de salon, sortie en 1996 (1997 en Europe), du constructeur japonais Nintendo en collaboration avec Silicon Graphics. Elle fut la derni\u00e8re des consoles de salon de cinqui\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration \u00e0 \u00eatre sortie.", "entities": [{"uri": "+64^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [69, 71], "surfaceform": "64", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [115, 145], "surfaceform": "console de jeux vid\u00e9o de salon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q973268", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2718086", "boundaries": [163, 167], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1997^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [163, 167], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [171, 177], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8093", "boundaries": [205, 213], "surfaceform": "Nintendo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q623459", "boundaries": [236, 252], "surfaceform": "Silicon Graphics", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q129728", "boundaries": [300, 320], "surfaceform": "cinqui\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2718086", "boundaries": [163, 167], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q973268", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.88671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4899-2", "title": "Caroline du Nord", "uri": "Q1454", "text": "Depuis les ann\u00e9es 1950, l'\u00e9conomie de la Caroline du Nord conna\u00eet une phase de transition, passant de l'industrie manufacturi\u00e8re (tabac, textile, biens de consommation) \u00e0 une \u00e9conomie plus diversifi\u00e9e, notamment dans les secteurs de l'\u00e9nergie, des biotechnologies et de la finance. L'\u00c9tat est traditionnellement conservateur et soutient g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement le Parti r\u00e9publicain, mais il est d\u00e9sormais consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un '. Marqu\u00e9 par l'importance de la religion \u00e9vang\u00e9lique baptiste, il appartient \u00e0 la '.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1950^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [18, 22], "surfaceform": "1950", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1454", "boundaries": [41, 57], "surfaceform": "Caroline du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q187939", "boundaries": [104, 128], "surfaceform": "industrie manufacturi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q868404", "boundaries": [146, 167], "surfaceform": "biens de consommation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7108", "boundaries": [248, 262], "surfaceform": "biotechnologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7169", "boundaries": [312, 324], "surfaceform": "conservateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q29468", "boundaries": [353, 370], "surfaceform": "Parti r\u00e9publicain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q194253", "boundaries": [455, 466], "surfaceform": "\u00e9vang\u00e9lique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q93191", "boundaries": [467, 475], "surfaceform": "baptiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q93191", "boundaries": [467, 475], "surfaceform": "baptiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q194253", "boundaries": [455, 466], "surfaceform": "\u00e9vang\u00e9lique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 17, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94580078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4899-3", "title": "Caroline du Nord", "uri": "Q1454", "text": "En outre, la Caroline du Nord compte de nombreux \u00e9tablissements universitaires, dont deux universit\u00e9s qui figurent parmi les plus prestigieuses du pays: Duke et l'universit\u00e9 de Caroline du Nord \u00e0 Chapel Hill. Enfin, la ville de Charlotte accueille plusieurs \u00e9quipes sportives, dont les Panthers de la Caroline (football am\u00e9ricain) et les Hornets de Charlotte (basket-ball).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1454", "boundaries": [13, 29], "surfaceform": "Caroline du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q168751", "boundaries": [153, 157], "surfaceform": "Duke", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q192334", "boundaries": [163, 207], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 de Caroline du Nord \u00e0 Chapel Hill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1454", "boundaries": [177, 193], "surfaceform": "Caroline du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q330120", "boundaries": [286, 309], "surfaceform": "Panthers de la Caroline", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q41323", "boundaries": [311, 329], "surfaceform": "football am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q163480", "boundaries": [338, 358], "surfaceform": "Hornets de Charlotte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [360, 371], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q330120", "boundaries": [286, 309], "surfaceform": "Panthers de la Caroline", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41323", "boundaries": [311, 329], "surfaceform": "football am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 19, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q163480", "boundaries": [338, 358], "surfaceform": "Hornets de Charlotte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [360, 371], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 19, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4924-3", "title": "Londres", "uri": "Q84", "text": "Londres contient quatre sites du patrimoine mondial : la tour de Londres ; Kew Gardens ; le site comprenant le palais de Westminster, l'abbaye de Westminster et l'\u00e9glise Sainte-Marguerite ; et le village historique de Greenwich o\u00f9 l'Observatoire royal de Greenwich d\u00e9finit le premier m\u00e9ridien (0 \u00b0 de longitude) et l'heure moyenne de Greenwich. Les autres monuments incluent le palais de Buckingham, le London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, la cath\u00e9drale Saint-Paul, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square et The Shard. Londres poss\u00e8de de nombreux mus\u00e9es, galeries, biblioth\u00e8ques dont le British Museum, la National Gallery, le Natural History Museum, le Tate Modern, la British Library. Le m\u00e9tro de Londres est le plus ancien r\u00e9seau ferroviaire souterrain du monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9259", "boundaries": [33, 51], "surfaceform": "patrimoine mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q62378", "boundaries": [57, 72], "surfaceform": "tour de Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [65, 72], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q188617", "boundaries": [75, 86], "surfaceform": "Kew Gardens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q62408", "boundaries": [111, 132], "surfaceform": "palais de Westminster", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5933", "boundaries": [136, 157], "surfaceform": "abbaye de Westminster", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q823412", "boundaries": [163, 187], "surfaceform": "\u00e9glise Sainte-Marguerite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179385", "boundaries": [218, 227], "surfaceform": "Greenwich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q192988", "boundaries": [233, 264], "surfaceform": "Observatoire royal de Greenwich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [294, 295], "surfaceform": "0", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q30192", "boundaries": [317, 343], "surfaceform": "heure moyenne de Greenwich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42182", "boundaries": [378, 398], "surfaceform": "palais de Buckingham", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160659", "boundaries": [403, 413], "surfaceform": "London Eye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q215255", "boundaries": [415, 432], "surfaceform": "Piccadilly Circus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q173882", "boundaries": [437, 458], "surfaceform": "cath\u00e9drale Saint-Paul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83125", "boundaries": [460, 472], "surfaceform": "Tower Bridge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q129143", "boundaries": [474, 490], "surfaceform": "Trafalgar Square", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18536", "boundaries": [494, 503], "surfaceform": "The Shard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [505, 512], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6373", "boundaries": [573, 587], "surfaceform": "British Museum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q180788", "boundaries": [592, 608], "surfaceform": "National Gallery", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q309388", "boundaries": [613, 635], "surfaceform": "Natural History Museum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q193375", "boundaries": [640, 651], "surfaceform": "Tate Modern", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23308", "boundaries": [656, 671], "surfaceform": "British Library", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q20075", "boundaries": [676, 692], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9tro de Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [685, 692], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q192988", "boundaries": [233, 264], "surfaceform": "Observatoire royal de Greenwich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q179385", "boundaries": [218, 227], "surfaceform": "Greenwich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 18, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98388671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q23308", "boundaries": [656, 671], "surfaceform": "British Library", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 20, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4988-1", "title": "Tadjikistan", "uri": "Q863", "text": "Les fronti\u00e8res actuelles du Tadjikistan remontent \u00e0 la cr\u00e9ation de la R\u00e9publique socialiste sovi\u00e9tique (RSS) du Tadjikistan en 1929 au sein de l'Union sovi\u00e9tique, par s\u00e9paration de la initialement cr\u00e9\u00e9e au sein de la RSS d'Ouzb\u00e9kistan. L'\u00e9clatement de l'URSS en 1991 entra\u00eena la naissance d'un \u00c9tat tadjik ind\u00e9pendant, \u00e0 l'instar de toutes les autres r\u00e9publiques socialistes sovi\u00e9tiques. La guerre civile qui s'ensuivit dura de 1992 jusqu'en 1997. Aujourd'hui encore, les cons\u00e9quences en sont sensibles, et le Tadjikistan reste l'\u00c9tat le plus pauvre de l'ex-URSS, malgr\u00e9 une croissance soutenue et des richesses naturelles importantes mais encore peu exploit\u00e9es (potentiels hydro\u00e9lectrique, agricole, touristique).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2385209", "boundaries": [4, 39], "surfaceform": "fronti\u00e8res actuelles du Tadjikistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q863", "boundaries": [28, 39], "surfaceform": "Tadjikistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q199711", "boundaries": [70, 123], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique socialiste sovi\u00e9tique (RSS) du Tadjikistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q863", "boundaries": [112, 123], "surfaceform": "Tadjikistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1929^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [127, 131], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15180", 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Elle s'\u00e9tend depuis l'oc\u00e9an Arctique au nord, jusqu'au cap Horn dans le passage de Drake au sud, \u00e0 la confluence des oc\u00e9ans Atlantique et Pacifique qui la d\u00e9limitent \u00e0 l'est et \u00e0 l'ouest, respectivement. Avec plus de de , l'Am\u00e9rique est le deuxi\u00e8me plus vaste continent de la plan\u00e8te, couvrant 8,3 % de la superficie totale et 28,2 % des terres \u00e9merg\u00e9es. De plus, l'Am\u00e9rique concentre environ 13,3 % de la population mondiale avec plus d'un milliard de personnes. Ses habitants sont d\u00e9sign\u00e9s sous le gentil\u00e9 \"Am\u00e9ricains\" : ce terme est cependant \u00e9galement employ\u00e9 pour d\u00e9signer les citoyens des \u00c9tats-Unis d'Am\u00e9rique ; d\u00e8s lors, les habitants des diff\u00e9rentes parties du continent sont fr\u00e9quemment distingu\u00e9s en employant des gentil\u00e9s sp\u00e9cifiques comme \"Nord-Am\u00e9ricains\", \"Sud-Am\u00e9ricains\" ou \"Latino-Am\u00e9ricains\". Le terme \"America\" est une invention du cartographe allemand Martin Waldseem\u00fcller et du cartographe alsacien Mathias Ringmann qui appara\u00eet dans le planisph\u00e8re qu'ils \u00e9ditent en 1507, donn\u00e9 en honneur de l'explorateur Amerigo Vespucci au congr\u00e8s g\u00e9ographique de Saint-Di\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q828", "boundaries": [2, 10], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5107", "boundaries": [18, 27], "surfaceform": "continent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q181982", "boundaries": [33, 49], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9misph\u00e8re ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2", "boundaries": [56, 61], "surfaceform": "Terre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "Q788", "boundaries": [85, 99], "surfaceform": "oc\u00e9an Arctique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4078", "boundaries": [118, 126], "surfaceform": "cap Horn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": 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Ancien protectorat britannique (Basutoland), le pays a acc\u00e9d\u00e9 \u00e0 l'ind\u00e9pendance en 1966. C'est aujourd'hui une monarchie constitutionnelle dont le souverain est Letsie III. Sa capitale et seule grande ville est Maseru. Le Lesotho compte environ deux millions d'habitants. Les Sothos y sont majoritaires. La plupart sont chr\u00e9tiens. 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Free prend un sens plus connot\u00e9 dans ce nom : il signifie que le logiciel peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 gratuitement m\u00eame pour un usage commercial, que les sources compl\u00e8tes sont disponibles et utilisables avec un minimum de restrictions quant \u00e0 leur usage, leur distribution et leur incorporation dans un autre projet (commercial ou non), et enfin que n'importe qui est libre de soumettre son code source pour enlever un bug ou am\u00e9liorer le logiciel, ce code \u00e9tant incorpor\u00e9 aux sources apr\u00e8s accord.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q34236", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "FreeBSD", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q9135", "boundaries": [15, 37], "surfaceform": "syst\u00e8me d'exploitation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11368", "boundaries": [38, 42], "surfaceform": "UNIX", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q341", "boundaries": [43, 48], "surfaceform": "libre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": 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Une autre \u00e9tymologie possible est \"junius (mensis)\", le mois de Lucius Junius Brutus, le fondateur l\u00e9gendaire de la R\u00e9publique romaine. En moyen fran\u00e7ais, il s'\u00e9crivait \u00ab juing \u00bb.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [17, 22], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1675471", "boundaries": [24, 30], "surfaceform": "junius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7198", "boundaries": [46, 51], "surfaceform": "Ovide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1747689", "boundaries": [79, 86], "surfaceform": "romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q125046", "boundaries": [87, 92], "surfaceform": "Junon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q223440", "boundaries": [158, 178], "surfaceform": "Lucius Junius Brutus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q17167", "boundaries": [210, 228], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1473289", "boundaries": [233, 247], "surfaceform": "moyen fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1675471", "boundaries": [24, 30], "surfaceform": "junius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q125046", "boundaries": [87, 92], "surfaceform": "Junon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "5525-3", "title": "Montr\u00e9al", "uri": "Q340", "text": "Montr\u00e9al accueille plusieurs \u00e9v\u00e9nements internationaux d'envergure, dont l'Exposition universelle de 1967 et les Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 1976. H\u00f4te du Grand Prix de du Canada, elle accueille annuellement de nombreux festivals, tels le Festival international de jazz de Montr\u00e9al, les FrancoFolies et le festival Juste pour rire. 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Elle est constitu\u00e9e de deux parties, l'une continentale, bord\u00e9e par le Cameroun et le Gabon, l'autre insulaire avec l'\u00eele de Bioko (o\u00f9 se trouve la capitale Malabo) et l'\u00eele d'Annob\u00f3n.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [78, 96], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1321", "boundaries": [137, 145], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5146", "boundaries": [154, 163], "surfaceform": "portugais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27433", "boundaries": [183, 199], "surfaceform": "Afrique centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [272, 280], "surfaceform": "Cameroun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1000", "boundaries": [287, 292], "surfaceform": "Gabon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205022", "boundaries": [326, 331], "surfaceform": "Bioko", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3818", "boundaries": [358, 364], "surfaceform": "Malabo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q728665", "boundaries": [377, 384], "surfaceform": "Annob\u00f3n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27433", "boundaries": [183, 199], "surfaceform": "Afrique centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.556640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [272, 280], "surfaceform": "Cameroun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.64404296875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1009", "boundaries": [272, 280], "surfaceform": "Cameroun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1000", "boundaries": [287, 292], "surfaceform": "Gabon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.873046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "1323-1", "title": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "uri": "Q983", "text": "Ancienne colonie espagnole pendant la colonisation europ\u00e9enne de l'Afrique, la Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale obtient son ind\u00e9pendance en 1968 sous la dictature sanglante du Pr\u00e9sident \u00e0 vie, Francisco Mac\u00edas Nguema. Mac\u00edas est renvers\u00e9 lors d'un coup d'\u00c9tat en 1979 par son neveu, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo qui reste pr\u00e9sident depuis. Sous son r\u00e9gime autoritaire, la Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale continue \u00e0 conna\u00eetre de graves violations des droits de l'homme.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1232509", "boundaries": [9, 26], "surfaceform": "colonie espagnole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179848", "boundaries": [38, 74], "surfaceform": "colonisation europ\u00e9enne de l'Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [79, 97], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1968^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1968", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2350808", "boundaries": [162, 177], "surfaceform": "Pr\u00e9sident \u00e0 vie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q211936", "boundaries": [179, 202], "surfaceform": "Francisco Mac\u00edas Nguema", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q20977839", "boundaries": [234, 253], "surfaceform": "coup d'\u00c9tat en 1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [249, 253], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q57385", "boundaries": [269, 298], "surfaceform": "Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [359, 377], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8458", "boundaries": [424, 441], "surfaceform": "droits de l'homme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q983", "boundaries": [79, 97], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e \u00e9quatoriale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1232509", "boundaries": [9, 26], "surfaceform": "colonie espagnole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.33056640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1321-0", "title": "Guin\u00e9e", "uri": "Q1006", "text": "La Guin\u00e9e (), en forme longue la r\u00e9publique de Guin\u00e9e, est un pays d\u2019Afrique de l'Ouest. Riche en ressources naturelles, elle est surnomm\u00e9e le ch\u00e2teau d'eau de l'Afrique de l'ouest et poss\u00e8de le tiers des r\u00e9serves mondiales de bauxite, elle est surnomm\u00e9e le . Elle prend son ind\u00e9pendance de la France le , ce qui en fait le premier pays de l'Afrique fran\u00e7aise subsaharienne \u00e0 le faire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [47, 53], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [69, 87], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q188460", "boundaries": [98, 119], "surfaceform": "ressources naturelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [162, 180], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q102078", "boundaries": [227, 234], "surfaceform": "bauxite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q86671527", "boundaries": [275, 287], "surfaceform": "ind\u00e9pendance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19951607", "boundaries": [342, 359], "surfaceform": "Afrique fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132959", "boundaries": [360, 373], "surfaceform": "subsaharienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [69, 87], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [69, 87], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1324-2", "title": "Guyana", "uri": "Q734", "text": "Guyana signifie \u00ab terre d'eaux abondantes \u00bb dans la langue arawak. Le pays est caract\u00e9ris\u00e9 par ses vastes for\u00eats tropicales diss\u00e9qu\u00e9es par les nombreux fleuves, criques et chutes d'eau, notamment les chutes de Kaieteur sur le fleuve Potaro. Les tepuys du Guyana sont c\u00e9l\u00e8bres pour avoir inspir\u00e9 le roman d'Arthur Conan Doyle \"Le Monde perdu\", en 1912.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q734", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Guyana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q117244", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "arawak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38120", "boundaries": [200, 218], "surfaceform": "chutes de Kaieteur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q496570", "boundaries": [233, 239], "surfaceform": "Potaro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q828329", "boundaries": [245, 250], "surfaceform": "tepuy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q734", "boundaries": [255, 261], "surfaceform": "Guyana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35610", "boundaries": [306, 324], "surfaceform": "Arthur Conan Doyle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q785255", "boundaries": [326, 340], "surfaceform": "Le Monde perdu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1912^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [346, 350], "surfaceform": "1912", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q38120", "boundaries": [200, 218], "surfaceform": "chutes de Kaieteur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q496570", "boundaries": [233, 239], "surfaceform": "Potaro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q35610", "boundaries": [306, 324], "surfaceform": "Arthur Conan Doyle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q785255", "boundaries": [326, 340], "surfaceform": "Le Monde perdu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q785255", "boundaries": [326, 340], "surfaceform": "Le Monde perdu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35610", "boundaries": [306, 324], "surfaceform": "Arthur Conan Doyle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95068359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1384-1", "title": "Hewlett-Packard", "uri": "Q80978", "text": "Ses principaux produits sont les imprimantes et p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques, les ordinateurs de toutes tailles (de poche, portables, de bureau ainsi que les serveurs) et les services aux entreprises. La soci\u00e9t\u00e9 a son si\u00e8ge \u00e0 Palo Alto dans la Silicon Valley, en Californie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q82", "boundaries": [33, 43], "surfaceform": "imprimante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q68", "boundaries": [67, 77], "surfaceform": "ordinateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q162768", "boundaries": [101, 106], "surfaceform": "poche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3962", "boundaries": [108, 117], "surfaceform": "portables", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q16338", "boundaries": [122, 128], "surfaceform": "bureau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44127", "boundaries": [143, 151], "surfaceform": "serveurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7406919", "boundaries": [160, 168], "surfaceform": "services", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47265", "boundaries": [211, 220], "surfaceform": "Palo Alto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q163820", "boundaries": [229, 243], "surfaceform": "Silicon Valley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [248, 258], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q16338", "boundaries": [122, 128], "surfaceform": "bureau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q68", "boundaries": [67, 77], "surfaceform": "ordinateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.284423828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q47265", "boundaries": [211, 220], "surfaceform": "Palo Alto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q163820", "boundaries": [229, 243], "surfaceform": "Silicon Valley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q163820", "boundaries": [229, 243], "surfaceform": "Silicon Valley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [248, 258], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1413-2", "title": "Hathor", "uri": "Q133343", "text": "Hathor a pour par\u00e8dre Horus (son nom signifie \u00ab Demeure du dieu Horus \u00bb, ce qui fait d'elle l'\u00e9pouse du dieu-faucon) et pour fils Harsomtous (surnomm\u00e9 Horus le jeune) et Ihi.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q133343", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Hathor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1971311", "boundaries": [14, 21], "surfaceform": "par\u00e8dre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q84122", "boundaries": [22, 27], "surfaceform": "Horus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q84122", "boundaries": [64, 69], "surfaceform": "Horus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1586994", "boundaries": [130, 140], "surfaceform": "Harsomtous", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1051726", "boundaries": [170, 173], "surfaceform": "Ihi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q133343", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Hathor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1051726", "boundaries": [170, 173], "surfaceform": "Ihi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89599609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1483-1", "title": "Homme de N\u00e9andertal", "uri": "Q40171", "text": "Premier homme fossile identifi\u00e9, contemporain d\"Homo sapiens\", l'Homme de N\u00e9andertal a longtemps p\u00e2ti de jugements n\u00e9gatifs par rapport \u00e0 l'Homme moderne. Les progr\u00e8s de l'arch\u00e9ologie pr\u00e9historique depuis les ann\u00e9es 1960 ont en fait r\u00e9v\u00e9l\u00e9 une esp\u00e8ce humaine d'un certain d\u00e9veloppement culturel. Il maitrisait diff\u00e9rentes techniques avanc\u00e9es comme le collage au brai de bouleau, et certains vestiges fossiles dat\u00e9s de moins de sont consid\u00e9r\u00e9s comme des s\u00e9pultures t\u00e9moignant de rites fun\u00e9raires.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q40614", "boundaries": [14, 21], "surfaceform": "fossile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q40171", "boundaries": [65, 84], "surfaceform": "Homme de N\u00e9andertal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23498", "boundaries": [172, 183], "surfaceform": "arch\u00e9ologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2415966", "boundaries": [184, 197], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [216, 220], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q4103521", "boundaries": [362, 366], "surfaceform": "brai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q25243", "boundaries": [370, 377], "surfaceform": "bouleau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q173387", "boundaries": [453, 463], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9pultures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q201676", "boundaries": [478, 494], "surfaceform": "rites fun\u00e9raires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2415966", "boundaries": [184, 197], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23498", "boundaries": [172, 183], "surfaceform": "arch\u00e9ologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98876953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "1522-1", "title": "Isis", "uri": "Q79876", "text": "L'astucieuse Isis est l'une des divinit\u00e9s de l'Enn\u00e9ade d'H\u00e9liopolis. Elle est la s\u0153ur et l'\u00e9pouse du roi Osiris, un \u00eatre g\u00e9n\u00e9reux qui pla\u00e7a son r\u00e8gne sous le signe de l'harmonie cosmique. Ce temps heureux prend subitement fin avec l'assassinat d'Osiris lors d'un complot organis\u00e9 par son fr\u00e8re Seth, un dieu violent et jaloux. Isis retrouve le corps d'Osiris et le cache dans les mar\u00e9cages de Chemnis. Lors d'une partie de chasse, Seth trouve le cadavre et, fou de col\u00e8re, le d\u00e9p\u00e8ce en plusieurs lambeaux. Durant une longue qu\u00eate, Isis, second\u00e9e par Nephtys, Thot et Anubis, retrouve les membres disjoints et reconstitue le corps d'Osiris en le momifiant. Apr\u00e8s avoir revivifi\u00e9 Osiris, Isis fait de lui le souverain \u00e9ternel de la Dou\u00e2t, un monde paradisiaque peupl\u00e9 d'esprits immortels. Pour assurer sa protection, elle le place sous la garde attentive du dieu canin Anubis, son fils adoptif.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2416090", "boundaries": [47, 67], "surfaceform": "Enn\u00e9ade d'H\u00e9liopolis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q46491", "boundaries": [105, 111], "surfaceform": "Osiris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q170471", "boundaries": [169, 186], "surfaceform": "harmonie cosmique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q131795", "boundaries": [294, 298], "surfaceform": "Seth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [327, 331], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q739278", "boundaries": [393, 400], "surfaceform": "Chemnis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [531, 535], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q169040", "boundaries": [550, 557], "surfaceform": "Nephtys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q146921", "boundaries": [559, 563], "surfaceform": "Thot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q47534", "boundaries": [567, 573], "surfaceform": "Anubis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1952604", "boundaries": [645, 654], "surfaceform": "momifiant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [686, 690], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q871389", "boundaries": [730, 735], "surfaceform": "Dou\u00e2t", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [768, 785], "surfaceform": "esprits immortels", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q46491", "boundaries": [105, 111], "surfaceform": "Osiris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q79876", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "Isis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P3373", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sibling", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q131795", "boundaries": [294, 298], "surfaceform": "Seth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7705078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1602-0", "title": "Jordanie", "uri": "Q810", "text": "La , en forme longue le , est un pays d'Asie occidentale. Sa capitale est Amman. 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Elle est la plus grande \u00eele () de Micron\u00e9sie et de l'archipel des \u00eeles Mariannes, dont elle est l'\u00eele la plus m\u00e9ridionale. Elle est un territoire non incorpor\u00e9 des \u00c9tats-Unis disposant d'un gouverneur \u00e9lu et d'un parlement. En 2017 sa population est de habitants et sa capitale est Hag\u00e5t\u00f1a. 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Son aspect et sa taille en font un endroit capable de recevoir un demi-million de visiteurs par an. 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Situ\u00e9e dans la r\u00e9gion historique et culturelle de Lorraine, la commune fait maintenant partie de la r\u00e9gion administrative Grand Est. 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La base latine persiste dans le gentil\u00e9. Longtemps d\u00e9nomm\u00e9e Saint-Di\u00e9, la commune a pris officiellement son nom actuel de Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges, parfois abr\u00e9g\u00e9 par l\u2019acronyme SDDV, \u00e0 compter du . L\u2019ancien nom, plus court, est parfois encore employ\u00e9. On peut aussi faire remonter l'appellation du toponyme de Saint-Di\u00e9 avec les Vosges, \u00e0 la plus ancienne charte de Charlemagne, r\u00e9dig\u00e9e \u00e0 Aix-la-Chapelle, le , o\u00f9 le toponyme de Saint-Di\u00e9 en latin est suivi de la mention \"infra Vosago silva\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2603310", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "saint Di\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q615514", "boundaries": [66, 82], "surfaceform": "moine chor\u00e9v\u00eaque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q319653", "boundaries": [107, 121], "surfaceform": "saint Colomban", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [230, 235], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34427", "boundaries": [344, 364], "surfaceform": "Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3044", "boundaries": [585, 596], "surfaceform": "Charlemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1017", "boundaries": [608, 623], "surfaceform": "Aix-la-Chapelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34427", "boundaries": [344, 364], "surfaceform": "Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2603310", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "saint Di\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84033203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "36592-1", "title": "Verdun", "uri": "Q154748", "text": "L'existence de l'agglom\u00e9ration verdunoise remonte \u00e0 l'Antiquit\u00e9 o\u00f9 les Celtes fondent un oppidum surplombant un m\u00e9andre de la Meuse. Devenue chef-lieu de la , la ville est l'une des quatre cit\u00e9s de la province romaine de Belgique premi\u00e8re. En 843, le trait\u00e9 de Verdun qui partage l'Empire carolingien en trois royaumes y est sign\u00e9. Ville du Saint-Empire romain germanique depuis le , Verdun est soumise par la France en 1552, au cours du \u00ab Voyage d'Austrasie \u00bb. Elle forme avec les autres villes libres d'Empire, Metz et Toul, la province des Trois-\u00c9v\u00each\u00e9s, qui se voit d\u00e9finitivement rattach\u00e9e au Royaume de France en 1648 par le Trait\u00e9 de M\u00fcnster. Forteresse de l'Est de la France, la ville est le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de plusieurs batailles, telles que celle de 1792 lors des guerres de la R\u00e9volution fran\u00e7aise, et celle de 1870 lors de la guerre franco-prussienne. Mais c'est surtout la bataille de Verdun de 1916, au cours de la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, qui rend \u00e0 jamais c\u00e9l\u00e8bre la ville dans le monde entier.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41493", "boundaries": [54, 63], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35966", "boundaries": [71, 77], "surfaceform": "Celtes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q192601", "boundaries": [89, 96], "surfaceform": "oppidum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41986", "boundaries": [126, 131], "surfaceform": "Meuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q182547", "boundaries": [201, 217], "surfaceform": "province romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q206443", "boundaries": [221, 238], "surfaceform": "Belgique premi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23469", "boundaries": [243, 246], "surfaceform": "843", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": 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d\u00e9partement de Meurthe-et-Moselle. 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Ses habitants sont appel\u00e9s les \"Lun\u00e9villois\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q208794", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Lun\u00e9ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q484170", "boundaries": [18, 35], "surfaceform": "commune fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6465", "boundaries": [39, 50], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12626", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "Meurthe-et-Moselle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1137", "boundaries": [124, 132], "surfaceform": "Lorraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36784", "boundaries": [175, 196], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion administrative", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18677983", "boundaries": [197, 206], "surfaceform": "Grand Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q205659", "boundaries": [247, 265], "surfaceform": "Versailles Lorrain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q217438", "boundaries": [283, 295], "surfaceform": "sont appel\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q208794", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Lun\u00e9ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q484170", "boundaries": [18, 35], "surfaceform": "commune fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.269775390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q208794", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Lun\u00e9ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12626", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "Meurthe-et-Moselle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12626", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "Meurthe-et-Moselle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q6465", "boundaries": [39, 50], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.689453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q18677983", "boundaries": [197, 206], "surfaceform": "Grand Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1137", "boundaries": [124, 132], "surfaceform": "Lorraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q18677983", "boundaries": [197, 206], "surfaceform": "Grand Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36784", "boundaries": [175, 196], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion administrative", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9892578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "36619-1", "title": "Bar-le-Duc", "uri": "Q185721", "text": "L'existence de l'agglom\u00e9ration remonte \u00e0 l'Antiquit\u00e9 o\u00f9 elle est un relais le long de la voie romaine reliant Reims \u00e0 Metz. Capitale du comt\u00e9 puis du duch\u00e9 de Bar, Bar-le-Duc devient l'une des principales citadelles lorraines, se d\u00e9veloppant \u00e0 la fois au fond de la vall\u00e9e, le long des berges de l'Ornain, et sur le plateau du versant gauche, autour du ch\u00e2teau du Moyen \u00c2ge. Apr\u00e8s son rapprochement avec le duch\u00e9 de Lorraine \u00e0 la fin du , elle conna\u00eet une p\u00e9riode culturelle et architecturale prosp\u00e8re durant toute la Renaissance. Mais \u00e0 cause des positions anti-fran\u00e7aises de son duc, la ville se voit d\u00e9pouill\u00e9e en 1670 d'une partie de ses fortifications et de son ch\u00e2teau par le roi de France , et le duch\u00e9 finit par \u00eatre rattach\u00e9 au royaume de France en 1766. Ancien chef-lieu de bailliage, la ville est \u00e9galement le point de d\u00e9part de la \u00ab Voie sacr\u00e9e \u00bb, route strat\u00e9gique qui, lors de la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, permet de ravitailler Verdun lors de la bataille homonyme de 1916.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41493", "boundaries": [43, 52], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3562271", "boundaries": [89, 122], "surfaceform": "voie romaine reliant Reims \u00e0 Metz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q706679", "boundaries": [150, 162], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9 de Bar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q185721", "boundaries": [164, 174], "surfaceform": "Bar-le-Duc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1553526", "boundaries": [298, 304], "surfaceform": "Ornain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [364, 373], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q155019", "boundaries": 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"Fond\u00e9e sous le nom de \"Byzantion\", la ville peut se pr\u00e9valoir de 2600 ans d'histoire. Appel\u00e9e aussi la \u00ab Deuxi\u00e8me Rome \u00bb, Istanbul appartint d'abord \u00e0 la Thrace, puis \u00e0 l\u2019Empire romain dont elle fut la seconde capitale apr\u00e8s 395, (devenu l'Empire romain d'orient et appel\u00e9 au \u00ab byzantin \u00bb par Hieronymus Wolf), ensuite \u00e0 l\u2019Empire ottoman depuis le , et enfin, juste apr\u00e8s la chute de celui-ci le , \u00e0 la R\u00e9publique de Turquie, dont elle fut capitale jusqu'au , lorsque cette fonction administrative fut transf\u00e9r\u00e9e \u00e0 Ankara. Les anciens noms de la ville, Byzance puis Constantinople, t\u00e9moignent de cette longue histoire. Seules quelques autres grandes villes ont eu trois noms au cours de leur histoire. Du point de vue historique, il est possible de consid\u00e9rer qu'avec Ath\u00e8nes et Rome, Constantinople est l'une des trois capitales antiques les plus importantes. En tant que si\u00e8ge du patriarcat \u0153cum\u00e9nique et - jusqu'en 1924 - du califat ottoman, Istanbul fut \u00e9galement un centre important du christianisme orthodoxe et de l'islam sunnite pendant des si\u00e8cles .", "entities": [{"uri": "+2600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [65, 69], "surfaceform": "2600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q13089982", "boundaries": [105, 118], "surfaceform": "Deuxi\u00e8me Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q406", "boundaries": [122, 130], "surfaceform": "Istanbul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41741", "boundaries": [154, 160], "surfaceform": "Thrace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [171, 184], "surfaceform": "Empire romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+395^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [225, 228], "surfaceform": "395", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [240, 262], "surfaceform": "Empire romain d'orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [278, 286], "surfaceform": "byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q61631", "boundaries": [293, 308], "surfaceform": "Hieronymus Wolf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [323, 337], "surfaceform": "Empire ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3640", "boundaries": [515, 521], "surfaceform": "Ankara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23725", "boundaries": [553, 560], "surfaceform": "Byzance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16869", "boundaries": [566, 580], "surfaceform": "Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1524", "boundaries": [768, 775], "surfaceform": "Ath\u00e8nes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [779, 783], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q211004", "boundaries": [882, 903], "surfaceform": "patriarcat \u0153cum\u00e9nique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1924^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [918, 922], "surfaceform": "1924", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q193383", "boundaries": [928, 943], "surfaceform": "califat ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q406", "boundaries": [945, 953], "surfaceform": "Istanbul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [240, 262], "surfaceform": "Empire romain d'orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [171, 184], "surfaceform": "Empire romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.3408203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [323, 337], "surfaceform": "Empire ottoman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [240, 262], "surfaceform": "Empire romain d'orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.978515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q211004", "boundaries": [882, 903], "surfaceform": "patriarcat \u0153cum\u00e9nique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q406", "boundaries": [122, 130], "surfaceform": "Istanbul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 13, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "11306-0", "title": "La Main gauche de la nuit", "uri": "Q2008211", "text": "La Main gauche de la nuit (titre original : \"\") est un roman de science-fiction, \u00e9crit en 1969 par Ursula K. Le Guin (\u00c9tats-Unis). Il fait partie d'un cycle intitul\u00e9 le \"Cycle de l'Ekumen\", qui comporte six autres romans. La m\u00eame ann\u00e9e est publi\u00e9e une nouvelle, \"Le Roi de Niv\u00f4se\" se situant sur la m\u00eame plan\u00e8te.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2008211", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "La Main gauche de la nuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [55, 60], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q24925", "boundaries": [64, 79], "surfaceform": "science-fiction", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2485", "boundaries": [90, 94], "surfaceform": "1969", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1969^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [90, 94], "surfaceform": "1969", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q181659", "boundaries": [99, 116], "surfaceform": "Ursula K. 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Constitu\u00e9e \u00e0 partir de l'ancien Empire austro-hongrois (1867-1918), elle r\u00e9unissait les \u00c9tats actuels de Tch\u00e9quie et de Slovaquie ainsi que, de 1919 \u00e0 1938, la Ruth\u00e9nie subcarpathique (aujourd'hui ukrainienne) ; la R\u00e9publique tch\u00e8que \u00e9tant elle-m\u00eame constitu\u00e9e de la Boh\u00eame, de la Moravie et de la Sil\u00e9sie tch\u00e8que.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q33946", "boundaries": [3, 18], "surfaceform": "Tch\u00e9coslovaquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3624078", "boundaries": [26, 40], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat souverain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27509", "boundaries": [61, 76], "surfaceform": "Europe centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1939^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [119, 123], "surfaceform": "1939", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 128], 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Ce congr\u00e8s constitue le point de d\u00e9part de la fondation de l'\u00c9tat moderne d'Isra\u00ebl. 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Il est le dernier des souverains connus sous le nom des et le dernier empereur de la \"Pax Romana\", une \u00e9poque de paix et de stabilit\u00e9 relatives pour l'Empire romain. 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Il est le fils du pr\u00e9teur Marcus Annius Verus et de l'h\u00e9riti\u00e8re Domitia Lucilla Minor. Son p\u00e8re meurt alors qu'il est encore enfant et Marc Aur\u00e8le est \u00e9lev\u00e9 par sa m\u00e8re et ses grands-p\u00e8res. Apr\u00e8s la mort du fils adoptif d'Hadrien, Lucius Aelius, en 138, l'empereur adopte l'oncle de Marc Aur\u00e8le, Antonin le Pieux, comme nouvel h\u00e9ritier. \u00c0 son tour, Antonin adopte Marc Aur\u00e8le et Lucius Aurelius Verus, le fils d'Aelius. Hadrien meurt cette ann\u00e9e-l\u00e0 et Antonin devient empereur. Alors h\u00e9ritier du tr\u00f4ne, Marc Aur\u00e8le \u00e9tudie les lettres grecques et latines sous la direction de tuteurs tels qu'H\u00e9rode Atticus et Fronton. Il entretient par la suite une correspondance \u00e9troite avec Fronton pendant de nombreuses ann\u00e9es. Marc Aur\u00e8le \u00e9pouse la fille d'Antonin, Faustine la Jeune, en 145. Apr\u00e8s la mort d'Antonin en 161, Marc Aur\u00e8le acc\u00e8de au tr\u00f4ne aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s de son fr\u00e8re adoptif Lucius.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1427", "boundaries": [33, 40], "surfaceform": "Hadrien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q172907", "boundaries": [60, 67], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9teur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1292169", "boundaries": [68, 87], "surfaceform": "Marcus Annius Verus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1815905", "boundaries": [106, 127], "surfaceform": "Domitia Lucilla Minor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [177, 188], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q455034", "boundaries": [273, 286], "surfaceform": "Lucius Aelius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+138^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", 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Contrairement \u00e0 certains de ses pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseurs, Marc Aur\u00e8le choisit de ne pas adopter d'h\u00e9ritier. Parmi ses enfants, Lucilla, qui \u00e9pouse Lucius, et Commode, dont la succession \u00e0 Marc Aur\u00e8le fait l'objet de d\u00e9bats entre les historiens contemporains et modernes. La colonne et la statue \u00e9questre de Marc Aur\u00e8le se trouvent toujours \u00e0 Rome, o\u00f9 elles ont \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9rig\u00e9es pour c\u00e9l\u00e9brer ses victoires militaires. Dernier grand monument du sto\u00efcisme, les \"Pens\u00e9es pour moi-m\u00eame\" sont une source importante pour la compr\u00e9hension moderne des philosophes antiques.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1433", "boundaries": [15, 27], "surfaceform": "Lucius Verus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+169^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [37, 40], "surfaceform": "169", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [89, 100], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q242466", "boundaries": [158, 165], "surfaceform": "Lucilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1434", "boundaries": [189, 196], "surfaceform": "Commode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [219, 230], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q201788", "boundaries": [264, 274], "surfaceform": "historiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q265384", "boundaries": [305, 312], "surfaceform": "colonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q907387", "boundaries": [319, 349], "surfaceform": "statue \u00e9questre de Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [338, 349], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q48235", "boundaries": [470, 479], "surfaceform": "sto\u00efcisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1152283", "boundaries": [486, 507], "surfaceform": "Pens\u00e9es pour moi-m\u00eame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q204100", "boundaries": [570, 590], "surfaceform": "philosophes antiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [89, 100], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q242466", "boundaries": [158, 165], "surfaceform": "Lucilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 20, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1430", "boundaries": [89, 100], "surfaceform": "Marc Aur\u00e8le", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1152283", "boundaries": [486, 507], "surfaceform": "Pens\u00e9es pour moi-m\u00eame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 22, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "12394-1", "title": "R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique allemande", "uri": "Q16957", "text": "La RDA a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e le par le Parti socialiste unifi\u00e9 d'Allemagne alli\u00e9 de l\u2019URSS \u00e0 partir de la zone occup\u00e9e par l'Arm\u00e9e rouge. Cet \u00e9v\u00e9nement intervient apr\u00e8s la fondation de la R\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rale d\u2019Allemagne pr\u00e9c\u00e9d\u00e9e par la trizone des puissances occupantes occidentales. Berlin-Est, le secteur sovi\u00e9tique de la ville, \u00e9tait la capitale de la RDA.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49750", "boundaries": [29, 64], "surfaceform": "Parti socialiste unifi\u00e9 d'Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [76, 80], "surfaceform": "URSS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q55300", "boundaries": [96, 126], "surfaceform": "zone occup\u00e9e par l'Arm\u00e9e rouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q713750", "boundaries": [178, 209], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rale d\u2019Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q569998", "boundaries": [226, 233], "surfaceform": "trizone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q56037", "boundaries": [274, 284], "surfaceform": "Berlin-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q64", "boundaries": [314, 319], "surfaceform": "ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q713750", "boundaries": [178, 209], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rale d\u2019Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q569998", "boundaries": [226, 233], "surfaceform": "trizone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12394-2", "title": "R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique allemande", "uri": "Q16957", "text": "La RDA faisait partie des r\u00e9gimes autoritaires qui se revendiquaient comme des , politiquement affili\u00e9s \u00e0 l'URSS au sein du bloc de l'Est. \u00c0 compter du , pour arr\u00eater la fuite vers l'ouest des citoyens est-allemands tentant d'\u00e9chapper \u00e0 la dictature, l'enclave occidentale de Berlin-Ouest est s\u00e9par\u00e9e de Berlin-Est et du reste de la RDA, par le mur de Berlin, qui devient l'un des plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres symboles du . 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Il s'agit de l'un des principaux ports italiens et de l'un des plus grands ports de la mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e. En 2017, elle compte et au sein de son agglom\u00e9ration. 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Maseru est la ville la plus peupl\u00e9e du pays et comptait habitants.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1013", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Lesotho", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q844921", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "son district", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15621274", "boundaries": [123, 130], "surfaceform": "enclav\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q258", "boundaries": [134, 148], "surfaceform": "Afrique du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q123480", "boundaries": [155, 169], "surfaceform": "acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [171, 177], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9150390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1013", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Lesotho", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98388671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q844921", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "son district", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1013", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Lesotho", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q844921", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "son district", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3909", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Maseru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q844921", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "son district", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1013", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Lesotho", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12407-4", "title": "Auguste", "uri": "Q1405", "text": "Auguste meurt en 14, \u00e0 l'\u00e2ge de 75 ans, probablement de causes naturelles, mais des rumeurs font \u00e9tat d'un possible empoisonnement \u00e0 l'instigation de son \u00e9pouse Livie. Son fils adoptif Tib\u00e8re lui succ\u00e8de \u00e0 la t\u00eate de l'Empire romain. Peu apr\u00e8s sa mort, il est divinis\u00e9 par le S\u00e9nat, ent\u00e9rinant de fait la naissance d'un culte vou\u00e9 \u00e0 sa personne qui s'\u00e9tait progressivement r\u00e9pandu dans l'Empire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1405", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auguste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q23596", "boundaries": [17, 19], "surfaceform": "14", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+14^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [17, 19], "surfaceform": "14", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+75^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [32, 34], "surfaceform": "75", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q469701", "boundaries": [161, 166], "surfaceform": "Livie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1407", "boundaries": [185, 191], "surfaceform": "Tib\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3510883", "boundaries": [276, 281], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9nat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1405", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auguste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q469701", "boundaries": [161, 166], "surfaceform": "Livie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 26, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1405", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auguste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1407", "boundaries": [185, 191], "surfaceform": "Tib\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 27, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84228515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9044-0", "title": "Polyn\u00e9sie", "uri": "Q35942", "text": "La Polyn\u00e9sie (du grec ancien : et , \u00ab \u00eeles multiples \u00bb), une des trois r\u00e9gions traditionnelles de l'Oc\u00e9anie selon Dumont d'Urville, est un large groupement d'\u00eeles situ\u00e9es dans le Sud de l'oc\u00e9an Pacifique. Ce regroupement historique est contest\u00e9 par les g\u00e9ographes et les oc\u00e9anistes depuis les ann\u00e9es 1970, mais demeure n\u00e9anmoins largement utilis\u00e9. Issus de la civilisation Lapita, les Polyn\u00e9siens ont d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 une langue et une culture commune durant le aux Tonga et aux Samoa. Au , ils partent peupler les \u00celes de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9, avant d'aller coloniser, entre 1190 et 1290, une zone s'\u00e9tendant sur pr\u00e8s de 50 millions de km\u00b2, de la Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande au sud \u00e0 Hawa\u00ef au nord et jusqu'\u00e0 l'\u00cele de P\u00e2ques \u00e0 l'est. Progressivement, chaque \u00eele ou archipel s'est diff\u00e9renci\u00e9 linguistiquement et culturellement, m\u00eame s'il est d'usage de distinguer Polyn\u00e9sie occidentale et Polyn\u00e9sie orientale. Les Polyn\u00e9siens parlent des langues austron\u00e9siennes du sous-groupe dit \u00ab oc\u00e9anien \u00bb : ce sont les langues polyn\u00e9siennes. 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\u00e0 l'ouest et le Y\u00e9men au sud-ouest. Sa capitale est Mascate. Monarchie ind\u00e9pendante depuis le milieu du , Oman est gouvern\u00e9e par un sultan, Ha\u00eftham ben Tariq, depuis 2020. Selon les classifications de l'indice de d\u00e9mocratie, le pays a un r\u00e9gime autoritaire, mais le plus d\u00e9mocratique de toute la p\u00e9ninsule arabique. L'\u00e9conomie omanaise est particuli\u00e8rement d\u00e9pendante de l'extraction de ses ressources de p\u00e9trole. Son indice de d\u00e9veloppement humain (IDH) est \u00e9lev\u00e9, autour du rang mondial. En ce qui concerne le produit int\u00e9rieur brut (PIB), pour l'ann\u00e9e 2017, Oman se classe autour du rang par habitant et vers le rang en nominal.", "entities": [{"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [32, 36], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q878", "boundaries": [61, 80], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirats arabes unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q851", "boundaries": [92, 107], "surfaceform": "Arabie saoudite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q805", "boundaries": [124, 129], "surfaceform": "Y\u00e9men", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3826", "boundaries": [160, 167], "surfaceform": "Mascate", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q842", "boundaries": [214, 218], "surfaceform": "Oman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q742996", "boundaries": [240, 246], "surfaceform": "sultan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q12250314", "boundaries": 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situ\u00e9s dans l'Ouest de l'oc\u00e9an Pacifique Sud, au sud de l'\u00e9quateur, \u00e0 au sud-sud-est de l'atoll d'Arorae, la plus m\u00e9ridionale des \u00eeles Gilbert (Kiribati), et \u00e0 au nord de Vanua Levu, aux \u00eeles Fidji. 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Nouvelle-Guin\u00e9e sur une superficie de (l'autre moiti\u00e9, la Nouvelle-Guin\u00e9e occidentale, \u00e9tant sous souverainet\u00e9 indon\u00e9sienne). 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) est un \u00c9tat insulaire d'Oc\u00e9anie situ\u00e9 en Micron\u00e9sie, peupl\u00e9 de en 2017 et l'un des plus petits \u00c9tats du monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q697", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nauru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q697", "boundaries": [42, 47], "surfaceform": "Nauru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13307", "boundaries": [52, 59], "surfaceform": "nauruan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6859151", "boundaries": [79, 93], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat insulaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q538", "boundaries": [96, 103], "surfaceform": "Oc\u00e9anie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [113, 123], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q697", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nauru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [113, 123], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q697", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nauru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [113, 123], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q13307", "boundaries": [52, 59], "surfaceform": "nauruan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q697", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nauru", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3359409", "boundaries": [113, 123], "surfaceform": "Micron\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q538", "boundaries": [96, 103], "surfaceform": "Oc\u00e9anie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98779296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9684-3", "title": "Mollusca", "uri": "Q25326", "text": "L'embranchement contient plus de actuelles d\u00e9crites mais on estime que quelque de mollusques marins restent non d\u00e9crits \u00e0 ce jour. De plus on estime le nombre d'esp\u00e8ces fossiles entre et . Ils constituent avec les Chord\u00e9s un des embranchements les plus diversifi\u00e9s du r\u00e8gne animal, apr\u00e8s les arthropodes, ces derniers regroupant, avec pr\u00e8s d'1,5 million d'esp\u00e8ces recens\u00e9es (on \u00e9value le nombre d'esp\u00e8ces possibles dans une fourchette comprise entre 5 et 10 millions d'esp\u00e8ces possibles), plus de 80 % des esp\u00e8ces connues.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q10915", "boundaries": [214, 221], "surfaceform": "Chord\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q216818", "boundaries": [253, 264], "surfaceform": "diversifi\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q729", "boundaries": [268, 280], "surfaceform": "r\u00e8gne animal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1360", "boundaries": [292, 302], "surfaceform": "arthropode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1.5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [342, 345], "surfaceform": "1,5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [450, 451], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [455, 457], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+80^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [497, 499], "surfaceform": "80", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q10915", "boundaries": [214, 221], "surfaceform": "Chord\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q729", "boundaries": [268, 280], "surfaceform": "r\u00e8gne animal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89208984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9834-1", "title": "Thionville", "uri": "Q22640", "text": "Mentionn\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 753 dans une chronique, cette cit\u00e9 devenue lotharingienne en 855 est rattach\u00e9e \u00e0 la Francie orientale en 870 ; puis en 1059 au comt\u00e9 puis duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg, dont elle est une des principales villes. Elle devient ensuite fran\u00e7aise en 1659 par le trait\u00e9 des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es. La commune est par ailleurs allemande durant la p\u00e9riode de l'Alsace-Lorraine (1871-1918), puis \u00e0 la suite de l'annexion \"de facto\" de son d\u00e9partement par l'Allemagne nazie (1940-1944).", "entities": [{"uri": "+753^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [36, 39], "surfaceform": "753", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6673921", "boundaries": [79, 90], "surfaceform": "lotharingie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+855^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 100], "surfaceform": "855", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q153080", "boundaries": [120, 137], "surfaceform": "Francie orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+870^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [141, 144], "surfaceform": "870", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1059^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [155, 159], "surfaceform": "1059", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5177890", "boundaries": [163, 168], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2719360", "boundaries": [174, 179], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3268065", "boundaries": [258, 267], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1659^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [271, 275], "surfaceform": "1659", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q221670", "boundaries": [283, 302], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 des Pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q43287", "boundaries": [332, 341], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q155144", "boundaries": [365, 380], "surfaceform": "Alsace-Lorraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1871^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [382, 386], "surfaceform": "1871", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1918^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [386, 391], "surfaceform": "-1918", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2851538", "boundaries": [438, 453], "surfaceform": "son d\u00e9partement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [460, 475], "surfaceform": "Allemagne nazie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1944^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [481, 486], "surfaceform": "-1944", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2719360", "boundaries": [174, 179], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5177890", "boundaries": [163, 168], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10043-0", "title": "La Joconde", "uri": "Q12418", "text": "La Joconde (italien: La \"Gioconda\" ou \"Monna Lisa\" ), ou Portrait de Mona Lisa, est un tableau de l'artiste L\u00e9onard de Vinci, r\u00e9alis\u00e9 entre 1503 et 1506 ou entre 1513 et 1516, et peut-\u00eatre jusqu'\u00e0 1519 (l'artiste \u00e9tant mort cette ann\u00e9e-l\u00e0, le ), qui repr\u00e9sente un portrait mi-corps, probablement celui de la Florentine Lisa Gherardini, \u00e9pouse de Francesco del Giocondo. 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Sa position g\u00e9ographique, \u00e0 l'embouchure du Rhin et de la Meuse, \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 de la mer du Nord, lui assure une place commerciale strat\u00e9gique dans les \u00e9changes europ\u00e9ens, notamment avec l'Allemagne. Huiti\u00e8me port mondial en 2014 et premier port europ\u00e9en, ses infrastructures portuaires s'\u00e9tendent sur pr\u00e8s de . La capacit\u00e9 et la modernit\u00e9 de celles-ci lui garantissent un quasi-monopole sur les arriv\u00e9es d'hydrocarbures, \u00e9tant le seul port europ\u00e9en, avec Le Havre, capable d'accueillir des \"supertankers\" transportant jusqu'\u00e0 de p\u00e9trole. 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Elle re\u00e7oit son statut de ville en 1340. Le commerce y fleurit pendant plusieurs si\u00e8cles, tandis que le port s'\u00e9tend et que le commerce avec les Indes occidentales et orientales s'accro\u00eet. Ville natale du philosophe humaniste \u00c9rasme au et du peintre Pieter de Hooch au , elle favorise la vie culturelle et participe au rayonnement n\u00e9erlandais durant le si\u00e8cle d'or. Au , apr\u00e8s une stagnation de son commerce due au blocus continental et \u00e0 l'inadaptation de son port, la ville grandit \u00e0 nouveau vers 1870, avec le percement d'une nouvelle voie d'eau qui lui donne un acc\u00e8s direct \u00e0 la mer du Nord, l'agrandissement de son port et l'industrialisation de ses infrastructures. Des ann\u00e9es de r\u00e9cession r\u00e9sultent de la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, suivie de la crise \u00e9conomique de 1929. La Seconde Guerre mondiale met un coup d'arr\u00eat \u00e0 ce d\u00e9veloppement, le centre de Rotterdam \u00e9tant totalement d\u00e9truit par l'arm\u00e9e nazie, lors du bombardement a\u00e9rien du qui force le pays \u00e0 capituler. La reconstruction reprend apr\u00e8s-guerre, ainsi que l'expansion du port et des industries associ\u00e9es. Apr\u00e8s une r\u00e9cession dans les , due aux chocs p\u00e9troliers successifs, la ville diversifie ses activit\u00e9s \u00e9conomiques et commerciales en lien avec l'expansion de son port dans les . 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Pedro Alvares Cabral et l'exp\u00e9dition portugaise qu'il commandait, y accost\u00e8rent le , prenant officiellement possession du territoire au nom de la couronne portugaise.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q499922", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Porto Seguro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q174432", "boundaries": [39, 59], "surfaceform": "Pedro Alvares Cabral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [76, 86], "surfaceform": "portugaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q174432", "boundaries": [39, 59], "surfaceform": "Pedro Alvares Cabral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [76, 86], "surfaceform": "portugaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.72119140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "57175-2", "title": "B\u00e9lisaire", "uri": "Q174943", "text": "Il se r\u00e9v\u00e8le sur le front oriental, en battant les Sassanides lors de la bataille de Dara en 530. S'il est vaincu l'ann\u00e9e suivante \u00e0 la bataille de Callinicum, il ne perd pas pour autant toutes les faveurs imp\u00e9riales. Plus encore, il joue un r\u00f4le cardinal dans l'\u00e9crasement de la s\u00e9dition Nika \u00e0 Constantinople, qui a mis en p\u00e9ril le pouvoir de Justinien. En 533, il est \u00e0 la t\u00eate d'une arm\u00e9e charg\u00e9e de conqu\u00e9rir le royaume vandale en Afrique du Nord. Au terme d'une campagne fructueuse, il vainc sans grandes difficult\u00e9s G\u00e9limer \u00e0 deux reprises, assurant le retour de la r\u00e9gion dans le giron imp\u00e9rial. Deux ans plus tard, il est envoy\u00e9 combattre les Ostrogoths lors de la guerre des Goths (535-553), dans le but de conqu\u00e9rir l'Italie, c\u0153ur historique de l'Empire romain que Justinien esp\u00e8re reconstituer. L\u00e0 encore, B\u00e9lisaire progresse rapidement et entre dans Rome en 536. Mieux, il en soutient victorieusement le si\u00e8ge. Son d\u00e9part d'Italie en 540 pour combattre \u00e0 nouveau sur le front perse co\u00efncide avec le retour en force des Ostrogoths, l'obligeant \u00e0 revenir d\u00e8s 542. En d\u00e9pit d'effectifs insuffisants, il parvient \u00e0 contrecarrer Totila, le roi des Ostrogoths, m\u00eame si c'est Nars\u00e8s qui termine la conqu\u00eate de l'Italie. Durant les ann\u00e9es suivantes, B\u00e9lisaire est moins actif militairement m\u00eame s'il d\u00e9fend Constantinople contre un raid des Koutrigoures en 559.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q83891", "boundaries": [51, 61], "surfaceform": "Sassanides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q385604", "boundaries": [73, 89], "surfaceform": "bataille de Dara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+530^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [93, 96], "surfaceform": "530", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1265750", "boundaries": [136, 158], "surfaceform": "bataille de Callinicum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q162665", "boundaries": [280, 293], "surfaceform": "s\u00e9dition Nika", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q16869", "boundaries": [296, 310], "surfaceform": "Constantinople", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+533^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [359, 362], "surfaceform": 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lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec (PLQ) est un parti politique qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois \u0153uvrant sur la sc\u00e8ne provinciale. Il est le plus ancien parti politique de la province, pr\u00e9sent depuis 1867. Le pouvoir lui est revenu dans une alternance qui l'opposa successivement au Parti conservateur du Qu\u00e9bec, \u00e0 l'Union nationale, au Parti qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois puis \u00e0 la Coalition avenir Qu\u00e9bec. Le Parti lib\u00e9ral est un parti f\u00e9d\u00e9raliste, c'est-\u00e0-dire qu'il appuie l'id\u00e9e du maintien du Qu\u00e9bec comme province du Canada : il s'opposera \u00e0 l'ind\u00e9pendance du Qu\u00e9bec lors des r\u00e9f\u00e9rendums de 1980 et de 1995 et appuiera la r\u00e9forme de la constitution canadienne lors du r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum de 1992. La minorit\u00e9 anglophone qu\u00e9b\u00e9coise ainsi que les immigrants constituent g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement la base \u00e9lectorale du PLQ.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1631384", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q582304", "boundaries": [40, 65], "surfaceform": "parti politique qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q986069", "boundaries": [81, 98], "surfaceform": "sc\u00e8ne provinciale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2810401", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1867", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1867^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [169, 173], "surfaceform": "1867", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2597606", "boundaries": [252, 280], "surfaceform": "Parti conservateur du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1815983", "boundaries": [286, 301], "surfaceform": "Union nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q950356", "boundaries": [306, 321], "surfaceform": "Parti qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2348226", "boundaries": [332, 355], "surfaceform": "Coalition avenir Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3091392", "boundaries": [387, 398], "surfaceform": "f\u00e9d\u00e9raliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q16", "boundaries": [473, 479], "surfaceform": "Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2064289", "boundaries": [547, 551], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [547, 551], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q943044", "boundaries": [558, 562], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1995^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [558, 562], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16674290", "boundaries": [638, 642], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1992^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [638, 642], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2388245", "boundaries": [656, 677], "surfaceform": "anglophone qu\u00e9b\u00e9coise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q943044", "boundaries": [558, 562], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q16674290", "boundaries": [638, 642], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9794921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "65492-1", "title": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec", "uri": "Q1631384", "text": "Le Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec se r\u00e9clame de huit \u00ab grandes valeurs lib\u00e9rales \u00bb, \u00e0 savoir la libert\u00e9 individuelle, le d\u00e9veloppement \u00e9conomique, l'identification au Qu\u00e9bec, la justice sociale, le respect de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 civile, la d\u00e9mocratie, l'appartenance du Qu\u00e9bec \u00e0 la f\u00e9d\u00e9ration canadienne et l'\u00e9quit\u00e9 interg\u00e9n\u00e9rationnelle. Au fil de l'histoire, le positionnement id\u00e9ologique du Parti lib\u00e9ral a relativement \u00e9volu\u00e9. Durant les premi\u00e8res d\u00e9cennies de la f\u00e9d\u00e9ration canadienne, le Parti lib\u00e9ral tente de s'inscrire dans la lign\u00e9e des whigs et des lib\u00e9raux britanniques et de se d\u00e9faire d'une image radicale et anticl\u00e9ricale h\u00e9rit\u00e9e de son anc\u00eatre, le Parti rouge. Le gouvernement de Honor\u00e9 Mercier est l'occasion d'une affirmation autonomiste face au gouvernement f\u00e9d\u00e9ral et d'une \u00e9ph\u00e9m\u00e8re alliance avec des d\u00e9put\u00e9s conservateurs sous les traits du Parti national. Alors que le Parti lib\u00e9ral r\u00e8gne sur le Qu\u00e9bec sans interruption entre 1897 et 1936, il d\u00e9fend \u00ab un programme lib\u00e9ral classique ax\u00e9 sur le d\u00e9veloppement \u00e9conomique \u00bb. \u00c0 la suite de l'\u00e9lection d'Ad\u00e9lard Godbout en 1939, les lib\u00e9raux ont privil\u00e9gi\u00e9 des orientations plut\u00f4t interventionnistes et keyn\u00e9siennes, surtout sous les gouvernements de Jean Lesage entre 1960 et 1966 et de Robert Bourassa entre 1970 et 1976. 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Les gouvernements Lesage et Bourassa, s'ils n'entendirent jamais favoriser l'ind\u00e9pendance du Qu\u00e9bec, pr\u00e9sent\u00e8rent d'importantes revendications nationalistes et autonomistes, culminant avec l'\u00e9chec de l'accord du lac Meech en 1990 et de l'accord de Charlottetown en 1992. Les r\u00e9cents gouvernements Charest et Couillard n'ont toutefois pas pris autant \u00e0 c\u0153ur la question nationale, ayant largement respect\u00e9 le \"statu quo\" d\u00e9coulant du rapatriement unilat\u00e9ral de la constitution en 1982 et le gouvernement Couillard ayant eu une position relativement au nationalisme consid\u00e9r\u00e9e par plusieurs observateurs comme \u00e9tant proche de l'id\u00e9ologie multiculturaliste. Pour ces raisons, le Parti Lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec est parfois jug\u00e9 comme un parti centr\u00e9 sur les int\u00e9r\u00eats des non-francophones. Le Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec n'est plus affili\u00e9 au Parti lib\u00e9ral du Canada depuis 1955.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3586422", "boundaries": [36, 40], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [36, 40], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q48966", "boundaries": [57, 69], "surfaceform": "Jean Charest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q844072", "boundaries": [136, 148], "surfaceform": "centre-droit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q76074", "boundaries": [288, 294], "surfaceform": "droite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q950356", "boundaries": [298, 313], "surfaceform": "Parti qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [369, 386], "surfaceform": "interculturalisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q821102", "boundaries": [393, 405], "surfaceform": "progressisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q835352", "boundaries": [628, 647], "surfaceform": "accord du lac Meech", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [651, 655], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2081029", "boundaries": [664, 687], "surfaceform": "accord de Charlottetown", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1992^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [691, 695], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q20310885", "boundaries": [831, 909], "surfaceform": "le \"statu quo\" d\u00e9coulant du rapatriement unilat\u00e9ral de la constitution en 1982", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1982^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [905, 909], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3141508", "boundaries": [977, 989], "surfaceform": "nationalisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3327670", "boundaries": [1052, 1079], "surfaceform": "id\u00e9ologie multiculturaliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1631384", "boundaries": [1207, 1230], "surfaceform": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q138345", "boundaries": [1253, 1276], "surfaceform": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q18577", "boundaries": [1284, 1288], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1955^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1284, 1288], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1631384", "boundaries": [1207, 1230], "surfaceform": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q138345", "boundaries": [1253, 1276], "surfaceform": "Parti lib\u00e9ral du Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 16, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.27001953125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "57734-1", "title": "Fontenay-sous-Bois", "uri": "Q193899", "text": "Situ\u00e9e \u00e0 \u00e0 l'est de Paris, la ville est b\u00e2tie entre d'altitude, \u00e0 cheval sur la terminaison du long plateau de Belleville, ligne de cr\u00eate qui s\u00e9pare les bassins versants de la Seine et de la Marne. La nature des sols a donn\u00e9 naissance \u00e0 de nombreuses sources qui valurent \u00e0 la cit\u00e9 son nom de Fontenay. Sa proximit\u00e9 avec le bois de Vincennes lui permit de se d\u00e9marquer d'autres communes homonymes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q19945216", "boundaries": [100, 121], "surfaceform": "plateau de Belleville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [176, 181], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41983", "boundaries": [191, 196], "surfaceform": "Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q124714", "boundaries": [251, 258], "surfaceform": "sources", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q271639", "boundaries": [324, 341], "surfaceform": "bois de Vincennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q41983", "boundaries": [191, 196], "surfaceform": "Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [176, 181], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "57750-0", "title": "BNP Paribas", "uri": "Q499707", "text": "BNP Paribas est une banque fran\u00e7aise, la premi\u00e8re banque fran\u00e7aise par son activit\u00e9 et sa rentabilit\u00e9, et le groupe bancaire international, pr\u00e9sent dans . Constituant l'un des piliers de l'industrie bancaire fran\u00e7aise, il est cot\u00e9 au premier march\u00e9 d'Euronext Paris et fait partie de l'indice CAC 40. Au , le r\u00e9sultat net part du groupe s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 d'euros. N\u00e9e en 2000 de la fusion entre la Banque nationale de Paris et Paribas, le groupe BNP Paribas est, en 2020, la marque fran\u00e7aise dont la valeur est la plus \u00e9lev\u00e9e. Sa valeur de marque est de d'euros en 2020.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q22687", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "banque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [27, 36], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q22687", "boundaries": [116, 124], "surfaceform": "bancaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2385849", "boundaries": [251, 265], "surfaceform": "Euronext Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q648828", "boundaries": [293, 299], "surfaceform": "CAC 40", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+40^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [297, 299], "surfaceform": "40", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [363, 367], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2883414", "boundaries": [390, 415], "surfaceform": "Banque nationale de Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3365072", "boundaries": [419, 426], "surfaceform": "Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [438, 449], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [458, 462], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [557, 561], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q22687", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "banque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.74560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [27, 36], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q648828", "boundaries": [293, 299], "surfaceform": "CAC 40", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q499707", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "BNP Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3365072", "boundaries": [419, 426], "surfaceform": "Paribas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "57823-0", "title": "Iekaterinbourg", "uri": "Q887", "text": "Iekaterinbourg ou Ekaterinbourg (en ) est une ville de Russie, en Sib\u00e9rie occidentale. Arros\u00e9e par l\u2019Isset, un affluent de la Tobol, elle est la capitale administrative de l'oblast de Sverdlovsk, dans l'Oural. \u00c0 l'\u00e9poque sovi\u00e9tique, elle s'appelait Sverdlovsk (en ), en l'honneur du bolchevik Iakov Sverdlov. Avec une population de en 2016, elle est la quatri\u00e8me ville de Russie, derri\u00e8re Moscou, Saint-P\u00e9tersbourg et Novossibirsk. 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Si Nic\u00e9e demeura sa capitale et le si\u00e8ge du patriarcat pendant toute sa br\u00e8ve histoire (1204 \u2013 1261), les empereurs \u00e9tablirent leur r\u00e9sidence et le si\u00e8ge du gouvernement \u00e0 Nymphaion (aujourd\u2019hui Kemalpa\u015fa), ville de Lydie, moins expos\u00e9e aux arm\u00e9es ennemies. Se d\u00e9fendant \u00e0 la fois contre les \u00c9tats successeurs et le sultanat seldjoukide, Th\u00e9odore Laskaris r\u00e9ussit \u00e0 \u00e9difier un \u00c9tat politiquement stable et \u00e9conomiquement viable en Asie Mineure. Ses successeurs, Jean III Doukas Vatatz\u00e8s et Th\u00e9odore II Laskaris, \u00e9tendirent le territoire de l\u2019empire en Europe, encerclant progressivement Constantinople. 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Tainan a \u00e9t\u00e9 fond\u00e9e par la Compagnie n\u00e9erlandaise des Indes orientales en tant que base commerciale sous le nom de Fort Zeelandia alors que les Pays-Bas contr\u00f4laient Ta\u00efwan. Apr\u00e8s que les colons ont \u00e9t\u00e9 vaincus par Koxinga en 1661, Tainan demeure la capitale du royaume de Tungning jusqu\u2019en 1683, puis la capitale de la pr\u00e9fecture de Ta\u00efwan sous la dynastie Qing jusqu\u2019en 1887, quand le centre administratif de l\u2019\u00eele se d\u00e9place \u00e0 Taipei. En 1895, l\u2019\u00e9ph\u00e9m\u00e8re R\u00e9publique de Formose installe sa capitale \u00e0 Tainan. L\u2019ancien nom de Tainan, Tayouan, est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l\u2019origine de l\u2019appellation \u00ab Ta\u00efwan \u00bb. 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Fond\u00e9 le au terme de la partition des Indes sous la forme d'un \u00c9tat constitu\u00e9 de deux parties s\u00e9par\u00e9es par pr\u00e8s de de territoire indien, avec comme d\u00e9nominateur commun la religion musulmane, le pays se trouve r\u00e9duit \u00e0 sa partie occidentale en 1971 au terme de la guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance du Bangladesh. Depuis sa cr\u00e9ation, il entretient des relations tendues avec l\u2019Inde en raison de pr\u00e9tentions territoriales concurrentes sur le Cachemire, les deux pays s'\u00e9tant affront\u00e9s \u00e0 travers . En revanche, le Pakistan est un alli\u00e9 des \u00c9tats-Unis et entretient des relations cordiales avec la Chine. 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Avec pr\u00e8s de d\u2019habitants en 2017, le Pakistan est le cinqui\u00e8me pays le plus peupl\u00e9 du monde, avec la deuxi\u00e8me plus nombreuse population musulmane apr\u00e8s l\u2019Indon\u00e9sie. C'est une r\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rale et les provinces disposent de certains pouvoirs et d'institutions d\u00e9mocratiques. Les fronti\u00e8res des quatre provinces correspondent approximativement aux principales ethnies. L'ourdou est la langue officielle du pays, mais en r\u00e9alit\u00e9, la majorit\u00e9 de la population parle l'une des langues en usage dans les principales ethnies du pays, \u00e0 savoir le pendjabi, le pachto, le sindhi et le baloutchi.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q843", "boundaries": [19, 27], "surfaceform": "Pakistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q475027", "boundaries": [33, 49], "surfaceform": "indo-europ\u00e9ennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q179733", "boundaries": [66, 79], "surfaceform": "indo-aryennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+80^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [81, 83], "surfaceform": "80", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1672477", "boundaries": [90, 100], "surfaceform": "iraniennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [102, 104], "surfaceform": "20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [181, 185], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q843", "boundaries": [190, 198], "surfaceform": "Pakistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q712280", "boundaries": [216, 244], "surfaceform": "pays le plus peupl\u00e9 du monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q252", "boundaries": [307, 316], "surfaceform": "Indon\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1617", "boundaries": [524, 530], "surfaceform": "ourdou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q58635", "boundaries": [694, 702], "surfaceform": "pendjabi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q58680", "boundaries": [707, 713], "surfaceform": "pachto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33997", "boundaries": [718, 724], "surfaceform": "sindhi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33049", "boundaries": [731, 740], "surfaceform": "baloutchi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1672477", "boundaries": [90, 100], "surfaceform": "iraniennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q475027", "boundaries": [33, 49], "surfaceform": "indo-europ\u00e9ennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.57861328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "878111-2", "title": "Pakistan", "uri": "Q843", "text": "Politiquement, le Pakistan est caract\u00e9ris\u00e9 par une confrontation entre les militaires qui ont men\u00e9 trois coups d\u2019\u00c9tat et diverses forces politiques. L\u2019histoire du pays a \u00e9t\u00e9 marqu\u00e9e par Ali Jinnah, Ali Bhutto, sa fille Benazir et Nawaz Sharif, ainsi que par les coups d\u2019\u00c9tat des chefs de l'arm\u00e9e Ayub Khan en 1958, Zia-ul-Haq en 1977 et Pervez Musharraf en 1999. Le syst\u00e8me politique est parlementaire mais a parfois \u00e9t\u00e9 semi-pr\u00e9sidentiel, notamment sous les r\u00e9gimes militaires. Souffrant r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement de l'instabilit\u00e9 de son voisin afghan, le pays conna\u00eet une insurrection talibane provenant des r\u00e9gions tribales du Nord-Ouest, et l\u2019arm\u00e9e se livre \u00e0 des op\u00e9rations militaires contre eux depuis 2004. 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l'origine, les quatre membres demandent directement des id\u00e9es au public \u00e0 la fin de leur second concert. 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L'URAP a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9tablie par l'arr\u00eat\u00e9 du gouvernement de l'URSS du . 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r\u00e8gne (soit vers -1245). 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L'\u00e9clairage est l'un des plus performants au monde, car \u00e0 la pointe de la technologie Philips.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q500972", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "Stade Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11938", "boundaries": [77, 90], "surfaceform": "PSV Eindhoven", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [100, 108], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q170416", "boundaries": [276, 283], "surfaceform": "Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q9832", "boundaries": [294, 303], "surfaceform": "Eindhoven", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q500972", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "Stade Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11938", "boundaries": [77, 90], "surfaceform": "PSV Eindhoven", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q500972", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "Stade Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [100, 108], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q500972", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "Stade Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170416", "boundaries": [276, 283], "surfaceform": "Philips", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8486328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11938", "boundaries": [77, 90], "surfaceform": "PSV Eindhoven", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [100, 108], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "653859-0", "title": "Berlin-Ouest", "uri": "Q56036", "text": "Berlin-Ouest est la partie ouest de la ville allemande de Berlin ayant eu une identit\u00e9 propre de la cr\u00e9ation de la Trizone le jusqu\u2019au trait\u00e9 de Moscou du . Elle r\u00e9sulte donc du ralliement, en 1945, apr\u00e8s la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des zones de Berlin contr\u00f4l\u00e9es par les trois puissances occidentales victorieuses (les \u00c9tats-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et la France) face \u00e0 Berlin-Est, sous contr\u00f4le sovi\u00e9tique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q56036", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Berlin-Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q679", "boundaries": [27, 32], "surfaceform": "ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q64", "boundaries": [58, 64], "surfaceform": "Berlin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q569998", "boundaries": [115, 122], "surfaceform": "Trizone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q159644", "boundaries": [135, 151], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de Moscou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2895637", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [208, 231], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [320, 330], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [335, 346], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [353, 359], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q56037", "boundaries": [368, 378], "surfaceform": "Berlin-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [394, 404], "surfaceform": "sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q159644", "boundaries": [135, 151], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de Moscou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97216796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [320, 330], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [394, 404], "surfaceform": "sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.68701171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "654406-0", "title": "\u00c9glise de Su\u00e8de", "uri": "Q749243", "text": "L'\u00c9glise su\u00e9doise (en su\u00e9dois \"Svenska kyrkan\") est une \u00e9glise luth\u00e9rienne d'\u00e9piscopat historique valide. Elle est membre de la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration luth\u00e9rienne mondiale. Elle s'est s\u00e9par\u00e9e de l'\u00c9glise catholique romaine \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque de la R\u00e9forme, et est devenue, par d\u00e9cision du Riksdag (parlement) r\u00e9uni \u00e0 V\u00e4ster\u00e5s en 1527, une \u00e9glise d'\u00c9tat, dont le chef (\u00e9lu) est l'archev\u00eaque d'Uppsala. Jusqu'au , il a \u00e9t\u00e9 interdit aux Su\u00e9dois de quitter l'\u00c9glise de Su\u00e8de, m\u00eame si de nombreuses dissidences, notamment pi\u00e9tistes, ont jalonn\u00e9 son histoire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9027", "boundaries": [22, 29], "surfaceform": "su\u00e9dois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34651", "boundaries": [56, 62], "surfaceform": "\u00e9glise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q75809", "boundaries": [63, 74], "surfaceform": "luth\u00e9rienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49482", "boundaries": [77, 97], "surfaceform": "\u00e9piscopat historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q942284", "boundaries": [128, 159], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration luth\u00e9rienne mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q9592", "boundaries": [185, 210], "surfaceform": "\u00c9glise catholique romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12562", "boundaries": [228, 235], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9forme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q272930", "boundaries": [269, 276], "surfaceform": "Riksdag", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q25412", "boundaries": [297, 305], "surfaceform": "V\u00e4ster\u00e5s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6412", "boundaries": [309, 313], "surfaceform": "1527", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1527^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [309, 313], "surfaceform": "1527", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q188213", "boundaries": [319, 332], "surfaceform": "\u00e9glise d'\u00c9tat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49476", "boundaries": [359, 369], "surfaceform": "archev\u00eaque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25286", "boundaries": [372, 379], "surfaceform": "Uppsala", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q749243", "boundaries": [435, 450], "surfaceform": "\u00c9glise de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q193664", "boundaries": [497, 506], "surfaceform": "pi\u00e9tistes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q749243", "boundaries": [435, 450], "surfaceform": "\u00c9glise de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q942284", "boundaries": [128, 159], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration luth\u00e9rienne mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q749243", "boundaries": [435, 450], "surfaceform": "\u00c9glise de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25286", "boundaries": [372, 379], "surfaceform": "Uppsala", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "724254-0", "title": "SAVAK", "uri": "Q953108", "text": "La SAVAK (persan : acronyme de \"S\u0101zm\u0101n-e Ettel\u0101'\u0101t va Amniyat-e Keshvar\", Organisation pour le renseignement et la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 nationale) \u00e9tait le service de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 int\u00e9rieure et le service de renseignement de l'Iran entre 1957 et 1979, sous le r\u00e8gne de Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Dissous \u00e0 la R\u00e9volution islamique, il fut remplac\u00e9 par le VEVAK, en 1984, renomm\u00e9 Vaja par la suite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q953108", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "SAVAK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q9168", "boundaries": [10, 16], "surfaceform": "persan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q939616", "boundaries": [181, 205], "surfaceform": "service de renseignement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5311", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "1957", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1957^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "1957", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2484", "boundaries": [230, 234], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [230, 234], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q128245", "boundaries": [253, 274], "surfaceform": "Mohammad Reza Pahlavi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1365657", "boundaries": [334, 339], "surfaceform": "VEVAK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1984^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "1984", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q953108", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "SAVAK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q9168", "boundaries": [10, 16], "surfaceform": "persan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9208984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1365657", "boundaries": [334, 339], "surfaceform": "VEVAK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q953108", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "SAVAK", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "723991-1", "title": "Ghilzai", "uri": "Q205377", "text": "Les Ghilzais sont concentr\u00e9s dans une zone entre Ghazni et Kalat-i-Ghilzai \u00e0 l'est sur le territoire du Pakistan occidental. Ce groupe est majoritairement nomade, au contraire des Durrani qui sont plut\u00f4t s\u00e9dentaires. Les estimations de population peuvent varier mais repr\u00e9sentent environ 20 \u00e0 25 % de la population afghane, et probablement un nombre de 9 millions en Afghanistan seul et 2 millions au Pakistan. Comme tous les Pachtounes, les Ghilzais descendent des tribus aryennes et parlent le pachto. Il est possible qu'ils descendent aussi des Turcs Khalaj, qui sont entr\u00e9s en Afghanistan au en m\u00eame temps que d'autres envahisseurs d'Asie centrale et du Moyen-Orient. La plupart des Ghilzais sont des musulmans sunnites de l'\u00e9cole Hanafite, sont souvent tr\u00e8s d\u00e9vots et suivent aussi le code d'honneur pachtoune connu sous le nom de \"Pachtounwali\". La plupart des Ghilzais travaillent comme \u00e9leveurs mais aussi dans la construction et d'autres m\u00e9tiers leur permettant de voyager. Ils ont un taux d'alphab\u00e9tisation tr\u00e8s bas d'environ 10 %.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [4, 11], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q173731", "boundaries": [49, 55], "surfaceform": "Ghazni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [67, 74], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [288, 290], "surfaceform": "20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+25^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [293, 295], "surfaceform": "25", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+9^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [353, 354], "surfaceform": "9", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [387, 388], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [442, 449], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q179733", "boundaries": [473, 478], "surfaceform": "aryen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q58680", "boundaries": [496, 502], "surfaceform": "pachto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27275", "boundaries": [638, 651], "surfaceform": "Asie centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7204", "boundaries": [658, 670], "surfaceform": "Moyen-Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [687, 694], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [705, 714], "surfaceform": "musulmans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q483654", "boundaries": [715, 722], "surfaceform": "sunnite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q228986", "boundaries": [735, 743], "surfaceform": "Hanafite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1422634", "boundaries": [837, 849], "surfaceform": "Pachtounwali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [867, 874], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q8236", "boundaries": [1001, 1016], "surfaceform": "alphab\u00e9tisation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1036, 1038], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q483654", "boundaries": [715, 722], "surfaceform": "sunnite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [705, 714], "surfaceform": "musulmans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94775390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q228986", "boundaries": [735, 743], "surfaceform": "Hanafite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q483654", "boundaries": [715, 722], "surfaceform": "sunnite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96337890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "723991-2", "title": "Ghilzai", "uri": "Q205377", "text": "Les Ghilzais ont jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant dans l'histoire du Moyen-Orient, de l'Asie centrale et de l'Asie du sud. La dynastie Ghazn\u00e9vide fait probablement partie des anc\u00eatres des Ghilzais, la dynastie des Khaldj\u00ee qui r\u00e9gn\u00e8rent sur le Sultanat de Dehli (1290-1320) et ainsi que la dynastie des Lodi, qui r\u00e9gn\u00e8rent sur le Sultanat de Delhi (1450\u20131526). En 1709, Mir Wais Khan, un Pachtoun Ghilzai, fonda la dynastie Hotaki (1709-1738), qui favorisa l'\u00e9clatement d'une r\u00e9volte tribale contre les ma\u00eetres persans amenant la domination afghane de l'Iran de 1722 \u00e0 1734 par Mahmoud (Ghilzai) puis par Ashraf (Ghilzai) avant que N\u00e2dir Ch\u00e2h ne reprenne le pouvoir en Iran.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [4, 11], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q12844800", "boundaries": [128, 138], "surfaceform": "Ghazn\u00e9vide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205377", "boundaries": [181, 188], "surfaceform": "Ghilzai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q919071", "boundaries": [194, 214], "surfaceform": "dynastie des Khaldj\u00ee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5552", "boundaries": [255, 259], "surfaceform": "1290", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1290^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [255, 259], 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Il est connu pour ses compositions \"Firestone\" feat Conrad Sewell (2014) et \"\" feat. Parson James (2015). 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L'East Lothian est frontalier de la ville d'\u00c9dimbourg et du Midlothian \u00e0 l'ouest et des Scottish Borders au sud. La principale ville est Musselburgh mais le chef lieu en est cependant Haddington.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q207257", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "East Lothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+32^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [28, 30], "surfaceform": "32", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q461231", "boundaries": [31, 44], "surfaceform": "council areas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q202435", "boundaries": [70, 91], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de lieutenance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q207257", "boundaries": [95, 107], "surfaceform": "East Lothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23436", "boundaries": [137, 146], "surfaceform": "\u00c9dimbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q206934", "boundaries": [153, 163], "surfaceform": "Midlothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q211113", "boundaries": [181, 197], "surfaceform": "Scottish Borders", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37718", "boundaries": [230, 241], "surfaceform": "Musselburgh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2281658", "boundaries": [277, 287], "surfaceform": "Haddington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q202435", "boundaries": [70, 91], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de lieutenance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q461231", "boundaries": [31, 44], "surfaceform": "council areas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7216796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q207257", "boundaries": [2, 14], "surfaceform": "East Lothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q211113", "boundaries": [181, 197], "surfaceform": "Scottish Borders", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97607421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q206934", "boundaries": [153, 163], "surfaceform": "Midlothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q211113", "boundaries": [181, 197], "surfaceform": "Scottish Borders", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.88671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "664865-2", "title": "Ilh\u00e9us", "uri": "Q373705", "text": "Ilh\u00e9us fut fond\u00e9e en 1534. Elle est mondialement connue pour avoir servi de cadre aux romans de Jorge Amado comme Gabriela, Cravo e Canela.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q373705", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Ilh\u00e9us", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6447", "boundaries": [21, 25], "surfaceform": "1534", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1534^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [21, 25], "surfaceform": "1534", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q184440", "boundaries": [96, 107], "surfaceform": "Jorge Amado", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q140050", "boundaries": [114, 138], "surfaceform": "Gabriela, Cravo e Canela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q184440", "boundaries": [96, 107], "surfaceform": "Jorge Amado", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q140050", "boundaries": [114, 138], "surfaceform": "Gabriela, Cravo e Canela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q140050", "boundaries": [114, 138], "surfaceform": "Gabriela, Cravo e Canela", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q184440", "boundaries": [96, 107], "surfaceform": "Jorge Amado", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "665037-2", "title": "Birmanie", "uri": "Q836", "text": "\u00c0 la suite de la victoire de son parti, la Ligue nationale pour la d\u00e9mocratie (NDL) aux \u00e9lections de novembre 2015, un proche d'Aung San Suu Kyi, Htin Kyaw, devient pr\u00e9sident de la Birmanie le 15 mars 2016, alors qu'elle-m\u00eame acc\u00e8de le 6 avril au poste de \u00ab ministre du conseil d'\u00c9tat \u00bb, \u00e9quivalent de premier ministre. Toutefois 25 % des si\u00e8ges de d\u00e9put\u00e9s sont occup\u00e9s par des militaires non \u00e9lus. Le , Win Myint devient le nouveau pr\u00e9sident, apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9mission de Htin Kyaw pour raisons de sant\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q849603", "boundaries": [43, 77], "surfaceform": "Ligue nationale pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "2015-11-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [101, 114], "surfaceform": "novembre 2015", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q36740", "boundaries": [128, 144], "surfaceform": "Aung San Suu Kyi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q23020990", "boundaries": [146, 155], "surfaceform": "Htin Kyaw", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q836", "boundaries": [181, 189], "surfaceform": "Birmanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2016-03-15T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [193, 205], "surfaceform": "15 mars 2016", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+6^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [236, 237], "surfaceform": "6", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+25^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [330, 332], "surfaceform": "25", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8023642", "boundaries": [404, 413], "surfaceform": "Win Myint", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q849603", "boundaries": [43, 77], "surfaceform": "Ligue nationale pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q836", "boundaries": [181, 189], "surfaceform": "Birmanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9794921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q23020990", "boundaries": [146, 155], "surfaceform": "Htin Kyaw", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q849603", "boundaries": [43, 77], "surfaceform": "Ligue nationale pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "802627-3", "title": "Lyon", "uri": "Q456", "text": "Par sa population, Lyon constitue la troisi\u00e8me commune de France, avec au dernier recensement de 2018. Elle est ville-centre de la ( en 2018) et la aire d'attraction ( en 2018) de France. Elle est la pr\u00e9fecture du d\u00e9partement du Rh\u00f4ne, de la r\u00e9gion Auvergne-Rh\u00f4ne-Alpes, de la zone de d\u00e9fense et de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 Sud-Est et le si\u00e8ge de la m\u00e9tropole de Lyon, qui rassemble 59 communes et en 2017. La ville exerce une attractivit\u00e9 d'importance nationale et europ\u00e9enne. Son importance dans les domaines culturels, bancaires, financiers, commerciaux, technologiques, pharmaceutiques, ou encore les arts et les divertissements font de celle-ci une ville mondiale de rang \u00ab Beta- \u00bb selon le classement GaWC en 2018, comparable \u00e0 Birmingham, Seattle ou Valence. C'est \u00e9galement le si\u00e8ge d'Interpol depuis 1989.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q456", "boundaries": [19, 23], "surfaceform": "Lyon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2723600", "boundaries": [37, 64], "surfaceform": "troisi\u00e8me commune de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [148, 165], "surfaceform": "aire d'attraction", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q25291", "boundaries": [171, 175], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [171, 175], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": 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"Q12962", "text": "Entre 1999 et 2008, avant de devenir un parti, Debout la R\u00e9publique est un courant du RPR puis de l'UMP. Son pr\u00e9sident-fondateur, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, se pr\u00e9sente notamment sans succ\u00e8s au congr\u00e8s de l\u2019UMP de 2004.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [6, 10], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2008^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [14, 18], "surfaceform": "2008", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1052584", "boundaries": [86, 89], "surfaceform": "RPR", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q173152", "boundaries": [100, 103], "surfaceform": "UMP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2993107", "boundaries": [190, 214], "surfaceform": "congr\u00e8s de l\u2019UMP de 2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [210, 214], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q173152", "boundaries": [100, 103], "surfaceform": "UMP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1052584", "boundaries": [86, 89], "surfaceform": "RPR", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "786053-2", "title": "Debout la France", "uri": "Q12962", "text": "Son pr\u00e9sident se pr\u00e9sente ensuite aux \u00e9lections pr\u00e9sidentielles de 2012 et de 2017, o\u00f9 il recueille respectivement 1,8 % et 4,7 % des suffrages exprim\u00e9s. Au second tour du scrutin de 2017, DLF soutient Marine Le Pen, une association qui prend fin apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9faite de celle-ci.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q487666", "boundaries": [64, 71], "surfaceform": "de 2012", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [67, 71], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7020999", "boundaries": [75, 82], "surfaceform": "de 2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [78, 82], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1.8^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [115, 118], "surfaceform": "1,8", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+4.7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [124, 127], "surfaceform": "4,7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [183, 187], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q12927", "boundaries": [202, 215], "surfaceform": "Marine Le Pen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7020999", "boundaries": [75, 82], "surfaceform": "de 2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q487666", "boundaries": [64, 71], "surfaceform": "de 2012", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9814453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "787392-0", "title": "Kingu", "uri": "Q762282", "text": "Kingu (ou Qingu) est un dieu de la mythologie Babylonienne. Il devient l'\u00e9poux de Tiamat (sa m\u00e8re) apr\u00e8s qu'Apsu (son p\u00e8re) a \u00e9t\u00e9 tu\u00e9 par Ea. Tiamat lui confie les tablettes de la destin\u00e9e et le met \u00e0 la t\u00eate de l'arm\u00e9e de monstres qu'elle a cr\u00e9\u00e9s pour venger la mort d'Apsu. Kingu sera finalement vaincu par Mardouk le champion de la faction oppos\u00e9e. 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Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 sa grande force, ce cheval charrie une quantit\u00e9 incroyable de mat\u00e9riaux pour son ma\u00eetre. Le g\u00e9ant s'appr\u00eatant \u00e0 terminer la construction de la forteresse dans les temps, les Ases forcent le dieu Loki \u00e0 trouver une solution pour l'en emp\u00eacher. 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Shadows au chant, Synyster Gates \u00e0 la guitare solo, Zacky Vengeance \u00e0 la guitare rythmique, Johnny Christ \u00e0 la basse et Brooks Wackerman \u00e0 la batterie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q165193", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Avenged Sevenfold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [20, 21], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q215380", "boundaries": [31, 37], "surfaceform": "groupe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38848", "boundaries": [41, 52], "surfaceform": "heavy metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [53, 62], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5917", "boundaries": [78, 94], "surfaceform": "Huntington Beach", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [99, 109], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q26392", "boundaries": [159, 170], "surfaceform": "underground", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1751359", "boundaries": [316, 333], "surfaceform": "Avenged Sevenfold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q128088", "boundaries": [346, 356], "surfaceform": "M. 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Elle a pour devise \"\" (d\u00e9fendre le juste), en r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la devise de l'archipel : \"Desire the right\" (d\u00e9sirer le juste). Elle est une composante des Forces britanniques des \u00eeles de l'Atlantique sud (\"British Forces South Atlantic Islands\"). Entre 1 000 et 2 000 militaires occupent la base, situ\u00e9e \u00e0 quarante-huit kilom\u00e8tres au sud-ouest de Port Stanley, la capitale de l'archipel, sur la Malouine orientale.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q165862", "boundaries": [8, 23], "surfaceform": "Royal Air Force", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [43, 50], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2071294", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "RAF Mount Pleasant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q46395", "boundaries": [246, 280], "surfaceform": "territoire britannique d'outre-mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9648", "boundaries": [285, 299], "surfaceform": "\u00celes Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12245", "boundaries": [644, 656], "surfaceform": "Port Stanley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q642226", "boundaries": [692, 710], "surfaceform": "Malouine orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [43, 50], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9648", "boundaries": [285, 299], "surfaceform": "\u00celes Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.927734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2071294", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "RAF Mount Pleasant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9648", "boundaries": [285, 299], "surfaceform": "\u00celes Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2071294", "boundaries": [54, 72], "surfaceform": "RAF Mount Pleasant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q642226", "boundaries": [692, 710], "surfaceform": "Malouine orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8251953125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q9648", "boundaries": [285, 299], "surfaceform": "\u00celes Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q46395", "boundaries": [246, 280], "surfaceform": "territoire britannique d'outre-mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12245", "boundaries": [644, 656], "surfaceform": "Port Stanley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q642226", "boundaries": [692, 710], "surfaceform": "Malouine orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9788622-1", "title": "RAF Mount Pleasant", "uri": "Q2071294", "text": "La base est ouverte par le prince Andrew le et elle devient pleinement op\u00e9rationnelle l'ann\u00e9e suivante. Sa construction r\u00e9pond \u00e0 l'objectif des Britanniques de renforcer la d\u00e9fense de l'archipel \u00e0 la suite de la guerre des Malouines contre l'Argentine, qui tente d'envahir le territoire en 1982. Elle remplace les vieilles installations de la RAF \u00e0 l'a\u00e9roport de Port Stanley.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q153330", "boundaries": [27, 40], "surfaceform": "prince Andrew", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [144, 156], "surfaceform": "Britanniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48249", "boundaries": [212, 232], "surfaceform": "guerre des Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q414", "boundaries": [242, 251], "surfaceform": "Argentine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2436", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1982^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1432457", "boundaries": [351, 375], "surfaceform": "a\u00e9roport de Port Stanley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q48249", "boundaries": [212, 232], "surfaceform": "guerre des Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [144, 156], "surfaceform": "Britanniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9697265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q48249", "boundaries": [212, 232], "surfaceform": "guerre des Malouines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q414", "boundaries": [242, 251], "surfaceform": "Argentine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "10450349-0", "title": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "uri": "Q872975", "text": "Le Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, le Woodrow Wilson Center ou le Wilson Center, situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Washington, est un think tank am\u00e9ricain fond\u00e9 en 1968 par une loi du Congr\u00e8s des \u00c9tats-Unis. Rattach\u00e9 au Smithsonian Institution, il est class\u00e9 en 2013, 2014 et 2015 parmi les dix meilleurs think tanks du monde selon des chercheurs de l'universit\u00e9 de Pennsylvanie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q872975", "boundaries": [3, 51], "surfaceform": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q61", "boundaries": [107, 117], "surfaceform": "Washington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q155271", "boundaries": [126, 136], "surfaceform": "think tank", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1968^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [156, 160], "surfaceform": "1968", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q11268", "boundaries": [176, 198], "surfaceform": "Congr\u00e8s des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131626", "boundaries": [212, 235], "surfaceform": "Smithsonian Institution", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2013^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [254, 258], "surfaceform": "2013", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [260, 264], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2015^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [268, 272], "surfaceform": "2015", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q49117", "boundaries": [344, 370], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 de Pennsylvanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q872975", "boundaries": [3, 51], "surfaceform": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q61", "boundaries": [107, 117], "surfaceform": "Washington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q872975", "boundaries": [3, 51], "surfaceform": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q155271", "boundaries": [126, 136], "surfaceform": "think tank", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89501953125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q872975", "boundaries": [3, 51], "surfaceform": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q131626", "boundaries": [212, 235], "surfaceform": "Smithsonian Institution", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q872975", "boundaries": [3, 51], "surfaceform": "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q131626", "boundaries": [212, 235], "surfaceform": "Smithsonian Institution", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9473717-0", "title": "Onekotan", "uri": "Q1043134", "text": "L'\u00eele Onekotan ( ; ; \"Onekotan-t\u014d\", parfois \"Onnekotan-t\u014d\", a\u00efnou : \u30aa\u30cd\u30b3\u30bf\u30f3 ou \u30aa\u30cd\u30b3\u30bf\u31f4) est une \u00eele volcanique inhabit\u00e9e situ\u00e9e pr\u00e8s de la fronti\u00e8re nord de la cha\u00eene des \u00eeles Kouriles de la mer d'Okhotsk, dans le nord-ouest de l'oc\u00e9an Pacifique. 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La p\u00eache est la principale activit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique de Sisimiut, bien que la ville dispose d'une industrie en d\u00e9veloppement. KNI et sa filiale Pilersuisoq, une chaine de magasin appartenant \u00e0 l'\u00c9tat, ont leur base \u00e0 Sisimiut. Plusieurs \u00e9coles professionnelles et g\u00e9n\u00e9rales sont bas\u00e9es \u00e0 Sisimiut. Le nouveau centre culturel Taseralik est le deuxi\u00e8me centre culturel \u00e0 \u00eatre install\u00e9 au Groenland, apr\u00e8s le centre culturel Katuaq \u00e0 Nuuk. 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Elle restera affili\u00e9e \u00e0 la FSJ, renomm\u00e9e tardivement FSSCG (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration serbo-mont\u00e9n\u00e9grine de football), jusqu'\u00e0 la dissolution de cette derni\u00e8re le . Le jour de la dissolution de la FSSCG, les deux sous-f\u00e9d\u00e9rations de Serbie et du Mont\u00e9n\u00e9gro acc\u00e8dent \u00e0 l'ind\u00e9pendance et deviennent f\u00e9d\u00e9ration nationale dans leur pays respectif. En accord avec les parties concern\u00e9es, la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration serbe de football (FSS) se porte cessionnaire de la FSSCG et h\u00e9rite dans la continuit\u00e9 de son affiliation aupr\u00e8s de la FIFA et de l'UEFA. Cela contraint la f\u00e9d\u00e9ration mont\u00e9n\u00e9grine \u00e0 faire une demande d'adh\u00e9sion \u00e0 la FIFA et \u00e0 l'UEFA. La FSCG devient le de l'UEFA le , \u00e0 la suite d'un vote \u00e0 l'unanimit\u00e9 des associations membres, bien trop tard pour avoir la possibilit\u00e9 de participer aux phases \u00e9liminatoires du Championnat d'Europe de football 2008. 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Musk faisait alors mention de la difficult\u00e9 de circuler \u00e0 Los Angeles et des limitations de l'actuel r\u00e9seau de transport en 2-D comme source d'inspiration pour son projet de tunnel.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q28874479", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "The Boring Company", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q317521", "boundaries": [157, 166], "surfaceform": "Elon Musk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [170, 174], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q918", "boundaries": [237, 244], "surfaceform": "Twitter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q65", "boundaries": [304, 315], "surfaceform": "Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [370, 371], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q28874479", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "The Boring Company", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q317521", "boundaries": [157, 166], "surfaceform": "Elon Musk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9641002-1", "title": "Joyeux Anniversaire", "uri": "Q167545", "text": "La m\u00e9lodie de \"Joyeux Anniversaire\" provient de \"Good Morning to All\", chanson enfantine \u00e9crite et compos\u00e9e en 1893 par deux s\u0153urs am\u00e9ricaines, Patty et Mildred Hill. Les deux \u00e9taient \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque institutrices \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole Little Loomhouse de Louisville. Les s\u0153urs compos\u00e8rent \"Good Morning to All\" (\u00ab \"Bonjour \u00e0 tous\" \u00bb) dans l'objectif d'\u00eatre une chanson facile \u00e0 chanter par les jeunes enfants. La premi\u00e8re attestation \u00e9crite de l'association entre la m\u00e9lodie et les paroles \u00ab Joyeux Anniversaire \u00bb date de 1912. Ces apparitions anciennes ne donnaient pas cr\u00e9dit aux auteurs initiaux. L'entreprise \"Clayton F. Summy Co\" (aussi connue sous le nom Summy-Birchard Company, une division de Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.) d\u00e9posa une demande de protection en 1935, au nom des auteurs et R. R. Forman. En 1990, Warner Chappell acheta l'entreprise d\u00e9tentrice des droits de publication pour la somme de 15 millions de dollars am\u00e9ricains. La valeur du chant \"Joyeux Anniversaire\" \u00e9tait estim\u00e9e \u00e0 2 millions de dollars annuellement. Warner revendique que le chant n'entrera dans le domaine public qu'en 2030.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170412", "boundaries": [3, 10], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9lodie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q167545", "boundaries": [15, 34], "surfaceform": "Joyeux Anniversaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7840", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "1893", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1893^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "1893", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q4408628", "boundaries": [144, 149], "surfaceform": "Patty", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4358017", "boundaries": [153, 165], "surfaceform": "Mildred Hill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3256695", "boundaries": [219, 235], "surfaceform": "Little Loomhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q43668", "boundaries": [239, 249], "surfaceform": "Louisville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q167545", "boundaries": [476, 495], "surfaceform": "Joyeux Anniversaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1912^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [506, 510], "surfaceform": "1912", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18658", "boundaries": [750, 754], "surfaceform": "1935", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1935^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [750, 754], "surfaceform": "1935", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2064", "boundaries": [795, 799], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [795, 799], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q21077", "boundaries": [801, 816], "surfaceform": "Warner Chappell", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+15^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [891, 893], "surfaceform": "15", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q167545", "boundaries": [946, 965], "surfaceform": "Joyeux Anniversaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [983, 984], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q19652", "boundaries": [1068, 1082], "surfaceform": "domaine public", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2030^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1089, 1093], "surfaceform": "2030", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q4408628", "boundaries": [144, 149], "surfaceform": "Patty", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P3373", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sibling", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4358017", "boundaries": [153, 165], "surfaceform": "Mildred Hill", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87353515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "9457194-0", "title": "Institut du Temple", "uri": "Q2909160", "text": "LInstitut du Temple ( - ) est un mus\u00e9e et un institut de recherche\u00a0d\u00e9di\u00e9 aux deux Temples de J\u00e9rusalem et qui, selon la tradition juive, sera construit sur le mont du Temple. Cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1987 par le rabbin Yisrael Ariel, l'Institut du Temple est situ\u00e9 dans le quartier juif de la vieille ville de J\u00e9rusalem pr\u00e8s du mur des Lamentations. \u00c0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de l'Institut du Temple, on trouve une repr\u00e9sentation de la Menorah du Temple.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2909160", "boundaries": [1, 19], "surfaceform": "Institut du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33506", "boundaries": [33, 38], "surfaceform": "mus\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3906600", "boundaries": [82, 102], "surfaceform": "Temples de J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7325", "boundaries": [130, 135], "surfaceform": "juive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q193163", "boundaries": [159, 173], "surfaceform": "mont du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2429", "boundaries": [183, 187], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1987^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [183, 187], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [202, 215], "surfaceform": "Yisrael Ariel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2909160", "boundaries": [219, 237], "surfaceform": "Institut du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1186403", "boundaries": [256, 302], "surfaceform": "quartier juif de la vieille ville de J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q134821", "boundaries": [311, 331], "surfaceform": "mur des Lamentations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2909160", "boundaries": [352, 370], "surfaceform": "Institut du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q170476", "boundaries": [407, 414], "surfaceform": "Menorah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2909160", "boundaries": [1, 19], "surfaceform": "Institut du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q33506", "boundaries": [33, 38], "surfaceform": "mus\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.751953125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3906600", "boundaries": [82, 102], "surfaceform": "Temples de J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q193163", "boundaries": [159, 173], "surfaceform": "mont du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q193163", "boundaries": [159, 173], "surfaceform": "mont du Temple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3906600", "boundaries": [82, 102], "surfaceform": "Temples de J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "5982815-0", "title": "NGC 1232", "uri": "Q248762", "text": "NGC 1232 est une galaxie spirale interm\u00e9diaire de grand style situ\u00e9e dans la constellation de l'\u00c9ridan \u00e0 environ 73 millions d'ann\u00e9es-lumi\u00e8re de la Voie lact\u00e9e. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couverte par l'astronome germano-britannique William Herschel en 1784. Avec ses bras spiraux importants et bien d\u00e9finis, on pourrait la qualifier de galaxie spirale de grand style.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q248762", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "NGC 1232", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+1232^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [4, 8], "surfaceform": "1232", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q195577", "boundaries": [17, 46], "surfaceform": "galaxie spirale interm\u00e9diaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q195724", "boundaries": [50, 61], "surfaceform": "grand style", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q10433", "boundaries": [77, 102], "surfaceform": "constellation de l'\u00c9ridan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+73^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [113, 115], "surfaceform": "73", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q531", "boundaries": [127, 141], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es-lumi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q321", "boundaries": [148, 159], "surfaceform": "Voie lact\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [199, 206], "surfaceform": "germano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [207, 218], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14277", "boundaries": [219, 235], "surfaceform": "William Herschel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7752", "boundaries": [239, 243], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1784^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [239, 243], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q195724", "boundaries": [323, 353], "surfaceform": "galaxie spirale de grand style", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q14277", "boundaries": [219, 235], "surfaceform": "William Herschel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [199, 206], "surfaceform": "germano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "5982879-1", "title": "Libye, Libye, Libye", "uri": "Q45861", "text": "\u00c9crit par le po\u00e8te tunisien B\u00e9chir Laribi (\u00e9galement transcrit Al Bashir Al Arebi) et compos\u00e9 par Mohammed Abdel Wahab (1907-1991), l\u2019hymne a \u00e9t\u00e9 adopt\u00e9 en 1951 lors de l\u2019ind\u00e9pendance du Royaume uni de Libye. Sous le r\u00e9gime de Mouammar Kadhafi, il a \u00e9t\u00e9 remplac\u00e9 par un nouvel hymne, \"Allahu Akbar\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q948", "boundaries": [19, 26], "surfaceform": "tunisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q20395727", "boundaries": [28, 41], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9chir Laribi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q467895", "boundaries": [98, 118], "surfaceform": "Mohammed Abdel Wahab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2048", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1907", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1907^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1907", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [124, 129], "surfaceform": "-1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2062", "boundaries": [125, 129], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q18591", "boundaries": [156, 160], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1951^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [156, 160], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q31454", "boundaries": [187, 207], "surfaceform": "Royaume uni de Libye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q19878", "boundaries": [227, 243], "surfaceform": "Mouammar Kadhafi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q970573", "boundaries": [285, 297], "surfaceform": "Allahu Akbar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q20395727", "boundaries": [28, 41], "surfaceform": "B\u00e9chir Laribi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q948", "boundaries": [19, 26], "surfaceform": "tunisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.591796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "6353893-0", "title": "Windows Server 2012", "uri": "Q11222", "text": "Microsoft Windows Server 2012, anciennement connu sous le nom de code Windows Server 8, est la seconde avant derni\u00e8re version du syst\u00e8me d'exploitation r\u00e9seau . La version suivante est Windows Server 2012 R2. Windows Server 2016 est sorti le 1\u00a0octobre\u00a02014 en phase de d\u00e9veloppement et est pr\u00e9vu pour le \u00a0trimestre 2016 en version finale.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1406", "boundaries": [10, 17], "surfaceform": "Windows", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [25, 29], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+8^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [85, 86], "surfaceform": "8", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15222398", "boundaries": [185, 207], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2012 R2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [200, 204], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [206, 207], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q19754851", "boundaries": [209, 228], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [224, 228], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2913", "boundaries": [242, 243], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [242, 243], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15663095", "boundaries": [244, 251], "surfaceform": "octobre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1999", "boundaries": [252, 256], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [252, 256], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [315, 319], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1406", "boundaries": [10, 17], "surfaceform": "Windows", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "13587237-0", "title": "Among Us", "uri": "Q96417649", "text": "Among Us (litt\u00e9ralement en anglais \"Parmi nous\") est un jeu vid\u00e9o d'ambiance multijoueur en ligne d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 et \u00e9dit\u00e9 par le studio InnerSloth, sorti en 2018 sur Android, iOS, Chrome OS puis Windows, en 2020 sur Nintendo Switch et en 2021 sur PlayStation 4 et PlayStation 5. Le jeu se d\u00e9roule dans un univers de science-fiction. Chaque joueur incarne un des membres de l'\u00e9quipage d'un vaisseau spatial, chacun pouvant \u00eatre soit un \u00e9quipier, soit un imposteur. L'objectif pour les membres d'\u00e9quipage est d'identifier les imposteurs et de les \u00e9liminer tout en accomplissant des t\u00e2ches dans le vaisseau, tandis que l'objectif des imposteurs est de tuer tous les \u00e9quipiers sans \u00eatre identifi\u00e9. 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Elle s'\u00e9tend sur et comptait environ 517 habitants en 2011. 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Ils apparaissent dans de nombreuses l\u00e9gendes. Selon les sources, leur nombre varie, mais la tradition rapporte que l'exp\u00e9dition \u00e9tait compos\u00e9e de en plus de Jason et d'une femme, Atalante, sans oublier M\u00e9d\u00e9e qui les rejoint par amour pour Jason. 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Sukh\u0101vat\u012b \u00ab Bienheureuse \u00bb , ) du bouddha Amit\u0101bha ( ou ), aussi nomm\u00e9 Amit\u0101yus (). C'est aussi une appellation simplifi\u00e9e de l'\u00e9cole de la Terre pure (j\u00ecngt\u01d4z\u014dng \u6de8\u571f\u5b97), improprement dit Amidisme, une section tr\u00e8s importante du bouddhisme mah\u0101y\u0101na. 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Son nom est habituellement prononc\u00e9 \u00ab \"\" \u00bb en anglais et \u00ab sept cent sept \u00bb en fran\u00e7ais. Selon les versions, l'avion a une capacit\u00e9 de 140 \u00e0 et une distance franchissable comprise entre et ( et ).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 13], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q210932", "boundaries": [21, 35], "surfaceform": "avion de ligne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q842262", "boundaries": [85, 100], "surfaceform": "fuselage \u00e9troit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [115, 142], "surfaceform": "Boeing Commercial Airplanes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2230015", "boundaries": [149, 153], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1958^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [149, 153], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q304477", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [157, 161], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+140^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [298, 301], "surfaceform": "140", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [115, 142], "surfaceform": "Boeing Commercial Airplanes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.919921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "404731-1", "title": "Boeing 707", "uri": "Q6394", "text": "D\u00e9velopp\u00e9 en tant que premier avion de ligne \u00e0 r\u00e9action de l'avionneur, le 707 est un mod\u00e8le avec voilure en fl\u00e8che et des moteurs en nacelles. Bien qu'il ne soit pas le premier \"jetliner\" en service, le 707 est le premier \u00e0 rencontrer un succ\u00e8s commercial. Dominant le transport a\u00e9rien de passagers dans les ann\u00e9es 1960 et restant populaire dans les ann\u00e9es 1970, le 707 est souvent consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme ayant inaugur\u00e9 l'\u00e8re du jet. Il \u00e9tablit Boeing comme l'un des principaux constructeurs d'avions de passagers, et conduit aux s\u00e9ries suivantes d'avions de ligne de d\u00e9signation \u00ab 7x7 \u00bb. Les 727, 737 et 757 ult\u00e9rieurs partagent des \u00e9l\u00e9ments du fuselage du 707.", "entities": [{"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [75, 78], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q20078304", "boundaries": [98, 105], "surfaceform": "voilure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1929294", "boundaries": [109, 115], "surfaceform": "fl\u00e8che", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q27070220", "boundaries": [134, 142], "surfaceform": "nacelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [204, 207], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1757562", "boundaries": [270, 286], "surfaceform": "transport a\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35724", "boundaries": [309, 320], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [316, 320], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [351, 362], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [358, 362], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [367, 370], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q4119200", "boundaries": [416, 426], "surfaceform": "\u00e8re du jet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q8793", "boundaries": [576, 579], "surfaceform": "7x7", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [576, 577], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [578, 579], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6409", "boundaries": [587, 590], "surfaceform": "727", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+727^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [587, 590], "surfaceform": "727", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6387", "boundaries": [592, 595], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+737^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [592, 595], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6418", "boundaries": [599, 602], "surfaceform": "757", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+757^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [599, 602], "surfaceform": "757", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [652, 655], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [351, 362], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35724", "boundaries": [309, 320], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "404731-3", "title": "Boeing 707", "uri": "Q6394", "text": "Le 707 est utilis\u00e9 sur les vols int\u00e9rieurs, transcontinentaux et transatlantiques et pour des applications cargo et militaires. Un mod\u00e8le combi passagers-fret, le 707-320C, entre en service en 1963 et des 707 passagers sont modifi\u00e9s en configuration cargo. Les d\u00e9riv\u00e9s militaires comprennent l'avion de reconnaissance E-3 \"Sentry\" et les transports de personnalit\u00e9s C-137 \"Stratoliner\". Boeing produit et livre dont les plus petits 720. En juillet 2012, deux Boeing 707 sont en service d'apr\u00e8s le \"World Air Census\".", "entities": [{"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 6], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q732410", "boundaries": [65, 81], "surfaceform": "transatlantiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [163, 166], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-320^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [166, 170], "surfaceform": "-320", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q509387", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "1963", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1963^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "1963", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [205, 208], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q261384", "boundaries": [318, 330], "surfaceform": "E-3 \"Sentry\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [319, 321], "surfaceform": "-3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q605955", "boundaries": [366, 385], "surfaceform": "C-137 \"Stratoliner\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-137^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [367, 371], "surfaceform": "-137", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+720^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 435], "surfaceform": "720", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "2012-07-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [440, 452], "surfaceform": "juillet 2012", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q768815", "boundaries": [448, 452], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [459, 469], "surfaceform": "Boeing 707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [466, 469], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q261384", "boundaries": [318, 330], "surfaceform": "E-3 \"Sentry\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q605955", "boundaries": [366, 385], "surfaceform": "C-137 \"Stratoliner\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 16, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7119140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "405571-0", "title": "Duke Nukem Forever", "uri": "Q962129", "text": "Duke Nukem Forever, souvent abr\u00e9g\u00e9 en DNF ou DN4E, est un jeu de tir \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re personne (FPS) d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par 3D Realms puis par Gearbox Software sorti le 10 juin 2011 aux \u00c9tats-Unis. Il fait partie de la s\u00e9rie des Duke Nukem. 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th\u00e9\u00e2tre des Champs-\u00c9lys\u00e9es \u00e0 Paris, le . Elle avait provoqu\u00e9 un scandale artistique comparable, la m\u00eame ann\u00e9e, au \"Skandalkonzert\" et \u00e0 la non moins c\u00e9l\u00e8bre bataille d'Hernani, au (1830). Dans \"le Sacre\", Stravinsky approfondit les \u00e9l\u00e9ments d\u00e9j\u00e0 exp\u00e9riment\u00e9s avec ses deux premiers ballets, \"L'Oiseau de feu\" et \"Petrouchka\", soit respectivement l'harmonie et le rythme. L'un repose en partie sur l'utilisation d'agr\u00e9gats sonores, alors que l'autre est constitu\u00e9 d'un dynamisme sans pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent. On consid\u00e8re aujourd'hui la partition de Stravinsky comme une des \u0153uvres les plus importantes du . 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Cette derni\u00e8re, malgr\u00e9 de nombreux d\u00e9boires, \u00e9tait parvenue \u00e0 ramener une petite quantit\u00e9 de sol d'un ast\u00e9ro\u00efde. Les principales caract\u00e9ristiques techniques d\"'Hayabusa 2\" sont identiques \u00e0 celles de son pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseur. De taille relativement r\u00e9duite, la sonde spatiale dispose de cam\u00e9ras, d'un altim\u00e8tre et de plusieurs spectrom\u00e8tres. Elle se distingue de son pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseur par la m\u00e9thode de collecte des \u00e9chantillons et l'emport d'un petit atterrisseur \"MASCOT\" fourni par les agences spatiales allemande (DLR) et fran\u00e7aise (CNES). 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Une publication papier a \u00e9t\u00e9 disponible de 1982 \u00e0 . Une \u00e9dition en ligne a commenc\u00e9 vers 1994 jusqu'\u00e0 nos jours.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q631830", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "PC Magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q41298", "boundaries": [19, 27], "surfaceform": "magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21198", "boundaries": [30, 42], "surfaceform": "informatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [68, 78], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q199296", "boundaries": [83, 93], "surfaceform": "Ziff Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1982^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [184, 188], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q631830", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "PC Magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41298", "boundaries": [19, 27], "surfaceform": "magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8408203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q631830", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "PC Magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [68, 78], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q631830", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "PC Magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q199296", "boundaries": [83, 93], "surfaceform": "Ziff Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3813800-0", "title": "Gouvernement national r\u00e9organis\u00e9 de la r\u00e9publique de Chine", "uri": "Q696242", "text": "Le Gouvernement national r\u00e9organis\u00e9 de la r\u00e9publique de Chine est un r\u00e9gime politique qui exista de 1940 \u00e0 1945, durant la guerre sino-japonaise ; dirig\u00e9 par Wang Jingwei, il pratiquait la collaboration avec l'occupant japonais, et se posait en rival de celui de la \u00ab r\u00e9publique de Chine \u00bb cr\u00e9\u00e9 par Sun Yat-sen en 1912, lequel regroupait en son sein les partis oppos\u00e9s \u00e0 l'occupation nippone (le Parti communiste chinois et le parti nationaliste du Kuomintang, notamment). L'\u00c9tat chinois proprement dit \u00e9tait toujours d\u00e9sign\u00e9 par le r\u00e9gime collaborateur de son nom officiel de r\u00e9publique de Chine (\u4e2d\u83ef\u6c11\u570b, \"Zh\u014dnghu\u00e1 M\u00edngu\u00f3\").", "entities": [{"uri": "Q696242", "boundaries": [3, 61], "surfaceform": "Gouvernement national r\u00e9organis\u00e9 de la r\u00e9publique de Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q18633", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5240", "boundaries": [107, 111], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [107, 111], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q170314", "boundaries": [123, 144], "surfaceform": "guerre sino-japonaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q22303", "boundaries": [158, 170], "surfaceform": "Wang Jingwei", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [219, 224], "surfaceform": "japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13426199", "boundaries": [268, 287], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8573", "boundaries": [299, 310], "surfaceform": "Sun Yat-sen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2077", "boundaries": [314, 318], "surfaceform": "1912", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1912^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [314, 318], "surfaceform": "1912", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q17427", "boundaries": [396, 420], "surfaceform": "Parti communiste chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q31113", "boundaries": [449, 459], "surfaceform": "Kuomintang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q170314", "boundaries": [123, 144], "surfaceform": "guerre sino-japonaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13426199", "boundaries": [268, 287], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.27587890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3973705-1", "title": "Locronan", "uri": "Q272369", "text": "L'important patrimoine architectural de Locronan, pr\u00e9serv\u00e9 tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9cocement, a permis au village d'\u00eatre membre du r\u00e9seau des petites cit\u00e9s de caract\u00e8re. Locronan est aussi aujourd'hui gratifi\u00e9 du label des plus beaux villages de France, d\u00e9cern\u00e9 par une association ind\u00e9pendante visant \u00e0 promouvoir les atouts touristiques de petites communes fran\u00e7aises riches d'un patrimoine de qualit\u00e9. Autour de l'\u00e9glise, les toits du village sont des \u0153uvres d'art. De sa belle \u00e9poque, le village a conserv\u00e9 une place centrale pav\u00e9e orn\u00e9e d'un puits, la vaste \u00e9glise Saint-Ronan, des maisons Renaissance en granite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q272369", "boundaries": [40, 48], "surfaceform": "Locronan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3377466", "boundaries": [125, 151], "surfaceform": "petites cit\u00e9s de caract\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q272369", "boundaries": [153, 161], "surfaceform": "Locronan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1010307", "boundaries": [206, 235], "surfaceform": "plus beaux villages de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3584304", "boundaries": [546, 564], "surfaceform": "\u00e9glise Saint-Ronan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41177", "boundaries": [593, 600], "surfaceform": "granite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q272369", "boundaries": [40, 48], "surfaceform": "Locronan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1010307", "boundaries": [206, 235], "surfaceform": "plus beaux villages de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3973728-0", "title": "Born\u00e9o", "uri": "Q36117", "text": "Born\u00e9o est une \u00eele de l'Asie du Sud-Est (Insulinde).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q36117", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Born\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23442", "boundaries": [15, 18], "surfaceform": "\u00eele", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11708", "boundaries": [24, 39], "surfaceform": "Asie du Sud-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q208643", "boundaries": [41, 50], "surfaceform": "Insulinde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q36117", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Born\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11708", "boundaries": [24, 39], "surfaceform": "Asie du Sud-Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q36117", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Born\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q208643", "boundaries": [41, 50], "surfaceform": "Insulinde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "3973728-2", "title": "Born\u00e9o", "uri": "Q36117", "text": "Le territoire de Born\u00e9o est partag\u00e9 entre trois \u00c9tats souverains : le Brunei et la Malaisie au nord, et l'Indon\u00e9sie au sud. 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Membre affili\u00e9 du Comit\u00e9 international olympique, il est \u00e9difi\u00e9 comme l'organe supr\u00eame du sport italien, ayant autorit\u00e9 sur les associations sportives italiennes. Il organise \u00e9galement l'encadrement des d\u00e9l\u00e9gations italiennes lors des diff\u00e9rents Jeux olympiques. Depuis 1999, son pr\u00e9sident \u00e9tait Gianni Petrucci, ancien pr\u00e9sident des f\u00e9d\u00e9rations nationales de basket-ball et de football. Son quatri\u00e8me mandat cons\u00e9cutif se termine en 2012.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1114833", "boundaries": [3, 36], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 olympique national italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q183288", "boundaries": [111, 136], "surfaceform": "comit\u00e9 national olympique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [137, 144], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2818757", "boundaries": [160, 161], "surfaceform": "9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+9^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [160, 161], "surfaceform": "9", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q40970", "boundaries": [185, 215], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 international olympique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5389", "boundaries": [413, 428], "surfaceform": "Jeux olympiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [437, 441], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1110125", "boundaries": [463, 478], "surfaceform": "Gianni Petrucci", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [601, 605], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1114833", "boundaries": [3, 36], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 olympique national italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183288", "boundaries": [111, 136], "surfaceform": "comit\u00e9 national olympique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8740234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1114833", "boundaries": [3, 36], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 olympique national italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [137, 144], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1114833", "boundaries": [3, 36], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 olympique national italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q40970", "boundaries": [185, 215], "surfaceform": "Comit\u00e9 international olympique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3998735-0", "title": "Roc Nation", "uri": "Q1194456", "text": "Roc Nation est un label discographique am\u00e9ricain, situ\u00e9 \u00e0 New York, dans l'\u00c9tat de New York, fond\u00e9 en 2008 par le rappeur Jay-Z. La soci\u00e9t\u00e9 est sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e dans la musique, le recrutement de jeunes talents, les tourn\u00e9es, le cin\u00e9ma, la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision et la publication. Elle abrite divers artistes et producteurs comme J. Cole, Big Sean, Rihanna, Kanye West, Grimes, Demi Lovato, DJ Khaled, T.I. et Rita Ora. 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"End\u00e9mique de la R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo, le nom \u00ab bonobo \u00bb d\u00e9coule de la d\u00e9formation du nom de la ville de Bolobo situ\u00e9e sur les rives du fleuve Congo o\u00f9 les premiers sp\u00e9cimens furent captur\u00e9s dans les ann\u00e9es 1920. C'est l'anatomiste allemand Ernst Schwarz, intrigu\u00e9 par la pr\u00e9sence dans les r\u00e9serves du mus\u00e9e colonial de Tervuren (AfricaMuseum) d'un cr\u00e2ne trop petit pour \u00eatre celui d'un chimpanz\u00e9 commun , qui a d\u00e9couvert en 1929 le bonobo.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q123452", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "End\u00e9mique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [16, 48], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2594437", "boundaries": [116, 122], "surfaceform": "Bolobo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3503", "boundaries": [147, 159], "surfaceform": "fleuve Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35736", "boundaries": [211, 222], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1920", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1920^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [218, 222], "surfaceform": "1920", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q68343", "boundaries": [252, 265], "surfaceform": "Ernst Schwarz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q779703", "boundaries": [341, 353], "surfaceform": "AfricaMuseum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1929^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [436, 440], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q974", "boundaries": [16, 48], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3503", "boundaries": [147, 159], "surfaceform": "fleuve Congo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "3970951-0", "title": "(5254) Ulysse", "uri": "Q155162", "text": "(5254) Ulysse est un ast\u00e9ro\u00efde troyen de Jupiter situ\u00e9 au point de Lagrange L du syst\u00e8me Soleil-Jupiter, dans le \u00ab camp grec \u00bb. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9 d'apr\u00e8s le h\u00e9ros grec Ulysse. 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L'\u00c9tat juif y a \u00e9tabli ses minist\u00e8res (sauf celui des Affaires \u00e9trang\u00e8res, pr\u00e9sent \u00e0 Tel Aviv), la Pr\u00e9sidence de l'\u00c9tat, la Cour supr\u00eame, le Mus\u00e9e national, son Assembl\u00e9e unique(Knesset), la direction g\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la police, le grand centre hospitalier \u00ab\u00a0Hadassah\u00a0\u00bb (comprenant notamment sa synagogue d\u00e9cor\u00e9e par Marc Chagall), le site aussi du Yad Vashem (m\u00e9moire de l'Holocauste des juifs lors de la 2\u00e8me guerre mondiale) ; il en a fait sa capitale par une d\u00e9claration unilat\u00e9rale du gouvernement isra\u00e9lien d\u00e8s le et un tel fait avait d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clar\u00e9 devant la Knesset par David Ben Gourion le 9 et le 13 d\u00e9cembre 1949 : aucun d\u00e9put\u00e9 n'avait alors protest\u00e9 contre de telles d\u00e9clarations. La quasi-totalit\u00e9 de la communaut\u00e9 internationale ne reconna\u00eet pas cette d\u00e9cision particuli\u00e8re car J\u00e9rusalem et Bethl\u00e9em devaient \u00eatre un \"corpus separatum\" selon le plan de partage de la Palestine vot\u00e9 le 29 novembre 1947 par les membres alors de l'ONU. La quasi-totalit\u00e9 des ambassades en Isra\u00ebl seront \u00e9tablies \u00e0 Tel Aviv \u00e0 compter de 1949 .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2213440", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem-Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1218", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "1949-04-03T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [134, 146], "surfaceform": "3 avril 1949", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "1948-05-14T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [193, 204], "surfaceform": "14 mai 1948", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q810", "boundaries": [222, 256], "surfaceform": "royaume hach\u00e9mite de Transjordanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q192780", "boundaries": [282, 294], "surfaceform": "Abdallah 1er", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [291, 292], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "1948-04-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [347, 357], "surfaceform": "avril 1948", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q133396", "boundaries": [547, 554], "surfaceform": "Knesset", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2331605", "boundaries": [623, 631], "surfaceform": "Hadassah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q93284", "boundaries": [681, 693], "surfaceform": "Marc Chagall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q156591", "boundaries": [713, 723], "surfaceform": "Yad Vashem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [770, 771], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+9^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [965, 966], "surfaceform": "9", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "1949-12-13T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [973, 989], "surfaceform": "13 d\u00e9cembre 1949", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q28130005", "boundaries": [1198, 1214], "surfaceform": "corpus separatum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q846795", "boundaries": [1225, 1256], "surfaceform": "plan de partage de la Palestine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "1947-11-29T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [1265, 1281], "surfaceform": "29 novembre 1947", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q33935", "boundaries": [1375, 1383], "surfaceform": "Tel Aviv", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1949^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1397, 1401], "surfaceform": "1949", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2213440", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem-Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1218", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q192780", "boundaries": [282, 294], "surfaceform": "Abdallah 1er", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q810", "boundaries": [222, 256], "surfaceform": "royaume hach\u00e9mite de Transjordanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.50830078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q28130005", "boundaries": [1198, 1214], "surfaceform": "corpus separatum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q846795", "boundaries": [1225, 1256], "surfaceform": "plan de partage de la Palestine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "11453072-0", "title": "USL League One", "uri": "Q30636616", "text": "La USL League One (anciennement USL D3) est une ligue professionnelle nord-am\u00e9ricaine de soccer organis\u00e9e par l'organisation United Soccer Leagues (USL) et sanctionn\u00e9e par la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration des \u00c9tats-Unis de soccer. La ligue connait sa saison inaugurale en 2019. 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Ses fondateurs sont les Numides, un peuple\u00a0berb\u00e8re. Le royaume \u00e9tait bord\u00e9 \u00e0 l'ouest par le royaume de Maur\u00e9tanie, \u00e0 l'est par le territoire de Carthage puis l'Afrique proconsulaire romaine, au nord par la mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e et au sud par le d\u00e9sert du Sahara.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q25448", "boundaries": [12, 19], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [69, 74], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q262", "boundaries": [200, 207], "surfaceform": "Alg\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q948", "boundaries": [233, 240], "surfaceform": "Tunisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1016", "boundaries": [261, 266], "surfaceform": "Libye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1028", "boundaries": [286, 291], "surfaceform": "Maroc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28227", "boundaries": [306, 313], "surfaceform": "Maghreb", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [358, 365], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q309272", "boundaries": [418, 428], "surfaceform": "Maur\u00e9tanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6343", "boundaries": [459, 467], "surfaceform": "Carthage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q181238", "boundaries": [475, 496], "surfaceform": "Afrique proconsulaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4918", "boundaries": [521, 537], "surfaceform": "mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6583", "boundaries": [565, 571], "surfaceform": "Sahara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q948", "boundaries": [233, 240], "surfaceform": "Tunisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1016", "boundaries": [261, 266], "surfaceform": "Libye", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.53271484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1028", "boundaries": [286, 291], "surfaceform": "Maroc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q28227", "boundaries": [306, 313], "surfaceform": "Maghreb", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "422231-0", "title": "Le Gai Savoir", "uri": "Q1061693", "text": "Le Gai Savoir est un ouvrage de Friedrich Nietzsche, publi\u00e9 en 1882, sous le titre original \"Die fr\u00f6hliche Wissenschaft, la gaya scienza\". 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La premi\u00e8re \u00e9dition eut lieu en 1985 en Chine. 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\u00ab\u00a0Mission R\u0101makrishna\u00a0\u00bb pour concr\u00e9tiser le message de son ma\u00eetre en Inde et hors de l'Inde \u00e0 travers l'existence d'\u00e9coles de spiritualit\u00e9, coll\u00e8ges ou\u00a0\"ashram\".", "entities": [{"uri": "+1897^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1897", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q47478", "boundaries": [62, 73], "surfaceform": "Vivekananda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1311277", "boundaries": [85, 104], "surfaceform": "Mission R\u0101makrishna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q668", "boundaries": [152, 156], "surfaceform": "Inde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q466449", "boundaries": [236, 242], "surfaceform": "ashram", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1311277", "boundaries": [85, 104], "surfaceform": "Mission R\u0101makrishna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, 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Il \u00e9volue \u00e0 l'Estadio Carlos Belmonte. 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De 1926 \u00e0 1951, dans le village voisin, la villa Likani appel\u00e9e \u00e9galement palais de Nikola\u00ef Mikha\u00eflovitch \u00e9tait r\u00e9sidence de Staline.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q4946461", "boundaries": [24, 40], "surfaceform": "station thermale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q124714", "boundaries": [79, 86], "surfaceform": "sources", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q130949", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "ski", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q208352", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "Bordjomi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q156557", "boundaries": [181, 186], "surfaceform": "Koura", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+810^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [190, 193], "surfaceform": "810", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-850^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [193, 197], "surfaceform": "-850", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+152^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [219, 222], "surfaceform": "152", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q994", "boundaries": [247, 255], "surfaceform": "Tbilissi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1545224", "boundaries": [285, 322], "surfaceform": "Parc national de Bordjomi-Kharagaouli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q208352", "boundaries": [302, 310], "surfaceform": "Bordjomi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q117892", "boundaries": [339, 342], "surfaceform": "WWF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [382, 386], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2162", "boundaries": [432, 436], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1921^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 436], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5259", "boundaries": [441, 445], "surfaceform": "1926", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1926^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [441, 445], "surfaceform": "1926", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18591", "boundaries": [448, 452], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1951^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [448, 452], "surfaceform": "1951", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q855", "boundaries": [563, 570], "surfaceform": "Staline", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q208352", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "Bordjomi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q156557", "boundaries": [181, 186], "surfaceform": "Koura", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92333984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "5922516-1", "title": "Little Mix", "uri": "Q158419", "text": "En , le groupe sort son premier album, intitul\u00e9 \"DNA\", class\u00e9 dans le des ventes dans dix pays, dont le Royaume-Uni et les \u00c9tats-Unis. Le single \"Wings\", qui en est extrait, atteint la premi\u00e8re place au Royaume-Uni. Les Little Mix deviennent alors le premier groupe, depuis les Pussycat Dolls, \u00e0 atteindre le des ventes aux \u00c9tats-Unis. Elles sont \u00e9galement le premier girl group britannique \u00e0 avoir autant de succ\u00e8s aux \u00c9tats-Unis depuis les Spice Girls. Elles collaborent en 2013 sur le titre \"Une autre personne\" avec la chanteuse Tal. En , elles sortent leur deuxi\u00e8me album, \"Salute\", qui se classe \u00e9galement dans le des ventes au Royaume-Uni et aux \u00c9tats-Unis.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3279549", "boundaries": [49, 52], "surfaceform": "DNA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [104, 115], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [123, 133], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4020390", "boundaries": [146, 151], "surfaceform": "Wings", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q158419", "boundaries": [220, 230], "surfaceform": "Little Mix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q102385", "boundaries": [278, 292], "surfaceform": "Pussycat Dolls", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q55641", "boundaries": [442, 453], "surfaceform": "Spice Girls", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2013^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [476, 480], "surfaceform": "2013", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q453841", "boundaries": [533, 536], "surfaceform": "Tal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q15108758", "boundaries": [579, 585], "surfaceform": "Salute", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [634, 645], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [653, 663], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q158419", "boundaries": [220, 230], "surfaceform": "Little Mix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3279549", "boundaries": [49, 52], "surfaceform": "DNA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9130859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q158419", "boundaries": [220, 230], "surfaceform": "Little Mix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15108758", "boundaries": [579, 585], "surfaceform": "Salute", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.76611328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "5922516-3", "title": "Little Mix", "uri": "Q158419", "text": "\"LM5\" est le cinqui\u00e8me album studio du groupe britannique Little Mix, sorti le . Le titre de l'album, l'illustration et la date de sortie ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9v\u00e9l\u00e9s le , \u00e0 travers les r\u00e9seaux sociaux du groupe. L'album est disponible en \u00e9dition standard, deluxe et super deluxe \u2014 l'\u00e9dition deluxe contient quatre titres bonus, tandis que l'\u00e9dition super deluxe contient ces quatre titres bonus de m\u00eame qu'un livre reli\u00e9 contenant des notes manuscrites du groupe. Les Little Mix ont d\u00e9clar\u00e9 qu'elles avaient \u00e9t\u00e9 inspir\u00e9s de nommer l'album \"LM5\" car elles ont \u00ab\u00a0ador\u00e9, comment leurs fans ont nomm\u00e9 chacune de nos \u00e9poques au fil des ans\u00a0\u00bb. Le titre est ainsi bas\u00e9 sur la pratique courante qu'ont les fans de faire la promotion d'un prochain album sans nom sur les r\u00e9seaux sociaux accompagn\u00e9 d'un hashtag pr\u00e9cisant les initiales de l'artiste et le num\u00e9ro de l'album. Le vinyle doit \u00eatre publi\u00e9 le . 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Il permet au visiteur de v\u00e9rifier l'identit\u00e9 du serveur auquel il acc\u00e8de gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un \"certificat d'authentification\". 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Sperchios), il est l'\u00e9poux de la nymphe Ors\u00e9is dont il a trois fils, \u00c9ole, Doros et Xouthos. \u00c9ole (p\u00e8re de Sisyphe et qui ne doit pas \u00eatre confondu avec le ma\u00eetre des Vents) deviendra l'anc\u00eatre mythique des \u00c9oliens, et Doros celui des Doriens. 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Elle a lieu alternativement tous les deux, trois ou quatre ans depuis la premi\u00e8re \u00e9dition en 1916. Depuis 1984 et la disparition du British Home Championship, la Copa Am\u00e9rica est le plus vieux tournoi continental de l'histoire du football. L'actuel tenant du titre est le Br\u00e9sil, vainqueur en 2019. 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Le port maritime de Gand, creus\u00e9 \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur des terres, est le troisi\u00e8me port du pays par son tonnage, il a permis \u00e0 la ville de diversifier son industrie, nagu\u00e8re encore fortement domin\u00e9e par l'activit\u00e9 traditionnelle du textile.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1296", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "Gand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1137665", "boundaries": [78, 88], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q16641394", "boundaries": [104, 117], "surfaceform": "hautes \u00e9coles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7108", "boundaries": [235, 249], "surfaceform": "biotechnologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q657718", "boundaries": [255, 276], "surfaceform": "port maritime de Gand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1296", "boundaries": [272, 276], "surfaceform": "Gand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1137665", "boundaries": [78, 88], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1296", "boundaries": [13, 17], "surfaceform": "Gand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "6163-0", "title": "D\u00e9mocrite", "uri": "Q41980", "text": "D\u00e9mocrite d'Abd\u00e8re (en grec / , \u00ab choisi par le peuple \u00bb), n\u00e9 vers 460 av. 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Le groupe conna\u00eet son premier succ\u00e8s en Europe \u00e0 partir du mois de septembre de cette m\u00eame ann\u00e9e avec ' et aux \u00c9tats-Unis en 1984-1985 avec le single '.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q482964", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Depeche Mode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q215380", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "groupe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [27, 38], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q187760", "boundaries": [42, 50], "surfaceform": "new wave", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11366", "boundaries": [54, 69], "surfaceform": "rock alternatif", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q216649", "boundaries": [85, 93], "surfaceform": "Basildon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23240", "boundaries": [102, 107], "surfaceform": "Essex", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q21", "boundaries": [112, 122], 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La p\u00e9riode habituellement comprise s'\u00e9tend entre l'ouverture des \u00c9tats g\u00e9n\u00e9raux, le , et au plus tard le coup d'\u00c9tat de Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte le . 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Il renforce aussi le r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant de l\u2019Italie dans l\u2019Empire et poursuit la romanisation des provinces.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [48, 54], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q599035", "boundaries": [316, 323], "surfaceform": "thermes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q211295", "boundaries": [328, 333], "surfaceform": "forum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q478642", "boundaries": [341, 358], "surfaceform": "march\u00e9s de Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [352, 358], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q192784", "boundaries": [373, 388], "surfaceform": "colonne Trajane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [381, 387], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q913582", "boundaries": [434, 440], "surfaceform": "Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q211295", "boundaries": [328, 333], "surfaceform": "forum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [48, 54], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q192784", "boundaries": [373, 388], "surfaceform": "colonne Trajane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q211295", "boundaries": [328, 333], "surfaceform": "forum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "22300-5", "title": "Trajan", "uri": "Q1425", "text": "Trajan est divinis\u00e9 par le S\u00e9nat et ses cendres sont inhum\u00e9es au pied de la colonne Trajane. 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Hadrien ne poursuit pas la politique expansionniste de Trajan, renonce \u00e0 tous les territoires nouvellement conquis sur les Parthes et r\u00e9oriente la politique int\u00e9rieure en mettant les provinces au premier plan.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q580995", "boundaries": [11, 19], "surfaceform": "divinis\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3510883", "boundaries": [27, 32], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9nat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q192784", "boundaries": [76, 91], "surfaceform": "colonne Trajane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [84, 90], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q250358", "boundaries": [97, 109], "surfaceform": "fils adoptif", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1427", "boundaries": [125, 132], "surfaceform": "Hadrien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [259, 265], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1986139", "boundaries": [327, 334], "surfaceform": "Parthes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q192784", "boundaries": [76, 91], "surfaceform": "colonne Trajane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 16, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1425", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Trajan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1427", "boundaries": [125, 132], "surfaceform": "Hadrien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 17, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "22405-0", "title": "Cactaceae", "uri": "Q14560", "text": "Les Cactus, Cact\u00e9es ou encore Cactac\u00e9es (Cactaceae) sont une famille de plantes \u00e0 fleurs. Ce sont presque toutes des plantes grasses ou plantes succulentes, c'est-\u00e0-dire des plantes x\u00e9rophytes qui stockent dans leurs tissus des r\u00e9serves de \u00ab suc \u00bb pour faire face aux longues p\u00e9riodes de s\u00e9cheresse. 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Troisi\u00e8me opus proposant d'incarner le personnage muscl\u00e9 et machiste Duke Nukem, le jeu oriente l'initiale s\u00e9rie de jeu de plates-formes vers le jeu de tir, tout en apportant un ton r\u00e9solument adulte et tr\u00e8s second degr\u00e9. \"Duke Nukem 3D\" obtint un grand succ\u00e8s, faisant de son personnage principal une figure c\u00e9l\u00e8bre du jeu vid\u00e9o.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q185029", "boundaries": [7, 40], "surfaceform": "jeu de tir \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re personne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q229459", "boundaries": [55, 64], "surfaceform": "3D Realms", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [55, 56], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q973268", "boundaries": [98, 102], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [98, 102], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q751046", "boundaries": [107, 109], "surfaceform": "PC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2722692", "boundaries": [180, 190], "surfaceform": "Duke Nukem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q828322", "boundaries": [227, 247], "surfaceform": "jeu de plates-formes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q728061", "boundaries": [334, 347], "surfaceform": "Duke Nukem 3D", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [345, 346], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q728061", "boundaries": [334, 347], "surfaceform": "Duke Nukem 3D", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q185029", "boundaries": [7, 40], "surfaceform": "jeu de tir \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re personne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.411376953125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "22521-0", "title": "Man\u00e9thon de Sebennytos", "uri": "Q174380", "text": "Man\u00e9thon de Sebennytos (en grec ancien ) est un pr\u00eatre \u00e9gyptien du avant notre \u00e8re qui a \u00e9crit une \"Histoire de l'\u00c9gypte\" (\"\u00c6gyptiaca\") en trois volumes en grec sous le r\u00e8gne de Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e, mais sans doute \u00e0 la demande de son pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseur Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e \"S\u00f4ter\". Man\u00e9thon \u00e9tait un \u00c9gyptien originaire de Sebennytos, ville du delta du Nil et derni\u00e8re capitale pharaonique des . En tant que pr\u00eatre, il avait sans doute acc\u00e8s aux listes royales des biblioth\u00e8ques de temples, mais aussi aux contes populaires \u00e0 propos de divers pharaons mythiques. C'est \u00e0 Man\u00e9thon que l'on doit la division en trente dynasties des souverains d'\u00c9gypte, toujours utilis\u00e9e par les \u00e9gyptologues avec quelques modifications (dynastie \u00e9gyptienne z\u00e9ro par exemple), car elle rend l'analyse de l'histoire \u00e9gyptienne plus commode. C'est \u00e9galement \u00e0 lui que l'on doit l'usage d'appeler Am\u00e9nophis les Amenhotep, les Dj\u00e9houtim\u00e8s ou les . Il s'agit l\u00e0 en effet des transcriptions hell\u00e9nis\u00e9es de noms \u00e9gyptiens.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q174380", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Man\u00e9thon de Sebennytos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [27, 38], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2978939", "boundaries": [48, 63], "surfaceform": "pr\u00eatre \u00e9gyptien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3577161", "boundaries": [124, 133], "surfaceform": "\u00c6gyptiaca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [156, 160], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39576", "boundaries": [178, 186], "surfaceform": "Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q168261", "boundaries": [237, 253], "surfaceform": "Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e \"S\u00f4ter\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1243772", "boundaries": [296, 306], "surfaceform": "Sebennytos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179528", "boundaries": [317, 329], "surfaceform": "delta du Nil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [342, 350], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37110", "boundaries": [351, 358], "surfaceform": "pharaon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7075", "boundaries": [438, 450], "surfaceform": "biblioth\u00e8que", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q855747", "boundaries": [455, 462], "surfaceform": "temples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q17991521", "boundaries": [479, 484], "surfaceform": "conte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q164950", "boundaries": [589, 597], "surfaceform": "dynastie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11768", "boundaries": [616, 622], "surfaceform": "\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q17502113", "boundaries": [650, 661], "surfaceform": "\u00e9gyptologue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1484140", "boundaries": [692, 716], "surfaceform": "dynastie \u00e9gyptienne z\u00e9ro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q462601", "boundaries": [848, 857], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9nophis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q462601", "boundaries": [862, 871], "surfaceform": "Amenhotep", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3033101", "boundaries": [877, 888], "surfaceform": "Dj\u00e9houtim\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3577161", "boundaries": [124, 133], "surfaceform": "\u00c6gyptiaca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q174380", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Man\u00e9thon de Sebennytos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q168261", "boundaries": [237, 253], "surfaceform": "Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e \"S\u00f4ter\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39576", "boundaries": [178, 186], "surfaceform": "Ptol\u00e9m\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.943359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "22495-0", "title": "Flavius Jos\u00e8phe", "uri": "Q134461", "text": "Joseph fils de Matthatias le Pr\u00eatre (h\u00e9breu : , \u00ab\u00a0\"Yossef ben Matityahou HaCohen\"\u00a0\u00bb), plus connu sous son nom latin de Flavius Jos\u00e8phe (latin : Titus Flavius Iosephus ; grec ancien , \u00ab\u00a0), n\u00e9 \u00e0 J\u00e9rusalem en 37/38 et mort \u00e0 Rome vers 100, est un historiographe romain juif d'origine jud\u00e9enne du .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9288", "boundaries": [37, 43], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9breu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q728973", "boundaries": [73, 80], "surfaceform": "HaCohen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q134461", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Flavius Jos\u00e8phe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [136, 141], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [169, 180], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1218", "boundaries": [193, 202], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23456", "boundaries": [206, 208], "surfaceform": "37", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+37^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [206, 208], "surfaceform": "37", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23847", "boundaries": [209, 211], "surfaceform": "38", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+38^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [209, 211], "surfaceform": "38", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q23879", "boundaries": [232, 235], "surfaceform": "100", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+100^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [232, 235], "surfaceform": "100", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q56314891", "boundaries": [244, 258], "surfaceform": "historiographe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q213810", "boundaries": [259, 265], "surfaceform": "romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7325", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "juif", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1003997", "boundaries": [281, 289], "surfaceform": "jud\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q134461", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "Flavius Jos\u00e8phe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1218", "boundaries": [193, 202], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9rusalem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "22529-2", "title": "Cambrai", "uri": "Q181285", "text": "Les terres fertiles qui l'entourent et l'industrie textile font sa prosp\u00e9rit\u00e9 au Moyen \u00c2ge mais \u00e0 l'\u00e9poque moderne, rest\u00e9e \u00e0 l'\u00e9cart des grandes voies de chemin de fer, elle s'industrialise moins que ses voisines des Hauts-de-France. Occup\u00e9e et partiellement d\u00e9truite par l'arm\u00e9e allemande pendant la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, Cambrai voit se d\u00e9rouler \u00e0 ses portes en 1917 la bataille o\u00f9 les chars sont pour la premi\u00e8re fois utilis\u00e9s massivement. La Seconde Guerre mondiale est suivie de reconstructions et d'un rapide d\u00e9veloppement \u00e9conomique et d\u00e9mographique, brutalement invers\u00e9 par le premier choc p\u00e9trolier de 1973.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [81, 90], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q18677767", "boundaries": [217, 232], "surfaceform": "Hauts-de-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [301, 325], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q181285", "boundaries": [327, 334], "surfaceform": "Cambrai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1917^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [368, 372], "surfaceform": "1917", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q654374", "boundaries": [376, 384], "surfaceform": "bataille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q12876", "boundaries": [392, 397], "surfaceform": "chars", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [450, 473], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q316817", "boundaries": [589, 611], "surfaceform": "premier choc p\u00e9trolier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2477", "boundaries": [615, 619], "surfaceform": "1973", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1973^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [615, 619], "surfaceform": "1973", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q654374", "boundaries": [376, 384], "surfaceform": "bataille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q181285", "boundaries": [327, 334], "surfaceform": "Cambrai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "22889-0", "title": "Tour d'Espagne", "uri": "Q33937", "text": "Le Tour d'Espagne (\"Vuelta ciclista a Espa\u00f1a\" en espagnol) est une comp\u00e9tition cycliste par \u00e9tapes masculine qui traverse l'Espagne avec des incursions occasionnelles dans les pays voisins. Inspir\u00e9e par le succ\u00e8s du Tour de France et du Tour d'Italie, et par l'augmentation des ventes des journaux \u00e0 leur origine (\"L'Auto\" et \"La Gazzetta dello Sport\"), Juan Pujol, directeur du journal \"Informaciones\" organise la premi\u00e8re \"Vuelta a Espa\u00f1a\" en 1935. Elle est ensuite disput\u00e9e annuellement et sans discontinuit\u00e9 depuis 1955. Entre 1937 et 1944, la course n'est disput\u00e9e que deux fois, en 1941 et 1942, \u00e0 cause de la Guerre d'Espagne et de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Au fil des ann\u00e9es, le Tour d'Espagne gagne en importance et en popularit\u00e9. La participation s'\u00e9largit, on passe d'un peloton principalement espagnol les premi\u00e8res ann\u00e9es, \u00e0 des \u00e9ditions comptant une quarantaine de nationalit\u00e9s. Il est actuellement organis\u00e9 par Unipublic. Amaury Sport Organisation, organisateur du Tour de France, a depuis pris le contr\u00f4le d'Unipublic.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q33937", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Tour d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1321", "boundaries": [49, 57], "surfaceform": "espagnol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13406554", "boundaries": [67, 78], "surfaceform": "comp\u00e9tition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3609", "boundaries": [79, 87], "surfaceform": "cycliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1318941", "boundaries": [88, 98], "surfaceform": "par \u00e9tapes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33881", "boundaries": [216, 230], "surfaceform": "Tour de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33861", "boundaries": [237, 250], "surfaceform": "Tour d'Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q3202605", "boundaries": [315, 321], "surfaceform": "L'Auto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q651988", "boundaries": [327, 350], "surfaceform": "La Gazzetta dello Sport", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1935^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [445, 449], "surfaceform": "1935", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1955^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [519, 523], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1937^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [531, 535], "surfaceform": "1937", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1944^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [539, 543], "surfaceform": "1944", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1941^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [588, 592], "surfaceform": "1941", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1942^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [596, 600], "surfaceform": "1942", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q10859", "boundaries": [616, 632], "surfaceform": "Guerre d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [642, 665], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q33937", "boundaries": [689, 703], "surfaceform": "Tour d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q3550652", "boundaries": [928, 937], "surfaceform": "Unipublic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q372681", "boundaries": [939, 964], "surfaceform": "Amaury Sport Organisation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q33881", "boundaries": [982, 996], "surfaceform": "Tour de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q33937", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Tour d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3609", "boundaries": [79, 87], "surfaceform": "cycliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q33937", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Tour d'Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1318941", "boundaries": [88, 98], "surfaceform": "par \u00e9tapes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96923828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1318941", "boundaries": [88, 98], "surfaceform": "par \u00e9tapes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3609", "boundaries": [79, 87], "surfaceform": "cycliste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "124392-1", "title": "Szczecin", "uri": "Q393", "text": "La ville se situe dans l'extr\u00eame nord-ouest de la Pologne sur les deux rives de l'Oder, tout pr\u00e8s de son entr\u00e9e dans la lagune de Szczecin \u00e0 Trzebie\u017c pr\u00e8s de Police. L'archipel qui se trouve entre deux bras de l'Oder est une zone industrielle et portuaire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q552", "boundaries": [82, 86], "surfaceform": "Oder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q161385", "boundaries": [120, 138], "surfaceform": "lagune de Szczecin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q393", "boundaries": [130, 138], "surfaceform": "Szczecin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1016582", "boundaries": [141, 149], "surfaceform": "Trzebie\u017c", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q208022", "boundaries": [158, 164], "surfaceform": "Police", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q552", "boundaries": [82, 86], "surfaceform": "Oder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q161385", "boundaries": [120, 138], "surfaceform": "lagune de Szczecin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q161385", "boundaries": [120, 138], "surfaceform": "lagune de Szczecin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q552", "boundaries": [82, 86], "surfaceform": "Oder", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "124648-1", "title": "Ko\u0161ice", "uri": "Q25409", "text": "Situ\u00e9e sur la rivi\u00e8re Horn\u00e1d, carrefour routier et ferroviaire, Ko\u0161ice est la capitale r\u00e9gionale de la r\u00e9gion de Ko\u0161ice (\"Ko\u0161ick\u00fd kraj\") mais elle \u00e9tend son influence au-del\u00e0 des fronti\u00e8res r\u00e9gionales \u00e0 toute la Slovaquie orientale. 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Il offre toutes les facilit\u00e9s d'un IDE moderne (\u00e9diteur avec coloration syntaxique, projets multi-langage, refactoring, \u00e9diteur graphique d'interfaces et de pages Web).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q13741", "boundaries": [7, 45], "surfaceform": "environnement de d\u00e9veloppement int\u00e9gr\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q39162", "boundaries": [63, 74], "surfaceform": "open source", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q14647", "boundaries": [80, 83], "surfaceform": "Sun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1325538", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "juin 2000", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "2000-06-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "juin 2000", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q304628", "boundaries": [116, 159], "surfaceform": "Common Development and Distribution License", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7603", "boundaries": [164, 169], "surfaceform": "GPLv2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [168, 169], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q264456", "boundaries": [188, 196], "surfaceform": "NetBeans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q15777", "boundaries": [257, 258], "surfaceform": "C", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2407", "boundaries": [263, 266], "surfaceform": "C++", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2005", "boundaries": [268, 281], "surfaceform": "le JavaScript", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2115", "boundaries": [283, 289], "surfaceform": "le XML", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q504453", "boundaries": [291, 300], "surfaceform": "le Groovy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q59", "boundaries": [302, 308], "surfaceform": "le PHP", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8811", "boundaries": [312, 319], "surfaceform": "le HTML", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q28865", "boundaries": [339, 345], "surfaceform": "Python", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q161053", "boundaries": [349, 353], "surfaceform": "Ruby", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q747907", "boundaries": [430, 464], "surfaceform": "\u00e9diteur avec coloration syntaxique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2102850", "boundaries": [474, 487], "surfaceform": "multi-langage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q116877", "boundaries": [489, 500], "surfaceform": "refactoring", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q264456", "boundaries": [188, 196], "surfaceform": "NetBeans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13741", "boundaries": [7, 45], "surfaceform": "environnement de d\u00e9veloppement int\u00e9gr\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.50146484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q264456", "boundaries": [188, 196], "surfaceform": "NetBeans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q14647", "boundaries": [80, 83], "surfaceform": "Sun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "125664-0", "title": "Hiiumaa", "uri": "Q146530", "text": "Hiiumaa (en en ) est la deuxi\u00e8me plus grande \u00eele de l\u2019Estonie, dans la mer Baltique, au nord de l\u2019\u00eele de Saaremaa, dont elle n'est s\u00e9par\u00e9e que de . Le village de Rohuk\u00fcla, sur la c\u00f4te estonienne continentale, est distant de vingt-deux kilom\u00e8tres. Administrativement, l'\u00eele appartient en totalit\u00e9 \u00e0 la r\u00e9gion du Hiiumaa. Elle a port\u00e9 le nom de D\u00e4go jusqu'en 1919. 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C'est le si\u00e8ge de la cour de la reine Gueni\u00e8vre et du roi Arthur, souverain de Bretagne, soit l\u2019actuel emplacement de l'Angleterre (au sud du mur d'Hadrien), du pays de Galles et de l\u2019Armorique. 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Le naos du Parth\u00e9non fut con\u00e7u pour abriter la statue chrys\u00e9l\u00e9phantine de la d\u00e9esse \"Ath\u00e9na Parth\u00e9nos\", \u0153uvre monumentale de Phidias, \u00e0 laquelle les Ath\u00e9niens pr\u00e9sentaient leurs offrandes. Si le culte rendu \u00e0 la d\u00e9esse avait habituellement lieu dans l'ancien temple d'Ath\u00e9na de l'Acropole, qui abritait un \"xoanon\" repr\u00e9sentant \"Ath\u00e9na Polias\", le Parth\u00e9non fut sp\u00e9cialement consacr\u00e9 \u00e0 la d\u00e9esse \"Ath\u00e9na Parth\u00e9nos\", protectrice de la cit\u00e9 et d\u00e9esse de la guerre et de la sagesse. Mais, concr\u00e8tement, le Parth\u00e9non devait aussi prot\u00e9ger le tr\u00e9sor de la cit\u00e9. Ce d\u00e9p\u00f4t, compos\u00e9 essentiellement de m\u00e9taux pr\u00e9cieux, \u00e9tait conserv\u00e9 dans l'adyton du temple, regroupant en un m\u00eame lieu, les fonds de la ville d'Ath\u00e8nes et de la ligue de D\u00e9los. 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J.-C. \u00e0 Samos, une \u00eele de la mer \u00c9g\u00e9e au sud-est de la ville d'Ath\u00e8nes ; on \u00e9tablit sa mort vers 495 av. J.-C., \u00e0 l'\u00e2ge de 85 ans. Il aurait \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9galement math\u00e9maticien et scientifique selon une tradition tardive. 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"7483-1", "title": "Caroline du Sud", "uri": "Q1456", "text": "Le territoire est longtemps peupl\u00e9 par de nombreuses tribus am\u00e9rindiennes, dont les plus grandes sont les Cherokees et les Catobas. D\u00e8s 1562 les colons fran\u00e7ais huguenots s'y \u00e9tablissent, et cr\u00e9ent la ville de Charlesfort ainsi que le Fort Caroline. Les Britanniques s'approprient la r\u00e9gion en 1663 et cr\u00e9ent la province de Caroline. En 1723, elle devient une province autonome, qui inclut la future G\u00e9orgie. Comme les \u00c9tats voisins, la Caroline du Sud prosp\u00e9ra au cours du et du gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 une \u00e9conomie de plantation esclavagiste (tabac, coton). Fer de lance de la lutte des colonies contre les Britanniques, elle se r\u00e9volte lors de la R\u00e9volution am\u00e9ricaine et \u00e9tablit son propre gouvernement en 1776. En 1777, elle est le premier \u00c9tat \u00e0 signer les Articles de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration et devient le huiti\u00e8me \u00c9tat de l'Union le 23 mai 1788. Fortement s\u00e9gr\u00e9gationniste, la Caroline du Sud est \u00e9galement le premier \u00c9tat \u00e0 faire s\u00e9cession (d\u00e9cembre 1860).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49297", "boundaries": [53, 73], "surfaceform": "tribus am\u00e9rindiennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q105405", "boundaries": [106, 115], "surfaceform": "Cherokees", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q55290", "boundaries": [123, 130], "surfaceform": "Catobas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1562^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "1562", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q121842", "boundaries": [152, 160], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q101935", "boundaries": [161, 169], "surfaceform": "huguenot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2960775", "boundaries": [210, 221], "surfaceform": "Charlesfort", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, 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La ville de Phoenix accueille \u00e9galement l'une des \u00e9quipes de la NBA, les Suns de Phoenix. Par ailleurs, la peine de mort y est en vigueur.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q29468", "boundaries": [47, 64], "surfaceform": "Parti r\u00e9publicain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [127, 131], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q816", "boundaries": [135, 142], "surfaceform": "Arizona", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q155223", "boundaries": [259, 262], "surfaceform": "NBA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q164177", "boundaries": [268, 283], "surfaceform": "Suns de Phoenix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1435124", "boundaries": [302, 315], "surfaceform": "peine de mort", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q164177", "boundaries": [268, 283], "surfaceform": "Suns de Phoenix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P118", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "league", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q155223", "boundaries": [259, 262], "surfaceform": "NBA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 19, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "7505-0", "title": "GNOME", "uri": "Q44316", "text": "GNOME, acronyme de \"\", est un environnement de bureau libre convivial dont l'objectif est de rendre accessible l'utilisation du syst\u00e8me d'exploitation GNU au plus grand nombre ; 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Les \u00eeles sont unifi\u00e9es en un royaume vers 1810 par Kamehameha, qui fonde une dynastie qui perdure jusqu'en 1893. Lui succ\u00e8dent une \u00e9ph\u00e9m\u00e8re R\u00e9publique d'Hawa\u00ef (1894-1898) et le territoire d'Hawa\u00ef, cr\u00e9\u00e9 lors de l'annexion de l'archipel par les \u00c9tats-Unis. En , l'\u00eele d'Oahu est le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de l'attaque de Pearl Harbor. Le territoire est dissous en 1959 lorsque Hawa\u00ef devient le am\u00e9ricain. Il compte un peu plus de en 2020, principalement dans l'aire urbaine de Honolulu. La population est compos\u00e9e de nombreux groupes ethniques, principalement d'origine asiatique (Philippins, Japonais). Les autochtones hawa\u00efens comptent aujourd'hui pour 22 % de la population.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1042001", "boundaries": [40, 51], "surfaceform": "polyn\u00e9siens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q23666", "boundaries": [106, 117], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7324", "boundaries": [118, 128], "surfaceform": "James Cook", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1778^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [132, 136], "surfaceform": "1778", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q156418", "boundaries": [197, 204], "surfaceform": "royaume", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1810^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [210, 214], "surfaceform": "1810", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q214910", "boundaries": [219, 229], "surfaceform": "Kamehameha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": 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Proche des cultures polyn\u00e9siennes et maories, elle demeure tr\u00e8s active, notamment autour de traditions musicales. La musique hawa\u00efenne, essentiellement jou\u00e9e \u00e0 la guitare hawa\u00efenne et au ukul\u00e9l\u00e9, fut popularis\u00e9e dans le monde par Sol Hoopii et, plus tard, par le chanteur Iz. Le mode de vie hawa\u00efen se diffuse \u00e9galement avec la pratique du surf et de la spiritualit\u00e9 locale, le Ho\u02bboponopono. Ses deux grands parcs nationaux (Parc national des volcans d'Hawa\u00ef, Parc national de Haleakal\u0101) et ses nombreuses plages en font une destination touristique majeure. De tradition d\u00e9mocrate, Hawaii est le lieu de naissance du 44 pr\u00e9sident des \u00c9tats-Unis, Barack Obama. 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Une des principales r\u00e9gions du Kentucky est la \"Bluegrass region\", dans le centre de l'\u00c9tat, o\u00f9 se trouvent les deux principales villes, Louisville et Lexington. 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Il s'agit d'une \u00eele volcanique cr\u00e9\u00e9e par un point chaud : culminant \u00e0 au piton des Neiges, elle pr\u00e9sente un relief escarp\u00e9 travaill\u00e9 par une \u00e9rosion tr\u00e8s marqu\u00e9e. Le piton de la Fournaise, situ\u00e9 dans le Sud-Est de l'\u00eele, est un des volcans les plus actifs du monde. 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Le sentier des Appalaches traverse l'\u00c9tat dans la for\u00eat nationale de White Mountain.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q184872", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "loisir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q130949", "boundaries": [46, 49], "surfaceform": "ski", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q17240", "boundaries": [54, 63], "surfaceform": "motoneige", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q204686", "boundaries": [76, 90], "surfaceform": "sports d'hiver", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12014035", "boundaries": [96, 106], "surfaceform": "randonn\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36908", "boundaries": [112, 121], "surfaceform": "alpinisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q136689", "boundaries": [164, 170], "surfaceform": "chalet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23397", "boundaries": [181, 184], "surfaceform": "lac", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q165", "boundaries": [203, 206], "surfaceform": "mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5386", "boundaries": [212, 230], "surfaceform": "sports automobiles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1815356", "boundaries": [234, 262], "surfaceform": "New Hampshire Motor Speedway", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q620648", "boundaries": [313, 335], "surfaceform": "sentier des Appalaches", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2566939", "boundaries": [360, 393], "surfaceform": "for\u00eat nationale de White Mountain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1815356", "boundaries": [234, 262], "surfaceform": "New Hampshire Motor Speedway", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5386", "boundaries": [212, 230], "surfaceform": "sports automobiles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 16, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "7556-1", "title": "Montana", "uri": "Q1212", "text": "La r\u00e9gion est peupl\u00e9e par plusieurs peuples am\u00e9rindiens (Sioux, Nez-Perc\u00e9s, Kootenays, Pikunis et Cheyennes notamment) avant l'arriv\u00e9e des Europ\u00e9ens. Parcourue par divers trappeurs europ\u00e9ens au cours du , elle fait partie du territoire de la Louisiane et est donc vendue avec elle aux \u00c9tats-Unis, en 1803. Elle est en partie explor\u00e9e par l'exp\u00e9dition Lewis et Clark en 1805 et 1806. La d\u00e9couverte de gisements d'or dans les ann\u00e9es 1850 et 1860 provoque une immigration massive de prospecteurs et de colons. En 1864, le Montana est d\u00e9clar\u00e9 territoire, et int\u00e8gre l'Union le , devenant le quarante et uni\u00e8me \u00c9tat am\u00e9ricain. La construction d'une voie ferr\u00e9e entra\u00eene le peuplement et le d\u00e9veloppement de l'\u00e9conomie de l'\u00c9tat, multipliant la population par dix de 1880 \u00e0 1910. L'accroissement d\u00e9mographique demeure fort tout au long du si\u00e8cle. Le Montana est l'un des \u00c9tats les plus homog\u00e8nes sur le plan ethnique (86 % de blancs non hispaniques), bien qu'il compte une importante population am\u00e9rindienne qui vit en partie dans les huit r\u00e9serves de l\u2019\u00c9tat.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49297", "boundaries": [44, 55], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9rindiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q107434", "boundaries": [57, 62], "surfaceform": "Sioux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1123923", "boundaries": [64, 74], "surfaceform": "Nez-Perc\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1550384", "boundaries": [76, 85], "surfaceform": "Kootenays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2673132", "boundaries": [87, 94], "surfaceform": "Pikunis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q322951", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "Cheyennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q394067", "boundaries": [139, 148], "surfaceform": "Europ\u00e9ens", 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L'\u00c9tat fait ensuite partie de la Nouvelle-France. La France c\u00e8de le territoire au Royaume de Grande-Bretagne apr\u00e8s sa d\u00e9faite lors de la guerre de Sept Ans en 1763. En 1777, durant la guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance des \u00c9tats-Unis, est fond\u00e9e la R\u00e9publique du Vermont, pr\u00e9lude \u00e0 l'admission de l'\u00c9tat dans l'Union en 1791. Avec Hawa\u00ef, la Californie et le Texas, le Vermont est l'un des quatre \u00c9tats am\u00e9ricains \u00e0 avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 un \u00c9tat souverain. Il fut en outre le premier \u00e0 abolir partiellement l'esclavage. Son h\u00e9ritage colonial a perdur\u00e9 et un quart des habitants d\u00e9clare avoir des anc\u00eatres fran\u00e7ais.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q68518", "boundaries": [32, 40], "surfaceform": "Iroquois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q135863", "boundaries": [48, 58], "surfaceform": "Algonquins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q68529", "boundaries": [85, 104], "surfaceform": "Samuel de Champlain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6762", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1609", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1609^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1609", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q170604", "boundaries": [147, 162], "surfaceform": "Nouvelle-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [167, 173], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q161885", "boundaries": [196, 222], "surfaceform": "Royaume de Grande-Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33143", "boundaries": [251, 269], "surfaceform": "guerre de Sept Ans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7655", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "1763", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1763^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "1763", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7709", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "1777", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1777^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "1777", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q40949", "boundaries": [298, 334], "surfaceform": "guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1649602", "boundaries": [350, 371], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique du Vermont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q16551", "boundaries": [364, 371], "surfaceform": "Vermont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1791^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [421, 425], "surfaceform": "1791", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q782", "boundaries": [432, 437], "surfaceform": "Hawa\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [442, 452], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1439", "boundaries": [459, 464], "surfaceform": "Texas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16551", "boundaries": [469, 476], "surfaceform": "Vermont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3624078", "boundaries": [529, 543], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat souverain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8463", "boundaries": [597, 606], "surfaceform": "esclavage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1369944", "boundaries": [684, 701], "surfaceform": "anc\u00eatres fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q33143", "boundaries": [251, 269], "surfaceform": "guerre de Sept Ans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q161885", "boundaries": [196, 222], "surfaceform": "Royaume de Grande-Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q40949", "boundaries": [298, 334], "surfaceform": "guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1649602", "boundaries": [350, 371], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique du Vermont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "7585-2", "title": "Oregon", "uri": "Q824", "text": "Entre 1902 et 1908, les efforts de la \"Direct Legislation League\" font de l'Oregon un pr\u00e9curseur en mati\u00e8re de d\u00e9mocratie directe (r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum, initiative populaire, r\u00e9vocation populaire des \u00e9lus) par l'instauration de l\"'Oregon System\" qui s'\u00e9tendra par la suite \u00e0 d'autres \u00c9tats. L'Oregon est un \u00c9tat traditionnellement d\u00e9mocrate. Il est surnomm\u00e9 \u00ab\u00a0L\u2019\u00c9tat du castor\u00a0\u00bb et ses habitants sont appel\u00e9s \"Or\u00e9gonais\" et \"Or\u00e9gonaises\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2043", "boundaries": [6, 10], "surfaceform": "1902", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1902^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [6, 10], "surfaceform": "1902", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2056", "boundaries": [14, 18], "surfaceform": "1908", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1908^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [14, 18], "surfaceform": "1908", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q824", "boundaries": [76, 82], "surfaceform": "Oregon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q171174", "boundaries": [111, 129], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mocratie directe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43109", "boundaries": [131, 141], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q660064", "boundaries": [143, 163], "surfaceform": "initiative populaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q824", "boundaries": [221, 227], "surfaceform": "Oregon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q824", "boundaries": [283, 289], "surfaceform": "Oregon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29552", "boundaries": [321, 330], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mocrate", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q660064", "boundaries": [143, 163], "surfaceform": "initiative populaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q171174", "boundaries": [111, 129], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mocratie directe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.492431640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "7697-0", "title": "Bichkek", "uri": "Q9361", "text": "Bichkek (en ) est la capitale et la principale ville du Kirghizistan. 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La Lituanie a \u00e9t\u00e9 envahie puis incorpor\u00e9e \u00e0 l'Union sovi\u00e9tique de juin 1940 \u00e0 juin 1941, puis \u00e0 partir de 1944 en d\u00e9pit d'une r\u00e9sistance qui s'est prolong\u00e9e jusqu'en 1953. Le pays a recouvr\u00e9 sa souverainet\u00e9 en 1990. Depuis, comme ses voisins baltes septentrionaux, la Lituanie a int\u00e9gr\u00e9 l'OTAN le 17 mars 2004, l'Union europ\u00e9enne le et l\u2019Espace Schengen le . La Lituanie a \u00e9galement int\u00e9gr\u00e9 la zone euro le et est pays membre de l'OCDE depuis 2018.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49683", "boundaries": [13, 36], "surfaceform": "grand-duch\u00e9 de Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37", "boundaries": [28, 36], "surfaceform": "Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2094", "boundaries": [54, 58], "surfaceform": "1918", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1918^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [54, 58], "surfaceform": "1918", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18633", "boundaries": [61, 65], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [61, 65], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2062", "boundaries": [87, 91], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": 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La ville doit son d\u00e9veloppement comme son r\u00f4le politique et historique \u00e0 sa position au niveau d\u2019un point de convergence g\u00e9ologique, hydrographique, culturel et strat\u00e9gique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q107426", "boundaries": [40, 45], "surfaceform": "Anjou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q106151", "boundaries": [74, 86], "surfaceform": "Plantagen\u00eats", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38380", "boundaries": [88, 94], "surfaceform": "Angers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q170353", "boundaries": [164, 176], "surfaceform": "bon roi Ren\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q107426", "boundaries": [40, 45], "surfaceform": "Anjou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38380", "boundaries": [88, 94], "surfaceform": "Angers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q170353", "boundaries": [164, 176], "surfaceform": "bon roi Ren\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38380", "boundaries": [88, 94], "surfaceform": "Angers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "45818-0", "title": "Boeing 737", "uri": "Q6387", "text": "Le Boeing 737 est un avion de ligne court \u00e0 moyen-courrier bir\u00e9acteur \u00e0 fuselage \u00e9troit d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 et construit depuis 1967 par la Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Initialement d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 comme un d\u00e9riv\u00e9 des 707 et 727, plus petit et plus abordable, le 737 se d\u00e9cline en une famille de dix mod\u00e8les pouvant emporter de . Depuis 2004, le 737 est le seul avion de ligne \u00e0 fuselage \u00e9troit de Boeing en production. Depuis son lancement jusqu'en , plus de ont \u00e9t\u00e9 produits, ce qui a fait du Boeing 737 l'avion de ligne \u00e0 r\u00e9action le plus vendu jusqu'en 2018.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6387", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 737", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+737^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 13], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q210932", "boundaries": [21, 35], "surfaceform": "avion de ligne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q842262", "boundaries": [72, 87], "surfaceform": "fuselage \u00e9troit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2648", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "1967", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1967^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "1967", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [130, 157], "surfaceform": "Boeing Commercial Airplanes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6394", "boundaries": [202, 205], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 205], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6409", "boundaries": [209, 212], "surfaceform": "727", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+727^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [209, 212], "surfaceform": "727", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+737^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [247, 250], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [321, 325], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+737^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [330, 333], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6387", "boundaries": [479, 489], "surfaceform": "Boeing 737", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+737^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [486, 489], "surfaceform": "737", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [541, 545], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q6387", "boundaries": [3, 13], "surfaceform": "Boeing 737", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [130, 157], "surfaceform": "Boeing Commercial Airplanes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "46028-1", "title": "Talmud", "uri": "Q43290", "text": "R\u00e9dig\u00e9 dans un m\u00e9lange d'h\u00e9breu et de jud\u00e9o-aram\u00e9en et compos\u00e9 de la \"Mishna\" (h\u00e9breu : \u05de\u05e9\u05e0\u05d4 : \u00ab r\u00e9p\u00e9tition, r\u00e9citation \u00bb) et de la \"Guemara\" (\u05d2\u05de\u05e8\u05d0 : \u00ab parach\u00e8vement, perfection \u00bb en h\u00e9breu, ou \u00ab \u00e9tude \u00bb en aram\u00e9en), le Talmud rassemble les discussions rabbiniques sur les divers sujets de la loi juive telle qu'elle est expos\u00e9e dans la Bible h\u00e9bra\u00efque et son versant oral, la \"Torah\". Ces discussions abordent entre autres le droit civil et matrimonial mais traitent aussi, au d\u00e9tour de ces questions, de points d'\u00e9thique, de mythes, de m\u00e9decine, de g\u00e9nie et autres. 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Les tensions sont alors croissantes au sein du groupe, avec Waters devenu sa seule force motrice et finissent par mener \u00e0 l\u2019exclusion du clavi\u00e9riste Richard Wright, qui ne r\u00e9int\u00e8gre officiellement le groupe qu\u2019en 1994, longtemps apr\u00e8s le d\u00e9part de Waters. Ce dernier quitte le groupe en 1985, apr\u00e8s l\u2019album suivant, \"The Final Cut\", pour entamer une carri\u00e8re solo.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q151114", "boundaries": [1, 9], "surfaceform": "The Wall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q753110", "boundaries": [63, 83], "surfaceform": "auteurs-compositeurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q180861", "boundaries": [95, 107], "surfaceform": "Roger Waters", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q178517", "boundaries": [111, 124], "surfaceform": "David Gilmour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q190251", "boundaries": [275, 289], "surfaceform": "Richard Wright", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2332028", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2415118", "boundaries": [413, 417], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [413, 417], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q208227", "boundaries": [443, 456], "surfaceform": "The Final Cut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q178517", "boundaries": [111, 124], "surfaceform": "David Gilmour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q753110", "boundaries": [63, 83], "surfaceform": "auteurs-compositeurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.82275390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "46074-0", "title": "Achille", "uri": "Q41746", "text": "Achille (en grec ancien ) est un h\u00e9ros l\u00e9gendaire de la guerre de Troie, fils de P\u00e9l\u00e9e, roi de Phthie en Thessalie, et de Th\u00e9tis, une N\u00e9r\u00e9ide (nymphe marine). Il est fr\u00e9quemment appel\u00e9 \u00ab P\u00e9l\u00e9ide \u00bb ou \u00ab \u00c9acide \u00bb, \u00e9pith\u00e8tes qui rappellent son ascendance.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41746", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Achille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [12, 23], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1878906", "boundaries": [33, 38], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9ros", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44342", "boundaries": [39, 49], "surfaceform": "l\u00e9gendaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42937", "boundaries": [56, 71], "surfaceform": "guerre de Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q178641", "boundaries": [81, 86], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9l\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1232814", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Phthie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q166919", "boundaries": [105, 114], "surfaceform": "Thessalie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184437", "boundaries": [122, 128], "surfaceform": "Th\u00e9tis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q54230", "boundaries": [134, 141], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9r\u00e9ide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q373916", "boundaries": [143, 149], "surfaceform": "nymphe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q403358", "boundaries": [202, 208], "surfaceform": "\u00c9acide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3142448", "boundaries": [212, 221], "surfaceform": "\u00e9pith\u00e8tes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q178641", "boundaries": [81, 86], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9l\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41746", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Achille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q178641", "boundaries": [81, 86], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9l\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q184437", "boundaries": [122, 128], "surfaceform": "Th\u00e9tis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9775390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q184437", "boundaries": [122, 128], "surfaceform": "Th\u00e9tis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q54230", "boundaries": [134, 141], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9r\u00e9ide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.85693359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "46074-1", "title": "Achille", "uri": "Q41746", "text": "Sa m\u00e8re le plonge dans le Styx, l'un des fleuves des Enfers, pour que son corps devienne invuln\u00e9rable ; son talon, par lequel le tient Th\u00e9tis, n'y est pas tremp\u00e9 et reste celui d'un mortel, ce qui le m\u00e8nera plus tard \u00e0 sa perte. Il est \u00e9duqu\u00e9 par le centaure Chiron qui lui apprend les arts de la guerre, la musique et la m\u00e9decine. Alors qu'il est encore adolescent, il choisit une vie courte, mais glorieuse, plut\u00f4t qu'une existence longue mais sans \u00e9clat. Cach\u00e9 par sa m\u00e8re, qui veut l'emp\u00eacher de participer \u00e0 la guerre de Troie, \u00e0 la cour du roi Lycom\u00e8de, le jeune homme est d\u00e9couvert par Ulysse et rejoint, avec son ami intime Patrocle, l'exp\u00e9dition grecque. Lors de la dixi\u00e8me ann\u00e9e du conflit, une querelle avec Agamemnon le pousse \u00e0 quitter le combat : c'est la \u00ab col\u00e8re d'Achille \u00bb chant\u00e9e par l\u2019\"Iliade\". Dans \"Le Banquet\" de X\u00e9nophon, X\u00e9nophon dit qu'ils n'\u00e9taient pas amants ; Eschyle dit le contraire dans sa pi\u00e8ce \"Les Myrmidons\". La mort de Patrocle le pousse \u00e0 reprendre les armes pour affronter Hector, le meilleur des Troyens. Achille trouve la mort peu apr\u00e8s l'avoir tu\u00e9, atteint au talon par une fl\u00e8che de P\u00e2ris guid\u00e9e par le dieu Apollon.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q542758", "boundaries": [26, 30], "surfaceform": "Styx", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1521549", "boundaries": [53, 59], "surfaceform": "Enfers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83203", "boundaries": [250, 258], "surfaceform": "centaure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183417", "boundaries": [259, 265], "surfaceform": "Chiron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q440317", "boundaries": [322, 330], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9decine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42937", "boundaries": [516, 531], "surfaceform": "guerre de Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1330532", "boundaries": [550, 558], "surfaceform": "Lycom\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q47231", "boundaries": [593, 599], "surfaceform": "Ulysse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q186271", "boundaries": [632, 640], "surfaceform": "Patrocle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q128176", "boundaries": [719, 728], "surfaceform": "Agamemnon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q41746", "boundaries": [781, 788], "surfaceform": "Achille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q8275", "boundaries": [806, 812], "surfaceform": "Iliade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q129772", "boundaries": [836, 844], "surfaceform": "X\u00e9nophon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q40939", "boundaries": [889, 896], "surfaceform": "Eschyle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q186271", "boundaries": [956, 964], "surfaceform": "Patrocle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q159666", "boundaries": [1012, 1018], "surfaceform": "Hector", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q41746", "boundaries": [1045, 1052], "surfaceform": "Achille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q167646", "boundaries": [1126, 1131], "surfaceform": "P\u00e2ris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q37340", "boundaries": [1151, 1158], "surfaceform": "Apollon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q183417", "boundaries": [259, 265], "surfaceform": "Chiron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83203", "boundaries": [250, 258], "surfaceform": "centaure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8275", "boundaries": [806, 812], "surfaceform": "Iliade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q128176", "boundaries": [719, 728], "surfaceform": "Agamemnon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8275", "boundaries": [806, 812], "surfaceform": "Iliade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41746", "boundaries": [781, 788], "surfaceform": "Achille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "46692-0", "title": "Parti national fasciste", "uri": "Q139596", "text": "Le Parti national fasciste (en italien, ' : PNF) \u00e9tait le parti politique italien qui repr\u00e9sentait l'id\u00e9ologie fasciste. Fond\u00e9 le 9 par Mussolini, il trouve ses origines dans les faisceaux italiens de combat, cr\u00e9\u00e9s en alors que le royaume d'Italie est en proie \u00e0 des troubles \u00e9conomiques et sociaux, li\u00e9s \u00e0 la sortie du premier conflit mondial. Entre 1919 et 1921, ces faisceaux font r\u00e9gner en Italie une agitation dirig\u00e9e essentiellement contre le PSI, ses militants et ses organisations.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q139596", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Parti national fasciste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q652", "boundaries": [31, 38], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7278", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "parti politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [74, 80], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3138096", "boundaries": [111, 119], "surfaceform": "fasciste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+9^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [130, 131], "surfaceform": "9", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23559", "boundaries": [136, 145], "surfaceform": "Mussolini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q601211", "boundaries": [179, 207], "surfaceform": "faisceaux italiens de combat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q172579", "boundaries": [231, 247], "surfaceform": "royaume d'Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [320, 343], "surfaceform": "premier conflit mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2157", "boundaries": [351, 355], "surfaceform": "1919", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1919^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [351, 355], "surfaceform": "1919", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2162", "boundaries": [359, 363], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1921^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [359, 363], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q590750", "boundaries": [449, 452], "surfaceform": "PSI", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q139596", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Parti national fasciste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7278", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "parti politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9296875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q139596", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Parti national fasciste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [74, 80], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q139596", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Parti national fasciste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q601211", "boundaries": [179, 207], "surfaceform": "faisceaux italiens de combat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q652", "boundaries": [31, 38], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [74, 80], "surfaceform": "italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.845703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "46692-1", "title": "Parti national fasciste", "uri": "Q139596", "text": "\u00c0 la suite de la marche sur Rome d', Mussolini est nomm\u00e9 chef du gouvernement par le roi Victor-Emmanuel III. Apr\u00e8s l'affaire Matteoti de 1924, il fait voter les \u00ab lois fascistissimes \u00bb et instaure un r\u00e9gime autoritaire, dirig\u00e9 par le Grand Conseil du fascisme dont il prend la t\u00eate. Le Parti fasciste, seul parti autoris\u00e9, quadrille la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 par de nombreuses organisations, et se fond dans l'\u00c9tat. \u00c0 la fin des ann\u00e9es 1930, l'Italie devient de plus en plus soumise \u00e0 l'Allemagne nazie, faisant voter les lois raciales fascistes en . Le PNF est interdit dans les jours qui suivent l'arrestation de Mussolini le , alors que l'Italie se trouve dans une situation militaire sans issue, cons\u00e9quences des d\u00e9faites militaires successives essuy\u00e9es par l'Italie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Gr\u00e8ce, en URSS, en Afrique et en Sicile. Le 9 septembre, un commando allemand le fait \u00e9vader ; Mussolini proclame alors la R\u00e9publique, renouant ainsi avec le squadrisme r\u00e9publicain ; le Parti national fasciste rena\u00eet alors sous le nom Parti fasciste r\u00e9publicain (', PFR) lors du congr\u00e8s de V\u00e9rone d'octobre 1943.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q468823", "boundaries": [17, 32], "surfaceform": "marche sur Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q150642", "boundaries": [89, 108], "surfaceform": "Victor-Emmanuel III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q267304", "boundaries": [118, 134], "surfaceform": "affaire Matteoti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2173", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "1924", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1924^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "1924", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3258694", "boundaries": [164, 183], "surfaceform": "lois 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trait\u00e9 de Versailles de 1919 qui limite les effectifs, les mat\u00e9riels et interdit une force a\u00e9rienne ; mais ce n'est plus le cas dans les faits.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1935^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1935", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [12, 21], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q157608", "boundaries": [38, 48], "surfaceform": "Reichswehr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q8736", "boundaries": [118, 138], "surfaceform": "trait\u00e9 de Versailles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1919^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [142, 146], "surfaceform": "1919", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [12, 21], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", 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Mais en, il est destitu\u00e9 par Adolf Hitler qui assure ensuite seul le commandement en chef des forces arm\u00e9es du Reich. Apr\u00e8s le suicide de Hitler, c'est le \"Gro\u00dfadmiral\" D\u00f6nitz qui devient pendant trois semaines le commandant nominal de la Wehrmacht, dans le cadre du gouvernement de Flensbourg au cours du mois de .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [25, 34], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q152412", "boundaries": [42, 60], "surfaceform": "commandant en chef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [84, 93], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q70992", "boundaries": [107, 126], "surfaceform": "Werner von Blomberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q471063", "boundaries": [163, 184], "surfaceform": "ministre de la Guerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q683607", "boundaries": [216, 218], "surfaceform": "en", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q352", "boundaries": [240, 252], "surfaceform": "Adolf Hitler", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1993476", "boundaries": [338, 355], "surfaceform": "suicide de Hitler", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q161546", "boundaries": [367, 378], "surfaceform": "Gro\u00dfadmiral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q76437", "boundaries": [380, 386], "surfaceform": "D\u00f6nitz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [450, 459], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q313114", "boundaries": [478, 504], "surfaceform": "gouvernement de Flensbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q152412", "boundaries": [42, 60], "surfaceform": "commandant en chef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q471063", "boundaries": [163, 184], "surfaceform": "ministre de la Guerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.64111328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "46750-3", "title": "Wehrmacht", "uri": "Q128781", "text": "Apr\u00e8s avoir perfectionn\u00e9 ses tactiques lors de la guerre civile espagnole et avoir occup\u00e9 l'Autriche (), la r\u00e9gion des Sud\u00e8tes () puis une grande partie de la Tch\u00e9coslovaquie (), l'arm\u00e9e allemande d\u00e9clenche la Seconde Guerre mondiale et en devient un des principaux acteurs : apr\u00e8s une premi\u00e8re victoire en Pologne en 1939 avec la complicit\u00e9 de l'Union sovi\u00e9tique, la Wehrmacht bat les arm\u00e9es fran\u00e7aise, britannique et belge en mai et . Au , elle est contrainte d'aider l'arm\u00e9e italienne en difficult\u00e9 en Yougoslavie et en Gr\u00e8ce. Un mois plus tard, elle se retourne contre son alli\u00e9e de 1939 en entrant \u00e0 fin en Union sovi\u00e9tique : c'est l'op\u00e9ration \"Barbarossa\". Le tournant arrive avec la seconde bataille d'El Alamein en 1942 et l\u2019\u00e9chec devant Stalingrad au d\u00e9but de 1943. Par la suite, la Wehrmacht perd le contr\u00f4le de l'Afrique du Nord et de la Sicile, puis doit battre en retraite sur le vaste territoire de l'Union sovi\u00e9tique apr\u00e8s la bataille de Koursk de .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q10859", "boundaries": [50, 73], "surfaceform": "guerre civile espagnole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q154681", "boundaries": [90, 100], "surfaceform": "l'Autriche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q154255", "boundaries": [108, 126], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion des Sud\u00e8tes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q152750", "boundaries": [139, 174], "surfaceform": "grande partie de la Tch\u00e9coslovaquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q150812", "boundaries": [295, 314], "surfaceform": "victoire en Pologne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1939^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [318, 322], "surfaceform": "1939", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q130796", "boundaries": [345, 363], "surfaceform": "l'Union sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [368, 377], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q151340", "boundaries": [386, 402], "surfaceform": "arm\u00e9es fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1939^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [587, 591], "surfaceform": "1939", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [612, 628], "surfaceform": "Union sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83055", "boundaries": [639, 661], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration \"Barbarossa\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q153376", "boundaries": [690, 719], "surfaceform": "seconde bataille d'El Alamein", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1942^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [723, 727], "surfaceform": "1942", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q38789", "boundaries": [733, 756], "surfaceform": "\u00e9chec devant Stalingrad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1943^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [769, 773], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q128781", "boundaries": [792, 801], "surfaceform": "Wehrmacht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q130861", "boundaries": [941, 959], "surfaceform": "bataille de Koursk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q83055", "boundaries": [639, 661], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration \"Barbarossa\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [612, 628], "surfaceform": "Union sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "44544-1", "title": "M\u00e9dine", "uri": "Q35484", "text": "C'est l\u00e0 que vint s'installer en 622 \u00e0 l'h\u00e9gire le proph\u00e8te de l'islam, Mahomet, apr\u00e8s qu'il eut, , ville distante de plus de . C\u2019est aussi l\u00e0 qu\u2019il mourut et fut enterr\u00e9 en 632. La ville abrite son tombeau dans la Mosqu\u00e9e du Proph\u00e8te ainsi que les premiers califes Abou Bakr et Omar, les autres personnes importantes de l'islam restant au cimeti\u00e8re Al-Baqi.", "entities": [{"uri": "+622^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [33, 36], "surfaceform": "622", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q131482", "boundaries": [41, 47], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9gire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q42857", "boundaries": [51, 59], "surfaceform": "proph\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [65, 70], "surfaceform": "islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [72, 79], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+632^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [174, 177], "surfaceform": "632", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q486080", "boundaries": [215, 234], "surfaceform": "Mosqu\u00e9e du Proph\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q65997", "boundaries": [258, 264], "surfaceform": "calife", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q334923", "boundaries": [266, 275], "surfaceform": "Abou Bakr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q8467", "boundaries": [279, 283], "surfaceform": "Omar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q154204", "boundaries": [350, 357], "surfaceform": "Al-Baqi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [65, 70], "surfaceform": "islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [72, 79], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8623046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "44608-1", "title": "Charm el-Cheikh", "uri": "Q644", "text": "La localisation de la ville en fait une position strat\u00e9gique au croisement de la mer Rouge et du golfe d'Aqaba, \u00e2prement disput\u00e9e pendant les conflits entre Isra\u00ebl et l\u2019\u00c9gypte.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23406", "boundaries": [81, 90], "surfaceform": "mer Rouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q81611", "boundaries": [97, 110], "surfaceform": "golfe d'Aqaba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q801", "boundaries": [157, 163], "surfaceform": "Isra\u00ebl", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q81611", "boundaries": [97, 110], "surfaceform": "golfe d'Aqaba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23406", "boundaries": [81, 90], "surfaceform": "mer Rouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q801", "boundaries": [157, 163], "surfaceform": "Isra\u00ebl", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q81611", "boundaries": [97, 110], "surfaceform": "golfe d'Aqaba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.916015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "44660-0", "title": "L'\u00c9trange No\u00ebl de monsieur Jack", "uri": "Q322328", "text": "L'\u00c9trange No\u00ebl de monsieur Jack (\"\") est un film d'animation am\u00e9ricain r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par Henry Selick, sorti en 1993. Il s'agit du quarante-et-uni\u00e8me long-m\u00e9trage d'animation des studios Disney.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q322328", "boundaries": [0, 31], "surfaceform": "L'\u00c9trange No\u00ebl de monsieur Jack", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q11425", "boundaries": [44, 60], "surfaceform": "film d'animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [61, 70], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q514859", "boundaries": [83, 95], "surfaceform": "Henry Selick", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q633109", "boundaries": [106, 110], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1993^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [106, 110], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q191224", "boundaries": [173, 187], "surfaceform": "studios Disney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q322328", "boundaries": [0, 31], "surfaceform": "L'\u00c9trange No\u00ebl de monsieur Jack", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [61, 70], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q322328", "boundaries": [0, 31], "surfaceform": "L'\u00c9trange No\u00ebl de monsieur Jack", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q514859", "boundaries": [83, 95], "surfaceform": "Henry Selick", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "44780-4", "title": "Agen", "uri": "Q6625", "text": "Le nom d'Agen est couramment associ\u00e9 au pruneau, dont la zone de production est essentiellement situ\u00e9e en Lot-et-Garonne et \u00e9tait autrefois exp\u00e9di\u00e9 depuis le port de la ville sur la Garonne, ainsi qu'au rugby \u00e0 XV par son club embl\u00e9matique, le SU Agen, qui d\u00e9tient notamment huit titres de champion de France.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6625", "boundaries": [9, 13], "surfaceform": "Agen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6766526", "boundaries": [40, 47], "surfaceform": "pruneau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12578", "boundaries": [106, 120], "surfaceform": "Lot-et-Garonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5849", "boundaries": [203, 213], "surfaceform": "rugby \u00e0 XV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1422627", "boundaries": [244, 251], "surfaceform": "SU Agen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6625", "boundaries": [247, 251], "surfaceform": "Agen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q6625", "boundaries": [9, 13], "surfaceform": "Agen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12578", "boundaries": [106, 120], "surfaceform": "Lot-et-Garonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1422627", "boundaries": [244, 251], "surfaceform": "SU Agen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5849", "boundaries": [203, 213], "surfaceform": "rugby \u00e0 XV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "44874-0", "title": "Brahm\u0101", "uri": "Q11389", "text": "Brahm\u0101 (devan\u0101gar\u012b : \u092c\u094d\u0930\u0939\u094d\u092e\u093e) est le dieu cr\u00e9ateur-d\u00e9miurge de l'hindouisme, le premier membre de la Trim\u016brti, la trinit\u00e9 des d\u00e9it\u00e9s hindoues majeures. Les autres membres sont Vishnou et Shiva. Sarasvat\u012b est sa shakti, son \u00e9nergie, son \u00e9pouse. Sa monture v\u0101hana est un hamsa, une oie ou un cygne. Sa couleur est le rouge. Il n'est pas mentionn\u00e9 dans les Veda, mais seulement \u00e0 partir des Br\u0101hma\u1e47a, et il est tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9sent dans le Mah\u0101bh\u0101rata, le R\u0101m\u0101ya\u1e47a et les Pur\u0101\u1e47a. C'est une personnification de la notion abstraite de brahman.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11389", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Brahm\u0101", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q38592", "boundaries": [8, 18], "surfaceform": "devan\u0101gar\u012b", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183488", "boundaries": [51, 59], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9miurge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9089", "boundaries": [65, 75], "surfaceform": "hindouisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9595", "boundaries": [101, 109], "surfaceform": "Trim\u016brti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3249185", "boundaries": [126, 132], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9it\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q11380", "boundaries": [176, 183], "surfaceform": "Vishnou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q11378", "boundaries": [187, 192], "surfaceform": "Shiva", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q58838", "boundaries": [194, 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restriction \u00e0 ce droit, et le Quinzi\u00e8me amendement, de 1870, garantissant le droit de vote \u00e0 tous les citoyens des \u00c9tats-Unis et par cons\u00e9quent aux anciens esclaves.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q865365", "boundaries": [9, 22], "surfaceform": "lois Jim Crow", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49042", "boundaries": [53, 65], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4676786", "boundaries": [121, 131], "surfaceform": "assassinat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2223653", "boundaries": [134, 142], "surfaceform": "attentat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47092", "boundaries": [145, 149], "surfaceform": "viol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132781", "boundaries": [152, 159], "surfaceform": "torture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q318296", "boundaries": [162, 172], "surfaceform": "enl\u00e8vement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": 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Butler \u00e0 la basse et William Ward \u00e0 la batterie. 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Il \u00e9crit un ouvrage dont on r\u00e9sume le titre en \"Vie de Haydn, Mozart et M\u00e9tastase\", puis il \u00e9crit \"Histoire de la peinture en Italie\", dont il perd le premier manuscrit dans la Retraite de Russie, et \"Rome, Naples et Florence\", journal de sensations plut\u00f4t que guide touristique. En 1819, son chagrin d'amour pour Matilde Dembowski lui fait \u00e9crire un trait\u00e9, \"De l'amour\", tentative d\u2019analyse du sentiment amoureux, paru en 1822, dont \u00e0 peine quarante exemplaires seront vendus. C'est \u00e0 partir de 1827, \u00e0 l'\u00e2ge de quarante-quatre ans, qu'il se lance dans le roman, avec \"Armance\", mal compris de ses contemporains ; puis c'est \"Le Rouge et le Noir\", paru juste apr\u00e8s la r\u00e9volution de Juillet 1830, qui lui conf\u00e8re une certaine notori\u00e9t\u00e9, dont il ne profite pas, ayant \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9 consul \u00e0 Civitavecchia par le gouvernement de Juillet. Malgr\u00e9 l'ennui dans lequel le plongent ses nouvelles fonctions, Stendhal ne cesse d'\u00e9crire : il commence des autobiographies (\"Souvenirs d'\u00e9gotisme\", \"Vie de Henry Brulard\") et des romans (\"Lucien Leuwen\", \"Lamiel\"), qu'il n'ach\u00e8ve pas. Lors de l'un de ses cong\u00e9s \u00e0 Paris, il \u00e9crit \"La Chartreuse de Parme\", qui suscite l'admiration d'Honor\u00e9 de Balzac. 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Ils sont issus d'un groupe n\u00e9 aux \u00c9tats-Unis dans les ann\u00e9es 1870, connu sous le nom d'\u00c9tudiants de la Bible.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q35269", "boundaries": [4, 22], "surfaceform": "T\u00e9moins de J\u00e9hovah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [44, 60], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9-mill\u00e9nariste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q855941", "boundaries": [64, 81], "surfaceform": "restaurationniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5043", "boundaries": [98, 111], "surfaceform": "christianisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [147, 157], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7741", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1870^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q343029", "boundaries": [200, 221], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tudiants de la Bible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35269", "boundaries": [4, 22], "surfaceform": "T\u00e9moins de J\u00e9hovah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q855941", "boundaries": [64, 81], "surfaceform": "restaurationniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.380859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q855941", "boundaries": [64, 81], "surfaceform": "restaurationniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5043", "boundaries": [98, 111], "surfaceform": "christianisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4619140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "18636-0", "title": "Baldr", "uri": "Q131658", "text": "Dans la mythologie nordique, Baldr (vieil islandais : \"Baldr\", ) est le dieu Ase de la lumi\u00e8re, la beaut\u00e9, la jeunesse et l'amour. Il est le fils d'Odin et de Frigg. Son \u00e9pouse est Nanna, et leur fils Forseti. Son domaine est Breidablik, qui est dans les cieux (ou en Su\u00e8de, selon la \"Ynglinga Saga\"), dans une contr\u00e9e d'o\u00f9 le mal est banni. Par jalousie, le dieu Loki cause sa mort. Baldr est alors envoy\u00e9 dans le monde des morts et Loki est puni pour ses m\u00e9faits, car il emp\u00eache Baldr de revenir de Hel, pr\u00e9cipitant l'arriv\u00e9e de la bataille proph\u00e9tique du Ragnar\u00f6k o\u00f9 la majorit\u00e9 des dieux p\u00e9riront. 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des Montefeltro et des princes Della Rovere, Urbino fut l\u2019un des p\u00f4les artistiques, scientifiques et militaires les plus importants de la Renaissance italienne, avec des personnalit\u00e9s comme Piero della Francesca, Federico Commandino, Bernardino Baldi ou Guidobaldo Del Monte. 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Mais, d\u00e9pass\u00e9 par les derniers panzers, les pertes furent s\u00e9v\u00e8res. L'exp\u00e9rience de la bataille de Koursk conduisit \u00e0 l'\u00e9volution la plus importante et la plus r\u00e9ussie du T-34, lanc\u00e9e \u00e0 l'automne 1943 : le T-34-85. Dot\u00e9 d'un canon de 85 mm, le T-34-85 constitua le fer de lance de l'Arm\u00e9e rouge lors de la titanesque op\u00e9ration Bagration \u00e0 l'\u00e9t\u00e9 1944 jusqu'\u00e0 la bataille de Berlin puis, apr\u00e8s la chute du Reich, face \u00e0 l'Arm\u00e9e imp\u00e9riale japonaise, lors de l'offensive de Mandchourie en . L'\u00e9conomie planifi\u00e9e socialiste permit \u00e0 l'URSS de produire pr\u00e8s de de 1941 \u00e0 1945 - un exploit, malgr\u00e9 l'invasion nazie. Au total, sortirent des usines du Bloc de l'Est de 1940 \u00e0 1958, ce qui en fait le second char le plus produit de tous les temps, derri\u00e8re ses successeurs : les T-54 et T-55.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q172233", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "T-34", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q130861", "boundaries": [47, 65], "surfaceform": "bataille de Koursk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1943^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [74, 78], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q585959", "boundaries": [111, 118], "surfaceform": "panzers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q172233", "boundaries": [250, 254], "surfaceform": "T-34", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "-34^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [251, 254], "surfaceform": "-34", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1943^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [275, 279], "surfaceform": "1943", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q172233", "boundaries": [285, 289], "surfaceform": "T-34", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+85^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [313, 315], "surfaceform": "85", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q172233", "boundaries": [323, 327], "surfaceform": "T-34", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q251395", "boundaries": [362, 373], "surfaceform": "Arm\u00e9e rouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q151052", "boundaries": [396, 415], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration Bagration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1944^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [424, 428], "surfaceform": "1944", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q154182", "boundaries": [440, 458], "surfaceform": "bataille de Berlin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7318", "boundaries": [483, 488], "surfaceform": "Reich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q276535", "boundaries": [497, 524], "surfaceform": "l'Arm\u00e9e imp\u00e9riale japonaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6165880", "boundaries": [534, 560], "surfaceform": "l'offensive de Mandchourie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q3578779", "boundaries": [566, 597], "surfaceform": "L'\u00e9conomie planifi\u00e9e socialiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1941^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [637, 641], "surfaceform": "1941", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [644, 648], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q83055", "boundaries": [670, 686], "surfaceform": "l'invasion nazie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q170541", "boundaries": [722, 735], "surfaceform": "Bloc de l'Est", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [739, 743], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1958^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [746, 750], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q13419886", "boundaries": [848, 852], "surfaceform": "T-54", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "-54^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [849, 852], "surfaceform": "-54", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q328272", "boundaries": [856, 860], "surfaceform": "T-55", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "-55^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [857, 860], "surfaceform": "-55", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q13419886", "boundaries": [848, 852], "surfaceform": "T-54", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q328272", "boundaries": [856, 860], "surfaceform": "T-55", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 15, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.497802734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "74726-1", "title": "Deep Purple", "uri": "Q101505", "text": "En 1980, Rod Evans, premier chanteur du groupe, monte un faux Deep Purple, avec des musiciens inconnus qui donnent quelques concerts houleux avant que la justice ne mette fin \u00e0 la supercherie. La formation embl\u00e9matique du d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 1970, la c\u00e9l\u00e8bre \"Mark II\", se reforme alors en 1984, mais sa composition fluctue durant les dix ann\u00e9es qui suivent, domin\u00e9es par les relations conflictuelles entre Ian Gillan et Ritchie Blackmore : le premier est renvoy\u00e9 du groupe en 1988 avant de le retrouver en 1992, alors que le second en claque d\u00e9finitivement la porte en 1993. Deep Purple retrouve une certaine stabilit\u00e9 avec l'arriv\u00e9e de son rempla\u00e7ant Steve Morse l'ann\u00e9e suivante, et de Don Airey en 2002 en remplacement de Jon Lord parti pour se consacrer \u00e0 ses projets en solo. Depuis, le groupe continue \u00e0 produire des albums dans le genre hard rock tout en donnant des concerts dans le monde entier \u00e0 un rythme soutenu. 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Officiellement lanc\u00e9 le pour une mise en service en , il effectue son premier vol le et est certifi\u00e9 le . 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Cette r\u00e9gion s'\u00e9tend dans le sud-est de la Turquie, dans le nord-est de l'Irak, dans le nord-ouest de l'Iran et sur deux petites r\u00e9gions au nord-est et au nord-ouest de la Syrie. Sur ces quatre pays, seuls deux reconnaissent officiellement une r\u00e9gion sous la d\u00e9nomination de \u00ab Kurdistan \u00bb : l'Iran avec sa province du Kurdistan et l'Irak avec sa r\u00e9gion autonome du Kurdistan.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41470", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12223", "boundaries": [50, 56], "surfaceform": "Kurdes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36368", "boundaries": [64, 69], "surfaceform": "kurde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41470", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29237", "boundaries": [164, 172], "surfaceform": "Gordy\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29237", "boundaries": [176, 185], "surfaceform": "Kardouchi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12223", "boundaries": [281, 287], "surfaceform": "Kurdes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43", "boundaries": [332, 339], "surfaceform": "Turquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q796", "boundaries": [363, 367], "surfaceform": "Irak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [393, 397], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q858", "boundaries": [461, 466], "surfaceform": "Syrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41470", "boundaries": [566, 575], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q134386", "boundaries": [607, 616], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q205047", "boundaries": [635, 663], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion autonome du Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41470", "boundaries": [654, 663], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q205047", "boundaries": [635, 663], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion autonome du Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41470", "boundaries": [3, 12], "surfaceform": "Kurdistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "75819-1", "title": "Universit\u00e9 Simon Fraser", "uri": "Q201603", "text": "C'est la seule universit\u00e9 non am\u00e9ricaine \u00e0 \u00eatre membre de la \"National Collegiate Athletic Association\". En 2007, l'Institut royal d'architecture du Canada a attribu\u00e9 son prix du \u00e0 l'Universit\u00e9 Simon Fraser.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q271805", "boundaries": [62, 102], "surfaceform": "National Collegiate Athletic Association", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2170957", "boundaries": [116, 155], "surfaceform": "Institut royal d'architecture du Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q201603", "boundaries": [183, 206], "surfaceform": "Universit\u00e9 Simon Fraser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q201603", "boundaries": [183, 206], "surfaceform": "Universit\u00e9 Simon Fraser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q271805", "boundaries": [62, 102], "surfaceform": "National Collegiate Athletic Association", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "75910-2", "title": "Canberra", "uri": "Q3114", "text": "Si\u00e8ge du gouvernement australien, Canberra abrite aussi le Parlement et la Haute Cour ainsi que de nombreux minist\u00e8res et directions nationales mais c'est \u00e9galement le si\u00e8ge de nombreuses institutions sociales et culturelles comme la Galerie nationale, le National Museum, le M\u00e9morial de la guerre, l'Universit\u00e9 nationale australienne, l'Institut des Sports et la Biblioth\u00e8que nationale. 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Par exemple, la langue traditionnelle de l'\u00eele est le jersiais, une forme de normand.", "entities": [{"uri": "None", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Sa culture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q32501", "boundaries": [31, 42], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q25224", "boundaries": [47, 61], "surfaceform": "livre sterling", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1368", "boundaries": [69, 76], "surfaceform": "monnaie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36870", "boundaries": [83, 96], "surfaceform": "langue natale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [169, 176], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q56430", "boundaries": [276, 284], "surfaceform": "jersiais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q33850", "boundaries": [299, 306], "surfaceform": "normand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q56430", "boundaries": [276, 284], "surfaceform": "jersiais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q33850", "boundaries": [299, 306], "surfaceform": "normand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 12, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "76334-0", "title": "Galla Placidia", "uri": "Q237907", "text": "Aelia Galla Placidia ou Placidie, n\u00e9e en 388 \u00e0 Thessalonique et morte le \u00e0 Rome, est une imp\u00e9ratrice romaine, fille de l'empereur Th\u00e9odose (r\u00e8gne : 379-395), \u00e9pouse du roi wisigoth Athaulf, puis de l'empereur romain d'Occident Constance III (r\u00e8gne : f\u00e9vrier-septembre 421). 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Le navigateur Amerigo Vespucci le mentionne dans le compte-rendu de son voyage en 1503-1504 sans vraiment le d\u00e9finir et ce fut l\u2019exp\u00e9dition de Magellan autour de la Terre qui le popularisa et qui lui donna son nom.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41228", "boundaries": [35, 49], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9misph\u00e8re sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q11063", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "astronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83311", "boundaries": [108, 113], "surfaceform": "perse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11075", "boundaries": [114, 136], "surfaceform": "Abd-al-Rahman Al Soufi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q23951", "boundaries": [140, 143], "surfaceform": "964", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+964^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [140, 143], "surfaceform": "964", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q176649", "boundaries": [148, 158], "surfaceform": "navigateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q47674", "boundaries": [159, 175], "surfaceform": "Amerigo Vespucci", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6141", "boundaries": [227, 231], "surfaceform": "1503", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1503^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [227, 231], "surfaceform": "1503", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1504^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [231, 236], "surfaceform": "-1504", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6148", "boundaries": [232, 236], "surfaceform": "1504", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1496", "boundaries": [288, 296], "surfaceform": "Magellan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2", "boundaries": [310, 315], "surfaceform": "Terre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11075", "boundaries": [114, 136], "surfaceform": "Abd-al-Rahman Al Soufi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11063", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "astronome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.362060546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "37325-2", "title": "Compagnie de J\u00e9sus", "uri": "Q36380", "text": "Comme les autres religieux, les j\u00e9suites professent les trois v\u0153ux de pauvret\u00e9, de chastet\u00e9 et d\u2019ob\u00e9issance, mais prononcent \u00e9galement un quatri\u00e8me v\u0153u qui leur est propre, celui de l'ob\u00e9issance sp\u00e9ciale au pape en ce qui concerne les missions. Ils ob\u00e9issent \u00e0 des \u00ab Constitutions \u00bb d\u00e9finies par Ignace de Loyola et approuv\u00e9es par la premi\u00e8re Congr\u00e9gation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, suivant lesquelles ils n'adoptent aucun habit religieux particulier mais suivent en ce domaine ce que font les pr\u00eatres s\u00e9culiers. Ils ne recherchent pas les honneurs : leur histoire compte peu d'\u00e9v\u00eaques ou cardinaux ; le pape Fran\u00e7ois, \u00e9lu en mars 2013, est le premier pape j\u00e9suite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q584157", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "trois v\u0153ux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15133896", "boundaries": [70, 78], "surfaceform": "pauvret\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3564519", "boundaries": [83, 91], "surfaceform": "chastet\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1498538", "boundaries": [97, 107], "surfaceform": "ob\u00e9issance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3413651", "boundaries": [138, 151], "surfaceform": "quatri\u00e8me v\u0153u", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2995247", "boundaries": [267, 280], "surfaceform": "Constitutions", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q386750", "boundaries": [343, 364], "surfaceform": "Congr\u00e9gation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3247469", "boundaries": [561, 581], "surfaceform": "\u00e9v\u00eaques ou cardinaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q450675", "boundaries": [587, 600], "surfaceform": "pape Fran\u00e7ois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4422669", "boundaries": [602, 618], "surfaceform": "\u00e9lu en mars 2013", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "2013-03-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [609, 618], "surfaceform": "mars 2013", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q15133896", "boundaries": [70, 78], "surfaceform": "pauvret\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q584157", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "trois v\u0153ux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3564519", "boundaries": [83, 91], "surfaceform": "chastet\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q584157", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "trois v\u0153ux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1498538", "boundaries": [97, 107], "surfaceform": "ob\u00e9issance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q584157", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "trois v\u0153ux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3413651", "boundaries": [138, 151], "surfaceform": "quatri\u00e8me v\u0153u", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1498538", "boundaries": [97, 107], "surfaceform": "ob\u00e9issance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.79443359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "37158-2", "title": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "uri": "Q43295", "text": "Issue, le , de la fusion des trois communes Ascq, Annappes et Flers-lez-Lille, elle est le berceau du premier m\u00e9tro automatique sans conducteur au monde invent\u00e9 sur place \u00e0 l'Universit\u00e9 des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (le VAL, signifiant \u00e0 l'origine Villeneuve-d'Ascq - Lille puis transform\u00e9 ensuite en V\u00e9hicule Automatique L\u00e9ger pour l'exportation dans le monde entier). Elle fut aussi le th\u00e9\u00e2tre d'un \u00e9v\u00e9nement historique tragique, le massacre d'Ascq.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q723363", "boundaries": [44, 48], "surfaceform": "Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2180094", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Annappes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2230835", "boundaries": [62, 77], "surfaceform": "Flers-lez-Lille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5503", "boundaries": [110, 115], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9tro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q500740", "boundaries": [173, 223], "surfaceform": "l'Universit\u00e9 des Sciences et Technologies de Lille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1144784", "boundaries": [228, 231], "surfaceform": "VAL", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q43295", "boundaries": [256, 273], "surfaceform": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q706535", "boundaries": [443, 458], "surfaceform": "massacre d'Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q723363", "boundaries": [44, 48], "surfaceform": "Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2180094", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Annappes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7724609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q723363", "boundaries": [44, 48], "surfaceform": "Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q43295", "boundaries": [256, 273], "surfaceform": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2180094", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Annappes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q43295", "boundaries": [256, 273], "surfaceform": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q43295", "boundaries": [256, 273], "surfaceform": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2230835", "boundaries": [62, 77], "surfaceform": "Flers-lez-Lille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.462646484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "37158-3", "title": "Villeneuve-d'Ascq", "uri": "Q43295", "text": "Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ses zones d'activit\u00e9s (23 zones et parcs d'activit\u00e9s), son parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne (, \u00e0 dimension europ\u00e9enne et \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 directe de la Cit\u00e9 Scientifique) et deux centres commerciaux (plus grand espace commercial au nord de Paris), Villeneuve-d'Ascq est l'un des plus importants p\u00f4les \u00e9conomiques des Hauts-de-France. Des multinationales telles que Bonduelle, Cofidis, Decathlon, Nocib\u00e9, 3 Suisses, Monabanq, Kiloutou ou encore Agapes Restauration (Flunch...) y ont plac\u00e9 leur si\u00e8ge social. On y trouve \u00e9galement les si\u00e8ges r\u00e9gionaux, France ou Europe de plusieurs groupes dont M\u00e9t\u00e9o France, Orange, Xerox, McCain Foods ; le tout \u00e0 quelques m\u00e8tres des nombreux si\u00e8ges des communes limitrophes comme Leroy Merlin, Boulanger, Auchan, etc.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q97368900", "boundaries": [12, 29], "surfaceform": "zones d'activit\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+23^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [31, 33], "surfaceform": "23", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1976594", "boundaries": [67, 84], "surfaceform": "parc scientifique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q287340", "boundaries": [91, 102], "surfaceform": "Haute-Borne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2974822", "boundaries": [158, 175], "surfaceform": "Cit\u00e9 Scientifique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11315", "boundaries": [185, 204], "surfaceform": "centres 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La tradition chr\u00e9tienne lui attribue pour auteur le personnage appel\u00e9 \u00ab Luc le bon m\u00e9decin \u00bb dans certaines lettres de Paul de Tarse. Comme l'\u00c9vangile selon Marc, dont il tire 35 % de sa substance, et l'\u00c9vangile selon Matthieu, son texte se pr\u00e9sente comme une biographie de J\u00e9sus de Nazareth. L'auteur, qui est \u00e9galement le r\u00e9dacteur des Actes des Ap\u00f4tres , indique qu'il \u00e9crit car plusieurs ouvrages ont d\u00e9j\u00e0 racont\u00e9 cette histoire. L'\u00e9vangile et les Actes sont d\u00e9di\u00e9s \u00e0 un certain \u00ab Th\u00e9ophile \u00bb (\u00ab qui aime Dieu \u00bb ou \u00ab ami de Dieu \u00bb), commanditaire r\u00e9el ou fictif.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q39939", "boundaries": [2, 20], "surfaceform": "\u00c9vangile selon Luc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q492807", "boundaries": [77, 97], "surfaceform": "\u00c9vangiles canoniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1055765", "boundaries": [102, 122], "surfaceform": "tradition chr\u00e9tienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q128538", "boundaries": [171, 174], "surfaceform": "Luc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q9200", "boundaries": [218, 231], "surfaceform": "Paul de Tarse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q107388", "boundaries": [241, 260], "surfaceform": "\u00c9vangile selon Marc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+35^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [275, 277], "surfaceform": "35", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q392302", "boundaries": [302, 325], "surfaceform": "\u00c9vangile selon Matthieu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q51666", "boundaries": [373, 390], "surfaceform": "J\u00e9sus de Nazareth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q40309", "boundaries": [437, 454], "surfaceform": "Actes des Ap\u00f4tres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1384449", "boundaries": [584, 593], "surfaceform": "Th\u00e9ophile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q39939", "boundaries": [2, 20], "surfaceform": "\u00c9vangile selon Luc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q128538", "boundaries": [171, 174], "surfaceform": "Luc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6240234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "37788-0", "title": "\u00c9vangile selon Jean", "uri": "Q36766", "text": "L\u2019\u00c9vangile selon Jean (en grec , \"To kata I\u014d\u00e1nn\u0113n euang\u00e9lion\") est le dernier des quatre \u00c9vangiles canoniques du Nouveau Testament. La tradition chr\u00e9tienne l'a attribu\u00e9 \u00e0 l'un des disciples de J\u00e9sus, l'ap\u00f4tre Jean, fils de Z\u00e9b\u00e9d\u00e9e. En effet, selon Philippe Rolland, les premiers P\u00e8res de l'Eglise sont unanimes \u00e0 affirmer que cet Evangile est le dernier des quatre dans le temps et qu'il a \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9dig\u00e9 par Jean. Ce sont en particulier, Ir\u00e9n\u00e9e de Lyon mort en 210, Cl\u00e9ment d'Alexandrie mort en 211, et Orig\u00e8ne mort en 245. Sans compter Marcion mort en 160 qui n'est pas un P\u00e8re de l'Eglise. 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Plus tard, les courts-m\u00e9trages \"Looney Tunes\" relatent les aventures de c\u00e9l\u00e8bres personnages tels que Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Sylvestre (Grosminet), Speedy Gonzales, Titi, Marvin le Martien, Taz, Bip Bip et Coyote, Charlie le coq, Sam le pirate, P\u00e9p\u00e9 le putois, M\u00e9m\u00e9, Gossamer et bon nombre d'autres personnages.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1750628", "boundaries": [45, 60], "surfaceform": "Merrie Melodies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q622435", "boundaries": [135, 147], "surfaceform": "Looney Tunes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q17175676", "boundaries": [223, 228], "surfaceform": "Toons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q622435", "boundaries": [235, 247], "surfaceform": "Looney Tunes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q909166", "boundaries": [271, 287], "surfaceform": "Silly Symphonies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8704", "boundaries": [339, 350], 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Hasbro est connu pour plusieurs marques et leurs d\u00e9clinaisons dont M. Patate lanc\u00e9e en 1952, G.I. Joe en 1964 ou My Little Pony en 1983. En 1975, Hasbro arr\u00eate la production des figurines GI Joe en raison de la hausse du prix du plastique li\u00e9e au premier choc p\u00e9trolier. Elle continue dans les figurines articul\u00e9es avec Action Joe, produit toutefois arr\u00eat\u00e9 en 1981, puis avec les Action Man. Dans les ann\u00e9es 1980, la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9cline ses marques en s\u00e9ries t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9es d'animation puis dans les ann\u00e9es 2000 en longs m\u00e9trages. En 1984, Hasbro entre dans les jeux de soci\u00e9t\u00e9s avec l'achat de Milton Bradley Company puis en 1991 avec l'achat de Tonka maison m\u00e8re de Kenner, Parker Brothers et Playskool. En 1999, Hasbro ach\u00e8te l'\u00e9diteur de jeu de carte Wizards of the Coast. Hasbro est aussi un important producteur de jouets au travers de licences comme celles de Disney, Pok\u00e9mon ou Jurassic Park. En , Hasbro annonce l'acquisition de la licence des Power Rangers, ainsi que d'autres licences plus mineures de Saban Capital pour 520 millions de dollars.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1940^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [177, 181], "surfaceform": "1940", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q501476", "boundaries": [183, 189], "surfaceform": "Hasbro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q549344", "boundaries": [250, 259], "surfaceform": "M. Patate", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1952^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [270, 274], "surfaceform": "1952", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1052347", "boundaries": [276, 284], "surfaceform": "G.I. 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"Q182560", "text": "Consid\u00e9r\u00e9 trop puissant et dangereux par les dieux, Fenrir est encha\u00een\u00e9 par ruse et se lib\u00e9rera pour la bataille proph\u00e9tique du Ragnar\u00f6k durant laquelle il avalera Odin puis sera abattu violemment par Vidar, un des fils du dieu.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170358", "boundaries": [45, 50], "surfaceform": "dieux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q182560", "boundaries": [52, 58], "surfaceform": "Fenrir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q170148", "boundaries": [128, 136], "surfaceform": "Ragnar\u00f6k", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q43610", "boundaries": [164, 168], "surfaceform": "Odin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q372614", "boundaries": [201, 206], "surfaceform": "Vidar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q43610", "boundaries": [164, 168], "surfaceform": "Odin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": 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industrie du tourisme, entrav\u00e9e par l'instabilit\u00e9 politique qui r\u00e8gne dans les Balkans, avec plusieurs conflits militaires dans les ann\u00e9es 1990, notamment au Kosovo voisin.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2064", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23522", "boundaries": [170, 177], "surfaceform": "Balkans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [223, 234], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [230, 234], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1246", "boundaries": [249, 255], "surfaceform": "Kosovo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1246", 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Gaspra est le premier ast\u00e9ro\u00efde \u00e0 avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9troitement survol\u00e9 par une sonde spatiale, cela s'est produit le par la sonde am\u00e9ricaine Galileo alors qu'elle \u00e9tait en route vers Jupiter.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q158244", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "(951) Gaspra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+951^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1, 4], "surfaceform": "951", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3863", "boundaries": [20, 29], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q543157", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "type S", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2179", "boundaries": [91, 112], "surfaceform": "ceinture d'ast\u00e9ro\u00efdes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q828032", "boundaries": [170, 176], "surfaceform": "survol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q182008", "boundaries": [248, 255], "surfaceform": "Galileo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q319", "boundaries": [290, 297], "surfaceform": "Jupiter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q158244", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "(951) Gaspra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3863", "boundaries": [20, 29], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93017578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q543157", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "type S", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3863", "boundaries": [20, 29], "surfaceform": "ast\u00e9ro\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9501953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "79455-0", "title": "Th\u00edch Qu\u1ea3ng \u0110\u1ee9c", "uri": "Q271847", "text": "H\u00f2a th\u01b0\u1ee3ng Th\u00edch Qu\u1ea3ng \u0110\u1ee9c, n\u00e9 L\u00e2m V\u0103n T\u1ee9c en 1897 et mort le , est un bonze vietnamien, bouddhisme mah\u0101y\u0101na, c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour s'\u00eatre immol\u00e9 par le feu le \u00e0 Sa\u00efgon, en signe de protestation contre la r\u00e9pression anti-bouddhiste ordonn\u00e9e par le pr\u00e9sident catholique Ng\u00f4 \u0110\u00ecnh Di\u1ec7m.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q271847", "boundaries": [11, 26], "surfaceform": "Th\u00edch Qu\u1ea3ng \u0110\u1ee9c", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1897^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [46, 50], "surfaceform": "1897", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1301778", "boundaries": [71, 76], "surfaceform": "bonze", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q881", "boundaries": [77, 87], "surfaceform": "vietnamien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48362", "boundaries": [89, 108], "surfaceform": "bouddhisme mah\u0101y\u0101na", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q621076", "boundaries": [130, 136], "surfaceform": "immol\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1854", "boundaries": [153, 159], "surfaceform": "Sa\u00efgon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q748", "boundaries": [212, 222], "surfaceform": "bouddhiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q192502", "boundaries": [260, 273], "surfaceform": "Ng\u00f4 \u0110\u00ecnh Di\u1ec7m", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q271847", "boundaries": [11, 26], "surfaceform": "Th\u00edch Qu\u1ea3ng \u0110\u1ee9c", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q881", "boundaries": [77, 87], "surfaceform": "vietnamien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "79604-0", "title": "Vicia faba", "uri": "Q131342", "text": "Vicia faba est une esp\u00e8ce de plantes dicotyl\u00e9dones de la famille des \"Fabaceae\", sous-famille des \"Faboideae\", originaire d'Eurasie et du bassin m\u00e9diterran\u00e9en. C'est une plante herbac\u00e9e annuelle cultiv\u00e9e depuis plusieurs mill\u00e9naires pour ses graines riches en prot\u00e9ines et en amidon, destin\u00e9es tant \u00e0 la consommation humaine (l\u00e9gume sec ou frais) qu'\u00e0 l'alimentation animale (f\u00e9verole). C'est une esp\u00e8ce diplo\u00efde (2n = 2x =12 chromosomes), inconnue \u00e0 l'\u00e9tat naturel et dont l'anc\u00eatre sauvage n'a pas pu \u00eatre identifi\u00e9. On en conna\u00eet de nombreux types morphologiques class\u00e9s en diff\u00e9rentes sous-esp\u00e8ces ou vari\u00e9t\u00e9s, appel\u00e9es \u00ab f\u00e8ves \u00bb et \u00ab f\u00e9veroles \u00bb. Les fruits sont des gousses contenant des graines de taille variable, plus grande pour les f\u00e8ves, et plus petite pour les f\u00e8veroles. Ces graines contiennent n\u00e9anmoins des facteurs antinutritionels dont certains (vicine, tyramine, ...) peuvent \u00eatre dangereux pour les personnes pr\u00e9dispos\u00e9es.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q131342", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Vicia faba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q756", "boundaries": [29, 35], "surfaceform": "plante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1307404", "boundaries": [37, 50], "surfaceform": "dicotyl\u00e9dones", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [57, 64], "surfaceform": "famille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44448", "boundaries": [70, 78], "surfaceform": "Fabaceae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q164280", "boundaries": [81, 93], "surfaceform": "sous-famille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q316856", "boundaries": 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Elle est le chef-lieu du jude\u021b de Neam\u021b et le chef-lieu de la r\u00e9gion de d\u00e9veloppement du nord-est et comptait en 2011.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q187945", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Piatra Neam\u021b", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9067", "boundaries": [28, 36], "surfaceform": "hongrois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [62, 72], "surfaceform": "Korotchoun", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q767793", "boundaries": [153, 161], "surfaceform": "Bistri\u021ba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [209, 217], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q209754", "boundaries": [221, 229], "surfaceform": "Moldavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q188661", "boundaries": [256, 270], "surfaceform": "jude\u021b de Neam\u021b", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2011^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [344, 348], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q187945", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Piatra Neam\u021b", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q209754", "boundaries": [221, 229], "surfaceform": "Moldavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q209754", "boundaries": [221, 229], "surfaceform": "Moldavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q218", "boundaries": [209, 217], "surfaceform": "Roumanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90966796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "383162-0", "title": "Le Quidditch \u00e0 travers les \u00e2ges", "uri": "Q192258", "text": "Le Quidditch \u00e0 travers les \u00e2ges (titre original : \"Quidditch through the Ages\") est un court livre (10 chapitres) \u00e9crit en 2001 par J. K. Rowling pour une \u0153uvre de charit\u00e9, Comic Relief, en m\u00eame temps qu'un autre ouvrage provenant de son univers, \"Les Animaux fantastiques\". Il traite de l'histoire du quidditch, un jeu fictif provenant des romans Harry Potter.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q192258", "boundaries": [0, 31], "surfaceform": "Le Quidditch \u00e0 travers les \u00e2ges", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [100, 102], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1988", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34660", "boundaries": [132, 145], "surfaceform": "J. K. 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Usa Hachiman-g\u016b dans la pr\u00e9fecture d'Oita est le sanctuaire directeur et, avec les sanctuaires Tsurugaoka Hachiman et Iwashimizu Hachiman, le plus important des sanctuaires d\u00e9di\u00e9s \u00e0 Hachiman.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q261637", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Hachiman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q845945", "boundaries": [211, 222], "surfaceform": "sanctuaires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q261637", "boundaries": [253, 261], "surfaceform": "Hachiman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q524158", "boundaries": [303, 307], "surfaceform": "kami", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q715632", "boundaries": [310, 325], "surfaceform": "Usa Hachiman-g\u016b", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q261637", "boundaries": [314, 322], "surfaceform": "Hachiman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q133924", "boundaries": [334, 351], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9fecture d'Oita", "annotator": "Me", 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Fond\u00e9 en 1910 sous le nom de TMRF Widzew Lodz (\"Towarzystwo Mi\u0142o\u015bnik\u00f3w Rozwoju Fizycznego Widzew \u0141\u00f3d\u017a\" - Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des passionn\u00e9s de d\u00e9veloppement physique Widzew \u0141\u00f3d\u017a), r\u00e9activ\u00e9 en 1922, apr\u00e8s La Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale sous le nom RTS Widzew \u0141\u00f3d\u017a (\"Robotnicze Towarzystwo Sportowe Widzew \u0141\u00f3d\u017a\" - Club sportif des travailleurs Widzew Lodz). 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Elle est fond\u00e9e par Yoweri Museveni en par la fusion de deux groupes arm\u00e9s : la ' de Yoweri Museveni (issue du Mouvement patriotique ougandais) et les ' de l'ancien pr\u00e9sident par int\u00e9rim Yusufu Lule constituent la ' (NRA), branche arm\u00e9e du NRM. 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Culminant \u00e0 d'altitude, il est le plus haut volcan actif d'Europe et l'un des plus actifs du monde avec pr\u00e8s de au cours du . 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Mais la date officielle de sa fondation par Rama Ier, premier roi de la dynastie Chakri, est le 6 avril 1782, sur l\u2019autre rive du fleuve. Bangkok s\u2019inscrit au au c\u0153ur du mouvement de modernisation du royaume de Siam, alors que le pays subit la pression des nations colonisatrices europ\u00e9ennes. La ville est ensuite au le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de l\u2019\u00e9volution politique de la Tha\u00eflande, notamment avec l\u2019abolition de la monarchie absolue, l\u2019adoption d\u2019une constitution, et plusieurs soubresauts politiques parfois violents. La ville a connu une formidable croissance \u00e0 partir des ann\u00e9es 1960 et exerce aujourd\u2019hui une influence centrale sur la vie politique, \u00e9conomique, culturelle, universitaire et m\u00e9diatique de la Tha\u00eflande.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1861", "boundaries": [15, 22], "surfaceform": "Bangkok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q841364", "boundaries": [79, 98], "surfaceform": "Royaume d\u2019Ayutthaya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q118850", "boundaries": [120, 131], "surfaceform": "Chao Phraya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6580711", "boundaries": [208, 216], "surfaceform": "Thonburi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1768^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [221, 225], "surfaceform": "1768", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q310992", "boundaries": [271, 279], "surfaceform": "Rama Ier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q691928", "boundaries": [299, 314], "surfaceform": "dynastie Chakri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "1782-04-06T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [323, 335], "surfaceform": "6 avril 1782", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q1861", "boundaries": [365, 372], "surfaceform": "Bangkok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35724", "boundaries": [790, 801], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [797, 801], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1861", "boundaries": [15, 22], "surfaceform": "Bangkok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q118850", "boundaries": [120, 131], "surfaceform": "Chao Phraya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q691928", "boundaries": [299, 314], "surfaceform": "dynastie Chakri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q310992", "boundaries": [271, 279], "surfaceform": "Rama Ier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92529296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3924793-2", "title": "Bangkok", "uri": "Q1861", "text": "Le boom \u00e9conomique asiatique des ann\u00e9es 1980 et 1990 a amen\u00e9 beaucoup d\u2019entreprises multinationales \u00e0 installer leur si\u00e8ge r\u00e9gional \u00e0 Bangkok. 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Bangkok fait partie des villes les plus visit\u00e9es au monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [33, 44], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [40, 44], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1861", "boundaries": [134, 141], "surfaceform": "Bangkok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1861", "boundaries": [331, 338], "surfaceform": "Bangkok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34653", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [33, 44], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.732421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3867727-0", "title": "New York Stock Exchange", "uri": "Q13677", "text": "Le New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) est la plus grande des bourses mondiales. 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Le volume d'actions du NYSE repr\u00e9sente le plus important march\u00e9 d'actions des \u00c9tats-Unis, et le total des capitalisations boursi\u00e8res des compagnies cot\u00e9es au NYSE est trois fois plus grand que celui cot\u00e9 au NASDAQ.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q13677", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "New York Stock Exchange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179076", "boundaries": [57, 64], "surfaceform": "bourses", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41966", "boundaries": [80, 89], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9tonymie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11690", "boundaries": [113, 124], "surfaceform": "Wall Street", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2024", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q11692", "boundaries": [174, 181], "surfaceform": "actions", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11650", "boundaries": [208, 220], "surfaceform": "\u00e9lectronique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [337, 347], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q82059", "boundaries": [466, 472], "surfaceform": "NASDAQ", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q13677", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "New York Stock Exchange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11690", "boundaries": [113, 124], "surfaceform": "Wall Street", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "4011784-0", "title": "Brentford", "uri": "Q1013528", "text": "Brentford est une localit\u00e9 du Grand Londres au confluent de la Tamise et de la rivi\u00e8re Brent, situ\u00e9 \u00e0 une douzaine de kilom\u00e8tres au sud-ouest du centre de Londres, et travers\u00e9e par la A4. Elle fut construite \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 d'un passage \u00e0 gu\u00e9 sur la rivi\u00e8re Brent, ce qui lui valut son nom (le mot \"ford\" signifie \u00ab\u00a0gu\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb). 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Il est populaire parmi les programmeurs et plus g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement les personnes ayant des comp\u00e9tences techniques sur les ordinateurs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q189722", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Emacs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131212", "boundaries": [24, 41], "surfaceform": "\u00e9diteurs de texte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183888", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "programmeurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q189722", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Emacs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q131212", "boundaries": [24, 41], "surfaceform": "\u00e9diteurs de texte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.27685546875, "annotator": 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succession de peuples et d'empires ont rivalis\u00e9 pour le contr\u00f4le de tout ou partie de ce territoire, qui a une histoire document\u00e9e d'au moins . Le territoire est pass\u00e9 sous la domination de la dynastie Qing au , remplac\u00e9e plus tard par le gouvernement de la R\u00e9publique de Chine. Depuis 1949 et la guerre civile chinoise, il fait partie de la R\u00e9publique populaire de Chine. En 1954, le Xinjiang Bingtuan a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 pour renforcer la d\u00e9fense des fronti\u00e8res contre l'Union sovi\u00e9tique et promouvoir l'\u00e9conomie locale. En 1955, le Xinjiang a \u00e9t\u00e9 administrativement transform\u00e9 d'une province en une r\u00e9gion autonome. Au cours des derni\u00e8res d\u00e9cennies, d'abondantes r\u00e9serves de p\u00e9trole et de min\u00e9raux ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvertes dans le Xinjiang, qui est actuellement la plus grande r\u00e9gion productrice de gaz naturel de Chine. Des ann\u00e9es 1990 aux ann\u00e9es 2010, le mouvement d'ind\u00e9pendance du Turkestan oriental, le conflit s\u00e9paratiste et l'influence de l'Islam radical ont entra\u00een\u00e9 des troubles dans la r\u00e9gion avec des occasionnelles et des affrontements entre les forces s\u00e9paratistes et gouvernementales.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q8733", "boundaries": [197, 210], "surfaceform": "dynastie Qing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13426199", "boundaries": [262, 281], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1949^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1949", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q179975", "boundaries": [301, 323], "surfaceform": "guerre civile chinoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1954^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [380, 384], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1323296", "boundaries": [389, 406], "surfaceform": "Xinjiang Bingtuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [468, 484], "surfaceform": "Union sovi\u00e9tique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1955^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [521, 525], "surfaceform": "1955", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34800", "boundaries": [530, 538], "surfaceform": "Xinjiang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1615742", "boundaries": [581, 589], "surfaceform": "province", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q57362", "boundaries": [597, 612], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion autonome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34800", "boundaries": [724, 732], "surfaceform": "Xinjiang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [825, 829], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [841, 845], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1339134", "boundaries": [850, 896], "surfaceform": "mouvement d'ind\u00e9pendance du Turkestan oriental", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15886046", "boundaries": [901, 920], "surfaceform": "conflit s\u00e9paratiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189746", "boundaries": [941, 954], "surfaceform": "Islam radical", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q13426199", "boundaries": [262, 281], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8733", "boundaries": [197, 210], "surfaceform": "dynastie Qing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34800", "boundaries": [530, 538], "surfaceform": "Xinjiang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q57362", "boundaries": [597, 612], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion autonome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 13, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "49535-0", "title": "France 24", "uri": "Q166180", "text": "France 24 est une cha\u00eene de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision fran\u00e7aise d'information internationale en continu, cr\u00e9\u00e9e le et diffusant depuis le . 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Il s'est d'abord, avant la premi\u00e8re diffusion, nomm\u00e9 Mortimer Mouse ; c'est Lilian Marie Bounds l'\u00e9pouse de Walt qui, trouvant ce nom peu vendeur, a propos\u00e9 Mickey. Pour la Walt Disney Company, la souris a comme date officielle de naissance le , date de la premi\u00e8re \u00ab pr\u00e9sentation publique \u00bb du dessin anim\u00e9 \"Steamboat Willie\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11934", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Mickey Mouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2751034", "boundaries": [28, 34], "surfaceform": "souris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132987", "boundaries": [35, 52], "surfaceform": "anthropomorphique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [130, 149], "surfaceform": "Lilian Marie Bounds", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q816038", "boundaries": [363, 379], "surfaceform": "Steamboat Willie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q816038", "boundaries": [363, 379], "surfaceform": "Steamboat Willie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11934", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Mickey Mouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "98225-1", "title": "Atari 5200", "uri": "Q743222", "text": "L'Atari 5200 n'est jamais sortie en France car sa grande s\u0153ur l'Atari 2600, sortie en 1977 aux \u00c9tats-Unis, ne sort en Europe qu'en septembre 1981 alors que la 5200 est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en phase de conception pour les \u00c9tats-Unis pour 1982. Le trop faible temps de pr\u00e9sence de la 2600 en France, avec pr\u00e8s d'une g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de retard sur les \u00c9tats-Unis, ajout\u00e9 au fait que la 5200 fut un \u00e9chec commercial aux \u00c9tats-Unis contrairement \u00e0 la Atari 2600, n'incite pas Atari \u00e0 sortir sa 5200 en France, qui attend alors 1990 avec l'Atari 7800 pour revenir sur le vieux continent.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q743222", "boundaries": [2, 12], "surfaceform": "Atari 5200", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+5200^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [8, 12], "surfaceform": "5200", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q206261", "boundaries": [64, 74], "surfaceform": "Atari 2600", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [70, 74], "surfaceform": "2600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1977^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [86, 90], "surfaceform": "1977", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "1981-09-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [131, 145], "surfaceform": "septembre 1981", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "+5200^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [159, 163], "surfaceform": "5200", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1982^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [221, 225], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "2600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5200^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [361, 365], "surfaceform": "5200", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [430, 434], "surfaceform": "2600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+5200^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [467, 471], "surfaceform": "5200", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [500, 504], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q753600", "boundaries": [512, 522], "surfaceform": "Atari 7800", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+7800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [518, 522], "surfaceform": "7800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q743222", "boundaries": [2, 12], "surfaceform": "Atari 5200", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q206261", "boundaries": [64, 74], "surfaceform": "Atari 2600", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.3369140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "98425-0", "title": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "uri": "Q76274", "text": "L\u2019\u00c9oc\u00e8ne est la deuxi\u00e8me \u00e9poque du Pal\u00e9og\u00e8ne et aussi la deuxi\u00e8me de l\u2019\u00e8re C\u00e9nozo\u00efque. Il suit le Pal\u00e9oc\u00e8ne et pr\u00e9c\u00e8de l\u2019Oligoc\u00e8ne. Il s\u2019\u00e9tend d'il y a \u00e0 millions d\u2019ann\u00e9es. Le d\u00e9but de l\u2019\u00c9oc\u00e8ne est marqu\u00e9 par l\u2019\u00e9mergence des premiers mammif\u00e8res modernes, sa fin par une extinction massive, dite \u00ab\u00a0Grande Coupure\u00a0\u00bb, peut-\u00eatre li\u00e9e aux impacts m\u00e9t\u00e9oritiques de Popiga\u00ef en Sib\u00e9rie et de Chesapeake, en Am\u00e9rique du Nord.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q76274", "boundaries": [2, 8], "surfaceform": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q754897", "boundaries": [25, 31], "surfaceform": "\u00e9poque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q55810", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9og\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q102416", "boundaries": [75, 85], "surfaceform": "C\u00e9nozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q76252", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q101873", "boundaries": [121, 130], "surfaceform": "Oligoc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q76274", "boundaries": [187, 193], "surfaceform": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [234, 243], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q55814", "boundaries": [270, 288], "surfaceform": "extinction massive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1542955", "boundaries": [297, 311], "surfaceform": "Grande Coupure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q60186", "boundaries": [334, 355], "surfaceform": "impacts m\u00e9t\u00e9oritiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q594483", "boundaries": [359, 366], "surfaceform": "Popiga\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5428", "boundaries": [370, 377], "surfaceform": "Sib\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1070547", "boundaries": [384, 394], "surfaceform": "Chesapeake", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49", "boundaries": [399, 415], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rique du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q76274", "boundaries": [2, 8], "surfaceform": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q55810", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9og\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q55810", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9og\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q102416", "boundaries": [75, 85], "surfaceform": "C\u00e9nozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q101873", "boundaries": [121, 130], "surfaceform": "Oligoc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q76274", "boundaries": [2, 8], "surfaceform": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93896484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q76274", "boundaries": [2, 8], "surfaceform": "\u00c9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q76252", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9oc\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1542955", "boundaries": [297, 311], "surfaceform": "Grande Coupure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q55814", "boundaries": [270, 288], "surfaceform": "extinction massive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.68896484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "98466-0", "title": "En attendant Godot", "uri": "Q19871", "text": "En attendant Godot est une pi\u00e8ce de th\u00e9\u00e2tre en deux actes, en fran\u00e7ais, \u00e9crite en 1948 par Samuel Beckett et publi\u00e9e en 1952 \u00e0 Paris aux \u00c9ditions de Minuit. La particularit\u00e9 de ce livre vient du fait que le nombre de sc\u00e8nes n'est ni d\u00e9compt\u00e9 ni annonc\u00e9. La premi\u00e8re page du manuscrit fran\u00e7ais porte la date du \u00ab \u00bb, et la derni\u00e8re celle du \u00ab \u00bb.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q19871", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "En attendant Godot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q25379", "boundaries": [27, 43], "surfaceform": "pi\u00e8ce de th\u00e9\u00e2tre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q421744", "boundaries": [52, 57], "surfaceform": "actes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q150", "boundaries": [62, 70], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5165", "boundaries": [82, 86], "surfaceform": "1948", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1948^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [82, 86], "surfaceform": "1948", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q37327", "boundaries": [91, 105], "surfaceform": "Samuel Beckett", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5272", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1952", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1952^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1952", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [127, 132], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q273829", "boundaries": [137, 155], "surfaceform": "\u00c9ditions de Minuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q19871", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "En attendant Godot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25379", "boundaries": [27, 43], "surfaceform": "pi\u00e8ce de th\u00e9\u00e2tre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19871", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "En attendant Godot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37327", "boundaries": [91, 105], "surfaceform": "Samuel Beckett", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q421744", "boundaries": [52, 57], "surfaceform": "actes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25379", "boundaries": [27, 43], "surfaceform": "pi\u00e8ce de th\u00e9\u00e2tre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37327", "boundaries": [91, 105], "surfaceform": "Samuel Beckett", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19871", "boundaries": [0, 18], "surfaceform": "En attendant Godot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.380615234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q273829", "boundaries": [137, 155], "surfaceform": "\u00c9ditions de Minuit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [127, 132], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "98511-0", "title": "ColecoVision", "uri": "Q1046862", "text": "La ColecoVision est une console de jeu vid\u00e9o de deuxi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration commercialis\u00e9e par Coleco (\"Connecticut Leather Company\"), sortie en ao\u00fbt 1982. Elle propose des graphismes et des manettes similaires aux jeux d'arcade de l'\u00e9poque.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1046862", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "ColecoVision", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q8076", "boundaries": [24, 44], "surfaceform": "console de jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q129787", "boundaries": [48, 67], "surfaceform": "deuxi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q954124", "boundaries": [87, 93], "surfaceform": "Coleco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "1982-08-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [137, 146], "surfaceform": "ao\u00fbt 1982", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q262179", "boundaries": [142, 146], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q192851", "boundaries": [207, 220], "surfaceform": "jeux d'arcade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1046862", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "ColecoVision", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q954124", "boundaries": [87, 93], "surfaceform": "Coleco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "98867-0", "title": "Li\u00e8ge-Bastogne-Li\u00e8ge", "uri": "Q34009", "text": "Li\u00e8ge-Bastogne-Li\u00e8ge, cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1892 par le \"Pesant Club Li\u00e9geois\" et le \"Liege Cyclist Union\" en Belgique, est une course cycliste sur route annuelle belge, r\u00e9serv\u00e9e aux professionnels. Elle est l'une des plus anciennes des courses cyclistes encore disput\u00e9es, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de \u00ab Doyenne \u00bb. Son parcours accident\u00e9 de en fait l'une des classiques les plus exigeantes et les plus prestigieuses. L'\u00e9preuve est l'un des cinq du cyclisme, avec Milan-San Remo, le Tour des Flandres, Paris-Roubaix et le Tour de Lombardie. Elle se d\u00e9roule g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement fin avril, ce qui en fait la derni\u00e8re grande classique printani\u00e8re. Le parcours emm\u00e8ne les coureurs entre Li\u00e8ge et Bastogne, qui se trouve \u00e0 de Li\u00e8ge, \u00e0 proximit\u00e9 de la fronti\u00e8re luxembourgeoise. L'itin\u00e9raire de la course traverse le massif de l'Ardenne dans lequel l'Ourthe et ses affluents ont creus\u00e9 de profondes vall\u00e9es. La course est la plus r\u00e9put\u00e9e des classiques ardennaises. 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En 2018, sa population est de . Queens accueille l'a\u00e9roport international John-F.-Kennedy ainsi que l'a\u00e9roport international LaGuardia. Cr\u00e9\u00e9 le , il est baptis\u00e9 en l'honneur de la reine consort () Catherine de Bragance, \u00e9pouse du roi d'Angleterre.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q762726", "boundaries": [50, 55], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q18424", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "Queens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1384", "boundaries": [99, 115], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat de New York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q47168", "boundaries": [164, 169], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3112559", "boundaries": [240, 259], "surfaceform": "autorit\u00e9 municipale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [264, 268], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18424", "boundaries": [293, 299], "surfaceform": "Queens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8685", "boundaries": [312, 350], "surfaceform": "a\u00e9roport international John-F.-Kennedy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q319654", "boundaries": [363, 395], "surfaceform": "a\u00e9roport international LaGuardia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q176253", "boundaries": [458, 479], "surfaceform": "Catherine de Bragance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q18424", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "Queens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q176253", "boundaries": [458, 479], "surfaceform": "Catherine de Bragance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8685", "boundaries": [312, 350], "surfaceform": "a\u00e9roport international John-F.-Kennedy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18424", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "Queens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q319654", "boundaries": [363, 395], "surfaceform": "a\u00e9roport international LaGuardia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18424", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "Queens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "99422-0", "title": "Pal\u00e9oprot\u00e9rozo\u00efque", "uri": "Q193738", "text": "Le Pal\u00e9oprot\u00e9rozo\u00efque ou Prot\u00e9rozo\u00efque inf\u00e9rieur est la premi\u00e8re \u00e8re du Prot\u00e9rozo\u00efque. Elle s\u2019\u00e9tend de . Cette \u00e9poque est marqu\u00e9e par l'augmentation du taux d\u2019oxyg\u00e8ne, produit par des cyanobact\u00e9ries. C'est aussi l'\u00e9poque de l'apparition des plus anciens eukaryotes actuellement connus (les \"Grypania\") et des plus anciens organismes multicellulaires, ceux du groupe fossile de Franceville.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193738", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9oprot\u00e9rozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q104162", "boundaries": [72, 85], "surfaceform": "Prot\u00e9rozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q5203615", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "oxyg\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q93315", "boundaries": [184, 197], "surfaceform": "cyanobact\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19088", "boundaries": [254, 263], "surfaceform": "eukaryote", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2704770", "boundaries": [291, 299], "surfaceform": "Grypania", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q5479652", "boundaries": [359, 388], "surfaceform": "groupe fossile de Franceville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q193738", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "Pal\u00e9oprot\u00e9rozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q104162", "boundaries": [72, 85], "surfaceform": "Prot\u00e9rozo\u00efque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.52099609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "118955-0", "title": "Hexapoda", "uri": "Q105146", "text": "Les Hexapodes (Hexapoda) constituent un sous-embranchement qui regroupe principalement les insectes et d'autres arthropodes \u00e0 trois paires de pattes : les protoures, diploures et collemboles, consid\u00e9r\u00e9s par les classifications plus anciennes comme des ordres de la classe des insectes, et qui constituent \u00e0 eux trois la classe des Entognathes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q105146", "boundaries": [15, 23], "surfaceform": "Hexapoda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1153785", "boundaries": [40, 58], "surfaceform": "sous-embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1390", "boundaries": [91, 98], "surfaceform": "insecte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1360", "boundaries": [112, 122], "surfaceform": "arthropode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q219588", "boundaries": [142, 147], "surfaceform": "patte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q271631", "boundaries": [155, 163], "surfaceform": "protoure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36308478", "boundaries": [166, 174], "surfaceform": "diploure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q190701", "boundaries": [179, 189], "surfaceform": "collembole", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36602", "boundaries": [252, 258], "surfaceform": "ordres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37517", "boundaries": [265, 271], "surfaceform": "classe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1390", "boundaries": [91, 98], "surfaceform": "insecte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1360", "boundaries": [112, 122], "surfaceform": "arthropode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37517", "boundaries": [265, 271], "surfaceform": "classe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1153785", "boundaries": [40, 58], "surfaceform": "sous-embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "119955-1", "title": "Cobh", "uri": "Q733093", "text": "C'est aussi un des ports principaux des transatlantiques irlandais, c'\u00e9tait le point de d\u00e9part pour des d'Irlandais qui \u00e9migr\u00e8rent en Am\u00e9rique du Nord entre 1848 et 1950. 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Elle compte aujourd'hui un peu plus de 584 000 habitants, soit le tiers de la population totale du pays, dont une forte minorit\u00e9 d'Albanais et des communaut\u00e9s turque et rom. Seule m\u00e9tropole nord-mac\u00e9donienne, elle concentre la majeure partie des fonctions administratives, \u00e9conomiques et culturelles du pays. 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Selon le recensement de 2006, c'est \u00e0 pr\u00e9sent une ville de \u2014 qui tous, vivent directement ou indirectement du tourisme \u2014, ce qui la place au neuvi\u00e8me rang des villes \u00e9gyptiennes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q130514", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Louxor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3392", "boundaries": [71, 74], "surfaceform": "Nil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q203751", "boundaries": [79, 91], "surfaceform": "Haute-\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q85", "boundaries": [120, 125], "surfaceform": "Caire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29888", "boundaries": [149, 156], "surfaceform": "Assouan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2006^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "2006", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q85", "boundaries": [120, 125], "surfaceform": "Caire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3392", "boundaries": [71, 74], "surfaceform": "Nil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q29888", "boundaries": [149, 156], "surfaceform": "Assouan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3392", "boundaries": [71, 74], "surfaceform": "Nil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.65625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "88136-2", "title": "Football Club de Nantes", "uri": "Q192071", "text": "Le FCN est \u00e9galement r\u00e9put\u00e9 pour son centre de formation install\u00e9 depuis 1978 \u00e0 la Joneli\u00e8re sur la commune de La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, dans le Nord de l'agglom\u00e9ration nantaise. De nombreux internationaux fran\u00e7ais en sont issus dont les champions du monde Didier Deschamps, Marcel Desailly, Christian Karembeu, ainsi que Micka\u00ebl Landreau. Le club joue sans interruption en premi\u00e8re division de 1963 \u00e0 2007, \u00e9tablissant un record de 48 saisons d'affil\u00e9e (record battu en 2018 par le Paris Saint-Germain).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2945309", "boundaries": [37, 56], "surfaceform": "centre de formation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1978^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [73, 77], "surfaceform": "1978", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2946059", "boundaries": [80, 92], "surfaceform": "la Joneli\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q681819", "boundaries": [111, 132], "surfaceform": "La Chapelle-sur-Erdre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3335802", "boundaries": [152, 174], "surfaceform": "agglom\u00e9ration nantaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q47774", "boundaries": [188, 211], "surfaceform": "internationaux fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q508711", "boundaries": [254, 270], "surfaceform": "Didier Deschamps", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q193625", "boundaries": [272, 287], "surfaceform": "Marcel Desailly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q286511", "boundaries": [289, 307], "surfaceform": "Christian Karembeu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q149933", "boundaries": [319, 335], "surfaceform": "Micka\u00ebl Landreau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q13394", "boundaries": [371, 388], "surfaceform": "premi\u00e8re division", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1963^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [392, 396], "surfaceform": "1963", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [399, 403], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+48^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [430, 432], "surfaceform": "48", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [468, 472], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q483020", "boundaries": [480, 499], "surfaceform": "Paris Saint-Germain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2946059", "boundaries": [80, 92], "surfaceform": "la Joneli\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q681819", "boundaries": [111, 132], "surfaceform": "La Chapelle-sur-Erdre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q681819", "boundaries": [111, 132], "surfaceform": "La Chapelle-sur-Erdre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3335802", "boundaries": [152, 174], "surfaceform": "agglom\u00e9ration nantaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q483020", "boundaries": [480, 499], "surfaceform": "Paris Saint-Germain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P118", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "league", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13394", "boundaries": [371, 388], "surfaceform": "premi\u00e8re division", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "88810-0", "title": "Lemnos", "uri": "Q192483", "text": "Lemnos ou L\u00edmnos (en , en ) est une \u00eele grecque du nord-est de la mer \u00c9g\u00e9e, situ\u00e9e entre la p\u00e9ninsule du mont Athos \u00e0 l'ouest, les \u00eeles de Thasos et Samothrace au nord, les \u00eeles turques de Imbros (G\u00f6k\u00e7eada) et T\u00e9n\u00e9dos (Bozcaada) \u00e0 l'est, Lesbos au sud-est, \u00c1gios Efstr\u00e1tios et les Sporades au sud-ouest. 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Il \u00e9tait alors form\u00e9 de Lauri Yl\u00f6nen (chant), Pauli Rantasalmi (guitare), Eero Heinonen (basse) et Janne Heiskanen (batterie), qui quitta le groupe en 1998. Il sera remplac\u00e9 par Aki Hakala (batterie). En 1996, ils sortent leur premier album \"Peep\", puis l'ann\u00e9e suivante c'est au tour de \"Playboy\". La musique des Rasmus est plut\u00f4t orient\u00e9e funk. En 1998, l'album \"Hell of a Tester\" fait son apparition et le funk laisse sa place au rock m\u00e9lodieux. 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le jeet kune do. 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Les gramin\u00e9es sont aussi cultiv\u00e9es pour l'agr\u00e9ment, notamment pour constituer des pelouses et des terrains de sport (golf), et pour lutter contre l'\u00e9rosion des sols (oyat, v\u00e9tiver).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q736427", "boundaries": [109, 129], "surfaceform": "alimentation de base", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12117", "boundaries": [183, 190], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9r\u00e9ale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15645384", "boundaries": [193, 196], "surfaceform": "bl\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5090", "boundaries": [198, 201], "surfaceform": "riz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11575", "boundaries": [203, 207], "surfaceform": "ma\u00efs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11577", "boundaries": [209, 213], "surfaceform": "orge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q259438", "boundaries": [217, 223], "surfaceform": "millet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36940", "boundaries": [229, 242], "surfaceform": "canne \u00e0 sucre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q211439", "boundaries": [271, 290], "surfaceform": "plantes fourrag\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q56315362", "boundaries": [364, 370], "surfaceform": "bambou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q160066", "boundaries": [376, 382], "surfaceform": "paille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q874531", "boundaries": [387, 393], "surfaceform": "chaume", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q18537", "boundaries": [400, 408], "surfaceform": "biomasse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q153", "boundaries": [410, 417], "surfaceform": "\u00e9thanol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q207766", "boundaries": [502, 510], "surfaceform": "pelouses", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1048525", "boundaries": [537, 541], "surfaceform": "golf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q80026", "boundaries": [568, 575], "surfaceform": "\u00e9rosion", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q161568", "boundaries": [586, 590], "surfaceform": "oyat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1877566", "boundaries": [592, 599], "surfaceform": "v\u00e9tiver", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q15645384", "boundaries": [193, 196], "surfaceform": "bl\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12117", "boundaries": [183, 190], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9r\u00e9ale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8505859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5090", "boundaries": [198, 201], "surfaceform": "riz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12117", "boundaries": [183, 190], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9r\u00e9ale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.81201171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11577", "boundaries": [209, 213], "surfaceform": "orge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12117", "boundaries": [183, 190], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9r\u00e9ale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7646484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q259438", "boundaries": [217, 223], "surfaceform": "millet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12117", "boundaries": [183, 190], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9r\u00e9ale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92333984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "143885-2", "title": "Palais d'Hiver", "uri": "Q182147", "text": "En 1905, le massacre du Dimanche rouge a eu lieu lorsque les manifestants ont march\u00e9 sur le Palais d'Hiver, mais la famille imp\u00e9riale avait choisi de vivre dans le plus s\u00fbr et isol\u00e9 palais Alexandre \u00e0 Tsarsko\u00efe Selo et de retourner au Palais d'Hiver pour des occasions formelles et c\u00e9r\u00e9monielles. Apr\u00e8s la r\u00e9volution de F\u00e9vrier 1917, le palais fut pendant quelque temps le si\u00e8ge du gouvernement provisoire russe, dirig\u00e9 par Alexander Kerensky. 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Cette annexion ne fut jamais reconnue par l'ONU, laquelle organisa un r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum d'autod\u00e9termination en ao\u00fbt 1999 qui conduisit \u00e0 la pleine ind\u00e9pendance du Timor oriental en 2002. L'invasion indon\u00e9sienne et la violence de son contr\u00f4le sont responsables de nombreux morts : les estimations les plus cr\u00e9dibles varient .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q142965", "boundaries": [0, 33], "surfaceform": "Originellement colonie portugaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q574", "boundaries": [68, 82], "surfaceform": "Timor oriental", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2583734", "boundaries": [96, 117], "surfaceform": "invasion indon\u00e9sienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "1975-12-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [121, 134], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9cembre 1975", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2479", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q252", "boundaries": [163, 178], "surfaceform": "ce dernier pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2480", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1976^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [232, 235], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "1999-08-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [292, 301], "surfaceform": "ao\u00fbt 1999", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2091", "boundaries": [297, 301], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q574", "boundaries": [344, 358], "surfaceform": "Timor oriental", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1987", "boundaries": [362, 366], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2002^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [362, 366], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2480", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2479", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96923828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "17104-0", "title": "Queen Latifah", "uri": "Q1112005", "text": "Queen Latifah, de son vrai nom Dana Elaine Owens, n\u00e9e le \u00e0 Newark, dans le New Jersey, est une chanteuse, rappeuse, productrice, mannequin, animatrice de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision et actrice am\u00e9ricaine. 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Anatomiquement, la bulle tympanique (ou bulbe tympanique) des Caniformes est form\u00e9e d'une chambre unique ou est divis\u00e9e par un pseudoseptum, par opposition aux F\u00e9liformes dont la bulle tympanique est divis\u00e9e par un vrai septum tympanique. Il s'agit d'un groupe de mammif\u00e8res particuli\u00e8rement bien adapt\u00e9s \u00e0 la vie aquatique, plusieurs familles \u00e9tant enti\u00e8rement revenues \u00e0 la vie marine tandis que presque toutes les autres comportent des esp\u00e8ces amphibies. 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Celle-ci tire son nom des procyons. La classification traditionnelle des esp\u00e8ces au sein de cette famille cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1825 est r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement remise en question, en particulier par la phylog\u00e9nie mol\u00e9culaire des .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q147114", "boundaries": [17, 28], "surfaceform": "Procyonidae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [39, 46], "surfaceform": "famille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [50, 60], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25306", "boundaries": [61, 71], "surfaceform": "carnivores", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27414", "boundaries": [72, 82], "surfaceform": "caniformes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q121439", "boundaries": [116, 130], "surfaceform": "ratons laveurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5479132", "boundaries": [138, 143], "surfaceform": "coati", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q148856", "boundaries": [172, 180], "surfaceform": "procyons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1825^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [261, 265], "surfaceform": "1825", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2007033", "boundaries": [326, 348], "surfaceform": "phylog\u00e9nie mol\u00e9culaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q25306", "boundaries": [61, 71], "surfaceform": "carnivores", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [50, 60], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "137124-0", "title": "Macintosh Classic", "uri": "Q756013", "text": "Le Macintosh Classic \u00e9tait plus ou moins une r\u00e9\u00e9dition du Macintosh Plus, pour r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 la demande de Macintosh tout-en-un \u00e0 prix abordable. \u00c9volution du Macintosh SE de 1987, il re\u00e7oit une carte-m\u00e8re plus compacte et d\u00e9pourvue du connecteur Processor Direct Slot. Il poss\u00e9dait une vaste m\u00e9moire ROM de , un lecteur de disquette \u00ab\u00a0SuperDrive\u00a0\u00bb et un disque dur optionnel. Propos\u00e9 \u00e0 , soit dix fois moins que le Macintosh IIfx lanc\u00e9 \u00e0 la m\u00eame \u00e9poque, il \u00e9tait tr\u00e8s abordable mais extr\u00eamement lent avec son processeur Motorola 68000 \u00e0 8 MHz (contre un 68030 \u00e0 pour le Macintosh IIfx). Le mod\u00e8le avec disque dur co\u00fbtait .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q756013", "boundaries": [3, 20], "surfaceform": "Macintosh Classic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1255728", "boundaries": [58, 72], "surfaceform": "Macintosh Plus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q75687", "boundaries": [104, 113], "surfaceform": "Macintosh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1882848", "boundaries": [156, 168], "surfaceform": "Macintosh SE", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2429", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1987^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "1987", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q541370", "boundaries": [244, 265], "surfaceform": "Processor Direct Slot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q160710", "boundaries": [290, 301], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9moire ROM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q493576", "boundaries": [310, 330], "surfaceform": "lecteur de disquette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4439", "boundaries": [352, 362], "surfaceform": "disque dur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q350951", "boundaries": [413, 427], "surfaceform": "Macintosh IIfx", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q667808", "boundaries": [518, 532], "surfaceform": "Motorola 68000", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+68000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [527, 532], "surfaceform": "68000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+8^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [535, 536], "surfaceform": "8", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q39369", "boundaries": [537, 540], "surfaceform": "MHz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q378761", "boundaries": [552, 557], "surfaceform": "68030", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+68030^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [552, 557], "surfaceform": "68030", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q350951", "boundaries": [568, 582], "surfaceform": "Macintosh IIfx", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q4439", "boundaries": [600, 610], "surfaceform": "disque dur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q756013", "boundaries": [3, 20], "surfaceform": "Macintosh Classic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1255728", "boundaries": [58, 72], "surfaceform": "Macintosh Plus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "137807-1", "title": "KDevelop", "uri": "Q468841", "text": "Le d\u00e9veloppement de KDevelop a commenc\u00e9 en 1998 par Sandy Meier et a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 \u00e0 partir de l'API Qt de Trolltech.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q468841", "boundaries": [20, 28], "surfaceform": "KDevelop", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [43, 47], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [43, 47], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q165194", "boundaries": [97, 100], "surfaceform": "API", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q201904", "boundaries": [101, 103], "surfaceform": "Qt", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q946607", "boundaries": [107, 116], "surfaceform": "Trolltech", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q201904", "boundaries": [101, 103], "surfaceform": "Qt", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q946607", "boundaries": [107, 116], "surfaceform": "Trolltech", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.650390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "157582-0", "title": "Dj\u00e9ser", "uri": "Q174367", "text": "Dj\u00e9ser (ou Djoser) est le premier roi de la et est \u00e9galement consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme le fondateur de l'Ancien Empire. Il succ\u00e8de \u00e0 son p\u00e8re Kh\u00e2sekhemoui et pr\u00e9c\u00e8de le roi Sanakht. Le roi, dont le nom de \"Dj\u00e9ser\" ne lui est pas contemporain, avait pour nom d'Horus \"Netjerikhet\" et fut le commanditaire de la premi\u00e8re construction en pierre de grande taille : la Pyramide \u00e0 degr\u00e9s de Saqqarah.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q174367", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Dj\u00e9ser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q37110", "boundaries": [34, 37], "surfaceform": "roi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q294266", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e2sekhemoui", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q220244", "boundaries": [163, 170], "surfaceform": "Sanakht", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q174367", "boundaries": [196, 202], "surfaceform": "Dj\u00e9ser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q153263", "boundaries": [244, 255], "surfaceform": "nom d'Horus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q192418", "boundaries": [354, 383], "surfaceform": "Pyramide \u00e0 degr\u00e9s de Saqqarah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q294266", "boundaries": [132, 144], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e2sekhemoui", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q174367", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Dj\u00e9ser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8134765625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "157740-0", "title": "Niouserr\u00ea", "uri": "Q269200", "text": "Niouserr\u00ea Ini (en grec \"Rathur\u00eas\", \u00b4\u03a1\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03cd\u03c1\u03b7\u03c2) est le sixi\u00e8me souverain de la pendant l'Ancien Empire. Il r\u00e9gna aux alentours du avant notre \u00e8re. Niouserr\u00ea \u00e9tait le fils cadet du roi N\u00e9ferirkar\u00ea et de la reine , et le fr\u00e8re du roi \u00e9ph\u00e9m\u00e8re N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea. Il a peut-\u00eatre succ\u00e9d\u00e9 directement \u00e0 son fr\u00e8re, comme l'indiquent des sources historiques beaucoup plus r\u00e9centes. Alternativement, Chepseskar\u00ea aurait pu r\u00e9gner entre les deux, comme le pr\u00e9conisait Miroslav Verner, mais seulement pour quelques semaines ou quelques mois tout au plus. La relation de Chepseskar\u00ea avec N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea et Niouserr\u00ea reste tr\u00e8s incertaine. Niouserr\u00ea fut \u00e0 son tour remplac\u00e9 par Menkaouhor, qui aurait pu \u00eatre son neveu et un fils de N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q37110", "boundaries": [61, 70], "surfaceform": "souverain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [87, 100], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [145, 154], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q268576", "boundaries": [182, 193], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferirkar\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269271", "boundaries": [239, 248], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q268601", "boundaries": [381, 392], "surfaceform": "Chepseskar\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1938506", "boundaries": [447, 462], "surfaceform": "Miroslav Verner", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q268601", "boundaries": [548, 559], "surfaceform": "Chepseskar\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269271", "boundaries": [565, 574], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [578, 587], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [611, 620], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269257", "boundaries": [649, 659], "surfaceform": "Menkaouhor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269271", "boundaries": [704, 713], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P3373", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sibling", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q269271", "boundaries": [239, 248], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89892578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q268576", "boundaries": [182, 193], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferirkar\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q269200", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Niouserr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q268576", "boundaries": [182, 193], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferirkar\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q269271", "boundaries": [239, 248], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9ferefr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9736328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "157749-0", "title": "Ounas", "uri": "Q244985", "text": "Ounas (ou Ounis, \u00e9gyptien ancien : wnjs) \u00e9tait un pharaon, le neuvi\u00e8me et dernier souverain de la de l'\u00c9gypte sous l'Ancien Empire. Ounas r\u00e9gna pendant quinze \u00e0 trente ans au milieu du avant notre \u00e8re, succ\u00e9dant \u00e0 Djedkar\u00ea Is\u00e9si, qui aurait pu \u00eatre son p\u00e8re, et pr\u00e9c\u00e9dant T\u00e9ti.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q244985", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Ounas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q37110", "boundaries": [50, 57], "surfaceform": "pharaon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11768", "boundaries": [103, 109], "surfaceform": "\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q244985", "boundaries": [132, 137], "surfaceform": "Ounas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269247", "boundaries": [214, 228], "surfaceform": "Djedkar\u00ea Is\u00e9si", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q269285", "boundaries": [272, 276], "surfaceform": "T\u00e9ti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q269247", "boundaries": [214, 228], "surfaceform": "Djedkar\u00ea Is\u00e9si", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q244985", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Ounas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97119140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "157749-4", "title": "Ounas", "uri": "Q244985", "text": "Le culte fun\u00e9raire d'Ounas \u00e9tabli \u00e0 sa mort a continu\u00e9 jusqu'\u00e0 la fin de l'Ancien Empire et a peut-\u00eatre surv\u00e9cu pendant la Premi\u00e8re P\u00e9riode interm\u00e9diaire chaotique. Le culte existait encore ou a \u00e9t\u00e9 ressuscit\u00e9 au cours du Moyen Empire tardif. Ceci n'a pas emp\u00each\u00e9 et de d\u00e9manteler partiellement le complexe mortuaire d'Ounas pour ses mat\u00e9riaux.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q244985", "boundaries": [21, 26], "surfaceform": "Ounas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [75, 88], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q232211", "boundaries": [123, 153], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re P\u00e9riode interm\u00e9diaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q191324", "boundaries": [222, 234], "surfaceform": "Moyen Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q244985", "boundaries": [319, 324], "surfaceform": "Ounas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q232211", "boundaries": [123, 153], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re P\u00e9riode interm\u00e9diaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [75, 88], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98779296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "130131-0", "title": "Coupe des conf\u00e9d\u00e9rations", "uri": "Q171789", "text": "La Coupe des conf\u00e9d\u00e9rations est une comp\u00e9tition internationale de football cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1992 et disparue en 2019 s'adressant aux s\u00e9lections nationales masculines. \u00c0 partir de 1997, outre l'\u00e9quipe nationale du pays h\u00f4te du tournoi et l'\u00e9quipe championne du monde, les champions continentaux des six conf\u00e9d\u00e9rations de football participent \u00e0 la comp\u00e9tition. Il s'agit l\u00e0 des vainqueurs de la Coupe d'Afrique des nations, de la Coupe d'Asie des nations, du Championnat d'Europe, de la Coupe d'Oc\u00e9anie, ainsi que des vainqueurs de la Copa Am\u00e9rica et de la Gold Cup, qui sont respectivement les comp\u00e9titions continentales de la conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration sud-am\u00e9ricaine (CONMEBOL) et de la conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration d'Am\u00e9rique du Nord et centrale et de la Cara\u00efbe (CONCACAF).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q171789", "boundaries": [3, 27], "surfaceform": "Coupe des conf\u00e9d\u00e9rations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q13406554", "boundaries": [36, 47], "surfaceform": "comp\u00e9tition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [66, 74], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2813127", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1992^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [84, 88], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q48847302", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [104, 108], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1997^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [171, 175], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q19317", "boundaries": [238, 257], "surfaceform": "championne du monde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83145", "boundaries": [385, 412], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Afrique des nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q157894", "boundaries": [420, 444], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Asie des nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q260858", "boundaries": [449, 469], "surfaceform": "Championnat d'Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q213070", "boundaries": [477, 492], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'Oc\u00e9anie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q178750", "boundaries": [525, 537], "surfaceform": "Copa Am\u00e9rica", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q189327", "boundaries": [547, 555], "surfaceform": "Gold Cup", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q58733", "boundaries": [618, 646], "surfaceform": "conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration sud-am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160549", "boundaries": [667, 728], "surfaceform": "conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration d'Am\u00e9rique du Nord et centrale et de la Cara\u00efbe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q171789", "boundaries": [3, 27], "surfaceform": "Coupe des conf\u00e9d\u00e9rations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [66, 74], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "130701-0", "title": "Melilla", "uri": "Q5831", "text": "Melilla (en berb\u00e8re : Mlilt ou encore en rifain Mrit\u010d ou Mrirt\u00ab lieu de rencontre \u00bb ; en arabe marocain : \u0645\u0644\u064a\u0644\u064a\u0629, \"Mlilya\") est une ville autonome espagnole situ\u00e9e sur la c\u00f4te nord de l'Afrique, en face de la p\u00e9ninsule Ib\u00e9rique, appartenant \u00e0 la r\u00e9gion g\u00e9ographique du Rif oriental, en p\u00e9riph\u00e9rie de l'agglom\u00e9ration de Nador, et formant une enclave dans le territoire marocain. Administr\u00e9e en tant que partie de la province de Malaga avant le , elle d\u00e9tient depuis le statut d'une ville autonome, assez proche de celui d'une communaut\u00e9 autonome espagnole. La ville de Melilla est revendiqu\u00e9e par le Maroc, consid\u00e9r\u00e9e par ce dernier comme \u00e9tant occup\u00e9e. Pourtant, la majorit\u00e9 de sa population est attach\u00e9e \u00e0 rester espagnole. Plusieurs sondages comme celui du Centre de recherches sociologiques montrent que les habitants de Melilla ont un sentiment patriotique espagnol tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9. 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Dans une s\u00e9rie de documents tap\u00e9s \u00e0 la machine \u00e0 \u00e9crire et d\u00e9pos\u00e9s \u00e0 la Biblioth\u00e8que nationale au milieu des ann\u00e9es 1960, intitul\u00e9s \"Dossiers secrets d'Henri Lobineau\", Pierre Plantard pr\u00e9sente le Prieur\u00e9 comme une confr\u00e9rie remontant \u00e0 1099, li\u00e9e \u00e0 l'ordre du Temple en France. De nombreux universitaires et sp\u00e9cialistes ont d\u00e9montr\u00e9 l\u2019inauthenticit\u00e9 de ces documents, des faux confectionn\u00e9s avec le concours de Philippe de Ch\u00e9risey, le complice de Plantard. N\u00e9anmoins, de nombreux th\u00e9oriciens de la conspiration persistent \u00e0 croire que le Prieur\u00e9 de Sion est une organisation obscure qui prot\u00e8ge un secret capable de faire s'\u00e9crouler l'\u00c9glise catholique. Cette th\u00e8se est celle propos\u00e9e par Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent et Richard Leigh dans leur livre \"L'\u00c9nigme sacr\u00e9e\" publi\u00e9 en 1982 et dont de nombreux \u00e9l\u00e9ments ont \u00e9t\u00e9 repris par Dan Brown dans son best-seller intitul\u00e9 \"Da Vinci Code\", publi\u00e9 le . 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En 2004, le groupe publie l'album \"American Idiot\", un op\u00e9ra-punk qui obtient un \u00e9norme succ\u00e8s populaire avec de nouveau 15 millions d'albums vendus, dont 6,5 millions rien qu'aux \u00c9tats-Unis, popularisant le groupe aupr\u00e8s d'une nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration. Suit, en , l'album \"21st Century Breakdown\", un nouvel op\u00e9ra-rock d\u00e9crit par les membres du groupe comme encore plus ambitieux que \"American Idiot\". Lui aussi obtient un grand succ\u00e8s gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 des singles comme \"21 Guns\", mais n'\u00e9galera pas son pr\u00e9d\u00e9cesseur, avec des ventes estim\u00e9es \u00e0 cinq millions d'exemplaires pour cet opus. 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L\u00e5ngstrump\" en su\u00e9dois), est le personnage principal d'une s\u00e9rie de romans pour enfants \u00e9crits \u00e0 partir de 1945 par la romanci\u00e8re su\u00e9doise Astrid Lindgren.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6668", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Fifi Brindacier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q9027", "boundaries": [39, 46], "surfaceform": "su\u00e9dois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11163999", "boundaries": [300, 319], "surfaceform": "romans pour enfants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q545291", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6625963", "boundaries": [351, 361], "surfaceform": "romanci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34", "boundaries": [362, 370], "surfaceform": 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Cette adaptation t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e a rencontr\u00e9 un grand succ\u00e8s dans plusieurs pays d'Europe. 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Il est d\u00e9limit\u00e9 par la au nord, la \u00e0 l'ouest, la 59 rue au sud et la \u00e0 l'est. Ces rues sont respectivement baptis\u00e9es \"Central Park North\", \"Central Park West\" et \"Central Park South\", et le parc est encadr\u00e9 par deux quartiers r\u00e9sidentiels : l'Upper East Side (\u00e0 l'est) et l'Upper West Side (\u00e0 l'ouest). Avec de visiteurs par an, Central Park est le parc le plus visit\u00e9 aux \u00c9tats-Unis.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7757", "boundaries": [10, 14], "surfaceform": "1873", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1873^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 14], "surfaceform": "1873", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q364187", "boundaries": [71, 92], "surfaceform": "Frederick Law Olmsted", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2577471", "boundaries": [96, 108], "surfaceform": "Calvert Vaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [110, 122], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11303", "boundaries": [180, 191], "surfaceform": "gratte-ciel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [304, 308], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q109951", "boundaries": [345, 345], "surfaceform": "", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q245364", "boundaries": [360, 362], "surfaceform": "59", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+59^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [360, 362], "surfaceform": "59", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q109858", "boundaries": [380, 380], "surfaceform": "", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [430, 442], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [452, 464], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [475, 487], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q455587", "boundaries": [555, 570], "surfaceform": "Upper East Side", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q429687", "boundaries": [586, 601], "surfaceform": "Upper West Side", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [641, 653], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [685, 695], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q364187", "boundaries": [71, 92], "surfaceform": "Frederick Law Olmsted", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [110, 122], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9443359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2577471", "boundaries": [96, 108], "surfaceform": "Calvert Vaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [110, 122], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.88720703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q160409", "boundaries": [110, 122], "surfaceform": "Central Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [685, 695], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "94321-0", "title": "Blanche-Neige", "uri": "Q11831", "text": "Blanche-Neige (nomm\u00e9e ' en allemand actuel ; originellement \"Sneewittchen\" en bas allemand, \u00e9quivalent \u00e0 ' en allemand moderne, de \"Snee\", la neige (' en allemand actuel), et \"witt\", blanc (')) est un conte et le nom du personnage principal \u00e9ponyme, dont la version la plus connue est celle recueillie et mise en forme par Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm parue en 1812 (conte-type 709 dans la classification Aarne-Thompson). Le conte collect\u00e9 par les fr\u00e8res Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm aurait \u00e9t\u00e9 inspir\u00e9 par un mythe germanique. Plusieurs mythes europ\u00e9ens peuvent correspondre \u00e0 ce personnage.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11831", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Blanche-Neige", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q188", "boundaries": [27, 35], "surfaceform": "allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25433", "boundaries": [78, 90], "surfaceform": "bas allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q17991521", "boundaries": [201, 206], "surfaceform": "conte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2793", "boundaries": [323, 345], "surfaceform": "Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1812^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [355, 359], "surfaceform": "1812", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q47451145", "boundaries": [361, 371], "surfaceform": "conte-type", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+709^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [372, 375], "surfaceform": "709", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q301545", "boundaries": [384, 413], "surfaceform": "classification Aarne-Thompson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q12827256", "boundaries": [498, 503], "surfaceform": "mythe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11831", "boundaries": [0, 13], "surfaceform": "Blanche-Neige", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2793", "boundaries": [323, 345], "surfaceform": "Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q25433", "boundaries": [78, 90], "surfaceform": "bas allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q188", "boundaries": [27, 35], "surfaceform": "allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.537109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "94311-0", "title": "Darfour", "uri": "Q46733", "text": "Le Darfour (en arabe : , \"D\u0101r al-F\u016br\", signifiant \u00ab maison/terre des Four \u00bb ou \"F\u00f2\u00f2ra\" en four) est une r\u00e9gion de l'Ouest du Soudan, s'\u00e9tendant sur le Sahara et le Sahel subsaharien. Sa population est musulmane. Le Darfour est riche en uranium et cuivre.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q46733", "boundaries": [3, 10], "surfaceform": "Darfour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13955", "boundaries": [15, 20], "surfaceform": "arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1124032", "boundaries": [69, 73], "surfaceform": "Four", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33364", "boundaries": [90, 94], "surfaceform": "four", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1049", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Soudan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6583", "boundaries": [151, 157], "surfaceform": "Sahara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q66065", "boundaries": [164, 169], "surfaceform": "Sahel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [201, 210], "surfaceform": "musulmane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46733", "boundaries": [215, 222], "surfaceform": "Darfour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1098", "boundaries": [236, 243], "surfaceform": "uranium", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q753", "boundaries": [247, 253], "surfaceform": "cuivre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1049", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Soudan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q66065", "boundaries": [164, 169], "surfaceform": "Sahel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.74072265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "108282-1", "title": "Mohamed Ali", "uri": "Q36107", "text": "Il acc\u00e8de \u00e0 la notori\u00e9t\u00e9 internationale \u00e0 en remportant la m\u00e9daille d'or des poids mi-lourds aux Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 1960 \u00e0 Rome. En 1967, trois ans apr\u00e8s avoir remport\u00e9 le championnat du monde des poids lourds face \u00e0 Sonny Liston, il est critiqu\u00e9 pour son refus d'\u00eatre enr\u00f4l\u00e9 dans l'arm\u00e9e am\u00e9ricaine par opposition \u00e0 la guerre du Vietnam en disant : . Mohamed Ali est arr\u00eat\u00e9 et reconnu coupable de fraude. Il n'est pas emprisonn\u00e9, mais d\u00e9poss\u00e9d\u00e9 de son titre mondial et de sa licence de boxe. Il ne combat plus pendant pr\u00e8s de quatre ans, jusqu'\u00e0 ce que son appel soit finalement re\u00e7u par la Cour supr\u00eame am\u00e9ricaine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q8415", "boundaries": [97, 126], "surfaceform": "Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1967^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "1967", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1570736", "boundaries": [178, 215], "surfaceform": "championnat du monde des poids lourds", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q313684", "boundaries": [223, 235], "surfaceform": "Sonny Liston", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q11211", "boundaries": [289, 305], "surfaceform": "arm\u00e9e am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q8740", "boundaries": [326, 343], "surfaceform": "guerre du Vietnam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q36107", "boundaries": [358, 369], "surfaceform": "Mohamed Ali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q329777", "boundaries": [564, 569], "surfaceform": "appel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11201", "boundaries": [598, 621], "surfaceform": "Cour supr\u00eame am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q8415", "boundaries": [97, 126], "surfaceform": "Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q220", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "Rome", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "108282-2", "title": "Mohamed Ali", "uri": "Q36107", "text": "Surnomm\u00e9 \"The Greatest\", Mohamed Ali devient le premier triple champion du monde poids lourds. Il a particip\u00e9 \u00e0 plusieurs combats de boxe historiques. Parmi ceux-ci, trois disput\u00e9s contre son rival Joe Frazier sont consid\u00e9r\u00e9s parmi les plus grands combats dans l'histoire de la boxe, ainsi que son affrontement contre George Foreman \u00e0 Kinshasa dont il sort vainqueur par K.O. au devant environ , le . Mohamed Ali est \u00e9galement connu pour son style de combat peu orthodoxe pour un poids lourds, incarn\u00e9 par son slogan et employant des techniques telles que le \u00ab \"Shuffle Ali\" \u00bb, le \u00ab \"rope-dope\" \u00bb, ainsi que, en amont du combat, le \u00ab \"trash-talking\" \u00bb (en haranguant ses adversaires, il m\u00e8ne \u00e0 leur encontre une v\u00e9ritable \u00ab guerre psychologique \u00bb et m\u00e9diatique, pour les d\u00e9stabiliser). Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ses comp\u00e9tences et sa personnalit\u00e9 hors du commun, Mohamed Ali est devenu un des athl\u00e8tes les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres dans le monde entier. \u00c9lu \u00e0 six reprises meilleur boxeur de l'ann\u00e9e par \"Ring Magazine\" (un record) et int\u00e9gr\u00e9 \u00e0 l'International Boxing Hall of Fame, Ali est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'un des plus grands boxeurs de l'histoire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q36107", "boundaries": [25, 36], "surfaceform": "Mohamed Ali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1570736", "boundaries": [63, 93], "surfaceform": "champion du monde poids lourds", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q102301", "boundaries": [198, 209], "surfaceform": "Joe Frazier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q32112", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "boxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q213919", "boundaries": [318, 332], "surfaceform": "George Foreman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3838", "boundaries": [335, 343], "surfaceform": "Kinshasa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36107", "boundaries": [401, 412], "surfaceform": "Mohamed Ali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3067741", "boundaries": [442, 457], "surfaceform": "style de combat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q30515", "boundaries": [510, 516], "surfaceform": "slogan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2901826", "boundaries": [635, 648], "surfaceform": "trash-talking", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36107", "boundaries": [845, 856], "surfaceform": "Mohamed Ali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1140774", "boundaries": [975, 988], "surfaceform": "Ring Magazine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q572227", "boundaries": [1017, 1050], "surfaceform": "International Boxing Hall of Fame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q102301", "boundaries": [198, 209], "surfaceform": "Joe Frazier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q32112", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "boxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.80322265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q213919", "boundaries": [318, 332], "surfaceform": "George Foreman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q32112", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "boxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.72998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q36107", "boundaries": [25, 36], "surfaceform": "Mohamed Ali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q32112", "boundaries": [278, 282], "surfaceform": "boxe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.284423828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "108696-1", "title": "Heineken", "uri": "Q180855", "text": "Le groupe est pr\u00e9sent \u00e0 l'international, gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 sa marque \"Heineken\" commercialis\u00e9e dans plus de 190 pays. 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Il est le fils du g\u00e9ant Farbauti et de Laufey. Loki est le p\u00e8re de plusieurs monstres : le serpent J\u00f6rmungand, le loup Fenrir et la d\u00e9esse du monde des morts Hel. Il est \u00e9galement la m\u00e8re du cheval d'Odin \u00e0 huit jambes Sleipnir. Malgr\u00e9 ses origines, il est accueilli dans le panth\u00e9on divin des Ases par Odin. 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Les Ases ont souvent recours \u00e0 lui pour r\u00e9gler des probl\u00e8mes dont il est bien souvent lui-m\u00eame la cause. De nature fondamentalement n\u00e9gative et tra\u00eetre, sa jalousie l'am\u00e8ne \u00e0 causer la mort du dieu Baldr. Furieux, les Ases le punissent en l'attachant avec les entrailles d'un de ses fils sous un serpent dont le venin goutte sur son visage. Il en sera ainsi jusqu'\u00e0 la fin proph\u00e9tique du monde, le Ragnar\u00f6k, o\u00f9 Loki se lib\u00e8rera et m\u00e8nera les g\u00e9ants \u00e0 l'assaut contre les dieux et les hommes. Loki et son dieu oppos\u00e9, Heimdall, s'entretueront pendant la bataille.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q133147", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Loki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q131658", "boundaries": [291, 296], "surfaceform": "Baldr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q170148", "boundaries": [491, 499], "surfaceform": "Ragnar\u00f6k", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q133147", "boundaries": [504, 508], "surfaceform": "Loki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q210053", "boundaries": [535, 541], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9ants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q133147", "boundaries": [585, 589], "surfaceform": "Loki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q131196", "boundaries": [610, 618], "surfaceform": "Heimdall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q133147", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "Loki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210053", "boundaries": [535, 541], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9ants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97802734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "109237-0", "title": "Anseriformes", "uri": "Q21651", "text": "Les Anseriformes (en fran\u00e7ais ans\u00e9riformes) sont un ordre d'oiseaux comprenant trois familles regroupant 169 esp\u00e8ces et 51 genres de canards, oies, kamichis, canaroies et cygnes (selon le Congr\u00e8s ornithologique international). La plupart des esp\u00e8ces sont aquatiques. Plusieurs sont importantes pour l'homme depuis de nombreux si\u00e8cles, tant pour la chasse que pour l'\u00e9levage alimentaire ou pour le symbole culturel qu'elles repr\u00e9sentent.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q21651", "boundaries": [4, 16], "surfaceform": "Anseriformes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36602", "boundaries": [52, 57], "surfaceform": "ordre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5113", "boundaries": [60, 66], "surfaceform": "oiseau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [85, 93], "surfaceform": "familles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+169^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [105, 108], "surfaceform": "169", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+51^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [120, 122], "surfaceform": "51", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3736439", "boundaries": [133, 139], "surfaceform": "canard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q16529344", "boundaries": [142, 145], "surfaceform": "oie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q217484", "boundaries": [148, 155], "surfaceform": "kamichi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212937", "boundaries": [158, 167], "surfaceform": "canaroies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q29564928", "boundaries": [171, 176], "surfaceform": "cygne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1988224", "boundaries": [188, 224], "surfaceform": "Congr\u00e8s ornithologique international", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q36963", "boundaries": [348, 354], "surfaceform": "chasse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [85, 93], "surfaceform": "familles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36602", "boundaries": [52, 57], "surfaceform": "ordre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3736439", "boundaries": [133, 139], "surfaceform": "canard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5113", "boundaries": [60, 66], "surfaceform": "oiseau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94677734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "109442-1", "title": "\u00c9tretat", "uri": "Q290936", "text": "Jadis modeste village de p\u00eacheurs, \u00c9tretat devient au une station baln\u00e9aire de renom. Jacques Offenbach ou Guy de Maupassant y organisent des f\u00eates pour leurs cercles d'amis. Ce bourg se trouve au nord du Havre, sur le littoral de la Manche, sur la c\u00f4te d'Alb\u00e2tre qui fait partie du pays de Caux. Ses falaises de craie blanche et ses plages de galets gris\u00e2tres en ont fait un des lieux du tourisme international. Des peintres comme Gustave Courbet, Eug\u00e8ne Boudin ou encore Claude Monet contribuent alors \u00e0 sa publicit\u00e9, tout en en immortalisant la sp\u00e9cificit\u00e9. Des \u00e9crivains comme Maupassant et Gustave Flaubert sont des fid\u00e8les du lieu. Maurice Leblanc, qui y v\u00e9cut, contribua au mythe entourant le site entretenu dans une aventure d'Ars\u00e8ne Lupin intitul\u00e9e \"L'Aiguille creuse\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q290936", "boundaries": [35, 42], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tretat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1021711", "boundaries": [58, 75], "surfaceform": "station baln\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41555", "boundaries": [86, 103], "surfaceform": "Jacques Offenbach", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q9327", "boundaries": [107, 124], "surfaceform": "Guy de Maupassant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q42810", "boundaries": [205, 210], "surfaceform": "Havre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34640", "boundaries": [234, 240], "surfaceform": "Manche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q135470", "boundaries": [249, 263], "surfaceform": "c\u00f4te d'Alb\u00e2tre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1640051", "boundaries": [283, 295], "surfaceform": "pays de Caux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6502866", "boundaries": [301, 308], "surfaceform": "falaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183670", "boundaries": [313, 318], "surfaceform": "craie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q14673", "boundaries": [344, 349], "surfaceform": "galet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34618", "boundaries": [432, 447], "surfaceform": "Gustave Courbet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q212600", "boundaries": [449, 462], "surfaceform": "Eug\u00e8ne Boudin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q296", "boundaries": [473, 485], "surfaceform": "Claude Monet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q43444", "boundaries": [595, 611], "surfaceform": "Gustave Flaubert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q314993", "boundaries": [638, 653], "surfaceform": "Maurice Leblanc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q461606", "boundaries": [735, 747], "surfaceform": "Ars\u00e8ne Lupin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3082586", "boundaries": [759, 776], "surfaceform": "L'Aiguille creuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3082586", "boundaries": [759, 776], "surfaceform": "L'Aiguille creuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q314993", "boundaries": [638, 653], "surfaceform": "Maurice Leblanc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3082586", "boundaries": [759, 776], "surfaceform": "L'Aiguille creuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q461606", "boundaries": [735, 747], "surfaceform": "Ars\u00e8ne Lupin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95751953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "109475-1", "title": "Wroc\u0142aw", "uri": "Q1799", "text": "Situ\u00e9e au sud des \u00ab monts des Chats \u00bb (en , et Wzg\u00f3rza Trzebnickie), au nord des Sud\u00e8tes, la ville est travers\u00e9e par le fleuve Oder (en ), qui se divise ici en plusieurs bras, et quatre de ses affluents : la Bystrzyca, l\u2019O\u0142awa, la \u015al\u0119za et la . 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m\u00e9ridionale (le pays de Sumer), et d'autres parlant des langues s\u00e9mitiques, dont l'akkadien. Cet aspect dual devait marquer la suite de l'histoire m\u00e9sopotamienne, car si le sum\u00e9rien n'est plus parl\u00e9 aux alentours de 2000 av. J.-C., il reste une langue prestigieuse dans les milieux religieux et savants. La fin du est marqu\u00e9e par deux br\u00e8ves phases d'unification de la majorit\u00e9 de la M\u00e9sopotamie (empires d'Akkad et d'Ur), donc le d\u00e9veloppement de l'imp\u00e9rialisme, puis au mill\u00e9naire suivant s'affirment plusieurs dynasties aux origines diverses, amorrites dans les premiers si\u00e8cles (Isin, Larsa, Mari, Babylone, etc.), hourrite, kassite (\u00e0 Babylone) et assyrienne dans la seconde moiti\u00e9. La culture m\u00e9sopotamienne exerce une grande influence dans le reste du Moyen-Orient, indiqu\u00e9e notamment par la diffusion de l'\u00e9criture cun\u00e9iforme, couramment utilis\u00e9e en Iran, en Anatolie et au Levant. La r\u00e9gion voit ensuite l'expansion depuis la Syrie d'une nouvelle population s\u00e9mitique, les Aram\u00e9ens, qui prennent une grande importance d\u00e9mographique et culturelle. Les premiers si\u00e8cles du sont marqu\u00e9s par la constitution de l'empire assyrien, premier empire \u00e0 couvrir la majeure partie du Moyen-Orient (\u00e0 son apog\u00e9e au , de l\u2019\u00c9gypte jusqu'\u00e0 l'Iran), auquel succ\u00e8de l'empire babylonien, dernier grand royaume m\u00e9sopotamien antique. En 539 av. J.-C. la M\u00e9sopotamie passe sous la coupe des Perses de la dynastie des Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides, qui constituent \u00e0 leur tour un empire multinational, mais dont le centre est d\u00e9sormais situ\u00e9 hors de M\u00e9sopotamie. La domination des dynasties grecques (hell\u00e9nistiques) et parthes accompagne la fin de la culture m\u00e9sopotamienne antique, illustr\u00e9e par la disparition de l'\u00e9criture cun\u00e9iforme dans les premiers si\u00e8cles de notre \u00e8re.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q716742", "boundaries": [15, 47], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9riode des dynasties archa\u00efques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11767", "boundaries": [52, 63], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9sopotamie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36790", "boundaries": [170, 178], "surfaceform": "sum\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35355", "boundaries": [219, 224], "surfaceform": "Sumer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34049", "boundaries": [251, 269], "surfaceform": "langues s\u00e9mitiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35518", "boundaries": [278, 286], "surfaceform": "akkadien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": 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Il aurait r\u00e9gn\u00e9 aux alentours de 2600 avant notre \u00e8re, et aurait ainsi succ\u00e9d\u00e9 \u00e0 Sn\u00e9frou et pr\u00e9c\u00e9d\u00e9 Dj\u00e9defr\u00ea. Il est le commanditaire de la Grande Pyramide \u00e0 Gizeh mais de nombreux autres aspects de son r\u00e8gne sont peu document\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q161904", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Kh\u00e9ops", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177819", "boundaries": [38, 51], "surfaceform": "Ancien Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [86, 90], "surfaceform": "2600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q189371", "boundaries": [134, 141], "surfaceform": "Sn\u00e9frou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q209397", "boundaries": [153, 161], "surfaceform": "Dj\u00e9defr\u00ea", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q37200", "boundaries": [193, 208], "surfaceform": "Grande Pyramide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q81788", "boundaries": [211, 216], "surfaceform": "Gizeh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q37200", "boundaries": [193, 208], "surfaceform": "Grande Pyramide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q81788", "boundaries": [211, 216], "surfaceform": "Gizeh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "26083-0", "title": "Les Schtroumpfs", "uri": "Q11221", "text": "Les Schtroumpfs est une s\u00e9rie de bande dessin\u00e9e jeunesse belge cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Peyo en 1958 racontant l'histoire d'un peuple imaginaire de petites cr\u00e9atures bleues logeant dans un village champignon au milieu d'une vaste for\u00eat. Les seize premiers albums ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9s par leur auteur. Depuis sa mort le , son fils Thierry Culliford dirige l'\u00e9dition des nouveaux albums.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11221", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Les Schtroumpfs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q65622036", "boundaries": [33, 56], "surfaceform": "bande dessin\u00e9e jeunesse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2882210", "boundaries": [57, 62], "surfaceform": "belge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q309945", "boundaries": [73, 77], "surfaceform": "Peyo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4569471", "boundaries": [81, 85], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1958^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [81, 85], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2107276", "boundaries": [310, 327], "surfaceform": "Thierry Culliford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q309945", "boundaries": [73, 77], "surfaceform": "Peyo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11221", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Les Schtroumpfs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.826171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "26073-0", "title": "Projet Manhattan", "uri": "Q127050", "text": "Projet Manhattan est le nom de code du projet de recherche qui produisit la premi\u00e8re bombe atomique durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il fut men\u00e9 par les \u00c9tats-Unis avec la participation du Royaume-Uni et du Canada. De 1942 \u00e0 1946, il fut dirig\u00e9 par le major-g\u00e9n\u00e9ral Leslie Richard Groves du corps des ing\u00e9nieurs de l'arm\u00e9e des \u00c9tats-Unis. Sa composante militaire fut appel\u00e9e \u00ab Manhattan District \u00bb et le terme \u00ab Manhattan \u00bb rempla\u00e7a graduellement le nom de code officiel, Development of Substitute Materials, pour d\u00e9signer l'ensemble du projet. Au cours de son d\u00e9veloppement, le projet absorba son \u00e9quivalent britannique, Tube Alloys.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q127050", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Projet Manhattan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q650051", "boundaries": [85, 99], "surfaceform": "bombe atomique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [110, 133], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1942^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [220, 224], "surfaceform": "1942", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1946^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [227, 231], "surfaceform": "1946", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q314675", "boundaries": [268, 289], "surfaceform": "Leslie Richard Groves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1049334", "boundaries": [293, 339], "surfaceform": "corps des ing\u00e9nieurs de l'arm\u00e9e des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1137385", "boundaries": [624, 635], "surfaceform": "Tube Alloys", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q127050", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Projet Manhattan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q314675", "boundaries": [268, 289], "surfaceform": "Leslie Richard Groves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "26073-2", "title": "Projet Manhattan", "uri": "Q127050", "text": "Le projet Manhattan \u00e9tait \u00e9troitement contr\u00f4l\u00e9 et hautement secret mais des espions sovi\u00e9tiques parvinrent \u00e0 s'infiltrer dans le programme. Il fut \u00e9galement charg\u00e9 de rassembler des informations sur les recherches atomiques allemandes et, dans le cadre de l'op\u00e9ration Alsos, des personnels du projet Manhattan servirent en Europe, parfois derri\u00e8re les lignes ennemies, pour rassembler des mat\u00e9riels de recherche et des scientifiques allemands. Dans l'imm\u00e9diate apr\u00e8s-guerre, le projet r\u00e9alisa des essais sur l'atoll de Bikini dans le cadre de l'op\u00e9ration Crossroads, d\u00e9veloppa de nouvelles armes, promut le r\u00e9seau des laboratoires nationaux du d\u00e9partement de l'\u00c9nergie des \u00c9tats-Unis, soutint la recherche m\u00e9dicale dans le domaine de la radiologie et posa les bases de la propulsion nucl\u00e9aire navale. Il conserva le contr\u00f4le de la recherche et de la production des armes nucl\u00e9aires am\u00e9ricaines jusqu'\u00e0 la formation de la Commission de l'\u00e9nergie atomique des \u00c9tats-Unis en .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [84, 95], "surfaceform": "sovi\u00e9tiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q700162", "boundaries": [203, 234], "surfaceform": "recherches atomiques allemandes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q662020", "boundaries": [258, 273], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration Alsos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q152225", "boundaries": [510, 525], "surfaceform": "atoll de Bikini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q569545", "boundaries": [545, 565], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration Crossroads", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2624320", "boundaries": [618, 683], "surfaceform": "laboratoires nationaux du d\u00e9partement de l'\u00c9nergie des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q77604", "boundaries": [737, 747], "surfaceform": "radiologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1142489", "boundaries": [772, 799], "surfaceform": "propulsion nucl\u00e9aire navale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q939090", "boundaries": [921, 968], "surfaceform": "Commission de l'\u00e9nergie atomique des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q569545", "boundaries": [545, 565], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ration Crossroads", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q152225", "boundaries": [510, 525], "surfaceform": "atoll de Bikini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 23, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "26028-1", "title": "Naples", "uri": "Q2634", "text": "L'histoire de Naples s'\u00e9tend sur plus de vingt-huit si\u00e8cles. 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Elle reste alors un des principaux centres de d\u00e9veloppement \u00e9conomiques et technologiques d'Europe jusqu'\u00e0 son annexion au royaume d\u2019Italie en 1860, date \u00e0 laquelle elle entame un relatif d\u00e9clin socio-\u00e9conomique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1516549", "boundaries": [2, 20], "surfaceform": "histoire de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [14, 20], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41493", "boundaries": [115, 124], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q243456", "boundaries": [148, 153], "surfaceform": "Cumes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184313", "boundaries": [288, 300], "surfaceform": "Grande-Gr\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [311, 324], "surfaceform": "Empire romain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [369, 384], "surfaceform": "Empire byzantin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1051600", "boundaries": [419, 434], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9 de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [428, 434], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q173065", "boundaries": [512, 529], "surfaceform": "royaume de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [523, 529], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q180393", "boundaries": [538, 562], "surfaceform": "royaume des Deux-Siciles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q172579", "boundaries": [687, 703], "surfaceform": "royaume d\u2019Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7691", "boundaries": [707, 711], "surfaceform": "1860", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1860^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [707, 711], "surfaceform": "1860", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1643441", "boundaries": [759, 775], "surfaceform": "socio-\u00e9conomique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [14, 20], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1051600", "boundaries": [419, 434], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9 de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q173065", "boundaries": [512, 529], "surfaceform": "royaume de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [14, 20], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q180393", "boundaries": [538, 562], "surfaceform": "royaume des Deux-Siciles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q173065", "boundaries": [512, 529], "surfaceform": "royaume de Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q180393", "boundaries": [538, 562], "surfaceform": "royaume des Deux-Siciles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2634", "boundaries": [14, 20], "surfaceform": "Naples", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "26413-1", "title": "Yahoo!", "uri": "Q37093", "text": "\u00c0 l'origine, Yahoo! \u00e9tait uniquement un annuaire Web, cr\u00e9\u00e9 par David Filo et Jerry Yang \u00e0 l'universit\u00e9 Stanford en janvier 1994, puis l'entreprise a \u00e9t\u00e9 fond\u00e9e en . Selon Alexa Internet, Yahoo! \u00e9tait le site web le plus visit\u00e9 en 2004. Le r\u00e9seau des sites Yahoo! a servi plus de trois milliards de pages par jour en . Yahoo! propose de nombreux autres services gratuits et payants, dont un moteur de recherche, des bo\u00eetes \u00e0 courrier \u00e9lectronique, de la messagerie instantan\u00e9e, de l'h\u00e9bergement web et des portails (actualit\u00e9s, finances, etc).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q327349", "boundaries": [40, 52], "surfaceform": "annuaire Web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q347886", "boundaries": [63, 73], "surfaceform": "David Filo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q215284", "boundaries": [77, 87], "surfaceform": "Jerry Yang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q41506", "boundaries": [92, 111], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 Stanford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2414569", "boundaries": [115, 127], "surfaceform": "janvier 1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "1994-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [115, 127], "surfaceform": "janvier 1994", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q6881511", "boundaries": [136, 146], "surfaceform": "entreprise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q230051", "boundaries": [171, 185], "surfaceform": "Alexa Internet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [187, 193], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q35127", "boundaries": [203, 211], "surfaceform": "site web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [230, 234], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [256, 262], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [318, 324], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q19541", "boundaries": [390, 409], "surfaceform": "moteur de recherche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9158", "boundaries": [424, 445], "surfaceform": "courrier \u00e9lectronique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q58199", "boundaries": [453, 475], "surfaceform": "messagerie instantan\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5892272", "boundaries": [482, 497], "surfaceform": "h\u00e9bergement web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q347886", "boundaries": [63, 73], "surfaceform": "David Filo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.78369140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q215284", "boundaries": [77, 87], "surfaceform": "Jerry Yang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.68701171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P571", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "inception", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "1994-01-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [115, 127], "surfaceform": "janvier 1994", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [13, 19], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q6881511", "boundaries": [136, 146], "surfaceform": "entreprise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.80810546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "26413-2", "title": "Yahoo!", "uri": "Q37093", "text": "Alors qu'elle \u00e9tait autrefois l'une des soci\u00e9t\u00e9s web les plus prosp\u00e8res, Yahoo! a connu un lent d\u00e9clin pendant les ann\u00e9es 2010. Elle est en partie rachet\u00e9e par Verizon Communications en 2017 pour , tandis qu'une autre partie, dont les actions du groupe Alibaba ainsi que Yahoo! Japan, sont devenus Altaba, un v\u00e9hicule d'investissement. En mai 2021, Verizon conclut un accord de vente de Yahoo! avec Apollo Global Management, un fonds de capital-investissement am\u00e9ricain, un v\u00e9hicule d'investissement.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q37093", "boundaries": [73, 79], "surfaceform": "Yahoo!", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q467752", "boundaries": [160, 182], "surfaceform": "Verizon Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [186, 190], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1359568", "boundaries": [246, 260], "surfaceform": "groupe Alibaba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1146428", "boundaries": [271, 283], "surfaceform": "Yahoo! 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En 2016, l'entreprise, propri\u00e9taire de la marque Nokia, choisit de confier l'usage de la marque pour les terminaux de t\u00e9l\u00e9phonie mobile, \u00e0 la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 finlandaise HMD Global Oy, fond\u00e9e par d'anciens cadres de Nokia corporation.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q161726", "boundaries": [37, 51], "surfaceform": "multinationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q418", "boundaries": [55, 73], "surfaceform": "t\u00e9l\u00e9communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33", "boundaries": [74, 85], "surfaceform": "finlandaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7708", "boundaries": [96, 100], "surfaceform": "1865", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1865^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [96, 100], "surfaceform": "1865", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2271104", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "Fredrik Idestam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2668824", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "Leo Mechelin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q17517", "boundaries": [180, 198], "surfaceform": "t\u00e9l\u00e9phones mobiles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1994", "boundaries": [229, 233], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2011^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [229, 233], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q20718", "boundaries": [311, 318], "surfaceform": "Samsung", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [325, 330], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [416, 425], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q322731", "boundaries": [479, 493], "surfaceform": "Nokia Networks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [500, 509], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [577, 582], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [587, 591], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [633, 638], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3518405", "boundaries": [689, 698], "surfaceform": "terminaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q24090301", "boundaries": [746, 759], "surfaceform": "HMD Global Oy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [792, 797], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q33", "boundaries": [74, 85], "surfaceform": "finlandaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2271104", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "Fredrik Idestam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1418", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Nokia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2668824", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "Leo Mechelin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97705078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "13804-0", "title": "Visual Basic", "uri": "Q2378", "text": "Visual Basic (VB) est un langage de programmation \u00e9v\u00e9nementielle de troisi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration ainsi qu'un environnement de d\u00e9veloppement int\u00e9gr\u00e9, cr\u00e9\u00e9 par Microsoft pour son mod\u00e8le de programmation COM. 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Le groupe s'est forg\u00e9 une r\u00e9putation chez les fans de musique ' et chez les critiques de la presse sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 leurs quatre premiers albums, dont le troisi\u00e8me, ' (1986), est d\u00e9crit comme l'un des albums les plus influents de la sc\u00e8ne heavy thrash metal. En 1991, le groupe acc\u00e8de \u00e0 une plus grande popularit\u00e9 gr\u00e2ce au succ\u00e8s commercial de leur cinqui\u00e8me album \u00e9ponyme \u2014 surnomm\u00e9 \u00ab\u00a0'\u00a0\u00bb \u2014 qui arrive \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re place du classement Billboard 200 d\u00e8s sa sortie. Dans cet album, le groupe explore diverses voies musicales, ayant pour effet d'attirer l'attention d'une audience plus large. 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Son patronyme est Kong, son pr\u00e9nom Qiu, et son pr\u00e9nom social Zhongni. Il est le personnage historique qui a le plus marqu\u00e9 la civilisation chinoise, et est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme le premier \u00ab \u00e9ducateur \u00bb de la Chine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q4604", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Confucius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q210287", "boundaries": [46, 50], "surfaceform": "Qufu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q43407", "boundaries": [84, 92], "surfaceform": "Shandong", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184663", "boundaries": [101, 119], "surfaceform": "philosophe chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2075910", "boundaries": [168, 181], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9nom social", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [324, 329], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q4604", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Confucius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210287", "boundaries": [46, 50], "surfaceform": "Qufu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9580078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "134107-0", "title": "Bulls de Chicago", "uri": "Q128109", "text": "Les Bulls de Chicago (en anglais : \"Chicago Bulls\" ; \u00ab les taureaux de Chicago \u00bb) sont une franchise professionnelle de basketball bas\u00e9e \u00e0 Chicago (Illinois). 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La plupart des chr\u00e9tiens reconnaissent J\u00e9sus-Christ comme le Fils unique de Dieu et comme l'une des trois personnes du Dieu trinitaire. 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La forteresse d\u2019Alamut, souvent appel\u00e9e simplement Alamut, r\u00e9put\u00e9e inexpugnable, se dressait autrefois \u00e0 une altitude de , au-dessus de l'actuel village de G\u00e2zor Kh\u00e2n.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q4706020", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Alamut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q484725", "boundaries": [46, 52], "surfaceform": "Alborz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5484", "boundaries": [66, 79], "surfaceform": "mer Caspienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q181578", "boundaries": [101, 107], "surfaceform": "Qazvin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3616", "boundaries": [125, 132], "surfaceform": "T\u00e9h\u00e9ran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [158, 162], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4706020", "boundaries": [187, 193], "surfaceform": "Alamut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4706020", "boundaries": [222, 228], "surfaceform": "Alamut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q4706020", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Alamut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q484725", "boundaries": [46, 52], "surfaceform": "Alborz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.79833984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q181578", "boundaries": [101, 107], "surfaceform": "Qazvin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [158, 162], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.806640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3616", "boundaries": [125, 132], "surfaceform": "T\u00e9h\u00e9ran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [158, 162], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97900390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "41903-0", "title": "Wonder Woman", "uri": "Q338430", "text": "Wonder Woman est une super-h\u00e9ro\u00efne de bande dessin\u00e9e am\u00e9ricaine cr\u00e9\u00e9e par William Moulton Marston (sous le pseudonyme de Charles Moulton), qui appara\u00eet pour la premi\u00e8re fois en octobre 1941 dans \"All Star Comics #8\". 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On la retrouve \u00e9galement dans le film \"Batman v Superman : L'Aube de la Justice\", sorti en avril 2016, mais elle est surtout l'h\u00e9ro\u00efne du film qui lui est consacr\u00e9, Wonder Woman, sorti en 2017.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q338430", "boundaries": [14, 26], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1152150", "boundaries": [82, 92], "surfaceform": "univers DC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2707472", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Super Friends", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [114, 125], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [121, 125], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q250036", "boundaries": [138, 161], "surfaceform": "La Ligue des Justiciers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q35024", "boundaries": [167, 178], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 2000", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "", "boundaries": [219, 259], "surfaceform": "Batman v Superman : L'Aube de la Justice", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "2016-04-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [271, 281], "surfaceform": "avril 2016", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q20502242", "boundaries": [345, 357], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [368, 372], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2707472", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Super Friends", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q338430", "boundaries": [14, 26], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [114, 125], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q250036", "boundaries": [138, 161], "surfaceform": "La Ligue des Justiciers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q338430", "boundaries": [14, 26], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q250036", "boundaries": [138, 161], "surfaceform": "La Ligue des Justiciers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2707472", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Super Friends", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q20502242", "boundaries": [345, 357], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q338430", "boundaries": [14, 26], "surfaceform": "Wonder Woman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "41852-0", "title": "Vendredi saint", "uri": "Q40317", "text": "Le Vendredi saint est la comm\u00e9moration religieuse c\u00e9l\u00e9br\u00e9e par les chr\u00e9tiens le vendredi pr\u00e9c\u00e9dant le dimanche de P\u00e2ques. 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Son centre-ville, d'une grande homog\u00e9n\u00e9it\u00e9, est ainsi compos\u00e9 d'un lacis de ruelles et de venelles pittoresques, de placettes ombrag\u00e9es, bord\u00e9es d'h\u00f4tels particuliers aux toits de lauze, dont les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres sont la maison de La Bo\u00e9tie, l'h\u00f4tel du Barry, l'h\u00f4tel de Savignac ou encore le pr\u00e9sidial. Centre n\u00e9vralgique de la ville, la place de la Libert\u00e9, bord\u00e9e de terrasses, est le si\u00e8ge du march\u00e9, o\u00f9 se vendent les sp\u00e9cialit\u00e9s de la r\u00e9gion : foie gras, truffes, figues et noix. Dans son prolongement, s'ouvrent en perspective la cath\u00e9drale Saint-Sacerdos et le palais des \u00e9v\u00eaques, qui rappellent que Sarlat a \u00e9t\u00e9 cit\u00e9 \u00e9piscopale pendant plusieurs si\u00e8cles.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3411931", "boundaries": [12, 25], "surfaceform": "P\u00e9rigord noir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q535671", "boundaries": [43, 60], "surfaceform": "causses du Quercy", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [180, 197], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9riode m\u00e9di\u00e9vale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [216, 227], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1365179", "boundaries": [382, 401], "surfaceform": "h\u00f4tels particuliers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1188398", "boundaries": [415, 420], "surfaceform": "lauze", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q290227", "boundaries": [463, 472], "surfaceform": "La Bo\u00e9tie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q34807", "boundaries": [682, 691], "surfaceform": "foie gras", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2690965", "boundaries": [693, 700], "surfaceform": "truffes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2746643", "boundaries": [702, 707], "surfaceform": "figue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12949833", "boundaries": [712, 716], "surfaceform": "noix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2942447", "boundaries": [769, 794], "surfaceform": "cath\u00e9drale Saint-Sacerdos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q866196", "boundaries": [853, 868], "surfaceform": "cit\u00e9 \u00e9piscopale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [216, 227], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [180, 197], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9riode m\u00e9di\u00e9vale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84130859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "43000-0", "title": "Giorgio Moroder", "uri": "Q312674", "text": "Giovanni Giorgio Moroder, ou simplement Giorgio, n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Ortisei, est un musicien, auteur-compositeur, producteur et disc jockey italien. Il est surtout connu pour sa collaboration avec Donna Summer pendant la p\u00e9riode du disco avec des titres comme ' et ', ou encore les bandes originales de \"\" et de \"Scarface\". 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258 kg d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e sous la ma\u00eetrise du Centre de recherche Ames et construite par TRW. Elle dispose d'une dizaine d'instruments optiques dont l'\u00e9nergie est fournie par un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur thermo\u00e9lectrique \u00e0 radioisotope.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+11^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [8, 10], "surfaceform": "11", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q26529", "boundaries": [19, 33], "surfaceform": "sonde spatiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q190108", "boundaries": [74, 93], "surfaceform": "programme \"Pioneer\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [96, 106], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+11^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [104, 106], "surfaceform": "11", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q59103", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 10", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [140, 142], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q544", "boundaries": [224, 239], "surfaceform": "Syst\u00e8me solaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [287, 297], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+11^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [295, 297], "surfaceform": "11", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+258^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [340, 343], "surfaceform": "258", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q181052", "boundaries": [378, 402], "surfaceform": "Centre de recherche Ames", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q967620", "boundaries": [421, 424], "surfaceform": "TRW", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q305208", "boundaries": [510, 552], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur thermo\u00e9lectrique \u00e0 radioisotope", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q26529", "boundaries": [19, 33], "surfaceform": "sonde spatiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8466796875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q190108", "boundaries": [74, 93], "surfaceform": "programme \"Pioneer\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q59103", "boundaries": [132, 142], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 10", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q59113", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Pioneer 11", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q967620", "boundaries": [421, 424], "surfaceform": "TRW", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "43157-0", "title": "Ba\u00efkonour", "uri": "Q165413", "text": "Ba\u00efkonour (kazakh : , ; russe : \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0443\u0440), anciennement Leninsk durant la p\u00e9riode sovi\u00e9tique, est une ville du Kazakhstan cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1995 et administr\u00e9e par la Russie par un accord bilat\u00e9ral jusqu'en 2050. 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Comme tous les ch\u00e9lic\u00e9rates, leur corps est divis\u00e9 en deux tagmes, le prosome ou c\u00e9phalothorax (partie ant\u00e9rieure, pourvue de mandibules et d'antennes, et dot\u00e9e de huit pattes) et l\u2019opisthosome ou abdomen qui porte \u00e0 l'arri\u00e8re des fili\u00e8res. Elles s\u00e9cr\u00e8tent par ces appendices de la soie qui sert \u00e0 produire le fil qui leur permet de se d\u00e9placer, de tisser leur toile ou des cocons emprisonnant leurs proies ou prot\u00e9geant leurs \u0153ufs ou petits, voire de faire une r\u00e9serve provisoire de sperme ou un d\u00f4me leur permettant de stocker de l\u2019air sous l\u2019eau douce. Contrairement aux insectes, elles ne disposent ni d'ailes ni d'antennes ni de pi\u00e8ces masticatrices dans la bouche. Elles poss\u00e8dent en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral six \u00e0 huit yeux qui peuvent \u00eatre simples ou multiples.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q36602", "boundaries": [28, 33], "surfaceform": "ordre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1357", "boundaries": [38, 45], "surfaceform": "Araneae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37517", "boundaries": [52, 58], "surfaceform": "classe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1358", "boundaries": [63, 73], "surfaceform": "Arachnides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q170430", "boundaries": [115, 125], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9dateurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43806", "boundaries": [126, 136], "surfaceform": "invert\u00e9br\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1360", "boundaries": [138, 148], "surfaceform": "arthropode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1359", "boundaries": [166, 177], "surfaceform": "ch\u00e9lic\u00e9rate", "annotator": "Me", 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Mackye Gruber, la trilogie \"Blade\" de Stephen Norrington, Guillermo del Toro et David S. Goyer, la trilogie \"Austin Powers\" de Jay Roach, \"The Mask\" de Chuck Russell, \"American History X\" de Tony Kaye, et \"Se7en\" de David Fincher, sans oublier la franchise de films d'horreur \"Freddy\".\"", "entities": [{"uri": "Q79202", "boundaries": [25, 40], "surfaceform": "New Line Cinema", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1138878", "boundaries": [86, 97], "surfaceform": "Vendredi 13", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+13^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [95, 97], "surfaceform": "13", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q149010", "boundaries": [102, 110], "surfaceform": "trilogie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q190214", "boundaries": [115, 135], "surfaceform": "Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q4465", "boundaries": [140, 153], "surfaceform": "Peter Jackson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q392696", "boundaries": [155, 183], "surfaceform": "\"Massacre \u00e0 la tron\u00e7onneuse\"", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q77399", "boundaries": [187, 200], "surfaceform": "Marcus Nispel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q221109", "boundaries": [203, 219], "surfaceform": "L'Effet papillon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q4923681", "boundaries": [268, 273], "surfaceform": "Blade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1346611", "boundaries": [278, 296], "surfaceform": "Stephen Norrington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q219124", "boundaries": [298, 316], "surfaceform": "Guillermo del Toro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q352010", "boundaries": [320, 334], "surfaceform": "David S. 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Il fut \u00e9crit au milieu du durant la dynastie Qing. Il est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'un des chefs-d\u2019\u0153uvre de la litt\u00e9rature chinoise, si ce n'est le plus prestigieux, et est g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'apog\u00e9e de l'art romanesque chinois (autobiographique, pour une part) ; \u00e0 ce titre, l'immense \u0153uvre fait partie de la collection UNESCO d'\u0153uvres repr\u00e9sentatives. L'ex\u00e9g\u00e8se du \"R\u00eave dans le pavillon rouge\" et tout ce qui s'y rapporte repr\u00e9sente un pan entier de l'\u00e9tude litt\u00e9raire que l'on appelle \u00ab la rougeologie \u00bb (). 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\u00e0 Luoyang) ou Ts\u2019ao Ts\u2019ao (), de son pr\u00e9nom social Mengde (, \"), \u00e9tait un seigneur de guerre, \u00e9crivain et po\u00e8te de la fin de la dynastie Han en Chine antique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q204077", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Cao Cao", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30295", "boundaries": [9, 12], "surfaceform": "155", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+155^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [9, 12], "surfaceform": "155", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q360769", "boundaries": [15, 21], "surfaceform": "Bozhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q187136", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Luoyang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2075910", "boundaries": [61, 74], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9nom social", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q220098", "boundaries": [98, 116], "surfaceform": "seigneur de guerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1533967", "boundaries": [118, 126], "surfaceform": "\u00e9crivain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q49757", "boundaries": [130, 135], "surfaceform": "po\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7209", "boundaries": [152, 164], "surfaceform": "dynastie Han", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [168, 173], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q204077", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Cao Cao", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q360769", "boundaries": [15, 21], "surfaceform": "Bozhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.50927734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q204077", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Cao Cao", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q49757", "boundaries": [130, 135], "surfaceform": "po\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.982421875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q360769", "boundaries": [15, 21], "surfaceform": "Bozhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [168, 173], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.91796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q187136", "boundaries": [26, 33], "surfaceform": "Luoyang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [168, 173], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.86279296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "43386-1", "title": "Cao Cao", "uri": "Q204077", "text": "Premier ministre du dernier empereur de la dynastie Han, Han Xiandi, il se rendit ma\u00eetre de tout le nord de la Chine et \u00e9tablit les fondations du royaume de Wei dont il recevra \u00e0 titre posthume le nom d'Empereur Wu (, \"). Surnomm\u00e9 le \u00ab H\u00e9ros du chaos \u00bb, il \u00e9tait l'auteur de nombreux livres portant sur la strat\u00e9gie et la tactique militaire et est l'un des commentateurs traditionnels de \"L'Art de la guerre\" de Sun Zi. 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Il est publi\u00e9 l'ann\u00e9e suivante aux \u00c9tats-Unis, et huit ans plus tard, en 1945, en France. Parmi les 40 enqu\u00eates d'Hercule Poirot publi\u00e9es par Agatha Christie entre 1920 et 1975, \"Mort sur le Nil\" est une des plus fameuses, avec \"Le meurtre de Roger Ackroyd\" (1926) et \"Le crime de l'Orient Express\" (1934). Le livre a fait l'objet d'adaptations au th\u00e9\u00e2tre, \u00e0 la radio, \u00e0 la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision et au cin\u00e9ma. 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Elle se situe au 1600, NW \u00e0 Washington D.C. Le b\u00e2timent en gr\u00e8s d'Aquia Creek et peint en blanc, construit entre 1792 et 1800, s'inspire du style georgien. Il est le lieu de r\u00e9sidence, de travail et de r\u00e9ception de tous les pr\u00e9sidents am\u00e9ricains depuis John Adams, deuxi\u00e8me pr\u00e9sident des \u00c9tats-Unis, qui y entre en 1800.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q35525", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Maison-Blanche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11696", "boundaries": [65, 89], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9sident des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1600^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1600", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q383689", "boundaries": [114, 116], "surfaceform": "NW", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q61", "boundaries": [119, 133], "surfaceform": "Washington D.C", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13085", "boundaries": [150, 154], "surfaceform": "gr\u00e8s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1792^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [204, 208], "surfaceform": "1792", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [212, 216], "surfaceform": "1800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1125300", "boundaries": [231, 245], "surfaceform": "style georgien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35073", "boundaries": [315, 336], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9sidents am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q11806", "boundaries": [344, 354], "surfaceform": "John Adams", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [379, 389], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 410], "surfaceform": "1800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35525", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Maison-Blanche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q383689", "boundaries": [114, 116], "surfaceform": "NW", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q35525", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Maison-Blanche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q61", "boundaries": [119, 133], "surfaceform": "Washington D.C", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q383689", "boundaries": [114, 116], "surfaceform": "NW", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q61", "boundaries": [119, 133], "surfaceform": "Washington D.C", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2007-0", "title": "Maserati", "uri": "Q35962", "text": "Maserati est un constructeur automobile italien, filiale du groupe Stellantis, sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9 dans les voitures de luxe, de sport et de course. 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Ville d'art, ses trois principaux mus\u00e9es, le mus\u00e9e du Prado, le mus\u00e9e Reina Sof\u00eda et le mus\u00e9e Thyssen-Bornemisza, comptent parmi les plus visit\u00e9s au monde. 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Ville \u00e0 la fois gauloise, romaine, camarguaise, c\u00e9venole, languedocienne, proven\u00e7ale et hispanique, fief protestant depuis le et centre de production de tissus \u00e0 partir du , avec notamment la fameuse toile denim, N\u00eemes poss\u00e8de une culture et une histoire abondantes et reste une ville \u00e0 forte identit\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42807", "boundaries": [16, 21], "surfaceform": "N\u00eemes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41493", "boundaries": [34, 43], "surfaceform": "Antiquit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1747689", "boundaries": [59, 66], "surfaceform": "romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42807", "boundaries": [68, 73], "surfaceform": "N\u00eemes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q179656", "boundaries": [110, 116], "surfaceform": "ar\u00e8nes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q677659", "boundaries": [121, 134], "surfaceform": "Maison Carr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", 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Elle est aussi la troisi\u00e8me plus grande ville du continent am\u00e9ricain derri\u00e8re Mexico et S\u00e3o Paulo. Situ\u00e9e au c\u0153ur de la m\u00e9galopole du BosWash, l'agglom\u00e9ration new-yorkaise () s'\u00e9tend sur plusieurs comt\u00e9s de l'\u00c9tat de New York (banlieues est et nord) et empi\u00e8te sur deux \u00c9tats limitrophes. En effet, l'\u00c9tat du New Jersey comprend ses banlieues ouest et sud, et celui du Connecticut comprend ses banlieues nord-est. Son aire urbaine quant \u00e0 elle comptait d'habitants en 2017. La ville et sa r\u00e9gion m\u00e9tropolitaine constituent la premi\u00e8re porte d'entr\u00e9e pour l'immigration l\u00e9gale aux \u00c9tats-Unis. Pas moins de 800 langues sont parl\u00e9es \u00e0 New York, ce qui en fait la ville la plus linguistiquement diversifi\u00e9e au monde. New York abrite plus de 3,2 millions de r\u00e9sidents n\u00e9s \u00e0 l'\u00e9tranger, la plus grande population n\u00e9e \u00e0 l'\u00e9tranger de toutes les grandes villes du monde en 2016. 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En 2021, la reconstruction du quartier n'est pas encore achev\u00e9e. New York est l'une des villes les plus cosmopolites du monde, par ses nombreux quartiers ethniques. Les plus connus sont , ou encore Chinatown qui int\u00e8gre la plus forte concentration de population chinoise des Am\u00e9riques. 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Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 institu\u00e9e le par la ratification de la Charte des Nations unies sign\u00e9e le par les repr\u00e9sentants de . Elle remplace alors la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Nations.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [2, 32], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q484652", "boundaries": [47, 74], "surfaceform": "organisation internationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q171328", "boundaries": [158, 182], "surfaceform": "Charte des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q38130", "boundaries": [243, 262], "surfaceform": "Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [2, 32], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q484652", "boundaries": [47, 74], "surfaceform": "organisation internationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93017578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [2, 32], "surfaceform": "Organisation des Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38130", "boundaries": [243, 262], "surfaceform": "Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2331-3", "title": "P\u00e9rou", "uri": "Q419", "text": "Il est membre du Forum de coop\u00e9ration \u00e9conomique pour l'Asie-Pacifique (APEC) et de la Communaut\u00e9 andine des nations (CAN). Le sol est la monnaie nationale p\u00e9ruvienne depuis 1991, en remplacement de l\u2019inti.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170481", "boundaries": [72, 76], "surfaceform": "APEC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q471690", "boundaries": [118, 121], "surfaceform": "CAN", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q204656", "boundaries": [127, 130], "surfaceform": "sol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1531048", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "inti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q204656", "boundaries": [127, 130], "surfaceform": "sol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1531048", "boundaries": [201, 205], "surfaceform": "inti", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2357-0", "title": "Empire perse", "uri": "Q83311", "text": "L'Empire perse est l'ancien empire, qui s'\u00e9tendait parfois de la Thrace au nord-ouest de l'Inde et de l'\u00c9gypte. 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D\u00e9limit\u00e9 au nord et \u00e0 l'est par l'Espagne puis au sud et \u00e0 l'ouest par l'oc\u00e9an Atlantique, il est le pays le plus occidental de l'Europe continentale. Il comprend \u00e9galement les archipels des A\u00e7ores et de Mad\u00e8re, deux r\u00e9gions autonomes situ\u00e9es dans le nord de l'oc\u00e9an Atlantique, pour une superficie totale de . Membre fondateur de l'OTAN, le Portugal est \u00e9troitement li\u00e9 politiquement et militairement avec l'ensemble des autres pays occidentaux. Il est \u00e9galement membre de l\u2019OCDE, de l'ONU, du conseil de l'Europe et de l\u2019espace Schengen et est l'un des pays fondateurs de la zone euro. 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La puissance du pays d\u00e9cline \u00e0 partir du . La monarchie portugaise est renvers\u00e9e en 1910, \u00e0 l'issue d'un soul\u00e8vement militaire qui contraint le roi Manuel II \u00e0 l'exil. La Premi\u00e8re R\u00e9publique portugaise (Portugais : \"Primeira Rep\u00fablica\") est le r\u00e9gime politique en vigueur au Portugal entre la fin de la monarchie constitutionnelle marqu\u00e9e par la r\u00e9volution du et le coup d'\u00c9tat militaire du . Puis, pendant plus de quarante ans, le pays est soumis au r\u00e9gime autoritaire d'Ant\u00f3nio de Oliveira Salazar, jusqu'\u00e0 la r\u00e9volution des \u0152illets de 1974 qui met fin \u00e0 la dictature et restaure la d\u00e9mocratie dans le pays. L'\u00e9conomie du Portugal a alors connu un essor important. Il devient \u00e0 la fin du un pays d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 selon les standards europ\u00e9ens, \u00e9conomiquement prosp\u00e8re, socialement et politiquement stable. En 2011, la d\u00e9gradation \u00e9conomique mondiale conduit le Portugal \u00e0 la r\u00e9cession et provoque une crise socio-\u00e9conomique et politique. Le Portugal doit \u00e9galement relever le d\u00e9fi du renouvellement des g\u00e9n\u00e9rations, le pays a en effet la f\u00e9condit\u00e9 la plus faible d'Europe et une des plus faibles au monde avec seulement par femme.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q45670", "boundaries": [14, 33], "surfaceform": "royaume de Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [25, 33], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q133641", "boundaries": [131, 150], "surfaceform": "Grandes d\u00e9couvertes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1790360", "boundaries": [178, 193], "surfaceform": "empire colonial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q15", "boundaries": [197, 204], "surfaceform": "Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48", "boundaries": [209, 213], "surfaceform": "Asie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q538", "boundaries": [218, 225], "surfaceform": "Oc\u00e9anie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18", "boundaries": [233, 248], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rique du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2075", "boundaries": [334, 338], "surfaceform": "1910", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1910^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [334, 338], "surfaceform": "1910", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q154308", "boundaries": [398, 407], "surfaceform": "Manuel II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q188863", "boundaries": [412, 416], "surfaceform": "exil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q167360", "boundaries": [421, 451], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re R\u00e9publique portugaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5146", "boundaries": [453, 462], "surfaceform": "Portugais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [525, 533], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q824489", "boundaries": [701, 719], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gime autoritaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q151394", "boundaries": [722, 749], "surfaceform": "Ant\u00f3nio de Oliveira Salazar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q193245", "boundaries": [762, 784], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9volution des \u0152illets", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1974^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [788, 792], "surfaceform": "1974", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7174", "boundaries": [835, 845], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [874, 882], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2011^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1054, 1058], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q896666", "boundaries": [1063, 1094], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9gradation \u00e9conomique mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [1106, 1114], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q176494", "boundaries": [1120, 1129], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9cession", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3002776", "boundaries": [1146, 1181], "surfaceform": "crise socio-\u00e9conomique et politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [1186, 1194], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [25, 33], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45670", "boundaries": [14, 33], "surfaceform": "royaume de Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.73828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5146", "boundaries": [453, 462], "surfaceform": "Portugais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45", "boundaries": [25, 33], "surfaceform": "Portugal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2324-3", "title": "Portugal", "uri": "Q45", "text": "Le tourisme, principalement baln\u00e9aire, est une ressource tr\u00e8s importante, notamment en Algarve et dans la r\u00e9gion de Lisbonne. Le climat subtropical de Mad\u00e8re et ses paysages singuliers en font une destination touristique appr\u00e9ci\u00e9e. Le Portugal est l'un des pays les plus visit\u00e9s d'Europe avec de touristes en 2019. Il est \u00e9galement un grand pays viticole, r\u00e9put\u00e9 notamment pour le vin de Porto. Le Portugal est par ailleurs le premier producteur mondial de li\u00e8ge. Le Portugal rayonne enfin gr\u00e2ce aux grands \u00e9v\u00e9nements qu'il organise. Sa capitale, Lisbonne, a ainsi accueilli l'Exposition universelle sur le th\u00e8me des oc\u00e9ans en 1998. 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Le Qatar est situ\u00e9 sur une petite p\u00e9ninsule s'avan\u00e7ant dans le golfe Persique et reli\u00e9e \u00e0 la p\u00e9ninsule Arabique au sud, o\u00f9 elle a une fronti\u00e8re terrestre avec l'Arabie saoudite. Sa capitale est Doha, sa langue officielle l'arabe, et sa monnaie le riyal qatarien.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q846", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Qatar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q846", "boundaries": [51, 56], "surfaceform": "Qatar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q189898", "boundaries": [93, 99], "surfaceform": "\u00e9mirat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7204", "boundaries": [103, 115], "surfaceform": "Moyen-Orient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q846", "boundaries": [141, 146], "surfaceform": "Qatar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34675", "boundaries": [201, 215], "surfaceform": "golfe Persique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q31945", "boundaries": [231, 249], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9ninsule Arabique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q851", "boundaries": [299, 314], "surfaceform": "Arabie saoudite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3861", "boundaries": [332, 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chiffrement de texte. Comme son nom l\u2019indique, il s\u2019agit d\u2019un d\u00e9calage de de chaque lettre du texte \u00e0 chiffrer. Son principal aspect pratique est que le codage et le d\u00e9codage se font exactement de la m\u00eame mani\u00e8re.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q666455", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "ROT13", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+13^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [6, 8], "surfaceform": "13", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q180943", "boundaries": [38, 54], "surfaceform": "chiffre de C\u00e9sar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13636890", "boundaries": [59, 69], "surfaceform": "algorithme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q666455", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "ROT13", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q180943", "boundaries": [38, 54], "surfaceform": "chiffre de C\u00e9sar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8349609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2706-0", "title": "Seine-et-Marne", "uri": "Q12753", "text": "La Seine-et-Marne () est un d\u00e9partement fran\u00e7ais de la r\u00e9gion \u00cele-de-France. Il tire son nom du fleuve Seine et de la rivi\u00e8re Marne. L'Insee et la Poste lui attribuent le code 77. Le d\u00e9partement comptait selon le dernier recensement de . Ses habitants sont les Seine-et-Marnais.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q12753", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Seine-et-Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6465", "boundaries": [28, 48], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13917", "boundaries": [62, 75], "surfaceform": "\u00cele-de-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [103, 108], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41983", "boundaries": [126, 131], "surfaceform": "Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3151533", "boundaries": [135, 140], "surfaceform": "Insee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q373724", "boundaries": [144, 152], "surfaceform": "la Poste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+77^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [176, 178], "surfaceform": "77", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q217438", "boundaries": [242, 251], "surfaceform": "habitants", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q12753", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Seine-et-Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q6465", "boundaries": [28, 48], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9partement fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.61083984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12753", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Seine-et-Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13917", "boundaries": [62, 75], "surfaceform": "\u00cele-de-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12753", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Seine-et-Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [103, 108], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95556640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12753", "boundaries": [3, 17], "surfaceform": "Seine-et-Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41983", "boundaries": [126, 131], "surfaceform": "Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q41983", "boundaries": [126, 131], "surfaceform": "Marne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1471", "boundaries": [103, 108], "surfaceform": "Seine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "2712-0", "title": "Sapporo", "uri": "Q37951", "text": "est la cinqui\u00e8me ville japonaise en nombre d'habitants et la troisi\u00e8me en superficie. Situ\u00e9e dans l'\u00eele de Hokkaid\u014d, elle est la capitale de la pr\u00e9fecture de Hokkaid\u014d, de la sous-pr\u00e9fecture d'Ishikari, ainsi qu'une ville d\u00e9sign\u00e9e par ordonnance gouvernementale. Elle est travers\u00e9e par la rivi\u00e8re Toyohira, un affluent du fleuve Ishikari. Sapporo est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme le centre culturel, \u00e9conomique et politique de Hokkaid\u014d.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q494721", "boundaries": [17, 32], "surfaceform": "ville japonaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35581", "boundaries": [107, 115], "surfaceform": "Hokkaid\u014d", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35581", "boundaries": [144, 166], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9fecture de Hokkaid\u014d", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1997315", "boundaries": [174, 200], "surfaceform": "sous-pr\u00e9fecture d'Ishikari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1749269", "boundaries": [215, 260], "surfaceform": "ville d\u00e9sign\u00e9e par ordonnance gouvernementale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1132961", "boundaries": [288, 304], "surfaceform": "rivi\u00e8re Toyohira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1061515", "boundaries": [321, 336], "surfaceform": "fleuve Ishikari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37951", "boundaries": [338, 345], "surfaceform": "Sapporo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35581", "boundaries": [107, 115], "surfaceform": "Hokkaid\u014d", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37951", "boundaries": [338, 345], "surfaceform": "Sapporo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1997315", "boundaries": [174, 200], "surfaceform": "sous-pr\u00e9fecture d'Ishikari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35581", "boundaries": [107, 115], "surfaceform": "Hokkaid\u014d", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9775390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1132961", "boundaries": [288, 304], "surfaceform": "rivi\u00e8re Toyohira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1061515", "boundaries": [321, 336], "surfaceform": "fleuve Ishikari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37951", "boundaries": [338, 345], "surfaceform": "Sapporo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1132961", "boundaries": [288, 304], "surfaceform": "rivi\u00e8re Toyohira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2719-2", "title": "Suisse", "uri": "Q39", "text": "La Suisse comporte quatre r\u00e9gions culturelles et linguistiques et poss\u00e8de donc quatre langues nationales : l'allemand, le fran\u00e7ais, l'italien et le romanche. Alors que les trois premi\u00e8res langues sont officielles, le romanche ne l'est que partiellement. En cons\u00e9quence, les Suisses forment une nation au sens civique du terme, n'ayant pas d'unicit\u00e9 forte sur un plan ethnique ou linguistique ; le sens fort de l'identit\u00e9 et de la communaut\u00e9 des Suisses est fond\u00e9 sur un fond historique commun partageant des valeurs communes, telles que le f\u00e9d\u00e9ralisme, la d\u00e9mocratie directe et le symbolisme alpin. 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Les Suisses ont la deuxi\u00e8me plus haute esp\u00e9rance de vie au monde sur la liste publi\u00e9e par le DAES des Nations unies. La Suisse est class\u00e9e comme l'un des dix pays les moins corrompus ; de plus, sur les cinq derni\u00e8res ann\u00e9es, le pays a \u00e9t\u00e9 class\u00e9 premier en termes de comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 \u00e9conomique et touristique, selon respectivement le \"Rapport sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 mondiale\" et le \"Rapport sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 du secteur des voyages et du tourisme\", tous deux r\u00e9alis\u00e9s par le Forum \u00e9conomique mondial.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q108977", "boundaries": [30, 41], "surfaceform": "PIB nominal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q207987", "boundaries": [92, 104], "surfaceform": "neuvi\u00e8me PIB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q82135", "boundaries": [108, 133], "surfaceform": "parit\u00e9 de pouvoir d'achat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q372657", "boundaries": [143, 156], "surfaceform": "Cr\u00e9dit suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q7804", "boundaries": [163, 166], "surfaceform": "FMI", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q188419", "boundaries": [207, 223], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e9rance de vie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2671637", "boundaries": [261, 265], "surfaceform": "DAES", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [270, 283], "surfaceform": "Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [288, 294], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q210463", "boundaries": [341, 350], "surfaceform": "corrompus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q170418", "boundaries": [642, 666], "surfaceform": "Forum \u00e9conomique mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [270, 283], "surfaceform": "Nations unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 18, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q170418", "boundaries": [642, 666], "surfaceform": "Forum \u00e9conomique mondial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Suisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 19, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "2780-0", "title": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "uri": "Q1041", "text": "Le S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique du S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, est un \u00c9tat d'Afrique de l'Ouest.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1041", "boundaries": [3, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1041", "boundaries": [45, 52], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [68, 86], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1041", "boundaries": [3, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [68, 86], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1041", "boundaries": [3, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [68, 86], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "2780-3", "title": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "uri": "Q1041", "text": "Le pays doit son nom au fleuve qui le borde \u00e0 l'est et au nord et qui prend sa source dans le Fouta-Djalon en Guin\u00e9e. 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La Tunisie a \u00e9galement conclu un accord d'association avec l'Union europ\u00e9enne et obtenu le statut d'alli\u00e9 majeur non-membre de l'OTAN.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [80, 83], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47488", "boundaries": [90, 116], "surfaceform": "Cour p\u00e9nale internationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q948", "boundaries": [121, 128], "surfaceform": "Tunisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q370862", "boundaries": [156, 178], "surfaceform": "Union du Maghreb arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q7172", "boundaries": [186, 197], "surfaceform": "Ligue arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1544421", "boundaries": [205, 239], "surfaceform": "Grande zone arabe de libre-\u00e9change", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1165797", "boundaries": [244, 292], "surfaceform": "March\u00e9 commun de l'Afrique orientale et australe", "annotator": 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sert \u00e0 connecter des p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques informatiques \u00e0 un ordinateur ou \u00e0 tout type d'appareil pr\u00e9vu \u00e0 cet effet (tablette, ). 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Il peut alimenter les p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques peu gourmands en \u00e9nergie (cl\u00e9 USB, disques SSD et, pour ses derni\u00e8res versions (prise USB Type-C), des appareils r\u00e9clamant plus de puissance ( en standard, max).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42378", "boundaries": [2, 5], "surfaceform": "USB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q317623", "boundaries": [35, 40], "surfaceform": "norme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [44, 69], "surfaceform": "bus informatique en s\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q178648", "boundaries": [95, 122], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques informatiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q155972", "boundaries": [184, 192], "surfaceform": "tablette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q42378", "boundaries": [204, 207], "surfaceform": "USB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3141049", "boundaries": [248, 255], "surfaceform": "\u00e0 chaud", 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Il s'inspire des jeux ' et ' d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s par dans les ann\u00e9es 1980. Le joueur y incarne l'espion B. J. Blazkowicz qui tente de s'\u00e9chapper d'un ch\u00e2teau nazi, dans lequel il est emprisonn\u00e9, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Pour cela, il doit explorer plusieurs niveaux, combattre des ennemis et trouver un ascenseur afin d'acc\u00e9der au niveau suivant. 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La date exacte de sa composition n'est pas connue avec pr\u00e9cision ; la premi\u00e8re repr\u00e9sentation se situe s\u00fbrement entre 1598 et 1601. Le texte fut publi\u00e9 en 1603.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q41567", "boundaries": [23, 29], "surfaceform": "Hamlet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [54, 61], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41567", "boundaries": [78, 84], "surfaceform": "Hamlet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q41567", "boundaries": [151, 157], "surfaceform": "Hamlet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q692", "boundaries": [215, 234], "surfaceform": "William Shakespeare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6800", "boundaries": [354, 358], "surfaceform": "1598", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1598^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [354, 358], "surfaceform": "1598", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6725", "boundaries": [362, 366], "surfaceform": "1601", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1601^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [362, 366], "surfaceform": "1601", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1603^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [391, 395], "surfaceform": "1603", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q41567", "boundaries": [23, 29], "surfaceform": "Hamlet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q692", "boundaries": [215, 234], "surfaceform": "William Shakespeare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q692", "boundaries": [215, 234], "surfaceform": "William Shakespeare", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41567", "boundaries": [23, 29], "surfaceform": "Hamlet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "24770-0", "title": "Vilnius", "uri": "Q216", "text": "Vilnius ( ; ; ; , \"Vilnious\", ou , \"Vilna\" ; , \"Vil'nious\", ou , \"Vil'nia\" ; , \"Viln\u00e9\"), anciennement Wilno puis Vilna, fond\u00e9e par le grand-duc Gediminas, est la capitale de la Lituanie. Avec plus de , c'est la ville la plus peupl\u00e9e du pays.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q216", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Vilnius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q244852", "boundaries": [144, 153], "surfaceform": "Gediminas", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5119", "boundaries": [162, 170], "surfaceform": "capitale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37", "boundaries": [177, 185], "surfaceform": "Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q216", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Vilnius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37", "boundaries": [177, 185], "surfaceform": "Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9814453125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37", "boundaries": [177, 185], "surfaceform": "Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q216", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Vilnius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "24856-1", "title": "Auxerre", "uri": "Q167600", "text": "Auxerre est une capitale culturelle et touristique, \u00e0 la p\u00e9riph\u00e9rie de la Bourgogne mais au c\u0153ur de la France, dans la vall\u00e9e de l'Yonne. La ville poss\u00e8de un patrimoine historique m\u00e9di\u00e9val et de la Renaissance. Ville d'art et d'histoire depuis 1995, Auxerre poss\u00e8de trente-cinq monuments historiques inscrits ou class\u00e9s, et trois mus\u00e9es de France.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q167600", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auxerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25765", "boundaries": [74, 83], "surfaceform": "Bourgogne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q12816", "boundaries": [131, 136], "surfaceform": "Yonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3369996", "boundaries": [158, 179], "surfaceform": "patrimoine historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [180, 188], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9di\u00e9val", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [198, 209], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1003405", "boundaries": [211, 236], "surfaceform": "Ville d'art et d'histoire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1995^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [244, 248], "surfaceform": "1995", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q167600", "boundaries": [250, 257], "surfaceform": "Auxerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q916475", "boundaries": [278, 299], "surfaceform": "monuments historiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2275045", "boundaries": [330, 346], "surfaceform": "mus\u00e9es de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q167600", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auxerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12816", "boundaries": [131, 136], "surfaceform": "Yonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8740234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12816", "boundaries": [131, 136], "surfaceform": "Yonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q167600", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Auxerre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.728515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [198, 209], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [180, 188], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9di\u00e9val", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "25118-1", "title": "Hano\u00ef", "uri": "Q1858", "text": "Conglom\u00e9rat de petits villages artisanaux, Hano\u00ef est officiellement fond\u00e9e par le roi Ly Thai To en 1010, et demeure jusqu'en 1802 le c\u0153ur politique du Vi\u00eat Nam. La ville est \u00e9clips\u00e9e par Hu\u1ebf, la capitale imp\u00e9riale du pays durant la dynastie Nguy\u1ec5n (1802\u20131945), mais devient la capitale de l'Indochine fran\u00e7aise de 1902 \u00e0 1954. Elle est ensuite la capitale de la R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Vi\u00eat Nam, jusqu'en 1976, et devient celle de la R\u00e9publique socialiste du Vi\u00eat Nam apr\u00e8s la victoire du Nord lors de la guerre du Vi\u00eat Nam. En , la ville de Hano\u00ef absorbe la province de H\u00e0 T\u00e2y et des territoires ruraux, ce qui fait doubler sa population. En , des grandes festivit\u00e9s, \"Le Mill\u00e9naire de Hano\u00ef,\" comm\u00e9morent la fondation de la ville.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1858", "boundaries": [43, 48], "surfaceform": "Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q716945", "boundaries": [86, 96], "surfaceform": "Ly Thai To", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q19237", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "1010", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "1010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1802^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [126, 130], "surfaceform": "1802", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q36167", "boundaries": [188, 191], "surfaceform": "Hu\u1ebf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6500483", "boundaries": [233, 248], "surfaceform": "dynastie Nguy\u1ec5n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1802^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [250, 254], "surfaceform": "1802", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [255, 259], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q185682", "boundaries": [292, 311], "surfaceform": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1902^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [315, 319], "surfaceform": "1902", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1954^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [322, 326], "surfaceform": "1954", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q172640", "boundaries": [363, 398], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique du Vi\u00eat Nam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1976^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [409, 413], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8740", "boundaries": [509, 527], "surfaceform": "guerre du Vi\u00eat Nam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1858", "boundaries": [546, 551], "surfaceform": "Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1077294", "boundaries": [563, 581], "surfaceform": "province de H\u00e0 T\u00e2y", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2533968", "boundaries": [674, 696], "surfaceform": "Le Mill\u00e9naire de Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1858", "boundaries": [691, 696], "surfaceform": "Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1858", "boundaries": [43, 48], "surfaceform": "Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q716945", "boundaries": [86, 96], "surfaceform": "Ly Thai To", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.56494140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q6500483", "boundaries": [233, 248], "surfaceform": "dynastie Nguy\u1ec5n", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36167", "boundaries": [188, 191], "surfaceform": "Hu\u1ebf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q185682", "boundaries": [292, 311], "surfaceform": "Indochine fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1858", "boundaries": [43, 48], "surfaceform": "Hano\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.64111328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "25135-4", "title": "Marc Antoine", "uri": "Q51673", "text": "Apr\u00e8s l'assassinat de C\u00e9sar, Marc Antoine, alors consul, parvient \u00e0 se maintenir au pouvoir tout en \u00e9loignant les conjur\u00e9s, mais face \u00e0 l'hostilit\u00e9 du S\u00e9nat, men\u00e9 par Cic\u00e9ron et par le petit-neveu et fils adoptif de C\u00e9sar, Octavien, il se trouve rapidement isol\u00e9, puis vaincu lors de la guerre civile de Mod\u00e8ne et d\u00e9clar\u00e9 \u00ab ennemi public \u00bb. 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Le centre historique de la ville comprend le Vieux Caire (quartier copte o\u00f9 se trouvent la forteresse de Babylone et le mus\u00e9e copte) ainsi que le quartier islamique, class\u00e9 au patrimoine mondial de l'humanit\u00e9, o\u00f9 se trouvent la citadelle de Saladin et le grand souk (\"Kh\u00e2n al-Khalili\"). Le Caire compte \u00e9galement de nombreuses mosqu\u00e9es, dont la mosqu\u00e9e Al-Azhar qui abrite \u00e9galement l'une des plus anciennes universit\u00e9s au monde. Centre n\u00e9vralgique de la ville moderne, la place Tahrir est devenue l'embl\u00e8me de la r\u00e9volution \u00e9gyptienne de 2011. \u00c0 l'ouest se trouve la ville de Gizeh et la n\u00e9cropole antique de Memphis, avec ses trois grandes pyramides, dont la pyramide de Kh\u00e9ops. 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Plusieurs personnages lui viennent en aide, parmi lesquels son jardinier Sam, les hobbits Meriadoc et Peregrin, le mage Gandalf ou encore l'humain Aragorn, h\u00e9ritier d'une longue lign\u00e9e d'illustres rois.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q79734", "boundaries": [45, 60], "surfaceform": "Terre du Milieu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q74359", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "hobbit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177329", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "Frodon Sacquet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q19852", "boundaries": [125, 138], "surfaceform": "Anneau unique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2281", "boundaries": [189, 195], "surfaceform": "Sauron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q219473", "boundaries": [296, 299], "surfaceform": "Sam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1059791", "boundaries": [338, 342], "surfaceform": "mage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177499", "boundaries": [343, 350], "surfaceform": "Gandalf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q180322", "boundaries": [370, 377], "surfaceform": "Aragorn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q177329", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "Frodon Sacquet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q74359", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "hobbit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97021484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19852", "boundaries": [125, 138], "surfaceform": "Anneau unique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2281", "boundaries": [189, 195], "surfaceform": "Sauron", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.53955078125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q177499", "boundaries": [343, 350], "surfaceform": "Gandalf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1059791", "boundaries": [338, 342], "surfaceform": "mage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "25523-2", "title": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "uri": "Q15228", "text": "\u00c0 l'origine, Tolkien souhaite publier \"Le Seigneur des anneaux\" en un seul volume, mais le prix du papier \u00e9tant trop \u00e9lev\u00e9 en cette p\u00e9riode d'apr\u00e8s-guerre, l'\u0153uvre est divis\u00e9e en trois volumes (chacun divis\u00e9s en deux livres) : \"La Communaut\u00e9 de l'Anneau\" ('), \"Les Deux Tours\" (') et \"Le Retour du roi\" (\"\"). C'est un succ\u00e8s commercial imm\u00e9diat qui ne se d\u00e9ment pas tout au long de la deuxi\u00e8me moiti\u00e9 du et donne lieu \u00e0 des adaptations sur plusieurs supports, dont une s\u00e9rie de trois films \u00e0 grand budget r\u00e9alis\u00e9s par Peter Jackson et sortis entre 2001 et 2003.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [39, 62], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q208002", "boundaries": [228, 253], "surfaceform": "La Communaut\u00e9 de l'Anneau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q332388", "boundaries": [261, 275], "surfaceform": "Les Deux Tours", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q332581", "boundaries": [285, 301], "surfaceform": "Le Retour du roi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q4465", "boundaries": [518, 531], "surfaceform": "Peter Jackson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [548, 552], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [556, 560], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q208002", "boundaries": [228, 253], "surfaceform": "La Communaut\u00e9 de l'Anneau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [39, 62], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9775390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q332388", "boundaries": [261, 275], "surfaceform": "Les Deux Tours", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [39, 62], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q332581", "boundaries": [285, 301], "surfaceform": "Le Retour du roi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15228", "boundaries": [39, 62], "surfaceform": "Le Seigneur des anneaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9892578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q332581", "boundaries": [285, 301], "surfaceform": "Le Retour du roi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q332388", "boundaries": [261, 275], "surfaceform": "Les Deux Tours", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.60498046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "25519-0", "title": "Burzum", "uri": "Q193172", "text": "Burzum est un projet musical solo de black metal et dungeon synth norv\u00e9gien, originaire de Bergen. 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Toutefois, quelques invit\u00e9s ont \u00e9galement jou\u00e9 dans certaines des premi\u00e8res compositions.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1304271", "boundaries": [14, 33], "surfaceform": "projet musical solo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q132438", "boundaries": [37, 48], "surfaceform": "black metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q48971892", "boundaries": [52, 65], "surfaceform": "dungeon synth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q20", "boundaries": [66, 75], "surfaceform": "norv\u00e9gien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q26793", "boundaries": [91, 97], "surfaceform": "Bergen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2088301", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [108, 112], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q207824", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "Varg Vikernes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2296521", "boundaries": [185, 206], "surfaceform": "black metal norv\u00e9gien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q132438", "boundaries": [37, 48], "surfaceform": "black metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q26793", "boundaries": [91, 97], "surfaceform": "Bergen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20", "boundaries": [66, 75], "surfaceform": "norv\u00e9gien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q207824", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "Varg Vikernes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "25519-1", "title": "Burzum", "uri": "Q193172", "text": "Apr\u00e8s avoir enregistr\u00e9 quatre albums de Burzum, Varg Vikernes est condamn\u00e9 en 1994 \u00e0 une peine de 21 ans d'emprisonnement (la peine maximale en Norv\u00e8ge) pour le meurtre d'\u00d8ystein Aarseth (\u00e9galement connu sous le nom d'Euronymous), guitariste du groupe de black metal Mayhem, et pour incendie volontaire de quatre \u00e9glises. Alors Varg enregistre en prison des albums de dark ambient \u00e0 d\u00e9faut d'avoir acc\u00e8s aux instruments appropri\u00e9s pour le metal. Il est remis en libert\u00e9 le , ayant b\u00e9n\u00e9fici\u00e9 d'une lib\u00e9ration conditionnelle apr\u00e8s 16 ann\u00e9es derri\u00e8re les barreaux, et enregistrera depuis trois nouveaux albums de black metal. En juin 2018, Varg Vikernes annonce la fin de Burzum. Cependant le 23 octobre 2019, un nouvel album ayant pour titre Thul\u00eaan Mysteries est pr\u00e9vu pour le printemps 2020. Il est con\u00e7u comme musique de fond pour le jeu MYFAROG.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [40, 46], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2067", "boundaries": [78, 82], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [78, 82], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+21^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [98, 100], "surfaceform": "21", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q318871", "boundaries": [171, 186], "surfaceform": "\u00d8ystein Aarseth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q855091", "boundaries": [231, 241], "surfaceform": "guitariste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q485116", "boundaries": [267, 273], "surfaceform": "Mayhem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q756956", "boundaries": [368, 380], "surfaceform": "dark ambient", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [529, 531], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "2018-06-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [626, 635], "surfaceform": "juin 2018", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [669, 675], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "2019-10-23T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [690, 705], "surfaceform": "23 octobre 2019", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q25274", "boundaries": [701, 705], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [740, 757], "surfaceform": "Thul\u00eaan Mysteries", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q25337", "boundaries": [786, 790], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2020^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [786, 790], "surfaceform": "2020", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q318871", "boundaries": [171, 186], "surfaceform": "\u00d8ystein Aarseth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q855091", "boundaries": [231, 241], "surfaceform": "guitariste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q318871", "boundaries": [171, 186], "surfaceform": "\u00d8ystein Aarseth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q485116", "boundaries": [267, 273], "surfaceform": "Mayhem", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "25519-2", "title": "Burzum", "uri": "Q193172", "text": "Le style musical de Burzum se distingue par son atmosph\u00e8re sombre et glaciale, avec de fr\u00e9quentes r\u00e9p\u00e9titions de structures m\u00e9lodiques simples et un rythme moins v\u00e9loce et fr\u00e9n\u00e9tique que celui habituellement associ\u00e9 au black metal en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q132438", "boundaries": [219, 230], "surfaceform": "black metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q193172", "boundaries": [20, 26], "surfaceform": "Burzum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q132438", "boundaries": [219, 230], "surfaceform": "black metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "25697-0", "title": "Coupe Davis", "uri": "Q132377", "text": "La Coupe Davis est la plus prestigieuse des comp\u00e9titions internationales annuelles de tennis masculin par \u00e9quipes. Cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1900 par Dwight Davis, elle est g\u00e9r\u00e9e par la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de tennis. Initialement appel\u00e9e International Lawn Tennis Challenge (litt\u00e9ralement : \u00ab d\u00e9fi international de tennis sur gazon \u00bb), elle n'oppose d'abord que la Grande-Bretagne et les \u00c9tats-Unis et ne s'ouvre \u00e0 d'autres nations qu'\u00e0 partir de 1904. Elle ne prend son nom actuel qu'en 1945 apr\u00e8s la mort de son cr\u00e9ateur. Depuis 2017, elle est \u00e9galement nomm\u00e9e Coupe du monde de tennis, tout comme la Fed Cup, qui est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme son \u00e9quivalent f\u00e9minin. Le caract\u00e8re collectif de la Coupe Davis tranche avec les autres grands tournois de tennis, sport individuel par excellence malgr\u00e9 l'existence du double.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q132377", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Coupe Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q847", "boundaries": [86, 92], "surfaceform": "tennis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q268693", "boundaries": [124, 128], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1900^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [124, 128], "surfaceform": "1900", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q53403", "boundaries": [133, 145], "surfaceform": "Dwight Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q223041", "boundaries": [169, 204], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de tennis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q586450", "boundaries": [354, 369], "surfaceform": "Grande-Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1389353", "boundaries": [377, 387], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1904^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [436, 440], "surfaceform": "1904", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5240", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [520, 524], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q206984", "boundaries": [592, 599], "surfaceform": "Fed Cup", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q132377", "boundaries": [679, 690], "surfaceform": "Coupe Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q132377", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Coupe Davis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q847", "boundaries": [86, 92], "surfaceform": "tennis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3368-0", "title": "Zambie", "uri": "Q953", "text": "La Zambie, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique de Zambie, en anglais et , est un pays d'Afrique australe, sans acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la mer. Sa population est estim\u00e9e \u00e0 seize millions d'habitants en 2017. R\u00e9publique d\u00e9mocratique, sa capitale est Lusaka. Son nom provient du fleuve Zamb\u00e8ze.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [44, 50], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [55, 62], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [82, 98], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q123480", "boundaries": [105, 119], "surfaceform": "acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [179, 183], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3881", "boundaries": [226, 232], "surfaceform": "Lusaka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q43106", "boundaries": [261, 268], "surfaceform": "Zamb\u00e8ze", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [82, 98], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9716796875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3881", "boundaries": [226, 232], "surfaceform": "Lusaka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4534-1", "title": "Les Aventures de Tintin", "uri": "Q744536", "text": "Avec d'exemplaires vendus, \"Les Aventures de Tintin\" font partie des bandes dessin\u00e9es europ\u00e9ennes les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres et plus populaires du . Elles ont \u00e9t\u00e9 traduites en une centaine de langues et dialectes et adapt\u00e9es \u00e0 de nombreuses reprises au cin\u00e9ma, \u00e0 la t\u00e9l\u00e9vision et au th\u00e9\u00e2tre. Elles se d\u00e9roulent dans un univers r\u00e9aliste et parfois fantastique, fourmillant de personnages aux traits de caract\u00e8re bien d\u00e9finis. Le h\u00e9ros de la s\u00e9rie est le personnage \u00e9ponyme, Tintin, un jeune reporter et globe-trotter belge ; il est accompagn\u00e9 dans ses aventures par son fox-terrier Milou. Au fil des albums, plusieurs figures r\u00e9currentes apparaissent, comme le capitaine Haddock qui ne tarde pas \u00e0 devenir un personnage principal, les d\u00e9tectives accumulant les maladresses loufoques Dupond et Dupont, ou encore le professeur Tournesol.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q744536", "boundaries": [28, 51], "surfaceform": "Les Aventures de Tintin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1431020", "boundaries": [69, 97], "surfaceform": "bandes dessin\u00e9es europ\u00e9ennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q28231903", "boundaries": [98, 134], "surfaceform": "les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres et plus populaires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q590870", "boundaries": [244, 250], "surfaceform": "cin\u00e9ma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q289", "boundaries": [257, 267], "surfaceform": "t\u00e9l\u00e9vision", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11635", "boundaries": [274, 281], "surfaceform": "th\u00e9\u00e2tre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q52986", "boundaries": [464, 470], "surfaceform": "Tintin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q42909", "boundaries": [481, 489], "surfaceform": "reporter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39491", "boundaries": [560, 571], "surfaceform": "fox-terrier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1640056", "boundaries": [572, 577], "surfaceform": "Milou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1640063", "boundaries": [651, 668], "surfaceform": "capitaine Haddock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1756503", "boundaries": [773, 789], "surfaceform": "Dupond et Dupont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1635605", "boundaries": [804, 824], "surfaceform": "professeur Tournesol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q52986", "boundaries": [464, 470], "surfaceform": "Tintin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42909", "boundaries": [481, 489], "surfaceform": "reporter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4072-1", "title": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "uri": "Q986", "text": "\u00c0 la suite de l'achat par les Italiens de la baie d'Assab, au sultan local en 1869, puis de leur occupation de Massaoua en 1885, l\u2019\u00c9rythr\u00e9e est constitu\u00e9e en 1890 en territoire particulier. Apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9faite italienne durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'ONU d\u00e9cide en 1952 de f\u00e9d\u00e9rer l\u2019\u00c9rythr\u00e9e \u00e0 l'\u00c9thiopie, qui l'annexe en 1962. C'est le d\u00e9but de la guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance qui se termine en mai 1991 par la victoire du mouvement ind\u00e9pendantiste, le Front populaire de lib\u00e9ration de l'\u00c9rythr\u00e9e (FPLE) men\u00e9 par Isaias Afwerki, et donc par la d\u00e9faite du gouvernement \u00e9thiopien. L'\u00c9rythr\u00e9e acc\u00e8de ainsi \u00e0 l'ind\u00e9pendance en 1993. Les deux pays restent en \u00e9tat de guerre jusqu'\u00e0 la signature d'un trait\u00e9 de paix en 2018.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q738496", "boundaries": [52, 57], "surfaceform": "Assab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1869^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [78, 82], "surfaceform": "1869", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q275635", "boundaries": [111, 119], "surfaceform": "Massaoua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1885^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [123, 127], "surfaceform": "1885", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [131, 139], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1890^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [158, 162], "surfaceform": "1890", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [227, 250], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [254, 257], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1952^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [268, 272], "surfaceform": "1952", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [286, 294], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q115", "boundaries": [299, 307], "surfaceform": "\u00c9thiopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1962^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [325, 329], "surfaceform": "1962", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q607257", "boundaries": [352, 373], "surfaceform": "guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "1991-05-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [392, 400], "surfaceform": "mai 1991", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q889543", "boundaries": [450, 493], "surfaceform": "Front populaire de lib\u00e9ration de l'\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [485, 493], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q57348", "boundaries": [510, 524], "surfaceform": "Isaias Afwerki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q940821", "boundaries": [552, 574], "surfaceform": "gouvernement \u00e9thiopien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [578, 586], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1993^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [620, 624], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2018^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [710, 714], "surfaceform": "2018", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [131, 139], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [254, 257], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q115", "boundaries": [299, 307], "surfaceform": "\u00c9thiopie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [254, 257], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q607257", "boundaries": [352, 373], "surfaceform": "guerre d'ind\u00e9pendance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q986", "boundaries": [131, 139], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rythr\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4813-0", "title": "Kirghizistan", "uri": "Q813", "text": "Le Kirghizistan, Kirghizstan ou Kirghizie, en forme longue la R\u00e9publique kirghize (en kirghize , et , , en russe , et , ), est un pays d'Asie centrale. Extr\u00eamement montagneuse, peupl\u00e9e \u00e0 l'origine par des populations nomades, cette ancienne r\u00e9publique de l'URSS a obtenu son ind\u00e9pendance lors de l'effondrement de cette derni\u00e8re en 1991. Ses habitants s'appellent les Kirghizes. Les deux langues officielles sont le kirghize et le russe.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q813", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Kirghizistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9255", "boundaries": [86, 94], "surfaceform": "kirghize", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7737", "boundaries": [107, 112], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3624078", "boundaries": [130, 134], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27275", "boundaries": [137, 150], "surfaceform": "Asie centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q128393", "boundaries": [205, 224], "surfaceform": "populations nomades", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q130276", "boundaries": [241, 251], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [257, 261], "surfaceform": "URSS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [332, 336], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q484479", "boundaries": [368, 377], "surfaceform": "Kirghizes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q9255", "boundaries": [416, 424], "surfaceform": "kirghize", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q813", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Kirghizistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27275", "boundaries": [137, 150], "surfaceform": "Asie centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q130276", "boundaries": [241, 251], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [257, 261], "surfaceform": "URSS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9638671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4598-3", "title": "Vannes", "uri": "Q6593", "text": "Ville du missus Nominoe, cit\u00e9 royale de Bretagne \u00e0 la fin du , Vannes devient apr\u00e8s la guerre de Succession de Bretagne le si\u00e8ge de la puissance ducale. Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de l'Union de la Bretagne \u00e0 la France en 1532, Vannes conna\u00eet un essor religieux exceptionnel au cours des avant de sombrer dans la langueur jusqu'aux ann\u00e9es 1870 et l'installation de r\u00e9giments. L'apr\u00e8s Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale marque le temps des mutations alors que l'apr\u00e8s Seconde Guerre mondiale marque celui de la croissance \u00e9conomique et d\u00e9mographique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q467708", "boundaries": [16, 23], "surfaceform": "Nominoe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q327", "boundaries": [40, 48], "surfaceform": "Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6593", "boundaries": [63, 69], "surfaceform": "Vannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q550172", "boundaries": [87, 119], "surfaceform": "guerre de Succession de Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q3550076", "boundaries": [166, 198], "surfaceform": "Union de la Bretagne \u00e0 la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q6436", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1532", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1532^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1532", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6593", "boundaries": [208, 214], "surfaceform": "Vannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39847", "boundaries": [312, 323], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1870", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1870^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [319, 323], "surfaceform": "1870", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [364, 388], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [437, 460], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q550172", "boundaries": [87, 119], "surfaceform": "guerre de Succession de Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q327", "boundaries": [40, 48], "surfaceform": "Bretagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8837890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [437, 460], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [364, 388], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 12, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4852-2", "title": "Tchad", "uri": "Q657", "text": "De la fin du au d\u00e9but du , la France affirme progressivement sa souverainet\u00e9 sur l'ensemble du territoire du Tchad actuel, qu'elle incorpore \u00e0 l'Afrique-\u00c9quatoriale fran\u00e7aise (AEF) en 1920. Sous l'impulsion du gouverneur F\u00e9lix \u00c9bou\u00e9, il fut le premier territoire fran\u00e7ais \u00e0 se rallier \u00e0 la France libre d\u00e8s 1940. Le pays obtient son autonomie en 1958, puis son ind\u00e9pendance en 1960, avec pour premier chef d'\u00c9tat Fran\u00e7ois Tombalbaye. Il conserve n\u00e9anmoins une relation privil\u00e9gi\u00e9e avec la France qui est depuis lors intervenue militairement \u00e0 plusieurs reprises notamment en permettant au Tchad de retrouver sa souverainet\u00e9 \u00e0 la suite de l'invasion libyenne. La France et le Tchad sont \u00e9galement alli\u00e9s dans la plupart des conflits mena\u00e7ant la stabilit\u00e9 de la r\u00e9gion dont la lutte contre le terrorisme. Le pays est r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de troubles, li\u00e9s \u00e0 des dissensions internes, et plus r\u00e9cemment au d\u00e9bordement de la guerre du Darfour et plus r\u00e9cemment de la guerre civile libyenne.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q657", "boundaries": [109, 114], "surfaceform": "Tchad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q271894", "boundaries": [145, 174], "surfaceform": "Afrique-\u00c9quatoriale fran\u00e7aise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1920^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [184, 188], "surfaceform": "1920", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q17765219", "boundaries": [210, 220], "surfaceform": "gouverneur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q989568", "boundaries": [221, 232], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9lix \u00c9bou\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": 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"text": "Austrian (nom commercial) (Code AITA : OS ; code OACI : AUA) est la compagnie a\u00e9rienne nationale de l'Autriche, faisant partie du groupe Austrian Airlines Group qui comprend \u00e9galement des filiales, d\u00e9tenues \u00e0 100 % comme Tyrolean (Austrian Arrows). Elle-m\u00eame filiale du groupe Lufthansa, elle participe \u00e0 son programme de fid\u00e9lisation Miles & More. 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Seattle a accueilli la troisi\u00e8me conf\u00e9rence minist\u00e9rielle de l\u2019OMC en 1999 qui avait \u00e9t\u00e9 accompagn\u00e9e des premi\u00e8res manifestations altermondialistes importantes et m\u00e9diatis\u00e9es.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q216477", "boundaries": [75, 82], "surfaceform": "Seattle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q797", "boundaries": [233, 239], "surfaceform": "Alaska", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q66", "boundaries": [293, 299], "surfaceform": "Boeing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5083", "boundaries": [316, 323], "surfaceform": "Seattle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5928", "boundaries": [347, 359], "surfaceform": "Jimi Hendrix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5284", "boundaries": [366, 376], "surfaceform": "Bill Gates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q11365", "boundaries": [422, 428], "surfaceform": "grunge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11649", "boundaries": [463, 470], "surfaceform": "Nirvana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q37158", "boundaries": [566, 575], "surfaceform": "Starbucks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3541983", "boundaries": [579, 593], "surfaceform": "Tully's Coffee", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5083", "boundaries": [613, 620], "surfaceform": "Seattle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7825", "boundaries": [676, 679], "surfaceform": "OMC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [683, 687], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2428844", "boundaries": [718, 742], "surfaceform": "premi\u00e8res manifestations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2385364", "boundaries": [743, 760], "surfaceform": "altermondialistes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q5928", "boundaries": [347, 359], "surfaceform": "Jimi Hendrix", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5083", "boundaries": [316, 323], "surfaceform": "Seattle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5284", "boundaries": [366, 376], "surfaceform": "Bill Gates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5083", "boundaries": [316, 323], "surfaceform": "Seattle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11649", "boundaries": [463, 470], "surfaceform": "Nirvana", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11365", "boundaries": [422, 428], "surfaceform": "grunge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "69026-1", "title": "Kabylie", "uri": "Q46178", "text": "Terre de montagnes dens\u00e9ment peupl\u00e9es, elle est entour\u00e9e de plaines littorales \u00e0 l'ouest et \u00e0 l'est, au nord par la M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e et au sud par les Hauts Plateaux. D\u00e9nu\u00e9e d'existence administrative globale, elle tient son nom des Kabyles, population de culture et de traditions berb\u00e8res, dont elle est le foyer. Son histoire a fait d'elle un p\u00f4le de r\u00e9sistance aux conqu\u00e9rants successifs, mais aussi le point d'appui de plusieurs entreprises dynastiques, et l'a plac\u00e9e au premier plan des mouvements pour la reconnaissance de l'identit\u00e9 \"\" (berb\u00e8re) dans l'Alg\u00e9rie et l'Afrique du Nord contemporaines.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q160091", "boundaries": [60, 66], "surfaceform": "plaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4918", "boundaries": [116, 128], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1621943", "boundaries": [147, 161], "surfaceform": "Hauts Plateaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q648255", "boundaries": [229, 236], "surfaceform": "Kabyles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [277, 285], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27381", "boundaries": [569, 584], "surfaceform": "Afrique du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q648255", "boundaries": [229, 236], "surfaceform": "Kabyles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45315", "boundaries": [277, 285], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.83642578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "69184-2", "title": "Barletta", "uri": "Q13470", "text": "La commune de Barletta, qui comprend la \"frazione\" de Cannes, site arch\u00e9ologique t\u00e9moin de la bataille historique remport\u00e9e par Hannibal en 216 , est reconnue comme ville d\u2019art r\u00e9gionale depuis 2005 du fait de ses richesses architecturales.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q13470", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "Barletta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1134686", "boundaries": [41, 49], "surfaceform": "frazione", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q568611", "boundaries": [54, 60], "surfaceform": "Cannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q179591", "boundaries": [94, 113], "surfaceform": "bataille historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q36456", "boundaries": [128, 136], "surfaceform": "Hannibal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+216^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [140, 143], "surfaceform": "216", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [194, 198], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q568611", "boundaries": [54, 60], "surfaceform": "Cannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13470", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "Barletta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87548828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q568611", "boundaries": [54, 60], "surfaceform": "Cannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1134686", "boundaries": [41, 49], "surfaceform": "frazione", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.67578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q179591", "boundaries": [94, 113], "surfaceform": "bataille historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q568611", "boundaries": [54, 60], "surfaceform": "Cannes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "69456-0", "title": "Japhet", "uri": "Q200637", "text": "Japhet (en h\u00e9breu \u05d9\u05e4\u05ea, en arabe \u064a\u0627\u0641\u062b, \"Yapht\" signifiant \u00ab ouvert \u00bb, \u00ab qu'il s'\u00e9largisse \u00bb, \u00ab qu'il mette au large \u00bb) est un personnage de la Gen\u00e8se dans la Bible. Il est, avec Sem et Cham, un des trois fils de No\u00e9. 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Les fortifications en bois datant du d\u00e9but du , sous le r\u00e8gne d\u2019\u00c9tienne de Hongrie ont \u00e9t\u00e9 conc\u00e9d\u00e9es avec le fief de la B\u00e2rsa par son successeur en 1211 \u00e0 l\u2019Ordre Teutonique ; avec l\u2019ordre de b\u00e2tir en \u00e9change un ensemble de fortifications puissantes afin de limiter l\u2019effet destructeur des invasions mongoles et tatares venues de la steppe pontique (actuelle Ukraine). Apr\u00e8s ces invasions, l\u2019Ordre teutonique se d\u00e9pla\u00e7a au nord de l\u2019Europe mais une bourgeoisie marchande d'origine allemande afflua au , saxonne ou germanophone, qui fit de Bra\u0219ov un carrefour commercial aux portes de l\u2019Orient grec puis turc et de la principaut\u00e9 roumaine voisine, la Valachie. Jusqu\u2019au d\u00e9but du Bra\u0219ov eut une population germanophone majoritaire, et roumaine minoritaire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q592762", "boundaries": [22, 38], "surfaceform": "pays de la B\u00e2rsa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39473", "boundaries": [64, 76], "surfaceform": "Transylvanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q691448", "boundaries": [102, 115], "surfaceform": "colline T\u00e2mpa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q177903", "boundaries": [181, 199], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tienne de Hongrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5251", "boundaries": [265, 269], "surfaceform": "1211", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1211^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [265, 269], "surfaceform": "1211", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q48189", "boundaries": [274, 290], "surfaceform": "Ordre Teutonique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1299234", "boundaries": [407, 425], "surfaceform": "invasions mongoles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35565", "boundaries": [429, 436], "surfaceform": "tatares", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q599529", "boundaries": [450, 465], "surfaceform": "steppe pontique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q212", "boundaries": [476, 483], "surfaceform": "Ukraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q39731", "boundaries": [540, 556], "surfaceform": "nord de l\u2019Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q700469", "boundaries": [566, 607], "surfaceform": "bourgeoisie marchande d'origine allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q170352", "boundaries": [620, 627], "surfaceform": "saxonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q696662", "boundaries": [631, 643], "surfaceform": "germanophone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q82174", "boundaries": [656, 662], "surfaceform": "Bra\u0219ov", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [710, 714], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [720, 724], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q627527", "boundaries": [734, 754], "surfaceform": "principaut\u00e9 roumaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q389004", "boundaries": [767, 775], "surfaceform": "Valachie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q82174", "boundaries": [795, 801], "surfaceform": "Bra\u0219ov", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q170352", "boundaries": [620, 627], "surfaceform": "saxonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q700469", "boundaries": [566, 607], "surfaceform": "bourgeoisie marchande d'origine allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [720, 724], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [710, 714], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9892578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "628-0", "title": "Charlemagne", "uri": "Q3044", "text": "Charlemagne, du latin \"Carolus Magnus\", ou dit , n\u00e9 \u00e0 une date inconnue (vraisemblablement durant l'ann\u00e9e 742, voire 747 ou 748, peut-\u00eatre le ), mort le \u00e0 Aix-la-Chapelle, est un roi des Francs et empereur. Il appartient \u00e0 la dynastie des Carolingiens. Fils de P\u00e9pin le Bref, il est roi des Francs \u00e0 partir de 768, devient par conqu\u00eate roi des Lombards en 774 et est couronn\u00e9 empereur \u00e0 Rome par le pape le 24 ou , relevant une dignit\u00e9 disparue en Occident depuis la d\u00e9position, trois si\u00e8cles auparavant, de Romulus Augustule en 476.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3044", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Charlemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [16, 21], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23601", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "742", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+742^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "742", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23620", "boundaries": [117, 120], "surfaceform": "747", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+747^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [117, 120], "surfaceform": 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Situ\u00e9 dans l'oc\u00e9an Atlantique, au large des c\u00f4tes du S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, il couvre une superficie d'environ . Praia, la capitale, se trouve \u00e0 de la presqu'\u00eele du Cap-Vert, au S\u00e9n\u00e9gal. L'archipel se divise en deux s\u00e9ries d'\u00eeles : au sud, les \u00eeles de Sotavento (Brava, Fogo, Santiago et Maio) et au nord, les \u00eeles de Barlavento (Boa Vista, Sal, S\u00e3o Nicolau, Santa Luzia, S\u00e3o Vicente et Santo Ant\u00e3o). 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Premi\u00e8re colonie europ\u00e9enne dans les tropiques, des esclaves venant du S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, du Mali, de la Guin\u00e9e, elle sert de t\u00eate de pont \u00e0 la traite des esclaves et au commerce triangulaire. Le Cap-Vert attire alors de nombreux corsaires et pirates, parmi lesquels Francis Drake vers 1580. Le naturaliste Charles Darwin visite \u00e9galement l'archipel en 1832. La colonie continue de cro\u00eetre au en devenant une escale sur les routes maritimes menant aux Indes orientales et \u00e0 l'Australie. Au cours du , plusieurs famines d\u00e9ciment la population. Le pays acc\u00e8de \u00e0 l'ind\u00e9pendance en 1975 et devient membre de la CEDEAO l'ann\u00e9e suivante. \u00c0 cette \u00e9poque, de nombreux Cap-Verdiens \u00e9migrent \u00e0 l'\u00e9tranger, constituant une diaspora sup\u00e9rieure en nombre \u00e0 la population r\u00e9sidente du pays. La plupart des habitants se d\u00e9finissent aujourd'hui comme cr\u00e9oles.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q200464", "boundaries": [70, 79], "surfaceform": "portugais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6517", "boundaries": [83, 87], "surfaceform": "1456", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1456^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [83, 87], "surfaceform": "1456", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q912", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "Mali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [184, 190], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7584266", "boundaries": [223, 242], "surfaceform": "traite des esclaves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q647110", "boundaries": [249, 270], "surfaceform": "commerce triangulaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1011", "boundaries": [275, 283], "surfaceform": "Cap-Vert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q201559", "boundaries": [309, 317], "surfaceform": "corsaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q45393", "boundaries": [322, 329], "surfaceform": "pirates", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36517", "boundaries": [346, 359], "surfaceform": "Francis Drake", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1580^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [365, 369], "surfaceform": "1580", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1035", "boundaries": [386, 400], "surfaceform": "Charles Darwin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1832^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 436], "surfaceform": "1832", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q213137", "boundaries": [531, 547], "surfaceform": "Indes orientales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q408", "boundaries": [555, 564], "surfaceform": "Australie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11750", "boundaries": [625, 629], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q2479", "boundaries": [657, 661], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1975^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [657, 661], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q193272", "boundaries": [686, 692], "surfaceform": "CEDEAO", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q133004", "boundaries": [791, 799], "surfaceform": "diaspora", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q498640", "boundaries": [914, 921], "surfaceform": "cr\u00e9oles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q912", "boundaries": [172, 176], "surfaceform": "Mali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [184, 190], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8505859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q36517", "boundaries": [346, 359], "surfaceform": "Francis Drake", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q201559", "boundaries": [309, 317], "surfaceform": "corsaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87646484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "793-2", "title": "Cap-Vert", "uri": "Q1011", "text": "De nos jours, le Cap-Vert poss\u00e8de une \u00e9conomie centr\u00e9e sur la production de services, notamment dans le tourisme. De langues portugaise et cr\u00e9ole capverdien, sa culture se nourrit d'influences europ\u00e9ennes et africaines. La musique capverdienne et ses diff\u00e9rentes composantes (\"funan\u00e1\", \"coladeira\", \"morna\", La \"kizomba\" ressemblant au zouk antillais mais en portugais), ont \u00e9t\u00e9 popularis\u00e9es dans le monde entier par la chanteuse Ces\u00e1ria \u00c9vora. Le catholicisme est la religion dominante (90 %) et le clerg\u00e9 a encore une forte influence sur la population, m\u00eame si l'islam tend \u00e0 se diffuser avec l'arriv\u00e9e de migrants maliens et s\u00e9n\u00e9galais.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1011", "boundaries": [17, 25], "surfaceform": "Cap-Vert", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5146", "boundaries": [125, 134], "surfaceform": "portugais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35963", "boundaries": [139, 156], "surfaceform": "cr\u00e9ole capverdien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q598396", "boundaries": [158, 168], "surfaceform": "sa culture", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q188237", "boundaries": [223, 243], "surfaceform": "musique capverdienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3090876", "boundaries": [277, 283], "surfaceform": "funan\u00e1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2982341", "boundaries": [287, 296], "surfaceform": "coladeira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q502535", "boundaries": [300, 305], "surfaceform": "morna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q103759", "boundaries": [430, 443], "surfaceform": "Ces\u00e1ria \u00c9vora", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1841", "boundaries": [448, 460], "surfaceform": "catholicisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+90^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [488, 490], "surfaceform": "90", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q103759", "boundaries": [430, 443], "surfaceform": "Ces\u00e1ria \u00c9vora", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q502535", "boundaries": [300, 305], "surfaceform": "morna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 16, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.70361328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "809-0", "title": "Carnivora", "uri": "Q25306", "text": "Les Carnivores (Carnivora) sont un ordre de mammif\u00e8res placentaires du super-ordre des Laurasiath\u00e9riens. Ils se distinguent par une m\u00e2choire et une denture qui leur permet de chasser et de manger d'autres animaux. Une des synapomorphies qui caract\u00e9risent les Carnivores est la pr\u00e9sence d'une carnassi\u00e8re. Les canines sont transform\u00e9es en crocs. 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L'archipel, qui fait partie de la M\u00e9lan\u00e9sie, se trouve \u00e0 \u00e0 l'ouest-nord-ouest des Tonga, \u00e0 au sud-ouest de Wallis-et-Futuna et \u00e0 au sud des Tuvalu.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q712", "boundaries": [4, 9], "surfaceform": "Fidji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q712", "boundaries": [22, 27], "surfaceform": "Fidji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q712", "boundaries": [63, 68], "surfaceform": "Fidji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33295", "boundaries": [73, 80], "surfaceform": "fidjien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [89, 96], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46728", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "hindi des Fidji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q712", "boundaries": [115, 120], "surfaceform": "Fidji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11750", "boundaries": [138, 142], "surfaceform": "pays", "annotator": 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Pendant pr\u00e8s de 700 ans, l'Estonie vit sous le contr\u00f4le et l'influence de populations germaniques (issus du Nord de l'Allemagne et des pays Scandinaves), qui affectent durablement la culture et le mode de vie de ses habitants. 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Sa capitale politique, \u00e9conomique et plus grande ville est Tallinn, tandis que sa seconde ville Tartu est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme le berceau de la culture estonienne et la capitale intellectuelle du pays, notamment en raison de son universit\u00e9. Avec une population de 1,2 million d'habitants, elle est l'un des membres les moins peupl\u00e9s de l'Union europ\u00e9enne depuis le et de l'OTAN depuis mars 2004. L'Estonie est \u00e9galement membre de la zone euro, de l'ONU, de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), du Conseil de l'Europe, de l'espace Schengen, de l'OCDE ou encore du Conseil des \u00c9tats de la mer Baltique, et est observateur au Conseil nordique et \u00e0 l\u2019Organisation internationale de la francophonie et \u00e0 l'OCDE. Depuis 2020, l'Estonie est membre du Conseil de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 des Nations unies.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q191", "boundaries": [15, 22], "surfaceform": "Estonie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3624078", "boundaries": [30, 44], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat souverain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4198907", "boundaries": [65, 89], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique parlementaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q179164", "boundaries": [90, 98], "surfaceform": "unitaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7174", "boundaries": [99, 111], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mocratique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189672", "boundaries": [123, 136], "surfaceform": "quinze comt\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q13972", "boundaries": [234, 239], "surfaceform": "Tartu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q204181", "boundaries": [363, 373], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", 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Il prend sa source dans l'ouest du pays sur le plateau tib\u00e9tain, dans une r\u00e9gion aride et d\u00e9pourvue d'habitants \u00e0 plus de d'altitude. Son cours prend d'abord une orientation sud-ouest et il descend du plateau de mani\u00e8re torrentielle en circulant dans des gorges profondes creus\u00e9es dans les monts Hengduan. \u00c0 pr\u00e8s de de sa source, le Yangzi arrive aux abords du plateau Yunnan-Guizhou et prend une direction g\u00e9n\u00e9rale d'ouest en est qu'il va conserver jusqu'\u00e0 son d\u00e9bouch\u00e9 dans la mer de Chine orientale. Il traverse successivement le riche bassin agricole du Sichuan et sa capitale \u00e9conomique Chongqing, les d\u00e9fil\u00e9s des Trois Gorges avant de p\u00e9n\u00e9trer dans une vaste plaine caract\u00e9ris\u00e9e par de nombreux lacs et de grandes concentrations humaines dont la ville de Wuhan. En quittant cette plaine, il passe par un dernier \u00e9tranglement avant de former un delta de pr\u00e8s de de long sur lequel se trouve une dizaine de villes exc\u00e9dant le million d\u2019habitants, dont les m\u00e9gapoles de Nankin (Nanjing) et Shanghai.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5413", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Yangzi Jiang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q21204", "boundaries": [19, 22], "surfaceform": "API", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q117073", "boundaries": [45, 71], "surfaceform": "transcriptions europ\u00e9ennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q21204", "boundaries": [143, 146], "surfaceform": "API", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q150", "boundaries": [163, 171], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q573344", "boundaries": [211, 217], "surfaceform": "fleuve", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [219, 226], "surfaceform": "chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8737769", "boundaries": [235, 240], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9bit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q179842", "boundaries": [318, 334], "surfaceform": "plateau tib\u00e9tain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q172351", "boundaries": [561, 575], "surfaceform": "monts Hengduan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q604329", "boundaries": [632, 654], "surfaceform": "plateau Yunnan-Guizhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q45341", "boundaries": [750, 772], "surfaceform": "mer de Chine orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q19770", "boundaries": [829, 836], "surfaceform": "Sichuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11725", "boundaries": [863, 872], "surfaceform": "Chongqing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q673287", "boundaries": [890, 902], "surfaceform": "Trois Gorges", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11746", "boundaries": [1032, 1037], "surfaceform": "Wuhan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16666", "boundaries": [1244, 1250], "surfaceform": "Nankin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8686", "boundaries": [1264, 1272], "surfaceform": "Shanghai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q5413", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Yangzi Jiang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q45341", "boundaries": [750, 772], "surfaceform": "mer de Chine orientale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97216796875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19770", "boundaries": [829, 836], "surfaceform": "Sichuan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11725", "boundaries": [863, 872], "surfaceform": "Chongqing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.401123046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "39328-0", "title": "Chordata", "uri": "Q10915", "text": "Les chord\u00e9s ou cord\u00e9s (Chordata) forment un embranchement d'animaux du clade des bilat\u00e9riens et appartenant au super-embranchement des deut\u00e9rostomiens. Leur nom provient de la notochorde, une lamelle cartilagineuse situ\u00e9e du c\u00f4t\u00e9 dorsal de l'animal, forme la plus \u00e9l\u00e9mentaire d'un endosquelette (squelette interne). Quatre sous-embranchements sont r\u00e9unis dans ce groupe : les Cephalochordata, les Vetulicolia (aujourd'hui \u00e9teints), les Tunicata et les Vertebrata (ces deux derniers groupes sont r\u00e9unis sous le clade des Olfactores). Ils constituent un des embranchements les plus diversifi\u00e9s du r\u00e8gne animal avec pr\u00e8s de , apr\u00e8s les arthropodes, ces derniers regroupant, avec pr\u00e8s d'1,5 million d'esp\u00e8ces recens\u00e9es, plus de 80 % des esp\u00e8ces connues.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q10915", "boundaries": [23, 31], "surfaceform": "Chordata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38348", "boundaries": [44, 57], "surfaceform": "embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q729", "boundaries": [60, 67], "surfaceform": "animaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q713623", "boundaries": [71, 76], "surfaceform": "clade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5173", "boundaries": [81, 91], "surfaceform": "bilat\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3978005", "boundaries": [111, 130], "surfaceform": "super-embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q150866", "boundaries": [135, 149], "surfaceform": "deut\u00e9rostomien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q243469", "boundaries": [176, 186], "surfaceform": "notochorde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q502730", "boundaries": [200, 214], "surfaceform": "cartilagineuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1148064", "boundaries": [281, 294], "surfaceform": "endosquelette", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q123252", "boundaries": [376, 391], "surfaceform": "Cephalochordata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1261437", "boundaries": [397, 408], "surfaceform": "Vetulicolia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q60485765", "boundaries": [422, 429], "surfaceform": "\u00e9teints", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q165118", "boundaries": [436, 444], "surfaceform": "Tunicata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25241", "boundaries": [452, 462], "surfaceform": "Vertebrata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3280581", "boundaries": [520, 530], "surfaceform": "Olfactores", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q216818", "boundaries": [580, 591], "surfaceform": "diversifi\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q729", "boundaries": [595, 607], "surfaceform": "r\u00e8gne animal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1360", "boundaries": [633, 643], "surfaceform": "arthropode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1.5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [683, 686], "surfaceform": "1,5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+80^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [724, 726], "surfaceform": "80", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q10915", "boundaries": [23, 31], "surfaceform": "Chordata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q729", "boundaries": [60, 67], "surfaceform": "animaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q38348", "boundaries": [44, 57], "surfaceform": "embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3978005", "boundaries": [111, 130], "surfaceform": "super-embranchement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5173", "boundaries": [81, 91], "surfaceform": "bilat\u00e9rien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q713623", "boundaries": [71, 76], "surfaceform": "clade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89697265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "40119-1", "title": "Art\u00e9mis", "uri": "Q39503", "text": "Elle est la fille de Zeus et de L\u00e9to, et la s\u0153ur jumelle d'Apollon (ou simplement sa s\u0153ur selon l'hymne hom\u00e9rique qui lui est consacr\u00e9), avec lequel elle partage beaucoup de traits communs. 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Elle est, notamment en raison du jeu particulier du bassiste Simon Gallup, une composante essentielle de la musique de The Cure. 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Elle est \u00e9galement le si\u00e8ge d'un archev\u00each\u00e9 de l'\u00c9glise d'Angleterre.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42462", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21", "boundaries": [35, 45], "surfaceform": "Angleterre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q19718", "boundaries": [87, 91], "surfaceform": "Ouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2071677", "boundaries": [98, 102], "surfaceform": "Foss", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q163", "boundaries": [135, 144], "surfaceform": "Yorkshire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [161, 168], "surfaceform": "Romains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q958954", "boundaries": [183, 191], "surfaceform": "Eboracum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q107299", "boundaries": [254, 265], "surfaceform": "Northumbrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q889970", "boundaries": [287, 311], "surfaceform": "royaume viking de J\u00f3rv\u00edk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1363910", "boundaries": [346, 356], "surfaceform": "archev\u00each\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q82708", "boundaries": [362, 381], "surfaceform": "\u00c9glise d'Angleterre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42462", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q958954", "boundaries": [183, 191], "surfaceform": "Eboracum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.76123046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19718", "boundaries": [87, 91], "surfaceform": "Ouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q163", "boundaries": [135, 144], "surfaceform": "Yorkshire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98681640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2071677", "boundaries": [98, 102], "surfaceform": "Foss", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19718", "boundaries": [87, 91], "surfaceform": "Ouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q163", "boundaries": [135, 144], "surfaceform": "Yorkshire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42462", "boundaries": [0, 4], "surfaceform": "York", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97900390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q889970", "boundaries": [287, 311], "surfaceform": "royaume viking de J\u00f3rv\u00edk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q107299", "boundaries": [254, 265], "surfaceform": "Northumbrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "40382-1", "title": "Belgrade", "uri": "Q3711", "text": "Belgrade est l'une des plus anciennes cit\u00e9s d'Europe, avec une histoire qui s\u2019\u00e9tend sur plus de . Selon les historiens, on \u00e9value la destruction de la ville entre 28 et , sa position strat\u00e9gique en Europe \u00e9tant son bonheur et son malheur, d'o\u00f9 les vers du de Constantin le philosophe, \u00ab Pleure ville blanche, le noir de tes deuils \u00bb. Les premi\u00e8res traces de pr\u00e9sence humaine dans la r\u00e9gion remontent \u00e0 la Pr\u00e9histoire et \u00e0 la culture de Vin\u010da. Historiquement, Belgrade est l\u2019antique cit\u00e9 de Singidunum, colonie romaine situ\u00e9e dans la province de M\u00e9sie. Le nom slave \"Beograd\" appara\u00eet pour la premi\u00e8re fois le , dans une \u00e9p\u00eetre envoy\u00e9e par le pape Jean VIII au prince Boris de Bulgarie. Il a pour signification la \u00ab ville blanche \u00bb. Au fil de son histoire mouvement\u00e9e, Belgrade a \u00e9t\u00e9 conquise par : elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 romaine qui l'a surnomm\u00e9 \u00ab La colline aux m\u00e9ditations \u00bb, byzantine, hongroise, serbe, autrichienne, ottomane puis capitale de la Serbie officiellement ind\u00e9pendante de la Sublime Porte en 1878.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3711", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Belgrade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [46, 52], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+28^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [163, 165], "surfaceform": "28", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q11756", "boundaries": [405, 416], "surfaceform": "Pr\u00e9histoire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q831336", "boundaries": [436, 441], "surfaceform": "Vin\u010da", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3711", "boundaries": [459, 467], "surfaceform": "Belgrade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1309687", "boundaries": [490, 500], "surfaceform": "Singidunum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1747689", "boundaries": [510, 517], "surfaceform": "romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q199499", "boundaries": [545, 550], "surfaceform": "M\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q215495", "boundaries": [620, 626], "surfaceform": "\u00e9p\u00eetre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q170504", "boundaries": [647, 656], "surfaceform": "Jean VIII", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q311057", "boundaries": [667, 684], "surfaceform": "Boris de Bulgarie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3711", "boundaries": [768, 776], "surfaceform": "Belgrade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2277", "boundaries": [809, 816], "surfaceform": "romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [866, 875], "surfaceform": "byzantine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28", "boundaries": [877, 886], "surfaceform": "hongroise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q40", "boundaries": [895, 907], "surfaceform": "autrichienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [909, 917], "surfaceform": "ottomane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18871", "boundaries": [979, 992], "surfaceform": "Sublime Porte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7776", "boundaries": [996, 1000], "surfaceform": "1878", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1878^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [996, 1000], "surfaceform": "1878", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1309687", "boundaries": [490, 500], "surfaceform": "Singidunum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3711", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Belgrade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.73388671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q12560", "boundaries": [909, 917], "surfaceform": "ottomane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q12544", "boundaries": [866, 875], "surfaceform": "byzantine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6572265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "48472-0", "title": "Juste pour rire", "uri": "Q1362509", "text": "Le festival Juste pour rire, cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1983 par Gilbert Rozon, est un festival d'humour qui a lieu chaque ann\u00e9e \u00e0 Montr\u00e9al au Qu\u00e9bec. Son pendant anglophone, ou JFL, a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1985.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1362509", "boundaries": [12, 27], "surfaceform": "Juste pour rire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2434", "boundaries": [37, 41], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [37, 41], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3105858", "boundaries": [46, 59], "surfaceform": "Gilbert Rozon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q132241", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "festival", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35874", "boundaries": [79, 85], "surfaceform": "humour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q340", "boundaries": [112, 120], "surfaceform": "Montr\u00e9al", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q176", "boundaries": [124, 130], "surfaceform": "Qu\u00e9bec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [178, 182], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1362509", "boundaries": [12, 27], "surfaceform": "Juste pour rire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q340", "boundaries": [112, 120], "surfaceform": "Montr\u00e9al", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "31624-1", "title": "Tampere", "uri": "Q40840", "text": "La ville est coinc\u00e9e entre deux lacs, N\u00e4sij\u00e4rvi et Pyh\u00e4j\u00e4rvi. 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Plus r\u00e9cemment, Brisbane accueille les jeux du Commonwealth de 1982, l'exposition universelle Expo '88, ainsi que les Goodwill Games de 2001. L'\u00e9conomie de Brisbane est bas\u00e9e sur les industries p\u00e9trochimiques, m\u00e9tallurgiques, agroalimentaires et m\u00e9caniques. Son port permet l'exportation des ressources naturelles de l'\u00c9tat (charbon, argent, plomb, zinc). La ville est \u00e9galement un important centre culturel et touristique, \u00e0 peu de distance des stations baln\u00e9aires de la Sunshine Coast et de la Gold Coast.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q329888", "boundaries": [37, 51], "surfaceform": "forces alli\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [63, 86], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q7540126", "boundaries": [98, 114], "surfaceform": "quartier g\u00e9n\u00e9ral", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q127417", "boundaries": [126, 143], "surfaceform": "Douglas MacArthur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q98", "boundaries": [192, 201], "surfaceform": "Pacifique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34932", "boundaries": [219, 227], "surfaceform": "Brisbane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1116438", "boundaries": [242, 270], "surfaceform": "jeux du Commonwealth de 1982", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1982^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "1982", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2714516", "boundaries": [297, 305], "surfaceform": "Expo '88", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+88^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [303, 305], "surfaceform": "88", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q849939", "boundaries": [321, 335], "surfaceform": "Goodwill Games", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34932", "boundaries": [359, 367], "surfaceform": "Brisbane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q493630", "boundaries": [397, 411], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9trochimiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11467", "boundaries": [413, 427], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9tallurgiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q540912", "boundaries": [429, 445], "surfaceform": "agroalimentaires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1257115", "boundaries": [449, 459], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9caniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q828357", "boundaries": [675, 689], "surfaceform": "Sunshine Coast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q140075", "boundaries": [699, 709], "surfaceform": "Gold Coast", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [63, 86], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q329888", "boundaries": [37, 51], "surfaceform": "forces alli\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [63, 86], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q98", "boundaries": [192, 201], "surfaceform": "Pacifique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.982421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1116438", "boundaries": [242, 270], "surfaceform": "jeux du Commonwealth de 1982", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34932", "boundaries": [219, 227], "surfaceform": "Brisbane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "31912-1", "title": "La Mecque", "uri": "Q5806", "text": "Lieu de naissance, selon la tradition islamique, du proph\u00e8te de l'islam Mahomet \u00e0 la fin du , elle abrite la \"Kaaba\" au c\u0153ur de la mosqu\u00e9e \"Masjid Al-Haram\" (\u00ab La Mosqu\u00e9e sacr\u00e9e \u00bb) et la tradition musulmane a li\u00e9 sa fondation \u00e0 Ibrahim (Abraham), ce qui en fait la ville sainte la plus sacr\u00e9e de l'islam. L'acc\u00e8s est interdit aux personnes qui ne sont pas de confession musulmane ainsi qu'aux femmes seules, m\u00eame musulmanes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q168827", "boundaries": [52, 71], "surfaceform": "proph\u00e8te de l'islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [72, 79], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q29466", "boundaries": [110, 115], "surfaceform": "Kaaba", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q428858", "boundaries": [140, 155], "surfaceform": "Masjid Al-Haram", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1768161", "boundaries": [228, 235], "surfaceform": "Ibrahim", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9181", "boundaries": [237, 244], "surfaceform": "Abraham", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7885943", "boundaries": [265, 277], "surfaceform": "ville sainte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [298, 303], "surfaceform": "islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [72, 79], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q168827", "boundaries": [52, 71], "surfaceform": "proph\u00e8te de l'islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9775390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1768161", "boundaries": [228, 235], "surfaceform": "Ibrahim", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q168827", "boundaries": [52, 71], "surfaceform": "proph\u00e8te de l'islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93603515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [298, 303], "surfaceform": "islam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [72, 79], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7958984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "32153-0", "title": "Hestia", "uri": "Q41419", "text": "Dans la mythologie grecque, Hestia (en grec ancien ) (en latin Vesta) est la divinit\u00e9 du feu sacr\u00e9 et du foyer. 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\"The Garden\") est une salle omnisports situ\u00e9e dans l'arrondissement de Manhattan \u00e0 New York. L'\u00e9difice est contr\u00f4l\u00e9 par l'entreprise du m\u00eame nom, Madison Square Garden, L.P., une filiale de Cablevision qui poss\u00e8de plusieurs franchises sportives professionnelles jouant au Garden. Dans l'histoire, il y a eu quatre b\u00e2timents constituant le Madison Square Garden. Les deux premiers ont \u00e9t\u00e9 situ\u00e9s au coin nord-est de Madison Square (sur Madison Avenue et la ), c'est de l\u00e0 que vient le nom de la salle. Plus tard un nouveau Garden de (ouvert le ) a \u00e9t\u00e9 construit sur la et Avenue, puis le Garden actuel (ouvert le ) a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9difi\u00e9 sur la Avenue entre les et , pr\u00e8s de la Pennsylvania Station. La salle actuelle est officieusement connue comme \"\". Le Garden est actuellement le plus ancien ar\u00e9na fonctionnel de la Ligue nationale de hockey. 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Elle est \u00e9galement l'h\u00f4te de concerts (les plus grands artistes du rock s'y sont notamment produits) et de divers spectacles, notamment de cirque et de catch, ainsi que de meetings politiques. Le Madison Square Garden a une capacit\u00e9 de pour le basket-ball, pour le hockey sur glace, pour les concerts et en configuration th\u00e9\u00e2tre (WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden). MSG dispose de 89 suites de luxes et de club.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q184452", "boundaries": [53, 73], "surfaceform": "t\u00e9l\u00e9vision par c\u00e2ble", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11399", "boundaries": [223, 227], "surfaceform": "rock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q47928", "boundaries": [295, 301], "surfaceform": "cirque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131359", "boundaries": [308, 313], "surfaceform": "catch", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q186125", "boundaries": [352, 373], "surfaceform": "Madison Square Garden", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [400, 411], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q41466", "boundaries": [421, 437], "surfaceform": "hockey sur glace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q186125", "boundaries": [502, 523], "surfaceform": "Madison Square Garden", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+89^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [541, 543], "surfaceform": "89", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q186125", "boundaries": [352, 373], "surfaceform": "Madison Square Garden", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [400, 411], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97705078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q186125", "boundaries": [352, 373], "surfaceform": "Madison Square Garden", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41466", "boundaries": [421, 437], "surfaceform": "hockey sur glace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97021484375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "106409-2", "title": "Madison Square Garden", "uri": "Q186125", "text": "* au basket-ball, les Knicks de New York (NBA) et le Red Storm de Saint John de l'universit\u00e9 de Saint John (basket-ball universitaire - 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Avec une altitude de , c'est le troisi\u00e8me plus haut sommet sur Terre, apr\u00e8s l'Everest et le K2, et le point culminant de l'Inde. Jusqu'en 1852, il fut consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme le plus haut sommet du monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q82019", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "Kangchenjunga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5451", "boundaries": [114, 122], "surfaceform": "Himalaya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q668", "boundaries": [141, 145], "surfaceform": "indo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q837", "boundaries": [146, 151], "surfaceform": "n\u00e9pal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q837", "boundaries": [168, 173], "surfaceform": "N\u00e9pal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28590", "boundaries": [184, 205], "surfaceform": "district de Taplejung", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1505", "boundaries": [226, 232], "surfaceform": "Sikkim", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q186141", "boundaries": [277, 284], "surfaceform": "Gangtok", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q185552", "boundaries": [318, 354], 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Karnataka en Inde, est un site inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour ses temples de l'hindouisme, datant du . De nombreuses infrastructures religieuses sont d\u00e9di\u00e9es \u00e0 Shiva; elles ont \u00e9t\u00e9 construites par la dynastie Ch\u00e2lukya. Les temples qui subsistent actuellement t\u00e9moignent d'exp\u00e9riences fondatrices dans l'architecture des temples hindous. Pattadakal \u00e9tait l'une des deux capitales ch\u00e2lukya avec Badami, une petite ville situ\u00e9e \u00e0 environ \u00e0 l'Ouest. 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Pendant leur p\u00e9riode de quatre ans ensemble, ils ont men\u00e9 le Heat en finales NBA chaque saison, et ont remport\u00e9 deux titres cons\u00e9cutifs en 2012 et 2013. \u00c0 la suite de la d\u00e9faite en 2014, l\u2019\u00e9quipe est entr\u00e9e dans une autre p\u00e9riode de reconstruction. 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Cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1994, l'entreprise a \u00e9t\u00e9 rachet\u00e9e en 1998 par AOL dont elle devint une filiale jusqu'\u00e0 sa fin en 2003.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [38, 61], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q21198", "boundaries": [175, 187], "surfaceform": "informatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [188, 198], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q466", "boundaries": [222, 236], "surfaceform": "World Wide Web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6368", "boundaries": [246, 260], "surfaceform": "navigateur web", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q235419", "boundaries": [261, 279], "surfaceform": "Netscape Navigator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2067", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [290, 294], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [327, 331], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [327, 331], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q27585", "boundaries": [336, 339], "surfaceform": "AOL", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [387, 391], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [188, 198], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q235419", "boundaries": [261, 279], "surfaceform": "Netscape Navigator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q235419", "boundaries": [261, 279], "surfaceform": "Netscape Navigator", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210057", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Netscape Communications", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "52519-1", "title": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "uri": "Q389688", "text": "Le nom \u00ab Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides \u00bb (en vieux perse : \"Hax\u0101mani\u0161iya\") se rapporte au clan fondateur qui se lib\u00e8re vers 550 de la tutelle des M\u00e8des, auparavant leurs souverains, ainsi qu'au grand Empire qui r\u00e9sulte ensuite de leur domination. L'Empire fond\u00e9 par les Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides s'empare de l'Anatolie en d\u00e9faisant la Lydie, puis conquiert l'Empire n\u00e9o-babylonien et l'\u00c9gypte, unissant alors les plus anciennes civilisations du Moyen-Orient dans une seule entit\u00e9 politique de fa\u00e7on durable. L'Empire ach\u00e9m\u00e9nide menace par deux fois la Gr\u00e8ce antique et s'effondre, vaincu par Alexandre le Grand, en 330, non sans l\u00e9guer aux diadoques qui lui succ\u00e8dent une partie notable de ses traits culturels et politiques.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q389688", "boundaries": [9, 20], "surfaceform": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35225", "boundaries": [27, 38], "surfaceform": "vieux perse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q190598", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "550", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+550^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [106, 109], "surfaceform": "550", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8735", "boundaries": [128, 133], "surfaceform": "M\u00e8des", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q389688", "boundaries": [252, 263], "surfaceform": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q51614", "boundaries": [278, 286], "surfaceform": "Anatolie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q620765", "boundaries": [303, 308], "surfaceform": "Lydie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q624887", "boundaries": [327, 348], "surfaceform": "Empire n\u00e9o-babylonien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11768", "boundaries": [354, 360], "surfaceform": "\u00c9gypte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11772", "boundaries": [520, 533], "surfaceform": "Gr\u00e8ce antique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8409", "boundaries": [560, 578], "surfaceform": "Alexandre le Grand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q48182", "boundaries": [583, 586], "surfaceform": "330", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+330^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [583, 586], "surfaceform": "330", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q201546", "boundaries": [608, 617], "surfaceform": "diadoques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35225", "boundaries": [27, 38], "surfaceform": "vieux perse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q389688", "boundaries": [9, 20], "surfaceform": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95068359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q389688", "boundaries": [9, 20], "surfaceform": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q620765", "boundaries": [303, 308], "surfaceform": "Lydie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q389688", "boundaries": [9, 20], "surfaceform": "Ach\u00e9m\u00e9nides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q624887", "boundaries": [327, 348], "surfaceform": "Empire n\u00e9o-babylonien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.67333984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q620765", "boundaries": [303, 308], "surfaceform": "Lydie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q51614", "boundaries": [278, 286], "surfaceform": "Anatolie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8916015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "52649-0", "title": "Emp\u00e9docle", "uri": "Q83375", "text": "Emp\u00e9docle (en ) est un philosophe, po\u00e8te, ing\u00e9nieur et m\u00e9decin grec de Sicile, du Il fait partie des philosophes pr\u00e9socratiques, ces premiers penseurs qui ont tent\u00e9 de d\u00e9couvrir l\"\"' du cosmos, son \u00ab\u00a0\"sch\u00e9ma\"\u00a0\u00bb. L'originalit\u00e9 d'Emp\u00e9docle est de poser deux principes qui r\u00e8gnent cycliquement sur l'univers, l'Amour et la Haine. Ces principes engendrent les quatre \u00e9l\u00e9ments dont sont compos\u00e9es toutes les choses mat\u00e9rielles : l'eau, la terre, le feu et l'\u00e9ther (ou l'air). L'Amour est une force d'unification et de coh\u00e9sion qui fait tendre les choses vers l'unit\u00e9 (par exemple les organismes vivants) ou m\u00eame l'Un quand il s'agit du cosmos. La Haine est une force de division et de destruction qui fait tendre les choses vers le multiple.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q83375", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Emp\u00e9docle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [23, 33], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49757", "boundaries": [35, 40], "surfaceform": "po\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q81096", "boundaries": [42, 51], "surfaceform": "ing\u00e9nieur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39631", "boundaries": [55, 62], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9decin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11772", "boundaries": [63, 67], "surfaceform": "grec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1460", "boundaries": [71, 77], "surfaceform": "Sicile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q178540", "boundaries": [113, 127], "surfaceform": "pr\u00e9socratiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1", "boundaries": [186, 192], "surfaceform": "cosmos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83375", "boundaries": [228, 237], "surfaceform": "Emp\u00e9docle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q316", "boundaries": [308, 313], "surfaceform": "Amour", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q160232", "boundaries": [320, 325], "surfaceform": "Haine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q188520", "boundaries": [356, 371], "surfaceform": "quatre \u00e9l\u00e9ments", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35758", "boundaries": [410, 421], "surfaceform": "mat\u00e9rielles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q326894", "boundaries": [607, 611], "surfaceform": "l'Un", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q83375", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Emp\u00e9docle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [23, 33], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q83375", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Emp\u00e9docle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q49757", "boundaries": [35, 40], "surfaceform": "po\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9833984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q83375", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Emp\u00e9docle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39631", "boundaries": [55, 62], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9decin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84814453125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "53059-0", "title": "Superman", "uri": "Q79015", "text": "Superman est un super-h\u00e9ros de bande dessin\u00e9e am\u00e9ricaine appartenant au monde imaginaire de l\u2019Univers DC. 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Il appara\u00eet pour la premi\u00e8re fois dans un Action Comics en juin 1938. Le personnage est ensuite repris dans plusieurs pi\u00e8ces radiophoniques, \u00e9missions de t\u00e9l\u00e9vision, films, comic strips et jeux vid\u00e9o. 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Il est principalement connu pour son roman \"Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles\" (1865) et sa suite, \"De l'autre c\u00f4t\u00e9 du miroir\" (1871). 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Le , Microsoft cesse de le supporter, ce qui signifie l'arr\u00eat de la publication de correctifs de s\u00e9curit\u00e9, et encourage la migration vers Windows Server 2012 R2.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q11246", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [15, 19], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q9135", "boundaries": [27, 49], "surfaceform": "syst\u00e8me d'exploitation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44127", "boundaries": [58, 65], "surfaceform": "serveur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [80, 89], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [134, 138], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1071340", "boundaries": [258, 279], "surfaceform": "Windows Server System", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q11246", "boundaries": [311, 330], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [326, 330], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [332, 333], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q11233", "boundaries": [371, 390], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2008", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2008^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [386, 390], "surfaceform": "2008", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15222398", "boundaries": [545, 567], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2012 R2", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [560, 564], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [566, 567], "surfaceform": "2", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q11246", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9135", "boundaries": [27, 49], "surfaceform": "syst\u00e8me d'exploitation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89013671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11246", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Windows Server 2003", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2283", "boundaries": [80, 89], "surfaceform": "Microsoft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "53732-0", "title": "Le Ma\u00eetre du Haut Ch\u00e2teau", "uri": "Q749783", "text": "Le Ma\u00eetre du Haut Ch\u00e2teau (titre original : \"\") est un roman uchronique de Philip K. Dick publi\u00e9 en 1962 aux \u00c9tats-Unis et qui re\u00e7oit le prix Hugo l'ann\u00e9e suivante. La traduction fran\u00e7aise est publi\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 1970.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q749783", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Ma\u00eetre du Haut Ch\u00e2teau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [55, 60], "surfaceform": "roman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q224989", "boundaries": [61, 71], "surfaceform": "uchronique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q171091", "boundaries": [75, 89], "surfaceform": "Philip K. 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L'\u00c9tat est divis\u00e9 en 18 divisions et 75 districts, la capitale \u00e9tant Lucknow. Le 9 novembre 2000, un nouvel \u00c9tat, Uttarakhand, a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9coup\u00e9 dans la r\u00e9gion montagneuse de l'\u00c9tat de l'Himalaya. Les deux principaux fleuves de l'\u00c9tat, le Gange et Yamuna, se rejoignent \u00e0 Prayagraj et coulent plus \u00e0 l'est en tant que Ganges. L'hindi est la langue la plus parl\u00e9e et est \u00e9galement la langue officielle de l'\u00c9tat, avec l'ourdou.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1498", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "Uttar Pradesh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1950^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [134, 138], "surfaceform": "1950", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+18^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [184, 186], "surfaceform": "18", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+75^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [200, 202], "surfaceform": "75", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q47916", "boundaries": [232, 239], "surfaceform": "Lucknow", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2000-11-09T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [244, 259], "surfaceform": "9 novembre 2000", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q1499", "boundaries": [277, 288], "surfaceform": "Uttarakhand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5089", "boundaries": [398, 403], "surfaceform": "Gange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q132726", "boundaries": [407, 413], "surfaceform": "Yamuna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q162442", "boundaries": [431, 440], "surfaceform": "Prayagraj", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1568", "boundaries": [487, 492], "surfaceform": "hindi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1617", "boundaries": [578, 584], "surfaceform": "ourdou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1498", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "Uttar Pradesh", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47916", "boundaries": [232, 239], "surfaceform": "Lucknow", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q132726", "boundaries": [407, 413], "surfaceform": "Yamuna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5089", "boundaries": [398, 403], "surfaceform": "Gange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q162442", "boundaries": [431, 440], "surfaceform": "Prayagraj", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5089", "boundaries": [398, 403], "surfaceform": "Gange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8935546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "15022-1", "title": "Torah", "uri": "Q34990", "text": "Elle est compos\u00e9e de cinq livres d\u00e9sign\u00e9s en h\u00e9breu par un des premiers mots du texte et traditionnellement en fran\u00e7ais : la Gen\u00e8se (\"Ber\u0113sh\u012b\u1e6f\" : Au Commencement), l'Exode (\"Shem\u014d\u1e6f\" : Noms), le L\u00e9vitique (\"Vayyiqr\u0101\" : Et il appela), les Nombres (\"Bami\u1e0fbar\" : Dans le d\u00e9sert) et le Deut\u00e9ronome (\"Devarim\" : Paroles). Elle contient, selon la tradition juive rabbinique, 613 commandements et comporte, outre la composante \u00e9crite (h\u00e9breu : \u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4 \u05e9\u05d1\u05db\u05ea\u05d1, \"T\u014dr\u0101 sheBikht\u0101\u1e07\" : \u00ab Torah \u00e9crite \u00bb), une dimension orale (h\u00e9breu : \u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e2\u05dc \u05e4\u05d4, \"T\u014dr\u0101 sheBe\u02bfal Pe\" : \u00ab Torah orale \u00bb), ult\u00e9rieurement compil\u00e9e dans le Talmud et la litt\u00e9rature midrashique contrairement \u00e0 la tradition juive kara\u00efte qui ne prend en compte que la Torah \u00e9crite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9184", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Gen\u00e8se", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q9190", "boundaries": [166, 171], "surfaceform": "Exode", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q41490", "boundaries": [194, 203], "surfaceform": "L\u00e9vitique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q43099", "boundaries": [237, 244], 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Il les reconna\u00eet comme faisant int\u00e9gralement partie des \u00c9critures canoniques (\u00ab\u00a0Ancien Testament\u00a0\u00bb), bien qu'il en ait partiellement abandonn\u00e9 les pr\u00e9ceptes rituels et qu'il ne reconnaisse pas d'autorit\u00e9 aux enseignements rabbiniques. Le christianisme soutient en effet que le message du Christ diffus\u00e9 par le Nouveau Testament conduit \u00e0 l'accomplissement de la Torah (Matthieu 5, 17-20), d\u00e9sormais objet d'une observance int\u00e9rioris\u00e9e et d'une interpr\u00e9tation all\u00e9gorique, comme l'attestent les \u00e9crits de Paul de Tarse d\u00e8s le milieu du (Premi\u00e8re \u00e9p\u00eetre aux Corinthiens).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5043", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "christianisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q162062", "boundaries": [25, 36], "surfaceform": "Pentateuque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q19786", "boundaries": [208, 224], "surfaceform": "Ancien Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q18813", "boundaries": [438, 455], "surfaceform": "Nouveau Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34990", "boundaries": [490, 495], "surfaceform": "Torah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [506, 507], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+17^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [509, 511], "surfaceform": "17", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-20^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [511, 514], "surfaceform": "-20", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q9200", "boundaries": [632, 645], "surfaceform": "Paul de Tarse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q80355", "boundaries": [664, 695], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re \u00e9p\u00eetre aux Corinthiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q80355", "boundaries": [664, 695], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re \u00e9p\u00eetre aux Corinthiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18813", "boundaries": [438, 455], "surfaceform": "Nouveau Testament", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q80355", "boundaries": [664, 695], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re \u00e9p\u00eetre aux Corinthiens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9200", "boundaries": [632, 645], "surfaceform": "Paul de Tarse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "15624-0", "title": "Volga", "uri": "Q626", "text": "La Volga ( ; en , en ) est le plus grand fleuve d'Europe. Avec ses affluents, il draine plus d'un tiers de la surface de la Russie europ\u00e9enne. La Volga prend sa source dans les collines de Valda\u00ef \u00e0 d'altitude entre Moscou et Saint-P\u00e9tersbourg avant de se jeter dans la mer Caspienne apr\u00e8s un long parcours de . Le fleuve est navigable sur presque toute sa longueur gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 d'\u00e9normes am\u00e9nagements r\u00e9alis\u00e9s pour l'essentiel durant la seconde moiti\u00e9 du . Son bassin versant, d'une superficie de , rassemble une mosa\u00efque de peuples. La vall\u00e9e de la Volga concentre depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale une part importante des activit\u00e9s industrielles de la Russie. La Volga joue \u00e9galement un grand r\u00f4le dans l'imaginaire russe et a inspir\u00e9 de nombreux romans, tableaux et chansons, tels que \"Les Bateliers de la Volga\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q573344", "boundaries": [41, 47], "surfaceform": "fleuve", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [50, 56], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q159675", "boundaries": [67, 75], "surfaceform": "affluent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q875134", "boundaries": [124, 141], "surfaceform": "Russie europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [146, 151], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4204390", "boundaries": [161, 167], "surfaceform": "source", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q194196", "boundaries": [177, 195], "surfaceform": "collines de Valda\u00ef", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q649", "boundaries": [215, 221], "surfaceform": "Moscou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q656", "boundaries": [225, 242], "surfaceform": "Saint-P\u00e9tersbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5484", "boundaries": [269, 282], "surfaceform": "mer Caspienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q166620", "boundaries": [456, 470], "surfaceform": "bassin versant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [545, 550], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [571, 594], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [660, 665], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1555383", "boundaries": [784, 809], "surfaceform": "Les Bateliers de la Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [804, 809], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5484", "boundaries": [269, 282], "surfaceform": "mer Caspienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "15745-2", "title": "General Motors", "uri": "Q81965", "text": "Apr\u00e8s la cession de Saab en 2010, le retrait de Daewoo en 2005, de Chevrolet en 2014 et la vente de GM Europe (Opel/Vauxhall) en 2017, le groupe am\u00e9ricain ne poss\u00e8de plus de pr\u00e9sence significative sur le continent europ\u00e9en, pr\u00e9f\u00e9rant concentrer ses activit\u00e9s sur des march\u00e9s plus rentables.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q48957", "boundaries": [20, 24], "surfaceform": "Saab", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [28, 32], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q497193", "boundaries": [48, 54], "surfaceform": "Daewoo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [58, 62], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q29570", "boundaries": [67, 76], "surfaceform": "Chevrolet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2014^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [80, 84], "surfaceform": "2014", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q40966", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "Opel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q59187", "boundaries": [116, 124], "surfaceform": "Vauxhall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [129, 133], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q59187", "boundaries": [116, 124], "surfaceform": "Vauxhall", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q40966", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "Opel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "15795-0", "title": "Coll\u00e8ge de France", "uri": "Q202660", "text": "Le Coll\u00e8ge de France, anciennement nomm\u00e9 Coll\u00e8ge royal, est un grand \u00e9tablissement d'enseignement et de recherche, institu\u00e9 par Fran\u00e7ois en 1530. 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Les autres esp\u00e8ces comprennent, entre autres, \"Listeria innocua\", \"Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii\", \"Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis\", \"Listeria grayi\", \"Listeria seeligeri,\" \"Listeria welshimeri, Listeria costaricensis, Listeria goaensis\" et \"Listeria thailandensis\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q746209", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Listeria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34740", "boundaries": [16, 21], "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q10876", "boundaries": [22, 30], "surfaceform": "bact\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q292015", "boundaries": [52, 74], "surfaceform": "Listeria monocytogenes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q160653", "boundaries": [130, 140], "surfaceform": "list\u00e9riose", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q182672", "boundaries": [152, 159], "surfaceform": "zoonose", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [226, 242], "surfaceform": "Listeria innocua", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [246, 279], "surfaceform": "Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [283, 320], "surfaceform": "Listeria ivanovii subsp. londoniensis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [324, 338], "surfaceform": "Listeria grayi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [342, 360], "surfaceform": "Listeria seeligeri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [364, 383], "surfaceform": "Listeria welshimeri", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q61451453", "boundaries": [385, 407], "surfaceform": "Listeria costaricensis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q746209", "boundaries": [409, 417], "surfaceform": "Listeria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q746209", "boundaries": [432, 440], "surfaceform": "Listeria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q160653", "boundaries": [130, 140], "surfaceform": "list\u00e9riose", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q746209", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Listeria", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.986328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "85887-1", "title": "Listeria", "uri": "Q746209", "text": "Les \"Listeria\", nomm\u00e9es d'apr\u00e8s Joseph Lister, qui les a d\u00e9couvertes, sont des bacilles de petite taille, mobiles \u00e0 (gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 des flagelles), gram positif. Toutes les esp\u00e8ces sont catalases positives, non sporul\u00e9es, et ana\u00e9robies facultatifs. 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Le , l'ayatollah Khomeini a publi\u00e9 une fatwa de mort contre lui en mettant en cause son \u0153uvre, ce qui l'a forc\u00e9 \u00e0 entrer dans la clandestinit\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q191288", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Les Versets sataniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q44306", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "Salman Rushdie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1511083", "boundaries": [115, 119], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1988^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [115, 119], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1136336", "boundaries": [163, 177], "surfaceform": "prix Whitbread", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q184402", "boundaries": [186, 195], "surfaceform": "ayatollah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38823", "boundaries": [196, 204], "surfaceform": "Khomeini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q179274", "boundaries": [218, 223], "surfaceform": "fatwa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q191288", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Les Versets sataniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q44306", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "Salman Rushdie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q44306", "boundaries": [89, 103], "surfaceform": "Salman Rushdie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q191288", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Les Versets sataniques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "95524-0", "title": "Dortmund", "uri": "Q1295", "text": "Dortmund () (, , ancien fran\u00e7ais : \"Tr\u00e9moigne\"), est une ville allemande situ\u00e9e dans le Land de Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord-Westphalie \u00e0 l'est du bassin de la Ruhr. Sa population ( au 31 d\u00e9cembre 2019) en fait une des plus grandes villes de la r\u00e9gion, la huiti\u00e8me plus grande ville d'Allemagne et la de l'Union europ\u00e9enne.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1295", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Dortmund", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [63, 72], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1198", "boundaries": [96, 123], "surfaceform": "Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord-Westphalie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q151993", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "Ruhr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "2019-12-31T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [173, 189], "surfaceform": "31 d\u00e9cembre 2019", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q4242225", "boundaries": [241, 282], "surfaceform": "la huiti\u00e8me plus grande ville d'Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [294, 310], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1295", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Dortmund", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [63, 72], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1295", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Dortmund", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q151993", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "Ruhr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97119140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q151993", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "Ruhr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [63, 72], "surfaceform": "allemande", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9423828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "95524-3", "title": "Dortmund", "uri": "Q1295", "text": "Dortmund abrite de nombreuses institutions culturelles et \u00e9ducatives, notamment l'Universit\u00e9 technique de Dortmund et l'Universit\u00e9 des sciences appliqu\u00e9es et des arts de Dortmund, l'International School of Management et d'autres \u00e9tablissements \u00e9ducatifs, culturels et administratifs comptant plus de , de nombreux mus\u00e9es, tels que le Museum am Ostwall, le Mus\u00e9e d'art et d'histoire culturelle, le Mus\u00e9e allemand du football, ainsi que des th\u00e9\u00e2tres et des salles de musique comme le Konzerthaus ou l'Op\u00e9ra de Dortmund. Dortmund est \u00e9galement connue comme la \u00ab m\u00e9tropole verte \u00bb de la Westphalie, pr\u00e8s de la moiti\u00e9 du territoire municipal consistant en voie navigable, bois, espace agricole et espaces verts parmi lesquels de vastes parcs comme le ou le . Cette particularit\u00e9 contraste avec l'exploitation mini\u00e8re et la sid\u00e9rurgie exerc\u00e9es dans la r\u00e9gion pendant pr\u00e8s d'un si\u00e8cle. La ville se trouve sur la rivi\u00e8re Emscher, affluent du Rhin qui coule au sud de la ville. 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K. Rowling. Sorti le , il est initialement tir\u00e9 \u00e0 . En France, le roman a \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9 le .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q43361", "boundaries": [0, 35], "surfaceform": "Harry Potter \u00e0 l'\u00e9cole des sorciers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q3244512", "boundaries": [112, 124], "surfaceform": "Harry Potter", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q34660", "boundaries": [135, 148], "surfaceform": "J. K. 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Depuis 1988 Ol\u00edvio Dutra, Tarso Genro, Raul Pont, Tarso Genro (), puis Jo\u00e3o Verle, l'adjoint de Genro, ont \u00e9t\u00e9 successivement maires. \u00c9lu en 2004, Jos\u00e9 Foga\u00e7a, candidat du Parti Populaire Socialiste (PPS), occupe le poste de maire depuis le 2005. Il est entretemps pass\u00e9 au PMDB. En avril 2010, il d\u00e9missionne de son poste pour pouvoir se pr\u00e9senter \u00e0 la candidature de gouverneur de l'\u00c9tat du Rio Grande do Sul pour les \u00e9lections de cette m\u00eame ann\u00e9e. Il est remplac\u00e9 par Jos\u00e9 Fortunati, son vice-maire. En 2012, Fortunati est \u00e9lu maire et termine son mandat en 2016.", "entities": [{"uri": "+16^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [35, 37], "surfaceform": "16", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q657089", "boundaries": [49, 71], "surfaceform": "Parti des Travailleurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2426", "boundaries": [85, 89], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1988^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [85, 89], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q252591", "boundaries": [90, 102], "surfaceform": "Ol\u00edvio Dutra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3515818", "boundaries": [104, 115], "surfaceform": "Tarso Genro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [117, 126], "surfaceform": "Raul Pont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q3187328", "boundaries": [149, 159], "surfaceform": "Jo\u00e3o Verle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2014", "boundaries": [219, 223], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [219, 223], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q359615", "boundaries": [225, 236], "surfaceform": "Jos\u00e9 Foga\u00e7a", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2598527", "boundaries": [250, 276], "surfaceform": "Parti Populaire Socialiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2019", "boundaries": [319, 323], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [319, 323], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1322751", "boundaries": [352, 356], "surfaceform": "PMDB", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "2010-04-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [361, 371], "surfaceform": "avril 2010", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q1995", "boundaries": [367, 371], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [549, 563], "surfaceform": "Jos\u00e9 Fortunati", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [584, 588], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [639, 643], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2019", "boundaries": [319, 323], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2014", "boundaries": [219, 223], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27330-1", "title": "Banque de France", "uri": "Q806950", "text": "Ind\u00e9pendante depuis 1994, la Banque de France devient membre de l\u2019Eurosyst\u00e8me (ainsi que du Syst\u00e8me europ\u00e9en de banques centrales) en 1999.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1994^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [20, 24], "surfaceform": "1994", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q806950", "boundaries": [29, 45], "surfaceform": "Banque de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1378327", "boundaries": [66, 77], "surfaceform": "Eurosyst\u00e8me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q221598", "boundaries": [92, 129], "surfaceform": "Syst\u00e8me europ\u00e9en de banques centrales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [134, 138], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q806950", "boundaries": [29, 45], "surfaceform": "Banque de France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q221598", "boundaries": [92, 129], "surfaceform": "Syst\u00e8me europ\u00e9en de banques centrales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27566-0", "title": "Arawaks", "uri": "Q117244", "text": "Les Arawaks (, \"Aro\u00fcagues\" dans les \u00e9crits fran\u00e7ais du ) sont des Am\u00e9rindiens des Antilles issus de la for\u00eat amazonienne, proches de la culture salado\u00efde. Le nom d'Arawaks qu'on leur a donn\u00e9 ne d\u00e9signe pas un peuple en particulier, mais une famille linguistique \u00e0 laquelle se rattachent de nombreuses populations am\u00e9rindiennes d'Amazonie, dont les populations Kali'na ou Kalinago.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q117244", "boundaries": [4, 11], "surfaceform": "Arawaks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q150", "boundaries": [43, 51], "surfaceform": "fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2844840", "boundaries": [66, 90], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rindiens des Antilles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q177567", "boundaries": [103, 120], "surfaceform": "for\u00eat amazonienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4405634", "boundaries": [144, 153], "surfaceform": "salado\u00efde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q117244", "boundaries": [164, 171], "surfaceform": "Arawaks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q626753", "boundaries": [241, 261], "surfaceform": "famille linguistique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36747", "boundaries": [313, 326], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9rindiennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2841453", "boundaries": [329, 337], "surfaceform": "Amazonie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2486742", "boundaries": [360, 367], "surfaceform": "Kali'na", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27106", "boundaries": [371, 379], "surfaceform": "Kalinago", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q27106", "boundaries": [371, 379], "surfaceform": "Kalinago", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36747", "boundaries": [313, 326], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9rindiennes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.73193359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27661-0", "title": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "uri": "Q605620", "text": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re est un long m\u00e9trage d'animation franco-belgo-luxembourgeois r\u00e9alis\u00e9 par Michel Ocelot et sorti en 1998. Adapt\u00e9 d'un conte africain, le film raconte les aventures de Kirikou, un gar\u00e7on minuscule mais \u00e0 l'intelligence et \u00e0 la g\u00e9n\u00e9rosit\u00e9 hors du commun, dans sa lutte contre la sorci\u00e8re Karaba, qui tyrannise les habitants du village \u00e0 l'aide de ses pouvoirs mal\u00e9fiques et d'une arm\u00e9e de f\u00e9tiches. Par son sc\u00e9nario, ses graphismes, sa musique et ses doublages, \"Kirikou\" s'inspire au plus pr\u00e8s des cultures de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q24869", "boundaries": [30, 42], "surfaceform": "long m\u00e9trage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11425", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [55, 61], "surfaceform": "franco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [62, 67], "surfaceform": "belgo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q32", "boundaries": [68, 82], "surfaceform": "luxembourgeois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1364283", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Michel Ocelot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q753357", "boundaries": [121, 125], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [121, 125], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3215584", "boundaries": [188, 195], "surfaceform": "Kirikou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4412", "boundaries": [532, 550], "surfaceform": "Afrique de l'Ouest", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q142", "boundaries": [55, 61], "surfaceform": "franco", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.361328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q31", "boundaries": [62, 67], "surfaceform": "belgo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.35400390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q32", "boundaries": [68, 82], "surfaceform": "luxembourgeois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.38916015625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1364283", "boundaries": [95, 108], "surfaceform": "Michel Ocelot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27661-1", "title": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "uri": "Q605620", "text": "Premier long-m\u00e9trage de Michel Ocelot, \"Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re\" remporte un succ\u00e8s critique et commercial inattendu, avec pr\u00e8s d'un million d'entr\u00e9es au cours de sa premi\u00e8re exploitation en France. Ce succ\u00e8s exerce une influence tr\u00e8s positive sur le d\u00e9veloppement de l'industrie de l'animation en France et sur le financement d'autres longs-m\u00e9trages anim\u00e9s dans le pays au cours des ann\u00e9es suivantes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1364283", "boundaries": [24, 37], "surfaceform": "Michel Ocelot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [40, 62], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q11425", "boundaries": [284, 293], "surfaceform": "animation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [40, 62], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1364283", "boundaries": [24, 37], "surfaceform": "Michel Ocelot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96728515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27661-2", "title": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "uri": "Q605620", "text": "\"Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re\" a \u00e9t\u00e9 suivi d'un deuxi\u00e8me film, \"Kirikou et les B\u00eates sauvages\", sorti en 2005, qui raconte d'autres aventures de Kirikou prenant place pendant les \u00e9v\u00e9nements du premier film, puis d'un troisi\u00e8me film sur le m\u00eame principe, \"Kirikou et les Hommes et les Femmes\", fin 2012. Le personnage de Kirikou a \u00e9galement \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clin\u00e9 sur d'autres supports tels que des livres pour la jeunesse, un jeu vid\u00e9o et des films documentaires.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [1, 23], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2724377", "boundaries": [58, 87], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et les B\u00eates sauvages", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q742202", "boundaries": [99, 103], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [99, 103], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3197341", "boundaries": [249, 284], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et les Hommes et les Femmes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2012^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [291, 295], "surfaceform": "2012", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7889", "boundaries": [409, 418], "surfaceform": "jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2724377", "boundaries": [58, 87], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et les B\u00eates sauvages", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q605620", "boundaries": [1, 23], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et la Sorci\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9443359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q3197341", "boundaries": [249, 284], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et les Hommes et les Femmes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2724377", "boundaries": [58, 87], "surfaceform": "Kirikou et les B\u00eates sauvages", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.85009765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27816-1", "title": "\u00c9dimbourg", "uri": "Q23436", "text": "Ses habitants s'appellent les \"\u00c9dimbourgeois\". Depuis 1329, \u00c9dimbourg poss\u00e8de officiellement le statut de cit\u00e9. Elle a aussi le statut de council area (depuis le ) et de r\u00e9gion de lieutenance, apr\u00e8s avoir eu celui de district au sein de la r\u00e9gion du Lothian (du au ) dont elle \u00e9tait le si\u00e8ge.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23436", "boundaries": [31, 40], "surfaceform": "\u00c9dimbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1329^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [54, 58], "surfaceform": "1329", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23436", "boundaries": [60, 69], "surfaceform": "\u00c9dimbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1867820", "boundaries": [96, 110], "surfaceform": "statut de cit\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q461231", "boundaries": [138, 150], "surfaceform": "council area", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q202435", "boundaries": [170, 191], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de lieutenance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q642024", "boundaries": [250, 257], "surfaceform": "Lothian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23436", "boundaries": [31, 40], "surfaceform": "\u00c9dimbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q202435", "boundaries": [170, 191], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de lieutenance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.79248046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q202435", "boundaries": [170, 191], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion de lieutenance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q461231", "boundaries": [138, 150], "surfaceform": "council area", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.81591796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "27816-2", "title": "\u00c9dimbourg", "uri": "Q23436", "text": "Elle est domin\u00e9e par son ch\u00e2teau dont les fondations remontent au mais c\u2019est \u00e0 partir du que fut construite cette r\u00e9sidence royale avant de devenir une forteresse redoutable au . \u00c9dimbourg fut affranchie en 1329 et s\u2019entoura de murailles au . Apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9faite de Flodden (1513) contre les Anglais, les bourgeois de la ville d\u00e9cid\u00e8rent de construire \u00e0 titre pr\u00e9ventif une seconde enceinte baptis\u00e9e le \"mur de Flodden\". Apr\u00e8s l\u2019unification des Parlements d\u2019\u00c9cosse et d\u2019Angleterre (1707), la ville perdit de son importance politique mais resta un important centre \u00e9conomique et culturel. En plus du Ch\u00e2teau, \u00c9dimbourg compte de nombreux lieux int\u00e9ressants comme le Royal Botanic Garden, les cath\u00e9drales Saint-Gilles (presbyt\u00e9rienne), Sainte-Marie (\u00e9piscopalienne) et Sainte-Marie (catholique), la National Gallery, Charlotte Square, le Scott Monument ou encore le National Museum of Scotland. Le palais de Holyrood \"(Holyrood Palace\") est la r\u00e9sidence officielle de la reine lorsqu\u2019elle s\u00e9journe dans la ville. 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Le r\u00e9tro-acronyme de PowerPC est \"Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC Performance Computing\". Depuis 2004, l'architecture est g\u00e9r\u00e9e par la fondation Power.org. \u00c0 partir de 2019, la fondation Power est g\u00e9r\u00e9e par la Linux Foundation qui place le design et les jeux d\u2019instructions sous licence Open Source.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q209860", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "PowerPC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q5297", "boundaries": [46, 61], "surfaceform": "microprocesseur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1303814", "boundaries": [76, 102], "surfaceform": "architecture de processeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189376", "boundaries": [103, 107], "surfaceform": "RISC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q211063", "boundaries": [108, 113], "surfaceform": "POWER", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [116, 119], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q312", "boundaries": [153, 158], "surfaceform": "Apple", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [160, 163], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q863675", "boundaries": [167, 176], "surfaceform": "Freescale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q259011", "boundaries": [191, 199], "surfaceform": "Motorola", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q636300", "boundaries": [221, 235], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9tro-acronyme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q209860", "boundaries": [239, 246], "surfaceform": "PowerPC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [327, 331], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3400842", "boundaries": [375, 384], "surfaceform": "Power.org", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [398, 402], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q189376", "boundaries": [103, 107], "surfaceform": "RISC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1303814", "boundaries": [76, 102], "surfaceform": "architecture de processeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7958984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q211063", "boundaries": [108, 113], "surfaceform": "POWER", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5297", "boundaries": [46, 61], "surfaceform": "microprocesseur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9794921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q211063", "boundaries": [108, 113], "surfaceform": "POWER", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37156", "boundaries": [116, 119], "surfaceform": "IBM", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "29122-1", "title": "P\u00e2ques", "uri": "Q21196", "text": "La f\u00eate chr\u00e9tienne de P\u00e2ques plonge ses racines dans la P\u00e2que juive (Pessa'h) qui comm\u00e9more la sortie d'\u00c9gypte du peuple h\u00e9breu. Pour les chr\u00e9tiens, qui reconnaissent en J\u00e9sus le Messie, P\u00e2ques (avec un s) comm\u00e9more la r\u00e9surrection de J\u00e9sus, trois jours apr\u00e8s la C\u00e8ne (c\u00e9l\u00e9br\u00e9e le jeudi saint), dernier repas qu'il a pris avec ses disciples le jour de la P\u00e2que juive la veille de sa Passion (c\u00e9l\u00e9br\u00e9e le dimanche des Rameaux et le Vendredi saint), selon le Nouveau Testament. Par sa mort et sa r\u00e9surrection, le Christ, fils de Dieu, rach\u00e8te l\u2019homme et l\u2019extirpe de l'esclavage du mal et du p\u00e9ch\u00e9 (myst\u00e8re de la r\u00e9demption). 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Les disparit\u00e9s avec le reste du pays sont de fait tr\u00e8s importantes, les autres r\u00e9gions ne b\u00e9n\u00e9ficiant pas du m\u00eame dynamisme \u00e9conomique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [34, 40], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49628", "boundaries": [51, 55], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2021^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [51, 55], "surfaceform": "2021", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q55638", "boundaries": [186, 203], "surfaceform": "secteur tertiaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q49389", "boundaries": [210, 218], "surfaceform": "tourisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [249, 253], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [249, 253], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [316, 332], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [366, 370], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1.7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [383, 386], "surfaceform": "1,7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q25290", "boundaries": [249, 253], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [273, 277], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.69091796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19542-0", "title": "Avicenne", "uri": "Q8011", "text": "Avicenne (du latin m\u00e9di\u00e9val ; en persan : , venant tous deux de l'arabe , \u00ab fils de Sina \u00bb ; nom arabe complet : ; aussi appel\u00e9 en persan), n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Afsh\u00e9na, pr\u00e8s de Boukhara, dans la province de Transoxiane (actuel Ouzb\u00e9kistan) et mort en \u00e0 Hamadan (Iran), est un philosophe et m\u00e9decin m\u00e9di\u00e9val persan. R\u00e9digeant principalement en arabe classique, il s'int\u00e9ressa \u00e0 de nombreuses sciences, comme l'astronomie, l'alchimie, et la psychologie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q8011", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Avicenne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1163234", "boundaries": [13, 27], "surfaceform": "latin m\u00e9di\u00e9val", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9168", "boundaries": [33, 39], "surfaceform": "persan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13955", "boundaries": [66, 71], "surfaceform": "arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q624240", "boundaries": [93, 102], "surfaceform": "nom arabe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5764", "boundaries": [165, 173], "surfaceform": "Boukhara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183324", "boundaries": [195, 206], "surfaceform": "Transoxiane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q265", "boundaries": [215, 226], "surfaceform": "Ouzb\u00e9kistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q28587", "boundaries": [241, 248], "surfaceform": "Hamadan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [250, 254], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [264, 274], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q39631", "boundaries": [278, 285], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9decin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1654327", "boundaries": [331, 346], "surfaceform": "arabe classique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q8011", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Avicenne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [264, 274], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.90234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8011", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Avicenne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q39631", "boundaries": [278, 285], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9decin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9619140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5764", "boundaries": [165, 173], "surfaceform": "Boukhara", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q265", "boundaries": [215, 226], "surfaceform": "Ouzb\u00e9kistan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.77978515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q28587", "boundaries": [241, 248], "surfaceform": "Hamadan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q794", "boundaries": [250, 254], "surfaceform": "Iran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19517-0", "title": "Raj britannique", "uri": "Q129286", "text": "Le Raj d\u00e9buta en 1858 par le transfert des possessions de la Compagnie des Indes orientales \u00e0 la Couronne britannique en la personne de la reine Victoria, proclam\u00e9e imp\u00e9ratrice des Indes en 1876. Il s'\u00e9tendit principalement sur les territoires qui forment aujourd'hui l'Inde, le Pakistan et le Bangladesh, ainsi que sur la Birmanie jusqu'en 1937, regroupant des provinces sous administration directe et des \u00c9tats princiers sous suzerainet\u00e9. 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Elle est surtout connue pour la maison et les jardins du peintre impressionniste Claude Monet (1840-1926). 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The Police est class\u00e9 num\u00e9ro 70 dans la liste des 100 plus grands artistes de tous les temps du magazine \"Rolling Stone\". Le trio cesse toute activit\u00e9 commune apr\u00e8s la s\u00e9rie de concerts donn\u00e9s en 1983-1984 dans la foul\u00e9e de la sortie de leur dernier album, \"Synchronicity\" qui rencontre un important succ\u00e8s international, et ne se retrouve que bri\u00e8vement en 1986, puis pour une grande tourn\u00e9e mondiale en 2007-2008.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1631268", "boundaries": [47, 54], "surfaceform": "Roxanne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q723182", "boundaries": [58, 67], "surfaceform": "So Lonely", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2469156", "boundaries": [71, 90], "surfaceform": "Message in a Bottle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q2718632", "boundaries": [94, 113], "surfaceform": "Walking on the Moon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1330171", "boundaries": [119, 140], "surfaceform": "Every Breath You Take", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q178095", "boundaries": [143, 153], "surfaceform": "The Police", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+70^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [172, 174], "surfaceform": "70", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+100^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [193, 196], "surfaceform": "100", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q33511", "boundaries": [249, 262], "surfaceform": "Rolling Stone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1983^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1983", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1984^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [343, 348], "surfaceform": "-1984", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1064318", "boundaries": [401, 414], "surfaceform": "Synchronicity", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [501, 505], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [548, 552], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-2008^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [552, 557], "surfaceform": "-2008", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2469156", "boundaries": [71, 90], "surfaceform": "Message in a Bottle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q723182", "boundaries": [58, 67], "surfaceform": "So Lonely", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.71728515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2718632", "boundaries": [94, 113], "surfaceform": "Walking on the Moon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2469156", "boundaries": [71, 90], "surfaceform": "Message in a Bottle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19997-0", "title": "Lao Tseu", "uri": "Q9333", "text": "Lao Tseu ou Laozi ou Lao Zi (), plus commun\u00e9ment appel\u00e9 en Chine T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng l\u01ceoj\u016bn (), de son vrai nom Li Er (), aurait \u00e9t\u00e9 un sage chinois et, selon la tradition, un contemporain de Confucius (milieu du \u2013 milieu du , fin de la p\u00e9riode des Printemps et Automnes). Il est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 \"a posteriori\" comme le p\u00e8re fondateur du tao\u00efsme. Il serait n\u00e9 dans le pays de Chu du royaume des Zhou et serait parti pour une retraite spirituelle vers l\u2019ouest de la Chine actuelle avec une destination inconnue. Les informations historiques le concernant sont rares et incertaines et sa biographie se d\u00e9veloppe \u00e0 partir de la dynastie Han, essentiellement \u00e0 partir d\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ments surnaturels et religieux ; quelques chercheurs sceptiques estiment depuis la fin du qu'il s\u2019agit d\u2019un personnage fictif ou composite, et non proprement historique.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9333", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Lao Tseu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q148", "boundaries": [59, 64], "surfaceform": "Chine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184663", "boundaries": [125, 137], "surfaceform": "sage chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4604", "boundaries": [181, 190], "surfaceform": "Confucius", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q185047", "boundaries": [226, 259], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9riode des Printemps et Automnes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9598", "boundaries": [321, 328], "surfaceform": "tao\u00efsme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q504759", "boundaries": [351, 362], "surfaceform": "pays de Chu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35216", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "Zhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7209", "boundaries": [608, 620], "surfaceform": "dynastie Han", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q9333", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Lao Tseu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35216", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "Zhou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.3203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19997-1", "title": "Lao Tseu", "uri": "Q9333", "text": "Le \"Tao T\u00f6 King\" (\"Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu\") que la tradition lui attribue est un texte majeur du tao\u00efsme, consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme important par d'autres courants \u00e9galement. 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C'est le Land allemand le plus peupl\u00e9 et dot\u00e9 du plus fort poids \u00e9conomique, en partie gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la Ruhr. La Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord\u2013Westphalie abrite plus de 23 % de la population allemande (18 millions) et contribue \u00e0 environ 22 % du produit int\u00e9rieur brut de l'Allemagne. Mais son poids \u00e9conomique d\u00e9passant largement les fronti\u00e8res de l'Allemagne, elle se place ainsi en t\u00eate des r\u00e9gions de l'Union europ\u00e9enne en \u00e9tant premi\u00e8re en mati\u00e8re de produit int\u00e9rieur brut (PIB) \u00e0 PPA. Sa superficie est de . Sa capitale est D\u00fcsseldorf et la plus grande ville est Cologne.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1198", "boundaries": [3, 30], "surfaceform": "Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord-Westphalie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1221156", "boundaries": [66, 77], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat f\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [94, 103], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q151993", "boundaries": [203, 207], "surfaceform": "Ruhr", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+23^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [255, 257], "surfaceform": "23", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+18^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [288, 290], "surfaceform": "18", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+22^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [324, 326], "surfaceform": "22", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q12638", "boundaries": [332, 354], "surfaceform": "produit int\u00e9rieur brut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [437, 446], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [493, 509], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q12638", "boundaries": [542, 564], "surfaceform": "produit int\u00e9rieur brut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q82135", "boundaries": [573, 576], "surfaceform": "PPA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1718", "boundaries": [617, 627], "surfaceform": "D\u00fcsseldorf", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q365", "boundaries": [656, 663], "surfaceform": "Cologne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1198", "boundaries": [3, 30], "surfaceform": "Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord-Westphalie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1221156", "boundaries": [66, 77], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat f\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.288330078125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1198", "boundaries": [3, 30], "surfaceform": "Rh\u00e9nanie-du-Nord-Westphalie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [94, 103], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1221156", "boundaries": [66, 77], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat f\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [94, 103], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [94, 103], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [493, 509], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12574-0", "title": "Hambourg", "uri": "Q1055", "text": "Hambourg ( ' ; ' ), officiellement la ville libre et hans\u00e9atique de Hambourg, est une ville et l'un des composant l'Allemagne. 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Elle est \u00e9galement le troisi\u00e8me port d'Europe quant au volume de marchandises \u00e9chang\u00e9es, derri\u00e8re Rotterdam et Anvers.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [116, 125], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1644", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "Elbe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1693", "boundaries": [208, 219], "surfaceform": "mer du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [221, 229], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q209208", "boundaries": [258, 275], "surfaceform": "ville d'Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q64", "boundaries": [283, 289], "surfaceform": "Berlin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44782", "boundaries": [305, 309], "surfaceform": "port", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [358, 364], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1027807", "boundaries": [417, 426], "surfaceform": "Rotterdam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q662529", "boundaries": [430, 436], "surfaceform": "Anvers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [116, 125], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1644", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "Elbe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1644", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "Elbe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1693", "boundaries": [208, 219], "surfaceform": "mer du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.414306640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "12574-2", "title": "Hambourg", "uri": "Q1055", "text": "C'est \u00e9galement une ville au tourisme actif, ce qu'elle doit notamment \u00e0 son architecture, \u00e0 son r\u00e9seau de canaux et aux abords luxuriants de l'Alster, rivi\u00e8re formant un lac artificiel au c\u0153ur de la ville. Elle pr\u00e9sente de tr\u00e8s nombreux th\u00e9\u00e2tres et mus\u00e9es, notamment la c\u00e9l\u00e8bre \"Kunsthalle\" ou le jeune \"Bucerius Kunst Forum\", qui accueille des expositions temporaires. Hambourg dispose d'un quartier entier vou\u00e9 \u00e0 la vie nocturne : \"Sankt Pauli\" et sa \"Reeperbahn\", lieu de toutes les extravagances et lib\u00e9ralit\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q49389", "boundaries": [29, 37], "surfaceform": "tourisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1219", "boundaries": [144, 150], "surfaceform": "Alster", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q169542", "boundaries": [280, 290], "surfaceform": "Kunsthalle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [371, 379], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1556", "boundaries": [435, 446], "surfaceform": "Sankt Pauli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3976", "boundaries": [455, 465], "surfaceform": "Reeperbahn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3976", "boundaries": [455, 465], "surfaceform": "Reeperbahn", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1556", "boundaries": [435, 446], "surfaceform": "Sankt Pauli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12593-2", "title": "Kiel", "uri": "Q1707", "text": "La ville est \u00e9galement connue gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la Semaine de Kiel (\"Kieler Woche\") et \u00e0 son \u00e9quipe de handball, le THW Kiel.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q153606", "boundaries": [41, 56], "surfaceform": "Semaine de Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1707", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1707", "boundaries": [59, 63], "surfaceform": "Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8418", "boundaries": [93, 101], "surfaceform": "handball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q165127", "boundaries": [106, 114], "surfaceform": "THW Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1707", "boundaries": [110, 114], "surfaceform": "Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q153606", "boundaries": [41, 56], "surfaceform": "Semaine de Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1707", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84912109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q165127", "boundaries": [106, 114], "surfaceform": "THW Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1707", "boundaries": [52, 56], "surfaceform": "Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.91748046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q165127", "boundaries": [106, 114], "surfaceform": "THW Kiel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8418", "boundaries": [93, 101], "surfaceform": "handball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12564-1", "title": "Munich", "uri": "Q1726", "text": "Le nom de la ville provient du vieil haut-allemand \"Munichen \"(), en raison de la pr\u00e9sence d'un monast\u00e8re b\u00e9n\u00e9dictin \u00e0 l'emplacement actuel de la vieille ville ; l'h\u00e9raldique fait par ailleurs figurer un moine. Mentionn\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 1158, Munich devient la ville de r\u00e9sidence des ducs de Bavi\u00e8re en 1255 et de l'empereur romain germanique Louis IV. En 1506, apr\u00e8s deux si\u00e8cles de division, les principaut\u00e9s s'unifient pour former la Bavi\u00e8re. Ville catholique \u2014 ce dont t\u00e9moigne la cath\u00e9drale Notre-Dame, principal \u00e9difice religieux de la ville \u2014, elle est l'un des foyers de la Contre-R\u00e9forme. Devenue capitale de l'\u00e9lectorat de Bavi\u00e8re (1623) puis du royaume de Bavi\u00e8re (1805), elle devient un des principaux centres culturels, artistiques et scientifiques allemands au , sous l'impulsion du roi Louis II. 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Outre la cath\u00e9drale, la ville a \u00e9galement un important patrimoine historique, compos\u00e9 notamment du ch\u00e2teau de Nymphenbourg, de tr\u00e8s nombreux mus\u00e9es richement dot\u00e9s et de deux vastes jardins, le \"Hofgarten\" et le ' (jardin anglais). R\u00e9put\u00e9e \u00eatre l'une des villes les plus agr\u00e9ables \u00e0 vivre au monde, Munich accueille de nombreux \u00e9v\u00e8nements internationaux, dont les Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 1972, qui furent le th\u00e9\u00e2tre d'une sanglante prise d'otages. Enfin, elle est le lieu de r\u00e9sidence de l'un des principaux clubs de football d'Europe, le Bayern Munich, qui joue dans l'Allianz Arena, au nord du centre-ville.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1726", "boundaries": [59, 65], "surfaceform": "Munich", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2919327", "boundaries": [101, 117], "surfaceform": "f\u00eate de la bi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q123", "boundaries": [159, 168], "surfaceform": "septembre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q124", "boundaries": [177, 184], "surfaceform": "octobre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q131631", "boundaries": [285, 308], "surfaceform": "ch\u00e2teau de Nymphenbourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q707673", "boundaries": [381, 390], "surfaceform": "Hofgarten", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12783", "boundaries": [401, 415], "surfaceform": "jardin anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1199177", 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est l'origine du premier p\u00f4le europ\u00e9en de recherches et d'enseignement en biologie marine, la Station biologique de Roscoff. 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D\u00e9j\u00e0 constructeur d\u2019automobiles \u00e0 vocation sportive \u00e0 cette \u00e9poque, l\u2019entreprise conna\u00eet des difficult\u00e9s financi\u00e8res qui l\u2019obligent \u00e0 fusionner en 1932 avec trois autres marques automobiles saxonnes. La nouvelle entit\u00e9 d\u00e9nomm\u00e9e Auto Union est repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e par quatre anneaux, identit\u00e9 visuelle conserv\u00e9e aujourd\u2019hui encore par Audi. En 1964, Volkswagen AG rach\u00e8te Auto Union et ressuscite le nom Audi. 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D\u00e9sireux de produire des automobiles plus performantes, plus sophistiqu\u00e9es et plus fiables que les Ferrari et Maserati, il fonde, le , la firme \"Automobili Lamborghini\" sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e dans la production de voitures sportives de prestige.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [49, 60], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q744620", "boundaries": [128, 130], "surfaceform": "GT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [242, 249], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q35962", "boundaries": [253, 261], "surfaceform": "Maserati", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [299, 310], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q274586", "boundaries": [346, 376], "surfaceform": "voitures sportives de prestige", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q274586", "boundaries": [346, 376], "surfaceform": "voitures sportives de prestige", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27586", "boundaries": [242, 249], "surfaceform": "Ferrari", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92724609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "62870-2", "title": "Lamborghini", "uri": "Q35886", "text": "En 1971, la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de construction de mat\u00e9riel agricole \"Trattori Lamborghini\" est vendue au groupe Same Deutz-Fahr Group, Lamborghini se consacrant alors uniquement \u00e0 la conception d'automobiles. De nombreuses entreprises vont acqu\u00e9rir la firme italienne jusqu'en 1998, date \u00e0 laquelle Lamborghini est repris par l'Allemand Audi (groupe Volkswagen), le propri\u00e9taire actuel.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1971^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "1971", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [67, 78], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1990758", "boundaries": [101, 122], "surfaceform": "Same Deutz-Fahr Group", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [124, 135], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [266, 270], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [288, 299], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q23317", "boundaries": [326, 330], "surfaceform": "Audi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q156578", "boundaries": [339, 349], "surfaceform": "Volkswagen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [67, 78], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23317", "boundaries": [326, 330], "surfaceform": "Audi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q23317", "boundaries": [326, 330], "surfaceform": "Audi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q156578", "boundaries": [339, 349], "surfaceform": "Volkswagen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [67, 78], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q156578", "boundaries": [339, 349], "surfaceform": "Volkswagen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8759765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "62870-3", "title": "Lamborghini", "uri": "Q35886", "text": "Malgr\u00e9 l'absence de r\u00e9f\u00e9rences en comp\u00e9tition, les Lamborghini \u2014 de la 350 GT \u00e0 l'Huracan \u2014 ont r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 se hisser aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s des automobiles d'exception. Fort du g\u00e9nie du carrossier Nuccio Bertone et du talent de l'artiste Marcello Gandini, les Lamborghini ont fait preuve d'.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [51, 62], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q569269", "boundaries": [71, 77], "surfaceform": "350 GT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+350^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [71, 74], "surfaceform": "350", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q15396270", "boundaries": [82, 89], "surfaceform": "Huracan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q1378396", "boundaries": [182, 196], "surfaceform": "Nuccio Bertone", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q438424", "boundaries": [223, 239], "surfaceform": "Marcello Gandini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [245, 256], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q569269", "boundaries": [71, 77], "surfaceform": "350 GT", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [51, 62], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q15396270", "boundaries": [82, 89], "surfaceform": "Huracan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35886", "boundaries": [51, 62], "surfaceform": "Lamborghini", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "62872-2", "title": "Lexus", "uri": "Q35919", "text": "Depuis 2005, Lexus est vendu sur le march\u00e9 japonais, \u00e9vin\u00e7ant progressivement de la gamme Toyota les mod\u00e8les correspondants (\"Aristo\" pour la GS, \"Celsior\" pour la LS, \"Altezza\" pour l'IS et \"Soarer\" pour la SC). En revanche, le SUV RX est rest\u00e9 dans la gamme Toyota sous son appellation d'origine, \"Harrier\", jusqu'\u00e0 l'arriv\u00e9e de la troisi\u00e8me g\u00e9n\u00e9ration, en janvier 2009. 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Grand ami d'\u00c9rasme, \u00e9rudit, philanthrope, il participe pleinement au renouveau de la pens\u00e9e qui caract\u00e9rise cette \u00e9poque, ainsi qu'\u00e0 l'humanisme, dont il est l'un des repr\u00e9sentants anglais.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [43, 50], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1104153", "boundaries": [72, 80], "surfaceform": "chanoine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q185351", "boundaries": [82, 89], "surfaceform": "juriste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q201788", "boundaries": [91, 100], "surfaceform": "historien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q846933", "boundaries": [114, 123], "surfaceform": "humaniste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34178", "boundaries": [125, 135], "surfaceform": "th\u00e9ologien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q82955", "boundaries": [139, 154], "surfaceform": "homme politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q179876", "boundaries": [155, 162], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q43499", "boundaries": [176, 182], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rasme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q846933", "boundaries": [299, 308], "surfaceform": "humanisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [43, 50], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q201788", "boundaries": [91, 100], "surfaceform": "historien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.336181640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4964182", "boundaries": [102, 112], "surfaceform": "philosophe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q82955", "boundaries": [139, 154], "surfaceform": "homme politique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q42544", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Thomas More", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q179876", "boundaries": [155, 162], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.477294921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "63377-0", "title": "Tigre", "uri": "Q19939", "text": "Le Tigre (Panthera tigris) est une esp\u00e8ce de mammif\u00e8re carnivore de la famille des f\u00e9lid\u00e9s (\"Felidae\") du genre \"Panthera\". Ais\u00e9ment reconnaissable \u00e0 sa fourrure rousse ray\u00e9e de noir, il est le plus grand f\u00e9lin sauvage et l'un des plus grands carnivores terrestres. L'esp\u00e8ce est divis\u00e9e en neuf sous-esp\u00e8ces pr\u00e9sentant des diff\u00e9rences mineures de taille ou de comportement. Superpr\u00e9dateur, il chasse principalement les cerfs et les sangliers, bien qu'il puisse s'attaquer \u00e0 des proies de taille plus importante comme les buffles. Jusqu'au , le tigre \u00e9tait r\u00e9put\u00e9 mangeur d'hommes. La structure sociale des tigres en fait un animal solitaire ; le m\u00e2le poss\u00e8de un territoire qui englobe les domaines de plusieurs femelles et ne participe pas \u00e0 l'\u00e9ducation des petits.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q19939", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [35, 41], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25306", "boundaries": [55, 64], "surfaceform": "carnivore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [71, 78], "surfaceform": "famille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25265", "boundaries": [83, 90], "surfaceform": "f\u00e9lid\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25265", "boundaries": [93, 100], "surfaceform": "Felidae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q127960", "boundaries": [113, 121], "surfaceform": "Panthera", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [268, 274], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q68947", "boundaries": [295, 306], "surfaceform": "sous-esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19067", "boundaries": [374, 388], "surfaceform": "Superpr\u00e9dateur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23390", "boundaries": [419, 424], "surfaceform": "cerfs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q166898", "boundaries": [432, 441], "surfaceform": "sangliers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83521", "boundaries": [521, 528], "surfaceform": "buffles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2853058", "boundaries": [563, 579], "surfaceform": "mangeur d'hommes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43445", "boundaries": [711, 718], "surfaceform": "femelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8434", "boundaries": [744, 753], "surfaceform": "\u00e9ducation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q19939", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19939", "boundaries": [3, 8], "surfaceform": "Tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q25265", "boundaries": [83, 90], "surfaceform": "f\u00e9lid\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q25306", "boundaries": [55, 64], "surfaceform": "carnivore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q68947", "boundaries": [295, 306], "surfaceform": "sous-esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7432", "boundaries": [35, 41], "surfaceform": "esp\u00e8ce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "63377-1", "title": "Tigre", "uri": "Q19939", "text": "\u00ab Roi des animaux \u00bb et signe zodiacal chinois, le tigre est \u00e9galement tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9sent dans la mythologie hindoue, servant de monture \u00e0 Durga. Figure embl\u00e9matique repr\u00e9sentant la force et la f\u00e9rocit\u00e9, ce f\u00e9lin est d\u00e9peint dans de nombreux tableaux, et a figur\u00e9 dans de nombreuses \u0153uvres musicales et litt\u00e9raires : Shere Khan du \"Livre de la jungle\" de Rudyard Kipling ou encore Hobbes dans la bande dessin\u00e9e \"Calvin et Hobbes\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3439818", "boundaries": [2, 17], "surfaceform": "Roi des animaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q740762", "boundaries": [23, 45], "surfaceform": "signe zodiacal chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q878062", "boundaries": [91, 109], "surfaceform": "mythologie hindoue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q382973", "boundaries": [132, 137], "surfaceform": "Durga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2302151", "boundaries": [235, 243], "surfaceform": "tableaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q638", "boundaries": [283, 292], "surfaceform": "musicales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8242", "boundaries": [296, 307], "surfaceform": "litt\u00e9raires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2305638", "boundaries": [310, 320], "surfaceform": "Shere Khan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q189509", "boundaries": [325, 343], "surfaceform": "Livre de la jungle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q34743", "boundaries": [348, 363], "surfaceform": "Rudyard Kipling", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1004", "boundaries": [389, 403], "surfaceform": "bande dessin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q211035", "boundaries": [405, 421], "surfaceform": "Calvin et Hobbes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q189509", "boundaries": [325, 343], "surfaceform": "Livre de la jungle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2305638", "boundaries": [310, 320], "surfaceform": "Shere Khan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q189509", "boundaries": [325, 343], "surfaceform": "Livre de la jungle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34743", "boundaries": [348, 363], "surfaceform": "Rudyard Kipling", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34743", "boundaries": [348, 363], "surfaceform": "Rudyard Kipling", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q189509", "boundaries": [325, 343], "surfaceform": "Livre de la jungle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 11, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "63586-0", "title": "Afrique-Occidentale fran\u00e7aise", "uri": "Q210682", "text": "Constitu\u00e9e en plusieurs \u00e9tapes, elle r\u00e9unit \u00e0 terme la Mauritanie, le S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, le Soudan fran\u00e7ais (devenu le Mali), la Guin\u00e9e, la C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, le Niger, la Haute-Volta (devenue le Burkina Faso), le Togo et le Dahomey (devenu le B\u00e9nin). Sa superficie atteignait kilom\u00e8tres carr\u00e9s, soit environ sept fois celle de la France. Son chef-lieu \u00e9tait Saint-Louis (S\u00e9n\u00e9gal) jusqu'en 1902, puis Dakar (S\u00e9n\u00e9gal).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1025", "boundaries": [55, 65], "surfaceform": "Mauritanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1041", "boundaries": [70, 77], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q508014", "boundaries": [82, 97], "surfaceform": "Soudan fran\u00e7ais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q912", "boundaries": [109, 113], "surfaceform": "Mali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1006", "boundaries": [119, 125], "surfaceform": "Guin\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1008", "boundaries": [130, 143], "surfaceform": "C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1032", "boundaries": [148, 153], "surfaceform": "Niger", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q797440", "boundaries": [158, 169], "surfaceform": "Haute-Volta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": 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de Bouddha y ont eu lieu, ce fut plus tard le berceau de l'Empire maurya fond\u00e9 par Chandragupta Maurya (qui a contr\u00f4l\u00e9 la majeure partie de l'Inde sous le r\u00e8gne d'Ashoka) puis celui du puissant Empire Gupta.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7055", "boundaries": [59, 66], "surfaceform": "Bouddha", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q62943", "boundaries": [115, 128], "surfaceform": "Empire maurya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q188541", "boundaries": [139, 158], "surfaceform": "Chandragupta Maurya", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q668", "boundaries": [198, 202], "surfaceform": "Inde", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q8589", "boundaries": [219, 225], "surfaceform": "Ashoka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q11774", "boundaries": [250, 262], "surfaceform": "Empire Gupta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q62943", "boundaries": [115, 128], "surfaceform": "Empire 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Il le suit dans ses conqu\u00eates en Asie, participant aux plus grandes batailles. Il meurt peu apr\u00e8s la bataille de l'Hydaspe en 326 av. J.-C., de blessures ou de vieillesse. Alexandre a fond\u00e9 en son honneur une cit\u00e9, Buc\u00e9phalie (ou \"Alexandria Boukephalous\") au Pendjab pakistanais, sur les rive du Jhelum, \u00e0 l'endroit o\u00f9 le cheval a \u00e9t\u00e9 enterr\u00e9.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q201598", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Buc\u00e9phale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [14, 25], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q726", "boundaries": [37, 43], "surfaceform": "cheval", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8409", "boundaries": [46, 64], "surfaceform": "Alexandre le Grand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q213074", "boundaries": [202, 223], "surfaceform": "bataille de l'Hydaspe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q48387", "boundaries": [227, 240], "surfaceform": "326 av. 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Fond\u00e9e en 1944 par Fr\u00e8re Roger, elle rassemble en 2008 une centaine de fr\u00e8res venant du monde entier et qui ont choisi de vivre ensemble une vie de pri\u00e8re et de c\u00e9libat dans la simplicit\u00e9. 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Les r\u00e9sultats ont permis de produire trois catalogues d'\u00e9toiles : les catalogues Hipparcos, Tycho(-1) et Tycho-2, ce dernier ayant fourni le mouvement propre de plus de d'\u00e9toiles. 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Elle est d\u00e9cor\u00e9e d'\u0153uvres d'art parmi les plus connues et c\u00e9l\u00e9br\u00e9es de l'art occidental, dont les c\u00e9l\u00e8bres fresques de Michel-Ange, qui couvrent la vo\u00fbte (1508-1512) et le mur du fond (\"Jugement dernier\") au-dessus de l'autel (vers 1535-1541). Les murs sont d\u00e9cor\u00e9s d'une s\u00e9rie de fresques de certains des plus grands artistes italiens de la seconde moiti\u00e9 du (Sandro Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Luca Signorelli, Piero di Cosimo, Cosimo Rosselli et autres). Elle est ainsi consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme peut-\u00eatre la plus compl\u00e8te et la plus importante de cette th\u00e9ologie visuelle, qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 appel\u00e9e \u00ab \"Biblia pauperum \u00bb\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5592", "boundaries": [226, 237], "surfaceform": "Michel-Ange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q844675", "boundaries": [255, 260], "surfaceform": "vo\u00fbte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1508^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [262, 266], "surfaceform": "1508", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1512^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [266, 271], "surfaceform": "-1512", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q567861", "boundaries": [293, 309], "surfaceform": "Jugement dernier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1535^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [339, 343], "surfaceform": "1535", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1541^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [343, 348], "surfaceform": "-1541", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5669", "boundaries": [468, 485], "surfaceform": "Sandro Botticelli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5827", "boundaries": [487, 502], "surfaceform": "Pietro Perugino", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5591", "boundaries": [504, 516], "surfaceform": "Pinturicchio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q191423", "boundaries": [518, 538], "surfaceform": "Domenico Ghirlandaio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7031", "boundaries": [540, 555], "surfaceform": "Luca Signorelli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q280851", "boundaries": [557, 572], "surfaceform": "Piero di Cosimo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q29447", "boundaries": [574, 589], "surfaceform": "Cosimo Rosselli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q34178", "boundaries": [692, 710], "surfaceform": "th\u00e9ologie visuelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q681856", "boundaries": [733, 748], "surfaceform": "Biblia pauperum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q5592", "boundaries": [226, 237], "surfaceform": "Michel-Ange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q844675", "boundaries": [255, 260], "surfaceform": "vo\u00fbte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5592", "boundaries": [226, 237], "surfaceform": "Michel-Ange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q567861", "boundaries": [293, 309], "surfaceform": "Jugement dernier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "61427-2", "title": "Sydney", "uri": "Q3130", "text": "Durant la seconde moiti\u00e9 du , Sydney devient peu \u00e0 peu le c\u0153ur \u00e9conomique de l'Australie et le principal centre financier de l'Oc\u00e9anie. Barangaroo et le centre d'affaires de Sydney (plus famili\u00e8rement appel\u00e9 \"\" par les habitants) accueillent ainsi de nombreux gratte-ciels et si\u00e8ges sociaux d'entreprises, mais aussi de vastes parcs, comme Hyde Park ou les \"Royal Botanic Gardens\". Darlinghurst est le quartier gay de la ville ; les banlieues de Woolloomooloo et Glebe, au nord du centre-ville, sont des quartiers en pleine gentrification. Sydney est en outre une destination touristique internationale, connue aussi bien pour son quartier central historique The Rocks que pour ses deux monuments principaux, l'op\u00e9ra et le Harbour Bridge. Elle comprend les plus grands mus\u00e9es d'Australie, tels l'Australian Museum, la Galerie d'art de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud et le mus\u00e9e de Sydney, le zoo de Taronga et le Luna Park, l'un des plus anciens parcs d'attractions au monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q538", "boundaries": [127, 134], "surfaceform": "Oc\u00e9anie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1427156", "boundaries": [136, 146], "surfaceform": "Barangaroo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1852577", "boundaries": [153, 180], "surfaceform": "centre d'affaires de Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [174, 180], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11303", "boundaries": [260, 272], "surfaceform": "gratte-ciels", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1144894", "boundaries": [340, 349], "surfaceform": "Hyde Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q54489", "boundaries": [358, 379], "surfaceform": "Royal Botanic Gardens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1011478", "boundaries": [382, 394], "surfaceform": "Darlinghurst", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q748198", "boundaries": [402, 414], "surfaceform": "quartier gay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2678743", "boundaries": [446, 459], "surfaceform": "Woolloomooloo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2296779", "boundaries": [463, 468], "surfaceform": "Glebe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q119380", "boundaries": [524, 538], "surfaceform": "gentrification", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [540, 546], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14210737", "boundaries": [659, 668], "surfaceform": "The Rocks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q45178", "boundaries": [711, 716], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q54495", "boundaries": [723, 737], "surfaceform": "Harbour Bridge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q769416", "boundaries": [796, 813], "surfaceform": "Australian Museum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q705551", "boundaries": [818, 857], "surfaceform": "Galerie d'art de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q910232", "boundaries": [864, 879], "surfaceform": "mus\u00e9e de Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [873, 879], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1064813", "boundaries": [884, 898], "surfaceform": "zoo de Taronga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1165470", "boundaries": [905, 914], "surfaceform": "Luna Park", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q194195", "boundaries": [938, 957], "surfaceform": "parcs d'attractions", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q45178", "boundaries": [711, 716], "surfaceform": "op\u00e9ra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q769416", "boundaries": [796, 813], "surfaceform": "Australian Museum", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 15, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q705551", "boundaries": [818, 857], "surfaceform": "Galerie d'art de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3130", "boundaries": [30, 36], "surfaceform": "Sydney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 15, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.88525390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "61427-3", "title": "Sydney", "uri": "Q3130", "text": "Sydney accueille de grands \u00e9v\u00e9nements comme les Jeux olympiques d'\u00e9t\u00e9 de 2000 ou les journ\u00e9es mondiales de la jeunesse 2008. Des millions de touristes viennent chaque ann\u00e9e pour visiter les monuments de la ville. Sydney est aussi la porte pour l'Australie pour de nombreux visiteurs. La baie de Sydney, le parc national Royal et de Sydney Harbour, la cath\u00e9drale Saint-Andr\u00e9 et Sainte-Marie et la plage de Bondi sont des lieux d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eats de la ville. 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Centr\u00e9 par et s'\u00e9tendant sur , son plancher se situe couramment \u00e0 sous le niveau de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence martien tandis que les plateaux qu'il traverse ont une altitude d\u00e9passant par endroits \"au-dessus\" du niveau de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence martien, ce qui conduit \u00e0 des d\u00e9nivel\u00e9s g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement voisins de . Il s'agirait d'un \u00e9norme foss\u00e9 d'effondrement \u00e9largi par l'\u00e9rosion jusqu'\u00e0 atteindre localement une largeur de . 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Martin Goodman fonde la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 en pour profiter de l'engouement naissant pour les comics. Le premier num\u00e9ro de son premier comics, \"Marvel Comics\", est un succ\u00e8s surprise qui permet \u00e0 la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de durer. Lorsqu'en , \"Captain America Comics\" est publi\u00e9, il est aussi pl\u00e9biscit\u00e9 par les lecteurs. La maison d'\u00e9dition Timely qui publie Marvel se d\u00e9veloppe et est une entreprise tr\u00e8s rentable durant les ann\u00e9es et bien que Martin Goodman ait pour politique de seulement suivre les modes. 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Lee avec Jack Kirby imagine un groupe, les Quatre Fantastiques, qui non seulement combat des monstres, des savants fous ou des extra-terrestres mais aussi doit se d\u00e9battre dans des soucis plus quotidiens et o\u00f9 les relations interpersonnelles sont complexes. Le lectorat suit et rapidement Lee cr\u00e9e de nouvelles s\u00e9ries avec la m\u00eame formule et la m\u00eame r\u00e9ussite. Marvel se d\u00e9veloppe \u00e0 vive allure et peut produire plus de comics. Stan Lee organise tout un univers qui se veut coh\u00e9rent et s'entoure de dessinateurs talentueux qui participent beaucoup \u00e0 la construction des r\u00e9cits. 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Cette station baln\u00e9aire est appel\u00e9e \u00ab Hy\u00e8res les Palmiers \u00bb par la municipalit\u00e9 et l'office du tourisme (voir le logo dans l'infobox) en raison des plant\u00e9s dans la commune et cultiv\u00e9s dans les p\u00e9pini\u00e8res. En 2016, la population hy\u00e9roise avait atteint jusqu'\u00e0 .", "entities": [{"uri": "Q956214", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Chef-lieu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q184188", "boundaries": [18, 25], "surfaceform": "cantons", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4918", "boundaries": [65, 81], "surfaceform": "mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44160", "boundaries": [95, 101], "surfaceform": "Toulon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3095247", "boundaries": [121, 127], "surfaceform": "Gapeau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1021711", "boundaries": [135, 152], "surfaceform": "station baln\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q192574", "boundaries": [167, 173], "surfaceform": "Hy\u00e8res", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q155511", "boundaries": [322, 331], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9pini\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [337, 341], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3095247", "boundaries": [121, 127], "surfaceform": "Gapeau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q4918", "boundaries": [65, 81], "surfaceform": "mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "55929-0", "title": "Entente cordiale", "uri": "Q464399", "text": "L\u2019Entente cordiale est le succ\u00e8s diplomatique par lequel la France et le Royaume-Uni tentent de r\u00e9gler leurs antagonismes, d'abord sous la monarchie de Juillet, sous le Second Empire, et plus tard sous la Troisi\u00e8me R\u00e9publique. 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La ville est la capitale de l'oblast de Nijni Novgorod, du district f\u00e9d\u00e9ral de la Volga et le centre \u00e9conomique de la r\u00e9gion \u00e9conomique de Volga-Viatka.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q891", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Nijni Novgorod", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [73, 79], "surfaceform": "Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q875134", "boundaries": [127, 144], "surfaceform": "Russie europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q626", "boundaries": [164, 169], "surfaceform": "Volga", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q172089", "boundaries": [178, 181], "surfaceform": "Oka", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q649", "boundaries": [225, 231], "surfaceform": "Moscou", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [260, 264], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", 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"Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q891", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Nijni Novgorod", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "56245-1", "title": "Nijni Novgorod", "uri": "Q891", "text": "Nijni Novgorod est fond\u00e9e en par le prince Iouri II de Vladimir. En , Kouzma Minine et le prince Dmitri Pojarski organisent une grande arm\u00e9e pour lib\u00e9rer Moscou des Polonais. En , Nijni Novgorod est le plus grand centre commercial de l'Empire russe. En 1896 s'y d\u00e9roule l'exposition russe de l'industrie et du commerce. Durant la p\u00e9riode sovi\u00e9tique, la ville devient un important centre industriel. Elle est rebaptis\u00e9e Gorki. On y construit l'usine d'automobiles de Gorki. Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Gorki devient le plus grand fournisseur d'\u00e9quipements militaires pour le front. Pour cette raison, la Luftwaffe bombarde constamment la ville. La majorit\u00e9 des bombes allemandes explosent sur le territoire de l'usine d'automobiles. La plupart des sites de l'usine de production sont d\u00e9truits mais les habitants reconstruisent l'usine en une centaine de jours. Apr\u00e8s la guerre, Nijni Novgorod devient une \u00ab ville ferm\u00e9e \u00bb \u00e0 cause de ses usines d'armement. En 1985, la premi\u00e8re ligne du m\u00e9tro est inaugur\u00e9e. Apr\u00e8s la dislocation de l'Union sovi\u00e9tique, en 1990, la ville reprend le nom de Nijni Novgorod. 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Consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un des po\u00e8tes majeurs du XXe si\u00e8cle, prix Nobel de litt\u00e9rature en 1980, il est \u00e9galement l'auteur de \"La pens\u00e9e captive\" publi\u00e9 en 1953 qui interroge la place des intellectuels au sein des r\u00e9gimes autoritaires.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q45970", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Czes\u0142aw Mi\u0142osz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q391479", "boundaries": [27, 35], "surfaceform": "\u0160eteniai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q11203052", "boundaries": [80, 85], "surfaceform": "po\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q8261", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "romancier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35760", "boundaries": [98, 107], "surfaceform": "essayiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7553", "boundaries": [111, 121], "surfaceform": "traducteur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36", "boundaries": [122, 130], "surfaceform": "polonais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37922", "boundaries": [185, 210], "surfaceform": "prix Nobel de litt\u00e9rature", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2439", "boundaries": [214, 218], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [214, 218], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1953^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [279, 283], "surfaceform": "1953", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q45970", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Czes\u0142aw Mi\u0142osz", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q391479", "boundaries": [27, 35], "surfaceform": "\u0160eteniai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "155186-0", "title": "Garuda Indonesia", "uri": "Q512468", "text": "Garuda Indonesia (Code IATA: GA; Code OACI: GIA) est la compagnie a\u00e9rienne nationale de l'Indon\u00e9sie, fond\u00e9e en 1948.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q512468", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Garuda Indonesia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q19755", "boundaries": [18, 27], "surfaceform": "Code IATA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q207529", "boundaries": [33, 42], "surfaceform": "Code OACI", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46970", "boundaries": [56, 74], "surfaceform": "compagnie a\u00e9rienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q721639", "boundaries": [75, 84], "surfaceform": "nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q252", "boundaries": [90, 99], "surfaceform": "Indon\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1948^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [111, 115], "surfaceform": "1948", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q512468", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Garuda Indonesia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q46970", "boundaries": [56, 74], "surfaceform": "compagnie a\u00e9rienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96044921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q721639", "boundaries": [75, 84], "surfaceform": "nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q46970", "boundaries": [56, 74], "surfaceform": "compagnie a\u00e9rienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94189453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "79977-1", "title": "La Nouvelle-Orl\u00e9ans", "uri": "Q34404", "text": "Peupl\u00e9e \u00e0 plus de 65 % d'Afro-Am\u00e9ricains, La Nouvelle-Orl\u00e9ans devient d\u00e8s 1910 un lieu de bouillonnement artistique et musical. Foyer de la musique afro-am\u00e9ricaine, elle voit \u00e9merger de nombreux artistes de blues, de jazz, comme Louis Armstrong et Sidney Bechet mais aussi de musique dite cadienne. En outre, la ville poss\u00e8de un important patrimoine colonial fran\u00e7ais, notamment dans le Vieux carr\u00e9 fran\u00e7ais, le Faubourg Marigny et Trem\u00e9 ainsi que celui de Fontainebleau. Certains de ses habitants, descendants des cr\u00e9oles fran\u00e7ais, parlent encore le fran\u00e7ais et le Mardi gras est f\u00eat\u00e9 chaque ann\u00e9e. L'atmosph\u00e8re chaleureuse et bruyante de la Nouvelle-Orl\u00e9ans a inspir\u00e9 beaucoup d'artistes, dont l'\u00e9crivain Tennessee Williams qui en fit le th\u00e9\u00e2tre de sa c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pi\u00e8ce \"Un tramway nomm\u00e9 D\u00e9sir\". 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Compos\u00e9e d'un appareil militaire et d'une organisation ouverte, son objectif officiel est la renaissance islamique et la lutte non violente contre \u00ab l'emprise la\u00efque occidentale \u00bb et \u00ab l'imitation aveugle du mod\u00e8le europ\u00e9en \u00bb en terre d'Islam. Cette organisation panislamiste est officiellement consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme organisation terroriste par le gouvernement \u00e9gyptien, la Russie, l'Arabie saoudite et les \u00c9mirats arabes unis. Elle a rapidement essaim\u00e9 ses id\u00e9es dans les pays \u00e0 majorit\u00e9 musulmane du Moyen-Orient, comme au Soudan ou en Afrique du Nord, et a \u00e9galement \u00e9tabli des instances nationales dans des pays non musulmans. 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Cura\u00e7ao de football a repris ses droits et a \u00e9t\u00e9 reconnue par la FIFA d\u00e8s le sous le nom de \u00ab\u00a0\"Federashon di Futbol Korsou\"\u00a0\u00bb (FFK en papiamento)).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q429654", "boundaries": [10, 14], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1921^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 14], "surfaceform": "1921", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q253414", "boundaries": [77, 81], "surfaceform": "FIFA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2811569", "boundaries": [89, 93], "surfaceform": "1932", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1932^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [89, 93], "surfaceform": "1932", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2812210", "boundaries": [250, 254], "surfaceform": "1958", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1958^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [250, 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"Le Choc des civilisations", "uri": "Q235193", "text": "Le Choc des civilisations (en anglais \"The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order\") est le titre d'un essai d'analyse politique r\u00e9dig\u00e9 par l'Am\u00e9ricain Samuel Huntington, professeur \u00e0 Harvard, paru en 1996 et traduit en fran\u00e7ais en 1997. Tr\u00e8s controvers\u00e9 depuis sa parution, l'ouvrage a donn\u00e9 lieu \u00e0 de nombreux d\u00e9bats. La th\u00e9orie d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e par Huntington avait \u00e9t\u00e9 initialement publi\u00e9e dans un article de la revue \"Foreign Affairs\" \u00e0 l'\u00e9t\u00e9 1993. Cet article ayant suscit\u00e9 de nombreuses r\u00e9actions aussi bien positives que n\u00e9gatives, Huntington a souhait\u00e9 approfondir sa th\u00e9orie et en d\u00e9velopper tous les aspects en publiant un livre sous le nom \"The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order\" (\u00ab Le choc des civilisations et la refondation de l'ordre mondial \u00bb).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q235193", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Choc des civilisations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [30, 37], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35760", "boundaries": [118, 123], "surfaceform": "essai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q19074", "boundaries": [167, 184], "surfaceform": "Samuel Huntington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q13371", "boundaries": [199, 206], "surfaceform": "Harvard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2070", "boundaries": [216, 220], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1996^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [216, 220], "surfaceform": "1996", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1997^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [247, 251], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1993^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [457, 461], "surfaceform": "1993", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q235193", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Choc des civilisations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35760", "boundaries": [118, 123], "surfaceform": "essai", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.91748046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q235193", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Choc des civilisations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q19074", "boundaries": [167, 184], "surfaceform": "Samuel Huntington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q19074", "boundaries": [167, 184], "surfaceform": "Samuel Huntington", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q235193", "boundaries": [0, 25], "surfaceform": "Le Choc des civilisations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "732565-0", "title": "Glencore", "uri": "Q169339", "text": "Glencore PLC est une importante entreprise anglo-suisse de n\u00e9goce, courtage et d'extraction de mati\u00e8res premi\u00e8res. 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Ces ossements ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9truits durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1944, lors d'un raid a\u00e9rien sur la ville de Munich. De nouveaux restes associ\u00e9s d\u00e9couverts en 2014 et appartenant \u00e0 un seul et m\u00eame individu de \"Spinosaurus aegyptiacus\" ont toutefois apport\u00e9 des informations nouvelles sur l'anatomie et le mode de vie de ce dinosaure qui semble avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 quadrup\u00e8de et semi-aquatique. 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Il est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un des plus grands portraitistes de cette \u00e9poque, notamment gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 son habilet\u00e9 \u00e0 faire ressortir les traits de caract\u00e8re des personnages.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q47551", "boundaries": [79, 85], "surfaceform": "Titien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q47551", "boundaries": [92, 98], "surfaceform": "Titien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4853", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1488", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1488^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [120, 124], "surfaceform": "1488", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q41065", "boundaries": [127, 142], "surfaceform": "Pieve di Cadore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4948", "boundaries": [144, 164], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Venise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2822", "boundaries": [177, 184], "surfaceform": "27 ao\u00fbt", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "1576-08-27T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [177, 189], "surfaceform": "27 ao\u00fbt 1576", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q6700", "boundaries": [185, 189], "surfaceform": "1576", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q641", "boundaries": [192, 198], "surfaceform": "Venise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1028181", "boundaries": [207, 214], "surfaceform": "peintre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q139106", "boundaries": [218, 225], "surfaceform": "graveur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1097826", "boundaries": [226, 233], "surfaceform": "italien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q4948", "boundaries": [235, 243], "surfaceform": "v\u00e9nitien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q610687", "boundaries": [250, 266], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cole v\u00e9nitienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q134307", "boundaries": [351, 359], "surfaceform": "portrait", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q47551", "boundaries": [79, 85], "surfaceform": "Titien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41065", "boundaries": [127, 142], "surfaceform": "Pieve di Cadore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q47551", "boundaries": [79, 85], "surfaceform": "Titien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1028181", "boundaries": [207, 214], "surfaceform": "peintre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98486328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4004543-0", "title": "Le G\u00e8ne \u00e9go\u00efste", "uri": "Q212789", "text": "Le G\u00e8ne \u00e9go\u00efste (anglais : \"\") est un livre sur l'\u00e9volution \u00e9crit par Richard Dawkins, publi\u00e9 en 1976. Il se base sur la th\u00e9orie de George C. Williams (d\u00e9crite dans le livre \"Adaptation et s\u00e9lection naturelle\"). Dawkins utilise l'expression \u00ab g\u00e8ne \u00e9go\u00efste \u00bb pour d\u00e9crire l'\u00e9volution \u00e0 partir du g\u00e8ne comme \u00e9l\u00e9ment central de la th\u00e9orie. Dawkins soutient que ce point de vue fournit une meilleure description de la s\u00e9lection naturelle, et que la s\u00e9lection des organismes et des populations ne l'emporte jamais sur la s\u00e9lection des g\u00e8nes. On attend d'un organisme qu'il \u00e9volue de fa\u00e7on \u00e0 maximiser son aptitude inclusive (le nombre de copies de ses g\u00e8nes qui sont transmises). En cons\u00e9quence, les populations auront tendance \u00e0 atteindre des strat\u00e9gies \u00e9volutivement stables. L'auteur invente aussi le concept de \"m\u00e8me\" comme \u00e9tant l'unit\u00e9 de l'\u00e9volution culturelle, par analogie avec le g\u00e8ne ; cela suppose que la duplication \"\u00e9go\u00efste\" peut aussi s'appliquer dans la culture humaine, dans un sens diff\u00e9rent. La m\u00e9m\u00e9tique a donn\u00e9 naissance \u00e0 de nombreuses \u00e9tudes depuis la publication du livre.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q212789", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Le G\u00e8ne \u00e9go\u00efste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [17, 24], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7433672", "boundaries": [38, 43], "surfaceform": "livre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1063", "boundaries": [50, 59], "surfaceform": "\u00e9volution", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44461", "boundaries": [70, 85], "surfaceform": "Richard Dawkins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2480", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1976^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1976", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q552019", "boundaries": [132, 150], "surfaceform": "George C. 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NGC 4910 a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert par l'astronome germano-britannique William Herschel en 1784. Cette galaxie a aussi \u00e9t\u00e9 observ\u00e9e par Herschel deux ans plus tard, le , et il ne s'est pas rendu compte qu'il l'avait d\u00e9j\u00e0 observ\u00e9e. Cette observation a \u00e9t\u00e9 inscrite au catalogue NGC sous la cote NGC 4845. Toutes les sources consult\u00e9es indiquent que NGC 4910 et NGC 4845 constituent un doublon, sauf Wolfgang Steinicke qui soutient que NGC 4910 est un objet inexistant ou perdu\u00a0.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1114861", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "NGC 4910", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+4910^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [4, 8], "surfaceform": "4910", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2488", "boundaries": [17, 32], "surfaceform": "galaxie spirale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8928", "boundaries": [48, 61], "surfaceform": "constellation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8842", "boundaries": [68, 74], "surfaceform": "Vierge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "Q531", "boundaries": [87, 101], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es-lumi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q321", "boundaries": [108, 119], "surfaceform": "Voie lact\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1114861", "boundaries": [121, 129], "surfaceform": "NGC 4910", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+4910^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [125, 129], "surfaceform": "4910", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [162, 169], "surfaceform": "germano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [170, 181], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14277", "boundaries": [182, 198], "surfaceform": "William Herschel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7752", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1784^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q14534", "boundaries": [378, 391], "surfaceform": "catalogue NGC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "DIS"}, {"uri": "+4845^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [409, 413], "surfaceform": "4845", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1114861", "boundaries": [459, 467], "surfaceform": "NGC 4910", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+4910^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [463, 467], "surfaceform": "4910", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+4845^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [475, 479], "surfaceform": "4845", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1114861", "boundaries": [545, 553], "surfaceform": "NGC 4910", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "+4910^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [549, 553], "surfaceform": "4910", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q8842", "boundaries": [68, 74], "surfaceform": "Vierge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q8928", "boundaries": [48, 61], "surfaceform": "constellation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.55615234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q14277", "boundaries": [182, 198], "surfaceform": "William Herschel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P27", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country of citizenship", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [162, 169], "surfaceform": "germano", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4541015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "13846505-1", "title": "NGC 4910", "uri": "Q1114861", "text": "La classe de luminosit\u00e9 de NGC 4910 est I-II et elle pr\u00e9sente une large raie HI. 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Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 nomm\u00e9 d'apr\u00e8s le h\u00e9ros grec Autom\u00e9don, qui combattit durant la guerre de Troie. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert par Edward L. G. 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Mo\u00efse appara\u00eet dans le Livre de l'Exode. 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C'est l\u00e0 que sont relat\u00e9es l'histoire de Mo\u00efse lui-m\u00eame, celle des Patriarches et celle du peuple d'Isra\u00ebl. Mo\u00efse y appara\u00eet comme le proph\u00e8te et le guide qui conduit le peuple h\u00e9breu hors d'\u00c9gypte, o\u00f9 il vivait dans la servitude, apr\u00e8s que les dix plaies inflig\u00e9es \u00e0 l'\u00c9gypte ont permis sa lib\u00e9ration. 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Les r\u00e9cits mosa\u00efques du Coran font r\u00e9f\u00e9rence au Pentateuque et \u00e0 l'Aggada mais proposent aussi des \u00e9pisodes originaux, insistant sur le parall\u00e9lisme entre Mahomet et Mo\u00efse.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9077", "boundaries": [10, 15], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q428", "boundaries": [56, 61], "surfaceform": "Coran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q168827", "boundaries": [117, 133], "surfaceform": "grands proph\u00e8tes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16664159", "boundaries": [163, 172], "surfaceform": "messagers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q234801", "boundaries": [186, 191], "surfaceform": "Allah", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [218, 225], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q162062", "boundaries": [275, 286], "surfaceform": "Pentateuque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q393148", "boundaries": [294, 300], "surfaceform": "Aggada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9077", "boundaries": [393, 398], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q428", "boundaries": [56, 61], "surfaceform": "Coran", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P674", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "characters", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9077", "boundaries": [10, 15], "surfaceform": "Mo\u00efse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q9458", "boundaries": [218, 225], "surfaceform": "Mahomet", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q168827", "boundaries": [117, 133], "surfaceform": "grands proph\u00e8tes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.92431640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4042433-0", "title": "Scottish Football League", "uri": "Q2261276", "text": "La Scottish Football League (que l'on pourrait traduire par \"Ligue \u00e9cossaise de football\") \u00e9tait la ligue rassemblant les clubs de football professionnels et semi-professionnels \u00e9cossais. De sa fondation en 1890 jusqu'\u00e0 la cr\u00e9ation de la Scottish Premier League en 1998, elle repr\u00e9sentait le plus haut niveau du football en \u00c9cosse avec les 4 plus hautes divisions du syst\u00e8me de ligues \u00e9cossaises. Apr\u00e8s 1998, elle ne repr\u00e9sentait plus que les niveaux 2, 3 et 4 de ce syst\u00e8me de ligues. 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L\u2019histoire se d\u00e9roule principalement \u00e0 Bon Temps, une petite ville fictive de Louisiane et se concentre sur le personnage de Sookie Stackhouse (interpr\u00e9t\u00e9e par Anna Paquin : \"La Le\u00e7on de piano\" (\"The Piano\"), \"X-Men\"), une jeune serveuse t\u00e9l\u00e9pathe, qui tombe amoureuse de Bill Compton (interpr\u00e9t\u00e9 par Stephen Moyer), un myst\u00e9rieux vampire. \u00c0 travers lui, Sookie entre dans un monde de cr\u00e9atures et de conflits surnaturels qu\u2019elle n\u2019imaginait pas ; des cr\u00e9atures qui sont souvent intrigu\u00e9es de savoir ce qu\u2019elle est. 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Son si\u00e8ge social est situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Hsinchu, \u00e0 Ta\u00efwan. Fond\u00e9e en 1987, elle fabrique notamment les puces graphiques de Nvidia ainsi que les syst\u00e8mes sur une puce Snapdragon de Qualcomm, mais \u00e9galement les puces d'Apple. 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Les records de participation furent \u00e9tablis \u00e0 Shenzhen, en Chine, en 2011 pour le nombre d\u2019athl\u00e8tes (), et \u00e0 Daegu, en Cor\u00e9e du Sud, en 2003 pour le nombre de pays (174).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q188158", "boundaries": [4, 15], "surfaceform": "Universiade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+15^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [41, 43], "surfaceform": "15", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1988040", "boundaries": [65, 75], "surfaceform": "athl\u00e9tisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [77, 88], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12100", "boundaries": [90, 97], "surfaceform": "escrime", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [99, 107], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43450", "boundaries": [109, 120], "surfaceform": "gymnastique", "annotator": 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Ancienne paroisse de Bayonne, le quartier Saint-Martin s'en \u00e9mancipe \u00e0 une date encore inconnue, \u00e0 la fin du ou au d\u00e9but du . D'abord port de p\u00eache \u00e0 la baleine, la localit\u00e9 conna\u00eet un bouleversement \u00e9conomique au \u00e0 l'av\u00e8nement des bains de mer. Napol\u00e9on III et l'imp\u00e9ratrice Eug\u00e9nie en font leur lieu de vill\u00e9giature et cr\u00e9ent une r\u00e9sidence et son parc avec une cit\u00e9 nouvelle en prolongement. Grace \u00e0 eux, le gotha et toute la belle soci\u00e9t\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne fr\u00e9quentent la station baln\u00e9aire. Cette activit\u00e9 ne faiblit pas durant le et le d\u00e9but du (Belle \u00c9poque, Ann\u00e9es folles) jusqu'\u00e0 la crise de 1929. Aujourd\u2019hui encore, l'\u00e9conomie reste tourn\u00e9e vers le secteur tertiaire, dont l'h\u00f4tellerie de luxe, les soins \u00e0 la personne et les loisirs marins constituent le vecteur pr\u00e9dominant.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q134674", "boundaries": [159, 166], "surfaceform": "Bayonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7721", "boundaries": [384, 396], "surfaceform": "Napol\u00e9on III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q157130", "boundaries": [402, 421], "surfaceform": "imp\u00e9ratrice Eug\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1021711", "boundaries": [606, 623], "surfaceform": "station baln\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q466887", "boundaries": [681, 693], "surfaceform": "Belle \u00c9poque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q17998202", "boundaries": [695, 708], "surfaceform": "Ann\u00e9es folles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1929^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [730, 734], "surfaceform": "1929", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7721", "boundaries": [384, 396], "surfaceform": "Napol\u00e9on III", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q157130", "boundaries": [402, 421], "surfaceform": "imp\u00e9ratrice Eug\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1217421-1", "title": "Zhang Qian", "uri": "Q197276", "text": "Les r\u00e9cits de ses explorations en Asie centrale sont consign\u00e9s dans les chroniques historiques des Han ant\u00e9rieurs (\"Shiji\", ou \"M\u00e9moires du grand historien\"), compil\u00e9es par Sima Qian au ", "entities": [{"uri": "Q27275", "boundaries": [34, 47], "surfaceform": "Asie centrale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q272530", "boundaries": [116, 121], "surfaceform": "Shiji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9372", "boundaries": [173, 182], "surfaceform": "Sima Qian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q272530", "boundaries": [116, 121], "surfaceform": "Shiji", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9372", "boundaries": [173, 182], "surfaceform": "Sima Qian", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1217461-0", "title": "Adobe Audition", "uri": "Q360044", "text": "Adobe Audition (anciennement Cool Edit Pro) est un logiciel de traitement de donn\u00e9es audio num\u00e9riques, \u00e9dit\u00e9 par Adobe Systems. \u00c0 l'origine, \"Cool Edit Pro\" \u00e9tait un produit de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Syntrillium Software. Les derni\u00e8res versions de Cool Edit Pro sont 2.0 et 2.1. Il fut rachet\u00e9 en par Adobe, qui le rebaptisa \"Adobe Audition\" avant de le mettre sur le march\u00e9 en ao\u00fbt de la m\u00eame ann\u00e9e, dans le cadre du \"Adobe Creative Suite Production Studio\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q360044", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Adobe Audition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q7397", "boundaries": [51, 59], "surfaceform": "logiciel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q173114", "boundaries": [77, 101], "surfaceform": "donn\u00e9es audio num\u00e9riques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11463", "boundaries": [113, 126], "surfaceform": "Adobe Systems", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [255, 258], "surfaceform": "2.0", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2.1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [262, 265], "surfaceform": "2.1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q360044", "boundaries": [314, 328], "surfaceform": "Adobe Audition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q360044", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Adobe Audition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11463", "boundaries": [113, 126], "surfaceform": "Adobe Systems", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7397", "boundaries": [51, 59], "surfaceform": "logiciel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q11463", "boundaries": [113, 126], "surfaceform": "Adobe Systems", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4353215-0", "title": "Jedi", "uri": "Q51724", "text": "L\u2019ordre Jedi () est une organisation de fiction imagin\u00e9e par George Lucas, apparaissant dans la saga cin\u00e9matographique \"Star Wars\". 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Elle est l'un des mod\u00e8les phares du constructeur, qui le sauve d'une situation financi\u00e8re d\u00e9licate apr\u00e8s l'achat de Chrysler Europe. Elle est fabriqu\u00e9e de 1982 \u00e0 1998 \u00e0 , ce qui fait d'elle la Peugeot la plus produite jusqu'\u00e0 ce que la 206 la d\u00e9passe. Elle est la voiture la plus vendue en France en 1984 et 1985, succ\u00e9dant \u00e0 la Renault 5, et de nouveau en 1990, disputant la premi\u00e8re place \u00e0 sa principale rivale, la Renault Supercinq.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q215218", "boundaries": [3, 14], "surfaceform": "Peugeot 205", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+205^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [11, 14], "surfaceform": "205", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1420", "boundaries": [29, 39], "surfaceform": "automobile", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "", "boundaries": [43, 52], "surfaceform": "segment B", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q786820", "boundaries": [68, 80], "surfaceform": "constructeur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6742", "boundaries": [90, 97], "surfaceform": "Peugeot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1088671", "boundaries": [215, 230], "surfaceform": "Chrysler Europe", "annotator": 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Une de ses principales caract\u00e9ristiques est qu'il ne demande pas d'abonnement payant mensuel : le jeu se finance en proposant \u00e0 l'achat des objets dans une boutique sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e. En , le jeu rassemble 5 millions de joueurs. En 2019, le jeu est disponible via la plateforme Steam, et compte moins de 1 million de joueurs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q699610", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Runes of Magic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q175173", "boundaries": [22, 66], "surfaceform": "jeu de r\u00f4le en ligne massivement multijoueur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1070751", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2009^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [182, 186], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q751046", "boundaries": [191, 193], "surfaceform": "PC", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 407], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 436], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q337535", "boundaries": [478, 483], "surfaceform": "Steam", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [504, 505], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q699610", "boundaries": [0, 14], "surfaceform": "Runes of Magic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q175173", "boundaries": [22, 66], "surfaceform": "jeu de r\u00f4le en ligne massivement multijoueur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4704772-1", "title": "Jama\u00efque", "uri": "Q766", "text": "La culture jama\u00efcaine a \u00e9t\u00e9 diffus\u00e9e dans le monde \u00e0 travers le reggae et son plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bre repr\u00e9sentant, Bob Marley. 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C'est le deuxi\u00e8me single extrait de son album sorti en 2007, \"Blackout\". Il n'a pas eu de sortie en France.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q717044", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Piece of Me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7366", "boundaries": [20, 27], "surfaceform": "chanson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q177220", "boundaries": [112, 121], "surfaceform": "chanteuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [122, 132], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37073", "boundaries": [133, 136], "surfaceform": "pop", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11975", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Britney Spears", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [208, 212], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q192755", "boundaries": [215, 223], "surfaceform": "Blackout", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q717044", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Piece of Me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7366", "boundaries": [20, 27], "surfaceform": "chanson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.55224609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q717044", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Piece of Me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [122, 132], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.370849609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q717044", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Piece of Me", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q192755", "boundaries": [215, 223], "surfaceform": "Blackout", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9619140625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q37073", "boundaries": [133, 136], "surfaceform": "pop", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [122, 132], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.4443359375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11975", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Britney Spears", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q177220", "boundaries": [112, 121], "surfaceform": "chanteuse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q11975", "boundaries": [137, 151], "surfaceform": "Britney Spears", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q37073", "boundaries": [133, 136], "surfaceform": "pop", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "2394079-0", "title": "Tout\u00e2nkhamon", "uri": "Q12154", "text": "Tout\u00e2nkhamon (n\u00e9 vers -1345, mort vers -1327) est le onzi\u00e8me pharaon de la (Nouvel Empire). 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spatial Goddard, \u00e9tablissement de la NASA, avec pour objectif de r\u00e9aliser des photos de la couronne et de R\u00e9gion de transition du Soleil avec une r\u00e9solution angulaire et temporelle \u00e9lev\u00e9e. Le t\u00e9lescope, mis en orbite en , a fonctionn\u00e9 durant 12 ans (fin de la mission en ) en fournissant des millions d'images et a fait l'objet de plus 1000 publications scientifiques. 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Ce feuilleton est, \u00e0 ce jour, in\u00e9dit dans les pays francophones. 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Elle est situ\u00e9e dans le council area des Highlands et dans la r\u00e9gion de lieutenance et ancien comt\u00e9 de Ross and Cromarty. De 1975 \u00e0 1996, elle \u00e9tait la capitale administrative du district du Skye and Lochalsh, au sein de la r\u00e9gion des Highlands. Elle est situ\u00e9e \u00e0 60 km du pont reliant l'\u00eele \u00e0 la terre, \u00e0 Loch Aillse, plus au sud. 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Elle permet \u00e9galement les appels audio et vid\u00e9o. L'application est tr\u00e8s populaire en Chine et compte plus d'un milliard de comptes dans le monde en . Elle est disponible dans d'autres langues depuis , date du lancement en dehors de la Chine. Weixin est le nom chinois de l'application lanc\u00e9e par l'entreprise Internet chinoise Tencent. Son expansion en 2013 \u00e0 l'international comprend l'Inde notamment. 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Les principales ressources du pays, au sous-sol pauvre, sont l'agriculture et l'industrie. Au sud du pays se trouve la r\u00e9gion historique de Pol\u00e9sie, dont la partie orientale, difficile d'acc\u00e8s, surtout pour les \u00e9trangers occidentaux, reste contamin\u00e9e par les radiations de l'explosion en 1986 de la centrale nucl\u00e9aire de Tchernobyl, de m\u00eame que le nord de l'Ukraine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q185005", "boundaries": [25, 43], "surfaceform": "climat continental", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+40^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [59, 61], "surfaceform": "40", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q208478", "boundaries": [84, 98], "surfaceform": "for\u00eat primaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [158, 164], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q208987", "boundaries": [306, 313], "surfaceform": "Pol\u00e9sie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q486", "boundaries": [441, 483], "surfaceform": "explosion en 1986 de la centrale nucl\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [454, 458], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q129677", "boundaries": [487, 497], "surfaceform": "Tchernobyl", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q212", "boundaries": [524, 531], "surfaceform": "Ukraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q486", "boundaries": [441, 483], "surfaceform": "explosion en 1986 de la centrale nucl\u00e9aire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q129677", "boundaries": [487, 497], "surfaceform": "Tchernobyl", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q129677", "boundaries": [487, 497], "surfaceform": "Tchernobyl", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q212", "boundaries": [524, 531], "surfaceform": "Ukraine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94384765625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3635589-3", "title": "Bi\u00e9lorussie", "uri": "Q184", "text": "Le pays fait partie du foyer d'origine des langues slaves. Son territoire fut autrefois inclus dans de grandes puissances : Rus' de Kiev, Grand-duch\u00e9 de Lituanie, Royaume polono-lituanien, Empire russe et Union des r\u00e9publiques socialistes sovi\u00e9tiques. Au sein de cette derni\u00e8re, la Bi\u00e9lorussie fut l'une des r\u00e9publiques sovi\u00e9tiques. Elle devint ind\u00e9pendante lors de la dislocation de l'URSS, en 1991. Les relations avec la Russie sont tr\u00e8s \u00e9troites, notamment linguistiquement et \u00e9conomiquement ; les deux pays ont m\u00eame envisag\u00e9 de s\u2019unir.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23526", "boundaries": [43, 57], "surfaceform": "langues slaves", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1108445", "boundaries": [124, 136], "surfaceform": "Rus' de Kiev", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49683", "boundaries": [138, 161], "surfaceform": "Grand-duch\u00e9 de Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q172107", "boundaries": [163, 187], "surfaceform": "Royaume polono-lituanien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34266", "boundaries": [189, 201], "surfaceform": "Empire russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15180", "boundaries": [205, 250], "surfaceform": "Union des r\u00e9publiques socialistes sovi\u00e9tiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184", "boundaries": [282, 293], "surfaceform": "Bi\u00e9lorussie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2895", "boundaries": [298, 331], "surfaceform": "l'une des r\u00e9publiques sovi\u00e9tiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5167679", "boundaries": [369, 390], "surfaceform": "dislocation de l'URSS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [395, 399], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [405, 429], "surfaceform": "relations avec la Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q166110", "boundaries": [520, 538], "surfaceform": "envisag\u00e9 de s\u2019unir", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q49683", "boundaries": [138, 161], "surfaceform": "Grand-duch\u00e9 de Lituanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q172107", "boundaries": [163, 187], "surfaceform": "Royaume polono-lituanien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94775390625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q172107", "boundaries": [163, 187], "surfaceform": "Royaume polono-lituanien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q34266", "boundaries": [189, 201], "surfaceform": "Empire russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.268310546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q184", "boundaries": [282, 293], "surfaceform": "Bi\u00e9lorussie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2895", "boundaries": [298, 331], "surfaceform": "l'une des r\u00e9publiques sovi\u00e9tiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.85498046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2895", "boundaries": [298, 331], "surfaceform": "l'une des r\u00e9publiques sovi\u00e9tiques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q184", "boundaries": [282, 293], "surfaceform": "Bi\u00e9lorussie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3635589-5", "title": "Bi\u00e9lorussie", "uri": "Q184", "text": "En 2018, selon ses statistiques officielles, la Bi\u00e9lorussie est class\u00e9e sur selon l\u2019indice de d\u00e9veloppement humain de l\u2019ONU, et se trouve dans le groupe des \u00c9tats avec un \u00ab tr\u00e8s haut d\u00e9veloppement \u00bb. Elle pr\u00e9sente un taux de mortalit\u00e9 infantile tr\u00e8s bas de 2,9 (contre 6,6 en Russie ou 3,7 au Royaume-Uni). Le taux de m\u00e9decins par habitants s\u2019\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 40,7 pour (le chiffre est de 41,9 en Su\u00e8de, 32 en Finlande et 26,7 en Roumanie). Le taux d\u2019alphab\u00e9tisation est estim\u00e9 \u00e0 99 %. 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Ce texte est dans un premier temps confidentiel, et ne sera publi\u00e9 qu\u2019apr\u00e8s la mort de Marx en 1891. Derri\u00e8re la critique du programme de Gotha, c\u2019est une critique de la philosophie et de l\u2019influence de Lassalle qu'op\u00e8re Marx. 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1347 la R\u00e9publique de Mulhouse (\"Stadtrepublik M\u00fclhausen\"). \u00c0 coups d'alliances, elle affirma son ind\u00e9pendance \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard du Saint-Empire \u00e0 la fin du , puis adopta les id\u00e9es de la R\u00e9forme protestante par l'instauration du calvinisme comme religion d'\u00c9tat. Propuls\u00e9e dans l'aventure industrielle en 1746 et r\u00e9unie \u00e0 la France en 1798, elle devint un des premiers p\u00f4les industriels d'Europe et fut longtemps surnomm\u00e9e le \u00ab Manchester fran\u00e7ais \u00bb. En 1812, la filature dite \u00ab vieux DMC \u00bb est construite et fut longtemps un des symboles de la R\u00e9volution industrielle en Europe. En 1904, c'est le Nord de l'agglom\u00e9ration qui se lan\u00e7a dans l'exploitation mini\u00e8re. Cet important pass\u00e9 industriel forgea l'identit\u00e9 de la cit\u00e9. Du fait de la pr\u00e9sence de l'industrie spatiale, Mulhouse est membre de la communaut\u00e9 des villes Ariane.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q44342", "boundaries": [16, 23], "surfaceform": "l\u00e9gende", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q185187", "boundaries": [36, 48], "surfaceform": "moulin \u00e0 eau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q79815", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q133442", "boundaries": [77, 86], "surfaceform": "cit\u00e9-\u00c9tat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1347^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [101, 105], "surfaceform": "1347", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3456410", "boundaries": [109, 131], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q79815", "boundaries": [123, 131], "surfaceform": "Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q12548", "boundaries": [225, 237], "surfaceform": "Saint-Empire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12562", "boundaries": [280, 299], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9forme protestante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q101849", "boundaries": [322, 332], "surfaceform": "calvinisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q188213", "boundaries": [339, 354], "surfaceform": "religion d'\u00c9tat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1746^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [398, 402], "surfaceform": "1746", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3458190", "boundaries": [406, 424], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9unie \u00e0 la France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1798^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [428, 432], "surfaceform": "1798", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q18125", "boundaries": [521, 531], "surfaceform": "Manchester", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1812^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [547, 551], "surfaceform": "1812", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2269", "boundaries": [638, 661], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9volution industrielle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [665, 671], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1904^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [676, 680], "surfaceform": "1904", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2729047", "boundaries": [846, 864], "surfaceform": "industrie spatiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q79815", "boundaries": [866, 874], "surfaceform": "Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q607640", "boundaries": [892, 920], "surfaceform": "communaut\u00e9 des villes Ariane", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3456410", "boundaries": [109, 131], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique de Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q79815", "boundaries": [50, 58], "surfaceform": "Mulhouse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94873046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "3338790-4", "title": "Mulhouse", "uri": "Q79815", "text": "La ville est labellis\u00e9e ville d'art et d'histoire. 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Elle est connue en particulier par un hymne qui lui est d\u00e9di\u00e9 et qui retrace les \u00e9tapes d'\u00e9laboration de la bi\u00e8re, mais \u00e9galement par une courte c\u00e9l\u00e9bration que lui d\u00e9die le roi Lugalbanda d'Uruk au d\u00e9but du r\u00e9cit \u00e9pique \"Lugalbanda et l'oiseau Anzu\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1088421", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Ninkasi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q44", "boundaries": [61, 66], "surfaceform": "bi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3859459", "boundaries": [75, 96], "surfaceform": "mythologie sum\u00e9rienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189726", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "Enki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q836170", "boundaries": [129, 138], "surfaceform": "Ninhursag", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q35518", "boundaries": [148, 156], "surfaceform": "akkadien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q755755", "boundaries": [365, 375], "surfaceform": "Lugalbanda", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q168518", "boundaries": [378, 382], "surfaceform": "Uruk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q189726", "boundaries": [118, 122], "surfaceform": "Enki", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q836170", "boundaries": [129, 138], "surfaceform": "Ninhursag", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1403507-1", "title": "Delta Cephei", "uri": "Q13024", "text": "L'\u00e9toile primaire du syst\u00e8me, d\u00e9sign\u00e9e Delta Cephei A, est le prototype des c\u00e9ph\u00e9ides, un type d'\u00e9toile variable pulsante qui connaissent des variations p\u00e9riodiques de leur luminosit\u00e9 et qui sont utilis\u00e9es en tant que chandelles standard. Sa variabilit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couverte par John Goodricke en 1784, ce qui en fait la seconde c\u00e9ph\u00e9ide d\u00e9couverte apr\u00e8s Eta Aquilae, plus t\u00f4t dans la m\u00eame ann\u00e9e.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q13024", "boundaries": [39, 51], "surfaceform": "Delta Cephei", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, {"uri": "Q10451997", "boundaries": [76, 85], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9ph\u00e9ides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [97, 121], "surfaceform": "\u00e9toile variable pulsante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q932938", "boundaries": [218, 237], "surfaceform": "chandelles standard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q375172", "boundaries": [275, 289], "surfaceform": "John Goodricke", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7752", "boundaries": [293, 297], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1784^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [293, 297], "surfaceform": "1784", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1141708", "boundaries": [351, 362], "surfaceform": "Eta Aquilae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q10451997", "boundaries": [76, 85], "surfaceform": "c\u00e9ph\u00e9ides", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q13024", "boundaries": [39, 51], "surfaceform": "Delta Cephei", "annotator": "Me", "type": "CEL"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9814453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1403939-0", "title": "La P\u00e9r\u00e9grination vers l'Ouest", "uri": "Q70784", "text": "La P\u00e9r\u00e9grination vers l'Ouest () est un roman de Wu Cheng En. 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les origines remontent \u00e0 1983. La vente de la nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de la Nissan Sentra 2013 a d\u00e9but\u00e9 \u00e0 l'automne 2012. L'ancienne g\u00e9n\u00e9ration avait \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9voil\u00e9e fin 2006 et produite jusqu'en 2012. Ses prix varient entre 15 000 $ \u00e0 23 000 $ dollars canadiens. 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Le plan est accept\u00e9 par 65 % des Chypriotes turcs, car il permet une reconnaissance l\u00e9gale de l'autonomie du territoire au sein de l'\u00c9tat chypriote, tout en ouvrant la \"ligne verte\", mais rejet\u00e9 par 75 % de l\u2019\u00e9lectorat chypriote grec parce qu'il limite \u00e0 33 % le nombre de r\u00e9fugi\u00e9s autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 rentrer chez eux et \u00e0 r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer leurs biens. Ce r\u00e9sultat du r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum emp\u00eache la r\u00e9union de la partie turque avec la partie grecque reconnue au niveau international : \"de facto\", la zone turque ne fait pas partie de l'Union europ\u00e9enne et est exclue des unions \u00e9conomique, mon\u00e9taire, fiscale ou douani\u00e8re, et de l'espace Schengen dont fait partie \"de jure\" la r\u00e9publique de Chypre. Un autre \u00e9l\u00e9ment qui bloque la r\u00e9unification de l'\u00eele est la tentative de l'Union europ\u00e9enne \u00e0 faire reconna\u00eetre \u00e0 la Turquie la r\u00e9publique de Chypre.", "entities": [{"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 7], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q229", "boundaries": [36, 56], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [61, 77], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q27628165", "boundaries": [90, 103], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9unification", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [118, 121], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q564490", "boundaries": [130, 140], "surfaceform": "plan Annan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+65^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [196, 198], "surfaceform": "65", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q245807", "boundaries": [205, 221], "surfaceform": "Chypriotes turcs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q116970", "boundaries": [341, 352], "surfaceform": "ligne verte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+75^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [371, 373], "surfaceform": "75", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+33^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [427, 429], "surfaceform": "33", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5200423", "boundaries": [445, 453], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9fugi\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q712144", "boundaries": [635, 643], "surfaceform": "de facto", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [685, 701], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1969730", "boundaries": [780, 795], "surfaceform": "espace Schengen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q132555", "boundaries": [814, 821], "surfaceform": "de jure", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q27628165", "boundaries": [879, 901], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9unification de l'\u00eele", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q229", "boundaries": [36, 56], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [61, 77], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q229", "boundaries": [36, 56], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9publique de Chypre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1065", "boundaries": [118, 121], "surfaceform": "ONU", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "5204914-0", "title": "Autorit\u00e9 bancaire europ\u00e9enne", "uri": "Q769548", "text": "L\u2019Autorit\u00e9 bancaire europ\u00e9enne ou ABE (aussi connue sous le nom d'Autorit\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne de surveillance ; en anglais, \"European Banking Authority\" ou \"EBA\") a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e par le r\u00e8glement (UE) /2010 du 24 novembre 2010 afin de renforcer le Syst\u00e8me europ\u00e9en de supervision financi\u00e8re (SESF, en anglais ', ESFS). 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(prononc\u00e9 pour \"Berkeley Internet Name Daemon\", parfois \"Berkeley Internet Name Domain\") est le serveur DNS le plus utilis\u00e9 sur Internet (79 % des serveurs en 2008), sp\u00e9cialement sur les syst\u00e8mes de type UNIX et est devenu \"de facto\" un standard. La premi\u00e8re version de BIND a \u00e9t\u00e9 con\u00e7ue par quatre \u00e9tudiants dipl\u00f4m\u00e9s de l'Berkeley sur la base du syst\u00e8me d'exploitation BSD 4.3. En 1988, Paul Vixie a repris la maintenance du projet. 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Peupl\u00e9e majoritairement par des Oss\u00e8tes depuis les ann\u00e9es 1950, la ville se situe sur la rivi\u00e8re Liakhvi, environ 100 kilom\u00e8tres au nord-ouest de Tbilissi, capitale de la G\u00e9orgie, et \u00e0 vingt-cinq kilom\u00e8tres de la fronti\u00e8re avec la Russie (R\u00e9publique d'Oss\u00e9tie du Nord).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q79863", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Tskhinvali", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33968", "boundaries": [26, 32], "surfaceform": "oss\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8108", "boundaries": [46, 54], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9orgien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q23427", "boundaries": [145, 159], "surfaceform": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q18869", "boundaries": [175, 182], "surfaceform": "Caucase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q200047", "boundaries": [269, 287], "surfaceform": "Kartlie int\u00e9rieure", "annotator": "Me", 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Par le nom tr\u00e8s ressemblant entre la Mac\u00e9doine du Nord et la r\u00e9gion grecque de la Mac\u00e9doine, des tensions \u00e9clatent, jusqu'\u00e0 une sortie de crise le , o\u00f9 l'accord entre la nouvelle R\u00e9publique de Mac\u00e9doine du Nord et la R\u00e9publique hell\u00e9nique (qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 valid\u00e9 par r\u00e9f\u00e9rendum puis ratification par les deux parlements) entre en vigueur, et donne son nouveau nom \u00e0 cet \u00c9tat. Ce changement de nom va ainsi lui permettre de pr\u00e9tendre \u00e0 l'adh\u00e9sion aux institutions internationales, comme l'OTAN ou l'Union europ\u00e9enne.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [10, 14], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2019^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [17, 21], "surfaceform": "2019", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1054283", "boundaries": [219, 236], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats successeurs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83286", "boundaries": [243, 254], "surfaceform": "Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4390259", "boundaries": [268, 292], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9clar\u00e9 son ind\u00e9pendance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1991^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [296, 300], "surfaceform": "1991", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q221", "boundaries": [339, 356], "surfaceform": "Mac\u00e9doine du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q81734", "boundaries": [363, 393], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9gion grecque de la Mac\u00e9doine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q221", "boundaries": [495, 512], "surfaceform": "Mac\u00e9doine du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41", "boundaries": [519, 540], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique hell\u00e9nique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7184", "boundaries": [784, 788], "surfaceform": "OTAN", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q458", "boundaries": [794, 810], "surfaceform": "Union europ\u00e9enne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q221", "boundaries": [339, 356], "surfaceform": "Mac\u00e9doine du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83286", "boundaries": [243, 254], "surfaceform": "Yougoslavie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.84765625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8656-0", "title": "Slov\u00e9nie", "uri": "Q215", "text": "La Slov\u00e9nie, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique de Slov\u00e9nie, en et , est un pays d\u2019Europe centrale au carrefour des principales cultures europ\u00e9ennes. Sa capitale est Ljubljana. Le pays partage ses fronti\u00e8res avec l'Italie \u00e0 l'ouest, l\u2019Autriche au nord, la Hongrie \u00e0 l'est-nord-est et la Croatie au sud-est. La Slov\u00e9nie est \u00e9galement bord\u00e9e par la mer Adriatique au sud-ouest. 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Sans d\u00e9bouch\u00e9 sur la mer, il est baign\u00e9 par le lac Malawi, ou Nyassa, troisi\u00e8me lac d\u2019Afrique par sa superficie, qui couvre environ le cinqui\u00e8me de la superficie du pays et dans lequel affluent huit rivi\u00e8res principales et des centaines de petits cours d\u2019eau.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1020", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Malawi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1020", "boundaries": [44, 50], "surfaceform": "Malawi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [55, 62], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33273", "boundaries": [68, 76], "surfaceform": "chichewa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1649306", "boundaries": [82, 92], "surfaceform": "Nyassaland", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1964^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [102, 106], "surfaceform": "1964", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [130, 146], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1029", "boundaries": [157, 167], "surfaceform": "Mozambique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q924", "boundaries": [185, 193], "surfaceform": "Tanzanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q123480", "boundaries": [195, 219], "surfaceform": "Sans d\u00e9bouch\u00e9 sur la mer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5532", "boundaries": [242, 252], "surfaceform": "lac Malawi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1020", "boundaries": [246, 252], "surfaceform": "Malawi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1864376", "boundaries": [265, 278], "surfaceform": "troisi\u00e8me lac", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q15", "boundaries": [281, 288], "surfaceform": "Afrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q4022", "boundaries": [394, 401], "surfaceform": "rivi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1020", "boundaries": [3, 9], "surfaceform": "Malawi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [130, 146], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9873046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1029", "boundaries": [157, 167], "surfaceform": "Mozambique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [130, 146], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94677734375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q27394", "boundaries": [130, 146], "surfaceform": "Afrique australe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94189453125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q953", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Zambie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q924", "boundaries": [185, 193], "surfaceform": "Tanzanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.36767578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "24489-1", "title": "Eddy Merckx", "uri": "Q103756", "text": "Professionnel de 1965 \u00e0 1978, Eddy Merckx est souvent consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme le plus grand cycliste de l'Histoire. Il a remport\u00e9 625 courses (525 victoires sur route, 98 succ\u00e8s sur la piste et deux bouquets en cyclo-cross) durant sa carri\u00e8re, ce qui constitue un record. Surnomm\u00e9 \u00ab Le Cannibale \u00bb ou \u00ab L'Ogre de Tervueren \u00bb pour son insatiabilit\u00e9, Eddy Merckx a notamment gagn\u00e9 onze Grands Tours (cinq Tours de France, cinq Tours d'Italie et un Tour d'Espagne), ce qui est l\u00e0 aussi un record. Il a \u00e9galement termin\u00e9 douze fois sur un podium final de grand tour. Seul Jacques Anquetil a fait mieux, avec treize podiums. 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L'\u00eele forme un \u00c9tat du royaume des Pays-Bas \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re depuis qu'elle s'est s\u00e9par\u00e9e des Antilles n\u00e9erlandaises en 1986. 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Afin de maintenir la distinction entre \u00ab\u00a0croyants\u00a0\u00bb (les convertis \u00e0 l'islam) et les autres populations, les musulmans y vivaient. 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Sa renomm\u00e9e vient de son chef-d'\u0153uvre, le roman latin \"M\u00e9tamorphoses\", \u00e9galement connu sous le nom de \"L'\u00c2ne d'or\". L'interpr\u00e9tation du roman pr\u00e9sente de nombreux probl\u00e8mes en raison de sa multitude de strates. Il constitue un exercice difficile de la philologie classique. La technique du r\u00e9cit, et le masquage des intentions de l'auteur a conduit dans la recherche \u00e0 une multitude d'hypoth\u00e8ses concurrentes sur sa signification. Le r\u00e9cit d'Amour et Psych\u00e9 introduit dans le roman fascine les lecteurs depuis la Renaissance. Sa mati\u00e8re mythologique, la relation d'amour entre le dieu \u00c9ros (Cupidon) et la princesse Psych\u00e9, fournit des th\u00e8mes \u00e0 de nombreux po\u00e8tes, \u00e9crivains, peintres, sculpteurs, compositeurs et chor\u00e9graphes. Outre les sp\u00e9cialistes du Moyen \u00c2ge, et les th\u00e9oriciens de la litt\u00e9rature, des psychanalystes ont particip\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9tude et \u00e0 l'analyse du r\u00e9cit.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170512", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "Apul\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [11, 16], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25448", "boundaries": [39, 46], "surfaceform": "berb\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q33113", "boundaries": [66, 69], "surfaceform": "125", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+125^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [66, 69], "surfaceform": "125", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q54205", "boundaries": [90, 101], "surfaceform": "M'daourouch", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q262", "boundaries": [119, 126], "surfaceform": "Alg\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": 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C\u2019est aussi un centre artistique important de la culture occidentale avec de nombreux mus\u00e9es, th\u00e9\u00e2tres, biblioth\u00e8ques et galeries d'art.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1486", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q35827", "boundaries": [60, 75], "surfaceform": "R\u00edo de la Plata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q127892", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Paran\u00e1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q77", "boundaries": [249, 256], "surfaceform": "Uruguay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q184382", "boundaries": [380, 385], "surfaceform": "Pampa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44754", "boundaries": [402, 426], "surfaceform": "province de Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1486", "boundaries": [414, 426], "surfaceform": "Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44782", "boundaries": [474, 478], "surfaceform": "port", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1486", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35827", "boundaries": [60, 75], "surfaceform": "R\u00edo de la Plata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q127892", "boundaries": [172, 178], "surfaceform": "Paran\u00e1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35827", "boundaries": [60, 75], "surfaceform": "R\u00edo de la Plata", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1486", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P47", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "shares border with", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q44754", "boundaries": [402, 426], "surfaceform": "province de Buenos Aires", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 6, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9287109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "72820-0", "title": "Sex Pistols", "uri": "Q82545", "text": "Sex Pistols est un groupe de punk rock britannique, originaire de Londres, au Royaume-Uni. 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Malgr\u00e9 une courte carri\u00e8re de trois ans, un seul album studio enregistr\u00e9, \"Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols\" et quatre singles, Sex Pistols est d\u00e9crit par la BBC comme ().", "entities": [{"uri": "Q82545", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Sex Pistols", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q215380", "boundaries": [19, 25], "surfaceform": "groupe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3071", "boundaries": [29, 38], "surfaceform": "punk rock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [39, 50], "surfaceform": "britannique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q84", "boundaries": [66, 73], "surfaceform": "Londres", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [78, 89], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2273543", "boundaries": [107, 111], "surfaceform": "1975", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": 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la Seine au Moyen \u00c2ge puis ville royale d\u00e8s 1120, et Essonnes qui connut l\u2019implantation de chasseurs au Pal\u00e9olithique, de potiers gaulois et qui devint d\u00e8s le une importante ville industrielle sur la route de Paris, ont tr\u00e8s t\u00f4t \u00e9t\u00e9 li\u00e9es dans leur d\u00e9veloppement \u00e9conomique et d\u00e9mographique, b\u00e9n\u00e9ficiant de la pr\u00e9sence de la Seine et de l\u2019Essonne, cours d\u2019eau sources d\u2019\u00e9nergie pour les nombreux moulins, et des r\u00e9gions agricoles de Beauce et de Brie aux portes de la capitale. Des Grands moulins de Corbeil, moulins royaux depuis le \u00e0 l\u2019importante usine d\u2019Altis Semiconductor qui emploie deux mille personnes, Corbeil-Essonnes, issue de la fusion des deux communes en 1951, est la seconde ville du d\u00e9partement, riche d\u2019un pass\u00e9 et d\u2019un patrimoine illustres, d\u2019une population encore traditionnellement ouvri\u00e8re. 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' appara\u00eet apr\u00e8s la mort de The Rev en 2010. En date, Avenged Sevenfold recense neuf albums studio, un album live, une compilation, un DVD, et dix-neuf singles, et plus de huit millions d'albums vendus \u00e0 travers le monde.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q183862", "boundaries": [29, 38], "surfaceform": "metalcore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [72, 76], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1753083", "boundaries": [82, 99], "surfaceform": "Waking the Fallen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2003^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [102, 106], "surfaceform": "2003", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q83270", "boundaries": [191, 200], "surfaceform": "hard rock", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q38848", "boundaries": [204, 215], "surfaceform": "heavy metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [224, 228], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [236, 240], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1057003", "boundaries": [271, 278], "surfaceform": "The Rev", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q165193", "boundaries": [297, 314], "surfaceform": "Avenged Sevenfold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q208569", "boundaries": [328, 341], "surfaceform": "albums studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q209939", "boundaries": [346, 356], "surfaceform": "album live", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q222910", "boundaries": [362, 373], "surfaceform": "compilation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5294", "boundaries": [378, 381], "surfaceform": "DVD", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q134556", "boundaries": [395, 402], "surfaceform": "singles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q183862", "boundaries": [29, 38], "surfaceform": "metalcore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q38848", "boundaries": [204, 215], "surfaceform": "heavy metal", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.6416015625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1753083", "boundaries": [82, 99], "surfaceform": "Waking the Fallen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183862", "boundaries": [29, 38], "surfaceform": "metalcore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1057003", "boundaries": [271, 278], "surfaceform": "The Rev", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P361", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "part of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q165193", "boundaries": [297, 314], "surfaceform": "Avenged Sevenfold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.83447265625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "645246-0", "title": "La Route de la servitude", "uri": "Q1638194", "text": "La Route de la servitude (titre original : \"The Road to Serfdom\") est un essai du philosophe et \u00e9conomiste Friedrich Hayek paru en 1944. Dans ce livre, Hayek soutient que l'interventionnisme de l'\u00c9tat a tendance \u00e0 toujours empi\u00e9ter davantage sur les libert\u00e9s individuelles et qu'il peut progressivement conduire au totalitarisme, c'est-\u00e0-dire \u00e0 la servitude des peuples. Cet ouvrage est devenu au fil des ans un classique de la pens\u00e9e lib\u00e9rale contemporaine. Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 traduit dans une vingtaine de langues. \u00c0 titre d'exemple, abr\u00e9g\u00e9 dans le \"Readers' Digest\" en 1945, il fut diffus\u00e9 aupr\u00e8s de plus de abonn\u00e9s. Sa traduction fran\u00e7aise actuellement disponible est tr\u00e8s imparfaite.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1638194", "boundaries": [0, 24], "surfaceform": "La Route de la servitude", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1325", "boundaries": [107, 122], "surfaceform": "Friedrich Hayek", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q5268", "boundaries": [131, 135], "surfaceform": "1944", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1944^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [131, 135], "surfaceform": "1944", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q597339", "boundaries": [173, 190], "surfaceform": "interventionnisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7275", "boundaries": [196, 200], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3237872", "boundaries": [250, 272], "surfaceform": "libert\u00e9s individuelles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q128135", "boundaries": [315, 328], "surfaceform": "totalitarisme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6216", "boundaries": [428, 443], "surfaceform": "pens\u00e9e lib\u00e9rale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1945^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [562, 566], "surfaceform": "1945", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1638194", "boundaries": [0, 24], "surfaceform": "La Route de la servitude", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1325", "boundaries": [107, 122], "surfaceform": "Friedrich Hayek", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1325", "boundaries": [107, 122], "surfaceform": "Friedrich Hayek", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1638194", "boundaries": [0, 24], "surfaceform": "La Route de la servitude", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "659413-0", "title": "Zemfira", "uri": "Q242454", "text": "Zemfira (en ) est un groupe de rock russe originaire d'Oufa (Bachkirie, Russie) fond\u00e9 en 1998 par la chanteuse et leader Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (n\u00e9e le \u00e0 Oufa). En 2005, le groupe se s\u00e9pare apr\u00e8s de nombreuses modifications. Certains musiciens partent dans d'autres groupes et Zemfira, la soliste, compositrice et paroli\u00e8re se lance dans une carri\u00e8re solo.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q242454", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Zemfira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2624785", "boundaries": [31, 41], "surfaceform": "rock russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q911", "boundaries": [55, 59], "surfaceform": "Oufa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5710", "boundaries": [61, 70], "surfaceform": "Bachkirie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [72, 78], "surfaceform": "Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [89, 93], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q242454", "boundaries": [121, 128], "surfaceform": "Zemfira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2005^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [171, 175], "surfaceform": "2005", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q242454", "boundaries": [284, 291], "surfaceform": "Zemfira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q242454", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Zemfira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2624785", "boundaries": [31, 41], "surfaceform": "rock russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q242454", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Zemfira", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q911", "boundaries": [55, 59], "surfaceform": "Oufa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2624785", "boundaries": [31, 41], "surfaceform": "rock russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [72, 78], "surfaceform": "Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q911", "boundaries": [55, 59], "surfaceform": "Oufa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [72, 78], "surfaceform": "Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5710", "boundaries": [61, 70], "surfaceform": "Bachkirie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [72, 78], "surfaceform": "Russie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "686840-0", "title": "Majorque", "uri": "Q8828", "text": "Majorque ( ou en fran\u00e7ais ; ; ), est la plus grande des \u00eeles Bal\u00e9ares. Elle se situe en mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e, au large de Valence et Barcelone. L'\u00eele compte . Sa capitale est Palma \u2013 les Majorquins l'appellent \"Ciutat\". Elle comprend six r\u00e9gions principales : \"Serra de Tramuntana\" (montagnes, au nord), \"Ponent\" (au sud-ouest), \"Raiguer\" (terres agricoles et viticoles au pied de la montagne), \"Pla\" (au centre), \"Migjorn\" (sud-est), \"Llevant\" (\u00e0 l'est) et la ville de Palma. 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de passage, et poss\u00e8de une position centrale dans le pays. Ceci a permis le d\u00e9veloppement du commerce, en particulier des m\u00e9taux extraits des mines du Bergslagen. Son incorporation au au duch\u00e9 du futur roi Charles IX de Su\u00e8de offre \u00e0 la ville un \u00e9lan \u00e9conomique important, ainsi qu'un r\u00f4le politique. Si la ville subit ensuite un certain d\u00e9clin \u00e9conomique, elle retrouve sa prosp\u00e9rit\u00e9 en s'industrialisant, se sp\u00e9cialisant en particulier dans la production de chaussures. Apr\u00e8s la fermeture des usines dans les ann\u00e9es 1970, la ville se reconvertit avec succ\u00e8s dans une industrie de service, mais aussi de la connaissance avec l'ouverture de l'universit\u00e9 d'\u00d6rebro.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q601401", "boundaries": [141, 149], "surfaceform": "commerce", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11426", "boundaries": [170, 176], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9taux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q820477", "boundaries": [190, 195], "surfaceform": "mines", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q820245", "boundaries": [199, 209], "surfaceform": "Bergslagen", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q52939", "boundaries": [254, 273], "surfaceform": "Charles IX de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q202398", "boundaries": [438, 453], "surfaceform": "industrialisant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [566, 570], 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de Wakefield", "uri": "Q1196205", "text": "Le Vicaire de Wakefield (ou \"Le Ministre de Wakefield\") est un roman d'Oliver Goldsmith \u00e9crit en 1761 et 1762, puis publi\u00e9 en 1766.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1196205", "boundaries": [0, 23], "surfaceform": "Le Vicaire de Wakefield", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q236236", "boundaries": [71, 87], "surfaceform": "Oliver Goldsmith", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7649", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1761", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1761^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [97, 101], "surfaceform": "1761", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7652", "boundaries": [105, 109], "surfaceform": "1762", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1762^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [105, 109], "surfaceform": "1762", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7669", "boundaries": [126, 130], 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\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0431\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0435) est un roman de l'\u00e9crivain russe Fiodor Dosto\u00efevski (publi\u00e9 en 1861 dans \"Le Temps\") dont c'est la premi\u00e8re \u0153uvre d'importance. 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Gore, sauf celles du premier album (\"Speak and Spell\") qui sont majoritairement l'\u0153uvre de Vince Clarke, rapidement parti fonder Yazoo puis Erasure. Depuis 2005, le chanteur Dave Gahan participe \u00e0 l'\u00e9criture de certains morceaux. Martin L. Gore \u0153uvre beaucoup pour que Depeche Mode ne soit pas uniquement consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme un groupe \u00ab de synth\u00e9s \u00bb, en utilisant notamment la guitare.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q491583", "boundaries": [58, 72], "surfaceform": "Martin L. 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Ce tell est situ\u00e9 \u00e0 l'est du Tigre, quelques kilom\u00e8tres au nord de sa confluence avec le Zab sup\u00e9rieur. Kalkhu \u00e9tait situ\u00e9e \u00e0 de Ninive (un faubourg de l'actuelle ville irakienne de Mossoul).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q237614", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Nimroud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q839954", "boundaries": [31, 49], "surfaceform": "site arch\u00e9ologique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q201861", "boundaries": [88, 94], "surfaceform": "Nimrod", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q41137", "boundaries": [141, 148], "surfaceform": "assyrie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1845", "boundaries": [191, 196], "surfaceform": "Bible", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q755017", "boundaries": [202, 206], "surfaceform": "tell", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35591", "boundaries": [228, 233], "surfaceform": "Tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q756018", "boundaries": [288, 301], "surfaceform": "Zab sup\u00e9rieur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5680", "boundaries": [328, 334], "surfaceform": "Ninive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q83317", "boundaries": [381, 388], "surfaceform": "Mossoul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q237614", "boundaries": [0, 7], "surfaceform": "Nimroud", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q839954", "boundaries": [31, 49], "surfaceform": "site arch\u00e9ologique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.82861328125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q756018", "boundaries": [288, 301], "surfaceform": "Zab sup\u00e9rieur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35591", "boundaries": [228, 233], "surfaceform": "Tigre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5680", "boundaries": [328, 334], "surfaceform": "Ninive", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q83317", "boundaries": [381, 388], "surfaceform": "Mossoul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "7527-3", "title": "Kentucky", "uri": "Q1603", "text": "Le Kentucky est aussi connu pour ses courses de chevaux, ses distilleries de bourbon et son alcool de contrebande (\"Kentucky Moonshine\"), son charbon, son tabac, sa construction automobile, la musique bluegrass, le site historique \"My Old Kentucky Home\", le basket universitaire et la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Kentucky Fried Chicken.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1603", "boundaries": [3, 11], "surfaceform": "Kentucky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q543127", "boundaries": [77, 84], "surfaceform": "bourbon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1603", "boundaries": [116, 124], "surfaceform": "Kentucky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q213714", "boundaries": [201, 210], "surfaceform": "bluegrass", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1603", "boundaries": [239, 247], "surfaceform": "Kentucky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q48890", "boundaries": [258, 278], "surfaceform": "basket universitaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q524757", "boundaries": [293, 315], "surfaceform": "Kentucky Fried Chicken", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q524757", "boundaries": [293, 315], "surfaceform": "Kentucky Fried Chicken", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1603", "boundaries": [3, 11], "surfaceform": "Kentucky", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.76171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "46040-1", "title": "The Wall", "uri": "Q151114", "text": "L\u2019album \"The Wall\" fait partie d\u2019un grand projet concept \u00e0 trois volets, le premier \u00e9tant l\u2019album lui-m\u00eame, le deuxi\u00e8me sa repr\u00e9sentation sur sc\u00e8ne et, finalement, un long m\u00e9trage d\u2019apr\u00e8s l\u2019histoire cont\u00e9e dans l\u2019album. La r\u00e9alisation du projet s\u2019\u00e9tale sur quatre ann\u00e9es ; le projet est cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1978, et en derni\u00e8re phase, le film sort en 1982. Comme les trois albums pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents du groupe (\"The Dark Side of the Moon\", \"Wish You Were Here\" et \"Animals\"), \"The Wall\" est un album-concept, mais aussi un op\u00e9ra-rock ; il traite du th\u00e8me de l'isolement et de ses cons\u00e9quences mentales : les chansons suivent toutes un fil conducteur pour former une histoire. 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Son sc\u00e9nario ne s'inscrit en revanche pas dans la trame du premier opus de la s\u00e9rie, le joueur incarnant un soldat lors d'un d\u00e9barquement massif contre une plan\u00e8te d'extra-terrestres hostiles, les Stroggs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q737103", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Quake II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q7889", "boundaries": [16, 25], "surfaceform": "jeu vid\u00e9o", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q185029", "boundaries": [29, 55], "surfaceform": "tir \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re personne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q200491", "boundaries": [87, 97], "surfaceform": "Activision", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q217423", "boundaries": [160, 165], "surfaceform": "Quake", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q193564", "boundaries": [188, 201], "surfaceform": "moteur de jeu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13231453", "boundaries": [202, 211], "surfaceform": "id Tech 2", 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service en 1940 au sein de l'Arm\u00e9e rouge. Il constitua un remarquable \u00e9quilibre entre les trois composantes fondamentales qui caract\u00e9risent la qualit\u00e9 d'un blind\u00e9 : la puissance de feu, la protection et la mobilit\u00e9. Il joua un r\u00f4le essentiel sur le Front de l'Est au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce qui fait du char T-34 l'un des symboles de la victoire contre le nazisme. Char l\u00e9gendaire, le T-34 est consid\u00e9r\u00e9 pour beaucoup comme le meilleur blind\u00e9 des forces alli\u00e9es et l'un des meilleurs chars de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Certains g\u00e9n\u00e9raux allemands, dont Ewald von Kleist et Heinz Guderian (sp\u00e9cialiste de la \"Blitzkrieg\"), reconnaissaient la sup\u00e9riorit\u00e9 du T-34 face aux panzers. Le premier disait que le T-34 \u00e9tait . 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offre une particularit\u00e9 pour une ville australienne : ses plans ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9alis\u00e9s avant de commencer la moindre construction. Ce n'est qu'apr\u00e8s un concours international remport\u00e9 par le couple d'architectes am\u00e9ricains Walter Burley Griffin et Marion Mahony Griffin que commen\u00e7a le d\u00e9veloppement de la capitale en 1913. La conception de la ville fut fortement influenc\u00e9e par l'id\u00e9e de ville verte ; ainsi Canberra dispose de vastes zones de v\u00e9g\u00e9tation naturelle qui lui ont valu le nom de \u00ab capitale du bush \u00bb. Bien que la croissance de la ville ait \u00e9t\u00e9 fortement ralentie par les deux guerres mondiales et la Grande D\u00e9pression, Canberra est devenue une ville florissante apr\u00e8s la Seconde Guerre mondiale lorsque le Premier ministre Robert Menzies encouragea son d\u00e9veloppement et cr\u00e9a la ' (Commission pour le d\u00e9veloppement de la capitale nationale) en lui donnant des pouvoirs ex\u00e9cutifs. Cette commission sera supprim\u00e9e en 1988 et remplac\u00e9e par la ' (l'Autorit\u00e9 de la capitale nationale) qui permet \u00e0 l'\u00c9tat de garder une certaine influence sur le territoire m\u00eame s'il est devenu maintenant autonome.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3114", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Canberra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42973", "boundaries": [203, 213], "surfaceform": "architecte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q559852", "boundaries": [226, 247], "surfaceform": "Walter Burley Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q542546", "boundaries": [251, 272], "surfaceform": "Marion Mahony Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2080", "boundaries": [321, 325], "surfaceform": "1913", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1913^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [321, 325], "surfaceform": "1913", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q660088", "boundaries": [392, 403], "surfaceform": "ville verte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3114", "boundaries": [412, 420], "surfaceform": "Canberra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q103495", "boundaries": [593, 610], "surfaceform": "guerres mondiales", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8698", "boundaries": [617, 634], "surfaceform": "Grande D\u00e9pression", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3114", "boundaries": [636, 644], "surfaceform": "Canberra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q362", "boundaries": [688, 711], "surfaceform": "Seconde Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q319145", "boundaries": [723, 739], "surfaceform": "Premier ministre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q214438", "boundaries": [740, 754], "surfaceform": "Robert Menzies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1988^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [931, 935], "surfaceform": "1988", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q559852", "boundaries": [226, 247], "surfaceform": "Walter Burley Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42973", "boundaries": [203, 213], "surfaceform": "architecte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95751953125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q559852", "boundaries": [226, 247], "surfaceform": "Walter Burley Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P26", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "spouse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q542546", "boundaries": [251, 272], "surfaceform": "Marion Mahony Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q542546", "boundaries": [251, 272], "surfaceform": "Marion Mahony Griffin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P106", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "occupation", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42973", "boundaries": [203, 213], "surfaceform": "architecte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.95263671875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "122118-0", "title": "Minorque", "uri": "Q52636", "text": "Minorque ( ; ; du latin ) est l'une des quatre \u00eeles Bal\u00e9ares habit\u00e9es, cet archipel \u00e9tant situ\u00e9 en mer M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e. Elle se place au nord-est de Majorque et est voisine de l'. Son nom provient du fait qu'elle est plus petite que l'\u00eele de Majorque. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 appel\u00e9e \"Nura\" (\"\u00eelot du feu\") par les Ph\u00e9niciens en l'honneur de leur dieu Baal. Elle est situ\u00e9e entre 39\u00b0\u00a047'\u00a0N et 40\u00b0\u00a000'\u00a0N, 3\u00b0\u00a052'\u00a0E et 4\u00b0\u00a024'\u00a0E. Son point culminant, \"El Toro\", est \u00e0 au-dessus du niveau de la mer. L'\u00eele a de nombreux monuments en pierre m\u00e9galithique : navetes, taulas, et talaiots. Rocailleuse et battue par les vents, l'\u00eele est la plus pr\u00e9serv\u00e9e de l'archipel. 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En 2020, il rel\u00e8ve du minist\u00e8re de la Sant\u00e9 de la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Russie. L'institut, fond\u00e9 en 1891 par Filipp Markovich Blyumental, rend hommage par son nom \u00e0 l'\u00e9minent scientifique russe et sovi\u00e9tique Nikola\u00ef Gamale\u00efa, r\u00e9put\u00e9 pionnier de la microbiologie et de la recherche sur les vaccins. 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L\u2019application est un ensemble d'API d'applications et de capteurs (appareils mobiles et accessoires connect\u00e9s). Elle a pour objectif d'avoir une vie plus saine et active\u00a0; pour ce faire l\u2019application propose des objectifs afin d\u2019\u00eatre actif tout au long de la journ\u00e9e et de faire des s\u00e9ances de sports afin d\u2019augmenter le rythme cardiaque. L\u2019application fut r\u00e9alis\u00e9e avec la participation de l\u2019OMS pour atteindre les recommandations de cette derni\u00e8re.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q18150347", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Google Fit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q95", "boundaries": [67, 73], "surfaceform": "Google", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q94", "boundaries": [102, 109], "surfaceform": "Android", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q165194", "boundaries": [147, 150], "surfaceform": "API", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7817", "boundaries": [508, 511], "surfaceform": "OMS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q18150347", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "Google Fit", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q95", "boundaries": [67, 73], "surfaceform": "Google", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "50035-0", "title": "Le Horla", "uri": "Q2701030", "text": "Le Horla est une longue nouvelle fantastique et psychologique de Guy de Maupassant parue en 1886, puis dans une seconde version en 1887. L'auteur y d\u00e9crit la d\u00e9ch\u00e9ance progressive et dramatique du narrateur poursuivi par une cr\u00e9ature invisible, baptis\u00e9e \u00ab \"le Horla\" \u00bb, dont il ne sait si elle est r\u00e9elle ou le r\u00e9sultat d'un trouble psychiatrique. Il cherchera \u00e0 s'en d\u00e9barrasser par tous les moyens possibles. Dans ce r\u00e9cit psychologique, Maupassant pr\u00e9sente un personnage autodestructeur constamment tortur\u00e9, d'abord gagn\u00e9 par le doute et qui finit par sombrer dans la d\u00e9mence en passant par divers \u00e9tats, tels la parano\u00efa, les hallucinations, les crises d'angoisse, la paralysie du sommeil, avec lesquels il se d\u00e9bat. La forme du journal intime de la seconde version, la plus connue, favorise encore davantage l'identification au narrateur.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2701030", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Le Horla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q49084", "boundaries": [24, 32], "surfaceform": "nouvelle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q5240628", "boundaries": [33, 44], "surfaceform": "fantastique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q286328", "boundaries": [48, 61], "surfaceform": "psychologique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q9327", "boundaries": [65, 82], "surfaceform": "Guy de Maupassant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1886^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [92, 96], "surfaceform": "1886", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1887^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [131, 135], "surfaceform": "1887", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3038931", "boundaries": [183, 193], "surfaceform": "dramatique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q12135", "boundaries": [325, 346], "surfaceform": "trouble psychiatrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q286328", "boundaries": [419, 438], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9cit psychologique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83030", "boundaries": [571, 578], "surfaceform": "d\u00e9mence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1229994", "boundaries": [616, 624], "surfaceform": "parano\u00efa", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q130741", "boundaries": [630, 643], "surfaceform": "hallucination", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q696490", "boundaries": [650, 667], "surfaceform": "crises d'angoisse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q486851", "boundaries": [672, 692], "surfaceform": "paralysie du sommeil", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2701030", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "Le Horla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q9327", "boundaries": [65, 82], "surfaceform": "Guy de Maupassant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "50255-0", "title": "Nostradamus", "uri": "Q39978", "text": "Michel de Nostredame, dit Nostradamus, n\u00e9 le \u00e0 Saint-R\u00e9my-de-Provence et mort le \u00e0 Salon-de-Provence, est un apothicaire et auteur fran\u00e7ais. Pratiquant l'astrologie; il est surtout connu pour son ouvrage intitul\u00e9 \"Les Proph\u00e9ties\" dans lequel certains croient lire des pr\u00e9dictions av\u00e9r\u00e9es.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q39978", "boundaries": [26, 37], "surfaceform": "Nostradamus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q221507", "boundaries": [47, 69], "surfaceform": "Saint-R\u00e9my-de-Provence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q232567", "boundaries": [83, 100], "surfaceform": "Salon-de-Provence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1131236", "boundaries": [109, 120], "surfaceform": "apothicaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34362", "boundaries": [154, 164], "surfaceform": "astrologie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q39978", "boundaries": [26, 37], "surfaceform": "Nostradamus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P19", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "place of birth", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q221507", "boundaries": [47, 69], "surfaceform": "Saint-R\u00e9my-de-Provence", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99609375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "50415-0", "title": "7-Zip", "uri": "Q215051", "text": "7-Zip est un logiciel de compression de donn\u00e9es et d\u2019archivage de fichiers fonctionnant sous Windows d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par le Russe Igor Pavlov.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q215051", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "7-Zip", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [0, 1], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q877886", "boundaries": [13, 47], "surfaceform": "logiciel de compression de donn\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q10418049", "boundaries": [53, 62], "surfaceform": "archivage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1406", "boundaries": [93, 100], "surfaceform": "Windows", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q531341", "boundaries": [124, 135], "surfaceform": "Igor Pavlov", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q215051", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "7-Zip", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q877886", "boundaries": [13, 47], "surfaceform": "logiciel de compression de donn\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.77783203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q215051", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "7-Zip", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q531341", "boundaries": [124, 135], "surfaceform": "Igor Pavlov", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "50883-1", "title": "Mickey Mouse", "uri": "Q11934", "text": "Mickey a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1928, apr\u00e8s que Walt Disney eut d\u00fb laisser son premier personnage cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec Ub Iwerks, \"Oswald le lapin chanceux\", \u00e0 son producteur. Les premiers courts m\u00e9trages qui le mettent en sc\u00e8ne sont principalement anim\u00e9s par Ub Iwerks, associ\u00e9 de Walt Disney au sein des studios Disney (alors install\u00e9s dans le studio d'Hyperion Avenue). Il devient plus tard aussi un personnage de bandes dessin\u00e9es, de longs m\u00e9trages, de s\u00e9ries t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9es et d'une myriade de produits d\u00e9riv\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "+1928^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [21, 25], "surfaceform": "1928", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8704", "boundaries": [37, 48], "surfaceform": "Walt Disney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q336424", "boundaries": [97, 106], "surfaceform": "Ub Iwerks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1419509", "boundaries": [109, 133], "surfaceform": "Oswald le lapin chanceux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q336424", "boundaries": [238, 247], "surfaceform": "Ub Iwerks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q191224", "boundaries": [284, 298], "surfaceform": "studios Disney", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q3565626", "boundaries": [324, 348], "surfaceform": "studio d'Hyperion Avenue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q1004", "boundaries": [395, 411], "surfaceform": "bandes dessin\u00e9es", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q336424", "boundaries": [97, 106], "surfaceform": "Ub Iwerks", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1419509", "boundaries": [109, 133], "surfaceform": "Oswald le lapin chanceux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98974609375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "98544-1", "title": "Islamabad", "uri": "Q1362", "text": "Choisie en 1959 pour devenir la capitale du pays \u00e0 la place de Karachi, jug\u00e9e trop au sud du pays, Islamabad est construite \"ex nihilo\" de 1961 au milieu des ann\u00e9es 1970. La ville conna\u00eet une croissance d\u00e9mographique tr\u00e8s rapide, passant de habitants en 1981 \u00e0 plus de en 1998. Au cours des ann\u00e9es 2000, Islamabad est touch\u00e9e par plusieurs attentats terroristes islamistes, comme l'assaut de la Mosqu\u00e9e rouge en 2007, les et \u00e0 l'h\u00f4tel Marriott en septembre 2008.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q5302", "boundaries": [11, 15], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1959^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [11, 15], "surfaceform": "1959", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1362", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "Islamabad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1139338", "boundaries": [125, 134], "surfaceform": "ex nihilo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3696", "boundaries": [139, 143], "surfaceform": "1961", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1961^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [139, 143], "surfaceform": "1961", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [158, 169], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [165, 169], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1981^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [254, 258], "surfaceform": "1981", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [272, 276], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35024", "boundaries": [291, 302], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 2000", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2000^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [298, 302], "surfaceform": "2000", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1362", "boundaries": [304, 313], "surfaceform": "Islamabad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2223653", "boundaries": [340, 349], "surfaceform": "attentats", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q847731", "boundaries": [350, 372], "surfaceform": "terroristes islamistes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2621757", "boundaries": [382, 408], "surfaceform": "assaut de la Mosqu\u00e9e rouge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [412, 416], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q891864", "boundaries": [425, 461], "surfaceform": "\u00e0 l'h\u00f4tel Marriott en septembre 2008", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "2008-09-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [447, 461], "surfaceform": "septembre 2008", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q891864", "boundaries": [425, 461], "surfaceform": "\u00e0 l'h\u00f4tel Marriott en septembre 2008", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1362", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "Islamabad", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "129568-0", "title": "Bovidae", "uri": "Q25497", "text": "Les bovid\u00e9s (Bovidae) sont une famille de mammif\u00e8res ruminants et herbivores qui comprend une dizaine de sous-familles, dont en particulier les bovin\u00e9s (dont font partie les bovins), caprin\u00e9s (qui englobent les ovins) et antilopes. Cette famille a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finie par John Edward Gray (1800-1875) en 1821.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q25497", "boundaries": [13, 20], "surfaceform": "Bovidae", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35409", "boundaries": [31, 38], "surfaceform": "famille", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7377", "boundaries": [42, 51], "surfaceform": "mammif\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q192164", "boundaries": [53, 61], "surfaceform": "ruminant", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q59099", "boundaries": [66, 75], "surfaceform": "herbivore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4979192", "boundaries": [144, 150], "surfaceform": "bovin\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q192205", "boundaries": [174, 180], "surfaceform": "bovins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q189804", "boundaries": [183, 191], "surfaceform": "caprin\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7368", "boundaries": [211, 216], "surfaceform": "ovins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q25894", "boundaries": [221, 229], "surfaceform": "antilope", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q191963", "boundaries": [264, 280], "surfaceform": "John Edward Gray", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1800^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "1800", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-1875^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [286, 291], "surfaceform": "-1875", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6976", "boundaries": [296, 300], "surfaceform": "1821", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1821^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [296, 300], "surfaceform": "1821", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7368", "boundaries": [211, 216], "surfaceform": "ovins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q59099", "boundaries": [66, 75], "surfaceform": "herbivore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "150441-1", "title": "Bamberg", "uri": "Q3936", "text": "En 1007 avec sa femme Cun\u00e9gonde, Henri II choisit Bamberg comme capitale et \u00e9v\u00each\u00e9. 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Durant les ann\u00e9es de plomb sous le r\u00e8gne du roi Hassan II, la ville fut \u00e9galement assi\u00e9g\u00e9e par l'arm\u00e9e pendant les \u00e9meutes de 1981, faisant des centaines de victimes.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7903", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "Casablanca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q30744449", "boundaries": [98, 122], "surfaceform": "bombardement de la ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1907^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [143, 147], "surfaceform": "1907", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7903", "boundaries": [174, 184], "surfaceform": "Casablanca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2935421", "boundaries": [261, 278], "surfaceform": "Campagne du Maroc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q4851214", "boundaries": [291, 306], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es de plomb", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q69103", "boundaries": [328, 337], "surfaceform": "Hassan II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q34511", "boundaries": [377, 382], "surfaceform": "arm\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q20387849", "boundaries": [395, 410], "surfaceform": "\u00e9meutes de 1981", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1981^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [406, 410], "surfaceform": "1981", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q30744449", "boundaries": [98, 122], "surfaceform": "bombardement de la ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7903", "boundaries": [56, 66], "surfaceform": "Casablanca", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "2894-3", "title": "Strasbourg", "uri": "Q6602", "text": "Par sa population, Strasbourg \"\" est la premi\u00e8re commune du Grand Est fran\u00e7ais et, \u00e0 la date du janvier 2018, la huiti\u00e8me de France. 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D'autre part, les mammif\u00e8res carnassiers ne sont pas tous forc\u00e9ment membres de cet ordre. 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\u00e0 N'Gokro (Yamoussoukro) selon la biographie officielle - mort le ), surnomm\u00e9 \u00ab le sage \u00bb ou m\u00eame \u00ab Nanan Boigny \u00bb ou \u00ab Nanan Houphou\u00ebt \u00bb ou encore \u00ab Le Vieux \u00bb (au sens africain du terme), est le \u00ab p\u00e8re \u00bb de l\u2019ind\u00e9pendance de la C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q214407", "boundaries": [0, 22], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9lix Houphou\u00ebt-Boigny", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3334095", "boundaries": [53, 60], "surfaceform": "N'Gokro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3768", "boundaries": [62, 74], "surfaceform": "Yamoussoukro", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q37055", "boundaries": [262, 274], "surfaceform": "ind\u00e9pendance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1008", "boundaries": [281, 294], "surfaceform": "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q214407", 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Le port et la base sont implant\u00e9s autour d'une rade au centre de laquelle se trouve l\u2019\u00eele de Ford. L'entr\u00e9e de cette rade se fait par un chenal tr\u00e8s \u00e9troit. Pearl Harbor est devenue c\u00e9l\u00e8bre en raison de l'attaque a\u00e9rienne surprise lanc\u00e9e par le Japon le , qui allait provoquer l'entr\u00e9e en guerre des \u00c9tats-Unis.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1324633", "boundaries": [35, 46], "surfaceform": "base navale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [51, 61], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q15261194", "boundaries": [66, 93], "surfaceform": "base navale de Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q127091", "boundaries": [81, 93], "surfaceform": "Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q494920", "boundaries": [124, 158], "surfaceform": "flotte du Pacifique des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2013^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [180, 184], "surfaceform": "2013", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q913035", "boundaries": [238, 242], "surfaceform": "rade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2485027", "boundaries": [277, 288], "surfaceform": "\u00eele de Ford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q127091", "boundaries": [348, 360], "surfaceform": "Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q52418", "boundaries": [394, 421], "surfaceform": "l'attaque a\u00e9rienne surprise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q17", "boundaries": [436, 441], "surfaceform": "Japon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q15261194", "boundaries": [66, 93], "surfaceform": "base navale de Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [51, 61], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q127091", "boundaries": [81, 93], "surfaceform": "Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [51, 61], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.900390625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q494920", "boundaries": [124, 158], "surfaceform": "flotte du Pacifique des \u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q15261194", "boundaries": [66, 93], "surfaceform": "base navale de Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q52418", "boundaries": [394, 421], "surfaceform": "l'attaque a\u00e9rienne surprise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q127091", "boundaries": [81, 93], "surfaceform": "Pearl Harbor", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19058-1", "title": "Prague", "uri": "Q1085", "text": "Capitale historique du royaume de Boh\u00eame, berceau du peuple tch\u00e8que, Prague conna\u00eet son apog\u00e9e au , sous le r\u00e8gne du roi de Boh\u00eame et empereur germanique Charles qui en fait la capitale de l'Empire. Elle est alors un centre culturel et religieux de premi\u00e8re importance, o\u00f9 naissent les balbutiements de la r\u00e9forme protestante lorsque Jan Hus pr\u00eache contre les abus de la hi\u00e9rarchie catholique et le commerce des indulgences. Bri\u00e8vement redevenue capitale imp\u00e9riale et culturelle au tournant des sous le r\u00e8gne de Rodolphe II, Prague perd progressivement en importance jusqu'\u00e0 la Renaissance nationale tch\u00e8que au puis la cr\u00e9ation de la Tch\u00e9coslovaquie au lendemain de la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, en 1918, dont elle devient la capitale. Dans le camp communiste au cours de la guerre froide, Prague voit \u00e9merger en 1968 une tentative de lib\u00e9ralisation politique, le \u00ab socialisme \u00e0 visage humain \u00bb, lors du \u00ab Printemps de Prague \u00bb. Celui-ci est \u00e9cras\u00e9 en ao\u00fbt de la m\u00eame ann\u00e9e par les troupes du pacte de Varsovie. Il faut alors attendre la r\u00e9volution de Velours de 1989 pour que la ville sorte de sa torpeur.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q42585", "boundaries": [23, 40], "surfaceform": "royaume de Boh\u00eame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [69, 75], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q44330", "boundaries": [117, 130], "surfaceform": "roi de Boh\u00eame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q8336442", "boundaries": [134, 153], "surfaceform": "empereur germanique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q155669", "boundaries": [154, 161], "surfaceform": "Charles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q12562", "boundaries": [306, 325], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9forme protestante", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43977", "boundaries": [334, 341], "surfaceform": "Jan Hus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2986243", "boundaries": [399, 423], "surfaceform": "commerce des indulgences", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q150586", "boundaries": [512, 523], "surfaceform": "Rodolphe II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [525, 531], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1854586", "boundaries": [578, 607], "surfaceform": "Renaissance nationale tch\u00e8que", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q33946", "boundaries": [634, 649], "surfaceform": "Tch\u00e9coslovaquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q361", "boundaries": [669, 693], "surfaceform": "Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q2094", "boundaries": [698, 702], "surfaceform": "1918", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1918^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [698, 702], "surfaceform": "1918", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q170541", "boundaries": [743, 758], "surfaceform": "camp communiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q8683", "boundaries": [774, 787], "surfaceform": "guerre froide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [789, 795], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2644", "boundaries": [812, 816], "surfaceform": "1968", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1968^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [812, 816], "surfaceform": "1968", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3084040", "boundaries": [865, 891], "surfaceform": "socialisme \u00e0 visage humain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q162401", "boundaries": [905, 924], "surfaceform": "Printemps de Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [918, 924], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q41644", "boundaries": [992, 1009], "surfaceform": "pacte de Varsovie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q182817", "boundaries": [1037, 1058], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9volution de Velours", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1989^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [1062, 1066], "surfaceform": "1989", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q42585", "boundaries": [23, 40], "surfaceform": "royaume de Boh\u00eame", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [69, 75], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q33946", "boundaries": [634, 649], "surfaceform": "Tch\u00e9coslovaquie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P36", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "capital", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1085", "boundaries": [69, 75], "surfaceform": "Prague", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9912109375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q8683", "boundaries": [774, 787], "surfaceform": "guerre froide", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170541", "boundaries": [743, 758], "surfaceform": "camp communiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12574-1", "title": "Hambourg", "uri": "Q1055", "text": "La ville s'\u00e9tend sur et compte pr\u00e8s de d'habitants ; l'agglom\u00e9ration environ . Hambourg \u00e9tait membre fondateur de la Ligue hans\u00e9atique. Cette ancienne appartenance est encore aujourd'hui revendiqu\u00e9e par la ville, comme \u00e9l\u00e9ment caract\u00e9ristique de son identit\u00e9. C'est ainsi que le code de la ville sur les plaques d'immatriculation est \"HH\", qui signifie \"Hansestadt Hamburg \" et que le nom officiel de la ville est \"Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg\" (ville libre et hans\u00e9atique de Hambourg).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [79, 87], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q42908", "boundaries": [117, 134], "surfaceform": "Ligue hans\u00e9atique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q22706", "boundaries": [304, 329], "surfaceform": "plaques d'immatriculation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [476, 484], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1055", "boundaries": [79, 87], "surfaceform": "Hambourg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P463", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "member of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q42908", "boundaries": [117, 134], "surfaceform": "Ligue hans\u00e9atique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "63242-0", "title": "Tournoi des Six Nations", "uri": "Q16642", "text": "Le Tournoi des Six Nations (des Cinq Nations jusqu'\u00e0 1999) est une comp\u00e9tition de rugby \u00e0 XV, disput\u00e9e chaque ann\u00e9e en f\u00e9vrier et mars par les \u00e9quipes masculines d'Angleterre, d'\u00c9cosse, de France, du pays de Galles, d'Irlande et d'Italie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q16642", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Tournoi des Six Nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2813376", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1999^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [53, 57], "surfaceform": "1999", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q5849", "boundaries": [82, 92], "surfaceform": "rugby \u00e0 XV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q16642", "boundaries": [3, 26], "surfaceform": "Tournoi des Six Nations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5849", "boundaries": [82, 92], "surfaceform": "rugby \u00e0 XV", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "70687-0", "title": "Eurofighter Typhoon", "uri": "Q151384", "text": "LEurofighter Typhoon est un avion de combat bi-r\u00e9acteur, ailes delta et plan canard, multir\u00f4le, d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne, l'Italie et l'Espagne regroup\u00e9s dans le consortium Eurofighter GmbH, pays qui ont re\u00e7u leurs premiers appareils de s\u00e9rie en 2004. L'Autriche, Oman, le Kowe\u00eft, l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar s'en sont \u00e9galement port\u00e9s acqu\u00e9reurs, portant le total des commandes \u00e0 661. Au 28 f\u00e9vrier 2021, avaient \u00e9t\u00e9 livr\u00e9s.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q151384", "boundaries": [1, 20], "surfaceform": "Eurofighter Typhoon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [28, 43], "surfaceform": "avion de combat", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q826939", "boundaries": [72, 83], "surfaceform": "plan canard", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q145", "boundaries": [113, 124], "surfaceform": "Royaume-Uni", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [128, 137], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q38", "boundaries": [141, 147], "surfaceform": "Italie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q29", "boundaries": [153, 160], "surfaceform": "Espagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q700849", "boundaries": [190, 206], "surfaceform": "Eurofighter GmbH", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2014", "boundaries": [263, 267], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2004^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [263, 267], "surfaceform": "2004", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q40", "boundaries": [271, 279], "surfaceform": "Autriche", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q842", "boundaries": [281, 285], "surfaceform": "Oman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q817", "boundaries": [290, 296], "surfaceform": "Kowe\u00eft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q851", "boundaries": [300, 315], "surfaceform": "Arabie saoudite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q846", "boundaries": [322, 327], "surfaceform": "Qatar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+661^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [400, 403], "surfaceform": "661", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "2021-02-28T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [408, 423], "surfaceform": "28 f\u00e9vrier 2021", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q151384", "boundaries": [1, 20], "surfaceform": "Eurofighter Typhoon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q700849", "boundaries": [190, 206], "surfaceform": "Eurofighter GmbH", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7451171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "72016-0", "title": "R\u00e9publique sociale italienne", "uri": "Q153660", "text": "La R\u00e9publique sociale italienne ou RSI ( ), \u00e9galement appel\u00e9e r\u00e9publique de Sal\u00f2 ( ), est un \u00c9tat fantoche fasciste \u00e9tabli par Benito Mussolini en Italie du Centre et du Nord, dans les zones contr\u00f4l\u00e9es par la Wehrmacht (l'arm\u00e9e allemande), du jusqu'en avril 1945. Avant l'adoption le 25 novembre 1943 du nom officiel de l'\u00c9tat fasciste restaur\u00e9, les noms \u00c9tat r\u00e9publicain d'Italie et \u00c9tat national r\u00e9publicain () \u00e9taient indiff\u00e9remment utilis\u00e9s. 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Son climat est de type \u00e9quatorial, avec des temp\u00e9ratures moyennes et des pr\u00e9cipitations tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9es toute l'ann\u00e9e. Ville cosmopolite, Kuala Lumpur pr\u00e9sente la particularit\u00e9 d'\u00eatre peupl\u00e9e \u00e0 43 % de Chinois, soit presque autant que de Malais (45 %) ; elle constitue ainsi une sorte d'enclave bouddhiste dans un pays majoritairement musulman. Vitrine du d\u00e9veloppement rapide de la Malaisie, la ville accueille de grands \u00e9v\u00e8nements tels que les Jeux du Commonwealth en 1998 ou le Grand Prix automobile de Malaisie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q9237", "boundaries": [23, 29], "surfaceform": "malais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q723748", "boundaries": [83, 92], "surfaceform": "confluent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q619086", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Kelang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q159675", "boundaries": [167, 175], "surfaceform": "affluent", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2121341", "boundaries": [181, 187], "surfaceform": "Gombak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q209531", "boundaries": [212, 222], "surfaceform": "\u00e9quatorial", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1865", "boundaries": [324, 336], "surfaceform": "Kuala Lumpur", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+43^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [380, 382], "surfaceform": "43", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1200528", "boundaries": [388, 395], "surfaceform": "Chinois", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q142702", "boundaries": [424, 430], "surfaceform": "Malais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+45^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [432, 434], "surfaceform": "45", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q748", "boundaries": [481, 491], "surfaceform": "bouddhiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q432", "boundaries": [521, 529], "surfaceform": "musulman", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q178340", "boundaries": [632, 652], "surfaceform": "Jeux du Commonwealth", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1116581", "boundaries": [656, 660], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [656, 660], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q8082", "boundaries": [667, 700], "surfaceform": "Grand Prix automobile de Malaisie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2121341", "boundaries": [181, 187], "surfaceform": "Gombak", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P403", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "mouth of the watercourse", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q619086", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Kelang", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 14, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.94482421875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "80687-0", "title": "\u00c9rato", "uri": "Q104413", "text": "Dans la mythologie grecque, \u00c9rato (en grec ancien / ) est une des neuf Muses, fille de Mn\u00e9mosyne et Zeus. Patronne de la po\u00e9sie lyrique et \u00e9rotique, elle est repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e, depuis la Renaissance, couronn\u00e9e de roses et de myrtes, et portant une lyre \u00e0 la main, ou une petite cithare antique, un instrument de musique souvent associ\u00e9 \u00e0 Apollon.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q34726", "boundaries": [8, 26], "surfaceform": "mythologie grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q104413", "boundaries": [28, 33], "surfaceform": "\u00c9rato", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q35497", "boundaries": [38, 49], "surfaceform": "grec ancien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q66016", "boundaries": [71, 76], "surfaceform": "Muses", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q102884", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "Mn\u00e9mosyne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q34201", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "Zeus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3326349", "boundaries": [121, 135], "surfaceform": "po\u00e9sie lyrique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q747483", "boundaries": [139, 147], "surfaceform": "\u00e9rotique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q4692", "boundaries": [181, 192], "surfaceform": "Renaissance", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q64140922", "boundaries": [207, 212], "surfaceform": "roses", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "None", "boundaries": [219, 224], "surfaceform": "myrte", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q201129", "boundaries": [242, 246], "surfaceform": "lyre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12634515", "boundaries": [272, 287], "surfaceform": "cithare antique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q37340", "boundaries": [332, 339], "surfaceform": "Apollon", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q34201", "boundaries": [100, 104], "surfaceform": "Zeus", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q102884", "boundaries": [87, 96], "surfaceform": "Mn\u00e9mosyne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.962890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "732565-2", "title": "Glencore", "uri": "Q169339", "text": "Depuis 10 ans, Glencore est r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement cit\u00e9e dans des affaires de corruption et de pollution. Apr\u00e8s avoir \u0153uvr\u00e9 durant 37 ans dans un halo de myst\u00e8re, cette soci\u00e9t\u00e9 tr\u00e8s controvers\u00e9e qui a re\u00e7u en 2008 le prix du Public Eye Awards de la multinationale la plus irresponsable, est entr\u00e9e en bourse en 2011. Son patron, Ivan Glasenberg, est pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 comme \u00ab le premier courtier du monde \u00bb, avec 15,8 % des actions du groupe, repr\u00e9sentant une enveloppe de 10 milliards de dollars (7 milliards d\u2019euros), ce qui devrait forcer la multinationale \u00e0 un peu plus de transparence.", "entities": [{"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [7, 9], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q169339", "boundaries": [15, 23], "surfaceform": "Glencore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+37^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [122, 124], "surfaceform": "37", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2008^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [200, 204], "surfaceform": "2008", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+2011^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [302, 306], "surfaceform": "2011", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q22989", "boundaries": [320, 335], "surfaceform": "Ivan Glasenberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+15.8^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [395, 399], "surfaceform": "15,8", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+10^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [455, 457], "surfaceform": "10", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+7^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [480, 481], "surfaceform": "7", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q169339", "boundaries": [15, 23], "surfaceform": "Glencore", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q22989", "boundaries": [320, 335], "surfaceform": "Ivan Glasenberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99267578125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "681300-1", "title": "T\u00e2rgu Jiu", "uri": "Q202357", "text": "Cette ville abrite quelques-unes des \u0153uvres du sculpteur Constantin Br\u00e2ncu\u0219i, trois de ses plus importantes cr\u00e9ations : la \"Colonne sans fin\", \"La Porte du baiser\" et \"La Table du silence\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q153048", "boundaries": [57, 76], "surfaceform": "Constantin Br\u00e2ncu\u0219i", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2628659", "boundaries": [124, 140], "surfaceform": "Colonne sans fin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q153048", "boundaries": [57, 76], "surfaceform": "Constantin Br\u00e2ncu\u0219i", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2628659", "boundaries": [124, 140], "surfaceform": "Colonne sans fin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3904866-0", "title": "Ford Scorpio", "uri": "Q386201", "text": "La Ford Scorpio \u00e9tait une voiture produite par Ford \u00e0 Cologne en Allemagne entre 1985 et 1998. Elle a remport\u00e9 le troph\u00e9e europ\u00e9en de la voiture de l'ann\u00e9e en 1986.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q386201", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Ford Scorpio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q44294", "boundaries": [47, 51], "surfaceform": "Ford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q365", "boundaries": [54, 61], "surfaceform": "Cologne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [65, 74], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2431", "boundaries": [81, 85], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [81, 85], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2089", "boundaries": [89, 93], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1998^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [89, 93], "surfaceform": "1998", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q748054", "boundaries": [114, 155], "surfaceform": "troph\u00e9e europ\u00e9en de la voiture de l'ann\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+1986^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [159, 163], "surfaceform": "1986", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q386201", "boundaries": [3, 15], "surfaceform": "Ford Scorpio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q44294", "boundaries": [47, 51], "surfaceform": "Ford", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q365", "boundaries": [54, 61], "surfaceform": "Cologne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q183", "boundaries": [65, 74], "surfaceform": "Allemagne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "3995621-0", "title": "\u00c9mirat du Caucase", "uri": "Q58826", "text": "L'\u00c9mirat du Caucase (en tch\u00e9tch\u00e8ne : \u0418\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442 \u041a\u0430\u0432\u043a\u0430\u0437, \"Imarat Kavkaz\" ; , \"Kavkazskij emirat\"), aussi appel\u00e9 \u00c9mirat caucasien, est une organisation terroriste islamiste qui s'est autoproclam\u00e9e comme un \u00c9tat. Le groupe vise \u00e0 installer la charia dans plusieurs r\u00e9gions du Caucase du Nord, lanc\u00e9 en par le \u00ab pr\u00e9sident de la R\u00e9publique tch\u00e9tch\u00e8ne d'Itchk\u00e9rie \u00bb, Dokou Oumarov. Le , une partie du groupe annonce pr\u00eater all\u00e9geance \u00e0 l'\u00c9tat islamique et celui-ci l'accepte. Cependant, les dirigeants de l'\u00c9mirat rejettent cette d\u00e9claration.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q58826", "boundaries": [2, 19], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirat du Caucase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q33350", "boundaries": [24, 34], "surfaceform": "tch\u00e9tch\u00e8ne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q43229", "boundaries": [133, 145], "surfaceform": "organisation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q847731", "boundaries": [146, 166], "surfaceform": "terroriste islamiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q482752", "boundaries": [236, 242], "surfaceform": "charia", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q210036", "boundaries": [320, 353], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique tch\u00e9tch\u00e8ne d'Itchk\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q58813", "boundaries": [357, 370], "surfaceform": "Dokou Oumarov", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2429253", "boundaries": [428, 442], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tat islamique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q58826", "boundaries": [2, 19], "surfaceform": "\u00c9mirat du Caucase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q210036", "boundaries": [320, 353], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique tch\u00e9tch\u00e8ne d'Itchk\u00e9rie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.685546875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "4044072-0", "title": "True Blood", "uri": "Q186219", "text": "est une s\u00e9rie t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9e dramatico-fantastique am\u00e9ricaine, cr\u00e9\u00e9e par Alan Ball (sc\u00e9nariste de \"\", cr\u00e9ateur de \"\"), d\u2019apr\u00e8s la s\u00e9rie de romances \"La Communaut\u00e9 du Sud\" de Charlaine Harris. 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Ce sont les Grecs, qui avaient identifi\u00e9 le dieu Horus avec Apollon, qui lui donn\u00e8rent le nom d'Apollinopolis Magna. 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F-Spot est \u00e9crit en langage C# et utilise Mono et Gtk#. Le projet F-Spot, initi\u00e9 par Ettore Perazzoli puis maintenu par Larry Ewing, est \u00e0 pr\u00e9sent abandonn\u00e9, au profit d\u2019autres solutions comme GNOME Photos.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q948619", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "F-Spot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q7397", "boundaries": [14, 22], "surfaceform": "logiciel", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q11633", "boundaries": [37, 43], "surfaceform": "photos", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q44316", "boundaries": [126, 131], "surfaceform": "GNOME", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q948619", "boundaries": [133, 139], "surfaceform": "F-Spot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q2370", "boundaries": [161, 163], "surfaceform": "C#", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q722656", "boundaries": [175, 179], "surfaceform": "Mono", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q3100069", "boundaries": [183, 187], "surfaceform": "Gtk#", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q948619", "boundaries": [199, 205], "surfaceform": "F-Spot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q921020", "boundaries": [253, 264], "surfaceform": "Larry Ewing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q948619", "boundaries": [0, 6], "surfaceform": "F-Spot", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q921020", "boundaries": [253, 264], "surfaceform": "Larry Ewing", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96923828125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "972811-0", "title": "De administrando Imperio", "uri": "Q463903", "text": "Le \u00ab De administrando Imperio \u00bb (litt : \u00ab Au sujet de l'administration de l'Empire \u00bb) est le titre latin commun\u00e9ment utilis\u00e9 pour un ouvrage \u00e9crit en grec ancien vers 950 par l'empereur byzantin Constantin VII et connu sous le titre \u00ab \u03a0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03bd \u03af\u03b4\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd \u03c5\u03b9\u03cc\u03bd \u03a1\u03c9\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03cc\u03bd\u201d (Pros ton idion yion Romanon; litt : \u00ab \u00c0 notre propre fils Romanus \u00bb), tir\u00e9 de la pr\u00e9face du livre. Manuel de politique int\u00e9rieure et \u00e9trang\u00e8re \u00e9crit \u00e0 l\u2019intention de son fils le futur empereur Romain II, le livre est un expos\u00e9 g\u00e9ographique et historique des peuples qui composaient ou entouraient l\u2019empire, les relations qu\u2019il convenait d\u2019entretenir avec eux et les proc\u00e9d\u00e9s diplomatiques ou militaires susceptibles de produire les r\u00e9sultats voulus.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q463903", "boundaries": [5, 29], "surfaceform": "De administrando Imperio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+950^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [167, 170], "surfaceform": "950", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q41608", "boundaries": [195, 209], "surfaceform": "Constantin VII", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q41847", "boundaries": [458, 467], "surfaceform": "Romain II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q463903", "boundaries": [5, 29], "surfaceform": "De administrando Imperio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q41608", "boundaries": [195, 209], "surfaceform": "Constantin VII", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4592553-0", "title": "Dh\u00fb-l-Qarnayn", "uri": "Q1207846", "text": "Dh\u00fb-l-Qarnayn (en ), litt\u00e9ralement \u00ab Celui qui a deux cornes \u00bb ou \u00ab le Bi-cornu \u00bb ou \u00ab Celui des deux \u00e9poques \u00bb, est une personnalit\u00e9 mentionn\u00e9e dans le Coran dans la sourate 18, Al-Kahf\u00a0(\u00ab la caverne \u00bb). 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Il passe ensuite sous domination japonaise \u00e0 l'issue de la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905. 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Membre de l'Alliance des lib\u00e9raux et des d\u00e9mocrates pour l'Europe (ALDE) et de l'Internationale lib\u00e9rale (IL), le parti est dirig\u00e9 par Sigrid Kaag depuis 2020.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q747910", "boundaries": [4, 17], "surfaceform": "D\u00e9mocrates 66", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+66^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [15, 17], "surfaceform": "66", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q7411", "boundaries": [22, 33], "surfaceform": "n\u00e9erlandais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+66^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [47, 49], "surfaceform": "66", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+66^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [63, 65], "surfaceform": "66", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [78, 82], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": 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Elle est pilot\u00e9e par l'Allemand Sebastian Vettel, en provenance de l'\u00e9curie autrichienne Red Bull Racing, et par le Finlandais Kimi R\u00e4ikk\u00f6nen, pr\u00e9sent depuis 2014. 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Il \u00e9tait associ\u00e9 au pouvoir du vivant de son p\u00e8re, et semble avoir \u00e9t\u00e9 gouverneur de Sippar. Il h\u00e9rite d'un territoire \u00e9tendu par les conqu\u00eates de Sumu-la-El, dominant notamment, en plus des villes jumelles de Sippar, les cit\u00e9s importantes de Kish, Marad et Dilbat. Les inscriptions de son r\u00e8gne qui sont connues mentionnent des constructions de murailles, temples et canaux. Sur le plan militaire, il aurait affront\u00e9 et d\u00e9fait une arm\u00e9e de Larsa, le plus puissant royaume de la Basse M\u00e9sopotamie \u00e0 cette p\u00e9riode, ce qui semble indiquer que les int\u00e9r\u00eats de Babylone commencent \u00e0 se porter vers le sud. 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Le Tout Puissant Mazembe est la troisi\u00e8me \u00e9quipe africaine \u00e0 avoir \u00e9tabli un tripl\u00e9 sur le continent en remportant cons\u00e9cutivement une Ligue des champions de la CAF (2015), et deux Coupes de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration (2016 et 2017). Le TP Mazembe est le quatri\u00e8me club, avec Al Ahly, l'\u00c9toile sportive du sahel, le Raja Club Athletic et l\u2019Esperance Sportive de Tunis \u00e0 avoir remport\u00e9 les trois nouvelles versions de coupes africaines \u00e0 savoir la Ligue des champions de la CAF, la Supercoupe de la CAF ainsi que la Coupe de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration. En 2010, le club est devenu le premier club non europ\u00e9en ou sud-am\u00e9ricain \u00e0 acc\u00e9der \u00e0 la finale de la Coupe du monde des clubs.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q223566", "boundaries": [208, 215], "surfaceform": "Al Ahly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q286504", "boundaries": [222, 229], "surfaceform": "Zamalek", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q695340", "boundaries": [263, 284], "surfaceform": "Tout Puissant Mazembe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q219261", "boundaries": [395, 424], "surfaceform": "Ligue des champions de la CAF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q16735779", "boundaries": [426, 430], "surfaceform": "2015", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2015^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [426, 430], "surfaceform": "2015", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q909863", "boundaries": [441, 467], "surfaceform": "Coupes de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q16823933", "boundaries": [469, 473], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [469, 473], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q23058278", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2017^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q223566", "boundaries": [526, 533], "surfaceform": "Al Ahly", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q1051514", "boundaries": [566, 584], "surfaceform": "Raja Club Athletic", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q44897", "boundaries": [590, 617], "surfaceform": "Esperance Sportive de Tunis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q219261", "boundaries": [697, 726], "surfaceform": "Ligue des champions de la CAF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q937649", "boundaries": [731, 751], "surfaceform": "Supercoupe de la CAF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q909863", "boundaries": [765, 790], "surfaceform": "Coupe de la Conf\u00e9d\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [795, 799], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q223366", "boundaries": [894, 918], "surfaceform": "Coupe du monde des clubs", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23058278", "boundaries": [477, 481], "surfaceform": "2017", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q16823933", "boundaries": [469, 473], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.5712890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "373448-0", "title": "Coupe de la Ligue \u00e9cossaise de football", "uri": "Q864672", "text": "La Coupe de la Ligue \u00e9cossaise de football (\"Cupa L\u00ecog na h-Alba\" en \u00e9cossais, \"The Scottish League Cup\" en anglais) est une comp\u00e9tition \u00e9cossaise de football \u00e0 \u00e9limination directe. Moins prestigieuse que la Coupe d'\u00c9cosse, elle n'offre plus de place pour la Coupe UEFA. Elle est organis\u00e9e par la Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q864672", "boundaries": [3, 42], "surfaceform": "Coupe de la Ligue \u00e9cossaise de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q9314", "boundaries": [69, 77], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cossais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1860", "boundaries": [108, 115], "surfaceform": "anglais", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q13406554", "boundaries": [125, 136], "surfaceform": "comp\u00e9tition", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q22", "boundaries": [137, 146], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cossaise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [150, 158], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q308822", "boundaries": [208, 222], "surfaceform": "Coupe d'\u00c9cosse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q18760", "boundaries": [259, 269], "surfaceform": "Coupe UEFA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q14489498", "boundaries": [297, 334], "surfaceform": "Scottish Professional Football League", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q864672", "boundaries": [3, 42], "surfaceform": "Coupe de la Ligue \u00e9cossaise de football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [150, 158], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.7734375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "608186-0", "title": "Amadis de Gaule", "uri": "Q452075", "text": "Amadis de Gaule (\"Amad\u00eds de Gaula\") est un roman de chevalerie espagnol qui, sous la forme o\u00f9 nous le lisons, est l'\u0153uvre de Garci Rodr\u00edguez de Montalvo et fut publi\u00e9 en 1508 \u00e0 Saragosse. Il s'agit du remaniement d'un texte ant\u00e9rieur dont la datation, la localisation et l'attribution sont fort discut\u00e9es. L'ouvrage de Montalvo a \u00e9t\u00e9 adapt\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais par Nicolas Herberay des Essarts, dont la traduction a \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9e pour la premi\u00e8re fois par Denis Janot, Vincent Sertenas et Jehan Longis en 1540 \u00e0 Paris.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q452075", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Amadis de Gaule", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1159457", "boundaries": [43, 62], "surfaceform": "roman de chevalerie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q723468", "boundaries": [125, 152], "surfaceform": "Garci Rodr\u00edguez de Montalvo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6170", "boundaries": [170, 174], "surfaceform": "1508", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1508^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [170, 174], "surfaceform": "1508", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3062568", "boundaries": [357, 385], "surfaceform": "Nicolas Herberay des Essarts", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6482", "boundaries": [495, 499], "surfaceform": "1540", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1540^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [495, 499], "surfaceform": "1540", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q90", "boundaries": [502, 507], "surfaceform": "Paris", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q452075", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Amadis de Gaule", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P136", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1159457", "boundaries": [43, 62], "surfaceform": "roman de chevalerie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q452075", "boundaries": [0, 15], "surfaceform": "Amadis de Gaule", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q723468", "boundaries": [125, 152], "surfaceform": "Garci Rodr\u00edguez de Montalvo", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "525809-0", "title": "Le Beau Danube bleu", "uri": "Q482621", "text": "Le Beau Danube bleu (\"\", en allemand) op. 314, est une c\u00e9l\u00e8bre valse viennoise pour orchestre symphonique, compos\u00e9e par le compositeur autrichien Johann Strauss II (fils) en 1866. Po\u00e8me symphonique d\u00e9di\u00e9 au Danube, elle fait partie de ses \u0153uvres les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres, avec entre autres \"Wiener Blut\" (\"Esprit viennois\") de 1873, r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement jou\u00e9es entre autres par l'Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne en cl\u00f4ture et un des rappels traditionnels du concert du nouvel an \u00e0 Vienne. Consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme un second hymne national de Vienne et de l'Autriche, elle est \u00e9galement une des musiques de film les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres de l'histoire du cin\u00e9ma avec sa reprise de \"2001, l'Odyss\u00e9e de l'espace\" de Stanley Kubrick en 1968.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q482621", "boundaries": [0, 19], "surfaceform": "Le Beau Danube bleu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q188", "boundaries": [28, 36], "surfaceform": "allemand", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q385271", "boundaries": [38, 41], "surfaceform": "op.", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+314^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [42, 45], "surfaceform": "314", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q193434", "boundaries": [63, 68], "surfaceform": "valse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1741", "boundaries": [69, 78], "surfaceform": "viennoise", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q239582", "boundaries": [84, 105], "surfaceform": "orchestre symphonique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q83309", "boundaries": [146, 163], "surfaceform": "Johann Strauss II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2810398", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "1866", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "+1866^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [174, 178], "surfaceform": "1866", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q271802", "boundaries": [180, 197], "surfaceform": "Po\u00e8me symphonique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1653", "boundaries": [207, 213], "surfaceform": "Danube", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q9232118", "boundaries": [284, 295], "surfaceform": "Wiener Blut", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+1873^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [320, 324], "surfaceform": "1873", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q154685", "boundaries": [366, 400], "surfaceform": "Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q339152", "boundaries": [447, 476], "surfaceform": "concert du nouvel an \u00e0 Vienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "Q23691", "boundaries": [505, 519], "surfaceform": "hymne national", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q492264", "boundaries": [575, 591], "surfaceform": "musiques de film", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q107478", "boundaries": [615, 633], "surfaceform": "histoire du cin\u00e9ma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q103474", "boundaries": [654, 681], "surfaceform": "2001, l'Odyss\u00e9e de l'espace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "+2001^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [654, 658], "surfaceform": "2001", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2001", "boundaries": [686, 701], "surfaceform": "Stanley Kubrick", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+1968^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [705, 709], "surfaceform": "1968", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q339152", "boundaries": [447, 476], "surfaceform": "concert du nouvel an \u00e0 Vienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q154685", "boundaries": [366, 400], "surfaceform": "Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9921875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q103474", "boundaries": [654, 681], "surfaceform": "2001, l'Odyss\u00e9e de l'espace", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P57", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "director", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2001", "boundaries": [686, 701], "surfaceform": "Stanley Kubrick", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98779296875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "572150-0", "title": "Cardinals de Saint-Louis", "uri": "Q504309", "text": "Les Cardinals de Saint-Louis (\"St. Louis Cardinals\" en anglais, \u00ab les cardinaux [rouges] de Saint-Louis \u00bb) sont une franchise de baseball de la Ligue majeure de baseball situ\u00e9e \u00e0 Saint-Louis, Missouri. Ils \u00e9voluent dans la division Centrale de la Ligue nationale. Les Cardinals ont remport\u00e9 la S\u00e9rie Mondiale \u00e0 11 reprises, la derni\u00e8re fois en 2011, ce qui constitue un record pour une \u00e9quipe de la Ligue nationale. Seuls les Yankees de New York de la Ligue am\u00e9ricaine comptent plus de titres que les Cardinals en s\u00e9ries mondiales. 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Sa seconde fille, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, deviendra plus tard c\u00e9l\u00e8bre sous le nom de Mary Shelley pour avoir, entre autres, \u00e9crit \"Frankenstein\".", "entities": [{"uri": "Q101638", "boundaries": [32, 51], "surfaceform": "Mary Wollstonecraft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q122382", "boundaries": [248, 260], "surfaceform": "Henry Fuseli", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1371964", "boundaries": [277, 290], "surfaceform": "Gilbert Imlay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q437872", "boundaries": [317, 328], "surfaceform": "Fanny Imlay", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q188569", "boundaries": [357, 371], "surfaceform": "William Godwin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q6199", "boundaries": [391, 411], "surfaceform": "mouvement anarchiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q101638", "boundaries": [562, 581], "surfaceform": "Mary Wollstonecraft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q47152", "boundaries": [633, 645], "surfaceform": "Mary Shelley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q150827", "boundaries": [679, 691], "surfaceform": "Frankenstein", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q101638", "boundaries": [32, 51], "surfaceform": "Mary Wollstonecraft", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47152", "boundaries": [633, 645], "surfaceform": "Mary Shelley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99169921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q47152", "boundaries": [633, 645], "surfaceform": "Mary Shelley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q150827", "boundaries": [679, 691], "surfaceform": "Frankenstein", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q150827", "boundaries": [679, 691], "surfaceform": "Frankenstein", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q47152", "boundaries": [633, 645], "surfaceform": "Mary Shelley", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99560546875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "704668-1", "title": "Rihanna", "uri": "Q36844", "text": "Rihanna compte au total huit albums studios et deux albums de remixes. Son premier album, ' (2005), est orient\u00e9 dancehall, reggae et pop, et son deuxi\u00e8me album, ' (2006), est plus influenc\u00e9 par le RnB. Son troisi\u00e8me album, ' (2007), se hisse au sommet des palmar\u00e8s de nombreux pays. Rihanna fait para\u00eetre ' (2009), plus rock et plus sombre que les albums pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents. ' (2010) marque une p\u00e9riode eurodance. En 2011, elle fait para\u00eetre ', plus urbain. Son septi\u00e8me album, \"\" (2012), parvient \u00e0 se hisser \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re position des ventes aux \u00c9tats-Unis, une premi\u00e8re dans sa carri\u00e8re. 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Il cr\u00e9a par legs la m\u00e9daille James Craig Watson, attribu\u00e9e tous les 3 ans par la National Academy of Sciences pour des contributions \u00e0 l'astronomie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q223102", "boundaries": [13, 23], "surfaceform": "p\u00e9ritonite", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+42^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [41, 43], "surfaceform": "42", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1143433", "boundaries": [178, 205], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9daille James Craig Watson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q311220", "boundaries": [187, 205], "surfaceform": "James Craig Watson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+3^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [226, 227], "surfaceform": "3", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q270794", "boundaries": [239, 267], "surfaceform": "National Academy of Sciences", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1143433", "boundaries": [178, 205], "surfaceform": "m\u00e9daille James Craig Watson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q311220", "boundaries": [187, 205], "surfaceform": "James Craig Watson", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.896484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "661799-1", "title": "Ask.com", "uri": "Q847564", "text": "Highland Capital Partners, Institutional Venture Partners et le groupe RODA, trois soci\u00e9t\u00e9s \u00e0 capital risque furent les premiers investisseurs. Ask.com appartient actuellement \u00e0 InterActiveCorp, cot\u00e9e sur le NASDAQ sous le symbole IACI. \u00c0 la fin 2010, face \u00e0 une comp\u00e9tition infranchissable de Google, la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9cida d\u2019externaliser la technologie de son moteur de recherche \u00e0 un tiers non-divulgu\u00e9, afin de revenir \u00e0 ses activit\u00e9s premi\u00e8res en tant que site de questions/r\u00e9ponses. 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Celui-ci et le PS chilien se r\u00e9unirent au sein de la Concertation des partis pour la d\u00e9mocratie, une coalition de plusieurs partis politiques qui a gouvern\u00e9 le Chili du jusqu'en 2010.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q856670", "boundaries": [14, 46], "surfaceform": "coup d'\u00c9tat du 11 septembre 1973", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "1973-09-11T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [29, 46], "surfaceform": "11 septembre 1973", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q2886342", "boundaries": [84, 99], "surfaceform": "junte militaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q2704093", "boundaries": [246, 265], "surfaceform": "dictature militaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [280, 291], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1970^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [287, 291], "surfaceform": "1970", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [308, 319], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [315, 319], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1759292", "boundaries": [430, 454], "surfaceform": "Parti pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q943126", "boundaries": [509, 551], "surfaceform": "Concertation des partis pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q298", "boundaries": [616, 621], "surfaceform": "Chili", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+2010^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [634, 638], "surfaceform": "2010", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q856670", "boundaries": [14, 46], "surfaceform": "coup d'\u00c9tat du 11 septembre 1973", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2886342", "boundaries": [84, 99], "surfaceform": "junte militaire", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.97998046875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [308, 319], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q35014", "boundaries": [280, 291], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1970", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q943126", "boundaries": [509, 551], "surfaceform": "Concertation des partis pour la d\u00e9mocratie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q298", "boundaries": [616, 621], "surfaceform": "Chili", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 8, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "8645-0", "title": "Madagascar", "uri": "Q1019", "text": "Madagascar, en forme longue la r\u00e9publique de Madagascar, en malgache ; ', ou ', est un \u00c9tat insulaire situ\u00e9 dans l'Oc\u00e9an Indien et g\u00e9ographiquement rattach\u00e9 au continent africain, dont il est s\u00e9par\u00e9 par le canal du Mozambique. C\u2019est la cinqui\u00e8me plus grande \u00eele du monde apr\u00e8s l'Australie, le Groenland, la Nouvelle-Guin\u00e9e et Born\u00e9o. Longue de et large de , Madagascar couvre une superficie de . Sa capitale est Antananarivo et le pays a pour monnaie l'ariary. Ses habitants, les Malgaches, sont un peuple austron\u00e9sien parlant une langue malayo-polyn\u00e9sienne : le malgache. 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(le genre \"Sarracenia\") sont des plantes originaires du sud-est des \u00c9tats-Unis et du Canada, de la famille des Sarrac\u00e9niac\u00e9es. Ce sont des \u00ab carnivores \u00e0 pi\u00e8ges passifs \u00bb (sans mouvement m\u00e9canique). Ces pi\u00e8ges sont des feuilles modifi\u00e9es en forme d'urne et prot\u00e9g\u00e9es par une coiffe, sauf chez \"Sarracenia psittacina\" chez qui elle a disparu par soudure de ses bords. Le nom de la plante fait r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 Michel Sarrazin, chirurgien, m\u00e9decin et naturaliste en Nouvelle-France.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q161174", "boundaries": [4, 14], "surfaceform": "Sarrac\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q34740", "boundaries": [34, 39], "surfaceform": "genre", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [98, 108], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q16", "boundaries": [115, 121], "surfaceform": "Canada", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q834427", "boundaries": [141, 154], "surfaceform": "Sarrac\u00e9niac\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q18240", "boundaries": [171, 181], "surfaceform": "carnivores", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1624202", "boundaries": [324, 345], "surfaceform": "Sarracenia psittacina", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1739172", "boundaries": [434, 449], "surfaceform": "Michel Sarrazin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q170604", "boundaries": [489, 504], "surfaceform": "Nouvelle-France", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q161174", "boundaries": [4, 14], "surfaceform": "Sarrac\u00e9nie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1739172", "boundaries": [434, 449], "surfaceform": "Michel Sarrazin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.86669921875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "85375-1", "title": "Kim Jong-il", "uri": "Q10665", "text": "Kim Jong-il meurt le . 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Son jour de naissance est un jour f\u00e9ri\u00e9 en Cor\u00e9e du Nord \u00ab\u00a0f\u00eate nationale \u00e0 sa m\u00e9moire\u00a0\u00bb.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q10665", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Kim Jong-il", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q56226", "boundaries": [43, 54], "surfaceform": "Kim Jong-un", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q4220705", "boundaries": [93, 114], "surfaceform": "lign\u00e9e du mont Paektu", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q10665", "boundaries": [0, 11], "surfaceform": "Kim Jong-il", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P40", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "child", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q56226", "boundaries": [43, 54], "surfaceform": "Kim Jong-un", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "126613-0", "title": "Aldo Leopold", "uri": "Q971382", "text": "Aldo Leopold ( \u2013 ) est un forestier, \u00e9cologue et \u00e9cologiste am\u00e9ricain. 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Il a pratiqu\u00e9 la p\u00eache et la chasse tout au long de sa vie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q971382", "boundaries": [0, 12], "surfaceform": "Aldo Leopold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q3738699", "boundaries": [26, 35], "surfaceform": "forestier", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7150", "boundaries": [37, 45], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cologue", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2855609", "boundaries": [49, 59], "surfaceform": "\u00e9cologiste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [60, 69], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricain", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q875686", "boundaries": [108, 132], "surfaceform": "\u00e9thique environnementale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7860", "boundaries": [180, 196], "surfaceform": "espaces naturels", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q971382", "boundaries": [198, 210], "surfaceform": "Aldo Leopold", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q832237", "boundaries": [266, 295], "surfaceform": "protection de l'environnement", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [300, 310], "surfaceform": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q14373", "boundaries": [329, 334], "surfaceform": "p\u00eache", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q36963", "boundaries": [341, 347], "surfaceform": "chasse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q14373", "boundaries": [329, 334], "surfaceform": "p\u00eache", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36963", "boundaries": [341, 347], "surfaceform": "chasse", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.59521484375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "490-1", "title": "Burkina Faso", "uri": "Q965", "text": "La capitale Ouagadougou est situ\u00e9e au centre du pays. 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Principale cit\u00e9 du Sud essonnien, carrefour de voies de communication, elle rayonne \u00e9conomiquement et culturellement sur l\u2019ensemble des villages voisins et marque sur la route nationale 20 l\u2019entr\u00e9e sud de la r\u00e9gion \u00cele-de-France, comme auparavant du domaine royal. Sillonn\u00e9e par de nombreux cours d'eau, elle \u00e9tait parfois surnomm\u00e9e la \u00ab Petite Venise \u00bb \u00e0 cause des anciens canaux qui alimentaient les trente-deux moulins. Dans une lettre \u00e0 sa fille L\u00e9opoldine dat\u00e9e du , Victor Hugo la d\u00e9crivait ainsi : Commune au charme pr\u00e9serv\u00e9, elle a servi de d\u00e9cor \u00e0 diverses \u0153uvres cin\u00e9matographiques.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q12057022", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Ville", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [33, 42], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q353344", "boundaries": [44, 49], "surfaceform": "comt\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1509927", "boundaries": [53, 59], "surfaceform": "pairie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q154547", "boundaries": [68, 73], "surfaceform": "duch\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q617593", "boundaries": [83, 90], "surfaceform": "apanage", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1075186", "boundaries": [99, 108], "surfaceform": "favorites", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, 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g\u00e9n\u00e9ration commercialis\u00e9e par Sony Computer Entertainment, filiale de Sony. Elle est sortie le au Japon, le en Am\u00e9rique du Nord, le en Europe et le en Australie. 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en russe : , et , ; en g\u00e9orgien : , ou , ) est un territoire au statut contest\u00e9 situ\u00e9 dans le Caucase en Europe.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q23427", "boundaries": [1, 22], "surfaceform": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud-Alanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q23427", "boundaries": [56, 77], "surfaceform": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud-Alanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q33968", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "oss\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7737", "boundaries": [103, 108], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8108", "boundaries": [123, 131], "surfaceform": "g\u00e9orgien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q18869", "boundaries": [194, 201], "surfaceform": "Caucase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [205, 211], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q23427", "boundaries": [1, 22], "surfaceform": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud-Alanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q18869", "boundaries": [194, 201], "surfaceform": "Caucase", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.86279296875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q33968", "boundaries": [82, 88], "surfaceform": "oss\u00e8te", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q23427", "boundaries": [1, 22], "surfaceform": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud-Alanie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.73486328125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "114932-1", "title": "Oss\u00e9tie du Sud-Alanie", "uri": "Q23427", "text": "L'Oss\u00e9tie du Sud a fait s\u00e9cession de la G\u00e9orgie en 1992 et s'est proclam\u00e9e r\u00e9publique ind\u00e9pendante. 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Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 la capitale historique de plusieurs empires indiens. Delhi est notamment rattach\u00e9e \u00e0 l'Empire moghol en 1526 apr\u00e8s la victoire du prince Babur face au dernier sultan de Delhi. Les Moghols \u00e9tablissent leur capitale dans la partie de la ville maintenant connue comme le Old Delhi (vieux Delhi). Elle reste capitale jusqu'en 1707 et la d\u00e9faite des Moghols face aux Marathas. Au d\u00e9but du , pendant la colonisation britannique, le gouvernement britannique d\u00e9cide de d\u00e9placer la capitale de Calcutta, jug\u00e9e trop excentr\u00e9e, vers la ville de Delhi : New Delhi est ainsi construite au sud de la vieille ville et devient la capitale de l'Empire britannique des Indes en 1911. En 1947, l'Inde ind\u00e9pendante confirme New Delhi comme capitale du nouveau pays : New Delhi, situ\u00e9 au sein du territoire de la Capitale nationale, accueille les institutions du gouvernement central de la R\u00e9publique d'Inde, y compris le Parlement.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1353", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "Delhi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q132726", "boundaries": [45, 51], "surfaceform": "Yamuna", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5089", "boundaries": [162, 167], "surfaceform": "Gange", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1353", "boundaries": [233, 238], "surfaceform": "Delhi", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q33296", "boundaries": [267, 280], "surfaceform": "Empire moghol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6325", "boundaries": [284, 288], "surfaceform": "1526", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1526^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [284, 288], "surfaceform": 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Son centre historique a \u00e9t\u00e9 partiellement d\u00e9truit lors des bombardements de mai 1944. Depuis sa fusion avec deux communes rurales et la cr\u00e9ation de nouveaux quartiers et zones industrielles dans les ann\u00e9es 1950 et 1960, Chamb\u00e9ry conna\u00eet un fort accroissement d\u00e9mographique. La pr\u00e9sence de l'universit\u00e9 Savoie-Mont-Blanc, implant\u00e9e en 1979, a \u00e9galement apport\u00e9 \u00e0 Chamb\u00e9ry une importante population universitaire.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q202398", "boundaries": [16, 33], "surfaceform": "industrialisation", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q159810", "boundaries": [45, 53], "surfaceform": "\u00e9conomie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q31728", "boundaries": [105, 120], "surfaceform": "administrations", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q8473", "boundaries": [129, 134], "surfaceform": "arm\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q676050", "boundaries": [140, 157], "surfaceform": "centre historique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2909614", "boundaries": [195, 220], "surfaceform": "bombardements de mai 1944", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "1944-05-01T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [212, 220], "surfaceform": "mai 1944", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q36297", "boundaries": [335, 346], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1950", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1950^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [342, 346], "surfaceform": "1950", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q35724", "boundaries": [350, 354], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1960^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [350, 354], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q165090", "boundaries": [356, 364], "surfaceform": "Chamb\u00e9ry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q386191", "boundaries": [381, 408], "surfaceform": "accroissement d\u00e9mographique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2496158", "boundaries": [427, 455], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 Savoie-Mont-Blanc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2484", "boundaries": [470, 474], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1979^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [470, 474], "surfaceform": "1979", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q165090", "boundaries": [498, 506], "surfaceform": "Chamb\u00e9ry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q35724", "boundaries": [350, 354], "surfaceform": "1960", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P155", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "follows", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q36297", "boundaries": [335, 346], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1950", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.46240234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2496158", "boundaries": [427, 455], "surfaceform": "universit\u00e9 Savoie-Mont-Blanc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q165090", "boundaries": [356, 364], "surfaceform": "Chamb\u00e9ry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98583984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "72718-0", "title": "Columbia Pictures", "uri": "Q186941", "text": "Columbia Pictures est une entreprise am\u00e9ricaine et l'une des plus grandes soci\u00e9t\u00e9s de production cin\u00e9matographique. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1924, avant de devenir dans les ann\u00e9es 1980 une filiale de Coca-Cola puis de Sony Pictures Entertainment. Son si\u00e8ge social se situe \u00e0 Culver City, en Californie.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q186941", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Columbia Pictures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6881511", "boundaries": [74, 81], "surfaceform": "soci\u00e9t\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q3282637", "boundaries": [86, 96], "surfaceform": "production", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q590870", "boundaries": [97, 103], "surfaceform": "cin\u00e9ma", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q2173", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "1924", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1924^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [136, 140], "surfaceform": "1924", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q34644", "boundaries": [168, 179], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1980", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1980^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [175, 179], "surfaceform": "1980", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3295867", "boundaries": [195, 204], "surfaceform": "Coca-Cola", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q822314", "boundaries": [213, 240], "surfaceform": "Sony Pictures Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q493378", "boundaries": [270, 281], "surfaceform": "Culver City", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q99", "boundaries": [286, 296], "surfaceform": "Californie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q186941", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Columbia Pictures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q822314", "boundaries": [213, 240], "surfaceform": "Sony Pictures Entertainment", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.3720703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q186941", "boundaries": [0, 17], "surfaceform": "Columbia Pictures", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q493378", "boundaries": [270, 281], "surfaceform": "Culver City", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "73792-1", "title": "Minotaure", "uri": "Q129866", "text": "N\u00e9 des amours de Pasipha\u00e9 (\u00e9pouse du roi Minos) et d'un taureau blanc envoy\u00e9 par Pos\u00e9idon, il est enferm\u00e9 par Minos dans le labyrinthe. 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Sa ligne \u00e9ditoriale est conservatrice.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q211374", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "New York Post", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q11032", "boundaries": [82, 90], "surfaceform": "journaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [91, 101], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6877", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "1801", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1801^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [148, 152], "surfaceform": "1801", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q178903", "boundaries": [157, 175], "surfaceform": "Alexander Hamilton", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q7169", "boundaries": [241, 254], "surfaceform": "conservatrice", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q211374", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "New York Post", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q30", "boundaries": [91, 101], "surfaceform": "am\u00e9ricains", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.96533203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q211374", "boundaries": [3, 16], "surfaceform": "New York Post", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P112", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "founded by", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q178903", "boundaries": [157, 175], "surfaceform": "Alexander Hamilton", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9951171875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "463953-0", "title": "Tom Tomsk", "uri": "Q329510", "text": "Le Futbolny klub Tom, plus couramment appel\u00e9 Tom Tomsk (en ), est un club de football russe bas\u00e9 \u00e0 Tomsk.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q329510", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "Tom Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [77, 85], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [86, 91], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q976", "boundaries": [99, 104], "surfaceform": "Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q329510", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "Tom Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2736", "boundaries": [77, 85], "surfaceform": "football", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q329510", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "Tom Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [86, 91], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q329510", "boundaries": [45, 54], "surfaceform": "Tom Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q976", "boundaries": [99, 104], "surfaceform": "Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9970703125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q976", "boundaries": [99, 104], "surfaceform": "Tomsk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q159", "boundaries": [86, 91], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "637590-0", "title": "Front Farabundo Mart\u00ed de lib\u00e9ration nationale", "uri": "Q648924", "text": "Le Front Farabundo Mart\u00ed de lib\u00e9ration nationale (, abr\u00e9g\u00e9 en \"FMLN\") est un mouvement politique salvadorien. 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Mauricio Funes, le candidat du , gagne l'\u00e9lection pr\u00e9sidentielle en 2009.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q648924", "boundaries": [3, 48], "surfaceform": "Front Farabundo Mart\u00ed de lib\u00e9ration nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q792", "boundaries": [97, 108], "surfaceform": "salvadorien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "1980-10-10T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "10 octobre 1980", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, {"uri": "Q80895", "boundaries": [182, 190], "surfaceform": "gu\u00e9rilla", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7264", "boundaries": [191, 200], "surfaceform": "marxistes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1992^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [265, 269], "surfaceform": "1992", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q2740101", "boundaries": [288, 318], "surfaceform": "accords de paix de Chapultepec", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q57342", "boundaries": [320, 334], "surfaceform": "Mauricio Funes", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q878151", "boundaries": [361, 384], "surfaceform": "\u00e9lection pr\u00e9sidentielle", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "+2009^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [388, 392], "surfaceform": "2009", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q648924", "boundaries": [3, 48], "surfaceform": "Front Farabundo Mart\u00ed de lib\u00e9ration nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P17", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "country", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q792", "boundaries": [97, 108], "surfaceform": "salvadorien", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99755859375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q648924", "boundaries": [3, 48], "surfaceform": "Front Farabundo Mart\u00ed de lib\u00e9ration nationale", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P571", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "inception", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "1980-10-10T00:00:00Z^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "boundaries": [119, 134], "surfaceform": "10 octobre 1980", "annotator": "Date_Linker", "type": "DATE"}, "sentence_id": 1, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9833984375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "876264-0", "title": "Arg-\u00e9 Bam", "uri": "Q43277", "text": "L\u2019Arg-\u00e9 Bam (en / \"Arg-e Bam\", la \u00ab citadelle de Bam \u00bb) est le plus grand ensemble construit en adobe du monde, situ\u00e9 \u00e0 Bam, une ville de la province de Kerman dans le sud-est de l'Iran. 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Cette ville fut jadis la r\u00e9sidence et le lieu de s\u00e9pulture des rois d'\u00c9cosse. Elle fut d\u00e9vast\u00e9e par un grand incendie en 1604, puis par la peste en 1615 et en 1651.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q216787", "boundaries": [0, 5], "surfaceform": "David", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q19428", "boundaries": [17, 21], "surfaceform": "1070", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1070^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [17, 21], "surfaceform": "1070", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q211950", "boundaries": [24, 35], "surfaceform": "Dunfermline", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2044924", "boundaries": [40, 61], "surfaceform": "abbaye de b\u00e9n\u00e9dictins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q6738", "boundaries": [184, 188], "surfaceform": "1604", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1604^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [184, 188], "surfaceform": "1604", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q133780", "boundaries": [202, 207], "surfaceform": "peste", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6784", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "1615", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1615^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [211, 215], "surfaceform": "1615", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q6956", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "1651", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1651^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [222, 226], "surfaceform": "1651", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q2044924", "boundaries": [40, 61], "surfaceform": "abbaye de b\u00e9n\u00e9dictins", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q211950", "boundaries": [24, 35], "surfaceform": "Dunfermline", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99658203125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "686284-1", "title": "Grand t\u00e9lescope d'Afrique australe", "uri": "Q833639", "text": "Le SALT est un cousin am\u00e9lior\u00e9 du T\u00e9lescope Hobby-Eberly. Il a donc la particularit\u00e9 d'utiliser 91 miroirs hexagonaux d'un m\u00e8tre, constituant ainsi un miroir primaire de pour d\u2019ouverture effective. Le miroir primaire est fixe, et le pointage en azimut se fait en orientant toute la structure du t\u00e9lescope. C'est la position du miroir secondaire, lui mobile -- autre particularit\u00e9 -- qui permet de suivre un objet dans le ciel pendant le temps d'exposition. SALT est pour l'instant \u00e9quip\u00e9 de deux spectrographes et d'une cam\u00e9ra CCD (appel\u00e9 Salticam), et qui vient d'acqu\u00e9rir ses premi\u00e8res images. 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Depuis 2001, Fendi appartient \u00e0 la division \u00ab\u00a0Mode & Maroquinerie\u00a0\u00bb du groupe fran\u00e7ais LVMH. Son si\u00e8ge social se trouve \u00e0 Rome, dans le Palais de la civilisation italienne. 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Apr\u00e8s la dissolution de la Stasi en 1990 et les r\u00e9v\u00e9lations concernant ses m\u00e9thodes de travail, la HVA devient l\u2019objet de recherches intensives (depuis 1991, sous la responsabilit\u00e9 du Commissaire f\u00e9d\u00e9ral charg\u00e9 des archives de la Stasi) et suscite un grand int\u00e9r\u00eat public. 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Ancienne r\u00e9sidence des comtes d'Abensberg, on peut encore y trouver des restes de l'Abusina ou Arusena des Romains. Napol\u00e9on y battit les Autrichiens le \u00e0 la bataille du m\u00eame nom.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q255698", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Abensberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q980", "boundaries": [27, 34], "surfaceform": "Bavi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2978", "boundaries": [53, 63], "surfaceform": "Ratisbonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q319052", "boundaries": [79, 84], "surfaceform": "Abens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1653", "boundaries": [110, 116], "surfaceform": "Danube", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q255698", "boundaries": [150, 159], "surfaceform": "Abensberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q517", "boundaries": [234, 242], "surfaceform": "Napol\u00e9on", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q479979", "boundaries": [276, 296], "surfaceform": "bataille du m\u00eame nom", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q255698", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Abensberg", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q319052", "boundaries": [79, 84], "surfaceform": "Abens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99853515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2978", "boundaries": [53, 63], "surfaceform": "Ratisbonne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1653", "boundaries": [110, 116], "surfaceform": "Danube", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.5947265625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q319052", "boundaries": [79, 84], "surfaceform": "Abens", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q980", "boundaries": [27, 34], "surfaceform": "Bavi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "404731-2", "title": "Boeing 707", "uri": "Q6394", "text": "Le 707 est d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 \u00e0 partir du Boeing 367-80, un prototype \u00e0 r\u00e9action qui vole pour la premi\u00e8re fois en 1954. Un \u00e9largissement du fuselage et d'autres modifications conduisent au 707-120 initial de production, motoris\u00e9 par des turbor\u00e9acteurs Pratt & Whitney JT3C, qui r\u00e9alise son premier vol le 20 d\u00e9cembre 1957. Pan American World Airways met le 707 en service r\u00e9gulier le . Les d\u00e9riv\u00e9s ult\u00e9rieurs dont le 707-138 plus court, long-courrier, et le 707-320 allong\u00e9, entrent en service en 1959. Une version plus petite, court-courrier, le 720, est introduite en 1960. Le 707-420, une version du 707 allong\u00e9 disposant de turbor\u00e9acteurs \u00e0 double flux Rolls-Royce \"Conway\" 508, fait ses d\u00e9buts en 1960 tandis que les Pratt & Whitney JT3D \u00e0 double flux sont introduits sur les 707-120B et 707-320B, respectivement en 1961 et 1962.", "entities": [{"uri": "+707^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [3, 6], "surfaceform": "707", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q890163", "boundaries": [33, 46], "surfaceform": "Boeing 367-80", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+367^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [40, 43], "surfaceform": "367", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "-80^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [43, 46], "surfaceform": "-80", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q207977", "boundaries": [51, 60], "surfaceform": "prototype", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q944549", 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Frito-Lay (une filiale du groupe PepsiCo). Les Doritos sont des triangles de ma\u00efs frits et aromatis\u00e9s, une recette qui s'inspire des inspirant des mexicains. Doritos propose plus d'une centaine de saveurs diff\u00e9rentes. Au Canada, on parle de \u00ab\u00a0Doritos\u00a0\u00bb pour d\u00e9signer les tortillas au fromage d'une fa\u00e7on g\u00e9n\u00e9rale. 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La principaut\u00e9 devint Royaume de Serbie en 1882. Apr\u00e8s la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, se constitua progressivement un rassemblement de tous les Slaves du sud autour de la monarchie serbe : le royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slov\u00e8nes fut proclam\u00e9 en 1918 et il prit le nom de royaume de Yougoslavie en 1929. Apr\u00e8s la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Serbie devint une unit\u00e9 f\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9e au sein de la r\u00e9publique f\u00e9d\u00e9rative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Les ann\u00e9es 1990 sont marqu\u00e9es par la dissolution progressive de la Yougoslavie. 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ma\u00eetresses de la propagande du Troisi\u00e8me Reich. 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l\u2019Association internationale de d\u00e9veloppement (\"IDA\" en anglais) - cr\u00e9\u00e9es pour lutter contre la pauvret\u00e9 en apportant des aides, des financements et des conseils aux \u00c9tats en difficult\u00e9. 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Historiquement, il fut le premier syst\u00e8me de fichiers journalis\u00e9 \u00e0 \u00eatre int\u00e9gr\u00e9 en standard dans le noyau Linux (\u00e0 la version 2.4.1).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q687074", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "ReiserFS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q174989", "boundaries": [25, 44], "surfaceform": "syst\u00e8me de fichiers", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q92652", "boundaries": [68, 79], "surfaceform": "Hans Reiser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q388", "boundaries": [115, 124], "surfaceform": "GNU/Linux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q579047", "boundaries": [180, 190], "surfaceform": "journalis\u00e9", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q388", "boundaries": [232, 237], "surfaceform": "Linux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+2.4^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [252, 255], "surfaceform": "2.4", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [256, 257], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q687074", "boundaries": [0, 8], "surfaceform": "ReiserFS", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P138", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "named after", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q92652", "boundaries": [68, 79], "surfaceform": "Hans Reiser", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.89697265625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "17798-1", "title": "Shanghai", "uri": "Q8686", "text": "L'autre caract\u00e9ristique de Shanghai est sa place majeure dans l'\u00e9conomie mondiale. 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Commedia\" //), est un po\u00e8me de Dante Alighieri \u00e9crit en \"tercets encha\u00een\u00e9s\" d'hend\u00e9casyllabes en langue vulgaire florentine. Compos\u00e9e, selon la critique, entre 1303 et 1321, la \"Commedia\" est l'\u0153uvre de Dante la plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bre et l'un des plus importants t\u00e9moignages de la civilisation m\u00e9di\u00e9vale. 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La ville s'est rapidement transform\u00e9e en m\u00e9tropole lors de la ru\u00e9e vers l'or au Victoria dans les ann\u00e9es 1850, \"Melbourne la merveilleuse\" est devenue la plus grande ville d'Australie en 1865, mais a \u00e9t\u00e9 rattrap\u00e9e et d\u00e9pass\u00e9e par Sydney au d\u00e9but du . Melbourne a servi de si\u00e8ge f\u00e9d\u00e9ral au gouvernement, au d\u00e9but de la cr\u00e9ation de la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration en 1901, jusqu'\u00e0 ce que le parlement f\u00e9d\u00e9ral se d\u00e9place dans la ville nouvelle de Canberra en 1927, marquant la fin d'une p\u00e9riode o\u00f9 l'Australie n'avait pas de capitale.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q3141", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Melbourne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7597", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1835", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1835^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [48, 52], "surfaceform": "1835", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q695081", "boundaries": [192, 197], "surfaceform": "Yarra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q40927", "boundaries": [297, 308], "surfaceform": "ann\u00e9es 1850", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1850^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [304, 308], "surfaceform": "1850", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3141", "boundaries": [311, 320], "surfaceform": "Melbourne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7708", "boundaries": [386, 390], "surfaceform": "1865", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1865^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [386, 390], "surfaceform": "1865", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3141", "boundaries": [450, 459], "surfaceform": "Melbourne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q3310872", "boundaries": [532, 542], "surfaceform": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2035", "boundaries": [546, 550], "surfaceform": "1901", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1901^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [546, 550], "surfaceform": "1901", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3114", "boundaries": [625, 633], "surfaceform": "Canberra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q18110", "boundaries": [637, 641], "surfaceform": "1927", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1927^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [637, 641], "surfaceform": "1927", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q3141", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "Melbourne", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q695081", "boundaries": [192, 197], "surfaceform": "Yarra", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 10, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.978515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "628389-2", "title": "Kalmar", "uri": "Q26345", "text": "Son patrimoine principal est le ch\u00e2teau de Kalmar, dont la tour carr\u00e9e date du d\u00e9but du . 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Le Kalmar FF, son club de football, a gagn\u00e9 la coupe de Su\u00e8de en 2007 et le championnat de Su\u00e8de en 2008.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q648226", "boundaries": [32, 49], "surfaceform": "ch\u00e2teau de Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q26345", "boundaries": [43, 49], "surfaceform": "Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q840829", "boundaries": [118, 125], "surfaceform": "baroque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1236665", "boundaries": [150, 170], "surfaceform": "cath\u00e9drale de Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q26345", "boundaries": [164, 170], "surfaceform": "Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q644157", "boundaries": [202, 211], "surfaceform": "Kalmar FF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "+2007^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [264, 268], "surfaceform": "2007", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q202243", "boundaries": [275, 295], "surfaceform": "championnat de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, {"uri": "+2008^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [299, 303], "surfaceform": "2008", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q648226", "boundaries": [32, 49], "surfaceform": "ch\u00e2teau de Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q26345", "boundaries": [43, 49], "surfaceform": "Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 3, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.87841796875, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q1236665", "boundaries": [150, 170], "surfaceform": "cath\u00e9drale de Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q26345", "boundaries": [43, 49], "surfaceform": "Kalmar", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.8828125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q644157", "boundaries": [202, 211], "surfaceform": "Kalmar FF", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P118", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "league", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q202243", "boundaries": [275, 295], "surfaceform": "championnat de Su\u00e8de", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "sentence_id": 5, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.994140625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "386571-0", "title": "FL Studio", "uri": "Q740562", "text": "FL Studio (initialement , ) est un logiciel de production de musique cr\u00e9\u00e9 en 1997 par Didier Dambrin pour la firme belge Image-Line.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q740562", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "FL Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q1060750", "boundaries": [35, 68], "surfaceform": "logiciel de production de musique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1997^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [77, 81], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q3148866", "boundaries": [121, 131], "surfaceform": "Image-Line", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q740562", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "FL Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P31", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "instance of", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q1060750", "boundaries": [35, 68], "surfaceform": "logiciel de production de musique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.68408203125, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q740562", "boundaries": [0, 9], "surfaceform": "FL Studio", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q3148866", "boundaries": [121, 131], "surfaceform": "Image-Line", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "10526068-0", "title": "Le Ch\u00e2teau blanc", "uri": "Q2559737", "text": "Le Ch\u00e2teau blanc (en turc \"Beyaz Kale\") est un roman d'Orhan Pamuk publi\u00e9 \u00e0 Istanbul, aux \u00e9ditions \u0130leti\u015fim Yay\u0131nlar\u0131, en 1985. Le roman prend l'allure d'une fiction historique sous le r\u00e8gne du sultan Mehmed IV (1648-1687) et met en sc\u00e8ne la relation entre un esclave v\u00e9nitien et un intellectuel turc.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q2559737", "boundaries": [0, 16], "surfaceform": "Le Ch\u00e2teau blanc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q256", "boundaries": [21, 25], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q241248", "boundaries": [55, 66], "surfaceform": "Orhan Pamuk", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q406", "boundaries": [76, 84], "surfaceform": "Istanbul", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2431", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1985^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [122, 126], "surfaceform": "1985", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q170514", "boundaries": [201, 210], "surfaceform": "Mehmed IV", "annotator": "Me", "type": 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Sa plate-forme de correspondance principale est situ\u00e9e sur l'a\u00e9roport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle avec lequel elle entretient de nombreux accords d'exploitation. L'a\u00e9roport de Paris-Orly est la deuxi\u00e8me plateforme de la compagnie qui l'utilise essentiellement pour les vols \u00e0 destination des territoires d'outre-mer et pour les vols r\u00e9gionaux. La compagnie fait partie du groupe privatis\u00e9 Air France-KLM et est \u00e9galement membre fondateur de l'alliance Skyteam. 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La classification du m\u00e9galodon a fait l'objet de nombreux changements : il \u00e9tait initialement consid\u00e9r\u00e9 par certains comme appartenant \u00e0 la famille des Lamnid\u00e9s, et comme \u00e9tant proche du grand requin blanc (\"Carcharodon carcharias\"), quand d'autres le rattachaient \u00e0 la famille \u00e9teinte des Otodontid\u00e9s. C'est cette derni\u00e8re th\u00e9orie qui semble pr\u00e9valoir de nos jours, bien que des divergences subsistent en ce qui concerne son genre (\"Carcharocles\", \"Megaselachus\", \"Otodus\" ou encore \"Procarcharodon\"). 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vers la fin du par l'ouverture du canal du Midi, Agde tira longtemps l'essentiel de ses revenus du commerce maritime et de la p\u00eache. La ville a subi le d\u00e9clin de son port sur l'H\u00e9rault, \u00e0 cinq kilom\u00e8tres de la mer, surclass\u00e9 par celui de S\u00e8te d\u00e8s l'arriv\u00e9e des navires \u00e0 vapeur. Au d\u00e9but du , la commune vivait principalement de la p\u00eache et de l'agriculture (viticulture). Elle conna\u00eet une nouvelle phase de d\u00e9veloppement depuis la construction, dans les ann\u00e9es 1970-1980, de la station baln\u00e9aire du Cap d'Agde, dans le cadre de l'am\u00e9nagement touristique du littoral du Languedoc-Roussillon. Elle est devenue l'un des principaux ports de plaisance de la M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e, la premi\u00e8re station touristique d'Europe par sa capacit\u00e9 d'h\u00e9bergement, et b\u00e9n\u00e9ficie d'une renomm\u00e9e internationale, en partie due \u00e0 son quartier naturiste. 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Le lieu, occup\u00e9 depuis le , partiellement abandonn\u00e9 \u00e0 la fin de l'\u00e2ge du bronze, fut par la suite l'emplacement d'une cit\u00e9 grecque de l'\u00e9poque classique, puis hell\u00e9nistique et romaine.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q6514", "boundaries": [67, 77], "surfaceform": "Hellespont", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q34575", "boundaries": [94, 102], "surfaceform": "mer \u00c9g\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2454671", "boundaries": [169, 175], "surfaceform": "Troade", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q22647", "boundaries": [189, 194], "surfaceform": "Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2261221", "boundaries": [228, 255], "surfaceform": "site arch\u00e9ologique de Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q22647", "boundaries": [250, 255], "surfaceform": "Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q256", "boundaries": [272, 276], "surfaceform": "turc", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q148837", "boundaries": [400, 412], "surfaceform": "cit\u00e9 grecque", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q843745", "boundaries": [418, 434], "surfaceform": "\u00e9poque classique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q22647", "boundaries": [189, 194], "surfaceform": "Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q2261221", "boundaries": [228, 255], "surfaceform": "site arch\u00e9ologique de Troie", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 9, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.93603515625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "19250-1", "title": "Schaerbeek", "uri": "Q12887", "text": "Schaerbeek est compos\u00e9e, surtout en sa partie nord et nord-ouest, de nombreux quartiers souvent populaires et cosmopolites. 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La cit\u00e9 devient un grand centre de p\u00e8lerinage durant le Moyen \u00c2ge, ce qui inspira les \"Contes de Canterbury\" de Geoffrey Chaucer.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1839414", "boundaries": [18, 29], "surfaceform": "archev\u00eaques", "annotator": "Me", "type": "UNK"}, {"uri": "Q51621", "boundaries": [35, 44], "surfaceform": "canonis\u00e9s", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q1274084", "boundaries": [55, 75], "surfaceform": "Adrien de Cantorb\u00e9ry", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q332130", "boundaries": [126, 133], "surfaceform": "Dunstan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q1262465", "boundaries": [135, 142], "surfaceform": "Alph\u00e8ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q43939", "boundaries": [144, 151], "surfaceform": "Anselme", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q192236", "boundaries": [155, 168], "surfaceform": "Thomas Becket", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "Q12554", "boundaries": [226, 235], "surfaceform": "Moyen \u00c2ge", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "Q191663", "boundaries": [257, 277], "surfaceform": "Contes de Canterbury", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q29303", "boundaries": [267, 277], "surfaceform": "Canterbury", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q5683", "boundaries": [282, 298], "surfaceform": "Geoffrey Chaucer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q191663", "boundaries": [257, 277], "surfaceform": "Contes de Canterbury", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P50", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "author", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5683", "boundaries": [282, 298], "surfaceform": "Geoffrey Chaucer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9990234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q5683", "boundaries": [282, 298], "surfaceform": "Geoffrey Chaucer", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P800", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "notable work", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q191663", "boundaries": [257, 277], "surfaceform": "Contes de Canterbury", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 7, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.958984375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "12578-1", "title": "Schwerin", "uri": "Q1709", "text": "La ville a pris naissance autour de son ch\u00e2teau, qui jusqu'en 1918 \u00e9tait la r\u00e9sidence princi\u00e8re des ducs et grands-ducs de Mecklembourg, et est depuis 1990 le si\u00e8ge du parlement r\u00e9gional. Au fil du temps, Schwerin s'est d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e le long des rives ouest et sud du lac de Schwerin, jusqu'\u00e0 enserrer douze lacs \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur du p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre communal.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q573656", "boundaries": [36, 47], "surfaceform": "son ch\u00e2teau", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "+1918^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [62, 66], "surfaceform": "1918", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q16560", "boundaries": [76, 95], "surfaceform": "r\u00e9sidence princi\u00e8re", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1990^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [151, 155], "surfaceform": "1990", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1709", "boundaries": [205, 213], "surfaceform": "Schwerin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q311217", "boundaries": [265, 280], "surfaceform": "lac de Schwerin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1709", "boundaries": [272, 280], "surfaceform": "Schwerin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1709", "boundaries": [205, 213], "surfaceform": "Schwerin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P206", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "located in or next to body of water", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q311217", "boundaries": [265, 280], "surfaceform": "lac de Schwerin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99072265625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "71106-2", "title": "FC Schalke 04", "uri": "Q32494", "text": "La \"Knappenschmiede\", nom donn\u00e9 au centre de formation du club ou aux joueurs qui y sont issus, est l'un des plus performants en Allemagne et en Europe. 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La population de la municipalit\u00e9 de S\u00e9bastopol s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 en 2016.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q7525", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9bastopol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7737", "boundaries": [15, 20], "surfaceform": "russe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q7835", "boundaries": [105, 111], "surfaceform": "Crim\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q36450", "boundaries": [156, 168], "surfaceform": "Catherine II", "annotator": "Me", "type": "PER"}, {"uri": "Q44782", "boundaries": [231, 235], "surfaceform": "port", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q748363", "boundaries": [296, 305], "surfaceform": "Balaklava", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q7525", "boundaries": [343, 353], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9bastopol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q25245", "boundaries": [367, 371], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2016^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [367, 371], "surfaceform": "2016", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q7525", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9bastopol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7835", "boundaries": [105, 111], "surfaceform": "Crim\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9931640625, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q7835", "boundaries": [105, 111], "surfaceform": "Crim\u00e9e", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P276", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "location", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q7525", "boundaries": [0, 10], "surfaceform": "S\u00e9bastopol", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99365234375, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "104881-1", "title": "Provinces-Unies", "uri": "Q170072", "text": "D'autres d\u00e9nominations ont \u00e9t\u00e9 utilis\u00e9es : r\u00e9publique des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas (', en latin : ' ou \"\"), ou Pays-Bas septentrionaux, Pays-Bas du Nord, par opposition aux Pays-Bas m\u00e9ridionaux, les provinces rest\u00e9es sous la domination espagnole \u00e0 la fin de la guerre de Quatre-Vingts Ans.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q170072", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "Provinces-Unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q397", "boundaries": [94, 99], "surfaceform": "latin", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q6581823", "boundaries": [177, 197], "surfaceform": "Pays-Bas m\u00e9ridionaux", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q164432", "boundaries": [265, 292], "surfaceform": "guerre de Quatre-Vingts Ans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q164432", "boundaries": [265, 292], "surfaceform": "guerre de Quatre-Vingts Ans", "annotator": "Me", "type": "EVE"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P710", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "participant", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q170072", "boundaries": [58, 73], "surfaceform": "Provinces-Unies", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.9482421875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 2, "answer_false": 1}]} {"docid": "104956-1", "title": "Dr. Dre", "uri": "Q6078", "text": "Dr. Dre a largement contribu\u00e9 \u00e0 populariser le gangsta rap, sa ville natale Compton et la culture hip-hop californienne en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral. 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Il est mentionn\u00e9 dans l\u2019\"Edda po\u00e9tique\", s\u00e9rie de textes compil\u00e9s au \u00e0 partir de sources plus anciennes, et dans l\u2019\"Edda en prose\", r\u00e9dig\u00e9e par Snorri Sturluson. Selon ces deux sources, Sleipnir est le fils du dieu Loki et d'un puissant \u00e9talon, Sva\u00f0ilfari. D\u00e9crit comme le plus rapide et , il devient la monture d'Odin qui le chevauche jusque dans la r\u00e9gion de Hel ; toutefois, le dieu s'en sert surtout pour traverser le pont Bifr\u00f6st afin de se rendre \u00e0 la troisi\u00e8me racine d'Yggdrasil, o\u00f9 se tient le conseil des dieux. 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Entre 911 et 1204, elle fut la capitale du duch\u00e9 de Normandie. Terre de pouvoirs, elle accueillit l'\u00c9chiquier puis le Parlement de Normandie. \u00c0 partir du , la ville conna\u00eet un essor \u00e9conomique remarquable, notamment gr\u00e2ce au d\u00e9veloppement des manufactures de textile et au commerce fluvial. Revendiqu\u00e9e aussi bien par les Fran\u00e7ais que par les Anglais durant la guerre de Cent Ans, c'est sur son sol que Jeanne d'Arc a \u00e9t\u00e9 provisoirement incarc\u00e9r\u00e9e, jug\u00e9e puis br\u00fbl\u00e9e vive le . Tr\u00e8s endommag\u00e9e par la vague de bombardements de 1944, elle a retrouv\u00e9 son dynamisme \u00e9conomique dans l'apr\u00e8s-guerre gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ses sites industriels et \u00e0 son grand port maritime, qui est de nos jours le cinqui\u00e8me port fran\u00e7ais. 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Android One est d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par Google en collaboration \u00e9troite avec certains constructeurs, notamment HMD Global pour les smartphones Nokia, Xiaomi, Motorola Mobility et HTC. Con\u00e7us pour \u00eatre en permanence dot\u00e9s de la derni\u00e8re technologie Android, les syst\u00e8mes d'exploitation des smartphones Android One ne sont pas modifi\u00e9s par les soci\u00e9t\u00e9s qui les fabriquent qui se concentrent sur la partie hardware. 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Les Nubiens ont une histoire ancienne, ant\u00e9rieure \u00e0 l\u2019\u00c9gypte dynastique. Ils parlent les langues nubiennes, qui appartiennent \u00e0 la famille des langues nilo-sahariennes. 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Les genres \"Arch\u00e9othyris\" et \"Clepsydrops\" \u00e9taient parmi les premiers ophiacodontid\u00e9s apparus au cours du Carbonif\u00e8re sup\u00e9rieur. Les ophiacodontid\u00e9s sont parmi les synapsides les plus basaux, une branche de la lign\u00e9e qui comprend les th\u00e9rapsides et leurs descendants, les mammif\u00e8res. 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Depuis, les mod\u00e8les sont con\u00e7us en commun par les ing\u00e9nieries cor\u00e9ennes et fran\u00e7aises, et sont vendus sous les deux marques (Samsung en Cor\u00e9e et au Chili ou Renault dans les autres pays).", "entities": [{"uri": "Q20165", "boundaries": [32, 38], "surfaceform": "Nissan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q6686", "boundaries": [95, 102], "surfaceform": "Renault", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q185313", "boundaries": [107, 110], "surfaceform": "SM5", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, {"uri": "+5^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [109, 110], "surfaceform": "5", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1987", "boundaries": [147, 151], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2002^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [147, 151], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q377287", "boundaries": [183, 196], "surfaceform": "Nissan Maxima", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q20165", "boundaries": [32, 38], "surfaceform": "Nissan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P127", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "owned by", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q6686", "boundaries": [95, 102], "surfaceform": "Renault", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.970703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q377287", "boundaries": [183, 196], "surfaceform": "Nissan Maxima", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MISC"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P176", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "manufacturer", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q20165", "boundaries": [32, 38], "surfaceform": "Nissan", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "sentence_id": 2, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.48095703125, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "4279437-2", "title": "Rossiya 1", "uri": "Q211511", "text": "Elle dispose depuis 2002 d'une version internationale baptis\u00e9e RTR Planeta (RTR \u00e9tant l'ancien nom de Rossiya 1) \u00e9mettant en Europe et en Am\u00e9rique du Nord.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1987", "boundaries": [20, 24], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+2002^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [20, 24], "surfaceform": "2002", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q1490835", "boundaries": [63, 74], "surfaceform": "RTR Planeta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q211511", "boundaries": [102, 111], "surfaceform": "Rossiya 1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "+1^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [110, 111], "surfaceform": "1", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q46", "boundaries": [125, 131], "surfaceform": "Europe", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q49", "boundaries": [138, 154], "surfaceform": "Am\u00e9rique du Nord", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1490835", "boundaries": [63, 74], "surfaceform": "RTR Planeta", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P1365", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "replaces", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q211511", "boundaries": [102, 111], "surfaceform": "Rossiya 1", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 4, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98193359375, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "956937-0", "title": "Sparks de Los Angeles", "uri": "Q1329633", "text": "Les Sparks de Los Angeles (en , \u00ab les \u00c9tincelles de Los Angeles \u00bb) sont une franchise de basket-ball f\u00e9minin de la ville de Los Angeles, membre de la WNBA. Les \"Los Angeles Sparks\" font partie des huit \u00e9quipes originelle de la WNBA, datant de la cr\u00e9ation de cette \"NBA\" f\u00e9minine en 1997. La franchise est li\u00e9e \u00e0 celle des Lakers de Los Angeles.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q1329633", "boundaries": [4, 25], "surfaceform": "Sparks de Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [89, 100], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, {"uri": "Q65", "boundaries": [124, 135], "surfaceform": "Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q2593221", "boundaries": [150, 154], "surfaceform": "WNBA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, {"uri": "Q155223", "boundaries": [265, 268], "surfaceform": "NBA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, {"uri": "Q2088", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Me", "type": "TIME"}, {"uri": "+1997^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal", "boundaries": [282, 286], "surfaceform": "1997", "annotator": "Value_Linker", "type": "NUMBER"}, {"uri": "Q121783", "boundaries": [322, 343], "surfaceform": "Lakers de Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}], "lan": "fr", "relations": [{"subject": {"uri": "Q1329633", "boundaries": [4, 25], "surfaceform": "Sparks de Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "ORG"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P159", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "headquarters location", "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q65", "boundaries": [124, 135], "surfaceform": "Los Angeles", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.98388671875, "annotator": "NoSubject-Triple-aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}, {"subject": {"uri": "Q2593221", "boundaries": [150, 154], "surfaceform": "WNBA", "annotator": "Me", "type": "MEDIA"}, "predicate": {"uri": "P641", "boundaries": null, "surfaceform": "sport", "annotator": "Simple-Aligner"}, "object": {"uri": "Q5372", "boundaries": [89, 100], "surfaceform": "basket-ball", "annotator": "Me", "type": "Concept"}, "sentence_id": 0, "dependency_path": null, "confidence": 0.99462890625, "annotator": "Simple-Aligner", "answer_true": 3, "answer_false": 0}]} {"docid": "1253468-0", "title": "La M\u00e9g\u00e8re apprivois\u00e9e", "uri": "Q332387", "text": "La M\u00e9g\u00e8re apprivois\u00e9e (en anglais \"\") est l'une des premi\u00e8res pi\u00e8ces de William Shakespeare, et l'une de ses trois premi\u00e8res com\u00e9dies (avec \"La Com\u00e9die des erreurs\" et \"Les Deux Gentilshommes de V\u00e9rone\"). 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J.-C., \u00e0 la chute de la royaut\u00e9 dont le dernier repr\u00e9sentant, Tarquin le Superbe, un \u00c9trusque, est chass\u00e9 du pouvoir par l'aristocratie patricienne qui profite de l'affaiblissement de l'\u00c9trurie. La R\u00e9publique romaine prend fin entre 44 av. J.-C., avec l'assassinat de Jules C\u00e9sar, et 27 av. J.-C., au moment o\u00f9 Octave re\u00e7oit le titre d'Auguste. L'ann\u00e9e 31 av. J.-C., celle de la bataille d'Actium, qui oppose Octave \u00e0 Marc Antoine, est aussi une date cl\u00e9 avec le dernier affrontement entre deux magistrats de la R\u00e9publique romaine, et le d\u00e9but d'une \u00e8re o\u00f9 les terres romaines seront domin\u00e9es par un seul homme : celui que l'on appellera le , ou \u00ab\u00a0empereur\u00a0\u00bb.", "entities": [{"uri": "Q17167", "boundaries": [3, 21], "surfaceform": "R\u00e9publique romaine", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q1747689", "boundaries": [60, 72], "surfaceform": "Rome antique", "annotator": "Me", "type": "LOC"}, {"uri": "Q715367", "boundaries": [89, 102], "surfaceform": "509 av. 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