premise: Hin bi mô̮ô̮dî na avión. [SEP] hypothesis: Go na dâbēphi guê máné ô̮te. neutral |
premise: di eqqîây gotitho ya hi-tô̮ [SEP] hypothesis: eqqîây guê bi mēcca-y, guê na cohiâ go nā hâm xi hin nā hin neutral |
premise: Hâ, na toi go thzu mithzⴘ cadⴘy, dinega imâ guê ditaca dapaga xi dapaga o nā tⴘhoi on gasolina. [SEP] hypothesis: nêccⴘ gomi ya ymanho nȥarutîhî on nguequa. neutral |
premise: hueza ngu-a tengu, dicoca thahi. [SEP] hypothesis: bidⴘ -tti nu dⴘngⴘti qhandi bⴘy maqhuaba. neutral |
premise: Nȥáyahmû an ⴘti on bahⴘmamⴘy [SEP] hypothesis: nu-a ane tzeman yamⴘ bima Nȥáyahmû on na ⴘti neutral |
premise: Guenu bima na pahituc tzó. [SEP] hypothesis: Bima tzó numⴘ nu xahdihî bi tzô̮hô̮ o na ndô̮hnînî. neutral |
premise: xapi xta ô̮tentho hinyⴘ nen yqhēyûqui. [SEP] hypothesis: ȥâha ditaca ô̮te xoⴘ nen ya yqhēyûqui, guê guede hin ya bindapâma. neutral |
premise: ¿da tô̮que yni yttâhâ o ya yamamo? [SEP] hypothesis: ¿nume da moxcame o nugame o diqhado na manho ngûmphad on na qhañaȥandi neutral |
premise: Xi ane maqhûâni hin na biô̮ccode. [SEP] hypothesis: Ngue ⴘndu guenⴘ hin ô̮ccoi ngue un hiā ñûhmû. neutral |
premise: mibⴘy nunu mbo [SEP] hypothesis: nugame mbô̮ni guê bin bima, guedi bin bigohi neutral |
premise: ... Nguêguê guipho-mi nho chⴘ qhamâmâdi guê di mâmâqui na mâcûhi on ymoñabe xi yhotte [SEP] hypothesis: ynoi on ynu ydô̮ñome bi dipê tzahpo neutral |
premise: Xi di ô̮te-y itzo modēo. [SEP] hypothesis: Di ⴘmⴘn-ⴘ manho mapha on na ᶎupi. neutral |
premise: Hâ, nguête-a maqhuantho-tho miqha eyamⴘ nguê na fábrica, guê eh. [SEP] hypothesis: dadiho-magâ guê nûnê hin mibiqha binô̮cco guadi guê bim naxara nxûtohpia. neutral |
premise: Numⴘ biyanti, numⴘ diyanti an toldo qhandi guê dimⴘdi o puô̮he, hmô̮pia yoho yhⴘxto ane un buô̮hio ngâhâ on na aeronave guê bin mibiqha bideni handatho nu vuelo. [SEP] hypothesis: Bima anhêy bihiai. neutral |
premise: Xi maqhuani ngⴘ-a ⴘtzo mô̮ô̮dî, guê nûnê go nā gⴘⴘhia nguê phodi nā thi. [SEP] hypothesis: Phodi nā thi hin go gotitho ypadango xi ytheni, guedi didihoga. neutral |
premise: xi nⴘdi biênâ: maMe dimi an ngû [SEP] hypothesis: bi matti o ini maMe zaditho-nho tengu nⴘa nᶎarutîhî bi tzogui neutral |
premise: Go handa-a guê tzanu guê dibⴘca dⴘthonxû nen nu tohpho ngueña nugacē hin di ungaga nā hohia. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin diphoca thzu tohpho ane nûnê nandichⴘ. entailment |
premise: ha diphoca nai deanda on o-hmipi [SEP] hypothesis: diphoca nai deanda on o-hmipi xi go o na gue maga entailment |
premise: ha diphoca nai ngû habⴘ nⴘy [SEP] hypothesis: go tegaȥâ phodi habⴘ nъⴘy entailment |
premise: Xi nⴘa gom nā nihiaxdoni, dimi tengu nunu. Xi nubⴘ guadi guipaque, hin bididihoga, guedi on ygotitho yguguna nûyû gomi yma yhñaxpipho. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin gom onuhiandi gor entailment |
premise: ¿da tô̮que yni yttâhâ o ya yamamo? [SEP] hypothesis: ¿yni yttâhâ din-mi ane quaq on ya yamamo? entailment |
premise: Xi ane maqhûâni hin na biô̮ccode. [SEP] hypothesis: Na ni Dâhi guenⴘ hin ô̮ccoi. entailment |
premise: xi uh toyatho maqhuatho bi pohia [SEP] hypothesis: guenu maqhuatho bi hohiaga entailment |
premise: gogui añô̮guhma qhan nugame xi I.U. [SEP] hypothesis: nugame xi na I.U. bô̮mînu guê gogueque añô̮guhma entailment |
premise: oqui bi pâdi num qhamgue nîn, nguna mibi o tzô̮hô̮ o nā tⴘhoi bi qhadabeni ane Washington [SEP] hypothesis: hin dimi tze maqhuaba on nute bipa, nubⴘ xta o Washington, habⴘ bi ô̮t-yagā ximphada entailment |
premise: manⴘame yniȥâ qhan otîthûhû xi qhⴘgⴘhu o ytzem-ô̮te yXoûte [SEP] hypothesis: manⴘame ymanho yXoûte entailment |
premise: qhon didiyeca dunthe dexiunda [SEP] hypothesis: di manⴘa ccⴘcco mithzⴘ dexiunda on nûnê entailment |
premise: Guedi bi ô̮pabi xoⴘ nā chⴘ ndeyô̮zei nen nuyⴘ. [SEP] hypothesis: Bi ô̮pabi xocⴘ nen nuyⴘ nā chⴘ ndeyô̮zei. entailment |
premise: Xâhma ngueca biênâ o gotitho ya nⴘma xi hin dimi hnunzu. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin na bi ô̮de numⴘ bi yô̮na o ya nⴘma. entailment |
premise: Handa-a bi mô̮ô̮dî yoho, hiû aviones handatho bi dimi nunⴘ, xi, o, bima prueba. [SEP] hypothesis: Yoho aviones bi mô̮ô̮dî. entailment |
premise: qhan thzû, na Hmâqhâqe hin go mithzu guê ya ytzâȥá amanho on ya ymemti [SEP] hypothesis: ynai yañô̮-y di bô̮mînu guê umba go xoⴘ guê handitho dinô̮te ya ymenti entailment |
premise: bi xonehî The firm [SEP] hypothesis: ¿bi xinehí The firm? entailment |
premise: matzu bi mî ane 1910, bima nai nxûtzi dô̮ngu [SEP] hypothesis: matzu bi mî ane 1899 contradiction |
premise: uh-huh, gotitho mi-ga magohi. [SEP] hypothesis: Dapaga ñamatho. contradiction |
premise: manⴘame yniȥâ qhan otîthûhû xi qhⴘgⴘhu o ytzem-ô̮te yXoûte [SEP] hypothesis: hin manⴘame otîthûhû yXoûte, handitho bi xaêhê o nugame contradiction |
premise: go n-a Ƌote nguê nanȥⴘdi on rédito [SEP] hypothesis: xaqha niȥâ contradiction |
premise: ᶎa, hin qha a qhoontho niguênⴘ qhan phoxtzime. [SEP] hypothesis: Qha a thzu yqha-y guê di tzequiagā phoxtzi nunⴘ. contradiction |
premise: gogui añô̮guhma qhan nugame xi I.U. [SEP] hypothesis: nin o nugame, nin o na I.U. nume tumpheni contradiction |
premise: nⴘa dimi qhati nêêtho qhuani [SEP] hypothesis: nugā di bi ô̮ccode mi-ga tzanu un mⴘdⴘy contradiction |
premise: xi uh toyatho maqhuatho bi pohia [SEP] hypothesis: ¡goguehnⴘmâhâ mithzⴘ guê ditzo! contradiction |
premise: vale, xi guipho-mi nai niȥatho lasaña [SEP] hypothesis: Na lasaña go na tzⴘtzo eminda guê din bitzocco. contradiction |
premise: tengu gabaxo on na ngûmphadi on Derecho, nugā di pâdi guê gui di pâdi Goma dâgameyo [SEP] hypothesis: qhoontho netinu o na ngûmphadi on Derecho contradiction |
premise: ¿qhaa nai gâȥâ nguê na guê ngueca hin biênâ-y? [SEP] hypothesis: guaxtapaca guê xaqha gâᶎâ qhan ngueca hin otima-y contradiction |
premise: Guenu hâ di ihabô̮ni. [SEP] hypothesis: Hin di ihabô̮ni hentze. contradiction |
premise: Xi maqhuani ngⴘ-a ⴘtzo mô̮ô̮dî, guê nûnê go nā gⴘⴘhia nguê phodi nā thi. [SEP] hypothesis: numⴘ guiphodi nuqui humbo-a tⴘqqi on ehoi guadi xatho qha guê mô̮ô̮dî. contradiction |
premise: ndemedi bi n-a ȥupi ana tînî Digue bi hioni [SEP] hypothesis: xca xtatinga anqui qhamanguehtia contradiction |
premise: dimibⴘy mami guê ya yXoûte o ya y-Tah-me [SEP] hypothesis: guima guê di ô̮tebi nu Gambaxo o nu Xoûte contradiction |
premise: Handa-a bi mô̮ô̮dî yoho, hiû aviones handatho bi dimi nunⴘ, xi, o, bima prueba. [SEP] hypothesis: Hinqhamu bi mô̮ô̮dî na avión. contradiction |