import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm, trange import json from time import sleep import api2ch import html2text import re import os API = api2ch.DvachApi('b') if os.path.exists("parsed_threads.json"): with open("parsed_threads.json", "r") as file: PARSED_TREADS = set(json.load(file)["ids"]) else: PARSED_TREADS = set() REPLY_RE = re.compile(">>[0-9]+") HTML_STRIPPER = html2text.HTML2Text() HTML_STRIPPER.ignore_links = True HTML_STRIPPER.ignore_images = True HTML_STRIPPER.ignore_emphasis = True def SaveParsed(): with open("parsed_threads.json", "w") as file: json.dump({"ids": list(PARSED_TREADS)}, file) def ThreadGood(thread): return thread.reply_count > 20 def AppendDialogues(id, dialogues): with open("dialogues.jsonl", "a") as file: for dialogue in dialogues: json.dump({"id": id, "dialogue": dialogue}, file, ensure_ascii=False) file.write("\n") def FilterAndPrepareText(text): text = HTML_STRIPPER.handle(text) text = text.lower() text = text.replace("\n", " ") text = text.replace("(op)", "") if text.find("бамп") != -1: return text = re.sub(' +', ' ', text) text = re.sub('^ ', '', text) text = re.sub(' $', '', text) return text class Post: def __init__(self, idx: int, text: str): self.idx = idx self.parents = [] while True: reply_match = REPLY_RE.match(text) if reply_match is not None: parent_id = int([2:]) span = reply_match.span() self.parents.append(parent_id) text = text[:span[0]] + text[span[1]:] text = re.sub('^ ', '', text) text = re.sub(' $', '', text) else: break self.text = text self.children = [] self.dialogue = [self.text] self.appeared = False def __repr__(self): return {"idx": self.idx, "parents": self.parents, "text": self.text}.__repr__() def build_random_dialogue(self, context): self.appeared = True if len(self.dialogue) != 1: return self.dialogue if len(self.parents) == 0: return self.dialogue chosen_parent = self.parents[0] if chosen_parent in context.keys(): self.dialogue.extend(context[chosen_parent].build_random_dialogue(context)) return self.dialogue def BuildDialogues(thread): posts = {} for post in thread: idx = post.num text = FilterAndPrepareText(post.comment) if text is not None: posts[idx] = Post(idx, text) for _, post in reversed(posts.items()): if not post.appeared: post.build_random_dialogue(posts) return [post.dialogue for post in list(posts.values()) if len(post.dialogue) > 1] def main(): print("Started collecting...") while True: while True: try: board = API.get_board() break except: print(f"Failed to fetch board. Sleeping for 60s") sleep(60) print("Got board") for thread in board: if thread.num not in PARSED_TREADS and ThreadGood(thread): PARSED_TREADS.add(thread.num) try: thread = API.get_thread(thread.num) except: continue dialogues = BuildDialogues(thread) AppendDialogues(thread[0].num, dialogues) print("Parsed") SaveParsed() print("Saved. Sleeping for 10m") sleep(600) if __name__ == "__main__": main()