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premise: Hâ, nā nadabⴘy on tîxocⴘ xumthe. [SEP] hypothesis: Nu nadabⴘy bi bi tîxocⴘ ane ythzu ûnxô̮ ambientales.	neutral
premise: ni zâña phodi na ndot muô̮ccu on ygotitho ya ymuô̮yonabo an Hiô̮hⴘnumⴘ xi di ô̮te ymarayo ynpâgu [SEP] hypothesis: yâ zâña mithzⴘ yndete gomi mithzⴘ ytzehño qhan nu Hiô̮hⴘnumⴘ	neutral
premise: bi pitzⴘpiga guê ini thûhû bim Anderson, bim nu mehgo guê ƌihi qhan nā nadabⴘy hô̮tzaha ohinyo-y Reagan. [SEP] hypothesis: Miqha tohpho hô̮tzaha guê midi pēca ƌaigu on mi-ga.	neutral
premise: nêccⴘ, oh, di hiagui guê puô̮ña on nûnê [SEP] hypothesis: da nunutua nⴘyo tzuqûâ	neutral
premise: ha diphoca nai ngû habⴘ nⴘy [SEP] hypothesis: phodi nai ngû da nЪⴘy go n-a tti on nuya	neutral
premise: ha diphoca nai deanda on o-hmipi [SEP] hypothesis: maga o deanda on o-hmipi maȥaguitho	neutral
premise: Xi, temaga guê di phoxtzi o ya yȥacamⴘy garaqⴘhⴘ xi on hiumahe an Civic Theatre manaigui nûnê qhēya. [SEP] hypothesis: Nu Teatro Cívico dimané 1 $ millon nûnê qhēya.	neutral
premise: bi tumpheni gotitho qhan Becky, Stephanie, Marcus xi Emily, xi ya yGambaxo tengu nuuⴘ [SEP] hypothesis: Becky goguehnu nai Gambaxo on hiandi naȥayni	neutral
premise: Na CIA bi hiampi na película xi na bi pētzi o yâ Naciones Unidas manqhamⴘ. [SEP] hypothesis: Na CIA bi mbô̮ni guê na ONU bi manⴘa nu nu video mexinguetho.	neutral
premise: go nguda-â ma ȥan-yxo [SEP] hypothesis: xta m cô̮ca numⴘbi umbi yâ yntoni	neutral
premise: guedi, guadi pâdi, goguehnuⴘmâhâ, on ythzû xocⴘ, Te ngunê nu bâhtzi an memāti on nā hûâhi nguegue goguehnuⴘmâhâ nu bâhtzi on nunⴘ n-yô̮hô̮ guê demi ythzû axmeti. [SEP] hypothesis: ini MaTah gom memāti on 2000 yehoi on mahdo.	neutral
premise: ¿qhaa nai gâȥâ nguê na guê ngueca hin biênâ-y? [SEP] hypothesis: ¿nguête-a oqui biênâ ngueca an guâne?	neutral
premise: Nen ya mânândi goxta tengu ytengu-â ydô̮ñome nā mpa on na MaMe hâpu bihiadihia tⴘhoi. [SEP] hypothesis: Ynoi ydô̮ñome go turnaban qhan xîxîthnu brunch an mapa on na MaMe.	neutral
premise: goa guê, tzunȥede-tho. [SEP] hypothesis: Bi tzⴘtzo ƌatimichⴘ, handa-a bi qhoquitho,	neutral
premise: Xi goma MaTah thot-paya biênâ guê hin qha a guê imâ guê gomi ybaoni. [SEP] hypothesis: Goma MaTah biênâ guê bi mymî yeminda, hin ybaoni.	neutral
premise: Ccueha dipacame xca guê ma-ya o imâ. [SEP] hypothesis: ¿ Guipadi guê ttopho nume da bábi o unni qhan xonehî ?	neutral
premise: naqhagua ȥan-yxo nêccⴘ ditaha xaxixi o mameti xadiba qhan ô̮te mana padango nu nⴘqhamu qhēya [SEP] hypothesis: go damaxda guê hin diô̮tegame mana padango nu nⴘqhamu qhēya	entailment
premise: Guedi, diandî, di mbô̮ni. [SEP] hypothesis: Go xoⴘ guê tzequia.	entailment
premise: Hâ, na toi go thzu mithzⴘ cady, dinega imâ guê ditaca dapaga xi dapaga o nā tⴘhoi on gasolina. [SEP] hypothesis: Gomi mithzⴘ yhimadi nguête-a gomi maqhuani ngⴘ -a yȥâ ane gas.	entailment
premise: xi, mmm..., nqhama go tegaȥâ puô̮ni xi ȥatzi nai dô̮nemohoi [SEP] hypothesis: nqhama didihoga bi ȥatzi dô̮nemohoi	entailment
premise: xi xti buca mi-ga.¡Xi guenu bima gotitho! [SEP] hypothesis: mapha on guê dixica guê hâ, biguadi	entailment
premise: ᶎa, hin qha a qhoontho niguênⴘ qhan phoxtzime. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin qha a qhoontho nunu qhan phoxtzime.	entailment
premise: mi-ga, da thogui nguê na otze [SEP] hypothesis: bi puô̮ni nû ndâhi ȥantemi	entailment
premise: Na CIA bi hiampi na película xi na bi pētzi o yâ Naciones Unidas manqhamⴘ. [SEP] hypothesis: Na CIA bi diditzii na película o na ONU.	entailment
premise: goa guê, tzunȥede-tho. [SEP] hypothesis: Goa guê bi tzⴘtzo.	entailment
premise: Hâ, nā nadabⴘy on tîxocⴘ xumthe. [SEP] hypothesis: Nu nadabⴘy bi bi tîxocⴘ ane nu xogue-hma.	entailment
premise: Ccueha dipacame xca guê ma-ya o imâ. [SEP] hypothesis: ¿ Te di bⴘbime ô̮tetho qhan imâ ?	entailment
premise: Nȥáyahmû an ⴘti on bahⴘmamⴘy [SEP] hypothesis: Nu Nȥáyahmû on na ⴘti on ⴘttete on bahⴘmamⴘy	entailment
premise: tzoguitho nā 32% godin bi an-opi nen zâña on ydô̮ñome tengu nuqui [SEP] hypothesis: na xomⴘȥa on qhanu tohpho eccua on poh on boletos	entailment
premise: Nen ya mânândi goxta tengu ytengu-â ydô̮ñome nā mpa on na MaMe hâpu bihiadihia tⴘhoi. [SEP] hypothesis: Ytengu-â dô̮ñome go bipahomi nu mpa on na MaMe.	entailment
premise: bi pitzⴘpiga guê ini thûhû bim Anderson, bim nu mehgo guê ƌihi qhan nā nadabⴘy hô̮tzaha ohinyo-y Reagan. [SEP] hypothesis: Anderson biñehni ohinyo-y Reagan tengu nā hô̮tzaha.	entailment
premise: Xi goma MaTah thot-paya biênâ guê hin qha a guê imâ guê gomi ybaoni. [SEP] hypothesis: Goma MaTah biênâ guê hin ya di mahti ybaoni.	entailment
premise: guedi, guadi pâdi, goguehnuⴘmâhâ, on ythzû xocⴘ, Te ngunê nu bâhtzi an memāti on nā hûâhi nguegue goguehnuⴘmâhâ nu bâhtzi on nunⴘ n-yô̮hô̮ guê demi ythzû axmeti. [SEP] hypothesis: ini MaTah hin biphodi hinyu ana nâhte	contradiction
premise: um, hin qha a hinyⴘ on hopîdêgo nen mⴘymî nā MaTah guê diunu gotitho xca guê phodi o uh a uh nai añ -y tengu uh tengu tengu nuqui. [SEP] hypothesis: Ya yMaTah hô̮xi yô̮qqi gotitho xca guê guipho-mi xi hin uni.	contradiction
premise: ha diphoca nai deanda on o-hmipi [SEP] hypothesis: gue go nā nadabⴘy on o-hmipi ?	contradiction
premise: Numⴘ biyanti, numⴘ diyanti an toldo qhandi guê dimⴘdi o puô̮he, hmô̮pia yoho yhⴘxto ane un buô̮hio ngâhâ on na aeronave guê bin mibiqha bideni handatho nu vuelo. [SEP] hypothesis: Ygotitho ya yhⴘxto ane nu avión dimibⴘy ynattô̮.	contradiction
premise: Na CIA bi hiampi na película xi na bi pētzi o yâ Naciones Unidas manqhamⴘ. [SEP] hypothesis: Na CIA bi pētzi na película qhan gueyu.	contradiction
premise: Ccueha dipacame xca guê ma-ya o imâ. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin diphome nîn phuô̮xo on xca guê dagamâmi.	contradiction
premise: ¿ âhâ ane na bohumⴘy? [SEP] hypothesis: ¿ Bimipaqu nû campamento mbo?	contradiction
premise: guedi, ma bēphi gom êtti paracaídas xi ȥahxo qhandi guapⴘca ynâhte anu nandichⴘ xi pa O nā tⴘhoi enu extrajero. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin demi bēphi, ngu-a guê huihi unⴘa bipaîtzi gotitho yâ cajas ane ini ngû	contradiction
premise: hin bi pâdi guê goguehnⴘmâhâ nā U2 xi qhoontho bi pâdi on nā U2 [SEP] hypothesis: xca bi pâdi gotitho on U2	contradiction
premise: Xi ane maqhûâni hin na biô̮ccode. [SEP] hypothesis: Guenⴘ ô̮ccoi nute ñama.	contradiction
premise: ymana ditantho anumahditho goma npâgu [SEP] hypothesis: di bⴘbime qhoquitho xi ygotitho ditaha bahandi	contradiction
premise: Guenu bima na pahituc tzó. [SEP] hypothesis: Bima na pahituc hintumⴘy.	contradiction
premise: bi xonehî The firm [SEP] hypothesis: ¿bi xinehí The soft?	contradiction
premise: mi-ga, da thogui nguê na otze [SEP] hypothesis: mipa o la puô̮ttai	contradiction
premise: goa guê, tzunȥede-tho. [SEP] hypothesis: Bi manho.	contradiction
premise: tze hama, na dô̮ñome an IRT xca da mahti qhan guê ô̮te gor niñati nguê telefono [SEP] hypothesis: hin ô̮teme yô̮yxope telefónicas nguê yxuñiña on hñaha	contradiction