stringlengths 40
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int64 5
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values | lang
stringclasses 1
value | max_stars_repo_path
stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 5
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stringlengths 40
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sequencelengths 1
| max_stars_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_path
stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 5
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stringlengths 40
| max_issues_repo_licenses
sequencelengths 1
| max_issues_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_path
stringlengths 3
| max_forks_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_forks_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_forks_repo_licenses
sequencelengths 1
| max_forks_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | content
stringlengths 5
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float64 1.14
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int64 1
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float64 0.01
d9b3293dc52e7afdac89373dc0d2e1e74a2fdcf5 | 20,354 | md | Markdown | articles/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-fed-group-claims.md | jobailla/azure-docs.fr-fr | 8c7734bc0d6ffaa8f9f2a39982929b8d9fc8235e | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-fed-group-claims.md | jobailla/azure-docs.fr-fr | 8c7734bc0d6ffaa8f9f2a39982929b8d9fc8235e | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-fed-group-claims.md | jobailla/azure-docs.fr-fr | 8c7734bc0d6ffaa8f9f2a39982929b8d9fc8235e | [
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title: Configurer des revendications de groupe pour des applications avec Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs
description: Informations sur la façon de configurer des revendications de groupe utilisables avec Azure AD.
services: active-directory
documentationcenter: ''
ms.reviewer: paulgarn
manager: daveba
ms.subservice: hybrid
ms.service: active-directory
ms.workload: identity
ms.topic: how-to
ms.date: 02/27/2019
ms.author: billmath
author: billmath
ms.openlocfilehash: ce438ad0725aff677f897a635a0cd32d92bbbdbe
ms.sourcegitcommit: 32c521a2ef396d121e71ba682e098092ac673b30
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: fr-FR
ms.lasthandoff: 09/25/2020
ms.locfileid: "91265467"
# <a name="configure-group-claims-for-applications-with-azure-active-directory"></a>Configurer des revendications de groupe pour des applications avec Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory peut fournir une information d’appartenance de groupe d’utilisateurs dans des jetons utilisables au sein d’applications. Deux modèles principaux sont pris en charge :
- Groupes identifiés par leur attribut d’identificateur d’objet Azure Active Directory
- Groupes identifiés par les attributs sAMAccountName ou GroupSID pour les groupes et utilisateurs synchronisés Active Directory (AD)
> Il existe plusieurs mises en garde concernant cette fonctionnalité :
>- La prise en charge de l’utilisation d’attributs sAMAccountName et d’identificateur de sécurité synchronisés localement est conçue pour permettre le déplacement d’applications existantes à partir d’AD FS et d’autres fournisseurs d’identité. Les groupes gérés dans Azure AD ne contiennent pas les attributs nécessaires pour émettre ces revendications.
>- Dans les grandes entreprises, le nombre de groupes dont un utilisateur est un membre peut dépasser la limite qu’Azure Active Directory ajoute à un jeton. 150 groupes pour un jeton SAML, et 200 pour un jeton JWT. Cela peut entraîner des résultats imprévisibles. Si vos utilisateurs ont un grand nombre d’appartenances à des groupes, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’option permettant de limiter les groupes émis dans les revendications aux groupes appropriés pour l’application.
>- Pour un nouveau développement d’application, dans les cas où l’application peut être configurée pour celui-ci, et où une prise en charge de groupe imbriqué n’est pas obligatoire, il est recommandé que l’autorisation dans l’application soit basée sur les rôles d’application plutôt que sur des groupes. Cela a pour effet de limiter la quantité d’informations qui doivent figurer dans le jeton, de sécuriser davantage et de séparer l’affectation d’utilisateurs de la configuration de l’application.
## <a name="group-claims-for-applications-migrating-from-ad-fs-and-other-identity-providers"></a>Revendications de groupe pour les applications migrant à partir d’AD FS et d’autres fournisseurs d’identité
De nombreuses applications configurées pour s’authentifier auprès d’AD FS s’appuient sur des informations d’appartenance de groupe sous la forme d’attributs de groupe Windows Active Directory. Ces attributs sont le groupe sAMAccountName qui peut être qualifié par un nom de domaine ou l’identificateur de sécurité du groupe Windows (GroupSID). Lorsque l’application est fédérée avec AD FS, AD FS utilise la fonction de TokenGroups pour récupérer les appartenances de groupe pour l’utilisateur.
Une application qui a été déplacée d’AD FS a besoin de revendications au même format. Des revendications de groupe et de rôle peuvent être émises à partir d’Azure Active Directory, qui contiennent le domaine qualifié sAMAccountName ou GroupSID synchronisé à partir d’Active Directory au lieu de l’attribut objectID Azure Active Directory du groupe.
Les formats pris en charge pour les revendications de groupe sont les suivants :
- **ObjectId de groupe Azure Active Directory** (disponible pour tous les groupes)
- **sAMAccountName** (disponible pour les groupes synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory)
- **NetbiosDomain\sAMAccountName** (disponible pour les groupes synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory)
- **DNSDomainName\sAMAccountName** (disponible pour les groupes synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory)
- **Identificateur de sécurité de groupe local** (disponible pour les groupes synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory)
> [!NOTE]
> Les attributs sAMAccountName et de SID de groupe local sont disponibles uniquement sur des objets de groupe synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory. Ils ne sont pas disponibles sur des groupes créés dans Azure Active Directory ou Office 365. Les applications configurées dans Azure Active Directory pour obtenir des attributs de groupe local synchronisés obtiennent ceux-ci uniquement pour des groupes synchronisés.
## <a name="options-for-applications-to-consume-group-information"></a>Options pour l’utilisation d’informations de groupe par les applications
Les applications peuvent appeler le point de terminaison de groupes MS Graph pour obtenir des informations de groupe pour l’utilisateur authentifié. Cet appel garantit que tous les groupes dont un utilisateur est membre sont disponibles même s’il existe un grand nombre de groupes impliqués. L’énumération de groupes est alors indépendante des limitations de taille de jeton.
Toutefois, si une application existante attend de commencer les informations de groupe via des revendications, Azure Active Directory peut être configuré avec un certain nombre de formats de revendications différents. Considérez les options suivantes :
- Lors de l’utilisation de l’appartenance de groupe à des fins d’autorisation dans l’application, il est préférable d’utiliser l’attribut ObjectID du groupe. L’attribut ObjectID du groupe est immuable et unique dans Azure Active Directory et disponible pour tous les groupes.
- Si vous utilisez l’attribut sAMAccountName du groupe local pour l’autorisation, utilisez les noms de domaines complets afin de réduire la probabilité de situations de conflits de noms. L’attribut sAMAccountName peut être unique au sein d’un domaine Active Directory mais, si plusieurs domaines Active Directory sont synchronisés avec un locataire Azure Active Directory, il est possible que plusieurs groupes aient le même nom.
- Envisagez d’utiliser des [rôles d’application](../../active-directory/develop/howto-add-app-roles-in-azure-ad-apps.md) pour fournir une couche d’indirection entre l’appartenance de groupe et l’application. L’application prend alors des décisions d’autorisation interne basées sur les revendications de rôle dans le jeton.
- Si l’application est configurée pour obtenir des attributs de groupe qui ont été synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory et qu’un groupe ne contient pas ces attributs, celui-ci n’est pas inclus dans les revendications.
- Les revendications de groupe dans les jetons incluent des groupes imbriqués, sauf lors de l’utilisation de l’option permettant de restreindre les revendications de groupe aux groupes affectés à l’application. Si un utilisateur est membre du GroupeB et que celui-ci est membre de GroupeA, les revendications de groupe pour l’utilisateur contiennent le GroupeA et le GroupeB. Quand les utilisateurs d’une organisation disposent d’un nombre important d’appartenances de groupe, le nombre de groupes listés dans le jeton peut faire augmenter la taille du jeton. Azure Active Directory limite le nombre de groupes qu’il émet dans un jeton à 150 pour les assertions SAML, et à 200 pour JWT. Si un utilisateur est membre d’un plus grand nombre de groupes, les groupes sont omis et un lien vers le point de terminaison Graph est inclus à la place, pour obtenir les informations des groupes.
## <a name="prerequisites-for-using-group-attributes-synchronized-from-active-directory"></a>Conditions préalables à l’utilisation d’attributs de groupe synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory
Les revendications d’appartenance de groupe peuvent être émises dans les jetons pour n’importe quel groupe si vous utilisez le format ObjectId. Pour utiliser des revendications de groupe dans des formats autres que l’attribut ObjectId de groupe, les groupes doivent être synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory à l’aide d’Azure AD Connect.
Il existe deux étapes pour configurer Azure Active Directory afin qu’il émette des noms de groupe pour les groupes Active Directory.
1. **Synchronisation des noms de groupe à partir d’Active Directory** Avant qu’Azure Active Directory puisse émettre les noms de groupes ou un identificateur de sécurité (SID) de groupe local dans des revendications de groupe ou de rôle, les attributs requis doivent être synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory. Vous devez exécuter Azure AD Connect version 1.2.70 ou ultérieure. Les version d’Azure AD Connect antérieures à la version 1.2.70 synchronisent les objets de groupe à partir d’Active Directory, mais n’incluent pas les attributs de nom de groupe requis. Effectuez une mise à niveau vers la version actuelle.
2. **Configuration de l’inscription d’application dans Azure Active Directory afin d’inclure les revendications de groupe dans les jetons** Les revendications de groupe peuvent être configurées dans la section Applications d’entreprise du portail ou à l’aide du manifeste de l’application dans la section Inscriptions d’applications. Pour configurer les revendications de groupe dans le manifeste de l’application, voir « Configuration de l’inscription d’application Azure Active Directory pour les attributs de groupe » ci-dessous.
## <a name="add-group-claims-to-tokens-for-saml-applications-using-sso-configuration"></a>Ajouter des revendications de groupe aux jetons pour les applications SAML en configurant l’authentification unique
Pour configurer les revendications de groupe pour une application SAML de galerie ou hors galerie, ouvrez **Applications d’entreprise**, cliquez sur l’application dans la liste, sélectionnez **Configuration de l’authentification unique**, puis sélectionnez **Attributs et revendications de l’utilisateur**.
Cliquez sur **Ajouter une revendication de groupe**.

Utilisez les cases d’option pour sélectionner les groupes à inclure dans le jeton

| Sélection | Description |
| **Tous les groupes** | Émet des groupes de sécurité, ainsi que des rôles et des listes de distribution. |
| **Groupes de sécurité** | Émet les groupes de sécurité dont l’utilisateur est membre dans la revendication de groupe |
| **Rôles d’annuaire** | Si l’utilisateur se voit affecter des rôles d’annuaire, ceux-ci sont émis en tant que revendication « wids » (aucune revendication de groupe n’est émise) |
| **Groupes affectés à l’application** | Émet uniquement les groupes qui sont explicitement affectés à l’application et dont l’utilisateur est membre |
Par exemple, pour émettre tous les groupes de sécurité dont l’utilisateur est membre, sélectionnez Groupes de sécurité

Pour émettre des groupes à l’aide d’attributs Active Directory synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory au lieu d’ObjectID Azure AD, sélectionnez le format requis dans la liste déroulante. Seuls les groupes synchronisés à partir d’Active Directory sont inclus dans les revendications.

Pour émettre uniquement les groupes attribués à l’application, sélectionnez **Groupes attribués à l’application**

Les groupes attribués à l’application sont inclus dans le jeton. Les autres groupes dont l’utilisateur est membre sont omis. Avec cette option, les groupes imbriqués ne sont pas inclus et l’utilisateur doit être un membre direct du groupe attribué à l’application.
Pour changer les groupes attribués à l’application, sélectionnez l’application dans la liste **Applications d’entreprise** puis cliquez sur **Utilisateurs et groupes** dans le menu de navigation de gauche de l’application.
Pour plus d’informations sur la gestion de l’attribution de groupe aux applications, consultez le document [Attribuer un utilisateur ou un groupe à des applications](../../active-directory/manage-apps/assign-user-or-group-access-portal.md).
### <a name="advanced-options"></a>Options avancées
La manière sont les revendications de groupe sont émises peut être modifiée par les paramètres disponibles sous Options avancées
Personnaliser le nom de la revendication de groupe : Si cette option est sélectionnée, un type de revendication différent peut être spécifié pour les revendications de groupe. Entrez le type de revendication dans le champ Nom, et l’espace de noms facultatif pour la revendication dans le champ Espace de noms.

Certaines applications requièrent que les informations d’appartenance de groupe apparaissent dans la revendication « rôle ». Vous pouvez éventuellement émettre les groupes de l’utilisateur en tant que rôles en cochant la case « Émettre les groupes en tant que revendications de rôle ».

> [!NOTE]
> Si l’option pour émettre des données de groupe en tant que rôles est utilisée, seuls les groupes s’affichent dans la revendication de rôle. Les rôles d’application auxquels l’utilisateur est affecté n’apparaissent pas dans la revendication de rôle.
### <a name="edit-the-group-claims-configuration"></a>Modifier la configuration des revendications de groupe
Une fois qu’une configuration de revendication de groupe a été ajoutée à la configuration Attributs et revendications de l’utilisateur, l’option permettant d’ajouter une revendication de groupe est grisée. Pour changer la configuration de revendication de groupe, cliquez sur la revendication de groupe dans la liste **Revendications supplémentaires**.

## <a name="configure-the-azure-ad-application-registration-for-group-attributes"></a>Configurer l’inscription d’application Azure AD pour les attributs de groupe
Les revendications de groupe peuvent également être configurées dans la section [Revendications facultatives](../../active-directory/develop/active-directory-optional-claims.md) du [manifeste de l’application](../../active-directory/develop/reference-app-manifest.md).
1. Dans le portail -> Azure Active Directory -> Inscriptions d’applications, sélectionnez Application -> Manifeste
2. Activer les revendications d’appartenance de groupe en modifiant la revendication groupMembershipClaim
Les valeurs autorisées sont :
| Sélection | Description |
| **"All"** | Émet des groupes de sécurité, ainsi que des rôles et des listes de distribution |
| **"SecurityGroup"** | Émet les groupes de sécurité dont l’utilisateur est membre dans la revendication de groupe |
| **"DirectoryRole"** | Si l’utilisateur se voit affecter des rôles d’annuaire, ceux-ci sont émis en tant que revendication « wids » (aucune revendication de groupe n’est émise) |
| **"ApplicationGroup"** | Émet uniquement les groupes qui sont explicitement affectés à l’application et dont l’utilisateur est membre |
Par exemple :
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup"
Par défaut, les ObjectId de groupe sont émis dans la valeur de revendication de groupe. Pour modifier la valeur de revendication afin qu’elle contienne des attributs de groupe local, ou pour modifier le type de revendication en rôle, utilisez une configuration OptionalClaims comme suit :
3. Définissez des revendications facultatives de configuration de nom de groupe.
Si vous souhaitez que les groupes dans le jeton contiennent les attributs de groupe AD local, spécifiez la revendication facultative de type de jeton à laquelle appliquer la configuration dans la section des revendications facultatives. Plusieurs types de jetons peuvent être répertoriés :
- idToken pour le jeton d’ID d’OIDC ;
- accessToken pour le jeton d’accès OAuth/OIDC ;
- Saml2Token pour les jetons SAML.
> [!NOTE]
> Le type de jeton Saml2Token s’applique aux jetons de format SAML1.1 et SAML2.0
Pour chaque type de jeton pertinent, modifiez la revendication de groupe pour utiliser la section OptionalClaims dans le manifeste. Le schéma d’OptionalClaims est le suivant :
"name": "groups",
"source": null,
"essential": false,
"additionalProperties": []
| Schéma de revendications facultatives | Valeur |
| **name:** | Doit être « groupes » |
| **source:** | Non utilisé. Omettez ou spécifiez la valeur null |
| **essential:** | Non utilisé. Omettez ou spécifiez la valeur false |
| **additionalProperties:** | Liste de propriétés supplémentaires. Les options valides sont « sam_account_name », « dns_domain_and_sam_account_name », « netbios_domain_and_sam_account_name » et « emit_as_roles » |
Dans additionalProperties une seule des options « sam_account_name », « dns_domain_and_sam_account_name » ou « netbios_domain_and_sam_account_name » est requise. Si plusieurs options sont présentes, la première est utilisée et les autres ignorées.
Certaines applications requièrent des informations de groupe sur l’utilisateur dans la revendication de rôle. Pour modifier le type de revendication de revendication de groupe en revendication de rôle, ajoutez « emit_as_roles » aux propriétés supplémentaires. Les valeurs de groupe sont émises dans la revendication de rôle.
> [!NOTE]
> Si l’option « emit_as_roles » est utilisée, les rôles d’application configurés auxquels l’utilisateur est affecté n’apparaissent pas dans la revendication de rôle
### <a name="examples"></a>Exemples
Émettre des groupes en tant que noms de groupes dans des jetons d’accès OAuth au format dnsDomainName\SAMAccountName
"optionalClaims": {
"accessToken": [{
"name": "groups",
"additionalProperties": ["dns_domain_and_sam_account_name"]
Pour émettre des noms de groupes à retourner au format netbiosDomain\samAccountName en tant que revendication de rôles dans des jetons d’ID SAML et OIDC :
"optionalClaims": {
"saml2Token": [{
"name": "groups",
"additionalProperties": ["netbios_name_and_sam_account_name", "emit_as_roles"]
"idToken": [{
"name": "groups",
"additionalProperties": ["netbios_name_and_sam_account_name", "emit_as_roles"]
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Étapes suivantes
- [Ajouter une autorisation à une application web ASP.NET Core à l’aide de groupes et revendications de groupe (exemple de code)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2/blob/master/5-WebApp-AuthZ/5-2-Groups/README.md)
- [Affecter un utilisateur ou un groupe à une application d’entreprise](../../active-directory/manage-apps/assign-user-or-group-access-portal.md)
- [Configurer des revendications de rôle](../../active-directory/develop/active-directory-enterprise-app-role-management.md)
| 89.27193 | 887 | 0.790655 | fra_Latn | 0.987832 |
d9b329f4ec4c2b4c358a3b47fd918504a765fd81 | 1,776 | md | Markdown | zh/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior_Timestampable.md | phatnt93/docs | 5746e5a4a5acea76c38bb26466d6da807fb00b05 | [
] | null | null | null | zh/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior_Timestampable.md | phatnt93/docs | 5746e5a4a5acea76c38bb26466d6da807fb00b05 | [
] | null | null | null | zh/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior_Timestampable.md | phatnt93/docs | 5746e5a4a5acea76c38bb26466d6da807fb00b05 | [
] | null | null | null | # Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Collection\\Behavior\\Timestampable**
*extends* abstract class [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Behavior](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior)
*implements* [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\BehaviorInterface](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_BehaviorInterface)
<a href="https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/blob/master/phalcon/mvc/collection/behavior/timestampable.zep" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Source on GitHub</a>
Allows to automatically update a model’s attribute saving the datetime when a record is created or updated
## Methods
public **notify** (*mixed* $type, [Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_CollectionInterface) $model)
Listens for notifications from the models manager
public **__construct** ([*array* $options]) inherited from [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Behavior](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior)
protected **mustTakeAction** (*mixed* $eventName) inherited from [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Behavior](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior)
Checks whether the behavior must take action on certain event
protected *array* **getOptions** ([*string* $eventName]) inherited from [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Behavior](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior)
Returns the behavior options related to an event
public **missingMethod** ([Phalcon\Mvc\CollectionInterface](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_CollectionInterface) $model, *mixed* $method, [*mixed* $arguments]) inherited from [Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Behavior](/[[language]]/[[version]]/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Collection_Behavior)
Acts as fallbacks when a missing method is called on the collection | 57.290323 | 281 | 0.780405 | yue_Hant | 0.627103 |
d9b3e370caf3f6c3aca175eb9d7b395e610770aa | 2,545 | md | Markdown | docs/slides/03_02.md | planetoftheweb/slides_gitchallenge | dfb1f2be30d7bcdaaa9ddc0e0375ce457936499f | [
] | 3 | 2021-04-16T06:26:07.000Z | 2021-07-03T20:36:48.000Z | docs/slides/03_02.md | planetoftheweb/slides_gitchallenge | dfb1f2be30d7bcdaaa9ddc0e0375ce457936499f | [
] | 1 | 2021-06-04T19:37:01.000Z | 2021-06-04T19:37:01.000Z | docs/slides/03_02.md | planetoftheweb/slides_gitchallenge | dfb1f2be30d7bcdaaa9ddc0e0375ce457936499f | [
] | 5 | 2021-05-09T12:49:22.000Z | 2022-03-07T21:04:17.000Z | ---
title: Typography Modifications
slide: '<!-- .slide: data-visibility="hidden"-->'
<!-- .slide: data-state="layout-title" class="bg-dark"-->
# Typography Modifications
<div class="slide-link"><a href="https://go.raybo.org/49sw"><i class="fab fa-slideshare"></i> go.raybo.org/49sw</a></div>
> > Speaker Notes:
There's some typography styles that are more related to the way fonts and text look on your layouts. Let's take a look at those.
<!-- .slide: data-state="layout-code-list" -->
# Text Wrapping/Breaking
- `text-{TYP}`
- TYP: `wrap` `nowrap` `break`
<a href="https://codepen.io/planetoftheweb/pen/wvgqMEV?editors=1000" target="_blank"><code class="code-royal">Try it</code></a>
> >
There are different ways to control how text wraps controlling wether spaces wrap or not and also if very long words should break.
<!-- .slide: data-state="layout-code-list" -->
# Text Transform
- `text-{TYP}`
- TYP: `lowercase` `uppercase` `capitalize`
<a href="https://codepen.io/planetoftheweb/pen/VwPzegG?editors=1000" target="_blank"><code class="code-royal">Try it</code></a>
> >
Just like in CSS, you can capitalize text using these different classes. It's always better to use these instead of manually capitalizing things since they're more flexible. The interesting one and probably less useful is `text-capitalize`, which only changes the letter of each word.
<!-- .slide: data-state="layout-code-list" -->
# Vertical Alignment
- `align-{TYP}`
- `baseline` `top` `middle` `bottom` `text-top` `text-bottom`
<a href="https://codepen.io/planetoftheweb/pen/xxgLVzm?editors=1000" target="_blank"><code class="code-royal">Try it</code></a>
> >
This is one of the lesser useful set of classes, but it sometimes helps you align items to elements within the same line.
<!-- .slide: data-state="layout-code-list" -->
# Misc
- ## RTL
<html lang="ar" dir="rtl">
`font-monospace` `text-reset`
<a href="https://codepen.io/planetoftheweb/pen/LYxjNPB?editors=1000" target="_blank"><code class="code-royal">Try it</code></a>
> >
There are some other text related classes that are important, but not very complicated, so let's talk about them.
First, is RTL or Right To Left. This new version of bootstrap supports languages that are written from right to left like arabic.
All you need to do is specify the language and the direction in your HTML tag.
There's a couple of other small tags, text-monospace changes the font to mono-spaced type
Text reset is prety interesting. It lets you
| 28.920455 | 284 | 0.709234 | eng_Latn | 0.968696 |
d9b4aa5c193d60b9fcb90bb41cb777aff48f7463 | 3,193 | md | Markdown | docs/t-sql/language-elements/close-transact-sql.md | L3onard80/sql-docs.it-it | f73e3d20b5b2f15f839ff784096254478c045bbb | [
] | null | null | null | docs/t-sql/language-elements/close-transact-sql.md | L3onard80/sql-docs.it-it | f73e3d20b5b2f15f839ff784096254478c045bbb | [
] | null | null | null | docs/t-sql/language-elements/close-transact-sql.md | L3onard80/sql-docs.it-it | f73e3d20b5b2f15f839ff784096254478c045bbb | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: CLOSE (Transact-SQL) | Microsoft Docs
ms.custom: ''
ms.date: 03/06/2017
ms.prod: sql
ms.prod_service: database-engine, sql-database
ms.reviewer: ''
ms.technology: t-sql
ms.topic: language-reference
- closing cursors
- cursors [SQL Server], closing
- CLOSE statement
ms.assetid: 21546874-97e3-4b93-970f-87c27f6b78c7
author: rothja
ms.author: jroth
ms.openlocfilehash: 63234f9f337bd6427c4c5ed33c146e2ed3a714c9
ms.sourcegitcommit: 58158eda0aa0d7f87f9d958ae349a14c0ba8a209
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: it-IT
ms.lasthandoff: 03/30/2020
ms.locfileid: "67950321"
# <a name="close-transact-sql"></a>CLOSE (Transact-SQL)
Chiude un cursore aperto rilasciando il set di risultati corrente e liberando i blocchi dei cursori mantenuti attivi sulle righe in cui è posizionato il cursore. `CLOSE` mantiene le strutture dei dati disponibili per successive operazioni di apertura. Le operazioni di recupero e di aggiornamento posizionato, tuttavia, sono consentite solo dopo la riapertura del cursore. È necessario eseguire l'istruzione `CLOSE` su un cursore aperto. L'esecuzione non è consentita su cursori solo dichiarati o già chiusi.
 [Convenzioni della sintassi Transact-SQL](../../t-sql/language-elements/transact-sql-syntax-conventions-transact-sql.md)
## <a name="syntax"></a>Sintassi
CLOSE { { [ GLOBAL ] cursor_name } | cursor_variable_name }
## <a name="arguments"></a>Argomenti
Specifica che *cursor_name* fa riferimento a un cursore globale.
Nome di un cursore aperto. Se esistono sia un cursore globale che un cursore locale con il nome *cursor_name*, *cursor_name* fa riferimento al cursore globale quando viene specificato l'argomento GLOBAL. In caso contrario, *cursor_name* fa riferimento al cursore locale.
Nome di una variabile di cursore associata a un cursore aperto.
## <a name="examples"></a>Esempi
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrata la posizione corretta dell'istruzione `CLOSE` in un processo basato su cursori.
SELECT EmployeeID, Title FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee;
OPEN Employee_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor;
CLOSE Employee_Cursor;
DEALLOCATE Employee_Cursor;
## <a name="see-also"></a>Vedere anche
[Cursori (Transact-SQL)](../../t-sql/language-elements/cursors-transact-sql.md)
[DEALLOCATE (Transact-SQL)](../../t-sql/language-elements/deallocate-transact-sql.md)
[FETCH (Transact-SQL)](../../t-sql/language-elements/fetch-transact-sql.md)
[OPEN (Transact-SQL)](../../t-sql/language-elements/open-transact-sql.md)
| 41.467532 | 512 | 0.74632 | ita_Latn | 0.648324 |
d9b5c3163f8cd5012c3e40a1acde3ae2d8f9be48 | 2,012 | md | Markdown | articles/data-factory/samples-powershell.md | georgeOsdDev/azure-docs.ja-jp | 2a180fb94381b1f17e50b24e85626240a3e7fa72 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/data-factory/samples-powershell.md | georgeOsdDev/azure-docs.ja-jp | 2a180fb94381b1f17e50b24e85626240a3e7fa72 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/data-factory/samples-powershell.md | georgeOsdDev/azure-docs.ja-jp | 2a180fb94381b1f17e50b24e85626240a3e7fa72 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Azure Data Factory の Azure PowerShell サンプル
description: Azure PowerShell サンプル - データ ファクトリの作成と管理で役立つスクリプト。
ms.service: data-factory
author: dcstwh
ms.author: weetok
ms.reviewer: jburchel
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.date: 03/16/2021
ms.openlocfilehash: 21ab661dd19d76526cd97b75660b9749e1342e09
ms.sourcegitcommit: f611b3f57027a21f7b229edf8a5b4f4c75f76331
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: ja-JP
ms.lasthandoff: 03/22/2021
ms.locfileid: "104783236"
# <a name="azure-powershell-samples-for-azure-data-factory"></a>Azure Data Factory の Azure PowerShell サンプル
次の表には、Azure Data Factory の Azure PowerShell スクリプトのサンプルへのリンクが含まれています。
| スクリプト | 説明 |
|[Azure Blob Storage で BLOB をフォルダーから別のフォルダーにコピーする](scripts/copy-azure-blob-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| この PowerShell スクリプトは、Azure Blob Storage 内のフォルダーから同じ Blob Storage 内の別のフォルダーにデータをコピーします。 |
|[SQL Server から Azure Blob Storage へのデータのコピー](scripts/hybrid-copy-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| この PowerShell スクリプトは、SQL Server データベースから Azure Blob Storage にデータをコピーします。 |
|[一括コピー](scripts/bulk-copy-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| このサンプルの PowerShell スクリプトでは、Azure SQL Database のデータベースの複数のテーブルから Azure Synapse Analytics にデータをコピーします。 |
|[増分コピー](scripts/incremental-copy-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| このサンプルの PowerShell スクリプトは、最初にソース データ ストアからシンク データ ストアにデータをすべてコピーした後で、新しいレコードまたは更新されたレコードだけをソースからシンクに読み込みます。 |
|[Spark クラスターを使用してデータを変換する](scripts/transform-data-spark-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| この PowerShell スクリプトは、Spark クラスターでプログラムを実行することでデータを変換します。 |
|**SSIS パッケージを Azure にリフトしてシフトする**||
|[Azure-SSIS 統合ランタイムを作成する](scripts/deploy-azure-ssis-integration-runtime-powershell.md?toc=%2fpowershell%2fmodule%2ftoc.json)| この PowerShell スクリプトは、Azure で SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) パッケージを実行する Azure-SSIS 統合ランタイムをプロビジョニングします。 |
| 54.378378 | 239 | 0.809642 | yue_Hant | 0.56007 |
d9b5c8176322cdd065da759975e279cfae181f3e | 325 | md | Markdown | README.md | Somsubhra1/Digitalocean-Kubernetes-Challenge | 131f1e907ee17c68709d3dd2b4c87a62a47b2b0f | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Somsubhra1/Digitalocean-Kubernetes-Challenge | 131f1e907ee17c68709d3dd2b4c87a62a47b2b0f | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Somsubhra1/Digitalocean-Kubernetes-Challenge | 131f1e907ee17c68709d3dd2b4c87a62a47b2b0f | [
] | 1 | 2022-03-09T09:16:21.000Z | 2022-03-09T09:16:21.000Z | # Digitalocean-Kubernetes-Challenge
My Submission for DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - Deploy scalable NoSQL database (MongoDB) cluster
## Blog Write-Up
Check out my detailed blog on how to spin up your K8s Cluster on DOKS [here](https://dev.to/somsubhra1/digitalocean-kubernetes-challenge-mongodb-on-kubernetes-367k).
| 40.625 | 165 | 0.806154 | kor_Hang | 0.413129 |
d9b5f47c5042d427d49beb4beba3b9e9bed483d5 | 19,835 | md | Markdown | README_es.md | YYvanYang/saga | d0beabefaf8567888356f8925dcdcdccf2b62d37 | [
] | null | null | null | README_es.md | YYvanYang/saga | d0beabefaf8567888356f8925dcdcdccf2b62d37 | [
] | null | null | null | README_es.md | YYvanYang/saga | d0beabefaf8567888356f8925dcdcdccf2b62d37 | [
] | null | null | null | <img src='https://redux-saga.js.org/logo/0800/Redux-Saga-Logo-Landscape.png' alt='Logo de Redux saga en panorama' width='800px'>
# redux-saga
`redux-saga` es una librería hecha con la intención de facilitar el manejo de _efectos secundarios (side effects)_ (ej. operaciones asíncronas como la _obtención de datos (data fetching)_ y cosas impuras como el acceso al cache del navegador), de manera más eficiente, más simple de probar, y para mejorar el manejo de fallas.
El modelo mental es que una saga represente (a manera de simulación) un hilo diferente en la aplicación y que únicamente sea responsable de los efectos secundarios. `redux-saga` es un _middleware (capa intermedia)_ de redux, lo que significa que este _"hilo"_ puede ser iniciado, suspendido, y cancelado desde la aplicación principal con una acción cualquiera de redux, tiene acceso a todo el _estado (state)_ de la aplicación en redux y también puede _ejecutar (dispatch)_ acciones en redux.
Usa una de las caracteristicas de ES6 llamada _Generadores (Generators)_ para que procedimientos o operaciones asíncronas sean fáciles de leer, escribir y probar. *(Sí no estás familirizado con generadores [aquí hay algúnos enlaces introductorios en inglés](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/ExternalResources.html))* Al usar estos generadores, estas opreaciones asíncronas se asemejan a código común y corriente síncrono en JavaScript. (Algo así como `async`/`await`, pero los generadores tienen algúnas ventajas adicionales excelentes que necesitamos)
Es posible que ya hayas usado `redux-thunk` para manejar la obtención de datos en tu aplicación. Contrario a `redux-thunk`, aquí no necesitarás llenar tu aplicación de [_callback hells_](http://callbackhell.com/), también podrás probar tus operaciones asíncronas de manera sencilla y tus acciones en redux se mantendrán _puras(pure actions)_.
# Getting started
## Instalación
$ npm install --save redux-saga
$ yarn add redux-saga
También puedes usar los builds UMD que se encuentran directamente en el tag `<script>` de una página HTML. Ve [esta sección](#usando-umd-en-el-navegador).
## Ejemplo de uso
Imagina que tienes un UI que necesita solicitar datos de un servidor cuando un botón en pantalla es presionado. (Por simplicidad solo te mostraremos la acción que ejecutará el código)
class UserComponent extends React.Component {
onSomeButtonClicked() {
const { userId, dispatch } = this.props
dispatch({type: 'USER_FETCH_REQUESTED', payload: {userId}})
El Componente _envía (dispatches)_ un objeto de una acción hacia el _Store (almacén de datos)_. Crearemos una Saga que observe todas las acciones de tipo `USER_FETCH_REQUESTED` y que ejecute una llamada de API para solicitar los datos del usuario.
#### `sagas.js`
import { call, put, takeEvery, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import Api from '...'
// Saga: será ejecutada cuando la acción USER_FETCH_REQUESTED sea envíada/ejecutada
function* fetchUser(action) {
try {
const user = yield call(Api.fetchUser, action.payload.userId);
yield put({type: "USER_FETCH_SUCCEEDED", user: user});
} catch (e) {
yield put({type: "USER_FETCH_FAILED", message: e.message});
Llama a fetchUser cada vez que la acción `USER_FETCH_REQUESTED` es enviada/ejecutada.
`takeEvery` permite que las peticiones se ejecuten de manera concurrente.
function* mySaga() {
yield takeEvery("USER_FETCH_REQUESTED", fetchUser);
Igualmente podrías usar `takeLatest`.
No permite solicitudes concurrentes del mismo tipo de accion. Si una accion de tipo `USER_FETCH_REQUESTED`
se envía mientras otra está está siendo ejecutada en ese preciso momento, la acción que está siendo ejecutada será cancelada y sólo la última en recibirse será ejecutada.
function* mySaga() {
yield takeLatest("USER_FETCH_REQUESTED", fetchUser);
export default mySaga;
Para ejecutar una Saga, necesitamos conectarla a un _Redux Store (almacén de datos Redux)_ usando `redux-saga` como un _middleware_.
#### `main.js`
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
import reducer from './reducers'
import mySaga from './sagas'
// creamos el saga middleware
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
// lo montamos en la Redux Store
const store = createStore(
// y se inicia la saga
// por último se muestra la aplicación
# Documentación
- [Introducción](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/introduction/BeginnerTutorial.html)
- [Conceptos Básicos](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/basics/index.html)
- [Conceptos avanzados](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/advanced/index.html)
- [Recetas (_Recipes_)](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/recipes/index.html)
- [Referencias externas](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/ExternalResources.html)
- [Como solucionar problemas comúnes](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/Troubleshooting.html)
- [Golsario](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/Glossary.html)
- [Documentación del API](https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/api/index.html)
# Traducciones
- [Chino](https://github.com/superRaytin/redux-saga-in-chinese)
- [Chino tradicional](https://github.com/neighborhood999/redux-saga)
- [Japonés](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga/blob/master/README_ja.md)
- [Koreano](https://github.com/mskims/redux-saga-in-korean)
- [Portugués](https://github.com/joelbarbosa/redux-saga-pt_BR)
- [Ruso](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga/blob/master/README_ru.md)
# Usando umd en el navegador
Además de `npm` y `yarn`, existe una distribución **umd** de `redux-saga` y se encuentra disponible en la carpeta `dist/`. Cuando se utilice un _build_ umd de `redux-saga` este estará disponible como `ReduxSaga` en el objeto `window`. Esto permite que se pueda create un Saga middleware sin necesidad de usar un `import` de ES6, esto funciona de la siguiente manera:
var sagaMiddleware = ReduxSaga.default()
La versión umd es útil si no se utiliza Webpack o Browserify. Se puede encontrar directamente en [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/).
Los siguientes _builds_ están disponibles:
- [https://unpkg.com/redux-saga/dist/redux-saga.js](https://unpkg.com/redux-saga/dist/redux-saga.js)
- [https://unpkg.com/redux-saga/dist/redux-saga.min.js](https://unpkg.com/redux-saga/dist/redux-saga.min.js)
**¡Importante!** Si el navegador que utilizara la aplicación no tiene soporte para generadores de ES2015, se deberá transpilarlos (ej. con el [plugin babel](https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/tree/master/packages/regenerator-transform)) y proveer un _runtime_ válido, como [este](https://unpkg.com/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js). Este _runtime_ debe ser importado antes de importar **redux-saga**:
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
// después
import sagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
# Compilado desde el código fuente
$ git clone https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga.git
$ cd redux-saga
$ npm install
$ npm test
Más abajo podrás encontrar ejemplos portados (hasta el momento) de los _repos_ de Redux.
### Ejemplos de contadores
Hay tres ejemplos de contadores.
#### contador-vainilla (vanilla JavaScript)
Demo usando vanilla JavaScript y builds UMD. Todo el código fuente está escrito directamente en `index.html`.
Para ejecuta el ejemplo, solo abre `index.html` en tu navegador.
> Importante: tu navegador debe contar con soporte para generadores. Las últimas versiones de Chrome/Firefox/Edge tienen el soporte necesario.
#### counter
Demo usando `webpack` y el API de alto nivel `takeEvery`.
$ npm run counter
# probar el generador de ejemplo
$ npm run test-counter
#### cancellable-counter
Demo usando un API de bajo nivel que demuestra como cancelar una tarea.
$ npm run cancellable-counter
### Ejemplo de un carrito de compras
$ npm run shop
# probar el generador de ejemplo
$ npm run test-shop
### Ejemplo asíncrono
$ npm run async
# probar el ejemplo de generadores
$ npm run test-async
### Ejemplo de una situación real (con webpack y _hot reloading_)
$ npm run real-world
# lo siento, aún no se implementan las pruebas
### TypeScript
Redux-Saga con TypeScript requieren de `DOM.Iterable` o `ES2015.Iterable`. Si tu `target` es `ES6`, es posible que estés listo, sin embargo, si pleaneas ejecutarlo en una ambiente `ES5` necesitarás añadirlo por tu cuenta.
Revisa tu archivo `tsconfig.json`, y la documentación oficial para las <a href="https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html">opciones del compilador</a>.
### Logo
El logo oficial de Redux-Saga en diferentes estilos lo puedes encontrar en el [directorio de logos](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga/tree/master/logo).
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| 65.246711 | 551 | 0.744442 | spa_Latn | 0.323405 |
d9b63ca706ec766b082e39fd9a8967ad2fb586f5 | 217 | md | Markdown | _includes/04-lists.md | tushar1999-coder/markdown-portfolio | 8e53955b14d080131663a9957410975c605d0bb2 | [
] | null | null | null | _includes/04-lists.md | tushar1999-coder/markdown-portfolio | 8e53955b14d080131663a9957410975c605d0bb2 | [
] | 5 | 2020-08-01T11:52:58.000Z | 2020-08-01T17:37:36.000Z | _includes/04-lists.md | tushar1999-coder/markdown-portfolio | 8e53955b14d080131663a9957410975c605d0bb2 | [
] | null | null | null | * My faourite food
1. Chole-bhature :heart:
2. Pizza :pizza:
3. Ice-cream :candy:
- Oreo cornetto
- Tooty fruity
- Therefor only upto 1 level nesting is allowed
* My fav places
- Goa
- Mars
| 18.083333 | 51 | 0.626728 | eng_Latn | 0.944844 |
d9b65e70a564f7c958d20809944fb40e6e57653b | 995 | md | Markdown | docs/vs-2015/code-quality/c28246.md | lex111/visualstudio-docs.ru-ru | bbf4a6de3190a41d58a8a18697fc8985198145c9 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/vs-2015/code-quality/c28246.md | lex111/visualstudio-docs.ru-ru | bbf4a6de3190a41d58a8a18697fc8985198145c9 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/vs-2015/code-quality/c28246.md | lex111/visualstudio-docs.ru-ru | bbf4a6de3190a41d58a8a18697fc8985198145c9 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: C28246 | Документация Майкрософт
ms.custom: ''
ms.date: 2018-06-30
ms.prod: visual-studio-dev14
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ms.suite: ''
- vs-devops-test
ms.tgt_pltfrm: ''
ms.topic: article
- C28246
- C28246
ms.assetid: 66a297ab-19fc-4985-8738-0a92f8d1d5cc
caps.latest.revision: 4
author: corob-msft
ms.author: gewarren
manager: ghogen
ms.openlocfilehash: 98ad8fb2d6363b91c9caecb4a659799933d913a1
ms.sourcegitcommit: 55f7ce2d5d2e458e35c45787f1935b237ee5c9f8
ms.translationtype: MT
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ms.lasthandoff: 08/22/2018
ms.locfileid: "47559283"
# <a name="c28246"></a>C28246
Последнюю версию этого раздела можно найти в [C28246](https://docs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/code-quality/c28246).
Предупреждение C28246: аннотация для функции "\<имя >"-параметр "\<параметр >" не соответствует типу параметра
Оператор __deref был применен к типу, при создании заметки.
| 25.512821 | 117 | 0.774874 | rus_Cyrl | 0.081346 |
d9b6a85718061be488b6dbd4261ae4cd7fd16f27 | 1,307 | md | Markdown | site/themes/biztrox-hugo/exampleSite/content/blog/Finance-My-Business.md | Zyxil/hugo-cms-test | 7d3bc9011d39790be698364fac4df2f31d422f40 | [
] | null | null | null | site/themes/biztrox-hugo/exampleSite/content/blog/Finance-My-Business.md | Zyxil/hugo-cms-test | 7d3bc9011d39790be698364fac4df2f31d422f40 | [
] | null | null | null | site/themes/biztrox-hugo/exampleSite/content/blog/Finance-My-Business.md | Zyxil/hugo-cms-test | 7d3bc9011d39790be698364fac4df2f31d422f40 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: "Finance My Business"
bgImage: images/background/page-title.jpg
date: 2018-09-24T11:10:07+06:00
author: John Lincon
type: post
image: images/blog/blog-5.jpg
- "Profit & Growth"
- "Consultancy"
- "Market Analysis"
- "Revenue"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex. Commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.
>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt culpa officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.
1. Business Services
2. Audit & Assurance
3. IT Control Solutions
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex. Commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt. | 54.458333 | 417 | 0.79648 | kor_Hang | 0.317877 |
d9b6b93346d12506dbc2337197894d539cdf1d25 | 281 | md | Markdown | .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md | HiteshMah-Jan/UserManager | d59993c47ae239f6cb9ae9ee52a09dd66ce1d252 | [
] | 16 | 2017-12-13T16:19:58.000Z | 2020-12-09T00:26:42.000Z | .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md | HiteshMah-Jan/UserManager | d59993c47ae239f6cb9ae9ee52a09dd66ce1d252 | [
] | 6 | 2017-12-14T11:39:06.000Z | 2018-01-23T20:40:19.000Z | .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md | HiteshMah-Jan/UserManager | d59993c47ae239f6cb9ae9ee52a09dd66ce1d252 | [
] | 251 | 2017-12-12T20:36:25.000Z | 2021-05-04T11:03:40.000Z | #### Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?
#### What is the current behavior?
#### If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem via [repl](https://repl.it).
#### What is the expected behavior?
| 35.125 | 151 | 0.711744 | eng_Latn | 0.999694 |
d9b70ab9776d1e50ef0a746c93693cc81e6edabb | 86 | md | Markdown | README.md | ninadkgaikwad/ReinforcementLearning_Tutorial | 2ea881d1248bf8e6771715e89541ef147926a3d1 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | ninadkgaikwad/ReinforcementLearning_Tutorial | 2ea881d1248bf8e6771715e89541ef147926a3d1 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | ninadkgaikwad/ReinforcementLearning_Tutorial | 2ea881d1248bf8e6771715e89541ef147926a3d1 | [
] | null | null | null | # ReinforcementLearning_Tutorial
A tutorial on Reinforcement Learning for biginners.
| 28.666667 | 52 | 0.860465 | eng_Latn | 0.774955 |
d9b7201800d7afda7d04a9008d9f0a0dbb5bc834 | 29 | md | Markdown | README.md | nukulsharma/validatelog | 2225450018c7a08fe6cbc1162c96dd30def27388 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | nukulsharma/validatelog | 2225450018c7a08fe6cbc1162c96dd30def27388 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | nukulsharma/validatelog | 2225450018c7a08fe6cbc1162c96dd30def27388 | [
] | null | null | null | # validatelog
Validate logs
| 9.666667 | 14 | 0.793103 | kor_Hang | 0.338234 |
d9b729021b86aa5341752160b940f7a1d359af1f | 2,263 | md | Markdown | docs/Technical-motivations.md | adamsitnik/command-line-api | c2a46546b69c1c988c69b5db44574e5980c415ee | [
] | 2,653 | 2018-12-19T00:40:52.000Z | 2022-03-31T01:50:54.000Z | docs/Technical-motivations.md | adamsitnik/command-line-api | c2a46546b69c1c988c69b5db44574e5980c415ee | [
] | 996 | 2018-12-19T02:46:03.000Z | 2022-03-31T15:34:59.000Z | docs/Technical-motivations.md | adamsitnik/command-line-api | c2a46546b69c1c988c69b5db44574e5980c415ee | [
] | 389 | 2018-12-19T00:44:42.000Z | 2022-03-25T00:06:18.000Z | # Technical motivations
* Provide a parser that's independent of binding and invocation.
* You can create your own conventions and your own API surface.
* Parsing can easily be tested independently from other application logic.
* The syntax abstraction opens up use cases such as an extensible completions model.
* Features such as syntax validation can be customized independent of your API.
* Grammars can be serialized for interpretation by other tools.
* Different APIs using this base layer can interoperate easily.
* Don't always assume a console app entry point: provide `Main(string[])`-equivalent string splitting.
* Make the end user command line experience consistent and inclusive.
* Support both POSIX and Windows syntax conventions.
* Make help easy to find by defaulting into all common conventions (`-h`, `--help`, `/h` `/?`, `-?`).
* Make completions work by default, so that they become the norm.
* Make it possible to write completion providers for non-.NET command line applications.
* Localization support for all messages that the library emits.
* Parse diagramming, to help people understand a program's syntax without invoking it, is available by default.
* A composable chain of responsibility for subcommand routing, middleware, directives, etc.
* An invocation model that allows for short-circuiting and interception, with access to the parser, meaning cross-cutting behaviors can be composed into your app via NuGet packages.
* Simplify debugging by providing an interception hook in the middleware pipeline.
* Support for handling process cancellation.
* Directive syntax provides a consistent extensibility point that does not interfere with your app's syntax.
* Supports command line API versioning via directives.
* Rich, adapative output rendering
* Write output code once and render it correctly based on the presence or absence of a terminal as well as terminal capabilities.
* Support for higher-level layouts, tables, event-based re-rendering, and animation.
* Support for standard render mode hints via directives.
* Other things:
* Support arbitrarily deep nesting of subcommands.
* Support response files.
* Restore console state after application exit.
| 53.880952 | 183 | 0.772868 | eng_Latn | 0.99819 |
d9b7cff45d47164f419f1a1e56938eb946da4ff1 | 93 | md | Markdown | Existing Projects/Tutorial Screen/readme.md | NichiketPatil/Android-Projects-2 | a603cd343674b24338c5cf0b4491e9c38d4f91f9 | [
] | null | null | null | Existing Projects/Tutorial Screen/readme.md | NichiketPatil/Android-Projects-2 | a603cd343674b24338c5cf0b4491e9c38d4f91f9 | [
] | 4 | 2020-09-18T12:42:22.000Z | 2020-09-30T17:41:25.000Z | Existing Projects/Tutorial Screen/readme.md | NichiketPatil/Android-Projects-2 | a603cd343674b24338c5cf0b4491e9c38d4f91f9 | [
] | 3 | 2020-09-18T12:55:23.000Z | 2020-10-15T13:55:26.000Z | <h2>TUTORIAL SCREEN</h2>
This is a tutorial screen project. To test simply clone and run it.
| 31 | 67 | 0.763441 | eng_Latn | 0.949195 |
d9b81689bba7352bdea8b21f2aefd397b6ae605f | 1,645 | md | Markdown | README-en.md | lynconEBB/babelJS-example | 121fb00d1c088536451258e6b316b2a613bf6904 | [
] | null | null | null | README-en.md | lynconEBB/babelJS-example | 121fb00d1c088536451258e6b316b2a613bf6904 | [
] | null | null | null | README-en.md | lynconEBB/babelJS-example | 121fb00d1c088536451258e6b316b2a613bf6904 | [
] | null | null | null | ## Babel Js Environment Example
This repository aims to provide a JavaScript development environment capable of using the latest features while still being compatible with older browsers
### Prerequisites
- Node
- Git
### Installation
First clone this repository in the location you find most appropriate using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/lynconEBB/babelJS-example.git
After that install the dependencies used with the following command:
npm install --dev
### Usage
This structure was created to be as simple as possible to use, just put your codes in the [src](https://github.com/lynconEBB/babelJS-example/tree/master/src) folder and the converted code will be included in the [out](https://github.com/lynconEBB/babelJS-example/tree/master/out) folder.
If you want to transform your codes just once, use the command:
npm run build
Or if you want to write your codes and automatically convert them every time you save, use the command:
npm run watch
### Configuration
Any changes to the Babel settings can be made in the [babel.config.json](https://github.com/lynconEBB/babelJS-example/blob/master/babel.config.json) file.
To change the browsers that you want to guarantee compatibility, just change the _targets_ parameter. This parameter can be a JSON object containing the name of the browsers and their versions or a query in the [browserslist format](https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#queries).
"targets": {
"chrome": "58",
"ie": "11"
``` | 29.375 | 288 | 0.734347 | eng_Latn | 0.994534 |
d9b8be21815c8ed1dfe1b93e101ea1ef3a5c40ba | 7,566 | md | Markdown | docs/guides/infinite-queries.md | voxivoid/vue-query | 727bf1d47567e9e5c45c9c9ae00a0a4036673c5c | [
] | null | null | null | docs/guides/infinite-queries.md | voxivoid/vue-query | 727bf1d47567e9e5c45c9c9ae00a0a4036673c5c | [
] | null | null | null | docs/guides/infinite-queries.md | voxivoid/vue-query | 727bf1d47567e9e5c45c9c9ae00a0a4036673c5c | [
] | null | null | null | Rendering lists that can additively "load more" data onto an existing set of data or "infinite scroll" is also a very common UI pattern.
Vue Query supports a useful version of `useQuery` called `useInfiniteQuery` for querying these types of lists.
When using `useInfiniteQuery`, you'll notice a few things are different:
- `data` is now an object containing infinite query data:
- `data.pages` array containing the fetched pages
- `data.pageParams` array containing the page params used to fetch the pages
- The `fetchNextPage` and `fetchPreviousPage` functions are now available
- The `getNextPageParam` and `getPreviousPageParam` options are available for both determining if there is more data to load and the information to fetch it. This information is supplied as an additional parameter in the query - function (which can optionally be overridden when calling the `fetchNextPage` or `fetchPreviousPage` functions)
- A `hasNextPage` boolean is now available and is `true` if `getNextPageParam` returns a value other than `undefined`
- A `hasPreviousPage` boolean is now available and is `true` if `getPreviousPageParam` returns a value other than `undefined`
- The `isFetchingNextPage` and `isFetchingPreviousPage` booleans are now available to distinguish between a background refresh state and a loading more state
?> Note: When using options like `initialData` or `select` in your query, make sure that when you restructure your data that it still includes `data.pages` and `data.pageParams` properties, otherwise your changes will be overwritten by the query in its return!
## Example
Let's assume we have an API that returns pages of `projects` 3 at a time based on a `cursor` index along with a cursor that can be used to fetch the next group of projects:
// { data: [...], nextCursor: 3}
// { data: [...], nextCursor: 6}
// { data: [...], nextCursor: 9}
// { data: [...] }
With this information, we can create a "Load More" UI by:
- Waiting for `useInfiniteQuery` to request the first group of data by default
- Returning the information for the next query in `getNextPageParam`
- Calling `fetchNextPage` function
?> Note: It's very important you do not call `fetchNextPage` with arguments unless you want them to override the `pageParam` data returned from the `getNextPageParam` function.
Do not do this: `<button @click={fetchNextPage} />` as this would send the onClick event to the `fetchNextPage` function.
<script setup>
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { useInfiniteQuery } from "vue-query";
const fetchProjects = ({ pageParam = 0 }) =>
fetch("/api/projects?cursor=" + pageParam);
function useProjectsInfiniteQuery() {
return useInfiniteQuery("projects", fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
const {
} = useProjectsInfiniteQuery();
<span v-if="isLoading">Loading...</span>
<span v-else-if="isError">Error: {{ error.message }}</span>
<div v-else>
<span v-if="isFetching && !isFetchingNextPage">Fetching...</span>
<ul v-for="(group, index) in data.pages" :key="index">
<li v-for="project in group.projects" :key="project.id">
{{ project.name }}
@click="() => fetchNextPage()"
:disabled="!hasNextPage || isFetchingNextPage"
<span v-if="isFetchingNextPage">Loading more...</span>
<span v-else-if="hasNextPage">Load More</span>
<span v-else>Nothing more to load</span>
## What happens when an infinite query needs to be refetched?
When an infinite query becomes `stale` and needs to be refetched, each group is fetched `sequentially`, starting from the first one.
This ensures that even if the underlying data is mutated, we're not using stale cursors and potentially getting duplicates or skipping records.
If an infinite query's results are ever removed from the `queryCache`, the pagination restarts at the initial state with only the initial group being requested.
### refetchPage
If you only want to actively refetch a subset of all pages, you can pass the `refetchPage` function to `refetch` returned from `useInfiniteQuery`.
function useProjectsInfiniteQuery() {
return useInfiniteQuery("projects", fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
const { refetch } = useProjectsInfiniteQuery();
// only refetch the first page
refetch({ refetchPage: (page, index) => index === 0 });
You can also pass this function as part of the 2nd argument (`queryFilters`) to [queryClient.refetchQueries](https://react-query.tanstack.com/reference/QueryClient#queryclientrefetchqueries), [queryClient.invalidateQueries](https://react-query.tanstack.com/reference/QueryClient#queryclientinvalidatequeries) or [queryClient.resetQueries](https://react-query.tanstack.com/reference/QueryClient#queryclientresetqueries).
`refetchPage: (page: TData, index: number, allPages: TData[]) => boolean`
The function is executed for each page, and only pages where this function returns `true` will be refetched.
## What if I need to pass custom information to my query function?
By default, the variable returned from `getNextPageParam` will be supplied to the query function, but in some cases, you may want to override this.
You can pass custom variables to the `fetchNextPage` function which will override the default variable like so:
const fetchProjects = ({ pageParam = 0 }) =>
fetch("/api/projects?cursor=" + pageParam);
function useProjectsInfiniteQuery() {
return useInfiniteQuery("projects", fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
const { fetchNextPage } = useProjectsInfiniteQuery();
// Pass your own page param
const skipToCursor50 = () => fetchNextPage({ pageParam: 50 });
## What if I want to implement a bi-directional infinite list?
Bi-directional lists can be implemented by using the `getPreviousPageParam`, `fetchPreviousPage`, `hasPreviousPage` and `isFetchingPreviousPage` properties and functions.
useInfiniteQuery("projects", fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, pages) => firstPage.prevCursor,
## What if I want to show the pages in reversed order?
Sometimes you may want to show the pages in reversed order. If this is case, you can use the `select` option:
function useProjectsInfiniteQuery() {
return useInfiniteQuery("projects", fetchProjects, {
select: (data) => ({
pages: [...data.pages].reverse(),
pageParams: [...data.pageParams].reverse(),
## What if I want to manually update the infinite query?
Manually removing first page:
queryClient.setQueryData("projects", (data) => ({
pages: data.pages.slice(1),
pageParams: data.pageParams.slice(1),
Manually removing a single value from an individual page:
const newPagesArray =
oldPagesArray?.pages.map((page) =>
page.filter((val) => val.id !== updatedId)
) ?? [];
queryClient.setQueryData("projects", (data) => ({
pages: newPagesArray,
pageParams: data.pageParams,
!> Make sure to keep the same data structure of `pages` and `pageParams`!
| 39.202073 | 419 | 0.73143 | eng_Latn | 0.95236 |
d9ba7817c42c0d093601702381a05bdd61ed8ecf | 2,314 | md | Markdown | docs/profiling/how-to-pause-and-resume-performance-data-collection.md | Simran-B/visualstudio-docs.de-de | 0e81681be8dbccb2346866f432f541b97d819dac | [
] | null | null | null | docs/profiling/how-to-pause-and-resume-performance-data-collection.md | Simran-B/visualstudio-docs.de-de | 0e81681be8dbccb2346866f432f541b97d819dac | [
] | null | null | null | docs/profiling/how-to-pause-and-resume-performance-data-collection.md | Simran-B/visualstudio-docs.de-de | 0e81681be8dbccb2346866f432f541b97d819dac | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: 'Vorgehensweise: Anhalten und Fortsetzen der Sammlung von Leistungsdaten | Microsoft-Dokumentation'
ms.date: 11/04/2016
ms.topic: conceptual
- profiling tools, remote profiling
ms.assetid: b8e76363-65cd-424d-8173-3e2b5f54203b
author: mikejo5000
ms.author: mikejo
manager: jillfra
monikerRange: vs-2017
- multiple
ms.openlocfilehash: 3b6190dbc4545836e5fa7ea1b1ff6c5bfc3b2403
ms.sourcegitcommit: 00b71889bd72b6a566586885bdb982cfe807cf54
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: de-DE
ms.lasthandoff: 12/03/2019
ms.locfileid: "74778790"
# <a name="how-to-pause-and-resume-performance-data-collection"></a>Vorgehensweise: Anhalten und Fortsetzen der Sammlung von Leistungsdaten
Im Fenster der Profilerstellungs-Sitzungsseite können Sie die Erfassung der Profilerstellungsdaten interaktiv steuern.
Durch Steuerung der Datensammlung können Sie die Größe der Profildatendatei reduzieren sowie Daten nur für relevante Vorgänge sammeln. Sie können die Profilerstellung in einer Leistungssitzung mehrmals anhalten und fortsetzen.

> [!NOTE]
> Sie können die Leistungssitzung auch mit angehaltener Profilerstellung starten und die Profilaustellung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in der Programmausführung fortsetzen. Wählen Sie zum Starten der Leistungssitzung bei angehaltener Profilerstellung im Menü **Debuggen** den Befehl **Leistungsanalyse mit angehaltener Profilerstellung starten** aus.
### <a name="to-pause--resume-or-stop-profiling"></a>So können Sie die Profilerstellung anhalten, fortsetzen oder beenden
- Gehen Sie auf der Profilerstellungs-Sitzungsseite folgendermaßen vor:
- Wählen Sie **Auflistung anhalten** aus, um die Datensammlung anzuhalten.
- Wählen Sie **Auflistung wiederaufnehmen** aus, um die Datensammlung neu zu starten, nachdem sie angehalten wurde.
- Wählen Sie **Profilerstellung beenden** aus, um die Profilerstellungssitzung zu beenden und Berichte zu generieren.
## <a name="see-also"></a>Siehe auch
- [Steuerung der Datensammlung](../profiling/controlling-data-collection.md)
- [Vorgehensweise: Starten und Beenden der Sammlung von Leistungsdaten](../profiling/how-to-start-and-end-performance-data-collection.md)
| 52.590909 | 349 | 0.816335 | deu_Latn | 0.977677 |
d9bad1618b5c99fa8230d2a4a571036f4381fbe8 | 753 | md | Markdown | content/landing-page.dummy.md | eztzez/editorsite-test | 31737cd680cad01016d28dea96e945e79006ca16 | [
] | 5 | 2021-02-03T21:03:13.000Z | 2021-08-23T22:27:45.000Z | content/landing-page.dummy.md | eztzez/editorsite-test | 31737cd680cad01016d28dea96e945e79006ca16 | [
] | null | null | null | content/landing-page.dummy.md | eztzez/editorsite-test | 31737cd680cad01016d28dea96e945e79006ca16 | [
] | 3 | 2021-01-08T10:52:51.000Z | 2021-03-26T15:37:20.000Z | ---
title: Landing Page Interface
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subtitle: one
title: One
- description: ""
image: /uploads/images/carousel-2.jpg
title: About
type: about
- accordion_image: /uploads/images/human_eye_-_blue.jpg
- body: ""
header: Lorem Ipsum 1
title: Bullet Points
type: accordion
- paragraph: two
title: one
type: paragraph
- gallery:
- image: /uploads/images/carousel-1.jpg
- testimonials:
- author: ""
testimonial: ""
- promotions:
- promotion: ""
title: ""
<!--This serves as dummy data for gatsby incase any of these fields don't exist in the real page, so it won't throw an error-->
| 23.53125 | 127 | 0.632138 | eng_Latn | 0.830844 |
d9baedd703d4c8c0ad6afef33eb58117124d8b59 | 2,631 | md | Markdown | README.md | jiripudil/nettrine-dbal | 7282a01e754348ac78d031c99d827aeac8ab551e | [
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] | null | null | null | README.md | jiripudil/nettrine-dbal | 7282a01e754348ac78d031c99d827aeac8ab551e | [
] | null | null | null | # Doctrine DBAL
Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework.
## Discussion / Help
## Install
composer require nettrine/dbal
## Versions
| State | Version | Branch | PHP |
| development | dev-master | `master` | `>= 7.1` |
| stable | `^0.2` | `master` | `>= 7.1` |
## Overview
- [Installation - how to install](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#installation)
- [Configuration - basic setup](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#configuration)
- [Usage](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#usage)
- [Events](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#events)
- [Bridges](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#bridges)
- [Symfony\Console](https://github.com/nettrine/dbal/blob/master/.docs/#symfony-console)
## Maintainers
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/f3l1x">
<img width="150" height="150" src="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/538058?v=3&s=150">
<a href="https://github.com/f3l1x">Milan Felix Šulc</a>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/benijo">
<img width="150" height="150" src="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/6731626?v=3&s=150">
<a href="https://github.com/benijo">Josef Benjač</a>
Thank you for testing, reporting and contributing.
| 38.691176 | 144 | 0.662486 | yue_Hant | 0.272453 |
d9bbaae782da5054f59a754a3ee0f1c27493bccc | 132 | md | Markdown | README.md | pokeshun/ElectricalSystems | da880d876deffba841ca33a9c0d987e85f7bfd93 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | pokeshun/ElectricalSystems | da880d876deffba841ca33a9c0d987e85f7bfd93 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | pokeshun/ElectricalSystems | da880d876deffba841ca33a9c0d987e85f7bfd93 | [
] | 1 | 2021-03-06T02:13:17.000Z | 2021-03-06T02:13:17.000Z | # ElectricalSystems
This repository is a place where you can find my personal ideas and review guideline about Electrical Systems.
| 33 | 110 | 0.825758 | eng_Latn | 0.999238 |
d9bbb51fe5f78df5436b8dd392e1edb741ce6571 | 3,020 | md | Markdown | node_modules/ghost-editor/README.md | feibaliang/blog | 39b97dd796796b3762874ab28bc0be3e19a033b0 | [
] | null | null | null | node_modules/ghost-editor/README.md | feibaliang/blog | 39b97dd796796b3762874ab28bc0be3e19a033b0 | [
] | null | null | null | node_modules/ghost-editor/README.md | feibaliang/blog | 39b97dd796796b3762874ab28bc0be3e19a033b0 | [
] | null | null | null | # Ghost-editor
This is the new mobiledoc editor for Ghost-Admin. It's still a work in progress but we're very excited about it.
Here are a few of our goals:
- To make the best ghosh darn writing experience on the interwebs.
- To build a tool that works just as well for non technical content creators as power users.
- To support rich content as easily as dealing with an image. Want a poll mid article? You got it. Want to paste a complete NG application in raw HTML? You got it.
When embarking on this project the last thing we wanted was to use one of those WYSIWYG editors with the million options and incomprehensible and inconsistent markup (you know who I'm talking about), to that end we chose to build our editor on top of [mobiledoc-kit](https://github.com/bustlelabs/mobiledoc-kit), you can read more about our decision [here](https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7429).
## So why mobiledoc?
Mobiledoc is a new format for storing rich content, it's platform independent and isn't tied specifically to HTML (we can render a plain text version for a search index for instance). It allows for the embedding of rich applications inside your content using the cards paradigm. It's also a standard so content written in and for Ghost is compatible with any other mobiledoc system, and vice versa.
To us it seemed like the best compromise between a feature rich WYSIWYG editor and the markdown that we so love.
Like Ghost, Mobiledoc-kit is still moving towards its 1.0 release - it still has some bugs, but we're working together to make something really fun.
## To try it out:
- clone this repo
- `cd Ghost-Editor`
- `npm install && bower install`
- `ember serve`
- Visit `http://localhost:4200`
- Click in the middle to activate the editor
## If you want to help out:
- Create an issue on the main Ghost repository [https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues](https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues).
- Clone the repo and create a branch.
- Submit a PR.
A fantastic guide on the Ghost workflow is here: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Git-workflow, it's well worth a read.
## Some features of the editor.
Ghost-Editor is very much a WYSIWYG editor but it supports a subset of markdown as content shortcuts for those of us who are mouse adverse, specifically:
\# H1
\## H2
\## H3
1. Ordered Lists
\* Unordered Lists
\- Unordered Lists
\> Block Quote
\`\`\` code blocks (generates a new markdown card) \`\`\`
There's also has an inline menu that you can access by pressing the **/** key within the editor.
Right now we only have three built in "cards", a markdown card, an HTML card, and an Image card. But we plan to add the ability to install custom cards in the near future and have some big and exciting plans (and we're even more excited about what the community will do with it.), so watch this space.
| 49.508197 | 404 | 0.75596 | eng_Latn | 0.997466 |
d9bde3dafd243bb58622c93a658f33abba385fc4 | 3,985 | md | Markdown | README.md | danielb2/anime-downloader | 0bebd6f9e8a7ea6264fcc6c4436570596f299213 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | danielb2/anime-downloader | 0bebd6f9e8a7ea6264fcc6c4436570596f299213 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | danielb2/anime-downloader | 0bebd6f9e8a7ea6264fcc6c4436570596f299213 | [
] | null | null | null | <div align="center">
<img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/484717445538643979/564476620401016862/Banner.png">
<strong><i>A simple yet powerful tool for downloading anime.</i></strong>
<a href="https://travis-ci.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/travis/com/vn-ki/anime-downloader.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=Travis%20CI">
<a href="https://codecov.io/gh/vn-ki/anime-downloader">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/vn-ki/anime-downloader.svg?logo=codecov&style=for-the-badge">
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<img src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/anime-downloader.svg?logo=python&style=for-the-badge">
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<img src="https://img.shields.io/discord/483008720167632929.svg?color=%237289DA&label=Discord&logo=Discord&style=for-the-badge">
<a href="https://anime-downlader.rtfd.io">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/anime-downlader.svg?logo=read%20the%20docs&style=for-the-badge">
# Anime Downloader
Ever dreamt about watching anime for free effortlessly without all those unbearable ads? Ever dreamt of downloading your favourite anime for that long trip?

Yeah. Me too! That's why this tool exists.
## Features
- Download or stream any episode or episode range of any anime.
- Specify the quality you want to stream or download.
- Search and download.
- Save yourselves from those malicious ads.
- Add any anime to your watch list using `anime watch` and let anime downloader take care of everything for you.
- Download using external downloader ([aria2](https://aria2.github.io/) recommended).
- Configurable using `config.json`. See [documentation](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/config.html).
## Supported Sites
- twist.moe
- Animepahe
- Anistream
- Animeflix
- Animefreak
- Gogoanime
- Dubbedanime
- a2zanime
- animeout
- itsaturday
- Animeflv
- Kickassanime
- DreamAnime
- RyuAnime
- Erai-Raws
- Animesimple
- Animerush
- Watchmovie
- Kissanime - requires Node.js
- Kisscartoon - requires Node.js
## Installation
[**Installation instructions***](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/installation.html)
If you have trouble installing, see extended installation instructions [here](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/installation.html) or join the [discord server](https://discord.gg/Qn2nWGm) for help.
- For cloudflare scraping [cfscrape](https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape) is used. It depends on [`node-js`](https://nodejs.org/en/). So if you want to use cloudflare, make sure you have [node-js](https://nodejs.org/en/) installed.
- You might have to use pip3 depending on your system
## Usage
See [docs](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/dl.html).
Anime downloader has two sub commands, `dl` and `watch`.
- [dl](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/dl.html): `dl` can download anime.
- [watch](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/watch.html): `watch` can manage your anime watch list. Needs [mpv](https://mpv.io). Deprecated in favour of [adl](https://github.com/RaitaroH/adl)
**To use `anime_downloader` in your package:**
This tool can be used as a library. This means you can import it into your own application and search for anime and do many other wonderful things.
See [documentation](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/api.html).
**Development Instructions:**
See [development instructions](https://anime-downlader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced/custom_site.html).
## Related Projects
- [adl](https://github.com/RaitaroH/adl) - a command-line tool for watching anime that makes use of anime-downloader.
*Please don't judge me for not paying for anime. I want to support the anime industry, but being a college student, I can't.*
| 38.68932 | 239 | 0.754329 | eng_Latn | 0.516522 |
d9beadf58515314d8c4eec415170bd0b4ccf6ee5 | 180,590 | md | Markdown | windows/client-management/mdm/new-in-windows-mdm-enrollment-management.md | andredm7/windows-itpro-docs | 8a41604d3f735e446fe2760b113546f364728144 | [
] | null | null | null | windows/client-management/mdm/new-in-windows-mdm-enrollment-management.md | andredm7/windows-itpro-docs | 8a41604d3f735e446fe2760b113546f364728144 | [
] | null | null | null | windows/client-management/mdm/new-in-windows-mdm-enrollment-management.md | andredm7/windows-itpro-docs | 8a41604d3f735e446fe2760b113546f364728144 | [
] | 1 | 2020-05-09T21:38:44.000Z | 2020-05-09T21:38:44.000Z | ---
title: What's new in MDM enrollment and management
description: Discover what's new and breaking changes in Windows 10 mobile device management (MDM) enrollment and management experience across all Windows 10 devices.
- 'p\_phdevicemgmt.mdm\_enrollment\_and\_management\_overview'
- 'p\_phDeviceMgmt.new\_in\_windows\_mdm\_enrollment\_management'
ms.assetid: 9C42064F-091C-4901-BC73-9ABE79EE4224
manager: dansimp
ms.author: dansimp
ms.topic: article
ms.prod: w10
ms.technology: windows
author: manikadhiman
ms.localizationpriority: medium
ms.date: 07/01/2019
# What's new in mobile device enrollment and management
This topic provides information about what's new and breaking changes in Windows 10 mobile device management (MDM) enrollment and management experience across all Windows 10 devices.
For details about Microsoft mobile device management protocols for Windows 10 see [\[MS-MDM\]: Mobile Device Management Protocol](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=619346) and [\[MS-MDE2\]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Version 2]( https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=619347).
- **What’s new in MDM for Windows 10 versions**
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1909](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1909)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1903](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1903)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1809](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1809)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1803](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1803)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1709](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1709)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1703](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1703)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1607](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1607)
- [What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1511](#whats-new-in-mdm-for-windows-10-version-1511)
- **Breaking changes and known issues**
- [Get command inside an atomic command is not supported](#get-command-inside-an-atomic-command-is-not-supported)
- [Notification channel URI not preserved during upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10](#notification-channel-uri-not-preserved-during-upgrade-from-windows-81-to-windows-10)
- [Apps installed using WMI classes are not removed](#apps-installed-using-wmi-classes-are-not-removed)
- [Passing CDATA in SyncML does not work](#passing-cdata-in-syncml-does-not-work)
- [SSL settings in IIS server for SCEP must be set to "Ignore"](#ssl-settings-in-iis-server-for-scep-must-be-set-to-ignore)
- [MDM enrollment fails on the mobile device when traffic is going through proxy](#mdm-enrollment-fails-on-the-mobile-device-when-traffic-is-going-through-proxy)
- [Server-initiated unenrollment failure](#server-initiated-unenrollment-failure)
- [Certificates causing issues with Wi-Fi and VPN](#certificates-causing-issues-with-wi-fi-and-vpn)
- [Version information for mobile devices](#version-information-for-mobile-devices)
- [Upgrading Windows Phone 8.1 devices with app whitelisting using ApplicationRestriction policy has issues](#upgrading-windows-phone-81-devices-with-app-whitelisting-using-applicationrestriction-policy-has-issues)
- [Apps dependent on Microsoft Frameworks may get blocked in phones prior to build 10586.218](#apps-dependent-on-microsoft-frameworks-may-get-blocked-in-phones-prior-to-build-10586218)
- [Multiple certificates might cause Wi-Fi connection instabilities in Windows 10 Mobile](#multiple-certificates-might-cause-wi-fi-connection-instabilities-in-windows-10-mobile)
- [Remote PIN reset not supported in Azure Active Directory joined mobile devices](#remote-pin-reset-not-supported-in-azure-active-directory-joined-mobile-devices)
- [MDM client will immediately check-in with the MDM server after client renews WNS channel URI](#mdm-client-will-immediately-check-in-with-the-mdm-server-after-client-renews-wns-channel-uri)
- [User provisioning failure in Azure Active Directory joined Windows 10 PC](#user-provisioning-failure-in-azure-active-directory-joined-windows-10-pc)
- [Requirements to note for VPN certificates also used for Kerberos Authentication](#requirements-to-note-for-vpn-certificates-also-used-for-kerberos-authentication)
- [Device management agent for the push-button reset is not working](#device-management-agent-for-the-push-button-reset-is-not-working)
- **Frequently Asked Questions**
- [Can there be more than 1 MDM server to enroll and manage devices in Windows 10?](#can-there-be-more-than-1-mdm-server-to-enroll-and-manage-devices-in-windows-10)
- [How do I set the maximum number of Azure Active Directory joined devices per user?](#how-do-i-set-the-maximum-number-of-azure-active-directory-joined-devices-per-user)
- [What is dmwappushsvc?](#what-is-dmwappushsvc)
- **Change history in MDM documentation**
- [February 2020](#february-2020)
- [January 2020](#january-2020)
- [November 2019](#november-2019)
- [October 2019](#october-2019)
- [September 2019](#september-2019)
- [August 2019](#august-2019)
- [July 2019](#july-2019)
- [June 2019](#june-2019)
- [May 2019](#may-2019)
- [April 2019](#april-2019)
- [March 2019](#march-2019)
- [February 2019](#february-2019)
- [January 2019](#january-2019)
- [December 2018](#december-2018)
- [September 2018](#september-2018)
- [August 2018](#august-2018)
- [July 2018](#july-2018)
- [June 2018](#june-2018)
- [May 2018](#may-2018)
- [April 2018](#april-2018)
- [March 2018](#march-2018)
- [February 2018](#february-2018)
- [January 2018](#january-2018)
- [December 2017](#december-2017)
- [November 2017](#november-2017)
- [October 2017](#october-2017)
- [September 2017](#september-2017)
- [August 2017](#august-2017)
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1909
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><br>Added the following new nodes in Windows 10, version 1909:</p>
ConfigureRecoveryPasswordRotation, RotateRecoveryPasswords, RotateRecoveryPasswordsStatus, RotateRecoveryPasswordsRequestID.</li>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1903
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies in Windows 10, version 1903:</p>
<li><a href="policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md#deliveryoptimization-dodelaycacheserverfallbackbackground" data-raw-source="[DeliveryOptimization/DODelayCacheServerFallbackBackground](policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md#deliveryoptimization-dodelaycacheserverfallbackbackground)">DeliveryOptimization/DODelayCacheServerFallbackBackground</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md#deliveryoptimization-dodelaycacheserverfallbackforeground" data-raw-source="[DeliveryOptimization/DODelayCacheServerFallbackForeground](policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md#deliveryoptimization-dodelaycacheserverfallbackforeground)">DeliveryOptimization/DODelayCacheServerFallbackForeground</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-allowdevicehealthmonitoring" data-raw-source="[DeviceHealthMonitoring/AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring](policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-allowdevicehealthmonitoring)">DeviceHealthMonitoring/AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-configdevicehealthmonitoringscope" data-raw-source="[DeviceHealthMonitoring/ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringScope](policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-configdevicehealthmonitoringscope)">DeviceHealthMonitoring/ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringScope</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-configdevicehealthmonitoringuploaddestination" data-raw-source="[DeviceHealthMonitoring/ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringUploadDestination](policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md#devicehealthmonitoring-configdevicehealthmonitoringuploaddestination)">DeviceHealthMonitoring/ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringUploadDestination</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-deviceinstallation.md#deviceinstallation-allowinstallationofmatchingdeviceinstanceids" data-raw-source="[DeviceInstallation/AllowInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs](policy-csp-deviceinstallation.md#deviceinstallation-allowinstallationofmatchingdeviceinstanceids)">DeviceInstallation/AllowInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-deviceinstallation.md#deviceinstallation-preventinstallationofmatchingdeviceinstanceids" data-raw-source="[DeviceInstallation/PreventInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs](policy-csp-deviceinstallation.md#deviceinstallation-preventinstallationofmatchingdeviceinstanceids)">DeviceInstallation/PreventInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-experience.md#experience-showlockonusertile" data-raw-source="[Experience/ShowLockOnUserTile](policy-csp-experience.md#experience-showlockonusertile)">Experience/ShowLockOnUserTile</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-allowenhancedsuggestionsinaddressbar" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/AllowEnhancedSuggestionsInAddressBar](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-allowenhancedsuggestionsinaddressbar)">InternetExplorer/AllowEnhancedSuggestionsInAddressBar</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disableactivexversionlistautodownload" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/DisableActiveXVersionListAutoDownload](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disableactivexversionlistautodownload)">InternetExplorer/DisableActiveXVersionListAutoDownload</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablecompatview" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/DisableCompatView](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablecompatview)">InternetExplorer/DisableCompatView</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablefeedsbackgroundsync" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/DisableFeedsBackgroundSync](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablefeedsbackgroundsync)">InternetExplorer/DisableFeedsBackgroundSync</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablegeolocation" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/DisableGeolocation](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablegeolocation)">InternetExplorer/DisableGeolocation</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablewebaddressautocomplete" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/DisableWebAddressAutoComplete](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-disablewebaddressautocomplete)">InternetExplorer/DisableWebAddressAutoComplete</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-newtabdefaultpage" data-raw-source="[InternetExplorer/NewTabDefaultPage](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md#internetexplorer-newtabdefaultpage)">InternetExplorer/NewTabDefaultPage</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-energysaverbatterythresholdonbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/EnergySaverBatteryThresholdOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-energysaverbatterythresholdonbattery)">Power/EnergySaverBatteryThresholdOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-energysaverbatterythresholdpluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/EnergySaverBatteryThresholdPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-energysaverbatterythresholdpluggedin)">Power/EnergySaverBatteryThresholdPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectlidcloseactiononbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectLidCloseActionOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectlidcloseactiononbattery)">Power/SelectLidCloseActionOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectlidcloseactionpluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectLidCloseActionPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectlidcloseactionpluggedin)">Power/SelectLidCloseActionPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectpowerbuttonactiononbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectPowerButtonActionOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectpowerbuttonactiononbattery)">Power/SelectPowerButtonActionOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectpowerbuttonactionpluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectPowerButtonActionPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectpowerbuttonactionpluggedin)">Power/SelectPowerButtonActionPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectsleepbuttonactiononbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectSleepButtonActionOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectsleepbuttonactiononbattery)">Power/SelectSleepButtonActionOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-selectsleepbuttonactionpluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/SelectSleepButtonActionPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-selectsleepbuttonactionpluggedin)">Power/SelectSleepButtonActionPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-turnoffhybridsleeponbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/TurnOffHybridSleepOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-turnoffhybridsleeponbattery)">Power/TurnOffHybridSleepOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-turnoffhybridsleeppluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/TurnOffHybridSleepPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-turnoffhybridsleeppluggedin)">Power/TurnOffHybridSleepPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-unattendedsleeptimeoutonbattery" data-raw-source="[Power/UnattendedSleepTimeoutOnBattery](policy-csp-power.md#power-unattendedsleeptimeoutonbattery)">Power/UnattendedSleepTimeoutOnBattery</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-power.md#power-unattendedsleeptimeoutpluggedin" data-raw-source="[Power/UnattendedSleepTimeoutPluggedIn](policy-csp-power.md#power-unattendedsleeptimeoutpluggedin)">Power/UnattendedSleepTimeoutPluggedIn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-privacy.md#privacy-letappsactivatewithvoice" data-raw-source="[Privacy/LetAppsActivateWithVoice](policy-csp-privacy.md#privacy-letappsactivatewithvoice)">Privacy/LetAppsActivateWithVoice</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-privacy.md#privacy-letappsactivatewithvoiceabovelock" data-raw-source="[Privacy/LetAppsActivateWithVoiceAboveLock](policy-csp-privacy.md#privacy-letappsactivatewithvoiceabovelock)">Privacy/LetAppsActivateWithVoiceAboveLock</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-search.md#search-allowfindmyfiles" data-raw-source="[Search/AllowFindMyFiles](policy-csp-search.md#search-allowfindmyfiles)">Search/AllowFindMyFiles</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-servicecontrolmanager.md#servicecontrolmanager-svchostprocessmitigation" data-raw-source="[ServiceControlManager/SvchostProcessMitigation](policy-csp-servicecontrolmanager.md#servicecontrolmanager-svchostprocessmitigation)">ServiceControlManager/SvchostProcessMitigation</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-system.md#system-allowcommercialdatapipeline" data-raw-source="[System/AllowCommercialDataPipeline](policy-csp-system.md#system-allowcommercialdatapipeline)">System/AllowCommercialDataPipeline</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-system.md#system-turnofffilehistory" data-raw-source="[System/TurnOffFileHistory](policy-csp-system.md#system-turnofffilehistory)">System/TurnOffFileHistory</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-timelanguagesettings.md#timelanguagesettings-configuretimezone" data-raw-source="[TimeLanguageSettings/ConfigureTimeZone](policy-csp-timelanguagesettings.md#timelanguagesettings-configuretimezone)">TimeLanguageSettings/ConfigureTimeZone</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-troubleshooting.md#troubleshooting-allowrecommendations" data-raw-source="[Troubleshooting/AllowRecommendations](policy-csp-troubleshooting.md#troubleshooting-allowrecommendations)">Troubleshooting/AllowRecommendations</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-update.md#update-automaticmaintenancewakeup" data-raw-source="[Update/AutomaticMaintenanceWakeUp](policy-csp-update.md#update-automaticmaintenancewakeup)">Update/AutomaticMaintenanceWakeUp</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlineforfeatureupdates" data-raw-source="[Update/ConfigureDeadlineForFeatureUpdates](policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlineforfeatureupdates)">Update/ConfigureDeadlineForFeatureUpdates</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlineforqualityupdates" data-raw-source="[Update/ConfigureDeadlineForQualityUpdates](policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlineforqualityupdates)">Update/ConfigureDeadlineForQualityUpdates</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlinegraceperiod" data-raw-source="[Update/ConfigureDeadlineGracePeriod](policy-csp-update.md#update-configuredeadlinegraceperiod)">Update/ConfigureDeadlineGracePeriod</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-allowautomaticrestartsignon" data-raw-source="[WindowsLogon/AllowAutomaticRestartSignOn](policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-allowautomaticrestartsignon)">WindowsLogon/AllowAutomaticRestartSignOn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-configautomaticrestartsignon" data-raw-source="[WindowsLogon/ConfigAutomaticRestartSignOn](policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-configautomaticrestartsignon)">WindowsLogon/ConfigAutomaticRestartSignOn</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-enablefirstlogonanimation" data-raw-source="[WindowsLogon/EnableFirstLogonAnimation](policy-csp-windowslogon.md#windowslogon-enablefirstlogonanimation)">WindowsLogon/EnableFirstLogonAnimation</a></li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-csp-audit.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP - Audit](policy-csp-audit.md)">Policy CSP - Audit</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new Audit policies in Windows 10, version 1903.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="applicationcontrol-csp.md" data-raw-source="[ApplicationControl CSP](applicationcontrol-csp.md)">ApplicationControl CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1903.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="defender-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)">Defender CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new nodes:<br>Health/TamperProtectionEnabled, Health/IsVirtualMachine, Configuration, Configuration/TamperProtection, Configuration/EnableFileHashComputation.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="diagnosticlog-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DiagnosticLog CSP](diagnosticlog-csp.md)">DiagnosticLog CSP</a><br>
<a href="diagnosticlog-ddf.md" data-raw-source="[DiagnosticLog DDF](diagnosticlog-ddf.md)">DiagnosticLog DDF</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added version 1.4 of the CSP in Windows 10, version 1903. Added the new 1.4 version of the DDF. Added the following new nodes:<br>
Policy, Policy/Channels, Policy/Channels/ChannelName, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/MaximumFileSize, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/SDDL, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/ActionWhenFull, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/Enabled, DiagnosticArchive, DiagnosticArchive/ArchiveDefinition, DiagnosticArchive/ArchiveResults.
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enrollmentstatustracking-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnrollmentStatusTracking CSP](enrollmentstatustracking-csp.md)">EnrollmentStatusTracking CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1903.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="passportforwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)">PassportForWork CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new nodes in Windows 10, version 1903:<br>SecurityKey, SecurityKey/UseSecurityKeyForSignin</p>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1809
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies in Windows 10, version 1809:</p>
<li>ApplicationManagement/ScheduleForceRestartForUpdateFailures </li>
<li>Authentication/EnableFastFirstSignIn (Preview mode only)</li>
<li>Authentication/EnableWebSignIn (Preview mode only)</li>
<li>Defender/DisableCatchupFullScan </li>
<li>Defender/DisableCatchupQuickScan </li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="passportforwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)">PassportForWork CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added NonRemovable setting under AppManagement node in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="win32compatibilityappraiser-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Win32CompatibilityAppraiser CSP](win32compatibilityappraiser-csp.md)">Win32CompatibilityAppraiser CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new configuration service provider in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowslicensing-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsLicensing CSP](windowslicensing-csp.md)">WindowsLicensing CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added S mode settings and SyncML examples in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="supl-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SUPL CSP](supl-csp.md)">SUPL CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added 3 new certificate nodes in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="defender-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)">Defender CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node Health/ProductStatus in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node AllowStandardUserEncryption in Windows 10, version 1809. Added support for Windows 10 Pro.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devdetail-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DevDetail CSP](devdetail-csp.md)">DevDetail CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node SMBIOSSerialNumber in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="wifi-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Wifi CSP](wifi-csp.md)">Wifi CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node WifiCost in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="remotewipe-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RemoteWipe CSP](remotewipe-csp.md)">RemoteWipe CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="tenantlockdown-csp.md" data-raw-source="[TenantLockdown CSP](tenantlockdown-csp.md)">TenantLockdown CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="office-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Office CSP](office-csp.md)">Office CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added FinalStatus setting in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1803
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<p>Security/RequireDeviceEncryption - updated to show it is supported in desktop.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the description for AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption to describe changes added in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added ./User/Vendor/MSFT/DMClient/Provider/[ProviderID]/FirstSyncStatus node. Also added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="defender-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)">Defender CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new node (OfflineScan) in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="uefi-csp.md" data-raw-source="[UEFI CSP](uefi-csp.md)">UEFI CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="update-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Update CSP](update-csp.md)">Update CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<p>Updated the AssigneAccessConfiguration schema. Starting in Windows 10, version 1803 AssignedAccess CSP is supported in HoloLens (1st gen) Commercial Suite. Added example for HoloLens (1st gen) Commercial Suite.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="multisim-csp.md" data-raw-source="[MultiSIM CSP](multisim-csp.md)">MultiSIM CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="euiccs-csp.md" data-raw-source="[eUICCs CSP](euiccs-csp.md)">eUICCs CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicestatus-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceStatus CSP](devicestatus-csp.md)">DeviceStatus CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="accountmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AccountManagement CSP](accountmanagement-csp.md)">AccountManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="rootcacertificates-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RootCATrustedCertificates CSP](rootcacertificates-csp.md)">RootCATrustedCertificates CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="\networkproxy--csp.md" data-raw-source="[NetworkProxy CSP](\networkproxy--csp.md)">NetworkProxy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="accounts-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Accounts CSP](accounts-csp.md)">Accounts CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="https://aka.ms/mmat" data-raw-source="[MDM Migration Analysis Too (MMAT)](https://aka.ms/mmat)">MDM Migration Analysis Too (MMAT)</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated version available. MMAT is a tool you can use to determine which Group Policies are set on a target user/computer and cross-reference them against the list of supported MDM policies.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download" data-raw-source="[CSP DDF files download](configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download)">CSP DDF files download</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the DDF download of Windows 10, version 1803 configuration service providers.</p>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1709
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top">The <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt221945.aspx" data-raw-source="[\[MS-MDE2\]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Version 2](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt221945.aspx)">[MS-MDE2]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Version 2</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>The Windows 10 enrollment protocol was updated. The following elements were added to the RequestSecurityToken message:</p>
<li>UXInitiated - boolean value that indicates whether the enrollment is user initiated from the Settings page. </li>
<li>ExternalMgmtAgentHint - a string the agent uses to give hints the enrollment server may need.</li>
<li>DomainName - fully qualified domain name if the device is domain-joined.</li>
<p>For examples, see section 4.3.1 RequestSecurityToken of the MS-MDE2 protocol documentation.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="firewall-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Firewall CSP](firewall-csp.md)">Firewall CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="euiccs-csp.md" data-raw-source="[eUICCs CSP](euiccs-csp.md)">eUICCs CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">New CSP added in Windows 10, version 1709. Also added the DDF topic <a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard DDF file](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-ddf-file.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard DDF file</a>.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="cm-proxyentries-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CM_ProxyEntries CSP](cm-proxyentries-csp.md)">CM_ProxyEntries CSP</a> and <a href="cmpolicy-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CMPolicy CSP](cmpolicy-csp.md)">CMPolicy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">In Windows 10, version 1709, support for desktop SKUs were added to these CSPs. The table of SKU information in the <a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md" data-raw-source="[Configuration service provider reference](configuration-service-provider-reference.md)">Configuration service provider reference</a> was updated.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">New CSP added in Windows 10, version 1709. Also added the DDF topic <a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard DDF file](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-ddf-file.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard DDF file</a>.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="vpnv2-csp.md" data-raw-source="[VPNv2 CSP](vpnv2-csp.md)">VPNv2 CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added DeviceTunnel and RegisterDNS settings in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicestatus-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceStatus CSP](devicestatus-csp.md)">DeviceStatus CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings in Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1709, AssignedAccess CSP is supported in Windows 10 Pro.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicemanageability-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceManageability CSP](devicemanageability-csp.md)">DeviceManageability CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings in Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<li> Provider/<em>ProviderID</em>/EnrollmentInfo</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="office-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Office CSP](office-csp.md)">Office CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting in Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new nodes to the DMClient CSP in Windows 10, version 1709. Updated the CSP and DDF topics.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Bitlocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">Bitlocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Changed the minimum personal identification number (PIN) length to 4 digits in SystemDrivesRequireStartupAuthentication and SystemDrivesMinimumPINLength in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-csps-admx-backed.md" data-raw-source="[ADMX-backed policies in Policy CSP](policy-csps-admx-backed.md)">ADMX-backed policies in Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new policies.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top">Microsoft Store for Business and Microsoft Store</td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Windows Store for Business name changed to Microsoft Store for Business. Windows Store name changed to Microsoft Store.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md" data-raw-source="[MDM enrollment of Windows-based devices](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md)">MDM enrollment of Windows-based devices</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New features in the Settings app:</p>
<li>User sees installation progress of critical policies during MDM enrollment.</li>
<li>User knows what policies, profiles, apps MDM has configured</li>
<li>IT helpdesk can get detailed MDM diagnostic information using client tools</li>
<p>For details, see <a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#managing-connections" data-raw-source="[Managing connection](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#managing-connections)">Managing connection</a> and <a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#collecting-diagnostic-logs" data-raw-source="[Collecting diagnostic logs](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#collecting-diagnostic-logs)">Collecting diagnostic logs</a></p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enroll-a-windows-10-device-automatically-using-group-policy.md" data-raw-source="[Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy](enroll-a-windows-10-device-automatically-using-group-policy.md)">Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new topic to introduce a new Group Policy for automatic MDM enrollment.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<li>Defender/CloudBlockLevel </li>
<li>System/DisableEnterpriseAuthProxy </li>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1703
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="update-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Update CSP](update-csp.md)">Update CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes:</p>
<li>FailedUpdates/<em>Failed Update Guid</em>/RevisionNumber</li>
<li>InstalledUpdates/<em>Installed Update Guid</em>/RevisionNumber</li>
<li>PendingRebootUpdates/<em>Pending Reboot Update Guid</em>/RevisionNumber</li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="cm-cellularentries-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CM_CellularEntries CSP](cm-cellularentries-csp.md)">CM_CellularEntries CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>To PurposeGroups setting, added the following values:</p>
<li>Purchase - 95522B2B-A6D1-4E40-960B-05E6D3F962AB </li>
<li>Administrative - 2FFD9261-C23C-4D27-8DCF-CDE4E14A3364</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="certificatestore-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CertificateStore CSP](certificatestore-csp.md)">CertificateStore CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="clientcertificateinstall-csp.md" data-raw-source="[ClientCertificateInstall CSP](clientcertificateinstall-csp.md)">ClientCertificateInstall CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="dmacc-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMAcc CSP](dmacc-csp.md)">DMAcc CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes and settings:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="cellularsettings-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CellularSettings CSP](cellularsettings-csp.md)">CellularSettings CSP</a></p><p><a href="cm-cellularentries-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CM_CellularEntries CSP](cm-cellularentries-csp.md)">CM_CellularEntries CSP</a></p><p><a href="enterpriseapn-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAPN CSP](enterpriseapn-csp.md)">EnterpriseAPN CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>For these CSPs, support was added for Windows 10 Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="secureassessment-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SecureAssessment CSP](secureassessment-csp.md)">SecureAssessment CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterpriseapn-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAPN CSP](enterpriseapn-csp.md)">EnterpriseAPN CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="messaging-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Messaging CSP](messaging-csp.md)">Messaging CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP. This CSP is only supported in Windows 10 Mobile and Mobile Enterprise editions.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies: </p>
<li>Start/AllowPinnedFolderPersonalFolder </li>
</ul><p>Removed TextInput/AllowLinguisticDataCollection</p>
<p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1703, Update/UpdateServiceUrl is not supported in Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise and IoT Enterprise</p>
<p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1703, the maximum value of Update/DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays has been increased from 180 days, to 365 days.</p>
<p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1703, in Browser/HomePages you can use the "<about:blank>" value if you don’t want to send traffic to Microsoft.</p>
<p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1703, Start/StartLayout can now be set on a per-device basis in addition to the pre-existing per-user basis.</p>
<p>Added the ConfigOperations/ADMXInstall node and setting, which is used to ingest ADMX files.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devdetail-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DevDetail CSP](devdetail-csp.md)">DevDetail CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="cleanpc-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CleanPC CSP](cleanpc-csp.md)">CleanPC CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="developersetup-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeveloperSetup CSP](developersetup-csp.md)">DeveloperSetup CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="networkproxy-csp.md" data-raw-source="[NetworkProxy CSP](networkproxy-csp.md)">NetworkProxy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p>
<p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1703, AllowUserDecryption is no longer supported.</p><p>Added the following settings:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dynamicmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DynamicManagement CSP](dynamicmanagement-csp.md)">DynamicManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="implement-server-side-mobile-application-management.md" data-raw-source="[Implement server-side support for mobile application management on Windows](implement-server-side-mobile-application-management.md)">Implement server-side support for mobile application management on Windows</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New mobile application management (MAM) support added in Windows 10, version 1703.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="passportforwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)">PassportForWork CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new node and settings:</p>
<li><em>TenantId</em>/Policies/ExcludeSecurityDevices (only for ./Device/Vendor/MSFT)</li>
<li><em>TenantId</em>/Policies/ExcludeSecurityDevices/TPM12 (only for ./Device/Vendor/MSFT)</li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="office-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Office CSP](office-csp.md)">Office CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="personalization-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Personalization CSP](personalization-csp.md)">Personalization CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterpriseappvmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAppVManagement CSP](enterpriseappvmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseAppVManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="healthattestation-csp.md" data-raw-source="[HealthAttestation CSP](healthattestation-csp.md)">HealthAttestation CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings:</p>
<li>HASEndpoint - added in Windows 10, version 1607, but not documented</li>
<li>TpmReadyStatus - added in the March service release of Windows 10, version 1607</li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="surfacehub-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SurfaceHub CSP](surfacehub-csp.md)">SurfaceHub CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes and settings:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="networkqospolicy-csp.md" data-raw-source="[NetworkQoSPolicy CSP](networkqospolicy-csp.md)">NetworkQoSPolicy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="windowslicensing-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsLicensing CSP](windowslicensing-csp.md)">WindowsLicensing CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsadvancedthreatprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection CSP](windowsadvancedthreatprotection-csp.md)">WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmsessionactions-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMSessionActions CSP](dmsessionactions-csp.md)">DMSessionActions CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmsessionactions-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SharedPC CSP](dmsessionactions-csp.md)">SharedPC CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1703.</p>
<p>The default value for SetEduPolicies changed to false. The default value for SleepTimeout changed to 300.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="remotelock-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RemoteLock CSP](remotelock-csp.md)">RemoteLock CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added following setting:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="nodecache-csp.md" data-raw-source="[NodeCache CSP](nodecache-csp.md)">NodeCache CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added following settings:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/7/C/C7C94663-44CF-4221-ABCA-BC895F42B6C2/Windows10_1703_DDF_download.zip" data-raw-source="[Download all the DDF files for Windows 10, version 1703](https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/7/C/C7C94663-44CF-4221-ABCA-BC895F42B6C2/Windows10_1703_DDF_download.zip)">Download all the DDF files for Windows 10, version 1703</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a zip file containing the DDF XML files of the CSPs. The link to the download is available in the DDF topics of various CSPs.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="remotewipe-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RemoteWipe CSP](remotewipe-csp.md)">RemoteWipe CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new setting in Windows 10, version 1703.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/hardware/dn905224" data-raw-source="[MDM Bridge WMI Provider](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/hardware/dn905224)">MDM Bridge WMI Provider</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new classes and properties.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="understanding-admx-backed-policies.md" data-raw-source="[Understanding ADMX-backed policies](understanding-admx-backed-policies.md)">Understanding ADMX-backed policies</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a section describing SyncML examples of various ADMX elements.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="win32-and-centennial-app-policy-configuration.md" data-raw-source="[Win32 and Desktop Bridge app policy configuration](win32-and-centennial-app-policy-configuration.md)">Win32 and Desktop Bridge app policy configuration</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">New topic.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="appv-deploy-and-config.md" data-raw-source="[Deploy and configure App-V apps using MDM](appv-deploy-and-config.md)">Deploy and configure App-V apps using MDM</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new topic describing how to deploy and configure App-V apps using MDM.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisedesktopappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement CSP](enterprisedesktopappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new setting in the March service release of Windows 10, version 1607.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="reporting-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Reporting CSP](reporting-csp.md)">Reporting CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1703.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#connecting-your-windows-10-based-device-to-work-using-a-deep-link" data-raw-source="[Connecting your Windows 10-based device to work using a deep link](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#connecting-your-windows-10-based-device-to-work-using-a-deep-link)">Connecting your Windows 10-based device to work using a deep link</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added following deep link parameters to the table:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top">MDM support for Windows 10 S</td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the following topics to indicate MDM support in Windows 10 S.</p>
<li><a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md" data-raw-source="[Configuration service provider reference](configuration-service-provider-reference.md)">Configuration service provider reference</a></li>
<li><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="tpmpolicy-csp.md" data-raw-source="[TPMPolicy CSP](tpmpolicy-csp.md)">TPMPolicy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">New CSP added in Windows 10, version 1703.</td>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1607
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Sideloading of apps</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1607, sideloading of apps is only allowed through <a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a>. Product keys (5x5) will no longer be supported to enable sideloading on Windows 10, version 1607 devices.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New value for <a href="nodecache-csp.md" data-raw-source="[NodeCache CSP](nodecache-csp.md)">NodeCache CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>In <a href="nodecache-csp.md" data-raw-source="[NodeCache CSP](nodecache-csp.md)">NodeCache CSP</a>, the value of NodeCache root node starting in Windows 10, version 1607 is com.microsoft/1.0/MDM/NodeCache.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Removed the following policies:</p>
<li>DataProtection/AllowAzureRMSForEDP - moved this policy to <a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></li>
<li>DataProtection/AllowUserDecryption - moved this policy to <a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></li>
<li>DataProtection/EDPEnforcementLevel - moved this policy to <a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></li>
<li>DataProtection/RequireProtectionUnderLockConfig - moved this policy to <a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></li>
<li>DataProtection/RevokeOnUnenroll - moved this policy to <a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></li>
<li>DataProtection/EnterpriseCloudResources - moved this policy to NetworkIsolation policy</li>
<li>DataProtection/EnterpriseInternalProxyServers - moved this policy to NetworkIsolation policy</li>
<li>DataProtection/EnterpriseIPRange - moved this policy to NetworkIsolation policy</li>
<li>DataProtection/EnterpriseNetworkDomainNames - moved this policy to NetworkIsolation policy</li>
<li>DataProtection/EnterpriseProxyServers - moved this policy to NetworkIsolation policy</li>
<li>Security/AllowAutomaticDeviceEncryptionForAzureADJoinedDevices - this policy has been deprecated.</li>
<p>Added the <strong>WiFi/AllowManualWiFiConfiguration</strong> and <strong>WiFi/AllowWiFi</strong> policies for Windows 10, version 1607:</p>
<li>Windows 10 Pro</li>
<li>Windows 10 Enterprise</li>
<li>Windows 10 Education</li>
<p>Added the following new policies:</p>
<li>Update/UpdateServiceUrlAlternate (Added in the January service release of Windows 10, version 1607)</li>
<p>Updated the <strong>Privacy/AllowAutoAcceptPairingAndPrivacyConsentPrompts</strong> description to remove outdated information.</p>
<p>Updated DeliveryOptimization/DODownloadMode to add new values.</p>
<p>Updated Experience/AllowCortana description to clarify what each supported value does.</p>
<p>Updated Security/AntiTheftMode description to clarify what each supported value does.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings:</p>
<p>Removed the EnrollmentID setting.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicemanageability-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceManageability CSP](devicemanageability-csp.md)">DeviceManageability CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicestatus-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceStatus CSP](devicestatus-csp.md)">DeviceStatus CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new settings:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added SyncML examples.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterpriseassignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAssignedAccess CSP](enterpriseassignedaccess-csp.md)">EnterpriseAssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><ul>
<li>Added a new Folder table entry in the AssignedAccess/AssignedAccessXml description.</li>
<li>Updated the DDF and XSD file sections.</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="secureassessment-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SecureAssessment CSP](secureassessment-csp.md)">SecureAssessment CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="diagnosticlog-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DiagnosticLog CSP](diagnosticlog-csp.md)">DiagnosticLog CSP</a>
<p><a href="diagnosticlog-ddf.md" data-raw-source="[DiagnosticLog DDF](diagnosticlog-ddf.md)">DiagnosticLog DDF</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added version 1.3 of the CSP with two new settings. Added the new 1.3 version of the DDF. Added the following new settings in Windows 10, version 1607.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="reboot-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Reboot CSP](reboot-csp.md)">Reboot CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="cmpolicyenterprise-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CMPolicyEnterprise CSP](cmpolicyenterprise-csp.md)">CMPolicyEnterprise CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="vpnv2-csp.md" data-raw-source="[VPNv2 CSP](vpnv2-csp.md)">VPNv2 CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings for Windows 10, version 1607</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="win32appinventory-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Win32AppInventory CSP](win32appinventory-csp.md)">Win32AppInventory CSP</a>
<p><a href="win32appinventory-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[Win32AppInventory DDF](win32appinventory-ddf-file.md)">Win32AppInventory DDF</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="sharedpc-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SharedPC CSP](sharedpc-csp.md)">SharedPC CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsadvancedthreatprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection CSP](windowsadvancedthreatprotection-csp.md)">WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New CSP for Windows 10, version 1607.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/hardware/dn905224" data-raw-source="[MDM Bridge WMI Provider](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/hardware/dn905224)">MDM Bridge WMI Provider</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new classes for Windows 10, version 1607.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md" data-raw-source="[MDM enrollment of Windows devices](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md)">MDM enrollment of Windows devices</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Topic renamed from "Enrollment UI".</p>
<p>Completely updated enrollment procedures and screenshots.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="unifiedwritefilter-csp.md" data-raw-source="[UnifiedWriteFilter CSP](unifiedwritefilter-csp.md)">UnifiedWriteFilter CSP</a>
<p><a href="unifiedwritefilter-ddf.md" data-raw-source="[UnifiedWriteFilter DDF File](unifiedwritefilter-ddf.md)">UnifiedWriteFilter DDF File</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new setting for Windows 10, version 1607:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="certificatestore-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CertificateStore CSP](certificatestore-csp.md)">CertificateStore CSP</a>
<p><a href="certificatestore-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[CertificateStore DDF file](certificatestore-ddf-file.md)">CertificateStore DDF file</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new settings in Windows 10, version 1607:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="windowslicensing-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsLicensing CSP](windowslicensing-csp.md)">WindowsLicensing CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new node and settings in Windows 10, version 1607, but not documented:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p><a href="wifi-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WiFi CSP](wifi-csp.md)">WiFi CSP</a></p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Deprecated the following node in Windows 10, version 1607:</p>
## What’s new in MDM for Windows 10, version 1511
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New configuration service providers added in Windows 10, version 1511</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><ul>
<li><a href="alljoynmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AllJoynManagement CSP](alljoynmanagement-csp.md)">AllJoynManagement CSP</a></li>
<li><a href="maps-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Maps CSP](maps-csp.md)">Maps CSP</a></li>
<li><a href="reporting-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Reporting CSP](reporting-csp.md)">Reporting CSP</a></li>
<li><a href="surfacehub-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SurfaceHub CSP](surfacehub-csp.md)">SurfaceHub CSP</a></li>
<li><a href="windowssecurityauditing-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsSecurityAuditing CSP](windowssecurityauditing-csp.md)">WindowsSecurityAuditing CSP</a></li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New and updated policies in Policy CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>The following policies have been added to the <a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a>:</p>
<p>The following policies have been updated in the Policy CSP:</p>
<p>The following policies have been deprecated in the Policy CSP:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Management tool for the Microsoft Store for Business</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New topics. The Store for Business has a new web service designed for the enterprise to acquire, manage, and distribute applications in bulk. It enables several capabilities that are required for the enterprise to manage the lifecycle of applications from acquisition to updates.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Custom header for generic alert</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>The MDM-GenericAlert is a new custom header that hosts one or more alert information provided in the http messages sent by the device to the server during an OMA DM session. The generic alert is sent if the session is triggered by the device due to one or more critical or fatal alerts. Here is alert format:</p>
<code>MDM-GenericAlert: <AlertType1><AlertType2></code>
<p>If present, the MDM-GenericAlert is presented in every the outgoing MDM message in the same OMA DM session. For more information about generic alerts, see section 8.7 in the OMA Device Management Protocol, Approved Version 1.2.1 in this <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=267526" data-raw-source="[OMA website](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=267526)">OMA website</a>.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Alert message for slow client response</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>When the MDM server sends a configuration request, sometimes it takes the client longer than the HTTP timeout to get all information together and then the session ends unexpectedly due to timeout. By default, the MDM client does not send an alert that a DM request is pending.</p>
<p>To work around the timeout, you can use EnableOmaDmKeepAliveMessage setting to keep the session alive by sending a heartbeat message back to the server. This is achieved by sending a SyncML message with a specific device alert element in the body until the client is able to respond back to the server with the requested information. For details, see EnableOmaDmKeepAliveMessage node in the <a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a>.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New node in DMClient CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node EnableOmaDmKeepAliveMessage to the <a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a> and updated the ManagementServerAddress to indicate that it can contain a list of URLs.</p></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New nodes in EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes to the <a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a>:</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New nodes in EnterpriseExt CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes to the <a href="enterpriseext-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseExt CSP](enterpriseext-csp.md)">EnterpriseExt CSP</a>:</p>
<li>DeviceCustomData (CustomID, CustomeString)</li>
<li>Brightness (Default, MaxAuto)</li>
<li>LedAlertNotification (State, Intensity, Period, DutyCycle, Cyclecount)</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New node in EnterpriseExtFileSystem CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added OemProfile node to <a href="enterpriseextfilessystem-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseExtFileSystem CSP](enterpriseextfilessystem-csp.md)">EnterpriseExtFileSystem CSP</a>.</p></td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New nodes in PassportForWork CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes to <a href="passportforwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)">PassportForWork CSP</a>:</p>
<li>TenantId/Policies/Remote/UseRemotePassport (only for ./Device/Vendor/MSFT)</li>
<li>Biometrics/UseBiometrics (only for ./Device/Vendor/MSFT)</li>
<li>Biometrics/FacialFeaturesUseEnhancedAntiSpoofing (only for ./Device/Vendor/MSFT)</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated EnterpriseAssignedAccess CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Here are the changes to the <a href="enterpriseassignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAssignedAccess CSP](enterpriseassignedaccess-csp.md)">EnterpriseAssignedAccess CSP</a>:</p>
<li>In AssignedAccessXML node, added new page settings and quick action settings.</li>
<li>In AssignedAccessXML node, added an example about how to pin applications in multiple app packages using the AUMID.</li>
<li>Updated the <a href="enterpriseassignedaccess-xsd.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAssignedAccess XSD](enterpriseassignedaccess-xsd.md)">EnterpriseAssignedAccess XSD</a> topic.</li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New nodes in the DevDetail CSP</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Here are the changes to the <a href="devdetail-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DevDetail CSP](devdetail-csp.md)">DevDetail CSP</a>:</p>
<li>Added TotalStore and TotalRAM settings.</li>
<li>Added support for Replace command for the DeviceName setting.</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Handling large objects</p></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added support for the client to handle uploading of large objects to the server.</p></td>
## Breaking changes and known issues
### Get command inside an atomic command is not supported
In Windows 10, a Get command inside an atomic command is not supported. This was allowed in Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1.
### Notification channel URI not preserved during upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10
During an upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, the notification channel URI information is not preserved. In addition, the MDM client loses the PFN, AppID, and client secret.
After upgrading to Windows 10, you should call MDM\_WNSConfiguration class to recreate the notification channel URI.
### Apps installed using WMI classes are not removed
Applications installed using WMI classes are not removed when the MDM account is removed from device.
### Passing CDATA in SyncML does not work
Passing CDATA in data in SyncML to ConfigManager and CSPs does not work in Windows 10. It worked in Windows Phone 8.
### SSL settings in IIS server for SCEP must be set to "Ignore"
The certificate setting under "SSL Settings" in the IIS server for SCEP must be set to "Ignore" in Windows 10. In Windows Phone 8.1, when you set the client certificate to "Accept," it works fine.

### MDM enrollment fails on the mobile device when traffic is going through proxy
When the mobile device is configured to use a proxy that requires authentication, the enrollment will fail. To work around this issue, the user can use a proxy that does not require authentication or remove the proxy setting from the connected network.
### Server-initiated unenrollment failure
Server-initiated unenrollment for a device enrolled by adding a work account silently fails leaving the MDM account active. MDM policies and resources are still in place and the client can continue to sync with the server.
Remote server unenrollment is disabled for mobile devices enrolled via Azure Active Directory Join. It returns an error message to the server. The only way to remove enrollment for a mobile device that is Azure AD joined is by remotely wiping the device.
### Certificates causing issues with Wi-Fi and VPN
Currently in Windows 10, version 1511, when using the ClientCertificateInstall to install certificates to the device store and the user store and both certificates are sent to the device in the same MDM payload, the certificate intended for the device store will also get installed in the user store. This may cause issues with Wi-Fi or VPN when choosing the correct certificate to establish a connection. We are working to fix this issue.
### Version information for mobile devices
The software version information from **DevDetail/SwV** does not match the version in **Settings** under **System/About**.
### Upgrading Windows Phone 8.1 devices with app whitelisting using ApplicationRestriction policy has issues
- When you upgrade Windows Phone 8.1 devices to Windows 10 Mobile using ApplicationRestrictions with a list of allowed apps, some Windows inbox apps get blocked causing unexpected behavior. To work around this issue, you must include the [inbox apps](applocker-csp.md#inboxappsandcomponents) that you need to your list of allowed apps.
Here's additional guidance for the upgrade process:
- Use Windows 10 product IDs for the apps listed in [inbox apps](applocker-csp.md#inboxappsandcomponents).
- Use the new Microsoft publisher name (PublisherName="CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US") and Publisher="CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" if you are using the publisher policy. Do not remove the Windows Phone 8.1 publisher rule if you are using it.
- In the SyncML, you must use lowercase product ID.
- Do not duplicate a product ID. Messaging and Skype Video use the same product ID. Duplicates cause an error.
- Silverlight xaps may not install even if publisher policy is specified using Windows Phone 8.1 publisher rule. For example, Silverlight app "Level" will not install even if you specify <Publisher PublisherName=”Microsoft Corporation” />.
To workaround this issue, remove the Windows Phone 8.1 publisher rule and add the specific product ID for each Silverlight app you want to allow to the allowed app list.
- Some apps (specifically those that are published in Microsoft Store as AppX Bundles) are blocked from installing even when they are included in the app list.
No workaround is available at this time. An OS update to fix this issue is coming soon.
### Apps dependent on Microsoft Frameworks may get blocked in phones prior to build 10586.218
Applies only to phone prior to build 10586.218: When ApplicationManagement/ApplicationRestrictions policy is deployed to Windows 10 Mobile, installation and update of apps dependent on Microsoft Frameworks may get blocked with error 0x80073CF9. To work around this issue, you must include the Microsoft Framework Id to your list of allowed apps.
<App ProductId="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" PublisherName="CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"/>
### Multiple certificates might cause Wi-Fi connection instabilities in Windows 10 Mobile
In your deployment, if you have multiple certificates provisioned on the device and the Wi-Fi profile provisioned does not have a strict filtering criteria, you may see connection failures when connecting to Wi-Fi. The solution is to ensure that the Wi-Fi profile provisioned has strict filtering criteria such that it matches only one certificate.
Enterprises deploying certificate based EAP authentication for VPN/Wi-Fi can face a situation where there are multiple certificates that meet the default criteria for authentication. This can lead to issues such as:
- The user may be prompted to select the certificate.
- The wrong certificate may get auto selected and cause an authentication failure.
A production ready deployment must have the appropriate certificate details as part of the profile being deployed. The following information explains how to create or update an EAP Configuration XML such that the extraneous certificates are filtered out and the appropriate certificate can be used for the authentication.
EAP XML must be updated with relevant information for your environment This can be done either manually by editing the XML sample below, or by using the step by step UI guide. After the EAP XML is updated, refer to instructions from your MDM to deploy the updated configuration as follows:
- For Wi-Fi, look for the <EAPConfig> section of your current WLAN Profile XML (This is what you specify for the WLanXml node in the Wi-Fi CSP). Within these tags you will find the complete EAP configuration. Replace the section under <EAPConfig> with your updated XML and update your Wi-Fi profile. You might need to refer to your MDM’s guidance on how to deploy a new Wi-Fi profile.
- For VPN, EAP Configuration is a separate field in the MDM Configuration. Work with your MDM provider to identify and update the appropriate Field.
For information about EAP Settings, see <https://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh945104.aspx#BKMK_Cfg_cert_Selct>
For information about generating an EAP XML, see [EAP configuration](eap-configuration.md)
For more information about extended key usage, see <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->
For information about adding extended key usage (EKU) to a certificate, see <https://technet.microsoft.com/library/cc731792.aspx>
The following list describes the prerequisites for a certificate to be used with EAP:
- The certificate must have at least one of the following EKU (Extended Key Usage) properties:
- Client Authentication
- As defined by RFC 5280, this is a well-defined OID with Value
- Any Purpose
- An EKU Defined and published by Microsoft, is a well-defined OID with value The inclusion of this OID implies that the certificate can be used for any purpose. The advantage of this EKU over the All Purpose EKU is that additional non-critical or custom EKUs can still be added to the certificate for effective filtering.
- All Purpose
- As defined by RFC 5280, If a CA includes extended key usages to satisfy some application needs, but does not want to restrict usage of the key, the CA can add an Extended Key Usage Value of 0. A certificate with such an EKU can be used for all purposes.
- The user or the computer certificate on the client chains to a trusted root CA
- The user or the computer certificate does not fail any one of the checks that are performed by the CryptoAPI certificate store, and the certificate passes requirements in the remote access policy.
- The user or the computer certificate does not fail any one of the certificate object identifier checks that are specified in the Internet Authentication Service (IAS)/Radius Server.
- The Subject Alternative Name (SubjectAltName) extension in the certificate contains the user principal name (UPN) of the user.
The following XML sample explains the properties for the EAP TLS XML including certificate filtering.
> [!NOTE]
>For PEAP or TTLS Profiles the EAP TLS XML is embedded within some PEAP or TTLS specific elements.
<EapHostConfig xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapHostConfig">
<Type xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">13</Type>
<!--The above property defines the Method type for EAP, 13 means EAP TLS -->
<VendorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorId>
<VendorType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorType>
<AuthorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</AuthorId>
<!--The 3 properties above define the method publishers, this is seen primarily in 3rd party Vendor methods.-->
<!-- For Microsoft EAP TLS the value of the above fields will always be 0 -->
<!-- Now that the EAP Method is Defined we will go into the Configuration -->
<Config xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapHostConfig">
<Eap xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/BaseEapConnectionPropertiesV1">
<EapType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV1">
<!-- Credential Source can be either CertificateStore or SmartCard -->
<!--SimpleCertSelection automatically selects a cert if there are mutiple identical (Same UPN, Issuer, etc.) certs.-->
<!--It uses a combination of rules to select the right cert-->
<!-- ServerValidation fields allow for checks on whether the server being connected to and the server cert being used are trusted -->
<PerformServerValidation xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV2">false</PerformServerValidation>
<AcceptServerName xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV2">false</AcceptServerName>
<TLSExtensions xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV2">
<!-- For filtering the relevant information is below -->
<FilteringInfo xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV3">
<CAHashList Enabled="true">
<!-- The above implies that you want to filter by Issuer Hash -->
<IssuerHash>ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
<!-- Issuing certs thumbprint goes here-->
<!-- You can add multiple entries and it will find the list of certs that have at least one of these certs in its chain-->
<!-- This section defines Custom EKUs that you may be adding-->
<!-- You do not need this section if you do not have custom EKUs -->
<!-- You can have multiple EKUs defined here and then referenced below as shown -->
<!--Add a friendly Name for an EKU here for example -->ContostoITEKU</EKUName>
<!--Add the OID Value your CA adds to the certificate here, for example --></EKUOID>
<!-- All the EKU Names referenced in the example below must first be defined here
<ClientAuthEKUList Enabled="true">
<!-- The above implies that you want certs with Client Authentication EKU to be used for authentication -->
<!-- This section implies that the certificate should have the following custom EKUs in addition to the Client Authentication EKU -->
<!--Use the name from the EKUMap Field above-->ContostoITEKU</EKUName>
<!-- You can have multiple Custom EKUs mapped here, Each additional EKU will be processed with an AND operand -->
<!-- For example, Client Auth EKU AND ContosoITEKU AND Example1 etc. -->
<!-- Implies that a certificate with the EKU field = 0 will be selected -->
<AnyPurposeEKUList Enabled="true"/>
<!-- Implies that a certificate with the EKU oid Value of will be selected -->
<!-- Like for Client Auth you can also add Custom EKU properties with AnyPurposeEKUList (but not with AllPurposeEnabled) -->
<!-- So here is what the above policy implies.
The certificate selected will have
Issuer Thumbprint = ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
((Client Authentication EKU AND ContosoITEKU) OR (AnyPurposeEKU) OR AllPurpose Certificate)
Any certificate(s) that match these criteria will be utilised for authentication
> [!NOTE]
>The EAP TLS XSD is located at **%systemdrive%\\Windows\\schemas\\EAPMethods\\eaptlsconnectionpropertiesv3.xsd**
Alternatively you can use the following procedure to create an EAP Configuration XML.
1. Follow steps 1 through 7 in the [EAP configuration](eap-configuration.md) topic.
2. In the Microsoft VPN SelfHost Properties dialog box, select **Microsoft : Smart Card or other Certificate** from the drop down (this selects EAP TLS.)

> [!NOTE]
> For PEAP or TTLS, select the appropriate method and continue following this procedure.
3. Click the **Properties** button underneath the drop down menu.
4. In the **Smart Card or other Certificate Properties** menu, select the **Advanced** button.

5. In the **Configure Certificate Selection** menu, adjust the filters as needed.

6. Click **OK** to close the windows to get back to the main rasphone.exe dialog box.
7. Close the rasphone dialog box.
8. Continue following the procedure in the [EAP configuration](eap-configuration.md) topic from Step 9 to get an EAP TLS profile with appropriate filtering.
> [!NOTE]
> You can also set all the other applicable EAP Properties through this UI as well. A guide to what these properties mean can be found in [Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Settings for Network Access](https://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh945104.aspx).
### Remote PIN reset not supported in Azure Active Directory joined mobile devices
In Windows 10 Mobile, remote PIN reset in Azure AD joined devices are not supported. Devices are wiped when you issue a remote PIN reset command using the RemoteLock CSP.
### MDM client will immediately check-in with the MDM server after client renews WNS channel URI
Starting in Windows 10, after the MDM client automatically renews the WNS channel URI, the MDM client will immediately check-in with the MDM server. Henceforth, for every MDM client check-in, the MDM server should send a GET request for "ProviderID/Push/ChannelURI" to retrieve the latest channel URI and compare it with the existing channel URI; then update the channel URI if necessary.
### User provisioning failure in Azure Active Directory joined Windows 10 PC
In Azure AD joined Windows 10 PC, provisioning /.User resources fails when the user is not logged in as an Azure AD user. If you attempt to join Azure AD from **Settings** > **System** > **About** user interface, make sure to log off and log on with Azure AD credentials to get your organizational configuration from your MDM server. This behavior is by design.
### Requirements to note for VPN certificates also used for Kerberos Authentication
If you want to use the certificate used for VPN authentication also for Kerberos authentication (required if you need access to on-premises resources using NTLM or Kerberos), the user's certificate must meet the requirements for smart card certificate, the Subject field should contain the DNS domain name in the DN or the SAN should contain a fully qualified UPN so that the DC can be located from the DNS registrations. If certificates that do not meet these requirements are used for VPN, users may fail to access resources that require Kerberos authentication. This issue primarily impacts Windows Phone.
### Device management agent for the push-button reset is not working
The DM agent for [push-button reset](https://msdn.microsoft.com/windows/hardware/commercialize/manufacture/desktop/push-button-reset-overview) keeps the registry settings for OMA DM sessions, but deletes the task schedules. The client enrollment is retained, but it never syncs with the MDM service.
## Frequently Asked Questions
### **Can there be more than 1 MDM server to enroll and manage devices in Windows 10?**
No. Only one MDM is allowed.
### **How do I set the maximum number of Azure Active Directory joined devices per user?**
1. Login to the portal as tenant admin: https://manage.windowsazure.com.
2. Click Active Directory on the left pane.
3. Choose your tenant.
4. Click **Configure**.
5. Set quota to unlimited.

### **What is dmwappushsvc?**
Entry | Description
--------------- | --------------------
What is dmwappushsvc? | It is a Windows service that ships in Windows 10 operating system as a part of the windows management platform. It is used internally by the operating system as a queue for categorizing and processing all WAP messages, which include Windows management messages, MMS, NabSync, and Service Indication/Service Loading (SI/SL). The service also initiates and orchestrates management sync sessions with the MDM server. |
What data is handled by dmwappushsvc? | It is a component handling the internal workings of the management platform and involved in processing messages that have been received by the device remotely for management. The messages in the queue are serviced by another component that is also part of the Windows management stack to process messages. The service also routes and authenticates WAP messages received by the device to internal OS components that process them further: MMS, NabSync, SI/SL. |
How do I turn if off? | The service can be stopped from the "Services" console on the device (Start > Run > services.msc). However, since this is a component part of the OS and required for the proper functioning of the device, we strongly recommend not to do this. |
## Change history in MDM documentation
### February 2020
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[CertificateStore CSP](certificatestore-csp.md)<br>[ClientCertificateInstall CSP](clientcertificateinstall-csp.md)|Added details about SubjectName value.|
### January 2020
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP - Defender](policy-csp-defender.md)|Added descriptions for supported actions for Defender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction.|
### November 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP - DeliveryOptimization](policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md)|Added option 5 in the supported values list for DeliveryOptimization/DOGroupIdSource.|
|[DiagnosticLog CSP](diagnosticlog-csp.md)|Added substantial updates to this CSP doc.|
### October 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)|Added the following new nodes:<br>ConfigureRecoveryPasswordRotation, RotateRecoveryPasswords, RotateRecoveryPasswordsStatus, RotateRecoveryPasswordsRequestID.|
|[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)|Added the following new nodes:<br>Health/TamperProtectionEnabled, Health/IsVirtualMachine, Configuration, Configuration/TamperProtection, Configuration/EnableFileHashComputation.|
### September 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)|Added the following new node:<br>IsStub.|
|[Policy CSP - Defender](policy-csp-defender.md)|Updated the supported value list for Defender/ScheduleScanDay policy.|
|[Policy CSP - DeviceInstallation](policy-csp-deviceinstallation.md)|Added the following new policies: <br>DeviceInstallation/AllowInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs, DeviceInstallation/PreventInstallationOfMatchingDeviceInstanceIDs.|
### August 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[DiagnosticLog CSP](diagnosticlog-csp.md)<br>[DiagnosticLog DDF](diagnosticlog-ddf.md)|Added version 1.4 of the CSP in Windows 10, version 1903. Added the new 1.4 version of the DDF. Added the following new nodes:<br>Policy, Policy/Channels, Policy/Channels/ChannelName, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/MaximumFileSize, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/SDDL, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/ActionWhenFull, Policy/Channels/ChannelName/Enabled, DiagnosticArchive, DiagnosticArchive/ArchiveDefinition, DiagnosticArchive/ArchiveResults.|
|[Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy](enroll-a-windows-10-device-automatically-using-group-policy.md)|Enhanced the article to include additional reference links and the following two topics:<br>Verify auto-enrollment requirements and settings, Troubleshoot auto-enrollment of devices.|
### July 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)|Added the following list:<br>Policies supported by HoloLens 2|
|[ApplicationControl CSP](applicationcontrol-csp.md)|Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1903.|
|[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)|Added the following new nodes in Windows 10, version 1903:<br>SecurityKey, SecurityKey/UseSecurityKeyForSignin|
|[Policy CSP - Privacy](policy-csp-privacy.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>LetAppsActivateWithVoice, LetAppsActivateWithVoiceAboveLock|
|Create a custom configuration service provider|Deleted the following documents from the CSP reference because extensibility via CSPs is not currently supported:<br>Create a custom configuration service provider<br>Design a custom configuration service provider<br>IConfigServiceProvider2<br>IConfigServiceProvider2::ConfigManagerNotification<br>IConfigServiceProvider2::GetNode<br>ICSPNode<br>ICSPNode::Add<br>ICSPNode::Clear<br>ICSPNode::Copy<br>ICSPNode::DeleteChild<br>ICSPNode::DeleteProperty<br>ICSPNode::Execute<br>ICSPNode::GetChildNodeNames<br>ICSPNode::GetProperty<br>ICSPNode::GetPropertyIdentifiers<br>ICSPNode::GetValue<br>ICSPNode::Move<br>ICSPNode::SetProperty<br>ICSPNode::SetValue<br>ICSPNodeTransactioning<br>ICSPValidate<br>Samples for writing a custom configuration service provider.|
### June 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP - DeviceHealthMonitoring](policy-csp-devicehealthmonitoring.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>AllowDeviceHealthMonitoring, ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringScope, ConfigDeviceHealthMonitoringUploadDestination.|
|[Policy CSP - TimeLanguageSettings](policy-csp-timelanguagesettings.md)|Added the following new policy:<br>ConfigureTimeZone.|
### May 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[DeviceStatus CSP](devicestatus-csp.md)|Updated description of the following nodes:<br>DeviceStatus/Antivirus/SignatureStatus, DeviceStatus/Antispyware/SignatureStatus.|
|[EnrollmentStatusTracking CSP](enrollmentstatustracking-csp.md)|Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1903.|
|[Policy CSP - DeliveryOptimization](policy-csp-deliveryoptimization.md)|Added the following new policies:<br> DODelayCacheServerFallbackBackground, DODelayCacheServerFallbackForeground.<br><br>Updated description of the following policies:<br>DOMinRAMAllowedToPeer, DOMinFileSizeToCache, DOMinDiskSizeAllowedToPeer.|
|[Policy CSP - Experience](policy-csp-experience.md)|Added the following new policy:<br>ShowLockOnUserTile.|
|[Policy CSP - InternetExplorer](policy-csp-internetexplorer.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>AllowEnhancedSuggestionsInAddressBar, DisableActiveXVersionListAutoDownload, DisableCompatView, DisableFeedsBackgroundSync, DisableGeolocation, DisableWebAddressAutoComplete, NewTabDefaultPage.|
|[Policy CSP - Power](policy-csp-power.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>EnergySaverBatteryThresholdOnBattery, EnergySaverBatteryThresholdPluggedIn, SelectLidCloseActionOnBattery, SelectLidCloseActionPluggedIn, SelectPowerButtonActionOnBattery, SelectPowerButtonActionPluggedIn, SelectSleepButtonActionOnBattery, SelectSleepButtonActionPluggedIn, TurnOffHybridSleepOnBattery, TurnOffHybridSleepPluggedIn, UnattendedSleepTimeoutOnBattery, UnattendedSleepTimeoutPluggedIn.|
|[Policy CSP - Search](policy-csp-search.md)|Added the following new policy:<br>AllowFindMyFiles.|
|[Policy CSP - ServiceControlManager](policy-csp-servicecontrolmanager.md)|Added the following new policy:<br>SvchostProcessMitigation.|
|[Policy CSP - System](policy-csp-system.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>AllowCommercialDataPipeline, TurnOffFileHistory.|
|[Policy CSP - Troubleshooting](policy-csp-troubleshooting.md)|Added the following new policy:<br>AllowRecommendations.|
|[Policy CSP - Update](policy-csp-update.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>AutomaticMaintenanceWakeUp, ConfigureDeadlineForFeatureUpdates, ConfigureDeadlineForQualityUpdates, ConfigureDeadlineGracePeriod, ConfigureDeadlineNoAutoReboot.|
|[Policy CSP - WindowsLogon](policy-csp-windowslogon.md)|Added the following new policies:<br>AllowAutomaticRestartSignOn, ConfigAutomaticRestartSignOn, EnableFirstLogonAnimation.<br><br>Removed the following policy:<br>SignInLastInteractiveUserAutomaticallyAfterASystemInitiatedRestart. This policy is replaced by AllowAutomaticRestartSignOn.|
### April 2019
| New or updated topic | Description |
| [Win32 and Desktop Bridge app policy configuration](win32-and-centennial-app-policy-configuration.md) | Added the following warning at the end of the Overview section:<br>Some operating system components have built in functionality to check devices for domain membership. MDM enforces the configured policy values only if the devices are domain joined, otherwise it does not. However, you can still import ADMX files and set ADMX-backed policies regardless of whether the device is domain joined or non-domain joined. |
| [Policy CSP - UserRights](policy-csp-userrights.md) | Added a note stating if you use Intune custom profiles to assign UserRights policies, you must use the CDATA tag (<![CDATA[...]]>) to wrap the data fields. |
### March 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP - Storage](policy-csp-storage.md)|Updated ADMX Info of the following policies:<br>AllowStorageSenseGlobal, AllowStorageSenseTemporaryFilesCleanup, ConfigStorageSenseCloudContentDehydrationThreshold, ConfigStorageSenseDownloadsCleanupThreshold, ConfigStorageSenseGlobalCadence, ConfigStorageSenseRecycleBinCleanupThreshold. <br><br>Updated description of ConfigStorageSenseDownloadsCleanupThreshold.|
### February 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)|Updated supported policies for Holographic.|
### January 2019
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Policy CSP - Storage](policy-csp-storage.md)|Added the following new policies: AllowStorageSenseGlobal, ConfigStorageSenseGlobalCadence, AllowStorageSenseTemporaryFilesCleanup, ConfigStorageSenseRecycleBinCleanupThreshold, ConfigStorageSenseDownloadsCleanupThreshold, and ConfigStorageSenseCloudContentCleanupThreshold.|
|[SharedPC CSP](sharedpc-csp.md)|Updated values and supported operations.|
|[Mobile device management](index.md)|Updated information about MDM Security Baseline.|
### December 2018
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)|Updated AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption policy description to describe silent and non-silent encryption scenarios, as well as where and how the recovery key is backed up for each scenario.|
### September 2018
|New or updated topic | Description|
|--- | ---|
|[Mobile device management](index.md#mmat) | Added information about the MDM Migration Analysis Tool (MMAT).|
|[Policy CSP - DeviceGuard](policy-csp-deviceguard.md) | Updated ConfigureSystemGuardLaunch policy and replaced EnableSystemGuard with it.|
### August 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added support for Windows 10 Pro starting in the version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="office-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Office CSP](office-csp.md)">Office CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added FinalStatus setting in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="remotewipe-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RemoteWipe CSP](remotewipe-csp.md)">RemoteWipe CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="\tenantlockdown-csp.md" data-raw-source="[TenantLockdown CSP](\tenantlockdown-csp.md)">TenantLockdown CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[Policy DDF file](policy-ddf-file.md)">Policy DDF file</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Posted an updated version of the Policy DDF for Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies in Windows 10, version 1809:</p>
<p>Start/DisableContextMenus - added in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<p>RestrictedGroups/ConfigureGroupMembership - added new schema to apply and retrieve the policy.</p>
### July 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following note:</p>
<li>You can only assign one single app kiosk profile to an individual user account on a device. The single app profile does not support domain groups.</li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="passportforwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[PassportForWork CSP](passportforwork-csp.md)">PassportForWork CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new settings in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added NonRemovable setting under AppManagement node in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="win32compatibilityappraiser-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Win32CompatibilityAppraiser CSP](win32compatibilityappraiser-csp.md)">Win32CompatibilityAppraiser CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new configuration service provider in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowslicensing-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsLicensing CSP](windowslicensing-csp.md)">WindowsLicensing CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added S mode settings and SyncML examples in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="supl-csp.md" data-raw-source="[SUPL CSP](supl-csp.md)">SUPL CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added 3 new certificate nodes in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="defender-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)">Defender CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node Health/ProductStatus in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node AllowStandardUserEncryption in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devdetail-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DevDetail CSP](devdetail-csp.md)">DevDetail CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node SMBIOSSerialNumber in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies in Windows 10, version 1809:</p>
<li>ApplicationManagement/ScheduleForceRestartForUpdateFailures </li>
<li>Authentication/EnableFastFirstSignIn (Preview mode only)</li>
<li>Authentication/EnableWebSignIn (Preview mode only)</li>
<li>Defender/DisableCatchupFullScan </li>
<li>Defender/DisableCatchupQuickScan </li>
<p>Recent changes:</p>
<li>DataUsage/SetCost3G - deprecated in Windows 10, version 1809.</li>
### June 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="wifi-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Wifi CSP](wifi-csp.md)">Wifi CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new node WifiCost in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="diagnose-mdm-failures-in-windows-10.md" data-raw-source="[Diagnose MDM failures in Windows 10](diagnose-mdm-failures-in-windows-10.md)">Diagnose MDM failures in Windows 10</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Recent changes:</p>
<li>Added procedure for collecting logs remotely from Windows 10 Holographic.</li>
<li>Added procedure for downloading the MDM Diagnostic Information log.</li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Bitlocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">Bitlocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new node AllowStandardUserEncryption in Windows 10, version 1809.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Recent changes:</p>
<li>AccountPoliciesAccountLockoutPolicy/AccountLockoutDuration - removed from docs. Not supported.</li>
<li>AccountPoliciesAccountLockoutPolicy/AccountLockoutThreshold - removed from docs. Not supported.</li>
<li>AccountPoliciesAccountLockoutPolicy/ResetAccountLockoutCounterAfter - removed from docs. Not supported.</li>
<li>LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions/NetworkAccess_LetEveryonePermissionsApplyToAnonymousUsers - removed from docs. Not supported.</li>
<li>System/AllowFontProviders is not supported in HoloLens (1st gen) Commercial Suite.</li>
<li>Security/RequireDeviceEncryption is supported in the Home SKU.</li>
<li>Start/StartLayout - added a table of SKU support information.</li>
<li>Start/ImportEdgeAssets - added a table of SKU support information.</li>
<p>Added the following new policies in Windows 10, version 1809:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="wirednetwork-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WiredNetwork CSP](wirednetwork-csp.md)">WiredNetwork CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">New CSP added in Windows 10, version 1809.
### May 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[Policy DDF file](policy-ddf-file.md)">Policy DDF file</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the DDF files in the Windows 10 version 1703 and 1709.</p>
<li><a href="https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/C/4/8C43C116-62CB-470B-9B69-76A3E2BC32A8/PolicyDDF_all.xml" data-raw-source="[Download the Policy DDF file for Windows 10, version 1709](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/C/4/8C43C116-62CB-470B-9B69-76A3E2BC32A8/PolicyDDF_all.xml)">Download the Policy DDF file for Windows 10, version 1709</a></li>
<li><a href="https://download.microsoft.com/download/7/2/C/72C36C37-20F9-41BF-8E23-721F6FFC253E/PolicyDDF_all.xml" data-raw-source="[Download the Policy DDF file for Windows 10, version 1703](https://download.microsoft.com/download/7/2/C/72C36C37-20F9-41BF-8E23-721F6FFC253E/PolicyDDF_all.xml)">Download the Policy DDF file for Windows 10, version 1703</a></li>
### April 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md" data-raw-source="[WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP](windowsdefenderapplicationguard-csp.md)">WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="\networkproxy--csp.md" data-raw-source="[NetworkProxy CSP](\networkproxy--csp.md)">NetworkProxy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="accounts-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Accounts CSP](accounts-csp.md)">Accounts CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="https://aka.ms/mmat" data-raw-source="[MDM Migration Analysis Too (MMAT)](https://aka.ms/mmat)">MDM Migration Analysis Too (MMAT)</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated version available. MMAT is a tool you can use to determine which Group Policies are set on a target user/computer and cross-reference them against the list of supported MDM policies.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download" data-raw-source="[CSP DDF files download](configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download)">CSP DDF files download</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the DDF download of Windows 10, version 1803 configuration service providers.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
### March 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
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<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="euiccs-csp.md" data-raw-source="[eUICCs CSP](euiccs-csp.md)">eUICCs CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicestatus-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceStatus CSP](devicestatus-csp.md)">DeviceStatus CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="understanding-admx-backed-policies.md" data-raw-source="[Understanding ADMX-backed policies](understanding-admx-backed-policies.md)">Understanding ADMX-backed policies</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following videos:</p>
<li><a href="https://www.microsoft.com/showcase/video.aspx?uuid=bdc9b54b-11b0-4bdb-a022-c339d16e7121" data-raw-source="[How to create a custom xml to enable an ADMX-backed policy and deploy the XML in Intune](https://www.microsoft.com/showcase/video.aspx?uuid=bdc9b54b-11b0-4bdb-a022-c339d16e7121)">How to create a custom xml to enable an ADMX-backed policy and deploy the XML in Intune</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.microsoft.com/showcase/video.aspx?uuid=a59888b1-429f-4a49-8570-c39a143d9a73" data-raw-source="[How to import a custom ADMX file to a device using Intune](https://www.microsoft.com/showcase/video.aspx?uuid=a59888b1-429f-4a49-8570-c39a143d9a73)">How to import a custom ADMX file to a device using Intune</a></li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="accountmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AccountManagement CSP](accountmanagement-csp.md)">AccountManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="rootcacertificates-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RootCATrustedCertificates CSP](rootcacertificates-csp.md)">RootCATrustedCertificates CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<p>The following existing policies were updated:</p>
<li>Browser/AllowCookies - updated the supported values. There are 3 values - 0, 1, 2.</li>
<li>InternetExplorer/AllowSiteToZoneAssignmentList - updated the description and added an example SyncML</li>
<li>TextInput/AllowIMENetworkAccess - introduced new suggestion services in Japanese IME in addition to cloud suggestion.</li>
<p>Added a new section:</p>
<li><a href="policy-csps-supported-by-group-policy.md" data-raw-source="[[Policy CSPs supported by Group Policy](policy-csps-supported-by-group-policy.md)">[Policy CSPs supported by Group Policy</a> - list of policies in Policy CSP that has corresponding Group Policy. The policy description contains the GP information, such as GP policy name and variable name.</li>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-csp-bluetooth.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP - Bluetooth](policy-csp-bluetooth.md)">Policy CSP - Bluetooth</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new section <a href="policy-csp-bluetooth.md#servicesallowedlist-usage-guide" data-raw-source="[ServicesAllowedList usage guide](policy-csp-bluetooth.md#servicesallowedlist-usage-guide)">ServicesAllowedList usage guide</a>.</p>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="multisim-csp.md" data-raw-source="[MultiSIM CSP](multisim-csp.md)">MultiSIM CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added SyncML examples and updated the settings descriptions.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="remotewipe-csp.md" data-raw-source="[RemoteWipe CSP](remotewipe-csp.md)">RemoteWipe CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Reverted back to Windows 10, version 1709. Removed previous draft documentation for version 1803.</p>
### February 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
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<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="vpnv2-profile-xsd.md" data-raw-source="[VPNv2 ProfileXML XSD](vpnv2-profile-xsd.md)">VPNv2 ProfileXML XSD</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the XSD and Plug-in profile example for VPNv2 CSP.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<p>Updated the AssigneAccessConfiguration schema. Starting in Windows 10, version 1803 AssignedAccess CSP is supported in HoloLens (1st gen) Commercial Suite. Added example for HoloLens (1st gen) Commercial Suite.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="multisim-csp.md" data-raw-source="[MultiSIM CSP](multisim-csp.md)">MultiSIM CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following node in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
### January 2018
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<p>Added the following policies the were added in Windows 10, version 1709</p>
<li>System/DisableEnterpriseAuthProxy </li>
<p>Security/RequireDeviceEncryption - updated to show it is supported in desktop.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the description for AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption to describe changes added in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP](enterprisemodernappmanagement-csp.md)">EnterpriseModernAppManagement CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new node MaintainProcessorArchitectureOnUpdate in Windows 10, next major update.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added ./User/Vendor/MSFT/DMClient/Provider/[ProviderID]/FirstSyncStatus node. Also added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="defender-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Defender CSP](defender-csp.md)">Defender CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new node (OfflineScan) in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="uefi-csp.md" data-raw-source="[UEFI CSP](uefi-csp.md)">UEFI CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a new CSP in Windows 10, version 1803.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="update-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Update CSP](update-csp.md)">Update CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following nodes in Windows 10, version 1803:</p>
### December 2017
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md" data-raw-source="[Configuration service provider reference](configuration-service-provider-reference.md)">Configuration service provider reference</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new section <a href="configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download" data-raw-source="[CSP DDF files download](configuration-service-provider-reference.md#csp-ddf-files-download)">CSP DDF files download</a></p>
### November 2017
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following policies for Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<p>Added missing policies from previous releases:</p>
### October 2017
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[Policy DDF file](policy-ddf-file.md)">Policy DDF file</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the DDF content for Windows 10 version 1709. Added a link to the download of Policy DDF for Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the following policies:</p>
<li>Defender/ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications - string separator is |.</li>
<li>Defender/ControlledFolderAccessProtectedFolders - string separator is |.</li>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="euiccs-csp.md" data-raw-source="[eUICCs CSP](euiccs-csp.md)">eUICCs CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new CSP in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added SyncML examples for the new Configuration node.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="dmclient-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DMClient CSP](dmclient-csp.md)">DMClient CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new nodes to the DMClient CSP in Windows 10, version 1709. Updated the CSP and DDF topics.</p>
### September 2017
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<p>Added new settings to Update/BranchReadinessLevel policy in Windows 10 version 1709.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="assignedaccess-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AssignedAccess CSP](assignedaccess-csp.md)">AssignedAccess CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Starting in Windows 10, version 1709, AssignedAccess CSP is also supported in Windows 10 Pro.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top">Microsoft Store for Business and Microsoft Store</td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Windows Store for Business name changed to Microsoft Store for Business. Windows Store name changed to Microsoft Store.</p>
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top">The <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt221945.aspx" data-raw-source="[\[MS-MDE2\]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Version 2](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt221945.aspx)">[MS-MDE2]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Version 2</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>The Windows 10 enrollment protocol was updated. The following elements were added to the RequestSecurityToken message:</p>
<li>UXInitiated - boolean value that indicates whether the enrollment is user initiated from the Settings page. </li>
<li>ExternalMgmtAgentHint - a string the agent uses to give hints the enrollment server may need.</li>
<li>DomainName - fully qualified domain name if the device is domain-joined.</li>
<p>For examples, see section 4.3.1 RequestSecurityToken of the MS-MDE2 protocol documentation.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterpriseapn-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseAPN CSP](enterpriseapn-csp.md)">EnterpriseAPN CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added a SyncML example.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="vpnv2-csp.md" data-raw-source="[VPNv2 CSP](vpnv2-csp.md)">VPNv2 CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added RegisterDNS setting in Windows 10, version 1709.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enroll-a-windows-10-device-automatically-using-group-policy.md" data-raw-source="[Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy](enroll-a-windows-10-device-automatically-using-group-policy.md)">Enroll a Windows 10 device automatically using Group Policy</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new topic to introduce a new Group Policy for automatic MDM enrollment.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md" data-raw-source="[MDM enrollment of Windows-based devices](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md)">MDM enrollment of Windows-based devices</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>New features in the Settings app:</p>
<li>User sees installation progress of critical policies during MDM enrollment.</li>
<li>User knows what policies, profiles, apps MDM has configured</li>
<li>IT helpdesk can get detailed MDM diagnostic information using client tools</li>
<p>For details, see <a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#managing-connections" data-raw-source="[Managing connections](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#managing-connections)">Managing connections</a> and <a href="mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#collecting-diagnostic-logs" data-raw-source="[Collecting diagnostic logs](mdm-enrollment-of-windows-devices.md#collecting-diagnostic-logs)">Collecting diagnostic logs</a></p>
### August 2017
<table class="mx-tdBreakAll">
<col width="25%" />
<col width="75%" />
<tr class="header">
<th>New or updated topic</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enable-admx-backed-policies-in-mdm.md" data-raw-source="[Enable ADMX-backed policies in MDM](enable-admx-backed-policies-in-mdm.md)">Enable ADMX-backed policies in MDM</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added new step-by-step guide to enable ADMX-backed policies.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="mobile-device-enrollment.md" data-raw-source="[Mobile device enrollment](mobile-device-enrollment.md)">Mobile device enrollment</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following statement:</p>
<li>Devices that are joined to an on-premises Active Directory can enroll into MDM via the Work access page in <strong>Settings</strong>. However, the enrollment can only target the user enrolled with user-specific policies. Device targeted policies will continue to impact all users of the device.</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="cm-cellularentries-csp.md" data-raw-source="[CM\_CellularEntries CSP](cm-cellularentries-csp.md)">CM_CellularEntries CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the description of the PuposeGroups node to add the GUID for applications. This node is required instead of optional.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="enterprisedataprotection-csp.md" data-raw-source="[EnterpriseDataProtection CSP](enterprisedataprotection-csp.md)">EnterpriseDataProtection CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Updated the Settings/EDPEnforcementLevel values to the following:</p>
<li> 0 (default) – Off / No protection (decrypts previously protected data).</li>
<li> 1 – Silent mode (encrypt and audit only).</li>
<li> 2 – Allow override mode (encrypt, prompt and allow overrides, and audit).</li>
<li> 3 – Hides overrides (encrypt, prompt but hide overrides, and audit).</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="applocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[AppLocker CSP](applocker-csp.md)">AppLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added two new SyncML examples (to disable the calendar app and to block usage of the map app) in <a href="applocker-csp.md#whitelist-examples" data-raw-source="[Whitelist examples](applocker-csp.md#whitelist-examples)">Whitelist examples</a>.</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="devicemanageability-csp.md" data-raw-source="[DeviceManageability CSP](devicemanageability-csp.md)">DeviceManageability CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following settings in Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<li> Provider/<em>ProviderID</em>/EnrollmentInfo</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="office-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Office CSP](office-csp.md)">Office CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following setting in Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="bitlocker-csp.md" data-raw-source="[BitLocker CSP](bitlocker-csp.md)">BitLocker CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">Added information to the ADMX-backed policies. Changed the minimum personal identification number (PIN) length to 4 digits in SystemDrivesRequireStartupAuthentication and SystemDrivesMinimumPINLength in Windows 10, version 1709.
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="firewall-csp.md" data-raw-source="[Firewall CSP](firewall-csp.md)">Firewall CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">Updated the CSP and DDF topics. Here are the changes:
<li>Removed the two settings - FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/FriendlyName and FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/IcmpTypesAndCodes.</li>
<li>Changed some data types from integer to bool.</li>
<li>Updated the list of supported operations for some settings.</li>
<li>Added default values.</li>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-ddf-file.md" data-raw-source="[Policy DDF file](policy-ddf-file.md)">Policy DDF file</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top">Added another Policy DDF file <a href="https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/1/C/61C022FD-6F5D-4F73-9047-17F630899DC4/PolicyDDF_all_version1607_8C.xml" data-raw-source="[download](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/1/C/61C022FD-6F5D-4F73-9047-17F630899DC4/PolicyDDF_all_version1607_8C.xml)">download</a> for the 8C release of Windows 10, version 1607, which added the following policies:
<tr class="even">
<td style="vertical-align:top"><a href="policy-configuration-service-provider.md" data-raw-source="[Policy CSP](policy-configuration-service-provider.md)">Policy CSP</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top"><p>Added the following new policies for Windows 10, version 1709:</p>
<p>Changed the name of new policy to CredentialProviders/DisableAutomaticReDeploymentCredentials from CredentialProviders/EnableWindowsAutopilotResetCredentials.</p>
<p>Changed the names of the following policies:</p>
<li>Defender/GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications to Defender/ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications</li>
<li>Defender/GuardedFoldersList to Defender/ControlledFolderAccessProtectedFolders</li>
<li>Defender/EnableGuardMyFolders to Defender/EnableControlledFolderAccess</li>
<p>Added links to the additional <a href="policy-csp-bitlocker.md" data-raw-source="[ADMX-backed BitLocker policies](policy-csp-bitlocker.md)">ADMX-backed BitLocker policies</a>.</p>
<p>There were issues reported with the previous release of the following policies. These issues were fixed in Window 10, version 1709:</p>
| 60.804714 | 804 | 0.777557 | yue_Hant | 0.462226 |
d9bec9892a3f46c8a3f13f8dcac6a084255272e5 | 991 | md | Markdown | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2903.md | yoichinak/cpp-docs.ja-jp | 50048c3d1101537497403efb4e7b550108f3a8f0 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2903.md | yoichinak/cpp-docs.ja-jp | 50048c3d1101537497403efb4e7b550108f3a8f0 | [
] | 1 | 2021-04-01T04:17:07.000Z | 2021-04-01T04:17:07.000Z | docs/error-messages/compiler-errors-2/compiler-error-c2903.md | yoichinak/cpp-docs.ja-jp | 50048c3d1101537497403efb4e7b550108f3a8f0 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
description: 詳細については、「コンパイラエラー C2903」を参照してください。
title: コンパイラ エラー C2903
ms.date: 11/04/2016
- C2903
- C2903
ms.assetid: bf6b223f-4921-48c7-82b9-ff318b42c801
ms.openlocfilehash: 0013be28857ac8e138a78cb7a4e3502cdc04536b
ms.sourcegitcommit: d6af41e42699628c3e2e6063ec7b03931a49a098
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: ja-JP
ms.lasthandoff: 12/11/2020
ms.locfileid: "97270733"
# <a name="compiler-error-c2903"></a>コンパイラ エラー C2903
'identifier' : シンボルがクラス テンプレートでも関数テンプレートでもありません
次の例では C2903 が生成されます。
// C2903.cpp
// compile with: /c
namespace N {
template<class T> class X {};
class Y {};
void g() {
N::template Y y; // C2903
N::X<N::Y> y; // OK
C2903 は、ジェネリックを使用しているときにも発生します。
// C2903b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
namespace N {
class Y {};
generic<class T> ref class Z {};
void f() {
N::generic Y y; // C2903
N:: generic Z<int>^ z; // OK
| 18.698113 | 60 | 0.698285 | yue_Hant | 0.181433 |
d9bfa33cdd843fced029d95b3a20119fec23ea24 | 3,404 | md | Markdown | src/blog-posts/3-replacing-kubeless-with-knative.md | bszwarc/website | 158b1036b3f0b0d73cf7f16d16ca26a4557c923f | [
] | null | null | null | src/blog-posts/3-replacing-kubeless-with-knative.md | bszwarc/website | 158b1036b3f0b0d73cf7f16d16ca26a4557c923f | [
] | null | null | null | src/blog-posts/3-replacing-kubeless-with-knative.md | bszwarc/website | 158b1036b3f0b0d73cf7f16d16ca26a4557c923f | [
] | null | null | null | ---
path: "/blog/replacing-kubeless-with-Knative"
date: "2018-09-27"
author: "Johannes Engelke, Kyma Product Owner Serverless"
tags: ["kyma", "cloud", "Knative", "application", "extension", "serverless", "kubeless"]
title: "Replacing Kubeless with Knative"
[Knative](https://github.com/Knative/) is an important new project in the cloud-native world that was announced as a "Kubernetes-based platform to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads." It is an opinionated approach covering the best practices around three areas of developing cloud-native applications: building containers (and functions), serving (and dynamically scaling) workloads, and eventing. Knative is an open-source set of components and is being actively developed by Google in close partnership with Pivotal, IBM, Red Hat, and SAP.
Similarly to Kubeless, Knative provides a set of building blocks to simplify the use of Kubernetes and Istio for managing and operating lambda functions. Kubeless takes some code, builds an image out of it, and starts it on Kubernetes. Knative is doing the same by following a more modular approach, allowing different components to be pluggable and adaptable to different deployment scenarios.
Because of this more flexible approach, we are planning to replace the current Kubeless-based Lambda Functions in Kyma with a Knative-based implementation. To provide the same commodity to which users are used with Kubeless, we have to do some extra work.
## Architecture
So far, the architecture is not shaped out fully. Many details have to be sorted out and defined. The idea is to use Knative as it is and try to bridge the existing gaps using custom components, other available open-source projects (e.g. [Riff](https://projectriff.io/)), or pushing enhancements to the Knative community. In the end, Knative should provide the same functionality as Kubeless is doing today.

The core of the architecture are the Knative `Serving` and `Build` components. As a Kyma-related component, a custom build template is required to provide the function interface available in Kubeless.
Besides the build template, a custom Docker registry is required to store the build artifacts, and a storage solution to store the function code. This could be either a Git repository or a blob storage like Minio or S3. In the end, customers should be able to decide if they like to keep the function code in their own Git repository or if they prefer to store it in a storage solution provided by Kyma.
## Implementation
As the implementation involves multiple components and will involve breaking changes, we will keep Kubeless till we are sure that the new version is working as expected. In the first step, Knative `Serving` and `Build` components will be integrated as optional Kyma modules. If this is working, other parts, such as the Docker registry, blob storage, and build template, will be enabled step by step. As the last step, a new (forked) lambda UI will be created and adjusted to the Knative needs. As soon as everything is working fine, Kubeless will fade out. Knative will be the new default component and Kubeless will be used as long as there are still any old deployments available. As soon as we are sure that nobody is using the old Kubeless-based implementation, we will remove it completely.
| 121.571429 | 796 | 0.795828 | eng_Latn | 0.999487 |
d9c0226512a07b979b9d79181c26311dbe1bcddc | 63 | md | Markdown | README.md | WheatleyTheCoder/minecraft-server-maker | d667830edb2d0e0c13b45f61c2b5d1b15d3cf804 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | WheatleyTheCoder/minecraft-server-maker | d667830edb2d0e0c13b45f61c2b5d1b15d3cf804 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | WheatleyTheCoder/minecraft-server-maker | d667830edb2d0e0c13b45f61c2b5d1b15d3cf804 | [
] | null | null | null | # minecraft-server-maker
A tool for creating Minecraft servers
| 21 | 37 | 0.825397 | eng_Latn | 0.977369 |
d9c0b75200c71ac4cb22a00db8a1c8636ea645e2 | 23,064 | md | Markdown | articles/security-center/security-center-planning-and-operations-guide.md | changeworld/azure-docs.tr-tr | a6c8b9b00fe259a254abfb8f11ade124cd233fcb | [
] | null | null | null | articles/security-center/security-center-planning-and-operations-guide.md | changeworld/azure-docs.tr-tr | a6c8b9b00fe259a254abfb8f11ade124cd233fcb | [
] | null | null | null | articles/security-center/security-center-planning-and-operations-guide.md | changeworld/azure-docs.tr-tr | a6c8b9b00fe259a254abfb8f11ade124cd233fcb | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Güvenlik Merkezi Planlama ve Operasyon Rehberi
description: Bu belge, Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'ni benimsemeden önce planlama ve günlük işlemlere ilişkin dikkat edilmesi gerekenler konusunda yardımcı olur.
services: security-center
author: memildin
manager: rkarlin
ms.service: security-center
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.date: 09/10/2019
ms.author: memildin
ms.openlocfilehash: f31c084be2fb017c0db521328e4ccdff9dd2aa25
ms.sourcegitcommit: 98e79b359c4c6df2d8f9a47e0dbe93f3158be629
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: tr-TR
ms.lasthandoff: 04/07/2020
ms.locfileid: "80810462"
# <a name="planning-and-operations-guide"></a>Planlama ve işlemler kılavuzu
Bu kılavuz, bilgi teknolojisi (BT) uzmanları, BT mimarları, bilgi güvenliği analistleri ve Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'ni kullanmayı planlayan bulut yöneticileri içindir.
## <a name="planning-guide"></a>Planlama Kılavuzu
Bu kılavuz, kuruluşunuzun güvenlik gereksinimlerine ve bulut yönetimi modeline göre Güvenlik Merkezi kullanımınızı optimize etmek için izleyebileceğiniz görevleri kapsar. Güvenlik Merkezi'nin tüm avantajlarından yararlanabilmek için kurumunuzdaki farklı kişilerin veya ekiplerin güvenli geliştirmenin yanı sıra işlem, izleme, yönetim ve olay yanıtı gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla hizmeti nasıl kullandığının anlaşılması oldukça önemlidir. Güvenlik Merkezi'ni kullanmayı planlarken dikkate alınması gereken temel alanlar şunlardır:
* Güvenlik Rolleri ve Erişim Denetimleri
* Güvenlik İlkeleri ve Öneriler
* Veri Koleksiyonu ve Storage
* Azure dışı kaynakları ekleme
* Devam Eden Güvenlik İzleme
* Olay Yanıtı
Sonraki bölümde, gereksinimlerinize bağlı olarak bu alanların her birini nasıl planlayacağınızı ve bu önerileri nasıl uygulayacağınızı öğreneceksiniz.
> [!NOTE]
> Tasarlama ve planlama aşamasında da faydalı olabilecek sık sorulan soruların bir listesi için bkz. [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi ile ilgili sık sorulan sorular (SSS)](faq-general.md).
## <a name="security-roles-and-access-controls"></a>Güvenlik rolleri ve erişim denetimleri
Kuruluşunuzun büyüklüğüne ve yapısına bağlı olarak birçok kişi ve ekip, güvenlikle ilgili farklı görevleri gerçekleştirmek için Güvenlik Merkezi'ni kullanabilir. Aşağıdaki diyagramda, hayali kişiler ile bunların rollerinin ve güvenlik sorumluluklarının bir örneğini bulabilirsiniz:

Güvenlik Merkezi, bu çok çeşitli sorumlulukları karşılamak için kişileri etkinleştirir. Örneğin:
**Cem (İş Yükü Sahibi)**
* Bir bulut iş yükünü ve onunla ilgili kaynakları yönetme
* Korumaları şirket güvenlik ilkesiyle uyumlu bir şekilde uygulamak ve sürdürmekle sorumlu
**Emel (CISO/CIO)**
* Şirket güvenliğinin tüm boyutlarından sorumlu
* Bulut iş yüklerinin tamamında şirketin güvenlik duruşunu anlamak istiyor
* Önemli saldırı ve risklerden haberdar olması gerekiyor
**David (BT Güvenliği)**
* Uygun korumaların uygulanmakta olduğundan emin olmak için şirketin güvenlik ilkelerini ayarlar
* İlkelerle uyumluluğu izler
* Yöneticiler veya denetçiler için raporlar oluşturur
**Zehra (Güvenlik İşlemleri)**
* Güvenlik uyarılarını 7/24 izler ve bunlara yanıt verir
* Bulut İş Yükü Sahibi veya BT Güvenlik Analistine İletir
**Salih (Güvenlik Analisti)**
* Atakları araştırır
* Bulut İş Yükü Sahibi ile birlikte çalışarak düzeltme uygulama
Güvenlik Merkezi, Azure'daki kullanıcılara, gruplara ve hizmetlere atanabilen [yerleşik roller](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md) sağlayan [Rol Tabanlı Erişim Denetimi'ni (RBAC)](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md) kullanır. Bir kullanıcı Güvenlik Merkezi’ni açtığında, yalnızca erişimi olan kaynaklarla ilişkili bilgileri görüntüleyebilir. Bu da bir kaynağın ait olduğu abonelik veya kaynak grubu için kullanıcıya Sahip, Katkıda Bulunan veya Okuyucu rolünün atandığı anlamına gelir. Bu rollere ek olarak iki özel Güvenlik Merkezi rolü vardır:
- **Güvenlik okuyucusu**: Bu role ait kullanıcı; öneriler, uyarılar, ilke ve sistem durumunu içeren Güvenlik Merkezi yapılandırmalarını yalnızca görüntüleyebilir, herhangi bir değişiklik yapamaz.
- **Güvenlik yöneticisi**: Güvenlik okuyucusu ile aynıdır, ancak aynı zamanda güvenlik ilkesini güncelleştirebilir ve öneriler ile uyarıları kapatabilir.
Yukarıda açıklanan Güvenlik Merkezi rolleri, Azure’un Depolama, Web ve Mobil veya Nesnelerin İnterneti gibi diğer hizmet alanlarına erişemez.
Önceki diyagramda açıklanan kişiler kullanıldığında aşağıdaki RBAC gerekli olur:
**Cem (İş Yükü Sahibi)**
* Kaynak Grubu Sahibi/Katılımcısı
**Emel (CISO/CIO)**
* Abonelik Sahibi/Katılımcı veya Güvenlik Yöneticisi
**David (BT Güvenliği)**
* Abonelik Sahibi/Katılımcı veya Güvenlik Yöneticisi
**Zehra (Güvenlik İşlemleri)**
* Uyarıları görüntülemek için Abonelik Okuyucusu veya Güvenlik Okuyucusu
* Uyarıları kapatmak için Abonelik Sahibi/Katılımcısı veya Güvenlik Yöneticisi
**Salih (Güvenlik Analisti)**
* Uyarıları görüntülemek için Abonelik Okuyucusu
* Uyarıları kapatmak için Abonelik Sahibi/Katılımcısı
* Çalışma alanına erişim gerekli olabilir
Dikkate alınması gereken bazı diğer önemli bilgiler:
* Güvenlik ilkesini yalnızca abonelik Sahipleri/Katkıda Bulunanları ve Güvenlik Yöneticileri düzenleyebilir.
* Yalnızca abonelik ve kaynak grubu Sahipleri ve Katkıda bulunanları bir kaynak için güvenlik önerilerini uygulayabilir.
Güvenlik Merkezi için RBAC kullanarak erişim denetimini planlarken Güvenlik Merkezi'ni kuruluşunuzdaki hangi kişilerin kullanacağını anladığınızdan emin olun. Ayrıca, bunların hangi türde görevler gerçekleştireceğini anlayın ve daha sonra RBAC’yi buna göre yapılandırın.
> [!NOTE]
> Kullanıcılara, görevlerini tamamlamak için gereken rolleri en alt seviyede esneklik sunacak şekilde atamanızı öneririz. Örneğin, yalnızca kaynakların güvenlik durumu hakkındaki bilgileri görüntülemesi gereken ancak eyleme geçmeyecek olan kullanıcıların (örneğin, önerileri uygulamak veya ilkeleri düzeltmek), Okuyucu rolüne atanmaları gerekir.
## <a name="security-policies-and-recommendations"></a>Güvenlik ilkeleri ve öneriler
Güvenlik ilkesi iş yüklerinizin istenen yapılandırmasını tanımlar ve şirketin veya yasal düzenlemelerin gerektirdiği güvenlik gereksinimlerine uyum sağlanmasına yardımcı olur. Güvenlik Merkezi'nde Azure aboneliğinize yönelik ilkeleri tanımlayabilir, bunları iş yükü türüne veya veri gizlilik düzeyine göre ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Güvenlik Merkezi ilkeleri aşağıdaki bileşenleri içerir:
- [Veri toplama](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-enable-data-collection): Aracı sağlama ve veri toplama ayarları.
- [Güvenlik ilkesi:](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-policies)Güvenlik Merkezi tarafından hangi denetimlerin izlendiğini ve tavsiye edildiğini belirleyen veya yeni tanımlar oluşturmak, ek ilkeler tanımlamak ve yönetim grupları arasında ilkeler atamak için Azure İlkesi'ni kullanan bir Azure İlkesidir. [Azure Policy](../governance/policy/overview.md)
- [E-posta bildirimleri](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-provide-security-contact-details): Güvenlik ilgili kişileri ve bildirim ayarları.
- [Fiyatlandırma katmanı](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-pricing): Kapsam dahilindeki kaynaklar (abonelikler, kaynak grupları ve çalışma alanları için belirtilebilir) için kullanılabilecek olan Güvenlik Merkezi özelliklerini belirleyen ücretsiz veya standart fiyatlandırma katmanı.
> [!NOTE]
> Güvenlik ilgili kişisi belirtmeniz bir güvenlik olayı ortaya çıktığında Azure'un kuruluşunuzdaki doğru kişiyle iletişime geçmesini sağlayacaktır. Bu öneriyi etkinleştirme hakkında daha fazla bilgi için [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi’nde güvenlik kişi ayrıntılarını sağlama](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-provide-security-contact-details) konusunu okuyun.
### <a name="security-policies-definitions-and-recommendations"></a>Güvenlik ilkelerinin tanımları ve öneriler
Güvenlik Merkezi, Azure aboneliklerinizin her biri için otomatik olarak varsayılan bir güvenlik ilkesi oluşturur. İlkeyi Güvenlik Merkezi'nde düzenleyebilir veya Azure ilke yönetimini kullanarak yeni tanım oluşturabilir, ek ilke tanımlayabilir, ilkeleri farklı Yönetim Gruplarına (kuruluşun tamamı, tek bir iş birimi vs. olabilir) atayabilir ve bu kapsamlarda bu ilkelere uyum sağlanıp sağlanmadığını izleyebilirsiniz.
Güvenlik ilkelerini yapılandırmadan önce her bir [güvenlik önerisini](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-recommendations) gözden geçirip bu ilkelerin sahip olduğunuz çeşitli abonelikler ve kaynak grupları için uygun olup olmadığını belirleyin. Güvenlik Önerilerini ele almak için hangi eylemlerde bulunulacağını ve kuruluşunuzda yeni önerileri izlemekten ve gerekli adımların atılmasından kimin sorumlu olacağını anlamak da önemlidir.
## <a name="data-collection-and-storage"></a>Veri koleksiyonu ve depolama
Azure Güvenlik Merkezi, sanal makinelerinizden güvenlik verileri toplamak için Azure Monitor hizmeti tarafından kullanılan aracının aynısı olan Log Analytics aracısını kullanır. Bu aracıdan [toplanan veriler](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-enable-data-collection), Log Analytics çalışma alanlarınızda depolanır.
### <a name="agent"></a>Aracı
Güvenlik ilkesinde otomatik sağlama etkinleştirildiğinde, Log Analytics aracısı [(Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-windows-agents) veya [Linux](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-linux-agents)için) desteklenen tüm Azure VM'lerine ve oluşturulan yeni bilgisayarlara yüklenir. VM veya bilgisayarda Log Analytics aracısı zaten yüklüyse, Azure Güvenlik Merkezi geçerli yüklü aracıdan yararlanır. Acentenin süreci non-invaziv ve VM performansı üzerinde çok az etkiye sahip olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
Windows için Log Analytics aracısı, TCP port 443'ün kullanılmasını gerektirir. Daha fazla bilgi için [Sorun giderme makalesine](security-center-troubleshooting-guide.md) bakın.
Belirli bir noktada Veri Koleksiyonu'nu devre dışı bırakmak isterseniz koleksiyonu güvenlik ilkesinden kapatabilirsiniz. Ancak, Log Analytics aracısı diğer Azure yönetim ve izleme hizmetleri tarafından kullanılabildiği için, Güvenlik Merkezi'nde veri toplamayı kapattığınızda aracı otomatik olarak kaldırılmaz. Gerekirse aracıyı el ile kaldırabilirsiniz.
> [!NOTE]
> Desteklenen VM'lerin listesini bulmak için [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'ni sık sorulan soruları (SSS)](faq-vms.md)okuyun.
### <a name="workspace"></a>Çalışma alanı
Çalışma alanı, veri kapsayıcısı olarak görev yapan bir Azure kaynağıdır. Siz veya kuruluşunuzun diğer üyeleri, IT altyapınızın tümünden veya bir bölümünden toplanan farklı veri kümelerini yönetmek için birden çok çalışma alanı kullanabilirsiniz.
Log Analytics temsilcisinden (Azure Güvenlik Merkezi adına) toplanan veriler, VM'nin Geo'su dikkate alınarak Azure aboneliğinizle ilişkili mevcut bir Log Analytics çalışma alanında veya yeni bir çalışma alanı(lar) içinde depolanır.
Azure portalında, Azure Güvenlik Merkezi tarafından oluşturulanlar dahil olmak üzere Log Analytics çalışma alanlarınızın listesine göz atabilirsiniz. Yeni çalışma alanları için bir ilgili kaynak grubu oluşturulur. İkisi de şu adlandırma kuralını izler:
* Çalışma Alanı: *DefaultWorkspace-[abonelik-kimliği]-[bölge]*
* Kaynak Grubu: *VarsayılanKaynak Grubu-[geo]*
Azure Güvenlik Merkezi tarafından oluşturulan çalışma alanları için veriler 30 gün boyunca tutulur. Mevcut çalışma alanları için elde tutma süresi, çalışma alanının fiyatlandırma katmanını temel alır. İsterseniz var olan bir çalışma alanını kullanabilirsiniz.
> [!NOTE]
> Microsoft, bu verilerin gizlilik ve güvenliğini korumak için önemli taahhütlerde bulunur. Microsoft kodlamadan hizmet çalıştırma konularına kadar her alanda uyumluluk ve güvenlik yönergelerine kesin olarak bağlı kalmaktadır. Veri işleme ve gizlilik hakkında daha fazla bilgi için [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi Veri Güvenliği](security-center-data-security.md) makalesini okuyun.
## <a name="onboarding-non-azure-resources"></a>Azure dışı kaynakları ekleme
Güvenlik Merkezi, Azure dışı bilgisayarların güvenlik durumunu izleyebilir ancak öncelikle bu kaynakları eklemeniz gerekir. Azure dışı kaynakları nasıl ekleyeceğiniz hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için [Gelişmiş güvenlik için Azure Güvenlik Merkezi Standart'a kaynak ekleme](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-onboarding#onboard-non-azure-computers) konusuna bakın.
## <a name="ongoing-security-monitoring"></a>Devam eden güvenlik izleme
Güvenlik Merkezi önerilerinin ilk yapılandırması ve uygulamasından sonraki adım, Güvenlik Merkezi işlem süreçlerini dikkate almaktır.
Güvenlik Merkezine Genel Bakış, tüm Azure kaynaklarınızın ve bağladığınız Azure dışı kaynakların birleştirilmiş görünümünü sunar. Aşağıdaki örnekte ilgilenilmesi gereken birçok soruna sahip bir ortam gösterilmektedir:

> [!NOTE]
> Güvenlik Merkezi normal işlem yordamlarınıza müdahale etmez, dağıtımlarınızı pasif olarak izler ve etkinleştirdiğiniz güvenlik ilkelerine bağlı olarak öneriler sağlar.
Geçerli Azure ortamınız için Güvenlik Merkezi’ni kullanmayı ilk kez seçtiğinizde, **Öneriler** kutucuğunda yer alan veya kaynak başına (**İşlem**, **Ağ**, **Depolama ve Veriler**, **Uygulama**) sunulan tüm önerileri gözden geçirdiğinizden emin olun.
Tüm önerilere değindikten sonra değinilen tüm kaynaklar için **Önleme** bölümünün yeşil olması gerekir. Yalnızca kaynak güvenlik durumu ve öneriler kutucuklarındaki değişikliklere göre eyleme geçeceğiniz için devam eden izleme bu noktada daha kolay olur.
**Algılama** bölümü daha reaktiftir; bunlar, ya şu anda var olan veya geçmişte oluşan ya da Güvenlik Merkezi denetimleri ile 3. taraf sistemleri tarafından algılanan sorunlarla ilgili uyarılardır. Güvenlik Uyarıları döşemesi, her gün bulunan uyarı sayısını ve bunların farklı önem kategorileri (düşük, orta, yüksek) arasındaki dağılımlarını temsil eden çubuk grafikleri gösterir. Güvenlik Uyarıları hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz. [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'nde güvenlik uyarılarını yönetme ve uyarılara yanıt verme](security-center-managing-and-responding-alerts.md)
Tehdit zekası seçeneğini ziyaret etmeyi günlük işlemlerinizin bir parçası haline getirin. Burada belirli bir bilgisayarın bir botnetin parçası olup olmadığını belirleme gibi ortamdaki güvenlik tehditlerini belirleyebilirsiniz.
### <a name="monitoring-for-new-or-changed-resources"></a>Yeni veya değiştirilmiş kaynakları izleme
Azure ortamlarının çoğu dinamiktir ve kaynaklar düzenli olarak oluşturulur, yukarı veya aşağı döndürülmez, yeniden yapılandırılır ve değiştirilir. Güvenlik Merkezi, bu yeni kaynakların güvenlik durumuyla ilgili görünürlüğe sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmanıza yardımcı olur.
Azure ortamınıza yeni kaynaklar (VM'ler, SQL DB'leri) eklediğinizde Güvenlik Merkezi otomatik olarak bu kaynakları keşfeder ve güvenliklerini izlemeye başlar. Buna PaaS web rolleri ve çalışan rolleri de dahildir. [Güvenlik İlkesi'nde](tutorial-security-policy.md)Veri Toplama etkinleştirilirse, sanal makineleriniz için otomatik olarak ek izleme özellikleri etkinleştirilir.

1. Sanal makineler için **Kaynak Güvenliği Hijyeni** bölümü altında & **uygulamaları bilgi**işlem'i tıklatın. Verileri etkinleştirme veya ilgili öneriler hakkında tüm sorunlar **Genel Bakış** sekmesinde ve **İzleme Önerileri** bölümünde gösterilir.
2. Yeni kaynak için (eğer varsa) hangi güvenlik risklerinin tanımlandığını görmek için **Öneriler**'i görüntüleyin.
3. Ortamınıza yeni VM'ler eklendiğinde, başlangıçta yalnızca işletim sisteminin yüklenmesi durumu çok yaygındır. Bu VM'ler tarafından kullanılacak diğer uygulamaları dağıtmak için kaynak sahibine bir miktar süre gerekebilir. İdeal olarak, bu iş yükünün son amacını bilmeniz gerekir. Bu iş yükü bir Uygulama Sunucusu mu olacak? Bu yeni iş yükünün ne olacağına bağlı olarak, bu iş akışındaki üçüncü adım olan uygun **Güvenlik İlkesi**'ni etkinleştirebilirsiniz.
4. Azure ortamınıza yeni kaynaklar eklendikçe, **Güvenlik Uyarıları** döşemesinde yeni uyarılar görünebilir. Bu döşemede yeni uyarılar arayın ve önerileri izleyin.
Güvenlik riskleri oluşturmuş, önerilen taban satırlarından sürüklenen yapılandırma değişiklikleri ve güvenlik uyarıları için varolan kaynakları da düzenli olarak izlemeniz gerekir. Güvenlik Merkezi Panosu'nda başlayın. Oradan, tutarlı bir temelde gözden geçirmek için üç ana alanlar var.

1. **Önleme** bölüm paneli, temel kaynaklarınıza hızlı erişim sağlar. İşlem, Ağ, Depolama ve veriler ile Uygulamalar’ı izlemek için bu seçeneği kullanın.
2. **Öneriler** paneli Güvenlik Merkezi önerilerini gözden geçirmenizi sağlar. Devam eden izlemeniz sırasında, ilk Güvenlik Merkezi kurulumundaki tüm önerileri ele aldığınızdan beri normal olan günlük olarak önerileriniz olmadığını görebilirsiniz. Bundan dolayı bu bölümde her gün yeni bilgilere sahip olmayabilirsiniz ve bilgilere sadece gerekli olduğunda erişmeniz gerekebilir.
3. **Algılama** bölümü, çok sık veya çok nadir değişebilir. Güvenlik uyarılarınızı her zaman gözden geçirin ve Güvenlik Merkezi önerilerine göre eyleme geçin.
### <a name="hardening-access-and-applications"></a>Erişimi ve uygulamaları sağlamlaştırma
Güvenlik sürecinizin bir parçası olarak VM erişimini kısıtlamak ve VM'ler üzerinde çalışan uygulamaları denetlemek için önlemler de almanız gerekir. Azure VM'lerinize gelen trafiği engelleyerek saldırı riskini azaltabilir ve aynı zamanda gerekli olduğunda VM'lere kolayca bağlanabilirsiniz. VM'lerinize erişimi sertleştirmek için [tam zamanında VM](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-just-in-time) erişim özelliğini kullanın.
Azure'da bulunan VM'lerinizde hangi uygulamaların çalıştırılabilen uygulamaları sınırlamak için [Uyarlanabilir Uygulama](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/security-center/security-center-adaptive-application) Denetimleri'ni kullanabilirsiniz. Diğer faydaların yanı sıra, bu kötü amaçlı yazılıma karşı VM'lerinizi sertleştirmenize yardımcı olur. Güvenlik Merkezi, makine öğrenimini kullanarak, beyaz liste kuralları oluşturmanıza yardımcı olmak için VM'de çalışan işlemleri analiz eder.
## <a name="incident-response"></a>Olay yanıtı
Güvenlik Merkezi, tehditler oluşunca algılar ve sizi tehditlere karşı uyarır. Kuruluşlar, yeni güvenlik uyarılarını izlemeli ve gerekirse daha fazla araştırmak veya saldırıyı düzeltmek için eyleme geçmelidir. Güvenlik Merkezi tehdit korumasının nasıl çalıştığı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'nin tehditleri nasıl algılayıp yanıtlayıştOkuduğunu](security-center-alerts-overview.md#detect-threats)okuyun.
Bu makalede kendi Olay Yanıtı planınızı oluşturmanıza yardımcı olacak niyeti olmasa da, bulut yaşam döngüsünde Microsoft Azure Güvenlik Yanıtı'nı olay yanıt aşamalarının temeli olarak kullanacağız. Aşamalar aşağıdaki diyagramda gösterilmiştir:

> [!NOTE]
> Kendi planınızı oluşturmanıza yardımcı olması için National Institute of Standards and Technology'nin (NIST) [Computer Security Incident Handling Guide](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf) belgesini kullanabilirsiniz.
Güvenlik Merkezi Uyarılarını aşağıdaki aşamalar sırasında kullanabilirsiniz:
* **Algılama**: bir veya daha fazla kaynakta şüpheli bir etkinliği tanımlayın.
* **Değerlendirme**: şüpheli etkinlik hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için ilk değerlendirmeyi gerçekleştirin.
* **Tanılama**: sorunu çözmeye yönelik teknik yordamı yürütmek için düzeltme adımlarını kullanın.
Her Güvenlik Uyarısı, saldırının yapısını daha iyi anlamanız ve olası risk azaltmalarını önermek için kullanılabilecek bilgiler sağlar. Ayrıca bazı uyarılar, daha fazla bilgi veya Azure'daki diğer bilgi kaynakları için bağlantılar sağlar. Verilen bilgileri daha fazla araştırma ya da risk azaltma için kullanabilir ve ayrıca çalışma alanınızda depolanmış güvenlikle ilgili verileri arayabilirsiniz.
Aşağıdaki örnek, gerçekleşmekte olan şüpheli bir RDP etkinliğini gösterir:

Bu sayfa, saldırının gerçekleştiği zaman, kaynak ana bilgisayar adı, hedef VM ile ilgili ayrıntıları gösterir ve ayrıca öneri adımları sunar. Bazı durumlarda, saldırının kaynak bilgileri boş olabilir. Bu türden bir davranış hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz. [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi Uyarıları'nda Eksik Kaynak Bilgileri](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azuresecurity/2016/03/25/missing-source-information-in-azure-security-center-alerts/).
Bu sayfadan bir araştırma başlatarak saldırının zaman çizelgesi, gerçekleşme şekli, gizliliği bozulmuş olabilecek sistemler ve kullanılan kimlik bilgileri hakkında bilgi edinebilir, saldırı zincirinin tamamını grafiklerle görebilirsiniz.
Tehlikeye atılmış sistemi tanımladıktan sonra, daha önce oluşturulmuş bir [İş Akışı Otomasyonu](workflow-automation.md) çalıştırabilirsiniz. Bunlar, bir uyarı tarafından tetiklendikten sonra Güvenlik Merkezi'nden yürütülebilen yordamlar topluluğu.
Bir Olay Yanıtı videosu [için Azure Güvenlik Merkezi & Microsoft Operations Management Suite'ten nasıl yararlanılır?](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Taste-of-Premier/ToP1703)
> [!NOTE]
> Olay Yanıtı işlemisırasında size yardımcı olmak için Güvenlik Merkezi yeteneklerinin nasıl kullanılacağı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'ndeki güvenlik uyarılarını yönetme ve yanıtlamayı](security-center-managing-and-responding-alerts.md) okuyun.
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Sonraki adımlar
Bu belgede, Güvenlik Merkezi benimsemeyi nasıl planlayacağınızı öğrendiniz. Güvenlik Merkezi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için şunlara bakın:
* [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'nde güvenlik uyarılarını yönetme ve yanıtlama](security-center-managing-and-responding-alerts.md)
* [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi'nde güvenlik durumu izleme](security-center-monitoring.md) — Azure kaynaklarınızın sistem durumunu nasıl izleyeceğinizi öğrenin.
* [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi ile iş ortağı çözümlerini izleme](security-center-partner-solutions.md) - İş ortağı çözümlerinizin sistem durumunu nasıl izleyeceğiniz hakkında bilgi edinin.
* [Azure Güvenlik Merkezi SSSS](faq-general.md) - Hizmeti kullanma yla ilgili sık sorulan soruları bulun.
* [Azure Güvenlik blogu](https://blogs.msdn.com/b/azuresecurity/) — Azure güvenliği ve uyumluluğu yla ilgili blog gönderilerini bulun.
| 89.743191 | 578 | 0.831469 | tur_Latn | 0.999972 |
d9c0c8ad9e171c4cc50db97373b4ef8436ea96c9 | 8,164 | md | Markdown | content/core/1.8.0/key-concepts/payment-providers.md | JamieTownsend84/vendr-documentation | a8295778c4f3a55f976d77ca3f9aa0087572568e | [
] | 6 | 2020-05-27T19:01:56.000Z | 2021-06-11T09:43:59.000Z | content/core/1.8.0/key-concepts/payment-providers.md | JamieTownsend84/vendr-documentation | a8295778c4f3a55f976d77ca3f9aa0087572568e | [
] | 41 | 2020-03-31T11:16:35.000Z | 2022-03-11T10:18:41.000Z | content/core/1.8.0/key-concepts/payment-providers.md | JamieTownsend84/vendr-documentation | a8295778c4f3a55f976d77ca3f9aa0087572568e | [
] | 25 | 2020-03-02T17:26:16.000Z | 2022-02-28T10:47:54.000Z | ---
title: Payment Providers
description: Accepting payments via Payment Providers in Vendr, the eCommerce solution for Umbraco v8+
Payment Providers are how Vendr is able to accept multiple different methods of payment on a Site. Their job is to provide a standard interface between 3rd party payment gateways and Vendr itself in order to allow the passing of information between the two platforms.
How these integrations work is often different per payment gateway, however Vendr Payment Providers provide a flexible interface that should be able to work with most payment gateways.
## Example Payment Provider
An example of a bare-bones Payment Provider would look something like this:
[PaymentProvider("my-payment-provider-alias", "My Payment Provider Name", "My Payment Provider Description")]
public class MyPaymentProvider : PaymentProviderBase<MyPaymentProviderSettings>
public MyPaymentProvider(VendrContext vendr)
: base(vendr)
{ }
public class MyPaymentProviderSettings
[PaymentProviderSetting(Name = "Continue URL",
Description = "The URL to continue to after this provider has done processing. eg: /continue/",
SortOrder = 100)]
public string ContinueUrl { get; set; }
All Payment Providers inherit from a base class `PaymentProviderBase<TSettings>` where `TSettings` is the Type of a POCO model class representing the Payment Providers settings. The class must be decorated with `PaymentProviderAttribute` which defines the Payment Providers `alias`, `name` and `description`, and can also specify an `icon` to be displayed in the Vendr back-office.
The settings class itself consists of a series of properties, each decorated with a `PaymentProviderSettingAttribute` defining a name, description, and possible angular editor view file which will all be used to dynamically build an editor interface for the given settings in the back-office.
## Payment Provider Responsibilities
There are two main responsibilities of a Payment Provider, and those are:
* **Payment Capture** - Capturing the initial Order payment and finalizing the Order.
* **Payment Management** - Managing a payment post Order finalization, such as being able to Capture authorized payments or Refunding captured payments.
### Payment Capture
The Payment Capture workflow can be the hardest part of a Payment Provider, often due to the fact that no two payment gateways are alike, and so it can be difficult to figure out how best to implement the gateway into the provider format.
Generally there are three methods within a Payment Provider that you may need to implement, and each one has a specific responsibility.
* **GenerateForm \*** - The `GenerateForm` method is responsible for generating a HTML form which will redirect the customer to the given payment gateways payment form. In this method you may need to communicate with the payment gateway in order to initialize a payment, letting the payment gateway know how much to capture. This often results in some kind of code or redirect URL being returned which will need to be embedded in to the generated form. The generated form is then usually displayed on a checkout **Review** page, the last page before payment is captured, and will have an implementer defined **Continue to Payment** button to submit the form and redirect the customer to the gateway.
* **ProcessCallback \*** - The `ProcessCallback` method is responsible for handling the response coming back from the payment gateway and processing whether the payment was successful or not. This can sometimes be *synchronously*, if the payment gateway sends information back as part of the confirmation page redirect, or can be *asynchronously*, if the payment gateway sends the information back via an out of band webhook request.
* **GetOrderReference** - The `GetOrderReference` method is responsible for extracting an order reference number from a request when the payment gateway uses an asynchronous webhook to finalize an Order **AND** it uses a global webhook URL strategy for all notifications rather than a notification URL per transaction. Where a webhook URL can be passed per transaction, then Vendr provides you with a unique callback URL you can register with the gateway that already identifies the order reference as part of the URL parameters, making implementing this method unnecessary.
*\* denotes a required method implementation*.
What follows is a generalized diagram in order to help in visualizing when each of these methods are called withing a regular checkout flow.

### Payment Management
In addition to the initial payment capture flow, Payment Providers can also be set up to manage the payment post checkout, such as being able to Capture and Authorized transaction, or Refund a Captured transaction.
These features are optional, so are not required for Payment Provider developers to implement, however they do provide a much nicer user experience as it allows the store owner to manage payments directly in the back-office rather than having to log into the payment gateway's portal should they need to perform these types of actions.
The implementable management methods are:
* **FetchPaymentStatus** - The `FetchPaymentStatus` method communicates with the 3rd party payment gateway in order to fetch the current status of the given transaction.
* **CapturePayment** - The `CapturePayment` method communicates with the 3rd party payment gateway to capture a previously authorized payment associated with the given transaction.
* **CancelPayment** - The `CancelPayment` method communicates with the 3rd party payment gateway to cancel a previously authorized payment associated with the given transaction.
* **RefundPayment** - The `RefundPayment` method communicates with the 3rd party payment gateway to refund a previously captured payment associated with the given transaction.
For each implemented method above, developers should also implement a corresponding boolean property returning a `true` value to let Vendr know that the given feature is supported by the Payment Provider.
* **CanFetchPaymentStatus**
* **CanCapturePayments**
* **CanCancelPayments**
* **CanRefundPayments**
## Payment Provider Meta Data
For all implemented methods of a Payment Provider, all method return types support the returning off additional Meta Data. This is to allow Payment Providers to capture and store relevant information that aid the provider in doing it's job, or for storing useful reference information to display for the retailer.
Any returned Meta Data from a Payment Provider method will be stored against the Order in it's [Properties](../properties/) collection. Should you need to retrieve these values from within some other area of the Payment Provider, you can use the passed in Orders Properties collection to do so.
<message-box type="info" heading="Top Tip">
As Meta Data is stored in an Orders Properties collection, it is recommended that you prefix your Meta Data keys with the Payment Providers alias in order to prevent possible conflicts.
### Meta Data Definitions
Where the Meta Data that is returned could be a useful reference for the retailer, the Payment Provider can also expose a `TransactionMetaDataDefinitions` property consisting of a list of `TransactionMetaDataDefinition` values that each define the `alias`, `name` and optional `description` of a Meta Data entry that Vendr will use to display that information in the back-office.
public override IEnumerable<TransactionMetaDataDefinition> TransactionMetaDataDefinitions => new[]{
new TransactionMetaDataDefinition("stripeSessionId", "Stripe Session ID"),
new TransactionMetaDataDefinition("stripePaymentIntentId", "Stripe Payment Intent ID"),
new TransactionMetaDataDefinition("stripeChargeId", "Stripe Charge ID"),
new TransactionMetaDataDefinition("stripeCardCountry", "Stripe Card Country")
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d9c1ebd453fbcbfc041a04acc4f9797ddf7ecaa7 | 32,102 | md | Markdown | articles/solution-dev-test-environments.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_pl-PL | 18fa7535e7cdf4b159e63a40776995fa95f1f314 | [
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] | null | null | null | articles/solution-dev-test-environments.md | OpenLocalizationTestOrg/azure-docs-pr15_pl-PL | 18fa7535e7cdf4b159e63a40776995fa95f1f314 | [
] | null | null | null | <properties
pageTitle="Środowiska projektowego i testowego | Microsoft Azure"
description="Dowiedz się, jak szybko i spójne tworzenie i usuwanie rozwoju i przetestować środowiskach przy użyciu szablonów Azure Menedżera zasobów."
# <a name="development-and-test-environments-in-microsoft-azure"></a>Środowiska projektowego i testowego Microsoft Azure
Niestandardowe aplikacje są zwykle wdrożony w wielu środowisk projektowych i testowych przed wdrożeniem do produkcji. Podczas tworzenia środowiska w środowisku lokalnym, obliczeniowych są kupowane lub przydzielone dla każdego środowiska dla każdej aplikacji. Środowiska często zawierają kilka fizycznej lub maszyn wirtualnych z określonej konfiguracji, które są rozmieszczane ręcznie lub skryptów złożonych automatyzacji. We wdrożeniach często zająć godzin i powodują niespójnej konfiguracji w środowiskach.
## <a name="scenario"></a>Scenariusz ##
Gdy przepisu rozwoju i środowiskach testowych platformy Microsoft Azure tylko płatność dla zasobów, których używasz. W tym artykule wyjaśniono, jak szybko i spójne można tworzyć, zachować i Usuń rozwoju i przetestować środowiskach za pomocą Menedżera zasobów Azure szablony i pliki parametr, jak pokazano poniżej.

Trzy środowisk projektowych i testowych są wyświetlane powyżej. Każda ma aplikacji sieci web i zasoby bazy danych SQL, które są określane w postaci pliku szablonu. Nazwy aplikacji i bazy danych w każdym środowisku są różne i są określane w postaci plików parametr unikatowe dla każdego środowiska.
Jeśli nie znasz pojęcia Menedżera zasobów Azure, zalecane jest, przeczytaj artykuł [Omówienie Menedżera zasobów Azure](azure-resource-manager/resource-group-overview.md) przed przeczytaniem tego artykułu.
Warto najpierw należy przejść do opisanych w tym artykule wymienione bez czytania, z której dotyczy odwołanie artykułów, aby szybko uzyskać niektóre możliwości korzystania z szablonów Azure Menedżera zasobów. Po pozostajesz kroków raz, będziesz mieć możliwość odpowiedzi na większość pytań, które powstały imienia czasu za pośrednictwem Eksperymentując dalszych czynności i czytając artykuły, której dotyczy odwołanie.
## <a name="plan-azure-resource-use"></a>Planowanie użycia zasobów Azure
Po utworzeniu projektu wysokiego poziomu dla aplikacji można zdefiniować:
- Zasoby, które Azure aplikacja będzie zawierać. Możesz utworzyć aplikację i wdrażać go w aplikacji sieci Web programu Azure z bazy danych SQL Azure. Może tworzyć aplikacji w środowisku maszyn wirtualnych za pomocą PHP i MySQL lub usług IIS i SQL Server lub inne składniki. [Azure aplikacji usługi, usług w chmurze i porównania maszyn wirtualnych]( app-service-web/choose-web-site-cloud-service-vm.md) artykuł ułatwia ustalenie Azure zasoby, które warto korzystać z aplikacji.
- Jakie usługi poziomu wymagania takich jak dostępność, bezpieczeństwo i skali spełniających aplikacji.
## <a name="download-an-existing-template"></a>Pobierz istniejącego szablonu
Szablon Menedżera zasobów Azure definiuje wszystkie zasoby Azure, które wykorzystuje aplikacji. Kilka szablonów już istnieje, można wdrożyć bezpośrednio w portalu Azure lub pobranie, modyfikować i zapisać w systemie kontroli źródła w kodzie aplikacji. Wykonaj poniższe czynności, aby pobrać istniejącego szablonu.
1. Przeglądanie istniejących szablonów w repozytorium GitHub [Azure Szybki Start szablonów](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/) . Na liście pojawi się folder "[201--aplikacji sql — baza danych sieci web](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/201-web-app-sql-database)". Ponieważ wiele aplikacji niestandardowe obejmują aplikacji sieci web i baza danych SQL, ten szablon jest używany jako przykład w dalszej części tego artykułu ułatwiające zrozumienie sposobu korzystania z szablonów. Jest spoza zakresu tego artykułu, aby w pełni wyjaśnić wszystko ten szablon umożliwia utworzenie i konfiguruje, ale jeśli planujesz za jej pomocą tworzyć rzeczywisty środowiskach w Twojej organizacji, warto lepiej zrozumieć, czytając artykuł [Obsługa administracyjna aplikacji sieci web z bazą danych SQL](app-service-web/app-service-web-arm-with-sql-database-provision.md) .
Uwaga: w tym artykule został zapisany w wersji grudnia 2015 szablonu [201--aplikacji sql — baza danych sieci web](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database) . Łączy poniżej wskaż szablon i plików z parametrami są tej wersji szablonu.
2. Kliknij plik [azuredeploy.json](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database/azuredeploy.json) w folderze 201--aplikacji sql — baza danych sieci web, aby wyświetlić jego zawartość. To jest plik szablonu Azure Menedżera zasobów.
3. W trybie widoku kliknij przycisk "[Raw](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database/azuredeploy.json)".
4. Przy użyciu myszy wybierz zawartość tego pliku, a następnie zapisać na komputerze, w pliku o nazwie "TestApp1 Template.json."
5. Sprawdź zawartość szablonu i zwróć uwagę na następujące czynności:
- **Zasoby** sekcji: w tej sekcji zdefiniowano typy wymaganych zasobów Azure utworzone za pomocą tego szablonu. Wśród innych typów zasobów ten szablon tworzy [Azure aplikacji sieci Web](app-service-web/app-service-web-overview.md) i [Bazy danych SQL Azure](sql-database/sql-database-technical-overview.md) zasoby. Jeśli wolisz uruchamianie i zarządzanie nimi w sieci web i serwery SQL Server w środowisku maszyn wirtualnych, można używać szablonów "[usług iis-2vm-sql-1vm](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/iis-2vm-sql-1vm)" lub "[światło aplikacji](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/lamp-app)", ale z instrukcjami podanymi w tym artykule są oparte na tym szablonie [201--aplikacji sql — baza danych sieci web](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database) .
- Sekcja **Parametry** : w tej sekcji określa parametry, które można skonfigurować każdego zasobu. Niektóre parametry określone w szablonie mają właściwości "wartość domyślna", gdy inne osoby nie. Wdrażając Azure zasobów za pomocą szablonu, należy podać wartości dla wszystkich parametrów, które nie mają określonego w szablonie właściwości wartość domyślna. Jeśli nie podasz wartości parametrów z właściwości wartość domyślna, jest używana wartość określony w parametrze defaultValue w szablonie.
Szablon określa Azure zasoby, które są tworzone i parametry poszczególnych zasobów można skonfigurować. Przedstawiono więcej informacji na temat szablonów i sposób projektowania własnych przez w artykule [Najważniejsze wskazówki dotyczące projektowania szablonów Azure Menedżera zasobów](best-practices-resource-manager-design-templates.md) .
## <a name="download-and-customize-an-existing-parameter-file"></a>Pobieranie i dostosowywanie istniejącego pliku parametru
Chociaż prawdopodobnie warto w *tym samym* Azure zasobów utworzone w poszczególnych środowisk, prawdopodobnie warto konfiguracji zasobów, które mają *różne* w poszczególnych środowisk. To miejsce, w którym mają plików z parametrami. Tworzenie parametru plików, które zawierają unikatowe wartości w poszczególnych środowisk, wykonując poniższe czynności.
1. Wyświetlanie zawartości pliku [azuredeploy.parameters.json](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database/azuredeploy.parameters.json) w folderze 201--aplikacji sql — baza danych sieci web. Jest to plik parametru pliku szablonu, który został zapisany w poprzedniej sekcji.
2. W trybie widoku kliknij przycisk "[Raw](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/3f24f7b7e1e377538d1d548eaa6eab2851a21810/201-web-app-sql-database/azuredeploy.parameters.json)".
3. Przy użyciu myszy wybierz zawartość tego pliku i zapisywanie ich w trzech osobnych plików na komputerze z następujących nazw:
- TestApp1 — parametry Development.json
- TestApp1 — parametry Test.json
- TestApp1 — parametry Pre-Production.json
3. Za pomocą dowolnego tekstu lub edytora JSON, edytować plik parametr środowiska rozwój, który został utworzony w kroku 3, zamieniając wartości na liście po prawej stronie wartości parametrów w pliku o *wartości* na liście po prawej stronie **parametrów** poniżej:
- **Nazwa witryny**: *TestApp1DevApp*
- **hostingPlanName**: *TestApp1DevPlan*
- **siteLocation**: *Centralnej Stany Zjednoczone*
- **nazwa_serwera**: *testapp1devsrv*
- **serverLocation**: *Centralnej Stany Zjednoczone*
- **administratorLogin**: *testapp1Admin*
- **administratorLoginPassword**: *Zamień za pomocą hasła*
- **databaseName**: *testapp1devdb*
4. Za pomocą dowolnego tekstu lub edytora JSON edytować plik parametr środowiska Test został utworzony w kroku 3, zamieniając wartości na liście po prawej stronie wartości parametrów w pliku o *wartości* na liście po prawej stronie **parametrów** poniżej:
- **Nazwa witryny**: *TestApp1TestApp*
- **hostingPlanName**: *TestApp1TestPlan*
- **siteLocation**: *Centralnej Stany Zjednoczone*
- **nazwa_serwera**: *testapp1testsrv*
- **serverLocation**: *Centralnej Stany Zjednoczone*
- **administratorLogin**: *testapp1Admin*
- **administratorLoginPassword**: *Zamień za pomocą hasła*
- **databaseName**: *testapp1testdb*
5. Za pomocą dowolnego tekstu lub edytora JSON, edytować plik przygotowań parametr, który został utworzony w kroku 3. Co to jest poniżej zamienić całą zawartość plik:
"$schema" : "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion" : "",
"parameters" : {
"administratorLogin" : {
"value" : "testApp1Admin"
"administratorLoginPassword" : {
"value" : "replace with your password"
"databaseName" : {
"value" : "testapp1preproddb"
"hostingPlanName" : {
"value" : "TestApp1PreProdPlan"
"serverLocation" : {
"value" : "Central US"
"serverName" : {
"value" : "testapp1preprodsrv"
"siteLocation" : {
"value" : "Central US"
"siteName" : {
"value" : "TestApp1PreProdApp"
"sku" : {
"value" : "Standard"
"requestedServiceObjectiveName" : {
"value" : "S1"
W pliku parametrów przygotowań powyżej parametry **sku** i **requestedServiceObjectiveName** zostały *dodane*, nie zostały one dodane w plikach parametrów projektowania i testowania. To, ponieważ nie istnieją wartości domyślne określone dla parametrów w szablonie i środowisk programowania i testowania używane są wartości domyślne, ale w fazie przygotowań są używane wartości inne niż domyślne środowisko dla tych parametrów.
Przyczyny, dla której wartości inne niż domyślne są używane dla parametrów w środowisku produkcyjnym przed służy do testowania wartości dla tych parametrów, które można wybrać dla środowisku produkcyjnym, również można zbadać. Wszystkie parametry te dotyczą Azure [Plany hostingu aplikacji Web App](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/app-service/)lub **sku** i Azure [SQL Database](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/sql-database/)lub **requestedServiceObjectiveName** , które są używane przez aplikację. Różne wersje produktu i nazwy była usług mają różne koszty i funkcje i obsługa techniczna metryki poziomu innej usługi.
Poniższa tabela zawiera listę wartości domyślnych dla tych parametrów określonych w szablonie i wartości, które są używane zamiast wartości domyślne w pliku przygotowań parametrów.
| Parametr | Wartość domyślna | Wartość parametru pliku |
| **Jednostka SKU** | Bezpłatne | Standardowe |
| **requestedServiceObjectiveName** | S0 | S1 |
## <a name="create-environments"></a>Tworzyć środowiska
Wszystkie zasoby Azure należy utworzyć w obrębie [Grupy zasobów Azure](azure-resource-manager/resource-group-overview.md). Grupy zasobów umożliwiają pogrupuj Azure zasobów, aby wspólnie zarządzane. Tak, aby określonym osobom w organizacji może tworzenie, modyfikowanie, usuwanie lub wyświetlanie ich i zasoby w nich można przypisywać [uprawnienia](./active-directory/role-based-access-built-in-roles.md) do grup zasobów. Alerty i informacje rozliczeniowe dla zasobów w grupie zasobów można wyświetlić w [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com). Grupy zasobów są tworzone w Azure [region](https://azure.microsoft.com/regions/). W tym artykule wszystkie zasoby są tworzone w regionie centralnej USA. Po rozpoczęciu tworzenia rzeczywisty środowiskach, wybraniu regionu, który najlepiej odpowiada potrzebom.
Tworzenie grup zasobów dla każdego środowiska za pomocą dowolnej z poniższych metod. Wszystkie metody osiągnie taka sama.
###<a name="azure-command-line-interface-cli"></a>Azure interfejs wiersza polecenia (polecenie)
Upewnij się, że masz polecenie [zainstalowany](xplat-cli-install.md) albo systemu Windows, OS X lub Linux komputer, a które zostały [połączone](xplat-cli-connect.md) [konto Azure AD](./active-directory/active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory.md) (zwanych również konto służbowe) do subskrypcji usługi Azure. W wierszu polecenia interfejsu wiersza polecenia wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowiska projektowego.
azure group create "TestApp1-Development" "Central US"
Polecenie zwróci następujące czynności, jeśli skutku:
info: Executing command group create
+ Getting resource group TestApp1-Development
+ Creating resource group TestApp1-Development
info: Created resource group TestApp1-Development
data: Id: /subscriptions/uuuuuuuu-vvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzz/resourceGroups/TestApp1-Development
data: Name: TestApp1-Development
data: Location: centralus
data: Provisioning State: Succeeded
data: Tags: null
info: group create command OK
Aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowisku testowym, wpisz poniższe polecenie:
azure group create "TestApp1-Test" "Central US"
Aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowiska przygotowań, wpisz poniższe polecenie:
azure group create "TestApp1-Pre-Production" "Central US"
###<a name="powershell"></a>Programu PowerShell
Upewnij się, że tekst 1.01 programu PowerShell Azure lub wyższej zainstalowany na komputerze z systemem Windows i połączono [konta Azure AD](./active-directory/active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory.md) (zwanych również konto służbowe) do subskrypcji wyszczególnione w artykule [jak zainstalować i skonfigurować Azure programu PowerShell](powershell-install-configure.md) . W wierszu polecenia programu PowerShell wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowiska projektowego.
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Development -Location "Central US"
Polecenie zwróci następujące czynności, jeśli skutku:
ResourceGroupName : TestApp1-Development
Location : centralus
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
ResourceId : /subscriptions/uuuuuuuu-vvvv-wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzz/resourceGroups/TestApp1-Development
Aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowisku testowym, wpisz poniższe polecenie:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Test -Location "Central US"
Aby utworzyć grupę zasobów dla środowiska przygotowań, wpisz poniższe polecenie:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Pre-Production -Location "Central US"
###<a name="azure-portal"></a>Azure portal
1. Zaloguj się do [portalu Azure](https://portal.azure.com) za pomocą konta [Azure AD](./active-directory/active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory.md) (nazywane również służbowe). Kliknij pozycję Nowy--> Zarządzanie--> Grupa zasobów i wprowadź "TestApp1 Development" w polu Nazwa zasobu grupy, wybierz swoją subskrypcję i wybierz "Centralnej z NAMI" w polu Lokalizacja grupa zasobów, jak pokazano na poniższym obrazie.

2. Kliknij przycisk Utwórz, aby utworzyć grupę zasobów.
3. Kliknij przycisk Przeglądaj, przewiń listę do grup zasobów i kliknij pozycję grupy zasobów tak jak pokazano poniżej.

4. Po kliknięciu grupy zasobów zostanie wyświetlona karta grup zasobów z nowej grupy zasobów.

5. Tworzenie teście TestApp1 i zasobów TestApp1 litery Pre produkcji grupy tak samo utworzonych grup zasobów rozwoju TestApp1 powyżej.
##<a name="deploy-resources-to-environments"></a>Wdrażanie zasobów do środowisk
Wdrażanie Azure zasobów do grup zasobów dla każdego środowiska przy użyciu pliku szablonu rozwiązania i plików z parametrami dla każdego środowiska przy użyciu jednej z następujących metod. Obie metody osiągnie taka sama.
###<a name="azure-command-line-interface-cli"></a>Azure interfejs wiersza polecenia (polecenie)
W wierszu polecenia polecenie wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska programowania, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
azure group deployment create -g TestApp1-Development -n Deployment1 -f [path]TestApp1-Template.json -e [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Development.json
Przed wykonaniem komunikat "Trwa oczekiwanie na wdrożenie do wykonania" przez kilka minut, polecenie zwróci następujące Jeśli skutku:
info: Executing command group deployment create
+ Initializing template configurations and parameters
+ Creating a deployment
info: Created template deployment "Deployment1"
+ Waiting for deployment to complete
data: DeploymentName : Deployment1
data: ResourceGroupName : TestApp1-Development
data: ProvisioningState : Succeeded
data: Timestamp : XXXX-XX-XXT20:20:23.5202316Z
data: Mode : Incremental
data: Name Type Value
data: ----------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------
data: siteName String TestApp1DevApp
data: hostingPlanName String TestApp1DevPlan
data: siteLocation String Central US
data: sku String Free
data: workerSize String 0
data: serverName String testapp1devsrv
data: serverLocation String Central US
data: administratorLogin String testapp1Admin
data: administratorLoginPassword SecureString undefined
data: databaseName String testapp1devdb
data: collation String SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
data: edition String Standard
data: maxSizeBytes String 1073741824
data: requestedServiceObjectiveName String S0
info: group deployment create command OKx
Jeśli to polecenie nie działa, komunikatami o błędach i spróbuj go ponownie. Typowe problemy używają wartości parametrów, które nie są zgodne z ograniczeniami nazewnictwa Azure zasobów. Inne porady dotyczące rozwiązywania problemów można znaleźć w artykule [Rozwiązywanie problemów z zasobów grupy wdrażania Azure](./resource-manager-troubleshoot-deployments-cli.md) .
W wierszu polecenia polecenie wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska Test, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
azure group deployment create -g TestApp1-Test -n Deployment1 -f [path]TestApp1-Template.json -e [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Test.json
W wierszu polecenia polecenie wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska przygotowań, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
azure group deployment create -g TestApp1-Pre-Production -n Deployment1 -f [path]TestApp1-Template.json -e [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Pre-Production.json
###<a name="powershell"></a>Programu PowerShell
Z wiersza polecenia programu PowerShell Azure (wersja 1.01 lub nowszy) wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska programowania, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName TestApp1-Development -TemplateFile [path]TestApp1-Template.json -TemplateParameterFile [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Development.json -Name Deployment1
Przed wykonaniem migający kursor przez kilka minut, polecenie zwróci następujące Jeśli skutku:
DeploymentName : Deployment1
ResourceGroupName : TestApp1-Development
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Timestamp : XX/XX/XXXX 2:44:48 PM
Mode : Incremental
TemplateLink :
Parameters :
Name Type Value
=============== ========================= ==========
siteName String TestApp1DevApp
hostingPlanName String TestApp1DevPlan
siteLocation String Central US
sku String Free
workerSize String 0
serverName String testapp1devsrv
serverLocation String Central US
administratorLogin String testapp1Admin
administratorLoginPassword SecureString
databaseName String testapp1devdb
collation String SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
edition String Standard
maxSizeBytes String 1073741824
requestedServiceObjectiveName String S0
Outputs :
Jeśli to polecenie nie działa, komunikatami o błędach i spróbuj go ponownie. Typowe problemy używają wartości parametrów, które nie są zgodne z ograniczeniami nazewnictwa Azure zasobów. Inne porady dotyczące rozwiązywania problemów można znaleźć w artykule [Rozwiązywanie problemów z zasobów grupy wdrażania Azure](./resource-manager-troubleshoot-deployments-powershell.md) .
W wierszu polecenia programu PowerShell wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska Test, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName TestApp1-Test -TemplateFile [path]TestApp1-Template.json -TemplateParameterFile [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Test.json -Name Deployment1
W wierszu polecenia programu PowerShell wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby wdrożyć zasobów do grupy zasobów utworzonej dla środowiska przygotowań, zamieniając [ścieżka] ścieżka do plików zapisanych w poprzednich krokach.
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName TestApp1-Pre-Production -TemplateFile [path]TestApp1-Template.json -TemplateParameterFile [path]TestApp1-Parameters-Pre-Production.json -Name Deployment1
Pliki szablonu i parametr może być wersji i obsługiwane w kodzie aplikacji w systemie kontroli źródła. Można również zapisać powyżej, aby pliki skryptów i zapisywanie ich w kodzie także poleceń.
> [AZURE.NOTE] Szablon można wdrażać Azure bezpośrednio, klikając przycisk "Wdrażanie do Azure" w artykule [Obsługa administracyjna aplikacji sieci Web z bazą danych SQL](https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/templates/201-web-app-sql-database/) . Może być pomocne informacje na temat szablonów, ale zrobić tak nie umożliwiają edytowanie wersja i Zapisz do szablonu i wartości parametrów w kodzie aplikacji w celu dalszej szczegółowe informacje na temat ta metoda nie jest omówione w tym artykule.
## <a name="maintain-environments"></a>Obsługa środowiska
W całym rozwoju konfiguracji Azure zasobów w różnych środowiskach może być niespójnie zmieniony celowo lub przypadkowo. Może to powodować niepotrzebne rozwiązywania problemów i rozwiązywanie problemów cyklu opracowywania aplikacji.
1. Zmienianie środowiska, otwierając [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com).
2. Zaloguj się do niego za pomocą tego samego konta, którego użyto do wykonaj powyższe kroki.
3. Jak pokazano na obraz poniżej, kliknij przycisk Przeglądaj--> grupy zasobów (może być konieczne przewinięcie w dół w celu wyświetlenia grup zasobów).

4. Po kliknięciu grup zasobów na powyższym obrazie, zostanie wyświetlona karta grup zasobów i grup zasobów trzy, utworzony w poprzednim kroku, jak pokazano na poniższym obrazie. Kliknij grupę zasobów TestApp1 rozwoju i pojawi się kartę, która zawiera listę zasobów utworzone za pomocą szablonu w ramach rozwoju TestApp1 wdrożenia grupa zasobów, wykonywane w poprzednim kroku. Usuwanie zasobu TestApp1DevApp Web App, klikając TestApp1DevApp karta Grupa zasobów TestApp1 rozwoju i klikając polecenie Usuń na karta aplikacji sieci Web TestApp1DevApp.

5. Kliknij przycisk "Tak", gdy portalu zostanie wyświetlony monit, czy wiesz, że chcesz usunąć zasób. Karta Grupa zasobów rozwoju TestApp1 zamknięcie i ponowne otwarcie go teraz wyświetli ją bez aplikacji sieci Web, który został usunięty. Zawartość grupy zasobów jest teraz inny niż należy je. Możesz dodatkowo wypróbować usuwania wielu zasobów z wielu grup zasobów lub nawet zmieniając ustawienia konfiguracji dla niektórych zasobów. Zamiast za pomocą portalu Azure, aby usunąć zasób z grupy zasobów, można użyć polecenia programu PowerShell [AzureResource Usuń](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn757676.aspx) lub lub polecenia "Usuń azure zasobu" z interfejsu wiersza polecenia w celu wykonania tego samego zadania.
6. Uzyskanie wszystkich zasobów i konfiguracji, która powinna być w grupach zasobów powrót do stanu, w którym należy je w zainstalowanie środowiska do grup zasobów za pomocą takie same polecenia, którego użyto w sekcji [Rozmieszczanie zasoby w środowiskach](#deploy-resources-to-environments) , ale zamiast "Deployment1" z "Deployment2."
7. Jak pokazano w sekcji Podsumowanie karta TestApp1 rozwoju na obrazie pokazano w kroku 4, zobaczysz, że aplikacji sieci Web, które usunięte w portalu w poprzednim kroku istnieje ponownie, tak jak inne zasoby wybrany do usunięcia. Zmiana konfiguracji zasobów można również sprawdzić, czy ich ustawiono ponownie wartości w plikach parametru zbyt. Jedną z zalet wdrażanie usługi środowiskach dzięki szablonom Menedżera zasobów Azure to, że można łatwo ponownie rozmieścić środowiskach powrót do znanego stanu w dowolnym momencie.
8. Jeśli klikniesz na tekst w obszarze "Ostatniego wdrożenia" na poniższym obrazie, pojawi się kartę, która pokazuje historię wdrożenia dla grupy zasobów. Ponieważ używasz nazwy "Deployment1" dla pierwszego wdrożenia i "Deployment2" do drugiego wdrożenia będą dostępne dwa wpisy. Klikając wdrożeniu zostanie wyświetlona karta, która pokazuje wyniki dla każdego rozmieszczenia.

## <a name="delete-environments"></a>Usuwanie środowiska
Po zakończeniu korzystania ze środowiska chcesz ją usunąć, aby nie naliczone opłaty za zużycie zasobów Azure, którego nie używasz. Usuwanie środowiskach jest jeszcze łatwiejsze niż ich tworzeniu. W poprzednich krokach poszczególnych grup zasobów Azure zostały utworzone dla każdego środowiska, a następnie wdrożono zasobów do grupy zasobów.
Usuwanie środowiska za pomocą dowolnej z poniższych metod. Wszystkie metody osiągnie taka sama.
### <a name="azure-cli"></a>Polecenie Azure
W wierszu interfejsu wiersza polecenia wpisz następujące polecenie:
azure group delete "TestApp1-Development"
Po wyświetleniu monitu wprowadź y, a następnie naciśnij klawisz enter, aby usunąć środowiska projektowego i wszystkie jego zasobów. Po upływie kilku minut polecenie zwróci następujące czynności:
info: group delete command OK
W wierszu polecenie wpisz poniższe czynności, aby usunąć pozostałe środowiskach:
azure group delete "TestApp1-Test"
azure group delete "TestApp1-Pre-Production"
### <a name="powershell"></a>Programu PowerShell
W wierszu polecenia programu PowerShell Azure (wersja 1.01 lub nowszy) wpisz poniższe polecenie, aby usunąć grupa zasobów i wszystkie jego zawartość.
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Development
Gdy zostanie wyświetlony monit, jeśli wiesz, że chcesz usunąć grupa zasobów, wprowadź y, a następnie klawisz enter.
Wpisz poniższe czynności, aby usunąć pozostałe środowiskach:
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Test
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name TestApp1-Pre-Production
### <a name="azure-portal"></a>Azure portal
1. W portalu Azure tak jak w poprzednich krokach przejdź do grup zasobów.
2. Wybierz grupę zasobów TestApp1 rozwoju i kliknij pozycję Usuń w karta Grupa zasobów TestApp1 rozwoju. Zostanie wyświetlona karta nowy. Wprowadź nazwę grupy zasobów i kliknij przycisk Usuń.

3. Usuń teście TestApp1 i zasobów TestApp1 sprzed produkcji grupy tak samo usunięte rozwoju TestApp1 grupa zasobów.
Niezależnie od metody, którego używasz nie będą dostępne grupy zasobów i wszystkie zasoby, które są przechowywane i będzie już ponoszenia rozliczeń kosztów zasobów.
Aby zminimalizować Azure wydatków wykorzystania zasobów naliczone podczas opracowywania aplikacji [automatyzacji Azure](automation/automation-intro.md) umożliwia planowanie zadań:
- Zatrzymaj maszyn wirtualnych na końcu każdego dnia i uruchom je na początku każdego dnia.
- Usuwanie całego środowiska na końcu każdego dnia i ponowne tworzenie na początku każdego dnia.
Teraz, gdy już wystąpił, jak łatwo jest tworzyć, zachować i Usuń rozwoju i przetestować środowisk, możesz dowiedzieć się więcej o tym, jakie po prostu czy dodatkowo eksperymentowanie z powyższych czynności i czytania odniesieniami zawartymi w tym artykule.
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Następne kroki
- [Delegowanie kontroli administracyjnej](./active-directory/role-based-access-control-configure.md) do różnych zasobów w poszczególnych środowisk przypisując Microsoft Azure AD grupom lub użytkownikom określone role, mające możliwość wykonywania podzbiór operacje Azure zasobów.
- [Przypisywanie znaczników](resource-group-using-tags.md) grup zasobów dla każdego środowiska i/lub poszczególnych zasobów. Może dodać znacznik "Środowisko" do grupy zasobów i ustawić jej wartość odpowiadające im nazwy środowiska. Tagi można szczególnie pomocne, gdy chcesz uporządkować zasoby dotyczące rozliczeń i zarządzania.
- Monitorowanie alertów i rozliczenia dla zasobów grupy zasobów w [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com).
| 86.528302 | 904 | 0.760669 | pol_Latn | 0.999732 |
d9c24a83281267d719d6bc2ebcffb65f814e4b0b | 60 | md | Markdown | README.md | eug/folhainvest | 0101d04230bb0beb9befb2965ab970ea5ade2251 | [
] | 4 | 2016-09-15T03:58:32.000Z | 2017-07-20T08:19:15.000Z | README.md | eug/folhainvest | 0101d04230bb0beb9befb2965ab970ea5ade2251 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | eug/folhainvest | 0101d04230bb0beb9befb2965ab970ea5ade2251 | [
] | null | null | null | # folhainvest
Um wrapper em Python de acesso ao FolhaInvest
| 20 | 45 | 0.816667 | por_Latn | 0.999985 |
d9c2a8e78838ac168e903f2c9fbddc386a94bd3b | 37,304 | md | Markdown | docs/tutorials/blog.md | abhishheck/remix | 345f499ad2317eab2802087ae86644ea2075ba20 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/tutorials/blog.md | abhishheck/remix | 345f499ad2317eab2802087ae86644ea2075ba20 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/tutorials/blog.md | abhishheck/remix | 345f499ad2317eab2802087ae86644ea2075ba20 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Developer Blog
order: 1
# Quickstart
We're going to be short on words and quick on code in this quickstart. If you're looking to see what Remix is all about in 15 minutes, this is it.
<docs-info>💿 Hey I'm Derrick the Remix Compact Disc 👋 Whenever you're supposed to _do_ something you'll see me</docs-info>
This tutorial uses TypeScript. Remix can definitely be used without TypeScript. We feel most productive when writing TypeScript, but if you'd prefer to skip the TypeScript syntax, feel free to write your code in JavaScript.
## Prerequisites
Click this button to create a [Gitpod](https://gitpod.io) workspace with the project set up and ready to run in VS Code or JetBrains either directly in the browser or on the desktop.
If you want to follow this tutorial locally on your own computer, it is important for you to have these things installed:
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) 14 or greater
- [npm](https://www.npmjs.com) 7 or greater
- A code editor
## Creating the project
<docs-warning>Make sure you are running at least Node v14 or greater</docs-warning>
💿 Initialize a new Remix project. We'll call ours "blog-tutorial" but you can call it something else if you'd like.
npx create-remix --template remix-run/indie-stack blog-tutorial
? Do you want me to run `npm install`? Yes
? Do you want to run the build/tests/etc to verify things are setup properly? Yes
<docs-info>Running the verify script is optional, but handy.</docs-info>
You can read more about the stacks available in [the stacks docs](/pages/stacks).
We're using [the Indie stack](https://github.com/remix-run/indie-stack), which is a full application ready to deploy to [fly.io](https://fly.io). This includes development tools as well as production-ready authentication and persistence. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with the tools used, we'll walk you through things as we go.
💿 Now, open the project that was generated in your preferred editor and check the instructions in the `README.md` file. Feel free to read over this. We'll get to the deployment bit later in the tutorial.
💿 Let's start the dev server:
npm run dev
💿 Open up [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000), the app should be running.
If you want, take a minute and poke around the UI a bit. Feel free to create an account and create/delete some notes to get an idea of what's available in the UI out of the box.
## Your First Route
We're going to make a new route to render at the "/posts" URL. Before we do that, let's link to it.
💿 Add a link to posts in `app/routes/index.tsx`
Go ahead and copy/paste this:
<div className="mx-auto mt-16 max-w-7xl text-center">
className="text-xl text-blue-600 underline"
Blog Posts
You can put it anywhere you like. I stuck it right above the icons of all the technologies used in the stack:
<!-- TODO: once the website can deploy properly, update this to use our self-hosted version of this image -->
<!--  -->

<docs-info>You may have noticed we're using <a href="https://tailwindcss.com">tailwind</a> classes.</docs-info>
The Remix Indie stack has [tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com) support pre-configured. If you'd prefer to not use tailwind, you're welcome to remove it and use something else. Learn more about your styling options with Remix in [the styling guide](/guides/styling).
Back in the browser go ahead and click the link. You should see a 404 page since we've not created this route yet. Let's create the route now:
💿 Create a new file in `app/routes/posts/index.tsx`
mkdir app/routes/posts
touch app/routes/posts/index.tsx
<docs-info>Any time you see terminal commands to create files or folders, you can of course do that however you'd like, but using `mkdir` and `touch` is just a way for us to make it clear which files you should be creating.</docs-info>
We could have named it just `posts.tsx` but we'll have another route soon and it'll be nice to put them by each other. An index route will render at the folder's path (just like index.html on a web server).
Now if you navigate to the `/posts` route, you'll get an error indicating there's no way to handle the request. That's because we haven't done anything in that route yet! Let's add a component and export it as the default:
💿 Make the posts component
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx
export default function Posts() {
return (
You might need to refresh the browser to see our new, bare-bones posts route.
## Loading Data
Data loading is built into Remix.
If your web dev background is primarily in the last few years, you're probably used to creating two things here: an API route to provide data and a frontend component that consumes it. In Remix your frontend component is also its own API route and it already knows how to talk to itself on the server from the browser. That is, you don't have to fetch it.
If your background is a bit farther back than that with MVC web frameworks like Rails, then you can think of your Remix routes as backend views using React for templating, but then they know how to seamlessly hydrate in the browser to add some flair instead of writing detached jQuery code to dress up the user interactions. It's progressive enhancement realized in its fullest. Additionally, your routes are their own controller.
So let's get to it and provide some data to our component.
💿 Make the posts route "loader"
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx lines=[1-2,4-17,20-21]
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
export const loader = async () => {
return json({
posts: [
slug: "my-first-post",
title: "My First Post",
slug: "90s-mixtape",
title: "A Mixtape I Made Just For You",
export default function Posts() {
const { posts } = useLoaderData();
return (
Loaders are the backend "API" for their component and it's already wired up for you through `useLoaderData`. It's a little wild how blurry the line is between the client and the server in a Remix route. If you have your server and browser consoles both open, you'll note that they both logged our post data. That's because Remix rendered on the server to send a full HTML document like a traditional web framework, but it also hydrated in the client and logged there too.
💿 Render links to our posts
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx lines=[2,10-21] nocopy
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Link, useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
// ...
export default function Posts() {
const { posts } = useLoaderData();
return (
{posts.map((post) => (
<li key={post.slug}>
className="text-blue-600 underline"
TypeScript is mad, so let's help it out:
💿 Add the Post type and generic for `useLoaderData`
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx lines=[4-7,9-11,14,29]
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Link, useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
type Post = {
slug: string;
title: string;
type LoaderData = {
posts: Array<Post>;
export const loader = async () => {
return json<LoaderData>({
posts: [
slug: "my-first-post",
title: "My First Post",
slug: "90s-mixtape",
title: "A Mixtape I Made Just For You",
export default function Posts() {
const { posts } = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
return (
{posts.map((post) => (
<li key={post.slug}>
className="text-blue-600 underline"
Hey, that's pretty cool. We get a pretty solid degree of type safety even over a network request because it's all defined in the same file. Unless the network blows up while Remix fetches the data, you've got type safety in this component and its API (remember, the component is already its own API route).
## A little refactoring
A solid practice is to create a module that deals with a particular concern. In our case it's going to be reading and writing posts. Let's set that up now and add a `getPosts` export to our module.
💿 Create `app/models/post.server.ts`
touch app/models/post.server.ts
We're mostly gonna copy/paste stuff from our route:
```tsx filename=app/models/post.server.ts
type Post = {
slug: string;
title: string;
export async function getPosts(): Promise<Array<Post>> {
return [
slug: "my-first-post",
title: "My First Post",
slug: "90s-mixtape",
title: "A Mixtape I Made Just For You",
Note that we're making the `getPosts` function `async` because even though it's not currently doing anything async it will soon!
💿 Update the posts route to use our new posts module:
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx nocopy
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Link, useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { getPosts } from "~/models/post.server";
type LoaderData = {
// this is a handy way to say: "posts is whatever type getPosts resolves to"
posts: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getPosts>>;
export const loader = async () => {
return json<LoaderData>({
posts: await getPosts(),
// ...
## Pulling from a data source
With the Indie Stack, we've got a SQLite database already set up and configured for us, so let's update our Database Schema to handle SQLite. We're using [Prisma](https://prisma.io) to interact with the database, so we'll update that schema and Prisma will take care of updating our database to match the schema for us (as well as generating and running the necessary SQL commands for the migration).
<docs-info>You do not have to use Prisma when using Remix. Remix works great with whatever existing database or data persistence services you're currently using.</docs-info>
If you've never used Prisma before, don't worry, we'll walk you through it.
💿 First, we need to update our Prisma schema:
```prisma filename=prisma/schema.prisma nocopy
// Stick this at the bottom of that file:
model Post {
slug String @id
title String
markdown String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
💿 Now let's tell Prisma to update our local database and TypeScript definitions to match this schema change:
npx prisma db push
💿 Let's seed our database with a couple posts. Open `prisma/seed.ts` and add this to the end of the seed functionality (right before the `console.log`):
```ts filename=prisma/seed.ts
const posts = [
slug: "my-first-post",
title: "My First Post",
markdown: `
# This is my first post
Isn't it great?
slug: "90s-mixtape",
title: "A Mixtape I Made Just For You",
markdown: `
# 90s Mixtape
- I wish (Skee-Lo)
- This Is How We Do It (Montell Jordan)
- Everlong (Foo Fighters)
- Ms. Jackson (Outkast)
- Interstate Love Song (Stone Temple Pilots)
- Killing Me Softly With His Song (Fugees, Ms. Lauryn Hill)
- Just a Friend (Biz Markie)
- The Man Who Sold The World (Nirvana)
- Semi-Charmed Life (Third Eye Blind)
- ...Baby One More Time (Britney Spears)
- Better Man (Pearl Jam)
- It's All Coming Back to Me Now (Céline Dion)
- This Kiss (Faith Hill)
- Fly Away (Lenny Kravits)
- Scar Tissue (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
- Santa Monica (Everclear)
- C'mon N' Ride it (Quad City DJ's)
for (const post of posts) {
await prisma.post.upsert({
where: { slug: post.slug },
update: post,
create: post,
<docs-info>Note that we're using `upsert` so you can run the seed script over and over without adding multiple versions of the same post every time.</docs-info>
Great, let's get those posts into the database with the seed script:
npx prisma db seed
💿 Now update the `app/models/post.server.ts` file to read from the SQLite database:
```ts filename=app/models/post.server.ts
import { prisma } from "~/db.server";
export async function getPosts() {
return prisma.post.findMany();
<docs-success>Notice we're able to remove the return type, but everything is still fully typed. The TypeScript feature of Prisma is one of its greatest strengths. Less manual typing, but still type safe!</docs-success>
<docs-info>The `~/db.server` import is importing the file at `app/db.server.ts`. The `~` is a fancy alias to the `app` directory so you don't have to worry about how many `../../`s to include in your import as you move files around.</docs-info>
💿 Now that the Prisma client has been updated, we will need to restart our server. So stop the dev server and start it back up again with `npm run dev`.
<docs-warning>You only need to ever do this when you change the Prisma schema and update the Prisma client. Normally you don't need to restart the dev server during development. Nice that it's so fast though right?</docs-warning>
With the server up and running again, you should be able to go to `http://localhost:3000/posts` and the posts should still be there, but now they're coming from SQLite!
## Dynamic Route Params
Now let's make a route to actually view the post. We want these URLs to work:
Instead of creating a route for every single one of our posts, we can use a "dynamic segment" in the url. Remix will parse and pass to us so we can look up the post dynamically.
💿 Create a dynamic route at "app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx"
touch app/routes/posts/\$slug.tsx
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx
export default function PostSlug() {
return (
<main className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Some Post
You can click one of your posts and should see the new page.
💿 Add a loader to access the params
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx lines=[1-2,4-6,9,13]
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
export const loader = async ({ params }) => {
return json({ slug: params.slug });
export default function PostSlug() {
const { slug } = useLoaderData();
return (
<main className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Some Post: {slug}
The part of the filename attached to the `$` becomes a named key on the `params` object that comes into your loader. This is how we'll look up our blog post.
💿 Let's get some help from TypeScript for the loader function signature.
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx lines=[1,5]
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({
}) => {
return json({ slug: params.slug });
Now, let's actually get the post contents from the database by its slug.
💿 Add a `getPost` function to our post module
Update the `app/models/post.server.ts` file:
```tsx filename=app/models/post.server.ts lines=[3,9-11]
import { prisma } from "~/db.server";
export type { Post } from "@prisma/client";
export async function getPosts() {
return prisma.post.findMany();
export async function getPost(slug: string) {
return prisma.post.findUnique({ where: { slug } });
💿 Use the new `getPost` function in the route
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx lines=[5,10-11,15,19]
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { getPost } from "~/models/post.server";
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({
}) => {
const post = await getPost(params.slug);
return json({ post });
export default function PostSlug() {
const { post } = useLoaderData();
return (
<main className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Check that out! We're now pulling our posts from a data source instead of including it all in the browser as JavaScript.
Let's make TypeScript happy with our code:
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx lines=[4,6,9,14,17,19,23]
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import invariant from "tiny-invariant";
import type { Post } from "~/models/post.server";
import { getPost } from "~/models/post.server";
type LoaderData = { post: Post };
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({
}) => {
invariant(params.slug, `params.slug is required`);
const post = await getPost(params.slug);
invariant(post, `Post not found: ${params.slug}`);
return json<LoaderData>({ post });
export default function PostSlug() {
const { post } = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
return (
<main className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Quick note on that `invariant` for the params. Because `params` comes from the URL, we can't be totally sure that `params.slug` will be defined--maybe you change the name of the file to `$postId.ts`! It's good practice to validate that stuff with `invariant`, and it makes TypeScript happy too.
We also have an invariant for the post. We'll handle the `404` case better later. Keep going!
Now let's get that markdown parsed and rendered to HTML to the page. There are a lot of markdown parsers, we'll use "marked" for this tutorial because it's really easy to get working.
💿 Parse the markdown into HTML
npm add marked
# if using typescript
npm add @types/marked -D
```tsx filename=app/routes/post/$slug.ts lines=[1,10,20-21,25,31]
import { marked } from "marked";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import invariant from "tiny-invariant";
import type { Post } from "~/models/post.server";
import { getPost } from "~/models/post.server";
type LoaderData = { post: Post; html: string };
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({
}) => {
invariant(params.slug, `params.slug is required`);
const post = await getPost(params.slug);
invariant(post, `Post not found: ${params.slug}`);
const html = marked(post.markdown);
return json<LoaderData>({ post, html });
export default function PostSlug() {
const { post, html } = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
return (
<main className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />
Holy smokes, you did it. You have a blog. Check it out! Next, we're gonna make it easier to create new blog posts 📝
## Nested Routing
Right now, our blog posts just come from seeding the database. Not a real solution, so we need a way to create a new blog post in the database. We're going to be using actions for that.
Let's make a new "admin" section of the app.
💿 First, let's add a link to the admin section on the posts index route:
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/index.tsx
// ...
<Link to="admin" className="text-red-600 underline">
// ...
Put that anywhere in the component. I stuck it right under the `<h1>`.
<docs-info>Did you notice that the `to` prop is just "admin" and it linked to `/posts/admin`? With Remix, you get relative links.</docs-info>
💿 Create an admin route within the `posts` directory:
touch app/routes/posts/admin.tsx
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin.tsx
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Link, useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { getPosts } from "~/models/post.server";
type LoaderData = {
posts: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getPosts>>;
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
return json({ posts: await getPosts() });
export default function PostAdmin() {
const { posts } = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
return (
<div className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 mb-2 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Blog Admin
<div className="grid grid-cols-4 gap-6">
<nav className="col-span-4 md:col-span-1">
{posts.map((post) => (
<li key={post.slug}>
className="text-blue-600 underline"
<main className="col-span-4 md:col-span-3">
You should recognize several of the things we're doing in there from what we've done so far. With that, you should have a decent looking page with the posts on the left and a placeholder on the right.
Now, if you click on the Admin link, it'll take you to [http://localhost:3000/posts/admin](http://localhost:3000/posts/admin).
### Index Routes
Let's fill in that placeholder with an index route for admin. Hang with us, we're introducing "nested routes" here where your route file nesting becomes UI component nesting.
💿 Create a folder for `admin.tsx`'s child routes, with an index inside
mkdir app/routes/posts/admin
touch app/routes/posts/admin/index.tsx
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/index.tsx
import { Link } from "@remix-run/react";
export default function AdminIndex() {
return (
<Link to="new" className="text-blue-600 underline">
Create a New Post
If you refresh you're not going to see it yet. Every route inside of `app/routes/posts/admin/` can now render _inside_ of `app/routes/posts/admin.tsx` when their URL matches. You get to control which part of the `admin.tsx` layout the child routes render.
💿 Add an outlet to the admin page
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin.tsx lines=[5,42]
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import {
} from "@remix-run/react";
import { getPosts } from "~/models/post.server";
type LoaderData = {
posts: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getPosts>>;
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async () => {
return json({ posts: await getPosts() });
export default function PostAdmin() {
const { posts } = useLoaderData() as LoaderData;
return (
<div className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">
<h1 className="my-6 mb-2 border-b-2 text-center text-3xl">
Blog Admin
<div className="grid grid-cols-4 gap-6">
<nav className="col-span-4 md:col-span-1">
{posts.map((post) => (
<li key={post.slug}>
className="text-blue-600 underline"
<main className="col-span-4 md:col-span-3">
<Outlet />
Hang with us for a minute, index routes can be confusing at first. Just know that when the URL matches the parent route's path, the index will render inside the outlet.
Maybe this will help, let's add the "/posts/admin/new" route and see what happens when we click the link.
💿 Create the `app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx` route
touch app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx
export default function NewPost() {
return <h2>New Post</h2>;
Now click the link from the index route and watch the `<Outlet/>` automatically swap out the index route for the "new" route!
## Actions
We're gonna get serious now. Let's build a form to create a new post in our new "new" route.
💿 Add a form to the new route
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx
import { Form } from "@remix-run/react";
const inputClassName = `w-full rounded border border-gray-500 px-2 py-1 text-lg`;
export default function NewPost() {
return (
<Form method="post">
Post Title:{" "}
Post Slug:{" "}
<label htmlFor="markdown">Markdown:</label>
<br />
className={`${inputClassName} font-mono`}
<p className="text-right">
className="rounded bg-blue-500 py-2 px-4 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 focus:bg-blue-400 disabled:bg-blue-300"
Create Post
If you love HTML like us, you should be getting pretty excited. If you've been doing a lot of `<form onSubmit>` and `<button onClick>` you're about to have your mind blown by HTML.
All you really need for a feature like this is a form to get data from the user and a backend action to handle it. And in Remix, that's all you have to do too.
Let's create the essential code that knows how to save a post first in our `post.ts` module.
💿 Add `createPost` anywhere inside of `app/models/post.server.ts`
```tsx filename=app/models/post.server.ts nocopy
// ...
export async function createPost(post) {
return prisma.post.create({ data: post });
💿 Call `createPost` from the new post route's action
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx
import { redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Form } from "@remix-run/react";
import { createPost } from "~/models/post.server";
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const formData = await request.formData();
const title = formData.get("title");
const slug = formData.get("slug");
const markdown = formData.get("markdown");
await createPost({ title, slug, markdown });
return redirect("/posts/admin");
// ...
That's it. Remix (and the browser) will take care of the rest. Click the submit button and watch the sidebar that lists our posts update automatically.
In HTML an input's `name` attribute is sent over the network and available by the same name on the request's `formData`. Oh, and don't forget, the `request` and `formData` objects are both straight out of the web specification. So if you want to learn more about either of them, head over to MDN! [mdn.io/request](https://mdn.io/request) [mdn.io/request.formData](https://mdn.io/request.formData).
TypeScript is mad again, let's add some types.
💿 Add the types to both files we changed
```tsx filename=app/models/post.server.ts lines=[2,8]
// ...
import type { Post } from "@prisma/client";
export type { Post };
// ...
export async function createPost(
post: Pick<Post, "slug" | "title" | "markdown">
) {
return prisma.post.create({ data: post });
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx lines=[1,7]
import type { ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Form } from "@remix-run/react";
import { createPost } from "~/models/post.server";
export const action: ActionFunction = async ({
}) => {
const formData = await request.formData();
const title = formData.get("title");
const slug = formData.get("slug");
const markdown = formData.get("markdown");
await createPost({ title, slug, markdown });
return redirect("/posts/admin");
// ...
Whether you're using TypeScript or not, we've got a problem when the user doesn't provide values on some of these fields (and TS is still mad about that call to `createPost`).
Let's add some validation before we create the post.
💿 Validate if the form data contains what we need, and return the errors if not
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx lines=[2,7-13,23-33]
import type { ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json, redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Form } from "@remix-run/react";
import { createPost } from "~/models/post.server";
type ActionData =
| {
title: null | string;
slug: null | string;
markdown: null | string;
| undefined;
export const action: ActionFunction = async ({
}) => {
const formData = await request.formData();
const title = formData.get("title");
const slug = formData.get("slug");
const markdown = formData.get("markdown");
const errors: ActionData = {
title: title ? null : "Title is required",
slug: slug ? null : "Slug is required",
markdown: markdown ? null : "Markdown is required",
const hasErrors = Object.values(errors).some(
(errorMessage) => errorMessage
if (hasErrors) {
return json<ActionData>(errors);
await createPost({ title, slug, markdown });
return redirect("/posts/admin");
// ...
Notice we don't return a redirect this time, we actually return the errors. These errors are available to the component via `useActionData`. It's just like `useLoaderData` but the data comes from the action after a form POST.
💿 Add validation messages to the UI
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx lines=[3,10,17-19,26-28,35-39]
import type { ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { redirect, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { Form, useActionData } from "@remix-run/react";
// ...
const inputClassName = `w-full rounded border border-gray-500 px-2 py-1 text-lg`;
export default function NewPost() {
const errors = useActionData();
return (
<Form method="post">
Post Title:{" "}
{errors?.title ? (
<em className="text-red-600">{errors.title}</em>
) : null}
<input type="text" name="title" className={inputClassName} />
Post Slug:{" "}
{errors?.slug ? (
<em className="text-red-600">{errors.slug}</em>
) : null}
<input type="text" name="slug" className={inputClassName} />
<label htmlFor="markdown">
Markdown:{" "}
{errors?.markdown ? (
<em className="text-red-600">
) : null}
<br />
className={`${inputClassName} font-mono`}
<p className="text-right">
className="rounded bg-blue-500 py-2 px-4 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 focus:bg-blue-400 disabled:bg-blue-300"
Create Post
TypeScript is still mad, because someone could call our API with non-string values, so let's add some invariants and a new type for the error object to make it happy.
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx nocopy
import invariant from "tiny-invariant";
// ..
export const action: ActionFunction = async ({
}) => {
// ...
typeof title === "string",
"title must be a string"
typeof slug === "string",
"slug must be a string"
typeof markdown === "string",
"markdown must be a string"
await createPost({ title, slug, markdown });
return redirect("/posts/admin");
## Progressive Enhancement
For some real fun, [disable JavaScript](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/javascript/disable/) in your dev tools and try it out. Because Remix is built on the fundamentals of HTTP and HTML, this whole thing works without JavaScript in the browser 🤯 But that's not the point. What's cool about it is that this means our UI is resiliant to network issues. But we really _like_ having JavaScript in the browser and there are a lot of cool things we can do when we've got it, so make sure to re-enable JavaScript before continuing, because we're going to need it to _progressively enhance_ the user experience next.
Let's slow this down and add some "pending UI" to our form.
💿 Slow down our action with a fake delay
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx lines=[5-6]
// ...
export const action: ActionFunction = async ({
}) => {
// TODO: remove me
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
// ...
💿 Add some pending UI with `useTransition`
```tsx filename=app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx lines=[5,13-14,23,25]
import { json, redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import {
} from "@remix-run/react";
// ..
export default function NewPost() {
const errors = useActionData();
const transition = useTransition();
const isCreating = Boolean(transition.submission);
return (
<Form method="post">
{/* ... */}
<p className="text-right">
className="rounded bg-blue-500 py-2 px-4 text-white hover:bg-blue-600 focus:bg-blue-400 disabled:bg-blue-300"
{isCreating ? "Creating..." : "Create Post"}
Tada! You just implemented JavaScript-enabled progressive enhancement! 🥳 With what we've done, the experience is better than what the browser can do by itself. Lots of apps use JavaScript to _enable_ the experience (and a select few actually do require JavaScript to work), but we've got a working experience as a baseline and just used JavaScript to _enhance_ it.
## Homework
That's it for today! Here are some bits of homework to implement if you wanna go deeper:
**Update/Delete posts:** make an `/admin/$slug.tsx` page for your posts. This should open an edit page for the post that allows you to update the post or even delete it. The links are already there in the sidebar but they return 404! Create a new route that reads the posts, and puts them into the fields. All the code you need is already in `app/routes/posts/$slug.tsx` and `app/routes/posts/admin/new.tsx`. You just gotta put it together.
**Optimistic UI:** You know how when you favorite a tweet, the heart goes red instantly and if the tweet is deleted it reverts back to empty? That's Optimistic UI: assume the request will succeed, and render what the user will see if it does. So your homework is to make it so when you hit "Create" it renders the post in the left nav and renders the "Create a New Post" link (or if you add update/delete do it for those too). You'll find this ends up being easier than you think even if it takes you a second to arrive there (and if you've implemented this pattern in the past, you'll find Remix makes this much easier). Learn more from [the Optimistic UI guide](/guides/optimistic-ui).
**Authenticated users only:** Another cool bit of homework you could do is make it so only authenticated users can create posts. You've already got authentication all set up for you thanks to the Indie Stack. Tip, if you want to make it so you're the only one who can make posts, then simply check the user's email in your loaders and actions and if it's not yours redirect them [somewhere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) 😈
**Customize the app:** If you're happy with tailwind, keep it around, otherwise, check [the styling guide](/guides/styling) to learn of other options. Remove the `Notes` model and routes, etc. Whatever you want to make this thing yours.
**Deploy the app:** Check the README of your project. It has instructions you can follow to get your app deployed to Fly.io. Then you can actually start blogging!
We hope you love Remix! 💿 👋
| 32.466493 | 687 | 0.672421 | eng_Latn | 0.962046 |
d9c2ff8a4fdb60baedfbd4639d1579c965cf4a46 | 6,295 | md | Markdown | articles/commerce/cash-mgmt.md | MicrosoftDocs/Dynamics-365-Operations.es-es | 862ffcf00a8ec2087a0894571bf62c673d632667 | [
] | 4 | 2020-05-18T17:13:55.000Z | 2022-03-02T03:46:52.000Z | articles/commerce/cash-mgmt.md | MicrosoftDocs/Dynamics-365-Operations.es-es | 862ffcf00a8ec2087a0894571bf62c673d632667 | [
] | 7 | 2017-12-11T16:51:00.000Z | 2019-04-30T11:46:06.000Z | articles/commerce/cash-mgmt.md | MicrosoftDocs/Dynamics-365-Operations.es-es | 862ffcf00a8ec2087a0894571bf62c673d632667 | [
] | 3 | 2019-05-17T12:21:14.000Z | 2022-01-13T22:45:23.000Z | ---
title: Mejoras en la administración de efectivo
description: En este tema se describe las mejoras en la administración de efectivo en PDV para Dynamics 365 Commerce.
author: anpurush
ms.date: 05/21/2019
ms.topic: article
ms.prod: ''
ms.technology: ''
audience: Application User
ms.reviewer: josaw
ms.custom: ''
ms.assetid: ed0f77f7-3609-4330-bebd-ca3134575216
ms.search.region: global
ms.search.industry: Retail
ms.author: josaw
ms.search.validFrom: 2019-05-21
ms.dyn365.ops.version: ''
ms.openlocfilehash: f878f39e8e9913edbe1da192e199090139a88adb6b7ed9a1e9b779c5748171b5
ms.sourcegitcommit: 42fe9790ddf0bdad911544deaa82123a396712fb
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: es-ES
ms.lasthandoff: 08/05/2021
ms.locfileid: "6735663"
# <a name="cash-management-improvements"></a>Mejoras en la administración de efectivo
[!include [banner](includes/banner.md)]
La administración de efectivo es una función clave para los minoristas en tiendas físicas. Los minoristas quieren que sus tiendas tengan sistemas que puedan ayudarle para proporcionar rastreabilidad y la contabilidad de efectivo y de su movimiento en varios registros y cajeros en una tienda. Deben poder conciliar cualquier diferencia y determinar la responsabilidad.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce tiene capacidades de flujo de efectivo en su de aplicación de punto de venta (PDV). Sin embargo, en versiones de Retail que sean anteriores a la versión 10.0.3, la funcionalidad de gestión de efectivo no es lo suficiente robusta para proporcionar la rastreabilidad completa de los movimientos de efectivo en tiendas. Aunque los minoristas pueden conciliar el efectivo para una tienda, no pueden determinar la responsabilidad exacta en caso de discrepancia de efectivo.
En Retail versión 10.0.3 y posteriores, los minoristas obtendrán la rastreabilidad para la gestión de efectivo. Como parte de esta rastreabilidad, los minoristas podrán definir los cajas fuertes, crear transacciones de efectivo bilaterales, y conciliar transacciones de flujo de efectivo.
## <a name="set-up-traceability-and-define-safes"></a>Configurar la rastreabilidad y definir cajas fuertes
Para configurar la nueva funcionalidad de gestión de efectivo, siga estos pasos para configurar el perfil de funcionalidad para las tiendas.
1. Vaya a **Retail y Commerce \> Configuración de canal \> Configuración de PDV \> Perfiles de PDV \> Perfiles de funcionalidad** y seleccione un perfil de funcionalidad que esté vinculado a las tiendas para las que desea realizar mejoras en la administración de efectivo disponible.
2. En la ficha desplegable **Funciones** del perfil de funcionalidad, en **Administración de efectivo avanzada**, establezca la opción **Habilitar rastreabilidad de efectivo** a **Sí**.
3. Para configurar cajas fuertes, vaya a **Retail y Commerce \> Canales \> Tiendas \> Todas las tiendas** y seleccione una tienda.
4. En la página **Tiendas**, en el panel de acciones, en la pestaña **Configurar**, en el grupo **Configurar**, seleccione **Cajas fuertes**. Con esta opción puede definir y mantener varias cajas fuertes para un almacén.
4. Antes de que la funcionalidad se pueda usar, debe ejecutar el trabajo de la programación de la distribución **Configuración de canales 1070** para sincronización estas configuraciones con la base de datos del canal.
## <a name="additional-cash-management-changes"></a>Cambios adicionales de flujo de efectivo
En la versión 10.0.3 de Retail y posteriores, también se proporcionan las siguientes competencias relacionadas con las transacciones de efectivo:
- Un usuario al que se le solicita “declare el importe inicial” debe especificar el origen del efectivo. El usuario puede buscar las cajas fuertes disponibles que se definen en la tienda y seleccione la caja fuerte de la que se saca el efectivo para que se pueda colocarse en la caja registradora.
- Un usuario que realice una operación de "retirada con forma de pago" deberá seleccionar, entre una lista de transacciones abiertas de "entrada flotante", la transacción contra la que está haciendo la operación. Si la entrada flotante correspondiente no existe en el sistema, el usuario puede crear una forma de pago no vinculada a la transacción de retirada.
- Una operación de "entrada flotante" solicitará al usuario que seleccione, en una lista de transacciones de "retirada con forma de pago" la transacción contra la que se hace la operación de entrada flotante. Si la retirada con forma de pago correspondiente no existe en el sistema, el usuario puede crear una entrada flotante no vinculada a la transacción de retirada.
- Un usuario que hace un "ingreso seguro" deberá seleccionar la caja fuerte en la que está dejando el efectivo.
- Para las cajas fuertes definidas en una tienda, los usuarios pueden administrar operaciones como declarar la cantidad inicial, hacer una entrada flotante, una retirada con forma de pago y hacer un ingreso bancario.
- Para los usuarios que tengan privilegios de usuario adecuados, las operaciones de “gestionar turnos” mostrará el saldo en efectivo de activo, suspendidos, y los turnos cerrados a ciegas.
- Para conciliar las transacciones de efectivo dentro de un turno o a través de turnos, seleccione el turno para conciliar y, a continuación seleccione **Conciliar**. La vista abierta muestra la lista de transacciones conciliadas y no conciliadas en pestañas independientes. De esta vista, los usuarios pueden seleccionar las transacciones no conciliadas y conciliarlas, o seleccionar transacciones anteriormente conciliadas y no conciliarlas.
- Durante la conciliación, si la transacción seleccionada no están compensadas, el usuario debe especificar una descripción del motivo de la conciliación desequilibrada. Los usuarios pueden seleccionar una sola transacción y conciliarla con la descripción de razón relevante que necesiten.
- Los usuarios pueden seguir conciliando y no conciliando transacciones hasta que se cierre el turno. Después de que se cierre un turno, las transacciones no se pueden no conciliar.
- Cuando un usuario elige cerrar un turno, Commerce valida que no haya transacciones no conciliadas de flujo de efectivo en el turno. Los usuarios no pueden cerrar un turno si hay transacciones sin conciliar.
[!INCLUDE[footer-include](../includes/footer-banner.md)] | 98.359375 | 500 | 0.807943 | spa_Latn | 0.995458 |
d9c307d5dc93549c4f48c62b386831a0f084f2f5 | 6,600 | md | Markdown | virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/building-sample-app.md | kevpar/Virtualization-Documentation | 4412583b77f3bb4b2ff834c7d3f1bdabac7aafee | [
] | 1 | 2022-02-20T18:49:03.000Z | 2022-02-20T18:49:03.000Z | virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/building-sample-app.md | kevpar/Virtualization-Documentation | 4412583b77f3bb4b2ff834c7d3f1bdabac7aafee | [
] | null | null | null | virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/building-sample-app.md | kevpar/Virtualization-Documentation | 4412583b77f3bb4b2ff834c7d3f1bdabac7aafee | [
] | 2 | 2018-11-25T14:33:38.000Z | 2019-05-27T03:19:02.000Z | ---
title: Build a Sample App
description: Learn to build a sample app while leveraging containers
keywords: docker, containers
author: cwilhit
ms.date: 07/25/2017
ms.topic: article
ms.prod: windows-containers
ms.service: windows-containers
# Build a Sample App
The exercise will walk you through taking a sample ASP.net app and converting it to run in a container. If you need to learn how to get up and running with containers in Windows 10, visit [Windows 10 Quick Start](./quick-start-windows-10.md).
This quick start is specific to Windows 10. Additional quick start documentation can be found in the table of contents on the left hand side of this page. Since the focus of this tutorial concerns containers, we will forego writing code and focus solely on containers. If you want to build the tutorial from the ground up, then you can find it in [ASP.NET Core Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-mvc-app-xplat/)
If you don't have Git source control installed on your computer, you can grab it here: [Git](https://git-scm.com/download)
## Getting Started
This sample project was set up with [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/). We will also be using Powershell. Let's grab the demo code from github. You can clone the repo with git or download the project directly from [SampleASPContainerApp](https://github.com/cwilhit/SampleASPContainerApp).
git clone https://github.com/cwilhit/SampleASPContainerApp.git
Now, let's navigate to the project directory and create the Dockerfile. A [Dockerfile](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/) is like a makefile--a list of instructions that describe how a container image must be built.
#Create the dockerfile for our proj
New-Item C:/Your/Proj/Location/Dockerfile -type file
## Writing our Dockerfile
Now let's open up that Dockerfile we created in the project root folder (with whichever text editor you fancy) and add some logic to it. Then we'll break it down line by line and explain what is happening.
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1 AS build-env
COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restore
COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:1.1
COPY --from=build-env /app/out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MvcMovie.dll"]
The first group of lines declares from which base image we will use to build our container on top of. If the local system does not have this image already, then docker will automatically try and fetch it. Aspnetcore-build comes packaged with dependencies to compile our project. We then change the working directory in our container to be '/app', so all ensuing commands in our dockerfile will execute there.
_NOTE_: Since we must build our project, this first container we create is a temporary container which we will use to do just that, and then discard it at the end.
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1 AS build-env
Next, we copy over the .csproj files into our temporary container's '/app' directory. We do this because .csproj files contain contain a list of package references our project needs.
After copying this file, dotnet will read from it and then to go out and fetch all of the dependencies and tools which our project needs.
COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restore
Once we've pulled down all of those dependencies, we copy it into the temporary container. We then tell dotnet to publish our application with a release configuration and specify the output path.
COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out
We should have successfully compiled our project. Now we need to build our finalized container. Since our application is ASP.NET, we specify an image with those libs as the source. We then copy over all files from the output directory of our temporary container into our final container. We configure our container to run with our new .dll that we compiled when we launch it.
_NOTE_: Our base image for this final container is similar but different to the ```FROM``` command above--it doesn't have the libraries capable of _building_ an ASP.NET app, only running.
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:1.1
COPY --from=build-env /app/out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MvcMovie.dll"]
We have now successfully performed what is called a _multi-stage build_. We used the temporary container to build our image and then moved over the published dll into another container so that we minimized the footprint of the end result. We want this container to have the absolute minimum required dependencies to run; if we had kept with using our first image, then it would have come packaged with other layers (for building ASP.NET apps) which were not vital and therefore would increase our image size.
## Running the App
Now that the dockerfile is written, all that is left to do is tell docker to build our app and then run the container. We specify the port to publish to and then give our container a tag "myapp". In powershell, execute the commands below.
_NOTE_: Your PowerShell console's current working directory needs to be the directory where the dockerfile created above resides.
docker build -t myasp .
docker run -d -p 5000:80 --name myapp myasp
To see our app running, we need to go visit the address which it is running on. Let's get the IP address by running this command.
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" myapp
Running this command will yield the IP address of your running container. Below is an example of what the output should look like.
Enter this IP address into the web browser of your choice and you will be greeted by the application running successfully in a container!
<center style="margin: 25px"></center>
Clicking on "MvcMovie" in the navigation bar will take you to a web page where you can input, edit, and, delete movie entries.
## Next Steps
We have successfully taken an ASP.NET web app, configured and built it using Docker, and have succesfully deployed it into a running container. But there are further steps that you can take! You could break out the web app into further components--a container running the Web API, a container running the front end, and a container running the SQL server.
Now that you've got the hang of containers, go out there and build great software with it! Below is a list of more container samples:
[Container Samples](../samples.md)
| 51.162791 | 508 | 0.77697 | eng_Latn | 0.998193 |
d9c30bb69439a2a719df9b6b09689d0436f713ff | 1,451 | md | Markdown | content/python/mouse.md | Kumortas/osdoc_eyelogic | 5688c1b85135aaa0fcfb37c4889b9c3dd82d7821 | [
] | null | null | null | content/python/mouse.md | Kumortas/osdoc_eyelogic | 5688c1b85135aaa0fcfb37c4889b9c3dd82d7821 | [
] | null | null | null | content/python/mouse.md | Kumortas/osdoc_eyelogic | 5688c1b85135aaa0fcfb37c4889b9c3dd82d7821 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
layout: osdoc
title: Mouse functions
group: Python inline code
permalink: /mouse/
The `mouse` class is used to collect mouse input. For example, the following script lets you move around a fixation dot with the mouse until a button is clicked:
{% highlight python %}
from openexp.mouse import mouse
from openexp.canvas import canvas
my_mouse = mouse(exp)
my_canvas = canvas(exp)
while True:
button, position, timestamp = my_mouse.get_click(timeout=20)
if button != None:
pos, time = my_mouse.get_pos()
my_canvas.fixdot(pos[0], pos[1])
{% endhighlight %}
*Important note:* When using a `mouse` all coordinates are specified relative to the top-left of the display, and not, as in `sketchpad`s, relative to the display center. For example, the following script will determine the deviation of a mouse click relative to the display center.
{% highlight python %}
from openexp.mouse import mouse
from math import sqrt
# Determine coordinates of display center
xc = self.get('width')/2
yc = self.get('height')/2
# Create a mouse object and collect a click
my_mouse = mouse(exp, visible=True)
button, position, timestamp = my_mouse.get_click()
# Unpack the position tuple into x and y coordinates
x, y = position
# Use Pythagoras to determine the distance to the display center
click_err = sqrt( (x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2 )
exp.set('click_err', click_err)
{% endhighlight %}
{% include doc/mouse %}
| 32.977273 | 282 | 0.74776 | eng_Latn | 0.992845 |
d9c34d707ea3469e3f499c52e89c06778cdf0a66 | 566 | md | Markdown | A-apps--core/the-boring-rpg/state--energy/README.md | Offirmo/offirmo-monorepo | 38150275a5ba0beadf097fa9d72131157d8158bc | [
] | 5 | 2019-01-08T05:42:02.000Z | 2021-03-07T08:36:20.000Z | A-apps--core/the-boring-rpg/state--energy/README.md | Offirmo/offirmo-monorepo | 38150275a5ba0beadf097fa9d72131157d8158bc | [
] | 7 | 2019-02-02T00:07:27.000Z | 2022-03-27T17:02:21.000Z | A-apps--core/the-boring-rpg/state--energy/README.md | Offirmo/offirmo-monorepo | 38150275a5ba0beadf097fa9d72131157d8158bc | [
] | 5 | 2018-07-21T13:29:30.000Z | 2020-10-09T11:39:27.000Z |
Energy bar, like most mobile games.
Support an onboarding period where energy comes back faster.
Interesting reads:
* https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Cooldown
## contributing
This lib uses fractions for maintaining accuracy over repeated short time increases (elapsed).
the smallest time unit is ms. Durations should thus NOT be expressed in fractions, but in ms.
The state is separated in
- UState = user-dependent state = only changes following a user action
- Tstate = same + time dependent state, changes according to the current time (included in the state)
| 31.444444 | 101 | 0.784452 | eng_Latn | 0.999332 |
d9c3b93f22cd74e01f8bbaf6142af6aaf7efdc7e | 21,494 | md | Markdown | WindowsServerDocs/remote/remote-access/vpn/always-on-vpn/always-on-vpn-technology-overview.md | eltociear/windowsserverdocs.ru-ru | b3680abe906fa1141b42e297a8178cee4f81cf7d | [
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] | null | null | null | WindowsServerDocs/remote/remote-access/vpn/always-on-vpn/always-on-vpn-technology-overview.md | eltociear/windowsserverdocs.ru-ru | b3680abe906fa1141b42e297a8178cee4f81cf7d | [
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title: Общие сведения о технологии VPN Always On
description: 'На этой странице провиес краткий обзор технологий VPN Always On со ссылками на подробные документы. '
ms.prod: windows-server
ms.technology: networking-ras
ms.topic: article
ms.date: 11/05/2018
ms.author: v-tea
author: Teresa-MOTIV
ms.localizationpriority: medium
ms.openlocfilehash: 570b96d07f414442a00d5f7ec48de80f270f0a76
ms.sourcegitcommit: b00d7c8968c4adc8f699dbee694afe6ed36bc9de
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: ru-RU
ms.lasthandoff: 04/08/2020
ms.locfileid: "80861317"
# <a name="always-on-vpn-technology-overview"></a>Общие сведения о технологии VPN Always On
>Область применения: Windows Server (половина ежегодного канала), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10
- [**Назад:** Дополнительные сведения об улучшениях Always On VPN](always-on-vpn-enhancements.md)
- [**Далее:** Дополнительные сведения о дополнительных возможностях Always On VPN](deploy/always-on-vpn-adv-options.md)
Для этого развертывания необходимо установить новый сервер удаленного доступа под Windows Server 2016, а также изменить часть существующей инфраструктуры для развертывания.
На следующем рисунке показана инфраструктура, необходимая для развертывания Always On VPN.

Процесс подключения, представленный на этом рисунке, состоит из следующих шагов:
1. Используя общедоступные DNS-серверы, VPN-клиент Windows 10 выполняет запрос разрешения имен для IP-адреса VPN-шлюза.
2. Используя IP-адрес, возвращенный службой DNS, VPN-клиент отправляет запрос на подключение к VPN-шлюзу.
3. VPN-шлюз также настраивается как клиент протокол RADIUS (RADIUS). VPN-клиент RADIUS отправляет запрос на подключение к серверу NPS организации или организации для обработки запроса на подключение.
4. Сервер политики сети обрабатывает запрос на подключение, включая выполнение авторизации и проверку подлинности, а также определяет, следует ли разрешать или запрещать запрос на соединение.
5. Сервер политики сети перенаправляет ответ доступа-Accept или Access-DENY на VPN-шлюз.
6. Подключение инициируется или прерывается в зависимости от ответа, полученного от сервера политики сети.
Дополнительные сведения о каждом компоненте инфраструктуры, представленном на рисунке выше, см. в следующих разделах.
>Если у вас уже есть некоторые из этих технологий, развернутых в сети, вы можете воспользоваться инструкциями в этом руководстве по развертыванию для выполнения дополнительной настройки технологий для этой цели развертывания.
## <a name="domain-name-system-dns"></a>Служба доменных имен (DNS)
Требуются как внутренние, так и внешние зоны службы доменных имен (DNS), что предполагает, что внутренняя зона является делегированным поддоменом внешней зоны (например, corp.contoso.com и contoso.com).
См. Дополнительные сведения о [службе доменных имен (DNS)](../../../../networking/dns/dns-top.md) или [основном сетевом руководству](../../../../networking/core-network-guide/core-network-guide.md).
>Также возможны и другие схемы DNS, такие как DNS с разделением на несколько узлов (с использованием одного и того же доменного имени внутри отдельных зон DNS) или несвязанные внутренние и внешние домены (например, contoso. local и contoso.com). Дополнительные сведения о развертывании DNS с разделением-мозгом см. в статье [Использование политики DNS для раздельного развертывания DNS](../../../../networking/dns/deploy/split-brain-DNS-deployment.md).
## <a name="firewalls"></a>Брандмауэры
Убедитесь, что брандмауэры позволяют правильно работать с трафиком, необходимым для подключения VPN и RADIUS.
Дополнительные сведения см. в статье [Настройка брандмауэров для трафика RADIUS](../../../../networking/technologies/nps/nps-firewalls-configure.md).
## <a name="remote-access-as-a-ras-gateway-vpn-server"></a>Удаленный доступ в качестве VPN-сервера шлюза RAS
В Windows Server 2016 роль сервера удаленного доступа разработана как для маршрутизатора, так и для сервера удаленного доступа. Таким образом, он поддерживает широкий набор функций. В этом руководстве по развертыванию требуется только небольшое подмножество этих функций: поддержка VPN-подключений IKEv2 и маршрутизация по локальной сети.
IKEv2 — это туннельный протокол VPN, описанный в статье запрос принудительного запроса задачи по инженерам Интернета для комментариев 7296. Основное преимущество IKEv2 заключается в том, что оно допускает прерывания в базовом сетевом подключении. Например, если подключение временно потеряно или пользователь переместит клиентский компьютер из одной сети в другую, IKEv2 автоматически восстанавливает VPN-подключение при переустановке сетевого подключения — без вмешательства пользователя.
С помощью шлюза RAS можно развернуть VPN-подключения, чтобы предоставить конечным пользователям удаленный доступ к сети и ресурсам Организации. Развертывание Always On VPN обеспечивает постоянное подключение между клиентами и сетью Организации каждый раз, когда удаленные компьютеры подключены к Интернету. С помощью шлюза RAS можно также создать VPN-подключение типа "сеть — сеть" между двумя серверами в разных местах, например между основным офисом и филиалом, и использовать преобразование сетевых адресов (NAT), чтобы пользователи в сети могли получить доступ к внешним ресурсы, например Интернет. Кроме того, шлюз RAS поддерживает протокол BGP (BGP), который предоставляет службы динамической маршрутизации, если расположения удаленных офисов также имеют граничные шлюзы, поддерживающие BGP.
Шлюзами службы удаленного доступа (RAS) можно управлять с помощью команд Windows PowerShell и консоли управления Microsoft Remote Access (MMC).
## <a name="network-policy-server-nps"></a>Сервер политики сети
NPS позволяет создавать и применять политики доступа к сети на уровне Организации для проверки подлинности и авторизации запросов на подключение. При использовании NPS в качестве сервера протокол RADIUS (RADIUS) серверы сетевого доступа, такие как VPN-серверы, настраиваются в качестве RADIUS-клиентов в NPS.
Кроме того, можно настроить политики сети, используемые сервером политики сети для авторизации запросов на подключение. Также можно настроить RADIUS-учет, чтобы сервер политики сети сохранял информацию в файлах журнала, хранящихся на локальном жестком диске или в базе данных Microsoft SQL Server.
Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе [сервер политики сети (NPS)](../../../../networking/technologies/nps/nps-top.md).
## <a name="active-directory-certificate-services"></a>Службы сертификации Active Directory
Сервер центра сертификации (ЦС) — это центр сертификации, который работает Active Directory служб сертификации. Для настройки VPN требуется инфраструктура открытых ключей (PKI) на основе Active Directory.
Организации могут использовать AD CS для повышения безопасности путем привязки удостоверения пользователя, устройства или службы к соответствующему открытому ключу. Службы AD CS также включают функции, позволяющие управлять регистрацией и отзывом сертификатов в различных масштабируемых средах. Дополнительные сведения см. в статьях [Active Directory общие сведения о службах сертификации](https://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh831740.aspx) и [руководство по проектированию инфраструктуры открытого ключа](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2901.public-key-infrastructure-design-guidance.aspx).
При завершении развертывания в ЦС будут настроены следующие шаблоны сертификатов.
- Шаблон сертификата проверки подлинности пользователя
- Шаблон сертификата проверки подлинности VPN-сервера
- Шаблон сертификата проверки подлинности сервера NPS
### <a name="certificate-templates"></a>Шаблоны сертификатов
Шаблоны сертификатов могут значительно упростить задачу администрирования центра сертификации (ЦС), позволяя выдавать сертификаты, предварительно настроенные для выбранных задач. Оснастка MMC "Шаблоны сертификатов" позволяет выполнять следующие задачи.
- Просмотр свойств каждого шаблона сертификата.
- Копирование и изменение шаблонов сертификатов.
- Управление тем, какие пользователи и компьютеры могут читать шаблоны, и регистрация сертификатов.
- Выполнение других административных задач, связанных с шаблонами сертификатов.
Шаблоны сертификатов являются неотъемлемой частью центра сертификации (ЦС) предприятия. Они являются важным элементом политики сертификатов для среды, который представляет собой набор правил и форматов для регистрации, использования и управления сертификатами.
Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе [шаблоны сертификатов](https://technet.microsoft.com/library/cc730705.aspx).
### <a name="digital-server-certificates"></a>Сертификаты цифровых серверов
В этом руководстве по развертыванию содержатся инструкции по использованию служб сертификатов Active Directory (AD CS) для регистрации и автоматической регистрации сертификатов на серверах инфраструктуры удаленного доступа и сервера политики сети. Служба AD CS позволяет создавать инфраструктуру открытых ключей (PKI) и обеспечивать шифрование с открытым ключом, цифровые сертификаты и возможности цифровых подписей для вашей организации.
При использовании сертификатов Digital Server для проверки подлинности между компьютерами в сети сертификаты предоставляют следующие сведения:
1. Конфиденциальность с помощью шифрования.
2. Целостность с помощью цифровых подписей.
3. Проверка подлинности путем связывания ключей сертификатов с компьютерами, пользователями или учетными записями устройств в компьютерной сети.
Дополнительные сведения см. в статье Пошаговое [руководство по службам AD CS: развертывание ИЕРАРХИИ PKI на двух уровнях](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/15037.ad-cs-step-by-step-guide-two-tier-pki-hierarchy-deployment.aspx).
## <a name="active-directory-domain-services-ad-ds"></a>Доменные службы Active Directory (AD DS).
Доменные службы Active Directory предоставляют распределенную базу данных, в которой хранятся сведения о сетевых ресурсах и данные приложений с поддержкой каталогов, а также осуществляется управление этой информацией. Администраторы могут использовать AD DS для упорядочения в иерархическую вложенную структуру таких элементов сети, как пользователи, компьютеры и другие устройства. Иерархическая вложенная структура включает лес Active Directory, домены в лесу и организационные подразделения в каждом домене. Сервер, на котором выполняются AD DS, называется контроллером домена.
AD DS содержит учетные записи пользователей, учетные записи компьютеров и свойства учетной записи, необходимые защищенному протоколу PEAP для проверки подлинности учетных данных пользователя и для проверки авторизации запросов на VPN-подключение. Дополнительные сведения о развертывании AD DS см. в разделе [Сетевое руководством](../../../../networking/core-network-guide/Core-Network-Guide.md)по Windows Server 2016 Core.
Во время выполнения действий, описанных в этом развертывании, вы настроите следующие элементы на контроллере домена.
- Включение автоматической регистрации сертификатов в групповая политика для компьютеров и пользователей
- Создание группы VPN-пользователей
- Создание группы VPN-серверов
- Создание группы серверов политики сети
### <a name="active-directory-users-and-computers"></a>Пользователи и компьютеры Active Directory
Active Directory пользователи и компьютеры — это компонент AD DS, содержащий учетные записи, которые представляют физические сущности, такие как компьютер, пользователь или группа безопасности. Группа безопасности — это коллекция учетных записей пользователей или компьютеров, которыми администраторы могут управлять как единым целым. Учетные записи пользователей и компьютеров, принадлежащие к определенной группе, называются членами группы.
Учетные записи пользователей в Active Directory пользователи и компьютеры имеют свойства удаленного доступа, которые NPS оценивает во время авторизации, если только свойство **разрешения на доступ к сети** учетной записи пользователя не настроено для **управления доступом с помощью политики сети NPS**. Это значение по умолчанию для всех учетных записей пользователей. Однако в некоторых случаях этот параметр может иметь другую конфигурацию, которая блокирует подключение пользователя с помощью VPN. Чтобы защититься от этой возможности, можно настроить сервер политики сети на игнорирование свойств удаленного доступа к учетной записи пользователя.
Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе [Настройка NPS для пропуска свойств удаленного доступа учетной записи пользователя](../../../../networking/technologies/nps/nps-np-configure.md#configure-nps-to-ignore-user-account-dial-in-properties).
### <a name="group-policy-management"></a>Управление групповой политикой
Групповая политика управления обеспечивает изменение и настройку параметров пользователей и компьютеров на основе каталогов, включая сведения о безопасности и пользователях. Для определения конфигураций групп пользователей и компьютеров используется групповая политика.
С помощью групповая политика можно указать параметры для записей реестра, безопасности, установки программного обеспечения, сценариев, перенаправления папок, служб удаленной установки и обслуживания Internet Explorer. Создаваемые параметры групповая политика содержатся в объекте групповая политика (GPO). Связав GPO с выбранными Active Directory системными контейнерами (сайтами, доменами и подразделениями), можно применить параметры GPO к пользователям и компьютерам в этих контейнерах Active Directory. Для управления групповая политикаными объектами на предприятии можно использовать редактор "Управление групповыми политиками" консоли управления (MMC).
## <a name="windows-10-vpn-clients"></a>VPN-клиенты Windows 10
В дополнение к серверным компонентам убедитесь, что на клиентских компьютерах, настроенных для использования VPN, установлен юбилейное обновление Windows 10 (версия 1607). VPN-клиенты Windows 10 должны быть присоединены к домену Active Directory.
VPN-клиент Windows 10 обладает широкими возможностями настройки и предлагает множество вариантов. Чтобы лучше проиллюстрировать конкретные функции, используемые в этом сценарии, в таблице 1 определяются категории компонентов VPN и конкретные конфигурации, на которые ссылается это развертывание. Настройка отдельных параметров для этих функций осуществляется с помощью поставщика службы настройки поддержка vpnv2 (CSP), который обсуждается далее в этом развертывании.
Таблица 1. Функции и конфигурации VPN, рассматриваемые в этом развертывании
| Функция VPN | Конфигурация сценария развертывания |
| Тип подключения | Собственная IKEv2 |
| Маршрутизация | Раздельное туннелирование |
| Разрешение имен | Список сведений о доменных именах и DNS-суффикс |
| Активации | Always On и обнаружение доверенных сетей |
| Аутентификация | PEAP-TLS с сертификатами пользователей, защищенными доверенным платформенным модулем |
>PEAP-TLS и TPM — это "защищенный протокол расширенной проверки подлинности с защитой транспортного уровня" и "доверенный платформенный модуль (TPM)" соответственно.
### <a name="vpnv2-csp-nodes"></a>Узлы поддержка vpnv2 CSP
В этом развертывании вы используете узел Профилексмл поддержка vpnv2 CSP для создания профиля VPN, который доставляется на клиентские компьютеры Windows 10. Поставщики службы конфигурации (CSP) — это интерфейсы, которые предоставляют различные возможности управления в клиенте Windows. по сути, CSP работают так же, как групповая политика работает. У каждого CSP есть узлы конфигурации, представляющие отдельные параметры. Также как и параметры групповая политика, можно привязывать параметры CSP к разделам реестра, файлам, разрешениям и т. д. Аналогично использованию редактор "Управление групповыми политиками" для настройки групповая политика объектов (GPO), можно настроить узлы CSP с помощью решения для управления мобильными устройствами (MDM), например Microsoft Intune. Продукты MDM, такие как Intune, предлагают удобный для пользователя вариант конфигурации, который настраивает CSP в операционной системе.

Однако некоторые узлы CSP нельзя настроить напрямую через пользовательский интерфейс, например в консоли администрирования Intune. В таких случаях необходимо вручную настроить параметры универсального идентификатора ресурса (OMA-URI) Open Mobile Alliance. Настройка OMA-URI осуществляется с помощью протокола управления устройствами OMA (OMA-DM), универсальной спецификации управления устройствами, которая поддерживается большинством современных устройств Apple, Android и Windows. При условии, что они соответствуют спецификации OMA-DM, все продукты MDM должны взаимодействовать с этими операционными системами одинаковым образом.
Windows 10 предлагает много CSP, но в этом развертывании основное внимание уделяется использованию CSP поддержка vpnv2 для настройки VPN-клиента. Поддержка vpnv2 CSP позволяет настраивать параметры каждого профиля VPN в Windows 10 с помощью уникального узла CSP. Также содержится в поставщике поддержка vpnv2 CSP — это узел под названием *профилексмл*, который позволяет настраивать все параметры в одном узле, а не по отдельности. Дополнительные сведения о Профилексмл см. в подразделе "Обзор Профилексмл" Далее в этом развертывании. Дополнительные сведения о каждом узле CSP поддержка vpnv2 см. в разделе [CSP поддержка vpnv2](https://msdn.microsoft.com/windows/hardware/commercialize/customize/mdm/vpnv2-csp).
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Следующие шаги
- [Сведения о некоторых дополнительных функциях VPN Always On](deploy/always-on-vpn-adv-options.md)
- [Начало планирования развертывания Always On VPN](deploy/always-on-vpn-deploy-deployment.md)
## <a name="related-topics"></a>Связанные разделы
- [Поддержка серверного программного обеспечения Майкрософт для Microsoft Azure виртуальных машин](https://support.microsoft.com/help/2721672/microsoft-server-software-support-for-microsoft-azure-virtual-machines). в этой статье обсуждается политика поддержки для запуска серверного программного обеспечения майкрософт в Microsoft Azure среде виртуальных машин (инфраструктура как услуга).
- [Удаленный доступ](../../Remote-Access.md). в этом разделе содержится обзор роли сервера удаленного доступа в Windows Server 2016.
- [Техническое руководство по Windows 10 VPN](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/access-protection/vpn/vpn-guide). в этом руководстве рассматриваются решения для клиентов Windows 10 в корпоративном VPN-решении и Настройка развертывания. Это руководство ссылается на поставщика службы настройки поддержка vpnv2 (CSP) и предоставляет инструкции по настройке управления мобильными устройствами (MDM) с помощью Microsoft Intune и шаблона профиля VPN для Windows 10.
- [Руководство по основным сетям](../../../../networking/core-network-guide/Core-Network-Guide.md). Это руководство содержит инструкции по планированию и развертыванию основных компонентов, необходимых для полностью работоспособной сети, а также нового домена Active Directory в новом лесу.
- [Служба доменных имен (DNS)](../../../../networking/dns/dns-top.md). в этом разделе приводится обзор систем доменных имен (DNS). В Windows Server 2016 DNS является ролью сервера, которую можно установить с помощью диспетчер сервера или команд Windows PowerShell. При установке нового леса Active Directory и домена служба DNS автоматически устанавливается с Active Directory в качестве глобального сервера каталога для леса и домена.
- [Обзор служб сертификации Active Directory](https://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh831740.aspx). в этом документе приведены общие сведения о Active Directory служб сертификации (AD CS) в Windows Server® 2012. AD CS — это роль сервера, которая позволяет организации создать инфраструктуру открытых ключей (PKI) и использовать шифрование с открытым ключом, цифровые сертификаты и цифровые подписи.
- [Руководство по проектированию инфраструктуры открытых ключей](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2901.public-key-infrastructure-design-guidance.aspx). Этот вики-сайт предоставляет рекомендации по проектированию инфраструктуры открытых ключей (PKI). Перед настройкой иерархии PKI и центра сертификации (ЦС) следует учитывать политику безопасности Организации и инструкции по сертификату (CPS).
- Пошаговое [руководство по AD CS. Развертывание ИЕРАРХИИ PKI с двумя уровнями](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/15037.ad-cs-step-by-step-guide-two-tier-pki-hierarchy-deployment.aspx). в этом пошаговом руководстве описываются действия, необходимые для настройки базовой конфигурации Active Directory® служб сертификации (AD CS) в лабораторной среде. Службы AD CS в Windows Server® 2008 R2 предоставляют настраиваемые службы для создания сертификатов открытых ключей и управления ими, которые используются в системах безопасности программного обеспечения, использующих технологии открытого ключа.
- [Сервер политики сети (NPS)](../../../../networking/technologies/nps/nps-top.md). в этом разделе приводится обзор сервера политики сети в Windows Server 2016. Сервер сетевых политик (NPS) позволяет создавать и применять политики доступа к сети на уровне организации для проверки подлинности и авторизации сетевых подключений.
| 101.386792 | 916 | 0.818554 | rus_Cyrl | 0.971989 |
d9c4780bea9ca87de127736ba2786cf76ac50016 | 23 | md | Markdown | README.md | Mitsububunu/picoCTF_Code | 69bc2fda655f68d619d559d8ebcac3f3002e1e9b | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Mitsububunu/picoCTF_Code | 69bc2fda655f68d619d559d8ebcac3f3002e1e9b | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Mitsububunu/picoCTF_Code | 69bc2fda655f68d619d559d8ebcac3f3002e1e9b | [
] | null | null | null | # picoCTF writeup code
| 11.5 | 22 | 0.782609 | eng_Latn | 0.991407 |
d9c4f3998ef6146907b604b478f4872209903740 | 1,869 | md | Markdown | example/README.md | sharpertool/django-comments-tree | 2f86f694d127b1722baf7d025eb5fd22b184b88f | [
] | 13 | 2019-06-03T07:39:34.000Z | 2021-11-10T06:55:35.000Z | example/README.md | sharpertool/django-comments-tree | 2f86f694d127b1722baf7d025eb5fd22b184b88f | [
] | 2 | 2019-08-08T05:24:28.000Z | 2019-12-23T23:34:58.000Z | example/README.md | sharpertool/django-comments-tree | 2f86f694d127b1722baf7d025eb5fd22b184b88f | [
] | 5 | 2019-12-20T14:57:14.000Z | 2021-03-22T18:52:40.000Z | ## Example Directory ##
Contains three example projects:
1. Simple
2. Custom
3. Comp
### Simple ###
The Simple demo site is a project with an 'articles' application and an 'Article' model whose instances accept comments. It features:
* Comments have to be confirmed by mail before they hit the database, unless users are authenticated or `COMMENTS_TREE_CONFIRM_EMAIL` is set to False.
* Commenters may request follow up notifications.
* Mute links to allow cancellation of follow-up notifications.
### Custom ###
The Custom demo exhibits how to extend django-comments-tree. It uses the same **articles** app present in the other demos, plus:
* A new application, called `mycomments`, with a model `MyComment` that extends the `django_comments_tree.models.MyComment` model with a field `title`.
* Checkout the [custom](https://github.com/sharpertool/django-comments-tree/example/custom/) demo directory and [Customizing django-comments-tree](http://django-comments-tree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extending.html) in the documentation.
### Comp ###
The Comp demo implements two apps, each of which contains a model whose instances can received comments:
1. App `articles` with the model `Article`
1. App `quotes` with the model `Quote`
It features:
1. Comments can be nested, and the maximum thread level is established to 2.
1. Comment confirmation via mail when the users are not authenticated.
1. Comments hit the database only after they have been confirmed.
1. Follow up notifications via mail.
1. Mute links to allow cancellation of follow-up notifications.
1. Registered users can like/dislike comments and can suggest comments removal.
1. Registered users can see the list of users that liked/disliked comments.
1. The homepage presents the last 5 comments posted either to the `articles.Article` or the `quotes.Quote` model.
| 43.465116 | 238 | 0.767255 | eng_Latn | 0.9976 |
d9c5122f8c2cc0bbcb58ccf872ece6d78c346563 | 8,562 | md | Markdown | README.md | vutsalsinghal/CleanFlow | 4cfbe345ca3e59a254baf5aa9f6eae329b918527 | [
] | 1 | 2018-09-02T19:56:28.000Z | 2018-09-02T19:56:28.000Z | README.md | vutsalsinghal/CleanFlow | 4cfbe345ca3e59a254baf5aa9f6eae329b918527 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | vutsalsinghal/CleanFlow | 4cfbe345ca3e59a254baf5aa9f6eae329b918527 | [
] | 1 | 2018-05-03T20:13:18.000Z | 2018-05-03T20:13:18.000Z | <div align="center">
<img src="https://pyofey.pythonanywhere.com/static/cf_logo_compressed_scaled.png"><br><br>
CleanFlow is a framework for cleaning, pre-processing and exploring data in a scalable and distributed manner. Being built on top of Apache Spark, it is highly scalable.
## Features
* Explore data
* Clean Data
* Get output in different formats
## Installation
`pip install CleanFlow`
## Sample usage
Start Pyspark session
$ pyspark
Welcome to
____ __
/ __/__ ___ _____/ /__
_\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
/__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 2.2.1
Using Python version 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017 16:37:01)
SparkSession available as 'spark'.
## Load data
# DataFrame (df)
>>> df = sqlContext.read.format('csv').options(header='true',inferschema='true').load('sample.csv')
>>> type(df)
>>> df.printSchema()
|-- summons_number: long (nullable = true)
|-- issue_date: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- violation_code: integer (nullable = true)
|-- violation_county: string (nullable = true)
|-- violation_description: string (nullable = true)
|-- violation_location: integer (nullable = true)
|-- violation_precinct: integer (nullable = true)
|-- violation_time: string (nullable = true)
|-- time_first_observed: string (nullable = true)
|-- meter_number: string (nullable = true)
|-- issuer_code: integer (nullable = true)
|-- issuer_command: string (nullable = true)
|-- issuer_precinct: integer (nullable = true)
|-- issuing_agency: string (nullable = true)
|-- plate_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- plate_type: string (nullable = true)
|-- registration_state: string (nullable = true)
|-- street_name: string (nullable = true)
|-- vehicle_body_type: string (nullable = true)
|-- vehicle_color: string (nullable = true)
|-- vehicle_make: string (nullable = true)
|-- vehicle_year: string (nullable = true)
## Explore Data
>>> from cleanflow.exploratory import describe
>>> describe(df)
| | summons_number | violation_code | violation_location | violation_precinct | issuer_code |
| count | 1.000000e+05 | 100000.000000 | 100000.000000 | 100000.000000 | 100000.00000 |
| mean | 6.046625e+09 | 36.468890 | 66.483920 | 66.483980 | 445461.251460 |
| std | 2.384666e+09 | 19.455201 | 34.810481 | 34.810365 | 199702.620407 |
| min | 1.119098e+09 | 1.000000 | -1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
| 25% | 7.014648e+09 | 21.000000 | 43.000000 | 43.000000 | 355455.000000 |
| 50% | 7.100271e+09 | 37.000000 | 66.000000 | 66.000000 | 361282.000000 |
| 75% | 7.451945e+09 | 41.000000 | 103.000000 | 103.000000 | 363040.000000 |
| max | 7.698377e+09 | 99.000000 | 803.000000 | 803.000000 | 999843.000000 |
>>> # Choose a subset of data
>>> df = df.select('summons_number', 'violation_code', 'violation_county', 'plate_type', 'vehicle_year')
>>> df.show(10)
| 1307964308| 14| NY! | PAS| 2008|
| 1362655727| 98| BX$ | PAS| 1999|
| 1363178234| 21| NY$ | COM| 0|
| 1365797030| 74| K$! | PAS| 1999|
| 1366529595| 38| NY | COM| 2005|
| 1366571757| 20| NY| COM| 2013|
| 1363178192| 21| NY| PAS| 0|
| 1362906062| 21| BX| PAS| 2008|
| 1367591351| 40| K| PAS| 2005|
| 1354042244| 20| NY| COM| 0|
only showing top 10 rows
>>> from cleanflow.exploratory import check_duplicates, find_unique
>>> check_duplicates(df, column='violation_county').show()
| K|29123|
| Q|25961|
| BX|21203|
| NY|20513|
| R| 2728|
| null| 467|
>>> find_unique(df, column='violation_county').show()
| K|29123|
| Q|25961|
| BX|21203|
| NY|20513|
| R| 2728|
| null| 467|
| NY | 1|
| NY$ | 1|
| K$! | 1|
| BX$ | 1|
| NY! | 1|
## Clean data
>>> import cleanflow.preprocessing as cfpr
>>> cfpr.rmSpChars(cfpr.trim_col(df)).show(10)
| 1307964308| 14| NY| PAS| 2008|
| 1362655727| 98| BX| PAS| 1999|
| 1363178234| 21| NY| COM| 0|
| 1365797030| 74| K| PAS| 1999|
| 1366529595| 38| NY| COM| 2005|
| 1366571757| 20| NY| COM| 2013|
| 1363178192| 21| NY| PAS| 0|
| 1362906062| 21| BX| PAS| 2008|
| 1367591351| 40| K| PAS| 2005|
| 1354042244| 20| NY| COM| 0|
only showing top 10 rows
>>> cfpr.rmSpChars(trim_col(df), regex='[^A-Za-z0-9]+').show(10)
| 1307964308| 14| NY| PAS| 2008|
| 1362655727| 98| BX| PAS| 1999|
| 1363178234| 21| NY| COM| 0|
| 1365797030| 74| K| PAS| 1999|
| 1366529595| 38| NY| COM| 2005|
| 1366571757| 20| NY| COM| 2013|
| 1363178192| 21| NY| PAS| 0|
| 1362906062| 21| BX| PAS| 2008|
| 1367591351| 40| K| PAS| 2005|
| 1354042244| 20| NY| COM| 0|
only showing top 10 rows
>>> cfpr.upper_case(cfpr.lower_case(df), columns='violation_county').show(10)
| 1307964308| 14| NY! | pas| 2008|
| 1362655727| 98| BX$ | pas| 1999|
| 1363178234| 21| NY$ | com| 0|
| 1365797030| 74| K$! | pas| 1999|
| 1366529595| 38| NY | com| 2005|
| 1366571757| 20| NY| com| 2013|
| 1363178192| 21| NY| pas| 0|
| 1362906062| 21| BX| pas| 2008|
| 1367591351| 40| K| pas| 2005|
| 1354042244| 20| NY| com| 0|
only showing top 10 rows
| 42.386139 | 169 | 0.41836 | eng_Latn | 0.160335 |
d9c5504cb222e095364e437b25fbd076a6fb143b | 789 | md | Markdown | pages/en/lb4/apidocs/repository.normalizekey.md | leslietilling/loopback.io | 9dd6eded8708bf82ff6dae7a98ef7a441b11018e | [
] | 1 | 2020-03-04T07:37:39.000Z | 2020-03-04T07:37:39.000Z | pages/en/lb4/apidocs/repository.normalizekey.md | leslietilling/loopback.io | 9dd6eded8708bf82ff6dae7a98ef7a441b11018e | [
] | 3 | 2021-05-20T12:45:34.000Z | 2022-02-26T06:28:39.000Z | pages/en/lb4/apidocs/repository.normalizekey.md | leslietilling/loopback.io | 9dd6eded8708bf82ff6dae7a98ef7a441b11018e | [
] | null | null | null | ---
lang: en
title: 'API docs: repository.normalizekey'
keywords: LoopBack 4.0, LoopBack 4
sidebar: lb4_sidebar
permalink: /doc/en/lb4/apidocs.repository.normalizekey.html
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## normalizeKey() function
Workaround for MongoDB, where the connector returns ObjectID values even for properties configured with "type: string".
export declare function normalizeKey(rawKey: unknown): unknown;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| rawKey | <code>unknown</code> | |
| 23.205882 | 120 | 0.681876 | eng_Latn | 0.664842 |
d9c58281c0f297c5efe048f055159494ba3d205b | 2,041 | md | Markdown | api/PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.Drop.md | CoolDev1/VBA-Docs | 4d5dde1cd9371be038c3e67f27364d1f6e40a063 | [
] | null | null | null | api/PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.Drop.md | CoolDev1/VBA-Docs | 4d5dde1cd9371be038c3e67f27364d1f6e40a063 | [
] | null | null | null | api/PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.Drop.md | CoolDev1/VBA-Docs | 4d5dde1cd9371be038c3e67f27364d1f6e40a063 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: CalloutFormat.Drop Property (PowerPoint)
keywords: vbapp10.chm559011
- vbapp10.chm559011
ms.prod: powerpoint
- PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.Drop
ms.assetid: 634bc753-2960-b699-535e-93c66fce280d
ms.date: 06/08/2017
# CalloutFormat.Drop Property (PowerPoint)
For callouts with an explicitly set drop value, this property returns the vertical distance (in points) from the edge of the text bounding box to the place where the callout line attaches to the text box. Read-only.
## Syntax
_expression_. `Drop`
_expression_ A variable that represents a [CalloutFormat](./PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.md) object.
## Return value
## Remarks
The distance is measured from the top of the text box unless the **AutoAttach** property is set to **True** and the text box is to the left of the origin of the callout line (the place that the callout points to). In this case the drop distance is measured from the bottom of the text box.
Use the **[CustomDrop](PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.CustomDrop.md)** method to set the value of this property.
The value of this property accurately reflects the position of the callout line attachment to the text box only if the callout has an explicitly set drop value — that is, if the value of the **[DropType](PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.DropType.md)** property is **msoCalloutDropCustom**.
## Example
This example replaces the custom drop for shape one on `myDocument` with one of two preset drops, depending on whether the custom drop value is greater than or less than half the height of the callout text box. For the example to work, shape one must be a callout.
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
With myDocument.Shapes(1).Callout
If .DropType = msoCalloutDropCustom Then
If .Drop < .Parent.Height / 2 Then
.PresetDrop msoCalloutDropTop
.PresetDrop msoCalloutDropBottom
End If
End If
End With
## See also
[CalloutFormat Object](PowerPoint.CalloutFormat.md)
| 27.958904 | 290 | 0.750612 | eng_Latn | 0.985766 |
d9c59612c849463b48ecce783e1a9551f241082a | 2,559 | md | Markdown | data/episodes/0027/notes.md | rBurgett/thankyouforyourservers.com | 025c798a2ae098a46c0aa04a7fbe68206e09d737 | [
] | null | null | null | data/episodes/0027/notes.md | rBurgett/thankyouforyourservers.com | 025c798a2ae098a46c0aa04a7fbe68206e09d737 | [
] | 13 | 2020-05-28T05:50:42.000Z | 2022-02-12T08:09:13.000Z | data/episodes/0027/notes.md | rBurgett/thankyouforyourservers.com | 025c798a2ae098a46c0aa04a7fbe68206e09d737 | [
] | null | null | null | ## Notes
| 98.423077 | 360 | 0.807737 | yue_Hant | 0.207412 |
d9c5982b570783a374580f7a0f5eaacd7d907e68 | 2,015 | md | Markdown | README.md | oogre/Github | 8e70f6473e6f9e9a705325b6a5a9aacf795221fe | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | oogre/Github | 8e70f6473e6f9e9a705325b6a5a9aacf795221fe | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | oogre/Github | 8e70f6473e6f9e9a705325b6a5a9aacf795221fe | [
] | 1 | 2020-09-07T12:11:55.000Z | 2020-09-07T12:11:55.000Z | # Hello World (introduction à github)
> Un «Hello World» est un projet traditionnel de la culture de la programation informatique. Il s'agit d'un simple exercice qui te permet de démarrer l'apprentissage de quelque chose de neuf.
**C'est partit pour démarrer avec GitHub!**
### Qu'est-ce que GitHub?
GitHub est une plateforme d'hébergement de code permettant le versionnage et la collaboration. Il te permet de découvrir, d'utiliser et de participer au développement de centaines de milliers de projets OpenSource. Mais aussi d'y archiver et de documenter en ligne tes propres projets.
Ce tutoriel t'enseigne les bases essentielles de GitHub comme les *repositories*, les *branches*, les *commits*, *pull*, *push* et les *pull requests*. Tu va créer ton propre *repository* «Hello World» et découvrir le workflow de GIT qui est une manière populaire de créer, de documenter et de modifier du code.
**Aucun niveau particulier en programmation n'est requis**
### Tu apprendras à :
- [Créer et utiliser un *repository*](./createRepository.md)
- [Cloner un *repository*](./cloneRepository.md)
- [Éditer des fichiers et les *push* sur GitHub en tant que *commit*](./commitAndPush.md)
- [Mettre à jour ta version local, *pull* et résoudre un *Conflict*](./pull.md)
- Créer et modeler de nouvelles *branch* sur un projet communautaire, *pull request*
Pour suivre ce tutoriel, tu as besoin d'un compte sur https://github.com et d'un accès à Internet. Tu n'auras besoin ni de connaissance en programmation, ni en ligne de commande, ni en GIT (l'outil de contrôle de version [créé par [Linus Torvalds](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds "Linus Torvalds"), auteur du [noyau Linux](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noyau_Linux) sur le quel GitHub est construit).
> **Astuce :** Ouvre ce guide dans une fenetre de navigation en parallèle, de la sorte tu pourras suivre ses instruction pour compléter les étapes de ce tutoriel.
### [**Étape 1** Créer un *Repository*](./createRepository.md)
| 53.026316 | 413 | 0.753846 | fra_Latn | 0.964354 |
d9c5c8336045565e87adbc39e8675671c216246d | 13,914 | md | Markdown | articles/active-directory/governance/entitlement-management-delegate.md | eduarandilla/azure-docs.es-es | 2d47e242f1f915183fb6a2852199649dbae474a5 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/governance/entitlement-management-delegate.md | eduarandilla/azure-docs.es-es | 2d47e242f1f915183fb6a2852199649dbae474a5 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/active-directory/governance/entitlement-management-delegate.md | eduarandilla/azure-docs.es-es | 2d47e242f1f915183fb6a2852199649dbae474a5 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Delegación y roles en la administración de derechos - Azure AD
description: Aprenda a delegar la gobernanza del acceso de los administradores de TI en los administradores de departamentos y los jefes de proyecto para que ellos mismos puedan encargarse del acceso.
services: active-directory
documentationCenter: ''
author: barclayn
manager: daveba
editor: markwahl-msft
ms.service: active-directory
ms.workload: identity
ms.tgt_pltfrm: na
ms.devlang: na
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.subservice: compliance
ms.date: 07/22/2020
ms.author: barclayn
ms.reviewer: mwahl
ms.collection: M365-identity-device-management
ms.openlocfilehash: a01f945496d2f0bc81a108c5e58c89587c1c4e38
ms.sourcegitcommit: 54d8052c09e847a6565ec978f352769e8955aead
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: es-ES
ms.lasthandoff: 08/18/2020
ms.locfileid: "88505485"
# <a name="delegation-and-roles-in-azure-ad-entitlement-management"></a>Delegación y roles en la administración de derechos de Azure AD
De forma predeterminada, los administradores globales y los administradores de usuarios pueden crear y gestionar todos los aspectos de Administración de derechos de Azure AD. No obstante, es posible que los usuarios de estos roles no conozcan todas las situaciones en las que se requieren paquetes de acceso. Por lo general, son los usuarios dentro de los departamentos, equipos o proyectos respectivos los que saben con quién colaboran, con qué recursos cuentan y durante cuánto tiempo. En lugar de conceder permisos sin restricciones a los usuarios que no son administradores, puede conceder a los usuarios los permisos mínimos que necesitan para realizar su trabajo y evitar la creación de derechos de acceso conflictivos o inadecuados.
En este vídeo se ofrece información general sobre el modo en que el administrador de TI delega la gobernanza del acceso en usuarios que no son administradores.
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE3Lq00]
## <a name="delegate-example"></a>Ejemplo de delegación
Para comprender cómo se puede delegar la gobernanza del acceso desde la administración de derechos, resulta útil plantearse un ejemplo. Supongamos que en su organización cuenta con el administrador y los responsables siguientes.

Como administradora de TI, Hana tiene contactos en cada departamento —Mamta en Marketing, Mark en Finanzas y Joe en Legal— que son responsable de los recursos y del contenido crítico para la empresa de sus correspondientes departamentos.
Por medio de la administración de derechos, se puede delegar la gobernanza del acceso a estos usuarios no administradores porque son los que saben qué usuarios necesitan acceso, durante cuánto tiempo y a qué recursos. Esto garantiza que las personas adecuadas administran el acceso de sus departamentos.
Esta es una de las formas en las que Hana podría delegar la gobernanza del acceso en los departamentos de marketing, finanzas y legal.
1. Hana crea un nuevo grupo de seguridad de Azure AD y agrega a Mamta, Mark y Joe como miembros del grupo.
1. Hana agrega ese grupo al rol de creadores de catálogos.
Ahora Mamta, Mark y Joe pueden crear catálogos para sus departamentos, agregar los recursos que sus departamentos necesitan y realizar más delegaciones en el catálogo.
Tenga en cuenta que Mamta, Mark y Joe solo pueden ver su propio catálogo.
1. Mamta crea un catálogo **Marketing**, que es un contenedor de recursos.
1. Mamta agrega a este catálogo los recursos que su departamento de marketing posee.
1. Mamta puede agregar a otras personas de su departamento como propietarios de este catálogo. Esto ayuda a compartir las responsabilidades de administración de los catálogos.
1. Mamta puede delegar aún más la creación y la administración de los paquetes de acceso del catálogo de marketing en los jefes de proyecto de su departamento. Para ello, les asigna el rol de administrador de paquetes de acceso. Este tipo de administrador puede crear y administrar paquetes de acceso.
En el siguiente diagrama se muestran catálogos con recursos para los departamentos de marketing, finanzas y legal. Con estos catálogos, los jefes de proyecto pueden crear paquetes de acceso para sus equipos o proyectos.

Después de la delegación, el departamento de marketing podría tener roles similares a los de la tabla siguiente.
| Usuario | Rol de trabajo | Rol de Azure AD | Rol de administración de derechos |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Hana | Administrador de TI | administrador global o administrador de usuarios. | |
| Mamta | Administrador de marketing | Usuario | Creador del catálogo y propietario del catálogo |
| Bob | Responsable de marketing | Usuario | Propietario del catálogo |
| Jessica | Jefe de proyecto de marketing | Usuario | Administrador de paquetes de acceso |
## <a name="entitlement-management-roles"></a>Roles de administración de derechos
La administración de derechos incluye los siguientes roles específicos de administración de derechos.
| Rol de administración de derechos | Descripción |
| --- | --- |
| Creador de catálogos | Crear y administrar catálogos. Normalmente, un administrador de TI que no es administrador global o un propietario de recursos en una colección de recursos. La persona que crea un catálogo se convierte automáticamente en el primer propietario del catálogo y puede agregar otros propietarios del catálogo. Un creador de catálogos no puede administrar o ver los catálogos que no son de su propiedad y no puede agregar recursos que no son de su propiedad a un catálogo. Si el creador del catálogo tiene que administrar otro catálogo o agregar recursos que no son de su propiedad, puede solicitar ser copropietario de ese catálogo o recurso. |
| Propietario del catálogo | Editar y administrar catálogos existentes. Normalmente, un administrador de TI o propietarios de recursos, o un usuario que el propietario del catálogo ha designado. |
| Administrador de paquetes de acceso | Editar y administrar todos los paquetes de acceso existentes en un catálogo. |
Además, un aprobador designado y un solicitante de un paquete de acceso también disponen de derechos, aunque no son roles.
| Right | Descripción |
| --- | --- |
| Aprobador | Usuario autorizado por una directiva para aprobar o rechazar solicitudes de acceso a paquetes, aunque no puede cambiar las definiciones de paquetes de acceso. |
| Solicitante | Usuario autorizado por una directiva de un paquete de acceso para solicitar ese paquete de acceso. |
En la siguiente tabla se enumeran las tareas que pueden realizar los roles de administración de derechos.
| Tarea | Administración | Creador de catálogos | Propietario del catálogo | Administrador de paquetes de acceso |
| --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| [Delegación en un creador de catálogo](entitlement-management-delegate-catalog.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | | |
| [Adición de una organización conectada](entitlement-management-organization.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | | |
| [Creación de un catálogo](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
| [Adición de un recurso a un catálogo](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md#add-resources-to-a-catalog) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Adición de un propietario de catálogo](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md#add-additional-catalog-owners) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Edición de un catálogo](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md#edit-a-catalog) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Eliminación de un catálogo](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md#delete-a-catalog) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Delegación en un administrador de paquetes de acceso](entitlement-management-delegate-managers.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Eliminación de un administrador de paquetes de acceso](entitlement-management-delegate-managers.md#remove-an-access-package-manager) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Creación de un paquete de acceso en un catálogo](entitlement-management-access-package-create.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Cambio de roles de recurso en un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-resources.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Creación y edición de directivas](entitlement-management-access-package-request-policy.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Asignación directa de un usuario a un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-assignments.md#directly-assign-a-user) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Visualización de quién tiene una asignación en un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-assignments.md#view-who-has-an-assignment) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Visualización de las solicitudes de un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-requests.md#view-requests) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Visualización de errores de entrega de una solicitud](entitlement-management-troubleshoot.md#view-a-requests-delivery-errors) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Nuevo procesamiento de una solicitud](entitlement-management-troubleshoot.md#reprocess-a-request) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Cancelación de una solicitud pendiente](entitlement-management-troubleshoot.md#cancel-a-pending-request) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Ocultación de un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-edit.md#change-the-hidden-setting) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Eliminación de un paquete de acceso](entitlement-management-access-package-edit.md#delete-an-access-package) | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
## <a name="required-roles-to-add-resources-to-a-catalog"></a>Roles necesarios para agregar recursos a un catálogo
Un administrador global puede agregar o quitar cualquier grupo (grupos de seguridad creados en la nube o grupos de Office 365 creados en la nube), aplicación o sitio de SharePoint Online de un catálogo. Un administrador de usuarios puede agregar o quitar cualquier grupo o aplicación de un catálogo, excepto un grupo configurado como asignable a un rol de directorio.
Para que un usuario que no sea administrador global o administrador de usuarios pueda agregar grupos, aplicaciones o sitios de SharePoint Online a un catálogo, ese usuario debe tener *tanto* el rol de directorio de Azure AD como el rol de administración de derechos de propietario del catálogo que se requieren. En la tabla siguiente se muestran las combinaciones de roles necesarios para agregar recursos a un catálogo. Para quitar recursos de un catálogo, hay que tener los mismos roles.
| Rol de directorio de Azure AD | Rol de administración de derechos | Puede agregar grupos de seguridad | Puede agregar grupos de Office 365 | Puede agregar aplicaciones | Puede agregar sitios de SharePoint Online |
| --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| [Administrador global](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | N/D | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Administrador de usuarios](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | N/D | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Administrador de Intune](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
| [Administrador de Exchange](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
| [Administrador del servicio Teams](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | | :heavy_check_mark: | | |
| [Administrador de SharePoint](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | | :heavy_check_mark: | | :heavy_check_mark: |
| [Administrador de aplicaciones](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| [Administrador de aplicaciones en la nube](../users-groups-roles/directory-assign-admin-roles.md) | Propietario del catálogo | | | :heavy_check_mark: | |
| Usuario | Propietario del catálogo | Solo si es propietario del grupo | Solo si es propietario del grupo | Solo si es propietario de la aplicación | |
> [!NOTE]
> Si un usuario agrega un grupo de seguridad o un grupo de Office 365, el grupo al que no se pueden asignar roles. Si el usuario agrega un grupo al que se pueden asignar roles cuando crea el paquete de acceso, también debe ser el propietario de ese grupo al que se pueden asignar roles. Para más información, consulte [Creación de un grupo al que se pueden asignar roles en Azure Active Directory](../users-groups-roles/roles-groups-create-eligible.md).
Para determinar el rol con menos privilegios de una tarea, también puede hacer referencia a los [roles de administrador por tarea de administrador en Azure Active Directory](../users-groups-roles/roles-delegate-by-task.md#entitlement-management).
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Pasos siguientes
- [Delegación de la gobernanza del acceso en los creadores de catálogos](entitlement-management-delegate-catalog.md)
- [Creación y administración de un catálogo de recursos](entitlement-management-catalog-create.md)
| 96.625 | 739 | 0.781156 | spa_Latn | 0.97642 |
d9c613601e9109d4cd6063f130c56f1c8f89354d | 15,478 | md | Markdown | articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-proxy-configure-connectors-with-proxy-servers.md | simba83/azure-docs.sv-se | 028021e0d8a2cf4ea654c4d4016ebb9a601b95b0 | [
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title: Arbeta med befintliga lokala proxyservrar och Azure Active Directory
description: Beskriver hur du arbetar med befintliga lokala proxyservrar med Azure Active Directory.
services: active-directory
author: kenwith
manager: celestedg
ms.service: active-directory
ms.subservice: app-mgmt
ms.workload: identity
ms.topic: how-to
ms.date: 04/07/2020
ms.author: kenwith
ms.reviewer: japere
ms.custom: contperfq2
ms.openlocfilehash: 81a735966b2a0ebdd7c8fcd9e9aa467d68aac354
ms.sourcegitcommit: 400f473e8aa6301539179d4b320ffbe7dfae42fe
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: sv-SE
ms.lasthandoff: 10/28/2020
ms.locfileid: "92792760"
# <a name="work-with-existing-on-premises-proxy-servers"></a>Arbeta med befintliga lokala proxyservrar
Den här artikeln beskriver hur du konfigurerar Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Application Proxy-kopplingar så att de fungerar med utgående proxyservrar. Den är avsedd för kunder med nätverksmiljöer som har befintliga proxyservrar.
Vi börjar med att titta på de här huvudsakliga distributions scenarierna:
* Konfigurera anslutningar för att kringgå dina lokala utgående proxyservrar.
* Konfigurera anslutningar för att använda en utgående proxy för att få åtkomst till Azure AD-programproxy.
* Konfigurera med hjälp av en proxy mellan anslutnings-och backend-programmet.
Mer information om hur anslutningsappar fungerar finns i avsnittet om att [förstå anslutningsappar för Azure AD-programproxy](application-proxy-connectors.md).
## <a name="bypass-outbound-proxies"></a>Kringgå utgående proxyservrar
Anslutningsappar har underliggande OS-komponenter som gör att utgående begäranden. De här komponenterna försöker automatiskt hitta en proxyserver i nätverket med hjälp av Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD).
OS-komponenterna försöker hitta en proxyserver genom att utföra en DNS-sökning efter wpad.domänsuffix. Om sökningen matchar i DNS görs en HTTP-begäran till IP-adressen för wpad.dat. Den här begäran blir proxykonfigurationsskriptet i din miljö. Anslutningsappen använder det här skriptet för att välja en utgående proxyserver. Anslutningsappens trafik kommer dock kanske inte igenom på grund av ytterligare konfigurationsinställningar som behövs på proxyn.
Du kan konfigurera anslutningsappen till att kringgå den lokala proxyn för att säkerställa att den använder direktanslutning till Azure-tjänsterna. Vi rekommenderar den här metoden förutsatt att din nätverksprincip tillåter det, eftersom det innebär att det blir en färre konfiguration att underhålla.
Om du vill inaktivera utgående proxy-användning för anslutningen redigerar du Connector\ApplicationProxyConnectorService.exe.config filen C:\Program Files\Microsoft AAD App proxy och lägger till avsnittet *system.net* som visas i följande kod exempel:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<defaultProxy enabled="false"></defaultProxy>
<gcServer enabled="true"/>
<add key="TraceFilename" value="AadAppProxyConnector.log" />
För att säkerställa att tjänsten Connector Updater också kringgå proxyn, gör en liknande ändring i ApplicationProxyConnectorUpdaterService.exe.configs filen. Den här filen finns i C:\Program Files\Microsoft AAD App proxy Connector Updater.
Se till att göra kopior av originalfilerna i fall du behöver återställa till de standardmässiga .config-filerna.
## <a name="use-the-outbound-proxy-server"></a>Använd den utgående proxyservern
Vissa miljöer kräver all utgående trafik för att gå via en utgående proxy, utan undantag. Det innebär att det inte finns något alternativ att kringgå proxyn.
Du kan konfigurera anslutnings trafiken så att den går genom den utgående proxyn, som du ser i följande diagram:

På grund av att endast utgående trafik behövs behöver du inte konfigurera inkommande åtkomst genom brand väggarna.
> [!NOTE]
> Application Proxy stöder inte autentisering till andra proxyservrar. Anslutnings-/uppdaterings kontots nätverks tjänst konton ska kunna ansluta till proxyn utan att anropas för autentisering.
### <a name="step-1-configure-the-connector-and-related-services-to-go-through-the-outbound-proxy"></a>Steg 1: konfigurera anslutningen och relaterade tjänster att gå via den utgående proxyn
Om WPAD har Aktiver ATS i miljön och kon figurer ATS korrekt identifierar anslutnings tjänsten automatiskt den utgående proxyservern och försöker använda den. Du kan dock uttryckligen konfigurera anslutningen att gå via en utgående proxy.
Det gör du genom att redigera Connector\ApplicationProxyConnectorService.exe.config-filen C:\Program\Microsoft AAD App proxy och lägga till avsnittet *system.net* som visas i det här kod exemplet. Ändra *proxyserver: 8080* för att återspegla namnet på den lokala proxyservern eller IP-adressen och porten som den lyssnar på. Värdet måste ha prefixet http://även om du använder en IP-adress.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<proxy proxyaddress="http://proxyserver:8080" bypassonlocal="True" usesystemdefault="True"/>
<gcServer enabled="true"/>
<add key="TraceFilename" value="AadAppProxyConnector.log" />
Konfigurera sedan Connector Updater-tjänsten så att den använder proxyn genom att göra en liknande ändring i mappen C:\Program Files\Microsoft AAD App proxy Connector Updater\ApplicationProxyConnectorUpdaterService.exe.config-filen.
### <a name="step-2-configure-the-proxy-to-allow-traffic-from-the-connector-and-related-services-to-flow-through"></a>Steg 2: Konfigurera proxyservern för att tillåta trafik från anslutningen och relaterade tjänster att flöda genom
Det finns fyra aspekter att tänka på vid utgående proxy:
* Utgående proxy-regler
* Proxyautentisering
* Proxy-portar
* TLS-kontroll
#### <a name="proxy-outbound-rules"></a>Utgående proxy-regler
Tillåt åtkomst till följande webbadresser:
| URL | Port | Hur den används |
| --- | --- | --- |
| *.msappproxy.net<br>*.servicebus.windows.net | 443/HTTPS | Kommunikation mellan anslutningsprogrammet och molntjänsten för programproxy |
| crl3.digicert.com<br>crl4.digicert.com<br>ocsp.digicert.com<br>crl.microsoft.com<br>oneocsp.microsoft.com<br>ocsp.msocsp.com<br> | 80/HTTP | Anslutnings tjänsten använder dessa URL: er för att verifiera certifikat. |
| login.windows.net<br>secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com<br>*.microsoftonline.com<br>*. microsoftonline-p.com<br>*. msauth.net<br>*. msauthimages.net<br>*. msecnd.net<br>*. msftauth.net<br>*. msftauthimages.net<br>*. phonefactor.net<br>enterpriseregistration.windows.net<br>management.azure.com<br>policykeyservice.dc.ad.msft.net<br>ctldl.windowsupdate.com | 443/HTTPS | Anslutningsprogrammet använder dessa webbadresser under registreringen. |
| ctldl.windowsupdate.com | 80/HTTP | Anslutningen använder denna URL under registrerings processen. |
Om din brand vägg eller proxy låter dig konfigurera listor över tillåtna DNS-listor kan du tillåta anslutningar till \* . msappproxy.net och \* . ServiceBus.Windows.net.
Om du inte kan tillåta anslutning av FQDN och behöver ange IP-adressintervall i stället, använder du följande alternativ:
* Tillåt anslutningen utgående åtkomst till alla destinationer.
* Tillåt anslutningen utgående åtkomst till alla Azure datacenter IP-intervall. Utmaningen med att använda listan över IP-intervall för Azure-datacenter är att den uppdateras varje vecka. Du måste placera en process för att se till att dina åtkomst regler uppdateras i enlighet med detta. Om du bara använder en delmängd av IP-adresserna kan konfigurationen brytas. Hämta de senaste IP-intervallen för Azure Data Center genom att gå till [https://download.microsoft.com](https://download.microsoft.com) och söka efter "Azure IP-intervall och service märken". Se till att välja det relevanta molnet. Till exempel kan de offentliga molnets IP-intervall hittas med "Azure IP-intervall och service märken – offentligt moln". Du hittar det amerikanska myndighets molnet genom att söka efter "Azure IP-intervall och service märken – amerikanska myndigheter".
#### <a name="proxy-authentication"></a>Proxyautentisering
Proxyautentisering stöds inte för närvarande. Vår nuvarande rekommendation är att tillåta anslutningen anonym åtkomst till Internet-destinationer.
#### <a name="proxy-ports"></a>Proxy-portar
Anslutningen gör utgående TLS-baserade anslutningar med hjälp av metoden CONNECT. Den här metoden ställer in en tunnel genom utgående proxy. Konfigurera proxyservern för att tillåta tunnel trafik till portarna 443 och 80.
> [!NOTE]
> När Service Bus körs över HTTPS används port 443. Service Bus försöker som standard direkt TCP-anslutningar och går tillbaka till HTTPS endast om direkta anslutningar Miss lyckas.
#### <a name="tls-inspection"></a>TLS-kontroll
Använd inte TLS-inspektion för anslutnings trafiken, eftersom det orsakar problem med anslutnings trafiken. Anslutningen använder ett certifikat för att autentisera till Application Proxy-tjänsten och certifikatet kan gå förlorat under TLS-kontrollen.
## <a name="configure-using-a-proxy-between-the-connector-and-backend-application"></a>Konfigurera med hjälp av en proxy mellan anslutnings-och Server dels programmet
Att använda en vidarebefordrande proxy för kommunikationen mot backend-appen kan vara ett särskilt krav i vissa miljöer.
Aktivera detta genom att följa nästa steg:
### <a name="step-1-add-the-required-registry-value-to-the-server"></a>Steg 1: Lägg till det register värde som krävs på servern
1. Om du vill aktivera med standardproxyn lägger du till följande register värde (DWORD) i `UseDefaultProxyForBackendRequests = 1` register nyckeln för anslutnings konfigurationen i "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft AAD App Proxy Connector".
### <a name="step-2-configure-the-proxy-server-manually-using-netsh-command"></a>Steg 2: Konfigurera proxyservern manuellt med kommandot netsh
1. Aktivera grup principen gör proxyinställningar per dator. Detta finns i: Computer Datorkonfiguration\principer\administrativa \ Mallar\windows-komponenter\Internet Explorer. Detta måste anges i stället för att den här principen har angetts till per användare.
2. Kör `gpupdate /force` på servern eller starta om servern för att säkerställa att den använder de uppdaterade grup princip inställningarna.
3. Starta en upphöjd kommando tolk med administratörs behörighet och ange `control inetcpl.cpl` .
4. Konfigurera de proxyinställningar som krävs.
De här inställningarna gör att anslutningen använder samma vidarebefordrande proxy för kommunikationen till Azure och Server dels programmet. Om anslutningen till Azure-kommunikationen inte kräver någon vidarebefordrande proxy eller en annan vidarebefordran proxy kan du konfigurera detta med att ändra filen ApplicationProxyConnectorService.exe.config enligt beskrivningen i avsnitten kringgå utgående proxyservrar eller använda den utgående proxyservern.
> [!NOTE]
> Det finns olika sätt att konfigurera Internet-proxyn i operativ systemet. Proxyinställningar som kon figurer ATS via NETSH WINHTTP (kör `NETSH WINHTTP SHOW PROXY` för att verifiera) Åsidosätt proxyinställningarna som du konfigurerade i steg 2.
I anslutnings tjänsten för anslutningar används även datorns proxyserver. Du kan ändra det här beteendet genom att ändra filen ApplicationProxyConnectorUpdaterService.exe.config.
## <a name="troubleshoot-connector-proxy-problems-and-service-connectivity-issues"></a>Felsök problem med anslutnings proxy och tjänst anslutnings problem
Nu bör du se all trafik som flödar genom proxyservern. Om du har problem bör du ha följande felsöknings information.
Det bästa sättet att identifiera och felsöka anslutnings problem är att ta en nätverks avbildning när du startar kopplings tjänsten. Här följer några snabba tips om att fånga och filtrera nätverks spår.
Du kan använda valfritt övervaknings verktyg. I den här artikeln använde vi Microsoft Message Analyzer.
Följande exempel är speciella för Message Analyzer, men principerna kan tillämpas på alla analys verktyg.
### <a name="take-a-capture-of-connector-traffic"></a>Ta en bild av kopplings trafik
Utför följande steg för inledande fel sökning:
1. Stoppa tjänsten Azure AD-programproxy Connector från Services. msc.

1. Kör Message Analyzer som administratör.
1. Välj **Starta lokal spårning** .
1. Starta tjänsten Azure AD-programproxy Connector.
1. Stoppa nätverks avbildningen.

### <a name="check-if-the-connector-traffic-bypasses-outbound-proxies"></a>Kontrol lera om anslutnings trafiken kringgår utgående proxyservrar
Om du har konfigurerat din Application Proxy-anslutning för att kringgå proxyservrarna och ansluta direkt till Application Proxy-tjänsten, vill du söka i nätverks avbildningen efter misslyckade TCP-anslutnings försök.
Använd Message Analyzer-filtret för att identifiera de här försöken. Ange `property.TCPSynRetransmit` i rutan Filter och välj **Använd** .
Ett SYN paket är det första paket som skickas för att upprätta en TCP-anslutning. Om det här paketet inte returnerar ett svar görs ett nytt försök med tillståndet. Du kan använda föregående filter för att se alla SYNs som har skickats om. Sedan kan du kontrol lera om dessa SYNs motsvarar den kopplings-relaterade trafiken.
Om du förväntar dig att anslutningen ska göra direkta anslutningar till Azure-tjänsterna, är SynRetransmit svar på port 443 en indikation på att du har problem med nätverks-eller brand väggen.
### <a name="check-if-the-connector-traffic-uses-outbound-proxies"></a>Kontrol lera om anslutnings trafiken använder utgående proxyservrar
Om du har konfigurerat din Application Proxy Connector-trafik för att gå igenom proxyservrarna vill du söka efter misslyckade HTTPS-anslutningar till proxyservern.
Om du vill filtrera nätverks avbildningen för dessa anslutnings försök anger du `(https.Request or https.Response) and tcp.port==8080` i Message Analyzer-filtret och ersätter 8080 med din proxy service-port. Välj **tillämpa** för att se filter resultaten.
Föregående filter visar bara HTTPs-begärandena och svar på/från proxyservern. Du letar efter de CONNECT-begäranden som visar kommunikationen med proxyservern. När det är klart får du ett HTTP-svar (200).
Om du ser andra svars koder, till exempel 407 eller 502, innebär det att proxyn kräver autentisering eller inte tillåter trafik av någon annan anledning. Nu ska du delta i support teamet för proxyservern.
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Nästa steg
* [Förstå Azure AD-programproxy-kopplingar](application-proxy-connectors.md)
* Om du har problem med anslutnings problem kan du ställa din fråga på [sidan Microsoft Q&en fråga för att Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/answers/topics/azure-active-directory.html) eller skapa en biljett med vårt support team.
| 73.009434 | 852 | 0.806435 | swe_Latn | 0.99854 |
d9c615acbb904fdac12e2873fca6c0510096079d | 423 | md | Markdown | Lesson23/README.md | ZhaoXinNian/goLanguage | 2222f7c35b1b893a83dd947acab13f879ce7279f | [
] | null | null | null | Lesson23/README.md | ZhaoXinNian/goLanguage | 2222f7c35b1b893a83dd947acab13f879ce7279f | [
] | null | null | null | Lesson23/README.md | ZhaoXinNian/goLanguage | 2222f7c35b1b893a83dd947acab13f879ce7279f | [
] | null | null | null | 通道同步
## 知识点
* 通道同步处理方式 - Channel Synchronization
## 实战演习
package main
import (
func action(done chan bool) {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// 逻辑执行完后,发送通道消息
done <- true
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
go action(done)
// 等待通道消息
## 课程文件
## 小马视频频道
http://komavideo.com | 11.432432 | 36 | 0.628842 | yue_Hant | 0.318811 |
d9c640814016a92d62e2d213fce5b583d0d8336c | 5,087 | md | Markdown | MobileApp/node_modules/app-icon/README.md | VowelWeb/CoinTradePros.com | 7232c8ec237f2410e785350ae12c2770911a5b6d | [
] | null | null | null | MobileApp/node_modules/app-icon/README.md | VowelWeb/CoinTradePros.com | 7232c8ec237f2410e785350ae12c2770911a5b6d | [
] | null | null | null | MobileApp/node_modules/app-icon/README.md | VowelWeb/CoinTradePros.com | 7232c8ec237f2410e785350ae12c2770911a5b6d | [
] | null | null | null | # app-icon [](https://circleci.com/gh/dwmkerr/app-icon) [](https://codecov.io/gh/dwmkerr/app-icon) [](https://david-dm.org/dwmkerr/react-native-icon) [](https://david-dm.org/dwmkerr/react-native-icon?type=dev)
Automatic icon resizing for Mobile Apps. Supports Native, Cordova and React Native. Also supports labelling of app icons. Inspired by [cordova-icon](github.com/AlexDisler/cordova-icon).
<img src="./assets/banner.png" width="614" alt="Banner">
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Generating Icons](#generating-icons)
- [Labelling Icons](#labelling-icons)
- [Coding](#coding)
- [Initial Setup](#initial-setup)
- [Running Tests](#running-tests)
- [Creating a Release](#creating-a-release)
- [The Sample Projects](#the-sample-projects)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [License](#license)
## Introduction
This simple tool allows you to create a single icon in your app project, then create icons of all required sizes from it. It currently works for iOS and Android. You can also add labels to your app icons.
## Installation
Install with:
npm install -g app-icon
You will need [imagemagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/) installed:
brew install imagemagick # OSX
sudo apt-get install imagemagick # Debian/Ubuntu/etc
sudo yum install imagemagick # CentOS/etc
## Usage
The commandline tool can be used to generate icons or label icons.
### Generating Icons
Add an icon (ideally at least 192x192 pixels) named `icon.png` to your project root. To automatically generate icons of all sizes for all app projects in the same folder, run:
app-icon generate
If an iOS project is present, then the icon will be copied at all required sizes to:
If an Android project is present, then the icon will be copied at all required sizes to:
You can limit the platforms which icons are generated for with the `--platforms` flag, specifying:
app-icon generate --platforms=ios
app-icon generate --platforms=android,ios
By default the tool will generate icons for both platforms.
You can specify the path to the source icon, as well as the folder to search for app projects, just run `app-icon generate -h` to see the options.
### Labelling Icons
Add labels to an icon with the command below:
app-icon label -i icon.png -o output.png --top UAT --bottom 0.12.3
This would produce output like the below image:

This is a useful trick when you are creating things like internal QA versions of your app, where you might want to show a version number or other label in the icon itself.
## Coding
The only dependencies are Node 6 (or above) and Yarn.
Useful commands for development are:
| Command | Usage |
| `npm test` | Runs the unit tests. |
| `npm run test:debug` | Runs the tests in a debugger. Combine with `.only` and `debugger` for ease of debugging. |
| `npm run cov` | Runs the tests, writing coverage reports to `./artifacts/coverage`. |
Currently the linting style is based on [airbnb](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/tree/master/packages/eslint-config-airbnb). Run `npm run lint` to lint the code.
### Initial Setup
Install the dependencies (I recommend [Node Version Manager](https://github.com/creationix/nvm)):
nvm install 6
nvm use 6
npm install -g yarn
git clone git@github.com:dwmkerr/app-icon.git
cd app-icon
### Running Tests
Run the tests with:
npm test
Tests are executed with [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and coverage is handled by [Istanbul](https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul). Coverage reports are written to an `./artifacts` folder.
### Creating a Release
To create a release.
- Merge your work to master.
- Use `npm version` to bump, e.g. `npm version patch`
- Push and deploy `git push --tags && git push && npm publish`
## The Sample Projects
This project includes some sample apps in the `test` folder, which are used for the tests. You can also run these apps to see the icons produced in action.
### React Native
To run:
cd ./test/ReactNativeIconTest/
npm install
react-native run-ios
# OR react-native run-android
### Cordova
To run:
cd ./test/CordovaApp/
npm install
cordova run ios
# OR cordova run android
### Native
To run the native apps, open the `./test/NativeApp` directory, then open the iOS/Android projects in XCode/AndroidStudio as needed.
## Troubleshooting
**Images labelled with `app-icon label` have the text slightly vertically offset**
This seems to be an issue with Imagemagick 6 - try upgrading to 7.
## License
| 29.404624 | 528 | 0.733635 | eng_Latn | 0.942975 |
d9c715ac04ce0a8725cb93c614675046179f6500 | 834 | md | Markdown | docs/extend/reference/client/api/TFS/VersionControl/Contracts/GitVersionDescriptor.md | SvenPam/vsts-docs | 03823868c482773da677b6ea9eda1076540b60f8 | [
] | 2 | 2019-06-21T23:57:33.000Z | 2019-06-21T23:57:37.000Z | docs/extend/reference/client/api/TFS/VersionControl/Contracts/GitVersionDescriptor.md | SvenPam/vsts-docs | 03823868c482773da677b6ea9eda1076540b60f8 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/extend/reference/client/api/TFS/VersionControl/Contracts/GitVersionDescriptor.md | SvenPam/vsts-docs | 03823868c482773da677b6ea9eda1076540b60f8 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: TFS/VersionControl/Contracts GitVersionDescriptor API | Extensions for Azure DevOps Services
ms.assetid: 939b061b-f663-d236-e528-26c44c294558
ms.prod: devops
ms.technology: devops-ecosystem
generated: true
ms.manager: jillfra
author: elbatk
ms.topic: article
ms.author: elbatk
ms.date: 08/04/2016
# GitVersionDescriptor
Module path: `TFS/VersionControl/Contracts`
### Members
* `version`: string. Version string identifier (name of tag/branch/index, SHA1 of commit)
* `versionOptions`: [GitVersionOptions](../../../TFS/VersionControl/Contracts/GitVersionOptions.md). Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
* `versionType`: [GitVersionType](../../../TFS/VersionControl/Contracts/GitVersionType.md). Version type (branch, tag, commit, or index). Determines how ID is interpreted
| 30.888889 | 173 | 0.770983 | kor_Hang | 0.278785 |
d9c7f4c19165ba9c1804d75168b7402c88b50010 | 3,087 | md | Markdown | docs/cas-server-documentation/configuration/Configuration-Spring-Expressions.md | doddi/cas | e57e32c2cfe2b0fef65ffac3987d5dc5385a5493 | [
] | 8,772 | 2016-05-08T04:44:50.000Z | 2022-03-31T06:02:13.000Z | docs/cas-server-documentation/configuration/Configuration-Spring-Expressions.md | doddi/cas | e57e32c2cfe2b0fef65ffac3987d5dc5385a5493 | [
] | 2,911 | 2016-05-07T23:07:52.000Z | 2022-03-31T15:09:08.000Z | docs/cas-server-documentation/configuration/Configuration-Spring-Expressions.md | doddi/cas | e57e32c2cfe2b0fef65ffac3987d5dc5385a5493 | [
] | 3,675 | 2016-05-08T04:45:46.000Z | 2022-03-31T09:34:54.000Z | ---
layout: default
title: CAS - Spring Expressions
category: Installation
{% include variables.html %}
# Spring Expression Language
A number of components in CAS are able to take advantage of
the [Spring Expression Language](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#expressions) syntax
for their internal configuration. This is primarily useful when the component
wishes to have access to system variables, environment properties or in general requires a more dynamic or
programmatic strategy before it can be fully functional.
Expressions are expected to be encapsulated inside the `${...}` syntax. Predefined variables
are expected to be preceded with the `#` character. The following predefined variables are available:
| Variable | Description
| `systemProperties` | Map of system properties, loaded once typically on startup.
| `sysProps` | Same as above.
| `environmentVars` | Map of environment variables, loaded once typically on startup.
| `environmentVariables` | Same as above.
| `envVars` | Same as above.
| `env` | Same as above.
| `tempDir` | Path to the temp directory.
| `uuid` | Auto-generated `UUID` value.
| `randomNumber2` | 2-digit random number.
| `randomNumber4` | 4-digit random number.
| `randomNumber6` | 6-digit random number.
| `randomNumber8` | 8-digit random number.
| `randomString4` | 4-character random word.
| `randomString6` | 6-character random word.
| `randomString8` | 8-character random word.
| `localDateTime` | Current date/time using system's default zone id.
| `localDateTimeUtc` | Current date/time using `UTC`.
| `localDate` | Current date using system's default zone id.
| `localDateUtc` | Current date using `UTC`.
| `zonedDateTime` | Current zoned date using system's default zone id.
| `zonedDateTimeUtc` | Current zoned date using `UTC`.
| `localStartWorkDay` | Start of current work day at `8am`.
| `localEndWorkDay` | End of current work day at `5pm`.
| `localStartDay` | Start of current day.
| `localEndDay` | End of current day.
| `zoneId` | Default system's time zone id.
## Examples
- Assuming system property `tier` with a value of `production` is available, the configuration
value `file://${#systemProperties['tier']}/file.json` translates to `file://production/file.json`
- Assuming environment variable `tier` with a value of `qa` is available, the configuration
value `file://${#environmentVariables['tier']}/file.json` translates to `file://qa/file.json`
- Using `${#randomString6}` translates to a 6-character random word, such as `qemguz`.
- Using `${#randomNumber8}` translates to a 8-digit random number, such as `75915283`.
- Using `${T(java.util.Locale).GERMAN.getLanguage()}` translates into `de`.
| 53.224138 | 132 | 0.65792 | eng_Latn | 0.900471 |
d9c87d9c277b2ebc6f52640ad634c4ace8bae8fb | 13,864 | md | Markdown | docset/winserver2012-ps/activedirectory/Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership.md | pahuijbr/windows-powershell-docs | 5c367612c6b744743237843ba867feac02964313 | [
] | 292 | 2017-03-21T07:51:46.000Z | 2022-03-29T17:01:09.000Z | docset/winserver2012-ps/activedirectory/Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership.md | edsonsbo04/windows-powershell-docs | 348e6fd7da6472e4d6b03eab587bae9970bc8e92 | [
] | 2,496 | 2017-03-02T21:37:40.000Z | 2022-03-31T16:49:37.000Z | docset/winserver2012-ps/activedirectory/Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership.md | edsonsbo04/windows-powershell-docs | 348e6fd7da6472e4d6b03eab587bae9970bc8e92 | [
] | 530 | 2017-02-21T19:10:56.000Z | 2022-03-26T17:13:01.000Z | ---
external help file: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll-Help.xml
Module Name: ActiveDirectory
online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/activedirectory/remove-adprincipalgroupmembership?view=windowsserver2012-ps&wt.mc_id=ps-gethelp
schema: 2.0.0
# Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership
Removes a member from one or more Active Directory groups.
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-Identity] <ADPrincipal> [-MemberOf] <ADGroup[]> [-Partition <String>] [-PassThru] [-Server <String>]
The Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership cmdlet removes a user, group, computer, service account, or any other account object from one or more Active Directory groups.
The Identity parameter specifies the user, group, or computer to remove.
You can identify the user, group, or computer by its distinguished name (DN), GUID, security identifier (SID) or SAM account name.
You can also specify a user, group, or computer object variable, such as $\<localGroupObject\>, or pass an object through the pipeline to the Identity parameter.
For example, you can use the Get-ADUser cmdlet to retrieve a user object and then pass the object through the pipeline to the Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership cmdlet.
Similarly, you can use Get-ADGroup or Get-ADComputer to get group, service account and computer objects to pass through the pipeline.
This cmdlet collects all of the user, computer, service account and group objects from the pipeline, and then removes these objects from the specified group by using one Active Directory operation.
The MemberOf parameter specifies the groups that you want to remove the member from.
You can identify a group by its distinguished name (DN), GUID, security identifier (SID) or Security Accounts Manager (SAM) account name.
You can also specify group object variable, such as $\<localGroupObject\>.
To specify more than one group, use a comma-separated list.
You cannot pass group objects through the pipeline to the MemberOf parameter.
To remove a member from groups that are passed through the pipeline, use the Remove-ADGroupMember cmdlet.
### -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
C:\PS>Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity "Wilson Pais" -MemberOf "Administrators"
Remove members from group
Do you want to remove all the specified member(s) from the specified group(s)?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
Remove the user 'Wilson Pais' from the administrators group.
### -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
C:\PS>get-aduser -server localhost:60000 -Identity "CN=GlenJohns,DC=AppNC" | remove-adprincipalgroupmembership -memberof "CN=AccessControl,DC=AppNC"
Retrieve the user with DistinguishedName 'CN=GlenJohns,DC=AppNC' and remove it from the group with the DistinguishedName 'CN=AccessControl,DC=AppNC' using the pipeline.
### -AuthType
Specifies the authentication method to use.
Possible values for this parameter include:
Negotiate or 0
Basic or 1
The default authentication method is Negotiate.
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection is required for the Basic authentication method.
The following example shows how to set this parameter to Basic.
-AuthType Basic
Type: ADAuthType
Parameter Sets: (All)
Accepted values: Negotiate, Basic
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.AuthType.Negotiate
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -Confirm
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: cf
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -Credential
Specifies the user account credentials to use to perform this task.
The default credentials are the credentials of the currently logged on user unless the cmdlet is run from an Active Directory PowerShell provider drive.
If the cmdlet is run from such a provider drive, the account associated with the drive is the default.
To specify this parameter, you can type a user name, such as "User1" or "Domain01\User01" or you can specify a PSCredential object.
If you specify a user name for this parameter, the cmdlet prompts for a password.
You can also create a PSCredential object by using a script or by using the Get-Credential cmdlet.
You can then set the Credential parameter to the PSCredential object The following example shows how to create credentials.
$AdminCredentials = Get-Credential "Domain01\User01"
The following shows how to set the Credential parameter to these credentials.
-Credential $AdminCredentials
If the acting credentials do not have directory-level permission to perform the task, Active Directory PowerShell returns a terminating error.
Type: PSCredential
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -Identity
Specifies an Active Directory principal object by providing one of the following property values.
The identifier in parentheses is the LDAP display name for the attribute.
Distinguished Name
Example: CN=SaraDavis,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com
GUID (objectGUID)
Example: 599c3d2e-f72d-4d20-8a88-030d99495f20
Security Identifier (objectSid)
Example: S-1-5-21-3165297888-301567370-576410423-1103
SAM Account Name (sAMAccountName)
Example: saradavis
The cmdlet searches the default naming context or partition to find the object.
If two or more objects are found, the cmdlet returns a non-terminating error.
This parameter can also get this object through the pipeline or you can set this parameter to an object instance.
Derived types, such as the following are also accepted:
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADComputer
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADServiceAccount
This example shows how to set the parameter to a distinguished name.
-Identity "CN=saradavis,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com"
This example shows how to set this parameter to a principal object instance named "principalInstance".
-Identity $principalInstance
Type: ADPrincipal
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -MemberOf
Specifies the Active Directory groups to add a user, computer, or group to as a member.
You can identify a group by providing one of the following values.
Note: The identifier in parentheses is the LDAP display name for the attribute.
Distinguished Name
Example: CN=saradavisreports,CN=europe,CN=users,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com
GUID (objectGUID)
Example: 599c3d2e-f72d-4d20-8a88-030d99495f20
Security Identifier (objectSid)
Example: S-1-5-21-3165297888-301567370-576410423-1103
Security Accounts Manager (SAM) Account Name (sAMAccountName)
Example: saradavisreports
If you are specifying more than one group, use commas to separate the groups in the list.
The following example shows how to specify this parameter by using SAM account name values.
-MemberOf "SaraDavisGroup", "JohnSmithGroup"
Type: ADGroup[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -Partition
Specifies the distinguished name of an Active Directory partition.
The distinguished name must be one of the naming contexts on the current directory server.
The cmdlet searches this partition to find the object defined by the Identity parameter.
The following two examples show how to specify a value for this parameter.
-Partition "CN=Configuration,DC=EUROPE,DC=TEST,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM"
-Partition "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=EUROPE,DC=TEST,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM"
In many cases, a default value will be used for the Partition parameter if no value is specified.
The rules for determining the default value are given below.
Note that rules listed first are evaluated first and once a default value can be determined, no further rules will be evaluated.
In AD DS environments, a default value for Partition will be set in the following cases: - If the Identity parameter is set to a distinguished name, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from this distinguished name.
- If running cmdlets from an Active Directory provider drive, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from the current path in the drive.
- If none of the previous cases apply, the default value of Partition will be set to the default partition or naming context of the target domain.
In AD LDS environments, a default value for Partition will be set in the following cases:
- If the Identity parameter is set to a distinguished name, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from this distinguished name.
- If running cmdlets from an Active Directory provider drive, the default value of Partition is automatically generated from the current path in the drive.
- If the target AD LDS instance has a default naming context, the default value of Partition will be set to the default naming context. To specify a default naming context for an AD LDS environment, set the msDS-defaultNamingContext property of the Active Directory directory service agent (DSA) object (nTDSDSA) for the AD LDS instance.
- If none of the previous cases apply, the Partition parameter will not take any default value.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -PassThru
Returns the new or modified object.
By default (i.e.
if -PassThru is not specified), this cmdlet does not generate any output.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -Server
Specifies the Active Directory Domain Services instance to connect to, by providing one of the following values for a corresponding domain name or directory server.
The service may be any of the following: Active Directory Lightweight Domain Services, Active Directory Domain Services or Active Directory Snapshot instance.
Domain name values:
Fully qualified domain name
Examples: corp.contoso.com
NetBIOS name
Example: CORP
Directory server values:
Fully qualified directory server name
Example: corp-DC12.corp.contoso.com
NetBIOS name
Example: corp-DC12
Fully qualified directory server name and port
Example: corp-DC12.corp.contoso.com:3268
The default value for the Server parameter is determined by one of the following methods in the order that they are listed:
-By using Server value from objects passed through the pipeline.
-By using the server information associated with the Active Directory PowerShell provider drive, when running under that drive.
-By using the domain of the computer running Powershell.
The following example shows how to specify a full qualified domain name as the parameter value.
-Server "corp.contoso.com"
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -WhatIf
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs.
The cmdlet is not run.
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: wi
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
### CommonParameters
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
### None or Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPrincipal
A principal object that represents user, computer, or group is received by the Identity parameter.
Derived types, such as the following are also received by this parameter.
### None or Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPrincipal
Returns a principal object that represents the modified user, computer or group object when the PassThru parameter is specified.
By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
* This cmdlet does not work with an Active Directory Snapshot.
This cmdlet does not work with a read-only domain controller.
By default, this cmdlet has the -Confirm parameter set, which prompts you to confirm before a removal of the specified object type can occur.
To bypass prompting for confirmation before removal, you can specify -Confirm:$false when using this cmdlet.
| 33.814634 | 338 | 0.787002 | eng_Latn | 0.989367 |
d9c89bf28709468604ec5bcad21ebaea45c8eb7c | 7,955 | md | Markdown | includes/iot-azure-and-iot.md | wreyesus/azure-content-eses-articles-app-service-web-app-service-web-staged-publishing-realworld-scenarios.md | addd81caca263120e230109b811593b939994ebb | [
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] | null | null | null | includes/iot-azure-and-iot.md | wreyesus/azure-content-eses-articles-app-service-web-app-service-web-staged-publishing-realworld-scenarios.md | addd81caca263120e230109b811593b939994ebb | [
] | null | null | null | # Azure y el Internet de las cosas
Bienvenido a Microsoft Azure e Internet de las cosas (IoT). En este artículo se presenta la arquitectura de una solución de IoT que describe las características comunes de una solución de IoT que se podría implementar mediante los servicios de Azure. Una solución de IoT requiere una comunicación segura y bidireccional entre dispositivos (que pueden ascender a millones) y un back-end de soluciones que, por ejemplo, utilice el análisis predictivo y automatizado para obtener información útil de la secuencia de eventos de su dispositivo a la nube.
El Centro de IoT de Azure es un componente fundamental cuando se implementa esta arquitectura de solución de IoT mediante los servicios de Azure. El Conjunto de aplicaciones de IoT proporciona implementaciones completas, de un extremo a otro, de esta arquitectura para escenarios específicos de IoT. Por ejemplo, la solución *supervisión remota* le permite supervisar el estado de dispositivos como las máquinas expendedoras y *mantenimiento predictivo* le ayuda a anticiparse a las necesidades de mantenimiento de dispositivos como las bombas de centros de bombeo remotos y a evitar el tiempo de inactividad no programado.
## Arquitectura de solución IoT
El diagrama siguiente muestra la arquitectura típica de una solución de IoT. Tenga en cuenta que dicha arquitectura no incluye los nombres de ningún servicio de Azure específico, pero describe los elementos claves de la arquitectura de una solución de IoT genérica. En esta arquitectura, los dispositivos de IoT recopilan datos que luego envían a una puerta de enlace en la nube. La puerta de enlace en la nube hace que los datos estén disponibles para su procesamiento por otros servicios de back-end desde donde se entregarán a otras aplicaciones de línea de negocio o a operadores humanos mediante un panel u otro dispositivo de presentación.
![Arquitectura de solución IoT][img-solution-architecture]
> [AZURE.NOTE] Para ver un análisis detallado de la arquitectura de IoT, consulte [Microsoft Azure IoT Reference Architecture (Arquitectura de referencia de IoT de Microsoft Azure)][lnk-refarch].
### Conectividad de dispositivos
En esta arquitectura de solución de IoT, los dispositivos envían telemetría (como lecturas de sensor de un centro de bombeo) a un punto de conexión de la nube para su almacenamiento y procesamiento. En un escenario de mantenimiento predictivo, el back-end podría usar la transmisión de datos del sensor para determinar el momento en que una bomba determinada necesita mantenimiento. Los dispositivos también pueden recibir y responder a los comandos de nube a dispositivo mediante la lectura de mensajes desde un extremo de la nube. Por ejemplo, en el escenario de mantenimiento predictivo, el back-end de soluciones podría enviar comandos a otras bombas del centro de bombeo para empezar a redirigir flujos justo antes del inicio del mantenimiento a fin de asegurarse de que el ingeniero de mantenimiento pudiera empezar tan pronto como llegara.
Uno de los mayores desafíos de los proyectos de IoT consiste en conectar dispositivos al back-end de soluciones de manera segura y fiable para permitir que el dispositivo envíe telemetría y reciba comandos. Los dispositivos de IoT tienen características diferentes de otros clientes, como los exploradores y las aplicaciones móviles. Dispositivos IoT:
- A menudo son sistemas insertados sin operador humano.
- Se pueden implementar en ubicaciones remotas, donde el acceso físico resulta muy costoso.
- Es posible que solo sean accesibles a través del back-end de soluciones. No hay ninguna otra manera de interactuar con el dispositivo.
- Es posible que tengan limitaciones de recursos de procesamiento y alimentación.
- Es posible que tengan conectividad de red intermitente, lenta o costosa.
- Es posible que necesiten usar protocolos de aplicación propios, personalizados o específicos de determinados sectores.
- Pueden crearse mediante un amplio conjunto de plataformas populares de hardware y software.
Además de los requisitos anteriores, toda solución de IoT debe ser capaz de ofrecer escalabilidad, seguridad y fiabilidad. Esto da lugar a un conjunto de requisitos de conectividad cuya implementación resulta compleja y lenta si se realiza con tecnologías tradicionales como, por ejemplo, los contenedores web y los agentes de mensajería. El Centro de IoT de Azure y los SDK de dispositivos IoT facilitan la implementación de soluciones que cumplen estos requisitos.
Un dispositivo puede comunicarse directamente con un punto de conexión de puerta de enlace de nube, o si no puede usar ninguno de los protocolos de comunicaciones que admite la puerta de enlace de nube, puede establecer conexión a través de una puerta de enlace intermedia, como la [puerta de enlace de protocolo del Centro de IoT][lnk-protocol-gateway], que realiza la traducción de protocolos. Por ejemplo, desde el Protocolo industrial común (CIP, Common Industrial Protocol) a AMQPS.
### Procesamiento de datos y análisis
En la nube, un back-end de soluciones de IoT es el lugar en que se produce la mayor parte del procesamiento de datos en la solución, concretamente, el filtrado y la incorporación de telemetría y su enrutamiento a otros servicios. El back-end de soluciones de IoT:
- Recibe la telemetría a escala de los dispositivos y determina cómo procesar y almacenar esos datos.
- Puede permitirle enviar comandos desde la nube a dispositivos específicos.
- Proporciona funcionalidades de registro de dispositivos que le permiten aprovisionar dispositivos y controlar qué dispositivos pueden conectarse a la infraestructura.
- Le permite realizar un seguimiento del estado de los dispositivos y supervisar sus actividades.
En el escenario de mantenimiento predictivo, el back-end de soluciones almacena los datos de telemetría históricos para identificar patrones y analiza la telemetría a medida que llega para detectar los patrones que indican la necesidad de mantenimiento en una bomba determinada.
Las soluciones de IoT pueden incluir bucles de comentarios automáticos. Por ejemplo, un módulo de análisis en el back-end puede identificar a partir de la telemetría que la temperatura de un dispositivo específico está por encima de los niveles de funcionamiento normales y enviar un comando al dispositivo indicándole que tome una medida correctora.
### Presentación y conectividad empresarial
El nivel de presentación y conectividad empresarial permite a los usuarios finales interactuar con la solución de IoT y con los dispositivos. Permite a los usuarios ver y analizar los datos recopilados desde sus dispositivos. Estas vistas pueden adoptar la forma de paneles o informes de BI que pueden mostrar tanto datos históricos como datos prácticamente en tiempo real. Por ejemplo, un operador puede comprobar el estado de un centro de bombeo determinado y ver las alertas generadas por el sistema. Este nivel también permite la integración del back-end de soluciones de IoT con las aplicaciones de línea de negocio existentes para conectarse con los procesos empresariales o flujos de trabajo. Por ejemplo, la solución de mantenimiento predictivo puede integrarse con un sistema de programación que reserve a un ingeniero para visitar un centro de bombeo siempre que la solución identifique una bomba que necesita mantenimiento.
![Panel de soluciones de IoT][img-dashboard]
[img-solution-architecture]: ./media/iot-azure-and-iot/iot-reference-architecture.png
[img-dashboard]: ./media/iot-azure-and-iot/iot-suite.png
[lnk-machinelearning]: http://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/services/machine-learning/
[Azure IoT Suite]: http://azure.microsoft.com/solutions/iot
[lnk-protocol-gateway]: ../articles/iot-hub/iot-hub-protocol-gateway.md
[lnk-refarch]: http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/4/D/A4DAD253-BC21-41D3-B9D9-87D2AE6F0719/Microsoft_Azure_IoT_Reference_Architecture.pdf
<!---HONumber=AcomDC_0601_2016--> | 132.583333 | 934 | 0.820993 | spa_Latn | 0.995029 |
d9c8b8b7e8abc76710b4fcd8502e0b4b17efff3b | 5,058 | md | Markdown | desktop-src/TermServ/imsrdpclient-fullscreen.md | citelao/win32 | bf61803ccb0071d99eee158c7416b9270a83b3e4 | [
] | 4 | 2021-07-26T16:18:49.000Z | 2022-02-19T02:00:21.000Z | desktop-src/TermServ/imsrdpclient-fullscreen.md | citelao/win32 | bf61803ccb0071d99eee158c7416b9270a83b3e4 | [
] | 2 | 2020-04-09T17:00:51.000Z | 2020-04-09T18:30:01.000Z | desktop-src/TermServ/imsrdpclient-fullscreen.md | citelao/win32 | bf61803ccb0071d99eee158c7416b9270a83b3e4 | [
] | 2 | 2020-07-19T02:58:48.000Z | 2021-03-06T21:09:47.000Z | ---
title: IMsRdpClient FullScreen property
description: Determines whether the client control is in full-screen mode.
ms.assetid: 64fe2835-c00e-4d21-812d-dcf160147d93
ms.tgt_platform: multiple
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient interface
- IMsRdpClient interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient2 interface
- IMsRdpClient2 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient3 interface
- IMsRdpClient3 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient4 interface
- IMsRdpClient4 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient5 interface
- IMsRdpClient5 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient6 interface
- IMsRdpClient6 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient7 interface
- IMsRdpClient7 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient8 interface
- IMsRdpClient8 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient9 interface
- IMsRdpClient9 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- FullScreen property Remote Desktop Services , IMsRdpClient10 interface
- IMsRdpClient10 interface Remote Desktop Services , FullScreen property
- apiref
- IMsRdpClient.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient2.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient2.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient2.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient3.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient3.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient3.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient4.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient4.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient4.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient5.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient5.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient5.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient6.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient6.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient6.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient7.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient7.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient7.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient8.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient8.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient8.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient9.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient9.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient9.put_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient10.FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient10.get_FullScreen
- IMsRdpClient10.put_FullScreen
- MsTscAx.dll
ms.topic: reference
ms.date: 05/31/2018
# IMsRdpClient::FullScreen property
Determines whether the client control is in full-screen mode.
This property is read/write.
## Syntax
HRESULT put_FullScreen(
[in] VARIANT_BOOL fFullScreen
HRESULT get_FullScreen(
[out] VARIANT_BOOL *pfFullScreen
## Property value
**True** to enter full-screen mode, **False** to leave full-screen mode and return to window mode.
## Error codes
If the methods succeed, **S\_OK** is returned. Any other **HRESULT** value indicates that the call failed.
## Remarks
You can set this property when the control is connected.
You must call the [**IMsRdpClientNonScriptable3::put\_ConnectionBarText**](imsrdpclientnonscriptable3-connectionbartext.md) method before you call the [**IMsTscSecuredSettings::put\_Fullscreen**](imstscsecuredsettings-fullscreen.md) method or the **IMsRdpClient::put\_Fullscreen** method.
For more information about Remote Desktop Web Connection, see [Requirements for Remote Desktop Web Connection](requirements-for-remote-desktop-web-connection.md).
## Requirements
| | |
| Minimum supported client<br/> | Windows Vista<br/> |
| Minimum supported server<br/> | Windows Server 2008<br/> |
| Type library<br/> | <dl> <dt>MsTscAx.dll</dt> </dl> |
| DLL<br/> | <dl> <dt>MsTscAx.dll</dt> </dl> |
| IID<br/> | IID\_IMsRdpClient is defined as 92b4a539-7115-4b7c-a5a9-e5d9efc2780a<br/> |
## See also
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| 31.222222 | 288 | 0.720443 | eng_Latn | 0.253251 |
d9c8ec99a483e81b34b358f40b61b741e90765cd | 3,539 | md | Markdown | api/Access.ComboBox.ControlType.md | machi67/VBA-Docs | e9a4fecb78afd3f05a6b99a8d4ec977156856bca | [
] | null | null | null | api/Access.ComboBox.ControlType.md | machi67/VBA-Docs | e9a4fecb78afd3f05a6b99a8d4ec977156856bca | [
] | null | null | null | api/Access.ComboBox.ControlType.md | machi67/VBA-Docs | e9a4fecb78afd3f05a6b99a8d4ec977156856bca | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: ComboBox.ControlType property (Access)
keywords: vbaac10.chm11373
- vbaac10.chm11373
ms.prod: access
- Access.ComboBox.ControlType
ms.assetid: 2826c41c-ef98-f474-10d2-3b181daf041d
ms.date: 02/21/2019
ms.localizationpriority: medium
# ComboBox.ControlType property (Access)
Use the **ControlType** property in Visual Basic to determine the type of control on a form or report. Read/write **Byte**.
## Syntax
_expression_ A variable that represents a **[ComboBox](Access.ComboBox.md)** object.
## Remarks
The **ControlType** property setting is an intrinsic constant that specifies the control type. For a complete list of controls created by the **[CreateControl](Access.Application.CreateControl.md)** and **[CreateReportControl](access.application.createreportcontrol.md)** methods, see the **[AcControlType](access.accontroltype.md)** enumeration.
The **ControlType** property can only be set by using Visual Basic in form Design view or report Design view, but it can be read in all views.
The **ControlType** property is useful not only for checking for a specific control type in code, but also for changing the type of control to another type. For example, you can change a text box to a combo box by setting the **ControlType** property for the text box to **acComboBox** while in form Design view.
Use the **ControlType** property to change characteristics of similar controls on a form according to certain conditions. For example, if you don't want users to edit existing data in text boxes, you can set the **SpecialEffect** property for all text boxes to Flat and set the form's **AllowEdits** property to No. (The **SpecialEffect** property doesn't affect whether data can be edited; it's used here to provide a visual cue that the control behavior has changed.)
The **ControlType** property is also used to specify the type of control to create when you are using the **CreateControl** method.
## Example
The following example examines the **ControlType** property for all controls on a form. For each label and text box control, the procedure toggles the **SpecialEffect** property for those controls.
When the **SpecialEffect** property of the label control is set to Shadowed, and the **SpecialEffect** property of the text box control is set to Normal, and the **AllowAdditions**, **AllowDeletions**, and **AllowEdits** properties are all set to **True**, the `intCanEdit` variable is toggled to allow editing of the underlying data.
Sub ToggleControl(frm As Form)
Dim ctl As Control
Dim intI As Integer, intCanEdit As Integer
Const conTransparent = 0
Const conWhite = 16777215
For Each ctl in frm.Controls
With ctl
Select Case .ControlType
Case acLabel
If .SpecialEffect = acEffectShadow Then
.SpecialEffect = acEffectNormal
.BorderStyle = conTransparent
intCanEdit = True
.SpecialEffect = acEffectShadow
intCanEdit = False
End If
Case acTextBox
If .SpecialEffect = acEffectNormal Then
.SpecialEffect = acEffectSunken
.BackColor = conWhite
.SpecialEffect = acEffectNormal
.BackColor = frm.Detail.BackColor
End If
End Select
End With
Next ctl
If intCanEdit = IFalse Then
With frm
.AllowAdditions = False
.AllowDeletions = False
.AllowEdits = False
End With
With frm
.AllowAdditions = True
.AllowDeletions = True
.AllowEdits = True
End With
End If
End Sub
[!include[Support and feedback](~/includes/feedback-boilerplate.md)] | 37.252632 | 469 | 0.759819 | eng_Latn | 0.970196 |
d9c90e2e79e16e389cedd7ff0de3d1a471e12f03 | 4,345 | md | Markdown | articles/finance/fixed-assets/consumption-depreciation.md | saurabhsurana/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | f59df61799915f6a79aec7e3e8664c02df6597da | [
] | null | null | null | articles/finance/fixed-assets/consumption-depreciation.md | saurabhsurana/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | f59df61799915f6a79aec7e3e8664c02df6597da | [
] | null | null | null | articles/finance/fixed-assets/consumption-depreciation.md | saurabhsurana/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | f59df61799915f6a79aec7e3e8664c02df6597da | [
] | 1 | 2021-01-28T06:03:43.000Z | 2021-01-28T06:03:43.000Z | ---
# required metadata
title: Consumption depreciation
description: This article gives an overview of the Consumption method of depreciation.
author: ShylaThompson
manager: AnnBe
ms.date: 06/20/2017
ms.topic: article
ms.service: dynamics-ax-applications
# optional metadata
ms.search.form: AssetDepreciationProfile
audience: Application User
# ms.devlang:
ms.reviewer: roschlom
# ms.tgt_pltfrm:
ms.custom: 13751
ms.assetid: d25a681f-49a5-4bfc-aa76-1c6373e35dd8
ms.search.region: Global
# ms.search.industry:
ms.author: saraschi
ms.search.validFrom: 2016-02-28
ms.dyn365.ops.version: AX 7.0.0
# Consumption depreciation
[!include [banner](../includes/banner.md)]
This article gives an overview of the Consumption method of depreciation.
If you set up a depreciation profile for fixed assets and select **Consumption** in the **Method** field on the **Depreciation profiles** page, fixed assets are assigned to the depreciation profile based on their usage. You don't have to set up percentages and intervals on the **Depreciation profiles** page. After you create a depreciation profile that uses the Consumption method, you can set up the method in various ways.
## Set up and use consumption depreciation
1. On the **Depreciation profiles** page, create the depreciation profile. For consumption calculations, the depreciation profile must have an ID and a name, and **Consumption** must be selected in the **Method** field.
2. On the **Consumption factors** page, set up consumption factors. Each consumption factor must have an ID and a name, and a consumption factor that is specified as either a quantity or a percentage.
3. On the **Consumption units** page, set up consumption units. Each consumption unit must have an ID and a name. Depreciation units are used to calculate consumption depreciation on the **Consumption depreciation** page. Examples of units are kilometer (km), kilogram (kg), and hour.
4. On the **Fixed assets** page, set up individual fixed assets. For each fixed asset, select value models and depreciation books that have depreciation profiles. You must set up value models or depreciation books for consumption depreciation if any of your fixed assets use depreciation profiles that are based on the Consumption method. This setup is done either on the **Depreciation** tab of the **Value models** page or on the **General** FastTab of the **Depreciation profile** page. You can use the same value model for multiple fixed assets. Depreciation profiles are part of the value model or depreciation book that you select for each fixed asset. You can't add or modify depreciation profiles directly on the **Fixed assets** page. You can modify depreciation profiles only on the **Depreciation books** page.
5. On the **Value models** page or the **Depreciation books** page, in the **Consumption depreciation** field group, enter information in the following fields:
- Consumption factor
- Unit
- Unit depreciation
- Estimated consumption
The **Posted consumption** field shows the consumption depreciation, in units, that has already been posted either for the combination of the fixed asset and value model, or for the depreciation book. You can't manually update the value in this field.
## Examples
### Example 1
The following consumption factor is set up for January 31:
- The quantity is 1,000.
- The unit depreciation price that is specified for the fixed asset is 1.5.
The depreciation proposal on January 31 is as follows: Quantity × Unit depreciation 1,000 × 1.5 = 1,500 If the factor that is specified for the fixed asset is a percentage factor, the quantity that is estimated in the **Estimated consumption** field for the value model of the fixed asset is multiplied by the percentage that is set up for the selected end date. The resulting quantity is then suggested as the depreciation quantity for the period.
### Example 2
The following factor for consumption depreciation is set up for January 31:
- The percentage is 10 percent.
- The unit depreciation price that is specified for the fixed asset is 1.5.
- The estimated quantity of the fixed asset is 2,000.
The depreciation proposal on January 31 is as follows: Estimated quantity × Percentage × Unit depreciation 2,000 × .10 × 1.5 = 300
| 57.933333 | 822 | 0.772842 | eng_Latn | 0.998913 |
d9c9b15462aa2e2a7438b35023c01347bd567dad | 5,517 | md | Markdown | README.md | 2018capstone/RememberMe | 1b76ac6c6ac4928ded561b02618eeb99a482f00f | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | 2018capstone/RememberMe | 1b76ac6c6ac4928ded561b02618eeb99a482f00f | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | 2018capstone/RememberMe | 1b76ac6c6ac4928ded561b02618eeb99a482f00f | [
] | null | null | null | # 1. RememberMe

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일단은 사용자의 정보를 저장하기 위해 데이터베이스와 서버가 필요했습니다. 하지만 크롭 익스텐션은 자체적으로 서버를 가질 수가 없어서 서버를 따로 만들고 그 서버와의 연결을 통해 ajax방식으로 데이터를 주고받습니다. 따라서 '크롬익스텐션' + 'node.js + React.js + MongoDB'의 구조를 취하고 있습니다.
## 페이지는 어떻게 만들어지죠?
~~Vue.js프론트엔드를 사용하여 페이지를 제작합니다. 빌드를 통해 하나의 HTML파일로 만들고 그것을 크롬익스텐션이 불러와서 사용하는 방식으로 보여집니다.~~
였으나 Vue.js의 크롬 익스텐션에서의 활용이 상당히 복잡하고 여러가지 사항이 필요한 것으로 보여서 그냥 HTML과 Javascript를 통한 관리를 하기로 했습니다. 따라서 프론트엔드와 액션컨트롤이 더러워 질 것으로 예상됩니다.
## 웹 서비스도 되나요?
네, 현재 계획으론 웹 어플리케이션을 만들어서 본인의 계정 정보를 조회하거나 추가할 수 있도록 할 예정입니다. 그리고 모바일에서는 사용 불가능한 크롬 익스텐션의 특성상 만약 자신이 가입했던 계정정보를 핸드폰에서 조회하고 싶을 경우 웹에서 확인할 수 있도록 할 예정입니다. 웹은 따로 로그인이 필요하며 익스텐션과의 데이터베이스를 공유하므로 따로 계정을 생성할 필요는 없습니다.
웹 서비스는 익스텐션과 같은 Node.js서버와 MongoDB를 베이스로 하여 React.js웹 프레임 워크를 사용하여 Frontend를 구현합니다.
## 완벽한가요?
아닙니다. 개발자의 졸업 프로젝트를 기반으로 하는 만큼 공부해야 할 부분이 많이 남아있으며 구상과 달라질 가능성도 큽니다. 지금은 input테그에서 데이터를 불러와서 저장하는 방식으로 개발하고자 하지만 그게 불가능 하다면 사용자가 직접 데이터를 입력하여 저장하는 방식을 취하게 될 것 같습니다. 다만 사용자가 접속하는 페이지의 URL데이터를 가져와서 DB와 비교한 후 로그인 정보를 알려주는 방식은 그대로 일 것으로 생각합니다.
## 보안에 대하여
보안에 대한 한 이 프로그램에 대해서는 별로 할 말이 없습니다. 저는 보안관련 공부보다는 개발과 관련된 공부에 치중하였기 때문에 기본적인 몇가지를 제외하고는 취약하다고 할 수 있습니다.
1. 서버에서 클라이언트 혹은, 클라이언트에서 서버로 데이터를 넘길 때 암호화 해서 넘깁니다. 왜 그렇게 해야 하는가 하면, 웹에서 가장 취약한 타이밍이 통신의 사이에서 발생하기 때문입니다. 특히 https가 아닌 http를 사용하는 이 프로그램의 서버를 생각하면 꼭 필요한 작업입니다.
2. 데이터베이스에 암호화 한 자료를 저장합니다. 이 역시 가장 기본적인 방법입니다. 개발자, 혹은 다른 공격자로부터 데이터를 보호합니다. 이 암호화가 절대로 뚫리지 않는다고는 장담할 수 없지만 속도를 늦추는 것은 가능합니다.
## 방법제시
__04/02 월요일:__ input테그에 값을 자동으로 입력하는 것이 문제가 된다. 왜냐하면 각 input테그마다 name과 id등 설정이 개발자에 따라서 다르기 때문이다. 하지만 만약 로그인 정보를 저장할 때 input테그의 정보까지 같이 저장해서 불러올 때 사용할 수 있다면 어떨까? 예를들어 name필드의 값을 계정정보와 같이 저장하여 사용한다면? 시도해볼 가치가 있어보인다.
__04/03 화요일:__ url에서 특정 도메인 이름만 빼오는 함수이다.
function myFunction(string) {
var str = string;
var res = str.split("/");
if(res[0] == "https:" || res[0] == "http:") {
res.splice(0, 2);
res.splice(1, 100);
else {
res.splice(1, 100);
var laststring = res[0].split(".");
if(laststring.length > 2) {
laststring.splice(0, 1);
return laststring[0];
__04/05 목요일:__ 1안. focus된 input테그에 값을 넣도록 하는 것은 어떤가 하는 의견을 교수님으로부터 받았다. autofocus가 아니면 자동으로 값이 들어갈지 시도해볼 필요가 있다. 2안. 대부분의 POST요청은 form으로 구성된 input을 통해 발생한다. 그렇다면 form테그를 찾아서 그 자식테그인 input에 값을 넣도록 하면 어떨까 싶다.
__04/08 일요일:__ 위에서 얘기했던 form을 서치해서 input값을 넣는 시도가 성공했다. 물론 모든 로그인에 대해서 반응하는 건 아닌데, 특히 구글과 같은 순차적인 로그인 시도에 대해서는 반응하지 못한다. 비밀번호를 입력하는 부분은 가능하지만 이외의 다른 부분이 과연 이메일인지 ID인지 구분하기가 쉽지 않다.
## 현재 모습
### __초기모습__

### __04/03 화요일__

### __04/10 화요일__
<img src="https://github.com/ninanung/RememberMe/blob/master/gifs/2018-04-10.gif?raw=true" width="400px" height="400px" />
### __04/16 월요일__
같은 아이디와 비밀번호로 로그인이 가능하다. DB를 공유하고 있기 때문.
<img src="https://github.com/ninanung/RememberMe/blob/master/gifs/2018-04-16 17.18.51.gif?raw=true" width="400px" height="700px" />
### __05/17 수요일__
현재 데모버전이 완성되었고 테스트도 완료되었다. 기존에 예정했던 기능은 모두 실행 가능하다 아직 DB와 서버를 배포하지 않은 상태.
### __05/21 월요일__
DB와 서버가 배포되었다.
DB는 [mlab](https://mlab.com/welcome/)에서
서버는 [heroku](https://www.heroku.com)에서 배포하였다.
실제 웹사이트 주소는 [이곳](https://remembermeweb.herokuapp.com/)이다.
# 2. 프로젝트의 끝
프로젝트의 제작이 끝이 났다.
서버는 히로쿠를 이용하여 배포하였고, DB는 mLab을 통해 배포하였다. 둘다 어느정도의 접속과 데이터를 무료로 이용할 수 있는 유용한 서비스이다.
터놓고 얘기하자면, 이 프로젝트의 가장 큰 단점은 모든 페이지에서는 기동이 불가능 하다는 것이다. 더 자세한 얘기를 해보자
## 보안에 대하여
이 앱이 모든 사이트에서 구동하지 않는 이유는 보안 때문이다. 정확히는 다른 사이트들의 높은 보안수준 때문이다.
그들 웹 서비스들은 스크립트를 끼워넣는 것을 블락한다. 이 앱은 스크립트를 통해 기동하고 결국 기동이 불가능해 진다.
솔직히 나 스스로는 보안에 아주 무지하다. 기능을 만들고 틀을 만드는 것에는 그럭저럭 익숙해 졌지만 이 보안에 대해서는 큰 발전이 없다.
이 프로젝트가 나에게 알려준 바가 바로 그것이다. 너빼고 다 보안에 신경쓰고 있다는 것, 사실 스크립트에 대한 간섭은 지금까지 그렇게 신경쓰는 부분은 아니었다.
내가 기능적으로 구현할 수 있는 부분이기도 하기 때문에 그것이 보안에 큰 영향을 끼친다고 생각하지 않았다고 해야 할 것이다.
느낀바가 많다. 개발 외적으로 보안에 더 신경쓰는 것이 가능할 지 모르겠으나 공부를 시작하는 계기가 되었다고 생각한다.
## 사용된 것들
> Platform
>> 1. Node.js
>> 2. MongoDB
>> 3. React.js
>> 4. Chrome Extension
> Server Modules
>> 1. "bcrypt": "^1.0.3"
>> 2. "body-parser": "^1.18.2"
>> 3. "express": "^4.16.2"
>> 4. "mongoose": "^5.0.2"
> Frontend Modules
>> 1. "axios": "^0.18.0"
>> 2. "react": "^16.2.0"
>> 3. "react-dom": "^16.2.0"
>> 4. "react-redux": "^5.0.7"
>> 5. "react-scripts": "1.1.1"
>> 6. "redux": "^3.7.2" | 42.767442 | 350 | 0.703281 | kor_Hang | 1.00001 |
d9cab7b4fc70d129b8006076c6757e1338a5c481 | 359 | md | Markdown | english/macgyver/cliff/rescued/rescued.md | bllarkin/create-your-own-adventure | 6fc97fa00c3c9d4a1f5f8b4533146cf13e01acc9 | [
] | 652 | 2015-01-02T02:12:21.000Z | 2022-03-29T18:40:26.000Z | english/macgyver/cliff/rescued/rescued.md | bllarkin/create-your-own-adventure | 6fc97fa00c3c9d4a1f5f8b4533146cf13e01acc9 | [
] | 6,903 | 2015-01-01T00:09:52.000Z | 2022-01-11T05:36:44.000Z | english/macgyver/cliff/rescued/rescued.md | bllarkin/create-your-own-adventure | 6fc97fa00c3c9d4a1f5f8b4533146cf13e01acc9 | [
] | 15,776 | 2015-01-01T02:59:42.000Z | 2022-03-27T21:26:09.000Z | You lose sight of her as you spin and hurtle head first towards the abyss.
All of a sudden you feel her catch you by the ankle
and stop suddenly in the air. (She was always astoundingly strong.)
She brings you both back to the cliff,
where she drops you unceremoniously from a few good feet up
(you were a jerk after all).
Safe on solid ground again... | 39.888889 | 74 | 0.760446 | eng_Latn | 0.999985 |
d9cb417ed4e7bf84f80cf9575c698f8bc890e1e4 | 7,613 | md | Markdown | docs/2014/tools/sqlps-utility.md | in4matica/sql-docs.de-de | b5a6c26b66f347686c4943dc8307b3b1deedbe7e | [
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] | null | null | null | ---
title: sqlps-Hilfsprogramm | Microsoft-Dokumentation
ms.custom: ''
ms.date: 03/08/2017
ms.prod: sql-server-2014
ms.reviewer: ''
ms.technology: tools-other
ms.topic: conceptual
- sqlps utility
- PowerShell [SQL Server], sqlps utility
ms.assetid: 4b2515a6-12c3-44fb-b263-1c567681cd2b
author: stevestein
ms.author: sstein
manager: craigg
ms.openlocfilehash: 8ff96b99ee7982be89126e79687dbc8a2215f42f
ms.sourcegitcommit: b87d36c46b39af8b929ad94ec707dee8800950f5
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: de-DE
ms.lasthandoff: 02/08/2020
ms.locfileid: "72798138"
# <a name="sqlps-utility"></a>sqlps (Hilfsprogramm)
Das Hilfsprogramm `sqlps` startet eine Windows PowerShell 2.0-Sitzung mit geladenem und registriertem [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)]-PowerShell-Anbieter sowie geladenen und registrierten Cmdlets. Sie können PowerShell-Befehle oder -Skripts eingeben, die die [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] -PowerShell-Komponenten verwenden, sodass Instanzen von [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] und ihre Objekte verwendet werden können.
[!INCLUDE[ssNoteDepFutureAvoid](../includes/ssnotedepfutureavoid-md.md)] Verwenden Sie stattdessen das `sqlps`-PowerShell-Modul. Weitere Informationen zum- `sqlps` Modul finden Sie unter [Importieren des sqlps-Moduls](../database-engine/import-the-sqlps-module.md).
## <a name="syntax"></a>Syntax
[ [ [ -NoLogo ][ -NoExit ][ -NoProfile ]
[ -OutPutFormat { Text | XML } ] [ -InPutFormat { Text | XML } ]
[ -Command { -
| script_block [ -argsargument_array ]
| string [ command_parameters ]
[ -? | -Help ]
## <a name="arguments"></a>Argumente
Gibt an, dass beim Start des Hilfsprogramms `sqlps` die Copyrightinformationen ausgeblendet werden.
Gibt an, dass das Hilfsprogramm `sqlps` weiter ausgeführt wird, nachdem die Startbefehle abgeschlossen wurden.
Gibt an, dass das Hilfsprogramm `sqlps` kein Benutzerprofil lädt. In Benutzerprofilen werden häufig verwendete Aliase, Funktionen und Variablen zur Verwendung in mehreren PowerShell-Sitzungen aufgezeichnet.
**-OutPutFormat** { **Text** | **XML** }
Gibt an, `sqlps` dass die Ausgabe des Hilfsprogramms entweder als Text Zeichenfolgen (**Text**) oder in einem serialisierten CliXML-Format (**XML**) formatiert werden soll.
**-InPutFormat** { **Text** | **XML** }
Gibt an, dass die `sqlps` Eingabe in das Hilfsprogramm entweder als Text Zeichenfolgen (**Text**) oder in einem serialisierten CliXML-Format (**XML**) formatiert ist.
Gibt den Befehl an, der vom Hilfsprogramm `sqlps` ausgeführt werden soll. Das `sqlps` Hilfsprogramm führt den Befehl aus und wird dann beendet, es sei denn, **-NoExit** ist ebenfalls angegeben. Geben Sie nach **-Command**keine anderen Schalter an, denn diese werden als Befehlsparameter gelesen.
**-Command-** gibt an, `sqlps` dass das Hilfsprogramm die Eingabe aus der Standardeingabe gelesen hat.
*script_block* [ **-args**_argument_array_ ]
Gibt einen Block von PowerShell-Befehlen an, die ausgeführt werden sollen. Der Block muss in geschweifte Klammern ({}) eingeschlossen werden. *Script_block* können nur angegeben werden, wenn `sqlps` das Hilfsprogramm entweder von **PowerShell** oder einer `sqlps` anderen hilfsprogrammsitzung aufgerufen wird. *Argument_array* ist ein Array von PowerShell-Variablen, das die Argumente für die PowerShell-Befehle in *script_block*enthält.
*string* [ *command_parameters* ]
Gibt eine Zeichenfolge an, die die auszuführenden PowerShell-Befehle enthält. Verwenden Sie das Format **"&*`command`*{}"**. Die Anführungszeichen geben eine Zeichenfolge an, und der Aufruf Operator (&) `sqlps` bewirkt, dass das Hilfsprogramm den Befehl ausgeführt.
[ **-?** | **-Help** ]
Zeigt eine Syntaxzusammenfassung der Optionen des Hilfsprogramms `sqlps` an.
## <a name="remarks"></a>Bemerkungen
Das `sqlps` Hilfsprogramm startet die PowerShell-Umgebung (PowerShell. exe) und [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] lädt das PowerShell-Modul. Das Modul, das auch `sqlps`heißt, lädt und registriert [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] diese PowerShell-Snap-Ins:
- Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PSProvider.dll
Implementiert den [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] -PowerShell-Anbieter und zugeordnete Cmdlets, z. B. **Encode-SqlName** und **Decode-SqlName**.
- Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PSSnapin.dll
Implementiert die Cmdlets **Invoke-Sqlcmd** und **Invoke-PolicyEvaluation** .
Das Hilfsprogramm `sqlps` kann für die folgenden Tasks verwendet werden:
- Interaktives Ausführen von PowerShell-Befehlen
- Ausführen von PowerShell-Skriptdateien
- Ausführen von [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] -Cmdlets
- Verwenden Sie die [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] -Anbieterpfade, um durch die Hierarchie der [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] -Objekte zu navigieren.
Standardmäßig wird das `sqlps` -Hilfsprogramm mit der Skript Ausführungs Richtlinie auf **restricted**festgelegt. Dadurch wird die Ausführung von PowerShell-Skripts verhindert. Mit dem Cmdlet **Set-ExecutionPolicy** können Sie die Ausführung signierter Skripts oder beliebiger anderer Skripts ermöglichen. Führen Sie nur Skripts aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen aus, und sichern Sie alle Eingabe- und Ausgabedateien, indem Sie die geeigneten NTFS-Berechtigungen verwenden. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von PowerShell-Skripts finden Sie unter [Ausführen der Windows PowerShell-Skripts](https://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2513/powershell_enable_script_support/).
Die Version des Hilfsprogramms `sqlps` in [!INCLUDE[ssKatmai](../includes/sskatmai-md.md)] und [!INCLUDE[ssKilimanjaro](../includes/sskilimanjaro-md.md)] wurde als Windows PowerShell 1.0-Mini-Shell implementiert. Mini-Shells weisen bestimmte Einschränkungen auf; Benutzer können beispielsweise keine anderen als die von der Mini-Shell geladenen Snap-Ins laden. Diese Einschränkungen gelten nicht für die [!INCLUDE[ssSQL11](../includes/sssql11-md.md)]-Version und höhere Versionen des Hilfsprogramms, die dahingehend geändert wurden, dass sie das `sqlps`-Modul verwenden.
## <a name="examples"></a>Beispiele
### <a name="a-run-the-sqlps-utility-in-default-interactive-mode-without-the-copyright-banner"></a>A. Ausführen des Hilfsprogramms sqlps im interaktiven Standardmodus ohne Copyrightinformationen
sqlps -NoLogo
### <a name="b-run-a-sql-server-powershell-script-from-the-command-prompt"></a>B. Ausführen eines SQL Server PowerShell-Skripts von der Eingabeaufforderung
sqlps -Command "&{.\MyFolder.MyScript.ps1}"
### <a name="c-run-a-sql-server-powershell-script-from-the-command-prompt-and-keep-running-after-the-script-completes"></a>C. Ausführen eines SQL Server PowerShell-Skripts von der Eingabeaufforderung und weitere Ausführung nach Abschluss des Skripts
sqlps -NoExit -Command "&{.\MyFolder.MyScript.ps1}"
## <a name="see-also"></a>Weitere Informationen
[Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren eines Server-Netzwerk Protokolls](../database-engine/configure-windows/enable-or-disable-a-server-network-protocol.md)
[SQL Server-PowerShell](../powershell/sql-server-powershell.md)
| 60.420635 | 666 | 0.745304 | deu_Latn | 0.961028 |
d9cb71ddfd2e6d618d797857fdfd1d16053a4c12 | 28,907 | md | Markdown | articles/machine-learning/how-to-consume-web-service.md | mKenfenheuer/azure-docs.de-de | 54bb936ae8b933b69bfd2270990bd9f253a7f876 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/machine-learning/how-to-consume-web-service.md | mKenfenheuer/azure-docs.de-de | 54bb936ae8b933b69bfd2270990bd9f253a7f876 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/machine-learning/how-to-consume-web-service.md | mKenfenheuer/azure-docs.de-de | 54bb936ae8b933b69bfd2270990bd9f253a7f876 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Erstellen eines Clients für ein als Webdienst bereitgestelltes Modell
titleSuffix: Azure Machine Learning
description: Es wird beschrieben, wie ein Webdienst-Endpunkt aufgerufen werden kann, der bei der Bereitstellung eines Modells über Azure Machine Learning generiert wurde. Vom Endpunkt wird eine REST-API verfügbar gemacht, die Sie aufrufen können, um für das Modell einen Rückschlussvorgang durchzuführen. Erstellen Sie Clients für diese API mithilfe einer Programmiersprache Ihrer Wahl.
services: machine-learning
ms.service: machine-learning
ms.subservice: core
ms.author: aashishb
author: aashishb
ms.reviewer: larryfr
ms.date: 06/17/2020
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.custom: how-to, devx-track-python, devx-track-csharp
ms.openlocfilehash: 6aacc2778e02b96f31c633671da014ced30778fd
ms.sourcegitcommit: 6a4687b86b7aabaeb6aacdfa6c2a1229073254de
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: de-DE
ms.lasthandoff: 10/06/2020
ms.locfileid: "91756669"
# <a name="consume-an-azure-machine-learning-model-deployed-as-a-web-service"></a>Nutzen eines als Webdienst bereitgestellten Azure Machine Learning-Modells
Durch die Bereitstellung eines Azure Machine Learning-Modells als Webdienst wird ein REST-API-Endpunkt erstellt. Sie können Daten an diesen Endpunkt senden und die vom Modell zurückgegebene Vorhersage empfangen. In diesem Dokument erfahren Sie, wie Sie Clients für den Webdienst mithilfe von C#, Go, Java und Python erstellen.
Sie erstellen einen Webdienst, wenn Sie ein Modell in Ihrer lokalen Umgebung oder für Azure Container Instances, Azure Kubernetes Service oder Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) bereitstellen. Der URI für den Zugriff auf den Webdienst kann über das [Azure Machine Learning SDK](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/overview/azure/ml/intro?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true) abgerufen werden. Wenn die Authentifizierung aktiviert ist, können Sie das SDK auch zum Abrufen der Authentifizierungsschlüssel oder -token verwenden.
Dies ist der allgemeine Workflow zum Erstellen eines Clients, der einen Machine Learning-Webdienst verwendet:
1. Verwenden des SDK zum Abrufen der Verbindungsinformationen
1. Festlegen des Typs der vom Modell verwendeten Anforderungsdaten
1. Erstellen einer Anwendung, die den Webdienst aufruft
> [!TIP]
> Die Beispiele in diesem Dokument werden ohne Verwendung von OpenAPI-Spezifikationen (Swagger) manuell erstellt. Wenn Sie eine OpenAPI-Spezifikation für Ihre Bereitstellung aktiviert haben, können Sie mit Tools wie [swagger-codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) Clientbibliotheken für Ihren Dienst erstellen.
## <a name="connection-information"></a>Verbindungsinformationen
> [!NOTE]
> Verwenden Sie das Azure Machine Learning SDK zum Abrufen der Webdienstinformationen. Dies ist ein Python SDK. Sie können eine beliebige Sprache verwenden, um einen Client für den Dienst zu erstellen.
Die [azureml.core.Webservice](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.webservice%28class%29?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true)-Klasse stellt die erforderlichen Informationen zum Erstellen eines Clients bereit. Die folgenden `Webservice`-Eigenschaften sind hilfreich, wenn Sie eine Clientanwendung erstellen:
* `auth_enabled`: Wenn Schlüsselauthentifizierung aktiviert ist `True`, andernfalls `False`.
* `token_auth_enabled`: Wenn Tokenauthentifizierung aktiviert ist `True`, andernfalls `False`.
* `scoring_uri`: Die REST-API-Adresse.
* `swagger_uri`: Die Adresse der OpenAPI-Spezifikation. Dieser URI ist verfügbar, wenn Sie die automatische Schemagenerierung aktiviert haben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter [Bereitstellen von Modellen mit Azure Machine Learning](how-to-deploy-and-where.md).
Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten zum Abrufen dieser Informationen für bereitgestellte Webdienste:
* Wenn Sie ein Modell bereitstellen, wird ein `Webservice`-Objekt mit Informationen über den Dienst zurückgegeben:
service = Model.deploy(ws, "myservice", [model], inference_config, deployment_config)
service.wait_for_deployment(show_output = True)
* Mit `Webservice.list` können Sie eine Liste bereitgestellter Webdienste für Modelle in Ihrem Arbeitsbereich abrufen. Sie können Filter hinzufügen, um die Liste der zurückgegebenen Informationen einzugrenzen. Weitere Informationen zu den möglichen Filtern finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation [Webservice.list](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.webservice.webservice.webservice?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true).
services = Webservice.list(ws)
* Wenn Sie den Namen des bereitgestellten Diensts kennen, können Sie eine neue Instanz von `Webservice` erstellen und den Arbeitsbereich und den Dienstnamen als Parameter angeben. Dieses neue Objekt enthält Informationen über den bereitgestellten Dienst.
service = Webservice(workspace=ws, name='myservice')
### <a name="secured-web-service"></a>Geschützter Webdienst
Wenn Sie den bereitgestellten Webdienst mit einem TSL/SSL-Zertifikat geschützt haben, können Sie über [HTTPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS) eine Verbindung mit dem Dienst unter Verwendung des Bewertungs- oder Swagger-URIs herstellen. Mit HTTPS wird die Kommunikation zwischen einem Client und einem Webdienst geschützt, indem sie verschlüsselt wird. Die Verschlüsselung verwendet [Transport Layer Security (TLS)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security). In einigen Fällen wird TLS immer noch als *Secure Sockets Layer* (SSL) bezeichnet, der Vorgänger von TLS.
> Über Azure Machine Learning bereitgestellte Webdienste unterstützen nur TLS-Version 1.2. Stellen Sie beim Erstellen einer Clientanwendung sicher, dass diese Version unterstützt wird.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter [Verwenden von TLS zum Absichern eines Webdiensts mit Azure Machine Learning](how-to-secure-web-service.md).
### <a name="authentication-for-services"></a>Authentifizierung für Dienste
Azure Machine Learning bietet zwei Möglichkeiten zur Steuerung des Zugriffs auf Ihre Webdienste.
|Schlüssel|Standardmäßig deaktiviert| Standardmäßig aktiviert|
|Token| Nicht verfügbar.| Standardmäßig deaktiviert |
Verwenden Sie beim Senden einer Anforderung an einen Dienst, der mit einem Schlüssel oder Token gesichert ist, den __Authorization__-Header, um den Schlüssel oder das Token zu übergeben. Der Schlüssel oder das Token muss als `Bearer <key-or-token>` formatiert sein, wobei `<key-or-token>` der Schlüssel- oder Tokenwert ist.
Der primäre Unterschied zwischen Schlüsseln und Token besteht darin, dass **Schlüssel statisch sind und manuell neu generiert werden können** und **Token bei Ablauf aktualisiert werden müssen**. Die schlüsselbasierte Authentifizierung wird für Webdienste unterstützt, die über Azure Container Instances und Azure Kubernetes Service bereitgestellt werden. Die tokenbasierte Authentifizierung ist **nur** für Azure Kubernetes Service-Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Weitere Informationen sowie spezifische Codebeispiele finden Sie in der [Vorgehensweise](how-to-setup-authentication.md#web-service-authentication) zur Authentifizierung.
#### <a name="authentication-with-keys"></a>Authentifizierung mit Schlüsseln
Wenn Sie Authentifizierung für eine Bereitstellung aktivieren, werden automatisch Authentifizierungsschlüssel erstellt.
* Die Authentifizierung ist standardmäßig aktiviert, wenn die Bereitstellung in Azure Kubernetes Service erfolgt.
* Die Authentifizierung ist standardmäßig deaktiviert, wenn die Bereitstellung in Azure Container Instances erfolgt.
Um die Authentifizierung zu steuern, verwenden Sie den `auth_enabled`-Parameter beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren einer Bereitstellung.
Wenn die Authentifizierung aktiviert ist, können Sie mithilfe der Methode `get_keys` einen primären und einen sekundären Authentifizierungsschlüssel abrufen:
primary, secondary = service.get_keys()
> Wenn Sie einen Schlüssel erneut generieren müssen, verwenden Sie [`service.regen_key`](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.webservice%28class%29?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true).
#### <a name="authentication-with-tokens"></a>Authentifizierung mit Tokens
Wenn Sie die Tokenauthentifizierung für einen Webdienst aktivieren, muss ein Benutzer ein Azure Machine Learning JWT-Token für den Webdienst bereitstellen, um darauf zugreifen zu können.
* Die Tokenauthentifizierung ist standardmäßig deaktiviert, wenn die Bereitstellung in Azure Kubernetes Service erfolgt.
* Die Tokenauthentifizierung wird nicht unterstützt, wenn die Bereitstellung in Azure Container Instances erfolgt.
Um die Tokenauthentifizierung zu steuern, verwenden Sie beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren einer Bereitstellung den Parameter `token_auth_enabled`.
Wenn die Tokenauthentifizierung aktiviert ist, können Sie mithilfe der Methode `get_token` ein Bearertoken und dessen Ablaufzeit abrufen:
token, refresh_by = service.get_token()
Wenn Sie über die [Azure CLI und die Machine-Learning-Erweiterung](reference-azure-machine-learning-cli.md) verfügen, können Sie den folgenden Befehl zum Abrufen eines Tokens verwenden:
az ml service get-access-token -n <service-name>
> Aktuell besteht der einzige Weg, das Token abzurufen, darin, das Azure Machine Learning-SDK oder die Azure CLI-Machine-Learning-Erweiterung zu verwenden.
Nach Ablauf der für `refresh_by` festgelegten Zeit müssen Sie ein neues Token anfordern.
## <a name="request-data"></a>Anforderungsdaten
Die REST-API erwartet als Hauptteil der Anforderung ein JSON-Dokument mit der folgenden Struktur:
> Die Struktur der Daten muss dem entsprechen, was vom Bewertungsskript und vom Modell im Dienst erwartet wird. Die Daten können vor der Übergabe an das Modell vom Bewertungsskript geändert werden.
### <a name="binary-data"></a>Binärdaten
Informationen zum Aktivieren der Unterstützung für Binärdaten in Ihrem Dienst finden Sie unter [Binärdaten](how-to-deploy-advanced-entry-script.md#binary-data).
> [!TIP]
> Die Aktivierung der Unterstützung für Binärdaten erfolgt in der Datei „score.py“, die vom bereitgestellten Modell verwendet wird. Verwenden Sie über den Client die HTTP-Funktionalität Ihrer Programmiersprache. Mit dem folgenden Codeausschnitt wird der Inhalt einer JPG-Datei beispielsweise an einen Webdienst gesendet:
> ```python
> import requests
> # Load image data
> data = open('example.jpg', 'rb').read()
> # Post raw data to scoring URI
> res = request.post(url='<scoring-uri>', data=data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/> octet-stream'})
> ```
### <a name="cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors"></a>Ressourcenfreigabe zwischen verschiedenen Ursprüngen (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, CORS)
Informationen zum Aktivieren der CORS-Unterstützung in Ihrem Dienst finden Sie unter [Ressourcenfreigabe zwischen verschiedenen Ursprüngen](how-to-deploy-advanced-entry-script.md#cors) (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).
## <a name="call-the-service-c"></a>Aufrufen des Diensts (C#)
In diesem Beispiel wird die Verwendung von C# zum Aufrufen des Webdiensts veranschaulicht, der im Beispiel [Train within notebook](https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningNotebooks/blob/master/how-to-use-azureml/machine-learning-pipelines/intro-to-pipelines/notebook_runner/training_notebook.ipynb) erstellt wurde:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace MLWebServiceClient
// The data structure expected by the service
internal class InputData
// The service used by this example expects an array containing
// one or more arrays of doubles
internal double[,] data;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set the scoring URI and authentication key or token
string scoringUri = "<your web service URI>";
string authKey = "<your key or token>";
// Set the data to be sent to the service.
// In this case, we are sending two sets of data to be scored.
InputData payload = new InputData();
payload.data = new double[,] {
// Create the HTTP client
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Set the auth header. Only needed if the web service requires authentication.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authKey);
// Make the request
try {
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(scoringUri));
request.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload));
request.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
// Display the response from the web service
catch (Exception e)
Die zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse ähneln dem folgenden JSON-Dokument:
[217.67978776218715, 224.78937091757172]
## <a name="call-the-service-go"></a>Aufrufen des Diensts (Go)
In diesem Beispiel wird die Verwendung von Go zum Aufrufen des Webdiensts veranschaulicht, der im Beispiel [Train within notebook](https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningNotebooks/blob/master/how-to-use-azureml/training-with-deep-learning/how-to-use-estimator/notebook_example.ipynb) erstellt wurde:
package main
import (
// Features for this model are an array of decimal values
type Features []float64
// The web service input can accept multiple sets of values for scoring
type InputData struct {
Data []Features `json:"data",omitempty`
// Define some example data
var exampleData = []Features{
// Set to the URI for your service
var serviceUri string = "<your web service URI>"
// Set to the authentication key or token (if any) for your service
var authKey string = "<your key or token>"
func main() {
// Create the input data from example data
jsonData := InputData{
Data: exampleData,
// Create JSON from it and create the body for the HTTP request
jsonValue, _ := json.Marshal(jsonData)
body := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonValue)
// Create the HTTP request
client := &http.Client{}
request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", serviceUri, body)
request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// These next two are only needed if using an authentication key
bearer := fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %v", authKey)
request.Header.Add("Authorization", bearer)
// Send the request to the web service
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failure: ", err)
// Display the response received
respBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Die zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse ähneln dem folgenden JSON-Dokument:
[217.67978776218715, 224.78937091757172]
## <a name="call-the-service-java"></a>Aufrufen des Diensts (Java)
In diesem Beispiel wird die Verwendung von Java zum Aufrufen des Webdiensts veranschaulicht, der im Beispiel [Train within notebook](https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningNotebooks/blob/master/how-to-use-azureml/training-with-deep-learning/how-to-use-estimator/notebook_example.ipynb) erstellt wurde:
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.http.client.fluent.*;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
public class App {
// Handle making the request
public static void sendRequest(String data) {
// Replace with the scoring_uri of your service
String uri = "<your web service URI>";
// If using authentication, replace with the auth key or token
String key = "<your key or token>";
try {
// Create the request
Content content = Request.Post(uri)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Only needed if using authentication
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + key)
// Set the JSON data as the body
.bodyString(data, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)
// Make the request and display the response.
catch (IOException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the data to send to the service
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
// In this case, it's an array of arrays
JSONArray dataItems = new JSONArray();
// Inner array has 10 elements
JSONArray item1 = new JSONArray();
// Add the first set of data to be scored
// Create and add the second set
JSONArray item2 = new JSONArray();
obj.put("data", dataItems);
// Make the request using the JSON document string
Die zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse ähneln dem folgenden JSON-Dokument:
[217.67978776218715, 224.78937091757172]
## <a name="call-the-service-python"></a>Aufrufen des Diensts (Python)
In diesem Beispiel wird die Verwendung von Python zum Aufrufen des Webdiensts veranschaulicht, der im Beispiel [Train within notebook](https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningNotebooks/blob/master/how-to-use-azureml/training-with-deep-learning/how-to-use-estimator/notebook_example.ipynb) erstellt wurde:
import requests
import json
# URL for the web service
scoring_uri = '<your web service URI>'
# If the service is authenticated, set the key or token
key = '<your key or token>'
# Two sets of data to score, so we get two results back
data = {"data":
# Convert to JSON string
input_data = json.dumps(data)
# Set the content type
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
# If authentication is enabled, set the authorization header
headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {key}'
# Make the request and display the response
resp = requests.post(scoring_uri, input_data, headers=headers)
Die zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse ähneln dem folgenden JSON-Dokument:
[217.67978776218715, 224.78937091757172]
## <a name="web-service-schema-openapi-specification"></a>Webdienst Schema (OpenAPI-Spezifikation)
Wenn Sie automatische Schemagenerierung mit Ihrer Bereitstellung verwendet haben, können Sie die Adresse der OpenAPI-Spezifikation für den Dienst mithilfe der [swagger_uri](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.webservice.local.localwebservice?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true#&preserve-view=trueswagger-uri)-Eigenschaft abrufen. (Beispiel: `print(service.swagger_uri)`.) Verwenden Sie eine GET-Anforderung, oder öffnen Sie den URI in einem Browser, um die Spezifikation abzurufen.
Das folgende JSON-Dokument ist ein Beispiel für ein Schema (OpenAPI-Spezifikation), das für eine Bereitstellung generiert wurde:
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "myservice",
"description": "API specification for Azure Machine Learning myservice",
"version": "1.0"
"schemes": [
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"securityDefinitions": {
"Bearer": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"description": "For example: Bearer abc123"
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"operationId": "ServiceHealthCheck",
"description": "Simple health check endpoint to ensure the service is up at any given point.",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "If service is up and running, this response will be returned with the content 'Healthy'",
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"examples": {
"application/json": "Healthy"
"default": {
"description": "The service failed to execute due to an error.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
"/score": {
"post": {
"operationId": "RunMLService",
"description": "Run web service's model and get the prediction output",
"security": [
"Bearer": []
"parameters": [
"name": "serviceInputPayload",
"in": "body",
"description": "The input payload for executing the real-time machine learning service.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceInput"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "The service processed the input correctly and provided a result prediction, if applicable.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceOutput"
"default": {
"description": "The service failed to execute due to an error.",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
"definitions": {
"ServiceInput": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"data": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64"
"example": {
"data": [
[ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
"ServiceOutput": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "number",
"format": "double"
"example": [
"ErrorResponse": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"status_code": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"message": {
"type": "string"
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der [OpenAPI-Spezifikation](https://swagger.io/specification/).
Ein Hilfsprogramm, das Clientbibliotheken aus der Spezifikation erstellen kann, finden Sie unter [swagger-codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen).
> [!TIP]
> Sie können das JSON-Schemadokument abrufen, nachdem Sie den Dienst bereitgestellt haben. Verwenden Sie die [swagger_uri](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.webservice.local.localwebservice?view=azure-ml-py&preserve-view=true#&preserve-view=trueswagger-uri)-Eigenschaft des bereitgestellten Webdiensts (beispielsweise `service.swagger_uri`), um den URI für die Swagger-Datei des lokalen Webdiensts abzurufen.
## <a name="consume-the-service-from-power-bi"></a>Nutzen des Diensts aus Power BI
Power BI unterstützt die Nutzung von Azure Machine Learning-Webdiensten, um die Daten in Power BI um Vorhersagen zu erweitern.
Zum Generieren eines Webdiensts, der für die Nutzung in Power BI unterstützt wird, muss das Schema das für Power BI benötigte Format unterstützen. [Informieren Sie sich über die Erstellung eines von Power BI unterstützten Schemas](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/how-to-deploy-and-where#example-entry-script).
Nachdem der Webdienst bereitgestellt wurde, kann er über Power BI-Dataflows genutzt werden. [Informieren Sie sich über die Integration von Azure Machine Learning in Power BI (Vorschau)](https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/service-machine-learning-integration).
## <a name="next-steps"></a>Nächste Schritte
Eine Referenzarchitektur für die Echtzeitbewertung von Python und Deep Learning-Modellen finden Sie im [Azure Architecture Center](/azure/architecture/reference-architectures/ai/realtime-scoring-python).
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title: Puntuar nuevos datos (SQL y R profundización) | Documentos de Microsoft
ms.prod: sql
ms.technology: machine-learning
ms.date: 04/15/2018
ms.topic: tutorial
author: HeidiSteen
ms.author: heidist
manager: cgronlun
ms.openlocfilehash: 2de06b0159c432ac1d53d9e51bbdf0cd820efd7a
ms.sourcegitcommit: 7a6df3fd5bea9282ecdeffa94d13ea1da6def80a
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: es-ES
ms.lasthandoff: 04/16/2018
ms.locfileid: "31202337"
# <a name="score-new-data-sql-and-r-deep-dive"></a>Puntuar nuevos datos (SQL y R profundización)
Este artículo forma parte del tutorial exhaustiva de ciencia de datos, acerca de cómo usar [RevoScaleR](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/revoscaler) con SQL Server.
En este paso, se utiliza el modelo de regresión logística que creó anteriormente, para crear puntuaciones para otro conjunto de datos que usa las mismas variables independientes como entradas.
> [!NOTE]
> Se necesitan privilegios de administrador DDL para algunos de estos pasos.
## <a name="generate-and-save-scores"></a>Generar y guardar las puntuaciones
1. Actualizar el origen de datos que configuró anteriormente, `sqlScoreDS`, para agregar la información de columna necesaria.
sqlScoreDS <- RxSqlServerData(
connectionString = sqlConnString,
table = sqlScoreTable,
colInfo = ccColInfo,
rowsPerRead = sqlRowsPerRead)
2. Para asegurarse de que no perderá los resultados, cree un nuevo objeto de origen de datos. A continuación, utilice el nuevo objeto de origen de datos para rellenar una tabla nueva en la [!INCLUDE[ssNoVersion](../../includes/ssnoversion-md.md)] base de datos.
sqlServerOutDS <- RxSqlServerData(table = "ccScoreOutput",
connectionString = sqlConnString,
rowsPerRead = sqlRowsPerRead )
En este punto, la tabla no se ha creado. Esta instrucción solo define un contenedor para los datos.
3. Compruebe el contexto del proceso actual y establezca el contexto de proceso en el servidor si es necesario.
4. Antes de ejecutar la función de predicción que genera los resultados, debe comprobar que haya una tabla de salida. De lo contrario, obtendrá un error al intentar escribir la nueva tabla.
Para hacer esto, llame a las funciones **rxSqlServerTableExists** y **rxSqlServerDropTable**pasando el nombre de la tabla como entrada.
if (rxSqlServerTableExists("ccScoreOutput")) rxSqlServerDropTable("ccScoreOutput")
- La función **rxSqlServerTableExists** consulta el controlador ODBC y devuelve TRUE si la tabla existe o FALSE en caso contrario.
- La función **rxSqlServerDropTable** ejecuta el DDL y devuelve TRUE si la tabla está correctamente quita, FALSE en caso contrario.
- Referencia para las dos funciones se pueden encontrar aquí: [rxSqlServerDropTable](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rxsqlserverdroptable)
5. Ahora está listo para usar el [rxPredict](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rxpredict) función para crear las puntuaciones y guardarlas en la nueva tabla definida en el origen de datos `sqlScoreDS`.
rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
data = sqlScoreDS,
outData = sqlServerOutDS,
predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
type = "link",
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
La función **rxPredict** es otra función que admite la ejecución en contextos de cálculo remotos. Puede usar la función **rxPredict** para crear puntuaciones de modelos que se han creado mediante [rxLinMod](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rxlinmod), [rxLogit](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rxlogit)o [rxGlm](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rxglm).
- El parámetro *writeModelVars* está establecido en **TRUE** aquí. Esto significa que las variables que se han usado para la estimación se incluirán en la nueva tabla.
- El parámetro *predVarNames* especifica la variable en la que se almacenarán los resultados. Aquí está pasando una nueva variable, `ccFraudLogitScore`.
- El parámetro *type* para **rxPredict** define cómo quiere que se calculen las predicciones. Especifica la palabra clave **respuesta** para generar puntuaciones de acuerdo con la escala de la variable de respuesta. O bien, use la palabra clave **vínculo** para generar puntuaciones basadas en la función de enlace subyacente, en cuyo caso se crean predicciones utilizando una escala logística.
6. Después de un tiempo, puede actualizar la lista de tablas en Management Studio para ver la nueva tabla y sus datos.
7. Para agregar variables adicionales para las predicciones de salida, use el argumento *extraVarsToWrite*. Por ejemplo, en el código siguiente, la variable `custID` se agregan desde la tabla de datos de puntuación en la tabla de salida de las predicciones.
rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
data = sqlScoreDS,
outData = sqlServerOutDS,
predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
type = "link",
writeModelVars = TRUE,
extraVarsToWrite = "custID",
overwrite = TRUE)
## <a name="display-scores-in-a-histogram"></a>Puntuaciones de presentación en un histograma
Una vez creada la nueva tabla, puede calcular y mostrar un histograma de los 10.000 puntuaciones de predicción. Cálculo es más rápido si especifica los valores altos y bajos, por lo que obtenerlos de la base de datos y agregarlas a los datos de trabajo.
1. Crear un nuevo origen de datos, `sqlMinMax`, que consulta la base de datos para obtener los valores altos y bajos.
sqlMinMax <- RxSqlServerData(
sqlQuery = paste("SELECT MIN(ccFraudLogitScore) AS minVal,",
"MAX(ccFraudLogitScore) AS maxVal FROM ccScoreOutput"),
connectionString = sqlConnString)
Con este ejemplo puede ver lo fácil que es usar los objetos de origen de datos **RxSqlServerData** para definir conjuntos de datos arbitrarios basados en procedimientos almacenados, funciones o consultas de SQL y, después, usarlos en su código de R. La variable no almacena los valores actuales, solo la definición de origen de datos; la consulta se ejecuta para generar los valores solo cuando la usa en una función como **rxImport**.
2. Llame a la [rxImport](https://docs.microsoft.com/machine-learning-server/r-reference/revoscaler/rximport) función para colocar los valores en una trama de datos que se pueden compartir entre los contextos de proceso.
minMaxVals <- rxImport(sqlMinMax)
minMaxVals \<- as.vector(unlist(minMaxVals))
*> minMaxVals*
*[1] -23.970256 9.786345*
3. Ahora que están disponibles los valores máximos y mínimo, utilice los valores para crear otro origen de datos de las puntuaciones generadas.
sqlOutScoreDS <- RxSqlServerData(sqlQuery = "SELECT ccFraudLogitScore FROM ccScoreOutput",
connectionString = sqlConnString,
rowsPerRead = sqlRowsPerRead,
colInfo = list(ccFraudLogitScore = list(
low = floor(minMaxVals[1]),
high = ceiling(minMaxVals[2]) ) ) )
4. Utilice el objeto de origen de datos `sqlOutScoreDS` para obtener las puntuaciones y calcular y mostrar un histograma. Agregue el código para establecer el contexto de cálculo si es necesario.
# rxSetComputeContext(sqlCompute)
rxHistogram(~ccFraudLogitScore, data = sqlOutScoreDS)

## <a name="next-step"></a>Paso siguiente
[Transformar datos mediante R](../../advanced-analytics/tutorials/deepdive-transform-data-using-r.md)
## <a name="previous-step"></a>Paso anterior
[Crear modelos](../../advanced-analytics/tutorials/deepdive-create-models.md)
| 52.225 | 479 | 0.73157 | spa_Latn | 0.950552 |
d9cbb558c9d550285f827a9dd629e35f82796811 | 1,387 | md | Markdown | CHANGELOG.md | ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb | 338fe30b71a8732aeb2effdbb77bfc8cbebeeb7f | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-21T11:14:36.000Z | 2021-09-21T11:14:36.000Z | CHANGELOG.md | ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb | 338fe30b71a8732aeb2effdbb77bfc8cbebeeb7f | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-21T08:56:42.000Z | 2021-09-21T14:29:47.000Z | CHANGELOG.md | ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb | 338fe30b71a8732aeb2effdbb77bfc8cbebeeb7f | [
] | null | null | null | # [1.1.0](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/compare/v1.0.1...v1.1.0) (2022-01-05)
### Bug Fixes
* default export when using `"type": "module"` vite project ([32447f2](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/32447f24ef757c894cf690228779fb4fb138edbb))
## [1.0.1](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1) (2021-09-21)
### Bug Fixes
* avoid running importAnalysisPlugin to enable imports from .js.erb (close [#1](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/issues/1)) ([d556196](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/d556196a35f1dac16923ef72625978105ed97f0d))
# 1.0.0 (2021-05-07)
### Bug Fixes
* Disable spring by default, users can opt-in but the first time the process will never finish. ([9f498fc](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/9f498fc22baabc25615d21d334187c4ef8da80c3))
* Using load has the downside of requiring a server restart ([0e87746](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/0e87746ec534356b34e8c1250cfa45f1ffd655c5))
### Features
* Add `debug` setting to allow the renderer to output more information ([18a96af](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/18a96af1079b3ba5d799fde630a7a1b95272d84c))
* Create plugin to render ERB files in Ruby ([3042390](https://github.com/ElMassimo/vite-plugin-erb/commit/3042390af044c666a718dff3e0cc3c4f27cc9910))
| 39.628571 | 241 | 0.765681 | yue_Hant | 0.179379 |
d9cbcbc8239765262319f08e0ef6c0ac6438897e | 4,126 | md | Markdown | wdk-ddi-src/content/hdaudio/nc-hdaudio-pregister_notification_callback.md | kein284/windows-driver-docs-ddi | 3b70e03c2ddd9d8d531f4dc2fb9a4bb481b7dd54 | [
] | null | null | null | wdk-ddi-src/content/hdaudio/nc-hdaudio-pregister_notification_callback.md | kein284/windows-driver-docs-ddi | 3b70e03c2ddd9d8d531f4dc2fb9a4bb481b7dd54 | [
] | null | null | null | wdk-ddi-src/content/hdaudio/nc-hdaudio-pregister_notification_callback.md | kein284/windows-driver-docs-ddi | 3b70e03c2ddd9d8d531f4dc2fb9a4bb481b7dd54 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
author: windows-driver-content
description: The RegisterNotificationCallback routine registers a callback routine so that it can receive DMA progress notifications with more accurate timing information.
tech.root: audio
ms.assetid: 453c5313-24a0-4009-98bd-9bba2a546a75
ms.author: windowsdriverdev
ms.date: 04/29/2019
keywords: ["PREGISTER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK callback function"]
ms.prod: windows-hardware
ms.technology: windows-devices
req.header: hdaudio.h
req.include-header: hdaudio.h
req.target-min-winverclnt: 19H1
targetos: Windows
ms.custom: 19H1
- apiref
- UserDefined
- hdaudio.h
- Windows
## -description
The RegisterNotificationCallback routine registers a callback routine so that it can receive DMA progress notifications with more accurate timing information.
## -parameters
### -param _context
Specifies the context value from the Context member of the [HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V3](ns-hdaudio-_hdaudio_bus_interface_v3.md) structure.
### -param Handle
Handle that identifies the DMA engine. This handle value was obtained from a previous call to AllocateCaptureDmaEngine or AllocateRenderDmaEngine.
### -param Fdo
The FDO that owns the callback. The hdaudbus driver will take a reference on this FDO while the callback is registered to ensure the callback routine is valid.
### -param NotificationCallback
The callback routine that will be called to notify the driver as DMA is progressing. Depending on the notification count parameter that is used with AllocateDmaBufferWithNotification, the registered event is signaled one or two times for every time that the DMA passes through the audio buffer.
### -param CallbackContext
Driver-specific context value for the callback routine.
## -returns
RegisterNotificationCallback returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the call successfully registers the event. Otherwise, the routine returns STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES to indicate that there are insufficient resources that are available to complete the operation.
For more information, see [NTSTATUS Values](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/ntstatus-values).
## -prototype
The function pointer type for a RegisterNotificationCallback routine is defined as follows.
// Definition
NTSTATUS PRegisterNotificationCallback
PVOID _context
PVOID CallbackContext
## -remarks
RegisterNotificationCallback registers the notification callback routine with the HD Audio bus driver. The HD Audio bus driver maintains a list of the registered notification events and callback routines for each DMA engine. Every time the engine receives an IOC interrupt all events will be signaled and all notification callback routines will be called at IRQL=DPC with the QPC timestamp at the time the IOC occurred.
Notification Callback routines are unregistered by calling UnregisterNotificationCallback with the same NotificationCallback and CallbackContext values.
The HD Audio bus driver will maintain a reference on the FDO after registration until the matching unregistration is called.
## -see-also
[PREGISTER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK callback function](nc-hdaudio-pregister_notification_callback.md)
| 34.099174 | 420 | 0.794716 | eng_Latn | 0.816143 |
d9cbcd5821b69e007cf227bc778552526513677e | 2,253 | md | Markdown | articles/api-management/api-management-customize-styles.md | ningchencontact/azure-docs.zh-tw | 85eb44c48f6993d41f51f680ad19190e0a1cac0b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/api-management/api-management-customize-styles.md | ningchencontact/azure-docs.zh-tw | 85eb44c48f6993d41f51f680ad19190e0a1cac0b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/api-management/api-management-customize-styles.md | ningchencontact/azure-docs.zh-tw | 85eb44c48f6993d41f51f680ad19190e0a1cac0b | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: 在 Azure API 管理開發人員入口網站上自訂網頁樣式 | Microsoft Docs
description: 若要在 Azure API 管理開發人員入口網站上自訂元素樣式,請遵循此快速入門中的步驟。
services: api-management
documentationcenter: ''
author: vladvino
manager: cfowler
editor: ''
ms.service: api-management
ms.workload: mobile
ms.tgt_pltfrm: na
ms.devlang: na
ms.custom: mvc
ms.topic: tutorial
ms.date: 11/19/2017
ms.author: apimpm
ms.openlocfilehash: d1f638c9825ea5eedf6eaee0e0ca2ccfd5a491bc
ms.sourcegitcommit: 59fffec8043c3da2fcf31ca5036a55bbd62e519c
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: zh-TW
ms.lasthandoff: 06/04/2018
ms.locfileid: "33933702"
# <a name="customize-the-style-of-the-developer-portal-pages"></a>自訂開發人員入口網站頁面的風格
在 Azure API 管理中自訂開發人員入口網站最常用的方式有三種:
* [編輯靜態頁面和頁面配置元素的內容](api-management-modify-content-layout.md)
* 更新用於開發人員入口網站上頁面元素的樣式 (如本指南所述)
* [修改入口網站所產生的網頁用範本](api-management-developer-portal-templates.md) (例如 API 文件、產品、使用者驗證)
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * 自訂**開發人員**入口網站頁面的元素樣式
> * 檢視變更

## <a name="prerequisites"></a>先決條件
+ 完成下列快速入門:[建立 Azure API 管理執行個體](get-started-create-service-instance.md)。
+ 同時也請完成下列教學課程:[匯入和發佈您的第一個 API](import-and-publish.md)。
## <a name="customize-the-developer-portal"></a>自訂開發人員入口網站
1. 選取 [概觀]。
2. 按一下 [概觀] 視窗頂端的 [開發人員入口網站] 按鈕。 或者,您可以按一下 [開發人員入口網站 URL] 連結。
3. 在螢幕的左上方,您會看到由兩支筆刷組成的圖示。 將滑鼠停留在此圖示上可開啟入口網站的自訂功能表。

4. 選取功能表中的 [樣式],開啟自訂樣式窗格。
您可以使用頁面上出現的 [樣式] 自訂所有元素
5. 在 [變更變數值以自訂開發人員入口網站外觀:] 欄位中輸入 "headings-color"。
**@headings-color** 元素會出現在頁面上。 此變數會控制文字的色彩。

6. 按一下 **@headings-color** 變數的欄位。
7. 從色彩選擇器下拉式清單選取新的色彩。
> [!TIP]
> 您可以即時預覽所有變更。 進度列指示器會出現在自訂窗格的頂端。 幾秒之後,頁首文字就會變更為新選取的色彩。
8. 在自訂窗格功能表的左下方,選取 [發佈]。
9. 選取 [發佈自訂] 讓變更可公開使用。
## <a name="view-your-change"></a>檢視變更
1. 瀏覽至開發人員入口網站。
2. 您可以看到您所做的變更。
## <a name="next-steps"></a>後續步驟
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * 自訂**開發人員**入口網站頁面的元素樣式
> * 檢視變更
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
> [使用範本自訂 Azure API 管理開發人員入口網站](api-management-developer-portal-templates.md) | 26.197674 | 86 | 0.735908 | yue_Hant | 0.551017 |
d9cbe2fa08e760f88c73cfd71032116348c8ae3d | 221 | md | Markdown | test/site/index.md | passingcuriosity/gostatic | c6b3ac7d4a1fc94bacb7aba8efb6a15050de4449 | [
] | 222 | 2015-01-13T11:37:37.000Z | 2022-03-19T10:55:57.000Z | test/site/index.md | passingcuriosity/gostatic | c6b3ac7d4a1fc94bacb7aba8efb6a15050de4449 | [
] | 82 | 2015-01-30T07:50:29.000Z | 2022-01-12T14:51:08.000Z | test/site/index.md | passingcuriosity/gostatic | c6b3ac7d4a1fc94bacb7aba8efb6a15050de4449 | [
] | 52 | 2015-01-09T13:38:30.000Z | 2022-03-25T19:54:26.000Z | title: Alexander Solovyov
stuff: one, two, three
## Online presence
- [blog](blog/)
## Stuff
{{ range split .Other.Stuff "," }}
- {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ exec "echo" "hello" }}
# Hello
* hi
# hi
* ho
| 8.84 | 34 | 0.506787 | eng_Latn | 0.407529 |
d9cbe3af38cc4720c017e5d6a0cdb29e01938f06 | 8,879 | md | Markdown | microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/detect-and-remediate-illicit-consent-grants.md | eltociear/microsoft-365-docs-pr.ja-JP | fab8e637495991fb69e3e7ab6ad29422f8375138 | [
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] | null | null | null | microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/detect-and-remediate-illicit-consent-grants.md | eltociear/microsoft-365-docs-pr.ja-JP | fab8e637495991fb69e3e7ab6ad29422f8375138 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: 不法な同意の付与を検出して修復する
ms.author: tracyp
author: MSFTTracyp
manager: dansimp
ms.date: ''
audience: ITPro
ms.topic: article
- o365_security_incident_response
- M365-security-compliance
ms.service: O365-seccomp
localization_priority: Normal
- MET150
description: Office 365 で不法な同意を付与する攻撃を認識し、修復する方法について説明します。
ms.openlocfilehash: 49fbbc1ea687cb5c01b39045a7359ee131a6732a
ms.sourcegitcommit: 481fb95d8b80cf2102a9c73b21e7effa79e594e7
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: ja-JP
ms.lasthandoff: 04/24/2020
ms.locfileid: "43808969"
# <a name="detect-and-remediate-illicit-consent-grants"></a>不法な同意の付与を検出して修復する
**概要** Office 365 で不法な同意を付与する攻撃を認識し、修復する方法について説明します。
## <a name="what-is-the-illicit-consent-grant-attack-in-office-365"></a>Office 365 における不正な同意の付与攻撃
違法同意付与攻撃では、攻撃者は、連絡先情報、電子メール、ドキュメントなどのデータへのアクセスを要求する Azure 登録済みアプリケーションを作成します。 その後、攻撃者はエンドユーザーに対して、フィッシング攻撃によるデータへのアクセスを許可するように指示するか、または信頼された web サイトに不法なコードを挿入します。 不正なアプリケーションに同意した後は、組織のアカウントを使用しなくても、データへのアカウントレベルのアクセス権が付与されます。 違反アカウントのパスワードをリセットしたり、アカウントに多要素認証 (MFA) を必要としたりするなど、通常の修復手順は、この種の攻撃に対しては有効ではありません。これらはサードパーティのアプリケーションであり、組織の外部にあるためです。
> 現時点では、アプリからの不法な同意を得られる問題が発生していると思われますか。 Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) には、OAuth アプリを検出、調査、修復するためのツールがあります。 この MCAS の記事には、[危険な OAuth アプリを調査](https://docs.microsoft.com/cloud-app-security/investigate-risky-oauth)する方法の概要を示すチュートリアルがあります。 また、 [OAuth アプリポリシー](https://docs.microsoft.com/cloud-app-security/app-permission-policy)を設定して、アプリが要求するアクセス許可を調査し、ユーザーがこれらのアプリを承認して、これらのアクセス許可要求を幅広く承認または禁止することもできます。
## <a name="what-does-an-illicit-consent-grant-attack-look-like-in-office-365"></a>Office 365 のように、不法な同意を与える攻撃はどのようになりますか?
**監査ログ**を検索して、この攻撃の兆候の兆候 (IOC) と呼ばれることもあります。 Azure に登録されているアプリケーションの数が多く、ユーザーが大規模な組織では、組織の同意の付与を週単位で確認することをお勧めします。
### <a name="steps-for-finding-signs-of-this-attack"></a>この攻撃の兆候を見つけるための手順
1. テナント内の [**セキュリティ & コンプライアンスセンター** ] を開きます。
2. [**検索**] に移動して、[**監査ログの検索**] を選択します。
3. 検索 (すべてのアクティビティとすべてのユーザー)、必要に応じて開始日と終了日を入力し、[**検索**] をクリックします。
4. [**結果のフィルター** ] をクリックし、[**アクティビティ**] フィールドに「アプリケーションへの同意」と入力します。
5. 結果をクリックして、アクティビティの詳細を表示します。 [**詳細情報**] をクリックして、アクティビティの詳細を取得します。 IsAdminContent が True に設定されているかどうかを確認します。
> [!NOTE]
> イベントが発生した後に、対応する監査ログエントリが検索結果に表示されるようにするには、30分から最大24時間かかることがあります。 <br/><br/> 監査レコードが保持され、監査ログで検索可能な期間は、Microsoft 365 サブスクリプションによって異なり、具体的には特定のユーザーに割り当てられているライセンスの種類によって異なります。 詳細については、「[監査ログ](../../compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md)」を参照してください。
> この値が true の場合は、グローバル管理者のアクセス権を持つユーザーがデータへの広範なアクセス権を持っている可能性があることを示します。 これが予期しない場合は、[攻撃を確認](#how-to-confirm-an-attack)するための手順を実行します。
## <a name="how-to-confirm-an-attack"></a>攻撃を確認する方法
上記の IOCs のインスタンスが1つ以上ある場合は、攻撃が発生したことを確認するためにさらに調査する必要があります。 次の3つの方法のいずれかを使用して、攻撃を確認できます。
- Azure Active Directory ポータルを使用した、アプリケーションとそのアクセス許可の一覧を示します。 この方法は徹底していますが、チェックするユーザーが多い場合は、一度に1人のユーザーをチェックするだけで十分な時間がかかる場合があります。
- PowerShell を使用した、アプリケーションとそのアクセス許可の一覧を示します。 これは、最も少ないオーバーヘッドを最小限にした最も高速かつ最も綿密な方法です。
- ユーザーが自分のアプリとアクセス許可を個別に確認して、修復のために管理者に結果を報告するようにします。
## <a name="inventory-apps-with-access-in-your-organization"></a>組織内でアクセスできるインベントリアプリ
これは、Azure Active Directory ポータルまたは PowerShell を使用しているユーザーに対して行うことができます。または、ユーザーがアプリケーションアクセスを個別に列挙する必要があります。
### <a name="steps-for-using-the-azure-active-directory-portal"></a>Azure Active Directory ポータルを使用するための手順
[Azure Active Directory ポータル](https://portal.azure.com/)を使用して、個々のユーザーがアクセス許可を付与したアプリケーションを検索できます。
1. 管理者権限を使用して Azure Portal にサインインします。
2. Azure Active Directory ブレードを選択します。
3. [**ユーザー**] を選択します。
4. 確認するユーザーを選択します。
5. [**アプリケーション**] を選択します。
### <a name="steps-for-having-your-users-enumerate-their-application-access"></a>ユーザーがアプリケーションアクセスを列挙する手順
ユーザーが自分のアプリケーションhttps://myapps.microsoft.comへのアクセスを確認してもらいます。 これらのユーザーは、アクセス可能なすべてのアプリを表示したり、それらに関する詳細を表示したり (アクセスの範囲を含む)、疑わしいまたは不法なアプリに対して権限を取り消すことができます。
### <a name="steps-for-doing-this-with-powershell"></a>PowerShell を使用してこれを行うための手順
不法同意付与攻撃を確認する最も簡単な方法は、 [Get-AzureADPSPermissions](https://gist.github.com/psignoret/41793f8c6211d2df5051d77ca3728c09)を実行することです。これにより、テナント内のすべてのユーザーの oauth 承諾許可と oauth アプリがすべて、1つの .csv ファイルにダンプされます。
#### <a name="pre-requisites"></a>前提条件
- Azure AD PowerShell ライブラリがインストールされていること。
- スクリプトが実行されるテナントのグローバル管理者権限。
- スクリプトを実行するコンピューターのローカル管理者。
> 管理アカウントでは、多要素認証を必要とすることを***強くお勧め***します。 このスクリプトは、MFA 認証をサポートします。
1. スクリプトを実行するコンピューターに、ローカル管理者権限を使用してサインインします。
2. [Get-AzureADPSPermissions](https://gist.github.com/psignoret/41793f8c6211d2df5051d77ca3728c09)スクリプトを GitHub から、スクリプトを実行するフォルダーにダウンロードまたはコピーします。 これは、出力 "permissions" ファイルが書き込まれるフォルダーと同じです。
3. 管理者として PowerShell インスタンスを開き、スクリプトを保存したフォルダーを開きます。
4. [AzureAD](https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/azuread/connect-azuread)コマンドレットを使用して、ディレクトリに接続します。
5. 次の PowerShell コマンドを実行します。
Get-AzureADPSPermissions.ps1 | Export-csv -Path "Permissions.csv" -NoTypeInformation
スクリプトによって、Permissions という名前のファイルが1つ作成されます。 次の手順に従って、不法なアプリケーションアクセス許可の付与を検索します。
1. [Conな種類] 列 (列 G) で、値 "AllPrinciples" を検索します。 AllPrincipals アクセス許可によって、クライアントアプリケーションは、テナント内のすべてのユーザーのコンテンツにアクセスできます。 ネイティブの Microsoft 365 アプリケーションは、このアクセス許可を正しく動作させるために必要です。 このアクセス許可を持つ Microsoft 以外のすべてのアプリケーションは、慎重にレビューする必要があります。
2. [アクセス許可] 列 (列 F) に、各委任されたアプリケーションがコンテンツに対して持っているアクセス許可を確認します。 "読み取り" と "書き込み" アクセス許可または "* を探します。All "アクセス許可を使用して、適切ではない可能性があるため慎重に確認してください。
3. 同意が付与されている特定のユーザーを確認します。 プロファイルが大きい場合や、影響度の高いユーザーに不適切な同意が付与されている場合は、さらに詳しく調査する必要があります。
4. [ClientDisplayName] 列 (列 C) で、疑わしいと思われるアプリを探します。 名前のスペルが間違っているアプリ、super bland names、またはハッカーが発音した名前は、慎重に検討する必要があります。
## <a name="determine-the-scope-of-the-attack"></a>攻撃の範囲を決定する
アプリケーションアクセスのインベントリ処理が終了したら、**監査ログ**を確認して、違反の完全な範囲を特定します。 影響を受けるユーザー、不法アプリケーションが組織にアクセスした時間枠、およびアプリのアクセス許可を検索します。 **監査ログ**は、 [Microsoft 365 セキュリティ/コンプライアンスセンター](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance)で検索できます。
> この情報を取得するには、攻撃の前に、[管理者とユーザーの](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compliance/turn-audit-log-search-on-or-off)[メールボックスの監査](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compliance/enable-mailbox-auditing)とアクティビティの監査を有効にする必要があります。
## <a name="how-to-stop-and-remediate-an-illicit-consent-grant-attack"></a>方法不法な同意の付与攻撃を停止および修復する方法
- Azure Active Directory ポータルのアプリケーションのアクセス許可は、次の方法で取り消すことができます。
- **Azure Active Directory ユーザー**ブレードの影響を受けるユーザーに移動します。
- [**アプリケーション**] を選択します。
- 違法アプリケーションを選択します。
- ドリルダウンで [**削除**] をクリックします。
- PowerShell で OAuth 同意の付与を取り消すには、 [AzureADOAuth2PermissionGrant](https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/azuread/Remove-AzureADOAuth2PermissionGrant)の手順に従ってください。
- PowerShell を使用してサービスアプリの役割の割り当てを無効にするには、 [AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment](https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/azuread/Remove-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment)の手順に従ってください。
- 影響を受けるアカウントのサインインを完全に無効にすることもできます。これにより、そのアカウントのデータに対するアプリのアクセスが無効になります。 これは、エンドユーザーの生産性を向上させるのには理想的ではありませんが、影響をすばやく抑えるために作業する場合は、実用的な短期的な修復になります。
- テナントのために統合アプリケーションをオフにすることができます。 これは、エンドユーザーがテナント全体に同意を付与する機能を無効にする重大な手順です。 これにより、ユーザーが悪意のあるアプリケーションへのアクセスを誤って許可するのを防ぐことができます。 これは、ユーザーがサードパーティ製のアプリケーションを使用して生産性を向上させることがひどくないため、強くお勧めしません。 これを行うには、[統合アプリをオンまたはオフ](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/misc/integrated-apps)にする手順に従ってください。
## <a name="secure-microsoft-365-like-a-cybersecurity-pro"></a>セキュリティで保護された Microsoft 365 (cybersecurity pro など)
Microsoft 365 サブスクリプションには、データとユーザーを保護するために使用できる強力な一連のセキュリティ機能が付属しています。 Microsoft 365 セキュリティロードマップを使用して、[最初の30日間、90日間、](security-roadmap.md) microsoft の推奨ベストプラクティスを実装し、microsoft の365テナントをセキュリティで保護することをお勧めします。
- 最初の30日間に実行するタスク。 これらはすぐに影響を受け、ユーザーにとって影響が小さくなります。
- 最初の 90 日間で完了すべき作業。作業の計画と実装に少し時間がかかりますが、セキュリティ体制は大幅に向上します。
- 90 日以降。最初の 90 日間の作業で保護が強化されます。
## <a name="see-also"></a>関連項目:
- [[自分のアプリケーション] リスト内の予期しないアプリケーション](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/application-access-unexpected-application)は、データにアクセスするための予期しないアプリケーションがあることを認識した後に、管理者がさまざまなアクションを実行できるようにします。
- [アプリケーションを Azure Active Directory と統合](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/active-directory-apps-permissions-consent)することは、同意とアクセス許可の概要です。
- [アプリケーションの開発に関する問題](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/active-directory-application-dev-development-content-map)さまざまな同意に関する記事へのリンクを提供します。
- 「 [Azure Active Directory のアプリケーションおよびサービスプリンシパルオブジェクト (AZURE AD)」で](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-application-objects)は、アプリケーションモデルにとって中核となるアプリケーションおよびサービスプリンシパルオブジェクトの概要を示します。
- アプリへの[アクセスを管理](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/active-directory-managing-access-to-apps)すると、管理者がアプリへのユーザーアクセスを管理するために必要な機能の概要が表示されます。
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title: Aislamiento de instantáneas en SQL Server
ms.date: 03/30/2017
- csharp
- vb
ms.assetid: 43ae5dd3-50f5-43a8-8d01-e37a61664176
ms.openlocfilehash: 52c5dba1a21b0e8d8e5af1dc159941e5f4b4aa5f
ms.sourcegitcommit: 5bbfe34a9a14e4ccb22367e57b57585c208cf757
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: es-ES
ms.lasthandoff: 09/18/2018
ms.locfileid: "45970078"
# <a name="snapshot-isolation-in-sql-server"></a>Aislamiento de instantáneas en SQL Server
El aislamiento de instantánea mejora la simultaneidad para las aplicaciones OLTP.
## <a name="understanding-snapshot-isolation-and-row-versioning"></a>Descripción del aislamiento de instantáneas y la versión de fila
Una vez habilitado el aislamiento de instantánea, las versiones de fila actualizada para cada transacción se mantienen en **tempdb**. Cada transacción se identifica con un número único de secuencia de transacción, y estos números únicos se registran para cada versión de fila. La transacción trabaja con las versiones de filas más recientes que tienen un número de secuencia anterior al número de secuencia de la transacción, y omite las versiones de filas más nuevas creadas con posterioridad a su comienzo.
El término "instantánea" refleja el hecho de que todas las consultas de la transacción ven la misma versión, o instantánea, de la base de datos, en función del estado de ésta en el momento en que comienza la transacción. En una transacción de instantánea no se adquieren bloqueos en las filas o las páginas de datos subyacentes, lo que permite que se ejecuten otras transacciones sin que una transacción anterior sin completarse las bloquee. Las transacciones que modifican datos no bloquean a las que los leen, y éstas no bloquean a las que los escriben, como normalmente sucedería con el nivel de aislamiento predeterminado READ COMMITTED de SQL Server. Este comportamiento de no bloqueo también reduce de forma significativa la probabilidad de interbloqueo en transacciones complejas.
El aislamiento de instantáneas emplea un modelo de simultaneidad optimista. Si una transacción de instantánea intenta confirmar modificaciones en los datos que han cambiado desde su comienzo, se revertirá y se producirá un error. Para evitarlo, utilice las sugerencias UPDLOCK de las instrucciones SELECT para tener acceso a los datos que se van a modificar. Para obtener más información, vea "Sugerencias de bloqueo" en los Libros en pantalla de SQL Server.
Para habilitar el aislamiento de instantáneas, establezca la opción de base de datos ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION en ON antes de utilizarla en las transacciones. Esto activa el mecanismo para almacenar las versiones de fila en la base de datos temporal (**tempdb**). Deberá habilitar el aislamiento de instantáneas en todas las bases de datos que lo utilicen con la instrucción ALTER DATABASE de Transact-SQL. En este sentido, el aislamiento de instantáneas se diferencia de los niveles de aislamiento tradicionales de READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE y READ UNCOMMITTED, que no necesitan configuración. Las siguientes instrucciones activan el aislamiento de instantáneas y sustituyen el comportamiento predeterminado READ COMMITTED por SNAPSHOT:
Al establecer la opción READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT en ON, es posible tener acceso a las filas con versión con el nivel de aislamiento predeterminado READ COMMITTED. Si la opción READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT se establece en OFF, deberá establecer explícitamente el nivel de aislamiento de instantáneas en cada sesión a fin de tener acceso a las filas con versión.
## <a name="managing-concurrency-with-isolation-levels"></a>Administración de simultaneidad con niveles de aislamiento
El nivel de aislamiento con el que se ejecuta una instrucción Transact-SQL determina su comportamiento de bloqueo y de versión de fila. Un nivel de aislamiento afecta a todo el ámbito de la conexión y, una vez que se establece para una conexión con la instrucción SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL, permanece activo hasta que se cierra la conexión o se establece otro nivel de aislamiento. Cuando se cierra una conexión y se devuelve al grupo, se mantiene el nivel de aislamiento de la última instrucción SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL. Las conexiones posteriores que vuelvan a usar una conexión agrupada emplearán el nivel de aislamiento en vigor en el momento de la agrupación de la conexión.
Las consultas individuales emitidas en una conexión pueden contener sugerencias de bloqueo que modifiquen el aislamiento de una única instrucción o transacción, pero que no afecten al nivel de aislamiento de la conexión. Los niveles de aislamiento o sugerencias de bloqueo establecidos en los procedimientos almacenados o en las funciones no cambian el nivel de aislamiento de la conexión que los llama y solo están activos lo que dura la llamada al procedimiento almacenado o a la función.
En las versiones anteriores de SQL Server se admitían cuatro niveles de aislamiento definidos en el estándar SQL-92:
- READ UNCOMMITTED es el nivel de aislamiento menos restrictivo porque omite los bloqueos realizados por otras transacciones. Las transacciones que se ejecutan con READ UNCOMMITTED pueden leer valores de datos modificados que aún no han confirmado otras transacciones; éstos se conocen como lecturas no confirmadas.
- READ COMMITTED es el nivel de aislamiento predeterminado en SQL Server. Impide las lecturas no confirmadas al especificar que las instrucciones no pueden leer valores de datos modificados que aún no hayan confirmado otras transacciones. Otras transacciones podrán modificar, insertar o eliminar datos entre ejecuciones de instrucciones individuales en la transacción actual, lo que dará lugar a lecturas irrepetibles o datos "fantasma".
- REPEATABLE READ es un nivel de aislamiento más restrictivo que READ COMMITTED. Incluye READ COMMITTED y además especifica que ninguna otra transacción puede modificar ni eliminar datos que la transacción actual haya leído hasta que ésta no se confirme. La simultaneidad es menor que en READ COMMITTED porque durante la transacción se mantienen bloqueos compartidos en los datos leídos en lugar de liberarlos al final de cada instrucción.
- SERIALIZABLE es el nivel de aislamiento más restrictivo, dado que bloquea intervalos enteros de claves y mantiene los bloqueos hasta que se completa la transacción. Incluye REPEATABLE READ y agrega la restricción de que otras transacciones no pueden insertar filas nuevas en intervalos que haya leído la transacción hasta que ésta no se complete.
Para obtener más información, vea "Niveles de aislamiento" en los Libros en pantalla de SQL Server.
### <a name="snapshot-isolation-level-extensions"></a>Extensiones del nivel de aislamiento de instantáneas
SQL Server 2005 presentaba extensiones a los niveles de aislamiento SQL-92 con la introducción del nivel de aislamiento SNAPSHOT y una implementación adicional de READ COMMITTED. El nivel de aislamiento READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT puede reemplazar de forma transparente a READ COMMITTED en todas las transacciones.
- El aislamiento SNAPSHOT especifica que los datos leídos en una transacción nunca reflejarán los cambios que otras transacciones simultáneas hayan realizado. Cuando una transacción comienza, utiliza las versiones de filas de datos que existen. No existen bloqueos en los datos cuando se leen, de modo que las transacciones SNAPSHOT no impiden que otras transacciones escriban datos. Las transacciones que escriben datos no impiden que las transacciones de instantáneas los lean. Para utilizar la opción de base de datos ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION, deberá habilitar el aislamiento de instantáneas.
- Cuando el aislamiento de instantáneas está habilitado en una base de datos, la opción de base de datos READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT determina el comportamiento del nivel de aislamiento predeterminado READ COMMITTED. Si no especifica explícitamente READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON, READ COMMITTED se aplica a todas las transacciones implícitas. Esto produce el mismo comportamiento que se si establece READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF (el valor predeterminado). Cuando READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF está activo, el motor de base de datos utiliza bloqueos compartidos para exigir el nivel de aislamiento predeterminado. Si establece la opción de base de datos READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT en ON, el motor de base de datos utiliza la versión de fila y el aislamiento de instantáneas como valor predeterminado, en lugar de utilizar bloqueos para proteger los datos.
## <a name="how-snapshot-isolation-and-row-versioning-work"></a>Cómo funcionan el aislamiento de instantáneas y la versión de fila
Cuando se habilita el nivel de aislamiento SNAPSHOT, cada vez que se actualiza una fila, el motor de base de datos de SQL Server almacena una copia de la fila original en **tempdb**y agrega un número de secuencia de transacción a la fila. A continuación se muestra la secuencia de eventos que tienen lugar:
- Se inicia una nueva transacción y se le asigna un número de secuencia de transacción.
- El motor de base de datos lee una fila dentro de la transacción y recupera la versión de fila de **tempdb** cuyo número de secuencia es más cercana a y menor que el número de secuencia de transacción.
- Luego, comprueba que el número de la secuencia de transacción no esté en la lista de números de secuencia de transacción de las transacciones no confirmadas activas cuando se inició la transacción de instantánea.
- La transacción lee la versión de la fila de **tempdb** que era actual correspondiente al inicio de la transacción. No verá las nuevas filas insertadas después, dado que esos valores de número de secuencia serán superiores al valor del número de la secuencia de transacción.
- La transacción actual verá las filas que se eliminaron después de que se inició la transacción, porque habrá una versión de fila en **tempdb** con un valor de número de secuencia inferior.
El efecto global del aislamiento de instantáneas es que la transacción, a su comienzo, ve todos los datos que existen, sin tener en cuenta ni realizar ningún bloqueo en las tablas subyacentes. Como resultado, puede haber mejoras en el rendimiento en aquellas situaciones en las que hay contención.
Una transacción de instantánea siempre utiliza un control de simultaneidad optimista, que retiene los bloqueos que impedirían que otras transacciones actualizaran filas. Si una transacción de instantánea intenta confirmar una actualización en una fila que se cambió después de que comenzara, la transacción se revierte y se genera un error.
## <a name="working-with-snapshot-isolation-in-adonet"></a>Trabajo con aislamiento de instantáneas en ADO.NET
El aislamiento de instantáneas se admite en ADO.NET mediante la clase <xref:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction>. Si una base de datos se ha habilitado para el aislamiento de instantánea pero no está configurado como READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON, se debe iniciar un <xref:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction> utilizando el **IsolationLevel.Snapshot** valor de enumeración al llamar a la <xref:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction%2A> método. Este fragmento de código asume que la conexión es un objeto <xref:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection> abierto.
Dim sqlTran As SqlTransaction = _
SqlTransaction sqlTran =
### <a name="example"></a>Ejemplo
El siguiente ejemplo demuestra cómo se comportan los diferentes niveles de aislamiento al intentar tener acceso a los datos bloqueados, y no está pensado para su uso en código de producción.
El código se conecta a la **AdventureWorks** base de datos de SQL Server de ejemplo y crea una tabla denominada **TestSnapshot** e inserta una fila de datos. El código utiliza la instrucción ALTER DATABASE de Transact-SQL para activar el aislamiento de instantáneas en la base de datos, pero no establece la opción READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT, lo que deja activo el comportamiento de nivel de aislamiento predeterminado READ COMMITTED. Luego, el código realiza las siguientes acciones:
- Inicia, pero no completa, sqlTransaction1, que utiliza el nivel de aislamiento SERIALIZABLE para iniciar una transacción de actualización. El resultado es que la tabla se bloquea.
- Se abre una segunda conexión y se inicia una segunda transacción con nivel de aislamiento SNAPSHOT para leer los datos en el **TestSnapshot** tabla. Como el aislamiento de instantáneas está habilitado, esta transacción puede leer los datos que existían antes de que se iniciara sqlTransaction1.
- Se abre una tercera conexión y se inicia una transacción con el nivel de aislamiento READ COMMITTED para intentar leer los datos de la tabla. En este caso, el código no puede leer los datos porque no puede leer con posterioridad a los bloqueos realizados en la tabla en la primera transacción y el tiempo de espera se agota. El mismo resultado se produciría si se utilizaran los niveles de aislamiento REPEATABLE READ y SERIALIZABLE, ya que estos niveles no pueden leer después de los bloqueos realizados en la primera transacción.
- Se abre una cuarta conexión y se inicia una transacción con el nivel de aislamiento READ UNCOMMITTED, que realiza una lectura no confirmada del valor sin confirmar de sqlTransaction1. Puede que este valor no exista nunca realmente en la base de datos si la primera transacción no se confirma.
- Se revierte la primera transacción y se limpia mediante la eliminación de la **TestSnapshot** tabla y la desactivación del aislamiento de instantáneas la **AdventureWorks** base de datos.
> [!NOTE]
> En los siguientes ejemplos se usa la misma cadena de conexión con la agrupación de conexiones desactivada. Si una conexión está agrupada, el restablecimiento de su nivel de aislamiento no restablece el nivel de aislamiento en el servidor. Así, las conexiones posteriores que utilicen la misma conexión interna agrupada se iniciarán con los niveles de aislamiento establecidos en el nivel de la conexión agrupada. Una alternativa a la desconexión de la agrupación de conexiones consiste en establecer el nivel de aislamiento de forma explícita para cada conexión.
[!code-csharp[DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.Demo#1](../../../../../samples/snippets/csharp/VS_Snippets_ADO.NET/DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.Demo/CS/source.cs#1)]
[!code-vb[DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.Demo#1](../../../../../samples/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_ADO.NET/DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.Demo/VB/source.vb#1)]
### <a name="example"></a>Ejemplo
En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra el comportamiento del aislamiento de instantáneas cuando se están modificando los datos. El código realiza las siguientes acciones:
- Se conecta a la **AdventureWorks** base de datos y habilita el aislamiento de instantánea de ejemplo.
- Crea una tabla denominada **TestSnapshotUpdate** e inserta tres filas de datos de ejemplo.
- Inicia, pero no completa, sqlTransaction1 mediante el aislamiento SNAPSHOT. Se seleccionan tres filas de datos en la transacción.
- Crea un segundo **SqlConnection** a **AdventureWorks** y crea una segunda transacción con el nivel de aislamiento READ COMMITTED que actualiza un valor de una de las filas seleccionadas en sqlTransaction1.
- Confirma sqlTransaction2.
- Vuelve a sqlTransaction1 e intenta actualizar la misma fila que sqlTransaction1 ya ha confirmado. Se produce el Error 3960 y sqlTransaction1 se revierte automáticamente. El **SqlException.Number** y **SqlException.Message** se muestran en la ventana de consola.
- Ejecuta el código de limpieza para desactivar el aislamiento de instantánea en **AdventureWorks** y elimine el **TestSnapshotUpdate** tabla.
[!code-csharp[DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.DemoUpdate#1](../../../../../samples/snippets/csharp/VS_Snippets_ADO.NET/DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.DemoUpdate/CS/source.cs#1)]
[!code-vb[DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.DemoUpdate#1](../../../../../samples/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_ADO.NET/DataWorks SnapshotIsolation.DemoUpdate/VB/source.vb#1)]
### <a name="using-lock-hints-with-snapshot-isolation"></a>Uso de sugerencias de bloqueo con aislamiento de instantáneas
En el ejemplo anterior, la primera transacción selecciona los datos y una segunda transacción los actualiza antes de que la primera pueda completarse, lo que crea un conflicto de actualización cuando ésta intenta actualizar la misma fila. Para reducir la posibilidad de conflictos de actualización en transacciones de instantáneas cuya ejecución tiene una larga duración, suministre sugerencias de bloqueo al comienzo de la transacción. La siguiente instrucción SELECT utiliza la sugerencia UPDLOCK para bloquear las filas seleccionadas:
El uso de la sugerencia de bloqueo UPDLOCK bloquea las transacciones que intentan actualizar las filas antes de que se complete la primera transacción. De esta manera se garantiza que las filas seleccionadas no tienen conflictos cuando posteriormente se actualizan en la transacción. Consulte "Sugerencias de bloqueo" en los Libros en pantalla de SQL Server.
Si la aplicación tiene muchos conflictos, el aislamiento de instantáneas podría no ser la mejor elección. Las sugerencias únicamente deben utilizarse cuando sea necesario. La aplicación no debería estar diseñada para que dependa constantemente de las sugerencias de bloqueo para su funcionamiento.
## <a name="see-also"></a>Vea también
[SQL Server y ADO.NET](../../../../../docs/framework/data/adonet/sql/index.md)
[Proveedores administrados de ADO.NET y Centro para desarrolladores de DataSet](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=217917)
| 123.530612 | 845 | 0.801751 | spa_Latn | 0.994212 |
d9cdd0e49b450136a55530833b92d54604d5434e | 1,224 | md | Markdown | api/PowerPoint.Point.HasDataLabel.md | CeptiveYT/VBA-Docs | 1d9c58a40ee6f2d85f96de0a825de201f950fc2a | [
] | 283 | 2018-07-06T07:44:11.000Z | 2022-03-31T14:09:36.000Z | api/PowerPoint.Point.HasDataLabel.md | CeptiveYT/VBA-Docs | 1d9c58a40ee6f2d85f96de0a825de201f950fc2a | [
] | 1,457 | 2018-05-11T17:48:58.000Z | 2022-03-25T22:03:38.000Z | api/PowerPoint.Point.HasDataLabel.md | CeptiveYT/VBA-Docs | 1d9c58a40ee6f2d85f96de0a825de201f950fc2a | [
] | 469 | 2018-06-14T12:50:12.000Z | 2022-03-27T08:17:02.000Z | ---
title: Point.HasDataLabel property (PowerPoint)
keywords: vbapp10.chm65613
- vbapp10.chm65613
ms.prod: powerpoint
- PowerPoint.Point.HasDataLabel
ms.assetid: bb0e96e7-5280-c074-5278-f8e5acb7bab3
ms.date: 06/08/2017
ms.localizationpriority: medium
# Point.HasDataLabel property (PowerPoint)
**True** if the point has a data label. Read/write **Boolean**.
## Syntax
_expression_ A variable that represents a '[Point](PowerPoint.Point.md)' object.
## Example
> [!NOTE]
> Although the following code applies to Microsoft Word, you can readily modify it to apply to PowerPoint.
The following example enables the data label for point seven in series three for the first chart in the active document, and then it sets the data label color to blue.
With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1)
If .HasChart Then
With Chart.SeriesCollection(3).Points(7)
.HasDataLabel = True
.ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlValue
.DataLabel.Font.ColorIndex = 5
End With
End If
End With
## See also
[Point Object](PowerPoint.Point.md)
[!include[Support and feedback](~/includes/feedback-boilerplate.md)] | 18.545455 | 167 | 0.719771 | eng_Latn | 0.855233 |
d9ce0b3007c742491b2bc7d7a7b9af8831f8ce16 | 12,280 | md | Markdown | docs/pages/blog/2019-developer-survey-results.md | VirdocsSoftware/rs-icons | a2c5eea1a04a76098ca5de04ef3a2c6e5e68e953 | [
] | 1 | 2022-02-13T05:50:58.000Z | 2022-02-13T05:50:58.000Z | docs/pages/blog/2019-developer-survey-results.md | VirdocsSoftware/rs-icons | a2c5eea1a04a76098ca5de04ef3a2c6e5e68e953 | [
] | 2 | 2022-02-17T23:55:43.000Z | 2022-03-02T13:09:43.000Z | docs/pages/blog/2019-developer-survey-results.md | VirdocsSoftware/rs-icons | a2c5eea1a04a76098ca5de04ef3a2c6e5e68e953 | [
] | 1 | 2022-01-30T08:22:19.000Z | 2022-01-30T08:22:19.000Z | ---
description: 2019 MUI Developer Survey results
# 2019 MUI Developer Survey results
Olivier Tassinari, Matt Brookes. March 16, 2019.
While we are currently working on the upcoming release of MUI v4, we need to prioritize our
roadmap for the coming year. To refine our focus, we launched a developer survey last month,
to which we received 734 contributions. Thank you for your participation!
The survey is now closed and this is a summary of the results.
The survey was broken into three sections, "Introduction", "About you" and "Your product".
## Introduction
Here we asked for the good, the bad and the ugly. Thankfully, it's mostly good, but we can focus
on the things that will make it even better.
### 1. How would you feel if you could no longer use MUI?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/1.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Pie chart: 74.7% Very disappointed, 18.9% disappointed, 6.4% not disappointed." />
An overwhelming majority of respondents (over 93%), would be disappointed or very disappointed if
they could no longer use MUI. The benchmark for "very disappointed" is 40%,
so we're on the right track. Don't worry, MUI isn't going away any time soon –
we want to focus on making even more of you "very disappointed", as it were!
Curiously, the 6.4% who said they would _not_ be disappointed if they could no longer use
MUI collectively gave a Net Promoter Score of 68%, which is
[higher than that of all respondents as a whole](#5-how-likely-is-it-that-you-would-recommend-material-ui-to-a-friend-or-colleague),
so we know they love us really. 😘
### 2. Who do you think would most benefit from MUI?
This word cloud was generated with wordclouds.com.
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/2.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Word cloud of who would benefit most" />
Developers, developers, developers! (And "anyone" and "everyone", apparently! ) This is understandable, given the
[job role demographic](#7-which-of-the-following-best-describes-your-current-job-role)
of the majority of respondents. We'll continue to work on the developer experience, making it
easier to get started with, use, and customize MUI.
### 3. What is the main benefit you receive from MUI?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/3.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Word cloud of the main benefit of MUI" />
The responses variously commented on being able to focus on the business logic, time saved,
good looking components, ease of use, design consistency, good documentation.
We'll make sure that we continue to do more of the things that benefit you the most.
### 4. How can we improve MUI for you?
We have grouped the answers into different categories.
The prefix corresponds to the number of times the concern was mentioned.
It's sorted descending, with the most important concerns first:
- 135 **More components:**
- 56 Non-specific
- 21 Date picker
- 10 Autocomplete
- 9 Layout
- 8 Table++
- 5 Carousel
- 5 Slider
- 3 Video
- 2 Calendar
- 2 Menu nesting
- 2 List - draggable
- 1 Tree view
- 1 Color picker
- 1 Dense mode
- 1 For landing pages
- 1 Group avatar
- 1 Image gallery
- 1 Image picker
- 1 Menu - dropdown
- 1 Mobile
- 1 Rating
- 1 Timeline
- 1 Transfer
- 50 **Better customization:**
- 23 Non-specific
- 15 Docs
- 8 Easier
- 3 Theme
- 1 Colors
- 36 **Better documentation:**
- 11 Non-specific
- 7 More examples
- 5 Beginner tutorials
- 4 Video lessons
- 2 API pages
- 2 Icon explorer
- 1 Best practices
- 1 Customization
- 1 Global CSS
- 1 Demo source scroll issue
- 1 Server-side rendering
- 31 **TypeScript:**
- 14 Non-specific
- 13 Migrate more demos
- 3 withStyles -> makeStyles
- 1 Rewrite
- 24 **Performance:**
- 23 Non-specific
- 1 Table
- 19 **Bundle size**
- 17 **Material Design Update**
- 16 **styled-components:**
- 10 Support
- 6 Migration
- 14 **Fewer breaking changes**
- 10 **More page layout examples**
- 9 **Theme:**
- 3 More colors
- 3 Live editor
- 1 Non-material font example
- 2 Responsive typography
- 8 **React.StrictMode support**
- 8 **React Native support**
- 6 **Accessibility:**
- 4 Non specific
- 1 Docs
- 1 SkipNav
- 6 **Hooks at 100%**
- 4 **Animations**
- 4 **Long Term Support**
- 4 **Simplification**
- 3 **Gatsby plugin**
- 3 **i18n**
- 3 **Premium themes**
- 3 **Showcase, design inspiration**
- 2 **Clear Roadmap**
- 2 **Preact support**
- 2 **Simpler: closer to DOM nodes**
- 2 **Styleless components**
- 1 **Web component integration example**
- 1 **Collect user feedback**
- 1 **Non-Material Design theme example**
- 1 **Right to left**
- 1 **Storybook addons**
- 1 **Styles: better docs**
- 1 **Testing**
### 5. How likely is it that you would recommend MUI to a friend or colleague?
<figure style="margin-inline-start: 0;">
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/5a.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart of raw data" />
<figcaption style="font-style: italic; text-align: center;">Raw data.</figcaption>
<br />
<figure style="margin-inline-start: 0;">
<img style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="/static/blog/2019-survey/5b.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Pie chart: 70.6% promoters, 24.8% neutrals, 4.6% detractors" />
<figcaption style="font-style: italic; text-align: center;">Result.</figcaption>
Developers gave MUI a [Net Promoter Score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_Promoter)
(promoters less detractors) of 66%. Given the NPS range of -100 to +100, a "positive" score or NPS
above 0 is considered "good", +50 is "Excellent", and above 70 is considered "world class."
## About you
### 6. How did you hear about MUI?
Multiple options were allowed.
| Channel(s) | Number |
| --------------------------- | ------ |
| Search | 344 |
| Word of mouth | 112 |
| Search, Word of mouth | 47 |
| Search, Social | 25 |
| Social | 22 |
| Blog | 14 |
| Search, Word of mouth, Blog | 11 |
<br /><br />
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/6.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 74.3% search, 29.6% word of mouth, 8.2% Social, 4.3% blog." />
### 7. Which of the following best describes your current job role?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/7.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 358 Full-stack developers, 189 Frontend developers, 103 Entrepreneurs, 31 Beginners, 42 Other" />
No huge surprises here!
### 8. How big is your organization?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/8.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 61 Hobby, 98 Self-employed, 181 x 2-10, 167 x 11-50, 126 x 51-500, 89 x 500 +" />
MUI is most popular with small to medium sized organisations,
perhaps because beyond a certain size, organizations have teams building their own design system and framework.
We want to continue to make it easy to use the component logic of MUI while allowing
designers to give it a bespoke look and feel for their organization.
### 9. How long have you been developing with JavaScript
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/9.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 26 x I'm just getting started!, 43 x 6 months +, 150 x 1 year +, 179 x 3 years +, 155 x 5 years, 82 x 10 years +, 47 x 15 years +" />
A nice bell curve, with the majority of developers having 1 to 5 years experience with Javascript.
### 10. How long have you been developing with React?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/10.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 99 x I'm just getting started!, 77 x 6 months +, 301 x 1 year +, 171 x 3 years +, 32 x 5 years - bleeding edge baby!" />
### 11. How long have you been developing with MUI?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/11.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 160 x I'm just getting started!, 147 x 6 months +, 293 x 1 year +, 71 x 3 years +, 11 x Four years + – I'm a pioneer!" />
We missed a trick by not including "2 years +" here, so "1 year +" looks stacked.
The number of users of MUI continues to grow at a steady pace, and once on board, many
developers stick with it.
### 12. What were you primarily using before MUI?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/12.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Bar chart: 55% Bootstrap, 18% Custom, 12% Other, 7% Semantic-IU, 6% Materialize, 3% React Toolbox" />
Given its relative popularity, and the move from CSS / HTML / jQuery towards front-end frameworks,
it should come as no big surprise to see that the majority of respondents were previously using Bootstrap.
Custom solutions have also been replaced by MUI as your go-to UI library, along with a
long-tail of other frameworks.
### 13. How many MUI based projects have you built?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/13.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Pie chart: 10.7% I'm just getting started, 23.5% 1, 52.5% 2-5, 11.1% 6-10, 2.2% 10+" />
Over three quarters of you have built two or more projects with MUI, with 13.3% having six
or more projects under your belt. The 2.2% with ten or more, we salute you!
## Your product
### 14. What are you building?
Multiple options were allowed.
- Dashboard & admin: 70%
- UI components (design system): 40%
- Business & corporate pages: 35%
- Landing pages (product): 33%
- e-commerce: 14%
- Portfolio & resume: 12%
- Blog: 8%
Dashboards are at the top of the heap, and we've long known that many of you are building internal
systems that can't feature in [the showcase](/discover-more/showcase/). Let us know by opening a PR
if you're bucking that trend, and have something sparkly to share! And if you're in the 40% building UI
components, we'd be happy to give you a shout out in the [related projects](/discover-more/related-projects/)
### 15. What "delivery mechanism" are you using?
Multiple options were allowed.
- Web app (e.g. create react app): 92%
- Progressive web app (with service worker): 25%
- Server-side rendering 14%
- Static web site, hosted on a CDN (e.g. Gatsby): 13%
- Desktop app (e.g. Electron): 12%
- Native mobile app (e.g. Cordova): 6%
### 16. Who are you building it for?
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/16.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="Pie chart: 54,3% for my company, 24.9% for a client, 15.2% as a side project, 5.6% more than one of these." />
### 17. Which JS framework are you using, if any?
Multiple options were allowed.
- Create React App: 75%
- none: 17%
- Next.js: 12%
- Gatsby: 8%
Server-side rendering isn't yet very popular.
As the React ecosystem matures, we might see a [big](https://www.rank2traffic.com/gatsbyjs.org) [push](https://www.rank2traffic.com/nextjs.org) of server-side rendering in the coming months.
### 18. What styling system are you using?
Multiple options were allowed.
- @mui/styles: 85%
- Styled components: 30%
- Good old CSS (+sass, less, etc): 24%
- CSS Modules (+sass, less, etc): 16%
- Emotion: 4%
Traditional CSS users are still prevalent (24% + 16%).
The components customization `classes` API was designed for these people.
It's also why we allow the generation of deterministic class names (_MuiButton-root_ instead of _jss113_).
However, styled components is popular. We will work on better supporting it.
## Conclusion
This data is **incredibly valuable** for our team.
Again, thank you for participating!
We want to work on the problems that resonate the most with our users.
[It's clear](#4-how-can-we-improve-material-ui-for-you) that we should:
1. Support more components
2. Improve the customization
3. Improve the documentation
4. Improve the static typings
5. Reduce the overhead of the library
**We will update [our ROADMAP](/discover-more/roadmap/) in the coming days**.
We will run a similar survey next year to keep track of our progress.
If you want to continue to influence our roadmap, please upvote 👍 the issues you are the most interested in on GitHub.
<img src="/static/blog/2019-survey/vote.gif" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" alt="How to upvote on GitHub" />
<p class="blog-description">Help us prioritize by upvoting.</p>
| 37.099698 | 231 | 0.702362 | eng_Latn | 0.984497 |
d9ce4ede2dd09e73e1ea3a92f0527207b964880d | 6,264 | md | Markdown | articles/finance/localizations/rus-credit-note-correction.md | ctevrizci/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | 3d37d4f509a185f941ee77dc156728378c8a341b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/finance/localizations/rus-credit-note-correction.md | ctevrizci/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | 3d37d4f509a185f941ee77dc156728378c8a341b | [
] | null | null | null | articles/finance/localizations/rus-credit-note-correction.md | ctevrizci/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public | 3d37d4f509a185f941ee77dc156728378c8a341b | [
] | null | null | null | ---
# required metadata
title: Credit note corrections (Russia)
description: This topic provides information about creating credit note corrections in Accounts receivable and Accounts payable.
author: anasyash
manager: AnnBe
ms.date: 08/09/2019
ms.topic: article
ms.service: dynamics-ax-applications
# optional metadata
audience: Application User
# ms.devlang:
ms.reviewer: kfend
# ms.search.scope: Core, Operations
# ms.tgt_pltfrm:
# ms.custom:
ms.search.region: Russia
# ms.search.industry:
ms.author: anasyash
ms.search.validFrom: 2019-06-28
ms.dyn365.ops.version: 10.0.0
# Credit note corrections (Russia)
[!include [banner](../includes/banner.md)]
## Set up negative amount transactions as corrections
1. Go to **General ledger** \> **Ledger setup** \> **General ledger parameters**.
2. On the **Ledger** tab, on the **Accounting rules** FastTab, set the **Correction** option to **Yes**. Transactions that have negative amounts can now be posted as corrections in the general ledger.
## Set up credit notes as corrections
1. Go to **Accounts receivable** \> **Setup** \> **Accounts receivable parameters**.
2. On the **Updates** tab, on the **Invoice** FastTab, set the **Credit note as correction** option to **Yes**.
3. Go to **Accounts payable** \> **Setup** \> **Accounts payable parameters**.
4. On the **Invoice** tab, on the **Invoice** FastTab, set the **Credit note as correction** option to **Yes**.
## Set up the amount sign for a printed invoice
1. Go to **Accounts receivable** \> **Setup** \> **Forms** \> **Form setup**.
Go to **Accounts payable** \> **Setup** \> **Forms** \> **Form setup**.
2. On the **Invoice** tab, in the **Credit notes print** field, select a value. This field controls the amount sign in the printable form of the invoice.
- **Credit note**: On the **Printing** page, the document lines have the opposite amount sign that the invoice lines have. In other words, the printed amounts will be positive.
- **Goods return**: On the **Printing** page, the document lines have the same amount sign as the invoice lines. In other words, the printed amounts will be negative.
## Create a credit note for correction in Accounts receivable
### Post free text invoices as credit corrections
You can create and post free text invoices as credit corrections for return item transactions. Use the following procedure to correct a free text invoice that has both positive and negative invoice amounts.
1. Go to **Accounts receivable** \> **Invoices** \> **All free text invoices**.
2. Select an existing free text invoice for an item that was returned.
3. On the **Invoice lines** FastTab, add an invoice line that has either a positive invoice amount or a negative invoice amount, depending on the type of correction.
4. Select **Post** to open the **Post free text invoice** dialog box.
5. Set the **Credit correction** option to **Yes**, and then select **OK** to post the invoice. This invoice has either a positive amount sign or a negative amount sign, depending on the direction of the correction. If the invoice amount is positive, you receive a message that states that the parameter for credit correction is activated.
> [!NOTE]
> You can create a credit note by selecting **Create credit note** in the **Cancel** group on the **Invoice** tab of the Action Pane. Use the **Mark** check box to select the invoice and invoice lines, and then select **OK**. Lines are created that are identical to the invoice lines, but they have the opposite amount sign.
6. On the Action Pane, on the **Invoice** tab, in the **Related information** tab, select **Invoice journal** to open the **Invoice journal** page.
7. Select **Transactions** to open the **Customer transactions** page. Review the **Correction** column to verify that the transaction was generated as a correction for the return item transaction.
> [!TIP]
> If you don't see the **Correction** column, right-click anywhere in the heading row of the grid, and then select **Add columns**. In the dialog box, select the check box for the **Correction** column, and then select **Insert**.
8.Select **Voucher** to open the **Voucher transactions** page. Review the **Correction** column to verify that the transaction was posted as a correction.
### Create credit corrections for sales orders
Just as you can post free text invoices as credit corrections, you can create credit notes for sales orders. On the **Sales order** page, select **Credit note**. Select the sales order to issue a credit note for, select the sales order lines to correct, and then select **OK**. Then, on the **Posting invoice** page, set the **Credit correction** option to **Yes**, and post the invoice.
On the Invoice journal page, you can view the original invoice and the credit note. On the Customer transactions and Voucher transactions pages, you can verify that the transactions were posted as corrections.
## Create a credit note for correction in Accounts payable
### Post and print a reverse transaction for a purchase order credit note
You can use the **Credit note** button to post a purchase order credit note transaction as a reverse transaction. Select the purchase order for the credit note, select the purchase order lines, and then select **OK**. Then, on the **Vendor invoice** page, on the Action Pane, on the **Process** tab, in the **Set** group, select **Credit setup**. Set the **Credit correction** option to **Yes**, and post the invoice.
On the **Invoice journal** page, you can perform these actions:
- Select **Transactions** to open the **Vendor transactions** page, and review the **Correction** column to verify that the transaction was generated as a correction.
- Select **Voucher** to open the **Voucher transactions** page, and review the **Correction** column to verify that the transaction was generated as a correction.
- Select **Preview/Print** to print the report.
### Post vendor invoices as credit corrections
On the **Open vendor invoices** page, you can create and post vendor invoices as credit corrections for return item transactions. The procedure resembles the procedure for posting a reverse transaction for a purchase order credit note, earlier in the topic.
| 65.936842 | 417 | 0.742816 | eng_Latn | 0.988494 |
d9ce8c4a6060c5e6fcf75317017fc10b86f20793 | 9,320 | md | Markdown | articles/iot-hub/iot-hub-query-avro-data.md | md2perpe/azure-docs.sv-se | 64bdd85952bc1d194f86a3a80e616ca967bb6235 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/iot-hub/iot-hub-query-avro-data.md | md2perpe/azure-docs.sv-se | 64bdd85952bc1d194f86a3a80e616ca967bb6235 | [
] | null | null | null | articles/iot-hub/iot-hub-query-avro-data.md | md2perpe/azure-docs.sv-se | 64bdd85952bc1d194f86a3a80e616ca967bb6235 | [
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title: Fråga Avro-data med hjälp av Azure Data Lake Analytics | Microsoft Docs
description: Använda brödtext meddelandeegenskaper för att dirigera enhetstelemetri till Blob storage och fråga efter data för Avro-format som skrivs till Blob storage.
author: ash2017
ms.service: iot-hub
services: iot-hub
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.date: 05/15/2019
ms.author: asrastog
ms.openlocfilehash: 84e1dd77c6e873dc2facb5126bbddf795192b60d
ms.sourcegitcommit: d4dfbc34a1f03488e1b7bc5e711a11b72c717ada
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: sv-SE
ms.lasthandoff: 06/13/2019
ms.locfileid: "66257752"
# <a name="query-avro-data-by-using-azure-data-lake-analytics"></a>Fråga Avro-data med hjälp av Azure Data Lake Analytics
Den här artikeln beskrivs hur du frågar Avro-data för att effektivt dirigera meddelanden från Azure IoT Hub till Azure-tjänster. [Message Routing](iot-hub-devguide-messages-d2c.md) kan du filtrera data med hjälp av komplexa frågor baserat på meddelandeegenskaper, meddelandetexten, device twin taggar och tvillingegenskaper. Mer information om förfrågningar till funktionerna i meddelandet routning finns i artikeln [meddelande frågesyntax för routning](iot-hub-devguide-routing-query-syntax.md).
Utmaningen har varit att när Azure IoT Hub skickar meddelanden till Azure Blob storage, som standard IoT Hub skrivs innehållet i Avro-format, vilket har både ett meddelande brödtext egenskapen och ett meddelande. Avro-format används inte för andra slutpunkter. Avro-formatet är perfekt för data och meddelandet konservering, är det svårt att använda den för att köra frågor mot data. Däremot är det mycket enklare för att fråga data med JSON- eller CSV-format. IoT Hub stöder nu skriva data till Blob-lagring i JSON, samt AVRO.
Mer information finns i [med hjälp av Azure Blob Storage som en slutpunkt för routning](iot-hub-devguide-messages-d2c.md#azure-blob-storage).
Du kan använda många av big data-mönster för både omvandling samt skala data för att åtgärda icke-relationella stordata behov och format och lösa denna utmaning. En av mönster ”betala per fråga”, är Azure Data Lake Analytics, vilket är fokus i den här artikeln. Även om du enkelt kan utföra frågan i Hadoop eller andra lösningar är ofta bättre Data Lake Analytics lämpligt för den här metoden för ”betala per fråga”.
Det finns en ”extraktor” för Avro i U-SQL. Mer information finns i [U-SQL-Avro exempel](https://github.com/Azure/usql/tree/master/Examples/AvroExamples).
## <a name="query-and-export-avro-data-to-a-csv-file"></a>Fråga efter och exportera Avro-data till en CSV-fil
I det här avsnittet ska du fråga efter data med Avro och exportera den till en CSV-fil i Azure Blob storage, men du kan enkelt placera data i andra databaser eller datalager.
1. Konfigurera Azure IoT Hub att vidarebefordra data till en Azure Blob storage-slutpunkt med hjälp av en egenskap i meddelandetexten och välj meddelanden.

Mer information om konfigurerat vägar och anpassade slutpunkter finns i [meddelanderoutning för en IoT-hubb](iot-hub-create-through-portal.md#message-routing-for-an-iot-hub).
2. Kontrollera att enheten har kodning, innehållstyp och nödvändiga data i egenskaperna eller meddelandets brödtext som refereras till i produktdokumentationen. När du visar dessa attribut i Device Explorer som visas här kan kontrollera du att de är korrekt inställda.

3. Konfigurera en Azure Data Lake Store-instans och en Data Lake Analytics-instans. Azure IoT Hub dirigerar inte till en Data Lake Store-instans, men kräver en Data Lake Analytics-instans.

4. Konfigurera Azure Blob storage som ett ytterligare store, samma Blob storage som Azure IoT Hub skickar data till i Data Lake Analytics.

5. Enligt beskrivningen i den [U-SQL-Avro exempel](https://github.com/Azure/usql/tree/master/Examples/AvroExamples), du behöver fyra DLL-filer. Överför filerna till en plats i din Data Lake Store-instans.

6. Skapa ett U-SQL-projekt i Visual Studio.
! Skapa ett U-SQL-project](./media/iot-hub-query-avro-data/query-avro-data-6.png)
7. Klistra in innehållet i följande skript i den nya filen. Ändra tre markerade avsnitt: Data Lake Analytics-kontot och associerade DLL sökvägarna rätt sökväg för ditt lagringskonto.

Det faktiska U-SQL-skriptet för enkel utdata till en CSV-fil:
CREATE ASSEMBLY [Avro] FROM @"/Assemblies/Avro/Avro.dll";
DROP ASSEMBLY IF EXISTS [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats];
CREATE ASSEMBLY [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats] FROM @"/Assemblies/Avro/Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.dll";
CREATE ASSEMBLY [Newtonsoft.Json] FROM @"/Assemblies/Avro/Newtonsoft.Json.dll";
CREATE ASSEMBLY [log4net] FROM @"/Assemblies/Avro/log4net.dll";
REFERENCE ASSEMBLY [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats];
// Blob container storage account filenames, with any path
DECLARE @input_file string = @"wasb://hottubrawdata@kevinsayazstorage/kevinsayIoT/{*}/{*}/{*}/{*}/{*}/{*}";
DECLARE @output_file string = @"/output/output.csv";
@rs =
EnqueuedTimeUtc string,
Body byte[]
FROM @input_file
USING new Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.ApacheAvro.AvroExtractor(@"
@cnt =
SELECT EnqueuedTimeUtc AS time, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Body) AS jsonmessage
FROM @rs;
OUTPUT @cnt TO @output_file USING Outputters.Text();
Det tog Data Lake Analytics fem minuter att köra följande skript, som var begränsat till 10 analysenheter och behandlas 177 filer. Resultatet visas i utdata för CSV-filen som visas i följande bild:

Om du vill parsa JSON, fortsätter du till steg 8.
8. De flesta IoT-meddelanden är i JSON-format. Genom att lägga till följande rader, kan du parsa meddelandet till en JSON-fil som kan lägga till WHERE-satserna och spara endast nödvändiga data.
@jsonify =
SELECT Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json.JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Body))
AS message FROM @rs;
@cnt =
SELECT EnqueuedTimeUtc AS time, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Body) AS jsonmessage
FROM @rs;
OUTPUT @cnt TO @output_file USING Outputters.Text();
@cnt =
SELECT message["message"] AS iotmessage,
message["event"] AS msgevent,
message["object"] AS msgobject,
message["status"] AS msgstatus,
message["host"] AS msghost
FROM @jsonify;
OUTPUT @cnt TO @output_file USING Outputters.Text();
Utdata visar en kolumn för varje objekt i den `SELECT` kommando.

## <a name="next-steps"></a>Nästa steg
I den här självstudien lärde du dig att fråga Avro-data för att effektivt dirigera meddelanden från Azure IoT Hub till Azure-tjänster.
Exempel på fullständiga lösningar för slutpunkt till slutpunkt som använder IoT Hub finns det [dokumentation om Azure IoT-Lösningsacceleratorer](/azure/iot-accelerators).
Mer information om hur du utvecklar lösningar med IoT Hub finns det [utvecklarhandboken för IoT Hub](iot-hub-devguide.md).
Läs mer om meddelanderoutning i IoT Hub i [skicka och ta emot meddelanden med IoT Hub](iot-hub-devguide-messaging.md).
| 52.067039 | 527 | 0.696674 | swe_Latn | 0.988852 |
d9ce903afc2917efdda3086bab6e646465f68f4f | 16,408 | md | Markdown | docs/microservices/api-design.md | OtacilioN/architecture-center.pt-br | ccefae434b398bb134edd3fb2f67f99fa0b055f2 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/microservices/api-design.md | OtacilioN/architecture-center.pt-br | ccefae434b398bb134edd3fb2f67f99fa0b055f2 | [
] | null | null | null | docs/microservices/api-design.md | OtacilioN/architecture-center.pt-br | ccefae434b398bb134edd3fb2f67f99fa0b055f2 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: Design de API
description: Criando APIs para microsserviços
author: MikeWasson
ms.date: 12/08/2017
ms.openlocfilehash: e3524fca177d8c15b280d0f8a706539369c1773a
ms.sourcegitcommit: 94d50043db63416c4d00cebe927a0c88f78c3219
ms.translationtype: HT
ms.contentlocale: pt-BR
ms.lasthandoff: 09/28/2018
ms.locfileid: "47429121"
# <a name="designing-microservices-api-design"></a>Criando microsserviços: design de API
Um bom design de API é importante em uma arquitetura de microsserviços porque toda a troca de dados entre os serviços ocorre por meio de mensagens ou de chamadas à API. As APIs devem ser eficientes para evitar a criação de [E/S com ruídos](../antipatterns/chatty-io/index.md). Uma vez que os serviços são projetados por equipes que trabalham de forma independente, as APIs devem ter esquemas semânticos e de controle de versão bem definidos para que as atualizações não interrompam outros serviços.

É importante distinguir entre os dois tipos de API:
- As APIs públicas que os aplicativos do cliente chamam.
- As APIs de back-end que são usadas para comunicação entre serviços.
Esses dois casos de uso têm requisitos um pouco diferentes. Uma API pública deve ser compatível com aplicativos cliente, normalmente os aplicativos de navegador ou os aplicativos móveis nativos. Na maioria das vezes, isso significa que a API pública usará o REST sobre o HTTP. No entanto, para as APIs de back-end, você precisa levar em conta o desempenho da rede. Dependendo da granularidade dos seus serviços, a comunicação entre serviços pode resultar em uma grande quantidade de tráfego de rede. Os serviços podem rapidamente se tornar um limite de E/S. Por esse motivo, considerações como a velocidade de serialização e o tamanho de payload se tornam mais importantes. Algumas alternativas populares para usar o REST sobre o HTTP incluem gRPC, Apache Avro e Apache Thrift. Esses protocolos são compatíveis com a serialização binária e geralmente são mais eficientes do que o HTTP.
## <a name="considerations"></a>Considerações
Aqui estão algumas questões a serem consideradas ao escolher como implementar uma API.
**REST versus RPC**. Considere as compensações entre o uso de uma interface no estilo REST em vez de uma interface no estilo RPC.
- O REST modela recursos, o que pode ser uma maneira natural de expressar seu modelo de domínio. Ele define uma interface uniforme com base nos verbos HTTP, o que incentiva a evolucionabilidade. Ele tem uma semântica bem definida em termos de idempotência, efeitos colaterais e códigos de resposta. E impõe uma comunicação sem monitoração de estado, o que melhora a escalabilidade.
- O RPC está mais voltado para as operações ou para os comandos. Uma vez que as interfaces de RPC se parecem com chamadas de método locais, talvez você acabe criando APIs extremamente ruidosas. No entanto, isso não significa que o RPC deve ser ruidoso. Isso apenas indica que você precisa ter cuidado ao criar a interface.
Para obter uma interface RESTful, a opção mais comum é REST sobre HTTP usando JSON. Para obter uma interface no estilo RPC, há várias estruturas populares, incluindo gRPC, Apache Avro e Apache Thrift.
**Eficiência**. Considere a eficiência em termos de velocidade, memória e tamanho de payload. Normalmente, uma interface baseada em gRPC é mais rápida que REST sobre HTTP.
**IDL (linguagem IDL)**. Uma IDL é usada para definir os métodos, os parâmetros e os valores retornados de uma API. Um IDL pode ser usado para gerar o código do cliente, o código de serialização e a documentação da API. Os IDLs também podem ser consumidos por ferramentas de teste da API, como o Postman. Estruturas como gRPC, Avro e Thrift definem suas próprias especificações de IDL. O REST sobre HTTP não tem um formato padrão de IDL, mas uma opção comum é o OpenAPI (anteriormente conhecido como Swagger). Você também pode criar uma API de REST HTTP sem usar uma linguagem de definição formal, mas perderá os benefícios da geração de código e de teste.
**Serialização**. Como os objetos são serializados eletronicamente? As opções incluem formatos baseados em texto (principalmente JSON) e formatos binários, como um buffer de protocolo. Os formatos binários geralmente são mais rápidos do que os formatos baseados em texto. No entanto, o JSON tem vantagens em termos de interoperabilidade porque a maioria das linguagens e das estruturas são compatíveis com a serialização JSON. Alguns formatos de serialização exigem um esquema fixo e alguns exigem a compilação de um arquivo de definição de esquema. Nesse caso, você precisará incorporar essa etapa no processo de build.
**Suporte de estrutura e linguagem**. O HTTP é compatível com praticamente todas as estruturas e idiomas. gRPC, Avro e Thrift têm bibliotecas para C++, C#, Java e Python. Thrift e gRPC também são compatíveis com Go.
**Compatibilidade e interoperabilidade**. Se escolher um protocolo como gRPC, talvez você precisará de uma camada de conversão de protocolo entre a API pública e o back-end. Um [gateway](./gateway.md) pode executar essa função. Se você estiver usando uma malha de serviço, considere quais protocolos são compatíveis com ela. Por exemplo, linkerd tem suporte interno para HTTP, Thrift e gRPC.
Nossa recomendação de linha de base é escolher REST sobre HTTP, a menos que você precise dos benefícios de desempenho de um protocolo binário. O REST sobre HTTP não requer nenhuma biblioteca especial. Ele cria um acoplamento mínimo, uma vez que os autores da chamada não precisam de um stub de cliente para se comunicarem com o serviço. Há ecossistemas avançados de ferramentas para dar suporte às definições de esquema, teste e monitoramento de pontos de extremidade de HTTP RESTful. Por fim, o HTTP é compatível com clientes de navegador, portanto, você não precisa de uma camada de conversão de protocolo entre o cliente e o back-end.
No entanto, se escolher o REST sobre HTTP, você deverá fazer testes de carga e de desempenho no início do processo de desenvolvimento para validar se ele funciona bem o suficiente para o seu cenário.
## <a name="restful-api-design"></a>Projeto de API RESTful
Há muitos recursos para a criação de APIs RESTful. Aqui estão alguns que podem ser úteis:
- [Design de API](../best-practices/api-design.md)
- [Implementação da API](../best-practices/api-implementation.md)
- [Diretrizes da API REST da Microsoft](https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines)
Aqui estão algumas considerações específicas para ter em mente.
- Fique atento às APIs que vazam detalhes de implementação internos ou refletem um esquema de banco de dados interno. A API deve modelar o domínio. É um contrato entre serviços e, de modo ideal, só deve ser alterado quando novas funcionalidades forem adicionadas, não apenas porque você refatorou algum código ou normalizou uma tabela de banco de dados.
- Diferentes tipos de cliente, como o aplicativo móvel e o navegador da Web da área de trabalho, podem exigir tamanhos diferentes de payload ou padrões de interação. Considere o uso de [back-ends para front-ends padrão](../patterns/backends-for-frontends.md) para criar back-ends separados para cada cliente, que expõem uma interface ideal para esse cliente.
- Para as operações com efeitos colaterais, considere torná-los idempotentes e implementá-los como métodos PUT. Isso habilitará tentativas seguras e poderá melhorar a resiliência. Os capítulos [Ingestão de dados e fluxo de trabalho](./ingestion-workflow.md#idempotent-vs-non-idempotent-operations) e [Comunicação entre serviços](./interservice-communication.md) abordam esse problema de forma mais detalhada.
- Os métodos HTTP podem ter uma semântica assíncrona, em que o método retorna uma resposta imediatamente, mas o serviço realiza a operação assíncrona. Nesse caso, o método deve retornar um código de resposta [HTTP 202](https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html), que indica que a solicitação foi aceita para processamento, mas o processamento ainda não foi concluído.
## <a name="mapping-rest-to-ddd-patterns"></a>Mapeamento de REST para padrões de DDD
Os padrões como entidade, agregação e objeto de valor são projetados para colocar determinadas restrições nos objetos em seu modelo de domínio. Em muitas discussões de DDD, os padrões são modelados usando conceitos da linguagem orientada a objeto (OO), como construtores ou getters e setters de propriedade. Por exemplo, os *objetos de valor* devem ser imutáveis. Em uma linguagem de programação OO, você aplicaria isso ao atribuir os valores no construtor e tornando as propriedades somente leitura:
export class Location {
readonly latitude: number;
readonly longitude: number;
constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number) {
if (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) {
throw new RangeError('latitude must be between -90 and 90');
if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) {
throw new RangeError('longitude must be between -180 and 180');
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
Esses tipos de práticas recomendadas de codificação são particularmente importantes ao criar um aplicativo monolítico tradicional. Com uma base de código grande, muitos subsistemas podem usar o objeto `Location`, portanto, é importante que o objeto imponha o comportamento correto.
Outro exemplo é o padrão Repositório, que garante que outras partes do aplicativo não façam leituras ou gravações diretas no armazenamento de dados:

Em uma arquitetura de microsserviços, no entanto, os serviços não compartilham a mesma base de código, nem os repositórios de dados. Em vez disso, eles se comunicam por meio de APIs. Considere o caso em que o serviço Agendador solicita informações sobre um drone do serviço Drone. O serviço Drone tem seu modelo interno de drone expresso através de código. Mas o Agendador não o vê. Em vez disso, ele recupera uma *representação* da entidade — do drone, talvez um objeto JSON em uma resposta de HTTP.

O serviço Agendador não pode modificar os modelos internos de serviço do Drone ou gravar no armazenamento de dados de serviço do Drone. Isso indica que o código que implementa o serviço Drone tem uma área de superfície exposta menor em comparação com o código em um monolito tradicional. Se o serviço Drone definir uma classe Local, o escopo dessa classe será limitado a —, nenhum outro serviço consumirá a classe diretamente.
Por esses motivos, este guia não se concentra muito em práticas recomendadas de codificação, uma vez que elas se relacionam com os padrões de DDD táticos. Mas acontece também que você pode modelar muitos dos padrões de DDD por meio das APIs REST.
Por exemplo:
- As agregações naturalmente mapeiam para os *recursos* em REST. Por exemplo, a agregação Entrega deve ser exposta como um recurso pela API Entrega.
- As agregações são os limites de consistência. As operações em agregações nunca devem deixar uma agregação em um estado inconsistente. Portanto, você deve evitar criar APIs que permitem que um cliente manipule o estado interno de uma agregação. Em vez disso, favoreça as APIs de alta granularidade que expõem agregações como recursos.
- As entidades têm identidades exclusivas. No REST, os recursos têm identificadores exclusivos na forma de URLs. Crie URLs de recursos que correspondam à identidade de domínio da entidade. O mapeamento da URL para a identidade de domínio pode parecer vago para o cliente.
- As entidades filho de uma agregação podem ser alcançadas por meio da navegação da entidade raiz. Se você seguir os princípios [HATEOAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS), as entidades filho poderão ser acessadas por meio de links na representação da entidade pai.
- Uma vez que os objetos de valor são imutáveis, as atualizações são executadas, substituindo o objeto de valor inteiro. No REST, implante as atualizações por meio das solicitações PUT ou PATCH.
- Um repositório permite aos clientes consultar, adicionar ou remover objetos em uma coleção, abstraindo os detalhes do armazenamento de dados subjacente. No REST, uma coleção pode ser um recurso distinto, com métodos para consultar a coleção ou adicionar novas entidades na coleção.
Quando você projeta suas APIs, pense em como elas expressam o modelo de domínio, não apenas nos dados dentro do modelo, mas também nas operações de negócios e nas restrições nos dados.
| Conceito de DDD | Equivalente a REST | Exemplo |
| Agregação | Recurso | `{ "1":1234, "status":"pending"... }` |
| Identidade | URL | `https://delivery-service/deliveries/1` |
| Entidades filho | Links | `{ "href": "/deliveries/1/confirmation" }` |
| Atualizar objetos de valor | PUT ou PATCH | `PUT https://delivery-service/deliveries/1/dropoff` |
| Repositório | Coleção | `https://delivery-service/deliveries?status=pending` |
## <a name="api-versioning"></a>Controle de versão de API
Uma API é um contrato entre um serviço e os clientes ou os consumidores do serviço. Se uma API for alterada, haverá o risco de interromper clientes que dependem da API, sejam eles clientes externos ou de outros microsserviços. Portanto, é uma boa ideia minimizar a quantidade de alterações de API que você faz. Geralmente, as alterações na implementação subjacente não exigem nenhum alteração na API. No entanto, de modo realista, em algum momento você desejará adicionar novos recursos ou novas capacidades que exigem a alteração de uma API existente.
Sempre que possível, torne as alterações na API compatíveis com as versões anteriores. Por exemplo, evite remover um campo de um modelo, uma vez que isso pode interromper os clientes que esperam que o campo exista. A adição de um campo não interrompe a compatibilidade, visto que os clientes devem ignorar todos os campos que não compreendem em uma resposta. No entanto, o serviço deve tratar o caso em que um cliente mais antigo omite o novo campo em uma solicitação.
Suporte para o controle de versão em seu contrato de API. Se você fizer uma alteração de API de interrupção, apresente uma nova versão de API. Continue a oferecer suporte à versão anterior e permita que os clientes selecionem qual versão será chamada. Há algumas maneiras de fazer isso. Uma delas é expor as duas versões no mesmo serviço. Outra opção é executar as duas versões do serviço lado a lado e rotear as solicitações para uma versão ou para a outra com base nas regras de roteamento de HTTP.

Há um custo para dar suporte a várias versões em termos de tempo de desenvolvedor, de teste e de sobrecarga operacional. Portanto, é conveniente substituir versões antigas o mais rápido possível. Para as APIs internas, a equipe que tem a API pode trabalhar com outras equipes para ajudá-las a migrar para a nova versão. Isso deve ser feito quando for útil ter um processo de controle de várias equipes. Para as APIs externas (públicas), poderá ser mais difícil substituir uma versão de API, especialmente se a API for consumida por terceiros ou por aplicativos cliente nativos.
Quando uma implementação de serviço for alterada, será útil marcar a alteração com uma versão. A versão fornece informações importantes ao solucionar problemas de erros. Ela pode ser muito útil para a análise da causa raiz saber exatamente qual versão do serviço foi chamada. Considere o uso do [controle de versão semântico](https://semver.org/) para versões de serviço. O controle de versão semântico usa um formato *MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH*. No entanto, os clientes deverão selecionar somente uma API com o número de versão principal ou, possivelmente, a versão secundária se houver alterações significativas (mas não interruptivas) entre as versões secundárias. Em outras palavras, é razoável para os clientes selecionar entre a versão 1 e a versão 2 de uma API, mas não é coerente selecionar a versão 2.1.3. Se permitir esse nível de granularidade, você correrá o risco de ter que dar suporte à proliferação de versões.
Para obter mais informações sobre o controle de versão de API, consulte [Controlando a versão de uma API da Web RESTful](../best-practices/api-design.md#versioning-a-restful-web-api).
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
> [Ingestão de dados e fluxo de trabalho](./ingestion-workflow.md) | 109.386667 | 919 | 0.790163 | por_Latn | 0.999995 |
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title: Azure Service Fabric 监视合作伙伴 | Microsoft Docs
description: 了解如何使用合作伙伴监视解决方案监视 Azure Service Fabric
services: service-fabric
documentationcenter: .net
author: srrengar
manager: chackdan
editor: ''
ms.assetid: ''
ms.service: service-fabric
ms.devlang: dotnet
ms.topic: article
ms.tgt_pltfrm: NA
ms.workload: NA
ms.date: 10/16/2018
ms.author: srrengar
ms.openlocfilehash: c2f953c98e41291951f07556bd0cd441d2793d1d
ms.sourcegitcommit: d4dfbc34a1f03488e1b7bc5e711a11b72c717ada
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: zh-CN
ms.lasthandoff: 06/13/2019
ms.locfileid: "60946586"
# <a name="azure-service-fabric-monitoring-partners"></a>Azure Service Fabric 监视合作伙伴
本文演示如何使用几个合作伙伴解决方案来监视 Service Fabric 应用程序、群集和基础结构。 我们与以下每家合作伙伴协作,以创建适用于 Service Fabric 的集成产品/服务。
## <a name="dynatrace"></a>Dynatrace
与 Dynatrace 的集成可提供许多现成的功能用于监视 Service Fabric 群集。 在 VMSS 实例上安装 Dynatrace OneAgent 可以提供性能计数器,并实现应用级别的 Service Fabric 部署拓扑。 此外,Dynatrace 非常适合用于本地监视。 请查看详细信息中列出的功能[公告](https://www.dynatrace.com/news/blog/automatic-end-to-end-service-fabric-monitoring-with-dynatrace/)并[说明](https://www.dynatrace.com/news/blog/automatic-end-to-end-service-fabric-monitoring-with-dynatrace/)若要在群集上启用 Dynatrace。
## <a name="datadog"></a>Datadog
Datadog 包含适用于 Windows 和 Linux 实例的 VMSS 扩展。 使用 Datadog 可以收集 Windows 事件日志,因此可以收集 Windows 上的 Service Fabric 平台事件。 请在[此处](https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/azure-monitoring-enhancements/#integrate-with-azure-service-fabric)查看有关如何将诊断数据发送到 Datadog 的说明。
## <a name="appdynamics"></a>AppDynamics
Service Fabric 与 AppDynamics 的集成是在应用程序级别实现的。 通过更新环境变量并使用 App Dynamics NuGet,可将应用程序遥测数据发送到 AppDynamics。 请参阅这些[说明](https://docs.appdynamics.com/display/AZURE/Install+AppDynamics+for+Azure+Service+Fabric),了解如何将 .NET Service Fabric 应用程序与 AppDynamics 集成。
## <a name="new-relic"></a>New Relic
New Relic 是与 Service Fabric 应用程序完美集成的另一个应用程序性能管理工具。 可以安装 New Relic NuGet 包,并在清单文件中添加特定的环境变量,以便将应用程序遥测数据发送到 New Relic。 请查看这些[说明](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/net-agent/azure-installation/install-net-agent-azure-service-fabric),了解如何为 .NET Service Fabric 应用程序启用 New Relic 遥测。
## <a name="elk"></a>ELK
ELK 堆栈是以下开源技术的集合:Elasticsearch、Logstash 和 Kibana。 结合使用这些技术可以收集、存储和分析 Service Fabric 监视与诊断数据。 我们在[此处](service-fabric-tutorial-java-elk.md)提供了有关如何对 Service Fabric 本机 Java 应用程序执行此操作的教程。
## <a name="humio"></a>Humio
Humio 是可从你的应用程序和 Service Fabric 在云中或本地在真实时间中的事件中收集日志的日志收集服务。 除实时的可观察性,Humio 还提供最先进的分析和可视化功能,用于查看和从你的诊断收集见解。 Humio 具有成本效益的定价计划和内置,同时保留它的规模变革快的速度。 它直接与 Service Fabric 平台事件和应用程序遥测集成。 你可以阅读更多有关 Humio 和 Service Fabric 集成[此处](https://github.com/humio/service-fabric-humio)。
## <a name="next-steps"></a>后续步骤
* 参阅 Service Fabric 中[监视和诊断的概述](service-fabric-diagnostics-overview.md)
* 了解如何使用我们的第一方工具[诊断常见问题](service-fabric-diagnostics-common-scenarios.md)
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############################# Static ############################
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date: 2021-10-02T14:22:14+03:00
draft: false
path: "total/java/conversion/ott-to-xlsx/"
ad_headline: "Java OTT to XLSX Conversion"
ad_description: "OTT to XLSX document conversion API for Java | 100+ file formats supported"
############################# Head ############################
head_title: "Convert OTT to XLSX in Java & J2SE Applications"
head_description: "Java document conversion library to convert OTT to XLSX and 100+ other file formats in Java & J2SE applications. View the Converted XLSX document as HTML viewer."
############################# Header ############################
title: "Convert OTT to XLSX in Java & View as HTML"
description: "Programmatically convert OTT to XLSX in Java & J2SE applications using flexible document manipulation options to customize the resultant document. Convert the complete document or some specific pages based on page numbers or selective page ranges using Java OTT to XLSX conversion library."
############################# SubMenu ############################
enable: false
############################# Content ############################
enable: true
- title_left: "How to Convert OTT to XLSX in Java"
content_left: |
Perform OTT to XLSX file conversion in Java using three simple steps. View the converted document as HTML without any external software dependency.
- Create a new instance of **Converter** class and load the OTT file
- Set **ConvertOptions** for the XLSX document type
- Call **Convert** method of **Converter** class instance for conversion to XLSX
- Set options for HTML viewer
- Create **Viewer** object to view converted XLSX as HTML
title_right: "Downloads & Installation Instructions"
content_right: |
You require `GroupDocs.Conversion` & `GroupDocs.Viewer` namespaces to convert between 100+ documents and image file formats such as PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, Outlook, HTML and diagrams. Explore other [Java APIs for Office documents](https://products.conholdate.com/total/java/) as offered by Conholdate.Total.
Get the respective assembly files from the [downloads](https://downloads.conholdate.com/total/java) or fetch the whole package from [Maven](https://repository.conholdate.com/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/repo) to add `Conholdate.Total` directly in your workspace.
gisthash: "675fd7fb45acf595fd9f872593eb2899"
gistfile: "word-to-pdf-conversion.java"
- title_left: "Convert Password Protected OTT to XLSX"
content_left: |
Accurately load and convert documents that are protected with a password within your Java based applications. The file format conversion API also supports rendering remote documents from different sources including S3, Blob, FTP, Stream, URL or a local disk.
- Create new instance of **Converter** class and pass source document path
- Instantiate the proper **ConvertOptions** class e.g. (**PdfConvertOptions**, **WordProcessingConvertOptions**, **SpreadsheetConvertOptions** etc.)
- Call **convert** method of **Converter** class instance and pass filename for the converted document
title_right: "Source Document Information Extraction"
content_right: |
The documents information extraction feature not only allows getting the basic information about the source document file but it also supports extracting some valuable file-format specific information such as project start and end dates of a Microsoft Project file, any printing restrictions on a PDF document, list of folders enclosed in an Outlook data file etc.
Convert popular document file formats on different operating systems such as Windows, Linux or macOS while using development environments such as NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.
gisthash: "35e23082b8fa43502d6784c38947eef1"
gistfile: "password-protected-word-document-to-pdf-conversion.java"
- title_left: "Convert Specific Word Pages to PDF in Java"
content_left: |
Java document conversion API allows you to choose selected pages from the source document and accurately convert to the supported document format. The code example below shows how to convert the 1st and 4th pages of a Word document to the resultant PDF file.
- Create a new instance of **Converter** class and load input (Word) document
- Instantiate the proper **ConvertOptions** class e.g. (**PdfConvertOptions**, **WordProcessingConvertOptions**, **SpreadsheetConvertOptions** etc)
- Set **setPages** property of the **ConvertOptions** instance and mention specific page number to be converted
- Call **convert** method of **Converter** class instance and pass filename (PDF) for the converted document
title_right: "Caching Converted Document Results"
content_right: |
In some cases, the converted document size is bigger and it takes time to be converted. The document conversion library offers the caching feature to efficiently manage such situations and speed up the repetitive conversion process. Enable the ICache interface to work with custom cache implementation using the extension point and control the cache conversion, as you prefer.
The conversion result is saved to the local drive by default but any type of cache storage can be supported by implementing the appropriate interfaces such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Windows Azure, Reddis or any other.
gisthash: "98e5756c4d2150212f5abd2eb2067059"
gistfile: "convert-specific-word-document-pages-to-pdf.java"
############################# About Formats ############################
enable: false
############################# More Formats ############################
enable: true
auto: false
############################# Back to top ###############################
enable: true
--- | 72.472527 | 386 | 0.687491 | eng_Latn | 0.904143 |
d9d00931e1da0e016714e0826d4780631101d6d6 | 1,855 | md | Markdown | docs/ide/advanced-manifest-tool.md | Juanmemo/cpp-docs | 4dcb1791f0c619a99b785ea6f832b8804c188bd9 | [
] | 1 | 2021-05-18T02:55:34.000Z | 2021-05-18T02:55:34.000Z | docs/ide/advanced-manifest-tool.md | Juanmemo/cpp-docs | 4dcb1791f0c619a99b785ea6f832b8804c188bd9 | [
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] | null | null | null | ---
title: "Advanced, Manifest Tool, Configuration Properties, <Projectname> Property Pages Dialog Box | Microsoft Docs"
ms.custom: ""
ms.date: "11/04/2016"
ms.reviewer: ""
ms.suite: ""
ms.technology: ["cpp-ide"]
ms.tgt_pltfrm: ""
ms.topic: "article"
f1_keywords: ["VC.Project.VCManifestTool.KeyFile", "VC.Project.VCManifestTool.UpdateFileHashes", "VC.Project.VCManifestTool.UpdateFileHashesSearchPath", "VC.Project.VCManifestTool.ValidateSignature", "VC.Project.VCManifestTool.KeyContainer"]
dev_langs: ["C++"]
ms.assetid: 3d587366-05ea-4956-a978-313069660735
caps.latest.revision: 13
author: "mikeblome"
ms.author: "mblome"
manager: "ghogen"
ms.workload: ["cplusplus"]
# Advanced, Manifest Tool, Configuration Properties, <Projectname> Property Pages Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to specify advanced options for [Mt.exe](http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa375649).
To access this property page dialog box, open the property pages for your project or your property sheet. Expand the **Manifest Tool** node under **Configuration Properties**, and then select **Advanced**.
## UIElement List
**Update File Hashes**
Uses the /hashupdate option to specify that the manifest tool will compute the hash of files specified in `<file>` elements, and then update the hash attributes with the computed value.
**Update File Hashes Search Path**
Specifies the search path for files that are referenced in `<file>` elements. This option also uses the /hashupdate option.
## See Also
[\<file> Element](/visualstudio/deployment/file-element-clickonce-application)
[ClickOnce Application Manifest](/visualstudio/deployment/clickonce-application-manifest)
[Manifest Tool Property Pages](../ide/manifest-tool-property-pages.md)
[Working with Project Properties](../ide/working-with-project-properties.md) | 53 | 241 | 0.758491 | eng_Latn | 0.620803 |
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] | 1 | 2019-01-13T20:03:47.000Z | 2019-01-13T20:03:47.000Z | _posts/2015-02-09-on-project-constraints-and-immovable-deadlines.md | But-I-Play-One-On-TV/bryanbraun.github.io | 78b3ac4c27a7e672a0bb8124c402e71261af4de8 | [
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] | null | null | null | ---
title: "On project constraints and immovable deadlines"
date: 2015-02-09 18:58:34
I’ve heard it said about software projects that there are three goals:
* Build it on time
* Build it fully featured
* Build it under budget
I’ve also heard it said *"you can only pick two"*. While it’s possible for software projects to successfully hit all three, there are a host of challenges standing in your way. It’s a good idea at the beginning of your project to determine which of these options are flexible and which ones aren’t, so you can plan accordingly.
I recently worked on a project where *“Build it on time”* was totally non-negotiable, because we were driving towards a large public event that wasn’t going to move for us. Because we knew this, we were able to adjust how we worked in order to meet the deadline. Here are the approaches we took in this instance.
## Be Agile
We couldn’t spec out every detail at the beginning, and even if we could, it was inevitable that things would change as we go. Some parts would be easier or more difficult for us than expected. Our clients would get new ideas and re-prioritize work, as they saw it coming together. Being able to respond to all this as we go resulted in the highest value work being completed by the deadline.
## MVP mentality
What happens if, for some crazy reason, we only get through half of the work done that our clients expect? What if we only got through a quarter? What product would they get then? Anything can happen during a development cycle, from mistakes of judgment to circumstances outside of our control. How do we reduce that risk?
Focusing on the Minimum Viable Product means that we start by sprinting towards building something that will do the job, even if poorly. Then we get feedback and iterate, delivering better and better workable versions until we run out of time. It ends up looking like this:
<p style="text-align: center;">
<img alt="" src="/assets/images/mvp.jpeg" />
Since our project was high-profile, failure would have been very visible--the perfect brew for emotions and stress to run rampant. Having an MVP mentality reduced risk for everybody involved and the feedback we got along the way resulted in a better product.
## Always be releasing
Our work was built on top of production software, so we had another point of potential risk: introducing regressions or downtime for existing visitors. In this situation, the riskiest thing you can do here is build software for months, then try to release it all in one big batch right before the deadline. Doing so results in a long, complex, stressful release that can be difficult to roll back (both logistically and behaviorally) if needed. I’ve been involved in releases like that. It’s not fun.
Instead, we focused on releasing small pieces functionality to production, every day if possible. This doesn’t guarantee that there won’t be regressions. Rather, it makes it more likely that regressions are minor, and easy to isolate and fix.
## Constraints are Good
Constraints are good. They keep us focused on practical solutions that deliver value. By keeping our process iterative and focusing on reducing risk, we can avoid negative outcomes in highly constrained circumstances (like immovable deadlines).
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UID: NN:d2d1_3.ID2D1Device4
title: ID2D1Device4 (d2d1_3.h)
description: Represents a resource domain whose objects and device contexts can be used together. This interface performs all the same functions as the ID2D1Device3 interface. It also enables the creation of ID2D1DeviceContext4 objects.
helpviewer_keywords: ["ID2D1Device4","ID2D1Device4 interface [Direct2D]","ID2D1Device4 interface [Direct2D]","described","d2d1_3/ID2D1Device4","direct2d.id2d1device4"]
old-location: direct2d\id2d1device4.htm
tech.root: Direct2D
ms.assetid: B91E4E63-5FB5-4470-A3B9-F94008EAE4E9
ms.date: 12/05/2018
ms.keywords: ID2D1Device4, ID2D1Device4 interface [Direct2D], ID2D1Device4 interface [Direct2D],described, d2d1_3/ID2D1Device4, direct2d.id2d1device4
req.header: d2d1_3.h
req.target-type: Windows
req.dll: D2d1.dll
targetos: Windows
ms.custom: 19H1
- ID2D1Device4
- d2d1_3/ID2D1Device4
- c++
- APIRef
- kbSyntax
- D2d1.dll
- ID2D1Device4
# ID2D1Device4 interface
## -description
Represents a resource domain whose objects and device contexts can be used together.
This interface performs all the same functions as the <a href="/windows/desktop/api/d2d1_3/nn-d2d1_3-id2d1device3">ID2D1Device3</a> interface.
It also enables the creation of <a href="/windows/desktop/api/d2d1_3/nn-d2d1_3-id2d1devicecontext4">ID2D1DeviceContext4</a> objects.
## -inheritance
The <b>ID2D1Device4</b> interface inherits from <a href="/windows/desktop/api/d2d1_3/nn-d2d1_3-id2d1device3">ID2D1Device3</a>. <b>ID2D1Device4</b> also has these types of members:
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title: FormatCurrency | Microsoft Docs
description: Returns a formatted string that represents the currency value after being formatted.
author: adrianorth
ms.date: 03/07/2022
ms.author: jdaly
ms.reviewer: jdaly
manager: kvivek
ms.suite: ""
ms.tgt_pltfrm: ""
ms.topic: "article"
ms.assetid: 87e433e6-573f-414f-b49d-1213f2bd8cf4
# formatCurrency
[!INCLUDE [formatcurrency-description](includes/formatcurrency-description.md)]
## Available for
Model-driven and canvas apps
## Syntax
`context.formatting.formatCurrency(value, precision, symbol)`
## Parameters
| Parameter Name|Type|Required|Description|
| ------------- |----|--------|-----------|
|value|`number`|yes| A value to be formatted.|
|precision|`number`|yes| The number of digits after decimal point.|
|symbol|`string`|yes| The currency symbol/code to be added with currency value.|
## Return Value
Type: `string`
### Related topics
[Power Apps component framework API reference](../../reference/index.md)<br/>
[Power Apps component framework overview](../../overview.md)
[!INCLUDE[footer-include](../../../../includes/footer-banner.md)] | 24.270833 | 97 | 0.718455 | eng_Latn | 0.781324 |
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title: Tõlkimine ja tõlgendamine
date: 04/05/2020
Piibel kirjutati väga muistsetes keeltes: Vana Testament kirjutati peamiselt heebrea keeles, vähesed lõigud sellest aramea keeles. Uus Testament aga kirjutati koinee kreeka keeles (koinee oli hellenismi ajal üldisemalt levinud kreeka ühiskeel). Valdav osa maailma elanikkonnast ei räägi tänapäeval neid muistseid keeli ega loe neis kirjutatud tekste. Seega on tulnud Piibel tõlkida mitmesugustesse kaasaegsetesse keeltesse.
Kuid nagu iga hea tõlk teab, nii toimub iga tõlke juures alati mingisugune tõlgendamine. Sõnal, mis on ühes keeles, ei pruugi olla täpset vastet teises keeles. Hoolikat tõlkimise ja teksti tõlgendamise kunsti ning oskust nimetatakse „hermeneutikaks“.
`Loe 1Kr 12:10; 1Kr 14:26; Jh 1:41; 9:7; Ap 9:36 ja Lk 24:27. Kõigist eeltoodud lõikudest aimub tõlgendamist ja tõlkimist. Lk 24:27 tuli Jeesuselgi selgitada jüngritele Pühakirja tähendust. Mida ütleb see meile tõlgendamise tähtsuse kohta?`
Kreekakeelne sõna _hermeneuo,_ millest tuleneb sõna _hermeneutika_ (piiblitõlgendus), pärineb kreeka jumala Hermese nimest. Hermest peeti jumalate käskjalaks ja sõnumitoojaks ning seega muuhulgas vastutajaks jumalike sõnumite tõlkimise eest inimestele.
Hermeneutika puhul on meie jaoks otsustav küsimus selles, et kui me originaali keeli ei loe, siis pääseme tekstile ligi ainult tõlke kaudu. Õnneks teevad paljud tõlked head tööd olulise tähenduse vahendamisel. Meil ei ole vaja tunda originaalkeelt selleks, et mõista Pühakirjas ilmutatud olulisi tõdesid, kuigi selline keeleoskus oleks kasulik. Ometi on ka hea tõlke korral teksti õige tõlgendamine tähtis, nagu näeme Lk 24:27. Siit tuleb hermeneutika põhieesmärk: anda edasi piiblisalmide täpne tähendus ja aidata meil mõista, kuidas tekstis olevat õpetust õigesti oma ellu rakendada. Nagu äsjamainitud salmid Luuka evangeeliumist näitavad, tegigi Jeesus oma järelkäijate puhul just seda. Kujuta ette, kuidas oleks, kui Jeesus sulle ise piiblisalme tõlgendaks!
`Paljudel inimestel on võimalus kasutada erinevaid tõlkeid, aga paljudel ei ole. Ükskõik, millise tõlke abil sa töötama pead, miks on oluline uurida Sõna palvemeelselt ja püüda olla kuulekas selle õpetustele?`
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] | 1 | 2018-02-16T08:07:24.000Z | 2018-02-16T08:07:24.000Z | _posts/2011-01-16-configuring-your-dual-monitor-with-xrand-and-ubuntu-10-10.markdown | fpgentil/fpgentil.github.io | 9e7435b11c7ac20abb06b17b1bd524585f3d63eb | [
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] | null | null | null | ---
layout: post
title: "Dual monitor with XRAND and Ubuntu 10.10"
date: 2011-01-16 20:00:00
categories: [linux]
Well, I had (twice) troubles with the combination of a Full HD monitor, my Intel 945GM video card and Ubuntu 10.10. Everybody knows that there’s something unfinished when you want to configure them. So, I’m going to give you this brief tutorial explaing how to configure it without any kind of mess...
First of all, if you have any idea what I’m talking about, but you already know that you cannot configure your dual, or even single monitor via VGA or HDMI you should take a look at [Xrand Manual][xrand] and try to understand how it works.
If you have a small idea about how Xrand works, but you don’t have a clue to solve your problem, let’s start it by understanding how we are going to fix it.
When I plugged my monitor and tried to set it up, Ubuntu even recognized the real resolution, which is 1920×1080 and the right frequency of 60Hz, but for some random reason, my monitor screen was flickering and I was not able to see anything.
So, if you have the same problem that I had, you should follow the next steps, one by one.
Go to your terminal and _sudo su_ on it. After that, type _xrandr_ to make sure that your monitor is plugged in and recognized by Ubuntu.
If everything went well until here, next lines are easy, just copy and paste it.
Now, we should create a new mode line for your xrandr.
{% highlight shell %}
xrandr –newmode "X" 195 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118 -HSync +Vsync
{% endhighlight %}
Later, add the mode line earlier created.
{% highlight shell %}
xrandr –addmode VGA1 "X"
{% endhighlight %}
Select your output with this mode
{% highlight shell %}
xrandr –output VGA1 –mode "X"
{% endhighlight %}
Finally, this is optional, but if you’d like to use your Full HD monitor as the primary one, follow the next line and hit ENTER.
{% highlight shell %}
xrandr –output VGA1 –primary
{% endhighlight %}
Well, that’s it! Pretty simple, huh?
It took me a few months to figure out why I was not able to set it up. If this mode line does NOT fix your problem, let me know in the comment area bellow, I’ll try to help you.
PS. Since Ubuntu 10.04 or later have no xorg.conf file, keep this code with you. In my case, there’s no need to execute every time, because it’s not always that I have my laptop and my monitor together, but if that’s the case for you, you can create a script and run it every time your Ubuntu goes on.
[xrand]: https://www.x.org/archive/X11R7.5/doc/man/man1/xrandr.1.html
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] | null | null | null | docs/azure/docker.md | friederbluemle/vscode-docs | 6d7de3a2a5726fd6c3d1b59880f25a0a5f700596 | [
] | 1 | 2021-01-18T02:04:23.000Z | 2021-01-18T02:04:23.000Z | ---
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TOCTitle: Docker
ContentId: 42F8B9F8-BD03-4159-9479-17C5BDE30531
PageTitle: Working with Docker in Visual Studio Code
DateApproved: 7/9/2020
MetaDescription: Working with Docker containers in Visual Studio Code.
# Working with Docker
This page is redirected to /docs/containers/overview.md and only exists to keep the "Docker" TOC item. | 30.5 | 102 | 0.79235 | eng_Latn | 0.790164 |
d9d210b565735948687cf5f8949161e7ec21e3cb | 64 | md | Markdown | README.md | dsund/miniapi | 14c35291990e516e92c366f36b6f826ce4dedb23 | [
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] | null | null | null | README.md | dsund/miniapi | 14c35291990e516e92c366f36b6f826ce4dedb23 | [
] | 1 | 2022-03-07T08:30:57.000Z | 2022-03-07T08:30:57.000Z | # miniapi
Work in progress to exploit minimal api's and .net 6
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] | null | null | null | includes/site-recovery-vmware-azure-process-server-prereq.md | sergibarca/azure-docs.es-es | dabecf2b983b0b41215571b8939077861f0c2667 | [
] | null | null | null | ---
author: rayne-wiselman
ms.service: site-recovery
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ms.date: 11/28/2019
ms.author: raynew
ms.openlocfilehash: de15e3028cf22cdd03ce29385278fc5e2babaa9b
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ms.contentlocale: es-ES
ms.lasthandoff: 11/27/2019
ms.locfileid: "74566360"
En este artículo se supone que
1. Ya se ha establecido una **VPN de sitio a sitio** o una conexión de **Express Route** entre su red local y Azure Virtual Network.
2. Su cuenta de usuario tiene permisos para crear una nueva máquina virtual en la suscripción de Azure en la que las máquinas virtuales se han conmutado por error.
3. La suscripción tiene un mínimo de 8 núcleos disponibles para poner en marcha una nueva máquina virtual de servidor de procesos.
4. Dispone de la **frase de contraseña del servidor de configuración**.
> [!TIP]
> Asegúrese de que se puede conectar al puerto 443 del servidor de configuración (que se ejecuta de forma local) desde la instancia de Azure Virtual Network en la que las máquinas virtuales se han conmutado por error.
| 47.565217 | 217 | 0.796161 | spa_Latn | 0.985329 |
d9d34c96560511911c168c169b4dac6e08e48ffc | 7,430 | md | Markdown | SYNTAX.md | xiaoyongcd/gjson | 4d138e058b2959b28f3bed6fdeedf4a02f64d514 | [
] | 1 | 2019-07-08T09:42:46.000Z | 2019-07-08T09:42:46.000Z | SYNTAX.md | xiaoyongcd/gjson | 4d138e058b2959b28f3bed6fdeedf4a02f64d514 | [
] | null | null | null | SYNTAX.md | xiaoyongcd/gjson | 4d138e058b2959b28f3bed6fdeedf4a02f64d514 | [
] | null | null | null | # GJSON Path Syntax
A GJSON Path is a text string syntax that describes a search pattern for quickly retreiving values from a JSON payload.
This document is designed to explain the structure of a GJSON Path through examples.
- [Path structure](#path-structure)
- [Basic](#basic)
- [Wildcards](#wildcards)
- [Escape Character](#escape-character)
- [Arrays](#arrays)
- [Queries](#queries)
- [Dot vs Pipe](#dot-vs-pipe)
- [Modifiers](#modifiers)
The definitive implemenation is [github.com/tidwall/gjson](https://github.com/tidwall/gjson).
## Path structure
A GJSON Path is intended to be easily expressed as a series of components seperated by a `.` character.
Along with `.` character, there are a few more that have special meaning, including `|`, `#`, `@`, `\`, `*`, and `?`.
## Example
Given this JSON
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
"children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
"fav.movie": "Deer Hunter",
"friends": [
{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},
{"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68},
{"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}
The following GJSON Paths evaluate to the accompanying values.
### Basic
In many cases you'll just want to retreive values by object name or array index.
name.last "Anderson"
name.first "Tom"
age 37
children ["Sara","Alex","Jack"]
children.0 "Sara"
children.1 "Alex"
friends.1 {"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68}
friends.1.first "Roger"
### Wildcards
A key may contain the special wildcard characters `*` and `?`.
The `*` will match on any zero+ characters, and `?` matches on any one character.
child*.2 "Jack"
c?ildren.0 "Sara"
### Escape character
Special purpose characters, such as `.`, `*`, and `?` can be escaped with `\`.
fav\.movie "Deer Hunter"
### Arrays
The `#` character allows for digging into JSON Arrays.
To get the length of an array you'll just use the `#` all by itself.
friends.# 3
friends.#.age [44,68,47]
### Queries
You can also query an array for the first match by using `#(...)`, or find all matches with `#(...)#`.
Queries support the `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=` comparison operators,
and the simple pattern matching `%` (like) and `!%` (not like) operators.
friends.#(last=="Murphy").first "Dale"
friends.#(last=="Murphy")#.first ["Dale","Jane"]
friends.#(age>45)#.last ["Craig","Murphy"]
friends.#(first%"D*").last "Murphy"
friends.#(first!%"D*").last "Craig"
To query for a non-object value in an array, you can forgo the string to the right of the operator.
children.#(!%"*a*") "Alex"
children.#(%"*a*")# ["Sara","Jack"]
*Please note that prior to v1.3.0, queries used the `#[...]` brackets. This was
changed in v1.3.0 as to avoid confusion with the new [multipath](#multipaths)
syntax. For backwards compatibility, `#[...]` will continue to work until the
next major release.*
### Dot vs Pipe
The `.` is standard separator, but it's also possible to use a `|`.
In most cases they both end up returning the same results.
The cases where`|` differs from `.` is when it's used after the `#` for [Arrays](#arrays) and [Queries](#queries).
Here are some examples
friends.0.first "Dale"
friends|0.first "Dale"
friends.0|first "Dale"
friends|0|first "Dale"
friends|# 3
friends.# 3
friends.#(last="Murphy")# [{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},{"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}]
friends.#(last="Murphy")#.first ["Dale","Jane"]
friends.#(last="Murphy")#|first <non-existent>
friends.#(last="Murphy")#.0 []
friends.#(last="Murphy")#|0 {"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44}
friends.#(last="Murphy")#.# []
friends.#(last="Murphy")#|# 2
Let's break down a few of these.
The path `friends.#(last="Murphy")#` all by itself results in
[{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},{"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}]
The `.first` suffix will process the `first` path on each array element *before* returning the results. Which becomes
But the `|first` suffix actually processes the `first` path *after* the previous result.
Since the previous result is an array, not an object, it's not possible to process
because `first` does not exist.
Yet, `|0` suffix returns
{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44}
Because `0` is the first index of the previous result.
### Modifiers
A modifier is a path component that performs custom processing on the JSON.
For example, using the built-in `@reverse` modifier on the above JSON payload will reverse the `children` array:
children.@reverse ["Jack","Alex","Sara"]
children.@reverse.0 "Jack"
There are currently three built-in modifiers:
- `@reverse`: Reverse an array or the members of an object.
- `@ugly`: Remove all whitespace from JSON.
- `@pretty`: Make the JSON more human readable.
#### Modifier arguments
A modifier may accept an optional argument. The argument can be a valid JSON payload or just characters.
For example, the `@pretty` modifier takes a json object as its argument.
Which makes the json pretty and orders all of its keys.
"children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
"fav.movie": "Deer Hunter",
"friends": [
{"age": 44, "first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy"},
{"age": 68, "first": "Roger", "last": "Craig"},
{"age": 47, "first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy"}
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"}
*The full list of `@pretty` options are `sortKeys`, `indent`, `prefix`, and `width`.
Please see [Pretty Options](https://github.com/tidwall/pretty#customized-output) for more information.*
#### Custom modifiers
You can also add custom modifiers.
For example, here we create a modifier which makes the entire JSON payload upper or lower case.
gjson.AddModifier("case", func(json, arg string) string {
if arg == "upper" {
return strings.ToUpper(json)
if arg == "lower" {
return strings.ToLower(json)
return json
"children.@case:upper" ["SARA","ALEX","JACK"]
"children.@case:lower.@reverse" ["jack","alex","sara"]
#### Multipaths
Starting with v1.3.0, GJSON added the ability to join multiple paths together
to form new documents. Wrapping comma-separated paths between `{...}` or
`[...]` will result in a new array or object, respectively.
For example, using the given multipath
Here we selected the first name, age, and the first name for friends with the
last name "Murphy".
You'll notice that an optional key can be provided, in this case
"the_murphys", to force assign a key to a value. Otherwise, the name of the
actual field will be used, in this case "first". If a name cannot be
determined, then "_" is used.
This results in
| 28.687259 | 131 | 0.620188 | eng_Latn | 0.97667 |
d9d3641ee5febdb1baf3007dd732adced9a43194 | 2,616 | md | Markdown | src/modules/logger/README.md | cermakjiri/redux-worker | 9d5a1dd3a75d3f252fa971fb0da6f77b34b14598 | [
] | 3 | 2019-01-16T20:31:00.000Z | 2019-09-04T08:11:18.000Z | src/modules/logger/README.md | AckeeCZ/redux-worker | 9d5a1dd3a75d3f252fa971fb0da6f77b34b14598 | [
] | null | null | null | src/modules/logger/README.md | AckeeCZ/redux-worker | 9d5a1dd3a75d3f252fa971fb0da6f77b34b14598 | [
] | null | null | null | # `logger`
A wrapper around the `console` object that adds some custom functionality such as:
- Respect current log level.
- The log level can be changed dynamically by method called `setLogLevel`.
- Enqueue any incoming logs until the `setLogLevel` method is called.
- There're three log types: `error`, `warn` and `info`.
## API
### `logLevels: Objects`
An object containing following log levels:
const logLevels = {
SILENT: 0, // logs out nothing
ERROR: 1, // logs out console.error
WARN: 2, // logs out console.(error|warn)
INFO: 3, // logs out console.(warn|error|log\info)
### `setLogLevel(logLevel: Number): void`
Dynamically sets the log level.
> You have to call it at least once to initialize the logger. Until then, all logs (calls of `error`, `warn` or `info`) are enqueued. When the logger is initialize, the queue is processed and cleared.
// log nothing, disable the logger completely
### `error(any): void`
Wrapper around `console.error` method. It'll log out a message only if the log level is at least `ERROR`.
error('My error message');
### `warn(any): void`
Wrapper around `console.warn` method. It'll log out a message only if the log level is at least `WARN`.
warn('My warn message');
### `info(any): void`
Wrapper around `console.log` method. It'll log out a message only if the log level is at least `INFO`.
info('My info message');
### `defaultLogLevel: Number`
The `defaultLogLevel` variable is assigned based on current value of the `NODE_ENV` variable.
**`logLevel` is `null` by default. This is just helpful value when you calling the `setLogLevel` method for the first time**
const logLevelEnum = {
development: logLevels.INFO,
production: logLevels.SILENT,
[undefined]: logLevels.ERROR,
const defaultLogLevel = logLevelEnum[process.env.NODE];
## Examples
import * as Logger from './modules/logger';
// Nothing is going to be log out,
// because the 'setLogLevel' has been called yet.
Logger.error('Something went wrong.');
Logger.info(`Hello world`);
// Now the error message will log out to console:
// > 'Something went wrong.'
// > 'Hello world'
import * as Logger from './modules/logger';
Logger.error('Something went wrong.');
Logger.info(`Hello world`);
// Only the error message will be log out
// since the log level is at least 'ERROR'.
// > 'Something went wrong.'
| 24 | 200 | 0.695336 | eng_Latn | 0.960514 |
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] | null | null | null | site/troubleshooting.md | noxdafox/rabbitmq-website | 4adc6ed412df988571191312ba0686073aa808ad | [
] | null | null | null | site/troubleshooting.md | noxdafox/rabbitmq-website | 4adc6ed412df988571191312ba0686073aa808ad | [
] | null | null | null | <!--
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All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Troubleshooting Guidance
## <a id="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview">Overview</a>
This guide provides an overview of several topics related to troubleshooting of RabbitMQ installations and
messaging-based systems:
* [Monitoring and health checks](#monitoring)
* [Logging](#logging)
* [Node configuration](#configuration)
* [Client connectivity](#networking)
* [Client authentication](#authentication) and authorisation
* [CLI tool connectivity](#cli) and authentication
* [Runtime crash dumps](#crash-dumps)
* [Cluster formation](#cluster-formation)
* [Node memory usage](#memory-usage)
* [Connections](#connections) and connection leaks
* [Channels](#channels) and channel leaks
* [TLS](#tls)
* [LDAP](#ldap)
* [Traffic captures](#capturing-traffic)
node memory usage, metrics and monitoring,
TLS, and more.
## <a id="monitoring" class="anchor" href="#monitoring">Monitoring, Metrics, Health Checks</a>
A very important aspect of troubleshooting a production system is [monitoring and health checks](/monitoring.html).
They collect data that can be inspected and analysed, helping identify and detect anomalies.
## <a id="logging" class="anchor" href="#logging">Logging</a>
Logs is another important source of information for troubleshooting. Separate [guide on logging](/logging.html)
explains where to find log files, how to adjust log levels, what log categories exist, connection
lifecycle events that can be detected using log files, and more.
## <a id="configuration" class="anchor" href="#configuration">Node Configuration</a>
[Configuration guide](/configure.html) contains a section on [locating config file](/configure.html#verify-configuration-config-file-location).
Effective node configuration can be inspected using <code>[rabbitmqctl](/cli.html) environment</code> as
well as a number of [rabbitmq-diagnostics](/cli.html) commands.
## <a id="cli" class="anchor" href="#cli">CLI Tools Connectivity and Authentication</a>
[CLI Tools guide](/cli.html#erlang-cookie) explains how CLI tools authenticate to nodes, what the Erlang
cookie file is, and most common reasons why CLI tools fail to perform operations on server nodes.
## <a id="cluster-formation" class="anchor" href="#cluster-formation">Cluster Formation</a>
[Cluster Formation guide](/cluster-formation.html) contains a [troubleshooting section](/cluster-formation.html#troubleshooting-cluster-formation).
## <a id="memory-usage" class="anchor" href="#memory-usage">Memory Usage Analysis</a>
[Reasoning About Memory Use](/memory-use.html) is a dedicated guide on the topic.
## <a id="networking" class="anchor" href="#networking">Networking and Connectivity</a>
[Troubleshooting Networking](/troubleshooting-networking.html) is a dedicated guide on the topic of networking and connectivity.
## <a id="authentication" class="anchor" href="#authentication">Authentication and Authorisation</a>
[Access Control guide](/access-control.html) contains sections on [troubleshooting client authentication](/access-control.html#troubleshooting-authn)
and [troubleshooting authorisation](/access-control.html#troubleshooting-authz).
## <a id="crash-dumps" class="anchor" href="#crash-dumps">Runtime Crash Dump Files</a>
When the Erlang runtime system exits abnormally, a file named `erl_crash.dump`
is written to the directory where RabbitMQ was started from. This file contains
the state of the runtime at the time of the abnormal exit. The termination
reason will be available within the first few lines, starting with `Slogan`, e.g.:
<pre class="lang-bash">
head -n 3 ./erl_crash.dump
# => =erl_crash_dump:0.5
# => Sun Aug 25 00:57:34 2019
# => Slogan: Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,rabbit,{{timeout_waiting_for_tables,[rabbit_user,rabbit_user_permission,rabbit_topic_permission,rabbit_vhost,rabbit_durable_r
In this specific example, the slogan (uncaught exception message) says that a started node
timed out [syncing schema metadata from its peers](/clustering.html#restarting), likely because they did not come online
in the configured window of time.
To better understand the state of the Erlang runtime from a <a href="http://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/crash_dump.html" target="_blank">crash dump file</a>, it
helps to visualise it. The Crash Dump Viewer tool, `cdv`, is part of the Erlang installation.
The `cdv` binary path is dependent on the Erlang version and the location where it was installed.
This is an example of how to invoke it:
<pre class="lang-bash">
/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/observer-2.9.1/priv/bin/cdv ./erl_crash.dump
A successful result of the above command will open a new application window similar to this:

For the above to work, the system must have a graphical user interface, and
Erlang must have been complied with both observer & Wx support.
## <a id="connections" class="anchor" href="#connections">Connections</a>
[Connections guide](connections.html) explains how to identify application connection leaks and other
relevant topics.
## <a id="channels" class="anchor" href="#channels">Channels</a> (AMQP 0-9-1)
[Channels guide](channels.html) explains what [channel-level exceptions](/channels.html#error-handling) mean,
how to identify application channel leaks and other relevant topics.
## <a id="tls" class="anchor" href="#tls">TLS</a>
[Troubleshooting TLS](/troubleshooting-ssl.html) is a dedicated guide on the topic of TLS.
## <a id="ldap" class="anchor" href="#ldap">LDAP</a>
[LDAP guide](/ldap.html#troubleshooting) explains how to enable LDAP decision and query logging.
## <a id="capturing-traffic" class="anchor" href="#capturing-traffic">Capturing Traffic</a>
A [traffic capture](/amqp-wireshark.html) can provide a lot of information useful when troubleshooting network connectivity, application behaviour,
connection leaks, channel leaks and more. tcpdump and Wireshark and industry standard open source tools
for capturing and analyzing network traffic.
| 43.922078 | 216 | 0.770698 | eng_Latn | 0.952362 |
d9d577523c7d13ebd2f14132a1a65df5b28a352c | 1,616 | md | Markdown | README.md | zachricha/crypto-exchange-arbitrage | 69459980bcc2ed52f7f74d04466ac8cdcd4d9962 | [
] | 2 | 2018-06-13T09:12:45.000Z | 2018-06-19T04:30:23.000Z | README.md | zachricha/crypto-exchange-arbitrage | 69459980bcc2ed52f7f74d04466ac8cdcd4d9962 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | zachricha/crypto-exchange-arbitrage | 69459980bcc2ed52f7f74d04466ac8cdcd4d9962 | [
] | null | null | null | # Crypto-Exchange-Arbitrage
Crypto Exchange Arbitrage uses the [ccxt](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt) library to gather ticker data from multiple exchanges and calculates the arbitrage opportunites between them.
Quick start
$npm install crypto-exchange-arbitrage
const arbitrage = require('crypto-exchange-arbitrage');
arbitrage({exchanges: ['binance', 'bittrex']}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
const arbitrage = require('crypto-exchange-arbitrage');
let options = {
exchanges: ['kraken', 'bitfinex2', 'bittrex', 'binance', 'liqui', 'kucoin', 'hitbtc2'],
percent: 2.5,
usdIsUsdt: false,
arbitrage(options, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
#### exchanges
Type: ``Array<String>``
Exchanges is an array of exchange id's from the ccxt library. Each exchange looks for any arbitrage opportunities from all of the exchanges in the arrray. For a list of usable exchange id's check out the supported exchanges on the [ccxt github](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#exchanges)(some exchanges will not work due to there being no fetchTickers support for that particular api).
#### percent
Type: ``Number``
Default: ``1``
Percent sets what percentage an arbitrage opportunity has to be greater than or equal to, in order to be returned.
#### usdIsUsdt
Type: ``Boolean``
Default: ``True``
usdIsUsdt sets whether or not USD and USDT pairs are considered equal and therefore compared.
| 24.861538 | 394 | 0.718441 | eng_Latn | 0.95721 |
d9d5a7a40c37316963ea349fc6d8216e527f6699 | 6,666 | md | Markdown | README.md | sinergics/sekolah | 956088d6e0a436449fcf8af915ee1638d9e158ec | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | sinergics/sekolah | 956088d6e0a436449fcf8af915ee1638d9e158ec | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | sinergics/sekolah | 956088d6e0a436449fcf8af915ee1638d9e158ec | [
] | null | null | null | # PhoneGap Developer App [![Build Status][travis-ci-img]][travis-ci-url]
> Available in an app store near you!
## Overview
The PhoneGap Developer app is a testing utility for web developers and designers
using the PhoneGap framework. After installing the PhoneGap Developer app you
can connect to your PhoneGap desktop app to instantly view and test your project
on the device.
For more information, see [Developer App Reference Guide][3] on the PhoneGap Docs.
## Download
- [Android Google Play][1]
- [Windows Phone store][7]
## Documentation
- [Developer App Reference Guide](http://docs.phonegap.com/references/developer-app/)
- [FAQ/Troubleshooting](http://docs.phonegap.com/references/developer-app/troubleshoot-faq/)
- [Unable to Connect or Download from Server](http://docs.phonegap.com/references/developer-app/troubleshoot-faq/#phonegap-developer-app-is-unable-to-download-from-the-server)
## Development
### Setup
The repository includes everything required to compile the app. You can get
setup by:
$ git clone https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer.git
$ cd phonegap-app-developer/
$ npm install
### Compile and Run
The app bundles the `phonegap` npm module as a dependency. This means that
there is no need for a global installation of `phonegap` or `cordova`.
By editing the `package.json`, you can specify the exact version of `phonegap`
to compile the project.
Since a global install of the `phonegap` module is not required, we use
`npm run` scripts to compile and run the application. This allows the app's
`platforms/` and `plugins/` directories to be removed and rebuilt each time,
ensuring a consistent build using the correct PhoneGap, Cordova, platform,
and plugin versions.
The command structure is:
$ npm run phonegap -- <command> [args]
For example, you can check the version of `phonegap`:
$ npm run phonegap -- --version
You can compile and run iOS or Android:
$ npm run phonegap -- run ios
$ npm run phonegap -- run android
For developers wishing to use the platform SDKs (Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio),
please build once with the CLI to correctly populate the platform assets:
$ npm run phonegap -- build <platform>
Due to a Windows npm bug, the `--` does not work. Therefore we have created
run script that will build Windows Phone 8, so it can run in Visual Studio.
$ npm run phonegap-wp8
### Running the Tests
There are two types of test targets: the local app and served app.
#### Test the Local Application
The local application is the PhoneGap Developer App. To test the local
functionality, we build the application with mobile-spec. This allows us to
ensure that each plugin was correctly installed. Eventually, we would like
to add functional tests for the app logic.
You can run the local tests with:
$ npm run phonegap -- run android --test
$ npm run phonegap -- run ios --test
Again for Windows Phone, we have a run script that will build the app so it can run in
Visual Studio.
$ npm run phonegap-wp8-test
#### Test the Served Application
The served application is the app served by the CLI. To test the server
functionality, we serve an instance of mobile-spec. We can then use the manual
and automatic tests to ensure that the server provided the correct version of
Cordova, the plugins, and the navigation logic.
You can run the served tests with:
$ cd tests/
$ phonegap serve
# now connect with the latest build of the PG App
### Updating the Tests
It's as easy as a copy and paste.
1. Copy all content of `cordova-mobile-spec`
2. Paste the content into `tests/www`
On your first run of the tests, you may see some modified files. This is expected
because the test runner invoked by `--test` modifies certain files to support
our app's configuration.
### Adding Custom Plugins
If you're a developer interested in creating your own custom build of the
PhoneGap Developer App, then this section is for you!
Since the PhoneGap Developer app bundles `phonegap` as a npm dependency and
treats the `platforms/` and `plugins/` as artifacts, you'll find that it is very
easy to add your own plugins and alter other aspects of the app.
You may visit the [PhoneGap docs](http://docs.phonegap.com/references/developer-app/custom-build/ios/) for a more in-depth guide or follow the steps below.
First, [Setup](#user-content-setup) the project on your local system.
Second, edit the `config.xml` to add a custom plugin, change a preference, or
configure the app's name. You should also change the app's id to your own
unique app bundle id:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="org.mycompany.phonegap.app" version="1.6.2" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:gap="http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0">
Third, follow the [Compile and Run](#user-content-compile-and-run) section to
get the app onto your device.
If you run into any problems, feel free to [submit an issue](https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer/issues).
### Releases
Releases are also generated using the npm scripts:
$ npm run release-android
$ npm run release-ios
$ npm run release-wp
In order to properly code-sign Android and iOS, you must setup the signing key.
This is accomplished by cloning the signing key repository and sym-linking each
platform directory with the PhoneGap Developer App repository:
# in your development directory
$ git clone https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer-keys.git
$ cd path/to/phonegap-app-developer/
$ ln -s /path/to/phonegap-app-developer-keys/keys/ios resources/signing/ios
$ ln -s /path/to/phonegap-app-developer-keys/keys/android resources/signing/android
### Contributing, Commits, and Tags
See the [CONTRIBUTING.md][6] file for details.
[1]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.phonegap.app
[3]: http://docs.phonegap.com/references/developer-app/
[4]: http://github.com/phonegap/connect-phonegap
[5]: http://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-cli
[6]: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[7]: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/phonegap-developer/5c6a2d1e-4fad-4bf8-aaf7-71380cc84fe3
[travis-ci-img]: https://travis-ci.org/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer.svg?branch=master
[travis-ci-url]: http://travis-ci.org/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer
[bithound-img]: https://www.bithound.io/github/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer/badges/score.svg
[bithound-url]: https://www.bithound.io/github/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer
# sekolah
| 34.900524 | 175 | 0.760876 | eng_Latn | 0.965067 |
d9d69b45d49283f847e801e43e023e5aca1d6afa | 34,397 | md | Markdown | tutorials/es/foundation/8.0/application-development/cordova-apps/index.md | MobileFirst-Platform-Developer-Center/DevCenter | ac2351ef8878ff5101f0041323b68f3418b059e6 | [
] | 17 | 2016-07-07T07:24:22.000Z | 2022-01-21T07:19:10.000Z | tutorials/es/foundation/8.0/application-development/cordova-apps/index.md | Acidburn0zzz/DevCenter-1 | ac2351ef8878ff5101f0041323b68f3418b059e6 | [
] | 49 | 2016-04-01T07:13:23.000Z | 2022-03-08T11:28:04.000Z | tutorials/es/foundation/8.0/application-development/cordova-apps/index.md | Acidburn0zzz/DevCenter-1 | ac2351ef8878ff5101f0041323b68f3418b059e6 | [
] | 36 | 2016-07-07T07:24:27.000Z | 2022-01-05T13:40:34.000Z | ---
layout: tutorial
title: Desarrollo de MobileFirst Foundation en aplicaciones Cordova
breadcrumb_title: Desarrollo de aplicaciones Cordova
relevantTo: [cordova]
weight: 4
<!-- NLS_CHARSET=UTF-8 -->
## Visión general
{: #overview }
De [http://cordova.apache.org/](http://cordova.apache.org/):
> Apache Cordova es una infraestructura de desarrollo móvil de código abierto. Permite utilizar tecnologías web estándar como, por ejemplo, HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript para un desarrollo entre varias plataformas, evitando el lenguaje de desarrollo nativo de cada plataforma móvil. Las aplicaciones se ejecutan dentro de derivadores destinados a cada plataforma, y se basan en enlaces de API que siguen los estándares para acceder a los sensores de los dispositivos, a los datos y al estado de la red.
{{ site.data.keys.product_full }} proporciona un SDK en forma de varios plugins de Cordova. Aprenda a [Añadir {{ site.data.keys.product }} SDK a aplicaciones Cordova](../../application-development/sdk/cordova).
> **Nota:** Los archivos de archivado/IPA generados mediante Test Flight o iTunes Connect para almacenar envíos/validación de aplicaciones iOS, podrían originar fallos/bloqueos en tiempo de ejecución. Consulte el blog [
Preparación de aplicaciones iOS para enviarlas a App Store en {{ site.data.keys.product_full }}](https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/blog/2016/10/17/prepare-ios-apps-for-app-store-submission/) para obtener más información.
#### Ir a:
{: #jump-to }
* [Desarrollo de aplicaciones Cordova](#cordova-application-development)
* API de [{{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}](#mobilefirst-apis)
* Flujo inicial del SDK de [{{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}](#mobilefirst-sdk-startup-flow)
* [Seguridad de aplicaciones Cordova](#cordova-application-security)
* [Recursos de aplicación de Cordova](#cordova-application-resources)
* [Vista previa de una recurso web de una aplicación](#previewing-an-applications-web-resources)
* [Implementación de código JavaScript](#implementing-javascript-code)
* [Soporte de CrossWalk para Android](#crosswalk-support-for-android)
* [Soporte de WKWebView para iOS](#wkwebview-support-for-ios)
* [Lectura adicional](#further-reading)
* [Guías de aprendizaje con las que continuar](#tutorials-to-follow-next)
## Desarrollo de aplicaciones Cordova
{: #cordova-application-development }
Las aplicaciones desarrolladas con Cordova se pueden mejorar mediante las siguientes características y métodos de desarrollo proporcionados para Cordova:
### Enganches
{: #hooks }
Los enganches de Cordova son scripts que proporcionan a los desarrolladores la posibilidad de personalizar mandatos de Cordova, permitiendo crear por ejemplo flujos de compilación personalizados.
Obtenga más información sobre los [Enganches de Cordova](http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/dev/guide/appdev/hooks/index.html#Hooks%20Guide).
### Carpeta Merges
{: #merges }
La carpeta Merges proporciona la posibilidad de tener recursos web específicos de plataforma (archivos HTML, CSS y JavaScript). Estos recursos web se despliegan durante el paso `cordova prepare` para el directorio nativo apropiado. Los archivos colocados bajo la carpeta **merges/** remplazarán los archivos coincidentes en la carpeta **www/** de la plataforma pertinente. Obtenga más información sobre la [Carpeta Merges](https://github.com/apache/cordova-cli#merges).
### Plugins de Cordova
{: #cordova-plug-ins }
La utilización de plugins de Cordova puede proporcionar mejoras como, por ejemplo, la adición de elementos de interfaz de usuario nativos (diálogos, barras de separadores, selectores, etc.) así como funcionalidades más avanzadas como, por ejemplo, la correlación y geoubicación, la carga de contenido externo, teclados personalizados o la integración de dispositivos (cámaras, contactos, sensores etc.).
Encontrará plugins de Cordova en [GitHub.com](https://github.com) y en otros sitios web populares de plugins de Cordova como, por ejemplo, [Plugreg](http://plugreg.com/) y [NPM](http://npmjs.org).
Plugins de ejemplo:
- [cordova-plugin-dialogs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-dialogs)
- [cordova-plug-inprogress-indicator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-progress-indicator)
- [cordova-plugin-statusbar](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-statusbar)
>**Nota:** La modificación del comportamiento predeterminado de una aplicación Cordova (por ejemplo, modificando el comportamiento del botón de ir hacia atrás) cuando {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} Cordova SDK se añade al proyecto, puede hacer que Google Play Store la rechace cuando la envíe.
Póngase en contacto con el soporte de Google para conocer otras anomalías al enviar una aplicación a Google Play Store.
### Infraestructuras de terceros
{: #3rd-party-frameworks }
El desarrollo de aplicaciones de Cordova se puede mejorar aún más utilizando infraestructuras como, por ejemplo, [Ionic](http://ionicframework.com/), [AngularJS](https://angularjs.org/), [jQuery Mobile](http://jquerymobile.com/) o [Backbone](http://backbonejs.org/) entre muchas otras.
**Artículos de blogs sobre la integración**
* [Procedimientos recomendados para crear aplicaciones Angular JS con MobileFirst Foundation 8.0](https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/blog/2016/08/11/best-practices-for-building-angularjs-apps-with-mobilefirst-foundation-8.0/)
* [Integración de {{ site.data.keys.product }} en aplicaciones basadas en Ionic]({{site.baseurl}}/blog/2016/07/19/integrating-mobilefirst-foundation-8-in-ionic-based-apps/)
* [
Integración de {{ site.data.keys.product }} en aplicaciones basadas en Ionic 2]({{site.baseurl}}/blog/2016/10/17/integrating-mobilefirst-foundation-8-in-ionic2-based-apps/)
### Paquetes de terceros
{: #3rd-party-packages }
Las aplicaciones se pueden modificar utilizando paquetes de terceros para lograr requisitos como, por ejemplo, la minificación y la concatenación de recursos web de aplicaciones, entre otros. Paquetes populares para ello son:
- [uglify-js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/uglify-js)
- [clean-css](https://www.npmjs.com/package/clean-css)
## API de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}
{: #mobilefirst-apis }
Después de [añadir {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} Cordova SDK](../../application-development/sdk/cordova) a una aplicación Cordova, tendrá disponible el conjunto de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} de métodos de API para ser utilizados.
> Consulte la [Referencia de API](../../api) para obtener una lista completa de métodos de API disponibles.
## Flujo inicial del SDK de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}
{: #mobilefirst-sdk-startup-flow }
<div class="panel-group accordion" id="startup-flows" role="tablist">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="android-flow">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#android-flow" data-target="#collapse-android-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-android-flow"><b>Flujo inicial de Android</b></a>
<div id="collapse-android-flow" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="android-flow">
<div class="panel-body">
<p>En Android Studio, revise el proceso de inicio de la aplicación Cordova para Android con {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}. El plugin Cordova de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} <b>cordova-plugin-mfp</b> tiene una secuencia de arranque asíncrona. Se debe completar la secuencia de arranque antes que la aplicación Cordova cargue el archivo html principal de la aplicación.</p>
<p>La adición del plugin <b>cordova-plugin-mfp</b> a una aplicación Cordova instrumenta el archivo <b>AndroidManifest.xml</b> de la aplicación y el código nativo (que extiende <code>CordovaActivity</code>) del archivo <code>MainActivity</code> para realizar la inicialización de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.</p>
<p>La instrumentación de código nativo de la aplicación está formada por:</p>
<li>Adición de llamadas de API de <code>com.worklight.androidgap.api.WL</code> para realizar la inicialización de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.</li>
<li>En el archivo <b>AndroidManifest.xml</b> la adición de
<li>Una actividad denominada <code>MFPLoadUrlActivity</code> para permitir una inicialización de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} adecuada en el caso de que se haya instalado <b>cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview</b>.</li>
<li>Un atributo personalizado <b>android:name="com.ibm.MFPApplication</b>" para el elemento <code>application</code> (consulte más abajo).</li>
<h3>Implementación de WLInitWebFrameworkListener y creación del objeto WL</h3>
<p>El archivo <b>MainActivity.java</b> crea la clase <code>MainActivity</code> inicial extendiendo la clase <code>CordovaActivity</code>. <code>WLInitWebFrameworkListener</code> recibe notificaciones cuando se inicializa la infraestructura de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.</p>
{% highlight java %}
public class MainActivity extends CordovaActivity implements WLInitWebFrameworkListener {
{% endhighlight %}
<p>Se llama a la clase <code>MFPApplication</code> desde dentro de <code>onCreate</code> y crea una instancia de cliente de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} (<code>com.worklight.androidgap.api.WL</code>) que se utiliza a través de la aplicación. El método <code>onCreate</code> inicializa la <b>infraestructura WebView</b>.</p>
{% highlight java %}
@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
if (!((MFPApplication)this.getApplication()).hasCordovaSplashscreen()) {
WL.getInstance().initializeWebFramework(getApplicationContext(), this);
{% endhighlight %}
<p>La clase <code>MFPApplication</code> tiene dos funciones:</p>
<li>Define el método <code>showSplashScreen</code> para cargar una pantalla inicial (si existe una).</li>
<li>Crea dos escuchas para habilitar las analíticas. Estos escuchas se pueden eliminar si no son necesarios.</li>
<h3>Carga de WebView</h3>
<p>El plugin <b>cordova-plugin-mfp</b> añade una actividad al archivo <b>AndroidManifest.xml</b> que se necesita para inicializar Crosswalks WebView:</p>
{% highlight xml %}
<activity android:name="com.ibm.MFPLoadUrlActivity" />
{% endhighlight %}
<p>Esta actividad se utiliza para garantizar la inicialización asíncrona de Crosswalk WebView tal como se indica a continuación:</p>
<p>Después de que se inicialice la infraestructura de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} y esté lista para ser cargada en WebView, <code>onInitWebFrameworkComplete</code> se conecta al URL si <code>WLInitWebFrameworkResult</code> finaliza de forma satisfactoria.</p>
{% highlight java %}
public void onInitWebFrameworkComplete(WLInitWebFrameworkResult result){
if (result.getStatusCode() == WLInitWebFrameworkResult.SUCCESS) {
} else {
{% endhighlight %}
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#android-flow" data-target="#collapse-android-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-android-flow"><b>Sección de cierre</b></a>
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="ios-flow">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#ios-flow" data-target="#collapse-ios-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-ios-flow"><b>Flujo de inicio de iOS</b></a>
<div id="collapse-ios-flow" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="ios-flow">
<div class="panel-body">
<p>La infraestructura de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} se inicializa en la plataforma iOS para visualizar una instancia de WebView en la aplicación Cordova con {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.</p>
<p>El archivo <code>AppDelegate.m</code> se encuentra en la carpeta Classes. Inicializa la infraestructura de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} antes de que el controlador de vista cargue la instancia de WebView.</p>
<p>El método <code>didFinishLaunchingWithOptions</code> inicializa la infraestructura:</p>
{% highlight objc %}
[[WL sharedInstance] initializeWebFrameworkWithDelegate:self];
{% endhighlight %}
<p>Una vez que la inicialización finalice de forma satisfactoria, <code>wlInitWebFrameworkDidCompleteWithResult</code> comprueba que se haya cargado la infraestructura de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} y crea un <code>MainViewController</code> que se conecta a la página <b>index.html</b> predeterminada.</p>
<p>Una vez que la aplicación Cordova de iOS está compilada en Xcode sin errores, puede continuar añadiendo característica para la plataforma nativa y WebView.</p>
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#ios-flow" data-target="#collapse-ios-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-ios-flow"><b>Sección de cierre</b></a>
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="windows-flow">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#windows-flow" data-target="#collapse-windows-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-windows-flow"><b>Flujo de inicio de Windows</b></a>
<div id="collapse-windows-flow" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="windows-flow">
<div class="panel-body">
<p>El plugin Cordova de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} <b>cordova-plugin-mfp</b> tiene una secuencia de arranque asíncrona. Se debe completar la secuencia de arranque antes que la aplicación Cordova cargue el archivo HTML principal de la aplicación.</p>
<p>La adición del plugin <b>cordova-plugin-mfp</b> a una aplicación Cordova añade el archivo <b>index.html</b> al archivo <b>appxmanifest</b> de la aplicación. Esto amplía el código nativo <code>CordovaActivity</code> para realizar la inicialización de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.</p>
<a class="preventScroll" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#windows-flow" data-target="#collapse-windows-flow" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-windows-flow"><b>Sección de cierre</b></a>
## Seguridad de aplicaciones Cordova
{: #cordova-application-security }
{{ site.data.keys.product_full }} proporciona características de seguridad que ayudan a proteger las aplicaciones Cordova.
Una gran parte del contenido en una aplicación entra plataformas se modifica más fácilmente por una persona no autorizada que para una aplicación nativa. Puesto que una gran parte del contenido común en una aplicación entre plataformas está en un formato legible, IBM MobileFirst Foundation proporciona características que proporcionan un mayor nivel de seguridad para sus aplicaciones Cordova entre plataformas.
> Obtenga más información sobre la [infraestructura de seguridad de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}](../../authentication-and-security)
Utilice las siguientes características para mejorar la seguridad en sus aplicaciones Cordova:
* [Cifrado de recursos web de sus paquetes Cordova](securing-apps/#encrypting-the-web-resources-of-your-cordova-packages)
Cifra el contenido en la carpeta www de su aplicación Cordova y lo descifra cuando la aplicación se instala y ejecuta por primera vez. Este cifrado hace que sea más difícil para alguien el ver o modificar el contenido en dicha carpeta mientras la aplicación está empaquetada.
* [Habilitación de la característica de suma de comprobación de recursos web](securing-apps/#enabling-the-web-resources-checksum-feature)
Asegura la integridad de la aplicación cuando esta se inicia al comparar el contenido con los resultados de la suma de comprobación de la línea base que se recopila la primera vez que se inicia la aplicación. Esta prueba ayuda a impedir la modificación de una aplicación que ya está instalada.
* [Habilitación de FIPS 140-2](../../administering-apps/federal/#enabling-fips-140-2)
Asegura que los algoritmos de cifrado que se utilizan para cifrar datos fijos y datos dinámicos satisfacen el estándar FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) 140-2.
* [Fijación de certificados](../../authentication-and-security/certificate-pinning)
Ayuda a impedir ataques de intermediario asociando un host con su clave pública esperada.
## Recursos de aplicación de Cordova
{: #cordova-application-resources }
Determinados recursos son necesarios como parte de la aplicación Cordova. En la mayoría de los casos, se generan en su nombre al crear su aplicación Cordova con sus herramientas preferidas de desarrollo de Cordova. Si utiliza la plantilla de {{ site.data.keys.product }}, también se proporcionan iconos y pantallas iniciales.
Se puede habilitar una plantilla de proyecto que IBM proporciona para utilizar con proyectos de Cordova que se habilitan para utilizar las características de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}. Si utiliza esta plantilla de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}, tendrá disponibles los siguientes recursos como un punto de partida. Si no utiliza la plantilla de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}, se proporcionan todos los recursos excepto los iconos y las pantallas iniciales. Añada la plantilla especificando la opción `--template` y la plantilla {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} cuando inicialmente cree su proyecto de Cordova.
Si cambia los nombres de archivo y las vías de acceso predeterminadas de los recursos, también debe especificar dichos cambios en el archivo de configuración de Cordova (config.xml). Además, en algunos casos, puede cambiar las vías de acceso y los nombres predeterminados con el mandato mfpdev app config. Si puede cambiar los nombres y las vías de acceso con el mandato mfpdev app config, se indica en la sección sobre el recurso específico.
### Archivo de configuración de Cordova (config.xml)
{: #cordova-configuration-file-configxml }
El archivo de configuración de Cordova es un archivo XML necesario que contiene metadatos de aplicación y que se almacena en el directorio raíz de la aplicación. El archivo se genera de forma automática al crear una aplicación Cordova. Puede modificarla para añadir propiedades personalizadas mediante el mandato mfpdev app config.
### Archivo principal (index.html)
{: #main-file-indexhtml}
Este archivo principal es un archivo HTML5 que contiene el esqueleto de la aplicación. Este archivo carga todos los recursos web (scripts y hojas de estilo) que se necesitan para definir los componentes generales de la aplicación y para el enganche a los sucesos de documento necesarios. Encontrará este archivo en el directorio **su_nombre_de_proyecto/www**. El nombre de este archivo se puede cambiar con el mandato `mfpdev app config`.
### Imagen en miniatura
{: #thumbnail-image }
La imagen en miniatura proporciona una identificación gráfica de la aplicación en {{ site.data.keys.mf_console }}. Debe ser una imagen cuadrada, preferiblemente con un tamaño de 90 por 90 píxeles.
Se proporciona una imagen en miniatura predeterminada cuando se utiliza la plantilla. La imagen predeterminada se puede modificar utilizando el mismo nombre de archivo con otra imagen. El archivo thumbnail.png se encuentra en la carpeta **su_nombre_de_proyecto/www/img**. El nombre de este archivo o su vía de acceso se puede cambiar con el mandato `mfpdev app config`.
### Imagen de bienvenida
{: #splash-image }
La imagen de bienvenida se visualiza cuando se está inicializando la aplicación. Si utiliza la plantilla predeterminada de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}, se proporcionan imágenes de bienvenida. Estas imágenes predeterminadas se almacenan en los directorios siguientes:
* iOS: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/screen/ios/
* Android: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/screen/android/
* Windows: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/screen/windows/
Se incluyen varias imágenes de bienvenida predeterminadas para las distintas visualizaciones y para iOS y Windows y para distintas versiones del sistema operativo. Es posible sustituir la imagen predeterminada que la plantilla proporciona con su propia imagen de bienvenida, o se puede añadir una imagen si no utilizó la plantilla. Cuando se utiliza la plantilla de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} para compilar su aplicación para la plataforma Android, se instala el plugin **cordova-plugin-splashscreen**. Cuando se integra este plugin, se visualizan las imágenes de bienvenida que Cordova utiliza en lugar de las imágenes que {{ site.data.keys.product }} utiliza. Las imágenes en la carpeta con el formato screen.png están en las imágenes de bienvenida estándar de Cordova. Puede especificar las imágenes a visualizar cambiando los valores en el archivo **config.xml** de Cordova.
Si no utiliza la plantilla de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}, las imágenes de bienvenida predeterminadas que se visualizan son las que utiliza el plugin de {{ site.data.keys.product }}. Los nombres de archivo de las imágenes de bienvenida de origen de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} predeterminadas están como **splash-string.9.png**.
> Para obtener más información sobre la utilización de sus propias pantallas iniciales, consulte [Adición de iconos y pantallas iniciales a las aplicaciones para Cordova](adding-images-and-icons).
### Iconos de aplicación
{: #application-icons }
Las imágenes predeterminadas para los iconos de aplicación se proporcionan con la plantilla. Estas imágenes predeterminadas se almacenan en los directorios siguientes:
* iOS: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/icon/ios/
* Android: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/icon/android/
* Windows: <su nombre de proyecto>/res/icon/windows/
Puede sustituir la imagen predeterminada con su propia imagen. Su imagen de aplicación personalizada debe coincidir con el tamaño de la imagen de aplicación predeterminada que sustituye, y debe utilizar el mismo nombre de archivo. Se proporcionan varias imágenes predeterminadas, de acuerdo a distintas versiones de sistemas operativos y pantallas.
> Para obtener más información sobre la utilización de sus propias pantallas iniciales, consulte [Adición de iconos y pantallas iniciales a las aplicaciones para Cordova](adding-images-and-icons).
### Hojas de estilo
{: #stylesheets }
El código de la aplicación puede incluir archivos CSS para definir la vista de la aplicación.
Las hojas de estilo se encuentran en el directorio <su nombre de proyecto>/www/css y se copian a las siguientes carpetas específicas de cada plataforma:
* iOS: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/ios/www/css
* Android: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/android/assets/www/css
* Windows: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/windows/www/css
### Scripts
{: #scripts }
El código de la aplicación puede incluir archivos JavaScript que implementan distintas funciones de su aplicación como, por ejemplo, los componentes de interfaz de usuario interactivo, la lógica empresarial y la integración de las consultas en un segundo plano.
La plantilla proporciona el archivo JavaScript index.js y que se encuentra en la carpeta **su_nombre_proyecto/www/js**. Este archivo se copia a las siguientes carpetas específicas de cada plataforma:
* iOS: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/ios/www/js
* Android: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/android/assets/www/js
* Windows: <su nombre de proyecto>/platforms/windows/assets/www/js
## Vista previa de una recurso web de una aplicación
{: #previewing-an-applications-web-resources }
Obtenga una vista previa de los recursos web de una aplicación Cordova en los emuladores de iOS, Android, Windows o en los dispositivos físicos. En {{ site.data.keys.product }}, hay disponibles dos opciones de vista previa dinámica adicionales: la representación de {{ site.data.keys.mf_mbs_full }} y el Navegador simple.
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> **Restricción de seguridad: ** Puede obtener una vista previa de los recursos web, si embargo el simulador no da soporte a todas las API de JavaScript de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}. En concreto, no hay un soporte completo al protocolo OAuth. Sin embargo, puede probar las llamadas a adaptadores con `WLResourceRequest`. En este caso,
> * Las comprobaciones de seguridad no se ejecutan en el lado del servidor y los retos de seguridad no se envían al cliente que se ejecuta en {{ site.data.keys.mf_mbs }}.
> * Si no utiliza {{ site.data.keys.mf_server }} en un entorno de desarrollo, registre un cliente confidencial que tenga el ámbito del adaptador en su lista de ámbitos permitidos. Defina un cliente confidencial con {{ site.data.keys.mf_console }}, mediante el menú Tiempo de ejecución/Valores. Para obtener más información sobre los clientes confidenciales, consulte [Clientes confidenciales](../../authentication-and-security/confidential-clients).
> **Nota:** {{ site.data.keys.mf_server }} en un entorno de desarrollo incluye un cliente confidencial "test" con un ámbito permitido ilimitado ("*"). De forma predeterminada la aplicación mfpdev utiliza este cliente confidencial.
#### Navegador simple
{: #simple-browser }
La vista previa del Navegador simple, los recursos web de la aplicación se representan en el navegador de escritorio sin que sean tratados como una aplicación móvil, permitiendo una depuración sencilla de tan solo recursos web.
#### {{ site.data.keys.mf_mbs }}
{: #mobile-browser-simulator }
{{ site.data.keys.mf_mbs }} es una aplicación web que permite probar aplicaciones Cordova simulando características del dispositivo sin la necesidad de instalar la aplicación en un emulador o dispositivo físico.
**Navegadores soportados:**
* Firefox versión 38 y posterior
* Chrome 49 y posterior
* Safari 9 y posterior
### Vista previa
{: #previewing }
1. Desde una ventana de **línea de mandatos**, ejecute el mandato:
mfpdev app preview
2. Seleccione una opción de vista previa:
? Seleccione cómo obtener una vista previa de su aplicación: (Utilice las teclas de cursor)
navegador: representación de navegador simple
mbs: Mobile Browser Simulator
3. Seleccione una plataforma para la vista previa (únicamente se visualizará la plataforma añadida):
❯◯ android
◯ ios
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> **Consejo:** Obtenga más información acerca de los numerosos mandatos CLI en el tutorial [Utilización del CLI para administrar artefactos {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}](../using-mobilefirst-cli-to-manage-mobilefirst-artifacts/).
### Vista previa en directo
{: #live-preview }
El código de la aplicación (HTML, CSS y JS) puede editarse ahora en tiempo real con la
vista previa en directo.
Después de realizar un cambio a un recurso, guarde el cambio y dicho cambio será reflejado de forma inmediata en el navegador.
### Recarga en directo
{: #live-reload }
Para obtener un efecto similar al realizar una vista previa en dispositivos físicos o en simuladores/emuladores, añada el plugin **cordova-plugin-livereload**. Para obtener las instrucciones de uso,[ consulte la página de plugins GitHub](https://github.com/omefire/cordova-plugin-livereload).
### Ejecución de la aplicación en el emulador o en un dispositivo físico
{: #running-the-application-on-emulator-or-on-a-physical-device }
Para emular la aplicación, ejecute el mandato Cordova CLI `cordova emulate ios|android|windows`. Por ejemplo:
cordova emulate ios
Para ejecutar la aplicación en un dispositivo físico, conectado a la estación de trabajo de desarrollo ejecute el mandato
Cordova CLI `cordova run ios|android|windows`. Por ejemplo:
cordova run ios
## Implementación de código de JavaScript Code
{: #implementing-javascript-code }
La edición de los recursos WebView es más adecuada mediante un entorno integrado (IDE) que proporciona cumplimentación automática para JavaScript.
Xcode, Android Studio y Visual Studio proporcionan funcionalidades de edición completas para Objective C, Swift, C# y Java, sin embargo, pueden estar limitadas para dar soporte a la edición en JavaScript. Para facilitar la edición de JavaScript, el proyecto de Cordova de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} contiene un archivo de definición para poder cumplimentar de forma automática elementos de API de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}.
Cada plugin Cordova de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} proporciona un archivo de configuración `d.ts` para cada archivo JavaScript de {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }}. El nombre del archivo `d.ts` coincide con el correspondiente nombre de archivo JavaScript y se encuentra ubicado en la carpeta del plugin. Por ejemplo, para el SDK principal {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} el archivo se encuentra en: **[myapp]\plugins\cordova-plugin-mfp\typings\worklight.d.ts**.
Los archivos de configuración `d.ts` proporcionan funcionalidades de autocompletado para los IDEs
con soporte TypeScript: [TypeScript Playground](http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground/), [Visual Studio Code](http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng), [WebStorm](http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/), [WebEssentials](http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/6ed4c78f-a23e-49ad-b5fd-369af0c2107f), [Eclipse](https://github.com/palantir/eclipse-typescript).
Los recursos (archivos HTML y JavaScript) para WebView se encuentran en la carpeta **[myapp]\www**. Cuando el proyecto se compila con el mandato cordova build, o cuando se ejecuta el mandato cordova prepare, estos recursos se copian a la correspondiente carpeta
**www** en la carpeta **[myapp]\platforms\ios\www**, **[myapp]\platforms\android\assets\www**, o **[myapp]\platforms\windows\www**.
Cuando abre la carpeta de aplicación principal con uno de los anteriores IDE, se conserva el contexto. El editor IDE estará ahora enlazado a los archivos `d.ts` relevantes y los elementos de la API {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} se autocompletarán a medida que escribe.
## Soporte de CrossWalk para Android
{: #crosswalk-support-for-android }
En las aplicaciones de Cordova para la plataforma Android se pueden sustituir sus WebView predeterminadas con [CrossWalk WebView](https://crosswalk-project.org/).
> **Nota:** El proyecto de CrossWalk [ya no está mantenido](https://crosswalk-project.org/blog/crosswalk-final-release.html) por la comunidad ni sus mantenedores. Por lo tanto, no hay ninguna opción de que haya errores o problemas en CrossWalk que puedan afectar al funcionamiento de los SDK de MobileFirst en un CrossWalk WebView. Por lo tanto, no se recomienda utilizar CrossWalk WebViews en sus aplicaciones.
Para añadirlo:
1. Desde una línea de **línea de mandatos**, ejecute el mandato:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
Este mandato añadirá CrossWalk WebView a la aplicación.
Internamente, {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} Cordova SDK ajustará la actividad del proyecto Android para utilizarlo.
2. Compile el proyecto ejecutando el mandato:
cordova build
## Soporte de WKWebView para iOS
{: #wkwebview-support-for-ios }
El UIWebView predeterminado utilizado en las aplicaciones Cordova iOS pueden sustituirse
con [WKWebView de Apple](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/WebKit/Reference/WKWebView_Ref/).
Para añadirlo, ejecute el siguiente mandato desde una ventana de línea de mandatos: `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine`.
> Obtenga más información acerca del plugin [Cordova WKWebView](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine).
> **Actualización:** Cuando se utiliza el plugin `cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine` en la aplicación Cordova se genera el error *Las solicitudes entre orígenes solo están soportadas para HTTP* y se produce un error de actualización directa. Para solucionarlo, su aplicación requiere un plugin adicional denominado
[cordova-plugin-wkwebviewxhrfix](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-wkwebviewxhrfix). Puede encontrar el defecto [aquí](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-10143).
## Lectura adicional
{: #further-reading }
Obtenga más información acerca de Cordova:
- [Visión general de Cordova](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/overview/index.html)
- [Procedimientos recomendados, realización de pruebas, depuración, consideraciones y mantenimiento de Cordova](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/next/index.html#link-testing-on-a-simulator-vs-on-a-real-device)
- [Iniciación con el desarrollo de las aplicaciones de Cordova](https://cordova.apache.org/#getstarted)
## Guías de aprendizaje con las que continuar
{: #tutorials-to-follow-next }
Empiece con [añadiendo MobileFirst SDK a la aplicación Cordova](../../application-development/sdk/cordova), y revise las funciones {{ site.data.keys.product_adj }} provistas en la sección [Todos los tutoriales](../../all-tutorials/).
| 77.821267 | 885 | 0.746751 | spa_Latn | 0.969155 |
d9d6b78e8ca3d75c2b8b7f8050cb9ace0cbbc3aa | 27,741 | md | Markdown | ReleaseNotes.md | theblacksmith/chai | 00cf4a1890e0690e8c4a327a3cb39a824a0a277d | [
] | 138 | 2015-08-03T09:39:39.000Z | 2021-11-16T11:01:44.000Z | ReleaseNotes.md | theblacksmith/chai | 00cf4a1890e0690e8c4a327a3cb39a824a0a277d | [
] | 7 | 2015-11-01T12:09:42.000Z | 2020-04-04T09:39:08.000Z | ReleaseNotes.md | theblacksmith/chai | 00cf4a1890e0690e8c4a327a3cb39a824a0a277d | [
] | 25 | 2015-11-02T00:50:22.000Z | 2022-01-27T06:17:45.000Z | # Release Notes
## 2.1.1 / 2015-03-04
Two minor bugfixes. No new features.
### Community Contributions
#### Code Features & Fixes
* [#385](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/385) Fix a bug (also described in
[#387](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/385)) where `deep.property` would not work with single
key names. By [@eldritch-fossicker](https://github.com/eldritch-fossicker)
* [#379](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/379) Fix bug where tools which overwrite
primitive prototypes, such as Babel or core-js would fail.
By [@dcneiner](https://github.com/dcneiner)
#### Documentation fixes
* [#382](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/382) Add doc for showDiff argument in assert.
By [@astorije](https://github.com/astorije)
* [#383](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/383) Improve wording for truncateTreshold docs
By [@gurdiga](https://github.com/gurdiga)
* [#381](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/381) Improve wording for assert.empty docs
By [@astorije](https://github.com/astorije)
## 2.1.0 / 2015-02-23
Small release; fixes an issue where the Chai lib was incorrectly reporting the
version number.
Adds new `should.fail()` and `expect.fail()` methods, which are convinience
methods to throw Assertion Errors.
### Community Contributions
#### Code Features & Fixes
* [#356](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/356) Add should.fail(), expect.fail(). By [@Soviut](https://github.com/Soviut)
* [#374](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/374) Increment version. By [@jmm](https://github.com/jmm)
## 2.0.0 / 2015-02-09
Unfortunately with 1.10.0 - compatibility broke with older versions because of
the `addChainableNoop`. This change has been reverted.
Any plugins using `addChainableNoop` should cease to do so.
Any developers wishing for this behaviour can use [dirty-chai](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dirty-chai)
by [@joshperry](https://github.com/joshperry)
### Community Contributions
#### Code Features & Fixes
* [#361](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/361) `.keys()` now accepts Objects, extracting keys from them. By [@gregglind](https://github.com/gregglind)
* [#359](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/359) `.keys()` no longer mutates passed arrays. By [@gregglind](https://github.com/gregglind)
* [#349](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/349) Add a new chainable keyword - `.which`. By [@toastynerd](https://github.com/toastynerd)
* [#333](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/333) Add `.change`, `.increase` and `.decrease` assertions. By [@cmpolis](https://github.com/cmpolis)
* [#335](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/335) `chai.util` is now exposed [@DingoEatingFuzz](https://github.com/DingoEatingFuzz)
* [#328](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/328) Add `.includes` and `.contains` aliases (for `.include` and `.contain`). By [@lo1tuma](https://github.com/lo1tuma)
* [#313](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/313) Add `.any.keys()` and `.all.keys()` qualifiers. By [@cjqed](https://github.com/cjqed)
* [#312](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/312) Add `assert.sameDeepMembers()`. By [@cjqed](https://github.com/cjqed)
* [#311](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/311) Add `assert.isAbove()` and `assert.isBelow()`. By [@cjqed](https://github.com/cjqed)
* [#308](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/308) `property` and `deep.property` now pass if a value is set to `undefined`. By [@prodatakey](https://github.com/prodatakey)
* [#309](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/309) optimize deep equal in Arrays. By [@ericdouglas](https://github.com/ericdouglas)
* [#306](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/306) revert #297 - allowing lint-friendly tests. By [@keithamus](https://github.com/keithamus)
#### Documentation fixes
* [#357](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/357) Copyright year updated in docs. By [@danilovaz](https://github.com/danilovaz)
* [#325](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/325) Fix documentation for overwriteChainableMethod. By [@chasenlehara](https://github.com/chasenlehara)
* [#334](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/334) Typo fix. By [@hurrymaplelad](https://github.com/hurrymaplelad)
* [#317](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/317) Typo fix. By [@jasonkarns](https://github.com/jasonkarns)
* [#318](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/318) Typo fix. By [@jasonkarns](https://github.com/jasonkarns)
* [#316](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/316) Typo fix. By [@jasonkarns](https://github.com/jasonkarns)
## 1.10.0 / 2014-11-10
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required
- **Plugin Developers:**
- Review `addChainableNoop` notes below.
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Noop Function for Terminating Assertion Properties
The following assertions can now also be used in the function-call form:
* ok
* true
* false
* null
* undefined
* exist
* empty
* arguments
* Arguments
The above list of assertions are property getters that assert immediately on
access. Because of that, they were written to be used by terminating the assertion
chain with a property access.
This syntax is definitely aesthetically pleasing but, if you are linting your
test code, your linter will complain with an error something like "Expected an
assignment or function call and instead saw an expression." Since the linter
doesn't know about the property getter it assumes this line has no side-effects,
and throws a warning in case you made a mistake.
Squelching these errors is not a good solution as test code is getting to be
just as important as, if not more than, production code. Catching syntactical
errors in tests using static analysis is a great tool to help make sure that your
tests are well-defined and free of typos.
A better option was to provide a function-call form for these assertions so that
the code's intent is more clear and the linters stop complaining about something
looking off. This form is added in addition to the existing property access form
and does not impact existing test code.
These forms can also be mixed in any way, these are all functionally identical:
#### Plugin Authors
If you would like to provide this function-call form for your terminating assertion
properties, there is a new function to register these types of asserts. Instead
of using `addProperty` to register terminating assertions, simply use `addChainableNoop`
instead; the arguments to both are identical. The latter will make the assertion
available in both the attribute and function-call forms and should have no impact
on existing users of your plugin.
### Community Contributions
- [#297](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/297) Allow writing lint-friendly tests. [@joshperry](https://github.com/joshperry)
- [#298](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/298) Add check for logging `-0`. [@dasilvacontin](https://github.com/dasilvacontin)
- [#300](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/300) Fix #299: the test is defining global variables [@julienw](https://github.com/julienw)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
## 1.9.2 / 2014-09-29
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Community Contributions
- [#264](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/264) Show diff for keys assertions [@cjthompson](https://github.com/cjthompson)
- [#267](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/267) Use SVG badges [@shinnn](https://github.com/shinnn)
- [#268](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/268) Allow messages to be functions (sinon-compat) [@charlierudolph](https://github.com/charlierudolph)
- [#269](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/269) Remove unused argument for #lengthOf [@charlierudolph](https://github.com/charlierudolph)
- [#275](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/275) Rewrite pretty-printing HTML elements to prevent throwing internal errors [@DrRataplan](https://github.com/DrRataplan)
- [#277](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/277) Fix assert documentation for #sameMembers [@charlierudolph](https://github.com/charlierudolph)
- [#279](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/279) closeTo should check value's type before assertion [@mohayonao](https://github.com/mohayonao)
- [#289](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/289) satisfy is called twice [@charlierudolph](https://github.com/charlierudolph)
- [#292](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/292) resolve conflicts with node-webkit and global usage [@boneskull](https://github.com/boneskull)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
## 1.9.1 / 2014-03-19
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- Migrate configuration options to new interface. (see notes)
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Configuration
There have been requests for changes and additions to the configuration mechanisms
and their impact in the Chai architecture. As such, we have decoupled the
configuration from the `Assertion` constructor. This not only allows for centralized
configuration, but will allow us to shift the responsibility from the `Assertion`
constructor to the `assert` interface in future releases.
These changes have been implemented in a non-breaking way, but a depretiation
warning will be presented to users until they migrate. The old config method will
be removed in either `v1.11.0` or `v2.0.0`, whichever comes first.
#### Quick Migration
// change this:
chai.Assertion.includeStack = true;
chai.Assertion.showDiff = false;
// ... to this:
chai.config.includeStack = true;
chai.config.showDiff = false;
#### All Config Options
##### config.includeStack
- **@param** _{Boolean}_
- **@default** `false`
User configurable property, influences whether stack trace is included in
Assertion error message. Default of `false` suppresses stack trace in the error
##### config.showDiff
- **@param** _{Boolean}_
- **@default** `true`
User configurable property, influences whether or not the `showDiff` flag
should be included in the thrown AssertionErrors. `false` will always be `false`;
`true` will be true when the assertion has requested a diff be shown.
##### config.truncateThreshold **(NEW)**
- **@param** _{Number}_
- **@default** `40`
User configurable property, sets length threshold for actual and expected values
in assertion errors. If this threshold is exceeded, the value is truncated.
Set it to zero if you want to disable truncating altogether.
chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0; // disable truncating
### Community Contributions
- [#228](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/228) Deep equality check for memebers. [@duncanbeevers](https://github.com/duncanbeevers)
- [#247](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/247) Proofreading. [@didorellano](https://github.com/didoarellano)
- [#244](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/244) Fix `contain`/`include` 1.9.0 regression. [@leider](https://github.com/leider)
- [#233](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/233) Improvements to `ssfi` for `assert` interface. [@refack](https://github.com/refack)
- [#251](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/251) New config option: object display threshold. [@romario333](https://github.com/romario333)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
### Other Bug Fixes
- [#183](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/183) Allow `undefined` for actual. (internal api)
- Update Karam(+plugins)/Istanbul to most recent versions.
## 1.9.0 / 2014-01-29
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required
- **Plugin Developers:**
- Review [#219](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/219).
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Community Contributions
- [#202](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/201) Improve error message for .throw(). [@andreineculau](https://github.com/andreineculau)
- [#217](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/217) Chai tests can be run with `--watch`. [@demands](https://github.com/demands)
- [#219](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/219) Add overwriteChainableMethod utility. [@demands](https://github.com/demands)
- [#224](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/224) Return error on throw method to chain on error properties. [@vbardales](https://github.com/vbardales)
- [#226](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/226) Add `has` to language chains. [@duncanbeevers](https://github.com/duncanbeevers)
- [#230](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/230) Support `{a:1,b:2}.should.include({a:1})` [@jkroso](https://github.com/jkroso)
- [#231](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/231) Update Copyright notices to 2014 [@duncanbeevers](https://github.com/duncanbeevers)
- [#232](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/232) Avoid error instantiation if possible on assert.throws. [@laconbass](https://github.com/laconbass)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
### Other Bug Fixes
- [#225](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/225) Improved AMD wrapper provided by upstream `component(1)`.
- [#185](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/185) `assert.throws()` returns thrown error for further assertions.
- [#237](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/237) Remove coveralls/jscoverage, include istanbul coverage report in travis test.
- Update Karma and Sauce runner versions for consistent CI results. No more karma@canary.
## 1.8.1 / 2013-10-10
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Browserify
This is a small patch that updates the dependency tree so browserify users can install
chai. (Remove conditional requires)
## 1.8.0 / 2013-09-18
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- See `deep.equal` notes.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Deep Equals
This version of Chai focused on a overhaul to the deep equal utility. The code for this
tool has been removed from the core lib and can now be found at:
[chai / deep-eql](https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql). As stated in previous releases,
this is part of a larger initiative to provide transparency, independent testing, and coverage for
some of the more complicated internal tools.
For the most part `.deep.equal` will behave the same as it has. However, in order to provide a
consistent ruleset across all types being tested, the following changes have been made and _might_
require changes to your tests.
**1.** Strict equality for non-traversable nodes according to [egal](http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal).
_Previously:_ Non-traversable equal via `===`.
**2.** Arguments are not Arrays (and all types must be equal):
_Previously:_ Some crazy nonsense that led to empty arrays deep equaling empty objects deep equaling dates.
- [#156](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/156) Empty object is eql to empty array
- [#192](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/192) empty object is eql to a Date object
- [#194](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/194) refactor deep-equal utility
### CI and Browser Testing
Chai now runs the browser CI suite using [Karma](http://karma-runner.github.io/) directed at
[SauceLabs](https://saucelabs.com/). This means we get to know where our browser support stands...
and we get a cool badge:
Look for the list of browsers/versions to expand over the coming releases.
- [#195](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/195) karma test framework
## 1.7.2 / 2013-06-27
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Coverage Reporting
Coverage reporting has always been available for core-developers but the data has never been published
for our end users. In our ongoing effort to improve accountability this data will now be published via
the [coveralls.io](https://coveralls.io/) service. A badge has been added to the README and the full report
can be viewed online at the [chai coveralls project](https://coveralls.io/r/chaijs/chai). Furthermore, PRs
will receive automated messages indicating how their PR impacts test coverage. This service is tied to TravisCI.
### Other Fixes
- [#175](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/175) Add `bower.json`. (Fix ignore all)
## 1.7.1 / 2013-06-24
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### Official Bower Support
Support has been added for the Bower Package Manager ([bower.io])(http://bower.io/). Though
Chai could be installed via Bower in the past, this update adds official support via the `bower.json`
specification file.
- [#175](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/175) Add `bower.json`.
## 1.7.0 / 2013-06-17
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- Review AssertionError update notice.
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated dependencies.
### AssertionError Update Notice
Chai now uses [chaijs/assertion-error](https://github.com/chaijs/assertion-error) instead an internal
constructor. This will allow for further iteration/experimentation of the AssertionError constructor
independant of Chai. Future plans include stack parsing for callsite support.
This update constructor has a different constructor param signature that conforms more with the standard
`Error` object. If your plugin throws and `AssertionError` directly you will need to update your plugin
with the new signature.
var AssertionError = require('chai').AssertionError;
* previous
* @param {Object} options
throw new AssertionError({
message: 'An assertion error occurred'
, actual: actual
, expect: expect
, startStackFunction: arguments.callee
, showStack: true
* new
* @param {String} message
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} start stack function
throw new AssertionError('An assertion error occurred', {
actual: actual
, expect: expect
, showStack: true
}, arguments.callee);
// other signatures
throw new AssertionError('An assertion error occurred');
throw new AssertionError('An assertion error occurred', null, arguments.callee);
#### External Dependencies
This is the first non-developement dependency for Chai. As Chai continues to evolve we will begin adding
more; the next will likely be improved type detection and deep equality. With Chai's userbase continually growing
there is an higher need for accountability and documentation. External dependencies will allow us to iterate and
test on features independent from our interfaces.
Note: The browser packaged version `chai.js` will ALWAYS contain all dependencies needed to run Chai.
### Community Contributions
- [#169](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/169) Fix deep equal comparison for Date/Regexp types. [@katsgeorgeek](https://github.com/katsgeorgeek)
- [#171](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/171) Add `assert.notOk()`. [@Bartvds](https://github.com/Bartvds)
- [#173](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/173) Fix `inspect` utility. [@domenic](https://github.com/domenic)
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
## 1.6.1 / 2013-06-05
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required.
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated developement dependencies.
### Deep Equality
Regular Expressions are now tested as part of all deep equality assertions. In previous versions
they silently passed for all scenarios. Thanks to [@katsgeorgeek](https://github.com/katsgeorgeek) for the contribution.
### Community Contributions
- [#161](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/161) Fix documented name for assert interface's isDefined method. [@brandonpayton](https://github.com/brandonpayton)
- [#168](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/168) Fix comparison equality of two regexps for when using deep equality. [@katsgeorgeek](https://github.com/katsgeorgeek)
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
### Additional Notes
- Mocha has been locked at version `1.8.x` to ensure `mocha-phantomjs` compatibility.
## 1.6.0 / 2013-04-29
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- No changes required.
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required.
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated developement dependencies.
### New Assertions
#### Array Members Inclusion
Asserts that the target is a superset of `set`, or that the target and `set` have the same members.
Order is not taken into account. Thanks to [@NickHeiner](https://github.com/NickHeiner) for the contribution.
// (expect/should) full set
expect([4, 2]).to.have.members([2, 4]);
expect([5, 2]).to.not.have.members([5, 2, 1]);
// (expect/should) inclusion
expect([1, 2, 3]).to.include.members([3, 2]);
expect([1, 2, 3]).to.not.include.members([3, 2, 8]);
// (assert) full set
assert.sameMembers([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 1, 3 ], 'same members');
// (assert) inclusion
assert.includeMembers([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 1 ], 'include members');
#### Non-inclusion for Assert Interface
Most `assert` functions have a negative version, like `instanceOf()` has a corresponding `notInstaceOf()`.
However `include()` did not have a corresponding `notInclude()`. This has been added.
assert.notInclude([ 1, 2, 3 ], 8);
assert.notInclude('foobar', 'baz');
### Community Contributions
- [#140](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/140) Restore `call`/`apply` methods for plugin interface. [@RubenVerborgh](https://github.com/RubenVerborgh)
- [#148](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/148)/[#153](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/153) Add `members` and `include.members` assertions. [#NickHeiner](https://github.com/NickHeiner)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
### Other Bug Fixes
- [#142](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/142) `assert#include` will no longer silently pass on wrong-type haystack.
- [#158](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/158) `assert#notInclude` has been added.
- Travis-CI now tests Node.js `v0.10.x`. Support for `v0.6.x` has been removed. `v0.8.x` is still tested as before.
## 1.5.0 / 2013-02-03
### Migration Requirements
The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- **Users:**
- _Update [2013-02-04]:_ Some users may notice a small subset of deep equality assertions will no longer pass. This is the result of
[#120](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/120), an improvement to our deep equality algorithm. Users will need to revise their assertions
to be more granular should this occur. Further information: [#139](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/139).
- **Plugin Developers:**
- No changes required.
- **Core Contributors:**
- Refresh `node_modules` folder for updated developement dependencies.
### Community Contributions
- [#126](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/126): Add `eqls` alias for `eql`. [@RubenVerborgh](https://github.com/RubenVerborgh)
- [#127](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/127): Performance refactor for chainable methods. [@RubenVerborgh](https://github.com/RubenVerborgh)
- [#133](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/133): Assertion `.throw` support for primitives. [@RubenVerborgh](https://github.com/RubenVerborgh)
- [#137](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/137): Assertion `.throw` support for empty messages. [@timnew](https://github.com/timnew)
- [#136](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/136): Fix backward negation messages when using `.above()` and `.below()`. [@whatthejeff](https://github.com/whatthejeff)
Thank you to all who took time to contribute!
### Other Bug Fixes
- Improve type detection of `.a()`/`.an()` to work in cross-browser scenarios.
- [#116](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/116): `.throw()` has cleaner display of errors when WebKit browsers.
- [#120](https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/120): `.eql()` now works to compare dom nodes in browsers.
### Usage Updates
#### For Users
**1. Component Support:** Chai now included the proper configuration to be installed as a
[component](https://github.com/component/component). Component users are encouraged to consult
[chaijs.com](http://chaijs.com) for the latest version number as using the master branch
does not gaurantee stability.
// relevant component.json
devDependencies: {
"chaijs/chai": "1.5.0"
Alternatively, bleeding-edge is available:
$ component install chaijs/chai
**2. Configurable showDiff:** Some test runners (such as [mocha](http://visionmedia.github.com/mocha/))
include support for showing the diff of strings and objects when an equality error occurs. Chai has
already included support for this, however some users may not prefer this display behavior. To revert to
no diff display, the following configuration is available:
chai.Assertion.showDiff = false; // diff output disabled
chai.Assertion.showDiff = true; // default, diff output enabled
#### For Plugin Developers
**1. New Utility - type**: The new utility `.type()` is available as a better implementation of `typeof`
that can be used cross-browser. It handles the inconsistencies of Array, `null`, and `undefined` detection.
- **@param** _{Mixed}_ object to detect type of
- **@return** _{String}_ object type
chai.use(function (c, utils) {
// some examples
utils.type({}); // 'object'
utils.type(null); // `null'
utils.type(undefined); // `undefined`
utils.type([]); // `array`
#### For Core Contributors
**1. Browser Testing**: Browser testing of the `./chai.js` file is now available in the command line
via PhantomJS. `make test` and Travis-CI will now also rebuild and test `./chai.js`. Consequently, all
pull requests will now be browser tested in this way.
_Note: Contributors opening pull requests should still NOT include the browser build._
**2. SauceLabs Testing**: Early SauceLab support has been enabled with the file `./support/mocha-cloud.js`.
Those interested in trying it out should create a free [Open Sauce](https://saucelabs.com/signup/plan) account
and include their credentials in `./test/auth/sauce.json`.
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d9d70f124d49fa489948b62d6a79d10e425c4733 | 2,370 | md | Markdown | README.md | lcnbala/logger | 96656dd21c59545c824faec6997ff017458aca81 | [
] | 49 | 2018-03-18T22:06:07.000Z | 2022-02-01T13:24:25.000Z | README.md | lcnbala/logger | 96656dd21c59545c824faec6997ff017458aca81 | [
] | 2 | 2020-02-24T13:52:40.000Z | 2020-08-10T11:01:05.000Z | README.md | lcnbala/logger | 96656dd21c59545c824faec6997ff017458aca81 | [
] | 17 | 2018-03-28T05:50:52.000Z | 2021-10-18T07:35:06.000Z | # An attempt at an Apex Logger Service for the Salesforce Lightning Platform
Leverages Platform Events to persist Log information as 'Debug Entries' and uses `Custom Metadata Records` and `Custom Permissions` to configure what is logged for whom. Automatically detects current class and method name as well as current line and column.
If setup to trace classes only, will save only information from that class and ignore everything else.
Triggers logged with a pair of `Logger.logTrigger()` (see below) will log each operation type seperately. E.g. AFTER_INSERT and BEFORE_INSERT will get two separate Debug Entries.
If `Log Messages only` is activated in Logger Custom Metadata Settings, Platform Events will be instantly sent on `Logger.log()`.
## Screenshots

## Usage Example
public with sharing class Handler {
public Handler() {
public void routine1(){
Logger.log('entering subroutine1');
public void routine2(){
public void subroutine1(){
public void subroutine2(){
public void subsub1(){
Logger.log('doing complex stuff');
public void subsub2(){
Logger.log('Doing stuff at stacktrace: ' + Logger.stackTrace);
/* Trigger Example */
trigger MocksTrigger on Mock__c (before insert, after insert) {
## Kudos
[Dan Appleman](https://twitter.com/danappleman), [Adrian Larsson](https://twitter.com/ApexLarson), and [Robert Sösemann](https://twitter.com/rsoesemann).
| 29.259259 | 257 | 0.663713 | eng_Latn | 0.489302 |
d9d72276fa96735b50843bd09708e888168a708a | 6,135 | md | Markdown | docs/connect/php/azure-active-directory.md | jaredmoo/sql-docs | fae18f2837c5135d3482a26f999173ecf4f9f58e | [
] | null | null | null | docs/connect/php/azure-active-directory.md | jaredmoo/sql-docs | fae18f2837c5135d3482a26f999173ecf4f9f58e | [
] | null | null | null | docs/connect/php/azure-active-directory.md | jaredmoo/sql-docs | fae18f2837c5135d3482a26f999173ecf4f9f58e | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: "Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs"
ms.date: "07/13/2017"
ms.prod: "sql"
ms.prod_service: "drivers"
ms.service: ""
ms.component: "php"
ms.suite: "sql"
ms.custom: ""
- "drivers"
ms.topic: conceptual
author: "david-puglielli"
ms.author: "v-dapugl"
manager: "v-hakaka"
# Connect Using Azure Active Directory Authentication
[Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-whatis) (Azure AD) is a central user ID management technology that operates as an alternative to [SQL Server authentication](../../connect/php/how-to-connect-using-sql-server-authentication.md). Azure AD allows connections to Microsoft Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse with federated identities in Azure AD using a username and password, Windows Integrated Authentication, or an Azure AD access token; the PHP drivers for SQL Server offer partial support for these features.
To use Azure AD, use the **Authentication** keyword. The values that **Authentication** can take on are explained in the following table.
|**Authentication**|Not set (default)|Authentication mode determined by other keywords. For more information, see [Connection Options](../../connect/php/connection-options.md). |
||`SqlPassword`|Directly authenticate to a SQL Server instance (which may be an Azure instance) using a username and password. The username and password must be passed into the connection string using the **UID** and **PWD** keywords. |
||`ActiveDirectoryPassword`|Authenticate with an Azure Active Directory identity using a username and password. The username and password must be passed into the connection string using the **UID** and **PWD** keywords. |
The **Authentication** keyword affects the connection security settings. If it is set in the connection string, then by default the **Encrypt** keyword is set to true, so the client will request encryption. Moreover, the server certificate will be validated irrespective of the encryption setting unless **TrustServerCertificate** is set to true. This is distinguished from the old, and less secure, login method, in which the server certificate is not validated unless encryption is specifically requested in the connection string.
Before using Azure AD with the PHP drivers for SQL Server on Windows, ensure that you have installed the [Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=41950) (not required for Linux and MacOS).
#### Limitations
On Windows, the underlying ODBC driver supports one more value for the **Authentication** keyword, **ActiveDirectoryIntegrated**, but the PHP drivers do not support this value on any platform and hence also do not support Azure AD token-based authentication.
## Example
The following example shows how to connect using **SqlPassword** and **ActiveDirectoryPassword**.
// First connect to a local SQL Server instance by setting Authentication to SqlPassword
$serverName = "myserver.mydomain";
$connectionInfo = array( "UID"=>$myusername, "PWD"=>$mypassword, "Authentication"=>'SqlPassword' );
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo );
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect with Authentication=SqlPassword.\n";
print_r( sqlsrv_errors() );
echo "Connected successfully with Authentication=SqlPassword.\n";
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
// Now connect to an Azure SQL database by setting Authentication to ActiveDirectoryPassword
$azureServer = "myazureserver.database.windows.net";
$azureDatabase = "myazuredatabase";
$azureUsername = "myuid";
$azurePassword = "mypassword";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>$azureDatabase, "UID"=>$azureUsername, "PWD"=>$azurePassword,
"Authentication"=>'ActiveDirectoryPassword' );
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $azureServer, $connectionInfo );
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect with Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword.\n";
print_r( sqlsrv_errors() );
echo "Connected successfully with Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword.\n";
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
The following example does the same as above with the PDO_SQLSRV driver.
// First connect to a local SQL Server instance by setting Authentication to SqlPassword
$serverName = "myserver.mydomain";
$connectionInfo = "Database = $databaseName; Authentication = SqlPassword;";
$conn = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server = $serverName ; $connectionInfo", $myusername, $mypassword );
echo "Connected successfully with Authentication=SqlPassword.\n";
$conn = null;
catch( PDOException $e )
echo "Could not connect with Authentication=SqlPassword.\n";
print_r( $e->getMessage() );
echo "\n";
// Now connect to an Azure SQL database by setting Authentication to ActiveDirectoryPassword
$azureServer = "myazureserver.database.windows.net";
$azureDatabase = "myazuredatabase";
$azureUsername = "myuid";
$azurePassword = "mypassword";
$connectionInfo = "Database = $azureDatabase; Authentication = ActiveDirectoryPassword;";
$conn = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server = $azureServer ; $connectionInfo", $azureUsername, $azurePassword );
echo "Connected successfully with Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword.\n";
$conn = null;
catch( PDOException $e )
echo "Could not connect with Authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword.\n";
print_r( $e->getMessage() );
echo "\n";
## See Also
[Using Azure Active Directory with the ODBC Driver](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/using-azure-active-directory)
| 47.192308 | 582 | 0.702037 | eng_Latn | 0.878043 |
d9d733b11127dd14e3a2b0a186f37827f0300739 | 3,440 | md | Markdown | release-notes.md | dainemawer/sneakerlab | 6029bb7ded381660ae870b7eead03c80ddfd48f6 | [
] | null | null | null | release-notes.md | dainemawer/sneakerlab | 6029bb7ded381660ae870b7eead03c80ddfd48f6 | [
] | null | null | null | release-notes.md | dainemawer/sneakerlab | 6029bb7ded381660ae870b7eead03c80ddfd48f6 | [
] | null | null | null | Dawn v5.0.0 introduces new ways to customize the look and feel of your store with a vertical product filter layout, mega menu header style, and a quick add button option. This update also features fixes and improvements, including several accessibility enhancements.
### Added
- Important: We’ve introduced a new vertical product filter layout so you can further customize your store’s filters. You’ll find this setting in the collection and search templates. This update may cause a visual change to your theme. If you previously selected the “Collapse on desktop” checkbox, your filter layout will be changed to horizontal, which is the new default. If you’d like to achieve the collapsed style, select “Drawer” from the “Desktop filter layout” dropdown.
- Important: You can now control the number of desktop and mobile grid columns in the collections list page, giving you more options to express your brand’s look and feel. This update may cause a layout change because columns will no longer automatically adjust to fill the available screen width. This can be modified by adjusting the number of columns setting.
- We’ve added the ability to choose a mega menu style in the header section, providing better support for menus with many items.
- You can now enable a quick add button on your product cards, allowing your customers to quickly add items to their cart. Find this setting in the collection template and the featured collection section.
- The featured collection section is now more flexible. You can control the description, text styles, button styles, and layout in the section settings.
- You can now adjust how many products to show in the product recommendations section, allowing you more control over the layout of your store.
- The theme’s product filtering functionality now supports boolean (true or false) custom filters.
### Fixes and improvements
- Gradients will now be applied more predictably across the theme.
- In some cases, the maximum price wasn’t showing on the price filter. This is now fixed.
- We fixed an issue where navigation arrows were unexpectedly appearing on product pages.
- The experience of navigating the slideshow section when using a screen reader or keyboard is improved.
- We fixed an issue where unintended mobile menu items were being discovered by screen readers.
- We removed an empty heading in the contact form, improving its accessibility.
- There was an issue with vendor name visibility on the cart page that is now fixed.
- We fixed an issue where the email signup text on the password page sometimes wasn’t visible.
- The “Continue shopping” button on the gift card page wasn’t working as expected. This is now fixed.
- The Shop Pay installments text will now be center aligned when there is no accompanying product media.
- There were some spacing inconsistencies in the product media gallery. This is now fixed.
- Empty columns in the multicolumn section were adding unnecessary vertical space. This is now fixed.
- We’re now providing improved information on how to create meaningful alt text in the video section.
- We fixed an issue with making products full width on featured collections.
### Removed
- In the collection and search templates, the “Collapse on desktop” checkbox has been removed from the filtering and sorting settings. If you’d like to achieve the collapsed style, select “Drawer” from the “Desktop filter layout” dropdown.
| 114.666667 | 480 | 0.795349 | eng_Latn | 0.999808 |
d9d782398d8642a2f5cff706d9c462f6f799b3e1 | 1,446 | md | Markdown | README.md | aditya-bhat/HMM-Part-of-Speech-Tagger | 52dd3fe60f5a99d04f60152a6e186d4f3a9eb4d9 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | aditya-bhat/HMM-Part-of-Speech-Tagger | 52dd3fe60f5a99d04f60152a6e186d4f3a9eb4d9 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | aditya-bhat/HMM-Part-of-Speech-Tagger | 52dd3fe60f5a99d04f60152a6e186d4f3a9eb4d9 | [
] | null | null | null | # HMM-Part-of-Speech-Tagger
Hidden Markov Model based Parts of Speech Tagger using the Pomegranate library.
## Introduction
In this notebook, [Pomegranate](https://github.com/jmschrei/pomegranate) library is used to build a hidden Markov model for part of speech tagging with a [universal tagset](http://www.petrovi.de/data/universal.pdf).
Alternatively, you can download a copy of the project from GitHub and then run a Jupyter server locally with [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/).
1. Open a terminal and clone the project repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/udacity/artificial-intelligence
2. Switch to the project folder and create a conda environment (note: you must already have Anaconda installed):
$ cd "artificial-intelligence/Projects/4_HMM Tagger"
.../ $ conda env create -f hmm-tagger.yaml
3. Activate the conda environment, then run the jupyter notebook server. (Note: windows users should run `activate hmm-tagger`)
.../ $ source activate hmm-tagger
(hmm-tagger) .../ $ jupyter notebook
Depending on your system settings, Jupyter will either open a browser window, or the terminal will print a URL with a security token. If the terminal prints a URL, simply copy the URL and paste it into a browser window to load the Jupyter browser. Once you load the Jupyter browser, select the project notebook (HMM tagger.ipynb) and follow the instructions inside to complete the project.
| 45.1875 | 389 | 0.767635 | eng_Latn | 0.956048 |
d9d884639a96497562c42bbed4ca3c6718d24c98 | 4,923 | md | Markdown | docs/mfc/reference/cwordarray-class.md | Sunmon/cpp-docs.ko-kr | aa3a0829c54103acd6d8dcb518590486f93facbf | [
] | 1 | 2020-07-24T04:27:56.000Z | 2020-07-24T04:27:56.000Z | docs/mfc/reference/cwordarray-class.md | Sunmon/cpp-docs.ko-kr | aa3a0829c54103acd6d8dcb518590486f93facbf | [
] | null | null | null | docs/mfc/reference/cwordarray-class.md | Sunmon/cpp-docs.ko-kr | aa3a0829c54103acd6d8dcb518590486f93facbf | [
] | null | null | null | ---
title: CWordArray 클래스
ms.date: 09/07/2019
- CWordArray
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::CWordArray
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::Add
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::Append
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::Copy
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::ElementAt
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::FreeExtra
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::GetAt
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::GetCount
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::GetData
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::GetSize
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::GetUpperBound
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::InsertAt
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::IsEmpty
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::RemoveAll
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::RemoveAt
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::SetAt
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::SetAtGrow
- AFXCOLL/CWordArray::SetSize
- CWordArray [MFC], CWordArray
- CWordArray [MFC], Add
- CWordArray [MFC], Append
- CWordArray [MFC], Copy
- CWordArray [MFC], ElementAt
- CWordArray [MFC], FreeExtra
- CWordArray [MFC], GetAt
- CWordArray [MFC], GetCount
- CWordArray [MFC], GetData
- CWordArray [MFC], GetSize
- CWordArray [MFC], GetUpperBound
- CWordArray [MFC], InsertAt
- CWordArray [MFC], IsEmpty
- CWordArray [MFC], RemoveAll
- CWordArray [MFC], RemoveAt
- CWordArray [MFC], SetAt
- CWordArray [MFC], SetAtGrow
- CWordArray [MFC], SetSize
ms.assetid: 2ba2c194-2c6c-40ff-9db4-e9dbe57e1f57
ms.openlocfilehash: 9dfb0b674d52b288ebd05bf7574f1ae05e4ed1f3
ms.sourcegitcommit: c123cc76bb2b6c5cde6f4c425ece420ac733bf70
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: ko-KR
ms.lasthandoff: 04/14/2020
ms.locfileid: "81365907"
# <a name="cwordarray-class"></a>CWordArray 클래스
16비트 단어 배열을 지원합니다.
## <a name="syntax"></a>구문
class CWordArray : public CObject
## <a name="members"></a>멤버
의 `CWordArray` 멤버 함수는 [클래스 CObArray의](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md)멤버 함수와 유사합니다. 이처럼 두 함수가 비슷하므로 `CObArray` 참조 설명서에서 멤버 함수 관련 사항을 확인할 수 있습니다. [CObject](../../mfc/reference/cobject-class.md) 포인터를 함수 매개 변수 또는 반환 값으로 볼 때마다 WORD를 대체합니다.
`CObject* CObArray::GetAt( int <nIndex> ) const;`
예를 들어 위의 코드는
`WORD CWordArray::GetAt( int <nIndex> ) const;`
### <a name="public-constructors"></a>Public 생성자
|[칼의 배열::워드 어레이](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#cobarray)|빈 배열을 생성합니다.|
### <a name="public-methods"></a>Public 메서드
|[칼 배열 ::추가](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#add)|배열 끝에 요소를 추가하고 필요하면 배열을 확장합니다.|
|[칼배열::부속](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#append)|배열에 다른 배열을 추가하고 필요하면 배열을 확장합니다.|
|[칼배열::복사](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#copy)|배열에 다른 배열을 복사하고 필요하면 배열을 확장합니다.|
|[칼배열::엘리먼트At](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#elementat)|배열 내의 요소 포인터에 대한 임시 참조를 반환합니다.|
|[칼배열::프리엑스트라](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#freeextra)|현재 상한을 초과하며 사용되지 않는 모든 메모리를 해제합니다.|
|[칼배열::GetAt](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#getat)|지정된 인덱스의 값을 반환합니다.|
|[칼배열::겟카운트](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#getcount)|이 배열에 있는 요소의 수를 가져옵니다.|
|[칼배열::GetData](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#getdata)|배열의 요소에 대한 액세스를 허용합니다. NULL일 수 있습니다.|
|[칼배열::겟사이즈](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#getsize)|이 배열에 있는 요소의 수를 가져옵니다.|
|[칼배열::겟어퍼바운드](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#getupperbound)|유효한 최대 인덱스를 반환합니다.|
|[칼 배열 ::삽입](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#insertat)|지정한 인덱스에 요소 하나 또는 다른 배열의 모든 요소를 삽입합니다.|
|[칼배열::비어 있음](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#isempty)|배열이 비어 있는지를 확인합니다.|
|[칼 배열 ::모두 제거](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#removeall)|이 배열의 모든 요소를 반환합니다.|
|[칼배열::리무드](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#removeat)|특정 인덱스의 요소를 제거합니다.|
|[칼배열::세팅](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#setat)|지정된 인덱스의 값을 설정합니다. 배열은 확장할 수 없습니다.|
|[칼의 배열::세터그로우](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#setatgrow)|지정된 인덱스의 값을 설정합니다. 필요한 경우 배열을 확장합니다.|
|[칼배열::세트사이즈](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#setsize)|이 배열에 포함된 요소의 수를 설정합니다.|
### <a name="public-operators"></a>Public 연산자
|[CWordArray::연산자 []](../../mfc/reference/cobarray-class.md#operator_at)|지정한 인덱스에 있는 요소를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.|
## <a name="remarks"></a>설명
`CWordArray`[IMPLEMENT_SERIAL](run-time-object-model-services.md#implement_serial) 매크로를 통합하여 해당 요소의 직렬화 및 덤프를 지원합니다. 단어의 배열이 아카이브에 저장되는 경우, 오버로드 삽입 연산자 또는 [CObject::Serialize](../../mfc/reference/cobject-class.md#serialize) 멤버 함수와 함께, 각 요소는 차례로 직렬화됩니다.
> [!NOTE]
> 배열을 사용하기 전에 `SetSize`를 사용하여 배열 크기를 설정하고 배열에 대해 메모리를 할당합니다. `SetSize`를 사용하지 않는 경우 배열에 요소를 추가하면 배열이 자주 다시 할당되고 복사됩니다. 이처럼 다시 할당 및 복사가 자주 수행되면 효율성이 떨어지며 메모리가 조각화될 수 있습니다.
배열에 개별 요소의 덤프가 필요한 경우 덤프 컨텍스트의 깊이를 1 이상으로 설정해야 합니다.
사용에 `CWordArray`대한 자세한 내용은 [컬렉션](../../mfc/collections.md)문서를 참조하십시오.
## <a name="inheritance-hierarchy"></a>상속 계층 구조
## <a name="requirements"></a>요구 사항
**헤더:** afxcoll.h
## <a name="see-also"></a>참고 항목
[MFC 샘플 수집](../../overview/visual-cpp-samples.md)<br/>
[CObject 클래스](../../mfc/reference/cobject-class.md)<br/>
[계층 구조 차트](../../mfc/hierarchy-chart.md)
| 37.295455 | 252 | 0.698558 | kor_Hang | 0.996063 |
d9d8aa3605d2397b83391146a8d8bc062e410e19 | 212,207 | md | Markdown | build/docs/all.md | ZhekehZ/catboost | 3f774da539b8e57cca25686b89c473cbd1f61a6c | [
] | null | null | null | build/docs/all.md | ZhekehZ/catboost | 3f774da539b8e57cca25686b89c473cbd1f61a6c | [
] | null | null | null | build/docs/all.md | ZhekehZ/catboost | 3f774da539b8e57cca25686b89c473cbd1f61a6c | [
] | null | null | null | # ya.make and core.conf commands
General info: [How to write ya.make files](https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/HowToWriteYaMakeFiles)
## Table of contents
* [Multimodules](#multimodules)
- Multimodule [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS)
- Multimodule [MAPS_IDL_LIBRARY](#multimodule_MAPS_IDL_LIBRARY)
- Multimodule [PROTO_LIBRARY](#multimodule_PROTO_LIBRARY)
- Multimodule [PY23_LIBRARY](#multimodule_PY23_LIBRARY)
- Multimodule [PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY](#multimodule_PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY)
- Multimodule [PY23_TEST](#multimodule_PY23_TEST)
- Multimodule [SANDBOX_TASK](#multimodule_SANDBOX_TASK)
- Multimodule [YQL_UDF](#multimodule_YQL_UDF)
* [Modules](#modules)
- Module [AAR](#module_AAR)
- Module [BENCHMARK](#module_BENCHMARK)
- Module [BOOSTTEST](#module_BOOSTTEST)
- Module [DEV_DLL_PROXY](#module_DEV_DLL_PROXY)
- Module [DLL](#module_DLL)
- Module [DLL_JAVA](#module_DLL_JAVA)
- Module [DLL_TOOL](#module_DLL_TOOL)
- Module [DLL_UNIT](#module_DLL_UNIT)
- Module [EXECTEST](#module_EXECTEST)
- Module [FAT_OBJECT](#module_FAT_OBJECT)
- Module [FUZZ](#module_FUZZ)
- Module [GO_LIBRARY](#module_GO_LIBRARY)
- Module [GO_PROGRAM](#module_GO_PROGRAM)
- Module [GO_TEST](#module_GO_TEST)
- Module [GTEST](#module_GTEST)
- Module [JTEST](#module_JTEST)
- Module [JTEST_FOR](#module_JTEST_FOR)
- Module [JUNIT5](#module_JUNIT5)
- Module [LIBRARY](#module_LIBRARY)
- Module [METAQUERY](#module_METAQUERY)
- Module [MOBILE_DLL](#module_MOBILE_DLL)
- Module [PACKAGE](#module_PACKAGE)
- Module [PROGRAM](#module_PROGRAM)
- Module [PY3TEST](#module_PY3TEST)
- Module [PY3TEST_BIN](#module_PY3TEST_BIN)
- Module [PY3_LIBRARY](#module_PY3_LIBRARY)
- Module [PY3_PROGRAM](#module_PY3_PROGRAM)
- Module [PYMODULE](#module_PYMODULE)
- Module [PYTEST](#module_PYTEST)
- Module [PYTEST_BIN](#module_PYTEST_BIN)
- Module [PY_ANY_MODULE](#module_PY_ANY_MODULE)
- Module [PY_LIBRARY](#module_PY_LIBRARY)
- Module [PY_PACKAGE](#module_PY_PACKAGE)
- Module [PY_PROGRAM](#module_PY_PROGRAM)
- Module [R_MODULE](#module_R_MODULE)
- Module [SO_PROGRAM](#module_SO_PROGRAM)
- Module [TESTNG](#module_TESTNG)
- Module [UDF](#module_UDF)
- Module [UDF_BASE](#module_UDF_BASE)
- Module [UDF_LIB](#module_UDF_LIB)
- Module [UNION](#module_UNION)
- Module [UNITTEST](#module_UNITTEST)
- Module [YCR_PROGRAM](#module_YCR_PROGRAM)
- Module [YQL_PYTHON3_UDF](#module_YQL_PYTHON3_UDF)
- Module [YQL_UDF_TEST](#module_YQL_UDF_TEST)
- Module [YT_UNITTEST](#module_YT_UNITTEST)
- Module [_BASE_PROGRAM](#module__BASE_PROGRAM)
- Module [_BASE_PY3_PROGRAM](#module__BASE_PY3_PROGRAM)
- Module [_BASE_PYTEST](#module__BASE_PYTEST)
- Module [_BASE_UNIT](#module__BASE_UNIT)
- Module [_GO_BASE_UNIT](#module__GO_BASE_UNIT)
- Module [_LIBRARY](#module__LIBRARY)
- Module [_LINK_UNIT](#module__LINK_UNIT)
- Module [_PY_PACKAGE](#module__PY_PACKAGE)
* [Macros](#macros)
- Macros [AARS](#macro_AARS) .. [AAR_RES_SRCS](#macro_AAR_RES_SRCS)
- Macros [BUILD_PLNS](#macro_BUILD_PLNS) .. [CFLAGS](#macro_CFLAGS)
- Macros [FILES](#macro_FILES) .. [FUZZ_OPTS](#macro_FUZZ_OPTS)
- Macros [LDFLAGS](#macro_LDFLAGS) .. [LLVM_LINK](#macro_LLVM_LINK)
- Macros [NO_NEED_CHECK](#macro_NO_NEED_CHECK) .. [NO_SSE4](#macro_NO_SSE4)
- Macros [PROTO2FBS](#macro_PROTO2FBS) .. [PY_DOCTESTS](#macro_PY_DOCTESTS)
- Macros [PY_MAIN](#macro_PY_MAIN) .. [RECURSE](#macro_RECURSE)
- Macros [SETUP_RUN_PYTHON](#macro_SETUP_RUN_PYTHON) .. [SRC](#macro_SRC)
- Macros [SRCDIR](#macro_SRCDIR) .. [SRC_C_AVX](#macro_SRC_C_AVX)
- Macros [SRC_C_AVX2](#macro_SRC_C_AVX2) .. [SYMLINK](#macro_SYMLINK)
- Macros [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) .. [USE_CXX](#macro_USE_CXX)
- Macros [_LUAJIT_21_OBJDUMP](#macro__LUAJIT_21_OBJDUMP) .. [_MX_GEN_TABLE](#macro__MX_GEN_TABLE)
- Macros [_PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE](#macro__PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE) .. [_SRC](#macro__SRC)
- Macros [_SRCS_NO_GLOBAL](#macro__SRCS_NO_GLOBAL) .. [_SRC____cxx](#macro__SRC____cxx)
- Macros [_SRC____ev](#macro__SRC____ev) .. [_SRC____lex](#macro__SRC____lex)
- Macros [_SRC____lpp](#macro__SRC____lpp) .. [_SRC____rl5](#macro__SRC____rl5)
- Macros [_SRC____rl6](#macro__SRC____rl6) .. [_SRC____xsyn](#macro__SRC____xsyn)
- Macros [_SRC____y](#macro__SRC____y) .. [_SRC_yasm](#macro__SRC_yasm)
- Macros [_SRC_yasm_impl](#macro__SRC_yasm_impl) .. [_YTEST](#macro__YTEST)
## Multimodules <a name="multimodules"></a>
###### Multimodule [DOCS][]() <a name="multimodule_DOCS"></a>
Documentation project multimodule.
When built directly, via RECURSE, DEPENDS or BUNDLE the output artifact is docs.tar.gz with statically generated site (using mkdocs as builder).
When PEERDIRed from other DOCS() module behaves like a UNION (supplying own content and dependencies to build target).
Peerdirs from modules other than DOCS are not accepted.
Most usual macros are not accepted, only used with the macros DOCS\_DIR(), DOCS\_CONFIG(), DOCS\_VARS(), DOCS\_BUILDER().
@see: [DOCS\_DIR()](#macro\_DOCS\_DIR), [DOCS\_CONFIG()](#macro\_DOCS\_CONFIG), [DOCS\_VARS()](#macro\_DOCS\_VARS), [DOCS\_BUILDER()](#macro\_DOCS\_BUILDER).
###### Multimodule [MAPS\_IDL\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="multimodule_MAPS_IDL_LIBRARY"></a>
Definition of multimodule that builds various variants of libraries.
The particular variant is selected based on where PEERDIR to IDL\_LIBRARY comes from.
Now supported 2 variants: C++, Java
Java version is not really a library but an archive of generated Java sources
###### Multimodule [PROTO\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="multimodule_PROTO_LIBRARY"></a>
Build some varian of protocol buffers library.
The particular variant is selected based on where PEERDIR to PROTO\_LIBRARY comes from.
Now supported 5 variants: C++, Java, Python 2.x, Python 3.x and Go.
When PEERDIR comes from module for particular language appropriate variant is selected.
PROTO\_LIBRARY also supports emission of GRPC code if GRPC() macro is specified.
- Python versions emit C++ code in addition to Python as optimization.
- Go version is not enabled by default because .proto files are not compatible with Go by default. Add INCLUDE\_TAGS(GO\_PROTO) to enable Go version
- In some PROTO\_LIBRARY-es Java or Python versions are excluded via EXCLUDE\_TAGS macros due to incompatibilities.
- Use from DEPENDS or BUNDLE is not allowed
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/proto\_library/
###### Multimodule [PY23\_LIBRARY][]([name]) <a name="multimodule_PY23_LIBRARY"></a>
Build PY\_LIBRARY or PY3\_LIBRARY depending on incoming PEERDIR.
Direct build or build by RECURSE creates both variants.
This multimodule doesn't define any final targets, so use from DEPENDS or BUNDLE is not allowed.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs
###### Multimodule [PY23\_NATIVE\_LIBRARY][]([name]) <a name="multimodule_PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY"></a>
Build LIBRARY compatible with either Python 2.x or Python 3.x depending on incoming PEERDIR.
This multimodule doesn't depend on Arcadia Python binary build. It is intended only for C++ code and cannot contain PY\_SRCS and USE\_PYTHON macros.
Use these multimodule instead of PY23\_LIBRARY if the C++ extension defined in it will be used in PYMODULE.
While it doesn't bring Arcadia Python dependency itself, it is still compatible with Arcadia Python build and can be PEERDIR-ed from PY\_LIBRARY and alikes.
Proper version will be selected according to Python version of the module PEERDIR comes from.
This mulrtimodule doesn't define any final targets so cannot be used from DEPENDS or BUNDLE macros.
For more information read https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#pysrcssrcsipy23nativelibrary
@see [LIBRARY()](#module\_LIBRARY), [PYMODULE()](#module\_PYMODULE)
###### Multimodule [PY23\_TEST][] <a name="multimodule_PY23_TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Multimodule [SANDBOX\_TASK][]([Name]) <a name="multimodule_SANDBOX_TASK"></a>
Multimodule describing Sandbox task (Python code that can be executed by Sandbox system).
When being a final target, this multimodule builds Sandbox binary task. It may PEERDIR other SANDBOX\_TASKs as libraries.
The final artifact is provided when SANDBOX\_TASK is referred to by DEPENDS and BUNDLE macros.
As PEERDIR target, it works like regular PY\_LIBRARY with predefined dependencies on Sandbox SDK to allow code reuse among SANDBOX\_TASKs.
Currently Sandbox supports only Python 2.x, so both variants will be compatible only with Python 2.x modules
and will select multimodule variants accordingly.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/sandbox/tasks/binary
###### Multimodule [YQL\_UDF][](name) <a name="multimodule_YQL_UDF"></a>
User-defined function for YQL
Multimodule which is YQL\_UDF\_MODULE when built directly or referred by BUNDLE and DEPENDS macros.
If used by PEERDIRs it is usual static LIBRARY with default YQL dependencies, allowing code reuse between UDFs.
@see: [YQL\_UDF\_MODULE()](#module\_YQL\_UDF\_MODULE)
## Modules <a name="modules"></a>
###### Module [AAR][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_AAR"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [AAR\_PROXY\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_AAR_PROXY_LIBRARY"></a>
The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!!
###### Module [ASRC\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_ASRC_LIBRARY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [BENCHMARK][]([benchmarkname]) <a name="module_BENCHMARK"></a>
Benchmark test based on the library/testing/benchmark.
For more details see: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#zapuskbenchmark
###### Module [BOOSTTEST][]([name]) _#deprecated_ <a name="module_BOOSTTEST"></a>
Test module based on boost/test/unit\_test.hpp.
As with entire boost library usage of this technology is deprecated in Arcadia and restricted with configuration error in most of projects.
No new module of this type should be introduced unless it is explicitly approved by C++ committee.
Not documented yet.
###### Module [DEV\_DLL\_PROXY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_DEV_DLL_PROXY"></a>
The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!!
This is a temporary and project-specific solution.
###### Module [DLL][](name major\_ver [minor\_ver] [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) <a name="module_DLL"></a>
Dynamic library module defintion.
1. major\_ver and minor\_ver must be integers.
2. EXPORTS allows you to explicitly specify the list of exported functions. This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files
3. PREFIX allows you to change the prefix of the output file (default DLL has the prefix "lib").
DLL cannot participate in linking to programs but can be used from Java or as final artifact (packaged and deployed).
###### Module [DLL\_JAVA][]() <a name="module_DLL_JAVA"></a>
DLL built using swig for Java. Produces dynamic library and a .jar.
Dynamic library is treated the same as in the case of PEERDIR from Java to DLL.
.jar goes on the classpath.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/#integracijascpp/pythonsborkojj
###### Module [DLL\_PROXY\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_DLL_PROXY_LIBRARY"></a>
The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!!
###### Module [DLL\_TOOL][] <a name="module_DLL_TOOL"></a>
DLL\_TOOL is a DLL that can be used as a LD\_PRELOAD tool.
###### Module [DLL\_UNIT][] _# internal_ <a name="module_DLL_UNIT"></a>
Base module for all dynamically linked libraries as final artifacts.
Contains all general logic for such kind of modules. Supports versioning and export files.
Cannot participate in linking to programs, intended to be used as final artifact (packaged and deployed).
###### Module [EXECTEST][]() <a name="module_EXECTEST"></a>
Module definition of generic test that executes a binary.
Use macro RUN to specify binary to run.
cat input.txt
More examples: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#exec-testy
@see: [RUN()](#macro\_RUN)
###### Module [EXTERNAL\_JAVA\_LIBRARY][]() _#internal_ <a name="module_EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY"></a>
EXTERNAL\_JAVA\_LIBRARY() is a module for creating a .jar file using non-Java code (generators etc.)
Unlike regular JAVA\_LIBRARY this module doesn't produce .pom file, so it cannot be exported to Maven itself.
PEERDIR it from JAVA\_LIBRARY or JAVA\_PROGRAM for export to Maven.
###### Module [FAT\_OBJECT][]() <a name="module_FAT_OBJECT"></a>
The "fat" object module. It will contain all its transitive dependencies reachable by PEERDIRs:
static libraries, local (from own SRCS) and global (from peers') object files.
Designed for use in XCode projects for iOS.
###### Module [FUZZ][]() <a name="module_FUZZ"></a>
In order to start using Fuzzing in Arcadia, you need to create a FUZZ module with the implementation of the function LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput().
This module should be reachable by RECURSE from /autocheck project in order for the corpus to be regularly updated.
AFL and Libfuzzer are supported in Arcadia via a single interface, but the automatic fuzzing still works only through Libfuzzer.
Example: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/re2/re2/fuzzing/re2\_fuzzer.cc?rev=2919463#L58
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/
###### Module [GO\_LIBRARY][]([name]) <a name="module_GO_LIBRARY"></a>
Go library module definition.
Compile Go module as a library suitable for PEERDIR from other Go modules.
Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO\_LIBRARY.
###### Module [GO\_PROGRAM][]([name]) <a name="module_GO_PROGRAM"></a>
Go program module definition.
Compile and link Go module to an executable program.
Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO\_LIBRARY.
###### Module [GO\_TEST][]([name]) <a name="module_GO_TEST"></a>
Go test module definition.
Compile and link Go module as a test suitable for running with Arcadia testing support.
All usual testing support macros like DATA, DEPENDS, SIZE, REQUIREMENTS etc. are supported.
Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO\_LIBRARY.
###### Module [GTEST][]([name]) <a name="module_GTEST"></a>
The test module based on gtest (contrib/libs/gtest contrib/libs/gmock).
Use public documentation on gtest for details.
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Module [IOS\_INTERFACE][]() <a name="module_IOS_INTERFACE"></a>
iOS GUI module definition
###### Module [JAVA\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_JAVA_LIBRARY"></a>
The module describing java library build.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/
###### Module [JAVA\_PROGRAM][]() <a name="module_JAVA_PROGRAM"></a>
The module describing java programs build.
Output artifacts: .jar and directory with all the jar to the classpath of the formation.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/
###### Module [JSRC\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_JSRC_LIBRARY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [JSRC\_PROXY\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_JSRC_PROXY_MOBILE_LIBRARY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [JTEST][]() <a name="module_JTEST"></a>
Java tests module based on JUnit 4 framework.
If requested, build system will scan the source code of the module for the presence of junit tests and run them.
Output artifacts: a jar, a directory of exhaust tests(if required run the tests) - test logs, system logs testiranja, temporary files, tests, etc.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynajava
###### Module [JTEST\_FOR][](ModuleDir) <a name="module_JTEST_FOR"></a>
Convinience java tests module based on JUnit 4 framework for specified library or program.
In contrast to the JTEST, the build system will scan for the presence of the test sources of the module in ModuleDir . As ModuleDir should contain JAVA\_PROGRAM or JAVA\_LIBRARY . JTEST\_FOR also can have its own source, in this case they will be compiled and added to the classpath of a test run.
Output artifacts: a jar, a directory of exhaust tests(if requested tests are run).
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynajava
###### Module [JUNIT5][]() <a name="module_JUNIT5"></a>
Java tests module based on JUnit 5 framework.
If requested, build system will scan the source code of the module for the presence of junit tests and run them.
Output artifacts: a jar, a directory of exhaust tests(if required run the tests) - test logs, system logs testiranja, temporary files, tests, etc.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynajava
###### Module [LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_LIBRARY"></a>
The regular static library module.
The LIBRARY() is intermediate module, so when built directly it won't build its dependencies.
It transitively provides its PEERDIRs to ultimate final target, where all LIBRARY() modules are built and linked together.
This is C++ library, and it selects peers from multimodules accordingly.
It makes little sense to mention LIBRARY in DEPENDS or BUNDLE, package and deploy it since it is not a standalone entity.
In order to use library in tests PEERDIR it to link into tests.
If you think you need to distribute static library please contact devtools@ for assistance.
###### Module [METAQUERY][]() _#deprecated_ <a name="module_METAQUERY"></a>
Project Definition - KIWI Meta query. (Objected)
###### Module [MOBILE\_BOOST\_TEST\_APK][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_MOBILE_BOOST_TEST_APK"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [MOBILE\_DLL][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_MOBILE_DLL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [MOBILE\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_MOBILE_LIBRARY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK][]() _# internal_ <a name="module_MOBILE_TEST_APK"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [PACKAGE][](name) <a name="module_PACKAGE"></a>
Module collects what is described directly inside it, builds and collects all its transitively available PEERDIRs.
As a result, build directory of the project gets the structure of the accessible part of Arcadia, where the build result of each PEERDIR is placed to relevant Arcadia subpath.
The data can be optionally packed if macro PACK() is used.
Is only used together with the macros FILES(), PEERDIR(), COPY(), FROM\_SANDBOX(), RUN\_PROGRAM or BUNDLE(). Don't use SRCS inside a PACKAGE.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/large-data/
@see: [PACK()](#macro\_PACK)
###### Module [PREBUILT\_PROGRAM][]([programname]) _# internal_ <a name="module_PREBUILT_PROGRAM"></a>
Program module which uses a prebuilt prgram as its output.
###### Module [PROGRAM][]([progname]) <a name="module_PROGRAM"></a>
Regular program module.
If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory.
###### Module [PY3TEST][]([name]) <a name="module_PY3TEST"></a>
The test module for Python 3.x based on py.test
This module is compatible only with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects peers from multimodules accordingly.
This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build (to avoid tests duplication from Python2/3-tests). For non-Arcadia python use PYTEST.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynapytest
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Module [PY3TEST\_BIN][]() _#deprecated_ <a name="module_PY3TEST_BIN"></a>
Same as PY3TEST. Don't use this, use PY3TEST instead.
###### Module [PY3\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_PY3_LIBRARY"></a>
Python 3.x binary library. Builds sources from PY\_SRCS to data suitable for PY\_PROGRAM
Adds dependencies to Python 2.x runtime library from Arcadia.
This module is only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules.
This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [PY3\_PROGRAM][]([progname]) <a name="module_PY3_PROGRAM"></a>
Python 3.x binary program. Links all Python 3.x libraries and Python 3.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable.
If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory.
This only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [PYMODULE][](name major\_ver [minor\_ver] [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) <a name="module_PYMODULE"></a>
The Python external module for Python2 and any system Python
1. major\_ver and minor\_ver must be integers.
2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib".
3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module
This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO\_LIBRARY.
Note: this module will always PEERDIR Python2 version of PY23\_NATIVE\_LIBRARY.
Do not PEERDIR PY\_LIBRARY or PY23\_LIBRARY: this will link Python in and render artifact unusable as Python module.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [PYTEST][]([name]) <a name="module_PYTEST"></a>
The test module for Python 2.x based on py.test
This module is compatible only with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects peers from multimodules accordingly.
This module is compatible with non-Arcadia Python builds.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynapytest
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Module [PYTEST\_BIN][]() _#deprecated_ <a name="module_PYTEST_BIN"></a>
Same as PYTEST. Don't use this, use PYTEST instead.
###### Module [PY\_ANY\_MODULE][](name major\_ver [minor\_ver] [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) <a name="module_PY_ANY_MODULE"></a>
The Python external module for any versio of Arcadia or system Python.
1. major\_ver and minor\_ver must be integers.
2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib".
3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module
This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO\_LIBRARY.
Note: Use PYTHON2\_MODULE()/PYTHON3\_MODULE() in order to PEERDIR proper version of PY23\_NATIVE\_LIBRARY.
Do not PEERDIR any PY\*\_LIBRARY: this will link Python in and render artifact unusable as Python module.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [PY\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_PY_LIBRARY"></a>
Python 2.x binary built library. Builds sources from PY\_SRCS to data suitable for PY\_PROGRAM.
Adds dependencies to Python 2.x runtime library from Arcadia.
This module is only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules.
This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [PY\_PACKAGE][](name) _# internal, deprecated_ <a name="module_PY_PACKAGE"></a>
This is module created via PY\_PROTOS\_FOR() macro
###### Module [PY\_PROGRAM][]([progname]) <a name="module_PY_PROGRAM"></a>
Python 2.x binary program. Links all Python 2.x libraries and Python 2.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable.
If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory.
This only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [RECURSIVE\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_RECURSIVE_LIBRARY"></a>
The recursive ("fat") library module. It will contain all its transitive dependencies reachable by PEERDIRs:
from static libraries, local (from own SRCS) and global (from peers') object files.
Designed for use in XCode projects for iOS.
###### Module [RESOURCES\_LIBRARY][]() <a name="module_RESOURCES_LIBRARY"></a>
Definition of a module that brings its content from external source (Sandbox) via DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_RESOURCE macro.
This can participate in PEERDIRs of others as library but it cannot have own sources and PEERDIRs.
###### Module [R\_MODULE][](name major\_ver [minor\_ver] [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) <a name="module_R_MODULE"></a>
The external module for R language.
1. major\_ver and minor\_ver must be integers.
2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib".
3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module
This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO\_LIBRARY.
###### Module [SO\_PROGRAM][](name major\_ver [minor\_ver] [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) <a name="module_SO_PROGRAM"></a>
Executable dynamic library module defintion.
1. major\_ver and minor\_ver must be integers.
2. EXPORTS allows you to explicitly specify the list of exported functions. This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files
3. PREFIX allows you to change the prefix of the output file.
###### Module [TESTNG][]() <a name="module_TESTNG"></a>
Java tests module based on TestNG framework.
If requested, build system will scan the source code of the module for the presence of junit tests and run them.
Output artifacts: a jar, a directory of exhaust tests(if required run the tests) - test logs, system logs testiranja, temporary files, tests, etc.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynajava
###### Module [UDF][](name [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) _# deprecated_ <a name="module_UDF"></a>
The KiWi UDF module.
Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL.
###### Module [UDF\_BASE][](name [EXPORTS symlist\_file] [PREFIX prefix]) _#internal_ <a name="module_UDF_BASE"></a>
The base logic of all UDF extension modules (User-Defined Functions).
Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL.
###### Module [UDF\_LIB][]([name]) _# deprecated_ <a name="module_UDF_LIB"></a>
The LIBRARY module for KiWi UDF, so has default PEERDIR to yweb/robot/kiwi/kwcalc/udflib.
###### Module [UNION][](name) <a name="module_UNION"></a>
Collection of PEERDIR dependencies, files and artifacts.
UNION doesn't build its peers, just provides those to modules depending on it.
When specied in DEPENDS() macro the UNION is transitively closed, building all its peers and providing those by own paths (without adding this module path like PACKAGE does).
Is only used together with the macros like FILES(), PEERDIR(), COPY(), FROM\_SANDBOX(), RUN\_PROGRAM or BUNDLE(). Don't use SRCS inside a UNION.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/large-data/
###### Module [UNITTEST][]([name]) <a name="module_UNITTEST"></a>
Unit test module based on library/unittest.
It is recommended not to specify the name.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#opisanievya.make1
###### Module [UNITTEST\_FOR][](path/to/lib) <a name="module_UNITTEST_FOR"></a>
Convenience extension of UNITTEST module.
The UNINTTEST module with additional SRCDIR + ADDINCL + PEERDIR on path/to/lib.
path/to/lib is the path to the directory with the LIBRARY project.
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Module [UNITTEST\_WITH\_CUSTOM\_ENTRY\_POINT][]([name]) <a name="module_UNITTEST_WITH_CUSTOM_ENTRY_POINT"></a>
Generic unit test module.
###### Module [YCR\_PROGRAM][]([progname]) <a name="module_YCR_PROGRAM"></a>
yacare-specific program module. Generates yacare configs in addition to producing the program.
If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory.
###### Module [YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF][](name) <a name="module_YQL_PYTHON3_UDF"></a>
The extension module for YQL with Python 3.x UDF (User Defined Function for YQL).
Unlike YQL\_UDF this is plain DLL module, so PEERDIRs to it are not allowed.
Documentation: https://yql.yandex-team.ru/docs/yt/udf/python/
###### Module [YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF\_TEST][](name) <a name="module_YQL_PYTHON3_UDF_TEST"></a>
The Python test for Python 3.x YQL UDF (User Defined Function for YQL). The code should be a proper YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF.
This module will basically build itself as UDF and run as test using yql/tools/run\_python\_udf/run\_python\_udf tool.
Documentation: https://yql.yandex-team.ru/docs/yt/udf/python/
@see: [YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF()](#module\_YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF)
###### Module [YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF][](name) <a name="module_YQL_PYTHON_UDF"></a>
Definition of the extension module for YQL with Python 2.x UDF (User Defined Function for YQL).
Unlike YQL\_UDF this is plain DLL module, so PEERDIRs to it are not allowed.
###### Module [YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_PROGRAM][](name) <a name="module_YQL_PYTHON_UDF_PROGRAM"></a>
Definition of the extension module for YQL with Python 2.x UDF (User Defined Function for YQL).
Unlike YQL\_UDF this is plain DLL module, so PEERDIRs to it are not allowed.
###### Module [YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_TEST][](name) <a name="module_YQL_PYTHON_UDF_TEST"></a>
The Python test for Python YQL UDF (Python User Defined Function for YQL). The code should be a proper YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF.
This module will basically build itself as UDF and run as test using yql/tools/run\_python\_udf/run\_python\_udf tool.
Documentation: https://yql.yandex-team.ru/docs/yt/udf/python/
@example: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/yql/udfs/test/simple/ya.make
@see: [YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF()](#module\_YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF)
###### Module [YQL\_UDF\_MODULE][](name) <a name="module_YQL_UDF_MODULE"></a>
The extension module for YQL with C++ UDF (User Defined Function YQL)
###### Module [YQL\_UDF\_TEST][]([name]) <a name="module_YQL_UDF_TEST"></a>
The module to test YQL C++ UDF.
Documentation: https://yql.yandex-team.ru/docs/yt/libraries/testing/
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Module [YT\_UNITTEST][]([name]) <a name="module_YT_UNITTEST"></a>
YT Unit test module based on mapreduce/yt/library/utlib
###### Module [\_BASE\_PROGRAM][] _# internal_ <a name="module__BASE_PROGRAM"></a>
The base of all programs. It adds dependencies to make final artefact complete and runnable.
###### Module \_BASE\_PY\_PROGRAM _#internal_ <a name="module__BASE_PY3_PROGRAM"></a>
The base module for all Python 3.x binary programs. Adds linking logic, relevant module properties and
dependency on Python 3.x interpreter. Also adds import tests on all sources including libraries.
Links all Python 3.x libraries and Python 3.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable.
This only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [\_BASE\_PYTEST][] _# internal_ <a name="module__BASE_PYTEST"></a>
Base logic of Python 2.x py.test modules: common module properties and dependencies.
###### Module [\_BASE\_PY\_PROGRAM][] _#internal_ <a name="module__BASE_PY_PROGRAM"></a>
The base module for all Python 2.x binary programs. Adds linking logic, relevant module properties and
dependency on Python 2.x interpreter. Also adds import tests on all sources including PEERDIR'ed libraries.
Links all Python 2.x libraries and Python 2.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable.
This only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs/
###### Module [\_BASE\_UNIT][] _# internal_ <a name="module__BASE_UNIT"></a>
The base of all buildable modules describing common logic for all modules.
To avoid surprises, all buildable modules are better to be inherited from it or its descendants.
###### Module [\_BASE\_UNITTEST][] _# internal_ <a name="module__BASE_UNITTEST"></a>
Module with base logic for all unit-test modules: it makes code runnable as unit-test by Arcadia testing machinery.
###### Module [\_DLL\_COMPATIBLE\_LIBRARY][] _# internal_ <a name="module__DLL_COMPATIBLE_LIBRARY"></a>
Base module to place DLLs into multimodules back to back with libraries.
In order to function properly all modules in multimodule shall have the
same set of arguments. So this module is just library that accepts but
ignores all DLL arguments.
###### Module [\_GO\_BASE\_UNIT][] _# internal_ <a name="module__GO_BASE_UNIT"></a>
The base module of all golang modules. Defines common properties, dependencies and rules for go build.
###### Module [\_JAVA\_PLACEHOLDER][] _#internal_ <a name="module__JAVA_PLACEHOLDER"></a>
The base module for all Java modules. Defines common properties and dependencies.
###### Module [\_LIBRARY][] _# internal_ <a name="module__LIBRARY"></a>
Base module definition for all libraries.
Contains basic logic like module properties, default variable values etc.
All libraries similar to C++-libraries should be inherited from it.
###### Module [\_LINK\_UNIT][] _# internal_ <a name="module__LINK_UNIT"></a>
The base of all linkable modules: programs, DLLs etc. Describes common linking logic.
###### Module AAR[\_PROXY\_LIBRARY][]() _# internal_ <a name="module__PROXY_LIBRARY"></a>
The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!!
###### Module [\_PY\_PACKAGE][]: UNION _#internal_ <a name="module__PY_PACKAGE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Module [\_YQL\_UDF\_PROGRAM\_BASE][]: SO\_PROGRAM _#internal_ <a name="module__YQL_UDF_PROGRAM_BASE"></a>
Not documented yet.
## Macros <a name="macros"></a>
###### Macro [AARS][](Aars...) <a name="macro_AARS"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [AAR\_AARS][](aars...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_AARS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_AIDL\_SRCS][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_AIDL_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_ASSETS\_SRCS][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_ASSETS_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_BUNDLES][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_BUNDLES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_JAVA\_SRCS][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_JAVA_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_JNI\_LIBS][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_JNI_LIBS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_MANIFEST][](filename) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_MANIFEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_PROGUARD\_RULES][](filename) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_PROGUARD_RULES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [AAR\_RES\_SRCS][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_AAR_RES_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ACCELEO][] <a name="macro_ACCELEO"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADDINCL][]([GLOBAL dir]\* dirlist) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_ADDINCL"></a>
The macro adds the -I<library path> flag to the source compilation flags of the current project.
GLOBAL - extends the search for headers (-I) on the dependent projects
###### Macro [ADDINCLSELF][] <a name="macro_ADDINCLSELF"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_CHECK][] <a name="macro_ADD_CHECK"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_CHECK\_PY\_IMPORTS][] <a name="macro_ADD_CHECK_PY_IMPORTS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_COMPILABLE\_TRANSLATE][](Dict Name Options...) <a name="macro_ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLATE"></a>
Generate translation dictionary code to transdict.LOWER(Name).cpp that will than be compiled into library
###### Macro [ADD\_COMPILABLE\_TRANSLIT][](TranslitTable NGrams Name Options...) <a name="macro_ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLIT"></a>
Generate transliteration dictionary code
This will emit both translit, untranslit and ngrams table codes those will be than further compiled into library
###### Macro [ADD\_DLLS\_TO\_JAR][]() <a name="macro_ADD_DLLS_TO_JAR"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_FLAKE8][]() <a name="macro_ADD_FLAKE8"></a>
Use Linter for style check
###### Macro [ADD\_PERL\_MODULE][](Dir ModuleName) <a name="macro_ADD_PERL_MODULE"></a>
Add dependency on specified Perl module to the library
###### Macro [ADD\_PYTEST\_BIN][] <a name="macro_ADD_PYTEST_BIN"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_PYTEST\_SCRIPT][] <a name="macro_ADD_PYTEST_SCRIPT"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_TEST][] <a name="macro_ADD_TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ADD\_WAR][]([INCLUDE Path Pattern...] [EXCLUDE Path Pattern...] [INCLUDE\_DEFAULT Pattern...] [EXCLUDE\_DEFAULT Pattern...]) <a name="macro_ADD_WAR"></a>
Pack Java module (JAVA\_PROGRAM or JAVA\_LIBRARY) into war.
Parameters control what should be added or shouldn't be added to war archive.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/war
###### Macro [ADD\_YTEST][] <a name="macro_ADD_YTEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [ALLOCATOR][](Alloc) _# Default: LF_ <a name="macro_ALLOCATOR"></a>
Set memory allocator implementation for the PROGRAM()/DLL() module.
This may only be specified for programs and dlls, use in other modules leads to configuration errors.
Available allocators are: "LF", "LF\_YT", "LF\_DBG", "YT", "J", "B", "BS", "BM", "C", "GOOGLE", "LOCKLESS", "SYSTEM", "FAKE".
- LF - lfalloc (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/lfalloc)
- LF\_YT - Allocator selection for YT (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/lfalloc/yt/ya.make)
- LF\_DBG - Debug allocator selection (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/lfalloc/dbg/ya.make)
- YT - The YTAlloc allocator (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/ytalloc/impl/ya.make)
- J - The JEMalloc allocator (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/jemalloc)
- B - The balloc allocator named Pyotr Popov and Anton Samokhvalov
- Discussion: https://ironpeter.at.yandex-team.ru/replies.xml?item\_no=126
- Code: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/balloc
- BS - The balloc allocator with leak sanitizer (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/balloc/sanitize)
- BM - The balloc for market (agri@ commits from july 2018 till November 2018 saved)
- C - Like B, but can be disabled for each thread to LF or SYSTEM one (B can be disabled only to SYSTEM)
- GOOGLE - Google TCMalloc (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/galloc)
- LOCKLESS - Allocator based upon lockless queues (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/lockless)
- SYSTEM - Use target system allocator
- FAKE - Don't link with any allocator
More about allocators in Arcadia: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/allocators/
###### Macro [ALL\_SRCS][]([GLOBAL] filenames...) <a name="macro_ALL_SRCS"></a>
Make all source files listed as GLOBAL or not depending on the keyword GLOBAL
Call to ALL\_SRCS macro is equivalent to call to GLOBAL\_SRCS macro when GLOBAL keyword is specified
as the first argument and is equivalent to call to SRCS macro otherwise.
ALL_SRCS(${MAKE_IT_GLOBAL} foo.cpp bar.cpp)
@see: [GLOBAL\_SRCS()](#macro\_GLOBAL\_SRCS), [SRCS()](#macro\_SRCS)
###### Macro [ANNOTATION\_PROCESSOR][](processors...) <a name="macro_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR"></a>
The macro is in development.
Used to specify annotation processors to build JAVA\_PROGRAM() and JAVA\_LIBRARY().
###### Macro [ARCHIVE][](archive\_name [DONT\_COMPRESS] files...) <a name="macro_ARCHIVE"></a>
Add arbitrary data to a modules. Unlike RESOURCE macro the result should be futher processed by othet macros in the module.
Example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a1ispolzujjtekomanduarchive
###### Macro [ARCHIVE\_ASM][](NAME archive\_name files...) <a name="macro_ARCHIVE_ASM"></a>
Similar to the macro ARCHIVE, but:
1. works faster and it is better to use for large files.
2. Different syntax (see examples in codesearch or users/pg/tests/archive\_test)
###### Macro [ARCHIVE\_BY\_KEYS][](archive\_name key [DONT\_COMPRESS] files...) <a name="macro_ARCHIVE_BY_KEYS"></a>
Add arbitrary data to a module be accessible by specified key.
Unlike RESOURCE macro the result should be futher processed by othet macros in the module.
Example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a1ispolzujjtekomanduarchive
###### Macro [ASM\_PREINCLUDE][](AsmFiles...) <a name="macro_ASM_PREINCLUDE"></a>
Supply additional .asm files to all assembler calls within a module
###### Macro [BASE\_CODEGEN][](tool\_path prefix) <a name="macro_BASE_CODEGEN"></a>
Generator ${prefix}.cpp + ${prefix}.h files based on ${prefix}.in.
###### Macro [BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C][](Src Options...) <a name="macro_BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C"></a>
Generates .c file from .pyx.
###### Macro [BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_CPP][](Src Options...) <a name="macro_BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP"></a>
Generates .cpp file from .pyx.
###### Macro [BUILDWITH\_RAGEL6][](Src Options...) <a name="macro_BUILDWITH_RAGEL6"></a>
Compile .rl file using Ragel6.
###### Macro BUILD\_CB(cbmodel cbname) <a name="macro_BUILD_CATBOOST"></a>
Generate catboost model and access code.
cbmodel - CatBoost model file name (\*.cmb).
cbname - name for a variable (of NCatboostCalcer::TCatboostCalcer type) to be available in CPP code.
CatBoost specific macro.
###### Macro [BUILD\_MN][]([CHECK] [PTR] [MULTI] mninfo mnname) _# matrixnet_ <a name="macro_BUILD_MN"></a>
Generate MatrixNet data and access code using single command.
Alternative macro BUILD\_MNS() works faster and better for large files.
###### Macro [BUILD\_MNS][]([CHECK] NAME listname mninfos...) _# matrixnet_ <a name="macro_BUILD_MNS"></a>
Generate MatrixNet data and access code using separate commands for support code, interface and data.
Faster version of BUILD\_MN() macro for large files.
###### Macro [BUILD\_ONLY\_IF][](variables) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_BUILD_ONLY_IF"></a>
Print warning if all variables are false. For example, BUILD\_ONLY\_IF(LINUX WIN32)
###### Macro [BUILD\_PLNS][](Src...) <a name="macro_BUILD_PLNS"></a>
Generate interface header plnmodels.h for Relev model (PLN).
Relev specific macro.
###### Macro [BUILD\_YDL\_DESC][](Input Symbol Output) <a name="macro_BUILD_YDL_DESC"></a>
Generate a descriptor for a Symbol located in a ydl module Input, and put it to the file Output.
BUILD_YDL_DESC(../types.ydl Event Event.ydld)
This will parse file ../types.ydl, generate a descriptor for a symbol Event defined in the said file, and put the descriptor to the Event.ydld.
###### Macro [BUNDLE][](<Dir [NAME Name]>...) <a name="macro_BUNDLE"></a>
Brings build artefact from module Dir under optional Name to the current module (e.g. UNION)
If NAME is not specified, the name of the Dir's build artefact will be preserved
It makes little sense to specify BUNDLE on non-final targets and so this may stop working without prior notice.
Bundle on multimodule will select final target among multimodule variants and will fail if there are none or more than one.
###### Macro [BUNDLE\_AIDL\_SRCS][](dirname filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_BUNDLE_AIDL_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [BUNDLE\_ASSETS\_SRCS][](dirname filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_BUNDLE_ASSETS_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [BUNDLE\_EXTRA\_INPUTS][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_BUNDLE_EXTRA_INPUTS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [BUNDLE\_JAVA\_SRCS][](dirname filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_BUNDLE_JAVA_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [BUNDLE\_RES\_SRCS][](dirname filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_BUNDLE_RES_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro $[CFG\_VARS][] _# internal_ <a name="macro_CFG_VARS"></a>
Mark commands that embed Configuration variables into files
###### Macro [CFLAGS][]([GLOBAL compiler\_flag]\* compiler\_flags) <a name="macro_CFLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compilation command of C and C++ files.
@params: GLOBAL - Propagates these flags to dependent projects
Note: remember about the incompatibility flags for clang and cl (to set flags specifically for cl.exe use MSVC\_FLAGS).
###### Macro [CGO\_CFLAGS][](Flags...) <a name="macro_CGO_CFLAGS"></a>
Compiler flags specific to CGO compilation
###### Macro [CGO\_LDFLAGS][](Files...) <a name="macro_CGO_LDFLAGS"></a>
Linker flags specific to CGO linking
###### Macro [CGO\_SRCS][](Files...) <a name="macro_CGO_SRCS"></a>
.go sources to be built with CGO
###### Macro [CHECK\_CONFIG\_H][](<conf\_header>) _# internal_ <a name="macro_CHECK_CONFIG_H"></a>
This internal macro adds checking code for configuration header in external (contrib) library.
The check is needed to avoid conflicts on certain types and functions available in arcadia.
@see https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/scripts/check\_config\_h.py for exact details
###### Macro [CHECK\_DEPENDENT\_DIRS][](DENY|ALLOW\_ONLY ([ALL|PEERDIRS] dir)...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS"></a>
Specify project transitive dependencies constraints.
1. DENY: current module can not depend on module from any specified directory neither directly nor transitively.
2. ALLOW\_ONLY: current module can not depend on module from a dir not specified in the directory list neither directly nor transitively.
Any specified directory can limit either ALL intermodular dependencies (default) or PEERDIR only dependencies.
Note: Can be used multiple times on the same module all specified constraints will be checked.
All macro invocation for the same module must use same constraints type (DENY or ALLOW\_ONLY).
###### Macro [CHECK\_JAVA\_DEPS][](<yes|no>) <a name="macro_CHECK_JAVA_DEPS"></a>
Check for different classes with duplicate name in classpath.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [CLANG\_EMIT\_AST\_CXX][](Input Output Opts...) <a name="macro_CLANG_EMIT_AST_CXX"></a>
Emit Clang AST from .cpp file. CXXFLAGS and LLVM\_OPTS are passed in, while CFLAGS and C\_FLAGS\_PLATFORM are not.
Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [COLLECT\_FRONTEND\_FILES][](Varname, Dir) <a name="macro_COLLECT_FRONTEND_FILES"></a>
Recursively collect files with typical frontend extensions from Dir and save the result into variable Varname
###### Macro [COMPILE\_C\_AS\_CXX][]() <a name="macro_COMPILE_C_AS_CXX"></a>
Compile .c files as .cpp ones within a module.
###### Macro [COMPILE\_NLG][](Src...) <a name="macro_COMPILE_NLG"></a>
Generate and compile .nlg templates (Jinja2-based) and interface for megamind runtime.
Alice-specific macro
###### Macro [COMPILE\_SWIFT\_MODULE][](SRCS{input}[], BRIDGE\_HEADER{input}="", Flags...) <a name="macro_COMPILE_SWIFT_MODULE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [CONFIGURE\_FILE][](from to) <a name="macro_CONFIGURE_FILE"></a>
Copy file with the replacement of configuration variables in form of @ANY\_CONF\_VAR@ with their values.
The values are collected during configure stage, while replacement itself happens during build stage.
Used implicitly for .in-files processing.
###### Macro [CONLYFLAGS][]([GLOBAL compiler\_flag]\* compiler\_flags) <a name="macro_CONLYFLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .c (but not .cpp) files.
@params: GLOBAL - Distributes these flags on dependent projects
###### Macro [COPY][] <a name="macro_COPY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [COPY\_FILE][](File Destination [AUTO] [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES Deps...]) <a name="macro_COPY_FILE"></a>
Copy file to build root. It is possible to change both location and the name.
- File - Source file name.
- Destination - Output file name.
- AUTO - Consider copied file for further processing automtically.
- OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes... - Output file dependencies.
The file will be just copied if AUTO boolean parameter is not specified. You should explicitly
mention it in SRCS under new name (or specify AUTO boolean parameter) for further processing.
###### Macro [COPY\_FILES\_TO\_BUILD\_PREFIX][] <a name="macro_COPY_FILES_TO_BUILD_PREFIX"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [CREATE\_BUILDINFO\_FOR][](GenHdr) <a name="macro_CREATE_BUILDINFO_FOR"></a>
Creates header file to access some information about build specified via configuration variables.
Unlike CREATE\_SVNVERSION\_FOR() it doesn't take revion information from VCS, it uses revision and SandboxTaskId passed via -D options to ya make
###### Macro [CREATE\_INIT\_PY][] <a name="macro_CREATE_INIT_PY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [CREATE\_INIT\_PY\_FOR][] <a name="macro_CREATE_INIT_PY_FOR"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [CREATE\_INIT\_PY\_STRUCTURE][] <a name="macro_CREATE_INIT_PY_STRUCTURE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [CTEMPLATE\_VARNAMES][](File) <a name="macro_CTEMPLATE_VARNAMES"></a>
Generate File.varnames.h using contrib/libs/ctemplate/make\_tpl\_varnames\_h
Documentation: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/ctemplate/README.md
###### Macro [CUDA\_NVCC\_FLAGS][](compiler flags) <a name="macro_CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compile line .cu-files.
###### Macro [CUSTOM\_LINK\_STEP\_SCRIPT][](name) <a name="macro_CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT"></a>
Specifies name of a script for custom link step. The scripts
should be placed in the build/scripts directory and are subject to
review by devtools@.
###### Macro [CXXFLAGS][](compiler\_flags) <a name="macro_CXXFLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .cpp (but not .c) files.
###### Macro [DARWIN\_SIGNED\_RESOURCE][](Resource, Relpath) <a name="macro_DARWIN_SIGNED_RESOURCE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [DARWIN\_STRINGS\_RESOURCE][](Resource, Relpath) <a name="macro_DARWIN_STRINGS_RESOURCE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [DATA][]([path...]) <a name="macro_DATA"></a>
Specifies the path to the data necessary test.
Valid values are: arcadia/<path> , arcadia\_tests\_data/<path> and sbr://<resource\_id>.
In the latter case resource will be brought to the working directory of the test before it is started
Used only inside TEST modules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#dannyeizrepozitorija
###### Macro [DEB\_VERSION][](File) <a name="macro_DEB_VERSION"></a>
Creates a header file DebianVersion.h define the DEBIAN\_VERSION taken from the File.
###### Macro [DECIMAL\_MD5\_LOWER\_32\_BITS][](<fileName> [FUNCNAME funcName] [inputs...]) <a name="macro_DECIMAL_MD5_LOWER_32_BITS"></a>
Generates .cpp file <fileName> with one defined function 'const char\* <funcName>() { return "<calculated\_md5\_hash>"; }'.
<calculated\_md5\_hash> will be md5 hash for all inputs passed to this macro.
###### Macro [DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_HOST\_RESOURCES\_BUNDLE][](name sbr:id FOR platform1 sbr:id FOR platform2...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOST_RESOURCES_BUNDLE"></a>
Associate name with sbr-id on platform.
Ask devtools@yandex-team.ru if you need more information
###### Macro [DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_HOST\_RESOURCES\_PACK][](RESOURCE\_NAME name sbr:id FOR platform1 sbr:id FOR platform2... RESOURCE\_NAME name1 sbr:id1 FOR platform1...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOST_RESOURCES_PACK"></a>
Associate name with sbr-id on platform.
Ask devtools@yandex-team.ru if you need more information
###### Macro [DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_RESOURCE][](name sbr:id name1 sbr:id1...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE"></a>
Associate name with sbr-id.
Ask devtools@yandex-team.ru if you need more information
###### Macro [DEFAULT][](varname value) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DEFAULT"></a>
Sets varname to value if value is not set yet
###### Macro [DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT][](path/to/lib1 path/to/lib2 ...) <a name="macro_DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT"></a>
Lock version of the library from the contrib/java at some point, so that all unversioned PEERDIRs to this library refer to the specified version.
For example, if the moduse has PEERDIR (contrib/java/junit/junit), and
1. specifies DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12),
the PEERDIR is automatically replaced by contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12;
2. doesn't specify DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT, PEERDIR automatically replaced
with the default from contrib/java/junit/junit/ya.make.
These defaults are always there and are supported by maven-import, which puts
there the maximum version available in contrib/java.
The property is transitive. That is, if module A PEERDIRs module B, and B has PEERDIR(contrib/java/junit/junit), and this junit was replaced by junit-4.12, then junit-4.12 will come to A through B.
If some module has both DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12) and PERDIR(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.11), the PEERDIR wins.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/
###### Macro [DEPENDS][](path1 [path2...]) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_DEPENDS"></a>
Buildable targets that should be brought to the test run. This dependency isonly used when tests run is requested. It will build the specified modules andbring them to the working directory of the test (in their Arcadia paths). Itis reasonable to specify only final targets her (like programs, DLLs orpackages). DEPENDS to UNION is the only exception: UNIONs aretransitively closed at DEPENDS bringing all dependencies to the test.
DEPENDS on multimodule will select and bring single final target. If more noneor more than one final target available in multimodule DEPENDS to it willproduce configuration error.
###### Macro [DISABLE][](varname) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DISABLE"></a>
Sets varname to 'no'
###### Macro [DLL\_FOR][](path/to/lib [libname] [major\_ver [minor\_ver]] [EXPORTS symlist\_file]) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_DLL_FOR"></a>
DLL module definition based on specified LIBRARY
###### Macro [DOCS\_BUILDER][](tool) <a name="macro_DOCS_BUILDER"></a>
Specify docs builder tool.
Avalialbe tools: mkdocs (by default) and yfm.
@see: [DOCS](#multimodule\_DOCS)
###### Macro [DOCS\_CONFIG][](path) <a name="macro_DOCS_CONFIG"></a>
Specify path to config .yml file for DOCS multimodule if it differs from "%%project\_directory%%/mkdocs.yml".
Path must be either Arcadia root relative or lie in project directory.
@see: [DOCS](#multimodule\_DOCS)
###### Macro [DOCS\_DIR][](path) <a name="macro_DOCS_DIR"></a>
Specify directory with source .md files for DOCS multimodule if it differs from project directory.
Path must be Arcadia root relative.
@see: [DOCS](#multimodule\_DOCS)
###### Macro [DOCS\_INCLUDE\_SOURCES][](path...) <a name="macro_DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES"></a>
Specify a list of paths to source code files which will be used as text includes in a documentation project.
Paths must be Arcadia root relative.
@see: [DOCS](#multimodule\_DOCS)
###### Macro [DOCS\_VARS][](variable1=value1 variable2=value2 ...) <a name="macro_DOCS_VARS"></a>
Specify a set of default values of template variables for DOCS multimodule.
There must be no spaces around "=". Values will be treated as strings.
@see: [DOCS](#multimodule\_DOCS)
###### Macro [DUMPERF\_CODEGEN][](Prefix) <a name="macro_DUMPERF_CODEGEN"></a>
A special case BASE\_CODEGEN, in which the extsearch/images/robot/tools/dumperf/codegen tool is used
###### Macro IF(condition) .. [ELSE][]IF(other\_condition) .. ELSE() .. ENDIF() _#builtin_ <a name="macro_ELSE"></a>
Apply macros if none of previous conditions hold
###### Macro IF(condition) .. [ELSEIF][](other\_condition) .. ELSE() .. ENDIF() _#builtin_ <a name="macro_ELSEIF"></a>
Apply macros if other\_condition holds while none of previous conditions hold
###### Macro [ENABLE][](varname) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_ENABLE"></a>
Sets varname to 'yes'
###### Macro [END][]() _# builtin_ <a name="macro_END"></a>
The end of the module
###### Macro IF(condition) .. ELSEIF(other\_condition) .. ELSE() .. [ENDIF][]() _#builtin_ <a name="macro_ENDIF"></a>
End of conditional construct
###### Macro [ENV][](key[=value]) <a name="macro_ENV"></a>
Sets env variable key to value (gets value from system env by default).
###### Macro [EXCLUDE][] <a name="macro_EXCLUDE"></a>
The macro is in development.
Specifies which libraries should be excluded from the classpath.
###### Macro [EXCLUDE\_TAGS][](tags...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_EXCLUDE_TAGS"></a>
Instantiate from multimodule all variants except ones with tags listed
###### Macro [EXPORTS\_SCRIPT][](exports\_file) <a name="macro_EXPORTS_SCRIPT"></a>
Specify exports script within DLL and DLL-derived modules.
This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files.
The other option use EXPORTS parameter of the module itself.
@see: [DLL](#module\_DLL)
###### Macro [EXPORT\_MAPKIT\_PROTO][]() _# internal deprecated_ <a name="macro_EXPORT_MAPKIT_PROTO"></a>
This macro is a temporary one and should be changed to EXPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO
when transition of mapsmobi to arcadia is finished
###### Macro [EXPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO][]() _# maps-specific_ <a name="macro_EXPORT_YMAPS_PROTO"></a>
Maps-specific .proto handling: IMPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO() + maps protobuf namespace.
###### Macro [EXTERNAL\_JAR][](library.jar) <a name="macro_EXTERNAL_JAR"></a>
Provide an external name for built JAVA\_LIBRARY() or JAVA\_PROGRAM()
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/#ispolzovanievneshnixmavenbibliotek
###### Macro [EXTERNAL\_RESOURCE][](...) _#builtin, deprecated_ <a name="macro_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE"></a>
Don't use this. Use RESOURCE\_LIBRARY or FROM\_SANDBOX instead
###### Macro [EXTRADIR][](...) _#builtin, deprecated_ <a name="macro_EXTRADIR"></a>
###### Macro [EXTRALIBS][](liblist) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_EXTRALIBS"></a>
Add external dynamic libraries during program linkage stage
###### Macro [EXTRALIBS\_STATIC][](Libs...) <a name="macro_EXTRALIBS_STATIC"></a>
Add the specified external static libraries to the program link
###### Macro [FAT\_RESOURCE][] <a name="macro_FAT_RESOURCE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [FILES][] <a name="macro_FILES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [FLAT\_JOIN\_SRCS\_GLOBAL][](Out Src...) <a name="macro_FLAT_JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL"></a>
Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing as if it were listed as SRCS(GLOBAL Out).
This macro places all files into single file, so will work with any sources.
You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Further processing will be done according to this extension.
###### Macro [FORK\_SUBTESTS][]() <a name="macro_FORK_SUBTESTS"></a>
Splits the test run in chunks on subtests.
The number of chunks can be overridden using the macro SPLIT\_FACTOR.
Allows to run tests in parallel. Supported in UNITTEST, JTEST/JUNIT5 and PYTEST/PY3TEST modules.
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [FORK\_TESTS][]() <a name="macro_FORK_TESTS"></a>
Splits a test run on chunks by test classes.
The number of chunks can be overridden using the macro SPLIT\_FACTOR.
Allows to run tests in parallel. Supported in UNITTEST, JTEST/JUNIT5 and PYTEST/PY3TEST modules.
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [FORK\_TEST\_FILES][]() <a name="macro_FORK_TEST_FILES"></a>
Only for PYTEST: splits a file executable with the tests on chunks in the files listed in TEST\_SRCS
Compatible with FORK\_(SUB)TESTS.
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [FROM\_ARCHIVE][](Src [RENAME <resource files>] OUT\_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) <a name="macro_FROM_ARCHIVE"></a>
Process file archive as [FROM\_SANDBOX()](#macro\_FROM\_SANDBOX).
###### Macro [FROM\_MDS][]([FILE] key [RENAME <resource files>] OUT\_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) <a name="macro_FROM_MDS"></a>
Download resource from MDS with the specified key and process like [FROM\_SANDBOX()](#macro\_FROM\_SANDBOX).
###### Macro [FROM\_SANDBOX][]([FILE] resource\_id [AUTOUPDATED script] [RENAME <resource files>] OUT\_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) <a name="macro_FROM_SANDBOX"></a>
Download the resource from the Sandbox, unpack (if not explicitly specified word FILE) and add OUT files to the build. EXECUTABLE makes them executable.
You may specify extra dependencies that output files bring using OUTPUT\_INCLUDES. The change of these may e.g. lead to recompilation of .cpp files extracted from resource.
If there is no default processing for OUT files or you need process them specially use OUT\_NOAUTO instead of OUT.
It is disallowed to specify directory as OUT/OUT\_NOAUTO since all outputs of commands shall be known to build system.
RENAME renames files to the corresponding OUT and OUT\_NOAUTO outputs:
FROM\_SANDBOX(resource\_id RENAME in\_file1 in\_file2 OUT out\_file1 out\_file2 out\_file3)
FROM\_SANDBOX(resource\_id RENAME in\_file1 OUT out\_file1 RENAME in\_file2 OUT out\_file2)
FROM\_SANDBOX(FILE resource\_id RENAME resource\_file OUT out\_name)
If AUTOUPDATED is specified than macro will be regularly updated according to autoupdate script. The dedicated Sandbox task scans the arcadia and
changes resource\_ids in such macros if newer resource of specified type is available. Note that the task seeks AUTOUPDATED in specific position,
so you shall place it immediately after resource\_id.
RENAME renames files to the corresponding OUT and OUT\_NOAUTO outputs:
FROM\_SANDBOX(resource\_id RENAME in\_file1 in\_file2 OUT out\_file1 out\_file2 out\_file3)
FROM\_SANDBOX(resource\_id RENAME in\_file1 OUT out\_file1 RENAME in\_file2 OUT out\_file2)
FROM\_SANDBOX(FILE resource\_id RENAME resource\_file OUT out\_name)
RENAME RESOURCE allows to rename the resource without specifying its file name.
###### Macro [FUZZ\_DICTS][](path1 [path2...]) <a name="macro_FUZZ_DICTS"></a>
Allows you to specify dictionaries, relative to the root of Arcadia, which will be used in Fuzzing.
Libfuzzer and AFL use a single syntax for dictionary descriptions.
Should only be used in FUZZ modules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/
###### Macro [FUZZ\_OPTS][](opt1 [Opt2...]) <a name="macro_FUZZ_OPTS"></a>
Overrides or adds options to the corpus mining and fuzzer run.
Currently supported only Libfuzzer, so you should use the options for it.
Should only be used in FUZZ modules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/
###### Macro [GENERATED\_SRCS][](srcs... PARSE\_META\_FROM cpp\_srcs... [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes...] [OPTIONS]) <a name="macro_GENERATED_SRCS"></a>
Generate sources using Jinja 2 template engine.
srcs... - list of text files which will be generated during build time by templates. Each template must be
placed to the place in source tree where corresponding source file should be generated. Name of
template must be "<name\_of\_src\_file>.template". For example if you want to generate file "example.cpp"
then template should be named "example.cpp.template".
PARSE\_META\_FROM cpp\_srcs... - list of C++ source files (.cpp, .h) which will be parsed using clang library
and metainformation extracted from the files will be made available for templates. Example of
template code fragment using metainformation: {{ meta.objects["@N@std@S@string"].name }}
OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes... - in cases when build system parser fails to determine all headers
which generated files include, you can specify additional headers here. In a normal situation this should
not be needed and this feature could be removed in the future.
OPTIONS - additional options for code\_generator utility
Examples of templates can be found in directory market/tools/code\_generator/templates.
Metainformation does not contain entries for every object declared in C++ files specified in PARSE\_META\_FROM
parameter. To include some object into consideration you need to mark it by attribute. Attributes can
automatically add more attributes to dependent objects. This behavior depends on attribute definition.
More information will be available (eventually:) here: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/Users/denisk/codegenerator/
Create serialization support for enumeration members defined in the header (String <-> Enum conversions) and compile it into the module.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/HowToWriteYaMakeFiles/
Create serialization support for enumeration members defined in the header (String <-> Enum conversions) and compile it into the module
Provide access to serialization functions via generated header File\_serialized.h
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/HowToWriteYaMakeFiles/
###### Macro [GENERATE\_PY\_PROTOS][](ProtoFiles...) _# deprecated_ <a name="macro_GENERATE_PY_PROTOS"></a>
Generate python bindings for protobuf files.
Macro is obsolete and not recommended for use!
###### Macro [GENERATE\_SCRIPT][] <a name="macro_GENERATE_SCRIPT"></a>
heretic@ promised to make tutorial here
Don't forget
Feel free to remind
###### Macro [GEN\_SCHEEME2][](scheeme\_name from\_file dependent\_files...) <a name="macro_GEN_SCHEEME2"></a>
Generates a C++ description for structure(contains the field RecordSig) in the specified file (and connected).
1. ${scheeme\_name}.inc - the name of the generated file.
2. Use an environment variable - DATAWORK\_SCHEEME\_EXPORT\_FLAGS that allows to specify flags to tools/structparser
all options are passed to structparser (in this example --final\_only - do not export heirs with public base that contains the required field,,- m "::" only from the root namespace)
sets in extra option
SET(EXTRACT_STRUCT_INFO_FLAGS -f \"const static ui32 RecordSig\"
-u \"RecordSig\" -n${scheeme_name}SchemeInfo ----gcc44_no_typename no_complex_overloaded_func_export
for compatibility with C++ compiler and the external environment.
See tools/structparser for more details.
###### Macro [GLOBAL\_SRCS][](filenames...) <a name="macro_GLOBAL_SRCS"></a>
Make all source files listed as GLOBAL.
Call to GLOBAL\_SRCS macro is equivalent to call to SRCS macro when each source file is marked with GLOBAL keyword.
Arcadia root relative or project dir relative paths are supported for filenames arguments. GLOBAL keyword is not
recognized for GLOBAL\_SRCS in contrast to SRCS macro.
Consider the file to ya.make:
GLOBAL_SRCS(foo.cpp bar.cpp)
@see: [SRCS()](#macro\_SRCS)
###### Macro [GO\_ASM\_FLAGS][](flags) <a name="macro_GO_ASM_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the go asm compile command line.
###### Macro [GO\_CGO1\_FLAGS][](flags) <a name="macro_GO_CGO1_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the go cgo compile command line.
###### Macro [GO\_CGO2\_FLAGS][](flags) <a name="macro_GO_CGO2_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the go cgo compile command line.
###### Macro [GO\_COMPILE\_FLAGS][](flags) <a name="macro_GO_COMPILE_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the go compile command line.
###### Macro [GO\_FAKE\_OUTPUT][](go-src-files...) <a name="macro_GO_FAKE_OUTPUT"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS][]() <a name="macro_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS"></a>
Use of grpc-gateway plugin (Supported for Go only).
###### Macro [GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SWAGGER\_SRCS][]() <a name="macro_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS"></a>
Use of grpc-gateway plugin w/ swagger emission (Supported for Go only).
###### Macro [GO\_LDFLAGS][](Flags...) <a name="macro_GO_LDFLAGS"></a>
Link flags for GO\_PROGRAM linking from .go sources
###### Macro [GO\_LINK\_FLAGS][](flags) <a name="macro_GO_LINK_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the go link command line.
###### Macro [GO\_PACKAGE\_NAME][](Name) <a name="macro_GO_PACKAGE_NAME"></a>
Override name of a Go package.
###### Macro [GO\_SRCS][](Files...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_GO_SRCS"></a>
This macro shouldn't be used in ya.make files, use SRCS() instead.
This is internal macro collecting .go sources for processing within Go modules (GO\_PROGRAM and GO\_LIBRARY)
###### Macro [GO\_TEST\_FOR][](path/to/module) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_GO_TEST_FOR"></a>
Produces go test for specified module
###### Macro [GO\_TEST\_SRCS][](Files...) <a name="macro_GO_TEST_SRCS"></a>
.go sources for internal tests of a module
###### Macro [GO\_XTEST\_SRCS][](Files...) <a name="macro_GO_XTEST_SRCS"></a>
.go sources for external tests of a module
###### Macro [GRADLE\_FLAGS][](flags...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_GRADLE_FLAGS"></a>
SEt additional flags for gradle
###### Macro [GRPC][]() <a name="macro_GRPC"></a>
Emit GRPC code for all .proto files in a PROTO\_LIBRARY.
This works for all available PROTO\_LIBRARY versions (C++, Python 2.x, Pyton 3.x, Java and Go).
###### Macro [IDEA\_EXCLUDE\_DIRS][](<excluded dirs>) <a name="macro_IDEA_EXCLUDE_DIRS"></a>
Exclude specified directories from an idea project generated by ya ide idea
Have no effect on regular build.
###### Macro [IDEA\_MODULE\_NAME][](module\_name) <a name="macro_IDEA_MODULE_NAME"></a>
Set module name in an idea project generated by ya ide idea
Have no effect on regular build.
###### Macro [IDEA\_RESOURCE\_DIRS][](<additional dirs>) <a name="macro_IDEA_RESOURCE_DIRS"></a>
Set specified resource directories in an idea project generated by ya ide idea
Have no effect on regular build.
###### Macro [IF][](condition) .. ELSEIF(other\_condition) .. ELSE() .. ENDIF() _#builtin_ <a name="macro_IF"></a>
Apply macros if condition holds
###### Macro [IMPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO][]() _# maps-specific_ <a name="macro_IMPORT_YMAPS_PROTO"></a>
Maps-specific .proto handling: base proto directory setup.
###### Macro [INCLUDE][](filename) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_INCLUDE"></a>
Include file textually and process it as a part of the ya.make
###### Macro [INCLUDE\_TAGS][](tags...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_INCLUDE_TAGS"></a>
Additionally instantiate from multimodule all variants with tags listed (overrides default)
###### Macro [INDUCED\_DEPS][](Extension Path...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_INDUCED_DEPS"></a>
States that files wih the Extension generated by the PROGRAM will depend on files in Path
This only useful in PROGRAM and similar modules. It will be applied if the PROGRAM is used in RUN\_PROGRAM macro
###### Macro [IOS\_APP\_ASSETS\_FLAGS][](Flags...) <a name="macro_IOS_APP_ASSETS_FLAGS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [IOS\_APP\_COMMON\_FLAGS][](Flags...) <a name="macro_IOS_APP_COMMON_FLAGS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [IOS\_APP\_SETTINGS][] <a name="macro_IOS_APP_SETTINGS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [IOS\_ASSETS][] <a name="macro_IOS_ASSETS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [JAR\_EXCLUDE][](Filters...) <a name="macro_JAR_EXCLUDE"></a>
Filter .jar file content: remove matched files
\* and \*\* patterns are supported (like JAVA\_SRCS)
###### Macro [JAR\_INCLUDE][](Filters...) <a name="macro_JAR_INCLUDE"></a>
Filter .jar file content: keep only matched files
\* and \*\* patterns are supported (like JAVA\_SRCS)
###### Macro [JAVAC\_FLAGS][](Args...) <a name="macro_JAVAC_FLAGS"></a>
Set additional Java compilation flags.
Validate contrib/java dependencies
Valid arguments
FORBID\_DIRECT\_PEERDIRS - fail when module have direct PEERDIR (with version) (non-transitive)
FORBID\_DEFAULT\_VERSIONS - fail when module have PEERDIR to library with default (last) version (transitive)
FORBID\_CONFLICT - fail when module have resolved without DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT version conflict (transitive)
FORBID\_CONFLICT\_DM - fail when module have resolved with DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT version conflict (transitive)
FORBID\_CONFLICT\_DM\_RECENT - like FORBID\_CONFLICT\_DM but fail only when dependency have more recent version than specified in DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT
REQUIRE\_DM - all dependencies must be specified in DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT (transitive)
###### Macro [JAVA\_FORBIDDEN\_LIBRARIES][](Templates...) <a name="macro_JAVA_FORBIDDEN_LIBRARIES"></a>
Forbid dependencies that matches specified templates
\* and \*\* are supported (like JAVA\_SRCS)
###### Macro [JAVA\_IGNORE\_CLASSPATH\_CLASH\_FOR][]([classes]) <a name="macro_JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_FOR"></a>
Ignore classpath clash test fails for classes
###### Macro [JAVA\_MODULE][] <a name="macro_JAVA_MODULE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [JAVA\_SRCS][](srcs) <a name="macro_JAVA_SRCS"></a>
Specify java source files and resources. A macro can be contained in any of four java modules.
1. X SRCDIR - specify the directory x is performed relatively to search the source code for these patterns. If there is no SRCDIR, the source will be searched relative to the module directory.
2. PACKAGE\_PREFIX x - use if source paths relative to the SRCDIR does not coincide with the full class names. For example, if all sources of module are in the same package, you can create a directory package/name , and just put the source code in the SRCDIR and specify PACKAGE\_PREFIX package.name.
- example/ya.make
JAVA_SRCS(SRCDIR src/main/java **/*)
- example/src/main/java/ru/yandex/example/HelloWorld.java
package ru.yandex.example;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/#javasrcs
###### Macro [JAVA\_TEST][] <a name="macro_JAVA_TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [JAVA\_TEST\_DEPS][] <a name="macro_JAVA_TEST_DEPS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [JOINSRC][]() _# deprecated, does-nothing_ <a name="macro_JOINSRC"></a>
This macro currently does nothing. Use JOIN\_SRCS and similar macros to make one file of set of sources.
###### Macro [JOIN\_SRCS][](Out Src...) <a name="macro_JOIN_SRCS"></a>
Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing.
This macro doesn't place all file into Out, it emits #include<Src>... Use the for C++ source files only.
You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Futher processing will be done according this extension.
###### Macro [JOIN\_SRCS\_GLOBAL][](Out Src...) <a name="macro_JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL"></a>
Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing as if it were listed as SRCS(GLOBAL Out).
This macro doesn't place all file into Out, it emits #include<Src>... Use the for C++ source files only.
You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Further processing will be done according to this extension.
###### Macro [JVM\_ARGS][](Args...) <a name="macro_JVM_ARGS"></a>
Arguments to run Java programs in tests.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [LARGE\_FILES][]([AUTOUPDATED script] Files...) <a name="macro_LARGE_FILES"></a>
Use alrge file ether from working copy or from remote storage via placeholder <File>.remote
If <File> is presemt locally (and not a symlink!) it will be copied to build directory.
Otherwise macro will try to locate <File>.remote, parse it retrieve ot during build phase.
###### Macro [LDFLAGS][](LinkerFlags...) <a name="macro_LDFLAGS"></a>
Add flags to the link command line of executable or shared library/dll.
Note: LDFLAGS are always global. When set in the LIBRARY module they will affect all programs/dlls/tests the library is linked into.
Note: remember about the incompatibility of flags for gcc and cl.
###### Macro [LICENSE][](licenses...) <a name="macro_LICENSE"></a>
Specify the license of the module, separated by spaces
A license must be prescribed for contribs
###### Macro [LINT][](<none|base|strict>) <a name="macro_LINT"></a>
Set linting levem for sources of the module
###### Macro [LJ\_21\_ARCHIVE][](NAME Name LuaFiles...) _# deprecated_ <a name="macro_LJ_21_ARCHIVE"></a>
Precompile .lua files using LuaJIT 2.1 and archive both sources and results using sources names as keys
###### Macro [LJ\_ARCHIVE][](NAME Name LuaFiles...) <a name="macro_LJ_ARCHIVE"></a>
Precompile .lua files using LuaJIT and archive both sources and results using sources names as keys
###### Macro [LLVM\_BC][] <a name="macro_LLVM_BC"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [LLVM\_COMPILE\_C][](Input Output Opts...) <a name="macro_LLVM_COMPILE_C"></a>
Emit LLVM bytecode from .c file. BC\_CFLAGS, LLVM\_OPTS and C\_FLAGS\_PLATFORM are passed in, while CFLAGS are not.
Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [LLVM\_COMPILE\_CXX][](Input Output Opts...) <a name="macro_LLVM_COMPILE_CXX"></a>
Emit LLVM bytecode from .cpp file. BC\_CXXFLAGS, LLVM\_OPTS and C\_FLAGS\_PLATFORM are passed in, while CFLAGS are not.
Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [LLVM\_COMPILE\_LL][](Input Output Opts...) <a name="macro_LLVM_COMPILE_LL"></a>
Compile LLVM bytecode to object representation.
Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [LLVM\_LINK][](Output Inputs...) <a name="macro_LLVM_LINK"></a>
Call llvm-link on set of Inputs to produce Output.
Note: Unlike many other macros output argument goes first. Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [LLVM\_OPT][](Input Output Opts...) <a name="macro_LLVM_OPT"></a>
Call llvm-opt with set of Opts on Input to produce Output.
Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added.
###### Macro [LUA][](script\_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes...]) <a name="macro_LUA"></a>
Run a lua script.
These macros are similar: RUN\_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON.
- script\_path - Path to the script.
- args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute.
- CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory.
- ENV key=value... - Environment variables.
- TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories.
- IN inputs... - Input files.
- OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process.
- STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file.
- OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them.
For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA\_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA\_BUILD\_ROOT}, or
${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used.
###### Macro [MACROS\_WITH\_ERROR][] <a name="macro_MACROS_WITH_ERROR"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MAPKITIDL][](idl-file-name... <a name="macro_MAPKITIDL"></a>
[OUT\_DIR output-dir]
[IDL\_INCLUDES idl-dirs...]
[FILTER filters...])
[FILTER\_OUT filters...])
Generate bindings to target platform language.
(Used for mobile MapKit project)
1. idl-file-name... - a list of \*.idl files to process
2. output-dir - a base root of output directory
3. idl-dirs - a list of directories where to search for imported \*.idl files
4. filters - a list of extensions used to filter outputs and output includes
###### Macro [MAPKIT\_ADDINCL][](Dirs...) <a name="macro_MAPKIT_ADDINCL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MAPKIT\_ENABLE\_WHOLE\_ARCHIVE][]() _# internal deprecated_ <a name="macro_MAPKIT_ENABLE_WHOLE_ARCHIVE"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_AIDL\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_AIDL_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_ASSETS\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_ASSETS_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_JAVA\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_JAVA_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_JNI\_LIBS\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_JNI_LIBS_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_RES\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_RES_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_TPL\_FILES][](varname [dir]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_COLLECT_TPL_FILES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [MAPSMOBI\_SRCS][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPSMOBI_SRCS"></a>
Make all source files listed as GLOBAL or not (depending on the value of
MAPSMOBI\_USE\_SRCS\_GLOBAL). Be careful since the value of
MAPSMOBI\_USE\_SRCS\_GLOBAL matters! If the value of this variable is equal to
GLOBAL then call to MAPSMOBI\_SRCS() macro behaves like call to
GLOBAL\_SRCS() macro otherwise the value of MAPSMOBI\_USE\_SRCS\_GLOBAL is
treated as a file name and a call to MAPSMOBI\_SRCS() macro behaves like a
call to SRCS() macro with additional argument which is the value of
###### Macro [MAPS\_IDL\_ADDINCL][](dirnames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPS_IDL_ADDINCL"></a>
Warpper for MAPKIT\_ADDINCL macro which is used for mobile mapkit build
###### Macro [MAPS\_IDL\_GLOBAL\_SRCS][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPS_IDL_GLOBAL_SRCS"></a>
Warpper for MAPKITIDL macro which is used for mobile mapkit build
###### Macro [MAPS\_IDL\_SRCS][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MAPS_IDL_SRCS"></a>
Warpper for MAPKITIDL macro which is used for mobile mapkit build
###### Macro [MASMFLAGS][](compiler flags) <a name="macro_MASMFLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .masm files.
###### Macro [MAVEN\_GROUP\_ID][](group\_id\_for\_maven\_export) <a name="macro_MAVEN_GROUP_ID"></a>
Set maven export group id for JAVA\_PROGRAM() and JAVA\_LIBRARY().
Have no effect on regular build.
###### Macro [MESSAGE][]([severity] message) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_MESSAGE"></a>
Print message with given severity level (STATUS, FATAL\_ERROR)
###### Macro [METAQUERYFILES][](filenames...) _#deprecated_ <a name="macro_METAQUERYFILES"></a>
###### Macro [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_AARS][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MOBILE_TEST_APK_AAR_AARS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_BUNDLES][](filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MOBILE_TEST_APK_AAR_BUNDLES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_MANIFEST][](file) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MOBILE_TEST_APK_AAR_MANIFEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_PROGUARD\_RULES][](file) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MOBILE_TEST_APK_AAR_PROGUARD_RULES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_TEMPLATE][](dir filenames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_MOBILE_TEST_APK_TEMPLATE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [MSVC\_FLAGS][]([GLOBAL compiler\_flag]\* compiler\_flags) <a name="macro_MSVC_FLAGS"></a>
Add the specified flags to the compilation line of C/C++files.
Flags apply only if the compiler used is MSVC (cl.exe)
###### Macro [MX\_FORMULAS][](BinFiles...) _# deprecated, matrixnet_ <a name="macro_MX_FORMULAS"></a>
Create MatrixNet formulas archive
###### Macro [NEED\_CHECK][]() <a name="macro_NEED_CHECK"></a>
Commits to the project marked with this macro will be blocked by pre-commit check and then will be
automatically merged to trunk only if there is no new broken build targets in check results.
The use of this macro is disabled by default.
###### Macro [NEED\_REVIEW][]() _# deprecated_ <a name="macro_NEED_REVIEW"></a>
Mark the project as needing review.
Reviewers are listed in the macro OWNER. The use of this macro is disabled by default.
Details can be found here: https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/6104
###### Macro [NO\_BUILD\_IF][](variables) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_NO_BUILD_IF"></a>
Print warning if some variable is true
###### Macro [NO\_CHECK\_IMPORTS][]([patterns]) <a name="macro_NO_CHECK_IMPORTS"></a>
Do not run checks on imports of Python modules.
Optional parameter mask patterns describes the names of the modules that do not need to check.
###### Macro [NO\_CLANG\_COVERAGE][]() <a name="macro_NO_CLANG_COVERAGE"></a>
Disable heavyweight clang coverage for the module
###### Macro [NO\_CODENAVIGATION][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro_NO_CODENAVIGATION"></a>
Disable codenaviagtion for a module. Needed to avoid PEERDIR loops in codenavigation support.
Most probably you'll never need this. If you think you need, please contact devtools@ for assistance.
###### Macro [NO\_COMPILER\_WARNINGS][]() <a name="macro_NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS"></a>
Disable all compiler warnings in the module.
###### Macro [NO\_CPU\_CHECK][]() <a name="macro_NO_CPU_CHECK"></a>
Compile module without startup CPU features check
###### Macro [NO\_DEBUG\_INFO][]() <a name="macro_NO_DEBUG_INFO"></a>
Compile files without debug info collection.
###### Macro [NO\_GPL][]() <a name="macro_NO_GPL"></a>
To check the license of the dependencies, indicated by macro LICENSE, and fail the build in case of detection of GPL-like licenses.
Do not use with LIBRARY().
Issues a warning if the detected dependencies from contrib-ov in which the license is not specified.
###### Macro [NO\_JOIN\_SRC][]() _# deprecated, does-nothing_ <a name="macro_NO_JOIN_SRC"></a>
This macro currently does nothing. This is default behavior which cannot be overridden at module level.
###### Macro [NO\_LIBC][]() <a name="macro_NO_LIBC"></a>
Exclude dependencies on C++ and C runtimes (including util, musl and libeatmydata).
Note: use this with care. libc most likely will be linked into executable anyway,
so using libc headers/functions may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time.
###### Macro [NO\_LINT][]() <a name="macro_NO_LINT"></a>
Do not check for style files included in PY\_SRCS, TEST\_SRCS, JAVA\_SRCS.
###### Macro [NO\_NEED\_CHECK][]() <a name="macro_NO_NEED_CHECK"></a>
Commits to the project marked with this macro will not be affected by higher-level NEED\_CHECK macro.
###### Macro [NO\_OPTIMIZE][]() <a name="macro_NO_OPTIMIZE"></a>
Build code without any optimizations (-O0 mode).
###### Macro [NO\_OPTIMIZE\_PY\_PROTOS][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro_NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS"></a>
Disable Python proto optimization using embedding corresponding C++ code into binary.
Python protobuf runtime will use C++ implementation instead of Python one if former is available.
This is default mode only for some system libraries.
###### Macro [NO\_PLATFORM][]() <a name="macro_NO_PLATFORM"></a>
Exclude dependencies on C++ and C runtimes (including util, musl and libeatmydata) and set NO\_PLATFORM variable for special processing.
Note: use this with care. libc most likely will be linked into executable anyway,
so using libc headers/functions may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time.
###### Macro [NO\_PLATFORM\_RESOURCES][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro_NO_PLATFORM_RESOURCES"></a>
Exclude dependency on platform resources libraries.
Most probably you'll never need this. If you think you need, please contact devtools@ for assistance.
###### Macro [NO\_PYTHON\_INCLUDES][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro_NO_PYTHON_INCLUDES"></a>
Disable dependencies on libraries providing Python headers.
This is only used in Python libraries themselves to avoid PEERDIR loops.
###### Macro [NO\_RUNTIME][]() <a name="macro_NO_RUNTIME"></a>
This macro:
2. If the project that contains the macro NO\_RUNTIME(), peerdir-it project does not contain NO\_RUNTIME() => Warning.
Note: use this with care. Arcadia STL most likely will be linked into executable anyway, so using STL headers/functions/classes
may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time.
###### Macro [NO\_SANITIZE][]() <a name="macro_NO_SANITIZE"></a>
Disable all sanitizers for the module.
###### Macro [NO\_SANITIZE\_COVERAGE][]() <a name="macro_NO_SANITIZE_COVERAGE"></a>
Disable lightweight coverage (-fsanitize-coverage) for the module.
###### Macro [NO\_SSE4][]() <a name="macro_NO_SSE4"></a>
Compile module without SSE4
###### Macro [NO\_UTIL][]() <a name="macro_NO_UTIL"></a>
Build module without dependency on util.
Note: use this with care. Util most likely will be linked into executable anyway,
so using util headers/functions/classes may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time.
###### Macro [NO\_WERROR][]() <a name="macro_NO_WERROR"></a>
Override WERROR() behavior
###### Macro [NO\_WSHADOW][]() <a name="macro_NO_WSHADOW"></a>
Disable C++ shadowing warnings.
###### Macro [NVCC\_DEVICE\_LINK][](file.cu...) <a name="macro_NVCC_DEVICE_LINK"></a>
Run nvcc --device-link on objects compiled from srcs with --device-c.
This generates a stub object devlink.o that supplies missing pieces for the
host linker to link relocatable device objects into the final executable.
###### Macro [ONLY\_TAGS][](tags...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_ONLY_TAGS"></a>
Instantiate from multimodule only variants with tags listed
###### Macro [OPTIMIZE\_PY\_PROTOS][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS"></a>
Enable Python proto optimization by embedding corresponding C++ code into binary.
Python protobuf runtime will use C++ implementation instead of Python one if former is available.
This is default mode for most PROTO\_LIBRARY's and PY\_LIBRARY's, some system ones being exceptions.
###### Macro [OWNER][](owners...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_OWNER"></a>
Add reviewers/responsibles of the code.
In the OWNER macro you can use:
1. login-s from staff.yandex-team.ru
2. Review group (to specify the Code-review group need to use the prefix g:)
Ask devtools@yandex-team.ru if you need more information
###### Macro [PACK][](archive\_type) <a name="macro_PACK"></a>
When placed inside the PACKAGE module, packs the build results tree to the archive with specified extension. Currently supported extensions are `tar` and `tar.gz`
Is not allowed other module types than PACKAGE().
@see: [PACKAGE()](#module\_PACKAGE)
###### Macro [PACKAGE\_STRICT][]() <a name="macro_PACKAGE_STRICT"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [PARTITIONED\_RECURSE][]([BALANCING\_CONFIG config] [LOCAL] dirs...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_PARTITIONED_RECURSE"></a>
Add directories to the build
All projects must be reachable from the root chain RECURSE() for monorepo continuous integration functionality.
Arguments are processed in chunks
###### Macro [PARTITIONED\_RECURSE\_FOR\_TESTS][]([BALANCING\_CONFIG config] [LOCAL] dirs...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_PARTITIONED_RECURSE_FOR_TESTS"></a>
Add directories to the build if tests are demanded.
Arguments are processed in chunks
###### Macro [PARTITIONED\_RECURSE\_ROOT\_RELATIVE][]([BALANCING\_CONFIG config] dirlist) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_PARTITIONED_RECURSE_ROOT_RELATIVE"></a>
In comparison with RECURSE(), in dirlist there must be a directory relative to the root (${ARCADIA\_ROOT}).
Arguments are processed in chunks
###### Macro [PEERDIR][](dirs...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_PEERDIR"></a>
Specify project dependencies
Indicates that the project depends on all of the projects from the list of dirs.
Libraries from these directories will be collected and linked to the current target if the target is executable or sharedlib/dll.
If the current target is a static library, the specified directories will not be built, but they will be linked to any executable target that will link the current library.
1. As arguments PEERDIR you can only use the LIBRARY directory (the directory with the PROGRAM/DLL and derived from them are prohibited to use as arguments PEERDIR).
2. ADDINCL Keyword ADDINCL (written before the specified directory), adds the flag -I<path to library> the flags to compile the source code of the current project.
Perhaps it may be removed in the future (in favor of a dedicated ADDINCL)
###### Macro [PIRE\_INLINE][] <a name="macro_PIRE_INLINE"></a>
yweb specific
###### Macro [PIRE\_INLINE\_CMD][] <a name="macro_PIRE_INLINE_CMD"></a>
yweb specific
###### Macro [PRIMARY\_OUTPUT][]\_VALUE(Output) _# internal_ <a name="macro_PRIMARY_OUTPUT"></a>
The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!!
###### Macro [PRINT\_MODULE\_TYPE][] <a name="macro_PRINT_MODULE_TYPE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [PROCESS\_DOCS][] <a name="macro_PROCESS_DOCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [PROCESS\_DOCSLIB][] <a name="macro_PROCESS_DOCSLIB"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro PROGURAD\_RULES(ProguardRuleFiles...) <a name="macro_PROGUARD_RULES"></a>
This macro is strictly prohibited to use outside of mapsmobi project
###### Macro [PROTO2FBS][](InputProto) <a name="macro_PROTO2FBS"></a>
Produce flatbuf schema out of protobuf description.
###### Macro [PROVIDES][](Name...) <a name="macro_PROVIDES"></a>
Specifies provided features. The names must be correct C identifiers.
This prevents different libraries providing the same features to be linked into one program.
###### Macro [PYTHON][](script\_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes...]) <a name="macro_PYTHON"></a>
Run a python script with $(PYTHON)/python built from devtools/huge\_python.
These macros are similar: RUN\_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON.
- script\_path - Path to the script.
- args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute.
- CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory.
- ENV key=value... - Environment variables.
- TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories.
- IN inputs... - Input files.
- OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process.
- STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file.
- OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them.
For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA\_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA\_BUILD\_ROOT}, or
${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used.
###### Macro [PYTHON2\_MODULE][]() <a name="macro_PYTHON2_MODULE"></a>
Use in PY\_ANY\_MODULE to set it up for Python 2.x.
###### Macro [PYTHON3\_ADDINCL][]() <a name="macro_PYTHON3_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro adds include path for Python headers (Python 3.x variant).
This should be used in 2 cases only:
- In PYMODULE since it compiles into .so and uses external Python runtime;
- In system Python libraries themselves since peerdir there may create a loop;
In all other cases use USE\_PYTHON3() macro instead.
Never use this macro in PY3\_PROGRAM and PY3\_LIBRARY and PY23\_LIBRARY: they have everything by default.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs
###### Macro [PYTHON3\_MODULE][]() <a name="macro_PYTHON3_MODULE"></a>
Use in PY\_ANY\_MODULE to set it up for Python 3.x.
###### Macro [PYTHON\_ADDINCL][]() <a name="macro_PYTHON_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro adds include path for Python headers (Python 2.x variant) without PEERDIR.
This should be used in 2 cases only:
- In PYMODULE since it compiles into .so and uses external Python runtime;
- In system Python libraries themselves since proper PEERDIR there may create a loop;
In all other cases use USE\_PYTHON macro instead.
Never use this macro in PY\_PROGRAM, PY\_LIBRARY and PY23\_LIBRARY: they have everything needed by default.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py\_srcs
###### Macro [PYTHON\_PATH][](Path) <a name="macro_PYTHON_PATH"></a>
Set path to Python that will be used to runs scripts in tests
###### Macro [PY\_CODENAV][](Program) _# deprecated, internal_ <a name="macro_PY_CODENAV"></a>
Collect codenavigation information from Program (specified as Program's module directory) and write it as Program.xref file
Most probably you'll never need this. If you think you need, please contact devtools@ for assistance.
###### Macro PY\_DOCTEST(Packages...) <a name="macro_PY_DOCTESTS"></a>
Add to the test doctests for specified Python packages
The packages should be part of a test (listed as sources of the test or its PEERDIRs).
###### Macro [PY\_MAIN][](package.module[:func]) <a name="macro_PY_MAIN"></a>
Specifies the module or function from which to start executing a python program
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#modulipyprogrampy3programimakrospymain
###### Macro [PY\_NAMESPACE][](prefix) <a name="macro_PY_NAMESPACE"></a>
Sets default Python namespace for all python sources in the module.
Especially suitable in PROTO\_LIBRARY where Python sources are generated and there is no PY\_SRCS to place NAMESPACE parameter.
###### Macro [PY\_PROTOS\_FOR][](path/to/module) _#builtin, deprecated_ <a name="macro_PY_PROTOS_FOR"></a>
Use PROTO\_LIBRARY() in order to have .proto compiled into Python.
Generates pb2.py files out of .proto files and saves those into PACKAGE module
###### Macro [PY\_PROTO\_PLUGIN][](Name Ext Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) <a name="macro_PY_PROTO_PLUGIN"></a>
Define protoc plugin for python with given Name that emits extra output with provided Extension
using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS
###### Macro [PY\_PROTO\_PLUGIN2][](Name Ext1 Ext2 Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) <a name="macro_PY_PROTO_PLUGIN2"></a>
Define protoc plugin for python with given Name that emits 2 extra outputs with provided Extensions
using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS
###### Macro [PY\_REGISTER][]([package.]module\_name[=module\_name]) <a name="macro_PY_REGISTER"></a>
Python knows about which built-ins can be imported, due to their registration in the Assembly or at the start of the interpreter.
All modules from the sources listed in PY\_SRCS() are registered automatically.
To register the modules from the sources in the SRCS(), you need to use PY\_REGISTER().
PY\_REGISTER(module\_name) initializes module globally via call to initmodule\_name()
PY\_REGISTER(package.module\_name) initializes module in the specified package
It renames its init function with CFLAGS(-Dinitmodule\_name=init7package11module\_name)
or CFLAGS(-DPyInit\_module\_name=PyInit\_7package11module\_name)
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
###### Macro [PY\_SRCS][]({| CYTHON\_C} { | TOP\_LEVEL | NAMESPACE ns} Files...) <a name="macro_PY_SRCS"></a>
Build specified Python sources according to Arcadia binary Python build. Basically creates precompiled and source resources keyed with module paths.
The resources eventually are linked into final program and can be accessed as regular Python modules.
This custom loader linked into the program will add them to sys.meta\_path.
PY\_SRCS also support .proto, .ev, .pyx and .swg files. The .proto and .ev are compiled to .py-code by protoc and than handled as usual .py files.
.pyx and .swg lead to C/C++ Python extensions generation, that are automatically registered in Python as built-in modules.
By default .pyx files are built as C++-extensions. Use CYTHON\_C to build them as C (similar to BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C, but with the ability to specify namespace).
\_\_init\_\_.py never required, but if present (and specified in PY\_SRCS), it will be imported when you import package modules with \_\_init\_\_.py Oh.
PY_SRCS(a.py sub/dir/b.py e.proto sub/dir/f.proto c.pyx sub/dir/d.pyx g.swg sub/dir/h.swg)
PY\_SRCS honors Python2 and Python3 differences and adjusts itself to Python version of a current module.
PY\_SRCS can be used in any Arcadia Python build modules like PY\*\_LIBRARY, PY\*\_PROGRAM, PY\*TEST.
PY\_SRCS in LIBRARY or PROGRAM effectively converts these into PY\_LIBRARY and PY\_PROGRAM respectively.
It is strongly advised to make this conversion explicit. Never use PY\_SRCS in a LIBRARY if you plan to use it from external Python extension module.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#modulipylibrarypy3libraryimakrospysrcs
###### Macro [REAL\_LINK\_DYN\_LIB\_IMPL][](WHOLE\_ARCHIVE\_PEERS...) <a name="macro_REAL_LINK_DYN_LIB_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [REAL\_LINK\_EXEC\_DYN\_LIB\_IMPL][](WHOLE\_ARCHIVE\_PEERS...) <a name="macro_REAL_LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RECURSE][]([LOCAL] dirs...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_RECURSE"></a>
Add directories to the build
All projects must be reachable from the root chain RECURSE() for monorepo continuous integration functionality
###### Macro [RECURSE\_FOR\_TESTS][]([LOCAL] dirs...) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_RECURSE_FOR_TESTS"></a>
Add directories to the build if tests are demanded.
Use --force-build-depends flag if you want to build testing modules without tests running
###### Macro [RECURSE\_ROOT\_RELATIVE][](dirlist) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_RECURSE_ROOT_RELATIVE"></a>
In comparison with RECURSE(), in dirlist there must be a directory relative to the root (${ARCADIA\_ROOT})
###### Macro [REGISTER\_YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF][] <a name="macro_REGISTER_YQL_PYTHON_UDF"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [REQUIREMENTS][]([cpu:<count>] [disk\_usage:<size>] [ram:<size>] [ram\_disk:<size>] [container:<id>] [network:<restricted|full>] [dns:dns64]) <a name="macro_REQUIREMENTS"></a>
Allows you to specify the requirements of the test.
Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [REQUIRES][](dirs...) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_REQUIRES"></a>
Specify list of dirs which this module must depend on indirectly.
This macro can be used if module depends on the directories specified but thery can't be listed as direct PEERDIR dependency (due to public include order or link order issues).
###### Macro [RESOURCE][]([Src Key]\* [- Key=Value]\*) <a name="macro_RESOURCE"></a>
Add data (resources, random files, strings) to the program)
The common usage is to place Src file into binary. The Key is used to access it using library/resource or library/resource/python.
Alternative syntax with '- Key=Value' allows placing Value string as resource data into binary and make it accessible by Key.
This is a simpler but less flexible option than ARCHIVE(), because in the case of ARCHIVE(), you have to use the data explicitly,
and in the case of RESOURCE(), the data will fall through SRCS() or SRCS(GLOBAL) to binary linking.
@example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a2ispolzujjtekomanduresource
path/to/file1 /key/in/program/1
path/to/file2 /key2
###### Macro [RESOURCE\_FILES][] <a name="macro_RESOURCE_FILES"></a>
RESOURCE\_FILES([PREFIX {prefix}] {path}) expands into
RESOURCE({path} resfs/file/{prefix}{path}
- resfs/src/resfs/file/{prefix}{path}={rootrel\_arc\_src(path)}
resfs/src/{key} stores a source root (or build root) relative path of the
source of the value of the {key} resource.
resfs/file/{key} stores any value whose source was a file on a filesystem.
resfs/src/resfs/file/{key} must store its path.
This form is for use from other plugins:
RESOURCE\_FILES([DEST {dest}] {path}) expands into RESOURCE({path} resfs/file/{dest})
@see: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/resourcefiles/
###### Macro [RESTRICT\_PATH][] <a name="macro_RESTRICT_PATH"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN][] <a name="macro_RUN"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_ANTLR][] <a name="macro_RUN_ANTLR"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_ANTLR4][] <a name="macro_RUN_ANTLR4"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_ANTLR4\_CPP][] <a name="macro_RUN_ANTLR4_CPP"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_JAVA][] <a name="macro_RUN_JAVA"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_JAVA\_PROGRAM][] <a name="macro_RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [RUN\_PROGRAM][](tool\_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes...]) <a name="macro_RUN_PROGRAM"></a>
Run a program from arcadia.
These macros are similar: RUN\_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON.
- tool\_path - Path to the directory of the tool.
- args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute.
- CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory.
- ENV key=value... - Environment variables.
- TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories.
- IN inputs... - Input files.
- OUT[\_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process.
- STDOUT[\_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file.
- OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them.
For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA\_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA\_BUILD\_ROOT}, or
${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used.
Note that Tool is always built for the host platform, so be careful to provide that tool can be built for all Arcadia major host platforms (Linux, MacOS and Windows).
###### Macro [RUN\_PYTHON][](Args...) <a name="macro_RUN_PYTHON"></a>
Version of RUN() macro to invoke Python scripts
@see: [RUN()](#macro\_RUN)
###### Macro [SECONDARY\_OUTPUT][](filename) _# internal_ <a name="macro_SECONDARY_OUTPUT"></a>
The use of this macro is strictly prohibited!!!
###### Macro [SET][](varname value) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_SET"></a>
Sets varname to value
###### Macro [SETUP\_EXECTEST][] <a name="macro_SETUP_EXECTEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [SETUP\_PYTEST\_BIN][] <a name="macro_SETUP_PYTEST_BIN"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [SETUP\_RUN\_PYTHON][] <a name="macro_SETUP_RUN_PYTHON"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [SET\_APPEND][](varname appendvalue) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_SET_APPEND"></a>
Appends appendvalue to varname's value using space as a separator
###### Macro [SET\_APPEND\_WITH\_GLOBAL][](varname appendvalue) _#builtin_ <a name="macro_SET_APPEND_WITH_GLOBAL"></a>
Appends appendvalue to varname's value using space as a separator.
New value is propagated to dependants
###### Macro [SIZE][](SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE) <a name="macro_SIZE"></a>
Set the 'size' for the test. Each 'size' has own set of resrtictions, SMALL bein the most restricted and LARGE being the list.
See documentation on test system for more details.
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [SKIP\_TEST][](Reason) <a name="macro_SKIP_TEST"></a>
Skip the suite defined by test module. Provide a reason to be output in test execution report.
###### Macro [SOURCE\_GROUP][](...) _#builtin, deprecated_ <a name="macro_SOURCE_GROUP"></a>
###### Macro [SPLIT\_CODEGEN][](tool prefix opts... [OUT\_NUM num] [OUTPUT\_INCLUDES output\_includes...]) <a name="macro_SPLIT_CODEGEN"></a>
Generator of a certain number of parts of the .cpp file + one header .h file from .in
Supports keywords:
1. OUT\_NUM <the number of generated Prefix.N.cpp default 25 (N varies from 0 to 24)>
2. OUTPUT\_INCLUDES <path to files that will be included in generalnyj of macro files>
###### Macro [SPLIT\_DWARF][]() <a name="macro_SPLIT_DWARF"></a>
Emit debug info for the PROGRAM/DLL as a separate file <module\_name>.debug.
###### Macro [SPLIT\_FACTOR][](x) <a name="macro_SPLIT_FACTOR"></a>
Sets the number of chunks for parallel run tests when used in test module with FORK\_TESTS() or FORK\_SUBTESTS().
If none of those is specified this macro implies FORK\_TESTS().
Supports C++ ut and PyTest.
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [SRC][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC"></a>
Compile single file with extra Flags.
Compilation is driven by the last extension of the File and Flags are specific to corresponding compilation command
###### Macro [SRCDIR][](dirlist) _# builtin_ <a name="macro_SRCDIR"></a>
Add the specified directories to the list of those in which the source files will be searched
Available only for arcadia/contrib
###### Macro [SRCS][](<[GLOBAL] File> ...) <a name="macro_SRCS"></a>
Source files of the project. Files are built according to their extension and put int module output or fed to ultimate PROGRAM/DLL depending on GLOBAL presence.
Arcadia Paths from the root and is relative to the project's LIST are supported
GLOBAL marks next file as direct input to link phase of the program/shared library project built into. This prevents symbols of the file to be excluded by linker as unused.
The scope of the GLOBAL keyword is the following file (that is, in the case of SRCS(GLOBAL foo.cpp bar.cpp) global will be only foo.cpp)
SRCS(GLOBAL foo.cpp)
This will produce foo.o and feed it to any PROGRAM/DLL module transitively depending on test\_global library. The library itself will be empty and won't produce .a file.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_AVX][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_AVX"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with AVX and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_AVX2][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_AVX2"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with AVX2 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_SSE2][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_SSE2"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with SSE2 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_SSE3][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_SSE3"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with SSE3 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_SSE4][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_SSE4"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with SSE4 (SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and POPCNT) and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_SSE41][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_SSE41"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with SSE4.1 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_CPP\_SSSE3][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_CPP_SSSE3"></a>
Compile single .cpp-file with SSSE3 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_AVX][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_AVX"></a>
Compile single .c-file with AVX and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_AVX2][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_AVX2"></a>
Compile single .c-file with AVX2 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_SSE2][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_SSE2"></a>
Compile single .c-file with SSE2 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_SSE3][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_SSE3"></a>
Compile single .c-file with SSE3 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_SSE4][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_SSE4"></a>
Compile single .c-file with SSE4 (SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and POPCNT) and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_SSE41][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_SSE41"></a>
Compile single .c-file with SSE4.1 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [SRC\_C\_SSSE3][](File Flags...) <a name="macro_SRC_C_SSSE3"></a>
Compile single .c-file with SSSE3 and extra Flags.
###### Macro [STRIP][]() <a name="macro_STRIP"></a>
Strip debug info from a PROGRAM, DLL or TEST.
This macro doesn't work in LIBRARY's, UNION's and PACKAGE's.
###### Macro [STRUCT\_CODEGEN][](Prefix) <a name="macro_STRUCT_CODEGEN"></a>
A special case BASE\_CODEGEN, in which the kernel/struct\_codegen/codegen\_tool tool is used.
###### Macro [SUPPRESSIONS][] <a name="macro_SUPPRESSIONS"></a>
SUPPRESSIONS() - allows to specify files with suppression notation which will be used by
address, leak or thread sanitizer runtime by default.
Use asan.supp filename for address sanitizer, lsan.supp for leak sanitizer
and tsan.supp for thread sanitizer suppressions respectively.
See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html#suppressing-memory-leaks
for details.
###### Macro [SYMLINK][](from to) <a name="macro_SYMLINK"></a>
Add symlink
###### Macro [SYSTEM\_PROPERTIES][]([<Key Value>...] [<File Path>...]) <a name="macro_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES"></a>
List of Key,Value pairs that will be available to test via System.getProperty().
FILE means that parst should be read from file specifies as Path.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [TAG][] ([tag...]) <a name="macro_TAG"></a>
Each test can have one or more tags used to filter tests list for running.
There are also special tags affecting test behaviour, for example ya:external, sb:ssd.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#obshhieponjatija
###### Macro [TASKLET][]() <a name="macro_TASKLET"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [TASKLET\_REG][](Name, Lang, Impl, Includes...) <a name="macro_TASKLET_REG"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [TEST\_CWD][](path) <a name="macro_TEST_CWD"></a>
Defines working directory for test runs. Othen used in conjunction with DATA() macro.
Is only used inside of the TEST modules.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [TEST\_DATA][] <a name="macro_TEST_DATA"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [TEST\_JAVA\_CLASSPATH\_CMD\_TYPE][](Type) <a name="macro_TEST_JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE"></a>
Availible types: MANIFEST(default), COMMAND\_FILE, LIST
Method for passing a classpath value to a java command line
MANIFEST via empty jar file with manifest that cantains Class-Path attribute
COMMAND\_FILE via @command\_file
LIST via flat args
###### Macro [TEST\_SRCS][](Files...) <a name="macro_TEST_SRCS"></a>
In PYTEST, PY3TEST and PY\*\_LIBRARY modules used as PY\_SRCS macro and additionally used to mine test cases to be executed by testing framework.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynapytest
###### Macro [TIMEOUT][](TIMEOUT) <a name="macro_TIMEOUT"></a>
Sets a timeout on test execution
Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [TOUCH][](Outputs...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_TOUCH"></a>
Just introduce outputs
###### Macro [UBERJAR][]() <a name="macro_UBERJAR"></a>
UBERJAR is a single all-in-one jar-archive that includes all its Java dependencies (reachable PEERDIR).
It also supports shading classes inside the archive by moving them to a different package (similar to the maven-shade-plugin).
Use UBERJAR inside JAVA\_PROGRAM module.
You can use the following macros to configure the archive:
1. UBERJAR\_HIDING\_PREFIX prefix for classes to shade (classes remain in their packages by default)
2. UBERJAR\_HIDE\_EXCLUDE\_PATTERN exclude classes matching this patterns from shading (if enabled).
3. UBERJAR\_PATH\_EXCLUDE\_PREFIX the prefix for classes that should not get into the jar archive (all classes are placed into the archive by default)
4. UBERJAR\_MANIFEST\_TRANSFORMER\_MAIN add ManifestResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing and specify main-class
5. UBERJAR\_MANIFEST\_TRANSFORMER\_ATTRIBUTE add ManifestResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing and specify some attribute
6. UBERJAR\_APPENDING\_TRANSFORMER add AppendingTransformer class to uberjar processing
7. UBERJAR\_SERVICES\_RESOURCE\_TRANSFORMER add ServicesResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/
Add AppendingTransformer for UBERJAR() java programs
- Resource - Resource name
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
###### Macro [UBERJAR\_HIDE\_EXCLUDE\_PATTERN][](Args...) <a name="macro_UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN"></a>
Exculude classes matching this patterns from shading (if enabled).
Pattern may contain '\*' and '\*\*' globs.
Shading is enabled for UBERJAR program using UBERJAR\_HIDING\_PREFIX macro. If this macro is not specified all classes are shaded.
###### Macro [UBERJAR\_HIDING\_PREFIX][](Arg) <a name="macro_UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX"></a>
Set prefix for classes to shade. All classes in UBERJAR will be moved into package prefixed with Arg.
Classes remain in their packages by default.
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
Transform manifest.mf for UBERJAR() java programs, set attribute
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
Transform manifest.mf for UBERJAR() java programs, set main-class attribute
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
###### Macro [UBERJAR\_PATH\_EXCLUDE\_PREFIX][](Args...) <a name="macro_UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX"></a>
Exculude classes matching this patterns from UBERJAR.
By default all dependencies of UBERJAR program will lend in a .jar archive.
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
Add ServicesResourceTransformer for UBERJAR() java programs
@see: [UBERJAR](#macro\_UBERJAR)
###### Macro [USE\_COMMON\_GOOGLE\_APIS][]([common-google-apis...]) _# internal_ <a name="macro_USE_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS"></a>
###### Macro [USE\_CXX][]() <a name="macro_USE_CXX"></a>
Add dependency on C++ runtime
Note: This macro is inteneded for use in \_GO\_BASE\_UNIT like module when the module is built without C++ runtime by default
###### Macro [USE\_ERROR\_PRONE][]() <a name="macro_USE_ERROR_PRONE"></a>
Use errorprone instead of javac for .java compilation.
###### Macro [USE\_EXT\_PROTO][](peerdir\_tag...) <a name="macro_USE_EXT_PROTO"></a>
Configure module to use proto files from existing PROTO\_LIBRARY module.
Additinal PEERDIR tags required to build a module can be passed through
EXTRA\_TAGS vararg parameter.
###### Macro [USE\_JAVALITE][]() _# deprecated_ <a name="macro_USE_JAVALITE"></a>
Use probuf-lite for java
###### Macro [USE\_LINKER\_BFD][]() <a name="macro_USE_LINKER_BFD"></a>
Use bfd linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries
###### Macro [USE\_LINKER\_GOLD][]() <a name="macro_USE_LINKER_GOLD"></a>
Use gold linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries
###### Macro [USE\_LINKER\_LLD][]() <a name="macro_USE_LINKER_LLD"></a>
Use lld linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries
###### Macro [USE\_PERL\_LIB][]() <a name="macro_USE_PERL_LIB"></a>
Add dependency on Perl to your LIBRARY
###### Macro [USE\_PYTHON][]() <a name="macro_USE_PYTHON"></a>
This adds Python 2.x runtime library to your LIBRARY and makes it Python2-compatible.
Compatibility means proper PEERDIRs, ADDINCLs and variant selection on PEERDIRs to multimodules.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python2 specify USE\_PYTHON or better make it PY\_LIBRARY.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python3 specify USE\_PYTHON3 or better make it PY3\_LIBRARY.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with both Python2 and Python3 convert your LIBRARY to PY23\_LIBRARY.
@see: [PY\_LIBRARY](#module\_PY\_LIBRARY), [PY3\_LIBRARY](#module\_PY3\_LIBRARY), [PY23\_LIBRARY](#multimodule\_PY23\_LIBRARY)
###### Macro [USE\_PYTHON3][]() <a name="macro_USE_PYTHON3"></a>
This adds Python3 library to your LIBRARY and makes it Python3-compatible.
Compatibility means proper PEERDIRs, ADDINCLs and variant selection on PEERDIRs to multimodules.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python3 specify USE\_PYTHON3 or better make it PY3\_LIBRARY.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python2 specify USE\_PYTHON or better make it PY\_LIBRARY.
If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with both Python2 and Python3 convert your LIBRARY to PY23\_LIBRARY.
@see: [PY\_LIBRARY](#module\_PY\_LIBRARY), [PY3\_LIBRARY](#module\_PY3\_LIBRARY), [PY23\_LIBRARY](#multimodule\_PY23\_LIBRARY)
###### Macro [USE\_RECIPE][](path [arg1 arg2...]) <a name="macro_USE_RECIPE"></a>
Provides prepared environment via recipe for test.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/recipes
###### Macro [USE\_UTIL][]() <a name="macro_USE_UTIL"></a>
Add dependency on util and C++ runtime
Note: This macro is intended for use in \_GO\_BASE\_UNIT like module when the module is build without util by default
###### Macro [VERSION][](Args...) <a name="macro_VERSION"></a>
Specify version of a module. Currently unused by build system, only informative.
###### Macro [WERROR][]() <a name="macro_WERROR"></a>
Consider warnings as errors in the current module.
In the bright future will be removed, since WERROR is the default.
###### Macro [WHOLE\_ARCHIVE][](dirnames...) _# internal_ <a name="macro_WHOLE_ARCHIVE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [WITH\_JDK][]() <a name="macro_WITH_JDK"></a>
Add directory with JDK to JAVA\_PROGRAM output
###### Macro [XS\_PROTO][](InputProto Dir Outputs...) _# deprecated_ <a name="macro_XS_PROTO"></a>
Generate Perl code from protobuf.
In order to use this macro one should predict all outputs protoc will emit from input\_proto file and enlist those as outputs.
###### Macro [YABS\_GENERATE\_CONF][] <a name="macro_YABS_GENERATE_CONF"></a>
Not documented yet.
Not documented yet.
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [YDL\_DESC\_USE\_BINARY][]() <a name="macro_YDL_DESC_USE_BINARY"></a>
Used in conjunction with BUILD\_YDL\_DESC. When enabled, all generated descriptors are binary.
BUILD_YDL_DESC(../types.ydl Event Event.ydld)
This will generate descriptor Event.ydld in a binary format.
###### Macro [YMAPS\_SPROTO][](ProtoFiles...) _# maps-specific_ <a name="macro_YMAPS_SPROTO"></a>
Maps-specific .proto handling: generate .sproto.h files using maps/libs/sproto/sprotoc.
###### Macro [YQL\_ABI\_VERSION][](major minor release)) <a name="macro_YQL_ABI_VERSION"></a>
Specifying the supported ABI for YQL\_UDF.
@see: [YQL\_UDF()](#multimodule\_YQL\_UDF)
###### Macro [YT\_SPEC][](path1 [path2...]) <a name="macro_YT_SPEC"></a>
Allows you to specify json-files with YT task and operation specs,
which will be used to run test node in the YT.
Test must be marked with ya:yt tag.
Files must be relative to the root of Arcadia.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/
###### Macro [\_AAR\_CMD\_IMPL][](EXTRA\_INPUTS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__AAR_CMD_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_ADD\_PY\_PROTO\_OUT][](Suf) _#internal_ <a name="macro__ADD_PY_PROTO_OUT"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_ADD\_YQL\_UDF\_DEPS][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__ADD_YQL_UDF_DEPS"></a>
Add all needed PEERDIRs to a YQL\_UDF.
###### Macro [\_ARCADIA\_PYTHON3\_ADDINCL][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro__ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro sets up Python3 headers for modules with Arcadia python (e.g. PY3\_LIBRARY) and configures module as Python 3.x.
###### Macro [\_ARCADIA\_PYTHON\_ADDINCL][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro__ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro sets up Python headers for modules with Arcadia python (e.g. PY\_LIBRARY) and configures module as Python 2.x.
###### Macro [\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_CPP\_DEP][](Src Dep Options...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP_DEP"></a>
Generates .cpp file from .pyx and attach extra input Dep.
If Dep changes the .cpp file will be re-generated.
###### Macro [\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_API\_H][](Src Dep Options...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_API_H"></a>
BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_H with cdef api \_api.h file.
###### Macro [\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_DEP][](Src Dep Options...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_DEP"></a>
Generates .c file from .pyx and attach extra input Dep.
If Dep changes the .c file will be re-generated.
###### Macro [\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_H][](Src Dep Options...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_H"></a>
BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C without .pyx infix and with cdef public .h file.
###### Macro [\_BUILD\_MNS\_CPP][](NAME="", CHECK?, RANKING\_SUFFIX="", Files...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__BUILD_MNS_CPP"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_BUILD\_MNS\_FILE][](Input, Name, Output, Suffix, Check, Fml\_tool, AsmDataName) _#internal_ <a name="macro__BUILD_MNS_FILE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_BUILD\_MNS\_FILES][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__BUILD_MNS_FILES"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_BUILD\_MNS\_HEADER][](NAME="", CHECK?, RANKING\_SUFFIX="", Files...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__BUILD_MNS_HEADER"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_BUNDLE\_TARGET][](Target, Destination) _#internal_ <a name="macro__BUNDLE_TARGET"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_COMPILE\_ASRC\_IMPL][](EXTRA\_INPUTS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__COMPILE_ASRC_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_COPY\_FILE\_IMPL][](FILE, AUTO\_DST="", NOAUTO\_DST="", OUTPUT\_INCLUDES[]) _#internal_ <a name="macro__COPY_FILE_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_CPP\_EVLOG\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__CPP_EVLOG_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_CPP\_PROTO\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__CPP_PROTO_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_CPP\_PROTO\_EVLOG\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__CPP_PROTO_EVLOG_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_CPP\_VANILLA\_PROTO\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__CPP_VANILLA_PROTO_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_FROM\_EXTERNAL][](ExtFile [AUTOUPDATED script] [RENAME <resource files>] OUT\_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) _#internal_ <a name="macro__FROM_EXTERNAL"></a>
Use resource described as .external file as [FROM\_SANDBOX()](#macro\_FROM\_SANDBOX)/[FROM\_MDS()](#macro\_FROM\_MDS).
###### Macro [\_GENERATE\_PY\_EVS\_INTERNAL][](FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GENERATE_PY_EVS_INTERNAL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GENERATE\_PY\_PROTOS\_INTERNAL][](FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GENERATE_PY_PROTOS_INTERNAL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GLOB][](varname globs...) _#builtin, internal_ <a name="macro__GLOB"></a>
Sets varname to results of globs application.
In globs are supported:
1. Globstar option: '\*\*' recursively matches directories (allowed once per glob).
2. Wildcard patterns for files and directories with '?' and '\*' special characters.
Note: globs may slow down builds and may match to garbage if extra files present in working copy. Use with care and only if ultimately needed.
###### Macro [\_GO\_COMPILE\_CGO1][](NAME, FLAGS[], FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_COMPILE_CGO1"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_COMPILE\_CGO2][](NAME, C\_FILES[], S\_FILES[], OBJ\_FILES[], FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_COMPILE_CGO2"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_COMPILE\_SYMABIS][](ASM\_FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_GEN\_COVER\_GO][](GO\_FILE, VAR\_ID) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_GEN_COVER_GO"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_GRPC][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_GRPC"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS][](Files...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS\_IMPL][](Files...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SWAGGER\_SRCS][](Files...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_LINK\_EXE\_IMPL][](CGO\_FILES[], GO\_FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_LINK_EXE_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_LINK\_LIB\_IMPL][](CGO\_FILES[], GO\_FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_LINK_LIB_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_LINK\_TEST\_IMPL][](CGO\_FILES[], GO\_TEST\_FILES[], GO\_XTEST\_FILES[], GO\_FILES...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_LINK_TEST_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROCESS\_SRCS][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROCESS_SRCS"></a>
\_GO\_PROCESS\_SRCS() macro processes only 'CGO' files. All remaining \*.go files
and other input files are currently processed by a link command of the
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE][](Name, Tool, MAP[], PLUGINS[]) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE\_IMPL][](Name, Tool, PLUGINS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE\_PROXY][](Name, Tool, MAP[], PLUGINS[]) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_PROXY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROTO\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROTO_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_PROTO\_CMD\_IMPL][](File, OPTS[], OUTS[]) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_PROTO_CMD_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_RESOURCE][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_RESOURCE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_GO\_UNUSED\_SRCS][](FLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__GO_UNUSED_SRCS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_IOS\_ASSETS][](AssetsDir, Content...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__IOS_ASSETS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_JAVA\_EVLOG\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__JAVA_EVLOG_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_JAVA\_PROTO\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__JAVA_PROTO_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_JSRC\_PROXY\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY\_CMD\_IMPL][](EXTRA\_INPUTS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__JSRC_PROXY_MOBILE_LIBRARY_CMD_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_LUAJIT\_21\_OBJDUMP][](Src, OUT="") _#internal_ <a name="macro__LUAJIT_21_OBJDUMP"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_LUAJIT\_OBJDUMP][](Src, OUT="") _#internal_ <a name="macro__LUAJIT_OBJDUMP"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_MAKE\_YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_TEST][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__MAKE_YQL_PYTHON_UDF_TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_MAKE\_YQL\_UDF][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__MAKE_YQL_UDF"></a>
Make module definition an YQL UDF: add all needed dependencies, properties and flags
###### Macro [\_MOBILE\_DLL\_PREREQUISITES\_CMD][](EXTRA\_INPUTS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__MOBILE_DLL_PREREQUISITES_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
Not documented yet.
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_CMD\_IMPL][](OUTPUT, EXTRA\_INPUTS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__MOBILE_TEST_APK_CMD_IMPL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_MX\_BIN\_TO\_INFO][](Src) _#internal_ <a name="macro__MX_BIN_TO_INFO"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_MX\_GEN\_TABLE][](Srcs...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__MX_GEN_TABLE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PROTO\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE][](Name, Tool, OutParm...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY3\_COMPILE\_BYTECODE][](SrcX Src) _# internal_ <a name="macro__PY3_COMPILE_BYTECODE"></a>
Compile Python 3.x .py source file into Arcadia binary form suitable for PY3\_PROGRAM
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
###### Macro [\_PY3\_REGISTER][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro__PY3_REGISTER"></a>
Register Python 3.x module in internal resource file system. Arcadia Python 3.x importer will be retrieve these on import directive
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
###### Macro \_PYTHON\_ADDINCL() _# internal_ <a name="macro__PYTHON3_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro sets up Python 3.x headers for both Arcadia and non-Arcadia python.
###### Macro [\_PYTHON\_ADDINCL][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro__PYTHON_ADDINCL"></a>
This macro sets up Python 2.x headers for both Arcadia and non-Arcadia python.
###### Macro [\_PY\_COMPILE\_BYTECODE][](SrcX Src) _# internal_ <a name="macro__PY_COMPILE_BYTECODE"></a>
Compile Python 2.x .py source file into Arcadia binary form suitable for PY\_PROGRAM
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
###### Macro [\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_EVLOG_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD\_BASE][](File, Suf, Args...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_EVLOG_CMD_BASE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD\_INTERNAL][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_EVLOG_CMD_INTERNAL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_PROTO_CMD"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD\_BASE][](File, Suf, Args...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD\_INTERNAL][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_PROTO_CMD_INTERNAL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_PY\_REGISTER][]() _# internal_ <a name="macro__PY_REGISTER"></a>
Register Python 2.x module in internal resource file system. Arcadia Python 2.x importer will be retrieve these on import directive.
Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
###### Macro [\_PY\_TEST][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__PY_TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_RAW\_PROTO\_SRCS][](files...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__RAW_PROTO_SRCS"></a>
\_RAW\_PROTO\_SRCS is a proxy macro to FILES macro which filters out
GLOBAL keyword from the list of files (NOTE! The order of files listed
originally in call to \_RAW\_PROTO\_SRCS() macro is changed in call to
FILES() macro). Currently this macro copies only files with the following
extensions: .proto, .gztproto, .ev
###### Macro [\_REGISTER\_NO\_CHECK\_IMPORTS][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__REGISTER_NO_CHECK_IMPORTS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_RUN\_JAVA][](IN{input}[], OUT{output}[], OUT\_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT\_INCLUDES[], TOOL[], STDOUT="", STDOUT\_NOAUTO="", CWD="", ENV[], HIDE\_OUTPUT?"stderr2stdout":"stdout2stderr", Args...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__RUN_JAVA"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SETUP\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__SETUP_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SPLIT\_CODEGEN\_BASE][](tool prefix OUTS[] OUTPUT\_INCLUDES[]) _# internal_ <a name="macro__SPLIT_CODEGEN_BASE"></a>
Generator of a certain number .the. cpp file + one header .h file from .in.
This is the call of the generator. Python macro SPLIT\_CODEGEN() is defined in order to properly fill command outputs from OUT\_NUM argument.
###### Macro [\_SRC][](Ext Src Flags) _# internal_ <a name="macro__SRC"></a>
Basic building block of extension-based command dispatching
To enable specific extension processing define \_SRC() macro with fixed first argument (Ext).
Internal logic will apply this macro to all files with this Ext listed in SRC/SRCS macros or outputs
of other commands (except ones marked as noauto)
###### Macro [\_SRCS\_NO\_GLOBAL][](files...) _# internal_ <a name="macro__SRCS_NO_GLOBAL"></a>
Proxy macro to SRCS macro which filters out GLOBAL keyword from the list of source files.
Useful for modules like EXTERNAL\_JAVA\_LIBRARY, where GLOBAL keyword cannot be applied properly.
Note: this macro changes order of source files.
###### Macro \_SRC("C", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____C"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("S", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____S"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("asm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____asm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("asp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____asp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("c", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____c"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("cc", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____cc"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("cpp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____cpp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("cu", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____cu"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("cxx", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____cxx"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("ev", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____ev"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("f", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____f"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("fml", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____fml"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("fml2", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____fml2"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("fml3", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____fml3"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("gperf", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____gperf"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("gztproto", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____gztproto"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("in", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____in"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("l", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____l"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("lex", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____lex"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("lpp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____lpp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("m", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____m"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("masm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____masm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("mm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____mm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("pln", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____pln"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("po", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____po"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("proto", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____proto"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("pyx", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____pyx"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("rl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____rl"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("rl5", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____rl5"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("rl6", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____rl6"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("s", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____s"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("sc", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____sc"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("sfdl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____sfdl"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("ssqls", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____ssqls"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("storyboard", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____storyboard"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("supp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____supp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("xib", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____xib"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("xs", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____xs"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("xsyn", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____xsyn"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("y", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____y"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("yasm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____yasm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("ydl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____ydl"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro \_SRC("ypp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC____ypp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_c][](SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_c"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_c\_nodeps][](SRC, OUTFILE, INC...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_c_nodeps"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_cpp][](SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_cpp"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_m][](SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_m"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_masm][](SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_masm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_yasm][](SRC, SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_yasm"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SRC\_yasm\_impl][](SRC, PREINCLUDES[], SRCFLAGS...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__SRC_yasm_impl"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_SWIG\_PYTHON\_C][](Src, DstSubPrefix) _# internal_ <a name="macro__SWIG_PYTHON_C"></a>
Like \_SWIG\_PYTHON\_CPP but generate DstSubPrefix\_swg.c.
###### Macro [\_SWIG\_PYTHON\_CPP][](Src, DstSubPrefix) _# internal_ <a name="macro__SWIG_PYTHON_CPP"></a>
Run swig on Src to produce DstSubPrefix.py and DstSubPrefix\_swg.cpp that
provides DstSubPrefix\_swg python module.
###### Macro [\_TEST][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__TEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_UNITTEST][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__UNITTEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_USE\_LINKER][]() _#internal_ <a name="macro__USE_LINKER"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_YCR\_GENERATE\_CONFIGS][](Package, App) _#internal_ <a name="macro__YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_YCR\_GENERATE\_CONFIGS\_INTL][](Package, App, Configs...) _#internal_ <a name="macro__YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS_INTL"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_YMAPS\_GENERATE\_SPROTO\_HEADER][](File) _#internal_ <a name="macro__YMAPS_GENERATE_SPROTO_HEADER"></a>
Not documented yet.
###### Macro [\_YTEST][] _#internal_ <a name="macro__YTEST"></a>
Not documented yet.
[DOCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2384
[MAPS\_IDL\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5248
[PROTO\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5130
[PY23\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6311
[PY23\_NATIVE\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6340
[PY23\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6566
[SANDBOX\_TASK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3127
[YQL\_UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2158
[AAR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5644
[AAR\_PROXY\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5693
[ASRC\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5319
[BENCHMARK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1630
[BOOSTTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1320
[DEFAULT\_IOS\_INTERFACE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6407
[DEV\_DLL\_PROXY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1987
[DLL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1940
[DLL\_JAVA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2012
[DLL\_PROXY\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5712
[DLL\_TOOL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1957
[DLL\_UNIT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1785
[EXECTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1615
[EXTERNAL\_JAVA\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2493
[FAT\_OBJECT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1753
[FUZZ]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1279
[GO\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6191
[GO\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6205
[GO\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6244
[GTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1565
[IOS\_INTERFACE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6395
[JAVA\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2994
[JAVA\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2985
[JSRC\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5226
[JSRC\_PROXY\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5363
[JTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3006
[JTEST\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3055
[JUNIT5]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3040
[LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1715
[METAQUERY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2654
[MOBILE\_BOOST\_TEST\_APK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5535
[MOBILE\_DLL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5400
[MOBILE\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5349
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5497
[PACKAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2318
[PREBUILT\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5722
[PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1163
[PY3TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1553
[PY3TEST\_BIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1532
[PY3\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2550
[PY3\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1187
[PYMODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1882
[PYTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1523
[PYTEST\_BIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1509
[PY\_ANY\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1838
[PY\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2524
[PY\_PACKAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2370
[PY\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1174
[RECURSIVE\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1770
[RESOURCES\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1732
[R\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1916
[SO\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1968
[TESTNG]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3025
[UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2040
[UDF\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2026
[UDF\_LIB]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2047
[UNION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2347
[UNITTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1251
[UNITTEST\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1653
[UNITTEST\_WITH\_CUSTOM\_ENTRY\_POINT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1265
[YCR\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1207
[YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2235
[YQL\_PYTHON3\_UDF\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2282
[YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2187
[YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2212
[YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2268
[YQL\_UDF\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2093
[YQL\_UDF\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1580
[YT\_UNITTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1258
[\_BASE\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1100
[\_BASE\_PY3\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2614
[\_BASE\_PYTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1486
[\_BASE\_PY\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2575
[\_BASE\_UNIT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L731
[\_BASE\_UNITTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1234
[\_DLL\_COMPATIBLE\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2147
[\_GO\_BASE\_UNIT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6085
[\_JAVA\_PLACEHOLDER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2963
[\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1663
[\_LINK\_UNIT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1072
[\_PROXY\_LIBRARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5668
[\_PY\_PACKAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2358
[\_YQL\_UDF\_PROGRAM\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2099
[AARS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4232
[AAR\_AARS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5566
[AAR\_AIDL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5572
[AAR\_ASSETS\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5579
[AAR\_BUNDLES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5586
[AAR\_JAVA\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5600
[AAR\_JNI\_LIBS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5593
[AAR\_MANIFEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5554
[AAR\_PROGUARD\_RULES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5560
[AAR\_RES\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5607
[ACCELEO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/scarab_cant_clash.py?rev=6348913#L4
[ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[ADDINCLSELF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/addinclself.py?rev=6348913#L2
[ADD\_CHECK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L446
[ADD\_CHECK\_PY\_IMPORTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L522
[ADD\_COMPILABLE\_TRANSLATE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3390
[ADD\_COMPILABLE\_TRANSLIT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3400
[ADD\_DLLS\_TO\_JAR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2917
[ADD\_FLAKE8]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1479
[ADD\_PERL\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3289
[ADD\_PYTEST\_BIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L587
[ADD\_PYTEST\_SCRIPT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L560
[ADD\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L402
[ADD\_WAR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2820
[ADD\_YTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L337
[ALLOCATOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3317
[ALL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2137
[ANNOTATION\_PROCESSOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2874
[ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4111
[ARCHIVE\_ASM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4090
[ARCHIVE\_BY\_KEYS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4121
[ASM\_PREINCLUDE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4997
[BASE\_CODEGEN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4187
[BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3992
[BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_CPP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3975
[BUILDWITH\_RAGEL6]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4042
[BUILD\_CATBOOST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4533
[BUILD\_MN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4495
[BUILD\_MNS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4519
[BUILD\_ONLY\_IF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[BUILD\_PLNS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4541
[BUILD\_YDL\_DESC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3837
[BUNDLE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/bundle.py?rev=6348913#L4
[BUNDLE\_AIDL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5282
[BUNDLE\_ASSETS\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5303
[BUNDLE\_EXTRA\_INPUTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5276
[BUNDLE\_JAVA\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5289
[BUNDLE\_RES\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5296
[CFG\_VARS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4171
[CFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4248
[CGO\_CFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6000
[CGO\_LDFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6008
[CGO\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5985
[CHECK\_CONFIG\_H]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L367
[CHECK\_DEPENDENT\_DIRS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[CHECK\_JAVA\_DEPS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2689
[CLANG\_EMIT\_AST\_CXX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4885
[COLLECT\_FRONTEND\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6443
[COMPILE\_C\_AS\_CXX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4797
[COMPILE\_NLG]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4551
[COMPILE\_SWIFT\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6455
[CONFIGURE\_FILE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4180
[CONLYFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4261
[COPY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/cp.py?rev=6348913#L6
[COPY\_FILE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3450
[COPY\_FILES\_TO\_BUILD\_PREFIX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/copy_files_to_build_prefix.py?rev=6348913#L8
[CREATE\_BUILDINFO\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4153
[CREATE\_INIT\_PY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/create_init_py.py?rev=6348913#L6
[CREATE\_INIT\_PY\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/create_init_py.py?rev=6348913#L40
[CREATE\_INIT\_PY\_STRUCTURE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/create_init_py.py?rev=6348913#L29
[CTEMPLATE\_VARNAMES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4847
[CUDA\_NVCC\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4273
[CUSTOM\_LINK\_STEP\_SCRIPT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1227
[CXXFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4267
[DARWIN\_SIGNED\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6387
[DARWIN\_STRINGS\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6383
[DATA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1400
[DEB\_VERSION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4485
[DECIMAL\_MD5\_LOWER\_32\_BITS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4164
[DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_HOST\_RESOURCES\_BUNDLE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_HOST\_RESOURCES\_PACK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DECLARE\_EXTERNAL\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DEFAULT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DEPENDENCY\_MANAGEMENT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2949
[DEPENDS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DISABLE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DLL\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[DOCS\_BUILDER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2419
[DOCS\_CONFIG]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2441
[DOCS\_DIR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2430
[DOCS\_INCLUDE\_SOURCES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2463
[DOCS\_VARS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2452
[DUMPERF\_CODEGEN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4216
[ELSE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[ELSEIF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[ENABLE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[END]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[ENDIF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[ENV]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1429
[EXCLUDE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2883
[EXCLUDE\_TAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[EXPORTS\_SCRIPT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1218
[EXPORT\_MAPKIT\_PROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5057
[EXPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4822
[EXTERNAL\_JAR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2927
[EXTERNAL\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[EXTRADIR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[EXTRALIBS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[EXTRALIBS\_STATIC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3383
[FAT\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/res.py?rev=6348913#L31
[FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/files.py?rev=6348913#L1
[FLAT\_JOIN\_SRCS\_GLOBAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3554
[FORK\_SUBTESTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3491
[FORK\_TESTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3478
[FORK\_TEST\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3515
[FROM\_ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4783
[FROM\_MDS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4754
[FROM\_SANDBOX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4746
[FUZZ\_DICTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1344
[FUZZ\_OPTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1363
[GENERATED\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4876
[GENERATE\_ENUM\_SERIALIZATION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4466
[GENERATE\_ENUM\_SERIALIZATION\_WITH\_HEADER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4477
[GENERATE\_PY\_PROTOS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3416
[GENERATE\_SCRIPT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/java.py?rev=6348913#L54
[GEN\_SCHEEME2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4641
[GLOBAL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2119
[GO\_ASM\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5859
[GO\_CGO1\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5866
[GO\_CGO2\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5873
[GO\_COMPILE\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5880
[GO\_FAKE\_OUTPUT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/plugins/plugin_go_fake_output_handler.cpp?rev=6348913#L110
[GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6031
[GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SWAGGER\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6038
[GO\_LDFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5993
[GO\_LINK\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5887
[GO\_PACKAGE\_NAME]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5949
[GO\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5957
[GO\_TEST\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[GO\_TEST\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5965
[GO\_XTEST\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5973
[GRADLE\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5382
[GRPC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L677
[IDEA\_EXCLUDE\_DIRS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2829
[IDEA\_MODULE\_NAME]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2847
[IDEA\_RESOURCE\_DIRS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2838
[IF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[IMPORT\_YMAPS\_PROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4811
[INCLUDE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[INCLUDE\_TAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[INDUCED\_DEPS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[IOS\_APP\_ASSETS\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6379
[IOS\_APP\_COMMON\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6374
[IOS\_APP\_SETTINGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ios_app_settings.py?rev=6348913#L5
[IOS\_ASSETS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ios_assets.py?rev=6348913#L6
[JAR\_EXCLUDE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3111
[JAR\_INCLUDE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3104
[JAVAC\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2855
[JAVA\_DEPENDENCIES\_CONFIGURATION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3085
[JAVA\_FORBIDDEN\_LIBRARIES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3094
[JAVA\_IGNORE\_CLASSPATH\_CLASH\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6268
[JAVA\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/java.py?rev=6348913#L71
[JAVA\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2912
[JAVA\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L648
[JAVA\_TEST\_DEPS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L723
[JOINSRC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4406
[JOIN\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3535
[JOIN\_SRCS\_GLOBAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3544
[JVM\_ARGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2679
[LARGE\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4774
[LDFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4225
[LICENSE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4588
[LINT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1471
[LJ\_21\_ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/lj_archive.py?rev=6348913#L23
[LJ\_ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/lj_archive.py?rev=6348913#L1
[LLVM\_BC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/llvm_bc.py?rev=6348913#L6
[LLVM\_COMPILE\_C]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4903
[LLVM\_COMPILE\_CXX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4894
[LLVM\_COMPILE\_LL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4912
[LLVM\_LINK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4921
[LLVM\_OPT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4930
[LUA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4692
[MACROS\_WITH\_ERROR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/macros_with_error.py?rev=6348913#L8
[MAPKITIDL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/plugins/plugin_mapkitidl_handler.cpp?rev=6348913#L388
[MAPKIT\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5011
[MAPKIT\_ENABLE\_WHOLE\_ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5081
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_AIDL\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5746
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_ASSETS\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5738
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_JAVA\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5754
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_JNI\_LIBS\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5762
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_RES\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5770
[MAPSMOBI\_COLLECT\_TPL\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5778
[MAPSMOBI\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5049
[MAPS\_IDL\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5019
[MAPS\_IDL\_GLOBAL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5035
[MAPS\_IDL\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5028
[MASMFLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4254
[MAVEN\_GROUP\_ID]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2864
[MESSAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[METAQUERYFILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/mq.py?rev=6348913#L12
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_AARS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5425
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_BUNDLES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5431
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_MANIFEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5413
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_AAR\_PROGUARD\_RULES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5419
[MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_TEMPLATE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5438
[MSVC\_FLAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6688
[MX\_FORMULAS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/mx_archive.py?rev=6348913#L1
[NEED\_CHECK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4561
[NEED\_REVIEW]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4578
[NO\_BUILD\_IF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[NO\_CHECK\_IMPORTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4965
[NO\_CLANG\_COVERAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4427
[NO\_CODENAVIGATION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4336
[NO\_COMPILER\_WARNINGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4301
[NO\_CPU\_CHECK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3639
[NO\_DEBUG\_INFO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4804
[NO\_GPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4597
[NO\_JOIN\_SRC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4400
[NO\_LIBC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4366
[NO\_LINT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1464
[NO\_NEED\_CHECK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4569
[NO\_OPTIMIZE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4294
[NO\_OPTIMIZE\_PY\_PROTOS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L411
[NO\_PLATFORM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4376
[NO\_PLATFORM\_RESOURCES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4329
[NO\_PYTHON\_INCLUDES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3147
[NO\_RUNTIME]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4355
[NO\_SANITIZE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4413
[NO\_SANITIZE\_COVERAGE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4420
[NO\_SSE4]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3632
[NO\_UTIL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4344
[NO\_WERROR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4316
[NO\_WSHADOW]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4322
[NVCC\_DEVICE\_LINK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4281
[ONLY\_TAGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[OPTIMIZE\_PY\_PROTOS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L402
[OWNER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PACK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2298
[PACKAGE\_STRICT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2303
[PARTITIONED\_RECURSE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PARTITIONED\_RECURSE\_FOR\_TESTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PARTITIONED\_RECURSE\_ROOT\_RELATIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PEERDIR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PIRE\_INLINE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4100
[PIRE\_INLINE\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4095
[PRIMARY\_OUTPUT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5703
[PRINT\_MODULE\_TYPE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/print_module_type.py?rev=6348913#L1
[PROCESS\_DOCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/docs.py?rev=6348913#L35
[PROCESS\_DOCSLIB]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/docs.py?rev=6348913#L31
[PROGUARD\_RULES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4239
[PROTO2FBS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L621
[PROVIDES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PYTHON]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4714
[PYTHON2\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1890
[PYTHON3\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3206
[PYTHON3\_MODULE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1901
[PYTHON\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3162
[PYTHON\_PATH]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1448
[PY\_CODENAV]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4974
[PY\_DOCTESTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/pybuild.py?rev=6348913#L475
[PY\_MAIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/pybuild.py?rev=6348913#L529
[PY\_NAMESPACE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2473
[PY\_PROTOS\_FOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[PY\_PROTO\_PLUGIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L430
[PY\_PROTO\_PLUGIN2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L441
[PY\_REGISTER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/pybuild.py?rev=6348913#L493
[PY\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6298
[REAL\_LINK\_DYN\_LIB\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6805
[REAL\_LINK\_EXEC\_DYN\_LIB\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6797
[RECURSE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[RECURSE\_FOR\_TESTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[RECURSE\_ROOT\_RELATIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[REGISTER\_YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/yql_python_udf.py?rev=6348913#L10
[REQUIREMENTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1421
[REQUIRES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/plugins/plugin_resource_handler.cpp?rev=6348913#L43
[RESOURCE\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/res.py?rev=6348913#L47
[RESTRICT\_PATH]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/macros_with_error.py?rev=6348913#L13
[RUN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L850
[RUN\_ANTLR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/antlr.py?rev=6348913#L4
[RUN\_ANTLR4]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/antlr4.py?rev=6348913#L6
[RUN\_ANTLR4\_CPP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/antlr4.py?rev=6348913#L18
[RUN\_JAVA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/run_java.py?rev=6348913#L5
[RUN\_JAVA\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/java.py?rev=6348913#L33
[RUN\_PROGRAM]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4670
[RUN\_PYTHON]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5005
[SECONDARY\_OUTPUT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5684
[SET]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[SETUP\_EXECTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L856
[SETUP\_PYTEST\_BIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L840
[SETUP\_RUN\_PYTHON]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L868
[SET\_APPEND]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[SET\_APPEND\_WITH\_GLOBAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[SIZE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3526
[SKIP\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1456
[SOURCE\_GROUP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[SPLIT\_CODEGEN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/split_codegen.py?rev=6348913#L9
[SPLIT\_DWARF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3367
[SPLIT\_FACTOR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3504
[SRC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3862
[SRCDIR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3881
[SRC\_CPP\_AVX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3961
[SRC\_CPP\_AVX2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3967
[SRC\_CPP\_SSE2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3931
[SRC\_CPP\_SSE3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3937
[SRC\_CPP\_SSE4]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3955
[SRC\_CPP\_SSE41]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3949
[SRC\_CPP\_SSSE3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3943
[SRC\_C\_AVX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3919
[SRC\_C\_AVX2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3925
[SRC\_C\_SSE2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3889
[SRC\_C\_SSE3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3895
[SRC\_C\_SSE4]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3913
[SRC\_C\_SSE41]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3907
[SRC\_C\_SSSE3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3901
[STRIP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4288
[STRUCT\_CODEGEN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4209
[SUPPRESSIONS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/suppressions.py?rev=6348913#L1
[SYMLINK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4647
[SYSTEM\_PROPERTIES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2669
[TAG]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1411
[TASKLET]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5087
[TASKLET\_REG]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5105
[TEST\_CWD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2708
[TEST\_DATA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L34
[TEST\_JAVA\_CLASSPATH\_CMD\_TYPE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3070
[TEST\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1386
[TIMEOUT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3463
[TOUCH]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4948
[UBERJAR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2731
[UBERJAR\_APPENDING\_TRANSFORMER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2798
[UBERJAR\_HIDE\_EXCLUDE\_PATTERN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2754
[UBERJAR\_HIDING\_PREFIX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2742
[UBERJAR\_MANIFEST\_TRANSFORMER\_ATTRIBUTE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2785
[UBERJAR\_MANIFEST\_TRANSFORMER\_MAIN]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2775
[UBERJAR\_PATH\_EXCLUDE\_PREFIX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2765
[UBERJAR\_SERVICES\_RESOURCE\_TRANSFORMER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2808
[USE\_COMMON\_GOOGLE\_APIS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L498
[USE\_CXX]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4385
[USE\_ERROR\_PRONE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2697
[USE\_EXT\_PROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5203
[USE\_JAVALITE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L584
[USE\_LINKER\_BFD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6760
[USE\_LINKER\_GOLD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6765
[USE\_LINKER\_LLD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6770
[USE\_PERL\_LIB]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3283
[USE\_PYTHON]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3251
[USE\_PYTHON3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3267
[USE\_RECIPE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1439
[USE\_UTIL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4393
[VERSION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4604
[WERROR]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4309
[WHOLE\_ARCHIVE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5073
[WITH\_JDK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2957
[XS\_PROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L612
[YABS\_GENERATE\_CONF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/yabs_generate_conf.py?rev=6348913#L10
[YABS\_GENERATE\_PHANTOM\_CONF\_PATCH]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/yabs_generate_conf.py?rev=6348913#L35
[YABS\_GENERATE\_PHANTOM\_CONF\_TEST\_CHECK]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/yabs_generate_conf.py?rev=6348913#L53
[YDL\_DESC\_USE\_BINARY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3853
[YMAPS\_SPROTO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4835
[YQL\_ABI\_VERSION]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2176
[YT\_SPEC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1376
[\_AAR\_CMD\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5637
[\_ADD\_PY\_PROTO\_OUT]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L419
[\_ADD\_YQL\_UDF\_DEPS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2065
[\_ARCADIA\_PYTHON3\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3215
[\_ARCADIA\_PYTHON\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3170
[\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_CPP\_DEP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3984
[\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_API\_H]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4017
[\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_DEP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4001
[\_BUILDWITH\_CYTHON\_C\_H]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4009
[\_BUILD\_MNS\_CPP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4505
[\_BUILD\_MNS\_FILE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4499
[\_BUILD\_MNS\_FILES]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/build_mn_files.py?rev=6348913#L4
[\_BUILD\_MNS\_HEADER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4509
[\_BUNDLE\_TARGET]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3454
[\_COMPILE\_ASRC\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5310
[\_COPY\_FILE\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3434
[\_CPP\_EVLOG\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L557
[\_CPP\_PROTO\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L547
[\_CPP\_PROTO\_EVLOG\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L562
[\_CPP\_VANILLA\_PROTO\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L552
[\_FROM\_EXTERNAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4762
[\_GENERATE\_PY\_EVS\_INTERNAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3428
[\_GENERATE\_PY\_PROTOS\_INTERNAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3422
[\_GLOB]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/devtools/ymake/yndex/builtin.cpp?rev=6348913#L18
[\_GO\_COMPILE\_CGO1]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5916
[\_GO\_COMPILE\_CGO2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5920
[\_GO\_COMPILE\_SYMABIS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5911
[\_GO\_GEN\_COVER\_GO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5907
[\_GO\_GRPC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6023
[\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6061
[\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SRCS\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6046
[\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY\_SWAGGER\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6066
[\_GO\_LINK\_EXE\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5928
[\_GO\_LINK\_LIB\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5924
[\_GO\_LINK\_TEST\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5932
[\_GO\_PROCESS\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/gobuild.py?rev=6348913#L57
[\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L531
[\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L523
[\_GO\_PROTOC\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE\_PROXY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L527
[\_GO\_PROTO\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L543
[\_GO\_PROTO\_CMD\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L537
[\_GO\_RESOURCE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/gobuild.py?rev=6348913#L228
[\_GO\_UNUSED\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5978
[\_IOS\_ASSETS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6370
[\_JAVA\_EVLOG\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L642
[\_JAVA\_PROTO\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L603
[\_JSRC\_PROXY\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY\_CMD\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5356
[\_LUAJIT\_21\_OBJDUMP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4437
[\_LUAJIT\_OBJDUMP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4432
[\_MAKE\_YQL\_PYTHON\_UDF\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2251
[\_MAKE\_YQL\_UDF]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2075
[\_MOBILE\_DLL\_PREREQUISITES\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5388
[\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY\_PREREQUISITES\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5337
[\_MOBILE\_LIBRARY\_PREREQUISITES\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5333
[\_MOBILE\_TEST\_APK\_CMD\_IMPL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5488
[\_MX\_BIN\_TO\_INFO]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4441
[\_MX\_GEN\_TABLE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4453
[\_PROTO\_PLUGIN\_ARGS\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L415
[\_PY3\_COMPILE\_BYTECODE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4081
[\_PY3\_REGISTER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4062
[\_PYTHON3\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3224
[\_PYTHON\_ADDINCL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3178
[\_PY\_COMPILE\_BYTECODE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4072
[\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L634
[\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L629
[\_PY\_EVLOG\_CMD\_INTERNAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L638
[\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L572
[\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L568
[\_PY\_PROTO\_CMD\_INTERNAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L576
[\_PY\_REGISTER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4052
[\_PY\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest2.py?rev=6348913#L57
[\_RAW\_PROTO\_SRCS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L5215
[\_REGISTER\_NO\_CHECK\_IMPORTS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest.py?rev=6348913#L516
[\_RUN\_JAVA]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4718
[\_SETUP\_GO\_GRPC\_GATEWAY]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6056
[\_SPLIT\_CODEGEN\_BASE]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4195
[\_SRC]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3649
[\_SRCS\_NO\_GLOBAL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L2482
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_C]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3786
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_S]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3653
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_asm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3806
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_asp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3706
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_c]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3790
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_cc]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3782
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_cpp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3774
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_cu]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6851
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_cxx]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3778
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_ev]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3735
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_f]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3768
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_fml]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3665
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_fml2]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3669
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_fml3]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3673
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_gperf]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3694
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_gztproto]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3743
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_in]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3756
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_l]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3714
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_lex]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3719
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_lpp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3723
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_m]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3794
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_masm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3798
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_mm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3661
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_pln]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3727
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_po]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3810
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_proto]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3739
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_pyx]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3750
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_rl]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3698
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_rl5]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3702
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_rl6]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3710
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_s]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3657
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_sc]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3760
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_sfdl]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3677
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_ssqls]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3764
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_storyboard]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6361
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_supp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3814
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_xib]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6365
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_xs]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3681
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_xsyn]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3731
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_y]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3685
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_yasm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3802
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_ydl]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3821
[\_SRC\_\_\_\_ypp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L3690
[\_SRC\_c]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6732
[\_SRC\_c\_nodeps]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6729
[\_SRC\_cpp]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6726
[\_SRC\_m]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6735
[\_SRC\_masm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6738
[\_SRC\_yasm]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4990
[\_SRC\_yasm\_impl]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6830
[\_SWIG\_PYTHON\_C]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4034
[\_SWIG\_PYTHON\_CPP]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4026
[\_TEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest2.py?rev=6348913#L61
[\_UNITTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest2.py?rev=6348913#L44
[\_USE\_LINKER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L6742
[\_YCR\_GENERATE\_CONFIGS]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1197
[\_YCR\_GENERATE\_CONFIGS\_INTL]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L1193
[\_YMAPS\_GENERATE\_SPROTO\_HEADER]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/ymake.core.conf?rev=6348913#L4827
[\_YTEST]: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/plugins/ytest2.py?rev=6348913#L53
| 60.874068 | 431 | 0.745843 | yue_Hant | 0.339429 |
d9d944cca026ec157e609782441e2c042fee812b | 10,564 | md | Markdown | _posts/2019-09-26-pr-sentation-der-neuen-apple-produkte-die-erste-reaktion-des-internets-memes-und-lustige-tweets.md | anatolii331/DE | e1962ed571f087b6c29a57ca7ee3bbee9a6bbbde | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2019-09-26-pr-sentation-der-neuen-apple-produkte-die-erste-reaktion-des-internets-memes-und-lustige-tweets.md | anatolii331/DE | e1962ed571f087b6c29a57ca7ee3bbee9a6bbbde | [
] | null | null | null | _posts/2019-09-26-pr-sentation-der-neuen-apple-produkte-die-erste-reaktion-des-internets-memes-und-lustige-tweets.md | anatolii331/DE | e1962ed571f087b6c29a57ca7ee3bbee9a6bbbde | [
] | null | null | null | ---
id: 4816
title: 'Präsentation der neuen Apple-Produkte: die erste Reaktion des Internets, memes und lustige Tweets'
date: 2019-09-26T05:53:31+00:00
author: user
layout: post
guid: http://de.bestwow.net/pr-sentation-der-neuen-apple-produkte-die-erste-reaktion-des-internets-memes-und-lustige-tweets/
permalink: /pr-sentation-der-neuen-apple-produkte-die-erste-reaktion-des-internets-memes-und-lustige-tweets/
- "1"
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- 'a:0:{}'
- 'a:2:{i:0;s:3:"662";i:4;s:3:"394";}'
- 'a:2:{i:0;s:3:"662";i:4;s:3:"394";}'
- Это пост был добавлен через AftParser
- Это пост был добавлен через AftParser
- https://lifehacker.ru/ervaya-reakciya-interneta-iphone-11/
- https://lifehacker.ru/ervaya-reakciya-interneta-iphone-11/
- "113"
- "113"
- Women
10. September 20:00 Uhr in Moskau startete die Präsentation des neuen Apple-Produkten. Darunter сверхожидаемый iPhone 11. Die Veranstaltung zum ersten mal wurde nicht nur auf der offiziellen Website des Unternehmens, sondern auch auf Youtube. Nur in den ersten Minuten auf die Live-Verbindung mehr als eine Million Zuschauer.
Die meisten Gerüchte hervorgebracht iPhone 11: trotz der Tatsache, dass viele von Ihnen widerlegt Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, am Vorabend der Veranstaltung haben die Verbraucher auch weiter spekulieren (und Nieten memes!).
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Ungefähr so sieht das iPhone 11 meinen Augen#iPhone11 #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/oF3EEEGmL1
> </p>
> — Hank Muda (@hankMUDAMUDA) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Just Meme thing 😂#AppleEvent #iPhone11 #iPhone11Pro # pic.twitter.com/x5QpzzFyyy
> </p>
> — mehra ji (@Harsh93540534) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> New iPhone will have spiner function
> </p>
> #AppleEvent?#iPhone11 pic.twitter.com/mo9mqvTpae
> — OM Rajpurohit (@omrajguru) February 10, 2019
Die Präsentation begann mit der Geschichte von Apple Arcade -, Service-Abonnement für Handy-Spiele. Benutzer haben diesen Teil der Sendung ziemlich langweilig.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> This Apple Arcade….#AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/gKSMgNM1pQ
> </p>
> — Patrick West (@thepatrickwest) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> #AppleEvent let ‘ s give it up for Apple Arcade pic.twitter.com/bbdug4dawT
> </p>
> — 🌬️ (@Honeygoons) February 10, 2019
Dann auf dem Bildschirm zeigte einen Trailer mit Jason Момоа: so kündigte das Unternehmen стриминговый Service TV Plus. Monats-Abo kostet in der Gegend von 320 Euro.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Ooooo Apple TV+ also $4.99 a month, launching Nov 1…. and a free year starting today when you buy a Mac / iPhone / iPad #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/m8my5o37DG
> </p>
> — iJustine (@ijustine) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Trailer for Apple ‘ s new streaming show ‘SEE’ starring Jason Momoa. Thoughts? #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/mKfxdhHJrg
> </p>
> — Lights, Camera, Pod (@LightsCameraPod) September 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Etwas und mit сериальным Inhalten bei Apple nicht sehr, auf dem hintergrund der Disney-Plus mit Ihren Мандалорцем und so weiter, blind Момоа Scham gewissen.
> </p>
> — Wylsacom Premium \[RED\] (@WylsacomRed) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> in jeder unklaren Situation shoot Jason Момоа in den Fellen und der Haut
> </p>
> — Dim (@happyhop1) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Hätte ich jemals gedacht, dass trotz пресуху auf irgendwelche Technik am interessantesten dort wird die Serie mit Jason Момоа
> </p>
> — Experten für Spiele (@Badou_N) February 10, 2019
Eine der erwarteten neuen Produkte wurde das neue iPad verfügbar, erhielt der Retina-Bildschirm mit einer Diagonale von 10,2 Zoll. Aufgrund der CPU-A10X Tablet wurde deutlich leistungsstärker als sein Vorgänger. Allerdings, die Nutzer diskutierten Merkmale des Gadgets eher nicht, aber die Tatsache, dass seine Präsentation haben zu wenig Zeit.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Das neue iPad haben weniger Zeit, als Sie die zahlen, um Ihre Kopfhörer.
> </p>
> Es sagt viel über die Beziehung zum Produkt.#AppleEvent #iPad
> — БуднийНедомаркетолог (@Budni_nm) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> 40 Minuten in arcade and apple, tv+, new iPad, new watch announcement wtf #AppleEvent
> </p>
> — chayapatr (@rtapayahc) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> also.
> </p>
> Sie präsentierten бомжпад auf 10.2 Zoll
> kostet 329 Dollar und Prozent haben von der siebten iPhone.
> Elemente, solcher zu sich.#AppleEvent #iPad pic.twitter.com/hOl3aUkOTF
> — пикашаверма (@pikashaverma) February 10, 2019
Das nächste, was erzählt bei der Präsentation der Apple Watch. Hier kaum jemanden gleichgültig gelassen Bildschirm, die nicht verblassen im Laufe des Tages. Und der Kompass!
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Why ‘ d they make the new apple watch so big pic.twitter.com/ROYqAQl7bu
> </p>
> — maisie (@maisieosis) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Nun наканецта! Das war vor 10 tausend Jahren, das Zifferblatt EPL-Uhr leuchtet ständig, es ist nicht notwendig, werden jedes mal warten, bis er angezündet werden.
> </p>
> — Nelly De (@nelly_ru) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> OKAY, jetzt auf эплвотч Zeit beobachten können. Coup auf dem Markt.
> </p>
> — Digitale Zersetzung (@bormatograf) September 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Kompass in Apple Watch, das nenne ich mal einen Durchbruch (Nein)
> </p>
> VEIT LIGAT ПАСАНЫ (@whiteligat) September 10, 2019
In der zweiten Stunde der Sendung sprechen über das wichtigste — über iphones. Viel Begeisterung und Verurteilung löste eine erweiterte Farbpalette. Und die Kosten für den Neuheiten: jemand schien es unerwartet niedrig.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> iPhone 11 being introduced after all the leaks #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/0TIJCK6OUP
> </p>
> — jenna (@jswagzj) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> — ich will das neue iPhone.
> </p>
> — ja, stimmt, Apple ist sehr verstärkt, so viele Verbesserungen, Kamera, Akku, optischer Zoom, Prozessor, Dienstleistungen…
> — Greens.
> — major Garrett (@chromedcrusader) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Das neue iPhone arbeitet eine Stunde länger als die zuvor.
> </p>
> Es ist, als ob gesagt, dass dein Kerl fickt eine Minute länger auf der ehemaligen…
> — Viktoria Matina (@FridaMania) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Dieser peinliche Moment, wenn dein zehntes iPhone teurer ist gerade 11 präsentiert das iPhone (von 699$)
> </p>
> — Леруини (@leruini) February 10, 2019
Aber die meisten Benutzer besprachen die Kamera des neuen iPhone 11 Pro, weil Sie bei dem Gadget gleich drei.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> no one:
> </p>
> new iPhone:#AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/TRt8yehBLD
> — 𝓯𝓪𝓫 (@fabcbe) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Choose your fighter #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/DqqfgwcmwL
> </p>
> — J. Vitor (@jvfinoti) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Das neue iPhone etwa ähnlich ist. Стописят für die Spinne pic.twitter.com/tG15Hr1jyX
> </p>
> — Dasha Bednaya (@Dafyas) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Neue IPhone-11 Pro pic.twitter.com/dZZl3Jl4Ag
> </p>
> — Ilya Birman (@ilyabirman) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="und">
> pic.twitter.com/oiM9ClvqZt
> </p>
> — Es tut mir furchtbar Leid (@traktor_bang) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> #Apple-Introducing the new Coconut 11 PRO #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/f77Lbp5Wpb
> </p>
> — Trojan_Horse (@sampath0272) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> 3 Untersetzer unter das Bier. Gut pic.twitter.com/xr4AkkjvAP
> </p>
> — Red & White (@KrasnoeBeloe) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> You guys are so funny. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂#AppleEvent #iPhone11 pic.twitter.com/xKnYd8qf44
> </p>
> — MAME DIARRA 🇸🇳🇸🇳 (@KaneBousso) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> it looks like willy wonka’s fucking glasses who told apple this was a good idea #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/CgY6boA6Kd
> </p>
> — marina (@shitformari) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> This is what u look like if u take a picture with iphone 11 pro max #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/Vu2qxDQcvo
> </p>
> — 𓂔 (@Shehriful) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Public: you can ‘ t just add another camera and call it a new iPhone@Apple: sure we can. #AppleEvent
> </p>
> Public: pic.twitter.com/BA9bwyepeb
> — Karan Sheth (@karantlytweetin) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> iPhone 2029
> </p>
> (Comes with a block of cheese)#AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/spnJo4PGWJ
> — Manish Humagain (@manishhumagain) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="cs">
> Das neue iPhone be like pic.twitter.com/2T7ZGbmbvH
> </p>
> — Hexe Valera (@witchscience) February 10, 2019
Einige Benutzer haben bemerkt, dass Sie erwarten von der Veranstaltung mehr Unterhaltung. Vielleicht den Eindruck geöltes eine große Anzahl von Lecks. Aber in jedem Fall die Präsentation fand: und memes über die neuen iphones scheint, verfolgen wird uns den ganzen Herbst.
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> My iPhone after the IPhone 11 reveal. #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/lkUc8JRZks
> </p>
> — Khaleb 🐝 (@Calebnavarette) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="ru">
> Absolut nicht interessant ist die Präsentation von Apple, weil das iPhone, die dort sind, schon das elfte, und die Nieren waren nur zwei.
> </p>
> — Artem Дерягин (@DerArto) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> Before and after buying iPhone 11 pro #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/ktkwM8xHLF
> </p>
> — The Iyayi (@happinessbadly) February 10, 2019
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">
> iPhone 8: no headphones
> </p>
> iPhone X: no home button
> iPhone 11: no charger
> iPhone 12: #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/qUDRKWNbst
> — Ecstasy (@Rebel_Nihal) February 10, 2019
<h2 class="read-also__title">
<span>Lesen Sie auch</span> <span>🧐 </span>
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Wie hat das Apple-Logo für fast fünfzigjährige Geschichte des Unternehmens
10 wichtigsten Accessoires für die Besitzer von Apple-Technologie
Präsentation im Stil von Apple: 6 Tipps, wie Sie über Ihr Produkt erzählen
</div> | 33.0125 | 344 | 0.700303 | deu_Latn | 0.78577 |
d9d9b2e794b6c3fc081b57cfd464dc6d1352a17f | 774 | md | Markdown | README.md | Mike968/Matcher | 30967b76f4a2ca08cf81ce91ebeedb31009e0c80 | [
] | 2 | 2021-04-18T16:04:10.000Z | 2021-11-24T12:38:49.000Z | README.md | Mike968/Matcher | 30967b76f4a2ca08cf81ce91ebeedb31009e0c80 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | Mike968/Matcher | 30967b76f4a2ca08cf81ce91ebeedb31009e0c80 | [
] | null | null | null | # Matcher
Matcher is a python application that matches people based on a 2 dimensional graphing plane. Taking in an input spreadsheet, it creates a coordinate for each person and generates an output spreadsheet with the best 10 people matched for each input.
## Usage
To use, launch the program and select the inputs spreadsheet, the encoding of the (either CSV or TSV).
If a filter list is needed, select it and the encoding.
Select the output file directory and file format.
Head into Advanced settings and add a conversions JSON file. This allows for the program to convert the spreadsheet text answers into values. Examples coming soon
## Releases
PLease look under the releases page of GitHub to view the releases. Link: https://github.com/Mike968/Matcher/releases
| 55.285714 | 248 | 0.799742 | eng_Latn | 0.999107 |
d9dbe246b0089ec7ae4869b655a1a6a6827251e9 | 513 | md | Markdown | README.md | lucascaro/ts-monads | f2d8bff908a50451fe760279e67c95e33d9fd258 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | lucascaro/ts-monads | f2d8bff908a50451fe760279e67c95e33d9fd258 | [
] | null | null | null | README.md | lucascaro/ts-monads | f2d8bff908a50451fe760279e67c95e33d9fd258 | [
] | null | null | null | # Typescript Simple Monads
A simple and easy to use library of practical monads for Typescript.
## Usage
Simply download, run `npm i` and start adding code in `./src`.
### Compiling
npm run build
Compiles the project using tsc. Javascript files will be in `./lib`.
npm run watch
Listens and recompiles the project on src changes.
### Running
npm start
### Testing
Tests are in the various `./__tests__/` directories.
npm test
Runs all unit tests.
| 13.5 | 68 | 0.695906 | eng_Latn | 0.98126 |
Subsets and Splits